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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 27, 2023 2:43 pm

Young people from the US travel to Cuba and break the siege

The IPA invited young activists across a diversity of struggles in the US to participate in an exchange in Cuba, an experience deprived of them and their generation by the blockade

April 26, 2023 by Manolo De Los Santos, Kate Gonzales

150 young organizers from the US sit shoulder to shoulder, listening attentively to leaders of the cultural movement in Cuba

It’s a hot and crowded Tuesday morning in the Yoruba Cultural Center in Havana, and the air sticks to the skin. You can hear the fluttering of paper as people fan themselves, and a surprise blackout takes out the sound system with a flicker of the lights. And yet, 150 young organizers from the US sit shoulder to shoulder, listening attentively to two leaders of the cultural movement in Cuba. They line up and down the hall with the hope of squeezing in their question—on climate change, on housing, on fighting racism, about hope in the future—before time is up.

This energy permeates through and drives the 2023 May Day Brigade: a sharp sense of curiosity honed by the responsibility of this historic undertaking. The International Peoples’ Assembly invited young grassroots activists from across the diversity of struggles in the US to participate in a crucial exchange in Cuba, an experience deprived of them and their generation by the 60-year-old blockade. The largest group to travel in decades, this brigade is an intervention into the endless attempts of the United States to silence and strangle the successes of the Cuban socialist project. As Zuleica Romay, director of the Afro-American Studies program at Casa de las Américas, said in their morning panel, “Cuba is also a victim of its own success.”

And yet, these successes are contagious and hard-earned. On their very first day, these young people spoke to leaders pioneering the very sectors they fight to build back at home. Tenant organizers learned about the housing situation, as over 80 percent of Cubans are homeowners (the rest are on a path to ownership), but also the difficulty of building enough for a growing population burdened by the blockade. Black leaders asked about anti-racism efforts after 500 years of colonialism sowed the seeds of segregation and violence on the island. Those fighting for queer liberation in the US learned about the historic Families Code, passed and edited by six million Cubans who proposed hundreds of thousands of changes. The breakthrough code spans all issues of the family unit from same-sex marriage to elder care, to surrogacy, to non-normative family structures. Abel Prieto, president of Casa de las Américas, told us: “There is something the US government has never understood which is that something was planted here in Cuba, this principle of social justice, of people’s democracy, of equality, of people’s participation in the political process. And this has not been weakened.” Meanwhile, these young organizers repeatedly explain the current regression of trans rights in Florida as the state passes a broad ban on trans-affirming care—a ban that goes as far as stripping parental rights from those who support their trans children. Many in the crowd nod their heads in agreement.

Still, it is not lost on these young organizers that they have arrived in Cuba in a moment of profound economic crisis. As they admire the famous Cuban cars from the ’50s roll through Old Havana, they know how precious fuel is at this very moment, prevented by the blockade. Biden shows no sign of lifting the sanctions, nor taking the country off the State Sponsors of Terrorism list that prevents it from accessing the global financial system. It is this system of unilateral coercive measures that makes it almost impossible for young people to witness the achievements of a socialist process. It is US foreign policy at its most irrational and its most deadly, as it continues its siege on Cuba. It has never been more urgent to lift the blockade, for the survival of the Cuban people, and for the future of the United States. These young organizers are fighting for a better world, and this first day is just a glimpse into a future with normal relations between the US and this island just 90 miles away. ... the-siege/


Giron. The Unforgivable Victory (Part One)

The fully mobilized and prepared revolutionary forces were ready to defend their independence.
In deep
APRIL 19, 2023

The fully mobilized and prepared revolutionary forces were ready to defend their independence.

Fidel's concern was to prevent the mercenaries from returning to the boats. "We can't let them go," he insisted.

It was around 05:30 a.m. (local time) on April 15, 1961, when the eight B-26 planes, camouflaged with the insignia of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, bombed by surprise points in Ciudad Libertad, San Antonio de los Baños and Santiago de Cuba.

The fighters were on alert at the General Staff. “We were there,” recalled the commander in chief, Fidel Castro Ruz. “We leaned out and saw that it was indeed an attack with
bombs, of a military nature, on Ciudad Libertad, in the part where the Artillery School and the airfields are. It was attacking. Another B-26 immediately approached."

"This is the aggression!" He said because he had foreseen it in advance. This made it possible to organize and arm the Cuban people, the decisive fighting force alongside the Rebel Army. The mercenaries came with everything for the coup. With five merchant ships, two war units, three barges and four cargo boats
, an army of exiles recruited and trained in some 13 training camps in the United States, Puerto Rico, Panama, Nicaragua and Guatemala.

Tim Weiner, in his book 'Legacy of Ashes. History of the CIA', refers that "with its own airport, its own brothel and its own codes of conduct", describing the coexistence around the main training camp in Guatemala, until they arrived in Cuba through Playa Larga and Playa Girón, that early morning of April 17, 1961.

end the revolution

In January 1961, the empire began military maneuvers, after materializing a sudden break in diplomatic relations with the island's government, which they considered a serious and urgent challenge. Cuba was already the theme of presentation in the 1960 presidential campaign between Nixon and John F. Kennedy, of the Republican and Democratic parties, respectively.

With the objective of liquidating the Cuban Revolution, one year and one month before the invasion, US President Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency unleashed the sinister plan by approving Operation Pluto,
the March 17, 1960.

But this plan had a precedent, rather a conclusion derived from the meeting held for three hours in Washington, by Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro and Vice President Richard Nixon, on April 19, 1959. After this, Nixon confirmed that it would
be necessary to act against Cuba because they would build a political system contrary to the interests of the Government of the United States (USA). From there he elaborated the "Cuba Project", under the direction of CIA deputy director Richard Bissell, to destroy the Cuban Revolution.

In the secret memorandum of the then Assistant Undersecretary of State, Lester Mallory, the specific objectives of the sinister plan were listed: “The majority of Cubans support Castro,” the document states, “[...] There is no effective political opposition […]
The The only possible way to make [the government] lose domestic support is to provoke disappointment and discouragement through economic dissatisfaction and hardship […] All possible means must be put into practice quickly to weaken economic life […] by denying Cuba money and supplies in order to reduce nominal and real wages, with the aim of causing hunger, despair and the overthrow of the Government.”

The set of measures to be taken was called the "Covert Action Program against the Castro regime." [1]

they miscalculated
The war maneuver for the remembered Bay of Pigs or Playa Girón was inspired by the most difficult amphibious operation of the Pacific War: the assault on Iwo Jima; and in Inchon, in North Korea.

They believed it was a similar scenario. Coasts without a port and landing points on the beaches, but this time they experimented doing it at night. They did not contemplate that this Caribbean area full of reefs
would prevent the proximity of ships and boats; nor that upon accessing they would find themselves in a rocky land, a hostile mountain and to the north, an absolutely impassable swamp.

Before, they considered that the experience of the colonel of the US Marine Corps, Jack Hawkins -Frank, for the mercenaries- commanding Brigade 2506 would be very useful. They also planned to document his feat of destroying the Cuban Revolution by incorporating a war correspondent with a film camera in each battalion.

The more than 1,550 men of the 2506 Assault Brigade, supported by artillery, armored tanks, planes and paratroopers who came in the invasion, had the support of some rebel individuals, who still operated in the Escambray mountainous area, in the center of the island and small groups opposed to the revolutionary government. Together, they calculated that they could establish a puppet government that would demand
direct US intervention.

Raise the flags higher
After the air attack, Fidel knew that the invasion would take place in a matter of hours, but they did not know from where.

He had already given prior instructions to disperse the planes of the Revolutionary Air Force. No one would know which aircraft were active, nor would they even surprise two aircraft together, to minimize the aggressive impact.

That April 16 was a different Sunday for Cubans, a prelude to the war unleashed by the empire. While the defensive forces remained with indications of a "state of maximum alert", the burial of the seven victims of the air attack took place.

It was also that Sunday that the socialist character of the Revolution was declared, less than 10 kilometers from the bombed base where a young teacher died while running towards his weapon, to repel the attack. The militiaman Eduardo García Delgado wrote Fidel's name seconds before he died. That piece of that bloody door was there, in front of all the combatants
and the people, at the entrance to the Colón Cemetery.

“And when the time for aggression arrives and when the time for combat arrives, that is when the flags must be raised higher. The revolutionary flag had to be raised higher than ever before the
devious and cowardly enemy that was attacking us, against the powerful imperialist government that was preparing the invasion”, recalled Fidel.

In less than 72 hours
An urgent message arrived from Playa Larga to Central Australia, in the early hours of April 17: the attack began from the sea, by a medium-sized boat.

The revolutionary forces, fully mobilized and prepared in the handling of weapons, were ready to defend their independence. The General Staff examined the special conditions of the Ciénaga de Zapata. They analyzed its characteristics of isolation from the rest of the country and its proximity to Havana, the capital of Cuba.

At the time of the invasion, there were 200 teachers teaching literacy in one of the pilot sites of the Literacy Campaign: the Ciénaga de Zapata, in Jagüey Grande, Covadonga, Australia. [2]

Just a narrow-gauge railway was the only communication that the peasants and coalmen in that area had. In this brief time of the revolutionary government, three embankments were built, which connected the Ciénaga de Zapata on the north with the central Australia and Jagüey Grande with Playa Larga. To the east, from Yaguaramas to San Blas and to the northwest from the Covadonga mill to San Blas.

Based on this evaluation, it is the commander-in-chief who advises on the strategy: the main blow will be around here.

The School of Militia Leaders of Matanzas had the mission of guarding and defending the access of the revolutionary troops -in the event of a landing- from one of those three highways: the one that went from the Australia sugar mill to Playa Larga

All combatants were emergently instructed. "So we invented something, which was to ask the militiamen to teach what they learned in the morning in the afternoon," Fidel described in the book "Playa Girón."

“The first deduction that we made was the following: these, indeed, are going to try to occupy a piece of the national territory; This strategy was very logical, because it was not to be assumed that any
mercenary expedition was going to defeat the people of Cuba, that had to be the beginning of a mechanism to organize an intervention by the United States through the OAS. That was very clear, they already had the
devices created to form a government (...) to implement foreign intervention,” Fidel said.

The news of the mercenary incursions continued, the invading paratroopers who were already a few kilometers away and fighting with the militiamen in Playa Larga.

Likewise, it was learned about landings at Playa Girón, but when Fidel learned by telephone, from the voice of then-Captain José Ramón Fernández, that they had already taken Pálpite -about 4 km north of the town of Playa Larga- he said: "Now! we won! We have already won the war!... We have sunk two ships and three launches and if they did not realize that they have to defend Pálpite, they are lost”. And he indicated by telephone not to shoot any prisoners, but to take them to where he was going, to the Australia sugar mill.

He immediately gave orders to advance and take Playa Larga. Fernández recalled that at nightfall on the 17th "enemy artillery grenades fell -every few minutes- from Playa Larga, which is 4 kilometers away, and our great concern was the presence of Fidel and the enemy artillery bombardment, for which reason we We insisted that he leave that place, to which, as has always been the habit, he refused.

The order was to penetrate the enemy from the rear of those who were fighting in the direction of Covadonga and disconnect them with those who were in Girón. So, Fidel returned to the Australian Command Post, which was where there was a magnet telephone and the official microwave communications network, through which he communicated with Fernández. Apart from that, all the combatants were

There Fidel found out that a landing had taken place in the west of the capital and he went there. Which ultimately turned out to be an enemy diversion tactic.

It was not possible to achieve the success of attacking them with tanks from the rear in Playa Larga, as ordered by Fidel, because the combatants did not know the inhospitable place. For this reason, the attackers withdrew and concentrated strong resistance in Playa Girón. “I am convinced that if we had achieved this, Girón would have fallen on the 18th,” Fidel said later.

In that tense minute, he gave directions to the units in Covadonga, Yaguaramas, and San Blas, so that by the end of April 18, they had managed to reduce the invaders at Playa Larga.

While the revolutionary aviation stopped the attack on Playa Girón, the combatants were already advancing 9 kilometers from there, in operation against an infantry battalion and a third battalion had been practically destroyed.

Fidel's concern was to prevent the mercenaries from returning to the boats. "We can't let them go," he insisted.

-To be continue-

[1] The Battle of Girón (First part) By: Fidel Castro Ruz.

