Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:03 pm

Looking at the future
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/19/2023


"The intelligence community of the United States confirms that the counteroffensive by Ukraine will not be able to reach the key city of Melitopol," said an article published by The Washington Post yesterday.which strongly assesses the development of events at the front in the more than two months that have elapsed since the resumption of active hostilities on the Zaporozhye front. The outlet, one of the most pro-Ukrainian even before the Russian invasion, when its editorials proclaimed that the Minsk agreements were not the solution to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, admits that Kiev's troops are not fighting, as expected, for Melitopol but for Rabotino, a town already completely devastated and for which fighting has been going on since the first week of June. Russian media speculated yesterday that kyiv intends to speed up its capture in order to present August 24, Independence Day, as a success. Whether that's the intention or not,

The prominence achieved by Rabotino, like other smaller towns located on the front line and for which Ukraine did not expect to have to fight by foreseeing a rapid break from the front, is representative of the development of the counteroffensive, of which The Washington Post affirms that If current forecasts are confirmed, the summer campaign "will not fulfill its main objective of cutting off the Russian land corridor to Crimea."

Ukraine has never hidden that the Black Sea peninsula is its main target, since, as Russia's most important territory, a defeat in Crimea would amount to the complete Russian defeat that Kiev demands. Hence, it was always clear that Melitopol would be their target in the great ground offensive, which did not count on the improvement of Russian tactics, the factor of air superiority, the qualitative change in the use of kamikaze drones or even the difficulty of overcoming the Russian minefields in the open field of the central front of this war. Unlike the handful of towns captured - successes celebrated with little media epic even among the most pro-Ukrainian outlets - the capture of Melitopol would mean a dramatic loss for Russia, which has made the city its Zaporozhye capital.

Nor has Russia hidden the fact that it began to prepare the defense of the Zaporozhye front last autumn, when under the command of General Surovikin, it was decided to give up fighting for Kherson, lose the territories on the right bank of the Dnieper and start preparing a defense staggered on the front where Moscow was aware that it was going to be attacked. This preparation and the existential importance that Russia has given to Crimea made it unpredictable that kyiv's expectations were met. As The Washington Post admits, “Ukraine started the counteroffensive in early June hoping to replicate its brilliant breakthrough successes in the Kharkiv region last fall.” At that time, when people began to talk about the preparation of the current offensive, then planned for spring, but delayed for several months pending receipt of the material that was going to make Ukraine invincible, Pentagon sources were already leaking to media such as Politico that the approach of Kiev and its partners to recapture Crimea had little chance of success.

Now, however, the media seem annoyed at being forced to mention minor towns they were unaware of in their reporting from the front seems to annoy journalists and analysts eager to reach Melitopol, the most important city in the Russian-held southern territories. However, it must not be forgotten either that, as the activist Almut Rochowanski commented yesterday, "before 2022, all aid programs (those linked to the conflict, internally displaced persons, development, human rights, violence against women, etc. ninai) made a big detour around the city. It was too remote, unimportant, unstrategic, uninteresting." Now, Melitopol has become the desired goal, not even as a final destination, but as the end of the beginning., that is, as a door to the real objectives of Sevastopol, Simferopol or Yalta.

That dream has been rejected by what The Washington Postdescribes as "brutal efficiency in the defense of the occupied territory through a series of minefields and trenches", nothing new for those who have followed the process of creating that line of defense that was not only predictable, but also known. Within what military censorship allows -existing on both sides, it is only necessary to remember that nobody has dared to demand an approximate number of casualties from Ukraine-, since last autumn Russian journalists have shown the work of building fortifications. The contempt for the Russian press and the classification of entire staff of the media as propagandists and disseminators of the Kremlin's message has achieved that, despite the possibility of having information from both sides, this war is being broadcast as if an iron curtain separated the information spaces. So much so that the Western media seem to have internalized the propaganda and have even been surprised by the Russian ability to dig trenches.

“In the first week of battle,” laments The Washington Post , “Ukraine incurred heavy casualties in the face of well-prepared Russian defenses despite a wide range of newly received Western equipment, including American Bradley vehicles, Leopard- 2 of German manufacture and specialized demining vehicles”. Citing a Ukrainian soldier whose name is withheld to avoid reprisals, the US outlet ABCIt affects this line, describing the offensive as disorganized. "We lost three Leopards in one day because they were simply told to move towards a minefield," says the soldier, who also insists on the low quality of training received by the troops, something that until recently was an argument used only against Russia. It was Moscow that sent its youth to die on the battlefield, unarmed, unprepared and with low morale. All these arguments are being repeated right now in the Ukrainian and Western media, many of which continue to defend the military option as the only way to resolve the conflict. In this context, the Ukrainian casualties are not a reason to lower expectations or look for a more realistic option than complete victory over Russia,

Citing American and Western officials, The Washington Post states that "the joint maneuvers carried out by American, British and Ukrainian troops anticipated those casualties and anticipated Kiev's acceptance of those casualties as the cost of breaking through the Russian defense line." . In proxy warfare, the proxy state has to understand the enormous casualties among its troops as collateral damage of no great importance. Hence the reproaches for Ukraine's change of tactics precisely in order to limit personnel casualties and material losses. "But Ukraine," The Washington Post is surprised, chose to reduce casualties on the battlefield and switch to a tactic of relying on smaller units to push along different areas of the front”, a way in which, as the newspaper admits, it has achieved the little progress it has made. achieved in these ten weeks of apparently disappointing offensive for its suppliers and the media that had cheered it on prematurely. Concern over the Ukrainian refusal to suffer unsustainable casualties extends to The New York Times , which yesterday estimated the war's casualties at 500,000 between dead and wounded. "US officials say they fear Ukraine has become casualty averse."

The United States "would never have tried to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [the Ukrainians] don't have air superiority," retired US Army Lt. Col. John Nagl said in remarks reported by The Wall Street Journal .. This is an obvious argument that does not require extensive military experience, something Russia counted on from the start, especially considering the haste with which Ukraine and its partners wanted to prepare for a spring offensive, with What already existed was the certainty that Kiev would not have Western aviation. The time necessary to instruct the pilots in the use of devices such as the F-16 made their arrival in Ukraine before the summer unfeasible, as Oleksiy Reznikov seemed to demand.

Accepted that the current offensive will not achieve all its objectives, the United States seems to have launched into the preparation of the next one. Various media have published information about the preparation of the 2024 campaign, European countries such as Poland have increased their ammunition production and Biden has asked Congress for additional funding for the defense of Ukraine.. To this must be added the announcement made yesterday by the United States, which gave the green light to European countries to start training Ukrainian pilots. The F-16s will begin to arrive once this training is completed, which lasts several months and for which a large part of the selected Ukrainian pilots will first have to study the English language. The Ukrainian difficulties on the front are not giving rise to an opening of the diplomatic channel, but to a repetition of what happened in the last ten months, with the preparation of the future Ukrainian offensive, in which the Leopards will have ceased to be the miracle weapon to be replaced by the F-16. ... more-27959

Google Translator

The New York Times , which yesterday estimated the war's casualties at 500,000 between dead and wounded. "US officials say they fear Ukraine has become casualty averse."

Jfc, the arrogance of these people!


Chronicle of the special military operation for August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023

Last night, a Ukrainian unmanned boat tried to attack the Russian ships " Inquisitive " and " Vasily Byko " in the southwestern part of the Black Sea. The aircraft was destroyed by gunfire.

The enemy also used five drones to attack Russian rear facilities: four were intercepted at the moment of crossing the state border, one was able to reach Moscow , where it was suppressed by electronic warfare. The wreckage of the latter fell on the eighth pavilion of Expocentre.

Fighting continues along the entire front line. Russian troops continue to methodically move towards Petropavlovka in the Kupyansky sector . In turn, the Ukrainian formations carry out sorties in the Vremievsky and Orekhovsky sectors , which are quickly suppressed by artillery and small arms fire.


Attack of Ukrainian drones on Moscow

At night, Ukrainian formations released five drones to attack Russian rear facilities: four were intercepted in the border zone, one was suppressed by electronic warfare equipment near the Moscow City business center in the capital . According to emergency services, a partial collapse of the outer wall in the eighth pavilion of the Expocentre exhibition complex was recorded . There are no victims or injured. In addition, the airspace in the area of ​​Vnukovo Airport was blocked for some time .

In the afternoon, about two thousand people were evacuated from one of the towers in the Moscow City business center after an anonymous report about the “arrival of a UAV”. The information about the drone turned out to be false. Earlier, a video appeared on the network with an alleged flight of several UAVs in the Serpukhov area .

Raid of a Ukrainian unmanned boat on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet

Last night, southwest of Sevastopol , a Ukrainian crewless kart attempted to attack the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet: the patrol ship " Inquisitive " and the patrol ship " Vasily Bykov ". The apparatus was destroyed by regular armament fire.

At the same time, there are several nuances in the attack on a detachment of warships of the Russian Navy: on the one hand, it is not clear where the unmanned boat was launched from. If earlier it came from the mouth of the Danube, now there is no such certainty. At the same time, the attack occurred while the container ship Joseph Shulte was moving towards the Bosphorus. Yesterday we assumed that the ship headed for the Bosporus at a time when the Russian ships were at a distance, and the threat of inspection was minimal.

In the end, it did. According to some reports, "Inquisitive" and "Vasily Bykov" accompanied the tanker, which came from the Mediterranean Sea. So it is possible that he was the target of the Ukrainian boat. It is curious that at the time of the attack at 22.55, the container ship Joseph Shulte was standing northwest of the Bosphorus, and began its passage only at midnight. And in the air at the same time were the American P-8A and MQ-9A Reaper.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Kupyansky sector in the vicinity of Sinkovka, servicemen of the Zapad group of the Russian Armed Forces continue to push Ukrainian formations out of the village. As a result of the assault from the eastern side, the RF Armed Forces occupied two strongholds. Despite the onslaught of the Russian army, Ukrainian formations periodically try to counterattack. One of the assault detachments of the 67th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine had an unsuccessful landing south of Olshany . The attack was repulsed, and the group was defeated.

Artillerymen and aviation of the RF Armed Forces actively support the offensive with fire: as a result of a massive strike on the front line, several strongholds were hit, as well as one self-propelled gun.

In the Soledarsky direction in the Kleshcheevka area , the enemy continues to attempt to roll on the positions of the RF Armed Forces in small groups, having lost at least two tanks and several platoons of manpower. In addition, according to some reports, the enemy tried to attack Russian units in the Andreevka area . Russian artillery and kamikaze drones are actively used on the site, which work both on equipment and on the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The use of combat aircraft was also recorded.

Positional clashes continue in the Donetsk direction in the area of ​​​​Marinka and Avdiivka . At the rear positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the artillery of the RF Armed Forces, with the support of UAV operators, inflicts pinpoint strikes, trying to disrupt the enemy’s logistics.

In the Vremievsky sector, Ukrainian formations are regrouping, along the way carrying out rollbacks on the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the area of ​​​​Urozhaynoye . One of the infantry groups of the 37th infantry regiment started a shooting battle with the 37th motorized rifle brigade in the forest belt to the east. According to the Warrior of the Far East , seven people from the Armed Forces of Ukraine were liquidated, and one was taken prisoner. In the area of ​​the Staromayorsky unit, the 1st brigade is setting up false positions. In the same place this morning there was an attempt to rotate on one AFV, which was hit by Russian artillerymen.

Along the line of contact, Russian troops conducted a massive shelling of enemy concentrations, as a result of which several infantry fighting vehicles and armored fighting vehicles were destroyed. With return fire, cannon artillery crews of the 1st brigade and 55th brigade fired at the Cherished Desire - Staromlinovka line . After the restoration of the assault groups, the Armed Forces of Ukraine plan to attack these positions, including with tanks.

On the Orekhovsky sector yesterday, assault detachments of the 1st and 3rd battalions of the 82nd Airborne Brigade, with the support of aviation and artillery, attacked the positions of the RF Armed Forces at the Rabotino - Verbovoye line . The enemy units tried to break through to the northeastern outskirts of Rabotino and to strongholds to the east, but to no avail. The attacks were repulsed, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to rotate and replace the wounded under the cover of artillery.

Russian troops responded by shelling Ukrainian positions. As a result of one of the strikes, the stronghold of the 82nd Airborne Brigade was destroyed, including one Starlink terminal. And in the morning, infantry detachments of Ukrainian paratroopers once again tried to break into the defense of Russian fighters in Rabotino. Artillery worked on them, and, according to the Archangel Spetsnaz , the offensive was repulsed .

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In the Bryansk region, Ukrainian formations continue to strike for several days at the border region of Klimovsky . This time the village of Petrova Guta came under fire . The shells damaged three private houses, there were no casualties among the civilian population. In addition, a UAV drone dropped two explosive devices on a cell tower in Novye Yurkovychi : there were temporary problems with power supply in the village.

The enemy made an attempt to attack the border area of ​​the Kursk region with a drone. An electronic warfare crew landed an enemy UAV kamikaze in the Rylsky district , the shells did not detonate, there were no casualties and no damage. And in the Glushkovsky district , a Ukrainian drone dropped an unidentified munition on the territory of a mill in Tetkino : no casualties and destruction were avoided. At the same time, local residents reported at least three arrivals in Alekseevka .

In the neighboring Belgorod region, shelling of Shebekino and the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka was also reported , but the official authorities did not comment on this incident. In the evening, an air defense system worked over the Belgorod region: a Ukrainian aircraft-type UAV was shot down, the consequences on the ground are being specified.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine throughout the day inflict massive strikes on the civilian infrastructure of the Donetsk People's Republic . The enemy fired over 110 shells and fired 34 shells, damaging 13 residential buildings. In the Kievsky district of Donetsk, as a result of a cluster munition explosion, three employees of a public utility company died, two more were injured by shrapnel, they are receiving the necessary medical care. The villages of Golmovsky , Gorlovka , Nikolskoe , Makeevka , Yasinovataya , Zaitsevo , Novoandreevka and Vasilievka were hit by Ukrainian formations.: Three more people were injured.

Closer to the night, the enemy dropped ammunition from a drone in the area of ​​the fifth school in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk , as a result of which three people died on the spot, and medical care is being provided to eight more wounded.

In the Zaporizhia region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked Enerhodar twice a day . Both times a high-rise building on Builders Avenue was hit. According to Vladimir Rogov , the victims were avoided.

In the Kherson region today, Ukrainian formations once again fired at Novaya Kakhovka , Sagi , Kakhovka , Dnepryan and Gornostaevka . As a result of the incident, no one was injured, but several civilian buildings were partially destroyed.

Political events
On the transfer of American F-16 fighters to Ukraine

The Reuters news agency says that the US authorities have approved the transfer of F-16 fighter jets from Denmark and the Netherlands to the Ukrainian Air Force after the completion of crew training. We have repeatedly noted that the delivery of American aircraft to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is a matter of time. Moreover, the training of Ukrainian pilots was reported back in the spring. The lack of air support during the offensive is what Kyiv uses to justify failures at the front. The transmission speed of the F-16 depends primarily on the timing of the readiness of the relevant infrastructure, and only then on the training of pilots, instead of whom vacationers from the armies of NATO countries may well fly. Therefore, the first fighters will most likely be delivered towards the end of this year.

Nevertheless, information is spreading in the Ukrainian media, according to which the F-16s can only be delivered by the summer of next year due to the long terms for pilot training. You should not hope for this - there were similar conversations about other Western military equipment, which, as a result, was delivered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine “ahead of schedule”.

It is important to understand that the F-16 is not a "wonder weapon". The example of Western armored vehicles is indicative: the beautiful advertising of the Leopards and Bradleys did not help them on the battlefield. The same is with fighters: this is the equipment that can and should be destroyed if it appears. However, underestimating the enemy is fraught with serious consequences. Ukrainian planes still fly, some have been upgraded to Harms and Storm Shadows: they also come from the last century, but they pose a threat. Therefore, the F-16, capable of carrying modern long-range missiles and integrated into the NATO command and control system, is dangerous.

On other foreign military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The next package of German military assistance to Ukraine includes: two launchers of the IRIS-T SLS air defense system; 4386 155 mm ammunition; ten GO12 ground surveillance radars; eight 8X8 trucks with a special loading system (Wechselladesystem) for transporting platforms and containers with equipment or ammunition.

In addition, a second MILGEM-type corvette for the Ukrainian Navy was laid down in Turkey under a contract dated October 2020. The first ship was launched last year and is being completed at the shipyard in Istanbul . Although they will most likely not arrive at the ports of the Odessa region very soon , the events are clear evidence of the scale of the Turkish military support for the Kiev regime, which, despite all the declarations of friendship with Russia, does not decrease one iota and even grows in places. For example, a week ago, photos of the use of Turkish 155-mm M483A1 cluster projectiles manufactured by MKE appeared on the Web. So now Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson region will be dotted with Erdogan'sunexploded ordnance, posing a threat to all living things for many years.

On the sale of Ukrainian children to pedophiles and transplantologists

Journalist Kristel Nahan from Donbass Insider released another investigation into the abduction of children by Ukraine with the aim of selling them for organs or for pedophiles. The refugees from Bakhmut interviewed by Nean confirm the information about the theft of children by the Phoenix and White Angels units, who are then sold abroad. Similar information also comes from Kupyansk and Avdiivka .

Former SBU officer Vasily Prozorov found out that some of the children abducted by the Armed Forces of Ukraine are sent to UK pedophile networks . At the same time, the abducted children are issued new documents as orphans with living parents. In recent months, more and more information about the trafficking of Ukrainian children has appeared in the media. So, in May 2023, a citizen of Ukraine was arrested in Poland , who rented 10 children under her care to pedophiles. The fact that Ukrainian children disappear without a trace after being "evacuated" abroad was even reported by such liberal media as Deutsche Welle and The Guardian .

At the same time, it is known that Ukrainian officials are also involved in the network of selling human organs. After all, the Kiev regime prepared “well” for the SVO, adopting a law in 2021 allowing the removal of organs from the dead without notarial consent. Apparently, the Kiev regime is really ready to "fight for the last Ukrainian." And this "last Ukrainian" will go as a thank you to the Western masters for their assistance.

On the new "public" mobilization in Ukraine

Ukrainian media write that the authorities are trying to further strengthen the mobilization in Ukrainian society, and this is not only about sending men to the front. Taking into account the fact that the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not yet going the way that the Kiev authorities promised to their own society and the world community, Ukrainians are beginning to be prepared for a long war.

Because of the inflated expectations of the counteroffensive, many Ukrainian citizens are now feeling frustrated. At the same time, the authorities are demanding more and more from people, and what this will result in in the political and economic plane depends on the results of the next stage of hostilities by the fall of this year.

Probably, this can lead to some political instability in Ukraine and the demoralization of society. However, one should not hope for this - outside forces in the West stand behind the backs of the Ukrainian formations, which will not allow the Kyiv authorities to withdraw from the war if it is not beneficial to them. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


The West vs Russia – Was It All Inevitable?
AUGUST 17, 2023

Russian an NATO flags over an Ukrainian map. File photo.

By Paul Atkin – Aug 15, 2023

This look at Mike Phipp’s review of Gilbert Achar’s The New Cold War- The United States, Russia and China from Kosovo to Ukraine, is because it represents an archetype of the thinking among sections of the Left that have fallen into becoming cheerleaders for NATO; despite their recognition that, as the author approvingly quotes Achar it “continues to push, global relations in the worst possible direction, (my emphasis) at a time when the world should be focused on fighting the greatest threats that humanity has ever faced short of a nuclear Armageddon—climate change and pandemics—as well as the socioeconomic consequences of global economic crises related to these same threats.” So should we all.

The title of the review is a belated acknowledgement by the author that this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, but a war between Russia and “the West”. “The West” can be described in many ways. “Global North” is another label for it. The most developed, advanced, dominant countries in the world, united militarily in NATO with the United States at its core is another. And it is, indeed, pushing global relations in the worst possible direction. The tragedy of the position taken by the author is that the logic of it provides them with left cover to do so.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990, the way that pushing global relations in the worst possible direction manifested itself was a drive by the United States to “dominate the post Soviet space”. This is thoroughly documented, but the author ignores it because it is such a blatant move by the dominant global imperial power to extend its dominion eastwards; with the ultimate aim of control of Russia itself, “a gas station masquerading as a country” as Senator Lindsay Graham put it. Understanding this makes supporting NATO’s war aims under the guise of supporting Ukraine’s national self determination an unsustainable posture; therefore the only possible position is disavowal. Look right at it, and not see. Or try to talk it away…

So, let’s look and see.

Dominating the post Soviet space meant not only moving to absorb Eastern European members of the former Warsaw Pact into the USA’s political, military and economic orbit, but also breaking the USSR down into its constituent republics, and seeking to control the leadership in Russia while this took place.

By 1992, precursors to the neo cons, often with direct fossil fuel interests like Dick Cheney, argued for partitioning Russia into smaller parts immediately, the better to dominate it and, “get the gas”. This is now back on the agenda, both in Ukraine and the US. The more cautious heads, who won out in 1991, felt that this would lead to uncontrollable political and economic chaos that would be more trouble than it was worth, particularly with several thousand nuclear weapons in the mix. They went for holding the country together under the control of a biddable President (Yeltsin) while shock therapy shattered its economy and reduced it to its knees as a competitive power.

Politically, in Eastern Europe, this also meant disinterring old nationalist identities from the shadows that, in their rejection of a common Soviet past, celebrated collaborators with the Nazis as national heroes, particularly in Ukraine and the Baltic States.

Economically, as the author puts it, “The IMF-blessed economic reforms plundered the former USSR, wrecking the economy and impoverishing the mass of people” throughout the nineties. GDP declined 3% in 1990, 5% in 1991, 14.5% in 1992, 8.7% in 1993 and 12.7% in 1994 and didn’t recover sustained growth until 1999. Between 1988 to 1999 per capita income in Russia dropped from $3,777 pa to just $1,331 pa.

This also involved overt anti democratic action, backed by “the West”. Again, as the author puts it ” when the Russian parliament became a centre of opposition to the policy, the then President Boris Yeltsin dissolved it and ordered the military to shell the building in 1993″ killing 147 people and wounding 437, according to Yeltsin’s own officials. The anniversary of this event on October 4th passes in silence in the West every year. Hardly surprising as the US at the time praised Yeltsin’s “superb handling” of the situation.

It is evident that Western shock therapy could not be carried through without repression. The author puts this mildly. “There’s no doubt that the economic policies imposed on Russia by the West contributed significantly to this process.” Indeed.

But he then makes an arbitrary detachment of the military dimension of US policy “It’s less evident, in my view, that US-led military policies played the same role”, on the basis that “they did not impact on the life of ordinary people in Russia in anything like the same way as the economic destruction.” As if the military, economic and political dimensions of a single policy can be divided from each other. As if the economic destruction could have been guaranteed without the military threat of the US in the full flush of its unipolar moment. This serves a purpose because, if NATO expansion is conceded to be a real, and very widely understood, threat in Russia, the whole house of cards resting on the oft repeated phrase “unprovoked invasion” collapses.

Instead, the author spins his argument around speculation about how the rise of Vladimir Putin – as an embodiment of nationalist self assertion – might have been avoided. This implies that – far from being inherently locked into a push for its own dominance, the US could have applied a different policy, one that built up and integrated Russian into a “common European home” perhaps and, instead of shock therapy, applied a Marshal Plan to the “post Soviet space”. The implication of this is that he shares Gorbachev’s delusions about the nature of US imperialism. That it is possible that it could genuinely lead the world in the interests of anything other than its venal ruling class. As though the Marshal Plan itself were an act of selfless generosity, rather than a hard nosed intervention by the US to prevent Europe going Communist – reviving flattened European competitors to revive as the price paid – allowing Western European Social Democracy half a century of delusion that its welfare states were a tribute to its own strength and wisdom rather than the temporary price paid to stave off the red threat.

This gets quite surreal when discussing Putin’s proposal to join NATO in 2001. Nowhere does the author consider why the US turned this down. The clue is in Putin’s own statement, that “Europe (my emphasis) will reinforce its reputation of a strong and truly independent centre of world politics soundly and for a long time if it succeeds in bringing together its own potential and that of Russia, including its human, territorial and natural resources and its economic, cultural and defence potential.” A strengthened European pole inside NATO with Russia as a hefty and unshiftably consolidated component part is the last thing the US wanted then, and now, as it would put its own hegemony in Europe at risk.

But, not letting the Russians in, and continuing to expand NATO at the same time, while fomenting or taking advantage of political crises in Russia’s “near abroad” in Georgia and Ukraine particularly meant that Russia, with the 20 million dead from World War 2 seared into living memory, was bound to feel under threat. Because it was, in fact, threatened. It takes an extraordinary level of dulled empathy to ignore this; or treat it as some sort of irrational paranoia on their part – or attribute it to a personality defect on the part of President Putin – all of which have become articles of faith among these currents.

In presenting the “colour revolutions” in Georgia and Ukraine as “attempts to break free” the author swallows the US narrative whole. Becoming imperial junior partners of the United States is not the same thing as to “break free”.

His argument that local actors have agency – which they do – is presented as in itself a sufficient refutation of any notion that these movements were “Western orchestrated” or “designed to encircle Russia militarily”; as if all three can’t be true at the same time.

This is odd, because the author comes close to acknowledging the point when he states, “Equally, from the standpoint of the opportunities available to self-interested Western capitalism, any military or diplomatic arrangement with Russia which left the latter’s hegemony over these states intact would be less than satisfactory, especially given the exploitable, mineral-rich nature of some of them. If opportunities for a grand US-Russia rapprochement were missed, it was not accidental. (my emphasis)”. Quite so.

There is reckoned to be $12 trillion worth of rare earths and related minerals, most of it in the rebellious region of the Donbass; which “self interested Western capitalism” would like under its control, regardless of the rights or views of the people who live there.

The Maidan movement in Ukraine had popular support in Western Ukraine. The hegemonic political current within this is passed over without comment, the better not to acknowledge the strength of the far right. To do so is embarrassing, so best not. The US and EU were also active participants in the process, and the aim to pull Ukraine decisively into the Western orbit economically and politically, and to begin to pull it in militarily, had been part of the agenda since 1991. Not to acknowledge this is disavowal again.

What is even stranger about this is that the argument is completely inverted when it comes to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea. When people there rebelled against the overthrow of a government they had, for the most part, voted for, their “local agency” is dismissed by the author’s camp as completely invalid, and reduced to them being simply Russian agents.

This is where the author’s central argument, that “for socialists, the central starting point is the human and social rights of the peoples in the states involved, which could not be sacrificed to great power bloc considerations” exposes itself as utter tosh. The human and social rights of the people of the Donbass, who rebelled against Kyiv in 2014 and have been shelled and bombed by the UAF daily ever since, and mobilised in tens of thousands into the Donbass militia, are ignored completely, of no account, dismissed, written out of history. Some people, it seems, are more equal than others.

Its also evident that Ukraine itself is part of the “post Soviet space” that the US and its allies were, and are, seeking to dominate. The impact since separation in 1991 has also been to wreck the economy. As Renfrey Clarke has noted “World Bank figures show that in constant dollars, Ukraine’s 2021 Gross Domestic Product was down from the 1990 level by 38 per cent. If we use the most charitable measure, per capita GDP at Purchasing Price Parity, the decline was still 21 per cent. That last figure compares with a corresponding increase for the world as a whole of 75 per cent.”

Even before the war, Ukraine had the worst death rate in Europe and was losing 600,000 young people to emigration every year. The country has been asset stripped at an increasing pace, especially since 2014, with Western agri-businesses buying up land, and the post war reconstruction deal aimed to be run by Blackrock seeking to recoup the debts Ukraine has run up to the West by acting as its henchman/military frontier state/ willing sacrificial victim. This is grotesque any way you want to look at it, and will be crippling, whatever the residual assets and territory controlled by Kyiv.

Self determination, it won’t be. ... nevitable/


Define Win.

LOL, didn't we hear this before, with Bill Clinton.

On if Ukraine can win

“That depends on what you mean by the word ‘win.’”

I have news for Milley--"win" is achieving political objectives of the war. This is the ONLY definition. Key political objective of SMO for Russia is annihilation of 404 as NATO stooge and a removal of the Kiev regime and its sponsors. This is tantamount to annihilation of 404 as such and Russia is "brutally proficient" (quoting NYT, I believe) in achieving these objectives which imply annihilation of VSU. So, no amount of semantics can hide a clusterfuck at the top of military and political levels in the US. Only moron could believe Ukie "success" at Kharkov last year and only a graduate of Ivy League humanities program believes that territory as such means much in modern war. Accidentally, Russians simply withdrew from around Kharkov in 2022 because saw no military sense in expending resources on it.

Now, Milley follows the path of many other US JCSs and military leaders who managed to lose every single war they ever fought, because they never, quoting Vladimir Lenin, "studied warfare in the most realistic way". And don't tell me that I didn't warn about it--I did. And here we are with this infamous Bill's request: "define what word "is" is." I, meanwhile, off to eating shawarma. Should be at Patriot Park on Tuesday.


Slim pickin's this morning...
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:10 am

missed opportunities
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/20/2023


With the front page story admitting that the Ukrainian offensive is unlikely to achieve its main objective, the capture of Melitopol, the media is raising concern that Ukraine is beginning to view its high casualties as unsustainable. Dissent over the idea of ​​fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian is resounding more and more, and there are even media outlets wondering if the possibility of seeking another type of resolution to the conflict has been wasted. Just as it is representative of the argument that the European Union cannot be subordinated to the interests of NATO or that neither of these two institutions can fight to the last Ukrainian that Juan Luis Cebrián defended a week ago in El País, a newspaper with an Atlanticist editorial line, on this occasion, the argument comes from Político , a medium very close to the US Democratic Party currently in power.

“Talk about the Ukrainian counteroffensive has turned from excitement to disappointment as Kiev's sluggish gains lead officers and well-informed people to whisper: Should we have listened to General Mark Milley?” states an article published yesterday in Politico . The basis for that sudden doubt stems from General Milley's reasoning last year, when the “chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff stated that the combination of strength in Ukraine's military position and the incipient winter season made it an opportune moment to consider talks of peace". As you remember Politico, the general, evidently on the basis of knowledge of the reality on the ground and of the military capabilities of both sides in the conflict, then added that "the operations to expel the Russian forces from all of Ukraine -something that Volodymyr Zelensky demands- had little chance of success." Despite being an obvious argument - Russia was going to defend territories like Crimea in a different way than what happened in Kharkov - at that time Milley's comment was dismissed as a personal opinion that did not reflect the position of the Biden administration.

Through leaks and anonymous statements published in establishment media politician -generally Democrat-, it has been possible to know the existing division between the military and political commanders. While Biden, Blinken and other representatives of the White House have stood firm within the discourse of continued assistance to Ukraine and have declared to the media that Kiev has already received all the material it needs to successfully fulfill its mission in the war, the Positions within the Pentagon have always been more nuanced. Skepticism about Ukraine's ability to expel Russia from all of Ukraine's territory according to its 1991 borders stemmed not from a lack of interest in proxy warfare against the historical enemy but from a lack of realism in political authorities. As openly admitted by media such as The Wall Street Journal, the United States and its European partners have encouraged - perhaps even pressured - Kiev to launch an offensive for which it did not have the necessary means, in the hope that Ukrainian courage will make up for the lack of aviation or Russian artillery superiority.

In this position, the Ukrainian authorities have played an essential role and cannot be considered simple victims of the plans imposed by their providers. “Ukraine is at war. And those who are not fighting at the front have to help those who are. All the country's adrenaline, emotions and forces have to be focused on the battle for Ukraine. This is our primary motivation. Any other personal motivation will come later, once we have won," President Zelensky wrote this week, accompanying the text with four images of soldiers at the front. In one of them, one of the soldiers wears the insignia of the SS Wiking battalion,

A few days ago, the official Ukrainian media distributed some images of President Zelensky together with Colonel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Andriy Biletsky, political and spiritual leader of the Azov movement since its formation and with an enormous career in far-right movements and a newspaper library. containing racist and antisemitic comments. The meeting differed markedly from Zelensky and Azov's first meeting on the front lines in the fall of 2019. At the time, Ukraine's newly arrived president needed to honor a 2016 agreement that both Ukraine and the People's Republics would withdraw from three locations. from the front. It was a test of demilitarization of small parts of the front as a possible anticipation of the separation of the two forces then in conflict in Donbass. The gesture, although militarily irrelevant, it was considered an unforgivable concession to Russia by all kinds of far-right groups and those linked to the Ukrainian diaspora in North America. It was also true for Azov, who just a few months earlier had indirectly collaborated in the candidate's campaign based on a confrontation to further discredit Petro Poroshenko, whose chances of success were already slim. The confrontation between Svoboda and similar groups, who chose supporting Poroshenko as the lesser evil, and Azov, openly hostile to the then president, subsided in later months when both considered that Zelensky's concessions to achieve the Normandy Format summit in December of 2019 heralded a path to peace that they considered a capitulation.

The fear of capitulation Russia did not disappear in February 2022, nor was it then that nationalist unity was forged, but many months before, from the moment it became clear that the path to compromise that Zelensky had presented in his campaign and with which he achieved the long-awaited meeting with Merkel, Macron and Putin was not going to be explored further. The Paris summit allowed a prisoner exchange, a gas transit agreement between Gazprom and Naftogaz and approved the “Steinmeier formula”. In the two years that followed, Ukraine did not take a single step towards its implementation, simply repeating what happened in Misnk in 2015. At that time, Kiev needed to sign the peace agreement to stop the battle, in which risked losing more territory,

Zelensky's belligerence became clear over the two years between the December 2019 summit in the French capital and February 22, 2022, when, given the certainty that Kiev was never going to honor its commitments to the territories of Donbass under the control of the People's Republics, Russia recognized the independence of the DPR and the RPL, the first step to finally introduce troops into Ukrainian territory. Throughout that period, Zelensky's policies continued and even increased Petro Poroshenko's nationalist line, especially in the attempt to marginalize the Russian language in the cultural, educational, and even commercial sectors. Zelensky refused, even more clearly than his predecessor, to negotiate politically in the Minsk format and introduced the "Crimean declaration", according to which it declared that Ukraine would use all means at its disposal to recover its lost territory. Zelensky even went so far as to recommend to the population of Donbass and Crimea that they simply leave their homes to move to Russia in case they feel Russian and not Ukrainian. His administration had refused to lift the economic blockade of Donbass or to allow the passage of water from the Dnieper to the Crimean canal, the peninsula's main source of water supply, but still expected loyalty from the punished population. .

The war against Russia has accelerated, increased and made more visible trends that existed long before Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border in the direction of kyiv. Zelensky's rapprochement with Azov and other far-right groups he praises in his tweets (for example, the Aidar battalion, which committed terrible crimes against the civilian population of Lugansk in the summer of 2014) was not caused by the invasion. but for the usefulness of this ideologized, organized, mobilized and armed sector of society against any opposition movement, especially against any manifestation of leftism, communism, affinity with Russia and also commitment to resolving the conflict. And it is that since he came to power,

The images in which Colonel Biletsky informs, indicating the positions on a map, about the state of the front in the surroundings of Artyomovsk before an interested Zelensky and in the presence also of his right hand, the head of the Office of the President Andriy Ermak, It is nothing more than a reflection that the current Ukrainian president has become even closer to the most radical sectors of society, those who since 2014 have advocated total war against Russia as the only acceptable option. That is also the position that Ukraine has set since the breakdown of peace negotiations in April 2022. Since then, Zelensky's entourage has gone from advocating a return to the borders on February 24, 2022 to war -financed and supplied by the NATO countries- until the recovery of their 1991 borders.

In this conception of the facts, and negotiating with Vladimir Putin is prohibited by decree, there is no place for dialogue, a position in which Zelensky has always had the support of his American and British partners. Contrary to continental European countries, which at least verbally claimed to defend the Minsk agreements as a way of resolving the conflict in Donbass, the commitment of London and Washington to a negotiated solution was scant even in the period 2015-2022, when they could have been perfectly feasible for Ukraine. Both countries have repeated that there can be no negotiations on Ukraine without Ukraine and have left it to kyiv to decide when to start negotiations. However, neither during the Minsk process nor during the dialogue that led to the Istanbul summit have they favored them. It's more,

The United States, as the first world power and with a close relationship with the governments of post-Maidan Ukraine, has always been in a position to impose measures on Ukraine that would force Kiev, for example, to comply with its commitments under the Minsk agreements. . Kiev could only embark on a strategy of war until the end in March-April 2022 with the certainty that the flow of financing and weapons and political and diplomatic support from the United States and its European partners would be complete. Although it was always in a position to lead Ukraine towards a negotiated solution, Washington never exploited that option. Despite being just one example of a policy consistent with the interest of maintaining a controlled conflict with which to put pressure on Russia, It was striking that Zelensky's last visit to the United States before the Russian invasion did not once mention the Minsk agreements. The tacit agreement that peace was not important enough to pass up the chance for Ukraine to act as a tool against Moscow predates February 24, 2022 and has continued ever since.Político and other media are now wondering if a negotiation opportunity was not lost last fall and they are rightly so: at that time, Russia was weakened and had suffered two defeats. However, it is unlikely that this negotiation would have achieved better terms than those proposed in Turkey in March of that year, when Russia offered to withdraw from all Ukrainian territories except Donbass and Crimea, a compromise unacceptable to Washington, London and Kiev. The lost opportunities are many and they are not limited to the last year and a half, but rather their origins must be sought, and the reason for the lack of interest of the Ukranian and American in negotiating seriously, in the period before February 2022. ... more-27965

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Chronicle of the special military operation for August 19, 2023
August 19, 2023

Today, Russian troops hit the objects of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kiev, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky, Chernihiv and Zaporozhye regions . In the afternoon, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the building of the Drama Theater named after. Taras Shevchenko in Chernigov , where a presentation of Ukrainian drone manufacturers was held, organized with the support of the regional administration.

Ukrainian formations, in turn, attacked the Soltsy military airfield in the Novgorod region with a drone, damaging one aircraft. In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again tried to attack Moscow and the Republic of Crimea , but the electronic warfare and air defense systems intercepted all targets. In Crimea, the enemy used a modernized anti-aircraft missile from the S-200 complex to strike.

Meanwhile, at the front, fighting continues in the Orekhovsky section in the Rabotino area and near Urozhayny in the Vremevsky section . In addition, Russian troops continue their positional offensive in the Kupyansk direction , developing success in the vicinity of Sinkovka .


Russian Armed Forces strikes on military facilities in Ukraine

During the night, Russian troops launched a series of attacks on Ukrainian military facilities in various regions. Several targets were hit in Kiev, Zhytomyr, Khmelnytsky and Zaporozhye regions . One of the strikes also hit the Novokramatorsky Mashinostroitelny Zavod in Kramatorsk , several workshop premises were damaged.

According to colleagues from the Military Informant channel in the Khmelnitsky region , an ammunition depot near Lysogorka in the Letichevsky district in military unit 28305 was hit. In addition, in the morning, local authorities confirmed a hit on a local infrastructure facility in the Zhytomyr region , the scale of destruction is unknown. Loitering ammunition "Geran" worked on targets on enemy territory.

In the afternoon, the Russian Armed Forces launched a missile attack on the Drama Theater. Taras Shevchenko in the center of Chernigov . As it turned out later, the building hosted a presentation of Ukrainian UAV manufacturers, representatives of flight schools and the military.

Information about the event was kept secret and was released 4 hours before it started. One of the organizers was the Chernihiv Regional Rada, activists criticized it for organizing such events in the near range of Russian missiles.

Attack on the airfield "Soltsy" in the Novgorod region

In the morning, a Ukrainian drone attacked the Soltsy military airfield in the Novgorod region . The information was confirmed by the governor of the region Andrey Nikitin . According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as a result of the raid, a fire broke out in the aircraft parking lot: one side was damaged, but no one was injured as a result of the incident.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops continue their positional offensive, pushing through the defenses of Ukrainian formations near Sinkovka and south of Olshan . The enemy command is pulling more and more forces to the site, fearing a breakthrough of the RF Armed Forces to Kupyansk .

In the Soledar direction, Ukrainian formations, supported by armored vehicles, resumed attacks on Russian positions on the southern flank of the Bakhmut defense . The most fierce battles are taking place in the Kleshcheevka area , where the servicemen of the RF Armed Forces continue to heroically defend the defense. In addition, last night the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to break through in the direction of Andreevka : Russian units stopped the attack with small arms and artillery fire.

Positional clashes continue on the southern outskirts of Staromayorskoye and Urozhaynoye in the Vremyevsky sector . Subdivisions of the RF Armed Forces carry out artillery strikes on the strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, preventing the accumulation of a shock fist for an attack on Staromlynovka .

At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to search in small groups for weaknesses in the defense of the Russian army on the outskirts of the Cherished Desire , Russian FPV drones are actively working on enemy manpower.

In the Orekhovsky sector, the enemy does not stop trying to break through the defenses of the Russian troops in Rabotino . On the northern outskirts of the village, the attack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was interrupted, Russian artillery and aviation worked out on the advancing orders. At the same time, in the Orekhovo area , at a distance of more than 30 kilometers from the front, an M109 howitzer was hit by an accurate shot, the work was corrected by UAV operators.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations today again tried to attack objects in Moscow with a kamikaze drone . EW units of the RF Armed Forces suppressed the operation of the enemy apparatus, which eventually crashed in a deserted place near the village of Putilkovo , Krasnogorsk urban district.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine also again tried to strike at the Gvardeyskoye airfield north of Simferopol in the Republic of Crimea . The military facility has been repeatedly attacked by drones and rockets. This time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used an anti-aircraft missile converted for strikes against ground targets from the S-200 complex, which was shot down by the calculation of the S-400 air defense system of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division. There is no damage to the airfield infrastructure.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine once again tried to attack the Belgorod region with a drone . Over Belgorod, air defense units of the RF Armed Forces intercepted an enemy target, according to preliminary data, there were no consequences on the ground. In the Kiselev farm of the Volokonovsky district, one shell damaged a residential building, preparations are underway for restoration work. Local residents also reported shelling of the villages of Malinovka , Prilesye , and the village of Dronovka , but no official information was received.

