Sympathy for the Devils...

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:53 pm


Five Things Liberals Say To Avoid Taking A Real Position On Gaza

1. “It’s heartbreaking!” 2. “It’s complicated!” 3. “BUT TRUMP!” 4. “I really hope there can be peace there someday!” 5. “I support a two-state solution!”

Caitlin Johnstone
February 2, 2024

Here are five noises western liberals often make to avoid having to take a real position on Gaza:

1. “It’s heartbreaking!”

2. “It’s complicated!”


4. “I really hope there can be peace there someday!”

5. “I support a two-state solution!”

Let’s talk about these a bit.

“It’s heartbreaking!”
Liberals love talking about how “sad” and “heartbreaking” what’s happening in Gaza is like it’s some kind of natural disaster, some tragically tragic tragedy that their government has been passively witnessing instead of actively facilitating. It lets them express their progressive humanitarian feelings without actually taking a meaningful political position against what’s being done in their name with their tax dollars and with their tacit consent.

In reality the genocide in Gaza is not sad or heartbreaking or tragic; those are words you use for diseases and accidents. When someone is murdered with malicious intent, we don’t heave a heavy sigh and shed a tear and move on — we prosecute their murderer. It isn’t raining bombs in Gaza because that’s just the unfortunate weather there today, those bombs are being dropped by Israel with genocidal intent with the full backing of the United States and its allies. This is a crime which requires outrage and punishment, not empty crocodile tears.

“It’s complicated!”
No it isn’t. An apartheid regime has been oppressing and abusing an ethnic group which doesn’t receive the same rights and treatment as others, and now they’re dropping bombs on a population trapped in a giant concentration camp. If it was Jewish people enclosed in Gaza while any other ethnicity rained military explosives on them for four months, no liberal in the world would have trouble recognizing what they’re seeing and calling it what it is.

Push a Biden supporter hard enough on what their president is doing in Gaza and eventually they’ll start babbling about how bad Donald Trump is. As though Trump being bad somehow negates the depravity of backing an active genocide. Or as though backing an active genocide is an excusable offense if it means a little more student debt forgiveness or something.

Democrats have no way to reconcile Gaza with what they believe about themselves and what values they supposedly hold, so when confronted with the horrifying reality of what their president is doing in the middle east they’re left with no option but to plunge their heads into the sand and scream “TRUMP!!!” as loud as they can. Nothing has exposed the true nature of the Democratic Party like a Democrat president running for re-election during a US-backed genocide.

“I really hope there can be peace there someday!”
Like “It’s tragic!”, this one replaces a meaningful political position with empty emotional fluff to create the false impression that the liberal has said something relevant which aligns with their stated values and ideology.

By saying you want peace but refusing to say how you want the peace to come about, the “peace” you purport to support could mean anything. If Israel bombs Gaza into rubble and drives survivors into refugee camps in the Sinai desert, they could call that “peace” because there won’t be a war anymore. If Israel murders everyone in Gaza, they can call that “peace” because the bombs are no longer falling. Even going back to the status quo of October 6 wouldn’t be “peace”, it would just be returning to the abusive conditions which gave rise to October 7.

Saying you want “peace” without talking about immediate ceasefires and negotiated agreements is just saying you want Israel to keep doing what it’s doing until it decides it’s done enough.

“I support a two-state solution!”
The “two-state solution” is functionally just a psychological box that liberals mentally tick off so they can pretend they have a real position on Israel-Palestine. Israeli leaders publicly spit on the notion of a Palestinian state with its own military and national sovereignty, and there is no political wherewithal to make such a thing happen. It’s nothing more than a conceptual construct which lets liberals feel nice about their personal politics without actually taking a stand against the western-backed tyrannical power structure that is the state of Israel.

In reality there cannot be peace until Israel ceases to be an abusive apartheid ethnostate, until it and its allies pay massive reparations to the Palestinians, and until all the wrongs of the past are made right. This is entirely possible, but it would be a massive, massive effort toward a goal that would make the current status quo of Israel-Palestine completely unrecognizable from what it currently is. Merely flicking an intellectual thumbs-up to empty notions about a “two-state solution” is just more liberal psychological compartmentalization.

Other popular noises liberals make to avoid taking a real position on Gaza include “Something something antisemitism!” and “It’s just Netanyahu and a few far-right jerks making things bad!” The specific words don’t matter much, because liberals will make whatever noises they need to make to avoid the crushing weight of cognitive dissonance and resist the increasingly loud demands from reality that they dramatically restructure their worldview. ... n-on-gaza/

Red added for succinct.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Tue Feb 06, 2024 4:14 pm

Biden Needs a ‘Hail Mary’ Pass to Win the Game

Steven Sahiounie

February 6, 2024

Many Democrats have even gone so far as to suggest Biden withdraw from the race, and let another person take a shot at winning.

U.S. President Joe Biden is facing the most difficult election campaign of his life. His opponent, former President Donald Trump is leading in the polls, and most analysts expect that Trump will win in November 2024 by a landslide against Biden.

Even most Democrats doubt Biden could win, and many Democrats have even gone so far as to suggest he withdraw from the race, and let another person take a shot at winning.

In the American football jargon of the NFL, the “Hail Mary” pass is a long thrown football by the quarterback, when the team is about to lose, and only a miracle catch and touchdown could turn into a win.

Biden is facing such a situation in his 2024 presidential re-election campaign. Most Democrats disapprove of his policy in the Gaza war. Younger voters overwhelmingly disapprove of his support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

American voters know that the weapons Israel uses to carry out war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide are supplied by the U.S. Biden administration, and paid for the hard-working American tax payer.

From coast to coast, Biden’s poll numbers were way down before October 7, and now are at the lowest point. Michigan is a key state that Biden must win in order to be re-elected, but right now he is losing Michigan.

Michigan has a high concentration of Arab Americans, and they have promised not to vote for Biden because of his refusal to ask for a ceasefire, and the unbridled flow of weapons to Israel even though the flow is in violation of State Department rules which prevent weapons going to any country which is liable to use them in violation of human rights.

Jews make up about 2% of the U.S. population, and they are divided on the Gaza War. We have seen Jewish activists protesting against the Biden policy in Gaza. African Americans have voiced opposition to Biden because of Gaza. They equate the racial injustice their communities had suffered, and some continue to suffer, in the U.S. with the racist policy in Israel which treats Jews as deserving of human rights, but deny Palestinians their most basic rights. African Americans are on the side of oppressed people, not the oppressor. They recall Nelson Mandela when he said, “We will not be free until the Palestinian people are free.”

But, Biden still has time to pull off a miraculous win with his version of a “Hail Mary” pass.

Biden would call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, with an exchange of hostages for prisoners held in Israel without trial. Why would Israel agree to that? Because Biden could shut down the weapons flow, adhering to existing State Department rules that weapons will not be shipped to countries engaged in humanitarian violations, which means holding Israel to the same standards as all the other countries on earth.

