Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:54 pm

More from the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

No, I am not giving the scumbag Prigozhin a forum here. Here are the key parts of what he said:

With respect to the betrayal of the Motherland, the President is deeply mistaken.

We are patriots of our Motherland, we fought and we continue to fight—all the fighters of Wagner PMC.

And none of us is going to, on the orders of the President, the FSB, or whoever, show up and surrender.

We are the patriots and those who oppose us today are those who've gathered around scumbags.

Any further mention of this traitorous lowlife in a positive light will result in an immediate ban.



A lorry full of boxes with money was found in the yard of Hotel Trezzini near Prigozhin's office. A correspondent of "Fontanka" reports from the scene at 12:30 on June 24, 2023.

A white "Gazelle" is standing in the yard of house number 4 in Akademichesky lane (parallel to Universitetskaya Embankment behind the "Trezzini" hotel).

Its back doors are open and FSB officers are unloading office boxes of brown cardboard, about 60*40 cm, from the "Gazelle".

There are already about 8 boxes on the ground. Some of the boxes are open and one can see that they are filled with bundles of Russian banknotes, mostly red, similar to five-thousand-ruble bills.


Glazyev writes:

When the NATO jackals' offensive in Zaporozhye and Donbass crashed into a wall, a domestic rebellion reared its head.

Such coincidences do not happen by chance. The uprising is taking place at a time when the enemy is defeated and its masters are preparing to negotiate peace.

It is already clear to everyone that the AFU is doomed to defeat. On the battlefield there has been a turning point in our favour. Our support for and condemnation of US and NATO aggression is growing worldwide.

In the USA and the EU, the popularity of the politicians who waged war against us is falling. The enemy has no other chance to retain power except the organisation of a coup d'état in our country.

The action of the insurgents is really a stab in the back, as our President has rightly said. There is no doubt that the insurgency is coordinated and directed by the intelligence services of the USA, Britain and, possibly, one of the Middle Eastern countries.

It is likely that the rebellion was provoked by their agents of influence, who are preparing to take advantage of the situation to organise sedition and the subsequent destruction of Russia, as they did during the Great Troubles.

We are obliged to unite around the President of Russia V.V. Putin and to give a resolute counterattack to the enemy, external and internal.


Forwarded from
Two Majors - English Channel
❗️🇷🇺💀 March of Wagner PMC: what is known as of 13.00

We tried to put on the map all the events known by 13:00: PMC columns, according to preliminary information, reached the Voronezh region. About 170 pieces of equipment went further.

▪️The columns moved around - towards Buturlinovka and Borisoglebsk . There was no information about the occupation of the airfield.

▪️Aviation continues to strike at the columns. PMC. By this hour, it is known about the loss of three aircraft of army aviation. Information about the downed transport aircraft is not confirmed.

▪️In Voronezh itself, an oil depot is on fire: this is probably a consequence of a Ukrainian UAV strike.

▪️In Rostov , contrary to the statements of PMCs, the departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were not occupied, but only blocked. At the moment, Rostov is only under the partial control of the Wagners, the planned work of all military command and control bodies continues.

▪️To the south of Moscow, all possible routes of movement of PMCs are blocked.


Gennady Zyuganov states:

⚡️⚡️⚡️ I fully support the president's call for maximum unity in these dangerous and demanding times. There are all kinds of misunderstandings between people, but there comes a moment in the history of every state and citizen when we must put aside all our ambitions and pretensions and defend our country the way we defended it in 1941-1945. There were those who felt they were wronged too—Cossacks, priests, kulaks—but all of them rose up and defended their country.

‼️ I appeal to all the left-wing patriotic forces: we must unite as much as possible and support the guys who are fighting for our homeland, liberating the Ukraine from the Nazis, the Banderites, and the fascists.

‼️ We must stop those who, despite the difficult situation for the country, chose the path of provocation. I appeal directly to the soldiers, commanders and soldiers who have been drawn into this conflict. We must fight against Nazism and fascism. And playing along with the Americans, the Anglo-Saxons, and the enemies of Russia is the last thing to do.


The question of the explosion of the fuel depot in the Voronezh region has been resolved: The explosion was caused by the Strela-10 rocket of Wagner PMC that missed the Ka-52 (was diverted by its heat traps) of the Russian Air Force, according to @Fighter_Bomber


From the Telegram account of Cassad:

Ukraine, USA, EU countries, etc. express their full approval and ill-concealed delight at the events initiated by Prigogine.
The Polish Army has been put on high alert.


I can confirm that the Wagner equipment is already 10-12 kilometers north of Voronezh.
Boris Rozhin

The head of the Lugansk People's Republic, Leonid Pasechnik, expressed full support for the president's position on the attempted armed rebellion.
Boris Rozhin

The head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, expressed full support for the president's position on the attempted armed rebellion.
Boris Rozhin

The government of St. Petersburg confirmed the fact that the Wagner Center had been searched by law enforcement agencies. The situation in the city is calm.
Boris Rozhin

Rostec reported that what is happening does not affect the work of military-industrial complex enterprises. The release of defense products for the front is going according to plan.
Boris Rozhin

The head of North Ossetia urged the Ossetians serving in the PMC "Wagner" not to obey the orders of Prigozhin.
Boris Rozhin

Turchak said that United Russia fully supports the president's position on an attempted armed rebellion.
Boris Rozhin


forwarded from
Ministry of Defense of Russia
⚡️We appeal to the fighters of the assault squads "PMC" Wagner ".

▫️You were deceived into Prigozhin's criminal adventure and participation in an armed rebellion.

▫️Many of your comrades from several squads have already realized their mistake in asking for help in ensuring that they can safely return to their places of permanent deployment.

▫️Such assistance from our side has already been provided to all the fighters and commanders who applied.

▫️We ask you to be prudent and get in touch with representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense or law enforcement agencies as soon as possible.

▫️We guarantee everyone's safety.


forwarded from
As for the downed helicopters, I’m sorting out a little.
Mi-8, which was shot down by PMCs in the morning, flew from the airfield to the point. The crew is alive. One crew member is wounded, he will live.
They did not attack anyone with their Mi-8 and they did not have such an order.
I find out on the downed Mi-35.


1. By 12 noon, it can be noted that Prigozhin's political speech was hanging in the air without the support of key state structures, major parties, politicians and public figures. The situation has evolved from a conflict between Prigozhin and the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry into a direct conflict between Prigozhin and the Russian state machine.

2. Reports about the allegedly downed military transport An-26 do not correspond to reality. They give out old footage of another aircraft for him. Usual TsIPSo stuffing. There will be many more - be careful with photos and videos. Now for stuffing - expanse.

3. More video PMC Wagner columns north of Voronezh. It is estimated that up to 4,000 people. It is also celebrated in the center of Buturlinovka.

4. The situation in Rostov is calm. No shooting, no clashes. In most of the city, if you do not read the Internet, life is quite ordinary.


Prigozhin’s armed mutiny: Putin speaks of ‘treason’ in address to the nation

There is little to report about the progress of an armed mutiny that has been undertaken by the owner of the Wagner Private Military company,Yevgeni Prigozhin. Russian news channels have had a near black-out on developments and one can only glean fragmentary information regarding where the greatest threats to the government are found.

The capital, Moscow, and the Moscow oblast have taken extraordinary measures to enforce security, though it is most likely the perceived threat is from possible defections to the mutiny from the regular army and security organs, not from advancing units of the Wagner Group. We have been told that Prigozhin began his rebellion by claiming his troops were under air attack from the regular army. He denounced the Ministry of Defense, denounced the war on Ukraine as having been initiated without need to suit the ambitions of Russia’s top generals. He is clearly seeking to win over the rank in file soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces and therein lies the greatest danger, the “stab in the back” and blatant “treason” as called out by the Kremlin. Prigozhin’s mutinous troops came into Russia proper from the Donbas, crossing the Ukraine-Russian border and moving east and northeast.

From the words of President Putin’s five minute address to the nation at 10.00am Moscow time we understand that the Wagner Group has moved into the major urban area and staging ground for the Ukrainian war, Rostov-on-Don, where they have surrounded military and civilian government buildings. Putin called the situation there dangerous. He used the words “blackmail” and “terrorism” to describe what the Wagner units are doing.

All that one can say at this point is that there is a struggle to the death going on at this moment between the government in Moscow and the mutineers under the direction of Progozhin. If the war chief survives the military operation now launched against him and is taken captive, he and his confederates will be brought before justice on charges of treason.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... he-nation/


On Prigozhin's Insurrection Farce

Some thoughts on the ongoing insurrection attempt in Russia.

I wonder who or what lured Yevgeny Prigozhin into staging this farce.

In twelve or so hours things are likely to have calmed down.

Now 'western' anal-cyst will spend weeks fantasizing about their wished for outcome which was of course never possible.

The whole story reminds me of Machiavelli's warning against mercenaries:

I say, therefore, that the arms with which a prince defends his state are either his own, or they are mercenaries, auxiliaries, or mixed.
Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies; they have neither the fear of God nor fidelity to men, and [one’s own] destruction is deferred only so long as the attack is; for in peace one is robbed by them, and in war by the enemy. The fact is, that they have no other attraction or reason for keeping the field than a trifle of stipend, which is not sufficient to make them willing to die for you. ...
I wish to demonstrate further the infelicity of these arms [i.e., mercenaries]. The mercenary captains are either capable men or they are not; if they are, you cannot trust them, because they always aspire to their own greatness, either by oppressing you, who are their master, or others contrary to your intentions; but if the captain [i.e., the leader of the mercenaries] is not skillful, you are ruined in the usual way [i.e., you will lose the war].

Posted by b on June 24, 2023 at 8:35 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


According to the situation at 15-00
June 24, 15:00


At 15:00.

1. Prigozhin refused to obey Putin's order and surrender his weapons. The armed rebellion officially took shape de jure and de facto.
2. None of the significant figures and structures in Russia supported Prigogine. On the contrary, in the morning there is a kind of oath of loyalty to Putin.
3. In fact, from the conflict with Shoigu, which had objective prerequisites, Prigozhin is now in a state of direct armed conflict with the state, which in the conditions of the ongoing war can lead to catastrophic consequences.
4. PMC "Wagner" now holds several quarters and exits from Rostov + a military airfield in Rostov, and also advances its columns in the direction of Moscow. Recorded in the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions.
5. The loss of at least 3 helicopters of the RF Armed Forces was confirmed - 2 Mi-8 and 1 Mi-35 - the pilots seem to have survived.
6. So far, a big and irreparable bloodshed has been avoided, but the situation is on the verge.
7. In Ukraine and in the West, they rub their hands at the sight of what is happening. The most hidden aspirations have come true.

Broadcast of the rapidly developing situation continues in Telegram

Google Translator
Like I said, I never trusted the bastard. And I avoided the over-glorification of Wagner in this thread, unlike certain bloggers.

Hopefully this will be resolved by the mass defection of the Wagnerites, sometime that happened time and again when these sort of situations arose in ancient Rome. Like Machiavelli said....

The question of motivation looms: bribery for the West or megalomania? What else could it be? What end game does this weasel seek? Conquering the State ain't gonna happen.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 24, 2023 5:36 pm

From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

Yuri Podolyaka:

Prigozhin's rebellion - what's next?

As I understand what is happening, everyone is now waiting to see how the "prigozhinists' march on Moscow" will end.

For Prigozhin himself, this is his last trump card (if successful, regardless of how he understands it). For Moscow, if the threat is repulsed, excellent starting positions ... to start a dialogue with the rebels (after which they will become more accommodating).

It is clear that until it becomes clear whether the campaign was successful or not, no one will conduct any serious negotiations at this stage.

And so we wait. Army special forces (in view of the fact that all combat-ready units are at the front) fortified on the bridges of the main routes to Moscow along the line of the river. Oka. In turn, the Wagner detachments are already moving across the territory of the Tula region and they have about two hundred and fifty kilometers to go to the barriers.

That is, by the evening they will converge. And much will depend on what happens next...


Volodymyr Zelensky supported the actions of Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner PMC, against whom a case was initiated on the fact of incitement to rebellion, and claims that Russia has shown its "weakness" against the backdrop of recent events.

On his Telegram channel, Zelensky wrote that Russia is allegedly experiencing "chaos" and "Russia's weakness is obvious."

Earlier, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Kirill Budanov, actually justified Prigozhin’s actions, saying that he allegedly “tells the truth to a greater extent,” in particular, about the equipment of Russian forces and the course of hostilities.


Once we cheered the Wagner, as an effective means to fight the enemy. Despite not having the same view, an eye-to-eye, on the way they fought, we advertise them, on this channel.
And now we see, instead of columns with troops going to the front lines, they are going toward Moscow. Everything is coming to my mind. But it always ends with one thought. Merc is a merc. He fights for money, and his loyalty is to the one who offers more. Are there misguided people there? Of course, there are. But an idea, to stage a coup in the middle of the war, an existential war for the country is nothing short of blatant betrayal. If this is some weird variant of Operation Valkyrie, its perpetrators deserved the same punishment as those. But let's go a little further. Let's imagine that coup succeeds. Prygozhin will be the president, emperor of whatever...Would he stop the war? I doubt. He will mobilize everyone, and send them to attack. Just like Wagner did. Wagner had 10k Kia in the battle for Artemovsk. Should we pay each Ua shithole 10k or more dead to take it? NATO will have a field day with that, the same as it has it now. The question that needs an answer straight away is "Cui bono?" - "To whom is it a benefit?". It certainly isn't for Russia. What if a civil war breaks? Exactly what the West wanted in the first place. Russia will fall apart. Every scenario here is a disaster. Except for a fast close-up of this story. Whatever the ending would be, it must resolve fast. Old government/new government, whatever, but it must be fast. Passions need to be subdued, quickly, or we are going to civil war. And dear readers, don't think that if the nuclear arsenal ends up in Prygozhin's hands, it won't be used. I know only one man who is laughing and clapping now. I'm not thinking about stupid commenters that don't understand which way is north on the map but found themselves more than free to comment on this. I'm not thinking about morons in Kiev either, because if this succeeds, they will perish faster than shit through the goose, the same as a solid amount of the world population. It's Strelkov. Ask yourself why? The poison was planted long ago...

This comment reflects only my opinion, not that of Slavyangrad.


Forwarded from
Ukraine Watch
An appeal has appeared online from a man calling himself a PMC Wagner stormtrooper: "Those who act in our name to do evil and terror have betrayed us and lied to us.

The user, who claims to be a fighter with the call sign Zuboskal, insisted that he and "his brothers" would never turn their weapons against the motherland:

"They did not die or get seriously injured for the Prigozhin ambitions or any other personalities. They died for each and every one of you reading these lines, for our children, for all the people they did not know but loved and sacrificed their lives for.

If they tell me where to go and give me a gun, I am ready to shoot those who hide behind civilians, who spread evil and sorrow, who betray the memory of the dead and the honour of the living. Whatever they call themselves and whatever they say, to me they are as bloodthirsty beasts as those with whom we have been at war. And rabid beasts must be shot."


PMC Wagner plans to capture Krasnodar - A. Khodakovsky

"The rank and file of Wagner were not privy to the plans of the command - at least most of it. The soldiers were told that they were being transferred to the defense of the Belgorod region, and they were quite surprised by the further course of events. According to reports from the rebellious environment, the plans of the Wagner leadership include the capture of Krasnodar. Well, forgive them, Lord, for they don’t know what they are doing," Alexander Khodakovsky, deputy head of the National Guard of the DPR, said.


“There will be no state, and Russia will plunge into bloody chaos” - veterans of the special forces of the FSB of Russia made an appeal

Veterans of the special forces of the FSB of Russia condemned the actions of the head of the Wagner PMC in the armed seizure of military command posts and said that this was treason and a betrayal of the Motherland. Thus, the fighters and the leadership of PMCs endanger the lives of civilians by blocking the system of civil and military administration of the regions, as happened in Rostov-on-Don.

Such actions play into the hands of the enemy, who, day after day, is trying to make new attempts to break through our line of defense in separate directions. Special Forces veterans called on the leadership of the Wagner PMC to leave all personal grievances and ambitions until victory and also to preserve the integrity of our state.


Prigozhin’s high treason

Dear friend and subscribers, what a night we’ve had! Nazi collaborators (in the widest sense of the word) had their fun spreading misinformation, administrators had their fun banning them and the “less-engaged-but-trying-to-help” people like me were watching it all in absolute astonishment. I think the dust has now settled enough to draw at least some conclusions, if even not all of them.

Prigozhin, until about 20 hours ago everyone’s favourite cook and mercenary, finally showed his true face and betrayed our country. I do not want to pretend to “know this all along” or anything equally as pretentious, but the signs were there for us all to see. Ever since Artemovsk and his video about dead Wagner fighters for the lack of artillery ammunition became very popular and plenty of people then spent hours upon hours dissecting it. Some called it an act, some started questioning Sergei Shoigu, but mostly because Wagner make for cool background for music tracks, rather than any actual evidence against the Ministry of Defence. Some, however, called it out for what it was: insubordination. There is no conceivable way an officer (or someone who pretends to be one) can act this way, especially during wartime. This culminated in Prigozhin’s threat of retreat from Artemovsk, despite his orders to the contrary. This was the moment when most people finally turned against him in the Ministry of Defence, in political circles, among other troops and among the public. Then, too, people called it for what it is: insubordination. That time, however, it was an officer directly threatening his superiors (during a war and active engagements) to pull those troops under his command away from fighting. In any other war, in any other country and under any other leader he would have been court-martialled and, at best, put to prison. But Putin is a patient man and, perhaps, it wasn’t the best time to create unnecessary drama. Problem is, as we see now, it was not unnecessary. While this could have been done then with far fewer losses to prestige and reputation to Russia and to Russia’s manpower. Since then, however, Prigozhin was not quite. He spent a large part of the month demoralising our troops by spreading what we here in chat would call “doomer” messages about deaths, missing shells and an imminent advance of the ukrowermacht. Statement after statement, day after day, Prigozhin continued his campaign to discredit the Ministry of Defence, but was left alone, for whatever reason. And now here we are. Prigozhin, in his delusions of grandeur, decided to take up arms against his superiors, the Russian army, the Russian people and, eventually, against our dear President Vladimir Putin. In doing so, Prigozhin redefined the saying “overplaying your cards”. He no doubt expected a popular uprising, but the very opposite has happened. Everyone, without exception, turned against him and stand behind Vladimir Putin. In fact, the only support he is getting is from Ukraine. This is not a good look for a wannabe insurrectionist. Even people who were before neutral turned against him. PMC Wagner are currently in an absolute information vacuum, with no support and no prospects of ammunition or other resources. Well, as the saying goes «попытка не пытка», meaning trying doesn’t hurt. Except it should.

To Yevgheny Prigozhin:
Lay down your arms, stop embarrassing the country you claim to fight for and surrender to the authorities. You are currently only helping our enemy during Russia’s war for its future and for the future of the multipolar world. You are dirt, a traitor and you deserve to die a traitor’s death. Luckily for you, Putin will spare your life.

To Wagner fighters:
Men, you’ve done so much for Russia up until now and your sacrifice is appreciated and respected. Do not ruin all this now, there is still time. You cannot win. You don’t have any support in the country and no outside support has any chance of reaching you. You lost. Surrender now and spare not only your lives, but also your legacy.

To our dear President Vladimir Putin:
Уважаемый Владимир Владимирович, мы с Вами, мы все. В такое тяжёлое время ни в каком случае нельзя показать слабость противнику и я уверен Вы сами это понимаете лучше меня. Когда Пригожин достанется Вам в руки, не щадите его, он заслуживает смерти за его предательство. Вы сами сказали, что предательство не прощается.

This is not a joke, this is high treason and Prigozhin should face a firing squad. I rarely make such statements, but I will make it now. No mercy can be shown here. To stab your country in the back during such a time and to stab a man in the back who made you what you are. Whatever you were yesterday you are no more, all that is left is an opportunist traitor to his country, his people and his President.

May God have mercy on your soul, Zhenya, because we will not.


Biden’s ‘Warning’ of Putin Using Nukes Is Perverse U.S. Projection

June 23, 2023

The only country that ever used atomic weapons – against civilians – has the audacity to warn the world about the “real risk” of Russia using nukes.

The United States – the only country that ever used atomic weapons in war, and that on a largely civilian population – has the staggering audacity to warn the world about the “real risk” of Russia using nukes.

The real risk to world peace stems from the crazy warmongering Western powers who are deceiving their own public about their criminal provocations.

U.S. President Joe Biden told a fundraising rally in California this week (June 19) that he feared Russian leader Vladimir Putin could resort to using nuclear weapons over the Ukraine conflict. Biden is gaslighting like a deranged psychopath who needs to distract from his own family’s sleazy corruption and his criminal warmongering.

It is the U.S. and its Western allies that have repeatedly feigned an issue of the war in Ukraine going nuclear amid allegations that Russia is the villain with a barbaric plan. The profanity is that the U.S.-led NATO alliance has recklessly escalated the conflict and yet Biden poses as a voice of sanity warning about the catastrophic danger; the catastrophic danger that his decisions (or those of the imperial deep state that he slavishly follows) have created.

Biden’s latest noble-sounding posture was in reference to the decision by Moscow to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus (with Minsk’s full agreement, it should be noted). What Biden failed to mention – and the Western media generally fail to mention too – is that the joint decision by Russia and Belarus is a reciprocation to the long-standing anomaly of the U.S. deploying over 100 tactical nuclear bombs in five NATO members: Belgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Turkey.

Only days before Biden made his knight-in-shining-armour performance ostensibly protecting the world, President Putin reiterated that Russia’s nuclear arsenal is exclusively for deterrence and defence only. He referred to Russia’s well-known defense doctrine which stipulates that nuclear weapons may only be used if Russia’s existential survival is threatened by military attack. Putin said that while there is always a possible danger of the conflict in Ukraine escalating to a nuclear confrontation, he emphasized that the present conditions did not meet the threshold for such weapons to be used.

“We have no need to use tactical nukes,” Putin told delegates at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 16.

His comments were also seen as a categorical rejection of the idea of preemptive or first use of nuclear weapons. Russia’s defence doctrine forbids such use by definition. But the idea was controversially raised last week in an article written by eminent Russian political analyst Sergei Karaganov. A heated Russian public debate ensued with several other prominent thinkers and policy experts repudiating Karaganov’s extreme proposition.

In any case, Russia’s commander-in-chief came down firmly to uphold the solely defensive use of nuclear weapons. That is, Putin ruled out any preemptive deployment.

Nevertheless, against all the official statements and evidence, Western media have persistently claimed that Putin is liable to use nukes. Biden’s latest remarks fuel that particular fire, or should we say, smoke and mirrors.

The real danger here is not from Russia, but rather the repeated inference by Western leaders and media which, as Putin noted, “lowers the threshold” for using nuclear weapons because it inculcates pernicious normalcy and paranoid fear among the Western public for expecting a most heinous outcome. The banning of Russian athletes, literature, music, and so on, together with the constant smearing and dehumanizing of Russian people and the country’s legitimate security concerns appears to be aimed at fomenting a notion that Russia is capable of capriciously using nukes.

This is how propaganda works. This is extremely dangerous brainwashing, or any other number of ways of putting it: perception management, manufacturing consent, or gaslighting.

Biden and his Western elite ilk are full of it. They are all as corrupt as a barrel of excrement.

The Western media propaganda narrative focusing on what “villainous Russia” will do or not do is an awesome psychological projection that is intended to obscure the real threat to world peace.

The fact is it is the United States that is unique among nuclear powers in arrogating “the right” for the first use of nuclear weapons. The U.S. has a doctrine of “Global Prompt Strike” which is an actionable plan to “decapitate” a designated enemy, including non-nuclear states, with preemptive attack. Given the low intelligence and hyper hubris that now passes for Washington politicians and media that is a perplexing contingency.

And let’s never forget that it was the United States that dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians causing over 200,000 deaths in a nuclear holocaust. That ineffable horror can be seen as a first-use action.

Today, the United States not only deploys tactical nuclear weapons across Europe in violation of the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty, but it has also unilaterally scrapped three significant arms-control accords with Russia, the Anti-Ballistic Treaty, Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Open Skies Treaty. That is while the U.S. has installed short-range nuclear missile capability in Poland and Romania, reducing potential strike time on Moscow to a matter of minutes.

This week Washington deployed strategic nuclear bombers to Sweden and Indonesia for the first time ever. One of its nuclear submarines also docked in South Korea.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the United States and its NATO partners have armed a NeoNazi and Russian-hating regime to the teeth. The U.S. and the European Union are lavishing this regime with hundreds of billions of dollars. At a so-called “Ukrainian recovery” summit in London this week, various Western leaders talked about Ukraine being “part of our family” and vowed to effectively loot frozen Russian assets worth over €200 billion to donate to this corrupt Kiev regime. Indeed, some family!

Over the past 16 months since Russia launched its military intervention in Ukraine to thwart the NATO-sponsored aggression that had been unleashed in 2014 with a CIA-orchestrated coup in Kiev, President Biden and his Western lackeys have escalated the conflict with ever-more lethal weaponry. Tanks have been supplied and now U.S.-made F-16 fighter jets are on their way. This week U.S. lawmakers called on Biden to supply Army Tactical Missiles (ATACMS) with a range of 300 kilometers. Britain has already supplied long-range Storm Shadow missiles.

A bridge in Russian-held Crimea was this week hit by NATO long-range missiles. NATO missiles have also been used to destroy the Kakhovka dam in Kherson oblast, as well as strike pre-war Russian territory. The NATO-backed Kiev regime has targeted Moscow with armed drones.

Despite the inordinate Western expenditure and effort to use the Kiev regime as a battering ram for strategically defeating Russia, the Ukrainian proxy war is being lost to Russia. Kiev may be armed to the teeth, but Russian forces are kicking those teeth out at a formidable rate.

The counteroffensive launched on June 4 by the Kiev regime is being decimated by Russian forces. That means the Biden administration has callously and cynically led Ukraine to a slaughter. As many as 200,000-300,000 Ukrainian military personnel have been killed in total since this war erupted; 13,000 in the last three weeks, according to Russia’s Ministry of Defense. The truly abhorrent thing is that the war could have been avoided or at least stopped in March 2022 with the signing of a peace deal by Moscow and Kiev. That deal known as the Istanbul Treaty – was suffocated at birth and thrown in the dustbin by Washington and London because the Western powers were obsessed with defeating Russia to the “last Ukrainian”.

It is not hyperbole to say that the United States and its NATO axis are the heirs to Nazi Germany. This week marked the 82nd anniversary of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. Up to 27 million Russian and other Slavic people were killed in that aggression which finally ended with the Red Army’s heroic victory in Berlin.

For Washington and its NATO partners-in-crime, the long war continues against Russia. But Russia’s victory on the battlefield looks assured from its superior military forces.

This is leading to a historic debacle – one might even say nemesis – for the Western powers. They are facing defeat not just militarily but politically and morally. Their long-held deception and charade as “exceptional” and “moral superiors” are being blown apart. Given these incredibly high stakes of imminent disastrous defeat, the real danger is that Biden and his corrupt Western ruling apparatus will double down on their losses in order to desperately recoup. Will Washington, London and Co further escalate weapons supply to Ukraine, deploy NATO divisions on the ground or resort to inciting a nuclear war with Russia?

Every word out of the mouth of Western powers is a perverse projection of their own nefarious, criminal conduct. ... rojection/


Counteroffensive: How NATO Trainers Knowingly Sent Ukrainian Troops to Their Deaths
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 23, 2023
Scott Ritter


Western computer-assisted battle simulations should have predicted Kiev’s huge losses

Ukraine sent one of its best brigades into combat earlier this month as part of its long-awaited counteroffensive aimed at retaking areas controlled by Russian forces.

Leading the charge near the town of Orekhov, in Zaporozhye Region, was the 47th Mechanized Brigade, armed with NATO equipment and – most importantly – employing it using the US-led bloc’s combined arms doctrine and tactics. Prior to the operation, this brigade spent months at a base in Germany learning “Western know-how” in combined-arms warfare.

Helping them prepare for the fighting to come was KORA, the German-made NATO computer simulation system, designed to allow officers and non-commissioned officers to closely replicate battlefield conditions and, in doing so, better develop ideal courses of action against a designated enemy – in this case, Russia.

If there was ever an example of how a purpose-built Ukrainian NATO proxy force would perform against a Russian enemy, the 47th Brigade was the ideal case study. However, within days of initiating its attack, the group was close to literally decimated, with more than 10% of the over 100 US-made M-2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles destroyed or abandoned on the field of battle, and hundreds of the brigade’s 2,000-strong complement dead or wounded. German-made Leopard 2 tanks and mine-clearing vehicles joined the Bradleys as wrecks in the fields west of Orekhov, having failed to breach the first line of Russian defenses. The reasons for this defeat can be boiled down to the role played by KORA in creating a false sense of confidence on the part of the officers and men of the 47th Brigade. Unfortunately, as the Ukrainians and their NATO masters found out, what works in a computer simulation does not automatically equate to battlefield success.

KORA is a computer-based advanced synthetic wargaming system developed by the German army to support course-of-action analysis and scenario-based experiments for staff officers up to the brigade level. It has been incorporated into NATO computer wargame simulations in support of live training done at the US Army’s Grafenwoehr training facility. Grafenwoehr hosted the 47th Brigade from January-May 2023. While capable of generating generic terrain maps for combat simulation against a notional enemy, KORA can be customized using actual terrain models and real-world order of battle to support preparations for actual combat scenarios.

It is, undoubtedly, in this mode that KORA operated while being used to train the 47th Brigade, using digitized maps of the Orekhov area superimposed with Russian defensive positions manned by units from the 42nd Motorized Rifle Division, namely the 291st and 70th Motorized Rifle Regiments. With the assistance of their NATO instructors, the officers of the Ukrainian 47th Brigade would likely have gamed-out several real-life scenarios which anticipated Russian performance, allowing the Ukrainians to forecast battlefield results and determine the ideal axis of advance capable of breaching the Russian defenses.

Of all the military operations training KORA is capable of, the breaching of a fortified defensive line is the most difficult. US Army doctrine uses the mnemonic SOSRA (suppress, obscure, secure, reduce, and assault) when teaching breaching assault fundamentals. Each one of these would have required a separate KORA sub-model specifically designed to simulate the unique mission requirements attached to them. But the fact is that the SOSRA fundamentals could not be properly exercised for the Ukrainians for the simple truth that they lacked the resources necessary for the tasks to be executed.

Take for instance “suppression.” According to the US Army, “Suppression is a tactical task used to employ direct or indirect fire or an electronic attack on enemy personnel, weapons, or equipment to prevent or degrade enemy fire and observation of friendly forces.” KORA would need to employ at least four sub-models in support of the main simulation to create an adequate suppression model, including air interdiction, air defense, electronic warfare, and artillery fire. However, Ukraine lacks any viable offensive air capability, and thanks to systemic Russian suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) operations, Ukraine’s forward operating areas, where units such as the 47th Brigade would assemble and operate from, were left nearly defenseless against Russian air power. Moscow’s artillery and electronic warfare superiority likewise nullified any tactical advantages Ukraine envisioned by employing these resources. The purpose of suppression during breaching operations is to protect the forces tasked with reducing and maneuvering through an obstacle. “Suppression,” the US Army notes in its doctrinal statements, “is a mission-critical task performed during [a] breaching operation. Suppression generally triggers the rest of the actions at the obstacle.” In short, without adequate suppression, the entire attack will fail.

Logic dictates that any responsible use of the KORA simulation system would have predicted the failure of the 47th Brigade’s attack. According to The Washington Post, the officers of the 47th Brigade “planned their assaults and then let the [KORA] program show them the results – how their Russian enemies might respond, where they could make a breakthrough and where they would suffer losses.” The KORA simulation allowed the Ukrainian officers to coordinate their actions “to test how they’d work together on the battlefield.” Given that the Ukrainian force structure was insufficient to accomplish the mission-critical task of suppression, there was no chance for the Ukrainian forces to accomplish the actual assault requirements of a breaching operation – the destruction of enemy forces on the opposite side of the obstacle barrier being breached. The Ukrainians, however, came away from their KORA experience confident that they had crafted a winning plan capable of overcoming the Russian defenses in and around Orekhov.

When one examines the structure of a KORA-based simulation, it becomes clear that the system is completely dependent upon the various inputs which define the simulation as a whole. Every aspect of the simulation is derived from the parameters programmed by those responsible for overseeing the training. While one would hope that the training overseers would conduct the simulation with a modicum of professional integrity, unless both the NATO trainers and their Ukrainian students were infused with Lemming-like suicidal qualities, there had to be significant modification and alteration of critical data points to generate an outcome capable of motivating the Ukrainian forces to agree to the attack.

One would expect that the performance characteristics for the attacking force, while capable of being exaggerated, would replicate the reality of the genuine capabilities of the involved forces to a relative degree – to believe otherwise would suggest that the Ukrainians were completely delusional, something their own description of a “learning curve” during training argues against. One of the critical factors used in the programming of KORA, however, is what KORA’s designers call “behavior agents” used for establishing rules “for behavior of the respective units.” It is here that the NATO trainers most likely failed their Ukrainian trainees.

The Orekhov axis of advance was designed to exploit a seam between the 291st and 70th Motorized Rifle Regiments of the Russian 42nd Motorized Rifle Division. The “behavior agents” programmed by the NATO trainers appeared to treat the Russians – especially those from the 70th Regiment – as poorly trained, poorly led, poorly equipped, and poorly motivated troops. In short, NATO trainers compensated for the inability of Ukraine to assemble forces capable of performing even the most basic of suppression tasks by predicting the inevitable collapse of the will on the part of the Russian soldiers to resist. The “behavior agent” emphasized by NATO appears to be derived from the famous encounter between the knights of the Round Table and the “killer rabbit” in Monty Python’s Search for the Holy Grail – “Run away! Run away!” The real-life Russian defenders, however, had the exact opposite performance response. According to the Institute for the Study of War, the Russians “responded to the Ukrainian attack with an uncharacteristic [sic] degree of coherency” while executing “their formal tactical defensive doctrine” in repelling Ukrainian attacks southwest of Orekhov.

The reality is that the Ukrainians never even got close to reaching the Russian defenses around Orekhov, let alone breaching them. The reasons for this failure are many, including unfamiliarity with the Western-style equipment the 47th Brigade was employing, poor tactical planning, and – most importantly – the failure of the Ukrainians to suppress Russian artillery fire, electronic warfare capabilities, and air power, which made the tactical breach of the Russian obstacle belts – especially the dense minefields – impossible. All these failures were predictable, which means that to overcome them during the training phase, the NATO trainers had to deliberately “game” the KORA system in order to obtain the desired outcome.

I can speak with some authority about the role played by computer simulations in preparation for an assault against a fortified position. In October 1990, I was tasked by Headquarters Marine Corps with conducting a computer simulation using the newly procured JANUS conflict and tactical constructive simulation system to assist Marine operational planners deployed in Saudi Arabia in their mission of breaching prepared Iraqi defensive positions on the border between Kuwait and Iraq. The Marines had been ordered by Army General Norman Schwartzkopf to conduct a two-division-strong frontal assault on the Iraqi defenses. The attack was part of a “fixing action” designed to prevent Baghdad from diverting forces in response to the main attack, to be carried out by the US Army, on the Iraqi western flank.

The Commander of Marine Forces in the Persian Gulf, General Walt Boomer, had approached Major General Matthew Caulfield, the director of the Marine Corps Warfighting Center, in Quantico, Virginia, for help in picking the most advantageous sectors of the Iraqi defenses for Marine breaching assault operations using a graphical user interface. In September 1990, I had been plucked out of Amphibious Warfare School to provide planning support for an ad-hoc team assembled by General Al Gray, the Commandant of the Marine Corps, to design alternative options to the frontal assault being pushed by General Schwartzkopf. The results of this effort – a corps-sized amphibious assault on the Al Faw peninsula, was approved by General Gray, but ultimately rejected by General Schwarzkopf. The brought the Marines back to square one – where best to conduct what many viewed as a suicidal assault on dense Iraqi defensive fortifications.

As one of the principal authors of the Al Faw proposal, my profile was quite high in the rarified air of Quantico, especially for a junior Captain. Major General Caulfield tasked me with using the JANUS system to wargame various options that could be used by General Boomer’s Marines to breach the Iraqi defenses. I knew nothing about either JANUS or computerized simulations. Fortunately, I had a team of enlisted Marines who were knowledgeable and they had been using JANUS to exercise the students at the Command and Staff College. Even so, JANUS was still new for the Marines. The US Army had been using JANUS since 1983, including to conduct simulations in support of the US invasion of Panama in 1989. It was also used in designing General Schwartzkopf’s planned attack on the western flank of the Iraqi defenses. However, the Marine experience with JANUS began only in August of 1990, and then only in support of training. My assignment represented the first ever Marine Corps operational use of JANUS in support of a real-world scenario.

After being briefed by my team about the various inputs that would need to be programmed into JANUS to run the requested scenarios, I set about collecting detailed aerial photographs from the CIA so we could build accurate terrain maps of the defenses the Marines would be tasked with breaching. I also got the NSA to provide me with a detailed order of battle of the units occupying the defenses, including reports on their combat history, performance, and leadership. I tasked my Marines with collecting similar data on the Marine units expected to lead the assault. We then carefully programmed the JANUS computer and hit “enter.”

The result was a disaster – the Marines were annihilated before they ever reached the Iraqi defenses.

I sat down with my Marines and dissected the data. Two things became apparent – we had over-programmed the Iraqi capabilities, and under-programmed Marine suppression actions. But I wouldn’t simply allow the system to be “gamed.” I worked with my Marines to define what actions would have to be taken to reduce Iraqi capabilities, and to define the resources needed by the Marines to suppress the Iraqis while accomplishing their assault breaching tasks. For more than a month straight, my team ran the simulation repeatedly, each time pausing to evaluate the lessons learned, before undertaking the time-intensive task of properly programming the data into the JANUS system. Finally, in early November, we had a solution that worked. Major General Caulfield oversaw the final “proof of concept” JANUS simulation. Afterwards, he ordered me to prepare a report, which he then sent to General Boomer.

One of the things I’m most proud of in my military career is the fact that the Marine assault breaching operations done during Desert Storm unfolded almost exactly as my team and I had predicted in the JANUS simulation. After the war, General Caulfield credited my team and I with playing a major role in designing the successful Marine attack and, in the process, saving hundreds of Marine lives. We achieved this result by adhering to basic principles of professionalism and integrity, refusing to cut corners for the sake of expediency and being realistic about the amount of military combat power that would be needed to be applied over time to achieve the desired result.

If only the NATO trainers, who knowingly sent the men of the Ukrainian 47th Mechanized Brigade and scores of other Ukrainian brigades to their deaths, adhered to such standards. Instead, they sent those troops in a futile attempt to breach defenses that were impossible to overcome, given the disparity in training and force composition between the Ukrainian and Russian forces. Had they been diligent, there would be far fewer Ukrainian widows and orphaned children mourning the loss of their husbands and fathers. This, more than anything, is the primary lesson to be derived from the Ballad of KORA and JANUS – neither NATO nor the United States cares about the lives of the Ukrainians they have undertaken to train in the horrific art of war.

