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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 4:06 pm
by blindpig
Calling Russia’s Attack ‘Unprovoked’ Lets US Off the Hook


Roll Call: Lawmakers united in outrage over Putin’s ‘unprovoked’ invasion of Ukraine
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine can fairly be called many things, but “unprovoked” (Roll Call, 2/24/22) is not one of them.[/quote]

Many governments and media figures are rightly condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine as an act of aggression and a violation of international law. But in his first speech about the invasion, on February 24, US President Joe Biden also called the invasion “unprovoked.”

It’s a word that has been echoed repeatedly across the media ecosystem. “Putin’s forces entered Ukraine’s second-largest city on the fourth day of the unprovoked invasion,” Axios (2/27/22) reported; “Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine entered its second week Friday,” said CNBC (3/4/22). Vox (3/1/22) wrote of “Putin’s decision to launch an unprovoked and unnecessary war with the second-largest country in Europe.”

The “unprovoked” descriptor obscures a long history of provocative behavior from the United States in regards to Ukraine. This history is important to understanding how we got here, and what degree of responsibility the US bears for the current attack on Ukraine.

Ignoring expert advice

The story starts at the end of the Cold War, when the US was the only global hegemon. As part of the deal that finalized the reunification of Germany, the US promised Russia that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” Despite this, it wasn’t long before talk of expansion began to circulate among policy makers.

In 1997, dozens of foreign policy veterans (including former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and former CIA Director Stansfield Turner) sent a joint letter to then-President Bill Clinton calling “the current US-led effort to expand NATO…a policy error of historic proportions.” They predicted:

In Russia, NATO expansion, which continues to be opposed across the entire political spectrum, will strengthen the nondemocratic opposition, undercut those who favor reform and cooperation with the West [and] bring the Russians to question the entire post-Cold War settlement.

NYT: And Now a Word From X
Diplomat George Kennan (New York Times, 5/2/98) said NATO expansion would be “a tragic mistake.”

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (5/2/98) in 1998 asked famed diplomat George Kennan—architect of the US Cold War strategy of containment—about NATO expansion. Kennan’s response:

I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies. I think it is a tragic mistake. There was no reason for this whatsoever. No one was threatening anybody else.

Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then [the NATO expanders] will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are—but this is just wrong.

Despite these warnings, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were added to NATO in 1999, with Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia following in 2004.

US planners were warned again in 2008 by US Ambassador to Moscow William Burns (now director of the CIA under Joe Biden). WikiLeaks leaked a cable from Burns titled “Nyet Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines” that included another prophetic warning worth quoting in full (emphasis added):

Ukraine and Georgia’s NATO aspirations not only touch a raw nerve in Russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. Not only does Russia perceive encirclement, and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests.

Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.

A de facto NATO ally
NYT: NATO Signals Support for Ukraine in Face of Threat From Russia
As Russia threatened to invade Ukraine over the threat of NATO expansion, NATO’s response was to emphasize that Ukraine would some day join the alliance (New York Times, 12/16/21).
But the US has pushed Russia to make such a decision. Though European countries are divided about whether or not Ukraine should join, many in the NATO camp have been adamant about maintaining the alliance’s “open door policy.” Even as US planners were warning of a Russian invasion, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated NATO’s 2008 plans to integrate Ukraine into the alliance (New York Times, 12/16/21). The Biden administration has taken a more roundabout approach, supporting in the abstract “Kyiv’s right to choose its own security arrangements and alliances.” But the implication is obvious.

Even without officially being in NATO, Ukraine has become a de facto NATO ally—and Russia has paid close attention to these developments. In a December 2021 speech to his top military officials, Putin expressed his concerns:

Over the past few years, military contingents of NATO countries have been almost constantly present on Ukrainian territory under the pretext of exercises. The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated into NATO. This means that NATO headquarters can issue direct commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate units and squads….

Kiev has long proclaimed a strategic course on joining NATO. Indeed, each country is entitled to pick its own security system and enter into military alliances. There would be no problem with that, if it were not for one “but.” International documents expressly stipulate the principle of equal and indivisible security, which includes obligations not to strengthen one’s own security at the expense of the security of other states….

In other words, the choice of pathways towards ensuring security should not pose a threat to other states, whereas Ukraine joining NATO is a direct threat to Russia’s security.

In an explainer piece, the New York Times (2/24/22) centered NATO expansion as a root cause of the war. Unfortunately, the Times omitted the critical context of NATO’s pledge not to expand, and the subsequent abandonment of that promise. This is an important context to understand the Russian view of US policies, especially so given the ample warnings from US diplomats and foreign policy experts.

The Maidan Coup of 2014

A major turning point in the US/Ukraine/Russia relationship was the 2014 violent and unconstitutional ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych, elected in 2010 in a vote heavily split between eastern and western Ukraine. His ouster came after months of protests led in part by far-right extremists (, 3/7/14). Weeks before his ouster, an unknown party leaked a phone call between US officials discussing who should and shouldn’t be part of the new government, and finding ways to “seal the deal.” After the ouster, a politician the officials designated as “the guy” even became prime minister.

The US involvement was part of a campaign aimed at exploiting the divisions in Ukrainian society to push the country into the US sphere of influence, pulling it out of the Russian sphere (, 1/28/22). In the aftermath of the overthrow, Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine, in part to secure a major naval base from the new Ukrainian government.

The New York Times (2/24/22) and Washington Post (2/28/22) both omitted the role the US played in these events. In US media, this critical moment in history is completely cleansed of US influence, erasing a critical step on the road to the current war.

Keeping civil war alive

In another response to the overthrow, an uprising in Ukraine’s Donbas region grew into a rebel movement that declared independence from Ukraine and announced the formation of their own republics. The resulting civil war claimed thousands of lives, but was largely paused in 2015 with a ceasefire agreement known as the Minsk II accords.
Nation: Ukraine: The Most Dangerous Problem in the World
Anatol Lieven (The Nation, 11/15/21): “US administrations, the political establishment, and the mainstream media have quietly buried…the refusal of Ukrainian governments to implement the solution and the refusal of the United States to put pressure on them to do so.”
The deal, agreed to by Ukraine, Russia and other European countries, was designed to grant some form of autonomy to the breakaway regions in exchange for reintegrating them into the Ukrainian state. Unfortunately, the Ukrainian government refused to implement the autonomy provision of the accords. Anatol Lieven, a researcher with the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, wrote in The Nation (11/15/21):

The main reason for this refusal, apart from a general commitment to retain centralized power in Kiev, has been the belief that permanent autonomy for the Donbas would prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and the European Union, as the region could use its constitutional position within Ukraine to block membership.

Ukraine opted instead to prolong the Donbas conflict, and there was never significant pressure from the West to alter course. Though there were brief reports of the accords’ revival as recently as late January, Ukrainian security chief Oleksiy Danilov warned the West not to pressure Ukraine to implement the peace deal. “The fulfillment of the Minsk agreement means the country’s destruction,” he said (AP, 1/31/22). Danilov claimed that even when the agreement was signed eight years ago, “it was already clear for all rational people that it’s impossible to implement.”

Lieven notes that the depth of Russian commitment has yet to be fully tested, but Putin has supported the Minsk accords, refraining from officially recognizing the Donbas republics until last week.

The New York Times (2/8/22) explainer on the Minsk accords blamed their failure on a disagreement between Ukraine and Russia over their implementation. This is inadequate to explain the failure of the agreements, however, given that Russia cannot affect Ukrainian parliamentary procedure. The Times quietly acknowledged that the law meant to define special status in the Donbas had been “shelved” by the Ukranians, indicating that the country had stopped trying to solve the issue in favor of a stalemate.

There was no mention of the comments from a top Ukrainian official openly denouncing the peace accords. Nor was it acknowledged that the US could have used its influence to push Ukraine to solve the issue, but refrained from doing so.

Ukrainian missile crisis
WaPo: Putin’s attack on Ukraine echoes Hitler’s takeover of Czechoslovakia
The Washington Post‘s Hitler analogy (2/24/22) is a bit much, considering that the Ukrainian government provides veterans benefits to militias that actually participated in the Holocaust (Kyiv Post, 12/24/18).
One under-discussed aspect of this crisis is the role of US missiles stationed in NATO countries. Many media outlets have claimed that Putin is Hitler-like (Washington Post, 2/24/22; Boston Globe, 2/24/22), hellbent on reconquering old Soviet states to “recreat[e] the Russian empire with himself as the Tsar,” as Clinton State Department official Strobe Talbot told Politico (2/25/22).

Pundits try to psychoanalyze Putin, asking “What is motivating him?” and answering by citing his televised speech on February 21 that recounted the history of Ukraine’s relationship with Russia.

This speech has been widely characterized as a call to reestablish the Soviet empire and a challenge to Ukraine’s right to exist as a sovereign nation. Corporate media ignore other public statements Putin has made in recent months. For example, at an expanded meeting of the Defense Ministry Board, Putin elaborated on what he considered to be the main military threat from US/NATO expansion to Ukraine:

It is extremely alarming that elements of the US global defense system are being deployed near Russia. The Mk 41 launchers, which are located in Romania and are to be deployed in Poland, are adapted for launching the Tomahawk strike missiles. If this infrastructure continues to move forward, and if US and NATO missile systems are deployed in Ukraine, their flight time to Moscow will be only 7–10 minutes, or even five minutes for hypersonic systems. This is a huge challenge for us, for our security.

The United States does not possess hypersonic weapons yet, but we know when they will have it…. They will supply hypersonic weapons to Ukraine and then use them as cover…to arm extremists from a neighbouring state and incite them against certain regions of the Russian Federation, such as Crimea, when they think circumstances are favorable.

Do they really think we do not see these threats? Or do they think that we will just stand idly watching threats to Russia emerge? This is the problem: We simply have no room to retreat.

Having these missiles so close to Russia—weapons that Russia (and China) see as part of a plan to give the United States the capacity to launch a nuclear first-strike without retaliation—seriously challenges the cold war deterrent of Mutually Assured Destruction, and more closely resembles a gun pointed at the Russian head for the remainder of the nuclear age. Would this be acceptable to any country?

Media refuse to present this crucial question to their audiences, instead couching Putin’s motives in purely aggressive terms.

Refusal to de-escalate
Twitter: United with Ukraine
As the threat of war loomed, Secretary of State Antony Blinken (Twitter, 1/27/22) framed the issue of NATO expansion as “Kyiv’s right to choose its own security arrangements and alliances”—as though NATO were a public accommodation open to anyone who wanted to join.
By December 2021, US intelligence agencies were sounding the alarm that Russia was amassing troops at the Ukrainian border and planning to attack. Yet Putin was very clear about a path to deescalation: He called on the West to halt NATO expansion, negotiate Ukrainian neutrality in the East/West rivalry, remove US nuclear weapons from non proliferating countries, and remove missiles, troops and bases near Russia. These are demands the US would surely have made were it in Russia’s position.

Unfortunately, the US refused to negotiate on Russia’s core concerns. The US offered some serious steps towards a larger arms control arrangement (, 2/2/22)—something the Russians acknowledged and appreciated—but ignored issues of NATO’s military activity in Ukraine, and the deployment of nuclear weapons in Eastern Europe (, 2/17/22).

On NATO expansion, the State Department continued to insist that they would not compromise NATO’s open door policy—in other words, it asserted the right to expand NATO and to ignore Russia’s red line.

While the US has signaled that it would approve of an informal agreement to keep Ukraine from joining the alliance for a period of time, this clearly was not going to be enough for Russia, which still remembers the last broken agreement.

Instead of addressing Russian concerns about Ukraine’s NATO relationship, the US instead chose to pour hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons into Ukraine, exacerbating Putin’s expressed concerns. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy didn’t help matters by suggesting that Ukraine might begin a nuclear weapons program at the height of the tensions.

After Putin announced his recognition of the breakaway republics, Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceled talks with Putin, and began the process of implementing sanctions on Russia—all before Russian soldiers had set foot into Ukraine.

Had the US been genuinely interested in avoiding war, it would have taken every opportunity to de-escalate the situation. Instead, it did the opposite nearly every step of the way.

In its explainer piece, the Washington Post (2/28/22) downplayed the significance of the US’s rejection of Russia’s core concerns, writing: “Russia has said that it wants guarantees Ukraine will be barred from joining NATO—a non-starter for the Western alliance, which maintains an open-door policy.” NATO’s open door policy is simply accepted as an immutable policy that Putin just needs to deal with. This very assumption, so key to the Ukraine crisis, goes unchallenged in the US media ecosystem.
‘The strategic case for risking war’.
WSJ: The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine
John Deni (Wall Street Journal, 12/22/21): “There are good strategic reasons for the West to stake out a hard-line approach, giving little ground to Moscow.”
It’s impossible to say for sure why the Biden administration took an approach that increased the likelihood of war, but one Wall Street Journal piece from last month may offer some insight.

The Journal (12/22/21) published an op-ed from John Deni, a researcher at the Atlantic Council, a think tank funded by the US and allied governments that serves as NATO’s de facto brain trust. The piece was provocatively headlined “The Strategic Case for Risking War in Ukraine.” Deni’s argument was that the West should refuse to negotiate with Russia, because either potential outcome would be beneficial to US interests.

If Putin backed down without a deal, it would be a major embarrassment. He would lose face and stature, domestically and on the world stage.

But Putin going to war would also be good for the US, the Journal op-ed argued. Firstly, it would give NATO more legitimacy by “forg[ing] an even stronger anti-Russian consensus across Europe.” Secondly, a major attack would trigger “another round of more debilitating economic sanctions,” weakening the Russian economy and its ability to compete with the US for global influence. Thirdly, an invasion is “likely to spawn a guerrilla war” that would “sap the strength and morale of Russia’s military while undercutting Mr. Putin’s domestic popularity and reducing Russia’s soft power globally.”

In short, we have part of the NATO brain trust advocating risking Ukrainian civilians as pawns in the US’s quest to strengthen its position around the world.
‘Something even worse than war’
NYT: Europe Thinks Putin Is Planning Something Even Worse Than War
What would be worse than thousands of Ukrainians dying? According to this New York Times op-ed (2/3/22), “a new European security architecture that recognizes Russia’s sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space.”

A New York Times op-ed (2/3/22) by Ivan Krastev of Vienna’s Institute of Human Sciences likewise suggested that a Russian invasion of Ukraine wouldn’t be the worst outcome:

A Russian incursion into Ukraine could, in a perverse way, save the current European order. NATO would have no choice but to respond assertively, bringing in stiff sanctions and acting in decisive unity. By hardening the conflict, Mr. Putin could cohere his opponents.

The op-ed was headlined “Europe Thinks Putin Is Planning Something Even Worse Than War”—that something being “a new European security architecture that recognizes Russia’s sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space.”

It is impossible to know for sure whether the Biden administration shared this sense that there would be an upside to a Russian invasion, but the incentives are clear, and much of what these op-eds predicted is coming to pass.

None of this is to say that Putin’s invasion is justified—FAIR resolutely condemns the invasion as illegal and ruinous—but calling it “unprovoked” distracts attention from the US’s own contribution to this disastrous outcome. The US ignored warnings from both Russian and US officials that a major conflagration could erupt if the US continued its path, and it shouldn’t be surprising that one eventually did.

Now, as the world once again inches toward the brink of nuclear omnicide, it is more important than ever for Western audiences to understand and challenge their own government’s role in dragging us all to this point.

Featured image: NPR map (9/3/14) from 2014 showing NATO/EU expansion. ... -the-hook/


Andrey Kosyak is free!
March 5, 17:40


Andrey Kosyak, an observer of the JCCC of the LNR, captured last year by the Ukrainian Nazis, is at large.
He spent several months in captivity and was released after Russian troops liberated Starobilsk from Ukrainian Nazis.
Andrey Kosyak was kept in a local pre-trial detention center. Today he gave his first interview in freedom

Google Translator


‘Cut through wall of imperialist propaganda’ on Ukraine
March 4, 2022 Greg Butterfield

In 2014, SLL’s Greg Butterfield met with exiled Ukrainians in Crimea, including these activists. Since then, they have continued to fight for Ukraine’s liberation from U.S. domination. SLL photo

From a presentation by Struggle-La Lucha co-editor Greg Butterfield at a Feb. 27 film showing of Oliver Stone’s film “Ukraine on Fire,” hosted by Youth Against War and Racism.

At the beginning of a war crisis, the most urgent task is to cut through the wall of imperialist lies and propaganda. So it’s vital to state clearly that the situation in Eastern Europe today was created by the U.S. and NATO, which bear full responsibility for the military conflict unfolding in Ukraine.

Ukraine and its Western sponsors spent the last seven years sabotaging the 2015 Minsk II agreements meant to end Kiev’s attacks on the people of the Donbass region. Washington and Kiev spent the last three months preparing an invasion of the Donetsk People’s Republic and Lugansk People’s Republic as a means to draw Russia into a war.

President Joe Biden, Congress and NATO were more than willing to sacrifice the lives of Donbass civilians as well as Ukrainian troops to achieve their goal.

The situation changed drastically Feb. 21, when the Russian government formally recognized the DPR and LPR and signed treaties of friendship and mutual defense with them – eight years after the people of the Donbass declared independence from Ukraine.

It was the last warning to Ukrainian President Voldomyr Zelensky to back off from the attacks. But Ukraine, prodded by its masters in Washington, continued to bomb, shoot and carry out terrorist acts against the people of Donetsk and Lugansk.

On Feb. 24, the Donbass republics and Russia launched a joint military operation against the Ukrainian government. Its goals are to stop the constant threats and attacks on Donetsk and Lugansk; to retake areas on Donbass occupied by the Ukrainian military; and to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine.

The point is to make the Ukrainian regime unable to continue acting as a de facto NATO military base and existential threat to its neighbors.

The Socialist Unity Party and Struggle-La Lucha call for the victory of the Donbass Republics and their Russian allies in this operation. U.S.-NATO imperialism and Ukrainian Nazism can only be stopped by forceful action there combined with militant solidarity here.

Stand with which Ukraine?

During a war crisis, when the capitalists push out campaigns like “Pray for Ukraine” or “Stand with Ukraine,” preying on the humanitarian impulses of uninformed people, we have to ask: Who are they actually trying to rally support for?

It’s not for the common people, the workers or the rank and file soldiers. They are trying to tie people here to the fortunes of the neocolonial Ukrainian government, the capitalist elite, military leaders and neo-Nazi gangs that infest the state from top to bottom.

The “suffering Ukrainians” aren’t an undifferentiated mass. Hidden from the people here is the fact that many Ukrainians have been ruthlessly repressed since the 2014 Euromaidan coup: imprisoned, killed, exiled or terrorized on the streets.

Progressive organizations were outlawed. Journalists and people who opposed the war against Donbass were jailed. National minorities were banned from using their native languages.

Neo-Nazis in Kiev routinely attacked women’s marches, LGBTQ2S Pride parades and anti-fascist historical commemorations. Russian speakers, Roma, Jewish people, Vietnamese immigrants and African students were attacked.

At least 48 people were killed by neo-Nazis at the Odessa House of Trade Unions on May 2, 2014. Thousands of activists were driven into exile under threat of imprisonment or death.

Those are the Ukrainians who need our solidarity.

We know from activists inside Ukraine that the anti-fascist underground is working with Russian troops to identify and capture fascist war criminals. Victory to them!

I hope that exiled comrades who were driven away from their homes, families and communities will soon be able to return.

Confusion in anti-war left

As revolutionary Marxists and Leninists, we understand that pacifism, especially of the “plague on both your houses” kind, amounts to backhanded support for imperialism and its goals.

The job of the anti-war movement here is to end U.S. wars, proxy wars and sanctions by any means necessary, and to support those around the world who are fighting back.

Unfortunately, many anti-war organizations and even some groups that describe themselves as revolutionary socialists and communists have bowed to the intense pressure of imperialist propaganda and taken positions of denouncing Russia or drawing an equal sign between the U.S./NATO and Russia. Just a week ago, they were warning that Washington was pushing Russia into a corner where it would have no choice but to take military action!

Most of these groups have never raised the plight of the people of Donbass, who have endured brutal war and blockade at the cost of over 14,000 lives for eight years.

Likewise, some are now downplaying the role of neo-Nazi and white supremacist forces in Ukraine. These groups were the motor force of the 2014 coup. Today they are completely integrated into the military, police and all sectors of the state, and are used by the U.S. to keep pressure on Kiev’s political elite to do Washington’s bidding.

They don’t talk about how Ukraine has become a training ground for fascists and white supremacists from Europe and North America. In the film we are watching today, “Ukraine on Fire,” you’ll see how that situation came about and how both Democrats and Republicans were intimately involved.

I want to be clear that my criticism is directed at the leaders of these anti-war groups, not the rank and file who may be confused or misinformed. We know there are also folks affiliated with these groups who take an anti-imperialist position and have done excellent work in recent weeks building opposition to war with Russia.

We hope these organizations will come around to a principled view, and soon, because the workers and anti-fascists of the region need the widest possible support. ... n-ukraine/


War in Ukraine to boost Pentagon’s annual budget closer to trillion dollars
Date: March 4, 2022
Author: Rick Rozoff

March 3, 2022

Russia’s Invasion Will Boost 2023 Defense Budget, Top Democrat Says

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will boost the Pentagon’s funding for next year, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee predicted on Thursday.

“Without question, it’s going to have to be bigger than we thought,” Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., said at an American Enterprise Institute event. “The Russian invasion of Ukraine fundamentally altered what our national security posture and what our defense posture needs to be. It made it more complicated and it made it more expensive. I don’t see much way to argue it.”

During annual budget negotiations, Republicans typically push for more defense spending while Democrats overwhelmingly argue for cuts to the military and increased spending on domestic programs. But the bipartisan support for Ukraine could unite both parties around a higher defense budget.

“The political reality is that the Russian incursion in Ukraine has created much more support for an increase in the defense budget,” said Todd Harrison, director for budget analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “At a minimum, I think [Democrats] won’t oppose it….”

In December, Congress authorized nearly $778 billion for defense spending in fiscal 2022, which began Oct. 1, though lawmakers have yet to pass a budget to disperse that money. The Biden administration is expected to submit a 2023 budget request this month. Two weeks ago, “sources familiar with the negotiations” told Reuters the request would include more than $800 billion for overall defense spending, including $773 billion for the Defense Department.

https://antibellum679354512.wordpress.c ... n-dollars/


5 Mar 2022 , 6:58 am .

People check their cell phones while commuting on the Moscow metro (Photo: Alexander Zemlianichenko Jr./Associated Press)

If we open Facebook or Twitter right now, it is almost certain that we will come across one of the hundreds of thousands of posts that show a negative image of Russia.

Planes bombing Ukrainian cities, soldiers "shooting civilians" or soldiers who surrender en masse to Kiev, are some of the things that appear in videos and photographs that circulate on the web, and of course, they are accompanied by messages that incite categorical rejection of the special military operation that is developing right now in Ukraine. However, if we only examine a little more closely, we may discover that this "news" is actually fake.

The purpose of disseminating false information is to try to discredit the Russian Armed Forces by any means, as it was in previous years, during the anti-terrorist operation in the south of Russia, during the peace enforcement in Georgia and the fighting against international terrorism in Syria.

We have compiled the most popular fakes here:

1.Video of the downed Russian plane turned out to be video game footage. A video circulating on Facebook, Twitter, Telegram and WhatsApp, in which a Ukrainian plane allegedly destroys one and up to five and six Russian fighter planes, was false, which did not prevent the Ukrainian Defense Ministry from sharing it by the social media. The video was identified as being from an air combat simulation video game called DCS World.

2.They pass off an airstrike in Turkey in 2016 as if it happened now in Ukraine. The video shows people on the street trying to escape the gunfire coming from above. The user who shared the fake news alleges that "Russian warplanes are shooting at innocent civilians in Ukraine." The reality is that the recorded events occurred in Turkey in 2016.

3.Who bombed a residential building in Kiev? Another post that went viral was one accusing Russian troops of allegedly destroying a residential building in Kiev with a rocket. From the 17th to the 21st floor, a hole was formed in the place of the apartments by the impact of the ammunition. The mayor of Kiev said the destruction was caused by an incoming rocket from the Russian military. The Russian Defense Ministry denied that story: the damage was caused by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft system.

4.The resurrection of the "fallen heroes" on the Serpent Island. "13 border guards died heroically, but they did not give up," President Zelensky said of a clash between Ukrainian border guards on Snake Island and the Russian Navy that arrived there. The information that was spread in the Western media was that they did not want to surrender and that they were killed by the Russian side. Later, the Ukrainian border guards were miraculously " resurrected ". All of them, the 82 Ukrainian border guards who refused to resist and voluntarily laid down their arms, reached Sevastopol (Crimea) intact.

5."Vladimir Putin is killing children, the elderly and pregnant women." This is the title of a video that shows missile launches at night, without further details to support these accusations. The video is real, but from May 2021, when the Palestinian resistance responded to the attacks that the Zionist entity, calling itself Israel, sustains against the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.

At the beginning of this article we talked about hundreds of thousands of anti-Russian publications that we can come across. This is not a random figure. We rely on the statement of experts from the Russian Defense Ministry who, with the help of artificial intelligence, detected almost 1.5 million false information spread through social networks since the beginning of the operation in Ukraine.

Now, the strength of these hoaxes lies precisely in the immediacy of communications on social networks, which does not allow spaces to stop, reflect and verify the information that is being received; there is only room for reactions.

Its other strength is in the elimination of sources that contrast the anti-Russian narrative. We have already seen how Russian media outlets are being blocked in entire countries, while their pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are marked with the words "This outlet is under the control of the Russian state".

*The Russian government has taken steps to curb the impact of disinformation within its borders. The State Duma (Russian parliament) approved in the final reading a draft law on imprisonment for crimes that discredit the Russian army with false information. In case of serious consequences, the maximum penalty will be up to 15 years in prison. This law has already been supported by the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs.
We live with social platforms and hegemonic media that are responsible for spreading false accusations and news to discredit everything that is not in line with the hypocritical and lying Western criteria. Until this is the exception and not the rule, it becomes much more important to maintain a critical view of the information that comes to us from any source. ... re-ucrania

Google Translator

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 11:56 pm
by blindpig
"Traitor" turned out to be "hero"

March 5, 23:22


In continuation of the story of the murder in Kiev , a member of the Ukrainian delegation at the talks with the Russian Federation in Belarus.
You will laugh, but the Ukrainian negotiator Kireev, who was killed today by the SBU in Kyiv without trial or investigation, was an employee of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense. And Kireev renders "he died defending Ukraine." Now it's called that. The screen is presented above - this is the official account of the GUR MOU.
That is, the SBU, without trial or investigation, simply killed an employee of the GUR MOU (as well as one of the negotiators with Russia) in the center of Kyiv and declared him a traitor, threatening to publish evidence.
After that, an obituary comes out from the GUR MOU, where the murdered "traitor" is called a hero.
Naturally, there was no court that would determine the guilt of Kireev in "working for Russia".
This whole story very clearly reflects the bloody trash that is happening now in Kyiv.

Well, take a look at this to fix it. The Nazis are torturing a Ukrainian athlete.

"Vokha" died
March 5, 19:58


In Volnovakha, during the evacuation of civilians, Vladimir Zhoga died, he is also "Vokha" - the commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion "Sparta", which he commanded after the death of "Motorola". He started fighting in the Donbas at the age of 20. I had a chance to personally know him - in 2014 I interviewed him, not yet suspecting that I was facing the future commander of Sparta and the future colonel, who would die so early, having given most of his adult life and life itself to protect Donbass.

Peace to ashes!

All above Google Translator

"Motorola" was a very popular leader of the Donbass militia who was assassinated a few years back, supposedly by Ukrainian intelligence. He and other prominent militia leaders, some of whom were socialist and spoke of a return to socialism for their region, were systematically eliminated, and while Uke spooks are generally suspected some of us see Moscow's hand in this as militant socialist are not welcome in capitalist Russia. Or perhaps they just 'looked the other way'...


Zelensky And The Fascists: "He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk"
Yves Smith of Naked Capitalism states:

Lambert and I both find this is the worst informational environment either of us have faced, orders of magnitude worse than the war in Iraq, ...


Dear patient readers,
Lambert and I, and many readers, agree that Ukraine has prompted the worst informational environment ever. We hope readers will collaborate in mitigating the fog of war – both real fog and stage fog – in comments. None of us need more cheerleading and link-free repetition of memes; there are platforms for that.