[2] The Literacy Campaign began on January 1 and ended on December 22, 1961. Cuba was proclaimed a Territory Free of Illiteracy. 707,000 Cubans had been literate, so the illiteracy rate in Cuba was reduced to 3.9 percent of its total population. 271,000 educators participated. ... -0035.html

(That famous photo was reproduced as a wall mural at the 'lodge' there, later amended with some of Cuba's prominent critters for the interest of eco-tourist, I guess.)

Giron. The Unforgivable Victory (Part Two)
Girón is the victory that the United States does not forgive.
In deep
APRIL 25, 2023

The Cubans demonstrated that the most effective way to face a military aggression is unity.

It was 5:00 a.m. (local time) on April 19, 1961, and at that time a coded language was no longer applicable. That is why the commander of the mercenary brigade, José "Pepe" San Román, sent the following message in direct and clear language to the Base of departure: Happy Valley, Puerto Cabezas, Atlantic coast of Nicaragua.


Giron. The Unforgivable Victory (Part One)

“You don't know how desperate our situation is. Are they going to help us or leave us? All we need is strong air protection. The enemy has it. We need that protection, otherwise we won't survive”. "Please don't abandon us!"

Simultaneously, Fidel communicated with Pedro Miret and asked him several questions, to later indicate: “you go firing cannon shots in a row, give that order. I'm going to let you know the time they should stop. Keep shooting after seven increasing the pace, until further notice. I will give you the exact time”.

Immediately afterwards, he spoke with one and the other commanders, and indicated that he would always keep in the air -from 9 in the morning- "a Sea Fury and a jet, always a couple of our planes, (...) And note that the tanks are going deployed, that wherever they fire a shot, they have to enter the enemy with cannon shots. They don't expect an attack out there, hit them hard”. The objective was to neutralize the mercenary forces in the shortest possible time, with infantry, tanks, artillery and aviation weapons.

Thinking about everything, that morning he directed Sergio del Valle to take the fingerprints or some identification of the combatants and dead people. “I think that the most important thing of all is helping the family members. We must work on the Pensions Law and the creation of the Hero of the Revolution medal. You have to see that with Dorticós,” said Fidel.

At the stroke of noon, he announced that the Yaguaramas fighters should remain very calm, because anyone who ran away would fall there like in a net.

Fidel traveled from Havana to the area of ​​operations. After 2 in the afternoon, compañero José Ramón Fernández sees two approaching warships from the outskirts of Girón.

There were two American destroyers, "according to Inspector General Kirkpatrick's report, the USS Eaton and the USS Murray, which escorted and protected the mercenary fleet, which at that moment was moving towards the coast and entering our jurisdictional waters," Fernández said. in his story.

He thinks that a new landing is taking place, when appreciating through his glasses those unholstered cannons pointing at the coast. He observes boats leaving the ships and other boats going from Girón towards the two warships. At that moment he stops the offensive and places cannons, tanks and everything possible in the direction of the sea. He asked Fidel for reinforcements and immediately received the following response: "What they want is to escape, grab them."

Accompanied by President Osvaldo Dorticós, Fidel entered the area and indicated: 'you have to get to Girón and take it within 72 hours.'

On top of a tank, Fidel began to speak to the troops and the officers. “The enemy tries to re-embark and pretend to the world that the attack was a comedy on our part. Let's not let a single one of them escape! Go ahead! Let's not stop until we reach the Beach! If the first one falls, the second one arrives, if the second one falls, the third one arrives, but you arrive at the beach right now. That the tanks do not stop until the mats get wet with the water from the beach, because every minute that these mercenaries are on our ground entails an affront to our country”.

Fidel proposed that he would go in the third tank, to which all the comrades protected him massively refused. Fidel energetically responded that as the head of the Revolution, he had the right to fight and enter Playa Girón just as the rest of his comrades were going to do.

Shortly after 6 pm, less than 72 hours after the invasion, Girón was in the hands of the fighters of the Revolution.

a formidable enemy
“The reality is that Fidel Castro turned out to be a much more formidable enemy and to be in command of a much better organized regime than anyone had supposed. His patrols located the invasion almost at the first moment. His planes reacted with speed and vigor. (...) His soldiers remained loyal and fought bravely." It could be read years later, in a declassified report by presidential adviser Arthur M. Schlesinger, written in his own handwriting.

“At dawn on April 20, the order was given for all weapons to fire from the coast into the mountains. I couldn't do it, because I didn't know how to manipulate the Garant, which I took from a detained mercenary. After the ceasefire, the mercenaries began to leave the mountain en masse with their arms raised. Fidel ordered Faustino Pérez to collect the weapons abandoned by the invaders," combatant José Pérez Hernández told the local newspaper Victoria de Girón.

In a way, some of the mercenaries were encouraged by misinformation, although for sure, among the more than a thousand mercenaries there were 194 ex-military and ex-police officers.

The newspapers Revolución and Hoy published sheets with their photos so that the people could denounce any violation. Fourteen of them had pending cases as henchmen and assassins of the repressive bodies of the Batista tyranny and were prosecuted by the courts.

On September 8, 1961, the oral trial for case 833/61 was held in Santa Clara. Five were sentenced to death by firing squad and nine to 30 years in prison.

Fidel explained to the people that he was demanding the wall for the mercenaries: “What we wanted was payment (…) not out of need for money, but because it was recognition by the United States Government of the revolutionary victory. It was more of a moral punishment.”

In the book 'Battle for compensation' by Verde Olivo publishing house, what was: "Girón's second victory" is addressed. A political process waged after the first great defeat of imperialism in Latin America.

There was no precedent in US history for them to be forced to pay a war indemnity for property damage. This evidenced the responsibility of the United States Government with the invasion.

Girón is the victory that the United States does not forgive. On April 24, President Kennedy said that it would be better "to spread the ashes of the CIA to the four winds." Allen Dulles, at the head of the CIA, and Richard Bissell, second in the hierarchy and director of plans, in charge of the strategy for the overthrow of the Cuban government, had to resign their posts.

The Cubans demonstrated that the most effective way to face a military aggression is unity. ... -0047.html

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:24 pm

Cuba as a marker
April 30, 17:40


Cuba as a marker

Remembering Chernobyl today, we cannot forget the nobility of Cuba and Fidel personally, who saved thousands of children's lives.

The authors of the crappy Anglo-American miniseries about Chernobyl will never understand why Cuba, already betrayed by Gorbachev, hungry and alone, without publicity hype and demanding absolutely nothing in return, took over 25,000 Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian children for rehabilitation. No other country in the world has done anything like this for our children.

Then, in 2005, the president of Ukraine, now independent of memory and conscience, Yushchenko, signed a declaration in the United States on his country's participation in "promoting democracy in Cuba." Perhaps this was the first step towards turning Ukraine into a colony and a hostage of the empire. After that, Ukraine began to regularly support the American blockade of Cuba at international forums.

In general, the attitude of countries towards Cuba is a litmus test of their independence.

(c) Oleg Yasinsky - zinc

Yes, this is a very accurate observation. Attitude towards Cuba is a marker of sovereignty.
Well, on a more modest scale, by the ideological attitude towards Cuba, you can learn a lot about a person and his views. This approach has never failed.

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Fri May 05, 2023 1:41 pm

Members of youth delegation to Cuba detained on return to US

150 young leaders from the United States took part in a 10-day delegation to Cuba to exchange and learn from the Cuban people. On their return, many of them were detained at US airports and their devices were searched

May 04, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

The 150-person delegation was one of the largest from the US in recent history. Photo: Zoe Alexandra

On Wednesday, May 3, several members of various organizations in the US, who had traveled to Cuba as part of an international youth delegation, were detained and harassed by US authorities during their return to the country.

The People’s Forum, one of the organizations that participated in the 10-day solidarity brigade organized by the International Peoples’ Assembly, condemned the harassment faced by delegation members at US airports.

“URGENT! Today multiple members of our youth delegation to Cuba were detained and held for hours by the US Customs & Border Patrol after returning. Despite having traveled legally, we’ve been harassed and held in Secondary Questioning on arrival at the Miami International Airport and the Newark Liberty International Airport,” wrote the People’s Forum.

It said that the mobile phones of several delegates were wrongfully searched and seized by the CBP officials. “This outrageous behavior seeks to intimidate us and criminalize our right to travel and exchange. We demand the release of our remaining comrades! We will not be moved! Our commitment to end the US Blockade of Cuba will only grow,” the Forum emphasized.

Manolo De Los Santos, co-executive director of The People’s Forum and an organizer of the delegation, also condemned these actions. “Over 150 youth travel to Cuba to learn and are welcomed back in the US with detention, political questioning and the seizing of phones. Which country is the police state?” questioned De Los Santos.

Upon learning about the harassment, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel expressed Cuba’s solidarity with the members of the US delegation. “Cheer up guys, We’re with you. Thank you for your courage, for supporting Cuba and for facing the hatred of those who cannot stand the fact that the Cuban Revolution has the support of the most progressive youth in the belly of the beast. We send you a big hug,” wrote Díaz-Canel in a tweet.

Cuban organizations and media personalities also expressed outrage following the politically motivated detentions.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Center which participated in several of the brigade’s activities wrote, “As CMLK, we denounce the harassment which the hundred young people, ‘ambassadors of peace’ are being subjected to and we reject the injustices suffered in this moment by those who embrace and sustain solidarity amongst the people as the only alternative to capitalism. We denounce these acts of abuse towards good people. Young people who desire and dream of a better future full of hope to transform what is imposed on us as ‘impossible.’”

Cuban social media influencer, El Necio, highlighted the hypocritical nature of the detentions and wrote, “We only have one question: where is the freedom?”

The continental platform of social movements, ALBA Movimientos, joined in the condemnation stating, “They have shown once again that they cannot tolerate that there are people that from the belly of the beast [who] support the Cuban revolution.”

On Thursday morning, De Los Santos reported that “all the comrades who traveled to Cuba are FREE,” and once again condemned the US authorities for intimidating the young delegation.

“The aggressive attitude of the Customs & Border Patrol officials towards the members of our delegation during their return to the United States is reprehensible. The seizure of phones and the political nature of interrogation in secondary questioning imply a level of harassment not seen in years. It was a clear effort to intimidate young people who exercised their right to travel and learn. This attempt to deter us from being in solidarity with Cuba will fail,” said Santos.

“We affirm our right to travel and exchange with the Cuban people, and now more than ever it is our duty to stand with them to break the US Blockade. These unfortunate incidents are further evidence of the wrong direction of a hostile US foreign policy towards Cuba. Their actions in fact demonstrate that the US is far from a bastion of democracy and human rights, and rather than intimidate us, they motivate us to strengthen our struggles for true, transformative change here in the United States,” he added.

Over 150 young leaders from a variety of organizations in the US went to Cuba to participate in a meeting with different sectors of Cuban society and learn about the impact of the US blockade and experiences in building socialism. These meetings were held in Havana between April 24 and May 3. ... urn-to-us/


Cuban Foreign Minister condemns the validity of the Mallory Memorandum and its repercussions on U.S. policy toward Cuba

The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla condemned on Twitter the validity of the Mallory Memorandum and its repercussions on the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the U.S. on our country on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the promulgation of the document.

Author: Internacional news staff |

april 20, 2023 07:04:19

The member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of Cuba and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla condemned on Twitter the validity of the Mallory Memorandum and its repercussions on the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the U.S. on our country on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the promulgation of the document.

The Cuban Foreign Minister wrote that such "inhuman policy of maximum pressure and economic asphyxiation ignores the universal clamor for a better Cuba without a blockade."

He added that the "U.S. government applies the script of the Mallory Memorandum, enacted 63 years ago," but fails in its "attempt to subjugate a sovereign nation, a bastion of dignity and creative resistance."

In the tweet, Rodríguez Parrilla attached an excerpt from Lester Mallory's Secret U.S. Department of State Memorandum, in which he leaves in writing the fundamentals of his policy against the Island: "The majority of Cubans support Castro... The only foreseeable means of alienating internal support is through disenchantment and disaffection based on economic dissatisfaction and hardship.”

"every possible means should be undertaken promptly to weaken the economic life of Cuba.... a line of action which, while as adroit and inconspicuous as possible, makes the greatest inroads in denying money and supplies to Cuba, to decrease monetary and real wages, to bring about hunger, desperation and overthrow of government," the text reads.

Translated by ESTI ... oward-cuba

More than ten million people have overcome illiteracy thanks to the overcome illiteracy thanks to the Yes, I can program.

