Sympathy for the Devils...

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu May 16, 2024 2:39 pm

Pure theater: The Biden–Netanyahu ’fallout’ over Rafah

Despite public disagreements between Washington and Tel Aviv over Gaza, ongoing US–Israel weapon supplies suggest that the discord is more media spectacle than policy shift.

Abdel Qader Osman

MAY 15, 2024

(Photo credit: The Cradle)

With Israel appearing determined to launch a large-scale military operation in Rafah to reverse its current image of defeat in Gaza, another public confrontation – between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – intensified last week.

Biden claims to have halted the shipment of precision weapons to Israel to prevent a large operation in southern Gaza, where around 1.3 million displaced Palestinian civilians have sought shelter, while Netanyahu threatens to continue the war without Washington’s help.

In a CNN interview last week, the US president said, “I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah, to deal with the cities – that deal with that problem.”

To which Netanyahu responded that same evening, in a podcast discussion with American Jewish journalist Dan Senor, “If we have to stand alone, we will do so, because I’m the prime minister of Israel, the one and only Jewish state, and we will not go down.”

At first glance, the growing tensions between the two allies playing out in the political and media arenas seemed promising for those parties keen on ending the Palestinian bloodshed seven months after Tel Aviv launched its brutal assault on Gaza.

But the Israeli premier, who has often been caught on camera boasting about Israel’s control over the US political scene, may have won this round. Within just a few days, Biden’s warnings and threats all but dissipated.

It began with a flurry of American politicians hitting the TV circuit to lambast their sitting president for veering from Israel’s war agenda, with some US media outlets describing Biden’s decision as “encouraging antisemitism.”

US ambassador to Tel Aviv, Jack Lew, following the script of his Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, confirmed on Sunday that “fundamentally, nothing has changed in the basic relationship” – that only one batch of US munitions was frozen, but everything else continues to flow “ordinarily.”

And Biden’s meek initiative ended decisively on Tuesday when his administration informed Congress that it is planning a $1 billion weapons transfer to Israel.

Netanyahu certainly knew how to turn the screws.

Confirmation of the status quo

As this was the first rhetorical confrontation between the US and Israel since the Gaza war’s onset, many Arab and western media outlets interpreted the intensity of the exchanges as a result of growing divergence between a Biden administration concerned “for the lives of civilians” and a Netanyahu government seeking to restore the deterrent power it lost on 7 October with Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and Iran’s 13 April retaliatory strikes.

Speaking to The Cradle, Australia-based political analyst Hussein al-Dirani says:

The American administration is primarily responsible for the war of extermination practiced by the Zionist forces against the Palestinians now, in the past, and in the future, and the entity is nothing but one of the arms of American evil in the Arab and Islamic region. Biden can, within one day or less, stop this massacre through an order to the leaders of the aggression to the effect: ‘Stop the war now,’ and it will stop immediately.

The west’s commitment to Zionism

The roots of today’s conflict remain an age-old one: the implantation of the Israeli entity into West Asia, a project of global Zionism originating from the “Herzl Conference” at the end of the 19th century.

For decades, no American or European political leader has had the option of ending support for Israel. The global Israel lobby, now deeply entrenched in western political, academic, media, and finance institutions, aims to protect the existence of Israel at all costs, stabilize it in the region, and push Arab countries to normalize relations with Tel Aviv, explains Yemeni political journalist Osama Sari.

Sari, who is editor-in-chief of the Yemeni Press Agency, tells The Cradle that Biden cannot abandon Israel at this stage, with the contentious US presidential election looming in November and facing great domestic pressure from anti-war US youths and key minority voters.

Some observers believe that Biden’s threat to cut off offensive weapons to Israel was a feint to score points with his restless, disenchanted electorate and to prod Israel into re-opening negotiations for a Gaza ceasefire, which Tel Aviv recently rejected.

Others, like analyst Dirani, contend that Biden’s political ploys cannot effectively influence the presidential contest because Biden and his chief competition, former US President Donald Trump, are both known, longtime, to-the-wall supporters of Israel.

Theatrics of US-Israel’ tensions’

Biden’s short-lived media strategy intended to market the idea that Washington is dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s intransigence and his insistence on invading Rafah to commit even more massacres – turning global and US public opinion further against Israel – despite Hamas agreeing to a ceasefire under the Egyptian–Qatari proposal.

Rhetoric and posturing aside, the US position toward Gaza does not fundamentally differ from Israel’s and may even be more impulsive and irrational. Had it not been for unprecedented amounts of US military support from day one of this round of conflict, the Gaza war would have stalled a good six months earlier. Israel would also not have been able to withstand Iran’s retaliatory response in April without the US military leading all defensive operations, nor even hope to thwart the combined military operations of the region’s Axis of Resistance.

In the UN Security Council, the US has a long history of using its veto power to shield Israel. Out of the 262 vetoed resolutions since the UN’s inception in 1945, Washington has wielded its veto 116 times on issues related to Palestine.

It used this power 80 times to prevent condemnation of Israel and 36 times against laws supporting Palestinian rights, with the latest veto coming down just a month ago.

The White House and the State Department also consistently provide cover for Israel, claiming absurdly that the occupation state is defending itself by international law and that the US has not observed any violations in Gaza despite the Palestinian death toll exceeding 35,000 and the number of wounded surpassing 78,000.

Whose red lines?

This unquestioning support of Israel, despite mumblings in some Beltway corridors that Tel Aviv is becoming a “US liability,” begs the question of whether there is any US red line for malign Israeli behaviors. Yemeni editor Sari doesn’t see the Americans drawing any lines for Israel, no matter the crime:

Until now, no international party has been able to classify Biden’s red lines. His attempt to suggest that it was an invasion of Rafah is not convincing at all. The entity has not left any red lines since the beginning of its aggression against Gaza, and its crimes affected hundreds of patients in the hospitals it stormed.

In fact, Sari adds, “This point does not reflect real seriousness, as Biden and Blinken stated in November that there were no red lines that would prevent military support for Israel against Hamas.”

Journalist Dirani agrees, reflecting growing Arab opinion that the US is only stage-managing matters and shows little intent to pressure Tel Aviv into a resolution of this brutal war:

Biden wants to tell Netanyahu that instead of committing 100 massacres a day in Rafah, he should commit 90 massacres. This is why he did not reach 100, meaning that the massacres should be commensurate with America’s brutality and not with Netanyahu’s well-known brutality.

Dirani further assesses, based on their statements, that all Resistance Axis factions understand the US is complicit in the Gaza genocide and is ultimately the root cause of all tragedies, scourges, and wars in the region.

Finger-pointing aside, this perception of US complicity in Gaza is growing fast in global discourse. Efforts to divest from and boycott Israel are on the rise; many of these targets are weapons factories and transport and logistics firms.

If Israel proceeds with an invasion of Rafah, the repercussions could be severe, leading to the wholesale collapse of US interests in West Asia. As Yemen’s waterway blockades, Iranian strikes, and strategic military operations and salvos from Lebanon’s Hezbollah, the Palestinian resistance, and the Iraqi resistance have demonstrated, today it is the leaders of the Axis who are setting those red lines, not western powers. ... over-rafah

USAID whistleblowers accuse Biden of 'direct complicity' in Gaza famine
The White House is accused of ignoring dozens of internal dissent memos that have warned for months about the spread of famine in Gaza as a result of Israel's genocidal war tactics

News Desk

MAY 16, 2024


Current and former officials from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the State Department say the White House has ignored months of internal warnings about the spread of famine in the besieged Gaza Strip, according to an in-depth investigation by the Independent.

“I believe the US to be complicit in creating the conditions for famine. Not only has our response been woefully inadequate, but we’re actively responsible in large part for it,” a USAID employee told the British daily.

Internal documents reviewed by the Independent show that staffers have repeatedly warned USAID administrator Samantha Power and other senior leaders about the intensifying crisis in Gaza “often to no avail.”

“What was surprising to me, and deeply disappointing, was the fact that we were hearing nothing about imminent famine in Gaza,” a USAID staffer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, is quoted as saying.

According to the investigation, at least 19 internal dissent memos have been sent since the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza by USAID staff, with one of the most recent ones chastising the White House for its “failure to uphold international humanitarian principles and to adhere to its mandate to save lives.”

In an internal dissent cable leaked to HuffPost in early April, officials warned that “the threshold to support a famine determination has likely already been crossed” and that the level of hunger and malnutrition in Gaza was “unprecedented in modern history.”

