The war against Cuba
April 8, 2023 Ana Hurtado

Photo: Abel Padrón Padilla
Cuba’s victories are piling up. There were many people who were full of praise for the victory of the U.S. baseball team in Miami, without expecting that this “defeat” for the Cuban team, and I am putting it in quotation marks on purpose, was the best thing that could happen for everyone in the face of public opinion and the international panorama.
What happened at the Miami ballpark is unprecedented; it is no longer talk of hatred, but of anger, as Pascual Serrano recently described at the Patria Colloquium held in Havana, the feeling emanating from all those who hate and suffer from the progress and advances of the Cuban people.
These are people who are not only against the government of the largest of the Antilles, but against their own people. What generates within a human being such affection as to insult and attack his own people? What moves them? Comparisons are odious, but it is enough to compare how the athletes of the Cuban team were received there, and how these people are received when they come to the island, or how representatives of U.S. governments have been received when they have come. Respect versus insolence.
It is not them, and this is not a justification. It is the machinery that pulls the strings behind it. Cuba has been at war for more than six decades, and this arms conglomerate keeps changing its shape, but its mission is always the same: to sink it. They did not succeed at the Bay of Pigs, they did not succeed when the socialist camp fell, and they are not succeeding now with the information and psychological warfare. This battle that is taking place now is taking place in the minds of men and women who are vulnerable to all kinds of information that reaches them by any means. It is no longer possible to distinguish what is true and what is not. And the enemies of frankness know it well. And they know that, in these times, is where they have to sink their teeth. This fight is the greatest challenge facing the defenders of the Cuban Revolution, the defenders of Fidel and those who hope for a better world.
We are confident that it is possible to fight against the predominance of capitalist values and hegemony, which have the upper hand in the Western world, and which little by little, through the Internet and cultural aspects, are trying to infiltrate Cuba. Manipulation is powerful, but it is not all-powerful. People have intuition. The good ones exist. And even if many are fooled, they cannot fool them all. Those who live in Miami, or in Spain, or in any other capitalist country, may have a distorted image of the Revolution, because of how they have been told, how they have been poisoned, how they have increased their discontent and hatred to transform it into anger. But that, consciously done, does not have to be forever.
The Dantesque episode in Miami was not decisive, but I have no doubt that it influenced the Cuban people to close the line at the time of the united vote in the elections of March 26. It served for this people, dignified and fighting, to see what is outside and the poison that is injected from the empire. Every time there are elections in Cuba, the enemies launch campaigns to turn them into a referendum against the revolution. Historically, this has been done on radio and television. As it could not be less, now also virtually through digital media and social networks.
But always, and forgive the expression, “it always backfires”. Because in this land, they are educated, and they are not so easily fooled. It is not easy to wash your conscience that they make you quickly do in any other country. The cultural war is hard, very hard, but here there is dignity, here there are values and there is confidence in the sovereignty that passes irremediably through socialism. In order to be eternally free and emancipated.
But that freedom has not been and is not given as a gift, it is forged and conquered every day. In fact, yesterday, April 4, was a historic date in this Homeland. On April 4, 1962, a congress of the Association of Young Rebels was held, which changed its name and began to be called as we know it today: Union of Young Communists. That same day, Fidel gave the closing speech and as always he emphasized the youth, because they are and will always be the relay of any process of continuity:
“The revolution that we are making is not the revolution that we want; the Revolution that we want is the Revolution that you are going to make”. And that is why, as Fidel continued, “Our society will be a society without exploiters or exploited, without privileged or discriminated”.
Before April 4, 1962, Cuban youth had already been protagonists in decisive moments in the country’s history, such as the Literacy Campaign and the Battle of Playa Girón.
What would this and other revolutions be without the role of the youth and their responsibility? Fidel always appealed to a responsible youth. A few days ago I myself was able to share with young and not so young Cubans, but all united in the end:
The image of how much Cuba works must be shown to the whole world. How much this socialist system leaves its skin on the basis of the principles and ideas of its heroes. As did Mella in the student struggles, Fidel in the Moncada, and so many more who gave their lives in this land, today free of any chain they want to impose on it, but with an imperial punishment, which it bears for having this freedom. Free or martyrs, the heroes would say.
