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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 12:04 pm
by blindpig
the logic of war


POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/19/2023

As element of shockpolitical and economic, the war shows what the state of international relations is at a given moment. Although it is not the only active war conflict at the moment, the war between Russia and Ukraine is setting the international agenda and is also a thermometer to assess its status and future prospects in the short and medium term. To this day, each international forum is marked by the demand from Western countries that each country publicly show its position on the conflict, no matter how far removed it is from its day-to-day reality. Even before the Russian troops crossed the borders of Ukraine, the United States and its allies were already presenting the idea of ​​unity that continues to be the basis of their discourse. Already then there was a struggle between democracy and authoritarianism in which each country had to side with Ukraine. That discourse has only increased as the war has entrenched, becoming increasingly harsh, intense and cruel to the civilian population on both sides of the front.

However, contrary to the original idea and the official discourse of the United States and its partners in the European Union, this division of the world between an isolated Russia and the rest of the world has not occurred. What's more, this very week, an article published in Foreign Policy stated that "as a result of diplomatic, economic and security work following its invasion of Ukraine, Russia is now far less isolated than the United States and the West would like." . Instead of the idea of ​​Russia against the rest of the world, united in its support for Ukraine, the reality shows that, beyond the European countries or staunch allies of the United States, the rest of the world, a majority in number and population, it has remained neutral, with no interest in getting involved in a war of others and far away.

The West has spent time and effort downplaying Xi Jinping's visit to Moscow, oscillating between highlighting the lack of a grand deal being signed and threats about possible Chinese intentions, possibly existing only in the minds of the architects of the Western narrative, of supplying Russia with weapons. The visit of the president of China, the second world power and an indispensable commercial and diplomatic partner for Russia now that it seeks to redirect its economic and political relations beyond the European Union, is the clearest example that the discourse of Russian isolation clashes with reality , but he's not the only one.

The role of India has also been especially important in these months, a country that has significantly increased its imports of Russian energy products. If the objective of the European Union sanctions was to reduce Moscow's income from the sale of oil and gas, the import data from India helps to show that it has failed. For the moment, the objective of expelling Russia from the European Union energy market would not have been achieved either: in addition to the increase in imports of liquefied natural gas before the start of sanctions, EU countries continue to purchase Russian products through third countries that, like India, act as intermediaries, of course, making the product more expensive.

The few successes that Ukraine is achieving beyond what we could classify as the Western bloc when it comes to achieving explicit support and, above all, sending arms, are moving in the same direction. Even in the first weeks of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, when the Ukrainian president was the most sought after figure when it came to making appearances in all kinds of political forums, the failure to get the attention of African countries was resounding, for example, with the failed attempt to convene the African Union. Since then, Ukrainian diplomacy has continued to invest efforts in seeking to recruit more countries, especially those considered to be on the pro-Russian side.-or neutral, since both terms are being used interchangeably-, as could be seen with Dmitro Kuleba's visit to several African countries, something that a Ukrainian foreign minister had never done. Its success was limited and only Morocco has actively supported Ukraine, helping to send not Western tanks as kyiv demanded, but Russian-made tanks. The scant success of Zelensky and Kuleba in Africa contrasts with the visits by Sergey Lavrov, of which Josep Borrell complained so bitterly, alleging that there are “easy countries” like Mali on the continent.

The case of Latin America is even clearer. With the exception of Gabriel Boric, the leader who has most openly supported Zelensky's speech, and Guillermo Lasso, who according to the Pentagon leak is willing to send weapons to Kiev, the position of a large part of the countries has been to distance themselves from the military action, but also stay away from getting involved in the war. In a public and clear manner, the leaders of the large Latin American countries -Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico- have shown themselves against the shipment of arms and have positioned themselves in favor of the demand for negotiation. Especially relevant is the position of the recently returned Lula da Silva, who, even before his electoral victory, had shown his rejection of the way in which Ukraine had managed the situation in the first months of the Russian invasion.

Since his return to the presidency, the Brazilian leader has insisted on rejecting the German request to send weapons and ammunition, but also on the need for the conflict to return to diplomatic channels. And that is where Lula's words have caused the anger of the United States. Annoyed on every occasion that a relevant country deviates from the path expected of them -as happened to Emmanuel Macron with his comment on the need for "strategic autonomy" of the European Union-, Washington has publicly shown its disappointment with the role that the Brazilian president is currently trying to play. Lula, who had already shown his interest in acting as a mediating country between Russia and Ukraine, took advantage of his recent visit to Beijing to insist on that path. Lula,

To this idea, which he has repeated on numerous occasions, the Brazilian president added a comment that has caused the ire of Washington. From China, Lula da Silva stated that "the United States needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace", provoking the outrage of the United States, which accused him of "parroting Russian propaganda". Lula also pointed to Brussels. "It is necessary for the European Union to start talking about peace so that we can convince Putin and Zelensky that peace is in everyone's interest and that war, for the moment, only interests both of them," he stated with a sentence that it could hardly be considered a repetition of Russian propaganda. However, as the pride with which the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, announces the use of Funds for Peace to send ammunition to Ukraine shows,

In recent weeks, there has been a perceptible increase in articles that doubt Ukraine's ability to achieve this great victory or that advocate the need, not immediately but in the medium term, for negotiations between the two countries, an option that Kiev has openly and repeatedly rejected. The intentions are clear and it is not to be expected that any of the international peace initiatives, despite the good intentions of leaders such as Lula da Silva, can yield results. This is demonstrated by the two visits that Zelensky and Putin have made to the front and that they met yesterday. With the certainty of knowing that his security is guaranteed -despite the statements, Russia has never tried to attack Zelensky-, the Ukrainian president visited areas near Avdeevka, one of the hot areas of the Donetsk front. On his second visit to the war zone, Putin visited troops on the Kherson front - possibly Genichesk, where administrative duties have been relocated - and Lugansk, where generals plan military operations. The front marks the current reality and Russia is aware that it has to wait for a Ukrainian attack. The places of Vladimir Putin's visit, Kherson, one of the places that will be attacked, and Lugansk, where the defense is being prepared, prove it. According to Pentagon leaks, the Ukrainian offensive should start on April 30.

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U.S.-NATO Involvement in the 2014 Ukraine Coup and Maidan Massacre: The Soft Power Ecosystem and Beyond
By Jim Cole - April 16, 2023 1


[This is Part II in a four-part series analyzing the 2014 Maidan coup. Part I is here. It discusses the psycho-social aspects of color revolutions; some of the thousands of think tank/NGO change agents which received billions in U.S. and EU funding since 1989 in Ukraine; outlines some of the regime-change techniques of weaponized aid and political, diplomatic and economic methods; the novel use of tech and social media operations employed in Ukraine during the Obama years; and, lastly, the shift from soft power to dark power, the point at which violence is required to achieve regime change.—Editors]

The Psychology of Color Revolutions
Color revolutions are U.S.-funded regime-change operations utilizing a sophisticated understanding of psychology, sociology and political organizing to foment and precipitate an “electoral revolution” resulting in a U.S. client state or one that meets other geopolitical purposes. They require a large ecosystem of change agents, including military, intelligence and diplomatic government actors, foundations, NGOs, PR companies and other contractors and corporate co-conspirators and media, developed over years with millions or billions in investment.

They have been successful in Serbia (2000), in Georgia’s Rose Revolution (2003), in Ukraine’s Orange Revolution (2004), in Lebanon’s Cedar Revolution (2005), Kyrgyzstan’s Tulip Revolution (2005), Kuwait’s Blue Revolution (2005), Iraq’s Purple Revolution (2005), and in Czechoslovakia’s Velvet Revolution (1989). Othe
uch as Ukraine 2014, were ultimately more characterized by violence but featured the same change-agent organizations; still others, such as Venezuela (2018) and Belarus’s Slipper Revolution (2020), failed, likely as the target regime is too entrenched and/or the soft-power ecosystem is too inhibited.


Although on the surface they utilize civic group energy and genuine discontent, particularly “creative non-violence resistance” of student and youth, their main power is in the control of the interpretation of unfolding events by both local and foreign audiences. This might make them “post-modern coups” in that they reflect a shift of regime-change operations from military hard power to civilian soft power, from reality to perception of reality, where the power of propaganda is much more insidious, yet the managers remain those connected to state and corporate power.

As with all propaganda, the control of the narratives in color revolutions is rooted in manipulation through fear and desire; a false promise of dissipating this fear through a desired candidate or policy, to channel the population against their current regime and pursue a direction in harmony with imperial interests.

Fear is also induced by some change agents (chaos agents such as saboteurs, snipers or terrorists) whose aim is to destabilize society and citizens’ sense of security, to provoke a desire for security internally (counterinsurgency) or for regime change in a foreign target (insurgency).

Insurgency/regime-change operations have become a sophisticated science of mass manipulation, researched by government, academic and foundation scientists for decades, involving the work of political and behavioral scientists, PR firms, social media experts, intelligence agents, local and foreign professional activists, and strategists and tacticians employed through governmental agencies, foundations and a plethora of NGOs.

“Collectively, their job is to make a palace coup (of their sponsorship) seem like a social revolution; to help fill the streets with fearless demonstrators advocating on behalf of a government of their choosing, which then legitimizes the sham governments with the authenticity of popular democracy and revolutionary fervor.

Because the operatives perform much of their craft in the open, their effectiveness is heavily predicated upon their ability to veil the influence backing them, and the long-term intentions guiding their work.

Their effectiveness is predicated on their ability to deceive, targeting both local populations and foreign audiences with highly-misleading interpretations of the underlying causes provoking these events.”[1]

Mass manipulation is as old as power, but for the modern era we might start, a century ago with Gustave Le Bon’s The Crowd and the work of Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays as the originator of consumer propaganda (aka “PR”), the linchpin of our globalized and falsified non-culture.

As the military and intelligence agencies became more interested in soft power, funding increased for think tanks such as the deceptively named Albert Einstein Institution, an offshoot of Harvard University where political scientist Gene Sharp evolved a sophisticated—but very accessible—understanding of how to foment revolution in target countries.

His work had such a convenient overlap in appearance and terminology with civil rights campaigning and ostensibly non-violent and anti-war ideals, it escaped many people’s attention for decades that he was central to neo-imperial expansion “by other means” and that many of these worked in tandem with other soft-power techniques as well as covert-action operations with no façade of humanitarianism.

Gene Sharp [Source:]

Two fundamental influences on the psychology of color revolutions are the cultural bias that comes from 80 years of American Century cultural imperialism with which the world has been bombarded and the endlessly exploitable genuine grievances citizens have against their own leaders, who may be separate from U.S. spheres of influence but can be just as immoral and vile.

Cultural bias, via entertainment, such as cartoons, as propaganda and by deep cultural bias and ties to the Homeland that prove very useful, for example, in how the U.S. pressures UN voting by threatening diplomats’ bank accounts and other ties to the U.S. or U.S. organizations and companies. Like the political, civic and media narratives of soft power, these have a profound effect on world view, values, critical thinking and perception of causes of events and possibilities for political progress, i.e., what is perceived as possible and desirable.

Legitimate dissent, oppression and foreign interference, of course, are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, they are synergistic in escalating the tension for regime change, and genuine discontent or ethno-religious tension, for example, are an Achilles heal for an imperial force to target and exacerbate with divide-and-conquer, destabilization and other strategies of domination and regime change.

It is an intentional strategy of U.S. imperialism to impoverish, destabilize and neutralize non-client countries over decades, by sanctions, sabotage, propaganda, war, terror and other strategies, so that manufactured discontent becomes legitimized, certain sectors are energized while others are disenfranchised, and the hidden hand of imperialism is largely to blame.

Soft Power Imperial Apparatus: USAID, NED, Embassies, Soros, Omidyar, et al.
The purpose of soft power is to pressure governments, persuade people (propaganda) and co-opt future leaders. Much of this is done through political, labor and civic groups, other NGOs and media, media, media.

If you can look past the oligarch-level PR, the aim of U.S. empire is to instill free-market reform for multinational market penetration and control of global political economy.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED, a CIA offshoot founded in the 1980s) currently funds about 1600 different NGOs (negating the “non” part of their title), and hundreds have been funded in Ukraine since the 1990s. The two main NED arms, the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI) have both had Kyiv offices since 1992, running what then-regional NDI head Nelson C. Ledsky termed the “Ukraine experiment” in an update statement to the House of Representatives in 2005.[2]

In Serbia 2000, for example, the NDI focused on the opposition parties, while IRI focused on the young protesters and “paid for two dozen Otpor leaders to attend a seminar on nonviolent resistance at the Hilton Hotel in Budapest, a few hundred yards along the Danube from the NDI-favored Marriott.”[3] This mild division of taste and labor is about the extent of the difference between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to foreign policy.

Protesters waving Otpor flag in NED-backed color revolution in Serbia. [Source:]

About 40 NED-funded organizations are named in the NED’s 2004 Annual Report as operating in Ukraine, by far the most of any country that year.[4] But this is not a complete picture, even of the NED’s involvement, let alone the other soft-power agencies, many of which seem allergic to the spotlight; as Ron Paul said in a December 2004 speech before the U.S. House International Relations Committee, “That is what I find so disturbing: There are so many cut-out organizations and sub-grantees that we have no idea how much U.S. government money was really spent on Ukraine, and most importantly how it was spent.”[5] Twenty years later, you can amplify everything by about the same number.

By their own admission—thoroughly flooded across the millions of documents, websites, articles, press releases and media flowing from this industry that puts U.S. taxpayer money into oligarch accounts and aims to destroy any (potential) competition—all of this money is spent in a near religious faith in U.S. supremacy, manifest destiny and free market imperialism.[6] The misdirection underlying this is that it is for benevolent reasons, when it is clearly for ruling elite greed and has caused an inconceivable amount of destruction since the dawn of colonialism and the genocide of indigeneity.

But the Ukrainian cut-outs just grew and grew because, as NED President Carl Gershman said in 2013, “Ukraine is the biggest prize” in Europe.[7] And since late February 2022, the aid floodgates opened completely to fuel the proxy war to the last Ukrainian.

Carl Gershman [Source:]

The NED board always tellingly includes some national security leaders, such as current CIA Director William J Burns, who was head of the NED-associated Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. After all, they have taken on the main burden of political, psychological, and social action jobs the CIA did covertly before the 1970s scandals led to the foundation of the NED. Only they do it mostly in plain sight—much less stressful!

Don’t forget the USAID and State Department, its embassies and those of wealthy client-states, also fund soft power with billions. Oh, and don’t forget the para-State Department oligarchs like Soros, whose International Renaissance Foundation spent $181 million in Ukraine from 1990 to 2015. Although that pales next to Victoria Nuland’s jubilant admission that the United States government had spent $5 billion on political change in Ukraine. According to memos leaked in DCLeaks in 2016, after his quarter-century of investing in Ukrainian neo-liberalization, Soros was nearly dictating elements of post-coup policy, including how to market the Ukrainian coup to potential Russian allies like Greece. His massive donations to the Democrats over recent decades—including $25 million to the Hilary shitshow in 2016—obviously confer heavy geopolitical influence, such as directly advising Secretary of State Clinton via email on how to respond to the Albanian situation in 2011.

The Omidyar Network—founders of the controlled opposition/whistleblower-capturing The Intercept—also got in on the soft power, according to the Kyiv Post, at least to the tune of $200,000 in 2012—funding the “Center UA” in 2012 with USAID and NED.[8] They also gave $335,000 to “New Citizen” to one of the Center UA projects. Center UA is one of many weaponized anti-corruption NGOs particularly targeting anti-U.S. politicians, i.e., Yanukovych at the time.

Pierre Omidyar [Source:]

It is blatant that the concerted aim of all these countless interrelated departments, organizations and corporations is neo-liberalization for elite U.S. interests—by pressuring, forcing and demanding shock therapy IMF/World Bank privatization reforms and nurturing a generation of a political class with the same outlook to serve their masters. U.S. elites used to be fine with a friendly dictator, but I think they realized in the 1980s that soft power—weaponized aid, diplomacy, sanctions and humanitarianism—is more profitable and maintains the spic-and-span humanitarian façade of modern imperialism.

A key think tank behind political action in opposition countries has been the Albert Einstein Institution under the direction of the political change specialist Dr. Gene Sharp, a specialist and best-selling author in “nonviolence as a form of warfare.”

A key AEI operative, and friend of Sharp’s with decades of political action experience in Southeast Asia, was Colonel Robert Helvey. Michael Dobbs gleefully described in a December 11, 2000, Washington Post article, how at an IRI sponsored seminar at the Hilton hotel in Budapest:

“[T]he Serbian students received training in such matters as how to organize a strike, how to communicate with symbols, how to overcome fear and how to undermine the authority of a dictatorial regime. The principal lecturer was retired U.S. Army Col. Robert Helvey, who has made a study of nonviolent resistance methods around the world, including those used in modern-day Burma and the civil rights struggle in the American South.

Colonel Robert Helvey [Source:]

Helvey, who served two tours in Vietnam, introduced the Otpor activists to the ideas of American theoretician Gene Sharpe [sic], whom he describes as ‘the Clausewitz of the nonviolence movement,’ referring to the renowned Prussian military strategist.”[9]

It is crazy: People read the word “non-violence” (and “pro-democracy,” “Einstein” and, if they are really hoodwinked, “Harvard”) and the references to civil rights, etc., and some sort of virtue switch is triggered that presumes the motives are not only benign, but benevolent and noble. It is a sickness of living in this false-liberal wilderness of mirrors, drunk on this manifest-destiny poison that saturates America and the Western world under its spell.

And so it is interesting that Gene Sharp has only recently been identified and analyzed as an arm of U.S. imperialism, for example, in a comprehensive set of articles by Marcie Smith. Many still harbor vague thoughts of him as a supporter of national liberation movements—the exact opposite of the AEIs true intentions: anti-sovereignty and pro-imperialist. It is as if many fell for the whitewashing of “for freedom and democracy” and propaganda of weaponized humanitarianism/white man’s burden and forgot to look behind the neo-liberal curtain as to what was driving the multi-billion-dollar machine. Whoops. Again, it is hard not to get caught up in such massive, slick, trillion-dollar PR that has been flowing continuously since the dawn of the American century in 1898.

Any organization of dissent that truly tries to expose and counter the establishment’s machinations, once it crosses a threshold of influence, will be targeted: first, with monitoring and surveillance; followed by infiltration, co-optation and smearing; and, ultimately, by outright capture or sabotage. But when a voice comes from within the belly of the beast, no matter how noble and grand its professed nature and ideologies, do not let its sweet whispers in your ear for a moment.

Soft Power: Political, Diplomatic and Economic Pressure
As well as co-opting, training and funding the young street-level protesters and NGO puppets, it is necessary to unite, co-opt, train and fund the official political opposition, directly and indirectly. For example, building up to the Serbian election of 2000, more than 20 opposition leaders met with U.S. officials and “private democracy experts,” mostly in Budapest, to coordinate the $41 million campaign of 2000.[10]

And these astronomical NGO interference budgets mentioned above do not include private contractors brought in through other funding routes, sometimes elicit, and the involvement of the EU, the World Bank and the IMF, the latter that the U.S. will often control, like a tap, to remind locals who’s the boss. As in Biden’s threat to withhold a $1 billion IMF loan if his lapdog Petro Poroshenko did not fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, investigating the gas embezzlement scam, by Mykola Zlochevsky’s (now Zelensky and Azov Battalion funder Kolomoisky’s) Burisma Holdings Ltd. Yes, the same Burisma that paid Hunter Biden $83,333.33 a month for simply being on the board.[11]

Left to right: Hunter Biden, Ihor Kholomoisky, Volodymyr Zelensky. [Source:]

Although this is after the coup, it perfectly reflects the reasons for it. Biden recounted the tale with warmth and humor, as if around a cowboy’s campfire, at a talk at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018, “On Defending Democracy:”

“‘We’re not gonna give you the billion dollars….If the prosecutor [Shokin] is not fired, you are not getting the money.’ Well, son-of-a-bitch….He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid…”

To be clear: Here is a U.S. vice president and future president bragging about blackmailing the “leaders” of a foreign country that his own government implanted, to fire someone who, before he crossed Biden, seemed a rare example of an uncorrupted Ukrainian politician (Viktor Shokin—who has, since Nuland, Pyatt and Biden turned against him in late 2015, been in fear of his life)—in order, seemingly, to cover up his own apparent association with millions in tax fraud.

Viktor Shokin [Source:]

The gentleman he refers to as “solid” as future prosecutor general was not only not a lawyer, he was a recently released prisoner, Yuriy Lutsenko—described by Daria Kaleniuk, director of the (U.S., EU and “private international” funded) Anti-Corruption Action Center Ukraine, as “a crook” who “abused office for self-enrichment” and did not solve a single case in more than three years.[12] (It is an interesting theatrical short-circuit irony where you have a Western-funded NGO/individual criticizing a Western-installed puppet. Of course, theater, like circuses, delivered in constant and endless news-cycle drama stories, distracts from larger agendas and accumulates to provoke a numb, hypnotized and amnesic public.)

Yuriy Lutsenko [Source:]

There is a unique, deep but shrill sycophancy heard in Poroshenko’s voice when he regularly talked with Biden. The chocolate king, despite his already disgusting wealth, has a palpable slavering greed for the further enrichment and power being a Biden/U.S. proxy elite entails. Is it a warped form of love, the worship of such power? It is a degenerate addiction.

Not just Biden held such close constant interest in Ukraine: It is interesting to note the parade of senior U.S. and EU politicians and influencers who spoke to crowds at Maidan during the protest. Portrayed as a sort of echo of the “Winds of Change” of 1989, as if bricks of the Berlin Wall were still hitting the ground—when in fact, it was to become more like the random slaughter of Romania 1989 than drunken hope of Berlin 1989—the list tellingly includes:

*Victoria Nuland, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
*Geoffrey Pyatt, Ambassador
*Catherine Ashton, EU foreign policy chief
*Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Chris Murphy (D-CT), threatening sanctions if there were any violence against protesters, spoke on stage with Oleh “Sieg Heil” Tyahnybok on December 13, 2013
*Bernard-Henri Lévy (February 2014)—who also met with Poroshenko twice and Vitali Klitschko in February and subsequently described the massacred victims as “European, indeed…because in the Maidan, for the first time in history, young people would die clutching the starry flag of Europe.” This is deep-level, trauma-based PsyOps BHL is delivering. (Don’t forget, as well, his starring role in the Libyan regime change of 2011.)
A picture containing text, person, suit

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December 15, 2013: Republican U.S. Senator John McCain, center, speaks as Democratic Senator Chris Murphy and Opposition leader Oleh Tyahnybok stand beside him during a pro-European Union rally in Independence Square in Kyiv, Ukraine. [Source:]

What sort of a neutered state allows a foreign state to parade its leaders through its capital inciting regime change? But the figureheads are only the front of the show, soft imperial power saturates a target like a rising tide.

Soft Power Tech: Civil Society 2.0
If the Gene Sharp-style color revolutions of the 2000s embraced youthful energy, symbols, slogans, top-level PR strategy and new media, those of the 2010s were influenced further by Silicon Valley’s advances in the awesome and terrifying political potential of social media, not least in surveillance and propaganda in the service of imperialism.

Don’t forget the military and intelligence roots of the internet, mobile phones and software. The interlinkage is seen not just by analyzing Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Stanford Labs and the many patents in your tech now spying on you owned by the Department of Defense, or the investments of the CIA’s In-Q-Tel in Silicon Valley startups and companies; it is also clear by seeing how often State Department, military and intelligence organizations partner with tech companies in different projects and by the interchange of personnel, particularly since the Obama administration.

Core to this are Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, a bridge between Google and the State department. As Julian Assange, who met both of them secretly in 2011, described in his review of their 2013 book The New Digital Age:

“[It] is a startlingly clear and provocative blueprint for technocratic imperialism, from two of its leading witch doctors, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, who construct a new idiom for United States global power in the 21st century. This idiom reflects the ever closer union between the State Department and Silicon Valley, as personified by Mr. Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google, and Mr. Cohen, a former adviser to Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton who is now director of Google Ideas.

The book proselytizes the role of technology in reshaping the world’s people and nations into likenesses of the world’s dominant superpower, whether they want to be reshaped or not.” [13]

The policy influence of Cohen is clear during and after his (official) State Department Policy Planning tenure of 2004–2010 that earned him a seat at the Council on Foreign Relations, with the introduction of zeitgeist (and already dated) terms like “21st century statecraft,” “diplomacy 2.0” and “civil society 2.0” to U.S. government foreign policy projects and documents.

Color revolution strategies have always focused on media narratives and co-opted youth as agents of change—as in Otpor in Serbia 2000—but as social media came to dominate, this became a new weapon in imperialism for insurgency and regime change.

An interesting innovation in Ukraine in 2012, TechCamps were first organized through the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv. The project was developed initially by Katie Dowd and Angela Baker, both Advisers for Innovation at the U.S. Institute of Peace (should it be War?) in Washington.[14]

Katie Dowd [Source:]

The conferences were run at the embassy from 2012 to 2014 by Luke Schtele, an Assistant Press Attaché in the Obama administration, and funded by public and private grants. According to his bio at Fulbright conferences in 2014 and 2015, Schtele “led the implementation of the U.S. Department of State’s Civil Society 2.0 initiative in Ukraine” and “organized a series of TechCamps and media forums in Ukraine from 2012–2014, training more than 350 activists and journalists in the use of digital technology and communications.” [15]

Soon after the fifth TechCamp on November 14-15, 2014, at the embassy, and just before the start of the Maidan protests, Deputy Oleg Tsarov had the audacity to complain in parliament that the U.S. Embassy TechCamp projects and funding were illegal intervention in Ukrainian sovereignty, information warfare and manipulation of public opinion to sow dissent by the United States, against the UN Resolution 2131 (XX) of December 21, 1965, entitled Declaration on the Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty.

Oleg Tsarov [Source:]
He may have been drowned out by the boos of the opposition, defending their gravy train, but he was right. An early TechCamp project included mobilizing youth in internet-poor areas, particularly the poorer and more Russian-speaking east, to share messages via SMS, called “SMS Like” and “SMS-President,” developed by Vadim Georgienko at TechCamp 2012, after speaking to Trevor Knoblich who developed the similar FrontlineSMS. Other projects included initiating the “journalism without borders” project, using online games for social causes. TechCamps in Ukraine were funded by the State Department as well as private support, including from Coca-Cola and Microsoft.

After the coup, Schtele and some of his team proudly presented the achievements of TechCamp Ukraine at Fulbright conferences in 2014 and 2015, along with some interesting social media soft-power change agents. They included Professor Josephine Dorado of The New School, a “Trainer, State Department,”; Olena Sadovnik [Media Development Officer, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe]; and Vadim Georgienko [Developer, Creator of SMS-President and Dobrochyn crowdfunding platform]. The summary of the TechCamp project is identical for both and worth repeating in full: [16]

“Igniting Citizen Action in Ukraine through Mobile Storytelling

This session will highlight work being done by Fulbrighters and other agents of change at TechCamps, an initiative under the U.S. State Department and U.S. Institute of Peace which aids civil society organizations in developing countries by building their digital capacities. We will look at TechCamps through the lens of Ukraine and focus on how building skills around mobile story telling galvanized citizen actions and continues to address the challenge of communicating in conflict regions.”

Social media was the main driver of the Maidan protests, which “unexpectedly erupted outside the election cycle, on a random Thursday evening,” beginning with a Facebook post by a U.S. astroturfed journalist.[17]

When Soft Power Fails, Coercive Violence Follows
And so soft power and its main tool, propaganda, multiply exponentially in the endlessly nourishing flow of money. The “ugly truth” if you speak to an old school military realist, or get an ex-CIA agent drunk enough, or infiltrate a group of defense contractors and their stooge senators as they ride waves of euphoria at the call of any military escalation, is that, geopolitically, “they” will sometimes also be content with chaos and destabilization of a target country, no matter the death and refugee toll.

This Plan B works as it also prevents and weakens competition and gives the military-industrial complex a good cash stream for a few years or decades. An endless war is more profitable than a successful one and still has geopolitical advantages. Being the last country left standing is as solid a path to “full spectrum dominance” as any other.

Although some NGOs proudly display the logos of embassies, USAID, NED, etc., a regular occurrence is the defense of some agencies attempting to hide the foreign source of their funding. Their argument is that this is used as a strategy to attack them. This farcical logic does somewhat limit anti-corruption efforts, though.

And how did all these billions of investments, this political and economic macro and micromanaging and the two “color revolutions” improve Ukraine? Bloated oligarchic corruption to previously unimaginable levels;[18] empowered, armed, funded and normalized neo-fascists;[19] and started a civil war that claimed 14,000 lives even before the Russian invasion of 2022 and more than 200,000 wounded in the first year since the invasion, not to mention millions of refugees.

Because the soft power so ceaselessly targeted at Ukraine, the “prize of Europe,” was inevitably going to turn ugly and dark, the U.S. had to turn to hard power to achieve its aim of breaking Russia from Europe, at least so the U.S. can shift its imperial aggression to China while Ukrainians die.

Ultimately, all the methods of regime change, of empire, are a continuum, a selection of tools that escalate in violence and—safe in their Washington, New York, Houston and San Francisco mansions; or Swiss, Belgian, French or German chateaus; or English Home Counties Manors—the oligarchs don’t care about violence, death and chaos they create, as long as the income stream flows and the profits of missiles, minerals, oil and gas, and finance black magic continue to rise. The ugliest truth is that one creates the other.

As John McCain described the Arab Spring—very much the fruits of U.S. soft-power funding via NED and dozens of other tentacles—it is a crafted weapon intended to weaken Russia and China, despite overtures of cooperation; it is “a virus that will attack Moscow and Beijing” and collateral damage, or fear of all-out war, is irrelevant to these power-deranged psychos.[20] If you don’t understand what these different crafted weapons of imperialism are, and how they work, you will have zero ability to interpret geopolitical events, and will likely go insane trying to understand history or reality as you are manipulated in a web of lies. ... nd-beyond/


President Putin Meets Military Leaders In Kherson & Lugansk

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) visits a military headquarters in Luhansk, April 18, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @NucleoNoticias

Published 18 April 2023

"I do not want to distract them from their direct obligations, but it is important that I listen to their opinion about how the military operation is developing," he stated.

On Tuesday, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin visited Kherson and Lugansk regions to talk to Russian military leaders and learn the status of the military operation in Ukraine.

"I do not want to distract them from their direct obligations, but it is important that I listen to their opinion and exchange information with them about how the situation is developing," Putin told the Tass news agency.

In the Kherson region, he met Oleg Makarevich, the commander of the troops of the southern sector, and Mikhail Teplinski, the commander of the Airborne Forces.

"Teplinski was quite long on the front line and made a very detailed report of the march of the military campaign," the Russian president stressed, and denied rumors by British intelligence which alleged that Teplinski had recently returned to command after being replaced in January .

In Kherson, Putin also visited the headquarters of Makarevich’s troops. A few hours later, he flew by helicopter to the National Guard headquarters in Luhansk province, where Colonel-General Alexandr Lapin received him.

In this region, Putin asked military commanders to brief him on the situation in Zaporizhia City, located on the Dnieper River. A video broadcast by the Kremlin showed Putin congratulating the military on the Russian Easter and giving them a copy of a religious icon that belonged to defense ministers of tsarist Russia.

In mid-March, Putin visited the Crimean peninsula and Mariupol City in the Donetsk region, half of which the Russian forces control. The Kremlin did not prepare in advance Putin’s visit to Kherson or Lugansk, which Russian troops almost entirely command. ... -0008.html


Ukraine: There is No Peace in Sight
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 17, 2023
Yevgeny Primakov and Dragan Vujicic


I cannot guess the dates when the “old peace” will return and when the colonial leadership of the golden billion will end. I am not even sure that we will live to see that new world.

I am afraid that even more difficult times are coming because the so-called golden billion will fight to the end and by all means to maintain his hegemony. This is how Yevgeny Primakov, one of the youngest and most forward-looking Russian politicians of today, answered the question of “Novosti” about the time when he expects the return of “the world to the old way”.

Primakov “the younger” is today the head of Rosotrudnichestvo, the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, compatriots abroad and international humanitarian cooperation. He came to Belgrade with the occasion of marking the anniversary of the Russian House in the Serbian metropolis. As before, he was happy to speak for Večernje Novosti.

Dragan Vujicic (DV): How do you see the chances of peace in Moscow today?

Yevgeni Primakov (YP): First of all, I would like to see the peace coming into effect immediately, and I don’t know anyone in the leadership of Russia who is in favor of war. At the beginning of the Special Military Operation, our president stated its goals: among others, the denazification of Ukraine for the sake of peace. And that is why our troops are fighting for peace today. Unfortunately, the chances of peace reigning soon are not too high. Our victory on the battlefield will increase the chances.

DV: Has the world fundamentally changed in these over 400 days of war?

YP: First, I wouldn’t say that these 400 days changed the world. That change happened earlier. We warned the West for at least 16 years about what was happening and about the change in the entire logic of international relations. We told “the West” and the USA to read and understand the words of our president. Vladmir Vladmirovich clearly pointed out that the constant expansion of NATO is a danger to Russia’s national security, and in Munich he described Russia’s interests in the field of security to everyone.

DV: And what happened then?

YP: The Americans simply declared that speech to be the most aggressive and dangerous rhetoric up to that point. Years later, in December 2021, Russia proposed a set of conditions for our coexistence in relations with the Western powers. Among other things, they talked about legally binding guarantees between the two sides and the withdrawal of NATO weapons from our borders. The West told us No – on all counts!

DV: The war started in February 2022.

YP: Even after December 2021, Russia continued to behave in accordance with fundamental Christian and so-called European values and up to this day Russia adheres to the most valuable ones. Unfortunately, there is no more Europe in Europe today. Until Europe recovers, we have nothing to discuss with them because it is a matter of value system and irreconcilable differences.

DV: What is the difference between the “Western” rules-based International Order and the International Law order that Moscow is in favor of?

YP: As for the “order of rules”, it essentially means that there is a group of countries that decides on all key matters in international relations, and when they need it, they change the same rules. To say more than a theory, Great Britain, USA and Germany now claim to support the territorial integrity of all countries, but not for Serbia, Libya or Iraq. For example, the head of UNESCO, an organization whose international obligation is the preservation of cultural heritage and language, came to Ukraine. But this organization shows no interest in Russian language and in Russian cultural heritage in Ukraine.

DV: President Putin and SI spoke about the reform of the UN and its bodies in February 2002, right before the conflict?

YP: I am not an expert in international law, but from a civilizational point of view, in the context of an international conflict, we need to emphasize the need for UN reform. So far, there are no real conditions. Finally, Russia also wants new members to be admitted to the SC, but not those of the West, but we think it is necessary to include large countries from Asia, Africa, Latin America, which Washington does not want at all. To be clear, the UN is a bad and dysfunctional institution, but for now we have no replacement.

DV: French President Macron has just presented himself again in Beijing as a peacemaker. How credible is he for Moscow?

YP: I remember Macron’s performance at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum when he quoted Dostoyevsky to us and when we all got excited thinking that he knows and loves Russian culture and the Russian soul. In St. Petersburg, he said that we should build new relationships and new friendships. And when he returned to Paris, he explained how it is necessary to “suppress” Russia and how he is the one to lead the matter!

DV: So, he is not a man for a peace mediator?

YP: I will be careful here. In Moscow, Macron as a politician is not considered by many managers to be a reliable partner. They see him as some kind of pop politician or pop figure.

DV: Russia is once again the target of terrorists and it seems that it is not doing so well. The murder of Daria Dugin and journalist Vladlen Tatarski?

YP: Russia protects its citizens and a huge effort is being made in that direction, one that is not public. Our intelligence services have prevented numerous tentative of terrorist attacks. A year ago, for example, the FSB prevented attempts to attack journalists Vladimir Soloviev and Margarita Simonyan. But we cannot have 100 percent guarantees that the terrorists will not be successful somewhere. Those who are attacking the Russian people today are the same as us, they share or have shared language and culture with us. What is worst is that part of the political opposition and part of their followers have gone into extremism. We really do not have 100 percent security guarantees for everyone, but still our services quickly locate and arrest those responsible.