This Cuban program, one of the many humanistic initiatives of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro, has helped reduce the illiteracy indicators in 32 countries

Author: Wennys Diaz Ballaga |

april 20, 2023 08:04:09

With the Yes, I Can Cuban literacy method, more than 10 million people from 32 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Oceania and Europe have learned how to read and write. Photographer: Photo: Alberto Borrego

Illiteracy is one of the main signs of exclusion and discrimination worldwide. As an obstacle to the quality of life, it also increases poverty and hinders the development of people in order to guarantee their dignity, since it does not allow the improvement of economic opportunities or the promotion of participation in public life.

In the fight against this worldwide scourge, Cuba has made a relevant contribution with the creation of the "Yes, I can" program, with an obviously internationalist character, designed to teach reading and writing, especially in Latin America, ready to be adapted to different social realities and languages.

This method of literacy was inspired by our National Literacy Campaign, which was carried out in the middle of the 20th century, with an eminently present-day character, and whose theoretical bases and principles are still valid today.

Moreover, its roots lie in the study of theoretical sources of national and foreign authors, as a necessary reference for the use of media in literacy programs, as well as reports and documents of various bodies and organizations.

We cannot ignore the fact that the "Yes, I Can" (Yo sí Puedo) initiative is also the result of Cuba's participation in the consultation of other countries' literacy campaigns and the experience gained in the implementation of Haiti's literacy through radio.

In 2003, at the request of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the Cuban literacy program "Yes, I Can" was born in the Department of Literacy and Education for Adolescents and Adults of the Pedagogical Institute of Latin America and the Caribbean (IPLAC), under the direction of Doctor of Education Leonela Inés Relys Díaz.

This program, which aims to reduce illiteracy worldwide, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, since it was born in the sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

About the implementation of this program during these two decades, Granma spoke with Nora Isaac Díaz, Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences, researcher at the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of Cuba (ICCP) and in charge of the research line that coordinates the "Yes, I can" program.

-What is the main purpose of the Yes, I can literacy program?

- It is committed to contribute effectively with human and material resources to the reduction of the existing illiteracy indicators in the countries most in need, through the application of a literacy program capable of involving a large number of people in a short period of time, without compromising the quality of the teaching-learning process.

"It consists of a general methodology for its implementation and development; a method to learn reading and writing; the teaching tools, a teaching-learning system for the training of the participants of the program; a teaching-learning evaluation model, as well as the social, curricular and financial impact achieved with the application of it".

-In which countries has the program been implemented?

-More than ten million people have learned to read and write with the Cuban program, and there are already 32 countries from Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Oceania and Europe where this method has been applied.

"The results of the evaluation of the social, pedagogical and learning management impact have been very satisfactory, especially in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Ecuador, countries that have managed to reduce illiteracy below 4%.

"Between 2003 and 2018, different types of Yo, sí puedo have been implemented in Spanish, for Mexico, Argentina, Spain, Guatemala, and in other languages such as English, French and Portuguese, and in languages such as Aymara, Guaraní, Creole, Tetum and Swahili, among others."

-What educational and participatory methods do you use?

The scientific nature of this literacy program is evident in its pedagogical implementation strategy, in the opportunities for studying socio-cultural conditions in situ, in a methodological design that associates numbers with letters for learning to read and write, in its learning evaluation system, as well as in the opportunities it offers for continuing studies through formal or non-formal channels.

"A methodology based on the mastery of numbers by the beneficiaries is used because of the different empirical (practical) experiences; it favors the learning process because it goes from the known and more concrete to the unknown and more abstract.

"It is based on the application of the didactic principles of affordability and accessibility, which favor a gradual and ascending learning, in addition to a personalized, participatory, dialogical and conscience-enriching process.

"As for participation and inclusion, this program conceives that the dynamics of instruction-education be executed by the country's own citizens, who voluntarily join, whether or not they are education professionals, for whom videos are recorded, aimed at favoring a training that provides in the diversity of facilitators-literacy facilitators unity in the process.

"It also promotes the majority inclusion of women, by allowing to execute the operation of the learning process in their own homes or in nearby places."

-Considering the educational and social premises with which the program is carried out, what have been the main results of the program in the world?

From the very title of the Yes, I can program, the human being takes centerstage in the process, as well as his or her knowledge and experiences to contribute to raising self-esteem and transforming ways of acting.

"The method not only serves to eliminate the lack of knowledge of reading and writing, but to awaken these people more by actions than by words.

"In that sense, the achievements are not only based on literacy, but also on making people feel included, that they are part of an emancipating and transforming project such as learning.

"In technological matters, contemporary advances have become very useful means for the eradication of illiteracy, with a rational use of human and material resources."


The Literacy and Post-literacy project managed by the ICCP deepens the study on the conceptualization, methods and procedures of Youth and Adult Education, and especially on the literacy and post-literacy programs that Cuba offers to the world, Dr. Nora Isaac Díaz highlighted.

She added that, taking into account the development and use of new technologies, the goals set by the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, specifically goal number four: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all", and assuming that this program is already implemented for 20 years, it has been considered relevant to update and improve it for its linkage with Information Technology (IT).

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 773 million young people and adults have not acquired basic literacy skills, and more than 617 million children and adolescents do not reach the minimum levels of competence in reading and mathematics.

Today, the researcher said, the use of literacy to exchange knowledge is constantly evolving as technology progresses, from the Internet to the sending of text messages on cell phones, and the increasing availability of means of communication is leading to increased social and political participation.

Therefore, he pointed out, while literacy is access to reading, writing and arithmetic, it is also making it possible for the subject to be inserted into society, making him/her aware of his/her environment so that he/she can transform it.

He stressed that, in order to help maintain and raise the literacy rates achieved by the Cuban Yes, I can program, now, with IT use, it is aimed at people who for one reason or another dropped out of basic education.

Translated by ESTI ... an-program
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed May 10, 2023 2:00 pm

More US Activists Face Harassment from Authorities Upon Return from Cuba
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 7, 2023
Peoples Dispatch

Members of the NNOC May Day Brigade. Photo: NNOC

Days after members of a youth delegation were detained when returning to the US from Cuba, another batch of activists who were also on the island as part of the May Day Brigade, faced similar harassment

On May 7, several members of the US-based National Network on Cuba (NNOC) who had participated in the May Day Brigade, were detained and harassed by US Customs and Border Patrol upon arrival to the United States from Cuba.

The NNOC released a public statement on the evening of May 7, emphasizing that “In face of persecution, we reaffirm our right to travel to Cuba. Solidarity is not a crime – the US blockade is!” They added that several of the people who were detained by CBP also had their electronics seized and some were even threatened with jail time.

The harassment of their brigade members comes just days after over a dozen members of the International Peoples’ Assembly delegation to Cuba were similarly detained and questioned at the Miami International Airport and the Newark Liberty International Airport. Other organizations that traveled to Cuba for the May Day activities such as LA US Hands Off Cuba, faced similar treatment by border officials.

NNOC in its statement called this “an onslaught against Cuba solidarity activism.”

Shaquille Fontenot, NNOC Co-Chair, told Peoples Dispatch, “It’s jarring to be immediately subjected to violence as soon as you step foot in a country that claims to support personal freedoms. Despite being subjected to increased state violence and repression, we continue to stand unwaveringly in support of the Cuban people, and we stand in everlasting solidarity with those who are fighting against the criminal US economic blockade.”

The solidarity group highlighted that despite harassment from authorities and threat of jail time, their trip was “completely licensed and legal.”

They affirmed that the attitude of US government officials “is a reminder of why our work is so important. United together, we’ll never back down! Join us in calling on Biden to LIFT the Blockade, take Cuba OFF the list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism,” and give Guantánamo BACK to Cuba.”

May Day in Havana: International solidarity to resist the US blockade
Walter Smolarek

Over 150 young grassroots organizers from the United States traveled to the country to mark May Day in Cuba (Photo: Peoples Dispatch)

The slogan of this year’s May Day in Cuba was “Hands and Hearts for the Homeland!” It reflects the urgent need for every Cuban to contribute all their abilities to overcome any challenge.

This year’s May Day celebration in Cuba was interrupted by severe storms that knocked out electricity in much of the country. Authorities had no choice but to postpone the traditional mass marches. But for over 150 young grassroots organizers from the United States who had traveled to the country to mark the holiday, this turn of events was just more reason to deepen their efforts to end the US-imposed blockade of the country.

Miya Tada, a brigade participant from New York, explained how this showed that “the biggest obstacle the Cuban people are facing is the repression and economic warfare of our own government, and that just inspires me to further the struggle against the blockade back in the United States.”

This wide range of activists from nearly 30 states and dozens of organizations was brought together by the International Peoples’ Assembly, a network of left movements and parties around the globe. Members of the solidarity brigade had spent the preceding week taking part in educational panels, discussions with Cuban activists, and youth exchanges as they sought to deepen their understanding of the Cuban Revolution.

May Day amid a tightening blockade

The country is currently grappling with a range of severe difficulties that boil down to a single tremendous challenge—surviving amid a blockade that seems to tighten every day. The US-imposed blockade has been in effect for over six decades, but a series of developments in the past several years has taken its cruelty to new heights.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused havoc in every country on the planet, but the coercive measures on Cuba magnified the crisis dramatically there. The country was able to avoid the kind of catastrophic loss of life experienced in the United States thanks to its world-renowned health system that produced five different vaccines, but the economic consequences were grave. Tourism is a principal source of foreign currency—essential to import vital goods since Cuba is locked out of the dollar-dominated world market—but this industry effectively disappeared overnight. Many other sectors of the economy were severely impacted as well.

“The other pandemic we faced,” Dr. Damodar Peña Pentón of the Latin American School of Medicine explained to brigade members earlier in the trip, “was the administration of Donald Trump. He imposed 243 new measures and used COVID-19 as an ally.”

Over the course of the Trump administration, the mild thaw in US-Cuba relations that took place at the end of the Obama years was completely reversed. Aiming to suffocate the revolution, Trump imposed 243 new restrictions on Cuba designed to totally isolate it from the world economy.

Towards the end of his term, the State Department officially labeled Cuba a “state sponsor of terrorism”—because it had hosted successful peace talks between the Colombian government and the rebel movement FARC! Colombia’s president at the time was celebrated for his efforts with a Nobel Peace Prize, but Cuba’s reward was to be slandered as terrorists in an effort to further deter potential trading partners. This is a prime example of what Johana Tablada, Deputy Director for US Affairs at the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told brigade members the prior week: “The US government has been permanently telling lies to justify its policy.”

Last August, a massive inferno broke out at the country’s main fuel storage facility in the province of Matanzas. A lightning strike sparked a fire that exploded one of the facility’s massive tanks and then spread to three more. Fourteen firefighters tragically died as they heroically battled the blaze.

Such a disaster would badly affect any country, but for Cuba, the blockade had already made it extraordinarily hard to meet its energy needs. Severe fuel shortages ensued, which persist to this day. This disrupts daily life in innumerable ways and makes it extremely difficult to respond to situations like the storm on the eve of May Day.

Just a few weeks after the fire, on September 27th, Hurricane Ian made landfall in the western province of Pinar del Río. The powerful storm destroyed over 50,000 homes and damaged 60 percent of the housing in the province. Construction materials desperately needed for reconstruction efforts could not be imported due to the economic siege of the island.

Ian also had a profound effect on agriculture. Pinar del Río is known for its tobacco production, and Cuba’s cigars are an important way to acquire foreign currency through exports. Food crops being grown in the region were almost totally destroyed.

The cumulative effect of all this was to create an economic crisis that—contrary to the presentation in the major corporate media outlets—is the consequence of the limitless cruelty of the US government, not a failure of socialism.

The United States seeks to cover up this criminal behavior by preventing its own citizens from traveling to Cuba to see the reality firsthand. Despite traveling as part of a licensed, completely legal trip, members of the youth brigade were harassed and held in secondary questioning upon their return home at the Miami and Newark airports. Several young activists had their phones wrongfully searched and seized in a blatant violation of their civil liberties.

Moving forward despite great obstacles

The slogan of this year’s May Day in Cuba was “Hands and Hearts for the Homeland!” It reflects the urgent need for every Cuban to contribute all their abilities to overcome any challenge.