The struggle, in this multipolar war, lies in the growth of Cuba, in the image of Cuba, not only in the media, not only fighting the matrixes of opinion against the defamers and enemies. But also in the daily work done with conscience and responsibility so that this revolutionary country advances. It is not only built from discourse but also from action.
And that is an indestructible mixture; that is the lethal mixture that as it takes steps and steps, this island, with the passing of the years, will rise in the ocean as an increasingly iron and indomitable bastion.
Source: Cuba en Resumen via Resumen Latinoamericano English ... inst-cuba/
Cuba and the New International Economic Order
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 12, 2023
Dr. C José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez

Fidel Castro at the United Nations
Fidel Castro comes from the future to tell us once again: “Let the philosophy of dispossession disappear and the philosophy of war will have disappeared! Let the colonies disappear, let the exploitation of countries by monopolies disappear, and then humanity will have reached a true stage of progress!”
On May 1, 2024, it will be 50 years since the United Nations approved, at its Sixth Special Session, a resolution (3201) containing the Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (NIEO). This Declaration contains 20 headings listing the principles on which its implementation should be based. Separately, the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a NIEO was agreed to on the same day.
In the years following the documents’ approval, the various regional and political groups into which the international community is segmented have made different interpretations of that milestone, have pondered its implementation, or have taken initiatives that are diametrically opposed to its original purposes.
Several academic texts have reviewed the background to the NIEO and the stages of crisis that preceded it, and have defined historical cycles in its achievement. Most of these analyses coincide in recognizing the impact of the political decolonization process of the 1960s and 1970s, which led to the integration of dozens of new sovereign countries into the multilateral system.
Since 1974, the international order (or rather, disorder) has continued to change constantly, although the new orders have not been built on the basis of agreements between parties. Rather, the main economic powers have used military force to subdue on many occasions those governments that have tried to change the rules of the game; the less developed countries have formed regional or thematic groups to achieve survival; the socialist model disappeared; neoliberalism spread throughout the world with its devastating effects both for the promoters and the believers in the formula; and the so-called “war on terrorism” spread over 20 years and changed the geography of the Middle East, and the world’s finances.
New powers have emerged –– which are increasingly approaching the level of development of the so-called first world –– some of them contrary to the Marxist logic of original accumulation, because they have been victims of colonialism and other forms of exploitation. These powers are already challenging the first economies in areas where they seemed impregnable until very recently: efficiency, productivity, artificial intelligence, financial services etc.
These powers aside, instead of narrowing, the economic gaps that have always existed between nations have widened and have extended to other sectors of international life, such as: education, health, the environment, information and knowledge.
These issues have not been comprehensively addressed at the multilateral level, and on many occasions, documents have been approved without in-depth political debate. Some more recent milestones include:
*The adoption of resolutions on an annual and biannual basis by the United Nations General Assembly, beginning in 2008.
*“The Future We Want“, adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development or Rio +20 (2012).
*“Small Island Developing States accelerated modalities of action (Samoa pathway)”, adopted at the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (2014).
*The “Addis Ababa Action Agenda“, adopted at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (2015).
*The approval of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2015).
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of a new right wing to the political scene in the USA and Europe, NATO’s attempts to offer a military solution to any conflict, plus the changes generated within nations such as Russia, China, South Africa, India and Turkey, among others, have provoked a new reflection on the existing “order” and the need, for some, to conceptually define a new stage
Among the features of this new era is the indisputable fact that nations such as the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and other former metropolises are facing so many difficulties in their economic engineering, that they are not even proposing new models or attempts at global solutions to the problems we all suffer from. Governments and political forces of countries that once looked to those capitals for support, cooperation, or solidarity, now know that they will not get such a response, and are looking in a different direction.
Cuba, since its status as a founding member of the UN, but especially since the triumph of its Revolution in 1959, has made very concrete contributions not only to the debate, but also to the attempt to implement the precepts of the NIEO.
Since then, successive Cuban governments have based their foreign policy, first of all, on associating the possibility of establishing this proposed new order with the need for essential political premises, such as respect for sovereignty, equality among states, and self-determination.
Long before the events of 1974, the conceptual contributions of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, to the new order that was to emerge, were outstanding.