DV: We harbored illusions that Nazism is dead?

YP: The events in Ukraine show that it is not without reason that we in Russia take care and preserve the memory of the Second World War. It is not only our historical memory, but this “memory” refers to the Russian identity and the present time. The nazis are at war in Ukraine – they must all be destroyed!

DV: Kiev Pechar monastery?

YP: We should not reduce this to the Russian people, but we must talk about the entire Orthodox world. To forgive or not, that is a question of Christianity. But I am afraid of things that have an eschatological dimension. These are huge efforts to start a religious war in Ukraine, as if this has not happened so far. We recently watched in Kiev a terrible scene when a girl from the church choir is praying to God on her knees, and around her are supposedly demons playing some kind of demonic game. That frolicking sounded like witches’ dances from Middle Age Europe.

DV: About de-dollarization of the world?

YP: There are more and more countries that realize the real role of the dollar as a world currency, and they insist now on trading with each other in their currencies. This is the strongest medicine and tool against the dominance of the golden billion.

DV: Russian and Ukrainian offensives are coming. What’s next?

YP: I know about that as much as you people from Novosti, I only know about it what I see on the news or in the newspaper.

DV: The British brag that they are training “Ukrainian partisans” or rather terrorists, while at the same time pretending to have Churchill’s “wisdom”?

YP: I would not go into the innermost diplomatic spheres. But Russia has many centuries of experience with the British and their political elites – we still remember the great tensions with them in the 19th century in Asia. And when it comes to Churchill, we did not forget that as soon as the Second World War ended, even while we were alleged allies, this Englishman asked the Americans for atomic strikes in the cities and facilities of Russia. It was called the “Antitankbl” operation (unimaginable, unthinkable). No one in Russia has any illusions about the Englishman. ... -in-sight/


From Cassad's telegram account:



Situation as of 15:00 April 18, 2023

in Vuhledarsky sector Yesterday, Ukrainian formations attempted to storm Russian positions south of Vuhledar . One sabotage group of the 72nd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out reconnaissance in combat near the forest belt north of Nikolsky .

Another assault detachment in light armored vehicles, up to a platoon from the 3rd battalion of the 68th opebr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, attacked the positions of Russian military personnel near Pavlovka .

Before these calculations of M777 howitzers, artillery preparation was carried out, and reconnaissance UAVs and copters were actively operating in the air, delivered in large numbers to the Donetsk direction as part of individual UAV companies.

Both enemy attacks were repulsed by the joint efforts of infantry units and army aviation. Forces of 68 opebr and 72 ombr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreated to their original positions.

Now the situation is stable. In the area of ​​​​Novoukrainka, the 68th brigade is under staffing. And in Bogatyr, in the northwest of Ugledar, a large number of people and equipment are concentrated at the training ground.

At the moment, it is unclear what kind of unit arrived in Bogatyr. Most recently, the training of the 23rd brigade in Novomoskovsk was completed , and the brigade itself, according to the plan, should be involved either in the Zaporozhye or in the Donetsk directions .

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"Leopard" without a tower
April 18, 18:54


The Leopard 2A4, which lost its turret, fell victim to a collision between two tanks at the training ground.
Now the car is being repaired at the expense of Poland. The mechanic driver was from Ukraine. Apparently one of those who are caught in the streets.
A certain number of "Leopards" are already operating in Ukraine, have not yet been destroyed. Active use can be expected in May-June.

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From Europe to the Indo-Pacific, Italy at Arms
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 18, 2023
Manlio Dinucci

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (left) walking throughout the White House next to US President Joe Biden (right) on February 10, 2023. Photo: Adam Schultz/White House.

On Saturday, US officials interviewed by the Brazilian outlet Folha reported on the Biden administration’s views regarding statements made by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva during his visit to China, calling the statements “outrageous.”

“Despite declaring itself neutral in the geopolitical dispute between the United States and China, Brazil seems to have clearly aligned itself with China and Russia,” they stated.

Lula told reporters in Beijing on Saturday, April 15, that the US should stop inciting war in Ukraine. “America needs to stop fomenting war and start talking about peace; the European Union needs to start talking about peace so that we can convince [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [Ukrainian President Volodimir] Zelensky that peace is in everyone’s interest, and that war is only in their own interest for now,” he said.

This statement made by the Brazilian president attributes the responsibility for the war between Russia and Ukraine to the United States, according to the aforementioned US officials. Furthermore, the officials expressed that “the most problematic thing” is Lula’s vision of the US as an obstacle to ending the conflict, as shown by his indication of China and Russia as the main countries capable of bringing about peace.

US: Brazilians do not value balance in their positions
According to the officials interviewed by Folha, Brazilians have “not only failed to value balance in their positions, but have adopted a clear opposition to Washington.”

Going even further, the US officials accused the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mauro Vieira and Lula’s Chief Advisor of the Presidency Celso Amorim of adopting “a tone of antagonism against the United States.”

Why is Lula visiting China?
The Asian giant has been Brazil’s largest trading partner for 14 years. Although trade in agricultural products, minerals, and oil remains stable, Chinese investment in the South American country continues to grow in infrastructure and public welfare projects.

In order to facilitate investment, both countries have recently agreed to continue transactions in their own currencies, from Brazilian reais to Chinese yuan and vice versa, without requiring the dollar in their bilateral trade. ... n-ukraine/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2023 12:31 pm
by blindpig
fanaticism and reason
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/20/2023
Original Article: Antifashist


These days, the Foreign Policy medium has published another article in which a clue is given to Zelensky and his entire team by telling them that they should not dream of the return of Crimea, something that is not only completely naive, but could be potentially explosive as well. that Russia would not allow it and could use nuclear weapons. “The Ukrainian authorities have fallen into the trap of their own intransigent and less and less justified policy. There are clear differences of opinion among Ukrainian elites on whether Ukraine should make the recapture of Crimea a non-negotiable objective for its military efforts or be prepared to cede, at least temporarily, control over the peninsula to Russia in exchange for Russian concessions on other places”, wrote FP. “The issue may also lead to a deep rift between the Kiev and Washington governments, which may fear that Crimea and control of the strategically important Sevastopol military base are the point at which Moscow may be willing to use nuclear weapons. This issue takes on urgency as Ukraine prepares for an offensive that could potentially allow it to cut the land corridor between Russia and Crimea."

According to the outlet, the Ukrainian authorities have succeeded in instilling in the public opinion that Crimea must return to Ukraine at any cost (58% of the people surveyed). Only a minority in Ukraine claims to be willing to accept the abandonment of the peninsula in exchange for peace and the return of the territories "captured by Russia since February of last year." At the same time, the defenders of the commitment do not express this position publicly, fearing that they will end up in the dungeons of the SBU. The entire state propaganda machine in Ukraine, including the previously considered independent media, which is now under the complete control of the President's Office, is aimed at promoting the idea of ​​“war to the bitter end”.

In this way, Ukrainian politicians claim that the main reason why Zelensky cannot reach an agreement with Moscow even if he wanted to is that the majority of Ukrainians consider any compromise with Russia unacceptable. "If Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proposes peace negotiations between kyiv and Moscow, he will commit political suicide," said Oleksiy Danilov, chairman of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.

Everything results in a vicious circle. But is it only the omnipotence of propaganda and the fear of repression associated with such unanimity that shapes the opinion of the Ukrainian population? Are the country's authorities guided only by their opinions when making decisions? Are they oriented in any way?

If you look at the issue from a different angle, it is clear that everything is much deeper and more complicated. Although a proper analysis and cold calculation says that a large part of the population would undoubtedly benefit from a ceasefire (the quality of life of the average population has dropped significantly and the mass mobilization wipes out a cohort of Ukrainian men after another), both the citizenry and its current leader fanatically believe in victory and refuse to even consider the situation according to the “peace in exchange for territories” paradigm. According to the Telegram channel Ze Rada, the reason is that Zelensky is not a strategist but a visionary. And his “vision”, a concrete image of the future, is Ukraine according to its 1991 borders and as part of NATO and the EU. He doesn't care how realistic that goal is right now. “In this, Ze is similar to Yushchenko. For him, Ukraine was a prosperous town with its sights set on the EU and NATO. He also didn't deviate from his vision of him despite the calculations, the logic and the possibilities. Gas was more expensive, cooperation had broken off, strategic companies had been closed, thousands of jobs had been lost, the hryvna was at 8 to the dollar instead of 4, who cares”, the authors of the channel wrote.

The situation in Ukraine is worsening daily and has already led to significant loss of territory and thousands of casualties. But the kyiv regime does not change its policy: by Zelensky's parameters, the image of victory remains unshakable. And while the press anxiously watches how Zelensky's stubbornness is capable of provoking a nuclear conflict and Ukrainian bloggers search for reasons why Kiev does not take material realities into account, Moscow follows a pragmatic and rational policy, thinking that sooner or later , the West will get tired of Ukraine and take it out of their hands. However, it does not take into account the possible steps that kyiv would be willing to take before the "H moment" nor the degree of fanaticism of Zelensky and company, which I would say has a certain touch of almost religious exaltation.

Historically, as a rule, it is not always the strongest or the most capable that wins, but those who trust indefinitely in their victory, even if it sometimes contradicts reality. The clearest example of a relatively recent conflict is the Great Patriotic War. After the German attack on the Soviet Union, especially in its initial phase, the Red Army was significantly inferior to the Wehrmacht in terms of weaponry, combat consistency, and even commander capabilities. Russian soldiers fought the enemy by biting the ground and sacrificing their lives out of sheer enthusiasm and patriotism. The iconic feats of Red Army heroes we've heard about since childhood are fundamentally acts of self-sacrifice under desperate conditions: Tallijin, Gastello, Matrosov, and many more.

I do not intend to compare Zelensky and his group with the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, I just say that fanaticism, understood in the broadest sense of the word, is much stronger than rational positions. It is reason that dictates to its apologists not to mix with fanatics, it is this pragmatism that advises withdrawing or giving in to preserve something else. But wars are not won with this position, not even wars of attrition. Another historical example of the superiority of willpower over brute force. During the Hundred Years War, the French were much weaker than the English and they lost everything at first, they accepted defeat, but the appearance of Joan of Arc gave them new strength and they managed to turn the situation around and come out victorious. .

Today we are those same Englishmen and, whether we like it or not, the hotheads of Zelensky's side like Podoliak or Arestovich are in the role of Joan for the Ukrainians as a symbol of an inevitable victory. And if we do not change the attitude towards this war (I do not mean the soldiers at the front - there is no problem with the fighting spirit of the troops - I mean the country's authorities), our chances of victory will be slim. ... more-27102

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Or maybe it was a satellite...
April 19, 23:45

In Kyiv, they said that air defense was working over Kiev.
In Kiev, they said that a NASA satellite fell in the Kiev region
In Kiev, they said that air defense over Kiev did not work.

Meanwhile, in the evening there have been massive arrivals of "Geraniums" and air bombs in the Kherson, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Kharkov and Kyiv regions. The Slavic-Kramatorsk agglomeration is also traditionally processed.

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Ukraine’s Offensive: Taking Territory vs. the War of Attrition
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 19, 2023

Update on the conflict in Ukraine for April 19, 2023

– Both Russia’s and Ukraine’s presidents visit front line troops in Kherson and the Donbass region respectively;

– Russian forces continue to gain ground in Bakhmut, pro-Ukrainian maps show the main rail station now under Russian control;

– Ukrainian general admits Russia carrying out airstrikes in Bakhmut further indicating an increasingly pivotal change in the nature of fighting in Russia’s favor;

– Western analysis continues to paint a bleak picture regarding Ukraine’s upcoming offensive, noting that even if it manages to succeed in taking territory, it does little to change the lopsided nature of what is actually a war of attrition Ukraine is losing;

– Former Western diplomats and military leaders have called for greater support for Ukraine, refusing to acknowledge the limits of Western military industrial output and Ukraine’s ability to absorb weapon systems they are unfamiliar with;


Reuters – Russia increases shelling, air strikes in Bakhmut – Ukrainian general (April 18, 2023):

BBC – Ukraine war: Putin visits occupied Kherson region in Ukraine (April 19, 2023):

Foreign Policy – Ukraine’s Longest Day (April 18, 2023):

Politico – Ukraine could be looking at another Maidan (April 18, 2023):

Guardian – Freedom needs to be better supplied than tyranny. If democracies stand firm, Putin’s war on Ukraine will fail (April 17, 2023):

The Atlantic – The Danger of Putin Losing in Syria (January 2016):

Washington Post – Russia’s military is unlikely to turn the tide in Syria’s war (October 2015): ... attrition/


19 Apr 2023 , 1:03 pm .

A view from a taxidermy drone for monitoring wildlife developed by researchers at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro, New Mexico, U.S., March 22, 2023 (Photo: Reuters )

During the war in Ukraine, the use of drones was taken to a higher level of effectiveness by Russia, which tipped the balance in its favor. Given the importance of these tools on the battlefield, a competition began for their modernization and improvement.

In this sense, scientists in New Mexico are using dead birds to camouflage these types of ships. "We came up with this idea that we can take...dead birds and turn it into a drone." "Everything is there... we do reverse engineering," said Mostafa Hassanalian, a professor of mechanical engineering who is leading the project, reported Reuters .

He said taxidermy bird drones, which are currently being tested in a specially designed cage at the university, can be used to better understand flock formation and flight patterns, which could be applied to the bird industry. the aviation.

"If we learn how these birds manage... energy with each other, we can apply (that) in the future aviation industry to save more energy and save more fuel," the scientist said.

The current taxidermy bird prototype flies for a maximum of only 20 minutes, so the next stage is figuring out how to make it fly longer and conduct tests in the wild among live birds, Hassanalian said. ... os-muertos

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I dunno about this...but I certainly wouldn't put it past them.


From Cassad's Telegram account:

1. From our side, they report attempts by the enemy to counterattack our positions in the Krasnogorovka area (Avdeevsky direction). The fighting has been going on since the evening. No results were reported.

2. From the Ukrainian side it is reported. that our troops advanced slightly near Gulyai-Pole, occupying several positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the south and south-east of Gulyai-Pole. From our side, this information has not been confirmed.

3. In Artemovsk, over the past day, Wagner PMCs have occupied at least one more block in the northwest and several houses to the west of the city center.

4. I wrote about the controversial yesterday. Information about the abandonment of the village by the enemy is, to put it mildly, premature. Yes, there are small shifts in our favor, but so far it is just small shifts, not the liberation of the village.


forwarded from
military chronicle
How and with what the Armed Forces of Ukraine will cover the offensive: analysis of the military chronicle

In the "secret materials" leaked on the Internet, April 30 was considered the start date of the announced offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. From the same documents it is known that the already formed units will have to be covered from air strikes.

What is military air defense

The organization of a large-scale counterattack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, presumably scheduled for April 30, should involve the use of a significant number of military air defense systems. They must move together with ground forces, protecting units from air strikes from army aviation helicopters and operational-tactical aviation aircraft. However, in the "secret documents" there is evidence that by March 2023, the Ukrainian air defense system was mainly a stationary and decentralized branch of the armed forces with an increased consumption of missiles.

Consumption of anti-aircraft missiles

So, the calculations of the S-300P complexes spent on firing at air targets 180 missiles per month with a stock of 420 missiles, and the calculations of the S-300V - 20 anti-aircraft missiles every month with a stock of 55 missiles, which theoretically should have brought the Armed Forces to exhaustion in terms of missile stocks by the beginning - mid-May.

This version is indirectly supported by information that to cover most of the objects inside the country, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already using S-125 Newa SC air defense systems with an ammunition load of 698 (!!!) missiles and a consumption of 33 missiles per month and outdated S-200 air defense systems delivered from Poland, the consumption of missiles in which for some reason was not calculated, although this figure is almost certainly known.

Discrepancies in the calculation of air defense effectiveness suggest that the figure for the consumption of ammunition for the S-300P and S-300V was deliberately distorted so that the real number of missiles could not be calculated.

Western air defense equipment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Most of the imports of air defense systems to Ukraine also fell on stationary systems. IRIS-T, NASAMS, Patriot, SAMP-T, I-HAWK and other systems were supplied to cover stationary objects. However, in the case of the Ukrainian offensive in April-May, it is preferable to use tracked air defense systems, since troops will have to cover not only during throws on good roads, but in general wherever the combat situation requires it, including in fields where wheeled vehicles no longer as effective.

The Buk air defense system was supposed to help cover the troops on the battlefield, but at the moment this type of equipment is the most scarce in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In total, before the start of the NWO, there were no more than 65-70 launchers in Ukraine. At the same time, at least a dozen and a half episodes are known with the defeat of Ukrainian "Buks" by loitering ammunition "Lancet". A few dozen more launchers and transport-loading vehicles were allegedly destroyed non-publicly, and at best this suggests that the Armed Forces of Ukraine could have left 25-35 Buk launchers with missiles both to protect facilities inside the country and to cover offensive.

What conclusions can be drawn?

The Armed Forces of Ukraine could not replace the Soviet-type air defense systems (S-300P / PS, S-300V or Buk) with analogues from NATO countries. A significant part of the deliveries of air defense systems from Western countries included short-range air defense systems, of which only the German ZSU Gepard and the British Stormer HMV have a tracked chassis (and at the same time light armor) and can be useful in offensive conditions. The rest, including the American Avenger, have a wheeled chassis. Given the insignificant range of these air defense systems (5-10 km), a second conclusion suggests itself.

Most of the Ukrainian offensive (if it takes place) will most likely be built not on full-fledged military air defense, but on mobileShort-range air defense systems: the Soviet Osa and Strela-10, the British Stormer HMV, as well as the work of mobile cover groups with portable Stinger air defense systems and Starstreak air defense systems on light vehicles. However, this equipment is already in the zone of destruction of Russian artillery and aviation.


The A-50 aircraft, which was "destroyed" or "heavily damaged" in the Ukrainian telegram, is reportedly performing combat missions as usual. At the same time, those involved in the launch of drones at the Machulishchi airfield are under investigation and face huge prison sentences. The perpetrator of the attack, who launched the drone with the video, was also found and detained by the KGB of Belarus.

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What Better Way to do Damage Control in the Face of an Embarrassing Leak Then by Blaming it on the Russians
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - April 19, 2023 0

Donbas Devushka [Source:]

Covert campaign appears designed to try and whip up yet more hatred against Russia
On April 12, the FBI arrested Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old Air National Guardsman, at his home in North Dighton, Massachusetts, for allegedly leaking dozens of sensitive U.S. intelligence documents about the war in Ukraine, which was billed as the biggest national security breach in at least a decade.

Charged under the Espionage Act, Teixeira allegedly shared the documents in a gaming network he was part of on the online social media platform, Discord.

Jack Teixeira [Source:]

On April 17, The Wall Street Journal reported that the documents only came to the attention of Pentagon authorities after four of them had been posted by a pro-Russian blogger known as Donbas Devushka (aka “Donbas Girl”) on her Telegram channel.[1]

A pro-Ukraine group[2] found out that “Donbas Girl” was actually a 37-year-old U.S. Navy veteran from New Jersey named Sarah Bils who, in 2020, attained the rank of E-7, a senior NCO position.

Sarah Bils—the Donbas Devushka. [Source:]

Going by the name Mila Medvedev, Mils had faked a Russian accent while falsely claiming to have been born in Luhansk. Hosting a pro-Russian podcast, she was raising money for Donbas freedom fighters, though may have actually been pocketing it herself.[3]

Mils’ fake Russian persona made it appear that Russia was behind the document leak when her Navy background suggests otherwise.

It seems more than likely that the pro-Ukraine group unwittingly exposed a covert disinformation operation whose purpose was to smear Russia yet again by linking it with a major intelligence leak, while deflecting public attention away from the content of the leaked documents, which were taken down from the internet.

These documents help puncture the official U.S. government narrative about the Ukraine conflict, which holds that the U.S. is helping Ukraine slowly grind the Russians down and that Ukraine is winning.

According to CBS News, one of the more pressing documents, dated February 23, states that Ukraine’s Buk (SA-11) air defense systems will be depleted by March 31, 2023, and its S300 (SA-10) missile systems will be depleted by May 2, 2023—which would pose a major challenge to Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to air attacks by Russia.[4]

Ukrainian Buk-M1 missile system. [Source:]

Another document asserts that Ukraine’s air capability is at 68% whereas Russia’s is at 92%, giving Russia a considerable advantage, and another that Russia is killing Ukrainians at a seven-to-one ratio.

Additional documents include data on Ukrainian forces’ use of ammunition, the amount of equipment destroyed, information on illegal sabotage by Ukrainian agents inside Belarus and Russia, and information on secret U.S. drone flights and foreign fighters in Ukraine that points to deeper U.S. military engagement than is officially being acknowledged.[5]

The documents were further embarrassing in revealing that the U.S. spies even on its closest allies, like South Korea and Israel, whom the U.S. was urging to become more involved in the Ukraine conflict despite the proliferation of neo-Nazi battalions on the Ukrainian side.

One of leaked documents. [Source:]

Making Out the Russians to Be Barbarians and Other Lies

Mils has repeatedly lied, which offers another clue that she has been involved in a covert operation.

Serving last at the Whidby Island base in the Pacific Northwest, Mils claimed to have been kicked out of the Navy because of her “left wing views,” though was actually dismissed following a 2021 drunk driving incident in which her Audi rear ended a van.

On her twitter account, the “Donbas Girl” posted inflammatory material in which she celebrated the deaths of Ukrainian soldiers.


This would fit the agenda of the CIA in trying to make out the Russians to be barbarians when Ukraine has run a website based in Langley, Virginia, the CIA’s headquarters, Myrotvorets, celebrating the deaths and mutilation of Russian soldiers.

Celebration of dead Russians on Ukrainian website linked to the CIA. But U.S. intelligence wants you to believe that it is the Russians who are the sadists—so it set up a twitter account to do that led by Sarah Bils who is not really a “Donbas Girl.” [Source:]

Playing Operational Games
On April 7, Reuters published a story titled: “Russia Likely Behind U.S. Military Document Leak, U.S. Officials Say,” which suggested that Russia or pro-Russian elements were “likely behind the leak of several classified U.S. military documents posted on social media” that offered “a partial, month-old snapshot of the war in Ukraine.”

According to the U.S. officials quoted in the story who remained anonymous, the documents appeared to have been altered to lower the number of casualties suffered by Russian forces, claiming in one case that Russia had lost between 16,000 and 17,500 men and women, when the U.S. claims the real figure is around 200,000.

A Ukrainian presidential official said on Friday that the leak contained a “very large amount of fictitious information” and looked like a Russian disinformation operation to sow doubts about Ukraine’s planned counter-offensive. “These are just standard elements of operational games by Russian intelligence. And nothing more,” Mykhailo Podolyak said in a written statement.

Mykhailo Podolyak [Source:]

If Russian intelligence is capable of playing “operational games,” so are the U.S. and CIA, which have been consistently advancing disinformation about Russia over the last decade—and since the Cold War first began.

A clear precedent was set in 2016 when the CIA and other intelligence agencies claimed that Russia was behind the leak of documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that exposed the rigging of the Democratic Party primary in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders.


However, a study by the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPs) determined, based on the speed of the delivery of the documents, that they had to have come from within the U.S.—and not Russia.[6]

A Controlled Leak?

Larry Johnson, a former CIA officer who did presidential briefings for George H.W. Bush, said that he believes the recent leak attributed to Jack Teixeira is an inside job that is part of a media disinformation campaign.

Johnson recognized at least one of the reports as a CIA document to which neither Teixeira nor anyone else working on a U.S. military base would have access. Other documents were DoJ, FBI and FISA documents, which would also never be accessible through Pentagon facilities.[7]

Another curiosity, apart also from Jack’s youth, is that Teixeira’s Air National Guard unit meets for drills only once a month for a two-three day period, where he would have been kept busy the whole time under supervision.

Larry Johnson [Source:]

According to Johnson: “I’d put it [the leak] above the CIA. This is elements connected to the Director of National Intelligence…There’s no way that some National Guardsman doing [temporary duty] at Fort Bragg would have access to that. The information was leaked for [a purpose], to prepare the U.S. public for the crash landing that’s going to take place with respect to U.S. foreign policy,” he said.

Another potential motive was evident in the Biden administration’s announcement after Teixeira’s arrest that it was now looking at expanding the universe of online sites that intelligence agencies and law enforcement authorities track.

The original leak could have also resulted from a growing rift between the White House and elements of the military and intelligence community which did not approve of the bombing of the Nord Stream II pipeline, according to Seymour Hersh, is perturbed about the corruption of the Zelensky government, and appears to have deep misgivings about U.S. strategy in Ukraine.[8]

Elements within the military or intelligence community may have leaked damning documents because it is upset over the bombing of the Nord Stream II pipeline, which according to Seymour Hersh, was ordered by Joe Biden. [Source:]

Intelligence expert Douglas Valentine told CAM that his initial impression was that Teixeira’s leak “couldn’t happen without the Air Force base security people knowing what Teixeira was doing and that he probably worked within a network and that the network included compartmented people like Bils who spread the images. Knowing how the military works, I think a rogue faction is involved but it will be handled secretly to avoid a scandal.”

Douglas Valentine [Source:]

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor said that he detected something fishy about the official story, revealed in an interview with an alleged gamer from Teixeira’s Discord network whose statements seemed rehearsed, particularly when he referred to Teixeira as a disaffected “right winger.”

This seemed to fit a broader narrative that wants to associate Teixeira and the leak with the pathologies of Trump’s MAGA movement, which is celebrating Teixeira as a patriotic hero, and to demonize the enemies of the Biden administration like with the Russians.[9]

Colonel Douglas Macgregor [Source:]

The involvement of the Donbas Devushka and her exposure as a U.S. Navy operative adds to the likelihood that there is an intent to manipulate public opinion regarding the leaks and sustain momentum for a failed war policy by trying to associate it in the public mind with the Russians.

1.Yaroslav Trofimov, “Ex-Navy Technician Amplified Secrets Via Pro-Russian Persona,” The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2023, 1. ↑

2.The group is called the North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO) and it purports to expose Russian disinformation. ↑

3.One of the guests on her podcast was Geoffrey Young, a congressional candidate in Kentucky supported by CAM who financed a billboard in Lexington calling for the abolishing of the CIA. Besides boosting her antiwar bonafides, Young may have been invited in an attempt to try and associate him with Russia so he could be smeared if he ever came close to winning an election. ↑

4.The Wall Street Journal found a leaked document dated five days later, February 28, which contained a slightly longer timeline that said Ukraine would run out of weapons for these systems on April 13 and May 3. ↑

5.One document reveals the presence of at least 97 Western Special Forces operatives in Ukraine, including some from France and Latvia, with the UK sending 50 of its elite fighters. ↑

6.A suspected leaker, DNC staffer Seth Rich, subsequently turned up dead in a botched robbery. ↑

7.A further oddity is that Teixeira did not copy the full report; the one dated March 1 only shows three of eight pages. ↑

8.Moon of Alabama writes that “if there is some bad blood between the military or intelligence community and the White House, the whole ‘leak story’ may well have been placed to limit the White House’s option.” Seymour Hersh exposed that Zelensky and his senior advisers have embezzled over $400 million meant for Ukrainian military diesel procurement. Hersh cites an expert witness who has compared this level of corruption in the Zelensky regime using Ukrainian aid procurement as comparable to similar grift seen in Afghanistan, when a U.S.-backed government in Kabul managed to divert and pilfer untold billions over the course of NATO’s 20 year occupation of that country. According to Hersh’s sources, corrupt ministers in Kyiv were competing to set up fake shell companies in order to export weapons and ammunition, with government officials receiving lucrative kickbacks for the illicit trade. ↑

9.On the rabidly pro-Trump message board known as The Donald, the numerous threads dedicated to Teixeira’s arrest included ones titled: “Fucking Legend” “May God Watch Over Him,” and “American Hero Busted for Telling the Truth.”Georgia’s pro-Trump Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor-Greene tweeted that “Teixeira is white, male, christian, and anti-war. That makes him an enemy to the Biden regime,” while Fox News’ Tucker Carlson claimed that Teixeira’s arrest was designed to cover up a covert, illegal U.S. presence in Ukraine, and as punishment for contradicting “the National Security State and their obedient servants in the media.” In the warped political universe in which we now live, liberal outlets like MSNBC by contrast depicted Teixeira as top officials in the Biden administration and Pentagon would want; that is someone who was psychologically damaged and a political extremist. It claimed in one piece that he had leaked the documents to “look cool for his internet friends,” who were “united by their mutual love of guns, military gear and God.” ↑ ... -russians/

I do no believe that " elements of the military and intelligence community " 'go rouge' on their own...'Ya gotta serve somebody'.

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 12:08 pm
by blindpig
Victory, Destruction, Religion
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/21/2023


As Oleksii Rains , nom de guerre Consul , points out , currently the units associated with the Azov movement are linked to different structures of the Ukrainian state. Therefore, when thinking about Azov one should not speak “ of a centralized structure, but of an organic community of soldiers united by common principles ”. An “ organic community” that, perhaps more precisely, could also be defined as a “ martial community ”, as Rains himself points out.

According to this ideologue of modern Azov, at the moment there are not only thousands, but tens of thousands of soldiers who adhere to the principles of the movement, motivated by the goals of victory in the war and the destruction of Russia. So that, in a striking reversal of the perceived genocidal will of others as a mechanism for legitimizing one's own destructive will, Rains maintains that these soldiers "are not going to stop until Russia is neutralized and destroyed as a dangerous terrorist organization responsible for the genocide of the Ukrainians ”. " The nationalists will spare neither their time nor their goods, and if necessary, their lives, for the accomplishment of this paramount task ."

In Azov, as in other ideologized military units of the Ukrainian armed forces, the principle of destruction is always associated with the intention of revenge. The reaffirmation of this revenge is, in fact, the central element of the " sacred mystery in memory of those heroes who gave their lives in defense of Ukraine " that is the Azov congregation on its Day of the Dead. On the day of the “ winter solstice ” , in the light of the torches burning at night and under the flags with the Azovite symbol of the “Idea of ​​the Nation”, the members of this political-military movement swore again in December from 2022 “ take revenge on the Russians for each ” of their fallen heroes.

The nationalist sacred rite or mystery of the Day of the Dead, in which the members of the regiment recite the Ukrainian nationalist's Prayer in chorus, would really be meaningless for Azov without this demand for eternal revenge for each of the fallen soldiers. Those who “ stuck their swords into the ground ” before getting on the longship of “ the ancient Europeans ” to go “ to the afterlife, to Valhalla or to Vyria ”. To the paradise of new Azov fighters.

According to Rains, it would not be a pagan ritual, but -more in line with the pan-Europeanism of the Ukrainian far-right (which claims to be in essential opposition to oriental barbarism ) - an act whose character " corresponds to the European mysteries of the past, including the Cossack and Slavic commemorative events ”.

Nationalist prayers, liturgical rites and declarations of hatred of the Russian world as the supreme incarnation of evil. All of this forms the basis of a new martial religion whose practice is rapidly advancing throughout all levels of the Ukrainian state.

An example of this is the extension of the tradition of reciting the Prayer of the Ukrainian Nationalist, written by the OUN militant, Osyp Mashchak, in the period of the emergence of Nazi-fascist nationalisms. Adopted by UPA fighters in the World War II period, and then mandatory at all OUN events, the ritual practice of nationalist prayer was revived at the beginning of this century by Andriy Biletsky's Patriots of Ukraine. The prayer was read facing the formation, kneeling; and thus, before all the witnesses present, the members of the group swore to “ fight for the Idea of ​​the Nation to the last drop of blood ”.

The tradition was adopted by many of the punitive battalions during the Ukrainian war against Donbass starting in 2014, of course in the case of Azov, with the manifest intention of linking with the combative action of the UPA and the ideological references of the Patriots of Ukraine. According to Rains, “ as not all [Azov] recruits knew the Prayer by heart, at the initiative of the unit's ideologue, Mykola Kravchenko, Kruk, it was established to recite it jointly during formations” .

Given the nationalist evolution of the Ukrainian state, it will come as no surprise that the new ritual practice spread during the current war to the entire Ukrainian armed forces. In 2017, the “March of the Ukrainian Army” was presented, soon becoming the official anthem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to Rains, its authors placed phrases from the Ukrainian Nationalist's Prayer between the second and third stanzas, referring to the audio version of Azov's performance. Consul points out that, at present, the Prayer is known and respected in dozens of combat units of the Ukrainian army: in the National Guard and the GUR, the SSO and the Ground Forces, in the National Defense, the National Police and even the SBU.

In 2014, when the Men in Black, the future Azov, began their move to the Ukrainian Eastern Front, the volunteers about to leave solemnly recited the nationalist prayer, pledging allegiance to Ukraine. And, as Rains points out, “ they stressed that the events in the East for them were not 'ATO' [a mere anti-terrorist operation], but the Russo-Ukrainian war, a war for the survival of Ukrainians as a nation” .

But Rains is delusional, or deluding us, on this last point. No one ever endangered the survival of Ukrainians as a nation before 2022. On the contrary, since 2014, as well as after 2022, the fanatics of the new nationalist religion never fought for that survival, but for a quite different goal: the elimination of the existence, both political and ethnic and cultural, of the remnants of the so-called Russian world in Ukraine.

Those who are still surprised by the Ukrainian consent to the total, or almost total, destruction of cities like Mariupol, Severodonetsk or Artyomovsk do not fully understand a determining fact: if they must stop being Ukrainian, the survival of these cities ceases to make any sense.

The war will continue as indicated in the decalogue of the Ukrainian nationalist. As Rains says: “ if we do something that causes animal hatred and fear in Russians, we are doing the right thing! ”. To which all supporters of the Greater Ukraine will respond in chorus So Be It . ... -religion/

Google Translator


Cauldron on the horizon
April 21, 14:10


About the battles in the Artemovsk area.

In the morning, they report that the road through Khromovo is physically cut off to the west of Khromovo in a section of several hundred meters. We are waiting for photo / video confirmation.

Despite statements about the formation of the Artemovsky cauldron, it has not yet been formally closed - a neck remains to the south of the highway through Khromovo - this is a shot through and not yet physically cut road through Krasnoe (it is very problematic to use it) and fields between Krasnoye and Khromovo, which are problematic to move on in mud conditions (at least for wheeled vehicles, and tracked vehicles get stuck there with a bang).

So, we can rather say that our troops have come close to the formation of the Artemovsky pocket and have strengthened the operational encirclement of part of the Artemovskaya group - the affairs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are steadily deteriorating here.

Against the backdrop of complaints from the Armed Forces of Ukraine that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep Artemovsk and that they have to leave positions there, the transfer of enemy reserves to Chasov Yar, Rai-Aleksandrovka and the Seversky ledge continues. The enemy obviously did not give up hope of delivering counterattacks to the north and south of Artemovsk, and in fact only the weather prevents him from making this attempt. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation take advantage of this and strike at the enemy reserves deployed to the Artemovsk direction. Without counterattacks, the dynamics of events in Artemovsk itself obviously cannot be changed - communication problems certainly affect the stability of the enemy forces in Artemovsk itself, which, under the onslaught of Wagner, are forced to constantly move back towards the block with high-rise buildings. zinc...

Google Translator


Russia And NATO Agree - The War In Ukraine Will Continue
NATO chief says Ukraine’s ‘rightful place’ is in the alliance - AP - Apr 20, 2023

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg defiantly declared Thursday that Ukraine’s “rightful place” is in the military alliance and pledged more support for the country on his first visit to Kyiv since Russia’s invasion just over a year ago.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged Stoltenberg, who has been instrumental in marshaling support from NATO members, to push for even more from them, including warplanes, artillery and armored equipment.


Prevention of Ukraine’s accession to NATO remains one of special op’s goals — Kremlin - Tass - Apr 20, 2023

MOSCOW, April 20. /TASS/. Prevention of Ukraine’s accession to NATO remains one of the special military operation’s goals, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters Thursday.
"Of course, because, otherwise, this will pose a serious, significant threat for our country’s security," the spokesman said, answering a question.