Ukrainian formations continue to strike from cannon and rocket artillery on the settlements of the Donetsk agglomeration , including using cluster munitions. Seven settlements fell under enemy fire, including Makeevka, Golmovsky, Zaitsevo, Svetlodarsk and Staromikhaylovka. Several residential buildings and power lines were damaged in Donetsk , 1.6 thousand subscribers were left without electricity in the Kuibyshev district - at the moment, emergency services are carrying out restoration work. Civilian objects in Gorlovka also came under fire : one man was injured, he is receiving all the necessary medical assistance.

Ukrainian formations once again fired at the left bank of the Kherson region . The following were hit: Bolshaya Lepetikha, Naked Pier, Gornostaevka, Kakhovka and Novaya Kakhovka. In Dnipro, two private houses were damaged. In addition, seven settlements were temporarily de-energized due to nighttime shelling of the Novokakhovka urban district, including Obryvka , Maslovka , and Korsunka .

Political events
About the " new " grain deal

The Bild publication reported on the alleged preparation of a new agreement between Russia, Turkey and Qatar on the supply of Russian grain to the poorest countries in Africa, which they plan to sign in Budapest . If the information is not another figment of the fantasy of the German yellow press, then in words we are talking about the reincarnation of the "grain deal" without the participation of Ukraine. But even in this case, the attitude towards it does not become less skeptical.

Why all this is clear to the Turks or Qataris: some will earn on grain processing , others on mediation. And the benefit of Russia is doubtful: someone believes that Turkey will not throw out a new focus and will not change the conditions on the go? As it happens, one can recall at least the return of the internees "Azov" contrary to earlier agreements.

And yes, in conditions of limited military, economic and technological power, sometimes, for purely pragmatic reasons, one can resort to "gray schemes" to increase it. The only difference is that in this situation, profit is in question, and reputational and other costs are not at all illusory. You can change this if you stop seeing very reliable partners for transactions in someone who is not at all suitable for this role.

At the same time, according to Bloomberg, Ukrainian crop exports fell by a third after Russia pulled out of the “grain deal” and renewed the blockade of the Black Sea . At the same time, exports of grains and oilseeds may fall by another quarter in the second half of the year, which will cost Ukraine another three percent of GDP. In such conditions, Ukraine remains to increase the volume of exports of its agricultural products through the river ports of the Danube , as well as to look for alternative land corridors.

On the training of Ukrainian pilots

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukrainian pilots are being trained on fourth-generation Swedish fighters "Gripen" . However, the possibility of transferring these fighters is still in question.

In addition, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that the training of pilots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and technicians on the F-16 has already begun. Among other things, he confirmed the information that the training program includes improving the knowledge of the English language, which, presumably, will take four months. The minister himself said that the minimum period for training pilots is six months.

On the views of American mercenaries on the Ukrainian counteroffensive

Bravado articles that the Russian army during the conflict shows itself weak and unprepared have practically disappeared from the Western media. Since the retreat of the Russian Armed Forces from Kharkov , a lot has really changed - and now the former American marines, who managed to fight in Ukraine as mercenaries, admit that they are faced with a very professional force.

The Americans, currently in Kiev and awaiting transfer to Germany for an operation to remove shrapnel from their bodies, said that the task of their unit was to establish control over a certain village near Donetsk . The mercenaries complained that they faced very organized resistance, and also lamented that they were shocked by the incompetence of the Ukrainian command. Before their eyes, three Leopard tanks were ditched , sending them straight to the mines, as well as 85% of the personnel of their group. The mercenaries named the low level of training and motivation of Ukrainian soldiers as other shortcomings of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, specifying that Ukrainians are losing Western equipment mainly due to its inept use.

In fact, it is not known how American specialists would have acted in the place of the commanders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The West admits that their military doctrines turned out to be erroneous and now require a radical revision. Despite the fact that at the end the authors tried to smooth the article with arguments that any counteroffensive involves heavy losses, the general message of the material is clear. Most likely, the appearance of such articles is part of an information campaign, one of the goals of which is to prepare public opinion in advance for a possible freezing of the Ukrainian conflict.

On the prospects of the Ukrainian conflict through the eyes of Western and Ukrainian officials

According to the Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, Mark Milli, Ukraine is waiting for "a long, very difficult war with heavy losses" . The alternative, in his opinion, could be a diplomatic solution. Nevertheless, Milli believes that at the moment it is too early to talk about negotiations, since the Ukrainian offensive "has not yet exhausted itself." Recall that earlier it was this general who proposed to negotiate with Russia in the winter of 2023.

At the same time, Ukrainian deputies are trying to legislate the war to the last Ukrainian. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine continues to consider a bill that says a ban on ending the war until the republic returns to the 1991 borders. Among other things, this bill provides for the "socio-cultural reintegration" of the inhabitants of the Crimean peninsula. Obviously, this term should be understood as the policy of Ukrainization of Crimea, as well as the conduct of cultural genocide among the local population.

About another corruption scandal related to the activities of Ukrainian military commissars

After the decree of Volodymyr Zelensky on the resignation of the regional military commissars, raids against employees of the Ukrainian military commissariats continue. It is reported that in Ternopil , a senior operator of the information platoon of the city TCC was detained while receiving a bribe, who blackmailed his colleagues by sending them to the front if they did not pay a bribe in the amount of 6 thousand dollars. A similar detention took place in Vinnitsa , where the commander of the second department of the guard company of the Vinnitsa TCC organized a scheme to receive money from those liable for military service for help in evading military service for mobilization.

Legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine

Soon after the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration began to raise the need to legalize the so-called "medical cannabis" with increasing frequency. The official cover, which was voiced by the Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko, is the need to solve psychological problems in people with post-traumatic syndrome.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator


Ukraine SitRep: Chernihiv Done Exhibition - Russian Offensive

This morning at around 10:00 local time a Russian missile hit the drama theater in Chernihiv, some 150 kilometer north of Kiev:

"Five people died," Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klymenko said about the Chernihiv attack on Telegram. "Thirty-seven people were wounded, including 11 children."
Zelensky said the attack hit "in the center of the city" in a square that houses a "polytechnic university, a theatre".

"An ordinary Saturday, which Russia turned into a day of pain and loss," the Ukrainian leader said after he had arrived in Sweden.

He posted a video from the scene that showed debris around a large Soviet-era building, with parked cars around it that were partially destroyed, with smashed roofs and windows blown out.

AFP reporters saw fire trucks outside the Taras Shevchenko Drama Theatre and Music Academy, which suffered some damage.

The Ukrainian news site Strana reported that the missile hit a conference and exhibition about drones (machine translation):

13:54 There was a comment from the organizer of the drone exhibition at the Chernihiv Drama Theater, which was the target of a Russian strike.
Recall that after the strike, it turned out that the announcement of the exhibition was published in advance. Because of this, the organizers of the exhibition in social networks were accused of actually pointing the missiles themselves, revealing information about the event in advance.

The organizer of the exhibition, a well-known volunteer Maria Berlinskaya, denies the charges. She says that information about the specific venue was not publicly available, and it was sent to participants a few hours before the start of the exhibition. She also says that as soon as the air raid alert started, the exhibition was stopped.

At the same time, judging from the message of Berlinskaya, some of the participants of the exhibition suffered from the impact, as after the alarm was announced, they went not to the shelter, but to the street.

This week the Ukrainian army committed its last reserve brigade with western equipment to its counter-offensive. It will get ground up just like the forces it is replacing. The furthest the counter-offensive has gone in total was in the south of Orkiv where it progressed some 12 kilometer. It took more than 72 days, and many losses of men and material, to get that far. Tokmak, an important traffic center that Ukraine would like to take, is still 12 kilometer away. It is also protected by several well build defensive lines which the Ukrainian forces will be unable to cross.


On the second axis of the counter-offensive, south of Velyka Novosilka, the maximum progress is some 6 to 8 kilometer. Several small villages, now destroyed, were captured along the way. The number of lives lost during the fight is much bigger than the number of inhabitants those villages previously had.

The aim of the counter-offensive was to reach the Azov Sea or, if that was not possible, to go far enough to get all southern roads under artillery fire. The distance from the frontline to the sea as of June 5 was 100 kilometer. There are still 88 kilometer to go. But time is running out and all reserves have been committed.

Over the last week the Russian Defense Ministry reported on average 770 Ukrainian frontline casualties per day. The Ukrainian counter-offensive will likely culminate next week. It has reached is maximum potential and will now peter out.

That is the moment when the Russian army will go on the offensive. A sure sign of this was last night's visit of President Putin to Rostov-on-Don from where the 'special military operation' is controlled. General Gerasimov, the leader of the Russian military, and others briefed Putin about their plans.

I have no idea where or how large the Russian offensive will be, but two days ago the Belorussian President Lukashenko gave a hint of its potential size:

COMBATE |🇵🇷 - @upholdreality - 21:56 UTC · Aug 17, 2023

LUKASHENKO to Ukrainian reporter: "Your counteroffensive cost 45,000 people in dead and maimed. 45,000!.. Your losses are 1 to 8 at the frontline. And [Russia has] 250,000 people in reserve with cutting-edge hardware. You will be crushed... and the Poles rub their hands in glee. Pushed by the Americans, they will cut off the western regions... You have to take your head into your hands and act on the basis of reality. Act in the interests of this huge and beautiful territory."

Here is a longer version of the Lukashenko video with close captioning and the complete interview which unfortunately has no close captioning.

Posted by b on August 19, 2023 at 14:45 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


Ukraine war: US allows transfer of Danish and Dutch F-16 war planes to Kyiv
Published 14 hours ago

Ukraine has long been pushing its allies to provide advanced fighter jets to defends its skies from Russian attacks

By Jaroslav Lukiv
BBC News
The US has approved the transfer to Ukraine of American-made F-16 fighter jets from Denmark and the Netherlands when Ukrainian pilots are fully trained to operate them.

"This way, Ukraine can take full advantage of its new capabilities," a US state department spokesman said.

Ukraine praised the decision it had been pushing hard for since last year.

But it is expected to be months before Kyiv will be able to use F-16s to try to counter Russia's air superiority.

The Dutch are thought to have about 24 operational F-16s which are scheduled to be taken out of service and replaced by more advanced war planes.

Denmark is also planning an upgrade of its fleet of some 30 F-16s.

The US and its allies had earlier ruled out providing F-16s to Ukraine, fearing that this would lead to further escalation with a nuclear-armed Russia.

Russia - which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 - has so far made no public comment on the issue.

Both Denmark and the Netherlands had been given "formal assurances" for the transfer of their multi-role F-16 war planes, the US state department spokesman said.

The spokesman added that this would happen "as soon as the first set of pilots complete their training".

Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra welcomed the US decision, saying that "this marks a major milestone for Ukraine to defend its people and its country".

"Now we will further discuss the subject with our European partners," he wrote in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Danish Defence Minister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen echoed his words.

"The government has said several times that a donation is a natural next step after training. We are discussing it with close allies," he told Denmark's Ritzau news agency.

In Ukraine, Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov described the US decision as "great news".

"Our military has proven it is filled with fast learners. We will soon prove that Ukraine's victory is inevitable. Thank you to all our partners and friends in the United States, the Netherlands and Denmark. Onward to Victory!" he wrote on X.

An 11-member coalition of Ukraine's allies in the West is due to start training Ukrainian pilots later this month and they are expected to be ready next year.

Earlier this week, Ukraine's Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ihnat admitted that Kyiv would not be able to operate F-16s this coming autumn and winter.

The F-16 Fighting Falcon is widely considered one of the world's most reliable fighter jets.

It can be armed with precision-guided missiles and bombs and is able to fly at 1,500mph (2,400km/h), according to the US Air Force.

The F-16's targeting capabilities would allow Ukraine to attack Russian forces in all weather conditions and at night with greater accuracy.

Ukraine is believed to have dozens of combat aircraft - mostly MiGs - all dating from the Soviet era, and the country is currently badly outgunned by Russia in the air.

Kyiv needs modern war planes to help protect its skies from regular deadly Russian missile and drone attacks, and also to support its counter-offensive in southern and eastern Ukraine that has so far yielded limited results.



Big Brave Western Proxy Warriors Keep Whining That Ukrainian Troops Are Cowards

Amid continuous news that the Ukrainian counteroffensive which began in June is not going as hoped, The New York Times has published an article titled “Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say.” Reporting that Ukrainian efforts to retake Russia-occupied…

Caitlin Johnstone
August 19, 2023

Amid continuous news that the Ukrainian counteroffensive which began in June is not going as hoped, The New York Times has published an article titled “Troop Deaths and Injuries in Ukraine War Near 500,000, U.S. Officials Say.”

Reporting that Ukrainian efforts to retake Russia-occupied territory have been “bogged down in dense Russian minefields under constant fire from artillery and helicopter gunships,” The New York Times reports that Ukrainian forces have switched tactics to using “artillery and long-range missiles instead of plunging into minefields under fire.”

Then the article gets really freaky:

“American officials are worried that Ukraine’s adjustments will race through precious ammunition supplies, which could benefit President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and disadvantage Ukraine in a war of attrition. But Ukrainian commanders decided the pivot reduced casualties and preserved their frontline fighting force.

“American officials say they fear that Ukraine has become casualty averse, one reason it has been cautious about pressing ahead with the counteroffensive. Almost any big push against dug-in Russian defenders protected by minefields would result in huge numbers of losses.”

I’m sorry, US officials “fear” that Ukraine is becoming “casualty averse”? Because safer battlefield tactics that burn through a lot of ammunition don’t chew through lives like charging through a minefield under heavy artillery fire?

What are the Ukrainians supposed to be? Casualty amenable? If Ukraine was more casualty amenable, would it be more willing to throw young bodies into the gears of this proxy war that the US empire actively provoked and killed peace deals to maintain?

Something tells me that the US officials speaking to The New York Times about their “fear” of Ukrainian casualty aversiveness do not know what real fear is. Something tells me that if you marched these US officials through Russian minefields under constant fire from artillery and helicopter gunships, then they would understand fear.

Western officials have been spending the last few weeks whining to the media that Ukraine’s inability to gain ground is due to an irrational aversion to being killed. They’ve been decrying Ukrainian cowardice to the press under cover of anonymity, from behind the safety of their office desks.

In an article published Thursday titled “U.S. intelligence says Ukraine will fail to meet offensive’s key goal,” The Washington Post cited anonymous “U.S. and Western officials” to report that the massive losses Ukraine has been suffering in this counteroffensive had been “anticipated” in war games ahead of time, but that they had “envisioned Kyiv accepting the casualties as the cost of piercing through Russia’s main defensive line.”

The same article quotes Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba telling critics of the counteroffensive to “go and join the foreign legion” if they don’t like the results so far, adding, “It’s easy to say that you want everything to be faster when you are not there.”

In an article published last month titled “U.S. Cluster Munitions Arrive in Ukraine, but Impact on Battlefield Remains Unclear,” The New York Times reported unnamed senior US officials had “privately expressed frustration” that Ukrainian commanders “fearing increased casualties among their ranks” were switching to artillery barrages, “rather than sticking with the Western tactics and pressing harder to breach the Russian defenses.”

“Why don’t they come and do it themselves?” a former Ukrainian defense minister told The New York Times in response to the American criticism.

In an article last month titled “Ukraine’s Lack of Weaponry and Training Risks Stalemate in Fight With Russia,” The Wall Street Journal reported that unnamed western military officials “knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons” needed to dislodge Russia, but that they had “hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day” anyway.

“It didn’t,” Wall Street Journal added.

In the same article, The Wall Street Journal cited a US Army War College professor named John Nagle admitting that the US itself would never attempt the kind of counteroffensive it’s been pushing Ukrainians into attempting.

“America would never attempt to defeat a prepared defense without air superiority, but they [Ukrainians] don’t have air superiority,” Nagl said, adding, “It’s impossible to overstate how important air superiority is for fighting a ground fight at a reasonable cost in casualties.”

And now we’re seeing reports in the mass media that US officials — still under cover of anonymity of course — are beginning to wonder if perhaps it might have been better to try to negotiate peace instead of launching this counteroffensive that they knew was doomed from the beginning.

In an article titled “Milley had a point,” Politico cites multiple anonymous US officials saying that as “the realities of the counteroffensive are sinking in around Washington,” empire managers are beginning to wonder if they should have heeded outgoing Joint Chiefs chair Mark Milley’s suggestion back in November that it was a good time to consider peace talks.

“We may have missed a window to push for earlier talks,” one anonymous official says, adding, “Milley had a point.”

Oops. Oops they made a little oopsie poopsie. Oh well, it’s only Ukrainian lives.

Imagine reading through all this as a Ukrainian, especially a Ukrainian who’s lost a home or a loved one to this war. I imagine white hot tears pouring down my face. I imagine rage, and I imagine overwhelming frustration.

This whole war could have been avoided with a little diplomacy and a few mild concessions to Moscow. It could have been stopped in the early weeks of the conflict back when a tentative peace agreement had been struck. It could have been stopped back in November before this catastrophic counteroffensive.

But it wasn’t. The US had an agenda to lock Moscow into a costly military quagmire with the goal of weakening Russia, and to this day US officials openly boast about all this war is doing to advance US interests. So they’ve kept it going, using Ukrainian bodies as a giant sponge to soak up as many expensive military explosives as possible to drain Russian coffers while advancing US energy interests in Europe and keeping Moscow preoccupied while the empire orchestrates its next move against China.

Last month The Washington Post’s David Ignatius wrote an article explaining why westerners shouldn’t “feel gloomy” about how things are going in Ukraine, writing the following about how much this war is doing to benefit US interests overseas:

“Meanwhile, for the United States and its NATO allies, these 18 months of war have been a strategic windfall, at relatively low cost (other than for the Ukrainians). The West’s most reckless antagonist has been rocked. NATO has grown much stronger with the additions of Sweden and Finland. Germany has weaned itself from dependence on Russian energy and, in many ways, rediscovered its sense of values. NATO squabbles make headlines, but overall, this has been a triumphal summer for the alliance.”

“Other than for the Ukrainians” he says, as a parenthetical aside.

Everyone who supported this horrifying proxy war should have that paragraph tattooed on their fucking forehead. ... e-cowards/


Attack on Chernigov. Details
August 19, 20:08
Attack on Chernigov. Details

In Chernihiv, there was not that very blow to the decision-making centers, which everyone so anxiously asks for after another attack on the territory of Russia.
This was a blow to the meeting of officers of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and NATO from Poland and the Baltic States before making decisions in Kyiv and Warsaw.

We were going to develop a common concept for protecting the border during hybrid attacks.
Across the road from the Drama Theater was the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate and the reception room of the SBU of the Counterintelligence Department. Today, a joint meeting was held there with the Polish and Lithuanian military to protect the border and counter possible attacks by the DRG from Belarus and Russia.

There were 23 people with foreign citizenship at the meeting. The same number arrived from Lvov yesterday afternoon in Chernihiv. Of the 23, 9 corpses were found under the rubble, the rest are still considered missing.
In the Drama Theater, more than 38 fighters and commanders of the MTR of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been found killed. More than 75 people are seriously injured.
During the unsuccessful launch of anti-aircraft missiles of the Soviet period, two civilians were killed.
The contrail of the S-300 air defense system is visible on the video. The Armed Forces of Ukraine admitted that they unsuccessfully tried to shoot down a missile of the RF Armed Forces in the city.

Zelensky and Yermak refused to come to the scene of the tragedy in Chernihiv.
The test launch of the Iskander K missile (winged equipment), capable of being equipped with TNW (low-yield charge), was recognized as successful. Air defense systems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine overslept him. As well as the attack on the NATO warehouse in Kyiv this morning with the X50 missile.
No PR campaigns of intimidation (Russia is at the ready all next week) can straighten out the terrible result for NATO in Chernigov.
So far, 54 people have died. 3 civilians. The wounded and injured exceeded 89 people.

11 very bad foreigners (officers from Poland and the Baltic States) were taken by air ambulance helicopter to Kyiv and from there on board to Poland. Which of them will live to see tomorrow is a big question. Senior officers and the general were taken by helicopter to Vinnitsa, where they will decide what to do next. Most likely, some of the senior officers will be lucky enough to fly to Poland and from there to Munich or Düsseldorf.

In the Chernihiv Drama Theater, a BND employee who was in charge of space communications and encrypted data transmission services, assigned to NATO headquarters in Vilnius, went missing.

source: @nonetutto

Supply of Western weapons to Ukraine 2022-2023
August 20, 11:28


Cumulative deliveries of Western weapons to Ukraine since the beginning of the NWO. To the question of with whom and with what we are fighting. There are almost 3000 tanks and AFVs alone.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Aug 20, 2023 10:50 pm

President Lukashenko’s Interview with Ukrainian Journalist Diana Panchenko
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 19, 2023

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko gave an interview to Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko.

In an interview the head of state said that the war in Ukraine was avoidable: “The war was avoidable. At any point in time. It can be stopped now and it could have been avoided then.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that at one point he was actually at the epicenter of the events and facilitated the communication between Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin: “I was a liaison between Poroshenko and Putin shuttling between the two. So I was familiar with all the issues.”

The President recalled that the Minsk agreements envisioned to legislate a special status for certain districts of Donetsk Oblast and Lugansk Oblast and to hold local elections there: “There is something you do not know and no one does. We discussed these issues with Poroshenko, with Putin. Not three of them together, but separately. But I remember the conversation with Putin. I told him: ‘Listen, it’s a good option. Why not? Gradually, over the course of a year, two or three, this territory will not be disputed and so on, as it was then.

However, the then President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, refused to hold the elections. “Poroshenko told me: ‘Why should I hold these elections? They will be held under the control of Russia.’ I told him: ‘Petro, well, this year, supposedly, they will be held under the control of Russia. This is something we could agree on. This is negotiable. I suggested to them: ‘I will hold elections there, I will do as you, Putin and Poroshenko, agree. And I will conduct them as you decide.’ Poroshenko refused. Putin agreed to everything,” the head of state said.

According to Aleksandr Lukashenko, if it had been done then, everything would have been quiet and calm. The Ukrainian hryvnia would circulate in the respective territories, and in general, the regions and the border with Russia would be under the control of Ukraine.

“Donbass would have returned to Ukraine as an autonomy,” Diana Panchenko said.

“(Practically, yes. But he [Petro Poroshenko] was afraid that the wrong people would have been elected there,” the President said. “I’m telling you frankly that there was such a conversation. Well, wrong people this year. But you would have the border there under your control. All of this would have been Ukraine. The wrong ones were elected. But it is people who vote. Next year, they will vote in the right ones. That was what we discussed. This issue must have been solved then. The Minsk agreements should have been implemented. We agreed on everything. What was needed was to comply with the Minsk agreements. But they were ignored. And, as I understand it, no one was going to comply with them.

Answering the clarifying question of whether Russia was going to implement the Minsk agreements, Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “100%. You can’t pin this on her. You don’t have the facts for that. While there are many facts that Ukraine had not honored the Minsk agreements.”

In the interview, the President also answered a question regarding Russia’s launch of the special military operation in February 2022. In previous statements and interviews, the head of state has repeatedly talked about how events developed, and recalled some facts. He recalled that he had recently put it “casuistically” by suggesting asking Vladimir Zelensky why Russian troops crossed the border between Belarus and Ukraine in the Chernobyl region.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that at that time, even before 24 February, when Russia began its military operation, the scheduled Belarusian-Russian exercises were on in Belarus. Such drills are held alternately in the two states. “We saw the situation was escalating not even on the border of Belarus and Ukraine, not even on the border of Russia and Ukraine. We saw what was happening on the borders with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. Remember the migrant crisis, to which we had practically nothing to do,” the President said. “Migrants walked in droves through the Ukrainian territory but it was not given as much importance as the situation on the border of Belarus and Poland. Remember the clashes and so on. We understood that they were starting to draw us in, to entangle us, to provoke us.”

“The exercise was over. Russian troops began to withdraw from the territory of Belarus. Hardware was being loaded. The troops were actually from the Far East. They were withdrawing,” the head of state recalled.

Belarus had always been very good in relation to Ukraine, which cannot be said about Ukraine in relation to Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “We are accused of contributing to the start of the war here. No, the warfare was already underway. You started it. The Ukrainians started this warfare against Belarus. Economic warfare first of all. You have declared a blockade on us in the southern direction. You closed the sky to our planes even before the Europeans did. You did not let our goods through. You arrested thousands of wagons with mineral fertilizers that we loaded here in the port of Odessa,” the President said.

He also recalled the story of the Belarusian truckers captured in Ukraine, of whom several people were killed. After repeated warnings, the Belarusian side had to carry out an operation to free more than 70 people. “You didn’t even notice that we got them out. You saw it only when it was shown in Minsk. We acted very carefully. We did not commit any hostile acts against you, either economic, or political, or diplomatic,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Why did Putin begin to withdraw troops to the Far East through Kiev? You ask Zelensky this question. He knows better. But there are reasons to accuse me of Putin going to Vladivostok through Kiev… Well, you can ask Putin,” the head of state suggested.

Diana Panchenko noted that she would very much like to ask Vladimir Zelensky but he is not as open to communication as the President of Belarus.

“Well, he was open once, wasn’t he? Why isn’t he now? Let him answer the question to the Ukrainians. You can’t reproach me for anything. There was not a single Belarusian solder there. We did not cross the border. But you did provoke us,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

He recalled that long before 24 February 2022, Ukraine deployed four units near the border with Belarus. They were mainly armed with Tochka-U missile systems. “We, our intelligence were tracking them. Once they came close, removed the tarpaulin – shelters from the missiles, deployed them in a combat position and turned them towards us. We had to deal with them during the Russian operation. The Russians destroyed them in the first place,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. In this regard, he asked a rhetorical question why Ukraine had to take these actions.

The head of state was asked whether he and the Russian President had any disputes over Ukraine over the past year.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that they express different points of view when discussing various issues: “For example, there is a lot of talk about peace today. We voice different points of view on the issue. If there is an issue to discuss, we discuss it. It does not happen the way some people in the West try to present it. The so-called opposition says that Lukashenko does everything Putin says him to do. People who know me understand very well that this is impossible due to my character and my approach. There were times when we had argued really hard…”

Diana Panchenko also asked what it cost the Belarusian President “not to recognize Crimea for eight years” although the Russian President could theoretically insist on it.

“He never insisted,” the Belarusian leader replied.

Aleksandr Lukashenko explained that such position was not about some benefits. “It did not give anything to us. We cooperated with Crimea and continue cooperating. They visited us, asked us for certain assistance – buses, vehicles, other things. We sold our goods to them. And the Ukrainian authorities later reproached us for selling buses there. Look, anything can be sold in our world today. But we did not hide this. Neither regarding Abkhazia nor Crimea. This is not as if I heroically stood my ground for all these eight years. It was simply unnecessary from the practical point of view,” the President said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled how he and Vladimir Putin were going to visit Crimea. “It was my suggestion,” the Belarusian President emphasized. “I suggested going there together. I told him that I hadn’t been to Crimea for a long time, and after all there is the Belarusian sanatorium there,” the head of state said. The President noted that he always enjoyed visiting Crimea and Ukraine, admired local beautiful landscapes and had great respect for people in Ukraine, including the western regions.

In an interview Aleksandr Lukashenko admitted he loves Ukraine and its people. He reminded that he has Ukrainian roots among other ones. “It is personal. I love and loved Ukraine very much. I remember when my eldest son was still little. I got into a car and drove along the Leningrad-Odessa motorway. I went to Odessa. I stopped in fields and looked around admiring the magnificent sights. In Soviet times. I sincerely love this country and its people,” the President said.

He remarked that he likes even people, who live in western Ukraine and are believed to have more nationalistic attitudes: “When I was the director of an agricultural enterprise, they would come to me every year to earn money. They needed cereals. Because growing cereals is difficult in the Carpathian Mountains. Such hardworking people! I always used them as an example. I always used my own transport to deliver two times more grain to them, to western Ukraine than what they earned.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko went on saying: “The deepest respect for these people. And for western ones as well, I’ll have you know. And for Crimea. I went there. And I have always felt love for Ukraine. And I still feel exactly the same. Despite their trying to portray me as some bastard instead of Batka [father in Belarusian]. Time will come and people will sort out everything.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko told the interview what Russian President Vladimir Putin thinks about the events in Ukraine and whether he is upset about them.

“We touched on the situation again the last time we met (it was St. Petersburg, then Valaam). We conversed for a long time and he would say: “It’s bad that we, the two peoples, clashed. You [Belarus] is involved. We are Slavic peoples!” He said thoughtfully [here’s the inside information): “No one was going to subjugate, enslave, and deprive Ukraine of independence. We didn’t need it. But they should have behaved differently and should not have created problems for us,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“I had nothing to object to him. Although we usually argue a lot. But what is there to object to that? On the contrary, I supported him,” the President said. “You see, he said this out of the blue. No one was going to deprive Ukraine of independence. Why did Ukraine need to behave like it did? I saw this happen starting with Leonid Danilovich Kuchma [the second President of Ukraine]. I am a unique person. For 30 years I have seen everything that has been happening and that had to do with these events. It all began, unfortunately, with Leonid Danilovich Kuchma.”

The journalist asked Aleksandr Lukashenko what he thinks about the narrative promoted in Ukraine that Vladimir Putin has imperial ambitions and the allegations that he has supposedly gone mad.

“No, Putin has not gone mad. With regard the imperial ambitions, I have not seen them either. But I have this idea that the leaders of large states always have this sense of confidence. That’s how I see it. This also applies to the United States of America. Isn’t it so? There’s no way to measure their ambitions and the things they are doing. Russia is a huge empire, what can I say? Of course, this leaves its mark on the character of a person. But it’s all empty words, fiction that Putin has imperial ambitions. Especially now,” Aleksandr Lukashenko replied.

Speaking about some feelings of the Russian President, the Belarusian leader noted that no matter how close they are, Vladimir Putin is still the head of one state, and he is the head of another. “The human heart is a mystery, as our people say. I can’t go into detail. But he is taking these events hard. It is not an easy situation. As a person he is absolutely sensible, experienced, analyzes everything, tries to look ahead, calculates. His life experience was such. He is practically a military man. He had a job where he had to calculate a lot in advance. He really works everything out. But he never, I’m sure, ever had these designs to go and enslave Ukraine first, then Belarus, then others. This is nonsense,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko also noted that Vladimir Putin is a very cautious person: “He never acts on a whim. He will take a step and will take a long, long time to see if it is worth taking the second step. Therefore, the assumption that he would have taken 10 steps at a time skipping) the previous nine and attack Ukraine is nonsense. He tried everything, step by step. These steps were visible.”

In this regard, the President recalled his conversation with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in the first days of the war. “We talked for a long time. He was huffing and puffing… I said: “You know, Volodya, we will not argue on the phone. But remember: the war is in your country. Sooner or later people will ask you why you let the war happen on your land, why you did not prevent it no matter how difficult it was,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “The war was avoidable. I was between you and Russia all the time and saw this opportunity. The most striking illustration is the meeting of the Normandy Four. The agreement was reached. Let’s implement it since we agreed. Why didn’t you?”

In an interview Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he and Russian President Vladimir Putin had not discussed the possibility of such a development before the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the Russian leader voiced a request to his Belarusian ally a few days prior to 24 February 2022.

“You watched his speech on TV [after the start of the special military operation]. So did I. This is the first thing. We had not had any discussions prior to the start of the operation. I swear to you that we had never had any talks about Russia taking any action against Ukraine. It’s just that a few days ahead of the operation we met at his country residence to discuss the situation,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “He told me then (I am telling this for the first time): “Listen, Sasha, you know what the current situation is. I hope we are allies no matter what may happen”. Of course, we are allies, everyone knows about our treaties: if someone goes against Russia, we enter the war, if something like that happens to Belarus, Russia sides with us. We actually have a unified army here. So Vladimir Putin said: “If anything happens…” I asked: “Listen, what can happen?” “Well, if anything happens, watch my back, please,” he said.

The Belarusian head of state recalled that in the first days of the special military operation he made a statement that Belarus was not getting involved in the conflict, as Russia was capable of dealing with everything itself. “But we will not allow shooting Russians in the back. Do you remember that phrase of mine? It had to do with Putin’s request to watch their back. Most likely, he was concerned about a stab in the back from the West.”

The President explained how combat operations around Kiev truly happened at the beginning of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine in early 2022.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “It was definitely the matter of several days. If Russians had captured Kiev, can you imagine what war it would be? The war would have ended already.”

The reporter pointed out that Ukrainians believe that Volodymyr Zelensky protected Kiev and that the Ukrainian army repulsed the Russian invasion.

Aleksandr Lukashenko responded by saying: “Listen, it is a fairy tale and nothing else. But all of it was probably cooked up by mass media and Zelensky himself in order to demonstrate his heroism. Once again I happened to be between Putin and some forces in Kiev, who had already agreed to ‘Hande hoch’ as Germans say. In order to survive. And I had a conversation with Putin because of it. Putin told me: ‘You know, [Kiev can be captured], it can be done right away, instantaneously but a huge number of people will die’.”

The President said that the Ukrainian army had deployed not only combat tanks but multiple-launch rocket systems in the streets. And they hid behind kindergartens, schools, hospitals, and other social facilities. “He wondered how one could fight them in a military way. He said: we organize a pinpoint operation, we are on the outskirts of Kiev, we cannot fire indiscriminately like they do. In other words, he worried about having to fight in a way that would leave nothing standing at the site of this school,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that the Ukrainian army acted exactly the same way in Artyomovsk (Bakhmut). Fighters of the Russian private military company Wagner confirmed it.

“And I had a conversation with Putin. He said: ‘How can we fire at them in Kiev if they hide behind a school and kindergartens?’ I am nearly quoting. So there were fears. A different person could have told him: ‘Listen, a war is going on. If you started a war, fight it’. And he told the truth when he said: ‘We haven’t even started yet’,” the Belarus President noted.

“I am not going to dwell on reasons. You probably know that the Russian troops, who were on the outskirts of Kiev, withdrew from there. And no Zelensky repulsed anything there. Putin withdrew these troops later on. How could he [Zelensky] have defended it? Did he destroy the Russian army there? No. This is why he says he committed a heroic feat that hadn’t happened. Putin withdrew these troops from Kiev,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “He was sitting in a root cellar at that time, Diana. Your Zelensky was sitting in a root cellar back then. He didn’t fight anyone and didn’t repulse anything. But the military saw how it would end.”

“I often criticize Volodya Zelensky. For his lack of experience, ostentatious behavior. He has always been like that. It played a part. Yet, as I have already said, this trouble started from Leonid Danilovich [Ukraine’s second President Leonid Kuchma]. There was no clear strategy back then; it was a back-and-forth,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled his meeting with President of Russia Boris Yeltsin and President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma that took place after the constitutional referendum in Belarus: “Leonid Danilovich started talking about Ukraine and Yeltsin said: “Listen, Aleksandr Grigorievich, why wouldn’t you help him draft a decent constitution and hold a referendum. I said, well, to be serious, I’m ready to pitch in.”

According to the Belarusian head of state, a draft constitution was developed together with Ukrainian specialists. “It was more, so to say, democratic than that of Belarus and Russia. But it was similar to ours. This constitution would have saved Ukraine from that chaos that happened later. This constitution was ready. Opinion polls suggested (we did not hide the fact that I was involved in the process) that the Ukrainians would have supported it. But time was passing by and they were kicking the can down the road,” the head of state noted. “Why so? He [Leonid Kuchma] said that the Verkhovna Rada would not pass this constitution. I objected: Listen, you haven’t even submitted it to the Verkhovna Rada yet; and indeed, will it really go against people’s will? You can hold a referendum. You can put it to vote in a referendum, get it approved and then submit to the Verkhovna Rada,” Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled.

“In other words, that was one of the options. That was where it all started. Kuchma, then Yushchenko, then Yanukovich… The problems were snowballing. Finally it all descended upon Volodya Zelensky, he was not a politician, he was inexperienced, politics was simply not his thing. But he promised (even in that movie Servant of the People) to deal with oligarchs, thieves, crooks and other problems and to sort out problems around Ukraine, a very beautiful and rich country. He saw it all. He has made his bed, so now he must lie in it. He is not exactly the right man for this job,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Again, Zelensky is not the only one to blame. It’s true, he was not up to the task. But was it easier for others? Was it easier for Putin when he became President? Or was it easier for Belarusians? Belarus was a basket case, we had no money, nothing. We were left in a pickle. We printed these banknotes depicting bunnies, remember?” the head of state asked.

The head of state recalled how things developed in Ukraine under different Presidents. There was a chance to prevent war, but it was not used. The inexperienced Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who came to power with the support of the West and above all the United States, did not cope with the situation.

“Does Russia share responsibility?” the journalist asked.

“Of course. Russia is responsible for everything. For the collapse of the Soviet Union, for the then fight on a personal level. Now they say: ‘Well, the Soviet Union would have collapsed anyway. It’s good that it broke up like that, as not much blood was shed.” But see how much blood we are shedding now! The wars happened along the entire perimeter. It remains to be seen how it will end. Therefore, Russia was the main state that glued, held everything together, bore responsibility as she is the successor of the Soviet Union. Of course, Russia is also to blame. We are all to blame. Russia, Belarus, Ukraine…,” the Belarusian leader replied.

“Poroshenko had a chance to turn everything around. Zelensky had this chance too. He was a new person, he had nothing to do with what has happened. Let’s sit down, think about what is best for your state, for your people. Why are you waging this war now?” Aleksandr Lukashenko.

“A lot of people are starting to assess Zelensky in the right way. Hence this back-and-forth on his part. He cannot make up his mind whether to call the election (when are you having it – in a year or two?) or, using martial law, to postpone it. In other words, the situation is very unclear. And it is not a given that Zelensky will win this election, although you claim that he has a 90% approval rating. It is a sham. I will tell you, if the election was held in the near future, one of the military [would win]. Budanov or the like would become President. Someone from the military, but not him [not Zelensky],” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state noted that the West, primarily the United States, seeks to weaken Russia and bring it to its knees with the help of military operations in Ukraine. At the same time, the interests of Ukraine are disregarded. “After all, the best people die there. Ukraine is losing almost everything. It is not in Ukraine’s interests,” the Belarusian leader said.

“Who benefits from it then? Zelensky?” the journalist asked a clarifying question.

“Yes, that’s right. Ukraine is not Zelensky, and Zelensky is not Ukraine. Zelensky … Well, listen, he is a ‘hero’. He travels around the world wearing a trident T-shirt and displays his heroism. And they in the West know how to eulogize. Remember how they went into raptures about Gorbachev: “Gorbi, Gorbi, Gorbi!” And the Soviet Union collapsed. Exactly the same is happening to him: “Ah, Zelensky! Ah, a hero!” Whose hero is he? He is their hero, not a hero of Ukrainian people,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.

The head of state is sure that people in Ukraine, intoxicated by propaganda, will eventually be able to see things clearly. “It won’t go on like this forever. I am also following public opinion trends in Ukraine. Not the things that your opinion polls suggest, but what people really think. There is a growing understanding that Zelensky should find a way out of this situation, to put it mildly. People there should not die, mothers should not lose their children. It does not matter to a mother what ways and methods will be used to save her child. They should save not only their lives, but also the lives of their children. What kind of patriotism, what Motherland and so on can you talk about when your child’s life is at stake?”

“Therefore, people in Ukraine are beginning to see things clearly. And millions of people who fled the country are raising their voices saying that they want to return home and asking why the war is still going on. I know for sure, they are sick and tired of your oligarchs. They want to save their billions and earn money there. But the war does not let them do it. What investments can flow in if the war is raging?” the President noted.

Thus, only the United States benefits from the war. “It does not bother them that the Slavic peoples are fighting with each other, and killing each other. It is beneficial for them. Thus, having weakened Russia, they will get closer to China from this side. That’s their rationale. Zelensky is playing along. But in the end Ukraine – a flourishing, beautiful country blessed with natural resources – will cease to exist,” the Belarusian leader added.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Judging by all my contacts I’ve had this year (there were various contacts), I have to tell you that you shouldn’t say that the West wants [the war in Ukraine to continue]. Yes, for now they are dancing to the tune of Americans. But Western Europe is Germans, the French, and other ones. Except Englishmen of course. Those are dominated by the USA. Western Europe doesn’t need this war already. Their top people say that the war is not in America, this war is in our home.”

“The war needs to stop. Europeans are absolutely intent on doing it but for now they are following orders. 15 Leopard [tanks have been given to Ukraine]. But they give military hardware unwillingly,” the Belarusian leader stated.

Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that one can no longer say that the West is cemented. “They convey these signals to your President Zelensky. Zelensky is stubborn. Why? Because his key sponsor is behind him. The United States of America. So Europe is starting drifting little by little. The public opinion in leading European countries about this war is very bad. More and more people are speaking up against it. Because they feel the damage of this war in their wallets. Americans don’t. They profiteer from it. And they support Zelensky in this regard. This is why there is no unity of Europeans and Zelensky about the continuation of this war,” the President said.

In his words, once Americans want it and give this signal to Zelensky, he will start peace talks. “How can it be any other way? If there are no deliveries of weapons via Rzeszow and other border crossings, then there will be no war,” the head of state remarked.

Why can the USA give this signal at some point? Aleksandr Lukashenko gave the following answer to this question: “Because they will understand that Ukraine will not win. It will lose. If Ukraine loses decisively and Russians manage to move forward, well, then the entire West will lose. This is why they need to give a signal to start negotiations when the time is right.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “Negotiations have to start without preliminary conditions. It is a classic move of any diplomacy. This is what I think. It is necessary to start negotiations and discuss everything. Including Crimea, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, and Lugansk. Everything needs to be discussed there. But at a negotiation table. Sit down and work out the agenda. As it usually happens. A list of items. You can return to those items, which were worked out in the past [during previous rounds of negotiations, three of which took place in Ukraine and another one in Tьrkiye]. Then Russia was ready to discuss any matters.”

