Sympathy for the Devils...

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Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:07 pm

08-18-2008, 10:25 PM

The Democratic Party has got to be the worst political party in human history.

Eisenhower was fucking dead. He was old but not just. He came across as some foolish old uncle who repeated platitudes that didn't quite make sense. They used to limit the amount of time that he spent on TV and radio because it was bound to become embarrassing.

Nixon came across as a buffoon. He had facial ticks and odd mannerisms aplenty. Nobody could watch the SOB for more than a few minutes and not feel for their wallet. They say he was cunning but he came across psychotic.

Ronald Reagan was the dumbest fucker that I have ever seen run for any office anywhere. The mythology they have built around him is all wrong. He didn't even look like he meant it when he was repeating the most reactionary of slogans. I think he started out stupid and got "sick" a decade before he ran for office. He also had bad hair and a silly expression that would get him beat up in a nursing home.

Bush was impossibly bourgeois. He was the anti-FDR or the anti-Kennedy - they were supposed to be the "approachable" bourgeois. Bush's made up accent always sounded like he was about to say, "bring the car around". And, he had been the head of the secret police.

The younger Bush - what can you say? Who can really, honestly say that they didn't know what was coming.

And now we have McCain. He is dumber than dumb, faker than fake, absolutely an amateur at everything he does, crazier than a loop, obviously a liar and an opportunist, and fucking dangerous.

And the dumb ass fuckwit has a real chance at winning the presidential elections in America... just like the other jerk-offs... on a program of "I'm a gonna fuck you"... without even the pretense of "fooling the electorate" - "I'll repeat the the thinnest slogans like I believe 'em and you all vote for me like you believe what I'm tellin' you..."


For this one little thing, I can't blame the Democrats. The assholes above just could not get elected to city alderman. Even if all politics have become irrelevent in U.S. elections and they promote "personalities" alone, these characters are dead losers. There is no voting scam broad enough, no media conspiracy deep enough, no right-wing core in America reactionary enough, and thus, no possible explanation for these events.

And then I got to thinking... who does this reflect on?

The Democratic Party has got to be the worst political party in human history.

But then I got to thinking... it is not possible to have a political party that bad.

(This is not the original image, which was unavailable, but it's close)
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:15 pm

Kid of the Black Hole
08-19-2008, 12:42 AM

Haha, that was hilarious dude. What I think is really funny is that the rest of the bunch knew how shitty they were, tried to hide it, and failed. McCain has got to know how bad he sucks but tries not one whit to hide it. I think he is more transparently inept and crappy than Reagan even. So I would give the DUers a bit of a pass in believing there is a media conspiracy for McCain BUT they're kind of ignoring reality

1. a massive anti-Obama wave started the second the statements of Reverend Jeremiah Wright surfaced. It is, IMO, much more far-reaching than anyone has so far acknowledged. While Wright is no longer at the center of the controversy per se, it has certainly changed the tenor of the race. Non-voters, Nader voters, etc are busy cooking up rationales to support McCain or, well, at least vote for him. These rationales include reviving the old "maverick" claim to get around admitting he's another George Bush to accusing Obama of being a closet socialist. And of course, this time its "too important" to go third party and since Obama is the slightly *worse* of the two..

This couldn't be better reflected than in Hilary's wins in the latter stages of the race

2. All of the fervor surrounding Obama evaporated when he clinched. Whether that's self-inflicted (his rhetoric went further right) or it just slowed of its own inertial mass I don't know. Maybe it was a fad that had a definite shelf-life to start with; that is what I sense among the younger portion of his hardcore supporters but I'm not close enough to honestly say. There are also a lot of pissed Hilary people, who knows if they'll get over it..many of them strike me as "centrists" who are like as not to jump over to McCain but who knows..

3. For whatever reason the outrage is not front and center revolving around things like bailing out Wall Street, Freddie and Fannie or Exxon making more money than God last quarter (maybe they'll tell Congress they're having a better year than He is). I think there is outrage aplenty on all of those issues including the attendant immiseration that comes with insane fuel costs but it is not connected much with the "narrative" of the election.

So when McCain indicates he thinks what America needs is another good hard fucking at the hands of big finance, its almost like his statements are made in a strange kind of bubble. No one really cares what he says or what Obama says anyway other than in the game of oneupmanship played out in the 30 second spots.

I mean the economy is in the shitter, there's a health care crisis, government programs are crashing and burning, the US occupations in the ME are looking more and more intractable, and we're talking about..Paris Hilton and "faith"

Yeah, it'd be pretty damn easy to slip into culture-based criticisms

4. For as great as his campaign supposedly is, Obama is still dying to the old mainstay that "he'll raise your taxes". Seriously, this is an issue. Whats funny is, some bitch kept insisting Obama would raise, I didn't really care, but eventually I asked her how her tax bill had changed over the last 8 years. She didn't know. Many people are also for off-shore drilling which is sort of an any port in the storm mental capitulation I guess. McCain seems to have the edge on that issue, although now Obama is storming back. But that walks him right into the "flip-flopper" charge which is yet another mainstay lol

I personally think it will be a minor miracle if Obama actually wins, subject to revision depending on how things go between now and November..McCain could kick off before then or something. But the schmoe who replaced him (Romney?) would probably win
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:17 pm

08-19-2008, 09:55 AM

I am so naive, in 1980 I didn't believe it possible that Reagan could be elected, he was a doddering fool then and it was all downhill from there. In 2000 I didn't think it possible that junior could get elected, he was such a cypher. They were just so fucking lame, pretty much supports your 'hypothesis'.

