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- Fri Apr 17, 2020 2:55 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
Chinese numbers will be adjusted, up, as the dust settles. They are also predicting an upsurge in the late Fall, not as great but significant. You think the Chinese are lying? Are spending billions, disrupting their economy for who knows what motivation? I find that absurd. Yes we can expect the ad...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:53 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
Got some links for these numbers, old friend? The dangerous precedent for civil liberties down the road are obvious. It is to be expected that the bosses would take advantage of the situation, it does not follow that this pandemic is a hoax perpetrated towards that purpose. As I said previously, op...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:56 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
New Study- 50% of COVID-Positive Deaths in Europe Have Been in Nursing Homes: ... pril-3.pdf ... pril-3.pdf
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:48 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
The "official" numbers are being fudged in only one direction- your equivocal statement on this matter is false.
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:47 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
Got some links for these numbers, old friend? The dangerous precedent for civil liberties down the road are obvious. It is to be expected that the bosses would take advantage of the situation, it does not follow that this pandemic is a hoax perpetrated towards that purpose. As I said previously, op...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:18 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
From a comment over at WSWS- BTW the Trots are in full on rank opportunism mode- no surprises there. There is no doubt that what we are dealing with is a human tragedy but that must not blind us to objective reality we are facing in this COVID pandemic. The major problem in any pandemic as I see it,...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:08 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
How is it possible that anyone would accept any of the COVID numbers at face value. The CDC and various health departments are completely cooking the books on what they call COVID-related deaths. They are not even trying to hide this nor are they shying away from openly stating that for many of thes...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:07 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
It should be kept in mind that these hooligans that walk the corridors of power are not likely to give up this goose that laid the golden egg so quickly. This COVID “narrative” needs not only to be destroyed but there needs to be non-stop pressure on officials of all levels who accepted and promulga...
- Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:06 pm
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
- Replies: 290
- Views: 238115
Re: Socialist Demands for the COVID-19 Crisis
The numbers at the CDC show record lows for 'flu positives' for the last three weeks for comparable time of year. I will post specifics on this data by next week. When I say record lows I am speaking of by a factor of 9. Week 14 for example has only 0.8% flu positives. The previous record low for We...
- Fri Apr 10, 2020 1:02 am
- Forum: Political Discussion
- Topic: Pierre Omidyar: A Dangerous Billionaire-Backer of the “Resistance”
- Replies: 2
- Views: 7315