Any easing of US pressure on the country will be an immense relief as they pursue this task. The blockade of the country has been almost unanimously condemned at the United Nations on an annual basis for three decades. But even short of the full lifting of the blockade, steps like the revocation of the 243 Trump-imposed measures or the outrageous designation by the State Department that Cuba is a “state sponsor of terrorism” would improve the situation greatly.

“Being here in Cuba has opened my eyes to the dire need in the United States to raise awareness about what’s going on with this blockade and to end it,” explained brigade member Sarah Brummet of Pensacola, Florida. “I’m very inspired to see the solidarity and the struggle of the Cuban people, and it’s our responsibility to take that same energy home and fight the blockade,” she said. ... from-cuba/

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‘Anti-Black’ Claim Raised About Cuba As Solidarity Activists Stopped at U.S. Border & Black Socialists Arraigned in United States for Collaborating with Russia
Julie Varughese 10 May 2023

Solidarity activists who traveled with the People’s Forum met with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel on May Day, or International Workers’ Day on May 1 (Photo: Estudios Revolución)

Claims of anti-Black racism in revolutionary countries should be treated with great skepticism. This trope is used as a tool to target countries for regime change plots and other attacks.

Originally published in Toward Freedom .

It appeared in a video posted on Twitter on May 1 that has since gone viral, generating more than 2 million views in four days. The video features Afro-Cuban Grecia Ordoñez , who claims Cuban Revolution leaders Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara were racists who engaged in “white saviorism.” She also claimed genocide was committed in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the time Cuba’s revolutionary government intervened to support rebels fighting the DRC government put in place after revolutionary leader and first Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba was assassinated in 1961. Further, she pointed to Afro-Cubans being detained in Cuba as an example of racism.

Activists debunked her claims on Twitter, including a thread of articles and videos featuring members of anti-imperialist group Black Alliance for Peace .

The thread included the following articles and videos:

Hood Communist Guide to the U.S. Blockade
Limits of Lived Experience by Erica Caines
Out of The Clouds: Remarks on Anti- Blackness In Cuba by Salifu Mack
Witnessing Afro Cubans and Social Change by Austin Cole
An African Palenque: Cuba And Global Black Solidarity by Kimberly Monroe
African Power and Politics In Cuba’s La Marina Neighborhood by Musa Springer
Ajamu Baraka on Cuban Protests
Afro-Cubans Against Cuba
Black Alliance For Peace x Belly of The Beast Screening Event
James Early and Musa Springer on Cuba, Socialism and Race
Black August and The Cuban Revolution
While Ordoñez doesn’t point to evidence for the claim about genocide in Congo, a 2021 article in the Journal of Cold War Studies states:

“In reality, the main purpose was to crush the rebellion and secure Western interests in Congo. The intervention reflected a cavalier attitude toward sovereignty, international law, and the use of force in postcolonial Africa and had the adverse effect of discrediting humanitarian reasoning as a basis for military intervention until the end of the Cold War. The massacre of tens of thousands of Congolese in Stanleyville was a unique moment in which African countries united in their criticism of Western policies and demanded firmer sovereignty in the postcolonial world.”

Black Activists Reject Claims of Cuba’s Racism

The Black Alliance for Peace released a statement close to two years ago after protests erupted in Cuba over claims of racism. The statement, titled, “Biden’s Commitment to U.S. White Power Is the Real Race Issue in Cuba,” concludes, “We say to all those who pretend to be concerned about Cuba to demand an end to the embargo and to respect the right of the Cuban people to work through their own problems. As the first republic established on the basis of race and subsequently invented apartheid, the United States should be the last on the planet to lecture anyone on race relations.”

Activists like Asantewaa Nkrumah-Ture raised her voice against the claim that Cuba holds Black political prisoners.

“Who are ‘Black political prisoners’ in Cuba? What are their names? What organizations do they belong to & are those organizations independent of [U.S. National Endowment for Democracy] NED and [U.S. Agency for International Development] u.s. AID? Do they belong to [movement of jailed dissidents] Ladies in White? LOL, you sound more & more like Carlos Moore,” Nkrumah-Ture tweeted. Moore is an Afro-Cuban academic who wrote a 1988 book criticizing Cuban leader Fidel Castro as using racist means to grow Cuba’s influence around the world.

Further, activist and Ph.D. candidate Kimberly Miller tweeted in reply , “Are the ‘Black political prisoners’ you’re referring to leaders of San Isidro ‘movement,’ like Luis Alcántara or Denis Solís, who admittedly had members ‘who love Trump’ and directly met w/charge d’affaires at U.S. Embassy in Havana to foment regime change??”

U.S. Solidarity Activists Detained After Visit to Cuba

Meanwhile, Ordoñez’s viral video came just as the largest solidarity delegation in recent history commemorated May Day or International Workers’ Day, alongside 100,000 Havana residents representing many sectors of work. Last year’s parade drew 700,000 Cubans in Havana, as well as thousands of people who celebrated across the island. However, this year, the more-than-60-year-old U.S. blockade on Cuba has caused fuel shortages that required Cuba to cancel the parade itself and instead organize events in Havana’s neighborhoods, as Musa Springer reported on Radio Sputnik’s “By Any Means Necessary,” co-hosted by TF Board Secretary Jacqueline Luqman.

“Cubans say they are in a second Special Period,” Springer said, referring to the first Special Period that occurred after the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, thereby causing drastic shortages of food, fuel and machinery in the 1990s. Cuba’s gross domestic product thus dropped by 35 percent in three years.

More than 1,000 foreigners from 58 countries, all representing 271 youth, labor, social and political organizations traveled into Cuba this year for the parade, as well as for an annual conference held the next day. The delegation, led by People’s Forum in New York City, included between 300 and 350 U.S.-based activists, including many young people who had never been to Cuba before. The People’s Forum tweeted that their delegation faced a second questioning behind closed doors upon their return to U.S. airports and that their digital devices had been confiscated for searches.

Upon arrival to U.S. airports, U.S. citizens and non-citizens usually line up at booths to be questioned by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol officers. Most people are allowed to continue into the United States after answering a few questions about the reason for their journey abroad. Any reason can provoke a second questioning in private, which can extend a traveler’s time inside the airport by hours.

Activist Bill Hackwell wrote in Resumen Latinoamerica English that both members of the International Peoples Assembly delegation and the LA US Hands Off Cuba Committee delegation faced a second round of interrogations, as well as device confiscations. At the time of his writing, members in those delegations had been freed.

Hackwell commented on the irony by remarking on his experience in Cuba.

“What I have seen this past week is a government here more concerned about the well-being of the next generation of U.S. youth than their own government that marginalizes them by constricting access to jobs with a living wage, that makes access to education nearly impossible without the burden of student loans that they will carry for years, and that incarcerates them at a rate like no other country in the world.”

Manolo De Los Santos , executive director of the People’s Forum, thanked the Cuban people for their solidarity.

“These unfortunate incidents are further evidence of the wrong direction of a hostile U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba,” De Los Santos concluded in the tweet. “Their actions in fact demonstrate that the U.S. is far from a bastion of democracy and human rights, and rather than intimidate us, they motivate us to strengthen our struggles for true, transformative change here in the United States.”

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúde z expressed his solidarity with the detained activists.

“Cheer up guys, we’re with you. Thank you for your courage, for supporting #Cuba and for facing the hatred of those who cannot stand the fact that the Cuban Revolution has the support of the most progressive youth in the very bowels of the beast. We send you a big hug.”

U.S. Government Attacks Black Socialists

Meanwhile, the Hands Off Uhuru campaign announced via email to the press that on Tuesday, May 2, African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela and African People’s Solidarity Committee Chairwoman Penny Hess appeared in federal court in Tampa, Florida, in response to the U.S. Dept. of Justice’s April 18 indictment. The Black socialist group is accused of allegedly attempting to “sow discord” in the United States with the support of Russia.

Yeshitela, an 81-year-old Black man, and Hess, a white woman active in the movement since 1976, were “booked, restrained with handcuffs and leg irons, and held in a cell for several hours before appearing before a judge who released them on conditional bond that included a requirement to hand over their passports.

On Monday, May 8, Uhuru Solidarity Movement Chair Jesse Nevel will appear in response to the same indictment.

The group has asked the public to donate to the “Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Defense Fund” to help cover their legal fees.

Background information about this indictment can be found in a recent Toward Freedom article . If found guilty, the accused face up to 15 years in prison .

Julie Varughese is editor of Toward Freedom. ... socialists
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:46 pm

Cuba Does Not Host a Chinese Espionage Center, FM Stresses

Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez, June 13, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @ElNecio_Cuba

Published 13 June 2023 (2 hours 40 minutes ago)

Washington's statements are aimed at justifying U.S. sanctions against Cuba and its people.

On Monday, Cuba described the claims of the U.S. government regarding the presence of a Chinese espionage center on the island as a new disinformation operation.

"The statements made by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken about the presence of a Chinese spy base in Cuba are false... Our position on this matter is clear and categorical... Blinken's statements 'lack evidence'," Foreign Affairs Minister Bruno Rodriguez said.

"Cuba is not a threat to the United States or any other country. The United States pursues a policy that daily threatens and punishes the Cuban population as a whole," he reiterated.

The U.S. accusations are intended to "serve as a pretext to maintain the economic blockade against Cuba and the maximum pressure measures that have reinforced it in recent years."

On Monday, Secretary of State Blinken stated that the Joe Biden administration has "a strategy" to counter Chinese espionage in Cuba and other countries, which is yielding results.

On Saturday, the U.S. government declassified information from its intelligence services claiming that China has had "intelligence collection facilities" since 2019 or even earlier.

Such a term can, however, encompass anything from centers with dozens of spies to a simple listening post equipped with an antenna.

According to these reports, when President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he received information that China was attempting to expand its intelligence services worldwide by establishing espionage centers in Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Those statements come days after The Wall Street Journal published that China and Cuba had agreed to build a large espionage center on the island, information that the Cuban government categorically denied and that the White House initially described as "inaccurate."

Cuban Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Carlos Fernandez de Cossio stated that such a publication consisted of "unfounded information," "slanders," and "falsehoods" aimed at justifying U.S. sanctions against Cuba and destabilizing the island.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government accused the United States of "spreading rumors and calumnies." ... -0006.html


U.S. Imperialist Gangsterism and Cuba
​​​​​​​ Ajamu Baraka, BAR editor and columnist 14 Jun 2023

At the National Network On Cuba 2022 Fall Meeting, Cuba’s Ambassador to the United Nations Yuri Gala López explains how State Sponsors of Terrorism designation intensifies the U.S. blockade. (Photo: Bill Hackwell)

The United States has declared war against the Cuban people for more than 60 years. Terrorist designations, sanctions and military threats create great suffering in that nation. BAR contributing editor Ajamu Baraka presented these remarks at a recent International People's Tribunal on US Imperialism on Cuba .

Testimony from Ajamu Baraka:

The International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism

June 10, 2023

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a Rogue State as “a nation or state regarded as breaking international law and posing a threat to the security of other nations.” This simple and neat definition not only perfectly captures the character of the relationship between Cuba and the United States, but also the character of U.S. policies toward the nations and peoples of our region and the world since its ascendancy as a global power at the end of the second imperialist war in 1945. And what was the driving interest for much of U.S. policies during the period since 1945? To prevent authentic decolonization in the Global South by incorporating emerging nations into its orbit of control.

This geostrategic objective informed the U.S. response to the Revolution in Cuba. As the U.S. consolidated as a global imperialist power at the end of the 1950s and early 1960s, there were two aspects to its foreign policy: first, its use of subversion and military power as its main instrument of hegemonic control; and secondly, its irrational fear of communism shaped the two aspects of U.S. foreign policy at the end of the decade of the 1950s and early 1960s.

The dialectical relationship of these two aspects, especially if we understand that it is the fear of communism that primarily shapes U.S. policies, explains the heavy-handed, and often counterproductive deployment of institutional and military violence by the U.S. state during this period. In the case of Cuba and other examples, the range of potentially coercive measures that might have been utilized to mitigate against what the U.S. might have defined as an uncontrollable radicalization caused by the Cuban revolution, was forestalled by the decisions made by policymakers in the U.S. to attack the revolution.

That story of subversion and violence is well documented and has been covered extensively today.

In my short remarks, I would like to share an analysis of the meaning of Cuba from the perspective of the radical, anti-colonial, anti-imperialist African revolutionary movement based in the territory known as the United States of America.

