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03-02-2017, 09:36 AM
We. the Revolution
March 2 17:15


We. The Revolution

Polish studio Polyslash, debuted last year with the Horry Phantaruk, announced quest We. The Revolution, dedicated to the troubled times of the French Revolution, something resembling Papers, Please.
The player in the We. The Revolution have to get used to the role of drunkards and gamblers, the presiding officer in the revolutionary tribunal. Judging counterrevolutionaries guilty and freedom fighters, criminals, and ordinary citizens, the hero will increase its influence in the Paris of the 18th century, change the appearance of the city.


Listening to each case, the player will get acquainted with the materials, examine evidence, conduct interviews and to listen to the witnesses in order to make a fair decision ... or extract personal benefit. Any such decision will affect the position of Paris factions, and the family of the hero himself. Therefore, a fair and correct decision in it - not always the same. At the same time building a chain of forward-looking decisions, players will be able to weaken their political opponents, to protect their loved ones from danger or to have influential friends.
The game will be released on PC in late 2017, but among the materials available on it is listed only presented image below.





http://gameguru.ru/games/we_the_revoluti on / we_the_revolution__simuljator_sudji_r evoljutsionnogo_tribunala / news.html - zinc

PS. Take part in the Jacobin terror. -)
The topic is actually quite interesting and not to call, but a lot depends on the implementation.
Art reminds a little more detailed style of a great simulator corrupt cop "This is the Police".


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