In his memorable speech to the United Nations General Assembly in September 1960, Fidel drew a parallel between the problems faced at the time by the Cuban people and those existing in the underdeveloped world of that era, when he read to the plenary the text of the First Havana Declaration.
This was his way of saying that, if the national imbalances in each country were resolved, this could have an impact at the global level, and would perhaps open new paths for humanity. Fidel referred to:
“The right of peasants to have lands; the right of workers to enjoy the results of their labor; the right of children to education; the right of sick persons to medical and hospital care; the right of youths to work; the right of students to free, experimental and scientific education; the right of Blacks and Indians to the ´full dignity of man;´ the right of women to civil, social and political equality; the right of elderly persons to secure old age; the right of intellectuals, artists and scientists to strive, through their works, for a better world; the right of States to nationalize imperialist monopolies, thus recovering national wealth and resources; the right of countries to free trade with all the peoples of the world; the right of nations to their full sovereignty; the right of people to turn their army fortresses into schools and to arm their workers.”1
But Cuba did not stop at theoretical definitions. At a very early date, before the revolutionary government had even begun to try to resolve national imbalances, projects of cooperation with de-colonizing nations were established, the first of these was carried out in Algeria2 in 1960.
Cuba tried to establish a new order in its own international relations, leading the country to change the rules of the game in its relationship with the United States; nationalize foreign properties; redistribute national wealth; and finance social programs that offered equal opportunities for its entire population. And perhaps this has been Cuba’s greatest contribution to the desired new order: to demonstrate that, in a very underdeveloped country, the political will of its government could succeed in changing the state of affairs, confronting even the world’s leading military and economic power.
Just after that 1974 resolution on the NIEO, three events took place in Cuba, which also explain this country’s commitment to a new economic and political world order.
In late 1975, the first Cuban internationalists left for the newly created People’s Republic of Angola to safeguard the early days of its independence. Cuba not only helped the Angolans to stand their ground against the onslaught from the former Zaire and apartheid South Africa regimes (both supported by the US), but also contributed to the liberation of Namibia and the end of the its hated regime of racial segregation.
These results stimulated changes throughout the region of Southwest Africa, where new nations now had the opportunity to try and build a future without external intervention. In these African countries, and in many others, Cuba sent doctors, teachers, scientists and many others to lend their support.
Secondly, in 1976, the first Cuban Constitution of the revolutionary era was approved by popular referendum. Article 12, as part of the principles of its foreign policy:
“a) ratifies its aspiration for a worthy, true, and valid peace for all States, large and small, weak and powerful, based on the respect for the independence and sovereignty of peoples and the right to self-determination; b) bases its international relations on the principles of equality of rights, free determination of peoples, territorial integrity, independence of States, international cooperation for mutual and equitable benefit and interest, peaceful settlement of controversies, marked by equality and respect, and the other principles proclaimed in the United Nations Charter and in other international treaties to which Cuba is a party; c) reaffirms its desire for integration and cooperation with the nations of Latin America and the Caribbean, whose common identity and historic need for advancing together toward political and economic integration to achieve true independence would enable us to reach the position that corresponds to us in the world; ch) advocates the unity of all the countries of the Third World against the imperialist and neocolonialist policy seeking the limitation or subordination of the sovereignty of our peoples, and the aggravation of the economic conditions of exploitation and oppression in the underdeveloped nations; d) condemns imperialism, the promoter and supporter of all fascist, colonialist, neocolonialist and racist manifestations, as the principal force of aggression and war and the enemy of the peoples; e) repudiates the direct or indirect intervention in the internal or external affairs of any State and, hence, armed aggression and economic blockade, as well as any other type of economic or political coercion, physical violence against persons residing in other countries, or other types of interference in, and threat to, the integrity of the States and the political, economic, and cultural components of the nations; f) rejects the violation of the irrevocable and sovereign right of any State to regulate the use and benefits of telecommunications in its territory, according to the universal practice and the international conventions that it has signed; g) categorizes the war of aggression and conquest as an international crime, recognizes the legitimacy of struggles for national liberation, as well as armed resistance to aggression, and considers its internationalist obligation to support the one attacked and [stand] with the peoples who fight for their liberation and self-determination; h) bases its relations with the countries building socialism on fraternal friendship, cooperation, and mutual aid, founded upon the common objectives of the construction of the new society; i) maintains relations of friendship with the countries which, possessing a different political, social and economic regime, respect its sovereignty, observe the rules of coexistence among the States, adhere to the principles of mutual advantage, and adopt a reciprocal attitude with our country.”3
In 1976 Havana was chosen to host the VI Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which would take place in September 1979. A few days after the summit, when reporting to the UN General Assembly on the results of the event, Fidel said:
“We are 95 countries, from every continent, and we represent the immense majority of humankind. We are united by the determination to defend collaboration among our countries, free national and social development, sovereignty, security, equality and free determination. We are associated in the endeavor to change the current system of international relations which are based on injustice, inequality and oppression. We act in international politics as an independent global factor.”4
Many observers may not have realized at the time the value of this last sentence, which was reinforced in the actions of other majority groups such as the G77, and in international campaigns, such as the one that sought to build consensus for the non-payment of the foreign debt.