Apparently, Republican Senator Lyndsey Graham is not alone in aspiring to continue the Russian-Ukrainian conflict until Kiev runs out of cannon fodder. Based upon the results at Orekhov earlier this month, “to the last Ukrainian” appears to be the overall NATO battle cry as well. ... ir-deaths/

Chechen Commandos Leave for Areas of Tensions
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 24, 2023

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov Elena Afonina/TASSMOSCOW, June 24. /TASS/. Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has slammed the armed mutiny of the PMC Wagner as betrayal and said that Chechen commandos are on the way to the areas of tensions.

“What is happening is not an ultimatum to the Ministry of Defense,” he wrote on his Telegram channel. “It is a challenge to the state. To counter this challenge, it is necessary for the military, security forces, governors and the civilian population to rally all around the national leader. Soldiers of the Ministry of Defense and Chechnya’s units of the National Guard (Rosgvardiya) have already left for the areas of tensions. We will do everything to preserve the unity of Russia and to protect its statehood!” Kadyrov wrote.

He is certain Russian President Vladimir Putin takes decisions “in a balanced and scrupulous manner.”

“Each of us sees only one part of the map, but he sees it all! The president noted quite correctly in his address to the nation – this is a military mutiny! There is no excuse for such actions! I fully support Putin’s every word,” Kadyrov said.

He urged the servicemen of the North Caucasus Military District not to yield to provocations.

“Whatever aims some may declare and whatever promises some may give – at a time like this the security of the state and unity of Russian society is above all! Look at how our enemies in the West are taking advantage of this situation. How many insinuations, how many lies, how many false appeals that frighten our citizens and create the danger of a destabilizing situation are being used. These are the expected consequences of Prigozhin’s treacherous march,” Kadyrov wrote.

He reiterated that the current events were a challenge to the state. “It is necessary for the military, security forces, governors and the civilian population to rally around the national leader,” he stressed.

(Full statement has been previously posted.) ... -tensions/


Lukashenka agreed on de-escalation
June 24, 20:10

Lukashenka agreed on de-escalation

Message from the press service of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

This morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin briefed his Belarusian counterpart on the situation in southern Russia with the private military company Wagner. The heads of state agreed on joint actions.
As a follow-up to the agreements, the President of Belarus, having additionally specified the situation through his own channels, and in agreement with the President of Russia, held talks with the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin.
Negotiations continued throughout the day. As a result, they came to agreements on the inadmissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the territory of Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin accepted the proposal of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to stop the movement of armed persons of the Wagner company on the territory of Russia and take further steps to de-escalate tensions.
At the moment, on the table is an absolutely profitable and acceptable option for solving the situation, with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters.
As previously reported, also during today, the President of Belarus held two meetings with the power bloc of the country on this situation. - zinc

It will be good if the option without mass bloodshed is implemented.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:54 pm

From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

We try our best not to deal in rumours. However, it is clear that the deal with the Wagner PMC's insurrectionists could not have been reached without terms. The following are the likely parameters of the new reality that we will see in short order:

—"Wagner PMC" troops will be incorporated into and merged with the Russian Armed Forces.

—Gerasimov and Shoigu will resign, to be replaced by Surovikin (as Chief of Staff) and Dyumin, Governor of Tula, highly respected in the Russian Armed Forces, who played a key role the Crimea operation that led to the Republic's reunification with Russia (as Minister of Defence).

—Criminal proceedings against Prigozhin will be terminated, and "Wagner PMC" fighters will be given immunity.

The most complete version of the terms of this resolution has been published by @Condottieros, but various details have been reiterated by other sources.


To clarify: Prigozhin is not expected to continue in any role relating to the SMO or maintain any relationship with the former "Wagner PMC" fighters that are brought under the MoD umbrella. Wagner PMC will not continue as a separate entity in the SMO. What that means for the Wagner operations outside Russia, I do not know. This is all speculative, of course.

In my opinion, for any deal like this to be feasible, Prigozhin has to withdraw entirely from the public scene. If he does not, this is a prelude to further crisis.


Peskov's Statements re Resolution of the Situation with Prigozhin and Wagner PMC:

Criminal charges against Prigozhin will be dropped, and he will "go to Belarus", Peskov said.

Putin and Lukashenko have agreed to jointly mediate the Wagner situation.

There was a higher goal to avoid bloodshed and internal confrontation, and Lukashenko's efforts were in the name of those goals.

Peskov does not know what Prigozhin will do after he leaves for Belarus.

No new address by Putin is expected in the near future.

Part of Wagner PMC fighters, who initially refused to participate in Prigozhin's "march", will sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense.

Referring to the cancellation of the presidential decree on the counter-terrorist operation, said that there would be all the prerequisites for this.

Personnel changes in the Defence Ministry were not discussed during talks with Prigozhin.


Peskov on Lukashenko's negotiations with Prigozhin:

✔️ There was a higher goal - to avoid bloodshed, to avoid internal confrontation, to avoid clashes with unpredictable results. It was in the name of these objectives that Lukashenko's mediation efforts were implemented. President Putin made the decision accordingly.
✔️ The two presidents agreed that Lukashenko would mediate a settlement. We highly appreciate his initiative. Alexander Grigorievich has known Prigozhin personally for a long time; it was his personal proposal. We are grateful to the president for this effort.
✔️ The situation was resolved without losses. An agreement was reached that the Wagner PMCs would return to the camps. Some of them will sign contracts with the MoD if they wish. This applies to the units that did not take part in the mutiny.
✔️ As for the rest of the fighters - no one will prosecute them in view of their merits at the front. We have always respected their feats.
✔️ You ask me what will happen to Prigozhin personally. The criminal case against him will be dropped, and he himself will go to Belarus.
✔️ This will in no way affect the course of SMO. The SMO continues, our fighters on the front line are showing heroism, they are repelling the counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine very effectively. And the operation will continue.


Lukashenka agreed on de-escalation
June 24, 20:10


Lukashenka agreed on de-escalation

Message from the press service of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

This morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin briefed his Belarusian counterpart on the situation in southern Russia with the private military company Wagner. The heads of state agreed on joint actions.
As a follow-up to the agreements, the President of Belarus, having additionally specified the situation through his own channels, and in agreement with the President of Russia, held talks with the head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin.
Negotiations continued throughout the day. As a result, they came to agreements on the inadmissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the territory of Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin accepted the proposal of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to stop the movement of armed persons of the Wagner company on the territory of Russia and take further steps to de-escalate tensions.
At the moment, on the table is an absolutely profitable and acceptable option for solving the situation, with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters.
As previously reported, also during today, the President of Belarus held two meetings with the power bloc of the country on this situation. - zinc

It will be good if the option without mass bloodshed is implemented.

Prigozhin: "The moment has come when blood can be shed. Understanding all the responsibility for the fact that Russian blood can be shed on one of the sides, we turn our columns and leave in the opposite direction to the field camps according to the plan. De-escalation has begun. Thanks to Old Man.


waiting :

1. Ending the blockade of the center of Rostov.
2. Restoration of normal traffic on the M4
3. Gradual cancellation of the CTO regime in three regions.
4. Well, of course, the conditions of the agreements reached with the help of Lukashenka.

Google Translator




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Without the public support of any political figure in Russia, military or police unit, regional governor, or the officers of his Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin and his thousand rank-and-filers have agreed to return to their base camps on terms negotiated late on Saturday afternoon between Prigozhin and Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarus President./

The one-armed rebellion has failed with recriminations, immunity from prosecution, and almost no bloodshed. The Kremlin solution has followed the precedent of General Alexander Lebed’s (lead image, centre) rebellion against President Boris Yeltsin in 1996, not the violent end of the rebellion of Yemelyan Pugachev (left) of 1773-75.

Dmitry Rogozin, who was one of the strategists of Lebed’s campaign for the presidency and later became a deputy prime minister under President Vladimir Putin, made the difference clear in a statement he issued early on Saturday, before Putin spoke at 10 o’clock. “I know the situation at the front as well as Prigozhin and I have never hidden my position, but whatever the explanation for an armed rebellion, it is still an armed rebellion in the rear of a belligerent army. In a war, you have to shove your political ambitions up your ass and support the front with all your might. Any attempts to weaken it are nothing but aiding the enemy.”

Another of Lebed’s comrades of 27 years ago, Sergei Glazyev, followed with a repudiation of Prigozhin of his own. None of the well-known critics of Putin on domestic policy, nor the military bloggers who have attacked the tactical management and strategic priorities of the Special Military Operation, supported Prigozhin.

The rebellion, according to sources speaking on Saturday evening, involved advance planning by Prigozhin and several hundred of the lowest ranks of his military group. There was no support among the Wagner officers. After they had moved on Rostov, then took the road to Voronezh and on towards Moscow, the road columns numbered several hundred, with a total across the southwest of no more than four thousand.

A statement issued by Lukashenko’s office in Minsk at 8 in the evening said the rebellion was at an end. “This morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin informed his Belarusian counterpart about the situation in the south of Russia with the private military company Wagner. The heads of State agreed on joint actions. As a follow-up to the agreements, the President of Belarus, having further clarified the situation through his own channels, in coordination with the President of Russia, held talks with the head of the Wagner PMCS [private military companies], Yevgeny Prigozhin.”

“The negotiations lasted throughout the day. As a result, we came to an agreement on the inadmissibility of unleashing a bloody massacre on the territory of Russia. Yevgeny Prigozhin accepted the proposal of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to stop the movement of armed persons of the Wagner company on the territory of Russia and further steps to de-escalate tension. At the moment, there is an absolutely profitable and acceptable solution to the situation on the table, with security guarantees for the fighters of the Wagner PMCs.”

A well-informed Moscow source says: “The whole thing was planned for several weeks. Soldiers and unit sergeants might be on board. Officers, obviously not. That makes it a mutiny against commanders. I do not think Prigozhin he will go quietly. He will try and romanticize himself as a Pugachev and his assassins as peasants defending Russia from oligarchs. Questions will be asked when and which men were already inside of Rostov Military HQ. Perhaps some advance parties were inside.”

There is no publication yet of Lukashenko’s terms which Prigozhin has accepted for himself. Unconfirmed reports in Moscow indicate he will leave the country for Africa with one of the Wagner units operating there. His media, communications, and internet networks have been blocked.

The War of the Worlds weekly broadcast went to air at 12 noon Moscow time. At the time there was considerable uncertainty in the Russian source reporting from Rostov and Voronezh; disinformation, faked videos, and panic reports, produced in Kiev, were circulating in the western media.

Listen to the analysis here. ... june-2023/

Before the radio broadcast began, Putin made his 5 minute, 34 second speech to the country at 10 am. Unusually, he addressed the camera on his feet. Read the speech in full here.

There have been no personal statements from either Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu or chief of the General Staff, General Valery Gerasimov, the targets of Prigozhin’s public attacks.

During the hours of the rebellion on Friday and Saturday, along the line of contact in the Ukraine there appears to have been no breakthrough by Ukrainian forces. Instead, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported: “Tonight, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched a group strike with high-precision long-range weapons at the centres of radio intelligence and aviation equipment of the Ukrainian Air Forces at the Kanatovo airfields in the Kirovograd region, as well as the Dnipro. All assigned objects are hit. The target of the strike has been achieved.”

“In addition, on June 23, in response to a strike on a road bridge across the Chongar Strait, a warehouse with Storm Shadow cruise missiles was destroyed at a Ukrainian airbase near the settlement of Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnitsky region. During the day, the armed forces of Ukraine continued unsuccessful attempts of offensive actions in the South Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Krasno-Limansk directions.”

A total of 515 Ukrainian forces were reported killed in action. French Caesar howitzer and US M-777 howitzer units were reported hit.

A second, companion piece for the broadcast will follow on Sunday morning. ... more-88230


Borotba: The Unity of Anti-Fascist Forces is the Key to Our Common Victory
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 24, 2023


Statement by Borotba (Struggle), revolutionary Marxist organization banned by the Ukrainian government.

Stop the armed conflict in the rear! The unity of anti-fascist forces is the key to our common victory

June 24 — The whole world is closely following the events unfolding in connection with the actions of Yevgeny Prigozhin and part of the Wagner private military company.

The long conflict that existed between Yevgeny Prigozhin and Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu has grown into a stage that threatens the entire state.

Yevgeny Prigozhin has previously attracted sympathy for his sharp criticism of the plagues of oligarchic capitalism, corruption, as well as individual failures and erroneous decisions during the special military operation. However, with the development of the confrontation with the military leadership of the Russian Federation, this criticism began to acquire an exaggerated character, and the motives of a personal confrontation with Sergei Shoigu began to come to the fore, and not criticism of the socio-economic situation and military organization.

The situation when a private, non-state-controlled organization, in fact, a private army, has become an important factor of power is in itself unhealthy. As a result, regardless of possible subjective intentions, Prigozhin actually started an armed rebellion by a private person against the state.

We, as critics of the capitalist system, could not previously disagree with many of the critical speeches of Yevgeny Prigozhin. Also, the steadfastness and courage of the Wagner PMC fighters in the confrontation with the fascist regime of Ukraine could not but arouse sympathy. But having embarked on an adventurous action, moving the armed confrontation deep into Russia, Yevgeny Prigozhin threatened the front, which the Kiev regime and its masters in the West will definitely take advantage of.

The situation is developing rapidly, and we hope that all sides of the confrontation will show prudence and prevent bloodshed tens of kilometers from the front line. We are convinced that the country’s top leadership is capable of finding a way out of this dangerous situation. Conclusions must be drawn on the fight against the vices of the state and social system, inherited from the 1990s but preserved even in the conditions of the special military operation.

We address the soldiers and officers fighting at the front: Comrades! We are few, but we are among you. We are aware of the difficulties that arose and are arising in the process of organizing military operations, mistakes, and injustices, part of the responsibility for which, of course, lies with the military leadership. We never called for hiding difficulties and varnishing reality to please the authorities. We experienced it just like you. But we are convinced that armed adventures will not lead to an improvement in the system but can only lead to our common defeat.

We hope that the fighters of PMC “Wagner,” who supported their commander, will look at the situation with a cool head and realize that this path leads nowhere. Similar situations have already happened in history — the rebellion of the Left Socialist-Revolutionary Party, the speech of M.A. Muravyov in 1918, the rebellion of Nestor Makhno, who refused to join the united Red Army, the Kronstadt uprising, the rebellion of the anarchists of Catalonia during the Spanish Civil War. Regardless of the intentions, sometimes honest and idealistic, such actions have always fallen into the hands of the darkest forces.

Now it is important to end the armed conflict inside the country as soon as possible to unite efforts in the fight against the Kiev regime and NATO imperialism. In the conditions of confrontation with imperialism, internal contradictions must be resolved in a peaceful democratic way, on the basis of a broad public discussion with the participation of the people, and not by conspiracies from above and personal adventures.

Long live unity and solidarity! ... n-victory/


"March of justice" PMC "Wagner" to Moscow. Results of the day
June 24, 2023

In Russia, the so-called "March of Justice" by Yevgeny Prigozhin and PMC "Wagner" to Moscow ended. In the morning it became known that the Wagnerites entered Rostov-on-Don and blocked the headquarters of the Southern Military District, as well as a number of key buildings of power structures in the city center, after which they moved further north along the M-4 highway.

During the movement along the column of PMC "Wagner", the planes of the Russian Aerospace Forces worked out, after which the fighters began to shoot down Russian aircraft. During the day, Russian aviation lost seven aircraft from the actions of the Wagnerites, five of which did not carry any weapons. Among them are three Mi-8 MTPR - specialized scarce electronic warfare helicopters. An air control post based on the Il-18 aircraft with the entire crew was also shot down.

Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation , calling the situation an armed rebellion and a stab in the back by Russian servicemen performing tasks in a special military operation zone.

The rebellious march ended two hundred kilometers from Moscow, when, through the mediation of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko , the Russian authorities and Yevgeny Prigozhin managed to reach a compromise, the details of which are still unknown.

However, the head of the Wagner PMC said that they were satisfied with the terms of the agreements, the march was over and the fighters were returning to field camps, after which the Wagnerites began to leave Rostov-on-Don in an organized manner. According to unconfirmed information, Aleksey Dyumin, the governor of the Tula region, also took part in the negotiations.

One of Prigozhin's main demands was the resignation of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov. Considering that, according to the source, the rebellion was stopped on extremely favorable terms for the head of the PMC, there is reason to believe that as a result, the leadership of the Russian Defense Ministry will be removed.

As a result of the whole action, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the criminal case against Yevgeny Prigozhin would be dropped, and he himself would "leave for Belarus."

The first half of the day. PMC "Wagner" in Rostov-on-Don

Detachments of PMC "Wagner" during the night entered the Rostov region , blocked Rostov-on-Don, cordoned off the building of the headquarters of the Southern Military District, where the headquarters of the United Group of Forces is located. Shoigu and Gerasimov, who, according to Prigozhin, are followed by Wagner PMC, were not in Rostov. PMC columns continued to move towards Moscow.

But Prigogine said that his forces would remain in Rostov until the Chief of the General Staff and the Minister of Defense arrived for the talks. He held talks with Deputy Shoigu Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Vladimir Alekseev.

In the meantime, a counter-terrorist operation regime was officially introduced in the capital and the Moscow region (which formally began two days ago in connection with the opening of the underground network of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine), and in the Voronezh region a helicopter was shot down, which, according to Prigozhin, attacked PMCs and buses with personnel.

In the Voronezh region, more than 300 kilometers of the M-4 highway were blocked. Information was circulated on the network that PMC units entered Buturlinovka and were preparing to occupy the airfield, but there was no confirmation of this.

An oil depot caught fire near Voronezh , and most likely, this could have happened due to the fault of the Ka-52 helicopter of the Russian Aerospace Forces: it was captured at the moment when the aircraft fired off heat traps near the oil depot. Later, footage of the operation of the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system of the Wagner PMC on the Ka-52 helicopter, which probably flew over the oil depot, appeared on the network.

Address of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the nation
(Video at link)]

During his address, Putin called the fighters of the PMC "Wagner" heroes, but at the same time said that they were being pushed to treason, betrayal and rebellion. What is happening, according to him, is a blow to Russia and the Russian people.

In addition, the head of state noted that “as the President of Russia and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as a citizen of Russia, I will do everything to stop the rebellion,” and all law enforcement agencies at that time received appropriate instructions to resolve the situation. According to him, "everyone who deliberately embarked on the path of betrayal will suffer inevitable punishment to the fullest extent of the law."

It is interesting that during the address, Putin never mentioned the names of Prigozhin or Shoigu, but spoke in a streamlined manner about those who “organized” everything that was happening.

After the statement, the officials and heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation spoke with the words

Afternoon. The movement of the column of PMC "Wagner" to Moscow


By the afternoon, the columns of PMC "Wagner" passed the village of Yelets in the Lipetsk region . The “Vangerites” did not enter Voronezh itself - some moved to a detour through the east of the region, and some along the bypass road.

During the movement, the PMC column broke through a checkpoint on the M4 highway near the Ikorets River south of Voronezh.

At the same time, the work of the headquarters of the Southern Military District continued as usual: the detachments blocked only the approaches to it and demanded that the local residents not come closer than 2 km to the building. An explosive package was used to disperse the crowds, several warning shots were fired into the air. Detachments of PMCs blocked the entrance to the city from Taganrog.

The Kadyrovites stopped not far from Rostov-on-Don, but they never took part in any actions against the Vangerites.

In the meantime, the authorities of the Lipetsk region began to interrupt the roads along the route of the columns of the PMC "Vanger" in the Chaplyginsky and Lebedyansky directions.

Evening. The results of the "vague Saturday"


Toward evening, the leadership of the counter-terrorist operation to suppress the rebellion of Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner PMC decided to equip a line along the southern bank of the Oka River in order to prevent the Wagnerites from advancing towards Moscow.

Military transport aircraft transported units of the mobilization reserve from other regions of Russia to Moscow. Soldiers are sent by train from St. Petersburg. In some military units in Moscow and the region, a collection of vacationers has been announced by the end of June 24.

But, fortunately, it did not come to collisions. By eight in the evening, information appeared from the press service of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko that the parties had reached some agreements through the mediation of the Belarusian leader. Somewhat later, Yevgeny Prigozhin confirmed that the "March of Justice" was over and the PMC detachments, not reaching 200 meters from Moscow, were returning to their places of permanent deployment in order to prevent bloodshed. And all this, according to some plan.

After that, the situation in the Rostov region began to stabilize: the fighters began an organized exit from Rostov-on-Don and the deblockade of the headquarters of the Southern Military District in the city.

The price of rebellion. Russian aviation losses

Against the background of a video with joyful festivities in Rostov-on-Don, let's remember the price of today's fabulous circus using only the Russian Aerospace Forces as an example. During the day, from the actions of the rebellious Wagner PMC, they lost seven sides, five of which did not carry any weapons. Among them are three Mi-8 MTPR - specialized scarce electronic warfare helicopters. An air control post based on the Il-18 aircraft with the entire crew was also shot down.

According to preliminary information, more than 20 (twenty) pilots. For comparison, since the beginning of the counter-offensive, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not managed to shoot down a single of our aircraft. The losses of other types and branches of the troops are currently unknown at all.

The question hangs in the air: who and how will be responsible for the deaths of Russian servicemen during the "March of Justice"?

The work of Ukrainian CIPSO and liberals during the "March of Justice"
Against the background of the unfolding events, the Ukrainian TsIPSO began to disperse fakes about the transition to the side of Prigozhin, the 217th parachute regiment of the 98th airborne division of the Airborne Forces. And it would be nice if there were inconsistencies in the form of clothing and weapons on the video. But since the beginning of the 2000s, airborne units have been armed with AK-74M, but more recently - AK-12. Here on the footage - AK-74 of the old model, long removed from service.

At the same time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky supported Yevgeny Prigozhin and his actions to further demonize the image of the rebellious PMC. Exactly the same situation as with Khodorkovsky: Ukrainians, oppositionists and liberals defiantly show support for Prigozhin's actions in order to add fire to the flames of civil strife.

Blocking resources of Yevgeny Prigozhin on the Internet

Against the backdrop of unfolding events, Roskomnadzor began blocking the media resources of Yevgeny Prigozhin and their group on the Vkontakte social network. However, the websites of the Patriot media group and the Federal News Agency were partially blocked or even functioned as usual.

Events on the fronts of the Special Military Operation

Ukrainian formations advanced 1.5 km north of Rabotino , taking up landings. Reinforcements of special forces from among the 22nd detachment of the Special Forces and the 45th detachment of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces were transferred to the site to help the infantry units, which, under pressure from the enemy, were forced to retreat. Pyatikhatki are still partly in the gray zone, partly under the control of the enemy. There is no confident control of the RF Armed Forces over the settlement, the Russian infantry is working on enemy reinforcements trying to move forward.

In addition, the Ukrainian formations, taking advantage of the Russian unrest, nevertheless increased pressure on the Bakhmut sector of the front. Russian fighters holding positions near Kleshcheevka reported multiple surges on their positions since the very morning. However, the Ukrainian 35th Marine Brigade was unable to complete the task of the day: having launched an attack on the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in Bakhmut three times, the Ukrainian Marines washed themselves with blood and retreated. In the direction of Soledarsk, attacks from the enemy continue, Russian fighters are holding the line.

During the day, the enemy spread fake news about significant advances near Donetsk in the area of ​​Novomikhailovka and Krasnogorovka. There was no progress: artillery and air defense systems have been working from Donetsk all day. Due to the rains, the battlefield turned into a swamp. The only thing that the Armed Forces of Ukraine do is to catch "arrivals" from Russian military personnel.

According to intelligence, the next phase of the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is expected to begin tonight. The main blows will be directed not only to the Bakhmut, Yuzhnodonetsk and Zaporozhye directions : activation is expected along the entire front line. Yes, this may turn out to be another radio game and an attempt to mislead the Russian troops in order to keep the RF Armed Forces in constant tension and strike at an unexpected moment ... togi-dnya/

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(Other images at link.)
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:27 pm

armed rebellion
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/25/2023


Defeated NATO column in the Zaporozhye region. Good footage of the burned Leopards and Bradleys.




Normalization of the situation
June 25, 9:02 am


In the morning, the situation continues to gradually return to normal.

1. Yesterday, towards night, Prigozhin left Rostov, and the Russian Guard began to return to their traffic police.
2. Repair of roads damaged during the attempted rebellion continues today.
3. CTO mode should be filmed everywhere in the near future.
4. A burning oil depot in Voronezh was extinguished at night A large tank with aviation kerosene burned down.
5. Traffic on the M4 is still restricted in a number of places.
6. In Krasnodar, all restrictions have been lifted this morning.
7. A summary of yesterday's here
8. Enemy attacks in the Zaporozhye and Artyomovsk directions are reflected. The enemy failed to take advantage of the crisis.

(Video at link.)

Departure of Prigozhin from Rostov. The actual end of the rebellion. Now to Belarus.

Consequences of "Potato Salvation"
June 25, 16:08


According to the situation in the middle of the day.

1. The M4 highway is fully accessible. The bridge across the Oka is unlocked and available. The road is being repaired.

2. Center of Rostov is unlocked. The streets have been cleared. As if there was nothing. The imperturbable Rostov janitors cleaned everything up.
3. The headquarters of the Southern Military District is working as usual without any interference.

4. Rostov and Millerovo airfields operate as usual. Yesterday, at least part of the day, the work of military aviation and helicopters from the Rostov airfield was difficult.

5. Columns of "Wagner" continue to follow in the field camps. The National Guard continues to return to the traffic police. "Akhmat" returns to the NWO zone.

6. In addition to the losses known since yesterday, there were still shots of the destroyed vehicles of the PMC "Wagner" and damaged vehicles of the RF Armed Forces.

7. Points of recruitment of volunteers in PMC "Wagner" have resumed their work. The ads seem to have stopped. Some of the active fighters who did not take part in yesterday's mess will sign contracts with the RF Ministry of Defense in the near future.

8. Some of the restrictions and CTO regimes introduced on June 23-24 have already been lifted. The rest will be removed in the coming days. Most of the roads are already unlocked.

9. The specifics about the future of Prigozhin in Belarus, the future of PMC "Wagner" and possible reshuffles in the Russian Defense Ministry will appear next week. A meeting of the Security Council is expected.

10. The special services are now probably actively studying the activities of state structures yesterday and some of the people who yesterday called for the seizure of the Kremlin and a military coup. Yesterday, the authorities were able to assess the loyalty, efficiency and quality of actions of certain structures in a crisis situation. There will be many questions, I think.

11. Iosif Prigozhin said that he was aware of funny memes with his participation, but yesterday he was not funny. And here it can be understood. Although the memes are funny. At least some benefit from Joseph Prigogine.

12. Serbian President Vučić said that Putin played a decisive role in stopping the rebellion, who made the necessary decisions, as well as Lukashenka, who was able to negotiate with Prigozhin, played a big role.

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The rise and fall of a Russian oligarch

Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin [centre] poses with two Wagner Group fighters, Bakhmut in Donetsk region, Ukraine, May 25, 2023

The Kremlin leadership has acted decisively to meet the threat of an armed insurrection by the Russian oligarch and self-styled ‘founder’ of Wagner Group of military contractors, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

In a series of videos released on Friday, Prigozhin alleged that the Russian government’s justifications for military intervention in Ukraine were based on lies. He accused the Russian Defence Ministry under minister Sergei Shoigu of “trying to deceive society and the president and tell us how there was crazy aggression from Ukraine and that they were planning to attack us with the whole of NATO.” He claimed that regular Russian armed forces had launched missile strikes against Wagner forces, killing a “huge” number.

Prigozhin declared: “The council of commanders of PMC Wagner has made a decision – the evil that the military leadership of the country brings must be stopped.” He vowed to march on Moscow and hold those responsible to account.

The Federal Security Service or FSB (formerly the KGB) has called it “an armed rebellion”; Wagner’s headquarters in St. Petersburg has been sealed; Prosecutor General’s Office said “this crime is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 12 to 20 years.”

In an address to the nation at 10.00 am Moscow time on Saturday, President Vladimir Putin strongly condemned the developments describing it as “an armed mutiny” and calling for the “consolidation of all forces.” Putin drew a parallel with the insurrection in Petrograd (St. Petersburg) in February 1917 that led to the Bolshevik Revolution and a protracted civil war with large-scale western military intervention, including the United States, “while all sorts of political adventurers and foreign forces profited from the situation by tearing the country apart to divide it.”

He promised, “Decisive actions will also be taken to stabilise the situation in Rostov-on-Don (700 kms south of Moscow where Prigozhin is located with Wagner fighters.) It remains difficult, the work of civil and military authorities is actually blocked.”

Putin vowed that those “who organised and prepared a military mutiny, who took up arms against his comrades – betrayed Russia,” will be punished. Significantly, Putin never once mentioned Prigozhin’s name.

This face-off has been in the making for several months and is traceable to tensions in the working relations between the Wagner forces and the Russian ministry of defence, Prigozhin’s personal antipathy towards Defence Minister Shoigu and the Russian top brass, his bloated ego and overvaulting political ambition, and, most certainly, his business interests.

Prigozhin has crossed the red line that Putin famously drew right at the beginning of his rule in the Kremlin in the summer of 2000 in a historic meeting with 21 of the richest men in Russia — the rapacious “oligarchs,” as Russians had come to derisively call them — who had risen seemingly out of nowhere, amassing spectacular fortunes as the country around them descended into chaos through shady deals, outright corruption, and even murder and had seized control of much of Russia’s economy, and, increasingly, its fledgling democracy. At the closed-door meeting, Putin told them, face to face, who was really in charge in Russia.

Putin offered the oligarchs a deal: ‘Bend to the Russian state’s authority, stay out of the way of Russia’s governance or domestic politics, and you can keep your mansions, super-yachts, private jets, and multibillion-dollar corporations.’ In the coming years, those oligarchs who reneged on this deal paid a heavy price. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, worth $15 billion, and once ranked 16th on Forbes list of billionaires, is the most celebrated case, who harboured political ambition and now lives in exile in the US, lavishly funding American think tanks and Russophobic activists all across the western world, spewing venom against Putin.

But, on the other hand, the “loyalists” who stayed back went on to became filthy rich and live off the fat of the land like nobody’s business. Prigozhin, a man of humble origin, stayed back to amass great wealth. In a way, he symbolises all that has gone so terribly wrong with Russia’s post-Soviet reincarnation.

However, the dividing line is often blurred as even those who stayed back took care to keep a significant part of their loot in western countries, in bank vaults or as moveable and immoveable assets beyond the reach of Russian law. Which means, the oligarchs are also highly vulnerable to Western blackmail. Unsurprisingly, the western capitals fancy that the oligarchs could lend a hand to undermine the Kremlin regime from within or create a social implosion to destabilise Russia and throw into disarray its war effort in Ukraine.

Prigozhin’s antecedents are anybody’s guess. But it is entirely conceivable that this man who is credited with extra-large influence in the Kremlin’s corridors of power has been in the cross-hairs of the western intelligence. Prigozhin is worth at least $1.2 billion in personal wealth.

Prigozhin was also a trailblazer of sorts, having got into the hugely lucrative profession of managing a quasi-state company of mercenaries who are trained and equipped to act as military contractors in hotspots abroad in countries where Russia has vital interests commercially, politically or militarily.

Moscow is no longer in the Soviet-era business of promoting national liberation movements. But it also cannot be impervious to the regime changes that Russia’s main western opponents routinely promote to serve their geopolitical interests in the so-called Global South (or in the ex-Soviet republics.) Thus, Russia has found an ingenious Third Way by creating a military wing somewhat fashioned after the notorious French Foreign League. The Wagner Group has proved to be extremely effective in Sahel region and elsewhere in Africa as a provider of security for the established governments. The erstwhile colonial powers no longer have a field day in dictating terms to the African governments.

Suffice to say, the taming of Prigozhin has proved to be difficult, although Russian intelligence would have been aware that western intelligence was in touch with him. Indeed, his increasingly defiant public posturing was becoming a serious distraction for the Kremlin. One possibility is that Russian intelligence gave him a long rope to hang himself. Equally, Kremlin’s preference would have been to pacify and co-opt him in the war effort. Putin even met him.

In his address to the nation, Putin stopped short of alleging any “foreign hand” in the current developments, and put his finger on “Excessive ambitions and personal interests [having] led to treason.” But, rather explicitly — more than once — Putin also highlighted that it will be foreign powers inimical toward Russia who are the ultimate beneficiaries of Prigozhin’s activity.

Significantly, the FSB has directly accused Prigozhin of treason, which could only have been on the basis of intelligence inputs and with Putin’s approval. The fact that Prigozhin’s mutiny comes bang in the middle of the Ukrainian offensive when the war is nearing a tipping point in Russia’s favour must also be carefully weighed in.

In the final analysis, this macabre attempt at mutiny won’t fly. Oligarchs are a detested lot in the Russian opinion. Any western hopes of staging an insurrection in Russia and a regime change under a renegade oligarch’s banner will be an absurd idea, to say the least.

The immediate challenge will be to isolate Prigozhin and his hardcore associates from the bulk of Wagner fighters. Putin has praised the Wagner fighters’ contribution in Ukraine war. The charismatic Russian military commander in Ukraine, General Sergey Surovikin has made a public appeal to the Wagner troops to submit to the authorities “before it is too late,” return to their barracks, and address their grievances peacefully. But in a near term, a systemic approach is also needed to integrate Wagner Group, which after all proved its worth every bit in the prolonged and brutal war of attrition in Bakhmut in the Donbass. ... -oligarch/




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

In brief statements issued late last week in Moscow – their significance missed in the western press — President Vladimir Putin ordered a reality check of Russia’s war strategy. He then answered himself by declaring the war will be over when no Ukrainian army will be left on the battlefield, nor NATO weapons.

The Foreign Ministry answered by pointing out that Russia does not recognize there is a legal Ukrainian state because the reality is that the mutual recognition treaty between Russia and the Ukraine was cancelled by Presidents Petro Poroshenko and Vladimir Zelensky in 2018 and 2019.

“We can conclude,” Putin said at the Security Council meeting on Thursday morning, “that they can certainly send in additional equipment, but the mobilisation reserve is not unlimited. And Ukraine’s Western allies really seem determined to fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian. At the same time, we must proceed from the fact that the enemy’s offensive potential has not been exhausted; they may have strategic reserves yet unused, and I ask you to keep this in mind when making fighting strategies. You need to proceed from reality.”

Putin was following by a few hours the statement by the Foreign Ministry that Russia does not recognize the legal sovereignty of the regime in Kiev, and that following the cancellation of the treaty between the Ukraine and Russia in 2019, there will be no Ukrainian state left to sign an end-of-war agreement.

At her weekly briefing of reporters, the ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova, was asked “when will Russia initiate a legal procedure to terminate the bilateral treaty with Ukraine on its sovereignty?” Zakharova answered: “The procedure for terminating the bilateral treaty with Ukraine on its sovereignty is hampered by the absence of such a treaty. In Article 1 of the Treaty on the Principles of Relations between the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR of November 19, 1990, the two republics recognised each other as ‘sovereign states.’ The 1990 treaty was then replaced by the Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership between the Russian Federation and Ukraine of May 31, 1997 (Article 39), which was denounced by Ukraine and terminated on April 1, 2019.”

No army, no state. But the war will continue because it is the one between the US and the NATO powers and Russia. That too will have an ending, but longer.

“If [NATO Secretary-General] Mr Stoltenberg again says on behalf of NATO that they are against freezing the conflict in Ukraine,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on June 21, “this means that they want to fight. So let them fight. We are ready for that. We realised NATO’s true goals in Ukraine some time ago as their plans took shape over the years that followed the coup. Today, NATO is attempting to implement them…they are directly involved in the hybrid and hot war declared on Russia.”

I am reminded, Lavrov added, “of a Soviet-era joke noting that the Soviet Union is located too close to US military bases.” The Soviet Union was dismantled, but the war continues against Russia. It will end when the US is pushed to a safe distance. How safe, Putin asked Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to explain in answer to two questions?

Putin’s question: “we know that the enemy is to receive additional Western equipment. What does the Defence Ministry think about threats in this connection?”

Shoigu’s answer: “All arsenals, accumulated by the Soviet Union and countries of the former socialist bloc, have now been virtually depleted. We can say the same about former Ukrainian resources… the amount, due to be delivered throughout 2023, as well as those weapons that have already been delivered, will not seriously affect the course of hostilities. Additionally, most of the armoured vehicles and fighting vehicles belong to the previous generation, or even to an earlier generation. On the one hand, their armour is weak and ineffective, compared to modern equipment. Mr President, we do not see any threats here.”

Question: “Mr Shoigu, what is the percentage of Western equipment out of the equipment that has been destroyed since June 4, which Mr Patrushev has just reported giving generalised data? Approximately.”

Answer: “Of the 246 tanks destroyed, 13 were Western made. At the same time, it should be noted that, if we consider the equipment that was delivered, tanks in particular: 81 Western-made tanks have been delivered. Of the 81 Western tanks, 13 [16%] have been destroyed. Of the armoured fighting vehicles, 59 Western ones have been destroyed. To date, Western countries have supplied Ukraine with an estimated 109 Bradley armoured fighting vehicles. Of the 109 BFVs, 18 [17%] have been destroyed. Overall, 59 Western-made armoured vehicles have been destroyed. As for field artillery and guns, here, of course, I can estimate right away that out of the 48 pieces destroyed, about 30 percent were Western made.”

The “reality”, Putin concluded publicly, not for Shoigu or the General Staff, is that the percentage of NATO weapons destroyed on the battlefield will rise sharply because “the enemy’s offensive potential has not been exhausted; they may have strategic reserves yet unused.” When those reserves are defeated, there will be neither NATO arms nor Ukrainian men left.

The significance of this re-tuning of Russia’s war aims was diverted for several hours by the Prigozhin affair.

The return of the Wagner columns to their bases in Lugansk, the dissolution of Wagner by the Defense Ministry, and the exit of Prigozhin to house arrest in Belarus remove the distraction from the battlefield and the General Staff’s war strategy. If Prigozhin cannot bear the silence, the lack of access to the fortune he has accumulated, and his loss of freedom of movement, he may attempt a break-out to Africa, to plot his return to Russian politics. He will also be aware of the Lebed precedent – and the danger of taking helicopter rides.

Russian military sources believe the outcome of the one-armed rebellion will be salutary for the key decision-makers including Putin and Shoigu; least of all the General Staff and the chief, General Valery Gerasimov, who have come out of the affair with greater political leverage over the Kremlin. According to one Moscow source, “Now that the General Staff have saved the president, the latter will allow General Patience to continue doing its work, as Generals Iskander and Kinzhal seem to be doing theirs now.”

President Putin in a visit to the headquarters of the Dnieper battlegroup near the Kherson front on April 18. Tass reported: “While at the headquarters of the Dnepr battlegroup near the Kherson front, Vladimir Putin heard reports delivered by Airborne Troops commander Colonel General Mikhail Teplinsky [left], Dnepr battlegroup commander Colonel General Oleg Makarevich [right] and other field commanders.”