Posted by b on April 20, 2023 at 15:55 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


Diego Sequera / Ernesto Cazal

20 Apr 2023 , 12:47 pm .

"History teaches that hate can never become a factor of national unity," Nikolai Patrushev said last year (Photo: Sky News)

In this final installment of this long series, the panorama is broadened to detect the main lines of the conflict that is defining the course of the world. As was said in the first installment, from less to more, to the extent that certain root causes in force in this war are glimpsed, the more the contemporary world goes back to what was its point of origin: the order that emerged in 1945. , with the capture of Berlin and the dropping of the atomic bomb.

Since the end of the Cold War, with the collapse and collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern European communism, it could be said that expansion and encirclement by deception is the central sign of the relationship between Russia and the Atlanticist West (United States). and his subordinates).

A series of milestones from 1989 onwards describe this journey that had its last expression before the war with the concrete non-response to the requirements posed by the Russian Federation to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) regarding the indivisibility of its security , the end of the expansion towards its borders and the necessary status of neutrality of Ukraine.

The first violated "pact of verisimilitude" came with the concerns of the Soviet authorities before the German unification process, shortly before the collapse of the Union itself. It was 1990 and the Berlin wall had just fallen.

The anxiety of the Soviet authorities, by themselves quite compromised in their internal situation, was the process of unification of the two Germanys and within that framework the expansion of NATO. Not only the status of reunified Berlin but also of the countries that began to leave the Warsaw Pact (the Baltic republics, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania).

"Not one inch more" to the east of Europe, closer to the Russian borders, was the slogan that became popular after James Baker, Bush Sr.'s Secretary of State, issued them at the beginning of the decade when they were verbalized, repeatedly , to the general secretary of the communist party, Mikhail Gorbachev.

When the lord of Perestroika and Glasnost loses command, Boris Yeltsin takes over and a new batch of guarantees began to come out during the Bill Clinton administration. But "nuances" emerged that compromised the general framework and the signals sent by the United States and Europe went in another direction.

The Russian internal picture had deteriorated further, practically inhabiting the collapse, and the ability to negotiate from a position of strength was even less. This was not lost on the Democratic administration now in the White House.

With both leaders, the United States, England, France and Germany (the West with Gorbachev, Germany tortuously unified with Yeltsin), they wanted to reaffirm that an expansion of NATO, initially, would be ruled out and instead an Association for the Peace where all of Europe, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine would fit.

But in a series of files declassified in 2018, it was clearly evidenced that the purpose of this "association" was never to create a new security architecture for Europe, but rather the expansion of NATO itself, as evidenced by internal reports and communications from the Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Assistant Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, Vice President Al Gore, and Clinton himself.

From 1993 to 1996, with the re-election of a reduced and alcoholic Yeltsin, as evidenced in these exchanges, one thing was what these representatives guaranteed to different Russian actors or to the dipsomaniac president himself and quite another what they said to their own allies about what, in reality, was going to happen. And what happened.

Parallel to this, the various wars in Yugoslavia raged with increasing volume, where NATO's role gradually changed from a veiled one with Slovenia and Croatia, another more or less intermediate with Bosnia, finally openly and directly against Serbia to purpose of Kosovo in the final years of the 20th century.

From 1997 to 1999, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic joined NATO. Russia, unable to respond forcefully, was collapsing between shock therapy, extreme sociopolitical degradation, the consolidation of the oligarchic class, and the first Chechen war. Years of prostration and unipolar drunkenness.

In summary, the expansion by deceit began, since with it what would be a cognitive dissonance advanced that today seems to have reached its peak: the disdain or disbelief of the US political class (particularly the Democrats) and about what Russia should protect, what it should defend, what it is capable of doing for that, how far it will go to do it and, from that Anglo-European perspective, the right and legitimacy it has to do it.

After September 11, 2001, with the attack on the Twin Towers, a brief moment of détente began between the United States (now with Bush Jr.) and Vladimir Putin, who began a national restitution process, victoriously closing the war cycle with Chechnya, in addition to the fact that, at least in principle, there was an inevitable coincidence regarding the threat posed by Islamic fundamentalist terrorism and the need to cooperate.

But here, too, a deeper historical current was moving, and that apparent atmosphere of entente cordiale quickly began to dissipate. The first decade of the 21st century witnessed the golden age of color revolutions in the post-Soviet European and Central Asian space.

In some cases failing (Uzbekistan, Belarus) and in others remarkably successful (Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine). All these experiences, moreover, had the support and advice of the countries that had already joined the end of history: Poland, Hungary, etc.

Ukraine, "independent" in 1991, as reported in the second installment of this work, continued to evolve/regress to its current state, without anyone losing sight of the fact that the former Soviet republic was already a class apart and a deeply marked limit for the Federation Russian.

A report by the Stratfor agency, sometimes known as the private CIA , describes the Western state of mind regarding Russia in December 2004, after the triumph of the "orange revolution" in Ukraine that year that brought pro-European Viktor Yushenko to power. in Kiev.

"It would not take a war to significantly damage Russian interests, just a change in Ukraine's political orientation. A Westernized Ukraine would not be so much a dagger hanging over Russia's heart as a constantly operating drill."

In the context of that time, the report elaborated on the setbacks of Russian foreign policy, how the Balkan, Caucasian and Central Asian countries (with the exception of "the nostalgic" Armenia and Belarus) had passed into the US and NATO orbit. . "And now," he said, "Ukraine is about to take its first real steps away from Russia. In short, Putin has achieved the concentration necessary to consolidate control, but the cost will be the loss not only of empire, but also with Ukraine, the possibility of one day rebuilding it".

It is surprising when reviewing the document (almost 20 years old) how the tone and high degree of conviction could be of something that was written these days, based on the mentioned cognitive dissonance.

The report triumphantly anticipated that with Ukraine and Georgia defeat was already a settled matter, adding: "To say that Russia is at a tipping point is a brutal understatement. Without Ukraine, Russia is doomed to a painful slide into geopolitical obsolescence and, ultimately, perhaps, even to non-existence."

Peter Zeihan , the author of the work, established three options or paths for Russia in the face of the "complete defeat of Russia in the Ukraine", proposing what its readjustment could be based on a reduced and threatened status, while highlighting the Russian desire to be western part.

To his chagrin, none of the three paths was exercised as expected and in 2007 Putin launched his emblematic and seminal speech at the Munich Security Conference in February: "the unipolar model is not only inadmissible for the contemporary world, but also impossible. And not only because a single leader in the contemporary world – precisely in the contemporary world – will not have enough military-political or economic resources, but because – and this is even more important – it is a model that cannot work by itself. be devoid of the moral basis of our civilization", he sentenced.

"I think it is obvious that the expansion of the Atlantic Alliance," he said in another passage, "has nothing to do with its modernization or with the guarantees of security in Europe. On the contrary, it is a provocative factor that diminishes the Mutual trust. We can rightfully ask: against whom is this enlargement aimed?" It was the first demarcation of the limits.

The second demarcation was not discursive, but in action. Russia intervened militarily in Georgia after the latter invaded South Ossetia with the consent of the United States and in the framework of the Olympics that year, in September 2008. The confrontation, which lasted 10 days, recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, definitively threw to the ground the celebratory analyzes of Zeihan and his friends.

In the midst of all this, the so-called "orange revolution" was already falling short of its great promises of incorporation into the eurosphere. Corruption and dispossession continued to advance and the only thing accomplished were the first steps towards the official recognition of the Ukrainian fascists as national heroes . The around 65 million dollars invested in 2004 by the United States showed losses, but that did not discourage the desire to accentuate the civilizing fracture of Ukraine with the Russian world as the true imperative.

On February 4, 2014, with the Maidan coup escalating (weeks away from being successfully completed), a telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland, at the time assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, and Geoffrey Pyatt, was leaked on YouTube . United States ambassador to Ukraine.

Singing victory let's say prematurely, both figures (who had already been seen handing out cookies to protesters in Kiev) openly discussed the future cabinet that would emerge from the regime change, discarding or defining who is who. It's the same conversation in which, when Pyatt expresses his concern about what the European Union (EU) thinks, Nuland responds: "Fuck the EU!" ( "Fuck the EU!" ).

On the 23rd and 24th of that month, the coup crystallized and Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown. The parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea ignores the government that emerges from it and on February 27 Russian special forces (with local support) take the Peninsula practically without violence. In less than a month, on the 16th, a referendum is held and it is incorporated into the Russian Federation.

This is just one example, otherwise quite emblematic, to make the same point: America's maximalist triumphalism (with its European minions humiliatingly in tow) first establishes a narrative of "victory," "freedom," and " democracy" in an invocation of the high coverage values ​​of the liberal scheme, to then receive a new bucket of cold water that frustrates their greatest geopolitical objective in the immediate aftermath of that regime change action.

That is to say, the facts come to confirm once again the cognitive dissonance: the conviction of infallibility of his actions, based on a story without contrast, is later demolished for the reasons that mobilize the facts that force others to defend themselves, in this case a country with the strength to do it; the security of a world view supported by the idea of ​​impunity as a guarantor, which it fails to achieve, producing dissonance. One that, it can be said, is now manifesting itself in a maniac way in the war that occupies our days.

Constantly staring into that abyss is eventually going to stare back.


*In the Cold War of the 20th century, the different war scenarios had, for better or worse, a public discourse harmonized with the belief that justified actions against the enemy, international communism promoted mainly by the Soviet Union. It was another expensive "pact of credibility" that at least enjoyed greater apparent homogeneity whose propaganda effort could be preserved with greater "consistency" over time.

*The anti-communist discourse was undoubtedly no less hysterical, promoted, financed, manipulated and effectively internalized in the population compared to what we see today, and that doctrinal and discursive basis served as justification for a huge number of atrocities in the different countries. official (Vietnam, for example) or unofficial theaters of operations (the dirty war in Latin America or the African post-colonial wars).

*But, absent this ideological bipolarity, the moral cover on which it rests becomes weaker, since, for example, the later paradigm of late unipolarity, the global war against terrorism, does not operate with the same efficient delimitation either.

*The return of Russia, now as an actor of unquestionable geopolitical weight after the Crimea and Syria, colludes with the process of extreme liberal ideologization that has particularly permeated the Democrats who, precisely since the 1990s, have been the ones who have conferred the coverage moral and humanitarian response to the actions of interference and the double standards that were seen, for example, in NATO's own guarantees of non-expansion towards the Russian borders. Again, worth repeating, a dissonance between the speech and the true interest of his actions.

*In his internal politics, this was structured with even greater force during Hillary Clinton's electoral campaign against Donald Trump, something that served as the basis for creating that strange enemy between what liberalism considers a reactionary world and the new Russian demonization, directly responsible, through Russiagate , as the person responsible for the Democratic electoral defeat in 2016. The beginnings of Russophobia no longer as something explicitly political but moral, where the ideological charge is transferred and consolidated.

*A turn that some consider an "emotional propagandist mode" that in the domestic sphere is limited to a narrative situation that contrasts with the specific motives of the threatened countries. Russia, China or Iran as artifacts rather than nations with their own vital interests, "'cultural' images of demonized 'authoritarianism' prized primarily for their potential to be charged with an emotionally charged 'nudge', in a culture war for have advantages in the West and domestically, where these States do not play any role".

*Thus, with this narrative mixed bag, at least as an operative principle, European and American public opinion and the consular and Indian liberal sectors of the world have a Manichean understanding base, "democracy versus authoritarianism", to support and justify the reasons of this war, concealing not only the true motives for it, but also that in the issuance of the discourse anything goes in favor of that alleged scheme of values, no matter what, and without contrasting it, in the least, with what inevitably is it is detaching and revealing behind that new iron curtain, plugging the scandalous flaws in logic and, of course, the basic mediocrity of the actors who fight the battle that justifies the war for that public.

*"Ideological considerations and foreign policy intrigues aside, the interests that Western elites have assumed in Ukraine's survival may have something to do with the fact that the country has long served as a global nexus of corruption. ", says Pedro González. Referring to the Pandora Papers, he claims that Ukraine has been home to the largest number of offshore holdings , ahead of Russia, Honduras, the United Arab Emirates and Nigeria.

*A little over a year after the start of the Russian Special Military Operation (OME) in Ukraine, the latter's military support, with successive Ukrainian armies destroyed in a war essentially of attrition, are two of the signs that have most strongly reflected the true status of the war for the "collective West": on the one hand the economic and financial bloodletting, with the dissonance operating from the beginning on the confidence in the infallibility of the "sanctions" regime and the alleged assured military victory over Moscow , and on the other, the discursive banality that acts as a veil that is too thin and flimsy to be able to hide the distance between the different discursive utterances of its leaders and reality.

*Already at this point, the state of denial, by affirming that the United States and NATO are not at war, has been compromised by their own detachments in the discourse. Examples abound. But perhaps one of the most telling was seen when German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock openly and explicitly said that the West as a construct is at war with Russia , only to be humiliatingly corrected and forced to refute her own impetuous words on the spot. to shout out the fine print part of the contract.

*Similarly, for example, the heroic construction of the buffoonish Vladimir Zelensky as a sort of Churchillian figure was deeply compromised when Naftali Bennett, the former Israeli prime minister, admitted months after the start of the war that the Ukrainian president had once again come to the fore . once Bennett, acting as a mediator between Kiev and Moscow, assured him that President Putin "did not want to kill him", since that admission includes and makes official that for that moment of the war, March-April, the possibility of establishing a Russia-Ukraine dialogue was sidetracked by the US with the UK and Boris Johnson running the errand. From then on the epic image has survived at the point of media and discursive electroshocks.

*What the donkey thinks is one thing and the one who herds it is another, it is said here in Venezuela. Thus, the saying comes to life when what was supposed to remain hidden now, in effect, begins to reveal itself and overflow the pre-established narrative framework.

*Regardless of the apparent flaws in the specifics, the gist of investigative journalist Seymour Hersh's revelations about the blowing up of the Nord Stream II gas pipeline is that it was always a political decision made at the highest level in the White House, by Biden directly. . Despite the attempt at damage control that was tried to be imposed from the New York Times .

*Another example of how the apparently monolithic of the Western version that presumably justifies the need to unrestrictedly support Ukraine based on alleged exalted values ​​is found in the admission that Minsk II, like the non-expansion guarantees of the 1990s, was an excuse to "buy time", prepare and militarily reform Ukraine to make its army competent by NATO standards (after being militarily defeated in the first Donbass war).

*What at first was something indisputable but not confirmed, was suddenly admitted by several of the direct actors involved in the making of the agreements in the Euro-Western counterpart: first in a free interview with Angela Merkel, then by former president Petro Poroshenko and by French President Francois Hollande , the latter two admitting him on a prank call from two Russian comedians, Vovan and Lexus. But it was also admitted by Zelensky himself , something that neo-Nazi and former Interior Minister Arseny Avakov had simply said years before . West as a geopolitical blooper .

*In mid-March of this year, the Washington Post published an interview with a commander in the Ukrainian army, who was widely regarded as highly competent, acknowledging that the Ukrainian "war effort" was failing and that the vaunted training and preparation of troops in NATO countries was incomplete, flawed and with brutally tragic consequences.

*The commander under the alias Kupol admitted , for example, that of the 500 men in his unit there were essentially none left, that he was sent to the front, especially Bakhmut, soldiers who simply ran away, surrendered or deserted out of fear, when they didn't. wounded or dead. For these admissions, Kupol was demoted by the high command, to later resign from the army, another fracture in the narrative that corners what has been affirmed until now of the "victorious" of the Ukrainian army.

*In the first part of this series, the bloodshed of the military park that the NATO countries have arranged in Ukraine was reviewed, something that, at the end of this delivery in mid-April, continues to be reconfirmed. To which is accompanied the financial bloodletting that this has meant for European countries in the first place, but also for the United States.

*But this may not be, for this point, the most alarming of what is clearly perhaps the political, discursive and military failure -at least in the 21st century- for the so-called "collective West", regardless of the fact that the arms industry is the unquestionable winner of this contest to this day. Rather, based solely on ideological presuppositions, and promoted by the usual neoconservative figures such as Robert Kagan (Victoria Nuland's husband, to make matters worse the synergies between discourse and action), Ukraine is not the current disaster but a general mobilization in defense of the "liberal order" and that this defense must now take up the fight by expanding the battlefield not only in Russia but also in China.

*In contrast to this are the leaks now dubbed the Pentagon Papers . Where, once again, regardless of the detailed elements, it is not the disorder and disaster in the military that stands out, but the scandalous mediocrity of the intelligence gathering process of the Department of Defense itself, based on, for example, public accounts of sources (OSINT) that incorrectly carry out casualty counts of Russian military systems, perfectly questionable figures, recognizing that there is a bias in the information that Ukraine itself shares with the Pentagon.

*"It has long been apparent that the Kiev regime has no real plan, no steady path to victory, and only an unfriendly and unconvincing relationship with reality. But far more terrifying is the idea that the Pentagon it's essentially the same thing," says one commenter .

*"The entire strategic logic of Ukraine has been reversed," he says. "Instead of becoming a cheap way to drain the Russian army, NATO finds itself depleting its own inventories to raise the hemorrhagic Ukrainian state, with no clear end in sight. The proxy has become a parasite, " he concludes , dramatically, in a phrase whose clash with reality is, to say the least, painful for liberal warlords.

*In the military, the economic and preparation bloodletting goes hand in hand with the human one. The Ukrainian army talks about brigades (from 3,000 to 7,000) when in reality they are regiments (from 1,000 to 3,000). A 60% drop in the number of men. Extreme recruit , essentially levy troop. Videos where they are practically kidnapped by recruiting agents. Videos of the soldiers themselves denounce that instead of 100, there are 20 to 30 per company. The new troops entering Azov, now expanded to the presumed assault brigade of the new offensive forces, receive training that is supposed to take three to four months, reduced to four weeks .. The Pentagon leaks speak of 124 to 131 thousand casualties on the Ukrainian side, while in another note they state that a million people have been recruited. Meanwhile, the vaunted "spring offensive" continues to urgently require numbers that are fading once they come into contact at the front in Bakhmut.

*Ukraine has been, in essence, a Biden war. And by affirming this it is understood that it is the globalist liberal circles that support it and not necessarily the entire fringe of the United States establishment that in tow seems to be beginning to feel the impact directly. Gradually, centers for issuing the discourse of power that go beyond a stay in the White House begin to air a critical position. Either in the media (the previous item is based on Bloomberg and the Washington Post), but the list of signs is longer: in 2019 a report by the Rand Corporation, the think-tank par excellence of the Department of Defense, after evaluating that all actions of indirect pressure, whether explicitly military or with colored technology, concluded that only economic measures such as "sanctions" were going to be effective against Russia, this year he published another one recommending seeking an end to the conflict and preventing a prolonged war. The New York Times , given to glorifying international volunteers, has been forced to portray the countless swindlers or unbalanced who reach the battlefield with their pernicious consequences, both there andin public relations itself .

However, nothing seems to stop what the NATO secretary himself has stated, among others, in which a Russian victory is simply acceptable, no matter that in the process not only Europe but the United States itself is looted.

It is said that , in the first days of the war, the Russian military high command handled as one of the first scenarios a possible rapid capitulation through different variables. In it, a massive surrender that would lead to regime change and the restoration of a sort of pre-Maidan order, with a pro-Russian ruler. Another considered the disintegration of the army over a slightly longer period of time.

Many also claim that this scenario presupposed a major intelligence failure , regardless of the military one (it was not the army of the first phase of the 2014-2015 Donbass war): the belief that a majority of the Ukrainian population would take the fiber common of the "Russian world" and its own anti-fascist history also confronting the post-Maidan mostly neo-Nazi establishment. However, it has been clearly established that this perception entailed a failure and the conversion of the siege to kyiv as a resource of maneuver, since it was difficult to manage a single plan for war.

As we saw in the second part of this series, that "original sin" of the Russian intelligence services, according to their own analysts, lay in the belief that those historical and cultural ties still existed that could be framed in cooperation and support schemes. agreement established within the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent Nations, which was the last binding pact of the post-Soviet nations. But it became clear that the Ukrainian historical and cultural rupture operation was much more successful than those ties, since in the framework of the military and intelligence reforms several struggles were carried out, expelling the commanders who still came from the common Soviet formation.

However, it seems that at least Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of the Russian security council, was no longer optimistic about this idea since the beginning of the war, probably his opinion representing a broader current within Russia itself.

"In an attempt to suppress Russia, the Americans, using their protégés in Kiev, decided to create an antithesis of our country, cynically choosing Ukraine for this, trying to divide what is essentially one nation. Failing to find a positive basis for attracting Ukrainians to its side, long before the 2014 coup, Washington instilled in Ukrainians the exclusivity of their nation and hatred of anything Russian," he said in April last year .

"However, history teaches that hate can never become a factor of national unity. If there is one thing that unites people living in Ukraine today, it is only the fear of atrocities by nationalist battalions. Therefore , the result of the policy of the West and the Kiev regime that the former controls can only result in the disintegration of Ukraine into several states."

This, again, as seen in the second installment, is not a gratuitous precedent but one stimulated and conducted since the end of the Second World War as a surreptitious policy that nurtured one of the currents of the first stage of the Cold War and that survived, precisely, in England, the United States, Canada and Australia in the "diaspora" that inherited the traditions of Stepan Bandera and the OUN.

This has been the basis for establishing one of the narrative confluences that together with Russophobia, changed if we look at the concept of the academic Glenn Diesen in Rusophrenia ( Russia as a retarded and primitive country but with an obscure technical and technological capacity to , for example, modifying the result of the elections in the United States), among the political-ideological justification that, paradoxically, energizes the totem of human rights against the authoritarianism of the liberal sphere, leading to the perpetual concealment of the neo-Nazi drive.

The curious narrative-meme that with this coverage allows precisely the historical actors to operate in the background who, in different geographies, apart from Germany, turned a part of the world into the drifts of extermination, eugenics, concentration camps (the paradigm of current capitalism), denied and transferred in the machinery of think-tanks, social networks and mainstream media that print the narrative . Also believing that the same logic operates on the other side and not a clear existential threat recognized at different times in Russian history.

"In short, both narratives are symbolic, the inner substance having been granted," says Alastair Crooke. They are sought, at least in part, to lend credibility to the US meta-narrative of "democracies vs. autocrats."

"Russia's narrative of the stable NATO invasion of its borders, on the other hand, touches on existential fears that go back thousands of years. This has been the path each of the invading enemies took."

One of the stated central purposes of the OME, which has been ridiculed and taken to the usual equidistance, is that of "denazification". But Russia is only invoking one of the four "d's" of the Potstam Accords : the denazification of German society and Nazi influence. Another of the "d", precisely, was demilitarization, another of the objectives established by Putin and the Stavka.

This is about more than a nod to history, making clear how the origin of the threat that has been translated politically for some resonates, while for others, no less existential (but never admitted), it may not only represent those same furies of history, but it is likely that in today's world the outcome is the same. ... tico-y-iii

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Ukraine: Stalemate in an Attritional War?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 20, 2023
M. K. Bhadrakumar

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) arrives at the Headquarters of the Dnepr Group of Forces, Kherson Oblast, April 17, 2023

The Russian President Vladimir Putin travelled to the country’s “new territories” of Lugansk and Kherson/Zaporozhye Regions on Monday to assess the military situation.

The countdown has begun for the Ukrainian “counterattack”. The arrival of Patriot missile system in Ukraine testifies to the scale of mobilisation to impose heavy losses on Russia. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg paid a surprise visit to Kiev today, his first since the war began.

The leaked Pentagon documents are sceptical about the success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, but Moscow makes its own assessments. Primarily, the neocons are not going to pull the plug on the Zelensky regime, since that means opening the Pandora’s box when President Biden is about to announce his bid for a second term as president and cannot accept that Ukraine is losing the war.

In reality, Ukraine is haemorrhaging. It is in the nature of attritional wars that at some point, the weaker side breaks and thereupon, the end comes very fast. This was how in Syria where once the 5-year old Battle of Aleppo was won in December 2016, the government forces swept through the country in a string of military victories bringing the curtain down on the conflict.

The attritional war in Ukraine may look “stalemated” but the clincher will be which side is inflicting the greater casualties. There is no question that the massive military, intelligence, financial and economic assistance by the West notwithstanding, Russian forces have ground down the Ukrainian side all along the line of contact.

The Russian ambassador to the UK recently said the ratio of losses in the attrition war is roughly seven Ukrainian soldiers to every Russian soldier. To put things in perspective, western media reports estimate that around 35,000 Ukrainian soldiers will be involved in the upcoming counter-offensive along the 950-km frontline while Putin is on record that the Russian reserve forces on the frontline come to 160,000 soldiers!

The Ukrainian air defence system is in a critical state. Russians have a predominance of artillery and, Russians have heavily fortified the frontline in the recent 5-6 months in multiple layers of defence such as mines, earthworks and bollards to impede advancing tanks, etc.

Russia’s Fortification Line

This is a desperate gambit for Ukraine, which has lost a large share of its most experienced soldiers (estimated 120,000 casualties), to take on the Russians who are having air superiority and missile superiority, air defence superiority and artillery superiority, and trained manpower superiority, above all.

The areas that Putin chose to visit — Kherson / Zaporozhya and Lugansk — are where the Ukrainian counteroffensive is most expected. Putin heard from the commanders the military situation and of course, most certainly, that will be inputs for his decisions on Russian counter-strategies, both defensive and offensive.

Despite the Pentagon leaks and the ensuing disarray and confusion in Washington and European capitals (and Kiev), the Ukrainian counterattack will go ahead to gain back at least some of the lost territory. This is a desperate throw of the dice.

However, delusional thinking still prevails in Washington. This is apparent from a recent article in the Foreign Affairs co-authored by two veterans of the US establishment — former State Department official Richard Haass and Charles Kupchan, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations — titled The West Needs a New Strategy in Ukraine: A Plan for Getting From the Battlefield to the Negotiating Table.

The article largely sticks to the myths spawned by the neocons — that Russia’s special military operations failed and the war has “turned out far better for Ukraine than most predicted” — but has occasional flashes of realism. It builds on the refrain currently in vogue in Washington that “the most likely outcome of the conflict is not a complete Ukrainian victory but a bloody stalemate.”

Haas and Kupchan wrote that “By the time Ukraine’s anticipated offensive is over, Kyiv may also warm up to the idea of a negotiated settlement, having given its best shot on the battlefield and facing growing constraints on both its own manpower and help from abroad.”

The authors take note en passe that Russia’s leadership has options and calculations too, as western sanctions have failed to cripple Russian economy, popular support for the war remains high (above 70%) and Moscow senses that time is on its side as the staying power of Ukraine and its Western supporters and their resolve will wane and Russia should be able to expand its territorial gains substantially.

Fundamentally, Haas and Kupchan hail from another planet. They cannot comprehend that Russia will never accept a scenario where the conflict ends with a ceasefire but the NATO will continue to beef up Ukraine’s military capabilities and steadily integrate Kiev into the alliance.

Why would Russia want to play another game of musical chairs while the West formalises Ukraine’s NATO membership — that is, acquiesce in a replay of the grotesque interregnum between Minsk Agreements of 2015 and Russia’s special military operations?

Putin’s visit to the new territories at this crucial juncture with the attritional war at a tipping point conveys a powerful signal that Russia too has an offensive plan and it is not up to Biden to blow the whistle and call off the proxy war — out of sheer fatigue or pressing distractions in the Asia-Pacific or due to cracks in the western unity or whatever else.

Equally, it is improbable that Russia can ever reconcile with the Zelensky regime, which Moscow sees as a puppet of the Biden administration. But how can Biden possibly dump or lose sight of Zelensky while the skeletons are rattling in the family cupboard?

Most important, the Russian public opinion expects Putin to redeem the pledge he made while ordering the special military operations. Anything short of that will mean tens of thousands of Russian lives perished in vain.

It is not in the grain of Putin’s political personality to ignore the groundswell of Russian opinion — or overlook the wounded national psyche as images are playing out of forced eviction of hundreds of monks of Pechersk Lavra, the 11th-century Orthodox cave monastery complex in the heart of Kiev, branded as Russian fifth columnists. It was a calculated political move by Zelensky with tacit western encouragement. (here and here)

What the neocons in the US are yet to grasp is that they failed to subjugate Russia despite all the humiliations poured on its national honour, proud history and enviously rich culture. Why would Russia normalise with states that appropriated its sovereign wealth and imposed such draconian sanctions to bleed and weaken its economy?

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has admitted on CNN that sanctions may ultimately risk hegemony of the US dollar. But her remarks do not go far enough.

Meanwhile, Russia-China strategic partnership has strengthened, the signal this week being Moscow’s willingness to coordinate with Beijing to counter military challenges in the Far East. (See my blog China, Russia circle wagons in Asia-Pacific)

Russia is far from isolated and enjoys strategic depth in the international community. Whereas, through the past one-year period, the systemic decline of the West and the US’ waning global influence has become an inexorable historical process. ... ional-war/


From Cassad's telegram account:

Regarding fortune-telling - "the enemy will start / will not start an offensive." It seems that after the slush is finally over and
the pressure of the West becomes unbearable, the offensive will be launched one way or another by the enemy, regardless of achieving or not reaching full readiness, because the offensive is of course a military issue, but within the framework of the proxy war of the United States and NATO against RF, also a political one, where only a visible military success can justify spending on Ukraine. His absence threatens with serious internal problems for the Atlantic lobby both in the US and in Europe, which is why they are now so hastily bringing everything they can to Ukraine in order to increase the chances of success, because they understand that his absence will lead to unpleasant strategic results.
The fact that the enemy will try to attack in the summer is obvious. But it seems that we will see the first serious attempts in May. It should be taken into account that the burning of Ukrainian reserves in Artemivsk does not have the best effect on the prospects for the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine




The battle for Bakhmut
situation as of 19.00 April 20, 2023

🔻In Bakhmut, the assault detachments of the PMC "Wagner" completely cleared the territory of the hotel "Transit" , thereby pushing the Ukrainian formations away from the positions at the railway station along the railway. Attempts of unsuccessful counterattacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were noted to the west of the elevator.

▪️To the north, the "Wagnerites" are moving along the streets of Levanevsky , Oborona and Pobedy . Now the fighting is going on for the area of ​​garages located from Levanevsky Street to Chaikovsky to the south. The territory is equipped with a serious system of engineering barriers, which complicates its assault.

▪️Moving from the building of the social office on Pobeda Street, the assault squads expanded the control zone to the south of the reservoir and are moving further towards Khromovo .

▪️Russian fighters successfully penetrated the defense of the 93rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Khromovo-Chasov Yar highway . At the moment, there are fierce battles right on the road and near the nearby forest belt.

🔻The position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bakhmut has become seriously complicated, and at the moment, if the current onslaught is maintained and there are no attempts to counterattack from Slavyansk and Chasy Yar, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be completely driven out of the city. Additional units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred

to Kramatorsk . The city was marked by a congestion of people and equipment. And in Novodmitrovka, near Konstantinovka , a positional area for launching missiles from the HIMARS MLRS has been equipped.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2023 12:24 pm
by blindpig
The cost of the battle of Artyomovsk
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/22/2023


Much like a still photo rather than a moving image, the battle for Artyomovsk is headed for its most logical end, but also for its complete destruction. The months of battle show the difficulties of this war in which both armies have entrenched themselves and are difficult to overcome. The fighting in force since July last year has also demonstrated the fortification that Ukraine had prepared over the years of war in Donbass and that it was able to protect its soldiers, especially around Artyomovsk, before the battle turned in urban areas and the apartment buildings were converted into firing points. This time has also taught that Ukraine is not ready to withdraw from those localities to which it attaches importance, either for their defense or because they understand that they would be used for subsequent Russian attacks, but also that, despite the difficulties, Russia does not give up in its attempts to capture those points it considers essential for its objectives. Contrary to other points on the front, such as Ugledar, a town south of Donetsk where, after two failed assaults, the offensive does not seem to have resumed, Artyomovsk is essential for Russia in its objective of advancing towards the northern border of the Donetsk region.

In the last 48 hours, both Russian and Ukrainian sources, obviously more reticent to announce unfavorable news, have noted significant Russian advances in the city. Apart from the urban battle, which is currently being fought in the western part of the city once Russian troops have already captured a significant percentage of the town, the most relevant focus is now the last supply route available to Ukraine. . Located to the south of the city and as an exit to the west, the Chasov Yar road has been one of the most mentioned places in recent war reports. The images of the Ukrainian troops traveling through muddy roads already suggested that the road was in the range of the Russian artillery.

However, the progress of the last few days already shows a decisive advance by Russia, which would have already cut that road. More prudent than other sectors, the owner of the private military company Wagner, Evgeny Prigozhin, insisted yesterday that, despite the fact that it may be possible to speak of an operational encirclement, one cannot yet speak of closing the encirclement. Ukrainian troops still have avenues to continue the fight in the city and withdraw towards the second line of defense to the northwest of the city. Although for several weeks Ukraine repeatedly spoke of a counter-offensive to drive Russian troops out of the city, not only has this not happened, but those promises have disappeared from the speech, which was always just a way to maintain control of the narrative. .

Installed in the discourse of the invincibility of its troops, Ukraine cannot allow itself to admit any defeat and always has to compensate for operational losses claiming that, in reality, they represent strategic gains. This was the case in Soledar, where Ukraine did not acknowledge the loss of the city until, after a week, it had at its disposal some positive news with which to offset a defeat: the announcement of the promise to deliver Leopard tanks was not only a way to hide losses in Donbass, but psychologically it should act as a guarantee of future victory.

Something similar is happening right now in connection with the battle for Artyomovsk, a completely destroyed town that has long since lost all strategic value. However, for months Ukraine has presented Bakhmut as a fortress that it would defend to the end, so it cannot afford to accept a retreat or defeat. According to Pentagon leaks, he has done so against the advice of his allies. As had already been published due to statements by Biden administration officials to various media outlets over the past few months, the United States recommended Kiev's withdrawal from Bakhmut rather than assume a high number of casualties fighting for a city that did not they considered strategic. As published yesterday by The Washington Post US military officials had warned Ukraine that "continued" Russian advances "were jeopardizing Ukraine's ability to maintain control of the city," where troops would risk being encircled. The absence of large groups of prisoners of war shows that the battle has not followed the script of Mariupol, where the encirclement was effective and prevented Ukraine from fighting for control. In that case, the industrial infrastructures protected the Ukrainian troops, postponing in time an end that was already inevitable. On this occasion, with more facilities for the supply of troops and with greater attrition on the Russian side, kyiv has been able to gradually withdraw from the areas that it could no longer defend in order to avoid being surrounded.

The Ukrainian calculation has always involved understanding the battle as part of a larger objective that justifies the death and destruction of others, but also their own. Acting in the same way that it accuses Russia, Ukraine has sent its soldiers to a meat grinder for months from a town of no strategic importance. But even now, with around three-quarters of the city in the hands of Russian troops, kyiv feels the need to present its performance as a victory. "The defense of Bakhmut is of strategic importance," Mikhailo Podoliak said Thursday. "Ukraine has been holding back the offensive potential of the Russian Federation for more than nine months." That currently seems to be the main argument of Ukraine, which also claims to be destroying “the most professional units of the enemy”, a discourse compatible with the constant allegations that Russia uses unprepared units in battle.

The facts also contradict the account of the advisor to the Office of the President. Already last July, when Wagner began to try to advance towards Artyomovsk, the Russian offensive had stopped. At that time, the only fight with the intention of advancing was in the Donbass, abandoning all aspirations for an offensive in the Izium area, an approach to Zaporozhie or an expansion of the bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper. Russia had already suffered high casualties, especially on the Kiev front, and the imbalance in troops was already a perceptible problem that would worsen in later months in the attempt to maintain control of a front stretching over a thousand kilometers with insufficient numbers. of troops. Since September, when Vladimir Putin signed the partial mobilization order to recruit 300,000 new soldiers, Russian action has been aimed at reinforcing the defense, with the sole exception of the Donetsk front. Ukraine can claim, as Podoliak argues, that the fighting is preventing Russia from achieving the goal of reaching the Donetsk and Lugansk borders, although Russia can also counter with something similar in relation to Ukraine. The cost of the battle for Artyomovsk can only be assessed in the future.

