Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:59 am

Weapons, ammunition and troops
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/21/2024


After voting against the $60 billion military aid package, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, decorated as a friend of Ukraine by its previous president and a staunch supporter of war against Russia long before February 24, 2022, has returned to Kiev to show that its position has not changed. Graham, like the rest of his party, is conditioned by the electoral reality, but neither his geopolitical position nor his warmongering fanaticism have changed. The only variation in his fight-to-the-end speech concerns the way in which Ukraine should receive military assistance. Graham was “more optimistic than ever” that Congress will soon approve new funding for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, for the second time in recent days, the senator introduced the possibility of these amounts being transferred as a loan and not a subsidy that does not expect repayment. “I have been very direct with President Zelensky. He can expect me to always be on his side, but it is not unfair for him to ask you and other allies: pay us back later, if you can,” Graham stated as quoted by The Washington Post .

The huge amounts of financing that kyiv expects to receive would further increase the burden of Ukraine's already huge debt. “I think the idea of ​​the loan is quite popular, not only among Republicans, but also among Democrats,” the senator added. Until now, Ukraine has enjoyed two years of subsidies that conflict with the electoral situations of some of its partners and that suggest greater difficulties in countries in whose parliaments there are differences of opinion or clashes of interests. This is not the case of the European Union, which, given the decline in US assistance, is increasing its participation in military financing. On Wednesday, Germany announced a new package of 500 million euros and Josep Borrell demanded that the EU use 3 billion euros generated by the seized Russian assets as military assistance to kyiv.

But as Lindsey Graham's visit to kyiv also shows, not everything comes down to weapons and ammunition. “Ukraine is already suffering from a shortage of soldiers and ammunition and Russia is advancing on the front after recently capturing the eastern city of Avdeevka following the Ukrainian withdrawal,” writes The Washington Post , pointing to Ukraine's other major deficiency. At a time when European countries are agitating and exaggerating the risk of a continental war and beginning to put on the table the possibility of a greater Western presence, Ukraine is looking for a way to compensate for its losses. These are casualties that he refuses to admit, but that are implicit in the intention to mobilize half a million new soldiers and in the forced recruitment on the streets and detention of groups that try to flee the country through its borders.

This phase of mobilization has been this week the second of the topics discussed by Lindsey Graham, who in his blind faith in the need to fight against Russia to the last Ukrainian has stated that "whatever we do, you must continue fighting." Regardless of whether or not the United States manages to approve new military assistance, the Ukrainian population has, from the senator's point of view, the obligation to continue fighting. “I want to think that those who are fit to serve in the Ukrainian army will join. "I can't believe it's at 27," he said in a clear criticism of the mobilization law that Ukraine is currently trying to pass. Until now, the recruitment age has been set at 27-year-old men, who have been joined by volunteers who have joined the ranks. The flow of volunteers dried up a long time ago and Ukraine is now considering reducing recruitment to 25 years, legislation still blocked pending approval in a Rada in which Zelensky is having increasing difficulties. The pressure to continue lowering the draft age to include that younger population, which Ukraine has sought to protect because of its importance to the country's future, will continue. At the end of the day, Lindsey Graham's message in kyiv, that she insisted that “we need more people on the line,” remains the official policy of Ukraine and its partners. A simple look at the population pyramid of Ukraine shows the risk of condemning those cohorts between 20 and 25 years old to war precisely due to their scarcity due to the enormous population loss of the 90s and the drop in birth rates. .

Of enormous social relevance due to its lack of popularity, the mobilization has not only been a topic on the political agenda in recent hours, but has already reached the purely military sphere. Yesterday, Serhiy Tsisaruk, deputy commander of the Azov brigade of the National Guard, intervened in the public and political debate on mobilization to provide his solution . A few weeks ago, the British press warned about the hunting of recruits on the street in what it described as press gangs , groups of prey that forcibly capture men to send them to the front. Tsisaruk's proposal goes in that direction, although not as a degeneration of a system, but as the strategy itself. Ukraine's mobilization problems are so obvious that it is no longer necessary to deny them, and Denis Prokopenko's deputy commander in the part of Azov who remains in the National Guard openly proposes that recruitment be left to the brigades themselves.

There are two problems that Ukraine suffers and that require replenishing its ranks: the difficulties in finding volunteers since the war has been condemned to a trench fight of hard survival and the need to relieve the exhausted troops. Tsisaruk's argument is, in a certain sense, unappealable: the units themselves are the most interested in obtaining recruits to relieve their exhausted troops. To this, Denis Prokopenko's second adds the example of Azov, whose recruiting capacity has already been presented as a model by major American media, which always ignored the ideological factor of the movement and who have completely forgotten who their leader is and what the values ​​are, and objectives it pursues.

Azov, Tsisaruk insists, is made up entirely of volunteers and does not lack soldiers for the fight. The brigade even managed to recover from the loss of its main military figure and thousands of its soldiers after the fall of Mariupol, when its cadres and its most important bases were captured by Russian and Donetsk People's Republic troops. Azov's ability to attract soldiers has been notable since its formation in 2014 and its implications for the state are even more evident. The regiment was included as a police battalion of the National Guard in April of that year and has since functioned relatively autonomously, with its own recruitment, despite being officially part of the State structures. Since the fall of Mariupol, Azov has not only not lost importance, but has a presence in the troops of Budanov's GUR and also in the Ukrainian Armed Forces with Andriy Biletsky's Third Assault Brigade.

Azov's base, and also its recruiting capacity, is in that most radical and most mobilized sector. That part of society is also the most ideologized and most willing to go to the front to die, and especially to kill, not for the country, but for a very specific version of it. The fact that for a decade Azov has recruited independently of the state and from the most radical stratum of the extreme right of society is a relevant indicator of the drift of post-Maidan Ukraine. Azov is now seeking to expand these capabilities and have the units themselves, including their own, impose their models. Intelligence detachments, Tsisaruk argues, would be the most appropriate to detect and capture the men who have to be mobilized. This proposal joins the no less dystopian neoliberal option proposed by Zelensky: the outsourcing of recruitment into the hands of companies that would take care of the work and that, most likely, would require the muscle offered by far-right groups. Whatever it takes to fulfill the wishes of allies like Lindsey Graham that “we have more people on the front lines.”

Google Translator

It is good that Azov concentrates the Nazis: put all the rats in one sack and toss it in the river.


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 20, 2024) | The main thing:

- the Russian Armed Forces repelled seven counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevsky direction during the day and improved the situation along the front line;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 110 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction per day;

- Enemy losses in the Belgorod direction amounted to up to 650 militants, 2 armored vehicles, 2 Vampire MLRS vehicles;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 395 military personnel in the Avdeevka direction per day;

- The Russian Armed Forces improved the situation along the front edge of the Kupyansk direction, repelled 2 counterattacks of the National Guard of Ukraine;

- Russian air defense shot down 145 Ukrainian drones and 22 missiles in one day;

- The Vostok group of the Russian Armed Forces has improved the tactical situation in the South Donetsk direction;

- Within 24 hours, the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions and positions in the Donetsk direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 420 military personnel;

- The Russian Armed Forces repelled a counterattack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the Belogorovka settlement in the Donetsk direction.

▫️ Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed: a fuel depot for military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, combat and transport-loading vehicles of the Grad multiple launch rocket system , and also defeated manpower and military Armed Forces equipment in 121 districts.

▫️Air defense systems shot down 145 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 22 US-made HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and Czech-made Vampire missiles, the Tochka-U tactical missile , the S-200 anti-aircraft guided missile, which was converted for firing at ground targets , as well as anti-aircraft guided missile SAM "Patriot" made in the USA.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 16,280 unmanned aerial vehicles, 487 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,545 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,248 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,467 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 19,998 units of special military vehicles. (.....)

Google Translator


SITREP 3/19/24: French Military Openly Floats 20,000 Troop Deployment

MAR 20, 2024


In a new Le Parisien piece, Macron reportedly reiterated the eventual need for ground troops to save Ukraine:

Image ... HIUPWY.php


In fact, Macron showed his dangerous hubris in the article by reciting the trope about Russia being a middling gas station with nukes:

"Putin has a discourse of fear. It should not be intimidated, we don't have in front of us a great power. Russia is an average power with a nuclear weapon, but whose GDP is much lower than that of Europeans, lower than that of Germany, of France."

Of course, leave it to a Rothschild banker to not understand how PPP index works for trade surplus countries.

This was followed by France’s Chief of Army Staff Pierre Schill implying in Le Monde that the army would be ready for any such task:


…to surrender?

Image ... 25_23.html

He delineates specifically that France has 1 full division of 20,000 troops which can be inserted within 30 days:


This was backed by a new video from French TV which shows French Lieutenant-colonel Vincent Arbaretier openly discussing the types of military deployments the 20,000-strong French contingent can undertake in Ukraine.



MOSCOW, March 19. /tass/. The Russian side has data that France is already preparing a military contingent for sending to Ukraine, at the initial stage it will be about 2 thousand people. This was stated by the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation Sergey Naryshkin. His comment is available to TASS.

In fact, he states that the 2,000 number would be just the “initial stage”, but claims that such a force would become a priority target for Russian strikes:

At the initial stage, it will be about 2 thousand people," Naryshkin said.

According to the director of the SVR, the French military is afraid that such a significant unit will not be able to be quietly transferred to Ukraine and quartered there. "Thus, it will become a priority legitimate target for attacks by the Russian Armed Forces. This means that the fate of all Frenchmen who have ever come to the territory of the Russian world with a sword awaits him, " Naryshkin concluded.

What’s interesting is that a separate Russian report appears to corroborate this, though I have no information as to its authenticity, so take it with a large grain of salt:

According to information based on intercepted conversations and e-mails, France is mobilizing 1,800 truck-driving reservists to transport fuel and military equipment to Ukraine. Marie Mercier, an obscure senator from Saône-et-Loire but vice-president of the Senate's France-Ukraine friendship group, appears to be coordinating this operation in liaison with André Accary (left in photo), president of the Saône-et-Loire departmental council. Régis Poiraud (right in photo), reserve non-commissioned officer and president of UDSOR (Union Départementale des Sous-Officiers) in Saône-et-Loire, a close associate of Senator Mercier, is said to be in charge of operational organization.

For the record, the French Defense Minister officially denied the Russian claims:


The French Defense Ministry denies a plan to send 2,000 soldiers to Ukraine

The military department claims that the statement of the head of the SVR Naryshkin about the training of 2,000 French military personnel to be sent to Ukraine does not correspond to reality.

The text of the statement used the usual phrases about "irresponsible provocation" and "disinformation operations."

Meanwhile, French TV is actively discussing the dispatch of military personnel and their deployment on the territory of Ukraine.

This is followed by some questionable reports about French mercenaries already spotted heading to Ukraine via Bulgaria—inconclusive video at above link.

French mercenaries have been spotted in Bulgaria on their way to Ukraine?

Locals claim to have seen convoys of French mercenaries and equipment near the town of Sliven, flying to Sofia and then travelling by truck to Ukraine. The day before, the US Navy cargo ship Leroy A. Mendonica delivered to the port of Alexandroupolis in northern Greece a shipment of military equipment to be deployed in Europe as part of the "reinforcement of NATO forces on the continent".


If France was truly that concerned with Odessa, specifically, falling, then it certainly would not be militating toward an intervention any time soon, as Russia appears years away from threatening Odessa—lest there’s some gigantic amphibious and air assault in the works we aren’t aware of.

By logical deduction we can only assume that it’s not the imminent fall of any one particular zone, like Odessa, that has them so worried, but presumably the disintegration of the AFU as a functioning military force itself. One of the clues to that was the French colonel’s video, highlighting graphics of France’s hypothetical deployment to the northern Ukrainian border regions or the Dnieper River zone with precisely the intention we broke here first—namely, to alleviate Ukrainian rear units of their uneventful duties to allow them to replenish the depleted combat forces at the front.


That being said, technically speaking, a 20,000-man division—by standards of classical military theory—is supposed to be able to hold, maximum, a 10km-front, give or take, not 700km+ like the northern border spanning from Belarus to Sumy region or even the similar length of the Dnieper. Sure, this is an inactive front so there could be some leeway, but even so. That being said, they could seek not to cover the whole front but rather free up 20,000 additional AFU fighters, for example.

Military journalist Alexander Kharchenko:

Looking at the European continent from Africa, I don’t understand what Ukraine hopes for. Even if the French bring in 20,000 corps, they will not be able to close even the Bakhmut direction. Kyiv may not have the most advanced army, but under the walls of this city they only lost over 40,000 soldiers killed. Whether the French are ready to renew their contingent twice and declare mobilization is a big question.

Alexander Kharchenko

But what else could possibly have Macron so rattled as to bear down into such desperate flights? Well, the news from authoritative sources continues to be quite grim for Ukraine.

Borrell gives us a clue:

Image ... kraine-war

"It's this spring, this summer before autumn that the war in Ukraine will be decided," Borrell told reporters Thursday afternoon.

Borrell said that in all his meetings, he has stressed the consequences of what a Russian victory in Ukraine would be.

If President Vladimir Putin "wins this war and conquers Ukraine and puts a puppet regime in Kyiv -- as the one we already have in Belarus – he will not stop there," Borrell said.

"The next months will be decisive," he said, adding that "whatever has to be done, it has to be done quickly."

Whatever has to be done, must be done rápidamente!

Why the sudden urgency?

"Many analysts expect a major Russian offensive this summer and Ukraine cannot wait until the result of the next US elections," Borrell said.

So is it the expected new Russian spring offensive that’s got them so worried?

Could it have anything to do with this?

Image ... j-od-1920/
In a new interview, Polish general Rajmund Andrzejczak states:


He believes that after 2026, Russia may attack a NATO country—which merely telegraphs NATO’s own intentions to provoke Russia into another war by that time.

How bad is the Ukrainian situation, according to the general?

Problems of Ukraine. "Dramatic situation"

"Very, very dramatic," is how the general described the situation at the front in Ukraine.

"There are no miracles in war. A change in the post of commander-in-chief could not change the strategic situation. General Sirsky has the same dilemmas as General Zaluzhny. It turned out that he had to withdraw his troops and put the front line in order. All the problems that Zaluzhny had remained, " Andrzejczak pointed out.

And finally, the big bombshell that has everyone pulling their hair out—Ukraine’s total losses are in the “millions”:


It’s unclear if he’s counting men that have fled the country here or not, but the conclusion is the same: Ukraine has “no one left to fight”.


So, can such grim tidings possibly be true, or mere exaggeration to accelerate aid?

