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View Full Version : Police clash with small shop keepers over tax inspections

Morning Star
12-22-2012, 04:14 AM
Greek riot police fought a group of Athens small shopkeepers who tried to prevent a tax inspection of their shops on Thursday.

More... (http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/index.php/content/view/full/127546)

12-22-2012, 12:07 PM
Poor bastards, the true 'nowhere men'. Like most shopkeepers everywhere most probably imagine themselves members of the brotherhood of entrepreneurs, mebbe not so much now. Now to maintain solvency they meet the tax collectors with molotov cocktails. A fight they cannot win alone, but which side will they join? If they are anything like Americans most will go with Golden Dawn, letting petty frustrations guide their petit bourgeois selves.

12-22-2012, 12:46 PM
Poor bastards, the true 'nowhere men'. Like most shopkeepers everywhere most probably imagine themselves members of the brotherhood of entrepreneurs, mebbe not so much now. Now to maintain solvency they meet the tax collectors with molotov cocktails. A fight they cannot win alone, but which side will they join? If they are anything like Americans most will go with Golden Dawn, letting petty frustrations guide their petit bourgeois selves.

The really sad thing is that by staking out their claim to "junior capitalist" status they guarantee that they will have no cohesion, no using of their numbers - they consign themselves to "hanging alone"...