The course of events beyond Artyomovsk will show the effect that the casualties in the battle have had on both sides. For the moment, it can be said that Ukraine is using, in this last phase of the defense of Bakhmut, at least part of the troops normally used in practically suicidal actions. On April 19, on his Facebook profile, the ideological and spiritual leader of the Bratstvo battalion, Dmitro Korchinsky, confirmed that his group had suffered the highest number of dead and wounded in the entire war in the battle for Bakhmut. . Bratstvo, which as confirmed by the recent article published in The Timesabout the failed attempt to capture the Energodar nuclear power plant last October, acts as part of the troops of the General Directorate of Military Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense.

Directed by Kirilo Budanov, these groups, to which must be added the new Azov units created after the defeat of Mariupol and the Russian and Belarusian volunteers, currently act as special forces. Hence his presence in Artyomovsk, possibly in an attempt to attack Russian troops in the vicinity of the road to Chasov Yar, is in itself representative. Although it is known that in recent days Ukraine has not achieved any success against the Russian troops in Artyomovsk, faithful to the Ukrainian strategy of not admitting defeat without claiming success, Korchinsky was not limited to taking advantage of the postto launch a call for enlistment in his unit, but claimed that the group had "completed a combat mission and destroyed a large number of enemies, after which they managed to remove the wounded from the battle." In his appeal to the volunteers, Korchinsky lists a number of applicants' requirements, among which is "faith in God." Possibly we should also add faith in Kirilo Budanov, the operational leader of these groups in these offensive actions that always end with a high number of casualties among his troops. Creative in his operations, Budanov, who sent a group of unprepared soldiers to capture a nuclear power plant and who was not even aware that he was going to be bombed when trying to cross the Dnieper River, planned, as published by The New York Times,attack Wagner's Russian troops stationed in Syria. However, for this, Ukraine would have needed allies in the area as opposed to Budanov's usual modus operandi of using the most ideological groups for missions that can only end "the greatest losses of the war."

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How General Climate defeated the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
April 22, 14:11


How General Climate defeated the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

1. In recent weeks, the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increasingly stated that the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemivsk was hindered by the climate, or rather, "the use by Russia" of climate weapons. Like, if not for this, we would have shown everyone there.

2. With these statements, they try to justify both the successes of the PMC "Wagner" in the Artemovsk direction, and the failure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in attempts to counterattack north and south of Artemovsk, as well as the tough defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city itself.

3. Indeed, the fighting in the area of ​​Artemovsk is complicated by the slush, which has an impact on the course of the fighting. But as you might guess, it is more difficult to attack in muddy conditions than to defend, because the defender in prepared positions is much less faced with the problem of moving equipment outside paved and highway roads than the attacker.

4. Since during the fighting near Artemovsk, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and PMC Wagner were constantly advancing, the problem of mudslide had a greater impact on them than on the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Serious problems for the Armed Forces of Ukraine began when, as a result of the offensive of our troops, key asphalt roads to Artemovsk were taken under fire control, which forced the use of primers and fields to supply the Artemovsk group. Then went whining about the mudslide. While the Armed Forces of Ukraine controlled the roads, they did not particularly complain about the mud.

5. With the counteroffensive near Artemovsk, the same story. Its necessity stems from the situation of operational encirclement and loss of control over paved roads. But the slush naturally prevents us from advancing across the fields. But this is a consequence of the current operational situation, and not the cause. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine knew very well that even in winter, in the spring, there would be a strong mudslide in the Artemovsk region (a special department of the General Staff deals with weather issues when planning operations), but hoped that due to tough defense, our offensive would slow down and our troops would suffer more from it, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to keep supplies on paved roads. Failed. And now they are trying to blame everything on the weather.

6. In general, the German-style Armed Forces are trying to blame the causes of the defeat on the climate, and not on the actions of our troops, which drove the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Artemovsk into a difficult situation, which actually exacerbated the problems of logistics and slush. - zinc (broadcast of hostilities as usual in Telegram, who are interested, subscribe)

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Ukraine: How Severodonetsk is Springing Back to Life
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 21, 2023
Arseniy Kotov

A man cycling near the ‘Azot’ chemical plant. Severodonetsk, Lugansk People’s Republic, March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Severodonetsk was Kiev’s main fortress in the region, but when its troops realized the game was up they took revenge on their former base

Severodonetsk is perhaps not as well known as other Donbass cities such as Mariupol, Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), Donetsk, or Lugansk. However, the battles waged there in the spring of last year were significant for both Russia and Ukraine.

For over eight years, this industrial hub with a population of around 100,000 – in the western part of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) – was a stronghold of Kiev’s military. This happened despite the feelings of its residents – in fact, back in 2014, it was in Severodonetsk and nearby Lisichansk that the Lugansk militia was formed under the leadership of field commanders Pavel Dremov and Aleksey Mozgovoy.

At that time, local forces could not retain control of the city, whose residents voted for independence from Ukraine in a 2014 referendum. On July 22, that year, Kiev’s forces captured Severodonetsk, and for almost eight years it was under Ukrainian control. But on June 25, 2022, the situation changed. This time, President Vladimir Zelensky’s troops were forced to beat a hasty retreat while Russian soldiers and the People’s Militia of the LPR took advantage. A week later, LPR authorities announced the complete liberation of the republic.

However, for Severodonetsk, that wasn’t the end of the story. Over the past ten months, aided by Russia’s central and regional authorities, the city has been recovering from the scars left by fierce battles.

A view of Severodonetsk in the evening, with the “Azot” chemical plant pipes visible in the background. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

How Ukrainian forces destroyed the city

Although Severodonetsk was spared from battles as bloody as the ones that shook the likes of Mariupol, destruction is visible throughout the city. The Azot chemical plant – often compared to Mariupol’s Azovstal because Ukrainian servicemen and foreign mercenaries similarly went into hiding there – was practically unharmed. Most of the damage affected the administrative buildings and entry routes, but the production facilities remained intact. In February of this year, city authorities announced that Azot was technically ready to resume operations – all that remained was to receive approval from the management company.

The damaged cooling tower of the Azot plant, visible in the background. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Azot did not suffer the same fate as Azovstal because to avoid being surrounded by Russian troops, Ukrainian forces were forced to retreat. On their way out, they intentionally left the city in ruins. Locals told me how a Ukrainian tank stood at an intersection and fired in all directions at the surrounding houses. Whenever possible, Ukrainians use a scorched-earth policy, destroying towns and villages during their retreat. As a result, the economy and infrastructure are completely destroyed and restoration requires huge investment.

A burned-out Ukrainian tank stuck in an arch of a ruined residential building on 43, Vilesova St. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

In addition to the plant and residential areas, Ukrainian troops also used social facilities, including educational institutions, as places of deployment. One of them was School No.4, located in the city’s 79th Microdistrict. The presence of Ukrainian troops was evident from the improvised pillboxes in the basements, reinforced with sandbags.

School No. 14 library, used as a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Many educational facilities in Severodonetsk remain abandoned. So far, construction workers from Russia have managed to rebuild only a few schools and kindergartens. Presently, about 1,400 children study in these facilities.

A Soviet-era mosaic left behind from a burnt-down ice stadium, destroyed by the retreating Ukrainian troops. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

On leaving the city, the Ukrainians moved all their forces to neighboring Lisichansk and attacked Severodonetsk from there. Presently, the front line is 30km away from the city. Despite the distance, thundering artillery is audible day and night. Today, shells no longer reach Severodonetsk, but many houses and streets attacked last summer have been damaged beyond repair.

The ruins of residential buildings on Avtomobilnaya St. in the western part of Severodonetsk. December 2022. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Both the city and its suburbs were destroyed as a result of the attacks. During their retreat at the end of June 2022, Ukrainian forces blew up a bridge to stop the advance of Russian troops. However, damaging the infrastructure did not help the Ukrainian army – Lisichansk, located on the opposite side of the Seversky Donets River, was occupied by Russian forces by early July.

A bridge over the Seversky Donets River near the village of Sinetsky, a suburb of Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

The retreat wasn’t an easy one for the Ukrainians, as evidenced by the scorched armored vehicles cluttered around the suburbs of Severodonetsk.

A burnt-out Ukrainian tank near Severodonetsk. December 2022. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

In one of Severodonetsk’s most severely damaged neighborhoods, I met a man carrying buckets of water home. As it turned out, his apartment was the only one left intact in his part of the building. He lived on the ninth floor together with his wife, daughter, and parents. The man constructed a wood-burning stove for heating and connected the wiring in his apartment to the nearest functioning power line.

The last resident of one of the destroyed apartment buildings in Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

His family was very friendly. The daughter played the accordion for us, and the parents offered us tea with sandwiches and sweets.

An apartment in Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

He said that during the fighting, Ukrainian military equipment had been placed in the yard. Troops had lived in the basements and dug trenches between the buildings, waiting for the arrival of the Russian army. However, after the first shelling, Ukrainian troops left the new trenches and moved to the western part of the city. He witnessed a Ukrainian tank firing directly at his building during the retreat, destroying all the neighboring apartments. Despite the danger, he did not leave his house and waited for Russian troops to arrive. Few residents were so bold as to remain at home.

The owner of the apartment shows the location of the Ukrainian tank that attacked his building. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

“This tank here, that you see in the arch, it got stuck. It was backing out of the arch, fired a shot and hid, attracting retaliatory fire on the residential building. The soil here is sand and clay, so it got stuck – they tried to pull it out with another tank, then with two – but it didn’t move. Then our men (Russians) burnt it!” he said.

How the city is coming back to life

I first visited Severodonetsk in December 2022, when I was delivering humanitarian aid to the residents of the LPR. The city was abandoned and looked really depressing. Knowing that fierce battles were inevitable, most civilians evacuated in advance.

A view of the Gvardeyskiy Prospect – one of the city’s central streets. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Abandoned pets still live in destroyed buildings and deserted houses. Some are fed by neighbors, others hunt for food on their own.

The pets of Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Presently, most refugees stuck on the Ukrainian side of the border, cannot return home – Kiev’s troops refuse to allow anyone to cross into Russia. The only way home is a long route through Poland, Latvia, and Belarus.

A rare sight of children walking in the yard. Severodonetsk, 79th Microdistrict. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Some of the locals, most of them elderly people, decided to stay in their homes. They hid in basements from the constant shelling. Some consumed leftover stocks of food, while others found food in abandoned houses and apartments. Eyewitnesses say that the fighting in the eastern part of the city lasted about a month.

Inside one of the abandoned apartments © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

I came to Severodonetsk for the second time at the end of March, visiting a friend who had returned home after a stay in Russia. He is now trying to restore his business, which was destroyed by Ukrainian troops. Before the conflict, he had a cargo transportation company, but all his trucks were seized by Ukrainian soldiers without any reimbursement.

‘Bazar’ – a supermarket in Severodonetsk that opened at the beginning of 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Severodonetsk’s first reopened large supermarket began to operate just recently and is popular with locals. Some residents still don’t have jobs, but people get small social benefits from Moscow as residents of the liberated LPR territories. Elderly people receive their pensions.

Residents in the village of Sinetsky (a suburb of Severodonetsk) sit on a bench, waiting for the arrival of a car distributing pensions. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

The village of Sinetsky is located next to the Seversky Donets River. Geographically, it is closer to Lisichansk, which is on the opposite bank. The village and city used to be connected by a bridge, but when the Ukrainians blew it up during their retreat, people were cut off from Lisichansk. Meanwhile, the nearest store is 10km away in Severodonetsk. Volunteers provide some help by delivering humanitarian aid to the residents.

“My children are all grown up, they got stuck on the other side. They were evacuated by the Ukrainians and now they are staying with relatives, hiding from conscription. There’s no way for them to come back – if you cross the border, you’ll get caught and sent to the front. So they sit and wait. We can’t even call them now. The last time we talked was in December, but then the connection was cut off and we don’t even know what’s going on with them,” said one resident.

A resident of Severodonetsk. December 2022 © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

When the weather was at its coldest in December, many senior citizens remained in the city. They refused to leave their homes during the battles and their aftermath. Together with a group of volunteers, I delivered heaters to them. By March, when the electrical and water supply were restored in most parts of Severodonetsk, young people began returning to the city.

From a window, a mother watches her children walking in the yard. The central district of Severodonetsk, March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Now that it’s spring, other signs of a return to ‘normal life’ are visible throughout Severodonetsk – public transport is operating again, utility service employees are busy working, and people go about their business on the city streets.

The city’s first public transport route was re-launched at the end of 2022. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Public service employees throw sand over an ice-covered road during the time of winter frosts. December 2022. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Residents of other Russian regions – including those that signed official agreements with the LPR to assist in the restoration of Severodonetsk – are helping to restore the city.

Construction workers replace the roofing on apartment buildings in the city’s central district. December 2022. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

The damage caused by the fighting often slows down the reconstruction work. For example, a damaged pylon which I photographed back in December was fixed only in the spring. The repair of power lines was impeded by minefields, which had to be cleared by Russian sappers before work could begin.

A broken pylon at the entrance to the city. Photo: December, 2022. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

The reconstruction work in Severodonetsk isn’t proceeding as quickly as in Mariupol. However, throughout the city damaged houses are being repaired, roofs are being replaced, and new windows are being installed. Schools and public buildings have reopened.

Construction work in Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Barracks for construction workers in one of the yards of Severodonetsk. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

One of the city’s key sites is the Holy Nativity of Christ Cathedral. Currently under reconstruction, it is being used for humanitarian aid distribution. Volunteers deliver humanitarian aid to the clergy, who distribute it to all those in need. There is also a warming center near the church, where people can drink tea with sweets for free. It was set up thanks to volunteers from Perm. On cold winter days, centers like this are in great demand.

A view of the Holy Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Severodonetsk © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

Ruins of a chapel at the entrance to the city; the abbess of a convent in the south of the city; a church damaged by shelling in Severodonetsk. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT

When night falls, the rare remaining windows in Severodonetsk light up. Back in the fall of 2022, there was no electricity, gas, or heating in the city. Now, thanks to the efforts of locals and construction workers from other Russian regions, life is improving and residents are slowly coming back to the city. However, there is still much work ahead and the front line is too close for people to return without fearing the horror of renewed battles.

A view of Severodonetsk in the evening. March 2023. © RT / Arseniy Kotov, special report for RT ... k-to-life/

Obsolete Cold War Attitudes are Holding Europe Back
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 21, 2023
Fiona Edwards


In 2022, NATO powers allocated huge sums to Ukraine—about $50 billion from the US, €52 billion from the EU and its member states, and £2.3 billion from Britain. Photo courtesy NATO.

Recently, the United States has been followed by a number of European countries in supporting a cold war policy toward Russia and China. This has created increasing problems in Europe—bringing a major war to the continent, creating serious economic difficulties, and intensifying a decline in living standards.

In this context, the case for Europe establishing an independent foreign policy has gained support, as a way of ensuring security and prosperity.

The US brings hot war to Europe

Starting with the most extreme expression of the situation, the war in Ukraine has claimed tens of thousands of lives. The United Nations calculates nearly 18 million people need humanitarian assistance and millions have been displaced.

This tragedy was avoidable. The underlying cause of the war was the US policy to expand NATO up to Russia’s border, including the proposal that Ukraine join NATO when Russia has repeatedly made clear that that is a ‘red line’ threat to its security interests. The US continued to push for NATO expansion despite this. The absence of an independent European foreign policy has been demonstrated in the policy of major European governments during the past year, with these governments supporting US policy in Ukraine.

This has been extraordinarily expensive. In 2022, NATO powers allocated huge sums to Ukraine—about $50 billion from the US, €52 billion from the EU and its member states, and £2.3 billion from Britain. In 2023, there has been an escalation in military aid sent. After pressure from the US, Germany approved the deployment of their Leopard tanks, while the British government is sending depleted uranium munitions.

Militarization in Europe is clearly on the rise, in the past year, with major European governments increasing military spending—something the US has called for over many years.

Last year, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz pledged €100 billion in military spending, committing Germany to spend 2 percent of GDP on defense going forward. President Emmanuel Macron is increasing France’s military spending to around €60 billion by 2030—approximately double 2017’s allocation. Britain, historically the US’s closest European ally, already spends 2.2 percent of GDP on the military, £48 billion a year.

The US, in turn, has 100,000 troops stationed in Europe and numerous military bases, including 119 in Germany.

The impact of this has negatively affected Europe’s interests. Without an effort to negotiate peace in Ukraine, rather than escalation, many will die and be displaced. Meanwhile, across Europe, there is an impact of high energy prices as a result of sanctions on Russia, while increased military spending diverts resources away from addressing the cost-of-living crisis. Europe has become more dangerous and poorer.

The US has not supported recent proposals for peace in Ukraine, such as those from China, which means a prolonged war. European countries could pursue a different path and play a role in backing negotiations to end the conflict.

Global cooperation is the key to economic prosperity

Economically, Europe faces a parallel crisis. Slow economic growth, high inflation, and government austerity policies are hitting living standards while some European governments’ policies toward Russia and China have made the situation worse.

Europe has been seriously damaged by participation in sanctions against Russia. These have increased energy prices while the US has profited from selling more expensive liquefied gas to Europe to replace cheaper Russian gas delivered by pipelines. Journalist Seymour Hersh has made a serious case that the US was also responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany. But European governments have failed to support the call for an independent investigation into this attack on Europe’s energy infrastructure.

The US has also urged Europe to pursue a more anti-China posture. This recently led to Europe’s relationship with China deteriorating. The Comprehensive Agreement on Investment between China and the EU, agreed in principle in December 2020, has not been signed despite the economic opportunities it opens for Europe. European governments are also being asked to join the US attacks on China’s technology industry, some recently banning TikTok from government work phones with pressure for a wider ban.

The economic consequences of this direction would be serious for Europe. China is the EU’s largest trading partner and the most rapidly growing major economy. The IMF’s latest growth projections for 2023 estimate China will grow by 5.2 percent—six times faster than the euro area’s 0.8 percent. The potential benefits for Europe of increasing win-win economic cooperation with China are therefore considerable.

The struggle for an independent foreign policy

The US’s new cold war policy has therefore tended to produce chaos in Europe. In light of this, there are now signs some major European politicians do not wish to continue down this course.

President Macron made a widely reported comment following his April 2023 visit to China. He stated that Europe must not be a “follower” of the US when it comes to Taiwan, a key issue, and should instead pursue “strategic autonomy.” This followed significant economic deals struck between France and China during Macron’s visit. It remains to be seen whether Macron will have the political strength to follow through on such an independent approach, particularly given the backlash these comments immediately received from Washington.

In March 2023, Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez struck a similarly independent tone, stating, “Relations between Europe and China do not need to be confrontational. There is ample room for win-win cooperation.”

Globally, the pursuit of an independent foreign policy is a growing trend. Such an approach has sustained peace in Asia with most countries focusing on economic development rather than confrontation. The recent breakthrough restoring diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, established with China aiding negotiations, opens up the possibility of overcoming a number of conflicts in the Middle East. In Latin America, Lula’s recent reelection in Brazil strengthens the political forces in favor of regional independence and development.

Trends in Europe seeing an independent foreign policy as important for the region’s future are therefore in line with this overall global development. ... rope-back/


From Cassad's Telegram account:



About the attempt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to strike Kerch from the Grom-2 OTRK

Today, at around 08.30, Ukrainian formations tried to deliver another strike on the Crimean peninsula from the Grom-2 operational-tactical missile system.

The missile was shot down over the Sea of ​​Azov near Kerch by anti-aircraft gunners of the 3rd division of the 18th air defense division of the 31st air defense division of the RF Armed Forces. There were no victims or injured, fragments fell into the water.

Unlike the two previous attempts to strike in Gvardeisky and Feodosiya from the Odessa region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine changed the position area of ​​the Grom-2 OTRK - this time the launch was carried out from the outskirts of Zaporozhye , and the distance was about 290 km .

At the same time, last night, Ukrainian formations tried to strike at Armyansk in the north of the peninsula from the Alder multiple launch rocket system at a distance of about 100 km . All shells were shot down by air defense crews.

🔻The intensity of shelling at the current moment remains the same. However, the movement of the Grom-2 OTRK to Zaporozhye indicates that the test of the battery consisting of four complexes in Tuzla in the Odessa region has been completed and the OTRK has been put into combat strength.

The new positional area in Zaporozhye allows expanding the geography of the use of tactical missiles not only in the Crimea and near the Kerch bridge , but also in the south of the Zaporozhye region and in the DPR. In addition, the transfer of the OTRK fully correlates with the preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the offensive.


In Belgorod again state of emergency. Near the site of the fall of the exploded aerial bomb dropped by the Su-34, another aerial bomb was found that did not explode. An evacuation is underway (up to 3,000 people are being evacuated). Sappers are working.
The information was confirmed by the leadership of the region and the mayor's office of Belgorod.
The bomb will be taken out of the city and blown up at the training ground.

The inhabitants of the houses where 2 bombs fell were unspeakably lucky - in a less successful scenario, the house could well have formed together with people there.

Google Translator

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:46 am
by blindpig
About the course of the NWO. 04/22/2023
April 22, 23:17


About the course of the NWO. 04/22/2023

1. Artemovsk

There is no boiler at the moment. The situation of the operational environment is preserved. The enemy is making attempts to push our troops back from the road to the west of Khromovo. Our troops, in turn, repel enemy counterattacks and try to cross the highway.
Khromovo, Bogdanovka and Orekhovo-Vasilyevka - under the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The supply of the group in the city goes along the dirt road and the fields between Khromovo and Krasnoe. The road through Krasnoye is shot through.
In the city itself, PMC "Wagner" continues to methodically clean up the quarters, pushing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the area with high-rise buildings on the outskirts. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are suffering heavy losses in the city and to the west of it, up to 300-400 people per day + a large number of equipment.

2. Avdiivka

The main battles went to the west and north of Krasnogorovka.
The enemy is actively shelling the resulting ledge in order to prevent the RF Armed Forces from accumulating forces here for an attack on Orlovka.
In Avdiivka itself, there are no changes.
To the south, the assault on Pervomaisky continued, as well as battles for fortifications near Nevelskoye and north of Vodyanoye in the direction of Thin, covering Orlovka from the south. There is no operational encirclement here, the enemy is quite free to bring reinforcements and ammunition to Avdiivka.

3. Seversk

Fighting continues near Vasyukovka, Razdolovka, Veseloe, Disputable and Belogorovka.
Disputable - still for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, although they left a number of positions near the village. The enemy also continues to accumulate forces on the Seversky ledge, having a certain potential for counterattacking actions.

4. Marinka

Positional battles continued in the western part of the city. The enemy notes increased pressure in the city and north of Maryinka, where the RF Armed Forces have brought fresh units into action. The nature of hostilities in the city has not fundamentally changed.

5. Ugledar

The battles near Ugledar and Novomikhailovka are positional in nature.
Periodic local shifts in favor of one of the parties do not fundamentally change the overall course of events. Artillery seriously limits the offensive actions of the parties.
Novomikhailovka and Pobeda are also unchanged.

6. Kupyansk

Fights are positional in nature.
Dvurechnaya and Sinkovka are still under the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After our hasty advance on the east bank of the river, events here again slowed down.
The enemy fortified the front and Kupyansk itself in case of a breakthrough of the RF Armed Forces through Sinkovka.

7. Svatovo

Fighting continued on the outskirts of Makeevka, in the direction of Nevsky and near Kuzemovka.
The enemy periodically makes attempts to advance in the direction of Krasnopopovka.
In the forests near Kremennaya, our troops are conducting assault operations, pushing their way through the grid of strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

8. Zaporozhye

There are no serious changes on the front line.
Some aggravation near Marfopol did not lead to serious progress. The main positions remained the same as before.
The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to shell Pologi, Tokmak, Vasylivka, as well as the area of ​​the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant.
The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to strike at Zaporozhye, Orekhov, Kamensky, Gulyaipol.

9. Kherson

The enemy continues to be active in the area of ​​Bolshoy Potemkin and near Alyosheki, sending in DRGs on boats and regularly indicating their presence on the shore. Probing the reaction of the RF Armed Forces to landing operations is underway. The accumulation of various crossing facilities on the Dnieper continues in case the scenario of restrictive actions is implemented with the forcing of the Dnieper simultaneously with a potential strike in the Zaporozhye direction.
The RF Armed Forces continue to process the positions of the Armed Forces in Kherson, Chernobaevka, Berislav and other points on the Right Bank.

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:09 pm
by blindpig
self proclaimed member
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/24/2023


Last week, Jens Stoltenberg paid his first visit to kyiv since the start of the Russian intervention. The NATO Secretary General wanted to show his support for Ukraine, promising the continuation of military assistance as long as it is needed. But in the face of Ukraine's expectations, Stoltenberg again refused to make any concrete promises about Ukraine's accession to the Alliance. However, this idea of ​​waiting to talk about the issue "when Ukraine wins the war" is not enough for Kiev, for whom its performance in the war is the main argument for entering an alliance that has already been unilaterally proclaimed. member.

Original article: Alexander Grishin / Komsomolskaya Pravda

While a meeting of the NATO advisory council of ministers is being held at the US military base in Ramstein in Germany to discuss the question of assistance to Ukraine and while Zelensky demands concrete guarantees of entry into the alliance and member countries repeat apparently favorable formulas but in reality devoid of meaning, it turns out that Ukraine has already become a member of NATO. And the men and women, who are also ministers, sitting at the table at the Ramstein base had not heard.

Ukraine's accession to NATO, bypassing all bureaucratic processes and the established order, has not been announced by a mediocre political scientist or an untrained self-proclaimed military expert, nor by some fashion blogger, but by one of the advisers of the Office of the President, Andriy Lyajovich (one has to assume that it is another variant of Arestovich or Podoliak). He did so in a live appearance on Lviv's NTA TV channel .

“We have been in NATO for over a year. Our place in NATO is also due to the fact that we are fighting with NATO weapons and we have already trained specialists who can possibly use them in real combat conditions better than NATO specialists. We have a lot of practice, we can even teach them, ”he announced to explain why Ukraine has already become something more than“ a member of NATO ”.

On the other hand, you are correct when you say that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently engaged in combat operations primarily with NATO weapons, especially with regard to high-precision weapons, since practically all such weapons of which he had were destroyed by Russian troops. But about the mastery in using such Western technology and the ability to use it, NATO could say the opposite, since Ukrainian soldiers, without using either a cannon or a shell, were able to demolish the tower of one Leopard with another Leopard [according to the images that have been known these days of the instruction of Ukrainian tankers in the use of German tanks].

“Our place is in NATO, our place is to be the real barrier that has been standing since 2014 to protect the democratic bases on our borders. The [NATO] Secretary General has come to give us hope. So whether we join or not, we believe that we are already in and that we are fighting and winning by NATO standards," Liajovich concluded. The surprise is not so much how this accomplice of the Ukrainian leader has viewed Ukraine's victory, but the uncanny talent of Zelensky and Ermak in selecting low-intelligence personnel for his team. Because only someone of weak intellect can limit NATO membership to the ability to use US guns and missile systems (by the way, according to some gossip, Ukrainian troops are not even authorized to control HIMARS),

Entry into NATO, as in any military-political alliance, means, first of all, not the ability to shoot accurately and run fast, but to participate in the most complex structures, the ability to calculate and negotiate and to carry out huge amounts of diplomatic work. That, of course, in conditions of perfect participation in a perfect structure, something that has nothing to do with the current reality. In addition, NATO is also a tool to “overcome crises”, which in the case of Ukraine, if it joins the Alliance, will clearly be a source of abundant conflict.

All this is a long way off for the adviser to the President of Ukraine. But while the ministers of the NATO countries who have not yet completely lost their minds sit at the table at the Ramstein military base, there are idiots in kyiv who have already made Ukraine a member of the Alliance. Maybe the latest statements make NATO members cool in relation to Kiev, showing that Ukraine is really going to unite, or maybe, as the French president says, that brain is already dead. ... more-27131

Google Translator


Bad deed Dmitry Peskov
April 23, 20:04


“Of course, for such an unpleasant act as the service of his son in the Wagner PMC, Dmitry Sergeevich must be urgently dismissed from his position, because he at least violated the corporate ethics of the deep state. Children of representatives of Russian political elites and children of representatives of that very deep state should study at Harvard, Oxford and hold positions of directors of state enterprises, banks, or, at worst, be governors or vice-governors. Therefore, Dmitry Sergeevich acted very badly, giving his consent to Nikolai to serve in the Wagner PMC. (c) Prigogine

PS. Solovyov ( and the calculation of the heavy MLRS "Hurricane" of the artillery battalion of PMC "Wagner". Nikolai Peskov, the loader of the TZM crew, is standing next to Solovyov. The photo was taken in January 2023 during the battles for Soledar.

Prigozhin correctly points out the problem, that Peskov’s son served at the front, which is of course good (as they say, where were you in January, when Soledar was stormed?), But people still look at it with distrust, because they don’t see it a systemic phenomenon for our elites.

PS2. By the way, as reported, employees of PMC Wagner, awarded with state awards, will be invited to public events dedicated to Victory Day in Moscow for the first time. I remember Syria in 2016 and how they told me then that "why are you writing about Wagner, there is no Wagner."
Since then, the country and society have come a long way. At first, Wagner worked for its reputation, now the reputation works for Wagner. Everything is classic.

Google Translator

Well, don't trust Prigogine, he's going to be trouble, and most likely of the reactionary sort.


Russian Airpower Over Ukraine Increasing & More Shortcomings Appear Ahead Ukrainian Offensive
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 23, 2023

Update on conflict in Ukraine for April 23-24, 2023:

– Most of Bakhmut is now under Russian control;

– Ukraine & Western media report increasing use of precision-guided bombs by Russian military aviation;

– Russian bombing is increasingly effective owed to dwindling Ukrainian air defenses;

– Recent Ukraine Contact Group in Germany admit air defenses in Ukraine are a priority, fail to commit to any possible solution;

– US announces acceleration of its shipments of 31 M1-Abram tanks to Ukraine after a 10 week training course, less than half the training an entry-level US tank crew receives;

– Despite growing doubts of a Ukrainian offensive, it will likely unfold and may even have success in taking territory but will leave Ukraine at a further disadvantage in what is otherwise a war of attrition;

– Ukraine faces critical shortages in arms, ammunition, & trained manpower;

– US claims sanctions against Russia are “working,” yet data to substantiate that claim appears deliberately cherry-picked and taken out of context;


DW – Guided bombs — new Russian tactics in the Ukraine war? (April 23, 2023):

US DoD – Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley Hold a Post-Ukraine Defense Contact Group Press Conference, Ramstein Air Base, Germany (April 21, 2023):

Ukrinform – Ramstein countries deliver over 230 tanks to Ukraine (April 21, 2023):

RFE/RL – U.S. Military Chiefs Say Increasing Ukraine’s Air Defense Capability Most Urgent Critical Task (April 21, 2023):

History Legends – Ukraine is Running Out of Soldiers (April 17, 2023): • Ukraine is Runnin…

Washington Post – As spring offensive nears, Ukraine is drafting reinforcements (April 11, 2023):

Guardian – Nato ‘confident’ Kyiv can retake territory in new offensive; Moscow issues warrant for Ukrainian spy chief – as it happened (April 22, 2023):

NYT – U.S. Says It Will Begin Training Ukraine on Abrams Tanks Within Weeks (April 22, 2023):

Washington Post – Wounded Ukrainian soldiers reveal steep toll of Kherson offensive (September 2022):

NPR – Ukraine’s offensive in Kharkiv was hard and bitter, say soldiers who did the fighting (September 2022): ... offensive/




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Late on Friday evening in New York, early Saturday morning in Moscow, the New York Times published a report by well-known mouthpieces for US and British intelligence on the Pentagon Papers.

This reveals fresh evidence of what the TNT War of the Worlds broadcast last week reported was the way John Teixeira, the alleged leaker of ten secret briefing papers on the Ukraine war from the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, was profiled by the Pentagon and over nine months of 2022 targeted in an official operation to disclose military secrets, which became public knowledge on April 6.

In this operation, Teixeira was the patsy for a Pentagon attack on Washington, Kiev and other allied officials who are planning to launch a Ukrainian counter-offensive against Russian forces. This, the Pentagon Papers reveal, risks not only Russian defeat of the Ukrainians on the battlefield, but also the destruction of US military dominance in Europe and the international credibility of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) alliance.

The report by Aric Toler of Bellingcat, Julian Barnes, and Malachy Browne of the newspaper, is headlined “Airman Shares Sensitive Intelligence More Widely and for Longer than Previously Known.” With Toler’s and Barnes’ long record for fabricating and promoting Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU), British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) source lies, the article means the opposite of its conclusion: “The additional information raises questions about why authorities did not discover the leaks sooner”. This is the alibi of the official leakers – they didn’t fail to discover the leaks later, they launched them from the start.

The Bellingcat group and New York Times now reveal that Teixeira began leaking “sensitive” information in “February 2022, soon after the invasion of Ukraine”. Sensitive means not classified.

The reporters also call the leaks “secret intelligence on the Russian war effort” but they repeat this consisted of “posts containing the sensitive information” and “classified documents”. No direct evidence of what the reporters claim they “reviewed” has been published, neither their classification codes nor other document records. “While it appears that the user [Teixeira] likely posted pictures of some documents, those have since been deleted from the chat group.” In other words, the reporters are claiming they have seen “detailed written accounts” – written by Teixeira. How and from what source the Bellingcat group got this evidence is being kept secret still. How the group knows what Teixeira allegedly wrote and what is or was classified secret, they don’t say.

The reporters also reveal that Teixeira claimed to his chat group of adolescent gamers in September 2022 that he “usually worked with GCHQ [General Government Communications Headquarters] people when I’m looking at foreign countries.” This is now a hint that it was the British signals agency who detected what Teixeira was doing and, according to the standard intelligence-sharing practice, alerted the US counterpart National Security Agency, which then alerted the US Air Force commanding Teixeira’s unit and other agencies. This Pentagon the Pentagon– that’s now the hint that it was the British who first spotted what Teixeira was doing, alerted the CIA and Pentagon. If the latter didn’t know it already.

The reporters did not contact GCHQ directly to ask what they knew, when they knew it, and what they relayed to Washington. Instead, they say questioned the British Embassy in Washington where, they report, “a spokeswoman…declined to comment.”

If this was the sequence of events, it would represent significant mitigating evidence for Teixeira, as well as the legal defence of entrapment when he goes to court on charges of espionage. For the time being, the federal magistrate judge in the Boston proceeding has postponed the plea and bail hearing scheduled for Teixeira on April 19 to allow his defence attorneys time to review the evidence and prepare.

The attorneys are also likely to argue that the indictment of Teixeira under the Espionage Act, 3 requires proof of “intent or reason to believe that the information is to be used to the injury of the United States, or to the advantage of any foreign nation.”

The New York Times publication has identified Teixeira’s lawyer as a Boston public defender named Joshua Hanye. Hanye is a highly experienced, 19-year veteran of criminal prosecutions. For Hanye to be vetted and obtain the security clearances required for him to see the top-secret codeword documents alleged in evidence against Teixeira will requires weeks, if not months. For the time being, he has entered no plea in court, and he refuses to speak with the Bellingcat group.

If Teixeira and Hanye are suspicious that Bellingcat and the New York Times are working for the government against him, there is reason in the published report itself. Toler, Barnes and Browne claim that “the Times found an online receipt in Airman Teixeira’s name” for the purchase of an antique rifle. This indicates the reporters have had access to official evidence taken from Teixeira’s personal computer. This is not open-source journalism; this access means government authorization to Toler of Bellingcat for access to prosecution evidence.

Accordingly, in this case everything Bellingcat and the New York Times say should be taken down and used in evidence against them.

In the recent history of US espionage prosecutions, the defence of entrapment is rare.

One case was recorded in 1998. The most recent case, involving a US Navy officer, went to court in 2016 after the accused had spent nine months in prison, following seizure and search of his computer records, and after what was reported by investigators to have been interrogations leading to his confession.

Planting documents to substantiate a prosecution for espionage is not new. It was recorded in the government’s case against Charles Ruthenberg, the leader of the American Communist Party, in 1923.