The President went on saying: “Certainly, Russia will never ever return Crimea as you say. It won’t happen. I doubt for now that some agreement can be reached here, in the east. But Russia is ready to discuss any topic. I know it for sure. They are ready to talk about any topic and discuss any topic. But you [Ukrainians] are pushed by Americans and don’t want that for now. You don’t understand that there is nothing more precious than a human life. While you lose about 1,500 people in combat operations per day.”

The head of state was asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin told him under what circumstances he would consider the goals of Russia’s SMO fulfilled.

“You know, we did not discuss the topic with him in this spirit, but I dare to express my position. The goals of the SMO have already been fulfilled. Ukraine will never be as aggressive towards Russia after the end of this war as it was before the war. Ukraine will be different. First, there will be people in power who are more cautious, smarter, more cunning, if you like. Intelligent people. Who will understand that the neighbors are given by God and that you need to build relations with them,” the President said.

“I’m sure of it. The future Ukraine will not dance to the tune of the United States. This is my understanding. I am absolutely convinced that Putin thinks so too. I think that’s how he understands the process. This is a big lesson not only for Ukraine but also for Russia. For us, for the whole world. That’s a great lesson. We will learn from it. Russia will too,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

The head of state answered the journalist’s question on the thesis of ever-increasing hatred between peoples, in particular Ukrainians against Russians.

“Most likely, and I am expressing my point of view, all this was seen differently before. Today we have wised up, drawing lessons from these events. Yes, it is true and everything you said appears to be the case. We have angered nations against each other. Moreover, the position of Ukrainians and Russians seems irreconcilable to us. Belarusians are also involved in this,” the head of state said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that in this regard he always cites the example of atrocities committed by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. “The wounds have healed. The Soviet Union had good relations with Germany. Both Ukraine and Belarus, which was practically wiped off the face of the earth, built relations with Germany. Why shouldn’t we build relations with Ukraine? We will,” the Belarusian leader emphasized.

“If we talk about it and do not act, we are unlikely to achieve anything. We have to act. The first step is to sit down at the negotiating table. Well, we may spend the first day looking at each other with hatred. But then we will start talking. Things went the same way in Gomel, in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in Istanbul [the rounds of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations in 2022]. That is how it was. It started with everybody arguing bitterly. And then they started discussing specific issues. But the United States told Vladimir Zelensky to stop negotiations and continue the war, the President said.

The President is sure that only at the negotiating table it is possible to find a solution to the situation, and it should be done with the participation of all the stakeholders and the world’s powers. “It should not be like it was in Saudi Arabia [ the negotiations on a peaceful settlement in Ukraine, which took place in early August 2023 with the participation of a number of countries]. Russia was not there. What kind of negotiations are these? What did you decide to negotiate without the presence of all the parties involved in the conflict? I mean that those who feel that they should be at the negotiating table, should be there,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

In June 2023 Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov said that the talks were in the pipeline and pointed to Belarus’ possible participation in the negotiation process. “Is it some sort of a veiled invitation to you to join the talks if they take place?” the journalist asked the head of state.

“You should address this question to Danilov,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President added that he had heard the statement. “We border on Ukraine. We are ‘co-aggressors’ as your country and the West call us. Of course, we have our interests there, and our position should be heard. I believe that Belarus should be involved in the negotiation process (the level of its involvement is not discussed today),” the head of state said.

In his words, Belarus’ participation in the peace talks will bring positive results. “I think our participation is quite possible,” the President said.

In an interview with Diana Panchenko Aleksandr Lukashenko talked about contacts of the Belarusian side with Ukraine’s special services and about the topics raised during these negotiations.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted: “As for whether negotiations are in progress or not. They certainly are. We’ve met with representatives of your authorities about five times probably.”

“When was the last time?” Diana Panchenko asked for clarification.

“The last time was several months ago. These negotiations were initiated by the GUR [Central Intelligence Office of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry]. They focused on whether Belarus will join the war in the future, whether Belarus will fight or not on the side of Russia in the north. And many other matters,” the President noted.

He also remarked that the Ukrainian side has been recently interested in matters concerning the potential use of nuclear weapons and the deployment of the private military company (PMC) Wagner in Belarus.

“These questions accumulated. But we had these contacts and we talked. We don’t mind. Proposals have been put forward now: ‘Let’s meet in Istanbul or the Emirates’. I said: ‘Guys, are you crazy? We are just over the border from you. Feel free to come to Brest or anywhere you like. To Gomel, Mozyr, any place. To Minsk. And we will organize a conversation with you. Why do you suggest that we should go somewhere, to Turkiye or the Emirates?’ These are good countries. We don’t mid. But we can have negotiations here,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

“Then Zelensky noticed some threat to those, who were organizing these negotiations (so-called political competition). He forbade them to have this dialogue. We know via intelligence agencies, special services, including military ones, they conduct these negotiations with Russians in Ukraine. And positions are explained. Russia’s to Ukraine and Ukraine’s to Russia. Ukrainians have contacts with us and contacts with them, with Russia. A foundation for these negotiations is available. Let’s talk. But your politicians will get themselves in trouble. Not Putin, not Russia but Ukraine’s military will overthrow this political elite led by Zelensky. You’ll see. Because the military see the futility of what is going on there,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stated.

The journalist asked the head of state what can force Belarus to get fully involved in the war in Ukraine.

“If you, Ukrainians, do not cross our border, we will never get involved in this war. In this hot war. Yet, we will keep helping Russia – they are our ally. You know that 55 countries are helping you with coordination, training, ammunition, weapons, and so on. And only Belarus is openly helping Russia,” Aleksandr Lukashenko replied.

Diana Panchenko, in turn, noted that they often say in Ukraine that Vladimir Putin is pushing the President of Belarus to get involved in the war.

“It’s complete nonsense. Do you know why? Because it makes no sense. An additional 70,000 troops will change nothing,” the head of state emphasized. “They have enough manpower and firepower. Therefore, getting Belarus involved… How will it help them? You tell me what is the point of us joining the fight against Ukraine? There is no point.”

Diana Panchenko recalled the recent statement by the head of state regarding possible plans for Ukraine’s admission to NATO in separate parts and the transfer of some of its territory to Poland.

“Will Western Ukraine become part of Poland?” the journalist asked the President.

“I don’t think so. I think that Ukrainians themselves will not let it happen. Zelensky is moving towards this: you have taken some decision to give Polish police officers or civil servants nearly the same rights as Ukrainian ones have,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“Such narratives are circulating in the media landscape to prepare people for this,” Diana Panchenko noted.

“Yes, that’s what I hear. Moreover, units have already been formed in Poland – a military unit to help Ukraine. If they come in, they will not go away, because Americans are standing behind Poland. Well, this will be Polish territory. Why would NATO not accept them in this case? It will already be Polish territory. They will use this as an argument. Therefore, everything is being prepared for this. And you, journalists, were the first to speak up about it. You said what we, politicians, had just started to see. Therefore, such preparations are underway. This is unacceptable for us and for Russians. It is necessary to preserve Ukraine’s integrity, so that the country will not be sliced up and divided by other countries. Negotiations come next. You see, that’s what should be done first. You, Ukrainians, need it,” the head of state emphasized.

“We do. We need peace, everyone needs peace,” the journalist agreed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “There can be only one threat: aggression against our country. If aggression against our country is launched from the side of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, we will immediately respond with everything we have. You see we have something. And the strike will be unacceptable. We don’t compete with them. NATO stands behind Poland, Lithuania, Latvia. We certainly understand that the forces are incomparable. But we will deliver an unacceptable strike against them and they will receive unacceptable harm, damage. It is what our security concept is based on.”

The President went on saying: “The nuclear weapons deployed in Belarus will definitely not be used unless we face aggression. If only an act of aggression is committed against us, an attack against Belarus, we will not tarry, wait, and the rest. We will use the entire arsenal of our weapons for deterrence. Why? Belarus is not Russia. Belarus cannot observe and wait for something. There is a great distance between Brest and Vladivostok but our territory can be captured within a month and there will be nothing left. This is why we will not tarry and watch. Once aggression is committed against us, we will follow the plan. I have publicly approved the plans but, of course, I haven’t revealed their content. We will respond with everything we have. And we didn’t bring nuclear weapons here in order to scare someone. Yes, nuclear weapons represent a strong deterring factor. But these are tactical nuclear weapons, not strategic ones. This is why we will use them immediately once aggression is launched against us.”

Yet Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that Belarusians are not crazy and would not like to use nuclear weapons. If no aggression is committed against Belarus, nuclear weapons will never be used.

“Can the nuclear weapons be used against Ukraine under these conditions?” the reporter asked for clarification.

“Not only the nuclear weapons [will be used] against Ukraine if it commits aggression against us. We have something else in addition to the nuclear weapons. And we will not warn you that we will deliver a strike on decision-making centers once you cross red lines. It will be done without a warning. This is why leave us alone. We leave you alone and you should leave us alone. I mean Ukraine least of all. I mean primarily those crazies in the West, who are already making preparations,” Aleksandr Lukashenko noted.

According to the head of state, the events in Ukraine have taught people a lesson and have shown that a clash of military blocs should be avoided.

“Ukraine is showing that this is a terrible thing. And NATO’s war with Russia and Belarus would mean a world war involving nuclear weapons. It would be much worse than in Ukraine. Therefore, this must be averted. I know for sure that the West does not want a nuclear war indeed. Because no one will be able to survive in this war: Russia has the world’s biggest stocks of nuclear warheads, the United States of America has about the same. It will be an all-embracing war that will not spare anyone. No one wants to die, everyone wants to live at least the way we live now, and hope for the best. Even now, I do not see any reasons for such a war to begin,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Diana Panchenko said that the idea that the Russian government is weak after events involving PMC Wagner is being actively promoted in Ukraine. “I quote: Putin is no longer the person we used to know. There is another version claiming that all of it was staged. A performance designed to reveal traitors and give reasons to move PMC Wagner to Belarus for the sake of a consequent march on Kiev. What out of it is true?” the reporter wondered.

“First things first. As for Putin is no longer the person we used to know. Putin is absolutely not the person we used to know. His personal traits have been multiplied. Recent times have taught a lot to everyone, including to Putin. He is no longer his old self. He is now wiser and more cunning, I’ll have you know. If someone thinks that Putin has been weakened by Prigozhin’s mutiny, it is total nonsense. Putin is now more mobilized, more cunning, and wiser. Our adversaries need to know it,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Speaking about claims that the mutiny was staged, the President stated that only crazy people can call it that because the event did colossal damage. “This narrative appeared right away. But it is not promoted anywhere except for Ukraine. It was not staged at all,” he remarked.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that the initiative to deploy PMC Wagner in Belarus had been his. It had not come from Russia’s leadership or anyone else. The possibility was discussed and decided on during negotiations with Yevgeny Prigozhin as one of the security guarantees.

“It was my proposal. In order to quell this munity, to put out this fire, it was necessary to accept any conditions because the mutiny could have been devastating to everyone. You say that the West and Americans may have felt joy about this mutiny at first. But later on they came to their senses and say now: ‘Thank god, this variant didn’t come to be.’ Why? Because they were concerned about nuclear weapons most of all. Who will possess nuclear weapons? PMC Wagner? Yevgeny Prigozhin? Things could have been terrible. This is why even the most vicious enemies of ours didn’t want this turn of events and this mutiny,” he noted.

Aleksandr Lukashenko believes that similar mutinies are unlikely to happen in Russia in the foreseeable future. “Russia could have quelled this so-called mutiny. At the cost of a lot of blood. But I think it could have handled it. Right up to removing army units from the front. But it would have handled it. But this very march indicates that it is impossible and unnecessary. Frankly speaking, the next mutineers will be afraid to make such attempts after they draw conclusions from this mutiny,” the President said.

“As for Putin’s overthrow that Zelensky and his supporters desire, they may try. Let them try. If they don’t have enough problems as it is, they will get even more problems. Nobody will overthrow Putin today,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

According to the journalist, Vladimir Zelensky was very upset by the deterioration of relations with Aleksandr Lukashenko. “He took it hard, despite the fact that Ukraine introduced sanctions faster than the EU, as you said then. Is there anything you want to tell him?” she asked.

“I can tell him only one thing today. I would say to him: Volodya, the war is going on in your country, on your land. You must do everything to prevent things from getting worse. Yes, whatever happened, happened. Those who are to blame will have to face the music. But this should be stopped now. The developments should not take a further turn for the worse. It will be worse, first of all, for Ukraine. This is the only thing I want to say to him today. I want him to hear it. And that’s something to begin with,” the Belarusian leader replied.

In an interview Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he has not yet decided whether he will run for President in the next election.

“I haven’t made any decisions yet, honestly. Perhaps it may look like some kind of couldn’t-care-less attitude on my part, but I have so many issues to solve right now. As soon as the time comes to make a decision, I will do it. Right now, I need to make sure the country holds out in the current situation, does not get involved in a mess, as people say. I have to guide my people on this very thin, fragile ice, so that we don’t fall through. This is the most important thing for me now. Both my future and the future of the next government depend on this. This is what I am doing right now. Honestly, I have not thought about it, and even in my family circle we have not discussed this topic. It is not the time to think about it,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

During the interview Diana Panchenko shared her impressions of Minsk. She said that she liked the atmosphere of order and security in the city. She expressed her hope that Belarusians understood the main value and their main resource – peace.

“I have a question (and maybe you have an answer): what will happen to all this without Lukashenko?” Diana Panchenko asked.

Very soon the country will have elections to the parliament and the Belarusian People’s Congress. The President said he would do everything to help Belarusians determine their future. “I will be persuading my people. I will be telling my people the truth. Our people themselves understand what can happen. They understand that we can lose this island of peace and tranquility,” he said.

“Every time I come to Minsk, I see well-maintained streets and perfect roads. Walking around Minsk I sometimes get the impression of being in Kiev, the one it could have been and the one it once used to be. Although the cities may not be alike, but the feeling is exactly the same,” Diana Panchenko said. “Putting it simply, what and when did we do wrong?”

“Things went wrong when you started plundering Ukraine. If you want to preserve the integrity of the country, there must be unity, there must be a core. First of all, a state one, like we have. We are always criticized for this vertical of power, ‘dictatorship’ and so on. But it is precisely this and, as you call it, dictatorship, discipline, and order that contributed to the consolidation of the entire nation. We managed to explain everything to our people, to tell them what should be done, including today. I often say: if you do not want to fight like Ukraine, let us work hard in the fields. People hear me,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Ukraine started to fall apart when oligarchs began getting the best pieces, the President said. According to him, this created numerous centers of power, including those supported by security and law enforcement agencies. It was difficult for the government to resist it.

“Ukraine ended up divided. You began to play in democracy, elect all kinds of people, re-elect. You eroded the responsibility by such actions of yours. Everything however started with your thoughtless privatization. You dismantled Ukraine and hurt people. Ukrainians were terribly dissatisfied with that situation. Everything started from there. The economy was the backbone for everything,” the head of state is convinced. “You have destroyed the richest, most beautiful country.”

Then the oligarchs went into politics and brought certain people to the country’s highest posts. “When a politician has a lot of money in his pocket, he is not independent,” the Belarusian leader said.

“Haven’t you ever thought of buying a yacht and going to Monaco?” the journalist asked.

“I have never had such thoughts. I am not that kind of person at all. A yacht, the heat, the sun – it is not my thing. It’s better to go to the mountains in winter. There is no better place than Sochi. We have a governmental base, a hotel there. I don’t need anything else,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “I hate money, as I grew up in a poor family and always lacked it. I am a different person by nature. I can find my happiness at home, in Belarus.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko said he believes that Vladimir Putin will be reelected as Russia’s President: “I think that Putin will be Russia’s next President. The election will be held in six months. No one can challenge Putin now”.

The journalist quoted the head of state who said in a 2020 interview that Vladimir Putin would step down before 2036 and those who would take over his role would continue Russia’s development course.

“Do you think there is such a person?” the journalist asked.

“I think so. And I believe that if Putin does not see this person now, he will find this person in the near future,” the Belarusian leader is convinced.

At the same time, the President of Belarus believes that Vladimir Putin is not focused on this matter now, because he has so many issues to deal with. “The country is big, there are many other problems that need to be addressed,” Aleksandr Lukashenko explained.

During the interview, Diana Panchenko noted that today Ukrainians blame the Russians for all their troubles. In her opinion, Ukraine was made a “country of hatred” long before the events of 2022.

“They did it deliberately. It was a public policy. How can we make sure that this does not happen to Belarusians?” she asked the head of state.

The President believes that it is important to fight the information space as hard as possible.

“We fight on this battlefield as hard as we can. You know, I won’t say that we are winning but we are not losing yet, because, probably, the truth always wins after all. If you tell lies, then you won’t win,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

“If we analyze everything that has happened between our peoples, between our countries in recent years, then we see that they worked persistently, methodically to make sure that Ukrainians learn less and less about Belarusians, about Russians and vice versa. It turns out that people who once lived in the same country know absolutely nothing about each other today. For example, many Ukrainians are sure that every Russian, waking up, thinks about how to kill as many Ukrainians as possible. Don’t you think that today exactly the same process is taking place in relation to Russia and Belarus on the one hand and Europe on the other? Aren’t they preparing us just as systematically for something big and terrible?” the journalist said.

The President did not rule out that this is possible: “If you conquer other people’s minds, then you will win any war in the future. Therefore, they might be preparing for this by waging this war on our minds. But it is the job of any government to counteract this, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how unequal the forces are. But it’s better to fight like this than with missiles.”

“It is difficult to fight this information war but we must. Otherwise, we will have to fight the way Russia and Ukraine are doing. Therefore, we are trying, resisting, doing everything possible,” the head of state added. “Tactic is to reach every person, reach out to them, and talk to them. This is the most important area of our work. People will appreciate it. In particular, I try to meet with people, talk to them, to explain things.”

In an interview Aleksandr Lukashenko said that Ukraine’s first step towards the country’s recovery should be a step towards peace.

“There should be a step towards peace. Yes, you can fight for these territories. I am not saying that they should be left behind. A different tactic should be chosen however: while fighting for these territories, you may lose others,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The President is convinced that Ukraine will definitely recover: “It is a great country, with hardworking people. I often say to some of my colleagues to go and learn from the Ukrainians. The country has rich traditions. All this must be restored today. A lot must be done and they need to start. Ukraine will be Ukraine. The country cannot be poor on such a land, but they must take the first steps. And the first step should be the one to stop the war.”

“The war must be stopped. When a war is raging, when you are distracted, when so many people are dying, your relatives, loved ones, what can you think about? What wealth can you think about? What kind of housing to build? Or maybe how to take care of your land plot? What can you think about when you know that tomorrow you can be grabbed in the street and sent to the front? You will only think about the ways to avoid that fate. Only those who can pay their way out of the military enlistment office do not fight in your country. Everything can be settled with the help of money in your country. It is awful. You need to restore order in your country,” the head of state emphasized.

He believes that Ukraine needs to rebuild life from the very bottom, with the main principle – fair treatment of a person – to be at the core.

“You need to rebuild your economy. But first you need to provide your people with food and clothes. It is that where we started in 1991. Our economy stalled then. We worked hard to save jobs, and we saved these enterprises. Ukraine needs to go through this now. Ukraine can do this. It has a much better location than Belarus in terms of natural resources and climatic conditions. The country can do this even in these difficult conditions. But they need to make the first step, and the first step is peace,” the Belarusian leader said.

Source ... panchenko/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Mon Aug 21, 2023 12:38 pm

The SBU and the war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/21/2023


On July 17, using apparently experimental naval surface drones, Ukraine attacked the Kerch bridge linking Crimea with mainland Russia for the second time since the start of the Russian military intervention. Inaugurated in 2018 as the flagship work of the Russian authorities since the recovery of Crimea, the work was carried out exclusively by Russia given the obvious need to increase the connection of the Kerch Strait and thus minimize the effects of the Ukrainian blockade. Until then, a slow and barely efficient system of ferries connected the two shores, an insufficient system taking into account the obligation acquired by the Russian authorities to supply the peninsula with all the goods and services necessary for daily facto . The bridge construction plan was also based on previous plans according to which the project should be a joint effort between Russia and Ukraine from which both countries would benefit.

The Maidan coup and the overthrow of Yanukovych, to which Moscow reacted quickly by launching the operation that, with great popular support from the local population, would lead to the accession of Crimea to Russia, marked the end of that option and Russia it acted alone and against the wishes of Ukraine, which denounced the construction of the bridge and always advocated its destruction. The only loose verse in this sense was the Minister of Infrastructures Omelyan, who during his tenure stood out for all kinds of crazy plans such as the installation of the Hyperloopthat Elon Musk planned - and subsequently rejected. Omelyan, an old-school Ukrainian nationalist and ardent defender of his irredentism, argued that the bridge would be useful when Ukraine regained the Kuban territories, which a part of the most reactionary Ukrainian nationalism claims for Ukraine. Shortly before the Russian invasion, Dmitro Kuleba showed Antony Blinken a map of that great Ukraine expanded with Russian territories that presides over his office.

With the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the threat of destruction of the bridge took on a new nuance, and Ukrainian officials and foreign lobbyists were quick to defend the appropriateness of such attacks and the need to supply Ukraine with weapons with which to carry it out. Zaluzhny vowed to destroy the bridge as soon as he got the means to do so while anti-Russian war zealots – since long before February 24, 2022 – like Phillip Breedlove referred to the bridge as not only a legitimate but a necessary target.

In the case of the July 17 attack, Ukraine wasted no time and just four days later leaked to the US network CNN the claim of the SBU, the Ukrainian security service, whose role in the war dates back to 2014. It was the SBU who led the baton of the anti-terrorist operation initiated by the Government of Arseniy Yatseniuk in April 2014. For years, the role of the SBU, as part of the Ministry of the Interior led by Arsen Avakov, was key in the development of the war in Donbass, in which nationalist battalions such as the Azov regiment, attached to the troops of the Ministry of Interior as a police battalion, gained a presence that they now exploit as veterans of the war in Donbass. Hence, despite the prominence that Kirilo Budanov's military intelligence, GRU, has acquired in the last year, which has also included among its troops groups linked to Azov and others such as Bratstvo, also from the extreme right, it should not be surprising the SBU's role in rear-guard attacks and high-profile acts such as attacks on Crimean infrastructure.

The division of labor in the task of destruction and assassination has been one of the many aspects not explored by the press and the analysis of this war. Over time and with the help of the semi-official claims and the details provided by the perpetrators of certain attacks, it has been possible to verify the role of the GRU in actions such as cross-border raids in Russian provinces such as Bryansk or Belgorod or in drone attacks in territories further from the border. One such attack, according to The Time probably carried out by Bratstvo operatives under the orders of Kirilo Budanov, it occurred over the Kremlin. At the time, Mikhailo Podolyak blamed the success of the attack on Ukrainian partisans, although in the same tweet he described the explosion as a false flag organized by the Russian authorities. Drone strikes, many of them neutralized by Russian air defenses, have become commonplace in recent months.

In addition to raids on Russian soil and drone strikes, an integral part of the effort by Ukraine's security services has been targeted rear-guard killings. Lugansk prosecutors, military bloggers, officials or officials of local or regional administrations have been victims of targeted attacks that Ukraine has always blamed on internal fighting in the territories under Russian control. However, in the last year, this allegation has been used by combining it with the claim of partisan acts , actually professional actions of the SBU in the form of targeted killings which, of course, have never been convicted.

The line between normal war fighting, war crimes and terrorism disappears in cases where an openly declared legitimate wartime target is attacked and openly terrorist means are used. In the case of Crimea and the attacks on the Kerch bridge, all these elements have been present. Moreover, according to the definition of terrorism of the European Union, the "disturbance or interruption of the water supply" is also a crime of terrorism, something that Ukraine carried out with the aim of destabilizing the economy of the peninsula and intimidating the population. for seven long years without mediating a war and without any international condemnation.

In the last year it has been possible to verify that no Ukrainian act was going to receive a condemnation from its partners. In reality, there is nothing new about it, since there was no public adverse reaction to the non-payment of pensions in Donbass, the bank blockade to which Ukraine has subjected the area since 2014 or the flagrant breach of the peace agreements. The Russian invasion has given Ukraine even more leeway to act as it pleases. There have been no condemnations or major reproaches for the use of openly neo-Nazi groups equipped with armored vehicles donated by the West for cross-border raids, nor have there been any condemnations of murders carried out by terrorist means in Russia or in Russian-controlled territories.

A few weeks ago, in a first confirmation of what was always obvious, Hanna Maliar, Ukraine's Deputy Defense Minister, published a list of successes achieved in the first year of the war against Russia, including the attack on the Kerch bridge. At the time, Oleksiy Danilov, who has encouraged the Russian population to leave Crimea over the bridge "while it still exists", responded by maintaining the cynical ambiguity used by Kiev at the time of the attack and again using the usual resource of the tired bridge .

The vindication of the facts by the director of the SBU Vasyl Malyuk does not add any new or relevant information beyond the confirmation of the complete absence of fear on the part of Ukraine to admit an act committed by openly terrorist means. There will be no international condemnation or criticism of the attack on infrastructures in which the only red line seems to be the use of Western weapons. This is what emerges from Maluyk's explanation of the methods with which the SBU - which no longer reports to the Ministry of the Interior but to the president - has attacked the Kerch bridge. In the most recent case, the director of the SBU claims to have used his own experimental drones in which his Western partners have been interested, which, according to this version, would not have collaborated in the preparation of the attack.

The head of the SBU has bragged, as the Ukrainian press has reported and the Western press has not bothered to publish, that it was his subordinates who carried out the attack on the Kerch bridge on October 8, 2022. Carried out by means of a truck bomb driven by a man, Majir Yusubov, a completely innocent person who was unaware that he was being used by the Ukrainian secret services to commit an attack in which his death was the main certainty. The attack killed five civilians and caused extensive damage to the railway tracks, used for the civilian and military supply of Crimea.

The SBU prepared the explosives, 21 tons according to Malyuk, hidden in thick film-covered packages, a method chosen to avoid detection by the bridge's security systems. “We went through seven circles of hell and used so many Russians that they were always in the dark,” Makyuk boasted, describing the use of the truck bomb using people who never knew they were going to be involved in the attack. “Using civilians to transport bombs and blowing them up is a war crime,” commented activist Almut Rochowanski, adding that “it is ominously similar to having an unconscious passenger plant a bomb on a plane, something we would call terrorism.”

Unafraid of international condemnation of the use of the truck bomb terrorist method, Ukraine now boasts of its success as it did almost a year ago, when it placed a panel with the burning bridge as a stage for the population of Kiev will take celebratory selfies . By nature, war tends to dehumanize the opponent. In some cases, dehumanization is a tool of war. ... more-27969

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Chronicle of the special military operation for August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023

This morning, Ukrainian formations again used a drone to attack Moscow : electronic warfare equipment landed the device over the Stupinsky district . In addition, three Ukrainian drones were suppressed in the Rostov region , two of which fell on the territory of a military unit in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky .

Another drone attacked Kursk : the drone crashed into the roof of the railway station building, after which a fire broke out on it. In total, 50 passengers were in the building at the time of the attack . Five people received minor injuries.

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops from the "Western" group are storming Ukrainian positions in the Sinkovka area , although it is premature to declare an operational encirclement and an imminent liberation of the village. While Russian units are improving their tactical position in this area, the situation is gradually becoming critical for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Zaporozhye direction, assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to roll on the positions of the RF Armed Forces at the Rabotino-Verbove line . Separate enemy units are still trying to gain a foothold in Rabotino , which is hindered by Russian artillery. Despite this, Ukrainian forces maintain a presence on the northern outskirts of the village. In addition, there is a possibility of intensifying hostilities in the Pologovsky and Gulyai-Polye sectors.


The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops from the "Western" group continue to storm Ukrainian positions in the Sinkovka area . Statements about the operational encirclement and the imminent liberation of the village are premature . At the moment, the fighting is going on in the landings to the east, where Russian units are improving their tactical position. With the support of artillery and aviation, enemy formations were driven out from several strongholds.

The situation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, despite the deployment of paratroopers of the 95th Airborne Brigade, is deteriorating. Against this background, the forced evacuation of citizens from 68 settlements of the Kharkiv region looks curious. In addition, information appeared on the Web about the destruction of one of the crossings across the Oskol River , connecting the group east of Kupyansk with the city. The data has not been confirmed, but if this turns out to be true, then the situation for the Armed Forces of Ukraine will become close to critical.

In the Soledar direction , Ukrainian formations again tried to attack the positions of the RF Armed Forces near Andreevka , but lost several pieces of equipment and retreated. In general, the situation in the area remains relatively stable, the intensity of hostilities has decreased significantly.

In the Vremievsky sector, Ukrainian formations continue to make attempts in small groups to gain a foothold in the forest belts east of Urozhayne . Russian troops stop them with concentrated artillery and small arms fire. In addition, FPV drones are actively used, which hit enemy armored vehicles both at the forefront and in the depths of the combat formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Orekhovsky sector, assault groups of the 3rd battalion of the 82nd brigade, 46th brigade and 15th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine continue to attack the positions of the Russian group at the Rabotino-Verbove line . On the northern outskirts of Rabotino , infantry groups are still operating, trying to gain a foothold in the village. Russian artillery is actively working on them, which confirms the fact that this part of Rabotino is in the gray zone. To the west of Verbovoe, after the transfer of two additional detachments on two Stryker armored personnel carriers, the paratroopers of the 82nd brigade were able to displace the fighters of the RF Armed Forces from a couple of strongholds. Now Ukrainian formations are trying to dig in the area, despite the losses.

In the vicinity of the Chubenkov Balka , there are enemy evacuation squads that promptly remove bodies and damaged equipment from the battlefield. The other day, four Leopard 47 ombr tanks were sent for repairs to Germany , which once again indicates problems in restoring equipment on the spot. At the same time, English-speaking mercenaries appeared a little to the east in the Pologovsky and Gulyaipolsky sectors, and artillery pieces and ammunition were moved to Zheleznyanskoye , which indicates a possible activation in the sector.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

For the third time in the last three days, Ukrainian formations used a drone to attack Moscow : electronic warfare equipment suppressed the device over the Stupinsky district . The drone lost control and fell in a deserted place, there were no injuries or damage. Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports have temporarily suspended the reception and departure of aircraft - at the moment they are operating normally.

In addition to Moscow, a Ukrainian drone attacked Kursk : the drone crashed into the roof of a railway station building , after which a fire broke out on it. The façade, the waiting room, the pedestrian tunnel and the first platform were also damaged.

Five people received minor injuries from glass fragments - three of them are already at home after being examined by doctors, two refused medical assistance. There were 50 passengers in the building at the time of the attack .

In the early morning in the Rostov region, electronic warfare equipment suppressed three Ukrainian drones. Two devices fell on the territory of a military unit in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky , another one a kilometer north of Novoshakhtinsk . There are no casualties or destruction.

Ukrainian formations again tried to strike with drones in the Belgorod region . Local authorities announced the interception of 12 air targets on approach to Belgorod . In turn, the Ministry of Defense announced the destruction of three aircraft-type drones.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine again fired at the cities of the Donetsk agglomeration : Donetsk , Makeevka , Gorlovka , Olginka , Golmovsky , Zaitsevo , Ozaryanovka and Yasinovataya were hit . In the latter, about ten apartment buildings were damaged, four people were injured of varying severity, one died. Another person was injured in Olginka. In Donetsk, a school and several residential buildings were hit. Near Gorlovka, the village of Golmovsky was partially de-energized.

Ukrainian formations continue the terror of the left bank of the Kherson region . Under enemy fire , Alyoshki , Kakhovka , Vasilievka , Novaya Kakhovka , Sagi and Gornostaevka . In settlements, residential infrastructure suffers, civilians are injured. In the Aleshkinsky District, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired on the forest with incendiary shells, dry grass caught fire.

Political events
On plans for the Romanianization of Ukrainian Moldovans

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu once again demanded that Ukraine " recognize the so-called Moldavian language as non-existent " and rename it to Romanian in official documents. The Romanian authorities refer to the decision of the Moldovan parliament to rename their own language into Romanian on the wave of Romanization, which is being promoted by the team of President Maia Sandu.

Ciolacu reminded Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmyhal of this in Bucharest , when the parties signed an agreement on strengthening cooperation, including an increase in the transit of Ukrainian grain through Romania. The Prime Minister of Romania called on Shmygal to respect the rights of the Romanian diaspora in Ukraine. Apparently, in addition to ethnic Romanians (150 thousand), Ciolacu also had in mind the Moldovan diaspora of Ukraine (250 thousand), whose language also needs to be renamed Romanian.

As we wrote earlier, Romania is already considering Moldova practically as its own territory, planning to take control of a neighboring state through its entry into the EU. At the same time, ambitious plans have already been voiced in Bucharest to create a “Greater Romania”, which should include not only Moldova, but also part of the Ukrainian territory. So it is not surprising that Ciolacu decided to turn the Moldovans of Ukraine into Romanians and speak on their behalf. Given the infringement of national minorities in Ukraine, the Romanians consider themselves entitled to demand preferences from Ukrainians for their diaspora in exchange for military and economic assistance. While Hungary, in response to the brutal persecution of the Hungarian diaspora in Transcarpathia, prefers to refuse such cooperation.

On deliveries of F-16s to Ukraine

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky announced that the leadership of Denmark and the Netherlands will transfer 42 F-16 fighters to Ukraine . The delivery will be carried out after the completion of training and crew training. However, it should be borne in mind here that not Ukrainian pilots, but mercenaries, who were recruited back in May, can sit at the helm.

The officially announced transfer of the F-16 to Ukraine shifts the Overton window, expanding the possibility of supplying not only American fighters, but aircraft from other countries , such as the UK , France , Germany and Sweden . A similar situation arose before the appearance of modern Western tanks and other armored vehicles on the front. It was worth declaring one by one, as one by one the leaderships of the Western countries announced the same steps.

Everything will depend on the training and preparation of combat aircraft before being sent to the front, as well as the readiness of the runways for them (work on them is being carried out at an accelerated pace). At the same time, Ukrainian pilots have already trained on the French Mirages , which, in principle, could happen with other types of fighters.

On the other hand, the " zoo " of motley flight equipment is not the same as with tanks or armored personnel carriers. The content of the conditional "Tornado", "Typhoon", "Mirage" will be difficult in terms of maintenance. This will certainly simplify the use of high-precision cruise missiles, such as Storm Shadow / SCALP or Taurus in the future, but will also create additional logistical difficulties , which are already quite a few in the maintenance and repair of armored vehicles. But in the case of Germany, the Germans may not want to transfer their fighters, but limit themselves to cruise missiles. Moreover, there are more options for using the Taurus than the British-French counterparts.

The Danish authorities will be ready to hand over the aircraft only after the fulfillment of key conditions , in particular, after solving the problems of logistics. We are talking about the selection, testing and completion of training on the F-16 Ukrainian military. At the same time, the number of aircraft has changed. In contrast to the 42 aircraft announced by Zelensky, Denmark will transfer only 19 F-16s.
In addition, Zelensky was allowed to sit on the plane, as a result of which the serial number was visible on the protocol photos. According to the telegram channel Militarist, judging by the lit up serial number of the F-16B fighter (860199), as expected, the Danes will hand over to Ukraine A / B modification machines, modified into the F-16AM / BM variant. The first six aircraft are planned to be handed over on New Year's Eve, eight more in 2024 and five more in 2025. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Russia’s Communist Party on Ukraine: ‘If We Lose This Conflict, We Will Be Destroyed’
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 20, 2023

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF) is the second largest party in Russia, yet their views are often ignored in Western media.

How do they view the war in Ukraine, the nature of the Russian state under Putin, and the character of the Ukrainian state under Zelensky? What’s their position on Russia’s foreign policy more generally? How about domestic policy? Where do they stand on the rise of China and the shifting world order?

To discuss this and more, Rania Khalek was joined by Roman Kononenko, a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the KPRF and First Secretary of the Saint Petersburg City Committee of the KPRF. ... destroyed/


Arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Khmelnitsky region
August 21, 13:41


The consequences of the recent missile strikes of the Russian Armed Forces on the arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Khmelnytsky region.
Satellite image taken on 20 August. On the territory of the arsenal, you can see 2 huge craters caused by the detonation of ammunition after rocket attacks. The craters are impressive.

The coat of arms of the USSR was returned to the Zaporozhye NPP
August 21, 8:04 am


The Energoetom logo was removed at the Zaporozhye NPP and the coat of arms of the USSR was returned.

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Another No Shit Moment.
Generally speaking, Larry already summarized it very well:

So here is the billion dollar question — why did the West not encourage, hell, demand that Ukraine use Himars and Storm Shadow missiles to attack those defensive lines while they were being constructed? I believe the answer is simple — Ukraine lacked the offensive tools required for such a mission and, even if such supplies had been available, the odds are high that Russia could have thwarted those efforts. We are witnessing military malpractice by the West on a grand scale. Did the NATO planners really believe the propaganda nonsense that portrayed the Russian military as a decrepit, doddering army of incompetents? If so, the West is now learning a very hard lesson and now must come to grips with the fact that NATO’s delusional calculation that Ukraine could shatter the Russian military is a complete bust.

Read the whole thing at Larry's blog. Those were delusional calculations. Now WaPo serves as Captain Obvious:

Ukraine is running out of options in its counteroffensive against Russian forces, as Kiev’s time-window to gain advances is closing, the Washington Post has reported. In an article on Sunday, the U.S. daily has claimed that Ukraine’s counteroffensive, which was launched in early June and was initially expected to see Kiev taking back significant territory, currently “shows signs of stalling.” “Kiev’s advances remain isolated to a handful of villages, Russian troops are pushing forward in the north and a plan to train Ukrainian pilots on U.S.-made F-16s is delayed,” wrote the U.S. newspaper. Ukrainian and Western officials might be calling for patience but “the window of time for Ukraine to conduct offensive is limited” because of the “inhospitable weather” in the region in autumn and winter, wrote the article.

And here is the thing--there are neither "options" nor any "windows" left for 404. In fact, they never existed and the only thing which mattered and still matters is how Russia would prosecute the war strategically. That is why Ukie trolls and Western media continued to push this BS about "stunning successes" of VSU around Kharkov in 2022. Read my lips--not on a single occasion did VSU outfought Russian Army and forced it to retreat--each time Russian forces withdrew from any locality (Kharkov and Kherson) it was a strategic decision. Only after that did the VSU move in "liberated" localities. This was presented by illiterate journos and equally militarily illiterate majority of Western military "analysts" as "victories" for VSU, while in reality a completely different strategic and operational logic guided SMO from the inception.

We see the results of this logic today. Against massive ramping up of military production by Russia it becomes perfectly clear that from the start it was about conditioning NATO, not 404, for what is coming now and is shaping to be, quoting Clausewitz, compelling the West to do Russia's will. Keep in mind that there is also Syria, there is also Taiwan and other hot spots along the front lines of unprecedented conflict between renegade West and classic civilization spearheaded by Russia. Meanwhile, I remain convinced that Pentagon top brass should start learning REAL operations and REAL military history, not Hollywood BS they study in US military educational institutions and that will help them understand the gravity of their historic miscalculation. Mind you, allowed for historic adjustments modern US military is not even in the same league with Napoleon and Hitler's generals, even if Erich Von Manstein helped in shaping American doctrinal views. But then again, he did lose the war to his Russian peers.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Tue Aug 22, 2023 1:55 pm

Domino effect
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/22/2023


Deception, propaganda, disinformation and psychological warfare have always been part of warfare, but their presence and effectiveness have increased as technology has allowed the distribution of these messages more efficiently and, above all, more immediately. . Countries now have control and espionage tools, but also propaganda that the Cold War powers perhaps dreamed of. In a context of proxy warfare, but direct political conflict between the two superpowers of that bygone era, the increase in psychological warfare was to be expected. "If your opponent has a choleric temper, he's looking to irritate you," begins a promotional video seeking recruits for the US Army's 4th Psychological Operations Group, far more advanced and sophisticated in terms of propaganda and psychological warfare than his Moscow opponent. "Pretend you are weak so that their arrogance grows," the video continues, completing a phrase from Sun Tzu.

The reference is consistent with the message that the United States conveys with its video: "A threat rises in the east." The message is followed by two images that make it clear, although there was no doubt, what that threat was. A Chinese army parade is shown first, followed by a news tape announcing that “Russia invades Ukraine”. "War is changing and all we touch is a weapon," he continues as a brush is shown drawing on oil. "We come in all kinds of forms," ​​he warns as images of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the demolition of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad or the Maidan follow one another. “Psychological warfare,” he concludes after another series of images of soldiers about to raid down a dark corridor. The US military adds at the end the website to enlist for psychological warfare against the enemy to the east, a sad example of orientalism that the US doesn't mind using. In a video that repeatedly asks "who pulls the strings" and states that "we are everywhere", the United States also does not consider it a problem to use images of kyiv in 2014, arevolution in which Kiev insists that it neither participated nor encouraged, although now it does not miss the opportunity to suggest otherwise.

In a context of conventional war, albeit by proxy, against its historical enemy of the 20th century, Moscow, and of economic and political confrontation with the rising power, Beijing, the United States seems to be enjoying the opportunities that the situation offers it. Washington finds itself on its most favorable turf, seemingly playing second fiddle, but leading a battle it has long considered its own. Russian troops are not facing US troops - even in terms of Foreign Legion mercenaries, the numbers of Americans are relatively low - nor are the four-star generals of the world's first army leading the fight against those of the second. However, the prominence that Western weapons, mainly supplied by the United States, have acquired, partly thanks to propaganda, and the involvement of the establishment and the US executive in this conflict make this a common war between the West and Ukraine against Russia. . The current Russian enemy is undoubtedly weaker politically, economically and militarily since the dissolution of the Soviet Union - which makes it possible for the current battle to be waged - but against which the most common platitudes of the Soviet period can still be used.

