Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:18 am

an incoherent speech
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/25/2023


"Second Wave of the Counteroffensive!", headlined the German newspaper Bild yesterday , whose reporter The best-known pro-Ukrainian is Julian Röepke, a fanatical defender of the Azov regiment since its early years and a staunch supporter of Ukraine who, however, in recent months has received insults from his own for not bowing to Ukrainian triumphalism and sometimes falling into the sin of admitting reality. However, the medium seems to return to its usual dynamics with the hope that, this time, Ukraine will manage to break the front. The reality is that the current conditions are slightly different from those that existed a little over a month and a half ago, when Ukraine began its offensive actions on the central front, but tried to wait for a success that did not occur before admitting that the long-awaited military operation had begun. Tanks advancing through the Zaporozhye fields in the direction of the Russian trench line were not to hit Russian minefields, be pinned down by damage inflicted by Russian artillery or stalked by kamikaze Lantset drones, perhaps the biggest novelty of the last six weeks. However, the images of Leoprds and Bradleys damaged and abandoned in the steppe of the southern front during the first three days provoked a reaction that contrasted with the triumphalism that had settled in the media discourse. Even so, it has taken several weeks for the media reality to accept what the Ukrainian military authorities implicitly admitted with their rapid change of tactics: things were not going and possibly never would go according to plan.

Ukraine's most relevant success in these six weeks has not been the capture of a large city, or even a medium city, nor is the advance in Zaporozhye highlighted above all else, so minuscule that not even the Ukrainian press is capable of dressing up reality to show any epic victory. In the absence of successes on the priority front, Ukraine has had to resort to that of Donbass. Luckily for Kiev, the Russian troops were never able to drive the Ukrainian ones away from the surroundings of Artyomovsk and that is where they have made some progress, although neither were they expected nor boasted. Ukraine claimed, for example, to have captured the town of Klescheevka, which would have greatly compromised the situation of the Russian contingent in Artyomovsk.

The epic that Kiev has given the battle for Bakhmut in the last year allows that impetus to recover what was lost -although Ukraine has never officially announced the loss of Artyomovsk- makes it possible for this sector of the front to serve as a distraction from what is happening in the main one, where casualties and losses accumulate. Last weekend has been especially prolific in the appearance of images showing attacks by Russian drones against Ukrainian armored vehicles, not all of them recent, but enough to verify the qualitative change that the work carried out by Russia in the field of drones has brought about in the last year. It's not just artillery and minefields that are weighing down the Ukrainian offensive effort,

"Every 100 meters cost four or five men," headlined The Kyiv Post last weekend in a report that even went so far as to talk about the low morale of the troops. The argument is surprising, not only because it reflects an obvious reality, though often hidden by propaganda, but because the idea that it is Russian troops who suffer from perpetually low morale has become almost dogma in the Ukrainian and Western narrative. The harshness of the war necessarily affects both sides and the difficulties that Ukraine is encountering on the front, apparently unexpected although they never should have been, have to take their toll not only on the armor of the tanks but especially on the people.

The situation has also affected the media discourse. It is possible to argue that the Ukrainian offensive cannot yet be considered a failure, especially in the absence of verifying whether, as Blinken wishes, the introduction of the brigades created and trained specifically for the current offensive will somehow change the course of events. kyiv still has a good strategic reserve, huge amounts of weapons and an obligation to its partners to continue attacking Russia on the southern front. Over the past few months, Ukraine has repeatedly denied reports that the United States was pushing for a quick start to the spring offensive, a discourse Zelensky has now adhered to to justify himself to his domestic and foreign audiences for the lack of strategic results.

"When Ukraine launched its major counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew that Kiev did not have all the training and weapons - from ammunition to fighter aircraft - it needed to drive out Russian troops," says the first paragraph of a commented article published by The Wall Street Journal .. Actually, there is no great news in that idea. In the months when triumphalism caused the press to take seriously Budanov's claim that his troops would reach the Crimea before the end of spring, contradictory arguments were regularly published by anonymous Pentagon officials. Convinced that Ukraine would not be able to drive Russia out of Crimea in the short to medium term, these officers openly denied the main point of the Western narrative in this war: the superiority of Ukrainian troops over Russian ones, which, coupled with the introduction of large amounts of Western weaponry, with which Russian weaponry could not compete, would make Ukrainian victory inevitable.

But while sources familiar with military circumstances called for prudence, and even sanity, for the need to keep the possibility of negotiation open, Western experts and think-tankers , many of them comfortably ensconced in their ideological trenches, announced great successes that made it almost inevitable that the Ukrainian offensive would disappoint. “THE COUNTEROFFENSIVE”, headlined The Atlanticon May 1 in an article in which Anne Applebaum and Jeffrey Goldberg, two usual suspects of US war laundering, claimed that “the future of the democratic world will be marked by whether Ukrainian troops can break the stalemate with Russia and drive the country – maybe even Crimea – back forever.”

Beyond the political implications, there were those who wanted to describe the consequences of the success of the future Ukrainian offensive. “We are about to see what a decentralized, horizontal, innovative high-tech force can do. Ukraine may have less funds, personnel and equipment than Russia. But those tactical and adaptive strengths provide what money can't buy and training can't teach. Get ready for some surprises,” Jessica Berlin, a staunch defender of Ukraine and one of the leading experts in the pro-Ukrainian sector, wrote in early May. Her speech especially reflects what The Wall Street Journal article clarifies. After mentioning some Ukrainian shortcomings that were evident to anyone with even the slightest knowledge of the state of the war, the outlet goes on to state that “however, they hoped that Ukrainian courage and ingenuity would ensure success. They have not done it". Even the Ukrainian military, generally reticent to criticize its partners, who make it possible for Ukraine to continue fighting, have already understood that the country is being used as a proxy army whose survival is secondary and the death of thousands of soldiers is nothing more than collateral damage in this relatively low-cost war (except for Ukraine) .. The dynamics of events and the commitment to war to the end in search of the recovery of the 1991 borders have made this military and political submission inevitable in which, in reality, all of them share the objectives and little respect for the lives of their troops and the civilian population. This is the only way to understand, for example, that Ukraine continues to fight for Arytomovsk.

With no progress on the front, but in need of victories, Zelensky resorts to the usual tactics. On the one hand, Ukraine boasts of the successes of the rearguard coups and the GUR even goes so far as to claim, albeit anonymously, the latest drone attack in Moscow, which has caused only minor material damage. On the other hand, the Zelensky government has recovered the victimhood of the first phases of the war to, temporarily putting aside the triumphant reports of a 100% downing of Russian missiles, demand from its partners more anti-aircraft weapons with which to “close the sky”. Triumphalism and victimhood thus come together in an incoherent discourse that will continue as long as necessary. ... more-27795

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for July 24, 2023
July 24, 2023

Russian troops again struck at the port infrastructure of the Odessa region : under fire, among other things, hangars with grain and cargo storage areas in the border city of Reni with Romania came under fire .

In turn, the Ukrainian formations used drones to attack Moscow : Russian EW units intercepted two drones, after which they collided with non-residential buildings: no casualties and significant damage were avoided.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine once again launched strikes by UAVs and British cruise missiles Storm Shadow on the Crimean peninsula . Russian anti-aircraft gunners shot down all the drones, but the missiles hit the ammunition depot and the repair base.

The situation on the fronts is still tense: Russian troops continue to systematically advance in the Starobelsk direction , while at the same time, the enemy has reduced offensive activity in the Vremievsky and Orekhovsky sectors .

At the moment, the Ukrainian command is completing preparations for the second phase of the offensive: for this purpose, rotation is being carried out, the shock fist is being concentrated, and fire is being fired at Russian rear facilities and supply points.


Combined attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Crimea

In the early morning, Ukrainian formations once again attacked the Crimean peninsula . At first, more than a dozen drones were shot down by air defense systems of the 31st division of the RF Armed Forces over Kirovskoye , Krasnoperekopsk , and Dzhankoy . According to the Ministry of Defense, 17 UAVs were destroyed.

This raid is quite unique in terms of route. The drones took off from the Dolgintsevo airfield near Krivoy Rog and passed along the Nikolaev region to Odessa , and from there were directed to the Crimea.

UAVs covered a considerable distance - more than 500 km. The choice of such a path indicates the development of new, more complex routes to mislead the Russian troops.

A little later, four Storm Shadow cruise missiles were fired by Su-24 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force: three at an ammunition depot in the vicinity of Volny and one at a repair base near Novostepnoye . Unfortunately, all four hit the mark.

Together with the attack on Saturday, as well as a few days ago on the hangar in Stary Krym (there were also Storm Shadows), the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already used British-French weapons on the Russian peninsula three times.

Ukrainian drone raid on Moscow

Early this morning, Ukrainian formations used drones for the fourth time in an attack on Moscow : Russian electronic warfare units suppressed two devices, after which they collided with two non-residential buildings.

On Likhachev Avenue, a drone crashed into a business center under construction, breaking windows on the 17th and 18th floors on an area of ​​50 square meters. To the south-west of the fragments, a drone fell on the roof of the Military Topographical Administration, which is part of the complex of buildings of the Khamovniki barracks on Komsomolsky Prospekt : ​​windows were broken in several nearby buildings.

Literally 500 meters from the scene of the incident, there is a complex of buildings of the Russian Ministry of Defense on Frunzenskaya Embankment , on the basis of which the National Defense Control Center is located.

Russian drone strikes on the port infrastructure of Reni

Russian troops continue to strike at the infrastructure of the Odessa region : today, the Danube transport terminal in the city of Reni came under fire, among other things . The port of the settlement was actively used to supply the Armed Forces of Ukraine with weapons and equipment, and also served as a channel for the export of Ukrainian grain and other products.

Ukrainian authorities reported damage to grain sheds and cargo storage tanks, as well as a major fire in one of the technical rooms. In addition, information was published about the attack of Russian drones on targets in the port city of Izmail, but local residents do not confirm it.

In addition to attacking Ukraine's port infrastructure in the Danube basin, these types of attacks should continue, but they should be carefully thought out, and not on the principle of "hit for the sake of hitting." At the same time, the systematic destruction of objects is necessary not so much to level the prospects for a return to the grain deal, but to reduce the threat of attacks on the Black Sea Fleet from the mouth of the river.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops are engaged in positional battles west of Liman 1st , repulsing enemy counterattacks. After the RF Armed Forces secured themselves at the Molchanovo railway station, the Armed Forces of Ukraine withdrew to reserve positions. However, enemy activity near Kupyansk is high, which indicates preparations for an offensive. Near Sinkovka, units of the 13th battalion of the 95th airborne infantry brigade of Ukraine, deployed to help the 20th rifle battalion, were noted. In the vicinity of Kupyansk and nearby settlements, two artillery batteries were moved, probably to support assault infantry groups. Also, reinforcements from the 3rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived in Dvurechnaya .

For the past two days, reports have been circulating in the Svatovsky sector about the advance of Russian troops in the direction of Novoegorovka . Different channels report varying degrees of success in this area, but so far there has been no confirmation of this. We urge colleagues not to run ahead of the locomotive so that the situation does not repeat itself, as was the case with Novoselovsky , who, despite statements, is still in the gray zone.

A little to the south, fighters of the 21st brigade of the RF Armed Forces continue to repel attacks on a ledge west of Karmazinovka . The Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other areas, are trying to attack in small groups on light armored vehicles, but the Russian military personnel are holding a foothold on the ledge. In the direction of Krasnopopovka, formations of the 21st brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to dislodge Russian troops from strongholds near Balka Zhuravka . Two tanks were moved into the area to support the offensive.

At the Torsky ledge, after several attacks by Russian reconnaissance groups, Ukrainian formations strengthened the defense. And for conducting counter-battery combat, 105-mm M119 guns were moved to Torskoye . To the south, in Serebryansky forestry, Russian consolidated units repulsed several enemy attacks. Judging by the movements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the near future the onslaught on the outskirts of the village of Dibrova will increase. However, for the time being, the fighters of the RF Armed Forces are storming the strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, expanding the zone of control in the forests in the direction of Kremennaya and trying to level the front line.

Today it became known about the death of Colonel Yevgeny Vashunin , commander of the "Leningrad Regiment". Having advanced with his detachment to release the surrounded Storm Z detachment, the officer was wounded, but remained in battle to the last, posthumously presented to the title of Hero of Russia.

In addition, footage of the defeat of the Swedish CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle appeared today. This is the first accurately confirmed case of the destruction of this type of equipment. In total, 50 such armored vehicles are on the balance sheet of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

On the Soledar direction, near Kleshcheevka , heavy fighting continues for every meter of the settlement, Russian forces were able to hit the stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, eliminating up to a platoon of enemy infantry. At the same time, the enemy suffers heavy losses in manpower and equipment, moving through mined fields and targeted areas.

Positional clashes continue in the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky sectors . Both sides are engaged in artillery duels, unmanned aircraft and FPV drones are actively working.

In the Vremievsky sector, Ukrainian formations continue to attempt to storm the Russian positions near Staromayorsky and Urozhainy . In addition, fighting continues in the Grusheva beam area .

In the Zaporizhzhia direction, the Ukrainian command, after seemingly meaningless “meat assaults”, achieved an important goal before the offensive: to tie up the advanced units of the RF Armed Forces in close combat, forcing them to spend shells and ammunition on small infantry groups. The intensification of counter-battery combat pursues the goal of gaining superiority in the means of destruction on the battlefield. The number of strikes with precision-guided munitions has increased dramatically, including with the use of the HIMARS MLRS.

Along with this, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are reinforcing the grouping: forces of the 148th artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the balance sheet of which are 35 cannon and rocket artillery, have been transferred to Lukyanovsky , Svetlaya Dolina and Nezhenka . Also, engineering formations with Western-made pontoon-bridge stackers, demining systems and construction equipment arrived at Kamyshevakha . And in Zaporozhye today, July 24, the arrival of a military echelon with mobilized people is expected. Also, additional HIMARS MLRS launchers have been allocated to the Zaporozhye direction.

In the Kherson direction in the morning, Ukrainian DRGs in three boats again tried to land on Antonovsky Island , moving from the Koshevoy River, but were discovered by Russian fighters. As a result of heavy shelling from the MLRS, one boat with six people on board was destroyed, and the other two returned back to Kherson without reaching their destination.

There are no significant changes in other areas. The Armed Forces of Ukraine increased the intensity of fire on Russian positions. If literally a week ago there were 25-30 attacks on average, now the number has exceeded 40-45. Moreover, for strikes, they use both cannon and rocket artillery, and MLRS, and mortars, as well as copters with FOG. Guidance is provided by the Bayraktar UAV and counter-battery radar.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations throughout the day inflict massive strikes on the Belgorod region. Four drones attacked Grafovka , Naumovka , Tsapovka and Krasny Khutor . Luckily no one was hurt and there was no damage. Later, the enemy launched artillery strikes on Murom , Prilesie , and Terezovka : there were no reports of casualties or damage.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy civilian infrastructure and terrorize the civilian population of the Donetsk agglomeration . In the capital of the DPR, nine residential buildings in the Kirovsky , Kievsky , Petrovsky and Kuibyshevsky districts were damaged by strikes, two people were injured as a result of shelling, and another was injured as a result of the explosion of the prohibited anti-personnel mine "Petal".

Damage to a residential area and power lines was also recorded in Yasinovataya and Gorlovka , an outpatient clinic and a kindergarten were damaged in Makiivka , and one man was injured in Staromlynovka as a result of a mine explosion. In just a day, the enemy fired at least 40 times on the territory of the republic, firing more than 150 shells from rocket and cannon artillery.

The enemy continues to inflict massive strikes on the front-line settlements of the Zaporozhye region . This afternoon, the village of Tarasovka , Pologovsky district, came under rocket fire : two residential buildings were damaged, one woman’s arm was torn off — she is receiving all the necessary medical care.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the settlements of the Kherson region , releasing several dozens of ammunition daily along the left bank of the Dnieper.

Today, the city of Alyoshki came under massive fire : residential buildings were damaged, one person died, another was seriously injured. After the ambulance arrived at the scene, the enemy struck again, and the paramedic was injured.

In addition to Aleshki, at least 11 settlements also came under fire, including Novaya Kakhovka . Vasylivka , Dnipriany , and Krynky . At the moment, there is no information about the presence of victims and destruction in them.

Political events
On military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Spanish Ministry of Defense reported on the next supply of military equipment for the needs of Ukrainian formations. Among others, the delivery package included 4 Leopard 2A4 tanks, ten TOA M-113 armored personnel carriers and Navy trucks, as well as other wheeled vehicles.

At the same time, German Defense Ministry spokesman Mitko Müller said that after two months of disagreement, the German and Polish sides agreed on the repair of Leopard 2 tanks in Poland , previously the tanks were repaired only in Germany . ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Russia’s warning to Poland not to send troops into the western Galician region of the Ukraine has fallen on deaf ears in Warsaw. Instead, electioneering ahead of an October national parliamentary vote has dictated different priorities for the governing party, the main opposition party, and the rising Konfederacja (“Confederation”) party.

No major politician in the country has commented. The government downplayed by summoning the Russian ambassador to the Foreign Ministry in Warsaw on Saturday to be told that Poland “strongly condemn[s] the threats and unjustified questioning of [Poland’s] borders.”

Speaking from Washington, Radoslaw Sikorski, now a Polish member of the European Parliament under financial investigation, said Putin “is clearly up to something. He’s provoking Poland. Wagner’s mercenaries are in Belarus… He’s clearly preparing some kind of provocation, probably to draw Belarus into the war. I don’t expect him to attack NATO [Poland] because clearly Russia would lose… Let me be absolutely clear. Poland has zero territorial designs on anybody. This is just looking for some kind of provocation. Mr Putin’s war is not doing well. Umm, yee, perhaps he’s trying to scare us into, errr, us self-deterring so to speak.”

To capture or hold the votes of Poles already concerned at the impact on the country of unrestricted Ukrainian and muslim refugees, and the losses to farmers of dumping of Ukrainian grain exports, Putin’s warning is not triggering public debate, or exposing significant differences between the government and the opposition parties.

Independent Polish political analyst Stanislas Balcerac comments “there’s not much coverage, Poland is more concerned about Wagner in Belarus. There are other topics – the election campaign, toxic waste fire in Zielona Gora. Confederation may be stealing some of the younger voters from the PiS [Law and Justice, the government party], but it is unclear how the PiS wants to deal with it between now and the election date.”

On Friday morning, speaking at a session of the Security Council, Putin spoke publicly of “plans to establish some sort of the so-called Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian unit. This is not about a group of [Polish] mercenaries – there are plenty of them there [Ukraine] and they are being destroyed – but about a well-organised, equipped regular military unit to be used for operations in Ukraine, including to allegedly ensure the security of today’s Western Ukraine – actually, to call things by their true name, for the subsequent occupation of these territories. The outlook is clear: in the event Polish forces enter, say, Lvov or other Ukrainian territories, they will stay there, and they will stay there for good.”

He warned that President Vladimir Zelensky’s regime in Kiev may be contemplating a trade with Poland of the territory around Lvov in exchange for Polish military intervention to support Kiev against Russia: “Today we see that the regime in Kiev is ready to go to any length to save its treacherous hide and to prolong its existence. They do not care for the people of Ukraine or Ukrainian sovereignty or national interests. They are ready to sell anything, including people and land, just like their ideological forefathers led by Petlyura, who signed the so-called secret conventions with Poland in 1920 under which they ceded Galicia and Western Volhynia to Poland in return for military support. Traitors like them are ready now to open the gate to their foreign handlers and to sell Ukraine again.”

“As for the Polish leaders, they probably hope to form a coalition under the NATO umbrella in order to directly intervene in the conflict in Ukraine and to bite off as much as possible, to ‘regain’, as they see it, their historical territories, that is, modern-day Western Ukraine. It is also common knowledge that they dream about Belarusian land.”

If that were to happen, Putin said Russia would support a Ukrainian regime replacing Zelensky and opposing the Poles. “The Polish authorities, who are nurturing their revanchist ambitions, hide the truth from their people. The truth is that the Ukrainian cannon fodder is no longer enough for the West. That is why it is planning to use other expendables – Poles, Lithuanians and everyone else they do not care about. I can tell you that this is an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”

Read analysis of the new Russian position here. ... more-88392

Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergei Andreyev in Warsaw following the brief official meeting at the Foreign Ministry on July 22.

The Polish state media have ignored Putin’s historical precedents and the deal-making underway between the Ukrainian military command and its Polish counterpart. The Polish commercial network TVN24, which is owned by the US media corporation Warner Bros. Discovery, broadcast a discussion with a think-tank academic and a retired military intelligence colonel.

“‘The Russians are trying to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine,’ Agnieszka Legucka, an analyst for Russia at the Polish Institute of International Affairs, said in the Fakty po Faktach [Facts after Facts] programme. ‘Putin has recently been portraying himself as such an expert in history. Anyway, in 2019 he launched attacks on Poland, in particular when it comes to this historical dimension. He accused us of starting World War II,’ she said. ‘And Poland now, especially when it supports Ukraine so much both militarily and humanely, has become one of the countries that is attacked by the Russian authorities directly, including Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev.’ According to the expert, the Russians ‘are trying to drive a wedge between Poland and Ukraine. And the issue of the alleged separation of Ukraine and even Belarus is very eagerly raised by both Russian and Belarusian propaganda,’ she added.”

Left, Warsaw think-tanker Agnieszka Legucka; right, retired Polish military counterintelligence deputy chief, Colonel Maciej Matysiak.

The television broadcast also played down the threat of a Russian-backed attack on Polish territory across the Belarus border; this has been more widely reported in the Polish press than Putin’s speech.

“Reserve Colonel Maciej Matysiak, a former deputy head of the Military Counterintelligence Service, referred to the statement of the former head of the National Security Bureau Stanisław Koziej, who stated that the defence plans adopted at the NATO summit in Vilnius ‘adapt the concept of forward defence to the needs of the Second Cold War with Russia.’ ‘It can be described as the doctrine of pre-emptive defence. Its political trademark is its willingness to defend every inch of allied territory,’ he wrote. The guest of TVN24 was asked what exactly this means and whether, for example, we grant ourselves the right to hit the Wagnerites in Belarus right next to our border, before they hit us.”

“‘Strategically, of course, such thinking is the most expedient. But if we look at the current situation, absolutely not’, replied Colonel Matysiak. ‘Here the situation would have to become very aggravated, inflamed and we would have to see symptoms of preparing a real strike on the territory of Polish or the eastern flank of NATO. But such symptoms are not visible, and the presence of Wagnerites is nothing special,’ he said. The expert reminded that ‘there are many more soldiers in the Königsberg [Kaliningrad] region and these forces have much greater potential, and were even greater until the Russians withdrew some of them exactly because of the invasion of Ukraine. So at present this is a purely theoretical consideration in terms of strategic plans, not current activities. So here I would like [everyone] to absolutely calm down.”

In Polish election politics Sikorski is attempting to do the opposite. He is one of the most anti-Russian politicians in the country, but investigations of his finances, favour-seeking and trading, and other problems have marginalised him in his own party, Civic Platform (PO); follow the archive of Sikorski’s fall from power and influence here.

Aggressiveness against Russia is one of the diversionary tactics Sikorski has been using to recover the domestic voter support he has lost. But his line is more appealing to the war party in Washington, which in turn has been supporting the opposition against the governing party in the coming election. Sikorski is now proposing that NATO open a new war front in the Black Sea, in effect breaking the Montreux Convention restrictions on foreign warships entering the sea.

“What we should be thinking about is, uhh, creating an international coalition to create a naval exclusion zone in the Black Sea to get all the grain to the Middle East and Africa. That is what this is really about… NATO is not fighting Russia. We have even asked the Ukrainians not to attack Russia itself.”


Sikorski’s appearance in this television clip reveals clinically excessive eye blinking which may indicate a neurological or chemical disorder. This in turn may explain the contradiction between his advocating NATO escalation of naval war and the claim that NATO is not at war with Russia. ... more-88404


The coming Russian -Polish war
July 23, 2023

This evening’s News of the Week program on Russian state television opened with a 30 minute documentary survey of Polish-Russian relations from the end of WWI and during the period of the Russian Civil War, when the government under Marshall Pilsudski wrested substantial territory from Russian control. It also dealt extensively with Poland’s well documented role as aggressor and occupier of Czechoslovak, Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Belarus lands from before the start of WWII and until Hitler overran Poland.

This reportage was all built around Vladimir Putin’s speech to the RF Security Council on Friday which was partly broadcast then. Excerpts from that speech were used to introduce or segments of the overall documentary.
Let us recall that on Friday, Putin explained how and why we may expect the formal entry into the war of a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian joint military force that will officially be presented as defending Ukrainian statehood by occupying the Western Ukraine. However, Putin described this as an occupying force which once installed in Lvov and Western Ukraine would never leave. This would in effect be a repeat of the sell-out of Ukrainian interests to Poles and cession of territory to Poland such as had been perpetrated by their leader Semyon Petlyura in April 1920 and has now been repeated in the secret agreements between presidents Zelensky of Ukraine and Duda of Poland.

However, that was not the only pending Polish aggression announced by Vladimir Putin on Friday. He said that Poland also had designs on Belarus land. The documentary this evening fleshed out that remark and reminded us of what Belarus territory Poland had grabbed by force in the 20th century when it had the opportunity. It also pointed a finger at those Belarus fighters abroad who will be used by Poland to spearhead their move against Minsk from Polish territory, and what armaments they are receiving from the United States and NATO member countries.

With respect to Polish designs on Ukraine, Putin did not tip his hand on what Russia’s response may be. But as regards Belarus, he stated directly on Friday that any act of aggression against Belarus will be considered an attack on Russia and Russia will respond with all the military force at its disposal. He warned Warsaw to consider the consequences of their actions.

Putin’s speech on Friday appeared to be directed at Warsaw. The program this evening was clearly directed at the broad Russian public, to prepare them for the onset of a possible Russian-Polish war in the immediate future.

This point was highlighted by the ongoing visit of Belarus president Lukashenko to Petersburg. There has been pomp and ceremony in this visit. Both presidents today visited Kronstadt, touring its principal church, which is the spiritual home of the Russian Navy. They also visited the about to be opened new museum of the Russian Navy, and its featured exhibit, which is Russia’s first nuclear submarine, the country’s answer to the American Nautilus at the time. And they held talks on the military and political threats their countries face. These talks unexpectedly will continue in the Konstantinovsky Palace outside Petersburg tomorrow. The reason for extensive consultations was clear from remarks that Lukashenko made to the press during his meeting with Putin: namely that Belarus military intelligence has been following very closely the massive build-up of Polish forces including tanks, helicopters and other heavy military equipment close to the Belarus border at several locations.

Tonight’s News of the Week program explained to the Russian public that the Poles’ new aggressive plans are proceeding only because of their confidence that Uncle Sam supports them. And they named the person embodying this link as former Foreign Minister of Poland Radoslaw Sikorsky (2014-15), who is today a Member of the European Parliament and delegate responsible for relations with the United States. A photo of Sikorski’s latest meetings with Pentagon officials and with Joe Biden and his advisers was put on the screen. For those who may wonder about Sikorsky’s political views, it pays to remember that he is the husband of neo-con, Russia-hating journalist Anne Applebaum, who is very well known to American audiences for her regular columns in The Washington Post.

From Russian talk shows of the past several days, it is easy to understand the Kremlin’s reading of the present proxy war in and around Ukraine: Washington sees that the Ukrainian counter-offensive is a complete failure that has cost tens of thousands of lives among the Ukrainian armed forces and has seen the destruction of a large part of the Western equipment delivered to Ukraine over the past months. Instead of suing for peace, Washington seeks to open a ‘second front,’ using Poland for this purpose.

One possible Russian response to any move against Belarus has also been discussed on air: to seize the Suwalki corridor that connects Kaliningrad to Belarus across Polish territory.. Taking control of that corridor would have the effect of isolating the Baltic States from Poland and thereby put their security at peril.

The inescapable conclusion from the latest news is that Washington’s incendiary policies and continuing escalation of the conflict cannot secure Russia’s defeat. On the contrary, they may well lead to the total collapse of the NATO alliance once its military value is disproven in a way that cannot be talked away or papered over by the most creative propagandists in DC.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... olish-war/


Russia Thwarts Ukrainian Drone Attacks

Consequences of the drone attack, Moscow, Russia, July 24, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @SpriterTeam

Published 24 July 2023

The Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova described the drone attack against Moscow as an act of international terrorism.

On Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry confirmed that electronic warfare teams managed to thwart a new Ukrainian drone attack on Moscow, although two drones managed to hit two non-residential buildings.

One of the Ukrainian drones crashed in the vicinity of the Ministry of Defense and another hit a business center near one of the main avenues of the capital city, the TASS agency reported.

"There is no significant damage or injuries. All emergency services are working on the sites," Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

Minutes after the frustrated attack, the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova described the drone attack against Moscow as an act of international terrorism.

In the early hours of Monday, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that its forces also destroyed 17 Ukrainian drones that were aimed at the Dzhankoi region of Crimea.

Fourteen of those drones were suppressed by electronic warfare, 11 crashed in the Black Sea, and 3 crashed on the peninsula. This Ukrainian terrorist attack did not leave any victims either.

Earlier, Crimean Governor Sergei Axionov said that one of the drones hit the ammunition depot in the Dzhankoi region, after which rail and highway traffic between this province and Simferopol was temporarily suspended. ... -0006.html


Russia willing to replace Ukrainian grain shipment to Africa

Vladimir Putin recalled that in 2022, Russia exported 11.5 million tons of cereals to Africa. | Photo: RT
Published 23 July 2023

Vladimir Putin's statement takes place on the eve of the Russia-Africa Summit scheduled for July 27 and 28 in the city of Saint Petersburg.

The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, through a document published in the Kremlin this Sunday, stressed that his country is willing to replace Ukrainian grain shipments for African countries, both commercially and free of charge.

“I want to give guarantees that our country is capable of replacing Ukrainian grain both commercially and free of charge, especially since we are expecting another record harvest this year,” Vladimir Putin said.

Meanwhile, the Russian president expressed that he understands the importance of uninterrupted food supply for the socio-economic development and political stability of African states.

“On this basis, we have always paid great attention to issues related to the supply of wheat, barley, maize and other crops to African countries. We have done it contractually and free of charge as humanitarian aid, including through the United Nations Food Program,” he said.

Vladimir Putin recalled that in 2022, Russia exported 11.5 million tons of cereals to Africa, and in the first half of 2023 almost 10 million more tons were delivered, "despite the sanctions imposed on our exports."

On the other hand, he criticized the "grain agreement", whose initial purpose was to guarantee world food security, reduce the threat of hunger and help the poorest countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. In this regard, he assured that "it has been shamelessly used only for the enrichment of large American and European companies that exported and resold cereals from Ukraine."

Meanwhile, none of the provisions of the "deal" related to the exemption of Russian grain and fertilizer exports to world markets from sanctions were fulfilled.

On the eve of the Russia-Africa Summit, scheduled for July 27 and 28 in the city of Saint Petersburg, Putin stated that "we are working to prepare an impressive package of intergovernmental and interinstitutional agreements and memoranda with individual states and regional associations of the continent." ... -0027.html

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Consequences of the European economic course
July 24, 15:59


Wall Street Journal about the consequences of the EU economic policy for the general population of Europe. Washington can be pleased.

Consequences of the European economic course

Europeans are facing a new economic reality that they have not known for decades. They are getting poorer.
Europe, long envied elsewhere for the "art of living," is rapidly losing its luster as its population sees its purchasing power dwindle before our eyes.

The French eat less foie gras and drink less red wine. Spaniards save on olive oil. Finns are encouraged to visit saunas on windy days when electricity is cheaper. Across Germany, consumption of meat and milk has fallen to its lowest point in three decades, and the once-thriving organic food market has simply collapsed. Italy's economic development minister, Adolfo Urso, organized a crisis meeting in May over the cost of pasta, the country's favorite flour product, after prices rose more than twice as fast as inflation in the country.

With consumer spending "free-falling" at the beginning of the year, Europe fell into recession, reinforcing a sense of relative economic, political and military decline dating back to the turn of the century.
The current crisis in the Old Continent has been brewing for a long time. An aging population that prefers free time and job security to income levels has spawned years of sluggish economic growth and weak productivity gains. Two knockout blows followed: the COVID-19 pandemic and the protracted military conflict in Ukraine. By disrupting global supply chains and driving up energy and food prices, the crises have exacerbated the maladies of the European economy that have festered for decades.

The reaction of local governments only exacerbated the problem. To save jobs, they directed their subsidies to employers first, leaving consumers without a cash cushion when the price shock hit. Americans at the time, by contrast, benefited from cheap energy and public assistance, which was provided primarily to citizens, to support their consumer activity.

In the past, the powerful export-oriented industry of the region could have come to the rescue. But the slow recovery in China, Europe's most important market, is undermining that pillar of growth.High energy costs and runaway inflation at levels not seen since the 1970s are eroding the cost advantage of Old Continent producers in international markets and destroying once harmonious labor relations in the region. As global trade shrinks, the EU's heavy reliance on exports, which account for about 50% of eurozone GDP compared to 10% of US GDP, is becoming a weak point.

Since the end of 2019, private consumption in the 20 eurozone countries has fallen by about 1% after adjusting for inflation, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a Parisian club made up mostly of wealthy powers. And in the US, where households enjoy a strong labor market and rising incomes, it has increased by almost 9%. The European Union currently accounts for about 18% of all global consumer spending, compared to 28% for the Americas. Fifteen years ago, this figure in the EU and the US was almost the same, at about 25% each.

Adjusted for inflation and purchasing power, since 2019, wages in Germany have fallen by about 3%, in Italy and Spain by 3.5%, and in Greece by all 6%. According to the OECD, real wages in the United States grew by about 6% over the same period. The trouble goes deep into the middle class. Recently in Brussels, one of Europe's richest cities, teachers and nurses lined up to pick up half-price groceries from the back of a truck. The supplier, Happy Hours Market, collects near-expiration products from supermarkets and advertises them through an app. Customers can place an order in the afternoon and pick it up at a discounted price in the evening.

"Some customers say that thanks to us they can eat meat two or three times a week ," said Pierre van Hede, who distributed food packages. Karim Bouazza, a 33-year-old nurse who stocked up on half-price meat and fish for his wife and two children, complained that inflation meant "you almost necessarily have to work a second job to be able to pay for everything."

Similar services have popped up across the European region, with vendors touting them as a way to cut down on wasted food as well as save shoppers money.TooGoodToGo, a service founded in Denmark in 2015 that sells leftover food from retail stores and restaurants, now has 76 million registered users across Europe, about three times the number at the end of 2020. German start-up Sirplus, founded in 2017, offers "rescued" food, including expired products, in its online store. So is Motatos, founded in Sweden in 2014 and now present in Finland, Germany, Denmark and the UK.

Spending on high-end products literally collapsed. In 2022, Germans consumed 52 kilograms of meat per person, about 8% less than the previous year and the lowest since statistics began in 1989.While part of the phenomenon reflects public concerns about healthy eating and animal welfare, experts say the trend is fueled by high meat prices, which have increased by about 30% in recent months. According to the Federal Information Center for Agriculture, Germans are also switching from consuming more expensive meats like beef and veal to cheaper ones like poultry.

Thomas Wolff, an organic food supplier living and working near Frankfurt, said his firm's sales fell 30% last year due to soaring inflation. Wolf noted that he had 33 employees at the beginning of the pandemic to cope with high demand for expensive organic products, but he has since fired them all.

Ronja Ebeling, a 26-year-old consultant from Hamburg, said she's saving about a quarter of her income, in part because she's worried about having enough money for her retirement. She spends little on clothes and cosmetics and shares a car with her partner's father.
Weak consumer activity and pessimistic demographic prospects make Europe less attractive for large corporations, from the giant Procter & Gamble to the luxury goods empire LVMH, which are increasingly selling in North America.

"The consumer in the US is more resilient than in Europe," Unilever CFO Graeme Pitkethly said in April.
Over the past 15 years, the eurozone economy has grown by about 6% in dollar terms, compared to 82% in the US, according to the International Monetary Fund. As a result, any average EU country has become poorer in per capita income than any US state except Idaho and Mississippi. That's according to a report published this month by the European Center for International Political Economy, an independent think tank in Brussels. The report says that if the current trend continues, by 2035 the gap between US and EU per capita output will be as large as that between Japan and Ecuador today.

On the Mediterranean island of Mallorca, local businesses are lobbying for more flights to the US to expand the influx of lavish travelers, said Maria Frontera, president of the Mallorca Chamber of Commerce Tourism Commission. Americans leave an average of about 260 euros ($292) per day for hotels, compared to less than 180 euros ($202) that Europeans spend.
US-Europe Relations

"We're seeing a big shift in European behavior this year because of the economic situation the EU is facing," said Frontera, who recently traveled to Miami to learn how to better serve US customers.

Weak economic growth and rising interest rates are putting pressure on once-rich European welfare states that provide free health care and good pensions. Governments in the region are finding that the old recipes for solving economic problems are either no longer available or no longer work. 750 billion euros in subsidies, tax breaks and other forms of assistance went to consumers and businesses to offset higher energy costs. Economists say these massive budgetary outlays are now fueling inflation on their own, defeating the original purpose of the subsidies.

Public spending cuts since the global financial crisis have drained Europe's publicly funded health care systems, especially Britain's.
Vivek Trivedi, a 31-year-old anesthesiologist based in Manchester, earns around £51,000 ($67,000) a year on a 48-hour week. Inflation, which in the UK has reached about 10% or more over the past year, is eating up his entire monthly budget, he said. Trivedi said he buys groceries from discount stores and spends less on eating out. According to him, in recent months, some of his colleagues have completely turned off the heating, fearing that they will not be able to cope with sharply increased utility bills.

Noa Cohen, a 28-year-old public relations specialist from London, said she could earn four times as much in a similar position by using her US passport to cross the Atlantic. After a recent job change, her salary was increased by 10%, but the difference was completely "gobbled up" by inflation. Cohen says her friends freeze eggs because they can't afford kids anytime soon, in the hope that they'll have enough money in the future.
"It's like an eternal freeze on the standard of living," she added.

In April, Huw Pill, chief economist at the Bank of England, warned British citizens that they should face the fact that they were poorer and stop pushing for higher wages. "Yes,, he said, stating that trying to compensate for rising prices with more money would only spur inflation.

With European governments needing to ramp up defense spending and rising borrowing costs, economists expect tax hikes to increase inflationary pressures on consumers. Taxes in Europe are already high compared to other rich powers, at around 40-45% of GDP versus 27% in the US. American workers take home nearly three-quarters of their wages after paying income taxes and Social Security contributions. At the same time, the French and Germans get only half of the money earned.

The impoverishment of Europe has strengthened the ranks of the region's unions, which are attracting tens of thousands of members across the continent to their banner, offsetting a decade-long decline.
A higher level of union activism may not fill the pockets of their members. This is because they are being urged by many to prefer more free time over high wages, even in today's world where there is a severe shortage of skilled workers.

Ahead of collective bargaining this November, IG Metall, Germany's largest trade union, called for a four-day work week at current wage levels, rather than an increase in the country's metalworkers. Officials say the shorter week will improve the health and quality of life of workers while making the industry more attractive to young people.
Nearly half of Germany's healthcare workers prefer to work around 30 hours a week rather than full-time, reflecting harsh working conditions, said Frank Werneke, chairman of the Amalgamated Service Workers Union, which has gained some 110,000 new members in recent months, the biggest growth in 22 years.

Kristian Kallio, a game developer from northern Finland, recently decided to cut his work week by one-fifth to 30 hours in exchange for a 10% pay cut. Now he receives about 2.5 thousand euros a month. "Wouldn't someone like to work on a reduced schedule?" Kallio asked. According to Jaakko Kylmäoja, his boss, about a third of his colleagues have agreed to the same regimen, even though managers work full-time.

Kallio is now open from 10:00 to 16:30. He uses his free time for hobbies - cooking delicious food and long bike rides. "I'm not ready to go back to the old schedule," he said.
Igor Chaykovskiy, a 34-year-old IT worker from Paris, joined a union earlier this year to push for better conditions and pay. He recently received a 3.5% pay raise, about half the rate of inflation. He believes that the union will give workers more leverage over managers. However, it's not just about the pay. “Maybe, they tell us, you don’t have a raise, but you have free sports or music lessons,” he said.

At the Stellantis car plant in Melfi, in southern Italy, employees have been working fewer hours lately due to difficulties sourcing raw materials and high energy costs, said Marco Lomio, trade unionist for the Italian Union of Metalworkers. Recently, the working day has been reduced by about 30%, but wages have also fallen proportionately.
High inflation and rising energy costs, Lomio said, make it difficult for workers to bear all the costs for a family.

(c) Tom Fairless - zinc ... y-255eb629 - original in English

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.Yeah, redundant translation...but I'll be damned if I click on WSWS, even if they occasionally produce something free of their contagion. Wonder if Boris realizes they're a bunch of Trotskyists?
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:58 am

Freedom for whom?
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/26/2023


In the days before the start of the recent NATO summit, which was supposed to mark a turning point in the image of the Alliance as a perfect union against the common enemy, its secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, presented in the influential Foreign Affairs , one of the establishment media American politician, his vision of the future. Deliberately forgetting that the expansion of NATO at a time when the reason for its founding, the Soviet Union, had already disappeared, is one of the fundamental reasons for political and military tensions, the main thesis is that of the need for a NATO strengthened for a more dangerous world. This idea was also repeated at the summit, in which Zelensky's arrogance was on the verge of derailing that image of unity that Stoltenberg so longed for and that was promised simply with President Erdoğan's announcement of the Turkish unblocking of Sweden's accession.

Ukraine, which has equated NATO membership with peace and victory, terms it considers equivalent and which it also presents as a natural right of the country, did not see the announcement of the withdrawal of the demand for an access plan as a privilege. to the alliance That privilege to be killing and dying for NATO has eliminated those intermediary steps and has renewed the promises that kyiv, like Georgia, had received in the past. Throughout the summit, both Ukraine and the NATO countries repeated the idea that both sides had met as equals, working together for a common goal. But it is only Ukrainian soldiers who are sent to the front without the necessary air cover in the hope that "their courage" will make up for the lack of materiel. And unsurprisingly for a military alliance in which its main member country has made it clear that it has no intention of directly intervening, Ukraine did not receive the prompt and immediate access invitation it demanded from its partners. Ukraine has been accepted as a proxy army in a joint war against the Alliance's historical enemy, Moscow, but the way in which the Western allies have helped Kiev prepare an offensive for which they knew they did not have the necessary material reveals existing hierarchies.

However, the war in Ukraine is serving as an argument for a refounding of the Alliance as a political tool in Europe and beyond. There are not a few statements that refer to a greater role for NATO in the work of containing the real opponent, China, an aspiration for a growing presence in a completely alien sphere and in which it can only create more destabilization and more danger. It is logical that Stoltenberg uses the role it is playing in the current war as a cover letter for a more present, more global and more aggressive NATO.

“The North Atlantic Organization Alliance is responding to a more unpredictable world with unity and strength,” Stoltenberg boasts, continuing to point out the great assistance provided to Ukraine. "NATO allies in Europe and North America and our partners around the world have provided unprecedented economic assistance and military support to Ukraine," he says, ignoring that throughout this process, which began long before February 24 From 2022, NATO countries have ignored, undermined or sabotaged every attempt to reach an agreement that would lead to a resolution of the conflict. Boris Johnson's intervention cannot be considered, as Ukrainska Pravda insisted last year and as it has also accepted the Russian discourse, the only reason why the Istanbul agreement principle was broken, but the attitude of the member countries since the beginning of the Russian military intervention always pointed to the will to maintain the war until the Russian final defeat. Like the Minsk agreements, which did not give Ukraine a complete victory, the draft agreement that came out of the summit held in Turkey never won the favor of Ukraine's partners, who at no time facilitated the negotiations.