Keep me away from the bookies.

That picture is the stuff, but I think it would give Mike conniptions.

When you think about the episodic but somehow well timed buffoonery, maybe start with the 'Eagleton Affair', the entire Dukakis campaign, Gore and Kerry's runs, and plenty else, the temptation to don the tin foil is great. But this one word creeps into my mind which might do as well, flaccid.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:18 pm

Kid of the Black Hole
08-19-2008, 10:57 AM

Incidentally, is the guy at the head of the table whose face you can't see supposed to be Lincoln? I realize its just a pic off the internet but Lincoln seems a strange addition to that crowd..
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:20 pm

08-19-2008, 11:09 AM
Incidentally, is the guy at the head of the table whose face you can't see supposed to be Lincoln? I realize its just a pic off the internet but Lincoln seems a strange addition to that crowd..
Republican "icon"... Teddy doesn't fit all that well either. Asshole and inventor of modern American Imperialism though he was, he would still smack Ronnie.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:22 pm

08-19-2008, 11:11 AM
Incidentally, is the guy at the head of the table whose face you can't see supposed to be Lincoln? I realize its just a pic off the internet but Lincoln seems a strange addition to that crowd..
Yeah, think so. If yer a republican you'd want to include all these modern shitheads in more august company to give them credibility. Obviously a repub artist, mebbe like that Kincaid dude. Jesus, look at the rendering of Nixon, fuckin degenerate looks like George Hamilton in better days.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:26 pm

08-19-2008, 05:00 PM
I am so naive, in 1980 I didn't believe it possible that Reagan could be elected, he was a doddering fool then and it was all downhill from there. In 2000 I didn't think it possible that junior could get elected, he was such a cypher. They were just so fucking lame, pretty much supports your 'hypothesis'.

Keep me away from the bookies.

That picture is the stuff, but I think it would give Mike conniptions.

When you think about the episodic but somehow well timed buffoonery, maybe start with the 'Eagleton Affair', the entire Dukakis campaign, Gore and Kerry's runs, and plenty else, the temptation to don the tin foil is great. But this one word creeps into my mind which might do as well, flaccid.
I have no idea what you are talking about.

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:27 pm

08-19-2008, 08:48 PM

In fact you are correct Mr. anax. They are indeed the best.

Not by accident.

You can't dream this shit up.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:28 pm

09-08-2008, 11:25 AM

They're back... and they're doin' it again.

Demobama: "We love the miltary, they are all heroes, we honor their service..."
Republicain: "I was the military; I should be honored..."

Demobama: "We don't oppose all war; we are just against the way war is handled."
Republicain: "Didn't you hear me? I am the military. Who can handle war better?"

Demobama: "Gas prices are really high. We favor all kinds of indistinct measures to fix them."
Republicain: "We favor the same indistinct shit (what is the harm?) plus we wanna drill everywhere - Hummers are us.

Demobama: "The economy is terrible. We want a middle class tax break."
Republicain: "We want a tax break for everybody - we are more egalitarian."

Demobama: "We want indistinct change and meaningless experience."
Republicain: "We want meaningless experience and indistinct change - better ordering."

Demobama: "Women's issues are really important. That is why we are for abortion."
Republicain: "Hell, we gotta a girl... err, 'woman'."

Demobama: "Since we live in a post racial era, our guy is black but it don't mean nothin'."
Republicain: "Since it don't mean nothin', we stopped paying attention."

Demobama: "We are really really smart and entitled. We should win."
Republicain: "Lots of people hate 'entitled'. We are billionaire homies."

Demobama: "We want to invite the Republicans into our ruling coalition."
Republicain: "We are Republicans. We don't need to invite nobody."

Demobama: "Don't worry, we won't really change too much."
Republicain: "Ditto..."

Demobama: "We are certain voters are stupid so we will wow 'em with fireworks and not distract them with substance."
Republicain: "We will see your 'stupid' and raise you ten thousand 'floating chrysanthemums of cynicism'."

...and so it goes.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:30 pm

09-08-2008, 12:45 PM

Today's word is 'pandering'.

All over I see the call to arms, no pandering! They shall not pass, no way in hell, be it guns or abortion or religion, this is the line in the sand. Viva la difference!

Now, if yer talking about economic justice or health care or imperialism, well then, ahem...never mind.

Sure looking like the Palin nomination was a good choice for the Republicans, the predictable reaction looks like more of the same old shit, and we know where that goes.

They should change the name to 'Pavlov's Dog Party'.


Edit: Can't decide whether to file this under Jumping The Shark or Ya Can't Make This Up. ... id=6987231 ( ... id=6987231)
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