First point: We are clear: the hegemonic subversion emanating from the leading global imperialist power from the U.S. will not cease until there is a dramatic shift in the international balance of forces globally away from the U.S. and European colonial powers, but particularly in our region.

The inclusion of Cuba on a list of so-called terrorist states constructed by the number one terrorist state on the planet is a rational and unsurprising development. From the perspective of U.S. imperialism, the survival of the Cuban revolution represents an existential threat. The role that Cuba played as a guarantor state in the initial round of peace talks between the National Liberation Army (ELN) of Colombia and the Colombian state that resulted in the Trump administration placing Cuba back on its infamous list, reveals the objective interests and intentions of imperialism. Even when the U.S. took Cuba off the list and pretended to be involved in a process of reconciliation, the objective was then as it is now – the subversion and ultimate destruction of the Cuba project. The only difference is the strategy deployed.

Second point: Democracy

Every nation, state and peoples have the right to determine for themselves how they approach the issue of democracy and governance. Socialist democracy will not and should not look anything like the phony, process oriented, narrow bourgeois democracies in the U.S. and throughout the capitalist world.

If Cuba had not developed forms of democracy suitable for the challenges of socialist construction within the context of a hostile global environment, it would not have survived. From the Committees in Defense of the Revolution to the workers formations, including the workers’ Parliament during the special period, the democratic participation of the masses took shape based on the evolving material and ideological conditions of the revolution. Those particular constructions of popular power ensured the relative stabilization of the economy under an alternative regime of social production and distribution that survived the ongoing embargo and the abandonment of socialism in the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc that created the special period.

Not only did Cuba survive, it did so with dignity, maintaining its commitment to “People(s)-Centered Human Rights” that saw a continuation of Cuba’s “high life expectancy, low infant mortality and universal access to health and education.”

Democracy emanates from the people; in fact, it is the sovereignty of the people. When more than 75% of the voting population participates in choosing the National Assembly this year, the comparison to U.S. turnout is stark. It also reveals the absurdity of the U.S. passing legislation like the Helms-Burton Act that demands that Cuba conduct its’ democratic processes in alignment with the false propaganda that the U.S. is a democracy, a falsity empirically documented in 2014.

For the U.S to demand that Cuba develop a system that guarantees “the rights of the Cuban people to express themselves freely,” when the private sector and state collude in the U.S. to restrict the free access to information, is as ridiculous as their demand that Cuba hold free and fair elections when in the U.S. only the rich really determine who runs and who wins elections.

Point three: People(s)-Centered Human rights (PCHRs)

Despite the more than 60 years of attempts to undermine the revolution, the commitment to ensure that the basic human rights of the Cuban people to have access to healthcare, food, education, and housing never wavered. Social justice, participatory democracy, and self-determination, the principles of PCHRs that combine civil and political rights and economic, social, and cultural rights in a framework of collective and individual rights differentiates the PCHRs frame from the liberal, legalistic, state-centered, individualistic Western, bourgeois human rights framework.

A clear example is the fact that Cuba “spends only four per cent per person of U.S. health costs,” but has the same average life expectancy, and lower infant mortality, is another example of why the U.S. wants to see this model of PCHRs erased. Compare that to the plight of Africans in the U.S. who just experienced a genocidal assault during the covid pandemic that resulted in tens of thousands of African Americans dying because we did not having access to adequate healthcare, that compounded the persistent health conditions we suffer in our communities because of colonialist neglect and the industrial targeting of our communities.

Point Four: Race and White Supremacy

“The Cuban people hold a special place in the hearts of the peoples of Africa. The Cuban internationalists have made a contribution to African independence, freedom and justice, unparalleled for its principled and selfless character…Cubans came to our region as doctors, teachers, soldiers, agricultural experts, but never as colonizers. They have shared the same trenches with us in the struggle against colonialism, underdevelopment, and apartheid.”

— Nelson Mandela

The African radical approach to the question of race is not abstract. We are not interested in what is in peoples’ heads and we are not concerned about whether or not someone likes us or not. We are committed to confronting the power of institutional white power in its present expression of colonial/capitalist monopoly domination.

We recognize that white supremacist ideology has been an effective weapon to both rationalize European colonial/capitalist oppression and confuse and divide colonial subjects and the working class.

Furthermore, we recognize that Western radical thought had inadequate theoretical frames for understanding all of the complex expressions of white supremacy that led to political errors in Cuba and in other revolutionary projects. Yet, while detractors of the Cuba project will attempt to weaponize the ongoing struggle against racism and racialization in Cuba, African revolutionaries who stand with Cuba assert that it is only through practice that race, and white supremacy will be defeated.

From the very beginning of the revolutionary process in Cuba, elements of the U.S. Black Liberation Movement were in an intimate relationship with the process. In the first months of the seizure of power in 1959, African Americans revolutionaries, journalists, labor leaders, congresspersons traveled to Cuba. Africans in the U.S. were informed about the events in Cuba and esthetically welcome the revolution.

When Fidel Castro traveled to New York to attend the United Nation, the U.S. administration violated its host agreements by attempting to deny Castro access to official hotels. But Black Harlem responded positively to the Cuba delegation and encouraged the delegation to stay in Harlem at the Hotel Teresa where the delegation met with various African leaders, including the famous meeting of Fidel Castro and Malcom X.

Those close relationships continued. Cuba granted political asylum to a number of members of our movement in the U.S. including Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur in 1984.

We point to the concrete commitment to defeating structures of white supremacy born by the Cuban people shedding their blood for Africa.

Cuba’s extensive and decisive role in the struggle against the apartheid regime in South Africa is marginalized in the dominant western discourse and narratives. Its critical contribution is not only frequently ignored, but also treated almost as if it had never occurred. However, for our struggle, we will never forget and struggle to remind new generations of Africans of the sacrifices made by Cuba in the cause for African liberation. We informed them of Operación Carlota in response to a direct and urgent request from the government of Angola and its significance as a pivotal element in the defeat of South African military forces that represented a major development in the southern African anti-colonial and national liberation struggle.

Operación Carlota lasted more than 15-years with over 330,000 Cubans serving and thousands making the ultimate sacrifice for African liberation.

That for us is how you demonstrate your commitment to the elimination of race and the structures of white supremacy!

Conclusion: What Must be the Verdict of this peoples’ Tribunal?

The overwhelming evidence over the next few days will affirm that Cuba, and by extension our region and the world, continues to be subjected to the organized gangsterism of the U.S./EU/NATO Axis of Domination.

But we also understand that a guilty verdict will not defeat imperialism. A wise individual once said material force can only be defeated by material force.

We cannot avoid the inevitable struggle that must be waged if we are to defeat the gangsters to the North. The U.S. has not hidden their strategy of confrontation, subversion, and direct military intervention.

The objective to reassert U.S. dominance in our region requires the subversion and control of the leading left projects in the region - Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba.

There is absolutely no commitment to upholding the principle of national sovereignty and the equality of states by the U.S. because the United States believes that our region is in its “front-yard” and the politics and economies of the governments in our region should be defined by Washington.

How do we defeat the embargo? Defeat U.S. imperialism, push the U.S. out of our region, Shut Down SOUTHCOM, complete the anti-colonial war for national liberation.

This is why the Black Alliance for Peace is building a campaign with organizations from across the region to make real the call by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) that was made in Havana, Cuba in 2014 to make our region a Zone of Peace.

We aim to build awareness about the idea of a “Zone of Peace” across the Americas.

Quote from declaration:

“Building up the Zone of Peace means prioritizing People(s)-Centered Human Rights

(PCHRs) in the Americas by observing the principles of national sovereignty, equal

rights and self-determination of peoples. This requires ending the foreign military

presence and bases, as well as all structures and practices of regional militarization.

Other aspects of the Zone of Peace include exposing the lie of benevolent and

democracy-driven “humanitarianism” that fuels the soft-power imperialist projects of the

United States and NATO, as well as the Core Group, the United Nations, United States

Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Organization of American States

(OAS). Democracy and “human rights'' as dictated by the West must be understood as no

more than ideological props.”


“…among millions of people in the global South and among the colonized and exploited working classes in global North countries, Cuba and its project will be defended and the call and struggle for socialism will continue. We see the choice. It has always been between the barbarism of the colonial-capitalist North and human freedom and transformation emerging from the South.

For nationally oppressed and exploited African peoples in the United States, we stand with the people of the South, where revolution is emerging. We will defend Cuba, support Venezuela, demand that North Korea’s sovereignty be respected, struggle against global militarization, and oppose U.S. and Western imperialism without equivocation, apology, or hesitation. We are clear on the enemy because we have seen it up close and personal since 1492.”

That is why today we still say:

All Power to the People

And in our revolutionary principles, no matter the subversive power directed at us, we continue to say there will be

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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:08 pm

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Advance Disinformation About Chinese Spy Base in Cuba to Gain Support for Cruel Embargo Costing Cubans $455 Million Per Month
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - June 24, 2023 0


After having lied about WMDs, Russia Gate, chemical weapons in Syria and so many other things, the U.S. intelligence community is now advancing the lie that Cuba is hosting a Chinese spy base that enables China to spy on the U.S.

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 8 that China and Cuba had reached an agreement in principle to build an electronic eavesdropping station on the island and that China planned to pay cash-strapped Cuba billions of dollars as part of the negotiations.

John Kirby [Source:]

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, however, said in an MSNBC interview that The Wall Street Journal report was “not accurate” and that the U.S. was watching Chinese influence activities around the world very carefully.

An anonymous source familiar with the intelligence says it suggests that a deal has been struck in principle but there has not been any movement on building the spy facility.

Carlos Fernández de Cossío [Source:]

Cuban Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Fernández de Cossío said that the slanderous speculation about a Chinese spy base was causing “harm and alarm without observing minimum patterns of communication and without providing data or evidence to support what they disseminate.”[1]

Mobilizing Support for Regime Change
The Chinese spy base fabrication is obviously designed to try to mobilize public support for the Biden administration’s regime-change policies.

Biden’s election had raised expectations among many Cubans of a return to the Obama days, when the United States sought to bury the last vestige of the Cold War by restoring diplomatic relations with Havana and calling for an end to the embargo.

However, when protests broke out early in Biden’s presidency, the Biden administration supported the dissidents and doubled down on Donald Trump’s hard-line anti-Cuba policies.

Emelia Fernandez, a Cuban American, holds a Cuban flag as she protests against the Helms-Burton Act in Miami on March 16, 1996. [Source:]

In 2008, Biden stated that he was against “lifting the embargo until there is a response to political prisoners—all the things that are wrong with this Castro administration.”

Besides his own pro-imperialist sensibilities, Biden’s policy shift from Obama reflects the influence of Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Robert Menendez, the son of Cuban immigrants and an ardent champion of regime-change policies who criticized Obama’s gambit toward Cuba.

Cuba hawk. [Source:]

Cruelty of Maximum Pressure Policies
The cruelty of Menendez’s approach was underscored at an International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism focused on Cuba on June 10 and 11. See video here and here.

Organized by an array of peace and social justice organizations, the hearings aimed to spotlight the pernicious impact of U.S. sanctions functioning as a “key tool of U.S. imperialism.”

Yuri Gala López [Source:]

The first speaker at the hearing, Yuri Gala López, emphasized the Biden administration was continuing to apply a “maximum pressure policy” on Cuba inherited from the Trump administration, whose purpose was to cripple its economy in order to facilitate unrest and the eventual overthrow of Cuba’s communist government.

This strategy has essentially been in place since 1960 following the triumph of the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro, which toppled the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista and nationalized Cuba’s economy while advancing land reform and instituting free health care and education.

Fidel Castro arriving in Havana after the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959. [Source:]

López cited an April 1960 memorandum by Lester D. Mallory, the Deputy Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs at the time of the Cuban Revolution, which emphasized that, since the majority of Cubans supported Fidel Castro and there was no effective political opposition, the U.S. should try to create economic hardship for the population by denying money and supplies and cutting off trade, which would bring about hunger and desperation and the eventual overthrow of Castro’s government.

Lester D. Mallory [Source:]

Mallory’s memo provided the basis for U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba that remains essentially unchanged after six decades.

According to López, the impact of the U.S. blockade has been devastating in human terms, resulting in material shortages and scarcity designed to sow the seeds of popular dissatisfaction with the Castro and Miguel Díaz-Canel administrations.

The economic damage from the embargo is at least $154 billion, along with thousands killed in terrorist acts directed largely from U.S. soil.