“Having worked in the administration during the Afghan withdrawal and also the Russian invasion of Ukraine, so many efforts were spearheaded and led, and normal procedures were bypassed given the urgent humanitarian situation. [In Gaza], however, it has been a totally different ballgame. There are systemic issues with how we issue Palestinian cases,” a homeland security official told Responsible Statecraft earlier this week.

“Any kind of initiative to expedite help for Palestinians has been blocked or quelled or slowed down dramatically in a way that I’ve never seen before … As the months dragged on, it became evident that the dissent channels that the State Department likes to tout are about placating staff more than actually listening to those with deep regional and policy expertise and making changes,” the 15-year federal employee added.

Furthermore, the USAID whistleblowers who spoke with the Independent described Washington’s public proclamations of doing all it can to stop the spread of hunger as “very disingenuous.”

“I don’t believe that the President of the United States – Israel’s most important ally and benefactor – has so little leverage that he can’t force them to take meaningful steps to really allow in the amount of aid that is necessary to save lives. It feels like there was no real effort to force Israel’s hands in terms of ensuring greater access to humanitarian assistance,” the US officials say.

Jan Egeland, the Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, a humanitarian organization with dozens of aid workers operating in Gaza, told the British daily that there is a “double standard” from the White House when it comes to Israel.

“The administration could have [pressed Israel to cease its aid restrictions] through the application of Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which prohibits assistance to countries restricting US-funded humanitarian assistance; it could have done so through the withholding of arms shipments; it could have done so by supporting resolutions at the UN calling on Israel to stop restricting humanitarian assistance,” Egeland says, stressing that Washington’s “diplomatic impotence has been astounding.”

Dozens of Palestinians – most of them children – have died from starvation as hundreds of thousands are living under conditions of “full-blown famine” in the north of the enclave.

Despite the critical situation, the Israeli army has routinely blocked the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza. Moreover, mobs of Israeli settlers regularly attack the small trickle of aid deliveries headed for the strip, destroying the food and attacking truck drivers.

On 16 May, the World Food Programme (WFP) announced that it ran out of stock in southern Rafah and had suspended food aid distributions there since 11 May. As conditions worse, US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on Thursday it had anchored a floating pier off the coast of Gaza that will allegedly allow for limited aid deliveries.

Speaking to the Independent, Jeremy Konyndyk, a former high-ranking USAID official, described Washington’s plan as a “major policy failure.”

“When the US government has to use tactics that it otherwise used to circumvent the Soviets in Berlin and circumvent ISIS in Syria and Iraq, that should prompt some really hard questions about the state of US policy,” he said. ... aza-famine

'Biden has the blood of innocent people on his hands': Former US official

The White House has faced a string of public resignations over Biden's unfettered support for Israel's genocidal war in Gaza

News Desk

MAY 16, 2024

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

A Jewish American official in the US government publicly resigned on 15 May in protest of President Joe Biden's support of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

“I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza,” the letter from former special assistant to the chief of staff in the interior department, Lily Greenberg Call, reads.

In her letter, she accuses Joe Biden of using Jewish people to justify US support for the mass killing of Palestinians and says the US president “has the blood of innocent people on his hands.”

Call asserts that Washington has long enabled “Israeli war crimes and the status quo of apartheid and occupation,” highlighting that Biden has the power to end the suffering of civilians in Gaza.

“The President has the power to call for a lasting cease-fire, to stop sending weapons to Israel, and to condition aid. The US has used nearly no leverage throughout the last eight months to hold Israel accountable,” she said.

In an interview with AP on Thursday, Call pointed to comments made by Biden at a Hannukah event where he said, “Were there no Israel, there wouldn’t be a Jew in the world who was safe,” and at an event at Washington’s Holocaust Memorial last week in which he said the 7 October Palestinian resistance operation was driven by an “ancient desire to wipe out the Jewish people.”

“He is making Jews the face of the American war machine. And that is so deeply wrong,” Call said, noting that her ancestors were killed by “state-sponsored violence.”

Her resignation coincided with the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, a day that commemorates the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians at the hands of Zionist paramilitaries in 1948.

Call is at least the fifth mid- or senior-level government staffer to resign in protest of the White House’s military and diplomatic support of the genocide in Gaza and is the second political appointee to do so after an education department official of Palestinian heritage resigned in January.

Earlier this week, US army officer Harrison Mann resigned from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), citing his nation’s “unconditional” support for Israel, which he said enabled “the killing and starvation of innocent Palestinians.”

In February, US airman Aaron Bushnell self-immolated in protest to the official US position outside of Israel’s embassy in Washington. “I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” Bushnell said in a live stream before the act. ... s-official


Morehouse Men Must Protest Against Biden
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist 15 May 2024

Protest at Morehouse College, Photo courtesy of

The Morehouse College class of 2024 has a historic opportunity to tell Joe Biden and the world that millions of Black people are outraged by the Israeli/U.S. genocide in Gaza. The only thing they risk is denunciation from the milquetoast petit bourgeoisie.

What is the point of having Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and taking pride in graduates like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or bragging about the greatness of “Morehouse men” if a genocidaire president can be welcomed and honored when he should be scorned? The Morehouse College class of 2024 has the opportunity to answer this question at its commencement ceremony on May 19, 2024, when Joe Biden is scheduled to receive an honorary degree from that institution.

Morehouse president David A. Thomas says that he extended the invitation to Biden in September 2023, making the point that as of that date, Israel and the United States had yet to begin their latest killing spree against the people of Gaza. Of course colleges want prominent people such as presidents to be commencement speakers. It gives their school cache and puts them on the map for good publicity and of course money from the much sought after rich donor class.

But presidents and other prominent malefactors represent a conundrum for the HBCUs. If Morehouse truly existed to uplift the race, it wouldn’t have invited Barack Obama to be a commencement speaker in 2013 either. Obama came into office and immediately bailed out the financial institutions who bankrolled his campaign. When Black people lost their homes in the market meltdown which was caused by his benefactors, he did nothing to help the people who gave him so much love. He had destroyed the Libyan state in a brutal regime change war and was attempting to do the same in Syria. In short, he was a typical U.S. president but one who got a pass from Black people. Of course he is still a big draw and is invited to speak at commencements and other supposedly wholesome events from which he actually should be barred.

Despite the fact that Morehouse did not have the large-scale encampments seen at other schools, its student body was not in favor of Biden’s appearance and they told their president as much in a campus town hall . Students expressed concern that Morehouse would be considered complicit in genocide and that they would be used in campaign ads for a president who sends billions of dollars to wage war in Ukraine while allowing the needs of Black people to languish.

But Morehouse insisted that the sordid show go on and Biden will speak even if students don’t want to hear him. Other colleges have been better at gauging opinion and are more willing to listen to those who protest against involvement with apartheid Israel. New Orleans HBCU Xavier University disinvited UN Ambassador and Louisiana native Linda Thomas-Greenfield when students complained that she would be the commencement speaker. The student association president summed it up in a letter to the administration.

“It has come to our attention that the university has chosen to invite a U.N. ambassador who has voted against a ceasefire in Gaza to address our graduating class. This decision sparked significant dismay and disappointment among us, as it contradicts the values and principles that our institution upholds. ... As members of a compassionate and empathetic community, we cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of our fellow human beings.” Fortunately the value of a good education isn’t lost on everyone and some educators are actually serious about doing their jobs.

Morehouse president Thomas has doubled down on his decision to invite Biden by threatening to end the commencement ceremony should anyone protest. “Faced with the choice of having police take people out of the Morehouse commencement in zip ties, we would essentially cancel or discontinue the commencement services on the spot.” Surely that is one way to ensure obedience. Who wants to be made responsible for ending the moment of pride and joy for students and families? But Thomas also spelled out what would be permitted. “If during the ceremony, people engage in silent, nondisruptive protests, if, you know, my students when they cross the stage - they want to wear insignia or scars [sic] that identify their relationship to this issue, that will be allowed.”

If students fear ending the ceremony they should follow their president’s directive. Every Morehouse man should get his hands on a keffiyeh and proudly wear it on graduation day. If someone can’t find a keffiyeh he can write the words “Free Palestine” in large and bold letters on his mortarboard cap. Most importantly, the graduating class must sit in stony silence while Biden speaks. There should be no applause, no laughter, no cheering, no smiling, no shaking hands with the man who is not only responsible for genocide in Gaza but who was the point person against school busing to achieve integration. “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.” Biden is the man who bragged about writing the 1992 Crime Bill that put so many Black people in prison. “We do everything but hang people for jaywalking in this bill.” He should not get off easily at Morehouse or anywhere else. The fact that he is president at all, and like every other democrat only with the overwhelming support of Black people, is a sad commentary on our politics.

