Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

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Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:30 pm

From the archives:

Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

10-16-2007, 12:29 AM


Ayn Rand sits during House Un-American Affairs committee
hearings in which she testified that the Hollywood movies MISSION TO
MOSCOW and SONG OF RUSSIA were pro-Russian propaganda.
Washington, DC, November 1947.

Pedagogy of the Oppressor
Ayn Rand in her own Words

In no other era in human history would it be possible to understand Ayn Rand. Ours is a conflicted time. Both science and popular consciousness have come to increasingly understand the interconnection of all things, both great and small. It is a time in which it is nearly impossible to talk of the “Atomic Ant”, let alone an “Atomic Aardvark”. Yet, at the same time as this rising consciousness, there is a simultaneous human alienation, isolation, and degradation, a direct reflection of the social relations underlying that consciousness. It’s a lucky thing, then, that Ayn Rand arrived in the nick of time to remind us that the rich are alienated too… or so she would have reminded us if she had had any interest in lecturing anyone but the rich. Luckily, for them, the possibility of becoming the “Atomic Man” is all too real provided that they embrace the traits previously despised by all as evidence of soullessness and self-aggrandizement.

The ultimate gusano, Rand intended to become the Chernyshevsky (of whom, she was certainly aware) of the right-wing, but lacked his literary talent. When combined with an incoherent ideology, the result was more like the one-liners of Henny Youngman yet without the slightest trace of humorous intent - not What is to be Undone, but more of an “I'm OK, You're OK”, for social parasites of every description.

And if Ayn Rand is only Ann Landers plus reactionary politics, that’s OK. Crap prose is allowed because it is “philosophy”. Sound bite “philosophy” is encouraged because of its “literary quality”. In fact, it is as an ancestor of the platinitudal “self-help” book that her work really soars: “How to become a Self-Absorbed Vampire in 50 Easy Steps while Proclaiming Every Vice as a Virtue”.

But, Rand’s influence doesn’t end here. Hers is group therapy; an encounter session for the Coalition of the Chilling. Rand creates a mutual admiration society for succubi, membership conditioned merely on this brand of personal enlightenment.

In her own words…

On Capitalism

"The moral justification of capitalism does not lie in the altruist claim that it represents the best way to achieve 'the common good.' It is true that capitalism does – if that catch-phrase has any meaning – but this is merely a secondary consequence. The moral justification for capitalism lies in the fact that it is the only system consonant with man's rational nature, that it protects man's survival qua man, and that its ruling principle is: justice."

"Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think."

"Money is the barometer of a society's virtue."

"Capitalism demands the best of every man – his rationality – and rewards him accordingly. It leaves every man free to choose the work he likes, to specialize in it, to trade his product for the products of others, and to go as far on the road of achievement as his ability and ambition will carry him."

"Capitalism is the only system that can make freedom, individuality, and the pursuit of values possible in practice."

"So you think that money is the root of all evil.
Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?"

"When I say 'capitalism,' I mean a pure, uncontrolled, unregulated laissez-faire capitalism – with a separation of economics, in the same way and for the same reasons as a separation of state and church."

The John Birch Society is "futile, because they are not for capitalism but merely against communism."

“Just as man can't exist without his body, so no rights can exist without the right to translate one's rights into reality, to think, to work and keep the results, which means: the right of property.”

“Only the man who does not need it, is fit to inherit wealth, the man who would make his fortune no matter where he started.”

On “Me”

"Man — every man — is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others."

The individual "must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life."

"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute."

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me."

"I need no warrant for being, and no word of sanction upon my being. I am the warrant and the sanction."

"I am an innovator. This is a term of distinction, a term of honor, rather than something to hide or apologize for. Anyone who has new or valuable ideas to offer stands outside the intellectual status quo. But the status quo is not a stream, let alone a 'mainstream'. It is a stagnant swamp. It is the innovators who carry mankind forward."

"Great men can't be ruled."

"The objectivist ethics holds man's life as the standard of value
– and his own life as the ethical purpose of every individual man."

“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

“If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject.”

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.”

“Anything may be betrayed, anyone may be forgiven, but not those who lack the courage of their own greatness.”

“It does not matter that only a few in each generation will grasp and achieve the full reality of man's proper stature—and the rest will betray it. It is those few that move the world and give life its meaning—and it is those few that I have always sought to address. The rest are no concern of mine; it is not me or "The Fountainhead" that they will betray: it is their own souls.”

“To achieve, you need thought. You have to know what you are doing and that's real power.”

“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own vision.”