Biden could organize an international conference between the Palestinian representatives, the Arab League, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the U.S., and Israel designing a reasonable proposal to implement the existing UN resolution calling for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The conference would outline a time table toward a full Palestinian state.

Biden could get a commitment from Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran that they will cease any attacks on Israel during the peace process with a time frame attached.

Hamas has said they do not seek the extermination of the Jewish people, but are fighting for the freedom of Palestine. Iran has stated they are fighting for the freedom of Palestine, and they will respect any peace deal the Palestinians will accept. Hezbollah is fighting for the freedom of Palestine, but also they are resisting the Israeli military occupation of a piece of Lebanese land. Israel would need to relinquish the Shebaa Farms in Lebanon in return for a lasting piece on their northern border.

If Biden were to lead the initiative to bring peace to the Middle East, he would not only win the U.S. election in November, but he would likely win the Noble Peace Prize, which Obama won for doing nothing.

The UN and many humanitarian and human rights organizations have labeled Israel as an Apartheid state, and that was long before the Gaza war began. Those same groups have added the crime of genocide to the list of complaints against Israel, who Biden calls America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, and the only democracy in the Middle East.

Israel is not a democracy and does not share American values. A democratic nation does not hold half of their population under brutal occupation and siege for decades. America values include freedom, justice, and giving each person a fair chance to succeed.

Many Palestinians and Arabs have migrated in the past to the U.S., and have lived the “American Dream”. Many of those migrants started with nothing, and ended up owning a home, putting their kids through college, and enjoying a life of freedom from oppression and racism.

When they stepped off the boat in the U.S., they found a job, worked hard, obeyed the laws, and respected their neighbor’s rights, just as they expected their neighbors to respect their rights. That is the foundation of the American lifestyle: work hard, pay your taxes, and obey the laws.

The Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza hate the U.S. foreign policy which is designed to prevent them any freedom or human rights. Despite the U.S. being the only force on earth that could improve their lives, and refuses to do so, the Palestinians still love the concept of the “American Dream”. That dream is the Palestinian dream as well, but the Oval Office prevents the chance at such a life of success and accomplishment.

A two-state solution, and a lasting peace in Israel and Palestine makes the Middle East and the entire world more stable. Israeli citizens will win as much as the Palestinians in a peace deal. Biden would win his election, and Americans would be able to be proud of their freedom, values and the “American Dream”. ... -the-game/

Here's the thing about a 'Two State Solution': no matter that the major powers subscribe to such a formula neither Bibi nor Hamas does. The only way I could see that happening is with a decisive Palestinian win followed by undeserved magnanimity of the Palestinian part allowing a rump Israeli(but not Zionist!) state in the north west portion of Palestine. And they can forget about Jerusalem...
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu Feb 08, 2024 3:49 pm

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Lost & Fearful in The Middle East
February 7, 2024

The Biden regime wanders in a funhouse of its own making.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arriving in Cairo on Feb. 6. (State Department, Chuck Kennedy)

By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News

Of all the amateurish moments to arise as the Biden regime conducts its foreign policy, the White House’s official statement as B1–B bombers let loose over Iraq and Syria last Friday may be the taker of the cake.

As the ordnance fell on 85 targets in seven locations, many of them outposts of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, our addled president felt compelled to insist, “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world.”

How many times have we heard this since these latest operations in Iraq, Syria and Yemen began? Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, has said the same thing in the same words. Lloyd Austin, the defense secretary, has, too. So has Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser. So has John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman.

Once we are finished counting, we can consider the astounding stupidity that has led the Biden regime into this impossible contradiction. Reflecting the president’s compulsive support for Israel over the whole of his political life, the U.S. has incautiously stayed with the Zionist state as it seeks to widen the war all the way to Iran by way of Lebanon and Syria.

Now, as the war runs straight up to the Islamic Republic’s borders, Biden and his people take to insisting they do not want that wider war the Israelis are bent on provoking.

I honestly cannot think of other occasions in the history of American foreign policy that match this one for its sheer… what? … the sheer botch of it. There must be some, or many given America’s conduct these past seven decades, but they do not come readily to mind.

Escalation, to take the most obvious problem, is not the right way to deescalate. You cannot begin bombing other nations — illegally, let’s not forget — while killing noncombatants in the process (as the Iraqis and Syrians have charged), and tell them in simultaneous statements that you do not wish to provoke conflict.

Well, you can, but you cannot expect to be taken seriously.

‘Illusory Truth Effect’

B-1B bombers taking off from Dyess Air Force Base in Texas on Feb. 2 with targets in Iraq in Syria. (video still, Wikimedia Commons)

I start to think the Biden administration now resorts to one of the propagandist’s cardinal rules: Say something nonsensical often enough and people, even intelligent people, will begin to believe it. Psychologists have called this the illusory truth effect since researchers at Villanova and Temple universities discovered this common vulnerability among us in the late–1970s.

The reiteration effect has long worked on Americans, diabolically enough. But one of Joe Biden’s most fundamental failings is his assumption that he can sell abroad the sort of nonsense he has sold Americans for 50–odd years. I do not exaggerate when I suggest this misapprehension is one of the core defects of the Man from Scranton’s foreign policies.

A second, related problem merits brief consideration. To insist that the U.S. does not seek a region-wide war while bombing other nations amounts to asking others not to retaliate. It is to say, in effect, “We want to restore our failed deterrence policy. Please let us deter you.” Alastair Crooke, in a well-reasoned piece published last Friday, calls this “a form of militarized psychotherapy.”

This amounts to a gamble only a nation on its back foot would take. The Biden regime is likely to win it with the Iranians, who continue to abide by a longstanding policy of “strategic patience,” as Muhammad Sahimi, a prominent commentator on Iranian affairs, argued in a piece published Saturday in The Floutist.

But the Yemeni Houthis attacking ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden have already signaled they have no intention of changing course. Other groups active in Iraq and Syria are likely to follow the Houthis’ lead: It will persist, not desist, in my read.

I take the administration at its word when it insists it does not want another war on its hands, even if it seems to have no idea how to avoid the risk of starting one. It is simply too overexposed across the Middle East — too many bases, too burdened with a hardware-heavy war machine, musclebound, and altogether too vulnerable.

All the recent attacks on U.S. ships, ground facilities and personnel have unexpectedly exposed this weakness. And this brings us to what most fundamentally motivates Biden and the instant peaceniks who faithfully repeat what he says. (Or does he faithfully repeat what they tell him to say?)

What we have heard this past week is an implicit confession of fear at the top of America’s foreign policy cliques. If these people have bungled policy to an extent that may be unprecedented in the postwar decades, as suggested above, they find themselves, in consequence, utterly lost and afraid in the funhouse of their making.

History’s clock just chimed again, if I am right about this.

Israel’s Control Over Washington

Biden with pilots of Marine One on Jan. 21. (White House, Adam Schultz)

Straight off the top, anyone who still traffics in a two-state solution featuring an independent Palestine is at this point unable to face reality and discouraging others from doing so.