May 19 is also a significant date for a much more important reason. Malcolm X, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, was born on May 19, 1925. Malcolm X was a defender of Black liberation struggles in the U.S. and all over the world. He was an internationalist and an anti-capitalist. His birthday should be widely celebrated instead of the Joe Biden get out of jail free Juneteenth travesty. Malcolm X fiercely denounced the white power structure and spoke boldly against the people who run Morehouse and other institutions by begging for favors and silencing protest. On February 4, 1965, just days before his assassination, he told students in Selma, Alabama , “I pray that you will grow intellectually, so that you can understand the problems of the world and where you fit into, in that world picture. And I pray that all the fear that has ever been in your heart will be taken out, and when you look at that man, if you know he’s nothing but a coward, you won’t fear him.”

Hopefully there will be Morehouse graduates wearing pictures of Malcolm X on their gowns and they will remember not to fear people like their accommodationist college president. They should also know that they can walk out of the ceremony, as students have done at other graduations, even if they risk shutting it down. After all, Gaza has no universities. They have all been destroyed by the Israeli Defense Force. If they are worried about what families or friends will think, they should instead think of the student graduating from Al-Azhar University who defended his thesis in a tent because his school buildings no longer exist.

The term Morehouse man ought to be more than a fun popular culture reference. Morehouse men must protest on May 19 or else come up with a new moniker. ... inst-biden

Won’t you please come to Chicago? Cheri Honkala on the Democratic National Convention
Ann Garrison, BAR Contributing Editor 15 May 2024

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling. Photo: Ashlee Rezin/Chicago Sun-Times

The City of Chicago has inadvertently granted the Poor People’s Army a permit to march to the convention steps of the United Center during the Democratic National Convention.

Students are protesting Biden and Netanyahu’s war on Gaza all over the City of Chicago while city, state, and Democratic Party officials worry about what it portends for the Democratic National Convention (DNC) scheduled for August 19 to August 23. Comparisons to Chicago 1968 are common, and the city’s police will be supported by Secret Service, FBI, Homeland Security, and neighboring police departments. Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling is frequently interviewed about preparations, and he says, “We’re the Chicago Police. We’re ready.”

Politico warned that Mayor Brandon Johnson “unabashedly sympathizes with the protesters,” while the World Socialist Website accused him of deploying SWAT teams against peaceful, anti-genocide protestors at the Chicago Art Institute.

I spoke to Cheri Honkala of the Poor People’s Campaign for Economic Rights about the Poor People’s Army’s plan to march on both the RNC and the DNC.

ANN GARRISON: Cheri Honkala, tell us about your plans to march on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.

CHERI HONKALA: Well, we're actually marching on both the Republican National Convention (RNC), which is in July, and on the DNC in August. We plan to march on the DNC on August 19, the opening day of the convention.

Every four years since 2000, we've been responsible for organizing the largest marches on opening day at both the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. We anticipate that this march is going to be historic because of all the things that are happening, including Israel’s war on Gaza.

AG: The City of Chicago has been denying all requests for permits to march in sight of the United Center, but you got one, right?

CH: Yes, the city was forced to give us a permit because they failed to respond to our appeal of their denial on time. So everybody and their mother, I'm sure, will be joining our march at 4 p.m. on opening day, and our permit allows us to march right to the front doors of the United Center, where the convention will be.

We intend to have a mock hearing where we will determine whether the president and the Democrats are guilty of crimes against humanity. If so, then we will be serving a citizen’s arrest.

Other things will be happening the day before, August 18th. We have Rapper Peach, Rebel Diaz, and a dozen other progressive and popular artists who are going to be performing at a concert the night before the convention begins. And two weeks before, we will actually be marching each and every day, 90 miles, from Milwaukee to Chicago, so we've got lots of work ahead.

AG: Will you be holding a mock trial at the Republican Convention as well?

CH: Yes. We will be holding a mock trial there and also issuing a citizen's arrest if necessary.

Another thing that I want to say is that we're really reaching out to anyone in the faith community who understands the horrendous things happening in the world to come and wrap their moral authority around us and help keep us safe. We've always demonstrated, since the year 2000, that we're nonviolent people. So there shouldn't be any issues with violence.

This march is really important because of the genocide taking place in Gaza right now. We are defending homeless people, while tax dollars continue to finance that war, as opposed to taking care of the basic necessities of life for people here.

Right now we have huge crises. We have fascism that is actually real in this country, and we’ve got immigrants that are just being left to die sleeping outside on the streets and on the borders. And we have artificial intelligence, electronics, and robotics creating massive numbers of unemployed people. We’ve got Cop Cities all over the planet. So we have to decide, like students across the country, to get serious about stepping forward, trying to reclaim a future, saying no to what's happening in our world. We’re following their leadership and bringing out our families to hit the streets on August 19th.1

AG: Tell us about the march from Milwaukee to Chicago. 2

CH: We'll be linking up with poor and homeless people from across the country who are going to be caravaning and taking buses. And we're going to be meeting in Milwaukee. Then we're going to march each and every day for two weeks and pitch tents along the roadside, or in parking lots of friendly churches. We're going to be having daily teach-ins, and doing live reporting, and we're hoping that reporters like yourself will help cover the journey.

We intend to make sure that, with reporters from all around the world in town for the conventions, the real issues are covered.

The other thing that's also really significant is that we've got third parties contending in this election. I've always been about independent politics and independent political motion. We've invited all of the third party candidates to come and march with us. So far Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein has taken us up on the offer.

AG: You ran with Dr. Stein in 2012, right?

CH: Yes, I ran with Jill as a candidate for vice president that year, but we've extended the invitation to all the parties that are running. I myself am very supportive of Jill and not just because she was my former running mate. I’m also very practical, and I know that she's going to have ballot status in nearly every state across the country.

I think we have to look at the bigger picture, which is the goal of developing a real independent third party in this country. If we can reach a certain threshold for a presidential election, then the next time around we'll receive campaign matching funds from the federal government.

AG: I'm in Chicago right now, where there's lots of talk of what happened here in 1968 and preparing for this convention. There’s anxiety that it will be like 1968, which turned violent when the police attacked peaceful demonstrators. Are you prepared for something like that happening?

CH: Yes, but I'm also sure that the media is fearmongering as much as they possibly can because the City screwed up and gave us a permit to march right up to the convention steps. That means that their only option for keeping us from getting there is to scare the hell out of people, so that nobody shows up.

However, we've just never been people—those of us that are on the bottom—who aren’t used to heavy police presence. I live in Kensington here in Philadelphia, where there are police outside my window probably every three days with SWAT teams corralling people. A lot of us, and definitely homeless people across this country, are already dealing with daily sweeps. It's really no different.

AG: Let's explain this, again for emphasis. The City of Chicago has been denying permits to everyone else. And they denied one to you, but you appealed it, and then they failed to respond to the appeal in time, which meant that you got a permit to march right up to the front steps.

CH: Yes.

AG: And you'll be marching with the Poor People's Army, but you’ll no doubt welcome anyone who wants to march with you.

CH: Absolutely. We welcome everybody. The more the merrier. We do ask that everyone who joins us be nonviolent because the police are not nonviolent, and they're well organized and financed.

We’re going to have legal observers. We've got a very experienced team of folks that have helped make sure that our marches have been nonviolent going back to the year 2000, and we've had to deal with fearmongering on a regular basis.

The last time we marched in Minnesota, the feds said that my life was in danger in three different spots. And I said, “Well, if it is, then you had better provide safety.” So we marched and everything was fine.

We could have caved in to the fear around that. But we know that the feds have never provided anybody any kind of safety to begin with, so we're marching. We know we're on the right side of history. You can't not do what needs to be done.

People are dying unnecessarily in this country. They're dying in Haiti. They're dying in Gaza. They're dying unnecessarily in many other places around the world, so it's really time for us to get organized as a people and demonstrate that we're not going to be afraid. We're going to lift our voices. We have a responsibility, with 80,000 reporters in Chicago, to talk about what's really happening in the empire.

AG: With the constant talk here and within the Democratic Party about 1968, there will definitely be media attention on your march and other protests.