“Love is an expression and assertion of self-esteem, a response to one's own values in the person of another. One gains a profoundly personal, selfish joy from the mere existence of the person one loves. It is one's own personal, selfish happiness that one seeks, earns, and derives from love.”

“Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men's stupidity, but your talent to their reason.”

On “You”

"Thanksgiving is a typically American holiday ... The lavish meal is a symbol of the fact that abundant consumption is the result and reward of production."

"There's nothing of any importance except how well you do your work."

"If I were to speak your kind of language, I would say that man's only moral commandment is: Thou shalt think. But a 'moral commandment' is a contradiction in terms. The moral is the chosen, not the forced; the understood, not the obeyed. The moral is the rational, and reason accepts no commandments."

"Civilization is the progress toward a society of privacy. The savage's whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men."

"Guilt is a rope that wears thin."

"Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values."

"Men have been taught that it is a virtue to agree with others. But the creator is the man who disagrees. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to swim with the current. But the creator is the man who goes against the current. Men have been taught that it is a virtue to stand together. But the creator is the man who stands alone."

"Show me your achievement, and the knowledge will give me courage for mine."

"The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity."

"Why do they always teach us that it's easy and evil to do what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves? It's the hardest thing in the world – to do what we want. And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want."

"The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours. But to win it requires total dedication and a total break with the world of your past, with the doctrine that man is sacrificial animal who exists for the pleasure of others. Fight for the value of your person. Fight for the virtue of your pride. Fight for the essence, which is man, for his sovereign rational mind. Fight with the radiant certainty and the absolute rectitude of knowing that yours is the morality of life and yours is the battle for any achievement, any value, any grandeur, any goodness, any joy that has ever existed on this earth."

“Ask yourself whether the dream of heaven and greatness should be waiting for us in our graves - or whether it should be ours here and now and on this earth.”

“There can be no such thing, in law or in morality, as actions forbidden to an individual, but permitted to a mob”

“’Mediocrity’ doesn't mean average intelligence, it means an average intelligence that resents and envies its betters.”

“The verdict you pronounce upon the source of your livelihood is the verdict you pronounce upon your life.”

“Don't help me or serve me, but let me see it once, because I need it. Don't work for my happiness, my brothers—show me yours—show me that it is possible—show me your achievement—and the knowledge will give me the courage for mine.

“The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live”

“You must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the secondary consequences.”

“Evil requires the sanction of the victim.”

“The worst guilt is to accept an unearned guilt.”

“It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.”

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.”

“When man learns to understand and control his own behavior as well as he is learning to understand and control the behavior of crop plants and domestic animals, he may be justified in believing that he has become civilized.”

On and On

"I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York's skyline, the sky over New York and the will of man made visible. What other religion do we need? I feel that if a war came to threaten this, I would throw myself into space, over the city, and protect these buildings with my body.”

"The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach."

"I can say - not as a patriotic bromide, but with full knowledge of the necessary metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, political and aesthetic roots - that the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world."

"The right to vote is a consequence, not a primary cause, of a free social system – and its value depends on the constitutional structure implementing and strictly delimiting the voters' power; unlimited majority rule is an instance of the principle of tyranny.”

“The difference between a welfare state and a totalitarian state is a matter of time.”

“There is nothing to take a man's freedom away from him, save other men. To be free, a man must be free of his brothers.”

“Whoever claims the right to redistribute the wealth produced by others is claiming the right to treat human beings as chattel.”

“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter.”

“Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth.”

“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”

“Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice.”

“Individual rights are not subject to a public vote; a majority has no right to vote away the rights of a minority; the political function of rights is precisely to protect minorities from oppression by majorities (and the smallest minority on earth is the individual).”

“Individual rights are the means of subordinating society to moral law.”

“Man's unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself.”

Sources for Quotations: ... 38254.html ( ... 38254.html)


Rand has been accused of being a Nazi enabler. That is hardly fair. Just as surely, Rand enables Libertarians, Neo-cons, pedophiles, serial killers, imperialists, pimps, mercenaries, stock brokers, secret polluters, oil company executives, racists, torturers, embezzlers, people who kick dogs, corrupt officials of every shape and description, CIA agents, drug dealers, corporate directors, slave owners, Fascists, neo-Fascists, crypto-Fascists, anarcho-Fascists, Holocaust deniers, rapists, Malthusians, assassins, car-jackers, investment bankers, immigration agents, scabs, Ronald Reagan, confidential informants, Augusto Pinochet, sellouts, demagogues, Congressmen, “creation scientists”, Mafioso, Ponzi schemers, and people who franchise Pay-Day Loan offices.