I ask readers and commentators here to live by the same standard. There are too many comments now for me to read and police. Please notify me via email if there are certain trolls or offenders who deserve to be excluded from this site.

Now back to Ukraine and the big question: Why is Russia doing this?

At the Grayzone Alexander Rubinstein and Max Blumenthal have published a piece about Zelensky's turn from the peacemaker he had promised to be before his election to an active supporter of the fascist 'ultranational' militia. They pin that turn to a frontline meeting between Zelensky and militia fighters in the fall of 2019:

In a face-to-face confrontation with militants from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion who had launched a campaign to sabotage the peace initiative called “No to Capitulation,” Zelensky encountered a wall of obstinacy.

With appeals for disengagement from the frontlines firmly rejected, Zelensky melted downon camera. “I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons,” Zelensky implored the fighters.

Once video of the stormy confrontation spread across Ukrainian social media channels, Zelensky became the target of an angry backlash.

Andriy Biletsky, the proudly fascist Azov Battalion leader who once pledged to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen”, vowed to bring thousands of fighters to Zolote if Zelensky pressed any further. Meanwhile, a parliamentarian from the party of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko openly fantasized about Zelensky being blown to bits by a militant’s grenade.

Though Zelensky achieved a minor disengagement, the neo-Nazi paramilitaries escalated their “No Capitulation” campaign. And within months, fighting began to heat up again in Zolote, sparking a new cycle of violations of the Minsk Agreement.

By this point, Azov had been formally incorporated into the Ukrainian military and its street vigilante wing, known as the National Corps, was deployed across the country under the watch of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, and alongside the National Police. In December 2021, Zelensky would be seen delivering a “Hero of Ukraine” award to a leader of the fascistic Right Sector in a ceremony in Ukraine’s parliament.

That is all correct. But let me point out that death threats from the fascists to Zelensky were already made much earlier.

On May 27 2019, a week after Zelensky's inauguration as president, the Ukrainian internet news site Obozrevatel published a long interview with Dmytro Anatoliyovych Yarosh, a co-founder of the Right Sector who was then the commander of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. Yarosh and others like him have had little support when they tried to get elected to parliament but they, as demonstrated during Maidan, have the guns and the will to use them.

I now get an 'access denied' when I try to fetch the original interview but found a copy at

The headline of the interview carries his main message (machine translations):

Yarosh: if Zelensky betrays Ukraine, he will lose not his position, but his life


As the interview is quite long I will concentrate on two parts. Zelensky had promised peace and to implement the Minsk agreement. Here is Yarosh's thought about Minsk:

Interviewer: What do you mean?
Yarosh: The Minsk format - and I talk about this all the time - is an opportunity to play for time, arm the Armed Forces, switch to the best world standards in the system of national security and defense. This is an opportunity for maneuver. But no more. The implementation of the Minsk agreements is the death of our state. They are not worth a drop of blood of the guys and girls, men and women who died in this war. Not a drop.

We were better prepared during this diplomatic game for a possible large-scale Russian invasion.

I: Do you think it's time to abandon "Minsk"?

Y: Undoubtedly.

I: But Zelensky was told immediately after the elections that he had no alternatives.

Y: "They told Zelensky" ... Did Zelensky say anything at all?

I: Not.

Y: And it's scary. The Supreme Commander, who says nothing at all. It's kind of empty. And it's very strange.

I: Waiting for what the newly elected president will say?

Y: Not only. Let's fight and get ready. We are waiting for what he will say and, most importantly, how he will act. "By their fruits you will know them," says Scripture. "Fruits" we will see somewhere in the fall. Zelensky is an inexperienced politician. And the retinue makes the king. And we already see who is there, "in the retinue", is beginning to appear. It does not add optimism. Because Zelensky promised his voters (I was not Zelensky's voter) that he would break the oligarchic system. But already from the first appointments, we see that the oligarchic system continues to live and flourish. And, obviously, it will continue to be so. Just the streams will be transferred.

To the 'ultranationalists' in the Ukraine the Minsk agreement was always just a fig-leaf to have time for rearming. In 2019, five years after Minsk, they already felt capable and ready to again attack and overwhelm the Donbas rebels.

Yarosh's remark about Zelensky and the oligarchs is not wrong. The streams of money sucked from Ukrainians and foreign donors were redirected under Zelensky to benefit those oligarchs, most prominently Igor Kolomoyskyy, who had supported him.

The interviewer then asks Yarosh about his relation to Kolomoyskyy who had called the conflict with Donbas a civil war. Yarosh does not mind Kolomoyskyy but rejects the 'civil war' claim:

Yarosh: [P]erhaps, something is pushing him to make such statements. Apparently, some kind of business interest.
This is the main danger of the oligarchy, as for me. They, the oligarchs, are talented people, because without talent it is impossible to build such businesses and earn billions. But the danger of the oligarchs is that they are compradors. They don't give a damn about the Motherland. They need money. Profit turns a blind eye to everything. And then you can negotiate with Russia on any terms.

And that is why Zelensky is very dangerous for us Ukrainians. I feel it.

Interviewer: What is the danger?

Y: His statements about peace at any cost are dangerous for us. Vladimir simply does not know the price of this world. He may have been with concerts close to the front. But when my boys were torn apart by Russian shells into small pieces and then these pieces had to be collected and sent to their mothers, the price somehow looks completely different.
I: Are you trying to meet him now?

Y: Yes. I have already made a couple of messages, but he is silent. Perhaps they didn't reach him. He is a busy man...

But even if this meeting does not happen, it's okay. He just needs to understand one truth: Ukrainians cannot be humiliated. Ukrainians, after seven hundred years of colonial slavery, may not yet have fully learned how to build a state. But we learned how to make an uprising very well and shoot all those "eagles" who are trying to parasitize on the sweat and blood of Ukrainians. Zelensky said in his inaugural speech that he was ready to lose ratings, popularity, position... No, he would lose his life. He will hang on some tree on Khreshchatyk - if he betrays Ukraine and those people who died in the Revolution and the War.

Khreshchatyk is the main street of Kiev. The above and other threats to Zelensky certainly helped to convert him from peacemaker to warmonger and friend of the various 'ultranational' militia formations.

In spring 2021 Zelensky announced that the Ukraine would retake Crimea by force. Russia then held large military maneuvers and Zelensky backed down. By November 2021 the Ukraine again made noise and said it would be retaking Donbas by force. Russia again held military maneuvers as a show of force but this time the situation deteriorated further.

Starting in mid February the OSCE observers around Donbas noted in their daily reports a strong increase in ceasefire violation and explosions.


Most of the violations came from the Ukrainian site and the explosions of the fired shells and missile happened on Donbas held grounds. On February 19, at the hight of the fire, Zelensky gave a speech at the Munich Security Conference. He prominently mentioned the Budapest Memorandum under which the Ukraine had given up the nuclear weapons it had inherited from the USSR*:

Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum. Three times without success. Today Ukraine will do it for the fourth time. I, as President, will do this for the first time. But both Ukraine and I are doing this for the last time. I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was commissioned to convene them. If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.

One of the package decision Ukraine took in 1994 was the entering of Ukraine into the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

Russia understood Zelensky's remark in Munich as a threat by Ukraine to acquire nuclear weapons. It already has the expertise, materials and means to do that.

A fascist controlled government with nukes on Russia's border? This is not about Putin at all. No Russian government of any kind could ever condone that.

I believe that this credible threat, together with the artillery preparations for a new war on Donbas, was what convinced Russia's government to intervene by force.

On February 22 Russia recognized the Donbas republics as independent states. On February 24 Russian troops crossed the borders into the Ukraine.

The aim set for the Russian military is to de-militarize the Ukraine and to de-nazify it.

The first is easy to understand. The Russian military will simple destroy or disable all heavy weapons the Ukraine has.

The second aim requires more explanation than the above interview with Dmytro Yarosh.

As the Grayzone notes:

In November 2021, one of Ukraine’s most prominent ultra-nationalist militiamen, Dmytro Yarosh, announced that he had been appointed as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Yarosh is an avowed follower of the Nazi collaborator Bandera who led Right Sector from 2013 to 2015, vowing to lead the “de-Russification” of Ukraine.

The threats from the fascists make it impossible for any Ukrainian politician to implement a sane policy that would lead to peace in the country.

The fascists in Ukraine are relatively few. But they have the guns and they will kill anyone who opposes them and their aims. They have been put into important state positions. (Besides that oligarchs like Kolomoyskyy pay and use them for their own purposes.)

The problem is that such ideological groups, once firmly established, tend to grow. The Right Sector is holding 'patriotic' summer camps for young Ukrainians and the Ukrainian state is financing those. They are successful and Ukrainian youths is looking up to them.

These developments are what Russia is afraid off. As Patrick Armstrong wrote at the start of the current intervention:

What [Putin] is talking about is what the Soviet Union tried to do from 1933 onwards: namely to stop Hitler before he got started. This time Russia is able to do it by itself. In other words, Putin feels that he is making a pre-emptive attack to stop June 1941. This is very serious indeed and indicates that the Russians are going to keep going until they feel that they can safely stop.

The Russian military will destroy the militia formations like the Right Sector and the Azov battalion which is currently holding the people of Mariupol as hostages. It will try to get all their leaders - dead or alive.

When the task is done the Russian military will leave the Ukraine.

Being freed from powerful fascists will enable Ukrainian politicians to re-institute sane policies.

That's the plan.

But will it work?

That is probably the wrong question. One should ask to what degree and for how long will it work.

After Ukraine's independence it took the 'ultranationalists' 22 years, and the help of the CIA, to come to power. Once eliminated they may claw back, but it will take them some time. The Ukraine will be busy with reviving its economy. It will have little money to spend on arms.

Thirty years later Russia may see a repeat of the confrontation. But 30 years are quite a long time.

* Ukraine could not break the permissive action link security codes of those nuclear weapons so it actually gave up nothing.

Posted by b on March 5, 2022 at 16:57 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


How Russia Will Counterpunch the U.S.- EU Declaration of War
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 5, 2022
Pepe Escobar

The unelected, uber-Kafkaesque EU machine in Brussels has chosen to commit a triple hara-kiri by grandstanding as abject vassals of the Empire, destroying any remaining French and German sovereignty impulses and imposing alienation from Russia-China.

Only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South. One of the key underlying themes of the Russia /Ukraine /NATO matrix is that the Empire of Lies (copyright Putin) has been rattled to the core by the combined ability of Russian hypersonic missiles and a defensive shield capable of blocking incoming nuclear missiles from the West, thereby ending Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)

This has led the Americans to nearly risk a hot war to be able to place hypersonic missiles that they still don’t have on Ukraine’s western borders, and so be within three minutes of Moscow. For that, of course, they need Ukraine, as well as Poland and Romania in Eastern Europe.

In Ukraine, the Americans are determined to fight to the last European soul – if that’s what it takes. This may be the last roll of the (nuclear) dice. Thus the next-to-last gasp at coercing Russia into submission by using the remaining, workable American weapon of mass destruction: SWIFT.

Yet this weapon can be easily neutralized by rapid adoption of self-sufficiency.

With essential input by the inestimable Michael Hudson I have outlined possibilities for Russia to weather the sanction storm. That didn’t even consider the full extent of Russia’s “black box defense” – and counter-attack – as outlined by John Helmer in his introduction to an essay that heralds no less then The Return of Sergei Glaziev.

Glaziev, predictably detested across Atlanticist circles, was a key economic adviser to President Putin and is now the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). He has always been a fierce critic of the Russian Central Bank and the oligarch gang closely linked to Anglo-American finance.

His latest essay, Sanctions and Sovereignty, originally published by and translated by Helmer, deserves serious scrutiny.

This is one of the key takeaways:

“Russian losses of potential GDP, since 2014, amount to about 50 trillion rubles. But only 10% of them can be explained by sanctions, while 80% of them were the result of monetary policy. The United States benefits from anti-Russian sanctions, replacing the export of Russian hydrocarbons to the EU as well as China; replacing the import of European goods by Russia. We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to ensure a stable ruble exchange rate, and not the recommendations of Washington financial organizations.”

De-offshore or bust

Glaziev essentially recommends:

– A “real de-offshorization of the economy”.

– “Measures to tighten currency regulation in order to stop the export of capital and expand targeted lending to enterprises in need of financing investments”.

– “Taxation of currency speculation and transactions in dollars and euros on the domestic market”.

– “Serious investment in R&D in order to accelerate the development of our own technological base in the areas affected by sanctions – first of all the defense industry, energy, transport and communications.”

And last but not least, “the de-dollarization of our foreign exchange reserves, replacing the dollar, euro and pound with gold.”

The Russian Central Bank seems to be listening. Most of these measures are already in place. And there are signs that Putin and the government are finally ready to grab the Russian oligarchy by the balls and force them to share risks and losses at an extremely difficult for the nation. Goodbye to stockpiling funds taken out of Russia offshore and in Londongrad.

Glaziev is the real deal. In December 2014 I was at a conference in Rome, and Glaziev joined us on the phone. Reviewing a subsequent column I wrote at the time, between Rome and Beijing, I was stunned: it’s as if Glaziev was saying these things literally today.

Allow me to quote two paragraphs:

“At the symposium, held in a divinely frescoed former 15th century Dominican refectory now part of the Italian parliament’s library, Sergey Glaziev, on the phone from Moscow, gave a stark reading of Cold War 2.0. There’s no real “government” in Kiev; the U.S. ambassador is in charge. An anti-Russia doctrine has been hatched in Washington to foment war in Europe – and European politicians are its collaborators. Washington wants a war in Europe because it is losing the competition with China.”

“Glaziev addressed the sanctions dementia: Russia is trying simultaneously to reorganize the politics of the International Monetary Fund, fight capital flight and minimize the effect of banks closing credit lines for many businessmen. Yet the end result of sanctions, he says, is that Europe will be the ultimate losers economically; bureaucracy in Europe has lost economic focus as American geopoliticians have taken over.”

Gotta pay the “tax on independence”

A consensus seems to be emerging in Moscow that the Russian economy will stabilize quickly, as there will be a shortage of personnel for industry and a lot of extra hands will be required. Hence no unemployment. There may be shortages, but no inflation. Sales of – Western – luxury goods have already been curtailed. Imported products will be placed under price controls. All the necessary rubles will be available though price controls – as happened in the U.S. in WWII.

A wave of nationalization of assets may be ahead. ExxonMobil announced it will withdraw from the $4 billion Sakhalin-1 project (they had bailed out on Sakhalin-2, deemed too expensive), producing 200,000 barrels of oil a day, after BP and Norway’s Equinor announced they were withdrawing from projects with Rosneft. BP was actually dreaming of taking all of Rosneft’s participation.

According to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the Kremlin is now blocking asset sales by foreign investors looking to divest. In parallel, Rosneft, for instance, is bound to raise capital from China and India, who are already minority investors in several projects, and buy them out 100%: an excellent opportunity for Russian business.

What could be construed as the Mother of All Counter-Sanctions has not yet been announced. Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev himself hinted all options are on the table.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, channeling the patience of 10,000 Taoist monks, still expecting the current hysteria to fade away, describes the sanctions as “some kind of a tax on independence”, with countries barring their companies from working in Russia under “huge pressure.”

Lethal counterpunches though are not excluded. Apart from completely de-dollarizing – as Glaviev recommends – Russia may ban the export of titanium, rare earth, nuclear fuel and, already in effect, rocket engines.

Very toxic moves would include seizing all foreign assets of hostile nations; freeze all loan repayments to Western banks and place the funds in a frozen account in a Russian bank; completely ban all hostile foreign media, foreign media ownership, assorted NGOs and CIA fronts; and supply friendly nations with state of the art weapons, intel sharing and joint training and exercises.

What’s certain is that a new architecture of payment systems – as discussed by Michael Hudson and others – uniting the Russian SPFS and the Chinese CHIPS, may soon be offered to scores of nations across Eurasia and the Global South – several among them already under sanctions, such as Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, the DPRK.

Slowly but surely, we are already on the way to the emergence of a sizeable Global South bloc immune to American financial warfare.

The RIC in BRICS – Russia, India and China – are already increasing trade in their own currencies. If we look at the list of nations at the UN that voted against Russia or abstained from condemning Operation Z in Ukraine, plus those that did not sanction Russia, we have at least 70% of the whole Global South.

So once again is the West – plus satrapies/colonies such as Japan and Singapore in Asia – against the Rest: Eurasia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America.

The coming European collapse

Michael Hudson told me,

“the U.S. and Western Europe expected a Froelicher Krieg (“happy war”). Germany and other countries haven’t begun to feel the pain of gas and mineral and food deprivation. THAT’S going to be the real game. The aim would be to break Europe away from U.S. control via NATO. This will involve “meddling” by creating a New World Order political movement and party, like Communism was a century ago. You could call it a new Great Awakening.”

A possible Great Awakening certainly will not involve the NATOstan sphere anytime soon. The collective West is rather in serious Great Decoupling mode, its entire economy weaponized with the aim, expressed in the open, of destroying Russia and even – the perennial wet dream – provoking regime change.

Sergey Naryshkin, the head of the SVR, succinctly described it:

“Masks have dropped. The West is not just trying to enclose Russia with a new ‘Iron Curtain’. We are talking about attempts to destroy our state – its ‘abolition’, as it is now customary to say in the ‘tolerant’ liberal-fascist environment. Since the United States and its allies have neither the opportunity nor the spirit to try to do this in an open and honest military-political confrontation, sneaky attempts are being made to establish an economic, informational and humanitarian “blockade”’.

Arguably the apex of Western hysteria is the onset of a 2022 Neo-Nazi Jihad: a 20,000-strong mercenary army being assembled in Poland under CIA supervision. The bulk comes from private military companies such as Blackwater/Academi and DynCorp. Their cover: “return of Ukrainians from the French Foreign Legion.” This Afghan remix comes straight from the only playbook the CIA knows.

Back in reality, facts on the ground will eventually lead entire economies in the West to become roadkill – with chaos in the commodities sphere leading to skyrocketing energy and food costs. As an example, up to 60% of German and 70% of Italian manufacturing industries may be forced to shut down for good – with catastrophic social consequences.

The unelected, uber-Kafkaesque EU machine in Brussels has chosen to commit a triple hara-kiri by grandstanding as abject vassals of the Empire, destroying any remaining French and German sovereignty impulses and imposing alienation from Russia-China.

Meanwhile, Russia will be showing the way: only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South: one day someone had to stand up and say, “That’s Enough”. With maximum raw power to back it up. ... on-of-war/


Russia Warns Washington is Sending ISIS Fighters to Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 5, 2022
The Cradle

Over the past two weeks Ukrainian officials have been calling for the formation of an ‘international legion’ of mercenaries

The Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia (SVR RF) warned on 4 March that the US, along with NATO countries, are sending ISIS fighters from Syria to Ukraine.

The ISIS members who are reportedly headed to Ukraine underwent special training at the US army’s Al Tanf military base in Syria.

SVR additionally stated that similar extremist groups are being recruited throughout West Asia and North Africa. The militants will allegedly arrive into Ukraine through Poland.

The statement of SVR detailed the history of the secret operation they have uncovered, saying in a statement: “At the end of 2021, the Americans released from prisons… several dozen Daesh terrorists, including citizens of Russia and CIS countries. These individuals were sent to the US-controlled Al Tanf base, where they have undergone special training in subversive and terrorist warfare methods with a focus on the Donbass region.”

The US claims that the illegal presence of their troops in northeast Syria is to protect the country’s vast oilfields from falling under the control of ISIS. Neither Moscow nor Damascus believe this official explanation, with the latter accusing the US of using it as an excuse to steal Syrian oil.

However, ISIS fighters are not the only foreign militants to be recruited to join the fight against Russia in Ukraine.

According to Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov, private military contractors have poured into Ukraine from around the world.

“US military intelligence has launched a large-scale propaganda campaign to recruit PMC [private military company] contractors to be sent to Ukraine. First of all, employees of the American PMCs Academi, Cubic, and Dyn Corporation are being recruited. […] Only last week, about 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived through Poland, who joined one of the nationalist battalions in the southeast of Ukraine.”

Both Iraq and Syria have accused the US of supporting and transferring ISIS fighters within the region.

On 29 January 2022 The Cradle reported that US forces transferred dozens of ISIS detainees, including high-ranking commanders, to Deir Ezzor governorate, which is close to the Iraqi border. This was reportedly an attempt to “revive ISIS” for the purposes of destabilizing a region that had recently been liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with the help of Russian troops.

Last August similar reports surfaced after a high-ranking officer from Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) reported that their thermal cameras detected US military helicopters transferring ISIS fighters to different locations around the country.

Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February after responding to the call for assistance by newly-recognized republics of Donbass and Lugansk.

Despite the recognition of their independence by Russia, Ukrainian armed forces continued to shell civilian targets and breach the borders of the two republics, prompting the leaders of the republics to formally ask for military assistance from Russia. ... o-ukraine/



US Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Also Target Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba
March 4, 2022
By Benjamin Norton – Feb 28, 2022

President Joe Biden’s top Latin America advisor, Juan S. Gonzalez, admitted that US sanctions against Russia aim to hurt Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba as well. The three socialist governments condemned NATO aggression for creating the crisis in Ukraine.

President Joe Biden’s top Latin America advisor has admitted that US sanctions against Russia over Ukraine intentionally seek to hurt Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba as well.

The United States imposed a series of harsh sanctions on Russia following Moscow’s recognition of the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region on February 21, and its subsequent military intervention in Ukraine on February 24.

Juan S. González, Biden’s special assistant for Latin America and the US National Security Council’s senior director for the Western Hemisphere, made it clear that these coercive measures against Russia are also aimed at damaging the economies of Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.

Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba have socialist governments that Washington has long tried to overthrow. All three currently suffer under unilateral US sanctions, which are illegal according to international law.

Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton, an architect of the Iraq War, referred to these three Latin American nations as the so-called “Troika of Tyranny.”

Biden’s advisor González did an exclusive interview with Voz de América, the Spanish-language arm of the US government’s propaganda outlet Voice of America, on February 25.

Voz de América published his comments in a report titled “US sanctions on Russia will impact Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, White House estimates.”

“The sanctions against Russia are so robust that they will have an impact on those governments that have economic affiliations with Russia, and that is by design,” González explained.

“So Venezuela is going to start feeling that pressure. Nicaragua is going to feel that pressure, along with Cuba,” he added.

Biden’s Latin America advisor noted that Washington has imposed sanctions on 13 top financial institutions in Russia, including some of the largest in the country. He proudly said that these coercive measures will, “by design,” harm other countries that do a lot of trade with the Eurasian power.

González also used his interview with the US-funded Voz de América to reiterate Washington’s call for regime change against these three socialist governments in Latin America.

His comments were reported by the independent Bolivia-based news website Kawsachun News.

Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba stand with Russia against US and NATO

Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba have stood with Russia against NATO expansion and Western military encirclement.

President Nicolás Maduro said that Venezuela “laments the mockery and breaking of the Minsk agreements by NATO, promoted by the United States of America.”

Maduro stressed that Washington and NATO bear responsibility for the conflict, and “have generated strong threats against the Russian Federation.”

Cuba blamed Washington for the crisis as well. Its Foreign Ministry stated, “The U.S. determination to continue NATO’s progressive expansion towards the Russian Federation borders has brought about a scenario with implications of unpredictable scope, which could have been avoided.”

Denouncing Western governments for sending weapons to Ukraine, Cuba declared, “History will hold the United States accountable for the consequences of an increasingly offensive military doctrine outside NATO’s borders, which threatens international peace, security and stability.”

Nicaragua’s President Daniel Ortega condemned Washington for sponsoring a 2014 coup in Ukraine, and joined Russia in recognizing the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

The chairman of Russia’s State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, traveled to Nicaraguato meet with top officials from the Sandinista government, and thanked them for their support against NATO expansion and US threats. ... agua-cuba/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 12:58 pm
by blindpig
By using Ukraine to fight Russia, the US provoked Putin's war

After backing a far-right coup in 2014, the US has fueled a proxy war in eastern Ukraine that has left 14,000 dead. Russia's invasion is an illegal and catastrophic response.
Aaron Maté 21 hr ago


"The United States aids Ukraine and her people," Adam Schiff declared in January 2020, "so that we can fight Russia over there, and we don’t have to fight Russia here."

Schiff made this statement during the opening of Donald Trump's first impeachment trial, where the Democratic Party's bid to ensure unimpeded US weapons sales to Ukraine was presented, and widely accepted, as a valiant defense of US democracy and national security.

Two years later, the US use of Ukraine to "fight Russia over there" has reached its logical end-game: illegally, murderously, and catastrophically, Russia has invaded Ukraine to end the fight.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a violation of the UN Charter. Without UN authorization, states are allowed to use armed force only in cases of self-defense or to prevent an imminent attack. Although the US has used Ukraine as a proxy in its fight against Russian-backed Ukrainian rebels in the Donbas, that conflict is still within Ukraine's sovereign borders. Even if a case could be made that Russia has the right to defend besieged ethnic Russians, that argument is undercut by Russia's decision to attack far deeper into Ukrainian territory. If defending the Donbas was Russia's aim, then it could have pushed harder for an international peacekeeping force, or any number of non-military, diplomatic options.

Although Russia’s invasion cannot be excused, it also cannot be understood, and resolved, without acknowledging that the war in Ukraine did not start last month.

Putin has carried out a major escalation of a conflict that has raged for eight years, at the cost of more than 14,000 lives. It began with a US-backed, far-right-led 2014 coup that ousted Ukraine’s democratically elected government in Kiev. In its place came a regime chosen not by the Ukrainian people, but by Washington.

The coup government encouraged assaults on Ukraine's Russian-speaking population, who took up arms to defend themselves with Moscow's support. Rather than pressure its client in Kiev to implement a negotiated settlement under the 2015 Minsk Accords, the US has instead poured in weapons and military advisers to assist Ukraine's fascist-infused armed forces in the proxy war that it helped initiate. While now hailing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a national hero, the US has sided with far-right Ukrainian nationalists over the peace platform that Zelensky was elected on in 2019.

The US policy of using Ukraine as cannon fodder has accompanied a bid to incorporate it into NATO. Compounding the dangers of a hostile military alliance on Russia's borders, the US has also methodically dismantled the Cold War-era arms control treaties that limited the arsenals of the world's two top nuclear powers.

Since 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly warned that US policies in Ukraine and other former Soviet states were crossing Russian red lines, and would force a Russian reaction.

After years of US-driven escalation, Putin's warnings have been realized in the form of an illegal invasion that has placed the world in one of its most dangerous moments since the Second World War.

"Ukraine is the biggest prize"
In the United States, the Russian invasion is widely portrayed as a campaign by Putin to colonize Ukraine and subvert its effort to join the European Union. If that is indeed Putin's goal now, then he is doing so only after a years-long effort, led by the US, to force the deeply divided country into the Western orbit. By its own accounting, the US has spent $5 billion on this crusade since 1991, complemented with tens of millions more from the European Union.

The US agenda was made plain in September 2013, when Carl Gershman, head of the CIA-tied National Endowment for Democracy, declared that "Ukraine is the biggest prize." If Ukraine could be pulled into the US-led order, Gershman explained, "Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself." In short, in Washington's eyes, regime change in Kiev could redound to Moscow as well.

An opportunity to claim the prize arrived two months later with the outbreak of Ukraine's Maidan protests. The Maidan is commonly described in the US as a "democratic revolution." That is a fair term for its initial weeks, when tens of thousands of Ukrainians gathered in Kiev's Maidan square to protest rampant government corruption and to support European integration. But these protests were soon co-opted by Ukraine's far-right forces, who turned a people's movement into a violent campaign for regime change. Maidan culminated in what George Friedman, head of the US intelligence-tied firm Stratfor, reportedly described as "the most blatant coup in history."

The spark for the Maidan protests was a decision by President Viktor Yanukovych to back out of a trade deal offered by the European Union. The conventional narrative is that Yanukovych was bullied by his chief patron in Moscow. In reality, Yanukovych was hoping to develop ties to Europe, and "cajoled and bullied anyone who pushed for Ukraine to have closer ties to Russia," Reuters reported at the time. But the Ukrainian president got cold feet once he read the EU deal's fine print. Ukraine would not only have to curb its deep cultural and economic ties to Russia, but accept harsh austerity measures such as "increasing the retirement age and freezing pensions and wages." Far from improving the lives of average Ukrainians, these demands only would have ensured deprivation and Yanukovych's political demise.

Russia capitalized on Yanukovych's jitters by offering a more generous package of $15 billion and threatening to withhold payments if the EU's terms were accepted. Contrary to subsequent Western narratives, Russia did not demand "a commitment to join the [Russian-led] customs union or any other evident quid pro quo," according to the New York Times.