This new WaPo article seems to corroborate the claims of troop depletion:


“It’s just a fact,” said Larysa Bodna, deputy director of the local school, which keeps a database of students whose parents are deployed. “Most of them are gone.”

Ukraine desperately needs more troops, with its forces depleted by deaths, injuries and exhaustion. Despite Russia’s own enormous casualties, the invaders still far outnumber Ukraine’s defenders, an advantage that is helping Moscow advance on the battlefield. Ukraine’s parliament is debating a bill to expand the draft pool, in part by lowering the eligibility age to 25 from 27, but few decisions are being made in Kyiv that will quickly answer the army’s urgent needs.


Put the above pieces together and it’s clear the goal is to bring Moldova into the fold, entrench the region and create massive military buildups there to make sure Russia can never take back Odessa or retain supremacy over the Black Sea. That is why it is more imperative than ever for Russia to get the job done, capture Odessa and unlock PMR to keep from being strangled by NATO. Don’t forget, PMR just suffered one of its first direct military assaults, as an Mi-8 helicopter was destroyed by an ‘unknown’ FPV drone, a provocation with a clear angle.

(Much. much more at link.) ... ary-openly

Red added for emphasis. Break them, smash them, before the situation becomes more complicated, end this. Of course this cannot be done by a mere exercise of will.... but once Novorussia and Transnistria are secured and Russia grounds it's arms the Western public will become disenchanted with the warmongering of of their leaders which cannot be but a good thing.


Getting The Math Right...

... I repeat--Russian MoD gives numbers of VSU losses based on objective control. That is physically identifying bodies of VSU KIAs and wounded primarily at the line of combat contact. Russian MoD does not give estimates of KIAs and wounded in the tactical, let alone operational rear of VSU because it cannot reliably count them. E.g. couple of days ago VKS dropped two 1,500 kg KABs on top of Kraken Nazi battalion. The only thing which was known is that there have been 300 of them--nobody survives two KABs, so MoD stated with a degree of reliability that UP TO 300 of Nazis have been wiped out. But, as I repeat ad nauseam--the real number of VSU KIAs is much-much higher than total number of losses Russian MoD estimated at 444,000.

And here is the professional who says the same, and he is from NATO.

Ukraine’s losses in the conflict with Russia should be counted “in the millions,” the former chief of the Polish General Staff, Rajmund Andrzejczak, has claimed. Kiev “is losing the war” and does not have the resources to sustain the fight against Moscow, he added. In an interview with the Polsat broadcaster on Monday, the retired general described Ukraine’s battlefield situation as “very dramatic” and insisted that “there are no miracles in war.”

And here is the part which matters:

“They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that the losses should be counted in the millions, not hundreds of thousands. There are no resources in this country, there is no one to fight.”

The point I make non-stop. Considering forces involved, fire density, stand off weaponry, duration and length of front it is clear that KIAs alone are above one million. How much above--I don't know, but the same way that "Stalin" couldn't have killed or imprisoned "tens of millions" people in the USSR, because it defies basic statistical methods and math and empirical evidence of 150 million living Russians, the same is true for the numbers by Russian MoD which are issued strictly on confirmed data with any, even highly justified, assessments removed due to insufficient probability. Numbers will change and will grow dramatically, the more Russian Army moves to the West.
Meanwhile RUSI's US Army's Lt.Colonel Vershinin has a DUH! moment--LOL))

"In attritional wars, military operations are shaped by a state's ability to replace losses and generate new formations, not tactical and operational manoeuvres," retired US Army lieutenant colonel Alex Vershinin explained in a Royal United Services Institute commentary, "The Attritional Art of War: Lessons from the Russian War on Ukraine," published Monday. Unlike maneuver warfare, which is aimed at quickly and violently defeating an enemy, the attritional fight takes time, maybe years. "The side that accepts the attritional nature of war and focuses on destroying enemy forces rather than gaining terrain is most likely to win. The West is not prepared for this kind of war," he said. Vershinin noted that Western militaries have long seen attritional conflicts as exceptions to be avoided at all costs in favor of the shorter, maneuver-focused clashes. Rather than a "decisive battle" through maneuver warfare, "attritional warfare focuses on destroying enemy forces and their ability to regenerate combat power, while preserving one's own," he wrote, noting that a successful attritional strategy "accepts that the war will last at least two years."

I have news for Vershinin, in conventional war with Russia there will be NO NATO maneuvers--there will be wiping out of C2 in operational and strategic rear and after that, after mighty F-35s will be shot down, any large enough formations will be detected and then annihilated by stand off weapons. Thus for the US Army alone 3,600 casualties a day--well, good luck sustaining this for more than two weeks. I repeat: Gulf War was anomaly sold to unsophisticated public through media as some kind of future warfare which it was not. One cannot learn real war from that turkey shoot. And they didn't.

P.S. An immensely important statement by Putin today:

Путин: Россия помнит о преступлениях власовцев и не простит новых предателей

Putin: Russia remembers crimes of Vlasovites and will not forgive new traitors.

Somewhere Solzhenitsyn choked in hell. ... right.html


Does the Fate of US Arms in Ukraine Create Pause for Thought Ahead of War with China?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 18, 2024
Brian Berletic


In recent months, advanced US weapon systems provided to Ukrainian forces have been cornered and destroyed on the battlefield by Russian troops. This includes the first ever confirmed footage of a US M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), the destruction of several M1 Abrams main battle tanks, and the further loss of several more Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Newsweek reported.

Last year, the US Department of Defense admitted that a US-made Patriot air defense battery sustained damage in a Russian missile attack, according to CNN. This year, in an article by Forbes, it is admitted that a Russian short-range Iskander ballistic missile destroyed at least two Patriot missile launchers.

These developments end decades of US claims regarding the superiority of its weapons systems, including boasts that Russia’s Soviet-era equipment “won’t be a match” for US arms, as the Business Insider claimed regarding M1 Abrams being sent to Ukraine.

Busting the Myth of American Military Supremacy

The Business Insider article, like many others across the Western media, repeated the myth of the superiority of America’s military technology based on flawed analysis of its performance during the 1991 Persian Gulf War and the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. In both instances, the US pitted its best troops and equipment against poorly trained Iraqi forces using Soviet-era equipment already obsolete at the time.

The lopsided results of the fighting in both conflicts were cited as evidence of American superiority over Soviet and then Russian Federation military technology. It also serves as the basis of assumed military superiority over Chinese military power. Such lopsided fighting was imagined by Western analysts ahead of US weapons arriving at the battlefield in Ukraine, and despite the poor performance of these systems in Ukraine, such lopsided fighting is still imagined amid any potential conflict between the US and China.

However, for analysts carefully studying the evolution of modern warfare from 1991 to present day, the disparity between Western military technology and that of even non-state armed organizations was closing. During the 2006 Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah used modern Russian anti-tank weapons to inflict heavy casualties on Israeli forces, Haaretz reported. Hezbollah’s enhanced military might allowed it to stop the advance of Israeli Merkava main battle tanks and supporting troops well before their stated objective of reaching the Litani River.

The Syrian Arab Army’s successful use of Soviet and Russian-made air defense systems during the ongoing conflict in Syria has forced US, European, and Israeli warplanes to launch attacks using longer-range stand-off weapons. These same air defense systems have been used to intercept Western cruise missiles, reducing damage to targets across the country.

Russia’s intervention in Syria at the invitation of Damascus in 2015 was followed by an effective use of modern Russian air power, cutting the supply lines of Western-backed militants, and aiding Syrian forces on the ground in encircling and destroying them.

It was becoming clear that should modern Western weapon systems face modern Russian military technology, the myth of Western military superiority would be shattered. It was also becoming clear that a similar gap was closing in terms of US military technology and its Chinese counterparts.

On the battlefield in Ukraine, Russian forces using modern Russian weapons are eliminating Ukrainian brigades trained and armed by the US and other NATO members. Despite high expectations ahead of Ukraine’s 2023 offensive, up to 9 NATO-trained and armed brigades were decimated in months of fighting. The New York Times would report at the end of 2023 that despite Ukraine’s massive offensive campaign, Russia had gained the most territory that year.

While it is true that Ukraine did not have enough time to properly integrate the Western arms transferred to it from 2022 onward, the performance of both Western and Russian weapons on the battlefield has made it clear that, now more than ever, the idea of Western military superiority is a more nostalgic interpretation of history, and far from a current reality.

Beyond the performance of Western and Russian weapons on the battlefield themselves, both Western and Russian military industrial capacity has been put to the test. Western private industry-run arms manufacturing had failed to develop surge capacity needed for the protracted, large-scale fighting now taking place in Ukraine. Russia’s military industrial base inherited and then enhanced and modernized such surge capacity from the Soviet Union and, according to the New York Times, despite sanctions, is now outproducing the collective West.

Additionally, because of the complex nature of modern Western arms, a vast network of logistics, sustainment, and maintenance is required to keep these arms operating on the battlefield. A recent press release by the US Department of Defense Inspector General reveals that no such system was created for US weapons transferred over to Ukraine and that without it, “the Ukrainians would not be capable of maintaining these weapon systems.”

Such support was not provided to Ukraine because of the massive undertaking such support requires. For any given fighting force, one many times larger is required to support, sustain, and maintain that force and the weapons and vehicles it uses.

Taken together, all of these weaknesses revealed about Western military technology do not bode well for the United States ahead of any potential conflict directly or by proxy against China.

The Gap Between US and Chinese Military Power is Narrowing

Not only does China have many weapon systems comparable to the systems Russia is employing in Ukraine now, China has acquired some of the best Russian military technology from Russia itself. This includes the Su-35 warplane and the S-400 air defense system.

The US Department of Defense admits the growing capabilities of Chinese military systems, particularly in terms of missile technology, both surface-to-surface missiles and air-to-air missiles launched by warplanes, comparable to or exceeding the capabilities of American missiles, Air and Space Forces Magazine reported.

A 2023 Reuters article would likewise cite the US Department of Defense, admitting that China’s navy was already larger than the US Navy.

Even as Russia’s military industrial base is outcompeting the collective West, China’s industrial base is larger still. Any difficulties the US is having outproducing Russia in terms of military equipment and ammunition will pale in comparison to China’s military industrial output.

Together with the fact that any potential conflict the US seeks to provoke with China will take place in the Asia-Pacific region, thousands of kilometers away from US shores, and considering the extensive nature of the networks required to support US military technology on the battlefield, the idea of Washington fighting and winning any armed conflict against China appears particularly and increasingly absurd.

Even if Washington’s strategy is to subordinate China not with the threat of fighting and winning a war against China in the Asia-Pacific region, but to hold peace and stability in the region hostage by threatening war regardless of its outcome, the US finds itself in a difficult and increasingly weak position year-by-year.

Current US foreign policy is predicated on the premise, “might makes right.” However, the US is clearly no longer “the mightest.” As it provokes conflicts around the globe directly or by proxy, it risks suffering severe consequences its previous advantages in terms of military power had protected it against decades ago.

Continuing to pursue an unsustainable policy like this will end in disaster for Washington and for the American people. However, the US could always pivot toward a policy of coexistence and cooperation, built on mutual respect for other nations like Russia and China as well as the primacy of national sovereignty of all nations.

While the US would no longer be the most powerful nation on Earth, it would still assume a prominent and respected position within a multipolar world. Conversely, if it continues pursuing a foreign policy of belligerence, it still will no longer be the most powerful nation on Earth, but will arrive at that conclusion under much more difficult conditions.

What is unfolding on the battlefields of Ukraine is giving the collective West insight into what it itself may undergo if it continues provoking conflict within a world where Western supremacy has diminished and the rest of the world is now capable of asserting their own best interests within their borders and regions of the world above the collective West and its ambitions worldwide.

The collective West insists on its continued pursuit of global primacy at its own peril. ... ith-china/


The Substance Of The Swiss Peace Talks Depends On Whether Russia Achieves A Breakthrough


MAR 20, 2024

If the conventional intervention scenario unfolds before this summer’s talks and no nuclear apocalypse follows, then the substance will certainly shift from entertaining Zelensky’s delusional demands to investing the time into seriously discussing a sustainable peace through a series of mutual compromises.

There’s been a lot of speculation about Switzerland’s proposal to host Russian-Ukrainian peace talks after Bern announced its intent late last month to do so by sometime this summer. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last week that her country won’t participate if the meeting is just aimed at promoting Zelensky’s 10-point ultimatum despite reports that China wants it to attend. Politico then claimed that China might boycott the talks if Russia doesn’t show up.

It was assessed at the start of the month that “China’s Shuttle Diplomacy Will Promote Its Peace Plan But Is Unlikely To End The Proxy War” since Beijing doesn’t have the requisite influence. It actually doesn’t matter whether China participates in the unscheduled Swiss peace talks if they focus only on promoting Ukraine’s agenda since it already took part in similar ones in Jeddah last year. This analysis here suggests that China likely counteracted anti-Russian propaganda there by promoting pragmatic proposals.

That purpose is no longer relevant though since it had no impact on reshaping Western policymakers’ perceptions of the conflict and its possible endgame, so investing more time and effort into promoting the same pragmatic proposals that weren’t listened to during previous meetings won’t make a difference. It’s therefore unimportant whether or not China participates in this summer’s upcoming talks if they’re just going to be a repeat of last year’s.

Their substance could abruptly change if Russia achieves a breakthrough across the Line of Contact, however, exactly as Ukraine’s Intelligence Committee warned could happen late last month. In that event, and especially if this prompts a “coalition of the willing” (likely comprised of France, the UK, Poland, the Baltic States, and possibly Germany) to conventionally intervene, then these talks could transform into the most significant ones since the end of World War II.

Ukraine’s asymmetrical partition and President Putin’s proposed “sanitary/security zone” in that former Soviet Republic could figure prominently in their discussions aimed at creating a new security architecture, but only if everything doesn’t spiral out of control before those talks take place. After all, it can’t be taken for granted that World War III wouldn’t be sparked by miscalculation, particularly if NATO and Russian forces clash inside Ukraine or one side bombs the other’s uniformed troops there.

