Sympathy for the Devils...

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:00 pm

09-15-2008, 09:02 PM
Well it ain't the same devils (exactly) but POOF! there goes Lehman and Merrill..

Hey Wall Street that GAME OVER on your 80" plasma HD flatscreen ain't just the video game

..its referring to you!

Get ready to bend over and pucker up everybody, because we're the ones slated to take this fucking
Awww don't be so bitter,kid.This may be the collapse of capitalism,we Marxists have been waiting for since the start of The Industrial Revolution.This is gonna be fun.Let's sit back and enjoy the show.

Popcorn ?


I really like these too:

You'll be safe,so long as you didn't do anything stupid like try to buy a home,or try to play the rigged stock market.And everybody here is too smart for that...
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:02 pm

09-15-2008, 09:47 PM
Well it ain't the same devils (exactly) but POOF! there goes Lehman and Merrill..

Hey Wall Street that GAME OVER on your 80" plasma HD flatscreen ain't just the video game

..its referring to you!

Get ready to bend over and pucker up everybody, because we're the ones slated to take this fucking
Awww don't be so bitter,kid.This may be the collapse of capitalism,we Marxists have been waiting for since the start of The Industrial Revolution.This is gonna be fun.Let's sit back and enjoy the show.

Popcorn ? ... opcorn.jpg

I really like these too: ... 492_12.gif

You'll be safe,so long as you didn't do anything stupid like try to buy a home,or try to play the rigged stock market.And everybody here is too smart for that...
Snot a "collapse" exactly. It's more like an enforced destruction of capital... There is momentarily too much of it, SO... we lop off an arm, maybe a leg and in a year or two, we're back in business and... oh yeah, we could use some alleviation of worldwide competition (how about Japan, again?) and some new markets (Russia, again?).

It is a "classic" Marxist crisis, ain't it? Paulson and Bernake certainly think so. All of those libertarian fantasies are all of a sudden on E-Bay, right next to the Alaskan jet and the grilled cheese Jesus.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:05 pm

Kid of the Black Hole
09-16-2008, 08:48 PM
Well it ain't the same devils (exactly) but POOF! there goes Lehman and Merrill..

Hey Wall Street that GAME OVER on your 80" plasma HD flatscreen ain't just the video game

..its referring to you!

Get ready to bend over and pucker up everybody, because we're the ones slated to take this fucking
Awww don't be so bitter,kid.This may be the collapse of capitalism,we Marxists have been waiting for since the start of The Industrial Revolution.This is gonna be fun.Let's sit back and enjoy the show.

Popcorn ? ... opcorn.jpg

I really like these too: ... 492_12.gif

You'll be safe,so long as you didn't do anything stupid like try to buy a home,or try to play the rigged stock market.And everybody here is too smart for that...
Snot a "collapse" exactly. It's more like an enforced destruction of capital... There is momentarily too much of it, SO... we lop off an arm, maybe a leg and in a year or two, we're back in business and... oh yeah, we could use some alleviation of worldwide competition (how about Japan, again?) and some new markets (Russia, again?).

It is a "classic" Marxist crisis, ain't it? Paulson and Bernake certainly think so. All of those libertarian fantasies are all of a sudden on E-Bay, right next to the Alaskan jet and the grilled cheese Jesus.
So earlier AIG is drafting bankruptcy papers, now we can expect a bailout ($85B) within the next hour..damn, so close to another one biting the dust..
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:06 pm

08-13-2012, 02:24 PM

Hmmm, this stuff holds up well...
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:07 pm

08-14-2012, 01:08 AM
Hmmm, this stuff holds up well...
It's happening again, too...

Nobody votes for the boss. Not even the boss votes for the boss. Still, the Republicans are so fookin' fevered that they are running The Boss.


This is a cardboard cut-out of the Boss. Fucker has no personality, no principles, no ideas, no sense of humor... nothin'.


Whatever the fucker has, IS IRRITATING. Nine out of ten Americans would rather beat the shit out of him than vote for him (Quinnipeac poll of "Likely" voters).

And now, he has the dumb-ass Randian Trash Compacter with him: "Gimme all your shit. I deserve it."

and, And, AND... the Fookin' Republicans could win this election, too. It will be close. Even if it is a "landslide", it will be 45/55.

The Democrats say it is because of American Goldfish memory... but, it is really the opposite.

People remember that the Democratic Party is THE WORST POLITICAL PARTY in HUMAN HISTORY...

It ain't even personal, Mr. Obama. It is a never-ending democratic chorus: screw you, screw you, screw you - UNTIL 5 minutes (5 weeks, 5 months, etc.) from the election when all of a sudden - "TO ARMS, The republicans are running MONSTERS and yew will be SCREWN!!!!"