Unlike its Western counterparts, Russia also did not demand that Ukraine abandon its European ambitions. Yanukovich, the Times reported in December 2013, "has insisted that Ukraine would ultimately move toward Europe and even consider signing the accords at a later date." But there was one obstacle: "a senior European Union official has said those discussions have been cut off."

By that point, rather than help broker a compromise, the US had swung its weight behind far-right opposition figures who had taken command of the Maidan.

As far-right groups occupied government buildings across Ukraine, Washington's bipartisan Cold Warriors swept in to claim the prize. Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy visited the central protest encampment in Kiev and stood beside Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the far-right Svoboda party. Tyahnybok had once urged his supporters to fight the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia running Ukraine."

"Ukraine will make Europe better and Europe will make Ukraine better," McCain promised the crowd. Giving away the game, Murphy told CNN that the Senators' mission was to "bring about a peaceful transition here."

The Senators were joined in Kiev by senior State Department official Victoria Nuland, who now occupies a similar position under Biden. On February 4th, an intercepted phone call, presumably recorded and released by Russian or Ukrainian intelligence, exposed Nuland's plan for bringing the "transition" about. Speaking to Geoffrey Pyatt, the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Nuland laid out how the US would back a new Ukrainian government, fronted by Maidan leaders and handpicked by Washington. The State Department responded to the leak by dismissing it as "Russian tradecraft."

Although Nuland had cavorted, along with McCain and Murphy, with Tyahnybok in Maidan square, the fascist leader was deemed unsuitable for office. The anti-Semitic Russophobe, Nuland worried, would be a "problem", and better "on the outside."

Also discussed was former boxer and opposition figure Vitaly Klitschko, but he was quickly ruled out. "I don’t think Klitsch should go into government," Nuland said. "I don’t think it’s necessary. I don’t think it’s a good idea." One reason was Klitschko's proximity to the European Union. Despite McCain's warm words for the EU before the Maidan crowd, the Europeans had annoyed Washington by supporting a compromise proposal that would leave Yanukovych in power. As Nuland put it to Pyatt: "Fuck the EU."

The two US officials settled on technocrat Arseniy Yatsenyuk. "Yats is the guy," Nuland decreed. The only outstanding matter was securing the blessing of the then-Vice President, Joe Biden and his then-senior advisor, Jake Sullivan, "for an atta-boy and to get the deets [details] to stick."

The deets were realized days later. On February 20th, snipers fatally shot dozens of protesters in Maidan square. The massacre was blamed on Yanukovych's forces, setting off a new round of violence and threats on Yanukovych's life. In another intercepted phone call that emerged weeks later, Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet told EU foreign secretary Catherine Ashton that he suspected pro-Maidan forces of culpability. In Kiev, Paet reported, "there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new [opposition] coalition."

The University of Ottawa's Ivan Katchanovski, who has conducted exhaustive research on the massacre, concurs with Paet's initial suspicion. The attack, he concludes, was "perpetrated principally by members of the Maidan opposition, specifically its far-right elements."

On February 21st, a European-brokered comprise agreement between Yanukovich and the opposition called for the formation of a new coalition government and early elections. Yanukovich's security forces immediately withdrew from the Maidan area. But the encampment's far-right base had no interest in compromise. "We don’t want to see Yanukovych in power," Maidan squadron leader Vladimir Parasyuk declared. "… And unless this morning you come up with a statement demanding that he steps down, then we will take arms and go, I swear." Yanukovich, no longer protected by his armed forces and under heavy threat, got the message and fled to Russia.

A new government was quickly formed, despite lacking the sufficient parliamentary majority. This violation of Ukrainian law was of little consequence: with the Nuland-anointed Yatsenyuk named Ukraine's new Prime Minister, the United States got their "guy."

The centrality of fascist elements to the Maidan coup was recently trumpeted by one of its key figures. At a public event in Kiev last month, Yevhen Karas of the neo-Nazi C14 gang proclaimed that "Maidan was a victory for nationalist forces." Dismissing what he called the "LGBT and foreign embassies" who "say ‘there were not many Nazis at Maidan,'" Karas offered a correction: "If not for those eight percent [of neo-Nazis] the effectiveness [of the Maidan coup] would have dropped by 90 percent."

Without his far-right allies, Karas added, "that whole thing would have turned into a gay parade." He did not mention the critical backing of Washington bureaucrats, who deserve equal credit for avoiding the parade and ensuring a coup instead.

By backing a far-right coup in Kiev, the US overcame the inconvenient hurdle of Ukrainian popular opinion.

Summarizing contemporaneous polls days before the Februrary 2014 coup, political scientists Keith Darden and Lucan Way observed in the Washington Post that "none show a significant majority of the population supporting the protest movement and several show a majority opposed." The most accurate survey "shows the population almost perfectly divided in its support for the protest: 48 percent in favor, 46 percent opposed." Despite being the target of the Maidan protests and deeply corrupt, Yanukovych "is still apparently the most popular political figure in the country," they added.

The Ukrainian population's division over the Maidan protests also extended to the issue that helped spark it: Yanukovych's rejection of a trade deal with the European Union. According to Darden and Way, "there is little evidence that a clear majority of Ukrainians support integration into the European Union," with most polls showing "around 40-45 percent support for European integration as compared to about 30 to 40 percent support for the [Russian-led] Customs Union – a plurality for Europe but hardly a clear mandate."

The same could be said for membership in NATO. "The main obstacle" to Ukraine's ascension to the alliance, F. Stephen Larrabee, a former Soviet specialist on the U.S. National Security Council wrote in 2011, "is not Russian opposition… but low public support for membership in Ukraine itself." Ukrainian support for joining NATO "is much lower in Ukraine in comparison to other states in Eastern Europe," he added, at just 22-25 percent overall.

A Gallup poll released in March 2014 found that "[m]ore Ukrainians saw NATO as a threat than as offering protection." Although that trend has reversed since, Ukrainian support for NATO has increased to barely above 50% in polls that exclude the 3.8 million residents of rebel-held Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ukraine's unworthy victims
While hailed by the US as an expression of Ukraine's democratic aspirations, the post-coup Ukrainian government was dominated by the right-wing forces that had brought it to power. At least five key cabinet posts went to members of the far-right Svoboda and another right-wing party, Right Sector, including the national security, defense, and legal ministries. Andriy Parubiy, the far-right co-founder of Svoboda's origin party, was appointed the head of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council. During the Maidan protests, Parubiy had served as the Maidan encampment's "commandant" and head of its security.

In the fall of 2014, the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion was formally incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard, making post-Maidan Ukraine "the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces," the Ukrainian-American journalist Lev Golinkin later observed.

Yatsenyuk, the Nuland-chosen technocrat, meanwhile presided over what NPR dubbed Ukraine's "Spring Of Austerity" and what the prime minister himself described as a "kamikaze mission", imposing the pension and heating subsidy cuts that the ousted Yanukovych had resisted.

Members of the Azov battalion.
While placating the "IMF Austerity Regime," the coup government also set its sights on Ukraine's ethnic Russian population, a major base of Yanukovych's support. One of the post-coup parliament's first votes was to rescind a law, long bitterly opposed by the far-right, granting regions the authority to declare a second official language.

The coup government's anti-Russian sentiment culminated in a gruesome massacre in the city of Odessa. On May 2nd, a right-wing mob assaulted an anti-Maidan emplacement there, forcing the protesters into a nearby trade union building. Trapped inside, the anti-Maidan protesters were burned alive. Those trying to escape the flames were brutally assaulted. The official state toll is 48 dead, but the actual number may be far higher. No credible investigation has ever been conducted. That might be related to the presence of Parubiy, who had traveled to Odessa to confront the anti-Maidan camp, with hundreds of Right Sector members in tow.

The Odessa massacre helped accelerate the then-growing insurgency in the Donbas region, the eastern Ukrainian region dominated by ethnic Russians. Unwilling to live under a US-installed coup government led by far-right nationalists, rebels in Donetsk and Luhansk took up arms in the spring of 2014 with Russia's limited support.

The US-backed government responded with both economic warfare and a Nazi-infused "Anti-Terrorist Operation." The US-backed Yatsenyuk, by then well-versed in Washington-friendly neoliberal austerity, decreed that all residents of rebel-held Donbas would lose their public sector payments and pensions. Among those fighting the rebels, the New York Times quietly acknowledged in July 2015, were the "openly neo-Nazi" Azov battalion, as well as "an assortment of right-wing and Islamic militias" summoned from Chechnya. According to Ukraine's interior ministry, Azov was among the first battalions to receive US military training for the war.

The war in Donbas has since left over 14,000 dead. According to UN figures, 81% of the civilian casualties since 2018 have occurred on the rebel-held, pro-Russian side.

These Russian-speaking Ukrainians, however, are what Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman described in "Manufacturing Consent" as "unworthy victims": foreign civilians killed with US support, and thus unworthy of our sympathy or even attention.

No matter how deeply entrenched in the United States political establishment and media, no amount of whitewashing surrounding the 2014 coup and its aftermath can negate the reality that for millions of people in the Donbas, the war in Ukraine did not start with Putin's invasion last month. This includes the use of illegal cluster munitions, allegedly by both Russia today and the Ukrainian military in 2014, to much different global reactions.

Rather than end the proxy war that it helped start in Ukraine, the US has only fueled it over the last eight years with billions in weapons, a drive to incorporate Ukraine into NATO, an expansion of US offensive weapons around Russia, and a rejection of diplomatic solutions, as we will turn to in the second part of this report. ... russia?s=r


3,000 U.S. mercenaries ready to fight in Ukrainian army – reportb]
Date: March 5, 2022
Author: Rick Rozoff

March 6, 2022

About 3,000 U.S. volunteers willing to come to Ukraine to fight against Russia ... ussia.html
Among volunteer fighters are veterans of military operations in Iraq and other hotspots around the world. In total, more than 16,000 foreign volunteers are going to Ukraine.

The relevant report was posted on the channel “Operational Information of the Ukrainian Armed Forces” on Telegram.

It is noted that the volunteers are willing to resist the Russian Federation as part of an international battalion.

Among volunteer fighters are veterans of military operations in Iraq and other hotspots around the world. In total, more than 16,000 foreign volunteers are going to Ukraine.

As reported, Ukraine is creating an International Legion of Territorial Defense consisting of foreigners….Foreigners have the right to enlist in the Armed Forces of Ukraine under a contract on a voluntary basis, including in the units of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

https://antibellum679354512.wordpress.c ... my-report/

Fine, mebbe the Chechens will kill all of the fascists.

"veterans of military operations in Iraq and other hotspots ", They ain't just talking about "retired' Special Forces and such, the US is bringing in ISIS fighters, just as it employed Al Qaeda in Bosnia and Libya. But you'll not know that if you stick to Western MSM.

Ever notice that the US employs the worst human on Earth for it's imperialist projects? Dirty deeds done dirt cheap...


War crimes of Ukraine in Donbas
November 18, 2021


A documentary film about Ukraine's war crimes in the Donbas.
A lot of hard shots, so the video is strictly 18+.

Annotation from Sladkov:


What is this movie talking about? Yes, about the crimes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against civilians in Donbass, about the growing statistics of murders today, about the methods of searching for the bodies of the tortured and murdered, about the suffering of women and children, about the methods and capabilities of experts and forensic laboratories of the LDNR, about the work of the Investigative Committees of the republics.
Globally, this film speaks of visible prospects. What prospect does Ukraine see in this war? What are Kyiv's plans for the Donbass? Really, without ideology (if you can do without it here)? Capture the territory, kill, or judge the "separatists" and all those associated with them (99.9% of the LDNR population)?
Squeeze local Russians into Russia? AND??? Restore Donbass? And with what money (although all the above is impossible for residents)? What the Donbass wants: in reality, to completely break away from Ukraine. Further options: 1) independence, 2) entry into Russia - let the people decide, but these prospects are strictly defined.
The film talks about another iron perspective. As Daria Morozova said in an interview: “You need to know the Donbass. We won't forgive." And here we are talking, albeit about a longer, but civilized path - an international tribunal. The movie talks about the scrupulous collection of data on crimes, about how painstakingly they are preparing for the future trial of those who destroy Donbass and kill its inhabitants.
I hope that people do not perceive this as an attempt to replicate my personal portrait of a reporter against the backdrop of a tragedy. No. I really want people to see reality, think about it. This is not a staging of the White Helmets, like a fake film of Assad's "chemical attack" against his people. Only facts.
I provide a link to the film, but please do not show it to children. The time will come, they will grow up, and they will understand a lot of what gave rise to the war in Donbass, gave rise to the desire of Donbass to leave Ukraine. And for adults... Those who still doubt the reasons should take a look. Just not at night. - zinc

This topic was considered in more detail in the reports of Maxim Grigoriev, who for several years collected invoices and eyewitness accounts presented in the relevant collections. ... =3userpost

Google Translator

Had to jump through some hoops to get to it and it is in Russian but there is some ugly video in there.
"There are no Nazis in Ukraine."

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 2:50 pm
by blindpig
Ukraine civilian casualty update

5 March 2022

Between 4am on 24 February 2022, when the Russian Federation’s military action against Ukraine started, and 24:00 (local time) on 4 March 2022, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) recorded 1,058 civilian casualties in Ukraine: 351 killed and 707 injured.

Total of 351 killed: 71 men, 41 women, 8 boys, and 4 girls, as well as 10 children and 217 adults whose sex is yet unknown

Total of 707 injured: 58 men, 40 women, 11 girls, and 2 boys, as well as 23 children and 573 adults whose sex is yet unknown.

Donetsk and Luhansk regions: 471 casualties (86 killed and 385 injured)

Government-controlled territory: 355 casualties (63 killed and 292 injured)

In territory controlled by self-proclaimed ‘republics’: 116 casualties (23 killed and 93 injured)

Other regions of Ukraine (the city of Kyiv, and Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kherson, Kyiv, Odesa, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, and Zhytomyr regions) in places, which were under Government control when casualties occurred: 587 casualties (265 killed and 322 injured).

Most of the civilian casualties recorded from 4am on 24 February 2022 until 12 midnight on 4 March 2022, were caused by the use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area3, including shelling from heavy artillery and multi-launch rocket systems, and missile and air strikes.

OHCHR believes that the real figures are considerably higher, especially in Government-controlled territory and especially in recent days, as the receipt of information from some locations where intensive hostilities have been going on was delayed and many reports were still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, the town of Volnovakha where hundreds of civilian casualties have been alleged. These figures are being further corroborated and are not included in the above statistics.

According to the Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for the Rights of the Child and Children’s Rehabilitation, as of 4 March, 28 children were killed and 64 were injured in Government-controlled territory.

OHCHR also notes a report by the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, according to which as of 9am (Kyiv time) 4 March, the total number of civilian casualties in Kharkiv region was 39 killed and 272 injured, including 10 children.

The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukaine (HRMMU)

Since 2014, OHCHR has been documenting civilian casualties in Ukraine. Reports are based on information that the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU) collected through interviews with victims and their relatives; witnesses; analysis of corroborating material confidentially shared with HRMMU; official records; open-source documents, photo and video materials; forensic records and reports; criminal investigation materials; court documents; reports by international and national non-governmental organisations; public reports by law enforcement and military actors; data from medical facilities and local authorities.

All sources and information are assessed for their relevance and credibility and cross-checked against other information. In some instances, corroboration may take time. This may mean that conclusions on civilian casualties may be revised as more information becomes available and numbers may change as new information emerges over time.

Since 24 February 2022, in the context of the Russian Federation’s military action in Ukraine, HRMMU has been unable to visit places of incidents and interview victims and witnesses there. All other sources of information have been extensively used, including HRMMU contact persons and partners in places where civilian casualties occurred. Statistics presented in the current update are based on individual civilian casualty records where the “reasonable grounds to believe” standard of proof was met, namely where, based on a body of verified information, an ordinarily prudent observer would have reasonable grounds to believe that the casualty took place as described.

An increase in figures in this update compared with the previous update (as of 24.00 3 March 2022) should not be attributed to civilian casualties that occurred on 4 March only, as during the day OHCHR also corroborated some casualties that occurred on previous days.

The use of explosive weapons with a wide impact area should be avoided in densely populated areas, due to the significant likelihood of indiscriminate effects. Weapons with a wide impact area include: a) munitions with a large destructive radius, such as large bombs or missiles; b) weapons that tend to have an inaccurate delivery system, such as unguided indirect fire weapons, including artillery and mortars; and c) weapons designed to deliver munitions over a wide area, such as multi-launch rocket systems and cluster munitions.

ENDS ... 9&LangID=E

Evidence that Ukraine has been run by nazis since February 2014
Written by ORIENTAL REVIEW on 05/03/2022

On 12 March 2014 a historic 10-minute video was uploaded to youtube that acquired over a million hits since then, and that presented and truthfully explained a compendium of video-clips which had been uploaded to the Web during the 2014 overthrow and replacement of Ukraine’s democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, who had been called to the White House right after his 2010 electoral win and was asked by Obama to help to push his country toward joining NATO (though all of the opinion polls that had been taken of the Ukrainian public showed that the vast majority of Ukrainians viewed NATO to be their enemy, no friend of Ukraine). Yanukovych said no, and the Obama Administration (with the help of Google corporation) began by no later than 2011 to organize their coup to take down and replace Yanukovych so as to get Ukraine into NATO in order for America to become able to place its missiles only a five-minute striking-distance away from Moscow, for a retaliation-prohibiting blitz nuclear first-strike attack.

During 2003-2009, only around 20% of Ukrainians wanted NATO membership, while around 55% opposed it. In 2010, Gallup found that whereas 17% of Ukrainians considered NATO to mean “protection of your country,” 40% said it’s “a threat to your country.” Ukrainians predominantly saw NATO as an enemy, not a friend. But after Obama’s February 2014 Ukrainian coup, “Ukraine’s NATO membership would get 53.4% of the votes, one third of Ukrainians (33.6%) would oppose it.”

U.S. President Barack Obama (R) holds a bilateral meeting with President Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine on the sidelines of the Nuclear Security Summit at the Washington Convention Center April 12, 2010 in Washington, DC
The 2014 coup in Ukraine was about two things: getting Ukraine into NATO, and seizing Russia’s biggest naval base, which ever since 1783 has been in Crimea, which (Crimea) the Soviet dictator had transferred to Ukraine in 1954 while still continuing Crimea as the Soviet Union’s biggest naval base. Obama, already by no later than June 2013, was planning to grab that naval base and turn it into yet another U.S. naval base.

However, in order to get that coup-installed new regime to last as being a ‘democracy’, Obama needed to be sure that Crimea, which had voted 75% for Yanukovych, and that Donbass, which had voted more than 90% for Yanukovych, be ethnically cleansed of those especially favorable-toward-Russia voters. So, promptly as soon as the Obama-installed government received the reins of power in Ukraine, Ukraine’s top generals were replaced by rabidly anti-Russian ones, who planned this ethnic-cleansing of those ‘terrorists’, in what they called their “Anti-Terrorist Operation” or “ATO,” in, especially, Donbass. (Donbass is the farthest-east part of Ukraine’s “East” as shown in slide 26 here, and you can see there that ONLY Crimea was even more anti-U.S. than was Ukraine’s “East.” Donbass was the most pro-Russian part of that “East.” Those were therefore the two regions where Obama especially needed the ethnic cleansing, the “ATO.”) But it also was done in Odessa, and in other Ukrainian cities that had voted heavily for Yanukovych. This would be the ‘democratic’ way to produce a permanently nazi-controlled Ukraine.

The Obama Administration, and the IMF (which the U.S. Government controls) were demanding that Ukraine quickly conquer Donbass; and, since the only air power over that region was Ukraine’s Air Force, Ukraine relentlessly bombed Donbass. One of their bombers got shot down, but that was only a minor loss for the U.S.-installed regime. Overall, the bombings caused massive devastation in Donbass.

Nonetheless, the U.S. Government’s hopes for a military conquest of Donbass were not fulfilled; and this got us to the current situation.

When, on 15 February 2022, the U.S. Government closed its Embassy in Kiev and relocated it to Lviv (which is the Ukrainian city that was the most ardently pro-Hitler during WW II), it scrubbed from its computers, and from the Web, its correspondences concerning the secret joint U.S.-Ukrainian bioweapons labs that have been built in Ukraine since the Obama coup. (Fortunately, at that link, one can find archived versions of those destroyed documents.) The U.S. Government likewise had established secret Pentagon bioweapons labs in Georgia.

The U.S. Government not only allows Ukraine to firebomb Donbass, but America’s think tanks that have discussed those firebombings have said the Ukrainian Government needs to do more of it.

Ukraine’s nazis also target school buses, so as to kill children, in parts of Ukraine that had voted heavily for Yanukovych.

Furthermore, in the more rightwing parts of Ukraine, nazis are invited into classrooms in order to spread anti-Russia hate and provide literature encouraging the students to join their movement.

This was the situation before Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022. ... uary-2014/

The Causes of the Conflict in Ukraine Beyond Russian Interests, part 2
By Gustavo A Maranges on March 4, 2022

Victoria Nuland hands out cookies to nationalists in Ukraine

As was shown in the first part of this research, Ukraine is a country with nationality-related problems, which have very strong historical foundations. The integration of two different social groups within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was a catalyst for a national conflict that was kept relatively under control during the Soviet period.

However, after Ukraine’s independence from the USSR, the polarization of this society grew considerably. The Ukrainian independence referendum held on December 1, 1991, is a perfect example of it.

In the western provinces, turnout levels were over 90%, and they exceeded 95% in several cases. Meanwhile, the average turnout did not surpass 85% in the east. In regions such as Crimea, Sevastopol, and Odessa, it did not go over 75%. These stats are very illustrative, but if we take into account the fact that most of the large cities are located in the east, the figures become even more significant. However, it is worth noting that a vote for Ukraine’s independence does not mean moving away from Russia, as these are not opposing options.

Ukraine’s independence gave nationalist elites the possibility of occupying positions in government at local and national levels. It also created a dichotomy ever since senior government officials strove to maintain a friendly stance towards Russia, while nationalist forces pushed domestic anti-Russian policies. The main expression of this was the revival of the Ukrainian language, which was established as the only official language in a country with almost 20% Russian population and a larger number of Russian speakers.

There were also marked differences in the economic and religious spheres. The nationalist sectors launched campaigns against those who were followers of the Moscow Patriarchate and founded the Kiev Patriarchate in 1991. Regarding the economy, the country’s industry is located in the eastern region, while agriculture and import trade is predominant in the western part, which is closely linked to Europe.

This means that if a pro-European government wins the elections, the east would be greatly affected since Russia is the main client of the regional industry, whose products are not competitive in Europe. On the other hand, a pro-Russian government would limit integration with Western Europe. Consequently, more obstacles for Western farmers to enter the European market or access its subsidies will come.

As with the independence referendum did in 1991, each presidential election has demonstrated the differences between eastern and western Ukraine. Pro-Russian candidates have their strongest electoral base in the east, while their pro-European opponents generally win in the west.

This internal division has been exploited so much by foreign powers that they constantly try to draw Ukraine into their sphere of influence. However, history, economic and cultural ties often tip the balance to the Russian side. The United States and its NATO allies are fully aware of it. Hence, they spared no resources to promote the destabilizing actions of Euromaidan in 2014.

The role of the West in these events was proven by the leaked telephone conversation between the Assistant Secretary of State for Europe of the US State Department Victoria Nuland and her ambassador in Kiev, who together decided the members of the Ukrainian government after having consummated the coup d’état against Victor Yanukovych (pro-Russian) in 2014. The United States spent more than 5 billion dollars to destabilize Ukraine and install a nationalist government that would diminish Russia’s influence in this country. This not only weakened Russia’s sphere of influence but also posed an even greater threat, ever since the new Ukrainian government had the clear intention of joining NATO and the EU.

As a result of these changes in the composition of the Ukrainian government after the Euromaidan, the eastern regions of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea declared their independence from Ukraine in the face of advancing nationalist forces, which exhibited fascist tendencies and had proven to be not just against Russia but to be Russophobic.

Russia responded by accepting Crimea within the Federation and assumed the role of the allied power of the separatist regions due to their large number of ethnic Russians and the danger posed by an area of instability on its borders. Putin’s government, however, did not go further, as it did not recognize the independence of the self-proclaimed People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, even though it could have done so as it did with Crimea. After all, Putin was not interested in destroying Ukraine or dismembering it, but in keeping it calm. The Minsk agreements are maybe the best proof of it.

Russia worked tirelessly together with Germany and France to reach an understanding between the nationalists in Kiev and the Donetsk and Lugansk representatives. However, the agreements were not respected by the clashing parties. Kiev did not change its aggressive policy towards the separatists in the east, and the conflict has remained latent until today.

Zelensky’s accession to the presidency increased the chances of a solution to the conflict, as one of his campaign promises was to end the war in the east. However, the reality was different. Three years have passed since the presidential election, and tensions have only increased, with some impasses every time Russia has made pressure to enforce Minsk agreements.

On the other hand, the United States and NATO have continued to provide military and financial support to nationalist sectors in Ukraine ($1 billion in 2021 alone) and especially to far-right groups with fascist and deeply Russophobic tendencies. Therefore, the Ukrainian army has felt supported by the west and with enough dominance to wipe out the separatist forces in Donbass.

All this led to an escalation of the crisis during the last year. The Ukrainian army cut off the water supply to over 2.8 million people living in the eastern regions. It has often shelled civilian facilities, causing over 14,000 casualties over the last eight years, according to UN statistics. For its part, Russia has stepped up its support for ethnic Russian in the east and has consistently advocated compliance with the Minsk agreements.

The 2014 history is now happening all over again, but this time it will have worse consequences since Ukraine has been directly invaded by Russia. The United States and NATO have bet on the Ukraine card to destabilize Russia. The Kiev authorities have played along with the West to score more points for their NATO and EU candidacy, despite being aware that Russia’s response would be similar to that in 2015.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that, although the nationality-related problem within Ukraine has played a fundamental role in the way the conflict has developed; it is not the main cause. The crisis in Ukraine is the result of a geopolitical game between the major powers of the International System. It is an escalation that will only benefit the United States and its allies and whose cost will be paid for by the Ukrainian and Russian people.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – English ... ts-part-2/


War, NATO and the New World Order
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 4, 2022
Fernando Rivero

1.- War and U.S. Military Doctrine: The armed conflict in Europe is directly related to U.S. military planning. The “Third Offset Strategy”, the “Interim Strategic National Security Guidance” and the advent of the NATO “Strategic Concept” of 2022, outline the US military plan for global domination. The Third Offset Strategy, proposed by Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Deputy Secretary Robert Work, is a prospective for the adequacy of U.S. war potential and was born as a response to the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation in 2014. Biden’s Strategic Guidance, adopted in 2021, is a doctrinal update that places emerging powers, led by Russia and China, at the center of its concerns. For its part, NATO has set out to update its Strategic Concept considering three pivotal ideas, among which is the adoption of a more global approach *These official plans of the United States and NATO explain why Russia is legitimately concerned about its security*.

2.- Ukraine in Current Geopolitics: In line with the outlined planning, the Kiev government intends to turn Ukraine into a NATO outpost, to reinforce the military encirclement of NATO against Russia and to turn Ukraine into the energy pivot of Europe, which explains the boycott of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that would supply gas from Russia to Germany to serve 26 million households. *The approach of Ukraine’s accession to NATO was aimed at breaking Russia’s geopolitical rapprochement with the European Union, outlining the US energy tutelage over Europe and, therefore, responds to Washington’s geostrategic interests”.

Moscow is pursuing a war of quick decision. For NATO, a protracted war that would wear down the Russian federation, i.e. Vietnamization of the conflict, would be the most expedient.

3.- Russia’s Special Military Operation: Considering the political-diplomatic repercussions of this armed action, its military capacity in contrast with the Russian military power, the strength of armored vehicles that Russia possesses in a theater of operations characterized by the Ukrainian flat topography and its undoubted air supremacy, all this indicates that Moscow is pursuing a war of quick decision. For NATO, a protracted war that would wear down the Russian federation, i.e. Vietnamization of the conflict, would be the most expedient. Therefore, the “cognitive war” against Russia implemented by NATO, the determined support of all Western powers for Ukraine and the preparations for the defense of the government of Volodymir Zelensky, allow us to affirm that, in the event that a negotiated solution is not achieved beforehand, heavy fighting is in the offing which will define the course of events. *Kiev is the center of gravity of the war. Its capture seals the victory of the Russian military campaign. But the political cost of that battle will define the winner of the war.