A mere 11 years after that NAM Summit, when the disintegration of the so-called European socialist camp took place, Cuba saw 85% of its foreign trade disappear and registered a 35% drop in its Gross Domestic Product in 24 months. Once again, Cuban society made a singular and unique contribution to those who believed in the possibility of a new order, as it now resisted, on its own, the tightening of the US blockade, through the so-called Torricelli Act (1992) and the Helms Burton Act (1996).
Cuba emerged from that crisis with renewed capabilities in its economic model and, moreover, did not abandon its capacity to share its material and human assets with others.
This resistance put to rest the more than 30-year-old argument that the Cuban socialist project existed only because of the backing of a group of countries with which it traded on the basis of differentiated prices, and from which it received advantageous investments.
The decade of the 1990s had not yet concluded when one of the most ambitious Cuban programs of international collaboration was established, which included the training of physicians from more than 100 countries, including the United States, in Cuba and abroad.
With well-deserved prestige, Cuba played a leading role in the articulation of a new Latin American and Caribbean political technology, in its commitment to the Community of Caribbean States (CARICOM) and the Association of Caribbean States (ACS). It was also one of the most active countries in the efforts that would eventually lead to the creation of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (ALBA) and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). All these regional groups, taken as a whole, contributed at the time to demonstrating the inability of the U.S. pan-American system embodied in the Organization of American States (OAS), i.e. the old order, to confront and resolve the most pressing problems of the Western Hemisphere.
Perhaps the singular collectively constructed fact that most clearly demonstrates the above statement was the defeat suffered by the Free Trade Area of the Americas project during the Summit of the Americas held in Argentina in 2005. Cuba was absent once again, but agreement between countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina, among others, made such an outcome possible.
Cuba hosted the XIV Summit Conference of Non-Aligned Countries in 2006, during which Army General Raúl Castro, addressing the plenary, said:
“On the sound foundations of our historic victories in the struggle for decolonization and the removal of apartheid, and with the rich experience of our efforts in favor of a New International Economic Order and of peace, disarmament, and the true exercise of the right to development, the Non-Aligned Movement shall now wage heroic battles against unilateralism, double standards and the impunity of the powerful; for a more just and equitable international order to tackle neoliberalism, plundering, and pillage; for the survival of the human species instead of the irrational consumerism of the wealthy nations.”
He went on to express: “In the present circumstances, non-alignment necessarily implies the defense of international law on the basis of the Bandung principles; the unrestricted exercise and respect for the sovereignty and sovereign equality of States; the defense of peace and the active opposition to war and threats; the indispensable democratization of international institutions, in particular, the United Nations and its Security Council; the defense of our values and of the plurality necessary in this diverse world, in which each peoples must have the right to choose the political, economic and social system they consider most appropriate to their national interests, and to preserve and develop their own culture”5.
In 2008, the world once again went through an international economic crisis, in the midst of a supposed war on terror led by the United States, which changed the geopolitics of North Africa and the Middle East, provoked unprecedented migratory flows, and signified the first major fracture in the scheme of neoliberal domination and the supposed end of ideologies promoted 20 years earlier.