No such entity is any longer possible — nor was one, in my view, ever desirable. The Israelis, in any event, will never agree to an independent Palestine: The Netanyahu regime makes this clear every chance it gets.

What is this “reshaping the Palestinian Authority” all about? What does such a project even mean? Who will do the reshaping? Into what? And out of what? The PA at this point droops under its own sclerosis and corruption. Who is going to put it in charge of Gaza — by what mechanism? How is a “demilitarized Palestinian state” — Friedman’s phrase — to bear responsibility for its national security?

As to the Saudis, there seems to me nothing in these three tracks that has any chance of drawing them into formal relations with Israel. There has been too much desecration and murder these past four months for Washington — “the power trying to stitch it all together” — to come anywhere near reaching the end of this “track.”

Tom Friedman’s name for the “strategic thinking” pencil-sketched here is “a Biden Doctrine.” Let us suppress our splutters and leave our Tom to the grandiosity he prefers. There are several realities to consider as we assess these proposals.

One, at issue in these various tracks are geopolitical power and empire management, nothing more. What is the intent of the policy supposedly now in formation? Tell me it is anything other than the creation of a puppet regime comprised of malleable compradors in a hopelessly fragmented “Palestine.” Tell me execution of the policy the Times outlines will not entail a festival of bribery and coercion across the region.

Two, and related to the first point, there is no more place in this “strategic thinking” for any kind of Palestinian democracy or freedom than there is in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem.

Read the Times’ copy, listen to the quoted sources: Where in any of it do Palestinians breathe or walk around or have anything to say? Shame on these two reporters, their columnist colleague, their editors and every source they cite: They participate in the same dehumanization that has defined American policy on the Palestine question for decades.

Do you think Palestinians and those who support their cause do not see these things? Do you think they do not read these policies in outline as essentially unserious?

I am convinced the Times’ reports accurately reflect an effort in Washington to find a way forward out of the utter mess Biden and his people have made for themselves. But to call what is apparently afoot a Biden Doctrine is to put lipstick on a pig.

These people seem to have no clue how to devise a genuinely useful policy. Fear, after all, inhibits all thought of innovation.

The Gaza crisis is a text in which we can read that genuine diplomacy, based on knowledge of the perspectives of others, will come to define our century more than mere power. It tells us, too, that Washington, as of now, has neither the intention nor ability to live and act well in this new time. ... ddle-east/


Democrats and the Mediocre Black Misleaders
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist 07 Feb 2024

Joe Biden and Symone Sanders Townsend in 2020 (Photo: Matt Rourke/Associated Press)

The Democrats offer nothing but fake opposition and the duopoly is splitting. The chosen Black spokespeople are predictably hacks who get paid to spout meaningless drivel.

“There are people who say, ‘We would like choice.’ To those people I say yes but now is not the time. Like I would like to be a size 6. Ok but that means I got to go to the gym. That means I can’t eat them oreos at night. That means I probably need to not put no sugar in my coffee.”
Symone Sanders Townsend , MSNBC

“Those folks who were in bondage, the progeny of the folks who picked cotton, now those folks won’t be picking cotton, but will be picking presidents.”
Jaime Harrison , Democratic National Committee Chair

The Democratic Party shows its contempt for the Black voters they depend upon in a myriad of ways. They talk a good game and pretend to do what Black people want while also engaging in duopoly treachery, falsely pointing to republicans as the obstacle to doing what the people want. “But Trump!”, will be their most popular expression in 2024. This year will present numerous occasions for patronizing treachery against the people whose support they need the most.

One would think that as Joe Biden struggles to reach an approval rating that would ensure re-election success that he and the rest of the party establishment would choose better people to represent them in the group most likely to vote for democrats. They don’t because they are on the horns of a dilemma. They don’t really want to be too closely identified with Black people, the group they need most. They also can’t be in conflict with the oligarchs who make all of the political decisions in the country. The end result is a parade of foolishness meant to keep Black people in support of a party that actively works against their interests.

In 2024 democrats put the South Carolina primary first, pushing it past New Hampshire, where they didn’t even bother with a primary campaign. As in the rest of the south, registered democrats in South Carolina are usually Black. The decision to have an early contest in a southern state is politically sound but nothing comes out of it for Black people except photo ops with the likes of Congressman James Clyburn, a leader of the congressional establishment who has been falsely portrayed as an independent actor, a kingmaker.

It is true that Biden recently won in South Carolina overwhelmingly with 96% of the vote, but with only a 4% turnout of registered voters. One can hardly blame those who chose to stay home. He had no credible competition and the fix, as they say, was in. But that doesn’t excuse the likes of Jaime Harrison from using one of the most trite and offensive stump speech lines about picking cotton and picking presidents.

Not to be outdone, Symone Sanders, once a press secretary for the Bernie Sanders campaign in 2016, and an adviser to Biden’s 2020 campaign, who then moved on to work for Vice President Kamala Harris, added to the tomfoolery by telling viewers that wanting to have a choice other than Biden is akin to going on a diet.

The quadrennial election process is a grifter’s dream come true. The democrats throw money around to anyone who is willing to repeat the party line, and if the grifters in question are Black, they lower the standard even further. The electoral propagandists don’t need to be smart or offer anything new. In fact, that is the last thing their patrons want. Any skills or intelligence go out the window and we are left with sad analogies about picking cotton. Doing otherwise would rock the political boat and expose the fakery that is rife in American politics.

Of course, this is a difficult moment as the ruling classes are openly splitting on key issues. The Democratic Party is saddled with an unpopular president and a discredited former president who is still managing to lead in the polls. Democrats gave away the store as the saying goes in coming up with an immigration bill that republicans demanded. The border wall, which liberals were supposed to revile, was back yet again, along with other measures intended to stem the flow of asylum seekers at the southern border. Republicans were on board until Donald Trump told them to scuttle the bill, and scuttle it they did.

Republicans held military spending for Ukraine and for Israel hostage, claiming they would give billions of dollars more if they got the border bill they wanted. But Trump spoke and the wheeling and dealing fell apart. Enter Symone Sanders Townsend . “In a world where the U.S. doesn’t fund Ukraine, Taiwan & Israel as well as provide $$ needed for border security…more people will die, Putin will win, the Chinese government will follow Putin’s lead and America is no longer a reliable partner.” This sort of word salad is all that is left of what passes for Black leadership. The misleaders are even worse than they used to be.

Hoping for a better class of party hacks is a loser’s game but they must be exposed nonetheless. It is vital for Black people to see what kind of games are being played against them. Democrats offer nothing but quieter Trumpism and that is why a Black media personality like Sanders Townsend will make silly statements about Russia and China. It is what she is being paid to do after all and the people doing the paying are scoundrels and hacks themselves. ... misleaders
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Feb 09, 2024 3:44 pm


A Dementia Patient Is President Because It Doesn’t Matter Who The President Is

So it turns out the dementia symptoms Biden’s supporters have long dismissed as a “stutter” are actually exactly what they look like.