Rarer still is the engagement as a byline reporter for the New York Times of an employee of a foreign government-funded intelligence agency like Bellingcat. Aric Toler is an American who graduated with degrees in Russian from the University of Kansas between 2005 and 2013, and who spent several months in St. Petersburg and then a month in Kazan as a student. His resumé is missing one or two years between graduation and his employment by Bellingcat where he is now titled “director of training and research”. Toler has told Vanity Fair that before he joined Bellingcat he “did a stint at Bank of America”. This interview also reveals that another Times reporter, Christiaan Triebert, had worked at Bellingcat before joining the newspaper, and that Toler and Triebert had been collaborating together before the Teixeira case broke into print. Triebert is Dutch, with training in London; he has specialized in reporting on the Russian military in the Ukraine and Syria.

At Bellingcat Toler has specialized on publishing fabricated evidence obtained from Ukrainian intelligence in the Malaysia Airlines MH17 case, from MI6 in the Sergei Skripal Novichok case, and from the German government in the Alexei Navalny poisoning case.

Left to right: Aric Toler, Christaan Triebert, Julian Barnes, Malachy Browne.

Barnes has published lies he was given in the Skripal case by Gina Haspel, then deputy director of the CIA in what she claimed had been her briefing of President Donald Trump; the president then promoted Haspel to be his second CIA director. The lying was exposed by British officials; Barnes never corrected or retracted what he had done, nor answered reporters’ questions. He then repeated his lying in a story against Russia a year later. In his defence, Barnes told his newspaper colleagues, and also reporters from the BBC, that a lie in print isn’t a lie if the “research” into the truth is “ongoing”. Barnes also claimed it wasn’t his “place” to “substantiate” the lie he had already published.


Malachy Browne is an Irishman. He has made a career record in little-known companies doing a commercial business of analyzing social media as information warfare by the Russians. One of his employers, an Irish company based in Dublin called Storyful, is run by ex-Rupert Murdoch media executives. It has been owned by Murdoch’s News Corporation since 2013. It has been caught spying on journalists, and reselling its findings to the New York Times, the Washington Post and the BBC.

These reporter prosecutors and propagandists have been all been part of the New York Times team identified in the small print at the bottom of each of the reports on the Pentagon Papers since April 9.

Listen to more on their veracity record in the first 20-minute segment of the TNT Radio War of the Worlds broadcast: ... pril-2023/

In the second and concluding segments of the programme, Stanislas Balcerac, the independent Warsaw political analyst and journalist in Warszawska Gazeta, analyses the several wars which the Polish government is fighting at the same time on its western and eastern fronts, and internally.

First, there is the German plan to topple the Law and Justice (PiS) party government in Warsaw, and manipulate European Union funding through the ex-German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen, now the European Commission president; second, the US attempt at regime change in Warsaw, led by Marek Brzezinski, the current US Ambassador to Poland; and third, the Kiev regime’s attempts to flood Poland with Ukrainian grain and other farm products, undercutting Polish prices, and destroying Polish farm livelihoods.


Balcerac reveals this chronology of recent events in Poland: on April 14 (left) Marek (Mark) Brzezinski met the Civic Platform leader, Donald Tusk. The next day, April 15, Tusk’s party called for a voter rally in Warsaw against the government. “This,” reports Balcerac, “is the classic scenario called in Polish ulica i zagranica – literally, the street and foreign influence – as a method for inducing regime change. Left: “Great meeting @donaldtusk with Poland's friend, US Ambassador Marek Brzezinski.” Right: “PiS wants to take away the possibility of free elections and is increasingly separating us from the democratic world. It's heading towards authoritarianism! Let's face them on June 4 in Warsaw at noon. In the name of free Poland and justice.”

Follow Balcerac’s reporting here. The Warszawska Gazeta archive does not enable automatic English translation by Google.


Click on source to enlarge and read:

The rise of the Konfederacja (“Confederation”), a party with eastern Ukrainian and farmer support, already polling at least 10%, looks likely to deliver enough seats in the Sejm for the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party to keep power. “The party has long expressed anti-Ukrainian views, drawing largely on historical grievances, and these remain an integral part of its platform. MP Janusz Korwin-Mikke, 80, a central figure in Konfederacja and a Putin apologist [sic], was recently reprimanded for ‘suggesting to the public that Ukrainian citizens, not Russian soldiers, may have been responsible for the massacre of the Bucha residents,’ after he tweeted his own take on the mass killings by Russian troops. In a similar vein, Mikke implied that the US was at fault for the all-out invasion stating that ‘arming Ukraine provoked the Russian Federation.’” Quoted from

The Polish ban on Ukrainian farm products stopped grain, oilseed, eggs, honey and other products on April 15. It was followed by bans by Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Romania. Pressure from the European Commission in Brussels then forced the lifting of the embargoes on condition that the Ukrainian truck cargoes are sealed in their transit across Poland until they reach their purported consignment destinations in western Europe.

According to Balcerac, there has been no “Ukraine war bonus” for Poland. Instead, the government is paying the US for protection which Washington has turned into its opposite – regime change in Warsaw. One domestic political consequence is the rise of the anti-Ukrainian farmers and eastern Polish political party, Konfederacja (“Confederation”). Early this month, a senior figure from one of the ruling coalition, deputy agriculture minister Janusz Kowalski, announced that a coalition of the right should stop the regime change operations. “I have always said there are no enemies on the right; I have always been open to cooperation with Confederation. There are many very good politicians there… Voting for eurosceptics, eurorealists who think like United Poland on many issues is good for Poland.” .

Another Polish farmers’ party mentioned by Balcerac is the AgroUnia (AU). Its rise in the polls has yet to be registered beyond the 1% level in the currently polls because the farmers aren’t willing to level with the pollsters; or because they prefer Confederation. The AU had been polling at almost 6% in mid-2021 almost equal with Confederation; since then Confederation has gained roughly what AU has lost. .

In the broadcast, Balcerac adds that in Polish security and military strategy, the Ukraine is a battlefield buffering the Polish frontier from threatened attack by Russian forces. Poland is fighting to the last Ukrainian to defend itself.

In Moscow officials have been acknowledging publicly for months that the Kremlin would welcome Polish intervention in the western Galician region of the Ukraine to de-Nazify the current regime whose record during the last German occupation was to murder Poles, along with Jews and Russians.

In an interview with French journalist Anne-Laure Bonnel a few days ago in Moscow, Pyotr Tolstoy, a former journalist for Le Monde and currently Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, explained Russian thinking on the future for Poland. “No one in Poland believes in the European security guarantee [for Poland] any longer…After the war, you will see a new situation… Russia will never enter Poland, never. No, no, no. You won’t see us enter Poland, no, never. Poland, we leave to the European Union, and they are going to pull it to pieces.” ... more-87863


About the situation in the Kherson region
April 24, 10:52 am


Military correspondent Roman Saponkov on the situation on the Dnieper in the Kherson region.

On the left bank of the Dnieper, opposite Kherson. The people, after talking with people on the ground, whom I have known for almost a year, made the following picture for myself:

In the attached photo, the control zone of our units. There is a xxx regiment, landings. Intelligence creeps densely. Groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are covered with fire and there is no one on a permanent basis. There are callsigns that I know, so I have no reason not to trust. It is problematic to catch boats and boats with artillery, so they come and ride. On this, for myself, I consider the issue with the islands and the landing on the left bank closed

Earlier, Ukrainian social networks actively launched stuffing about "bridgeheads on the left bank", for which they have traditionally tried to pass off tactical fuss on the islands, where DRGs periodically try to land across the river.

Night attack on Sevastopol
April 24, 4:58


At night, the enemy again tried to break into the harbor of Sevastopol with the help of sea drones. 1 was destroyed on the way, the other exploded on the outer roadstead. The echo of one of the explosions was heard even in our area. Normally, it banged like that.

The governor of the city said that no damage was done to any objects, the situation is calm.
The fleet maintains the current level of combat readiness in case of repeated attacks.

Google Translator


Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:34 pm
by blindpig
The left bank of the Dnieper
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/25/2023


On Sunday, the social network profiles of the Institute for the Study of War, one of the main Western sources that monitor live, and always from the pro-Ukrainian point of view, the development of events on the front published that "the Russian military bloggers have published enough geotagged material and text information to confirm that Ukrainian forces have established positions on the eastern (left) bank of the oblast .from Kherson on April 22, although not on what scale or with what intentions”. Since the Russian withdrawal from the city of Kherson and the rest of the territories on the right bank of the Dnieper River, this area of ​​the front had remained stable and far from the headlines and war reports. The difficulty of the terrain and the obstacle of the river, with its bridges destroyed, meant a guarantee of defense for the Russian troops, spread out along a front of more than 600 kilometers and with fewer troops than the Ukrainian troops.

The novelty of the information lay, not in the fact that Ukrainian troops had crossed the river, something that has already happened in the past, as was shown several months ago in a report by Carlotta Gall published in The New York Times ., but the idea of ​​establishing positions in those territories. Until now, these actions of crossing the Dnieper in that area had been carried out by groups such as Bratstvo or the Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), both affiliated with the Main Directorate of Military Intelligence (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The scant information available on the latest actions in this area of ​​the front makes it impossible to speculate on whether it is once again groups that, like those led by Kirilo Budanov, director of the GUR, carry out work as special forces or regular troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Although without an official Russian denial, the apparent lack of concern over the news and the absence of any Ukrainian claim suggested that the Ukrainian presence on the left bank of the Dnieper was minimal or lacked imminent danger. Shortly after the initial publication, the very experts from the Western think-tank that had issued the alert qualified the facts and reduced the category of Ukrainian control of an area on the left bank of the Dnieper to mere presence. The information was based on Russian sources, some of them known for their pessimism, such as Igor Girkin. But even the latter added that, due to the terrain, the presence of what were possibly sabotage and reconnaissance groups lacked military meaning.

Yesterday, the war correspondent Alexander Kots, who has reported on the war since its beginning and also knows the Kherson area, from where he reported on the Russian withdrawal, tried to explain the situation, the conditions of the terrain and the difficulties they pose for Russia.

I have communicated with people from different divisions who are in various areas from Alyosha to Kirnburskaya Kosa. The conclusion is the following. There is no bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on our coast. There is also no continuous presence. But there are boats that periodically approach, which indicates that there is a presence, for example, in the dacha area not far from the Antonovsky bridge. Much of the left bank islands near Kherson are under the control of our forces, but the opponent regularly tries to give us nightmares. Some of the islands are under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and our artillery is constantly working on them.

The main activity of the boat sabotage and reconnaissance groups is not near Kherson but at the outlet of the river to the Dnieper Bay. There are many islands there. Unfortunately, we have also had casualties there. All the islands are shelled by Ukrainian artillery. Ambushes by sabotage groups are difficult to detect. Ours try, but sometimes they find themselves under fire.

It doesn't surprise me that the jackpots on the other side are so much better than ours. There is an urban legend that our people are forced to use their salaries to buy boats from the local people. But surely it is the gossip of gossip.

In conclusion: the opponent is testing our defensive capabilities along the entire coast and the speed of reaction and practicing ambush actions. If necessary, they can approach our coast and deploy a sabotage group. But it is very doubtful that they will decide to force the Dnieper with a large group of troops. They would be dismantled by artillery. A red herring that you are forced to react to, is possible. It may also be an attempt to isolate our garrison from Kirnburskaya Kosa. But without transferring a large group of troops, it is not something that can be sustained over time. It is suicidal, an act solely for the sake of propaganda and a diversion of our forces in other directions .

The episode is yet another example of the difficulty in being able to follow the war live. The condition of the terrain, swampy and isolated, lends itself to its use to infiltrate reconnaissance groups, but not to do the same with the heavy vehicles that would be necessary to advance and create a bridgehead that, in that case, would be dangerous. for the Russian troops. The scant information available seems to indicate that it is not a large offensive to gain ground in the area that is possibly the most difficult for a ground attack. However, it is also a warning about a potentially dangerous situation.

With no more information about what is happening in the area than the posts of some bloggers, think-tanks such as the Institute for the Study of War, which published and subsequently retracted a Ukrainian advance that would have been highly relevant, have taken the opportunity to call into question the capabilities of the Russian troops. When speculating about the Ukrainian capture of an area on the left bank of the Dnieper, the Institute argued that the Russian troops located in Kherson are "possibly" the most disorganized, remnants of units made up of conscripts mobilized last year. Although it qualified the Ukrainian operation, the think-tank did not do the same with its assessment of the Russian group located in this key part of the front. ... more-27137

Google Translator


No one gave the United States the right to speak on behalf of the entire world community
April 24, 19:11


From Lavrov's speech to the UN Security Council:

No one gave the US the right to speak on behalf of the entire world community

It is not hidden that the goal is to contain China and isolate Russia, this is how the West understands multilateralism

No one should strengthen their security at the expense of the security of others, NATO did not care about these obligations

Biden personally called for the bombing of Belgrade, Serbs are now being urged to stop being offended. These are the rules, and no one dares to contradict.

Kosovo - they recognized independence without a referendum, Crimea - they did not recognize it, although there was a referendum. We urge to adhere to the principles of international law, to respect the sovereignty of those states that respect the people's right to self-determination.

No one reprimanded Poroshenko or Zelensky when the Russian language and Russian cultural traditions were destroyed in defiance of the convention on national minorities It is

obvious to any impartial observer that the Nazi Kiev regime can in no way be considered as representing the inhabitants of the territories who refused to accept the results of the bloody coup d'état in February 2014 and against whom the putschists unleashed a war for this ”

Russia clearly explained the tasks that it pursues under the NWO: protect people from extermination by the Kiev regime, eliminate security threats from NATO There should

be no double standards, democracy should be respected both within states and between states themselves . The West is applying repressive measures already within their own countries

It is necessary to expand the number of members of the UN Security Council, Asian and African countries, now the West is represented too strongly in it.

Wanting to assert its dominance through the punishment of the disobedient, the United States went to the destruction of globalization, which was presented as a great good for all mankind. Washington and the rest of the West, which obeys it, invoke their rules whenever they need to justify illegitimate steps against those who build their policies in accordance with international law and refuse to follow the selfish interests of the golden billion

Once again, as in the years of the Cold War, we have approached a dangerous, and perhaps even more dangerous line. The situation is aggravated by the loss of faith in multilateralism, when the financial and economic aggression of the West destroys the benefits of globalization, when the United States and its allies abandon diplomacy and demand a showdown “on the battlefield

Video with a cut of the speech here

Permanent Representative The PRC agreed with Lavrov's assessments regarding the current challenges facing humanity.

* * *

The rights of a hegemon are not given, they take it and impose it by force. This is about dictatorship, not about democracy. Just now the masks have been removed and everyone can see it perfectly.
Accordingly, Russia's place in the future multipolar world will be determined by what it can take on its own, and not by what someone hypothetically can and should give it.

Ukraine needs Russia's permission to join NATO
April 24, 16:34


Ukraine needs permission from the Russian Federation to join NATO, - Vice Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament Dora Duro.

In Ukraine, of course, another hysteria about the fact that permission from Russia is not needed, because "the United States allowed it."
The Hungarians, of course, notably podzhgli fifth points.

Wish I could understand the Russian captions but it ain't hard to imagine.

Google Translator


Going Underground: Interview with Seymour Hersh
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 24, 2023

Afshin Rattansi’s Going Underground

On this special episode of Going Underground, we speak to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on his new ‘Trading with the Enemy’ report that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage have been embezzling $400 million from US aid allocated for fuel purchases, as well as buying diesel from Russia. He discusses the CIA’s knowledge of the corruption and how Zelensky was allegedly reprimanded by CIA Director William Burns which led to the firing of dozens of generals and officials, mainstream media attacking him for not revealing his sources on the report, the presence of the most elite units of the US military on Ukraine borders amid the escalating risk of war, mainstream media exposing and helping the US government target Jack Teixeira, who is accused of leak documents from the Pentagon and much more. ... r-hersh-2/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten Z
Military expert Boris Rozhin on the main points during the special military operation of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on 21.20 Moscow time on 04/24/2023, specially for the channel Voenkor Kotenok Z @voenkorKotenok :

1. Artemovsk

Fighting continues in western Artemovsk . The most violent clashes are taking place in the area of ​​the destroyed monument to the pilots and in the area of ​​the military unit near the block of high-rise buildings on the western outskirts. The enemy continues to be pushed back to the western outskirts.

In Ukraine and in the West, they claim a very high level of losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city and to the west of it. Despite statements about the withdrawal of APU equipment from Artemivsk , it is still in the city.

To the south-west of Artemovsk - without significant changes.

2. Kramatorsk direction

To the north-west of Artemovsk, fighting is intensifying near Orekhovo-Vasilyevka and in the direction of Novomarkovka . From Novomarkovka to the outskirts of Kramatorsk - about 20 kilometers. This is, in fact, the Kramatorsk direction.

3. Seversk

There is some progress in Disputable . The enemy was squeezed out of the gas distribution station, which makes it possible in the foreseeable future to establish full control over Disputed and begin advancing towards Ivano-Daryevka . The enemy continues stubborn resistance here.

4. Kherson

on the Dnieper- without significant changes. No bridgeheads of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fixed. The activity of the DRG on the islands is fixed. There are also signs of enemy preparations for renewed attempts to land on the left bank in the area of ​​Alyosheki , Novaya Kakhovka and Energodar .


A traditional selection on replenishment of the RF Armed Forces and PMC "Wagner".

1. Active recruitment to the ranks of PMC "Wagner" continues. For required specialties, conditions of service, allowances and social guarantees, see . They get to the front after several weeks of specialized training. Some positions are filled by women. Standard contract in the NWO zone - 6 months. In Africa - 9-14 months. There are holidays.

2. Chatbot for those wishing to enter the military service under a contract in the city of Moscow. Official information, terms of service, benefits for contractors and their families: http://contract.mos.ruIn the context of the delayed decision on the 2nd partial mobilization, the replenishment of the RF Armed Forces is now going through active recruitment for contract service. Good propaganda videos are being shot for this case and issues of material allowance and social guarantees are being improved (this is also done by Turchak's commission ).

3. About the draft in Moscow. More than 5,000 people will be recruited. Will not ship to new regions. The most popular duty stations are special forces, airborne forces, marines. (And the army needs mechanical drivers, a lot of mechanical drivers).

4. Also recruiting the 60th brigade "Veterans", which actively takes part in the hostilities. In addition to the 3 existing volunteer battalions, a 4th is now being recruited. Service life - from 6 months.

In general, one can observe how, without mobilization, contract soldiers are being recruited into the RF Armed Forces, into PMCs (and not only into Wagner), into volunteer units, and there is also a planned spring conscription. Accordingly, those who want to go to serve now have a wide choice of different options, and even within a separate category, it is quite diverse.


forwarded from
military chronicle
According to the UJ-22 Airborne drone that fell in the Moscow region

This model was used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine mainly for reconnaissance and surveillance, but over the past six months it has been increasingly used as a strike drone. HEAT or fragmentation grenades from RPGs and mines from mortars of 82 and 120 mm caliber are suspended from the drone.

The flight range with a maximum load is 500-600 km, with a minimum stock of explosives it can reach up to 800 km.

To destroy one of the objects in the Moscow region, the drone was filled with M112 Canadian subversive charges based on C4 explosives.

For the greatest force of the explosion, such charges are combined into block explosive blocks M183 (16 charges M112 each) and installed in the area of ​​​​the object being destroyed. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the Americans and NATO used such charges to undermine critical facilities or make passages where it is impossible to break through even with the help of equipment and tanks.

When such an assembly is detonated, the explosive creates a high-pressure shock wave, just like the TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" does, only without combustion and a temperature of 2000 ° C.

Judging by the fact that the drone was stuffed with 17 kg of explosives, it was assumed that some large, probably protected infrastructure facility was hit.

Google Translator


Map of the dismemberment of Russia from the "Hudson Institute"
April 25, 13:45


The map of the dismemberment of Russia presented by the "Hudson Institute" (USA) at the suggestion of various American puppets, like Ponomarev, etc.
Medvedev today commented on this with threats of the use of nuclear weapons and that they say the hand will not waver.
Of course, for the United States, one of the goals in the ongoing war is the dismemberment of Russia. And if it were not for the presence of nuclear weapons in the Russian Federation, the United States and NATO would have attacked Russia directly a long time ago. Therefore, sooner or later everything will reach the nuclear line, because there are no other constraints.

Google Translator

As is usually the case these goals did not originate in the feeble mind of Biden but have long been in the works. Yet Biden is the 'trigger man' in this case and plays with the fate of life on Earth to maintain US hegemony. 'Lesser evil", huh?


Ukrainian Nazism: Why a New Nuremberg is Necessary
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 24, 2023
Viktor Medvedchuk


Since the “collapse” of the USSR and the emergence of an independent Ukraine, Western politicians, and special services in Ukraine began to revive Nazism through the introduction of nationalist ideology in the consciousness of Ukrainians. According to Western plans, a Nazified Ukraine was to become a “weapon” against Russia.

One of the ideologues of Ukrainian nationalism is Dmitry Dontsov. His doctrine of integral nationalism in his book “Nationalism,” became the basic ideology of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and later the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA)

The ideas and methods of Nazism, widely spread in Ukraine, were inherited from the OUN-UPA.

In April 1941, at the II Great Gathering of Ukrainian Nationalists in Krakow (in Germany at that time), the “Bandera” branch proclaimed itself as the “only true” OUN. Stepan Bandera was declared its leader. The official greeting of the OUN was “raising the straightened right arm to the right obliquely above the head with the words “Glory to Ukraine” – “Glory to the Heroes”, the greeting was copied from the ideologists of Hitler’s Germany, as well as the colors of the flag: red and black.

During the Great Patriotic War, the OUN-UPA tainted itself with cooperation with Nazi Germany and participation in the mass extermination of civilians.

In August 1941, the Banderites sent the OUN Memorandum to Berlin for cooperation with Hitler. The Memorandum began with the following words: “The Ukrainian Military Organization (UWO) and its successor Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) under the leadership of Eugen Konovalets from the very beginning of its existence set out to cooperate with the German Reich against Poland and Moscow with the aim of patronizing an independent United Ukrainian State by the III Reich.

After the defeat of the Nazis in World War II, many OUN-UPA activists ended up in Western countries, mostly in Canada and the United States, including the ideological inspirers of today’s Kiev Bandera members.

The CIA has been planning how to use Ukraine against Russia since the 1950s. Recently U.S. intelligence declassified some of its archives, and copies of secret documents from 1958-59 have appeared in the media. As it follows from the contents of them, the purpose of U.S. intelligence agencies was to use Ukrainian nationalist tendencies for political and psychological warfare against Russia and the USSR.

The U.S. intelligence services claimed that Ukrainian nationalism was much stronger in the western provinces, but it was not limited to Galicia and as long as a nationalist force existed, they would support a mobilization at any time.

Back in the 50’s the CIA identified the Nazi OUN to provide manpower and operational support for Nazification projects in Ukraine. The target groups were not only the population of Soviet Ukraine, but also the Ukrainian minority in Poland, and Ukrainian emigrants in Western Europe, South America and Australia.

The modern history of Ukraine has shown that these projects of Western intelligence services continue alive through our days.

Thus, the “Orange Revolution” of 2004, initiated by the United States and its European satellites, brought pro-American President Viktor Yushchenko to power in Ukraine. It was during his ruling that open manifestations of nationalism and Nazism revived in post-Soviet Ukraine. Every year on January 1, Stepan Bandera’s birthday, torchlight marches in honor of this Nazi criminal began to be held with the permission of the authorities. Western diplomats ignored these marches, encouraging the revival of Nazism in the center of Europe.

In May 2006, the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory was created at Yushchenko’s initiative. With the creation of this institute, the Nazification of the country began to take place at state level.

The institute pursued a policy of falsifying Ukraine’s history and imposing Russophobic and anti-Russian attitudes on the population. In order to achieve its goals, it developed the first blatantly Russophobic bills: “On condemnation of communist and national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and prohibition of propaganda of their symbols”, “On the legal status and memory of fighters for the independence of Ukraine in the XX century”, “On the commemoration of victory over Nazism in World War II 1939-1945” and “On access to archives of repression bodies of the communist totalitarian regime 1917-1991” which were adopted in April 2015.

On the initiative of the Institute, Yushchenko in 2007 awarded posthumously the title “Hero of Ukraine” to Roman Shukhevich, a Nazi criminal, one of the leaders of the OUN and the Nachtigal battalion trained by Hitler’s military intelligence to act in the Ukrainian SSR as part of the subversive unit “Brandenburg 800.”

On January 22, 2010, Yushchenko awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine” to another Nazi: Stepan Bandera.

Under President Yushchenko in 2008 a monument to soldiers of SS Division “Halychyna” was built. Permissions for the installation of the monument were issued by representatives of state power. The state took part in the creation of monuments to war criminals judged by Nuremberg tribunal. The 14th SS Volunteer Infantry Division “Galicia”, a subdivision of SS troops of Nazi Germany, was created personally by the Nazi criminal, head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler.

It is worth noting that, withYushchenko’s support, numerous monuments to Nazis from the SS division “Galicia” and other Nazi accomplices were installed. Memorial marches in honor of Nazis with the use of Nazi symbols and banners of SS division “Galicia” began to be held in Western Ukraine.

Between 2005 and 2014 Nazi ideology sprang up throughout the country. At first, they began to “softly” turn Ukraine into “Anti-Russia” with nationalist and liberal-democratic slogans.

In 2014, Western politicians and special services, with the help of the Ukrainian elite, carried out an unconstitutional pro-Nazi coup d’etat using liberal slogans about the European choice of people as a cover. Legitimately elected, recognized by the entire international community, President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from power by a group of putschists using Nazi groups with the support of Western diplomats and special services.

One of the most important documents of the XX century, the Verdict of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal of October 1, 1946 describes the Nazis’ coming to power in Germany and the further establishment of the Nazi dictatorship in the 1930s. Their followers in Ukraine used the same methods.

From the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal: “During the eight years that followed the publication of Mein Kampf, the NSDAP spread its activities widely throughout Germany, focusing primarily on educating young people in the ideas of National Socialism. The first Nazi youth organization began its existence in 1922, but it was not until 1925 that the “Hitler Youth” was officially recognized by the NSDAP. In 1931, Baldur von Schirach, who had joined the NSDAP in 1925, became the NSDAP’s imperial youth leader.[/b]

The party made every effort to win the political support of the German people. It stood for election to both the Reichstag and the Landtags.

The leaders of the NSDAP made no serious attempt to conceal the fact that their roll in the political life of Germany was to eliminate the democratic system of the Weimar Republic and replace it with a Nazi totalitarian regime which would allow them to openly pursue their policies without meeting the opposition …

On January 30, 1933, Hitler succeeded in getting President von Hindenburg to appoint him as Chancellor of the Empire.”

In 2014, the ideology of Ukrainian nationalism was finally transformed into Nazism and became a state ideology. The people in the power also “made no serious attempt to hide the fact” that they seized power to fight against Russia and Russians, immediately designating pro-Russian, leftist political forces as their enemies. Russians and Russian speakers living in Ukraine received derogatory “labels”.

Right after the state coup, they began to get rid of oppositors. In September 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed the law “On Purification of Power”: the so-called “lustration” was carried out when thousands of people, mostly from southeastern Russian-speaking regions, were dismissed from state authorities without any grounds. People from western Ukrainian regions, often without any experience or education, were massively sent to take their places. Such a “lustration” was widely practiced by Hitler’s regime.

From the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal: “Having thus attained power, the NSDAP began to take over all areas of German life… The law of April 7 provided for the resignation of officials of “non-Aryan origin”; it also stipulated that “officials who, on account of their past political activities, cannot be confidently regarded as people who would give themselves unconditionally to the service of the Nazi state should be dismissed from office. The law of April 11, 1933, provided for the dismissal of “all civil servants belonging to the Communist Party”.

In seizing power, the participants in the 2014 coup d’état relied primarily on the population of western regions as the most nationalist-minded. The symbolism and ideology of the “new” Ukraine was the symbolism and ideology of nationalism in the era of cooperation with German Nazism. The flag of the coup, the so-called “Maidan,” was a black and red Banderist flag, and the salute was a Banderist one.

The leaders after the coup d’état were Alexander Turchinov, as Acting President; Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister; Andrey Parubiy, head of the National Security and Defense Council; Arsen Avakov, Minister of Inner Affairs. From the beginning, they started implementing a policy of ethnocide against Russians and the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. After some time, the genocide began on the territory of Ukraine against people who did not accept the official Bandera ideology.


Article II of the UN Convention “On the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”, adopted by resolution 260 (III) of the UN General Assembly of 09.12.1948, states that “Under genocide are understood the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group as such

(a) The killing of members of the such group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of such a group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

The residents of southeastern Ukraine did not accept the Banderist, Nazi and anti-Russian ideas, which led to mass protests. In consequence, tanks, artillery, and aviation were used against them, although under international norms they exercised their right to rebellion, enshrined in the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by Resolution 217 A (III) of the UN General Assembly of December 10, 1948, which states: “It is essential that human rights should be protected by the rule of law to ensure that man will not be forced to resort, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression.”

On May 2, 2014, Nazi groups organized the brutal burning of protesters in the Odessa Trade Union House, which resulted in 48 people being burned alive. These events were mockingly presented on the official UN website: “On May 2, 2014, about 300 well-organized supporters of ‘federalism’ attacked a march by about 2,000 protesters ‘for unity,’ including local residents and a large number of soccer fans known for their strong ‘pro-unity’ stance.

This crime can be compared to the burning of civilians in the Belarusian village of Khatyn on March 22, 1943, which was carried out by the punishers of the SS Dirlewanger Battalion, whose symbols are used by Ukrainian Nazis.

On June 2, 2014, two Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft shelled the center of Luhansk. The strike targeted the regional state administration building and the square in front of it. As a result of the bombing of civilians by Ukrainian aircraft, 8 civilians were killed in their own country. The perpetrators of the barbaric strike have not been identified.

The genocide unleashed against the residents of Donbas is comparable to the genocide of the Nazis against the Jewish population of the Reich.

From the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal: “From the earliest days of the NSDAP, anti-Semitism occupied a prominent place in National Socialist thinking and propaganda. It was believed that Jews should not be entitled to German citizenship and should be held primarily responsible for all the disasters inflicted on the nation due to the war of 1914-1918. Further, the antipathy toward the Jews was reinforced by the assertion of the superiority of the German race and blood. Chapter II 1 of Mein Kampf deals with the theory of the so-called “Race of Masters,” the doctrine of Aryan superiority over other nations and the right of Germans, by virtue of their superiority, to dominate other nations and use them to achieve their own ends. When the Nazis came to power in 1933, the persecution of Jews became official state policy.

Those who led the coup committed many crimes during the Maidan. However, as early as February 2014, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, under pressure from the radicals, passed a law exempting them and their supporters from criminal liability for crimes committed during the coup d’etat.

At the same time, Yuri Lutsenko, Prosecutor General of Ukraine, was exempted from criminal liability. In July 2016, Lutsenko personally interceded for the commander of the punitive battalion “Aydar” when a measure of restraint was chosen for him. At the same time, two battalions of Aydar and Donbass punitive battalions blocked the courthouse and completely blocked traffic on Kiev’s central street, Khreshchatyk.

In December 2018, Lutsenko publicly stated that any attacks on “pro-Ukrainian” activists would be considered an attack on the state of Ukraine.

Another head of the Ukrainian law enforcement agency, who openly supports the Nazis, was the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, whose neo-Nazi Azov regiment used the Nazi symbol Wolfsangel (wolfhook) as its official symbol.

In April 2018, 50 U.S. congressmen asked the U.S. State Department for diplomatic pressure on Ukraine and Poland for anti-Semitism. The manifestation of anti-Semitism and glorification of Nazi collaborators, in their opinion, was the “2017 campaign praising the UPA” of the Institute of National Memory, renaming streets after OUN-UPA figures Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich, holding a Shukhevich festival, as well as activities of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, which should be disbanded, according to the congressmen. At the same time, the congressmen noted the involvement of Minister Avakov in this unit.

Without his permission, the activities of punitive battalions were impossible in the extermination of the population in Donbas. Avakov was later forced to admit that some units were committing crimes and had to disband them. The military prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine judged members of the Ministry’s units for crimes against civilians in Donbas.

According to the testimonies of survivors of their crimes, most of them were openly Nazis.

After the 2014 coup d’état, the Ukrainian Security Service reformed itself according to OUN-UPA security standards of 1930-1950 and turned the security service into a punitive body aimed to eradicate the opposition.

From the verdict of the Nuremberg Tribunal: “In preparation for the day when he intended to seize power in Germany, Hitler in January 1929 appointed Heinrich Himmler Reichsführer, entrusting him with the special task of transforming the SS into a powerful, select group that could be counted on under any circumstances.

It can be stated that those who headed the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine after the 2014 coup d’état were adherents of the ideology of the Nazis, OUN-UPA, as well as their methods.

In 2014, pro-American politician Arseniy Yatsenyuk became Prime Minister. On January 8, 2015, on the German television channel ARD, he stated, “Russian military aggression against Ukraine is an attack on world order, and it is an attack on European security. We all remember well the Soviet invasion, both in Ukraine and also in Germany. That has to be avoided. And no one is allowed to rewrite the results of World War II, which the Russian president, Mr. Putin, is trying to do.”

However, none of the Western politicians condemned this absurd statement.

On April 9, 2015, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a bill drafted by the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and introduced by MP Yuri Shukhevich, son of one of the OUN leaders Roman Shukhevich, “On the legal status and memory of participants in the struggle for Ukrainian independence in the 20th century,” which grants members of the OUN and UPA soldiers the status of “fighters for Ukrainian independence.

The OUN and the UPA worked closely with Nazi Germany before and during the Great Patriotic War. Thus, the state legally recognized the Nazis and their accomplices from the OUN and the UPA, who had formed, among others, the SS division “Galicia” as “fighters for the independence of Ukraine”.

In the verdict of Nuremberg Tribunal:
“Considering a question about SS, the Tribunal includes here all persons who have been officially accepted as members of SS, including members of General SS, SS troops, formations of SS “Dead Head” and members of any kind of police services, who were members of SS…”.

It should be noted that hatred of all Soviets and Russian was also manifested in the law “On the condemnation of the communist national-socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and prohibition of propaganda of their symbols”, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on 09.04.2015. With this law, Ukraine equated the Nazis with the Soviet soldiers who liberated the country from them.

A special role in unleashing genocide against the people of Donbas was played by one of the leaders of the state coup, Oleksandr Turchynov, better known as the “bloody pastor”. On April 14, 2014, as acting president of Ukraine, Turchynov signed a decree on the so-called anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, which led to a civil war. The head of state officially declared civilians of the two regions protesting against Russophobia as terrorists. Turchinov gave orders for the use of combat aircraft and artillery against people, for the uncontrolled distribution of weapons, and for the formation of nationalist battalions.

In order to falsify history and contrast the Ukrainian people with the Russian people state-level holidays were changed. On October 14, 2014, “Maidan” President Poroshenko canceled the celebration of Motherland Defender’s Day in Ukraine on February 23, stating that “Ukraine will never again celebrate this holiday according to the military-historical calendar of a neighboring country. We will honor the defenders of our own Motherland, not someone else’s.” Since then, Defender of Ukraine Day has been celebrated on October 14. On the same day, nationalists celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the nationalist Ukrainian Insurgent Army.

Since 2015, Soviet symbols, including the Victory flag, have been banned in Ukraine.

Poroshenko’s government initiated the renaming of avenues, streets, and localities after Bandera, Shukhevich, Petlyura, Konovalets, etc. Monuments to fascist henchmen were openly erected, and monuments to heroes who destroyed fascists were destroyed and desecrated. At the same time, the Ukrainian authorities either tacitly supported this or directly approved it.

In “post-Maidan” Ukraine, a media resource called “Peacemaker” was created. In violation of the law, the addresses of citizens trying to defend the rights of the Russian-speaking population are published. By “coincidence”, people listed on “Peacemaker” begin to be killed. And the murders, for the most part, are not investigated: the killers go unpunished.