If the conventional intervention scenario unfolds before this summer’s talks and no nuclear apocalypse follows, then the substance will certainly shift from entertaining Zelensky’s delusional demands to investing the time into seriously discussing a sustainable peace through a series of mutual compromises. Since that sequence of events can’t be ruled out, then it’s best for everyone to prepare accordingly just in case, which China’s Special Representative is likely doing behind the scenes during his latest trip. ... wiss-peace
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:46 am

If you see pacem
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/22/2024


"The United States and European countries vowed Tuesday to maintain their military support for Ukraine even as future U.S. aid remains blocked in Congress and modest donations of new weapons reflect an alliance that has relatively little left to give when war against Russia enters a critical section,” The New York Times wrote this week after the umpteenth meeting in Ramstein in which Western countries sought, apparently without success, solutions to Kiev's problems. “United States to Ukraine: trust our words, not our actions,” added Politico, concerned about the lack of progress in approving new US funds for the war. All parties, as Volodymyr Zelensky already warned at the end of 2023, are aware that the countries of the European Union will not be able to cover the needs of the war on their own. For the moment, however, the US administration does not seem overly concerned about legislative delays as the European Union has increased its level of involvement, looks for ways to increase its military assistance, and war rhetoric continues to rise.

In reality, the United States has already achieved part of its objectives of recent months: reducing its involvement at the expense of increasing spending in Europe. Like Zelensky, Washington and Brussels understand that the military production of the 27 EU member countries lacks the production capacity required for the current war. The continent that gave rise to the Industrial Revolution and that gave rise to the great powers that would cause two world wars is not capable of producing its own 155-millimeter artillery shells that Ukraine must fire at Donetsk, Belgorod or with which it must defend Rabotino, the small unpopulated village that very few European leaders would have heard of just a year ago.

Increasingly nervous about the absence of American assistance, European countries have moved in several different and complementary directions to compensate for their shortcomings. At the initiative of the Czech Republic, one of the countries closest to the United States, representative of the new Europe born from the expansion of the European Union and NATO to the east, Brussels has agreed to mobilize to acquire material beyond its borders. The most Europe with which the EU began its participation in the war as a supplier and financier of one of the parties has been put aside to accept the proposal to acquire material, especially ammunition, on the world market. Although the press has focused on countries such as the Republic of Korea, India or Turkey, we must not forget that the great military-industrial power worldwide is the United States, which has based part of its defense of the war until the end on the economic benefit that the war brings to its industry both in terms of income and increased employment. However, the European Union must still overcome certain bureaucratic obstacles. “Brussels is actively studying how to circumvent a clause in the EU Treaty that prohibits the purchase of weapons from the Union budget, while at the same time intensifying its efforts to increase funding for defense and Ukraine.”

The European Union is also seeking to expand its own military capacity and in recent months, both production and the creation of new factories have increased with which to compete in the medium and long term with Russian production. The fact that the figures used are intended beyond 2025 indicates that the beginning of militarization is not solely due to the war in Ukraine, but that it is a policy at the continental level that foresees a political conflict and military tension. with Russia beyond the current conflict or the continuation of an eternal war just a few kilometers from the EU borders.

Both options imply the complete renunciation of diplomacy or the search for a negotiated solution to the conflict. Si vis pacem, para bellum seems to be the official motto of European countries. “If we want peace, we must prepare for war,” headlined Charles Michel, president of the European Council, in an article published last week by El País . More recently, in a full-page interview, Maja Kallas, president of Estonia, a militarily irrelevant country that bases its extreme belligerence and demand for more militarism on its border with Russia, has insisted that “the way to avoid a third world war is for Russia to lose this war, so we won't have to worry about it." To avoid war, Kallas proposes more war. In reality, the experience of the 2023 Ukrainian counteroffensive, prepared for months and involving billions of euros in equipment and brigade training, shows that defeating Russia on the front would require Western countries and their subsidiary army Ukrainian a significant escalation. In reality, the Estonian president's speech does not hide the fact that European action at this time is not solely due to the situation in Ukraine. When asked if rearmament seeks to “deliver weapons to Ukraine or prepare for war,” Kallas answers, “both. One objective is to supply material to Ukraine and another to replenish our arsenals, to invest more in our collective defense.”

This collective defense that has sought for decades to confront the continent in two blocks that had disappeared and that has preferred not to take steps so that the war in Donbass does not spread to all of Ukraine passes through the defeat of Russia on the front, for which According to Kallas, even nuclear war should not be feared. “Russia is afraid of going to war against NATO, but if they see that we do not rearm, they will not fear,” adds the president of one of the countries that would be destroyed most quickly in the event of an unlikely war between Russia in NATO. However, everything but diplomacy is justified to defeat Moscow. “If Russia expands its territory and nothing happens to it, we will have a very serious problem,” adds the president of one of the countries that sent a military contingent to - symbolically, since its non-existent military power prevents its role from having any relevance. - support its American ally in a war of aggression that went completely unpunished.

Short and medium-term militarization - the first to supply the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the second for a sustained political conflict with the continent's main military power - requires financing and investment. The acquisition of ammunition on the world market and the increase in military production that rearmament implies require new ways to cover the new needs created. “A diplomat raised the possibility of forcing each country to contribute 2% of its GDP to the defense of the EU. This would generate, as he alleged, 80 billion euros,” The Guardian wrote yesterday . This increase in military spending would be added to the 2% that NATO already demands annually from its member countries. In addition to increasing the weight of defense - or attack - in national budgets, the European Union also plans to use the benefits of Russian public and private assets seized with the first package of sanctions after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. With this According to Josep Borrell, it is expected to raise around 3,000 million euros a year, a considerable amount, although by no means the figure that Volodymyr Zelensky hopes to have, who, despite being grateful for the increase in European promises, still expects more investment and also the arrival of American funds.

“We receive a lot of support from Europe and the United States, but on the front we do not see many weapons,” Dmitro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, recently stated, who does not seem to have observed the uninterrupted flow of equipment, ammunition, training, financing and intelligence that your country has been receiving for more than two years. Policies that imply a change, especially if a budgetary effort is required that will impact the pockets of the population, must be accompanied by an appropriate discourse. This time, it is about imminent danger. Mentioning April as a month in which “we are dating history,” French President Emmanuel Macron warned of the need to recruit troops and increase military assistance. “Ukraine can fall very quickly,” he insisted. Although Russia has completely regained the initiative and in recent hours has announced the capture of Orlovka and Tonenkoe in the area around Avdeevka, its advances on the front have slowed down noticeably. There is no evidence to believe that the military collapse that could cause the rapid fall of Ukraine that Macron now warns of could occur.

The discourse of danger can, however, coexist with the commonplaces that have been repeated so much in this war. In March 2022, the then Ukrainian government spokesman for the war, Oleksiy Arestovich, stated for the first time that Russia would run out of missiles within weeks. Now, the argument is repeated in an even less credible way. “On February 17, the invaders captured Avdeevka, a town on the eastern front. Since then, they have taken over several nearby towns. In the south, Ukrainian soldiers are defending the village of Rabotino with just twenty or thirty shells a day,” The Economist alleges in a display of war fiction, adding that “Russia's firepower gives them a clear advantage. But does it have enough cannons to maintain it?” Suddenly, Ukraine's main problem, ammunition shortages, may be solved simply by time. At least in the imaginary story of those who still do not understand that in this war two well-armed and equipped armies are fighting and that have, either through their own resources or through the availability of others, the capacity to continue fighting. Statements from European leaders further indicate that this conflict will continue, in terms of threats and militarization, far beyond Ukraine.

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 21, 2024) | The main thing:

- The Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire on the concentration areas of formations of foreign mercenaries in the Sumy region;

— The Russian Aerospace Forces launched a strike with high-precision weapons, including “Daggers,” on the decision-making centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, objects were hit;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost three tanks in one day, and two Vampire MLRS combat vehicles were also hit in the Kupyansk direction;

— Russian air defense systems shot down 163 Ukrainian UAVs, 20 HIMARS and Vampire missiles per day;

— Russian troops hit a drone storage warehouse, a workshop for the production and repair of UAVs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 120 military personnel, a tank and an American radar in the South Donetsk direction in one day;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 250 military personnel in the Donetsk direction;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 320 servicemen in the Avdiivka direction in one day.

In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire on the Ukrainian Armed Forces formations in the areas of the settlements of Pavlovka, Urozhaynoye and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In the area of ​​the village of Vodyanoye, Donetsk People's Republic, a counterattack of the assault group of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was repelled .

Enemy losses amounted to up to 120 military personnel, a tank , three armored combat vehicles, three cars, as well as a US-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar .

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized , 128th mountain assault brigades and the 35th marine brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Stepovoe, Zaporozhye region, and Ivanovka, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 50 military personnel, five vehicles, a US-made M777 artillery system , and a D-30 howitzer .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit: a UAV storage warehouse , a workshop for the production and repair of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 132 districts.

Air defense systems shot down 163 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as 20 rockets from the US-made HIMARS and Czech-made Vampire multiple launch rocket systems .

▫️ In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 16,443 unmanned aerial vehicles, 487 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,562 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,251 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,480 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,027 units of special military vehicles. (......)

Google Translator


Mobilization events in Ukraine, March 1-14: Ax-wielding Carpathian horsemen versus mobilization officers

IMF-driven tax increases, 21st death of a Ukrainian escapee at the Tysa river, more parliamentary failures in pushing through mobilization, Azov commander condemns 'war for the poor'

MAR 20, 2024

Mobilization news
1 March

Investigations have begun into the death of a 49-year old man in Ternopil region with epilepsy who had been taken by the mobilization officers. A video has appeared of the mayor of his small village discussing the matter with a mobilization officer. His wife stated that he had documents to prove his epilepsy but that he was kept in a cell by mobilization officers who did not bother to ask about any medical conditions.

The Rada may pass the mobilization law by the end of march, despite the fact that there are currently over 4000 suggested modifications to the law, mostly regarding restrictions of the rights of draft-dodgers and exemptions from mobilization for various groups. This was stated by member of the parliamentary Defence Committee Fedor Venislavsky. According to him, the law will be passed optimistically, by March 10-15, and pessimistically, by March 20.

Universities will open drone operator specialty courses in professional technical colleges. Schools will also teach children how to control drones.

3 artists - two men and one woman - of the Lviv opera didn’t return to Ukraine after their international tour to Estonia and Finland. At the end of last year there was a big scandal regarding a similar case - the head of Channel 24, Aleksey Pechii, didn;t return to Ukraine after covering the European Security Summit in Brussels. He justified this by saying that the west is changing its relations to Ukraine and that he wants to stay there and make his contribution to ‘the media support of the Ukrainian agenda’. According to strana, almost half of Ukrainian diplomats didn’t return to the country after finishing their stay abroad.

4 March

Prime Minister Shmyhal confirms that people with higher incomes will be exempt from mobilization. The income levels are still being determined.

Minister of Justice Malyuska doesn’t see any violations of constitution in the proposed law about mobilization

5 March

PM Shmyhal invites Ukrainians to come back to Ukraine, offering grants for new businesses. A couple days earlier Zelensky had urged Kharkovites who had fled their city to come home. Shmyhal offers ‘safety and new opportunities for self-realization’.

Border patrol finds the body of an Ivano-Frankivsk man in the Tysa river on the border with Romania. This is the 21st death at this location.

The dangerous river Tysa, carefully watched upon by a Ukrainian border guard. There are photos online of corpses floating in it as well.

Egor Chernev, deputy head of the Rada’s Defense Committee states that all military age Ukrainians will have to enter their data to local mobilization office 60 days after the passing of new mobilization law. Punishments for draft-dodgers may include a ban on leaving the country, restrictions on transportation, and bank cards and services blocked. The committee didnt support the last idea.

6 March

Border police capture draft-dodgers that tried to swim across the Dniestr to enter Moldova.

Mobilization officers arrest a civilian by turning off the light in his building and grabbing him once he left the house.

The Rada states that it plans to look into the mobilization law in the second half of March

According to a Socis poll, 64.5% of Ukrainians oppose the restrictions on draft-dodgers proposed by the mobilization law

7 March

In the west Ukrainian region of Chernivtsi, mobilization officers threatened fifth-graders with mobilizing their fathers and fining their families so much that ‘you won’t be able to stuff your mouths with food each month’. The scene was observed by the school psychologist and class teacher. Students reported being driven to tears as the mobilization officers threatened to send them to a state boarding school and their parents to prison or the front.

The deputy to the minister of social policy, Darya Marchak stated on television that the government owes 66 billion hryvnias in pension arrears, 67% of which is to military veterans. She called this a ‘Damocles sword’ over the pension system.

Tax increases for business are planned. Currently small/medium business doesnt pay military taxes, the government wants to change that. The current IMF memorandum demands that Ukraine find new sources for ‘mobilization’ for the budget - no less than 0.5% of GDP. This is around 40 billion hryvnias, which is almost precisely the amount (44 billion) that Danil Hetmantsev, the main tax man in the Ukrainian government, announced that the new set of taxes would be able to collect.

Along with various other proposed taxes, this will increase the tax level on small/medium business to 6.5%. By comparison, the level in Romania is 2%. Experts prognose increase shadowification of the economy and even less paid taxes. It should be noted that small and medium business were already setting up protest maidans in the years before the war, especially in 2021 to protest proposed tax increases by Zelensky’s government. These organizations, like saveFOP, still exist and have protested these new propositions. Back in 2021, the stopFOP protest movement was vocally supported by Poroshenko and other rightwingers, though it ended up being overshadowed by the war.

In January 2022, the SaveFOP protestors managed to break into the grounds of the Rada, resulting in the injury of 18 police officers on January 25
8 March

Ax-wielding villagers in Ploskoe, a village in the Chernivtsi region of the western Carpathians attack mobilization officers on horseback. The two men were brothers. The son of the man in the car was reported as missing in action at the frontline not long before. He reportedly blamed the mobilization officers for the loss of his son. The man on the house fought in the Donbass from 2015 to 2018, where he received a concussion. The horseman remains at large, but the father of the dead son has been arrested. Both are set to receive a 7 year jail sentence.

(Video at link.}

The Rada decides that increased fines for draft-dodgers are preferable to blocking bank accounts. Egor Chernev, deputy head of the Rada’s Defense Committee, announced this in an interview to ‘Ukrainian News’. He worries that blocking accounts will be bad for the economy. In fact, he says that it has already had negative effects, because people have been taking out money from their accounts even before the law has been approved.

The city of Kiev announces that Kievans will be paid 30 thousand hryvnia to be mobilized into the AFU. This is almost $800 USD.

Corruption-accused Kyrylo Tymoshenko, former deputy head of the Office of the President, has been appointed advisor to the Minister of Defense. His new role apparently specializes in media and communnication advice. Tymoshenko already has 4 corruption charges from the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption. He was previously fired by Zelensky in January 2023. One of the causes for his flight was outrage over the fact that the Chevrolet Tahoe that he drove around in was sent to Ukraine to help evacuate people from the front

Tymoshenko and his famous car

In 2023 a record number of 'new businessmen’ were registered - 300 thousand. Getmantsev states in an interview to Ukrinform that he believes this was a way to avoid mobilization. He is the head of the Rada committee on financial questions.

