08-18-2008, 10:25 PM
The Democratic Party has got to be the worst political party in human history.
Eisenhower was fucking dead. He was old but not just. He came across as some foolish old uncle who repeated platitudes that didn't quite make sense. They used to limit the amount of time that he spent on TV and radio because it was bound to become embarrassing.
Nixon came across as a buffoon. He had facial ticks and odd mannerisms aplenty. Nobody could watch the SOB for more than a few minutes and not feel for their wallet. They say he was cunning but he came across psychotic.
Ronald Reagan was the dumbest fucker that I have ever seen run for any office anywhere. The mythology they have built around him is all wrong. He didn't even look like he meant it when he was repeating the most reactionary of slogans. I think he started out stupid and got "sick" a decade before he ran for office. He also had bad hair and a silly expression that would get him beat up in a nursing home.
Bush was impossibly bourgeois. He was the anti-FDR or the anti-Kennedy - they were supposed to be the "approachable" bourgeois. Bush's made up accent always sounded like he was about to say, "bring the car around". And, he had been the head of the secret police.
The younger Bush - what can you say? Who can really, honestly say that they didn't know what was coming.
And now we have McCain. He is dumber than dumb, faker than fake, absolutely an amateur at everything he does, crazier than a loop, obviously a liar and an opportunist, and fucking dangerous.
And the dumb ass fuckwit has a real chance at winning the presidential elections in America... just like the other jerk-offs... on a program of "I'm a gonna fuck you"... without even the pretense of "fooling the electorate" - "I'll repeat the the thinnest slogans like I believe 'em and you all vote for me like you believe what I'm tellin' you..."
For this one little thing, I can't blame the Democrats. The assholes above just could not get elected to city alderman. Even if all politics have become irrelevent in U.S. elections and they promote "personalities" alone, these characters are dead losers. There is no voting scam broad enough, no media conspiracy deep enough, no right-wing core in America reactionary enough, and thus, no possible explanation for these events.
And then I got to thinking... who does this reflect on?
The Democratic Party has got to be the worst political party in human history.
But then I got to thinking... it is not possible to have a political party that bad.

(This is not the original image, which was unavailable, but it's close)