Caitlin Johnstone
February 9, 2024

So it turns out the dementia symptoms Biden’s supporters have long dismissed as a “stutter” are actually exactly what they look like.

The special counsel assigned to investigate Joe Biden for mishandling classified documents reports that investigators “uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” but concludes that “no criminal charges are warranted in this matter.”

Which normally would be cause for a sigh of relief by this administration and its supporters, except that among the reasons given for this conclusion is that the president has gone senile.

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Special Counsel Robert Hur writes to Attorney General Merrick Garland, saying that “Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023. And his cooperation with our investigation… will likely convince some jurors that he made an innocent mistake, rather than acting willfully — that is, with intent to break the law — as the statute requires.”

Hur reports that in interviews Biden couldn’t even remember things as fundamental as the years of his term as vice president, or when his son Beau died. Hur also writes that Biden’s memory had gotten worse between the aforementioned recorded 2017 interviews and the interviews with the president last year.

In short, the president’s brain don’t work. It’s shot. The “leader of the free world” has rusted out gray matter. It’s like swiss cheese in there.

And it is indeed getting worse. During a press conference in which Biden was ostensibly meant to reassure the world that his brain is working fine in light of the big news, the president referred to the president of Egypt as the president of Mexico and froze mid-speech when he unsuccessfully tried to remember where his son got the rosary he carries from. Just this week Biden has mistakenly referred to dead European leaders as still being in office, not once but twice.

If you were still laboring under the delusion that it matters who the US president is, the fact that an actual, literal dementia patient has held that office for three years now should dispel that notion once and for all. The US empire has been marching along in exactly the same way it was before Biden took office, completely unhindered by the fact that the person who’s supposedly calling the shots is in a state of degenerative neurological free-fall.

Literally anyone could hold that office and it would make no meaningful difference in the way the US empire is run. A coma patient could be president. A jar of kalamata olives could be president. The position which Americans hold elections over in the belief that it could bring positive changes to their country and their world is nothing but a figurehead.

Which is a bit of a problem for Americans who would like to change certain aspects of their government’s behavior, like for example the backing of an active genocide in Gaza. Whose conscience do they work to appeal to if the person they were told is in charge actually isn’t? Who do they vote for if the people who really call the shots aren’t even on the ballot?

The fact that the US president has dementia exposes the uncomfortable truth that the functioning of the empire is too important to be left in the hands of voters. There’s too much power riding on the behavior of the US government from year to year for the electorate to be permitted a say in it.

The globe-spanning power structure that is centralized around the United States is run not by the official elected government of that nation, but by unelected empire managers who filter in and out of each administration and maintain a steady presence in government agencies and government-adjacent institutions. These empire managers form alliances with corporate powers and working relationships with the many nations, assets and partners who function as members of the undeclared US empire.

Which means there’s not really any way for Americans to vote their way out of this mess. If you have a problem with genocide, militarism, economic injustice, authoritarianism, or any other crucial building block for the US-centralized power structure, you will never be permitted to have any influence over those things through the official electoral system. Voting in western “democracies” is done to give us the illusion of control, like letting a toddler play with a toy steering wheel while you drive so they can feel like they’re participating.

That doesn’t mean there’s no way out of this mess, just that there’s no way out of this mess that involves voting. We’re already seeing pro-Palestine activists throwing significant obstacles in the operations of Israeli weapons dealers, and the push to educate and inform the public about what’s happening in Gaza has caused Israel to lose control of the narrative so severely that it’s now resorting to desperate online influence ops. Measures like this can be implemented across the board to bring about the end of the imperial power structure. Once enough people begin turning against the empire, using the power of our numbers to force real change will quickly move from impossible to possible to likely to inevitable.

But we’ve got to stop hanging all our hopes on the electoral system first. Every four years we see American attention get sucked up into this empty puppet show about which soulless empire manager should be the temporary official figurehead at the front desk of the permanent imperial machine, and if you want to vote by all means go ahead and vote. But don’t let that performative ritual distract you from the real project: to wake up our fellow humans and begin forcing real change. ... sident-is/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:16 pm

Biden’s Eulogy Will Be ‘Journalism RIP’. How He Destroyed the Fourth Estate

Martin Jay

February 9, 2024

The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives.

Many will be no doubt asking themselves, especially in the U.S., how did the West get itself tied up in a regional war with Iran’s proxies? But who can keep a straight face when the narrative from Washington insists that the attacks against Houthis – and now Iran’s proxies in Iraq and Syria – are not linked to the genocide being carried out in Gaza by Israel, with weapons given by the U.S. Western elites must think their voters are especially stupid if they swallow, not helped by the UK’s defence chief in parliament explaining to MPs that “Gaza is a long way from the Red Sea”.

In the past few days, when a U.S. senator asked a Singaporean national in a congressional hearing if he was a member of the Chinese Communist party, many will argue that our politicians in the west are simply getting dumber. The level of education of our politicians simply doesn’t compare to what we would expect 30 years ago. But the real issue is how corrupt they have become and perhaps even more importantly the demise of journalism.

Biden uses the full reach of his friends on the Washington Post to promote him and his messages. This is one level of corruption we know and understand – partisanism. But there is a whole new level to corruption when those same journalists actually replicate so-called facts which they know are lies. Journalism as we knew it is practically dead. Journalism used to be about the truth because the truth defined policies and how people voted. But the truth has no value any more and journalism is really a decaying corpse.

Take the example of how U.S. and UK media reported on the three dead American soldiers, which, arguably provoked Biden into launching the airstrikes against Iran’s proxies. It was reported that they were killed in Jordan, which, in fact is not at all true. The truth is that they were killed on the other side of the Syrian border near a so-called secret U.S. base in Al Tanf. If media reported the facts thus, Biden would face a baptism of fire from many in the U.S. who would ask “what the hell are U.S. soldiers doing there?”. The problem with that question is that it opens a Pandora’s box of other awkward questions. The U.S. cannot claim to be a victim of attacks when their forces are illegally occupying a territory.

But this story shows just how poor media is now and just how dead old school journalism is to boot. Journalists were complicit in this lie to help the Biden administration with its greater disinformation campaign, which surrounds a narrative of a Russian invasion of Europe is imminent. Of course, it isn’t but this is the line which needs to be pushed so as to justify bigger military spending to get our present politicians through a difficult election – in both the U.S. and UK and other European states.

The Biden administration is inventing a phoney war and journalists are supporting the narrative without even missing a heartbeat. The fourth estate has literally died and has been replaced by phalanx of corrupt young men and women who have redefined the profession entirely as an extension of the state and its craven objectives. In the UK, the odious Douglas Murray who has shown Britain from day one of the recent conflict in Gaza that he is more than happy to replicate every item of fake news that Israel’s IDF is happy to hand him – without even acknowledging the bigger picture of a brutal occupation. He is, essentially, a pro-Zionist fanatic and it beggars belief that he is even allowed to go on air and report, when he has shown his almost cult-like following of the Netanyahu government and its objectives to wipe out the civilian population of Gaza. He is a genocide denier and yet he is allowed to continue his work as a journalist. Should we be shocked though to learn that just recently his diatribe of on air lies about the Gaza genocide, which always paints the Israelis as the victims and the Palestinians as savages, has been taken to the next level?