It’s Benito Mussolini inserting himself as the hero of a Horatio Alger story. Jay Gatsby doesn’t die at the end of the novel; he founds Blackwater. Mr. Smith goes to Washington and changes his name to Jeffrey Dahmer.

Whenever mud sinks below the sea of humanity and thus declares, by its very muddiness, not only that it stands apart from the rest, but is entitled to feed off of the flesh and bone left behind, there is the spirit of Rand to declare a New Virtue for the New Man.

I’m OK… You’re OK…
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:31 pm

Kid of the Black Hole
10-16-2007, 02:25 AM
My parents used to go to Nathaniel Branden talks (? sounds more like psuedo-intellectual wanna-be shit from the way they tell the stories). They don't really have a clue about Rand though. One of Branden's storys goes that he was driving along and his speedometer broke. This naturally changed this life since he, was, uhh, not under so much pressure anymore and it really let him take things as they came. That sounds like some smelly hippie to me not Branden (whats the difference yuk yuk), but thats how the story goes in my household anyway.

The other one is some bad philosophy about Identity. As in four legs and circular peice by themselves are nothing, but combined they're a stool. A whole different spin on "Objectivism" I guess.

Most of the people that fell for/into Rand, it seems to me, don't really get all the subtext. I mean they have some nascent political ideas to go along with their ingrained social ideas that kinda sorta jive with the Cliff Notes version of Rand. I don't say caricature of Rand, because she kind of IS a caricature.

I have no earthly idea how anyone gets through Atlas Shrugged though.
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:46 pm

10-16-2007, 12:13 PM

“Anything may be betrayed, anyone may be forgiven, but not those who lack the courage of their own greatness.” - Ayn Rand

HUAC brought young California Congressman, Richard M. Nixon, to national prominence.

The first HUAC investigations of Communism in Hollywood occurred in 1940, when Representative Martin Dies, a Texas Democrat, was chairman of the committee. Dies convened meetings of the committee in Los Angeles and questioned several actors and writers, including actor Humphrey Bogart and writer John Howard Lawson. All denied either being Communists or knowing with certainty that any of their co-workers were Communists. These early hearings ended with Dies finding no credible evidence of Communist activity in the movie industry. Once the United States entered World War II in 1941, the Soviet Union was an ally, and Congress had little interest in exposing any Communist activities in Hollywood.

The end of the war brought increased fear of Communism in the United States. In the 1946 elections, the Republican Party won control of the House of Representatives. As a result, conservative Representative J. Parnell Thomas, a longtime member of HUAC, became its chairman. Thomas initiated a new investigation into Communist influence in Hollywood.

In September 1947, HUAC subpoenaed 41 witnesses to testify at formal hearings. Of these, 19 were considered "unfriendly" witnesses because they said they would not cooperate with the committee's investigation. Eleven of the unfriendly witnesses eventually came to the hearings in October 1947. The unfriendly witnesses included John Howard Lawson, who had previously testified in 1940, plus fellow writers Alvah Bessie, Lester Cole, Ring Lardner Jr., Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, and Dalton Trumbo. Also called were writer/producer Adrian Scott, writer/director Herbert Biberman, and director Edward Dmytryk. These ten refused to answer questions, denounced the committee, and were held in contempt of Congress. The contempt citations led to brief prison terms for all ten when the Supreme Court refused to reverse their convictions. (The eleventh unfriendly witness, German-born writer Bertolt Brecht, testified he wasn't a Communist. He then promptly went back to Europe, where he lived in Communist-controlled East Berlin.)

The witnesses who denounced the committee became known as the "Hollywood Ten." They were blacklisted from the movie industry for many years afterward. The blacklist itself was not developed by HUAC, but by a group of studio executives. The executives met shortly after the hearings and adopted a resolution against employing Communists, including the Hollywood Ten. With the exception of Dmytryk, who later changed his position and cooperated with the committee, the Hollywood Ten either did not work on American movies or used pseudonyms for most of the 1950s.

In contrast, the "friendly" witnesses all agreed to testify about Communist influence on Hollywood movies. The friendly witnesses included studio heads Jack Warner and Louis B. Mayer, and actors Gary Cooper, Robert Montgomery, Ronald Reagan, and Robert Taylor. The friendly witnesses were called to testify first, followed by the unfriendly witnesses.

Nine of the Hollywood Ten

Rep. J. Parnell Thomas, Chairman of the Committee: Raise your right hand, please, Miss Rand. Do you solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Ayn Rand: I do.

Chairman Thomas: Sit down.

Mr. Robert E. Stripling, Chief Investigator: Miss Rand, will you state your name, please, for the record?

Rand: Ayn Rand, or Mrs. Frank O'Connor.

Stripling: That is A-y-n?

