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View Full Version : Russia: Bloggers React To Threatened University Stipends

02-04-2011, 04:45 PM
Posted 4 February 2011

After an aid to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said [RUS] on January 19 that Russia should do away with stipends for university students, bloggers, parents, and university rectors began furiously posting appeals for the government to not cut back on university funding.

The aid, Arkady Dvorkovich, who is often described as “Medvedev’s right hand” is now claiming that his words were taken out of context.

That's what Dvorkovich have said in the interview to Russian news portal Gazeta.ru:

Если мы все считаем, что всего нужно добиваться своим трудом, что работать должно стать модным, нужно отменить стандартные стипендии у студентов, потому что это неправильный сигнал, что ты за сам факт своей учебы получаешь компенсации […]

If we think that everything should be conquered with one’s own hard work, that working [for a living] should be popular, we need to get rid of the standard stipend given to university students, because it is an inaccurate signal, that being compensated for the fact that you are studying […]

His comments spurred a debate: should Russian universities pay stipends? Can students actually live on a monthly allowance? What is the status of “paid” students versus those who receive scholarships? Who should be paid and how much?...

More at link: http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/02/04/russia-bloggers-react-to-threatened-university-stipends/

02-05-2011, 08:20 AM
it used to be so much simpler.

How long, Lord how long?