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11-19-2009, 05:57 PM
the larouchites are out in my little milltown (population 25K) tabling in front of the post office with a picture of obama with a hitler mustache & a sign saying "where are the jobs"?

i am seriously creeped out. i was born here & have never seen this kind of group tabling in the open.

could someone give me more info on the larouchites please?

i read their stuff sometimes because there's solid bits of history in it (if i find something interesting i cross check with other sources), but something wrong with these guys, like where do they get their money.

little old lady eating up their spiel, signing their petition.

Kid of the Black Hole
11-19-2009, 06:04 PM
I haven't had much exposure to them because I think they're pretty well past their hey-day but as you've already deduced they're bad medicine.

And, yeah, the ones I have tangled with are always playing the psycho-history card like you allude to. Rockefellers, Rothschilds, ..

11-19-2009, 10:32 PM
The ultimate cult, defining the word "crackpot"... also the ultimate moral fable on "conspiracy theory". There is a stunning multi-part expose of LaRouche and company that was published in the Guardian radical newspaper (U.S. - not U.K.) in the 1970s, I believe. The Guardian said at the time that these guys were the real face of American Fascism (as opposed to the hooded Swastika types) if such a thing ever existed.

Larouche started out as a Trot. SWP->Sparticist League->himself by the 1970s. His original organization was the NCLC (the National Caucus of Labor Committees) which was composed of very smart, very rich, very white "Leftists" from Columbia University. It was the 1970s - consider the times. The pace of "evolution" from there was blistering. The NCLC was a non entity until they started beating up SWP and then Communist Party members on the streets of New York. From there, they went Maoist (recruiting from the PLP), they became anti-Communist Democrats, then Republicans, then Reagan Republicans, and then back to Democrats again. Somewhere along the line, they became simple "Larouchites".

Screwy doesn't begin to cover their theories, LaRouche himself has a Mussolini complex ("Left or Right - whoever will have me"), and, personally, I would prefer to try to understand the Klan.

They are uniquely American - like Norman Rockwell.

11-20-2009, 12:31 AM
well, they were in front of the post office all day long, they were still there when i left the neighborhood after 5, collecting signatures on their petitions. the leader guy gave me serious bad vibes.

11-20-2009, 06:43 AM
well, they were in front of the post office all day long, they were still there when i left the neighborhood after 5, collecting signatures on their petitions. the leader guy gave me serious bad vibes.

They were petitioning at several single payer events I attended, including lobbying in the state congress...so much for "security" in government buildings...;)

Someone sent me one of Larouche's books, read one page, I think...creepy is about it...