United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Mon Feb 05, 2024 3:14 pm

‘A slap in the face’: Trump meeting sparks outrage in Teamsters union
February 5, 2024 Lallan Schoenstein

‘Number 45 [Trump] is an arrogant, incompetent, narcissistic, lying, racist, insurrectionist, and a sexual offender who often displays ignorant, egotistical, union busting, discriminatory and bullying behavior.’ -Letter from James (Curb) Curbeam, chair of the Teamster National Black Caucus. Above, Teamsters National Black Caucus (TNBC) convention. Photo: TNBC

By acting in the role of the old racist and sexist business-unionism leadership, Teamsters union President Sean O’Brien made a sharp break with the new progressive union movement — personally visiting Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, on Jan 26. Subsequently, O’Brien demanded the entire Teamsters General Executive Board meet with Trump at the union’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 31

Forming a vocal opposition, John Palmer, a Teamsters International vice president from Texas, refused to attend the meeting with an “insurrectionist.” In an interview with Steve Zeltser on WorkWeek Radio, Palmer said: “There’s zero – nothing on issues that affect labor that Donald Trump supports nor has he ever supported. Trump basically spits in our faces.”

The Teamsters National Black Caucus said in a statement about O’Brien’s meeting with Trump: Trump’s “union-busting tactics, blatant disregard for government, and his bigotry are known … as he has proudly touted his vile rhetoric to any listening audience.”

Chris Silvera, a leader of Teamsters Local 808 and former chair of the Teamsters Black Caucus, said: “We’re not dealing with the Republican Party anymore. People should be very clear about this. They are confederates, people who think there needs to be a Civil War. You’ve got a president of the Teamsters union who’s consorting and is actually helping give credibility to this person who’s calling for a dictatorship.”

Silvera explained: “O’Brien went to Mar-a-Lago, the place where people go to bow down there to ‘Kiss the Ring of Donald Trump.’ There’s something improper with our president making this trip to the headquarters of the confederacy.

“It is an affront to all those members who are not a party to this fascist movement. It sends a message to all the Black, Latin, Muslim, and women union members that you really don’t care about them.

“O’Brien’s worrying about the racist elements within the union. Instead he should be trying to either convert those elements over to a newfound reality or to isolate them. To really believe that we had to play with them at this moment in history is troubling, to say the least.”

Gained appearance of militant leader

During Teamsters union organizing campaigns at Amazon and contract negotiations such as that with UPS last July, Sean O’Brien gained the appearance of a militant labor leader, covering up an earlier image of a tough guy with shady connections.

The Teamsters UPS contract campaign, “while notable for its bloviating, looked hollow compared with the UAW ‘Stand Up Strikes’ against the former Big Three automakers,” writes Joe Allen, author of “The Package King: A Rank and File History of United Parcel Service.”

O’Brien comes from Teamsters Local 25 in Boston, which is reported to have a long history of racism. Silvera says there are no Black workers there. Strangely enough, Black workers sat on the Executive Board of Local 25 at the turn of the century. Silvera says, “Local 25 has fallen behind.”

Last February, former Black and Latino workers for the Teamsters International Union initiated a legal suit accusing the union of racism after O’Brien became the union’s president in March 2022. The lawsuit says that “rather than maintaining or increasing diversity, more than a dozen people of color were fired, setting back the Organizing Department’s goals of effectively recruiting and organizing non-whites, in favor of bolstering the majority white membership.”

It also claims that O’Brien “publicly humiliated” the plaintiffs in the case, calling them “bad apples” and “lazy.”

Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU), the promoters of O’Brien, were once seen as rank-and-file reformers in the union. At its November convention, the TDU tabled a motion for a ceasefire in Gaza. The motion for a ceasefire had been put forward by Teamsters Mobilize (TM) members, a much smaller network of Teamsters activists. One member of TM was banned from the TDU convention for criticizing it. TM has campaigned for $25 per hour starting pay for part-timers and for solidarity with Palestine.

‘A slap in the face’

Richard Hooker Jr., the secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 623 and vice-president of the Philadelphia AFL-CIO Board, said: “As leaders, we have to do a better job of explaining to our members that a vote for Trump is a vote against your pension, a vote for Trump is a vote against organizing workers, a vote for Trump is another vote against the working class.”

Jess Lister, a shop steward in Georgia and member of the Teamsters LGBTQ caucus, who has helped lead a campaign to organize part-time UPS workers, called the meeting “a slap in the face.”

Lister added that she did not support Biden, but that she viewed the Trump meeting as especially galling given his record of stacking the courts with anti-union judges and overseeing a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that issued rulings making it harder for workers to organize.

“He has a longstanding history of racism, of hate towards women, towards minorities, towards the LGTBQ community – he is not accepting of other people,” Lister said. “Our union president shouldn’t even entertain the idea of a meeting. That shouldn’t have even been on the table.”

https://www.struggle-la-lucha.org/2024/ ... ers-union/

To be sure, Trump is anti-union, etc, etc. Little Nikki is very anti-union and loudly proud of it. Joe Biden, typical Dem, loudly proclaims his and his party's pro-union affectations while doing little to nothing to show it and sometimes, like the recent rail strike, quite the opposite. Btw, did they repeal Taft-Hartley yet?

Labor has no business supporting either capitalist party. A genuine people's party, with labor being a major component, is the only party labor should support. Not that it will be allowed real power while capitalism reigns, but to agitate, educate and organize.
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:37 pm

Posted by Chris Townsend | Feb 12, 2024


February 10, 2024

Among many other things in my 45-year trade union career, I was for 21 years the national Political Action Director of the United Electrical Workers Union (UE). In that capacity I had a daily front-row seat to witness U.S. political events unfolding at both the state and national levels. As the UE Washington Representative I was on-duty to track legislation, follow every manner of political attack on working people and our unions, keep an eye on the other unions and employers, and ultimately be part of a leadership collective that tried to make sense of the situation and devise a response by the union membership.

During those years of the 1990’s and 2000’s organized labor was thoroughly routed, and unorganized labor was reduced to a pauperized existence. We lost virtually every political battle that came along. Some in labor learned the lessons of that period, but many did not, as the current situation attests.

The most common question asked of me over those years by ordinary union members was, “Chris, why can’t we get anything done, why can’t we make any progress on our issues? What’s wrong?” I would always thoughtfully listen and inevitably answer with something like, “Well, that’s because things are working perfectly. For them. For the bosses. Because this political system is their system. It’s not our political system. They own it, they fund it, they control it. We need to understand that.” I would also explain that while we were up against this monstrous system, we still had to participate in it and look for ways to fight back, to resist, and buy time. Buy the time needed to devise some sort of alternative. Someday, somehow, we needed to break out of this trap, the “two-boss-parties-is-all-you-can-have” setup.

Union old-timers, in particular founding UE Director of Organization James Matles, cautioned constantly that workers needed to recognize the differences between “engaging in political action and playing politics.” It’s a short observation but it says it all. Today, the political program of the labor movement lies in ruins. We are holding on for dear life in many regards, just one, or maybe two more elections away from even greater disasters. Possibly even liquidation, as we are witness to today in the Florida public sector. Florida sees its first major purge of public sector unions following passage of Republicans’ anti-union law (Orlando Weekly 2/8/24).


Labor’s political balance sheet today is breathtaking. No significant pro-union legislation has passed Congress in the past 50 years. All existing pro-union legislation and regulation is now assaulted both legislatively or by the appointed judiciary. The movement towards legalization of public sector unions at the state level is in steep retreat. Living standards for the working class continue to be eroded across the board. New union organizing has slowed to a crawl owing to epidemic corporate lawbreaking. Real retirement pensions approach extinction. Health insurance remains the costly and confusing debacle that it has been for many decades. All just for starters. It is no overstatement to observe that in the U.S. workplace today a virtual management dictatorship exists. The tiny slice of workers covered by union contracts often times enjoys something measurably better, but even their situation leaves much to be desired and ultimately is precarious.


Both major U.S. political parties cater to the business elites, with the Republican Party moving towards complete merger with the corporate dictatorship. The Democratic Party is a more varied and mixed bag of frequently pro-business forces, where some will sporadically raise objections to the most outrageous of the attacks on working people. But elected Democratic Presidents have held party supermajorities 3 times in the past 30 years for a total of 6 years, with virtually nothing accomplished. Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden all squandered these critical moments where significant legislative progress might have been made. Enormous gains were, however, made during those regimes by businesses, banks, and the super-rich. A thousand excuses were manufactured by Democrats – and those who perpetually prop them up – as to why working people were abandoned to their drowning fate. Majorities of working people therefore regularly express their disgust with the state of U.S. politics, and their reaction would be justified in the face of such endemic corruption.


Our small trade union garrison still possesses potent strength and resources which might be used to address this decaying situation. Progress is possible, but any chance of that will require a strengthened left within the unions. A left that clearly understands the need to unify with the center elements in confronting and challenging the existing right trade union forces who are largely leading the current disastrous course. If allowed to continue their failed program things will continue to worsen and that deterioration will only accelerate. The very existence of the unions is at stake.

There are several key elements that explain labor’s badly broken and failed political action “program”:


The near complete refusal of the unions to undertake the organization of the many tens of millions of workers in the industries is a paramount political problem. The numerical size of the union membership has now sunk to such a low point that any mass influence is being hopelessly diluted. The political messages of the labor movement rarely extend beyond the membership, leaving the unorganized in the near-complete grip of the bosses and their media.


Union ‘leadership” has chosen in many quarters to go all-in on political fundraising programs, hoping to outspend millionaire and billionaire opposition with out-of-pocket contributions from a shrinking pool of members. With hundreds of millions of dollars poured into mostly Democratic Party coffers each year, anti-union spending still grows beyond any capacity to compete. Unions rarely disclose the political recipients of this labor cash as well, magnifying the mistrust of the membership. So far as any major or mass mobilization of the union membership on the political front, these are restricted to relatively tiny election season get-out-the-vote brigades. Long forgotten are any attempts to mobilize on a mass scale even at election time, let alone between elections.


As political spending by unions reaches its bloated limit the existing membership is increasingly disoriented by the cesspool of the corporate news media. Huge numbers of union members today commonly refuse the political direction offered by their unions, instead embracing out-and-out union-smashing politicians and candidates. Many union members in this situation have politically demobilized entirely. Any semblance of trade union or class-oriented political education for members has been long abandoned. Frequently not even the simplest work is done to instruct the membership in the political or economic realities of the current situation.


Sporadic attempts to at least do something to conduct even rudimentary political education are frequently debased by discredited and even preposterous claims on behalf of Democrats. Most abysmal of all of these being repeating the Biden boast of being “the most pro-union President in U.S. history.” All modern political studies have shown that working people are openly mistrustful of such general claims and cheap bromides from a union “leadership” that is itself held in low regard by working people. Childish attempts to present life-and-death matters in a “non-partisan” wrapper also fail miserably and at worst minimize the danger of the most anti-labor forces on the political battlefield.


Most union political operations avoid the required explanations detailing the full extent of Republican plans to liquidate organized labor on behalf of the employers and ultra-right forces. Fearing some backlash from the membership who might disagree or object, this timid approach has led to a watering-down of the messages needed to convey the urgency of the moment. Canned slogans and go-easy rhetoric replace the needed hard-hitting wake-up calls aimed at the membership. Fanatic anti-union politicians get the light touch, as the unions increasingly resort to feelgood “positive” messages at election time. When combined with the lack of any ongoing political education within the unions this expands the full boundaries of the disastrous situation.


Labor’s “leadership” has delivered a profoundly bad bargain for the huge sums of money and millions of votes regularly handed to Democrats – literally without conditions. While there are some exceptions to this – mostly at the state and local level – it is painfully routine for labor’s needs to be ignored once Democrats win office. As Republicans continue to metastasize into a malignant anti-union and anti-worker political force, Democrats are well aware that their positions and governance need only be somewhere to the left of the Republicans to guarantee receiving the coveted labor union cash and votes.


