Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:04 pm

The withered garden
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 09/14/2023


The Russo-Ukrainian war, the international reaction and the distribution of work among kyiv's allies have shown the position of each country in the system of international relations. In the case of the European Union, always in the shadow of the United States, the main lesson is that of subordination. For years, some European countries, which at certain historical moments have maintained the discourse of defending sovereignty, have tried to put on the table the need for a continental security structure beyond the nuclear umbrella of the United States and the existence of NATO. This has been, for example, the case of France, historically less subordinated to the Alliance than other more docile countries in this sense, such as Germany. The issue has not completely disappeared from the agenda, although its terms have changed. To verify this, you only have to observe the reactions to those who dare to utter words like strategic sovereignty or the terms in which people like Josep Borrell now raise the need for European security , that is, for the European Union.

The hostility that Emmanuel Macron encountered in his naive interview about relations between China and the countries of the European Union, which collided with reproaches from the most belligerent part of the German Government, showed that the circumstances do not lend themselves to a minimally independent operation. of the European Union. It is to be expected that this phenomenon will increase in the future in the short and medium term - perhaps also in the long term -, especially with the displacement of the traditional Paris-Moscow axis of power towards the eastern countries politically, economically and ideologically closer to Washington than to Brussels.

Sometimes, claims that claim to aspire to sovereignty come from unexpected sources. This is the case of Josep Borrell, who in this year and a half of common war against Russia has spoken out on several occasions in favor of the independence of the European Union and has stressed the danger it poses for the continent - or more specifically for the parties of the continent that matters in this sense, that is, the countries of the European Union - lack their own security. However, the words of the diplomatic representative of the garden Europeans do not seek independence from the United States, but simply the remilitarization of the continent. The current war has shown that European arsenals, including those of Germany, the great continental power, were not prepared for the possibility of a conventional war. The problem, in the eyes of people without the diplomatic experience that their position implies, is not subordination to the interests and ways of doing things of the United States, but only the lack of military material. Borrell's position, which simply follows the wave of the majority sentiment of the establishment of those who push the European Union to perpetuate itself as the junior partner of the United States, sees the war as the necessary warning to act as it should have been done a long time ago.

In the same way that NATO, which with the recovery of the historical Russian enemy as a military opponent has recovered part of the power to which it has always aspired, the European Union is seeing in the war an opportunity to pressure all types of countries to follow the established course. A course that has not been set by Brussels, which has shown its absolute inability to act autonomously and which for seven years refused to work on a resolution to the Ukrainian conflict, but by Washington. Despite this, people like Josep Borrell, who sometimes seems to act more as the US executive's minister for European affairs than as a leader of continental diplomacy, They seem to believe they are making the European Union stronger based on a speech of rejection of all negotiations and firm support for the idea of ​​fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. That also seems to be the obligation of the rest of the countries on the planet, at least in the eyes of Washington, Brussels and, of course, kyiv.

In this context, each international forum and each bilateral meeting becomes an exercise in pressure from the countries of that construct called the West in their attempt to get each country to show its support for Ukraine and its rejection of Russia. Without understanding why distant countries that simply want to focus on working on their progress refuse to get involved in war instead of peace, complaints towards certain countries have become recurrent. Josep Borrell's latest comments have referred to Latin American and Caribbean countries. Reviewing the results of the European Union-CELAC summit last July, Borrell insisted on the idea of ​​“how much is in common” between the two areas of the world, a formal tool to later insist on the real message. “But I insist: we also have differences, and Ukraine is an example of them,” said the High Representative of the European Union. The problem, at least according to Josep Borrell's description, does not seem political, but moral. “One perceives that not everyone feels with equal intensity the moral indignation that the Russian aggression in Ukraine produces in us Europeans,” he stated without yet understanding that the fact that the war is taking place in Europe is not a sufficient argument for all countries on the planet have the moral obligation to demonstrate, get involved and align with the Washington consensus. Josep Borrell, dressed in a military jacket, was already acting as Minister of War in the weeks before the start of the Russian military intervention. At that time, He did not view with moral indignation - or with indignation of any kind - Ukraine's open rejection of compliance with the Minsk agreements. At that time, when kyiv remained the only aggressor, the European Union also demanded the world's support for Ukraine, ignoring the situation that the population of Donbass had experienced for eight years. It is not surprising either that, from their simplification of the conflict to the parody of good and evil, people like Josep Borrell did not understand how those places they visited weeks ago, in their case the border Stanitsa Luganskaya, fell into the hands of the Republics. Popular without practically a fight.

Despite the discourse of unity, the European Union is encountering a series of rejections that it did not expect to align with the marked discourse. European countries have agreed without difficulty to Washington's discourse, but not others who have seen the European war as someone else's war or those who aspire to mediate the conflict from a neutral position.

The last G20 forum and the negotiation to reach a consensus on a final declaration are one more example of the difficulties that the United States and its European partners are encountering in imposing their position. Faced with the rejection of China and India - and, of course, Russia -, European countries and the United States have been forced to significantly lower that final message. Despite condemning the nuclear threats, Washington and Brussels have not achieved a statement condemning the “Russian aggression against Ukraine” and have had to settle for a generic wording in which Moscow has seen a victory and Kiev has seen a humiliation.

In reality, the facts are nothing more than evidence of the loss of Western political and diplomatic power in the face of emerging powers such as India and China that, despite their differences, have followed a similar policy on the issue of Ukraine. In the case of India, a country that the West considers easier to attract to its positions, this has translated this time into the withdrawal of diplomatic demands from the United States and the European Union regarding Ukraine. The need for India to obtain a victory with a joint statement at the end of the G20 it organized has taken precedence this time over the compelling Western need to condemn Russia on a daily basis. Ukraine is only a tool and despite moral insistence of the need to support Kiev, Western interests do not begin at the front but look to China. This has been openly declared by Josep Borrell, who in the last few hours has made his priorities clear: the victory of Ukraine, the defeat of Russia and “recalibrating the approach to China.” Not in that order necessarily.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for September 13, 2023
September 13, 2023

Tonight the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked Sevastopol with Storm Shadow cruise missiles . Three missiles reached the target, causing damage to the landing ship Minsk and the submarine Rostov-on-Don , which were in dry dock . Moreover, this action was part of a larger attack on the Crimean Peninsula , in which unmanned boats were involved.

The Russian Armed Forces conducted a successful counterattack in the Kleshcheevka area in the Bakhmut direction. Russian troops managed to dislodge the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the village, but it remains in the gray zone due to massive enemy artillery fire. Fighting continues in the Andreevka area .

In the South Donetsk direction , Ukrainian formations, adhering to the same tactics, are attacking forest plantations in small groups at the Novodonetskoye - Novomayorskoye line . Also, the forces of the Russian Armed Forces repelled two attacks in the Priyutnoye area .


Ukrainian air force missile strike on Sevastopol

At around 3 a.m. on September 13, Su-24M bombers of the Ukrainian Air Force launched ten Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles at Sevastopol . Five Su-24M took off from the Starokonstantinov airbase in the Khmelnitsky region. Four reached the missile launch line over the Nikolaev and Kherson regions, and one carried out an attack from the direction of Zmeiny Island . Units of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division shot down seven targets: five by the Pantsir-S1 air defense system, one by the S-400 division, and the seventh missile by the MiG-31 fighter. Unfortunately, threeThe Storm Shadow missiles reached their target: the landing ship Minsk and the submarine Rostov-on-Don , which were in dry dock, received varying degrees of damage.

At the same time, along with a missile strike on Sevastopol, the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a high degree of probability planned to again land troops on Tarkhankut or gas production installations . All last night until noon, the Ukrainian Armed Forces transported ammunition and fuel on boats to Zmeiny from Vilkovo , preparing for a sortie towards the peninsula. However, two Su-24M naval aviation bombers of the Black Sea Fleet struck the island yesterday at 15.24 and 16.05, as a result of which a fuel and lubricants warehouse, one boat and about 20 people were destroyed . Correction and guidance were provided by the Forpost reconnaissance and strike drone, which monitored the enemy’s movements.

There were three attacks in total between 4 and 6 am. All three uncrewed boats (BEC) were destroyed by the patrol ship Vasily Bykov in the southwestern part of the Black Sea. And it should be noted that once again, during an attack on Russian warships, an American MQ-9A Reaper drone was operating in the same area , which aimed the BEC at the Bykov.

We would like to pay special attention to the presence of “colorful” footage of arrivals from different angles, which will undoubtedly be used by Ukrainian structures to generate reports on the effectiveness of ongoing attacks, since they simplify the collection of information for the enemy.

With a very high degree of probability, raids will continue in the coming days (and not only in Sevastopol). In a recent analysis , we said that massive attacks on the Crimean Bridge should be expected in the coming week . As for today's attack, it looks like a rehearsal (timed, moreover, to coincide with the beginning of the battle for Sevastopol in 1854).

Currently, while the Ukrainian media is savoring the results of the missile strike on Sevastopol, on the sidelines of the Ukrainian General Staff there is a lively discussion about what the Russian authorities will react to the serious damage inflicted on the Black Sea Fleet . As we have said more than once , it is the constant statements about the intersection of multi-colored lines, the lack of at least a proportionate response to the increasingly aggressive actions of the enemy, that is what encourages the West to continue pumping weapons into Ukraine. So it is now: if the Russian military-political leadership does not take action and begin to fight the threat before it appears, then attacks on Crimea and other Russian territories will increase.

And the Armed Forces of Ukraine have plenty of weapons: there are Storm Shadow/SCALP, and German Taurus, and today showed that ATACMS has been in Ukraine for a long time. And this does not take into account the developments of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex such as the Neptunes and S-200. It’s time to understand that the collective West goes as far as we allow. And while the Armed Forces of Ukraine unretaliately hit our bases, factories and cities, you shouldn’t count on capitulation and a rosy ending.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

There are no significant changes in the Starobelsky direction . Positional clashes occur in the Kremensky sector . The Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the forces of the 21st brigade, tried to attack the Tor ledge , but the attack was thwarted thanks to the artillery work of the Russian Armed Forces. In Serebryansky forestry, Azov fighters also tried to take more advantageous positions, but they were noticed in time by our observers.

In the Soledar direction, the Russian Armed Forces carried out a successful counterattack in the Kleshcheevka area . Intense clashes broke out southwest of Bakhmut at the Kleshcheevka - Andreevka line . As a result of a counterattack by combined units of the Russian army, they managed to drive the enemy out of Kleshcheevka. Despite this, the village remains in the gray zone due to the massive fire of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the village. Russian troops hold the northeastern outskirts, while Ukrainian forces concentrate forces to the west for a new attack.

The situation in Andreevka remains in the fog of war . This morning information appeared that the village had been completely recaptured by fighters of the Russian Armed Forces, but a little later doubt arose again due to conflicting information about the line of control along the railway track. Due to a lack of evidence, we have placed the village in a gray area until more definitive data becomes available. Nevertheless, positional battles at Andreevka continue.

In the Donetsk direction, fighting continues in the vicinity of Avdeevka and the Maryinsky sector . The situation in the Opytny area is still not reliably known, but most sources claim positional battles.

In the Vremyevsky sector, the enemy continues to try to improve the tactical position by attacking forest plantations at the Novodonetskoye - Novomayorskoye line . The Armed Forces of Ukraine repeat their usual actions over and over again: individual infantry fighting vehicles and armored fighting vehicles bring assault groups of 10-20 people to the line of combat contact, who are trying to gain a foothold in new positions. Since the morning, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have carried out four similar attacks, which were unsuccessful. The Russian Armed Forces quickly manage to detect the enemy’s movement on the approach, cover the personnel and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with artillery, forcing the Ukrainian formations to retreat.

Two surges from Levadnoye in the direction of Priyutnoye are reflected . In the forest plantations near the populated area, the enemy has been accumulating manpower and armored vehicles in recent weeks. Nevertheless, Russian units regularly identify strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and strike them with artillery.

The Ukrainian command, obviously, does not yet plan to abandon a further offensive in the Vremevsky sector. However, after changing the direction of attack from Staromlynovka to Novomayorskoye and the lack of success in conducting “meat assaults,” the 18th battalion of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost partial combat capability. Additional forces are regularly transferred to the Prechistovka area to replenish Ukrainian units, which also become a tasty target for Russian artillery.