(Paywall) ... aine-march




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

In his election victory speech on Sunday night, President Vladimir Putin has accepted the 87% Russian voter mandate to finish the war by securing the Novorussian territories east of the Dnieper River, and converting western Ukraine into “a certain sanitary zone in today’s territories subordinated to the Kiev regime.”

In military terms, this zone extends westward from the Dnieper to the full 500-kilometre range of NATO missiles supplied to the Ukrainian forces; and to the 900-km range of the drones in the current Ukrainian inventory. With direct flight distance from Odessa to Lvov at 630 kms, and between Kharkov and Lvov of 975 kms, this means that all of the “territories subordinated to the Kiev regime” will become a sanitary zone, demilitarized to the Polish border.

Referring to the HIMARS rocket attacks in the Belgorod region and the proposed evacuation of nine thousand schoolchildren out of range, Putin announced at his campaign headquarters, “I do not exclude that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point – when we deem it appropriate — to create a certain sanitary zone in today’s territories subordinated to the Kiev regime.” The president did not specify how soon is “appropriate”, or how deep the demilitarized or sanitary zone will be, except that in calculating the depth and taking Russian control of it, the range of weapons includes “first of all, of course, [weapons] of foreign production.” Listen to the press conference here; read the text.

Demilitarization of the Ukraine has been the strategic objective of the Special Military Operation from the start in February 2022. In several Kremlin meetings last June, Putin foreshadowed a zone variously called a DMZ, buffer zone, or cordon sanitaire. In a meeting with military correspondents on June 13, 2023, Putin explained operationally. “Here are several solutions: first, bolstering the effectiveness of the counter-battery struggle. But this does not mean that there won’t be missile strikes against our territory. And so if this continues then we will apparently have to consider the issue – and I’m saying this very carefully – of creating a buffer zone on Ukraine’s territory at such a distance from where it could be impossible to reach our territory.”

Mapping the DMZ has been discussed in detail as senior civilian and military officials in Moscow and in the Donbass have publicly discussed the range-of-defence requirement. Follow the archive of maps and operations here.

Now, with the conclusion of the election, Russian military bloggers have begun to voice open criticism of the performance of the military in preventing drone and missile attacks from striking civilians in Belgorod, as well as oil refinery targets up to 900 kms from the border. According to Boris Rozhin (Colonel Cassad), Russian early warning and detection of Ukrainian HIMARS units are effective, but counter-battery and interception firing is delayed. “The reason is organizational issues that prevent timely fire damage to the exposed priority targets. The issue of their elimination is extremely relevant now: This will not only significantly increase the effectiveness of counter-battery warfare, but also reduce the intensity of enemy strikes on Belgorod and other settlements.” “Organizational issues” is a code term for the chain of command Rozhin avoids explaining.

Military sources in Moscow have been discreetly acknowledging that the decisions on how far the Russian military operation should extend westwards were postponed during the election campaign. During this time, the sources have also been warning, the Ukrainians were able to construct extensive surface fortifications and command-and-control bunkers north of Chernigov facing an expected offensive drive of Russian forces toward Kiev; and around Odessa to block a Russian offensive in the south. These lines are reportedly manned by fresh and well-supplied Ukrainian reserves, who are being held out of the meat-grinder battles along the line of contact, like Bakhmut and Avdeyevka.

Threats to reinforce these new fortified lines with a French-led “coalition” have come from President Emmanuel Macron. In parallel, detailed planning by the German Luftwaffe, backed by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, of long-range Taurus missile attacks, launched from aircraft based outside the Ukraine, has become public knowledge. In response, a well-informed Moscow source believes the parameters of Russian strategy are becoming clearer “now that Putin is waving the green flag. It’s clear, for example, that although there will not be battles inside cities like Odessa, Kharkov, and Kiev, there cannot be a military outcome for the General Staff and the Kremlin which will allow terrorism against Russia forever from inside those cities, or from whatever remains of the Ukraine. So there must be regime change in Kiev– and a form of Russian occupation that will be surprising.”

“I am not ready to talk about what, how, and when,” Putin said on Sunday. Likewise, no Russian military source is ready. There is, however, frustration at the delay in the operational decision-making. “It’s not General Patience we’re talking about,” comments a military observer. “It’s General Bullshit. Let’s see if [Chief of the General Staff General Valery] Gerasimov calls it.”

In the one-hour programme on Gorilla Radio, recorded on March 21, Chris Cook leads the discussion. Click to listen. ... k-john-eb1

For the introduction, access to the 20-year Gorilla Radio archive, and Chris Cook’s blog, click here. For the combined interview show aired on radio stations across Canada, click to listen. ... h-20-2024/ ... more-89583


Pepe Escobar: Donetsk, Avdeyevka, Mariupol - on the Road in Electoral Donbass

© Sputnik

They have waited 10 long, suffering years to vote in this election. And vote they did, in massive numbers, certifying a landslide reelection for the political leader who brought them back to Mother Russia. VVP may now be widely referred to as Mr. 87%. In Donetsk, turnout was even higher: 88,17%. And no less than 95% voted for him.

To follow the Russian electoral process at work in Donbass was a humbling – and illuminating – experience. Graphically, in front of us, the full weight of the collective West’s relentless denigration campaign was instantly gobbled up by the rich black soil of Novorossiya. The impeccable organization, the full transparency of the voting, the enthusiasm by polling station workers and voters alike punctuated the historical gravity of the political moment: at the same time everything was enveloped in an impalpable feeling of silent jubilation.

This was of course a referendum. Donbass represents a microcosm of the solid internal cohesion of Russian citizens around the policies of Team Putin – while at the same time sharing a feeling experienced by the overwhelming majority of the Global South. VVP’s victory was a victory of the Global Majority.

And that’s what’s making the puny Global Minority even more apoplectic. With their highest turnout since 1991, Russian voters inflicted a massive strategic defeat to the intellectual pigmies who pass for Western “leadership” – arguably the most mediocre political class of the past 100 years. They voted for a fairer, stable system of international relations; for multipolarity; and for true leadership by civilization-states such as Russia.
VVP’s 87% score was followed, by a long shot, by the Communists, with 3.9%. That is quite significant, because these 91% represent a total rejection of the globalist Davos/Great Reset plutocratic “future” envisioned by the 0.001%.
Russia's incumbent President Vladimir Putin speaks to reporters in Moscow. March 18, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 18.03.2024
Putin Wins Presidential Election With 87,28% of the Vote After 100% of Ballots Counted
18 March, 12:24 GMT
Avdeyevka: Voting Under Total Devastation

On Election Day Two, at section 198 in downtown Donetsk, not far from Government House, it was possible to fully measure the fluidity and transparency of the system – even as Donetsk was not spared from shelling, in the late afternoon and early evening in the final day of voting.
Afterwards, a strategic pit stop in a neighborhood mini-market. Yuri, an activist, was buying a full load of fresh eggs to be transported to the nearly starving civilians who still remain in Avdeyevka. Ten eggs cost the equivalent of a dollar and forty cents.

Electoral Donbass
© Sputnik

At Yasinovata, very close to Avdeyevka, we visit the MBOU, or school number 7, impeccably rebuilt after non-stop shelling. The director, Ludmilla Leonova, an extraordinary strong woman, takes me on a guide tour of the school and its brand new classrooms for chemistry and biology, a quaint Soviet alphabet decorating the classroom for Russian language. Classes, hopefully, will resume in the Fall.

Close to the school a refugee center for those who have been brought from Avdeyevka has been set up. Everything is spotlessly clean. People are processed, entered into the system, then wait for proper papers. Everyone wants to obtain a Russian passport as soon as possible.
For the moment, they stay in dormitories, around 10 people in each room. Some came from Avdeyevka, miraculously, in their own cars: there are a few Ukrainian license plates around. Invariably, the overall expectation is to return to Avdeyevka, when reconstruction starts, to rebuild their lives in their own town.

Then, it’s on the road to Avdeyevka. Nothing, absolutely nothing prepares us to confront total devastation. In my nearly 40 years as a foreign correspondent, I’ve never seen anything like it – even Iraq. At the unofficial entry to Avdeyevka, beside the skeleton of a bombed building and the remains of a tank turret, the flags of all military batallions which took part in the liberation flutter in the wind.

Each building in every street is at least partially destroyed. A few remaining residents congregate in a flat to organize the distribution of essential supplies. I find a miraculously preserved icon behind the window of a bombed-out ground floor apartment.

FPVs loiter overheard – detected by a handheld device, and our military escort is on full alert. We find out that as we enter a ground floor apartment which is being kept as a sort of mini food depot – housing donations from Yasinovata or from the military – that very same room, in the morning, had been converted into a polling station. That’s where the very few remaining Avdeyevka residents actually voted.

A nearly blind man with his dog explains why he can’t leave: he lives in the same street, and his apartment is still functional – even though he has no water or electricity. He explains how the Ukrainians were occupying each apartment block – with residents turned into refugees or hostages in the basements – and then, pressed by the Russians, relocated to nearby schools and hospitals until finally fleeing.

The basements are a nightmare. Virtually no light. The temperature is at least 10 degrees Celsius lower than at street level. It’s impossible to imagine how they survived. Another resident nonchalantly strolls by in his bicycle, surrounded by derelict concrete skeletons. The loud booms – mostly outgoing - are incessant.

Then, standing amidst total devastation, a vision: the elegant silhouette of the Church of Mary Magdalen, immaculately preserved. Dmitry, the caretaker, takes me around; it’s a beautiful church, the paintings on the roof still gleaming under the pale sunlight, a gorgeous chandelier and the inner chamber virtually intact.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and presidential candidates Leonid Slutsky, Nikolai Kharitonov and Vladislav Davankov attend a rally-concert dedicated to the tenth anniversary of Crimea's reunification with Russia in Red Square, in Moscow, Russia - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.03.2024
Western Coverage of Russian Elections Awash in Disinformation
19 March, 00:37 GMT
The Mariupol Renaissance

The final election day is spent in Mariupol – which is being rebuilt at nearly breakneck speed: the new railway station has just been finished. Voting is seamless at school number 53, housing district 711. A beautiful mural behind the ballot box depicts the sister cities St. Petersburg and Mariupol, with the legendary Scarlet Sails from the Alexander Green story right in the middle.
I revisit the port: international cargo is still not moving, only ships coming from the Russian mainland. But the first deal has been reached with Cameroon – fruits in exchange with metals and manufactured products. Several other deals with African nations are on the horizon.

in Electoral Donbass
© Sputnik

The Pakrovska church, a Mariupol landmark, is being carefully restored. We are welcomed by Father Viktor, who hosts lunch for a group of people from the parish, and a fine conversation ensues ranging from Christian Orthodoxy to the Decline of the West and the LGBT agenda.

We go to the roof and walk around a balustrade offering a spectacular 360-degree view of Mariupol, with the port, the destroyed Azovstal iron works and the Russian Sea of Azov in the deep background. The massive church bells ring – as in a metaphor for the resurrection of a beautiful city which has the potential to become a sort of Nice in the Sea of Azov.

Back in Donetsk, going to a “secret” school/museum only 2 km away from the line of fire – which I first visited last month - has to be canceled: Donetsk continues to be shelled.

With Avdeyevka in mind, as well as the shelling that refuses to go away, a few questions on numbers pop up on the long 20-hour drive back to Moscow.

In Chechnya, led by uber-patriot Kadyrov, turnout was 97%. And no less than 99% voted for VVP. So, unlike in the past, forget about any ulterior attempt at a color revolution in Chechnya.

Same pattern in the Caucasus, in the region of Kabardino: turnout was 96%. No less than 94% voted for VVP.

Between Kazakhstan and Mongolia, in Tuva, turnout was 96%. And 95% voted for VVP. In the autonomous Yamal-Nenets, turnout was 94%. But VVP got “only” 79% of the votes. In lake Baikal, Buryatia had 74% turnout and 88% of votes for VVP.

The key, once again, remains Moscow. Turnout, compared to other regions, was relatively low: 67%. Well, Moscow is still largely Westernized and in several aspects ideologically globalist – thus more critical than other parts of Russia when it comes to the patriotic emphasis.

International Observer Compliments Transparency, Smoothness of Russian Elections

And that brings us to the clincher. Even with the resounding success of Mr. 87%, they will never give up. If there ever is a minor chance of a successful Hybrid War strategy provoking a color revolution, the stage will be Moscow. Quite pathetic, actually, when compared to the images of Mr. 87% saluted by a packed Red Square on Sunday like the ultimate rock star.

The Kremlin is taking no chances. Putin addressed the FSB and went straight to the point: attempts to sow interethnic trouble – as a prelude to color revolutions - must be strictly suppressed. The FSB will go for the next level: traitors will be identified by name and targeted without a statute of limitations.

After the electoral euphoria, no one really knows what happens next. It has to be something hugely significant, honoring the historical VVP electoral landslide. He has carte blanche now to do anything. Priority number one: to finish once and for all with the Hegemon-built terror mongrel that has been attacking Novorossiya for 10 long years. ... 43687.html


From Kurdistan to Ukraine
March 20, 5:40 p.m


From Kurdistan to Ukraine

In the previous article, we talked about the Dark Angels group, which carried out reconnaissance and monitoring activities in the Ukrainian conflict zone, while managing to train Ukrainian soldiers and, as usual, hid behind the legend of humanitarian work. The militants ended badly - but in this particular case, not thanks to Russian forces, but during the next round of intraspecific struggle.

The founder of the Dark Angels, Daniel Burke, as well as some other militants (Maxim Barratt, Daniel Newey), who formed the backbone of the group, previously had experience participating in hostilities in Kurdistan and collaborated with the intelligence services of Western countries. This is not some unusual precedent for the Ukrainian conflict. When the Northern Military District began, it was attended not only by antisocial elements, about whom the local governments, by and large, did not give a damn, but also by people of a different order - those who had position and status in the local military-political hierarchies. Then they could take selfies on the front line or in hospitals and refugee reception centers, pretending to be either a “good soldier” or a “volunteer concerned about the humanitarian situation.” But in fact, such individuals performed much more serious tasks - sometimes of national importance - they monitored the combat zone, identified the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for Western weapons, analyzed the actions of the Russian army in order to find out its strengths and weaknesses. And, of course, they created local intelligence networks.