The last comment is a reference to long-range missile strikes against Ukrainian command headquarters, airfields, reserve stocks of ammunition and fuel, and NATO storages. After Shoigu had publicly warned on June 20 of decapitation strikes if the Ukrainians attacked targets in the Crimea and other Russian regions, and there was a Storm Shadow attack on the Chongar bridge in the Crimea on June 22, the Defense Ministry reported that it had launched a June 23 salvo “ in response to a strike on a road bridge across the Chongar Strait [as well as] , a warehouse with Storm Shadow cruise missiles was destroyed at a Ukrainian airbase near the settlement of Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnitsky region.”

Left: Missile explodes on impact the Chongarsky bridge on June 22; right, impact crater on the bridge road surface. Source:

As for the impact of the affair on the conduct of the war, the assessment reported in the broadcast several hours before the end of the affair, was between next to nothing and not very much. The no Ukrainian army, no NATO weapons, no Kiev state goals are much more important now.

A NATO veteran comments on what he expects to see next at the front. “The Ukrainians are going to have a problem disengaging at the front lines and passing on to a conventional defence. I’ve noticed that the Russians, especially on the Lugansk People’s Repubic/Kharkov front, have massed significant forces and are applying pressure. This is causing the Ukrainians to shift and commit forces to the area either to stop the Russians, or to gain the initiative via attack. Unless they are willing to accept losing territory in favour of sparing their reserves — which they don’t seem to be — they will continue to be ground down at the front. While this is going on, their logistics will disintegrate at an increasing scope and rate due to Russian strikes, made up in large part of cheap Iranian-designed drones augmented by missiles.

“Stavka is moving away from the battalion tactical group as the fulcrum of operations and back to division-level formations. The forces built up on the Kharkov front are indicative of that. When your enemy knows how you think on a fundamental level, it’s a trifle for them to figure out what you’ll do next. After that, it’s about how to maneuver the enemy into doing it when and where they choose. I’m going to keep watching Kharkov.”

Listen to the presentation in the third segment of TNT Radio’s War of the Worlds, from Minute 46: ... june-2023/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 26, 2023 12:08 pm

Failed venture or false closing?
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/26/2023


Glued to the information that was published in real time on social networks, all kinds of new experts tried to comment live on what they perceived as the beginning of the collapse of the Russian state or even civil war. The lack of knowledge of which sources can be considered reliable, of the functioning of the country or of Wagner and Evgeny Prigozhin, whose name they cannot even pronounce, beyond the most superficial aspects, did not prevent the lessons given by scarcely specialized media and journalists throughout the day. . Interestingly, one of the fake news spread by social networks and that some journalists found credible was the escape of Alexander Lukashenko from Belarus. Earlier, an account from the Kalinousky battalion, which is fighting as part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, had called for the insurrection,Western media establishment to see both Russia and Belarus, a country even more unknown and even more caricatured in its media portrayals, implode.

Lukashenko did not flee the country when the protests after the 2020 elections placed him in a situation similar to that in Venezuela in 2019, with a parallel structure financed and supported by the West calling itself a government. The Belarusian president also did not flee the country on Saturday in the direction of Turkey as was speculated. Returning the Russian favor during the 2017 coup attempt, Erdoğan was quick to express his support for the Russian president, as did Iran, two of the few countries that spoke out in defense of the Russian state while the riot was taking place. . Meanwhile, Svetlana Tijanovskaya, the Belarusian Juan Guaidó, took advantage of the situation to demand support to “liberate” Belarus.

In the afternoon, when there was talk of the destruction of roads to slow down Wagner's advance on Moscow and the mayor of the capital decreed Monday as a public holiday in order to limit the movement of the population in a context that seemed dangerous, the expected climax it became the complete opposite. Those who had followed the start of the Russian civil war with such fervor -and popcorn emojis in their tweets- had to settle for an abrupt and not very cinematic ending to what had been one day with such promising first and second acts that they simply it seemed inconceivable that an armed confrontation would not take place.

Qualified as a mutiny since early in the morning, when Wagner's troops entered Rostov and surrounded the headquarters of the Southern Military District, where Prigozhin chatted calmly with the deputy chief of the district, the military confrontation was the perfect graphic representation of the danger of the privatization of the State, which has even gone so far as to subcontract the monopoly of violence. This aspect was highlighted throughout the day by both the Western press and the Ukrainian representatives, who seem to have forgotten that their country waged war on Donbass based on the mobilization of the most radical sectors of society organized into battalions. private volunteers financed fundamentally by the national oligarchy.

The theoretical ban on private military companies in Russia should limit Wagner's actions to third countries such as Syria or Libya, where his soldiers have participated in the war and where they have been accused of brutal crimes, or in the Central African Republic, Mali or Sudan. , where they have provided security services. Hence the strange status of a company with a public presence but theoretically non-existent that Prigozhin maintained for years, until his troops were needed to hold the Ukrainian front. Since then, and in the context of an increasingly public and intense confrontation, the Ministry of Defense has sought a way to achieve an official contractual relationship with Wagner in order to guarantee unity of action and avoid something like what happened this weekend. . With a problem of shortage of troops -which finally resulted in the partial mobilization decreed in September and which the Russian State had tried to avoid at all costs-, the Ministry of Defense has been forced to incorporate all existing forces on the terrain, among which was Wagner, but also the armies of the Popular Republics, not always integrated into a single command. Only in the case of Prigozhin's company did the problem of unwillingness to integrate arise.

Unlike Wagner, the Donbass militias did not have other sources of funding outside of official structures, nor did their current leaders have the aspirations for power and control that Prigozhin has shown to have. In one of his last media appearances before this weekend's riot, the warlord insisted that Wagner would never sign a contract with the Defense Ministry. In this sense, what happened on Saturday cannot but be a turning point, perhaps definitive, for the relationship between Wagner and the Ministry of Defence. There are few details about the terms of the agreement reached between the Russian state and Wagner through the mediation of Alexander Lukashenko, who instead of fleeing the country was mediating in search of de-escalation, so speculation will last for a while longer.

On Saturday night, the media captured the image of Evgeny Prigozhin leaving Rostov, while Wagner's convoy continued to return to its bases. In parallel, the units under the control of Ramzan Kadirov returned to the front, another force in a certain autonomous way but not parallel to the State, chosen to put an end to the uprising if the negotiations did not bear fruit. However, as was clear from the outset with the video release from General Surovikin, who was in charge of relations with Wagner, the main objective of the state was to avoid a battle and, by doing so, provide the Western propaganda machine with ammunition to claim that Russia is in civil war. However, although that image was not produced, which has led to redirecting the discourse to the idea of ​​the weakness of the Russian State -that which is increasingly described as authoritarian, if not totalitarian-, numerous articles published throughout Saturday reflect this idea. "Russia is slipping into civil war," wrote Anne Applebaum, mistaking her wishes for reality, who wanted to see what happened as the "Tsar Nicholas II moment" for Vladimir Putin. While Tsar Nicholas II had lost any and all political support he would have needed to survive the parliamentary revolution of February 1917, the entire political establishment quickly sided with President Putin and against the actions of Evgeny Prigozhin.

The obsession with immediacy and the desire to see in events the reality that one wishes to see caused the idea of ​​a coup and civil war to proliferate throughout Saturday. While life continued as normal in Russia -with the exception of the surroundings of the headquarters of the Southern Military District of Rostov-, the media machine saw the fall of Putin, the siege of Moscow or the civil war. Some journalists, who for years have defined Russia as a declining power or a pariah state, even went so far as to temporarily restore it to the great-power status it actually lost in 1991, only to immediately take it away because of the Prigozhin rebellion.

The reality is simpler: Russian military shortages, not in terms of weapons but in terms of troops, have given a private military company a leading role that the Ministry of Defense, without success, has tried to avoid precisely in order to maintain a monopoly on the use of violence at the hands of the state. Wagner's rise due to the war in Ukraine and his participation in actions abroad have given Prigozhin a leading role that he wanted to translate into levels of power using media pressure first and then military action. Prigozhin received only partial support - limited to his grievances and not the acts carried out because of them - from Alexander Dugin, but did not obtain the defense of any prominent politician or public figure even in the nationalist wing of the state, the falcons with which Prigozhin has been identified. Wagner's ability to act against the State shows a weakness of the official structures and the damage to the image is incalculable. However, on Saturday the non-existent support for a military uprising within the State was demonstrated. The main prerequisite for a failed coup - and the one on Saturday did not even become one - becomes the civil war that the Western media and the Ukrainian authorities seemed so eager for, who throughout the day tried to encourage a military confrontation. It is precisely that there is explicit support from a part of the regular army.

Without any desertion, the only remaining option for Prigozhin and his soldiers was to advance towards Moscow in search of a heroic death. Logic led the parties to a minimum agreement that can end the conflict falsely. Prigozhin will leave Russia for Belarus, presumably losing control of Wagner's troops in Ukraine, but perhaps not of the company's other services abroad, a source of funding for his network. Under the terms of the agreement, soldiers who did not participate in the mutiny will be able to sign contracts with the Defense Ministry.

Apparently, the State would thus achieve its objective of not losing those thousands of soldiers recruited by Wagner and subordinating them to the Ministry of Defense by removing their leader and without complying, at least for the moment, with his demand to dismiss the Minister of Defense and the chief of the General Staff. However, both Shoigu, who had no public presence during the crisis, and Gerasimov have been questioned. Added to the weakness of the Russian state, which opens the door to all kinds of possibilities for internal and external manipulation, is the growing disaffection with its figures within the military structures themselves. It is to be hoped that there will be no changes in the Russian military structures in the short term, mainly so that they cannot be linked to the Prigozhin mutiny, but disagreement with the false closure of the episode can lead to changes in the medium or long term. The situation of aviation is especially relevant, which suffered significant losses throughout Saturday and may not be comfortable with Prigozhin's impunity despite the blood spilled. The Prigozhin riot caused 13 fatalities.

The closure of the episode of the failed military mutiny led by Prigozhin and which the CIA now boasts of having detected a few days ago leaves more questions than answers. It is evident that Russia has sought to avoid an image of internal war at the cost of giving an image of weakness of its military structures, a high cost in a context of war. Prigozhin's future, especially his status in Belarus and the control he can maintain of a possible Wagner remnant will provide clues to the details of the agreement reached, as will the fate of Shoigu and Gerasimov, in this case regarding possible concessions. made. Faced with broad brush journalism that has limited everything to "civil war" or political analysis that sees "bad guys fighting among themselves", the nuances can only be perceived in the future.

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 25, 2023
June 26, 2023

Units of PMC "Wagner" left the Voronezh , Lipetsk and Rostov regions and headed to their field camps. At the same time, in the regions themselves, the elimination of the consequences of the so-called “March of Justice” continues: damaged sections of roads are being restored and previously introduced restrictions are being lifted.

At the same time, fighting continued in the Zaporozhye and Yuzhnodonets directions : Russian units successfully repelled all attacks by Ukrainian formations, however, there is still a high probability of new enemy attacks in the near future.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again dealt a massive blow to the front-line settlements of Russia, including in the Kursk , Belgorod and Kherson regions , as well as in the Donbass . In Donetsk , as a result of the shelling , two civilians were killed and four more people were injured.


Return of Wagner PMC to field camps

Since the end of yesterday, units of PMC "Wagner" departed from the Rostov , Lipetsk and Voronezh regions in the direction of their field camps. The movement of the columns took place in a regular manner under the escort of the military police.

At the same time, local authorities promised to quickly remove all previously imposed restrictions after the situation is over. At the moment, traffic restrictions have been lifted in almost all areas and several regular bus routes have been resumed.

At the same time, operational services began to eliminate damage to the roadway. In the Rostov region, about 10,000 m² of roads will be brought into proper shape within two days , and in the Lipetsk region, point damage to the asphalt pavement will be eliminated by the end of tomorrow.

At the same time, the whereabouts of the already, probably, ex-head of Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin remains unknown. He was last seen last night in Rostov-on-Don.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
A tense situation remains in the Starobelsky direction : the parties are engaged in positional battles and artillery duels. At the same time, Russian units continue their offensive near Kremennaya , expanding the zone of control in Serebryansky forestry and in the direction of Torsky .

In the Bakhmut direction, Ukrainian formations continue from time to time to make sorties near Soledar in the area of ​​​​the villages of Vesele , as well as Sacco and Vanzetti . In addition, the enemy's attempts to break through the defenses of the RF Armed Forces near Kleshcheevka and the Berkhovsky reservoir did not stop . Russian troops successfully repelled all attacks.

The clashes also did not subside in the Donetsk direction , where the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces did not allow the enemy to advance. At the same time, the most violent clashes continued in the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky sectors . To control the situation on the front line, Russian troops are actively using drones that identify advancing enemy units and direct artillery and aviation fire at them.

On the Vremievsky ledge, the enemy attacked Russian positions with forces of about two hundred people from three directions northeast, north and west of Rovnopol . In addition, the enemy tried from positions northwest of Priyutnoye . The RF Armed Forces managed to repulse the Ukrainian attacks, however, with a high degree of probability, the enemy will make new attempts to roll forward in the near future.

On the Orekhovsky section of the Zaporozhye direction, Russian troops hold positions near Rabotino after yesterday's withdrawal from the landings north of the village. Artillery is actively working on advancing formations: today alone, the enemy has lost up to a hundred people and several pieces of light equipment in battles.

Two Majors report on the movement of enemy troops in the rear areas near the line of contact. According to them, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is concentrating manpower and equipment in the area of ​​Grigorovka and Yulyevka in order to use forces at the Lobkovoe - Pyatikhatki line .

In Pyatikhatki themselves, the situation has not changed - the settlement is located in the "gray zone". The ruins of the village are located in a lowland relative to the positions of the RF Armed Forces in Zherebyanki , which complicates its assault for Ukrainian formations.

In the Kherson direction, Ukrainian formations have occupied and are holding a small area near the Antonovsky bridge on the left bank of the Dnieper. The enemy transfers reinforcements and ammunition to his forces by high-speed boats. Their defeat by artillery is hampered by the small distance between the banks in this sector.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Kursk region, a Russian EW unit intercepted a Ukrainian drone in a forested area near the village of Giryi .

According to some reports, the drone flying in the direction of Moscow carried a powerful shaped charge used to attack military and industrial facilities.

The enemy continues to strike at the border regions of the Belgorod region . In the Volokonovsky district, at least three shells were fired at the village of Tishanka : the fence of one household was damaged, civilians were not injured. Earlier in the morning, Russian air defense systems intercepted a UAF drone over the village of Dolgoye .

Ukrainian formations again used Western Storm Shadow cruise missiles to attack Lugansk . One hit was recorded in the southwestern part of the city, a fire broke out on the spot. There were no reports of casualties.

The shelling of settlements in the Donetsk agglomeration did not stop either . In the afternoon, the Armed Forces of Ukraine struck from cannon and rocket artillery on the Kievsky district of the capital of the republic. Residential buildings, a business center, buildings of the registry office and schools, as well as nearby cars were damaged. Two people were killed , including an 18-year-old boy, and four more received shrapnel wounds of varying severity. The injured are provided with all the necessary medical assistance.

The enemy continued to shell the left bank of the Kherson region : New Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Kardashinka and Tavriysk again fell under attack . Civilian infrastructure was damaged in settlements.

Political events
On Ukrainian-Israeli relations

The Ukrainian embassy in Israel accused the country's authorities of choosing the path of close cooperation with Russia .

According to Ukrainian diplomats, the statements of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the actions of the authorities conceal a pro-Russian position.

Such a sharp and hysterical reaction was apparently caused by Netanyahu's recent interview with The Jerusalem Post, where the Prime Minister explained why Israel does not join the supply of arms to Ukraine.

On the summit in Copenhagen on the issue of ending hostilities in Ukraine

A summit was held in Copenhagen with the participation of the EU countries, as well as the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several other countries, where various scenarios for ending hostilities in Ukraine were discussed.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities tried to convince their interlocutors that negotiations were possible only in accordance with the so-called “Zelensky formula”, unacceptable from the point of view of Russia.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Defeat Fascism and Resist Provocation: Statement of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 24, 2023

On the night of June 24 the representatives of PMC “Wagner” blocked the activity of military authorities in Rostov-on-Don and made some loud statements. Of course, the bloody Zelensky regime is trying to take advantage of this situation. It hastily amassed two brigades of marines for a possible attack on Artemivsk.

In the difficult period of the struggle against the imperial West, exorbitant personal ambitions have come before military and patriotic duty for a certain group of individuals. These people can explain their actions in any way they like, but substitution of the struggle against fascism with an attempt to seize power is treason to their comrades in arms and a crime against the people.

In this critical situation, the call of the President of the Russian Federation for the unity of our fellow citizens in the face of external threats deserves understanding and support. The globalists’ attempts to destroy Russia require us to put aside all ambitions and defend our homeland, just as our fathers and grandfathers defended it.

It should be remembered that the most outstanding examples of popular unity were demonstrated by the Soviet government. It responded to the threat of rising fascism, which became the key to the Great Victory in May 1945. By eliminating class divisions, bringing together the nations and nationalities of the USSR, and overcoming nationalist prejudices, it ensured genuine national unity.

Attempts to stage political squabbles today, against the backdrop of an increasingly complex international environment, are unacceptable. Moreover, they are insulting to our people, who actively, sincerely and unselfishly joined in the great multifaceted work of helping those who, risking their lives, rose to the fight against fascism.

Communists have repeatedly warned that neoliberal methods are ruinous for Russia in everything – be it economics or culture, social life or the building of the security forces. The very system of private military companies is a product of liberal views on the organization of society. Regardless of the heroism and sacrifice of the Wagner fighters in the fight against Nazism, the organization of military affairs on the principles of PMCs is flawed. The strength of the victorious Red Army primarily consisted in its blood tie with the people.

The CPRF actively supports the men who fight on the front lines against Nazism and Banderaism. Our great humanitarian work in support of Donbass since 2014 is widely known. As has been the case more than once in the twentieth century, Communists even today are the most consistent opponents of fascism and any manifestations of capitalist reaction.

We urge the citizens of Russia to remain completely calm. It is necessary to understand the complexity of the situation and not to yield to provocations. Fighters of the Wagner PMCs should soon come to their senses and cease to participate in political games aimed at destabilizing the situation inside the country. That is what Russia’s external enemies are most looking forward to.

To raise an armed insurrection at such a difficult time for the Fatherland is to take the side of the enemy. This kind of action qualifies by law as the most serious kind of crime. All those who say they are acting in the name of their fighting brotherhood must stop inciting their comrades to unlawful actions. We are certain that among the brave fighters, liberators of Artemovsk and participants of other events of the struggle against neo-Nazism there are many sincere patriots who have been drawn into an armed adventure against their will. We consider the necessary care for these people if the resolution of the situation requires the strongest possible action.

The situation once again raises the question of the importance of public control over the activities of state bodies. Power must rely on the people if it is to be trusted by the people. Combat and national security issues cannot be handled by commercial structures. The armed forces require undivided authority. At the same time, citizens must have mechanisms of control over the actions of power structures so that their representatives will not be tempted to engage in adventures.

First and foremost, all games with the expression of the will of citizens in elections must be stopped. The imposition of remote, electronic, and days-long voting on the country must be stopped, and a completely transparent, honest electoral system must be created. It is extremely important to create the conditions in which the Russian people will be able to freely elect intelligent, honest and active patriots to power. The forthcoming elections are designed to consolidate society, not to split it.

We insist that an effective and complete solution of the tasks of demilitarization and denazification in Ukraine is possible only on the basis of a change of the old course in Russia itself. The complete rejection of neoliberalism in the life of the state is the imperative of the times. The implementation of the new program of creation and development can no longer be postponed for a single day.

With the intensification of military operations at the front, the military insurgency in the rear of the active army must be liquidated. This provocation must be stopped and everything must be done to achieve complete victory over fascism in the area of the special military operation. The goals of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine are a question of the future of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, all peoples in the vast Eurasian space and, therefore, in the whole world.

2023 is the year of the 80th anniversary of fateful events, when our fathers and grandfathers, having defeated the fascist hordes at Stalingrad, began extensive offensive operations. They achieved outstanding victories near Orel, Kursk, Belgorod and began the liberation of long-suffering Ukraine from Hitler’s scum. The memory of these great deeds and their heroes is sacred! Today it calls the soldiers and officers of the Russian Army and all of us for an uncompromising fight against fascism!

Our people have strong nerves and a strong will! He will not kneel before the brown plague!

The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be for our people!

Chairman of the CPRF Central Committee

G.A. Zyuganov. ... -the-cprf/


Day off after a busy day
June 25, 20:09


Mintsifra: We recommend giving employees of IT, telecom companies and the media a

day off Saturday was a very emotional and stressful day. Therefore, we recommend that even continuously operating IT companies, telecom operators and the media operating in regions that were at the epicenter of events yesterday, give those employees who are not involved in critical functions tomorrow a day off. Many employees of the Ministry of Digital Development spent the weekend at their workplace, so we also made this decision for our employees.

All for the people.
In a good way, the whole country needs an extra day off to recover from the extreme degree of fucking from the events of Friday-Saturday.

About the future of PMCs in Russia
June 25, 18:12


The State Duma called for the need to adopt a law on PMCs.

Russia needs a law to regulate PMCs, said Andrey Kartapolov, head of the Duma Defense Committee. According to him, the State Duma is working on it. The deputy also added that now the fate of Wagner PMC is not determined, but it is not necessary to ban it, since this is a combat-ready unit, and there are questions for its leadership, and not for the fighters.

I hope the deputies will be able to resolve this issue in the fall and prepare a working bill. It should be borne in mind that the previous attempt ran into interdepartmental contradictions, when the Russian Foreign Ministry supported the adoption of such a law, while the FSB and the Russian Defense Ministry opposed it.

In fact. There are PMCs in Russia. And they will continue to exist regardless of the situation with Wagner. Accordingly, it is better that they exist within a certain legal framework, and not in a "gray zone".

1. From my point of view, PMCs as such will not disappear anywhere. They are (when properly prepared) a tool for pursuing public policy by other means, when they operate where the state cannot or does not want to act openly. This situation has developed as a result of the development of the concept of hybrid wars, which take place in a kind of gray zone, where the war is going on, but it has not been declared. The privatization of war as a trend was formed in the United States at the turn of the 2000s and experienced a real boom in the 1910s, which our country did not escape. Private military companies, like private intelligence companies, have now become the norm. Often, the word "private" in the name is only a formality, and such structures are very closely connected with the state, which formally pretends that it is not connected with these structures.

2. PMCs are a double-edged weapon. With proper training and provision, they are a deadly weapon that allows you to defeat the enemies of the state and achieve the goals set by the state. If used incorrectly or if safety precautions are neglected, it is easy to cut yourself and cause serious injury to yourself. What we all saw yesterday. Thus, using the example of the actions of PMC "Wagner" in Ukraine, we could evaluate both the pros and cons of this concept. The United States went through this in the history of Blackwater at the end of the 2000s.

3. From the point of view of strengthening state control of PMCs (in addition to the issues of supplying PMCs with equipment and ammunition - everyone understands that Prigozhin took equipment and shells not from the air, but from the resources of the RF Ministry of Defense), serious legal support for their activities is necessary, taking into account including recent events in Rostov. I have long advocated and continue to advocate the need to adopt a law on PMCs, taking into account the objections that the FSB and the RF Ministry of Defense had previously raised on this issue.

4. As long as there is no such law, PMCs, whether private, corporate-state or departmental, will remain in the "grey legal zone". Perhaps this issue will be raised at the autumn session of the State Duma. In the meantime, the situation persists when a market for private-state PMCs has been formed in the country, but there is no corresponding legal framework, as a result of which many PMCs mimic under private security companies. From the statements "I am against the law of PMCs", the PMCs themselves will not disappear anywhere - they are an objective reality at the current stage, regardless of whether you like the very fact of the existence of formally private armies or not.

5. Concerning the future of Wagner and the entire brand, which, with all past merits, will now be associated, among other things, with the history of the rebellion. Taking into account the fact that part of the personnel is switching to a contract with the Ministry of Defense, it cannot be ruled out that the company will face some kind of restructuring or reorganization in the long term. Rebranding is also possible. In the spirit of the transformation of PMC Blackwater into PMC Academi in the early 10s. The question of trust will hang in the air for a long time to come. On the other hand, merit will also be remembered. It is possible that Prigozhin, who left for Belarus, will take over a significant part of the negative trail of the history of the rebellion.

Google Translator


A day of anxious waiting: is Prigozhin’s mutiny succeeding or failing?
gilbertdoctorow Uncategorized June 24, 2023 5 Minutes

At 11.00 this morning, I participated in a discussion on Press TV (Iran) of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s armed rebellion and Vladimir Putin’s address to the nation which it elicited.

My fellow panelist who was introduced as Press TV’s correspondent in Moscow delivered some extravagant statements on how the Russian government has been an unmitigated disaster and why the whole nation supports Yevgeny Prigozhin in his bid to overthrow the regime.
Those statements seem to have been unexpected by our hosts in Teheran. I assume they were not welcome there since for most of the rest of the 27 minutes on air, I was invited to talk and to talk, which I did. And so I had the opportunity to put on air the thoughts I had prepared in advance with respect to the importance of the Wagner Group relative to the regular Russian armed forces and the nature of its operation in Bakhmut compared to what the Russian armed forces are now doing across the Donbas in repelling the Ukrainian counter-offensive. What I said on those matters stands by itself and needs no further remarks here. But my words on the mutiny in 1917 to which Putin alluded in his speech do merit some further consideration which I will provide below.

Before doing that, I am obliged to say that when we went on air there was very little information in the media on how Prigozhin’s rebellion was proceeding. The Russian state channels fleshed out slightly Putin’s remark that the situation in Rostov-on-Don was tense. We were told that the rebels had surrounded the military command buildings in the city, which, all by itself was a signal that the rebellion was very serious, since Rostov is a major staging area and command center for the war in Ukraine. The 2.00 pm feature News program on Russia’s Channel One added almost no fresh reports, though there was mention of Prigozhin forces having moved up the Don valley to Voronezh , i.e. about 530 km from Moscow.
Meanwhile in the afternoon Western media were putting out reports on how the White House was closely following developments in Russia, on how Putin had hurriedly been phoning fellow leaders among the former Soviet republics in Central Asia and had called Erdogan in Turkey. These calls were interpreted as a sign of desperation if not panic on the part of the Russian leader. It was precisely this picture of Putin ‘on the ropes’ that several fellow panelists presented when I went on air again in a broader discussion of the armed rebellion hosted by Republic TV of India at 4.30 pm Brussels time.

By 8.00 pm (Moscow), Russia’s Channel One opened with the Putin speech and then allocated maybe 20 minutes to brief statements from Duma party leaders and from governors across Russia declaring their loyalty to Vladimir Putin and their condemnation of the rebellion. The channel also broadcast extensive reports from Rostov, where Prigozhin’s troops remained in control of the military command centers, and from cities further up the Don which his rebel troops had passed around on the march north towards Moscow. In all of these locations, life was said to be proceeding normally, as confirmed by video images and interviews with people on the streets. . On the major interregional highway connecting the South to Moscow, the M4, the Vesti reporters spoke to truckers who have been sidelined in rest stops along the way while the highway is closed to traffic for security reasons. None was particularly bothered by this disturbance of their work schedules. War correspondents based in the Donbas along the line of confrontation interviewed soldiers to hear their affirmations of confidence in the Supreme Military Commander and their dedication to defeating the Ukrainian Nazi forces.
Of greater significance, the 8.00 pm Russian news ended on a very encouraging note: they relayed the information just received from the office of Belarus President Lukashenko that he has been in negotiations with Prigozhin and they reached agreement on a de-escalation of the conflict to ensure that no blood would be shed in internecine fighting on Russian soil. What that deal may entail perhaps will be made public tomorrow.


As mentioned at the outset, I wish to add to my recorded comments on the 1917 mutiny which Putin said had led to Civil War, to great loss of Russian territory and to the forced break-up of the country with the connivance of outside powers. I identified this as the September mutiny of General Kornilov who had not long before been appointed chief commander by Alexander Kerensky, head of the Provisional Government. Kornilov rebelled against the Socialist dominated government to get a free hand to restore discipline in the armed forces and so to make a further war effort possible. He was then politically outmaneuvered and his troops melted away. The cause of conservatives melted away with him and a few weeks later the Bolsheviks staged their coup, or Revolution if you will, which led to the Civil War.

However, on reflection, I think Putin probably was thinking of the earlier ‘palace coup’ that year, known generally as the February Revolution, during which the Liberals and Conservative members of the parliament (Duma), in cahoots with British intelligence and diplomacy, and with top generals compelled Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate. That left the country without constitutional rule and put it on the slippery path to the October Revolution.

Nonetheless, I do not find Putin’s references to 1917 to be suitably relevant to the present situation. In his speech, he also made mention of Russia’s 1,000 year history and I think we have to go back further in time to find a similar act of treachery in wartime to match Prigozhin’s. And what comes to mind is the defection to the enemy in 1708 in the midst of Russia’s Northern War with Sweden of a certain Ivan Mazepa, who was Hetman of the Zaporozhie Cossacks on the Left (Eastern) bank of the Dniepr. The story is well and briefly told in Wikipedia. For those who want to season the story with passion, torture and murder, while enjoying rousing music, I recommend listening to Tchaikowsky’s opera by the same name.

If you are wondering what Zaporozhie has to do with a fight against the Swedes, you must know that the battle of Poltava (also Ukraine today) in 1709 between these two empires was of decisive importance for the eventual outcome of their twenty years war.

Like Prigozhin, Mazepa was in charge of what we would today call an independent or mercenary army. Like Prigozhin, Mazepa was extraordinarily wealthy, ambitious and proud. And like Prigozhin, he feared imminent demotion of his status as military leader: his overlord, Peter the Great, was preparing reforms to modernize the Russian armed forces and render them more effective by centralization, meaning at the expense of the freebooters.

By the way, Mazepa’s rebellion did not end well for him nor did it end well for the 3,000 or so Cossacks who stayed with him to the end.

In sum, there is a lot in the 1,000 years of Russian state history that they seem to overlook on Capitol Hill.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... r-failing/


From The Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

In Moscow, Moscow Region and Voronezh Region, the CTO regime has been officially lifted. Thus, as of Monday morning the CTO regime was lifted everywhere where it was imposed on June 24.

Almost all the roads that were blocked or damaged on June 24 are now open and accessible. Damaged pavement and fences are still being repaired.

In Rostov, asphalt damaged by armoured vehicles and "tank drifting" is being repaired since yesterday.

All military facilities are functioning normally. HQs are functioning and sorties are being carried out as usual.

"A Just Russia"'s leader Mironov supported General Kartapolov's proposal that the State Duma should pass a law on private military companies.


Mick Wallace, a member of the European Parliament from Ireland: Ukraine has suffered devastating damage. Cities and towns that stood for centuries no longer exist. We must recognize that these cities, towns and adjacent lands were stolen a long time ago by local oligarchs colluding with global financial capital. This theft accelerated with the outbreak of war in 2014. The pro-Western government opened wide the door to massive structural adjustment and privatization programs led by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the IMF, and the World Bank. Zelenski used the current military conflict to concentrate power and accelerate the sale to corporations on the cheap. He banned opposition parties who opposed highly unpopular legislative amendments that would tighten the sale of land to foreign investors. More than three million hectares of farmland now belong to companies based in Western offshore zones. Ukraine's mineral reserves alone are estimated at more than $12 trillion.


Germany has spoken out against the EU plan to use the frozen assets of the Russian central bank to restore Ukraine, writes the Financial Times.

"Berlin and other capitals fear the legal and financial implications," the newspaper claims.

The European Commission is developing a draft decision that will require financial institutions that own frozen Russian assets to transfer part of the profits and use it to restore Ukraine.

The European Central Bank, Berlin, and other unnamed capitals "called for further reflection on these ideas" because "the legal risks are too high."

"It opens a can of worms," ​​a German official describes the European Commission's plan.

He believes that this will set a precedent for the same Poland, which demands reparations from Germany for the Second World War.
The Ministry of Justice of Germany, according to the publication, simply considers such actions "legally invalid."

At the same time, all EU countries agree that the frozen assets of the Russian Federation should be used, but in a legal field.

Earlier, Bloomberg reported that the EU intends to focus on the temporary use of these assets, rather than their confiscation.

(So much for the sanctity of private property...They shit on everything they profess.)


The situation in Moldova for June 18-25, 2023
June 25, 2023

Last week, mass protests of farmers against the import of Ukrainian agricultural products and for the payment of subsidies resumed in Moldova, as most of the entrepreneurs are on the verge of bankruptcy. The agrarians reached Chisinau for negotiations with the president and the government, but they did not bring results.

Moldova's constitutional court outlawed the main opposition party, Shor, in what the ruling PAS party called a "triumph of democracy."

In Chisinau, an LGBT parade was held, at which the US ambassador was noticed, but citizens staged several contractions, one of which was a protest march to the American embassy.


Interior setting
Farmer protests

On June 19 , mass protests of farmers who are on the verge of bankruptcy resumed in Moldova . Agrarians are in favor of temporarily restricting imports from Ukraine, and also demand compensation for losses and payment of debts on subsidies for the past year.

On June 21, protesters from all over the country on tractors reached Chisinau.

The Farmers Power Association met with Prime Minister Dorin Recean , but talks with the government ended in failure. Farmers asked for subsidies and a state of emergency in agriculture, but Rechan replied that "the budget has been exhausted."

Minister of Agriculture Vladimir Bolya visited Brussels for negotiations on the allocation of another financial support. However, the proposal of farmers to pay them compensation from the reserve fund, and then compensate them with help from the EU, was rejected.

The association also held fruitless talks with President Maia Sandu : she stated that there was no certainty that the EU would allocate money to farmers, despite Pain's assertions. Farmers threaten to continue the protests.

Ban on the Shor Party

The Constitutional Court of Moldova outlawed the opposition Shor party . The party is considered dissolved, and its deputies in parliament retain independent mandates without the right to join other factions.

Shor has been accused of illegal financing and links to Russia, and Parliament Speaker and PAS leader Igor Grosu called the party's ban an "important victory for democracy," although the Council of Europe's Venice Commission has previously criticized the Moldovan authorities' intention to get rid of the main opposition party.

Since the autumn of 2022, Shor has been leading massive citizen protests against President Maia Sandu and the pro-Western PAS party , whose anti-Russian policies provoked a socio-economic crisis.

LGBT parade in Chisinau

On June 18 , an LGBT march was held in Chisinau , organized by the pro-Western NGO GenderDoc-M .

The chief guest was US Ambassador Kent D. Logsdon . Earlier on the website of the American Embassy there was a statement about the support of LGBT values ​​in the country.

Several demonstrations took place against the LGBT march. One group of dissenters headed towards the march, but was blocked by the police. Part of the opponents of non-traditional values ​​gathered at the monument to Stephen the Great. Another group of angry citizens organized a march to the American embassy under the slogan "We are not against the people, we are against propaganda."

The representative of the Shor party, Valery Klimenko, demanded that the authorities expel the US ambassador from the country for participating in the march, accusing him of neglecting the values ​​of the people of Moldova.

Government initiatives

Commenting on the creation of the Patriot Center , President Maia Sandu said that "censorship will not be introduced" in the country, and the organization is being created to "fight disinformation and propaganda from the Russian Federation."

The Moldovan government has given a positive opinion to the draft law on the abolition of the celebration of Victory Day on May 9th.

Economic crisis

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, Moldova's GDP fell by 2.4% in the first quarter. Industrial production in January-April decreased by 6.2%.

At the same time, 15% of Moldovan residents have an income below 3,000 lei per month (about 150 euros).

Foreign policy
Relations with Russia

Andrian Keptonar , MP from the PAS party , said that the government intends to reduce the number of diplomats and employees of the Russian embassy.

According to Keptonar, there are 40 diplomats in the Russian embassy in Chisinau and about 40 more specialists who “install antennas for espionage on the roof of the embassy . ” He added that the Moldovan embassy in the Russian Federation has only 5 employees, and the government intends to approach parity in the number of staff.

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said that the Moldovan authorities intend to withdraw from the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly "by the end of the current session, as they do not want to be part of an entity founded by an aggressor state."

Moldovan Energy Minister Viktor Parlikov said he "sees no point" in buying gas from Gazprom, as "the first contracts have already been signed" at lower prices.

Relations with the West

Maia Sandu awarded former Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu with the Order of Honor "as a token of appreciation for the contribution to strengthening relations" between the two countries and "promoting common interests" in the EU.

Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean met in Chisinau with Romanian Foreign Minister Luminitsa Odobescu and thanked the Romanians for "supporting reforms" for European integration. Recean noted that Moldova has pledged to build infrastructure to connect with Romania - roads, bridges, energy networks, as well as create a "common digital space."

The head of Moldovan diplomacy, Nicolae Popescu, took part in the second conference on the restoration of Ukraine, which was held in London. He stated that Moldova is ready to become "a logistics hub for the southeastern territories of Ukraine." Another initiative was the energy interconnection project between Ukraine and the EU through the Republic of Moldova.

The EU will allocate 250 million euros to strengthen the "paths of solidarity" with Ukraine and its cross-border ties with Moldova.

Transnistria and military escalation
Cooperation with NATO

Moldovan Defense Minister Anatoly Nosatii visited Brussels for talks with NATO defense ministers and noted that the Moldovan army is becoming more equipped with the support of the alliance and the EU.

Moldovan Ambassador to Belgium Viorel Cibotaru said that the number of Chisinau's projects with NATO has tripled.

Now the alliance with Moldova has 18 joint projects that are aimed at strengthening the "sustainability of the republic." The diplomat compared NATO's efforts in the republic, undertaken earlier in relation to Ukraine.

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana , in an interview with the Moldovan press, once again accused the Russian Federation of waging a "total hybrid war" against Moldova, and the alliance, according to him, helps the republic to "resist" it.

Mircea also specifically mentioned the assistance of NATO and the EU in the supply of weapons and equipment to strengthen the airspace of Moldova, which he is proud of not only as the leader of the alliance, but also as a Romanian.

Military training

On June 19-23, the Moldovan army held regular exercises of reservists: citizens were warned about the movement of military equipment around the country. This year, the exercises were scheduled for April, May, June and September.

On June 23, exercises of the Fulger special forces brigade took place in the capital . Residents were asked to "avoid spreading misinformation".

Transnistrian settlement

A meeting of representatives of Moldova and Pridnestrovie took place in Bendery . Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova for Reintegration Oleg Serebryan believes that the resumption of negotiations in the 5 + 2 format is possible only if relations between Russia and Ukraine are normalized. The official hopes for the continuation of the "1 + 1" negotiations, that is, only between Moldova and the PMR.

In turn, the representative of the PMR, Vitaly Ignatiev , said that Tiraspol is in favor of the 5 + 2 negotiation format, despite all the difficulties.

Ignatiev also noted that the recently adopted law in Moldova on the "fight against separatism" interferes with the negotiations.