“Over the last decade, NATO has implemented the biggest reinforcement of our collective security in a generation,” adds Stoltenberg. “We have strengthened our military presence in Eastern Europe and increased defense spending. With the accession of Finland - and soon that of Sweden - NATO is getting stronger and bigger”, says the NATO Secretary General. A bigger and more aggressive NATO to create a more dangerous and unstable world. Especially in the face of an opponent that, since the creation of the Alliance, has never tried to attack any of the member countries, something that cannot be said of the NATO countries or their allies. Co-owned by Germany, the destruction of the Nord Stream would have been considered an attack on a NATO country had Russian involvement been proven. Instead, all the theories of the western secret services point to the Ukraine, which would have planned an attack of which both the European secret services and the CIA were aware. By action or omission, the United States bears part of the responsibility for this act of international terrorism against one of its NATO allies that presents itself as a guarantee of stability. NATO will maintain, according to Stoltenberg, "unwavering support for Ukraine, continue to strengthen our own defense and increase our cooperation with our European and Indo-Pacific partners to defend the rules-based global order," specifically the rules set by the United States. In this case, NATO is a guarantee of stability, not peace, but war, especially in the Ukrainian case.

Days after the summit, Zelensky reported his conversation with Stoltenberg. "The issue is obvious: it is the implementation of the agreements we reached at the Alliance summit in Vilnius," wrote the Ukrainian president, forced to change his speech from his initial anger at not receiving an immediate invitation to the false triumphalism of some promises. future that will depend on the outcome of the war. “The priority remains the same: join NATO as soon as possible, when security conditions allow. Only this will reliably guarantee security and peace for the whole of Europe.” Those who have done the most to prolong the war - the current one and also the one in Donbass - present themselves as champions of peace and security. His argument has always been the same. In his article published in Foreign Affairs, Jens Stoltenberg repeats it explicitly. The NATO Secretary General precedes him with a habitual exaltation of the struggle of the Ukrainian people , that is, the Ukrainian people who are fighting on the side of Kiev, not the one who rose up politically and then militarily against a manifestly irregular change of government. "When I visited Ukraine this spring, I witnessed terrible suffering, but also the enormous courage and determination of the Ukrainian people defending their freedom." that freedom IN recent years, it has included the banning of parties, the demonization and harassment of any political or social figure that is minimally contrary to the official discourse and the establishment of hatred that the Government has assumed as its own towards the entire population of Donbass and Crimea, which in 2014 rejected the Maidan regime change seeing in it a coup. All of this, and also the inclusion in the official structures of clearly far-right groups - not only in 2022, but throughout the entire period since 2014 - is justified by the war against Russia, which for Ukrainian nationalism began more than nine years old.

"If Russia stops fighting, there will be peace," says Stoltenberg, adding that "if Ukraine stops fighting, it will cease to exist as a nation." Both premises are false. Ukraine was even able to maintain the territories of Donbass precisely on the basis of ceasing the war during the seven long years of the Minsk process, an uncomfortable agreement for Washington, that is, for NATO, because it did not imply the defeat of Moscow. The Istanbul agreement also implied security guarantees for the State and the Ukrainian nation, although also under terms of loss of the territories that had rejected the new Maidan Ukraine and without the explicit defeat of Russia. The current war does not defend the existence of a Ukrainian nation, whose survival is guaranteed regardless of the borders that result from this war.

Also false is the part where Stoltenberg, as Ukraine and its partners have done since the war in Donbass began, claims that peace will be the result if Russia stops fighting. This was said even before the Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border. Peace is not synonymous with victory or the absence of war, but rather the absence of conflict. A Russian withdrawal - now military, before political - would result in the population of Donbass and Crimea being left at the mercy of the nationalist Ukraine, which, depending on the degree of fanaticism of the people and the times, has made she an internal enemy to, demonize, discriminate, dispossess, expel or exterminate. Ukraine claims to be fighting for her freedom and that of the whole of Europe,

It is easy for both NATO and Ukraine to present a simple conflict now, between good guys and bad guys, democracy against authoritarianism, European values ​​against the Asian hordes. They make it easier for nine years ignoring the existing internal conflict and the war that Kiev artificially maintained only to not guarantee linguistic and cultural rights to Donbass, a special status that prevented the building of the centralist and officially nationalist state that is still being created. “Ukrainians will not back down,” Stoltenberg asserts, equating Ukrainians with Ukrainians fighting on the right side,avoiding remembering those who fight or defend the opposite. "The more territory they win on the battlefield, the stronger their position will be at the negotiating table" in search of a "just peace" that does not imply freezing the conflict. A peace in which only the interests of the state of a large Ukraine are taken into account - the hope of the 1991 borders does not disappear - and free only for those who in 2014 chose the right side. ... more-27801

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Chronicle of the special military operation for July 25, 2023
July 25, 2023

In the morning, Ukrainian formations again launched several strikes with Storm Shadow missiles in Crimea . A repair point for Russian equipment near the village of Kremnevka near Simferopol came under fire . In addition, surface UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the patrol ship of the Russian Navy "Sergey Kotov" near Sevastopol : both devices were destroyed, damage was avoided.

Meanwhile, at the front, the most fierce fighting continues in Kleshcheevka in the Bakhmut sector : clashes are taking place in the south and in the center of the village, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine maintain their presence.

According to unconfirmed reports, in the Starobelsky direction of the RF Armed Forces, they managed to take control of the village of Sergeevka in the Svatovsky area and advance in the Serebryansky forestry.


Another attack by Storm Shadow cruise missiles on Crimea

In the morning, Ukrainian Su-24M bombers launched three Storm Shadow cruise missiles at Crimea . The collection point for damaged vehicles (SPPM) in the Kremnevka area north of Simferopol came under attack . Three pieces of equipment received damage from cruise missiles.

This is the fourth attack by British-French-made cruise missiles. And now the choice of SPPM is also quite logical: points for the repair and restoration of equipment are important logistics facilities in the rear. What is curious is that the Armed Forces of Ukraine almost every time launch a pack of three missiles. And they do it from a great distance, which reduces the likelihood of being hit by our air defense.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the threat of cruise missiles, it is necessary to adapt anti-aircraft missile systems to Storm Shadow as soon as possible , and also try to hit airfields based on aviation using satellite reconnaissance, which, however, is extremely difficult at this stage.

Attack of surface drones on the reconnaissance ship "Sergey Kotov"

The Russian Defense Ministry reported that at night Ukrainian surface drones attacked the Sergey Kotov patrol ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, 370 kilometers southwest of Sevastopol. Both used devices were destroyed, the ship was not damaged during the raid.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
In the Svatovsky sector, according to preliminary data, Russian troops, during fierce battles, were able to liberate the village of Sergeevka and advanced two kilometers deep into the enemy's defensive formations. If this information is confirmed, it can be stated that the offensive of the RF Armed Forces in the area over the course of several days turned into a tactical success.

At the same time, in the Kremensky section, Russian troops are actively advancing in the Serebryansky forestry , occupying a significant area of ​​the forest.

In the Soledar direction, fierce fighting continues in the southwestern part of Kleshcheevka . Massed artillery fire is being fired at the advancing Ukrainian formations. The thesis about the flight of Russian mobilized from positions after more than six months after the end of mobilization does not stand up to criticism. Many units, consisting of mobilized, have already completely replaced the personnel units. And at the moment they continue to hold back the onslaught of the enemy outnumbered.

There are no significant changes in the Donetsk direction : positional battles and artillery duels continue along the front line in the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky sectors. The enemy is making attacks on the positions of the RF Armed Forces, but to no avail.

On the Vremyevsky site, Russian troops counterattacked from the direction of Priyutnoye , but did not achieve success. The Armed Forces of Ukraine with the same result, with the support of artillery, carried out offensive operations near Staromayorsky and Urozhayny .

At the Orekhovsky sector, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a series of attacks in the direction of Lugovoy , forcing the units of the RF Armed Forces to retreat to more advantageous defense lines. In addition, with strong artillery support, the Armed Forces of Ukraine also advanced northeast of Rabotino .

In the Kherson direction, units of the RF Armed Forces continue to suppress enemy attempts to land troops on the left bank of the Dnieper. At the same time, constant artillery fire is being fired at enemy targets: targets in the areas of Berislav and Kherson were also hit .

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations continue the daily terror of the inhabitants of the Donetsk People's Republic . As a result of massive strikes from cannon and rocket artillery in the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk , one person was injured, in the village of Staromikhailovka two people were injured. Another citizen was wounded in Gorlovka . The enemy also carried out several rocket attacks on Krasnaya Polyana in the southwest of the DPR. As a result of the Ukrainian attack, two civilians were killed.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region . One burned-out house in Novokahovsky Okrug is reported , as well as power outages. According to preliminary data, no victims. In addition, Kakhovka , Proletarka and the village of Cossack camps were under attack .

Political events
About the unsuccessful military commissar-bribe taker

In Ukraine, the lawsuit around the former military commissar of the Odessa region Yevgeny Borisov , accused of illegal enrichment of hundreds of millions of hryvnias and deliberate evasion of service, continues to be actively discussed.

Today, at the trial, the unfortunate military commissar said that at any moment a blood clot could break off and he could die, so he cannot be arrested. Also during the trial, Borisov demonstrated his injuries and the consequences of a gunshot wound. Nevertheless, following the meeting, he was sent into custody for two months with the possibility of posting a bail in the amount of 150 million hryvnias.

As we already wrote , after a journalistic investigation about the impressive assets of the Odessa military commissariat, the Ukrainian authorities and Western PR people wanted to turn this story into a demonstrative case of the fight against corruption. However, in reality, his colleagues in the shop are no different , earning tens of thousands of dollars on the opportunity to delay the draft.

On possible new strikes on the Crimean peninsula

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that Ukraine will continue to strike at the Crimea and the Crimean bridge. He believes that they are legitimate targets, because attacks on them will help reduce the combat capability of the enemy and save the lives of Ukrainians. Also, according to Reznikov, Ukraine has the ability and weapons to strike at Russian ships in the Black Sea , if they threaten Kiev.

About the new US military aid package

Representatives of the American authorities announced their intention to send the Armed Forces of Ukraine a new military assistance package for almost $ 400 million. It will include various types of ammunition - from missiles for HIMARS MLRS and NASAMS air defense systems to Stingers and Javelins.

The decision on the desire to allocate weapons from our own stocks in order to transfer them as quickly as possible in anticipation of the start of the second phase of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Glimpses of an endgame in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) met Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, St. Petersburg, July 23, 2023

The problem with the war in Ukraine is that it has been all smoke and mirrors. The Russian objectives of “demilitarisation” and “de-Nazification” of Ukraine wore a surreal look. The western narrative that the war is between Russia and Ukraine, where central issue is the Westphalian principle of national sovereignty, wore thin progressively leaving a void.

There is a realisation today that the war is actually between Russia and NATO and that Ukraine had ceased to be a sovereign country since 2014 when the CIA and sister western agencies — Germany, the UK, France, Sweden, etc.— installed a puppet regime in Kiev.

The fog of war is lifting and the battle lines are becoming visible. At an authoritative level, a candid discussion is beginning as regards the endgame.

Certainly, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s videoconference with the permanent members of the Security Council in Moscow last Friday and his meeting with Belarus President Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in St. Petersburg on Sunday become the defining moment. The two transcripts stand back-to-back and need to be read together. (here and here)

There is no question that the two events were carefully choreographed by the Kremlin officials and intended to convey multiple messages. Russia exudes confidence that it has achieved dominance on the battle front — having thrashed the Ukrainian military and Kiev’s “counteroffensive” moving into the rear view mirror. But Moscow anticipates that the Biden administration may be having an even bigger war plan in mind.

At the Security council meeting, Putin “de-classified” the intelligence reports reaching Moscow from various sources indicative of moves to insert into Western Ukraine a Polish expeditionary force. Putin called it “a well-organised, equipped regular military unit to be used for operations” in Western Ukraine “for the subsequent occupation of these territories.”

Indeed, there is a long history of Polish revanchism. Putin, himself a keen student of history, talked at some length about it. He sounded stoical that if the Kiev authorities were to acquiesce with this Polish-American plan, “as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.”

But, Putin added, “Belarus is part of the Union State, and launching an aggression against Belarus would mean launching an aggression against the Russian Federation. We will respond to that with all the resources available to us.” Putin warned that what is afoot “is an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”

On Sunday, at the meeting with Putin in St. Petersburg, Lukashenko picked up the thread of discussion. He briefed Putin about new Polish deployments close to Belarus border — just 40 kms from Brest — and other preparations under way — the opening of a repair shop for Leopard tanks in Poland, activation of an airfield in Rzeszow on Ukrainian border (about 100 kms from Lvov) for use of Americans transferring weaponry, mercenaries, etc.

Lukashenko said: “This is unacceptable to us. The alienation of western Ukraine, the dismemberment of Ukraine and the transfer of its lands to Poland are unacceptable. Should people in Western Ukraine ask us then we will provide support to them. I ask you [Putin] to discuss and think about this issue. Naturally, I would like you to support us in this regard. If the need in such support arises, if Western Ukraine asks us for help, then we will provide assistance and support to people in western Ukraine. If this happens, we will support them in every possible way.”

Lukashenko continued, “I am asking you to discuss this issue and think it through. Obviously, I would like you to support us in this regard. With this support, and if western Ukraine asks for this help, we will definitely provide assistance and support to the western population of Ukraine.”

As could be expected, Putin didn’t respond — at least, not publicly. Lukashenko characterised the Polish intervention as tantamount to the dismemberment of Ukraine and its “piece meal” absorption into NATO. Lukashenko was upfront: “This is supported by the Americans.” Interestingly, he also sought the deployment of Wagner fighters to counter the threat to Belarus.

The bottom line is that Putin and Lukashenko held such a discussion publicly at all. Clearly, both spoke on the basis of intelligence inputs. They anticipate an inflection point ahead.

It is one thing that the Russian people are well aware that their country is de facto fighting the NATO in Ukraine. But it is an entirely different matter that the war may dramatically escalate to a war with Poland, a NATO army that the US regards as its most important partner in continental Europe.

By dwelling at some length on Polish revanchism, which has a controversial record in modern European history, Putin probably calculated that in Europe, including in Poland, there could be resistance to the machinations that might drag NATO into a continental war with Russia.

Equally, Poland must be dithering too. According to Politico, Poland’s military is about 150,000 strong, out of which 30,000 belong to a new territorial defence force who are “weekend soldiers who undergo 16 days of training followed up by refresher courses.”

Again, Poland’s military might doesn’t translate into political influence in Europe because the centrist forces that dominate the EU distrust Warsaw, which is controlled by the nationalist Law and Justice Party whose disregard for democratic norms and the rule of law has damaged Poland’s reputation across the bloc.

Above all, Poland has reason to be worried about the reliability of Washington. Going forward, Polish leadership’s concern, paradoxically, will be that Donald Trump may not return as president in 2024. Despite the cooperation with the Pentagon over the Ukraine war, Poland’s current leadership remains distrustful of President Joe Biden — much like Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

On balance, therefore, it stands to reason that the sabre-rattling by Lukashenko and Putin’s lesson on European history can be taken as more of a forewarning to the West with a view to modulate an endgame in Ukraine that is optimal for Russian interests. A dismemberment of Ukraine or an uncontrollable expansion of the war beyond its borders will not be in the Russian interests.

But the Kremlin leadership will factor in the contingency that Washington’s follies stemming out of its desperate need to save face from a humiliating defeat in the proxy war, may leave no choice to the Russian forces but to cross the Dnieper and advance all the way to Poland’s border to prevent an occupation of Western Ukraine by the so-called Lublin Triangle, a regional alliance with virulent anti-Russian orientation comprising Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine, formed in July 2020 and promoted by Washington.

Putin’s back-to-back meetings in Moscow and St. Petersburg throw light on the Russian thinking as to three key elements of the endgame in Ukraine. First, Russia has no intentions of territorial conquest of Western Ukraine but will insist on having a say on how the new boundaries of the country and the future regime will look and act like, which means that an anti-Russian state will not be allowed.

Second, the Biden administration’s plan to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat in the war is a non-starter, as Russia will not hesitate to counter any continued attempt by the US and NATO to use Ukrainian territory as a springboard to wage a renewed proxy war, which means that Ukraine’s “piece meal” absorption into NATO will remain a fantasy.

Third, most important, the battle-hardened Russian army backed by a powerful defence industry and a robust economy will not hesitate to confront NATO member countries bordering Ukraine if they trespass on Russia’s core interests, which means that Russia’s core interests will not be held hostage to Article 5 of the NATO Charter. ... n-ukraine/


Russian military experts on the current state of the war
July 25, 2023

There is a lot of cheerleading for Russian military successes on the Western alternative news portals. There is also a fair amount of cheerleading coming from front line Russian war correspondents on Russian state television. But, as I have indicated in past essays, the more serious Russian news programs such as Sixty Minutes and Evening with Vladimir Solovyov also give the microphone to military experts from among Duma committee chairmen and others who actually bear responsibility and accountability for the war effort and are not just talking heads. These speakers are much more restrained in their remarks on the war’s progress and I use this opportunity to share with readers what I hear from such sources. I will be drawing in particular on what was said on the Solovyov show two days ago.

The most sober remark was that it is a mistake to gloat over reports that the Ukrainians have run out of reserves and that their soldiers at the front are now just old men and youths, who are demoralized and surrendering to Russians when they can. Saying that is to diminish our respect for the heroism of Russian soldiers who are facing, in fact, peer equals in the Ukrainian forces. This is a tough war.

Moreover, the Ukrainian reserves are not yet exhausted. Out of the approximately 60,000 elite troops that received training in NATO countries only 30 – 40% were killed or wounded in the battle for Bakhmut and subsequent Ukrainian counter-attack after 4 June. The Russians will not begin their own massive offensive to knock out the Ukrainian military until they are confident that most of the Ukrainian reserves have been depleted in the ongoing war of attrition.

Accordingly, what we are witnessing these days is localized attacks that have tactical, not strategic importance. Yes, the Ukrainians make advances here and there of a few meters at great cost in lost lives of the soldiers. Yes, the Russians make advances of three or four kilometers here or there, at significantly lower cost. The Russians are biding their time. This is not a stale-mate as Western media keep telling their audiences.

Now let us turn to another aspect of the conflict that has grabbed the news over the past week when ground skirmishes between the hostile forces moved to the back pages of our newspapers. I have in mind the spectacular Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian port infrastructure in Odessa, in Nikolaev and yesterday in a river port of the Danube estuary just across from the Romanian border. These attacks are described by official Russian military sources as “revenge attacks” for the damage inflicted on one of the roadways of the Crimean bridge by Ukrainian surface drones that exploded under bridge supports.

Of course, that is just Public Relations talk to satisfy the Russian public and overwhelm local outrage at the failure to defend what is, finally, vulnerable infrastructure. No, the reason for the Russian destruction of the Ukrainian port facilities day after day lies elsewhere. The missile strikes were not so much intended to inflict pain on the Ukrainians as to avert what could be naval battles on the Black Sea and a quantum jump in risks of total war. And, en passant, they demonstrated that the latest sea-launched Russian cruise missiles with 3,000 km range that fly just 15 meters above the sea at Mach 3 cannot be intercepted by present Ukrainian air defenses.

Let us remember that when Vladimir Putin announced that the grain deal with Turkey and the United Nations would expire on 18 July, the RF Ministry of Defense announced that any vessels headed towards Ukrainian ports ostensibly to receive export grain would henceforth be considered as carriers of arms to Ukraine and were fair game for destruction by Russian forces.

Immediately after this Ukrainian President Zelensky went on air with his proposal to Turkey that the grain exports by sea continue without Russian participation. The safety of the vessels would be assured by Turkish and other NATO naval convoys. In the context of Erdogan’s latest turn to the U.S. and away from Russia, it appeared that Ankara was prepared to strike a deal with Zelensky. If that were done, then the chances of naval battles between Russian and NATO vessels in the Black Sea would have soared.

And so the Russians decided to destroy the Ukrainian port facilities active in the grain trade and so to preempt the dangers in view. Erdogan was compelled to draw back from any agreement with Zelensky on resumption of the grain corridor mission.

To be sure, export of grain by ship is the cheapest solution to bringing Ukrainian grain to world markets. But there are other means, namely by rail and truck, traveling north and west across Bulgaria or Romania or Poland. These logistics were used last autumn to move a lot of grain, but that grain tended to disappear into the nominal transit countries where it provoked outrage among the farming communities of these countries for underpricing their own grain crops. We may expect more of this political turmoil in Eastern Europe and protests against Ukraine in the coming months, and this also will serve the Russian objective of making Europe pay for its support of Kiev.

The U.S. State Department representatives have shrieked over the humanitarian disaster that the Russians were causing first by pulling out of the grain deal and then by destroying Ukraine’s export infrastructure in the Black Sea. Particular attention has been directed at the nations of Africa which purportedly represent a large proportion of the poor destination countries for Ukrainian grain.

It is interesting to note that notwithstanding vicious American propaganda against the Russian pull-out from the grain deal, the leaders of Africa have not gone for the bait. Today all 47 African leaders are assembling in Russia for highest level strategic talks and deal-making with their Russian counterparts. The Russians are offering free of cost grain to the poorest countries and contracts for grain supply to the others at normal commercial terms. The certainty of supply is assured by what the Russians say will be their biggest grain harvest ever during this season.

Though I denounce the U.S. State Department policies under Antony Blinken as a force for evil in the present world context, I do not mean to say that each and every player there is a villain. I am amused to see on Russian television images of the speeches to the United Nations about the grain corridor delivered by Rosemary Di Carlo, a former U.S. career diplomat who since 2018 has served in the UN as Under-Secretary General for Political and Peace-building Affairs.

Once upon a time, in 1998, I had conversations with Rosemary when she was in charge of cultural affairs at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. We sat together at the head table of a gathering of American graduate students and professors on the academic exchange with Russia directed by a Cold War holdover NGO, IREX, for which I was briefly country manager back then. Rosemary talked about the theater season in Moscow and we discussed possibilities for assisting Russian museums and other cultural institutions to adapt to the post-Soviet realities of low government funding and finding private sponsors. She held a Ph.D. in Slavic literature. She was one of the relatively few career diplomats who actually understood and spoke Russian. Her heart was in the right place and I very much doubt that she is working to do the Russians a bad turn today.

Moral of the story above from start to finish: very often things are not what they seem.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... f-the-war/


No Joke: Ursula Von der Leyen’s EU Commission Just Received “World Prize for Peace and Freedom”
Posted on July 25, 2023 by Nick Corbishley

Few political figures have done more to keep Ukrainians fighting — and dying in huge numbers — in a bloody, futile proxy war of attrition than Von der Leyen.

Last Friday (July 21), droves of high-profile international lawyers, NGO execs and politicians converged on the UN headquarters in New York to attend the closing ceremony of the 28th World Congress on Law, the flagship biennial event of the US-based World Jurists Association (WJA). During the event the King of Spain Felipe VI and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau* presented EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen (whom I shall henceforth refer to as VdL) with the “World Prize for Peace and Freedom,” which she received on behalf of the institution she fronts.

VdL began her acceptance speech by outlining the EU’s long, storied history of supporting peace in Europe:

When World War II ended, Europe was in ruin and ashes, and European countries mortal enemies. Five of them decided to forgive. Not to forget, but to forgive. They stretched out their hand to Germany and others, and over time invited them back into the circle of democracies. Under one condition: to do everything necessary for a just and lasting peace, grounded on the rule of law…

The story of our Union is one of democracies, young and old, getting stronger together. It is the story of Germany’s and Italy’s rebirth after the war. It is the story of Spain’s, Portugal’s and Greece’s path from dictatorship to democracy. It is the story of democratic renaissance after the fall of the Iron Curtain. And the next chapter in this story is being written today – in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, as well as in the Western Balkans.

A Bizarre Choice

While the EU may have played an important role in fostering peace in Europe during its formative years, today’s EU Commission makes for a bizarre choice for a peace and freedom award, given:

It is a participant in the proxy war taking place in Ukraine and has been directly arming the Ukrainian forces through its Orwellian-dubbed European Peace Facility (more on that later);
It has imposed eleven rounds of largely self-maiming sanctions on Russia that have crippled German and Italian industry and are undermining the economic health of the entire EU bloc;
It has also not exactly been a staunch defender of freedom in recent years. For a start, in June 2021 it implemented the “Green Pass” vaccine passport, which was used by EU Member governments to deprive millions of unvaccinated EU citizens of their basic rights and freedoms on the basis of a vaccine that did not prevent transmission of COVID-19 and which the World Health Organization would now like to turn into a global standard. It is also about to declare all-out war on freedom of speech on the Internet.
The World Congress on Law is sometimes referred to as the “Davos of Law”. Its World Prize for Peace and Freedom is the WJA’s highest honour, given to individuals or institutions that have apparently distinguished themselves in promoting “peace through the rule of law.” It is sometimes described as the Nobel Prize of international law.

That is probably less of a complement than intended. After all, the real Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded both to peacemakers and serial warmongers alike, including, most notoriously, Henry Kissinger, for his contribution to “ending the war and restoring the peace in Vietnam.” Barack Obama also picked up a Nobel for doing literally nothing during his first nine months in office. He would then go on to sow mayhem in at least seven countries, in the process authorising ten times more drone strikes than his predecessor, George W Bush, including against US citizens.[2]

Likewise, few political figures have done more to keep Ukrainians fighting in a bloody proxy war they have zero chance of winning than VdL. As Responsible Statecraft reported last week, Kyiv simply doesn’t have the human resources or physical infrastructure to achieve its goals:

As unpalatable as it is for all supporters of Ukraine, the most prudent course for Zelensky may now be to seek a negotiated settlement that preserves as much freedom and territory as possible for Kyiv. Ending the war now would end the deaths and injuries for tens of thousands of Ukraine’s brave and heroic fighters — men and women whom Kyiv will need to rebuild their country once the war ends.

But Europe and the US are holding firm, even as the leaders of more and more non-aligned countries, including Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia and China, call for an immediate ceasefire. While NATO may have no viable exit strategy, VdL fears that a ceasefire would consolidate the territorial gains made by Russia since February 2022, as if that fate were somehow avoidable at this stage. As the piece in RS notes, “Ukraine is unlikely to militarily evict Russia out of its territory, no matter how many men they feed into battle.”

VdL has other concerns too, including the threat a negotiated settlement could pose to US-EU’s grandiose reconstruction plans for Ukraine, in which, to paraphrase Julian Assange, potentially trillions of dollars of taxpayer funds will get washed through Ukraine and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. Here’s VdL from late May:

A ceasefire would be inherently unstable and destabilise the region along the contact line. Nobody would invest or rebuild, and the conflict could flare up again at any time. No. A just peace must result in the withdrawal of the Russian forces and their equipment from the territory of Ukraine.

Since VdL said those words, Ukraine’s long-awaited counter-offensive has come and almost completely gone while achieving next to nothing, apart from massively escalating the Ukrainian body count. As the Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday, “When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons, that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day. They haven’t.” And yet the meat grinder grinds on.

Funding War Through the European Peace Facility (EPF)

Interestingly, the Commission’s peace and freedom prize has garnered next to no attention in Western media. Maybe the MSM thought it too farcical a story to cover. But it has been covered elsewhere, including in an op-ed by British journalist and lecturer Mark Blacklock in China’s English-language government house organ Global Times. Blacklock describes the WJA’s latest choice of recipient for the award as “peculiar”:

In her acceptance speech, [VdL] spoke of the war between Ukraine and Russia, quoting from the UN Charter to declare countries should refrain from “the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.”

Why then has the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, deliberately concocted a method of evading its own internal checks and balances — designed to prevent the EU from distributing military aid to countries outside the bloc — in order to enable it to send billions of euros worth of weapons and ammunition from its member countries?

The disingenuously-named European Peace Facility (EPF) was created by the EU in 2021 to finance initiatives designed to avoid wars and encourage peace in other countries and strengthen international security. It was necessary because the EU is not allowed to finance military actions itself. The EPF’s original budget of 5.5 billion euros ($6.1 billion) was meant to partly reimburse its 27 member countries for the cost of lethal weapons, ammunition, and other military hardware supplied to other nations for those purposes. Now the budget stands at 12 billion euros ($13.5 billion) and has been repurposed so it can now be used to help Ukraine. Already, 4.6 billion euros ($5.1 billion) has been allocated to Kiev, and last week the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, outlined plans to send 20 billion euros ($22.3 billion) to Ukraine over the next four years. This war marks the first time the EU has supplied lethal weapons this way to a third country.

The Commission is in the process of setting up a procurement platform for EU nations to jointly purchase weapons, arguing that pooling demand will allow EU Members to secure better terms from suppliers — just as happened with the Commission’s COVID-19 vaccine procurement platform. You know, the one in which the terms and conditions — at least those that seeped out into the public sphere despite Pfizer, BioNtech and the Commission’s best efforts — got progressively worse as time went on, even as the Commission’s orders ballooned in size. That’s right: the more vaccines the Commission bought, the more it paid per unit.

Now, EU Member States are inundated with hundreds of millions of COVID-19 vaccines that nobody wants. Germany alone has binned 83 million doses of coronavirus vaccines at an estimated cost of €1.6 billion, and has 120 million further doses sitting idle in warehouses around the country. Yet Germany, like all other EU Member States, must continue buying more vaccines until 2028. At the same time, its Health Ministry recently announced that it was dramatically scaling back a €100 million programme for research into long Covid and post-vaccination injuries, as well as support for those afflicted, as part of Berlin’s new austerity drive.

The VdL Commission’s vaccine procurement practices are now the subject of two investigations by the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). As the Belgian news weekly Le Vif recently reported, in late June the EPPO took up a criminal complaint filed by Frédéric Baldan, a Belgian lobbyist, in Liège, against VdL for, among other things, “destruction of public documents” (the infamous text messages between VdL and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla) and “corruption”. For all his troubles, Baldan’s lobbying firm, CEBiz, was suspended from the European register of lobbyists, even though its accreditation had been renewed in April.

But I digress. Back to the WJA’s award, which, as its title suggests, is meant not just to honour the recipient’s commitment to peace but also to freedom. And this is something else the VdL Commission has little apparent regard for. As I reported a couple of weeks ago, in exactly one month’s time (August 25) the European Union’s Digital Services Act, or DSA, is set to go fully live. From that date, all “Very Large Online Platforms” (VLOPs) and “Very Large Online Search Engines” (VLOSEs) will be obliged to speedily remove illegal content, hate speech and so-called disinformation from their platforms. If not, they risk fines of up to 6% of their annual global revenue:

So, who in the EU will get to define what actually constitutes mis- or disinformation?

Surely it will be the job of an independent regulator or a judicial authority with at least clear procedural parameters and no or few conflicts of interest. At least that is what one would hope.

But no.

The ultimate decider of what constitutes mis- or dis-information, possibly not just in the EU but across multiple jurisdictions around the world, will be the European Commission. That’s right, the EU’s power-hungry, conflict-of-interest-riddled, Von der Leyen-led executive branch. The same institution that is in the process of dynamiting the EU’s economic future through its endless backfiring sanctions on Russia and which is mired in Pfizergate, one of the biggest corruption scandals of its 64-year existence. Now the Commission wants to take mass censorship to levels not seen in Europe since at least the dying days of the Cold War.

Late last year, the Electronic Frontier Foundation warned that the DSA, in its current form, could have “a significant negative impact on the rights of users, in particular that of privacy and free speech.” And as American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) notes, free speech and a free press are the foundation stones of any genuine liberal democracy. And the European Commission is about to enshrine a censorship regime that threatens to put paid to freedom of speech in Europe and could even end up going global. Yet the same Commission just won the World Prize for Peace and Freedom. Once again, Orwell will be turning in his grave.

[1] Trudeau was also an interesting choice to present the award to VdL given his recent role in crushing the Canadian Freedom Truckers’ convoy protest. In February 2022, he and his Vice President, Economy Minister and WEF Board of Trustees member Chrystia Freeland invoke the emergencies act — a step that had never been taken before — to compel banks to seize the accounts of the freedom convoy protesters who had blocked several key border crossings. Trudeau was also particularly stark in his rhetoric against the unvaccinated, saying at one point:

“They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist… This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?”

Canada had one of the strictest regimes of measures against unvaccinated people in the so-called Western world, including a mandate preventing them from boarding a commercial plane or train to both domestic and international destinations. As Saltwire recalled in May this year, unvaccinated Canadians couldn’t so much as walk into a train station or airport, and were barred from boarding cruise ships and other types of marine vessels.” A quarter of a million federal employees were also threatened with job loss if they didn’t get the vaccine. Yet in April this year, months after the measures had been withdrawn, Trudeau claimed he had never “forced” anyone to get a vaccine.

[2] The EU itself also won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2012, ostensibly in recognition of its contribution, by its simple existence, of avoiding (at least until now) any repetition of World War I and World War II, both of which originated on European soil. As Blacklock notes, it was a hugely controversial decision that was rejected by three former Peace Prize winners:

South Africa’s own peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and two other former recipients said the EU was unsuitable because its values did not align with those of the Nobel. Primarily, they said, it advocates “security based on military force and waging wars rather than insisting on the need for an alternative approach.” ... eedom.html


Who Can Give Security Guarantees To Ukraine?

A main question for Ukraine since it became an independent state was who or what could potentially guarantee its security.

In the first years after 1991 the Ukrainian government thought that it could secure itself. It had inherited some Soviet nuclear weapons and it tried to bring those to use. But it failed to circumvent the security locks the Russian engineers had integrated into the nuclear warheads.

There was also pressure from the U.S. to get rid of those devices as the Ukraine at that time was prolific in selling its Soviet era weapons to various shady actors around the world.

Ukraine, together with Belarus and Kazakhstan, was pressed to enter the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In exchange it got the Budapest Memorandum, a weak promise of non-interference:

The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance, prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." As a result of other agreements and the memorandum, between 1993 and 1996, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.

Two side notes are of interest:

Ambassador Donald M. Blinken is the father of the current Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.
Formally Russia has not broken the Budapest Memorandum. It recognized the People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent states. It signed security agreements with them and then entered the war in Ukraine, which had been ongoing since 2014, under Article 51 - common self defense - of the Charter of the United Nations. Jurists will debate that argument for years but it is not dissimilar to the argument NATO used to justify the violent break-up Yugoslavia.

After the Budapest Memorandum was signed the Soviet nuclear weapons weapons Ukraine and others still had were sent back to Russia.

By mid of the first decade of the third millennium Russia had largely recuperated from the shocks that had followed the break up of the Soviet Union. The Ukraine had meanwhile fallen further apart. The population sharply decreased, its industries broke down and wide spread corruption was eating up what was left from its riches. Its own army, while on paper still well armed, was no longer able to defend the country. That was fine at that time as no one was really interested in threatening it.

But NATO, in breach of promises given to Russia, expanded and crept nearer to the Ukrainian border. In 2008, and also in Budapest, the U.S. used a NATO summit to press other NATO countries to offer Ukraine a Membership Action Plan (MAP). There was however no future date attached to that promise.

In 2013 the European Union pressed the Ukraine to sign a free trade agreement with it. Russia, which was the biggest trading partner of Ukraine, made a counter offer that was financially better and had less political restrictions attached to it. Then President Victor Yanukovych of Ukraine had to reject the EU agreement. The U.S., together with the German secret service BND, had long standing ties with the right-wing groups in west-Ukraine which had previously cooperated with Nazi Germany and had been attached to the German Nazi-Wehrmacht. The CIA reactivated these groups and instigated a violent color-revolution in Kiev.

That revolution led to a civil war as large parts of the ethic Russians in east Ukraine rejected the new regime that had been installed by a west Ukrainian minority.

While the ethnic Russians in Ukraine lost control over most of their original areas they also soon defeated what was left of the Ukraine army. They did so twice.

Since 2015 the conflict was stalled. The Minsk agreements, under which Ukraine was supposed to became federalized, were signed, but Ukraine stalled their implementation. Meanwhile the U.S. and Britain used the time to reinstate and rearm the Ukrainian army.

By 2021 the Ukraine was ready to attack the People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. Russia activated its army and warned that it would have to interfere with such plans. The imminent launch of an Ukrainian attack was called off. In early 2022 the U.S. gave the Ukrainians a green light to launch their long planned attack. Russia intervened and the current war started.

The U.S. plans behind the war expected that the pre-coordinated western sanctions that immediately followed would ruin Russia, that Russia would be shunned by the rest of the world and that a military defeat of the Russian army would lead to regime change in Moscow.

The Ukraine expected that, after winning a war against its separatists, it would immediately become a member of NATO.

Neither of the (totally unrealistic) expectations was met.

The Ukraine is now obviously losing the war. It will soon need to sign a capitulation like ceasefire agreement with Russia.

But who or what can guarantee that any such agreement will be held up?

NATO membership is no longer an option.

On July 11 a summit of the North Atlantic Council in Vilnius declared that Ukraine would not have to follow the formal Membership Action Plan. But it then replaced the formal MAP conditions for membership with a way more vague formulation:

We will be in a position to extend an invitation to Ukraine to join the Alliance when Allies agree and conditions are met.

The NATO Secretary General was even more explicit:

... unless Ukraine wins this war, there's no membership issue to be discussed at all.

There will be no NATO membership or NATO security guarantees for Ukraine, neither now nor ever.

A direct full security guarantee from Washington to Kiev is also impossible. It would create a high likelihood of a direct war between the U.S. and Russia which would soon become nuclear. The U.S. will not want to risk that.

So when, during the preparations of the Vilnius summit, it had become clear that allies would not agree to Ukraine's membership, U.S. President Biden presented an alternative:

The US is willing to offer Kiev a sort of security arrangement currently offered to Israel instead of membership in NATO, President Joe Biden told CNN in an interview previewed on Friday.
“I don’t think it’s ready for membership in NATO,” Biden said of Ukraine. “I don’t think there is unanimity in NATO about whether or not to bring Ukraine into the NATO family now, at this moment, in the middle of a war.”

“And one of the things I indicated is, the United States would be ready to provide, while the process was going on, and that’s gonna take a while, to provide security a la the security we provide for Israel: providing the weaponry they need, the capacity to defend themselves,” Biden said, adding, “If there is an agreement, if there is a ceasefire, if there is a peace agreement.”
That however is even more unrealistic than a NATO membership. As Geoffrey Aronson convincingly argues:

The relevance of the Israel model embraced by Biden to Ukraine’s security is deeply flawed conceptually and practically.
In operational terms, the Israel model is barely relevant to the predicament that Ukraine finds itself in and hardly a good model upon which to build the desired security relationship between the United States, NATO, and Ukraine. In conceptual terms, there is little beyond a superficial comparison between Jerusalem and Kyiv to recommend the concept.
U.S.-Israel security ties were born out of three principal elements: (1) Cold War competition in the Middle East; (2) Israel’s overwhelming victory in June 1967; and (3) Israel’s surreptitious development of a nuclear weapons capability from the 1950s onward.
It is all but impossible that Ukraine will be able to exit its war with Russia with the kind of total territorial victory that provided the basis for U.S.-Israel ties after June 1967.
In this context, there may well be those in Ukraine (but one hopes not in Washington) who see the Israel model—creating an integrated nuclear weapons option while maintaining nuclear ambiguity as long as the conventional weapons pipeline from Washington is open—as instructive.

But here too reality intrudes. The U.S. bargain with Israel aims explicitly at assuring Israel’s superiority in conventional weapons against any combination of Arab/Iranian enemies. To that end, through FY2020, the United States has provided Israel with $146 billion in military, economic, and missile defense funding—$236 billion in 2018 dollars.

In just the first year of the war, Ukraine received $77 billion from Washington, about one-half of its total military, economic, and humanitarian assistance.

At best, the U.S. military support at current historic levels has won Kyiv a military stalemate. Ukraine, certainly out of NATO and arguably even as a member, will never enjoy an Israeli-style Quality Military Edge (QME) over Moscow, or be able to command the region’s strategic or security agenda as Israel has done in the Middle East.

Russia's might makes even an attempt of an Israel like security guarantee for Ukraine too costly for the U.S. and thereby simply impossible.

There is only one country in the world that can guarantee peace in Ukraine and the security of its borders. That country is Russia!

But any such guarantee will of course come with conditions attached to it. Either Ukraine will accept those or it will never be secure from outer interference.

That is simply a fact of life Ukraine has had to, and will have to live with.

Posted by b on July 25, 2023 at 16:35 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Jul 26, 2023 3:27 pm

Gotta post this before the Thought Police get here.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Jul 27, 2023 12:22 pm

The Donbass tragedy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/27/2023
Original Article: Evdokia Sheremetieva


I met Liuba Mikhailovna in December 2014. In the summer of that year, Lugansk had been under siege by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which shelled the city with all kinds of weapons, while the militia could do almost nothing. In the city there was neither electricity nor water and the population could not even leave: all the exits were blocked. The population survived as they could. We have many examples of people we have helped, people who were injured or lost everything at that time. The boy Sasha, about whom I wrote many times, saw his mother get shrapnel wound in the stomach, after which she suffered for several years until she finally died. Another girl's mother suffered skull damage and died in front of her daughter. Ira Jizhniak watched as her son was injured in the leg at a checkpoint as he fled the city by car with the children and a white flag. Some Nazi saw a car with kids in the tail and attacked for fun. At the time, his son was a teenager. Now, he has joined the ranks for military service.

In Lugansk there was a chicken farm. The local population calls the area Ptashnya. That summer was unseasonably hot, and several farms came under artillery fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Chicken bodies began to rot and infections were beginning to affect other farms. Some residents of the area dedicated themselves to removing those remains. The stench was such that people lost consciousness. Ordinary women did it. Among them was Liuba Mikhailovna. During the whole process, Ukrainian shells rained down on Lugansk. There were people handing out bread to the sound of bombs, and family members passed notes to each other via minibuses to say they were alive.

Ptnashnya was attacked more than once, although there were no military positions near Fabrichna - that was the official name of the village. He did not understand why the Ukrainian Armed Forces were attacking there. I thought it was the chaotic arrivals around the city, things that happen. But now, after nine years of observation, I'm sure they were giving the population these nightmares on purpose. A way to exhaust them and make fun of them. No one except the local population paid attention to him. I have seen dozens of places like this: residences in Lugansk, hospitals in Pervomaisk, schools, boarding schools, places where there was no military presence but were attacked. Because they were animals. Those who didn't pay attention and said "it's their fault" contributed to growing something that did and does what it wants.

One of those hot days, when the women were removing the carcasses of the chickens from the factory, there was another attack. Lyuba Mikhailovna was near the place. She didn't quite remember what happened: there were explosions and she came to full of blood. She was missing her right arm below her elbow and her left leg from the knee. We met a few months later, that December. Her family asked us to get her a wheelchair. It took me a week to recover after meeting her. I cried all that time and wrote a post full of helplessness about what was happening, denouncing people's indifference and lack of support. Some friends told me that I had misunderstood, but I think that was not the problem. It seems that what had to be done was to be indifferent and stay out of it.

