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View Full Version : My thanks love to you all for a very educational last year

01-01-2008, 01:36 AM
and another coming on.


One tiny increment on our way to the inevitable and better future for All mankind.

What we're seeing is the birthing of a new era. Industrialization is (almost) everywhere. Global communication is here right now.

See, the old definition of socialism -- the proletariat retaining its class relations but eliminating private property -- isn't going to apply without alteration to us. And I don't mean "us" the US, but US the world. We're on the precipice of something far greater and harder to imagine than the Soviet Union redux.

Forced labor -- be it under capitalism and corporatists or be it under the dictatorship of the proletariat -- is just a lingering artefact of history. No more coercion, because its not necessary.

We can supply energy to everybody on a self-generating basis *RIGHT NOW*. And it doesn't need to be any exotic hope/dream like Free Energy OR any conventional source like petroleum. Now, there's a caveat that we probably can't prop up an insane consumerist society in hyperdrive but for what must and will happen, thats moot.

Further we can feed, clothe, shelter, and acculture everyone on the basis of today. No futuristic technology or massive infrastructure overhaul. Just a social revolution coming on the understanding that labor contributions are voluntary and given freely not compulsory. Equally all of life's necessities are given freely with no prejudice, institutional memory (you..you eat well but did not work!), or even any bureaucratic overseeing body at all.

That should be our vision and it goes out to the same people Jesus walked amongst -- the poorest, the shunned, the indigent, the criminals, the dead-in-spirit.

That is as beautiful as anything yet written here, and all the more for its sheer truth. I wish we could be together in celebration, at least until I reflect on the fact that we are...

01-01-2008, 02:35 AM
I wish we could be together in celebration, at least until I reflect on the fact that we are...

We are.

01-01-2008, 03:05 AM
...without a parade.

...but, hey ...maybe it's just me.


Kid of the Black Hole
01-01-2008, 11:42 AM
I wish we could be together in celebration, at least until I reflect on the fact that we are...

We are.

Wow thats a little awkward..so all y'all know what I did last night?


In all seriousness I think Mike's "Time Is Up" post is a perfect coda to 2007 and a rallying cry for the coming year(s).