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View Full Version : Who really is behind what is going on in Iran?

06-23-2009, 04:06 PM
A fellow poster on another site posted this. I vaguely remember something about this.

"It took me a minute to find the article I read a couple years ago...here the link


It's titled "Bush authorizes covert CIA ops to destablize Iran"


"ABC News was at pains to point out that “approval of the covert action means the Bush administration, for the time being, has decided not to pursue a military option against Iran”."

"There is nothing particularly secret about the Bush administration’s campaign for “regime change”. Last year Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sought and received $75 million for anti-Iranian propaganda broadcasts and to fund opposition groups inside and outside Iran. In 2005, the figure was just $10 million. Rice also established an Iranian Affairs office last year, initially headed by Elizabeth Cheney, the vice president’s daughter, to coordinate policy and provide “pro-democracy funding” for opponents of the regime."

It was all over the news a few years ago...so these riots are the fruits of Bush's labors...