Murray now is in London trying to help Israel with its fundraising. Thirty years ago, this would have been unthinkable. A wall of resistance from professionals which would have blocked him in the media industry would have prevailed. “Unethical” would be the key word which would have put this vile Israeli apologist back in his box. But in modern Britain, media has become so corrupt, that few, if any are shocked that a journalist can work openly as an activist as well. One could argue that one role is merely an extension of the other, both of them dripping with the blood of Palestinian children. Real journalism is being shut down at an alarming rate. Partisan journalism, which even allows hacks to be activists at the same time, is the new norm. To give you an idea just how far this has advanced, any kind of criticism of how the state handles or reports on the Gaza genocide is met with a steel hand in a steel glove in both the UK and U.S. Pity the young students at Northwestern University who have obscure anti Klu Klux Klan federal laws levelled against them by the FBI for producing a parody newspaper which mocked U.S. policy of Israel and Gaza. You couldn’t make it up. ... th-estate/


Here's a timely snippet worth repeating from Ms Johnstone:

Biden is a spent piece of Beltway flotsam with a swiss cheese brain being used as a ventriloquist dummy by DC swamp monsters to commit genocide, expand the US war machine, and play nuclear chicken with Russia. This is the face of the US empire, folks. This is as good as it gets.

I’ll never forget how obnoxious and condescending Democrats were when telling me how wrong I am about Biden obviously having dementia. These people will look you right in the eye and tell you up is down and that if you disagree you’re a Russian agent.

“Biden is too senile to be president” is the wrong lesson to take from this. Replacing Biden with someone less senile won’t change the behavior of the US government, it’ll just lend false credibility to the illusion that the official elected government is calling the shots in DC. ... -evidence/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:06 pm

For God’s Sake Joe, What the Hell Are You Doing?
By Ann Wright - February 10, 2024 0


Biden’s policies in bombing Syria, Iraq and Yemen and supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank are deeply immoral and endanger U.S. national security.
It is 3:00 a.m. and I can’t sleep again. All of us concerned about Gaza and the West Bank are spending sleepless nights and busy days trying desperately to pressure the Biden administration to stop its complicity with the relentless Israeli genocide in Gaza, to stop providing weapons and money to Israel and to demand an end to the carnage. Cease-Fire Now!

We awakened to the news that the U.S. has attacked Syria, Iraq and Yemen in retaliation for militants firing missiles into U.S. troop areas in Syria and Jordan and Houthis stopping Red Sea cargo ships. Why have there been attacks on U.S. troops and interests?

The answer is simple. Because the U.S. is occupying Muslim countries illegally and providing military weapons and international protection to Israel in its genocidal military operations in Gaza.

For God’s sake Joe, what the Hell are you doing?


It seems obvious to everyone but YOU, that for our own U.S. national security, the U.S. must stop its irrational protection of Israeli war crimes and demand that Israel stop its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

Scenes of another day of Israeli bombing of Gaza with tens of thousands of buildings destroyed, Israeli commandos storming a hospital and assassinating three young men as they slept in their Jenin (West Bank) hospital beds, heavy rains pouring into makeshift tents for the million Palestinians now crammed into the area around Rafah, the daily and nightly raids of Israeli military into the West Bank cities and villages destroying roads, homes, cultural centers, Israeli occupation forces stripping men and boys of their clothes, forcing them to kneel for hours in humiliating positions and beating them for days in concentration/detention camps, finding 30 bodies in a mass grave in a school yard, Palestinians who were shot to death with their hands tied behind them by Israeli forces.

Carnage in Gaza. [Source:]

Going to the Heartless U.S. Congress

Every day we go to the offices of U.S. congresspersons and plead for them to call for a cease-fire and to pressure the Biden administration to refuse to provide more weapons and money to the Israeli military. After 118 days of Israeli pounding of Gaza, most Senators and Representatives are still repeating “NO CEASE-FIRE. Israel has a right to self-defense. Israel has the right to destroy Gaza and kill as many Palestinians as is necessary to kill the last Hamas militant.”

At least ten Senators and Representatives have Israeli flags alongside the U.S. flag in front of their offices, which brings into question where their loyalties lie.

John Fetterman (D-PA) with an Israeli flag. [Source:]

One member of Congress—Brian Mast (R-FL)—wore his Israeli military uniform into the U.S. Congress in October and is one of the most hate-filled members of Congress, calling the deaths of Gaza children just fine.

Brian Mast in IDF uniform. [Source:]

Rashida Tlaib, the one member of Congress who is Palestinian-American, continues to receive death threats. Those who speak out to stop the genocide in Gaza are targeted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) with incitement-to-violence messaging and running candidates to replace them in Congress.

Protests in Washington against the genocide in Gaza and the massacres in the West Bank occur daily. A nine-day encampment in the narrow public land on each side of the two-lane road in front of Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s home on Chain Bridge Road has brought Palestinian supporters from Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia who make sure Blinken (and his family) know that they have blood on their hands for green-lighting the genocide in Gaza.

Organizers of protests outside the home of Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken have called their effort “Occupy Blinken.” [Source:]

Biden and Powers Interrupted in Public Talks
President Biden was repeatedly interrupted with calls of “Genocide Joe” in his public speaking engagements, first at a church in South Carolina and last week in Manassas, Virginia, when he gave a speech on reproductive rights. U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Samantha Power was interrupted in her speech in Washington, D.C., this week by people who have worked for USAID. In her Pulitzer Prize-winning book A Problem from Hell, Power documents America’s repeated failures to stop genocides around the world. Now she is complicit in the Biden administration for refusing to acknowledge the genocide in Gaza.

As the promotional material for her book states: “Power, a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School and the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, used exclusive interviews with Washington’s top policymakers, thousands of declassified documents, and her own reporting from modern killing fields to provide the answer. A Problem from Hell shows how decent Americans inside and outside government refused to get involved despite chilling warnings, and tells the stories of the courageous Americans who risked their careers and lives in an effort to get the United States to act.”

Power needs to re-read her own book!!!!

Samantha Power receiving the 2016 Henry A. Kissinger Prize at the American Academy in Berlin on June 8, 2016. Both Power and Kissinger were deeply complicit in genocides and mass murder operations supported by the U.S. government and its proxies. [Source:]

Protests Continue in the Streets
Millions of people around the world have taken to the streets in protest. Numerous people in the U.S. have been arrested for blocking streets, highways and bridges, for disrupting congressional hearings, for sitting down and singing in congressional buildings and for chaining themselves to the fence at the White House.

CodePink protesting the Biden administration’s complicity in genocide in Gaza. [Source:]

Government Employees from Many Countries Publicly Disagree with Their Governments’ Policies

Scores of government employees continue to publish statements calling into question the silence of their governments to the on-going genocide of Gaza.