The present war is not between left and right.

4.- The Advent of a New Order: The present war is not between left and right. We are witnessing the end of the unipolar world inherited from the Cold War. Events presage the emergence of a new international reality. Undoubtedly, the US at the head of NATO defends its global hegemony while neoliberal capitalism is in crisis. The West is reaffirming its narrative, its main powers are setting themselves up as the carcinogens of the current civilizational model and rejecting some liberal ideas by imposing sanctions that violate the human rights they claim to defend. For their part, the emerging powers are demanding greater space in international politics. Likewise, many peoples are resisting imperialism. *It is not the end of capitalism. We are witnessing a change of epoch where multipolarity seems to be its trademark.

Lovers of life cry out for peace and for a new institutional framework capable of overcoming the subordination of the United Nations to the imperatives of certain powers. Dismantling NATO is another imperative that cannot be postponed in order to safeguard peace and the self-determination of peoples.

5.- A negotiated solution: No one in his right mind could fuel a military confrontation that could turn into a spiral that could lead us to a nuclear war. Lovers of life cry out for peace and for a new institutional framework capable of overcoming the subordination of the United Nations to the imperatives of certain powers. Dismantling NATO is another imperative that cannot be postponed in order to safeguard peace and the self-determination of peoples. For now, the clamor of humanity is for Ukraine to become a neutral territory where respect for different nations and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction on its territory prevail. This would be the correct policy to defend its sovereignty and serve as a buffer against clashes between the powers of the world. An honest negotiation must address these issues. NATO imperatives are not in Ukraine’s national interest. Much less are they on the agenda of humanity. In contrast, climate change, poverty, hunger and neo-colonialism are the most pressing issues of real concern to millions around the world. There is no doubt that humanity requires alternatives*.

Translation by Internationalist 360° ... rld-order/



Follow the Money: How Russia will Bypass Western Economic Warfare
March 5, 2022
By Pepe Escobar – Mar 01, 2022

The US and EU are over-reaching on Russian sanctions. The end result could be the de-dollarization of the global economy and massive commodity shortages worldwide.

So a congregation of NATO’s top brass ensconced in their echo chambers target the Russian Central Bank with sanctions and expect what? Cookies?

What they got instead was Russia’s deterrence forces bumped up to “a special regime of duty” – which means the Northern and Pacific fleets, the Long-Range Aviation Command, strategic bombers and the entire Russian nuclear apparatus on maximum alert.

One Pentagon general very quickly did the basic math on that, and mere minutes later, a Ukrainian delegation was dispatched to conduct negotiations with Russia in an undisclosed location in Gomel, Belarus.

Meanwhile, in the vassal realms, the German government was busy “setting limits to warmongers like Putin” – quite a rich undertaking considering that Berlin never set any such limits for western warmongers who bombed Yugoslavia, invaded Iraq, or destroyed Libya in complete violation of international law.

While openly proclaiming their desire to “stop the development of Russian industry,” damage its economy, and “ruin Russia” – echoing American edicts on Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Venezuela and others in the Global South – the Germans could not possibly recognize a new categorical imperative.

They were finally liberated from their WWII culpability complex by none other than Russian President Vladimir Putin. Germany is finally free to support and weaponize neo-Nazis out in the open all over again – now of the Ukrainian Azov battalion variety.

To get the hang of how these NATO sanctions will “ruin Russia,” I asked for the succinct analysis of one of the most competent economic minds on the planet, Michael Hudson, author, among others, of a revised edition of the must-read Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire.

Hudson remarked how he is “simply numbed over the near-atomic escalation of the US.” On the confiscation of Russian foreign reserves and cut-off from SWIFT, the main point is “it will take some time for Russia to put in a new system, with China. The result will end dollarization for good, as countries threatened with ‘democracy’ or displaying diplomatic independence will be afraid to use US banks.”

This, Hudson says, leads us to “the great question: whether Europe and the Dollar Bloc can buy Russian raw materials – cobalt, palladium, etc, and whether China will join Russia in a minerals boycott.”

Hudson is adamant that “Russia’s Central Bank, of course, has foreign bank assets in order to intervene in exchange markets to defend its currency from fluctuations. The ruble has plunged. There will be new exchange rates. Yet it’s up to Russia to decide whether to sell its wheat to West Asia, that needs it; or to stop selling gas to Europe via Ukraine, now that the US can grab it.”

About the possible introduction of a new Russia-China payment system bypassing SWIFT, and combining the Russian SPFS (System for Transfer of Financial Messages) with the Chinese CIPS (Cross-Border Interbank Payment System), Hudson has no doubts “the Russian-China system will be implemented. The Global South will seek to join and at the same time keep SWIFT – moving their reserves into the new system.”

I’m going to de-dollarize myself
So the US itself, in another massive strategic blunder, will speed up de-dollarization. As the managing director of Bocom International Hong Hao told the Global Times, with energy trade between Europe and Russia de-dollarized, “that will be the beginning of the disintegration of dollar hegemony.”

It’s a refrain the US administration was quietly hearing last week from some of its own largest multinational banks, including notables like JPMorgan and Citigroup.

A Bloomberg article sums up their collective fears:

“Booting Russia from the critical global system – which handles 42 million messages a day and serves as a lifeline to some of the world’s biggest financial institutions – could backfire, sending inflation higher, pushing Russia closer to China, and shielding financial transactions from scrutiny by the west. It might also encourage the development of a SWIFT alternative that could eventually damage the supremacy of the US dollar.”

Those with IQs over 50 in the European Union (EU) must have understood that Russia simply could not be totally excluded from SWIFT, but maybe only a few of its banks: after all, European traders depend on Russian energy.

From Moscow’s point of view, that’s a minor issue. A number of Russian banks are already connected to China’s CIPS system. For instance, if someone wants to buy Russian oil and gas with CIPS, payment must be in the Chinese yuan currency. CIPS is independent of SWIFT.

Additionally, Moscow already linked its SPFS payment system not only to China but also to India and member nations of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU). SPFS already links to approximately 400 banks.

With more Russian companies using SPFS and CIPS, even before they merge, and other maneuvers to bypass SWIFT, such as barter trade – largely used by sanctioned Iran – and agent banks, Russia could make up for at least 50 percent in trade losses.

The key fact is that the flight from the US-dominated western financial system is now irreversible across Eurasia – and that will proceed in tandem with the internationalization of the yuan.

Russia has its own bag of tricks
Meanwhile, we’re not even talking yet about Russian retaliation for these sanctions. Former President Dmitry Medvedev already gave a hint: everything, from exiting all nuclear arms deals with the US to freezing the assets of western companies in Russia, is on the table.

So what does the “Empire of Lies” want? (Putin terminology, on Monday’s meeting in Moscow to discuss the response to sanctions.)

In an essay published this morning, deliciously titled America Defeats Germany for the Third Time in a Century: the MIC, OGAM and FIRE conquer NATO, Michael Hudson makes a series of crucial points, starting with how “NATO has become Europe’s foreign policy-making body, even to the point of dominating domestic economic interests.”

He outlines the three oligarchies in control of US foreign policy:

First is the military-industrial complex, which Ray McGovern memorably coined as MICIMATT (military industrial Congressional intelligence media academia think tank).

Hudson defines their economy base as “monopoly rent, obtained above all from its arms sales to NATO, to West Asian oil exporters and to other countries with a balance-of-payments surplus.”

Second is the oil and gas sector, joined by mining (OGAM). Their aim is “to maximize the price of energy and raw materials so as to maximize natural resource rent. Monopolizing the Dollar Area’s oil market and isolating it from Russian oil and gas has been a major US priority for over a year now, as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany threatened to link the western European and Russian economies together.”

Third is the “symbiotic” Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector, which Hudson defines as “the counterpart to Europe’s old post-feudal landed aristocracy living by land rents.”

As he describes these three rentier sectors that completely dominate post-industrial finance capitalism at the heart of the western system, Hudson notes how “Wall Street always has been closely merged with the oil and gas industry (namely, the Citigroup and Chase Manhattan banking conglomerates).”

Hudson shows how “the most pressing US strategic aim of NATO confrontation with Russia is soaring oil and gas prices. In addition to creating profits and stock market gains for US companies, higher energy prices will take much of the steam out of the German economy.”

He warns how food prices will rise “headed by wheat.” (Russia and Ukraine account for 25 percent of world wheat exports.) From a Global South perspective, that’s a disaster: “This will squeeze many West Asian and Global South food-deficient countries, worsening their balance of payments and threatening foreign debt defaults.”

As for blocking Russian raw materials exports, “this threatens to cause breaks in supply chains for key materials, including cobalt, palladium, nickel, aluminum.”

And that leads us, once again, to the heart of the matter: “The long-term dream of the US new Cold Warriors is to break up Russia, or at least to restore its managerial kleptocracy seeking to cash in their privatizations in western stock markets.”

That’s not going to happen. Hudson clearly sees how “the most enormous unintended consequence of US foreign policy has been to drive Russia and China together, along with Iran, Central Asia and countries along the Belt and Road initiative.”

Let’s confiscate some technology

Now compare all of the above with the perspective of a central European business tycoon with vast interests, east and west, and who treasures his discretion.

In an email exchange, the business tycoon posed serious questions about the Russian Central Bank support for its national currency, the ruble, “which according to US planning is being destroyed by the west through sanctions and currency wolf packs who are exposing themselves by selling rubles short. There is really almost no amount of money that can beat the dollar manipulators against the ruble. A 20 percent interest rate will kill the Russian economy unnecessarily.”

The businessman argues that the chief effect of the rate hike “would be to support imports that should not be imported. The fall of the ruble is thus favorable to Russia in terms of self-sufficiency. As import prices rise, these goods should start to be produced domestically. I would just let the ruble fall to find its own level which will for a while be lower than natural forces would permit as the US will be driving it lower through sanctions and short selling manipulation in this form of economic war against Russia.”

But that seems to tell only part of the story. Arguably, the lethal weapon in Russia’s arsenal of responses has been identified by the head of the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements (IGSO), Vasily Koltashov: the key is to confiscate technology – as in Russia ceasing to recognize US rights to patents.

In what he qualifies as “liberating American intellectual property,” Koltashov calls for passing a Russian law on “friendly and unfriendly states. If a country turns out to be on the unfriendly list, then we can start copying its technologies in pharmaceuticals, industry, manufacturing, electronics, medicine. It can be anything – from simple details to chemical compositions.” This would require amendments to the Russian constitution.

Koltashov maintains that “one of the foundations of success of American industry was copying of foreign patents for inventions.” Now, Russia could use “China’s extensive know-how with its latest technological production processes for copying western products: the release of American intellectual property will cause damage to the United States to the amount of $10 trillion, only in the first stage. It will be a disaster for them.”

As it stands, the strategic stupidity of the EU beggars belief. China is ready to grab all Russian natural resources – with Europe left as a pitiful hostage of the oceans and of wild speculators. It looks like a total EU-Russia split is ahead – with little trade left and zero diplomacy.

Now listen to the sound of champagne popping all across the MICIMATT. ... c-warfare/


Beyond the conflict in Ukraine

Beyond the events that led to the current fighting, what we are seeing, once again, is a war in which the casualties are suffered in countries labeled as peripheral by world powers

Author: Ernesto Estévez Rams |

march 4, 2022 11:03:36


We are living the last battle of the capitalist West struggling to sustain the world hegemony it has maintained since its colonial conquest of Asia, Africa and the New World. We are seeing the emergence of other powers unwilling to accept this imposed order. A majority of the world, with a colonial past, is pushing for a planet that is not the battlefield for wars started by others.

This is a very dangerous moment for humanity. We have been in an unnamed third world war for a long time. We face a historical watershed, one that will determine what comes next. We must overcome the current state of affairs, a unipolar reality based on U.S. extortion and that of its allies, obliging the rest of accept their domination, a situation that is simply unsustainable and suicidal for all.

It is increasingly evident that the only way out for humanity is to defeat hegemonic, imperialist capitalism. The battle for peace is a necessity, if we are to have time to build a better world for all.

Nothing taking place in Ukraine should make anyone happy. Beyond the events that led to the current fighting, what we see, once again, is a war in which the casualties are suffered in countries labeled as peripheral by world powers.

In the Western capitalist hegemonic world, every act of war is portrayed in isolation and not in conjunction with others. The division of Yugoslavia, the secession of Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, ISIS, Syria, Pakistan, Palestine, Libya and Yemen all have something in common: the U.S. and NATO.
For each of these events, the ideological machinery of "NATO" imperialism created a narrative where the culprit, the aggressor, was someone else.
Let us not deceive ourselves, without justifying aggression that could have been avoided, and I am convinced that the current war was avoidable, this latest episode is one more in imperial NATO efforts to detain the loss of its hegemony in a world that is increasingly ungovernable.
As relevant as ever are Fidel’s words, when he said: “Eliminate the philosophy of plunder, and the philosophy of war will disappear.” ... in-ukraine


Evacuations progress in Mariupol and Volnovakha with difficulty

The Ukrainian authorities confirmed the beginning of the evacuation of civilians from the city of Mariupol through the humanitarian corridors. | Photo: Anadolu Agency

Published 6 March 2022

The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) has evacuated more than 300 residents from the strategic port of Mariupol.

The self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) evacuated more than 300 residents from the strategic port of Mariupol, which is under the control of the Ukrainian side, through humanitarian corridors, the territorial defense headquarters reported on Sunday.

New attempt to evacuate civilians from Mariupol announced

"Despite provocations by Ukrainian nationalists in the direction of humanitarian corridors, Donetsk evacuated more than 300 people from Mariupol and its suburban settlements to the Novoazovsky district," the DPR Territorial Defense headquarters reported.

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed this Sunday the reopening of the humanitarian corridors in the port of Mariupol and in the city of Volnovakha, in addition to resuming the ceasefire, despite the fact that the Ukrainian authorities have hindered the process.

In this sense, Ukraine refused to guarantee a ceasefire in the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha, said the spokesman for the Donetsk militias, Eduard Basurin.

"The Ukrainian side refused to guarantee the regime of silence," Basurin told the Rossiya 24 network
. Earlier, Mariupol authorities announced the start of the evacuation of civilians through humanitarian corridors, one day after the agreed date. with Russia.

The authorities stressed that deviating from the humanitarian corridor route is strictly prohibited.

Mariupol, known "as the capital of Steel" is located in eastern Ukraine situated on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov at the confluence of the Kalmius and Kalchyk rivers.

Twenty-four hours ago, Russia announced a ceasefire starting at 0700 GMT so that civilians could leave the cities of Mariupol and Volnovakha. The Russian Defense Ministry stressed that the corridors and humanitarian routes were agreed with Ukraine.

As reported later by the Ministry of Defense, due to Kiev's little interest in prolonging the ceasefire regime, Russia resumed its special operation in Ukraine starting at 3:00 p.m. GMT on March 5.

Basurin, deputy head of the DPR People's Militia Department, said a humanitarian evacuation corridor to the east was opened along the M23 Mariupol-Novoazovsk and Volnovakha-Rybinskoye highways. ... -0007.html

Google Translator

Heard on National Propaganda Radio that the evacuation of Mariupol has been stopped because the Russians are shooting at the evacuees. This is literally unbelievable, the kind of bald-faced lie we've come to expect from the Uke and US propaganda machine. We know that the fascist formation Azov is based there, we know that a Nazi general was appointed governor of the town two days ago. The evacuation is being delayed by the Nazis so as to not lose their human shields. The utter vileness of the MSM in collaboration with Nazis makes me want to beat the hell out of these talking shitheads and put their bosses up against the wall. One day...


Bunny Rabbits and the Big Bad Wolf: Ukraine and Russia through the lens of Western reporting
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized March 5, 2022 5 Minutes

As we all know, Ukraine is today the poster boy of the “international community,” meaning the United States and its allies. Translated into comic book images, the present military conflict between Ukraine and Russia pits a cuddly bunch of bunny rabbits (Ukraine) against the Big Bad Wolf (u know who).

Regrettably that is the intellectual level of most Western reporting on developments in an unfolding tragedy. Almost everything that the supposedly innocent victims say about their attackers instantly is disseminated at God’s honest truth. The exception is numbers. Generally the casualty figures cited by Kiev for both their own civilian and combatant losses and for the Russian soldiers they say they have killed are preceded in our newspapers and on the air as being ‘unverified’ or ‘unconfirmed.’

Now the latest front page news regarding the alleged Russian bombardment of a nuclear power station in Zaporozhye in southeastern Ukraine is a perfect test case for us to see who is really the villain in the piece, the bunny rabbits or the wolf.

The alleged bombardment ignited a fire near a main reactor but happily it was extinguished quickly and no leakage of radioactivity was reported by the Ukrainians, nor was there any interruption of critical functions of the reactor. The whole point of the incident was to establish that Russians are firing indiscriminately on infrastructure, worst of all on nuclear installations with a potential for incalculable damage, moreover that they were in violation of international rules to safeguard the operations of nuclear plants.

The intent here was to internationalize the Russian-Ukraine military conflict in the same way as the supposed poisoning of the Skripals in 2018 in the United Kingdom turned what would have been strictly an attempted murder under English law into a violation of the international rules governing nerve agents and other prohibited chemical weapons. Or in the same way that the supposed chemical weapons attacks on civilians in Syria by the Assad regime would have turned a civil war into a breach of international law that was intolerable. Or in the same way that the destruction of a commercial airliner over the war zone in Eastern Ukraine in 2014, the MH17 case, raised the fighting on the ground in Donbas to an international incident meriting the condemnation of the entire civilized world and imposition of sanctions on the assumed culprit who was abetting the local conflict, that same wolf.

Each of those three major incidents of the recent past was a ‘false flag’ operation carried out by enemies of Russia for the sake of clearly defined geopolitical objectives. I will not take the reader’s time with the proofs of my assertion here. The relevant literature in favor of the ‘false flag’ interpretation is extensive. What I wish to do here is simply to note why today’s allegations with regard to the Zaporozhye stink to high heaven and to note why the cuddly rabbits are the true villains.

Let us go back to the very beginning of the Russian ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine. One of the first acts of Russian forces after they crossed the Belarus border into Ukraine was to seize the site of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, where there is the sarcophagus of the unit which exploded and also other units which are still operational. The Russian forces immediately entered into collaboration with the Ukrainian operational staff to ensure that the facility would remain secure. Why did they do that? Precisely because they did not want any radical Ukrainian militias to gain access to the nuclear waste buried on the site to build one or more dirty bombs, or otherwise to put the working stations in danger.

These militias, including the infamous Azov battalion, which has had concentrations of its combatants in Mariupol and other locations in the southeast of Ukraine, were the forces that turned street demonstrations of the Maidan into a coup d’état that overthrew the legitimate president of the country in February 2014. They have been the power behind the throne in Kiev ever since.

It has taken some time for the Russian forces to move across the southern tier of Ukraine as they gradually take control of the entire Black Sea coast to close down Ukraine’s commercial shipping, strangle the economy and force capitulation on the Kiev regime. In this sweep yesterday they approached the Zaporozhye atomic power plants with intent to capture them and keep them out of harm’s way. In these conditions could there have been any sense whatsoever for the Russians to bombard that installation? Absolutely not. But could there have been any reason for Ukrainian radicals to stage some kind of showy but not overly risky blast at the facility? I rest my case there on cui bono reasoning, which is entirely sufficient for the moment and until full forensic work can be performed by outside investigators.

Now I turn our attention to nomenclature. The Kremlin has chosen to call the radical nationalists in Ukraine “neo-Nazis.” Within Russia, this designation makes good sense. Among the Ukrainian arch nationalists are a great many who venerate as a national hero Stepan Bandera, an ultra-right political and military leader who actively collaborated with Hitler’s forces. Bandera was and his memory in Ukraine remains today a conflation of their own national identity with a near-racial hatred for (Soviet) Russia, or in folk language, for the Moskali, or Muscovites.

Outside of Russia, the designation “neo-Nazis” does not resonate in the same way. This is why German Chancellor Scholz was so dismissive of the term, which he found “laughable,” to the outrage of his hosts in Moscow during the joint press conference with President Putin a couple of weeks ago.

Sometimes, however, Putin speaks of the radical nationalists in Ukraine as “terrorists.” That is really the term which should be used when addressing the international community, which knows little of Bandera, but a lot about terrorists. In this connection, the Kremlin has in recent days pointed out that the nationalist militias have been using the civilian population as human shields for their own protection. The Russians say the radicals have so far refused to allow civilians in besieged towns and cities to avail themselves of escape corridors which the Russian military was making available to them. In this connection as well, the Ukrainian militants were placing weapons in residential buildings and firing on Russian units in the hope of attracting return fire to cause civilian deaths that will be reported to international humanitarian organizations. And, I maintain, the attack on the Zaporozhye nuclear installation was almost certainly the work of these same terrorists claiming to be Ukrainian patriots.

Dear Western journalists, do please try to be more discerning and stop telling fairy tales about cuddly rabbits and the Big Bad Wolf.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2022 ... reporting/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:25 pm
by blindpig
Briefly about Ukraine. 06.03.2022
March 6, 16:14


Briefly about Ukraine.

1. Negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine will be held tomorrow on the territory of Belarus. Moscow once again made it clear today that if Kyiv does not accept the conditions (without any concessions), then the consequences for Ukrainian statehood will be severe. The United States says that the second phase of the operation could begin on Monday, including operations to establish control over Odessa and Kiev, as well as to encircle the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donbas. In the statements of the Zelensky gang, there are more and more hysterical notes and accusations against the West that it has thrown (there has never been such a thing).

2. The humanitarian corridors in Mariupol and Volnovakha are still being disrupted by the Nazis from Azov, despite all the agreements. Is anyone surprised? Me not. So far, about 300 people who have settled in Mariupol have been released from the hands of terrorists. A few dozen more were able to escape from Volnovakha. Ukrainian terrorists do not want to get rid of their human shield. Which dooms many people to death when the counter-terrorist operation begins in Mariupol itself and the active cleansing of Volnovakha continues.

3. Misunderstandings continue with the real location of Zelensky, and Ukrainian and American sources disperse the evil about the impending evacuation of Zelensky to the West. The search for spies and traitors also continues. Kivu was accused of "high treason" and put on the wanted list. Caught, probably killed like Kireev. And there they will already think who he is a "traitor" or a "hero". Zelensky himself said today that the West wants Ukrainians to be killed (wake up) and that "we are fighting for where the new border will go." The old border will obviously no longer exist. In any case, the borders will change - the question is, of course, an interesting one, where they will pass.

4. Anti-war rallies are taking place in the Russian Federation today, with the help of which Zelensky called for stopping the operation in Ukraine. Judging by the number of those gathered, even the arrest of Navalny (who is this, by the way?) And coronavirus restrictions (by the way, where is covid?) worried citizens more. But let's see, maybe by the evening the number will grow up. In the meantime, everything is rather pathetic, which apparently contributed to the fierce information purge, which has continued today.

5. Enforcement of the law on fakes about the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation began today. The first lucky man got off with a fine of 60,000 rubles. I had an idea to write about the problems in the offensive operation (of course, they also exist), but for now I'll wait - I need to see how the law works in practice. Well, or after the end of the operation there will be material when military censorship will not be so fierce.
With regard to the operation itself, it is worth noting that even in the West there are discrepancies regarding the plans of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, although progress on the map gives some idea of ​​​​what they are striving for. From a subjective point of view, priority number 1 is the destruction of the APU grouping in the Donbas by encircling and defeating this grouping, which will deprive Ukraine of most of the armed forces and heavy equipment.

There may be a military summary in the evening, if I gather my strength, I’m tired as hell - the first thing I will do when it’s all over, I’ll disconnect from the Internet for a day, they will just sit and watch some kind of movie.

Broadcast across Ukraine as usual continues here (today the channel has exceeded 350,000 subscribers, oh wei)
In the title photo - the destruction of the airfield in Vinnitsa, 8 "Caliber" flew in and that's it. Zelensky was crying, they say, for what, and Vinnitsa. Well, yes, but the Nazis from Vinnitsa who fought in the Donbass had nothing to do with it. He is such a boomerang. And keep in mind that the Russian Federation frankly spares not only civilians, but even the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But she could (if she were the way she is painted, to fuck around residential areas, like the Armed Forces of Ukraine).

In case Zelensky is assassinated
March 6, 21:44


Ukrainians have a "continuity of power" plan in case Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is assassinated (c) US State Department Secretary Blinken
It has also been clarified that Blinken was misinterpreted regarding the possibility of supplying fighter jets to Ukraine.
Earlier, Kadyrov approached Zelensky, offering him to transfer power to Yanukovych and receive political asylum in Russia.

In general, there is a feeling that the spinning flywheel of events may soon swallow Zelensky in every sense, including in the physical. He has actually played his role in fomenting the war. It will be led by other people.

All above Google Translator


Well, Well, Well...
Now Russia's MoD officially confirms:

МОСКВА, 6 мар — РИА Новости. Москва получила от сотрудников украинских биолабораторий документы, подтверждающие, что на Украине, в непосредственной близости от территории России, разрабатывались компоненты биологического оружия. Об этом журналистам заявил официальный представитель Министерства обороны России генерал-майор Игорь Конашенков. "В ходе проведения специальной военной операции вскрыты факты экстренной зачистки киевским режимом следов реализуемой на Украине военно-биологической программы, финансируемой Минобороны США"

Translation: MOSCOW, March 6 - RIA Novosti. Moscow received documents from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory. This was stated to journalists by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov. "In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered"

As you may have guessed it already, this thing is being well documented, witnesses and their depositions secured and this will be presented very soon, together with acts of barbarism and war crimes by Kiev regime and its Western "advisers". That explains in part a hysteria in the West. This time, however, this is not going to be this:

It is going to be a real deal and many people better start thinking very hard what are they going to say in response, especially when some of them may well end up in the war crimes tribunal in Donetsk (or Moscow). And that event will be surely widely publicized.

In related news, it is Game Over for VSU Air Force, it ceased to exist. As Konashenkov stated:

«Практически вся боеспособная авиация киевского режима уничтожена. Вместе с тем, нам достоверно известно об украинских боевых самолетах, ранее перелетевших в Румынию и другие приграничные страны. Обращаем внимание, что использование аэродромной сети этих стран для базирования украинской боевой авиации с последующим применением против российских вооруженных сил, может расцениваться как вовлечение данных государств в вооруженный конфликт»
Translation: “Practically all combat-ready aviation of the Kiev regime has been destroyed. At the same time, we know for certain about Ukrainian combat aircraft that had previously flown to Romania and other border countries. Please note that the use of the airfield network of these countries for basing Ukrainian military aviation with subsequent use against the Russian armed forces can be regarded as the involvement of these states in an armed conflict."

I guess Tony Blinken is self-medicating himself. But then again, knowing his background, posturing and BS are the only things he can do.

NATO countries supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion have a “green light” to send fighter jets as part of their military aid, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday. “We're talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs if in fact, they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians,” Blinken said during an interview with CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”
Tony is ready to throw under the bus NATO's Eastern European "allies", because he thinks that he is so smart that his "plans" are so difficult to decipher. Sure, somebody explain to him about the ranges of 3M14 Kalibr, Kinzhal and Iskanders. And show him photos of objects struck by those weapons, ffs. Does Poland want to make a call? ... -well.html


Pakistani premier hits out at Western envoys' joint letter on Russia

ISLAMABAD, March 6 (Reuters) - Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan hit out on Sunday at Islamabad-based Western envoys who last week urged Pakistan to condemn Russia's actions in Ukraine, asking them if they thought Pakistan was their "slave".

The heads of 22 diplomatic missions, including those of European Union member states, released a joint letter on March 1 urging Pakistan to support a resolution in the United Nations General Assembly condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

The move to release the letter publicly was rare.

"What do you think of us? Are we your slaves ... that whatever you say, we will do?" Khan said while addressing a political rally.

In the event, Pakistan, a traditional ally of the West, abstained from voting as the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly reprimanded Russia for invading Ukraine.

"I want to ask the European Union ambassadors: Did you write such a letter to India?" Khan said, noting that Pakistan's arch-rival had also abstained.

(more) ... 022-03-06/

Didn't realize that Pakistan abstained. Good for them. Countries with over half of the world population refused to endorse US warmongering and lies.Yes indeed, the world is changing.