Other speakers at the hearing emphasized that the U.S. goal was to punish Cuba for its defiance and establishment of a humane governing structure that serves as an alternative to the inhuman capitalist system.

In the agricultural sector, because of the blockade, farmers are deprived of needed technologies and have difficulty exporting their products. Transportation is impeded and certain medicines and medical treatments are difficult to obtain. The U.S. even blocked the delivery of respirators following the outbreak of COVID-19.


Because of a remarkable medical system nevertheless, Cuba has obtained lower infant mortality rates than in the U.S. and parallel life expectancy. This is because of the Cuban government’s investment of its resources in the social and human needs of its people, unlike in the U.S. where neo-liberal austerity is the norm and so much money is invested in the military.

Cuba’s function as a zone of peace was evident in its recent role in helping to broker an important peace agreement in Colombia between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) guerrilla group.

Cuba has generally been labeled by U.S. administrations as a terrorist state and accused of providing a platform for spycraft and subversion into the U.S. when, in reality, it is the U.S. which has terrorized Cuba for six decades and tried to deliberately impoverish and starve its people in the vain hope that they could achieve the long-held goal of regime change and turn the clock back to the 1950s.

1.Wang Wenbin, spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, said the U.S. is the “global champion of hacking and superpower of surveillance,” suggesting U.S. officials spread rumors about the spy base as a “common tactic.” ↑ ... per-month/
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:35 pm

Cuba reaffirms socialism while it reckons with its private sector

Despite facing an intensified blockade and a severe economic crisis, Cuba has remained firm with its commitment to guaranteeing rights for its people

July 25, 2023 by Manolo De Los Santos

Fruit and vegetable market in Cuba. Photo: Ricardo López Hevia / Granma

Seventy years have passed since Fidel Castro and a daring group of young Cubans launched an assault on the Moncada Barracks in eastern Cuba, aiming to topple the Fulgencio Batista dictatorship. Despite the military failure of that attempt, it served as the catalyst for the revolution that has now held power in Cuba for more than 63 years. Today, a new generation of revolutionaries is grappling with the challenges of meeting the needs of the Cuban people while fostering a socialist project within a global economy marked by crisis. They are doing all this under an intense campaign of maximum pressure from the Biden administration.

The United States’ agenda of global hegemony has continually clashed with Cuba’s pursuit of independence and sovereignty and more intensely since the revolution’s victory in 1959. The Kennedy administration initiated a blockade against Cuba in 1962, launching a relentless campaign of starvation and deprivation against the island’s 11 million inhabitants. However, despite enduring the longest embargo in modern history, Cubans have managed to build world-renowned public education and health systems, as well as an innovative biotech industry, and have secured a higher quality of life for its citizens than many developing countries.

Yet, the US has intensified its blockade against Cuba over the past six years, starting with former President Donald Trump who implemented 243 new sanctions, reversing the normalization process initiated by former President Barack Obama in 2014. Despite campaign promises of a more balanced approach toward Cuba, President Joe Biden has amplified pressure on the nation.

In 2017, the US accused the Cuban government of deploying sonic attacks against its embassy officials, a claim that was later proven false. However, this accusation served as a pretext to freeze relations with Cuba, causing a collapse in tourism and leading to revenue loss as more than 600,000 annual US visitors ceased their travels to the island. Under Trump’s sanctions, Western Union halted operations in Cuba in 2020, disrupting remittances. Visa services were suspended by the US Embassy in Havana in 2017, sparking the largest wave of irregular migration since 1980.

Cuba’s economy has suffered under this extensive blockade, with the country’s GDP shrinking to a staggering 15 percent in 2019 and 11 percent in 2020 as the government and other entities found themselves unable to purchase basic necessities due to banking restrictions imposed because of the blockade. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Cuba’s robust health care system was pressured by the sanctions as the number of Delta variant cases surged and the country’s only oxygen plant was rendered non-operational due to its inability to import spare parts. Even as Cuban patients struggled to breathe, Washington refused to make exceptions, only offering US-made vaccines after most Cubans had been vaccinated with domestically developed vaccines.

In his last week in office in January 2021, former President Trump put Cuba on the state sponsors of terrorism list, making it nearly impossible for Cuba to engage in normal financial transactions necessary for trade. During President Biden’s first 14 months in office, the Cuban economy lost an estimated $6.35 billion, preventing Cuba from making crucial investments in its aging energy grid or purchasing food and medicine. With the economy shrinking but the government persevering with its commitment to provide employment, inflation rocked the Cuban peso, devaluing what was already considered low government wages. While the country’s rationing system provided everyone with a subsistence diet, this was a level of deprivation that hadn’t been felt by Cubans since the Special Period in the 1990s, with no immediate solutions in sight. The Cuban government turned to alternative avenues for growth and development.

In 2020, Cuba began relying more heavily on the private sector to meet its basic needs due to the increasing scarcity of goods. With the private sector on track to import $1 billion of goods in 2023, and more than 8,000 small and medium-sized businesses having registered since 2021, the economy is slowly growing at a rate of 1.8 percent. The rise of the private sector introduces new challenges for any socialist project.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel expressed his vision for Cuba’s future, emphasizing the government’s commitment to providing essential services to its citizens but also nodding toward changes in the future. He argued that social justice is not merely about welfare or equality but also about a fair distribution of income, where those who contribute more earn more and those who are unable to contribute are assisted by the government.

In this journey, the Cuban government faces an uphill task. While the rise of the private sector has boosted supplies and provided badly needed goods, it in turn also creates new income disparities, which stands in contrast to Cuba’s historic emphasis on equitable wealth distribution. Moreover, if the government’s new policies succeed in bringing back economic growth and more efficiently delivering needed supplies via the private sector—at a time when the state is essentially blocked from doing so—it will create a new social counterweight to the state itself. This changing dynamic will define Díaz-Canel’s second and final term as president as the government manages the balance between the private sector’s growth and maintaining the socialist principles that are central to Cuba’s identity.

So far, the leadership of the Cuban Revolution, while recognizing the necessity of wealth creation, has been committed to ensuring that the benefits of this wealth are shared among all its citizens. Díaz-Canel insists that the government will safeguard the socialist project—guaranteeing essential services, some free of charge and others at the lowest possible cost—while resisting the calls from friends and foes alike to embark on any major privatization efforts.

Over the years, Cuba has faced considerable economic and political challenges. Beyond an economic blockade, natural disasters such as Hurricane Ian caused more than $1 billion in damages and left more than 100,000 families without homes. The crises provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic eliminated tourism, the country’s number one industry.

While Western governments never lose an opportunity to criticize Cuba on both economic and political grounds, many in the Global South continue to support it as an example of resilience and independence. Faced with numerous challenges, Cuba has chosen a path of resistance, continually adapting and innovating in the face of adversity rather than succumbing to external pressures.

Amid the challenges of a global economy marked by crisis, Cuba strives to maintain its socialist project, meet the needs of its people, and assert its independence. Despite facing the longest embargo in modern history, the nation has made significant strides in public education, health care, and sustainable development, outperforming many advanced economies. The future may be fraught with challenges, but Cuba’s dedication to its people and its independent path shines as a beacon of hope in a world still unable to answer the many dilemmas of humanity. Indeed, that is why Fidel Castro’s daring mission at the Moncada Barracks 70 years ago continues to have such a hold on the Cuban imagination. Despite the temporary setbacks, Cubans survive and live to fight the next battle.

Manolo De Los Santos is the co-executive director of the People’s Forum and is a researcher at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He co-edited, most recently, Viviremos: Venezuela vs. Hybrid War (LeftWord Books/1804 Books, 2020) and Comrade of the Revolution: Selected Speeches of Fidel Castro (LeftWord Books/1804 Books, 2021). ... te-sector/
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:52 pm

Cuba and Africa: An Endearing Solidarity
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 6, 2023
Tanalís Padilla

Cuban and Angolan soldiers. courtesy: Gerardo Hernandez

Last month, Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel visited Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. In the latter country he participated in the summit of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) in the capacity that Cuba holds as president of the grouping of G-77 nations and China. The trip was significant both for the historical solidarity between Cuba and Africa and for the possibilities of strengthening relations between the countries of the global south.

In a continent so besieged – trafficking of millions of human beings as slaves, the distribution of territory by Europeans at the end of the 19th century, U.S. intervention against national liberation movements, its support for South Africa’s inhuman apartheid and its current militarization of the territory – Cuba’s actions in Africa stand out for their humanism and solidarity.

In 1961, when Algeria was fighting for its independence from France, Cuba – barely liberated from U.S. neocolonialism – sent military support to the liberation forces. In the ship in which armament arrived, 78 wounded Algerian guerrillas and 20 orphaned children returned to the island to be treated. In 1963, already independent, Algeria, whose majority of doctors had left for France, received 55 Cuban doctors. In 1964 Cuba would send another brigade to help establish the Algerian health system. “What we were offering was very little, like a beggar offering help,” said José Ramón Ventura, head of the mission and later Minister of Health, “but we knew that Algeria needed that assistance more than we did, and we knew they deserved it.

In his book Missions in Conflict, Piero Gleijeses, a historian at Johns Hopkins University, lists Cuban actions in Africa. In addition to Algeria, he details Cuba’s work in support of Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique, its participation in the Congo against the corrupt regime imposed by the United States and, above all, the indispensable military actions in Angola to repel the South African invasion in the 1970s and 1980s. Thanks to Cuba, the South African forces -supported by the United States- failed in their attempt to dominate Angola. The failure would be key in the fall of apartheid and the independence of Namibia, which until 1990 was dominated by South Africa.

In 1991, released after 27 years in prison, Nelson Mandela traveled to Cuba, where he said: “We come today acknowledging our enormous debt to the Cuban people. What other country can show a record of greater interest than Cuba has exhibited in its relations with Africa? How many countries benefit from the work of Cuban health workers and educators? How many are currently in Africa? Where is the country that has asked for Cuba’s help and been denied? How many countries threatened by imperialism fighting for their freedom have been able to count on Cuba’s support?”

Between 1975 and 1991, in addition to the 300,000 Cuban soldiers who fought in Angola, 50,000 Cubans worked in education, health and infrastructure construction. In Gleijeses’ interview with a health worker in Guinea-Bissau, she says: “The Cuban doctors worked a miracle. I will be eternally grateful to them. They not only saved lives, they also risked their own”. In a continent that, as Mandela said, “we are used to being victims of countries that want to break up our territory or subvert our sovereignty”, Cuba is known as the only country that arrived to leave with nothing but the coffins of its sons who died in the struggle to liberate Africa.

Cuba’s solidarity with Africa did not cease when its countries won their independence. “The struggle is not over,” declared a Botswana official, “it is now a different war.” In addition to the thousands of Africans who have studied for free in Cuba, the island has sent doctors to multiple countries and helped establish medical schools in Gambia and Equatorial Guinea. Cuban professors have also participated in the training of health personnel in Ethiopia, Uganda and South Africa. Where Cuban medical professionals work, infant mortality has dropped dramatically. From every thousand in Ghana it went from 59 to 7.8, in Eritrea from 48 to 10.6 and in Equatorial Guinea from 131 to 35.5.

Why this policy towards Africa, asks Gleijeses. His answer: “Cuban leaders were convinced that their country had a special empathy for the Third World. Cuba was racially mixed, poor and threatened by a powerful enemy. Culturally it was Latin American and African […] a special hybrid: a socialist country with Third World sensibilities in a world that, as Castro said, was dominated by a conflict between the privileged and the poor, a struggle of humanity against imperialism and where the main dividing lines were not between socialist and capitalist states, but between developed and underdeveloped countries.”

Tanalís Padilla is a professor-researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Author of the book Lecciones inesperadas de la revolución. A history of rural teacher training colleges (La Cigarra, 2023). ... olidarity/

From Ukraine to the United Nations: Orlando Boronat’s Operation against Cuba
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on SEPTEMBER 6, 2023
Kato Arkonada


According to State Department sources, there is an operation underway against the Cuban Revolution executed by Orlando Gutierrez Boronat, an ultra-right-winger linked to the U.S. intelligence services and who has just recently traveled to Ukraine. The objective here is to complicate the G77+China summit to be held in Havana to be held in Havana on September 15-16, and to sabotage the presence of President Díaz-Canel in New York for the 78th United Nations Assembly starting September 19.

