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01-28-2011, 07:46 AM
Sheesh...comments included


Billionaires Take a Stand for the Working Man

Monday 24 January 2011

by: Danny Lucia | Socialist Worker | Op-Ed

Who says the corporate media doesn't care about the opinions of ordinary people? There have been lots of articles lately about what workers think, written by the people who study them the most--bosses.

As a vice president of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp and a Wall Street Journal columnist, William McGurn naturally has his finger on the pulse of the American working class:

The notion that Wall Street and Main Street are fundamentally at odds with one another remains a popular orthodoxy. So much so that we may be missing the first stirrings of a true American class war: between workers in government unions and their union counterparts in the private sector.

According to McGurn, a true American worker doesn't mind having their 401(k) cut by a CEO looking to increase his year-end bonus. But he's fighting mad at his daughter's teacher because she has a union that's been able to keep her pension intact.

This analysis truly does go against "popular orthodoxy"--otherwise known as: what most people think.

But McGurn's observations must have merit because they are corroborated almost word for word by Mort Zuckerman, real estate billionaire and publisher of U.S. News and World Report:

We really are two Americas, but not those captured in the stereotypical populist class warfare speeches that dramatize the gulf between the rich and the poor. Instead there is a new division in America that affronts a sense of fairness. That division is between the workers in the private sector and the workers in the public sector.

In Zuckerman's vision, government workers are different than you and me. They live in gated communities like Fireman Estates and flaunt their wealth on TV shows like Lifestyles of the Defined Benefit Plan and Who Wants to Marry a Child Services Case Worker?

In Public-Sector America, unionized postal workers and crossing guards pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for exclusive private schools for their kids, while the rest of us--Starbucks baristas, bank presidents, etc.--send our kids to overcrowded public schools. And now, this obscene inequality is apparently spurring a backlash from ordinary Americans like Joe the Plumber and Mort the Media and Real Estate Mogul.

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In New York, these plain folk have formed the modestly named "Committee to Save New York" (presumably they couldn't get the rights to "The Super Friends").

The Committee calls itself a "voice for the general public." Go to their Web site to see what they mean. All around the edges are pictures of us, the general public, in our hard hats and our various skin colors. And right in the middle, you can see our voice! It's a list of names and titles reflecting New York in all its diversity: some of them CEOs, some presidents and some "presidents and CEOs."

The plan to save New York is similar to the ones being proposed across the country: Cut public-sector jobs to pay for lower taxes on business, which will use that money to create new jobs--maybe even as many as they just got rid of!

Okay, so maybe it doesn't make much sense, but economic logic isn't what's motivating the attack on public-sector unions. It's about fairness.

Our bleeding-heart bosses are bothered that private sector workers--their workers--are suffering from layoffs and falling wages more than government workers, who are often protected by union contracts. They don't think it's right that only some workers should be made to pay for the government's bailout of the banks. Nor is it right for a few privileged workers to have access to government representatives via their unions. If most workers are shut out of having a political voice, then all workers should be.

In short, folks like Mort Zuckerman and the Committee to Save New York would like to see a reverse civil rights movement, the kind where MLK would have fought for whites to also not have the right to vote.

You might think that this situation presents unions with opportunity as well as a danger. After all, bosses are giving them free advertising about the advantages of collective bargaining. Unions could pass out flyers to Wal-Mart workers that read, "Want to be a part of that powerful special interest group the governor's been warning you about?"

Instead, most public-sector unions have meekly responded to the attacks with calls for "shared sacrifice" among business and labor. I've never taken a class on negotiations, but I thought you weren't supposed to announce your willingness to make concessions right from the start. Not only that, calling for workers and bosses to share the sacrifice during this recession gives the false impression that we shared the loot during the boom--or the bailout afterward.

There's only one way government workers will win the support of their private-sector neighbors. Fight and win. Show them that having a union can provide you with things that you can't have without one.

Not an easy plan, but at least it's simple.

these slime ball fascists
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:34 — Anonymous (not verified)

these slime ball fascists will drop any division bomb they can to make a $ and keep us all at each other as they rake in the loot. they need taken down a couple hundred pegs. power to the people, i think we could learn a thing or 2 from whats happened recently in Tunisia, Egypt and now Yemen. it seems a rather bitter irony that the majority of Americans wouldn't know how or seemingly even care to protest en masse in the the 'most free' country on the planet. its such a brave new world.

I actually think there is
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:37 — DJ Rizzo (not verified)

I actually think there is some truth to this in that many, maybe even most, Americans would agree with these assertions based solely on the biased, filtered, and labeled "facts" that they are given. However when given all of the facts in an unbiased, unlabeled (i.e. "liberal" vs. "conservative"), and unfiltered way, most Americans show themselves to actually have left-leaning progressive values. That's the challenge - get real people to see & understand the facts and how they affect them. Unfortunately the corporate media giants know that is against their own interests.

Using government workers as
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:47 — Anonarcmous (not verified)

Using government workers as differnet from other workers is a tool by the corporatists to further breakdown the middle-class America by creating a DIVIDE between workers--remember the united we stand, divide we fall routine. Whatis true to a % is that government employees have more security --or thought they did!-- and that relaxes them in many ways and they have not always supported their private=. What we need is a Luechk Valesa and SOLIDARITY to redirect this country. . Why cut these jobs to make others? These jobs provide roads, clean water to communities, 911 services. etc. Cutting these can mean maybe only 8 hours of clean water at the tap/day?Such limited 911 services that people die b/c it takes to long to get to them? Roads no longer practicable--that translates into BIG damage and expense of your pov unless you like offroading?Drive your own kids to school--no more transportation?No food stamps? Do you think that will help the workers at the grocery stores and in the fields? Most Americans have lost the capacity to think vertically and only go with the 'horizontal eazies'.

Who will be America's
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:53 — Anonarcmous (not verified)

Who will be America's Mohamed Bouazizi? Have not lost enough to be reduced to that?

As a private sector
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:58 — MR (not verified)

As a private sector employee, I guess I'll now have to tell my teacher wife that we're really at war now.

McGurn and Zuckerman are two fine examples of just how disconnected the elite are from reality. Or is it that they think the American working class is a bunch of fools readied for easy manipulation? Perhaps, because after all we are largely the product of the poor American educational systems people like them have created for us. And naive and uneducated masses are what the elite need to keep us all in check.

Zuckerman is such a
Thu, 01/27/2011 - 19:58 — Anonymous (not verified)

Zuckerman is such a _____________. He and his cohorts are looking to destroy unions and lower wages to increase profits. Nothing less.

I agree with this, however,
Fri, 01/28/2011 - 01:26 — Anonymous (not verified)

I agree with this, however, there are some powerful public sector unions that have corrupted the system. Firefighters in Las Vegas average $180,000 a year, and require no college degree. Yes the job is dangerous, but ranks fourth, behind truck drivers.

As American capitalists are
Fri, 01/28/2011 - 13:20 — Giovanna Lepore (not verified)

As American capitalists are fond of pointing out (and acting upon) that they can get one half of the working class to undermine and hurt the other half it remains up to us to act against this by reclaiming our militant working class consciousness.