In reality, the propaganda against Russia is not limited to the reuse of clichés from the Cold War such as the idea of ​​the fight against “totalitarianism”, but they add clichés that go back to the 19th century with which, curiously, the West The US and Ukraine fall exactly into the Russian-Soviet syncretism of which they accuse Moscow. The accusation of attempting to rebuild the Soviet Union - something that would be quite a surprise considering the experience of more than three decades of anti-communism promoted from the top of the governments of independent Russia - is followed by mentions of the Russian Empire, as well as comparisons of Vladimir Putin with Josef Stalin or Tsar Nicholas are interspersed. References to the "free world" struggle are followed by others that define the current war as a conflict between "civilization and barbarism", the dehumanization of a Russia generally described as Asian - not as a description, but as a way of showing European supremacism. - and irrational. one step further,

Presenting itself as a bastion of the free world despite having banned political parties and the media and having harassed, attacked and even murdered opponents, Ukraine claims to fight against barbarism as the external border of the Europe of the values ​​of freedom and democracy. "If Ukraine falls, others will come later," Zelensky said at the end of 2022, at a time when Russia had suffered two heavy military defeats and the entire world press was commenting and exaggerating the difficulties the country was experiencing in meeting the figures. planned reservist mobilization or expected the economic collapse that has not yet arrived. Russia was at the moment of greatest military weakness, something that Ukraine exploited to start its media campaign, anticipating its certain victory, but paradoxically, at the same time, it was a danger capable of capturing all kinds of countries. Zelensky repeated the message yesterday. “They have openly said that they will not only be limited to Ukraine,” Zelensky said, adding that “after our country, they want to take this suffering beyond Europe, beyond the world.”

The message, as false now as it was in previous decades, is not new either, but a nuanced reuse of another of the great clichés of the Cold War. As then, the threat from Moscow was useful and necessary to justify rearmament beyond all logic, for the development of nuclear weapons and other systems that brought and continue to bring enormous profits to the US military industry. But, above all, that imaginary threat that officials and lobbyists saw in every part of the planet was an invaluable excuse to justify their foreign interventions. The domino theory was used, explicitly or implicitly, in all kinds of American performances. It was not the economic interests of large companies that rejected agricultural reform that encouraged the United States to overthrow Jacobo Árbenz in Guatemala, but the non-existent communist threat, also used in the participation of Washington, as a financier and supplier of arms, in the dirty wars in Nicaragua, Honduras or El Salvador. The Cuban revolution had created a socialist country in the Western Hemisphere, creating a danger of contagion that, while non-existent, has been exploited for decades to justify supporting and protecting the most repressive reactionary regimes. The domino effect made it imperative that the United States prevent the takeover or overthrow Salvador Allende. The domino effect was not only applicable to America, Rather, it spread to Asia and Africa to justify that Lumumba or Nkrumah deserved to be overthrown despite not being communists or to support the troops of Apartheid South Africa who were fighting against the Cuban troops who participated in the national liberation struggle in Angola. Of course, ensuring that communism did not spread to Asia made it possible for the United States to bomb Sukarno's Indonesia or to actively contribute lists of communists , whether they were or not, when the genocidal violence encouraged by the Suharto regime cost the lives, in many cases with machetes, of hundreds of thousands of communists, trade unionists, affiliated workers of the KPI union or even women who were part of the organizations linked to the party and whose objective was to combat illiteracy.

After saving the world from communism through coups, threats of invasion if the population voted incorrectly, covert interventions, or support for reactionary regimes that did the dirty work, the United States still has time and energy to protect the planet from that same enemy. slightly transformed, but demonized with the same clichés and against which the solution is the same: militarization, threat of covert intervention, sanctions, rearmament and creation of a context of continuous threat. “This is a much bigger fight than just for Ukrainian sovereignty,” John Kirby recently stated. “For people who may be concerned that the costs are being financially too high, we would ask you to consider what those costs might be – not just to the Treasury but in blood, maybe even American blood – if Putin subjugates Ukraine and then turns his sights on our NATO allies.” The Soviet Union has never attacked a NATO member country and there is nothing to indicate that Russia today, militarily, economically, politically and diplomatically much weaker than the Soviet superpower, is going to consider it now. However, the domino theory is back to stay, to be used against Russia in Europe and against Russia in Asia and, above all, to protect America's economic interests abroad.

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Chronicle of the special military operation for August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023

Ukrainian formations again used drones to attack the rear and front-line regions of Russia . Near Moscow , one apparatus was planted by means of electronic warfare near the village of Pokrovskoye , the second was shot down by an air defense crew in the Istra region , where two people were injured when falling debris.

Another drone was intercepted over the territory of the Shaikovka air base in the Kaluga region . In addition, the Belgorod region was subjected to a massive drone raid : four devices were neutralized by air defense systems, there were no significant damage.

The situation on the fronts is still tense. In the Kupyansky sector, servicemen of the RF Armed Forces continue to conduct fierce battles in the vicinity of Sinkovka and in the landings to the east of the village. Despite the premature victorious reports of individual media, most of the locality continues to be in the gray zone.

In the Orekhovsky sector, the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at the cost of significant losses, managed to break into the center of Rabotino , but the enemy failed to gain a foothold. At the moment, artillery and artillery and army aviation are firing at Ukrainian formations both in the village and in forest belts nearby.


Attack on the ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Khmelnytsky

Three days ago, on August 19, Russian troops launched a missile attack on the outskirts of Khmelnytsky : local residents and resources reported a series of powerful explosions near the village of Lysogorka , east of the region's administrative center.

Today, satellite images of the consequences of the arrival appeared: the target of the attack was an arsenal on the territory of the former military unit 28305. The images clearly show two large craters with a diameter of almost 100 meters.

Judging by the scale of destruction, there really was a large amount of ammunition in the affected storage facilities: this is indirectly indicated by the data of the NASA fire map, which registered thermal anomalies in the area of ​​​​the object on the day of the strike.

Separately, it is worth noting the accuracy of the arrivals: both missiles hit specific structures, which led to the detonation of the ammunition lying there.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

In the Kupyansky sector, the servicemen of the Zapad group continue to conduct fierce battles in the vicinity of Sinkovka and in the landings to the north-east of the settlement. At the same time, a video was actively circulated this afternoon, in which Russian servicemen were allegedly in the village. In fact, these footage was filmed a year ago in Voronovo in the Luhansk People's Republic .

Nevertheless, all this does not negate the fact that, under the onslaught of Russian troops, the situation of Ukrainian formations in the area continues to deteriorate, forcing them to transfer additional forces to the front line. In addition, according to some reports, Russian troops, supported by armored vehicles, conducted reconnaissance in combat near Kislovka and Kotlyarovka .

In the Soledar direction , after the Russian troops successfully counterattacked in the areas of Andreevka and Kleshcheevka , the situation remains calm. The enemy undertook several sorties with small forces against the positions of the RF Armed Forces in Kleshcheevka , but each of them was successfully suppressed by small arms and artillery fire.

In the Donetsk direction , the situation has not changed significantly: the parties are engaged in positional battles in the areas of Avdiivka , Krasnogorovka and Maryinka . Along the entire line of contact, Russian troops are identifying enemy concentrations and directing artillery fire at them.

There is relative calm in most of the Yuzhnodonets direction . The parties conduct mutual reconnaissance and exchange artillery strikes. In Vugledar , enemy fortifications and equipment are destroyed using FPV drones and UAVs with drop systems. Fighting is going on in the area of ​​Urozhany and Staromayorsky . The Russian Armed Forces are systematically destroying the enemy with artillery and air strikes in the settlements recently occupied by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In the Zaporizhia direction, heavy fighting continues in the Rabotino area . All day the enemy actively attacked, trying to reach the center of the village. By 20.00, according to the Archangel Spetsnaz , the situation in the village area remains difficult: the enemy controls about half of the settlement and hides in the basements of houses, and the other part of the forces retreated to their original positions after a long assault.

In addition, footage of another burning American Stryker armored personnel carrier near the village of Rabotino appeared. Apparently, the destroyed vehicle belonged to the 82nd Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Marun tactical group. In the video, you can also see the LWMR light trawl with two four-wheeled rollers mounted on the vehicle.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

For the fourth day in a row, Ukrainian formations have launched UAVs in Moscow . By means of electronic warfare, one was planted near the village of Pokrovskoye in the Ruzsky urban district at 6.50, another was shot down by air defense at 8.16 in the Istra district . 94 flights were delayed at Moscow airports, one was cancelled. Another 45 were redirected to alternate airports. In SNT Dorozhnik in the urban district of Istra, two people were injured when debris fell on a house. Windows were shattered in three houses.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine again used a drone to attack the Kaluga region : according to some reports, the drone was shot down over the territory of the Shaikovka airbase in the Kirov region. According to Mash, a funnel formed at the site of the fall of the device and a fire broke out, which was quickly eliminated. Other sources reported damage to one of the unused sides.

For the attack, the enemy used a civilian copter equipped with explosives and a reinforced battery. The launch was carried out from the territory of Russia by a saboteur - earlier, the Soltsy military airfield in the Novgorod region was attacked in the same way .

We have already written about ways to counter the threat of attacks by copters on such objects , one of the simplest and most economically cost-effective is the construction of protective structures using both rope and metal nets.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine today actively attacked the Belgorod region using various UAVs. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported four times that attacks were repelled by air defense forces. In Novostroevka , the Second UAV dropped fragmentation ammunition. Luckily, there were no casualties, and one car was damaged. In Bezlyudovka, the UAV managed to shoot down, according to preliminary data, without damage and casualties on the ground, and in Nikolskoye , three private households and two cars received minor damage.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the settlements of the Donetsk People's Republic , including using cluster-type ammunition. In the capital of the region, multi-apartment residential buildings and infrastructure facilities, including a kindergarten building, were damaged. In the Kievsky district, as a result of the detonation of a previously unexploded cluster submunition, one man was injured, and in the Petrovsky district, two women were injured. In addition, arrivals were recorded in Gorlovka , Zaitsevo , Golmovsky , Svetlodarsk and Staromikhaylovka- in the last wound was a girl. Local residents also reported on the work of air defense equipment in the village of Stepnoye .

The Armed Forces of Ukraine once again shelled the left bank of the Kherson region , causing damage to civilian infrastructure in Nova Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Bolshaya Lepetikha , Dnepryany and Hola Pristan . In Novaya Kakhovka, a gas distribution station was hit, but, fortunately, the shell did not explode. Meanwhile, in Dnipro, Ukrainian formations hit a local school.

Political events
On the supply of Western aircraft to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Danish Defense Minister Jakob Elleman-Jensen confirmed that his country is ready to transfer 19 F-16 aircraft to Ukraine, however, according to him, the equipment should only be used on territory that the Ukrainian authorities consider their own.

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the opposition criticized Prime Minister Mark Rutte for his statements about his readiness to transfer fighter jets to the Ukrainian Armed Forces without the consent of parliament. At the same time, the Rutte government should soon resign. The ultra-right and left parties are most actively opposed to this decision.

At the same time, according to Western media, not all of the transferred F-16 aircraft can be used in combat operations, and they will be dismantled for spare parts.

Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson , in turn, said that the Swedish Gripen aircraft will not be transferred to Ukraine. At the same time , Zelensky indicated that Swedish CV90 combat vehicles would be produced in Ukraine.

On American control over arms supplies to Ukraine

Politico journalists reported that US Republican Congressmen are demanding the appointment of an inspector to oversee Ukraine's funding in order to prevent waste on arms supplies.

According to journalists, this decision should become a condition for the approval of a new package of military assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Congress.

Agro-industrial complex of Ukraine

The fast Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Oleksandr Hryban gave an interview to the Financial Times, in which he stated that the Ukrainian side is actively working on a deal with world insurers of ships that will be ready to transport grain through the risk zone in the Black Sea. Risks, according to him, will be shared between state-owned Ukrainian banks and insurers.

In the meantime, the European Union may fine Poland for the fact that the authorities of the latter continue to restrict the import of Ukrainian grain in order to protect their own farmers from dumping.

On possible peace talks

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba told El Mundo that the authorities do not intend to sign an agreement with Russia, according to which territories will be ceded to it. According to the official, the Ukrainian counter-offensive continues to develop.

On the pressure on the UOC-MP

The Ukrainian security forces introduced a special access regime in the Lower Lavra for the monks of the UOC-MP. They are allowed in strictly according to the lists compiled by law enforcement officers and the commission of the Ministry of Culture. Parishioners are denied access to the territory of the religious building. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Progressives condemn the persecution of Ukrainian communist leader Georgi Buiko

77-year-old veteran communist and anti-fascist activist Georgi Buiko was arrested by the Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) on August 16. He is accused of participating in “anti-Ukrainian activities” and possessing communist and “pro-Russian” publications

August 21, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

Veteran Ukrainian communist Georgi Buiko

Leftist and progressive groups have condemned the arrest of veteran communist and leader of the Ukrainian Anti Fascist Committee, Georgi Buiko, by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). On August 16, the SBU announced that they had arrested Buiko, who is accused of participating in “anti-Ukrainian activities” and having communist and “pro-Russian” publications in his home.

The persecution of Buiko is a continuation of the crackdown unleashed by the post-Euromaidan regime in Ukraine which has been marked by de-communization attempts, and the banning of communist party and its publication.

Georgi Vladimirovich Buiko, who turned 77 this August, was born in Zhytomyr and got acquainted with the Komsomol — the youth wing of the Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU) — during his student days at Donetsk State University. He became a member of the CPSU in 1967.

He was active in the Donetsk regional committee and was a key figure in the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) in the post-Soviet period. He was the first secretary of the Donetsk Regional Committee, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Communist Donbass, and was also elected as deputy in the Donetsk Oblast Council or the regional legislature. Between 1998 and 2006, he was elected twice as a member of the Ukrainian parliament.

Since 2007, he has been the chairman of the Anti-Fascist Committee of Ukraine and from 2008, has been the Secretary of the Central Committee of the KPU. Buiko was also an active member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine and the International Federation of Journalists.

With the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war in February 2022, the Volodymyr Zelensky regime intensified its attack on communists and critics within Ukraine, labeling them as Russian collaborators.

In March 2022, the SBU arrested Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich, leaders of the Leninist Communist Youth Union of Ukraine (LKSMU), from the capital Kiev. The SBU accused them of being propagandists, holding pro-Russian and pro-Belarusian views with the goal of destabilizing the internal situation in Ukraine.

On July 5, 2022, the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal in Lviv upheld the ban on the KPU and ordered the state to seize the properties of the party. In the same month, a show trial of the Kononovich brothers started in the Solomensky District Court in Kiev.

The court sessions were continually postponed and the brothers were put under house arrest and are facing death threats from Ukrainian nationalists. Progressive youth groups across the world, including the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), continue to organize campaigns demanding the release of the Kononovich brothers.

Ukraine has also started judicial proceedings against the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Petro Symonenko, who is currently said to be in exile in Russia.

The Communist Party of Spain (PCE) condemned the arrest of Buiko and termed it part of the ongoing persecution of communists and opponents of the Zelensky-led regime in Ukraine under the guise of national security.

In its statement on August 16, PCE also denounced the persecution of the Kononovich brothers, the banning of the Communist Party of Ukraine, and the persecution of communists.

PCE reiterated that diplomacy and dialogue are the only ways out of the conflict, and said it will continue its opposition to the shipment of weapons to Ukraine and Eastern Europe, since it will only serve to increase the escalation of the war in the area. ... condemned/


"Stryker" near Rabotino
August 22, 0:05


Burning American armored personnel carrier "Stryker" with a mine sweep of the 82nd airborne brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Rabotino area.
After the last reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were brought into action in the Rabotino area, since the beginning of August, about 10 Strykers have already been destroyed.
Fighting continues east of Rabotino and on the northern outskirts of the village. The enemy continues to try to capture Rabotino from the east, while simultaneously trying to ram the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces in the center of the village. In fact, the enemy is now expending those brigades that were supposed to be introduced into the gap for a quick advance to Melitopol and further south. Since there are no breakthroughs and are not expected, the rest of the reserves are spent on banal pushing through the defense in the hope of taking at least something before the thaw begins.

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For NATO and Ukraine, Reality Bites
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 21, 2023
Scott Ritter


There’s an iconic scene in the 1990’s cult classic movie, Reality Bites, where Leilaina, played by Winona Ryder, delivers the valedictory address. “What are we going to do now?” she asks, before following up with an even more pertinent question: “How can we repair all the damage we inherited?”
She then answers her questions with a plaintive, “I don’t know.”

In watching NATO and Ukrainian officials struggle to comprehend the reality of the situation they find themselves in, with the long-awaited and much-anticipated counteroffensive floundering against Russian defenses that have proved to be impenetrable, Leilaina’s words came immediately to mind.

Ukraine has dispatched the last of its strategic reserves, led by the elite 82nd Airlanding Brigade, into the battle for the Zaporozhye village of Rabotino. Here, in fields made fallow by conditions of war, Ukraine’s best fighting forces have been eviscerated by Russian defenders who have refused to yield. Based upon the experience of the lead elements of the 82nd Brigade, this fate awaits them as well.

Russia, meanwhile, retains an uncommitted reserve of some 200,000-plus fresh, well-trained and equipped forces which are leaning into the bit to be committed to battle. When they are eventually unleashed, Ukraine will lack the resources necessary to fend off their attack, signally the culminating moment in a Russian campaign designed to achieve just this result—the collapse of the Ukrainian ability to sustain large-scale ground combat.

Reality bites.

The situation had become so dire that Stian Jenssen, the chief of staff to NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, opined in from a Norwegian audience that a solution for the end of the conflict with Russia “could be for Ukraine to give up territory, and get NATO membership in return.”

But even here, Jenssen was delusional. While reality dictates that Ukraine will never get back its former territories of Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk, Lugansk, and Crimea, and that the wisest choice would be to concede the inevitability of a Russian victory while avoiding the potential for the loss of even more territories, Jenssen seemed to forget that one of the primary goals behind the Russian decision to initiate the special military operation was to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

Only someone totally separated from reality could articulate a scenario that has Russia conceding an issue that is linked to its existential survival (i.e., the expansion of NATO into Ukraine) in exchange for accepting an already accomplished fact—Russian control of the former Ukrainian territories.

Both the Ukrainian government and Jenssen’s boss, Stoltenberg, pushed back against the notion of a territory-for-membership swap. “NATO will support Ukraine until it wins the conflict,” Stoltenberg told a gathering of reporters in Oslo a day after Jenssen’s gaffe, implying that Ukraine’s contention that a key condition for conflict resolution remained evicting Russia from all of the former Ukrainian territories liberated by Russian troops and claimed by Russia as a result of referenda held in 2014 (for Crimea) and 2022 (for the other four territories.)

But it is becoming increasingly clear that reality is trumping desire. There is no chance for Ukraine to achieve its stated objectives, something Jennsen’s comments reflected, and Stoltenberg’s did not. NATO struggles to generate new sources of equipment for the rapidly depleting Ukrainian Army, which has lost much of the tanks, armored fighting vehicles, and artillery systems provided by NATO and other nations in preparation for the failed counteroffensive.

Equipment previously considered to be too provocative, such as the F-16 fighter, have now been greenlighted for release to Ukraine. But none of this matters — even if Ukraine were to receive everything it wanted, the fact is that Ukraine cannot generate the manpower, either in quantity or quality, necessary to competently operate such equipment on a modern battlefield against a Russian Army which, by any honest measure, has emerged from this conflict as the most lethal, capable fighting force in the world.

The US and NATO are both struggling with how to manage a situation where a strategic Russian victory is inevitable.

While Jenssen later expressed “regret” for his suggestion of a territory-for-membership swap, the fact is that Ukraine’s hardline position regarding the conditions it will accept regarding conflict termination is not realistic, and the longer Ukraine’s allies and partners continue to play along with such fantasy, the more difficult the path toward an eventual solution will become.

Indeed, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov’s recent rejection of negotiations with the West over an end to the conflict shows this to be the case. Lavrov cited as the main reason for the Russian stance the fact that any such negotiation would be little more than a “tactical trick” designed to give the Ukrainian Army a chance to rest and rebuild.

It appears more and more likely that the end of the conflict will take the form of capitulation, not negotiation, where Ukraine plays the role of Imperial Japan in a replay of the surrender ceremony in September 1945 in Tokyo Bay onboard the USS Missouri. The terms under such a scenario would be unconditional, Ukraine’s defeat total and NATO’s route unmitigated. Ukrainian and NATO officials would do well to reflect on this reality before deciding to continue the conflict to “the last Ukrainian.”

The Russian conditions that were set forth in the peace deal Ukraine initialed before backing out under pressure from former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appear to be on the table, except for Russia’s newly acquired territories. The alternative, as Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko recently explained to a Ukrainian journalist, could be the dismemberment of Ukraine where what remained of the nation was a pathetic shadow of its former self, stripped of economic viability.

Reality does, indeed, bite. ... ity-bites/

Ukraine: A New Slavery and a Triumph of Western ‘Democracy’ in the 21st Century
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 21, 2023
Dmitri Kovalevich


In Western media, the current conflict in Ukraine is often presented as a war between Western-style ‘freedom and democracy’ and Russian-style ‘authoritarianism and dictatorship’. We are told, furthermore, that such ‘freedom and democracy’ are represented by the governing regime in Kiev.

But this is a regime that has banned all men between the ages of 18 and 60 as well as women in certain professions from leaving the country. There is no free internal movement of citizens. The main exceptions to the prohibition on leaving the country are those unfit for military service, those fathers who have three or more minor children (all below the age of 16), and persons caring for people with disabilities. (The latter exemption only applies if there is no other family member to provide care.)

The regime, which came to power in a violent coup in February 2014, has long ago banned all left-wing political parties in the country, and since last year it has banned street protests and strikes. Also last year, it passed a law severely restricting the rights of trade unions. Ukraine was supposed to hold a legislative election this fall, but this has been postponed. (Elections are to take place in the Russian-controlled territories of Ukraine on September 8-10). For neoliberal capitalism, there can never be too many restrictions against freedom, nor can there ever be too much exploitation.

In early August, deputies of the Ukraine president’s ‘Servant of the People’ party in the national legislature (‘Rada’) introduced a bill that provides for the conscription of forced labor of all those who have not been conscripted to the armed forces. Formally free citizens who already cannot legally leave the country due to wartime restrictions will now also be subjected to forced labor.

Labor shortages amid wartime conditions

There is also already a serious shortage of trained personnel in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of factory workers, skilled tradespeople, railway workers, drivers, and other equipment operators in agricultural industries, and on and on have been conscripted into the army. Many of them have died or been seriously injured in the futile attempts of Ukraine’s leaders and their Western patrons to storm the well fortified defensive lines of the Russian armed forces.

In addition, some eight million people have simply left the country during the past year and a half. Most of those have no wish or plans to return in any foreseeable future. Every day, Ukrainian border guards catch dozens of ‘conscription refugees’ at Ukraine’s borders. Sometimes, border officials use tracking drones generously provided by the governments of the European Union and the United States. The unfortunates who are caught quickly find themselves in the trenches along the hundreds of kilometers of front lines separating Ukrainian and Russian armies.

‘Help wanted’ signs can be seen in Ukraine on many delivery trucks, at bus stops, and in front of supermarkets. Orderlies and drivers, construction workers and packers read the signs, are “urgently needed for work”.

Although Ukraine is the poorest country on the European continent, many people are not eager to rush into a job. Since the beginning of the year, company managers are obliged to hire employees only after receiving formal approval from the local military conscription office. Thus, a man who applies for an advertised job as a driver may well instead find himself in the trenches, facing minefields and deadly Russian defensive positions. Meanwhile, his former employer will be back on the hustings looking for a replacement driver.

Salary reductions widespread

Another factor weighing on the labor market in Ukraine is wage reductions of up to 50 per cent. Teachers are facing salary cuts as the 2023 national budget for public education in Ukraine has been downgraded from an initial 154 billion hryvnias to 131 billion hryvnias (US$3.5 billion). That is less than the 2022 expenditure. In addition, most school districts rely on supplementary funding from local governments, and these funds, too, are being squeezed. As the Ukrainian news outlet Apostrophe explained in a report in late 2022, citing a teacher in Kiev named Oksana: “In Kyiv, the situation is more or less the same, although the allowances have been partially removed. But the situation elsewhere in Ukraine is really worse. In many cities and villages, teachers are receiving ‘survival’ salaries only, losing from 15 per cent all the way to 50 per cent of their income, depending on the state of local budgets.”

The report explains, “Educators receive money not only from the Ministry of Education and Culture but also from local budgets. But local budgets during the war have also shrunk significantly. According to a study by the Kyiv School of Economics, every fourth community under [Russian] occupation [control] has collected 50 percent less revenue compared to pre-war plans. Another two-thirds of communities outside the combat zone reported a decrease in income. It is clear that in such a situation when it is necessary to urgently address humanitarian issues, local authorities cannot pay pre-war salaries to teachers.”

This takes place as inflation is around 30 percent annually. Wages in Ukraine today barely cover the cost of basic food. For these reasons and more, many workers retreat into the shadows and choose to work illegally, many in multiple jobs if possible.

Last year, Ukrainian authorities tried to solve their labor shortage problems by tapping into the large pool of the unemployed. The unemployed who were officially registered were sent into military zones to clear rubble, cut down trees, build shelters, etc. This is hard physical work, often located near the front lines. This initiative was labeled an ‘Army of Reconstruction’, but many people responded by simply stopping to register as unemployed. After all, unemployment benefits have also been cut in Ukraine. Today, the average benefit hovers around the equivalent of US$27 per month. The maximum benefit rate is $180 per month, but this is only good for three months.

Food prices in Ukraine are already higher than in Russia and EU countries, from where most food supplies in Ukraine come.

A new system of slave labor taking root

Simply put, Ukraine is gradually introducing a system of slave labor – people must work to meet basic food needs, but they work for steadily shrinking salaries and benefits. Western media is silent about all this but is happy to continue preaching about the ‘Gulag Archipelago’ of the former Soviet Union where millions toiled without receiving wages or financial benefits in return.

The new draft law on the mobilization of workers is intended to “ensure the functioning of the national economy under martial law”, in the words of those drafting the law. It is noteworthy that in early August, Ukraine began to talk about a likely ban against military conscripts leaving the country for three years following an eventual end to military hostilities and martial law. Just such a proposal was recently made by Vadym Denysenko (and here), head of the Ukrainian Institute for the Future and a former advisor to the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Denysenko said, “I am sure that even after the war it will be necessary to extend the ban on men traveling abroad for at least another three years. Otherwise, we simply will not survive as a nation.”

Severe drop in population numbers

Earlier, Denysenko’s Ukrainian Institute for the Future published data on population numbers in Ukraine. Since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine 18 months ago, some 8.6 million citizens have left the country and not returned. Of the 29 million citizens remaining in the country, no more than 9.5 million are working. State-financed jobs excluded, there are some six to seven million workers earning salaries. Ukraine began its path to post-Soviet ‘independence’ in 1991, with a population of 52 million. The population numbers have been steadily declining ever since due to mass emigration.

At the same time, the fertility rate of the country has fallen below one. To ensure stabilisation and a small increase of the population, the fertility rate should be more than 2. But the Institute says the average fertility rate is 0.7 children per couple. It also cites analysts who project that the number of pensioners in Ukraine in the coming years will be double the number of working-age citizens.

Vadym Denysenko is partly right in the sense that millions of Ukrainian men would no doubt rush abroad were borders to be opened. The wives and children of many of them have already been living abroad for year and a half. Many would leave in search of better wages and in order to escape the mousetrap that Ukraine has become.

Denysenko’s proposal is not at all appreciated in Ukraine. It is viewed as a return to slavery and serfdom. Of particular note is that his Ukrainian Institute for the Future is a neoliberal think tank funded by right-wing think tanks in the West, including the Atlantic Council and the National Endowment for Democracy in the United States.

This idea of prohibiting Ukrainian citizens from leaving the country even after the end of hostilities stems, in part, from the fact that Ukraine is now heavily indebted to Western governments and financial institutions. Repayment with interest can only be guaranteed through the merciless exploitation of the Ukrainian population. To achieve that, it is necessary that the population be denied the option of running away from something rightly perceived as something resembling slavery or medieval serfdom.

In July 2023, the foreign exchange reserves of the National Bank of Ukraine grew by 6.9% to $41.7 billion, the highest monthly increase since 1991. However, the largest share of the increase came not from economic growth and increased export revenues but from international assistance to the tune of $4.7 billion. Most of that comes in the form of loans from the European Union, the United States, Japan, the IMF, and the World Bank, to be repaid in the future.

Bloomberg News reported on July 24 that Ukraine needs to bring back 2.8 million of its women citizens from abroad in order to have a chance at economic recovery following the end of military hostilities. According to one expert Bloomberg interviewed, if only half of the women return, this would cost Ukraine 10% of its GDP by 2032, on the order of $20 billion per year. Such losses will far outweigh the EU’s proposed four-year aid package to Ukraine in the amount of $14 billion per year.

According to a recent estimate by the Ukrainian Ministry of Economy, Ukraine will need to attract an additional 4.5 million workers to the labor market over the next ten years. But at current wage levels, people are more likely to leave the country than to stay and work.

Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko wrote on her blog earlier this month, “At the end of the war, a huge number of people will still leave. Ukrainians will be scattered all over the world, like the Roma people, for example.” She has been forced to flee Ukraine due to her writings critical of the government. She also noted in her blog post that, according to UN statistics, most Ukrainians who have left the country have settled in Russia. “It is not customary to talk about this in Kyiv, and the reason for that is clear.”

Answering a reader asking when the refugees could return to Ukraine, the journalist replied that, in her opinion, it would not be soon, the war could last a long time. Clearly, this will not help boost population growth. And how will it all end? Few in Ukraine can openly say this, but, according to Panchenko, “Ukraine has already lost – we have no economy and, even worse, we have no sovereignty. Today, we simply depend on what the West says. We have lost our identity.”

At the end of July, Ukrainians were also apprised of a stunning proposal that the working week may be increased to 60 hours, consisting of six days of work at ten hours per day or five days at 12 hours. At least, that is the idea published by the Eastern interregional office of the State Service of Ukraine on Labor Issues. The duration of weekly, uninterrupted rest would be reduced to 24 hours, that is, Ukrainians will have only Sunday as a day of rest from work. This idea would first be implemented in enterprises working in critical infrastructure or “defense”. The increase in the work week is said to be required by the shortage of workers and the need to constantly repair energy infrastructure.

As it stands presently, employers often exploit Ukrainian workers beyond the norms that would be established by this law. Recently, this same State Service of Ukraine on Labor Issues was approached by an employee whose employer set the rest period for the preceding month as only one day every three weeks and the duration of the shift as 12 hours. The employer claims that such a schedule will be in effect until the end of the year because, during martial law, the number of overtime hours required to work can be unlimited.

Thus, for the average Ukrainian, the Western values of freedom and democracy are turning into an unprecedented neoliberal experiment to abolish all labor rights and implement something resembling slavery. Measures to force Ukrainians to ‘fight or work’ are presented as a triumph of oft-spoken “European values”.

The secretary of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Oleksiy Danilov, is not even afraid to make racist interpretations of these ‘values’. In early August, he called Russians “Asians”. According to him the hallmark of the Russian people is their lack of humanity, and in this, they are said to resemble Asian people. Western advisors, of course, normally advise Ukraine’s leaders to carefully conceal such racist or neo-Nazi views in order to help win countries in the Global South to support NATO aggression against Russia. But Ukrainian leaders are not always successful in holding themselves back.

In the future that Ukrainian politicians and their Western advisors and think tanks are preparing, many Ukrainians will work up to 12 hours a day with few days off, earning less than a minimum subsistence salary. They won’t dare flee their country because the consequences of being caught could easily become deadly.

European slave traders once captured slaves in Africa and transported them in bondage to the Americas and other far-flung destinations. They could not come up with a more forceful and chilling display of what their modern-day ‘freedom and democracy’ truly means. ... t-century/


Kupyansky bridge
August 22, 9:42 am


Photo and video of damage to the bridge near Kupyansk, which was used to supply the APU group on the eastern bank of the Oskol. Yesterday the bridge was attacked by guided bombs. The bridge received significant damage.


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Wed Aug 23, 2023 12:06 pm

Crimean plan
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/23/2023


On August 9, the press reported the statements of the Ukrainian representative for Crimea, who stated that she had verified that the Russian occupiers were gradually leaving the peninsula and congratulated herself on this, since, in that case, Kiev would have to politely encourage them to leave to fewer people. In need of good news , Ukraine used this fictitious population exodus due to its inability to advance militarily towards the desired peninsula. So desired that Kirilo Budanov affirmed in 2022 that his military intelligence troops - a group of soldiers formed, in part, with members of extreme right-wing battalions such as Bratsvo or Azov and Russian partisansright-wing extremists used for cross-border raids - would arrive in Crimea before the end of spring 2023. The lack of progress and the slim chance even its allies give Ukraine of retaking Crimea necessitate the use of imaginary good news or vague promises of future. Sometimes you can even reuse that good news .

Despite the fact that its long-awaited counteroffensive has failed to break through the Zaporozhi front, essential if it aspires to get closer to Crimea, Ukraine continues to use a discourse in which it tries to make its arrival inevitable in order to liberatethe peninsula which he left without water to ruin its economy and thus put pressure on Russia. Ukraine has estimated the number of people it has described as occupiers between 500,000 and 800,000 people who, according to its imaginary, would have occupied Crimea in the last nine years. Based on these fabricated and propaganda figures, Kiev makes it clear -and it does so repeatedly and constantly in the mouth of different officials from different State institutions- that it wants to recover the territory in order to immediately start what would be considered ethnic cleansing in if it was done in the opposite direction. Without any attempt to criticize plans that clearly seek to eliminate from the peninsula the population that in 2014 chose to belong to Russia and not to Ukraine .

A year ago, after one of the first Ukrainian drone strikes in the Crimea, Maksym Zhoryn, second commander of the Azov regiment and at that time in charge of rebuilding the group after the defeat at Mariupol, used a similar argument. In a process that began in 2014, the official narrative has gradually embraced virtually all the precepts of the nationalist extreme right. With an image of tourists returning home after finishing their vacations, the member of the National Corpus announced to the country that the occupants they “self-deported”. A summer season later, Ukraine recovers that argument given the difficulties in presenting its population with the news that they had been promised. After the start of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, when Kiev still seemed to aspire to a quick break from the front, Kiev raised its level of psychological warfare and claimed that the Russian authorities in Crimea were considering evacuation, implying that Russia was on the verge of give up the peninsula. As with every statement by the Ukrainian authorities, the message was published in the press, lending credibility to kyiv's gross disinformation.

One of the main protagonists of Kiev's information war is Kirilo Budanov, who, after staying away from the press for weeks and then going into the background with a much smaller public presence, the director of Ukraine's military intelligence, has insisted these days on the Crimean question. Like its American patron, Ukraine tries to use all means at its disposal to create nervousness, or possibly chaos, in the population. “You will see more in a few days,” Budanov said, referring to the attacks against the peninsula, generally carried out by means of drones against military bases or civil infrastructure or naval drones against the Black Sea fleet or the Kerch bridge. Although Budanov's announcement only heralds more such acts, the GRU director always tries to frame his threats in the epic Ukrainian struggle to liberate the population from the evil Russia. There are those who "are very afraid," Budanov admitted - possibly referring to the population that Ukraine hopes to expel or re-educate by eliminating its culture - but also "many people who are waiting."

Since Crimea's accession in 2014, there has not been a single significant pro-Ukrainian movement on the peninsula and even those Tatar leaders, who have continued their political activity in Kiev, enjoy more than questionable favor with the population. However, the Ukrainian nationality of origin of the population and the desire for the return of Ukraine existing only in the minds of the creators of the Ukrainian discourse, are the basis of the current narrative, a mixture of magical realism, whose audience is not in the Crimean cities but in those of Ukraine, and the fiction of the scripts of the production company from which an important part of the Zelensky circle comes. Even so, or precisely because of this, Budanov stated yesterday that “we have to give them confidence that hope is not in vain.

That Crimea to which Budanov refers differs markedly from reality, especially with regard to the population, which did not reject the Russian authorities in 2014 and has not done so since Ukraine began besieging its cities with drones. Despite his speech, kyiv has always been aware that it cannot compete with Russia in Crimea. Hence, even the National Defense and Security Council, then led by the most nationalist sectors, opted for withdrawal instead of trying to present a battle, be it military or political, against Russia in the days that led to the return of Crimea to Russia. Ukraine has never tried to win hearts of the Crimean population, quite the opposite. During the war years in Donbass, he offered him the collective punishment of the blockade and attempts to cause widespread blackouts and from 2022, he offers him simply to bring the war to its doorsteps to later filter the population and expel the unwanted and re- educate the population . considered autochthonous, but disloyal.

Yesterday, Oleksiy Danilov, who published his plan to vacate the peninsula a few months ago, which included denial of rights to the population considered undesirable, once again insisted on the military option, which he correctly considers the only way Ukraine could recover the territory. Implicit in the commentary is that even kyiv understands that there is not going to be a pro-Ukrainian rebellion on the peninsula. This absence of pro-Ukrainian movements is something that Kiev cannot explain without admitting popular support for Russia, which is why it tiptoes over that detail and closes in on the need to maintain the war until it liberates the territory. "Crimea is part of our territory and we must liberate it," Danilov said, adding that not retaking Crimea would mean maintaining the war for future generations. Although the president of the National Security and Defense Council frames his speech in the need for security guarantees for Ukraine, in reality, his comment is only the threat to keep the war active as long as Ukraine does not achieve its goal. In these intentions, Ukraine directly depends on its partners, since it lacks the necessary weapons to attack this region frontally. Moreover, to attack the Crimea and liberate against a population against their will is one of the main reasons why Ukraine demands long-range missiles from its allies. Neither Kiev nor Washington consider that the opinion of the population should be a factor to be taken into account, to which eternal war is offered as a promise until Ukraine is in a position to force its submission.

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Chronicle of the special military operation for August 22, 2023
August 22, 2023

Planes of the Naval Aviation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet destroyed several boats with a Ukrainian landing force west of Crimea . One boat was located 40 kilometers east of Zmeiny Island , the second - 38 kilometers west of Cape Tarkhankut . According to some reports, there was also a third boat, but there is no reliable information about it.

On land, Ukrainian formations attempted to infiltrate across the border in the Klimovsky District of Bryansk Oblast . According to the governor of the region, units of the FSB Border Guard, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard repelled the attack. The penetration attempt was preceded by artillery preparation.

Fighting is going on along the front line. Near Kupyansk, the Russian Armed Forces continue to attack in Sinkovka and south of Olshan . On the Bakhmut site , on the southern outskirts of Kleshcheevka , positional clashes continue, the enemy tried to advance in small groups in the direction of Yagodnoye , but to no avail.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to break through the Shelter - Cherished Desire line and are attacking in the Harvest area . Fierce fighting continues in Rabotino . The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to cling to the center of the village with the tactics of "meat assaults". In the Kherson direction, the enemy continues to make attempts to land troops on the islands in the Dnieper delta.


Destruction of Ukrainian boats in the Black Sea

At about 4 am on August 22, a Su-30SM naval aviation aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet destroyed a boat with a landing group of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine.

The floating craft was located 38 km west of Cape Tarkhankut . The fact that the landing force got so far from the Ukrainian coast indicates preparations for possible operations in the Crimea.

A couple of hours later, a MiG-29 fighter of the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed another Willard-class boat, previously delivered to the Ukrainian Navy from the United States.

This Willard was discovered 40 km east of Snake Island . Most likely, he was transporting personnel to one of the empty offshore platforms, which, apparently, the enemy is using for military purposes.

According to some reports, not one boat, but two, was destroyed east of Snake Island . The type of the second is unknown, but with a high degree of probability, the Ukrainian command will miss three boats today.

Later, the Russian Ministry of Defense published footage of the defeat of one of the boats of Ukrainian formations in the Black Sea . Judging by the video, the craft was sent to the bottom by a Russian fighter with a 30-mm automatic cannon.

The crew of the aircraft unequivocally demonstrated skill by destroying a maneuvering and relatively slow-moving boat from onboard weapons. There were almost no other options: the X-31/35 airborne anti-ship missiles would hardly have captured such a small target.

At the same time, one cannot but rejoice that the Ministry of Defense promptly posted footage just a few hours after the announcement of the sinking of Ukrainian boats with landing forces. This is certainly the right approach in the conditions of modern information warfare.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

A Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group tried to break through the Russian state border in the Klimovsky district of the Bryansk region . According to the governor of the region, units of the FSB Border Guard, the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard repelled the attack.

Shot clarifies that at about 12.50 a group of eight saboteurs tried to cross the border near the villages of Sushany and Zabrama . According to Mash, an hour before the attack, Klimovsky and the neighboring Suzemsky district were fired from mortars.

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops continue to attack the enemy's defensive lines in Sinkovka and south of Olshan . The offensive is complicated by the fact that the terrain is in a lowland relative to the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the right bank of the Oskol River.

Positional clashes continue on the southern outskirts of Kleshcheevka . Subdivisions of the RF Armed Forces strike at the advanced strongholds and warehouses of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, preventing the enemy from gathering a striking fist for a counterattack. As a result of the unsuccessful offensive, several surviving Ukrainian soldiers were taken prisoner. The enemy tried to attack in small groups in the direction of Yagodny , but was not successful, cluster munitions are actively used against Russian positions.

In the Vremievsky sector , the regrouping of Ukrainian formations continues, accompanied by periodic attacks on the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the Urozhainoe area . The goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area remains the same - to wear down the defending Russian units and break through the line of Priyutnoye - Cherished Desire.

According to Voin Far East , Russian troops are able to quickly open enemy rotations in forest plantations to the south and east of Urozhaynoye, after which they are being hit by fire. The settlement itself is also systematically attacked.

In the forest belt near Staromayorsky, Russian artillery hit an ammunition depot and concentrations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Due to high losses in this area, the 253rd TRO battalion was withdrawn for resupply, and the 230th battalion of the 128th TRO brigade arrived to replace it.

Fierce fighting continues in Rabotino . The Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to gain a foothold in the village with the tactics of throwing assault groups. Today, Ukrainian formations began to publish videos from Rabotino, talking about control over the village.