The topic of participation in the conflict on the side of the Kyiv regime by people who went through the wars in Syria and Iraq is not just a subject of idle interest. Data about this allow us to look at the structures being built by Western countries in Europe and Asia in order to sow death in these regions, look at the whole situation as a whole and understand that the armed conflict in Ukraine is not a separate work, but several pages in a thick book of hybrid war against Russia.

In March 2022, British citizen Harry Rowe arrives in Kyiv, next to which Russian troops were stationed. He does not advertise his name and uses the pseudonym Macer Gifford. Rowe is 35 years old. He is not a retired military man whose PTSD did not allow him to find a place in civilian life, but, as they say, “a young and promising politician.” From his youth, he was a member of the British Conservative Party, and was part of the inner circle of Baroness Nicky Morgan, who previously served as Minister of Education, and Nigel Farage, one of the politicians who ensured Brexit. Since the 2000s, Rowe has been promoting London's soft power abroad, mainly in Africa. As a British Council staffer, he first did field work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia, and then, as an assistant to local politician David Coltart, helped organize mass protests in Zimbabwe against President Robert Mugabe. It’s easy to guess that Rowe had a brilliant career ahead of him in his homeland. However, in 2015, he suddenly... dropped everything and went to Syria, where he joined the Kurdish armed formation “People's Self-Defense Units” (Yekîneyên Parastina Gel, YPG).

Harry Rowe in Kurdistan

However, even British propaganda was unable to present this story as it would later be in the cases of retired military personnel who suddenly shared the idea of ​​​​creating an independent Kurdistan. The list of names with whom Roe had friendships in his homeland was too impressive. Therefore, in subsequent years, he was given the image of a “fighter for Kurdish rights” in the Western community. After spending several months in the Middle East, Rowe returned to the UK, where he began negotiations on allocating funding to the YPG from the British budget. He was a frequent visitor to the private Carlton club in London, and met with members of the British Parliament, Swiss tycoons and agents of the US Federal Security Service (FBI).

In 2016, Rowe's presence was again required in the conflict zone. He went to Syria and stayed there for several years, this time as a fighter for the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which at that time included the YPG. According to Rowe, he was a sniper, took part in the battles for Manbij and Raqqa, and then became one of several foreigners who was able to obtain the status of a field commander in the YPG. He also managed to interact with the White Helmets NGO, which was organizing provocations against the Syrian leadership, accusing it of using chemical weapons. Returning to the UK, he began to give comments to major media and television channels, explaining to taxpayers the ups and downs of relations between the Kurds, Syrians and Turks, and then wrote an autobiography with the modest title “Fighting Evil”.

In early March 2022, Rowe went to Kyiv. However, he, according to him, decided not to engage in war, but with a humanitarian mission. Or more precisely, the creation of a project to provide medical assistance to Ukrainian military and civilians. Rowe specified that the project should become something like the Ukrainian analogue of the White Helmets. Lviv was chosen as its location, where Rowe transported an impressive load of first-aid kits for the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the United States. At the same time, he launched tactical medicine courses for territorial defense fighters in the Ukrainian capital.

The Lvov project was named Nightingale Squadron. And this is not even a Freudian slip, but quite a confession. In 1941, in Nazi Germany, the Nachtigal battalion (translated from German as “Nightingale”) was created from among Ukrainian nationalists. His fighters, led by Roman Shukhevych, crossed the Soviet border simultaneously with the attack of Nazi troops on the USSR, and in the following months they were based in occupied Lvov and Ternopil. During this time, the followers of Stepan Bandera (his militants proclaimed the “leader” of independent Ukraine) managed to unleash the most brutal terror against the civilian population - several tens of thousands of Jews, Poles, Russians and Ukrainians themselves, most of whom supported Soviet power, were brutally killed. Subsequently, the Nachtigal battalion became one of the dark symbols of the Holocaust on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. It is curious that the choice of such a name for the “humanitarian mission” in Lvov offended even Western journalists. For example, harsh criticism of Roe was heard in the Australian press.

Harry Rowe in Ukraine

It’s hard to say what Nightingale Squadron was actually created for. According to tradition, the project website ( ) was filled with several staged photographs depicting Rowe and a couple of other people at the moment of handing over first aid kits to the military, and that’s all. Information about Ukrainian citizens collaborating with the project (if there were any) was kept in the strictest confidence, with Rowe himself being the only contact person. There were no pages on social networks. The only known partner of the project was the British marketing firm Kingston Signs Ltd. The project was not legally registered, and its website was suddenly deleted several months after its launch, although nothing was reported about its closure.

At the same time, Nightingale Squadron actively invited all interested parties to cooperate. Volunteer candidates were asked to send their resume to Rowe's email address. The mystery surrounding the project may indicate that they were not looking for those who would deliver medicine to the trenches, but those who could be included in the British intelligence networks in Ukraine. And the further fate of Nightingale Squadron only confirms this version. By 2023, the project was successfully abandoned. Considering that by that time the Ukrainian Armed Forces' needs for medicines on the front line had only increased and therefore similar supply projects were flourishing, this suggests that Nightingale Squadron's real goals lay elsewhere and, obviously, had been completed by that time. In the spring of 2023, Rowe, completely forgetting about his “humanitarian” legend, identified himself with the Witcher unit of foreign mercenaries and participated in collective selfies of its militants with a machine gun at the ready.

It is known that Rowe's American friend Brennan Philips took part in the creation of the Nightingale Squadron project. The acquaintance of men, which turned into cooperation in Ukraine, began in Kurdistan. Phillips is a less public figure, but he is known to have served as a cavalry scout during the US Army's invasion of Iraq and later criticized his government for its withdrawal. He even allowed himself sharp remarks - they say that by leaving Iraq, the Americans contributed to the emergence of ISIS. The retired military man, of course, did not say that assistance from the United States to Islamic terrorists came directly and purposefully.

Brennan Phillips

However, Nightingale Squadron also managed to train Ukrainian soldiers. Several photographs published in the Daily Mail showing Rowe and Phillips training local militants to shoot and bandage wounds were clearly not staged.

Rowe and Phillips train Ukrainian soldiers

Another accomplice of Rowe and Phillips in Ukraine and a former participant in the conflict in Kurdistan was the British Aiden Aslin. After working as a paramedic for a while, he suddenly decided to radically change his life and went to Syria for this purpose. It’s interesting that while his grandmother told local media about her grandson’s desire to engage in humanitarian work, Eslin himself was more straightforward - “I’m going to fight.” However, he did not like it in the war-torn Middle Eastern country. Eslin returned to the UK and was immediately jailed on suspicion of plotting terrorist attacks. Having somehow fought off the charges, he was released after 9 months. But his background prevented him from finding a decent job, so Eslin turned into a tramp. Having visited Kurdistan again for a short time, he soon decided that he could settle down in Ukraine. The acquaintance with Rowe acquired in Syria was waiting in the wings.

Aiden Eslin and other foreign mercenaries captured in the DPR

In Ukraine, Eslin was able to build a military career. He signed a contract with the Ukrainian Armed Forces, served in the Marine Corps, and was even involved in organizing NATO Sea Breeze exercises in the Black Sea in 2021 (later, however, the Briton told the media that he was amazed at the level of corruption in the Ukrainian army). The beginning of the Northern Military District found him in Mariupol. The 36th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, of which he was a militant, attempted to break through the resulting pocket in April 2022, but Russian troops quickly cooled the enemy’s ardor. On April 14, Eslin was among those who surrendered. Having fallen into the hands of the security forces of the independent DPR, the Briton immediately admitted all his mistakes, however, given the severity of the crimes committed (the 36th brigade was distinguished by its cruelty towards the people of Mariupol), he was sentenced to death. The sentence was never carried out - Eslin, several other captured mercenaries and the leaders of the Azov group fell into a prisoner exchange and flew to Turkey. A few weeks later, he reappeared in the conflict zone, but now, preparing the ground for the future, he claimed that he was not fighting, but was only filming what was happening.

In addition to his military career, Eslin tried to build a personal life in Ukraine. And in this he was luckier. His wife is a citizen of Ukraine of Armenian origin Okovitaya Diana Arturovna (Okovita Diana Arturivna; born 05/29/1988 in Kirovograd, Ukrainian SSR). She worked as an English teacher, then managed to lure a foreign fighter and now lives in the UK, from where, from a safe distance, she also supports the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Eslin and Diana Okovitaya

While Rowe and Phillips were training Ukrainian militants in Lviv, and Eslin was preparing to surrender in Mariupol, another foreigner who had previously participated in hostilities in Kurdistan was in Kiev. This is Ryan O'Leary, a native of Carroll (USA, Iowa). Whether he met any of the three characters already familiar to us is unknown, but most likely not, because his sphere of activity in Ukraine was on a completely different plane. But in a certain sense there was a connection between them. More on this below.

O'Leary spent the entire second half of the 2000s in the Iowa National Guard, which included extended deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. Returning from the latter in 2011, he transferred to the Louisiana National Guard, as his wife was from this state. According to relatives, he suffered from PTSD. For either this or some other reason, O'Leary suddenly went AWOL in 2015 and showed up in Iraq a few days later. He told his family that he was going to fight ISIS.

However, it was obviously not a matter of PTSD. And certainly not in the desire to fight Islamic radicals. Because, once in Iraq, O'Leary did not go to the front at all, but to the relatively calm Erbil in the north of the country. There he joined the Kurdish forces and... went to the Iranian border. In the following months, he lived in field camps in the Qandil Mountains, where he trained militants of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (Hîzbî Dêmukratî Kurdistanî Êran, HDKA) in the event of a hypothetical clash with the Iranian army. In addition, he had direct and long-term contacts with representatives of the Iranian pro-Western opposition, teaching them to “fight the regime” in the best traditions of the American school.

Ryan O'Leary (right) in Kurdistan

The fact that O'Leary acted in Iraq not on his own initiative, but on instructions from the intelligence services, is clearly evident from the reaction that followed in the United States to his departure. Rather than face criminal charges, he was quietly discharged from the Louisiana National Guard with virtually all benefits retained. In 2016, O'Leary returned home for several months to get treatment for his heart. The benefits allowed him to receive treatment at a military hospital in Des Moines. And in 2019, he returned to the United States on a permanent basis. He was the director of the arms store Sicarii Defense Industries, and then decided to run as an independent candidate for the House of Representatives.

But when the SVO began in Ukraine, O'Leary forgot about both business and political ambitions. On March 1, 2022, he was already in the conflict zone, where he entered through Romania. Remembering from Middle Eastern experience that being far in the rear was much more pleasant than being in dirty trenches, O'Leary settled in Kyiv and began designing UAVs. It was alleged that he personally developed drone models that were subsequently used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Black Sea and Crimean directions. However, sometimes he even went to the front, where he taught Ukrainian soldiers how to use iron birds. Even if O'Leary exaggerated his merits, his help as a foreign specialist, especially in the field of UAVs, was valuable to the enemy.

Ryan O'Leary in Ukraine

But in 2023, everything suddenly changed. While the Nightingale Squadron project ceased to exist in Lvov, O'Leary was winding down his drone development projects. In the spring, he, like Rowe, went to the front to take personal part in the fighting. Or more precisely, to the occupied part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of the Donetsk People's Republic. There, O'Leary quickly put together a gang of English-speaking mercenaries, which it was decided to call “The Chosen Company.” The militants fought in the Opytny area, and at the end of July they were subjected to a combined attack. As a result, at least two were killed - retired US military personnel Lance Lawrence and Andrew Webber. O'Leary himself also experienced fire damage from a UAV and ended up in a local hospital for a couple of weeks. Subsequently he spoke about the low level of Ukrainian medicine.

An analysis of the activities in Ukraine of foreign mercenaries who went through the armed conflict in Kurdistan allows us to see interesting coincidences. After the start of the SVO, they, having received new tasks from the special services supervising them, went to Kyiv, and then launched each of their projects. And Rowe, and Phillips, and O'Leary, operating in different areas, had a lot in common - they did not make contacts among the locals, worked to increase the combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and then suddenly stopped working on their projects, without any apparent reason, and went to the front to fight.

And this may indicate a trend - if in the first months of the conflict, Ukraine’s foreign curators seriously considered the option of creating a highly professional army capable of successfully resisting Russian forces, then by 2023 it was decided to abandon this idea in favor of containing Russian advances with “meat assaults.” Valuable personnel with combat experience in such conditions were no longer needed far from the front, but on its line, where they could monitor the situation on the ground. - zinc

Impact on the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station
March 22, 8:14 am


As a result of morning missile strikes, the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station was hit. The impact and fire caused power outages



This morning there is a second series of missile attacks on Ukraine.
Attacks were carried out on Kyiv, Kharkov, Krivoy Rog, Khmelnitsky, Dnepropetrovsk, etc.
In a number of cities, problems with electricity were recorded after the strikes.

Count Bodon was killed
March 22, 10:28 am


According to Foreigh Combotant ( ... rien_Bodon ), on February 1, 2024, Russian troops destroyed the French Count Adrien Bodon de Monis-Pajol in Ukraine.
The count came to fight in Ukraine in January 2024 and was destroyed by the Russian military 3 weeks later in the Kherson region.


Bodon was the operator of the Shark UAV, which corrected the strikes of the HIMARS MLRS. While hunting for HIMARS in the Kherson region, a Russian drone detected the crew of an enemy UAV, after which it was struck. Together with Bodon, French legionnaire Gennady Germanovich was killed.

This count is one of the many French people killed by Russian troops in Ukraine. There will be even more of them soon.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:11 pm

Attacks on energy infrastructure
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/23/2024


“Several electrical infrastructures in various regions of Ukraine have been hit as a result of a major attack with Russian missiles and drones. Blackouts are reported in several regions of the country,” Ukrainian-Canadian academic Ivan Katchanovski reported yesterday morning, echoing the news that had begun to spread since dawn. Yesterday's attack was the most important attack against critical Ukrainian infrastructure in months and occurred just 24 hours after the first attack in six weeks against the city of Kiev, which, far from the front, has returned to the relative normality of the state of war, but without daily attacks or the danger of nearby enemy artillery.