At that time, I was not yet going to Donbass to help the population and it was only my second visit to the war zone. Following that article, we were donated five wheelchairs, one of which was for a person who was missing a hand, so he couldn't move the wheels. Helping the population of Donbass became my life, I simply could not not go there. It can be said that meeting her was a turning point in my life. All these years we had helped Liuba, although from a moment, less and less. He had a pension, children and a grandson. His situation was not as bad as the others. In addition, they lived in Lugansk, and there had been no shelling of the city for several years. Our team focused more and more on older people in the gray area, where there was continuous shelling. But we passed by even if it was only for New Years or March 8th. I didn't write about it, but the last few times I had been drinking and it was embarrassing to post it.

When we met, she was a happy woman. She had worked for many years in a factory and she had a grandson who she loved dearly. She managed to use crutches even though she was missing a hand. When I was in the hallway of her house trying not to cry, she would cheer me up and joke, as if something had happened to me, not her. And she always said the same thing: how could she be useful and how much she wanted to work. She was looking for some job to do without a hand and a leg. But she was an older and troubled woman, so it was a thankless task. Even so, when we were with her, she was as cheerful as she could be.

In 2017, I had the idea to make a film about the population of Donbass that we were helping. None of the journalists or cameras were interested in it. I grabbed a Go-pro and started recording everything. I recorded an hour-long interview with Liuba Mikhailovna. The scariest thing he said was not that he had lost an arm and a leg, because "it was not painful", but that his brother, who lives in Dnipropetrovsk, did not believe him when he called and told him that Lugansk was being bombed and what it had happened to him. I don't know if he was embarrassed, but all she heard was separs and “you're to blame”. From her own brother.

I've recently wondered how he was doing. But it turns out that Liuba Mikhailovna died this winter. The guys on our team didn't tell me at first. I had just given birth and they didn't want to make me sad. Then they forgot and spring began. The day I decided to write to her I found out that she had died. They told me that she took her own life. And now I am drowning in tears. I do not know how to express it. I would like to tell all those who believe that in all these years nothing happened in Donbass, that there was no need to pay attention and that “the Ukrainians will settle among themselves, that everyone is partly to blame for her death.

In the fall, Seriozha Kutsenko, whom we helped, died. He died in the hospital, with care and accompanied. But in 2014 she lost her home and lived for six months in a barracks in the town of Jriaschevatoe, which had been virtually wiped out by Ukrainian bombing. She survived with polyarthritis without light, gas, or water, many times without food, without anything. In the end, she fell and broke her leg. Over time, she had to have it amputated and she survived only because we were able to help her with help we found on the internet. Without a leg, she felt useless and abandoned. And although we found him an electric wheelchair, it was not enough. He faded over time and eventually got sick and died.

We have buried dozens of people we have helped whose lives fell apart since 2014. People who had lost their homes, their health and their families. All these people are dust in the shoe for the Western world, they are nothing for our liberals, who are happy for Ukraine. It seems good to them that they gave the order to shoot civilians. It was then, in 2014, when this massacre began. And yes, it matters who started it. It is not about the place but the sense of impunity. Now, after learning about the death of Liuba Mikhailovna, I want to complain about powerlessness and injustice. I remember how joyful she was and how she put up with it. But I also remember what normal people, who were not botsthey wrote in the comments. There were friends who wrote that they were sorry, but they did it without feeling it. There was something of pity, but also of blaming him for not having left and even for being born there.

Lyuba Mikhailovna could not bear being a burden. invalid. She couldn't go on living. That did not start in February 2022. It is an illusion to think that they were not going to continue attacking the population and making fun of it. They had tasted the blood and liked it. My friends did not believe me when I told them that the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard targeted the civilian population specifically. They made fun of the civilians. They didn't believe me.

Liuba Mikhailovna was a normal woman. She heroically went to save the town, helping to clean up the farms under bombardment because there was food there that the population could not afford to lose. No one forced her, but she couldn't not. Her brother called her separ and she did not believe that she had been crippled. Ukraine could not have done that. Liuba Mikhailovna committed suicide due to impotence. And it is not only Ukraine that is to blame for this, but also all those who did not want to see this Donbass tragedy. ... more-27808

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death to the Nazis, nothing else will do


Chronicle of the special military operation for July 26, 2023
July 26, 2023

In the evening, the RF Armed Forces launched a massive missile attack on the military infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: explosions were heard in the Dnepropetrovsk , Kiev and Zhytomyr regions . According to preliminary data, in the Khmelnitsky region , the airfield in Starokonstantinov was hit - the SU-24MR, the Storm Shadow carrier aircraft, was based on it. In addition, Zmeiny Island also came under attack earlier by guided bombs .

At the same time, the situation at the front remains stably difficult. The enemy continues to put pressure on the Russian defensive lines in Kleshcheevka , a settlement partially under the control of the enemy.

Russian troops, in turn, are active in the Serebryansky forestry and Novoegorovka . On the Zaporozhye sector of the front in the Rabotino area , the enemy did not succeed after two attacks, losing at least 25 armored vehicles.

Ukrainian formations continue to bombard the Belgorod , Kursk , Bryansk and Kherson regions , as well as the Donetsk People's Republic , on a daily basis . Unfortunately, there is destruction of infrastructure and deaths.

On the strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces on Zmeiny Island

In the afternoon, information appeared about a strike by Russian fighter-bombers on Zmeinoye . The Russian Aerospace Forces dropped several FAB-500 guided high-explosive aerial bombs on enemy targets on the island.

Considering the size of the island and the power of the FABs, it is highly unlikely that anything on Serpentine remains intact. It would seem, why hit on a place where there is practically no living place left since the summer of last year? However, with the start of the grain deal, the Ukrainian authorities returned to the island again. Zelensky's recent visit there only confirms this.

This small piece of land has a very valuable geographical position , from which the situation in the western, southwestern and partly central parts of the Black Sea can be clearly seen with the right equipment and the absence of threats.

Flights of aviation, missiles, the activities of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy, control over unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Navy at a greater distance than from the coast - all this became possible after the withdrawal of the Russian Armed Forces from there. And the notorious grain deal kept the island safe from blows. And with its end, the Russian command began the systematic destruction of infrastructure in the Odessa region , and Serpentine, most likely, also came under attack. The effectiveness of these attacks is still in question, however, judging by MarineTraffic, a large traffic jam has formed at the mouth of the Danube from cargo ships.

On the organization of the air defense system in the Odessa region

The situation around the strikes of the Russian Armed Forces with missiles and kamikaze drones in the Odessa region is used by the Ukrainian authorities to strengthen control in the coastal zone. More than 30 ships and boats of the Marine Guard (KrMO and KaMO) of the Ukrainian Navy are stationed along the Odessa region . On board, depending on the capabilities, they placed MANPADS, anti-aircraft installations and machine guns to combat air targets.

However, this kind of activity also pursues another goal: strengthening the presence in the northwestern part of the Black Sea. In recent days, three to five Bayraktar drones have been operating along the coast, and recently a Tekever AR5 UAV operated in the south, including in the direction of Zmeinoye .

This is the latest platform for conducting reconnaissance and search missions over the sea, which is equipped with the latest technology. And tracking the movements of Russian ships at a great distance and pointing drones, as, for example, yesterday on the Sergey Kotov patrol ship, is one of the declared capabilities of AR5.

Given that Ukrainian sailors have been practicing for several months launching drones from the KaMO and KrMO of the naval forces, this kind of strengthening of the group in the Black Sea against the backdrop of threats to merchant and cargo ships heading to Russian ports looks suspicious. And if we add the words of the speaker of the operational command "South" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Natalia Gumenyuk that allegedly Russia is preparing to attack foreign ships leaving Crimea as part of provocations, then a very interesting picture emerges.

In the situation with the Ukrainian side, such statements reflect the possible plans of the enemy. And the accusation is needed to ensure a beautiful legend about the "evil Russians." Therefore, in the coming days, the Russian Armed Forces should expect attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to attack not only warships of the Black Sea Fleet, but also civilian ships in the Black Sea.

The strike of Russian troops on the point of deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Prechistovka

The calculation of the 122-mm self-propelled howitzer "Gvozdika" of the 40th Guards Marine Brigade of the Pacific Fleet of the RF Armed Forces delivered an accurate blow to the deployment point of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Prechistovka in the South-Donetsk direction. UAV operators detected the movement of the armored vehicle and tracked it to the administrative building, after which the object was hit. Judging by the fire, the hit was right on target.

Formations of the 68th separate infantry brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operated almost permanently in the Ugledar sector , so with a high degree of probability it was the members of this unit that were hit. Pinpoint artillery shelling of the Russian army on the enemy is extremely important for reducing the combat potential. Given the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the Southern Front, attempts to activate the Ugledar sector are not ruled out.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Vremievsky sector near Staromayorsky, assault detachments of the 36th Marine Corps of the Ukrainian Navy again tried to attack the positions of the RF Armed Forces west of the village, but to no avail. Immediately after, the Russian units carried out a counterattack, knocking out the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the initial ones, and one of the attacking Staromayorsk formations was blocked.

As a result of this unsuccessful sortie, the Ukrainian marines lost seven people killed, and 34 were injured of varying severity. Some part was evacuated, and some is still in the forest belt.

At the same time, the 23rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was withdrawn from the Vremievsky sector for restoration to the Dnepropetrovsk region, which confirms the large losses in manpower. The area of ​​responsibility of the 23rd brigade crossed the 110th and 128th arr.

On the Orekhovsky sector near Rabotino , the intensity of the fighting decreased slightly. The soldiers of the 71st motorized rifle regiment and the army special forces unit "Osman" confidently repulsed the massive attack of the 33rd and 116th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

According to confirmed data, the number of enemy armored vehicles destroyed exceeded 25 units, two enemy attacks were repulsed. In the forest belt alone northeast of Rabotino , four tanks burned down , including at least one Leopard. Unmanned aircraft are actively working, the operators of the Lancet crews today hit several units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine only in the Rabotino area , including a tank and an infantry fighting vehicle.

In addition, the Zaporozhye Front reports the capture of prisoners from the 33rd and 116th brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The appearance of members of the 10th Army Corps confirms the fact that the forces of the reserve, intended for a breakthrough to Tokmak, were involved .

Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to evacuate personnel from the stronghold northeast of Rabotino, using the previously captured bridgehead. Russian artillerymen are firing at them massively.

Fierce artillery duels between the RF Armed Forces and Ukrainian formations continue in the Kherson direction . The enemy does not leave plans to force the Dnieper in the area near the Antonovsky bridge , as well as attempts to land on the islands in the neutral zone, but so far unsuccessfully.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainians continue to strike at the border of the Kursk region . The enemy fired at least five shells at the village of Tetkino . The impact damaged power lines, at the moment the accident has been eliminated.

Ukrainian formations continue daily drone raids on the border area of ​​the Belgorod region . Three drones attacked Popovka , Zhuravlevka and Novopetrovka , but they did not reach their targets, there was no destruction. The enemy also fired three shells at the village of Ilek - Penkovka : no one was injured.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop terrorizing the inhabitants of the Donetsk People's Republic . In the capital of the DPR, Kievsky , Petrovsky and Kuibyshevsky districts were under enemy fire . Gorlovka , Golmovsky , Zaitsevo , Makeevka , Yasinovataya were also under attack .

The shelling was carried out from guns supplied by NATO countries. As a result of the attack on the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, a school and over a dozen residential buildings were damaged, and one woman was wounded.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine again fired at settlements on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region . Proletarka , Kakhovka and Sagi were hit , and civilian infrastructure was damaged there.

As a result of attacks by Ukrainian forces on Aleshki and Staraya Zburyevka , two civilians were killed, the Investigative Committee of Russia launched an investigation.

Political events
About problems with the supply of APU F-16

The American publication Politico reports that the United States and its European allies have not yet been able to agree on the training of APU pilots to fly the F-16. Denmark, the Netherlands and other American partners supported the initiative to train Ukrainians, but so far have not publicly joined the program and have not committed to providing aircraft for training.

Initially, it was planned to transfer the aircraft to Ukraine within a few months, and the training itself was supposed to begin in August. Due to the disagreements that have arisen, and also due to the fact that the US State Department has not yet officially approved the transfer of relevant training materials, the timing of the delivery of fighters may be significantly shifted.

Politico writes that, most likely, the pilot training process will begin at the end of this year, and the first cases of the use of the F-16 APU will appear no earlier than the spring of 2024. American officials have repeatedly stated that the APU needs ammunition and aircraft in connection with the sluggish Ukrainian offensive. However, the question of what will be Ukraine's need for these fighters by the spring of next year remains open. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Battle For Robotyne - Ukraine Open Thread 2023-178

It seems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have had a bad day so far.

Yesterday they made another reconnaissance attack on Robotyne, south of Orkiv. It cost them 2 tanks. This morning they launched a much bigger attack in which at least three motorized battalions with tanks took part. They managed to get to the north-east end east of Robotyne but did not enter the town.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense the attack cost the Ukrainian army 22 tanks, 10 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles and one armored combat vehicle. Several of these losses have been confirmed by drone videos from the region.

Over 100 Ukrainians were killed or wounded during that attack alone. The Ukrainian forces are retreating.

Yesterday the Ukrainian forces lost a total 20 artillery pieces. It is only the second time during the 50+ days of the Ukrainian counter-offensive that this level was reached. The losses included 5 2S1 Gvozdika self propelled howitzer, 3 Polish made Krab self propelled howitzer, 3 M-777 howitzer and several other types of bigger guns.

The Ukrainian friendly LiveUAmap shows Robotyne in Ukrainian hand.


However, even the Ukrainian Defense Ministry made no such claim. According to various Russian sources the town is still in Russian hands.


Use this thread as open thread related to Ukraine.

An open thread for other issues can be found here.

Posted by b on July 26, 2023 at 14:42 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


US Rules-Based Order Needs Rethinking: The Nation

The Capitol building, Washington DC, U.S., July 25, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @TheInsiderPaper

Some 40 percent of global oil reserves are under U.S. sanctions, creating enormous pressure on oil producers and buyers to shift to non-dollar oil sales.

As the geopolitical landscape shifted over the past decade and U.S. influence declines worldwide, Washington cannot continue to mischaracterize all its interventions or involvement in conflicts as defending the "rules-based order," said an article published by The Nation.

"Washington must accept that friends and allies will often go their own way if their interests are not aligned with America's on the world stage," said the article.

Indeed, incentives for breaking from Washington's "rules" have been made higher than ever by the expansive implementation of extraterritorial sanctions as a central tenet of U.S. statecraft.

Some 40 percent of global oil reserves are under U.S. sanctions, creating enormous pressure on oil producers and buyers to shift to non-dollar oil sales.

In 2001, the U.S. dollar accounted for 73 percent of global currency reserves, and this year, it is 58 percent, a 15 percentage point reduction. "The problems don't end with de-dollarization," The Nation noted.

The "rules-based international order" is in irreversible free fall, it said. Accepting that fact and leading the drive for a new, more inclusive and imaginative, political and economic order is a task the United States could be well positioned to embrace.

The U.S. should advocate for true multilateral burden sharing through existing and new institutions and agreements, and "could stop 'policing' the world order as it sees fit, and become a vital participant in convening countries to solve humanity's most vexing problems," it added. ... -0008.html


Jul 25, 2023 , 9:56 a.m.

Two important agreements were signed simultaneously in Istanbul on July 22, 2022. The first focused on Ukrainian grain exports, while the second focused on the export of Russian agricultural products and fertilizers (Photo: AP )

In an article published on July 20, Mikhail Ledenev, Russia's ambassador to Bolivia, paints a rather bleak picture of the agreements signed in July 2022 in Istanbul: the Black Sea Initiative, on Russian agricultural and fertilizer exports, and the Russia-UN memorandum on Ukrainian grain exports.

According to the author, the stated intention was to help needy nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, however the results show that only a small percentage of Ukrainian cereals went to these regions:

"After one year the results are as follows. Less than 3% went to countries like Ethiopia, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and others most in need. The overwhelming majority went to states with high and upper-middle income levels, including countries of the European Union (EU)".

In addition, it is mentioned that Ukraine destroyed the Togliatti-Odesa ammonia pipeline, which constituted a violation of the agreement, coupled with the fact that it took advantage of the safe maritime corridor offered by Russia to attack facilities in Crimea, including a terrorist act that cost the life of a family of tourists and caused considerable damage to the bridge to the peninsula.

The article also highlights the business done by US and European companies, which now own more than 17 million hectares of Ukrainian farmland. This became possible after the Ukrainian government lifted the moratorium on the purchase of these lands by foreigners. Corporations became rich both from the sale of Ukrainian grain and from its processing, a situation that sparked protests from farmers in other EU countries — such as the Netherlands and Germany — due to unfair competition.

It is mentioned that none of the guarantees offered to Russia were fulfilled, including banking conditions, transport and logistics insurance, among other aspects to facilitate agricultural exports from that country. The EU has issued five additional packages of anti-Russian "sanctions" since July 2022 and nations including the Baltics and the Netherlands have hampered free supplies of Russian grain to developing countries.

Ledenev's review concludes that what began as a humanitarian action turned into a commercial operation that "has little to do with helping those in need." He also criticizes Ukraine's use of the safe corridor for military purposes, which has caused destruction and deaths.

"On July 17, fed up with receiving false promises, we cut off participation in this project, advising that we will continue humanitarian food supplies. We await real and non-fictitious compliance with the requirements of the agreements signed in Istanbul," the diplomat concludes. Russian. ... e-estambul

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The slaughter of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Rabotino. 07/26/2023
July 26, 13:39


Today, in the Rabotino area, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again tried to rush into the attack with a large mass of armored vehicles in the hope of quickly slipping through the minefields and breaking through to the east of Rabotino, as well as clinging to the village.
As a result, another slaughter of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took place - according to various estimates, from 25 to 43 armored vehicles were destroyed, including 1 Leopard and several Bradleys. The enemy failed to achieve significant results.

Several dozens of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered at the positions of the 58th Army.

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Heil Zelensky!




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

President Vladimir Zelensky has enough fingers to count that $115 billion is worth almost three times more than $41.3 billion.

The first number is the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) calculation of “external support over 2023–27 involving sizable official financing in the form of grants and concessional loans, as well as debt relief.” This includes “SDR [Special Drawing Rights] 11.608 billion (577.01 percent of quota, about US$15.6 billion).” No IMF member state has ever been allowed to take a six-times multiple of its borrowing quota at this money volume except for the Ukraine. Nor has any IMF member state ever been authorised by the IMF board of directors to stop new domestic bank lending and postpone all borrowing obligations (“current debt standstill”) for at least another three years from this Christmas.

The resulting money pile the IMF calls “the wartime liquidity surplus”.

Converting this into the Ukrainian banks’ profit line and diverting that into individual cash and assets, Kiev officials have told Reuters to report as the “Ukraine banks’ robust health.” “Across the banking sector,” the New York-based propaganda agency reports, “deposits are as abundant as they’ve ever been, and the country’s lenders have found ways to remain profitable.” This is being done, they explain, by borrowing more and more in government bonds at a 25% interest rate guaranteed by more IMF money flowing into the central bank; lending less and less to zero for customers; and ignoring the increasing pile-up of defaulted, non-performing, or fraud loans.

This is Zelensky’s pyramid, even Reuters and its Ukrainian banker sources imply, though the IMF staff cannot bring themselves to say so. “In the current context, Ukrainian bankers note, the choice makes sense. “’We will only survive if the government survives,’ [Privatbank chief executive Gerhard] Boesch sums up.”

The big money number dwarfs the Pentagon’s most recent estimate that “the Biden administration has committed more than $41.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s invasion in February 2022.” The new July 7 number includes deliveries of Patriot missiles, HIMARS rockets, cluster bombs, and “dual-purpose improved conventional munitions, or DPICM”. Using the banker’s term, the Pentagon announcement declared “the Ukrainian forces have effectively leveraged assistance…So we will continue to provide Ukraine with the urgent capabilities that it needs to meet the moment, as well as what it needs to keep itself secure for the long term from Russian aggression.”

When President Zelensky’s hands reach for his pockets, the calculation of “leverage” applies a liquidity risk discount for goods compared to cash; arms and ammunition cannot be diverted with the same profitability as cash. This is also because Pentagon delivery controls are more closely enforced on the ground than the IMF can follow the cashflow once it leaves the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) and enters the oligarch banks now nominally nationalised.

It is thus clear that Zelensky’s pyramid is much more lucrative than the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and General Staff pyramid. This is why the war on the battlefields of the east is also a war of the two pyramids in Kiev.

To manage this war, the IMF uses its hands to pull the other leg. In the current IMF staff report it calls the war of the pyramids “progress in governance, anti-corruption, and rule of law reforms.”


The IMF staff report was issued on March 24, 2023, and can be studied here. The principal author is a Gavin Gray who served as the IMF’s chief functionary in Iraq between 2018 and 2020.

The IMF record for facilitating multi-billion dollar transfers of cash into Ukrainian bank and then individual oligarch pockets, has been documented in this archive. Under US control at the Fund’s board of directors, the chief executives, country directors, and Kiev residential representatives of the IMF began practising their blind-eye reporting on the Ukraine with the Igor Kolomoisky pyramid (Privatbank) and the Victor Pinchuk pyramid (Credit Dnepr).

The cashflow directed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and IMF managing director Christine Lagarde was a fraction, less than a tenth, of the cashflow now directed by Zelensky and the Fund director since 2019, Kristalina Georgieva.

Left: IMF managing director, Kristalina Georgieva, a Bulgarian, gives her helping hand to President Zelensky on February 23, 2023. Right, Briton Gavin Gray has been chief of the IMF’s Ukraine mission since last September.

On Georgieva’s orders and with the approval of the IMF board of directors, Gray has reported that there is no accounting or tracking of cash diversion, loan fraud, and pyramid schemes throughout the Ukrainian financial sector. This is because there is no inspection of bank books, and none is planned until “conditions allow”. According to the IMF report, “The NBU [National Bank of Ukraine] also plans to resume scheduled onsite supervision inspections for both bank and non-bank financial institutions (Structural Benchmark, September 2023) and unwind all emergency prudential measures by end-March 2024, if conditions allow.”

In the meantime, sitting at their desks “while waiting for suitable conditions to undertake the independent AQR [Asset Quality review] the NBU’s banking oversight teams will undertake an asset valuation and solvency assessment of banks comprising 90 percent of banking system assets by end December 2023. This review will provide an indication of bank balance sheet health and will be used to inform supervisory priorities.”

Georgieva and Gray are insistent that the less state supervision of the Ukrainian banks, the better; they also demand that the nationalisation of Kolomoisky’s Privatbank and other fraud shells should be reversed by re-privatisation as soon as possible. “The authorities have committed that any decisions that have the potential to increase state ownership in the banking sector will be taken in consultation with IMF staff and be strictly limited to matters related to national security decisions during the Martial Law period and preserving financial stability. In that regard, any further nationalizations should also include plans to promptly re-privatize or resolve [sic] the banks concerned.”

President Zelensky with Igor Kolomoisky; no date. Source:

In the sixty thousand words comprising the IMF report, “fraud” isn’t one of them. In its place, Gray’s bromide: “Post-war reconstruction should meet the highest standards of transparency and accountability, with support from anti-corruption institutions, international partners, and civil society organizations. Enhancing governance of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine, in promoting market competition and combating monopolistic practices would also support long-term reform prospects.”

The terms “lose”, “losing the war”, “surrender”, and “peace” also don’t appear in the 157-page IMF paper. Instead, Gray implies that the risk that the Ukrainians will capitulate on the terms foreshadowed by Moscow to reduce the country to a fraction of its territory and resources, is no more than an unmentionable, unquantifiable “difficulty”. “The banking system,” the IMF staff report concludes, “has been subject to regulatory forbearance on capital, credit, and reporting standards, thus the impact of the war on asset quality is difficult to ascertain with precision due to these measures.”

In an annex to the main report, Gray has produced estimates and projections for what the IMF is calling the “downside scenario”. This falls far short of the military realities now acknowledged at NATO headquarters and the Pentagon.

Gray claims that “a longer and more intense war” for Kiev will cost an extra $25 billion in blow-out cost for the IMF, the US, and other international guarantors of the Ukraine’s debt. But total blow-out of $140 billion doesn’t calculate the total default if the Ukrainian Army surrenders and signs terms of defeat with Russia. Since the IMF has agreed that the Ukraine should default and not repay its $3 billion loan debt to Russia, the Russian capitulation terms aren’t likely to be forgiving, let alone repaying $140 billion.

According to the IMF, “in light of exceptionally high uncertainty, staff has developed a downside scenario. The scenario assumes a longer and more intense war compared to the baseline scenario, weighing on sentiment, dampening the pace of return by migrants, and causing further infrastructure damage. This would result in a sharper real GDP decline of -10 percent in 2023 and a further contraction of 2 percent in 2024. In view of continuing high defense needs, the fiscal deficit would be higher in 2023–24 and improve more gradually thereafter. Imbalances in the FX market would be expected to persist for longer, given continuing constraints on exports, leading to higher nominal depreciation, though the extent of real depreciation would be contained by relatively higher inflation. The subsequent recovery would be more subdued than in the baseline scenario, given the even greater damage to the capital stock, slower return of migrants, and weakened balance sheets, leaving output to remain well-below pre-war levels.”


Follow the wishful thinking from page 87 to 99 of the IMF report. file:///D:/Backups/Downloads/1UKREA2023001.pdf

“Overall, extensive discussions with the authorities on contingency plans suggest that the program remains robust even in the case of such a downside scenario. The authorities’ policy commitments and track record, together with financing assurances from international partners and expected debt relief, give confidence that even in this downside scenario, the program objectives of maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability, restoring debt sustainability on a forward-looking basis, and ensuring medium-term external viability could be met. The debt sustainability analysis based on this downside scenario, presented below, suggests that under this downside scenario, additional financial assurances provided by Ukraine’s international partners would restore debt sustainability on a forward-looking basis.”

What the IMF means is that the gravy train will continue running because the US Treasury and the NATO allies will keep paying. Uncomprehending of defeat west of Dnieper River, the IMF is calculating that in Kiev, so long as Zelensky stays in place, short-term profiteering is bound to beat medium-term default. ... more-88417
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:13 pm

Second try
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/28/2023


Based on statements by US officers rather than observation of dynamics at the front, The New York Time announced that "the main thrust of the counteroffensive could have begun." "After reserving many of the Western-trained and armed units, Ukraine is now bringing them in, officials say, but whether a massive assault is taking place remains to be seen," the outlet continues, preferring to base its information on leaks. interested members of the US government instead of analyzing the development of events in recent days, especially since the second attempt to damage the Crimean bridge. Although the increase in military activity was already evident in previous days -at that time there was speculation that Ukraine was trying to achieve some military success to present to its allies and suppliers at the NATO summit-,

On the one hand, it was the moment in which Russia confirmed its withdrawal from the agreement to export Ukrainian grain by sea, which automatically implies an increase in the risk in the Black Sea, which during these days has resulted in powerful attacks on port infrastructures in cities like Odessa and Nikolaev. Without the control and the possibility of registering the cargo of the ships that transit through the Bosphorus, Russia no longer has a way of controlling that there is no delivery of weapons or military use of the ports, so the series of attacks that that have occurred these days -and that have caused victims as a result of missiles and the urban use of anti-aircraft defense systems- were practically inevitable.

On the other hand, the attack on the Kerch bridge and the subsequent admission by Ukraine that said infrastructure -critical for military supplies, but also important for civilians- was only the beginning of the intensification of the bombing of logistics points and of military importance in the rear, in turn a prelude to a new assault attempt, that "great assault" that The New York Timeshe doesn't dare to claim that it has started, but actually started more than a month ago. It was then that the Ukrainian authorities and their Western allies naively expected a front break that could cause panic and disorganization among the Russian troops. That first phase failed, Ukraine ran into the obstacles it should have anticipated - minefields, air and artillery superiority, and a complete lack of surprise in its attack - and the front remained stable.

This situation has led the most optimistic and the most pessimistic to believe that the offensive was stillborn, a premature statement under the circumstances. Ukraine - and especially its US bosses, evidently eager for results - is again looking to break through that first line of Russian defenses, something it failed to do in early June when it began a ground attack without the necessary air cover and without having done any work. advance on the defensive positions of his opponent.

Circumstances have changed slightly since the start of that failed first phase of the offensive. On this occasion, Ukraine has carried out precision attacks on military bases, logistics points and powder magazines in the rear and has sought, with the use of traditional artillery and also cluster munitions, to wear down the Russian troops in the trenches on the extensive front. “The area around Orejiv is one of the three assault axes, the westernmost of all. Ukrainian authorities expect a raid to the town of Tokmak and then as far as the city of Melitopol, more than 50 miles to the south, near the Azov Sea,” writes The New York Times ., describing the strategy that Ukraine was already proposing six weeks ago and that has been evident since the counteroffensive began to be prepared, whose final objective could only be Crimea. Hence, this area of ​​the front has been especially reinforced since last autumn, when, after the withdrawal from Kherson, the Russian authorities took an entirely defensive position and sought to hold the front while waiting for a Ukrainian attack, aware that it was already being planned. .

In reference to Tokmak and Melitopol, The New York Times insists on details that, despite being known, make the objective of the attack clear. "Both are road and rail nodes, and opening such a deep breach would, in effect, split Russian-controlled territory in two, making supply and coordination more difficult for Moscow's forces." Ever since talk of the future Ukrainian counteroffensive began, that objective has been evident. Ukraine and its partners are seeking to push into Crimea, possibly the main red line for Russia, thereby forcing a Russian collapse or forcing Moscow to agree to a political bargain on Ukrainian-Western terms. There is nothing new in that sense.

It is also not surprising that Ukraine slightly slowed its offensive attempt to regroup its troops and change tactics in the face of the certainty that it was suffering huge casualties and heavy materiel losses while making no more than minimal gains in this first round of a long-playing combat. The Russian troops have withstood this first offensive, but the Kiev troops will continue to exploit Russian weaknesses, among them the logistical difficulties, the Ukrainian numerical superiority and the weakest points of the extensive front in the Zaporozhye region, but also in Donbass.

Last fall, Russia had two weak points where Ukraine could make its most promising attacks, especially after the chaotic withdrawal from Kharkiv and the Ukrainian advance on Krasny Liman. With the town captured after days of fighting, the next step was a push towards Lugansk, where, had Kiev boasted superiority, Ukraine could have captured Kremennaya and Svatovo and advanced on Starobelsk, eliminating a significant part of the forces. territorial gains in the RPL. Russian troops withstood the assault and managed to stabilize the front at its most vulnerable point, and Ukraine is currently on the defensive there. Moreover, the Russian advances in the eastern part of Kharkov, possibly part of the active defense of this sector of the front,

The two most vulnerable sectors for Russia are, for different reasons, the area around Artyomovsk and south of Donetsk. In the first case, due to the symbolism and propaganda acquired by the battle over the last year, Ukraine is ready to once again send thousands of soldiers to fight for the ruins of what was once Bakhmut, the city to which Ukrainian troops fled in their withdrawal from Debaltsevo in 2015. Russia's numerical inferiority in that sector is clear, as are the difficulties with which Russian and Republican troops defend themselves both north and south of the city. In Klescheevka, for example, the remnants of Alexey Mozgovoy's Prizrak brigade, the first to enter the city of Debaltsevo in the last days of the last major battle of the Donbass war, are fighting.

Something similar is happening south of Donetsk, although this time in a much more complicated area due to the fortifications built over the eight years in which the front has not moved in the sector. Yesterday, the founder of the Vostok battalion, Alexander Jodakovsky, confirmed the Ukrainian capture of the ruins of Staromaioirsk and promised to continue fighting so that the Ukrainian troops would suffer despite this small advance. With a certain tone of reproach towards the Donetsk and Moscow authorities, Khodakovsky recalled that a large part of the contingent comes from the militias that fought for eight years in the trenches of Donbass and that, despite having participated in the victory at Mariupol, have not received recognition similar to that obtained by other units. Khodakovsky specifically mentioned one of his soldiers, who enlisted in 2014 at the age of 18 and lived his entire adult life as a soldier in this war until falling on the front lines this week. Just as Wagner has led the assault on Soledar and Artyomovsk, the bulk of the battle for southern Donetsk has fallen to the DPR troops, which, reinforced by Russian troops, continue to fight in one of the most difficult areas of the front. . For the moment, it has not been possible to expel the Ukrainian troops from Uglegorsk, nor from Marinka and Avdeevka, positions that allow Kiev to bomb the city of Donetsk at will. What's more, the situation of the Russian and Republican troops on one part of this front is, to say the least, compromised.

Just like more than six weeks ago, when the long-awaited counter-offensive began, Ukraine and the West are pinning their hopes on a front breakout that will cause some kind of collapse of Russian troops. Without having filled the gaps that caused the attack to fail in June - Ukraine still does not have the air cover it would need - the United States is now counting on the presence of foreign-trained troops to make a difference. It's a dangerously similar argument to the one made this week by The Wall Street Journal., which claimed that the United States was aware of Russian superiority but hoped that Ukrainian courage would make up for those shortcomings. It is true that Ukraine has not used its strategic reserves so far, but neither has Russia used its, so US propaganda is using these troops as a new underwaffe that will have to face Russian troops that, as they have done in the last six weeks, they will defend themselves strongly. According to The New York Times, the current operation can last for three weeks, a statement that seeks only to take the pressure off its partners, who seem to demand short-term success. The reality is that, installed in the idea of ​​war as the only way out of the conflict, Ukraine cannot afford to cease its attempt to advance on the southern front. However, it is not on the central front that their prospects for relatively quick success are highest, but in the secondary directions, where the attrition of the Russian troops is noticeably higher. ... more-27815

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for July 27, 2023
July 27, 2023

Violent clashes continue in the Vremyevsky sector near Staromayorsky , where the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to occupy the adjacent heights and enter the village. The RF Armed Forces counterattacked, but in fact the settlement was completely destroyed.

Fighting is going on in the Orekhovsky sector east of Rabotino . In addition, the enemy is concentrating new reserves in this area, including a large amount of equipment. At the same time, fighting continues in the Svatovsky sector near Novoegorovka .

Meanwhile, the process of de-Sovietization and de-Russification continues in Ukraine. In the fight against their own past in Poltava, Ukrainians dismantled monuments to the poet Alexander Pushkin and General Nikolai Vatutin , who died during the battles for the liberation of Ukraine.

The schismatic " OCU " went further and approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, synchronizing the celebration of the main Christian holidays with the Catholics and several other local Orthodox Churches, with the exception of the Russian Orthodox Church.


The situation on the front line and the fighting
On the Svatovsky sector of the front , according to unconfirmed reports, Russian troops advanced another kilometer after the liberation of the villages of Nadezhda and Novoegorovka . If the information turns out to be correct, then it would be logical to assume that the RF Armed Forces are trying to clear the heights around the above settlements, since they are in a lowland and it is extremely difficult to hold them. However, in recent days there is no exact information that unambiguously confirms the advancement of the RF Armed Forces.

Fierce battles continue in Kleshcheevka in the Soledar direction . Neither side was able to take full control of the settlement. According to the Tankers of the Southern Military District , the surges continue on the flanks: during one of the sorties, the enemy lost a piece of equipment, as well as about a dozen people wounded and killed.

In the Donetsk direction, positional battles continue in the Maryinsky and Avdeevsky sectors without any significant changes. The front line remains the same.

In the Vremievsky sector near Staromayorsky, the combined assault groups of the enemy attacked the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the village. As a result of fierce fighting, the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupied the adjacent heights and entered the northern and northwestern outskirts of the settlement. At the moment, Russian units are conducting a counterattack from the southeastern part with the support of artillery. However, there was practically nothing left of Staromayorsky itself, and the village itself was razed to the ground.

Artillerymen and aircraft of the RF Armed Forces, according to the Warrior of the Far East , destroyed several enemy armored vehicles northwest and north of the settlement over the past day and night. Also, detachments of the Marines of the Ukrainian Navy made an attempt to break through to Urozhaynoye , but to no avail. The enemy's plan in this case is obvious: the Armed Forces of Ukraine intend to pincer the RF Armed Forces. There was also a roll-on in a small group on Novodonetskoye , but the fighters of the Russian army repulsed the attack.

In the Orekhovsky section of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the reserves of the 47th brigade were deployed in the vicinity of Orekhov and Novodanilovka , and in the morning to the south, in a landing north of Rabotino , the Ukrainian command began to concentrate assault groups on tanks and other armored vehicles.

At around 6 am, an infantry group of the 33rd Ombr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to gain a foothold in the forest belt northeast of Rabotino to break through to the village, but the attack was repulsed. So far, there have been no active clashes, but the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to accumulate resources north of Rabotino. The means of objective control noted the presence of Leopard tanks, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles and Kozak armored combat vehicles. At the moment, Russian artillerymen and Lancet drone operators are working on them. A hit on two enemy armored vehicles was visually confirmed.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

By evening, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on the Oleshnya farm in the Kursk region. The impact damaged an outbuilding, civilians were not injured.

Ukrainian formations again attacked the border settlements of the Belgorod region . This time the enemy fired on the village of Krasnoye in the Shebekinsky District. The combine was damaged by a shell explosion. Shrapnel wounds were received by a combine operator, he is receiving all the necessary assistance. In addition, local residents also reported shelling of Wet Orlovka, Terezovka, Spodaryushino and the Pankov farm : there were no reports of casualties or damage.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine again inflicted massive strikes on Donetsk and its environs, partially destroying several residential buildings. Eight civilians, including elderly people, were injured under enemy fire. Damage was also received by the gas pipeline and power lines on Sacco and Vanzetti Street in the Kievsky district of the city.

Against the backdrop of incessant shelling, commemorative events are being held in the Donetsk People's Republic today to mark the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the War - the Children of Donbass : since 2014, 228 children have died at the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the republic, another 792 have been injured of varying severity.

In the afternoon, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the city of Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region . Part of the missiles were intercepted by air defense crews, but four of them fell on the streets and the railway station. According to preliminary data, one person was injured.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue daily shelling civilian infrastructure on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region . At least 30 shells were fired by the enemy at the residential area of ​​Novaya Kakhovka, Peschanovka, Aleshek, Kakhovka and Proletarka, and there were no reports of casualties.

Political events
About dealing with your own past

In the city of Kamensky , Dnepropetrovsk region, a bust of Brezhnev, who was born in this city, was removed from the pedestal. Now the monument is planned to be moved to the museum, although demolition was not previously planned.

In Poltava, two monuments were dismantled at once - to General Vatutin and Pushkin . It is also planned to rename the street named after the poet and demolish another pedestal to the Soviet commander Aleksey Zygin , who was buried in Poltava.

On the transition of the schismatic OCU to the New Julian calendar

Today, schismatics from the OCU in St. Sophia of Kyiv approved a new calendar with church holidays in the Western style. It will take effect from September 1st. Christmas is now celebrated on December 25, not January 7, St. Nicholas Day - December 6, not January 19, Epiphany - January 6, not January 18, Intercession - October 1, not January 14, Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos - December 26 instead of January 8;

At the same time, holidays that depend on the lunar calendar, such as Easter, retain the old dates. Monasteries and parishes have retained the right to determine for themselves which calendar they will continue to serve, but in general, this decision will only exacerbate the religious split in the country.

On the detention of military commissars and employees of territorial centers in Ukraine

In Ukraine, there has been a series of detentions of employees of the military registration and enlistment offices:

In the occupied part of the DPR, the head of the recruitment center of the Kramatorsk region was detained. He received bribes in the amount of 20,000 hryvnias per person for issuing fake documents for traveling abroad. In the Vinnitsa region, an employee of the TCC was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of two thousand dollars for a similar crime - the sale of deferrals from service.

In the Rivne region, the head of the regional recruitment center, Sergei Lutsyuk, was detained for exceeding his authority. During a search, a large consignment of drugs was found on him. This became known thanks to the injured subordinate of Lutsyuk, whom Lutsyuk beat on camera for learning about the “dark deeds” of his commander. The court confiscated property from the previously arrested ex-head of the Odessa TCC Yevgeny Borisov and froze bank accounts, which included, among other things, six expensive foreign cars and land plots with apartments with a total area of ​​more than 80 hectares.

The Ukrainian authorities are formally fighting corruption in the military registration and enlistment offices, thus trying to ensure an uninterrupted flow of manpower to the front. However, how feasible this is, given the corruption in higher offices, remains a question. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

When the Ukrainian and NATO forces have lost their war in eastern Ukraine by Christmas, what will happen to the rump of western Ukraine?

The Russian warning, issued last Friday at the Security Council by President Vladimir Putin, is that the Russian Army will defend western Ukraine, known as Galicia, from any attempt at intervention by Polish forces under either a NATO “peacekeeping” formula, or a bilateral defence arrangement between the Kiev regime and Warsaw to slip Galicia under NATO Article Five protection.

Putin’s warning was concrete, explicit, geographically limited. It applied to the current western borders of the Ukraine, the eastern border of Poland, and the Polish-Belarus border. “I would also like to remind you what Poland’s aggressive policy led to. It led to the national tragedy of 1939, when Poland’s Western allies threw it to the German wolf, the German military machine. Poland actually lost its independence and statehood, which were only restored thanks in a large measure to the Soviet Union. It was also thanks to the Soviet Union and thanks to Stalin’s position that Poland acquired substantial territory in the west, German territory. It is a fact that Poland’s western lands are a gift from Stalin. Have our Warsaw friends forgotten this? We will remind them.”

The Warsaw friends weren’t the only audience Putin intended. His warning is also addressed to the Berlin friends, the Baltic friends, the Paris, Brussels, and Budapest friends, and of course, the Washington friends. In December 2021, they were offered the terms of mutual security and non-aggression in Europe in treaties for the US and NATO tabled by the Russian Foreign Ministry. They were dismissed in diplomatic negotiations lasting less than a month.

By Christmas of this year, as Putin has just pointed out, the Ukrainian army and the NATO forces will have expended their capacities to continue the fight. “The whole world sees that the vaunted Western, supposedly invulnerable, military equipment is on fire”, he added. What can happen next is “an extremely dangerous game, and the authors of such plans should think about the consequences.”

This is a warning that if the Poles move east, the Germans will be motivated to move east as well, in order to recover the Prussian territories Germany lost in its defeat and capitulation at the end of World War II. Hungary too will be motivated to change its northeastern border in order to rescue the ethnic Hungarian population of Transcarpathia in southwest Ukraine.

In short, Putin was announcing that “Stalin’s gift”, as he called it, was the stability of the post-1945 territorial settlement. Now, in defeating NATO’s attempt to destroy the Russians east of Kiev, the Russians are warning afresh that if NATO attempts to change its defence lines west of Kiev, the Russian army will dictate an entirely new territorial settlement in which NATO will be an even bigger loser of military capacity and territorial extension than the non-aggression treaties of December 17, 2021, offered.

The 1990 promise of not one inch eastward for NATO is reversing by one thousand kilometres westward.

Chris Cook asks the questions. Listen to the discussion: ... y-26-2023/

To visualise the geography in the discussion, here is a map of the post-World War II territorial settlement between Germany and Poland.


Here is a newly published Russian analysis of how the Putin warning should be interpreted, both historically and strategically, between the Dnieper and the Oder-Niesse lines.


“The Revival of Russian identity and Polonization: Russia agrees to the partition of Ukraine” by Albert Akopyan -- source:

Since October 2022, Gorilla Radio has been banned from broadcasting by Radio CFUV 101.9 FM in Victoria, British Columbia. The Gorilla Radio transcripts are published on the blog. For Chris Cook’s broadcast archive, click to open. ... more-88425


German Left (Die Linke) MP Sevim Dağdelen

The German Left on the war in Ukraine (English/German)
Originally published: Defend Democracy Press on July 24, 2023 by MP Sevim Dağdelen (more by Defend Democracy Press) | (Posted Jul 27, 2023)

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for the invitation and this important event.