When you say you’ll be holding a hearing and serving a citizen’s arrest if need be. Will that be for US complicity in the war on Gaza?

CH: Definitely, but here at home as well. People die every year from freezing to death in this country. People die because they don't have access to health care or the other basic necessities of life. The thing that all these human rights violations have in common is that they're all preventable, unnecessary deaths. So when we have our mock trial, we will be dead serious about asking law enforcement to enforce our citizen’s arrests.

AG: Okay, is there anything else you'd like to say?

CH: We need as much support as possible from people who either want to come and join the march or make food and meet us along the roadside between Milwaukee and Chicago. And, as I said earlier, we hope that people of the faith communities will reach out to envelop us with their moral authority.

If musicians and artists are interested in joining the concert the night before, reach out. If you can help people catch a ride or donate to help get us to Milwaukee or Chicago, we need all the support we can get.

Our website is .

AG: Thank you for speaking to Black Agenda Report.

CH: Thank you. ... convention


"Free market relations"
May 16, 9:48


"Free markets"

in the United States will prevent China from flooding the American electric car market and making fair competition impossible, Joe Biden said. And he unleashed another round of economic war with China.

The US today increased tariffs on imports of goods from China:

🔸 on electric vehicles from 25% to 100%
🔸 on lithium-ion EV batteries from 7.5% to 25%
🔸 on battery parts from 7.5% to 25%
🔸 on solar cells (whether they are assembled in modules or not) from 25% to 50%
🔸 on natural graphite and permanent magnets from zero to 25%
🔸 on some other important minerals from zero to 25%
🔸 on some types of steel and aluminum products from 0-7.5% to 25%
for semiconductors from 25% to 50%.

They are like that, free, market relations - zinc

The market decides, they said.
We are waiting for China's retaliatory steps against American companies. China has the potential for this.
Of course, the intensification of the tariff war between the United States and China will only benefit us.

Google Translator

Note that the first four items on that list are related to climate change mitigation. While I regard the private EV to not be a game changer in that vital endeavor it is notable that the Biden regime has made it as much when talking out of one side of it's mouth, but, well that stock market ya know and he needs every union vote he can get for the upcoming selection. Biden is every bit as duplicitous as Trump, no lesser evil, just different evil.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat May 18, 2024 3:13 pm

Joe Biden’s ‘antisemitism’ farce
May 17, 2024 Lev Koufax

Protesters rally for a ceasefire in Gaza outside a UAW union hall during a visit by President Joe Biden in Warren, Michigan, on Feb. 1.

Joe Biden has engaged in some pretty abhorrent politics over the years.

At Strom Thurmond’s 90th birthday party in 1993, Joe Biden spoke, heaping praise on the segregationist stooge. Biden’s glowing remarks reached a height when he compared Thurmond to another segregationist stooge, Robert E. Lee.

Ole Genocide Joe did not mean this as a criticism, nor was he drawing a thoughtful parallel between the neo-Klan movement and the Confederacy. This comment was genuinely meant as a compliment.

Thurmond had led the “Dixiecrat” charge against the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, famously filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1957 for 24 hours. The man certainly had a dogged commitment to the most pernicious racism and fascism.

If you don’t remember that particular saga, you may remember Biden’s championing of racist mass incarceration legislation, or his glib threats of genocide against Serbia … or, last one, his insistence that “poor kids are just as bright as white kids.” Woof.

That said, Genocide Joe Biden may have outdone himself May 7 with a right-wing tirade on national television that the Democratic Party had the nerve to frame as a “speech against antisemitism.”

Genocide Joe began this “speech against antisemitism” with recognition of some alleged friends of the Jewish community and allies in the fight against antisemitism. In particular, Biden named Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and former Anti-Defamation League (ADL) spokesperson Abe Foxman.

Let’s start with the esteemed speaker, Mr. Mike Johnson. Johnson is an open Christian Zionist and a proud Trump right winger. Christian Zionists support the colonization of Palestine by U.S.-backed Jewish Zionists because they believe that the full “return” of Judaism to Palestine will usher in the end of the world, where all non-Christians will be destroyed. Does this seem like a real friend to the Jewish people?

Moving on to Hakeem Jeffries. The Democratic minority leader in the House has voted for every piece of legislation to arm Ukraine, despite neo-Nazis playing a prominent role in the Ukrainian military and Ukrainian society being deeply engulfed in fascism since the 2014 Maidan coup. As if that wasn’t enough, Jeffries has said that the U.S. should consider sending troops to Ukraine to protect those fascists.

Last but not least, we get to Abe Foxman, a fervent Zionist spokesperson and lobbyist who formerly ran the Anti-Defamation League. Foxman is a huge supporter of the “birthright” program, which grants young Jews free trips to Palestine in order to indoctrinate them into the Zionist colonial project. Many of these young Jews from the United States are brainwashed on these trips into literal or figurative soldiers for the Zionist entity.

In 2016, Foxman attacked anti-Zionist Jew and IfNotNow founder Simone Zimmerman, taking particular aim at her new position in Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign. Foxman’s attack actually led to Zimmerman being suspended from her position just two days after she started.

Foxman has a strange way of showing support for young Jews. The cherry on top is Foxman’s vitriolic stance against collegiate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs.

These men may be friends of Zionism, but they are certainly not friends to the Jewish community.

Distorting history

After these insidious introductions, Biden launched into a lecture on Jewish history, and who better to speak on Judaism than an old white Catholic guy from Scranton?

In his speech, Biden preached many inaccuracies and twisted versions of history. However, one rang out as particularly bold in its evil.

About a third of the way through, Biden made a parallel between two events. He declared that the events of Oct. 7, 2023, were equal to the Shoah (or Holocaust) in their horror, hatred, and violence against the Jewish community.

The events of last Oct. 7 were not an attack on Judaism. They were an attack against violent Zionist settlers who stole Palestinian land and waged a terror campaign against the Palestinian community, who the colonists themselves forced into Gaza and the West Bank.

Many Jews live by a saying: Tikkun Olam. It is Hebrew for “heal the world.” My old rabbi opened every Friday evening or Saturday morning service with a discussion of Tikkun Olam. As a community, we asked ourselves, “How will we heal the world?”

So it needs to be asked, how is the violent seizure of land from an Indigenous people healing the world? How are the armed Zionist settler militias that commit pogroms against the Palestinian community healing the world? How are the Zionist bombs that rain all over Gaza healing the world?

The Jews who are staying true to the values of their community and the legacy of their ancestors’ struggles against fascism are the ones who now struggle against Zionist fascism. Those Jews are trying to heal the world. They are trying to heal the infected wound that is the state of “Israel.”

So for Joe Biden to assert that resistance against vicious settlers, settlers who have really replaced their Judaism with a form of fascism, is not only an insult to living Jews but to all our ancestors who struggled against monarchism and fascism in Europe.

Lucky for us, Genocide Joe did not stop there. He took it all one step further. When discussing the recent pro-Palestine protests and encampments at colleges across the United States, Biden again drew a comparison to the Shoah.

Apparently, 19-year-olds protesting against apartheid are as serious a threat to the Jewish community as the policies of Hitler. This is a pretty wild comparison considering that 97% of pro-Palestine encampments did not even cause “serious damage,” according to a study by Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, a nonprofit.

The study analyzed 553 campus demonstrations between April 18 and May 3 of this year. It found that fewer than 20 resulted in any serious interpersonal violence or property damage. So, we are supposed to believe that several hundred relatively tame protests against apartheid are equivalent to the systematic industrialized murder of millions of Jews, Roma people, communists, LGBTQIA+ people, Slavs, and others? Really?

Comparing the two is at best a trivialization of the Holocaust, and at worst – outright denial.

Joe Biden’s speech didn’t have anything to do with antisemitism. It was just another despicable chapter in the propaganda war against the Palestinian liberation struggle disguised as an overture to the Jewish community. The spectacle was evil beyond evil, and not a word of it should be believed by Jews or anyone else.

Free Palestine! ... ism-farce/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu May 23, 2024 2:32 pm

'No genocide in Gaza': Biden fumes at ICC

The US President slammed the ICC for 'equating' Israeli officials to Hamas leaders, who were also accused of war crimes by The Hague-based court

News Desk

MAY 21, 2024

(Photo credit: Reuters)

US President Joe Biden slammed on 20 May the ICC decision to apply for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, referring to it as “outrageous” and denying Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip.