How Ukraine’s Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia

While Western media deploys Volodymyr Zelensky’s Jewish heritage to refute accusations of Nazi influence in Ukraine, the president has ceded to neo-Nazi forces and now depends on them as front line fighters.
Back in October 2019, as the war in eastern Ukraine dragged on, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky traveled to Zolote, a town situated firmly in the “gray zone” of Donbas, where over 14,000 had been killed, mostly on the pro-Russian side. There, the president encountered the hardened veterans of extreme right paramilitary units keeping up the fight against separatists just a few miles away.

Elected on a platform of de-escalation of hostilities with Russia, Zelensky was determined to enforce the so-called Steinmeier Formula conceived by then-German Foreign Minister Walter Steinmeier which called for elections in the Russian-speaking regions of Donetsk and Lugansk.

In a face-to-face confrontation with militants from the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion who had launched a campaign to sabotage the peace initiative called “No to Capitulation,” Zelensky encountered a wall of obstinacy.

With appeals for disengagement from the frontlines firmly rejected, Zelensky melted down on camera. “I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons,” Zelensky implored the fighters.

Once video of the stormy confrontation spread across Ukrainian social media channels, Zelensky became the target of an angry backlash.

Andriy Biletsky, the proudly fascist Azov Battalion leader who once pledged to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen”, vowed to bring thousands of fighters to Zolote if Zelensky pressed any further. Meanwhile, a parliamentarian from the party of former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko openly fantasized about Zelensky being blown to bits by a militant’s grenade.

Though Zelensky achieved a minor disengagement, the neo-Nazi paramilitaries escalated their “No Capitulation” campaign. And within months, fighting began to heat up again in Zolote, sparking a new cycle of violations of the Minsk Agreement.

By this point, Azov had been formally incorporated into the Ukrainian military and its street vigilante wing, known as the National Corps, was deployed across the country under the watch of the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, and alongside the National Police. In December 2021, Zelensky would be seen delivering a “Hero of Ukraine” award to a leader of the fascistic Right Sector in a ceremony in Ukraine’s parliament.

A full-scale conflict with Russia was approaching, and the distance between Zelensky and the extremist paramilitaries was closing fast.

This February 24, when Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops into Ukrainian territory on a stated mission to “demilitarize and denazify” the country, US media embarked on a mission of its own: to deny the power of neo-Nazi paramilitaries over the country’s military and political sphere. As the US government-funded National Public Radio insisted, “Putin’s language [about denazification] is offensive and factually wrong.”

In its bid to deflect from the influence of Nazism in contemporary Ukraine, US media has found its most effective PR tool in the figure of Zelensky, a former TV star and comedian from a Jewish background. It is a role the actor-turned-politician has eagerly assumed.

But as we will see, Zelensky has not only ceded ground to the neo-Nazis in his midst, he has entrusted them with a front line role in his country’s war against pro-Russian and Russian forces.

The president’s Jewishness as Western media PR device
Hours before President Putin’s February 24 speech declaring denazification as the goal of Russian operations, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “asked how a people who lost eight million of its citizens fighting Nazis could support Nazism,” according to the BBC.

Raised in a non-religious Jewish family in the Soviet Union during the 1980’s, Zelensky has downplayed his heritage in the past. “The fact that I am Jewish barely makes 20 in my long list of faults,” he joked during a 2019 interview in which he declined to go into further detail about his religious background.

Today, as Russian troops bear down on cities like Mariupol, which is effectively under the control of the Azov Battalion, Zelensky is no longer ashamed to broadcast his Jewishness. “How could I be a Nazi?” he wondered aloud during a public address. For a US media engaged in an all-out information war against Russia, the president’s Jewish background has become an essential public relations tool.

A few examples of the US media’s deployment of Zelensky as a shield against allegations of rampant Nazism in Ukraine are below (see mash-up above for video):

PBS NewsHour noted Putin’s comments on denazification with a qualifier: “even though President Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish and his great uncles died in the Holocaust.”
On Fox & Friends, former CIA officer Dan Hoffman declared that “it’s the height of hypocrisy to call the Ukrainian nation to denazify — their president is Jewish after all.”
On MSNBC, Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner said Putin’s “terminology, outrageous and obnoxious as it is — ‘denazify’ where you’ve got frankly a Jewish president in Mr. Zelensky. This guy [Putin] is on his own kind of personal jihad to restore greater Russia.”
Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn said on Fox Business she’s “been impressed with President Zelensky and how he has stood up. And for Putin to go out there and say ‘we’re going to denazify’ and Zelensky is Jewish.”
In an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Gen. John Allen denounced Putin’s use of the term, “de-Nazify” while the newsman and former Israel lobbyist shook his head in disgust. In a separate interview with Blitzer, the so-called “Ukraine whistleblower” and Ukraine-born Alexander Vindman grumbled that the claim is “patently absurd, there’s really no merit… you pointed out that Volodymyr Zelensky is Jewish… the Jewish community [is] embraced. It’s central to the country and there is nothing to this Nazi narrative, this fascist narrative. It’s fabricated as a pretext.”
Behind the corporate media spin lies the complex and increasingly close relationship Zelensky’s administration has enjoyed with the neo-Nazi forces invested with key military and political posts by the Ukrainian state, and the power these open fascists have enjoyed since Washington installed a Western-aligned regime through a coup in 2014.

In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias.

The Azov Battalion marches with Nazi-inspired Wolfsangel flags in Mariupol, August 2020

Backed by Zelensky’s top financier, neo-Nazi militants unleash a wave of intimidation
Incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard, the Azov Battalion is considered the most ideologically zealous and militarily motivated unit fighting pro-Russian separatists in the eastern Donbass region.

With Nazi-inspired Wolfsangel insignia on the uniforms of its fighters, who have been photographed with Nazi SS symbols on their helmets, Azov “is known for its association with neo-Nazi ideology…[and] is believed to have participated in training and radicalizing US-based white supremacy organizations,” according to an FBI indictment of several US white nationalists that traveled to Kiev to train with Azov.

Igor Kolomoisky, a Ukrainian energy baron of Jewish heritage, has been a top funder of Azov since it was formed in 2014. He has also bankrolled private militias like the Dnipro and Aidar Battalions, and has deployed them as a personal thug squad to protect his financial interests.

In 2019, Kolomoisky emerged as the top backer of Zelensky’s presidential bid. Though Zelensky made anti-corruption the signature issue of his campaign, the Pandora Papers exposed him and members of his inner circle stashing large payments from Kolomoisky in a shadowy web of offshore accounts.

President Zelensky (C) meets with billionaire oligarch and business associate Ihor Kolomoisky on September 10, 2019

When Zelensky took office in May 2019, the Azov Battalion maintained de facto control of the strategic southeastern port city of Mariupol and its surrounding villages. As Open Democracy noted, “Azov has certainly established political control of the streets in Mariupol. To maintain this control, they have to react violently, even if not officially, to any public event which diverges sufficiently from their political agenda.”

Attacks by Azov in Mariupol have included assaults on “feminists and liberals” marching on International Women’s Day among other incidents.

In March 2019, members of the Azov Battalion’s National Corps attacked the home of Viktor Medvedchuk, the leading opposition figure in Ukraine, accusing him of treason for his friendly relations with Vladimir Putin, the godfather of Medvedchuk’s daughter.

Zelensky’s administration escalated the attack on Medvedchuk, shuttering several media outlets he controlled in February 2021 with the open approval of the US State Department, and jailing the opposition leader for treason three months later. Zelensky justified his actions on the grounds that he needed to “fight against the danger of Russian aggression in the information arena.”

Next, in August 2020, Azov’s National Corps opened fire on a bus containing members of Medvedchuk’s party, Patriots for Life, wounding several with rubber-coated steel bullets.

Zelensky failed to rein in neo-Nazis, wound up collaborating with them

Following his failed attempt to demobilize neo-Nazi militants in the town of Zolote in October 2019, Zelensky called the fighters to the table, telling reporters “I met with veterans yesterday. Everyone was there – the National Corps, Azov, and everyone else.”

A few seats away from the Jewish president was Yehven Karas, the leader of the neo-Nazi C14 gang.

Zelensky meets with “veterans” including Yehven Karas (far right) and Dmytro Shatrovsky, an Azov Battalion leader (bottom left).

During the Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” that ousted Ukraine’s elected president in 2014, C14 activists took over Kiev’s city hall and plastered its walls with neo-Nazi insignia before taking shelter in the Canadian embassy.

As the former youth wing of the ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party, C14 appears to draw its name from the infamous 14 words of US neo-Nazi leader David Lane: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

By offering to carry out acts of spectacular violence on behalf of anyone willing to pay, the hooligans have fostered a cozy relationship with various governing bodies and powerful elites across Ukraine.

C14 neo-Nazi gang offers to carry out violence-for-hire: “C14 works for you. Help us keep afloat, and we will help you. For regular donors, we are opening a box for wishes. Which of your enemies would you like to make life difficult for? We’ll try to do that.”

A March 2018 report by Reuters stated that “C14 and Kiev’s city government recently signed an agreement allowing C14 to establish a ‘municipal guard’ to patrol the streets,” effectively giving them the sanction of the state to carry out pogroms.

As The Grayzone reported, C14 led raid to “purge” Romani from Kiev’s railway station in collaboration with the Kiev police.

Not only was this activity sanctioned by the Kiev city government, the US government itself saw little problem with it, hosting Bondar at an official US government institution in Kiev where he bragged about the pogroms. C14 continued to receive state funding throughout 2018 for “national-patriotic education.”

Karas has claimed that the Ukrainian Security Serves would “pass on” information regarding pro-separatist rallies “not only [to] us, but also Azov, the Right Sector and so on.”

“In general, deputies of all factions, the National Guard, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Internal Affairs work for us. You can joke like that,” Karas said.

Throughout 2019, Zelensky and his administration deepened their ties with ultra-nationalist elements across Ukraine.

Then-Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk onstage at the neo-Nazi “Veterans Strong” concert

After Prime Minister attends neo-Nazi concert, Zelensky honors Right Sector leader
Just days after Zelensky’s meeting with Karas and other neo-Nazi leaders in November 2019, Oleksiy Honcharuk – then the Prime Minister and deputy head of Zelensky’s presidential office – appeared on stage at a neo-Nazi concert organized by C14 figure and accused murderer Andriy Medvedko.

Zelensky’s Minister for Veterans Affairs not only attended the concert, which featured several antisemitic metal bands, she promoted the concert on Facebook.

Also in 2019, Zelensky defended Ukrainian footballer Roman Zolzulya against Spanish fans taunting him as a “Nazi.” Zolzulya had posed beside photos of the World War II-era Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera and openly supported the Azov Battalion. Zelensky responded to the controversy by proclaiming that all of Ukraine backed Zolzulya, describing him as “not only a cool football player but a true patriot.”

In November 2021, one of Ukraine’s most prominent ultra-nationalist militiamen, Dmytro Yarosh, announced that he had been appointed as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Yarosh is an avowed follower of the Nazi collaborator Bandera who led Right Sector from 2013 to 2015, vowing to lead the “de-Russification” of Ukraine.

Dmytro Yarosh poses with Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces

A month later, as war with Russia drew closer, Zelensky awarded Right Sector commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo the “Hero of Ukraine” commendation. Known as “Da Vinci,” Kosyubaylo keeps a pet wolf in his frontline base, and likes to joke to visiting reporters that his fighters “feed it the bones of Russian-speaking children.”

Ukrainian state-backed neo-Nazi leader flaunts influence on the eve of war with Russia

On February 5, 2022, only days before full-scale war with Russia erupted, Yevhen Karas of the neo-Nazi C14 delivered a stem-winding public address in Kiev intended to highlight the influence his organization and others like it enjoyed over Ukrainian politics.

“LGBT and foreign embassies say ‘there were not many Nazis at Maidan, maybe about 10 percent of real ideological ones,’” Karas remarked. “If not for those eight percent [of neo-Nazis] the effectiveness [of the Maidan coup] would have dropped by 90 percent.”

The 2014 Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” would have been a “gay parade” if not for the instrumental role of neo-Nazis, he proclaimed.

Karas went on to opine that the West armed Ukrainian ultra-nationalists because “we have fun killing.” He also fantasized about the balkanization of Russia, declaring that it should be broken up into “five different” countries.

Yevhen Karas delivering the Nazi salute.

“If we get killed…we died fighting a holy war”

When Russian forces entered Ukraine this February 24, encircling the Ukrainian military in the east and driving towards Kiev, President Zelensky announced a national mobilization that included the release of criminals from prison, among them accused murderers wanted in Russia. He also blessed the distribution of arms to average citizens, and their training by battle-hardened paramilitaries like the Azov Battalion.

With fighting underway, Azov’s National Corps gathered hundreds of ordinary civilians, including grandmothers and children, to train in public squares and warehouses from Kharviv to Kiev to Lviv.

On February 27, the official Twitter account of the National Guard of Ukraine posted video of “Azov Fighters” greasing their bullets with pig fat to humiliate Russian Muslim fighters from Chechnya.

A day later, the Azov Battalion’s National Corps announced that the Azov Battalion’s Kharkiv Regional Police would begin using the city’s Regional State Administration building as a defense headquarters. Footage posted to Telegram the following day shows the Azov-occupied building being hit by a Russian airstrike.

Besides authorizing the release of hardcore criminals to join the battle against Russia, Zelensky has ordered all males of fighting age to remain in the country. Azov militants have proceeded to enforce the policy by brutalizing civilians attempting to flee from the fighting around Mariupol.

According to one Greek resident in Mariupol recently interviewed by a Greek news station, “When you try to leave you run the risk of running into a patrol of the Ukrainian fascists, the Azov Battalion,” he said, adding “they would kill me and are responsible for everything.”

Footage posted online appears to show uniformed members of a fascist Ukrainian militia in Mariupol violently pulling fleeing residents out of their vehicles at gunpoint.

Other video filmed at checkpoints around Mariupol showed Azov fighters shooting and killing civilians attempting to flee.

On March 1, Zelensky replaced the regional administrator of Odessa with Maksym Marchenko, a former commander of the extreme right Aidar Battalion, which has been accused of an array of war crimes in the Donbass region.

Meanwhile, as a massive convoy of Russian armored vehicles bore down on Kiev, Yehven Karas of the neo-Nazi C14 posted a video on YouTube from inside a vehicle presumably transporting fighters.

“If we get killed, it’s fucking great because it means we died fighting a holy war,” Karas exclaimed. ”If we survive, it’s going to be even fucking better! That’s why I don’t see a downside to this, only upside!” ... ar-russia/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:32 pm
by blindpig
LIVE: Russia Sets Humanitarian Corridors

Ukrainian refugees crossing the border with Poland, March 7, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @Straz_Graniczna

Published 7 March 2022 (2 hours 35 minutes ago)

The opening of the humanitarian corridors was notified to the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE), and the Red Cross.

As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to intensify, international efforts to evacuate the civilian population to other countries continue. Below are the main developments of this conflict as they happen.

Russia sets humanitarian corridors. On Monday, Russia announced a temporary ceasefire and the opening of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians from the cities of Kharkov, Kiev, Mariupol, and Sumy.

"Russian forces declare a 'regime of silence' starting at 10:00 (07:00 GMT) on March 7 and the opening of humanitarian corridors," the Russian Defense Ministry announced, adding that the measure was taken in response to the worsening of the humanitarian situation in these Ukrainian cities and to a request made by French President Emmanuel Macron to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One humanitarian corridor will start from Kiev, pass through Gostomel and Chernobyl, and end in the Belarusian city of Gomel, from which the refugees will be transported to Russia.

From Mariupol, the refugees will be evacuated via two routes: one route will start from Mariupol to Rostov-on-Don in Russia, and the other route will start from Maripol to Mangush in the Donetsk basin. The route from Kharkov will reach Belgorod in Russia and the routes from Sumi will culminate in Belgorod and Poltava.

The opening of these humanitarian corridors was notified to the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE), the International Committee of the Red Cross, and other international organizations operating in Ukraine.

The Russian Armed Forces demanded that Ukraine fulfill all the conditions for the creation of humanitarian corridors that guarantee an organized withdrawal of civilians and foreign citizens. ... -0005.html


Humanitarian corridors from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Sumy
March 7, 8:43


Today there will be another attempt to save the population of the cities, where the Nazis actually took him hostage to use as a human shield.

The Russian Defense Ministry decided not to postpone the process of withdrawing the population on the back burner and announced a "day of silence". The guarantor of compliance with the conditions on the Ukrainian side was Emmanuel Macron, who, against the backdrop of the election campaign in France, is trying to earn points.

The withdrawal of the population will be carried out in four directions:

▪️from Kiev :
Kiev - Gostomel - Rakovka - Sosnovka - Ivankov - Oranoe - Chernobyl - Gden (Belarus) - Gomel (Belarus). From there - delivery by air transport to the Russian Federation;

▪️from Mariupol:
route number 1: Mariupol - Novoazovsk - Taganrog - Rostov-on-Don. From there - by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or points of temporary accommodation;
route number 2: Mariupol - Portovskoye - Mangush - bypassing Nikolskoye - Republic - Rozovka - Bilmak - Pologi - Orekhov - Zaporozhye;

▪️from Kharkov:
Kharkov - Nekhoteevka - Belgorod. From there - by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or points of temporary accommodation;

▪️from Sumy:
route number 1: Sumy - Sudzha - Belgorod. From there - by air, rail and road transport to selected destinations or points of temporary accommodation;
route number 2: Sumy - Golubovka - Romny - Lokhvitsa - Lubny - Poltava.

Of all the settlements, they offer to go both to the Ukrainian side and to the Russian side. In Kyiv and Kharkov routes to the south are open anyway.
The entire process of withdrawing the population will be recorded on UAVs in order to avoid provocations. - zinc

I am sure that there will be 100% provocations and attempts to disrupt humanitarian corridors, with a high probability, they will be successful.

Today, the next negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine in Belarus should also take place. The Russian Federation stressed several times over the weekend that it was not going to give up its demands. Moreover, there are veiled threats that the rejection of the demands put forward will lead to even more sad consequences for Ukraine.
The hopes of Zelensky and Co. that mass anti-war rallies would begin in Russia did not come true. Support for the operation in the country is very high, about 70-75%, again due to the fact that the footage from Ukraine quite clearly shows what Russia is facing there. The most supported goals of the operation among the population are the demilitarization of Ukraine and the protection of the DNR and LNR.

Briefly about Ukraine. 03/07/2022
March 7, 16:19


Briefly about Ukraine. 03/07/2022

1. Mariupol. The announced evacuation of civilians again did not take place. Ripped off by the Nazis. The DPR announced that they would soon start cleaning up the city.
2. Volnovakha. There is also no organized exit. The resumption of active sweeping is expected within a day.
3. Kharkov. The announced evacuation of civilians again did not take place. Ripped off by the Nazis. Serious work of artillery and MLRS in the Kharkov region was noted. The Armed Forces of Ukraine themselves recaptured Chuguev, which the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation did not even enter. The zone of control around Balakleya is expanding.
4. Raisins. Serious fighting around the city. According to Ukrainian sources, the RF Armed Forces are solving the task of occupying the city and have already entered it. The capture of Izyum will drastically worsen the situation for the entire grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass.
5. Severodonetsk. Fighting continues on the outskirts of Rubizhne. Severodonetsk itself is not attacked head-on.
6. Slavyansk-Kramatorsk. In the area of ​​​​the agglomeration, several blows were inflicted on the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The route Izyum - Slavyansk has not yet been cut.
7.Zaporozhye. The RF Armed Forces have approached Gulyai-Polye and are advancing east of it to the north and north-east, to the rear of the Armed Forces grouping in the Donbass. The enemy continues to bend the front in order to slow down the advance of the RF Armed Forces.
8. Nikolaev. On the outskirts of the city, sporadic fighting and shelling with the use of MLRS continued. The city itself is not completely blocked. So far, there has been no progress towards the South Ukrainian nuclear power plant in the Voznesensk region.
9. Kyiv. Fighting continued to the west of the city, plus the RF Armed Forces are gradually consolidating control over Bucha. Irpin under the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There were clashes near Brovary from the east (the RF Armed Forces did not enter the city). Chernigov and Sumy without any changes. The local leadership, under the threat of execution, does not release residents through humanitarian corridors.
10. Odessa. No major changes. Landing forces were not landed. So they don’t land, rather they scare them with a potential threat.

Negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine are expected in Belarus today. Russia insists on its main demands - recognition of Crimea, recognition of the LDNR, demilitarization, denazification + non-bloc status. The expected disruption of negotiations by Ukraine will most likely lead to an intensification of hostilities in the next 24 hours, and at night or in the morning we should expect missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine. USA on Saturday that the second phase of the offensive of the RF Armed Forces will begin within 48-72 hours. - zinc

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Russia denounces Ukrainian forces for planning attack on nuclear facility

At the same time, the Russian authorities reminded that the Ukrainian government and the West manipulate the facts. | Photo: EFE
Published 6 March 2022

According to the authorities, Ukrainian nationalists intended to blow up the reactor and, together with the West, blame Moscow.

The Russian Ministry of Defense denounced this Sunday the Security Service of Ukraine and the armed assets of the Azov battalion for trying to blow up a reactor at a nuclear facility at the Institute of Physics and Technology in the city of Kharkov, this with the purpose of blame Moscow for the act.

"The nationalists have placed explosives in the reactor of the experimental nuclear facility, located at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (...) they are preparing a provocation with possible radioactive contamination in the area of ​​​​the city of Kharkov", indicates the Russian Defense Ministry.

At the same time, the Russian authorities recalled that the Ukrainian government and the West manipulate the facts by blaming Moscow for alleged attacks against the population, "foreign journalists "document" the consequences of provocation to accuse the Russian Federation of creating a ecological catastrophe," they added.

It should be noted that in the early hours of the morning, the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashénkov, denounced that after the military operation in defense of Donbas, documents were found that demonstrate the development of biological weapons components by Ukraine and with financing from the White House.

Konashénkov detailed that the Russian authorities received documentation that they were working with highly dangerous pathogens such as plague, anthrax, tularemia, cholera and other deadly diseases.

This complaint exposes the United States and Ukraine of flagrantly violating the first article of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the prohibition of biological and toxic weapons. ... -0019.html

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U.S. troops arrive at Nuremberg International Airport on Feb. 28 to join the NATO Response Force. which was activated for the first time in history in a collective defence context. (NATO)

Ukraine & Nukes
Originally published: Consortium News by Steven Starr (March 3, 2022 ) | - Posted Mar 05, 2022

The New York Times recently published an article by David Sanger entitled “Putin spins a conspiracy theory that Ukraine is on a path to produce nuclear weapons.” Unfortunately, it is Sanger who puts so much spin in his reporting that he leaves his readers with a grossly distorted version of the what the presidents of Russia and Ukraine have said and done.

Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent statements at the Munich conference centered around the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, which welcomed Ukraine’s accession to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) in conjunction with Ukraine’s decision to return to Russia the nuclear weapons left on its territory by the Soviet Union.

In other words, the Budapest Memorandum was expressly about Ukraine giving up its nukes and not becoming a nuclear weapon state in the future. Zelensky’s speech at Munich made it clear that Ukraine was moving to repudiate the Budapest Memorandum; Zelensky essentially stated that Ukraine must be made a member of NATO, otherwise it would acquire nuclear weapons.

This is what Zelensky said, with emphasis added:

I want to believe that the North Atlantic Treaty and Article 5 will be more effective than the Budapest Memorandum.

Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third nuclear capability [i.e. Ukraine relinquished the Soviet nuclear weapons that had been placed in Ukraine during the Cold War]. We don’t have that weapon.… Therefore, we have something. The right to demand a shift from a policy of appeasement to ensuring security and peace guarantees.

Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum. Three times without success. . . I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was commissioned to convene them. If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt. . .

I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. The Minister of Foreign Affairs was commissioned to convene them. If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.

Sanger’s Times article implies that it was a “conspiracy theory” that Zelensky was calling for Ukraine to acquire nuclear weapons. Sanger was not ignorant of the meaning of the Budapest Memorandum, rather he chose to deliberately ignore it and misrepresented the facts.

President Vladimir Putin, along with the majority of Russians, could not ignore such a threat for a number of historical reasons that The New York Times and ideologues such as Sanger have also chosen to ignore. It is important to list some of those facts, since most Americans are unaware of them, as they have not been reported in the Western mainstream media. Leaving parts of the story out turns Putin into just a madman bent on conquest without any reason to intervene.

First, both the provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk in the Donbass region voted for independence from Ukraine in 2014 in resistance to a U.S.-backed coup that overthrew the elected president Viktor Yanukovych in February of that year. The independence vote came just eight days after neo-Nazis burned dozens of ethnic Russians alive in Odessa. To crush their bid for independence, the new U.S.-installed Ukrainian government then launched an “anti-terrorist” war against the provinces, with the assistance of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which had taken part in the coup. It is a war that is still going on eight years later, a war that Russia has just entered.

During these eight years, the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Azov have used artillery, snipers and assassination teams to systematically butcher more than 5,000 people (another 8,000 were wounded)—mostly civilians—in the Donetsk Peoples Republic, according to the leader of the DPR, who provided these figures in a press conference recently. In the Luhansk People’s Republic, an additional 2,000 civilians were killed and 3,365 injured. The total number of people killed and wounded in Donbass since 2014 is more than 18,000.

This has received at most superficial coverage by The New York Times; it has not been covered by Western corporate media because it does not fit the official Washington narrative that Ukraine is pursuing an “anti-terrorist operation” in its unrelenting attacks on the people of Donbass. For eight years the war instead has been portrayed as a Russian “invasion,” well before Russia’s current intervention.

Likewise, The New York Times, in its overall coverage, chose not to report that the Ukrainian forces had deployed half of its army, about 125,000 troops, to its border with Donbass by the beginning of 2022.

The importance of neo-Nazi Right Sektor politicians in the Ukraine government and neo-Nazi militias (such as the Azov Battalion) to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, also goes unreported in the mainstream corporate media. The Azov battalion flies Nazi flags; they have been trained by teams of U.S. military advisers and praised on Facebook these days. In 2014, Azov was incorporated in the Ukrainian National Guard under the direction of the Interior Ministry.

The Nazis killed something on the order of 27 million Soviets/Russians during World War II (the U.S. lost 404,000). Russia has not forgotten and is extremely sensitive to any threats and violence coming from neo-Nazis. Americans generally do not understand what this means to Russians as the United States has never been invaded.

So, when the leader of Ukraine essentially threatens to obtain nuclear weapons, this is most certainly considered to be an existential threat to Russia. That is why Putin focused on this during his speech preceding the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Sanger and The New York Times must discount a Ukrainian nuclear threat; they can get away with doing so because they have systematically omitted news pertaining to this for many years.

Sanger makes a very misleading statement when he writes,

Today Ukraine does not even have the basic infrastructure to produce nuclear fuel.

Ukraine is not interested in making nuclear fuel—which Ukraine already purchases from the U.S. Ukraine has plenty of plutonium, which is commonly used to make nuclear weapons today; eight years ago Ukraine held more than 50 tons of plutonium in its spent fuel assemblies stored at its many nuclear power plants (probably considerably more today, as the reactors have continued to run and produce spent fuel). Once plutonium is reprocessed/separated from spent nuclear fuel, it becomes weapons usable. Putin noted that Ukraine already has missiles that could carry nuclear warheads, and they certainly have scientists capable of developing reprocessing facilities and building nuclear weapons.

In his Feb. 21 televised address, Putin said Ukraine still has the infrastructure leftover from Soviet days to build a bomb. He said:

As we know, it has already been stated today that Ukraine intends to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not just bragging.

Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometers.

But they can do more; it is only a matter of time. They have had the groundwork for this since the Soviet era.

In other words, acquiring tactical nuclear weapons will be much easier for Ukraine than for some other states I am not going to mention here, which are conducting such research, especially if Kiev receives foreign technological support. We cannot rule this out either.

If Ukraine acquires weapons of mass destruction, the situation in the world and in Europe will drastically change, especially for us, for Russia. We cannot but react to this real danger, all the more so since let me repeat, Ukraine’s Western patrons may help it acquire these weapons to create yet another threat to our country.

NATO-U.S. Refuse Binding Nuclear Treaties

In his Times piece, Sanger states,

American officials have said repeatedly that they have no plans to place nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

But the U.S. and NATO have refused to sign legally binding treaties with Russia to this effect. In reality, the U.S. has been making Ukraine a de facto member of NATO, while training and supplying its military forces and conducting joint exercises on Ukrainian territory. Why wouldn’t the U.S. place nuclear weapons in Ukraine—they have already done so at military bases within the borders of five other European members of NATO. This in fact violates the spirit of the NPT, another issue that Sanger avoids when he notes that Russia has demanded that the U.S. remove nuclear weapons from the European NATO-member states.