Rand: That is right.

Stripling: R-a-n-d?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: Is that your pen name?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: And what is your married name?

Rand: Mrs. Frank O'Connor.

Stripling: Where were you born, Miss Rand?

Rand: In St. Petersburg, Russia.

Stripling: When did you leave Russia?

Rand: In 1926.

Stripling: How long have you been employed in Hollywood?

Rand: I have been in pictures on and off since late in 1926, but specifically as a writer this time I have been in Hollywood since late 1943 and am now under contract as a writer.

Stripling: Have you written various novels?

Rand: One second. May I have one moment to get this in order?

Stripling: Yes.

Rand: Yes, I have written two novels. My first one was called We the Living, which was a story about Soviet Russia and was published in 1936. The second one was The Fountainhead, published in 1943.

Stripling: Was that a best seller -- The Fountainhead?

Rand: Yes; thanks to the American public.

Stripling: Do you know how many copies were sold?

Rand: The last I heard was 360,000 copies. I think there have been some more since.

Stripling: You have been employed as a writer in Hollywood?

Rand: Yes; I am under contract at present.

Stripling: Could you name some of the stories or scripts you have written for Hollywood?

Rand: I have done the script of The Fountainhead, which has not been produced yet, for Warner Brothers, and two adaptations for Hal Wallis Productions, at Paramount, which were not my stories but on which I did the screen plays, which were Love Letters and You Came Along.

Stripling: Now, Miss Rand, you have heard the testimony of Mr. [Louis B.] Mayer?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: You have read the letter I read from Lowell Mellett?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: Which says that the picture Song of Russia has no political implications?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: Did you at the request of Mr. Smith, the investigator for this committee, view the picture Song of Russia?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: Within the past two weeks?

Rand: Yes; on October 13, to be exact.

Stripling: In Hollywood?

Rand: Yes.

Stripling: Would you give the committee a break-down of your summary of the picture relating to either propaganda or an untruthful account or distorted account of conditions in Russia?

Rand: Yes.

First of all I would like to define what we mean by propaganda. We have all been talking about it, but nobody --

Stripling: Could you talk into the microphone?

Rand: Can you hear me now? Nobody has stated just what they mean by propaganda. Now, I use the term to mean that Communist propaganda is anything which gives a good impression of communism as a way of life. Anything that sells people the idea that life in Russia is good and that people are free and happy would be Communist propaganda. Am I not correct? I mean, would that be a fair statement to make -- that that would be Communist propaganda?

Now, here is what the picture Song of Russia contains. It starts with an American conductor, played by Robert Taylor, giving a concert in America for Russian war relief. He starts playing the American national anthem and the national anthem dissolves into a Russian mob, with the sickle and hammer on a red flag very prominent above their heads. I am sorry, but that made me sick. That is something which I do not see how native Americans permit, and I am only a naturalized American. That was a terrible touch of propaganda. As a writer, I can tell you just exactly what it suggests to the people. It suggests literally and technically that it is quite all right for the American national anthem to dissolve into the Soviet. The term here is more than just technical. It really was symbolically intended, and it worked out that way. The anthem continues, played by a Soviet band. That is the beginning of the picture.

Now we go to the pleasant love story. Mr. Taylor is an American who came there apparently voluntarily to conduct concerts for the Soviets. He meets a little Russian girl from a village who comes to him and begs him to go to her village to direct concerts there. There are no GPU agents and nobody stops her. She just comes to Moscow and meets him. He falls for her and decides he will go, because he is falling in love. He asks her to show him Moscow. She says she has never seen it. He says, "I will show it to YOU." They see it together. The picture then goes into a scene of Moscow, supposedly. I don't know where the studio got its shots, but I have never seen anything like it in Russia. First you see Moscow buildings -- big, prosperous-looking, clean buildings, with something like swans or sailboats in the foreground. Then you see a Moscow restaurant that just never existed there. In my time, when I was in Russia, there was only one such restaurant, which was nowhere as luxurious as that and no one could enter it except commissars and profiteers. Certainly a girl from a village, who in the first place would never have been allowed to come voluntarily, without permission, to Moscow, could not afford to enter it, even if she worked ten years. However, there is a Russian restaurant with a menu such as never existed in Russia at all and which I doubt even existed before the revolution. From this restaurant they go on to this tour of Moscow. The streets are clean and prosperous-looking. There are no food lines anywhere. You see shots of the marble subway -- the famous Russian subway out of which they make such propaganda capital. There is a marble statue of Stalin thrown in. There is a park where you see happy little children in white blouses running around. I don't know whose children they are, but they are really happy kiddies. They are not homeless children in rags, such as I have seen in Russia. Then you see an excursion boat, on which the Russian people are smiling, sitting around very cheerfully, dressed in some sort of satin blouses such as they only wear in Russian restaurants here. Then they attend a luxurious dance. I don't know where they got the idea of the clothes and the settings that they used at the ball and --

Mugshot of Ring Lardner

"It is a very simple question," New Jersey Congressman J. Parnell Thomas snapped, angered by the pause. "Anybody would be proud to answer it. Any real American would be proud to answer the question. Are you or have you ever been a member of the Communist party?"