Boronat is a terrorist of Cuban origin, although he has lived in the United States since 1971, who presides over an organization called Cuban Democratic Directorate ” from which they not only promote the blockade against Cuba, but have directly called for a U.S. military intervention against Cuba. This organization is the largest recipient of U.S. government funding of all those that receive funds to subvert the Cuban constitutional order. In fact, Boronat has publicly declared himself an admirer of Salvadoran Major Roberto d’Aubuisson, creator of the death squads in El Salvador, and mastermind of the assassination of Archbishop Monsignor Romero.

Boronat is also an articulator of the international right wing. His relations with the Bolsonaro clan are well known and in November 2022 he was at the Conservative Action Political Conference (CPAC) where he launched harsh attacks against President López Obrador for his policy of support to Cuba

Boronat recently created the “Hemispheric Front for Freedom”, an international ultra-right wing front that opposes the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, that he himself coordinates and just made a visit a few days ago to Ukraine to present the Luis Boitel award (August 29) to “137 Cuban political prisoners and to the Ukrainian people for the defense of their sovereignty in the face of Russian aggression”.

But Boronat’s visit to Kiev, beyond the anti-Russian and anti-Cuban revolution propaganda, had more important objectives:

First, to generate fake news around an alleged intervention of Cuban military alongside Russian military in the special intervention being carried out in Ukraine.

Secondly, and given the presence of far-right European politicians at the award ceremony, to sabotage the “Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Cuba”. In other words, to reinforce the blockade against the Caribbean island and its revolution.

And thirdly and perhaps most importantly, to sabotage the visit of the Cuban governmental delegation to the 78th United Nations Assembly to be held in New York, where President Díaz-Canel may be present to give a speech to the international community.

But, in addition, Boronat has asked Zelensky’s government to help them use their contacts with the Ukrainian community in the United States to join them in the demonstrations they intend to call in New York against the Cuban delegation. Let us not forget that although Cuba abstained in the United Nations vote against the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, denouncing the Western double standards and the attempt to surround Russia with NATO bases, it maintains a history of solidarity since the accident at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant (then part of the Soviet Union) in Chernobyl, where 24,000 children, mostly Ukrainian, were treated in Cuba for radiation sickness.

So far in 2023, the terrorist Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat has traveled to Peru, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Sweden, Lithuania and Poland, together with other members of the so-called “Hemispheric Front for Freedom”. All of this based on recommendations and the personal supervision of Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the select intelligence committee of the U.S. Senate that financed the trip. ... inst-cuba/
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:04 pm

Molotov Cocktails Are Thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington

Cuban Embassy in Washington DC, U.S., 2023. | Photo: X/ @CubaSolidarity
Published 25 September 2023 (2 hours 1 minutes ago)

Cuban FM Rodriguez stated that anti-Cuban groups "resort to terrorism when they feel impunity."

On Sunday, the Cuban Government classified the throwing of two Molotov cocktails at its embassy in Washington by an individual as a "terrorist attack."

"On the night of today, 9/24, the Cuban Embassy in the USA was the target of a terrorist attack by an individual who threw two Molotov cocktails. There were no injuries to personnel. Details are being clarified," said Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez.

He and Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel returned to Havana on Sunday after a week in New York for the opening of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), during which the Cuban delegation engaged in intensive diplomatic activities.

Rodriguez accused anti-Cuban groups of the attack, stating that they "resort to terrorism when they feel impunity" and denounced that the Cuban government has repeatedly alerted "U.S. authorities to this situation."

He added that the Cuban Embassy in Washington had already suffered another attack in April 2020 when an individual fired an assault rifle at the diplomatic mission's headquarters.

The Cuban government delegation returned to Havana on Sunday after Diaz-Canel spoke on the first day of the UNGA, as well as in other high-level parallel forums on the environment and sustainable development goals.

Diaz-Canel, who had previously attended the UNGA in 2018, also took the opportunity to meet with other leaders and participate in various events with social groups that support Cuba. ... -0001.html

Nuke Miami...<sic>


Terrorist attack against the Cuban Embassy in the United States
Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba

Author: Cubaminrex |

september 25, 2023 17:09:59

Photo: Cubaminrex

During the night of September 24, 2023, a terrorist attack occurred against the premises of the Cuban Embassy in the United States, when an individual threw two Molotov cocktails from the sidewalk over the perimeter fence of the facility, which hit the front wall of that diplomatic mission. There were no injuries to the personnel who were present at that headquarters. At the request of the Cuban diplomatic mission, officers of the United States Secret Service arrived at the building and had access to its facilities to verify the violent action perpetrated.

Anti-Cuban groups resort to terrorism due to the moral bankruptcy of their hatred against Cuba and the impunity they believe they enjoy. On a regular basis, in the official exchanges between the Embassy and the Department of State, we have warned that the permissive behavior of United States law enforcement agencies in the face of violent actions can encourage the commission of acts of this nature.

It is the second violent attack against the diplomatic headquarters in Washington, since April 2020. On the night of that day, an individual of Cuban origin, standing in the middle of the street in the US capital and using an assault rifle, fired a burst of thirty cartridges against the building. Fortunately, there was no damage to the personnel inside the property on that occasion, but there was considerable material damage.

After three years, the perpetrator still awaits trial and the United States government has refused to classify the incident as a terrorist act.

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations requires the United States, as a receiving country, to take all appropriate measures to protect the premises of the mission against intrusion or damage and to prevent any disturbance of the peace of the mission or impairment of its dignity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns this terrorist action and hopes that the United States Government will act in accordance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, in the interest of avoiding the repetition of these events.

The Ministry warns once again about the message that is being conveyed regarding the attitude of the US government in the face of threats of this type against the Cuban diplomatic headquarters, but also against those of other countries in the city of Washington D.C.

It also warns against the double standards used by the US government's supposed commitment against terrorism.

(Cubaminrex) ... ted-states


The US condemns the attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington

The events occurred hours after President Miguel Díaz-Canel and Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez returned to Havana. | Photo: @CubaMINREX
Published September 26, 2023 (4 hours 15 minutes ago)

The Security Service of the United States Department of State began an investigation after the terrorist attack.

The United States Government condemned on Monday the attack with Molotov cocktails on the Cuban Embassy in Washington DC.

From the State Department, Matthew Miller, promised the Cuban government that an investigation into the events that occurred at its embassy in Washington is being carried out.

“An investigation is underway and it would be inappropriate to speculate on motives before knowing the outcome. I have no reason to agree or not to agree without seeing the evidence of the investigations underway,” said Matthew Miller.

The spokesperson highlighted that the State Department's Security Service works closely with the corresponding agencies to protect and maintain the integrity of foreign missions in the United States.

“Attacks and threats against diplomatic facilities are unacceptable. “We are in contact with the officials of the Cuban embassy, ​​in accordance with our obligations under the Vienna convention,” the official highlighted.

Attack on the Cuban Embassy
The Cuban Embassy in Washington DC reported that on Sunday night a person carried out the terrorist attack after throwing two Molotov cocktails.

The Cuban ambassador, Lianys Torres Rivera, assured that she immediately contacted the US authorities to begin an investigation; The diplomat assured that there was no material damage or injuries.

The events occurred hours after the Cuban president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez, returned to Havana after having participated in the opening of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

“Hate launched, once again, a terrorist attack against our Embassy in Washington last night, in an act of violence and impotence that could have cost valuable lives. We denounce it and wait for action from the North American authorities,” declared the president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel. ... -0009.html

Google Translator

Yeah, right....


ALBA-TCP Condemns Attack Against Cuba’s Embassy in the US

ALBA-TCP demanded "the action of the U.S. authorities" in the face of the violence at Cuba's diplomatic headquarters. Sep. 25, 2023. | Photo: X/@ALBATCP

Published 25 September 2023

On the night of Sunday, an individual threw two Molotov cocktails at the Cuban diplomatic headquarters.

The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of the Americas - Peoples' Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP) issued an official communiqué on Monday condemning the "terrorist attack" against Cuba's diplomatic headquarters in the U.S.

The member states recalled that "the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations establishes the obligation of the receiving State to respect and protect the premises of the mission."

The Alliance noted that "this is not the first time that the Embassy of the Republic of Cuba has been the victim of acts of terrorism and violence in the territory of the United States."

"The most recent event occurred on April 30, 2020, when an individual fired with an assault rifle against the facade of the mission. Anti-Cuban groups turn to terrorism when they feel impunity, something about which Cuba has repeatedly alerted U.S. authorities," denounced the organization in the text.

On the night of Sunday, September 24, an individual threw two Molotov cocktails at the Cuban diplomatic headquarters, an act which did not cause any victims or injuries.

ALBA-TCP considered "inadmissible that Cuba is on a unilateral list of countries that allegedly sponsor international terrorism when it is the victim of these attacks."

The text underlines the organization's demand that Cuba "be excluded from the aforementioned unilateral and arbitrary list," drawn up by the United States.

"ALBA-TCP reiterates its strong condemnation of this terrorist attack, urges compliance with international law and international conventions and supports the measures taken by the Government of the Republic of Cuba in the face of this aggression," the communiqué added.

In tune with the Cuban government, ALBA-TCP also demanded "the action of the U.S. authorities" in the face of the violence at diplomatic headquarters.

The Alliance is made up of Cuba, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Nicaragua, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Bolivia and Venezuela. ... -0018.html
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Re: Cuba

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:48 pm

Cuba To Implement a Macroeconomic Stabilization Plan
DECEMBER 25, 2023

A view of Vedado street in La Habana, Cuba. Photo: X/@CubaenFotos.

On Thursday, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero presented the macroeconomic stabilization program that will be implemented to boost the Cuban economy in 2024.

This program includes measures aimed at increasing foreign exchange income by promoting exports of goods and services and increasing the participation of foreign investment, especially in the production of food and energy.

Cuban authorities will reduce tariffs on intermediate products and increase tariffs on final products to promote the competitiveness of local industries.

Among the measures to reduce the budget deficit, it is proposed to update fuel prices, which are currently imported by the State and distributed with subsidies. A network of gasoline distribution stations will charge tourists for fuel in dollars.

Policies to reduce the fiscal deficit will also include the application of new rates to transportation services, a 25 percent increase in electricity rates for those citizens with monthly consumption greater than 500 kWh, an increase in the rate for drinking water, and an increase of the retail price of liquefied gas.

Regarding the allocation of resources through the State, the macroeconomic stabilization plan seeks to move from a model based on universal subsidies towards targeted transfers in favour of low-income groups.

UN Overwhelmingly Condemns US Blockade Against Cuba

In order to achieve this policy objective, which implies stopping subsidizing high-income groups, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security will be in charge of defining vulnerable groups. The supply book will be maintained, even in the context of high international inflation.

The Cuban government will seek to increase employment levels by promoting investments, systematizing job fairs, and reducing levels of labor informality. A system of “additional payments” will also be implemented to improve the situation of health workers and teachers. ... tion-plan/


Parliamentary commissions will analyze the main problems of the country

The permanent work commissions of the National Assembly of People's Power will meet today and tomorrow, prior to the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Parliament, in its 10th Legislature, convened as of December 20

Author: Susana Antón |

december 19, 2023 08:12:52

Parliamentary commissions Photo: Estudios Revolución

The permanent working commissions of the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) will meet today and tomorrow, prior to the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the Parliament, in its X Legislature, convened as of December 20.

In two intense days, in the capital's Palacio de Convenciones, the deputies will deal with the main problems of the country; among them, the epidemiological situation, the strategies for municipal development and government management, the impact of the new economic actors and passenger transportation.

On the first day, they will also analyze the progress of the implementation of the Policy for the attention to children, adolescents and youths; as well as the verification of the implementation of the Integral Strategy for the prevention and attention to gender violence and in the family scenario.

On Tuesday, the project of attention to children, adolescents and young people at risk, the improvement of communal services, the process of bankarization and the quality of the banking service and electronic commerce in the sector of Internal Commerce, among other topics, will be discussed.

During this Second Ordinary Session, information will be provided on the progress of the economy, its results and challenges in terms of fundamental indicators, in the midst of the complex situation faced by the country. ... he-country

Why we don’t need more than one party

Excerpts from speech delivered by Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro, July 26, 1988

Author: Fidel Castro Ruz |

may 13, 2021 09:05:38

Photo: Granma Archives
There is one very essential idea, and that is never to forget where we are situated, which is not in the Black Sea, but in the Caribbean, not 90 miles from Odessa, but 90 miles from Miami, with a border on our own land, in an occupied part of our territory, with imperialism. Our people are in charge in our country; and our Party is responsible for its policy, its line, its defense.