There are no significant changes at the Orekhovsky site . Fighting continues between Verbov and Rabotino , but Russian troops are confidently repelling the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Aviation artillery works almost continuously against the enemy, while the latter are increasingly using heavy bombs with UPMK.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations continue to terrorize the civilian population of the Belgorod region . The governor of the region, Vyacheslav Gladkov, reported on the shelling of the village of Urazovo , Valuysky urban district. Two social facilities were damaged. According to Mash, kindergarten No. 2 and a nursing home were hit by the Ukrainian RZSO. There were no casualties. In addition, local sources reported shelling of Novaya Tavolzhanka , Kozinka , as well as air defense work in the Valuyki area .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces do not stop the artillery terror of the Donetsk agglomeration . As a result of shelling by Ukrainian forces, six residents of the DPR were injured, 22 houses and civilian infrastructure were damaged. The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked populated areas with cannon and rocket artillery, including NATO caliber, and cluster munitions were also used. Several missiles were intercepted by Russian air defense systems.

Daily strikes continue on the left bank of the Kherson region . The enemy attacked civilian infrastructure and residential buildings in Kakhovka , Novaya Kakhovka , Cossack Camps and Tavriysk . A gas pipeline was damaged in Novaya Kakhovka; there is currently no information about casualties.

Political events
On the protection of the rights of national minorities in Ukraine

Financial Times published an interview with the Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine Olga Stefanishina . The politician announced the Kiev regime’s readiness to carry out legislative reforms to protect the rights of national minorities .

In this regard, the Ukrainian leadership plans to organize negotiations with representatives this week of Hungary and Romania on the issue of introducing Hungarian and Romanian language classes in schools. One of Kyiv's conditions is the need to maintain a balance with the Ukrainian language so that students can receive further education and get jobs outside the territories inhabited by national minorities. It will be interesting to find out where they can find a job, given some of the economic difficulties in Ukraine.

Such actions by the Ukrainian authorities are intended to demonstrate to the leadership of the European Union the visibility of reforms and readiness for negotiations . Previously, the European Commission set seven conditions for the Kiev regime, including the protection of national minorities, necessary to begin consultations on joining the organization. It should be understood that fulfilling all of them and joining the EU are far from the same thing . It may take a long time to implement all the requirements, and by this time the “Ukraine” project will no longer be relevant at all .

The very proposal of the Ukrainian leadership on legislative protection of the language is a dismissive gesture . The main complaint of Romania and Hungary is far from linguistic discrimination , but that their citizens are mobilized and sent to the meat grinder.

About Western support for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

A senior US National Guard official, Michael Law , said that the first Ukrainian pilots will be able to undergo F-16 training in the US by the end of this year. Air Force pilots must report to Morris Air Force Base in Arizona and complete a three-month course. After this, they must undergo additional NATO training in Europe. At the same time , Germany handed over to the Ukrainians a new package of military aid, which included shells of various calibers, ammunition for firearms, communications systems and 20 Marder infantry fighting vehicles with ammunition.

Embargo on Ukrainian grain in Eastern European countries

Hungarian authorities reported that they had reached an agreement with Romania , Slovakia and Bulgaria to extend the embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products after September 15. Poland takes the same position . In this regard, Zelensky plans to meet with the Polish president Andrzej Duda to discuss a ban on the import of Ukrainian grain. Previously, Ukraine threatened to file a claim against Poland in the WTO.

Meanwhile, the head of the office of the European Commissioner for Trade, Michael Geger, submitted to the European Commission a proposal to extend the embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products to the countries listed above after September 15. This was done based on an analysis of the market situation. However, the EC's chairman, Ursula von der Leinen, must put an end to this issue .

About the scandalous statements of Mikhail Podolyak

The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded to statements by Advisor to the Presidential Office Mikhail Podolyak about the “weak intellectual potential of India and China.” According to the representative of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Mao Ning, Podolyak must provide an explanation of his words. The adviser himself stated that his words were distorted by Russian propaganda and were misunderstood. ... 2023-goda/

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Othello and the war: Berlin Bulletin, September 11, 2023
By Victor Grossman (Posted Sep 11, 2023)

The war in Ukraine, a horrific tragedy for the people of that unhappy country, fateful as well for many young Russians and potentially menacing for all the world, with burnished weapons of every size and destructive power waiting in silos or submarines for a slip, a blunder, a provocation. Tragic byproducts are further splits in weak, divided peace and leftist movements around the world. Who should bear the blame? For many the answer is a foregone conclusion. For some an inner dispute continues.

As one of those plagued by such torment, my bookish background calls to mind a tragedy of the stage—one of the most memorable. Is a parallel possible? The handsome African general Othello, though deeply in love with his beautiful young Venetian wife Desdemona, uses his strong hands to strangle her—a shocking crime. But, scene for scene, Shakespeare shows us how his sly enemy Iago conspired to cause this tragedy, misusing all around him to make Othello believe that his Desdemona betrayed his love. Do Iago’s intrigues absolve Othello? They cannot. But they reveal where the blame is really concentrated: Iago’s hatred, greed, jealousy, plain evilness, paired with a cunning ability to dissemble and deceive. “But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve,” Iago resolves.

I am not what I am.

Can a pure coincidence—a change of two letters in Iago’s name—lead us to the conniving spirit weaving a web which Vladimir Putin ripped through in February 2022? He is certainly no Othello, and Zelensky has zero similarity with Desdemona. But what about NATO? Hasn’t its role been a long series of Iago-like intrigues, deception—and violence as well? Wasn’t its focus from its start directed at defeating the USSR, which for President Reagan was “the focus of evil in the modern world”?

An article in the Washington periodical “The Hill” described key methods used to defeat this “evil empire“: “… covert support of the Solidarity movement in Poland, an increase in pro-freedom public diplomacy through instruments like the National Endowment for Democracy, a global campaign to reduce Soviet access to Western high technology and a drive to hurt the Soviet economy by driving down the price of oil and limiting natural gas exports to the West.” This “secret declaration of economic war” forced the USSR, still not fully recovered from the immense damage done by the fascist invaders in World War II, to spend some $8 billion annually to deflect its impact.

However, the offensive was successful. George H. W. Bush could announce:

For over 40 years, the United States led the West in the struggle against Communism and the threat it posed to our most precious values… The Soviet Union itself is no more. This is a victory for democracy and freedom…

But soon after politely thanking Mikhail Gorbachev “for his intellect, vision and courage” in helping to make this victory possible, U.S. favor switched to the man who used tanks against the elected Duma so as to throw Gorbachov out and seize power. Bush made future principles clear:

We have been heartened and encouraged by President Yeltsin’s commitment to democratic values and free-market principles, and we look forward to working with him.

The Cold War chapter of history seemed closed. In January 1990 West German Foreign Minister Genscher stated that “the changes in Eastern Europe and the German unification process must not lead to an ‘impairment of Soviet security interests.’ Therefore, NATO should rule out an ‘expansion of its territory towards the east… closer to the Soviet borders.’” On February 10 Chancellor Kohl promised; if the Soviets approved German unification NATO would not expand to the east. Secretary of State James Baker assured Foreign Minister Shevardnadze three times of the “not one inch expansion” and told Gorbachev that “… also for other European countries it is important to have guarantees… not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread eastward.”

But—shades of Iago—this pledge was not put into writing, there were no signatures. Within a year Poland’s Foreign Minister visited NATO Headquarters and President Lech Walesa said that Poland wants “a safe Europe, which is guaranteed by NATO”. In March 1992, NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörner assured Poland that “the door to NATO is open.” In 1999 Czechia, Hungary and Poland became NATO members, followed in 2004 by Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Yeltsin was a weak, acquiescent head of state who opened the Russian door to capitalists from near and far (the Russian ones were called oligarchs). By 2000 the population had been robbed of billions, the economy neared total collapse—until a tough new ruler took over. Vladimir Putin rescued the economy in the nick of time, and was intent on raising Russia up from the third level it had been demoted to and re-establishing it as a major power.

In Munich, in February 2007, Putin recalled the “one inch” promises and questioned “the so-called flexible frontline American bases with up to five thousand men in each. It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders… I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have anything to do with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.”

The expansive plan to surround European Russia, economically and militarily, centered on Ukraine. As early as 2008, in a secret cable made known by Julian Assange, the American ambassador to Moscow, William Burns, sent a far-sighted warning to Washington:

Following a muted first reaction to Ukraine’s intent to seek a NATO Membership Action Plan at the Bucharest summit, Foreign Minister Lavrov and other officials have reiterated strong opposition, stressing that Russia would view further eastward expansion as a potential military threat.

“NATO enlargement, particularly to Ukraine, remains ‘an emotional and neuralgic’ issue for Russia, but strategic policy considerations also underlie strong opposition to NATO membership for Ukraine and Georgia. In Ukraine, these include fears that the issue could potentially split the country in two, leading to violence or even, some claim, civil war, which would force Russia to decide whether to intervene,” the cable said.

Burns was promoted; he now heads the CIA. But his wise warning was purposefully disregarded.

This became crystal clear when Victoria Nuland, Hillary Clinton’s right-wing aide, spent $5 billion or more to organize an opposition to Ukraine’s elected government and then overthrow it in a bloody putsch in February 2014. A hacked telephone call revealed that she had even selected the next premier—in league with gangs of armed men, many wearing Nazi symbols, some giving Hitler salutes, and all honoring their dead hero Stepan Bandera, who had urged and led the murder of thousands of Russians, Jews, Poles and Hungarians in 1941.

In March 2016 the expert Australian journalist John Pilger warned that nuclear warhead spending “rose higher under Obama than under any other American president… In the last 18 months, the greatest build-up of military forces since World War Two, led by the USA, is taking place along Russia’s western frontier. Not since Hitler invaded the Soviet Union have foreign troops presented such a demonstrable threat to Russia.

Ukraine has become a CIA theme park. Having orchestrated a coup in Kiev, Washington effectively controls a regime that is next door and hostile to Russia: a regime rotten with Nazis, literally. Prominent parliamentary figures… openly praise Hitler and call for the persecution and expulsion of the Russian-speaking minority… In Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia—next door to Russia—the U.S. military is deploying combat troops, tanks, heavy weapons.

In fact, the first measures taken by the new USA-backed Kiev government were to suppress the Russian-speaking parts of the country—leading to the breakaway of Crimea and the Donbas region—and to civil war. And while swift membership in NATO was not possible, a series of naval and military maneuvers on Russia’s southern borders was pursued, with most NATO members joining in.

In February 2022, just as Ambassador Burns had warned, Russia did feel forced to intervene. A frightening decision, with terrible, bloody results. I must condemn Putin, just as the audience blames Othello. But should Iago be praised?

What is the goal of those who finance, support and largely control the leaders in Kiev—and urge a battle until victory? Pres. Biden, at a Business Roundtable meeting of the wealthiest American elite, declared,

There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. We’ve got to unite the rest of the Free World in doing it.

Noble sentiments—invoked in countless variations by almost every president, especially when the USA was engaged in a subversion, conflict, regime change, blockade or direct military intervention. No, when leafing through my history books, I cannot find one case where such actions by the USA and its NATO gauntlet in any way furthered a better “new world order”—or anything but death and destruction, chaos, misery, corrupt new rulers: Iran, Guatemala, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Honduras, Iraq, Congo, Ghana, Libya, most dramatically in Chile, most lengthily against Cuba, most catastrophically in Vietnam, and perhaps most bitterly in decades of support for apartheid in South Africa and the enforced “settlement” of Palestine. Is there a single example where Washington’s ”new order” brought improvement, not new suffering? I can think of none!

Looking beyond the Othello level to the world stage, I see three immense threats endangering not only the people of Ukraine and quite likely Russia, but all of us, everywhere. First of all—the climate catastrophe, heightening temperatures spreading from the Equator to the poles and, with them, disappearing islands, retreating coastlines, the extinction of fauna and flora, the despair of whole populations faced by droughts, floods, fires and hurricanes.