"I could answer the question exactly the way you want," the screenwriter mildly replied. "But if I did, I would hate myself in the morning."

Rand: But if you want me to answer, I can answer, but it will take me a long time to say what I think, as to whether we should or should not have had Russia on our side in the war. I can, but how much time will you give me?

Wood: Well, do you say that it would have prolonged the war, so far as we were concerned, if they had been knocked out of it at that time?

Rand: I can't answer that yes or no, unless you give me time for a long speech on it.

Wood: Well, there is a pretty strong probability that we wouldn't have won it at all, isn't there?

Rand: I don't know, because on the other hand I think we could have used the lend-lease supplies that we sent there to much better advantage ourselves.

Wood: Well, at that time --

Rand: I don't know. It is a question.

Wood: We were furnishing Russia with all the lend-lease equipment that our industry would stand, weren't we?

Rand: That is right.

Wood: And continued to do it?

Rand: I am not sure it was at all wise. Now, if you want to discuss my military views -- I am not an authority, but I will try.

Wood: What do you interpret, then, the picture as having been made for?

Rand: I ask you: what relation could a lie about Russia have with the war effort? I would like to have somebody explain that to me, because I really don't understand it, why a lie would help anybody or why it would keep Russia in or out of the war. How?

Wood: You don't think it would have been of benefit to the American people to have kept them in?

Rand: I don't believe the American people should ever be told any lies, publicly or privately. I don't believe that lies are practical. I think the international situation now rather supports me. I don't think it was necessary to deceive the American people about the nature of Russia. I could add this: if those who saw it say it was quite all right, and perhaps there are reasons why it was all right to be an ally of Russia, then why weren't the American people told the real reasons and told that Russia is a dictatorship but there are reasons why we should cooperate with them to destroy Hitler and other dictators? All right, there may be some argument to that. Let us hear it. But of what help can it be to the war effort to tell people that we should associate with Russia and that she is not a dictatorship?

Wood: Let me see if I understand your position. I understand, from what you say, that because they were a dictatorship we shouldn't have accepted their help in undertaking to win a war against another dictatorship.

Rand: That is not what I said. I was not in a position to make that decision. If I were, I would tell you what I would do. That is not what we are discussing. We are discussing the fact that our country was an ally of Russia, and the question is: what should we tell the American people about it -- the truth or a lie? If we had good reason, if that is what you believe, all right, then why not tell the truth? Say it is a dictatorship, but we want to be associated with it. Say it is worthwhile being associated with the devil, as Churchill said, in order to defeat another evil which is Hitler. There might be some good argument made for that. But why pretend that Russia was not what it was?

Wood: Well --

Rand: What do you achieve by that?

Wood: Do you think it would have had as good an effect upon the morale of the American people to preach a doctrine to them that Russia was on the verge of collapse?

Rand: I don't believe that the morale of anybody can be built up by a lie. If there was nothing good that we could truthfully say about Russia, then it would have been better not to say anything at all.

Wood: Well --

Rand: You don't have to come out and denounce Russia during the war; no. You can keep quiet. There is no moral guilt in not saying something if you can't say it, but there is in saying the opposite of what is true.

Wood: Thank you. That is all.

Chairman Thomas: Mr. Vail.

Rep. Richard B. Vail: No questions.

Chairman Thomas: Mr. McDowell.

Rep. John R. McDowell: You paint a very dismal picture of Russia. You made a great point about the number of children who were unhappy. Doesn't anybody smile in Russia any more?

Rand: Well, if you ask me literally, pretty much no.

McDowell: They don't smile?

Rand: Not quite that way; no. If they do, it is privately and accidentally. Certainly, it is not social. They don't smile in approval of their system.

McDowell: Well, all they do is talk about food.

Rand: That is right.

McDowell: That is a great change from the Russians I have always known, and I have known a lot of them. Don't they do things at all like Americans? Don't they walk across town to visit their mother-in-law or somebody?