In Pridnestrovie, they received humanitarian aid from Russia, which includes medical equipment. For the past year, Chisinau has been hindering the functioning of the healthcare system in the PMR in every possible way.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 26, 2023 3:05 pm

Jun 23, 2023 , 3:27 p.m.

Barack Obama, former president of the United States (Photo: Ian Forsyth / Getty Images)

Former US President Barack Obama declared in an interview with CNN that it was only thanks to him, during his tenure in the White House, and to Angela Merkel as German Chancellor, that Ukraine was able to prepare for war against Russia, a confession that once again confirms that the Accords Minsk were a strategy to give Kiev time to get stronger.

Until last year, when Merkel publicly admitted it, no official in North America or Europe had confirmed it. Now, with this statement by Obama, it is even clearer that it was all about a plan to arm the Ukrainian army and extreme right-wing neo-Nazis and groups to confront Russia.

Obama told CNN that it was only thanks to him and Merkel that Ukraine was able to prepare for war against Russia.

"I think that the Ukraine of then is not the Ukraine of today."

"Merkel and I, to whom I pay great tribute, had to involve many other Europeans, putting a lot of pressure on them to…

— The Old Mole (@Viejo_Topo) June 23, 2023

"Merkel and I, to whom I pay great tribute, had to involve many other Europeans, putting a lot of pressure on them to impose the sanctions that we imposed. And to prevent Putin from crossing the Donbas to the other part of Ukraine," he said.

"I think the Ukraine then is not the Ukraine today," Obama noted, saying that "part of what happened over time was the emergence of a Ukrainian identity, the desire to fight Russia, the opportunity to prepare militarily for resist the pressure. We pumped their muscles, and this allowed them to fight back."

What Obama said is almost a copy of what Merkel said last year:

"The Ukraine of 2014/15 is not the Ukraine of today. As seen in the battle for Debaltsevo [a major railway junction in the Donetsk People's Republic] in early 2015, Putin could easily have invaded then. And I highly doubt that NATO states could have done as much then as they are doing now to help Ukraine," he said , arguing that this extension was "valuable" for Kiev.

Both Obama's and Merkel's confessions make it clear that in the Normandy Quartet, where the Minsk Agreements were established, with the aim of putting an end to the escalation of violence in Donbass, there was no real will to put an end to the war. Rather, kyiv's hostilities against the Russian-speaking population continued until Russia deployed the special military operation in February 2022. ... ntra-rusia

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More Skeletons in Obama’s Closet: Mass Grave in Lugansk, Ukraine Yields Over 200 Bodies
By Russell Bentley - October 21, 2021 51

Two trenches, each 200 meters long, filled with human bodies. [Photo courtesy of Russel Bentley]

A Part of Obama’s Legacy that Presumably Won’t Be Celebrated in his $482 Million Presidential Library
Irecently witnessed the exhumation of human remains from a mass grave that contains more than 200 bodies. It was a profound and profoundly disturbing experience. Each body in this grave represents an unnecessary and unjust death, a murder, and each of these more than 200 murders can never be forgotten or forgiven.

There is a message that cries out from these bones that must be heard and understood, and acted upon by all good people in the world. Otherwise, history will repeat itself, and again, the killers and the killing will continue, and more mass graves will be filled.

[Photo courtesy of Russell Bentley]

After seven years of war, a war that continues to this day, these 200 bodies are being exhumed from a mass grave that the war forced them into back in the summer of 2014, during the heaviest attacks and siege by the Ukrainian “punishers” against the people of Lugansk.

Valery Bolotov proclaims the Act of Independence of the Lugansk People’s Republic, May 12, 2014. [Source:]

In those terrible days and nights of constant shelling and ever-present danger, there was no water or electricity, no safe place to process the bodies, no chance at all for a regular funeral. Only now are conditions and resources finally available to put these peaceful and innocent civilians, along with some of their heroic defenders, to rest with a proper burial.

Monument to dead in mass graves that were established in 2014 when the war in Eastern Ukraine broke out. [Source:]

All decent people must ask how mass graves (this is not the only one) came to be here, in Donbass, on the edge of Europe in the second decade of the 21st century. They must ask exactly who did this and why, not just who pulled the triggers, but even more importantly, who gave the orders, and they must demand to see justice done, to respect and understand history, and to prevent more mass graves from being filled with innocent civilians, not just here in Lugansk but throughout Europe and the world.


The Obama/Biden Maidan Coup and Siege of Lugansk and Surrounding Region
When the Obama administration orchestrated the coup d’état against the democratically elected Viktor Yanukovich government in Kyiv in early 2014, they used a grisly assortment of secret agents, neo-Nazis, and oligarch traitors to depose then-President Yanukovich and install a quisling regime—headed by Petro Poroshenko and now Volodymyr Zelensky.

Maidan Square in Kyiv in February 2014 in the midst of the U.S.-backed coup. [Source:]

Viktor Yanukovich during his inauguration as President of Ukraine, February 25, 2010. [Source:]

The new regime’s primary traits are fealty to the U.S., avarice, and a willingness to terrorize their own civilians while suppressing even the slightest resistance or even peaceful dissent.

Protests against Ukrainian army brutality. [Source:]

In the summer of 2014, the Ukrainian Army launched a major offensive to isolate the cities of Eastern Ukraine and seal the border with Russia. The people of Lugansk and Donetsk had voted in a referendum to secede, as they regarded the newly imposed Ukrainian government as illegitimate and had close economic and cultural ties to Russia.

During this attack, the city of Lugansk (pop. 400K) was surrounded and under siege for several months. Water and electricity were cut, no people or supplies were allowed in or out, and the city was subjected to constant shelling by heavy artillery. Hundreds were killed, and the infrastructure was overwhelmed.

Rebel walks through rubble of Lugansk after Ukrainian Army siege backed by the U.S. [Source:]

Rebel soldier in front of bombed out buildings in Luhansk. [Source:]
War Crimes

The Lugansk city officials were forced to make a mass grave in which more than 200 people, mostly civilians but also some militia members, were buried. The victims were killed primarily by the Ukrainian Army including by shellings—not by the Russians.

War crimes were also committed in neighboring villages, including some occupied by right-wing militias that Kyiv had to rely on because many Ukrainians did not want to join the army to fight their own people.

Fighters with the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion—a wing of the Ukrainian Army fighting in the Donbass that committed war crimes. [Source:]

In Nyzhnia Krynka village, occupied for a period by the neo-Nazi Azov battalion, a medical examiner told RT News that male victims were found in their underwear with multiple gunshot wounds to head and body and their hands taped behind their backs.

Makeshift burial site in the town of Nizhnaya Krinka, eastern Ukraine, September 23, 2014. [Source:]

Galina Kolomiytsev told RT that before he “was shot dead and buried in the ground like a dog,” her son, Nikita, 21, had been taken by the Ukrainian Army in a prisoner swap—indicating that he was killed in captivity, a breach of the Geneva convention.

Exhumation of dead bodies who were shot and buried by Ukrainian Army forces like dogs. [Source:]

Amnesty International found strong evidence implicating Kyiv forces in the alleged extrajudicial executions of four men buried in two graves near the village of Komunar.

A Donetsk People’s Republic militiaman is at the site of the graves of peaceful residents discovered near Mine 22 “Kommunar” outside Donetsk. [Source:]

Sergey Litvinov, a captured Ukrainian soldier from the ‘Dnepr’ battalion, who admitted to killing civilians including women and children in the villages Melovoye, Shiroky, Makarovo and Kamushnoye, said that he received a money reward for the killings from his leadership sponsored by Ihor Kolomoysky, the Kiev-appointed Dnepropetrovsk governor and oligarch who was the titular owner of Burisma, the energy company which appointed Hunter Biden to its board.[1]

Ihor Kolomoisky offered bounties for the killing of Donetsk self-defense fighters. [Source:]

Eventually, the Ukrainian Army offensive in Lugansk failed, the siege was broken, and the Ukrainian Army was driven back beyond the city and surrounding regional limits, but they are still within artillery range, and sporadic, sometimes heavy shelling still continues to this day.

The exhumations are being conducted by an international team of top-level police investigators, and each body is being treated as forensic evidence in a war crime and murder case.

According to the Lugansk media center, the first exhumation of a Ukrainian aggression victim by the working group took place in the village of Sabovka, Slavyanoserbsk district, on August 11. As of August 31, remains of 40 people had been retrieved from graves in the Slavyanoserbsk and Pervomaisk districts. On September 3, the working group reported the exhumation of another 28 Ukrainian aggression victims from a grave in Pervomaisk on the Southern bug River. These totals are in addition to the 200 victims in Lugansk.

Police investigators digging up war victims in Lugansk. [Source:]

After identification, the remains were handed over to relatives or re-buried. “The gathered information will be included in the body of evidence of Ukraine’s crimes against the Donbass people and passed to international bodies for holding Ukrainian criminals responsible,” the working group said.

Project Ukraine and Biden’s War Responsibility
From the very beginning the man who was in charge of Obama’s Project Ukraine—and bears key responsibility for the atrocities there—was none other than current U.S. President Joe Biden.

The U.S. main motive was to try and pry Ukraine away from Russia and expand the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) there and establish a base for destabilizing the Putin government in Russia, which has restored Russia’s sovereignty from the era of Boris Yeltsin.

Obama delegated Biden—a lifelong cold warrior and Russophobe—as his point man on Ukraine and he ruled like a proconsul or mafia chieftain. in 2013, Victorias Nuland, a top level State Department official, admitted that the U.S. had poured in $5 billion since the fall of communism to transform Ukraine into a Western proxy.

Biden with Poroshenko in 2015. [Source:]

Biden’s orders to crush the legitimate uprising in Donbass, including by war crimes and mass murder, gave his Ukrainian Association of Patriots (UKROP—a right wing nationalist party) henchmen no pause, and they scurried to fulfill their master’s orders, just as the Bandera collaborators had done for their German Nazi masters 70 years before.

Ukrainian protesters display image of Stepan Bandera, a Nazi collaborator during World War II. [Source:]

Soldiers of the neo-Nazi supported Azov battalion display the flag of the Patriots of Ukraine. [Source:]

A woman in the suburb of Yubileynoe walks in front of her house, which was damaged by Ukrainian Army shelling in 2014. The strike caused an internal wall to buckle, nearly trapping her beneath it, and caused severe structural damage to the building. [Source:]

Vice President Biden personally made six trips to Ukraine, half of them in 2014. This was during the heaviest attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces and the neo-Nazi battalions against the people of Donbass, and Biden’s visits preceded, by only a few days or weeks, the worst crimes of the war.

These crimes include the murder of more than 100 protesters and unarmed Berkut police by snipers at the Maidan in Kyiv, the mass murder by burning to death scores of peaceful protesters in Odessa on May 2nd, the airstrike in Lugansk on June 2nd, and the false-flag attack that murdered 298 innocent civilians on MH-17 on July 17th.


Bloody scene in downtown Lugansk after a Ukrainian Army missile struck an administration building. [Source:]


From Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt [U.S. ambassador to UKraine during the Maidan Square protests] hand-picking the new, unelected Ukrainian government, to every legal, political, economic, and military decision, Ukraine’s quislings jumped every time their U.S. masters said “jump.”

Victoria Nuland, then Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, with Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine looking on, handing out cookies to demonstrators in Maidan Square. [Source:]

The orders were clear—suppress the uprising in Donbass by every means, legal or illegal, and the more brutal and ruthless, the better. And the attacks were brutal and ruthless, and now, Biden is back again.

As President of the U.S, his administration is expanding military aid to Ukraine and threatening Russia as the conflict in the Donbass is beginning to flare up again.

What Goes Around Comes Around
Biden’s abandonment of Afghanistan should be a lesson to Ukraine, not just to the common people, but to the marionettes he put into power there. Just like the Afghan puppets the U.S. appointed, the Ukrainians too are absolutely expendable at the slightest indication they are no longer useful.

Biden puts out hand to Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelensky during his visit to Washington in late September. Zelensky—who has advocated for reigniting the war with Russia—may find himself expendable, just like U.S. client rulers in Afghanistan and so many other countries. [Source:]

And just as the fate of Afghanistan should be a lesson for Ukraine, the fate of Ukraine should be a lesson for the people and countries of the EU. The blatant hypocrisy and double-dealing self- interest with which the U.S. has handled Europe is now clear for all to see, as are the fatal consequences for those who have allowed it.

And all of the above must be a lesson for U.S. and UK citizens as well. What goes around comes around, and here it comes, now it is your turn. Unless you stop it. The crimes of empire your rulers have committed against other people around the world, with nary a word of protest from you, will look and feel much different when they are happening to you, to your family and to your friends.

But, if you stand up for yourselves and for Humanity, all good people in the world will stand with you, and support your courage and effort in every way they can.

1.There is evidence that would indicate that Burisma operated as a CIA-front corporation to funnel money to right-wing militias in Eastern Ukraine under the direction of Kholomoisky. Why else would Burisma have appointed the CIA’s former #3 man Cofer Black to its board along with Hunter Biden? ↑ ... 00-bodies/


The dry residue of the Prigozhin armed rebellion

June 26, 2023
Analysis of the Prigozhin armed rebellion inside and outside Russia has just begun. Without any assistance from me, consumers of mainstream Western media know very well the official interpretation that, as always, is being handed down from Washington and is re-posted by our journalists as their own original reporting: how the Prigozhin affair demonstrates the fragility of dictatorships, how it shows the real weakness of the Putin regime, and so forth, and so on.

I will offer here a glimpse into what is now being said in Russian public space. I say ‘a glimpse,’ because the diversity of views inside Russia is almost as vast as the country itself and only our ignorant and bigoted opinion formers in the West miss that point.

Discussion of the Prigozhin mutiny on the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov show yesterday gave a nice insight into where Russians differ and where they agree on the events of Friday-Saturday.

As is often the case, Solovyov gave the opening word to panelist Margarita Simonyan, editor in chief of the RT television channel. She delivered a powerful and emotional argument in favor of the peaceful outcome to the crisis that appears to have been reached on Saturday, with the exile to Belarus of Prigozhin and the return of Wagner Group forces to their barracks and field camps.

Simonyan began her little speech with a reminder of the horrors of a civil war, wherever it breaks out. As she noted, the greatest number of casualties that the United States has experienced in any of its many wars since its founding came precisely during the Civil War. And in Russia, the country witnessed greater loss of life in its own Civil War of 1917-21 than it did fighting on the front in WWI. The official number is set at over 10 million. The Russian death toll from the Civil War was only surpassed on the battlefields of WWII. Simonyan’s account was not for the faint-hearted: she listed the kinds of cruel and horrific deaths that both White and Red forces practiced on captured enemy troops as well as on civilians who stood in their way.

For these reasons, Simonyan said, such a possibility of armed conflict on the home front had to be avoided at all costs. And to those who object that the terms of the settlement violate the legal norms of the Russian Federation, her answer is that laws are not God-given but are written by men to regulate relations and maintain order in the country. The legislators cannot foresee extraordinary circumstances wherein strict observance of legal norms would have exactly the opposite effect and cause complete disorder and chaos. Therefore the settlement of the crisis as it turned out deserves our support.

A diametrically opposite opinion, also very well argued, was made by Lieutenant General in retirement and State Duma member Andrei Gurulyov, who, like Simonyan, is an occasional panelist on the Solovyov show, where he may be said to represent hardliners on issues of patriotism and civic duty. Gurulyov said flatly that treason such as Prigozhin committed must be punished by the physical elimination of the perpetrators, by a bullet to the head.

This Lieutenant General went on to explain that he knows the Wagner Group from the time of its inception back in 2014 when it numbered less than 150 and he fought with their then unit commander Utkin side by side in the Donbas. Then they were fighting side by side in Syria in 2015. By 2016 Gurulyov and the Wagner detachments parted ways.

With regard to the events of Friday and Saturday, Gurulyov expressed shock and indignation that the rebels were able to enter and take control of an airbase in the Russian-Ukrainian border region and that they were able to march north to Voronezh without meeting resistance from local defense forces. Clearly measures must be taken to strengthen Russia’s defense preparedness in the regions closest to the military action of the Special Military Operation.

As regards the settlement negotiated by Lukashenko, Guyulyov said that only those Wagner soldiers who sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense and come under its direct control may be allowed to bear arms. All others should be disbanded and sent away from the war zone.

The third panelist on the Solovyov show whom I will cite very briefly was Alexander Babakov, deputy chair of the State Duma and a parliamentarian from the United Russia party. His point was that the armed mutiny failed because it was rejected by the regular Army, by the Russian government at all levels and by the people as a whole. In this way, Russia demonstrated to the world its unity in time of war, its readiness to stand up to the Collective West. The lesson for the West was precisely the strength of the country and of its Commander in Chief.

Is anyone listening in Washington?


I have two further comments to make in today’s dispatch.

The first arises from the video material Solovyov presented at the start of the show, before the discussion with panelists got underway. In particular, it was interesting to see video images of Solovyov’s visit to the front lines, which he now does almost weekly with assistance from the Ministry of Defense. His chat with soldiers operating drones in the battlefield complemented very well what you see from the reporting of war correspondents on the regular news programs of Russian state television. And it is this point: the war in Ukraine has upended traditional Soviet-Russian military doctrine about deployment of forces.

The use of both reconnaissance and kamikaze drones in tandem by Russian soldiers at the front reverses entirely the advantage in real time targeting that the Ukrainians may have had at the start of the war thanks to U.S. reconnaissance aircraft and satellite images. This new warfare which, as we see from the destruction of Bradleys and Leopards in the attempted attacks of the ongoing Ukrainian counter-offensive, makes clear the fact that the Russian army is emerging from the military operations in Ukraine much stronger than it entered the war. Not just in manpower numbers resulting from the autumn 2022 call-up of reserves, or from the 160,000 volunteer signups this year, not just from the near tripling of production by the Russian military industrial complex, but by being war hardened and possessing the latest knowledge of what works and what doesn’t on the battlefield. In this sense, the weakening of Russia that was said to be the objective of American support for the Kiev regime by Blinken, by Austin, by Biden, has had the opposite effect. I say this without considering the emptying of military equipment stocks across Europe resulting from massive deliveries of arms to Ukraine.

My second point is that talking heads everywhere, East and West, share the common susceptibility to talk in inverse proportion to what they know from the facts on the table. What we hear on the BBC, on Euronews, on CNN about the Prigozhin affair, about the war’s progress in general, is nearly all unfounded speculation.

Russian public space also has its share of idle chatter. Yesterday evening the news portal Tsargrad published an attention grabbing feature article on Shoigu’s expected resignation Monday morning and speculation on who might be tapped to replace him.

I do not entirely dismiss the possibility that Shoigu will leave office as part of the overall settlement of the Prigozhin affair. But at this point, the discussion is being spun from thin air.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... rebellion/


What About the Ukrainian ‘Counteroffensive’?

Natasha Wright

June 25, 2023

After ‘the de facto declaration of the beginning of the military onslaught’, not one single objective evidence was presented of its success.

Ukrainian long announced, long awaited counteroffensive has officially begun! Hip, hip, hooray! At last! Though the courage and bravery of the Russian army have stopped them in their tracks in the Zaporozhye region. The tactics deployed by the Ukrainian troops relying on the ‘indestructible’ Bradleys and ‘elusive’ Leopards have proven to be smashingly suicidal for the Ukrainians. None have lived up to their overly inflated expectations. The somewhat trivial detail that a Polish general from within the NATO HQs has reportedly called the Ukrainian generals ‘idiots’ who have managed to obliterate everything the Collective West has given them including the elite Ukraine troops who somehow suddenly ceased to exist’ is rather telling of the complete and embarrassing Ukrainian fiasco which occurred there.

Shall we now take a look at what President Vladimir Putin has had to say on the occasion in his recent address to the nation?

President Vladimir Putin: ‘What can I say? Firstly, I can say that the counteroffensive has begun. The use of strategic Ukrainian reserves indicates that. Secondly, the Ukrainian army did not perform any of the assignments in any of the parts assigned to it. That is an obvious fact. As I have said already, the combat has been ongoing for five days. For instance, yesterday and the day before, for these two days, the fights have been very intense and in none of these the opponent had much success. All that was achieved thanks to the courage and heroism of our (Russian) soldiers, appropriate organization and management of our army as well as great efficiency of the Russian weaponry, particularly modern weaponry. Yes, we still do not have sufficient amounts of modern weaponry but the defence industry and the defence complex of our country are being developed rapidly and I am confident that all the assignments entrusted upon them will undoubtedly be solved. Intensive increase of our modern weaponry is ongoing. We have noticed that these days the Ukrainian regime suffers huge losses. It is a known fact that the losses during the offensive operations on the Ukrainian side are 3: 1. That is a standard thing. However, in this case the indicators are much higher. I will not provide figures now but they are enormous.’

In an almost unprecedented example of a political accord of sorts in between Russia and the USA, New York Times indicated last Monday that both sides seem to have inferred that a long announced (and a long delayed) Ukraine counter-offensive may have finally begun. Though New York Times is still unsure if one looks at their hesitant headlines: Has Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Begun?

The Economist published a report on the same day that the Western officials agree the attacks on 4th June truly mark the beginning of an offensive. I cannot help noticing the odd academic hedging in their headlines though: Ukrainian counteroffensive appears to have begun. All the lingering suspicions seem to have proven true when Hanna Maliar, the Ukrainian Minister of Defence Deputy, confirmed it in public. The offensive reportedly branched out into a number of directions, she said, which was reported by CNN. The U.S. intelligence further elaborated that they have come to this conclusion among other things that the Kiev offensive most probably has begun among other things thanks to the images taken via military satellites which are equipped with the infrastructure facilities for the monitoring of the artillery fire and the launching of the missiles.

The U.S. military analysts reported that to their understanding the Ukrainian military units are making probes with the initial penetration attacks so as to detect the positions and the military might of the Russian troops. This is a traditional tactic, the newspaper added, which the Ukrainian troops apparently prepared for in their drills. Deputy Minister of Defence Hanna Maliar added on the same occasion: ‘We are happy for every meter’. We can perhaps only assume she meant every meter they allegedly gained in their alleged defeat of the Russian forces. ‘This day today is a great success for our troops’ – she added. But then an uncharacteristic complete silence followed. Not even one single meter of their great success was shown to the general public, for which they were gleefully jumping with joy.

On Tuesday the 6th June, the Russian Minister of Defence, Sergey Shoigu addressed the public presenting the most catastrophic numbers, which may certainly provide an explanation for that most ‘uninterrupted’ silence on the part of the Ukrainians. During the three days of the Ukrainian offensive, the Kiev regime armed forces suffered cataclysmic losses, which would hardly be regarded as a resounding success: 3715 soldiers, 52 tanks, 207 armoured combat vehicles, 5 airplanes and 2 helicopters in total; there were 71 deaths, 210 wounded soldiers and 15 destroyed tanks on the Russian side, according to the official data. The said figures related to the 52 Ukrainian tanks and 207 armoured combat vehicles are all the more intriguing if we take into account the reports by Reuters and many other Western mainstream media that Ukraine got 230 tanks and 1550 armoured vehicles from their NATO sponsors, which may well be an indicator that it lost almost one fourth of their tanks and one seventh of the whole number of combat vehicles in the course of three days, which were made available to it for the warfare against Russia.

There is certainly no way to double check all the facts and figures so that all the opposing sides in the conflict might agree on them to some extent.

To a layperson such as myself, a military offensive presupposes a military onslaught of very broad proportions which are carried out by strategic and operational groups on the war front or a part of the war front with the limited or radical goal(s), which can produce a greater impact on the outcome of one part of the war or the war completely as a whole. On the other hand, the use of a set of offensive actions is a principle in all theories of warfare which presupposes that the armed forces of one particular country continuously try to improve their position into a better one.

If we put the semantics aside, there remains a fact that all the conflicting sides should at least confer that after ‘the de facto declaration of the beginning of the military onslaught’, not one single objective evidence was presented of its success, which can only go to say that it must have been a dismal failure and that the price they had to pay could not possibly be negligible at all.

In the article at the end of April this year, The Times elaborated with their typically British profound cynicism, that despite the fact that 98 % of the promised equipment was delivered, Ukraine was not ready for its great offensive though it had no other choice. The Kiev regime had to begin the offensive regardless of the fact that even now at this point final battle for Bakhmut was happening. Additionally, the ammunition is being expended so quickly that the Collective West cannot keep pace with it.

At this point, for instance, the Ukrainians are using more grenades than the U.S. produces for the whole year. But then again, Kiev had no real choice but to kick off ‘the great spring offensive’ (with the usual fanfare of trumpets sounded by Stoltenberg, von der Leyen and Austin only too often). The alleged spring offensive, coincidentally, now appears to have evolved into the summer offensive. Oh, well, a matter of semantics again?

Its leaders had no other alternative but to persist in their somewhat ‘ritualistic display ’ of moral support for Ukraine complete with the abundant military aid they shovel off there; regrettably, they have to express what their Washington liberal Neocons rather distastefully call ‘the profit from their investment’. One can only presume that it is a case of ‘like investment, like profit’.

Some German portals now all of a sudden have communicated coyly though that Ukraine ‘unexpectedly’ is not capable of the standard counteroffensive of epic proportions. Conversely, to maintain combat morale and optimism to the optimal level, necessary for any ‘feat’ of mainstream media propaganda, the Economist mentioned that the elite Ukrainian forces have not yet appeared on the battlefield. Shortly afterwards the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in the middle of the night may have obscured the Ukrainian counteroffensive into insignificance because until the night when the hydroelectric power plant Kakhovka was demolished, there was not much left of the counteroffensive.

If anyone even wonders who may have destroyed the Kakhovka Dam and caused the floods of devastating proportions in the whole lower course of the Dnieper River, (after a superb series of in-depth highly credible analyses by Seymour Hersh on the Nord Stream blasts), of course the Western mainstream media would repeat in chorus ad absurdum: ‘The Russians did it’. And the (puppet) politicians such as the presidents of European Council Charles Michel and the outgoing NATO General Secretary, (utterly obnoxious) Jens Stoltenberg would nod and screech in humiliating submission.

Then suddenly the due public attention was drawn to the fact that the Ukrainian Commander, Major General Andriy Kovalchuck openly talked about the plans to demolish the hydro plant in Washington Post last year.

Back in 2022, the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine openly announced plans to destroy the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper’ Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya said. He added that the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine openly announced plans to destroy the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper. He cited a quote from the material of The Washington Post on December 29, 2022. The Ukrainians, “according to him, even launched a test strike” from American MLRS HIMARS on one of the locks of the dam, making three holes in the metal to see if the water could rise enough to block Russian crossings.

Kovalchuck also somewhat boastfully confirmed that they launched a test strike on the dam. And then shortly afterwards on Thursday evening, the Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council in the White House, John Kirby said that the U.S. has not yet found out with certainty what really happened in the hydroelectric power plant. Intriguingly, on the very same day Washington Post published that CIA knew that Ukrainians were responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. it ‘appears that CIA had intelligence of detailed Ukrainian plan to attack Nord Stream pipeline’

THE DISCORD LEAKS | The CIA learned last June, via a European spy agency, that a six-person team of Ukrainian special operations forces intended to sabotage the Russia-to-Germany natural gas project.

It is absolutely mindboggling why the hydroelectric power plant was destroyed. One wonders what the destiny of the Ukrainian counteroffensive will be. How much should we be worried because of the leaked information that Ukraine (read: U.S. and Pentagon in panic) has had parallel plans to launch an attack by use of a dirty nuclear bomb against Russia? ... offensive/


FSB spooked the CIA on Prigozhin coup


The CNN, followed by the New York Times, broke the story on Sunday that the US and western intelligence were indeed aware of the failed coup attempt on Friday night by Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the Wagner Group of Russian military contractors, “for quite some time and making preparations for such a move, including by massing weapons and ammunition.”

What we do not know is at what point Russian intelligence got wind of it. The Kremlin acted forcefully, decisively and with foresight in real time to scotch the coup attempt within hours. By Saturday evening, the foreign intelligence chief Sergey Narishkin announced that the coup attempt had failed. The Russian authorities were waiting for Prigozhin to make his move.

It is only natural that Russian intelligence kept a strong presence right inside the Wagner tent all through. Damn it, it is a war zone where Russia’s fate is hanging in the balance. The lyrics of the famous Sting song come to mind: ‘Every breath you take / And every move you make / Every bond you break / Every step you take / I’ll be watching you…’

And the Chorus sings, thereupon: ‘Oh, can’t you see / You belong to me? / How my poor heart aches / With every step you take…’

Just as the CIA or most intelligence organisations do, the FSB also psychoanalyses the remarks of their targets for profound meanings. They do that routinely and have trained analysts who do only that.

It wouldn’t have escaped the attention of Russian intelligence analysts that Prigozhin’s ranting and ravings from Donetsk from last autumn and winter began originally on the operational aspects of the Bakhmut war front in Donetsk oblast, but incrementally began acquiring political overtones, culminating finally in his incredible statement that the raison d’être of the special military operation in Ukraine since February 2022, was all baloney.

Even more strangely, this man who physically witnessed the Battle of Bakhmut, came to the bizarre conclusion that Kiev or Nato had no mala fide intentions toward Donbass or Russia.

Therefore, the ‘known known’ here is that the Russian intelligence was under instructions to be in ‘listening mode,’ give the eddies a free flow in the Battle of Bakhmut where Wagner was in the driving seat. (Interestingly, though, at some point, much to Prigozhin’s annoyance, Moscow also began deploying regular troops selectively on the Bakhmut front alongside the Wagner fighters. )

On Saturday, top US intelligence officials sprang into action to brief the media as it emerged that Russian authorities were literally waiting with a road map to squash Prigozhin’s coup attempt. Even the Chechen militia was put on standby.

The crucial element in the deal struck with Prigozhin has been that he will not be prosecuted but must simply get lost. And where else could his exile be arranged better on Planet Earth than in Belarus under the benevolent eyes of President Alexander Lukashenko?

Now, we may get to know at some point from Lukashenko, who struggles to keep secrets for long, as to when exactly would Putin have taken him into confidence on a ‘need-to-know basis.’ It strains credulity that such a complex dealmaking was possible within a clutch of hours via tortuous 3-way negotiations between Moscow, Minsk and Rostov-on-Don even as the renegade Wagner column was approaching Moscow.

An intriguing sub-plot here is that amidst all this heavy traffic, Lukashenko also negotiated with Nurusultan Nazarbayev, the former Kazakh dictator who headed a pro-western regime in Astana and was ousted from power after reigning for nearly three decades, following the failure of a similar US-backed coup attempt like Prigozhin’s in the winter of 2021-2022, which too was crushed with the help of the CSTO forces (Russian troops) led by a Russian general.

On the previous day, in fact, Putin had spoken with two Central Asian leaders — Kazakh President Jomart Tokayev and Uzbek President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev. Did he share any crucial intelligence? In fact, both these countries have been facing western plots for regime change lately. By the way, Given Moscow’s preoccupations in Ukraine, Chinese President Xi Jinping has stepped in to take a hands-on role to consolidate the stability and security of the Central Asian region. (Please see my recent articles — China takes leadership role in Central Asia ; An “Axis of Seven” to supplement SCO ; and, Russia, China take holistic view of the Pamirs and Hindu Kush.

Clearly, something was seriously afoot in Kazakhstan, which is sandwiched between Russia and China and is the most crucial piece of real estate in geopolitical terms in Central Asia.

In all probability, this was what the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken alluded to when he told ABC on Sunday that the situation with the attempted coup in Russia “is still developing… I don’t want to speculate, and I don’t think we saw the final episode.” That said, however, Blinken has piled up a consistent record for being horribly wrong on his assessments on Russia — starting from the deathly blow the ‘sanctions from hell’ were expected to give to the Russian economy; Putin’s hold on power; Russia’s catastrophic defeat in Ukraine; Russian military’s deficiencies; Kiev’s inexorable military victory, and so on.

In this case, he has reason to feel embittered particularly because of the spectacular unity of the Russian state, political elite, media, regional and federal bureaucracy, and the military and security establishment in rallying behind Putin. Arguably, Putin’s political stature is now unchallengeable and unassailable in Russia and the Americans have to live with that reality long after Joe Biden’s departure from the scene.

Going forward

The Kremlin has adopted a very thoughtful strategy. From available details so far, it has the following five key elements:

1.Principally, the top priority is to avoid bloodshed so that life moves on and the focus on the war in Ukraine, which is at a tipping point, doesn’t suffer;
2.In immediate terms, get the few renegade Wagner fighters and Prigozhin to leave Rostov-on-Don and return to their camps in Lugansk;
3.Clinically separate Prigozhin from the rest of Wagner Group (In fact, not a single Wagner commander or officer joined his revolt);
4.Offer immunity to the bulk of the Wagner Group — except the participants in the coup, of course — and facilitate their formal integration into the defence ministry. That is, the logic behind the creation of Wagner Group by the Defence Ministry (and an unnamed top secret internal security agency) holds good still, but it will no longer be a quasi-state force, but will have a habitation and name and led by designated professional military commanders instead of free-wheeling fortune hunters like Prigozhin.)
5.Get Prigozhin to leave for Belarus, which was not difficult once he realised that he should request mercy from none other than Putin (who agreed to the oligarch’s safe passage to Belarus.)

The last element is utterly fascinating. The Kremlin is extremely annoyed with Prigozhin for his seditious behaviour but is also aware — presumably on the basis of intelligence inputs — that he has been manipulated by western powers. Of course, there is going to be a price to pay. Prigozhin will never get back his towering stature as an oligarch with a personal fortune of $1.2 billion or the fabulous lifestyle he led.

But at least, the 62-year old oligarch is spared a possible twenty-year prison term. This is of a piece with Putin’s handling of oligarchs in general. (Read my article The Rise and fall of a Russian oligarch.)

Make no mistake, Lukashenko will eventually make Prigozhin sing — sooner rather later — and the song will be transmitted live to the Kremlin. And that accounts for the great nervousness in Washington, which has raised the spectre of nuclear war, etc. to give the spin to distract attention from the CIA’s plot to destabilise Russia. The irrepressible Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov calls it a “turbulent stream of consciousness.”

To be sure, now that the CIA-MI6- Prigozhin plot has failed, out of its debris, new western narratives will be born like a Phoenix out of the ashes. And the US’ sleeping cells abroad, including in the Indian media, will parrot that narrative.

But, not for long. For, what lies ahead is the manifestation of the steely resolve of the Kremlin — and Putin himself — to seek an all-out military solution to the Ukraine crisis. Putin declared last week — most likely in anticipation of the storm brewing on the horizon — that the war will be over when no Ukrainian army will be left on the battlefield, or NATO weapons.

Read the official transcript of a videoconference that Putin took last Thursday, in the immediate run-up to Prigozhin’s coup attempt, with the full quorum of the Security Council (post-Soviet Russia’s ‘Politburo’), which gives a flavour of the mood in the Kremlin and will provide some clues to what to expect on the battlefields of Ukraine, going forward. It is a huge signal in advance to the “collective West” that nothing will be forgotten. ... zhin-coup/


Germany to Station 4,000 Soldiers in Lithuania

German soldiers. | Photo: Twitter/ @Sprinter99880

Published 26 June 2023

The current NATO multinational battle group deployed in the Lithuanian town of Rukla has around 1,600 personnel, approximately half of whom are German.

On Monday, German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius announced that his country will permanently station 4,000 troops in Lithuania to protect the eastern flank of the The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

"Germany is ready to permanently station a robust brigade in Lithuania. The prerequisite we have discussed is that the infrastructure must exist: barracks, training grounds, and warehouses," he said during a visit to the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius.

"We are talking about a brigade of 4,000 soldiers plus equipment, and in the case of permanent deployment, their families as well," added Pistorius, who said that the plan discussed with the Lithuanian Defense Minister Arvydas Anusauskas involves increasing the forces in parallel with infrastructure growth.

Following the 2022 NATO summit in Madrid, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz committed to sending a German brigade for enhanced surveillance activities (EVA).

This brigade's goal is to complement the Enhanced Forward Presence (EFP) multinational battle group, under German command, which has been deployed in the Baltic country since 2017.

However, until now, there was no agreement regarding whether the promised EVA brigade would be deployed on a rotational basis or permanently.

Pistorius emphasized that until 1990, Germany was located on NATO's eastern flank and relied on its allies for security, and in the same way, Berlin must now assume its responsibility in defending Poland and the Baltic countries.

"In the end, we are talking about shared freedom," he concluded, adding that "freedom is not for free."

The current NATO multinational battle group deployed in the Lithuanian town of Rukla has around 1,600 personnel, approximately half of whom are German. ... -0006.html
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:17 pm

Ukrainian Counteroffensive a Dud as War Hawk Predictions Are Wrong Again
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 25, 2023 1


Biden Not Getting Pre-Election Battlefield Victory He Was Hoping For
In a song that he wrote about the Korean War, the great American folk singer Woody Guthrie mocked General Douglas MacArthur and Defense Secretary Robert Lovett for promising that U.S. troops would be home by Christmas, emphasizing that MacArthur and Lovett had not actually specified which Christmas the troops would be home by.[1]

With the U.S. fighting a proxy war in Ukraine, we have seen similarly optimistic prognoses that look to be false, much like in the Vietnam War.


On June 5, Ukraine launched its much-vaunted counteroffensive, with the aim of reclaiming territory taken over by Russia in eastern Ukraine and taking the war to the Russians.

The counteroffensive received the blessing of President Joe Biden who recognizes its importance to his re-election bid.

Sounding much like General MacArthur in Korea, former CIA Director David Petraeus predicted that the Ukrainian counteroffensive “would be very impressive.”

Petraeus told the BBC:

My sense is that they [the Ukrainian Army] will achieve combined arms effects in other words, they will successfully carry out combined arms operations where you have engineers that are breaching the obstacles and diffusing the minefields and so forth; armor following right on through protected by infantry against anti-tank missiles; air defense keeping the Russians’ aircraft off them; electronic warfare jamming their radio networks; logistics right up behind them; artillery and mortars right out in front of them.

And most important of all…is that as the lead elements inevitably culminate after 72-96 hours, physically that’s about as far as you can go, and they’ll have taken losses…you have follow-on units that will push right on through and capitalize on the progress and maintain the momentum and I think that can get the entire Russian defense in that area moving, then I think you have other opportunities that will open up on the flanks as well.

David Petraeus [Source:]

Very early into the counteroffensive, however, it was apparent that Petraeus’s predictions were off-base and too over-confident. The Wall Street Journal reported on June 17 that Ukraine was pausing the counteroffensive in order to reevaluate its military strategy.

The Washington Post previously reported on the wiping out of Ukraine’s 37th Brigade—freshly trained and supplied with U.S. weapons—south of Velyka Novosilka in the southeast Donetsk region; its men were shelled by mortars from three sides after being left in the field without tanks or heavy armor.