The assault detachments of the 82nd Airborne Brigade really entrenched themselves on the northern outskirts. And from time to time the Armed Forces of Ukraine try to attack the positions of the RF Armed Forces in the south, but at the moment the attacks are repulsed. Most of the village is located in the gray zone, which is hit by artillery and aircraft.

The same surges are observed to the east of Rabotino, where shooting battles are taking place in landings. The Armed Forces of Ukraine are pressing in this area with numbers, regardless of the losses. A similar assault attempt was made southeast of the Chubenkov gully , where the RF Armed Forces repulsed the attack.

The paratroopers of the 82nd brigade suffered losses and evacuated the wounded and killed, setting up a smoke screen. However, in Malaya Tokmachka , reinforcements from 118 ombr 10 AK were stationed, which are preparing for a breakthrough in the second wave. And, probably, they will enter the battle when there is a breakthrough at the Rabotino-Verbovoye line.

In the Kherson direction , after artillery preparation, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again made an attempt to land in the island zone on the Dnieper River . In the Golopristan sector, the enemy advanced on Belogrudy Island in two boats .

Heavy artillery fire of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed one boat with a landing party, on which there were five people, and the other went back. Immediately after the strikes by Russian troops, Ukrainian formations retaliated against the alleged firing positions.

A little to the east of the formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, two boats landed on Melkiy Island southwest of Kherson , where they immediately began to equip an observation post. Artillery and mortar crews covered them with fire.

In the north-east of the Kherson region, in the vicinity of Mikhailovka , two high-speed boats will be delivered in the near future. At the same time, in Novovorontsovka and Apostolovo, the preparation of an assault detachment of 121 arr.

Judging by the renewed activity, the Armed Forces of Ukraine intend to attack again the defense line of the Russian army on the left bank of the Dnieper. This time, special attention is paid to the Golopristan sector, where the cannonade does not subside, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting a counter-battery fight.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

For the fifth day in a row, Ukrainian formations have used drones to attack Moscow. According to official data, two drones intercepted air defense systems tonight: one in the village of Chatsy in the Odintsovo urban district , the second in the Pavshinsky floodplain area in Krasnogorsk .

In the latter case, windows in several high-rise residential buildings were shattered by the blast wave, and cars parked in the yard were damaged. Civilians were not hurt.

In addition, it was reported that two drones were suppressed by means of electronic warfare in the Bryansk region : according to preliminary information, there were no damages and wounded.

Ukrainian formations fired twice at the village of Popovka in the Krasnoyarzhsky district in the Belgorod region . Shell fragments damaged a residential building and a gas pipe, at the moment the accident has been eliminated. There were no casualties among the population. Later there were reports of the shelling of Spodaryushino , but there is no official information yet. In addition, air defense worked in Golovchino . A Ukrainian UAV flying at an altitude of about 700 meters was shot down. There were no casualties.

Barbarous shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration continues . The western districts of Donetsk , Staromikhailivka , Makiivka and Horlivka are under fire from NATO caliber artillery . Svetlodarsk , Zaitsevo and Aleksandrovka also suffered . In the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, a private house and a lyceum building were damaged. In Petrovsky there is a boarding school No. 3 and a private house.

Ukrainian formations continue daily shelling civilian infrastructure on the left bank of the Dnieper , firing at least 30 shells at Kakhovka , Gornostaevka , Novaya Kakhovka , Sagam and Solontsy . At the same time, an extreme level of fire danger persists in the region, which makes it difficult to extinguish fires after arrivals.

Political events
On the complaints of Western journalists about Ukrainian censorship

The Swiss newspaper Le Temps reports that the Ukrainian authorities completely banned the admission of foreign correspondents to the front line without written permission from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny . The decision, according to the authors of the note, was made due to high losses in manpower and equipment during the Ukrainian counteroffensive, as well as due to the lack of success in breaking through the Russian defenses.

Separate articles about the tightening of censorship against the background of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appeared in early June. For example, the Semafor publication complained that critical materials from NBC News , The New York Times , CNN , The New Yorker provoked threats and sanctions against journalists - they were recalled and were no longer allowed to go to the front. At the end of June, the topic was raised by Intercept, complaining about the impossibility in the current conditions to cover the reality of the war.

At the same time, this story in itself is not new and is quite justified from the point of view of the logic of the military command. Each such operation is accompanied by a restriction of access for the media. And about the tactics of “meat assaults” by Zaluzhny, which does not change from one offensive operation to another, the main Western media do not write at all because they are not allowed to go to the front.

However, considering that the conflict between the Ukrainian authorities and journalists has been dragging on for more than one month, it is all the more interesting that this story has begun to be massively promoted right now, in unison with other materials about the failures of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reviews of mercenaries about the incompetence of the Ukrainian command, and other articles designed to prepare public opinion. to a possible freeze of the conflict.

About the removal of Surovikin

The news of the official removal of Surovikin from office is far from news for people in the know for a couple of days. In fact, the official decree did not change anything: Surovikin was removed immediately after Prigozhin's rebellion .

They kept the ex-commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, first in Lefortovo for interrogations, and then on more comfortable conditions (he talked calmly on the phone with his wife on abstract topics without disclosing his place of residence).

Due to the lack of his activity, the world and Ukrainian media made it clear, and so: the most incredible assumptions were made, not in the least complimentary for the RF Armed Forces.

Unfortunately, in the Russian realities at the top, they don’t really understand (or, on the contrary, they perfectly understand) that there are symbolic commanders . And no matter what they are and no matter how someone dislikes them, such decisions will cause a public outcry. But everything is the same with us: if they criticize for something, then the criticized is certainly right . Verified by the investigations of Alexei Navalny .

The bad thing in this situation is that commanders who enjoy the support of military personnel resign, they are removed or sent on indefinite leave. There are exceptions: the same Teplinskiy . Or Lapin (although his figure is controversial for many). Therefore, the removal of Surovikin is not necessarily a sentence, but perhaps a temporary measure. At least I want to believe it.

On the training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighters

The Reuters news agency announced the arrival of the first batch of Ukrainian Air Force pilots in the amount of eight people at the Danish Air Force military base. Another 65 technical staff will train aircraft maintenance. Ukraine is expected to receive the first six Danish F-16s by the end of the year.

On the results of the Ukraine-Balkans summit

Today, President Volodymyr Zelensky held a series of meetings with European politicians at a meeting of the leaders of the Balkan countries and Ukraine.

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced that after the end of hostilities, his country will contribute to the restoration of Odessa , including historical buildings in the central districts of the city. At a meeting with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, a new military supply package worth 30 million euros was agreed upon - details are not disclosed.

Options for the delivery of Ukrainian grain through the Adriatic Sea were also discussed . With Prime Minister of North Macedonia Dimitar Kovachevsky, Zelensky agreed to develop cooperation in the field of defense supplies. President of Montenegro Yakov Milatovic that his country joins the so-called "G7 Declaration" on security guarantees for Ukraine.

A meeting was held with Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov , the Bulgarians will hand over 100 armored personnel carriers by the end of the year, and the routes of the land "grain corridor" were also discussed. With the President of Moldova, Maia Sandu , the issues of supplying Ukrainian grain through the territory of Moldova, as well as "joint counteraction to Russian hybrid threats" were discussed. In addition, Zelensky managed to meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić , where the issue of the territorial integrity of Serbia and Ukraine was once again raised. The meeting was also attended by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.- she promised to allocate the next tranche of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine in the amount of one and a half billion euros.

Rybar ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Neocon Dark Money Front Launches Desperate Ad Blitz as Support for Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on AUGUST 22, 2023
Alexander Rubinstein

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front.

Defending Democracy Together, a neoconservative outfit led by career chickenhawk scribe Bill Kristol, has launched a new initiative called “Republicans for Ukraine” to transform the 2024 presidential election into a referendum on US funding for the NATO proxy war.

Urging Republicans in Congress to support more funding for Ukraine in the upcoming appropriations bill is also a key item on the agenda.

Kristol had defined himself as a leader of the Republican Party’s neoconservative faction, bashing isolationist and antiwar GOP figures on the pages of his now-defunct Weekly Standard magazine while laying the intellectual groundwork for the invasion of Iraq through his Project for a New American Century.

By fashioning his Defending Democracy Together as a bastion of Never Trumpism, Kristol was able to ingratiate himself with elite Democrats eager for Republican allies in their messianic battle against the Bad Orange Man. His anti-Trump efforts ultimately earned him a cringeworthy MSNBC tribute celebrating the unrepentant neocon as “Woke Bill Kristol.”

Now, as the Ukrainian counteroffensive fails and a majority of Americans declare opposition for the first time to sending more military aid to Ukraine, Kristol is launching a multimillion dollar ad blitz to keep the tanks slogging through the Donbas mud and the dark money flowing into his bank accounts.

“Ukrainian troops fought alongside Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they are fighting to defend their democracy,” Kristol’s campaign announces on its website. “Most importantly, American military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine has helped them weaken Russia.”

His initiative has therefore invoked the military debacles that turned the GOP base firmly against neoconservatism and into the arms of Trump, presenting Ukraine’s participation in these forever wars as justification for a new one.

And as we will see, Kristol’s supposedly Republican operation has been funded by a top Democratic Party donor with close ties to US intelligence.

Pro-war ads for a GOP base turning firmly against NATO’s proxy war

To generate viral content for its $2 million “Republicans for Ukraine” campaign, Defending Democracy Together gathered testimony from 50 GOP voters, drawing from a base of mostly white collar baby boomers alienated by the non-interventionist direction of the party base.

In each testimonial, the interviewees spouted boilerplate talking points on “defending democracy” and opposing authoritarianism that could have just as easily been produced by senior fellows at any arms industry funded think tank on DC’s K Street.

One veteran featured in the campaign claims he spent two decades fighting the “Soviet Union’s threat to freedom,” and offers his hope that Republicans for Ukraine “can serve as counterprogramming to conservative radio and TV show hosts who are challenging additional aid to Ukraine.”

Some of the ads display a geopolitical paranoia far beyond the scope of average American voters. Teresa Benson from Minnesota, for example, is worried that “if nobody tries to stop [Putin] in Ukraine, that next he would attack Moldova and any other non-NATO countries in the area.”

The campaign’s advertisements will air “on cable and network TV and digitally on Youtube through the end of the year.” The outfit has even purchased ad space on Fox News during the first Republican primary debate on August 23 being held in Milwaukee.

In addition to the ads, the group has also purchased 10 strategically placed billboards in Milwaukee, urging debate attendees to “support Ukraine” and “Stand up to Putin.” Hints that the operation may expand can be found within a Google Drive folder maintained by the campaign, entitled “Billboards – August 2023.”

One image is labeled “ukraine-times-square-01.”


“Too many of the party’s leaders seem to think there’s no penalty to be paid for standing against Ukrainian democracy and America’s role in supporting the fight for freedom,” said Gunner Ramer, the campaign’s national spokesman. Among Ramer’s first positions out of college was an internship for the longshot pro-war 2016 presidential candidate and former CIA intelligence officer Evan McMullin.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Defending Democracy Together co-founder and former alcohol industry lobbyist Sarah Longwell lamented shifts within the Republican Party base. These included Republicans becoming “more protectionist on trade,” and “more populist.” But nothing causes her more concern than changes in “Republican attitudes around foreign policy.”

“It was alarming in the focus groups to see so many Republican voters talk about Ukraine or [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky in disparaging terms,” Longwell told the Washington Post.

The Omidyar connection

If Defending Democracy Together’s short history is any indication, the “Republicans for Ukraine” initiative may actually be powered by money from top supporters of the Democratic Party and the ultimate architect of the Ukraine war: President Joe Biden.

Defending Democracy Together was the top dark money spender in the 2020 election with its front, the Republican Accountability Project (formerly Republican Voters Against Trump) leading the charge. By injecting more than $15 million dollars into the campaign, the outfit more than doubled the spending of the second-highest ranked dark money outfit. Its ads urged Republicans to vote for the Democrat, Joe Biden.

Since the outfit is powered by dark money, it is impossible to know who greases its wheels. However, disclosures by one NGO offer insight into the liberal leanings of its main known backer: tech mogul and US intelligence partner Pierre Omidyar, whose Democracy Fund distributed $4.15 million into Defending Democracy Together and its offshoot, Republicans for the Rule of Law, between 2018 and 2021.

Bill Kristol confirms that Pierre Omidyar is one of his top benefactors

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) November 24, 2018

As I reported with Grayzone editor-in-chief Max Blumenthal, Omidyar has leveraged the fortune he amassed as the founder of Ebay to support establishment Democratic candidates while his various foundations act as cutouts for regime change operations waged by US intelligence, including in Ukraine.

Defending Democracy Together serves as the sponsor for a mind-boggling array of important-sounding initiatives, all supposedly representative of the GOP: Republicans for Voting Rights, the Republican Accountability Project, Republicans for the Rule of Law, the Becoming American Initiative, The Russia Tweets, and now, Republicans for Ukraine.

Its first project, Republicans for the Rule of Law, was introduced in a Washington Post column by Jennifer Rubin, a neoconservative former George W. Bush cheerleader who switched parties during the Trump era. Rubin hailed the Kristol-led campaign for launching an effort to “protect [Robert] Mueller,” the FBI’s special counsel investigator who ultimately failed to turn up evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia. The Republicans for the Rule of Law campaign pushed ads on Fox News and MSNBC touting Mueller’s Republican bonafides over footage of Marines firing off mortars in the jungles of Vietnam.


As calls to impeach President Donald Trump over his threats to withhold military aid to Ukraine reached a fever pitch in 2019, Republicans For The Rule of Law ran a million-dollar campaign to “run television ads on Fox and MSNBC, calling on Republicans to ‘demand the facts’ about Mr. Trump and Ukraine.”

The name of Republicans For The Rule Of Law was tinged with an irony that is impossible to ignore: When US presidents have lied to the public to justify catastrophic military adventures and the sadistic torture of detainees, its founder demonstrated little interest in the rule of law. And today, the neocon guru may not even be a Republican at all. ... r-ukraine/

I swear, a bunch of these pro-Russian bloggers from over the water don't know shit about US politics or history if they think the Rs are gonna stop the war or cut out the Nazis. And they're double delusional if they think The Donald is gonna change the game(he couldn't if he wanted to, didn't ya see that last time around?) if elected(he won't be). If they think the US is a genuine democracy and not a racket like the Roman patricians run they should find a new hobby.


Anti-fascist groups protest vandalization of Red Army monument in Bulgaria

Attacks on Soviet monuments in Eastern Europe have become a regular affair as right-wing governments have initiated de-communization drives. These campaigns have intensified after the Ukraine war broke out

August 22, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch
Soviet Monument vandalized - Bulgaria

Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) leaders addressing the media in front of the Soviet Monument in Sofia. (Photo via BSP)

Leftist and anti-fascist groups in Bulgaria have protested the vandalization of the Soviet Army monument in the capital Sofia last week. On August 18, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and its youth union protested the attack on the monument and the tent camps of people defending it. The attack was allegedly perpetrated by far-right fans of a football club. The BSP has accused the ‘Euro-Atlanticist’ government in the country of moving towards a revival of fascism and a denial of everything progressive.

The Monument to the Soviet Army in Sofia was built in 1954 to mark the role of the Soviet Red Army in the liberation of Bulgaria from the sphere of Nazi Germany’s influence during World War II. The Kingdom of Bulgaria was a part of the Nazi Germany-led Axis forces during the War. In September 1944, the Fatherland Front formed by communist partisans captured power in the country with the support of the Soviet Union by overthrowing the monarchy. Bulgaria joined the Allies immediately after, and the Bulgarian army operated alongside the 3rd Ukrainian Front of the Soviet Red Army and fought against the remaining Nazis in Eastern Europe.

In 2019, the European Parliament passed a controversial resolution calling for the erasure of all memorials of “totalitarianism” across Europe, including memorials dedicated to the Red Army. The ongoing war in Ukraine has led to a spike in Russophobia and anti-communism across Europe, especially in Eastern Europe, as right-wing groups and governments in the region have intensified their attempts at decommunization. In this backdrop, the monument in Sofia became a center of controversy as far-right groups continued to vandalize it. Anti-communist and Russophobic groups also started a campaign to relocate the monument from the city center to the Museum of Socialist Art. However, the Sofia City Council’s bid to relocate the monument courted widespread protests from left-wing progressive sections in the country. Cadres of anti-fascist groups recently set up tent camps around the monument to defend it from miscreants and vandals.

On August 18, Tasko Ermenkov from the BSP stated that his party strongly condemned and opposed any act of vandalism against monuments and the memory of the people, and was against violence against peaceful protesting citizens and attempts to divide the society.

“The monument in Sofia is a Bulgarian monument built by Bulgarians, with Bulgarian money, a work of Bulgarian architects. It is in memory of an army that liberated Europe from Hitlerofascism – it consisted not only of Russians but also of Ukrainians, Belorussians, French, Poles, and Bulgarians. And whoever fights against this monument, dedicated to the victors over Hitlerofascism, puts himself on the side of the defeated. And this is dangerous because it leads to a revival of fascism, which will have good consequences neither for Europe nor for the people,” he said. ... -bulgaria/


Change of Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces


August 23, 7:23

Yesterday the intrigue with Surovikin was finally resolved.
The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces was removed from his post "in connection with the transfer to another job." General Viktor Afzalov, Chief of the General Staff of the Aerospace Forces, has been appointed to his place.
Another of the delayed consequences of Prigozhin's failed rebellion.

Drone attack on Moscow. 08/23/2023
August 23, 10:42


As a result of a night attack by drones on Moscow, the glazing of one of the buildings under construction in Moscow City was damaged.
In Khimki, several residential buildings and a grocery store were damaged as a result of the fall of a downed drone.
There are no victims or injured. A total of 3 drones were shot down.
The enemy is obviously trying to use such media attacks to divert attention from the strategic failure of the offensive in the southern direction, where it is bogged down in our defenses in the area of ​​Rabotino and the Vremievsky salient.
The West is already in full swing talking about the spring-summer campaign of 2024.

Catching the enemies of the people
August 23, 11:57


Catching the enemies of the people.

A court in Chelyabinsk took into custody a 29-year-old citizen suspected of sabotage (Article 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) on the railway. The preventive measure was chosen on August 22 for a period of two months. This was reported to Kommersant by a source in court.

A resident of the Metallurgical District of Chelyabinsk was detained by officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia together with colleagues from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the South Ural Line Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. According to a law enforcement source, a citizen was involved in setting fire to a relay cabinet on the night of August 13 at a dead-end access road of the Balandino railway station, located near the airport.

The detainee was a subscriber of the Telegram channel of a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation and was preparing to commit a series of sabotage, but the security forces interrupted her, the source said. The investigative department of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Chelyabinsk region opened criminal cases on sabotage and attempted sabotage. Law enforcement agencies in the region have not officially commented on the situation.

* * *

FSB of Russia detained a man who tried to buy secret military development
In the Rostov region, the FSB detained a Russian who was trying to buy secret military products. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the regional department of the department.
The man was caught red-handed when he bought a military product, the secrecy of which he knew, the FSB noted. He was going to resell it.

* * *

Advisor to the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region Igor Edel (in the recent past - First Deputy Governor), arrested on August 9 on charges of taking a bribe on an especially large scale (part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, up to 15 years in prison), dismissed from his post 14 August by order of the governor, signed on August 11.

Recall that the ex-mayor of Dimitrovgrad Andrei Bolshakov and Igor Edel were detained by security forces on the morning of August 9 red-handed while receiving a bribe. One is in the atomic city in his own car, the second is at the entrance to the building of the government of the Ulyanovsk region.The next day, they were charged with accepting a bribe on an especially large scale (part 6 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, up to 15 years in prison), at the request of the investigation, both defendants were given a preventive measure in the form of detention for two months. The defendants plead not guilty. Both charges were filed in the same criminal case. In total, six people were detained in this case, as it was said in court.

* * *

The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation detained a citizen of Ukraine in the Rostov Region.
The woman is suspected of transferring information about the deployment of units of the Russian Armed Forces to the Security Service of Ukraine.
This was reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the region.
According to the department, the Federal Security Service of the Rostov region revealed and stopped the illegal activities of a citizen of Ukraine related to the collection of information about the locations of the Russian army units in the interests of Ukraine.

* * *

Employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), together with the FSB, detained Sergey Bendzyak, a senior researcher at the Research Center for Combating Crime in the Sphere of Economics of the All-Russian Research Institute (VNII) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He is suspected of major fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code), RBC wrote, citing a police source and an interlocutor familiar with the case file.
According to the interlocutor of the publication, previously Mr. Bendzyak served as deputy head of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, working on cases of organized crime.

And so on. Heap goes.

Google Translator


The situation in Moldova for August 14-21
August 22, 2023


The Moldovan government is trying to launch a forced process for the return of Transnistria by introducing the term "Transnistrian region" . Thus, Chisinau actually violates the 1992 peace agreement with the Russian Federation, in which the region is designated as Transnistria.

PMR entrepreneurs were also obliged to register with the state bodies of Moldova according to the new rules. The official Chisinau is tightening customs control for the economic agents of Pridnestrovie and will make exports from the unrecognized republic to the EU completely dependent on the Moldovan authorities. Such measures were introduced immediately after the decision to expel some of the Russian diplomats from Chisinau.

At the same time , Maia Sandu once again stated that Chisinau intends to "peacefully reintegrate Pridnestrovie", but the president believes that this process also depends on the "victory of Ukraine."

Foreign policy
Relations with Russia and the CIS
The Moldovan Foreign Ministry criticized the idea of ​​the new Bashkan of Gagauzia, Evgenia Gutsul, to open a representative office of the autonomy in Moscow.

The department considers the project unrealistic, since Gagauzia is not a subject of international law and cannot open diplomatic missions in other countries.

However, Hutsul did not announce plans to open a "diplomatic representation" of the autonomy in Russia: so far it was only about establishing closer economic contacts, given the official Chisinau's course to break any ties with the Russian Federation.

On the day of the discussion of this news, a plane with 45 exiled employees of the Russian embassy in Moldova just landed in Moscow.

In response, Russia banned 20 Moldovan citizens from entering the country, including 18 deputies from the ruling PAS party .

Moldovan Energy Minister Viktor Parlikov claims that his department has audited debts to Gazprom . According to the minister, Chisinau is ready to pay only a small part of the debt of the $700 million debt .

Moldova withdrew from the CIS agreement on a commission on disarmament, concluded in 1992. The government assures that at the time of the creation of the CIS, official Chisinau "excluded cooperation in the military-political sphere, which is contrary to the principles of state sovereignty."

Information appeared in the media about the progress of the investigation into the leaked conversations of President Maia Sandu 's entourage , which were published on the Moldova-Leaks website.

The investigation adheres to the version of vans with Russian antennas , which allegedly pursued officials for wiretapping. However, the former prosecutor did not rule out an internal trace in espionage.

Romanianization of Moldova
Moldovan Energy Minister Viktor Parlicov said that Romania is showing interest in privatizing the state-owned power grid companies RED Nord and FEE Nord in the north of the country, for which the government intends to "get a good price" .

The power grids were on the list of strategic enterprises not to be privatized, but the state cannot provide them with a sufficient level of investment. Parlikov argues that the potential acquisition of enterprises by companies from Romania is in line with Chisinau's plans to strengthen "strategic cooperation" with the neighboring country.

Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Colacu once again demanded that Ukraine "recognize the so-called Moldovan language as non-existent" and rename it to Romanian in official documents.

The Romanian Prime Minister called on his Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmyhal to respect the rights of the Romanian diaspora in Ukraine. Apparently, in addition to ethnic Romanians (150 thousand), Ciolacu also had in mind the Moldovan diaspora of Ukraine (250 thousand), whose language also needs to be renamed Romanian.

Apparently, the Romanian authorities decided to turn the Moldovans of Ukraine into Romanians and speak on their behalf in exchange for political and military support for the Kyiv regime.

Relations with the West
The new USAID representative in Moldova is Jeff Bryan , who has worked in Washington in recent years to monitor aid for African countries. Prior to that, Brian led the USAID offices in Guinea and Sierra Leone, and led a number of US programs in Côte d'Ivoire.

President Maia Sandu met with the head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ) in Moldova, Angela Sachs , on the occasion of the end of her term in the country.

Sandu thanked Sachs for stimulating EBRD investments in Moldova: the bank is the country's largest lender and investor.

Agriculture Minister Vladimir Bolya said that Moldova intends to build at least three temporary berths on the Prut River to increase the transit and export of goods, including Ukrainian grain. Bolya said this after a meeting in Romanian Galati, where Romania announced its intention to double the export of Ukrainian agricultural products.

EU Ambassador to Moldova Janis Mazejks believes that "the energy security of the country is much better than in previous years", as the West called on the republic to increase gas reserves, including through Ukrainian and Romanian storage facilities. The official noted the role of loans from the EBRD for the purchase of gas by Moldova bypassing Russia.

The EU will transfer 135 million euros to Ukraine and Moldova , which were intended for cooperation programs with Russia and Belarus.

The World Bank will provide an $88.4 million grant to Moldova under the Moldova Emergency Response, Resilience and Competitiveness Program.

Interior setting
Protests and socio-economic crisis
The Power of Farmers Association resumed protests in front of the government building in response to the lack of response to a request to meet with the country's prime minister. The organization believes that the government neglects the interests of farmers.

Moldovan farmers put forward all the same demands: limiting Ukrainian imports, reducing VAT, paying subsidies for the past year and compensation.

Patent holders are turning to Western embassies and international organizations in Moldova to check how the government spends Western aid. In their opinion, the state is increasingly burdening small and medium-sized businesses with taxes and fines to replenish the budget. Representatives of the patent holders argue that the trade in patents, banned since July 1, deprives many citizens, especially the elderly, of the last opportunity to survive against the backdrop of the crisis.

The National Bank of Moldova predicts average annual inflation in 2023 at the level of 13.3%, and in 2024 - 4.8%.

Industrial production in Moldova in June decreased by 10.5% compared to the same period in 2022. The largest decline was recorded in the chemical (by 37%) and food (by 21.4%) industries. At the same time, growth is observed in the production of electrical equipment and medicines.

Depopulation of Moldova
At the beginning of 2023, the number of young people in Moldova decreased by 5.6% compared to a year earlier.

The rector of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Moldova, Alexandru Stratan , noted that the demographic situation in the country is "deplorable", as more and more young citizens go abroad and the population is aging.

According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the real population in Moldova is 2.6 million people. At the same time, about 1.5 million citizens work abroad, half of them in Russia, the other part in the EU and the USA.

The Western Diaspora is an important source of support for European integration and Maia Sandu's team . Last week, the President addressed the 10th Diaspora Congress, among other things, in order to enlist support for the upcoming local elections.

Government initiatives
The government approved a financial assistance plan for 3,000 small farmers affected by the crisis. However, farmers consider government support to be belated and insufficient, so they continue to protest.

In Moldova, a law authored by Maia Sandu came into force on the establishment of the “Center for Strategic Communications and the Fight against Disinformation” to counter “Russian influence”. ... 1-avgusta/

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Transnistria will return to the Russian fold when Odessa is greeting Russian troops with flowers
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Thu Aug 24, 2023 12:17 pm

Attack on Wagner
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/24/2023


Exactly two months after the start of the movements that would give rise to the failed mutiny on June 24, a private Embraer Legacy 600 plane used by the private military company Wagner crashed yesterday afternoon in the Tver region on the Moscow-San Petersburg. Quickly, the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsya) confirmed that the names of Evgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin appeared on the passenger list. The investigation began immediately, although by that time, a video was already circulating on social networks in which a woman described two explosions before the start of the plane's fall, which could be seen in the images descending vertically and rapidly. The images left no room for doubt and eliminated any possibility of an accident or that there might be survivors.

From then on, and long before an investigation clarified the cause of the events and whether Evgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin were among the passengers, the media began to speculate about the manner and authorship of the events. From the first minutes, two possible main causes were handled: the demolition by means of an external weapon or the explosion of a device located in the aircraft itself. Neither has been confirmed at the moment. The confirmation of the weapon used - if, as everything seems to indicate, it is not an accident - does not mean clarifying the authorship either. In the evening, Rosaviatsya confirmed - presumably from the passenger list and not from the identification of the bodies - that among the deceased were both Evgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin. Wagner would not only have lost his owner,

After a negotiation in which various personalities from the Russian state apparatus participated, the Wagner mutiny ended on June 24 as abruptly as it had begun. Prigozhin would move to Belarus with the contingent of soldiers who chose not to join the Russian regular troop units. As it has been possible to verify since then, Wagner has maintained his contracts abroad and there has been, for the moment, no attempt by the Russian authorities to replace Prigozhin's troops in places like Mali or the Central African Republic, a country in which they have achieved its greatest success in repelling the rebel attempt to besiege the capital. In the two months since the failed mutiny, the Wagner contingent has also been transferred to a base in Belarus, where the company was officially registered and began to participate in the training of the Belarusian army. Despite apparent agreement In semi-exile , Prigozhin had traveled to Russia on several occasions, where he even met with Vladimir Putin, who summoned both Wagner's owner and commanders to a closed-door meeting in the Kremlin just a few days after the riot.

A few days ago, Prigozhin had published some images from an African country (possibly Mali or the Central African Republic) in which he insisted on Wagner's work and promised to fight to "continue to liberate Africa", an idea that has been repeated these weeks since the start of the coup in Niger, a country to which he had offered help. Rumors about Wagner's arrival to defend the military junta began almost as soon as the announcement of President Bazzoum's arrest and, although false, have been argument enough for the West to once again exaggerate the Russian threat in Africa.

The presumed murder of Evgeny Prigozhin not only leaves Wagner's future in the air, who says he has contingency plans for a possible succession in the event of the disappearance of his main figure, but also begins speculation about his guilt. Unsurprisingly, by Ukraine, the attack was seen as "a message from Putin to Russian elites." The events take place on the first day of the BRICS summit, a scenario that represents a media and diplomatic focus in which Russia is now questioned, either because of its authorship or collaboration in the attack or because of its inability to maintain security in air transport. In the hours after the confirmation of the facts, Vladimir Putin presented the title of Heroes of Russia to the personnel of the Alyosha tank, that a few weeks ago he faced and defeated an entire Ukrainian armored column on the Zaporozhi front. The Russian president has not yet ruled on the almost confirmed death of Evgeny Prigozhin, who has been falsely said in recent months to be part of his closest circle.

Not surprisingly, a part of the Russian population immediately blamed Ukraine, which this year had exaggerated Prigozhin's power and value in the Russian war effort. Ukraine has committed attacks on Russian soil, but the ability to bring down a plane, either by means of a bomb installed on the aircraft itself or with the use of a portable projectile, would be a qualitative change. On social media, the words of Kirilo Budanov, who has boasted in the past of having a list of Russian people to “liquidate” were taken up. On Tuesday, Budanov said that there would be "surprises" in the coming days, although the comment was mainly about Crimea. In any case, Ukraine is enjoying the news as part of its Independence Day celebration.

The third option would point to an internal reckoning. On the day the mutiny took place, one of the Russian military branches suffered especially: the VKS. Russian aviation lost 13 people and various devices (both helicopters and planes) and at no time did it hide its discontent with the way the episode had ended, without real consequences for Prigozhin and his troops. Beyond the expected punishment for what Vladimir Putin had described as treason hours before, the question of who would bear the cost of the lost equipment remained in the air. Since that day, the VKS General Surovikin, under whose command the defense that currently protects the Russian troops from the attacking Ukrainian ones had been prepared, was removed from his post and, perhaps, detained. On Tuesday, the Russian media confirmed what was obvious: Surovikin had been dismissed from his post as head of aviation. The reckoning by the VKS has been one of the most repeated hypotheses in recent hours.

The attempted assassination of such a high-profile person, especially in a war context, always sparks all sorts of conspiracy theories. Taking into account the conflict of the figure of Prigozhin and the importance that his private army had reached these months makes it even more difficult for the facts to silence the conspiracy and the fog of war. For the moment, as usual with regard to Wagner, the certainties are scarce and the questions exceed the answers. It is the job of the Russian authorities to clarify the facts.

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Chronicle of the special military operation for August 23, 2023
August 24, 2023

The enemy attacked Moscow once again - a building near Moscow City was damaged, two other drones were planted by electronic warfare in the Mozhaisk and Khimki districts. Several more drones were shot down over Shaikovka, Kaluga Oblast .

In Crimea, Ukrainian troops hit an S-300 air defense installation near Cape Tarkhankut , presumably from a boat armed with Brimstone II high-precision missiles, as a result of a combined strike.

There was a relative calm on the front. Positional battles continue in the area of ​​​​Serebryansky forestry and near Kupyansk . In the Soledar direction, after numerous failed attempts to storm Kleshcheevka, Ukrainian troops stopped the onslaught and retreated to regroup.

In the Vremievsky sector , Russian troops hold positions in the Urozhaynoye area , repelling another enemy advance. In the Orekhovsky area in Rabotino , heavy fighting is underway in the center of the settlement - the Armed Forces of Ukraine are using rocket artillery and cluster munitions, trying to gain a foothold on the northern outskirts of the destroyed village.


About the missile attack on Cape Tarkhankut

On the morning of August 23, Ukrainian formations again attacked the Crimean peninsula. Cape Tarkhankut was hit , on which several military facilities are located, and which the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been actively monitoring for several weeks, including with the help of NATO satellites.

Only this time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine changed their tactics: first, two drones, probably Mugin-5, that took off from Krivoy Rog , approached the peninsula at a distance of 30-40 km and caused air defense fire on themselves. The drones were shot down, but almost immediately after the launch of anti-aircraft missiles, three Ukrainian missiles were fired from the sea.

Just yesterday, 40 km from Tarkhankut, a group of boats with reconnaissance officers from the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine operated , which, probably, conducted visual observation of objects near the Crimea. Yes, our pilots destroyed one of the boats, as well as two more near Snake Island, but the rest, operating 5-10 km away, left. Their activity there was unique, but today's attack shows that it was not accidental.

The strike itself, presumably, was inflicted by anti-ship missiles. It can be both "Harpoons" and "Neptunes". And here it is worth adding that for two weeks, Ukrainian sailors were actively transporting unidentified weapons to Zmeiny Island and an empty gas production facility to the east of it. And the threat from boats cannot be written off. They at least have portable anti-aircraft missile and anti-tank systems, including RBS-17, armed with Hellfires. Later, the Ukrainian side published footage of the strike on the air defense position area at Cape Tarkhankut. Only the S-300 air defense system , and not the S-400, as well as the fuel truck, fell under attack , but the fact that the destruction of the air defense system was caught on the UAV camera is also interesting.

Judging by the footage, the drone was located northwest of the impact site, that is, in the Black Sea, somewhere south of the Tendrovskaya Spit . Just a month and a half ago, the Armed Forces of Ukraine began testing the Tekever AR5 UAV along with V-BAT , including for reconnaissance of the situation on the Kinburn Peninsula .

Considering that the Portuguese drone is equipped with the latest technology, it was not difficult to capture the moment of arrival from above the Black Sea . And with a high degree of probability, he took off from Vilkovo or Odessa , which again raises the issue of attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure along the coast. As for the impact itself, the arrival power is not too high. This makes one doubt the version with an anti-ship missile - the main part of the explosion was caused by the secondary detonation of the ammunition.

Taking into account the activity of the Ukrainian boats, which even approached 30 km, it is quite possible that the ship's version of the Brimstone II high-precision missile was used in the attack . Its range makes it possible to hit from such a distance, and the power of the warhead is relatively small. And again the question arises why Ukrainian boats come so close to the coast of Crimea. They did this more than once, practicing such tactics, and only yesterday some countermeasures were taken. But this is not enough: a systematic defeat of the entire Ukrainian fleet is needed, and this requires changes in the organization of the Russian Navy.

About an attempt to attack a Russian aircraft over the Black Sea

On the eve of the national holiday, the GUR of Ukraine published another video: the footage shows the battle of Ukrainian boats with Russian pilots near one of the four gas production units.

The first thing that catches your eye is the number of boats - there are four of them. This confirms our information that yesterday there was more than one crew with GUR scouts west of Cape Tarkhankut .

The second is the flight of an anti-aircraft missile fired from a MANPADS on one of the boats. Almost every boat of the Ukrainian Navy has either MANPADS or ATGMs, not to mention the Brimstone II, which makes them quite combat-ready units.

The third is their activity at gas producing installations. After last year's attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on these facilities during the battles for Serpentine, they were abandoned. And the presence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine nearby confirms that the Ukrainian side uses them, but obviously not for gas production.

If you look at the location of the platforms on the map, you can see how conveniently they are placed in the context of logistics in the Black Sea during operations off the coast of Crimea . The supply of crews is simplified at times. Therefore, the threat from the so-called "mosquito" fleet cannot be underestimated. The Ukrainian side has adapted its small boats with modern weapons, which, together with their maneuverability, makes them a serious weapon in the hands of the enemy.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

Early in the morning, Russian troops launched strikes with kamikaze drones on the port infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Odessa region . According to preliminary data, the shipyard in Izmail and grain elevators in Reni became the target of the attack .

In the Starobelsky direction at the Sinkovka - Liman line , the 1st artillery of the RF Armed Forces inflicts fire damage on enemy trenches, the work is corrected by UAV operators. The Armed Forces of Ukraine with losses were forced to leave several strongholds. In the Yampolovka area , an enemy attack was repelled. Attempts to roll over Russian positions near Torskoy continue . Positional battles continue in Serebryansky forestry .

In the Soledar sector north of Bakhmut in the Berkhovka area , the UAF launched a number of attacks, but to no avail. Fighting continues on the line Kleshcheevka - Andreevka - Kurdyumovka . The enemy is attacking, but the intensity of the action has decreased somewhat.

Fighting continues in the Urozhaynoye area in the Vremievsky sector . The enemy does not abandon attempts to break through the Russian defenses with the support of heavy equipment, despite the losses. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation use artillery, UAVs and heavy flamethrower systems to destroy manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. During the day, the enemy had already lost several pieces of equipment, including a tank and several armored cars.

In the Zaporozhye direction, the main battles are concentrated in the Rabotino area . The situation remains tense here. Our artillery is working on the enemy, but he is hiding in the cellars. Our fighters work out on forest belts. As a result of one of these attacks, an enemy reserve group and one Stryker were burned.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

For six days in a row, Ukrainian formations have been using drones to attack Moscow . Russian air defense systems intercepted one drone in the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region, the second device hit the building of the Moscow City business center under construction - the facade was damaged in the region of 10-15 floors.

Emergency services are on the scene. According to preliminary information, there were no casualties. Earlier, temporary restrictions on departures and arrivals of aircraft were introduced at the capital's airports.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used three UAVs. Two were intercepted by air defense crews over the territory of the Mozhaysky and Khimki districts of the Moscow region, another one, after being exposed to electronic warfare, collided with the building of the Moscow City complex under construction.

In the Kaluga region, air defense systems shot down two Ukrainian UAVs. The governor of the region announced the destruction of two enemy drones over the village of Shaikovka, Kirovsky district , there were no casualties or damage.

Ukrainian formations staged another act of terror directed against the civilian population of the Belgorod region . In the village of Lavy , Valuysky district , enemy UAVs attacked a local sanatorium twice: three people were killed, and the facade of the building was also damaged. The Armed Forces of Ukraine fired seven shells at Kozinka, Graivoronsky district , damaging nine residential buildings, no one was injured. In addition, according to local sources, settlements such as Kolotilovka , Vyazovoe , Terebreno , Staroselye and Poroz came under shelling : there was no official information about the victims and destruction.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out numerous strikes on the civilian infrastructure of the Donetsk People's Republic throughout the day . The enemy fired almost two hundred shells, damaging four residential buildings and seven civilian infrastructure facilities.

In the city of Kirov, Ukrainian formations fired several rockets from the HIMARS MLRS, hitting the territory of the Komsomolets Donbassa mine, as a result of which one miner died, three more received multiple shrapnel wounds. Gorlovka , Verkhnetoretskoe , Zaitsevo , Makeevka , Yasinovataya and Aleksandrovka were also hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine : one person was wounded.

In the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk, a blood transfusion center came under fire, two employees of the medical facility received shrapnel wounds.

In the Zaporozhye region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again attacked Energodar . This time, the drone hit a car parked near the local utility company Teplovodokanal: there were no casualties, the fire was quickly extinguished.

Shelling of settlements on the left bank of the Kherson region continues . After night shelling, Novaya Kakhovka and Dnepryans were partially de-energized . Houses and outbuildings were damaged. In addition, Kakhovka , Golaya Pristan and Krynki were under enemy fire .

On the territory of the State Autonomous Institution "Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve", dry vegetation caught fire as a result of rocket fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The fire was localized on an area of ​​300 hectares and eliminated. Throwing fire to neighboring settlements and Dendropark was avoided, as well as human casualties. Rare species, including those from the Red Data Book, were not affected either.

Political events

On the supply of arms for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Lithuania will give Ukraine launchers for the NASAMS air defense system, President Gitanas Nauseda said during a visit to Ukraine. Nauseda visited Kiev as part of a delegation with Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa , representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo .

The latter said that the country is preparing the 18th aid package for Ukraine. It will include equipment and ammunition. Orpo assured that Finland continues to firmly support Ukraine, its "sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity."

On the readiness of Ukraine to take everything they give

“We take whatever they give us. We are ready to learn from everything that floats or flies. If Finland doesn’t need F-18s, then let’s take it with pleasure,” Zelensky said at a joint conference with the Finnish Prime Minister, who is in Kiev on a working visit.

On the training of Ukrainian pilots on the F-16

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said that the United States is ready to train Ukrainian pilots for the F-16. According to the statement, the United States is ready to support the exercises in the continental United States if the corresponding capacity in Europe is exhausted.

In other words, the US is in no hurry to invite Ukrainian pilots. Because the wording is extremely vague. “I can’t say right now on which bases training can take place, but, of course, if a decision is made and we move forward, we will definitely let you know about it,” the American military said.