Secondly, in response to worsening living standards for millions, caused by the environmental collapse, by wars such as in Ukraine, by the resulting distortions of world trade and by weak labor movements whose resistance is limited by the lack of an active, uncorrupted, multipolar Left, there is a growing danger of brutal fascism. This became all too apparent in Washington in January 2021, it is visible in the growing strength of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), it is reflected in elections in France, Italy, Scandinavia, Austria and elsewhere.

Thirdly, and most menacingly, though all too often overlooked or ignored; the danger of atomic conflict and world conflagration. With growing military confrontation and both sides’ fear of defeat, a simple error of judgement, a mistakenly strayed missile, perhaps a local provocation could set in motion a chain leading to total catastrophe.

Lurking behind all three, I am convinced, we can find a dwindling number of obscenely wealthy clusters of the world’s multimillionaires and billionaires. No matter which field we examine, we find more or less a handful of corporations dominating it. Five or six auto makers, five or six pharmaceutic developers, even less seed and herbicide monopolists, a few mighty film-makers, newspaper czars and TV barons, even among book publishers. There are perhaps a few dozen of such mighty groups.

Three are especially alarming. The giant fossil fuel drillers, dealers and transporters, many more than a century in merciless boring and mining, have done the most to poison the world, from the Arctic to the Gulf of Mexico, from Amazon forests to the Niger delta—while bribing the hungry media bosses to help them dupe millions in the belief that the climate damage they cause does not take place.

Potentially even more dangerous is the “Silicon Valley” kind of wizardry, dominated by Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Twitter/X, Facebook, Google, which increasingly influence our shopping, our entertainment, our social life (or lack of it), our mind patterns, with growing control of our purchases, preferences, movements, even, with such as Alexa, in our living rooms and bedrooms. Also our political decisions! And AI threatens far worse!

Yet even more fearsome are the armaments manufacturers. Dominated by six or seven in the USA, augmented by makers of mass killer machines in other countries, with the Germans, like Krupp or Rheinmetall having the lengthiest, ugliest backgrounds. These companies, to stay on top and please their profiteers, must produce more and more. When arms storage sites and hangars are full, their contents must be used to make room for more; expiration dates and warnings of obsolescence also demand action! Such manufacturers can never favor peaceful solutions; they would be their undoing!

These ruling clusters of the extremely wealthy—and there are some Russian and Chinese oligarchs among them—are influencing, dominating or controlling minds and actions of governments everywhere. It is they who deceive and defy on climate issues, it is they who, while rarely resorting to genuine fascism—as yet—frequently hold its ugly features and methods in reserve, not all too overtly. But when worsening living conditions or better organizers lead to growing resistance or even rebellion from below, endangering a smooth flow of profits or even their end, those reserves, impatiently polishing their weapons and their connections, are kept waiting eagerly in the wings.

Which brings me back to the stage—to Othello and Iago. I stress again; I can never approve of killing, no matter how motivated, not of killing and destruction in a neighbor’s country, except in self-defense. And Shakespeare lets Othello die, killing himself in a form of retribution.

But neither can I accept a lack of clarity about who really caused and precipitated the tragedy. Putin is no angel, no hero, not an Othello. Nevertheless, I believe that he is primarily motivated by the wish to defend Russia against encirclement, suffocation followed by subservience or dismemberment—the fate of an insubordinate Yugoslavia not so long ago. Perhaps he keeps in mind the fates of men who defied Washington’s drive for world hegemony: the heart attack of Milošević in a prison cell, the death of Allende, the torture and dissolving in acid of Patrice Lumumba, the castration and public hanging of Afghanistan’s Najibullah, the hanging of Saddam Hussein, the murder and oceanic body disposal of Osama bin Laden, the sodomy killing of Muammar Gaddafi.

Until the war on Ukraine began most of the violence in the world was a product of the intrigues, the aggression, the weapons managed and controlled by those powerful clusters who maintain such a tight control of congressmen and senators, half of them millionaires, of Supreme Court majorities, almost always of the White House, also of the Pentagon, CIA, NED, FBI and dozens of other institutions. It is they, a tiny number, less than 0.1%, whose wealth outweighs that of half the world’s population, but who can never be sated. They want to rule the whole world.

Two large barriers remain, two big countries bar their course. They are not the faultless, Utopian models some of us once dreamed of; they, too, require a host of basic changes and improvements. But they are barriers all the same, tough barriers in fact, also armed with Satanic weapons.

The world needs to drop a curtain on this confrontation, increasingly threatening in Ukraine, increasingly dangerous in East Asia. Regardless of differen it must be halted—not bloodily as in Shakespeare’s tragedy, but with some form of détente, however reluctant either side may be.

Such a cease fire and successful negotiations must be the world’s immediate and urgent goal. Ultimately it must face a deeper imperative; not only reining in the super-rich, super-powerful intriguers—but, as they are an outdated but constant source of danger and dismay, their total banning from the world stage. ... r-11-2023/

Well Victor, what would you have Putin do? And how is "the world" going to do anything? As it stands this can only end in one way.....


Why Was Zelensky Overly Defensive In His Latest Interview With The Economist?

SEP 14, 2023


The analysis argues that his new attitude is because some Western officials are likely already holding unofficial talks with Russia.

Zelensky’s characteristic cockiness was conspicuously absent from his latest interview with The Economist. He instead came off as overly defensive, most likely because he finally realized that the scale, scope, and pace of his Western patrons’ multidimensional aid can’t continue indefinitely. What follows are the pertinent highlights from his interview that point to this change of attitude, which will then be analyzed to help observers get a better sense of where the NATO-Russian proxy war might be headed.


* Zelensky is walking back expectations of a swift maximalist victory

- “Volodymyr Zelensky does not want to think about a long war, let alone talk about the possibility to Ukrainians, many of whom still dream of winning fast. But that is precisely what he is preparing for. ‘I have to be ready, my team has to be ready for the long war, and emotionally I am ready,’ Ukraine’s president says in an interview with The Economist.”

* He’s beginning to suspect that his Western patrons are lying to his face

- “’I have this intuition, reading, hearing and seeing their eyes [when they say] ‘we’ll be always with you,’’ he says, speaking in English (a language in which he is increasingly fluent). ‘But I see that he or she is not here, not with us.’”

* They seem increasingly interested in resuming talks with Russia

- “Some partners might see Ukraine’s recent difficulties on the battlefield as a reason to force it into negotiations with Russia. But ‘this is a bad moment, since Putin sees the same.’”

* Zelensky claims that those who curtail aid to Ukraine would be doing Russia’s bidding

- “Ukraine’s president is keenly aware of the risks to his country if the West starts to withdraw its economic support. That would damage not just Ukraine’s economy, but its war effort, too. He puts it in stark terms. ‘If you are not with Ukraine, you are with Russia, and if you are not with Russia, you are with Ukraine. And if partners do not help us, it means they will help Russia to win. That is it.’

* Electoral considerations might still result in that happening though

- “With several of his Western allies (including America) holding elections next year, Mr Zelensky knows that sustaining support will be difficult, especially in the absence of significant progress at the front.”

* He’s therefore plotting to manipulate voters into pressuring their politicians against this

- “He still believes that the best way to convince governments, [to make them] believe they are on the right side, is by pushing them via the media. People read, people discuss, people make up their minds and people push,’ he says.

It was public opinion that drove politicians to increase arms supplies to Ukraine in the early days of the war. Scaling down that help, he argues, may anger not just Ukrainians but Western voters. They will start asking what the whole effort was for. ‘People will not forgive [their leaders] if they lose Ukraine.’”

* Nevertheless, Zelensky is hedging his bets by praising Trump just in case he returns to power

- “If Mr Putin hopes that a victory by Donald Trump in America’s presidential election in 2024 would deliver him victory, he is mistaken. Trump would ‘never’ support Vladimir Putin. ‘That isn’t what strong Americans do.’”

* He’s also trying to pressure Biden by reminding him of the Afghanistan debacle

- “He expects Joe Biden will stay the course if he is re-elected. (‘Do they want Afghanistan, part two?’)”

* Zelensky is begging the EU to accept Ukraine as a member in order to boost his people’s morale

- “And he hopes that the European Union will not only keep supplying aid, but will open negotiations over the accession process for Ukraine this year. (That move is widely expected to happen at a summit in December.) ‘It will support morale in Ukraine. It will give this energy to people.’”

* He also defends the counteroffensive’s slow progress by claiming that it saves his soldiers’ lives

- “Ukraine would have lost ‘thousands’ had it followed advice to commit many more troops, he says. This is not the sort of war where ‘the leader of a country says the price doesn’t matter.’ That is the difference between him and Vladimir Putin. ‘For him, life is nothing.’”

* Zelensky thinks that those who are talking to Putin are being duped by the modern-day Hitler

- “Those who choose to talk to the man in the Kremlin are ‘tricking themselves’, much like the Western leaders who signed an agreement with Adolf Hitler at Munich in 1938 only to watch him invade Czechoslovakia. ‘The mistake is not diplomacy. The mistake is diplomacy with Putin. He negotiates only with himself.’”

* He ominously hints that Ukrainian refugees might riot if the West curtails aid to their country

- “There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally ‘behaved well’ and are ‘very grateful’ to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a ‘good story’ for Europe if it were to ‘drive these people into a corner’.”

* Ukraine would require a “new social contract” if it doesn’t achieve maximum victory soon

- “A long war of attrition would mean a fork in the road for Ukraine.

The country would lose even more people, both on the front lines and to emigration. It would require a ‘totally militarised economy’. The government would have to put that prospect to its citizens, Mr Zelensky says, without specifying how; a new social contract could not be the decision of one person. Almost 19 months into the war, the president says he is ‘morally’ ready for the switch. But he will only broach the idea with his people if the weakness in the eyes of his Western backers becomes a ‘trend’.

Has that moment come? No, not yet, he says. ‘Thank God.’”


Everything that he shared is the natural evolution of the points contained in the following analyses:

* 25 August: “The NYT & WSJ’s Critical Articles About Kiev’s Counteroffensive Explain Why It Failed”

* 29 August: “Zelensky’s Latest TV Interview Shows How Much The Conflict’s Dynamics Have Shifted”

* 31 August: “Vivek Ramaswamy’s Plan For Ending The NATO-Russian Proxy War In Ukraine Is Pragmatic”

* 4 September: “Kiev’s Military Shake-Up Suggests That Peace Will Remain A Distant Prospect”

* 9 September: “WaPo Reported That Ukrainians Are Distrustful Of The West & Flirting With A Ceasefire”

All sides are growing fatigued, Kiev still wants to carry on though, but Western calculations are changing.


The following points are revealed by reading between the lines of Zelensky’s latest interview:

* Some Western officials are likely already holding unofficial talks with Russia

* This is probably due to a combination of military-strategic dynamics and electoral interests

* That’s why Zelensky is overly defensive and aggressively trying to pressure them into reconsidering

* What he fears is them making continued aid conditional on him officially resuming talks

* He’s therefore plotting to meddle in their upcoming elections via infowar means

* Zelensky might also order the SBU to organize Ukrainian refugee riots all across Europe

* If he fails and talks are inevitable, then he hopes for EU membership as a consolation

* Zelensky might then hold elections and resume talks if he wins by claiming a popular mandate

Regarding the first point, these pieces from Western and Russian media suggest mutual interest in talks:

* The New Yorker: “The Case for Negotiating with Russia”

* The New York Times: “As Ukraine’s Fight Grinds On, Talk of Negotiations Becomes Nearly Taboo”

* RT: “Sergey Poletaev: The West knows Ukraine’s counteroffensive is failing. So what’s plan B?”

* TASS: “Russia can’t stop hostilities if Ukraine conducts counteroffensive, Putin says”

* TASS: “Kiev delays talks making it more difficult to negotiate later — Lavrov”

The first piece promotes the arguments by RAND Corporation’s Samuel Charap for a ceasefire while the second laments that the Western elite as a whole aren’t yet ready to seriously consider stopping the bloodshed. The RT one adds some Russian arguments to why a ceasefire could be in the Kremlin’s interests, while the last two from TASS show that the its top officials are indeed interested in this, though no tangible progress can be made (at least officially) till the counteroffensive ends.

Objectively existing military-strategic developments from over the summer and the subjectively interpreted narratives that are nowadays being pushed by both sides of the NATO-Russian proxy war in recent weeks compellingly suggest growing interest in freezing the conflict. That said, there are also powerful forces within both camps who don’t want that to happen, not to mention Kiev as well. This therefore complicates the path to peace, but everything is still moving in that direction in spite of them.