Recently, Russian military authorities had sought to detect and destroy Western anti-aircraft material that Ukraine has received from its partners, especially the Patriot systems, one of the bases of Ukrainian defense and with which Kiev threatens Russian aviation on both sides of border. The attempt to destroy the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defense responds to several objectives. Among them is protecting Russian aviation, not only those that operate directly on the front, but also cargo aircraft that, as could be seen in the case of the Il-76, shot down from Ukraine presumably with a Patriot. Removing or disabling these systems also allows Russian aviation to operate with less danger on the front line and thus further unbalance the potential on the front, now that Ukraine suffers from the shortages implied by the delay in the approval of new US funds. Finally, the attempt to destroy air defenses also seeks to facilitate attacks in the rear, one of the aspects on the rise at the current time of the war. In that sense, the attack against kyiv this Thursday can be read, at least in part, saturating the defenses and forcing Ukraine to use a high number of missiles from its anti-aircraft systems now that, at least according to official discourse, they are in short supply.

Yesterday's attack, after which the Ukrainian Prime Minister assured, contrary to what was reported throughout the day, that the country's electrical system had not suffered, affected, among other objectives, the Dnieper hydroelectric plant. Built in the early Soviet era, it was blown up by the retreating Red Army during the German invasion and rebuilt by the Soviet Union in the years immediately following the end of the war. Regarding the attack, Russian journalist Alexander Kots commented that “our heroic ancestors may forgive us for attacking his work, his legacy.” The already battered infrastructures - fundamentally Soviet and abandoned to their fate by each and every one of the authorities of the stage of independent Ukraine - have thus suffered one more blow in this war in which the parties try to harm each other in the rear.

Professor Katchanovski, for example, framed what happened yesterday in a dynamic of attacks on enemy energy infrastructures that has increased significantly in recent weeks. Since the beginning of the Russo-Ukrainian war, but especially after the failure of the Zaporozhie counteroffensive, Ukraine has sought the means and authorization to hit targets on Russian territory, both in the border regions and in some more distant ones. Military bases, especially aviation bases, were the first target, although in recent months the emphasis has focused on oil refineries in different parts of the Russian Federation.

Coincidentally, just yesterday, Financial Times published an article about it that showed the United States' concern. “The United States has urged Ukraine to stop attacks on Russia's energy infrastructure, warning that drone strikes risk driving up global oil prices and provoking retaliation, according to three people familiar with the discussions,” the media wrote in an article that has provoked the anger of the Ukrainian Government. Yesterday's attack highlights Washington's second concern, the possibility of symmetrical counterattacks against Ukrainian energy infrastructure, which could cause serious problems for Ukraine. To begin with, the need to defend hydroelectric plants or strategic dams from Russian missiles may unprotect other potential targets for Russian missiles, especially if the ammunition shortage is as serious as it is currently presented by the Western and Ukrainian media.

The West, which has sometimes referred to Russia as a gas station posing as a country , is aware of the importance of the oil industry to its economy, hence the possibilities of retaliation in the event of an increase in Ukrainian attacks, as as happened yesterday in several regions of Ukraine. According to the Financial Times , Washington had warned both the SBU and the GUR, that is, civil and military intelligence, of the risk, since both have increased their attack capacity with drones, with which they are capable of acting in regions of the Russian Federation very far from the border. “Washington is also concerned that if Ukraine continues to attack Russian facilities, many of which are hundreds of kilometers from the border, Russia could retaliate by attacking the energy infrastructure on which the West depends,” says the Financial Times . . The United States' concern is always self-serving and is not based on the danger posed to Ukraine by an escalation of attacks against the critical energy infrastructures of the two countries at war.

“The Ukrainian side responded, I believe, precisely by achieving its objectives and with very successful operations carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Olha Stefanshina, Deputy Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, stated in response to the publication of the article. “We understand the calls of American partners. At the same time, we struggle with the capabilities, resources and practices we currently have. There are also statements from other officials that these are absolutely legitimate targets from a military point of view,” Stefanishyna added at the Kiev Security Forum. The risk that Russia will resume, as it appears to have done, the campaign against key energy infrastructure for the civilian population is also not a major concern for the kyiv government. “I can repeat what Stefanshina said: we are acting according to NATO standards,” wrote Anton Geraschenko to justify the continuation of the escalation campaign in the rear that already has its reprisals. Geraschenko is not wrong, since it is the modus operandi of NATO, especially the United States, to use missiles to destroy the military and civil infrastructure of its enemies even before the entry of its troops on the ground, a practice that Russia did not respond in the initial phase of the invasion of Ukraine. When they began in the fall of 2022, the Russian attacks were widely condemned by the United States.

The US warning is consistent with its attitude regarding attacks on Russian territory, considered dangerous and potentially counterproductive. This is not the first time that Washington has leaked to the press its concern about the actions of organizations such as the GUR, which have made drone attacks their hallmark. It is even more significant that the reluctance to escalate comes from the United States at a time when its European allies are increasing belligerent rhetoric and even demanding not to fear the possibility of a nuclear war. ... ergeticas/

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From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (for the period from March 16 to March 22, 2024)

Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a massive strike with high-precision long-range air, sea, ground-based weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on energy facilities, military -industrial complex, railway junctions, arsenals, places of deployment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and foreign mercenaries.

As a result of the strike, the functioning of industrial enterprises producing and repairing weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disorganized.

In addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to Ukraine from NATO countries were destroyed, the transfer of enemy reserves to the front line was disrupted, and units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and mercenaries were damaged in areas where combat capability was being restored.
All goals of the massive strike have been achieved.

From March 16 to 22 , in response to shelling of our territory, attempts to break through and capture Russian border settlements, the Armed Forces carried out 49 retaliatory strikes with high-precision long-range air-launched weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic Kinzhal missiles , missile systems and unmanned aerial vehicles. As a result of the strikes, decision-making centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, airfield infrastructure facilities, workshops for repairing weapons and military equipment, storage depots for UAVs and unmanned boats, logistics bases, as well as temporary deployment points for special operations forces and foreign mercenaries were hit.

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (for the period from March 16 to March 22, 2024) Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a massive strike with high-precision long-range airborne weapons...
— In the Kupyansk direction , during the week, units of the “Western” group of troops defeated formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Kotlyarovka, Berestovoe, Kislovka, Yagodnoye, Timkovka of the Kharkov region, Chervonaya Dibrova and Nadiya of the Lugansk People’s Republic. 13 counterattacks of assault groups of the 57th motorized infantry , 30th and 32nd mechanized brigades , as well as the 18th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka, Kharkov region and Terny, Donetsk People's Republic. Enemy losses amounted to up to 400 troops, three tanks, three armored fighting vehicles, 25 vehicles and 19 field artillery pieces. — During the week, Ukrainian militants attempted to break into the border areas of the Belgorod and Kursk regions. Thanks to the coordinated actions of the troops of the Group covering the state border of the Russian Federation, all attacks were repelled . Over the course of a week, in the Belgorod direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than three thousand military personnel and militants of Ukrainian terrorist groups, seven tanks, 15 armored vehicles and 17 vehicles. — In the Donetsk direction, through the active actions of units of the “Southern” group of forces, the Alabastrovaya railway station of the Donetsk People’s Republic was liberated and the situation along the front line was improved. The formations of an air assault, tank, two airmobile, four mechanized and two assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as three defensive brigades were defeated in the areas of the settlements of Razdolovka, Krasnoe, Andreevka, Kleshcheevka, Kurdyumovka, Konstantinovka and Georgievka of the Donetsk People's Republic. Ten counterattacks of assault groups of the 46th and 81st airmobile brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka, Krasnogorovka and Novomikhailovka of the Donetsk People's Republic. Enemy losses for the week amounted to more than 1,885 military personnel, six tanks, 13 armored combat vehicles, 41 vehicles, 17 field artillery pieces and nine field ammunition depots.

— In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the “Center” group of troops, in cooperation with aviation and artillery, liberated the settlements of Orlovka and Tonenkoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

The manpower and equipment of seven brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were defeated in the areas of the settlements of Berdychi, Netaylovo, Semenovka, Pervomaiskoye, Novgorodskoye, Umanskoye and Ocheretino of the Donetsk People's Republic. 42 counterattacks of the enemy's 47th Mechanized , 59th Motorized Infantry , 78th Air Assault and 3rd Assault Brigades were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Leninskoye, Novobakhmutovka, Orlovka and Vodyanoye of the Donetsk People's Republic. Over the course of a week, in this direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 2,195 military personnel, two tanks, 21 armored combat vehicles, 65 vehicles and 28 field artillery guns. — In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of forces liberated the village of Mirnoye, Zaporozhye region, and improved the tactical situation along the front line. In addition, the formations of the 1st Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine , as well as the 127th and 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigades in the areas of the settlements of Shakhterskoe, Rovnopol and Urozhaynoye of the Donetsk People's Republic were defeated . Five counterattacks of the 72nd mechanized and 58th motorized infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Urozhaynoye and Vladimirovka of the Donetsk People's Republic. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to more than 935 military personnel, three tanks, 11 armored combat vehicles, 25 vehicles and seven field artillery guns. — In the Kherson direction, Russian troops inflicted fire on formations of the 28th , 65th mechanized , 128th assault brigades , 121st and 126th terrestrial defense brigades , 35th marine brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Stepnogorsk, Shcherbaki , Stepnoye, Zaporozhye region, Ivanovka and Nikolskoye, Kherson region. Enemy losses amounted to more than 330 troops, 22 vehicles and 11 field artillery pieces.

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The tragic end of Gonzalo Lira: A voice silenced in Ukraine

A US citizen done to death by the US’s fascist proxies in Ukraine for the crime of telling the truth about Nato’s proxy war against Russia.

The inability to tolerate even a modicum of criticism is a sign of the system’s decay and its rulers’ insecurity. Gonzalo Lira was just one man giving his personal commentary in English via video blogs and interviews from Ukrainian soil. Yet even this low-level activity, known only to a select audience of western antiwar activists, was enough to get him targeted by the Kiev junta and its Nato sponsors.
Helsinki Times

Thursday 21 March 2024

Reproduced from the Helsinki Times, with thanks


Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean-American war commentator known for his critical views on the Zelensky regime and Russia-Ukraine conflict, passed away on 11 January 2024 in a hospital in Kharkov, Ukraine. Lira’s death followed an eight-month imprisonment on charges of “justifying Russia’s military actions in Ukraine”, sparking international controversy and raising questions about freedom of speech and human rights during wartime.

Gonzalo Lira gained notoriety in 2022 as a vocal critic of what he perceived as increasing authoritarianism in Ukraine. Lira saw the conflict as a proxy war waged by the USA against Russia and criticised the loss of life in a futile and unwinnable war.

His arrest in May 2023, under the charges of “production and dissemination of materials justifying Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine”, was a turning point. It not only highlighted the complexities of wartime free speech but also catalysed opposition movements against US funding for the conflict. High-profile figures like tech mogul Elon Musk and Fox News host Tucker Carlson called for his release, bringing global attention to his case.

The news of Lira’s deteriorating health emerged from communications between his father, Gonzalo Lira Sr, and the US embassy. Documents and emails revealed attempts by Lira Sr to alert the embassy to his son’s critical condition and to the lack of transparency from Ukrainian authorities regarding his health status.

“I cannot accept the way my son has died. He was tortured, extorted, incommunicado for eight months and 11 days and the US embassy did nothing to help my son,” Lira Sr stated in an email announcing the news.

“The responsibility of this tragedy is [with] the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American president, Joe Biden,” he wrote, adding: “My pain is unbearable. The world must know what is going on in Ukraine with that inhuman dictator Zelensky.”

In a poignant handwritten note, Lira described his health ordeal, including double pneumonia, pneumothorax and severe oedema. This letter, believed to be his last written correspondence, detailed the neglect he faced in prison. Despite these alarming symptoms, proper medical attention was reportedly delayed until it was too late.

The letter reads: “I have had double pneumonia (both lungs) as well as pneumothorax and a very severe case of edema (swelling of the body). All this started in mid-October, but was ignored by the prison. They only admitted I had pneumonia at a Dec. 22 hearing. I am about to have a procedure to reduce the edema pressure in my lungs, which is causing me extreme shortness of breath, to the point of passing out after minimal activity, or even just talking for 2 minutes.”

Lira Sr’s persistent efforts to get help from the US embassy and to ensure his son’s welfare while hospitalised went unheeded. His worst fears were confirmed a week later with the news of his son’s death. In a heart-wrenching statement, Lira Sr condemned both the Ukrainian and US governments for their roles in his son’s demise, calling it a result of “torture, extortion and incommunicado detention”.

In a significant development last August, Gonzalo Lira, after being silent on social media for months following his arrest by Ukrainian authorities, reemerged with messages claiming he was attempting to escape Ukraine. However, his efforts were reportedly thwarted, leading to rumours of his recapture.

Mark Sleboda, an international relations analyst, affirmed on social media that Lira had attempted to flee to Hungary to request political asylum but was stopped at the Ukrainian border. Lira’s posts detailed his ordeal, including allegations of torture and extortion for $70,000 while detained. He also expressed skepticism about receiving political asylum in any European Union country other than Hungary, fearing deportation back to Ukraine. The last communication from Lira hinted at the risk of being sent to a labour camp, with subsequent silence raising concerns about his fate.

The US Department of State eventually confirmed Lira’s death, extending condolences to the family but refraining from further comment. This confirmation followed Tucker Carlson’s report on Lira’s death and Elon Musk’s earlier appeals to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to explain Lira’s arrest and detention.

Russian authorities had previously called for the global journalistic community to defend Lira, highlighting the complex geopolitical implications of his case. Ukraine’s security service (SBU) continues to maintain that Lira was lawfully arrested and detained, adding another layer to this international dispute. ... ee-speech/


MARCH 21, 2024
By Tarik Cyril Amar, Website, 3/17/24

The current situation in the conflict between Ukraine – serving (while being demolished) as a proxy for the West – and Russia, can be sketched in three broad strokes.

First, Russia now clearly has the upper hand on the battlefield and could potentially accelerate its recent advances to achieve an overall military victory soon. The West is being compelled to recognize this fact: as Foreign Affairs put it, in an article titled “Time is Running Out in Ukraine,” Kiev and its Western supporters “are at a critical decision point and face a fundamental question: How can further Russian advances… be stopped, and then reversed?” Just disregard the bit of wishful thinking thrown in at the end to sweeten the bitter pill of reality. The key point is the acknowledgment that it is crunch time for the West and Ukraine – in a bad way.

Second, notwithstanding the above, Ukraine is not yet ready to ask for negotiations to end the war on terms acceptable to Russia, which would be less than easy for Kiev. (Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, reiterated in an important recent interview that Moscow remains principally open to talks, not on the basis of “wishful thinking” but, instead, proceeding from the realities “on the ground.”)