In this context, Cuba took the lead in retaking the banner of the NIEO’s claims within the framework of the G77. The result of the subsequent negotiation process was endorsed in the approval, with 123 votes, of UN resolution 63/224, entitled “Towards a New International Economic Order.” The United States was the only country to oppose the two operative paragraphs of the document, which simply spoke of “reaffirming the need to continue working” for the establishment of such an order, and “to examine in depth the international economic situation and its repercussions”, requesting the Secretary General of the UN to present a report with its conclusions. The group of abstentions comprised 52 countries, primarily members and aspiring members of the European Union.
Since then, Cuba has maintained its leadership on the subject, first on an annual basis and then on a biannual basis. The last of the resolutions approved in New York with the purpose of establishing the longed-for NIEO was 75/225 of 2020, which constitutes a more elaborate text, recognizing the evolution of the subject, mentioning other international organizations responsible for development, and emphasizing the urgency of the issue.
Once again, 123 nations supported the proposal, and only 4 abstained, but 47, including the United States, went on to oppose it. This fact alone reflects, beyond what may have been raised by each delegation during the negotiating process, a distancing of an important group of countries (mostly the European Union) from a possible compromise.
This last exercise, however, took place in the midst of the conditions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which once again shook the foundations of the international economy, caused major political changes in several regions, and had (and continues to have) an enormous human cost. The pandemic showed, as few recent global events have, that serious international problems can only be solved through cooperation, and that the large capitalist transnationals will profit from any issue that brings them profit, be it wars or diseases.
In that context, and even in the midst of an unprecedented tightening of the US blockade, Cuba rose with its proposal to guarantee universal health care as a human right.
This apparently simple approach, but reflected in working protocols, specialized institutions, and the commitment from the State as the main entity, was what allowed the island to effectively protect its population, have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world, and create five vaccines of its own that protected almost the entire population.
This effort, which was in itself epic, did not remain within national borders, as the country sent 58 medical brigades to 42 countries and colonial territories, including European nations, to help in the fight against the scourge.
Once again, without waiting for universal debates which often fail to have a concrete impact, Cuba went ahead and changed the order of things towards solidarity and cooperation.
In terms of contributions to the new order, there is a political effort in which Cuba has participated for several years, which perhaps does not have the international magnitude as the fight against COVID, but which is once again taking effect as a result of the changes taking place in South America and has great regional significance, with direct repercussions for the peaceful coexistence and development of neighboring nations.
The peace negotiations in Colombia (government of President Juan Manuel Santos, FARC-EP), which lasted from September 4, 2012 to August 24, 2016, were an arduous diplomatic and political process in which Cuba was not only the host (with the associated expenses), but also guarantor, together with the Kingdom of Norway.
The disregard of the agreements by the government of Iván Duque (2018-2022), together with the Monroist interests that rose to power in Washington under Donald Trump (2017-2021), had the direct purpose of destabilizing Venezuela and justifying the US’ decision to again include Cuba in the list of countries that supposedly sponsor terrorism, with the sole purpose of making any future bilateral rapproachement with Havana more difficult.
A new political change in Bogotá, along with the survival of the Bolivarian Revolution and the continuity of the Cuban resistance allow, as of 2022, for the cycle of peace negotiations to be completed (or not) with the ELN guerrilla organization. Suffice it to say that, in Colombia, under the argument of the fight against drug trafficking and guerrillas, there is the largest US military presence in the western hemisphere outside its territory. The country is the only strategic extra-continental partner of NATO, that is, of the old order.
Again, since Cuba’s action in terms of changing the state of affairs in a conflict with national, bilateral and regional implications, there are more reasons to try to aspire to a new international order.
Cuba’s efforts to achieve a New International Order, and. specifically, a New International Economic Order, has been multidimensional and multifaceted. Its international projection, in this sense, has been possible thanks only to the internal changes that took place in the country since 1959, since the yearnings of freedom, equal opportunities, human solidarity, wealth redistribution, and universal access to social services became a reality for Cuban citizens.
Cuba’s attempts to change that Order coincide in time with the triumph of the Revolution itself, and did not wait for the maturity or solidification of the project. Cuba’s dutyvocation to work for the “balance of the world” is rooted in Marti’s thought of preventing the imperialist projection of The United States over Latin America with the pro-independence action.