As the recent meeting held by Teamsters President O’Brien with President Trump attests, the phenomenon of labor “leaders” playing footsies with arch-reactionary and anti-union politicians is alive and well. All manner of these ridiculous and contemptible maneuvers were commonplace just a few years ago, being reduced in frequency mostly because of the unwillingness of Republicans to engage in these theatrics anymore. The skillful Trump is not to be underestimated in this regard, however, as he senses the deep dissatisfaction among working people with the failing and flailing Biden regime. Refusing to hit head-on the enemies of labor by educating and mobilizing the membership, elements such as Teamster big O’Brien instead play the dangerous game of legitimizing anti-labor maniacs such as Trump. And if the past is our guide, this episode may open the door to additional labor tea parties with Trump before the November elections. Assorted “misleaders of labor” will be tempted to “play politics” with Trump and his ilk rather than do the difficult work of educating and leading their membership in the hard political fights that loom.


The current fiasco on the political front for organized labor is frustrating and dangerous, to say the least. Decades of mis-leadership, laziness, corruption, and a generally unimaginative and conservative trade union “leadership” has delivered us to the current moment. With a labor movement so politically crippled and addled it is also no surprise that it has difficulty commanding the loyalty of its own membership, let alone the unorganized majorities among the working class.

The chances of improving this deplorable situation are bound up with the need to build a renewed and viable left wing within the unions. The conservatives in the union leadership have proven their unwillingness to address any of these catastrophic problems, and in fact most of them would not even recognize the problems at all. Left forces in the unions must re-establish themselves and seek out honest center elements that can be won over to a more realistic program of political action. And should organized labor fail to address the situation of the unorganized any remedy to the current political problem is unlikely. A renewed program of new organization will be accompanied by a rejuvenated program of actual political action based on an increasingly independent labor movement. New growth and vitality will be the antidote to the utterly failed political “action” programs that we are saddled with today.

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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:43 pm

Posted by Chris Townsend | Mar 3, 2024
February 29, 2024


Despite frequent claims that organized labor – the trade unions – are more popular than ever as measured by all manner of public opinion polls, union membership continues to decline. Many sections of the labor “leadership” repeat this claim of popularity as if by pronouncing it, the labor movement will magically begin to grow again. Well intended leftist writers also author obligatory articles about this phenomenon. When reality returns, however, these feelgood bromides are nice to hear but otherwise are misleading and even destructive. They divert attention from the actual facts of the current crisis of new union organizing. Many a union “leader” or supporter gets ample applause when this sound bite is dropped, all acting to drown out the sounds of a sinking ship.

We have in the U.S. today a battered, shrinking, yet well-liked labor movement that is still undergoing a deep and systematic destruction. The current situation begs an obvious question: What good are positive public opinion polls if the union membership is declining, and union power is falling dramatically? What good is it if the unions themselves by and large have no significant work underway to organize new members and reverse the decline?


Current NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) elections only cover private sector workplaces, but it is the leading indicator of union organizing activity and health. The number of union elections run by the NLRB has declined by more than 70% in the past 50 years, with the number of workers participating falling likewise. Only 980 total NLRB elections were conducted in the entire U.S. in 2021, the worst year of the pandemic; 1,400 were conducted in 2022; and 1482 in 2023. The number of workers involved continues to diminish as well, with elections of more than 100 hundred workers in a voting unit a rare commodity. In recent years — at best – barely 150,000 workers will vote in all NLRB elections combined. And all elections are not won, as some are decertification elections to abolish a union.


It is required to mention that the number of union organizing elections only represents the small slice of all the worker groups who initially set out to join a union. Many thousands of these incipient organizing efforts are destroyed by employer lawbreaking and repression, are bribed into deactivation, dissipated as extreme fear runs riot in the workforce, or are somehow legally delayed by the employer into a bureaucratic abyss.

For those not already astonished by these statistics, it is imperative to mention the ultimate bad news; of those groups who manage to run the employer gauntlet and force an NLRB election – and win it – only half of these units will ever win a first union contract. And for those who manage to somehow win twice, once an election and once a contract, of those, only half will reach a second union contract and actually begin to contribute to the strength of the labor movement.

This is therefore the bottom-line of trade union repression in the U.S. workplace today. For an Empire that wastes no time claiming to be the citadel of “human rights” worldwide, the U.S. workplace remains a repressive and often nightmarish dictatorship. In every union organizing school or class for workers that I conduct I declare with no hesitation that the workplace today is a dictatorship. No one disagrees.


Railroad, airline, and public sector union elections are not tracked by the NLRB. But the news is not much better for unions in those sectors today. Elections in railroad and airline sectors have slowed to a trickle for many of the same reasons as the NLRB. Union organizing elections in the public sector – which for 50 years have backfilled lost private sector members and provided an “optical illusion” of trade union growth and vitality – are now declining sharply.

The effects of the pandemic, combined with massive anti-union political assaults in several states has led to a situation where even public sector unionism has now begun to decline. Florida being the latest state where public sector labor unions are being liquidated with virtually no new organizing underway to replace the losses. See: Tens of Thousands of Workers in Florida Have Just Lost Their Labor Unions. More Is Coming (portside.org) and Florida Public Sector Unions Facing Destruction (MLToday).

Some unions manage to win voluntary recognition from employers without the NLRB processes, but the numbers and sectoral reach of these “card check’ agreements is tiny. Some unions also manage to orchestrate “top-down” recognition for their union from employers, most often in the building and construction trades. But the numbers are likewise small. Overall, these facts paint a stark and alarming picture; without a sharp course correction the prognosis for the unions is continued decline and decay. And as the workforce continues to grow, the shrinking and stagnant unionized garrisons are further isolated, marginalized, and sapped of their strength.


Of all the multiple “crises” besetting the unions today, only a few observers would identify the lack of new union organizing among them. And the unwillingness of the labor “leadership” to seriously confront this disastrous situation also means that the many contributing factors to it go unexamined. As new organizing has receded or even ceased, thousands of experienced trade union organizers have retired, quit, and disappeared, taking with them the precious tactical knowledge of union organizing under today’s conditions. Fewer and fewer rank and file are exposed to new organizing and consequently are un-engaged in its support. In this situation they have almost no opportunities to learn the many new organizing skills. Union organizers are often left to stagger from campaign to campaign, and since organizing institutional memory is often lost – or never collected – this also leaves the employers with a decided advantage on many fronts. Employer institutional memory, combined with a renewed and expanded union-busting industry means that potent bomb-dropping power is deployed oftentimes against hapless unions in their heroic yet feeble organizing uprisings.


Unions increasingly resort to off-the-street hires for all manner of organizing positions, which can sometimes bring valuable recruits, but just as often invites into the union elements unsuited for trade union organizing for a litany of reasons. Critical training for the new generation is also lacking, superficial, or even non-existent, which leaves organizers to essentially “train themselves.” Some land on their feet and make real contributions; some burn out quickly and abandon the task; others dutifully apply social justice models of organizing with mixed results at best; and many work diligently and apply a muddle of old and new methods, and consequently organize few if any new members.

New organizer raw material and immense amounts of money are wasted in this merry-go-round which repeats over and over in today’s labor world. Some unions actually rely on this staffing “model”, strangely trying to justify it. Few programs exist to teach and transition rank-and-file into the new organizing work, reinforcing their exclusion from this critical recruitment process. This decision to essentially twist new organizing into some sort of distinct and outside “profession” has had disastrous impact on the labor movement. Organizing staff are frequently not incorporated into the life of the union by wary or cynical union “leaders”, with real damage being done to the morale and motivation of the staff members.


Business union “leadership” – resistant to serious new organizing in the first place and always seeking justification not to do it – point to union organizing election debacles, their alleged high costs, and the generally “low return” on the organizing “investment”. They point to these things as additional reasons why new organizing is “impossible”, “too expensive”, or must be postponed since “now is not the time”. The highest councils of the unions are frequently uninterrupted – to any serious degree – by serious deliberations regarding of the troublesome new organizing, as the “leaders” dutifully handle internal and administrative matters as their primary preoccupations.

The business union custodians of many of the unions see new organizing as little more than costly and confusing adventures, distractions from the main task of enabling their unchallenged hold on power in the union. Even worse, some consider new organizing as just more interference in their otherwise mindless internal bureaucratic meanderings. In this dense business union fog any development of a serious organizing strategy and program to implement it are nearly impossible. The periodic intoxication with the fantasy of labor law reform – notions such as mobilizing to pass the dead-on-arrival “Pro Act” to legalize union organizing again – act as further roadblocks to real organizing. Valuable resources are diverted into these pie-in-the-sky chases, with outside consultants and much ballyhooed labor “experts” sometimes moving in to sell the slumbering union bigs some miracle potion for their crisis.


In those unions who are actively organizing today, the efforts are relatively small and isolated, found mostly, if not exclusively in “hot” shops where the workers are in brief uproar for some reason or another. And on any given day, fewer than half of all national or international unions are on the battlefield even on a small scale working to win new members. Several industrial sectors are, however, also momentarily and relatively speaking more active owing to different factors. Sectors that employ a higher-than-average number of young college-educated workers, some professional occupations, or African-American workers, are all more active in union organizing campaigns today.

By industry sector, a glance at the past 2 years of NLRB union elections – the first post-pandemic numbers on hand – will show that union elections are most likely to be held and won in the following types of workplaces: coffee shops, non-profit organizations, brewpubs and niche cafes, security guards, all levels of healthcare occupations, entertainment, cannabis retail shops, ground transportation, federal contract employees, all levels of college employment, energy-related construction, retail food and processing, museums and attractions, building services, and some professional scientific occupations. Manufacturing units – once the mainstay of new union organizing – do appear in the statistics but union success is rare, and the size of the units is usually tiny. See: Recent Election Results | National Labor Relations Board (nlrb.gov).


In this desolate landscape there are bright spots, little known as some of them may be. The launch and remarkable continued expansion of the Starbucks organizing movement would be one. Launched in 2019 by leaders of the Inside Organizing School (IOS) Inside Organizer School (squarespace.com) in collaboration with the Rochester Joint Board of Workers United/SEIU, this amazing organizing contagion continues to defy the massive union busting machinery of the employer and now approaches 400 NLRB elections won against all odds. Starbucks Workers United (sbworkersunited.org)

The equally remarkable successful organization of more than 25,000 graduate and teaching assistants by the United Electrical Workers Union (UE) would rank as one of the hard-fought examples of 2023 on this front. Top Five UE NEWS Stories of 2023 (ueunion.org). The recent and massive launch of a campaign by the newly-invigorated United Auto Workers (UAW) to renew and dramatically expand serious efforts to organize the open-shop auto manufacturers – primarily in the south – is an early and commendable undertaking. The drive is only in its infancy and has little to build on owing to the previous UAW “leaderships” only token attention to organizing. The advances won in the recent auto strike have however been heard by unorganized auto workers and early results of the drive are promising. The South, Where Automakers Go for a Discount (Labor Notes). On the health care front, The National Nurses United (NNU) organizing program continues to roll-up wins among registered nurses coast-to-coast. 0722_NNOC_101_Final.pdf (nationalnursesunited.org).

There are also small scale but key examples of unions or sections of unions now engaged in fierce and sometimes successful battles to organize the unorganized, although confined mostly to the sectors reviewed here. As I made clear in my recent article on the bankruptcy of much of the “Organize the South!” sloganeering, Organize the South! Empty Slogan or Real Goal? (MLToday) honest efforts by trade union militants can be effective in pushing into action the otherwise docile trade union “leaders”.