Rand: Look, it is very hard to explain. It is almost impossible to convey to a free people what it is like to live in a totalitarian dictatorship. I can tell you a lot of details. I can never completely convince you, because you are free. It is in a way good that you can't even conceive of what it is like. Certainly they have friends and mothers-in-law. They try to live a human life, but you understand it is totally inhuman. Try to imagine what it is like if you are in constant terror from morning till night and at night you are waiting for the doorbell to ring, where you are afraid of anything and everybody, living in a country where human life is nothing, less than nothing, and you know it. You don't know who or when is going to do what to you because you may have friends who spy on you, where there is no law and any rights of any kind.

McDowell: You came here in 1926, I believe you said. Did you escape from Russia?

Rand: No.

McDowell: Did you have a passport?

Rand: No. Strangely enough, they gave me a passport to come out here as a visitor.

McDowell: As a visitor?

Rand: It was at a time when they relaxed their orders a little bit. Quite a few people got out. I had some relatives here and I was permitted to come here for a year. I never went back.

McDowell: I see.

Chairman Thomas: Mr. Nixon.

Rep. Richard M. Nixon: No questions.

Chairman Thomas: All right. The first witness tomorrow morning will be Adolph Menjou.


The individual "must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself. The pursuit of his own rational self-interest and of his own happiness is the highest moral purpose of his life." - Ayn Rand

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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:48 pm

10-16-2007, 12:20 PM
Ring Lardner spent a year in the Federal Penetentiary in Waterbury for the small exchange above. Irony of ironies, one of his fellow inmates was the same New Jersey Congressman, J. Parnell Thomas, who had asked him the question. Thomas had been convicted of fraud in the interim. ... 97/
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:50 pm

10-16-2007, 03:07 PM
My parents used to go to Nathaniel Branden talks (? sounds more like psuedo-intellectual wanna-be shit from the way they tell the stories). They don't really have a clue about Rand though. One of Branden's storys goes that he was driving along and his speedometer broke. This naturally changed this life since he, was, uhh, not under so much pressure anymore and it really let him take things as they came. That sounds like some smelly hippie to me not Branden (whats the difference yuk yuk), but thats how the story goes in my household anyway.

The other one is some bad philosophy about Identity. As in four legs and circular peice by themselves are nothing, but combined they're a stool. A whole different spin on "Objectivism" I guess.

Most of the people that fell for/into Rand, it seems to me, don't really get all the subtext. I mean they have some nascent political ideas to go along with their ingrained social ideas that kinda sorta jive with the Cliff Notes version of Rand. I don't say caricature of Rand, because she kind of IS a caricature.

I have no earthly idea how anyone gets through Atlas Shrugged though.
It's interesting how all the randy types (Brandon, Rand, "Libertarians") are full of "psuedo-intellectual wanna-be shit". I suppose the affectation comes from the claim that since it is the "talented individual" who "prospers," they gotta display some "talent". I've always found the opposite to be true: "Never in the course of human events have so many made so much out of so little..."

Then there is the ultra-fine dicer: Randians aren't Libertarians and vice versa. No wonder they've spawned more seperate "groups" than all of the rest of human politics put together.
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:52 pm

10-16-2007, 08:37 PM
My parents used to go to Nathaniel Branden talks (? sounds more like psuedo-intellectual wanna-be shit from the way they tell the stories). They don't really have a clue about Rand though. One of Branden's storys goes that he was driving along and his speedometer broke. This naturally changed this life since he, was, uhh, not under so much pressure anymore and it really let him take things as they came. That sounds like some smelly hippie to me not Branden (whats the difference yuk yuk), but thats how the story goes in my household anyway.

The other one is some bad philosophy about Identity. As in four legs and circular peice by themselves are nothing, but combined they're a stool. A whole different spin on "Objectivism" I guess.

Most of the people that fell for/into Rand, it seems to me, don't really get all the subtext. I mean they have some nascent political ideas to go along with their ingrained social ideas that kinda sorta jive with the Cliff Notes version of Rand. I don't say caricature of Rand, because she kind of IS a caricature.

I have no earthly idea how anyone gets through Atlas Shrugged though.
It's interesting how all the randy types (Brandon, Rand, "Libertarians") are full of "psuedo-intellectual wanna-be shit". I suppose the affectation comes from the claim that since it is the "talented individual" who "prospers," they gotta display some "talent". I've always found the opposite to be true: "Never in the course of human events have so many made so much out of so little..."

Then there is the ultra-fine dicer: Randians aren't Libertarians and vice versa. No wonder they've spawned more seperate "groups" than all of the rest of human politics put together.

