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View Full Version : Extinction Looms and Hillary Won't Stop It

wolfgang von skeptik
10-27-2007, 12:04 AM
Once again we have to turn to European media to learn what truly obtains. From The International Herald-Tribune, 25 October 2007:

PARIS: The human population is living far beyond its means and inflicting damage on the environment that could pass points of no return, according to a major report issued Thursday by the United Nations…

The program described its report, which is prepared by 388 experts and scientists, as the broadest and deepest of those that the UN issues on the environment and called it "the final wake-up call to the international community."

Over the past two decades the world population has increased by almost 34 percent to 6.7 billion from 5 billion; similarly, the financial wealth of the planet has soared by about a third. But the land available to each person on earth had shrunk by 2005 to 2.02 hectares, or 5 acres, from 7.91 hectares in 1900 and was projected to drop to 1.63 hectares for each person by 2050, the report said.

The result of that population growth combined with unsustainable consumption has resulted in an increasingly stressed planet where natural disasters and environmental degradation endanger millions of humans, as well as plant and animal species, the report said.

Full text here:



At least the UN is speaking out against our wanton, greed-driven destruction of the planet and eventually ourselves. But here at home, in the most powerful nation on earth, we are ruled by the Christofascist theocrat Bush, the Messiah of tyrannosauric capitalism, whose policies are based entirely on core Christian principles: that the subjugation and rape of the planet is divinely ordained; that terminal climate change is an expression of god's will; and that in any case the physical world is intrinsically evil and thus doesn't matter -- especially now in the (self-fulfilling) "Final Days," when the vengeful god unleashes his genocidal "Rapture" against all non-believers.

Worse, it is already clear that with the now-certain election of President Hillary -- who is already more heavily funded by Big Business than Bush was in 2000 and 2004 -- the environmental destruction will continue willy-nilly:


Indeed the only change we can expect under Empress Hillary is the guaranteed forcible disarmament of the entire civilian population -- this no doubt rationalized as compulsory pacifism, but nevertheless reducing all law-abiding citizens to permanent victimhood -- thereby guaranteeing our enslavement by gang-lords (whether corporate or criminal) in the steadily worsening and finally unimaginably savage years preceding our now-unavoidable extinction. To anyone truly knowledgeable of history, the horror of such circumstances is genuinely bottomless.

For many years a student of class struggle, I have long suspected Empress Hillary's oft-declared fanatical intent to forcibly disarm us all is merely the next logical step in a master plan the roots of which go back to the thoroughly documented 1930s alliance of U.S. Big Business with Hitler, Goebbels and world fascism in general. As a result of this alliance, the Republican Party was from the '30s onward the primary vessel of U. S. fascism. But now -- the fulfillment of a trend toward collaboration with Big Business begun by Jimmy Carter -- Democratic support for Bush's subversion of the Constitution, his Wal-Mart (sweat-shop) economic vision and his imperialistic adventures abroad all prove the Democratic Party is every bit as fascist as its opponent.

The only differences between the two parties are more apparent than real and in fact lie only in two realms. One of these is religious: the Republicans are blatant theocrats, while the Democratic brand of fascism cleverly downplays its own theocratic component, thus appearing more (comfortingly) secular. The other is that despite the revisionist claims by some Democrats to the contrary, the Democrats remain the party of compulsory pacifism and forcible disarmament, even as the Republicans falsely claim to support the Constitutional guarantee of an armed population. But never forget it is Bush -- via a bill sponsored by New Jersey Democrat Frank Lautenberg (S1237) -- who wants to forcibly disarm, without trial or appeal, anyone even suspected of political unorthodoxy: a tactic first applied in Germany by Hitler. Remember too it was the Bush Administration that began the forcible disarmament of post-Katrina New Orleans, a rifle-butt-in-the-face war of brutal home invasions waged by soldiers and mercenaries until it was halted by a federal judge. Like Lautenberg, Hillary was one of 16 senators -- all influential Democrats -- who voted against prohibiting such outrages in the future:


Thus there is no doubt Hillary will confiscate our firearms and perhaps even our bows and arrows and knives. Then we will oust the Democrats in outraged response, just as we did from 1994 until 2006, a voter vendetta in response to the Democrats' earlier forcible disarmament efforts, a 12-year pro-Second Amendment uprising that ended only when the magnitude of our more general socioeconomic betrayal by the Republicans once again became overwhelming. But once Hillary robs us all of the right to self-defense, the Democratic Party will have undone itself forever -- and then the Republicans, now finally uncontested, will take permanent control of a nation denied any and all means to resist their last jack-booted strides toward the overt fascism of theocratic tyranny.