This crisis of new union organizing is a life-and-death situation for the unions. Oblivion and extinction await if the current lame and lazy approaches continue. The responsibility for generating internal pressures on the unions tops will fall primarily to the small and isolated groups of leftists within the unions. No other section of the union possesses the political understanding or the stamina to confront this situation. Legendary labor leader and organizer William Z. Foster spent large sections of his career grappling with this exact situation. See his collected works; American Trade Unionism (intpubnyc.com).

While daunting in its steep climb, huge sections of the membership will instinctively support the needed and expanded new campaigns of organization – but only if they are brought into the work and allowed to participate. Large sections of the existing union leadership will also respond favorably, as they recognize the magnitude of the crisis and are at least supportive of the need to help move the union forward. The disastrous and often corrupt union merger waves of the past several decades have now also evaporated, largely eliminating this excuse to delay new organizing. The existing leadership is now open to wide and new challenge as membership levels fall and the existing problems faced by the unions worsen and multiply. Unrest among the membership is significant in many unions, and the demand to organize is a major part of the solution to their on-the-job problems.

The labor “left” however, will need to re-acquaint itself with new union organizing and its powerful influences in order to generate this political wave. The small left is frequently found to be active, or at least vocal, within every union on every union issue there may be – with the exception of new organizing. Calls to “Organize the Unorganized! Save the Unions!” must be injected into the national and local union leadership councils at every junction. While the left forces are not today sufficient to prevail by themselves, valuable links will be made with the wide strata of members and low and mid-level leaders who are likewise alarmed at the downhill direction and deepening ruination of the unions.

https://mltoday.com/whats-wrong-with-la ... rganizing/

Posted by MLToday | Mar 4, 2024

Editor’s Note: The following letter was sent by the UAW Arab Caucus to United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain on February 12, 2024.

Shawn Fain
President, United Auto Workers

Dear Shawn,

We write to you as an Arab caucus in the UAW on day 129 of the U.S.-funded Israeli genocide of Gaza’s Palestinians to ask you meet with us this week.

Yesterday, Americans watched the Superbowl, including vicious Israeli propaganda ads that lawyers have said violate FCC regulations. Thinking that people who have been steadfastly resisting our complicity as taxpayers in this genocide would be distracted by the Superbowl (as they did during Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas), Israel aerial bombed Palestinian homes, mosques, and hospitals in the “Safe Zone” region of Rafah– the last place that Palestinian civilians can go.

As you know, the weapons Israel is using are paid for by U.S. taxpayer money – 14.5 billion dollars was sent since October 2023 in addition to the 3.8 billion dollars the U.S. sends every year. On this same Super Bowl Sunday massacre, the U.S. Senate met in a secret session and advanced another 14.1 billion dollar package to Israel. On top of it all, many of the weapons being supplied are made in UAW unionized shops. It is abundantly clear how central our role as U.S. residents, laborers, and American voters is to Israel’s U.S.-supported ethnic cleansing campaign – and it’s never been more clear to us the role that the UAW can play in putting an end to it.

As Arab members of the UAW, we have been asking for a meeting with you since late October. In addition to emailing you ourselves, our fellow UAW members sent hundreds of emails on our behalf, and people who see you regularly have asked directly for this meeting. We’ve been given a wide range of excuses as to why this meeting hasn’t yet happened. All the while we are grieving the loss of dozens of family members, livelihoods, witnessing direct violence and incitement to violence against Arabs in the US – including those of us who are members of Local 600 in Dearborn which a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed just called the “jihad capital of America”. We are terrified that this war is intended to expand to the entire Middle East region, and harm more and more of us here in the U.S. (Americans have already been killed in Gaza and the West Bank, and Palestinians targeted in the U.S.).

We need you to meet with us now – you must take action to translate the UAW’s ceasefire declaration to practical interruption of the weapons which our UAW siblings are making, sending to Israel, and which are being used to kill our families. We have lots of ideas of what that can look like, but we need the support of our reform leadership. You must show your accountability to your rank-and-file workers by sitting down with us, coming up with a plan of action for Palestine, and then following through on it.

We aim to realize the dream of the original UAW Arab caucus, which undertook a wildcat strike in November 1973 in Dearborn, demanding the UAW divest from Israeli bonds. Fifty years later, nearly to the date this November, we celebrated as you and our elected leadership passed a ceasefire resolution and created a committee to look into Divestment and a Just Transition– fulfilling the Arab caucus’s demands. We are grateful for your leadership on calling for an end to the genocide and as our Arab caucus before us, we urge you to do much more.

The question of Palestine has moved U.S. residents in sustained resistance for months in ways unprecedented in decades. If UAWD and the reform leadership is going to stay in power and continue to push the labor agenda in this country, we will need to move beyond the supposed priorities of the traditional and often white male labor activists. We will need to work on campaigns and in ways that touch a wider range of diverse younger workers – Palestinian liberation is one such campaign, and we, as Arab unionists, know also that our liberation is interconnected. That is, we are already and will continue to work to connect with our more marginalized union siblings to bring all of our pressing issues to the forefront of the union.

This kind of work will bring more active members into the reform caucus and actually ensure the expansion of the UAW reform program. In fact, issues like the genocide in Palestine have already proven to be one of the most powerful activating and mobilizing forces for the labor movement. Fear, on the other hand, that taking an active stance on Palestine will alienate rank and file or leadership members of the Admin Caucus, will get us nowhere. Instead, it will just reproduce the same dynamic that UAWD is supposedly trying to shift. If our union’s power is to continue into the future in a diverse America, we must grow and become more committed to the cause of workers everywhere.

We need you to take action on Palestine, starting by meeting with us now. We, as Arab unionists, in turn, commit to helping to transform the UAW into a truly democratic and more powerful union that can fight the fascist turn in this country, and improve the conditions of all workers in the U.S. and everywhere.

In solidarity,

Mary Jirmanus Saba, UAW Local 2865
Alia ElKattan, UAW Local 2110
Shahinaz Geneid, GENU-UAW & HAW-UAW
Ignacia Lolas, UAW Local 2325
Mafaz Al-Suwaidan, HGSU-UAW Local 5118
On behalf of the UAW Arab Caucus

https://mltoday.com/uaw-arab-caucus-dem ... palestine/


America’s Richest Men Ask the Courts to Make Unions Illegal

Today on TAP: Lawyers for Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’s Amazon say the Court erred in 1937 by letting workers have rights on the job.


Amazon JFK8 distribution center union organizer Jason Anthony speaks to the media, April 1, 2022, in Brooklyn, New York.

Fourscore and seven years ago—1937, to be exact—our fathers on the Supreme Court (well, five of them, which was just enough) brought forth a new nation: New Deal America. In that year, the justices ruled that the most fundamental legislative works of Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency—Social Security and the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA)—were constitutional. So said the Court; so said, in the NLRA case, Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes, the decision’s author, who had been the Republican candidate for president in 1916. From these decisions, which saved seniors from destitution and enabled workers to form unions, a broadly shared prosperity emerged that gave the nation a middle-class majority for the three decades after World War II.

Now we are engaged in a war with the rulers of the new economy, who, having already downsized that middle class by appropriating an ever larger share of the proceeds from its work for themselves, actually want to strike down the NLRA. In the past few weeks, three pillars of that economy—Elon Musk’s SpaceX, Jeff Bezos’s Amazon, and the Albrecht family’s Trader Joe’s—have all asked federal courts to declare the core functions of the NLRA unconstitutional, on the grounds that the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) administrative courts, like those of other regulatory agencies, mix judicial functions with executive branch functions. In actual practice, what those bodies do is hear and rule on cases such as those brought by workers on organizing campaigns who’ve been illegally fired. What Elon and Jeff would prefer is that federal courts hear such cases directly, which guarantees that by the time they reach the bench, those organizing campaigns will have become a dim memory. Or maybe, they want no one to hear such cases. Or perhaps, given the deep hatred that Sam Alito holds toward unions, they hope that Alito can persuade enough of his colleagues to toss the NLRA altogether, as he did with Roe v. Wade.

Their arguments are the same that came before the Court in 1937, when the most reactionary corporate overlords of that era sought to destroy the threat of some modestly countervailing worker power, which then had been rising for several years. That same dynamic clearly threatens the Musks and Bezoses today, with unions’ approval rating at its highest levels in 60 years, with young workers particularly bent on winning a say in their work lives, and with Joe Biden’s NLRB working to restore some teeth to the NLRA, which had been largely defanged by decades of decisions from pro-corporate courts.

This isn’t an academic exercise for the Elons and Jeffs; it’s personal. Musk’s Tesla is the target of organizing efforts from the UAW and a number of European unions, while Bezos’s Amazon, having suffered the indignity of having one of its warehouses vote to unionize, is avidly surveilling all of its workers for any sign of undue collective ambition. Like the CEOs of yesteryear, the current crop of corporate autocrats knows they can’t win the public to their cause: The optics of the world’s richest person (Musk) and the third-richest (Bezos) destroying American workers’ right to go union and win living wages could be, well, problematic. If rebuffed in the court of public opinion, though, they might just prevail in the courts of the United States.

But really—in a time of stratospheric economic inequality and overwhelming public support for unions, they want the courts to strike down workers’ right to collective bargaining? One of the fundamental landmarks of the New Deal? Shall we negate all of America’s mid-20th-century social progress? All of Roosevelt’s legacy? How about we revisit World War II and surrender to the Nazis and Japan?

As with the company formerly known as Twitter, Musk is the sole owner of SpaceX, as the Albrecht family is of Trader Joe’s. But Amazon, at least, is publicly traded, and its board of directors includes a few members who may not wish to be so closely associated with the evisceration of the New Deal’s good works. Lawyer Jamie Gorelick has, to be sure, lobbied for drug companies and done work for Jared Kushner, but she’s also on the board of the Urban Institute and once was Bill Clinton’s deputy attorney general. Patty Stonesifer, whom Bezos installed as the interim CEO of The Washington Post, has worked for a number of giant tech companies, but has also played key roles establishing and running a number of foundations and nonprofits, once even serving as CEO of Martha’s Table, an organization that makes fresh and healthy food more available to the poor of Washington, D.C. While Martha’s Table’s clientele would surely grow if unions were wiped off the map, we shouldn’t assume that Stonesifer would therefore support the Court’s revocation of the right to collective bargaining. For Jamie and Patty and their fellow Amazon directors, dancing on FDR’s grave, and the mass grave of the American working class, may be viewed by future historians as really unseemly.

https://prospect.org/blogs-and-newslett ... s-illegal/
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:19 pm

UAW is on the cutting edge of unionizing the US South
After winning a historic union drive in Tennessee, the United Auto Workers have their sights set on conquering the anti-labor machine in the South

April 25, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Daimler workers at UAW Local 5285 in Mount Holly, NC hold a rally (Photo: Lee Flythe via UAW)
UAW workers just won a historic union drive in Tennessee, with the Chattanooga Volkswagen becoming the first nonunion automaker to become unionized in the US since 1941. Now, the United Auto Workers (UAW) have their sights set on taking on the anti-labor machine in the South and ensuring better conditions for workers in some of the most disenfranchised states in the country.

On April 26, the contract between 7,000 UAW workers spread across North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee and Daimler Truck North America (DTNA) will expire. Workers are fighting for better wages, health insurance coverage, and an end to tiered employment, and have expressed a willingness to strike if their demands are not met.

In 2023, Daimler Truck raked in 39% more in profits than the previous year, but wants to divert those profits to its shareholders, planning to increase stock dividends by 46% and spend USD 2.1 billion on stock buybacks, according to the UAW. Workers are fighting for a fairer share of the money they made for the company.

As workers ramp up their organizing at Daimler, “The company and the corporate media will increase their scare tactics and they’ll claim there’s no money to be found for the workers,” said Fain during an April 23 livestream to workers. “They’ll pretend that the sky is going to fall if we get our fair share of the 20 billion in profits Daimler’s made since 2018.”