Branden On Ronald Reagan:

* "[H]e has been a very underestimated man by his opponents. I think that his understanding and handling of our relationship with the Soviet Union was brilliant. Gorbachev himself gives Reagan credit for effectively ending the Cold War. Are there areas where I would disagree with him? Sure. He was opposed to abortion. He did not believe in total laissez-faire capitalism. He did build up our national debt enormously. But I tell you one thing he did that impressed me so much it almost wipes everything else off the mat. It’s something I found thrilling beyond words. And that was: he was in Russia, and he gave a speech in the University of Moscow. And the theme of the speech was to explain to the people there what American capitalism is. Here is the president of the United States, in a distinguished university in a country with whom we’ve had hostile relationships for decades—getting up, and in the most passionate yet totally non-belligerent way, explaining what economic freedom means, what capitalism means. It was so extraordinary in the moral clarity that he brought to his presentation that I’ll remember it, with great admiration, forever.
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:54 pm

10-16-2007, 08:41 PM
Atlas Shrugged (by Ayn Rand)

Hello, I'm Ayn Rand. I wrote a novel based on my Objectivist philosophy called The Fountainhead, but I don't think 700 pages was quite enough to get my point across, so I will write the exact same novel, only it will take 1100 pages this time.

Hey, great.

I'm Dagny Taggart. I am a railroad tycoon, woman-in-a-man's-world, stunningly beautiful heroine. I am the only person capable of running this railroad. I am the only woman in the universe worth a damn. I am also the only woman in the universe with a real job. I am basically the only woman in this novel.

I have worshiped you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, from afar for my whole life.

That's nice.

I have worshiped you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, naked on the forest floor. Yet I will nobly step aside in the name of noble idealism, despite the fact that I love you and want you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, desperately.


I worship you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn. Let us have creepy rape fantasy sex now. I will not ask permission to do all these kinky things to you, but luckily you want to be forced into all the kinky things, you dirty bitch.

This is clearly true love! Stick it in me.

Who is John Galt?

I am not telling. Instead, please listen to someone pontificate about my Objectivist philosophy for a while.


There are many of us, but we are all exactly the same. We are caricatures of evil socialists and embodiments of pure evil. Let us create a perfect socialist world order ruled by the inept! We all suck! Socialism sucks! Ha ha!

We are all exactly the same. We are noble and perfect and have very angular and insolent faces. We can read each other's minds and the minds of everyone else in this novel, leaving less room for misunderstanding and more room for pontificating. And we are all in love with Dagny Taggart, the only woman in the universe worth a damn.

Who is John Galt?

[Threatens hero.]

[Flips coin]
If it's heads, I will gaze apathetically. If it's tails, I will laugh heartily.

Although these are the only two things any of you heroes have done for the past 800 pages, I am shocked at this response! How could you! How dare you!?!

I will now pontificate about Ayn Rand's philosophy. It has been at least 50 pages since you've heard it.

It is so convenient that all of my heroes are in perfect agreement about my philosophy so that their pontificating is so interchangeable.

Who is John Galt?

Hello. In this, the culmination of all the pontificating, I will explain Ayn Rand's philosophy for a full 57 pages. No, I am not kidding. This one monologue will last for 57 pages. Oh and also, I love Dagny.

I love you too. Man, this is really going to suck for Love Interest #3.

Despite my passionate love for you and enjoyment of our rape sex, and the fact that there is no other woman on earth worth a damn, and the fact that I sacrificed my life's passion on your behalf, and that I spent my entire fortune to get a divorce to be with you, I will now nobly step aside in the name of noble idealism.

Great! I will miss our creepy rape sex. Farewell.


Wait, what?


THE END ... -rand.html ( ... -rand.html)
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:56 pm

Atlas Shrugged (by Ayn Rand)

Hello, I'm Ayn Rand. I wrote a novel based on my Objectivist philosophy called The Fountainhead, but I don't think 700 pages was quite enough to get my point across, so I will write the exact same novel, only it will take 1100 pages this time.

Hey, great.

You missed the best part in the comments: are a dumbass!

And as for everyone else who didn't even finish it: I know this book is boring for the first 400 pages, but you just need to endure for awhile; I assure you it is indeed rewarding. I actually find it ironic that the book's philosophy revolved around 'working' to live when you guys can't even work hard enough to get past the first 100 pages.

And do you know why the heroes are "perfect"? Because they WORKED to become perfect. That's one important fact that you faild to include in your synopsis...they're rich and intelligent because they know how to live and 'think'! Maybe your readers would understand better if you mentioned that.

Send all your defenses, and hate mail to me at:, thanks!