“Contrary to allegations against Israel made by the International Court of Justice (ICJ), what's happening is not genocide. We reject that,” Biden said during a speech at the White House. “The ICC prosecutor's application for arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous.”

Biden strongly criticized ICC prosecutor Karim Khan for equating the conduct of the Israeli ministers with that of Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh – who, alongside the premier and defense chief, were accused of war crimes.

“Let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security,” the president added.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also said in a statement that the ICC decision is “shameful.” He said that while Israel is not a member of the ICC, it is prepared to cooperate with the ICC prosecutor.

According to Blinken, Khan’s staff was supposed to travel to Israel on Monday. Two Israeli officials told Axios that the US and UK helped organize the visit and that Netanyahu agreed for the first time to engage with the prosecutor’s office and allow him to enter specific areas in the Gaza Strip.

Blinken added that despite the planned visit, Khan’s team informed Israel that they did not board the flight, which the Secretary of State said “calls into question the legitimacy and credibility of this investigation.”

US and Israeli officials told Axios that the decision to seek warrants “undermined” recent behind-the-scenes talks between Khan, the US, and Israel, to discuss the investigation.

The news comes as US lawmakers have been threatening the ICC with sanctions if arrest warrants are issued against Israeli leaders.

“Target Israel and we will target you,” the senators told Khan in a strongly worded letter earlier this month, adding that they will “sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States.”

Netanyahu referred to the decision on 20 May as a “moral outrage of historic proportions” and said that it would stain the ICC's reputation permanently.

The premier added the warrants are equivalent to comparing former US president George Bush to Osama bin Laden following the attacks of 11 September 2001. ... mes-at-icc

This much is correct: " there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas", Hamas is counter-terrorist, Israel is terrorist.

But that ain't what they've paid you to say, is it Joe?



If You Can’t Even Elect A Candidate Who’ll End A Genocide, How Real Is Your “Democracy”?

If the people were actually in charge, there would be some option available to them to end the worst thing happening in the world right now. But the people are not in charge. When it comes to matters of the most importance, they never get a vote.

Caitlin Johnstone
May 23, 2024

The Biden administration has reportedly approved of an Israeli assault on Rafah, the last slightly safe city in the Gaza Strip, and is openly preparing to work with Congress to punish the International Criminal Court for seeking arrest warrants of Israeli officials for war crimes. Biden is a monster who belongs in a cell at The Hague.

I talk about Biden’s criminality a lot, but I should probably clarify that I don’t do so because I believe Trump or even Kennedy would be acting any kinder toward the people of Gaza if they were president. All three of the arguably viable US presidential candidates are virulent Zionists who have all made it clear that they would back Israel’s genocidal atrocities with adamant fervor.

A lot of fuss gets made over the west’s brand of democracy. Wars of aggression have been waged under the banner of spreading it throughout the world and allowing the people to control what their government will do. But what you very seldom see discussed in mainstream discourse is the fact that there are a great many issues that this form of so-called democracy never allows the people to vote on.

The genocide in Gaza is arguably the single most urgent matter in the world right now — partly for how horrific it is in and of itself, and partly for its potential to explode into wars which would bring far greater devastation to the region. But nobody’s allowed a vote on whether this will continue or not, even in the heart of the US empire which is making it all possible.

The only candidates who stand any chance of getting elected are all committed to making sure this mass atrocity continues, because if you ever want to get anywhere near the presidency you have to make a whole lot of deals with powerful forces who were never elected by anybody.

And this just says so much about the nature of this “democracy” — a word which literally means “rule by the people”. If the people were actually in charge, there would be some option available to them to end the worst thing happening in the world right now. But the people are not in charge. When it comes to matters of the most importance, they never get a vote.

Americans don’t get a vote on whether or not vast fortunes should be poured into funding a war machine which stretches around the globe; the option is never on the ballot.

They don’t get to vote on whether or not the drastic action needed to prevent environmental collapse should be taken.

They don’t get to vote on whether or not the US empire should be escalating against nuclear-armed nations like Russia and China with ever-increasing aggression.

They don’t get to vote on whether the wealthy should be getting richer and richer while the poor have to struggle harder and harder to survive.

They don’t get to vote on whether the wealthy should be allowed to use their wealth to influence political affairs in a way that gives them more and more wealth and power.

They don’t get to vote on whether they should have their minds pummeled with empire propaganda 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year by rich and powerful people who are invested in manipulating the way they think, act, vote, shop and work.

They don’t get to vote on whether their police force should be getting more and more militarized, or whether the surveillance practices of the US intelligence cartel should be getting more and more intrusive.

They don’t get to vote on whether the US should have the highest incarceration rate in the world and the profoundly unjust legal system which gives rise to it.

They don’t get to vote on whether the internet should be getting more and more consolidated and censorship-heavy as Silicon Valley megacorporations move into more and more collaborative relationships with the US government.

They don’t get to vote on whether there should be billionaires when there are people living on the streets.

They don’t get to vote on whether their government should be encircling the planet with hundreds of military bases and working to destroy any nation which disobeys it while their own people struggle and suffer at home.

If you want to vote on something the powerful don’t care about, there’s a possibility that your vote might have some sway. You might have some tiny degree of influence over women’s reproductive rights, for example, or whether or not gay people can get married. But when it comes to the mechanisms of the imperial machine like war, militarism, propaganda, oligarchy, capitalism or authoritarianism, your hand will get smacked away the instant you move to touch them.

So it’s not really democracy then, is it? It’s not really rule by the people if all the most important and consequential decisions are made by forces with no accountability to the electorate, while the people are confined to a toddler’s playpen in the corner arguing about pronouns and fatphobia.

And what really sucks is that so many people believe this is freedom and democracy. The people will never know freedom until they first understand how profoundly unfree they really are. ... democracy/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Mon May 27, 2024 3:48 pm

Patrick Lawrence: The Price of Biden’s New China Tariffs
May 27, 2024

This is the opening move in a protectionist regime the U.S. president will extend significantly to prove his bona fides as a Sinophobe.

Wal-Mart in Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012. (Mike Kalasnik, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0)

By Patrick Lawrence

I love the photograph The New York Times ran atop Jim Tankersley’s May 18 story analyzing the inadvisable raft of tariffs on Chinese imports President Biden authorized four days earlier.

There is the old coot signing the paperwork at a desk in the Rose Garden as a crowd of seven looks on admiringly. Polo shirts, sneakers, a baseball cap. Six of these seven are people of color; four are women.

Perfect, just perfect. Study the picture. These dutiful onlookers are not officeholders or administration officials. They are union leaders from what were once powerful labor organizations: steelworkers, autoworkers, machinists, communications workers, the AFL–CIO.

These seven represent, in short, the very people who will get hit hardest as the executive order Biden just sent to Katherine Tai, his special trade representative, takes effect.

That’s Joe, isn’t it? The Man from Scranton has made his career gathering about him for the photo ops those toward whom he is indifferent and, often enough, those he is about to screw without a second thought (or even a first in Joe’s case).

Remember that famous occasion five years ago next month, when Biden finished addressing the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington about his plans to end poverty and then went to wealthy investors at the Carlyle Hotel in Manhattan to say that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change”?

If he has by and large kept his word these past three years, something did change, something big, when, 10 days ago, he ordered a very wide range of import taxes on Chinese-made imports.

Will the U.S. make itself a manufacturing economy once again, bringing lost industrial production back from the dead? This is the stated aim of the new tariff regime, but no, what is done is done, in my view. Will America, in consequence of higher costs that are now inevitable, be a more expensive place to live for those to whom costs matter most? Yes, this will change, over time probably by a lot.

Biden’s trade and national security people, and you can’t tell one from the other these days, were preparing the ground for that Rose Garden moment for many months. They left intact tariffs of 10 percent, covering Chinese imports worth $300 billion, that Donald Trump imposed in September 2019.

But blocking exports in the other direction has been the Biden regime’s preoccupation. Under cover of “national security,” these include advanced semiconductors and other high-technology products in the White House’s attempt — it will never succeed — to subvert the Chinese economy in sectors wherein American companies cannot compete.

Don’t look now, but Joe Biden has just adopted the Trump China policy he has previously and relentlessly repudiated — and gone one further.

China’s President Xi Jinping and Trump in Beijing, 2017. (White House, Shealah Craighead)

The May 14 executive authorization is indeed a major escalation of the Trump administration policy. Steel and aluminum, critical minerals (including so-called rare earths), solar energy panels, semiconductors, syringes and other medical equipment, those immense ship-to-shore cranes you see at seaports: The list of Chinese-made goods on which Biden will impose import levies is long, and the numbers high.