Today, there are new dangers of domination, which complement those already known, and have to do with the domination of information, of states of opinion, and the penetration of the culture of entire peoples. In these fields, finance and technology are once again in the hands of a few countries and companies, which obtain the greatest benefits in terms of gathered information and political influence.
In other words, new imbalances have been added to the old ones, while the latter have not yet been corrected, and we are still far from an international articulation that would allow us to face them.
New energy, environmental and health crises which are more global than the economic crises, present us with the challenge of trying to address them through cooperation, or face the possibility of the extinction of humanity as we know it today.
The road begins in each of our localities, regions, provinces, territories, nations and countries. If a new order is not created from there, it will be very difficult for it to be projected on an international scale.
Fidel Castro comes from the future to tell us once again: “Let the philosophy of dispossession disappear and the philosophy of war will have disappeared! Let the colonies disappear, let the exploitation of countries by monopolies disappear, and then humanity will have reached a true stage of progress!”
He said this in 1960. Until it happens, we will continue to live in “la prehistoria”.
Dr. C José Ramón Cabañas Rodríguez is Director of the International Policy Research Center (CIPI) in Havana, Cuba.
Castro, Fidel (1960) Discurso pronunciado en la sede de las Naciones Unidas, Estados Unidos, el 26 de septiembre de 1960.
Nombre oficial República Argelina Democrática y Popular.
Constitución de la República de Cuba (1976).
Castro, Fidel; (1979) Discurso pronunciado ante el XXXIV Período de Sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, efectuado en Nueva York.
Castro, Raúl; (2006) Discurso del jefe de la delegación cubana ante el plenario de la XIV Conferencia Cumbre del NOAL, La Habana.
Source↗ ... mic-order/
Health, Agriculture, and Education in Cuba
APRIL 12, 2023

Teacher and students working in garden at Centro Mixto República Oriental del Uruguay, in Las Terrazas, Artemisa, Cuba. Photo: Author.
By Mark Ginsburg – April 7, 2023
I just returned from a nine-day educator-exchange trip to Cuba. I traveled with a group of five faculty members and 36 graduate students from the University of Maryland and George Washington University. The program, Busquedas Investigativas, has organized opportunities to share educational research and practice between Cuban and US colleagues since 1994.
As a retired professor of education affiliated with the University of Maryland (though now living in Santa Cruz), I have participated in this program (originally called Seminario) several times over its 29-year history. This year we had lectures by Cuban and US participants, took part in seminar discussions, and visited a range of educational institutions (preschools, primary schools, lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, and universities as well as research institutes).
Overall, I was struck by the enthusiasm of Cuban colleagues involved in the program as well as the educators, students, and researchers we met during visits. This is despite the hardships and challenges that they told us they faced—due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic but in large part due to the 60+ year US blockade, including the ratcheting up of sanctions by the Trump administration which have only minimally been reversed by the Biden administration.
Several colleagues also called specific attention to the problems Cuba faced because Trump had (re)placed Cuba on the State Department list of State Sponsors of Terrorism–an inclusion that is both erroneous and cynical, given that Cuba has been the target of terrorist actions sponsored or condoned by the US government for decades (for more information, go here.
I wish there was space to share all the experiences I had, but I hope that readers will join one of the many opportunities to travel to Cuba themselves.
Let me start with some notes about Cuba’s experience with COVID compared to that of the US. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 22 February 2022), the US recorded three times the number of cases of COVID per 100,000 people than did Cuba (30,496 vs 10,200) and witnessed 4.4 times the number of COVID-related deaths per 100,000 than did Cuba (332 vs 75).
These dramatic differences can be attributed to the overall health of the Cuban population pre-COVID, the coordinated and extensive efforts by the Cuban public health system to monitor and treat—and eventually vaccinate—the population, and the Cuba people’s general respect for science and receptiveness to scientists’ recommendations (wearing masks, getting vaccinated).
We learned that Cuba—like most of the world—closed schools (but not preschools) in March of 2020. Like many countries, but more uniformly and energetically, Cuba transitioned to distance education modalities (notably television, radio, WhatsApp, and distributing printed materials). While Internet-based strategies were employed, primarily in larger cities and tertiary-level institutions, these were limited by the blockade’s restriction on access to certain platforms like Zoom.