So, on April 14, 2015, the well-known politician Oleg Kalashnikov, the leader of the Kiev anti-Maidan was killed. The crime was not solved. Two days later, Oles Buzina, a writer and publicist who fought for the Russian language in Ukraine and an ideological opponent of the ruling regime, was murdered. A few days earlier, his personal data had been added to “Peacemaker”. Two months after the murder, suspects of the crime were caught. Two suspects were initially detained: Denis Polishchuk and Andrey Medvedko, members of the radical nationalist group S14, and participants of the ATO. However, before the end of 2015, both suspects were released from custody.

Thus, between 2014 and 2019, nationalism and Russophobia became fully entrenched in Ukraine. The authorities are cracking down with Nazi methods on the rebellious population of Donbas and other Ukrainians who do not agree with the regime’s actions. Alternative ideologies have been banned, and politicians who disagree with the views of the authorities have been physically eliminated or expelled from the country. At the same time, the “civilized” West openly promotes the revival of Nazism in the center of Europe in the 21st century.

On May 20, 2019, Vladimir Zelensky became President of Ukraine. Under him, Ukraine has gone from a nationalist state to a Nazi dictatorship.

Today, the main thesis of his election program sounds blasphemous. It began with the words: “I will tell you my dream: Ukraine, where fireworks are only at weddings and birthdays“. Today, the whole world sees the Ukraine of Zelensky’s dream with ruined cities and cemeteries.

Before his election, Zelensky was known as a showman-comedian. He was characterized by his associate Alexey Arestovich in an interview with “Zelensky is a weak man. He has two keys: petty ego and fear.

On April 28, 2021, in Kiev, the march in honor of the creation of SS division “Galicia” was held. The participants were demonstratively wearing Nazi symbols and exchanging traditional Nazi salute, however, none of the representatives of the city administration who issued the permit were punished, nor were the participants of the march.

Since September 1, 2020, the law “On Complete General Secondary Education” eliminated all Russian-language schools in Ukraine. The subject “Defense of the Motherland” was renamed “Defense of Ukraine” in schools. The old name was allegedly one of the manifestations of the Soviet paradigm. The history textbooks were completely rewritten. References to common history with Russia, such as the invasion of Napoleon and the Russo-Turkish wars, were excluded from them. The history of the First and Second World Wars was rewritten with a Russophobia, nationalistic perception. Ukraine’s participation in the Great Patriotic War was presented as a struggle of the Ukrainian people against both Germany and the USSR.

Since January 16, 2021, according to the discriminatory law “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State Language”, everyone has been obliged to serve consumers and provide information exclusively in the Ukrainian language.

Viktor Medvedchuk is a Ukrainian lawyer, businessman, and politician. Before the war, Medvedchuk was the leading Ukrainian anti-NATO politician and supporter of normalizing relations with Russia. He is chairman of the Opposition Bloc for Life party, banned in Ukraine. He was arrested by Ukrainian intelligence services on April 12, 2022, was imprisoned, and since September 2022 has been living outside his country, after being handed over to Russia in a prisoner-of-war exchange. ... necessary/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from
War on fakes
Fake: A Ukrainian drone was flying over Red Square in Moscow, the local security service did not pay any attention to it, said Anton Gerashchenko, adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry.

Truth: Gerashchenko and other Ukrainian propagandists wishful thinking.

The footage distributed by Ukrainian Telegram channels was filmed seven years ago and not with the help of an FPV drone. Then the participants of the non-commercial project AirPano, with the support of the Russian Geographical Society, created a 360-degree video. The technology for creating such videos is as follows: a panorama is taken with a viewing angle of 360 by 180 degrees, that is, cameras (usually two or more) see absolutely everything around them, while each of them films its own sector.

The footage distributed by Ukrainian propagandists does not show the skyscrapers of the Neva Towers residential complex in the Moscow City, but there is a pedestrian crossing near the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin, which is not on the latest videos of tourists. The stands near the Mausoleum are now painted in the colors of the Russian tricolor. The similar position of building materials around them confirms that Ukrainian propaganda used old footage, significantly degrading the quality and adding inept graphics that mimic the FPV drone control interface.

Moreover, the creators of this "creativity" clearly do not understand how FPV drones work. The compass pointer does not work in the fake interface, the battery charges are displayed incorrectly. Also, FPV drones do not have shooting stabilization.


The story of the destruction of the control bunker in Ukraine with generals and senior officers of NATO countries reached the American public.

Independent political scientist, journalist Gilbert Doctorow: [Sorry, I was trying to google what you called news that I had not heard about. What is this news?] After the Ukrainians sabotaged the Bryansk region, which is part of the Russian Federation, in which several people were killed, the Russians staged a retaliatory attack, using for the first time six of their hypersonic missiles called “Dagger”. One of them fell near Lvov, the western capital of Ukraine. And this conventionally armed missile, thanks to the laws of physics that mass and speed give a huge impact, allowed this missile to go down and destroy a deep concrete bunker where 300 top Western and Ukrainian officers were managing communications on behalf of NATO in Ukraine. Yesterday the Russians again announced, very discreetly, that 200 of those killed were generals and high-ranking NATO officers. Did you read about it in The New York Times? [No.] Didn't read. If you read about it in The New York Times, it would cause huge unrest in the States and lead us to escalate the nuclear exchange. Of course, the Americans don't want that. The Russians don't want that either.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 11:56 am
by blindpig
The importance of leaks
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/26/2023


From the informative point of view, the war between Russia and Ukraine is bringing a whole series of novelties that differentiate it from previous conflicts or from other contemporary military conflicts that have not aroused the interest that the fight in Europe implies. One cannot speak of great innovations as occurred, for example, with the Crimean war, which saw the first correspondents, or the change brought about by the introduction of photography or, more recently, the possibility of broadcasting, as media such as CNN did .live bombing in the gulf war. The daily monitoring to which the press had become accustomed in this war has become a real-time monitoring, something that, on occasions, makes it difficult rather than easier to understand the conflict, the selection of sources and, above all, the verification of the facts that should be the basis of journalism.

The monitoring of social networks, the videos recorded from commercial drones showing the destruction of enemy material or the images published by the soldiers themselves have become an information tool, but also of disinformation, since, on occasions, these images were of context can show a reality that cannot be extrapolated to the entire front or that is not representative of the development of events. To this must be added the daily presentation of the British intelligence report as an apparently uninterested source despite the important role it is playing in the day-to-day of the war in favor of one of the parties.

The enormous front line, the intensity of the war and the general ignorance of Ukrainian history and politics of a significant part of the press deployed in Ukraine -generally paratroopers , journalists specialized in the war, not in the country and often not even They don't even know the language, so they find themselves exposed to manipulation by the parties - has reduced not only the presence of the press and has reduced the value of information from the field, a perceptible trend in previous military conflicts, but one that has accelerated in this, much more intense than Afghanistan or Iraq.

However, this war, whose movements have been slow in recent months, contrasts with the acceleration of media times, which translates, for example, into the short waiting time to obtain certain information. The recent leak of the Pentagon papers is the clearest example. Despite the fact that the official discourse of Ukraine and its partners is that of a strong unity in unconditional support for Ukraine, which will last as long as necessary, the numerous data leaks that are known practically in real time break that narrative. The leaked information has meant the publication of a large amount of data that would have to be studied and analyzed to verify its veracity or its intentions.

Leaks, not necessarily in the form of documents, although anonymous statements to the press have been a constant since talk began about the counteroffensive with which Ukraine intends to practically win the war. Doubts about how the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to overcome an army, the Russian one, which is much more powerful in many of the key aspects of this war, such as artillery and aviation, have always been the origin of the division. For Ukraine, the dilemma does not exist and can be easily resolved: as the well-known Deputy Foreign Minister and controversial former Ukrainian ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnjik has stated this week, the country needs ten times more military aid than it is receiving. NATO materiel augmentation is the solution to all problems. However, that form of military populism prefers not to take into account, for example, the logistical challenge of receiving all kinds of different models of tanks, armored vehicles or artillery pieces that, as Oleksiy Reznikov has shown with his statements, cannot be repaired in Ukraine. Last week, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine demanded that this repair be carried out in the nearest place, that is, in Poland. There are no guarantees of success for the kyiv troops in this offensive that continues to be delayed. And this is how a sector of the Pentagon has explained it for months, whose voice is being heard more and more loudly.

The arguments are simple. First, Ukraine's failure to make the counteroffensive a decisive blow would improve Moscow's negotiating position and could add to war fatigue among America's European allies. But two more must be added to this main argument: the risk implied by the escalation of the conflict in terms of a Russian response (Dmitry Medvedev again referred to nuclear weapons yesterday) and the distrust in the actions of certain sectors of the Ukrainian military establishment . Two of the latest leaks have focused in that direction.

A few days ago, months after the events, the British newspaper The Times published an extensive report on the attempt to seize the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant in the city of Energodar, located on the left bank of the Dnieper River and under Russian control since March 2022. As Russia had denounced then, in October 2022 , Ukrainian sabotage groups, supported by heavy artillery, attacked the plant in search of its capture. The operation failed and a part of the forces sent was bombarded in their attempt to cross the river, so they could not even land. The rest of the grouping was easily defeated throughout that day. This irresponsible operation, which could endanger the safety of a nuclear power plant, ended in failure, like other similar suicide actions. In the same way, other similar actions carried out by sabotage groups have ended,

All these operations by different nationalist battalions acting as special forces have their sponsor in common: the director of the Main Directorate of Military Intelligence (GRU) Kirilo Budanov, whose name was considered a few months ago to replace Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov when the explosion a corruption scandal that almost cost him his job. The major-general, who celebrated his birthday by cutting a cake in the shape of the Russian Federation as a symbolic way of partitioning the country, is the target of one of the latest leaks.

On Monday, The Washington Postpublished, citing anonymous sources from the Biden administration, the news that Budanov had prepared a major attack that was to be carried out in Moscow on February 24, 2023, coinciding with the first anniversary of the start of the Russian military intervention. According to the US media, "Major-General Kirilo Budanov, director of the country's military intelligence directory, ordered one of his officers to" prepare massive attacks on February 24 with everything the GUR has" according to a classified report. of the United States National Security Agency. The officers even planned an attack from the sea using TNT on the Black Sea port city of Novorossiysk, a largely symbolic operation that would have demonstrated Ukraine's ability to strike deep into enemy territory." However,

Two days before the planned attack, "the CIA distributed a new classified report: the GUR "has agreed, at Washington's request, to postpone the attacks" on Moscow." Although the attacks that Budanov could have organized in Moscow could hardly meet the expectations of media such as the Belarusian (actually Polish) opposition Nexta , which published the story with a montage of Moscow devastated and Saint Basil's Cathedral destroyed, the prospect of a attack on Moscow made the American intelligence establishment fearful of Russia's reaction.

The fact that Budanov's plans and the American criticism have been leaked to the press shows the clear distrust that exists in a rising figure within the military cadre in Ukraine. Despite the attempt to deny Mikhailo Podoliak, who described the news as false and the plans "childish", the plans detailed by The Washington Post are consistent with the actions of Ukraine in general and of Budanov in particular, ready for anything, even to send their soldiers to virtually certain death in operations that seek solely a media victory.

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Biden Prepares To Give Up On Ukraine

The much ballyhooed Ukrainian 'counteroffensive' is destined to fail its purpose of severing Russia's supply line to Crimea and to liberate 'occupied territory'. The Biden administration has finally recognized this and is out to lower expectations and to preemptively blame everyone but itself.

The first to be briefed was Politico:

Biden’s team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive
Behind closed doors, the administration worries about what Ukraine can accomplish.

The New York Times joined in:

Ukraine’s Spring Offensive Comes With Immense Stakes for Future of the War
Without a decisive victory, Western support for Ukraine could weaken, and Kyiv could come under increasing pressure to enter serious peace talks to end or freeze the conflict.

From the Politico piece:

Publicly, President Joe Biden’s team has offered unwavering support for Ukraine, pledging to load it up with weapons and economic aid for “as long as it takes.” But, if the impending fighting season yields limited gains, administration officials have expressed privately they fear being faced with a two-headed monster attacking it from the hawkish and dovish ends of the spectrum.

One side will say that Ukraine’s advances would’ve worked had the administration given Kyiv everything it asked for, namely longer-range missiles, fighter jets and more air defenses. The other side, administration officials worry, will claim Ukraine’s shortcoming proves it can’t force Russia out of its territory completely.

That doesn’t even account for the reaction of America’s allies, mainly in Europe, who may see a peace negotiation between Ukraine and Russia as a more attractive option if Kyiv can’t prove victory is around the corner.

The Times offers less drama:

While Ukrainian officials have said their goal is to break through dug-in Russian defenses and create a widespread collapse in Russia’s army, American officials have assessed that it is unlikely the offensive will result in a dramatic shift in momentum in Ukraine’s favor.
Ukraine’s military faces many challenges — one reason that a stalemate remains the most likely outcome. Fighting in Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine this winter has drained ammunition reserves and led to heavy casualties in some experienced units.

Back to Politico which draws the bigger picture. If Ukraine proves incapable of doing what the Pentagon had planned for it it will be pushed into a 'ceasefire' which is hoped to become a permanent solution. The Biden administration will then leave the Ukraine issue behind and fixate on its next big target - China:

Biden and his top aides have publicly stressed that Zelenskyy should only begin peace talks when he is ready. But Washington has also communicated to Kyiv some political realities: at some point, especially with Republicans in control of the House of Representatives, the pace of U.S. aid will likely slow. Officials in Washington, though not pressing Kyiv, have begun preparing for what those conversations could look like and understand it may be a tough political sell at home for Zelenskyy.
“If Ukraine can’t gain dramatically on the battlefield, the question inevitably arises as to whether it is time for a negotiated stop to the fighting,” said Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. “It’s expensive, we’re running low on munitions, we’ve got other contingencies around the world to prepare for.”

“It’s legitimate to ask all these questions without compromising Ukraine’s goals. It’s simply a question of means,” Haass said.

Neither Ukraine nor the supporting NATO countries have the means to extend the war. The original, archived Politico piece read:

The fighting has taken a toll on the Ukrainians as well. Fourteen months into the conflict, the Ukrainians have suffered staggering losses — around 100,000 dead — with many of their top soldiers either sidelined or exhausted. The troops have also gone through historic amounts of ammunition and weaponry, with even the West’s prodigious output unable to match Zelenskyy’s urgent requests.

The corrected later version replaced 'dead' with 'casualties'. While the first version was a nearly correct but too low count the new version is far off the mark. The total casualties are a multiple of 100,000.

Still - the Biden crew knows that the end is coming:

U.S. officials have also briefed Ukraine on the dangers of overextending its ambitions and spreading its troops too thin — the same warning Biden gave then-Afghan President Ashraf Ghani as the Taliban moved to sweep across the country during the U.S. military withdrawal in 2021.
Zelensky has, like Ashraf Ghani, made enough money from the war and is expected to silently move out. But for now it seems unlikely that he is willing to do so.

The alternative to giving up is for the U.S. to escalate again by putting boots on the ground. But Biden wants to win his reelection fight and any further escalation of the war in Ukraine would likely prevent that.

Posted by b on April 25, 2023 at 11:23 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

During The Great Patriotic War(WWII) the Nazi delayed assaulting the Kursk salient for two months in order to accumulate two hundred of their newest 'secret weapon', the Panzer Mk V(Panther) tank. Didn't do them a bit of good, a quarter of them destroyed outright, half of them towed home 'because they broke down'. First tragedy, then farce.



Anti-NATO protests in Sweden as the country hosts large int’l exercise
Originally published: Al Mayadeen on April 23, 2023 by Agencies (more by Al Mayadeen) | (Posted Apr 24, 2023)

Nationwide protests took place in Sweden to reject the country’s decision to host a large international military exercise–dubbed Aurora 2023–and its aspirations to join NATO, China Daily reported on Sunday.

“NATO is nothing but the war machine of the United States,” Nellie Puig, a Swede protesting his country’s potential accession to the military coalition, told the newspaper.

“It is not a defensive alliance as they claim. It is an organization that runs the errands of the United States,” he added.

A number of organizations, political parties, and NGOs took part in the demonstrations, including the Arbitration Society, the Swedish Peace, No NATO, and No to Nuclear Weapons, the news outlet said.

Sweden’s capital Stockholm alone saw hundreds of anti-NATO protesters in its streets.

The demonstrators held banners saying: “No to NATO,” “NATO’s war will get our children killed for a dollar,” and “Stop Aurora 23,” as they marched the streets of the capital.

“Aurora 23 and similar previous exercises prove that Sweden has become increasingly integrated with NATO and Sweden also sells arms to NATO,” said Puig.

Earlier this month, Sweden launched Aurora-23, the largest military drill the country has witnessed in 25 years, involving 14 countries and around 26,000 servicemembers.

Members from the U.S., UK, Germany, France, Ukraine, Finland, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Denmark, and Austria will take part in the training that ends on May 11.

“The purpose of Aurora 23 is to enhance the Swedish Armed Forces’ collected capability to counter an armed attack on Sweden, and also to exercise the entire chain of raised readiness to mobilisation to receive a third party for HNS, as well as a way to prepare us to be a member of Nato,” said Lieutenant Colonel Henrik Larsson, the planning director of the drills.

Last February, Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson said Stockholm aims to further integrate its military relations with NATO as the country’s accession into the coalition is facing obstacles after talks with Turkey have been put to a halt.

Last year, the start of the Ukraine war prompted Sweden and its neighbor Finland to drop decades of military non-alignment. Finland became the 31st member of NATO earlier this month, while Stockholm’s provocative actions toward Ankara–including rallies attacking the Turkish leadership in Stockholm and the burning of the holy Quran outside Turkey’s embassy–led the latter to block its accession to the coalition. ... -exercise/


Russia warns Ukraine actions threaten grain deal

Russia says Ukraine attacks on Black Sea Fleet jeopardize grain deal extension | Photo: AA
Posted April 25, 2023 (9 hours 16 minutes ago)

The UN presented Russia with a proposal to prolong the agreement to facilitate the export of Ukrainian cereals

The Russian Defense Ministry has threatened to end the international agreement guaranteeing the export of Ukrainian grain in the context of the conflict in Ukraine, accusing Kiev of breaching it by shelling Russian-controlled positions in the Black Sea.

"On March 23 and April 24 of this year, in violation of these guarantees, Ukraine launched repeated attacks against the Black Sea Fleet base in the city of Sevastopol and against the civilian infrastructure of Crimea with unmanned ships." , denounced Russia through a statement.

The Secretary General of the United Nations Organization (UN), António Guterres, gave Russia a proposal to extend, improve and expand the so-called Black Sea Agreement, which facilitates the export of Ukrainian cereals and whose continuity has been called into question. by Moscow.

Guterres has transferred this offer in a meeting in New York with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, to whom he has delivered a letter addressed to the country's president, Vladimir Putin, according to the United Nations in a statement.

The organization claims that similar letters have been sent to the other two signatories to the agreement: Ukraine and Türkiye. The proposal brings together the considerations of the parties and the risks for food security, according to the UN.

"He provided a detailed report on the progress already achieved in this regard and reiterated the commitment of the United Nations to continue working to address the outstanding issues," according to Farhan Haq, the UN deputy spokesman.

The Defense Ministry specified that the unmanned boats that attacked Sevastopol and Crimea in March and April "were launched from Odessa waters, designated for the agreement on the transportation of grain" and that the devices "were deployed near the humanitarian corridor used to export agricultural products from Ukraine".

"The terrorist actions of the kyiv regime threaten another extension of the grain agreement beyond May 18," the ministry stressed.

The Ministry recalls that after a similar attack by Ukraine in October 2022, Russia suspended the agreement on the export of cereals from the Black Sea ports, blocked by the Ukrainian conflict.

The agreement was renewed only thanks to Türkiye's guarantees and Ukraine's written commitments not to use the humanitarian corridor and Ukrainian ports for hostilities against the Russian Federation. ... -0017.html

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Kremlin Denounces NATO as an Instrument of Confrontation

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Apr. 24, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@RZSOvi4

Published 24 April 2023

"It is a war machine. And it has been approaching our borders all this time."

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday that the U.S.-led North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an instrument of confrontation.

NATO was conceived, designed and executed as "an instrument of confrontation" and not peace, Peskov said at a Knowledge Society event being held in Moscow.

"It is a war machine. And it has been approaching our borders all this time," the spokesman denounced, pointing to the West's lies about NATO's non-expansion or Russia's isolation and economic collapse.

In this regard, Peskov said that "Russia's isolation is another lie that is repeated like a mantra (...) We participate in many integration partnerships, cooperation formats (...) The world is much bigger and more diverse than the G7."

According to the Kremlin spokesman, 120 foreign companies have left Russia since the country launched its special military operation in Ukraine. "Before the start of the operation, there were about 1 404 foreign companies in the country. These had 2 405 subsidiaries."

Referring to the anti-Russia sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its European allies, Peskov said they are "a double-edged sword" and it shows as the entire eurozone is experiencing an all-time high in inflation.

Since February last year, more than 12 600 new restrictive measures against Russia have been activated in addition to the nearly 2 700 already in place, according to the Castellum.AI database, which tracks sanctions against Russia.

"The pressure on Russia will not be reduced," Peskov said, adding that this does not represent an obstacle to the country's development. Alternative directions for trade and economic cooperation with new partners are opening up, the Russian diplomat said. ... -0019.html


Ukraine conflict spurs record global military spending
By JULIAN SHEA in London | China Daily Global | Updated: 2023-04-25 09:58

European countries now paying more for weapons than any time since 1989

A US Chinook tandem rotor helicopter transports a military vehicle on July 30 during a drill at Mihail Kogalniceanu Airbase near Constanta, Romania, while military personnel play American football. DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE

The outbreak of conflict in Ukraine early last year has led to military expenditure in Europe experiencing its steepest rise in three decades, data released by the Stockholm International Peace Institute, or Sipri, has revealed.

Across the whole world, including Asia and the Middle East, outlay on weapons reached an all-time high of $2.24 trillion last year, but it is the figures for Europe that most catch the eye.

In 2022, states in central and western Europe spent $345 billion, 30 percent more than the figure for a decade earlier, and in real terms a figure that exceeded expenditure in 1989, the last year of the Cold War, before the break-up of the Eastern bloc began.

The conflict of Ukraine had an immediate impact on military spending decisions in central and western Europe, according to Diego Lopes da Silva, a senior researcher at Sipri.

"This included multi-year plans to boost spending from several governments," he said.

"As a result, we can reasonably expect military expenditure in central and western Europe to keep rising in the years ahead."

Of the top 10 heaviest spending nations in the world, three were from western Europe — the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. The UK's total of $68.5 billion included an estimated $2.5 billion, or 3.6 percent, in the form of financial support for Ukraine, while Germany experienced its largest rearmament since World War II.

A whopping 640 percent increase in military expenditure by Ukraine saw it become the country with, by far, the largest share of its GDP, 34 percent, being spent on the military, as opposed to just 3.2 percent the year before, and other countries that sharply increased their military outlay included Finland with 36 percent, Lithuania on 27 percent, Sweden at 12 percent, and Poland with 11 percent.

Nan Tian, another senior researcher at Sipri, warned that the global signs are that the latest spending patterns are unlikely to stop soon.

"The continuous rise in global military expenditure in recent years is a sign that we are living in an increasingly insecure world," he said. "States are bolstering military strength in response to a deteriorating security environment, which they do not foresee improving in the near future."

Aside from Europe, the United States remains by far the world's biggest military spender as its military spending reached $877 billion in 2022, which was 39 percent of total global military spending and three times more than the amount spent by China, the report said.

The 0.7 percent real-terms increase in US spending in 2022 would have been even greater had it not been for the highest levels of inflation since 1981.

"The increase in the USA's military spending in 2022 was largely accounted for by the unprecedented level of financial military aid it provided to Ukraine," said Nan. ... cf9ea.html


Communist Party deputy Dmitry Ivanov died at the front
April 25, 21:15


It became known that the deputy of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation from the regional council of Khakassia, Dmitry Ivanov, who went to the front in February 2023, died.
Deputy Ivanov did not sit in the rear, but went as a volunteer to serve in the Wagner PMC, where he took part in assault operations.
As befits a communist, he fought against Nazism, and did not eat croissants in Paris or Riga.

Peace to ashes.

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The price of betrayal. INF Treaty as an example of an unequal treaty in the modern world
April 25, 20:11


The price of betrayal. INF Treaty as an example of an unequal treaty in the modern world

On April 13, at the initiative of the Central Council of the organization "Russian scientists of socialist orientation", a scientific conference "The role and place of nuclear weapons in the modern world and the achievements of the USSR in space exploration" was held. It was opened by the chairman of the CA RUSO, Doctor of Technical Sciences I.I. Nikitchuk. The following speakers spoke at the conference: Chairman of the DPA, Lieutenant General, State Duma Deputy V.I. Sobolev, First Deputy Chairman of the Central Council of RUSO, Doctor of Economics, Professor I.M. Bratishchev, leader of the movement "For New Socialism" N.N. Platoshkin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences B.S. Kashin, head of the Union of Soviet Officers, Lieutenant General G.M. Benov, member of the Presidium of the Central Council of RUSO, writer, journalist, candidate of historical sciences, Rear Admiral V.A. Popovich, employee of the Nuclear Center (Arzamas-16), Ph.D. D.E. Larin, member of the Presidium of the CA RUSO, Ph.D. G.N. Zmievskaya, member of the Presidium of the Central Council of RUSO O.A. Gudymo, military expert A.B. Sivov, employee of Roskosmos, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.G. Milovanov, employee of Roskosmos, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Melnikov, Deputy General Director of the Rosenergoatom Concern S.P. Shcherbakov, employee of the Nuclear Center (Arzamas-16) A.V. Zubanov. Based on the materials of the conference, a collection of reports presented at the conference will be prepared and published.

Among the speakers was the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Pravda newspaper, a member of the Presidium of the Central Council of RUSO, Ph.D. M.S. Kostrikov. We bring to your attention the text of his speech.

If not to be an idealist, it is clear that any international agreement under capitalism is to some extent more advantageous to one side and less advantageous to the other. But one thing is ordinary notions of disadvantage, and quite another is the conclusion of unequal treaties, which became one of the main methods used by the advanced capitalist countries during the formation of colonial empires. Their essence is that they undermine the sovereignty of one of the contracting states and open up prospects for its further complete or partial subordination to the mother country.

In the Soviet Union, historians and diplomats called such imposed agreements enslaving, that is, the socio-economic aspect came to the fore. The term "unequal treaties" itself came from China, where it was used in relation to the practice of the 19th - early 20th centuries. For China, the Nanjing Treaty became the first unequal treaty. It was concluded with Great Britain following the results of the First Opium War lost by Beijing (1840-1842). Then the Chinese side had to pay not only a huge indemnity, but also humiliating compensation for confiscated opium, with which "civilized" British businessmen poisoned the local population and made gigantic fortunes on it. Under the same treaty, the British took possession of Hong Kong, and it took China a century and a half to solve this problem.

However, unequal treaties can also be found in an earlier period, and by no means only in the Chinese example. Their imposition was a common practice of the colonial policy of European powers, including the Russian Empire, as well as Japan. After the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution and the formation of the USSR, Soviet diplomacy built its policy on completely different principles: mutual respect and equality. The practice of unequal treaties was rejected, and all such agreements of the tsarist government were annulled.

It is all the more offensive for us today to consider the events of the last decades, when our country itself became a victim of the neo-colonial policy of the West. This happened with the direct participation of the state leadership of the late USSR, and then the Russian Federation, who betrayed the interests of their own country and its peoples.

As part of the theme of the conference, it is proposed to consider from this point of view the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range Missiles (INF Treaty), concluded between the USSR and the USA in 1987. In our opinion, it can be considered not only unfavorable for the Soviet side. In the case of the INF Treaty, adjusted for modern realities, it should be viewed precisely as unequal, opening the way for the future undermining of the sovereignty of our country, the main guarantor of which was its own nuclear missile potential - from the very moment the Americans invented the atomic bomb.

After the first successful nuclear test, the initiative in the strategic offensive arms race for a long time firmly belonged to the United States, which surpassed the USSR in all components both quantitatively and qualitatively. Individual successes of the Soviet Union did not change the overall picture. In addition, the presence of a network of military bases along the perimeter of the borders of the USSR should be included among the strategic advantages of the United States. As we know, an attempt under Khrushchev to change this balance by placing Soviet missiles in Cuba led to a hysterical reaction in Washington, which resulted in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

One of its consequences was the conclusion in 1963 of the Moscow Treaty banning nuclear tests in three environments: in space, atmosphere and under water. We emphasize that this agreement was originally tripartite: in addition to the USSR and the USA, Great Britain also signed it. Today, 131 states participate in it. This greatly distinguishes this agreement from subsequent bilateral Soviet-American treaties.

However, the backlog of the USSR was steadily shrinking, and by the 1970s, at the cost of colossal efforts, it was able to achieve strategic nuclear parity. This did not mean complete equality, since in a number of components, for example, in strategic aviation, and most importantly, in its bases, the United States still had an advantage. It's just that the nuclear arsenal of the USSR reached a level where the success of the American strike became doubtful, and in the event of a conflict, its most likely outcome was the mutual destruction of opponents.

It was then that the American side began to put forward initiatives to conclude agreements on certain types of weapons. In 1972, an agreement was signed on the limitation of anti-missile defense systems (ABM). It was already concluded only between the USSR and the USA, and was unilaterally terminated by Washington in 2001, when the Americans were in full swing developing a new generation missile defense system.

Many experts today believe that the success of the USSR in creating the A-35 strategic missile defense system prompted the United States to conclude this agreement, while American designers were not able to fully cope with a similar task at that stage. That is, this treaty was already more beneficial to the United States, although it was not unequal in relation to the USSR.

The economic crisis that erupted in 1973, combined with the achievement of nuclear parity by the USSR, forced both American diplomacy and the military to look for various tricks to maintain their advantages. In diplomatic terms, one of those, as we understand today, was a series of treaties on the limitation of strategic arms on the one hand and the imposition of the Helsinki Accords on the USSR on the other. The military, on the other hand, focused on developing a new strategy for nuclear war, which could violate the parity achieved by the Soviet side.

Thus, the idea of ​​a decapitating, or blinding, blow was born in the United States, which would lead to the elimination of the military-political leadership of the USSR, as well as part of its nuclear potential, within a few minutes. This start of the war made it unlikely that the Soviet Union would launch a retaliatory strike and gave Washington the illusion of the possibility of winning a nuclear conflict without receiving unacceptable damage from the Soviet Armed Forces.

Ballistic and cruise missiles of relatively short range and, accordingly, with a short flight time, became a key component of the strategy of decapitation (blinding) strike. This class of missiles existed before, but new guidance systems significantly reduced their circular probable deviation - to about 30 meters, that is, calculations said that half of the warheads would hit a circle with a radius of 30 m, and 93 would fly into a circle with a radius of 60 m % warheads. For a nuclear warhead with a capacity of tens of kilotons, greater accuracy was not required.

Such missiles were the MGM-31C Pershing II ballistic missile with a range of 1,770 km and a warhead with a yield of up to 80 kt, as well as a BGM-109G Tomahawk cruise missile with a range of up to 2,500 km and a warhead with a yield of up to 150 kt. Both were ground-based, but the Tomahawk was originally developed in other modifications that could be used from other carriers - air, surface or underwater.

In accordance with the doctrine of the use of new weapons developed in the United States, the creation of a forward-based system for these missiles began. Their location was Western Europe, and the minimum flight time reached 6 minutes. For comparison: an intercontinental ballistic missile has a flight time of the order of half an hour.

The USSR decided to respond symmetrically to these US actions. In the western direction, the deployment of Soviet RSD-10 Pioneer systems began. It was a mobile ground missile system on a multi-wheeled chassis. It carried a ballistic missile with a maximum range of up to 5000 km and two equipment options: with a monoblock warhead with a capacity of 100 kt to 1 mt or with three individually targetable warheads of 150 kt each. The second option was the most common.

There were so many "pioneers" (more than 500 launchers and more than 700 missiles) that they could destroy the entire military infrastructure of NATO in Western Europe. The complex was mobile, in addition, there were special concrete shelters for launchers. That is, it turned out to be a difficult target for the enemy. Therefore, a situation of parity arose again. The idea of ​​a decapitating (blinding) blow was bursting at the seams.

It was then that the American leadership had a keen desire to negotiate on this issue. President Ronald Reagan proposed the so-called zero option: the US does not bring Pershings and Tomahawks to Western Europe, and the USSR - attention! - Destroys all his "Pioneers". The disadvantage of such an approach was obvious, and it was rejected by the Soviet side.

In 1982, even under L.I. Brezhnev, the Soviet leadership, following in the spirit of the policy of détente, which, in fact, had already outlived itself, proposed its own version. In accordance with it, agreeing to reduce the number of Pioneers, the USSR demanded similar measures, but not only from the United States, but also from their NATO allies, Great Britain and France, who also had medium-range ballistic missiles in service. Naturally, the West did not agree to this.

At the time of Yu.V. Andropov's position of the USSR became somewhat tougher. At that time, the Soviet leadership had a clear understanding: yes, formally we are not talking about strategic weapons, but nevertheless, medium and shorter-range missiles (from 500 km to 5000 km) directly affect the strategic balance, since they can be used to destroy points of acceptance decisions and strategic nuclear forces. Therefore, any negotiations on this subject were linked to the withdrawal of the United States of all its nuclear weapons from Europe and their limitation of other military programs, primarily the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), that is, the space satellite system being developed to destroy Soviet missiles in the upper stage of the flight. This was called the "package approach", which the Americans rejected, so the negotiations never started. Alas, in the USSR then they did not understand

Since the autumn of 1983, the United States began to deploy Pershing II missiles in Western Europe, including the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, which was especially painfully perceived in the USSR. The answer was, in addition to the "Pioneers" available in the west of the USSR, the deployment of operational-tactical missile systems OTR-23 "Oka" in the GDR and Czechoslovakia. Its ballistic missiles, with a maximum range of 400 km, as a rule, carried a conventional warhead, but could be re-equipped with a nuclear warhead with a yield of 10 to 50 kt within literally fifteen minutes. The complex "shooted through" almost the entire territory of Germany.

The idea of ​​resuming negotiations was revived in the West immediately after Andropov's death, but was initially not supported in the USSR. However, then Defense Minister Dmitry Ustinov, who did not agree to concessions to Washington, also passed away. And when the now infamous Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, negotiations resumed, and the Soviet leadership immediately abandoned the Andropov “package approach” without any conditions. In addition, as a “goodwill gesture”, the USSR unilaterally imposed a moratorium on the deployment of Oka complexes in the GDR and Czechoslovakia. Then negotiations were to begin, but not about the destruction of the missiles, but about their withdrawal from Europe: the United States would take the Pershings to itself overseas, and the USSR would transport the Pioneers beyond the Urals.

Further events took place, in our opinion, not without the participation of US diplomacy. Japan and the then Chinese leadership, who listened carefully to the opinion of Washington, spoke out categorically against the appearance of the Soviet "Pioneers" in the east of the USSR, indicating that they saw this as a threat. Since the “world community” in the person of Tokyo and Beijing was against it, Gorbachev shrugged his shoulders and gave the “go-ahead” to Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze to negotiate not about the withdrawal, but about the mutual destruction of medium-range and shorter-range land-based missiles. Moreover, bilateral negotiations, that is, without taking into account the potential of the American allies in NATO, which has not gone away. Needless to say, the Gorbachev leadership did not ask for anything in return for softening its position and, accordingly, did not receive anything.

Basically, the future agreement was ready by the beginning of autumn 1987. It provided, among other things, a unified classification of missiles by range. Both ballistic and ground-based cruise missiles of medium range (defined by the agreement within 1,000–5,000 km) and shorter (500–1,000 km) ranges fell under the treaty. The official conclusion of the INF Treaty took place on December 8, 1987 in Washington, when Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan put their signatures under it. It entered into force on July 1, 1988, after which the Gorbachevites rushed furiously to ruin the missile systems, the development and production of which the country spent colossal forces and resources.