The blogger Moon of Alabama wrote: “The Ukrainian army used at least four brigades for its [initial counteroffensive] attack. At least two of those were from the 12 brigade reserve that had been built up for the counterattack. With losses of some 30%, those involved were seriously mauled for little to no gain.”[2]

Beleaguered Ukrainian troops taking a cigarette break during the counteroffensive operations in eastern Ukraine. [Source:]

The New York Times reported that the Russians looked to be succeeding in their strategy of “trying to inflict as many casualties and [to] destroy as many vehicles as possible in a battle zone ahead of the main defensive line, depleting Ukrainian forces before they reach it.”

According to the Times, the Ukrainian military was “especially vulnerable immediately after seizing new ground, when they are still clearing mines, fighting Russian stragglers, and figuring out where to find cover and firing positions in the newly reclaimed villages and in thickets of trees. If the Russian strategy proves effective, Ukraine could lose too many of its newly trained troops—which number in the tens of thousands—and too many tanks and infantry fighting vehicles to breach the main line. Even if they get that far, the forces might be too weakened to stream south and help accomplish a major objective: severing the so-called land bridge that connects Russia to the occupied Crimean Peninsula [which would be done by reaching the Sea of Azov, about 60 miles away].”[3]

At a news conference in Brussels, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, acknowledged the prospect of high casualties on the Ukrainian side, but said that Ukraine’s fight was “not some easy sprint to the finish line” and would “likely take a considerable amount of time and at a high cost.”

Of the Russians, Milley said: “Their leadership is not necessarily coherent, their troops’ morale is not high. They’ve been sitting in defensive positions; many of them don’t even know why they’re there.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, left, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley address the media during a meeting of NATO defense ministers at NATO headquarters in Brussels on June 15, 2023. [Source:]

The Russians counter this narrative by pointing to the fact that Ukraine has suffered from a huge number of casualties (estimated to be 13,000) and lost three times as many tanks as the Russians since the counteroffensive began.

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed that at least 25% of the combat vehicles provided to Ukraine for the offensive were destroyed, including 160 battle tanks and more than 300 combat vehicles, while Russia suffered the loss of only 54 tanks.

Ukrainian tanks, some American-supplied, destroyed in failing counteroffensive. [Source:]

Pro-Russian social media accounts have frequently shared videos of the destroyed armor online to champion what they are saying is a failed offensive.

This latter view was corroborated by a senior European military officer in Kyiv, who referred to the Ukrainian counteroffensive as a “suicide mission,” comparing it to an infamous 1854 battle in the Crimean War in which Britain’s Light Cavalry Brigade made a suicidal charge into a massive Russian cannon and were then wiped out.[4]

Ukraine’s desperation appears evident in the June 6 attack launched on the Novaya Kakhovka dam in an attempt to cut the water supply to Crimea, which resulted in the flooding of several villages and part of the town of Kherson.

Satellite images reveal the scale of the flooding after the Kakhovka dam was destroyed during Ukraine’s counter-offensive. [Source:]

Ukraine has further destroyed the ammonia pipeline linking Togliatti to Odessa, which was part of the grain agreement, and bombed the Chonhar bridge linking Crimea and Ukraine in an attempt to punish the people of Crimea for voting to rejoin Russia. These are war crimes of the kind for which Nazi leaders were prosecuted and then hung after the Nuremberg trials.

Damage to Chonhar bridge linking Crimea and Ukraine. [Source:]

French correspondent Christelle Néant reported major Ukrainian setbacks around Novodonetske, Lobkove and other neighboring areas after the beginning of the counteroffensive along with heavy Ukrainian casualties (1,900 soldiers wounded and killed June 3-6 alone) and destruction of Ukrainian tanks and weapons.

Christelle Néant [Source:]

According to Néant, the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army were trained by NATO forces to fight with the help of troop coordination systems (GPS signal and communication) that have been jammed by Russian electronic warfare systems.

Without this high-tech crutch, the Ukrainian soldiers found themselves totally disorganized on the battlefield, unable to deal effectively with the Russian Army’s fire. Facing the prospect of imminent death, some of these soldiers, according to Néant, are beginning to refuse orders.

Carl von Clausewitz once wrote that war is politics by other means.

Carl von Clausewitz [Source:]

His dictum applies to the war for eastern Ukraine. Its people primarily welcome the Russians as liberators after nine long years of Ukrainian army shelling and atrocities following a U.S. backed coup, and because of the strong economic, cultural and historical ties of the region to Russia.

Petraeus’s prediction is so off-base because he has obviously not read von Clausewitz in a long time. He also does not understand the political dynamic in eastern Ukraine—much like General MacArthur in Korea, where the U.S. was involved in another unwinnable war that nearly resulted in World War III.

1.The song, written in 1952, was titled “Hey General Mackeymaker.” See Jeremy Kuzmarov, “‘Hey Hey General Mackymacker, Ho, Ho Mr. Lovitt:’ Woody Guthrie’s Forgotten Dissent From the Atomic Bomb to the Korean War,” The Asia Pacific Journal, April 1, 2018,

2.In an article entitled “Ukrainian Counteroffensive’s Second Week Ends in Failure,” former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter wrote on June 17 that “Ukraine lacks the military capacity to overcome Russian defenses. Ukraine’s most elite assault brigades, equipped with the latest Western military technology, failed to advance out of what Russian defensive doctrine calls the ‘cover’ line of defense—the buffer that is designed to channel and disrupt an attacking force prior to reaching the “main” line of defense. Ukrainian casualties were extremely heavy, with Russia achieving a 10:1 kill ratio in terms of manpower, which is unsustainable from the Ukrainian perspective. The reasons for the Ukrainian failure are fundamental in nature.” The first reason Ritter cites is the quality of Russian defenses combined with the tenacity of the Russian defender and the overwhelming superiority Russia enjoys in terms of fire support against which Ukrainian forces and tactics are insufficient. Secondly, “the Ukrainians are paying the price for Russia’s impressive suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) campaign that has been ongoing for many weeks now,” Ritter continues. “Russia has not only neutralized Ukraine’s ability to defend strategic targets far beyond the front lines, but also to project any meaningful air defense capability into the actual zone of conflict. This, combined with the lack of any viable air force, leaves the attacking Ukrainian ground forces exposed to the full weight of Russian air power.” In a column published on June 24, Ritter suggests that Ukraine exploited internal fissures within the Russian ruling class to help foment a coup attempt with support by Western intelligence services by Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, what he calls, “a Moscow Maidan” in reference to the February 2014 Western-backed coup in Ukraine that triggered the conflict.

3.CNN cited unnamed “Western and U.S. officials” in order to say that the counteroffensive is “not meeting expectations on any front.” It turns out, they add, that Ukrainian troops and armor are proving vulnerable to Russian minefields, missiles, and air power. CNN paraphrased their experts: “Russian lines of defense have been proving well-fortified, making it difficult for Ukrainian forces to breach them. In addition, Russian forces have had success bogging down Ukrainian armor with missile attacks and mines and have been deploying air power more effectively.” ↑

4.Medea Benjamin and Nicholas Davies wrote of the moral bankruptcy of U.S. and NATO political leaders, who are “sacrificing the flower of Ukraine’s youth in a proxy war they will not send their own children or grandchildren to fight.” According to Benjamin and Davies, “if Ukraine’s Spring Offensive plunges on to the bitter end, it could be more like the British and French Somme Offensive, fought near the French River Somme in 1916. After 19, 240 British troops were killed on the first day (including Nicolas’s 20-year-old great-uncle, Robert Masterman), the battle raged on for more than four months of pointless, wanton slaughter, with over a million British, French and German casualties. It was finally called off after advancing only six miles and failing to capture either of the two small French towns that were its initial objectives.” ↑ ... ong-again/

Journalist Randy Credico Has Been Placed on Ukrainian Terrorist “Kill-List” via CIA Project Website
By Ron Ridenour - June 23, 2023 4


Friends Are Urging Credico to Go Underground
Advisers are suggesting Randy Credico to lie low—keep out of sight—because too many journalists, activists, academics and dissidents placed on this hit-list coincidentally wind up dead, sometimes only days after being listed. Once killed, the Ukrainian word ЛИКВИДИРОВАН (“LIQUIDATED”) is plastered across their pictures in big red letters—as in the listing (below) of Russian journalist Darya Dugina, who was blown up by a car bomb.


Randy refuses to hide. He says his first priority is to keep his “Free Julian Assange” billboard trucks rolling up and down the streets of Washington, D.C., to shame Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and the Democratic Party for their continued persecution and imprisonment of Julian Assange.

[Source: Photo courtesy of Randy Credico]

CAM asked Randy what he thinks and feels about being placed on this precarious list.

“It is what it is. I think it underscores the kind of people the U.S. and NATO are supporting in their proxy war. They remind me of the depraved leadership of the Contras in Nicaragua back in 1980s. The ones that murdered Ben Linder, an American engineer helping people obtain water. I suppose I wouldn’t be doing my job if I weren’t on the list. I will continue to report the truth regardless of the consequences. Living in fear is worse than being dead.”

Randy is no stranger to threats of violence. For decades he has been putting his body on the line to fight racial oppression, war crimes and violations of human rights. He was recently threatened by right-wing supporters of Donald Trump and Roger Stone; before that, he shared a jail cell with Cornel West after being arrested for protesting New York’s stop-and-frisk law. Randy is probably the most jailed political satirist since Lenny Bruce.

Randy Credico being arrested by police in Times Square. [Source: Photo courtesy of Stephen Brown]
That is why his decision to ignore the Ukrainian hit-list is not news. What is news is—Randy may not be able to keep funding his “Free Julian Assange” billboard trucks much longer. His money is running out.

Randy has been digging into his own pockets to keep those billboard trucks rolling. But he cannot continue to pay the bills without a little help from his friends—and from the friends of Julian Assange. Without it, the billboard trucks will stop rolling.

That would be a shame, because they are doing their job. They keep Julian in the public mind and put pressure on the Biden administration during the months leading up to the 2024 election. They also get attention from the millions of tourists who visit the capital city. The media, too, are paying attention to Julian’s plight, and have begun writing editorials asking Biden to set Julian free (although their editorials have been shamefully late and embarrassingly grudging).

Unfortunately, these mobile billboards do not come cheap. They cost a lot to design and fabricate. So does gasoline. And the cost of leasing the trucks and hiring licensed drivers. The cost to keep one billboard truck circulating around Washington, D.C., is $500 a day.

Randy has a message for all those who are sad—and mad—at what the CIA and the U.S. government are doing to Julian. He says, “Don’t just mope and feel powerless to help. Instead, consider donating a few dollars to the Free Assange Mobile Billboard Project. Every dollar will help keep the billboards rolling for another minute—another hour—another day.”

What he does not say, but it is very clear, is that your donations will also show Randy—who may literally be risking his life to keep these billboards rolling—that he is not alone. Donations can be made at

The Ukrainian terrorist “kill list”
The list is on a website called Myrotvorets (“Peacekeeper” in English). Although mostly written in Ukrainian, it proudly identifies itself—right on its homepage (and in English)—as “a CIA project.” And its headquarters are in Langley, VA, home of the CIA. The website is also reportedly hosted on a NATO server. [See homepage below]

CAM Managing Editor Jeremy Kuzmarov was put on the list after he published an article critical of Myrotvorets, which exposed its links to the CIA.

The list includes many Russian journalists and Americans critical of the Ukraine War, like Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, and Roger Waters, the Pink Floyd singer who criticized the war. Former government officials advocating for moderation, like Henry Kissinger, have also been put on the list.


The fact that so many journalists, activists and political opponents who get listed on its site die violent deaths—sometimes days after being listed—is dismissed by website apologists as coincidence. Myrotvorets claims that its only purpose is to identify “pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers [guilty of]…crimes against the National Security of Ukraine, Peace, Humanity, and International Law…[in order] to assist law enforcement authorities” in bringing them to justice.

But the website’s real purpose appears to be compiling an extra-judicial “kill list” of journalists, activists, political dissidents and their family members who criticize Ukrainian President Zelensky and his government in Kyiv, which is supported by many neo-Nazis.

By posting the names, phone numbers, home addresses and whereabouts of targets (as Myrotvorets has done with Randy), the website is sending a dog-whistle signal to “patriotic Ukrainians” in the U.S., Russia, and throughout the world, letting them know they have a green light to eliminate these “enemies of Ukraine.”

Why has Myrotvorets targeted Randy Credico?
Randy recently returned from a ten-day trip to Russia and the battleground region of Donbas. His stories, photos and video interviews with Russian and Ukrainian residents in the war zones revealed horrendous war crimes, torture, rape and other human rights violations committed by Ukraine’s neo-Nazi military forces—but deliberately under-reported (or not reported at all) by corporate media like The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Atlantic magazine and other U.S. government echo chambers.

Randy Credico in Donetsk. [Source: Photo courtesy of Arnaud Develay]

The majority of citizens in Donbas voted to become part of the Russian Federation after the Obama administration backed a neo-fascist coup in February 2014.

Russia has long wanted cooperative relations with the U.S. and even to become a NATO member but was betrayed when NATO was expanded to multiple countries that surrounded Russia in violation of a pledge made by the George H.W. Bush administration to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Russia offered a peace treaty as recently as December 17, 2021, which Ukraine and the U.S./NATO simply ignored as part of their strategy to encourage a Russian invasion of Ukraine that could bog down Russia in a quagmire like in Afghanistan in the 1980s and provide a pretext for ratcheting up sanctions that could cause disaffection with Putin’s government and then regime change.

Randy’s on-the-ground reports were designed to help better inform the U.S. public about what is really going on in eastern Ukraine and totally contradicted the official propaganda emanating from both Ukraine and the U.S. State Department. They evidently caught the attention of this CIA-backed terrorist website as swiftly as the scent of blood in the water catches the attention of a killer shark.

*Steve Brown contributed to this article. ... t-website/


“Holodomor”: A Fact-Based Analysis
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 23, 2023
Anton, via Hampton Think Tank


In this piece, I will examine the situation in the Soviet Union, particularly in Ukraine, 1932–1933, of what is commonly referred to as “Holodomor”.

“Holodomor” refers to the claim of an “intentional man-made famine-genocide in Ukraine caused by Communist collectivization of the Soviet Union” or often times more specifically, of Stalin himself.

To begin, I will start with its origins. Its origins are widely credited to a Welsh man named Gareth Jones. Who was he? Jones before arriving in the Soviet Union in March of 1933, he was in nazi Germany. In an article entitled, “WITH HITLER ACROSS GERMANY” which was published on February 23rd of 1933, he outlines his experience flying on Hitler’s private plane along with other high ranking nazi officials such as Goebbels. In the piece he says of the nazi leaders, “There is nothing hard and Prussian about my fellow-passengers. They could not be more friendly and polite, even if I were a red-hot nazi myself.” Continuing, after fawning over the nazis, he says regarding Hitler: “There are two Hitlers — the natural boyish Hitler, and the Hitler who is inspired by tremendous national force, a great Hitler. It is the second Hitler who has stirred Germany to an awakening.” In a following article by Jones, he states regarding Goebbels that “He has a remarkably appealing personality, with a sense of humour and a keen brain. One feels at home with him immediately, for he is amusing and likeable.”

After leaving nazi Germany, he arrived in the Soviet Union. After arriving, Gareth Jones reported that “millions are dying of hunger”. In the article he gives multiple anecdotes of unidentified and nameless persons — devoid of any information of any backgrounds, of their class interests, etc — making claims such as “we are waiting for death”, while presenting the entirety of not only Ukraine but the entire Soviet Union, as a monolith.

Following this, on the 13th of April of 1933, Jones expands in this article his claim regarding the cause of the situation. He states “the main reason for the catastrophe in Russian agriculture is the Soviet policy of collectivisation.”

Today, by the “holodomor-genocide” campaigners, collectivization is pushed as being the sole cause of the situation. Despite this, Gareth Jones of all people, even admitted the following factors played a role: natural droughts in some areas, landowning kulaks who he says their “incentive to work disappeared”, “massacre of cattle by peasants not wishing to sacrifice their property for nothing to the collective farm”, and that “prices have dropped most in precisely those products, wheat, timber, oil, butter, & co., which the Soviet Union exports, and least in those products, such as machinery, which the Soviet Union imports”.

In the previously attached article from April 13th of 1933, Jones also predicted that the next harvest will likely be worse and stated, “The outlook for the next harvest is, therefore, black. It is dangerous to make any prophecy, for the miracle of perfect climatic conditions can always make good a part of the unfavourable factors.”

Jones placed the blame mainly on the Soviet policies of collectivization, but still admitted — unlike the “holodomor-genocide” campaigners of today — the previously stated factors. Today if you mention these factors, you are demonized by certain people as being just as bad as the people who deny the holocaust, that you are a genocide denier equal to a holocaust denier.

Here we have the following factors by Jones, aside from collectivization:


2.Exporting grain & co. for industry machinery

3.“Disincentives” among ex-landowners

4.Slaughter of cattle by disgruntled ex-landowners

Before moving forward, it is important to take into account the location and the era of which this situation had occurred. For centuries prior, the entire region had regularly struggled against famines and droughts, including in Ukraine. Due to the economic backwardness of the feudal era, the entire region was largely ill-prepared to overcome these situations. As Jones mentioned, the Soviet Union was importing machinery. This was true. The reason for this was that it was that industrialization, as part of the first five-year plan, was a key to improving the agricultural system and overcoming the famines which had been inherited from the pre-revolutionary era. In a sense, the decision was as follows: “Do not industrialize, save some food, and allow the famines to continue anyway, or do industrialize, sell some food, and try to overcome the famines as quickly as possible”.

According to anti-Communist Nicholas V. Riasanovsky in “A History of Russia”, he states that the Soviet Union went from being the 5th in terms of industrial power, to second, only behind the United States, within the span of the first five-year plan. This bares out in many ways that industrial production was rapidly expanding. The first of which is that after industrialization and the end of the second world war, the famines which had plagued the regions for centuries, had stopped. They did not worsen, or even continue. It is also made clear through the fact that the industry of the Soviet Union was capable of repelling nazi Germany to the point of pushing the Germans not only out of Moscow, but all the way back to Berlin and the Reichstag. Finally, it is also shown by official statistical data of the Soviet Union. Granted that many will claim statistics from the Soviet Union cannot be trusted at all or are entirely fabricated, the fact still remains that even the western capitalist governments such as the United Kingdom will begrudgingly admit that during the era “almost all heavy industries [in the Soviet Union] enjoyed substantial increases in production”.

From “Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard” by Douglas Tottle

Regarding the issue of kulaks having no “incentives” to work, Isaac Mazepa, a hardline nationalist who had nothing but hatred of the Soviet Union & Communism, admitted the same as Gareth. He notes in the excerpt that kulaks and nationalists had first began murdering collective farm workers and Communist officials then eventually adopted a “passive” form of resistance. He openly admits that kulaks and anti-Communists had intentionally and knowingly left ‘whole tracts unsown’ and left “20, 40, and even 50 per cent” of crops to rot in the fields. To reiterate, this is not being claimed by a Soviet government official or a Communist, but by a leader of the Ukrainian nationalists and anti-Communists.

The Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance has stated that “Starting in February 1933, in order to ensure the spring sowing campaign, assistance began to arrive in Ukrainian regions. It was designated for local party leaders and activists as well as for those who worked at the collective farms.” It is in this that we begin to realize the class character of the situation and understand a little more of the truth of the situation. Above, Jones noted that the ex-landowning class refused to work in collectives saying they had ‘no incentive’, then we have Mazepa stating that many refused to sow land and harvest grain in the collectives out of spite, then the Institute claims that the aid was given to what largely amounted to those who worked. In essence, the picture painted by these admissions is exactly what Louis Fischer had stated when he was in Ukraine in 1932, as shown below.

From “Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard” by Douglas Tottle

This begins to paint a picture of exactly who, largely but not exclusively, starved and suffered. Though “the kulaks starved themselves” is regarded as “Stalinist propaganda”, that is effectively something that the “holodomor-genocide” campaign itself has inadvertently through this admitted to be true.

According to the infamous anti-Communist Robert Conquest, he reaffirms that kulaks did in fact slaughter their own cattle out of spite.

“The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine” by Robert Conquest

Though some will undoubtedly claim that since these statistics come from the Seventeenth Party Congress in 1934 that it must be fake, despite Conquest even saying that the numbers are “supposedly lower than the reality”, it is shown to be evident due to the fact that Soviet documents report that the Soviet Union had to and did import cattle to attempt to replace some of that what the kulaks destroyed.

To summarize this far, it has been well-documented, even among anti-Communists of the early “holodomor-genocide” campaign, that in fact kulaks did refuse to work and actively acted to harm the production of the harvest, kulaks did slaughter their cattle out of spite for the collective farms, natural drought did impact the harvest’s quantity, and industrialization was crucial to stop the famines.

According to Gareth Jones, collectivization was supposedly the main reason for the situation of 1932–1933 and he said that famines would likely continue due to it. By the end of the year of 1931, according to official statistics, the percentage of farms that were collectivized was only at 52.7%. By the end of the year of 1933, the percentage of farms that had been collectivized rose to 65.6%. Had collectivization as a policy, in and of itself, been responsible for the situation, then it would only be inevitable that the situation would not only continue, but intensify and worsen. But it did not. Given that by the end of year of 1937 some 93% of farms had been collectivized, it would only make sense that if the situation from 1932–1933 had been caused by collectivization with only 52.7% of farms being collectives that in 1938 there would be a situation much, much, much worse and intense. But it wasn’t. Unfortunately, Jones was unable to witness this fact to prove his theory wrong for himself as he had passed away in 1935.

In addition, and despite some people (i.e., Norman Naimark) saying “The Soviet Union made no efforts to provide relief”, reports show that the Central Soviet Authorities sent hundreds of thousands of tonnes of food aid to Ukraine. In early February of 1933, Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk regions each received 3,300 tonnes of food aid. By the end of February, the Dnipropetrovsk region received 20,000 tonnes of food aid, Odessa received around 13,000 tonnes, and Kharkiv received almost 5,000 tonnes. Reports document that from February to June in the year of 1933, over 500,000 tonnes of food aid was sent to Ukraine.

According to archived documents, Joseph Stalin himself, along with Molotov, personally took it upon themselves to scold Joseph Vareikis, First Secretary of the Voronezh Regional Committee of the CPSU, on March 31st of 1933 for his objection to sending 26,000 pounds of potatoes to the Donbass region of Ukraine. These behaviors including, but not limited to, sending food aid and at that personally intervening to ensure food aid is being given, is fairly odd or strange behavior for, as the “holodomor-genocide” campaigners would say, a “genocidal maniac who wanted to kill Ukrainians”. Truly, there was no reason for Stalin to go as far as personally intervening in that situation as he did to ensure food aid was sent to Ukraine if he was genuinely trying to create a famine to crush Ukraine.

Regarding the issue of “intent”, on March 16th of 1932 the Politburo stated that “The Political Bureau believes that shortage of seed grain in Ukraine is many times worse than what was described in comrade Kosior’s telegram; therefore, the Political Bureau recommends the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine to take all measures within its reach to prevent the threat of failing to sow in Ukraine.”

This is one piece of conflicting evidence among many that was presented to Stalin and others of the Central Soviet Authorities. Conflicting reports of whether or not there was an issue, and if so to what degree or totality, by regional members and others in Ukraine casts doubt on the claim that Stalin was aware of the situation or that he was orchestrating it. Though the Central Soviet Authorities and Stalin were suspicious of it being worse than some had claimed, they still pushed for them to be careful and cautious.

Following that, Stalin wrote on the 2nd of July of 1932 to Lazar Kaganovich and to Molotov regarding Kosior and Vlas Chubar stating “Give the most serious attention to the Ukraine. Chubar’s corruptness and opportunistic essence and Kosior’s rotten diplomacy…and criminally frivolous attitude toward his job will eventually ruin Ukraine. These comrades are not up to the challenge of leading the Ukraine today.” By this point, it is without a doubt that Stalin is aware of the situation and automatically began to critically evaluate the situation and isolate the problems.

Shortly after this, Stalin sent another letter to Kaganovich on July 17th and mentions to Mr. Lazar that “These shortcomings are a great economic (and political!) danger to us”. The claim that this situation had been an intentional and man-made situation on behalf of Stalin & co. does not square up with this. For if it was, Stalin would not be concerned of these “shortcomings” and would certainly not be viewing them as ‘dangerous’ to them.

It is at this point that it is also worth noting the distinction between squarely blaming Communism & collectivization for the situation and between identifying elements or persons within the government as being responsible in part for the situation, in the way that Stalin identified specifically Kosior and Chubar and specific failures produced by them that in part led to this situation being able to develop under their watch.

By August 1st of 1932, Stalin wrote, and quite poignantly & savagely, regarding Kosior that “Instead of leading the raions, Kosior keeps maneuvering between the directives of the CC CPSU and the demands of the raikoms — and now he has maneuvered himself into a total mess”. Stalin continues, ripping into Chubar, stating that “Chubar is no leader. Things are bad with the GPU […] Unless we begin to straighten out the situation in Ukraine, we may well lose Ukraine.”

At this point, it becomes beyond evident that Stalin is now aware of the situation, is actively concerned about the situation and worried, is actively identifying the problems that have allowed this situation to unfold as it did, and began taking steps to begin to rectify the situation.

The situation 1932–1933 being viewed as a “genocide to crush Ukrainian nationalist resistance” is further undercut by the fact that the situation encompassed the entire union in varying levels and degrees. Nevertheless of the varying intensities, it included but was not limited to, Siberia, the Volga, the Kazakh ASSR, etc. With that being said, it was then not a man-made famine from the start, as some pretend, to “crush Ukraine” nor was it manipulated and weaponized to do the same. We’ve seen the true cause of the situation, that the food aid sent from other regions less impacted to more impacted regions such as Ukraine, and that the Georgian leader Stalin, the “evil Russian chauvinist who wanted to crush Ukraine”, personally intervened to make sure food aid was being sent when a regional official within the Russian Soviet Socialist Republic objected to sending aid to Ukrainians in Donbass.

The situation in 1932–1933 did lead to suffering and some death. But the level of which has been grossly inflated and exaggerated, disrespecting the people who actually did suffer and perish — it belittles the truth of the situation. The estimated range of the “holodomor-genocide” campaigners ranges from 3 million to as high as 12 million, some even higher, like Conquest alleging 14 million. Regarding these tolls, “starved to death” is not always accurate or truthful — intentionally or not. At the same time, there was a record outbreak of over a million cases of typhus and typhoid fever, a dramatic spike from the prior years and higher than in the rest of the Soviet Union. This resulted in a number of people dying due to the diseases, but not from hunger. However among certain historians, it is not differentiated, or even often noted — intentionally or not. That in fact many of the people who “starved to death” were not all people who did.

In 2010, in the same ruling that the Court of Appeals of Kiev decided to qualify the situation as a ‘genocide against Ukraine, to crush Ukraine’, they also made some noteworthy admissions. In it they claimed that 10,063,000 people had “died”. However, their qualification for a “death” is rather unusual. They note that 6,122,000 of the “deaths” are unborn people. Not even unborn babies that did not make it, but a person never born, a fetus never even conceived. Approximately 60% of the “deaths” were not even people that were even born! This is unimaginably childish logic, equivalent to saying one person being murdered is actually 10 people being murdered because that one person being murdered may have had kids and they may have had kids too, etc. According with the ruling, that leaves slightly under 4,000,000 people they claim were actually alive. Of the usual death toll claimed by the campaigners, the Ukrainian court’s is only a third. Meanwhile the Soviet archives estimate that around 1,800,000 people died.

The death toll alleged by the Ukrainian court was approximately 4,000,000 and the Soviet archives estimated 1,800,000 deaths during this period, which includes from the typhus outbreak, typhoid fever, etc. The number of deaths during this period being so significantly lower than what today’s “holodomor-genocide” campaigners claim may be relevant to the fact that Jones himself had admitted on May 13th of 1933 that he never actually saw any dead people. Jones stated that “Mr. Duranty says that I saw in the villages no dead human beings nor animals. That is true…” continuing, he implies that the reason he didn’t see anybody who had died during his entire trip that all of the people who had died were buried before he had the chance to witness a single person who had died.

For whatever reasons, since the 1930’s, and even to this day, the “holodomor-genocide” campaigners repeatedly and constantly use photos from regions and eras which are not 1932–1933 Ukraine. Beyond simply ordinary people who falsely attribute a photo, whether it is intentional or not, it is also “journalists” and other so-called “experts” such as Anne Applebaum.

Anne Applebaum fraudulently using a photo of Russian children in the 1920’s as an example of “holodomor” in Ukraine in an article she wrote for the British tabloid called “The Times”

Unfortunately, and for some reason, this is a reoccurrence throughout the campaign.

Anne Reid fraudulently using a photo of Russian children in the 1920’s as an example of “holodomor” in an article she wrote for the American rag “The Wall Street Journal”

Above all, the misusing of photos is truly horrific and reckless. In the carelessness, or even in cases of intentional deceitfulness, the “holodomor-genocide” campaign citing photos from the Volga in the 1920’s or using photos from other famines disrespects the people who had actually perished or suffered in the photos we see.

From the anti-Communist “Black Book of Communism” where it openly admits that Ukrainian nationalists conducted pogroms and sought to create an ethno-state and purge ethnic minorities

Before moving forward, we must address what and who the “Ukrainian nationalists” were, that the Central Soviet Authorities and Stalin wanted to allegedly “genocide”. One major manifestation of Ukrainian nationalism existed in form of the fascistic Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) — which eventually extended itself into the “Ukrainian Insurgent Army”, of which both collaborated with nazi Germany and actively participated in atrocities of the holocaust such as the massacre of Babi Yar. Before and during the Soviet revolution, before the OUN was formed, the Ukrainian nationalists perpetuated some of the most horrific pogroms of the early 20th century.

Website of the with bios of various leading members. In this bio, it states that Mykhailo Kolodzinsky was trained in fascist Italy — in 1932 through 1933 — along with the fascist Croatian Ustaše. This was in fact at the will of the National Executive of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists.

The Ukrainian nationalists had connections and ties to among other fascist organizations and leaders, the Italian fascist regime.

From the book “Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist: Fascism, Genocide, and Cult” by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe

The exact nature, the characteristic of what this rabid nationalism entails is fairly easy to understand — a similar variant of the nationalism by the nazi Germans.

From the book “Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist: Fascism, Genocide, and Cult” by Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe

This becomes much more clear and visible after 1932–1933 in which the Ukrainian nationalists are emboldened by the rise of Hitler in 1933 and become more violent and destructive. As a matter of fact, through analyzing “Ukrainian nationalism” and what ideology came with it (fascism, pursuing an ethno-state, etc) and the acts of the Ukrainian nationalists themselves (i.e., violent pogroms against ethnic minorities, aiding nazi Germany in committing crimes in the holocaust, etc) further bares out the truth of what “Ukrainian nationalism” exactly entails and means and what the people who bore that identity did and believed in.

Prominent Ukrainian nationalist, Eugene Onatskyi, regarding what “Ukrainian nationalism” actually means. From “Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist : Fascism, Genocide, and Cult” By Grzegorz Rossolinsk

Though the disdain for this nationalist movement by the Soviet authorities is brought up by “holodomor-genocide” campaigners, it is presented as if it was only the Ukrainian nationalists who received disdain. In fact, all sectarian ethnic nationalisms were treated in kind. German nazi collaborator Russian nationalist General Vlasov, in a similar sense to the Ukrainian nationalists, viewed Stalin and in fact Communism as being evil and the greatest threat to “his people”. In the civil war, the White Armies were largely a rabid Russian nationalist movement that the Red Army obliterated. When the White Armies failed, younger nationalists turned to German-style fascism; in Konstantin Rodzaevsky and the Russian Fascist Party were extremely nationalistic. Rodzaevsky was executed in August of 1946 after he voluntarily handed himself over to Soviet authorities after he had previously “fled” to land occupied by imperial Japan. Stalin, who was Georgian, also maintained an equal hostility to the rabid Georgian nationalist movement. It was Georgian Stalin who led the Soviet forces against the Georgian nationalist “August uprising” in 1924 and it was under Stalin that the rabid Georgian nationalist leaders were executed for their nationalistic treason.

The Black Book of Communism (page 231) counts executed and gulaged Russian nationalist nazi collaborators as ‘victims of Communism’

The idea that Stalin was uniquely hostile to bourgeois Ukrainian nationalism becomes less and less plausible as you examine Stalin’s hostility to the rest of the sectarian bourgeois nationalist movements, including the Georgian bourgeois nationalist movement.

Regarding the issue of “genocide”, we must first define it. According to the Genocide Convention of the U.N., it states “genocide” as being “intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”. In order for something to be qualified as a “genocide”, it must be that there was intent to kill or otherwise destroy said groups. That is more like the European colonialists invading the Americas and telling the Native people, such as through the Spanish requirement of 1513, that they must “submit, or we will kill everybody”, as they did. As noted above, the situation had been created through various factors, none of which were intentional by means of the Soviet Union, but of which a couple included intentional acts by the Ukrainian landowning class & Ukrainian nationalists — again, even admitted by Jones himself. It’s also been established that the Central Soviet Authorities had sent massive amounts of food aid to Ukraine, and that Joseph Stalin himself intervened against regional authorities of the Russian region in order to ensure food was taken from Russians and being given to Ukrainians.

The issue of “genocide” specifically, as a qualifying term, the vast majority of countries on this planet have rejected it. Of the nearly 200 countries on this planet, the vast majority reject the “holodomor-genocide” claim. Of the ones that do, let’s examine a few of them briefly. You have the U.S. which genocided millions of Native peoples in the Americas, Australia which genocided hundreds of thousands of Native peoples, Belgium which committed a genocide in the “Congo Free State”, Canada which genocided Native people, Israel which is currently genociding Palestinians, etc. Regardless, even with these genocidal countries accepting the “holodomor-genocide” campaign, it remains that the vast majority of the countries of the planet do not.

Upon analyzing and breaking down the “holodomor-genocide” campaign’s theory and the implications, it becomes much more visible as a violent and dangerous campaign. The campaign claims that Stalin fighting bourgeois-minded Ukrainian nationalism was tantamount to genocide. However, when you break down this logic and apply it elsewhere, it becomes more visible as the foolish logic that it is. If Stalin destroying rabid bourgeois nationalism that sought to create an ethno-state in Ukraine, which was part of the Ukrainian society, was “genocide”, then what would that mean for the crushing of bourgeois German nazi nationalism, when that was part of German society and resulted “in part” the destruction of some Germans? This logic would then also foolishly and wrongly interpret, for instance, the Haitian revolution as “white genocide” since it targeted and destroyed the French colonialists. And so forth. The notion that any of these can be considered “genocide” is far from being logical or sensible.

The Central Soviet Authorities had stated on December 14th of 1932 that Ukrainization policy had inadvertently given legal cover to rabid bourgeois nationalist elements to organize anti-Soviet agitation, treason. In the decree which is cited by the campaigners as proof of a secret conspiracy to crush Ukraine, if you actually read it, it states that they recommend them “expel petliurites” (the rabid Ukrainian nationalists who had conducted pogroms under Symon Petliura) and others, and for them to carefully supervise the implementation of Ukrainization as to not embolden the rabid elements. It also states the following: “…instead of the correct Bolshevik implementation of nationality policy, “ukrainization” was carried out mechanically in a number of raions of Ukraine, failing to take into consideration the peculiarities of every raion and without the meticulous selection of Bolshevik cadres. This made it easier for bourgeois nationalist elements, petliurites and others to create their legal facades and counterrevolutionary cells and organizations.”

The Black Book of Communism openly portraying the OUN/UPA terrorists who participated in murdering Jews with the nazis such as in Babi Yar, where they set up the syrets concentration camp as heroic victims who fought against the “Communists and Jews”

This was evidently true as the fascist OUN had formed and began to rise under this policy which bourgeois-minded Ukrainian nationalists had exploited. These elements of Ukrainian society, the bourgeois-nationalist elements, that eventually collaborated with nazi Germany and sought to create an ethno-state had themselves proven in retrospect that Stalin was correct to be critical of them and their nationalist movement. They were not going to be happy until an ethno-state was created. This is the so-called “national liberation” movement of the Ukrainian nationalists which Stalin allegedly crushed, though the Ukrainian nationalists and the OUN persisted. This further demonstrates, in retrospect, that the so-called “national liberation” of the rabid Ukrainian nationalists who are portrayed as victims of “Stalinist repression” are less like a legitimate national liberation movement such as that of the Haitian national liberation and more like the bourgeois-nationalist nazi German movement which sought a distorted and truly fucked concept of “national liberation”, to create an ethno-state and remove ethnic minorities.

The “holodomor-genocide” claim of today is even more detached from reality than the campaigners of decades prior. The ethnic interpretation of the situation 1932–1933, and especially of the magnitude they claim and in claiming that it was an intentional genocide to crush Ukrainians, is far from the truth. The conception that a famine was created as a weapon to “stop Ukrainian national liberation”, above all, makes the assertion that the rabid Ukrainian nationalists of the OUN & co. were in fact “liberators”, good people, not evil like the German nazis. OUN-B leader Yaroslav Stetsko stated in July of 1941 that he supports “the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine”.

The rehabilitation of the rabid Ukrainian nationalists such as the OUN & UPA is an inevitable consequence and implication of accepting the “holodomor-genocide” claim. This rehabilitation should be rejected, forcefully. The perception of the Ukrainian nationalists as being “heroes” rather than, as they actually were, pogromists and nazi collaborators who committed some of the most horrific crimes in the holocaust and sought to create an ethno-state, is highly objectionable. The “holodomor-genocide” claim, de facto, asserts that these people are “victims”. It’s at this moment that we begin to see exactly why the comparison between the “holodomor-genocide” and the holocaust is so incredibly insidious. The holocaust was the large-scale systematic killing of ethnic minorities and other groups of peoples, especially Jewish people, by the German nazis and their collaborators, of which included the Ukrainian nationalist movement. Meanwhile the “holodomor-genocide” campaign claims that the Ukrainian nationalists who perpetuated pogroms before the 1930’s and the crimes of the holocaust in the 1940’s are the same as their victims who they massacred in the holocaust.