On February 2, 2024, 800+ government employees from the U.S. and 12 nations and EU organizations published a letter protesting Israeli policies and stating that the leaders of their countries and organizations could be complicit in war crimes in Gaza.

The letter states, “Our governments’ current policies weaken their moral standing and undermine their ability to stand up for freedom, justice and human rights globally…there is a plausible risk that our governments’ policies are contributing to grave violations of international humanitarian law, war crimes and even ethnic cleansing or genocide.”

Some 80 of the signers are from American agencies, with the largest group being from the State Department, one organizer said. Many signers are from European Union institutions, followed by the Netherlands and the United States. National-level officials from eight other member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as well as Sweden and Switzerland, signed the letter.

In November 2023, more than 500 employees from about 40 U.S. government agencies sent a letter to President Biden criticizing his policies on the continuous Israeli attack on Gaza. In that letter, the officials also did not reveal their names due to the probability of retaliation by the agencies.

More than 1,000 employees of the United States Agency for International Development released an open letter with the same concerns. Dozens of State Department officials have sent at least three internal dissent cables to Secretary of State Blinken.

According to The New York Times, hundreds of officials in the European Union have signed at least two separate letters of dissent to the bloc’s leadership.

Robert Ford [Source:]

Robert Ford, former U.S. ambassador to Algeria and Syria who resigned in 2014 over the Obama administration’s Syria policy, is quoted in The New York Times article as stating that he had never seen a cross-border dissent letter like this new one in three decades of working at the State Department.

Ford added that some diplomats had learned a lesson from the run-up to the Iraq War begun by President George W. Bush: Keeping quiet despite objections to misguided policies, or not going public with them when the stakes are high, could contribute to a disastrous outcome.

As one of three U.S. diplomats who resigned from the U.S. government on the decision in 2003 of the Bush administration to wage war on Iraq, I appeal for others in the U.S. government to continue to sign letters and to consider resignation as Josh Paul has done from the State Department and Tariq Habash has done from the Department of Education.

Biden Wants More Billions for Israel to Continue Its Genocide in Gaza

Despite all of our efforts, it is likely that on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, the U.S. Senate will pass a national security supplemental to provide Israel with another 14 billion dollars, more than three times what the U.S. already provides annually to Israel. Israel is, by far, the largest recipient of U.S. military financing, and the added $10 billion will blow up the foreign affairs budget.

ICJ and the World Will Hold YOU and the U.S. Government Accountable for GENOCIDE

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has warned countries assisting with weapons used in a genocide that leaders are complicit and can be held liable.

President Biden, in case your advisers have not mentioned to you, YOU and THEY are definitely up to your eyeballs in genocide; we and the world will hold you accountable. ... you-doing/
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:59 pm

Biden will not 'punish Israel' for civilian massacre in Rafah: Report
As the Gaza death toll nears 30,000, over half of whom are women and children, White House officials have made it clear there will be no change in the political and military support provided to Israel

News Desk

FEB 14, 2024

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

The White House has no “reprimand plans” in the works to punish Israel if its army launches a ground invasion into the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, where 1.4 million Palestinians are taking shelter after forcible displacement.

“Israeli forces could enter the city and harm civilians without facing American consequences,” POLITICO reports, citing three US officials speaking on condition of anonymity.

Measuring about 64 square kilometers in size, Rafah is severely overcrowded, with hundreds of thousands of civilians who fled there after the Israeli army designated the city a “safe zone” in its ongoing genocide campaign.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to stage a land assault on Rafah, as he announced over the past several days, where he claims the “last four battalions” of Hamas' armed wing are entrenched.

“We’re going to do it while providing safe passage for the civilian population so they can leave,” Netanyahu said in an interview with US outlet ABC News on Sunday. The premier, however, failed to specify where such a large number of displaced civilians could evacuate, stating only that Tel Aviv is “working out a detailed plan.” He alleged that “there are plenty of areas” north of Rafah despite the Israeli army having flattened most buildings and infrastructure in that region.

US President Joe Biden reportedly told Netanyahu on Sunday that an attack on Rafah should not be launched “without a credible and executable plan for ensuring the safety of and support for the more than one million people sheltering there,” yet he did not oppose the operation.

Hours later, bombs rained down on Rafah, killing over 100 civilians.

Over recent weeks, western media has been awash with reports that Biden is growing “frustrated” with Netanyahu, even using “disparaging terms” to refer to the Israeli premier and holding discussions about the “day after” Netanyahu.

Nevertheless, public statements by White House officials make it abundantly clear there will be no change in approach to US–Israel relations.

Newly-minted US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby told reporters on Monday that the White House will “continue to support Israel … And we’re going to continue to make sure they have the tools and the capabilities” to continue military operations.

Asked on Wednesday what the US response would be to a ground invasion of Rafah without concern for civilian safety, Kirby refused to respond, saying, “I’m not going to get into a hypothetical game.” The senior US official has also come under fire for saying the Israeli military is doing a “better job at protecting civilians in Gaza” than their US counterparts would.

Furthermore, as international calls grow for Washington to cut arms deliveries to Israel, earlier this month, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Barbara Leaf, made it clear Washington has no plans to do such a thing.

“In a word, no – we are not contemplating that,” Leaf told reporters during a digital press briefing when asked if the White House is contemplating a reduction in the pace of arms deliveries to Israel.

In addition to fueling the mass murder of nearly 30,000 Palestinians in Gaza, the US has also provided political cover for Israel. Most recently, it threatened to review its ties with South Africa after Pretoria took Tel Aviv to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on charges of genocide. ... fah-report

Zionist's money well spent....


What Would Happen If Biden Stepped Aside?
Posted on February 14, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. Quelle surprise! The result, irrespective of timing, is an undemocratic train wreck. And this goes back to Biden’s colossal selfishness. Even though there is no Dem bench, with enough lead time, a colorable billionaire or even mere CEO could have been brought to the fore and sold to the public. I am very loath to say it, but the pickings are so terrible that Jamie Dimon winds up looking not bad. The David Ignatius Washington Post op ed in September telling Biden to decamp was widely recognized as a missive from the intel community…but even then it was too tardy to get a ball rolling. So expect bad outcomes.

By Thomas Neuburger. Originally published at God’s Spies

Not that it’s likely to happen, but recent events have set minds to wondering: What would actually happen if Biden were to step aside or be somehow unable to run?

To set the stage, there are two scenarios in play. First, what if he stepped aside before the Convention? And, what if he stepped aside after it?

If Biden Drops Out Before the Convention

If Biden were to remove himself from the race, the answer to what would happen is already before us. Just examine the 2016 primary race between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and consider the role of superdelegates.

Sanders v. Clinton in 2016

This is a map of primary states won by the two candidates based on the popular vote, Sanders states in green and Clinton states in yellow. The map shows the pledged delegate allocations. (Pledged delegates are required to vote at the Convention for the candidate who won in their voting district.)

And this is a map showing primary states actually won based on total delegates, pledged plus unpledged, the so-called superdelegates. In 2016 superdelegates could vote as they chose, even on the first ballot.