Duties on semiconductors double, to 50 percent. So do levies on batteries and battery components, from 25 percent to 50 percent. Tariffs on electric vehicles, China having made itself a global leader in EVs, go from 25 percent to 102.5 percent. This last comes close to an outright ban on the sale of Chinese electric cars in the U.S.

Some perspective here: The total value of the imports now to be taxed is $18 billion. Last year U.S. merchandise imports from China were worth $427 billion (as against exports to China of $148 billion), according to Census Bureau figures.

But in my read, Biden’s executive order is the opening move in a protectionist regime that will be extended significantly — especially in the near future, as Biden competes with Donald Trump and the hawks on Capitol Hill to prove his bona fides as a Sinophobe.

In essence, Biden just changed the direction of America’s transpacific economic policy. Chinese retaliation is more or less certain, and then it will be bad to worse for who knows how long.

Biden in virtual talks with China’s Xi Jinping in March 2022. (White House, Public domain)

Jim Tankersley, in that Times analytic piece noted above, was right to call Biden’s just-announced tariffs a shift of historic magnitude.

“Mr. Biden’s decision on Tuesday to codify and escalate tariffs imposed by Mr. Trump,” he wrote, “made clear that the United States has closed out a decades-long era that embraced trade with China and prized the gains of lower-cost products over the loss of geographically concentrated manufacturing jobs.”

This passage needs a little decoding, and I will get to that in a second.

With all those union chiefs around him, Biden went long, very long, on how this sprawl of import taxes will be to the benefit of American workers. That is not what this radical turn in policy is about, and I wish those labor leaders understood this better than they appear to have done.

I wish they had thought better of standing behind a president whose mind is on things far distant from the welfare of their memberships. The Chinese will not pay these tariffs, as various economists point out. Those union leaders’ dues-paying constituents will.

What Biden just announced is primarily the strategy of a nation that has hollowed out its industrial base — willingly, of its own accord — as it tries to project geopolitical power against a nation that has done just the opposite.

Closely related to this is a now-declared effort to protect the backsides and profits of American corporations no longer capable of dominating the globalized economy they so eagerly insisted upon but a couple of decades ago.

Corporate America flag at an antiwar protest on Sept. 15, 2007, in Washington, D.C. (Ragesoss, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

There are two other ways to look at this bold turn toward nationalistic protectionism.

One, the policy cliques in Washington and the corporations they serve are nearly frantic as the consequences of decades’ worth of careless economic policy, driven by greed and misapprehension, return to haunt them.

Keeping a competitor out by erecting walls made of import tariffs, when viewed from this perspective, is the desperate choice of people who simply cannot measure up to a moment that requires more intellect, imagination and courage than they can summon.

Two, the working and middle classes in America were sacrificed to those decades of corporate greed, as anyone paying attention at the time could discern without difficulty. They will be sacrificed a second time now, as Washington blunders on, this time in an effort to bring back what it decided 40 years ago it was all right to give away.

Since the Opening of China

U.S. President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai toast, Feb. 25, 1972. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Public domain)

The historic opening to China in the 1970s had engendered, by the 1990s, all sorts of unschooled expectations neither Kissinger nor Nixon would ever have entertained. They were realists. Those who managed China policy from, say, the Clinton years onward professed motivations worthy of Victorian missionaries.

They were at bottom Wilsonians. Investing in China, they argued ad nauseam, will turn the Chinese into liberal democrats in the Western mold. James Fallows, the longtime Atlantic writer, called this during his time in Asia the “just like us” line of reasoning.

It seems almost too naïve to believe anyone took this stuff seriously, and maybe it was all along simply political cover for the greedfest it was used to justify. By the mid–1990s, as the Clinton administration was concluding the North American Free Trade Agreement, American corporations were piling across the Pacific by the thousands to invest in manufacturing platforms from which they exported goods back to the U.S.

In 2001 China gained membership in the World Trade Organization. Its trade surpluses then grew precipitously, especially but not only with the U.S., but this was O.K.: Everybody was winning. ... a-tariffs/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:38 pm

‘Leader of the free world’ permits genocide and global annihilation

May 31, 2024


If there is any hope, it may be that the abominable reality galvanizes the world to rise up against this criminal system and the war criminals that lord it in high office.

This week may go down as the week that saw the collective Western leadership being self-indicted as criminally insane.

First of all, we see United States President Joe Biden declaring that the massacre of civilians in Gaza does not “cross any red lines” that might bar further crucial American support for the Israeli regime.

Then we have Biden and other Western political figures declaring their permission for the Ukrainian regime to strike Russian territory with long-range NATO weapons. This is the same regime that glorifies the Nazi Third Reich and collaborators in World War Two genocide, and whose president canceled elections, now becoming a dictator.

It is entirely fitting – and heinous – that accomplices to genocide in Gaza are also recklessly pushing for global nuclear conflagration.

The abhorrent public position of Biden and other Western leaders should be a shocking wake-up call for citizens all around the world as to the criminal nature of these powers. It is all the more sickening given the arrogant claims of the US to be the “leader of the free world” and narcissistic notions about “Western, American, European values”.

Biden has personally taken up a crusade based on a narrative of “leading democracy against autocracy” and promoting a “rules-based global order”.

The conceited Western powers routinely vilify Russia, China, Iran, and others as “autocracies” that are threatening supposedly precious freedoms of democracy and international law.

However, the world can vividly see how bankrupt the US and its Western partners are. Never before has the ugly truth been so naked.

This week witnessed a particularly horrific massacre in Gaza after more than eight months of countless atrocities by the Israeli regime against Palestinian civilians. A refugee camp in Rafah was bombed with incendiary explosives that killed at least 45 mainly women and children in refugee tents. The area had been designated a safe zone by the Israelis.

The scenes of death and mutilation were nearly beyond belief. Women and children were incinerated as they lay sleeping in their tents. Infants were decapitated in the air strikes.

Despite an international outcry against the monstrous barbarity, two days later the Israelis bombed more refugee camps in Rafah again murdering dozens of civilians.

Indeed, the world has reached a crisis in conscience, morality and international law when such wanton, mass murder of innocents is permitted to happen over and over again with impunity.

The United Nations-affiliated International Court of Justice (ICJ) has repeatedly called on the Israeli regime to halt its genocidal offensive on Gaza.

Another court, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant.

Multiple international human rights organizations and respected scholars have determined that Israel is committing genocide which so far has killed over 40,000 people amid a starvation siege threatening the existence of two million Palestinians.

The actions of the United States and its Western allies throughout this genocide amount to nauseating complicity.

The nadir of Washington’s hypocrisy and collusion was seen following the massacres in Rafah this week. The Biden White House said the mass murder did not cross any supposed red lines that might cause Washington to end its huge military and financial support for the Israeli regime. Only a few weeks ago, the Biden administration was ostensibly warning Israel not to proceed with its offensive plans in southern Gaza.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken exhibited depraved psychopathy when he spoke during a visit to Moldova and claimed that it wasn’t clear if American weapons were used in the Rafah bloodbath. He went on to use weasel words to justify mass murder, saying: “I think we also see that even limited, focused, targeted attacks designed to deal with terrorists who killed innocent civilians that are plotting to kill more, even those kinds of operations can have terrible, horrific, unintended consequences.”

European powers are equally contemptible. Following the Israeli onslaught in Rafah, European figures like French President Emmanuel Macron and the European Union’s foreign affairs minister Josep Borrell voiced criticism of Israeli violence. Nevertheless, the European Union and its main members continue to provide vital military support and political cover for the Israeli regime to perpetuate the slaughter.

In the news this week were moves by European states Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognize Palestinian statehood. However, such moves are tokenism and ineffective in halting the genocide. European “values” are worthless, if ambiguous.

Ambiguity on Gaza is not for the Americans though. US complicity is flagrant and barbaric. The White House and Congress have boorishly dismissed the orders by the International Court of Justice and ICC as “outrageous”, insisting with barefaced perversion that “there is no genocide” in Gaza. Washington has even threatened to impose sanctions on these legal bodies for daring to hold the Israeli regime to account. No doubt, part of the logic here is a concern that the United States and its Western accomplices could also eventually be indicted for complicity in Israel’s war crimes.