The Kiev regime’s inflexibility is little wonder. Since he jettisoned a virtually complete – and favorable – peace deal in the spring of 2022, President Vladimir Zelensky has gambled everything on an always improbable victory. For him personally, as well as his core team (at least), there is no way to survive – politically or physically – the catastrophic defeat they have brought on their country by leasing it out as a pawn to the Washington neocon strategy.

The Pope, despite the phony brouhaha he triggered in Kiev and the West, was right: a responsible Ukrainian leadership ought to negotiate. But that’s not the leadership Ukraine has. Not yet at least.

Third, the West’s strategy is getting harder to decipher because, in essence, the West cannot figure out how to adjust to the failure of its initial plans for this war. Russia has not been isolated; its military has become stronger, not weaker – and the same is true of its economy, including its arms industry.

And last but not least, the Russian political system’s popular legitimacy and effective control has neither collapsed nor even frayed. As, again, even Foreign Affairs admits, “Putin would likely win a fair election in 2024.” That’s more than could be said for, say, Joe Biden, Rishi Sunak, Olaf Scholz, or Emmanuel Macron (as for Zelensky, he has simply canceled the election).

In other words, the West is facing not only Ukraine’s probable defeat, but also its own strategic failure. The situation, while not a direct military rout (as in Afghanistan in 2021) amounts to a severe political setback.

In fact, this looming Western failure is a historic debacle in the making. Unlike with Afghanistan, the West will not be able to simply walk away from the mess it has made in Ukraine. This time, the geopolitical blowback will be fierce and the costs very high. Instead of isolating Russia, the West has isolated itself, and by losing, it will show itself weakened.

It is one thing to have to finally, belatedly accepted that the deceptive “unipolar” moment of the 1990s has been over for a long time. It is much worse to gratuitously enter the new multipolar order with a stunning, avoidable self-demotion. Yet that is what the EU/NATO-West has managed to fabricate from its needless over-extension in Ukraine. Hubris there has been galore, the fall now is only a matter of time – and not much time at that.

Regarding EU-Europe in particular, on one thing French President Emmanuel Macron is half right. Russia’s victory “would reduce Europe’s credibility to zero.” Except, of course, a mind of greater Cartesian precision would have detected that Moscow’s victory will merely be the last stage in a longer process.

The deeper causes of EU/NATO-Europe’s loss of global standing are threefold. First, its own wanton decision to seek confrontation instead of a clearly feasible compromise and cooperation with Russia (why exactly is a neutral Ukraine impossible to live with again?) Second, the American strategy of systematically diminishing EU/NATO-Europe with a short-sighted policy of late-imperial client cannibalization which takes the shape of aggressive deindustrialization and a “Europeanization” of the war in Ukraine. And third, the European clients’ grotesque acquiescence to the above.

That is the background to a recent wave of mystifying signals coming out of Western, especially EU/NATO elites: First, we have had a wave of scare propaganda to accompany the biggest NATO maneuvers since the end of the Cold War. Next Macron publicly declared and has kept reiterating that the open – not in covert-but-obvious mode, as now – deployment of Western ground troops in Ukraine is an option. He added a cheap demagogic note by calling on Europeans not to be “cowards,” by which he means that they should be ready to follow, in effect, his orders and fight Russia, clearly including inside and on behalf of Ukraine. Never mind that the latter is a not an official member of either NATO or the EU as well as a highly corrupt and anything but democratic state.

In response, a divergence has surfaced inside EU/NATO Europe: The German government has been most outspoken in contradicting Macron. Not only Chancellor Scholz rushed to distance himself. A clearly outraged Boris Pistorius – Berlin’s hapless minister of defense, recently tripped up by his own generals’ stupendously careless indiscretion over the Taurus missiles – has grumbled that there is no need for “talk about boots on the ground or having more courage or less courage.” Perhaps more surprisingly, Poland, the Czech Republic as well as NATO figurehead Jens Stoltenberg (i.e., the US) have been quick to state that they are, in effect, not ready to support Macron’s initiative. The French public, by the way, is not showing any enthusiasm for a Napoleonic escalation either. A Le Figaro poll shows 68 percent against openly sending ground troops to Ukraine.

On the other side, Macron has found some support. He is not entirely isolated, which helps explain why he has dug in his heels: Zelensky does not count in this respect. His bias is obvious, and his usual delusions notwithstanding he is not calling the shots on the matter. The Baltic states, however, while military micro-dwarfs, are, unfortunately, in a position to exert some influence inside the EU and NATO. And true to form, they have sided with the French president, with Estonia and Lithuania taking the lead.

It remains impossible to be certain what we are looking at. To get the most far-fetched hypothesis out of the way first: is this a coordinated bluff with a twist? A complicated Western attempt at playing good-cop bad-cop against Russia, with Macron launching the threats and others signaling that Moscow could find them less extreme, at a diplomatic price, of course? Hardly. For one thing, that scheme would be so hare-brained, even the current West is unlikely to try. No, the crack opening up in Western unity is real.

Regarding Macron himself, too-clever-by-half, counter-productive cunning is his style. We cannot know what exactly he is trying to do; and he may not know himself. In essence, there are two possibilities. Either the French president now is a hard-core escalationist determined to widen the war into an open clash between Russia and NATO, or he is a high-risk gambler who is engaged in a bluff to achieve three purposes. Frighten Moscow into abstaining from pushing its military advantage in Ukraine (a hopeless idea); score nationalist “grandeur” points domestically in France (which is failing already); and increase his weight inside EU/NATO-Europe by “merely” posturing as, once again, a new “Churchill” – whom Macron himself has made sure to allude to, in all his modesty. (And some of his fans, including Zelensky, a grizzled veteran of Churchill live action role play, have already made that de rigueur if stale comparison.)

While we cannot entirely unriddle the moody sphinx of the Elysée or, for that matter, the murky dealings of EU/NATO-European elites, we can say two things. First, whatever Macron thinks he is doing, it is extremely dangerous. Russia would treat EU/NATO-state troops in Ukraine as targets – and it won’t matter one wit if they turn up labeled “NATO” or under national flags “only.” Russia has also reiterated that it considers its vital interests affected in Ukraine and that if its leadership perceives a vital threat to Russia, nuclear weapons are an option. The warning could not be clearer.

Second, here is the core Western problem that is now – due to Russia undeniably winning the war – becoming acute: Western elites are split between “pragmatists” and “extremists.” The pragmatists are as Russophobic and strategically misguided as the extremists, but they do shy away from World War Three. Yet these pragmatists, who seek to resist hard-core escalationists and reign it at least high-risk gamblers, are brought up short against a crippling contradiction in their own position and messaging: As of now, they still share the same delusional narrative with the extremists. Both groupings keep reiterating that Russia plans to attack all of EU/NATO-Europe once it defeats Ukraine and that, therefore, stopping Russia in Ukraine is, literally, vital (or in Macron’s somewhat Sartrean terms “existential”) to the West.

That narrative is absurd. Reality works exactly the other way around: The most certain way to get into a war with Russia is to send troops to Ukraine openly. And what is existential for EU/NATO-Europe is to finally liberate itself from American “leadership.” During the Cold War, a case could be made that (then Western) Europe needed the US. After the Cold War, though, that was no longer the case. In response, Washington has implemented a consistent, multi-administration, bipartisan, if often crude, strategy of avoiding what should have been inevitable: the emancipation of Europe from American dominance.

Both the eastward expansion of NATO, programmed – and predicted – to cause a massive conflict with Russia and the current proxy war in Ukraine, obstinately provoked by Washington over decades, are part of that strategy to – to paraphrase a famous saying about NATO – “keep Europe down.” And the European elites have played along as if there’s no tomorrow, which, for them, there really may not be.

We are at a potential breaking-point, a crisis of that long-term trajectory. If the pragmatists in EU/NATO-Europe really want to contain the extremists, who play with triggering an open war between Russia and NATO that would devastate at least Europe, then they must now come clean and, finally, abandon the common, ideological, and entirely unrealistic narrative about an existential threat from Moscow.

As long as the pragmatists dare not challenge the escalationists on how to principally understand the causes of the current catastrophe, the extremists will always have the advantage of consistency: Their policies are foolish, wastefully unnecessary, and extremely risky. And yet, they follow from what the West has made itself believe. It is high time to break that spell of self-hypnosis, and face facts. ... ggest-war/


France ‘Prepares for War’ and Threatens European Security Architecture

Lucas Leiroz

March 22, 2024

Macron’s failed attempt to become a “European leader” could lead the continent to an all-out war, Lucas Leiroz writes.

France continues to take steps towards militarization and escalating tensions with Russia. Amid discussions about whether or not to send French troops to Ukrainian territory, officials in Paris have made controversial statements about a supposed “preparation for war”, leading many analysts to believe that relations between France and Russia are close to a point-of-no-return — which could obviously have catastrophic consequences for the European continent and the entire world.

In a recent statement, Pierre Schill, commander of the French Army, stated that his troops are in combat readiness, capable of engaging in war at any time — if necessary. He believes that today’s France is severely threatened. In this sense, the country must be prepared to go to war against states that pose a danger to Paris.

At the same time, the government’s official speech continues to become increasingly aggressive towards the Russian Federation. French President Emmanuel Macron has advanced plans to increase his country’s interventionism in the Ukrainian conflict — and continues to refuse to rule out the hypothesis of direct intervention by French troops on the battlefield. In practice, France is simply advancing a plan that would certainly lead to direct war against Russia, which obviously means a high-risk global situation considering France’s NATO membership.

More than that, Russian intelligence recently discovered that around two thousand French soldiers are mobilized to be sent to Ukraine at any time. They are believed to be deployed in critical regions such as Odessa and the northern border, where the West fears the Russians will consolidate positions. Although it denies the information set out in the Russian report, the French government remains publicly willing to, “if necessary”, send troops to Ukraine, which is why tensions remain high.

Interestingly, the head of Ukrainian diplomacy, Dmitry Kuleba, stated that Russia misunderstood French plans. According to him, Macron ’s real intention is not to enter directly into the conflict, but only, “if necessary”, to allocate French instructors on Ukrainian soil so that they can train Kiev’s troops on the ground. In a scenario of military escalation and with logistical difficulties for Ukraine, some believe that this would be the best way to continue the current cooperation projects and training of Kiev’s forces by the West.

However, it is necessary to remember that at no point did Macron suggest that he was actually planning a mere sending of instructors. In his statements, the president actually said that he did not rule out the possibility of direct intervention in the war, making it clear that Paris could send troops to fight on the Ukrainian front line in the future. Furthermore, even if Macron said this incorrectly and his intention is only to send military trainers, this does not change the fact that Paris would, in practice, be going to war against Russia.

Western troops on Ukrainian soil are and will always be legitimate targets for Russian military forces. More than that, they are priority targets, as Moscow understands that these adversaries are the true strategists behind Ukrainian crimes. Several Western troops have already died in Ukraine — some of them acting as mercenaries, others as instructors or decision-makers. However, so far there is no official presence of these troops, which somehow still keeps tensions reasonably controlled.

From the moment a NATO country starts sending regular soldiers to Ukraine, even for mere instructional purposes, the crisis will escalate to an extremely serious, possibly irreversible, level. The official presence of Western troops in Ukraine would be a point of no return in ties between NATO and Russia, leading to an open WWIII — the consequences of which could be catastrophic.

There is also the risk that France and Europeans will simply be “abandoned” in this process. So far, the US, which is the leading country in NATO, has not shown any interest in direct intervention. For Washington, the most profitable scenario is the involvement of proxy agents in attritional conflicts that “wear down” Russia, without openly involving American troops. In this sense, it is very likely that, if France engages in an open war with Russia, there will be no direct American support for Paris and its European allies — after all, NATO’s collective defense obligations are not applicable when an alliance country begins hostilities against another state.

Indeed, Macron is acting in a totally risky and irresponsible way. In his selfish attempt to gain “leadership” among Europeans, the French president is leading the entire continent into an unprecedented security crisis. ... hitecture/


Russia. Is. At. War.

Due to a flurry of western support for Ukraine, now escalating to ground troop insertions, Russia had to move its special military operation in Ukraine into the bigger scope of a full fledged war.

Over the last month the Ukrainian military intelligence directorate GUR and its civilian secret service SBU have attempted to disturb the recent presidential election in Russia. They did this by:

sending forces, with U.S. made equipment (Bradleys), to attack Russian border villages in the direction of Belgograd,
by launching missiles from Czech Vampire (RM-70) multiple launch rocket systems towards Belgograd,
by launching somewhat successful drone strike against Russian oil refineries.
The election in Russia saw a record turnout. As expected President Putin did win by a very large margin. His legitimacy is a geopolitical reality:

If Nato expansion is about the perpetuation of US hegemony and de-dollarisation is about the burial of the western financial system that underpins that hegemony, Putin is playing a pivotal role in that historical process. If Putin remains in power till 2030 and fulfils even one half of the ambitious blueprint of social and economic programme for Russia that he outlined in his landmark speech at the Federal Assembly of the parliament, the global strategic balance will have shifted irrevocably and cemented a multipolar world order as the anchor sheet of 21st century politics.

The West knows it, the Russian people know it, the vast majority of nations realise it. That said, it must be understood as well that this is not only Putin’s victory personally but also a consolidation of Russian society around him. And that accounts for the last week’s election turning into such a high-stakes affair.

With the election out of the way Russia was free to hit back.

Moon of Alabama @MoonofA - 13:24 UTC · Mar 20, 2024
Ru Ministry of Defense claims 1725 Ukrainian casualties over the last day (650 in Belgograd direction alone)

Over the last six days the Russian MoD reports claimed no less than nine hits on the Czech Vampire systems which targeted Belgograd.

The Ukrainian incursion towards Belgograd has thus been defeated.

On Wednesday Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor, had visited Kiev. He was noticed for what he did not say:

Jake Sullivan, US National Security Adviser, has said that Ukraine will win if it comes out of the war as a sovereign, democratic and free country. At the same time, he did not mention restoring Ukraine’s territorial integrity among the conditions of victory.

It is believed that Sullivan delivered a warning to Kiev. As the Financial Times reported (archived):

The US has urged Ukraine to halt attacks on Russia’s energy infrastructure, warning the drone strikes risk driving up global oil prices and provoking retaliation, according to three people familiar with the discussions.
The repeated warnings from Washington were delivered to senior officials at Ukraine’s state security service, the SBU, and its military intelligence directorate, known as the GUR, the people told the Financial Times.

Both intelligence units have steadily expanded their own drone programmes to strike Russian targets on land, sea and in the air since the start of the Kremlin’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.