What did this treaty bring to the two countries that signed it? Why is it possible to raise the question of recognizing it as unequal, that is, violating sovereignty? Let's take a look in detail.

The USSR and the USA agreed to eliminate the existing ones, as well as not to produce or develop new intermediate- and shorter-range missiles. The American allies in NATO had such a potential, since they were not parties to the treaty, and the allies of the USSR in the Warsaw Pact never had such opportunities. This worsened the position of the Soviet Union, but this is not enough.

What was eliminated and what remained of the named classes of missiles? In total, the USSR destroyed 1846 missile systems, and the US only 846. Obvious disparity. Old Soviet medium-range missiles R-12 and R-14 were "cut". It seems to be a small loss, they have almost served their own, but nothing was received in exchange for this. If we talk about modern complexes, then the American Pershing II and Tomahawk (but only its ground version), the Soviet Pioneer and ... Oka went to scrap.

"How so? the attentive reader will ask. “After all, it is indicated above that the Oka had a range of only 400 km, and complexes with a range of 500 km or more fell under the agreement.” And like this! The fate of the Oka was decided as a result of a personal appeal by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who directly raised the issue of destroying this complex with Mikhail Gorbachev. And the Secretary General, in violation of the INF Treaty signed by him himself, instructed to finish off the Oka. Another "goodwill gesture" in the interests of Western "partners" in the hope that they will appreciate it.

The Soviet military leadership, demoralized by the landing of Matthias Rust on Red Square in May 1987, dutifully saluted. The destruction of the Oka had enormous consequences. The point is not only that the latest, just produced more than a hundred complexes and more than two hundred missiles for them were liquidated. A whole promising direction was closed: all work on the creation of a more modern Oka-U complex on the basis of the existing more modern complex was stopped. Suffice it to say that the Oka of the 1980s, in many respects, would not be inferior to the powerfully advertised Iskander today.

In turn, the United States not only deprived its adversary of part of its military potential, but also created more favorable opportunities for using its own. The fact is that, due to the specifics of the structure of the American armed forces, ground-based medium-range and shorter-range missiles have never played the same role in them as in the Soviet Army. Yes, the Americans destroyed the ground modification of the Tomahawks, but continued to actively produce and modernize the naval and aviation versions of the rocket. Therefore, the United States, having a powerful Navy and Air Force, could at the right time "drag" its strike potential to the enemy's borders.

This allowed the United States to start developing a new strategy - the so-called rapid global strike in order to disarm the enemy, destroy his decision-making centers and infrastructure. Due to significantly increased accuracy rates (CEP is now measured in meters), it can be carried out either without the use of nuclear weapons at all, or with its limited use.

What does the US have today? The carriers of the "Tomahawks" are the destroyers of the type "Arleigh Burke". There are more than 60 of them in service, and each can carry up to 56 cruise missiles. We also add that destroyers similar in their capabilities to the Arleigh Burke with the same combat information and control system (CICS) Aegis are in service with the fleets of the US allied Japan (Atago type and Kongo type) and South Korea (type "King Sejong"). There are about a dozen of them in total, and they should also be considered as carriers of medium-range cruise missiles.

The Ticonderoga-class missile cruiser has the ability to launch 122 Tomahawks. The US has 22 of these ships. There are also 26 Los Angeles-class nuclear submarines in service, each of which can carry 12 medium-range cruise missiles.

After the collapse of the USSR and the reduction of the nuclear potential of the Russian Federation, the United States was able to afford to convert four of the eighteen Ohio-type strategic nuclear submarine missile carriers from carriers of Trident II ballistic missiles into carriers of the same Tomahawks. Each of them can fire a salvo of 154 (!) cruise missiles.

In addition, the United States has a total of about 70 carriers of aviation cruise missiles - B-52 aircraft.

By 2019, from the US point of view, the INF Treaty had exhausted itself, and on February 1, President Donald Trump announced a unilateral termination of compliance with it. Naturally, the Russian Federation was accused of violating the treaty, which allegedly developed a ground-based cruise missile with a range of more than 500 km.

Six months later, the Russian Foreign Ministry also announced its withdrawal from the treaty. However, many experts have previously pointed out that US ground-based launchers for missiles of the SM-1 and SM-2 missile defense systems can be easily used to launch medium-range ballistic missiles. Already in August 2019, a Tomahawk successfully flew from a ground-based launcher, and in December of the same year, the United States also tested a ballistic missile with a range of more than 500 km. It is clear that such work did not take months that have passed since Trump announced his withdrawal from the INF Treaty, but the United States has been quietly conducting all previous years.

We will not compare all this with the capabilities of the RF Armed Forces. Now in the Russian Federation there is very strict legislation on the subject of "discrediting" everything and everything army. But in principle, anyone can look at the course of the NMD, at the results of Russian missile strikes on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine, in order to at least roughly understand the state of affairs.

These are the consequences of only one of the treaties concluded by Gorbachev - the INF Treaty. After the United States acquired nuclear weapons and developed plans for an atomic war against the USSR, our country owed the preservation of sovereignty to the nuclear missile potential created by Soviet scientists, designers and production workers. Its essential part was medium and shorter range missiles. Their destruction, provided that the United States and its allies had this type of weapon, was a blow to our country's ability to protect its sovereignty, opening up prospects for nuclear blackmail. The consequences of the conclusion of this unequal treaty are felt to this day. It can be assumed that this influence will increase even more, taking into account the growing aggravation of the international situation. ... stva41-23/ - zinc

Military content of Ukraine
April 26, 11:30


The military maintenance of Kyiv in 2022 exceeded $ 80 billion. NATO countries paid 86% of the costs

Ukraine's military spending in 2022 increased by 9.3 times and amounted to $80.3 billion, or 55% of GDP, Equality calculated according to SIPRI ( -04/2304_fs_milex_2022.pdf ) and the Ministry of Finance ( ). NATO countries paid for 86% of Ukraine's needs and made it one of the most militarized countries in the world, and the war with Russia is its mission.

The budget of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in 2022 was $37 billion ( ). With paramilitary spending, the spending was $44 billion ( ... x_2022.pdf ), SIPRI estimates. NATO countries allocated $32.4 billion to Ukraine ( ... e_war-3435 ), of which $14.9 billion are gratuitous transfers, and $17.5 billion are loans (essentially also free). This is close to an increase in military budget spending (by $38 billion). That is, the West almost completely paid for the war.

The second part of the spending is the supply of weapons by the West. Feb. In 2023, they reached $78 billion ( ... ata-17410/ ), from which they actually transferred $36.3 in 2022 billion (SIPRI estimates at least $30 billion).

In total, the military content of Ukraine in 2022 was $80.3 billion (55% of GDP), which was covered by the West by 86%.

2013 - $2.9 billion (1.6% of GDP)
2021 - $8.6 billion (4.3%)
2022 - $80 billion (55%)
2023 – $63 billion (41%)

Kiev was pumped with weapons long before the NWO. Under Trump, 7 aid packages were allocated for $2.1 billion, under Biden (before the CBO) - 12 packages for $3.44 billion.

In 2023, military spending will be the same, although so far smaller amounts have been allocated - $63 billion (41% of GDP) . Of these, arms supplies have already been announced for $41 billion, and budget expenditures for defense in 2023 are prescribed ( ) in the amount of $21.7 billion. They will also be covered by external tranches (plan - $33 billion).

The military spending of the Russian Federation in 2022 was up to $98 billion (SIPRI estimates it at $86 billion), or 4.6% of GDP. Only a part went to the SVO: the growth for the year was $32 billion (Ukraine had $71 billion).

The U.S. military budget has reached $877 billion, while NATO has $1.36 trillion.

The countries of the NATO cordon around Russia (from Norway to Turkey) have increased military spending by 1.6 times since 2013, which reflects the direction of the bloc's aggression. In 2022, the growth was 24℅, to $72 billion. Together with Ukraine, this is $150 billion, which is 1.5 times more than that of the Russian Federation.

@ravenstvomedia - zinc

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EU’s withdrawal of tariffs on Ukrainian grain backfires as eastern European countries rise in opposition

The European Union and five countries in eastern Europe at are loggerheads over the tariff-free import of grain from Ukraine. The five countries say that the removal of tariffs has affected their internal markets and their farmers

April 20, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

(Photo: via Strajk. eu)

European Union (EU) authorities and five eastern European countries are in a stand-off over the import of tariff-free grain from Ukraine. The decision to remove the tariffs on grain imports from Ukraine was taken by the EU in June 2022. However, eastern European countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Romania have been increasingly unhappy with the withdrawal of tariffs, citing the impact on their local markets. The disagreement boiled over last week when five countries — Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovenia — blocked the import of Ukrainian grain. A meeting on Wednesday, April 19, between EU authorities and representatives of the five countries did not lead to any breakthrough. Incidentally, many of these countries are close allies of Ukraine.

Following the outbreak of the war, the EU had lifted all tariffs and quotas on Ukrainian grain exports to its member states to ensure their sale to global markets. Earlier this month, farmers in Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland protested the price crash of their crops due to the import of tax-free cheap grain from Ukraine. Even though the EU had pledged compensation worth 56.3 million euros (US$ 61.74 million) to the grain farmers in these countries, the governments consider it insufficient. Now, many countries in Eastern Europe are calling for reintroduction of tariffs on Ukrainian grain to protect their domestic farmers.

After the latest crisis, EU officials proposed a compromise whereby Ukrainian produce would be transported through these countries but would not enter their markets. A 100 million Euro package for farmers in these countries was also proposed. However, no agreement has been reached on these provisions

The Ukrainian economy is mainly dependent on grain exports, metallurgy, and the production of machinery. Russia was the chief trading partner of Ukraine, which also significantly benefited from the supply of cheap oil and natural gas from Russia until the EU-instigated anti-Russia Euromaidan coup in the country in 2014. Since then, Ukraine-Russia relations plunged, with rising conflicts escalating to a full-fledged war in February 2022. By then, the EU had become the chief trading partner of Ukraine and, currently, the Ukrainian economy is fully dependent on funds from the US and EU countries, funds which are primarily earmarked for the war against Russia.

After the outbreak of the war, Russia and Ukraine agreed to take part in the Black Sea Grain Initiative that was brokered by Turkey and the UN in July 2022 to ensure maritime grain shipments from Ukraine to other countries in order to tackle rising food shortages across the world, especially in poor and developing countries in Asia and Africa.

Russia suspended its participation in the deal for a brief period of three days last year, following the massive drone attack on the Russian-controlled port of Sevastopol on October 29. It accused Ukraine of using the grain corridor in the Black Sea to attack Russian targets. Russia returned to the deal on November 2 after Turkish and UN mediation, but still maintains some reservations as it claims that “much of the Ukrainian grain shipped under the deal to ease a global food crisis is reaching rich European countries, instead of the poor and developing countries.”

Talks are on now on the extension of the deal. It has already been extended once and is expected to continue till May 18 this year.

In May last year, the EU also introduced solidarity corridors through its member states bordering Ukraine for the transport of grain. However, even the European Commission admitted in July 2022 that “the majority of Ukrainian wheat is stuck in the nearby EU countries barely reaching the third countries that need it.”

According to several observers and analysts, the US-led NATO war alliance’s strategic scheming against Russia, along with the business interests of EU-backed oligarchs, are among the major factors that have contributed to the start and worsening of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It should be noted that Ukraine—a key exporter of grains—was a country where the sale of agricultural land was legally prohibited until recently. When Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, agricultural land was state property and collective farming was in practice. In the post-Soviet period, rampant privatization of agricultural land was initiated in Ukraine—as dictated by the IMF in the 1990s—leading to the concentration of large hectares of farmlands in the hands of a few oligarchs. In 2001, the Ukrainian government put a moratorium on the sale of farmland to check this trend. It was the post-Maidan government led by Volodymyr Zelensky that lifted the long-standing moratorium in 2021, drawing criticism from various groups including farmers, communes, communists, and others. ... pposition/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:13 pm
by blindpig
A "legendary" brigade
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/27/2023


In a lengthy post on his Twitter profile aimed, as usual, at demanding more weapons from his Western partners, the adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine Mikhailo Podolyak complained on Tuesday about questions from the press regarding the expected Ukrainian counteroffensive. “When will the counteroffensive start? In what direction? How many troops and equipment will there be? What is the battle plan? Journalists ask the same questions of everyone they can consider official.”, Podolyak sentenced before moving on to the moral of practically all his messages: proclaiming that the West is not doing enough for the Ukrainian offensive to have the success it expects. Faced with somewhat more moderate sectors, Podolyak is in the most radical wing of Ukrainian nationalism in regards to the objectives of the war. In his vision, there can be no room for compromise and the result of the war, one that he considers mathematically inevitable, must be the recovery of the country's territorial integrity according to its 1991 borders. After that, the time would come for the expulsion of the population. unwanted in places like Crimea and the punishment of collaborators . The media adviser has not hidden that these are his objectives. The fact that neither his words nor his planCrimean unemployment published by Oleksiy Danilov, president of the National Security and Defense Council, have been refuted or qualified, can be considered an indicator that they do not differ excessively from the official policy of the current government, whose discourse is based solely on the search for victory, not peace.

Without official answers to many of the questions of this war - such as, for example, the level of casualties Ukraine is suffering and whether the country will be able to sustain more offensives by replacing soldiers killed, wounded or captured - the press continues speculating and looking for other sources to fill those gaps that military censorship prevents official authorities from achieving. Without any certainty about the Ukrainian intentions or about the result, some media are already beginning to look for their protagonists. In a new example of whitewashing of the Azov movement, which adds to all those accumulated since its appearance in 2014, The Washington PostHe recently interviewed one of the regiment's soldiers, announcing that he has been designated as one of the "six offensive brigades that will help lead the Ukrainian attempt to recapture occupied areas." Apparently converted into a brigade, Azov has, according to the outlet, absorbed other units of the Ukrainian National Guard.

Gone are the years in which the brigade, then a battalion, was widely considered dangerous and it was argued that its speech, practically marginal, did not represent that of the country in general. Of course, Azov was worrisome enough to be designated twice as a neo-Nazi or white supremacist militia by the United States Congress, which prohibited it from being armed, trained or financed by Washington. Although the ban was lifted on both occasions, the traces of this concern for a battalion whose symbology resembles the wolfsangel used in Nazi Germany have reached this year.

Just one year ago, on March 14, 2022, an article in the same outlet that now interviews its soldiers and argues that their discourse has moderated, leaving ideology aside to focus on military efficiency, stated that "Azov was inducted into the Ukrainian National Guard in 2014 and has been the basis of Putin's false claim that the Ukrainian government is run by neo-Nazis. Although Azov remains a fringe movement in Ukraine, it is an exuberant brand among many extremists. It has openly welcomed Westerners through white supremacist websites. Azov stickers and patches have been seen around the world: from a backpack at a neo-Nazi counter-demonstration in July 2020 in Tennessee to the motorcycle from an attempted bombing of a mosque in Italy.”

The Russian invasion of February 2022 was a turning point for all kinds of radical groups whose ideology ceased to matter. The only priority was the military aspect, so even those war veterans imprisoned for crimes committed in Donbass were released and sent to the front. The war against Russia has not only definitively rehabilitated the Azov regiment, now practically received with honors in the United States or Israel, but also even more radical and, without a doubt, much more bloodthirsty groups such as the Tornado battalion. However, the process is not new, but a repetition, on a much larger scale and with the support of the Western propaganda machine, of what happened in the summer of 2014, when groups like Azov achieved public prominence.

The Washington Post article, like many others published in the last thirteen months, describes as "legendary" a regiment from which it alleges that it has alienated the most radical elements. It does not matter that Andriy Biletsky continues to be its spiritual, ideological and political leader or that he left the post of military leader already in 2014. It does not matter that both Denis Prokopenko, the “hero of Ukraine” who led the regiment during the battle for Mariupol, or Maksym Zhoryn, a member of the National Corpus who has led the reconstruction of the regiment after the defeat at Mariupol, come from the hard core of Azov since its inception, the Borodach division, whose symbol is a modified totenkopf. The discourse referring to Azov as a military movement, falsely differentiated from its political movement, is based on the legitimacy of thedefense of Mariupol . Ukraine, with the help of the Western press, has installed as absolute truth the false myth of the defense of Azovstal , an epic fight in which a regiment chose to defend the steel plant owned by Rinat Akhmetov to the end despite the fact that it was Azovstal who defended the heroes of the regiment and other units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine until the final delivery. As observed in the months that followed, that surrender came about through an agreement that has resulted in the return of the bulk of the regiment to Ukraine and the handing over of its high command to a third country, Turkey, until the end of the war. The reality obscures the legend, so it is the story that has prevailed.

The Washington Post extols Azov's recruiting capabilities today, now that nationalism has become widespread thanks to the war, and recalls the initial moments, when the rise of the battalion responded to the state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during the war in Donbass. Perhaps due to ignorance or perhaps lack of interest, this discourse ignores the way in which the movement linked to Andriy Biletsky, an associate of Arsen Avakov in their joint ventures in Kharkiv, became a military unit and a National Guard police battalion even before that the war broke out. Days before the proclamation of the anti-terrorist operation, senior officials of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs met with Biletsky and Korchinsky to join the movement that Avakov had already used against pro-Russian or anti-Maidan protests.

The 2014 war justified joining a movement with a significant fascist and neo-Nazi presence and a leader with extensive experience in far-right groups. Already at that time, despite serving as commander in the battalion in its first weeks, Biletsky was the political leader, not the military one. His move aside and his placement in the National Corpus instead of Azov was never due to the separation of the two streams. As can be seen today, that separation that the press usually refers to does not exist. Nor does moderation or the elimination of more radical elements conform to reality. But now Azov is received internationally, holds fundraisers and, as the subject of The Washington Post 's storyannounce the possibility of following the example of Chechen militants capturing Russian cities to use their population as hostage, an idea perfectly compatible with the modus operandipeople like Kirilo Budanov, head of the Ministry of Defense's Main Directorate of Military Intelligence, with which brigade units such as Kraken work. The moderation of the Azov regiment is only so in relation to the difference between its discourse and that of the Government, which has been progressively reduced over the years while the nationalist discourse became official as the official one of the State. The fact that both discourses hardly differ today is not due to the moderation of the extreme right but to the radicalization of the State, a process that has certainly accelerated since February 24, 2022, but that has been taking place over the last nine years in the war of Donbass and in the institutionalization of hatred of everything Russian, which also included the population of the territories of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

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A Current Overview of the Conflict in Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 25, 2023
Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein


For all those who speak of missed deadlines, of slow development of combat actions, of imminent collapse of the Russian economy, of certainty in the immediate and immediate expiration dates of the Russian missile and ammunition arsenals, it must be said that this is nothing more than desperate Western propaganda aimed at deceiving the naive, ignorant and unwary.

During the first week of Russia’s special military operation (SMO) in Ukraine in February last year, Russian troops arrived in the vicinity of Kyiv and Kharkov, the two main cities of Ukraine. They stayed there for a month. The world waited impatiently for the moment when the Kremlin would order the offensive to take the capital. However, on April 1, Russian military forces withdrew without casualties. Immediately, the Western press began to shout with an overwhelming roar that Russia had suffered a great defeat and had been forced to retreat amid great human and material losses. They could show no proof of such losses. The spectacles of lies and fake news in the Ukrainian conflict had begun.

A little over a year after the start of the SMO, it is worth asking: was Russia’s goal to take Kiev and produce a withering defeat for Ukraine? In light of events, that does not seem to have been the objective. The missions enunciated by President Putin himself were clearly stated from the outset: to prevent the genocide being prepared for the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine. In this reasoning, it is not possible to evaluate the development of the actions on the basis of objectives arising from Western think tanks or transnational disinformation media, not from those who decided and planned the operation.

For all those who speak of missed deadlines, of slow development of combat actions, of imminent collapse of the Russian economy, of certainty in the immediate and immediate expiration dates of the Russian missile and ammunition arsenals, it must be said that this is nothing more than desperate Western propaganda aimed at deceiving the naive, ignorant and unwary.

The only statement heard in the last year came not from any Russian leader, but from Chinese President Xi Jinping. In bidding farewell to his Russian counterpart after their meeting in the Kremlin, he said, “Changes are taking place that we have not seen in a hundred years and it is we who are leading them together.“ There was no immediacy, short–termism or short–term vision of the conflict, but a deep reflection and long–term strategic analysis of the structural nature of the transformations that are taking place. This is the true dimension of what is being experienced.

There are a number of facts that show that it is not Russia that is losing the war.

On February 16 it was reported that the arsenals of European countries were empty due to the conflict in Ukraine. In this context, Western defense ministers wondered with what resources and for how long they could continue to support Kiev. Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland, Ukraine’s closest ally, declared in January that the West is already “tired” of the conflict in Ukraine.

In turn, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace stated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces should use ammunition more sparingly, as they do in NATO. Wallace specified that one of the objectives of the Ukrainian army’s training program is “to fight in the Western style“. Anyone who knows a little about these matters knows that an operational, logistical and combat readiness transformation cannot be done in the short term, much less in the context of the development of a war.

For his part, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg explained that the arms production capacity of Ukraine’s allies is less than the rate at which Kiev is consuming them. He stated that, “The current rate of spending on ammunition in Ukraine is many times higher than our current rate of production,“ which, he emphasized, “puts our defense industries under pressure.“

Ukraine has had 257,000 deaths among NATO soldiers, instructors and officers, as well as mercenaries from various countries, according to data provided by Ukraine’s own Defense Minister, Oleksii Reznikov, contained in a report he made to U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin during his visit to Washington and which was cited by the Israeli Mossad in a report leaked to the press. These data give an account of the great difficulties to replenish losses in Ukraine, when 25% of its population, mostly young people, have left the country or are already under Russian sovereignty. In Artemovsk/Bakhmut alone, Ukraine has had between 9 and 11,000 soldiers killed per month, most of them untrained novice fighters who have fallen in what has been called “the Bakhmut meat grinder.“

A country that has also lost over 120,000 km² of territory recaptured by Russia (almost 20% of Ukraine’s total area) and 234,000 wounded and whose combat capability has been affected by the destruction of 407 aircraft, 228 helicopters, 3,764 drones, 8,699 tanks and armored vehicles 4,606 artillery systems, 415 Ukrainian anti–aircraft systems, 9,552 special military vehicles and 1,086 multiple rocket launcher systems, does not seem credible that it is winning the war.

The buzzword now is about the upcoming Ukrainian counteroffensive which nobody believes in, given the intelligence documents recently leaked in the United States. Given this situation one might ask: if NATO and Ukraine are preparing an offensive, why do they insist on losing soldiers in a city like Bajmut, already 80% occupied by Russia and which, given the latest developments, will fall sooner or later?

For its part, Russia continues to train its tens of thousands of mobilized troops, the vast majority of whom have been preparing for months and some of whom are already in the SMO area covering positions and performing support tasks. Russia is preparing an offensive but no one knows when it will take place. Who has ever seen the main direction of an operation, the forces and means to be used and the combat and rear security situation aired in the media and anyone have an opinion about it? Only people who have ever seen a rifle in their lives, let alone been in combat. They are “internet and play station generals“.

Let’s understand it better in the words of Brigadier General Erich Vad, who served as an advisor to former German Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2006 to 2013: “Then the question arises, what should happen with the tank deliveries? To seize Crimea or Donbass, Leopards tanks are not enough. In eastern Ukraine, in the Bakhmut area, the Russians are advancing systematically. They will surely have completely conquered the Donbass in a short time. Just consider the numerical superiority of the Russians over Ukraine. Russia can mobilize up to two million reservists. The West can send 100 Marder and 100 Leopards there. This will not change the overall military situation at all. And the most important question is how to end such a conflict, with the most powerful nuclear power in the world,

Everything responds to a decision that has only media objectives on the part of Ukraine and NATO: US generals and their allies know that from the military point of view it is totally absurd to keep a city (Artemovsk/Bakhmut) on the brink of collapse. and in which they have a strategic position at a total disadvantage (almost surrounded, with an almost non–existent supply chain, with heavy casualties). Meanwhile, the Russian high command sees that their soldiers would be exposed to unnecessary risks and in absolute disadvantage, they would retreat to another position to continue fighting in better conditions, as it happened in Kherson, where a month–long retreat of 105,000 civilians, 35,000 soldiers and about 40,000 military equipment took place across the Dnieper river... without a single casualty,

Today, Ukrainian forces are greatly decimated and weakened. If those units fall in the defense of the Donbass, there will be no fortifications and no major cities between that territory and Kiev. The field will be open for a Russian offensive... or for a, perhaps, belated negotiation for Ukraine, hence the importance of the Battle of Artemovsk/Bakhmut. After achieving that objective, the Russian armed forces will only need to conquer Slaviansk and Kramatorsk and all will be over, thus fulfilling the first objective of the SMO.

This is the explanation for the series of diplomatic visits that the presidents of Spain, France, the president of the European Commission and the high representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of Europe have made or are about to make to Beijing. Why at this time? The reason for these trips to China could be explained by the uncontrolled economic drain on military resources in Ukraine and the inability of Europe and the United States to supply them, which has created an increasingly critical situation in European countries. The IMF has already reported that Germany and the UK will have negative GDP growth in 2023. They are therefore looking to Moscow’s allies, in particular China, to achieve at the negotiating table what NATO has failed to achieve in the field of warfare.

It should be recalled that on March 15, 2022, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki jubilantly declared that, “We have completely crushed the [Russian] economy. For his part, on August 26 last year at the final session of the summer course lectures at the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Madrid, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, stated that: “The war is at a decisive moment and it is no longer Russia that is taking the initiative at the moment, Russia has already lost the war“. They will have to eat their words because, moreover, they do not know what to do now. ... n-ukraine/


From Cassad's Telegram account:

forwarded from

The battle for Avdiivka
situation as of 17.00 April 26, 2023

🔻To the north of Avdiivka , servicemen of the 132nd Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces advanced from the H20 highway to the railroad running from Ocheretino to Novobakhmutovka , expanding the bridgehead to Krasnogorovka .

▪️The command of the 35th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy transferred additional units of the 88th battalion of the formation to the Novokalinovo-Keramik line .

🔻To the south, assault detachments of the 1st Slavic Brigade of the RF Armed Forces, with fire support from tanks from closed positions, managed to move forward in the northeast of Vodyanoye , occupying one of the strongholds of the 53rd Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▪️Fighting around Avdiivka is going on for every meter. Both sides are actively fighting counter-battery. At the same time, the bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces increased the intensity of the use of air bombs from the UMPC on Ukrainian positions.

🔻South of Pervomaisky, Russian troops, supported by heavy armored vehicles, are attacking strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Nevelskoye area . During several days of fighting, the RF Armed Forces entrenched themselves southeast of the settlement.


forwarded from
military chronicle
⚡️Across Artyomovsk on the morning of April 26.

Information comes from several sources that the "orchestra" has reached the most important intersection of Yubileynaya and Chaikovsky streets in the west of the city.

If this information is confirmed in the near future, then the Ukrainian group locked inside the quarters will be cut in two.

At the western quarters - battalions of the 120th, 127th, 225th and 241st territorial defense brigades mixed with mercenaries, as well as the 101st and 73rd territorial defense brigades in the Khromov area.

In the area of ​​​​the military unit, where the most fierce battles are now, there are the 92nd and 93rd mechanized brigades, the MTR GUR and the 228th territorial defense brigade. Parts of the 53rd Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were pulled there.

Blocking the intersection near Yubileinaya and Chaikovsky will mean that the Ukrainian Armed Forces will no longer be able to receive reinforcements and supplies and will not be able to leave the city.

If, simultaneously with the occupation of the intersection, the road through Khromovo is cut off, then regular units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defense units and mercenaries will find themselves in a full-fledged cauldron.

Google Translator


Here's a couple of pertinent posts from MOA's comments:

" I. “Historical” questions:

1) In 2014, the power of the Ukrainian junta hung in the balance, and all of Novorossiya, looking at the Crimea, was waiting for Russia with hope. But the Kremlin initially refused to send peacekeeping forces to the Donbass, and then was the first in the world to recognize the legitimacy of Poroshenko’s election. As a result of the eight-year pause under the Minsk agreements, Ukrainians created a combat-ready army, suppressed the protest movement, brainwashed a significant part of the population, and by 2022 were able to resist the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield. WHO is responsible for the strategically failed decisions, for which Russia is now paying with thousands of lives and tens of thousands of cripples? Who has suffered or should be punished for this cretinism and/or direct sabotage? "

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Apr 26 2023 14:57 utc | 4


" 2) Why were outright swindlers put at the head of the People’s Republics of Donbass, who discredited the ideas of the Russian Spring by the very fact of their presence in power? How and in what way were the most famous heroes of 2014, commanders of the militia, physically eliminated? Who bore or will bear responsibility for the fact that instead of a “showcase of the Russian World” in the LDNR, for 8 years there was a swamp in which people lived much worse than in the Russian Federation and worse than in Ukraine? "

Posted by: Deplorable Commissar | Apr 26 2023 15:38 utc | 13 ... l#comments

Well, it wasn't cretinism but rather dogged opportunism which brought us to this state of affairs. A large portion of the oligarchic ruling class desperately wished to be accepted by their western peers as equals and were willing to tolerate a lot of insult and disadvantage to the Russian State to achieve that goal. It was all for naught, even the treacherous 'give back' of the Minsk II accords weren't enough for the West, which apparently had decided to relegate Russia to the status of colony. It has only been in the past few years that this feeble policy was trashed, but the results have been as stated above.

We do not forget the heroes of 2014, each of their deaths was like a physical blow. In particular those who proposed a return to a socialist economy. Those, I suspect, Moscow had a hand in or LIHOP. But here we are....perhaps one day there will be a reckoning.



Feat of deputy Ivanova
April 26, 20:49


The circumstances of the death of the Communist Party deputy from Khakassia Dmitry Ivanov became known.

The feat of deputy Ivanov

Dmitry Ivanov, Deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia. He was in the Bakhmut area as part of the Wagner assault unit. Died March 27th.

Information about Ivanov's participation in the PMC is confirmed from the report of the commander of one of the Wagner assault squads.

The report states that on March 27 at 06:30 in the morning one of the units of the Defense Ministry, which was on the left flank of the "Orchestra", left its position, thereby exposing the flank. Seeing this, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent an infantry group of 30 people there, as well as 2 infantry fighting vehicles to try to strike.

The commander of the ShO decided to use part of the personnel to stop the advance of the APU group in the area of ​​​​Ivanovsky (Krasnoe). A group of attack aircraft in the amount of 4 people under the command of Dmitry moved to the forefront. Ivanov, using the terrain, distributed his people to repel the attack.

A shot from an SPG-9 hit one of the infantry fighting vehicles, and about 12 enemy people were also destroyed. During the ensuing battle, one of the attack aircraft was killed, another was seriously wounded, Ivanov himself received a shell shock as a result of a close arrival of a shot from an BMP-1. Remaining in position, Dmitry continued to fight, with RPG fire he destroyed the second BMP-1 of the enemy.

Dmitry Ivanov died from shrapnel wounds as a result of an enemy grenade explosion. As a result of Dmitry's actions, the enemy was pinned down before the approach of the main forces of the ShO, in the future, the reserves that came up completely destroyed the mechanized group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The commander of the assault detachment petitioned for Dmitry Ivanov to be awarded the Order of Courage (posthumously). The report was drawn up on March 28th.

@ok_spn - zinc

Peace be upon the hero. I hope he will be presented posthumously for a state award.

Slaughter Ukrainian air defense in Kherson
April 27, 11:08


The German ZSU "Gepard" a second before...

Yesterday, in the Kherson area, the UAV "Lancet" destroyed 4 launchers of the S-300 air defense system and the German ZSU "Gepard". The enemy column was led and caught on the march, after which the slaughter began. The video should be up today.

This is in addition to several radars and air defense systems destroyed over the past couple of days, including 1 Tor M1.

Failed withdrawal from Artemovsk
April 27, 9:51 am


"Joker DPR" published the order of the Zaluzhny winter period, which provided for the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Artemovsk until March 4, 2023.
But in this form, the order was not executed, because in March it was decided to keep the city at any cost, which resulted in huge losses for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the disruption of the offensive plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the spring.

Google Translator


Why are ‘Sensitive US Nuclear Technologies’ in Ukraine?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 26, 2023
Drago Bosnic

A view shows the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in the course of Russia-Ukraine conflict outside Enerhodar in the Zaporizhzhia region, Russian-controlled Ukraine, October 14, 2022.Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant

When talking about various reasons as to why Russia launched its counteroffensive against NATO aggression in Europe the points usually revolve around historical and strategic/geopolitical aspects of the Ukrainian conflict. And while those points certainly stand regardless, there are other crucial reasons, almost entirely overlooked or even censored by mainstream media. One of those is the aspect of NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) weapons in Ukraine, all of which fall under the category of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

The topic of “biological research facilities”, as infamous neocon warmonger Victoria Nuland ever so euphemistically put it, received a significant amount of attention from media around the world, while the mainstream propaganda machine tried suppressing it.


On the other hand, by far the most overlooked aspect of the Ukrainian conflict has been the covert transfer of US nuclear technologies to the Neo-Nazi junta. CNN, the infamous US neoliberal mouthpiece, was the first major mainstream propaganda outlet that broke the story last week.

According to the report, Washington DC has “sensitive nuclear technologies” in at least one (former) Ukrainian nuclear power plant (NPP). CNN claims that “the US has already warned Russia not to touch them”, citing a letter Department of Energy (DoE) allegedly sent to Moscow’s Rosatom corporation. CNN supposedly reviewed the letter (dated March 17) in which the director of DoE’s Office of Nonproliferation Policy, Andrea Ferkile, told Rosatom that the Zaporozhye NPP in Energodar “contains US-origin nuclear technical data that is export-controlled by the United States Government”.

Firstly, the idea that Russia is in any way intimidated by a third-rate US bureaucrat who allegedly “ordered it not to touch anything” is simply absurd. Secondly, both Washington DC and its Kiev puppets are parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which means that transferring “sensitive nuclear technologies” to the Neo-Nazi junta is a direct violation of that agreement. Worse yet, the US is now (supposedly) threatening Russia through a director of its Office of Nonproliferation Policy, an institution that was supposed to prevent “sensitive US nuclear technologies” from ever reaching Ukraine.

This blatant hypocrisy is only matched by the sheer magnitude of US irresponsibility and WWIII brinkmanship for even considering the possibility to transfer such technologies to an unstable, genocidal and deeply corrupt regime in the middle of a direct confrontation with a nuclear-armed superpower next door. What’s more, CNN admits that the “sensitive US nuclear technologies” in question “could be used in a way that undermines US national security interests”. Once again, this is disturbingly similar to US claims about the so-called “biological research labs”.

“It is unlawful under United States law for non-authorized persons, including, but not limited to, Russian citizens and Russian entities such as Rosatom and its subsidiaries, to knowingly and willfully access, possess, control, export, store, seize, review, re-export, ship, transfer, copy, manipulate such technology or technical data, or direct, or authorize others to do the same, without such Russian entities becoming authorized recipients by the Secretary of the US Department of Energy,” the alleged letter reads.

Once again, the US is trying to enforce the self-proclaimed exterritoriality of its laws. However, in the case of Russia, this practice is not only legally void, but is also impossible to implement, especially after the city of Energodar and the Zaporozhye oblast (region) where the homonymous NPP is situated voted to join Russia last year. Obviously, CNN’s motivation to report the story was anything but altruistic, as it revolved around an attempt to portray US “demands” to Russia as anything more than a laughing matter to Moscow.

However, what surely isn’t a laughing matter is the seriousness of Russia’s approach to the situation. And for good reason, given the fact that the Kiev regime boasted about its intentions to acquire nuclear weapons nearly a decade before the start of the SMO (special military operation). As early as March 2014 and as late as February 2022, the Neo-Nazi junta has been openly declaring its intention to get WMDs, specifically nuclear weapons, to say nothing of the constant grumbling of many Kiev regime politicians about how they “made a big mistake for giving up on nuclear weapons in 1994”.