Moreover, research conducted in a large national sample of pre-university educational institutions by the Central Institute of Pedagogical Sciences, based in Havana, found only a limited degree of lost learning compared to what was projected in to occur normal years.
I should mention that the success of Cuba’s education system was previously demonstrated in findings from the Regional Comparative and Explanatory Study conducted by UNESCO’s Latin American Laboratory for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education in 2019, a year before the pandemic.
For example, 48.3% of Cuban third graders scored in the higher levels (III and IV) of the mathematics test, outperforming all other 17 countries that participated in ERCE (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Dominican Republic, and Uruguay).
Also memorable for me was a visit to a mixed (primary and secondary) school in Las Terrazas, located in the province of Artemisa (Centro Mixto República Oriental del Uruguay). This small rural community is devoted to sustainable development and offers a unique environment in connecting with nature, incorporated even more than other schools I’ve visited. This institution gave attention to preserving and protecting the environment—both in classes and out-of-class projects.
I also noticed a poster prominently displayed on a wall of the building calling attention to the reality that “all families are different.” In line with Cuba’s Families Code, which was overwhelmingly approved through popular referendum in 2022, the message is that families can be headed by a heterosexual couple, a gay/lesbian couple, a single male or female, and parents or grandparents.
Poster in a Cuban school communicating the “all families are different,” expressing the progressive message incorporated in the Families Code, approved by referendum in 2022. Photo: Author.
Poster in a Cuban school communicating the “all families are different,” expressing the progressive message incorporated in the Families Code, approved by referendum in 2022. Photo: Author.
I was thrilled to visit a primary school in Havana (Nicolás Estévanez Murphy). I have a long-standing admiration for José Martí Pérez (1853 – 1895), a Cuban poet, philosopher, essayist, journalist, and professor, who founded the Cuban Revolutionary Party (fighting for independence from Spain’s colonial rule and to end slavery) and lived for many years in New York City. Not only did the school have the usual statue of this national hero (see photo), but each of the classrooms was labeled with one of Martí’s stories from his classic children’s volume, La Edad de Oro (The Golden Age).
I have lived mainly in urban areas in the US and Egypt and spent most of my time in cities in Cuba. But I had a chance to visit the national Agrarian University as well as the National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, both located in the province of Mayabeque. I was very impressed with the academics and scientists that I met.
Like other Cubans who spoke to our group, these colleagues exuded pride in their institution’s accomplishments, despite the challenges they had faced when the blockade was strengthened during the ravages of the pandemic. I was particularly struck with some of the Institute’s research and development achievements. Their work focused on creating strains of various plants that could thrive in diverse topographical and climate conditions (including hurricanes and drought).
At one point I asked whether the speakers thought that any of the seed variants that they had created would be beneficial to farmers in the US. They said that African, Asian, European, and Latin American countries that had made effective use of their inventions. I followed up to clarify that my question was about the US benefitting, and they responded by stating the obvious that—because of the blockade—they couldn’t export their products to the US.
This led me to reflect how the US financial, commercial, and economic blockade (what some in the US call an embargo) negatively affects not only Cubans but US citizens as well. The blockade not only restricting our access to important biopharma products (for the treatment of certain cancers and prevention of amputations for people with diabetes) but also prevents us from benefitting from the achievements in the area of agricultural sciences. ... n-in-cuba/
Deputy prime minister of Cuba checks Food Sovereignty Law
Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca checked this Monday in the western province of Pinar del Río the implementation of the Law on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security (SSAN), as part of the national strategy.
Author: Radio Habana Cuba |
april 11, 2023 10:04:13

Photo: Ronald Suárez Rivas
Havana, April 10 (RHC) - Cuban Deputy Prime Minister Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca checked this Monday in the western province of Pinar del Río the implementation of the Law on Food Sovereignty and Food and Nutrition Security (SSAN), as part of the national strategy.
During a critical analysis, Tapia Fonseca insisted on family and territorial self-sufficiency, an important aspect of the SSAN legislation and which demands increasing crop plantings and an efficient contracting process.
These meetings are also focused on the evaluation of the operation of the price agreement committees, the situation of non-payments to producers, delivery of land and creation of livestock modules, organization of municipal companies, among others. (Source: ACN) ... eignty-law