On the meeting of the prime ministers of Moldova and Ukraine

Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Recean met with Ukrainian counterpart Denis Shmygal in Kiev .

According to the statement, an agreement was reached to speed up a number of projects in the economy, energy, agriculture, transport and infrastructure.

Moldova and Ukraine are strengthening cooperation on the transit of Ukrainian goods and the restoration of infrastructure. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Yevgeny Prigozhin died
August 23, 23:57

The tragic news caught when I was on the plane.

In the Tver region, a plane belonging to Yevgeny Prigozhin crashed.
A total of 10 people died. Among them are Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin (aka "Wagner"), as well as several people from Prigozhin's close circle. All 10 years found and identified.
The reasons for the plane crash are not completely clear. The main versions for the evening are a bomb explosion on board and shelling by air defense systems.
Eyewitnesses heard 1 or 2 explosions before the plane crashed. Of course, there is malicious intent here. Whose question. Much will become clear when there is more texture for the reasons for the explosion that led to the crash of the plane.

An era is gone today. Prigozhin and Utkin created the most famous PMC of recent decades, which, in terms of its scale of activity and fame, surpassed even the American Blackwater, which was considered No. 1 PMC in the zero years.
Behind Prigozhin and Utkin, Syria, Libya, other Africa, Donbass 2014 and the liberated Popasnaya, Soledar and Artemovsk in 2022-2023. At the same time, everyone remembers the failed military mutiny in June 2023. Now everything has ended in a tragic death, which will complete the formation of a legend around these undeniably historical and complex historical figures who have played a large role in Russian politics for the past 15 years.

For Russia, this is a serious blow and, first of all, this may affect the Russian strategy in Africa, which was largely based on the enterprising operations of Wagner in a huge number of countries. On the street of the enemies of Russia today is a holiday.

Peace to the ashes of all the dead.

Google Translator

Well, that takes care of that....Regardless of the perp, that's one less loose cannon. Machiavelli was right about mercenaries. The guy was a blowhard and too full of himself, possibly a serious problem down the line.

I've thought his numbers for casualties at Artemovsk were inflated in order to burnish his public image. As for Africa, he was just a boss, another will be found, preferably a Russian general. And it seems some of the deals he made with the Africans were rather predatory, trading services rendered for mineral rights. Enough of that.


Sunk Cost Fallacy In Ukraine

The U.S. military is continuing its criticism of Ukraine's military strategy.

Ukraine’s Forces and Firepower Are Misallocated, U.S. Officials Say - NY Times

The main goal of the counteroffensive is to cut off Russian supply lines in southern Ukraine by severing the so-called land bridge between Russia and the occupied Crimean Peninsula. But instead of focusing on that, Ukrainian commanders have divided troops and firepower roughly equally between the east and the south, the U.S. officials said.
As a result, more Ukrainian forces are near Bakhmut and other cities in the east than are near Melitopol and Berdiansk in the south, both far more strategically significant fronts, officials say.

American planners have advised Ukraine to concentrate on the front driving toward Melitopol, Kyiv’s top priority, and on punching through Russian minefields and other defenses, even if the Ukrainians lose more soldiers and equipment in the process.

The criticism is correct. The attempt to regain Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) is wrong. But the conclusion from it, to push more forces towards the south, is - in my view - false.

The Deployment Map shows that there are significantly more Ukrainian units in the east than in the south.


It was wrong for Ukraine to defend Bakhmut, a low laying road and rail center surrounded by hills. As soon as the hills had been taken by Wagner fighters Bakhmut was destined to fall into their hands. For months the government in Kiev pressed its military to hold the city. There was even some pop-song published that said "Bakhmut will hold". According to Wagner the Ukrainian lost some 70,000 men in the hopeless defense of Bakhmut. Wagner lost some 40,000 while taking it. A high price for both sides. But paying it could have been avoided by Ukraine if it had pulled back just a few miles to the west where a chain of hills around Chasiv Yar would have been a much more favorite defensive position.

To combine the much ballyhooed counter-offensive towards the south with a new push to regain Bakhmut was a serious mistake. The leadership of Ukraine had fallen for the sunk cost fallacy:

The sunk cost fallacy is the tendency for people to continue an endeavor or course of action even when abandoning it would be more beneficial. Because we have invested our time, energy, or other resources, we feel that it would all have been for nothing if we quit.
As a result, we make irrational or suboptimal decisions. The sunk cost fallacy can be observed in various contexts, such as business, relationships, and day-to-day decisions.

President Zelensky had promised that Bakhmut will not fall. After it had fallen he promised to regain it. But despite the high amount of forces used in both attempts there has been no progress. The Russian defense lines have held up. During 11 weeks of fighting only one small town near Bakhmut, Klichivka, has been retaken by Ukrainian troops. What the U.S. military wants Ukraine to do is to concentrate all forces on the southern front:

Only with a change of tactics and a dramatic move can the tempo of the counteroffensive change, said one U.S. official, who like the other half a dozen Western officials interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.
Another U.S. official said the Ukrainians were too spread out and needed to consolidate their combat power in one place.

Nearly three months into the counteroffensive, the Ukrainians may be taking the advice to heart, especially as casualties continue to mount and Russia still holds an edge in troops and equipment.

In a video teleconference on Aug. 10, Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; his British counterpart, Adm. Sir Tony Radakin; and Gen. Christopher Cavoli, the top U.S. commander in Europe, urged Ukraine’s most senior military commander, Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, to focus on one main front. And, according to two officials briefed on the call, General Zaluzhnyi agreed.

I smell another sunk cost fallacy here, this time by the U.S. military. It has invested in 'combined arms' thinking for more than 30 years. It pushed Ukraine to use this form of fighting in its southern attempts. That failed with high losses because Ukraine does not have air supremacy and too few means to break through the wide Russian mine fields. The U.S. military is now pushing for a new attempt that will again apply the already failed strategy with more troops.

The Ukrainian attacks around Bakhmut are to stop. Ukraine must concentrate on defending Chasiv Yar and the chain of hills around it. That will certainly relieve some troops which can be moved elsewhere. There are for example currently four artillery brigades near Bakhmut but only two on each of the two attempts in the southern direction. Adding two from Bakhmut might well help.

However, the progress on both attempts in the south is small. The length of the frontline that allow for breakthroughs and where fighting occurs is just a few miles. There are only few towns in the area that can accommodate and hide deployed forces. Pushing more forces down south will create dangerous concentrations that will be easy for the Russians to detect and to bomb and destroy.

I had previously explained why combined arms had become the favorite U.S. tactic and why it only works against forces that have a lack of air defenses. Combined arms attacks necessitate air supremacy. There is no way for Ukraine to achieve that.

The troops who are now around Bakhmut are not the best equipped of the Ukrainian army. They all have been fighting for months and with significant losses. To push these units, which lack arms and men, into a combined arms attack is a serious mistake.

There are military alternatives to attacking Russian defense lines.

The best is for Ukraine to move towards defense. Build multiple strong defensive lines along chains of hills and other favorite landscape features. Put roving commando troops in front of the lines to harass any attackers before they reach the defense line. Put the rest of the troops into the defense line and into reserve. It would be a mirror of Russia's current strategy that has worked so well for it.

Russia wants to take Donets. Defending it is the best way for Ukraine to make that costly. Running attacks against well prepared Russian defense lines is falling for a Russian attrition strategy. It will only decimate Ukrainian troops and equipment.

There are other alternatives which are even better.

Try to get to to a ceasefire or at least start negotiations for peace. A forever war is what the U.S. might want but it is the worst situation for Ukraine to be in:

Even if Kyiv does stage a successful operation against Russian forces in the future, it’s not clear it will lead to an end of the war. For one, Moscow may decide to launch its own counter-offensive to erase whatever gains Ukrainian forces have made, starting perhaps an endless cycle of military toing-and-froing. Or we could have a repeat of last fall, when Kyiv and its NATO backers, emboldened by the major gains made in Ukraine’s September counter-offensive, rejected the idea of talks to instead pursue “total victory,” at ultimately disastrous cost.

Even now, Ukrainian leaders and many of its Western supporters still maintain the maximalist goals of restoring the country’s pre-2014 borders, which includes retaking Crimea.

Ironically, a prolonged war is exactly what at least some NATO officials had hoped for from the start in order to trap Russia in its own Afghanistan-like blunder, with the New York Times reporting in March 2022 that the administration “seeks to help Ukraine lock Russia in a quagmire.”

But a prolonged war will not be good for Ukraine, which has already suffered breathtakingly vast human and economic costs from a protracted war, and which falls further and further into debt with every month. And it will not be good for the rest of the world either, feeding into worldwide cost-of-living shocks while carrying the already twice-averted possibility of a catastrophic NATO-Russia war that could turn nuclear.

To push more troops into the southern attacks will, as the U.S. military admits, create many more losses in material and men. Ukraine can afford neither. While such an attack might make minor gains a chance to break through the prepared Russian defense lines, which it still has not reached, is hardly there.

An alternative is to change the strategy to do defensive actions.

An even better way is to sue for peace.

But the U.S. will not allow for that. The Biden administration has fallen for its own sunk cost fallacy. It has invested so much into its proxy war against Russia, in money, material and psychologically, that it will continue to invest more even when that is unlikely to lead to a better outcome.

Peace negotiations are inevitable. Delaying them increases the cost of the inevitable defeat.

Posted by b on August 23, 2023 at 16:48 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


How Crypto Aid Is Stolen in Ukraine by State Officials
AUGUST 22, 2023


By Slavisha Batko Milacic – Aug 18, 2023

The development of the cryptocurrency market and its relative anonymity has come as a boon for many representatives of both the shady and completely legal business, providing them with the last opportunity to hide their assets from the state. This prompted the adoption of numerous laws on state control over cryptocurrencies. However, for the corrupt “servants of the people” the crypto became not only a salvation from the eagle eye of law enforcement agencies, but also a chance for earning additional income. So, for Ukrainian officials and their partners, cryptocurrency schemes have become another great way to make money on blood.

Now, 18 months into the conflict with Russia, the Ukrainian budget, even according to official statements from Kyiv, consists 59 percent of Western aid. Some of these funds come in the form of easy loans; some are humanitarian tranches and gratuitous military assistance. One might think that Brussels and Washington have every right to keep a close eye on provision and use of these assets. On the other hand, this is exactly what is happening. Ukraine, regardless of the military situation, is forced to fight corruption, spend its defense budget on the purchase of arms from Western corporations and comply with at least some norms of international law. However, the corruption system that has developed the past 30-plus years can’t be destroyed just overnight. Moreover, too many of Ukraine’s partners are benefiting from it.

Since the start of the war, the Ukrainian political establishment has mastered a simple scheme of earning money under the “Aid for Ukraine” motto. The stream of reports in the Western media about the suffering of ordinary Ukrainians, columns of refugees and lack of ammunition could not help but force naive Europeans and Americans to start donating money for the war-scarred Ukrainian people, who declared themselves the shield of Europe. As a result, numerous foundations have popped up like mushrooms, accepting donations in cryptocurrency through their websites. After all, donating a piece of bitcoin or a few USDT from your crypto wallet is much easier than taking the trouble of transferring money to a foreign country via a bank. However, the foundations were not entirely Ukrainian. Crypto wallets do not have a nationality, and cryptocurrencies are relatively anonymous.

Everyone was raising money for Ukraine. Beauty bloggers, animal shelters, administrators of telegram channels all asked people to support their humanitarian projects for Ukraine, showing naive users with colorful reports with brand new drones, cars, and even ammunition. True, scandals occasionally broke out in telegram channels with accusations that this or that blogger had simply embezzled money. One of the most high-profile scandals involved the Estonian NGO Glory to Ukraine (MTÜ Slava Ukraini), led by Johanna-Maria Lehtme, who received the title of European of the Year in 2022. This organization raised funds in the Baltic countries to help Ukraine, support the Azov Battalion and restore ambulances, and managed to raise more than 6.5 million euros in just one year. However, in Lviv, western Ukraine, the partners of the Estonian volunteer NGO “Vse dlya Peremogi” and the private company “IC Construction” took out 250,000 euros as their salaries, using the rest in a rather odd way. Estonian journalists found out that ambulances had been repaired at two and a half times the regular price, and reports of assistance to Azov were fake. President Zelensky personally intervened in the situation, and as a result, the Estonian prosecutor’s office opened a case against the Ukrainian partners of Glory to Ukraine, and the Ukrainian prosecutors – against the NGO itself. However, the project of “European of the Year” donations continues unabated. And this is just one of hundreds of such cases.

However, back in March 2022, Official Kyiv launched its own crypto donation website “Aid for Ukraine”, which raised $48 million in bitcoins in less than one month of the war. The website was out to raise $100 million a month, because this is less than 20 cents from every resident of Europe, the US and Canada – a tiny fraction of their defense spending, but not accountable. The FTX exchange acted as the operator that worked with crypto assets and converted them into national currencies.


The stream of donations gradually turned into a river, but in November 2022, the exchange went bankrupt, owing $35 billion to its depositors. Just where a few hundred Ukrainian millions went remains anyone’s guess. Well, one can trust the beautiful reports on the Aid to Ukraine website, but it would be more reasonable to ask in which banks and in whose crypto wallets the funds raised in the West eventually ended up.

However, Zelensky’s administration reacted quickly, showing a firm determination to crack down on corruption and the theft of money intended for defense purposes. In March 2023, even before the “Glory to Ukraine” scandal, the country’s National Bank banned the withdrawal of money from crypto wallets, which means that it is no longer possible to transfer money from one’s crypto wallet to his bank account using legal instruments. In fact, the only ones affected by this move were small investors. Ukrainian big shots do not keep money at home, and numerous “gray” offices for cashing cryptocurrencies have not gone anyway either.

In general, any “cryptocurrency assistance” for Ukraine, like the vast majority of money raised through various foundations is just a cynical theft of money donated by Americans and Europeans. To make matters worse, in addition to money coming from individual donors, large sums are officially transferred to foundations by state organizations. These funds are then dissolved in anonymous crypto wallets, which can be passed off as assets of military units, medical institutions and other structures. This whole scheme is working under the disguise of collapsing stock exchanges, “Russian shelling” of warehouses of machinery and equipment…

he result is sad – the West is trying to somehow control the use of funds transferred to Ukraine, but is even unable to prevent the theft of money donated by its own citizens, who are sincerely trying to help Ukraine. Well, this can be done, but only with full control over the work of all Ukrainian and related Western foundations and with thorough checks of their accounts. Otherwise, accusations against Zelensky, members of the US Democratic Party, European activists and Ukrainian elites for the banal theft of money will look more and more convincing … ... officials/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:03 pm

POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/25/2023


The idea that the West, primarily the United States, is ready to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian has been common in the Russian press since the start of what the Kremlin continues to call a special military operation., a war in which it has already lost more soldiers than the Soviet Union lost in ten years in Afghanistan. The intensity of the war, the means used and the strength of both armies, one backed by a powerful military industry and the other by that of its NATO partners, make this a different war from those that the great powers have fought in The last decades. The comparison with Afghanistan is also valid for the United States, not in terms of the war that it waged for two decades, but the one that it fought indirectly by arming groups linked to Ahmad Shah Massoud, Gulbiddin Hekmatyar or Yunnus Khalis, among whose followers are found the patriarch of what would eventually become the Haqqani network, the base of both the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Those were the tools with which Washington was willing to fight the Soviet Union down to the last Afghan. The well-being of the population did not come into play in that equation, just as that of the Ukrainian people does not now. Moreover, the reality of proxy warfare is already widely accepted even in the Western press, the need to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian soldier begins to appear more and more, not only in the analysis of the situation, but even in the recipes for success.

The limited success of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, already in its third month, has provoked three kinds of rational reactions and one irrational, the denial of reality. In the latter are found both the fanatics who continue to claim that “everything is going according to plan”, such as Andriy Ermak, or those who want to exaggerate the Russian losses in order to give Ukraine a better position than their own authorities claim, as was the case. of Evgeny Prigozhin, who in one of his few appearances in the last weeks before his death, stated that what is happening at the front "is a shame". Apart from these positions that are clearly far from reality, analysts and the media have been divided between those who believe that the offensive can be successful and those who seek to give their recipe to change the situation.

The former are, in turn, divided between those who claim that Ukraine has everything it needs to achieve its objectives and those who justify the lack of success by implicitly or explicitly criticizing the suppliers, mainly Joe Biden, for not having delivered to Kiev the necessary weaponry. The former are led by Antony Blinken, who has repeatedly stated that Ukraine already has the necessary material and has pinned his hopes on the introduction into the battlefield of brigades trained abroad specifically for the current offensive.

The group of the latter is clearly led by the most strident voices in the Ukrainian government such as Mikhailo Podolyak and his most fanatical supporters, including those who are now campaigning to defend, even using arguments in defense of human rights, the use of cluster bombs. Of course, this group not only demands speedy delivery of F-16 fighters, which several European countries have already promised Zelensky and which will arrive once the training of the pilots is complete, but also long-range missiles with which Ukraine has not hidden that would fundamentally attack the infrastructures of Crimea.

All of them have in common the defense of the continuation of the supply of weapons to Ukraine, something that is fundamentally done from economic arguments of cost and benefit. For example, Mitch McConnell, US Senate Minority Leader and a member of the Republican Party, reportedly less favorable to unlimited assistance to Ukraine, has recently asserted that “we haven't lost a single American. Most of the Ukraine-linked money that we spend is actually spent in the US, replenishing weapons and so on. So we're really employing people here and upgrading our own military for what may come in the future." Without the need for many words, McConnell sums up some of the great benefits of proxy warfare for the world's leading military power, who not only sees the war in the distance, but can even achieve some economic benefits. The idea that the war is being cheap for Washington is another of the arguments on the rise as one of the benefits of proxy warfare.

There are many articles published in large media outlets that, in order to avoid losing hope in the possibility that Ukraine can achieve at least part of the objectives, have opted for the position of giving recipes on how the Kiev troops they could improve their position and their performance. Perhaps the best example of this position is the article published this week by The New York Time sand promoted on social media stating that "the Ukrainian counter-offensive is struggling to break through Russian defenses in large part because it has too many troops in the wrong places." The report is not the first, and possibly will not be the last, to point out acts that US officials consider a mistake. The press had already published, not without some concern, Ukraine's reluctance to continue with plans that had caused enormous casualties of people and loss of equipment. As it has been possible to read in large US media, kyiv chose to modify its tactic to limit those casualties, even against the criteria of the United States. The assessment of casualties among the Ukrainian military as collateral damage is not only acceptable, but necessary.

Now, US officials use The New York Times to deepen your message. In short, the US plan is to convince - or coerce - Ukraine into opting for a strategy that emphasizes the initial target: Melitopol. Hence, the main criticism of the Ukrainian tactic is that it has not focused solely on the front area where it is suffering the most casualties. That is where Washington wants to see progress and not in other areas of the front that, like Artyomovsk, are irrelevant at the moment. Ukraine, which in the past year has attached enormous symbolic importance to the site and has gone so far as to falsely claim that, in the event of a Russian capture, the rest of Donbass would be within its reach - Russia captured Artyomovsk in May and has failed to advance towards Slavyansk and Kramatorsk-, has continued to fight fiercely to regain ground in that sector. There they no longer face Wagner's troops, withdrawn after the capture of the city, but units of the Popular Republics and Russian regular troops. It is likely that the Russian contingent is currently less numerous - not only because defense requires less troops than assault, but because those units do not have the recruiting capacity that Wagner has enjoyed in the months in which he has had the option. to recruit soldiers in Russian prisons - which would give Ukrainian troops more facilities to advance in that direction.

Aware that this is an area in which Russia has not had the time that it has had in Zaporozhye to prepare the defense, Ukraine has chosen the Artyomovsk sector to put pressure on the Russian troops and try to achieve a great success to present to its partners and its population. kyiv needs this good news to offset the fatigue of the war, especially if, as is speculated, it is preparing to expand and speed up the mobilization. In his press conference yesterday, Zelensky did not confirm those plans, although that is the proposal that he has received from his military authorities. The recapture of Artyomovsk would not only have more impact than the capture of towns like Rabotino, which is currently being fought for, but it is more feasible than the approach to Melitopol. It's more, Zelensky has sent Andriy Biletsky and his unit created around the Azov movement to Artyomovsk to lead that sector of the front and not the units considered elite, reserved for the front that both Ukraine and the United States consider a priority. As in Mariupol last year, the Azov troops are perfectly expendable. Zelensky has elevated the regiment enough to make any success his own, but also to glorify its fallen as martyrs for the fatherland. Those soldiers are useful both dead and alive.

Even so, the United States seems to consider that this quota is excessive and demands that Ukraine concentrate all its efforts in the directions of Melitopol and Berdyansk, two of the clearest objectives since the preparation of the offensive began, so that is where Russia He has concentrated his defensive efforts. The Zaporozhye open field not only entails heavy casualties because of the extensive minefields, but also because Washington's proposed tactic involves reusing large numbers of armored columns, an easy target for Russian aircraft. This American demand, which, judging by the insistence in the Rabotino sector, has already been accepted by Zaluzhny, is not only a recipe that guarantees enormous casualties, but it is a tactic that, as even Ukrainian officers have criticized, Washington would never agree to use without air and artillery superiority. However, the rules and demands are different for the proxy army, which must accept that, for its boss, they are only a tool that must continue with the plans assuming both casualties and a strategy with no guarantee of success. Even so, The Wall Street Journal published yesterday that Ukraine has agreed to focus on the Orejovo front to please the United States, the main supplier of this war.

The subtext of all these articles, which admit the problems that Ukraine is suffering, is not to move towards a resolution of the conflict or a possible peace or ceasefire negotiation, but quite the opposite. The United States accepts that its troops would never advance on minefields without first carrying out massive attrition work and bombardment of its enemy's rear. Ukraine lacks the missiles and aviation that the US command would use to carry out this attack prior to the ground assault, hence the message behind the criticism and proposals for change is to speed up the delivery of this material and follow the doctrine of Mikhailo Podoliak, who describes the delivery of the F-16 as "de-escalation" and ends with "weapons, weapons, arms” their messages about a military solution to the conflict as the only acceptable option. To this end, the United States is willing to supply and finance the Ukrainian Armed Forces indefinitely as long as the Ukrainian proxy army follows orders and accepts an even higher level of casualties.

Google Translator


Chronicle of the special military operation for August 24, 2023
August 24, 2023
Rybar |

In recent days, there has been increased enemy activity in the west of the Crimean peninsula . Several high-speed boats landed in the Olenevka area on Cape Tarkhankut , staged demonstrative shooting and hurriedly retreated.

Information continues to come in about the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin's plane . The investigation is working on several versions of what happened. In addition, a list of 10 passengers and crew members who were on the plane was published, however, at the moment, it is difficult to identify the bodies. Fakes and conjectures continue to proliferate on the network due to the recent conflict between Prigozhin and Shoigu . The Russians are also concerned about the future fate of Wagner PMC and its projects.

In the Soledar direction , after several unsuccessful attempts to take advantageous positions in the vicinity of Bakhmut , the Armed Forces of Ukraine switched to positional tactics in order to understaff the units. At the same time, there is an increased concentration of assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Seversk region . There is a possibility of a simultaneous offensive by Ukrainian units from several sides.

In the Zaporizhia direction, the difficult situation continues in the Rabotino area . The fighting has already moved to the southern outskirts of the settlement, from which only ruins remain. To the east of Rabotino, the enemy is trying to break through to Verbovoe . The tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​Pyatikhatki do not change , where Ukrainian formations, like two months ago, are trying to gain a foothold in the village in small groups.


On the landing of Ukrainian DRGs on Tarkhankut and the consequences of false reports

At night, from two to four high-speed boats landed in the Olenevka area on Cape Tarkhankut , conducted demonstrative firing from a grenade launcher at the camera and departed back, from where they went to Burlacha Balka . This is the second incident in the Cape area in the past few days. Only recently, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a combined attack, as a result of which the S-300 air defense system was destroyed, and now they have already landed on the shore. The activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Crimean peninsula is becoming increasingly high. Claims about the destruction of four boats are, of course, good, but false reports make us turn a blind eye to the existing gaps in the defense.

It is not without reason that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been probing the soil near the Crimea for several weeks now , looking for loopholes for the landing operation for which the British were preparing them. And Tarkhankut is the most convenient place for this kind of action. The coastal line of the cape is almost at the same level with the sea, which makes it ideal for the approach of small boats. And if now it was just a showy sortie, then what prevented them from climbing the hill and hitting a military facility there? The fact that Ukrainian formations are planning operations in Crimea is already a fact . And in this case, instead of rosy reports, it is more expedient to do everything possible to stop such activity. Especially in places with a large concentration of civilians.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

On the Starobelsky direction without major changes. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to gradually squeeze out the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the defensive lines in the Sinkovka area . In some sectors, the enemy attempts to counterattack in small groups. One of these episodes took place in the area of ​​Novoselovsky, where the DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to quietly approach the Russian positions, but they were opened by our UAV.

In the Soledar direction, the situation in the vicinity of Bakhmut has stabilized relatively . After several unsuccessful attempts, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again switched to resupplying units and preparing for new attacks. A large number of dead and wounded in the assault formations forced the Armed Forces of Ukraine to adjust their plans. Only 28 % of combat-ready personnel remained in the 2nd battalion of the 3rd brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , and less than half of the regular equipment.

Now, in the area of ​​​​Konstantinovka and Belaya Gora, active training and coordination of assault detachments of 92 Ombre, 57 Ompbr and 24 Aidar Battalions of 5 Osh Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are planned to be used on the southern flank of Bakhmut by the second wave, are underway. In the first echelon, 14 assault groups of the Lyut national police brigade are now preparing for an attack. Eight of them intend to storm Hill 195.4 near Kleshcheevka in order to force the Russian troops to retreat from the village. And the rest are planning to move along the railway tracks in the direction of Andreevka and Kurdyumovka to block the approaches to the Kurdyumovsky triangle .

At the same time, in the north, in the vicinity of Seversk , there is also a concentration of six enemy assault groups, which indicates a possible activation from Razdolovka . The 10th brigade and 54th brigade have been intensively preparing reserves for the attack in recent weeks, so a time-synchronous attack from several sides is quite possible.

After the capture of Urozhaynoye, the situation in the Vremievsky sector temporarily stabilized: the enemy was restoring the combat capability of the battered units. Nevertheless, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to roll forward with small forces in the direction of the Cherished Desire - single models of equipment go on the attack. Artillery and Russian aviation are working on the rear positions of the enemy in the area of ​​​​Makarovka and Staromayorsky and on the outskirts of Urozhayne, preventing the Ukrainian formations from accumulating a reserve for a breakthrough. In the Priyutnoye area , the enemy tried to penetrate our defenses with up to two tanks and several infantry platoons, but was dispersed by Russian artillery and driven back.

At the Orekhovsky sector in Rabotino , assault groups of the 82nd Airborne Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have established themselves in its northern part and continue the assault, continuously delivering artillery strikes on units of the RF Armed Forces. The situation there is still difficult. At the moment, the fighting has already shifted to the southern outskirts of the settlement, which, after three months of clashes, repeated the fate of other villages and almost completely turned into ruins.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to press on Russian positions east of Rabotino. Judging by the scale of the artillery preparation, the enemy will soon try to storm and break through to Verbovoye in order to create a threat from the rear to the forces of the RF Armed Forces in Novopokrovka and Novokarlovka .

In Pyatikhatki, the tactics of the Armed Forces of Ukraine remain the same as two months ago: the enemy is trying to enter with reconnaissance groups and gain a foothold in an abandoned settlement. Soldiers of the RF Armed Forces detect activity and strike at enemy manpower.

According to Archangel Spetsnaz , Russian servicemen managed to burn another two American M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicles from anti-tank missile systems.

In the Kherson direction, Russian troops destroyed a Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group that tried to land on the left bank of the Dnieper between the settlements of Golaya Pristan and Kardashynka . At least three members of the Ukrainian formations were killed during this sortie.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the night interception of three aircraft-type drones: two of them were shot down in the Bryansk region , and one more in the Kaluga region .

This morning, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the village of Belaya Berezka in the Bryansk region . As a result of the attack, the power supply was disrupted.

In the evening, Ukrainian formations shelled the Kursk region . At least three arrivals were recorded in the village of Tetkino . There were no casualties or damage. Several houses were damaged in Elizavetovka .

Local residents reported shelling of the settlements of Bezymeno and Mikhailovka in the Belgorod Region , but there was no official information about the victims and damage.

The intensity of shelling of the DPR by the Armed Forces of Ukraine has increased. The enemy fired more than 300 shells and carried out 90 attacks on the Donetsk agglomeration and neighboring settlements. One civilian was killed in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk and two more civilians were injured in the Kievsky district . 13 housing constructions and four civil infrastructure facilities were damaged. Oleksandrovka , Gorlovka , Makeevka , Novobakhmutovka , as well as Staromikhaylovka and Yasinovataya were also under fire .

Ukrainian formations continue to strike at the settlements of the Zaporozhye region . In the village of Novoye , Tokmak district, one person was killed as a result of shelling . Later, the enemy attacked a civilian object in the city of Kamenka-Dniprovska with a drone , the man received shrapnel wounds.

Today, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out strikes on Nova Kakhovka , Kakhovka , Korsunka , Hola Pristan , Staraya Zburyevka , and Dnepryan in the Kherson region , causing damage to civilian infrastructure. In Dnepryan, one shell hit a residential building, but, fortunately, there were no casualties.

Political events
About the plane crash of E. Prigozhin

According to some reports, the investigation is working out a version of the explosion on the plane of an explosive device planted in the landing gear compartment. After that, there was a separation of the wing, explosive depressurization and the transition of the side into a tailspin. Other sources claim that the bomb could be in the area of ​​the bathroom.

The Federal Air Transport Agency published a list of 10 passengers and crew members who were on the plane , which, in addition to Prigozhin himself, includes the senior commander of Wagner PMC Dmitry Utkin and Valery Chekalov with the call sign Rover, who was in charge of the company's logistics.

The bodies found at the crash site are badly damaged, so they were sent for genetic examination to Moscow. Contrary to reports about the alleged identification of the remains of Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin, there has been no official statement in this regard .

The situation around the plane crash is strongly influenced by the public conflict between Prigozhin and Shoigu, because of which part of the population has already appointed those responsible for the tragedy even before the investigation began. At the same time, the situation contributes to the appearance in the information field of a variety of theories and hypotheses about what happened .

Also on the Web there are speculations about the future of Wagner PMC . Western resources report the start of the withdrawal of the company's personnel from the Republic of Belarus and publish satellite images of the dismantling of the field camp. However, as the Belarusian Silovik rightly noted , in reality, the dismantling began in mid-August and is associated with considerations of secrecy.

The future of PMC Wagner projects depends on several factors, including the rational use of assets, the preservation of the logistics system and the initiative of those involved in the affairs of the company in Africa and other regions. One thing is certain: if Russia, for some reason, stops paying enough attention to its projects in the CAR, then the president of this country will be the first to take steps to fully return to the French orbit of influence. In the case of Mali and Burkina Faso, which have cut off public ties with Western states, there are no such concerns yet.

Vladimir Putin commented on the plane crash . He called this incident a tragedy. In his opinion, Prigogine is a man of difficult fate, but at the same time he was a talented person and a businessman. In particular, the president noted the merits of Prigozhin and the Wagner PMC group in Ukraine and Africa.

On the expansion of exports of Ukrainian grain through Moldova

Yesterday, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky met with Moldovan Prime Minister Dorin Rechan , where they discussed "the development of Ukrainian food transit through Moldova" and the creation of an appropriate infrastructure for it. Earlier, representatives of Ukraine, Romania and Moldova, mediated by the United States, gathered in Galati , Romania, to discuss the same topic. Then the Prime Minister of Romania, Marcel Ciolacu , assured that the country intends to ensure the transit of more than 60% of the total volume of Ukrainian grain exports, doubling it.

The link in this supply chain is Moldova, which is why local farmers suffer , who are on the verge of mass bankruptcy. The protests and indignation of Moldovan farmers over the uncontrolled export of Ukrainian agricultural products have been going on since June: in addition to the collapse in prices for their products, Moldovan entrepreneurs are not able to fully transport and store them. President Maia Sandu , as usual, wants to solve this problem with urgent Western investment in the country's rail and port infrastructure.

One of the requirements of the Moldovan association " Power of Farmers " was just a temporary ban on the export of non-Moldovan agricultural products through the Danube port of Giurgiulesti , which provides access to the Black Sea. However, Sandu's main argument against supporting his own farmers is his "moral duty" to Ukraine. However, the other and main requirement of the "Force of Farmers" - compensation for catastrophic losses to small and medium-sized producers - the government is also in no hurry to fulfill. Despite huge Western grants and loans, the Sandu administration is not ready to invest them in its own agriculture. From this, farmers conclude that the agricultural sector is being deliberately destroyed .

As we wrote earlier, the crisis in the agricultural sector of Moldova is only part of the pan-European course led by the globalists from Blackrock to eliminate national agricultural enterprises. And Sandu's team just defends by no means national interests.

On Western aid to Ukraine

A number of Western countries have announced new deliveries of military assistance to Ukraine: for example, the German authorities will transfer 40 RQ-35 HEIDRUN drones, 16 trucks, drone detection systems and more than 500,000 military vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine . cartridges for small arms. One of the key positions will also be missiles for the American Patriot air defense systems .

At the same time, the Norwegians will hand over missiles for German IRIS-T air defense systems and F-16 fighters , and the Lithuanians will hand over radar stations for maritime surveillance and other weapons.

Meanwhile, the American edition of The Wall Street Journal writes about disagreements between US military officials and the Ukrainian command, who cannot agree on current priorities during attempts to counteroffensive in the Zaporozhye region. According to the source, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine blames it for not understanding the structure of the current conflict.

About the Ukrainian economy

Today, Ukrainian Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko said that the country's budget is in an extremely difficult situation, and the situation with its financing is still very uncertain. Defense spending, in his opinion, next year will amount to about 1.6 trillion hryvnia , which exceeds tax revenues. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Keep In Mind.

When speaking about Prigozhin's death. Two facts:

1. Wagner's "effectiveness" was primarily a figment of imagination and PR by... Prigozhin bought media. Wagner losses, especially among former prisoners of law, have been appalling.

2. Bakhmut affair which was in effect a PR move by Wagner and their "council of commanders" which completely fucked up Russia's MoD plans and forced it to support Wagner.

Now, ask yourself a question, especially against the fact of Prigozhin and Wagner being in fact a totalitarian sect, which also started the mutiny--how much longer could this org be allowed to exist in any state, AND how many people had some serious accounts to settle with Prigozhin and his military enablers from this "council". ... qus_thread


Ukraine Providing an Important Testing Ground For Space-Based Weapons
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - August 23, 2023 0


Weapons Straight Out of a Science Fiction Novel Have Not Been Able to Turn the Tide on the Battlefield
In his 1988 book War Stars: The Superweapon in the American Imagination, H. Bruce Franklin traces a deep-rooted cultural belief in the magic of futuristic weapon systems that would enable the U.S. to defeat any foreign adversary. .


Franklin dates the infatuation to the era of the revolutionary war with the development of the combat submarine by Robert H. Fulton to pulverize the British Navy.

He in turn shows a direct line through World War I and World War II and the development of air power and the atomic bomb, through the Vietnam War where sophisticated U.S. war machines could not defeat the guerrilla warfare tactics of the Vietcong.

Franklin could easily include a new chapter on Ukraine, whose summer counteroffensive has fizzled despite the country’s function as a testing ground for new American weapon systems.

These include space-based satellites and sensors that have been used by the Ukrainians to track Russian troop movements and assist in navigation, mapping and electronic warfare, and positioning systems that guide precision weapons and drones.

A webinar in mid-July hosted by the War Industry Resistance Network placed the U.S. strategy in Ukraine in the context of a broader attempt by the U.S. to militarize space and use it to destroy its leading geopolitical rivals—Russia and China.


Dave Webb [Source:]

The first speaker, Dave Webb, a retired engineering and peace studies professor from England, emphasized that the 1991 Operation Desert Storm set the groundwork for Ukraine as the first space war in which the U.S. showed off new satellite and precision guided missiles that wound up devastating Iraq.

In 1997, the U.S. Space Command outlined its goal of obtaining full-spectrum military dominance over land, sea, air and space by the year 2020—which achieved partial fulfillment with the Trump administration’s creation in 2019 of a new Space Force as a branch of the U.S. military.



By 2024, the budget of the Space Force reached $30.3 billion, a 15% increase over 2023 and a doubling of the budget from 2020.

Workers prepare Space Test Program-3 mission for the U.S. Space Force’s Space Systems Command on November 22, 2021, at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida, for mounting process with an Atlas V rocket. The mission sent two satellites into space. [Source:]
Congress has in a not so veiled way tried to legitimate these budget increases by holding hearings raising alarm about the threat of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO’s).

One in late July featured a former intelligence officer, David Grusch, who claimed that he faced retaliation at the Pentagon for his confidential disclosure that “non-human beings” had been retrieved from spacecraft.[1]

David Grusch [Source:]

On August 11, the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron (ISRS) was activated at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado. It has been tasked with identifying and destroying or disrupting adversary satellites and ground-based lasers aimed at preventing the U.S. from using its own satellites during a conflict.

The patch of the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron revealed at the unit’s activation ceremony on Aug. 11, 2023. It features the grim reaper with a delta shape for a nose. [Source:] reported that the U.S. Space Force has conducted multiple training exercises to practice “live fire” satellite jamming [of Russian and Chinese space based satellites] and “simulated on-orbit combat training” as part of a growing commitment to space-based war.

The Space Force’s operations have been made possible by a $1.5 billion space surveillance radar center built by Lockheed Martin in an atoll in the Marshall Islands, which became operational in March 2020. The center now tracks more than 26,000 objects in space, some the size of a marble.

An aerial view of the U.S. Space Force’s Space Fence on Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. [Source:]

Additional surveillance centers have recently been built in Texas, Australia and Great Britain while Boeing is building a secret military space plane, the X-37B, which can carry out orbital space flight missions.

Boeing X-37. [Source:]

Webb ended his talk by noting that the spirit of a 1967 Outer Space Treaty that was designed to prevent the militarization of Outer Space is not being followed.

Space exploration is giving way to space exploitation and growing competition with Russia, which has developed its own space-based weapon systems in response to what the U.S. is doing.

Signing of the Outer Space Treaty in 1967. [Source:]

The second speaker at the webinar, Bruce Gagnon, coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, pointed out that, for the last quarter century, Russia has presented its demand for a new cooperative space treaty before the United Nations but has been blocked by the U.S., Israel and a few of their allies.

Bruce Gagnon [Source:]

The Russians have stated unequivocally, as have the Chinese, that they do not want to devote their countries’ resources to a destructive and fruitless arms race in space, though the U.S. believes it can be master in space and has been taken over totally by the military-industrial complex.

When the creation of the new Space Force came up for a vote in 2019, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives supported it, though it had wanted to call it Space Corps.

Growing up in a military family, Gagnon said he experienced a political awakening while enlisted in the Air Force in 1971 when he came in contact with peace activists at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California, where he was stationed.



Gagnon’s concern about the militarization of Outer Space began when he read a book by Linda Hunt called Secret Agenda, which detailed the CIA’s recruitment of Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip who helped found the U.S. space program.

Chief among them was Wernher von Braun, who had helped develop the V-2 rocket in Germany using slave labor.

Gagnon said he finds it chilling that the U.S. Space Force carries out yearly war-game exercises where they simulate fighting using space-based weapons right out of science fiction novels. Among these is the “Rod from God,” a weapon in which tungsten steel rods are fired from orbiting satellites, smacking the Earth from the sky as if sent by God.

Wernher von Braun [Source:]

Rods from God. [Source:]

Right now, Gagnon says, we are living through a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse as the U.S. has pointed nuclear weapons directly at Russia from a U.S. military base in Deveselu, Romania, and another in Redzikowo, Poland off the Baltic Sea.

The U.S. goal is to break up Russia as it did Yugoslavia in the 1990s because Russia is the world’s largest resource base and threatens the ability of the U.S. to extract resources from the Arctic unencumbered.

Local guard manning post at U.S. military base at Deveselu, Romania, where missiles are pointed at Russia in a reversal of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. [Source:]

Along with World War III, the current U.S. space strategy is threatening to unleash a major environmental catastrophe as space-based satellites and weapons are leaving debris that cannot be cleaned up.

According to Gagnon, exhaust from escalating numbers of rocket launches is diminishing the ozone layer, and the growing space debris could even cause the Earth to go dark as collisions become more likely.

Debris in space from space weapons (artist’s rendition). [Source:]

Edgar Mitchell [Source:]

Back in 1989, Gagnon organized a protest at the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral that was attended by Navy Captain Edgar Mitchell, the only astronaut known to have ever attended a peace rally.[2]

Mitchell told the crowd at the protest that, “if there was ever a war in space, it would be the last war humans ever fought because it would create so much debris orbiting around the planet, there would be no way to clean it up.”

Mitchell’s warning makes clear the importance of supporting the efforts of peace groups to try to prevent the militarization of space and to fight the military-industrial complex, which is a cancer not only to our own planet but to the entire universe.

The disclosure it should be noted was based on second-hand information. ↑

Born in Hereford, Texas, in 1930, Mitchell obtained a Doctor of Science degree (equivalent to a Ph.D.). from MIT and was the Lunar Module Pilot for the 1971 Apollo 14 mission who was the sixth man to walk on the moon. During his travels to space, Mitchell said that he had an epiphany that led him to work for the rest of his life to “broaden the knowledge of the nature and potentials of mind and consciousness and to apply that knowledge to the enhancement of human well-being and the quality of life on the planet.” ↑ ... d-weapons/


In fact, economic sanctions should have an economic effect. But it's not like that
August 24, 19:08

Great from Burbock.

In fact, economic sanctions should have an economic effect. But it's not like that

Western sanctions were supposed to destroy the Russian economy, but contrary to all forecasts, the Russian economy is showing growth. German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock expressed her "disappointment with the effect of sanctions" in this regard, writes Merkur.