Consider a state like Michigan, where Sanders won the popular vote. The pledged delegate allocation was 67-63 Sanders. But with superdelegate preferences added in, Clinton won the state — it was reported as such on the national news — and the delegate distribution changed to 75-67 Clinton. Several states went from the Sanders column to the Clinton column in this way.

But worse, consider states won by Clinton in the popular vote, Iowa, for example. The pledged delegate count was 23-21 Clinton. With superdelegates added in, the count went to 29-21 Clinton. In Connecticut, 28-27 Clinton became 43-27 Clinton. The differences are most striking in states like California and New York, with their large delegate totals.

In all, with a total of 712 superdelegates available, Clinton started the race with an opening lead of 572-42. In the end, without her superdelegates, Clinton would not have won on the first ballot, even with the skewed reporting that served to depress the Sanders vote.


The 2016 Convention would have been brokered. As Lee Fang points out (see link below), in the 1968 convention Hubert Humphrey won without winning a single Democratic primary — and lost to Nixon.

Side Note: Sanders Would Have Won in 2016

Just an aside. I’ve often written that had Sanders won the Democratic nomination, he’d have beaten Trump handily in the general election.

There are many arguments for this, including the fact that in many “open” primaries, where a voter could choose either a Democratic or a Republican ballot, Sanders beat Trump in most of them.

For example, in the open same-day primary on March 8 in Michigan, these are the popular vote totals:

Sanders: 595,222
Trump: 483,751

The story is much the same in most of the open primaries.

But a second argument comes from the states won by Clinton in the 2016 primary. Here’s the map by state:

Clinton beat Sanders in states where Republicans were strongest — the South and Southwest — and in states where no Democrat would lose a general election — California, New York.

In Pennsylvania — a closed, same-day primary state which Clinton narrowly lost to Trump 48-47% — the top Republican vote-getters garnered a bit over 1.5 million votes. Clinton and Sanders together received 1.65 million votes. If you add just Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, which Clinton lost to Trump but where Sanders was strong, to the Democratic electoral vote total, Sanders is over the top. This is before considering states like Arizona and Florida, where Trump only narrowly won, 48-47%.

This thought is borne out by logic. After all, Trump ran the Sanders campaign in the general election. That strategy would have failed against Sanders himself. A lot of Trump voters would have chosen Sanders instead, as shown by the open primary results.

But that’s neither here nor there, as people sometimes say. Trump beat Clinton in 2016 in the only arena that counts, the Electoral College.

And here we are.

A Biden Pre-Convention Withdrawal

The rules for superdelegates have changed a little since 2016. They’re now not allowed to vote on the first ballot. In this case, though, that wouldn’t matter. Since the Democratic leaders chose not to hold a real primary, almost no one but Biden will enter with a delegate count. Without Biden to vote for, the convention would be brokered from the start, and anyone could win — so long as they had superdelegate support.

Image source

Who are the Party’s superdelegates? The bulk are DNC members while the rest are governors, senators, representatives and “distinguished party leaders.” Dozens are lobbyists and the like.

The bottom line: Superdelegates exist to put an Establishment thumb on the Party electoral scales. In a brokered 2024 Convention, they will do that again.

If Biden Drops Out After the Convention

If Biden drops out after the Convention, the voters would have no say at all. According to Lee Fang in a paid post, superdelegates would “maintain direct control of the process if Biden were to step down after the convention.”

Following Biden’s election in 2020, the president, as the de-facto leader of the Democratic Party, appointed former corporate lobbyist Jaime Harrison as DNC chairman. Harrison used his role to bring more business representatives into superdelegate positions and voted down proposals to limit the influence of special interests within the party.

Rather than limit the influence of lobbyists, the DNC doubled down. Harrison’s appointments DNC members include Lacy Johnson, who leads the lobbying practice at Taft’s Public Affairs Strategies Group, a firm that assists Koch Industries and a trade group for oil refineries with government outreach; Marcus Mason, a lobbyist who represents Google and Navient; and Nicole Isaac, a former Meta and Google official, now leads Cisco’s global lobbying operations.

The Harrison-led DNC has blocked efforts to curb corporate influence in the party. The Rules and Bylaws Committee has instead concentrated more power to a select group of DNC insiders. The committee is also responsible for the decision to remove Iowa and make South Carolina the first official primary election.

This is an ugly bunch of people:

If Biden were to exit the race post-convention, the decision would rest solely with a select group of DNC insiders. According to the DNC charter, this process would be governed by rules established by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee [which] notably comprises establishment figures, including lobbyists representing corporate interests. […]

Minyon Moore, co-chair of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee, is an influential lobbyist who previously served as an aide to Bill and Hillary Clinton and now works at Dewey Square Group. DSG has worked for a variety of corporate interests. Lyft tapped DSG to fight proposals in California and Massachusetts that would force the company to provide benefits and minimum wages to its drivers. […]

James Roosevelt, Jr., the grandson of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is the other co-chair of the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee. He is a registered lobbyist with the law firm Verrill in Boston, Massachusetts, where he guides various healthcare interests. He previously served as the chief executive of the Tufts Health Plan, a health insurance company that is now part of Point32Health. […]

The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee […] includes New Jersey lobbyist Tonio Burgos, who represents UnitedHealth and AIG, among other clients; Tonya Williams, a longtime D.C. lobbyist who now runs a firm called Blue House Advisors; and Gary Locke, President Obama’s ambassador to China who now works at a U.S.-China law firm.

As Politico notes in an article on the same subject, “The truth is that a backup strategy can only be deployed if Biden voluntarily steps aside — or is physically unable to stand for nomination.”

And here we are. ... aside.html

Bolding added for the 'Lesser Evil'....ain't nothing democratic about the Democratic Party. For all the madness and badness of Trump his 'insurgency' within the Republican Party at least has a modicum of popular support, however wrongheaded. Meanwhile Biden got only 3% of the voters to the polls he intended to showcase in SC.

We ain't hit bottom yet.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Thu Feb 15, 2024 3:42 pm

Feb 14, 2024 , 10:55 am .

The American gerontocracy has increased the risk of accidental nuclear war (Photo: Samuel Corum)

Something is wrong with President Joe Biden's mental health. This was even evident from the beginning of his campaign that led him, in 2020, to win the highest office of the United States. However, it is now, in the context of the 2024 elections — when Biden intends to seek a second term — that his mental problems are being the subject of a serious debate in the American government and society.

An article in the Wall Street Journal has highlighted the criticism of President Biden's memory, contained in the report of special prosecutor Robert Hur after an investigation into the improper handling of classified documents, which has generated "panic, anger and guilt" in the White House.

After the trial, Hur did not press charges against Biden for his handling of classified documents, considering that his health was too deteriorated to face legal proceedings. He noted that the character "did not remember when he was vice president" nor "when his son Beau died" during two days of interviews in October 2023. In the report he is characterized as " an old man with a bad memory. " .