Indeed, before UAW won its contract, the governors of Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas teamed up to write a “concerned” open letter about the organizing efforts of auto workers in the South. “The UAW has come in making big promises to our constituents that they can’t deliver on. And we have serious reservations that the UAW leadership can represent our values,” wrote the governors. “They proudly call themselves democratic socialists and seem more focused on helping President Biden get reelected than on the autoworker jobs being cut at plants they already represent.”

“These workers are struggling. We’ve all lived it. The price of everything, groceries, clothes, insurance. It’s all going up. Thanks to corporate greed and consumer price gouging. But workers’ wages at Daimler haven’t kept up,” Fain said. “When you hoard all the wealth and you share it only with corporate execs and Wall Street, the workers are going to come for their fair share in the new UAW. We don’t take concessions. We raise standards for everyone. And we fight for what we deserve. And we’re not afraid to strike to get it.”

UAW workers at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama are also gearing up for a National Labor Relations Board Election in May. Alabama Mercedes workers have already been subject to an intense anti-unionization drive on the part of the company, being forced to attend anti-union meetings by their boss.

https://peoplesdispatch.org/2024/04/25/ ... -us-south/

Very good news, but the UAW need get it's head out of the Democratic Party's ass. The biggest challenge is going to be the BMW plant in SC. But 1st things 1st, our workers, cowed for near a century now, need to get encouragement from further victories in the neighborhood.


With US Workers on the March, Southern States Take Aim at Unions
Posted on April 29, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

Conor here: This piece takes aim at GOP governors, which is fair enough, but the larger takeaway might be that the unions are no longer waiting for help from Democrats that isn’t coming. I believe we’re still waiting for Obama on card check, and let’s not forget Biden blocking the railroad workers strike. As the following piece notes, the Biden administration also has no plan to challenge the anti-union laws these southern states are enacting, which means workers are, as always under both parties, on their own.

By Jessica Corbett, a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams. Originally published at Common Dreams.

Since six Southern Republican governors last week showed “how scared they are” of the United Auto Workers’ U.S. organizing drive, Tennessee Volkswagen employees have voted to join the UAW while GOP policymakers across the region have ramped up attacks on unions.

The UAW launched “the largest organizing drive in modern American history” after securing improved contracts last year with a strike targeting the Big Three automakers—General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis. The ongoing campaign led to the “landslide” victory in Chattanooga last week, which union president Shawn Fain pointed to as proof that “you can’t win in the South” isn’t true.

The Tennessee win “is breaking the brains of Republicans in that region. They’re truly astonished that workers might not trust their corporate overlords with their working conditions, pay, health, and retirement,” Thom Hartmann wrote in a Friday opinion piece.

“The problem for Republicans is that unions represent a form of democracy in the workplace, and the GOP hates democracy as a matter of principle,” he argued. “Republicans appear committed to politically dying on a number of hills that time has passed by. Their commitment to gutting voting rolls and restricting voting rights, their obsession with women’s reproductive abilities, and their hatred of regulations and democracy in the workplace are increasingly seen by average American voters as out-of-touch and out-of-date.”

Just before voting began in Chattanooga, GOP Govs. Kay Ivey of Alabama, Brian Kemp of Georgia, Tate Reeves of Mississippi, Henry McMaster of South Carolina, Bill Lee of Tennessee, and Greg Abbott of Texas claimed that “unionization would certainly put our states’ jobs in jeopardy” and the UAW is “making big promises to our constituents that they can’t deliver on.”

The next nationally watched UAW vote is scheduled for May 13-17 at a Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama.

“Workers at our plant are ready for this moment,” Mercedes employee Jeremy Kimbrell said last week. “We are ready to vote yes because we are ready to win our fair share. We are going to end the Alabama discount and replace it with what our state actually needs. Workers sticking together and sticking by our community.”

As workers gear up for the election, the Alabama House of Representatives on Tuesday voted 72-30 for a bill that would withhold future economic incentive money from companies that voluntarily recognize unions rather than holding secret ballots. The state Senate previously passed a version of the legislation but now must consider it with the lower chamber’s amendments.

The Associated Pressnoted that “Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed similar legislation on Monday” and that Tennessee already has one on the books.

With his signature on Senate Bill 362, “Kemp’s aim is to thwart future organizing attempts by workers at automotive plants in Georgia, such as those operated by Hyundai Motor Group,” according toThe Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

As the newspaper detailed:

Georgia has been a right-to-work state since 1947, when Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act, allowing workers to refuse to join a union or pay dues, even though they may benefit from contracts negotiated by a union with their employer. Just 5.4% of workers in the state belonged to a union in 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, also known as the Wagner Act, protects the right for workers to form a union and collectively bargain for better wages and working conditions.

The new Georgia law is expected to be challenged in court, labor experts have said.

Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su told the AP on Thursday that she is not sure if the department will challenge the laws, given the National Labor Relations Board’s responsibilities, but she stressed that “there are federal standards beneath which no worker should have to live and work.”

In terms of joining a union, “that choice belongs to the worker, free from intervention, either by the employer or by politicians, free from retaliation and threats,” Su said. “And what we are seeing is that workers who were thought to be too vulnerable to assert that right are doing it, and they’re doing it here in the South.”

The U.S. labor chief also slammed “unacceptable” union-busting efforts by companies and suggested that protecting the right to unionize is part of President Joe Biden’s “promise to center workers in the economy.”

“He has said he’s the most pro-worker, pro-union president in history, and we are going to make good on that promise. And that includes making sure that workers have the right to join a union,” Su said of the president.

Biden’s commitment to workers and unionizing rights has caught the attention of GOP leaders. The governors’ joint statement nodded to the UAW’s January endorsement of the president, who is seeking reelection in November, and South Carolina’s leader attacked the administration earlier this year.

During his January State of the State speech, McMaster declared that “we will not let our state’s economy suffer or become collateral damage as labor unions seek to consume new jobs and conscript new dues-paying members. And we will not allow the Biden administration’s pro-union policies to chip away at South Carolina’s sovereign interests. We will fight. All the way to the gates of hell. And we will win.”

News From the Statesreported Friday that “of all the foreign-owned automakers in South Carolina, BMW would be the most likely mark in the near term if enough of its workers show interest. The massive plant near Greer—the manufacturer’s only U.S. production facility—employs some 11,000 people, twice the number of workers at Volkswagen in Tennessee and Mercedes in Alabama. It has operated in the Upstate for nearly 30 years and is in the process of adding electric vehicle lines.”

However, a UAW spokesperson told the outlet that they don’t yet have the numbers for the BMW and Volvo facilities in the state, and Marick Masters, a Wayne State University professor who studies the union, said: “I don’t think they’re writing anybody off but they know the history of unionization. And I would say South Carolina is a very inhospitable place for unions."

https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2024/04 ... nions.html

Geez Conor, we're still waiting for the Dems to repeal Taft-Hartley....70 years too long. Fool me once....
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Tue May 07, 2024 2:30 pm

Behind southern governors’ anti-union agenda
May 1, 2024 Gregory E. Williams

It pays to play. Pennsylvania billionaire Jeff Yass gives Texas governor Greg Abott $6 million to get his preferred policies enacted.

Southern politicians who sold their souls to the corporations and banks are a bit rattled right now, and who can blame them? Volkswagen workers won big in Chattanooga, Tennessee, when 73% of plant workers voted to join the United Auto Workers Union.

This is the first time that autoworkers have successfully unionized via election in the South since the 1940s! What if more of us workers here in the South get an idea?

Before the vote even happened, six “anti-woke” southern governors put out a joint letter condemning the union. That should tell us how significant the unionization victory is.

Seriously. The Volkswagen vote is a big deal for all workers in the region. When economists compare workers of the same type, with the only difference being whether they’re union members, unionized workers earn 10-15% more in wages according to the U.S. Department of the Treasury. That’s just wages. Unionized workers have better benefits and working conditions, too.

And unlike with “trickle down economics” – the now totally disproven idea that tax breaks for the ultra-wealthy will trickle down to the rest of us – when it comes to the benefits of unions, the high tide really does lift all workers’ boats. The Treasury Department admits that the data is clear on this point. There is a spillover.

For every 1% increase in union membership in the private sector, that results in a 0.3% increase in wages for nonunion workers, and the benefits are greatest for workers without college degrees.

Workers in states that have extreme anti-union laws (misleadingly called “right to work” or RTW laws) make 3.2% less on average than those doing the same job in states with less restrictions on unions. That is to say, full time workers in RTW states like Louisiana or Mississippi make about $1,670 less per year.

The letter written by the governors has a laughable graphic saying “Republican governors stand with American Auto Workers.” It’s signed by Kay Ivey (Alabama), Brian Kemp (Georgia), Tate Reeves (Mississippi), Henry McMaster (South Carolina), Bill Lee (Tennessee), and Greg Abbott (Texas). Every word of the statement is a lie. We should ask who they’re working for, because it ain’t us.

Roster of shame

The governors’ main claim is that all the jobs are going to leave if the workforce unionizes. But there is no correlation between whether a state has RTW laws, and thus low unionization rates, and employment. When you look at whether prime working-age people (ages 25-54) have a job in RTW vs. non-RTW states, there’s no systematic difference. Fluctuations in employment follow the same capitalist boom-and-bust cycles (expansion followed by recession) across states.

Forbes looked at U.S. Census data for 2023 and ranked the states with highest and lowest poverty levels. Mississippi comes in as the poorest state, with 19.1% living below the federal poverty level. So there’s Tate Reeve’s state.

(U.S.-occupied Puerto Rico has a poverty rate of 43%, but the island is not a state, so is usually not included on these lists. It’s being plundered by corporations and banks. U.S. out of Puerto Rico, now! Puerto Rico will be free!)

Louisiana has the second-highest poverty level, but our governor – Jeff Landry – didn’t sign the letter; maybe because auto-manufacturing hasn’t taken off here yet. Alabama is the 7th highest, so Kay Ivy gets an “F.” South Carolina comes in at number 10; Henry McMaster is another loser.

So, three out of six of the signees govern states in the top 10 poorest. And since they’re doing absolutely nothing to alleviate poverty, we can rest assured that they do not care about workers, only about making themselves and their big donors rich. There’s no reason to trust them about unions.

Speaking of big donors, a Mississippi Today investigation in late 2023 found that Tate Reeve’s top campaign contributors brought home a whopping $1.4 billion in state contracts and grants, all from agencies Reeves oversees. It pays to play! Or is it pay to play?

Texas-sized hypocrisy

According to Market Realist, Greg Abbott has a net worth of $14 million. In December 2023, his campaign received $6 million – “the largest single donation in Texas history,” in the campaign’s words – from Pennsylvania billionaire Jeff Yass.

Yass is thought to have $29 billion. He’s the co-founder and managing director of investment firm Susquehanna International Group.

Why would a Pennsylvania capitalist be funding Texas politics? Because he champions the anti-public school voucher movement, tax cuts for billionaires, and all manner of other things that only benefit the rich. He’s making an investment in Texas.

The truth is that there is nothing unusual about these shenanigans, and Democratic politicians are no better. The Washington Post said it: “More than half of those who served in the House and Senate were worth more than $1 million; many had net worths that stretched into the tens of millions.”

We should not be surprised where these capitalist politicians’ allegiances lie. Every time they try to stir us up about unions, trans people, immigrants, or some supposed foreign adversary, we should ask: “What’s in it for you?”

https://www.struggle-la-lucha.org/2024/ ... on-agenda/


Posted by MLToday | May 6, 2024 | Other Featured Posts | 0


April 22, 2024 The Guardian

After celebrating his union’s historic victory at a Volkswagen plant in Tennessee, Shawn Fain, president of the United Auto Workers, told the Guardian that he was confident of more unionization wins at auto plants across the US, saying: “The workers at VW are the first domino to fall.