As was argued throughout this piece, Zelensky was overly defensive in his latest interview with The Economist precisely because some Western officials are likely already holding unofficial talks with Russia. His team and their liberal-globalist backers in the US’ policymaking circles could still resort to false flags and provocations for sabotaging this so the coming months might see some dangerous drama, but if the present trajectory remains on track, then the conflict might finally begin to freeze by early next year. ... -defensive
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Sep 15, 2023 12:05 pm

Barriers, ports and exports
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 09/15/2023


With Russia and Western countries immersed in a proxy war with enormous political, economic, military and social consequences, Ukraine will once again be one of the star topics of the United Nations General Assembly that is held, as every year, this September. Despite the harsh criticism, accusations and insults that he has recently received from important officials of the Ukrainian Government, Antonio Guterres has announced that he will use the presence of the delegations involved to discuss the issue in which the United Nations has had the most prominence: the Grain Initiative of the Black Sea. Since the days before the Russian withdrawal from the agreement on the export of Ukrainian agricultural products was completed, the UN Secretary General has tried to participate, so far without success,

In the explanation of its withdrawal - brief and without details, like practically every explanation that Moscow has given to the public in the year and a half since the beginning of its military intervention -, Russia rejected the terms of the agreement, understanding that, despite having complied For his part, he had not received what he hoped to achieve. In other words, the export of Russian products, mainly fertilizers, a key product for the international market, had not been guaranteed, nor had the Russian agricultural export bank been reconnected to the SWIFT system. That has been the possibility that Guterres has discussed these weeks, although to achieve it he would need the agreement of the countries that have sanctioned Russia and expelled it from this international payment system. That is, Guterres would need the good will of the United States, much more comfortable accusing Russia of using hunger as a weapon than with reconnecting a Russian bank to guarantee the export of a product that, due to its privileged position in the market, would provide relatively relevant income. Hence, this reconnection did not occur in the year that the export agreement was in force, nor has Guterres made any progress since he began looking for a way to give Russia a reason to return to him.

Despite the premature optimism of President Erdoğan, who hinted before his visit to Sochi that the initiative was about to be resumed, there is no indication that there is currently any possibility of bringing the positions closer together. Kiev demands the resumption of the agreement and considers it an unacceptable capitulation that Russia gets nothing in return, while Moscow demands the same conditions it demanded when it announced its withdrawal and continues attacks against Ukrainian ports, a destruction that could have been avoided with the extension. of the agreement, but today it already seems like a point of no return.

The loss of the export corridor through the Black Sea has forced Ukraine's partners to look for an alternative for the release of Ukrainian products to the world market, a necessary income for Kiev's weapons, which are currently increasingly and worryingly dependent of foreign subsidies and credits. To the effective loss of direct maritime exports, we must add the problems that kyiv is encountering with its neighbors and allies. Ukraine has increased grain exports through the ports of the Danube River, a route in which it requires Romania's collaboration. A member of NATO and an outspoken defender of kyiv, Romania has tried to adapt to conditions, although it has clashed with growing Ukrainian demands.

It is not only about coping with the enormous increase in traffic across the Danube, but about meeting the expectations of Ukraine, which intends to use Romanian ports as it wishes and determine the routes. For the moment, the alliance with Ukraine has prevailed over complaints, although Romania's reluctance towards the Ukrainian attitude has emerged in the press in recent weeks. Transit through the Danube has amounted, according to recently published data, to 2.5 billion tons. However, the Russian attacks on the Danube ports and the possibility of these bombings spreading to those that still load grain - mainly Izmail and Reni - are increasing both transport and insurance costs.

In addition to the exit through the Danube, efforts have been made to increase the volumes exported through the land route via Poland and other countries bordering Ukraine and which are also some of Kiev's closest allies. This export route poses two problems: transit capacity and the clash of economic interests. Despite the attempt to increase capacity, the land route cannot compete with the maritime route in terms of volumes traveled. Currently, as published this week by The Wall Street Journal, the land route is capable of exporting 15-16 million tons of Ukrainian agricultural products, to which must be added what was traveled through Romania along the Danube River route. These figures contrast with the 57 million tons of products - grain and oil, mainly sunflower - that Ukraine intends to export this year. According to the media, the Russian naval blockade resulting from the failure to extend the grain export agreement prevents the export of three quarters of the products that Ukraine aspires to place on the international market.

Ukraine also faces the refusal of its neighboring countries to allow the passage of Ukrainian products. In this sense, the economic interests of these countries continue to take precedence over the will to support their ally. Hence, countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania - for the moment, only Bulgaria has stood aside - have demanded that the European Commission extend the ban on the import of grain and other Ukrainian products. The intention of these countries is to extend the period of validity of this veto, which expires on September 15, until the end of the year. “We support the ban on exports to our countries until the end of the year,” said the Polish Agriculture Minister, adding that “even if it fails, some countries will impose their own restrictions.”

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was even more forceful, stating that “we will not allow the reopening of agricultural markets regardless of the decision of the European Union. Either the European Commission complies with our wishes, listens to our voice and introduces from September 15 a ban on the import of four types of grain into the territory of the European Union or we will implement it ourselves.” That is to say, some of Ukraine's strongest allies in the military sphere are willing to unilaterally prevent, outside the European Union, the entry of Ukrainian products.

The difficulties in exporting have led to the growing accumulation of surplus, with the consequences that this entails for prices. Ukrainian producers are willing to export at lower prices, which represents competition that countries like Poland are not willing to admit. Neither are its farmers and agricultural companies, the origin of the protests that led to the ban. At the internal level, the surplus means a drop in prices, something positive for the impoverished citizens, but a problem for agricultural producers, who also find themselves facing the collection campaign with the risk of being saddled with a huge surplus that they do not have the capacity to do. to export. For the moment, Ukraine cannot count on European solidarity in this case, which extends to the military and political spheres, ... more-28144

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Chronicle of a special military operation for September 14, 2023
September 14, 2023

Ukrainian formations once again attacked Crimea . This time the target was air defense systems in the west of the peninsula. Also during the combined attack, unmanned boats tried to hit ships of the Black Sea Fleet . As before, the massive attack was preceded by reconnaissance activities of NATO aircraft.

Heavy fighting continues on the line of contact. On the southern front, Russian forces are stubbornly defending, trying to inflict as much damage as possible on the advancing Ukrainian forces with meat assaults.

The main enemy activity is taking place at the Priyutnoye - Staromayorskoye line , where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to take landings between populated areas. In addition to Zaporozhye , the Ukrainian Armed Forces are active in the Kherson direction , sending DRGs to the left bank of the Dnieper and islands on the river.


Combined attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Black Sea

On the morning of September 14, Ukrainian formations carried out another attack on the Crimean peninsula . First , 11 aircraft-type drones were launched from the outskirts of Odessa (for the first time in a long time, non-Mugins were used for this purpose). The drones were shot down by crews of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division at around 5.30 am over Yevpatoria.

At approximately 5.50, the Ukrainian Armed Forces struck the outskirts of Uyutny with an R-360 Neptune anti-ship missile, as a result of which the S-300 air defense missile launcher was hit (corresponding footage has already appeared on the Internet).

Once again, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used the same tactics as a few weeks ago. After the UAV raid, the positions of the S-300 air defense system were determined - almost immediately they worked on it from Neptune. First, the Ukrainian Armed Forces waited for the ammunition to be used up and then hit the air defense system. Also, over the past two days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have several times attacked a detachment of warships (OBK) of the Black Sea Fleet consisting of the Vasily Bykov and Sergei Kotov.

A total of 12 unmanned boats were observed: six yesterday and six more today. On September 13, three drones were hit by small arms fire from ships. Three more were hit by naval aviation helicopters from the Kacha airfield and from the Vasily Bykov. That night, five were destroyed on the approach to the OBK, and one was able to get close to the Bykov and hit the side (the degree of damage was not critical). As we said yesterday , the lack of reaction to the increasingly aggressive actions of the collective West at the hands of Ukraine is fraught with great consequences.

The impacts will be repeated in the coming days, and herbivorous responses are not the solution.

In the context of a combined night strike in the Black Sea and Crimea, it is once again interesting to evaluate the actions of NATO intelligence in the run-up to this attack. Yesterday, at least six aircraft and drones of the US Air Force and NATO Allied Forces operated over the Black Sea waters , ranging from AWACS and RTR (including for direction finding of air defense radars) to electronic reconnaissance.

And the strategic UAV RQ-4B generally carried out monitoring both south of Crimea and near the Krasnodar Territory , as well as the Crimean Bridge . The distance to Yalta and Sochi was about 100 km. We are not hinting at anything, but almost every NATO activity near the Russian borders is accompanied a day or two later by either provocations or attacks on the southern territories.

And if we add to this the constant filming of the Earth’s surface from military satellites, such as TOPAZ , which observed the shipyard for several days before the attack, then a more complete picture emerges.

By the way, some time ago the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of another unmanned boat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. And right now, an R-8A anti-submarine aircraft is operating along the coast of Romania , which monitors the activities of Russian warships.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

Fighting continues in the Kupyansky sector ; the Russian Armed Forces are fighting in the vicinity of Sinkovka east of Kupyansk . The enemy counterattacks from time to time, usually unsuccessfully.

To the south of Bakhmut, fighting continues in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka . Representatives of Ukrainian forces, represented by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anna Malyar, announced the capture of Andreevka, but later she herself denied it. Clashes continue in the village and no one has complete control over the village. In addition, the enemy command is transferring reinforcements to the area of ​​Chasov Yar and Konstantinovka for the possible development and expansion of combat operations in the direction.

Against the background of activity in the south, the situation with Ugledar is knocked out of the information agenda . The last really serious clashes took place there several months ago. First, Russian troops carried out an unsuccessful assault, attacking head-on a large fortified area with completely mined approaches, and then the Ukrainian Armed Forces did essentially the same thing. And now in the Ugledarsky sector there are only positional battles, where Russian artillerymen are trying to hit the rear areas, creating problems in supplying the Ukrainian Armed Forces group.

Over the past 24 hours, the Russian army destroyed the deployment point for personnel of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Ugledar , and two ammunition warehouses were hit at the Yuzhno-Donbasskaya mine. A similar firefight is taking place at the Marinka-Novomikhailovka line .

This will not be able to somehow influence the situation at the front, but it will at least reduce the enemy’s operational capabilities to conduct attacks on Russian positions on the Pavlovka-Nikolskoye line .

In the Vremyevsky sector, after several unsuccessful long-term attempts to capture the villages of Novomayorskoye and Novodonetskoye , enemy marine units went on the defensive due to heavy losses. Currently, assault groups are being rotated and re-equipped along the site.

At the same time, Russian artillerymen are conducting an active counter-battery fight - according to Voin DV , a D-30 howitzer was destroyed in Bolshaya Novoselka , and several personnel deployment points and several pieces of equipment were hit along the front line. The main activity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces remained at the Priyutnoye - Staromayorskoye line , where the assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to take landings between populated areas.

However, soldiers of the Russian army, with the support of artillery, successfully repelled the attack, forcing the enemy to retreat to their starting points. In turn, Russian troops hit several rear positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which affects the ability to quickly make up for losses and go on the attack.

In the Orekhovsky sector, fighting continues in the Verbovoy area . The situation has stabilized somewhat, but the Ukrainian Armed Forces made several attempts to attack the positions of Russian military personnel. Artillery and drones are operating along the entire line of contact.

In the Kherson direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to consolidate in positions on the left bank of the Dnieper for further attacks in the rear of the Russian group. Over the past 24 hours, the enemy has made several attempts to rotate personnel at observation posts in different areas.

On Aleshkinsky Island , last night they tried to drop in a DRG on a boat from the Armed Forces of Ukraine to replace group 126 arr TRO, but it was destroyed by Russian artillery. Two more groups went south along the Ingulets River , but were forced to turn around and go back.

Two more boats with groups of six people from Ponyatovka and Sadovoy intended to land west of the Cossack Camps , but one boat was successfully hit at Daryevka , and the second went upstream of the Ingulets .