In summary, we have established the following facts regarding the situation 1932–1933:

1.Natural drought played a role in creating the situation

2.Ex-landowning kulaks and Ukrainian nationalists did in fact refuse to work, murder collective workers, slaughter their own cattle, and otherwise actively sabotage the sowing and harvesting campaigns

3.Importing industrial machinery was the reason for exporting amounts of food in order to increase production as fast as possible

4.The cycle of famines which had existed for centuries prior and inherited by the Soviet authorities ended after the industrialization and collectivization policies had been fully implemented and the nazi invasion had ended

5.Under Stalin, the Ukrainization policy went into effect for over a decade before being changed due to rabid bourgeois Ukrainian nationalist elements exploiting it for treasonous activities

6.Stalin did not harbor any unique hostility to the Ukrainian nationalists anymore than he did the Russian nationalists who he fought in the civil war or even the Georgian nationalists who he fought in the August uprising

7.The Ukrainian nationalist movement in question was heavily tied to anti-semitism & fascistic beliefs before the 1930’s and exposed themselves in their true goals by aligning with nazi Germany in their hopes to create an ethno-state

8.Central Soviet Authorities sent hundreds of thousands of tonnes of food to the Ukrainians from other regions and Stalin himself personally intervened to scold a regional Russian official objecting to sending aid and made him send food

9.The situation of hunger encompassed the entire union to varying degrees, including impacting ethnic Russians

10.The situation in Ukraine during 1932–1933 was not intentional or man-made by Joseph Stalin or the Central Soviet Authorities

11.The overwhelming and vast majority of countries on this planet do not recognize this situation as being a “genocide”

The idea of “holodomor” as an intentional or man-made genocide which specifically targeted Ukrainians and was used to crush Ukrainian nationalists fails on multiple fronts. Due to the nature of this perspective, I am without a doubt positive that words will be placed in my mouth alluding to me claiming it was utopian or something of that nature, but I would just like to categorically say that during this period some people did die. Though we’ve established that a large portion of the people who did die were people from the ex-landowning class who refused to work or actively pursued actions to sabotage the harvest and lessen the production of food, which was unfortunately largely successful, as it played a major role in creating this situation, that did result in some innocent people suffering and dying. In my view, the situation of 1932–1933 was tragic, but the false claims, notions, and the ensuing logic of the “holodomor-genocide” campaign should be vehemently rejected. ... -analysis/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:02 pm

after the riot
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/27/2023


The armed mutiny carried out by a part of Evgeny Prigozhin's private army, and which for practically a full day allowed experts and Ukrainian and Western propagandists portraying Russia under a coup, in civil war and with the imploding state, continues to focus political debate in Moscow, Kiev and even Western capitals. The events have also caused all kinds of speculations that have been favored by the few details that are available so far to know especially how the negotiation process that finally put an end to the rebellion took place and, above all, the actual terms of the agreement. between the owner of Wagner and the Russian and Belarusian states. Throughout the last three days, all kinds of theories or wishes have been heard in this way that,

It goes without saying that the dismissal of the Minister of Defense or the Chief of the General Staff -both severely questioned for months due to the operational, logistical and intelligence deficiencies that have weighed down Russian troops in the war- as a result of a mutiny An armed attack organized by a private military company would have been a sign of weakness for Russia that it cannot afford. Last weekend he showed the danger of privatizing the monopoly of violence and its delegation to private groups with economic and political interests and the risk implied by the dependence on external structures to compensate for the reduction in the number of troops in the professional army that have the reforms of the last three decades. This weakness manifested itself in the insistence of the Russian authorities, from the first moment of the rebellion, to guarantee soldiers immunity precisely to ensure that they can count on these troops at the front at a time when Moscow cannot afford to lose a large number of troops. The dismissal of Shoigu or Gerasimov, whose errors during the planning of the special military operation and the development of the war could well justify their dismissals, after an armed mutiny with a military convoy advancing on the capital would have further undermined the already battered image of the Russian state. Hence, there was no mention of Shoigu or Gerasimov in the announcement of the de-escalation agreement whose visible face was Alexander Lukashenko, but in which other people participated in which, as it has been learned, the governor of Tula, Alexey Diumin, whose name is one of the favorites to replace the Minister of Defense.

In the hours after the agreement that put an end to an armed mutiny that has revealed the contradictions of the Russian state, little prepared to deal with the political consequences of the war, a person with clear economic and power aspirations, Evgeny Prigozhin, has sought to bring the discourse to his terrain. It is there, in the media field, where Prigozhin has managed to gain a presence and prominence that he has subsequently tried to translate into control and levels of power. In his first communication after the closure of the armed episode, the owner of Wagner insisted on the main points that he had maintained last Saturday and fell back into the same contradictions. Vladimir Putin's speech, who did not even want to mention Prigozhin's name, in which he called the events that were unfolding treason, it eliminated any possibility that the owner of Wagner could obtain relevant political support. Winning Putin's support may have been the goal of Prigozhin, who has been seen in the past as close to the Russian president. However, this intervention caused a rapid alignment of all the relevant political forces on the part of the State and its commander-in-chief. Without political support and among the disbelief and even apathy of the population, only explicit support from a part of the regular army could make Wagner achieve his objectives.

Prigozhin insisted yesterday that his actions did not amount to a coup nor was his objective the overthrow of the political regime. It is not difficult to see that the movement was not seeking to do away with Vladimir Putin, to whom Wagner's owner had repeatedly sworn allegiance, but rather against the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff. Putin's speech and the complete absence of any show of solidarity with Wagner from the regular army or even the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics leaves no room for Prigozhin to now insist on that failed goal. Hence, Wagner returns to the idea of ​​the "march for justice" and insists using arguments of doubtful credibility. In his communication yesterday, Prigozhin claimed to have given "a master class on what February 24 should have been like", a questionable argument considering that his troops fell into similar mistakes at that time. Hoping for social, political and part of the army support that never came, the Russian troops advanced towards kyiv without the necessary air cover and exposed to the opponent. The apparently rapid initial advance, even then with practically no resistance, did not bear fruit and, without achieving the objectives, the Russian troops had to turn around and return to their bases, just as Wagner's troops did some 200 kilometers away - that is at least Prigozhin's version - of reaching the Russian capital. As Shoigu did at that time, Prigozhin also tries to claim to have fulfilled his objectives, something obviously false as long as there are no changes in the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

What happened on Saturday, the movement of a significant amount of troops and equipment, apparently orchestrated by Dmitry Utkin, a figure even more obscure and politically even more to the right than Prigozhin, requires planning that directly conflicts with the motive alleged by the owner. Wagner to start the rebellion. Prigozhin alleges to justify the riot a bombing that, he says, took place on Friday and cost 30 lives, a fallacious argument considering that Western intelligence agencies had detected the preparation of the riot several days before. The question of why Russian intelligence did not do it is another of the questions that remain in the air. Wagner's owner, who also alleges massive support from the population that simply did not exist, insists on blaming Russian aviation for the blood spilled. Prigozhin claims that his troops shot down several Russian VKS helicopters due to their shelling. Wagner's owner lies: a large part of the destroyed planes were attacked on the ground, something that has caused enormous anger in Russian aviation, which wonders who will have to pay for the destroyed planes.

The fog of war from this grotesque spectacle has not yet dissipated and there are many speculations that persist. One of them, the fate of Wagner's foreign missions, was revealed yesterday. Although the Russian legislature has paralyzed until further notice the study of the law that was intended to regulate the operation of private security companies, Sergey Lavrov affirmed yesterday that the services that Wagner's mercenaries provided in countries such as Mali or the Central African Republic will continue. In these cases, these security services provided by the soldiers of Russian origin are both a support to those states in their attempt to stabilize complex situations - in which Wagner has been accused, in many cases with evident evidence, of serious crimes - as a form of Russian presence on the continent. Both aspects make Wagner's soldiers necessary to the Russian state, especially as it tries to win allies far from the West. However, it must also be remembered that Wagner's operations in Africa are limited, as shown by the numbers of troops that are handled: about 400 in Mali or 1,400 in the Central African Republic. The importance of the company in these missions is for Prigozhin an ace up his sleeve that he will now try to use for his benefit, trying to maintain at least control, direct or via proxy, over this lucrative foreign business.

In his statement, Prigozhin also claimed to have saved Wagner from being liquidated, not only by imaginary bombing, but also administratively. However, as expected based on the words and actions of the Russian representatives, Wagner's future as a group in Russia has been put on hold. In a speech delivered in the evening, his first appearance after his nervous speech on Saturday, Vladimir Putin gave Wagner's soldiers three options: sign a contract with the Defense Ministry, return home or move to Belarus. Everything indicates that Wagner will thus be blurred among different units of the Russian regular troops or abroad.

Prigozhin is aware that the shortage of troops to maintain his war effort in Ukraine and Syria and the presence in Africa make his company necessary, an argument that has given him some bargaining power even despite his mutiny in recent days. However, it is also significant that, despite what was stated on Sunday, the case initiated by the FSB against Prigozhin has not been closed. This open cause can mean an immediate arrest and extradition to Russia in case the businessman is not able to comply with his part of the agreement. ... more-27603

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Prigozhin's Farce Is Over And It Is Clear Who Has Won

The Prigozhin's insurrection farce is over. I had predicted that it would not take long to end:

In twelve or so hours things are likely to have calmed down.

About eight hours after I published the above Prigozhin had given up and left the scene.

Prigozhin had launched his hopeless mutiny after the Defense Ministry had demanded that all his men sign contacts with the Russian army. That would have taken away the autonomy of his Wagner outlet and with it a large chunk of his profits. The run of his troops towards Moscow was a desperate attempt to get Putin's attention and to make him reverse the ministry's plans.

To justify his move Prigozhin had claimed that Russian miliary forces had attacked a Wagner camp and killed a number of its troops. To prove that he published a video that shows some trash in the woods but no dead soldiers. It was an obvious fake.

Putin had already publicly agreed to the ministry's plans and he is not the man who reverses his decisions on a dime, or under pressure. After Putin's Saturday morning TV speech, during which he accused Prigozhin of treason without naming him, it was clear that there was no chance for the mutiny to have any success. Many of Russia's governors and high ranking military soon assured Putin publicly of their loyalty.

As far as is known none of Wagner's military commanders and only a few thousand of its 25,000 troops had joined Prigozhin in his lunatic run. No one in Russia changed sides or supported him. When the Wagner troops entered Rostov on the Don the people who talked with his soldiers were critical of their presence. When Wagner were leaving without further bloodshed the people applauded. To interpret that as support for Prigozhin, as some 'western' analysts did, is false. The people were just happy that the whole stunt was over.

Finally the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, likely on request from Putin, got Prigozhin on the phone, used some very strong words and negotiated a deal. If Prigozhin goes into exile in Belarus he will not be bothered any further. But the Russian prosecutors will not yet close the treason case against him. Should he again make a hassle he will likely end up in jail.

Prigozhin may be allowed to take some of his troops with him to Belarus. But the large majority will come under the command of the Russian military and will be transformed into some special unit. The French foreign legion may be an good example for such a force and its potential use.

In previous years Prigozhin's companies had made large profits by catering to the needs of the Russian military. The contracts they have will likely end and his personal fortune will take a big hit. The good days are over for him.

The Biden administration is claiming that the whole affair has weakened Putin:

QUESTION: But just staying on Vladimir Putin for a minute, do you believe that this is the beginning of the end for Vladimir Putin?

SECRETARY BLINKEN: I don’t want to speculate about that. This is, first of all, an internal matter for Russia. What we’ve seen is this, though. We’ve seen this aggression against Ukraine become a strategic failure across the board. Russia is weaker economically, militarily. Its standing around the world has plummeted. It’s managed to get Europeans off of Russian energy. It’s managed to unite and strengthen NATO with new members and a stronger Alliance. It’s managed to alienate from Russia and unite together Ukraine in ways that it’s never been before. This is just an added chapter to a very, very bad book that Putin has written for Russia. But what’s so striking about it is it’s internal. The fact that you have, from within, someone directly questioning Putin’s authority, directly questioning the premises that – upon which he launched this aggression against Ukraine, that in and of itself is something very powerful. It adds cracks. Where those go, when they get there, too soon to say. But it clearly raises new questions that Putin has to deal with.

Some well sponsored 'sources' agree with that position:

Meduza’s sources added that the rebellion weakens Putin’s position: “He was unable to get down to Prigozhin’s level, but he was nowhere to be found after yesterday’s national address. He’s the first in command, and takes control when necessary. He shouldn’t make Lukashenko the public face and allow Russia’s security officials [siloviki] to lead negotiations.”

As does the Washington Post:

On Saturday morning, in the face of Prigozhin’s advance, Putin warned of the “brutal” response to be meted out on what he described as a “rebellion” launched by “traitors.” By the evening, his chief spokesman announced that looming charges against Prigozhin would be dropped and that Wagner fighters who did not participate in the mutiny would be offered contracts by the Russian Defense Ministry.
The climb-down revealed a fragility and instability at the heart of Russian power.

There are also all kind of conspiracy theories. Will Schryer thinks the whole affair was a psychological operation to smoke out potential traitors. Agit Papadakis claims that this was part of some internal conflict:

With the Putin-Prigo deal, the siloviki have gotten rid of three birds with one stone: Prigo is out forever, exiled to Belarus with Lukashenko as his no-nonsense parole officer, the criminal element in Wagner near and dear to Prigo will be shipped off to Africa, and Putin is disgraced forever, having lost the respect of both the Kremlin and the Russian people. He will now be a powerless figurehead like his brain-dead enemy Biden, taking orders instead of giving them.

I disagree with those opinions as I see no sign that Putin came away from it as anything but the winner.

I am joint in that by Larry Johnson who writes:

The West wants to believe that Putin is weak and unpopular — I would note that not a single respected critic of Putin endorsed Prigozhin’s mutiny and that all political leaders across the breadth of Russia lined up behind Putin when the rest of the world was celebrating (prematurely) the demise of the Russian leader.

Watching Russian talk shows, Gilbert Doctorow has a similar take:

Without any assistance from me, consumers of mainstream Western media know very well the official interpretation that, as always, is being handed down from Washington and is re-posted by our journalists as their own original reporting: how the Prigozhin affair demonstrates the fragility of dictatorships, how it shows the real weakness of the Putin regime, and so forth, and so on.
I will offer here a glimpse into what is now being said in Russian public space. I say ‘a glimpse,’ because the diversity of views inside Russia is almost as vast as the country itself and only our ignorant and bigoted opinion formers in the West miss that point.
The third panelist on the Solovyov show whom I will cite very briefly was Alexander Babakov, deputy chair of the State Duma and a parliamentarian from the United Russia party. His point was that the armed mutiny failed because it was rejected by the regular Army, by the Russian government at all levels and by the people as a whole. In this way, Russia demonstrated to the world its unity in time of war, its readiness to stand up to the Collective West. The lesson for the West was precisely the strength of the country and of its Commander in Chief.

Is anyone listening in Washington?

The former Indian ambassador M.K. Bhadrakumar agrees:

Blinken has piled up a consistent record for being horribly wrong on his assessments on Russia — starting from the deathly blow the ‘sanctions from hell’ were expected to give to the Russian economy; Putin’s hold on power; Russia’s catastrophic defeat in Ukraine; Russian military’s deficiencies; Kiev’s inexorable military victory, and so on.
In this case, he has reason to feel embittered particularly because of the spectacular unity of the Russian state, political elite, media, regional and federal bureaucracy, and the military and security establishment in rallying behind Putin. Arguably, Putin’s political stature is now unchallengeable and unassailable in Russia and the Americans have to live with that reality long after Joe Biden’s departure from the scene.

Today Prigozhin again tried to justify his 'march for justice' as he calls it and again repeats the evidence free claim of the attack on his group. He also claims that his operation demonstrated the problems in the Russian military and the quality of Wagner.

But in fact there was at no moment any danger for Russia. The Russian airforce could have destroyed the Wagner convoys on their way to Moscow at a few minutes notice. His troops in Rostov-on-Don were surrounded by the Chechen troops of Ramzan Kadyrov who had rushed to the city and were prepared to fight Wagner down.

I don't think that there is a chance that Prigozhin will ever have a come back. He is finished and he has only himself to blame for it.

Posted by b on June 26, 2023 at 15:46 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Why are NATO ISR and Heavy Weapons in the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 26, 2023
Drago Bosnic


Amid numerous disturbing reports about possible false flag operations involving nuclear devices and weapons, the Kiev regime seems to be escalating its actions in this regard. According to various local sources, the South Ukraine Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), located in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in the Nikolayev region (oblast), has been effectively taken over by the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Although troops have been stationed in and around the NPP since the start of the special military operation (SMO), in recent weeks this has escalated. Apparently, mysterious “guards” have appeared at the NPP and have even restricted access to the reactor facilities, including to the staff responsible for the critically important maintenance of the reactor and the NPP’s key systems and subsystems.

Worse yet, the “guards” are offering no explanation for their behavior, nor does anyone else, be it the military or civilian authorities. In essence, nobody really knows for sure, but many people are skeptical (to say the least). The “guards” have even placed what can only be described as ammunition crates inside the NPP. And it doesn’t seem to be small arms ammunition, but something much bigger, such as shells or even rockets, all of which have foreign markings. For over a year, there have been numerous reports about the Kiev regime hiding NATO-sourced weapons there, obviously in an attempt to prevent their destruction. Needless to say, having any sort of weapons at a nuclear facility of any kind is suicidal in and of itself, but having shells and rockets stored there is simply criminal.

This is particularly dangerous as the political West and the Neo-Nazi junta have been insisting that Russia is supposedly planning to use a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine, supposedly due to mythical “battlefield losses”. On the other hand, Moscow has repeatedly issued warnings about the Kiev regime’s plans to build a so-called “dirty bomb”, for which it has more than enough enriched uranium stored in several Soviet-era NPPs across Ukraine. The previous scenario is extremely unlikely, as it’s not in Russia’s interest to use nuclear weapons. However, Moscow’s “dirty bomb” warnings are certainly not to be dismissed, as the Neo-Nazi junta has been threatening to acquire nuclear weapons for years. This includes threats by the Kiev regime frontman Volodymyr Zelensky himself.

Latest intelligence data suggests that the South Ukraine NPP is also being used as an ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) command and control center for most NATO forces covertly stationed in Ukraine. This is hardly unexpected and is in line with the previous message Russia sent to the belligerent alliance after it hit an underground bunker where hundreds of NATO officers were deployed to command and coordinate their favorite puppet regime’s troops. According to varying estimates, up to 400 officers and other staff were neutralized in a hypersonic missile strike (presumably involving a single 9-A-7660 “Kinzhal”). Obviously, in order to ensure such high casualties among high-value assets are avoided, NATO most likely decided to deploy its higher-ranking personnel in NPPs, knowing that Russia will not target those.

This could also explain why the United States and NATO are suddenly parroting about invoking Article 5 in case of a supposed Russian use of tactical nuclear weapons or if an attack on an NPP causes radiation spikes. Both scenarios clearly imply that a false flag is in the works, as this is precisely how the political West operates during its countless aggressions against the world. The belligerent power pole first threatens to attack in case the side they are targeting does something, and then, all of a sudden, the targeted country supposedly does “exactly that”, even though it’s clearly not in its interest. Obviously, such a scenario is virtually impossible to implement against a country like Russia without leading to a world-ending thermonuclear confrontation.

It has now become clear that the political West is aware of just how much of a failure the Neo-Nazi junta’s much-touted counteroffensive has been, leading to attempts to thwart any possible Russian counterattack that might have devastating consequences for the Kiev regime. This might be attempted through direct intervention by NATO, as the political West probably believes that such escalation could be controlled. And a possible false flag operation simulating a Russian attack on the South Ukraine NPP (or even the Zaporozhye NPP) might be used as an excuse for that. Still, considering how risky such a scenario is, the belligerent power pole might even contemplate the delivery of nuclear weapons to the Neo-Nazi junta in an attempt to cause a localized nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has already hinted at this possibility, warning that the delivery of nuclear-capable F-16 fighter jets might be the way for the political West to achieve such a scenario. However, for its part, Moscow has warned that this would certainly not be a localized confrontation, as the Kiev regime’s puppet masters would also suffer the consequences of their rabidly Russophobic actions in Ukraine. The already thin line between global peace and thermonuclear annihilation is getting thinner by the day due to the US-led belligerent power pole’s unrelenting aggression against Russia. The political West has a clear choice of considering an off-ramp solution that might avert a catastrophe of global proportions. Still, it’s pushing for further escalation. ... wer-plant/


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023

In the north of the Vremievsky salient, Ukrainian formations were able to occupy Rivnopol . After occupying the settlement, the enemy advanced somewhat towards Priyutnoye . In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced in landings near Makarovka to Staromayorsky , but they could not achieve serious success.

In the Kherson direction, fighting continues in the area of ​​​​the Antonovsky bridge on the left bank of the Dnieper, where the enemy managed to take positions near the structure. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to work on squeezing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the site.

In the evening, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the nation, thanking the society for consolidating during the Saturday events. The head of state also noted the feat of the pilots of the Russian Aerospace Forces and thanked the commanders of the Wagner PMC, who stopped during their rebellious march on Moscow.


Evening address of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin
Putin thanked the people of Russia for their solidarity and patriotism. The highest consolidation of society is shown. Everyone took a single position - the entire Russian society. Everyone was united by responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland.

According to the head of state, from the very beginning of the events, decisions were made to neutralize the threat and protect the constitutional order. In any case, an armed rebellion would have been suppressed - the organizers could not help but understand this. The organizers went to criminal actions, splitting the country at the moment when at the front with the words "Not a step back!" our comrades are dying.

The President said that the organizers of the rebellion pushed their subordinates to shoot at their own. This is what the enemies of Russia wanted: for Russia to lose, and society to split, choke in bloody civil strife. They rubbed their hands, wanting to take revenge in the so-called counteroffensive. Putin thanked the power structures and law enforcement agencies. The courage of the fallen pilots saved Russia from tragic events.

They tried to use the fighters of PMC "Wagner" in the dark. From the very beginning, steps were taken to resolve the crisis and conflict. Vladimir Putin thanked the Wagner commanders who stopped at the last line. Now they have the opportunity to conclude a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense, other power structures or go to Belarus. This is their choice - the choice of warriors who have realized their mistake. In addition, Putin thanked Lukashenka for his contribution to resolving the situation.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the border regions in the north-west of Ukraine, the high activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remains. The movement of columns of military equipment and people has remained the same. DRGs are scurrying along the border territories, and UAVs are actively working in the air.

Earlier, we said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are considering the option of attacking Valuiki because of its location: an important logistical interchange passes through the city and its environs, through which the supply of the Russian group in the LPR is organized. Now, enemy movements have also been noted near the borders of the Kursk and Bryansk regions. More than 100 people were deployed to Seredina-Buda , and a convoy of automotive vehicles in the amount of 27 units arrived in Znob-Novgorodskoye . Also, units of the 117th brigade of the territorial defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were located in the Krasnopolsky district and in the vicinity of Bolshaya Pisarevka. Three 152-mm Akatsiya howitzers and two T-72 tanks were moved to Kamenka in the south of the Sumy region.

And against the background of displacements in the Sumy region, activity in the Kharkiv region has sharply decreased. Now, in the areas bordering the Belgorod region, for the most part, only artillery is working, and there are no visible signs of a concentration of forces near the border. However, a pontoon crossing was restored in Stary Saltov to simplify logistics from Kharkov to the Volchansky district. The decrease in the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may be associated with elementary masking of actions.

In late June - early July, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for the next phase of the offensive, so strikes along the front line are quite expected, including from the Sumy region. The Ukrainian command needs to stretch the forces of the RF Armed Forces and strike in the least protected direction.

In the Starobelsky direction, fierce fighting continues in the Serebryansky forestry, where the Russian troops managed to expand the zone of control, and on the ledge near Torsky. Fighting in the area continues, artillery is actively working on Ukrainian formations.

In the Bakhmut direction, fierce battles were fought in the area of ​​​​Kleshcheevka, Yagodnoye and Berkhovka. In the Berkhovka area, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered significant losses and could not achieve any success.

There are no significant changes in the Donetsk direction . After the capture of the fortified area "Zverinets" in the Maryinka area, Russian troops are fighting at the previously occupied positions. In the ruins of Marinka itself, fierce clashes continue behind Druzhby Avenue.

On the Vremyevsky ledge , Ukrainian formations occupied the village of Rivnopol , evidence of this was the footage published by the enemy. Soldiers of the RF Armed Forces could take up positions near forest plantations to the south of the village: they are located on a small hill relative to Rovnopol. They attacked the Armed Forces of Ukraine immediately after the end of the night rain. Units of the 36th brigade and 31st brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced from Levadny and Bolshaya Novoselka to Priyutnoye and Rovnopol.

After the capture of Rovnopol, the enemy was able to move somewhat towards Priyutnoye . At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to advance in landings near Makarovka towards Staromayorsky , but did not achieve serious success. Now the Ukrainian formations continue to draw up reserves to the Vremievsky ledge, planning to continue attacks on Russian positions.

The situation in the Zaporozhye direction remains stably tense. The enemy is transferring units of 10 AK to the area of ​​Veselyanka, Novoyakovlevka, Yulyevka, Kushugum and Grigorovk and. Artillery is actively working on the line of contact, the enemy is making sorties, probing the defenses.

At night, the enemy attacked in assault groups of 6-8 people. On the Novodanilovka-Rabotino direction , Ukrainian formations were driven back from the previously lost positions of the Russian Armed Forces. Fighting continues in the area of ​​Pyatihatki . The village itself is in the "gray zone", but the enemy, under artillery fire, unsuccessfully tries to crawl into it.

On the Kherson direction since yesterday, active battles have resumed in the area of ​​​​dachas near the Antonovsky bridge. Over the past weeks, Ukrainian formations have been transferring small groups on boats, taking advantage of the negligence of the command of the RF Armed Forces, and the lack of reconnaissance and destruction equipment. Since night, over 50 Ukrainian servicemen have taken up positions right next to the bridge, hiding behind pillars and nearby buildings. Attempts by Russian fighters to dislodge the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the site were unsuccessful due to constant artillery fire and the use of handicraft UAVs by opponents.

The terrain plays into the hands of the Ukrainian formations, since the right bank of the Dnieper is higher than the left. And the strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces on enemy positions turned out to be inaccurate. The absence of fire impact gives the Ukrainian formations time to consolidate in the dachas.

The situation on the left bank of the Dnieper remains tense. It is physically difficult for Russian servicemen to push the APU from this side of the river because of the fire control of the approaches. From a tactical point of view, the consolidation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area does not yet play a significant role: one road goes from the dachas, the rest is either a swamp or islands, which are difficult to move through with large forces. However, in the absence of a reaction and a systematic defeat of Ukrainian positions and suitable reinforcements, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to continue moving inland.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations attacked the Rosneft oil depot in the south of Kursk at night with an aircraft-type drone . The raid attempt was unsuccessful - the UAV fell on the territory of the base and did not detonate. As a result of the incident, no one was injured, the object was not damaged.

In the Belgorod region ВСУ при помощи БЛА атаковали завод «БЗС Монокристалл» в Шебекино. На подстанцию предприятия был сброшен боеприпас, в результате чего произошло возгорание, которое удалось оперативно ликвидировать. Серьезных разрушений и пострадавших нет.

Ukrainian formations continued to shell the settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration: под удар попали Донецк, Горловка, Макеевка и Ясиноватая. В городах повреждена гражданская инфраструктура, несколько человек получили ранения.

Ukrainian formations continued shelling of the Kherson region России. Обстрелам из ствольной артиллерии различных калибров подверглись Новая Каховка и Новая Збурьевка, Каховка и Старая Збурьевка.

Political events
About Hungary's claims to Ukraine

Hungary will support Ukraine's application to join the European Union only if Kiev respects the legal rights of the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia, said Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto . At the moment, there is no positive dynamics. "The report of the Venice Commission clearly states that Ukraine is not currently fulfilling European requirements for respect for the rights of national minorities," the head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry said.

In addition, the head of the Hungarian Defense Ministry, Krysztof Szalai-Bobrovnitsky , said that due to Kiev's non-observance of the rights of the Hungarian national minority, Ukraine's entry into NATO is impossible. ... 23-goda-2/

(Other images at link.)



Why Russia’s victory against Ukraine was always guaranteed: its people have a good reason for wanting to crush fascism

JUNE 24, 2023

Since the great low point for revolutionary politics in 1992, Russia’s historical trajectory has been following a cyclical pattern: the capitalist state fails to fulfill the people’s desires, the state changes its policies to better accommodate the popular will, this provokes retaliation from the U.S. empire, then the state is forced to choose between appeasing the empire and doing what will further satisfy the people. Because this has been happening at the same time American hegemony has been declining, and because Russians are mostly a people with an unshakeable anti-imperialist consciousness, the state has in almost all cases been choosing the relatively progressive policy route.

After Yeltsin destroyed Russia’s economy by fully acting as a facilitator of the U.S. empire’s looting operations, and he got replaced with Putin, it became apparent that the new government would have to improve upon the last one. Putin, even though he was initially within Yeltsin’s camp on economic policies and wanted Russia to join NATO, then left behind these stances. He needed to make Russia more independent in order to prevent a political crisis which would threaten him. Due to this shift, Russia’s wages have vastly gone up during his presidency. It’s not a revolutionary development, merely a compromise between the capitalist state and the people. A compromise which has shown the rulers know if they don’t keep a balance between protecting their interests and the people’s interests, they’ll be overthrown like the czar was.

By the end of the 2000s, Putin had obviously abandoned his idea that joining NATO would be in his own best interests. As Washington had shown it would never be willing to compromise with Russia, only to try to dominate it. And even a leader who’s simply ambivalent towards Washington, like Putin was, would respond to such disrespect by growing more assertive. So he became unconcerned about being labeled as an aggressor and an autocrat by Washington’s narrative agents, or about being charged with crimes by Washington’s sham international legal authorities. He would take military action wherever and whenever he needed in order to stop the USA from encroaching upon Russia’s interests.

Because triangulation is his core impulse, he’s still tried to reconcile this policy with attempts to minimize the backlash from the imperialists. He waited eight years to start the demilitarization effort in Ukraine, even as Kiev shelled the Donbass throughout that time. His statement that “With Ukraine, our Western partners have crossed the line” in response to Washington’s Kiev coup felt like him seeking to keep reconciliation a possibility. Yet the more lines Washington has crossed, the less able he’s been to act like it’s a partner.

This is why Operation Z is not Putin’s war, but the Russian people’s war. The collective project by the people to defeat fascism and U.S. hegemony that he had to be pressured into starting. Due to his decisions being based in a sense of bourgeois pragmatism, rather than in the principled anti-imperialism of the communists who helped convince him to start the operation, he’s been criticized for conducting the war with too much hesitancy. “Putin has misread the West and if he doesn’t wake up soon, Armageddon is upon us,” said the commentator Paul Craig Roberts in December of last year. “by his inaction Putin has convinced Washington and its European puppet states that he doesn’t mean what he says and will endlessly accept ever worsening provocations, which have gone from sanctions to Western financial help to Ukraine, weapons supply, training and targeting information, provision of missiles capable of attacking internal Russia, attack on the Crimea bridge, destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines, torture of Russian POWs, attacks on Russian parts of Ukraine reincorporated into the Russian Federation, and attacks on internal Russia. At some point there will be a provocation that is too much. That’s when the SHTF.”

In an incredible irony, this week’s betrayal of the operation by a private military company leader has potentially made Russia able to avoid that mistake of appeasing the rogue American state. This unintended benefit that the PMC leader’s recklessness and opportunism has provided Z with comes from the class character of his actions; and from the response that these actions will produce. This incident happened as a consequence of Russia’s being a capitalist state, which created the conditions for rogue non-state military elements to emerge. The people, and their class representatives in the pro-Z communist orgs, understand this bourgeois origin of the disruption. They’ll respond to it by either explicitly or implicitly putting more pressure on the bourgeois state to win the war. Which, as Roberts has pointed out, is a task Putin could quite promptly complete if he were to act more forcefully.

“What Putin needed was a quick victory that made it completely clear that Russia had enforceable red lines that Ukraine had violated,” said Roberts. “A show of Russian military force would have stopped all provocations. The decadent West would have learned that it must leave the bear alone. Instead the Kremlin, misreading the West, wasted eight years on the Minsk Agreement that former German Chancellor Merket said was a deception to keep Russia from acting when Russia could have easily succeeded. Putin now agrees with me that it was his mistake not to have intervened in Donbass before the US created a Ukrainian army. My last word to Mike’s question is that Putin has misread the West. He still thinks the West has in its ‘leadership’ reasonable people, who no doubt act the role for Putin’s benefit, with whom he can have negotiations. Putin should go read the Wolfowitz Doctrine. If Putin doesn’t soon wake up, Armageddon is upon us, unless Russia surrenders.”

For the insipid infighting within Russia’s capitalist ruling class to cause this disruption to the war effort is an outrage. An offense towards the majority of Russians, who essentially agree Putin should have started the operation sooner. There’s a gargantuan social base behind Z. A base whose political representatives will hold the bourgeois state accountable if it falters in its assignment of defeating Ukrainian fascism. This is why while responding to the crisis, the government hasn’t come to have any doubts that it will have to continue the operation. For Putin to grow weak in his commitment to the war would be political suicide.

The Russian people are so determined to have a government which wins this war because of their collective memory of Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa. The Nazis took 27 million of the lives of both the Russian people, and the people within the other Soviet republics. That crime needs to be rectified. So Russia has defied the circumstances imposed upon it by the 1990s counterrevolution, and pressured its new bourgeois rulers into taking action against the world’s new great fascist state. The disruptive activities of this PMC leader—which have promptly been halted regardless—are creating better political conditions for the government to be convinced into finally ending the Banderite menace. ... h-fascism/


FRom the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

Russian special services are already investigating whether Western intelligence services were involved in the situation on June 24

We collected a few more statements by Sergei Lavrov, which he made in an interview with RT:

🔹An unsuccessful rebellion will not create difficulties in the relations of the Russian Federation with friends, but it doesn’t matter about the rest.

🔹Makron clearly saw in the situation with the rebellion a chance to realize the threat of a strategic defeat for Russia.

🔹The US Ambassador transmitted signals to the representatives of the Russian Federation that Washington has nothing to do with the rebellion and hopes for the safety of nuclear weapons.

🔹 Many of Lavrov's colleagues expressed solidarity with the Russian Federation against the backdrop of the events of June 24, but some asked not to talk about the calls publicly.

- My opinion, is the west is trying to distance itself, but the western secret service already leaked the information that they knew about the rebellion, and just wanted Russians to die, in the hope Kiev losing on all fronts was reported underneath wall to wall coverage of the 'civil war' smear. Once again they ended up failing spectacularly and even implicated themselves... OOF. 🤦‍♂️


On 26 June 2023, Russian airspace control systems detected 3 aerial targets approaching the state border of the Russian Federation over the Black Sea.

A pair of Su-27 fighter jets on duty scrambled to identify the aerial targets and prevent violations of the state border of the Russian Federation.

The Russian fighter jets identified the aerial targets as RC-135 reconnaissance and electronic warfare aircraft and two UK Air Force Typhoon multirole fighter jets.

As the Russian aircraft approached, the foreign aircraft made a U-turn away from the Russian Federation state border.

The Russian aircraft safely returned to their home airfield. There was no violation of the state border of the Russian Federation.

The flight by the Russian fighter jets was carried out in strict compliance with the international rules for the use of airspace over international waters without crossing air routes or coming dangerously close to aircraft of a foreign state.


(@Slavyangrad Transcript):

Dear Friends, I am once again addressing Russian citizens.
Thank you for solidarity, for unity, for patriotism.
Any attempts at internal discord are fated to failure.
Everyone united against the insurrection.
The entire Russian society acted for the Fatherland.
From the beginning, everything was done to neutralize the threat.
In any event, the mutiny would have been put down.
They had to have understood this.
They understood everything.
They understood that they went against the state, which meant that Russia was threatened, which meant that this could affect the front.
They betrayed those whom they drew into their crime. They wanted to get them to shoot at Russians.
The West, the Ukraine, the "pseudo-patriots" in Russia—they all wanted Russians to shoot at each other.
But they failed and made a mistake.
I thank all the Russian soldiers, all those who maintained fealty to Russia.
Their heroism prevented Russia from falling apart.
At the same time, the main bulk of Wagner are patriots of Russia. They were drawn into this blind.
From the beginning, on my orders, we made this bloodless.
To allow those who made a mistake to change their minds.
So they would understand their mistake.
I thank those Wagner soldiers and commanders who did not make a mistake.
You have a chance to continue fighting for Russia. To go back to your loved ones. To go to Belarus.
My word will remain firm.
The choice is yours.
The consolidation of the nation made all the difference. It is that which allowed us to remain united and firm.


Speech by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko: main theses

▪️ I have been preparing for war for 30 years, that is why we are living under a peaceful sky today. Life without war is the result of painstaking daily work.

▪️ There are no "coloured" revolutions in a country unless there is a reason for it.

▪️ Our generation has been put to the test. We must be stronger than the threats hanging over our land. And the threats are once again coming from the West.

▪️ It was painful for us to witness the recent events in southern Russia. Our citizens have taken them to heart, because we have one homeland.

▪️ Given the role of Belarus in resolving the situation, I should say a few words about what happened and clarify our position.

Moreover, our fugitives are also making a fuss, they said to their handlers they are ready to carry out a scenario of an armed mutiny, they have to be held accountable.

▪️ The so-called Kalinovsky regiment fighting on the side of the Ukrainian armed forces has gone crazy. They were driven to the front and are fighting. And then they heard that there was almost a revolution in Belarus. They rushed out of there, but the barrier troops said: "Back off, guys, not in time.

▪️ When the events in Russia took place, all the Armed Forces, including the police and special units, were put on full alert.

▪️ This is a difficult period in the history of Belarus and the world. The threat of global conflict has never been as close as it is today.

They are trying to blow up our country and establish their own order.

▪️ We are being misled about the real plans of the West.

We are seeing a new wave of NATO expansion and a military buildup of alliance countries near our borders.

▪️ Almost every day, the border guard agencies record provocations on the state border near the neighbouring countries: from dropping bodies to drone strikes on the Belarusian territory.

▪️ There is no need to make heroes of me, Putin or Prigozhin. There are no heroes in this business.

▪️ If Russia collapses, we all die.


Criminal case on the armed mutiny is dropped - FSB.

"During the investigation of the criminal case initiated by the investigation department of the Federal Security Service on June 23 under Article 279 of the Criminal Code on the fact of armed mutiny, it was established that its participants on June 24 ceased their actions directly aimed at committing the crime. In view of this and other circumstances relevant to the investigation, the investigators issued a resolution on June 27 to drop the criminal case," said the Public Relations Centre of the FSB of Russia.

Preparations are under way to transfer the heavy military equipment of the Wagner PMC to the active units of the Russian Armed Forces, the Russian Defence Ministry has said.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 27, 2023 5:32 pm

How To Plant Propaganda: "Putin has been weakened. Russia is crumbling."