And also this one:

Okay so I have to read The Fountainhead for my highschool senior English class. Out of curiosity when exactly does the sex scene occur.
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:00 pm

10-16-2007, 09:32 PM
Atlas Shrugged (by Ayn Rand)

Hello, I'm Ayn Rand. I wrote a novel based on my Objectivist philosophy called The Fountainhead, but I don't think 700 pages was quite enough to get my point across, so I will write the exact same novel, only it will take 1100 pages this time.

Hey, great.

I'm Dagny Taggart. I am a railroad tycoon, woman-in-a-man's-world, stunningly beautiful heroine. I am the only person capable of running this railroad. I am the only woman in the universe worth a damn. I am also the only woman in the universe with a real job. I am basically the only woman in this novel.

I have worshiped you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, from afar for my whole life.

That's nice.

I have worshiped you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, naked on the forest floor. Yet I will nobly step aside in the name of noble idealism, despite the fact that I love you and want you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn, desperately.


I worship you, the only woman in the universe worth a damn. Let us have creepy rape fantasy sex now. I will not ask permission to do all these kinky things to you, but luckily you want to be forced into all the kinky things, you dirty bitch.

This is clearly true love! Stick it in me.

Who is John Galt?

I am not telling. Instead, please listen to someone pontificate about my Objectivist philosophy for a while.


There are many of us, but we are all exactly the same. We are caricatures of evil socialists and embodiments of pure evil. Let us create a perfect socialist world order ruled by the inept! We all suck! Socialism sucks! Ha ha!

We are all exactly the same. We are noble and perfect and have very angular and insolent faces. We can read each other's minds and the minds of everyone else in this novel, leaving less room for misunderstanding and more room for pontificating. And we are all in love with Dagny Taggart, the only woman in the universe worth a damn.

Who is John Galt?

[Threatens hero.]

[Flips coin]
If it's heads, I will gaze apathetically. If it's tails, I will laugh heartily.

Although these are the only two things any of you heroes have done for the past 800 pages, I am shocked at this response! How could you! How dare you!?!

I will now pontificate about Ayn Rand's philosophy. It has been at least 50 pages since you've heard it.

It is so convenient that all of my heroes are in perfect agreement about my philosophy so that their pontificating is so interchangeable.

Who is John Galt?

Hello. In this, the culmination of all the pontificating, I will explain Ayn Rand's philosophy for a full 57 pages. No, I am not kidding. This one monologue will last for 57 pages. Oh and also, I love Dagny.

I love you too. Man, this is really going to suck for Love Interest #3.

Despite my passionate love for you and enjoyment of our rape sex, and the fact that there is no other woman on earth worth a damn, and the fact that I sacrificed my life's passion on your behalf, and that I spent my entire fortune to get a divorce to be with you, I will now nobly step aside in the name of noble idealism.

Great! I will miss our creepy rape sex. Farewell.


Wait, what?


THE END ... -rand.html ( ... -rand.html)
That is much, MUCH better than Ayn Rand's own prose. Shit, this talent was wasted...
Better to have summarized Dostoyevsky, the putz. ... yevsky.jpg
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Re: Pedagogy of the Oppressor - Ayn Rand

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:02 pm

10-16-2007, 09:34 PM
Who Is John Galt? Nobody Very Qualified
The Skinny: Company Working On Building Where Firefighters Died Was Nearly As Fictional As Its Namesake

NEW YORK, Aug. 23, 2007

Who is John Galt? I mean, besides the shadowy male hero of the Ayn Rand novel "Atlas Shrugged", which manages to convince thousands of teenagers every year that greed is good?

The New York Times leads with an exhaustive investigative piece revealing that the John Galt Corporation, hired by the city to demolish the 9/11-contaminated Deutsche Bank building where two firefighters died on Saturday, is every bit as shadowy and nearly as fictional as its namesake.

Having not only never done work like the extraordinarily tricky Deutsche Bank demolition but in fact having never "done much of anything since it was incorporated in 1983," the company was "not much more than a corporate entity meant to accommodate the people and companies actually doing the demolition job," the Times reports. One of those companies, Safeway Environmental Corporation, was barred from working on city schools because of alleged mob ties.

In an admission suggesting how hard it is to do any building work in New York City without contributing to the fortunes of made men, the Times notes that Safeway also worked on its fancy new headquarters.

The Galt corporation was fired yesterday for safety violations, according to the New York Post. The firefighters died as an out-of-control fire grew to seven alarms while they waited nearly an hour for water to arrive. Investigators found have revealed that a crucial section of the Deutsche Bank building's standpipe, designed to carry water from the sidewalk to fight fires throughout the high-rise, was cut, and the building's sprinkler system wasn't working. ... 6976.shtml ( ... 6976.shtml)

You can't make this shit up.
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