To the east , the DRG once again landed on Kozatsky Island on one boat under the cover of mortar fire. At the same time, Russian troops shot down one watercraft near Olgovka , and also destroyed a mortar.

The situation in the island zone remains the same: the Ukrainian Armed Forces are landing on the left bank, but so far without attempts to advance inland. This is facilitated by regular strikes by Russian troops either on boats or on enemy strongholds, which prevents Ukrainian formations from establishing supplies on the opposite side.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations shelled several settlements in the Kursk region . According to a message from the regional governor, as a result of nine flights in Gordeevka, Korenevsky district, no residents were injured, but the water supply in the village was disrupted. Later there was a second attack, damaging power lines.

In addition, the village of Tetkino came under fire , where sugar and alcohol factories came under attack. At one of the facilities, a forklift driver died from injuries. Arrivals were also recorded in Elizavetovka and Krasnooktyabrsky . One victim was hospitalized with a minor injury.

In the Bryansk region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine opened fire on the village of Azarovka , Starodub municipal district. There were no injuries, two residential buildings were damaged.

Daily shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration continued today. The western regions of Donetsk , Makeevka , Gorlovka , Mikhailovka , Yasinovataya , Peski and a number of other settlements came under fire from Ukrainian formations. In the Kirovsky district of Donetsk and the vicinity of Yasinovataya , two people were seriously injured. Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure were damaged by artillery fire, including cluster munitions.

In addition, today the Ukrainian Armed Forces once again shelled Novaya Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Sagi and Vasilyevka on the left bank of the Kherson region . No one was injured as a result of the incident, but civilian infrastructure was damaged. In addition, Russian air defense systems intercepted a drone in the Aleshek area .

Political events
On the embargo on the import of Ukrainian grain in European countries

The Bulgarian parliament voted to extend the embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products after September 15 this year. Previously, Bulgaria , together with Poland , Romania , Hungary and Slovakia , banned the import of grain from Ukraine along with other agricultural products. The Bulgarian authorities argued this by “solidarity with Ukraine.” Other countries listed above intend to maintain the ban for now.

About problems with individual suppliers of weapons for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian media report that the country's authorities intend to sue several Western companies that were unable to fulfill contracts for the supply of military equipment . However, the percentage of incoming military aid from unfulfilled contracts is negligible, so the current situation will in no way affect the state of affairs at the front.

Discontent of Polish mercenaries

One of the Polish mercenaries, Piotr Mitkevich , states that his comrades do not receive compensation from Ukraine for their deaths while participating in hostilities. According to him, the Ukrainian authorities promised mercenaries from Poland up to 400 thousand dollars for each dead, but did not keep their promise.

Attack on a parishioner of the UOC MP in Lviv

In Lvov, during a school event, a crowd of angry Ukrainians attacked a school teacher, only after learning that he was a parishioner of the canonical UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate . The man's fate is still unknown, but he probably escaped with minor injuries. This video only proves once again that it is not only the authorities who are the initiators of campaigns to destroy all ties with Russia and anything Russian. The so-called “ Ukrainian people ” themselves are successfully coping with this . ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Russia Is Winning The Industrial Warfare Race

Last year I mocked the media for claiming that 'Russia is running out of' whatever.

How Russia, And Putin, Are Weaponizing, Losing And Running Out Of ... Everything - June 3, 2022
Russia Is Running Out Of [Whatever The Media Claim] - June 26, 2022
Russia, Having 'Run Out Of Missiles', Launches Barrage On Ukraine - Oct 10, 2022

> Back in March I had warned that Lies Do Not Win Wars. Here is another practical example.

After allegedly having 'run out of missiles' and, more importantly, patience, the leadership of the Russian Federation decided to de-electrify Ukrainian cities with a 'barrage of missile strikes'. <

Western military commentators have finally started to accept the obvious. Russia is winning and doing so by a large margin.

A similar turn can be seen in dearth of new 'Russia is running out of' stories which get now replaced by acknowledgements that Russia's weapon industries are out-producing the West:

Russia Overcomes Sanctions to Expand Missile Production, Officials Say - NY Times
Moscow’s missile production now exceeds prewar levels, officials say, leaving Ukraine especially vulnerable this coming winter.

As a result of the sanctions, American officials estimate that Russia was forced to dramatically slow its production of missiles and other weaponry at the start of the war in February 2022 for at least six months. But by the end of 2022, Moscow’s military industrial manufacturing began to pick up speed again, American officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose the sensitive assessment now concede.
Before the war, one senior Western defense official said, Russia could make 100 tanks a year; now they are producing 200.
Western officials also believe Russia is on track to manufacture two million artillery shells a year — double the amount Western intelligence services had initially estimated Russia could manufacture before the war.

As a result of the push, Russia is now producing more ammunition than the United States and Europe. Overall, Kusti Salm, a senior Estonian defense ministry official, estimated that Russia’s current ammunition production is seven times greater than that of the West.

Russia’s production costs are also far lower than the West’s, in part because Moscow is sacrificing safety and quality in its effort to build weapons more cheaply, Mr. Salm said. For instance, it costs a Western country $5,000 to $6,000 to make a 155-millimeter artillery round, whereas it costs Russia about $600 to produce a comparable 152-millimeter artillery shell, he said.

I believe that the numbers of current weapon production in Russia, which the New York Times cites, are too low. Consider that back in February the former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev spoke of an 'exponential increase' in weapon output:

i]Medvedev said Moscow had increased military production "by tens of times" at some factories and was closely studying weapons fired into Russian-held areas from the Ukrainian side in an effort to gain an advantage.[/i]

I would also argue that sanctions were never really able to hinder Russia's arms industry. No military uses the latest and greatest chips when it comes to making weapons. Putting sanctioning on those is thus pretty useless. Some old Intel 80386 compatible CPU is, correctly programmed, sufficient to manage a modern artillery system. For little money one can get thousands of these in any Asian electronic market.

There are a few exceptions that need special stuff. For some time Russia was behind in the production of night vision equipment. It imported some from France which blocked further transfers. But that issues seems to have been solved. For basic materials and energy Russia has all it needs. It also has well qualified staff to develop and build new weapons.

Five years ago the Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed a number of new weapon systems which were superior to western ones. He also mentioned that same of these were based on "new physical principles" which had been discovered by Russian scientists. At the recent Eastern Economic Forum he repeated that claim:

If one looks into the security sphere, new physical principles weapons will ensure the security of any country in the near historic perspective. We understand this very well and are working on it, Putin said.

(I don't find those sentences in the plenum transcript but trust Sputnik to have it right.)

There is some guessing what Putin might have meant. I thought about it for quite a while but have to admit that I have no clue what he has in mind.

A warning that Russia will outproduce the West was given back in June 2022 when Alex Vershinin of RUSI issued a note about The Return of Industrial Warfare:

The winner in a prolonged war between two near-peer powers is still based on which side has the strongest industrial base. A country must either have the manufacturing capacity to build massive quantities of ammunition or have other manufacturing industries that can be rapidly converted to ammunition production. Unfortunately, the West no longer seems to have either.

It has become to expensive for the West to regain that capability.

That Russia was running out of stuff was always wishful thinking, not fact based analysis. On that point it took the media more than a year to catch up with reality. On other aspects of the the war, casualty numbers come to mind, the media are still miles behind.

Posted by b on September 14, 2023 at 13:34 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Killed Armed Forces should go to fertilizers
September 14, 18:28


Rational proposals of Ukrainian “ecologists” for fertilizing Ukrainian black soil with the corpses of military personnel.
More corpses means more fertile land. So to speak, they decided to argue with the thesis that the population of Ukraine is being minced. Not for minced meat, but for fertilizer.

(Video In Russian at link)

And what’s convenient is that there is no need to create new cemeteries; who knows how many corpses were buried there for “fertility.”

Stepan Bandera helped escape from Ukraine
September 15, 13:00


Ukrainian “patriotic” organizations helped to escape to Europe from graves for money.
I was especially touched by the presence on the list of the “Bandera Charitable Foundation”, which helped to scurry away from the front.
Bandera is faithful to his precepts.

Google Translator




By Andrew Korybko, Substack, 8/30/23

The NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine has been trending towards a stalemate since the beginning of the year after Moscow’s growing edge in the “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” ensured that it won’t be defeated. NATO is unlikely to be defeated either, however, since it’ll probably intervene directly – whether as a whole or via a Polish–led mission that draws in the bloc via Article 5 – to freeze the Line of Contact in the event that Russia achieves a breakthrough and threatens to sweep through Ukraine.

The counteroffensive’s spectacular failure and the subsequently vicious blame game between the US and Ukraine strongly suggest that talks with Russia will resume by year’s end for freezing the conflict. Ahead of that happening, these wartime allies are frenziedly trying to convince their respective people that the other is responsible for this debacle simultaneously with formulating an attractive post-conflict vision of the future. The first is served by their vicious blame game while the second will now be discussed.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who’s now polling third after winning last week’s debate and had earlier attracted enormous media attention for his outspokenness on sensitive issues, just published his “Viable Realism & Revival Doctrine” in an article for The American Conservative. Of relevance to this piece is his plan for ending the NATO-Russian proxy war. Liberal–globalist policymakers and their media allies responded with fury, and it’s not difficult to see why.

Ramaswamy describes the conflict as a “no-win war” that’s needlessly depleted Western stockpiles to China’s benefit. With a view towards more effectively containing the People’s Republic in the Asia-Pacific, he therefore suggests extricating the US from its proxy war with Russia as soon as possible. To that end, he proposes recognizing the new ground realities in Eastern Europe, ending NATO expansion, refusing to admit Ukraine to the bloc, lifting sanctions, and having Europe shoulder the burden for its own security.

The explicit goal is to “get Putin to dump Xi”, and that’s why he says that the quid pro quo is “Russia exiting its military alliance with China.” Ramaswamy is convinced that his plan will “elevate Russia as a strategic check on China’s designs in East Asia” if it’s implemented into practice, but the problem is that no such “military alliance” exists between those two. Moreover, it’s unrealistic to imagine that the US will “get Putin to dump Xi” since they’re good friends and their countries are strategic partners.

Having said clarified that, this plan does have its merits. From the Russian side, it ensures that country’s objective national security interests and gives it the chance to rely on the EU for preemptively averting potentially disproportionate economic dependence on China upon the lifting of sanctions. On the home front, Ramaswamy’s plan appeals to the pragmatic policymaking faction whose influence is on the rise as proven by the success over the summer of their policy towards India that was detailed here.

The timing couldn’t have been better. The US is looking for a “face-saving” way to resume peace talks like was previously explained, and the rising influence of pragmatic policymakers could lead to them overruling the liberal-globalists’ objections to this, though their rivals could still try to sabotage this. The enormous media attention that Ramaswamy has already generated, not to mention what he’s now receiving as a result of his proposal, could reshape the national discourse on the proxy war’s endgame.

Americans are becoming fatigued with this conflict but no one had yet articulated an attractive post-conflict vision of the future until now. Irrespective of Ramaswamy’s political future, his plan serves to spark a wider conversation at all levels about the pragmatism of compromising with Russia in order to free the US up for more effectively containing China in the Asia-Pacific. This can in turn facilitate the resumption of talks with Russia, especially if it emboldens pragmatic US policymakers.

The vicious blame game between the US and Ukraine over the counteroffensive’s failure leads to the inevitable one over who’s responsible for losing this proxy war, with all of this preceding America’s formulation of an attractive post-conflict vision of the future for its people and policymakers alike. The first dynamic is continually intensifying and making more headlines by the day, while the second is also presently unfolding but mostly in silence, and it’s this dynamic that Ramaswamy’s plan contributes to.

Accepting the impossibility of Russia abandoning its mutually beneficial cooperation with China and acknowledging that lifting the sanctions likely won’t happen either, the rest of his proposals could form the parameters of a potential Russian-American deal for ending their proxy war in Ukraine. That former Soviet Republic wouldn’t join NATO, nor would that bloc expand any further, and the West would de facto recognize the new ground realities in Eastern Europe while the EU bears the burden for its security.