“Peace is not everything, but everything is nothing without peace”, as former German Chancellor Willy Brandt once put it. In this spirit, I welcome every initiative that aims to win peace and not war.

The war in Ukraine, like any other war, has a prehistory and is a consequence of NATO’s eastward expansion to Russia’s borders, contrary to all earlier promises. Just as the USA would not tolerate military bases of another great power on its immediate borders in Mexico or Canada, for example, Russia has repeatedly warned against incorporating Ukraine into NATO and opening it up to U.S. military bases and missile bases that could reach Moscow or Saint Petersburg within 5 minutes.

The war in Ukraine did not start with Russia’s attacks and invasion on 24 February 2022, but already in 2014, as even NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg now admits. At that time, the USA injected 5 billion dollars into a regime change coup in Kiev. As a result of the nationalist coup in Kiev in 2014, the majority Russian-speaking areas in the Donbass and Crimea broke away. The Black Sea peninsula was incorporated into Russia.

A war for reintegration lasted eight long years in the Donbass. 14,000 people died in this war. As we know today, the Minsk peace agreement negotiated by Chancellor Merkel and French President Hollande was not aimed at bringing peace to the region. Rather, it was intended to buy Ukraine time for rearmament and military reconquest of the territories. NATO under the leadership of the USA bears a large share of the responsibility for the war today.

Even if this is repeatedly denied by our governments: The war in Ukraine has meanwhile turned into a NATO proxy war against Russia. NATO members are involved in the war by supplying weapons and providing military and intelligence assistance to Ukraine. First and foremost the USA, which supplied 43 billion euros in weapons to Kiev last year. Followed by Great Britain with 6.6 billion. Germany has supplied weapons for 3.5 billion and Poland for 2.4 billion euros. These four NATO members alone, together with the EU, have also provided over 60 billion euros in financial aid to Ukraine.

The 30 NATO countries together spent around 1.1 trillion euros on military and armaments in 2022—as much as all the other countries in the world combined. The USA alone spent 877 billion U.S. dollars on the military in 2022, ten times as much as Russia. This armament build-up is exacerbating the global danger of war.

This madness must be stopped. We advocate an immediate ceasefire without preconditions and a diplomatic solution. We must get out of the war logic of supplying more and more and heavier weapons. It is becoming increasingly clear: The war cannot be won on the battlefield for Ukraine, and quite obviously not for Russia either.

Instead of continuing to burn young men for a few square metres of land, to kill, maim and wound them, all efforts should be directed towards a rapid ceasefire and a negotiated solution. A majority of the population in Germany wants more diplomacy. There are proposals from African states, from Brazil, from China, from Indonesia and from the Pope, all of which the German government, the EU, NATO could support.

But instead, the German government is also focusing only on supplying weapons and arming itself. Germany is about to move into the third place among the countries with the largest military expenditures. In his infamous “turn of the times” speech on 27 February 2022, Chancellor Scholz set up a so-called “special fund for the Bundeswehr” amounting to 100 billion euros. In the National Security Strategy, which was presented for the first time, it was also stipulated that military expenditure would be increased to 2 percent of GDP. That is 70 to 80 billion euros annually. You don’t have to be a prophet to say that the money will be cut elsewhere, where it concerns the social needs of the population, which is increasingly suffering from inflation and loss of real wages.

The only ones who benefit are the arms manufacturers, in Germany as in the USA. The German corporation Rheinmetall expects double-digit growth per year and a record 15 to 20 billion euros in new orders for 2023 alone.

And it is a mockery: the same people who invaded Iraq, who brought about regime change in Libya in breach of a UN resolution and who are supplying arms to Saudi Arabia for the murderous war in Yemen want to tell us that the arms supplies are about international law. We must not let them get away with this perfidious double standard. It is our first duty not to be made stupid by this kingdom of lies.

I would like to point out that all this is justified by saying that they are defending democracy, Western values. We know that this is pure hypocrisy, that the West is displaying a perfidious double standard. Because the U.S.-led NATO is not capable of peace. As a reminder, the USA is leaving a trail of blood through the history of the world. In order to preserve their imperialist interests, the U.S. elites walk over dead bodies.

A recent study by the “Costs of War” project of the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs of the renowned U.S. University Brown in Providence has investigated that at least 4.5 million people have died and 38 million people have become refugees in the last 22 years as a result of the U.S. wars alone.

But the policy of the German government is also characterised by double standards. It is still not prepared to assess the American war against Iraq under the leadership of President George W. Bush, which was based on lies, as a breach of international law. Neither are Turkey’s attacks on Iraq and Syria. And no one is bothered by the fact that weapons supplied by the West, which are supposed to defend democracy, are also being used by Nazi units in Ukraine.

In the Global South, this double standard of the West is very well seen. The countries of Africa, Latin America and of most of Asia, where 87 percent of the world’s population lives, support neither arms deliveries to Ukraine nor the insane economic war. On the contrary. There, the call for a ceasefire and a compromise solution is growing louder. The war in Europe is not their war, but they have to bear the costs via exploding food prices and high energy costs.

The majority of the population in Germany is also calling for more diplomacy to end the war in Ukraine instead of more and heavier weapons.

Unfortunately, the peace movement in Germany has a hard time. Defamations such as “peace sworn” or “Putin’s friends” circulate or they are accused of pacting with fascists. They are portrayed as the enemy within by the ruling politicians and the leading media. I see this attempt to silence dissenters as an attack on democracy par excellence.

In view of the great danger of a further escalation of the war, in which Germany and Greece are becoming more and more deeply entangled with the delivery of ever heavier weapons, we must reject this propaganda, which is right-wing to the core.

Let us fight together for a peace solution. Let us win the peace and stop the war.

My warm greetings and solidarity to the workers in the ports of Greece who are blocking arms deliveries. ... sh-german/


Kiev using banned mines, NATO munitions to bomb civilians in Donetsk
By Steve Sweeney (Posted Jul 27, 2023)

Originally published: Al Mayadeen on July 26, 2023 (more by Al Mayadeen) |

Donetsk city center came under “a massive chaotic attack” on Tuesday with plumes of smoke seen for miles as Ukrainian shelling hit densely populated areas during peak hours.

Acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin said that 169 munitions had been launched including rocket and canon artillery fire with NATO-supplied munitions.

The city was pounded for most of the day, with explosions heard from 11 am. Four people were wounded over the course of the day, although the state of their injuries is unknown at this stage.

Once again it was civilian areas that bore the brunt of the Ukrainian barrage with at least 17 residential buildings damaged in the Voroshilovsky, Kievsky, Petrovsky, and Kuibyshevsky districts.

“What we experienced today was real horror,” pensioner Svetlana Ivanova said after she came under fire in the Kievsky district.

“How is it possible to shoot where civilians live? There is nowhere left in Donetsk anymore,” she added.

A hospital was also struck in the attack while a stadium in Donetsk city was badly affected after a fire broke out due to the shelling.

At least 12 trolleybuses were damaged after shrapnel caused a blaze at the depot in the Kievsky district. Officials said they would be repaired and back in action by next week.

Locals there found the remnants of a NATO missile after the shelling by Ukrainian forces.

Footage showed English inscriptions on the body of the munition and the engine compartment of a US-made AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile. These missiles are used for radio reconnaissance and the detection of enemy radar stations along their route.

Air defenses were working overtime as they battled to repel the continued Ukrainian attacks which continued into the night.

Once again, a man was wounded by a petal mine in the city of Gorlovka, close to the Ukrainian frontline.

The banned munition was also found in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, although it was spotted before it could explode.

Reports that cluster munitions had been used in the Petrovsky district circulated on local Telegram channels and social media; however, there is no evidence to support this, and officials made no mention in their daily updates.

It does, however, reveal a belief among locals that Ukraine would use the controversial munitions on civilian populations. This fear is not unfounded.

In October 2014, soon after the conflict broke out in Donbass, the Ukrainian Army was accused of firing cluster munitions into the heart of Donetsk City.

According to the New York Times, there were “clear signs that cluster munitions had been fired from the direction of [Ukrainian] army-held territory, where misfired artillery rockets still containing cluster bomblets were found by villagers in farm fields.”

The newspaper based its conclusion on physical evidence and interviews with victims and witnesses.

It is believed that Ukraine has used cluster munitions on civilian areas in the Zaporozhye region in the last week.

RIA Novosti war correspondent Rostislav Zhuralev was killed as a car he was traveling in was struck during Ukrainian shelling on Saturday.

He was with a group of journalists that had been preparing a report on the use of cluster bombs when he fell victim to the very munitions he was investigating.

UNESCO and the International Federation of Journalists condemned the killing and have called for swift investigations.

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the attack was not merely by chance, accusing Ukraine of seeking to cover up its use of cluster munitions. ... n-donetsk/



All the USA’s “victories” in the Ukraine proxy war have come at the cost of its hegemonic decline accelerating

JULY 26, 2023

When Russia decided to stop letting the imperial hegemon attack it (and those in its cultural diaspora) without consequence, this represented the moment the strength of American power got tested. Even two decades into the process of terminal decline of U.S. influence—a process that started with Washington’s self-destructive invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq—it was still a serious question as to whether a country could strike back at the hegemon, and then come out of the fight in a better position. That’s the argument the social pacifists, who’ve denounced Russia’s special military operation out of political expediency, have used to justify their opposition towards substantially defying U.S. hegemony: Washington is supposedly too strong to be able to lose an international battle, so Russia shouldn’t have entered into this one. The events from the last year and a half have vindicated Russia’s decision; Russia (and the wider pro-Chinese geopolitical bloc) hasn’t experienced a net loss from the war, the U.S. bloc has.

After looking at the disadvantages which have come to NATO as a consequence of its deciding to provoke Russia, commentator Radhika Desai has concluded as such about the new balance of global power:

It has been clear for some time that Ukraine is losing and has no prospect of winning. President Biden acknowledged this in his turnaround on offering Ukraine membership of NATO or even giving it a timetable for the same and his new-found insistence that not only should things not be made easy for Ukraine to join, not only should Ukraine demonstrate progress on requisite reforms, but it should conclude a peace treaty with Russia before it can join NATO, a point repeated more than one by Jens Stoltenberg at Vilnius. This is the Biden administration’s off-ramp from the Ukraine conflict, one he also needs thanks to the unpopularity of war at home amid an election campaign about to go into full swing. In the face of this military defeat, patching up no other differences in NATO will matter. The US has only military might to offer allies. So, Biden’s impending military failure in Ukraine is likely to prove the effective undoing of NATO. If the US cannot ensure military victory, its utility to Europe can only be limited. And if Biden’s has failed in this intermediate Russian stage, it can hardly go onto its final, Chinese one.

The reason why Washington’s Ukraine gamble has failed, and why in the long term the war can only do more harm to NATO than good, is reducible to one word: credibility. In the view of the “swing state” countries (as in the countries that can determine how entire regions side on the China or USA question), which of the two great powers is now better able to claim it offers the more advantageous series of benefits? The swing states, the peripheral countries, and even a growing number of the European countries must side with the Chinese bloc if they care about protecting their own interests.

The majority of the countries I’m talking about have, to an extent, already decided as such; over 80% of the globe’s population lives in countries that have either been directly advancing the special operation in Ukraine, or refused Washington’s calls to participate in the sanctions. The only reason Europe has overwhelmingly sided with Washington is because the war caused such a shock across western Eurasia, and Washington was showing itself to still be capable of so much violence, that at the time it looked best for them to side with the hegemon. But by “them,” I don’t mean the peoples of these countries in general, who are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the militarist drive as it destroys their living conditions; I mean the bourgeois dictatorships of these countries, which are primarily led by sycophantically pro-American factions of the bourgeoisie. Factions that don’t even represent every part of the capitalist class; for example, Germany’s Green Party. This is the social fascist force that’s been disgracing the country’s people, continuing to help Washington’s war even after Biden has blown up Germany’s own infrastructure.

These pathetically opportunistic liberal politicians may think it’s okay for the hegemon to destroy the Nord Stream pipeline, while subjecting German workers and the wider European proletariat to an engineered energy crisis; but Europe’s working class can’t be expected to go along with it forever. That’s why Desai believes Washington’s recently restored dominance over Europe can’t last forever. The U.S. empire’s internal economy has been ravaged by neoliberal austerity policies of its own making, and that’s hurt its perceived reliability as a global economic partner. China, at the same time, has been continuing to carry out a worldwide marvel of development, both in its own borders and in the countries it trades with.

Washington’s blatant violation of national sovereignty in Iraq made it impossible to take seriously as a “Ukrainian sovereignty” protector in the view of the Global South; if Europe doesn’t see this hypocrisy as a reason for abandoning Washington, pure material self-interest may be why it finally breaks from the hegemon. And the blowback from the proxy war has made this scenario far more likely; as not only have the sanctions damaged Europe, they’ve accelerated the USA’s capitalist collapse.

The inter-imperialist disputes that were threatening NATO’s unity prior to the proxy war are going to come back, now in a situation where the competing countries are more desperate than ever to escape their capitalist crises. For Europe to go along with Washington’s war against China at this point would be absurd; both because the proxy war has made Europe more in need of the economic benefits China offers, and because the war has made China’s global development projects more expansive.

This conflict has forced the world to make choices, and that most have chosen China makes the USA’s exploitative old international relationship model look less attractive than ever. All can see that a viable alternative exists to the IMF, the WEF, and the dollar; why would the swing states choose to reinforce their dependency on the power that’s been prioritizing its own interests over theirs for generations? Like the ruling bourgeoisie in Europe, the comprador leaders across the peripheral and semi-peripheral countries at some point have to embrace the emerging multipolar world. If they don’t, they’ll die along with the unipolar world.

This is what we’ve been seeing occur in swing states like South Africa, which as Xinhua has reported is growing even closer to China:

China is willing to further push China-South Africa relations to a higher level and expand cooperation in new fields, said China’s top diplomat on Monday. Wang Yi, director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks here while meeting with South Africa’s Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Naledi Pandor. During the meeting, Wang said the BRICS mechanism is the most important platform for representatives of emerging markets and major developing countries to strengthen dialogue and cooperation, as well as the most important channel for strategic communication in the Global South. China fully supports South Africa as the BRICS chair in hosting the 15th BRICS Summit and actively responds to the strong call of relevant countries to participate in BRICS cooperation, Wang said, calling for efforts to further strengthen BRICS cooperation, practice multilateralism and provide more stability to a world full of uncertainties.

This is the part of the new cold war that truly matters: the part that has to do with material interests, with which side gets access to the globe’s wealth, resources, and strategic assets. That South Africa is a member of the International Criminal Court, and that Putin was consequently unable to attend this month’s BRICS summit, hasn’t stopped his government’s act of defiance against U.S. hegemony from furthering this shift in the global power balance. The special military operation has already achieved its purpose: to prove that the hegemon can no longer violate the rights of others without seeing an overall damage to its interests. It’s the job of communists to take advantage of this weakening the hegemon has experienced; to carry out the global wave of revolutions which the hegemon has for so long been trying to prevent.

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The Empire Knows It’s Pouring Ukrainian Blood Into An Unwinnable Proxy War

So the empire is still knowingly throwing Ukrainian lives into the meat grinder of an unwinnable proxy war, even as western officials tell the public that this war is about saving Ukrainian lives and handing Putin a crushing defeat whenever they’re on camera.

Caitlin Johnstone
July 24, 2023

In a new article titled “Ukraine’s Lack of Weaponry and Training Risks Stalemate in Fight With Russia,” The Wall Street Journal’s Daniel Michaels reports that western officials knew Ukrainian forces didn’t have the weapons and training necessary to succeed in their highly touted counteroffensive which was launched last month.

Michaels writes:

“When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.

“They haven’t. Deep and deadly minefields, extensive fortifications and Russian air power have combined to largely block significant advances by Ukrainian troops. Instead, the campaign risks descending into a stalemate with the potential to burn through lives and equipment without a major shift in momentum.”

The claim that western officials had sincerely believed Ukrainian forces might be able to overcome their glaring deficits through sheer pluck and ticker is undermined later in the same article by a war pundit who says the US would never attempt such a counteroffensive without first controlling the skies, which Ukraine doesn’t have the ability to do:

“America would never attempt to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [Ukrainians] don’t have air superiority,” the U.S. Army War College’s John Nagl told WSJ. “It’s impossible to overstate how important air superiority is for fighting a ground fight at a reasonable cost in casualties.”

Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp writes the following on the latest WSJ revelation:

“Leading up to the Ukrainian counteroffensive, which was launched in June, the Discord leaks and media reports revealed that the US did not believe Ukraine could regain much territory from Russia. But the Biden administration pushed for the assault anyway, as it rejected the idea of a pause in fighting.“

So the empire is still knowingly throwing Ukrainian lives into the meat grinder of an unwinnable proxy war, even as western officials tell the public that this war is about saving Ukrainian lives and handing Putin a crushing defeat whenever they’re on camera.

This attitude from the empire is not a new development. Last October The Washington Post reported that “Privately, U.S. officials say neither Russia nor Ukraine is capable of winning the war outright, but they have ruled out the idea of pushing or even nudging Ukraine to the negotiating table.”

Now why might that be? Why would the western empire be so comfortable encouraging Ukrainians to keep fighting when it knows they can’t win?

We find our answer in another Washington Post article titled “The West feels gloomy about Ukraine. Here’s why it shouldn’t.“, authored last week by virulent empire propagandist David Ignatius. In his eagerness to frame the floundering counteroffensive in a positive light for his American audience, Ignatius let slip an inconvenient truth:

“Meanwhile, for the United States and its NATO allies, these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland. Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall, this has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”

Anyone who believes this proxy war is about helping Ukrainians should be made to read that paragraph over and over again until it sinks in. The admission that the US-centralized power structure benefits immensely from this proxy conflict is revealing enough, but that parenthetical “other than for the Ukrainians” aside really drives it home. It reads as though it was added as an afterthought, like “Oh yeah it’s actually kind of rough on the Ukrainians though — if you consider them to be people.”

The claim that this war is about helping Ukrainians has been further undermined by another new Washington Post report that Ukraine is now more riddled with land mines than any other nation on earth, and that US-supplied cluster munitions are only making the land more deadly.

That’s right kids! We’re turning Ukraine into an uninhabitable wasteland of death and dismemberment to save the Ukrainians.

We should probably talk more about the fact that the US empire is loudly promoting the goal of achieving peace in Ukraine by defeating Russia while quietly acknowledging that this goal is impossible. This is like accelerating toward a brick wall and pretending it’s an open road.

The narrative that Russia can be beaten by ramping up proxy warfare against it makes sense if you believe Russia can be militarily defeated in Ukraine, but the US empire does not believe that Russia can be militarily defeated in Ukraine. It knows that continuing this war is only going to perpetuate the death and devastation.

“Beat Putin’s ass and make him withdraw” sounds cool and is egoically gratifying, and it’s become the mainstream answer to the problem of the war in Ukraine, but nobody promoting that answer can address the fact that the ones driving this proxy war believe it’s impossible. In fact, all evidence we’re seeing suggests that the US is not trying to deliver Putin a crushing defeat in Ukraine and force him to withdraw, but is rather trying to create another long and costly military quagmire for Moscow, as western cold warriors have done repeatedly in instances like Afghanistan and Syria.

Wanting to weaken Russia and wanting to save lives and establish peace in Ukraine are two completely different goals, so different that in practice they wind up being largely contradictory. Drawing Moscow into a bloody quagmire means many more people dying in a war that drags on for years, with all the immense human suffering that that entails.

The US does not want peace in Ukraine, it wants to overextend Russia, shore up military and energy dominance over Europe, expand its war machine and enrich the military-industrial complex. That’s why it knowingly provoked this war. It’s posing as Ukraine’s savior while being clearly invested in Ukraine’s destruction.

It is not legitimate to support this proxy war without squarely addressing this massive contradiction using hard facts and robust argumentation. Nobody ever has. ... proxy-war/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:25 pm

authoritarian tendencies
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/29/2023


Candidate Zelensky came to power in 2019 boosted by a wave of popularity derived from his fame in the world of television, where he played the president of Ukraine, generously financed by the part of the oligarchy that had fallen out with his predecessor. and with promises of compromise both on cultural issues that had started after the Maidan victory and on the war in Donbass. Zelensky promised, for example, to repeal the law on the use of language, which exceeded the legitimate will of the State to promote the language considered national by discriminating against the part of the country whose mother tongue was not Ukrainian but Russian, a minority which was widely the majority in important areas of the country.

The economic situation, the chronification of the war in Donbass, a series of unpopular cultural measures in the Russian-speaking part of the country had already undermined the re-election chances of Petro Poroshenko, who at the end of 2018 sentenced any option he might have kept. Possibly with the intention of causing such a serious situation that the Rada agreed to decree the state of emergency that the president proposed, Poroshenko sent some thirty members of the navy in two small ships to cross the Kerch Strait without first notifying Russia. The ships were captured without firing and the marines seized and sent to Moscow. For months, his return to Ukraine was one of the centers of Ukrainian national discourse, giving this absurd episode a non-existent epic.

In reality, this poor attempt to decree the state of emergency was the swan song of the Poroshenko presidency, which from then on had no chance of contesting Zelensky, already prominent in the polls, in the second round of the elections. . Poroshenko had paid for the serious mistake of trying to artificially impose a state of exception in which his opponents clearly perceived the deceit and the authoritarian maneuver of a leader who knew he was doomed to defeat.

Zelensky's detractors have wanted to see in the president's confirmation of the delay of the legislative elections, which were to be held this fall, a similar maneuver. However, the situations are not comparable and Ukrainian legislation, which prevents the holding of elections during the state of emergency, agrees with the current president. Departing from the front line and with millions of people internally and externally displaced, the conditions are not in place to hold minimally credible elections, especially taking into account the past practices of buying votes and all kinds of tricks that local figures and oligarchs from all sorts have been used in recent years to achieve levels of power in poorly monitored elections.

The delay of the elections is not the clearest example of Volodymyr Zelensky's growing authoritarianism, so evident that even some Western media have picked it up. The last one has been a Swiss media, which echoes a report by the Federal Intelligence Service in which the figure of the president, generally presented as the personification of the brave Ukrainian people who fight for their freedom and for European values, is seriously questioned. The notorious lack of interest in Ukrainian politics and the actions of those figures to whom the West provided continuous financing and unconditional political and diplomatic support means that all the arguments refer solely and exclusively to the present. The criticisms mainly refer to Zelensky's treatment of who is possibly the only political figure who could overshadow him: the former boxer Vitaly Klitschko, mayor of Kiev since the first municipal elections held after the Maidan victory. "In his attempt to eliminate Klitschko politically, Zelensky is displaying his authoritarian tendencies," the report states in defense of who during therevolution of dignity outside the man of Germany.

Zelensky's authoritarian tendencies are not new and cannot be justified by the situation of war, the state of emergency or the national emergency of a people fighting for their survival, as is being done to justify actions that, under other conditions, would be unacceptable. Authoritarian tendencies are not an exclusive characteristic of Volodymyr Zelensky either, who despite his campaign as an alternative politician, has continued step by step the path begun by his predecessors Poroshenko and Turchinov. Already in those initial years of post-Maidan Ukraine, the war was used as a smoke screen to justify all kinds of anti-democratic measures, starting with the anti-terrorist operation against the population of Donbass or the interruption of the payment of public salaries, pensions and social benefits already in the summer of 2014.

With a more technocratic team than his predecessor, Zelensky only gave a different image from Poroshenko's until his electoral victory, after which he settled into a dynamic of nationalism in the social sphere, ultra-liberal in the economic sphere and authoritarian in the political sphere that has only unnoticed by the fact that his opponents were generally branded as pro-Russian, a useful label to demonize any person, media outlet, or even company that upset the president. "What are the requirements to have a functional democracy?" asks one of the sources of the Swiss article. “Independent political parties and a free press. None of them is present in Ukraine at the moment, ”she replies. The problem is that these shortcomings are not due to the current war with Russia, but long before the appearance of Russian troops. The same must be said of Zelensky's attempt to politically end Vitali Klitschko, actions that began practically from the start of his presidency in 2019.

The prohibition of political parties and the takeover of information policy, ending, in practice, with minimal freedom of the press, was justified by the extreme situation in which it occurred. However, Ukraine's experience in banning parties or limiting press freedom dates back to the war years in Donbass. Through a law that was supposed to ban both communism and Nazism, thus equating "the most genocidal regime in history with the one that liberated Auschwitz", Ukraine in 2015 banned the Communist Party, whose premises had been captured by the extreme right. during the revolution from Maidan. To the prohibition of the main party of the left, in reality the only left-wing party with an institutional presence, we must add the constant harassment, on official occasions and on others through the use of the extreme right as a shock force at the service of the interests of the nationalist State, of any minimally opposition figure or group. This authoritarian drift, which has resulted in attacks by the extreme right and imprisonment -in many cases based on abuse of preventive detention for imaginary crimes based on evidence placed by the SBU- of communists, socialists, trade unionists or anyone who dared maintain a non-nationalist opposition stance to the Maidan regime. Alexander Bondarchuk, former communist deputy, he spent months in prison before being acquitted in a purely political case for the crime of publishing, in 2014, an interview with Pavel Gubarev in the local newspaper he edited. In 2022, without any argument, Bondarchuk had his request to register a left-wing party denied.

Nor can the war be used as a justification to explain the way in which Zelensky harassed the Supreme Court for months, an action that did not cause international criticism or questioning of Ukrainian democracy, more than doubtful from the moment the president elected at the polls was overthrown by a revolution in which the western authorities competed as to whether their man would be the one to lead the government that was to be born from the flagrant breach of the power-sharing agreement to which they had forced Viktor Yanukovych, through the use of force in streets.

The war polarizes the situation and exaggerates already existing tendencies. In the case of Ukraine, not just Zelensky, all those authoritarian tendencies were perfectly noticeable years before Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian borders. The prohibition of the hammer and sickle of the Flag of Victory, the harassment of opposition politicians, the closure of the media or the harassment by the extreme right now perfectly integrated into official structures, the justification for the interruption of the payment of pensions to a part of the citizenry or the progressive elimination of the mother tongue and culture of an important part of the population have acted as the necessary prelude to the current manifest authoritarianism, in which Zelensky can hide behind the supposedly massive support popular that you enjoy. ... more-27820

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Chronicle of the special military operation for July 28, 2023
July 28, 2023

Ukrainian formations again used UAVs to attack Moscow : Russian air defense systems intercepted a drone in the village of Ptichnoye in the Troitsky administrative district, preventing damage and casualties.

Later, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched two modified anti-aircraft missiles of the S-200 complex in the Rostov region . One of the ammunition fell between a cafe and an art museum in Taganrog , 19 civilians were injured. The second rocket was intercepted in the Azov region : casualties and destruction were avoided.

The Russian troops, in turn, attacked the building of the SBU administration in Dnepropetrovsk : an Iskander OTRK missile hit the corner of the building and completely collapsed the flight of stairs, after which a large fire broke out in the garage on the first floor.

The situation on the fronts is still tense. In the Kupyansky sector, units of the RF Armed Forces expanded the zone of control near Liman 1st , and near Bakhmut they continue to heroically hold back the onslaught of Ukrainian formations in the Kleshcheevka area .

At the Vremievsky sector, Russian servicemen withdrew from Staromayorsky to pre-prepared positions - constant artillery fire is being fired at the enemy in the village. And in the Orekhovsky sector , the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered significant losses near Rabotino , failing to achieve visible success.


APU strikes in the Rostov region
In the afternoon, Ukrainian formations attacked the residential infrastructure of Taganrog with a modified S-200 anti-aircraft missile . The ammunition was intercepted by Russian air defense systems over the city, the wreckage fell on the territory of the art museum: the wall of the building, the roof, garages and outbuildings were destroyed. Windows were shattered in a nearby apartment building. Nine people were delivered to the city's medical facilities - their condition is assessed by doctors as moderate and mild. A total of 16 civilians were injured . Later, Russian anti-aircraft gunners intercepted another missile over in the Azov urban district : the ammunition fell in a deserted place, casualties and destruction were avoided.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation notified the authorities of the Crimea and the Rostov region about the ban on the passage of the Kerch Strait by small boats. Pleasure boats, sailboats, inflatable boats, jet skis, windsurfers, subboards and their analogues fall under the restriction. This decision is completely logical, given the missile attack on the Azov district of the Rostov region. Ukrainian formations with each new attack are trying to act more sophisticated. The latest attacks were combined and included UAVs, missiles, and unmanned boats. The general attention of the Russian authorities and military personnel to the air attack creates favorable conditions for an attack by naval drones on the Crimean bridgeor ports in the Sea of ​​Azov. And this kind of preventive action reduces the level of threat and expands the powers of the coast guard forces.

Attack on the building of the SBU in Dnepropetrovsk

A few hours after the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Taganrog , Russian troops attacked the building of the SBU administration in the Dnepropetrovsk region : according to preliminary information, it was hit by an Iskander OTRK missile.

Judging by the footage from the place of arrival, the ammunition hit the corner of the house with a flight of stairs, which completely collapsed. After that, a major fire broke out in the garage on the first floor. There is no objective evidence of damage to the central part of the building, so the question of enemy losses remains open.

Kyiv regime resources have also begun circulating a video of the arrival on the upper floors of a nearby residential complex, accusing Russia of hitting civilian infrastructure.

However, with a high probability, this was another consequence of the work of the Ukrainian air defense: this is indicated at least by the damage characteristic of an anti-aircraft missile hit in a high-rise building, the scale of which is not comparable in comparison with the SBU building, where the Iskander actually flew in.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the North Ukrainian direction, Ukrainian formations again became more active near the borders with the Belgorod region . From Bolshoi Burluk in the Kharkiv region to Volchanskie Khutor and from Akhtyrka in the Sumy region to Pokrovka , units of the 1st Special Forces Brigade of the 9th Army Corps and the Terodefense were moved, respectively. Along the line of contact, the activity of sabotage and reconnaissance groups consisting of SOF and foreign mercenaries is noted. DRGs are equipped with expendable copters that track the movement of Russian military personnel.

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian units during the positional offensive were able to expand the zone of control west of Liman 1st , reaching the Oskol River. At the same time, the military personnel of the RF Armed Forces are attacking enemy strongholds south of Liman 1, trying to advance towards Sinkovka . According to some sources, the Russian Armed Forces have achieved little tactical success in the village, and fighting is already underway in the village itself. However, there is no confirmation of this information yet. At the same time, this fact is indirectly indicated by the emergency preparation of concrete structures on the opposite bank of the Oskol as part of the construction of a new defense line in case the Russian army breaks through to Kupyansk .

In the Soledar direction, Ukrainian units continue to try to establish control over Kleshcheevka . Russian troops inflict massive strikes on the enemy, holding back his advance in the village area. Drones-kamikaze are also widely used to defeat the equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Donetsk direction, positional battles continue in the Avdeevsky and Maryinsky sectors : over the past 24 hours, neither side has been able to achieve visible success. From time to time, the enemy attempts counterattacks - all of them are successfully suppressed by Russian troops. Artillery duels and mutual reconnaissance do not stop along the entire front line.

In the Vremievsky sector, after more than a month of fighting, Russian troops withdrew from Staromayorsky . There was practically nothing left of the village itself, the settlement was razed to the ground, and the withdrawal from there was associated with the absence of any defensive fortifications. After filming a video about control over the Staromayorsky Armed Forces, they retreated to the northern and northwestern outskirts. Most of the village is located in the gray zone, which is actively worked out by Russian artillerymen. Also yesterday, Ukrainian formations tried once again to attack Urozhayne , but to no avail. Fighters of the 37th brigade of the RF Armed Forces hold back the onslaught, despite the pressure of the enemy.

On the Orekhovsky section, all yesterday the Ukrainian Armed Forces were building up forces near the road from Novodanilovka , and by 21.00 they began moving towards Rabotino on more than a dozen tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored combat vehicles. The Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to break through the defense with an armored fist, but the fighters of 1430 and 71 infantry regiments, as well as 810 brigades of marines of the RF Armed Forces, met them with fire. According to visually confirmed data alone, five units of armored vehicles were destroyed. And according to preliminary information, Ukrainian formations lost up to 15 tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. However, due to worsening weather conditions, the road was washed out again, so attacks on armored vehicles are unlikely in the next 24 hours. Infantry groups are still active in the landings, but this is rather a standard phenomenon.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

This morning, a Ukrainian drone attempted to attack targets in Moscow . Russian air defense systems intercepted a drone in the village of Ptichnoye in the Troitsky administrative district, no damage or casualties were allowed.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out strikes on the frontline and rear settlements of the Luhansk People's Republic . In Irmino , several residential buildings, city life support facilities, and power lines were damaged. In addition, after the shelling of Kremennaya, a fire broke out on the outskirts of the settlement: it was localized in a timely manner.

Ukrainian formations from cannon and rocket artillery continue to conduct indiscriminate shelling of settlements in the Donetsk agglomeration . In the capital of the republic, the Kiev , Kuibyshevsky , Petrovsky , Kirovsky and Voroshilovsky regions were under fire . For the attack were used, including MLRS HIMARS. Residential buildings and civilian infrastructure were damaged: according to the latest data, one person was killed and at least seven others were injured. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out strikes on Makiivka , Gorlovka , Staromikhaylovka , Yasinovatsky district and Shakhtersk . In the latter, after the arrival of the UAV, a fire broke out at the oil depot.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a series of strikes on Nova Kakhovka, Kakhovka, Peschanovka, Solontsy and Aleshki in the Kherson region . Fortunately, there were no casualties or injuries. As a result of another enemy attack, civilian infrastructure received significant damage in populated areas.

Political events
On Western military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The head of the Rheinmetall concern announced his intention to open a Leopard tank repair center in Ukraine before the end of summer. According to him, training of employees from among Ukrainians is already underway in Germany .

According to some reports, in September the United States plans to send obsolete M1A1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. Around August, the 10-week training of Ukrainians on 31 training tanks at the Grafenwöhr base in Germany will end. And then to the Zaporozhye direction - under the fire of Russian guns. The press, classically, as in the situation with the Leopards, warns for the hundredth time that Kiev is being given a super-weapon - allegedly, "thick armor and a heavy weapon" of the Abrams will help the Armed Forces of Ukraine break through the Russian defenses. Politico believes that the US is speeding up deliveries due to the increased intensity of fighting. The first batch will include 6-8 tanks.

About elections during martial law

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk said that the Constitution of the country does not imply a ban on holding elections during martial law.

He also admitted that the elections could be held under pressure from Western partners. Earlier , Zelensky stated that during the hostilities, elections in Ukraine are impossible due to the law.

By the latest decree of the Verkhovna Rada, martial law in the country has been extended until November 15, 2023.

Political fight against corruption

One of Zelensky's former closest supporters, the former deputy head of the President's Office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko , is accused of four acts of corruption, including receiving gifts and using powers for personal gain.

This was announced by the National Anti-Corruption Agency, an extra-constitutional body in which key positions are occupied by proteges of the United States.

This can hardly be called a fight against corruption on the part of the Ukrainian state - rather, Western partners are trying to remove the most odious and influential corrupt officials in order to prevent even further weakening of Ukraine against the backdrop of the SVO.

Tymoshenko, who has earned millions on kickbacks from the implementation of large infrastructure projects, is one of the brightest representatives of such officials.

In addition, MP Yuri Aristov , who was on vacation under the guise of a business trip in the Maldives, was arrested today. In addition, earlier Aristov was deprived of his mandate.

After his arrest, the deputies were banned from traveling abroad and their existing business trips were cancelled.

The resignation of the head of the Ministry of culture and information policy of Ukraine Tkachenko

Today, the Verkhovna Rada dismissed the head of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko due to a scandal with the allocation of public funds for the filming of a film about a major agricultural oligarch who is a friend of oligarch Igor Kolomoisky.

Tkachenko was one of the main curators and ideologist of the telethon, a political propaganda TV show that is broadcast almost daily to the Ukrainian population from the screens.

Postponing the celebration of Christmas

After the schismatics from the OCU switched to the New Julian calendar and synchronized the celebration of Christian holidays with the Catholics, Zelensky signed a decree on celebrating Christmas on December 25 in Western style. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)

Stepan Bandera: The Man, the Myths and The Legacy

Declan Hayes

July 27, 2023

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future.

Because getting our heads around Stepan Bandera, the man, the myth and the political force is no easy task, we will begin our journey at Upper Silesia’s Bismarck Tower, make a detour through the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone and then work our way back to the blasphemy that is MI6 agent Zelensky’s rump Ukrainian Reich.

The Bismarck Tower overlooks Three Emperors’ Corner, a pinprick in modern Poland where the empires of Germany, Austro-Hungary and Tsarist Russia once all collided. It was, in happier times, a modest tourist attraction local families would trek to for an afternoon picnic.

To us, it symbolises that three mighty vectors, one largely Lutheran, the other largely Latin Catholic and the last of them decidedly Russian Orthodox all squared up against each other, much like that last shootout scene in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. As Bismarck, from whose tower we gaze, was a virulently anti-Catholic bigot, we can begin to see how complicated a canvas we are looking at. Add in the various shades of secular and religious Jews and non-conforming Protestant denominations that peppered the area, as well as the other secular ideologies that were gaining traction betwixt those three empires and we have a major mess of a mosaic on our hands.

It was into that mess that Stepan Bandera and, before him, Mykola Mikhnovsky were born. Importantly, as we will later see, both of these characters were the sons of Ukrainian Uniate priests, the Uniate Churches being in communion with Rome but using Orthodox rites. As a full understanding of Bandera’s Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church would involve further detours into the Ruthenian Orthodox Church, the Ruthenian Uniate Church, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Union of Brest we can, from the relative simplicity of the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone, say that both Bandera and Mikhnovsky before him were born into a very diverse tinderbox.

And Mikhnovsky, it appears, had something of the pyromaniac about him. His Taras Fraternity decided to fight for an independent, sovereign Ukraine “with no master and no boor, without the class struggle within the federation”. Although Mikhnovsky, like Semenyaka and other modern Ukrainian ideologues, never spelled out in detail how such a corporatist utopia would work in practice he did, like God and Moses before him, lay out Ten Commandments for his Ukrainian pure-breds which excluded ab ovo Jews, Poles, Russians and a host of other undesirables.

To bring that intermarium into being, Mikhnovsky’s lot attacked Pushkin’s monument in Kharkov. Now, as Pushkin had expired long earlier, on 10 February 1837, I am unsure why he and his poetry were hated so, but today’s Zelensky’s regime loves Mikhnovsky and they hate Pushkin, whose poetry is in the same league as Shakespeare’s, Dante’s, Homer’s, Miltons, Virgil’s, Ovid’s and Yeats’.

The young Bandera, more influenced by Mikhnovsky than by Pushkin, first came to global prominence when, as part of his efforts to rid Ukraine of Pushkin’s couplets, he and his Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) murdered Bronislaw Pieracki, Poland’s Minister of the Interior, one of a very large number of violent actions the OUN perpetrated against the Second Polish Republic.

When the Wehrmacht swept eastwards in 1941, the OUN, with Bandera at the helm, not only willingly collaborated with them but slaughtered Russians, Jews and Poles so brutally that even the Nazis were outraged. Although the OUN thought their collaboration would endear them to the Nazis, that was to misread the racial hierarchical ideology underlining the Third Reich. Importantly, the OUN’s ideological descendents are making the same mistake today as they die in droves to serve NATO’s aims.

But they also seem to be repeating an even much bigger mistake in looking for lebensraum at the confluence of the three empires. That simply cannot be: it is impossible, no matter how many churches they loot and Orthodox priests they murder.

Faith Of Our Fathers

Here, from the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone, one of the ugliest angles in this whole Ukrainian affair is the role of religion. For my own part, here and anywhere else, we should retain the faith of our fathers (and, more importantly of our mothers and grandmothers) because that is what we are. Go look at Faith Of Our Fathers, this free low budget movie about the British, their Anglican cultists and their local collaborators genociding the Irish for practicing their own religion and speaking their own language, the only language they knew. Recall that the Faith Of Our Fathers hymn, though now associated with Ireland, was written in homage to those English who suffered “dungeon, fire and sword” for resisting the vile cult of Anglicanism, whose modern tin god is King Jug Ears of tampon infamy.

Now journey back to Zelensky’s repulsive Reich where his vile cult, with the collaboration of religious leaders beyond his borders, is not only hell bent on destroying the Orthodox Church but replacing it with a mockery of all that is good and holy. Pushkin’s poetry can, of course, speak for itself in the now banned Russian language or any other language for that matter.

The excellent Stephen Karganovic, in another of his incisive articles, has juxtaposed the current lack of publicity being given to Orthodox Metropolitan Pavel to that Hungary’s Cardinal Mindszenty and Ukraine’s own (Greek Catholic) Cardinal Josyf Slipyj got in days gone by. Though the article could have compared the silence surrounding the mass looting of churches in Zelensky’s Ukraine with the faux outrage regarding Assyrians torching Korans in Sweden or Russian President Putin’s sobering promise that anyone convicted of torching a Koran on his turf would have to serve their sentence in a Muslim-majority part of Russia, one article cannot address all angles of the blasphemy that is Zelensky’s Fourth Reich.

Mindszenty, whatever his faults, was a Habsburg Catholic Royalist, as was his right. But what of those Ukrainians who are trying to obliterate the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as the Anglican cultists tried to do with Irish Catholicism and the Irish language? Here is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church propounding on that very issue.

You don’t have to be a theologian of the calibre of the late Pope Benedict to know that God, not Bandera, is our Father and that “Muscovites” are not the devil incarnate just because they practice the faith of their fathers’ holy faith.

As Bandera himself was not a “Muscovite” but was a Greek Catholic in communion with Rome, one has to ask why his name is even invoked in an Orthodox Church, be it a real one or, as is now the case, a pretend one.

The Catholic Church was, to quote the late Brendan Behan, founded on the rock of Peter, not, like the Anglican cult, on the balls of Henry VIII or, like Zelensky’s rump church, on the anti-Semitism, Russophobia and sheer economic and religious ignorance of Bandera and the other architects of Ukrainian nationalism which is the darkest of all Europe’s nationalistic strains.

Tough truths that even MI6’s Guardian admitted when it called Kiev by its proper name, as did the hard line New Statesman, even as it perversely claimed that these truths played into Russian propaganda.

But truths do not play into anyone’s propaganda as they are simply truths. The Ukrainians, like the Third Reich’s Germans before them, have been led up the garden path and have died in droves for Bandera’s big fat nothing. I can say that from my vantage point atop the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone, whilst admiring the works of Donne, Shakespeare and Milton, retaining the faith of my father’s holy faith and laughing along with James Joyce as he brilliantly cuts to ribbons the shallow pretensions of what he regarded as our Stepan Baderas of his day.

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future. One such tourniquet involves abandoning our tin gods and their feet of clay.

Though Stepan Bandera and his family suffered terribly because of the confluence of those three empires, without labouring the point, so did many others of the Greek Uniate Church, of other faiths and of none. But because today’s task is to end such suffering for everybody, the Greek Uniate Church, the Latin Catholic Church and all other forces that helped, for fair reasons or foul, to spread the Bandera myths should, even at this late stage, re-evaluate their positions and redress the ongoing wrongs still being perpetrated in the rump Reich those toxic Banderite myths helped bring into being. ... he-legacy/


Attack on the SBU building in Dnepropetrovsk
July 28, 21:54


The RF Armed Forces carried out a missile attack on the building of the regional department of the SBU in Dnepropetrovsk. Part of the building is destroyed, there are 200s and 300s. The rubble will be cleared at night.
In addition, the air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has traditionally worked on a high-rise next to the SBU building, trying to repel a missile strike. As a result of the hit, there are at least 3 wounded.