On Sunday the U.S.Secretary of State went on four morning shows to play the same distinct melody over and over again:

Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Margaret Brennan of CBS Face the Nation

SECRETARY BLINKEN: And it was a direct challenge to Putin’s authority. So this raises profound questions. It shows real cracks. We can’t speculate or know exactly where that’s going to go. We do know that Putin has a lot more to answer for in the weeks and months ahead.
SECRETARY BLINKEN: These create more cracks in the Russian façade, and those cracks were already profound. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world – all of those things have been dramatically diminished by Putin’s aggression against Ukraine. He’s managed to bring Europe together. He’s managed to bring NATO together. He’s managed to get Europe to move off of Russian energy. He’s managed to alienate Ukrainians and unite Ukraine at the same time. So across the board this has been a strategic failure. Now you introduce into that profound internal divisions, and there are lots of questions he’s going to have to answer in the weeks ahead.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Chuck Todd of NBC Meet The Press

SECRETARY BLINKEN: ... So I think we’ve seen more cracks emerge in the Russian facade. It is too soon to tell exactly where they go and when they get there. But certainly we have all sorts of new questions that Putin is going to have to address in the weeks and months ahead.
This is just the latest chapter in a book of failure that Putin has written for himself and for Russia. Economically, militarily, its standing in the world – all of things have plummeted. We have a united NATO that’s stronger than ever before, a Europe that is weaning itself off of Russian energy, Ukraine that Putin has managed to alienate and unite at the same time. Now, with trouble brewing from within, this, as I said, just adds more questions that he has to find answers for.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Dana Bash of CNN State of the Union

SECRETARY BLINKEN: But we can say this. First of all, what we’ve seen is extraordinary, and I think you see cracks emerge that weren’t there before ...
We’ve seen this aggression against Ukraine become a strategic failure across the board. Russia is weaker economically, militarily. Its standing around the world has plummeted. It’s managed to get Europeans off of Russian energy. It’s managed to unite and strengthen NATO with new members and a stronger Alliance. It’s managed to alienate from Russia and unite together Ukraine in ways that it’s never been before. This is just an added chapter to a very, very bad book that Putin has written for Russia.
Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Jonathan Karl of ABC This Week

SECRETARY BLINKEN: But I think we can say this much: First, we’ve seen some very serious cracks emerge.
But we’ve seen, I think, lots of different cracks that have emerged in the conduct of this aggression, because everything Putin has tried to accomplish, the opposite has happened. Russia is weaker economically. It’s weaker militarily. Its standing in the world has plummeted. It’s managed to strengthen and unite NATO. It’s managed to alienate and unite Ukrainians. It’s managed to get Europe off of dependence on Russian energy.
In piece after piece, issue after issue, what Putin has tried to prevent, he’s managed to precipitate. And Russia’s standing is vastly diminished as a result. Now, add to that internal dissention. Again, we can’t speculate on where this goes. We have to remain and we are focused on Ukraine, but it certainly raises new questions that he’s going to have to address.

The very same (false) talking points, repeated over and over again, are a sure sign of lies and an organized propaganda campaign.

For the record. Progozhin was all alone in his mutiny attempt. Not one element of the Russian government or civil society joint him in his ride. So where are the cracks? There are none. Also Russia's military is now larger and better equipped then before the war. Russia's economy is fine and growing. Its standing in the world has increased.

But Blinken's propaganda works well because the U.S. media are trained to pick up any sheet of music an administration hands out and to sing its tune over and over again.

I could quote dozens of participants in that game to make that point. But the Washington Posts has made it easier for me when it asked eight of its columnists to comment on the issues. All but one, a neocon who wants to see more action, repeat Blinken's message: "Putin has been weakened. Russia is crumbling."

Opinion What happened in Russia — and what happens next? Our columnists weigh in.

David Von Drehle: Even failed coups have consequences
Putin evidently had no more confidence than Prigozhin as to the outcome of the clash. Rather than test the loyalty and strength of government forces to crush the uprising, the Russian leader grabbed the first exit he was offered — a sign of weakness that might invite another attempt. ... The bad news: A weakened Russia has weakened leaders and is spinning out of control. Putin has taken his country into a disaster, and there is no one in sight to save it.

Max Boot: Prigozhin has made Putin’s weakness clear to everyone

Putin, has now had his own legitimacy undermined by the revolt of Prigozhin and his Wagner Group mercenaries. Whether the damage is fatal remains to be determined. ... Even if Prigozhin is gone, the discontent he has revealed will remain an Achilles’ heel for Putin.

David Ignatius: After dodging the bullet, Putin will need to show he’s in control

Putin’s vulnerabilities were vividly on display last weekend, but so were his uncanny survival skills. He got inside Prigozhin’s conspiratorial plot and stopped it. ... Putin will need to show that he’s in command now, after this near-death experience. That’s the bad news for Ukraine and Russia both.

Eugene Robinson: Putin is likely to survive this crisis

The revolt by the mercenary butcher Prigozhin did reveal Putin’s regime to be more brittle than it had appeared from afar.

Charles Lane: Prigozhin is the only Russian to publicly speak the truth

Vaclav Havel insisted that truth still exercised a mysterious, but latent, power.

It can unexpectedly “issue forth … in something visible: a real political act or event, a social movement, a sudden explosion of civil unrest, a sharp conflict inside an apparently monolithic power structure, or simply an irrepressible transformation in the social and intellectual climate,” Havel wrote. “And since all genuine problems and matters of critical importance are hidden beneath a thick crust of lies, it is never quite clear when the proverbial last straw will fall, or what that straw will be.”

Spy, oligarch, warlord — Prigozhin was an unlikely candidate to confirm Havel’s prophecy. But in a way, he did.

Jason Willick: Chances for escalation in Ukraine have gone up

Some observers might be overstating Putin’s weakness — he did suppress the mutiny quickly, after all — but the spectacle has clearly dented his image of control.

Josh Rogin: Prigozhin’s failed gambit is an opportunity for the West

Now that the Kremlin can no longer pretend Wagner is a separate entity, Russian government and defense officials must also be held accountable for Wagner’s worldwide crimes, which include credible allegations of mass murder, torture, rape and other atrocities.

Megan McArdle: Turmoil in Russia shows the fragility of illiberalism

Nominally, Putin controls a massive army, a substantial police force and a population that returned him to office in 2018 with a resounding 77 percent of the vote. But when push came to shove, those same folks were indifferent between him and a murderous warlord — or, at least, didn’t care enough about the distinction to risk getting shot. Putin survived, but the risk to his regime has risen now that it is clear how little actual support he has.

The overall tone: Putin did not fight the loon Prigozhin but found a peaceful solution. This shows that he is weak.

This bears a question. If eight columnists at one paper come to the very same (but false) conclusion, just issued in different words, why hire and pay all eight of them? Clearly, one would suffice.

Oh, that would show a lack diversity? The religious believe in individualism where all humans must differ - but for the opinions they are allowed to espouse?

Posted by b on June 27, 2023 at 15:43 UTC | Permalink

How Lukashenka convinced Prigozhin
June 27, 16:19


Lukashenka's story about the course of negotiations with Putin and Prigozhin on June 24. The conversation with Putin took place in the morning, when, according to Lukashenka, the decision was made to kill Prigozhin and Wagner.

I ask Putin: "Where is he?"
"In Rostov".
I say: "Good. A bad peace is better than any war. Take your time. I'll try to contact him."
He once again says: "It's useless."
I say, "Okay, wait." Somewhere we talked, probably for half an hour.
Then he informed me that he was at the front. I remember his words: "You know, but at the front, oddly enough, it's better than it ever was."
I say: "You see, not everything is so sad."

At 11 o'clock... I should have found these phones...
I say: "How can I contact him? Give me the phone."
He says: "Most likely, the FSB has a telephone."
We have clarified. Installed by the middle of the day as many as three channels,
“At 11.00, he (Prigozhin) immediately picked up the phone.
That is, Yevkurov called him, gave him the phone: “Here, the President of Belarus is calling, will you talk?” “I will
be with Alexander Grigorievich.”
I hear their conversation. euphoria. Eugene has complete euphoria.
The first round of 30 minutes was spoken exclusively in swear language.
There were 10 times more swear words (I later analyzed) than normal vocabulary. Of course, he apologized and began to tell me in swear words. "
"The guys are only from the front. They saw thousands of their dead guys. The guys are very offended, especially the commanders. And, as I understand it, they greatly influenced (I calculated this beforehand) on Prigozhin himself.
Yes, he is such, you know, a heroic guy, but he was pressured and influenced by those who led the assault squads and saw these deaths. And in this situation, having jumped out of there to Rostov, in such a half-mad state, I am having this dialogue with him ""

I say: "Zhenya, no one will give you either Shoigu or Gerasimov, especially in this situation. no less than I. Secondly, he will not only meet with you - he will not talk on the phone due to this situation. " Silent.

"But we want justice! They want to strangle us! We will go to Moscow!" I say: "Halfway you'll just be crushed like a bug. Despite the fact that the troops (Putin told me about this for a long time) are distracted on the corresponding front." Think about it, I say. "No" is such a euphoria."

“For a long time I convinced him. And in the end I said: “You know, you can do whatever you want. But don't be offended by me. The brigade is prepared for transfer to Moscow. And, as in 1941, you read books, an educated, intelligent person, we will defend Moscow. Because this situation is not only in Russia.

This is not only because this is our Fatherland. And because, God forbid, this turmoil would go all over Russia, and the prerequisites for this were colossal, we were next

. people tried to pour mud) and FSB director Bortnikov

PS Lukashenka also said that the fighters of PMC "Wagner" would advise the Belarusian military.

"If their commanders come to us and help us ... Experience. Listen, they are on the front line - assault squads. They will tell us what is important now. They went through it. They will tell you about weapons: which worked well, which did not. Both tactics and weapons, and how to attack, how to defend. This is priceless. This is what we need to take from the Wagnerites "He also added that they keep their ears sharp in Belarus and there is nothing to be afraid of them.

Lukashenka also spoke about those who demand reprisals against Wagner.

Lukashenka on the demands to "plant" and "wet"

In Russia, as always, it always happens, jingoistic patriots appeared, I saw this trend, who began to howl and shout, condemn Putin, demand that he not stop criminal cases, catch, wet, plant. This is what I would like to warn both us and Russian society against. And in this regard, when unfolding, as President Putin called it, this turmoil in Russia, somehow everyone was sitting under a broom. Matvienko turned out to be courageous, Volodin, the Patriarch, a couple of people - that's all. And after a fight, we can wave our hands, oh, how we can, and advise: "Wet, wet and wet." Listen, well, there is someone to wet, especially you know where. There is someone to plant where it is needed. (c)

PS3. Zolotov also said today that Moscow would not have been handed over to Prigozhin, but there would have been a lot of blood.

In 2022-2023, the authorities spent 86 billion rubles on Wagner PMC
June 27, 15:26


From Putin's latest statements on PMC "Wagner"

1. The maintenance of the Wagner group was fully provided by the state, from May 2022 to May 2023, 86 billion rubles were spent on the maintenance of Wagner. In a year through Voentorg "Concord" earned 80 billion rubles.

2. I hope that no one stole anything or stole less, but we will deal with this all.

In general, what I wrote about for several years was confirmed - the word "Private" in PMC "Wagner" is very conditional. It was armed and financed by the PMC by the state for use as a tool for implementing policies by other means. Until recently, the tool worked effectively. But due to named and unnamed problems with the use of this tool, they almost caused serious injury to the state. Therefore, the audit and restructuring process has been launched. According to unofficial reports, Prigozhin will lose most of his business in Russia.

PS. Also announced some progress in the Russian Defense Ministry.

“From those who participate in the NMD and showed themselves in combat work there, the backbone of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense PS2 should be formed . The Russian Guard will again have tanks and heavy artillery. ... .html#more

Criminal case against Prigozhin dismissed
June 27, 11:12 am


The criminal case against Prigozhin was closed

The CSO FSB announced that the criminal case on the fact of the armed rebellion was closed. Its participants ceased actions directly aimed at committing a crime.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported that preparations are underway for the transfer of heavy equipment from PMC "Wagner" to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Now it's official. The agreements reached on June 24 through the mediation of Lukashenka have been fulfilled. "Wagner" is undergoing restructuring, Prigozhin is in Minsk under the guarantees of Putin and Lukashenko, a part of "Wagner" is in camps in the Mogilev region, the rebellion has been stopped, the criminal case has been closed.

Google Translator


EU Approves €3.5 Billion Increase in Funds for Ukraine

The EU The Council allocates 500 million euros from the fund every few months for arms supplies to Ukraine. Jun. 26, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@drshpk

Published 26 June 2023

This is the second time the EU has agreed to increase the EPF since the start of the conflict in Ukraine.

European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Monday that the bloc's foreign ministers approved a €3.5 billion increase to the fund that finances arms supplies to Ukraine.

"The Council today adopted a decision increasing the overall financial ceiling of the European Peace Facility (EPF) by €3.5 billion on the basis of an earlier agreement of March 20, 2023," the EU Council said in a statement.

Borrell said on social media that the bloc "will continue to double our military support, both in equipment and training, for as long as necessary."

This is the second time that the EU has agreed to increase the EPF since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine last February. It is an intergovernmental mechanism outside the EU budget, which is not authorized to finance military operations.

The fund allows EU countries that supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine to claim back a portion of the cost. It is reported that the EPF has already allocated some 4.6 billion euros to finance arms deliveries to its European ally.

It was originally conceived since its creation in 2021 for the EU to assist developing countries in acquiring military equipment.

Russia has repeatedly condemned the implication of the United States and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries in the conflict in Ukraine by supplying large quantities of weapons to Ukrainian troops. ... -0020.html


chen qingqing

Jun 26, 2023 , 12:33 p.m.

Image ... k=5e09dHyW

Under the mediation of Belarus, the Wagner rebellion, which was openly described as a coup against Russian President Vladimir Putin by the Western media, ended in less than 24 hours. Such dramatic changes in the situation from Friday to Saturday drew worldwide attention, while some Western analysts regarded this "armed rebellion" as a heavy blow to Putin's power, exposing the weakness of his leadership at a time when the war between Russia and Ukraine has reached an impasse, over what some Chinese experts say is Western "wishful thinking" about Russian policy.

Following a brief revolt, Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin will leave Russia for Belarus under a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, which culminated in an armed rebellion Prigozhin has waged against Russia's military leadership, it reported. Reuters .

Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said Lukashenko offered to mediate, with Putin's approval, because he had known Prigozhin personally for some 20 years. Peskov said the criminal case that was opened against Prigozhin for armed mutiny would be dropped, and Wagner fighters who took part in his "march of justice" would face no action, in recognition of services rendered to Russia, according to with the report.

The longstanding dispute between Wagner's chief and Russia's military escalated into an open confrontation on Saturday as Prigozhin's forces moved into the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and advanced hundreds of kilometers toward Moscow.

Chinese experts believe the withdrawal of Wagner's soldiers is a rational choice, as Prigozhin's priority is to get more attention, especially from Putin, to present his demands, rather than launch a full-blown mutiny with the Russian leadership. .

Despite Western media claims that the revolt exposed the weakness of the Putin administration, the rebellion was put down in a very short period of time after Putin vowed to take decisive action on Saturday morning. This indeed shows that the Kremlin maintains a strong deterrent capacity, which will bolster its authority, some experts say.

In response to the report of the withdrawal of Wagner's soldiers from Russia's Southern Military District, as his chief Prigozhin accepted President Lukashenko's proposal to ease tension, while the Russian president guaranteed Prigozhin's move to Belarus and the withdrawal of the criminal case against him, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Sunday night that it is an internal matter of Russia.

As a friendly neighbor and comprehensive strategic partner for the coordination of a new era, China supports Russia in maintaining national stability and realizing development and prosperity, a ministerial spokesman said.

As a private military company, Wagner's main drive is profit, and the feud with the Russian Defense Ministry led by Minister Sergei Shoigu has a long history. Since the Ukrainian war began, the conflict between the two parties has increased.

As Wagner's forces were ending the march after demanding the resignation of Russia's top military officials, Prigozhin said his fighters had led a "march of justice" for the past 24 hours, and that to avoid a bloody scene, he ordered to turn their columns around and head back in the opposite direction to a camp as planned, according to reports.

"In fact, Prigozhin has not launched a coup against the Russian government, but is protesting in this way to express his discontent with Russia's top military officials and demand better treatment for the Wagner group," Wang told the Global Times on Sunday . Yiwei, a professor of international relations at Renmin University of China.

Frictions between Prigozhin and the Russian Defense Ministry have been escalating as the war has dragged on, reaching a breaking point on Friday when Prigozhin accused the military leadership of attacking Wagner's camps, according to the Moscow Times . .

Earlier, Prigozhin raised concerns about the slow progress of Russian forces amid heavy fighting in the eastern Ukrainian cities of Bakhmut and Soledar. He also accused the Russian army of trying to "steal" Wagner's victories.

Despite Wagner's withdrawal, some Western outlets including CNN and The New Yorker suggested analysis saying that "Putin is at risk of losing his iron grip on power" and that "Putin's weakness is unmasked." CNN said that "this is not the first time this spring that we have seen Moscow look weak. The drone attack on the Kremlin in May should have caused the elite around Putin to question how he managed the capital's defenses." They were so weak."

The West has paid close attention to the situation, hoping to instigate anti-Russia sentiment, which is a common tactic and also part of its cognitive warfare since the Ukrainian crisis began, said Ciu Heng, a research assistant at the Center for Western Studies. Russians from East China Normal University, told the Global Times on Sunday.

"However, putting down the revolt in such a short time actually consolidated the authority of the Putin administration, which has little impact on the front line of the battle between Russia and Ukraine," Cui said.

President Vladimir Putin appeared on Russian state television on Sunday for the first time since Wagner's revolt began, according to The Guardian .

Putin renewed his commitment to the war in Ukraine, calling the "special military operation" his top priority.

As events unfolded, US officials carefully avoided making direct comments about what some called an internal situation in Russia, some media reported, trying to avoid what experts say could suggest the US was trying to exploit the situation and play into the old Kremlin arguments about US attempts to weaken Russian security.

President Joe Biden spoke with the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom amid concerns that Putin's control of the country could be slipping from him, and EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell avoided direct comment on what he called an "internal" Russian affair.

On Sunday, Chinese Foreign Minister and State Councilor Qin Gang met with Russian Vice Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko in Beijing, exchanging views on relations between the two countries and on global and regional issues of concern, according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. .

Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu also met with Rudenko in Beijing on Sunday, saying that under the complex and severe international situation, it is necessary to follow the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, communicate in a timely manner, ensure the stable relationship and in the long term between China and Russia, and safeguard the common interests of both sides.

Chinese and Russian diplomats also exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis and other relevant international and regional issues.

"Thinking that this revolt is targeting Putin is illusory, as some Western politicians are used to seeing Russian politics in their imagination, showing that they do not understand the basic conditions of Russia," Wang said.

Some Western politicians hope to see Putin lose control of the country and Russia descend into chaos so that Russian troops can withdraw from Ukraine, and others hope to weaken or divide Russia. He pointed out that all this has led to an exaggeration of Wagner's revolt.

Although the revolt ended in about 24 hours, the withdrawal of Wagner's soldiers leaves some questions unanswered, including how to resolve the protracted conflict between the paramilitary group and the Russian army.

Still, the rebellion will have a negative impact on the Russian political situation and on the stability of the Russian army. How to remove such external impressions of weakened leadership and improve order could be a test for Putin in the future, experts said.

Such a dramatic event will make Putin and the Russian authorities more clearly aware that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine cannot be prolonged, as the longer the war lasts, the more internal problems and conflicts will accumulate, Wang said.

"These events may push Putin to speed up the end of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict to avoid similar risks, and further strengthen ties with neighboring countries such as Belarus and Kazakhstan," he said.

Chen Qingqing is a Chinese journalist, she co-edits China issues at Global Times . She covers diplomacy, Hong Kong affairs, and Chinese tech companies.

This article was originally published in English in Global Times on June 25, 2023 , the translation for Misión Verdad was done by Ernesto Cazal. ... -occidente

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(I think to dismiss the West's hand in this event premature. Already the spooks say they knew. Disgruntled 'generals' are historically prime subjects for 'turning'. The timing possibly suggests an operation which was launched prematurely in response to Ukraine's miserable fortune at the front, a 'Hail Mary' to shake things up. We shall see.)


When the lightning of History strikes, better cut to the chase in our first draft

Pepe Escobar

June 26, 2023

When the lightning of History strikes, better cut to the chase in our first draft.

When the lightning of History strikes, better cut to the chase in our first draft.

Here we go.

After the extraordinary events in Russia during The Longest Day, President Putin wins on all counts.

Among other feats, he has made an absolute, inter-galactic ass of the whole collective West MSM – all over again.

He rallied virtually every Russian to end the Special Military Operation (SMO) – or “almost war” (according to some business circles) quicker.

He – and the FSB – amassed a formidable list of traitors and 5th and 6th columnists, which will be properly dealt with.

And he now enjoys unlimited freedom to deploy de facto Counter-Terrorist Operation (CTO) martial law powers.

As much as Putin helped perennial Lukashenko in August 2020, preventing regime change in Belarus, good ol’ Luka prevented Russia from sliding into civil war in June 2023.

A complex wide-ranging counter-terror op is now in effect in Moscow and beyond, while assorted Western sub-zoology specimens are stunned, dazed and confused: wasn’t that supposed to be Putin meeting his Czar Nicholas II moment?

A first glance at the chessboard tells us that all the pieces seem to be falling in their right places.

Prighozin gets a golden parachute in Belarus. Shoigu may be about to be sacked, perhaps even Gerasimov (yes, there are deeply dysfunctional layers inside the Ministry of Defense). The Wagner musicians will be incorporated as a regular Army Corps. They may keep doing business in Africa: demand is huge.

So what really happened after The Longest Day? Hefty CIA funds may have changed hands. But in the end the “coup” could turn out to be the Greatest Russian Trolling of the West Ever.

The Mother of All Maskirovkas

Once again, facts on the ground prove Putin is the undisputed champion of Russia. After keeping a strategic silence for a few hours, his intervention gathered full support from the civilian population, the FSB, the Chechens, the Army, the Communists, everyone.

The exact terms of the deal between Luka and Prighozin, with help from the governor of the Tula region, Alexey Dyumin, are still unclear.

Prighozin said he was satisfied with the terms. Peskov confirmed on the record that a criminal case against Prigozhin would be dropped. A key Prighozin demand was the twin resignation of Defense Minister Shoigu and Chief of Staff Gerasimov. That may – or may not – happen in the immediate future.

And that brings us to the still fascinating possibility this was the Mother of All Maskirovkas. Prigozhin sets up all this circus just to get a meeting in Moscow with Shoigu and Gerasimov.

Talk about an overkill just to go out on a date.

The Mother of All Maskirovkas scenario also implies a move worthy of 5D chess.

On Saturday, Wagner was 200 km away from Moscow.

Yet on Sunday, Wagner was 100 km away from Kiev.

Next level Sun Tzu Art of War, anyone?

Between sovereignty and betrayal

Alexander Dugin correctly points out how this was also an exercise in Sovereignty: “Only Sovereign Lukashenko, together with Sovereign Putin himself, confronted [Prighozin]…It turned out that many can frame the President and the people, acting in the shadows and apparently on his behalf, but saving the Fatherland in a critical situation is not their specialty.”

The corollary is that Russia needs “a sovereign elite, otherwise everything will repeat itself.”

As for the dazed and confused collective West, especially the NATO-Kiev junta, with everyone instantly rebranding Wagner from “terrorists” to “freedom fighters”, getting bogged down in their own swamp is the art they excel in.

Mainstream media spun that the proverbial “Western officials” were “taken by surprise” by the mutiny. That depends on the amount of funds that changed hands, and in which direction, during the preparation.

The SMO, now CTO keeps rolling along. The Russian Army continues to fight, undisturbed. The “counter-offensive” remains teetering over the edge of a cliff, ready to kiss the black void.

Putin winning on all counts implies the whole civilian population – and the military – engaged into preserving him and the Russian institutions, as well as perfecting them. There’s absolutely no nation anywhere across the collective West where we find this level of citizen support.

Russian politics is a special animal. It works at the highest level and also at grassroots level – unlike in the West, where the norm is deep hatred between the elites and the people.

Of course it should always be stressed it’s the less patriotic Russian oligarchs who run away every time something approaching The Longest Day takes place.

For a few hours, the West was betting heavily on the dismemberment of Russia. Not now. And not in the foreseeable future.

The succession is already being prepared, by Team Putin and selected patriotic oligarchs. Among the contenders, there’s a secret name that will stun everyone when it pops up. He’s still invisible in terms of public opinion, and works in the shadows. His name should remain secret for the time being.

As it stands, what matters is that Russia as whole emerged even stronger out of The Longest Day. The man and woman in the street showed himself and herself, once again, as a true patriot, ready to defend the Motherland whatever it takes.

There was no confrontation between those who are pro-Russian institutions and those who are pro-Wagner. People actually support both. People regarded Wagner like the “polite green men” who helped to peacefully retake Crimea in 2014. Facing them, there was not a single policeman or military.

So Putin is stronger than ever. But everyone should always keep this in mind: the one thing he can’t forgive is betrayal. ... rst-draft/

The Negotiator’s Nightmare

Alastair Crooke

June 26, 2023

“Uncomfortable questions [we] are not yet prepared to answer”

President Putin has said that he is open, at any time, to talks with an American interlocutor.

Why then, has no one come forward? Why, when there is growing anxiety amongst the American public that the war in Ukraine seems locked into forever escalation, and fears are palpable that “Joe Biden and the ‘warmongers in Congress’ are leading the U.S. to a ‘nuclear holocaust’”? This was the stark warning from former Presidential Candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, on Tucker Carlson’s widely-watched show.

The urgency to halt the slide towards escalation is clear: Whilst the space for political manoeuvre continuously shrinks, the momentum amongst the neo-cons in Washington, as well as Brussels, to land a fatal strike on Russia is not spent. Far from it, the talk in the lead-up to the NATO summit rather is one of preparing for a ‘long war’.

Urgency? Yes. It seems so simple – start talking. But seen from the perspective of a putative U.S. mediator, the task is anything but.

The western public has not been conditioned to expect the possibility of a stronger Russia emerging. On the contrary, they have endured western ‘experts’ sneering at the Russian military; denigrating the Russian leadership as incompetent; and being presented on their TVs with the ‘horrors’ of the Russian ‘invasion’.

It is – to say the least – a highly adverse environment for any interlocutor to ‘venture foot’. Dr Kissinger (a year ago at Davos) was ‘roasted’ when he tentatively suggested that Ukraine might have to yield up territory to Russia.

What would be the mission? Well, clearly it would be to find that ‘off-ramp’ to which Kissinger alluded. But the first problem would be how to frame a prospective mediator’s mission from the perspective of a U.S. public that has experienced a year of propaganda (much of it delusional) and much of which is hostile towards Moscow (the intended dialogue partner).

When Putin speaks of ‘an American interlocutor’, he must mean someone who has credibility within the wider U.S. sphere – and some mandate of authority (however nebulous). In the past, Senator George Mitchell played this role twice (in the Israeli-Palestinian and Irish conflicts). There were other mediators, too, of course.

What were Senator Mitchell’s particular qualities? Well firstly, he had a reputation for convincing both conflicted parties that he could see and understand their position; that he was not hostage to immediate circumstance but could assimilate the long sweep of history too. Empathy was essential, but his job nonetheless was to disinter the underlying structure to the conflict – and to make ‘a fix’ for it.

Our putative negotiator would have to consider how to frame his/her mission in such a way as to carry support in at least part of the U.S. power-structure. But here is the first problem: The conflict – for the western public – has been framed in extreme binary, ultra-humanitarian clothing deliberately: ‘Russia – unprovoked – invaded a sovereign state, and committed atrocities on its people’.

The choice of narrative hides the bigger geo-political purpose to destroy any prospect of a Eurasian heartland coming into existence that might threaten U.S. primacy. It is the Kosovo war playbook again: a hypocritical ‘humanitarian intervention’ to “save” the Kosovan people from massacre and tyranny.

The ‘Realist’ approach – rationally setting out ‘the facts’ to the conflict – hasn’t worked for some years: In Syria, in particular, the ‘war party’ understood that one single photo of a child dying in her mother’s arms trumped any rational explanation to the conflict, and obscured all routes out of it. It was used ruthlessly to quash any alternative understanding. Pulling at the western ‘heart-strings’ invariably prevails over facts.

This is always the ‘nightmare’: As ‘talks’ progress, an atrocity – a bus bombing, civilians lying bleeding in the street – sweeps reason aside and displaces it with raw emotion.

Framing an U.S. putative interlocutor’s mission therefore is not easy. The architects of the Ukraine conflict – having framed the conflict as a humanitarian mission – the question then becomes, how then to get to the desired political outcome? How to by-pass (or overcome/re-frame) the humanitarian issue?

To challenge the unprecedented propaganda onslaught is pointless. The ‘war party’ will always discover a new atrocity (and if there isn’t one to hand, there are always the producers and directors of TV companies always ready to oblige).

Tactically therefore, it is better to finesse ‘the framing’ (rather than go head-to-head against it). Yes, there may be a humanitarian dimension arising out of military action (there always are), but potentially it may prove possible to shift the focus towards that other largely unreported ‘humanitarian disaster’: The hundreds of thousands of young Ukrainian men being killed, pointlessly, in an unwinnable war.

It may seem shallow simply to shift rhetoric to saying his/her mission is a ‘humanitarian one’ – that of saving Ukrainian lives. Simply said, however, every negotiator must protect his back. The Brutus is behind, as much as in front.

Yet, that is but the first hurdle facing any imagined U.S. interlocutor. The western extreme reductionist framing – asserting an ‘unjustified Russian invasion’ accompanied by concomitant ‘atrocities’ – simply is the move which strips away the surrounding context to the issue in contention. The ‘eye’ or the intellect is separated and disengaged from the ‘object’ under scrutiny: precisely that issue of ‘how there came to be this war’ in the first place, and how its’ underlying structure came into being.

In short, the western framing is the attempt to create an abstract ‘clearing’ or spatial void around Russia’s Special Operation in which the visible thing – the ‘invasion’ – is to be positioned, and set before the external spectator as the unique cause, and sufficient explanation to events, so that the ordinary U.S. citizen delves no further.

The ‘Senator Mitchell’ (or whomsoever it is) cannot entirely roll-back monocular vision but must insist in his/her public discourse of making a point always to emphasise ‘seeing with two eyes’: Perhaps taking a cue from JF Kennedy’s 1963 speech, pointedly noting that almost uniquely among the “major world powers” the U.S. and Russia had never been at war with each other. And acknowledging the massive human casualties that Russia suffered during World War II.

In the non-West, this quality of being able to ‘see’ double (at times seemingly oppositional aspects to the world around us) arouses absolutely no concern. It is precisely the western Enlightenment tendency to fragment the ‘whole’, and then to categorise, that tends us toward seeing conflict – when what we are observing are different polarities presenting themselves distinctly.

The most thorny issue, however, is the ‘war party’ ruse of presenting Ukraine as a some homogenous sovereign state in the 19th century mould of an ethnically coherent nation-state composition (shades of the Young Turks and the cleansing of the Turkish State, to make it ‘ethnically pure Turkish’).

This is the Big Fabrication. Ukraine never was ‘that’. It had been always ‘borderlands’ – ‘neither one thing nor truly another’. And there has been fierce resistance from the very outset (1917) by those who felt themselves culturally Russian, to being ‘dumped’ into a hodge-potch ‘Ukraine’ – the ethnically conflicted patchwork-state that emerged from Lenin’s minorities’ strategy.

In 1917, a new state, violently opposed by Ukrainian nationalists, the Donetsk-Krivoy-Rog Republic, was declared, (based around the Donbas), that petitioned to remain a part of the Soviet Union. But Lenin would have none of it. It was the start to the continuous ethnic killing spree that has segued out from that failed initiative to gain autonomy for Donbas.

Here is the ‘rub’. There are ways of managing two communities holding mutually incompatible views of the future and having irreconcilable readings of history. (This was Senator Mitchell’s main task in Ireland). But a successful outcome is only possible when both parties (however grudgingly), come to accept that the ‘the Other party’ is a legitimate expression of their community’s views, even as both parties simultaneously reject the Other’s vision for the future – and categorically refuse their reading of history.

This acquiescence is essentially the necessary precondition to any political solution – where two culturally and ethnically divergent peoples, at complete odds with one another, share one territory.

Achieving this jump-off point to a political outcome – whilst retaining the framework of a unitary Ukrainian state – was actually, precisely what the Minsk Accords were all about.

And the European leaders (by their own admission) conspired to sabotage Minsk (and therefore the prospect of one population achieving autonomy within ‘the whole state’). Europe chose instead to arm one side, in order to militarily crush ‘the Other’ (the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics).

Compounding this tragic European decision (fuelled by the neo-con aspiration to use Ukraine as a cudgel to strike at, crack, and fissure Russia), the Europeans’ exaggerated their investment in ‘the credentialled Ukrainian narrative’ – a move which has served only to facilitate the toxic twist to the ethnic rancour that today grips Kiev.

The prospect for any Minsk-type of resolution was destroyed. If this story ends with only a ‘rump-state Ukraine’ remaining, the Europeans have only to look to themselves for responsibility.

The imagined U.S. interlocutor will have little choice but to recognise reality. The various psychologies (more important than reason during prolonged war) are now too embittered for any attempt to re-orientate the underlying structures to the conflict.

The only solution is ‘separation’, which already is ‘in course’ and may extend to the Dnieper River and Odessa (but which may extend further, with unforeseeable ‘bites’ to the territory chewed-off, by neighbours to the West).

Frankly, the Europeans brought this outcome on themselves, with their deceit over Minsk. They bet all of Europe’s future prosperity on a U.S.-led neo-con project to bring-down Russia – and lost. Moscow is not interested now even to talk with the EU political class: they have no ‘agency’ anyway; the agency that matters resides in Washington.

Any U.S. interlocutor will find all this – – a hard ‘sell’ at home. A stronger Russia, a truncated rump-Ukraine, will get no thanks from the power-élites in the U.S. – only poisonous barbs directed at the messenger. But a key success should not be lost to sight.

Our putative U.S. interlocutor can focus on finding how an (inevitably diminished) West can exist, in security, with a thriving and politically expanding Eurasian Heartland. Not easy. Some in the U.S. will ‘go wild’ at the very thought, and will try to undermine it; but the great majority of the world will thank handsomely whomsoever can achieve this essential task.

Which takes us to the last point – timing. Do the dominant U.S. power-élites even want an ‘off-ramp’ at this point?

The Washington Post reported on 15 June:

“As Ukraine launches its long-awaited counteroffensive against entrenched Russian occupiers, both Kyiv and its backers are hoping for a rapid retaking of strategically significant territory. Anything less will present the United States and its allies with uncomfortable questions they are not yet prepared to answer … As he heads into next year’s re-election campaign, Biden needs a major battlefield victory to show that his unqualified support for Ukraine has burnished U.S. global leadership, reinvigorated a strong foreign policy with bipartisan support and demonstrated the prudent use of American military strength abroad” [emphasis added].

And if the battlefield victory is not forthcoming? Well, perhaps the answer will be that this lacuna will be disguised by promising more weapons and more money, so as to keep some glimmer of a Ukrainian prospect alive, through the 2024 U.S. elections. Unless, of course, the Kiev centre ‘fails to hold’, and suddenly implodes(maybe quicker than many expect). Don’t bet on a long war: the Kiev ‘camp’ is, as an abandoned Chrysalis shell with the caterpillar out, searching forage – in new directions. ... nightmare/

(I have never bet on a long war, and I doubt either side really has either. Long wars are suicidal even for the winner. When they talk of being ready for a long war it's psy-ops, trying to intimidate the enemy. Just as Russia thought it was going to be a cakewalk in Feb 2022 so apparently did NATO of recent. Bad intelligence, wishful thinking, arrogance.

But I am hoping for a strong Russian counter stroke after the Ukes shoot their wad. It is true that the numbers aren't there for a successful offensive, that is unless the Uko-Nazi regime falls apart due to immense manpower losses, the failure of Western 'wunder waffe' and mebbe self-decapitation by the Nazis behind the throne if there is any indication of negotiation.)


From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

Pros of Prigozhin’s oink for justice

Dear friends and subscribers, I still fully stand behind my words from two days ago on the whole situation as far as Prigozhin is concerned. However, despite all the bad, some positive outcomes did occur. These are as follows:

1, No one, and I mean no one, stood with Prigozhin. No politician, no military officer, no police official, no governor. In fact, none of the Wagner officers seem to have joined Prigozhin’s short-lived adventure either. This shows Russia’s, I’d call it, unprecedented unity. I cannot think of a time in history when Russia was this unified and this many stood firmly behind a single man.

2, Mainly because of the above (I suspect), the rebellion was crushed incredibly quickly. By midday it was clear to everybody that it’s over, including Prigozhin. I refuse to believe that he started talks with Alexander Lukashenko because he “didn’t want bloodshed”. He started these talks because he knew he is finished. The rebellion lasted, in reality, some 15 hours. This, in turn, shows incredible strength of the man that everyone stood behind - Vladimir Putin.

3, The Ministry of Defence finally achieved what they wanted for some time, they got rid of Prigozhin. He has been a liability for some time now. Also, there is no evidence as of this moment that either Gerasimov or Shoigu will be dismissed. On the other hand Prigozhin will be dismissed and sent to a practical exile. As far as I’m concerned he should be thanking his lucky stars for this, although I personally think, and suspect, that this won’t last too long.

4, Some 25,000 Wagner fighters will be incorporated into the Russian army - no more PMCs, no more “Pretorians” and no more division or unhealthy competition within the armed forces.

5, It showed everyone, including NATO dogs, that Putin is firmly in charge.

6, It showed that Prigozhin’s assumptions about a corrupt military and political system, about internal divisions and the flimsiness of Russia’s state were wrong.

7, Lessons were learned and won’t be repeated.

There’s likely more, but these are what I’d call the most important positive outcomes of this whole monkey business.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:04 pm

speech fight
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 06/28/2023


Back to normal once closed, the future will tell if false or not, the crisis caused by the armed mutiny led by Evgeny Prigozhin, Wagner's acts continue to focus the public discourse of each of the parties involved directly or indirectly in the war in Ukraine or in the political conflict with Russia. On Monday night, Evgeny Prigozhin tried to justify his actions by appealing to the epic and a speech based on falsehoods such as that Wagner did not attack the Russian aviation or flagrant exaggerations such as the qualification of his private army as the best unit of the Russian army. Wagner's exaltation as a force in the battle not only clashes with the reality that it has taken him more than six months to capture the destroyed city of Artyomovsk, but with the proof that the best units of the Russian army have been reserved to face the Ukrainian counteroffensive. Preserving those units was precisely General Surovikin's reasoning for withdrawing from the city of Kherson and the territories on the right bank of the Dnieper rather than fighting for them. For months, Wagner, together with other units of the regular army, has fought on the most compromised part of the front, as on previous occasions the militias of the People's Republics or the Chechen troops linked to Kadirov have fought and continue to fight.

Prigozhin's complaints would have been more convincing if he had focused the argument on having become expendable troops., that is, in being sent to die. However, Prigozhin has preferred to focus his speech on exalting his troops as large combat units, taking advantage of the excessive prominence that winter has given to the bloody and eternal battle for Artyomovsk. A veritable butchery for both sides, Prigozhin could have expressed his dissatisfaction with the planning or the chosen tactic, but he chose to continue recruiting, mainly in prisons, to keep the bulk of his army to continue that fight. As the journalist Mark Ames recalled this week, the profile of the Russian soldier who fell in the war in Ukraine has gone from being a professional soldier in his early twenties to an ex-convict in his thirties.