Popular elections are close precisely because people remember that the Democratic Party is the WORST POLITICAL PARTY IN THE WORLD.

What kind of asshole would vote for that?
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:08 pm

08-14-2012, 10:21 AM

Were the Democratic Party what it purports to be, the party of 'the people' , it should be a slam dunk every time. Voter participation relative to class tells the story. The more money ya got the more likely you are to vote, and vice versa. The Dems would have it that poor/working class folks who do not vote for them fail to recognise their own interests but rather this signals a kind of clarity, those folks know they have no dog in that fight. The Dems would remedy this by increasing accessibility but that's a bullshit argument. Accessibility does have some effect no doubt, but this is dwarfed by the fact that the Dems do not deliver the goods, haven't for 75 years. Even the racism which infests our society could be surmounted electorally if that were not the case. That the Dems do not rectify this situation speaks volumes, it says whose side they are on. Their true masters the ruling class, they must pretend otherwise and this is not lost on many, though they might not put it in those terms.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:10 pm

08-14-2012, 12:00 PM
Were the Democratic Party what it purports to be, the party of 'the people' , it should be a slam dunk every time. Voter participation relative to class tells the story. The more money ya got the more likely you are to vote, and vice versa. The Dems would have it that poor/working class folks who do not vote for them fail to recognise their own interests but rather this signals a kind of clarity, those folks know they have no dog in that fight. The Dems would remedy this by increasing accessibility but that's a bullshit argument. Accessibility does have some effect no doubt, but this is dwarfed by the fact that the Dems do not deliver the goods, haven't for 75 years. Even the racism which infests our society could be surmounted electorally if that were not the case. That the Dems do not rectify this situation speaks volumes, it says whose side they are on. Their true masters the ruling class, they must pretend otherwise and this is not lost on many, though they might not put it in those terms.
People vote because:

1. Someone has proposed putting a toxic waste dump in their living room ("All politics is local", yadda, yadda).

2. Because of "identity politics" ("A Catholic/Woman/True Christian/Black guy has to be better than these assholes", etc).

3. Because someone reaches into their bedroom while they are sleeping ("Did we tell you we hate anybody who speaks Spanish, is gay, or has female body parts?", and so on...).

4. Because there appears to be no difference except as to "personality" ("I'll take the wooden statue on the left, please" - also youth, vigor, experience, likability).

5. Because they have a Green Lantern secret decoder ring ("Ignore us when we say we will fuck you; we really mean THEM").

6. Because it is the same shit every time (SOooo... "It's time for a change").

If people don't vote or don't vote on class it is and can only be because class ain't in question.

Class "talk" is not enough.

Thus, we get point shaving, 50% turnout, and "money conquers all".

The political parties hate the voters and have nothing but contempt for them. The "voters" return it with interest.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:12 pm

08-14-2012, 01:36 PM

Say, I was poking around for some fodder and came across this mostly astute paper. It is rather dated(like us), there are some quibbles, and deals with US class and politics with emphasis on the Rainbow Coalition. This might be famaliar to you, here's a couple snips:

The 'real' class struggle, the point at which class polarization is most salient, is not found in the contests between Democrats and Republicans in the active electorate, but between the active electorate as a whole and the non-voting half of the adult population as a whole."

Although Burnham establishes too strict a separation between voters and non-voters, the reality is that the majority of the working class has stayed at home in the last two Presidential elections. As Burnham indicates`The exceptional working class abstention rate today very much fills a gap in the active American electorate that was filled elsewhere by socialist parties.'81 In a typical presidential election only half of the voting age population casts a ballot; in off-year congressional elections this proportion falls to one third. The electoral absenteeism is accompanied by a growing sense of alienation. The Louis Harris alienation index rose from 29 percent in 1966 to 60 per cent in 1986. And the number of people believing that 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer' rose over the same period from 45 to 81 per cent.82 Left-wing parties are virtually excluded from the electoral process by the institutional and political obstacles which they encounter.

In summary, the electoral failure of the Democratic Party results from its inability to mobilize working-class support, based on the enormous ambivalence of the Democratic leadership towards such mobilization.