This is how the building looked before the impact.

It is necessary on Vladimirskaya 33 in Kyiv.

Hopes turned out to be unfounded
July 28, 21:04


Interesting from the American Veterans Forum.

My ‎acquaintance‎caring‎American‎journalist ( ) continues to inform.\

Vladislav, ‎hi!

All from that same forum of veterans ‎West ‎Point ‎Academy, ‎my ‎brother ‎pulled out a letter from one of the ‎forumanchans‎, which ‎ I posted an error in open access, but then I caught myself and lost it. Well, very interesting!

In the course of which the Ukrainians will inflict a serious military defeat on the Russians, they turned out to be untenable. The offensive has stuck in the Russian security zone, and for five weeks already the Ukrainians can’t break through even through the first line ‎Russian ‎ defense. In this case, losses in people and equipment are very large. In fact, forces for a deep breakthrough are no longer ‎left. ‎Combat efficiency of their brigades is low. ‎ The fighting efficiency of their brigades is low. ‎ The fighting efficiency of their brigades is low. ‎

In general, Ukrainians have changed a lot. If ‎a year ago ‎we were received with great enthusiasm and ‎our military ‎assistance ‎inspired them, ‎today ‎attitude to ‎we have become ‎cold ‏and ‎pragmatically ‎-‏ ‎consumer. The only thing we now hear is: Give us ATAKAMS, give us F-16, give us a lot of Abramsov, give us ‎we ‎shells! ‎effective. ‎It comes to the fact that, ‎on the remarks of advisers ‎they ‎snarl ‎phrases: ‎"First, go ‎fight with the Russians, and then ‎will be teach us!"

At the same time, the level of training of the troops is constantly decreasing. Even the best ‎Ukrainian ‎brigades, which ‎a year ago ‎fought ‎successfully‎and were ‎full of ‎determination‎to defeat the Russians, ‎today ‎little than ‎differ ‎ from ordinary infantry brigades, which almost do not have heavy weapons and are equipped with all sorts of rabble, which is literally Ukrainian military registration and enlistment offices ‎grab on ‎street, like ‎in ‎times of ‎centenary ‎war ‎in Europe. ‎The reason ‎-‏ ‎huge ‎losses incurred by Ukrainians ‎for these ‎months. Most of those fighting since last spring have lost from half to two thirds of their personnel, and some ‎already ‎ changed their combat strength twice. As a result, these brigades have only permanent command and control, ‎which ‎themselves‎into ‎battles ‎not ‎enter‎and ‎only ‎manage‎combat‎actions‎from‎well‎protected‎command‎points.‎This‎led‎to‎ ‎to that, ‎ that the command of the brigades has lost its sense of responsibility for its soldiers and considers them solely as expendable material for the execution of that or ‎ other task. And it only reinforces the loss.

The second factor provoking losses is the command's requirement to protect equipment. ‎ artillery go only from us. There is no rhythm in these supplies. And part of the weapons is generally weakly compensated. Especially tanks, BMP and self -propelled guns. We have they are also ‎in warehouses ‎practically ‎no! And that's why the Ukrainian command gave the order to stop using heavy armored vehicles on the battlefield until the breakthrough of the Russian defense and go to tactics attacks by small infantry units, believing that they will exhaust the Russians and force them under the pressure of continuous attacks delay your forces.‏ ‎If the first two weeks such a tactic allowed

The general mood in Ukrainian headquarters is despondency and anger. If last autumn a fire of determination burned in the eyes of the Ukrainian generals, they developed plans for future strikes and argued ‎ how to properly storm Perekop and Sevastopol, then now days begin with reports about the lack of advancement of attacking battalions, losses ‎techniques ‎and ‎remaining ‎stocks‎shells. reliability. In frank conversations, many Ukrainian senior officers now more and more often admit that they do not see any prospects for a successful completion wars.‏ ‎ The only hope, which, oddly enough, many of them have, This is the hope for direct intervention of us in this war. But, again, many people here add that this hope is like faith in Santa Claus.

Separately, it must be said, what, how, any failure, the current unsuccessful offensive, has deepened the conflict in the Ukrainian military leadership. The Commander-in-Chief Zaluzny and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Syrsky frankly don’t endure each other and even avoid appearing together ‎on ‎meetings . Zaluzhny, who returned to service after being seriously wounded, accuses Syrsky of being unscrupulous, that he agreed to start the offensive, Although the Armed Forces of Ukraine were not yet ready for him. It was categorical demands of "Marshal Gee" ‎actually supervising the conduct of the war against Russia) and ‎Zelensky ‎his ​​‎rebroadcast many times ‎on all ‎conferences ‎with the military. The healing is simply “lucky” not to be at this time at the helm. All this deepens and our conflict Millie and Austin, who definitely don't endure friend friend and therefore act in dissonance. If there had been agreement and understanding between them, this adventure would hardly have begun with the advent of...

(c) Vlad Shurygin - zinc

Apparently, it was written before the start of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on July 26 in the Zaporozhye region.

Arrival in Taganrog
July 28, 17:48


By Taganrog.

1. The number of victims reached 19, 9 were delivered to hospitals. The main injuries are bruises, cuts from broken glass. The number is not final yet.

2. There seem to be no dead (although there are reports that there may be people under the rubble - rescue services say that presumably there is no one under the rubble) - here we are waiting for official information to be clarified. If there were no fatalities, that's good news.

3. The building of the Taganrog Art Museum was damaged. Repair required.

4. A converted S-200 anti-aircraft missile flew over Taganrog, with which the enemy had already tried to shell the Crimea and the Crimean bridge area over the past month. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the missile was hit in the air and large pieces of debris fell in Taganrog. Hence apparently the reports of two explosions. This is an old Soviet air defense system. The maximum range of the late Soviet version is up to 240 km. In theory, artisanal modifications to individual missiles can give even a small increase in range. Like any other Soviet weapon - old, but not useless.

5. The enemy has redesigned several launchers and is trying to use anti-aircraft missiles for launches across the territory of the Russian Federation to replace the practically finished Swifts. These are harassing attacks designed primarily for PR and secondly for real war damage. But of course, this type of attack should not be underestimated. Even a downed missile can cause damage.

6. A little later, in the Azov region, our air defense officers shot down another S-200 missile, there were no casualties or destruction, the debris fell outside the settlements.

Captured French wheeled tank AMX-10RC
July 28, 14:22


Photo of a captured French AMX-10RC wheeled tank.
For those who were interested in whether captured vehicles of this type were dragged to the rear, yes they were.
Captured in the area of ​​​​Novodonetsky (only three pieces).
There are still at least 1 captured Leopard and 2 captured Bradleys, but so far there is no photo / video confirming that the trophies were taken to the rear. We are waiting for Zaporozhye trophies at the Army 2023 exhibition, and then in the permanent exhibition in Kubinka.


There didn't seem to be any French jalopies of this type.

(The French send a knife to a gunfight.)

Mines as an eternal value
July 28, 13:00


Mines as an eternal value

To the round date of the end of the Korean War.

At one time, I was amazed at this fact from an American report on the use of tanks in Korea. Of those lost from direct enemy action in the time interval from July 1950 to January 1951, 168 tanks of the UN forces were distributed as follows: Mines

: 64 (38.1%)
Anti-tank guns: 26 (15.5%)
Left on the field combat: 23 (13.7%)
Impact of infantry weapons: 22 (13.1%)
Tank fire: 17 (10.1%)
Mortars: 8 (4.8%)
Artillery 8 (4.8%)

Under "Artillery" "here, obviously, howitzer artillery from closed positions is understood. "Bazookas", which were also recorded as the cause of losses (captured in the hands of the northerners), were written into "anti-tank guns".

It has been argued that the North Koreans used mines wisely, did not lay much, but well-placed minefields were reaping their harvest. As a result, the mines received the yellow jersey of the leader.

Approximately every fifth or sixth tank disabled by a mine was lost forever. By type, the distribution of 64 mines knocked out was as follows (in brackets irretrievably lost): 24 (3) M26 Pershing, 33 (14) M4A3 Sherman, 2 (1) M32, 2 (0) M24 Chaffee, 3 (0) M46.

At the same time, out of 239 North Korean T-34s examined in September-October 1950, 1 (one) was reliably hit by mines, and 1 (one) out of 74 examined SU-76s. Who prepared for what, yeah. But as many as 102 T-34s and 35 SU-76s (napalm, bombs, aircraft missiles) were lost from air impact. 39 T-34s and 3 SU-76s were lost from tank fire, and 13 T-34s from bazookas.

(c) Aleksey Isaev - zinc

As the battles in the Zaporozhye direction showed, mines are still decisive. Up to a third of all enemy losses in armored vehicles fell on various mines.

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Clara Sanchez

Jul 27, 2023 , 1:32 p.m.

Ukraine is considered one of the "breadbaskets of the world" (Photo: File)

On July 22, 2022, the Black Sea Grain Initiative was signed separately and interrelated between Ukraine, Türkiye, Russia and the United Nations, as well as a Memorandum of Understanding by the last two, to which the Secretary General of the The UN called the Black Sea Lighthouse , with which both countries in conflict could export, on the one hand, Ukrainian agricultural products and Russian ammonia, and on the other, the normalization of Russian agricultural exports and its fertilizers within 120 days , of course extendable.

Since then, we have constantly heard talk about the extensions to the agreement that has been running for one year.

The first time it returned to the fore was on October 29, 2022, when Russia announced the suspension of its participation in the agreement due to an attack against ships of its Black Sea Fleet, located in Sevastopol, among which were civilian vessels such as guarantee of the safety of the humanitarian corridor, while the Ukrainian side pointed to the situation as a Russian excuse to withdraw from it.

However, the first period of the Initiative , which expired on November 19, 2022, was extended one day before by the parties, and a second stage entered into force that lasted until March 17, 2023.

Subsequently, in the middle of the signing to execute a third period, Türkiye announced that Russia's demands had not been met, so it was necessary to remove obstacles to Russian agricultural exports, which were being affected by the sanctions imposed, specifically about payments, logistics and insurance for the export of their grains and fertilizers. Situation that Russia had made public on several occasions.

Still, Russia again extended the agreement until July 17, 2023, guaranteeing a full year of implementation from the initial signing of the pact.

At the end of the third stage, Russia has terminated the Black Sea Grain Initiative and the Russia-UN Memorandum of Understanding , the same day as a second attack on the Kerch bridge in Crimea, but not without first informing it, as it has done on repeated occasions, that the agreement acquired a purely commercial bias while the humanitarian objectives were not met, benefiting only Kiev and its Western partners.

Consequently, protesting its next extension and, therefore, withdrawing the guarantees for the safety of navigation, the closure of the maritime humanitarian corridor, the reestablishment of the temporarily dangerous zone regime of the northwestern waters of the Black Sea and the dissolution of the Center for Coordination in Istanbul.

Confirming at the same time that this humanitarian corridor has been used by Ukraine to launch terrorist attacks on Russian civilian and military installations.

On the other hand, making it clear that the Memorandum between Russia and the United Nations to normalize Russian food and fertilizer exports never worked, and to date bank transactions for the payment of their products, transport and logistics insurance, as well as such as supplies of spare parts and Russian assets abroad, the result of "sanctions" on Russia.

Not even humanitarian shipments of free fertilizer from Russia to the poorest countries were delivered, so much so that of the 262,000 tons shipped and blocked in Latvia, Estonia, Belgium and the Netherlands, only 54,000 tons were delivered.

Specifying that Russian banks remain disconnected from the SWIFT system, mainly the Agricultural Bank; foreign accounts of Russian agricultural companies remain blocked; spare parts and equipment for the production of food and fertilizers cannot be sold to Russia; the country falls on exorbitant freight and insurance rates that become prohibitive for trade; and, furthermore, their ships cannot access foreign ports; while the UN is silent, including the attack by Kiev on the Tolyatti-Odesa pipeline that transports ammonia and is considered the largest pipeline in the world for the transportation of raw material required in the production of fertilizers. In the latter case, Ukraine literally sabotages the agreement.

And, according to what is said, Russia has attacked three ports and a grain warehouse with 60,000 tons in Odessa in response to the Ukrainian attack, although the Russian side claims it was against aquatic drones and foreign mercenaries in the area.

Consequently, Russia will immediately resume the pact only if the promises made to the Federation are truly fulfilled, since Ukraine and its NATO sphere of influence have so far benefited primarily.

An example of this is that, after signing the agreement between the parties, the shipments that began on August 1, 2022 totaled 1,144 ships loaded until July 17, 2023, with more than 34,700,000 tons of grains. and other Ukrainian agricultural products, indicating the export of 14 million tons more than those that originated the Initiative.

And, in the particular case of Ukraine, exceeding the export of grains by 1 million tons in the period 2022-2023 compared to that carried out between 2021-2022 (before the war), and 5 million tons more if we compare them with those exported in 2020-2021 (in times of pandemic). In fact, it is claimed that, even in the midst of the war, these exports have become the third largest in the history of Ukraine (see image 1).

Image 1 (Photo: Food and Power)

Food supplies that in relation to the Black Sea Grains Initiative were 80% destined for upper-middle and high-income countries, those that can pay for Ukrainian grains to Cargill, DuPont and Monsanto, the biggest winners with these grain exports through the humanitarian corridor, according to the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, poor countries that have been in a food crisis for decades have only received 2% of the grains to date (see image 2); And yet, the UN Secretary continues to maintain that "Russia will deal a heavy blow to people in need everywhere," meaning the hungry, if the Initiative and Memorandum are not extended again.

Image 2 (Photo: Food and Power)

Accordingly, Úrsula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, calls the Russian decision cynical and reactivates the story of Russia's responsibility for world food insecurity, when 37% of the grains exported went to the countries of the European Union and United Kingdom, with a population twice smaller than China and India, which received 22% and 2% of these respectively. Not to mention poor countries (see image 3).

Image 3 (Photo: Food and Power)

51% of the grains exported were corn, indicating that they were mostly destined for animal feed, industrial use and biofuels, and not precisely to satisfy hunger on the planet.

However, the dispute over food supply continues, in which Western countries will not stop drawing the card of the world food crisis to blame Russia, while maintaining the blockade to break it, which includes imposing a cheap price on wheat and other Russian agricultural products, at the same time that they guarantee their facilities for the export of Ukrainian grains through the humanitarian corridor of the Black Sea as part of payment for the war endowment.

Zelenski grains that would become a problem for the unconditional European Union, if they move through its maritime and land corridors to market it, such as those that caused the five countries of Eastern Europe (Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia). , which once imposed restrictions on duty-free trade from Ukraine for having flooded the market with Ukrainian products and distorting the economy, affecting local producers, and for which now only grains of wheat, corn, rapeseed and barley not stored and not used for internal consumption in these territories, indicating that they must be sent directly to other countries in European territory or sold immediately to the rest of the world.

Situation that triggered alarms when trade went from 500,000 tons to 1,500,000 tons between June and December 2022, generating excess supply. Imagine if they have to receive more than 12 million tons, like the ones the European Union bought through the Black Sea humanitarian corridor.

Finally, the strategic reason that can be identified in territorial terms to continue maintaining the Initiative, which has reduced shipments over the months, is to continue limiting the Russian advance in these regions, which would reduce the freedom of action that Ukraine has had for a year in the Black Sea, and even the loss of access to the sea, and therefore the Ukrainian government is willing to continue exporting grain through this corridor even with Russia's disagreement, escalating the conflict, and for this it resorts desperately and once again to the "international community" and NATO to continue putting pressure on Russia in the name of a world food crisis that justifies not giving in to it, their claims on the agreement.

A lighthouse over the Black Sea that, apparently, only interests one party in the conflict, while the other remains in the dark. ... lo-ucrania

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Jul 29, 2023 10:28 pm

NATO Failed in Ukraine Against Russia. Now It’s Targeting China
Posted on July 29, 2023 by Yves Smith

Yves here. This talk, among Michael Hudson, Radhika Desai, and their guest Pepe Escobar, voices broadly similar views to our recent Some Thoughts on the Russian End Game in Ukraine. But this starts from a completely different vantage, that of looking at the NATO/EU side of the equation.

However, even as NATO would like to reduce its commitment to Ukraine, we have the Biden Administration doubling down, with its Russia-hater-in-chief Victoria Nuland, promoted to acting Deputy Secretary of State. But she needs a lot more than cookies to get Europeans in line….particularly since at least some will remember her “Fuck the EU” remark.

Escobar contends that most Europeans are dazzled by NATO chief Jens Stollenberg, and thus don’t question what the alliance is up to. It would be particularly informative for readers on the Continent to give us their reading of what they and their elites seem to make of Team Biden’s Putin obsession.

Originally published at Geopolitical Economy Report

RADHIKA DESAI: Hello, everyone, and welcome to the 15th Geopolitical Economy Hour, the fortnightly show on the political and geopolitical economy of our times. I’m Radhika Desai.

MICHAEL HUDSON: And I’m Michael Hudson.

RADHIKA DESAI: And today we propose to discuss NATO in the aftermath of its recently concluded Vilnius Summit, exploring a variety of questions about how its assault on Russia is faring and the prospects of extending its sphere of operations to what NATO leaders like to call the Indo-Pacific.

RADHIKA DESAI: And in order to do this, on today’s show, we are joined by none other than Pepe Escobar. Many of you will, of course, know who he is.

He’s a Brazilian journalist, geopolitical analyst and author. Pepe, welcome to our show.

PEPE ESCOBAR: It’s a huge honor and pleasure to be with you guys and with this fantastic audience, of course. And let’s rock.

RADHIKA DESAI: All right. Let’s let’s rock. So basically, NATO is a huge topic and it’s surrounded by a considerable amount of smoke and a vast number of mirrors.

So we have to try to understand we have to sort of push through all of this to try to understand what it is. It calls itself a defensive alliance, defensive.

The fact of the matter is it was created as part of the Cold War, which the U.S. launched more or less single handedly before the Second World War was even over. It launched it against its own Second World War ally.

And again, the United States did this, you know, launched the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as part of this launching of the Cold War. So there is no way in which this war is defensive.

And what’s more, it’s also was an offense against communism, of course, but it has also been an offense against the third world.

Essentially, NATO was also set up as a bit of a rival to the United Nations, which the U.S. liked less and less as it began to include more and more countries from the third world.

Alliance? What sort of an alliance is it in which one about one member seeks to essentially damage and harm other members? That’s what the United States is doing, for instance, to Germany today. That’s what it did to the United Kingdom all those decades ago at the end of the Second World War.

Much is also made of NATO’s unity. In reality, the effort, the mountains of effort required to paper over the cracks that are widening in NATO are, in fact, no longer even enough. And the cracks are showing through.

The North Atlantic? What do you mean North Atlantic? NATO has long abandoned its alleged sphere of operation and it has penetrated more and more outside that sphere, not only within Europe, but is today, of course, as I’ve already said, preparing to penetrate the Indo-Pacific.

One could lengthen this list of the lies that surround NATO. But why don’t we just launch into our conversation? We’ve decided to structure it around a series of questions. So let me just start us off by posing the first one.

The first question we have is simply, where did the Vilnius Summit leave NATO? What are the principal features within the alliance that it exposed?

Maybe we can start with you, Pepe, since you are our guest.

PEPE ESCOBAR: Oh my God. Can I throw a bomb? OK, guys, look, I have had this pleasure of following virtually every NATO summit for the past 15 years or so.

So the evolution or the involution of NATO as a global Robocop has been distinct year after year. In fact, I started calling NATO global Robocop as early as 2010, 2011, 2012, because that was already obvious.

And then when we got under a fog of war, Rasmussen as NATO General Secretary, usually they get a deranged Scandinavian as NATO General Secretary. Now the deranged Scandinavian is, of course, that piece of Norwegian wood, Jens Stoltenberg.

So it’s very, very hot.

I remember when I was in Sweden years ago and I was on a geopolitical roundtable in a university in southern Sweden, when I started talking about Rasmussen, my Swedish audience erupted in anger because they knew, they were postgrad students, they knew very well who Rasmussen was and they said, look, he’s destroying the reputation of Scandinavia as rational actors.

And they knew it very well. Stoltenberg is not as rabid as Rasmussen, but he is sold basically by the people who control NATO, as you know, better, much better than I do, straight from Washington. And obviously those guys at NATO headquarters in Belgium are just following orders coming from Washington.

Stoltenberg is sold as a sort of a relatively polite face of NATO, but the message is the same. And after the start of the special military operations, got even worse.

So anything that comes from the mouth of Stoltenberg, we know that it’s coming from the mouth of the rabid, Straussian neocon psychos in D.C. And they have their Scandinavian guy, you know, just voicing them.

The problem is he’s taken seriously all across Europe. I mean, seriously, Ursula von der Leyen now is the butt of jokes from Spain to Greece and everywhere in between. But Stoltenberg is actually taken seriously. And that’s what makes them even more dangerous.

If you talk to an average citizen, let’s say here in France or in Italy or in Greece or in Germany, they take NATO’s pronouncement seriously. And the NATO 24-7 spin on the war against Russia, which basically says, no, we are not involved. We are not at war with Russia. We are not part of the war.

And then he announces the umpteenth package coming either from the West, from the EU or NATO countries as well against Russia. So the problem is, most people, because of the mainstream media barrage all across Europe, they don’t get into the specifics.

So they really don’t know that NATO is up to their necks and beyond in a war against Russia.

The way Vilnius was covered by European mainstream media was that, no, once again, we are all united, the 27 of us against Russian aggression, the usual.

But no specifics and much, much worse, only very, very sparse mentions of NATO extending the Robocop mandate to the Indo-Pacific and to the South China Sea.

So in fact, what we’re seeing for the past year and a half, let’s put it this way, is that the North Atlantic Organization now has taken over the Indo-Pacific and the South China Sea. So they actually moved to Asia.

So it’s not North Atlantic Organization. It’s Northern Hemisphere, Including the Far East Organization.

But this is not explained, obviously, by, for instance, The Economist, The Financial Times, major newspapers in Italy, Le Monde here in France, etc. So obviously, the average European citizen is absolutely clueless about that.

And the fact that the war, which is being lost dramatically in Ukraine, the narrative has been changing by the Americans, not yet by NATO. But on terms of NATO policy, there is a 4,400 page not-so-secret document at the end of the World News Summit, which categorizes their next steps in Russia, but also their next steps in the Indo-Pacific. And that’s the most worrying part of them all.

And once again, I would say 99% of EU citizens are completely oblivious to all of that.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, I think the purpose of NATO from the beginning has always been to promote a unipolar U.S.-centered order. And it began with Europe, because NATO, in effect, has taken over European foreign policy, and even domestic policy. It’s written into the EU constitution.

And certainly, you’ve seen the effect of the war in Ukraine is to make Western Europe a U.S. satellite. It’s cut off the trade with Russian gas and oil and fertilizer and other raw materials, making Europe dependent on U.S. suppliers at much, much higher prices.

So the effect of NATO so far has been to sort of break away Europe from what seemed to be an increasingly close relationship of mutual economic gain between Germany and other European countries, trading and investing with Russia for low-cost raw materials, and with China for low-cost manufacturers.

Well, the U.S. plan in just forcing a military solution in Ukraine has been to break away Russia’s ability to support China, to support Syria, to support Iran and other countries. The whole idea of NATO was to carve away any group that would seek to be independent of the U.S. world order.

And of course, the ultimate aim, as President Biden has said again and again, is China is the number one enemy.

Well, you can’t go against China right now, because it already has so much support from Russia and other countries. So NATO thought, well, how do we isolate China? We first of all have to break away its potential ally in Russia.

And if we have a war in Ukraine, the neocons actually believe that the Russian people would rise up against President Putin and have a regime change, and the regime change would bring another Boris Yeltsin-type Western-oriented character.

Well, the reality has been just the opposite. Hardly surprising, when a country is under attack, like Russian speakers are under attack in eastern Ukraine, well, the tendency of any population is to rally behind the leader.

And that’s why Putin’s approval rating has gone up to 80 percent, much higher than any American or European leader.

So what’s happened is that instead of NATO breaking up China, Russia, and other countries seeking to pursue their own policy, it’s driving them all together out of simply the need to protect their own economies from the U.S. sanctions and from the U.S. plan to break them up.

And when the United States comes right out and says China is our enemy, Russia’s our enemy, and all their allies are enemy, hardly by surprise, the enemies get together.

So the result is that NATO really, instead of isolating the members of the BRICS and the global majority of Eurasia with the global south, they’ve driven them all together.

I don’t think there’s any truth at all in the rumor that the heads of NATO are really working for China’s foreign policy department. I don’t think they’re really in the pay of China’s government to make sure that Western Europe is driving all the other countries together under Chinese and Russian domination.

And I don’t think they’re really working for the Russian State Department, either. But if you think of them as working for Russia and China, you realize suddenly you can explain all of the consequences of what the NATO policy is bringing about.

It’s driving the rest of the world together and being an integrating force for the rest of the world by making an iron curtain, isolating the United States, England, and Western Europe away from the rest of the world, leaving the west of the world, the BRICS and the global majority to make their own new world order.

RADHIKA DESAI: I mean, I think all of these are really interesting points. I mean, if I were to put, just summarize in one word what, where, you know, where Vilnius leaves NATO, I would say that word would be failure.

Because even though NATO has a lot of things going for it, including, you know, governments in places, important capitals like Berlin that are willing to do everything that NATO wants, in fact, NATO is failing to achieve its objectives.

And the key way in which it is failing is, of course, that all the help that has gone to the Ukrainian membership, they have essentially not been, they’re essentially going to fail in the battlefield.

Sanctions, Michael, as you mentioned, have already failed to bring Russia down. Now there’s going to be failure in the battlefield.

And if there is failure in the battlefield, then I think that the divisions within NATO, which are already quite apparent, I mean, the fact of the matter is that the various Eastern European countries wanted to give Ukraine membership or at least some sort of map to membership.

And this was not permitted by Germany for its own reasons, but also by the United States. And President Biden cannot afford to be seen as essentially, you know, increasing the U.S.’s or NATO’s involvement in this war in any way.

So the fact of the matter is that in this it has not succeeded either.

Moreover, the military aid, you know, just think about this, the size of the actual military industrial complex possessed by the NATO countries collectively is enormous.

But the fact of the matter is that still they have been unwilling to a considerable extent, but also unable to supply Ukraine with the quantity and quality of the arms that it needs so that it cannot succeed, could not succeed. And so the so-called counteroffensive is failing.

And that’s the background against which the Vilnius Summit took place. With that background, even though it added Finland and hopes to add Sweden, having overcome President Erdogan’s limitations by offering him vast quantities of money, et cetera.

The fact of the matter is that this alliance, the cracks within it are already showing.

And I also feel that success against Russia is very critical to extending the alliance and its sphere of operations to China, because the fact of the matter is that if they can’t succeed against Russia, there’s definitely, they’re not going to succeed against China.

And what’s more, there was already dissension over Russia. The fact of the matter is that the various NATO members are so deeply involved economically with China that they are not going to, they’re going to be even greater dissensions with essentially targeting China, even though all Washington’s puppets in various European capitals are huffing and puffing to try to achieve this by talking about de-risking and what have you.

People like Ursula von der Leyen are in the forefront of this effort, but I don’t think they’re going to succeed for reasons, I think, Michael, that you also mentioned.

The cost that these countries are going to have to pay for these wars costs not just militarily, but also economically. The consequences of the economic disruptions that it’s going to bring is going to create dissension within these people, is going to create popular discontent. It’s going to destabilize governments.

And what’s more, it’s also going to create dissensions within the elites, because many of them have reasons to continue doing business not only with Russia, but also with China, in particular with China.

So in that sense, I would say that the Vilnius Summit has simply shown the dysfunction of NATO to an even greater extent.

Maybe we can go on to the next question, which is how is the proxy war on Ukraine faring? What does it mean for Biden and his larger strategy of uniting so-called democracies against the so-called autocracies and targeting China?

I’ve kind of already segued into that topic.

PEPE ESCOBAR: Well, I’ve been writing about this stuff for a year and a half, so I hate to repeat myself. But OK, let’s go straight to the point.

NATO’s humiliation, full humiliation, is just around the corner. And compared to it, Afghanistan does not even qualify as a mini Disneyland. Just wait. Because in terms of the counteroffensive, it’s already dead. It lasted three weeks and it’s already dead. And there won’t be a counteroffensive 2.0.

First of all, they have no personnel, qualified personnel. Second, they have no weapons. Third, they are being demilitarized on a daily basis, non-stop.

Because if you follow any good writing in English, of course, if you don’t follow the ones writing Russian or Chinese, it’s understandable in the West.

But if you follow the very good ones writing in English, starting with Andrei Martianov. Andrei Martianov is very funny because technically he’s an Azerbaijani. He was born in Baku, but in the old Soviet Union. But Andrei lives in Western USA.

He writes in English. His blog is excellent. His podcasts are also excellent. And I would say, without a shadow of a doubt, in English, he’s the number one military analyst of what’s really going on in the war.

And we have excellent American analysts like Colonel Douglas McGregor, Scott Ritter, etc. They all, in military terms, they all say the same thing. This thing is dead. This thing is practically over. The thing is how long […] NATO can get away with selling a fiction to a global audience.

People in Germany, France, and Italy, the top three economies here in Europe, are already asking questions. I mean, industrialists, academics, they are not, of course, stigmatized in mainstream media, underground channels, parallel discussions, roundtables of very well-informed people, including intelligence people, French, Italians, etc.

They say, look, there’s got. We need to find a way out of this, but it’s impossible because everything is controlled in Washington by those Straussian neocon psychos.

Even them, not them, even the so-called Biden administration, which the way I’ve been writing for years, it doesn’t exist. What exists is the Biden combo.

Biden is, as we all know, he cannot find his way to the next room. Everybody knows that. So the decisions are taken by the combo.

And among the combo, the visible faces, which makes them even more toxic, are the toxic trio. Sullivan, Blinken and Nuland. But the guys who actually make these decisions, they are in the back. They never show up. So that makes it even more dangerous.

We have an idea of who they are, but they never show up. They don’t need to. The messengers spread the message. And they are trying to change the narrative badly because they know that there’s going to be a massive humiliation just around the corner.

The elections are getting closer and closer. You cannot go to the American public next year and present a NATO humiliation, which is obvious for 88% of the world, as a victory and try to get away with it. It’s absolutely impossible.

People who bother to look at what’s really happening on the ground in the battlefield in Ukraine can see for themselves. So now they’re trying to change the narrative.

And the best example these past few weeks, in fact, these past few days, was Edward Luttwak, which you all know as, let’s say, number one or number two Pentagon advisor for the past 50 years or so.

He gave an interview that is absolutely incandescent, where he’s basically changing the subject to war on China.

So this was, I would say, the official entry of the real war is against China, not in Ukraine, into mainstream media. It’s on YouTube. Everybody can watch it. Soon, if people start watching, soon we’ll have millions of views.

And Edward, as you know, is a very, very clever operator. Even when he doesn’t say it, he’s spelling the whole game, in fact.

Look, William Burns called Naryshkin. William Burns, head of CIA, Naryshkin, head of Russian foreign intelligence. This is true. Burns did call Naryshkin. They have a very important phone conversation, but not exactly what Edward is spinning.

Basically, Naryshkin was trying to explain to Burns, look, if you, CIA, start mounting operations inside the Russian Federation, there are going to be repercussions for you guys. So, you know, go slow.

Edward’s, basically, Edward’s spin was, no, Burns told Naryshkin that Putin and Biden should close a deal.

Putin is not going to close a deal with the Biden administration. Forget it. The Biden administration knows exactly what Russia wants, which is exactly what Russia wanted in December 2021. Indivisibility of security. You guys know this very, very well. In our audience, I’m sure it’s familiar with that.

Those letters that were sent to the Pentagon and the White House and got a non-answer. Also sent to NATO. It’s all about indivisibility of security for Europe and for the post-Soviet space. And at the time, the Americans ignored it.

So now they want to go back to the table and discuss with the Russians. The Russians know very well when they receive a yes, no, or a no, yes, which was the case. So there’s nothing to discuss.

And the Russian foreign ministry, the minister of defense, in putting himself over and over again has said, look, our set of conditions to end the war are there. The Americans know it very well.

We can finish the whole thing with a phone call. They don’t make the phone call that really matters. It’s not Bernstein or Rischke. It’s the White House to Putin. This one is not going to happen anytime soon. But he’s still trying to find a way out.

So if you think that this came straight out of a Kafka novel, yes, it did. And it keeps going.

RADHIKA DESAI: How and when do you think the war might end?

PEPE ESCOBAR: There are two short answers, Radhika. One, with the phone call, the war stops tomorrow. And they all go to a negotiating table somewhere in Finland, in Kazakhstan, in Geneva.

And obviously there will be no agreement because the Americans will refuse to accept indivisibility of security. Everybody knows that. So there is no peaceful solution to this war.

The only solution for this war is a complete humiliation of either side. As we look at the battlefield, we see that the humiliation of NATO is just around the corner, literally.

And it doesn’t matter if you send F-16s in six months or in one year. It doesn’t matter if you have more Storm Shadows from Britain. It doesn’t matter if you send 1,000 Leopards from Germany. It doesn’t matter.

And it’s very, very funny because even Putin himself is saying, look, whatever they send here, it will be incinerated. And he says that casually now. Before that, the Russian Minister of Defense was even trying to be relatively diplomatic.

And now the Russians are even laughing about it because they are annihilating so-called top-of-the-line Western weapons with old Soviet weapons, modified Soviet weapons as well. So is this going on for another three months? It’s very possible.

And there is going to be some sort of Russian, let’s say, crypto-offensive trying to take the whole of the east of Dnieper. They can take over everything.

Another possibility, in the next few months or until early next year, go all the way to Odessa, which is something that every military analyst in Russia was saying since February last year. We have to go all the way to Odessa now, soon, immediately.

So maybe this is going to happen. But the Russian Minister of Defense has different scenarios for what happens after what happened in Bakhmut, which was this World War I thing, absolutely devastating, lasting six or seven months.

But it was a rehearsal to what the Russians might do when they really decide to get into war. So what Putin said a few months ago still applies. We haven’t even started yet. And they haven’t.

Because their best weapons are still in the rear guard. Their top battalions are not part of the fighting yet. They are using their hypersonic missiles sparingly when they have a very specific target like that bunker near Lviv in western Ukraine that they destroyed a few months ago with one Kinzhal penetrating underground.

And then nobody talked about it. The Pentagon didn’t talk about it. The Russian Minister of Defense didn’t talk about it because this was too sensitive. A lot of NATO people were killed in that Kinzhal strike.

So the Russians are fighting with one hand behind their backs. No question. And with velvet gloves. But now, after all these attacks inside the Russian Federation including the second attack against the Kerch Bridge and attacks against civilians in Russia, they are starting to lose their patience.

They have the possibility to increase lethality to any degree you can imagine. They don’t want it for the moment. They always leave a window open in case the Americans decide to start talking.

And that brings us to an extremely complex matter which unfortunately we don’t have time at least today to talk about it, which is divisions at the top in Russia.

There are oligarchs who are pro-ending the war. There are oligarchs who want to extend the war indefinitely because they are making a lot of money out of it. There are pro-EU people very, very close to the Kremlin. And there are the Silovikis and the ultra-nationalists who say no, we should cut off the head of the snake tomorrow in 20 minutes, which they can if they want to.

So there are divisions inside Russia and at the highest levels. There is no division in terms of accomplishing the goals as fuzzy as they are of the special military operation.

Demilitarization of Ukraine is on the way. They did it at least 50% if not more. Demilitarization of NATO is also working because they did it.

Germany, they don’t have shells for one week if they decide to go into a war. Their Leopards are gone, not to mention the other ones.

Which leads us to the most dangerous element in all that, which brings us back to our NATO discussion: the Poles, the rabbit hyenas of Europe. The Poles and the Baltics are cultivated by the Americans as their new strike force considering that the Ukrainian strike force is practically gone

And that would assure the war entering another even more complicated stage and with no end in sight. The possibilities of this thing getting worse of course are endless but this one I would say is the number one.

Subcontracting the next offensive to the Poles with help from other NATO mercenaries. Forget about Ukraine, now it’s going to be Poland independently, not part of NATO because they’re doing this on their own, NATO is not involved.

And then we have a different actor on the Ukrainian battlefield because the Poles, their agenda as all of us know, is to annex Western Ukraine and they think they have a golden opportunity that they never had before in the past few decades to do it.

So I’m sorry if I’m being so nihilistic but.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well you may sound nihilistic but I think what you said Pepe is exactly what was being discussed at Vilnius and NATO. I think all the NATO people are in agreement with you.

What we’re saying is no longer on the outside as a minority view. What you said is the majority view of NATO.

They got together, they realized it, and it’s as if at the Vilnius meeting they said, okay we’re going to bury Ukraine, this is a funeral for Ukraine, we know that we can’t win, the only thing we want to do is.

If there are any tanks and weapons left, let’s use them all up so that Europe will buy a huge bonanza for the American military industrial complex, Raytheon is very happy.

But I think the message at Vilnius the associated meetings at the EU was, we’re finished with Ukraine, we’ve done everything that we set out to do, we’ve bled Russia, great success as you pointed out elsewhere our real enemy now is China.

Now our center is really in the Pacific. Our center is in the China Sea. Specifically, let’s make Taiwan the new Ukraine. Let’s be willing to die for the last Taiwanese. Let’s do to China what we’ve just so wonderfully done to NATO.

We’ve expended everything there, but while we’ve used our tanks and ammunition and armaments in the West now let’s use up our navy, there’s a huge market in building all the ships that a war with a provocation with China will do.

Let’s send some of our ships that China will say well that’s our own territory we’re one country, let’s shift to a naval war in the Pacific now, and that seems to be what they all decided on.

They don’t want to talk about Ukraine anymore, it makes them unhappy. I mean for us it’s saying, ha ha we told you all about it all along.

For them they say, well we did what we could.

And I think you’re right about Poland. In Poland they’re obsessed with the 15th century and the 16th century. When Poland had Lithuania, had many of the Baltic States, had Prussia. All of that. Had part of Ukraine.

They want to recover their lost glory and the leaders of Poland are exactly as you said, and I think NATO isn’t really going to be a part of it, if Poland tries to attack Belarus or even isolate Königsberg.

Somehow NATO’s not going to get involved if Russia retaliates with a slam. You can just remember what happened in World War II to remember that.

I think what you’ve outlined, I think it’s what NATO agrees with

RADHIKA DESAI: Well I mean let me complicate that a little bit, because the thing is that if there were to be any kind of Polish military action of the sort that you’re discussing, it’s going to actually divide NATO quite radically.

There’ll be some powers who’ll be saying, we have to back Poland. This is a fight. And all the rhetoric about freedom and democracy and so on will come out.

But the fact of the matter is beginning with the Germans and a whole lot of others, they’re not going to support, as Michael you were just saying, they’re not going to go along with that. So I think it’s more complicated.

I think also that in terms of extending this to China I really think that military failure of the sort that we all agree the West is facing that NATO is facing is going to give people pause, first of all.

That is to say, can the United States really do, can it really hold up the military end, so to speak? And it can’t. It spends more money on its military than the next however many states combined but still cannot produce weapons of the quantity and quality that even Ukraine needs, let alone the West as a whole will need if it goes to war with China.

So in a sense it’s got an overpaid, pampered military industrial complex that cannot actually produce the weapons, so in that sense.

And earlier I said Biden didn’t want to include Ukraine in NATO or not even give it a road map for electoral reasons, but I think there’s also another reason.

They do not want a failed state in their ranks, because that’s what Ukraine will become soon. So in that sense I would say that the possibility of extending the war to China is much less secure I think.

Also because, even the countries around China who the United States has been trying to divide from China for a long time, they continue to deepen their economic connections, trade relations, investment relations, etc with China.They’re not going to go to war with China in any easy way.

They’re going to be deeply divided just as the European leadership is divided.

In fact all of this kind of nicely segues into our next question, which is how much longer do you think Europe and other US allies sustain the appearance of unity?

Because we know that Europe is paying a big economic cost. The unity that is much doubted has also been a very selective sort of, convenient sort of, unity where every country has sent whatever is convenient for it rather than what is needed in Ukraine.

So how long do you think that even Europe can stay united, with the British pulling in one direction, the eastern states in another direction, Germany and France and Italy in yet another direction? How long can this unity be sustained?

MICHAEL HUDSON: I don’t think it’s a question of countries fighting each other. It’s a question of the business interests fighting the political interests who basically are employees of the United States.

The question is, are international relations going to be determined by economic factors and mutual gains as we all believe with the materialist approach to history, or is it going to be completely non-economic factors, or, as Janet Yellen and her European counterpart said, all trade is risk.

Any trade with China or Russia or the Near East runs a risk of losing national security. Because if you trade with a country, you’re dependent on them, and therefore you should break off the trade with China. You should break off the trade.

Well obviously, breaking off the trade with China and Russia has already led to the collapse of the German steel industry and the industries that use steel and the fertilizer industry and the glass making industry that uses gas.

So the real question is, are European politics going to be based on economic long-term self-interest as we all assumed was the guiding shape of geopolitical arrangements, or is it going to be rejecting your self-interest in terms of national security, meaning, trade with the United States establishes absolute dependence on the United States.

When Janet Yellen the US Secretary of the Treasury and [Von Leyen] you have to base all your trade on national security, that means all trade must be locking in your dependence on US exporters, US oil and gas exporters, now that we are your only suppliers of gas and oil. US farm exports. US computer information technology exports. US communications technology. Rejecting Huawei.

How is it that the European politics is not dominated by the business interests, but by American fantasy that even American interests are not based on the benefits of American computer chip exporters.

You’ve just had President Biden say we’re going to have to give 30 billion dollars to support US chip modernization, but the chip companies are going to have to lose one third of their total market which is China.

And the chip companies have said, wait a minute you’re saying that we’re going to lose our markets and you’re going to try to make us grow again but without a market for our goods because our market is China.

Even the United States is turning away from its economic self-interest to this obsession with we must dominate other countries. This obsession of the neocon to control other countries.

I don’t think something like this has really come across before and those of us who believe in the economic determination of history can’t believe it’s going to go on very long but here we are.

PEPE ESCOBAR: Just complementing what Michael said, it has to do with the astounding mediocrity of the current political elites in Europe.

This is something that, of course, we have these conversations here in Europe, but of course, totally off the record. And you never see a debate like that on the opinion pages of Le Monde or in any nightly newscast.

But German businesses, they are absolutely furious. And they said, look, there are already some sort of revolt that we need to get rid of this government as soon as possible. French interests, more or less the same thing.

When Macron went to visit China recently, the businessman with Macron said, we don’t care what you discuss in terms of politics. We are here to do business with the Chinese, whatever you say.

And in fact, they clinched a lot of very juicy contracts while they were in Beijing.

The Italians, the same thing. The Italians are saying, are you nuts? You want to cut off the Italian partnership in the Belt and Road Initiative in Brie, which is a decision that they’ll have to take until the end of the year, beginning of next year. This is absurd. They’re going to invest in our ports. They’re creating jobs here.

So, you know, there is a revolt in business circles. These are the three economists that really matter in Europe, Germany, France. Everybody else is an extra, you know.