“They have shown it is possible,” Fain added in an interview on Sunday evening. “I expect more of the same to come. Workers are fed up.”

The three-day unionization vote at Volkswagen ended last Friday, with the union winning overwhelmingly, 2,628 to 985 – the first time workers at a foreign-owned auto plant in the south have unionized. It was the world’s only non-union VW plant. The vote in Chattanooga was the first union vote in the UAW’s ambitious $40m campaign targeting 13 automakers, including VW, Mercedes, Tesla, BMW, Toyota, Nissan and Hyundai, with a total of 35 non-union plants across the US.

The UAW’s next scheduled unionization vote will be at the Mercedes plant in Vance, Alabama, where 5,000 workers will vote 13-17 May. Mercedes has been considerably more outspoken against the union than VW was, with a top Mercedes official telling workers: “I don’t believe the UAW can help us to be better.”

Fain voiced great confidence about winning at Mercedes despite the company’s anti-union efforts. “At the end of the day, I believe that workers at Mercedes definitely want a union,” he said, “and I believe a big majority there will vote in favor.”

At Mercedes, rank-and-file workers, not UAW officials, have taken the lead in organizing the plant. “Workers at Mercedes have literally run this campaign with very little help from us,” Fain said. “They wanted it that way. It’s great to see those workers feeling their power and being able to exercise their power.”

He scoffed at attacks from corporate executives and southern politicians that the UAW is a third party. He said that the union was its members, not an outside group, and that it was the companies that bring in third parties – outside consultants who spread anti-union information.

“The employees aren’t fooled by the companies’ tricks any more,” Fain said. “It’s the same tactics companies use every time. Workers have seen it repeatedly. I believe the workers are ready. They know the companies will continue to use fear and continue to use politicians as their surrogates using fear.”

In the Guardian interview, Fain fired back at the governors of six southern states who had condemned the UAW’s campaign, saying it was “driven by misinformation”. “They’re liars. The people who are doing the misleading are them,” Fain said. “These politicians are showing that they’re just puppets for corporate America, and they don’t give a damn about working-class people. They don’t care about the workers being left behind even though the workers are the ones who elect them.”

Fain was palpably angry that the Republican governors of Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas had issued a joint letter denouncing the UAW as “special interests looking to come into our state and threaten our jobs”. Fain said the governors were the ones “wrecking the economy because they don’t care about working people having a decent wage. It’s working-class people who move the economy.” He added that the governors’ “economy is the economy of the billionaire class and corporate class where they take all the profits, and the workers get left behind”.

In a celebratory meeting with the VW workers in Chattanooga late on Friday night and in his interview with the Guardian, Fain said the VW workers now needed to focus on bargaining a first union contract. “I expect good things to happen for the VW workers,” he said. “We want to use the big three contracts as our framework.” He added that VW’s workers would play a big role in formulating “a list of demands” for the contract talks.

Fain acknowledged that unionizing Tesla might prove especially difficult, considering how fiercely anti-union Elon Musk is. “Elon’s extreme hostility to unions tells us about who he is,” Fain said. “He’s a billionaire who’s more concerned about ego and building rockets and flying to the moon than about taking care of the people who enabled him to do that, the people who create Tesla’s profits.”

Fain acknowledged that Musk “will probably be a lot more hostile” to a union drive than other CEOs. “At the end of the day, it’s the workers’ choice. It’s not Elon Musk’s choice,” he said. “As we continue to organize more and more companies, that makes it more and more inevitable that it [unionizing Tesla] is going to happen. We’re going to continue to show up and assist workers who want justice and better treatment on the job.”

Asked what Joe Biden should do to attract union members’ votes, Fain said: “He has to continue doing what he’s been doing, which is supporting workers in their fights.” Fain praised Biden for becoming the first sitting president to walk a union picket line – Biden joined a UAW picket line in Michigan last September when the union was on strike against Detroit’s big three automakers. He also praised Biden for making it easier to unionize EV battery plants.

Fain criticized Donald Trump’s stance on EVs. Trump has warned that Biden’s plans to expand EV sales could be a bloodbath for the US economy and a boon for Chinese manufacturers. Fain told the Guardian that Trump’s plans to shrink America’s EV industry could endanger many auto workers. “There are a lot of workers out there that in the [electric vehicle] industry who stand to lose their jobs,” he said.

At the victory celebration in Chattanooga, Fain urged VW’s workers to help auto workers elsewhere unionize their plants. To inspire the workers, Fain quoted Matthew 17:20: “For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Fain told the Guardian that faith is important to him. “The foundation of all religion is love – love of your fellow human beings,” he said. “It’s important when we talk as workers and as labor that we talk about these things, that everything we do is about making life better for human beings. When three families have as much wealth as the bottom 50% of Americans, that’s the antithesis of everything that religion teaches. I’ll continue to lean on my faith. I don’t keep that any secret."

https://mltoday.com/volkswagen-the-firs ... president/

Posted by Ed Grystar | May 6, 2024


April 9, 2024

Jacobin magazine has a recent interview with Erik Loomis, “Unions Can’t Be Rebuilt Piecemeal. We Need To Go Big.”

The main focus of the interview is looking back on the CIO in the 1930s and advocating a “Go Big” approach to labor today. One would expect to find historical examples explaining the strategies of the class-struggle organizations which helped to bring about America’s most tumultuous and successful labor upsurge – the formation and struggles of the CIO.

Loomis gives an overview of the particular circumstances leading to the creation of the CIO, notably the depression, FDR, and the particular interests of John L Lewis – but chooses to gloss over the years of on-the-ground organizing by left-wing radicals within the labor movement, particularly communists. Apparently there is nothing to learn, discuss or debate about the strategy and tactics employed by communist and left organizers who built many independent unions and worked in unions affiliated with the moribund AFL.

Despite tremendous attacks and repression, left organizations like the TUEL (Trade Union Educational League) were able to provide leadership and instill a class struggle vision which involved mass labor struggles and a powerful nationwide unemployed movement – the foundation of the largest labor upsurge in the USA and the building of the CIO.

Without the historical context of the type of bottom-up organizing which built the CIO, Loomis has no suggested path or ideas for present day organizers to debate. Why is the credibility of unions on the rise yet the officialdom of labor is both unwilling and incapable of harnessing this energy to build a popular independent movement?

Although Loomis admits, “[rebuilding the labor movement has] to happen through size and power,” He also says, “The reality is that I think it would’ve been very difficult for the CIO to do this at a different time in American history.” In reality, the situation workers face today is not that different than faced in the decades leading up to the creation of the CIO, and there are obvious lessons for. organizers today to learn in the history of the TUEL and TUUL, the communist-led organizations which predated the CIO.

In particular, radicals through the TUEL and TUUL focused on a class struggle approach when working within existing unions, organizing the unemployed, and finally creating their own independent unions which eventually morphed into the CIO.

The Building of the CIO: Role of the TUEL and TUUL

One can’t seriously talk of the CIO’s emergence without understanding the role played by the communists in the period after the 1919 steel strike and the tumultuous years leading up to the CIO.

William Z. Foster, leader of the 1919 Steel Strike, was elected to lead the Trade Union Educational League (TUEL) when it was formed in 1920. It worked within existing unions to push for the merging of conservative and ineffective craft unions into industrial organizations, in sharp contrast to the AFL which was not interested in actual mass organizing, but instead focused on cooperative outreach to the business community. And to unite organized labor with the broader working class, the TUEL also focused on organizing the unemployed and independent political action.

The AFL promoted itself as a “respectable” partner to business, expelling thousands of its own members and viciously red-baiting the TUEL. This purge led to the formation of a number of new and independent unions offering a class struggle based union alternative to the craft mentality of the AFL.

The TUEL led mass strikes in Gastonia, North Carolina, Passaic, New Jersey and coal miners’ struggles in Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Alabama and Ohio which led to the formation of the National Miners Union in Pittsburgh in 1928. Beyond this, the TUEL organized thousands of workers in the needle trades unions of NYC to fight against the corrupt and violent AFL union leadership which policed sell-out contracts.

New leaders took over the furriers union leading to a huge 1926 NYC strike of more than 10,000 led by the TUEL. Thousands were beaten by police, arrested and jailed, but it ended with a five day work week. The AFL expelled the union and got the manufacturers to collaborate with the old
discredited leadership to reinstate the 50 hour work week. Another strike in 1927 was necessary to win back the gains of 1926.

These were real mass struggles fought by the workers themselves, attacked by police, company stooges and red-baited by the AFL. It’s this type of activity by workers which shaped the landscape of labor in the 1920’s. To not discuss these monumental battles and their significance deprives readers of insight into why and how the CIO was born and practical lessons for today.

TUEL Reorganizes as TUUL

The 1929 founding convention of the Trade Union Unity League (TUUL) in Cleveland was a major shift in that it moved to openly espouse the organizing of the unorganized into industrial unions and linked the struggle with the fight for unemployment insurance. Unlike the AFL, special recognition of the needs of women, blacks and youth were made and promoted. The TUUL argued that the expulsion of many class conscious militants necessitated the creation of independent unions but stressed this was only if the existing unions were hopelessly corrupt or compromised. Many stayed in the existing unions and worked to change them from the inside.

The TUUL had working affiliates in mining, food, textile, fur / leather / needle, sheet metal, marine, agriculture, and auto. Mass strikes, rallies, and relief efforts were led by the TUUL throughout the country as workers joined and fought street battles with police, company spies, and corrupt AFL unions to better their lives. Readers should investigate these efforts as the parallels today are eerily similar.

Real Impetus For The CIO

William W. Winpisinger, President, IAM AFL-CIO said in The Cold War Against Labor:

It is rather amusing to note how most labor historians choose to ignore what was probably the real impetus to form the CIO and pass much of FDR’s New Deal labor protections. The major impetus was the formation of the unemployed councils in practically every major city in the U.S. during the latter 1920’s and early 1930’s. Spearheading these local drives to organize the unemployed into self-help and mutual support groups, and thence educate them toward egalitarianism and socialism invariably were local Communist Party organizers, inspire by the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, who survived the Red Scare and smashing of the socialists in the 1920’s. Many were intellectual activists like John Reed. Others were street smart mule-tough veterans of union organizing drives.

It was they, much more than John L. Lewis or any of the AFL hierarchy before or after, who created the CIO and moved FDR to put a labor agenda at the top of his priorities. In fact, FDR did not put the Wagner Act in his first 100 days of legislation. On the contrary, he argued against that step and opted for General Hugh Johnson’s brand of “official company unionism” modeled after labor relations in vogue in Italy, being aped and improvised upon in Hitler’s Germany and Salazar’s Portugal.

Wherever FDR visited in his 1932 campaign, he was confronted by large crowds of organized unemployed people. And these Unemployed Councils were challenging if not controlling established AFL city central bodies around the country. William Green and his conservative building trades cronies clearly were not in command of the situation. And by 1935, both John L. Lewis and FDR had gotten that message.

Linking the conditions of the unemployed directly to organizing the unorganized was integral to the TUUL. Several even had their own Unemployed Councils. Not only did the AFL ignore organizing the mass production industries, they ridiculed and criticized any fight to enact government benefits for the millions of unemployed. AFL President William Green declared unemployment insurance was a “hindrance to progress,” “a dole” that “degrades the dignity of the working man” and subsidizes “idleness.” Uniting workers on the job and educating the unemployed, preventing them from being herded into scabbing, was critical for success.

Separately, working inside the AFL, Louis Weinstock, a communist in the Painters Union, organized the AFL Trade Union Committee for Unemployment Insurance and Relief in 1932. The AFL attacked the Committee as a “communist inspired” effort to ruin the American economy.