Russia would obviously have to agree to some regional compromises too in that scenario, such as Ukraine’s privileged post-conflict relationship with NATO and the hard security guarantees that the Anglo-American Axis will likely provide, but these could be acceptable if its other interests are met. If there’s any movement in this direction, then it shouldn’t be maliciously spun as Russia conspiring to facilitating the US’ containment of China, but seen for what it truly is: Russia putting its interests first. ... pragmatic/

Good luck on that....Meanwhile this guy is being spun as a wackadoodle by the MSM just like that Kennedy dude. Trump and Biden are becoming increasingly unviable, it's going to be an 'interesting' election year...(see my sig line)


Former President Bill Clinton speaking 2016. (Photo: Gage Skidmore)

How Bill Clinton looted Russia and started NATO expansion
Originally published: Blog on September 11, 2023 by Edward Lozansky (more by Blog) (Posted Sep 15, 2023)

During the Cold War there were similar dangerous moments, but John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev, as well as Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev, managed to avoid the worst-case scenario. George H.W. Bush talked in 1990 about a “Europe whole and free” and a new “security architecture from Vancouver to Vladivostok,” while Boris Yeltsin, during his 1992 address to the joint chambers of Congress, exclaimed, “God bless America.”

So, what went wrong? Why are we talking about nuclear war again? According to Washington, Putin and his desire to restore the Soviet empire are to blame. Moscow points the finger back at Washington for its vision of a unipolar world order under the U.S. hegemony.

Below is my brief take, which I would be happy to debate with those who see it differently. Perhaps during such exchanges, we could come up with some ideas for avoiding our mutual extinction.

December 25, 1991

The Soviet flag over the Kremlin comes down, Russian white-blue-red (symbolically the same colors as the American flag) comes up. It looked like the new era of peace, friendship, and mutually beneficial cooperation had arrived, but regrettably, as we see now, it hasn’t.


Bill Clinton. The greatest robbery of the 20th Century. NATO Expansion.

The term “Russiagate” entered the American media space much earlier than during Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, when she tried to blame Russia for her loss. This term was first used by Washington Post correspondent David Ignatius, who is now one of the harshest critics of Russia. But back in 1999 in his WP article Who Robbed Russia? he highlighted some of the most damning revelations of the multi-billion robbery of Russia with the help of the Bank of New York and with the acquiescence of the Clinton administration. “By allowing the oligarchs–in the name of the free market–to grab Russia’s resources and siphon anything of value into their own offshore bank accounts, the United States poisoned Russia’s transition from communism… What makes the Russian case so sad is that the Clinton administration may have squandered one of the most precious assets imaginable–which is the idealism and goodwill of the Russian people as they emerged from 70 years of Communist rule. The Russia debacle may haunt us for generations,”—said Ignatius.

A Congressional September 2000 report about the Clinton Administration’s misdeeds in Russia has many other details on the same subject.

Clinton also meddled in Russia’s 1996 presidential elections. Then he started the first round of NATO expansion despite the objections of many prominent experts, including former U.S. government officials, Members of Congress, and diplomats. For example:

Fifty members of the Arms Control Association wrote a letter to Clinton saying “We, the undersigned, believe that the current U.S.-led effort to expand NATO is a policy error of historic proportions. We believe that NATO expansion will decrease allied security and unsettle European stability.”

“We’ll be back on a hair-trigger” said Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat, during the debates in the Senate. Moynihan continued:

We’re talking about nuclear war. It is a curiously ironic outcome that at the end of the Cold War,we might face a nuclear Armageddon.

Senator Joseph Biden (D-Delaware), while calling Moynihan “the single most erudite and informed person in the Senate,” said he disagreed with him and pushed for NATO’s expansion.

One of America’s most distinguished diplomats, George Kennan, called NATO expansion “a fatal foreign policy mistake.”


George W. Bush. Thanked Putin for help after 9/11, then paid him back with the war in Iraq, abrogation of the ABM treaty, color revolutions in the post-Soviet space, and pushing to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO.

This is what Bush said in November 2001 following Putin’s support for the Afghan operation a month earlier:

A lot of people never really dreamt that an American President and a Russian President could have established the friendship…. to establish a new spirit of cooperation and trust so that we can work together to make the world more peaceful…. I brought him to my ranch because, as the good people in this part of the world know, you only usually invite your friends into your house…. a new style of leader, a reformer, a man who loves his country as much as I love mine…. a man who is going to make a huge difference in making the world more peaceful, by working closely with the United States.

What a spirit of sanity from a man who would oversee a disastrous two terms in office which included the war in Iraq and an abrogation of one of the most strategic anti-nuclear war treaties.

Russia considered NATO’s statement during its April 2008 Bucharest summit that Ukraine and Georgia would become part of this military block to be an existential threat.


Barack Obama. Short-lived “Reset”. Gave a Ukrainian Portfolio to his VP Joe Biden which he used to coordinate the February 2014 regime change coup in Ukraine overseen by Victoria Nuland, and make lots of money for his family via Hunter, both in Ukraine, and around the world. Russiagate 2.0 orchestrated by Hillary Clinton and the Deep State derailed Trump’s presidency and his efforts to improve U.S.-Russia relations.


Donald Trump. Accused of being a Russian stooge. Four years of harassment by the Washington Swamp. Survived two impeachment efforts. Lost the 2020 elections due to the success of Biden’s virtual campaign and corrupt media to shift the blame for Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell” on Russia.


Joe Biden. Rejection of Russia’s proposals in December 2021 for the mutual security guarantees that included a neutral status for Ukraine. Destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. Declared his goal of achieving a devastating strategic defeat of Russia. Continues multi-billion dollar funding of Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”

During a recent speech at the EU Parliament’s foreign affairs committee, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg admitted that the war in Ukraine was the result of NATO expansionism. In his comments he stated that “in the autumn of 2021, Putin sent a draft treaty that he wanted NATO to promise, never to enlarge NATO, to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. We rejected that.”

Well, Putin only wanted NATO to honor the pledge “not to expand one inch East” given to Gorbachev by the Western leaders in exchange for allowing the reunification of Germany. The document confirming this is available in the National archives.

By accepting at least one, I believe the most important point of Russia’s proposal, to make Ukraine neutral, Washington and NATO would show goodwill and readiness for negotiations. Unfortunately, they rejected this plan outright.

The current nuclear threat will end when Washington orders Kyiv to search for diplomatic solutions. However, as long as Biden is in the office that is unlikely. For him, too much is at stake, and the interests of American people who are in favor of ending this war are secondary.

Therefore, we are entering two races: the U.S. presidential election, and how to avoid extinction. The main issue is Ukraine’s neutrality. How important it is for the American people to risk the annihilation?

Edward Lozansky is president of the American University in Moscow. Reprinted from New Kontinent U.S. with permission from the author. ... expansion/

The goodwill of the Russian majority was bound to fade anyway as the 'promise' of capitalism was revealed as a curse. Now a majority regularly poll that they want socialism back.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:37 pm

Hate speech as an official message
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 09/16/2023


On Wednesday, Russian social networks and media commented on a short video so overacted, absurd and with words that could easily lead to a criminal accusation for threats that a part of the audience doubted whether it was real or a creation. using artificial intelligence tools. It was one of the many hateful messages that Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, spokesperson for the English-speaking world for the Ukrainian Territorial Forces, transmits on a regular basis - in fact, that is her job. Ashton-Cirillo, a mediocre journalist who had never managed to produce work of minimal quality or relevance to give her the prominence she seeks, has found in the interest caused by the war in Ukraine the story with which she can build her career as a journalist. she. Yes indeed,

Arriving in Ukraine at the same time as hundreds of journalism professionals, Ashton-Cirillo quickly made herself noticed in the country. Aware of this, and without ever making the slightest effort to reduce the pro-Ukrainian fanaticism that came across in each of her videos, she began to create a character with which to exploit the situation. From an apparent journalist, she turned to activism and continued moving around Ukraine freely and with permission to carry weapons. Still presenting herself as a journalist, she enlisted in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, supposedly as a paramedic. This is where she actively exploited her service to him and his war wounds.. In need of an increasingly epic speech, and aware of the insult that her comments and attitude represent to Russia, Ashton-Cirillo now claims that Russia created groups specifically to assassinate her. It is not Russia that has created units dedicated to selective assassinations, as The Economist revealed last week , but the reality is a collateral victim of this war since its beginnings in 2014.

Her desire for prominence, together with a style that can only be defined as hysterical, and her fanaticism have not only attracted the attention of Ukraine, which has actively used her as a tool of provocation, but also of Russia. And that is what Ashton-Cirillo exploits most frequently. What's more, the journalist, activist and soldier bases her entire speech on presenting herself as a representation of the Russian obsession with Ukraine and constructs the narrative of her as a victim - absolutely imaginary - of a stalker who stalks her.

After a brief stint supposedly on the front, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo went on to perform new tasks for the Ukrainian troops. Her version states that she had to be removed from the front line when she was in danger. The fiction of Russian groups hunting specific people was thus taken up, a resource also used by Zelensky and Budanov in the moments in which they sought to give even more epicness to their struggle. In a context in which any word coming from Kiev is published as fact, while every statement from Moscow is understood as an allegation or simply propaganda, neither evidence nor a minimum of plausibility is necessary to launch accusations of attempted murder. And the martyrdom speech has been very useful for Ashton-Cirillo, that with it he has managed to gain the attention of Ukraine, which has given him a propaganda position that he would not have dreamed of at the beginning of the war. It is to be expected that this experience is the basis of a future publishing contract.

Reality and fiction come together in Ashton-Cirillo's speech in such a way that there is no possibility of finding the line that separates the speech from the events that occurred. The logic and needs of war dictate that, even in the most difficult times, personnel unable to communicate efficiently with the rest of the troops are absolutely useless regardless of their military experience, if any. The People's Republics of Donbass verified this with some foreign volunteers who arrived, with good intentions, but without linguistic skills, in the summer of 2014. Something similar happens to Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, who in the articles that the Western press has written about She admits having to communicate in English, Spanish or through an automatic translator. Unlike much of her speech, this part is credible: after a year and a half in Ukraine, Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is still unable to pronounce in a minimally intelligible way the most important phrase in the Ukrainian imagination: Slava Ukraina. Hence it is much more likely that the reason Ashton-Cirillo left the front to go to the front line of the propaganda front is not any specific danger to her person but her absolute inability to communicate with him. rest of the team.

His work leading propaganda for the English-speaking audience of Ukraine's territorial defenses is not the first communication work for one of the governments involved in the war. In reference to March 2022, the Berliner Zeitung stated that he “worked, among other things, for the podcast Russia Hates the Truth podcast of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, a US government project.” Now, according to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Hanna Malliar, the number of Ashton-Cirillo's followers makes her a good tool to, supposedly, "dismantle fakes and Russian propaganda." However, her objective is not that but simply to install the Ukrainian discourse in the media.

This is how Ashton-Cirillo has achieved its current relevance, through projects sponsored by the forces participating - directly and indirectly - in the war and based on a desire for prominence and a style that has never attempted to appear a minimum of credibility. Your reports about him are not even propaganda news but, due to his smile, his silences and his manner, they appear to be a satirical sketch that seeks to laugh at military communication. Even so, fundamentally due to the precedents of the actions of the Ukrainian authorities, his words must be taken into account.

With the obsession with the LGTBI issue, Russia has always chosen to highlight Ashton-Cirillo's condition as a trans woman, something that has also become its main asset when it comes to propaganda. “Trans and American: Ukraine's most famous soldier,” El País headlined in an openly glorifying article. And this same week, AFP published an equally positive report highlighting her value to Ukrainian propaganda and the example she sets for herself as a war reporter. – which she is not –, she is possibly the first trans woman to be. In both cases, both in criticism and in praise, this is an absurd argument considering that it is her actions and her words that are criticizable and not her personality, sexual condition, appearance or other characteristics. she.

The glorification of war, messianism and the dehumanization of the opponent are characteristics of fascism that the activist has openly shown since the press, not only the Russian one, began to echo her presence in Ukraine. A few months ago, in his program De ella, Ashton-Cirillo, always with a supposedly ironic smile, tried to describe the difference between them and us, that is, between the Russian soldiers and the Ukrainians. “It's pretty simple. We are human and they are definitely not.” Yeah they, Russian soldiers, or perhaps even the entire population, are not human, is Ashton-Cirillo, one of the spokespersons for the Ukrainian troops, seeking to imply that her opponents are less than human?