The interplay of environmental ruin and class struggle is of course the basis of the entire crisis: the ruling class knows it is destroying the environment -- has in fact known it since the late 1800s -- and its entire purpose is ensuring not just its own survival but survival in maximum luxury once the oil and food run out. As to our rumored salvation from by high tech, it is nothing more than pie-in-the-sky distraction. Instead of mentally masturbating with electronic gew-gaws, we should all be learning vegetable gardening, just as the Cubans are doing:


Not that we working-class folk will ever be allowed such alternatives to cannibalism. And yes -- as in every other such human debacle -- that is what is ultimately at stake. In frightening confirmation of the capitalist scheme for population control, note that just as the Democrats and Republicans routinely conspire to destroy sustainable agriculture in the United States -- the fate of the Los Angeles urban farm and hundreds of smaller such projects throughout the nation (a campaign of destruction dating back to the methodical and often violent suppression of agricultural communes 40 years ago) -- now it is Cuba's turn to be so targeted. The new U.S. offensive against Cuba is in fact developing just as I predicted nearly two years ago, and for the selfsame reason: sustainability threatens "profit" and "growth," and thus tyrannosauric capitalism -- especially given its Abrahamic hatred of the environment -- cannot tolerate sustainability anywhere. Hence Cuba is a dangerous example that -- like the Los Angeles urban farm and the agricultural communes of the Counterculture -- must be destroyed forthwith.

Thus too, as the ruling class becomes ever more omnipotent -- ever more protected by its soldiers, mercenaries and oppressive technologies -- it becomes ever more obvious our worsening enslavement will be relieved only by our own species' total extinction.

(26 October 2007)

10-27-2007, 08:29 AM
At least the UN is speaking out against our wanton, greed-driven destruction of the planet and eventually ourselves. But here at home, in the most powerful nation on earth, we are ruled by the Christofascist theocrat Bush, the Messiah of tyrannosauric capitalism, whose policies are based entirely on core Christian principles: that the subjugation and rape of the planet is divinely ordained; that terminal climate change is an expression of god's will; and that in any case the physical world is intrinsically evil and thus doesn't matter -- especially now in the (self-fulfilling) "Final Days," when the vengeful god unleashes his genocidal "Rapture" against all non-believers.

The Abrahamic world view is antithetical to nature, to life on Earth. Manicheism is the true expression, the distillation of it's life denying ethos. As to whether the Christofascists are the tail or the dog, I tend to think the former, it hardly matters. The synergy of capitalism and such Manicheism greases the skids leading to our doom.

Indeed the only change we can expect under Empress Hillary is the guaranteed forcible disarmament of the entire civilian population -- this no doubt rationalized as compulsory pacifism, but nevertheless reducing all law-abiding citizens to permanent victimhood -- thereby guaranteeing our enslavement by gang-lords (whether corporate or criminal) in the steadily worsening and finally unimaginably savage years preceding our now-unavoidable extinction. To anyone truly knowledgeable of history, the horror of such circumstances is genuinely bottomless.

Even as we speak federal agents are sweeping the land in a campaign of anal nitpicking, looking for the least pretense to separate the FFL holder from his license. "But they are in violation of the Rules. Nothing to see here."
The death of a thousand cuts, the boiling frog syndrome. The predominance of video culture is robbing this generation of it's outdoors men (and women) who value the wild and their tools of survival while they learn the Man's game of hi-tech murder.

Despite the direness of it all we have little choice, survival, solidarity, even biophelia, demand a stand.

Good to hear from you, Herr Wolf.

Mary TF
10-27-2007, 11:29 PM
Worse, it is already clear that with the now-certain election of President Hillary -- who is already more heavily funded by Big Business than Bush was in 2000 and 2004 -- the environmental destruction will continue willy-nilly:

(26 October 2007)

Great piece, my only problem is with the word election. (parallel to calling the Iraqui occupation, war). I hope you post this elsewhere, who knows which truth will spark a fire.