The double standards and hypocrisy of the United States and its European partners are off the charts. Only a few months ago, they were hailing the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin over alleged war crimes committed by Russian forces in Ukraine. There is no credible basis for such an indictment against the Russian leader unlike the overwhelming evidence for genocide by Israel in Gaza with full support from the US and Europe.

There are very sound reasons why Biden has become known as “Genocide Joe” in the eyes of a large section of the American and European population.

Further mocking his credentials as “leader of the free world”, Biden has overseen the arrests of thousands of American students who have bravely held protests on university campuses across the US against the genocide that their government and taxes are enabling.

The moral bankruptcy of Biden and the rest of the ruling elite in the United States and Europe is proven beyond all doubt by the ongoing support for genocide in Gaza. Not one of these self-proclaimed champions of the “rules-based order” has stood up unequivocally on the side of justice.

Confirming their moral decrepitude, Biden and virtually all of the Western establishment are moving to escalate the NATO proxy war in Ukraine by sponsoring a NeoNazi regime to hit Russia with long-range ballistic weapons. The criminals have become insane in their warmongering and gambling with a potential nuclear conflagration.

President Putin warned that such relentless escalation would have dire consequences. That’s not a bluff or idle warning.

The savagery of Western imperialism has become a full-blown disease – again. World War One and Two were earlier pandemics of this disease. It is threatening the world once more in the obscene disguise of “democracy, freedom and rule of law”. But that threadbare disguise is as transparent as it is grotesque.

The diabolical image of a distraught Palestinian father holding up the body of a decapitated baby is the horrific reality of Western imperialism. There is no restraint in what this psychopathic system is capable of permitting – the genocide of millions and ultimately global annihilation.

If there is any hope, it may be that the abominable reality galvanizes the world to rise up against this criminal system and the war criminals that lord it in high office. ... ihilation/

(Image borrowed from Sheer Post. Thank you Mr Fish.)
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:44 pm

Biden claims Israel 'has not invaded Rafah' as jets, tanks raze city

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed over the past month by Israeli forces in Rafah after Tel Aviv launched its invasion of the city

News Desk

JUN 7, 2024

(Photo Credit: Reuters)

US President Joe Biden told ABC News on 6 June that the Israeli government has listened to his “concerns” about a major military offensive in Gaza's southernmost city of Rafah.

“They were going to go into Russia – into Rafah – full bore, invade all of Rafah, go into the city, take it out, move, move with full force. They haven’t done that. And what they’ve done is they’ve agreed to a significant agreement,” the US president said as Israeli warplanes continued their months-long blitz of residential areas and displacement camps in the city.

Residents of Rafah who spoke with Reuters on Friday morning described the latest raids as “one of the worst nights,” adding that “some people were wounded inside their homes before being evacuated this morning.”

Residents also said that Israeli tanks that have taken control along the border with Egypt made several raids towards the west and the center of the southern city.

“I think he’s listening to me,” Biden added when asked by ABC News if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu heeded his warnings.

Elsewhere in the interview, Biden claimed Netanyahu will stick by his own ceasefire proposal. “He’s publicly said he is. Our European friends are in on it. We have to get a ceasefire.”

“What [Israel has] done is they’ve agreed to a significant agreement that if in fact Hamas accepts it,” the US president said before adding that the offer is backed by much of the Arab world.

“We’ll see. This is a very difficult time,” Biden said.

On Thursday, senior Hamas officials revealed that the Israeli ceasefire proposal “does not mention stopping the aggression or the withdrawal [of troops from Gaza].”

“The Israeli documents speak of open-ended negotiation with no deadline, and it speaks of a stage during which the occupation regains its captives and resumes the war. We had told the mediators that this proposal is unacceptable,” Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters on Thursday.

The Cradle columnist Khalil Harb earlier this week described the proposal presented by Biden as a “repackaging of last month’s Hamas-approved agreement, which he is now repositioning as an Israeli-sanctioned deal. ... -raze-city


Biden shuts down US-Mexico border
Border shutdown will go into effect immediately, barring asylum seekers from entering the United States

June 05, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Photo: Gage Skidmore

Biden signed an executive order temporarily shutting down the US-Mexico border to asylum requests once the average number of daily encounters of migrants at official ports of entry tops 2,500. The shutdown would go into effect immediately, as the average number of people coming through the border through official ports of entry is averaging around 4,000 people per day.

This action comes after a bill pushed by Biden failed in Congress earlier this year, which would have jointly enacted harsh restrictions on the border and provided millions in funding to Ukraine. Congressional conservatives rejected the bill due to claims that it was not strict enough on migrants and due to conservative opposition to additional Ukraine funding.

Migrant advocates have lambasted the policy. “The suffering of thousands of potential immigrants to this country seeking asylum and protection will be closed by racist policies and lack of immigration reform in this country,” Francisco J. Moreno-Castillo, Executive Director of Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas (COFEM) told Peoples Dispatch.

The move is likely to be unpopular, especially during election season in November, with the diverse and young base that the Democratic Party has cultivated for itself. Biden is hemorrhaging support among youth and Arab-American voters over his currency unconditional support for Israel as it carries out genocide in Gaza.

The executive order, despite being similar to the many draconian immigration policies that Donald Trump pushed through while President, has been criticized by the right-wing for supposed leniency. One of the exceptions the executive order provides is for unaccompanied minors crossing the border. In response, Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavett claimed that this exception provides a “green light to child traffickers and sex traffickers.”

Other conservatives have joined in the criticism of Biden. “[Biden] created a crisis at the border intentionally,” said Republican Senator Kevin Cramer, of North Dakota. “[The action] has more political risk than political benefit, particularly because his own base is going to reject it.”

Peoples Dispatch spoke to journalist Todd Miller, who reports extensively on the US-Mexico border. “It’s border theater, the type you get during an election year,” Miller said. “Announcing a heavy handed enforcement strategy has been the Biden administration’s campaign strategy since the beginning of the year, when the Democrats championed a border bill that gave 15 billion dollars to CBP and ICE. In other words, on the border, Biden, as a campaign strategy, is trying to out-Trump Trump. Campaign messaging aside, Biden’s border approach has been heavy-handed since the get go, evidenced by the budgets given to border and immigration and border enforcement.” ... co-border/


This guy is the 'lesser evil'?

Ask the Palestinians. Ask the women of Ukraine whose husbands and sons die by the drove to preserve US hegemony. Ask an honest environmentalist who has seen every promise of substance not just ignored but reversed. Ask the immigrants who were promised a fair and humane deal.

The one thing Joe is good at is playing electoral politics which he proved by leaving his party's progressives holding a bag of shit. But even that acumen won't get him re-elected, he has made such a hash of things. But not to worry, Joe, a majority of the ruling class and the imperialist management has got your back.

Trump is a no-good sonofabitch too, in his own unique and repulsive ways. He put a knife in the already pathetic US climate and environment policy and enjoyed twisting the knife. Joe would never do that, always playing innocent and misdirecting the blame. Trump gave the rich even more, but Joe had been doing that for decades even while proclaiming himself working class. Trump stirs the pot of racism whenever he sees fit, Joe's regime heavily promotes some nebulous 'diversity' which effects near as much divisiveness as Trumps racist dog-whistles. Joe don't give a damn about 'minorities', but would keep them divided not united in class politics.

Neither greater nor lesser, just plain evil.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 11, 2024 3:35 pm

Biden exploits WWII heroism to promote U.S. fascist aggression against Russia

Finian Cunningham

June 10, 2024

In truth, U.S. imperialism and its NATO war machine have resurrected the aggression of Nazi Germany against Russia.

A charitable view would be U.S. President Joe Biden has no awareness and therefore no shame. But what he did during the 80th anniversary of D-Day landings last week was nonetheless repugnant. He exploited the historic event to cheaply justify NATO’s proxy war against Russia.

Biden delivered an open-air speech at Pointe du Pointe in Normandy. That is where some 225 U.S. Rangers stormed the beach during the D-Day landings in northwest France on June 6, 1944. The American troops scaled the cliffs under constant gunfire to capture German heavy artillery placements. The daring attack helped relieve the German firing on thousands of other Allied troops who were also storming the Normandy beaches nearby that day.

“My God, how did they do that?” asked Biden in awe.

There is no doubting the bravery of those American soldiers and their sacrifice that day. More than half of the spearhead Rangers were killed in action. The D-Day landings were one of the biggest military forces ever assembled. The second front it opened against Nazi Germany precipitated the eventual defeat in Berlin in May 1945, less than a year later.