Coinciding with the propaganda report published by AFPAshton-Cirillo has had another moment of glory this week that is causing great attention in the Russian press, the obvious objective of the comment. “Russia hates the truth and its obsessive focus on a Ukrainian volunteer is simply allowing the light of the Ukrainian nation to shine brightly,” he began, again giving himself a role that he does not have, but that he seeks. “Next week, the teeth of the Russian demons will grind even louder, their ravenous mouths will foam uncontrollably as the world watches one of the Kremlin's favorite propagandists pay for his crimes,” he added, the smile never leaving his mouth. while threatening a journalist. “And this Putin puppet is only the first. The criminal Russian propagandists will be hunted down and justice will be served as we, in Ukraine, We are led in this mission by faith in God, freedom and complete liberation.” Ashton-Cirillo, who has not only taken on someone else's war, has become the spokesperson for an apparently divine message of freedom and threats, possibly of death, against Russian propagandists . Taking into account the definition of propagandists, which Ashton-Cirillo has come to criticize for giving pro-Russian versions even to CNN , which modified an article to comply with his demands, and that it is known that Ukraine has groups dedicated to selective assassinations in the rearguard, it is not a threat that cannot be taken seriously regardless of the seriousness of the person who has agreed to make it publicly.

It is not surprising that Ukraine's official message is similar to the one conveyed more than a year ago by Azov ideologue Olena Semenyaka . “ We will return to those who spread this disinformation about Ukraine after the hot phase of the war is over. We will remember everything and everyone who contributed to weakening the Ukrainian defense lines. Everyone will answer for that ,” she stated in March 2022. Already then, Azov's speech and the state official's speech were practically impossible to distinguish. The differences have narrowed even more in this time.

Satisfied with the relevance that her message had acquired in the media and social networks of the Russian Federation, Ashton-Cirillo wanted to confirm her words, reaffirm herself and add more details, possibly because she is aware of the impunity with which Ukraine can indulge in this type of acts. Evidently, there has been no criticism from the Western media, eager to promote the first trans war correspondent, a story too perfect to spoil with the content of her work and the ease with which she is willing to threaten reporters at the same time. other side of the front. Delighted to see her words published on RT , the propaganda employee of the territorial defense forces of Ukraine wrote that “ Russia Today has suggested that I was too vague in my statement. Allow me to repeat myself clearly for the Kremlin puppets Sasha Kots, Maria Zajarova and the so-called head of human rights of Russia”, and later add another video in which he repeated the same idea: the Kremlin propagandists are war criminals - there is no need for a trial, Ashton-Cirillo has already condemned them- and the representation of evil, for which they will be hunted and sentenced. For one journalist whose job is to wear the military uniform of one of the parties to dedicate themselves to launching official messages and doing so praising the war and inciting hatred of the opposite, the accusation of propaganda may be an irony that is too deep for them to understand. In any case, hate speech against Russia and everything Russian is beneficial to the two governments that have financed its work. ... more-28151

Google Translator

That was informative and beats the hell out of the cheap propaganda that Cassad lowered himself to.


Chronicle of a special military operation for September 15, 2023
September 15, 2023

Near Bakhmut, Ukrainian formations continue to try to break through to the railway line at Kleshcheevka and Andreevka : at the moment, Russian troops are managing to repel all attacks with small arms and artillery fire. At the same time, despite statements from the Ukrainian side, Andreevka, which has turned into ruins, continues to remain in a gray zone.

Meanwhile, in the Kherson direction, Russian troops stopped the next attempts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to gain a foothold on the islands of Aleshkinsky and Kozatsky . At the same time, the enemy launched a massive MLRS attack on a residential area in Novaya Kakhovka : one civilian was killed and 12 more were injured.

Ukrainian unmanned boats continue to be active in the Black Sea; one of them was discovered and destroyed by fire from the standard weapons of the small missile ship Askold southwest of the Crimean Peninsula .


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the morning, in the southwestern part of the Black Sea , the Russian small missile ship "Askold" discovered an unmanned boat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces; it was promptly destroyed by fire from standard weapons.

In the Starobelsky direction, positional battles continue near Torskoye and in the forest near Kremennaya . Despite regular counterattacks, Ukrainian formations are unable to seize the initiative in the area.

In the Soledar direction, fierce fighting continues at the Kleshcheevka - Andreevka line . Despite the bravura statements that Ukrainian forces have captured villages, in reality they are in a gray zone. There is virtually nothing left of Andreevka and it is almost impossible for any of the parties to gain a foothold on the ruins of the former settlement. Artillery and aviation are actively operating along the contact line.

In the Vremyevsky sector, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attack in the area of ​​Staromayorsky and Urozhayny , but are not successful. The enemy is regrouping and trying to establish new positions in heavily damaged populated areas. Artillery, including precision-guided ammunition, is targeting identified positions and concentrations of Ukrainian formations.

In the Orekhovsky area, the difficult situation remains in the area of ​​Verbovoy and Rabotino . Artillery is actively working, the enemy is trying to break through to the southeast with landings. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are amassing armored vehicles in the area, preferring for now to attack in small infantry groups.

In the Kherson direction, the situation remains the same: the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still sending reconnaissance groups to consolidate on the islands, from which they plan to attack the left bank of the Dnieper in the future. Over the past 24 hours, one boat tried to deliver personnel to the northwestern part of Aleshkinsky Island , where it was destroyed by concentrated rocket artillery fire. And another craft landed on Kozatsky Island from the northeast, where it was sunk by an accurate artillery strike. Moreover, a few hours earlier, two DRGs had landed from the north. The creation of another tactical group, Normandy, looks interesting. This is already the third formation of this kind in the Kherson direction: there are also “Grom” and “Omaha”.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

In the Oryol region, an enemy drone was neutralized by means of electronic warfare on the territory of the Livensky district : the device fell near the village of Svobodnaya Dubrava , there was no damage or casualties.

In the Kursk region, Ukrainian formations shelled the village of Elizavetovka in the Glushkovsky district : windows in a medical and obstetric center and a gate in one of the private houses were damaged. No civilians were harmed.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to launch indiscriminate attacks on border settlements in the Belgorod region : local residents reported arrivals in Terezovka , Kukuevka and Borki . However, the official authorities did not comment on these incidents.

Today, the Ukrainian Armed Forces once again launched a series of attacks on the Donetsk agglomeration : Donetsk , Makeevka , Gorlovka , Yasinovatsky district and the village of Zaitsevo came under attack from Ukrainian terrorists . In the latter, several residential buildings were damaged, but no one was injured. At the same time, one person was injured in the capital of the DPR.

In addition to intensifying on the islands in the Dnieper delta, Ukrainian formations continue artillery terror of the coastal settlements of the Kherson region . The residential area of ​​Novaya Kakhovka was under massive fire : four apartment buildings were significantly damaged. One person was killed and at least 12 more were injured. In addition, last night the enemy fired at Kakhovka , Cossack Camps , Krynki and Korsunka .

Political events
About American Abrams tanks in Germany

Our subscriber from Germany shared a photo taken at a railway station in the city of Magdeburg . In the frame you can see an American Abrams tank moving in a northeast direction, that is, towards Ukraine. Judging by their appearance, these could be M1A1AIM tanks with thermal imaging cameras and sights, but old armor. It could also be newer M1A2s with uranium armor and improved combat control systems.

However, it is more likely that this is M1A1. Politico magazine stated that the first batch of Abrams of this modification will arrive in September in the amount of six to eight units. But in this situation, the number “21” written on the side of the tank is interesting. If it denotes a serial number within the echelon, then a larger party is moving eastward than previously expected.

About Zelensky's visit to the USA

White House officials announced that Joe Biden will receive Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky next Thursday .

The day before, Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Michael Brodsky said that Zelensky and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would meet in the coming days in New York.

Earlier, the media wrote that the Ukrainian leader would probably go to New York in September for a meeting of the UN General Assembly to present his “peace formula.”

On the continuation of the grain scandal

The European Commission decided to lift restrictions on the export of Ukrainian grain in five border countries, obliging Kyiv to take measures to control supplies. However, Slovakia will unilaterally extend the import ban, the country’s Ministry of Agriculture said. A similar decision was made by Poland , which, according to a statement by the Prime Minister, will extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian grain from midnight. Hungary has completely banned the import of 24 types of agricultural products, including, in addition to grain, vegetables, honey and meat.

Zelensky immediately responded to the bans announced by neighboring states. The Ukrainian leader discussed the current situation by telephone with the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen .

He expressed gratitude for the decision of the European Commission not to extend the embargo on the import of Ukrainian grain, but warned that Kyiv would react to non-compliance with this decision. It is not yet clear how exactly it will react, but Ukraine will not be able to take special measures, since military aid traffic flows through the same countries that refused to accept grain.

About the detention of people's deputy Shufrich

In the village of Kozin , the SBU conducted searches at the people's deputy from the former OPZH Nestor Shufrych . The politician is accused of treason. The investigation believes that Shufrich spoke on Ukrainian and Russian television channels with the aim of “spreading propaganda” and “promoting anti-Ukrainian policies.”

Judging by the footage of the searches, the SBU traditionally discovered Soviet and Russian symbols. In addition, a document was found with an “autonomy” scheme for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions signed by Medvedchuk. The rich interiors of the house and the abundance of awards seem to hint at the effectiveness of the official’s work, taking into account the fact that nothing much was heard about his statements and activities either before or after the start of the SVO.

About the arrival of Hasidim in Uman to celebrate the Jewish New Year

Over 30 thousand Hasidic pilgrims arrived in Uman to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. Local residents complain about garbage and unsanitary conditions, and publish anti-Semitic slogans on social networks. The day before, President Zelensky met with representatives of the Ukrainian Jewish community, rabbis and Jewish military personnel. Perhaps we should expect provocations with mass casualties. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Medvedchuk-Shufrych concept
September 15, 15:59


During a search of Shufrich (whom the Nazis now want to imprison), a draft document signed by Medvedchuk and Shufrich was discovered on pushing Donbass back into Nazi Ukraine. Thanks to the militias and the stubbornness of the Nazi regime in Kyiv, this plan failed.


Later they tried to push this bullshit through the Minsk agreements, but there was absolutely no chance there.

Treachery, to be sure. But what Boris won't mention is that Putin was probably onboard with the plan at that time. The Minsk accords were a betrayal of the majority of people in Donbass

War in Ukraine. Summary 09/15/2023
September 15, 14:52


War in Ukraine. Summary 09/15/2023

1. Zaporozhye direction.
Attacks in the area of ​​Rabotino and Verbovoy do not bring success to the enemy. Still no progress.
Plans to break through between Rabotino and Verbov cannot be realized, therefore, due to the exhaustion of operational reserves, it is necessary to transfer units from other directions
in order to maintain inertia and delay the moment of official abandonment of the offensive due to its failure.
In fact, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, for political reasons, continue to conduct offensive actions in conditions where it has long ago entered the saturation stage. A similar situation developed in the Pyatikhatki area, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive fizzled out even earlier.

2. Vremevsky ledge.
Here the situation is identical to the situation in the Zaporozhye region. The enemy was bogged down in battles in the areas of Priyutnoye, Staromayorsky, Urozhaynoye, Novomayorsky and Novodonetsky.
After attempts to change the focus to attacks on Novomayorskoye, the enemy has now reduced the intensity of attacks and is regrouping.
As in the Zaporozhye direction, in some areas the enemy began to equip their new positions with engineering equipment in anticipation of mud roads and possible active actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

3. Donetsk direction.
The Russian Armed Forces remain active south and north of Marinka, but there has been no significant progress yet. Fighting continues at the ventilation shaft of the Trudovskoy mine.
In the city itself there are no changes, as, indeed, in Novomikhailovka and Ugledar.
In the Avdeevka area, fighting continues north of Opytny, Nevelskoye and near Krasnogorovka. There are no special changes.