This uncertainty is partly explained by the fear that class mobilization might threaten the leadership's class interests. Non-voters in the US are more progressive (in economic and social policies) than voters and are more willing to support radical policies.83 The Democratic leadership prefers to compete with the Republican Party for the vote of the top 40per cent of the income and occupational ranks, ignoring for the most part the fate of the bottom 60 per cent.84 The size and importance of the working class abstention is shown by the fact that if the 1984 turnout had been the same as that in 1960, there would have been an extra 16.5million voters, which, incidentally, is the margin by which Reagan defeated Mondale in that year. 85


This class reading of the Rainbow does not exclude its addressing also the needs of the middle class or the professional-technical strata. But there is an awareness that the broadening of the Rainbow cannot be done at the cost of losing its natural constituency. This, incidentally, is what has been occurring to many Social Democratic, Socialist and Communist parties in Europe. Their shift to broaden their base has taken place at the cost of losing their working-class foundation. The task for the Rainbow is to build a broad coalition within the working class first and among classes after-distributive effects not from the capitalist to the working class, but within the working class. Thus there is a need to develop programmes based not only on compassion but primarily on solidarity, responding to the needs of the majority as well as to the specific needs of the minorities. One example of this type of demand is the development of a National Health Programme benefiting the majority of the population as well as specific vulnerable groups in special need.92 To ask for programmes aimed only at these latter groups is likely to divide the working class. It is more popular to ask for a National Health Programme than to ask for a medical programme for the black children of Harlem or East Baltimore. This situation cannot be explained by referring to workers' racism. It has to be explained by the realities of funding the welfare state in the US. Thus, paradoxically, to ask for more profound and extensive changes is more feasible than toask for gradual and small changes. This is the operational meaning of a class approach.

edit: Oh, I see, Monthly Review crowd, still not that bad.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:14 pm

Kid of the Black Hole
08-14-2012, 03:33 PM
It's happening again, too...

Nobody votes for the boss. Not even the boss votes for the boss. Still, the Republicans are so fookin' fevered that they are running The Boss.


This is a cardboard cut-out of the Boss. Fucker has no personality, no principles, no ideas, no sense of humor... nothin'.


Whatever the fucker has, IS IRRITATING. Nine out of ten Americans would rather beat the shit out of him than vote for him (Quinnipeac poll of "Likely" voters).

And now, he has the dumb-ass Randian Trash Compacter with him: "Gimme all your shit. I deserve it."

and, And, AND... the Fookin' Republicans could win this election, too. It will be close. Even if it is a "landslide", it will be 45/55.

The Democrats say it is because of American Goldfish memory... but, it is really the opposite.

People remember that the Democratic Party is THE WORST POLITICAL PARTY in HUMAN HISTORY...

It ain't even personal, Mr. Obama. It is a never-ending democratic chorus: screw you, screw you, screw you - UNTIL 5 minutes (5 weeks, 5 months, etc.) from the election when all of a sudden - "TO ARMS, The republicans are running MONSTERS and yew will be SCREWN!!!!"

Popular elections are close precisely because people remember that the Democratic Party is the WORST POLITICAL PARTY IN THE WORLD.

What kind of asshole would vote for that?
For months and months it seemed almost certain that whoever was pulling any strings at all was NOT going to let them run the Boss Man. (Hey bout Rick Perry? Quit laughing..seriously. No, really, quit laughing. Ok then..Huckabee? Who threw that?!). I was personally expecting a Ron Paul bounce even (face it, Ron Paul has got to be more popular than Newt Gingrich..and Newtie was the "frontrunner" for a while)

Meantime, I keep pinching myself to see if the Democratic Party really exists. The DP seems an someone is pulling a prank to see to see if anyone will notice that it is just absurdist humor.

With the selection of Paul Ryan the lobotomy seems complete (you thought Biden/Palin was trolling bottom..only thing worse is an encore by Biden plus this stooge..with Sarah Palin reporting on it!)
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:16 pm

08-14-2012, 11:40 PM
For months and months it seemed almost certain that whoever was pulling any strings at all was NOT going to let them run the Boss Man. (Hey bout Rick Perry? Quit laughing..seriously. No, really, quit laughing. Ok then..Huckabee? Who threw that?!). I was personally expecting a Ron Paul bounce even (face it, Ron Paul has got to be more popular than Newt Gingrich..and Newtie was the "frontrunner" for a while)

Meantime, I keep pinching myself to see if the Democratic Party really exists. The DP seems an someone is pulling a prank to see to see if anyone will notice that it is just absurdist humor.

With the selection of Paul Ryan the lobotomy seems complete (you thought Biden/Palin was trolling bottom..only thing worse is an encore by Biden plus this stooge..with Sarah Palin reporting on it!)
This cake is not only not baked but it has not even begun to cook yet. They have no fear - not Dems and not Pubs - after the deepest depression in nearly a century. Well, all that prosperity bought them some goodwill (and lots of confusion). Lesse where this turkey saunters to now.

Between us, they know it... but they don't know what to do about it either. If the world economy revives, it means more outsourcing... more unemployment. If it don't, it just means more unemployment.

They just don't know what to do with The Big Stag.

The parties see only short term opportunity while their writers wax on about the end of civilization, "as we know it..."

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