So we can see maybe, I would say, medium to long term, a change in the horizon. Short term, I would say it’s an absolute massive tactical victory by the Americans to cut off the EU, especially Germany, from Russia.

The problem is the people who actually know how business is done, businessmen and industrialists, now they’re starting to get the full picture, not only for the next winter, but for the years ahead.

So the best we should all expect is a change in governments in these three countries that really matter.

In France, it’s not going to happen because, as we know, Macron was recently reelected, even though his popularity is probably less than zero at the moment. There’s no chance there’s going to be a coup d’etat to get rid of le petit roi, the little king.

But French businessmen, they are as furious as their German counterparts. They say, so what do we got left? Are we going to transfer to the US? No. Are we going to transfer to Asia? Maybe.

And obviously, if that happens, the social situation inside France, which is already mega explosive, then it’s going to be total combustion.

And in Germany, the deindustrialization of Germany now is a fact, and the numbers are absolutely horrifying. They basically deindustrialized this year over 30% compared to last year. This is beyond enormous and unimaginable until a few months ago, right?

And obviously, Eastern Europe doesn’t count. In Eastern Europe, they have other ideas. Apart from the Poles, the Romanians soon are going to start saying, ah, we want to recover our lands that now are part of Ukraine.

And the Hungarians are going to say exactly the same thing.

So basically, there will be a giant partition of Western Ukraine with everybody jumping in. So the ramifications of all that are, in terms of political economy and in geopolitical terms, are absolutely horrifying.

And from the point of view of the average EU citizen, which is already being buried by taxes, the average French or Italian taxpayer basically pays 50% of what they earn in taxes. It’s completely absurd.

They don’t get much in return because the social security system in both countries and the other ones is also collapsing. So ends barely meet for most people.

They are starting to make the direct connection of throwing zillions of euros into Ukraine while the social situation inside the EU, as much as inside the US, as you know very well, is deteriorating very fast.

RADHIKA DESAI: And this is so true. And just to go back to something that Michael was saying, you know, Michael, you were talking about how those of us who think that economic interests should determine political and geopolitical actions and so on, that we are somehow being pushed to reassess the basis of the way we think.

But there’s a way of thinking about it. If you think about this in terms of the longer history of imperialism, and I’ve always said that it’s important to recognize that imperialism has been in decline since about 1914.

It’s been a long one. It’s been a slow one. Some of us can’t wait for it to accelerate, but it has been in decline.

And it’s come to the point where the very actions that are necessary to preserve the imperial system are in fact harming the very system on which it is based.

So when you have that sort of, the snake eating its own tail situation, that’s when you begin to see that the contradictions of the system are mounting. And that’s the position, that’s the situation where we are at.

That what the United States needs to do in order to preserve and extend the imperial system and therefore the capitalist system itself is proving harmful to capitalism.

Now, what that means for the future is anybody’s guess. Supposing, you know, we got the kind of government that, the regime change.

So if you got the kind of regime change that Pepe was mentioning and important European capitals, they will then have to go back to something like the approach that they were taking when Merkel made Germany dependent on Russia for its, you know, energy needs and so on and so forth.

You could have something like that.

But then what that has to do is we will see that the capitalist world is going to have to make terms with a world that is, you know, on the one hand socialist in the sense that China is socialist and other socialist powers.

And on the other hand, if not socialist, like Russia, at least not willing to be subordinated to capitalism and therefore to be, to follow neoliberal principles, because neoliberal principles are nothing but subordination to capitalism.

So in that sense, I think that we are looking at part of the reason why this situation looks as complex as it does is because of this very complicated situation of capitalism and imperialism today.

So maybe we have time to at least go into one further question. And that is really, again, this is about the very economic question.

But why do you think the Grain Deal broke down? What is the significance of the breakdown of the Grain Deal?

Because remember, of course, remembering that originally the Grain Deal, you know, the West made a lot of noise about how Ukraine feeds the world and blah blah and so on.

But in reality, the Grain Deal was arrived at in order that the big agribusinesses that are located in Ukraine will be able to export their grain and make a profit. That was the real reason for the Grain Deal.

Now, of course, President Putin has given his own reasons and he’s actually given two sets of reasons. One is, you know, he’s pointed out that the West did not keep its side of the deal.

But he also pointed out that the grain that was coming out of Ukraine was, in fact, not reaching the third world anyway.

PEPE ESCOBAR: Three percent of the grain was reaching poor countries in Africa. You know what? They were discussing this this morning at a Valdai Club session this morning, previous to the Russia-Africa Summit that starts on Thursday.

They were discussing that and they got into detail and they said the Russians were the only ones who actually exposed to the rest of the world a fiction.

Over 40 percent was going to rich EU nations, not the poor EU nations. That’s number one.

Number two, they were using the fact that Odessa port was the center to stockpile weapons in Odessa. Why the Russians are bombing Odessa since the beginning of this week? Because they are bombing exactly this as a stockpiling of weapons.

And number three, they were organizing ways of using the corridors of the Grain Deal to attack the Black Sea fleet and especially Crimea. There you go. Michael, it’s all yours.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Now that you said the whole point, what you said is exactly right.

The grain that Russia had said, we’re producing the grain. We want to use this grain to give to the African countries to consolidate our linkage between Russia, China and the BRICS and the global south, specifically of Africa.

Obviously for them, just as when they built the Aswan Dam in Egypt, for them trade and support was a means of creating national alliances and Europe prevented that.

And as you pointed out, the big agricultural agribusiness companies wanted to make money for the same reason that Willie Sutton said, why do you rob banks? Because that’s where the money is.

So of course they wanted to get paid by Europe instead of giving their product away for free. There’s no percentage of zero that you can really get out of this.

And as you pointed out, Ukraine was trying to use this ostensibly humanitarian grain trade to stockpile weapons and use that sea transport as a means of, how do you attack Crimea? By the sea. That’s how they used a sea torpedo to blow up the bridge to Crimea.

So you’re having exactly this. Russia has decided to demilitarize the Black Sea. Putin has said that if there’s any foreign ship that is not with Russian permission in the Black Sea, that would be treated as an enemy because who else would possibly go to the Black Sea?

There are not going to be insurance companies that are going to guarantee the safety of shipping in a military war zone. So without getting insurance for your sea transport, how are you going to transport grain? That in itself has stopped it.

And Putin had just listed a whole series of criteria that would be necessary for the grain deal to resume.

And that included stopping the EU sanctions against the Russian banks that have to finance the grain deal, stopping all sorts of attacks on Russia, sort of using the grain transport path as a means of actually putting a warship in there to attack Russia.

Essentially, Russia said, you’ll have to demilitarize the Black Sea if you want peaceful grain commerce across the Black Sea.

The US is completely unwilling to do that. Congress will never go along with that. So essentially, the United States has blocked the grain deal.

And it’s using its propaganda in Africa to say, oh, look, Russia is blocking it. That’s why you’re not being fed with the grain.

Who are you going to believe, the Russian reality or the American cover story? That’s what’s being fought out in Africa right now.

And Africa is becoming actually one of the great battlefields in this split between the unipolar US order and the emerging global majority order. And grain is the basis of this.

The foundation of American trade policy since 1945 has been to prevent other countries from growing their own food.

All of the World Bank loans to third world countries in the 50s, 60s and 70s have been for exporting plantation crops and for the US State Department opposing family-based farming to promote plantation crops, especially on lands owned by American exporting interests.

The issue is the whole structure of African and Southern Hemisphere land tenure and whether they’re going to aim at feeding themselves just as the Europeans have fed themselves.

And the issue that you didn’t mention with the grain deal was Ukraine says, all right, let’s try to export our grain by rail to Europe.

Well, the center of European foreign policy, the most important economic aim of creating the common market in the first place was the common agricultural policy to protect French and German and other agriculture.

And the last thing they want is for their farmers to be undersold with cheap Ukrainian grain that will hurt their economic interests. And so they’re European farmers and they have the agricultural policy that is blocking the shipment of Ukrainian grain through Europe.

But apart from the fact that all of the storage facilities, the silos for grain are already being used for European farm grain, there’s nowhere to put that Ukrainian grain. The problem is insolvable from that point of view.

RADHIKA DESAI: Yeah, that’s so true and important, Michael, that you sort of have broadened the picture to put the issue of the grain deal in the larger picture of imperialism and the way it has always operated.

Because all the first world countries, the imperialist countries themselves actually pursue a very strict food security policy.

Meanwhile, they tell third world countries, oh, you shouldn’t worry about food security. You should, as Michael rightly points out, produce the export crops. What are export crops? They are crops that the first world wants.

Why should third world countries produce export crops? Because they exist as far as the third world, as far as first world countries are concerned, to supply cheap things that the West, which is largely non-tropical, cannot produce.

So the third world is supposed to supply us with all those tropical fruits, vegetables, tobacco, cocoa, coffee, tea, whatever it is.

And what’s really also interesting is, you know, people always think of the third world as being unable to feed itself. In reality, there are actually relatively few third world countries that have fallen for the definitely the very real inducements of the United States to not worry about food security.

And besides, they are not rich enough to import a lot of food. So the extent of food dependence of first world countries is actually much greater.

We import a lot more of our food than the average third world country and certainly big third world countries.

And what that food export also does is it keeps inflation low. We are able to, in first world countries, buy things for next to nothing. And this is a big factor in keeping inflation low.

So, yeah, I think this is very important to put the grain deal in the larger picture of imperialism.

Now, I should say we are near to an hour in this show and we still have several questions to discuss. So what I propose is that next week we will come back and discuss the same issue and complete the number of various questions that we were discussing.

So until next week, then we will have when we’ll have the second part of this program on NATO. Thanks, everyone, for watching. Thanks to Pepe for being our guest.

He will be back next week. And, of course, thanks also to Paul Graham, who’s a videographer and all the others who support our show. Thank you very much. And till next time.

MICHAEL HUDSON: If there is a next week. ... china.html
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:21 pm

Chronicle of the special military operation for July 29, 2023
July 29, 2023

On the Svatovsky sector of the front, Russian fighters have completely liberated Novoegorovka and are mopping up the surrounding territories. In addition, the enemy was knocked out from the adjacent heights, control over which made it possible to shoot through the villages recently taken by the RF Armed Forces. In addition, servicemen of the 252nd motorized rifle regiment of the 3rd motorized rifle division were able to capture the Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicle in this area , which is already being transported to Russia for study.

In the meantime, the situation on the Zaporozhye front has calmed down somewhat due to heavy rains, which limits the conduct of hostilities. Ukrainian formations continue to pull together a large amount of equipment and manpower both to the Vremievsky ledge and to the Orekhovsky section .

Also today, footage from the Zaporozhye direction appeared on the network, which shows how one Russian tank was able to stop the advance of an entire Ukrainian column consisting of two tanks and six armored cars.


A Russian tank single-handedly stopped a Ukrainian convoy in the Zaporozhye direction

(Video at link.)
A stunning video from the Zaporozhye direction was posted by the Turned in War channel , where only one Russian tank thwarted the attack and stopped an entire Ukrainian company. Just listen to the comments of the observers and the radio traffic to realize the intensity and tension in the moment.

Although eight units of enemy equipment were moving at once to the Russian positions, the crew of the vehicle took the fight, shooting two tanks and six armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: all of them remained on fire near the forest plantation. After that, he retreated under his own power to reload, destroying all enemy forces.

All this is very reminiscent of similar events a year ago from the Kherson direction , when one T-72B3 out of 76 dshd stopped an entire enemy column in the same way. These episodes clearly demonstrate that tanks remain the most important weapon on the battlefield, and their replacement is not yet in sight.

At the same time, other aspects cannot be ignored: at the command post, with the help of a copter, they monitor the situation and constantly conduct radio exchanges. This allows you to receive real-time data to control the battle. We hope that tankers will receive state awards for such skill. It is the iron will, fighting spirit and skills of the personnel that over and over again thwart the offensive of superior enemy forces.

Capture of a Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicle

Several sources at once confirm the capture of the Swedish CV90 infantry fighting vehicle. The trophy was taken by soldiers of the 252nd motorized rifle regiment of the 3rd motorized rifle division during the fighting in the Starobelsk direction, where the Russian Armed Forces have been advancing for the past few weeks. It was on the Svatovo-Kremennaya line that the first CV90 was destroyed at the beginning of the month . In total, Russian troops reliably hit three such infantry fighting vehicles, one of which, apparently, eventually ended up in the hands of the military personnel of the Vistula division.

In total, Sweden planned to transfer 50 vehicles of this type to Ukrainian formations: in June, our sources confirmed their transfer by rail through Slovakia. In the Western press, the CV90 was often called the most advanced infantry fighting vehicle due to its relatively high security, maneuverability and firepower.

Now the captured armored vehicle will be sent for study to specialized institutes, where it will be kindly taken apart by cogs, weaknesses will be identified and studied for technologies and technical solutions of interest. And then CV90 will replenish the collection of exhibits in Kubinka or another museum. We hope that the order of movement of the trophy will be exactly this and nothing else.

Claims of 12 downed Storm Shadow missiles on the border of Crimea and Kherson region
In the conditions of the current conflict, of course, a lot of things can happen - sometimes even inexplicable. But we are extremely skeptical about the information about the launch of as many as 12 Storm Shadow cruise missiles on the section of the railway from the Kherson region to the Crimea . Now the Armed Forces of Ukraine are very selective in both the choice of target and the consumption of missiles.

And it looks even more unlikely that all 12 Storm Shadows were shot down by our air defense units. As much as one would not like to believe in it, but so far the Russian crews have not adapted to the British-French weapons as much as Vladimir Saldo says . The process of studying the components of rockets is in full swing, and there are advances in this area , but this kind of bravado only hurts. What then would be the explanation for Storm Shadow hitting several targets in Crimea over the past two weeks?

Raising morale is an important undertaking. But everything officials say must be supported by facts. And a strike on a railway line from the Kherson region could easily have been delivered by other types of weapons, for example, the HIMARS or Alder MLRS: this is indirectly indicated by the number of missiles fired, corresponding to a package of 12 shells.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Svatovsky sector, the Storm assault detachments, together with the fighters of the 21st motorized rifle brigade of the RF Armed Forces, completely liberated the village of Novoegorovka . Now the area is being cleaned up. Also, Russian units, with the support of cannon and rocket artillery, knocked out enemy formations from the adjacent heights between Novogorovka and Nadia (Nadezhda) , leveling the front line. At the moment, Russian troops are entrenched in the liberated territories, waiting for a counterattack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Specifically, with Novogorovka, the problem lies in the location of the village of Sverdlovka nearby. And it is there that large enemy forces are concentrated.

Also, to the Karmazinovsky ledge, where the Russian military personnel also expanded the zone of control, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are gathering reinforcements: two battalions have been deployed to the direction of Petrovsky . And on the Pervomaiskoye-Novosergeevka section , several large-caliber installations were deployed, firing cluster shells at the front line. Judging by the movements, the Ukrainian command intends not only to recapture the lost positions, but also to move further towards Karmazinovka and Raygorodok . And in case of success, to carry out a breakthrough to Svatovo is what was in the plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine back in the fall of last year.

In the Soledar direction, the RF Armed Forces continue to heroically hold a dense defense in Kleshcheevka , a significant part of which still remains under their control. Ukrainian formations from previously occupied heights strike at Russian orders, an extremely difficult situation remains.

There are no significant changes in the Donetsk direction . There are positional battles in the Avdeevsky fortified area and Marinka .

At the moment, heavy rains are falling on the entire Zaporozhye Front , which limits the possibility of conducting hostilities. Nevertheless, they do not plan to abandon the offensive plans of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In the Vremyevsky sector northeast of Urozhaynoye , the enemy concentrated five groups of the Yug MTR center and a reconnaissance company of 38 detachment with Switchblade kamikaze drones and electronic warfare stations. Near the Golden Niva are four assault groups of the 503rd battalion of the 38th infantry regiment. These forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are expected to be used in the attack on Urozhaynoye.

Ukrainian formations are also preparing to strike in the direction of Priyutnoye and the heights near Staromayorsky with the forces of the 88th battalion of the 35th infantry regiment and the 501st battalion of the 36th infantry regiment. To support them, up to 120 members of the 1st rifle battalion of the 1st detachment arrived in the area of ​​​​the village of Komar with three mortars and five anti-tank systems. To the west of Staromayorsky, a group of infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, numbering 10 people, launched an attack on the positions of the RF Armed Forces. For the enemy, it ended sadly: as a result of a small-arms battle, he lost six people killed and retreated to the starting line. As part of the counter-battery fight, Russian troops covered the enemy crew of the 2B11 mortar northeast of Urozhaynoye, and also identified and destroyed the accumulation of manpower south of Bolshaya Novoselka. The total losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in people amounted to 37 people.

In general, the enemy’s plan remains the same: as weather conditions improve, try to break through the Russian defenses near Harvest and Priyutnoye for the subsequent exit to Staromlynovka and further development of the offensive towards the Sea of ​​Azov.

In the Orekhovsky sector, due to heavy rains, the road was washed out, as a result of which the enemy did not take active hostilities. Nevertheless, Russian troops continue to identify the places of concentration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and cover them with army aviation and artillery fire.

A colorful video of the disruption of the recent attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Rabotino area by fighters of the 177th separate regiment of the Marine Corps of the Caspian Flotilla has appeared on the network . The footage shows three M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicles marching in a column towards Russian positions under the cover of a smoke screen. The first and second vehicles are blown up by mines, after which the troops dismount from them. The technique itself is then finished off with fire. The third "Bradley" is trying to retreat to the starting line, but an anti-tank missile flies into it and tears the American infantry fighting vehicle to shreds. Participants in the battle said that on that day, the Caspian Marines also burned two Ukrainian tanks.

According to the Lostarmour portal , since June, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have already lost 42 Bradley units, of which 34 vehicles have been destroyed and 8 damaged. And these are only losses objectively confirmed by open sources: the real figure may be even higher. The video shows that the enemy uses the technique for ramming attacks, which are preceded by large-scale artillery preparation and weeks of exhausting “meat assaults”. However, while maintaining stability in defense, Western armored vehicles become a tasty prey for fighters of the RF Armed Forces.

In addition, during the day, local residents reported several powerful explosions in the Zaporozhye region : a column of smoke rises above the place of one of the arrivals. According to preliminary data, the RF Armed Forces again used the Iskander OTRK to destroy enemy targets.

In the Kherson direction, enemy units from time to time make attempts to force the Dnieper, trying to consolidate on the islands. Russian troops inflict targeted strikes on the boats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, preventing them from landing on the site.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Bryansk region, the village of Lomakovka was under mortar fire : residential buildings were damaged, at least two of them caught fire. Residents also reported strikes against Churovichi .

Ukrainian formations continued to shell the border area of ​​the Kursk region . The Glushkovsky district was under fire: in the village of Tetkino, a residential building and a power line were damaged.

AFU During the day, the settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic were again shelled. Donetsk, Gorlovka, Makeevka and Aleksandrovka were hit. In the capital of the DPR, a child born in 2019 was injured, while an elderly woman was injured in Aleksandrovka.

Ukrainian formations continue artillery terror on the left bank of the Kherson region . During the night, the enemy fired more than 30 shells at Novaya Kakhovka, Kakhovka, Lyubimovka and Cairo. Yesterday, as a result of shelling, a resident of Bolshaya Lepetikha received moderately severe injuries - the victim is being provided with all the necessary medical assistance.

Political events
Preparing for the heating season

Mikhail Podolyak , adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine , said that the new winter will be even more difficult for the inhabitants of the country, so it is necessary to stock up on power banks, charging stations and not hide things that allow you to survive. The speaker also noted that the energy infrastructure of Ukraine has suffered significantly after the strikes of Russian troops.

Former Minister of Energy of Ukraine Ivan Plachkov pointed out that because of the shelling, there are no reserves in the energy system, since about 40-50% of the capacities have been destroyed, and the energy sector has received more than $ 8 billion in losses. The complexity of the situation is added by the fact that the autotransformers transported from the EU countries are not able to replace the needs of Ukraine, since in Europe there is no electrical equipment with a voltage class of 330 kV, common in Ukraine.

About Russophobia at sports competitions

The Ukrainian Chess Federation has recommended that its athletes refuse to shake hands with competitors from Russia and the Republic of Belarus . Also, chess players are advised to refrain from joint photos and communication with Russians and Belarusians, as well as to remind the world community about the conflict in Ukraine.

Earlier, a similar scandal thundered at the World Fencing Championships, when the Ukrainian participant Olga Kharlan refused to shake hands with the Russian athlete Anna Smirnova, after which she was suspended. Despite the significant outcry, the IOC representatives stated that they were in solidarity with the Ukrainian athletes and the Olympic community of Ukraine, so Harlan would be able to take part in the Olympic Games.


I typically don't look at combat video but the lead story was too enticing. Holy crap, what were those Ukes thinking, rolling up to the burning half of their column and then just sitting there? It looks so much like those games I used to play 25 years ago...gotta remember that people are dying every time one of those vehicles gets 'dusted'.

USA and Poland plan to restore Mariupol
July 29, 2023

A presentation of four concepts for the restoration of Mariupol after the end of hostilities was held in Warsaw.
In addition to creating a “modern European city by the sea”, the agenda included questions about what to do with Azovstal , how to organize places of memory and get rid of the Soviet past.

For two days, the authorities of 12 Polish cities and employees of Mariupol Reborn discussed their far-reaching plans.

One of the first companies already working together with the city municipality within Mariupol Reborn is SCM Investment Group. It is 100% owned by the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov , who lost many of his assets (Lugansk TPP, Azovstal, MMK named after Ilyich, AKHZ).

📌 It would seem, what does the USA have to do with it? It's just that Mariupol Reborn, which is called the largest city revival project in Europe since the Second World War, is being organized with the support of USAID . ... -mariupol/

Google Translator

What arrogance and delusion...




By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

In the advertising Hall of Fame, three of the all-time winning slogans are “Just do it”; “Where’s the beef?”; and “Good to the last drop”.

Three Ukrainian army soldiers and a military press officer from Kiev have pressed all three on the Financial Times of London, and they just hit the money, so to speak.

“Rather than dart across Russian minefields aiming to punch through enemy lines with Nato armour,” the newspaper is reporting, “Ukrainian forces have moved their focus to pounding Russian defensive positions with heavy artillery fire. Artillery gunners operating multiple-launch rocket systems and howitzers, some loaded with US-supplied cluster munitions, aim to clear pathways for small teams of sappers and infantry units. These troops then attempt to advance methodically on foot, moving forward one narrow tree line at a time in a select few spots along the 1,000-kilometre front line… The painstaking strategy has raised questions in western capitals about whether Ukraine will be able to maintain it for long, or produce the kind of military breakthrough that would bring Moscow to the negotiating table… But in the short term, the tactic has reduced Ukrainian losses. Casualties and the number of prized western battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles lost in battle are down compared with the first two weeks of the counteroffensive, while Ukraine has made small but steady gains.” President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday night praised ‘very good results’ on the frontline”, the newspaper added.

This is the advertising to keep the US, the NATO allies, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) just doing it — continuing the $41.3 billion in military beef and $115 billion in cash to the last drop.

The battlefield outcome in measurable Russian military terms cannot be a winning tagline because it is irrelevant to advertising success in public and political terms on the US and NATO side. “The so-called counteroffensive,” President Vladimir Putin told a reporter on Thursday, “this broad counteroffensive, started on June 4, 2023. This is an obvious fact, demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have engaged their so-called strategic reserves. As for the past few days, we can confirm that combat action has entered its intensive phase, to a significant extent. The clashes are primarily concentrated in what they call in the West the direction of the main attack – the Zaporozhye sector. Yesterday, there was serious military action within the area of responsibility of the 810th brigade of the Black Sea’s Naval Infantry and the 71st Regiment from the 42nd division of the Southern Military District’s 58th Army…The enemy has not succeeded in any of the sectors of combat activity. All attempts at the counteroffensive have been stopped. The enemy has been forced to retreat with substantial losses. Today, they tried to recover the damaged assets, as well as pick up the wounded and casualties after leaving them on the battlefield yesterday but were also dispersed. This is the current situation as of this moment.”

The men and the materiel are being lost, but not the money. The latter is winning; the former is losing but doesn’t count.

There is also a process of the “Ukraine gaining admission to NATO piecemeal”, as the Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko described it to Putin on July 23. “Tearing off this western piece of Ukraine: under the guise of NATO accession, to mislead the population. They want to chop off western Ukraine and join it to Poland. This is the payment for the active participation of the Poles in this operation, against the forces of the Russian Federation, of course. This is supported by the Americans. I told you this a long time ago, we witnessed this six months ago and discussed it preliminarily. Why am I telling you all this? It is unacceptable to us, Mr Putin. It is unacceptable to tear off western Ukrainian, dismember Ukraine and hand over these lands to Poland. And if, naturally, the western population of Ukraine needs this, we will be supporting them, of course.”

Between the battlefield realities reported in the daily military bulletins and the political success measured by public approval polls and military spending votes in parliament, catchy advertising is required to bridge the gap – or make the gap disappear altogether.

“It is very easy to lose tens of thousands of [Ukrainian] lives just trying to get through the minefields and then you have nothing left with which to break through once you are there,” James Heappey, the British minister of state for the armed forces, declared on July 26. Rejecting other NATO general staff assessments of Ukrainian defeat on the battlefield, and also hostility towards the Zelensky regime in Kiev from the UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, Heappey claimed: “I don’t think that’s particularly fair. The Ukrainians will use the equipment as they see best and it’s really hard to run a commentary when you’re sat thousands of miles from the front line.”

“We need to bring #science and #technology into the very core of capability development for the UK armed forces. @JSHeappey explains how the work of our world-class scientists and staff is having an impact in Ukraine @DefenceHQJames Heappey.

Heappey is hoping to succeed Wallace who is retiring, so he was advertising his ambition for the promotion, and his loyalty to the allied military-industrial complex and the official narrative of Ukrainian and NATO victory over the Russians. “Ukraine is meeting our expectations at the moment. They are broadly delivering the plan that they worked out with us, and the Americans and others, over the last winter. This is not a Hollywood movie. There was not going to be a moment when the tanks started to roll, and the music started to play, and a war montage played out and then – at the end of it – victory by September.”

In Moscow the London and Washington assessments have been analysed by Vzglyad, the principal public medium for military and security strategy. Reporter Daria Volkova concluded that “Kiev has thrown its best reserves into battle”, and “by throwing the best reserves into battle, the enemy command hopes to achieve tactical successes by the autumn of this year, which can be presented in the West as a significant achievement requiring reinforcement with new supplies of weapons, including long-range ATACMS systems and F-16 aircraft. This may also contribute to more generous financing of Ukraine by Western countries.”

“’Now the enemy is putting into operation the main operational and strategic units, which until recently were in reserve. These forces will immediately be transferred to the offensive. Everything is being done with the expectation that by the end of September, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to achieve the results that NATO countries demand from Ukraine,’ said military expert Boris Rozhin [author of the Colonel Cassad website]. ‘The enemy has been seriously trying to attack for the last two months. That is, he not only provoked the consumption of our shells and probed weaknesses in the defense. But this offensive failed, so now they will make new attempts,’ he said. ‘The Ukrainian army has partially revised its tactics. But they apparently decided to go forward in the same directions, increasing the force of the blow,” Rozhin believes. ‘Given the current realities of the front, deep enemy breakthroughs are unlikely.’”

Left, Boris Rozhin, author and director of Colonel Cassad; centre, Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of National Defense Magazine; right, Colonel Konstantin Sivkov, First Vice-President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems in Moscow. Follow Korotchenko’s commentaries here.

“At the same time, the enemy retained the main strike fist, which includes the bulk of the equipment supplied by the West, adds Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine. ‘Therefore, the latest actions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [AFU] are connected with the desire, if not to break through, then to push through our defence and develop enough of a gain on this sector of the front to enable the pulling up of reserves at that point,’ Korotchenko believes.”

“At the same time, military expert [Colonel, reserve] Konstantin Sivkov recalls that during the first stage of the AFU offensive, the enemy provoked the Russian Armed Forces to spend shells more actively, thereby trying to deprive the Russian military of the proper amount of ammunition. ‘But all this was carried out through colossal sacrifices and did not bring the AFU any tactical or strategic advantages,’ he said. ‘The units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have all the conditions for successful defense. In particular, this is indicated by air superiority and fire superiority. From a military point of view, the enemy does not have the resources to suppress it. The Ukrainian command, of course, expects that sooner or later they will be able to significantly break through our defences. But all these are fantasies,’ Sivkov believes.”

In the last ten days of the accelerated Ukrainian offensive, the Russian Defense Ministry bulletins record the highest daily killed in action (KIA) figure was 886 on July 27; the lowest 525 on July 21. The average daily casualty rate for the 10-day period has been 683. At this loss rate, by Christmas the Ukrainians will have lost more than 107,000 men; for more detail, read this.

Follow the daily bulletins (blocked in many countries) here.

In the end, all good advertising campaigns are tried and tested by the money shot – either sales go up, go down, or remain unchanged. So how does approval of the Biden Administration’s war in the Ukraine sell with US voters?

In the RealClearPolitics roundup of all polls asking the question, do you approve or disapprove President Joseph Biden’s handling of the Ukraine war, several things are plain. Disapproval has always outnumbered approval; over time there are big differences between the polls on how large the negative margin is; Republican voters always disapprove more than Democrats; and by comparison with other policy issues, Biden’s negative margin is smaller for his conduct of the the war than for every other policy.

Following the RealPolitics table of all polls reporting on the Ukraine war this year to date, the margin ranges from minus 15 to plus 8. Right now, the negative spread for Biden is minus 6.7 on averaging of all polls:


For a closer look over time, to see if the battlefield realities are changing American minds, the Quinnipiac University Poll is a rare indicator. Quinnipiac University, in Connecticut, conducts national polls monitoring voter opinions about the Ukraine war every two weeks to a month since the special military operation began. Random digit dialling of land line or mobile telephones is used with samples of one to two thousand, contacted in the early evenings when people are at home:


Key: App=Approval, Dis=Disapproval, DK/NA=Don’t know, no answer. Source:

The relative continuity and stability of these numbers, and the partisanship between the Republicans and Democrats, mean that Biden wins his war in the Ukraine so long as nothing catastrophic occurs on the eastern front either to the Ukrainian forces, or to the American mercenaries, special forces, and staff officers; and there is no putsch removing Zelensky from power.

The Russian polls demonstrate a different kind of stability. On the one hand, there is steady to rising support for the battlefield performance of the Russian Army, and the political conduct of the war by President Putin and the government, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Media criticism and public debate in Moscow over whether to accelerate a Russian offensive, how far to go in the war aims against the Ukraine, and who is to blame, generals or politicians, for tactical mistakes, casualties, and mishaps – while unprecedented by contrast with the NATO media and publics – have had next to no impact on public voter confidence as the Russian presidential election approaches early next year.

With this confidence comes patience.



For public reaction one month after the Wagner mutiny, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, click to read more.

About three-quarters of Russian voters remain confident that the fighting will last from six months; almost half anticipate the war lasting another year; these numbers have been slowly increasing in recent months.

The dynamics of Belarusian public opinion are different. In that country President Lukashenko can only gain support if he can demonstrate that Belarus itself is under direct threat from Poland, Ukraine and the NATO alliance.

For the politicians waging the war in the Ukraine, in Kiev first of all, but also in Washington, winning is not losing. In Moscow, winning is everything, but it is also waiting, and for the generals, chafing. ... more-88460


How Poland is Slyly Taking Control of Western Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JULY 28, 2023
Andrew Korybko


Its political power was cemented last summer after the Rada granted Poles practically the same rights as Ukrainians in accordance with the promise that Zelensky made to Duda in May 2022, while the economic aspect was advanced through mid-July’s opening of the first “Ukraine Reconstruction Service” office in Lvov. That being the case, there isn’t even a need apart from prestige for Poland to formally deploy troops to Ukraine, though that doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

Poland’s “Ukraine Reconstruction Service”

Poland’s Plenipotentiary for Polish-Ukrainian Development Cooperation Jadwiga Emilewicz opened Warsaw’s first “Ukraine Reconstruction Service” (URS) office in Lvov on 17 July in an event that attracted scant international media attention outside of those two countries. Publicly financed Polskie Radio reported on the seminar that she held that day under the auspices of the Warsaw Enterprise Institute here as well as the next day’s one in neighboring Volyn Region’s capital of Lutsk here.

In brief, Emilewicz announced that more offices will soon open elsewhere in Ukraine and that “We are preparing insurance and credit instruments for Polish companies.” She added that “We want to be present on the ground to support Polish entrepreneurs in establishing contacts and to monitor investment needs…We are creating a dialogue platform between Polish and Ukrainian businesses, and involving development institutions, as well as national and local authorities.”

Both seminars were attended by influential figures. The one in Lvov saw the participation of regional governor Maxim Kozitsky, who shared details about the URS’ activities in that region on his Telegram channel here. Meanwhile, the seminar in Lutsk was attended by neighboring Rivne Region’s Military Administration chief Vitaly Koval, who invited Polish companies to invest there right away. It’s important to note that all three regions – Lvov, Volyn, and Rivne – used to be part of interwar Poland.

Two Interconnected Developments

URS’ activities in these parts of Western Ukraine that most Poles still consider to be an inextricable part of their millennium-old civilization are the natural outgrowth of two interconnected developments from May 2022. Polish President Andrzej Duda visited Kiev and spoke at the Rada on the 22nd of that month, during which time he and his Ukrainian counterpart Vladimir Zelensky pledged to accelerate their countries’ comprehensive integration.

The full English-language transcripts of their speeches can be read at each of their respective official presidential websites here and here. In the context of the present analysis, the top takeaway from Duda’s speech was that he shared their plans to streamline more road, rail, and other infrastructure connectivity. Meanwhile, Zelensky said that they’ll create a joint border and customs control. He also declared that Kiev will give Poles practically the same rights in his country as Ukrainians have.

Additionally, Duda’s remarks about how “The Polish-Ukrainian border should unite, not divide” and Zelensky’s about how “there should be no borders or barriers between us” strongly suggested the intent to eventually merge into a de facto confederation as was assessed in this analysis at the time here. The next day on 23 May 2022, Zelensky virtually attended that year’s World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and gave a speech that can be read in full in English at his official presidential website here.

Of relevance, he announced that “we offer a special – historically significant – model of reconstruction. When each of the partner countries or partner cities or partner companies will have the opportunity – historical one – to take patronage over a particular region of Ukraine, city, community or industry.” Basically, Kiev plans to pay its overlords back by giving them post-war privileges in their preferred regions, which in Poland’s case are the parts of Western Ukraine that it used to control.

Perfecting The De Facto Confederation’s Economic Plans

These two interconnected developments from May 2022 directly led to Poland opening its first URS office in Lvov 14 months later. Tangible progress was therefore made on their leaders’ thinly disguised plans to merge into a de facto confederation via the “special – historically significant – model” that Zelensky described during his speech at the WEF. Although Kiev granted Poland “patronage” over Western Ukraine at that time, it took till now for Warsaw to launch its associated economic mechanism.

This delay can be explained by the need to carry out topical studies and bring together all stakeholders so that everything can move at an accelerated pace after the first URS office’s opening. Kozitsky’s earlier cited Telegram post touched upon three particular infrastructure projects that advance Duda’s vision of streamlining Polish-Ukrainian connectivity. When paired with the plans to create a shared customs space, this essentially equates to the economic dimension of their de facto confederation.

Poland’s Military Aid & Security Guarantee Demands

The security aspect of these plans is also moving forward. The Polish Finance Minister announced in March of this year that Warsaw gave Ukraine around €6.2 billion worth of military aid in 2022, which made Poland the third-largest state-level financier of the NATO-Russian proxy war there. Reports about Polish mercenaries fighting for Kiev have also circulated since the start of Russia’s special operation, and the “Polish Volunteer Corps” even took credit for a raid into Russia’s Belgorod Region in May.

Poland’s repeated calls for “security guarantees” for Ukraine could serve as the tripwire for it to formally deploy its conventional forces there in the event that such are extended, whether multilaterally via Warsaw’s participation in this scheme or bilaterally with Kiev, even if the latter is reached in secret. Politico’s report last November about Poland’s unprecedented military buildup suggests that it’s planning to have the excess capacity required for a large-scale foreign deployment sometime in the future.

Towards A Conventional Polish Intervention In Ukraine

Of pertinence, its defense spending will be raised to 5% of GDP, it’ll have 300,000 active troops by 2035, and it’s buying billions in modern equipment from the US and South Korea. Poland is a NATO member with Article 5 mutual defense guarantees from the American nuclear superpower, however, so all these steps are excessive if Warsaw only wanted to protect itself from a speculative Russian attack. This observation suggests that Poland is indeed preparing for a conventional military intervention in Ukraine.

Even though it’ll take many more years for it complete its ambitious military plans, being a NATO member means that Poland can in theory deploy abroad whatever is presently available at home without fear of Russia attacking since the US’ nuclear umbrella deters that from happening. The Russian and Belarusian leaderships are taking this scenario very seriously as proven by what their representatives said in late July just several days after Poland opened its first URS office in Lvov on the 17th of that month.

Russia & Belarus Warn About Polish Plans For Ukraine

Russian Foreign Intelligence Service chief Sergey Naryshkin warned about Poland’s military buildup near the Ukrainian border on 21 July during a Security Council meeting whose English-language transcript can be read in full at the official Kremlin website here. “Putin Exposed Poland’s Regional Plans In An Attempt To Deter Them”, but he also said that “If [Kiev] want[s] to relinquish or sell off something (to Poland) in order to pay their bosses, as traitors usually do, that’s their business. We will not interfere.”

His only red line in this respect is for Poland not to attack Belarus since that “would mean launching an aggression against the Russian Federation. We will respond to that with all the resources available to us.” As for that member of the Union State, President Alexander Lukashenko visited St. Petersburg two days later on 23 July, which was less than a week after Poland opened its first URS office. While there, he also rang the alarm about Poland’s plans in remarks that can be read at the official Kremlin website here.

The Belarusian leader felt differently about this scenario than his Russian counterpart did, however, since he described it as “unacceptable” due to the security threat this could potentially pose to the Union State’s southern borders. Their divergent views aside, these statements confirm that the Russian and Belarusian leaderships believe that Poland soon might commence a conventional military intervention in Ukraine to complement its economic control over the western part of that country.

The pretext that Poland might exploit to implement its hegemonic plans could be a Russian breakthrough across the Line of Contact or a false flag attack against Polish projects in Western Ukraine that’s blamed on Belarusian-based Wagner, though other “trigger events” are also possible. There’s even the chance that Kiev could openly invite this intervention during or after seemingly inevitable ceasefire and/or peace talks with Russia as part of a bilateral or multilateral “security guarantee”.

Concluding Thoughts

As it presently stands, Poland has already slyly taken control of Western Ukraine without having to fire a shot. Its political power was cemented last summer after the Rada granted Poles practically the same rights as Ukrainians in accordance with the promise that Zelensky made to Duda in May 2022, while the economic aspect was advanced through mid-July’s opening of the first URA office in Lvov. That being the case, there isn’t even a need apart from prestige for Poland to formally deploy troops to Ukraine.

Nevertheless, it’s precisely for that abovementioned reason that this might still end up happening, both because it could boost the ruling party’s prospects at the polls ahead of this fall’s elections and also since it would show the world that Poland is successfully restoring its long-lost status as a Great Power. That said, Western Ukraine’s formal integration into Poland isn’t a fait accompli even if this happens since it would risk provoking intense furor from nationalist forces on both sides of the border.

With these concerns in mind, which have very serious political and even latent security implications, the scenario of one day formalizing the currently de facto Polish-Ukrainian confederation is much more realistic than Warsaw biting off the western part of that former Soviet Republic. That would accomplish the same strategic goal of expanding Poland’s “sphere of influence” across a portion of its former Commonwealth without risking any major blowback. Truth be told, this scenario might be inevitable. ... n-ukraine/


Reminiscence of the Future...
Si Vis Pacem, Para Vinum © Andrei Martyanov's Blog

Saturday, July 29, 2023

"Joint Vision", LOL))

Mark Milley, leaving his post (and because of that) suddenly recognizes the fact of which I wrote for years--JCS is not really up for such a complex task as planning and fighting a REAL war. Milley went for a jugular and went for offering de facto... Russian model of "harmonization of services" and that created an outcry from grifters from Pentagon.

Milley’s case for inter-service harmonization is, more specifically, a case for a wholly joint approach to doctrinal, technological and strategic development. It rests not upon new technology, but on technology that came into being during the Cold War. Milley’s point of departure is AirLand Battle, the doctrine that assisted the flowering of operational theory in U.S. military practice. Milley’s criticism of AirLand Battle is that it was insufficiently joint — it never included a naval role, nor did it delineate properly between aerial and ground responsibility for long-range fires. This criticism is telling in that Milley’s argument does not actually rest upon the new technologies he mentions. Rather, it rests on the assumption that the greatest change in modern warfare in the last century is the development of jointness itself, embodied in an empowered chairman and the centralization of force design and doctrinal development in the Joint Staff.

Oh boy, Seth Cropsey who "served" as a middle level bureaucrat in several administrations as a conduit for incompetent neocon "way of war" is really hurt by the de facto admission by Milley that this whole "Air Land Battle" and JCS structure is designed to "fight" 5 year old kids in the sand box. SMO exposed completely this "flowering operational theory" (LOL, I am still laughing))) as nothing more than PR BS not designed for fighting any serious enemy. Especially the one which actually has world-class air defense, air force and a dramatic advantage in high precision and stand-off weaponry supported by advanced ISR.

But the fact that Milley essentially calls for the US equivalent of General Staff butt-hurt Cropsey really badly. To the point of this:

Centralizing force design through a “future jointness czar” is not strategic wisdom — it is hubristic, bureaucratic policymaking. The danger is that the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the next Secretary of Defense, are too blinded by their conviction in the arc of technological change that they commit the U.S. military to the wrong transformational program. Jointness is useful in creating a military force whose cooperation in training multiplies effectiveness in combat. But as the author of force design and doctrine for all the military services, it would be a disaster to trade experience for “harmonization.”
I have news for Cropsey--America's war "experience" within existing structure and what passes in the US for "doctrine" and "joint vision" is one of a sequence of losses of wars and I do not even talk about US Armed Forces losing not just wars but the technological arms race--the fact Cropsey cannot wrap his brain around. But Cropsey shouldn't worry--IF this transition even takes place it will not succeed, because the US has no experience of the warfare of such scope and scale as SMO, not to speak of hundreds of years of the evolution of the General Staff which Russia has. Pentagon exists as a branch of the US military-industrial-media complex and is not designed to fight real wars.

But then again, I am on record: strategic planning is what Russian General Staff does and it has an incredibly good intel collection and strategic analytical structures (GRU) of its own, not to mention dedicated own Academy of the General Staff, which allow it to occupy the role of a true "harmonizer" for all services of Russian Armed Forces and having a very serious influence on the decision making process of Russian political top. It is a very different organism which grew out of a very different historic, cultural and military experience than that of the US. But I applaud Cropsey's audacity when calling a dismal record of US lost wars a "flowering of operational theory", LOL. But then again, we may admit that when looked at as a theory of how NOT TO FIGHT real war, we may allow for this term of "flowering". ... n-lol.html
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:48 am

Learning curve
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 07/31/2023


Ukraine continues to face enormous difficulties in advancing towards the Russian first line of defense on the priority Zaporozhye front, from where it aspired to rapidly advance, thanks to its tanks and armored vehicles donated by NATO member countries, towards Melitopol, key to endanger the main target: Crimea. kyiv and its partners have justified their almost two months of failure to break that front in minefields and resistance they apparently did not expect to encounter. The reality of the war, the images that have been seen during these weeks and the lack of progress show that the Ukrainian discourse had simplified reality to the point of absurdity.