On March 6, 1930 the first nationwide demonstration against unemployment was called by the TUUL. More than one million protested in scores of US cities including over 100,000 in New York City where more than 25,000 police officers attacked the demonstrators. Mass organizing took place in many cities for unemployment relief and jobs, including the Ford Hunger March, National Hunger March, and the Bonus March of Veterans who demanded immediate payment of their WW1 bonus due to hunger. Congress summarily rejected their demands, including when they marched in Washington D.C. on July 28, 1932. President Hoover was pleased to call on General Douglas MacArthur to attack demonstrators with tear gas and bayonets, and burn their tent encampment, killing two infants.

On a quest for justice, this growing power continued to build in the years ahead. This was the essence behind the formation of the CIO. All of the important successes of this period were a result of a bottom-up mass movement which turned American labor from an insular, declining, craft-focused niche into a fighting force for the working-class at large.

But the class struggle always continues. In the years ahead, the forces of reaction among business, politicians and inside labor regrouped after the WWII strike wave and ushered in the era of McCarthyism. Left unions in labor were attacked, resulting in their expulsion from the CIO and deadening the lifeblood of struggle from labor. Many of the labor leaders who fought and participated in past struggles were jailed during the hysteria of Red Baiting. Instead of calling out this purge as one of labor’s greatest setbacks – Loomis treats it as a necessity – to him, it was somehow the role of organized labor to join with McCarthyism and destroy their own organizations.

Go Big or Go Nowhere

A snapshot of today’s predicament for the working class is eerily familiar to that of the late 1920’s. As material conditions gradually deteriorate for American workers, anger grows but remains primarily untapped and disorganized. This need for leadership is juxtaposed alongside polls showing growing public support for unions. Weak and ineffective business unions seeking partnerships with corporations cannot deliver the necessary popular program because their ideology ties them to corporate interests. This is our dilemma.

We can break free by understanding our power is not the inside political game or partnering with corporations but one which educates and mobilizes workers on and off the job – independent political action which inspires workers to battle the corporate monster controlling every aspect of life in the US.

This is the foundation of the movement we need to nurture and grow. A look back at the CIO period can help guide the way forward.

https://mltoday.com/red-baiters-go-big- ... ing-anger/

Posted by MLToday | May 6, 2024


By Sam Hammond

April 15, 2024 People’s Voice (Canada)

“Reforms for the improvement of people’s situation, which here and now and at every instant are always sensible because politics is conducted in the interest of people now living, cannot be the aim of a communist party, rather only an aspect of its continuing struggle. For it is not a question of managing better in this capitalist society; and it would be an illusion to believe that internal capitalist contradictions can be removed by reforms, since they are structural contradictions of the system of the production relations. It is much more a question – on the route via reforms – of changing the social system.”

The above quote by German Communist philosopher Hans Heinz Holz concisely and articulately states the position of revolution and reform from the revolution side. It quite correctly identifies reforms as sensible while explaining why they cannot be the strategic aim of a communist party.

If reforms are necessary and sensible but cannot be the aim of the party, then what exactly are they in regard to the aim of destroying the exploiting class and initiating a classless society? In short, they are “quantities” in the struggle to bring about a qualitative change. As such, they must not be viewed only as building blocks of developing contradiction, but as part of the dynamic that can, depending on the historical and social environment, plod along or explode.

The difference between communists and social democrats is not defined by whether or not they struggle for reforms – indeed, most reforms favouring the working-class quality of life were initiated by communists – but whether or not they view them as a “quantity” on the road to social transformation or an end in themselves, a bandage to save capitalism and help it maintain hegemony as a kinder capitalism with a human face.

To struggle for reforms is not necessarily reformism. To see them as a treadmill item in a permanent capitalism is. That is the essential difference between reformism and class struggle.

Communists see reforms as quantities in the class struggle to alleviate human suffering, interfere in the rate of exploitation, develop class consciousness, unite the working class and develop the most conscious in the strategy and tactics of resistance and revolution. Social democrats see the campaign for reforms as a rather vapid cap-in-hand series of campaigns, legal briefs and parliamentary trade-offs in the process of shaping the imaginary pluralistic society into an enlightened utopia of kind and caring capitalism. Something closely akin to training a wolverine into a loving house pet, and just as achievable.

The struggle for reforms must be won by mass action that raises class consciousness to the level of ideology and program, involving the most advanced sections of the population and developing the demand for more reforms. This is antithetical to the vision of negotiated reforms on behalf of the people as a bartering tool for class peace, a social contract of collaboration on the part of an aristocracy of the working class.

If reforms are not the aim but rather an instrument or a “quantity” in the class struggle, then the struggle for the kind of reforms to be sought, and the kind of mobilization of forces to achieve them, must radically differ from the tepid campaigns of social democracy for a kinder capitalism, decent work and more crumbs from the table.

The demand for a Charter of Labour Rights – long championed by the Communist Party of Canada– which would require the mobilization of significant forces and secure the immunity of the labour unions from legislative attack, is ignored by the social democratic labour leadership because they are very well aware that massive mobilization would require changes in leadership and program that would expose collaboration and complicity in the global neoliberal agenda.

The concept of reforms carried through on a provider-and-client basis, as found in the models of “business trade unionism,” or the sectarian proprietorship expressed by social democracy in the concept “we will look after your needs, just vote for us,” was at the heart of the major split orchestrated by the “pink paper unions” that destroyed the united fightback against the Mike Harris Tories in Ontario years ago.

When the concept of sectarian paternalism and control won out, it set the stage for the long sleep of the Ontario Federation of Labour (in the same bed as the Canadian Labour Congress), helped isolate the CAW union and allowed Buzz Hargrove to move it to the right. The main labour leadership was quite happy to farm out political campaigning to the NDP’s sectarian parliamentarianism. The aim was to eliminate democratic member-driven mass struggle and isolate or control labour’s social justice partners.

Most workers in Canada do not come face-to-face with capitalists in their workplace, as workers did in the earlier stages of capitalism, when capitalists self-managed their enterprises and the workforce. However, they do come face-to-face with the professional-representative strata who manage enterprises and financial institutions, services and the state itself on behalf of the ruling class. Along with this are the increasingly complex and diversified forms of social production, the escalating alienation of workers from the products of their labour, and the complete subservience of the mainstream to the corporate agenda.

It is apparent how the buffer zone of deception can hide the class brutality of exploitation and create a breeding ground of reformism not oriented against the capitalist class directly but against the representatives of that class.

Wealth – as viewed directly in exorbitant salaries, bonuses and stock options for the managers of capital – can obscure the fundamental relationship between exploiters and exploited and promote the concept of fair distribution as a solution. For the working class to seize and hold as much as possible of the wealth they produce is a necessary battle, but only as a quantity in the struggle for emancipation and not as a payment for class peace.

Entire ownership of the means of production and 100 percent social expropriation is the only alternative.

The self-awareness and self-identification of working people as an exploited class must emerge from a worldview that has components about the past, present and future. Development of social consciousness – first of all as an awareness of, or bewilderment with injustice, grievances and defencelessness – can and does arise in individual people, but it is impotent rage and only takes on a socio-political character when it is nurtured and developed in social groupings.

There is also an accelerating factor in group action that can provide the equivalent of years of experience from moments of activity. One strike, no matter how small or isolated, brings the reality of class power, the need for organization and the need for class unity to the forefront. The strike of necessity precedes the realization that the workers must own and control their own bodies and the product of their labour, and that the withdrawal of their labour power is the economic lever of reforms and of reprisal, and is strengthened by mass unity.

Social consciousness is developed in social formations, and among the working class the trade unions are by far the most advanced and organized social formations. This situates them in the class struggle and defines them as an essential ingredient, not just one grouping among others. Trade union struggles historically are the first stage in the developing of social consciousness – of class consciousness.

The initial stages of struggle are naturally economic, part of workers’ struggle for subsistence, and tend to shape the organization and structures of labour unions and their goals.

Labour unions exist in the terrain of capitalist society, and their social concepts and demands reflect the reality of their environment. They are reformist and economist initially because they deal with the immediate needs of living people. As Holz writes, “The development of total alternative conceptions for society is not their [labour unions] task. Socialist concepts certainly arise and continue within trade unions, but they are not the content of trade union struggles nor of trade union conceptions of organization.”

The revolutionary ideology of Marxism-Leninism did not arise from trade union struggles, but nevertheless the fertile ground of awakening class consciousness and the historical phenomenon of permanent workers’ institutions within the exploiting state creates a natural and essential merging of theory and practice. This phenomenon is at the root of much recent class history – including the need for the ruling class to inject into the trade unions the self-destructive ideology of counter-revolutionary anti-communist crusading in the form of McCarthyism and the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Social democracy was the willing accomplice in these campaigns in Canada.

The isolation, defeat and even physical expulsion from the ranks of the labour unions of members of the Communist Party was and is a project of the capitalist class and will continue as long as there is a class struggle. Conversely, their offensives, no matter how damaging, have never been complete because there were and will always be advanced members of the working class, including left social democrats, who refuse to abandon communist workers precisely because communists have been the advance guard in the struggle for reforms that have shaped their lives.

There is no blanket or pot lid in this world opaque enough to hide this history completely.

No matter how the tides rise and fall, communists never give up on their presence amongst the most organized sections of the working class and never deny these workers the weaponry of revolutionary ideology that they need, which will propel the struggle for reforms into the struggle for socialism.

https://mltoday.com/labor-politics-the- ... reformism/
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Fri May 24, 2024 1:44 pm

Why Corporations Choose Lawlessness to Fight Unions
Posted on May 23, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. This post gives a useful update on the illegal tactics big companies like Apple and Starbucks are using to try to thwart unions. This comes despite the fact that labor laws clearly bar retaliating against workers involved in labor organizing. The attitude clearly is that if corporations can make union drives costly enough to the workers leading the campaign in the short term, the long term (later restitution, fines and reinstatement) does not matter.

This article does not mention that the workplace rights Americans enjoy came at very high cost to the early leaders. The violence used, including hangings, has oddly been airbrushed out of most accounts of US history. One example: Pinkertons was a private army whose major line of business was breaking organizing efforts. From Teen Vogue (virtually alone in the media for having a labor columnist):

…few enemies of the working class have loomed larger than the Pinkertons. The Pinkerton National Detective Agency was founded as a private police force in Chicago in 1850, and quickly expanded its reach; its detectives initially focused on catching thieves and burglars, but soon became the bane of the labor movement for their work as enthusiastic, vicious strikebreakers. Throughout the Civil War era and in the decades after, Pinkerton operatives left their bloody mark on strikes, protests, and massacres, and gained a ruthless reputation for protecting the interests of capital by any means necessary. As one newspaper columnist put it, “No man of refined sensibilities would enter the ranks as a hired Hessian of plutocracy, expecting to shoot down his brothers at the command of capital.”

That 2020 article later described how Pinkertons was still up to its labor-busting ways, with the latest sighting working with Amazon in Europe. So this is a well-established practice that powerful companies see no reason to give up.

By Sonali Kolhatkar, an award-winning multimedia journalist. She is the founder, host, and executive producer of “Rising Up With Sonali,” a weekly television and radio show that airs on Free Speech TV and Pacifica stations. Her most recent book is Rising Up: The Power of Narrative in Pursuing Racial Justice (City Lights Books, 2023). She is a writing fellow for the Economy for All project at the Independent Media Institute and the racial justice and civil liberties editor at Yes! Magazine. She serves as the co-director of the nonprofit solidarity organization the Afghan Women’s Mission and is a co-author of Bleeding Afghanistan. She also sits on the board of directors of Justice Action Center, an immigrant rights organization. Produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute

Workers in Towson, Maryland, have earned the distinction of becoming the first Apple retail workers in the nation to vote to strike over failed union negotiations with their employer. The approximately 100 Apple workers were also the first in the nation to successfully form a union. They did so in 2022, as the Coalition of Organized Retail Employees (CORE), joining the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM). Two-thirds of the store’s workers voted to join the union, a resounding success at a company that has long staved off union activity.