“In fact, economic sanctions should have an economic effect. But this is not so,” states Burbock, and explains this by saying that “the logic of democracies does not apply to autocracies.” In an interview, the head of the German diplomatic department also expressed doubts that the crisis can be solved by "rational decisions and rational measures taken by civilized governments."

Burbock's disappointment is understandable, since inUnlike the German economy, which has been in recession since the beginning of 2023, the Russian economy is showing growth. Western economists, however, consider such growth not “long-term” enough and point out: “Russia owes its growth primarily to the military economy and a large-scale increase in the production of weapons and ammunition,” reports Merkur.

In an interview, Annalena Burbock also criticized the German government for "initial restraint". ... ni--Berbok

Everything should have worked, but for some reason it doesn't. Because autocracies have their own logic, and democracies do not understand it.
Finally everything has been explained.

DRG in Tarhankuta
August 24, 5:02 p.m


At night, the enemy tried to land the DRG in the area of ​​​​Cape Tarkhankut on 6 boats (40 people in total).
Having limited themselves to staged shots and shooting in the direction of the local boarding house, the DRG tried to retreat, but was covered. According to official figures, 25 people were killed and 4 boats were destroyed (from the available videos there are only a couple of corpses on the shore). The survivors fled in the direction of Nikolaev. The Ukrainian Armed Forces say they were able to sail away without loss.

This is a continuation of the already observed activity of the enemy in the area of ​​Zmeiny Island and Chernomorneftegaz towers.
Obviously, the event was prepared in the form of a victory for the "independence day", but something went wrong.
There was some kind of jamb on the part of the border guards, because, as they say, local motor boats could move around the cape without an identification signal, which the enemy took advantage of, taking advantage of the fact that boats with DRGs could not be distinguished from ordinary small boats. Now the investigation is underway and it is obvious that measures to control the water space in this area will be strengthened. The enemy, of course, continues to look for gaps and vulnerabilities in our defense systems and these attempts should not be underestimated. Because now the enemy has broken off, but next time the result could be completely different.

Drone attack on Crimea 08/25/2023
August 25, 7:19 am

At night, the enemy tried to carry out a large-scale attack on the Crimea, sending 42 drones in the direction of the peninsula.
Air defense and electronic warfare destroyed all drones.
9 destroyed by air defense fire.
33 destroyed by electronic warfare.
Several suppressed electronic warfare and downed drones fell near Cape Khersones.
There are no casualties or destruction in the city.

About Prigozhin's assessment
August 24, 21:32


Regarding the assessment of Prigozhin's activities, in my opinion, it is appropriate to use Comrade Mao's formula.

During a visit to Moscow on November 19, 1957, at the initiative of the Chinese leader, Mao Zedong met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Gromyko. Here is what Mao Zedong told him: “In our opinion, Stalin has about 70 percent of merit and 30 percent of mistakes ... We do not agree with you that the scale of Stalin's merits and mistakes was not properly determined. This question concerns not only Stalin personally, but also the entire CPSU, the entire Soviet people, since in 30 years, during the life of Stalin, the revolution and the construction of socialism were completed, victory was achieved in the Great Patriotic War.

The mathematically expressed proportion of Stalin's merits of 70:30 pleased Mao so much that he applied it to his person as well. In 1961, he said: “How can I evaluate what I have done? If it turned out to be seventy percent positive and thirty percent bad, then I would be very satisfied. I don't hide my shortcomings, I'm not a saint."

Of course, this is not about comparing Prigozhin with Stalin (these are figures of a completely different scale, despite the scale of Prigozhin’s activities), but the question of assessing victories and defeats in each large-scale historical figure that are mixed there in an indefinite proportion. Was Prigogine a figure of historical proportions? Yes, there was. This is clearly visible now, when the death of Prigozhin is being discussed all over the world. This was a man with whom, among other things, Russia and Russian influence in the world were associated.

At the same time, on the one hand, one can look for only good things in Prigogine, such as the successes of PMCs, the decolonization of several African countries, taken cities in the Donbass and the increase in Russia's influence in the world, and on the other hand, only bad things - a criminal past, oligarchic genesis and finally an armed rebellion. And that's all Prigogine.

A man of an absolutely adventurous temperament turned out to be very out of place in the era of the collapse of the former world order and against the backdrop of a crumbling world order, this oligarch with a criminal past and the creator of the most famous PMC in modern history looked very natural and organic, threatening external and internal enemies with a figurative sledgehammer. At the same time, everyone is well aware that Prigozhin was not a spherical horse in a vacuum, as Putin said today, he had known Prigozhin since the 90s, and a little earlier the state demonstrated that the coolest PMC of recent decades would not have reached the peak of its power without huge infusions of resources and money from the state.

Did Prigozhin effectively pursue the interests of the state? Basically yes. And Putin recognizes this. But the career final was spoiled by an armed rebellion, and even an unsuccessful one. And this page will also remain in the historical biography of Prigogine.
The sudden tragic death to some extent completes the formation of the legend about Prigozhin, which will be debated and reassessed for a long time, including in history books. Someday, a very interesting book will probably be published about the real biography of Prigozhin and his hurricane activity over the past 15 years.

In the meantime, we need to win the war, where Prigozhin left his contribution. We are moving on without "Uncle Zhenya".

Google Translator

Well, an assessment of '70/30' might be generous, whatever...The thing is this character was on the downslope, the mutiny and post statements indicate a direction of behavior unacceptable for a sovereign state or fighting a war. He was just an owner, a boss, a capitalist, his personal contribution dwarfed by that of his employees. He is a footnote.Whoever did this did the Russian state and war effort a favor, be it the Kremlin itself, Ukraine or Russian Aerospace.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:40 am

Wagner's future
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/26/2023


The identity of the ten killed in the attack against Wagner has yet to be confirmed by means of DNA analysis, but tributes have been improvised in different places in Russia, not only in front of the company's headquarters in Saint Petersburg, both to Evgeny Prigozhin and to Dmitry Utkin, the two highest-profile people believed to have died last Wednesday. More than a day after the events, Vladimir Putin finally ruled on what happened. The night of the event, the Russian president kept his agenda unchanged and handed over the titles of Hero of Russia to the personnel of the Alyosha tank, which a few weeks ago defeated a Ukrainian armored column. That episode is an example of everything that Moscow wants to show in this war: teamwork, multidisciplinary action in collaboration with surveillance and reconnaissance drones and the victory of Russian weapons against Western weapons. The timing, in which the Russian president sought to exploit the feat to encourage the country and the troops, was marred by what, in the absence of official confirmation, was the murder of ten people.

In his brief reference to the events, Vladimir Putin on Thursday referred to Evgeny Prigozhin as a person with a "complex fate" and a man with talent for business. The Russian president confirmed knowing the owner of Wagner for decades, when Prigozhin was making his way in business in the years of wild capitalism in which only a few managed to benefit from the utter chaos of price deregulation and liberalization. Prigozhin was one of them and managed to go from having a fast food stand to establishing himself among the city's elite in the high-end hospitality sector. In those years, led by Anatoly Sobchak, his political mentor, Vladimir Putin dealt, among other things, with the issue of business licenses in the St. Petersburg city council. It is from there that the press understands that a close friendship that never seemed to be so close starts. Faced with the idea that Prigozhin was part of Vladimir Putin's close circle, in reality much smaller than what the media wants to imply, theChef actually served as one of the many intermediaries between different power groups.

Wagner's creation responds to this need to supply certain services both to the State and to companies and high-level figures. In his brief comment on Prigozhin's death, which the Russian president took for granted when offering his condolences to the family, Vladimir Putin mentioned the Wagner owner's personal successes, but also his willingness to accept tasks to achieve the goals of the Russian state. . Among these common tasks is the formation of a private structure -or perhaps it should be described as parapublic- to cover those spaces that the State structures could not reach. This is how Wagner's troops arrived in Syria, when large Russian companies refused to collaborate with the Syrian authorities for fear of being sanctioned by the United States.

Beyond the question of responsibility for the murder, which can hardly be deciphered from the outside at this time, the main question now is that of Wagner's future. According to the passenger list, to the disappearance of Prigozhin must be added that of Dmitry Utkin, considered an integral part of Wagner's purely military structure, one of the founders of the company and possibly the mastermind behind the military operation .of June 24. Also on the list was Valery Chekalov, considered Prigozhin's right-hand man in the business sphere, also included in the US sanctions in July 2023 for his role in the attempt to "supply ammunition to the Russian Federation." Despite the fact that Wagner has ensured that there were contingency plans in the event of the disappearance of its leader, Prigozhin's death calls into question the future of the company as an independent structure. Although he was surprised that, despite the death threats that Prigozhin claimed to receive, the two Wagner leaders traveled on the same plane, it is premature to describe the leadership of the company as headless.

As John Lechner, an expert on the Central African Republic and a great connoisseur of Wagner's structure and general situation, recalled, the company continues to have highly competent commanders. Beyond the three best-known names, the list of passengers from the downed plane does not include, for example, Andrei Troshev, Sedoy , a veteran of Afghanistan and a person that Vladimir Putin had indicated as a possible commander of that army if he had joined the official structures of the Ministry of Defence. That option disappeared on June 24, 2023 with the failed mutiny, which marked a turning point for both Prigozhin and his paramilitary structure. Nor was another of the commanders highlighted by Lechner on the plane, Alexander Kuznetsov, Ratibor, pictured with Utkin and Troshev alongside Vladimir Putin at an award ceremony held in the Kremlin.

In the weeks between the coup attempt - which was not aimed at Vladimir Putin but at Sergey Shoigu and Valery Gerasimov - Prigozhin was able to maintain his commercial relations, recover his assets and property and consolidate his foreign presence. The Ministry of Defense aspires to be able to replace Wagner's troops in its commitments in countries such as the Central African Republic or Mali, although its possibilities of achieving it in the short or medium term are limited. The private military company Redut, actually a larger structure with clear links to the Ministry, therefore not necessarily a company but a parallel structure, is the one chosen for this. However, for the moment, its success is limited and it is only in an initial phase of organization of what it should be in the future.

With a talent for business, Prigozhin has created in the countries where his companies operate - not just Wagner - a series of networks and ties of trust that are not easy to replace quickly. And although Prigozhin stood out for his constant monitoring of the daily work of his commanders and employees in national and international territory, the operation of these missions abroad does not depend on the person running the company. Wagner's future will depend on his ability to maintain his business structure, the only way to ensure that his military base endures.

The permanence of the troops also depends on the people who replace Dmitry Utkin as a military claim. Rumors, faster than the news in this type of situation, point to Troshev, although he is a figure who has been questioned, if not maligned, from circles close to Wagner after Vladimir Putin mentioned his name as a possible commander of a Wagner integrated as a unit within the structures of the Ministry of Defense.

In any case, it seems clear that, in Prigozhin's absence, Wagner's recruiting ability will be undermined. Without his main figure, demonstrations such as the one held this week, in which the owner of the company called, from an African country -possibly Mali- to expand his presence on the continent, also disappeared. Already complicated by the wear and tear that the war in Ukraine has meant for Prigozhin's army, any attempt at expansion is currently annulled, although Russia's aspiration to maintain its current foreign presence is not.

As the Government of the Central African Republic, the country in which Wagner's presence is more important, has once again insisted, the military collaboration contract does not directly link Prigozhin's company and the country, but rather an agreement with the State Russian. Wagner operates in the country as a force sent by the state and under an agreement between the two governments, so any withdrawal of soldiers would have to be compensated by the Kremlin to fulfill the contract. Russia's and Wagner's foreign contracts take place in countries with few alternatives in the search for allies in the field of security. This is the case of the Central African Republic, where Russia obtained an exemption from the United Nations Security Council to violate the arms embargo, and also that of Mali. With French troops expelled from the country and with a military government at odds with a large part of the other countries in the area, Mali cannot afford to lose its Russian allies, all of whom are currently Wagner soldiers. Even more important is the Russian presence in the Central African Republic, where it is a key element of President Touadéra's effort to strengthen the army, recover territory and reduce instability in the country.

Despite the fact that the greatest need for troops and recruitment is now in the Ukraine, the foreign presence, until now carried out through Wagner, is in the interest of the Kremlin, which seeks to project a security capability that rivals or improves the services provided. until now by France or the United States. For this reason, Wagner's work in Africa was not endangered even in spite of the mutiny on June 24. The disappearance of Prigozhin closes the door to any expansion that Wagner's owner aspired to, but it does not necessarily mean the loss of presence in the countries where he had integrated into the security structures. The presence of Wagner in Belarus is also in question, created through the agreement closed on June 24 to de-escalate the conflict between Prigozhin and the security structures of the Russian Federation. For now, and despite rumors that the base around Minsk is being dismantled, Alexander Lukashenko has declared that Belarus has Wagner's troops, whom he promised to host.

Doubts about what awaits Wagner in the coming months are not due to the company's ability to maintain the loyalty of its soldiers, but to the permanence of a stable business structure that makes it possible. Until now, Wagner had based his recruiting capacity and stability of his army on the loyalty of the soldiers to the figure of Evgeny Prigozhin, something that he will have to rebuild from now on if he aspires to consolidate.

Until now, Wagner's raison d'être has not only been the business side and enrichment, but his availability to meet the needs of Russia's power groups, including the government. With Prigozhin's death yet to be confirmed and the succession yet to be determined, it is too early to speculate on whether Wagner will be able to achieve a stable enough structure to remain an indispensable cog in Russia's long-term foreign presence. The reality of the international situation and the needs of the Russian State make its use practically essential for the Kremlin in the short term. ... more-28006

Google Translator

Umm, mercenary troops will be loyal to the boss until the pay checks stop. I do not see that blowhard having had the charisma to hold loyalty much beyond that. He will not be remembered like one of the martyrs of Donbass.


Chronicle of the special military operation for June 9, 2023
June 9, 2023

Fierce battles have been going on for several days in the Orekhovsky sector : Russian servicemen not only manage to successfully hold the defense, but also destroy dozens of Ukrainian armored vehicles, including Leopard 2 tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles supplied by the West.

Nevertheless, the enemy did not stop making offensive attempts near Orekhovo even that night . At the same time, in the coming days, we should expect attacks by Ukrainian formations in other directions.

At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine again struck at the frontline and rear settlements of Russia. In addition to the long-suffering Belgorod and Kursk regions , a Ukrainian drone reached Voronezh : three civilians were injured.

At the same time, the enemy once again attacked the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant , and also fired British Storm Shadow cruise missiles at the pioneer camp on the Arbat Spit Spit .


The situation at the Orekhovsky site

For several days, Ukrainian formations have been attempting to break through the Russian defenses in the Zaporozhye direction . For more than a day, intense fighting continues at the Rabotino - Verbovoye line .

Ukrainian formations concentrated their efforts specifically on one area, sending reserves and manpower to capture one strong point. Because of this, the fighters of the RF Armed Forces retreated to reserve positions. However, after that, artillery and aviation worked out against the enemy, who was trying to gain a foothold on the lines taken. As a result, the APU retreated with heavy losses.

Toward morning, the enemy resumed attacks on Rabotino with the forces of 65 Ombre. At the same time, an armored group of 47 ombr on Leopard 2A4 tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles began an assault on strongholds between Rabotino and Verbov. Russian troops dealt a massive blow to the advancing enemy units, destroying several pieces of equipment supplied by Western countries.

At the Kamensky Armed Forces of Ukraine, they tried to dig in the village of Lobkove , pulling up armored vehicles there. The reconnaissance groups of the RF Armed Forces discovered the accumulation of the enemy and called for fire on him. As a result, the 2nd company of the 128th Guards Rifle Brigade retreated, and Lobkovoe itself again found itself in the “gray zone”.

Judging by the available personnel, Ukrainian formations have lost at least 54 pieces of equipment in recent days. Among them are Leopard 2 tanks, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, VAB and M113 armored personnel carriers, ARVs and other samples, the type of which is difficult to establish due to their complete combustion. At least some of the targets, including the American Bradleys, were destroyed by Ka-52 army aviation helicopters, which was confirmed by objective monitoring footage.

At the same time, at night, Ukrainian formations made a new offensive attempt in the Orekhovsky sector: at the moment, Russian troops are striking at the identified enemy units.

Consequences of the destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP

For the third day in a row, the situation in the flood zone in the Kherson region remains difficult. The water level drops rapidly in Novaya Kakhovka and Gornostaevka , however, in Aleshki and Hola Pristan it is still at a height of 12 meters. The administration of the Kherson region believes that the water will remain at a high level for about ten more days. The Russian authorities managed to evacuate about six thousand people from the disaster area, but the death toll reached eight people.

On the right bank of the Dnieper, the situation also remains tense: in Kherson and other communities, the water is still holding. In addition, downstream, in the Nikolaev region , 30 settlements have already been flooded.

According to the British Guardian newspaper, the Ukrainian authorities are unhappy that Western countries have not yet supported their version of the Russian bombing of the facility. The UN also believes that the circumstances of the destruction of the hydroelectric power station are still “too incomprehensible” for this incident to be qualified in any way. However, this did not prevent the head of the EU foreign service, Josep Borrell, from unfoundedly accusing Russia. However, the diplomat added that he had no real evidence of Russia's involvement.

The situation on the front line and the fighting
A stably tense situation remains in the Starobelsky direction : the parties are engaged in artillery duels and mutual reconnaissance. At the same time, fierce fighting continues in the forests near Kremennaya .

On the flanks of Bakhmut, the enemy does not stop trying to break through. Armored group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to attack the borders of the RF Armed Forces in the area of ​​the Berkhovsky reservoir , however, the Russian military personnel were able to destroy two infantry fighting vehicles and damage one enemy tank with return fire. Despite another failure of the Ukrainian formations, we should expect repeated attempts to attack on the northern flank of Bakhmut.

In the Donetsk direction, the front line in the Maryinsky and Avdeevsky sectors did not undergo significant changes. Heavy trench battles for the capture of enemy fortified areas continue. To defeat the infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, both tanks from closed firing positions and strike UAVs are used.

Also today it became known about the death of the legendary commander of the company "Somalia" "Sparrow" Roman Vorobyov . For services to the fatherland, the officer was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Posthumously.

In the Zaporozhye direction, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continues to bring fresh forces into battle at the Rabotino - Verbove line . Russian units are actively defending and inflicting serious damage on the enemy, holding their current positions. To the west, Ukrainian formations tried to dig in the previously occupied village of Lobkove , pulling up armored vehicles there. However, after the targeted work of Russian artillery, the enemy had to retreat. At the moment, the settlement is in the "gray zone".

The situation on the line of contact in the Kherson region has not changed. Evacuations continue in previously front-line coastal settlements. At the same time, the head of the region, Volodymyr Saldo, said that the rescuers were hindered by shelling from Ukrainian formations.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

In Voronezh, a Ukrainian drone hit the window of a residential high-rise building on Belinsky Street : an explosion occurred in the apartment, three people were injured. The rest of the residents were evacuated, the Ministry of Emergency Situations is working on the spot. According to preliminary information, the drone tried to hit one of the military facilities in the city center, but either lost its course or was jammed by electronic warfare.

The most likely target of the UAV attack could be the Baltimore military airfield - it is on it that the Su-34 fighter-bombers are based, which are used to deliver missile strikes against targets on the territory of Ukraine. In addition, on the opposite bank of the Voronezh River, there is the VASO aircraft manufacturing enterprise - one of the first-born of the domestic aircraft industry. The enterprise is engaged in the production and repair of several types of aircraft, including special modifications of the wide-body Il-96.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to use drones to attack civilian targets in the Kursk region . In the regional capital, the drone crashed on the territory of the tank farm of the oil depot without causing any damage or destruction. In addition, an enemy UAV dropped an explosive device near a residential building in the village of Tetkino : civilians were not injured.

In the Belgorod region, Ukrainian militants once again fired at the border areas. Air defense systems intercepted the shells over Razumny , but fragments still damaged several residential buildings. The massive Shebekino continued : residential buildings and several civilian infrastructure facilities were hit. Three people were injured, two of them were hospitalized.

At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to attack Belgorod itself . Russian air defense systems intercepted two air targets on approach to the city. One drone crashed onto the roof of an office building: no detonation occurred, but a fire broke out.

At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to launch a missile attack on the administrative quarter of Lugansk , but the air defense systems intercepted all air targets.

Ukrainian formations continue to carry out indiscriminate strikes against civilian infrastructure in the Donetsk People's Republic . More than ten houses were damaged in Gorlovka , one woman was injured. In Donetsk, two civilians were blown up by an anti-personnel mine "Petal". In addition, the Temple of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir in the Kuibyshev region was deliberately fired upon.

In the Zaporozhye region, the enemy fired on the farm "Alois Agro" in the village of Gusarka , Kuibyshev district: outbuildings were destroyed, no one was injured.

In addition, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the pioneer camp on the Arabat Spit with three Storm Shadow missiles, one of which fell into the water. As a result of the shelling , one person was killed and another was injured. It should be noted that people evacuated from the flood zone are accommodated in boarding houses and rest houses.

Political events
On the supply of Western weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The US plans to provide a new $2.1 billion military aid package to Ukraine that will include air defense systems and HAWK missiles, as well as additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems.

At the same time, the decision to supply ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the amount of 32.4 million euros was made by Belgium .

On the admission of Ukraine to NATO

Meanwhile, the heads of France , Germany and Poland are planning to discuss security guarantees for Ukraine on June 12 in Paris.

On the agenda of the meeting is the issue of a common position of the countries on the possible admission of Ukraine to NATO.

Jens Stolstenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance, in turn, said that Ukraine would become a member of the alliance, but did not set specific dates.

On the transfer of captive Transcarpathian Hungarians to Hungary

Russia directly handed over to Hungary 11 Transcarpathian Hungarians who fought in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, in turn, summoned the charge d'affaires of Hungary, where he was told of the need to coordinate such actions with Kiev.

On the situation around the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, they plan to serve a memorial service for Hetman Ivan Mazepa , who betrayed Russia during the Great Northern War.

In Ukraine, Mazepa, who switched from Russian service to the side of the Swedes, is considered a national hero. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Who’s afraid of Prigozhin and Wagner?

Yevgeny Prigozhin speaks to camera in an image taken from video released on Wagner-linked Telegram channels on Aug. 21, 2023

There has been an avalanche of western media reports within minutes or hours of the ghastly death on Wednesday of the head of the Wagner organisation of Russian military contractors, Yevgeny Prigozhin, which pointed the accusing finger at President Vladimir Putin as the perpetrator.

It is almost as if a button was pressed at some unknown command centre to launch a new narrative to demonise Putin for serving the cold dish of revenge to Prigozhin, to borrow the CIA director William Burns’ recent words, for staging a failed coup in Russia. No one cared to produce empirical evidence.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” — the law of propaganda is often attributed to the Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels who understood the power of repeating falsehoods. It is now the West’s compass to “erase” Russia.

True, Putin had every reason to be annoyed with Prigozhin — a “stab in the back,” as he put it — when the nation was waging an existential war against sworn enemies who seek the dismemberment of Russia. But three considerations discredit the hypothesis of Putin’s involvement.

First, why such a crude method reminiscent of the murder of the charismatic Iranian general Qasem Suleimani, the spearhead of Tehran’s ‘Axis of Resistance’ against America, by former US president Donald Trump?

In his celebrated 1827 essay titled On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts, Thomas De Quincey wrote, “Everything in this world has two handles. Murder, for instance, may be laid hold of by its moral handle… and that, I confess, is its weak side; or it may also be treated aesthetically, as the Germans call it, that is, in relation to good taste.” The aesthetic of Prigozhin’s murder is, simply put, the least appealing by the principle of murder connoisseurship if the motivation were revenge .

Second, Prigozhin was a dead man walking for staging such an idiotic act, after his security cover was withdrawn by the state. Imagine ex-president Barack Obama without secret service protection after the murder of Osama bin Laden — or Mike Pompeo and Trump walking around without security after murdering Soleimani.

But Putin made it clear that Wagner still would have a future and the nation will remember its role in the Ukraine war. Putin even invited Prigozhin to a Kremlin meeting. Arguably, Putin’s first remarks on Prigozhin’s death betray a trace of pity. (here and here)

Putin said, “I’ve known Prigozhin for a very long time, since the early 1990s. He was a man of no easy fate. He made some serious mistakes in his life, but he also achieved the needed results – both for himself and, when I asked him, for the common cause. The way it was in recent months.”

“As far as I know, he returned from Africa only yesterday. He met with some officials here. He worked not only in our country – and he worked successfully, but also abroad, especially in Africa. There, he dealt with oil, gas, precious metals and stones,” Putin added.

In the excessive zeal to focus on Prigozhin’s murder to demonise Putin, what is overlooked is that whoever choreographed the crime also ensured that Wagner’s entire command structure has been eliminated. Bye, bye, Africa!

There isn’t going to be anyone in the foreseeable future to challenge the hegemony of the French Legion in the Sahel or match the vast network of 29 bases under Pentagon’s Africa Command spread across the continent from Djibouti in the north to Botswana in the south. Put differently, the long arm of Russia’s “smart power” has been chopped off with one single swing of the blade. Who stands to gain?

Third, Prigozhin’s murder was staged on a special day that in a historical perspective, must be counted as the finest hour of Russian diplomacy ever since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. The reality of “a new starting point for BRICS” — as Chinese President Xi Jinping stated — is yet to sink in fully, but what is beyond doubt is that Russia is walking away as the winner.

Make no mistake that the BRICS unity held firm and rubbished all western prognosis; BRICS expansion means that the issue of a single settlement currency is on the table, and the international financial system is not going to be the same again; de-dollarisation is knocking at the gates; a new global trading system is taking shape which renders obsolete the exploitative 4-century old western regime geared to transfer wealth to the rich countries; BRICS has graduated, finally, from an informal club to an institution that will eclipse the G7.

The host country South Africa delivered big-time for the Russian and Chinese agenda of multipolarity. The joint statement issued by South Africa and China and the induction of Ethiopia (where the West tried to stage a regime change) as BRICS member underscore the emerging alignment in Africa. Doesn’t all that add up to something?

And, above all, the big message coming out of Johannesburg is that with all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, the Biden administration has failed miserably to “isolate” Russia — it is there writ large in the resplendent glow of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s effulgent smile. Russia is capping its gains in the battlefields of Ukraine with an outstanding diplomatic victory by being on the right side of history alongside the global majority.

Isn’t it plain common sense that of all days, Putin would never have chosen Wednesday to act as spoiler when Russia’s prestige was soaring high in the international community? Again, the question arises: Who stands to gain?

The plain truth is, there could be any number of people who wanted to physically eliminate Prigozhin. Within Russia itself, Prigozhin had recruited hardened criminals undergoing prison sentence to fight in Ukraine and thereby get their sentence commuted. He deployed them without adequate military training, and over 10,000 of them reportedly got killed. There is a deep sense of revulsion within Russia in the matter.

Then there are the external enemies starting from France, which has been virtually evicted from the Sahel region, its playpen where it had a field day as the ex-colonial power until Prigozhin came and spoiled the party. France could barely hide its rancour toward Russia ever since then.

Meanwhile, the brewing crisis in Niger alerted the US that Prigozhin was on the prowl. The redoubtable acting secretary of state Victoria Nuland, who masterminded the 2014 coup in Ukraine, travelled to Niamey to plead with the coup leaders not to have any truck with Wagner.

However, Prigozhin reportedly had sneaked into the neighbouring country, Mali, where Wagner is well established, with a view to establish contact with Niger’s new rulers and offer the services of Wagner. Suffice to say, Prigozhin was threatening to do to the Pentagon what he earlier did to the French Legion in Sahel.

It is entirely conceivable that the Biden administration decided that enough was enough and Wagner must be decapitated. Of course, Prigozhin’s departure along with his core group of senior commanders will incalculably weaken Wagner.

Meanwhile, within Russia, the ruthless Uranian intelligence operates at different levels. The drone attacks on Moscow are being staged by saboteurs within Russia. And Ukraine too has a score to settle with Wagner, which is establishing itself in Belarus.

Without doubt, there is a congruence of interests between the Ukrainian intelligence and its western mentors to destroy Wagner and eliminate it from the geopolitical chessboard altogether. ... nd-wagner/


Russian foreign minister says they are open for talks but reject West’s attempts at intimidation

Citing the fate of the 2014-15 Minsk agreement, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov rejected French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal for mediation between Russia and Ukraine, calling it empty posturing and an attempt to seek attention

August 25, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

Russian FM Sergey Lavrov. (Photo: Sputnik/Grigory Sisoev)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reiterated Russia’s willingness to explore diplomatic channels to find a solution to the war in Ukraine but claimed that the West has deliberately chosen belligerence over meaningful negotiations, showing a complete lack of common sense, RT reported.

Lavrov was speaking to the press after the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, South Africa, on Thursday, August 24. He said, “We are always open for discussions, but we are not going to answer calls for discussions which involve boorish ultimatums, extortion, and threats against us.”

A peace conference was held in Saudi Arabia in the beginning of August at the initiative of Ukraine and Western countries. The conference discussed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s proposal which included demands such as complete Russian withdrawal from all Ukrainian territories, constitution of a war tribunal to try Russian leaders for alleged war crimes, and remuneration as preconditions to start a diplomatic process to resolve the crisis. Russia was not invited to the conference.

Lavrov also said that the governments of European Union (EU) countries were behaving as agents of the US and had abandoned the interests of their own citizens and economies to serve its interests.

He rejected French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal for mediation between Russia and Ukraine, calling it empty posturing and an attempt to seek attention. “If someone wants to make a contribution to the search of a settlement, they do not use a microphone. It is done through appropriate channels,” he said.

Macron had expressed his willingness to attend the 15th BRICS summit in South Africa and offered mediation. Lavrov, however, questioned France’s credibility to become a mediator given its record. France was one of the mediators of talks between Ukraine and Russia following the outbreak of the war in Donbass in 2014, which culminated in the Minsk accords 2014-15. Despite being approved by the UN Security Council, Ukraine refused to implement its contents and end the war in Donbass and provide it autonomy.

Then French President Francios Hollande admitted last year that peace was not the intention behind the Minsk accords but they were initiated to buy time for Ukraine to be supplied with weapons to fight against Russia.

Ever since the initial talks held in Istanbul last year were derailed, allegedly under Western pressure, Ukraine has refused to open any new channel for dialogue with Russia, reiterating that talks can only be initiated after Russia fulfills the pre-conditions under Zelensky’s formula. Russia has rejected the pre-conditions as “unrealistic and unacceptable.”

In the past few months, several proposals have been floated by China, Brazil, and African nations but without any positive outcome. ... imidation/


So Much Winning ... And More ...

Rob Lee @RALee85 - 5:39 UTC · Aug 24, 2023
The Deep State channel updated its map to show Ukraine has liberated Robotyne. They credit the 47th, 65th, 116th, 117th, 118th, 71st, 46th, 82nd brigades; Skala battalion; 78th Regiment; 73rd Center; and NGU 3rd and 14th Brigades that fought in the area.

According to the above Senior Fellow @FPRI Rob Lee the Ukrainian army has used 10+ brigades, some 20 to 35,000 men, to take (not confirmed) Robotyne. A town which, according to the 2001 census, had 480 inhabitants.

So much winning ...

How many of such victories can the Ukraine sustain?

Correct assessment, wrong conclusion:

U.S., Ukraine Clash Over Counteroffensive Strategy (archived) - WSJ, Aug 24 2023
Kyiv’s forces can still break through Russia defenses, but time is running out, Washington officials say

“You don’t understand the nature of this conflict,” Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Ukrainian commander, responded in one interaction with the Americans, a U.S. official recounted. “This is not counterinsurgency. This is Kursk,” the commander added, referring to the major World War II battle between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The Battle of Kursk was much larger, in men and material, than the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.


But there are similarities and Zaluzhny seems not to have recognized those in time to act appropriately.

Like the Ukrainian 'spring counter-offensive' the battle for Kursk was delayed to wait for the arrival of new weapons.

On 10 March, Manstein presented a plan whereby the German forces would pinch off the Kursk salient with a rapid offensive commencing as soon as the spring rasputitsa had subsided.
On 17–18 June, following a discussion in which the OKW Operations Staff suggested abandoning the offensive, Hitler further postponed the operation until 3 July. Finally, on 1 July, Hitler announced 5 July as the launch date of the offensive.

The Russians had used the delay to build their defenses.

The Central and Voronezh Fronts each constructed three main defensive belts in their sectors, with each subdivided into several zones of fortifications.
The Voronezh and Central Fronts dug 4,200 kilometres (2,600 mi) and 5,000 kilometres (3,100 mi) of trenches respectively, laid out in criss-cross pattern for ease of movement. The Soviets built more than 686 bridges and about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) of roads in the salient. Red Army combat engineers laid 503,663 anti-tank mines and 439,348 anti-personnel mines, with the highest concentration in the first main defensive belt.p

The minefields at Kursk achieved densities of 1,700 anti-personnel and 1,500 anti-tank mines per kilometre, about four times the density used in the defence of Moscow.

Here are the current defense lines:


The Germans did quite well during their attack as the southern group nearly broke through the 3rd Soviet defense line. However, the northern group was by then on the verge of being surrounded and strategic developments required to stem the losses.

After having halted the German advances the Russians finally launched their own offensive.

Hitler cancelled the offensive at Kursk after only a week, in part to divert forces to Italy. Germany's extensive losses of men and tanks ensured that the victorious Soviet Red Army enjoyed the strategic initiative for the remainder of the war. The Battle of Kursk was the first time in the Second World War that a German strategic offensive was halted before it could break through enemy defences and penetrate to its strategic depths. Though the Red Army had succeeded in winter offensives previously, their counter-offensives after the German attack at Kursk were their first successful summer offensives of the war.

Recognizing a Kursk like trap the Ukrainian forces should have opted for a defensive posture. But, pushed by the U.S., they made the same mistake the Germans made in their attack on Kursk.

We may now finally see the other side ready to make its move:

Putin says Russia has not 'started anything in earnest' with regard to its war with Ukraine - AP, July 8 2022

Speaking at a meeting with leaders of the Kremlin-controlled parliament, Putin accused Western allies of fueling the hostilities, charging that “the West wants to fight us until the last Ukrainian.”
“It’s a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it looks like it’s heading in that direction,” he added.

“Everybody should know that largely speaking, we haven’t even yet started anything in earnest,” Putin said in a menacing note.

After talk with Putin, Zaporozhye head says ‘interesting’ developments expected this fall - TASS, Aug 24 2023

The acting head of the Zaporozhye Region, Yevgeny Balitsky, said after a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that he expected ‘lots of interesting' developments to take place in the special operation zone this fall.
"After a conversation with the president, I can say that <…> I received a proof of his remark that we haven’t begun anything yet. And there will be lots of interesting [developments] this fall," he told the Rossiya-24 television channel.

In current western culture, the 'good' will always win. But life is not about 'good' versus 'bad':

Notes on Stormtrooper Syndrome - Ecosophia:

Popular entertainment in Western industrial nations today is as thickly larded with moral posturing as anything Victorian parents inflicted on their children. In most popular genres, the Good People always win, and the Bad People always lose. Oh, there’s often a Good Person who dies heroically so the other Good People can emote on camera, and there’s often a Bad Person who turns out to have a heart of gold, but the basic principle remains: Good People win because they’re good, Bad People lose because they’re baaaaad.
There’s no shortage of examples of Stormtrooper Syndrome these days, but I’m going to focus on the most important of the lot, the one that bids fair to transform the world’s political and economic landscape in the years immediately ahead. Yes, we need to talk about Ukraine.
That emphatically does not mean we need to talk about who gets to claim the roles of Good People and Bad People in the Russo-Ukrainian war. May I whisper an unwelcome truth in your ear, dear reader? The outcome of this war does not depend on which side is morally better than the other. In the real world, in terms of military victory and defeat, who’s right and who’s wrong don’t matter two weak farts in a Cat-5 hurricane once the cannon start to roar.

He had made so many enemies that it is hard to know who did him in:

The Last Days of Wagner’s Prigozhin (archived) - WSJ, Aug 24 2023
On the run, the paramilitary chief crisscrossed his global business empire, desperate to show he was still in control; ‘I need more gold’

“We will all go to hell,” Prigozhin said in an undated video, released Wednesday by the Grey Zone Telegram channel, which frequently publishes official Wagner statements. “But in hell, we will be the best.”

The quite neutral Wagner war movie Best in Hell (English subs), which I previously recommended, is available on Youtube and elsewhere.

Posted by b on August 25, 2023 at 5:39 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

Like I've said, Kursk looms large in the Russian military imagination. Even if the US generals ignorantly insist upon their unsuitable tactics you might think that some Uke generals, schooled in the Red Army, might have a clue. I suppose any who voiced such opinion were ignored, at best.


Black day for the German economy
August 25, 3:21 p.m


Russophobes from Bild threw a tantrum that this week the German economy experienced a "rainy day and sank heavily."
As they state:

1. Germany is in a recession.
2. The German economy continues to shrink.
3. The competitiveness of mechanical engineering has fallen to its lowest level in the last 30 years.
4. There is a catastrophic shortage of trained workers in industry.
5. The throughput of Hamburg fell by 12%
6. The amount of German goods sent outside the EU fell by almost 3%.

At the same time, anything is indicated as reasons - Scholz's policy, the stubborn "traffic light coalition", wrong laws, bureaucracy, etc. and so on. Just not the war in Ukraine, US policy and sanctions against the Russian Federation, which in fact are the main reasons for the destruction of the German economy, which in July gave Russia the 5th line in the world ranking in terms of GDP. As expected, the Russophobes from Bild do not see their own guilt in what is happening, although they actively called for sanctions and war. And now they pretend that they have nothing to do with it. Pitiful hypocrites.

PS. At the same time, the Russian economy, which is under sanctions, continues to grow, albeit modestly. The wonderful policy of the German leadership. So squandering Merkel's legacy is something you have to be able to do.

Black day for the German economy
The entry is in the top 200 rating
August 25, 3:21 p.m

Russophobes from Bild threw a tantrum that this week the German economy experienced a "rainy day and sank heavily."
As they state:

1. Germany is in a recession.
2. The German economy continues to shrink.
3. The competitiveness of mechanical engineering has fallen to its lowest level in the last 30 years.
4. There is a catastrophic shortage of trained workers in industry.
5. The throughput of Hamburg fell by 12%
6. The amount of German goods sent outside the EU fell by almost 3%.

At the same time, anything is indicated as reasons - Scholz's policy, the stubborn "traffic light coalition", wrong laws, bureaucracy, etc. and so on. Just not the war in Ukraine, US policy and sanctions against the Russian Federation, which in fact are the main reasons for the destruction of the German economy, which in July gave Russia the 5th line in the world ranking in terms of GDP. As expected, the Russophobes from Bild do not see their own guilt in what is happening, although they actively called for sanctions and war. And now they pretend that they have nothing to do with it. Pitiful hypocrites.

PS. At the same time, the Russian economy, which is under sanctions, continues to grow, albeit modestly. The wonderful policy of the German leadership. So squandering Merkel's legacy is something you have to be able to do.

There is no information on state financing of Wagner
August 26, 11:30


There is no information on the state financing of Wagner.

Peskov appeared after the rest and began to perform in his own style.

In June, Putin said that the content of Wagner was "fully provided by the state." Dmitry Peskov claims that the PMC did not have

state funding

A Kremlin spokesman was asked if state funding for a private military company would continue as it registered in Belarus.

“There was no government funding. This has nothing to do with being in Belarus, this is a completely different order of the topic. Here I cannot answer this question. Of course, you can turn to the Belarusian authorities, but here I have no information for you right now, ”Peskov replied.

At the end of June, President Vladimir Putin said that the content of the Wagner PMC was "fully provided by the state." According to him, only from May 2022 to May 2023, expenses amounted to tens of billions of rubles.

“Despite the fact that the very maintenance of Wagner was on the shoulders of the state, in a year the owner of the Concord company (Prigozhin. - RBC) through Voentorg received, earned from the state, supplying food and providing nutrition services to the army, earned 80 billion rubles,” Putin said. “The state completely took over the maintenance, and part of this whole group, this very Concord company, at the same time earned 80 billion rubles,” the president explained.

Peskov added that he could not say anything about the future of Wagner PMC. “Let's not forget that there is no such structure, there is no de jure Wagner PMC. There is indeed a Wagner group, and the president has repeatedly said that it has made a great contribution to the course of a special military operation, ”said the Kremlin spokesman. ... 199e49f64b - zinc

Formally, one can of course refer to the fact that a contract was concluded with a private structure that acted as a private contractor of the state on outsourcing. And in this case, we are not talking about direct financing, but rather about certain contractual obligations (which, of course, no one has seen in the public field).

Nevertheless, it is obvious that without government contracts (including through the RF Ministry of Defense), the Wagner PMC would not have reached the peak of its power by the spring of 2023, given that the equipment was provided by the RF Ministry of Defense and the Wagner PMC "It was not purchased, but received for free for use.

Regarding the status, indeed, there are no PMCs legally in Russia, but in fact they are. The law, which was supposed to eliminate this legal incident, has not yet been adopted. The next round of debates on the topic of legal legalization of already existing PMCs will probably take place in the autumn.

It is also worth noting that after Putin spoke on the topic of Prigozhin's death, many officials supported softening assessments of Prigozhin, where the rebellion is presented as "Prigozhin's serious mistake." Yesterday, Dyumin spoke most vividly on this topic, calling the rebellion a mistake, but not a betrayal, and separately emphasizing that Prigozhin was not a traitor. In general, a kind of partial posthumous rehabilitation of Prigogine took place, despite all the ifs and buts. Well, in Africa and Belarus, Wagner continues to fulfill its tasks, although the future of PMCs is vague, since the loss of part of the top management of such a serious structure cannot do without consequences.

PS. It is not yet clear who and how killed Prigozhin and Utkin. So far, the detonation of an explosive device inside the aircraft looks like the most likely version.

"Slavyan" case
August 26, 12:30 p.m


While I was away, I somehow missed the twist of the "Slavyan" case.