Yesterday, Alexander Lukashenko confirmed Prigozhin's arrival in the country, where according to the Belarusian president he will have his security guarantees. Few are known details about the negotiation process that allowed a battle between Wagner's private army and the Russian regular army not to take place. Highlighting the importance of having prevented that image is now the main objective, at least in terms of political communication, both in Moscow and in Minsk. After his short speech on Monday, in which he simply tried to highlight the unity of the Russian people, Vladimir Putin returned to the facts yesterday. The Russian president was in the same terms, but wanted to add an important detail: that of financing. Reminding both Prigozhin and the general public that Wagner's operations have been possible only thanks to state funding, the Russian president recalled that in the last year one of the empire's companies, Concord, received 940 million dollars for contracts precisely with the Ministry of Defense against which they acted on Saturday. A double-edged sword that has ultimately turned against him, Wagner has been able to rise because the Russian state has allowed and financed it. Putin has not announced anything that was unknown or particularly striking, since the financing base of private military companies is precisely the contracts with the State. "Let's hope that nobody stole anything during these activities or at least little was stolen," Vladimir Putin said.

Vladimir Putin spoke those words on a day when he also took part in an event paying tribute to the 13 VKS members who died on Saturday. Although the de-escalation prevented a warlike confrontation from taking place that would give the image of civil war, Prigozhin's acts shed blood and caused a series of casualties that have created strong discontent in Russian aviation, which calls for those who caused losses to be punished. materials and, above all, the death of the personnel who carried out their tasks. The impunity agreement for Prigozhin for an act that the president himself described as treason is not something that this sector of the army that suffered losses as a result of the events liked. However, this immunity for the owner of the company and for those who participated in the acts is the basis of the agreement reached.

The official version given by Alexander Lukashenko refers to tough negotiations in which Prigozhin demanded security guarantees that the Belarusian president did not hesitate to offer. According to this version, which Wagner's owner has not yet commented on, the turning point came at the moment when Prigozhin renounced his two main demands: the dismissal of Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and Chief of Staff Valery Gerasimov and being received by Vladimir Putin. This last demand contrasts with Prigozhin's refusal to respond to the call from the Russian president that several media outlets had published and also with the fact that Wagner's owner never left Rostov. However, the speech is relevant, since it shows what will be the official line maintained by Russia and Belarus,

What will be Prigozhin's status in Minsk or the size of Wagner's contingent in Belarus are still up in the air. Yesterday morning, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced that preparations had begun for the delivery of Wagner's heavy military equipment to state authorities, which points to the disarmament of the company, at least in Russia, and to a clear loss of autonomy. As it already intended before what happened on Saturday and even more so now, the Ministry of Defense seeks to dissolve Prigozhin's private army among the units of the regular army, thus preventing a company from becoming, as it has already shown itself capable of doing, a threat to the state. This disarmament, which may be partially offset by the facilities that, according to Prigozhin,maskirovka¸ the secretly prepared plan to transfer Wagner to Belarus and thus threaten the Ukrainian and Polish borders. Although meaningless and denied by the facts, this reasoning has been enough for Poland to put its army on alert and Lithuania to demand action before the next NATO summit to be held in Vilnius. Sometimes it is useful for Western countries to follow Prigozhin's speech and exaggerate the military capabilities of his private army.

The role of the West in this crisis has also been contradictory. The press has not hesitated to publish conspiracy theories based on Cold War stereotypes such as that the Russian authorities had threatened the families of Wagner's soldiers to force Prigozhin to stop the advance on Moscow that a British media alleged. The evident happiness of the most popular political representatives, who have taken advantage of the events to highlight Russian weakness and herald the end of the Putin regime contrasts with the concern of the most diplomatic sectors about the seriousness of a possible massive destabilization in the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Much has been made of yesterday's words by Lavrov, who stated that the West's participation in the mutiny will be investigated. However, these words occurred in a context in which the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation also insisted on the communication between Russia and the United States that took place throughout Saturday and in which Washington expressed its concern and assured to Moscow not to be implicated in the facts. It is no secret that the West would favor a regime change that it wants to see happen in the Russian Federation, but only the most exalted figures,The Economist calls for a coup, and which on Saturday called on the population to support the useful fool Prigozhin, are ready to favor a mutiny that could lead to the hardest wing of the Russian nationalist hawks. Once again, the public discourse and satisfaction with the Russian suffering of the most visible faces in the media, be they Borrell or Baerbock, collides with the realism of those who would have to deal with the consequences.

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Chronicle of the special military operation for June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023

In the Starobelsky direction, the RF Armed Forces were able to advance in the area of ​​​​Serebryansky forestry. At the Bakhmut site in the Kleshcheevka area, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already achieved some success.

On the Vremievsky ledge, the attacks of Ukrainian formations do not stop. Fighting continues in the area of ​​Orekhov and Pyatikhatki , the enemy is making rolls at Rabotino .

The Presidents of Belarus and Russia spoke about the rebellion of PMC "Wagner". Lukashenka spoke about his role in the negotiations, and Putin awarded the distinguished military.


Fighting near the Antonovsky bridge

Ukrainian formations continue to hold a bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Dnieper in the Dach area and under the remains of the Antonovsky bridge. Getting them out of there is a difficult task. The enemy is actively using electronic warfare and pulled up air defense, the hunt for which is complicated due to interference.

Infantry formations and equipment cannot uproot the dug-in enemy, since the western coast is higher, and all approach routes are shot through by the enemy with artillery and anti-tank weapons.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
In the border area, the situation remained unchanged. The enemy is accumulating forces for the alleged attack on Valuiki , however, at the same time, the number of shelling of the territory of the Russian Federation has significantly decreased.

Fighting continues in the area of ​​the Kupyansky forests . The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation managed to achieve some success, but there is no specific information yet.

Around Bakhmut, the formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop rolling on the positions of the RF Armed Forces. Regular attacks, despite the losses, go along almost the entire front line from Yakovlevka in the north of Soledar and ending with Kurdyumovka in the south of Bakhmut.

At the moment, Russian fighters have repulsed all attacks, but such strikes will continue. The Armed Forces of Ukraine use small groups to stretch the defense line of the RF Armed Forces and wear down the personnel on the front line.

And the goal in this case is obvious: to press until the defense cracks somewhere. In this case, the Ukrainian formations will concentrate their efforts in this area to break through the front.

In the Donetsk direction, positional battles are going on in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Avdeevsky ledge and Maryinka . The Russian Armed Forces managed to advance in the direction of the village of Pobeda , taking the fortified area "Zverinets". Now the positions are being strengthened for the development of offensive operations.

On the Vremyevsky ledge , after establishing control over Rovnopol , the Armed Forces of Ukraine equipped additional positions in the vicinity of the village under the cover of a tank platoon of the 31st mechanized brigade.

At the moment, two assault groups of the 31st brigade and the DRG of the 36th brigade took up positions at the Levadnoye - Rivnopol line to attack Priyutnoye . At the same time, there is a fog of war in the Novodarovka area , and the exact front line there is still unknown for sure.

In the vicinity of Makarovka, two DRGs of the 88th battalion of the 35th infantry regiment tried to infiltrate the positions of the Russian Armed Forces a few kilometers southwest of the settlement, with the support of artillery, to destroy Russian armored vehicles.

During the ensuing battle, the servicemen of the RF Armed Forces managed to repulse the attack, and the Ukrainian marines retreated with minor losses. To strengthen the assault grouping, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred the battalion of the 37th infantry regiment from Shakhtyorskoye.

In the Zaporozhye direction, fighting continues near Pyatikhatki and Rabotino . Pyatikhatki are still in the gray zone - neither side can finally occupy the village.

Under Rabotino , the enemy broke through to a height of 137.8, but could not advance to it. The line of defense of the RF Armed Forces is located 2 kilometers north of the settlement.

In Marganets and Nikopol , in addition to the 121st brigade of the Troops, units of the 417th and 423rd battalions of the 141st separate rifle brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are now based. Formations of 141 osbr were not previously noted in any direction, and were probably created recently.

To divert the attention of the RF Armed Forces grouping, a ground attack by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Nikopol is possible. According to the latest data, the old road from the right to the left bank has already dried up so much that after the pontoons are built, light vehicles will be able to cross the dry reservoir without any problems.

For the second week in a row, stories about a provocation planned by the RF Armed Forces at the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant have been spread on the Internet at the suggestion of the Ukrainian side .

For 16 months of the NMD, such accusations from Kyiv turned into either attempts to demonize the Russian leadership, or preparation of public opinion for their own man-made provocations.

In this case, we have reason to believe that stuffing is a preparation of public opinion before a real provocation by the GUR. This is evidenced by the increased contacts of the Ukrainian side through the main intelligence department and the British secret intelligence service Mi-6. According to our information, everything is under their control, and the operation plan is already on the table.

In the Kherson direction in the area of ​​​​the Antonovsky bridge, clashes continue with units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, entrenched under the remnants of the crossing near Dach on the banks of the Dnieper . Today, the aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces tried to strike at the shelters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the left bank of the river, but to no avail.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to Sadovoye and Pravdino to hunt for Russian combat aircraft. This complicated the work of front-line aviation on targets in this area.

Their search, detection and defeat by Lancet drones and FPV drones is also complicated: when approaching the contact area, the operators lose the signal. This may be due to the activities of electronic warfare units.

From the Dnepropetrovsk region, the transfer of units of the 93rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Antonovsky bridge and the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station began on an emergency basis . The 93rd brigade was recovering from the fighting in the Bakhmut area . In Antonovka , pontoon crossings and engineering groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already been noticed.

The main forces should arrive in the coming days to carry out an operation to force the Dnieper River in the area of ​​the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric station and capture Novaya Kakhovka. Taking into account the existing foothold near the Antonovsky bridge and a certain distraction of Russian troops to this area, a strike from the side of Kozatsky would be quite logical.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Belgorod region, the frequency of shelling has significantly decreased, but Ukrainian formations do not stop chaotic shelling. In the afternoon, the village of Terezovka came under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine .

Ukrainian formations continue shelling the settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration . Under enemy fire Kirovsky , Petrovsky , Kievsky and Kuibyshevsky districts of Donetsk , as well as Gorlovka , Blagodatnoe, Makeevka and Vladimirovka . Air defense worked in Yenakiyevo .

There are dead and injured among civilians. One woman was killed and three civilians were injured. Private houses and apartment buildings were damaged.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine at about 17.00 delivered two strikes on Primorsk in the Zaporozhye region.

Once again, New Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Solonetsy and Cossack Camps on the left bank of the Dnieper were shelled. Civilian infrastructure was damaged, fortunately no one was injured.

The head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, said that the railway tracks were once again damaged in the Kirovsky district. There were no casualties.

According to the authorities, the repair will take several hours. The movement of trains is temporarily suspended, but the management promises to restore the message as soon as possible.

Political events

Speech by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko

“For 30 years I have been preparing for war, so today we live under peaceful skies. Life without war is the result of painstaking daily work. Our generation has been tested for strength. We must be stronger than the threats hanging over our land. And the threats again come from the West . We see a new wave of NATO expansion and the buildup of the military potential of the alliance countries near our borders.

It was painful for us to watch the recent events in the south of Russia. Our citizens took them to heart, because we have one Fatherland .

When the events in Russia took place, within noon all the Armed Forces, including the police, special forces, were put on full combat readiness”

Later , Alexander Lukashenko said that he urged Vladimir Putin not to rush into tough decisions during the Saturday events. According to the Belarusian leader, he phoned the head of the Russian state on Saturday morning, when he had already received all the information about what was happening in Rostov-on-Don . After that, with the help of the FSB of Russia, contacts were found and three channels of communication were established with Yevgeny Prigozhin .

He also noted that the brigade of the Belarusian army, if necessary, was ready to be transferred to the Russian Federation to help suppress the rebellion.

Later, Lukashenka confirmed the arrival of Prigozhin, the head of Wagner PMC, to Belarus and noted that the company’s fighters could begin training or at least consulting with the Belarusian army.

Address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to military personnel in the Kremlin

The head of state said that the military stopped the Civil War , acting clearly and harmoniously. The people and the army did not support the rebels.

Putin thanked the entire personnel of the Armed Forces, law enforcement agencies and special services for their courage, valor and loyalty to the people of Russia. A moment of silence was declared for the pilots who died during the confrontation.

Later, in his conversation with journalists, the head of state said that the content of Wagner PMC was provided by the state.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, the authorities paid the company more than 86 billion rubles from the state budget. Another 80 billion for products for the army received Prigozhin's company "Concord".

Results of Saturday's "March of Justice"

If we ignore the disputes about what the Supreme Commander and representatives of law enforcement agencies said or did not say, then in general the results of Prigozhin's rebellion look like this.

PMCs were withdrawn from the jurisdiction of the Russian Defense Ministry, partially reorganized (from Prigozhin’s point of view, the “ballast” was dropped from among the most disloyal, who refused to go to Moscow together with Prigozhin), transferred to another direction, where they are ready to provide all the infrastructure for them.

Despite the statements of the Russian Ministry of Defense about the transfer of heavy equipment, yesterday PMC columns completed the march to Belarus with all the equipment. The remnants not involved in the march will indeed be transferred to the RF Armed Forces.

The Armed Forces of Belarus received instructors who went through the crucible of war. Prior to this, their officers-directors received experience only in the headquarters. Now the general reformatting of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is beginning. Considering that nuclear shells were transferred to Minsk before, this already speaks of the strategic development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus in the coming years.

In the European direction, a reserve has been created in case a third country enters an armed conflict. Kiev has a factor of irritation in the face of PMCs on the northern borders: this forces part of the forces that were planned to be used for the counteroffensive to be kept along the border with Belarus.

The National Guard receives heavy weapons: if before that such a decision could cause discontent among “colleagues” from other departments, now the moment of the rebellion has been used to arm the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops, which opens up additional prospects for their use. Moreover, the decision to equip the Russian Guard with heavy weapons under the state defense order was made at the beginning of the year, and orders were placed in the spring. Just announced it now.

Alexander Lukashenko out of the blue received a huge number of political points and corrected his own ratings, which have been staggering in recent years.

In the Russian society, an information drive has been created about the unity of the army and the people, this thesis will be enshrined in textbooks in modern history. “Civil War Averted” is a rather high-profile case.

Under the pretext of inactive suppression of the rebellion, purges began in the Ministry of Defense: persons responsible for controversial combat training, mobilization and operational measures fell under the distribution. All of them are from Gerasimov's entourage, who is asked questions and claims because of them. Yes, many will be purged under this pretext, including those who openly supported Prigogine (we do not rule out that this will also affect Alekseev and Surovikin). They cut the forest - the chips fly.

In the West, they are sure that chaos reigns in the RF Armed Forces after Prigozhin's rebellion, and Russian fighters are ready to surrender. Unprepared Ukrainian formations are again being driven to Russian positions for slaughter.

This is not a complete list - everyone will be able to add the noticed facts to it. But what Prigozhin’s “march of justice” really led to can be seen with the naked eye without any jingoistic patriotism.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Three Years Have Passed
June 27, 21:29


2020 year. NEXTA - Lukashenka's regime is weak and will soon fall.
2023 year. Belarus has Wagner PMCs and nuclear weapons, and the founder of NEXTA works for the KGB of Belarus.

PS. More from Lukashenka's statements on Wagner.

1. There will be no recruiting centers for PMC "Wagner" in Belarus.
2. At the same time, Lukashenka does not prevent Belarusians from joining the Wagner PMC, the main thing is that they understand the mortal danger of such work.
3. An old military unit was offered for placement for the Wagner PMC.
may become a transit country for Prigozhin and Wagner PMC to move somewhere else.Possibly for work in Africa.
5.Wagner PMC will not arrange any provocations on the border with NATO.
6.Wagner PMC is still deployed in the field camps in the Lugansk People's Republic.

How they stopped the movement of the column of PMC "Wagner" to Moscow
June 27, 18:13


How they stopped the movement of the column of PMC "Wagner" to Moscow.

1. Prigozhin, after negotiations with Lukashenka, agreed to withdraw his main demands and began to negotiate a way out of the current situation.
2. Lukashenka gave personal guarantees to Prigozhin that if he stops the columns, they will not be fired upon.
3. According to Lukashenka, there were up to 10,000 armed security officials on the defense of Moscow.
4. The columns were stopped after, at the request of Lukashenka, Prigozhin spoke with FSB director Bortnikov.

In general, the scheme for stopping the crisis is as follows.
By agreement with Putin, Lukashenka acted as the main mediator.
Through Yevkurov, he was able to contact Prigozhin and establish a stable communication channel.
During the negotiations, Lukashenka persuaded Prigozhin to drop his demands.
After Lukashenka gave personal security guarantees to Prigozhin, he agreed to stop the columns.
Lukashenka was able to organize a telephone conversation between Bortnikov and Prigozhin, where, apparently, the guarantees were confirmed.
After that, Prigozhin stopped the movement of columns to Moscow and the crisis moved into the stage of eliminating the consequences.

In the bottom line, during the crisis, Putin acted as an evil cop, and Lukashenka as a good cop.
Prigogine understood everything, and by the evening of June 24 he realized that his rebellion would not receive political support, so he withdrew his demands, for the sake of which the whole campaign against Rostov and Moscow was actually started.

In the presentation of Lukashenko, the people who stopped the fratricide near Moscow are Putin, Lukashenko, Yevkurov, Bortnikov.

Google Translator


Suicidal Attacks, Horrendous Losses and Insubordination Plague Kiev Regime Forces
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 27, 2023
Drago Bosnic

Worn-out artillery pieces that they have received from the US as part of Washington’s military aid to Kiev

Back in mid-January, retired United States Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, who previously led the US Army Europe Command and still holds several high-ranking positions within NATO, gave an interview to the CIA front Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), where he claimed that Western heavy armor would supposedly give the Kiev regime “an edge” against the Russian military. When asked “how much of a disadvantage has Ukraine had without [Western/NATO armor] and what can Kiev now achieve with it”, Hodges stated the following:

“Well, of course, I wish these decisions to provide ‘Bradley’ and ‘Marder’ and AMX-10RC and other systems would have been made sooner. But the good news is they’ve been made. What I heard last week was the foundation for an armor brigade. Basically, you’ve got self-propelled artillery from the Czech Republic, a battalion; AMX-10RC from France, which is an excellent wheeled vehicle, a lot of mobility with a big gun on it; and then a battalion of ‘Marder’, which is a very good system; and then a battalion of ‘Bradley’, which is the best infantry fighting vehicle in the world. If you get those and then if you put maybe a Ukrainian tank battalion in the middle of it with engineers, you’ve got a lethal combined arms formation that could be the iron fist that would help penetrate these endless lines of Russian trenches…”

It’s hardly breaking news that these “excellent wheeled vehicles” and “very good systems”, including “the best infantry fighting vehicle in the world”, have been anything but as the much-touted counteroffensive of the Kiev regime forces has proven to be a spectacular failure. After weeks of attempts to break through Russian lines, apart from a few small tactical successes that cannot possibly be justified considering the horrendous losses, the “iron fist” of the Neo-Nazi junta troops demonstrated its impotence as it has been unable to achieve any of the stated strategic goals.

By June 21, losses of the Kiev regime forces have been staggering, standing at approximately 13,000 servicemen, 246 tanks (13 of which were NATO heavy armor), 595 armored fighting vehicles (AFVs), 279 artillery guns and mortars (48 sent by NATO), 42 multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS), two SAM (surface-to-air) missile systems, 14 aircraft (including helicopters), 264 drones and 424 vehicles. Since then, the losses seem to have escalated dramatically, although precise numbers are yet to be released. As the German daily Handelsblatt described it: “This isn’t a counteroffensive. It is a bloody crash test.”

Despite this, the Neo-Nazi junta keeps sending the forcibly conscripted Ukrainians to certain death (or horrendous injuries, at best). On June 24, offensive operations were launched in both Zaporozhye and Donetsk regions (oblasts), but failed, although the Kiev regime claimed there was “progress in all directions“. Video evidence suggests that virtually all assault units engaged in offensive operations were either destroyed or damaged beyond repair, while Russian kamikaze drones neutralized their artillery support composed primarily of US-made M777 howitzers.

The following day, the Neo-Nazi junta forces lost well over 700 soldiers and dozens of pieces of heavy armor and lighter support vehicles. During a failed attack, the 47th brigade of the Kiev regime forces got bogged down in a minefield, resulting in catastrophic losses, including life-altering injuries. War footage suggests there are dozens of critically injured soldiers, with virtually no way to either provide immediate medical assistance or evacuate the wounded. There are numerous instances where soldiers are simply left behind to die.

Expectedly, this has resulted in insubordination from many Ukrainian servicemen, some of whom are openly refusing to follow orders of their superiors, further reinforcing previous claims about a looming mutiny within the Neo-Nazi junta forces. Battlefield reports now even suggest that their commanding officers are often taking extreme measures to ensure obedience. One of the latest videos shows an officer throwing at least two hand grenades at several Ukrainian servicemen standing in a bunker for failing to hold their positions. Presumably, the Ukrainian soldiers (at least three of them) either failed or refused to follow the order of their commanding officer to hold the position they were assigned to.

It’s safe to assume that they were most likely forced to retreat from their post in order not to get overrun, as there were only three of them. Obviously agitated by this, the officer decided that the immediate punishment for insubordination was to throw hand grenades at them. The available footage shows the commanding officer taking at least two grenades from another soldier and throwing them into the bunker where the fleeing soldiers were standing, after which an explosion can be heard. The fate of the unfortunate servicemen is unknown, but given the confined space they were in, it can only be assumed that the best-case scenario is they suffered serious shrapnel wounds. ... me-forces/

What Happens in Russia After the Longest Day?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 27, 2023
Pepe Escobar

Following Wagner’s ‘rebellion’ – which was nothing more than a blatant coup attempt, and a PR stunt demonstrated by Prighozin’s top-notch theatrics – NATO and the Collective West’s excitement over the possibility of Russia descending into chaos and civil war were quickly turned into utter disappointment.

The first draft of the extraordinary events that took place in Russia on The Longest Day – Saturday, June 24 – leads us to a whole new can of worms.

The Global Majority badly wants to know what happens next. Let’s examine the key pieces in the chessboard.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is cutting to the chase: he has reminded everyone that the Hegemon’s modus operandi is to back coup attempts whenever it can benefit. This dovetails with the fact that the FSB is actively investigating whether and how Western intel was involved in The Longest Day.

President Putin could not have been more unequivocal:

“They [the West and Ukraine] wanted Russian soldiers to kill each other, so that soldiers and civilians would die, so that in the end Russia would lose, and our society would break apart and choke on bloody civil strife (…) They rubbed their hands, dreaming of getting revenge for their failures at the front and during the so-called counter-offensive, but they miscalculated.”

Cue to the collective West – from Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on down – frantically trying to distance itself even as the CIA leaked, via its trademark mouthpiece, the Washington Post, that they knew about “the rebellion.”

The agenda was painfully obvious: Kiev losing on all fronts would be ritually buried by wall-to-wall coverage of the fake Russian “civil war.”

There’s no smoking gun – yet. But the FSB is following several leads to demonstrate how the “the rebellion” was set up by CIA/NATO. The spectacular failure makes the upcoming NATO July 11 summit in Vilnius even more incandescent.

The Chinese, much like Lavrov, also cut to the chase: the Global Times asserted that the idea of “Wagner’s revolt weakening Putin’s authority is wishful thinking of the West,” with the Kremlin’s “strong capacity of deterrence” further increasing its authority. That’s exactly the reading of the Russian street.

The Chinese reached their conclusion after a crucial visit by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Rudenko, who promptly flew to Beijing on Sunday, June 25. This is how the iron-clad strategic partnership works in practice.

“The rebellion” as a P.R. stunt

Arguably the best explanation so far of the nuts and bolts of The Longest Day has been offered by Rostislav Ischenko.

The Global Majority will rejoice that Prighozin’s theatrics, in the end, left the collective West dazed, confused, and shattered: wasn’t the whole thing supposed to unleash total chaos inside Russian society and the army?

Even as the fake, lightning-quick “mutiny” was in progress, Russia continued to pound Kiev’s forces – which, by the way, were spinning that the main phase of the “counter-offensive” was being launched exactly on June 24 at night. That was, predictably, yet another bluff.

Back to the Russian street. “The rebellion” – inbuilt in a very convoluted plot – in the end was widely interpreted as just another military demonstration (by master of ceremonies Prighozin, not by the overwhelming majority of Wagner soldiers). “The rebellion” turned out to be a Western P.R. stunt, a series of (ultimately faded) pictures for global consumption.

But now things are bound to get way more serious.

Lavrov, once again, pointed to the role being played by the ever-self-aggrandized Le Petit Roi, Emmanuel Macron, right up there with the United States: “Macron clearly saw in the developments an opportunity to realize the threat of Ukraine dealing Russia a strategic blow, a mantra NATO leaders have been holding onto.”

So just like Kiev and the collective Western media, Lavrov added, Macron remains part of a single “machine” working against Moscow. That ties up with Putin, who stated of Macron’s Sunday intervention that “the entire Western military, economic and information machine has been set in motion against us.”

And that’s a fact.

Betting on a “long-term economic blockade”

Another fact adds to the more ominous clouds on the horizon.

While no one was paying attention, a mini-Congress of national security officials took place in Copenhagen exactly on the fateful 24 and 25 of June.

They were arguably discussing “peace in Ukraine.” The chairman was none other than US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan.

Present at the meeting were Brazil, Germany, the U.K., France, Italy, Denmark, India, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, South Africa, Japan, Ukraine – and the proverbial Eurocrat of the non-sovereign EU.

Note the G7 majority, side by side with three BRICS and two aspiring BRICS+ members.

“Peace in Ukraine” means, in this context, the so-called 10-point “Zelensky peace plan,” which implies a total Russian strategic defeat – complete with the restoration of Ukraine within the borders of 1991 and payment of colossal “reparations” by Moscow.

No wonder China was not part of it. Yet three BRICS – call them the weakest nodes – were there. BRICS and BRICS+ prospective members compose the six “swing states” which will be relentlessly courted and/or submitted to hardcore Hybrid Wars by the Hegemon to “behave” when it comes to Ukraine: Brazil, India, South Africa, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia.

Then there’s the 11th EU sanctions package, which is taking the economic war against Russia to a whole new level, as attested by Acting Permanent Representative to the EU, Kirill Logvinov.

Logvinov explained how “Brussels intends to drag as many countries as possible into this war (…) There is a clear shift from a failed blitzkrieg, which was said to be aimed at causing irreparable damage to Russia, to a multi-move game with the goal of establishing a kind of long-term economic blockade against our country.”

That’s undiluted Hybrid War territory – and the key targets are the six “swing states.”

Logvinov remarked how “the EU always prefers to use blackmail and coercion. Since the EU remains the biggest economic partner for many countries, as well as a source of investment and a financial donor, Brussels clearly has enough leverage to exert pressure. So, the EU’s fight against the bypassing of sanctions is expected to be lengthy and uncompromising.”

So welcome to extraterritorial sanctions, EU-style, blacklisting companies from third countries “suspected” of re-exporting banned goods to Russia or engaged in oil trade without taking the so-called Russian oil price cap into account.

Fun in the Belarussian sun

Among so many cheap thrills, what will be the next role of the main actor in The Longest Day (and even before)? And does it matter?

Chinese scholars are fond of reminding us that during China’s periods of turmoil – for instance, at the end of the Han and Tang dynasties – the reason was always warlords not following orders from the Emperor.

The Ottoman Empire’s Janissaries – their Wagner at the time – were meant to protect the Sultan and fight his wars. They ended up deciding who could be Sultan – as much as Roman Empire legionaries ended up deciding who would be Emperor.

Chinese advice is always prescient: Beware of how you use your soldiers. Make sure they believe in what they’re fighting for. Otherwise, they’ll turn around to bite you.

And that leads us to Prighozin once again changing his story (he’s a specialist on the matter).

He’s now saying that June 23-24 was just a mere “demonstration” to express his discontent. The main objective was to prove the superiority of Wagner over the Russian Army.

Well, everybody knew about that: Wagner soldiers have been in combat day in, day out for over 10 years now in Libya, Syria, the Central African Republic, and Ukraine.

And that’s why he could boast that “Wagner advanced for 700 km without meeting any resistance. If Russia had asked them to be in charge of the war from the beginning, that would have been over by the night of February 24, 2022.”

Prighozin is also alluding to a deal with Belarus – laying extra fog of war around a possible transfer of Wagner under Belarus jurisdiction. NATO is already terrified in advance. Expect more ballooning military budgets – to be imposed at the Vilnius summit next month.

Camps to accommodate at least 8,000 Wagner fighters are already being built in Belarus, in the Mogilev region – according to “Vyorstka” (“Layout”).

The real story behind it is that Belarus, for quite a while, has been expecting a possible attack from rabid Poland. In parallel, as much as sending NATO into extra freakout mode, Moscow could be contemplating the opening of a new front between Lviv and Kiev.

Wagner in Belarus makes total sense. The Belarussian Army is not exactly strong. Wagner secures Russia’s western front. That will raise major hell on NATO – even figuratively, and force them to spend even more astronomical sums. And Wagner can merrily use airports in Belarus to pursue its – rebranded – activities in West Asia and Africa.

Everything that happened since The Longest Day is part of a new dramatic plot twist in a running series – way more gripping than whatever Netflix could offer.

Yet what the majority of Russian public opinion really seems to expect is not another farcical Ride of the Valkyrie. They expect a serious draining of the Soviet-style bureaucratic swamp, and a real commitment to get this “almost war” to its logical conclusion as quickly as possible. ... ngest-day/

(Pepe, Pepe, "Soviet-style bureaucratic swamp", really? Man you gotta quit hangin' with liberals or something. ... -Group.jpg

Ukraine: How the Green Party in the US and Canada Stumble on Matters of International Law
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 27, 2023
Roger Annis

Green Party figures in U.S. and Canada condemn the NATO provocations leading to conflict in Ukraine, but muddy the waters with condemnation of Russia.

Those who choose to accept a Western interpretation of the already-loose concept of ‘international law’ are doing a disservice to the people of Russia and Ukraine.

Jill Stein, former leader of the Green Party U.S., and Dimitri Lascaris, leadership candidate in 2019 of the Green Party of Canada and recently returned from a month-long reporting visit to Russia, were interviewed recently on the conflict in Russia. The 71-minute interview was broadcast on the ‘Plebity’ program (AcTVism Munich) on YouTube, with host Rain Raza, on June 23, 2023.

Stein and Lascaris each had sharp words condemning what they consider to be years of political and military provocations by the governments of the United States and the NATO-member countries against the against the Russian Federation. They condemned the 2014 coup in Ukraine which brough a far-right government to power. The coup opened the door to sweeping measures since then to restrict or outright ban the political, social and language rights of the people of Ukraine, notably those in the large parts of the country that rejected the coup and wanted to maintain peaceful and mutually beneficial relations with Russia.

The two left-wing activists stumble, however, over the issue of the legality of Russia’s military intervention into Ukraine that began in late-February 2022. Jill Stein tells the interviewer, “Russia’s invasion, special operation–whatever you want to call it-of the eastern provinces of Ukraine and beyond is, arguably, illegal and murderous.” She cites three liberal commentators as authorities on the conflict in Ukraine –Jeffrey Sachs, Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky. All three have condemned Russia’s intervention, calling it ‘illegal’ or worse.

Dimitri Lascaris briefly states at the 30′ mark of the interview why he continues to believe that Russia’s military intervention is “illegal” according to the concept of ‘international law’. But his comments on the subject are nevertheless directed primarily against the NATO powers. He explains, “I’m sorry to have to say this, but the people on the left and in the progressive community who are out there focusing their ire upon the Russian Federation, the Chinese government–all the official ‘enemies’ of the United States–are giving ammunition to the imperialists and the regime change scam artists who have taken over our society and our politics.

“When our voices on the left are directed at the official enemies of the United States, we are being exploited and manipulated by the imperialist to pursue their agenda. What do they do? They look at us and say, ‘Look at these leftists out there, criticizing the Russian Federation. Surely everything we’re doing to undermine Russia and its government must be justified.

“Well I refuse to make myself a useful idiot of the Anglo-American Empire. And further, my goal as a journalist and as a public commentator is to talk about the things that are not being spoken about in the mainstream discourse.”

Jill Stein nods approvingly throughout the remarks by Lascaris.

The comments by Stein and Lascaris in the interview fail to explain and highlight one of the very key issues in the conflict in Ukraine, namely, the right to political self-determination of the people in what was formerly recognized as eastern and southern territories of the country.

Stein calls the two Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk “eastern provinces of Ukraine”. They are most decidedly not this anymore. In 2014, the peoples of the two territories rejected the coup carried out in Kiev and western Ukraine. They rebelled against it and voted that year to secede from the ‘new’, extreme-right Ukraine. For their defiant actions, they were targeted by the new regime. With NATO backing, the regime imposed an eight-year war on Donbass that killed some 14,000 civilians and combatants, Most of the deaths were on the side of those rejecting the coup. In 2022, the two republics voted again to join the Russian Federation. This vote was and remains lawful and definitive by any fair and progressive definition of the terms.

Crimea was also targeted for war by the new regime in Kiev. But the Crimean people acted quickly and decisively to forestall this by defending their territory against incursions by far-right paramilitaries from Ukraine. With crucial assistance from Russia, they held a referendum on March 16, 2014 to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. (Wikipedia)

Numerous polls in Crimea subsequent to the 2014 referendum vote have shown strong support for the original referendum. (The Wikipedia entry listed here contains considerable detail on these polls.)

‘International law’ typically refers to the Charter of the United Nations, the founding document of the UN approved by a large majority of the world’s governments of the day in San Francisco in June 1945. The Charter’s Article 51 specifically upholds the right of peoples and countries to resist armed aggression. It reads, “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.”

Article 2 of the UN Charter defines the very purpose of the organization as “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.”

Why, then, do self-professed opponents of U.S. and NATO aggression in Ukraine give skewed and inaccurate interpretations of ‘international law’ and condemn Russia’s actions in Ukraine as ‘illegal’? In so doing, they ignore the lead of progressive governments such as China, Cuba, Venezuela and others which reject the anti-Russia propaganda and war measures by the West and refuse to condemn Russia’s defensive military intervention.

It was the Western countries, not Russia, that fomented a violent coup in Ukraine in 2014, aimed at rupturing the historically close–very close–relations between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples. Their coup (truly an ‘illegal’ act if ever there was one) then proceeded with draconian measures that have eliminated political rights in Ukraine and placed the country on a murderous path to war against Donbass and Crimea.

Those who choose to accept a Western interpretation of the already-loose concept of ‘international law’ are doing a disservice to the people of Russia and Ukraine. Their words create confusion and hinder the crucial need to speak out and organize against the ‘real’ aggression taking place in Ukraine—that of the U.S. and the other governments of NATO, joined with the ultra-nationalist and far-right governing regime in Kyiv.

Related Reading:

* Uproar in New Zealand as state media self-censors its reporting on Ukraine, by Roger Annis, A Socialist In Canada, June 13, 2023 (with postscript and background reading)

* Nordic green left: Solidarity with Ukraine, statement by green left parties in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, published in Swedish on the website of the Left Party of Sweden, June 24, 2023 (English translation via here: (The five signing parties are: Rødt (Red Party), Norway; Vänsterpartiet (Left Party), Sweden; Sosialistisk venstreparti (Socialist Left Party), Norway; Enhedslisten (Red-Green Alliance), Denmark; Vasemmistoliitto (Left Alliance), Finland.)
‘…We emphasise the sole responsibility of the Russian regime for initiating this illegal invasion, escalating it to the point of risking nuclear war, and provoking global re-armament… We recognize that arms support is necessary to give Ukraine the ability to defend itself…’ ... ional-law/

Seems to me that these Green Parties have little to nothing to offer. The German has become totally reactionary, as are the Nordics. Over here they seem a petty bourgeois party at best, refuse to embrace socialism and are therefore counter-productive. Their brand of environmentalism is also dubious, too corporate friendly, too 'West-centric'. Class will tell... The pathetic state of the left and the rules which perpetuate the duopoly force good(but not great) left leaders to run under their banner in order to get on the ballot.(Pounds head against wall...)

If they were really serious they'd be 'Red".


About the fighters of PMC "Wagner"
June 28, 7:26 am


About the fighters of the PMC "Wagner"

Regarding the defamation of the fighters of the PMC "Wagner".

1. The main claims of the state exist against Yevgeny Prigozhin and a narrow circle of officially unidentified persons (for the general public - the state, of course, is well aware of who planned and did what to organize and attempt a military rebellion)

2. The political position of the state on what happened in general - what happened is an armed rebellion. The closure of the criminal case against Yevgeny Prigozhin does not cancel the political assessment made by Putin and the key law enforcement agencies of the country. You may or may not like this assessment, regardless of your personal relationship with the Wagner PMC, but from the point of view of the state, this was an armed rebellion. And it will go down in the history books as an armed rebellion. There is nothing good in what has come to this, of course. If Prigozhin's conflict with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense had been stopped in a timely manner, the rebellion would hardly have taken place.

3. The political position of the state in relation to the fighters of PMC "Wagner" - they are heroes who were involved in the actions of Yevgeny Prigozhin. Many unconsciously, following orders.

4. Some of the fighters of PMC "Wagner" have already entered the contract with the Russian Defense Ministry and will continue to fight at the front. An as yet undetermined part of the Wagner PMC fighters will do this in the foreseeable future. When PMC "Wagner" is indiscriminately poured with mud, these people, who are either on a contract or at the stage of signing a contract with the Russian Defense Ministry, are also being poured.

5. The remaining fighters of PMC "Wagner" will continue their activities on the territory of Belarus and possibly on the territory of a number of countries (there is still no clarity here). Some may be demobilized. There are no open criminal cases against them (in any case, this has not been publicly announced). They themselves will be able to form a public attitude towards them there after an attempted rebellion. Here the future will show.

6. The law continues to operate in the country on discrediting participants in the SVO, which provides for a period of up to 15 years in especially serious cases for its violation. In the case of PMC "Wagner" we are talking about active participants in the NWO.

7. The indiscriminate defamation of all the fighters of the PMC "Wagner" in the current realities contradicts the position of Putin himself, the current legislation, the official political assessment, and simply is the indiscriminate slinging of mud at those who took Popasnaya, Svetlodarsk, Uglegorskaya TPP, Soledar and Artemovsk. These victories will also remain in history, as will the attempted military rebellion.

8. If the state considers it necessary to bring to justice individuals associated with the organization of the rebellion or those who are directly involved in the death of pilots of the Russian Aerospace Forces, it will do this without unnecessary hysterics. Obviously, in addition to resolving the political crisis, the state intends to continue to use a significant part of the resources and personnel of the Wagner PMC in the public interest.

Therefore, in the current conditions, the indiscriminate pouring of mud on all the fighters of the PMC "Wagner" looks, to put it mildly, not smart. Great idiocy is only speculative constructions, who would win - "Wagner" or the National Guard in clashes in Rostov or in the Moscow region. Apparently someone really wanted to see it. Especially Ukraine and the West.

The main achievement on June 24 is precisely that we did not see this and did not begin to find out who is stronger and who could kill whom more. We have a real enemy, on whom efforts should be directed, and not to find out who is cooler in the rear areas. - zinc

Google Translator

Meh, the mercs should be (preferably) absorbed or de-mobilized.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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