Apple could have embraced the Towson store union, respecting the legal right of its workers to bargain collectively for their rights. Instead, the company chose a depressingly familiar path of using its economic power to break labor laws and resist the union at all costs.

Among Apple’s earliest tactics, a bold one even by corporate standards, was to offer all but the Towson store workers new educational and medical perks, saying that the nascent union would have to negotiate for those perks while nonunion workers would be able to enjoy them immediately. The IAM CORE members claimed it was a “calculated” move by Apple, timed just ahead of a second retail union vote at a store in Penn Square, Oklahoma, ostensibly as a warning to those workers, and any others considering union drives, that they could lose out. The National Labor Relations Board, which under President Joe Biden has tended to adhere to its mandate by actually protecting workers more often than not, accused the company of violating the workers’ labor rights. Luckily, the bid failed and a majority of Penn Square’s Apple workers chose to unionize.

Apple’s ugly maneuver echoed that of Starbucks corporation a year later. The coffee giant increased hourly pay for all but its union workers. The NLRB also ruled against Starbucks.

Both Apple and Starbucks may have learned such machinations from Littler Mendelson P.C., the notorious union-busting firm that both corporations have retained to counter worker organizing. Starbucks alone has made use of the services of 110 of the law firm’s attorneys to aggressively resist organized labor at their stores. A former National Labor Relations Board attorney Matthew Bodie called the massive army of anti-union lawyers “unprecedented.” On its website, Littler boasts of the work it has done to “shape workplace practices in a direction that is favorable to employers.”

Union busting is lucrative, raking in more than $400 million in revenues a year for anti-union law firms like Littler Mendelson and Morgan Lewis(which is Amazon’s go-to union buster). It’s no wonder that a large part of their work is advising corporate employers on how best to break laws. Starbucks, for example, is a repeat offender. And so are Apple and Amazon.

The practice of labor law violations in countering unionization is so widespread that the Economic Policy Institute found in 2019 that “Employers are charged with violating federal law in 41.5 percent of all union election campaigns.” Given that these are officially deemed violations that have gone through the process of reporting and adjudicating, the number is likely an underestimate.

The reason these major corporations choose lawlessness is that often it works to their benefit. A company like Apple may well see millions of dollars toward union-busting lawyers as money well spent. After all, breaking the law costs very little, with fines for labor law violations capped at meager amounts. There are likely cold, hard calculations behind the cost-benefit analysis of breaking labor laws versus allowing workers to organize for what they want.

Even though workers in two Apple stores have successfully unionized, Apple prevailed in Short Hills, New Jersey where workers organized under the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and failed to win a union vote. Ahead of the vote, CWA accused Apple of illegal anti-union retaliation against one of the Short Hills employees leading the union drive. To Apple, such illegal behavior was likely worth the price. While individual employees have their livelihoods at stake, the company has nothing to lose but a few thousand dollars.

It’s not just about money but also power (which ultimately translates into more money). Workers wanting union representation aren’t just fighting for better pay and benefits but for humane treatment. Corporate profiteering is built on worker insecurity, the ability to hire and fire at will, and offering unpredictable shifts that best serve the company. Indeed, shift scheduling is a key sticking point in IAM CORE’s negotiations with Apple for its Towson store workers who voted to strike.

There are good reasons why corporations fight unions: hundreds of studies point to the negative impact that unions have on corporate profits. Conversely, there is a clear correlation between unions and higher wages, benefits, and worker protections. Even more encouragingly, unions lead to better wages even for non-union employees, putting upward pressure on employers to compete with unionized workers.

Many modern corporate employers who fight unions market themselves as having liberal values and being pro-worker. Apple touts itself as one of the biggest job creators in the U.S., responsible for 2 million jobs in all 50 states, and boasts that “unlike with many companies, both full- and part-time employees are eligible for such benefits as health insurance, matching retirement contributions, and an employee stock purchase plan.”

But, when forced to live up to their stated ideals, such corporations transform into profit-hungry gangsters. “Progressive-branded companies therefore offer free, built-in leverage to worker organizing campaigns,” wrote labor journalist Hamilton Nolan. “There is nothing that will force an employer to live up to all the stuff it said about caring for employees faster than a demand for union recognition.”

Some companies choose to lean into their stated liberal values, most notably Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, which refreshingly decided to embrace the newly formed Scoopers United union instead of unleashing union-busting law firms on its workers.

Even Microsoft, a major tech company that has a history of being what the New York Times called a “poster child for corporate ruthlessness,” is seemingly choosing the path of union acceptance. The company’s vice chair and president, Brad Smith announced in 2022 that Microsoft would work collaboratively with unions.

The Times speculated that Microsoft’s decision to embrace unions was an attempt to appease the pro-labor Biden administration ahead of a corporate acquisition of a video game company. Regardless of its reasoning, working with organized labor instead of against it is good for society, even if it’s bad for individual corporate bottom lines.

The good news is that in spite of union membership rates continuing to drop precipitously, the percentage of people who see unions in a favorable light has increased to 71 percent, and among young people a whopping 88 percent. The number of workers petitioning to join unions has jumped, as has strike activity. The only thing standing in the way of converting the union dreams of Apple workers and others into reality is corporate willingness to break labor laws.

https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2024/05 ... nions.html

And not just the corp(ses)... When UAW feels strong enough to go after BMW in SC rest assured that the SC Highway Patrol(State Police) will be in police riot mode. The price of 'Freedom!' is the busted heads of the proletariat.
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Wed May 29, 2024 1:46 pm

Posted by Mike Elk | May 27, 2024

UAW Admits Digital-Heavy, Organizing Committee-Light Approach Failed Them in Alabama at Mercedes


May 20, 2024 Payday Report

Greetings from the ‘Burgh, where I am dealing with some health issues. We will have more stories and reactions to the historic UAW loss coming out early next week, but I’d like to fill in all of our readers with what we have learned so far.

My sense from talking to union leaders over the phone is that the digital-heavy and organizing committee-light approach made the UAW unable to withstand Mercedes’ “give us one more chance” plea after they fired their plant manager.

A Digital-Quick & Traditional Organizing Committee Light Approach

Rather than using traditional organizing committee structures, the UAW relied heavily on digital meetings, a light staff approach from the international union, and getting workers to sign union cards via QR codes. Given the positive media coverage of the UAW in the “Stand Up Strike,” many UAW leaders were confident they could win using this approach.

After filing with 70%, the UAW believed they would maintain their margin and win at similar margins to the 73% victory of UAW workers in Chattanooga. However, the UAW lost 44%-56% in Alabama amid charges that the company used backroom manipulation tactics against workers. These tactics may be illegal in Germany and could cause Mercedes to get into legal trouble.

However, the union bled support in the face of manipulation and a disinformation campaign. Many workers bought into Mercedes’ pleas to give them another chance and voted against the UAW.

Kirk Garner said the union was caught off guard as the company’s anti-union meetings were very low-key backroom affairs and targeted specific departments. The company conducted physiological profiles of workers and only invited “persuadable” workers to anti-union meetings.

“Hopefully, we can work out some of the issues, you know, we had here and now hopefully, the Labor Board will flip the mandatory captive audience meeting room. And we won’t have to endure that again next year”, said Garner in an interview with Payday Report.

The UAW doesn’t see the 44%-56% vote as a sign of defeat. Often, unions try multiple times before winning. The UAW tried twice at Volkswagen in Chattanooga in 2014 and 2019 before winning big in 2024, but at Mercedes, this was the first time workers had seen the company’s manipulation, psychological profiling, and complex disinformation tactics.

“The company told the workers to give the new CEO a chance. That’s exactly what Volkswagen told its workers in 2019. And in 2024, Volkswagen workers realized it’s not about a CEO,” said UAW President Shawn Fain.

Mercedes offered time off the grueling assembly line in these meetings and asked workers to “give them another chance.” As a sign of good faith, Mercedes eliminated a two-tier wage system and gave what UAW Communications Director Jonah Furman has labeled a “UAW Pay Bump.”

After months of more personalized meetings with plant workers, Mercedes decided to fire the plant manager. The new plant manager, Federico Kochlowski, went on a charm offensive and won many workers over. It was yet another sign that Mercedes was willing to change without bringing in the UAW, which was painted as an outside union from Detroit.

National Champion Alabama Football Coach Nick Saban Throws UAW under the Bus

Late in the campaign, Alabama football coach Nick Saban started disparaging the UAW in the press, a distraction the UAW did not need, while Mercedes worked hard to sow doubts among hesitant workers.

Legendary Alabama Football Coach Nick Saban, who coached Alabama for 16 years, had asked UAW ally More Perfect Union to take down an ad in which the famous football coach praised the UAW.

“It never scares me that people are organized. General Motors and the automotive industry has had unions for a long time, and they’ve survived, fairly well I think,” Saban says in a pro-union ad run by the pro-union group More Perfect Union.

“There’s been a lot of businesses that have been successful and worked with unions for many, many years. So I’m not anti-union. Unionize it, make it like the NFL,” he said of college football players seeking to unionize.

Payday Report learned that the University of Alabama had gotten YouTube to take down More Perfect Union’s ad, which features Saban’s endorsement of unions. The University of Alabama has claimed copyright infringement because More Perfect Union displayed the university logo in the video’s background.

The controversy created by the famous Alabama football coach made the UAW look bad, and the company begged workers to give them “just one more chance.”

Mercedes’ “Give Me One More Chance to Fix Things” Approach

The UAW did not have a traditional organizing committee that regularly assessed each worker. In some unions like the UE, the union will appoint one shop steward for every ten workers. This way, the union knows precisely how each worker feels.

However, after the “Stand Up Strike,” the UAW hoped to move fast. They adopted a staff-light, digital-heavy approach that emphasized speed over building deep committees. Workers like Kirk Garner, who had been involved in organizing on the shop floor, thought it was a gamble but worth it.

“This is a new age—we’re in the digital age—and it’s somewhat of a new way of organizing from older people to younger people,” says Garner. “I think we saw it in Amazon in New York. They used a lot of internet and phones instead of traditional house calling, having big committee meetings, you know, three or four days a week.”

(Listen to our podcast on how the UAW was using digital media to promote an entirely different approach at UAW)

A Union PR Game that Didn’t Resonate In Plant Backrooms

Before the Volkswagen union vote in April, UAW leaders publicly declared on Twitter that there would be a blowout victory at Chattanooga ahead of the final vote.

After the 73% vote was announced at Volkswagen in April, UAW Communications Director Jonah Furman tweeted, “We keep telling you we’re gonna win. And we keep winning.”

The day before the Mercedes vote, UAW leaders told publications, including ours, that they would win big in Alabama.

In Alabama, the UAW filed with 70% of workers signing up before the Volkswagen vote in early April. UAW officials and other reporters told us they had gained members after the positive media coverage of the win in Chattanooga.

“It came real quick by hundreds and hundreds of people,” Garner told us earlier this month in describing union momentum at the plant in Alabama following Volkswagen’s 73% victory in Chattanooga. “It was just like, immediate. People started jumping on board. And so with momentum (it) keeps on going. It’s just blossomed into this, probably over a 70% majority now. So we should end up about where Volkswagen did.”

Heading into the high-profile vote, the media gave generally positive coverage of the union, with most media outlets predicting a win.

As someone who spent a decade in the South covering many failed union drives, I, like many other labor reporters, wanted to believe that something had fundamentally changed after the UAW landslide 73% victory in Chattanooga.

The positive media coverage, however, failed to resonate in the plant’s backrooms, where managers sowed doubts in personal one-on-one conversations about workplace conditions.

Now, after the 12% loss in Alabama, Furman was defensive about the union’s bullishness leading up to the organizing-light approach.