This week, without any vote against -no one dares to deny Zelensky's will anymore, taking into account that, in war, any dissent is considered treason-, the Rada has once again extended the state of emergency. The prohibition to leave the country for men of military age, as well as civil servants, is maintained, all of them subject to the general mobilization that day after day leaves images of people trapped in the streets to be sent to the front. The level of Ukrainian casualties is arguably the best-kept state secret, thanks in part to the complete lack of questions from the press and experts .who try to keep track of the losses suffered by armies in the war, who only seem to want to know the number of dead and wounded in the Russian ranks. However, the intensity of the war, the need for continuous mobilization, the images of the growth of military cemeteries and the length of time the hostilities are already stretching out necessarily imply a high level of casualties among soldiers who have fallen on the front lines and seriously wounded. In this context, keeping the morale of the troops and the population high based on promises of success seems to be the only guarantee available to Ukraine to maintain the level of recruitment in a war that is expected to be long and in which it will continue to require of the mobilization, especially if the current situation becomes chronic.

At the moment, Ukraine continues to try to break through the Zaporozhye front in the Tokmak-Melitopol direction. The town of Rabotino, a small village completely destroyed, is one of the centers of the confrontation. In preparing for the offensive, neither kyiv nor its partners had counted on the Russian willingness or ability to defend to the last. It is especially relevant that they did not have the learning capacity that war entails. A year ago, Ukraine had an eight-year advantage in trench warfare over the Russian army, an advantage that has now been mitigated by the experience of 17 months of war. The learning curve is visible in both armies, but it is an aspect that the West has underestimated when it comes to Russia.

In the published images, you can see the fight between a single Russian tank, which, warned by the operators of the surveillance drone that detects the movement of the column, confronts, without waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, two Ukrainian tanks and eight armored vehicles. Beyond the numerical inferiority and the final result -the two tanks are destroyed, like a large part of the armored vehicles-, it is relevant to observe the way in which real-time surveillance communicates with both tankers and artillerymen, who carry out precision work practically like snipers. As the reports from the front published by Russian war reporters such as Dmitry Steshin already showed, Artillery coordination and precision have been trained over the months that the phase of less intense confrontation has lasted while awaiting the Ukrainian offensive. In a fundamentally land war, the precision of artillery and coordination with other forces is, as is being verified in the first line of the Zaporozhye front, one of the keys to maintaining the defense.

This weekend, Volodymyr Zelensky wanted to make up for the images of Ukrainian losses at the front with a visit to the front. The Ukrainian president continues to use communication tools to perfection and on this occasion has approached, according to the President's Office, the Donetsk front. Zelensky has not claimed this time to be in Artyomovsk, a city whose loss Ukraine has not bothered to officially admit, but in its vicinity and wanted to add a touch of normality by meeting his soldiers at a gas station.

Also on the Donetsk front, another important focus is the small town of Staromaiorskoe, totally or partially captured by Ukraine last week and where Russian troops are now trying to raise the cost of that minimal advance for Ukrainian troops. The situation there is fluid and it is difficult to know what the consolidated positions really are. However, the objectives seem clear. This is how Alexander Jodakovsky, founder of the Vostok battalion, whose troops are fighting in that sector, commented yesterday:

Despite the fact that the Staromaiorskoe-Urozhainoe direction is not militarily strategic for the enemy, any victory properly presented in the press pays dividends at the general level. Although the efforts are concentrated in the Zaporozhye sector and a blow to Energodar is planned, something confirmed by the intensification of reconnaissance work in this direction, the opponent seeks to fix our forces in other areas, thus preventing us from sending reinforcements to the most where the fate of this phase of the war is at stake according to the results obtained.

After occupying Staromaiorskoe, the enemy did not entrench and organize a solid defense there, but instead dedicated itself to destroying our engineering barriers in the direction of Urozhainoe. Today [Sunday], enemy aviation has already carried out several raids on this town, electronic warfare is actively working to block our communications and artillery preparation is underway. It is evident that an attempt to storm Urozhainoe is being prepared. Some time ago, concentrating their forces at Novodonetsky, the enemy was on the verge of capturing Urozhainoe, but lacked the perseverance. Later, by increasing our presence in this town, he stopped attempts to assault it head-on. With the capture of Staromaiorskoe, the enemy has been able to reach Urozhainoe on the flanks, creating a threatening position for our defense .

The reality of war is complex, as is the political situation created around it. At this time, it is clear that there is no diplomatic solution in sight nor the possibility of a ceasefire. The stalemate on the front that Ukraine hoped to break quickly is also evident, but there are advances by both armies in different sectors. Russia is advancing relatively solidly on the eastern front, thus protecting Svatovo and Kremennaya and trying to approach the Oskol River and Krasny Liman, while the Ukraine works on the flanks of Artyomovsk and advances with great difficulty and after weeks of battle in a South Donetsk Secondary Front.

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for July 30, 2023
July 30, 2023

The enemy once again attacked Moscow with three drones : one device was shot down by air defense crews, the rest were suppressed by electronic warfare, after which they crashed into two towers in the Moscow City business center. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again tried to strike at the Crimean Peninsula : 25 UAVs were shot down and suppressed near Cape Tarkhankut .

There is relative calm at the front today. Positional clashes continue in the region of Novoegorovka and Serebryansky forestry in the Starobelsky direction . At the same time, at the Orekhovsky site , the intensity decreased.

The daily shelling of the border areas of Russia continues. Under the blows were the settlements of the Bryansk , Belgorod , Kherson regions , as well as the Donetsk People's Republic - unfortunately, there is destruction and victims.


Ukrainian drone raid on Moscow

At night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the capital of Russia for the third time in a week . At the moment, three used UAVs are known. One drone was destroyed by air defense systems while still approaching the city in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region . The second was suppressed by electronic warfare and crashed into the first floors of the multi-level parking building of the Oko towers in Moscow City , one person was injured.

The last UAV was also suppressed and hit the IQ-Kvartal tower in Moscow City not far from the previous one. This building houses the offices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Digital Development and other government agencies. It makes no practical sense to hit the offices of the ministries - such an attack will not stop the work of officials for a long time, who have both other offices and the opportunity to work in a different format.

There are no other important military facilities nearby either - the neighborhood has been densely built up with office centers and residential complexes in recent decades, with the rare exception of two railway junctions used by passengers, warehouses and a small industrial area where civilian products are produced.

But still, " Moscow-City " is the largest business center of the capital, where the offices of many Russian and foreign companies are located. And the main goal of such strikes is to sow panic among the population of the capital, business and officials. And, judging by the frenzy in the Ukrainian media, the enemy is trying to put some symbolism into the broken glass of the most publicized business center in Russia.

In fact, the damage from such attacks is still minimal. With such attacks, the Ukrainian authorities are rather trying to sweeten the pill for their society against the backdrop of an almost unsuccessful counter-offensive in the Zaporozhye direction and the advance of the RF Armed Forces in the Svatovsky sector.

Ukrainian UAV raid on Crimea

At night, Ukrainian formations once again launched Mugin-5 PRO drones on the Crimean peninsula . In total there were three groups in the direction of the Crimea: two from the airfield Artsyz , one - from Shkolny .

Unlike previous attacks, the Ukrainian Armed Forces sent Mugins only in the direction of Cape Tarkhankut , where they were destroyed and planted by the Crimean Defense Forces. 16 were shot down by air defenses, and nine were suppressed by electronic warfare. During the attack, an American R-8A anti-submarine aircraft was in the air. And a few hours before the attack, EP-3E and E-3A AWACS aircraft were working over the Black Sea.

The attack itself did not bring anything new: the launch of several groups, but in the same direction. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have already used similar tactics before, so the Russian military personnel easily coped with the raid. Another question is that this will clearly not be the last attack, given that recently the Ukrainian formations have combined weapons to achieve a greater effect. And this raid looks like just probing the air defense system.

Capture of a Swedish BMP CV-90
Today there was a video of a Swedish CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle trophied near Kremennaya , which we wrote about on the channel yesterday. She was knocked out of the RPG on board: the commander died, and the rest of the crew fled, leaving the equipment. The trophy ended up in the hands of the soldiers of the 252nd regiment not by chance: they deliberately waited for two CV-90s in a specific place and ambushed them , hitting one from a distance of about 50 meters. A good illustration that victory loves preparation. Now the most important thing is that first the valuable trophy will be taken apart piece by piece, and then sent to the museum. In that chronological order, and nothing else.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
In the Starobelsky direction, after advances in the area of ​​Novoegorovka , Russian units are fixed on the occupied lines and regrouped. The RF Armed Forces use MLRS and drones against the advancing enemy.

Fierce battles for Kleshcheevka continue in the Bakhmut sector . In fact, none of the parties can establish confident control over the settlement. The main goal of the enemy in this sector of the front is to capture the dominant heights, which will provide Ukrainian artillery with superiority in the vicinity of Bakhmut.

In the Donetsk direction, positional clashes continue without any changes. Artillery duels are going on along the front line, reconnaissance groups of both sides regularly make sorties into each other's positions, unmanned aircraft of the RF Armed Forces are actively working, hitting the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hiding in the trenches.

In the Vremievsky sector, Ukrainian formations continue to draw forces to the front line, preparing for new attempts to break through the defense of the RF Armed Forces. Russian troops detected the movement of the enemy and covered him with artillery fire. At the same time, episodic fighting continued on the outskirts of Staromayorsky . At the same time, the statements of individual sources about the return of control over the village are premature.

In the Orekhovsky sector, the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has decreased: the Ukrainian command is rotating and regrouping its troops. Nevertheless, in the afternoon, enemy units attempted to attack the positions of the RF Armed Forces near Rabotino . Russian troops stopped the attack with small arms and artillery fire.

In the Kherson direction, the situation has not undergone significant changes: Ukrainian formations continue to make attempts to transfer troops to the opposite bank - Russian troops promptly counteract this.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Bryansk region, the Suzemsky district was under fire : damage was reported to one household in the village of Zernovo : according to preliminary data, there were no casualties. In the Klimovsky district in the village of Brovnichi , the pig-breeding complex "Krapivna" was damaged, there was a fire at the facility, which has now been eliminated. As a result of the attack, three employees of the enterprise were injured.

In the Belgorod region in the village of Prilesye, Krasnoyarzhsky district, shells damaged several residential buildings and a power line. In addition, local residents also reported shelling of the villages of Terebreno and Dronovka : there is currently no information about the victims and damage.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the Donetsk agglomeration on a daily basis . Kirovsky , Kievsky and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk , as well as Makeevka , Yelenovka , Aleksandrovka and Yasinovataya fell under enemy fire . In the Kuibyshevsky district of the capital of the DPR, two people were injured as a result of a direct hit of a shell in a residential building.

Ukrainian formations continue to strike on the left bank of the Kherson region . The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired less than 33 shells at Kakhovka , Solnts and Pechanovka . In the afternoon, as a result of massive shelling, a residential building and a gas pipe in Novaya Kakhovka were damaged .

Political events
About the summit on Ukraine in Saudi Arabia

The Wall Street Journal reports on the West's plans to hold a summit on Ukraine in Saudi Arabia in early August. Later, this information was confirmed by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Yermak . He assured that during the meeting it is planned to develop a "peace formula" for the conflict in Ukraine, as well as to create interstate mechanisms to counter future clashes.

However, these statements hide several nuances at once. Firstly, the meeting in Saudi Arabia will be held without the participation of the Russian and Chinese delegations. Secondly, representatives of the countries of the "global South", including Brazil, India and South Africa, are expected at the summit. These countries, in addition to being partners of Russia and China in the BRICS, have not yet supported sanctions against Russia, but their leaders have repeatedly called on the participants in the conflict in Ukraine for an early truce.

The West does not stop its attempts to isolate Russia in the international arena and once again tries to outbid key Russian partners. Earlier, a similar meeting had already been held in Copenhagen , which at that time did not end with anything, since these countries refused to sign a joint statement.

On the growth of pacifist sentiments among Ukrainians

The Democratic Initiatives Foundation published statistical data from a survey on the attitude of Ukrainians towards the SVO. According to them, 30% of the respondents agree to a quick end to the war at any cost. In turn, 53% of respondents are ready for further struggle for a complete victory over Russia. It is worth noting that the previous such opinion poll, conducted in December 2022, showed different numbers: 61.8% of respondents were in favor of the war to the bitter end, and 25.9% declared their readiness to make concessions. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


From the Telegram account of Slavyangrad:

The UK has urgently begun preparations to train the Ukrainian armed forces' special forces for an invasion of Crimea before Christmas, as reported by the Daily Express.

The operation will involve air, land, and sea strikes, with Ukrainian special forces equipped to disrupt and incapacitate Russian troops.

The newspaper reports that more than 2,000 Ukrainian fighters have arrived at a secret base in Dartmoor (South-West England) to train for an assault on Crimea before Christmas.

I think it's time to start training Irish commandos to storm Belfast before Easter and Scottish commandos to liberate Glasgow before Pentecost


The destruction of the landing of the AFU on the Antonovsky Bridge. Kherson direction.

Conducting a nighttime reconnaissance mission in the Kherson direction, during which we discovered the movement of two boats and up to 10 personnel from the right bank of the Dnieper towards the area of Dachi. The enemy took shelter in a house, thinking that their arrival was unnoticed. No deliberate activities were carried out in the area at night to avoid scaring them away and to let them feel safe.
In the morning, an airstrike was launched on the enemy cluster using an X-38M Air-to-Ground missile.


the Russians have learned how to jam Starlink at "zero" — Ukrainian commander Magyar. "Now this technology is being tested and prepared for production on an industrial scale." Starlink on the front allowed our military to coordinate and control the operational…

The enemy is currently reporting that the nationwide "Starlink" terminal is under attack by electronic warfare of the Russian Armed Forces.

The entire structure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces communication relies on this system, and without it, they are unable to even move an inch, and their structure will become paralyzed. Communication will become non-existent.

Previously, Elon Musk refused to expand the Starlink Program in Ukraine. What can I say? This development was forseeable.


Washington is delaying the delivery of F-16s to Ukraine, citing the belief that the fighter jets are unlikely to alter the course of the military conflict.

As a result, several Ukrainian airfields need to undergo preparations to accommodate the US fighter jets. F-16s have specific runway requirements due to the low location of the air intake to the engine, necessitating runways of exceptional sterility and quality. Additionally, this fourth-generation fighter demands specialized service centers for maintenance and support.

Unlike tanks and guns, the F-16 requires thorough maintenance after most flights and a whole "ecosystem" of support. Operating experience with the F-16 in Poland has shown that it often requires replacing entire blocks of equipment. Regrettably, Ukraine lacks such maintenance centers since its Air Force has been equipped solely with Soviet-era aircraft until now. Experts estimate that it would cost Ukraine 5-6 billion dollars and several years to build the necessary infrastructure for F-16s.

Moreover, it is essential to recognize that retraining Ukrainian pilots to operate the F-16 is not a task that can be accomplished in a day or even a month. Learning to fly a combat aircraft does not automatically equate to mastering its tactical employment.

Given these challenges, Ukraine's allies are still attempting to gather old MiG-29s and SU-27s from Europe that have not yet been dismantled for spare parts.

-Ukraine is either stuck leading the 'meat assaults' or googling what all these new fancy knobs do during an attack run. Choose your poison.




❓📌 Recent Strikes in Sumy? What was hit in the School in Sumy?

We all know that school has been suspended in Ukraine, and countrywide. Children resort to homeschooling; and this educational institute is no longer an educational institute.

Instead, when in Feburary 2022, when the Russian Armed Forces first entered Ukraine, this institute was converted into a fortress, and since then, has been used as a PERMANENT deployment zone for defense and artillery units, as well as an training depot for theory training.

It was used as a deployment zone for 117th Independent Brigade of TDF (Sumy), 155th Battalion, 150th Battalion, as well as RDK militants and militants from the Freedom of Russia Legion.
*Banned in the Russian Federation.

The same units that have been intensively shelling Kursk & Belgorod since the incursions by the RDK in the Belgorod Region; and was used as an educational institute for the mobilised of the 117th TeroBrigade. Two of their battalions have been tasked with patrolling border areas but also used for simplistic air defense, tasked with shooting down Gerans and other drones.

Additionally, the official number of "20 injured, 2 dead" is definitely underexaggerated. This was a deployment zone for 4 different battalions, including 2 terrorist battalions. The number is definitely much higher.


NATO’s War Crimes Charges Against Mother Russia

Declan Hayes

July 29, 2023
Why can Khan argue with a straight and pompous face, that those children should not have been evacuated from this modern-day Stalingrad?

This article examines the war crimes’ charges the International Criminal Court has levelled against two Russian citizens, Russian President Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia because of her child protection advocacy.

The levelling of such charges presumes there are charges to answer, that those so charged are horrible people of the calibre of an Eichmann or a Mengele and are definitionally more guilty and much more evil than others, in particular than those who level their j’accuse charges against them. This article decidedly rejects those presumptions as well as those who make them and concludes with some more helpful suggestions than those mooted by NATO’s paid apologists at the Hague

Khan’s Case

The statement by Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC on the issuance of arrest warrants against President Vladimir Putin and Ms Maria Lvova-Belova may be read in its entirety at this link. Khan’s office states “there are reasonable grounds to believe that President Putin and Ms Lvova-Belova bear criminal responsibility for the unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation, contrary to article 8(2)(a)(vii) and article 8(2)(b)(viii) of the Rome Statute”.

Specific incidents “include the deportation of at least hundreds of children taken from orphanages and children’s care homes” and that many of those children were granted Russian citizenship so that they might more easily be adopted by families within the Russian Federation”.

Khan’s office alleges that these acts, amongst others, demonstrate an intention to, in essence, permanently deport and kidnap these “Ukrainian children [who] were protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention”.

Khan’s office “also underlined in our application that most acts in this pattern of deportations were carried out in the context of the acts of aggression committed by Russian military forces against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine which began in 2014”.

As part of Khan’s work, he “visited one of the care homes from which children were allegedly taken, close to the current frontlines of the conflict. The accounts of those who had cared for these children, and their fears as to what had become of them, underlined the urgent need for action”.

Khan finishes by reminding us that he “stated when in Bucha last May, Ukraine is a crime scene that encompasses a complex and broad range of alleged international crimes. We will not hesitate to submit further applications for warrants of arrest when the evidence requires us to do so”.

Criminal Responsibility For Unlawful Deportations

Khan’s claims that these “deportations” were unlawful according to the a la carte rules of MI6 agent Zelensky’s rump Reich, as well as international norms do not hold water. The children were evacuated, not deported. This is not a play on words, but a matter of fact.

Here is an account by American mercenary Justin Bans, who fought with Zelensky’s notorious Azov Nazi Battalion and who found their allegiance to Herr Hitler a huge giggle and a source of much good-humoured merry making.

Here is the surrender of hundreds of Azov Nazis at the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol. Here is a further report on Mariupol which cites MI6 agent Zelensky saying the city must be evacuated and which claims the city was left in ruins and that “tens of thousands of people were killed.” Here, from the other side, is an interview with Zulu, a Chechen fighter, who previously served with a SWAT team in Grozny and who claimed Mariupol was hell on earth with fighting occurring, much like in Stalingrad’s infamous Tractor Factory, from floor to floor and room to room.

Why can Khan argue with a straight and pompous face, that those children should not have been evacuated from this modern-day Stalingrad? Should they have been allowed stay in Mariupol and perhaps clear mines with their bare hands as, according to this Israeli account, the Danes made teenage German children do after Germany’s 1945 surrender?

Perhaps the Russians should have just cut these children loose like the Poles did with 12 year old Nazi boy hero Alfred Czech the youngest of the Iron Cross recipients Hitler doled out a few days before he blew his brains out and who was later shot in the lung, captured and made walk hundreds of miles home from Prague to his now widowed mother in what remained of the family farm in Silesia?

Although Khan’s office drew attention to “the acts of aggression committed by Russian military forces against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine which began in 2014”, his faulty analysis seems to be more in line with the Chinese Mukden Incident or the Gleiwitz Incident when the war-mongering Poles attacked the peace-loving, tree-hugging Nazis and kicked off the Second World War. Because he seems, in true British fashion, to have determined to have no idea of the atrocities Zelensky’s Nazis perpetrated on the “Muscovites” from 2104 onwards he is, like his child-molesting brother before him, not fit for purpose.

Models Of Pristine Perfection in The Ukrainian Crime Scene

Khan is not impartial in this matter. Former British Parliamentarian Imran Ahmad Khan, Karim’s brother, got jail time for his role in the sexual exploitation of tens of thousands of English children by their fellow South Asians in the north of England. Not only that but Britain has been a direct participant in some of the most egregious crimes of this Ukrainian war. Although Nordstream and the Kerch bridge spring immediately to mind, there are very many more, the worst of which is serial philanderer Boris Johnson scuttling the April 2022 peace talks.

Add to that that the only ones who ever find themselves in the dock at the Hague are Serbs and Africans and we can begin to get the measure of this plum-mouth for hire.

As regards Bucha, which seems to be a compulsory stop-over for anyone and everyone visiting Zelensky with a brown envelope or a bag of coke, all agree that war crimes were committed there. The difference arises in that one group believes that Zelensky’s Nazis are capable of and motivated to commit war crimes because that is their long-established modus operandi, and the other group, which include the Khans and all NATO’s satrapies believe that Ukrainian Nazis, like Syria’s ISIS killers before them, are more pristine than the Virgin Mary.

When Mother Russia Met Putin

This Gotcha Newsweek article quotes Maria Lvova-Belova, Mother Russia, as the wags call her, saying that when she first encountered the children at the heart of this dispute, “they spoke negatively about [Putin], said all sorts of nasty things, sang the anthem of Ukraine, ‘Glory to Ukraine’ and all that, before seeing the light and falling in love with Russia”.

Iron Cross winner Alfred Czech puts that one to bed for he too was raised on a gruel of songs of hatred, which ruined not only his life but that of his family. Not only were those “patriotic” Ukrainian children weaned on diets of undistilled hatred but the Western media repeatedly admitted that fact until they got orders to the contrary.

This invidious Latvian piece sets out to demonise Mother Russia, Maria Lvova-Belova, Masha as the children call her. It begins by citing Yale University (argumentum ab auctorite) and tells us that Belova is proud of her role in this entire affair. We then hear of an October 27 2021 video call between Mother Russia and Putin, her co-accused, where Putin makes perfunctory inquiries about her family and professional activities and then essentially gives her the green light to get on with this big and unenviable job that seems to suit her skill set.

As Putin has a very weighty in-tray, he obviously has to delegate work like this, whilst attending to many other matters of state. Nevertheless, when they again spoke on March 9, 2022, a fortnight after Russia’s military intervention, Lvova-Belova informed him that she had set out to “evacuate” Ukrainian children, to “save them from shelling” and “give them a future” in Russia. Lvova-Belova alleges that Putin “has underscored that every displaced child should have an opportunity to find a family.”

Although Khan and NATO’s other agents might argue that that implicates both Putin and Lvova-Belova, she argues that “We’re definitely not working to take children from their parents and give them to Russian families.”

Although the article, with its Third Reich references, hints that Lvova-Belova is some sort of a well-meaning Eva Braun air head, my conclusion is that Lvova-Belova, Putin and many other Russians found themselves lumbered with thousands of children who, like Alfred Czech before them, had been marinated in Nazi bile for years on end and they tried, however imperfectly, to redress that brainwashing. This same phenomenon would be familiar to anyone who has come across children anywhere in care. It is, at the best of times, almost impossible to redress the damage already done and Putin, with so many other things on his plate, has tried, through the remarkable Lvova-Belova, to put some bits of these shattered children’s lives to rights.

Mother Russia’s Orthodox Church, to which Lvova-Belova is firmly attached and embedded, was more than happy to play its part, along with its various networks and well-meaning rougher diamonds. As Stalin had enlisted the same Church to face the same enemies in what all Soviets then called the Great Patriotic War, this confluence should not surprise us.

And nor should the machinations of NATO and their various mouthpieces to attack that Church and all other elements of Russian civil society because, to conquer Russia and feed off its carcass, those are necessary if not quite sufficient NATO targets.

Pity the Children: Good Cop

This soft sell article was published in The Conversation, which expects its contributors to have a PhD research degree. It was written by freelance journalist Natalie Sauer, who “holds a languages degree from Cambridge University and speaks Spanish, German and a smattering of Russian”.

Though Natalie begins by telling us that “Russia – controversially – now holds the council presidency” Natalie omits to tell us that controversy is simply the usual NATO suspects gassing off. Oh well, never mind. With the principle that the Russians are controversial having been established, the article then reminds us that the extremist British regime, with its own unenviable record of child abuse, “blocked a planned UN webcast to discuss the deportation issue… because of Lvova-Belova’s involvement” in it. Mother Russia, you see, is not quite kosher as she is not an Azov apologist.

Having established that the British and not Mother Russia have the high moral ground, the article meanders through the various international attempts over the last century to establish in law the rights of children and their parents. No mention of the Bengal Famine, the saturation bombing of Serbia and Libya, the gang rapes in northern England or MI6’s child trafficking into the ISIS Caliphate but never mind as “occupying powers [Russia in other words] are prohibited from deporting protected persons, including children, from occupied territory to the territory of the occupying power (or to any other country)” and “occupying powers [Russia in other words] must also facilitate the identification of children and the registration of their parents, and they must not change children’s personal status. Essentially, they must not fracture the relationship between children and their families.”

After citing the1948 Genocide Convention and “Russia’s actions in light of legal obligatons under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Fourth Geneva Convention and the Genocide Convention”, Natalie informs us that “the principle is clear: impunity for crimes [real or imagined] committed against children [by Russia] in times of war is not an option.”

Pity the Children: Good Example

Although my earlier articles have given countless examples of Albion’s rank hypocrisy in this issue, check out the BBC’s fake tears for Yemen’s children. Whatever happened there?

Oh, never mind. Go read obsessive Russophobe Natalia Antonova gas on about the prostitutes of Kiev and how, somehow that is all Putin’s fault. Better still, read Jessica Henn gassing on here that “in the case of Ukraine, interviews conducted by the OHCHR, indicate that sexual violence has been used in relation to the conflict in Crimea”, even though no violence was used or alleged to have been used in the case of Crimea.

Even better still, go watch this Guardian video on Westwards inter-generational child sex trafficking from the south east of Romania and figure out which is the saddest and most poignant moment in that trail of tears. For me, it is at 8:48 where a little girl with a velvety voice and an angelic face and heavenly eyes to match tells us she would love “to work in an aeroplane and go to university” but, as sure as there are folk like the Khans in England and in the Hague, we all know where her trail of tears will end.

Go look at Romania and even Ukraine and weep that they have too many people like the Khans and, thanks to them, too few people like Mother Russia and her heroic helpers.

Pity the Children: Bad Cop

If Natalie Sauer deserves to be gently rebuked, Allison Quinn, who writes in MI6’s Kyiv (sic) Post deserves a metaphorical kick up the transom. Here she is in the sewer that is the Daily Beast using her lower form schoolgirl English to try to bring Mother Russia down to size.

Moving up a form or two but still staying in the same under-performing high school we get Natalia Antelava bemoaning in the MI6 funde anti-disinformation (ha ha) Codastory site that VICE’s interview with Mother Russia was much too lenient and should have followed more the bad cop routine than the good one. Although Antelava is obviously perturbed that Zelensky’s Fourth Reich is collapsing around her ears, her most reasonable points are the unreasonable ones that the Russian armed forces should have allowed humanitarian corridors into the Nazis holed up in Mariupol and that Russia’s internal security services take a dim view of MI6 and the Force Reaction Unit running terrorist death squads inside Russia. Antelava, it seems, is one of those loudmouths who would not know the difference between an Armalite and a Featherlite.

The Case Against Mother Russia: A Conclusion

NATO’s false, self-serving claims are part of a NATO pattern I have already addressed at least three times in July alone and which Stephen Karganovic, amongst others, has also repeatedly addressed. It is the same false pattern NATO has displayed against the people of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Serbia and a host of other countries. It is as much a weapon in NATO’s armoury as is their use of cluster bombs, Agent Orange or Force Research Unit death squads. It is, in essence, a tactic to bombard the target, Mother Russia, Maria Lvova-Belova in this case and through her all of Russian civil society and to somehow blame them for the rise of the Azov Nazi cult and all of its awful consequences in Ukraine.

There is but one way out of this morass. It is for the Armed Forces of Russia to continue on the mission they have been set and for other, peace-loving countries, China being the most obvious one, to step into the breach and try to resolve or at least mitigate the immense human damage of this totally avoidable war. Transporting those children from Russia to Poland via Beijing or sailing them from Crimea to Romania on the ships of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Navy at the appropriate time is not the hardest logistical problem there is.

A much harder one is to get the NATO states to act humanely and stop financing Nazi militias, Nazi propaganda and Nazi kangaroo courts. The only way that will end is for those Russians with different skill sets than Maria Lvova-Belova to make it end by force of arms and for others like Foreign Minister Lavrov, backed by the Armed Forces of Russia and allied countries, to ensure that NATO’s war-mongering hypocrisy against Mother Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Libya and all good people like Maria Lvova-Belova and all good institutions like the Ukrainian Orthodox Church end now and forever. ... er-russia/



Russia, Donbass, and the reality of the conflict in Ukraine
Originally published: Al Mayadeen on July 27, 2023 by Daniel Kovalik (more by Al Mayadeen) | (Posted Jul 30, 2023)

I just returned from my third trip to Russia and my second trip to Donbass (now standing for the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk collectively) in about 8 months. This time, I flew into lovely Tallinn, Estonia, and took what should be about a 6-hour bus ride to St. Petersburg. In the end, the bus trip took me about 12 hours due to a long wait in customs on the Russian side of the border.

Having a U.S. passport and trying to pass the frontier from a hostile, NATO country into Russia during wartime got me immediately flagged for questioning. And then, it turned out that I didn’t have all my papers in order as I was still without my journalist credential from the Russian Foreign Ministry, which was necessary, given that I told the border patrol that I was traveling to do reporting. I was treated very nicely, though the long layover forced me to lose my bus, which understandably went on without me.

However, sometimes we find opportunity in seemingly inconvenient detours, and that was true in this case. Thus, I became a witness to a number of Ukrainians, some of them entire families, trying to cross the border and immigrate to Russia. Indeed, the only other type of passport (besides my U.S. passport) I saw among those held over for questioning and processing was the blue Ukrainian passport. This is evidence of an inconvenient fact to the Western narrative of the war which portrays Russia as an invader of Ukraine. In fact, many Ukrainians have an affinity for Russia and have voluntarily chosen to live there over the years.

Between 2014—the real start of the war when the Ukrainian government began attacking its own people in the Donbass—and the beginning of Russia’s intervention in February of 2022, around 1 million Ukrainians had already immigrated to Russia. This was reported in the mainstream press back then, with the BBC writing about these 1 million refugees and also explaining, “[s]eparatists in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Lugansk declared independence after Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine. Since the violence erupted, some 2,600 people have been killed and thousands more wounded. The city of Luhansk has been under siege by government forces for the past month and is without proper supplies of food and water.” The number of dead in this war would grow to 14,000 by February of 2022, again before Russia’s Special Military Operations (SMO) had even begun.

Around 1.3 million additional Ukrainians have immigrated to Russia since February of 2022, making Russia the largest recipient of Ukrainian refugees in the world since the beginning of the SMO.

When I commented to one of the Russian border officials, Kirill is his name, about the stack of Ukrainian passports sitting on his desk, he made a point to tell me that they treat the Ukrainians coming in “as human beings.” When my contact in St. Petersburg, Boris, was able to send a photo of my newly-acquired press credential to Kirill, I was sent on my way with a handshake and was able to catch the next bus coming through to St. Petersburg almost immediately.

Once in St. Petersburg, I went to Boris’ house for a short rest and then was off by car to Rostov-on-Don, the last Russian city before Donetsk. I was driven in a black Lexus by a kind Russian businessman named Vladimir along with a German, the founder of the humanitarian aid group known as “Leningrad Volunteers”. The car was indeed loaded with humanitarian aid to take to Donbass. After some short introductions, and my dad’s joke about the “Lexus from Texas,” we were off on our 20-hour journey at a brisk pace of about 110 miles an hour.

We arrived in Rostov in the evening and checked into the Sholokhov Lofts Hotel, named after Mikhail Sholokhov, Rostov’s favorite son who wrote the great novel “And Quite Flows the Don.” We were told that, up until recently, a portrait of the titular head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, had adorned the lobby wall. They took this down after members of the Wagner Group invaded Rostov, putting fear in many of the residents. Now, the hotel only has Hollywood movie posters decorating the walls.

In the early afternoon of the next day, my translator Sasha arrived from her hometown of Krasnodar, Russia—a 7-hour train ride from Rostov. Sasha, who is just 22 years old, is a tiny red-headed woman who quickly turned out to be one of the most interesting people I met on my journey. As she explained to me, Sasha has been supporting humanitarian work in Donbass since the age of 12. She told me that she derived her interest in this work from her grandmother who raised her in the “patriotic spirit” of the USSR. As Sasha explained, her parents were too busy working to do much raising of her at all. Sasha, who is from the mainland of Russia, attends the University of Donetsk to live in solidarity with the people who have been under attack there since 2014.

At age 22, Sasha, who wore open-toed sandals even when we traveled to the frontlines, is one of the bravest people I have ever met, and she certainly disabused me of any notion that I was doing anything especially brave by going to the Donbass. But of course, as Graham Greene once wrote, “With a return ticket, courage becomes an intellectual exercise” anyway.

We quickly set out on our approximately 3-to-4-hour drive to Donetsk City, with a brief stop at a passport control office now run by the Russian Federation subsequent to the September 2022 referendum in which the people of Donetsk and three other Ukrainian republics voted to join Russia. I was again questioned by officials at this stop but for only 15 minutes or so. I just resigned myself to the fact that, as an American traveling through Russia at this time, I was not going to go through any border area without some level of questioning. However, the tone of the questioning was always friendly.

We arrived in Donetsk City, a small but lovely town along the Kalmius River, without incident. Our first stop was at the “Leningrad Volunteers” warehouse to unload some of the aid we had brought and to meet some of the local volunteers. Almost all of these volunteers are lifelong residents of Donetsk, and nearly all of them wore military fatigues and have been fighting the Ukrainian forces as part of the Donetsk militia for years, many since the beginning of the conflict in 2014. This is something I cannot impress upon the reader enough. While we are often told that these fighters in the Donbass are Russians or “Russian proxies”, this is simply not true. The lion’s share of these fighters are locals of varying ages, some quite old, who have been fighting for their homes, families, and survival since 2014. While there have been Russian and international volunteers who have supported these forces—just as there were international volunteers who went to support the Republicans in Spain in the 1930s—they are mostly local. Of course, this changed in February of 2022 when Russia began the SMO. But even still, the locals of Donetsk continue to fight on, now alongside the Russian forces.

The lie of “Russian proxies” fighting in the Donbass after 2014 is actually one of the smaller ones of the Western mainstream press, for the claim at least acknowledges that there has been such fighting. Of course, the mainstream media has tried to convince us that there was never such fighting at all and that the Russian SMO beginning in February of 2022 was completely “unprovoked”. This is the big lie that has been peddled in order to gain the consent of the Western populations to militarily support Ukraine. What is also ignored is the fact that this war was escalating greatly before the beginning of the SMO, and this escalation indeed provoked it. Thus, according to the Organization for European Security and Cooperation (OESC)—a 57-member organization of many Western countries, including the United States—there were around 2000 ceasefire violations in the Donbass on the weekend just before the SMO began on February 24, 2022. In a rare moment of candor, Reuters reported on February 19, 2022,

Almost 2,000 ceasefire violations were registered in eastern Ukraine by monitors for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe on Saturday, a diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday. Ukrainian government and separatist forces have been fighting in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

Jacques Baud, a Swiss intelligence and security consultant and former NATO military analyst, further explains the precipitating events of the SMO:

As early as February 16, Joe Biden knew that the Ukrainians had begun shelling the civilian population of Donbass, putting Vladimir Putin in front of a difficult choice: to help Donbass militarily and create an international problem or stand by and watch the Russian-speaking people of Donbass being crushed.

… This is what he explained in his speech on February 21.

On that day, he agreed to the request of the Duma and recognized the independence of the two Donbass Republics and, at the same time, he signed friendship and assistance treaties with them.

The Ukrainian artillery bombardment of the Donbass population continued, and, on 23 February, the two Republics asked for military assistance from Russia. On 24 February, Vladimir Putin invoked Article 51 of the United Nations Charter, which provides for mutual military assistance in the framework of a defensive alliance.

In order to make the Russian intervention totally illegal in the eyes of the public, we deliberately hid the fact that the war actually started on February 16. The Ukrainian army was preparing to attack the Donbass as early as 2021, as some Russian and European intelligence services were well aware. Jurists will judge.

Of course, none of this was news to the people I met in Donetsk, for they had been living this reality for years. For example, Dimitri, a young resident of Donetsk who has been fighting since 2014 along with his mother and father, told me quite exasperated as he pointed to some of the weapons and ammunition behind him, “What is all this stuff doing here? Why have we been getting this since 2014? Because the war has been going on since then.” Dimitri, who was studying at the university when the conflict began, can no longer fight due to injuries received in the war, including damage to his hearing, which is evidenced by the earplugs he wears. He hopes he can go back to his studies.

Just a few days before my arrival in Donetsk, Dimitri’s apartment building was shelled by Ukrainian forces, just as it had been before in 2016. Like many in Donetsk, he is used to quickly repairing the damage and going on with his life.

Dimitri took me to the Donetsk airport and the nearby Orthodox church and monastery, which were destroyed in fighting between the Ukrainian military and Donetsk militia forces back in 2014-2015. Dimitri participated in the fighting in this area back then, explaining that during that time, this was the area of the most intense fighting in the world. But you would not know this from the mainstream press coverage which has largely ignored this war before February of 2022.

One of the first individuals I interviewed in Donetsk was 36-year-old Vitaly, a big guy with a chubby, boyish face who wore a baseball hat with the red Soviet flag with the hammer and sickle. Vitaly, the father of three children, is from Donetsk and has been fighting there for four years, including in the very tough battle for the steel plant in Mariupol in the summer of 2022. He decided to take up arms after friends of his were killed by Ukrainian forces, including some who were killed by being burned alive by fascist forces–the same forces, we are told, don’t exist. Vitaly, referring to the mainstream Western media, laughed when saying,

They’ve been saying we’ve been shelling ourselves for 9 years.

Vitaly has personally fought against soldiers wearing Nazi insignia, and he is very clear that he is fighting fascism. Indeed, when I asked him what the Soviet flag on his hat meant to him, he said it signified the defeat of Nazism, and he hopes he will contribute to this again. When I asked him about claims that Russia had intervened with soldiers in the war prior to February of 2022 as some allege, he adamantly denied this, as did everyone else I interviewed in Donetsk. However, he has witnessed the fact that Polish and UK soldiers have been fighting with the Ukrainian military since the beginning. Vitaly opined that, given what has transpired over the past 9 years, he does not believe that the Donbass will ever return to Ukraine, and he certainly hopes it will not. Vitaly told me quite stoically that he believes he will not see peace in his lifetime.

During my stay in Donetsk, I twice had dinner with Anastasia, my interpreter during my first trip to the Donbass in November. Anastasia teaches at the University of Donetsk. She has been traveling around Russia, including to the far east, telling of what has been happening in the Donbass since 2014 because many in Russia themselves do not fully understand what has been going on. She told me that when she was recounting her story, she found herself reliving her trauma from 9 years of war and feeling overwhelmed. Anastasia’s parents and 13-year-old brother live near the frontlines in the Donetsk Republic, and she worries greatly about them. Olga is glad that Russia has intervened in the conflict, and she indeed corrected me when I once referred to the Russian SMO as an “invasion”, telling me that Russia did not invade. Rather, they were invited and welcomed in. That does seem to be the prevailing view in Donetsk as far as I can tell.

During my 5-day trip to Donetsk, I was taken to two cities within the conflict zone—Yasinovataya and Gorlovka. I was required to wear body armor and a helmet during this journey, though wearing a seatbelt was optional, if not frowned upon. While Donetsk City, which certainly sees its share of shelling, is largely intact and with teeming traffic and a brisk restaurant and café scene, once we got out of the city, this changed pretty quickly. Yasinovataya showed signs of great destruction, and I was told that a lot of this dated back to 2014. The destruction going back that far included a machine factory which is now being used as a base of operations for Donetsk forces and the adjacent administrative building which looks like it could have been an opera house before its being shelled. For its part, the city center of Gorlovka looked largely unmolested with signs of street life and even had an old trolley, clearly from the Soviet era, running through the center of town. But the outskirts of Gorlovka certainly showed signs of war. In both cities, one could hear the sound of shelling in the distance quite frequently.

In Gorlovka, we met with Nikoli, nicknamed “Heavy”. Nikoli looks like a Greek god, standing at probably 6 feet, 5 inches, and all muscle. I joked with him while I was standing next to him that I felt like I was appearing next to Ivan Drago in Rocky IV. He got the joke and laughed. While a giant of a man seemed very nice and with a strong moral compass, he led us over to a makeshift Orthodox chapel in the cafeteria of what was a school, but which is now the base of operations for his Donetsk militia forces. He told us that, even now after the SMO began, about 90 percent of the forces in Gorlovka are still local Donetsk soldiers, and the other 10 percent are Russian. Again, this is something we rarely get a sense of from the mainstream press.

Nikoli, while sitting in front of the makeshift chapel, explained that while he still considers himself Ukrainian, for after all he was born in Ukraine, he said Donetsk would never go back to Ukraine because Ukraine had “acted against God” when it began to attack its own people in the Donbass. He made it clear that he was prepared to fight to the end to ensure the survival of the people of Donetsk, and I had no doubt that he was telling the truth about that.

At my request, I met with the First Secretary of the Donetsk section of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), Boris Litvinov. Boris, who has also served in the Donetsk parliament, explained that the Communist Party under his leadership had been one of the leaders and initiators of the 2014 Referendum in which the people of Donetsk voted to become an autonomous republic and leave Ukraine. According to Boris, about 100 members of the Donetsk section of the CPRF are serving on the frontlines of the conflict. Indeed, as Boris explained, the CPRF supports the Russian SMO, only wishing that it had commenced in 2014. Boris is clear that the war in Ukraine is one over the very survival of Russia (regardless of whether it is capitalist or socialist) and that Russia is fighting the collective West which wants to destroy Russia.

Boris compares the fight in the Donbass to the fight of the Republicans against the fascists in Spain in the 1930s, and he says that there are international fighters from all over the world (Americans, Israelis, Spanish, and Colombians, for example) who are fighting alongside the people of Donbass against the fascists just as international fighters helped in Spain.

The last person I interviewed, again at my own request, was Olga Tseselskaya, assistant to the head of the Union of Women of the Republic of Donetsk and First Secretary of the Mothers’ United organization. The Mothers’ United organization, which has 6000 members throughout the Donetsk Republic, advocates for and provides social services to the mothers of children killed in the conflict since 2014. I was excited that Olga opened our discussion by saying that she was glad to be talking to someone from Pittsburgh because Pittsburgh and Donetsk City had once been sister cities.