For years the U.S. proclaimed that the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) facilities it was placing in Romania and Poland, on the Russian border, were to protect against an “Iranian threat,” even though Iran had no nuclear weapons or missiles that could reach the U.S. But the dual-use Mark 41 launching systems used in the Aegis Ashore BMD facilities can be used to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles, and will be fitted with SM-6 missiles that, if armed with nuclear warheads, could hit Moscow in five-to-six minutes. Putin explicitly warned journalists about this danger in 2016; Russia included the removal of the U.S. BMD facilities in Romania and Poland in its draft treaties presented to the U.S. and NATO last December.

I wonder if Sanger has ever considered what the U.S. response would be if Russia placed missile launching facilities on the Canadian or Mexican border? Would the U.S. consider that a threat, would it demand that Russia remove them or else the U.S. would use military means to do so?

30 Years Ago
Sanger states that today Russia takes a “starkly different from the tone Moscow was taking 30 years ago, when Russian nuclear scientists were being voluntarily retrained to use their skills for peaceful purposes.”

Russians would reply that 30 years ago NATO had not moved to Russian borders and was not flooding Ukraine with hundreds of tons of weapons and the U.S. had not yet overthrown the government in Kiev to install an anti-Russian regime.

While the Times is still considered the U.S. “paper of record,” during the last few decades it has devolved into the primary mouthpiece for the official narratives coming from Washington.

There is a real danger to the nation when a free press is replaced with corporate media that stifles and censors dissent. Rather than a free press, we now have a Ministry of Propaganda that acts as an echo chamber for the latest diktats from the White House. The systematic creation of false narratives by corporate media, designed to serve the purposes of the federal government, have so misinformed the American public about world events that we find the nation ready to go to war with Russia.

This is suicidal course for not only the U.S. and the EU, but for civilization as a whole, because this would likely end in a nuclear war that will destroy all nations and peoples.


U.S./NATO real culprits in Ukraine crisis
March 7, 2022 David Sole

When Russian troops entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022 the mass media in the United States and the rest of the capitalist countries howled in outrage. President Joseph Biden, in his State of the Union address on March 1, lashed out at Russia and announced the severest economic sanctions against that country.

Is Russia the reckless aggressor as it is portrayed? Actually it is the complete opposite. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are entirely to blame.

From 1922 until 1991 Ukraine was one of the constituent republics of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), formed following the worker and peasant Revolution of 1917. In 1991 the USSR dissolved and Ukraine (along with 10 other member republics) became independent capitalist nations including Russia, itself.

From 1991 to 2014, a total of 23 years, Russia respected Ukraine’s independence. But inside Ukraine a political struggle went on as to whether Ukraine should have stronger ties to capitalist Europe or with Russia, with which it shares a 1200 mile border. In 2008 NATO announced that Ukraine would be welcomed into the anti-Russia alliance after President George W. Bush pressed NATO members, but no timeframe was given when that would happen.

In 2010 Viktor Yanukovich was elected president of Ukraine promising closer ties to Russia. He dropped the bid to enter NATO. In 2014 protests broke out in Ukraine’s capital with the support and connivance of the CIA and the U.S. government with a healthy $5 billion “donation” to pro-Western groups. A secret phone call by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, speaking to U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, was leaked to the press in February 2014 during the Maidan Square protests.

Nuland and Pyatt discussed the different Ukrainian presidential candidates and how to manipulate them to make sure their favorite would win. The text of the call shows that then Vice-President Biden was involved in this plot. When Pyatt explains that the European Union (E.U. – U.S. “allies”) had a different view of things, with a less anti-Moscow program, Nuland responds “Fuck the EU!”

The 2014 protests escalated with armed ultra-rightwing groups participating. President Yanukovich was illegally ousted, since the Ukrainian Parliament lacked the necessary votes for his impeachment. He fled for his life. A string of leaders have controlled Ukraine ever since. They all have had a pro-U.S. orientation. This includes their avowed position to have Ukraine join NATO.

What Is NATO?

Following World War II the North Atlantic Treaty was signed on April 4, 1949 by 10 European nations and the U.S. and Canada. It was a collective military agreement clearly and openly aimed at the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist states. That NATO was and is an arm of United States imperialism is shown by the fact that by the 1960s there were 400,000 U.S. troops stationed in various European military bases. Additional countries were admitted to the alliance over the years.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Eastern European socialist governments from 1989-91 the U.S. directed NATO to focus on wider imperialist interests. NATO militarily intervened to break up Yugoslavia from 1992 to 1999. Other NATO areas of military operations include Afghanistan, Iraq, east Africa, Libya and Turkey. Actions included enforcing no-fly zones, blockades on the high seas, bombing and providing military supplies and troops.

With the counter-revolutions in the eastern European nations, those countries were incorporated into NATO. In 1999 Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic joined. In 2004 Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Bulgaria entered NATO. Albania, Croatia (2009) Montenegro (2017) and North Macedonia (2020) also became members. With these additions, NATO military bases, some including U.S. troops and nuclear missiles, were positioned closer and closer to Russia’s borders.

With the advent of the anti-Russian, right-wing coup in Ukraine, Russia reacted to secure its long standing huge naval base in the Crimea region, at Sevastopol. Russia also came to the aid of two small Ukrainian regions on its border who, resisting “ethnic cleansing” attacks by anti-Russian militias and government forces, declared themselves independent “people’s republics.”

In 2021 the Ukrainian government pushed forward with its intention to join NATO, advancing the strategic plans of the U.S. to put military bases and missiles right on the western Russian border. Ukrainian President Zelensky, whose campaign was based on bringing peace with the republics, announced that NATO is the “only solution” to his country’s ethnic problem.

All diplomatic efforts by Russia to get an agreement to keep Ukraine out of NATO and NATO bases/missiles off its border, were refused. The U.S. made an empty claim that it had made every attempt at diplomacy. But it refused to address Russia’s main legitimate demand – a guarantee that Ukraine would remain neutral and never join NATO. There really was no diplomacy conducted by the U.S.

A buildup of Russian military forces on the east and north borders of Ukraine made it clear to all that Russia would never accept this blatant threat to its security. On February 24, 2022 Russian forces moved into Ukraine and fighting has continued since then.

The U.S. and its imperialist allies are perfectly content to let Ukrainian people fight the Russians. Proxy wars are their “tried and true” policy. The U.S. is also eager to impose economic sanctions (an act of war) against Russia which will weaken it economically and politically. Not content with the destruction of the Soviet Union thirty-odd years ago, the U.S. also wants to subjugate a capitalist rival it sees in Russia. Regime change in Russia tops their agenda

It is unfortunate that the people of the Ukraine are suffering as pawns, fighting to subordinate their country to be colonized by the U.S. and other western imperialist powers.

The people of the United States are today drenched to the bone in propaganda from all the mass capitalist media. This flood has also engulfed many who should know better than to believe anything that comes from the Pentagon, State Department or the White House about the situation in Ukraine. Just as in all previous imperialist military operations, the truth will slowly make itself known as economic effects (inflation, etc.) and casualties mount.

It is entirely possible that continued fighting in Ukraine could draw in U.S. military aircraft and troops. Already billions of dollars in military hardware is flowing to the Ukrainians from the U.S. and EU. Thousands of more U.S. troops have been airlifted to neighboring NATO bases near the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Those who rush to blame Russia for this situation ignore, at their peril, the decades-long push by the United States to expand NATO and subjugate more and more territory to Wall Street’s and the Pentagon’s will.


Source: Fighting Words ... ne-crisis/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 3:53 pm
by blindpig
To Punish Russia The 'Liberal Order' Attempts To Suicide Itself

Two days ago we looked at why Russia is doing what it does:

Russia understood Zelensky's remark in Munich as a threat by Ukraine to acquire nuclear weapons. It already has the expertise, materials and means to do that.
A fascist controlled government with nukes on Russia's border? This is not about Putin at all. No Russian government of any kind could ever condone that.

I believe that this credible threat, together with the artillery preparations for a new war on Donbas, was what convinced Russia's government to intervene by force.

The 'west' had failed to understand Russia's need to act. It has failed to make the necessary commitments, and accept Russia's reasonable demands, to avoid the struggle. In consequence it will now fall apart. The knee-jerk reaction to Russia's 'special military operation' in Ukraine will, as Alastair Crooke writes, lead to the end of the 'liberal order':

So Biden, finally, has his foreign policy ‘success’: Europe is walling itself off from Russia, China, and the emerging integrated Asian market. It has sanctioned itself from ‘dependency’ on Russian natural gas (without prospect of any immediate alternatives) and it has thrown itself in with the Biden project. Next up, the EU pivot to sanctioning China?
Will this last? It seems improbable. German industry has a long history for staging its own mercantile interests before wider geo-political ambitions – before, even, EU interests. And in Germany, the business class effectively is the political class and needs competitively-priced energy.

Whilst the rest of the world shows little or no enthusiasm to join with sanctions on Russia (China has ruled out sanctions on Russia), Europe is in hysteria. This will not fade quickly. The new ‘Iron Curtain’ erected in Brussels may last years.

But what of the unintended consequences to last Saturday’s ‘sanctions Blitzkrieg’: the ‘unknowable unknowns’ in Rumsfeld’s famous mantra? The unprecedented switch-off affecting a key part of the Globalist system did not download into a neutral, inert context – It developed into an emotionally hyper-charged atmosphere of Russophobia.

Now reality comes back to bite the inept minions who attempt to rule over us.


Europe can not sustain this, Russia can:

In sum, the changes set out by von der Leyen and the EU, with surging crude oil costs, could potentially tip global markets into crisis, and set off spiraling inflation. Cost inflation created by energy costs spiraling higher and food disruptions are not so easily susceptible to monetary remedies. If the daily drama of the war in Ukraine starts to fade from public view, and inflation persists, the political cost of von der Leyen’s Saturday drama is likely to be European-wide recession.
“Since well before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europeans have been struggling under the weight of runaway energy bills”, notes. In Germany, for some, one month’s energy costs the same as they used to pay for a whole year; in the UK the government has raised the price cap for energy bills by a whopping 54%, and in Italy a recent 40% domestic energy cost hike could now nearly double.

The New York Times describes this impact on local businesses and industries as nothing short of “frightening”, as all kinds of small businesses across Europe (prior to last week’s events) have been forced to cease their operations as energy costs outweigh profits. Large industries have not been immune to sticker shock either. “Almost two-thirds of the 28,000 companies surveyed by the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry this month rated energy prices as one of their biggest business risks … For those in the industrial sector, the figure was as high as 85 percent.”

And it is not only Europe. Energy prices are based on global markets. As are the prices for many other minerals and metals which have suddenly become rare:


The U.S. will be hit just as much as Europe. Early today oil prices in Europe hit $139 per barrel, well above last week's market close. They will increase further. Gasoline prices in the U.S. will soon hit $6-7-8 per gallon.

The attempt by the U.S. to rush towards a new Iran deal to get Iranian oil flooding the markets has failed. Russia, together with Iran, has successfully blocked that move. Sanctions on Russia mean that Iran can not export its enriched uranium to Russia to be turned into nuclear fuel. No Iranian export of enriched uranium means no JCPOA deal. Secretary of State Blinken has failed to understand that. The supposedly ready to be signed return to the nuclear deal is now in jeopardy.

Some U.S. refineries at the south coast are designed to only process heavy oil variants. Since 2019 the U.S. has blockaded heavy oil imports from Venezuela and replaced them with imports of heavy Ural variants from Russia. It has now send too officials to Caracas to try to get Venezuela's oil flowing again. That would of course require to lift all sanctions off Venezuela and to return all confiscated companies and the gold that is owned by that country. It is not going to happen anytime soon.

High end German cars are build with aluminum from Russia. Boeing needs Russian titanium to build planes. These manufacturers will soon start to lay off people. All this while food, heating and mobility costs will increase dramatically. A deep recession combined with strong inflation will rip social cohesion apart. I do expect strong anger in the streets of Europe and the U.S. There will be riots and in consequence a strong political move to the right. The mid-term elections will destroy the Russophobic Democrats.

Michael Hudson notes the immense strategic damage the U.S. has done to itself:

The recent escalation of U.S. sanctions blocking Europe, Asia and other countries from trade and investment with Russia, Iran and China has imposed enormous opportunity costs – the cost of lost opportunities – on U.S. allies. And the recent confiscation of the gold and foreign reserves of Venezuela, Afghanistan and now Russia, along the targeted grabbing of bank accounts of wealthy foreigners (hoping to win their hearts and minds, along with recovery of their sequestered accounts), has ended the idea that dollar holdings or those in its sterling and euro NATO satellites are a safe investment haven when world economic conditions become shaky.

So I am somewhat chagrined as I watch the speed at which this U.S.-centered financialized system has de-dollarized over the span of just a year or two. The basic theme of my Super Imperialism has been how, for the past fifty years, the U.S. Treasury-bill standard has channeled foreign savings to U.S. financial markets and banks, giving dollar diplomacy a free ride. I thought that de-dollarization would be led by China and Russia moving to take control of their economies to avoid the kind of financial polarization that is imposing austerity on the United States. But U.S. officials are forcing them to overcome whatever hesitancy they had to de-dollarize.

This will not just happen with China or Russia but the whole world will over the next years turn away from the dollarized U.S. system:

Nobody thought that the postwar 1945-2020 world order would give way this fast. A truly new international economic order is emerging, although it is not yet clear just what form it will take. But “prodding the Bear” with the U.S./NATO confrontation with Russia has passed critical-mass level. It no longer is just about Ukraine. That is merely the trigger, a catalyst for driving much of the world away from the US/NATO orbit.

The next showdown may come within Europe itself as nationalist politicians seek to lead a break-away from the over-reaching U.S. power-grab over its European and other Allies to keep them dependent on U.S.-based trade and investment. The price of their continuing obedience is to impose cost-inflation on their industry while relinquishing their democratic electoral politics to subordination to America’s NATO proconsuls.

These consequences cannot really be deemed “unintended.”

All the consequences of the 'west's' reaction to Russia's move were foreseeable. It is pure recklessness and stupidity that have allowed them to take place. The 'west' will now get punished for the bad movie it has launched.


Too bad that I don't speak Russian ... It is now the place to be.

Jimmy Salford @1Fubar - 7:06 UTC · Mar 6, 2022
Russia has already been cut off from CNN, Pornhub and Facebook. The US is now working on depriving Russians of MacDonalds and CocaCola. If they keep going with these sanctions, Russians will soon be among the healthiest, well adjusted and best informed people on the planet.

Posted by b on March 7, 2022 at 14:17 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

That faux movie poster is the best, conveys lots of information concisely.

The way western media has done an '180' on Nazis in Ukraine is reminiscent of the information culture depicted in a book by some Trot named Orwell.


Natural gas price in Europe shoots up by 61%

In 2021, the European Union imported 155 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia, which represents about 45 percent of its gas imports. | Photo: Twitter @iea
Published March 7, 2022 (2 hours 4 minutes ago)

The increase in gas prices also drags increases in electricity prices on the continent.

Natural gas prices rise, once again, this Monday in the European reference market by 61 percent to reach 311 dollars for the next month of April; all this in the face of the growing possibility of interrupting purchases due to an increase in coercive measures against Russia due to the military operation in Ukraine.

According to the International Energy Agency, with this level of prices there is a risk of a new increase in electricity prices, which have marked historical highs throughout the most recent investment.

In fact, the price of MW/h will reach 500 euros (equivalent to 660 dollars) on Monday in the European wholesale market, but these levels could even be exceeded.

In 2021, the European Union (EU) imported 155 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Russia, which represents about 45 percent of the EU's gas imports and about 40 percent of its total gas consumption.

Added to this European scenario is that of the Asian market, since this region usually used European prices as a land reference, but the differential that historically existed has not only disappeared, but gas is quoted at a higher price in Europe to attract Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) ships on the market.

For its part, the International Group of Liquefied Natural Gas Importers also pointed out that energy security problems are becoming a major concern in Europe and are increasingly spreading to other regions, especially as a consequence of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. .

In this sense, the gas group highlighted that the reliability and flexibility of LNG are essential for the security and diversification of energy supply and that LNG has the potential to support social and economic stability, while advancing the ambitions zero emissions. ... -0008.html

Google Translator


Ukrainian security services arrest young communist leaders

The arrest of Aleksandr Kononovich and Mikhail Kononovich, leaders of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine, has been condemned by the World Federation of Democratic Youth and other progressive organizations

March 07, 2022 by Muhammed Shabeer

Arrest of communist leaders -Ukraine

Komsomol leaders Aleksandr Kononovich and Mikhail Kononovich. (Photo: via Twitter)

On Sunday, March 6, the Ukrainian security services arrested Mikhail Kononovich and his brother Aleksandr Kononovich. Both are from the leadership of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (LKSMU). The press service of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) stated on Sunday that the Kononovich brothers were arrested from capital Kiev and put in jail. The SBU has accused them of being propagandists with pro-Russian and pro-Belarusian views with the goal of destabilizing the internal situation in Ukraine and create the “necessary information picture” for Russian and Belarusian channels. The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) denounced the arrest of the LKSMU leaders in Ukraine and urged progressive youth groups across the world to mobilize to demand for their freedom as their lives are in serious danger in the custody of the security forces.

Following the Euromaidan coup in Ukraine in 2014, leftist groups in the have been targeted and persecuted by the government, as well as by ultra nationalist and neo-Nazi forces. In 2015, decommunization laws were passed in order to ban communist symbolism and based on that, the election commission barred the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) from participating in elections in 2019. The activities of LKSMU were also threatened by the Ukrainian authorities. Its leadership, including the Kononovich brothers, were targeted by government forces and neo-Nazis on multiple occasions for leading communist politics in the country.

LKSMU is a member organization in the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and had recently organized a campaign named “Komsomol for Peace!’ in Ukrainian cities calling for Ukraine to sever ties with the NATO alliance and to peacefully resolve the conflict with Russia.

On February 16, the two had participated in LKSMU’s protest in front of the US embassy in Kiev, demanding that the US get out of Ukraine and stop its imperialist pursuit of expansionism that has provoked a military conflict between Russia and Ukraine. They were also active in the Anti-fascist Committee of Ukraine (AFCU). The two were brutally assaulted in Kiev by neo-Nazis from “C14“ and “National Corpus” in February 2018. ... t-leaders/

I'm afraid these men will be murdered sooner rather than later.


In Ukraine, announced the creation of the International Defense Legion

According to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, it will include volunteers and veterans from 52 countries of the world. Their number has already exceeded 20 thousand.

He said that the group had already begun to carry out combat missions.

Budanov noted that in the ranks of the International Defense Legion of Ukraine there are mainly experienced fighters who participated in many peacekeeping campaigns in different parts of the world.

Earlier it was reported that the first detachment of British mercenaries had already arrived on the territory of Ukraine . They are going to participate in hostilities against Russia and the republics of Donbass on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. ... 91208.html

Fascists, ISIS & Al Qaeda fighters....The more that are killed the better off we are.

zov militants* shot at a column of refugees in Mariupol - there are victims


The DPR servicemen were able to ensure the evacuation of 150 residents of the besieged city.

On Sunday, March 6, militants of the Azov National Battalion* (the organization is banned in Russia - ed. note) fired at a convoy with civilians in Mariupol who were trying to leave the city. This was told to journalists by the official representative of the people's militia of the DPR, Eduard Basurin.

According to him, as a result of another crime by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, two civilians were killed and four more were injured.

"This egregious case once again proves that the Ukrainian army purposefully violates the norms of the Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Committed war crimes have no statute of limitations," Basurin stressed.

In the face of opposition from Ukrainian militants, the DPR servicemen managed to ensure the departure of 150 residents of Mariupol. ... 91173.html

This is our land. DPR army ready to storm Mariupol


A fighter with the call sign "Tokha" carefully peers into the night road. The headlights illuminate the route along which our car is rushing to the front line, where fighting is already in full swing in the Mariupol direction, and it seems that the liberation of the city is only a matter of time, despite all the difficult and depressing news that comes from there.

On the deserted night road, only military columns are encountered in both directions: some rush to the front, others to the rear. The army of the DPR has set in motion and today it looks like a single organism that follows only one goal: to liberate the Donbass. In the eyes of every fighter - the zeal and desire to do it. We have been preparing for this, we have been waiting for this for a long seven years - since the signing of the Minsk agreements after the defeat of Ukraine in Debaltseve.
"We've been waiting, bro, we've been waiting. We've been waiting for eight years. It's time to finish all this, how long can we wait?" “Tokha” answers my question about whether he himself was waiting for this day.
His partner Dima is less talkative. Smiling, he says only one phrase: "I fully support", but soon begins to share the details of his personal life. Like many young guys in the Republic, he served in one of the units, having come there as a volunteer, at the end of the contract he went to civilian life, but did not stay in the rear for a long time. He managed to work in a peaceful profession for only six months, and now - again in an army car he is in a hurry to the front.

Dima returned as a volunteer, as he first appeared in the ranks. This choice was made consciously, on the basis of personal convictions and the desire to protect our home, our relatives and friends, to make our own contribution to the future Victory. When the fighting in the Donbass flared up with renewed vigor, colleagues called Dima back, and he returned without hesitation.

"It started - returned to help the brothers"

Ukrainian propaganda echoes the Western media, telling chilling stories about what horrors the soldiers of the armies of the LDNR and Russia bring with them. Everything that is happening today there is called occupation and invasion, creating one fake after another. They do not even hesitate to take footage of the consequences of the shelling of Donetsk and Luhansk, passing them off as alleged attacks on Ukrainian settlements.

Sometimes an attempt to create in them the image of an occupier causes only a smile among the fighters. The soldiers of the DPR army are closely following the news from the fronts, and they know how the Ukrainian propaganda presents the liberation operation. But we are sure that nothing can kill the truth, and reality has nothing to do with occupation and invasion.

In 2014, thousands of fighters from cities and villages joined the ranks of the militia, which were soon captured by Ukrainian troops. Some families managed to evacuate to Donetsk and Lugansk, but the vast majority of the fighters were separated from their families and friends by the line of contact. Parents grew old, and children grew up - eight years was a colossal period in the war, and all this time thousands of people on both sides of the front dreamed of one thing: to see their relatives again.

And this applies not only to military families, but also to ordinary civilians. Police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, employees of state institutions, teachers and factory workers: Ukraine has included them all in the lists of "terrorists", opening criminal prosecution, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to cross the border even in the most extreme cases. There are a large number of stories about how people not connected with the army were not allowed into the territory of Ukraine and were not allowed out even to the funeral of their parents or children.

Today, for thousands of these same people, hope is finally becoming a reality. The fighters return to their home, where they were born, where they lived for decades, and where they returned over and over again in their dreams.
“We’re going home,” Tokha says. “To liberate our land where we were born, lived, studied, got married. What else can I say? This is our land.
By the course of hostilities in the Mariupol direction, increased attention was paid to fighters with a character unexpected for many: in the ranks of the DPR army, there is not a single person who would like to destroy the city. On the contrary, from all sides one can only hear hopes that the assault on the city will be carried out with the utmost care. For soldiers, this is not just the liberation of their home as a general concept, but also the specific meaning of the liberation of their own homes.
“Is it possible to somehow fly along N. Street?” one of the fighters asks the UAV operator. “To see what is happening with my house…”.
At the same time, his colleague eagerly absorbs every news related to Mariupol. There, in one of the houses, his entire large family is waiting for his speedy return. Can he be an occupier for them?

That is why, according to the fighters, Kyiv chose such a defense tactic, occupying residential areas and actually taking the civilian population of the city hostage, making it a human shield. Conduct fan fire on Mariupol - destroy the city, and at the same time shed the blood of thousands of their fellow citizens who are waiting for liberation. The only way out is an assault, careful and accurate. And for this, albeit the most difficult of all possible options, the soldiers of the DPR army are ready.
"We're going home," repeats "Tokha" again and gives the car gas. The lights of Mariupol are burning on the horizon.
Article author: Georgy Medvedev ... 91197.html

Google Translator


Israeli warplanes attacked hundreds of towers and civilian ‘targets’ in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: Mahmoud Ajjour, The Palestine Chronicle)

Navigating our humanity: Ilan Pappé on the four lessons from Ukraine
Originally published: Palestine Chronicle by Ilan Pappe (March 4, 2022 ) | - Posted Mar 07, 2022

The USA Today reported that a photo that went viral about a high-rise in the Ukraine being hit by Russian bombing turned out to be a high-rise from the Gaza Strip, demolished by the Israeli Air Force in May 2021. A few days before that, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister complained to the Israeli ambassador in Kiev that “you’re treating us like Gaza”; he was furious that Israel did not condemn the Russian invasion and was only interested in evicting Israeli citizens from the state (Haaretz, February 17, 2022). It was a mixture of reference to the Ukrainian evacuation of Ukrainian spouses of Palestinian men from the Gaza Strip in May 2021, as well as a reminder to Israel of the Ukrainian president’s full support for Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip in that month (I will return to that support towards the end of this piece).

Israel’s assaults on Gaza should, indeed, be mentioned and considered when evaluating the present crisis in the Ukraine. It is not a coincidence that photos are being confused–there are not many high-rises that were toppled in the Ukraine, but there is an abundance of ruined high-rises in the Gaza Strip. However, it is not only the hypocrisy about Palestine that emerges when we consider the Ukraine crisis in a wider context; it is the overall Western double standards that should be scrutinized, without, for one moment, being indifferent to news and images coming to us from the war zone in the Ukraine: traumatized children, streams of refugees, sights of buildings ruined by bombing and the looming danger that this is only the beginning of a human catastrophe at the heart of Europe.

At the same time, those of us experiencing, reporting and digesting the human catastrophes in Palestine cannot escape the hypocrisy of the West and we can point to it without belittling, for a moment, our human solidarity and empathy with victims of any war. We need to do this, since the moral dishonesty underwriting the deceitful agenda set by the Western political elites and media will once more allow them to hide their own racism and impunity as it will continue to provide immunity for Israel and its oppression of the Palestinians. I detected four false assumptions which are at the heart of the Western elite’s engagement with the Ukraine crisis, so far, and have framed them as four lessons.

Lesson One: White Refugees are Welcome; Others Less So

The unprecedented collective EU decision to open up its borders to the Ukrainian refugees, followed by a more guarded policy by Britain, cannot go unnoticed in comparison to the closure of most of the European gates to the refugees coming from the Arab world and Africa since 2015. The clear racist prioritization, distinguishing between life seekers on the basis of color, religion and ethnicity is abhorrent, but unlikely to change very soon. Some European leaders are not even ashamed to broadcast their racism publicly as does the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Kiril Petkov:

These [the Ukrainian refugees] are not the refugees we are used to … these people are Europeans. These people are intelligent, they are educated people.… This is not the refugee wave we have been used to, people we were not sure about their identity, people with unclear pasts, who could have been even terrorists…

He is not alone. The Western media talks about “our kind of refugees” all the time, and this racism is manifested clearly on the border crossings between the Ukraine and its European neighbours. This racist attitude, with strong Islamophobic undertones, is not going to change, since the European leadership is still denying the multi-ethnic and multicultural fabric of societies all over the continent. A human reality created by years of European colonialism and imperialism that the current European governments deny and ignore and, at the same time, these governments pursue immigration policies that are based on the very same racism that permeated the colonialism and imperialism of the past.

Lesson Two: You Can Invade Iraq but not the Ukraine

The Western media’s unwillingness to contextualize the Russian decision to invade within a wider–and obvious–analysis of how the rules of the international game changed in 2003 is quite bewildering. It is difficult to find any analysis that points to the fact that the U.S. and Britain violated international law on a state’s sovereignty when their armies, with a coalition of Western countries, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Occupying a whole country for the sake of political ends was not invented in this century by Vladimir Putin; it was introduced as a justified tool of policy by the West.

Lesson Three: Sometimes Neo-Nazism Can Be Tolerated

The analysis also fails to highlight some of Putin’s valid points about the Ukraine; which by no means justify the invasion, but need our attention even during the invasion. Up to the present crisis, the progressive Western media outlets, such as The Nation, the Guardian, the Washington Post etc., warned us about the growing power of neo-Nazi groups in the Ukraine that could impact the future of Europe and beyond. The same outlets today dismiss the significance of neo-Nazism in the Ukraine.

The Nation on February 22, 2019 reported:

Today, increasing reports of far-right violence, ultra nationalism and erosion of basic freedoms are giving the lie to the West’s initial euphoria. There are neo-Nazi pogroms against the Roma, rampant attacks on feminists and LGBT groups, book bans, and state-sponsored glorification of Nazi collaborators.