The political storm that has been unleashed in the White House is not minor. From doctors supporting the idea that Biden suffers from dementia and warning that "he will not stabilize in the coming years", and requesting an evaluation of his mental competence , to prosecutors urging Vice President Kamala Harris to declare the current leader incompetent of the country, seriously question Biden's candidacy for the end of the year.

Even more significant is the rejection of the American population to the idea that an elderly and mentally challenged individual continues to occupy the presidency.

An ABC News/Ipsos poll , published just after Prosecutor Hur's report, revealed that the majority of citizens doubt the ability of Biden, 81, to serve another term. According to the results, 86% of respondents expressed concern about the president's age, including 59% who also thought former President Donald Trump was too old during his time in office.

America's gerontocracy, with aging political leaders clinging to power, is generating concern both domestically and internationally. The senility of these leaders puts the stability of the country at risk and, according to the deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, Mikhail Popov, could even trigger an imminent global catastrophe .

Popov has expressed concern about the lack of responsibility and duty demonstrated by US leaders, such as the case of Austin, who did not immediately inform the State Department and the White House of his hospitalization in December 2023. This lack of transparency in a State with nuclear weapons and claims to be the world hegemon increases the risk of an "accidental" nuclear war.

The report by special prosecutor Robert Hur on Biden's health has raised alarms even more since any management error by the country's leaders in this delicate internal political situation is dangerous.

It is highly symbolic that it is Russia that issues this wake-up call, especially in the context of the discussion about Biden's mental incompetence. This fact becomes more relevant if we consider the two hours of interview that President Vladimir Putin granted to American journalist Tucker Carlson. In these conversations, Putin exhibited remarkable coherence, precision and confidence in addressing highly complex historical and geopolitical issues, including Russia's position on the conflict in Ukraine.

American citizens have been more than impressed by Putin's speech, and inevitably come comparisons and self-consciousness in the face of an elderly and senile president who cannot give a press conference without ending up rambling at some point. The issue to highlight is that despite the criticism of the political elites who do not oppose a second term for Biden, they ignore the situation because they would be taking advantage of a shadow government with someone who can be manipulated. ... a-gobernar

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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:38 pm

Biden Interview Request
February 18, 13:58


Kiselev sent an official request to the Biden administration with a proposal that Biden give Kiselev an interview of the same nature that Carlson took with Putin.

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'Invitation to a train wreck'...

Tro-lo-lo, indeed.
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Re: Sympathy for the Devils...

Post by blindpig » Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:51 pm


The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans do evil things for evil reasons, whereas Democrats do evil things for noble humanitarian reasons.

Caitlin Johnstone
February 24, 2024

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that if a Republican president were to back a genocide it would be an evil and unforgivable atrocity, whereas when a Democrat president backs a genocide it’s a minor foible that you’d better shut up about unless you want Trump to win.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want to keep destroying Gaza because they love killing Muslims, whereas Democrats want to keep destroying Gaza because something something it’s all Netanyahu’s fault anyway hey let’s go back to talking about Trump.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans argue in support of wars, militarism, capitalism and oppression using right-wing language, whereas Democrats argue in support of wars, militarism, capitalism and oppression using left-wing language.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans do evil things for evil reasons, whereas Democrats do evil things for noble humanitarian reasons.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans facilitate all the interests of the US empire because America is strong and godly and should rule the world, whereas Democrats facilitate all the interests of the US empire because America is liberal and egalitarian and defends the rules-based international order.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want to start a world war with China, whereas Democrats are strongly in favor of starting a world war with Russia.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans cheered for the invasion of Iraq solely because it was waged by George W Bush, whereas Democrats criticized the invasion of Iraq solely because it was waged by George W Bush.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that the people massacring civilians in the global south under Republican administrations are racist homophobic misogynistic bigots, whereas the people massacring civilians in the global south under Democratic administrations are inclusive intersectional feminist LGBTQ allies.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans criticize Democrats for made-up nonsense reasons like wokeness, whereas Democrats criticize Republicans for made-up nonsense reasons like Russiagate.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans promise to end civil rights if you vote Republican, whereas Democrats promise to let Republicans end civil rights if you vote Republican.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans are led by demented octogenarian swamp monsters who can’t string a sentence together and have spent decades in office promoting ecocide, imperialism, exploitation and oligarchy, whereas Democrats — oh, well I guess that one’s both of them actually.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that liberals feel bad feelings when Republicans are overseeing the imperial bloodbaths and feel good feelings when Democrats are.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when a Republican is president it’s time to yell and scream about any bad things he does, whereas when a Democrat is president it’s time for brunch.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when Republicans do the monstrous things necessary to maintain a globe-spanning empire they’re the greater evil, whereas when Democrats do the monstrous things necessary to maintain a globe-spanning empire they’re the lesser evil.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that when the imperial murder machine has an (R) on it we’re meant to frown, and when the imperial murder machine has a (D) on it we’re meant to smile. ... democrats/


Biden shows signs of capitulating to conservatives on immigration, conservatives don’t care


US President Joe Biden continues to deviate from his campaign promises of a more humane immigration policy

February 23, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Biden's possible proposal against asylum seekers has angered many migrant advocated (Photo: Peg Hunter)
Biden is reportedly weighing executive action on immigration that could prevent those crossing the US border unlawfully from claiming asylum. If enacted, the action would be similar to former President Donald Trump’s attempt to target asylum seekers in 2018, which was blocked by federal courts and denounced by Democrats at the time.

This action would put a stop to the right of migrants to request asylum once on US soil. Such aggressive action against migrants represents a heavy deviation from Biden’s promises on the campaign trail, in which he characterized his immigration policy as more humane than Trump’s.

This latest possible capitulation to conservative immigration policy comes as Congressional Republicans and Democrats are battling each other on the issue of passing a massive funding package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. A USD 95 billion bill that would provide military aid to the three states, was passed in the Senate, but has been stalled in the House, which has not approved new funding to Ukraine since Republicans took control of the legislative body in January 2023. Far-right Republicans are deeply opposed to additional Ukraine aid, wanting to instead divert the money to further militarization of the US-Mexico border.

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a far-right Republican, has been a key obstacle in passing any new Ukraine aid. His latest statement, released on February 22, reveals that Biden’s possible executive action changes nothing. Calling the proposal an “election year gimmick,” Johnson writes, “House Republicans have been sounding the alarm about the catastrophic effects of President Biden’s open border policies since he began his term… He has thus far ignored my demands, and the pleas from big city mayors, border state governors, and the American people. Now, in an election year… the President suddenly seems interested in trying to make a change using the legal authority that he claimed until recently didn’t exist.”

Based on Johnson’s statement, and the continued criticisms by Republicans on Biden’s immigration policy, it seems clear that this rightward shift on immigration will do him no favors in terms of securing additional Ukraine aid in Congress. ... dont-care/

If Biden has any 'base' left at all it is in Silicon Valley. If the SC Dem primary and the AME call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza are any indications Biden's assumption of overwhelming Black support is in doubt.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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