Our Party knows that mistakes bemade that weaken it ideologically... There will be nothing to weaken the authority of the Party! Without the Party no revolution is possible, without the Party no construction of socialism is possible!

And we must say here, once and for all, that we do not need more than one party, in the same way that Martí did not need more than one party to wage the struggle for the independence of Cuba, in the same way that Lenin did not need more than one party to make the October Revolution. I say this so that those who believe that here we are going to begin to allow parties in the pockets of someone else. To organize who? Counter-revolutionaries, the pro-Yankees, the bourgeoisie? No, here there is only one party, which is the party of our proletariat, of our peasants, of our students, of our workers, of our people, solidly and indestructibly united…

We do not need capitalist political formulas, that is complete garbage, they are useless, with their penchant for incessant politicking. I was talking about how, here, they demanded votes in for exchange medical attention; none of these phenomena exist now. We have created our own form of political organization appropriate to the country, we do not copy; People's Power is our own form of organization...

We do not need to rectify anything at all, given that we have a very democratic system, much more democratic than all systems of the bourgeoisie, of millionaires, of the plutocracy which is, really, who governs, in general, in capitalist countries.

We have nothing to learn and we will not stray one iota from this path, on which power emanates from the people. And you know that our Party came from the people, it did not fall from the sky, and that our members are chosen among the best of the youth and among the best workers...

And you know very well what it means to be a Party member: It means being the first in everything when there is a difficult task, an internationalist mission, a sacrifice, a risk; taking the first shift, the first possibility is for the Party member, ours is not a party of the privileged, but a party born from the heart of the people, whose members must to serve as examples, and when they do not, the Party takes charge of removing them from its ranks. ... -one-party

Our Communist Party is unique

Our Party is unique because it guarantees the unity of all Cubans intent on building a more democratic, inclusive and just society

Author: Karima Oliva Bello |

april 13, 2021 09:04:07

Our Party is unique because it is the party of the people and for the people. Photo: Ricardo López Hevia

Our Party is unique because it guarantees the unity of all Cubans intent on building a more democratic, inclusive and just society. It guarantees, strategically, our unity, in a world in which political fragmentation of progressive forces prevails in the face of advancing neoliberalism. The centers of capitalist power understand that, in order to win, they need to divide, defeat or co-opt Cuba’s collective forms of organization, resistance and struggle which constitute a real, effective threat to their system. Hence the pretension that we assume a multiparty system, which would only impede any possibility of a more democratic society.

Our Party is unique because it empowers the Cuban people, and serves as our principal resource in the defense of our rights against subversive agendas promoted from abroad, which for over 60 years have incessantly pressured us to impose a system that would sweep away these rights.

It empowers us in a world of extreme vulnerability and social alienation in which everyone is forced to seek individual solutions to systemic crises. "Every man for himself" prevails in high-risk societies. Anyone who doubts this should remember that more than 55% of the world's population, 4 billion people, have had no type of social protection whatsoever during the period of humanitarian crisis we are now experiencing; 1.3 billion are multidimensionally poor, that is, poor not only because of a low income, but also because they are excluded from health and education systems, from access to drinking water, among other rights. Half of them, 662 million, are children.

Our party is unique because of its tradition of struggle and the moral authority on which it is based, in a region where, in general, political parties routinely feature no more than media shows, scandals and corruption. It is heir to the spirit in which the Cuban Revolutionary Party was created: a party to organize the struggle for our independence, anti-imperialist, defender of the noblest anti-racist and social justice ideals.

Our Party is unique because it is communist, in a world in which capitalism is in crisis. The right wing virulently attacks human rights in defense of its class interests, and there is no “center” that constitutes a real alternative to confronting the capitalist structures of domination and plunder of our peoples.

Our Party is unique because it is the party of the people and for the people; the party of the grassroots, in every workplace, in every neighborhood; the party of the intellectual and the worker; the party that submits to public debate the concepts on which our national project is based, the party that has overcome incredible challenges and faced contradictions, without abandoning the path of our sovereignty; the party that has shown its iron will to advance a blockaded nation, the party of the unwavering struggle against the blockade, the first to step forward every time the country needs it.

Our Party is unique because it resists, never weakening, all types of symbolic violence attacking its legitimacy, slandering its leaders, ridiculing or stigmatizing its foundations and manipulating its history.

Our Party is unique because it is ours, it is not a club of millionaires with no popular roots, disregarding the fate of the humble, it is not a cover for the interests of a foreign power, it is not an instrument to win elections based on patronage, buying votes and media manipulation.

Our Party is unique because it is not perfect, nor should it be idealized. It has assumed its own mistakes with a self-critical attitude whenever necessary. Forged in the heat of a complex social process, which has not been free of mistakes, our Party is confronting the challenges of our time, which cannot be underestimated.

The balance of political and economic power in the world today is especially hostile to a socialist alternative, even more so in the case of a small, economically poor country like ours. The domination of consumer culture, the idealization of liberalism, the advance of cultural colonialism and the demonization of communism, create a very difficult context in terms of political and ideological development.

The counterrevolution’s use of social networks, financed by the United States, to fabricate and manage Cuban public opinion regarding sensitive issues, has created a panorama in which the response capacity of our organizations is severely tested. But our tradition of struggle is solid and the strengths we have to develop our own strategies and agendas will prevail.

Our Party is unique because it rises to the occasion, to confront challenges, it looks to the future, conscious of its commitment to our people, our martyrs, our heroes and history; it promotes change, despite accusations of being dogmatic; it is based on clear ideological principles and on a commendable body of scientific knowledge to support every effort, to which our nation awakes everyday to give our best.

Our Party is unique because it is the guarantee we have to dream and work for a better country for all. ... -is-unique

We must unleash the productive forces and also the spiritual forces of the Revolution

"On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, its political leadership, its communist militancy, its patriotic and revolutionary sons and daughters, we are summoned to act together for a common goal: to save the Homeland, the Revolution, socialism, and to win," said Díaz-Canel, at the conclusion of the 7th Plenary Session of the Party's Central Committee

Author: Alina Perera Robbio |

december 19, 2023 08:12:48

Dissatisfaction, the Cuban President stressed, "is an engine that moves revolutionary energies, because it shakes shame." Photo: Estudios Revolución

To rediscover the "mythical breath" of the Revolution, and from it to rise up; to rediscover the paths of legend and heroism that made us live episodes such as those of Girón, or the fight against bandits; to immerse ourselves in the epic of a maelstrom that because of its humanity deserves to be told, sung, and of course to continue to be done.

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, summoned us to this beautiful task when he closed the 7th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Party on Saturday.

Let's develop the productive forces and also the spiritual forces of the Revolution, said the Head of State, who also defined that this is the way to strengthen the pride of being Cuban men and women.

The President dedicated his first words to the projection of the largest of the Antilles in the international arena, especially this year. He highlighted "the strength of the Cuban Revolution's foreign policy", sustained, essentially, in the heroism of the people and with strong roots in the performance and legacy of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Cuba, its performance and example at a planetary level -the dignitary reflected-, has led to the bankruptcy of the isolation to which imperialism has tried to subject the Caribbean country. He did not overlook the role of the island at the head of the Group of 77 and China, as president pro tempore.

In his speech, he denounced the genocide being perpetrated against the Palestinian people and recalled the cruelty of the imperialist blockade against Cuba. The impact that this siege represents for the Cuban economy and society "is very hard", he said.

"But we cannot be overwhelmed, overwhelmed, disunited or demobilized", Díaz-Canel emphasized, for which he called to remain optimistic, not to abandon the "confidence in victory", and to be certain that Cubans will overcome their challenges with work, talent and their own creativity; "that is, with creative resistance".

In this struggle to resist and win, the Cuban President evoked Fidel and Raúl, and the school -learned from them- of "timely correction". Díaz-Canel brought up the moment in 2000, when the Commander-in-Chief "summoned us to change everything that should be changed", and made reference to the year 2005, when Fidel warned, from the Aula Magna of the University of Havana, that the Revolution could self-destruct.

On precepts bequeathed by the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, the Head of State emphasized: "His ideas on the importance of constant rectification within the revolutionary process have transcended in time". In this sense, he stressed the value of "critical observance" by revolutionaries in relation to the causes that could threaten an emancipation process that is always threatened.

Díaz-Canel spoke of "correcting everything that deviates from the spirit of the Revolution", and of knowing how to create new solutions to all problems.


The President described the 7th Plenum as a good and important meeting. He said "important", in view of the "strategic character" of the meeting: "Here we discussed -he said- the fundamental problems of the country at this moment", and reflected on why the meeting was good: "because it was discussed without complacency and with a quite optimal use of time".

He valued that "during these two days we have talked about efforts that have not yet translated into solutions; of measures that did not bear fruit, and of forecasts that were not fulfilled", and shared a reflection that leads to many others in today's Cuba: "Why can we develop an investment of the magnitude of the East-West water transfer in the municipality of Mayarí in Holguín, and not manage to translate that investment into greater food production?

"Let us never forget," he said, "that what the people expect are results, and it is up to each one of us, women and men of the Party, who are also the people, to do what Tapia (Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca) so graphically defined in good Cuban: to put food on the people's plate. And not only that, but much more".

Dissatisfaction, he stressed, "is an engine that moves the revolutionary energies, because it shakes shame", and highlighted the importance of walking with the people, within them, of going to the heart of the neighborhoods, where people have not lost hope. He affirmed that it is among the people that "it is possible to fully activate participation, without which socialism is not possible".


The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party told the delegates of the VII Plenum that, "with the crudeness that the moment demands, Alejandro Gil (Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning) recognized that the measures adopted to contain inflation have not been effective". The dignitary emphasized that, "in order to face this and other complex problems associated with the macroeconomy, actions are being designed to be implemented in 2024".

The question we ask ourselves every day," said the President, "is what we are going to do and how we are going to do it. Above all, he asserted, the formula is to work, to do it well. And he reminded that no single measure will solve all the problems by itself, and that -in this sort of collective work- "nobody has the absolute truth".

In allusion to an idea that the Prime Minister, Manuel Marrero Cruz, had already shared in the Plenary, the Head of State reflected: "We are working in a war economy scenario. With consensual decisions, with collective work, with passion and energy, we are all summoned to revert the current situation.

"If every measure of the declared enemies of our independence is a silent bomb that seeks to tear down the walls of our resistance; every response from Cuba must be aimed at defusing them, one by one, with the talent and dignity of Cubans.

"We would be surrendering in advance -he stressed- if we see this war as an insurmountable misfortune. We must see it as the heroes and historical leaders saw it in their respective times: as an opportunity to grow and surpass ourselves, while the adversary is left naked in his evil before the world".

Regarding the value of ideological political work in times like these, the dignitary made reference to an unquestionable challenge: this ideological work must generate emotions and feelings, and it must be done in a very special way with new generations, which communicate through their own codes, different from the previous ones.


"In a few days - Díaz-Canel said - the National Assembly will be in session. New analyses and more debates related to the decisions announced here are awaiting us.

"On the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, its political leadership, its communist militancy, its patriotic and revolutionary sons and daughters, we are summoned to act together for a common goal: to save the Homeland, the Revolution, socialism, and to win".

Next, the Head of State denounced that the counterrevolution promotes actions that seek to break the stability of the country, and that such efforts come from sick, desperate and impotent minds. Those who are trying to harm, said the President, feel encouraged by the imperial policy that seeks the economic asphyxiation of the island. The counterrevolution, he warned, should not expect magnanimity or generosity from the Revolution: the full weight of the Law will fall on them.

Towards the end of his closing speech, Díaz-Canel evoked José Martí, "inspirer and guide of the Generation of his centenary, who brought here the victorious Revolution, whose flags we are honored to raise today".

The President quoted the Apostle: "Our enemy obeys one plan: the plan to fester, disperse, divide and drown us. That is why we obey another plan: to teach us in all our height, to press us, to gather us together, to outwit him (...) Plan against plan. Without a plan of resistance you cannot defeat a plan of attack".

To the phrase, the Cuban President added: "And all of us together, with our people, we will do it". He then shared a Patria o Muerte, Venceremos; and a Viva Cuba Libre. ... revolution
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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