Two years earlier, the Washington Post (June 15, 2017) warned, very perceptively, that a Ukrainian clash with Russia should not allow us to forget about the power of neo-Nazism in the Ukraine:

As Ukraine’s fight against Russian-supported separatists continues, Kiev faces another threat to its long-term sovereignty: powerful right-wing ultra-nationalist groups. These groups are not shy about using violence to achieve their goals, which are certainly at odds with the tolerant Western-oriented democracy Kiev ostensibly seeks to become.

However, today, the Washington Post adopts a dismissive attitude and calls such a description as a “false accusation”:

Operating in Ukraine are several nationalist paramilitary groups, such as the Azov movement and Right Sector, that espouse neo-Nazi ideology. While high-profile, they appear to have little public support. Only one far-right party, Svoboda, is represented in Ukraine’s parliament, and only holds one seat.

The previous warnings of an outlet such as The Hill (November 9, 2017), the largest independent news site in the USA, are forgotten:

There are, indeed, neo-Nazi formations in Ukraine. This has been overwhelmingly confirmed by nearly every major Western outlet. The fact that analysts are able to dismiss it as propaganda disseminated by Moscow is profoundly disturbing. It is especially disturbing given the current surge of neo-Nazis and white supremacists across the globe.

Lesson Four: Hitting High-rises is only a War Crime in Europe

The Ukrainian establishment does not only have a connection with these neo-Nazi groups and armies, it is also disturbingly and embarrassingly pro-Israeli. One of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s first acts was to withdraw the Ukraine from the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People–the only international tribunal that makes sure the Nakba is not denied or forgotten.

The decision was initiated by the Ukrainian President; he had no sympathy for the plight of the Palestinian refugees, nor did he consider them to be victims of any crime. In his interviews after the last barbaric Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip in May 2021, he stated that the only tragedy in Gaza was the one suffered by the Israelis. If this is so, than it is only the Russians who suffer in the Ukraine.

But Zelensky is not alone. When it comes to Palestine, the hypocrisy reaches a new level. One empty high-rise hit in the Ukraine dominated the news and prompted deep analysis about human brutality, Putin and inhumanity. These bombings should be condemned, of course, but it seems that those leading the condemnation among world leaders were silent when Israel flattened the town of Jenin in 2000, the Al-Dahaya neighborhood in Beirut in 2006 and the city of Gaza in one brutal wave after the other, over the past fifteen years. No sanctions, whatsoever, were even discussed, let alone imposed, on Israel for its war crimes in 1948 and ever since. In fact, in most of the Western countries which are leading the sanctions against Russia today, even mentioning the possibility of imposing sanctions against Israel is illegal and framed as anti-Semitic.

Even when genuine human solidarity in the West is justly expressed with the Ukraine, we cannot overlook its racist context and Europe-centric bias. The massive solidarity of the West is reserved for whoever is willing to join its bloc and sphere of influence. This official empathy is nowhere to be found when similar, and worse, violence is directed against non-Europeans, in general, and towards the Palestinians, in particular.

We can navigate as conscientious persons between our responses to calamities and our responsibility to point out hypocrisy that in many ways paved the way for such catastrophes. Legitimizing internationally the invasion of sovereign countries and licensing the continued colonization and oppression of others, such as Palestine and its people, will lead to more tragedies, such as the Ukrainian one, in the future, and everywhere on our planet. ... -humanity/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:57 pm
by blindpig
RF Armed Forces entered Izyum
March 7, 20:26


In the evening, reports came that our troops had driven the APU out of Izyum (although there are reports that there is still some resistance in the southern districts of the city), where part of the 81st brigade of the AFU was defending in the city, which had retreated from the city and is now covering it with artillery and mortars. The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were actively covered by aircraft. Raisins are of decisive importance for the entire northern part of the APU grouping in the Donbass.
The route was cut (now with ends) Kharkiv-Izyum. Control over Izyum creates the prerequisites for an attack on Slavyansk from the northwest.
In addition, by controlling Izyum, it is possible to advance on Pavlograd and Barvenkovo, with further cutting of the Donetsk-Pavlograd highway, control over which will lead to a complete operational encirclement of all forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbass. From the south, the troops of the Melitopol group are moving towards the Pavlograd-Donetsk highway, which have already approached Gulyaipol and began to bypass it from the east. Donetsk and Gorlovka continue to endure hard shelling stoically, waiting for the hammer of the RF Armed Forces to fall on the group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

And yes, Izyum is the city from which the ATO in Donbass began. After 8 years, the war has come to where the military phase of the ATO began.
The arrows on the diagram are optional, for example, the boiler can be closed in the Pokrovsk area. broadcasting events in Ukraine as usual in Telegram (if you are interested, subscribe)

Google Translator



The IMF connection with the Ukraine crisis
Posted Mar 07, 2022 by Prabhat Patnaik

Originally published: Peoples Democracy (March 6, 2022 ) |
Movements, Political Economy, StrategyUkraineNewswireIMF (International Monetary Fund)
THE security concerns of Russia arising from Ukraine’s intentions of joining NATO have been widely discussed in the media. But the IMF’s link with Ukraine which is a parallel issue has scarcely received much attention. The IMF, as is well-known, “opens up” economies around the world for the penetration of metropolitan capital by making them “investor-friendly” through the adoption of a host of anti-working class and anti-people (“austerity”) measures; and such “opening up” typically involves the taking over of natural resources of the countries and also their land areas by metropolitan capital. The mechanism that the IMF typically uses towards this end is the imposition of “conditionalities” for giving loans to countries that are in need of balance of payments support.

In addition, however, to this general role that the IMF plays, there are occasions when it plays a specific role, namely, that of supporting the US government’s cold war objectives. And in the case of Ukraine, it has played this specific role almost from the very beginning, apart from its general role of opening up the Ukrainian economy to metropolitan capital.

Prior to 2014 when Viktor Yanukovych was the president of Ukraine, that country had been in negotiations with the IMF as part of its trade integration with the European Union. The IMF had asked Ukraine to undertake a numberTHE security concerns of Russia arising from Ukraine’s intentions of joining NATO have been widely discussed in the media. But the IMF’s link with Ukraine which is a parallel issue has scarcely received much attention. The IMF, as is well-known, “opens up” economies around the world for the penetration of metropolitan capital by making them “investor-friendly” through the adoption of a host of anti-working class and anti-people (“austerity”) measures; and such “opening up” typically involves the taking over of natural resources of the countries and also their land areas by metropolitan capital. The mechanism that the IMF typically uses towards this end is the imposition of “conditionalities” for giving loans to countries that are in need of balance of payments support.

In addition, however, to this general role that the IMF plays, there are occasions when it plays a specific role, namely, that of supporting the U.S. government’s cold war objectives. And in the case of Ukraine, it has played this specific role almost from the very beginning, apart from its general role of opening up the Ukrainian economy to metropolitan capital.

Prior to 2014 when Viktor Yanukovych was the president of Ukraine, that country had been in negotiations with the IMF as part of its trade integration with the European Union. The IMF had asked Ukraine to undertake a number of “reforms”: to cut wages; to “reform” and “reduce” the health and education sectors, which in Ukraine were major employment-generating areas; and to cut the subsidy on natural gas that was provided by the State to all Ukrainian citizens which made energy affordable for them (Bryce Green, FAIR, February 24). President Yanukovych was reluctant to implement these “reforms” which would have imposed a heavy burden on the people; he stopped negotiating with the IMF and started negotiating with Russia instead.

This became his unpardonable “crime”. Breaking off negotiations with the IMF was tantamount to escaping the hegemony not just of international capital intent on imposing a neo-liberal regime, but of the Western imperialist powers, especially the U.S., and hence the NATO. In other words, NATO and the IMF were not seen as distinct organisations, each working in its own sphere of operation, with its own objective; but organisations with similar and overlapping objectives. The U.S., peeved at Yanukovych’s temerity at turning to Russia instead of the IMF, decided to restrict further “damage”, and he was overthrown in a U.S.-sponsored coup which was carried out with the assistance of the Nazi elements in Ukraine that had been in the forefront of anti-Yanukovych demonstrations in the run up to the coup. These elements have now become formally incorporated into the Ukrainian army through the inclusion in it of the Azov Battalion, a far-Right, all-volunteer, infantry military unit that earlier formed part of the military reserve of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The government that came to power after the 2014 coup restarted negotiations with the European Union, for which it obtained a loan commitment of $27 billion from the IMF after showing its “good intentions” by cutting the gas subsidy to citizens by a half. This loan had several notable features: first, it was huge, much larger (in fact more than six times) than what the IMF would normally provide in a comparable situation; second, it was given to a country in the midst of a civil war (as Ukraine then was), which is against usual IMF practice; and, third, it was known from the very beginning that the loan could not possibly be paid back, so that the only means through which it would be sought to be recovered would be through metropolitan capital taking control of the country’s land area and mineral resources (the most prominent of which is natural gas).

The IMF’s operations in Ukraine in 2014 therefore bring out not just the typical aspect of its policy, which is to open up the economy to metropolitan capital, but an additional aspect as well, namely as an aid to U.S. cold war objectives. The objective of opening up to metropolitan capital, the markets, land and natural resources of Ukraine could have been served in 2014 even with a much smaller loan from the IMF. But the extraordinary size of the loan underscores the nexus between the U.S. administration (that wants Ukraine within its orbit), the Ukrainian oligarchs (who want to take their wealth out of the country in dollars or Euros), the post-coup government (that has to arrange for all such transfers), and the IMF (that has to foot the bill).

Now, in the wake of the invasion by Russia, Ukraine has again approached the IMF for support; and the current IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva has recommended to the IMF board of directors that it should provide that support. The precise amount of support and the purpose for which it is being asked, are still not clear; but one thing remains certain: after the current crisis comes to an end in that region, no matter what form that resolution takes, Ukraine will become a second Greece in Europe. In the case of Greece too, the IMF loan was much larger than is the usual practice for that organisation. Most of it was meant really to ensure that the European banks that had lent to Greece got back their money. And now Greece is caught in the vicious grip of perpetual debt.

The IMF, it follows, has altered greatly from the days of its inception. When it was started at Bretton woods in 1944, it was part of an international regime that was predicated on the pursuit of a dirigiste economic strategy. In fact John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who had been an advocate of dirigiste intervention, along with Harry Dexter White, the American representative, had been the principal authors of this international regime. While each country imposed, and continued to impose trade and capital controls, if a balance of payments problem arose in a particular country then it could borrow from the IMF in order to “stabilise” its own economy. From this, the IMF evolved into a protagonist of “structural adjustment”, where it did not just give loans to tide over transitional balance of payments problems (until the economy experiencing a balance of payments deficit had “stabilised” itself), but actually promoted a neo-liberal regime, namely a set of policies entailing the dismantling of all trade and capital controls, privatisation of public sector assets, introduction of “labour market flexibility” (which means attacking trade unions).

From being a facilitator of a dirigiste regime, the IMF in short has become a destroyer of the dirigiste regime and an instrument for ushering in a neo-liberal regime. It has become an instrument in the hands of international finance capital, enabling its penetration into every corner of the globe. But it is not just an instrument of international finance capital; it also serves as an instrument of Western metropolitan powers that stand behind this capital. While defending the interests of international finance capital, it gets dovetailed into the entire coercive apparatus of Western metropolitan powers.

Putin’s is by no means a struggle against the hegemony of international finance capital. He is no socialist carrying on an ideological battle against the domination of a neighbouring country by an organisation that acts in the interests of international finance capital. His concern is only with Russian security; it is confined only to Russia not being hemmed in by NATO. And his offer of help to Yanukovych in the place of IMF “assistance” arose only for this reason. He is in other words concerned only with the role of the IMF as a promoter of U.S. geo-strategic interests, not with the role of the IMF as a promoter of neo-liberalism in general. In fact, the gross inequality, and even absolute destitution that a neo-liberal regime spawns are not too far from what Putin himself has “achieved”. of “reforms”: to cut wages; to “reform” and “reduce” the health and education sectors, which in Ukraine were major employment-generating areas; and to cut the subsidy on natural gas that was provided by the State to all Ukrainian citizens which made energy affordable for them (Bryce Green, FAIR, February 24). President Yanukovych was reluctant to implement these “reforms” which would have imposed a heavy burden on the people; he stopped negotiating with the IMF and started negotiating with Russia instead.

This became his unpardonable “crime”. Breaking off negotiations with the IMF was tantamount to escaping the hegemony not just of international capital intent on imposing a neo-liberal regime, but of the Western imperialist powers, especially the US, and hence the NATO. In other words, NATO and the IMF were not seen as distinct organisations, each working in its own sphere of operation, with its own objective; but organisations with similar and overlapping objectives. The US, peeved at Yanukovych’s temerity at turning to Russia instead of the IMF, decided to restrict further “damage”, and he was overthrown in a US-sponsored coup which was carried out with the assistance of the Nazi elements in Ukraine that had been in the forefront of anti-Yanukovych demonstrations in the run up to the coup. These elements have now become formally incorporated into the Ukrainian army through the inclusion in it of the Azov Battalion, a far-Right, all-volunteer, infantry military unit that earlier formed part of the military reserve of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The government that came to power after the 2014 coup restarted negotiations with the European Union, for which it obtained a loan commitment of $27 billion from the IMF after showing its “good intentions” by cutting the gas subsidy to citizens by a half. This loan had several notable features: first, it was huge, much larger (in fact more than six times) than what the IMF would normally provide in a comparable situation; second, it was given to a country in the midst of a civil war (as Ukraine then was), which is against usual IMF practice; and, third, it was known from the very beginning that the loan could not possibly be paid back, so that the only means through which it would be sought to be recovered would be through metropolitan capital taking control of the country’s land area and mineral resources (the most prominent of which is natural gas).

The IMF’s operations in Ukraine in 2014 therefore bring out not just the typical aspect of its policy, which is to open up the economy to metropolitan capital, but an additional aspect as well, namely as an aid to US cold war objectives. The objective of opening up to metropolitan capital, the markets, land and natural resources of Ukraine could have been served in 2014 even with a much smaller loan from the IMF. But the extraordinary size of the loan underscores the nexus between the US administration (that wants Ukraine within its orbit), the Ukrainian oligarchs (who want to take their wealth out of the country in dollars or Euros), the post-coup government (that has to arrange for all such transfers), and the IMF (that has to foot the bill).

Now, in the wake of the invasion by Russia, Ukraine has again approached the IMF for support; and the current IMF managing director Kristalina Georgieva has recommended to the IMF board of directors that it should provide that support. The precise amount of support and the purpose for which it is being asked, are still not clear; but one thing remains certain: after the current crisis comes to an end in that region, no matter what form that resolution takes, Ukraine will become a second Greece in Europe. In the case of Greece too, the IMF loan was much larger than is the usual practice for that organisation. Most of it was meant really to ensure that the European banks that had lent to Greece got back their money. And now Greece is caught in the vicious grip of perpetual debt.

The IMF, it follows, has altered greatly from the days of its inception. When it was started at Bretton woods in 1944, it was part of an international regime that was predicated on the pursuit of a dirigiste economic strategy. In fact John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who had been an advocate of dirigiste intervention, along with Harry Dexter White, the American representative, had been the principal authors of this international regime. While each country imposed, and continued to impose trade and capital controls, if a balance of payments problem arose in a particular country then it could borrow from the IMF in order to “stabilise” its own economy. From this, the IMF evolved into a protagonist of “structural adjustment”, where it did not just give loans to tide over transitional balance of payments problems (until the economy experiencing a balance of payments deficit had “stabilised” itself), but actually promoted a neo-liberal regime, namely a set of policies entailing the dismantling of all trade and capital controls, privatisation of public sector assets, introduction of “labour market flexibility” (which means attacking trade unions).

From being a facilitator of a dirigiste regime, the IMF in short has become a destroyer of the dirigiste regime and an instrument for ushering in a neo-liberal regime. It has become an instrument in the hands of international finance capital, enabling its penetration into every corner of the globe. But it is not just an instrument of international finance capital; it also serves as an instrument of Western metropolitan powers that stand behind this capital. While defending the interests of international finance capital, it gets dovetailed into the entire coercive apparatus of Western metropolitan powers.

Putin’s is by no means a struggle against the hegemony of international finance capital. He is no socialist carrying on an ideological battle against the domination of a neighbouring country by an organisation that acts in the interests of international finance capital. His concern is only with Russian security; it is confined only to Russia not being hemmed in by NATO. And his offer of help to Yanukovych in the place of IMF “assistance” arose only for this reason. He is in other words concerned only with the role of the IMF as a promoter of US geo-strategic interests, not with the role of the IMF as a promoter of neo-liberalism in general. In fact, the gross inequality, and even absolute destitution that a neo-liberal regime spawns are not too far from what Putin himself has “achieved”. ... ne-crisis/


Hungary Forbidding Weapons Supply to Ukraine

A decree is signed in Hungary banning arms supply to Ukraine . March. 7, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@TRUFAULT

Published 7 March 2022 (2 hours 12 minutes ago)

To prevent the country from getting involved in the ongoing conflict in the European continent, Hungary has banned arms supply to Ukraine.

Viktor Orban, Hungary's Prime Minister, signed a decree forbidding weapons supply to Ukraine, with an eye towards the defense of the country's safety.

On Monday, the prime minister pointed out that it was necessary to make this decision amidst increasingly closer military actions to Hungarian territory. Declaring the supply of arms illegal, the order bans the transportation of weapons from Hungary to Ukrainian territory, the minister noted.

In this connection, Peter Szijjarto, the country's Foreign Minister, said on Sunday that the government's priority was to prevent Hungary from getting involved in the conflict. He stated that the country would refrain from sending troops or weaponry to Ukraine and also would prohibit the transfer of lethal weapons within Hungarian territory.

However, the decree allows NATO forces to be stationed in Hungary. It also permits the transport of weapons shipments through the country's territory to other NATO members.

In the face of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine last February 24, Hungary adopted a different position from that of many Western nations. The country condemned the Kremlin only two days after Russia launched its special operation.

In this regard, Janos Ader, President of Hungary, said that his country shared the position of the European Union (EU) and NATO, expressing its support to EU sanctions against Moscow.

Regarding the difficult scenario people in Eastern Europe are currently facing, Viktor Orban called to support those Ukraine refugees heading to Hungary to flee the conflict. He remarked that Hungary will receive everyone fleeing Ukraine. ... -0016.html


Live: Russia Is Ready To Set Up Humanitarian Corridors

Published 7 March 2022

Russia is ready to set up humanitarian corridors from 10 am March 8 -Russian ministry

Russia will announce a ceasefire and is ready to provide humanitarian corridors in Ukraine starting from 10 am on March 8, the Russian Interagency Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Relief said on Monday.

"Starting from 10:00 on March 8 the Russian Federation announces a ceasefire regime and is ready to provide humanitarian corridors from Kiev and adjacent population centers to the Russian Federation through the territory of the Republic of Belarus to Gomel <...> subject to agreement with the Ukrainian side," it said in a statement.

Also, humanitarian corridors will be opened from Chernigov through Belarus, from the city of Sumy along two routes to Poltava and to Russia, from Kharkov to Russia or to Lvov, Uzhgorod and Ivano-Frankovsk. Also, a humanitarian corridor will be opened from Mariupol along two routes to Russia and Zaporozhe.

Russia proposes to Kiev to agree before 3 am Moscow time on March 8 on humanitarian corridors and the time when they will open, the headquarters said. ... -0018.html

Good luck with compliance from the Nazis...

The propaganda is so over the top, why in hell would Russia open fire on an evacuation they agreed to? Why, Putin is an insane blood-thirsty monster. ..Or mebbe the Nazis don't want to lose their human shields, firing on fleeing vehicles, dragging people out of cars and beating them. These are the sort of people who the US pays to do it's dirty work.

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:15 pm
by blindpig
CP of the Russian Federation, The United States and the European Union are heading for the rehabilitation of fascism
3/8/22 10:31 AM

Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation 2022 - No to the imperialist war in Ukraine! En Ru Europe Communist and workers' parties
The United States and the European Union are heading for the rehabilitation of fascism.

Appeal of the Presidium of the CC CPRF

These days, trying to avoid a complete defeat, Bandera fascists are taking hundreds of thousands of residents of Ukrainian cities hostage. Threatening death, the nazi do not let civilians out of the combat zone, condemning them to the role of a human shield. Repeating the heinous tactics of Hitler's troops on the territory of the USSR, when women and children were pushed ahead when attacking and driving people into minefields.

Western countries make huge fuss in case terrorists’ capture even one hostage. Same time, hundreds of thousands of people became hostages in Ukraine. We claim a direct and clear answer to the question from the Western leaders, namely J.Biden, E.Macron, O. Scholz and B. Johnson and Russian liberals if they support the criminal tactics of the Bandera Nazis to take hostages or do they condemn these atrocities?

What Bandera is doing in Ukraine is outright fascism. Our hopes that the defeat of German Nazism in 1945 by the Soviet people and its victorious Red Army would put an end to this inhuman phenomenon vanished. We express growing concern we see the growth of this cancerous tumor in the center of Europe and once again its happening with the assistance of Western "democracies".

We have not forgotten that the United States and Great Britain economically and politically contributed to the formation of fascism in Germany. Hitler's Wehrmacht, which destroyed tens of millions of people, was created largely with the monetary support of American monopolies and German oligarchs. Both America and the European Union are directly responsible for the atrocities of Bandera fascists who seized power in Ukraine as a result of a coup d’état in February 2014. Western countries direct participation in the above coupe further increases their guilt for the bloodshed in Ukraine.

We strongly condemn the attempt of the German authorities to use the events in Ukraine to throw off responsibility for the crimes of German Nazism during the World War II. It will never happen! Berlin should cease hope that Russia, Belarus and Ukraine would have forgotten of the monstrous atrocities of the German fascists in the occupied territories of the USSR, of millions of people shot, hanged and tortured in concentration camps in Germany and Poland.

Should the peoples of Europe, many siding Hitler against the USSR, forget it, we should recall that Germany in 1999, as in 1941, bombed Belgrade. Berlin's decision to supply weapons to the Nazis and allowing German citizens to participate in combat actions on the side of the Nazis means that Germany is once again taking a course to rehabilitate fascism.

Communists have always been at the forefront of the fight against Nazism. We are confident that left and progressive forces worldwide will support us in this struggle.

We appeal to the world community to strongly condemn the criminal tactics of Bandera fascism taking Ukrainian civilians hostage. Any other position would mean supporting crimes against humanity.

Chairman of the CC of the CPRF G.A. Zyuganov ... f-fascism/

CP of the Russian Federation, Fascists from Europe and terrorists from the Middle East support Nazis and Bandera nationalists
3/8/22 10:38 AM

Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation 2022 - No to the imperialist war in Ukraine! En Ru Europe Communist and workers' parties
Fascists from Europe and terrorists from the Middle East support Nazis and Bandera nationalists

Statement by Chairman of the CC CPRF Gennady Zyuganov

From the outset the CPRF assessed the conflict in Ukraine as the struggle against Neo-Nazis who seized power during the February 2014 government coup. We have repeatedly put it to the Russian and international public that the Bandera lot who hold sway in Kiev are direct descendants of Hitler’s thugs who perpetrated atrocities against the citizens of Ukraine, Byelorussia and Russia during the Second World War.

Today we are getting fresh proof of this. Suffice it to look at those who have rushed to Ukraine to support their Nazi accomplices. Above all, these are Croatian “volunteers.” We remember well that two Croatian divisions took part in Germany’s war against the USSR, including in Ukraine. They were notorious for their bloody crimes against civilians.

About a million of our Serb brothers who had fought against the Germans on the Soviet side as partisans were butchered in Croatian concentration camps on the Balkans in 1941-1944. And now hundreds of Croats are again on the side of Bandera followers on Ukrainian territory. Our Serb brothers, like in 1941, are on our side. On march 4 more than 15,000 Serbs took to the streets in Belgrade in a powerful demonstration in support of Russia.

And yet the Croats are not the only Europeans who seek revenge. Other European Union countries also intend to send their “volunteers.” And no wonder. We remember that Europe in that war sent its regular troops and SS legions against the USSR. Fighting on Hitler’s side, along with the Croats, were troops from Austria, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Slovakia, and Finland. Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, French and Spanish Fascists were members of the SS legions which committed atrocities on the USSR territory, including Ukraine. Today, the descendants of surviving Hitlerites are eager to fight on the side of Nazis and Bandera followers.

Alarming reports are coming in that fighters of Middle East terrorist organizations are being recruited and sent to Ukraine to support local Neo-Nazis. These are people who became notorious for the massacres of civilians in Syria, Libya, Iraq and other Arab countries.

The CPRF resolutely condemns the attempt to internationalize the military conflict in Ukraine and to involve out-and-out Nazis and terrorists from Europe and the Middle East in hostilities. The same fate is in store for them as that of their ancestors from the SS legions during the Great Patriotic War. Russians and Ukrainians are fraternal peoples. Together we set an example to the world of victorious struggle against Nazism. We will do everything to prevent this hideous plague from spreading again over our planet.

Chairman of the CC CPRF

Gennady Zyuganov ... ionalists/


Russia Denounces Ukraine at UN Over Humanitarian Corridors

Russia’s UN Ambassador says his country will carry out a cease-fire on Tuesday morning and open humanitarian corridors to evacuate citizens. | Photo: Twitter @AJEnglish

Published 8 March 2022

The Russian diplomat denounced that Ukrainian cities do not cooperate with the evacuation, despite the complex humanitarian situation.

Russia's representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, on Monday singled out Ukraine for preventing the proper functioning of humanitarian corridors set up by Moscow to evacuate Ukrainian and foreign residents from risk areas.

The Russian official explained that at the request of French President Emanuel Macron, President Putin ordered a ceasefire to the Russian Armed Forces to open humanitarian corridors from Ukrainian cities of Kiev, Mariupol, and Sumy to Russian territory for those who want to leave the territory.

"That was confirmed earlier with Kiev, with the specialized agencies, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Red Cross and other international organizations through all available communication resources including communication, however, the response of Kiev official was received today (Monday) and the open corridors were ignored," the diplomat asserted.

Similarly, the Russian diplomatic representative denounced that the Ukrainian cities do not cooperate with the evacuation despite the complicated humanitarian situation worsening in such cities as Kiev, Mariupol and Kharkov.

Regarding the words of Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Irina Vereshuk who called the humanitarian corridors absurd, Nebenzia stressed that Kiev is exhausting available and unavailable means because "they are afraid that these people will tell the truth of what is happening in Ukraine" and how they are terrorized and even killed by radicals.

The Russian diplomat also quoted the words of the mayor of Sumy, Alexander Lysenko who stressed that there will be no green corridors and threatened to open fire on the civilian who intends to leave and go as a refugee to Russia.

"About the impossibility of evacuating Ukrainian citizens to Russia, Ukrainian officials ignore that even before the special military operation there were refugees in Russia. More than 168,000 people had been evacuated to Russia including 43,000 children," said Nebenzia, who also added that in the last 24 hours about 19,000 vehicles have crossed the borders.

The Russian side revealed that temporary reception points are being set up on its territory to receive refugees arriving from Ukraine.

Nebenzia dismissed as absurd Kiev's request to evacuate Ukrainians who are residing in areas under the control of the Russian army: "These people have not asked for evacuation, people are in their homes and are not threatened by anything," he said.

"The request for evacuation from cities under Russian control, we find it cynical even with the residents of those cities themselves because they are under the full control of the Russian army and have received everything they need. More than 500,000 tons of supplies have arrived from Russia," asserted Moscow's representative to the UN.

The diplomat denounced to the UN that in the city of Mariupol alone 200,000 civilians have been trapped between Ukrainian extremist forces preventing humanitarian aid workers from arriving to provide assistance.

"Russia and Ukraine agreed on parameters for humanitarian corridors, which was reported to the UN. However, radicals in the city of Mariupol violated the agreement and received orders to shoot at legs," Nebenzia warned.

According to the Russian representative to the UN, in Mariupol, the extremists forced the staff of a maternity hospital to leave and set fire to the hospital, and also destroyed one of the kindergartens.

In this sense, the official stated that the situation is serious also in other areas of the country, where the blockade and violent actions by nationalist battalions persist. ... -0001.html


Colombia Exports Mercenaries to Ukraine
March 8, 2022
50 former members of the Colombian army took steps to join an “elite group” organized by the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Right-wing news outlet PanAm Post published an interview with a retired deputy sergeant from the Colombian army, identified as Camilo Sánchez but noting that his identity was changed for confidentiality reasons. During the interview, the sergeant said that former members of the Colombian army contacted a Ukrainian military officer to initiate the process.