4. Artyomovsk direction.
The main battles continue on the Kleshcheevka-Andreevka-Kurdyumovka line.
The enemy continues to try to gain a foothold in the ruins of Andreevka, which as a settlement. completely destroyed.
The main positions of the RF Armed Forces are near the railway tracks. The enemy is sitting in the plantings and at nearby heights.
Both sides claim control of the village, but in fact neither side has complete control over it.
Fighting continues in the southern part of Kleshcheevka and in the area of ​​adjacent plantings. Both sides are bringing additional forces here.
The situation near Kurdyumovka is stable, the village is under the full control of the Russian Armed Forces. North of Artemovsk the situation is stable, local enemy attacks have been repelled.
On the Seversky ledge and in the Soledar direction - without any special changes.
In the Belogorovka area, our troops were able to take several oporniks, but it is too early to talk about serious progress.

5. Svatovo-Kupyanskoe direction.
Our troops again repelled local enemy attacks in the forest west of Kremennaya and continued the offensive towards Oskol, west of Svatovo. The pace of progress is not very high right now.
In the Kupyansk area, our troops continued to put pressure on the enemy in the Sinkovka, Petropavlovka, and Masyutovka areas. The enemy continues to evacuate areas adjacent to Kupyansk. broadcasting of hostilities continues as usual on Telegram. If anyone is interested, subscribe

PS. The photo shows the ruins of Andreevka, for which fierce fighting continues.

Control of villages. 09/16/2023
September 16, 11:55


According to the control of villages at 11-00 09/16/2023

Zaporozhye direction and Vremevsky ledge.

1. Pyatikhatki - gray zone
2. Rabotina - north and part of the center of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then gray zone, RF Armed Forces near the southern outskirts.
3. Verbovoe - under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
4. Priyutnoe - under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
5. Staromayorskoe - mostly under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, part of the gray zone
6. Urozhaynoe - under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
7. Zavitne Bazhannya - under the control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
9. Novodonetskoe - under the control of the RF Armed Forces
10. Novomayorskoye - under the control of the RF Armed Forces


1. Kleshcheevka - south and center behind the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the rest is a gray zone.
2. Andreevka - most of the village is a gray zone.
3. Kurdyumovka - under the control of the RF Armed Forces
4. Berkhovka - under the control of the RF Armed Forces
5. Zheleznodorozhnoe - under the control of the RF Armed Forces

In general, in the southern direction, the enemy, after the next wave of the offensive has fizzled out, is regrouping in order to resume attacks in the coming days, while in a number of areas it is already preparing for defense.
In the Artemovsk area, the enemy continues to try to ram the defenses on the Kleshcheevka-Kurdyumovka line. The most difficult situation for us is near Andreevka and Kleshcheevka. - zinc

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The Biden Administration is Providing Billions of Dollars of Weapons to a Regime Dominated by People With an Attitude Towards Russia that is Similar to Adolph Hitler
By Evan Reif - September 15, 2023 0

Ukrainian Army Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi, posing in a room of fascist memorabilia. [Source:]

Ukrainian Regime Does Not Hide Its Celebration of Fascists Who Wanted to Cleanse Ukraine of “Asiatic” Muscovite Influence

The current war in Ukraine has caused an avalanche of propaganda and distortion. Beyond the farcical reports of fictional Ukrainian pilots and babushkas with pickle jars taking on Russian drones, there is a very insidious historical trend that is now picking up steam. The movement aims to convert terrorists and bandits who murdered and terrorized the Ukrainian people into freedom fighters.

The latest propaganda series from the NATO-financed Kyiv Independent about Ukraine’s “True History” is but one example of this insidious new narrative and how it is being worked into the public eye with the full backing of the colossal propaganda machine fueling this war. Of course, their history omits key facts in the history of Ukrainian nationalism.

More seriously, however, the nationalist history omits entire groups of people. This historical erasure is one more aspect of the nationalist project to create their ideal Ukraine. Rather than simply the physical erasure of people as they have perpetrated in the past, the Ukrainian nationalists of today have created a lavishly funded propaganda machine to build their ideal nation through historical erasure.

As nationalist ideologies always do, this one has structural contradictions which easily undo its entire premise. When these contradictions have been confronted with reality, the result of nationalism has always been the same: Death to anyone who does not fit their “national idea.”

It is no different in Ukraine.

Making a Nation
One of the most important concepts to understand when studying history is that nations are not the same as people. Nations rise and fall, but people remain. For most of Ukraine’s history, the people living there would not have seen themselves as Ukrainian. At first, the word Ukraine meant “frontier” or “borderland” and was applied to the land as a description, not a name. To borrow a term from the far right, the “national idea” of Ukraine is an invention of the 1800s. However, people lived in Ukraine long before it was called Ukraine.

This part of the world has been inhabited for so long that it is difficult to say who the native people were. Throughout history, the fertile Pontic Steppe, with its vast grasslands and rich soil, has seen an endless wave of human settlement and migration. The land we now call Ukraine has been conquered and colonized countless times. Greek and Roman historians write about equestrian people they called Scythians who dominated the region for centuries until they were eventually assimilated by early Slavs in the 3rd century BCE. The Greeks and Romans were not just observers, they eventually colonized parts of Crimea and a small area around present-day Odessa. The Byzantines held their Crimean outposts until the mid-15th century.

Scythia. [Source:]

Written records are sparse until the arrival of Norse conquerors led by Rurik, who would later become the first Tsar, in the 9th century CE. Although Ukrainian nationalists rarely bother to mention it, the land was not empty when the Norsemen arrived. Indeed, at the time most of present-day Ukraine was controlled by another in a long line of Asiatic steppe nomads to live there, the Khazars. The Khazars are particularly noteworthy because they were Ukraine’s first Jews.

The Khazar nobility converted to Judaism around 750 CE, and from there, a community of Jews emerged on the steppes. It is unclear how far the religion spread to the peasantry, but Jews from around the world emigrated to Khazaria fleeing repression elsewhere. There is further evidence of a Jewish population from a 10th century letter written shortly before the Rurikid conquest, in which the Jews of Kyiv (many of them with Turkic names, suggesting conversion) ask for financial help to pay off an unfair judgment. The presence of Jews in the region so early puts to rest the old nationalist canard treating Jews as foreign agents. The history of Ukrainian Jews is longer than the history of the Ukrainian nation.

“The Bolsheviks are coming,” 1920 Polish propaganda. [Source:]

The first Polish invasion came in 1018; by the 1300s, Poland controlled all of western Ukraine until the Third Partition of Poland in 1795. They implemented the first language laws in the region when the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth banned the Ruthenian language, the predecessor of modern Ukrainian and Belarusian, and shut down all Ruthenian schools and churches starting in 1696. From there, an intentional policy of “Polonization” was carried out by the ruling elites designed to either make the natives Polish-speaking Catholics by assimilation or, if that failed, by force. These policies started the resistance against Polish rule which would continue for hundreds of years.

After most of Ukraine came under the control of the Russian Empire in 1796, it became part of the lands known as the “Pale of Settlement,” a sort of buffer zone created by Tsarina Catherine to keep the Empire’s Jews out of the Orthodox heartland. Jews were allowed to legally settle in the Pale, but nowhere else in the Empire. For about 120 years, most of the world’s Jewish population resided in this area and a thriving Yiddish-speaking Jewish culture emerged despite widespread anti-Semitism. As the Russian Empire collapsed, the situation only became worse as simmering tensions boiled over into outright war. In the 30 years from 1915 to 1945, the Pale’s Jews were almost totally exterminated. It was not just Hitler who did this. The various gangs of nationalists all had their roles to play, both great and small.

Pogroms in the Pale of Settlement. [Source:]

Anti-Semitism was nothing new to the borderland. In 1648 Cossacks led by Bohdan Khmelnytsky started an uprising against Polish rule. The Cossacks were already well known for raiding and pillaging Jewish and Catholic settlements in the region but had largely been ignored by the Polish nobility due to their usefulness as soldiers to guard the frontier against Turkish incursions.

In the resulting decades of civil war and foreign invasion, known to Poles as “The Deluge,” countless thousands of Jews were slaughtered by Cossack and Tsarist forces. Entire cities with thousands of residents were put to the sword and depopulated. Owing to the sporadic records of the era, the exact number of casualties is unknown, but between violence and the outbreaks of plague which followed, roughly one-third of the population died.

As fate would have it, the Cossacks believed themselves to be the direct descendants of the Khazars who first brought Judaism to the region and, while history is rarely simple, some link between the two is likely.

“Strange and incomprehensible in his destinies is God, merciful in long-suffering, just in punishment, as always from the beginning of the world, by the righteous standard of his justice-he magnifies some states and peoples, and humbles others for their sins and iniquity, enslaves some, frees others, raises some, lowers others. So the ancient brave Cossack people, formerly called the Kozar people, were initially exalted by immortal glory, sprawling possessions and chivalrous bravery, which inspired fear not only in the surrounding peoples, but also in the Eastern state itself, so the eastern ruler, seeking to live forever in peace with him, married his son to the daughter of the Kozar prince.”- Constitution of Pylyp Orlyk

Khmelnytsky’s Cossacks won the war and created the Cossack Hetmanate as a protectorate of the Russian Empire, thereby beginning a long history of co-operation between the Cossacks and the Romanov Tsars. At first, the relationship between the two was rocky, but after the Tsar created a new social caste in Russia’s rigid feudal system that granted the Cossacks autonomy and special privileges in exchange for military service, Cossacks soon became the Tsar’s most loyal and ferocious soldiers.

As the need for soldiers increased with the Tsar’s holdings, other groups of Cossacks were formed across the empire. Cossacks stood at the vanguard of Russian imperialism and were instrumental in expanding the frontiers. It was Cossacks who guarded the empire’s borders, and Cossack warriors fought for the Tsar in every war from the 18th century onward. Ukrainian Cossacks were eventually given land along the Kuban River in the Caucasus region, but only after they helped exterminate the native Circassians in the name of the Tsar. The Kuban Cossacks even comprised the Tsar’s guard, and their descendants still serve in the Russian Army today.

Tsar Nicholas II and his family with their Kuban Cossack guards. [Source:]

Left out of this story is one western region of Ukraine: Galicia. Galicia was conquered by Poland in 1350 and held until 1796 when it came under the control of Austria. The territory was never independent and was not part of Ukraine, in any form or fashion for almost 500 years, until the arrival of the Red Army in 1939. The irony of the militant anti-communists being Ukrainian only because of Soviet intervention seems to be entirely lost on them.

For less than one year, starting in 1918, an unrecognized rump state called the West Ukrainian People’s Republic emerged in Galicia. This was the only time in the thousands of years of history of human habitation of the region that Galicia was independent. It was not connected to the similarly short-lived Ukrainian People’s Republic to the east and was quickly reconquered by Poland.

Galicia. [Source:]

While the Cossacks fought their way through the Ukraine, Galicia was comprised mostly dairy farmers. After hundreds of years of Polish or Austrian control, the population was split between Polish and Ukrainian. Despite their centuries-long disconnection from Ukraine, the Galician nationalists still believe they are the only pure Ukrainians as their Nordic heritage is untainted by the domination of Moscow. This is why Galicia has been a hotbed of nationalism, and it was from this region that emerged the well-known terrorist organization, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, famously led by Stepan Bandera.

The ethnic composition of Poland, including occupied Galicia and Belarus circa 1931. [Source:]

This brings about a major contradiction for the Galician nationalists. They espouse a farcical and ahistorical Ukrainian nationalism where their connection to Rurik instead of the Romanov Tsars makes them the only pure Ukrainians. However, because Rurik was a foreign conqueror and Galicia was never independent, to have any history at all these Galician nationalists must co-opt the identity of the despised “Asiatic” peoples to the east. In so doing, they have created a schizophrenic national mythology.

They are simultaneously the Asiatic Cossack horsemen who served for centuries as the Tsar’s most loyal soldiers and Bandera’s pure-blooded Aryans of Viking stock who took up arms to cleanse Ukraine of “Asiatic” Muscovite influence. The only real connection between the two is violent anti-Semitism, but in the fantasies of nationalists, they are the same.

This contradiction may be why Galician nationalists have been so violent. They seek to purge a country they were not a part of so it can be reclaimed by natives who never lived there. In so doing, these Ukrainian nationalists have murdered hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians for their “national Idea.” They are not interested in a Ukrainian nation, but rather a Galician Reich.

(more....) ... ph-hitler/


Gone fishin' for a week, be back next Sunday.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:24 pm

"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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