Still, let’s not forget that the Soviet Union had been battling the Third Reich for three years before the British and American landings in Western Europe. Stalin had pleaded with Roosevelt and Churchill to open the Western front much sooner, to no avail.

It was the Soviet Red Army that inflicted the crucial blow to Hitler’s regime claiming 90 percent of Wehrmacht’s losses in countless heroic battles until the final conquest of Berlin. The iconic hoisting of the Red Flag over the Reichstag was a fitting symbol of who was the principal victor over Nazi Germany.

No disrespect to the sacrifices of the American, British and other Allied troops in Normandy, but their action was a sideshow to the main event of Soviet triumph and sacrifice – with more than 27 million Soviet citizens, some 10 million of them being soldiers, having been killed in the war compared with less than one million U.S. and British troops.

American and British national narcissism of course likes to project an outsized role played by D-Day landings. Hollywood presentations like Steven Spielberg’s feature movie, Saving Private Ryan, are cringe-making in their vainglorious appropriation of historical valor. Laughably, actor Tom Hanks, who starred in Saving Private Ryan, was present at the 80th anniversary events in France, giving media interviews about the historical importance of the invasion. How embarrassing that Hollywood versions of history are taken as factual accounts and presented with gravitas to the public by “mainstream media news” outlets.

Anyway, the conceited notion peddled by American and British media is that it was the courage and efforts of their soldiers that won World War Two. This absurd bias has long been baked into Hollywood and mass media messaging. However, the distortion has reached the level of blatant falsification whereby Russian representation was not even permitted at the commemorative events. This is of course because of the war in Ukraine and the Western propaganda that vilifies Russia as the aggressor in Ukraine. The contradictions would be too much to bear.

Imagine that. A supposedly major event dedicated to the defeat of Nazi Germany has the brazen audacity to omit any official acknowledgment of the vital contribution made by the Soviet Union.

Not only that, but American President Joe Biden has the gall to use the D-Day landings to justify the expansion of the present U.S.-led NATO proxy war against Russia. Biden is using his falsification of World War Two as a propellant for starting World War Three. This is beyond malicious stupidity. It is criminal in the Nuremberg definition.

On the U.S. Rangers’ assault on Pointe du Hoc on June 6, 1944, Biden declared: “They breached Hitler’s Atlantic Wall. And they turned, in that one effort, the tide of war that began to save the world.”

The incredible arrogance here by Biden is that the beach landing “turned the tide of war to save the world”.

Any honest historian, regardless of nationality, would contend the tide of war was turned during the Battle of Stalingrad in 1943 and numerous other battles on the Eastern Front which decimated the fearsome Nazi war machine.

Biden continued with his Hollywoodesque narration: “A feared dictator [who] had conquered a continent had finally met his match. Because of them, the war turned.”

Again, this is Biden making stuff up to plump up America’s myths about its presumed virtues and exceptional leadership of the “free world”.

He says of the U.S. soldiers in Normandy: “They stood against Hitler’s aggression.”

Let’s give those American and other Allied soldiers their just respect. Yes, they did stand up to Hitler and fascist aggression in Europe. As did the Soviet soldiers with whom the West was allied during WWII.

Then Biden twists the narrative with odious intent. He asks: “Does anyone doubt — does anyone doubt that they [the U.S. troops in the D-Day landings] would want America to stand up against Putin’s aggression here in Europe today?”

Biden goes on: “As we gather here today, it’s not just to honor those who showed such remarkable bravery on that day, June 6th, 1944. It’s to listen to the echoes of their voices, to hear them, because they are summoning us, and they’re summoning us now.

“They’re ask[ing] us: What will we do?

“They’re not asking us to scale these cliffs, but they’re asking us to stay true to what America stands for.

“They’re not asking us to do their job. They’re asking us to do our job: to protect freedom in our time, to defend democracy, to stand up to aggression abroad and at home, to be part of something bigger than ourselves.”

Biden’s distortion of history and the historic defeat of fascism is breathtaking. He is equating present-day Russia with Nazi Germany and Putin with Hitler. This is surely the pinnacle of Russophobia. And an incredibly dangerous climax to the assault that Washington has been leading in Ukraine since the CIA coup in 2014.

In truth, U.S. imperialism and its NATO war machine have resurrected the aggression of Nazi Germany against Russia. That aggression is recklessly, criminally risking inciting a nuclear conflagration. Biden and the Western ruling class have repudiated any diplomatic resolution to the worst conflict in Europe since the Second World War and are unilaterally escalating the provocations against Russia with no accountability to the Western public, all based on lies and distortions.

Biden and his Western ilk are the embodiment of fascist aggression today.

And sickening insult upon insult, Biden exploited the memory of soldiers who died fighting Nazi fascism 80 years ago to promote American fascism today. ... st-russia/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:21 pm

NappyGate makes Biden the most disgraced U.S. president in history

Martin Jay

June 11, 2024

Biden has reached an all-time new low with his desperate PR stunt at the D-Day memorial. But can he save himself by removing Netanyahu?

Joe Biden’s attendance of the D-Day memorial in France was a disgrace and one which he will struggle to shrug off when the annals of history are written. Never before has a U.S. president stooped so low to use the event as a stage for his own PR strategy to get re-elected and harp on about Ukraine. Some may believe he plagiarised Reagan’s speech almost 40 years earlier, but they miss the point. The D-Day commemorations are all about celebrating peace and learning lessons from history. They are not about celebrating war and calling for more blood on any battlefield, let alone Ukraine’s. Interestingly, Ukraine’s president was invited to the event, but not the Russian leader which corresponds with a trend now that many geopolitical analysts are noting: how Russia’s critical contribution to defeating Nazi Germany is getting airbrushed out of the entire media landscape. Fake news has entered the domain of how such events are reported as we have to assume that Russia defeating Nazism in the West – and in particular in Ukraine in the 1940s – cannot be allowed a media spotlight as some voters in the West might draw the parallel with how Russia even today is continuing the theme.

This time around, though, it is the Nazis in Germany who we in the West are backing. It’s pretty complicated. Have pity on the journalists who can even get their heads around it. Most simply chose to navigate around the Nazis in Ukraine altogether as was evident when recently a brigade visited the British parliament and not one national newspaper or TV channel covered the extraordinary event which included a flag, reminiscent of German Nazis, being presented to a proud Boris Johnson in the parliament itself. Remarkable what is possible when you have such control over the press. And even more remarkable how, when you take such control, that one of the perks is that it is not at all considered odd or incongruous when you start believing your own fake news.

A good example would be the U.S.-built floating peer which we were told was to help with aid shipments getting to the Gazans. Turns out that it was actually a military prop which actually was used to assist in the slaughter of even more Gazans. Recently, a daring raid to capture 4 Israeli hostages resulted in the blood bath of both Palestinians and even Israel’s own hostages – plus the lives of a number of IDF officers. While most people were contemplating Joe Biden’s awkward moment at the D-Day memorial service where he crouched slightly as though passing wind – or even defecating – some Americans were digesting his own disgusting support of the IDF’s slaughter in Gaza, with the help of the peer. Biden has lost all confidence he had with this disingenuous stance of reluctantly standing by, while Israel continues with its ethnic cleansing of Gazans. Now, no one in America believes him as his floating peer was a hoax, a media distraction as was his recent peace plan. All brown hot steaming stuff. But as Jill Biden rushes her husband away from the formalities at the D-Day memorial for a swift nappy change, much of the brown stuff has already hit the fan. Biden lost control in the Middle East and the recent beefed-up attacks of IDF installations in Northern Israel and the Golan Heights itself from Hezbollah, not to mention the ruling coalition in Israel being shaken by resignations, has placed him and Netanyahu in a tight spot.

The resignation by a centrist defence minister Benny Gantz does not immediately pose a threat to Netanyahu, as the prime minister still controls a majority coalition in parliament. It does, however, affect the Israeli government’s respectability on the international stage as Gantz is well liked in Washington and his calls for an early election may well resonate with Biden giving Netanyahu’s imminent visit to Washington a chill factor. Any more pressure on the wobbling coalition or from Biden himself may force Netanyahu to resign as he knows that a snap election – although fashionable right now – won’t leave him remaining in office. Perhaps Iran is factoring on this, as the recent bombing of IDF sites by Hezbollah and the torching of the Golan Heights also makes Netanyahu look weak. It’s as though Iran is expecting a round of negotiations and is preparing its hand. ... n-history/
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