“They asked us for documents that prove that we do not have criminal records or ongoing disciplinary proceedings,” said the sergeant. “In addition, they asked us to certify our military experience in combat and a résumé specifying our knowledge in the field. Once he verified that documentation, they summoned us to an interview. God willing, in ten days we will be joining the legion in the Ukraine.”

RELATED CONTENT: Russia Says US Transferring Terrorists from Syria to Ukraine

According to the sergeant, in order to get to Ukraine they were asked to fly to Poland by their own means. After reporting their presence on the border with Ukraine, they would establish contact with Ukrainian military personnel before entering Ukraine.

This is not the only group of Colombian ex-military personnel that initiated contacts with the Government of Ukraine, reported PanAm Post. Miguel Torres, a retired non-commissioned officer of the Colombian army, said that last Wednesday a group of 15 ex-soldiers met in the Simón Bolívar Park in Bogotá to be briefed with details on the process.

“In that meeting we agreed that in the next few days we are going to transport eight colleagues to Lima, Peru, to get in touch with the (Ukrainian) embassy,” said Torres. “Here in Colombia there is no Ukrainian embassy, ​​that is why we have to make that trip to legalize and speed up the entire process, because in Bogotá we have not had any answers from the consulate.”

Colombia’s Ministry of Defense reported in recent days that some 10,000 troops request discharge annually. It is public knowledge that a large part of these retired soldiers offer their “services” as “military contractors”—a euphemism for mercenaries.

Zelenskyy’s appeal to foreigners

This group of Colombian mercenaries is acting in response to Zelenskyy’s call for the formatioin of a “Ukrainian Territorial Defense Legion.”

“All those who want to join the defense of security in Europe and the world can come and stand by the side of the Ukrainians,” Zelenskyy declared on February 27.

“Foreigners willing to defend Ukraine and the world order as part of the International Legion for Territorial Defense of Ukraine, I invite you to contact the foreign diplomatic missions of Ukraine in your respective countries,” wrote Foreign Minister Dmitro Kuleba the same day. “Together we defeated Hitler and we will also defeat Putin.”

Many analysts and experts have raise serious concerns about the implications of this declaration, speculating that it could mark a revisiting of the US strategy employed most recently in Syria. In this scenario, extremists capable of expanding the currently localized conflict in Ukraine could cause it to become radicalized and spread to neighboring European countries. ... o-ukraine/

Wanna be a proxy fighter for the USA? Only the most ruthless scum need apply.


Russia Warns Washington is Sending ISIS Fighters to Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 5, 2022
The Cradle


Over the past two weeks Ukrainian officials have been calling for the formation of an ‘international legion’ of mercenaries

The Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia (SVR RF) warned on 4 March that the US, along with NATO countries, are sending ISIS fighters from Syria to Ukraine.

The ISIS members who are reportedly headed to Ukraine underwent special training at the US army’s Al Tanf military base in Syria.

SVR additionally stated that similar extremist groups are being recruited throughout West Asia and North Africa. The militants will allegedly arrive into Ukraine through Poland.

The statement of SVR detailed the history of the secret operation they have uncovered, saying in a statement: “At the end of 2021, the Americans released from prisons… several dozen Daesh terrorists, including citizens of Russia and CIS countries. These individuals were sent to the US-controlled Al Tanf base, where they have undergone special training in subversive and terrorist warfare methods with a focus on the Donbass region.”

The US claims that the illegal presence of their troops in northeast Syria is to protect the country’s vast oilfields from falling under the control of ISIS. Neither Moscow nor Damascus believe this official explanation, with the latter accusing the US of using it as an excuse to steal Syrian oil.

However, ISIS fighters are not the only foreign militants to be recruited to join the fight against Russia in Ukraine.

According to Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov, private military contractors have poured into Ukraine from around the world.

“US military intelligence has launched a large-scale propaganda campaign to recruit PMC [private military company] contractors to be sent to Ukraine. First of all, employees of the American PMCs Academi, Cubic, and Dyn Corporation are being recruited. […] Only last week, about 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived through Poland, who joined one of the nationalist battalions in the southeast of Ukraine.”

Both Iraq and Syria have accused the US of supporting and transferring ISIS fighters within the region.

On 29 January 2022 The Cradle reported that US forces transferred dozens of ISIS detainees, including high-ranking commanders, to Deir Ezzor governorate, which is close to the Iraqi border. This was reportedly an attempt to “revive ISIS” for the purposes of destabilizing a region that had recently been liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) with the help of Russian troops.

Last August similar reports surfaced after a high-ranking officer from Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) reported that their thermal cameras detected US military helicopters transferring ISIS fighters to different locations around the country.

Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on 24 February after responding to the call for assistance by newly-recognized republics of Donbass and Lugansk.

Despite the recognition of their independence by Russia, Ukrainian armed forces continued to shell civilian targets and breach the borders of the two republics, prompting the leaders of the republics to formally ask for military assistance from Russia. ... o-ukraine/


Leaflet for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Mariupol
March 8, 13:04


A leaflet calling for the surrender of the Ukrainian Armed Forces encircled in Mariupol. There is no reference to the Nazis. Only to the APU.
The people were not allowed out of the city. Today, the cleansing continued, the troops achieved some success in squeezing the ring.

Google Translator Bolding added.


Burning Globalist structures to save the Globalist ‘Liberal Order’
Originally published: Strategic Culture Foundation by Alastair Crooke (March 6, 2022 ) - Posted Mar 08, 2022

In its triple strike of sanctions on Russia, the EU initially was not looking to collapse the Russian financial system. Far from it: Its first instinct was to find the means to continue purchasing its energy needs (made all there more vital by the state of the European gas reserves hovering close to zero). Purchases of energy, special metals, rare earths (all needed for high tech manufacture) and agricultural products were to be exempted. In short, at first brush, the sinews of the global financial system were intended to remain intact.

The main target rather, was to block the core to the Russian financial system’s ability to raise capital–supplemented by specific sanctions on Alrosa, a major player in the diamond market, and Sovcomflot, a tanker fleet operator.

Then, last Saturday morning (26 February) everything changed. It became a blitzkrieg: “We’re waging an all-out economic and financial war on Russia. We will cause the collapse of the Russian economy”, said the French Finance Minister, Le Maire (words, he later said, he regretted).

That Saturday, the EU, the U.S. and some allies acted to freeze the Russian Central Bank’s foreign exchange reserves held overseas. And certain Russian banks (in the end seven) were to be expelled from SWIFT financial messaging service. The intent was openly admitted in an U.S. unattributable briefing: It was to trigger a ‘bear raid’ (ie. an orchestrated mass selling) of the Rouble on the following Monday that would collapse the value of the currency.

The purpose to freezing the Central Bank’s reserves was two-fold: First, to prevent the Bank from supporting the Rouble. And secondly, to create a commercial bank liquidity scarcity inside Russia to feed into a concerted campaign over that weekend to scare Russians into believing that some domestic banks might fail–thus prompting a rush at the ATMs, and start a bank-run, in other words.

More than two decades ago, in August 1998, Russia defaulted on its debt and devalued the Rouble, sparking a political crisis that culminated with Vladimir Putin replacing Boris Yeltsin. In 2014, there was a similar U.S. attempt to crash the Rouble through sanctions and by engineering (with Saudi Arabian help) a 41% drop in oil prices by January 2015.

Plainly, last Saturday morning when Ursula von der Leyen announced that ‘selected’ Russian banks would be expelled from SWIFT and the international financial messaging system; and spelled out the near unprecedented Russian Central Bank reserve freeze, we were witnessing the repeat of 1998. The collapse of the economy (as Le Maire said), a run on the domestic banks and the prospect of soaring inflation. This combination was expected to conflate into a political crisis–albeit one intended, this time, to see Putin replaced, vice Yeltsin–aka regime change in Russia, as a senior U.S. think-tanker proposed this week.

In the end, the Rouble fell, but it did not collapse. The Russian currency rather, after an initial drop, recovered about half its early fall. Russians did queue at their ATMs on Monday, but a full run on the retail banks did not materialise. It was ‘managed’ by Moscow.

What occurred on that Saturday which prompted the EU switch from moderate sanctions to become a full participant in a financial war à outrance on Russia is not clear: It may have resulted from intense U.S. pressure, or it came from within, as Germany seized an opportune alibi to put itself back on the path of militarisation for the third time in the past several decades: To re-configure Germany as a major military power, a forceful participant in global politics.

And that–very simply–could not have been possible without tacit U.S. encouragement.

Ambassador Bhadrakumar notes that the underlying shifts made manifest by von der Leyen on Saturday “herald a profound shift in European politics. It is tempting, but ultimately futile, to contextually place this shift as a reaction to the Russian decision to launch military operations in Ukraine. The pretext only provides the alibi, whilst the shift is anchored on power play and has a dynamic of its own”. He continues,

Without doubt, the three developments — Germany’s decision to step up its militarisation [spending an additional euro100 billion]; the EU decision to finance arms supplies to Ukraine, and Germany’s historic decision to reverse its policy not to supply weapons to conflict zones — mark a radical departure in European politics since World War II. The thinking toward a military build-up, the need for Germany to be a “forceful” participant in global politics and the jettisoning of its guilt complex and get “combat ready” — all these by far predate the current situation around Ukraine.

The von der Leyen intervention may have been opportunism, driven by a resurgence of SPD German ambition (and perhaps by her own animus towards Russia, stemming from her family connection to the SS German capture of Kiev), yet its consequences are likely profound.

Just to be clear, on one Saturday, von der Leyen pulled the switch to turn off principal parts to Global financial functioning: blocking interbank messaging, confiscating foreign exchange reserves and the cutting the sinews of trade. Ostensibly this ‘burning’ of global structures is being done (like the burning of villages in Vietnam) to ‘save’ the liberal Order.

However, this must be taken in tandem with Germany’s and the EU decision to supply weapons (to not just any old ‘conflict zone’) but specifically to forces fighting Russian troops in Ukraine. The ‘Kick Ass’ parts to those Ukrainian forces ‘resisting’ Russia are neo-Nazi forces with a long history of committing atrocities against the Russian-speaking Ukrainian peoples. Germany will be joining with the U.S. in training these Nazi elements in Poland. The CIA has been doing such since 2015. (So, as Russia tries to de-Nazify Ukraine, Germany and the EU are encouraging European volunteers to join in a U.S.-led effort to use Nazi elements to resist Russia, just as in the way Jihadists were trained to resist Russia in Syria).

What a paradox! Effectively von der Leyen is overseeing the building of an EU ‘Berlin Wall’–albeit with its purpose inverted now–to separate the EU from Russia. And to complete the parallel, she even announced that Russia Today and Sputnik broadcasts would be banned across the EU. Europeans can be allowed only to hear authorised EU messaging–(however, a week into the Russian invasion, cracks are appearing in this tightly-controlled western narrative–“Putin is NOT crazy and the Russian invasion is NOT failing”, warns a leading U.S. military analyst in the Daily Mail. Simply “Believing Russia’s assault is going poorly may make us feel better but is at odds with the facts”, Roggio writes. “We cannot help Ukraine if we cannot be honest about its predicament”).

So Biden, finally, has his foreign policy ‘success’: Europe is walling itself off from Russia, China, and the emerging integrated Asian market. It has sanctioned itself from ‘dependency’ on Russian natural gas (without prospect of any immediate alternatives) and it has thrown itself in with the Biden project. Next up, the EU pivot to sanctioning China?

Will this last? It seems improbable. German industry has a long history for staging its own mercantile interests before wider geo-pollical ambitions–before, even, EU interests. And in Germany, the business class effectively is the political class and needs competitively-priced energy.

Whilst the rest of the world shows little or no enthusiasm to join with sanctions on Russia (China has ruled out sanctions on Russia), Europe is in hysteria. This will not fade quickly. The new ‘Iron Curtain’ erected in Brussels may last years.

But what of the unintended consequences to last Saturday’s ‘sanctions Blitzkrieg’: the ‘unknowable unknowns’ in Rumsfeld’s famous mantra? The unprecedented switch-off affecting a key part of the Globalist system did not download into a neutral, inert context–It developed into an emotionally hyper-charged atmosphere of Russophobia.

Whereas EU states had hoped to spare Russian energy shipments, they did not take account of the frenzy raised against Russia. The oil market has gone on strike, acting as if energy were already in the frame for Western sanctions: Oil tankers had already started to avoid Russian ports because of sanctions fears, and rates for oil tankers on Russian crude routes have exploded as much as nine-fold in the past few days. But now, amid growing fears of falling foul of complex restrictions in different jurisdictions, refiners and banks are balking at purchasing any Russian oil at all, traders and others involved in the market say. Market players fear too that measures that target oil exports directly could be imposed, should fighting in Ukraine intensify.

Commodity markets have been in turmoil since the Special Military Operation began. European natural gas jumped as much as 60% on Wednesday, as buyers, traders and shippers avoid Russian gas. A combination of sanctions and commercial decisions by shippers and insurers to steer clear has cut that contribution to global supplies sharply over the last week. A default cascade by western companies is perfectly possible. And Supply line disruption is inevitable.

Many will be affected by the commodity turmoil, but with Russia providing 25% of global wheat supplies, the 21% hike in wheat and 16% rise in corn prices since 1 January will represent a disaster for many states in the Middle East among others.

All this disruption to markets comes even before Moscow responds with its own countermeasures. They have been silent so far–but what if Moscow demands that future payments for energy are to be made in Yuan?

In sum, the changes set out by von der Leyen and the EU, with surging crude oil costs, could potentially tip global markets into crisis, and set off spiralling inflation. Cost inflation created by energy costs spiralling higher and food disruptions are not so easily susceptible to monetary remedies. If the daily drama of the war in Ukraine starts to fade from public view, and inflation persists, the political cost of von der Leyen’s Saturday drama is likely to be European-wide recession.

“Since well before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Europeans have been struggling under the weight of runaway energy bills”, notes. In Germany, for some, one month’s energy costs the same as they used to pay for a whole year; in the UK the government has raised the price cap for energy bills by a whopping 54%, and in Italy a recent 40% domestic energy cost hike could now nearly double.

The New York Times describes this impact on local businesses and industries as nothing short of “frightening”, as all kinds of small businesses across Europe (prior to last week’s events) have been forced to cease their operations as energy costs outweigh profits. Large industries have not been immune to sticker shock either. “Almost two-thirds of the 28,000 companies surveyed by the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry this month rated energy prices as one of their biggest business risks … For those in the industrial sector, the figure was as high as 85 percent.”

One recalls that old prediction from the Middle East, that western values would turn against the West itself, and ultimately devour it. ... ral-order/


Oil Prices Sink As Germany Takes A Stance Against Ban On Russian Crude
By ZeroHedge - Mar 07, 2022, 10:30 AM CST

One day after we reported that Germany had warned against a ban on energy imports from Russia, quoting Germany's Economy Minister Robert Habeck who said "I would not advocate an embargo on Russian imports of fossil fuels. I would even oppose it," adding that "we need these energy supplies to maintain the price stability and energy security in Germany," and warning that "a shortage in supply could threaten social cohesion in Germany", moments ago Bloomberg reported that Germany now openly opposes the push to stop Russian oil, gas imports.

“I’m not ruling out anything for the further development of this year,” German Finance Minister Christian Lindner tells reporters in Berlin when asked about the next steps against Russia. “At the current time, however, there is no new decision to be made.”

“The government insists that we do not take the initiative to end our imports of oil, gas and coal to Germany”

“This option is of course on the table, but at the moment it doesn’t seem advisable to take this step ourselves in order to ensure the sustainability of the sanctions against Vladimir Putin” and that “we don’t hand long-term strategic advantages to Mr. Putin. We must recognize that accepting negative economic effects is also our contribution to solidarity with Ukraine”

Germany's Chancellor Scholz echoed the view, saying that Europe has deliberately exempted energy supplies from Russia sanctions as, at the moment, Europe's supply of energy cannot be secured in any other way.

The German position may explain why late on Sunday Bloomberg reported that the Biden administration is now considering whether to prohibit Russian oil imports into the U.S. without the participation of allies in Europe, which is likely aimed at isolating Germany's blocking position.

And while the administration has yet to decide on a U.S. import ban "with the timing and scope of any move still fluid" buyer of Russian oil are already largely boycotting Russian energy, having self-imposed restrictions on purchases of Russian seaborne Brent which failed to find any buyers until it was offered at a $28.50 discount to dated Brent, when Shell emerged as a buyer only to issue a statement on Saturday explaining why it did so following global condemnation and vowing to donate all profits.

Meanwhile, the news that Germany is blocking a comprehensive Western embargo - coupled with some favorable news out of Libya which said that it was resuming oil production at its biggest oil field, Sharara, to the tune of 270-300bkpd - have helped push oil sharply lower from its overnight session highs of $139, with WTI trading at $119.1, up around $3.44 on the session, after being $15 higher earlier.

By ... Crude.html

Dollar to a doughnut Germany approves Nord Stream II, by & bye. In capitalist society money always wins.


LIVE: Russia Sets 'Silence Regime' for Safe Evacuation

People leaving Ukraine, March, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @ruthathalberton

Published 8 March 2022

"Humanitarian corridors from Kiev, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkov and Mariupol are being opened," Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said.

On Monday, Russia and Ukraine failed to achieve major breakthrough during their third round of peace talks in Belarus. A negotiator, however, said the fourth round will take place in "the very near future." Below are the main developments of this conflict as they happen.

Russia declared a "silence regime." The opening of humanitarian corridors for the safe evacuation of civilians in Ukraine starts 0700 GMT on Tuesday.

"Humanitarian corridors from Kiev, Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkov and Mariupol are being opened," Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said. On the same day, Ukraine started evacuating residents from the northeastern city of Sumy through a humanitarian corridor as agreed with Russia.

During the third round of peace talks between Russia and Ukraine on Monday, both sides addressed the issue of civilian evacuation, and the Ukrainian side assured Russia that the humanitarian corridors would start working.

"Humanitarians' top priorities are allowing civilians to leave areas under fire in Ukraine and getting desperately needed aid to these areas," UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths Martin Griffiths told the Security Council on Monday. ... -0004.html

Good luck...but I think the Nazis will disrupt again.

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2022 3:34 pm
by blindpig
National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - March 7, 2022 12


Deletion needed to preserve big lie of an unprovoked Russian invasion

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—a CIA offshoot founded in the early 1980s to advance “democracy promotion” initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding projects in Ukraine from their searchable “Awarded Grants Search” database.

The archived webpage captured February 25, 2022 from 14:53 shows that NED granted $22,394,281 in the form of 334 awards to Ukraine between 2014 to the present. The capture at 23:10 the same day shows “No results found” for Ukraine. As of right now, there are still “No results found” for Ukraine.

Searching using “Ukraine” as a keyword (as opposed to a “Project Country” in the original captures) yields “No results found.” Searching for the titles of the funded projects listed in the last “intact” web capture yields no results.

Additionally, the current database search criteria have been restricted, previously funding from 2014 to present could be searched, currently only 2017 to present is searchable per the drop-down menus. There are multiple news reports before February 25 corroborating this $22,394,281 amount.

Validating the Big Lie

The erasure of the NED’s records is necessary to validate the Biden administration’s big lie—echoed in the media—that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was “unprovoked.”

In a recent statement of solidarity with Ukraine, the NED acknowledged that it had been a “proud partner of Ukraine’s civil society groups, media outlets, and human rights defenders since 1989—before the Ukrainian people declared independence in 1991—as they have confronted enormous challenges in building an independent and free country.”

NED President Duane Wilson admitted at an NED forum on Ukraine on March 4 that Ukraine was the NED’s fourth largest grant-making program around the world. Wilson said that “the endowment is proud that we have had Ukraine as a major partner since 1989, before independence, supporting Ukrainian civil society organizations.”

Exposing Russian but Not Ukrainian War Crimes

The NED’s anti-Russian agenda was detailed by one of the speakers at the March 4th forum, Olha Aivagurski, who said that a lot of her work with an NED funded NGO focused on documenting Russian war crimes.

Neglected was Ukrainian army war crimes, whose scale is detailed in a new RT News documentary “Donbass, yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”

It includes footage of excavation of mass grave sites in Donbass where neo-Nazi militias attached to the Ukrainian army massacred and then buried hundreds of civilians.[1]

Mass grave site in Luhansk featured in RT news documentary but not mainstream U.S. media. [Source:]
The NED, however, is committed to advancing the cartoonish narrative depicting Ukraine as a valiant David fighting the evil Russian bear.

Color Revolutions

The NED played a pivotal role in helping to trigger the conflict with Russia by supporting two color revolutions directed against Ukraine’s pro-Russian leader Viktor Yanukovych—a potential successor to Volodymyr Zelensky if Russia wins.

The 2004 color revolution replaced Yanukovych with Viktor Yushchenko, who favored admitting Ukraine to NATO and adopted an International Monetary Fund (IMF) structural adjustment program that benefitted U.S. investors while cutting social programs.

Ukraine’s 2004 orange revolution. [Source:]

NED activists employed a broad public relations strategy that included: a) busing paid out-of-town protesters into Kyiv; b) creating an online TV protest station and agitation paraphernalia; and c) providing offshore training to the anti-Yanukovych student leadership. The strategy was based on the writings of Gene Sharp and a template that the NED had successfully employed in Serbia with a youth group called “Otpor,” which helped secure the defeat of socialist Slobodan Milosovic in September 2000 elections.

Coup maestro Gene Sharp. [Source:]

A parallel approach was used during the February 2014 Maidan Square uprising which resulted in Yanukovych’s ouster—he had been reelected in 2010—and the advent of a pro-Western regime in Kyiv.

During the fall of 2013, the NED named as a Dante Fascell fellow Sergii Leschenko, a journalist who exposed how Yanukovych had paid Republican party strategist Paul Manafort $1.2 million as a political consultant.[2]


As a sign of the NED’s influence, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (2014-2020)—a main beneficiary of the Maidan coup currently awaiting trial on treason charges—bestowed the Order of Princess Olga, one of Ukraine’s highest honors, on Dr. Nadia Diuk,[42] a former vice president and senior adviser to the NED for Europe and Eurasia.

The late Nadia Diuk, right, pontificates at NED forum. [Source:]

Preserving Fiction of an Unprovoked Russian Invasion

In 2020, the NED provided $4.6 million to Ukraine for purposes that included raising awareness of alleged human rights abuses by Russia in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, and fomenting opposition and resistance to Russia.

The large scope of the NED’s program makes clear the organization’s importance. However, with the Biden administration intent on preserving the fiction that the Russian invasion/counter-offensive was unprovoked, censorship and the deletion of records is necessary.

[Camilla Thompson contributed to the reporting.]

1.A U.S. journalist quoted in the film, George Eliason, stated that he repeatedly sent reports of war crimes to American media outlets which ignored him. ↑

2.Leschenko subsequently became a member of parliament where he lobbied for Ukraine’s closer integration with Europe. At the time, Leschenko joined the party of Ukraine’s fifth president Petro Poroshenko, but then supported neoliberal Volodymr Zelensky. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Leschenko compared Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler. ↑ ... n-ukraine/


Beyond NATOstan, millions root for Russia
Saturday, 05 March 2022 2:42 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 06 March 2022 7:59 PM ]

NATO was expanded to Montenegro, a country in Southeastern Europe, in 2017 amid protests. NATO's eastward expansion worries Russians.
By Daniel Patrick Welch

Maybe rooting for Russia sounds a little bit over the top. But it is true that, outside NATO's countries--enclaves--the so-called Western democracies and their sycophants, in Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East--that things are seen quite a bit differently.

And people aren't openly rooting for Russia (which many of them actually are), but there are lots and lots of people who understand the position that NATO has put Russia in.

Does that mean that billions and billions of people have no humanity? Of course not. It's kind of ridiculous and insulting to say so. They all express concern for people in a warzone. Cuba and China have pledged to provide support for civilians when it becomes possible and necessary.

The bulk of the blame, though, they feel, is to be laid at the door of NATO--and specifically, its US trainers. Because they are the ones that started this whole thing, not only from the inception of NATO, out of the remnants of earlier attempts, from the MLF (Multi Lateral Force) and others, this was basically the fruition of the whole On-to-Moscow chorus. The quip is as poignant now as it was then: that the point of NATO was to 'Keep the Americans in, the Russians out, and the Germans down. And except for the out-and-out Nazis they recruited to help run the thing, this remains largely true today.

The other thing that really bothers people is that their concerns are completely dismissed. There is this concept of "whataboutism." Any context or history, any perspective other than this dominant narrative that people are being asked to swallow, and are being spoon-fed, is irrelevant, it's in the way, it's inconvenient. And these are people all across the Global South, who, for hundreds of years (literally), have been saying "what about." "What about us? Why don't we count? Why don't our interests matter? Why are our needs, and our fears, and our anger dismissed and disrespected?"

And you can see this now in the coverage of the conflict, the really racist crap that comes out of Western reporters' mouths. How they are just devastated, brought to tears because they are seeing this happen *in Europe! * to blond, blue-eyed people! This is not Afghanistan. This is not Syria. This is not Yemen (because we're bombing people right now in Yemen, right?). I guess they don't count at all. What about them? Nope. No problem.

So that touches a nerve. And when the Russians say--and others agree--that their security concerns were never taken into account and that that is the basis for this conflict, they feel it. It resonates with people across the rest of the world, outside the bubble.

So yeah, it's easy to dismiss anything that goes against this narrative because the information blockade is so complete and so powerful and so over-the-top that it is just nauseating. Seriously, anyone with any intellectual integrity cannot look at it and not see how over-the-top it is, how out of balance and how hypocritical it is in the context of history.

But people outside of Europe, and people in the United States, and in Europe, from these communities just look at this and shakes their head in disgust at the "blond, blue-eyed" trope, at the very idea. It really has to be said that many people don't even accept the basic premise of the Western narrative. That is, that Russia is the aggressor. They see that history (what about us?).

They see that history, that the war started at the very least in 2014. And that while this may be a new salvo, that Russia didn't *start* anything. And there are millions of people who agree with this perspective, which is being completely choked out of the news feed on Western TV and in Western minds.

That's why you see things like #IStandWithRussia trending in India today. That's why it's difficult to get a majority in the UN General Assembly. Even with all the little micronations that are basically on the US payroll. Because it's just too much.

People heard the excuses that were made when NATO completely destroyed Libya. They saw the glibness with which US and Western reporters responded when Moamar Gaddafi was sodomized with a bayonet. Or as Saddam Hussein, a brown man, was lynched on live television and the cackle of the West, embodied by Hillary Clinton's "We came, we saw, he died."

That's representation. That's a reflection of what happens to them, to their countries, to their people over and over again in this 500-year history. And if they don't make that connection, westerners make it for them. All the time. Lindsey Graham, just today, calling on somebody-- anybody--to "take out Putin." A call for assassination. He may be a wackjob, but he's a very famous wackjob. This is one of the leading lights of the other party in power in the United States. And people don't even blink an eye.

You have Scholz, the German Chancellor, who scoffs at the idea that Russians living in Donbass could be subjected to anything like genocide, as if that's completely absurd. Says a German Federal Chancellor to Russia? And non-Europeans feel this: what?

And by the way, the same thing is happening now. Right now. I have reports from Kharkov of these dead-ender Azov or other neo-Nazi battalions blowing up buildings destroying Kharkov, this beautiful city. Destroying it block by block to blame the Russians. And to get their revenge. They're completely encircled; there's little else they can do.

But Ukrainians, many of them, feel like shark bait. That they are positioned to goad the Russians into intervening. And the Russians took the bait, that's one strategic win for the West. They're also winning on the PR front, for now.

But they have to. Because the rest of humanity is waiting in the wings. This is a very serious thing, which is why people need to make a choice. Because once there is any inkling at all that it is even feasible to punch NATO in the face, to push back against the ruiner of countries--the Empire of Lies, to coin a phrase. Then the whole thing can just crumble in a fortnight. And that is something they simply cannot allow to happen. ... 144661.jpg


'Sit-reps' and other 'hard news' thin on the ground this morning. Perhaps later.

If the Nazis weren't blocking evacuation, thereby postponing their reckoning with Donbass and RA, this could be over in a few days and all the weapons and outside mercenaries will be moot. Which is of course why they do it. They'll fight to the last drop of Ukrainian blood whether the Ukrainians like it or not, for racial purity, Western civilization and Western Capital.