I asked Olga about how she viewed the Russian forces now in Donetsk, and she made it clear that she supported their presence in Donetsk and believed that they were treating the population well. She adamantly denied the claims of mass rape made against the Russians earlier in the conflict. Of course, it should be noted, the Ukrainian parliament’s commissioner for human rights, Lyudmila Denisova, who was the source of these claims, was ultimately fired because her claims were found to be unverified and without substantiation, but again the Western media has barely reported on that fact.

When I asked Olga whether she agreed with some Western peace groups, such as the Stop the War Coalition in the UK, that Russia should pull its troops out of the Donbass, she disagreed, saying she hates to think what would happen to the people of the Donbass if they did. I think that this is something the people of the West need to come to grips with—that the government of Ukraine has done great violence against its own people in the Donbass, and that the people of the Donbass had every right to choose to leave Ukraine and join Russia. If Westerners understood this reality, they would think twice about “standing with” and continuing to arm Ukraine. ... n-ukraine/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:01 pm

Ukrainian Soldiers Tell Of High Losses For Little Gains

Yesterday I linked to a fresh NY Times piece about the horrors of the war in Ukraine.

It has a somewhat uplifting headline and the first few paragraphs describe an Ukrainian 'success'.

Amid the Counterattack’s Deadly Slog, a Glimmer of Success for Ukraine
Recapturing the village of Staromaiorske was such welcome news for the country that President Volodymyr Zelensky announced it himself. But formidable Russian defenses have stymied progress elsewhere.

The piece is accompanied by this staged photo which shows some trashed uniform on a dirt road with two boots put next to it.


The line below the picture, which I strongly believe is false, says:

The body of a Russian soldier outside a village in the Zaporizhzhia region of southern Ukraine this month.
Credit... Tyler Hicks/The New York Times

I wonder what the editors thought when they came up with it.

Now onto the first paragraphs of the report:

For 10 days, Ukrainian marines fought street by street and house by house to recapture the southeastern village of Staromaiorske, navigating artillery fire, airstrikes and hundreds of Russian troops.
The Russians put up a ferocious defense but that ended on Thursday when they folded and the Ukrainians claimed victory. “Some ran away, some were left behind,” said an assault commander from Ukraine’s 35th Marine Brigade, who uses the call sign Dikyi, which means Wild. “We were taking captives,” he added.

The recapture of Staromaiorske, a small village that is nonetheless critical to Ukraine’s southern strategy, was such a welcome development for Ukraine that President Volodymyr Zelensky announced it himself.

I have bad news for the NY Times readers. The village Staromaiorske (Staromayorskoye in Russian writing) is no longer in Ukrainian hands but in the gray-zone:

\Tony @Cyberspec1 - 22:00 UTC · Jul 30, 2023
❗️Despite the fact that [Donetsk leader] Pushilin announced the recapture of Staromayorsk, our troops are absent from the village itself. The enemy is knocked out, but there is nowhere to gain a safe foothold.

Russian troops periodically enter the village to organize ambushes. Yesterday, several AFU soldiers were taken prisoner in this way.

There is also video of Russian artillery bombarding the village.

Staromajorske (at the bottom of the map) on June 04 2023
via LiveUAmap

Staromajorske on July 31 2023
via LiveUAmap

Satellite picture of Staromajorske

After two months of 'counter offensive' the frontline south of Velyka Novosilka has moved only some six kilometers south of the original frontline. Starmajorske consist of about 200 houses. Like the other four small villages along the way it has largely been destroyed.

This was not a 'counter offensive' but a bloody slog with mediocre results.

The NY Times piece is by Charlotta Gall who at times writes realistic reports from the ground in Ukraine.

After the uplifting start of her piece the reporting becomes grim:

As officials celebrated Ukraine’s progress in Staromaiorske, troops elsewhere on the ground said that Russian defenses and firepower remained formidable and in places impassable.
A soldier at a medical post, awaiting evacuation for a concussion, recently described how his battalion had been decimated when it came under Russian artillery and tank fire. His brigade, the 23rd, was one of nine newly formed, Western-trained units prepared and equipped for the counteroffensive. But the brigade, he said, had been thrown into the fight without sufficient artillery support and had been unable to defend themselves against Russian firepower.

In one battle in which his unit took part, Ukrainian soldiers attacked in 10 American-made MaxxPro armored vehicles, but only one came back, he said. He showed photographs of the damaged vehicles, ripped open and burned out, which he said had been hauled back to a repair base. The soldier declined to give his name for fear of getting into trouble with his superiors.
The soldier lost a 22-year-old friend, Stas, in the shelling the day before, he said, adding that in just over a month, his battalion had suffered so many dead and wounded that only 10 men remained at the front line.

Previously that battalion has had some 400 to 500 men.

Next Gall speaks to a soldier from a different unit:

Another soldier, who joined up last year and asked to be identified only by his first name, Oleksiy, said that his unit had taken heavy losses as Russian troops directed artillery fire and aerial bombs onto their positions.
“We were shot like on a shooting range,” he said. “A drone was flying above us and correcting the artillery fire.” Their positions were in former Russian positions, hemmed in by minefields, he said, and the Russian forces were able to keep them pinned down and under constant drone surveillance.

Soldiers were running out of ammunition and water but could only sneak in and out of their positions in ones or twos, on foot, when the light was poor just before dawn and at dusk, he said.

And a third case:

Interviews with Ukrainian soldiers and a review of military surveillance footage from a recent attack indicate that many Ukrainian units are sustaining heavy losses.
A group with special operations training, deployed last month to storm Russian positions in a village on the western part of the front, took such heavy casualties in four days of assaults that they had to pull out without success.

After their armored vehicles were largely destroyed by artillery strikes on the first day, they revised their plan to approach the village on foot through a tree line that had been mined. The Ukrainians cleared a narrow path with demining explosives and the first soldiers reached the Russian positions and dropped down into a trench.

Drone footage of the event showed what happened next. Explosions suddenly detonated inside the trenches and other strikes hit soldiers on the edge of the tree line. The video footage has been verified by The New York Times.

“The trenches were mined,” said the assault commander, who uses the call sign Voskres, short for Resurrection. “Our guys started jumping in the trenches and blowing up,” he added. The Russian forces were watching, and they remotely detonated the mines, he said.

Those who managed to avoid the mines came under attack from multiple Russian kamikaze drones. “It seemed like they had a drone for each person,” he said. “The amount of equipment the Russians have, had we known, it was like mission impossible.”

Several weeks later, the village remains in Russian hands.

Since the Ukrainian 'counter-offensive' was launched the Russian Defense Ministry has reported on average 710 Ukrainian casualties per day.

The U.S., and its Ukrainian proxy, have sent these soldiers into battle knowing well that the 'counter offensive' would have no chance to win anything.

As the Wall Street Journal wrote a week ago:

When Ukraine launched its big counteroffensive this spring, Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.
They haven’t. ...

Largely untrained draftees with mediocre equipment and without sufficient artillery and air-support were willfully pushed into a fight they had no chance to win or even survive.

It was a cruel policy. Those who pushed them, and in fact anyone with military training and knowledge of military history, had known that all along.

Posted by b on July 31, 2023 at 15:15 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Requiem for NATO’s Nightmare
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JULY 30, 2023
Scott Ritter


The dysfunction of the Atlantic military alliance over Ukrainian membership was just the most public manifestation of the debacle that was the Vilnius summit.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emerges as a tragic figure in the unfolding drama that is the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

He was asked to sacrifice the lives of his countrymen in order to be seen by the U.S. and NATO as worthy of joining their club. But when the sacrifice did not produce the desired result (i.e., the strategic defeat of Russia), the door to NATO, which had been left open a crack to tease Ukraine into performing its suicidal task, was slammed shut.

Despite NATO’s disingenuous machinations to maintain the optics of potential Ukrainian membership (the Ukraine-NATO Council, created during the Vilnius Summit earlier this month, stands as a prime example), everyone knows that Ukrainian membership in the trans-Atlantic alliance is a fantasy.

Ukraine is now left to pick a poison of its own choosing — accept a peace which makes permanent Russian territorial claims while forever foregoing the possibility, however distant, of NATO membership; or to continue to fight, with the likely outcome of the additional loss of territory and destruction of the Ukrainian nation and people.

Robert Graves’ autobiography, Goodbye to All That, does double duty by providing a template for Ukraine as it charts the passing of Europe’s old order — the U.S.-dominated NATO alliance, the European Union, the rules-based international order and all the post-World War II structures, which held the Western world together for nearly eight decades. They are all now crumbling around us.

Graves’ struggle to adapt to post-war England in the aftermath of the horrors of the First World War, and his observations of a nation collectively struggling to define itself, is a cautionary tale for what is in store for Ukraine.

As Ukraine bids farewell to its former self, it must also part with its dreams of becoming one with a European community whose own longevity is very much in doubt. That is largely because of its disastrous involvement in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Ukrainian trenchline at the Battle of Bakhmut, November 2022. (, Wikimedia Commons,CC BY 4.0)

Ukraine will never be the same after this war ends. Neither will the NATO alliance. Having defined the proxy war it is waging in Ukraine against Russia in existential terms, NATO will struggle to find both relevance and purpose in a post-conflict world.

The Vilnius summit on July 11-12 in many ways represented the high-water mark of Europe’s old order. The summit was the requiem for a nightmare of Europe’s own creation — the death of a nation, the nullification of a continent and the end of an order which had long ago lost its legitimacy.

Strange Isolation

Watching the reporting from the Vilnius summit, I was struck by the strange isolation of Zelensky as he sought to mingle with the leaders of NATO nations that called him friend and ally but treated him and the nation he leads as anything but. Zelensky had pulled out all the stops to jockey Ukraine into position for NATO membership, only to be scratched at the gate.

Briefed in advance of a proposed NATO communique declaring that Ukraine would be invited to join the alliance “when allies agree and conditions are met,” the Ukrainian president was left to vent his frustration to an accommodating press only too willing to jump on the chance to flame the fires of scandal. “It’s unprecedented and absurd,” Zelensky bemoaned, “when time frame is not set neither for the invitation nor for Ukraine’s membership. While at the same time vague wording about ‘conditions’ is added even for inviting Ukraine.”

Mollified after being chastised by his NATO masters, Zelensky later changed his tune, speaking of his desire to join NATO, but in a new, non-confrontational manner. “The results of the summit have been good,” Zelensky told NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a joint press conference, “but if we had got an invitation [to NATO], they’d have been perfect.”
From left, U.S. President Joe Biden; Zelensky, Stoltenberg and NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoana in Vilnius on July 12. (NATO, Flickr, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Later, during a press conference with U.S. President Joe Biden, Zelensky stood mute while Biden continued to pour cold water on the prospects for Ukrainian NATO membership. “We’ve just concluded the first meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council and — where all our allies agreed Ukraine’s future lies with NATO,” Biden said. “Allies all agreed to lift the requirements for the Membership Action Plan for Ukraine and to create a path to NATO membership while Ukraine continues to make progress on necessary reforms.”

One could sense the anger and frustration in Zelensky’s eyes as he listened to Biden add insult to injury by calling him “Vladimir.”

President Biden calls Ukrainian President Volodymyr #Zelensky by the first name “Vladimir” while in Vilnius, #Latvia

— The Foreign Desk (@ForeignDeskNews) July 20, 2023

The NATO dysfunction over Ukrainian membership, however, was but the most public manifestation of the debacle that was the Vilnius Summit.

The Fantasy of Unity

While Zelensky was playing the role of someone desperately looking for a date to the prom — on prom night — Turkish President Recep Erdogan was playing hard to get. After agreeing to allow Finland and Sweden to join NATO during last year’s Madrid summit, Erdogan laid down stringent conditions which kept Finland from being ratified as NATO’s newest member until April 2023. He left Sweden in the lurch on the eve of the Vilnius summit.

Just before departing for Vilnius, Erdogan surprised many by linking Turkish ratification of Sweden’s bid to join the trans-Atlantic alliance with Turkey’s desire to join the EU. “First, come and open the way for Turkey at the European Union and then we will open the way for Sweden, just as we did for Finland,” Erdogan declared. Shortly after arriving in Lithuania, Erdogan met with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, after which Erdogan reversed course, saying Turkey supported Sweden’s accession to NATO.

Erdogan, Stoltenberg and Kristersson in Vilnius on July 10. (NATO, Flickr, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

While Erdogan did not get his invitation to join the EU, Sweden promised to actively support the modernization of the EU-Turkey Customs Union and visa liberalization regarding applications by Turkish citizens for visa-free travel to Europe.

But the Stoltenberg-Erdogan-Kristersson meeting was merely window dressing for more substantive behind-the-scenes horse trading between Erdogan and Biden, which saw Turkey green-lighted to buy new F-16 fighters and have its existing fleet of F-16 fighters modernized.

Getting F-16 fighters had been a major goal of Turkey’s ever since the U.S., in 2019, removed Turkey from a U.S.-led international program to develop and produce the F-35 fighter following Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 air defense system from Russia. The F-16 sale, however, had been stalled following the imposition of sanctions on Turkey in December 2020 as part of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA) — the first time such sanctions targeted a NATO member.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Erdogan after talks at the Kremlin in March 2020. (Kremlin)

The U.S. desire to see Sweden enter NATO as soon as possible appeared to be sufficient justification for the Biden administration to waive the CAATSA sanctions and send the F-16 deal to the U.S. Congress with its blessing. But Sweden’s accession is not guaranteed.

While the U.S. and NATO are pushing for Erdogan to call a special session of Parliament to ratify Swedish membership, Erdogan is holding off until October, when the Turkish Parliament convenes. Erdogan is looking for assurances that the F-16 deal will be approved by U.S. Congress. This is not sure thing, however, given concerns among lawmakers over Turkey’s strained relationship with NATO ally Greece, and the view that deconfliction there is as important as Sweden’s NATO membership.

To sum up: Biden and Stoltenberg highlighted the decision by Erdogan to move the application for Swedish membership to NATO onto the Turkish Parliament for ratification as a symbol of NATO’s “rock solid” unity.

Left unsaid is that Erdogan had to threaten NATO to get the U.S. to articulate a bribe that had the U.S. waiving its prior sanctioning of a NATO ally while at the same time compelling the U.S. to consider the security implications of the deal, given the open hostility that exists between Turkey and fellow NATO member Greece.

Webster’s defines “unity” as “a condition of harmony” and “the quality or state of being made one.” When it comes to the proper usage of that term, I don’t think the contentious relationship between Turkey and NATO qualifies.

Add to this France’s rejection of a proposal to open a NATO liaison office in Japan, and Hungary’s ongoing open disagreement with NATO and the EU over how to respond to Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, and one finds the NATO edifice riddled with fissures of discontent and disagreement which can only deepen as NATO stares the growing probability of a Russian military victory in the face.

Goodbye to All That

If the weeks leading up to the Vilnius summit were defined by the desire on the part of NATO to see the long-awaited and much-touted Ukrainian counteroffensive reach its maximum potential, the days which preceded the NATO gathering have confronted both Ukraine and its Western allies with the reality that the war is not going well for either.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive was formed around a core force of some 60,000 Ukrainian soldiers who received special training by NATO and European militaries on weapons and tactics designed to defeat Russian defenses. Since the counteroffensive began on June 8, Ukraine has lost nearly half of these troops, and a third of the equipment provided — including scores of the Leopard main battle tanks and Bradly infantry fighting vehicles that had been viewed by many as game-changing technology.

Back in 1993, George Soros postulated an architecture for a new world order premised on the United States as the sole remaining superpower overseeing a network of alliances, the most important being NATO, which would gird the northern hemisphere against a Russian threat.

“The United States,” Soros wrote, “would not be called upon to act as the policeman of the world. When it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. Incidentally, the combination of manpower from Eastern Europe with the technical capabilities of NATO would greatly enhance the military potential” of any U.S.-led alliance structure “because it would reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act.”

Forty years later, this very scenario is playing out on the bloody battlefields of Russia and Ukraine. The billions of dollars of military assistance provided by the U.S., NATO and other European nations is the living manifestation of the “technical capabilities” Soros spoke about, which are being married to “manpower from Eastern Europe” (i.e., Ukraine) to enhance the military potential of NATO in a way that reduces “the risk of body bags for NATO countries.”

Left unspoken are the hundreds of thousands of body bags that have already been lowered into the dark soil of Ukraine, highlighting the callous disregard for that human tragedy by the Vilnius attendees. ... nightmare/

Ukraine’s Baby Factories Rake in Record Profits Amid Chaos of War
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JULY 30, 2023
Jeremy Loffredo


While average Ukrainians suffer amid NATO’s proxy war against Russia, business is booming for the surrogate baby industry, which requires a steady supply of healthy and financially desperate women willing to lease their wombs to affluent foreigners.

Surrogates “have to be from poorer places than our clients,” explained the medical director of Kiev’s largest “baby factory.”

From a 2022 BioTexCom promotional video showing surrogate Ukrainian mothers inside the company’s bomb shelter.

Ihor Pechonoha of the Swiss-based BioTexCom says the business model that enabled him to build one of the most profitable surrogacy companies in the world is simple exploitation: “We are looking for women in the former Soviet republics because, logically, [the women] have to be from poorer places than our clients.”

It is no surprise then that BioTexCom’s quest for rentable wombs has led it to the seemingly endless pool of desperate young women in war-torn Ukraine. Eight years of civil conflict combined with the subsequent proxy war between NATO and Russia has plunged Ukraine into economic disaster. As Ukrainians sank into poverty, their country swiftly emerged as the international capital of the surrogacy industry. Today, Ukraine controls at least a quarter of the global market—despite being home to fewer than one percent of the world’s population. Alongside the industry’s rise, a seedy medical underworld filled with patient abuse and corruption took hold of the country.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his team have actively encouraged the West to plunder their war-torn country, inking an investment partnership with the global asset management firm Blackrock, stripping workers of labor protections, and handing state owned companies over to private firms.

Yet Ukraine’s surrogacy industry has fallen under the radar, despite pumping over $1.5 billion into the country’s economy in 2018 alone. Since then, the global market for surrogate babies has more than doubled. The industry was valued at over $14 billion in 2022, and is projected to grow by around 25% annually in coming years, according to an analysis by Global Market Insights.

As nations like India and Nepal slam the door on surrogacy companies citing concerns the industry drives human trafficking, Western officials appear to be turning a blind eye to the abuse-ridden business flourishing in a deregulated, politically unstable Ukraine.

Emma Lamberton is a Master of International Development candidate at the University of Pittsburgh. Recently, she published a paper in Princeton’s Journal of Public and International Affairs detailing the risks Ukrainian women face when participating in the country’s surrogacy industry.

“The main concern of advocates on the ground in Ukraine is that legislators and even news organizations aren’t looking at this as a human rights violation,” Lamberton told The Grayzone.

“A government would never see human rights violations like child abuse as something to simply be regulated,” she explained. “They’d never say ‘you should only be able to beat your children on Wednesdays’ — that would be incredibly ridiculous. And so from the perspective of advocates on the ground in Ukraine, this is an abuse issue and therefore, it should not be regulated and instead it should be outlawed.”

Long before the February 2022 escalation of hostilities in Ukraine, the country was known as a fertile hunting ground for shady characters and agencies seeking to prey on desperate Ukrainian women.

Asian nations with weak regulatory systems and masses of impoverished citizens like India, Thailand, and Nepal also provided popular surrogacy markets. But their governments could not ignore the mounting record of human rights abuses by top industry players and ultimately closed their doors to wealthy foreigners seeking surrogates.

The restriction of these national surrogacy markets has channeled global demand to Ukraine, and kicked off a race to the bottom among child-vending firms. Now, childbirth profiteers have effectively exported the industry from impoverished nations to one in the midst of a grinding military confrontation with its neighbor.

“The war has brought to the forefront the need for unified international regulation on the topic of surrogacy, as surrogates are currently forced to choose between staying in a war zone or fleeing to neighboring countries that don’t recognize the legality of surrogacy,” Lamberton noted to The Grayzone.

“As with any humanitarian crisis, human trafficking becomes an even greater risk,” she said, “and international agreement on surrogacy and human rights violations are needed to protect the vulnerable women and children in Ukraine.”

“They don’t treat you as a human being”: impoverished mothers held hostage in baby farms

The BioTexCom Center for Reproduction is by far the biggest player in the international surrogacy market. The owner of the “reproductive technology services” provider claimed that in 2018, the company controlled a mammoth 70% of the national surrogacy market and a full 25% of the global market.

While BioTexCom’s website boasts that the company has given “the joy of parenthood” to thousands of couples around the world, its true history and operations reveal a gut-wrenching pattern of abuse, secrecy, malpractice, and even allegations of human trafficking.

In a 2018 interview with Al Jazeera, a Ukrainian woman named Alina described the conditions that led her to entering a contractual pregnancy agreement with BioTexCom.

“It’s hard to find a well-paid job in Ukraine…I wanted to set aside money for my son’s university fees – they’re very expensive,” she said.

One Ukrainian BioTexCom surrogate mother carrying a child for an American couple similarly told El Pais that she decided to sell her womb due to financial strain. “I grew up without a home. It’s important for me to have an apartment of my own. [Surrogacy] is the only way I can do that.”

BioTexCom’s Medical Director, Ihor Pechenoha, openly admitted to the Spanish investigative magazine La Marea that his company targets women from poor areas, and that “all those who work as surrogate mothers do so out of financial hardship.”

“We are looking for women in the former Soviet republics because, logically, [the women] have to be from poorer places than our clients,” Pechenoha explained.

Ultimately, he added, “I have not met a single woman with a good economic situation who has decided to go through this process out of kindness, because she thinks she has enough children and wants to help someone else who wants them.”

“They do it because they need that money to buy a house, for the education of their children,” Pechenoh continued, concluding: “if you have a good life in Europe, you’re not going to do it.”

A third Ukrainian woman who sold her womb to foreigners confirmed Pechenoh’s comments in an interview with The Guardian, explaining, “the only reason why I agreed to do this is just for the financial benefits.”

“Plus, since my husband left for the frontline, I need a way to support my other four children,” she added.

“Surrogate mothers, they’re a flow of incubators,” yet another one of BioTexCom’s surrogates explained in 2019. “They don’t treat you as a human being.”

A 2020 report published in Princeton’s Journal of Public & International Affairs further underscored the foreign exploitation driving Ukraine’s surrogacy boom, asserting:

“While proponents claim that women freely choose to become surrogates, vulnerable women are often manipulated through the presentation of choice. Potential surrogates are forced to choose between providing for their families through a practice that may violate their moral beliefs or forfeiting a financial opportunity to provide for their families.”

Oksana Bilozir, a Ukrainian MP pushing to ban foreigners from leasing Ukrainian wombs, told the Australian Broadcast Corporation (ABC) that “there are two categories of Ukrainian surrogates: those wanting to do it for the money and those who already have.” She insisted to ABC that surrogacy offers so much economic value to Ukraine that it may be impossible to outlaw.

Bilozir lamented that corrupt, oligarchic forces entrenched within the Ukrainian government have actively stymied her legislative battle with the surrogacy industry.

“Really it’s now a big fight with business and their lobbyists who are unfortunately present in the Parliament,” she said. “Surrogacy was written into our laws purely as a business.”

Emma Lamberton, the author of the Princeton report on Ukraine’s surrogacy industry, noted BioTexCom is actually a foreign company operating inside of Ukraine. Documents from the firm’s website suggest the company is registered in Switzerland.

Despite BioTexCom’s associations with the wealthy banking center and a bevy of promotional material flaunting its state-of-the-art facilities and luxury accommodations for surrogate mothers, multiple reports indicate its residential centers are more akin to a prison than any four star — or for that matter, low budget—hotel.

One mother explained that while under contract with BioTexCom, though the company put her up in an apartment as promised, she was forced to share it with four other pregnant surrogates. She even described having to share a bed for 32 weeks of her pregnancy.

Others who have witnessed the company’s practices from the inside say it weaponizes the surrogates’ financial desperation to essentially imprison them.

“If we weren’t home after 4 P.M., we could be fined 100 euros,” a former BioTexCom surrogate told London-based freelance journalist Madeline Rouche. On average, the monthly stipend for surrogates ranges from 200 to 350 euros. In other words, leaving the living quarters could cost a BioTexCom surrogate half of their monthly compensation.

“We were also threatened with a fine if any of us openly criticized the company, or directly communicated with the biological parents,” she said. “We were treated like cattle and mocked by the doctors.”

The financial compensation, she said, was not nearly enough to make her decision worthwhile: “I would never be a surrogate mother again. It was a terrible experience.”

After birth, many infants are kept under lock and key in hotels with militarized security until their purchasers arrive to collect them. The Guardian described the dystopian process in 2020:

“These newborns are not in the nursery of a maternity hospital, they are lined up side by side in two large reception rooms of the improbably named Hotel Venice on the outskirts of Kyiv, protected by outer walls and barbed wire.”

Meanwhile, top Ukrainian officials allege the abusive industry has found powerful guardians in Washington.

US accused of protecting BioTexCom as Western press pumps out PR

Former Ukrainian state prosecutor, Yuriy Latsenko, oversaw a series of criminal investigations into BioTexCom for fraud and human trafficking. In 2018, ordered the company’s founder, a German citizen named Albert Tochilovsky, to be placed under house arrest for two months.

Yet Latsenko was promptly removed from his post. In the aftermath of his firing, Lutsenko told The Hill that US ambassador to Kiev, Maria Yovanovitch, once handed him an “untouchables list”—a docket of powerful people whom Washington forbade him from investigating or prosecuting. Though the exact names that appeared on the list remain unknown, Latsenko later told The Guardian that he “believes the investigations into BioTexCom have stalled as a result” of his dismissal.

While Ukraine’s former top prosecutor all but accused the US of protecting BioTexCom’s founder, top Western outlets produced glowing, public relations-like coverage of the company, papering over the abuse and exploitation lurking behind its maternity ward curtains.

In October 2022, The New York Times published an article that could have been drawn directly from BioTexCom marketing material. The Times framed the resumption of BioTexCom’s surrogacy operations in the midst of war-torn Ukraine as a valiant act of patriotic defiance, describing the baby business as “an industry that many childless people rely on.”

Instead of questioning BioTexCom’s medical director on the business model that relies on the financial coercion of poor women or reports of mistreatment, the Times tossed Pechenoha easy questions about surrogacy.

“The war has not diminished the appeal of surrogacy for couples desperate to have children,” Pechenoha explained, because the company’s clients “are in a hurry.”

“We managed to bring all our surrogate mothers out from under occupation and shelling,” he added.

Baby farms in bomb shelters

As the Ukraine proxy war began, the lucrative business of supplying foreign women with babies at the expense of poor Ukrainian women adopted a militarized posture.

According to The Atlantic, the company even secured a bomb shelter to ensure that newborn production can continue unimpeded in the event of an attack. A video published by BioTexCom in early 2022 showed a typical shelter equipped not only with beds and sleeping bags, but cribs and gas masks as well.

A primetime promotional-style ABC News package on the company celebrated its Russian bomb-proof baby factories, declaring: “Ukrainian Surrogacy Agency Does Whatever it Takes to Keep Patients Safe.”

The report opened with ABC’s David Muir commending Ukraine’s “largest surrogacy agency” for “taking all measures possible to make sure their patients and their babies are safe.”

The segment went featured a softball interview in which BioTexCom’s medical director insisted—without a scintilla of pushback—that the company’s medical standards were “so high.” Muir then commended him for being “courageous and brave” and working for such a “wonderful” company.

BioTexCom clearly treats some of humanity’s most daunting challenges as business opportunities, from war to the supposedly looming threat of depopulation.

The next phase of surrogacy: artificial fetuses outside the body

From war to the looming threat of depopulation, BioTextCom views humanity’s most daunting challenges as business opportunities. In a note accompanying an article promoted by the company, BioTexCom highlighted declining birth rates in developing countries to argue that their “artificial insemination technology” is a “chance for survival for humankind.”

“In 50 years the population of most countries of the world will be reduced by half,” the piece declared.

Tochilovsky, the German owner of BioTexCom, has argued that as long as his company remains at the forefront of the wider biotech industry, it promises to deliver a future in reproductive biotechnology where babies are generated in artificial wombs and genes are edited with computers.

In an interview with Ukrainian newspaper Delo, Tochilovsky discussed the digital economy in the context of the “reproductive technology industry.”

Referencing climbing infertility rates and theories of “population collapse” presented by the tech billionaire Elon Musk and Chinese businessman Jack Ma, Tochilovsky that biotechnology will save the human race.

“Reproductive medicine is the future of humanity,” he said.

“The most important thing is ectogenesis, the ability to raise a child outside the human body… an artificial uterus. Something like factories that we all saw in the movie The Matrix. I think within five to seven years we will get ectogenesis.” Tochilovsky added that BioTexCom is “working in this direction.”

When asked how BioTexCom plans to resolve the multitude of legal and ethical issues surrounding his futuristic baby factories, the CEO offered a disconcerting solution.

“The most important thing,” Tochilovsky insisted, “is to prohibit law enforcement agencies from interfering in the work.” ... os-of-war/


Fans of Cluster Bombs Dominate WaPo’s Opinion Section


The Washington Post (6/23/22) describes its opinion section as a platform for articles that “provide a diversity of voices and perspectives for our readers.” Yet as the US and its allies pour military aid into Ukraine, escalating the already bloody conflict with ever-more deadly new weapons, the paper’s opinion pages begin to look less like a platform for diverse voices and more like a cheerleading squad for the military/industrial complex.

Post opinion journalism abounds with pieces advocating the sort of “light side vs. dark side” moral rhetoric characteristic of corporate media’s war coverage (, 12/1/22). A consequence of this binary worldview is the tendency to present the deployment of increasingly horrific means, like President Joe Biden’s recent decision to arm Ukraine with US cluster munitions, as essentially just and necessary to achieve the West’s always-noble ends.

From war crime to ‘correct call’
Cluster munitions are a type of ordinance which can leave unexploded “bomblets” around for decades. Almost 50 years after the end of the US government’s war of aggression against Laos, unexploded cluster bombs continue to kill and maim innocent people—frequently children.

These weapons are rightly so reviled that, shortly after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, then–White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki responded to the possibility that Russia had already begun using cluster munitions against Ukraine by calling it “potentially a war crime.” Even so, US cluster munitions have arrived in Ukraine, and are now being used by Kyiv (Washington Post, 7/20/23).
Washington Post editorial (7/8/23): “Mr. Biden made a tough but correct call this week…sending Kyiv thousands of cluster munitions, which are expected to help Ukrainian forces break through heavily entrenched Russian lines.”
Advocating for escalation, a Post editorial headlined “NATO’s Annual Summit Could Define a Decade of Western Security” (7/8/23) argued that NATO needs to “step up their game” in order to meet the threat of Putin’s regime in Moscow. It called Biden’s decision to arm Ukraine with cluster munitions a “tough but correct call.” The editorial board explained:

Their use is banned by some major NATO allies, because dud bombs left behind on the battlefield pose a threat to civilians. But Russia has used them intensively in Ukraine, and the Biden administration is legally required to export only shells that have a very low dud rate.

“Some” major allies? Out of the 31 NATO member states, the US finds company with only seven others in its refusal to join the Convention on Cluster Munitions. More than two-thirds of NATO countries, including “major” allies like Canada, Britain, Germany and France—and every European country west of Poland—have signed.

The editorial board cites the fact that the cluster munitions being sent by the US have a “very low dud rate,” and will therefore pose less of a risk to civilians. The Pentagon claims that the munitions it is sending have a dud rate of 2.35%; even if that’s accurate, it exceeds the 1% limit the Pentagon itself considers acceptable.

According to the New York Times’ John Ismay (7/7/23), a failure rate of 2.35% “would mean that for every two shells fired, about three unexploded grenades would be left scattered on the target area.” There is reason to believe that the true dud rate may be much higher—possibly exceeding 14%, by the Pentagon’s own reckoning.

Ends justify the means?
Max Boot (Washington Post, 7/11/23): Ukrainian officials have “balanced the risks of civilian casualties from unexploded ordnance against the risk of not being able to expel the Russian invaders, and they have decided that the latter is a greater concern than the former.” In other words, sometimes you have to destroy the separatists to save them.
Another Post op-ed, by columnist Max Boot (7/11/23), headlined “Why Liberals Protesting Cluster Munitions for Ukraine Are Wrong,” illustrates the “ends justify the means” rhetoric so pervasive in discourse over the war in Ukraine.

Boot acknowledged the devastating impact of cluster munitions, noting that “in Laos alone, at least 25,000 people have been killed or injured by unexploded ordnance since the US bombing ended.” He added:

Such concerns led more than 100 nations—but not the United States, Russia or Ukraine—to join the 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions abolishing the use of these weapons.

Of course, the United States is notorious for isolating itself from the rest of the world when it comes to the signing of international treaties—as the Council on Foreign Relations, where Mr. Boot is a senior fellow, has shown. The US signed but failed to ratify the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (which has 178 state parties) and the 1979 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (which has 189 state parties). It refused to even sign the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty (which has 164 state parties).

Boot cited the probability that the dud rate of US cluster munitions is much higher than the given 2.35%, but immediately downplayed this fact on the basis that

Ukraine’s democratically elected leaders, whose relatives, friends and neighbors are in the line of fire, are more mindful of minimizing Ukrainian casualties than are self-appointed humanitarians in the West watching the war on television.

In other words, the Ukraine government should be allowed to decide how many Ukrainian civilians are acceptable to kill. This is a dubious principle even when you aren’t talking about a war against separatists; in the areas where the weapons are likely to be used, a large minority to a majority of the population identifies as ethnically Russian. Is the Iraqi government the best judge of how many Kurdish civilians are all right to kill?

“Using cluster munitions has the potential to save the lives of many Ukrainian soldiers,” Boot claimed, despite the fact that these same US munitions have a history of killing both civilians and US personnel alike.

Moreover, Boot argued,

cluster munitions remain a lawful instrument of warfare for countries that haven’t signed the 2008 convention, and Kyiv has shown itself a responsible steward of all the Western weaponry it has received.

Setting aside international norms, even countries who have not joined the cluster munitions convention must respect the Geneva Conventions, which prohibit indiscriminate attacks in civilian areas. That makes cluster munitions used in such areas illegal—yet “responsible steward” Ukraine has already used its own cluster munitions in the city of Izium, predictably resulting in civilian casualties (Human Rights Watch, 7/6/23).

Running out of options’

Meanwhile, Post columnist David Ignatius (7/8/23) approvingly quoted National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan touting the deployment of cluster munitions as giving Ukraine a “wider window” for success, with no mention of any arguments against them. Ignatius later stated in his biweekly Q&A (7/17/23) that he was compelled by the Ukrainians’ reported “moral argument” for cluster bombs.

The Post’s sole “Counterpoint” piece (7/7/23) on cluster munitions, authored by Sen. Jeff Merkley and former Sen. Patrick Leahy, justly pointed out the “unsupportable moral and political price” of supplying Kyiv with cluster munitions. Unfortunately, the Post didn’t seem to have much time for such considerations, with the only other traces of criticism within the opinion section being found amidst the letters to the editor.

This was true even months before Biden made his decision. A March piece by columnist Josh Rogin (3/2/23) framed the weapons as a sort of necessary evil as the Ukrainian forces are “running out of options.” Rogin referred to concerns from human rights groups and deemed the use of cluster munitions as “not to be taken lightly,” but did not dwell on these concerns, arguing, similar to Boot, that “more innocent lives will be saved if Ukrainian forces can kill more invading Russians faster.” Rogin concluded: “Because it is their lives on the line, it is their risk to take, and we should honor their request.”

In total, the Post has published five pieces in its opinion section (including Ignatius’ Q&A) that take a direct stance in favor of arming Ukraine with US cluster munitions, and only one opposed to it. Meanwhile, a recent poll by Quinnipiac University concluded that 51% of Americans disapprove of the president’s decision, while only 39% approve (The Hill, 7/19/23).

With so much preference for escalation and so little toward military restraint, one thing seems clear: There aren’t many Einsteins in the Washington Post op-ed section. ... n-section/


The situation in Moldova for July 24-31
July 31, 2023

Last week, the Moldovan authorities announced the reduction of the Russian diplomatic mission. The reason was an article in the media-foreign agent The Insider about supposedly spy antennas on the building of the Russian Embassy in Chisinau.

The Foreign Ministry of Transnistria said that the expulsion of Russian diplomats would hit hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens who live in the unrecognized republic, and would also complicate the work of the peacekeeping mission and Russian expert groups.

Deputies of the Gagauz autonomy threaten to go to Chisinau and block the parliamentary rostrum in protest against the proposals of the ruling PAS party to amend the Tax Code. Innovations can remove from the central authorities the obligation to compensate VAT to the residents of the autonomy, which will reduce the income of Gagauzia by a quarter.

Foreign policy
Diplomatic scandal with Russia
Maia Sandu 's administration found a pretext for reducing the Russian diplomatic mission in Moldova: a new impetus to the diplomatic scandal with Russia was set by the publication in the Russian foreign media outlet The Insider about spy antennas on the roof of the Russian embassy.

The authors of the article, citing their sources , talk about GRU and SVR officers who allegedly install transmitting devices and satellite dishes to spy on the Moldovan authorities and foreign delegations.

At the same time, The Insider plays the role of a pseudo-opposition media, is supervised by the British intelligence services and has made a name for itself by working with the notorious Bellingcat and Khristo Grozev , who publish "high-profile" anti-Russian "investigations" to provoke international scandals.

An article in an online publication (!) was the reason for the Moldovan authorities to announce the reduction of the Russian diplomatic mission and embassy staff from 84 to 25 people.

Relations with the West
President Maia Sandu met in Chisinau with President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) Odile Renaud-Basso . Last year, the EBRD provided loans to Moldova for 500 million euros , becoming the country's largest creditor. Reno-Basso said that the bank will provide Moldova with a new loan of 165 million euros to purchase gas in the coming cold period.

Sandu and Reno-Basso attended the opening of the high-speed section of the Chisinau-Giurgiulesti highway, built with loans from the EBRD. The motorway is called the gateway to the EU, as it links Moldova with neighboring Romania. In addition, Sandu noted that the road "promotes solidarity with Ukraine", providing freight transport with the EU.

President Sandu took part in the Salzburg 2023 summit in Austria , where she once again announced the country's aspiration to join the EU. In addition, Sandu met with Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen and noted the projects of the Austrian Development Agency in Moldova.

In addition, the head of Moldova met with a parliamentary delegation from Lithuania to discuss European integration and the Ukrainian crisis.

Sandu awarded former Romanian Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu with the Order of Honor (Ordinul de Onoare) “for strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries” and promoting Moldovan European integration on the agenda of Brussels.

Transnistria and military escalation
Russian peacekeeping mission
The Pridnestrovian Foreign Ministry noted that the decision to expel some of the Russian diplomats would hit hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens who live in the unrecognized republic.

In addition, this will complicate the work of the peacekeeping mission and the Russian expert groups on the negotiation mechanism for maintaining peace on the banks of the Dniester.

At the same time, calls from the West and the Moldovan authorities to withdraw the Russian peacekeeping contingent from Transnistria are increasingly heard. The former head of the OSCE mission to Moldova, William Hill , said that an international civilian mission should take the place of Russian peacekeepers in the Security Zone.

However, the head of the PMR Foreign Ministry, Vitaly Ignatiev, noted that such calls are groundless. Especially against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis, the peacekeeping operation gives additional stability to the Transnistrian region. Ignatiev expressed the hope that in Chisinau "they will show responsibility and will not take actions to destroy the peacekeeping operation."

Armament of Moldova by the West
Former Moldovan Defense Minister Anatolie Salaru said that modern Romanian air defense radars have begun to be deployed in the country. According to him, they are integrated into the general air defense system of Romania and "will allow to shoot down all missiles flying towards the country." Salaru is sure that radars are also important for Ukraine, as "the military will receive more information."

Moldova was visited by American General Marvin Hunt , representing the National Guard of the State of North Carolina. Open sources say that Hunt discussed "humanitarian work and the well-being of soldiers," and also observed joint exercises of sappers from the armies of Moldova and the United States.

Interior setting
Gagauz autonomy
On July 24, an emergency meeting of the People's Assembly of Gagauzia (PAS) was held in Comrat , at which the initiative of the ruling PAS party to cut the autonomy's budget was discussed.

Earlier, PAS announced its intention to amend the Tax Code and remove the obligation from the central authorities to compensate VAT to the residents of the autonomy, which will reduce the income of Gagauzia by a quarter.

The initiator of the project, Radu Marian, ignored the invitation of the NSG to come to Comrat to discuss the initiative together. In Gagauzia, they announced the first lawsuits in the ECtHR against Chisinau in 30 years.

At the same time, PAS leader Igor Grossu called the new Bashkan Yevgenia Hutsul a "representative of a bandit formation" with whom "they will not talk."

Government actions
The Cabinet of Ministers proposed to Parliament to extend the state of emergency for another 60 days (until October 2), referring to the Ukrainian conflict and "the danger of destabilizing the internal political situation in Moldova."

The state of emergency, among other things, makes it possible for the Moldovan authorities to urgently allocate funds from the budget. This regime has been in force in the country since the end of 2021, when “possible interruptions in the supply of gas” were announced.

The former head of Gagauzia and member of the Cabinet, Irina Vlakh , criticized the extension of the state of emergency, noting that “PAS cannot govern” the country, and the only solution is new presidential and parliamentary elections. According to Vlah, the extension of the state of emergency is “just a continuation of gangster auctions.”

The Constitutional Court of Moldova rejected the PAS request to change one of the articles of the Basic Law, which would allow deputies to engage not only in parliamentary, but also in private activities.

Socio-economic crisis
The Power of Farmers Association said that the authorities continue to ignore signals of the plight of farmers, which means the deliberate destruction of small and medium-sized farms in the country.

The association claims that several transnational companies keep prices for wheat and barley in Moldova at the lowest level in the region. At the same time, the government refuses to protect farmers from creditors who demand immediate payment of debts.

Representatives of the "Farmers' Power" say that almost half of all land in Moldova is under the control of two holdings that are registered in Cyprus and can subsequently appropriate the lands of bankrupt farmers.

In addition, farmers asked the authorities to create a customs corridor for grain exports.

The Moldovan budget deficit for the first half of the year doubled compared to the same period in 2022 - up to 7.16 billion lei.

The internal and external public debt of Moldova reached 100 billion lei, having increased by 5.28 billion lei since the beginning of 2023.

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Net barriers are being installed in the Kerch Strait
July 31, 23:42


In the Kerch Strait, booms and nets have been installed to combat maritime drones.
The measure is reasonable and necessary. The truth was about a year late, since the threat of an attack from the sea on the Crimean Bridge had been known since the summer of 2022. If the nets had been delivered on time, it is possible that the terrorist attack with the attack of sea drones would not have occurred. With the proper organization of the protection of the object from attacks from the sea (as we have in Sevastopol), the probability of success of such drones is minimal due to their limitations in terms of performance characteristics.

The strange death of General Potts
July 31, 8:04 am


The American press reports that Major General Anthony Potts of the US Army died in the United States under unclear circumstances.
According to one version, Putts died during a plane crash when his private jet crashed in Maryland.
According to another version, Potts was killed in Ukraine during a Russian missile attack on one of the command posts in Ukraine.

In recent years, Potts has been involved in technological innovation and the deployment of operational communications systems on the battlefield, as well as the supply of various infantry equipment. He took an active part in the US aggression against Iraq and the occupation of this country (war criminal with experience)

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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