“All your best laid plans and theories and handbooks are nothing compared to real life experience. Trying stuff. Taking risks. Trying again,” tweeted Furman. “Mercedes Alabama has been open since 1993. This was the first union vote at the plant. We can’t keep watching and waiting forever.”

After 25 Years & Solid 1st Vote, UAW Mercedes Takes More Traditional Organizing Approach

UAW Local 112 Vice President Kirk Garner thinks it’s likely to see a union election within a year or two. It’s common for plants where workers lost by about 10% to win within a year or two after more workers are educated and engaged on union issues.

Garner says he and the 2,000 of his co-workers who voted for the union are willing to keep working. After all, the union only lost by approximately 600 votes. Now, with time to build a more traditional organizing committee, Garner feels confident that the UAW can win.

“Going forward, we’re gonna we’re going to, you know, change a few things and, and maybe, hopefully, you’ll have a different outcome a year from now,” says Garner.

Kirk first got involved in union organizing in the late 1990s at Mercedes in Alabama when he was 35. Now 60 years old, Garner says he is determined to get a union at Mercedes in Alabama before he retires.

When I asked Garner how he could continue fighting for 25 years on the shop floor, the 60-year-old Garner said it was because of his kids.

“You just always hope that your kids don’t have to work as hard. I just hope my kids never work as hard as I did,” says Garner.

https://mltoday.com/uaw-admits-digital- ... -mercedes/

Posted by Axel Persson | May 27, 2024


My name is Axel Persson. I am a train driver in France and the general secretary of the CGT Railway Workers Union in Trappes, a city in the southwestern suburbs of Paris.
The past years have seen French workers in general, not only public sector workers but private sectors workers as well, join multi-industry strikes to fight together under a united front across private and public sectors. In that context, railway workers have often fittingly enough embodied the role of locomotive, dragging other industries into joining the strikes. That has been the case for example in 2016 when the employers tried implementing a law that would allow employers to circumvent the national collective agreements that currently cover 95 % of the workforce in France and of course during the strikes where French workers have defended their right to retire at a decent age. More specifically in the railway, workers have also been facing specific attacks aimed at preparing the privatization of the railway that has been nationalized and run as a public service since 1938.

The last of these major strikes was the one that begun in early 2023 against the French governments and employers plan to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64. In December 2019, the same government had already been forced to scrap another pension reform after an almost two month long strike that paralysed public transport and many other industries, just before the COVID pandemic hit.

After a series of 24 hours strike in January and February that were massively followed with millions of workers taking strike action and demonstrating, decision was made to call out starting on the 7th of March 2023 for indefinite strike all workers as across as many industries as possible, both private and public. Oil refinery workers, railway workers, transport workers in Paris, dockworkers and energy workers in the nuclear plants were at the forefront of the strikes, alongside garbage disposal workers in Paris and other cities. Leading to massive shortages in fuel, tons of waste piling up in the streets of Paris, public transport that was either halted or severely reduced, with university students and high school students joining the demonstrations, bringing several millions into action over a course of several weeks. A powerful demonstration that when we withdraw our labour together for an indefinite amount of time, society, the economical machinery is either severely slowed, sometimes outright halted but it any case massively disrupted. It reminds everybody in society that without us, without our labor, nothing can function. That aspect is as important as the solely economical one as it moves society forward politically. The entire society is then focused on the subject put forth by the strikes, everybody is debating it and everybody is discussing it as workers set forth their own agenda and their own interests. It is also at these times where the reactionary and racist forces almost completely disappear from the media. As far as the strike over the pension is concerned, I am happy to share with you the very recent news, where after having organized a new set of strikes within the railway in February this year, we have forced the corporation to sign an agreement with the CGT union that once again guarantees us the right for an earlier retirement in the railway. I for example, will be able to retire with a full pension at 54 years old through this agreement. It is not yet the retirement at 50 which is our demand, but only four years left to win back! And the rest of the working class needs to do the same!

Although union density in France is low with only 11 % of the workforce being a member of the union, it is vital to understand that all workers in France, regardless of whether they are a member of a union or not, benefit from the collective agreements, will get assistance from the union in case of problems at the workplace, will even get strike pay when we have strike funds, can join the strikes and be legally protected. In the workplace, elections are held every 4 years where all workers, whether they be members of the union or not, elect the union representatives they want to be represented by. I myself for example, am elected by union members to lead the union as its general secretary, but I am also elected by the entire workforce who elected me and other CGT union members in general elections to represent them nationally when it comes to bargaining, disciplinary matters, trade union representation pertaining to social and economic matters. That is where we draw our legitimacy from. Those who join the union join it because they want to support it financially, because they want to be active in it, it is a militant gesture. By definition, a successful strike is when union members manage convincing the non-union members to join the strike and the struggle.

From this also stems a method in organizing: Every day at 10:00 a.m. during general strikes, we call for general strikers assemblies in all workplaces across the country, where the daily matters pertaining to the organization of the strike are discussed and decided, and most importantly, where the decision to pursue the strike is voted on by all the strikes who are present, whether they are a member of the union or not. It is also the general assembly that decides on matters such as the use and distribution of the strike fund and it is there where we organize actions to fill our strike funds. For example, one of the actions we regularly organized to fill our strike funds was to storm highway tolls with hundreds of workers, forcing the barriers open and telling the car drivers that the highway was free today, but that they were invited to give the amount they had planned on paying to the strike fund. Which they gladly did, often giving more to us than what the highway costs.

I must also stress the importance of international solidarity. Through the contacts we have built up as a union through the World Federation of Trade Unions, we have had unions organizing blockades of trains headed to France from Italy when we were on strike organized by our comrades in Italy, comrades in Turkey demonstrating in front of the French consulate in support of us, and workers in Sweden, Cyprus, Italy, South Africa organizing fundraising campaigns in their countries to channel money to our strike funds that were then directly redistributed to striking workers under the supervision of the worker’s assembly. I cannot stress how important these actions, underlining how workers who do not know each other personally and are sometimes separated thousands of miles from one another, are yet ready to support and make sur their sister or brother on strike in France can pay the rent and put food on the table for their dependents, help bolster morale and keep the spirits up.

Public sector workers across the world face similar attacks. In many aspects, they are identical to the one faced by private sector workers. Our foes are simply put emptying our pockets by all imaginable means (either by slashing our terms and conditions, our real-term wages, our pensions, social security, employment security so forth) in order to fill their pockets at our expense in this never ending race for higher profits.

What we need to work on is a strategy to organize a counter-offensive that not only reclaims the lost ground but also heralds a new future in which workers can hope for. A future that is built on our terms, based on our interests, that will be brought forth only through the means of class struggle, strikes, insurrections and direct confrontation with the state and capitalists. It will be that or the barbarism the capitalist system is trying to ram down our throats. Let’s live up to our responsibility brothers and sisters, the clock is ticking.
Remarks to the 2024 Labor Notes Conference on its first day’s (4/19/2024) mid-afternoon workshop “Public Workers Around the World on Strike(s)”. The Labor Notes Conference was held April 19-21, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Chicago hotel in Rosemont, Illinois.

Other workshop panelists were Shannon Ikebe, FNEEQ-CSN from Quebec, Canada; Juan Bautista Welti, ATE-Rosario from Argentina; and, Jamie Woodcock, University College Union, UK.

https://mltoday.com/cgt-leader-speaks-t ... onference/
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Re: United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE) Them and Us :

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:29 pm

How Workers Are Revolutionizing the South
Posted on June 2, 2024 by Lambert Strether

By David McCall. is the international president of the United Steelworkers Union (USW). Originally produced by the Independent Media Institute.

Donneta Williams, president of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 1025 and a longtime optical fiber maker at the Corning plant in Wilmington, North Carolina, knows how important it is for workers intent on forming a union to speak directly with peers who walk in the same shoes.

So Williams agreed to send three of her colleagues to Corning’s Tarboro facility, about 145 miles away, when workers at that site approached the union with questions about organizing.

Local 1025 members shared firsthand accounts of how the union boosted their wages, gave them a voice, and kept them safe on the job. And in May 2024, the workers at Tarboro filed for an election to join the USW.

They’re among a growing number of workers across the South eager to leverage the power of solidarity and build brighter futures, even as CEOs and Republicans in this part of the country still conspire to hold them down.

“It’s all about making life better,” said Williams, who also serves as a vice president of the North Carolina AFL-CIO, noting that workers are organizing across numerous industries in a string of Southern states with traditionally low numbers of union members.

“The narrative on unions in the South needs to change,” she added, pointing out that growing numbers of workers are grasping the benefits of collective action and demanding their fair share in the booming post-pandemic economy.

“We’re here,” she said. “We’re strong. We’re standing up, and we’re fighting with all that we have.”

About 1,400 workers at the Blue Bird electric bus factory in Fort Valley, Georgia, in 2023 voted overwhelmingly to organize through the USW.

The vote was a breakthrough for workers on the front lines of a vital, growing industry. It also sent a pointed, defiant message to a Republican governor who lies about unions and tries to prevent Georgians from joining them.

On the heels of that monumental victory, autoworkers at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, overcame Republican opposition and voted by a huge majority to unionize.

Their counterparts at a Hyundai plant in Alabama continue their own organizing drive, citing safety issues and irregular scheduling making it virtually impossible to make plans outside of work. Despite the poor conditions that these and other workers face, however, the state’s anti-union governor brags about her subservience to corporations and urges workers to vote against their best interests.

Corning, a maker of glass products for broadband, solar power, and many other industries, has seven locations in North Carolina. While only workers at Wilmington enjoy USW membership now, their counterparts at other sites across the state intend to change that.

Williams says workers are educating themselves about collective action, seeing through the right-wing corporate pandering, and then shrugging off the South’s anti-labor traditions to chart a path forward for their families.

“The mindset of workers, in general, has changed,” observed Williams, who credits President Joe Biden’s pro-union agenda and job-creating legislation like the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act with helping to fuel demand for unions.

“We are in full support of everyone who is trying to organize,” she said, noting that North Carolina’s Democratic governor supports unions, unlike his Republican counterparts in other states. “We’re helping any way that we can.”

In one-on-one meetings and on Zoom calls, for example, Local 1025 representatives talk to prospective union members about how they bargain higher wages, quality health care, and retirement security.

Williams said she can sense the workers’ interest growing as she explains how unions empower their members to look out for one another, fight discrimination, and ensure fairness in scheduling. And she emphasizes that workers at every location control their own destiny and build the contract that’s right for them.

“It’s your contract,” she says. “It’s what you want your workplace to look like. Every workplace is different.”

Unions lift up entire communities, a U.S. Treasury Department report confirmed in 2023.

They raise members’ wages by as much as 15 percent, creating a competitive environment in which non-unionized employers also must increase pay to hold on to workers. Union contracts provide workers with better benefits and retirement security than they’d otherwise earn, and their focus on workplace safety “can pull up whole industries,” the report concluded.

Unions fight favoritism and discrimination, creating more equitable workplaces and communities. The collective spirit forged inside the organized shop extends beyond the plant gates, with union members not only voting more often than other workers but also volunteering and donating to charity more often.

“You own this. Don’t let the boss own this,” longtime USW activist David Beard tells workers who are considering an organizing drive to take control of their futures, noting unions are families that safeguard members from unfair treatment.

“You’re not protected without a union, especially if you’re a mouthy guy like me,” explained Beard, executive board member for Local 752L, which represents workers at the Goodyear plant in Texarkana, Arkansas.

Companies long located in the South because of generous incentive packages and non-union workforces. Although companies and Republicans desperately want to maintain the status quo, he said, “people are hungry” for better.

During one conference call, Williams stunned workers at a non-union Corning site when she explained the holiday premium pay Local 1025 members receive. She pointed out that those workers can fight for the same pay—and get her help doing it.

“We’re just stronger together, and we are here to support them,” she said.

https://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2024/06 ... south.html
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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