The plot is like this. Norwegian citizen Yan Petrovsky, aka “Slav”, came to fight in the Donbass in 2014 as part of the notorious DSHRG “Rusich”, which in 2014, among other things, acted as part of the RRT “Batman” of Alexander Bednov (aka “Batman”). DShRG "Rusich" even then was full of various far-right and even outright Nazis. Then the notorious Alexei Milchakov was also a member of it. Petrovsky, who lived in Norway from 2004 to 2014, says he has been a Russian nationalist and patriot since childhood.

The finest hour of the Rusich DShRG happened on September 5, 2014, when the Rusich fighters caught a convoy of the Nazi battalion Aidar on the highway and jammed more than 30 Nazis there along with equipment. Almost everyone has seen the video and photos of this defeat. There was also "Slavyan", who, like Milchakov, became famous in photographs with the corpses of murdered Ukrainian Nazis.
This is the link, so to speak.

Recently, Petrovsky, who has been actively involved in the SVO from the first days and who has a residence permit in Norway, went with his wife to rest in Finland (!), where he was received by local policemen and put in jail. According to reports, representatives of the SBU came there demanding the extradition of Petrovsky for the events of 2014-2015. In the process, as they say, "Petrovsky beat up some SBU officer there." DShRG "Rusich" is demanding that the Russian Foreign Ministry deal with Petrovsky's case and prevent extradition, threatening to dump him from the front if Petrovsky is not protected from extradition. Petrovsky has been in a Finnish prison since July.

In fact, Petrovsky, of course, set himself up, clearly not from a great mind. It is necessary to travel to those countries where they cannot detain and extradite, especially it is not necessary to travel to NATO countries and those associated with them. And now it all fell on the Foreign Ministry.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to pull him out, because there is a far from zero probability that he will be extradited to the Ukrainian Nazis, and they will certainly recoup him for the defeat of the Aidar column in 2014. It is unlikely that after extradition he will live to see the end of the war.

Google Translator

Looks like Jesse Ventura in 'Predator'. Seems about as smart too.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part IV

Post by blindpig » Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:50 pm

All clues point to Ukraine
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 08/27/2023


With the promise of receiving in the coming months the long-awaited US-made F-16 fighters, the last wunderwaffeWith which Ukraine says it will manage to recapture even Crimea, kyiv has already begun the lobbying campaign for more Western weapons with which to attack the Black Sea peninsula. That is the objective of all the precision and long-range weapons sought by the Zelensky government, which also demands speed from his partners. Aware that it should not put excessive pressure on the most powerful country, the United States, Ukraine has chosen to demand more from its European partners, who are much weaker and in a position of inferiority, not only in economic terms, but in terms of the numbers of donated weapons for war Despite having sacrificed more weapons than other continental powers such as France and having provided diplomatic support, without which Ukraine would not have been able to sabotage the Minsk process for seven years,

The pressure campaign on Olaf Scholz to accept, despite his obvious reluctance at the time, the delivery of Leopard tanks -whose effectiveness is not even the shadow of the expectations that Kiev had created- serves as a model to now demand speed at the time of delivery of Taurus long-range missiles. For the moment, although the most belligerent part of the German government is pressing for the delivery to take place, Minister Pistorius, generally in favor of continuing to deliver weapons, has repeated that the issue is not yet on the table. The reality is that Ukraine does not request these deliveries, but has gone directly to demanding speed in them. Germany, which is trying to adapt its economy to the loss of access to cheap energy supplied by Russia and which was one of the bases of its competitiveness, it is not only being treated as the weakest link in the European chain in economic terms, but also in political terms. With one of the most radically pro-Ukrainian parties at the helm of the Foreign Office - Rebecca Harms of the Greens even participated in Svoboda events during the immediate post-Maidan era - and a coalition riddled with contradictions, the power of Olaf Scholz it cannot be compared to that of, for example, Angela Merkel. The weakness of the German chancellor is one of the great political news of this war.

It is especially interesting that the statement by the Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, questioned for several corruption scandals, coincides with the latest publication on the investigation of what happened last September in the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Co-owned by Russia and Germany, the gas pipelines suffered an attack with explosives that did not completely destroy the viability of the project -at that time closed in retaliation for the war-, but caused millions in damages in the event that, in the future, the decision is taken. decision to recover this direct connection route between the main gas supplier and who was its most important client. The attack was a success and eliminated any possibility that Olaf Scholz and his government could ever be tempted to reopen the pipeline.

Almost a year later, the Russian gas that transits to the European Union -in much less quantity than before the war, although the sale of Russian liquefied gas to countries like Spain has increased- does so through Ukrainian pipelines, leaving significant income in the Kiev coffers. Even so, and now with other sources of financing, Ukraine has already announced that it will not renew the gas transit contract between Naftogaz Ukraina and Gazprom, so the last pipeline connecting Russia and the EU would be closed due to the political interest of Kiev . Willing to harm its allies, including those who have provided the most funding and political support over the years, Ukraine seeks to do everything possible to create an insurmountable barrier between Russia and European countries.

Despite not being the party most favored by the disappearance of Nord Stream -an honor that corresponds fundamentally to the United States, which with the disappearance of Nord Stream manages to expel a great competitor from the lucrative European energy market-, Ukraine has been at the point for months of sight as the main suspect of the facts. The attempt made by politics and the European press in the first hours after the events collided with the complete absence of evidence with which to justify that Russia had destroyed its own gas pipelines, thus eliminating the only economic card it had to put pressure on Russia. countries like Germany. And despite the fact that authorities such as Boris Pistorius, German Defense Minister, have wanted to cling to the idea of ​​the false flagRussian, updates on the state of the investigation are regularly published in the European media that are aimed solely and exclusively at Ukraine.

Several months ago, a Polish media outlet uncovered the front company that would have been used as a cover for the rental of a yacht with which a team of divers would have placed the explosives tAll clues point to Ukraine
POSTED BY hat would later have exploded. Said company, which the investigative journalists directly linked to Ukrainian intelligence - without specifying whether it was civil or military intelligence, although the objectives and capabilities point to the latter - was located in a building in which there was no trace from the travel agency he claimed to be. The economic data, which went from marginal income to millionaires precisely the year in which the coronavirus pandemic practically paralyzed tourism, closed the circle of a company created for purposes that had little to do with those it claimed to comply with. The Polish report pointed to Zaluzhny as the main knowledgeable figure - or perhaps a participant - in the events. The objective was to avoid directly implicating President Zelensky so as not to tarnish his image and his ability to continue demanding unconditional support for Ukraine from his partners. Polish journalists had even identified a Ukrainian soldier, in service at the time of both the events and the publication, whose name was not released.

Now, coinciding with the new demands of the Ukraine to the government of Berlin, a German medium recovers the story to give some more details about the investigation. “All the evidence points to Kiev”, headlines Der Spiegel , which follows the trail of the Andromeda yacht, which it describes as decrepit, with “engines that roar like a tractor”, with the autopilot broken and extremely noisy, “the perfect yacht if you want not to attract attention. According to the outlet, the Andromeda appeared to be "another worn-out ship, like so many others in the Baltic Sea."

“According to the findings of the investigation so far, a commando of divers and explosives experts chartered the Andromeda almost exactly one year ago and sailed undetected from Warnemünde in northern Germany through the Baltic Sea before blowing up three holes in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines on September 26, 2022. It was a catastrophic assault against the energy supply, an act of sabotage, an attack against Germany”, sentence Der Spiegel. According to the newspaper, the magistrates of the Federal Court of Justice of Germany who are investigating the case consider that the operation sought to “inflict lasting damage to the functionality of the State and its infrastructures. In this sense, it is an attack on the internal security of the State.” The legal language of the German authorities refers to “unknown perpetrators”. “Unknown why”, adds Der Spiegel, “despite countless investigators, intelligence agents and prosecutors from a dozen countries are looking for who is behind the events, it has not been determined who did it. Or why". Subsequently, the medium adds what are perhaps the most important details. “Until now, the findings of the investigation, many of which come from German officials, have been strictly confidential. By order of the Foreign Ministry.

The article describes the investigation as the most important in the history of post-war Germany and refers to the strict protocol applied to all the people who participate in it, who are even obliged to document when they have discussed the case, with whom and about what details. , a requirement that he describes as extremely unusual for the country. All this is because “there is a lot at stake, that is clear. If it was a Russian commando, would it be considered an act of war? According to Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty, an attack against the critical infrastructure of a NATO member state can activate the mutual defense clause. If it was Ukraine, would that put an end to supporting the country with deliveries of tanks and potentially even fighter jets? And what about the Americans? If Washington provided assistance for the attack, could that be the end of the 75-year transatlantic alliance?

The answer would only be affirmative in the first case. The existence of evidence pointing to the hand of Moscow would have been used as a powerful political argument to deepen the separation between the European Union and Russia and, above all, for even greater assistance to Ukraine. However, and despite the fact that investigators and prosecutors publicly keep all lines of investigation open, the sources cited by Der Spiegel assume, off-the-record, which all tracks lead to kyiv. Hence the secrecy of the investigation and the interest of the Foreign Ministry in knowing all the details, which it does not share even with a small circle of ministers. The silence is maximum and is due to those three questions. Two of the three scenarios that are handled as possible - having ruled out the participation of Poland, a potential fourth suspect - lead to accepting that it was one of Germany's allies who committed an act of international terrorism that, if committed by an actor enemy state, could even activate NATO's collective security clause.

Sometimes reality is exactly what it appears to be, and the search for alternative facts leads only to conspiracy theory. Fake passports, phone calls, emails, the company used for the yacht charter and evidence obtained by German investigators in the search trace a path to Ukraine that is “too clean, too obvious”. The only element that still maintains the hope that everything is a false flag Russia is that all clues point to Ukraine. Investigators have even identified one of the participants, Valeri K., whose track journalists from various media have followed to his home in Dnipropetrovsk. There they have also confirmed that the suspect of having participated in the events is active in the 93rd Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and that he is a member or sympathizer of Sokil, the youth of Svoboda. The theory of the false Russian flag would then imply that Russia had blown up the gas pipelines of which it is co-owner and in which it had invested millions in amounts with a plot gestated in Ukraine and committed from Poland in which members or sympathizers of one of the the parties with the longest track record in the sick hatred of Russia.

The time elapsed, the complete absence of evidence, the secrecy and the closure of the German Chancellery with regard to mentioning the consequences of verifying that it was not the Russian enemy who committed the act of international terrorism against the North Stream make it clear that the Russian track never led anywhere. The big questions remain the same. Was the President's Office aware of the attack plans? Did Ukraine have support or approval from other of its allies? And, above all, how will Olaf Scholz manage to ensure that the attack does not splash his partners and make the State from which it was promoted go unpunished?

Several German media have published these weeks the preparation of the Taurus missiles to be delivered to Ukraine. There is even talk of modifying the missile chips to prevent them from being used against targets considered red lines for Germany. Obviously, it is not a question of preventing Ukraine from attacking Germany, but that these missiles are not used against Russian territory. However, the approach already denotes the evident distrust that exists towards the Ukrainian proxy, whose word of not using Western weapons against Russian territory is not enough for its main allies. Sometimes protecting yourself from an ally is more difficult than defending yourself from an enemy. ... more-28012

Google Translator

I don't think so, don't think the Ukes had the technical expertise, don't think that tub could carry all the necessaries. This is a variant of the limited hangout: whereas it is admitted that the Uke side did it but the real perp, who had much more to lose if discovered, is concealed.


Chronicle of the special military operation for August 26, 2023
August 26, 2023

In the Rabotino area in the Orekhovsky sector , the enemy does not stop trying to take positions on the southern outskirts of the destroyed village, while attacking in the direction of Verbovoye .

In the Kherson direction , Ukrainian reconnaissance groups continue to try to gain a foothold on the islands southeast of Kherson , the artillery of the RF Armed Forces is constantly firing at the enemy. There were no significant changes in the remaining sectors of the front.

For the seventh time in the past ten days, Ukrainian formations used UAVs to attack the Russian capital : the drone was shot down without reaching the target. Massive shelling of the Kursk , Bryansk , Belgorod and Kherson regions , as well as the DPR, also continued - at least one person was killed and 12 more were injured.


About Ukrainian drones off the coast of Crimea

Spetsnaz archangel posted footage of an unidentified Ukrainian drone hull planted by Russian marines off the coast of Crimea , likely somewhere in the Tendrovskaya Spit area . The drone was shot down on the morning of August 25, that is, it provided visual observation of the course of yesterday's drone raid on the peninsula, which became the most massive in recent months.

Such activity of Ukrainian UAVs right near the Crimea is becoming more and more frequent. During the attack on the S-300 air defense system, one of the UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was located approximately in the same area as the drone that fell into the water. Judging by the size, this is something comparable to the Bayraktar, but the tail is different from the Turkish UAV. It is worth noting that the number of reconnaissance UAVs in the air has increased many times over. Almost every day , at least three Bayraktars, as well as one or two Tekever AR3 / 5, patrol the sky over one Odessa region , which confirms the preparation for new attacks on the peninsula.

The situation on the front line and the fighting

At around 20:00, Russian troops struck with a high-explosive aerial bomb with a universal planning and correction module on Zmeiny Island . In recent days, members of the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine have been actively operating there, including groups that used S-300 air defense systems and attacks on Tarkhankut to attack the positional area of ​​​​the S-300 air defense system . There is no information about the results of the arrival yet.

In the Starobelsky direction in the Torsky area , several attempts to counterattack the enemy with the forces of 63 mbr of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were repulsed. As a result of the fire damage by artillery of the reserves, the Ukrainian formations were forced to retreat with losses to their original lines.
In the area of ​​​​the Serebryansky forestry, the Armed Forces of Ukraine once again tried to recapture the lost positions in the forest belt with the forces of the 42nd and 67th OMB, but were unsuccessful. In the Sinkovka area , Russian artillerymen with a well-aimed hit destroyed an enemy M109 howitzer, which was firing at the front edge of the front line.

In the Soledar direction , the Ukrainian command continues to rotate and gather forces for new attacks on the northern and southern flanks of the Bakhmut defense . At the moment, the enemy is limited only to attacks by small groups in the Kleshcheevka area , which are successfully suppressed by units of the RF Armed Forces

In the Yuzhnodonets direction, the situation has relatively stabilized. In the Ugledar area , according to Voin DV , reconnaissance groups of the RF Armed Forces opened two strongholds south of Novomikhailovka . Artillery strikes were carried out on the discovered fortifications and enemy concentrations in the Sladkoye area .

Armored vehicles are active in Ugledar itself and its environs. To the east of the city, according to preliminary data, in the area of ​​​​the Yuzhnodonbasskaya No. 1 mine, three tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were discovered, which they managed to drive away with artillery. One was subsequently hit by the Lancet. Also in the area of ​​​​the village of Vesely Gai , a French-made Caesar self-propelled gun was destroyed by a kamikaze drone.

In addition, the 155th MP Guards Brigade of the RF Armed Forces drove the enemy out of the forward positions in the landings between the northern and southern dachas, but failed to gain a foothold due to enemy artillery strikes with cluster munitions.

In the Vremievsky sector , the enemy is reducing the activity of hostilities and the intensity of shelling. Ukrainian formations strengthen the occupied territory, take out the wounded and make up for losses in materiel and manpower. Such actions are hindered by artillery and army aviation of the RF Armed Forces. Under Harvest, the enemy is kept in suspense by FPV drone strikes.

Part of the Ukrainian units was withdrawn for regrouping, one of the battalions of the 35th infantry regiment was transferred to Bolshaya Novoselka . In the vicinity of Staromayorsky and Priyutny , the enemy moves on foot in groups, from time to time trying to attack the advanced positions of the Russian forces.

On the Orekhovsky sector in Rabotino , assault units of the 47th Ombre of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, again transferred to the front line, are trying to completely capture the village. The fighting is still going on on the southern outskirts, where infantry groups are thrown by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but artillerymen work out on them. The enemy's original plan to establish control by Independence Day was thwarted. At the same time , the Zaporozhye Front reports that losses as a result of such “meat” assaults have reached quite significant numbers. Despite the activity in Rabotino, the most intense fighting took place near Verbovoe, where detachments of 82 odshbr and 46 oambr were crushed by numbers. Paratroopers use a standard tactic: first, artillery destroys strongholds to the ground, and then infantry detachments break through there.

Thus, the enemy was able to advance in the landings west of Verbovoye , regardless of the losses. For the evacuation of the wounded and the dead to the front line, rescue teams of the 15th arr of the National Guard of Ukraine arrived. Judging by the nature of the attacks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine intend to wedge between the villages and force the Russian troops to retreat from the settlements and thereby level the front line. And after that move inland to heights 136.8 and 110.3 to the west of Verbovoye. To support the offensive, 12 D-30 howitzers from the 118 OMB of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were moved to Malaya Tokmachka , and five AS-90 self-propelled howitzers of the 117 OMB were moved to Omelnik and Krasnaya Krinitsa .

In the Kherson direction , the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to “probe” the soil, sending one reconnaissance group after another in order to gain a foothold on the islands southeast of Kherson . Yesterday, two enemy DRGs, five people each, tried to land on Melkiy Island in two boats . One of the boats was destroyed by artillery fire, and the other was able to unload the group and land the wounded members of the TRO. On the way back, having come under heavy fire, the boat was also hit along with five people on board. The evacuation was thwarted, but there is still a DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the observation post on the island.

The command of the Ukrainian group "Kherson" sent another group closer to the night. The boat was moving towards the Dnieper along the Ingulets River , where it was destroyed by a strike drone of the RF Armed Forces. Attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to gain a foothold on the islands are currently unsuccessful. Russian fighters stand ready, shelling the approaches to the coast. However, the enemy transferred additional fire groups of the 406th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to the Kherson - Tyaginka line , intending to strengthen the fire cover of the assault groups.

Shelling of rear territories and residential areas

Ukrainian formations shelled Tetkino , Yelizavetovka and Oleshnya in the Kursk region , there are no reports of casualties or damage.

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the downing of two enemy aircraft. One of the drones was intercepted by air defense systems in the Istra district of Moscow - this is the seventh raid on the capital in the last ten days.

AFU fired at the village of Kirillovka , Klimovsky district, Bryansk region . Shell fragments damaged four residential buildings and a power line, emergency services eliminated the consequences of the accident. Late at night, an enemy drone was shot down over the Trubchevsky district : there were no consequences on the ground

Ukrainian formations attacked the border village of Urazovo in the Belgorod region with cluster munitions . Residential buildings, cars and the territory of an agricultural store were damaged, six people received shrapnel wounds. One man is in critical condition and has been operated on. Another woman is in a state of moderate severity. Four other victims received medical attention, hospitalization was not required. All the injured have been taken to the local hospital where they are receiving all the necessary medical assistance.

Damage was revealed in 16 households, at two enterprises the roof was damaged and windows were broken. In addition, a social and sports facility was damaged by shelling. Emergency services are on site. In addition, Russian air defense systems intercepted an UAF drone near the village of Kupino in the Shebekinsky urban district : according to some reports, there were no consequences on the ground.

In the evening, the formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued the massive shelling of the Belgorod region. In the village of Shchetinovka, Belgorod region, an enemy drone dropped ammunition on a civilian who was cutting grass in his yard. Unfortunately, the man died on the spot from his wounds. Local residents also reported shelling of the villages of Glotovo and Sobolevka , but no official information has yet been received.

Ukrainian formations continue to shell the front-line areas of the Donetsk People's Republic with cannon and rocket artillery , including using cluster munitions. In Donetsk , three women were injured in the Kuibyshevsky and Petrovsky districts . In addition, at least seven residential buildings were damaged, as well as a civilian infrastructure facility. The village of Evgenovka in the Velikonovoselkovsky district was under massive fire : two civilians were seriously injured.

Ukrainian formations continue to fire dozens of shells every day along the left bank of the Kherson region . During the day, Kakhovka , Solontsy , Vasilievka and Novaya Kakhovka were under fire . In the latter, as a result of shelling, one man was injured - with numerous shrapnel wounds and an open fracture of the leg, the victim was taken to the Skadovsk hospital .

Political events
About Budanov's interview

The head of the GUR of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, gave an uplifting interview for Ukrainians to the journalists of Krym.Realii, who belong to the foreign agency network of Radio Liberty. Budanov admits that without fighting, “Crimea cannot be returned,” although he clarified that his department has the ability to hit a target on any part of the Russian peninsula. According to Budanov, the strikes on Crimea do not change the logistics of the RF Armed Forces, but "they complicate the activities of the troops." Note that a lone vacationer in shorts and a T-shirt from the campsite, but with Saiga, recently repelled the landing of Kirill Budanov's department employees.

Unmanned drones, according to Budanov, paralyzed the activities of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, and Ukraine, in turn, has no problems with space reconnaissance. Here the Ukrainian military was somewhat cunning. Firstly, NATO space intelligence is used in the interests of the Armed Forces of Ukraine only until the moment when the Ukrainian authorities satisfy all the "Wishlist" of the owners. Secondly, the Black Sea Fleet is quite capable of performing tasks in the water area, as evidenced by the recent reflections of attacks by those same unmanned boats.

About the interview of the head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov

Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov also gave an interview to foreign journalists. In an interview with Bild, a military official said that "the offensive is proceeding according to plan", which was "discussed with partners." “And everyone who is really involved in this process knows everything about it. They know what the enemy’s defense is like, what are the exclusion zones, where are the minefields, where the tanks will be surrounded, where are the fortifications,” Alexei Reznikov said.

Similar interviews and promoted theses testify to just the opposite. The Ukrainian command, obeying the orders of the "partners", loses hundreds of its personnel, attacking small villages in the Zaporozhye direction with "meat assaults", and also undertaking sorties in the Dnieper Delta .

On the statement of Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó

The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, Peter Szijjarto, spoke in a negative way about the current situation with the support of Ukraine. “The Americans provoked us into a competition called “Who will provide more military assistance to Ukraine?”. Of course, the European Union could not resist. We have entered into a competition where we can only suffer losses. And the situation is such that they will not be small or large. Losses will be either huge or very huge. Why was it necessary to compete with such a military superpower when the EU is not even close? With this competition, we are only destroying Europe,” the politician said.

Hungaryoccupies a very atypical position for Eastern European states. Top officials repeatedly made statements that caused indignation both among the population and officials of Ukraine. And today, after the reconstruction , a monument to Soviet soldiers was opened there at all . However, such a position in the modern world is the exception rather than the rule.

About Turkish-Ukrainian military cooperation

In continuation of the recent topic of military-technical cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine , it should be added that the Turks, like other countries, use the Armed Forces of Ukraine to get rid of old and defective stocks. Recently, an order was sent to Ukrainian artillery units to ban the use of Turkish M82 (EGE) FUNYESI detonators and M577 fuses due to regular misfires and even breakdowns of guns when using them. The fact that in some cases they are ineffective or even dangerous for the members of the Ukrainian formations themselves, of course, no one in Kyiv will say. The main thing is that there are supplies and a beautiful picture, and the rest is nuances.

On speculation around the death of Prigozhin

The crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin 's plane, as expected, led to speculation about the future of Russian projects on the Black Continent in the Western press. The CNN channel says that the presence of PMC "Wagner" will decrease due to the fact that African countries "realized the fallacy" of using its services. To illustrate, for some reason , Mozambique is given , where the company ceased operations a few months later due to economic disagreements with the local government back in 2019.

Apparently, even now for many American analysts it will clearly be a surprise that a couple of years ago Prigozhin's African plans were much more extensive, but they had to be adjusted for a combination of reasons. All this happened long before the SVO, the rebellion and the plane crash in the Tver region. A new surge of interest in the continent occurred this year. The effectiveness of the PMC "Wagner" is evidenced by the example of the Central African Republic , which is before the eyes of the leaders of western and central Africa: they are well aware that there is no more effective military organization for solving local problems in the world. The future of African projects may indeed be in jeopardy, but in a completely different way.reasons - irrational use of unique assets and stupid short-sighted decisions. Otherwise, the diverse demand for the Russian presence on the Black Continent will continue. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Who killed Yevgeny Prigozhin?

Yesterday I was one of a half dozen Russia and international affairs experts who were interviewed in live broadcasts of WION Indian television as part of the station’s extensive coverage of the death in a plane crash of Wagner Group owner Yevgeny Prigozhin. Many of those interviews have been posted on the internet. Perhaps mine will appear shortly and then I will attach the link below.

My point in writing now is to call attention to the line of reasoning that guided the WION reportage on Prigozhin, namely the assumption that Russian President Vladimir Putin was behind the assassination of Prigozhin. This follows from the logic (?) expressed briefly by U.S. President Joe Biden when he was asked by reporters for his response to the demise of Prigozhin. Said Joe, “There is not much that goes on in Russia without the involvement of Vladimir Putin.” It also follows from the logic of the WION news presenter that all those who have crossed Putin have come to miserable ends.

In this assumption of Putin’s responsibility for the assassination, WION was entirely in line with the overwhelming majority of mainstream media outlets in the West. Tabloids in the U.K., in Germany and elsewhere have carried lurid front page headlines pinning the murder on Putin.

Meanwhile, Russian media have a very different story to tell. The investigation which Russian criminal justice authorities have opened in the case is being taken seriously. The expressions of condolences offered by Putin to the families of those who died on the plane are taken as sincere. And as I saw on the Vladimir Solovyov talk show two days ago, the accusatory finger is being directed at the West, meaning in fact the United States, which is assumed to have plotted the assassination and carried it out either directly or via proxies.

So who is right about the authors of the assassination?

The Roman principle of cui bono to guide investigators is not particularly helpful in the Prigozhin case. The man was a swashbuckling self-promoter who made enemies wherever he operated. He publicly denounced Russia’s army leadership and held it up to ridicule. His mutiny two months ago and march on Moscow was not a parade: it cost the lives of 13 Russian servicemen whose planes and helicopters Prigozhin’s troops shot down. Whatever the disposition of the Russian President, these facts would ensure the emergence of Russian patriots set on eliminating the Wagner chief on their own initiative and to settle their personal scores with him.

And what about the enemies Prigozhin made abroad? He amassed a vast fortune in the Wagner Group operations in Africa, where he displaced the French presence in Mali, to the chagrin of the old colonial masters in Paris, and now he was expected to profit from the eviction of the French from Niger, and the expulsion possibly of the Americans as well. Remember that the United States has invested half a billion dollars in military installations and training in Niger, which may now be overturned at any moment by the anti-colonial new masters of the country.

To these considerations, I add here what I said on air to the WION interview host in answer to his listing the many Opposition figures in Russia who have come to nasty ends, including of course the journalist Anna Politkovskaya, the politician Boris Nemtsov, the former FSB operative Alexander Litvinenko and more. Firstly, it is simplistic to think that one man, Vladimir Putin, is in full control of everything happening in a country of 145 million inhabitants who have their own interests, grudges, ambitions, etc. Secondly, the list of “victims” of Putin’s imagined revenge for crossing him does not take into account the fate of the many highly visible and active Putin-haters whom he has not touched in any way, because of the word of honor he gave to Boris Yeltsin when he was named as successor not to do any harm to the Yeltsin entourage. By way of example, I can name Yeltsin’s widow Naina and the viciously anti-Putin Yeltsin Center in Yekaterinburg, which she heads. Then there are the viciously anti-Putin daughter of former Petersburg mayor Sobchak and Sobchak’s widow, Lyudmila Narusova; both have been accused of criminal activities for which they should properly be serving prison terms, but neither has suffered in any way thanks to Putin’s protection. There are many other conspicuous wreckers, like the now self-exiled Anatoly Chubais, who were spared only thanks to Putin’s honoring his promises to his former boss. Why would Vladimir Putin now violate the pledge he gave to Belarus President Lukashenko not to touch Prigozhin when they concluded a peace deal to end the mutiny?

Then again, the list of “victims” of Putin’s alleged vengeful ways given by the WION host also demands to be challenged. I think in particular of the “victim,” oligarch Boris Berezovsky who was found hanged in his London mansion some years ago. The Western press pointed and points to Putin as ordering the “suicide.” However, it is far more likely that the crime was committed by MI6 since Berezovsky was known to be negotiating a safe return to Russia with the FSB when he was “suicided.”

I conclude with mention of one detail that has been carried by Western media without exploring what it means beyond the face value they give it: namely the fact that the only source so far for the explanation of how Prigozhin’s plane went down is…U.S. intelligence agencies in anonymous disclosures to the press. They tell us that the plane was not shot down by ground to air missiles and that very likely it was destroyed by a bomb on board or other sabotage. Curiously, no one has bothered to ask how U.S. intelligence would know this if it were not directly involved in plotting the assassination.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... prigozhin/


Friday, August 25, 2023
Two military "geniuses" conclude in WaPo:

The rapid Ukrainian breakthrough and advance that many hoped for has not occurred. Media coverage has grown gloomier in recent weeks on the back of fragmentary journalistic accounts from the front and reported intelligence assessments from Western analysts. The news has not been great. The fight against Russia has proved to be bloody and slow — a very hard slog. But observers would be wise to temper their pessimism. War does not proceed in a linear fashion. Defenders can hold for a long time and then suddenly break, allowing an attacker to make rapid gains before the defense solidifies further to the rear. The Ukrainians aim to generate exactly this effect — and there is reason to think they can. Ukraine’s offensive push is far from over. In fact, it is still in the early stages — just 10 weeks into what is likely to last at least four more months.

It is highly advisable for both Kagan and Petraeus to take a basic course in real military history and operations--yes, with calculations of required forces and combat effectiveness--and maybe then they will understand what real war is. But don't hold your breath. Utter military illiteracy of the US top brass has been exposed and it is downright horrifying. The article in WaPo is an exhibit A of two amateurs butt-hurting from professional envy and jealousy when seeing how real wars are prosecuted by professionals and Russia defeating NATO. I think Kagan and Petraeus better concentrate on video game-playing.

Posted by smoothiex12 at 11:26 PM


The NYT & WSJ’s Critical Articles About Kiev’s Counteroffensive Explain Why It Failed
Posted on August 26, 2023 by Yves Smith

Yves here. Even though Alexander Mercouris discussed these two pieces major stories separately, there’s merit in looking at them together, particularly since Korybko’s recap covers some tidbits that got left on the Mercouris cutting room floor. These articles also confirm things he and others have been describing for some time: increased finger-pointing and acrimony between Kiev and Washington has been coming out more and more into the open as the much ballyhooed counteroffensive has come a cropper. It’s underperformed even the expectations of Russia-friendly experts like Mark Sleboda, how believed the operation would at least get to and possibly puncture the first Russian fortified lines.

Mercouris has emphasized the second point in Kobybko’s recap below, the US/NATO indifference to the horrific human costs Ukraine is incurring, and then demanding Ukraine sacrifice even more men for what is obviously a lost cause.

By Andrew Korybko, a Moscow-based American political analyst who specializes in the global systemic transition to multipolarity in the New Cold War. He has a PhD from MGIMO, which is under the umbrella of the Russian Foreign Ministry. Originally published at his website

With the vicious blame game between the US and Ukraine now reaching the level of their military officials telling the press that there are fundamental strategic differences between them, the trust and unity of purpose that were forged over the past 18 months seem to be a thing of the past.

The New York Times (NYT) and Wall Street Journal (WSJ) each published very critical articles about Kiev’s counteroffensive just several days apart. Respectively titled “Ukraine’s Forces and Firepower Are Misallocated, U.S. Officials Say” and “U.S., Ukraine Clash Over Counteroffensive Strategy”, they take the vicious blame gamethat’s recently exploded between the two to the next level. The highlights from each will now be shared prior to analyzing the new narrative about this conflict. Here are the NYT’s takeaways:


* Kiev’s dual focus on the eastern and southern fronts led to it failing along both

– “Ukrainian commanders have divided troops and firepower roughly equally between the east and the south, the U.S. officials said. As a result, more Ukrainian forces are near Bakhmut and other cities in the east than are near Melitopol and Berdiansk in the south, both far more strategically significant fronts, officials say.”

* The US prefers for Ukraine to advance towards the sea even at the cost of massive losses

– “American planners have advised Ukraine to concentrate on the front driving toward Melitopol, Kyiv’s top priority, and on punching through Russian minefields and other defenses, even if the Ukrainians lose more soldiers and equipment in the process.”

* Washington is bracing for the counteroffensive’s full failure if Kiev doesn’t obey its demands

– “Only with a change of tactics and a dramatic move can the tempo of the counteroffensive change, said one U.S. official, who like the other half a dozen Western officials interviewed for this article spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal deliberations.”

* 18 months of combat have decimated the ranks of Kiev’s most experienced forces

– “American officials say there are indications that Ukraine has started to shift some of its more seasoned combat forces from the east to the south. But even the most experienced units have been reconstituted a number of times after taking heavy casualties.”

* The counteroffensive’s full failure might already be a fait accompli

– “Some analysts say the progress may be too little too late. The fighting is taking place on mostly flat, unforgiving terrain, which favors the defenders. The Russians are battling from concealed positions that Ukrainian soldiers often see only when they are feet away. Hours after Ukrainians clear a field of mines, the Russians sometimes fire another rocket that disperses more of them at the same location.”

* Kiev clings to Soviet war doctrine in order to control rivalries within its armed forces

– “Ukraine and Russia fight under old Soviet Communist doctrine, which seeks to minimize rivalries among factions of the army by providing equal amounts of manpower and equipment across commands. Both armies have failed to prioritize their most important objectives, officials say.”

* Zelensky’s political obsession with reconquering Artyomovsk crippled the counteroffensive

– “Ukraine’s continued focus on Bakhmut, the scene of one of the bloodiest battles of the war, has perplexed U.S. intelligence and military officials. Ukraine has invested huge amounts of resources in defending the surrounding Donbas region, and Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, does not want to appear as though he is giving up on trying to retake lost territory. But U.S. officials say politics must, at least temporarily, take a back seat to sound military strategy.”

* This disastrous decision was due to him capitulating to pressure from competing military factions

– “Ukrainian leaders have defended their strategy and distribution of forces, saying they are fighting effectively in both the east and the south. The large number of troops is necessary to pressure Bakhmut and to defend against concerted Russian attacks in the country’s northeast, they say. Ukrainian commanders are competing for resources and have their own ideas of where they can succeed.”

* The counteroffensive could end sooner than expected due to poor weather

– “American officials said Ukraine has another month to six weeks before rainy conditions force a pause in the counteroffensive. Already in August, Ukraine has postponed at least one offensive drive because of rain.”

* Fatigue among its fighters might also prematurely end the counteroffensive

– “More important than the weather, some analysts say, is that Ukraine’s main assault forces may run out of steam by mid- to late September. About a month ago, Ukraine rotated in a second wave of troops to replace an initial force that failed to break through Russian defenses.”


And here are the highlights from the WSJ’s complementary article:

* The US and Ukraine fell out with one another shortly after the counteroffensive began

– “U.S. and Ukrainian officials have been engaged in an intense behind-the-scenes debate for weeks over the strategy and tactics for reviving Kyiv’s slow-moving counteroffensive. American military officials have been urging the Ukrainians to return to the combined arms training they received at allied bases in Europe by concentrating their forces to try to bust through Russia defenses and push to the Sea of Azov.”

* Fundamental differences over strategy are at the core of their growing disagreements

– “’You don’t understand the nature of this conflict,’ Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Ukrainian commander, responded in one interaction with the Americans, a U.S. official recounted. ‘This is not counterinsurgency. This is Kursk,’ the commander added, referring to the major World War II battle between Germany and the Soviet Union.”

* The counteroffensive is likely Kiev’s last hurrah since the US can’t sustain its military aid

– “The American advice is based on the calculation that the surge of equipment the U.S. has funneled to Ukraine—more than $43 billion in weaponry has been committed over the years—is enough for this offensive and is unlikely to be repeated at anywhere near the same level in 2024. ‘We built up this mountain of steel for the counteroffensive. We can’t do that again,’ one former U.S. official said. ‘It doesn’t exist.’”

* Zelensky’s prioritization of political goals over military ones “seriously frustrates” the US

– “While there are differing views within the U.S. government, one official said that Washington has conveyed ‘serious frustration’ with Ukraine’s strategy, particularly President Volodymyr Zelensky’s focus on Bakhmut, which some Ukrainian officers see as useful to build morale and create a buffer zone in the east.”

* Kiev’s allegedly newfound aversion to casualties impedes progress towards the sea

– “Holding casualties to a minimum is needed to preserve their longer-term fighting potential, the Ukrainians say. But U.S. officials say the Ukrainians’ small-unit attacks on narrow fronts slow the offensive and give the Russians more opportunity to respond, including with mines that are dispensed through artillery strikes and units armed with rocket-propelled grenades.”

* Only 8,000 troops were supposed to smash through around 100 miles of Russian defenses

– “At the heart of the debate between Washington and Kyiv is the U.S.-provided combined arms training the Ukrainians have received in recent months that was intended to prepare them for their offensive in the south. The U.S. and its partners have trained more than 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers at more than 40 training areas. But the crux of the U.S. combined arms training in Germany was on 14 motorized-infantry, mechanized and national-guard battalions—some 8,000 troops—who were to push through Russia’s lines or secure terrain.”

* The lack of proper air power might have doomed the counteroffensive from the get-go

– “The training is intended to enable Ukrainian forces to break through their foe’s defenses and maneuver in the Russians’ rear area, but without the advantages the U.S. military has long enjoyed, especially air power. Ukraine has only a small air force, and the delivery of American-made F-16s isn’t expected until mid to late 2024. While U.S. officials say that simulations indicated that the Ukrainians could succeed anyway, some in the Pentagon acknowledge the challenge.”

* Irresponsible resource allocation and poor training made everything even worse

– “Some Ukrainian soldiers who have been fighting from the beginning of the war expressed frustration that the tanks and armored vehicles had been given to newly formed units that include soldiers with little or no combat experience… Others say the reality of fighting on first contact with the enemy shocked them.”


Reflecting on the insight shared by the NYT and WSJ per their unnamed US sources, three primary reasons explain everything that went wrong with the counteroffensive and inevitably resulted in its failure. First and foremost, the lack of air support can’t be overemphasized in this respect, but it’s attributable to Ukraine lacking these capabilities prior to the start of Russia’s special operation and the West wisely refusing to send its own pilots into the combat zone.

To go through with the counteroffensive in spite of this, however, proves that the US and Ukraine were driven by ulterior motives. Although the US’ weren’t touched upon in either of those articles, the argument can be made that its powerful military-industrial complex wanted to obtain invaluable battlefield data from the weapons that were already sent there. As for Ukraine’s, its authorities feared for their political futures if they failed to make a major effort to reconquer their lost lands.

The preceding observation leads to the next primary reason why the counteroffensive failed, which is that Zelensky then capitulated to pressure from competing military factions to equally divide this campaign’s focus along the eastern and southern fronts instead of concentrating on the latter. The existence of these aforesaid factions in its armed forces was hitherto smeared as a “conspiracy theory” until the NYT and WSJ confirmed it, and it explains a lot about everything that unfolded this summer.

It was precisely due to their existence and powerful influence that Zelensky clung to Soviet war doctrine in order to control them instead of taking the risk that some might mutiny if they didn’t get roughly equal access to the treasure trove of weapons sent by the West. He also couldn’t let highly armed factions sit around doing nothing, however, which partially accounts for why he ordered around half of his forces to attempt to reconquer Artyomovsk.

And finally, the last reason why the counteroffensive failed is that Russia won the “race of logistics”/“war of attrition” with NATO and was therefore able to adequately defend its southern positions in parallel with keeping up pressure on Kiev in the east, particularly the Kupyansk direction along which it’s recently advanced. In such a situation, Zelensky would have still been forced to retain a significant number of his forces in the east even if he didn’t have any competing military factions to worry about.

Accordingly, the counteroffensive’s focus would have likely remained divided in order to prevent Russia from going on its own offensive in the east that could have risked enveloping Kiev’s forces in the south. This assessment suggests that the present stalemate was inevitable even in the event that Ukraine wielded proper air power and its armed forces operated as one. Considering this, the counteroffensive never had a real chance at success, thus making the US and Ukraine’s differences over strategy moot.

Each had ulterior motives for going ahead with it anyhow, but responsible American policymakers could have forced Kiev to recommence peace talks against its will while their responsible Ukrainian counterparts could have done so unilaterally even if the US was against this. After all, President Putin made it clear that he was still interested in a political resolution to the conflict several weeks after the counteroffensive began, but he might have since changed his mind if he decides to exploit its fallout.

With the vicious blame game between the US and Ukraine now reaching the level of their military officials telling the press that there are fundamental strategic differences between them, the trust and unity of purpose that were forged over the past 18 months seem to be a thing of the past. These supposed allies are actively looking for a “face-saving” way out of this imbroglio that lays the blame for the counteroffensive’s failure squarely on the other’s lap, which is a totally new dynamic in this conflict. ... ailed.html


All Kinds of Military to Swear Oath to the Russian Flag: Putin

Landscape that resembles the colors of the Russian flag. | Photo: x/ @RWApodcast

Published 25 August 2023 (21 hours 40 minutes ago)

The rule would also apply to mercenaries fighting in the framework of the special operation in Ukraine.

On Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree obliging members of all armed formations and volunteer detachments to swear allegiance to the Russian flag.

The rule would also apply to groups of mercenaries fighting in the framework of the special operation in Ukraine, although such activity is not covered by Russian law.

The Wagner Group refused at the time to submit to the Defense Ministry, a conflict that led to the failed armed rebellion led by the mercenaries two months ago.

Putin signed the decree two days after the private plane in which Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin was traveling crashed in the center of the country.

Every year, the Russians honor their flag on August 22. On Tuesday, Putin delivered a message to the nation highlighting the civic importance of this day.

“We have a special relationship with the white-blue-red banner - this is our official state flag, which was approved in this capacity by Peter the Great. The tricolor flag was again raised over our country on August 22, 1991," he said.

"With this flag, we overcome many difficulties and trials, but, in fact, restored the sovereignty of our country. Russia is a thousand-year-old country and civilization. Our national flag is a symbol of our unity," Putin added. ... -0012.html
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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