This only shows their lack of knowledge on the subject, as Ukraine itself never actually had nuclear weapons, because all those deployed there were Russian-made/controlled. However, this doesn’t stop the Neo-Nazi junta from claiming this Soviet/Russian legacy as its own, despite rabidly Russophobic disdain for all things Soviet. Another important segment of Russian legacy they were happy to harness is its world-class missile technology that Kiev is using to produce strike weapons with possible nuclear warheads to target major Russian cities, including Moscow.

Although Russian air defenses have been successful in downing such missiles, the Neo-Nazi junta could still use other Soviet legacy assets to target the Eurasian giant. Or worse yet, these could be provided by the US/NATO or any of its vassals and satellite states. The fact that the Kiev regime never publicly renounced its intention to acquire nuclear weapons that could be used to arm such missiles is quite telling. It’s also yet another confirmation that Russia’s SMO was the only way to prevent the Neo-Nazi junta from going ahead with its plans. And even if such guarantees were ever given, with the diplomatic scandal surrounding EU/NATO lies about the Minsk agreements, Moscow could hardly ever take them seriously. ... n-ukraine/

Who Gains from a Forever War in Ukraine?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 26, 2023
M. K. Bhadrakumar

Russia’s T-14 Armata Next Gen. Tank Deployed to Ukrainian Frontlines

The newly elected president of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel is an unusual European politician. He is the second president in his country with a military background but the first without political experience.

He never saw combat duty and is an arm chair military strategist but lionised as a “senior NATO leader” — whatever that may mean. The high noon of Pavel’s professional career in the military was reached in 1993 when while serving in the UN Protection Force in Bosnia, he led a team of 29 soldiers to evacuate a French military outpost under siege by Serbian soldiers, which he executed after overcoming obstacles that slowed down the operation such as fallen trees which his soldiers had to remove from the road. France decorated Pavel.

At any rate, the 61-year old soldier-politician has hit the road running when barely 7 weeks into his new job as head of state, Pavel threw a curve ball claiming China cannot be a reliable mediator between Russia and Ukraine due to Beijing’s secret craving for “more war.”

Pavel assessed that China gets cheap oil, gas, and other resources from Moscow in exchange for promises of “partnership” and its interest lies in prolonging the status quo “because it can push Russia to a number of concessions.”

These remarks could have been dismissed as those of a greenhorn but for his fame as a “senior NATO leader” and the Czech Republic’s reputation as a chattel and cats-paw of Washington. Hence the big question: What is Biden administration up to?

The obvious thing will be that Pavel’s remark on “cheap” oil and gas from Russia to China is a gross simplification of a complicated story. Europe was receiving Russian gas and oil for decades at low prices on the basis of long-term contracts until the EU, under American pressure, took the idiotic decision to sanction Russia.

Whereupon, Russia turned to other markets, principally Asian, China being one of them. The rest is history. What’s the point of sitting upon the ground and telling sad stories?

Europeans should feel worried that even after the war ends, once Russia diversifies its export markets, they may never again get “cheap” Russian gas. (By the way, China is not the only beneficiary, as Europeans who continue to buy Russian oil and petroleum products from Indian companies at much higher prices would know!)

Pavel spoke in the context of the expected announcement by Joe Biden seeking the presidency once again in 2024. One hugely consequential part of Biden’s announcement on Tuesday is that the prospect of the Ukraine war ending between now and 2024 November elections in the US can now be deemed as practically nil.

The only way it can happen otherwise is if the US outright wins the war and candidate Biden claims victory. But the reaction from Moscow shows that what is in the cards is an escalation in Ukraine that is fraught with great risk of a direct conflict between Russia and the US.

Top Kremlin officials came out on Tuesday with a spate of statements on an impending showdown with the Biden administration. The Russian media disclosed that Russia’s new state-of-the-art Armata T-14 main battle tank has been deployed on the Ukrainian front lines.

Moscow anticipates large scale US interference in Russia’s internal politics to create conditions that would undermine the country’s stability, as part of a grand design to trigger a break-up of the Russian Federation, as had happened to the former Soviet Union. (here)

Moscow estimates that the Biden administration will try hard to bring about a regime change in the Kremlin. Above all, Moscow no longer rules out that the US escalation in Ukraine may aim to create conditions posing grave threat to the Russian state. ( here)

The former president Dmitry Medvedev vividly spoke of such a scenario warning explicitly that Russia may be compelled to resort to first use of nuclear arms if its existence is threatened, underscoring that paragraph 19 of the country’s nuclear doctrine states that nuclear weapons “can be used when aggression is carried out against Russia with the use of other types of weapons that endanger the very existence of the state. It is essentially the use of nuclear weapons in response to such actions. Our potential adversaries should not underestimate this.”

Specifically, with reference to Biden’s mental health and failing faculties, Medvedev also tweeted: “Biden has made the decision, after all. A daring geezer. In place of the American military, I would immediately make a fake trunk with false nuclear codes in case he wins, so as to avoid fatal consequences.”

On the other hand, the spectre that haunts the Biden administration is that Europe cannot easily extricate itself from its relationship with China and it is the interests of Old Europe’s economic heartlands that will ultimately determine EU policy.

Make no mistake, just 3 countries of Old Europe — France, Italy and Germany — account for more than a half of EU’s GDP and they also happen to be China’s largest trading partners in the EU. Amidst the brouhaha over French President Emmanuel Macron’s recent endorsement of a close industrial relationship with China, what has gone unnoticed is that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is on the same page as Macron. Equally so with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The European industry is also loathe to lose China as a privileged trading partner, after having lost Britain and Russia.

New Europeans like Pavel may have different priorities, being the strongest trans-atlanticists in the EU, but East Europe makes up just 10% of the EU’s GDP and does not speak for the EU, despite the media hype its leaders have lately enjoyed as “frontline states”, due to the Anglo-American patronage.

Suffice to say, there is trepidation in the American mind as to whether the EU will follow the US into a confrontational position with China in the coming months, or would strive to become more independent of the US, with all the consequences that would ensue. Equally, from the viewpoint of Old Europe, the gnawing doubt is whether a future US administration would want to align with Europe even if Europe were to align with the US.

On balance, it is difficult to visualise the EU fully aligning with the US in an all-out conflict with China over Taiwan, agree to freeze Chinese official reserves as it did last year with Russia, and stop investing in China.

The EU economy is simply not built for cold-war style relations, as it has become too dependent on global supply chains. All things taken into account, therefore, the strong likelihood is that the pro-China lobby in Germany will win this debate. In fact, in the process, the Franco-German alliance may be rekindled, too.

Pavel’s demonisation of China as an evil spirit stalking Europe can be put in perspective. His is a surrogate voice mouthing Biden’s angst that as the Ukrainian military is comprehensively ground down in the battlefields by the Russian forces in the months ahead, Europe may join hands with China to bring the war to an end. ... n-ukraine/

Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:53 am
by blindpig
weapons for war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/28/2023


Yesterday, the NATO Secretary General stated that Western countries have already sent 98% of the promised military equipment, essential material to guarantee Ukraine's ability to continue the war and prepare its expected offensive. As on previous occasions, NATO countries refer to their deliveries with the pride of having prepared their proxy force for the attack. However, its demanding subsidiary army and the political authorities in kyiv continue to demand more. Ukraine needs, according to the Ukrainian government, ten times more military equipment than promised by its allies. Regardless of the level of attendance, the numbers are never enough for Ukraine. However, data released in recent days shows the enormous cost of the war and Western assistance.

This is how Boris Rozhin, Colonel Cassad, collected it this week :

kyiv's military spending in 2022 exceeded $80 billion. NATO countries covered 86% of those costs.

In the year 2022, Ukraine's military spending increased by 9.3 times and amounted to $80.3 billion, that is, 55% of its gross domestic product according to data from SIPRI and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine . NATO countries have paid for 86% of the military needs of Ukraine, which has become one of the most militarized countries in the world, with war with Russia as its main mission.

The budget of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in 2022 was 37 billion. With spending on paramilitary groups, the cost was $44 billion, according to SIPRI analysis. NATO countries have provided 32.4 billion dollars to Ukraine in the form of free non-refundable transfers and another 17.5 billion in credits (actually also free). The sum is close to the increase in budgeted military spending (which has risen by $38 billion). In other words, the West has paid, practically in full, for the war.

The second part of the spending concerns the supply of weapons from the West. As of February 2023, it had reached the figure of 78,000 million, of which 36,300 were already transferred in 2022 (SIPRI estimates that it was at least 30,000 million).

In total, Ukraine's military spending in 2022 amounted to $80.3 billion, 55% of GDP. Compared to previous years:

2013: $2.9 billion: 1.6% of GDP

2021: $8.6 billion: 4.3% of GDP

2022: 80,000 million dollars: 55% of GDP

2023: 63,000 million dollars: 41% of GDP

The shipment of weapons to Kiev began long before the special military operation . With Trump, there were seven aid packages worth 2.1 billion dollars and with Biden (before February 24, 2022), twelve packages worth 3.44 billion.

In 2023, military spending will be the same, although a lower amount is still being forecast; 63,000 million dollars or 41% of GDP. Of that spending, deliveries worth 41,000 million dollars have already been announced and the defense budget for 2023 specifies another 21,700 million, which will also be covered by foreign credits (the plan is for 33,000 million).

In Russia, military spending in the year 2022 was 98,000 million (SIPRI estimates that it was 86,000) or 4.6% of GDP [expenditure that not only refers to the war, but also has to cover the cost of other branches of the army that are not in Ukraine, the maintenance of nuclear weapons, etc]. Only Russia covered it for itself. The increase in spending in the year was 32 billion against Ukraine's 71 billion.

In the United States, for its part, the budget has risen this year to 877,000 million dollars and that of NATO as a whole, to 1,360,000 million dollars. In member countries that border Russia (from Norway to Turkey), military spending has increased 1.6-fold since 2013, reflecting the direction of the bloc. In 2022, the increase was 24% to 72,000 million. If the increase in military spending in Ukraine is added, it reaches a figure of 150,000 million, 1.5 times more than the Russian Federation. ... more-27157

Google Translator


Ukraine Peace Talks - A Grown Up Is Taking Charge

The U.S. is unwilling to yet give up in its proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Russia can not stop the war without securing its legitimate interest to keep NATO and/or the U.S. out of its neighbor state. A loss of the war would create an existential danger for Russia.

With the two major powers engaged in a war a third party is needed to solve the conflict.

In the spring of last year Turkey and Israel successfully helped to find a peace agreement. A good solution was found and Russia as well as Ukraine agreed to it. But the U.S. needed the war to continue. It sent the British prime minister Boris Johnson to Kiev to sabotage the deal. The Ukrainian president was told that the country would lose all 'western' support should it sign an agreement with Russia.

As the somewhat neutral middle powers were unable to push any agreement through it became obvious that a third party with more heft was needed to seal a deal.

The time of moving towards a deal also needed to be right. On February 24, exactly a year after the war had started, China announced its Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis. This was not a peace plan but a lay out of things that will need to be understood and done to come to a sustainable solution of the crisis.

A months later China took the next step that will be needed in the process. It introduced a high ranking diplomat who will hold the preliminary talks in Ukraine and Russia to find the potential ways to proceed. The announcement was made after a phone call between the presidents Xi and Zelensky:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he held a “long and meaningful call” with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday, a long-anticipated first contact between the leaders since Russia’s invasion 14 months ago.
Xi appealed for negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv to begin, according to a Chinese government readout of the call, which Beijing said Zelenskyy requested.

Xi pledged to send a "special representative" to Ukraine for talks about a "political settlement" — warning that "there is no winner in a nuclear war."

China hopes to become a neutral peace broker in the conflict, although the U.S. and others have questioned its impartiality given a "no limits" partnership in which it has lent Moscow rhetorical and financial support.

I am not aware of any 'financial support' by China to Russia as NBC News is claiming here. Even U.S. intelligence says that Russia does not need more money to continue the war:

U.S. intelligence holds that Russia will be able to fund the war in Ukraine for at least another year, even under the heavy and increasing weight of unprecedented sanctions, according to leaked U.S. military documents.

China' readout on the call alludes to the previous proposal and offers to build on it:

With rational thinking and voices now on the rise, it is important to seize the opportunity and build up favorable conditions for the political settlement of the crisis. It is hoped that all parties would seriously reflect on the Ukraine crisis and jointly explore ways to bring lasting peace and security to Europe through dialogue. China will continue to facilitate talks for peace and make its efforts for early ceasefire and restoration of peace. China will send the Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs to Ukraine and other countries to have in-depth communication with all parties on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. China has sent multiple batches of humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and will keep providing help to the best of its ability.

The Chinese special representative for Eurasian affairs is Lu Hui, a very senior diplomat.


He has held several positions in China's embassies in Moscow and Astana as well as within China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

In 2008-2009 Mr. Liu Hui served as a deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC.

From August 2009 to August 2019 he served as an Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Russian Federation.

Ukraine's readout of the call does not mention the envoy. The U.S. response to the announcement of an envoy was designed to put China's efforts into doubt:

John Kirby, the National Security Council's coordinator for strategic communications, said the U.S. welcomed the call as a "good thing."
"We’ve been saying for quite some time that we believe it’s important for President Xi and PRC officials to avail themselves of the Ukrainian perspective on this illegal and unprovoked invasion by Russia," Kirby told reporters, referring to China by the initials for its formal name, the People's Republic of China.

Earlier, Kirby, told NBC News, "We will let these two leaders speak to the details of their conversation."

A senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was "way too soon after just getting word of this conversation to speculate about" whether the call should foster optimism about China's peace plan.

"Thus far, China has not shown itself to be unbiased when it comes to supporting Russia," the official said.

I have no doubt that Li Hui will do his best to achieve some progress in talks with Ukraine and Russia. His most difficult task is to bring the U.S. on board of any potential solution.

But with more doubts coming up over Kiev's ability to successfully launch the announced counteroffensive being voiced every day the mood in Washington may well be changing.

Posted by b on April 27, 2023 at 16:42 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

I want the Ukes to launch their counter-offensive because it is sure to fail and the Russian counter attack will settle things unambiguously.


Treatment of Russia at UN Proves the Need for Urgent Reform or Replacement
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 26, 2023
Drago Bosnic


The importance of global cooperation and international law has never been more pronounced in the post-WWII era than it is today. The world’s most important organization in this regard is certainly the United Nations, with one of its main tasks being to uphold international law and maintain its impartiality, regardless of which country or entity it is engaged with. Unfortunately, the UN has failed on both counts, but its role as an international forum of sorts that serves as the last frontier of dialogue between states is still evident. And yet, it seems that even this largely ceremonial role is too much for the political West, as it undermines its desire for total dominance through the so-called “rules-based world order“.

Perhaps the best example (although “the worst” would probably be a more suitable word) of this is the atrocious treatment of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the UN. The latest UN Security Council meeting (chaired by FM Lavrov) should serve as a textbook example of how not to conduct diplomacy, probably for decades to come. The tensions have been quite high at the UNSC due to the political West’s frustrations after Russia took over the council in April, a rule based on the regular monthly rotation. Lavrov warned against this and stated that the world has become a more dangerous place, possibly more so than at the height of the Cold War.

“As was the case in the Cold War, we have reached the dangerous, possibly even more dangerous, threshold,” Lavrov said.

The meeting, titled the “Maintenance of international peace and security”, came under fire as Western diplomats repeatedly grumbled about Russia taking over chairing of the UNSC on April 1 and that it allegedly “must be an April Fool’s joke”. Lavrov himself slammed the United States and its vassals and satellite states for abandoning diplomacy and called for the clarification of relations on the battlefield. However, Western “diplomats” went about with their hostility, including Olaf Skoog, the official representative of the European Union to the UN. Skoog openly called Russia “cynical” for allegedly “trying to portray itself as a defender of the UN charter and multilateralism”.

“We all know that while Russia is destroying, we are building. While they violate, we protect,” he said.

This statement alone shows the immeasurable level of EU/NATO’s self-delusion, as the political West’s truly unprovoked and brutal aggression against the world stands as a stark reminder of just how opposite of truth this is. However, it wasn’t just Western officials that took aim at Russia. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres also stated that “Russia’s invasion is causing massive suffering and devastation to the country and its people” and then (rather inexplicably) added that “it’s fueling global economic dislocation triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic”. Neither of these statements makes much sense, as he has said virtually nothing about the suffering of the people of Donbass in the six years since taking office.

“Tensions between major powers are at an historic high. So are the risks of conflict, through misadventure or miscalculation,” Guterres also warned.

Apparently, he stated this to “even out” his previous one-sided statement, but he failed in this too, as he never mentioned which side was responsible for stoking the tensions to a boiling point. Still, perhaps the most laughable example of endless hypocrisy came from the US, when its UN representative Linda Thomas-Greenfield called Lavrov himself “hypocritical” and criticized Russia’s counteroffensive against NATO aggression.

“Our hypocritical convener today, Russia, invaded its neighbor, Ukraine, and struck at the heart of the UN Charter. This illegal, unprovoked and unnecessary war runs directly counter to our most shared principles – that a war of aggression and territorial conquest is never, ever acceptable,” she said.

Again, such statements are beyond laughable or even enraging to dozens of countries that have been invaded or targeted by Washington DC. However, what’s truly disturbing is how the US is abusing its status as the UN’s permanent host country. There have been countless examples of Russian, Belarussian, Syrian, North Korean and many other officials, diplomats, journalists, etc. that have been denied entry into the US, preventing access to what is supposed to be an impartial organization.

These incessant Western-induced tensions serve as a testament to the notion that the UN should be reformed significantly. Liz Truss, one of the UK’s recent fast-track prime ministers, floated the idea last year, one of the very few things she was right about. Of course, her reasoning for the move was quite the opposite, but the point still stands. The actual world should start creating truly international institutions that are completely divorced from the malign influence of the US-led political West. This includes either relocating or even completely replacing the UN itself.

The very idea that increasingly irrelevant countries such as France or the UK have permanent seats at the UNSC, unlike actual giants such as Brazil or India, is geopolitically ludicrous. If the political West aims to control so-called “international institutions”, then it can do so within its own geopolitical boundaries. But the issue is that it aims to control quite literally everyone, which has been preventing the emergence of a truly independent multipolar world for decades. To say nothing of how the political West has been (ab)using the UN to promote or even impose its so-called “values” on the rest of the world, something that the vast majority of civilizations find repugnant. ... placement/

China Shifts Gear on Ukraine Mediation
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 27, 2023
M. K. Bhadrakumar

Russian-controlled Nuclear Power Plant in Zaporozhya region where Ukrainian “counter-offensive” is expected (File photo)

For all the noise out of Washington, more and more countries are integrating their supply chains with China. Even the UK Foreign Secretary is making overtures to China, while Zelensky had a “long and meaningful” phone call with Xi Jinping on Wednesday. Washington’s position, sanctions and all, is disintegrating.

It is too early to predict what will emerge out of the speech on Tuesday at Mansion House by the UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly outlining the government’s position on China. The Global Times gave a cautious welcome.

Clearly, Britain feels the urgency to dig its way out of the foxhole in which it found itself following the collapse of the Five Eyes attempt to ignite the Hong Kong protests. Britain cannot be far behind when the overall interests of European countries that enjoy deep mutually beneficial economic ties with the world’s second largest economy, are manifesting as reluctance to be dragged into becoming a vanguard that confronts China. (See my blog Who gains from a forever war in Ukraine?)

That said, the timing is interesting. Cleverly’s speech came on the eve of the phone conversation between Chinese President Xi Jinping Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (at the latter’s request.) From its unique perch on the transatlantic axis, Britain can sense tremors that impact the geopolitics of Indo-Pacific and the Ukraine conflict, which are in some ways inter-connected. Britain is positioning itself.

Contents of conversations at top leadership level are never publicly divulged and the overwhelming mass lies submerged, like icebergs breaking off glaciers. But the Chinese readout of Xi-Zelensky conversation on Tuesday exudes positive tone.

Xi hailed Sino-Ukrainian relations as “strategic partnership boosting development and revitalisation of the two countries” and went on make a flattering reference to Zelensky’s personal role. Xi also stated China’s consistent position that “Mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is the political foundation of China-Ukraine relations.” Xi showed readiness in advancing the two countries’ strategic partnership with a long-term perspective.

On Ukraine issue, Xi made three key points: China’s “core stance is to facilitate talks for peace,” as enunciated in its position paper of February 24; Beijing intends to be proactive; and, dialogue and negotiation are the only way forward.

The salience lies in Xi’s pointed reference to “rational thinking and voices on the rise” lately and that Kiev should “seize the opportunity and build up favourable conditions for the political settlement.”

Xi kept his eyes on the ball and may have hinted that Zelensky can still win by a nose if only the risky, senseless idea of a “counteroffensive,” the germane seeds of which have been planted on his mind by Washington and London, is set side.

Sensing Zelensky’s receptiveness, perhaps, Xi proposed that China will “make its efforts for early ceasefire and restoration of peace.” Specifically, “China will send the Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs to Ukraine and other countries to have in-depth communication with all parties on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis.”

But no timeline was mentioned. Nonetheless, Xi has made a proactive move. What could be the calculus? At the obvious level, Xi has just had a series of interactions with European leaders who visited Beijing, which convinced him that “Ukraine crisis is evolving in complex ways with major impacts on the international landscape,” as he told Zelensky.

Meanwhile, the leaked Pentagon documents exposed that disunity, distrust and divergences between the US, Europe and Ukraine are serious and keep worsening. On the other hand, Washington is not only the biggest obstacle to a ceasefire and peace talks but is nudging the western allies to rally behind its Indo-Pacific Strategy to contain China.

This is where French President Emmanuel Macron’s extraordinary outburst in his interview with Politico, aboard Cotam Unité (France’s Air Force One) while returning from China after spending around six hours with Xi, becomes a defining moment.

To be sure, Macron’s stirring call that Europe should avoid “getting into a bloc versus bloc logic” resonated in Zhongnanhai — viz., Europe’s longing for strategic autonomy; Europe’s gnawing doubts and weariness of being a “vassal”; and Europe’s multiple challenges in social governance and its prioritisation of development and prosperity ultimately leaving it with no choice but to embrace Eurasia with greater connectivity, develop bilateral economic and trade relations with China, and rebuild ties with Russia. An avalanche of Chinese commentaries followed Macron’s remarks. (here, here, here, here, here )

A clincher, however, would have been the recent leak of classified US and NATO documents on the Ukrainian military and Kiev’s much-anticipated “spring counteroffensive” (on which the US Department of Justice has since opened an investigation.)

The documents exposed numerous disadvantages and shortcomings of Ukrainian military and gave way Washington’s top secret assessment that Ukrainian military is in dire straits after recent setbacks. Indeed, a pall of uncertainty and loss of self-esteem descended on Kiev, which is increasingly unsure about the steadfastness and reliability of Western support.

Compounding these complexes were the leaked intelligence reports that the US “is also spying on Ukraine’s top military and political leaders, a reflection of Washington’s struggle to get a clear view of Ukraine’s fighting strategies.” (New York Times) Shades of Edward Snowden — this is how the US keeps its hegemony!

Nonetheless, an editorial in Global Times has written: “As time goes by, the international community has engaged in more cool reflection on this hot conflict. Especially, the willingness to negotiate among all parties is rising, and more rational voices are emerging in various European countries. In a sense, the window of opportunity for promoting a political solution to the Ukraine crisis has emerged.”

Xi swiftly followed through his conversation with Zelensky by appointing Li Hui, the deputy director-general of the department of Eurasia in the foreign ministry, to head China’s delegation for the settlement of the crisis in Ukraine. It is a smart decision.

Li Hui, one of China’s ablest Eurasia hands, had previously served as the envoy to the Kremlin for an extraordinarily long period of ten years (2009-2019). He is very familiar with both the Ukrainian and Russian situation, understands the psychology of Slavic peoples and, of course, he speaks Russian.

The appointment of a special representative signifies a serious attempt to activate mediation functions to build bridges. But there are formidable challenges. Russia welcomes anything that could bring the end of the Ukraine conflict closer, but the bottom line will be that it still needs to achieve the aims of its special military operation in Ukraine.

Also, Russia does not see readiness on the part of the West for a peaceful settlement. There is sound basis to it, as Washington relies entirely on military solution and total victory.

China-brokered negotiations will be a huge blow to the American strategy in Ukraine and if it gains traction, that will put the US on the back foot in Indo-Pacific as well. In the short term, therefore, pressure may only build up on Zelensky to launch the “counteroffensive.” ... mediation/

Mr. Lavrov’s New York Shuffle
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 27, 2023
Pepe Escobar

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s New York moment performed the diplomatic equivalent of bringing the house down, writes Pepe Escobar.

Now picture a true gentleman, the foremost diplomat of these troubled times, in total command of the facts and endowed with a delightful sense of humor, taking a perilous walk on the wild side, to quote iconic Lou Reed, and emerging unscathed.

In fact, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s New York moment – as in his two interventions before the UN Security Council on April 24 and 25 – performed the diplomatic equivalent of bringing the house down. At least the sections of the house inhabited by the Global South – or Global Majority.

April 24, during the 9308th meeting of the UNSC under the agenda “Maintenance of international peace and security, effective multilateralism through the protection of the principles of the UN Charter”, was particularly relevant.

Lavrov stressed the symbolism of the meeting happening on the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, deemed quite significant by a 2018 UN General Assembly resolution.

In his preamble, Lavrov noted how “in two weeks, we will celebrate the 78th anniversary of Victory in World War II. The defeat of Nazi Germany, to which my country made a decisive contribution with the support of the Allies, laid the foundation for the post-war international order. The UN Charter has become its legal basis, and our organization itself, embodying true multilateralism, has acquired a central, coordinating role in world politics.”

Well, not really. And that brings us to Lavrov’s true walk on the wild side, pinpointing how multilateralism has been trampled. Way beyond torrents of denigration by the usual suspects, and their attempt to submit him to an ice cold shower in New York, or even confine him to the – geopolitical – freezer, he prevailed. Let’s take a walk with him across the current wasteland. Mr. Lavrov, you’re the star of the show.

Our way or the highway

That “rules-based order”: “The UN-centric system is going through a deep crisis. The root cause was the desire of some members of our organization to replace international law and the UN Charter with a kind of ‘rules-based order.’ No one saw these ‘rules’, they were not the subject of transparent international negotiations. They are invented and used to counteract the natural processes of the formation of new independent centers of development, which are an objective manifestation of multilateralism. They are trying to contain them with illegitimate unilateral measures, including cutting off access to modern technologies and financial services, ousting them from supply chains, confiscating property, destroying competitors’ critical infrastructure, and manipulating universally agreed norms and procedures. As a result, the fragmentation of world trade, the collapse of market mechanisms, the paralysis of the WTO and the final, already without disguise, transformation of the IMF into a tool for achieving the goals of the United States and its allies, including military goals.”

Destroying globalization: “In a desperate attempt to assert its dominance by punishing the disobedient, the United States went on to destroy globalization, which for many years was extolled as the highest good of all mankind, serving the multilateral system of the world economy. Washington and the rest of the West, which has submitted to it, use their ‘rules’ whenever it is necessary to justify illegitimate steps against those who build their policies in accordance with international law and refuse to follow the selfish interests of the ‘golden billion’. Dissenters are blacklisted according to the principle: ‘Whoever is not with us is against us.’ It has long been ‘inconvenient’ for our Western colleagues to negotiate in universal formats, such as the UN. For the ideological justification of the policy of undermining multilateralism, the theme of the unity of ‘democracies’ as opposed to ‘autocracies’ has been introduced. In addition to the ‘summits for democracy’, whose composition is determined by the self-proclaimed Hegemon, other ‘clubs of the elite’ are being created, bypassing the UN.”

“Garden” vs. “Jungle: “Let’s call a spade a spade: no one allowed the Western minority to speak on behalf of all mankind. It is necessary to behave decently and respect all members of the international community. By imposing a ‘rules-based order’, its authors arrogantly reject a key principle of the UN Charter – the sovereign equality of states. The quintessence of the ‘exclusivity complex’ was the ‘proud’ statement by the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, that ‘Europe is the Garden of Eden, and the rest of the world is a jungle.’ I will also quote the NATO-EU Joint Statement of January 10 of this year, which states: the ‘United West’ will use all the economic, financial, political and – I pay special attention – military tools available to NATO and the EU to ensure the interests of ‘our one billion’.

NATO’s “line of defense”: “At last year’s summit in Madrid, NATO, which has always convinced everyone of its ‘peacefulness’ and the exclusively defensive nature of its military programs, declared ‘global responsibility’, the ‘indivisibility of security’ in the Euro-Atlantic region and in the so-called Indo-Pacific region. That is, now the ‘line of defense’ of NATO (as a defensive Alliance) is shifting to the western shores of the Pacific Ocean. Bloc approaches that undermine ASEAN-centric multilateralism are manifested in the creation of the AUKUS military alliance, into which Tokyo, Seoul and a number of ASEAN countries are being pushed. Under the auspices of the United States, mechanisms are being created to intervene in maritime security issues with an eye to ensuring the unilateral interests of the West in the South China Sea. Josep Borrell, whom I have already quoted today, promised yesterday to send EU naval forces to the region. It is not hidden that the goal of the ‘Indo-Pacific strategies’ is to contain the PRC and isolate Russia. This is how our Western colleagues understand ‘effective multilateralism’ in the Asia-Pacific region.”

“Promoting democracy”: “Since World War II, there have been dozens of criminal military adventures by Washington – without any attempt to gain multilateral legitimacy. Why, if there are ‘rules’ unknown to anyone? The shameful invasion of Iraq by the U.S.-led coalition in 2003 was carried out in violation of the UN Charter, as was the aggression against Libya in 2011. A gross violation of the UN Charter was U.S. interference in the affairs of post-Soviet states. ‘Color revolutions’ were organized in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, a bloody coup d’état in Kiev in February 2014, and attempts to seize power by force in Belarus in 2020. The Anglo-Saxons, who confidently led the entire West, not only justify all these criminal adventures, but also flaunt their line of ‘promoting democracy.’ But again, according to its ‘rules’: Kosovo – to recognize independence without any referendum; Crimea – not to recognize (although there was a referendum); Do not touch the Falklands/Malvinas, because there was a referendum there (as British Foreign Secretary John Cleverly said recently). That’s funny.”

The geopolitics of the “Ukrainian issue”: “Today, everyone understands, although not everyone talks about it out loud: this is not about Ukraine at all, but about how international relations will be built further: through the formation of a stable consensus based on a balance of interests – or through the aggressive and explosive promotion of hegemony. It is impossible to consider the ‘Ukrainian issue’ in isolation from the geopolitical context. Multilateralism presupposes respect for the UN Charter in all the interconnectedness of its principles, as mentioned above. Russia has clearly explained the tasks that it pursues as part of a special military operation: to eliminate the threats to our security created by NATO members directly on our borders and to protect people who have been deprived of their rights proclaimed by multilateral conventions, to protect them from the direct threats of extermination and expulsion from the territories where their ancestors lived for centuries publicly declared by the Kyiv regime. We honestly said what and for whom we are fighting.”

The Global South fights back: “True multilateralism at the present stage requires the UN to adapt to the objective trends in the formation of a multipolar architecture of international relations. The reform of the Security Council must be accelerated by increasing the representation of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The West’s current outrageous overrepresentation in this main UN organ undermines multilateralism. At the initiative of Venezuela, the Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter was created. We call on all States that respect the Charter to join it. It is also important to use the constructive potential of BRICS and the SCO. The EAEU, the CIS, and the CSTO are ready to contribute. We are in favor of using the initiative of the positions of regional associations of the countries of the Global South. The Group of Twenty can also play a useful role in maintaining multilateralism if Western participants stop distracting their colleagues from topical issues on its agenda in the hope of muffling the topic of their responsibility for the accumulation of crisis phenomena in the world economy.”

So who’s breaking the law?

After this concise tour de force, it would be immensely enlightening to track what Lavrov has been telling the world since February 2022, in consistent, excruciating detail: the serial international law breakers, in contemporary history, have been the Hegemon and its sorry gaggle of vassals. Not Russia.

So Moscow was completely within its rights to launch the SMO – as it had no alternative. And that operation will be brought to its logical conclusion – inbuilt in the new Russian Foreign Policy Concept published on March 31st. Whatever may be unleashed by the Collective West will be simply ignored by Russia, as it regards the entire combo to be acting outside the norms of international law laid down in the UN Charter. ... k-shuffle/


British Depleted Uranium in Ukraine

Uranium ammunition. Apr. 26, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@JEFFREYLKLUMP

Published 26 April 2023

“...We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds...”

According to the statement made by the Armed Forces Minister, James Heappey, the United Kingdom government has initiated the transportation of depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine. The British military has indicated its intention to refrain from monitoring the deployment locations of these armaments.

In relation to inquiries posed by Scottish Member of Parliament Kenny MacAskill, Heappey corroborated on Tuesday that depleted uranium (DU) ordnance intended for employment by the United Kingdom-produced Challenger 2 tank had already been transported to Ukraine. However, he abstained from remarking upon the "usage rates for the rounds provided" by Kiev.

“We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds,” he said, adding the weapons “are now under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)” and that the Defence Ministry “does not monitor the locations from where DU rounds are fired by the AFU in Ukraine.”

When queried whether the government possesses a duty to remediate depleted uranium rounds used in Ukraine after the conflict, the minister declared that it “no obligation” to do so, instead stressing “Ukraine's immediate needs.”

Heappey has asserted that depleted uranium presents minimal health and environmental risks, based on the UK military veterans' monitoring documented in a 2007 government study. However, recent investigations indicate that the utilization of such ammunition may harbor health hazards.

During its two wars in Iraq, the United States extensively employed DU ammunition, with certain scholars contending that such weaponry may be correlated with a proliferation of congenital abnormalities subsequently documented in the country.

According to Doug Weir, a specialist affiliated with the Conflict and Environment Observatory, the impact of DU penetrators strike a target, “they fragment and burn, generating chemically toxic and radioactive DU particulate that poses an inhalational risk to people.” Nevertheless, the authorities of the United States and the United Kingdom have contested the purported risks associated with such substances over an extended period of time.

During the month of March, advisers from both British and American origin commenced a specialized training session aimed at instructing Ukrainian troops on proper utilization of depleted uranium (DU) rounds. Primarily, these rounds will be employed in operating the Challenger 2 tank. The City of London has previously made a commitment to dispatch a comprehensive fleet of 14 tanks for deployment in Ukraine. However, there is ambiguity surrounding the actualizing of this initiative in terms of any tanks reaching the frontlines.

Moscow has repeatedly called for refraining from the delivery of foreign weaponry to Kiev, specifically referring to the British Depleted Uranium (DU) munitions.

In the last month, the Russian military issued a cautionary statement apprising that the utilization of uranium shells is likely to cause “cause irreparable harm” to the health of Ukrainian and inflict “tremendous economic damage to the agro-industrial complex” in the region, citing the detrimental impacts of the said weapon. ... -0002.html


Sanctions for "illegal detentions" of American citizens
April 28, 13:54


Sanctions for "illegal detentions" of American citizens

The US will impose new sanctions on Russia and Iran for "illegal detentions of American citizens," referring to US citizens who are imprisoned in Russia and Iran on espionage charges.
The most recent examples in Russia are Whelan (who has not been changed so far) and Gershkovich.
Now, for the retention of American spies, personal sanctions will be introduced against the persons and structures responsible for this. In the case of Russia and Iran, the main ones responsible are the already sanctioned FSB and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Of course, this will complicate (but not stop) behind-the-scenes negotiations between the special services about various options for an exchange. Of course, the same Gershkovich, after the announcement of sanctions, will receive the maximum and will wait until they are exchanged for someone.

It’s more difficult with Iran - the death penalty is in effect in Iran and foreigners accused of espionage can be executed there (unlike the Russian Federation, where there is a moratorium on the death penalty), and the ayatollah’s threats of sanctions were spit in a well-known place. Here the United States can wait until one of the spies can be demonstratively and defiantly executed, after which they will figuratively ask the question from Tehran: "Well, have you imposed yet another sanctions and Cho?"
Therefore, the United States makes a reservation that if the spies held by one way or another are released, then the sanctions can be lifted (but only these).

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