The U.S. concern is not about Ukraine but about Biden's chance for reelection:

Russia remains one of the world’s most important energy exporters despite western sanctions on its oil and gas sector. Oil prices have risen about 15 per cent this year, to $85 a barrel, pushing up fuel costs just as US President Joe Biden begins his campaign for re-election.
The US objections come as Biden faces a tough re-election battle this year with petrol prices on the rise, increasing almost 15 per cent this year to around $3.50 a gallon.
“Nothing terrifies a sitting American president more than a surge in pump prices during an election year,” said Bob McNally, president of consultancy Rapidan Energy and a former White House energy adviser.

The Ukrainian government denied and confirmed the FT report (machine translation):

Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Stefanashina actually confirmed the information to the Financial Times , saying that "we understand the calls of American partners," but Ukraine responded to such calls by "achieving its goals" and "very successful operations" on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Sullivan's warning about provoking retaliation was too late.

Yesterday, for the first time in 44 day, Russia launched a missile attack against Kiev (archived):

The Ukrainian Air Force said that air defense systems had intercepted all 31 of the Russian missiles that targeted Kyiv. Still, debris from the downed missiles fell in various parts of the city, causing the injuries and damage. No deaths have been reported so far.
In the Podilskyi district, which is home to industrial facilities that Russia has targeted in the past, a plume of black smoke was rising early in the morning, suggesting a hit. Mr. Klitschko said a fire had broken out at a power substation in the area. Ukrainian officials rarely confirm strikes on strategic industrial and military targets.
Thursday’s attack on Kyiv echoed a strategy used by Russia during air assaults in late December that consisted of overwhelming Ukraine’s air defenses with multiple launches of various types of missiles, including ballistic and hypersonic ones.
Russia has launched relatively few large-scale missile attacks in recent months, despite a capacity to produce more than 115 long-range missiles per month, according to Ukrainian officials.

Yesterday's Russian MoD report said:

Last night, the Russian Aerospace Forces delivered a strike by long-range precision weaponry including Kinzhal hypersonic missiles at AFU decision-making centres, logistic bases, temporary deployment areas of special operations forces and foreign mercenaries.
The goal of the strike has been achieved. All the targets have been engaged.

Such Russian strikes are complex. Drones are send first to reveal Ukrainian air defense systems. Then follows a wave of attacks against those system. A third strike is then launched against the real targets of the attack. In this case those were a drone factory in Kiev as well as a headquarter of the military intelligence service GUR.

Another large scale strike followed today. The primary targets were elements of the electricity infrastructure:

Large areas of Ukraine are suffering blackouts after Russian missiles targeted energy infrastructure.
There is no electricity in the second-largest city of Kharkiv, says regional head Oleg Synehubov.

Fifteen blasts were reported in Kharkiv, while more than 53,000 households in Odesa were without power.

Ukraine's energy minister, German Galushchenko, accused Russia of trying to provoke "a large-scale failure of the country's energy system".

A power line feeding the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant had been cut, he added.

Regional head Ivan Fedorov said the power station was "on the verge of a blackout", adding that seven buildings in the region had been destroyed and 35 others damaged.

President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia had launched more than 60 Shahed drones and about 90 missiles into Ukraine during the wave of overnight attacks.

Internet access in Ukraine has dropped significantly.

This was again a complex attack:

Lord Bebo @MyLordBebo - 9:42 UTC · Mar 22, 2024
🇺🇦🇷🇺🚨‼️ Russian missile attack on Ukraine during March 22nd, 2024.

-> Notice the flight patterns of the missiles.

At 01:12, the takeoff of 3⨯ Tu-95ms from the Olenya air base was noted.
At 02:30, information on the movement of 13 Tu-95ms to the launch lines was clarified.
At 03:34, the launch of the KRPB Kh-101/555/55 was carried out from the Volgograd region.
At 04:18, the takeoff of 5 Tu-22m3s from the Mozdok air base was noted.
During the attack, a total of 10 MiG-31Ks were raised (7 were used before the attack).

55/63x "Shahed-136/131" Type Shock Unmanned Aerial Vehicles;
0/12x OTR "Iskander-M";
35/40 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles;
0/5x NKR Kh-22;
0/7x ARPB Kh-47M2 "Dagger";
2/2x CAR X-59;
0/22x ZKR S-300/S-400.

The targeted air attack vector during today's day is marked on the map.



The Ukrainian air defense claimed to have shut down 55 of 63 Shahid drones. But the Iskander, Dagger and S-300 fired against it all came through.

The Russian MoD reports (machine translation):

Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a massive strike with high-precision long-range weapons of air, sea, land-based and unmanned aerial vehicles against energy facilities, military-industrial complex, railway junctions, arsenals, places of deployment of formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and foreign mercenaries.
As a result of the strike, the functioning of industrial enterprises for the production and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disorganized.

In addition, foreign military equipment and weapons delivered to Ukraine from NATO countries were destroyed, transfers to the front line of enemy reserves were disrupted, and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and mercenaries in the areas of restoring combat capability were hit.

All the goals of the massive strike have been achieved.

Some European politicians are eager to join the fight.


As demonstrated today, Russia is ready for it. But unlike a still training Macron Russia has taken its gloves off (machine translation):

Peskov: Russia is in a state of war, everyone should understand this
Russia will continue to act in such a way that the military potential of Ukraine could not threaten the security of its citizens and its territory, he said in a conversation with reporters.

"What is the president talking about? We have four new regions of the Russian Federation. And the main thing for us is to protect people in these regions and liberate the territory of these regions, which is currently de facto occupied by the Kiev regime," Peskov said.

According to the presidential press secretary, Russia cannot allow the existence of a state on its borders that has documented the intention to use any methods to take Crimea from it, not to mention the territory of new regions.

"We are at war. Yes, it started out as a special military operation, but as soon as this little group was formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, it already became a war for us. I am convinced of this. And everyone should understand this for their internal mobilization," Peskov added.

In parallel to Peskov's declaration of war talk, Russias announced the mass production of the three ton heavy FAB-3.000 aerial bombs with 1,400 kg of explosives. These will be fitted, like the currently used FAB 500 and FAB 1.500, with the universal planning and correction module (UMPC) which allows the bombs to glide some 40 miles after being launched to then hit its planned target with high precision. There is little that can survive such a strike.

In his (highly recommendable) book "The Russian Art of War", the former Swiss military intelligence officer Jacques Baud described the reason why the current fighting in Ukraine started out as a "Special Military Operation" within a larger context:

The use of the word "war" would imply a different structure of conduct than that envisioned by the Russians in Ukraine, and would have other structural implications in Russia itself. Moreover - and this is a central point - as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg himself acknowledges,"the war began in 2014" and should have been ended by the Minsk Agreements. The SMO is therefore a "military operation" and not a new "war", as many Western "experts" claim.

That was then. Now Russia is at war.

This will have, as Baud says, a different structure of conduct and other structural implications in Russia and beyond.

Those 'western' politicians who are dreaming of fighting Russia have no idea of what will hit their troops the moment they try to join the war.

NATO however, and especially the United States, will not go to war. At least not yet.

President Biden has his hands full with the genocidal war the Zionists are waging against the Palestinian population. There is also a chance for a war to suddenly start in Asia. (Could North Korea be asked to flex its muscles?)

Neither the U.S. nor Europe are in the shape of winning a multi-front war of global dimensions. The military leaders in the relevant countries know this well.

In consequence 'Western' politicians will have to bite the bitter pill of a decisive strategic defeat.

Posted by b on March 22, 2024 at 13:10 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


It’s War: The Real Meat Grinder Starts Now

Pepe Escobar

March 23, 2024

No more shadow play. It’s now in the open. No holds barred.

Exhibit 1: Friday, March 22, 2024. It’s War. The Kremlin, via Peskov, finally admits it, on the record.

The money quote:

“Russia cannot allow the existence on its borders of a state that has a documented intention to use any methods to take Crimea away from it, not to mention the territory of new regions.”

Translation: the Hegemon-constructed Kiev mongrel is doomed, one way or another. The Kremlin signal: “We haven’t even started” starts now.

Exhibit 2: Friday afternoon, a few hours after Peskov. Confirmed by a serious European – not Russian – source. The first counter-signal.

Regular troops from France, Germany and Poland have arrived, by rail and air, to Cherkassy, south of Kiev. A substantial force. No numbers leaked. They are being housed in schools. For all practical purposes, this is a NATO force.

That signals, “Let the games begin”. From a Russian point of view, Mr. Khinzal’s business cards are set to be in great demand.

Exhibit 3: Friday evening. Terror attack on Crocus City, a music venue northwest of Moscow. A heavily trained commando shoots people on sight, point blank, in cold blood, then sets a concert hall on fire. The definitive counter-signal: with the battlefield collapsing, all that’s left is terrorism in Moscow.

And just as terror was striking Moscow, the US and the UK, in southwest Asia, was bombing Sana’a, the Yemeni capital, with at least five strikes.

Some nifty coordination. Yemen has just clinched a strategic deal in Oman with Russia-China for no-hassle navigation in the Red Sea, and is among the top candidates for BRICS+ expansion at the summit in Kazan next October.

Not only the Houthis are spectacularly defeating thalassocracy, they have the Russia-China strategic partnership on their side. Assuring China and Russia that their ships can sail through the Bab-al-Mandeb, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden with no problems is exchanged with total political support from Beijing and Moscow.

The sponsors remain the same

Deep in the night in Moscow, before dawn on Saturday 23. Virtually no one is sleeping. Rumors dance like dervishes on countless screens. Of course nothing has been confirmed – yet. Only the FSB will have answers. A massive investigation is in progress.

The timing of the Crocus massacre is quite intriguing. On a Friday during Ramadan. Real Muslims would not even think about perpetrating a mass murder of unarmed civilians under such a holy occasion. Compare it with the ISIS card being frantically branded by the usual suspects.

Let’s go pop. To quote Talking Heads: “This ain’t no party/ this ain’t no disco/ this ain’t no fooling around”. Oh no; it’s more like an all-American psy op. ISIS are cartoonish mercenaries/goons. Not real Muslims. And everyone knows who finances and weaponizes them.

That leads to the most possible scenario, before the FSB weighs in: ISIS goons imported from the Syria battleground – as it stands, probably Tajiks – trained by CIA and MI6, working on behalf of the Ukrainian SBU. Several witnesses at Crocus referred to “Wahhabis” – as in the commando killers did not look like Slavs.

It was up to Serbia’s Aleksandar Vucic to cut to the chase. He directly connected the “warnings” in early March from American and British embassies directed at their citizens not to visit public places in Moscow with CIA/MI6 intel having inside info about possible terrorism, and not disclosing it to Moscow.

The plot thickens when it is established that Crocus is owned by the Agalarovs: an Azeri-Russian billionaire family, very close friends of…

… Donald Trump.

Talk about a Deep State-pinpointed target.

ISIS spin-off or banderistas – the sponsors remain the same. The clownish secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Oleksiy Danilov, was dumb enough to virtually, indirectly confirm they did it, saying on Ukrainian TV, “we will give them [Russians] this kind of fun more often.”

But it was up to Sergei Goncharov, a veteran of the elite Russia Alpha anti-terrorism unit, to get closer to unwrapping the enigma: he told Sputnik the most feasible mastermind is Kyrylo Budanov – the chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.

The “spy chief” who happens to be the top CIA asset in Kiev.

It’s got to go till the last Ukrainian

The three exhibits above complement what the head of NATO’s

military committee, Rob Bauer, previously told a security forum in Kiev: “You need more than just grenades – you need people to replace the dead and wounded. And this means mobilization.”

Translation: NATO spelling out this is a war until the last Ukrainian.

And the “leadership” in Kiev still does not get it. Former Minister of Infrastructure Omelyan: “If we win, we will pay back with Russian oil, gas, diamonds and fur. If we lose, there will be no talk of money – the West will think about how to survive.”

In parallel, puny “garden-and jungle” Borrell admitted that it would be “difficult” for the EU to find an extra 50 billion euros for Kiev if Washington pulls the plug. The cocaine-fueled sweaty sweatshirt leadership actually believes that Washington is not “helping” in the form of loans, but in the form of free gifts. And the same applies for the EU.

The Theater of the Absurd is unmatchable. The German Liver Sausage Chancellor actually believes that proceeds from stolen Russian assets “do not belong to anyone”, so they can be used to finance extra Kiev weaponizing.

Everyone with a brain knows that using interest from “frozen”, actually stolen Russian assets to weaponize Ukraine is a dead end – unless they steal all of Russia’s assets, roughly $200 billion, mostly parked in Belgium and Switzerland: that would tank the Euro for good, and the whole EU economy for that matter.

Eurocrats better listen to Russian Central Bank major “disrupter” (American terminology) Elvira Nabiullina: The Bank of Russia will take “appropriate measures” if the EU does anything on the “frozen”/stolen Russian assets.

It goes without saying that the three exhibits above completely nullify the “La Cage aux Folles” circus promoted by the puny Petit Roi, now known across his French domains as Macronapoleon.

Virtually the whole planet, including the English-speaking Global North, had already been mocking the “exploits” of his Can Can Moulin Rouge Army.

So French, German and Polish soldiers, as part of NATO, are already in the south of Kiev. The most possible scenario is that they will stay far, far away from the frontlines – although traceable by Mr. Khinzal’s business activities.

Even before this new NATO batch arriving in the south of Kiev, Poland – which happens to serve as prime transit corridor for Kiev’s troops – had confirmed that Western troops are already on the ground.

So this is not about mercenaries anymore. France, by the way, is only 7th in terms of mercenaries on the ground, largely trailing Poland, the US and Georgia, for instance. The Russian Ministry of Defense has all the precise records.

In a nutshell: now war has morphed from Donetsk, Avdeyevka and Belgorod to Moscow. Further on down the road, it may not just stop in Kiev. It may only stop in Lviv. Mr. 87%, enjoying massive national near-unanimity, now has the mandate to go all the way. Especially after Crocus.

There’s every possibility the terror tactics by Kiev goons will finally drive Russia to return Ukraine to its original 17th century landlocked borders: Black Sea-deprived, and with Poland, Romania, and Hungary reclaiming their former territories.

Remaining Ukrainians will start to ask serious questions about what led them to fight – literally to their death – on behalf of the US Deep State, the military complex and BlackRock.

As it stands, the Highway to Hell meat grinder is bound to reach maximum velocity. ... tarts-now/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:51 pm

gloomy scenarios
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/24/2024


“US officials foresee a series of grim scenarios in Ukraine if the military aid that President Biden has requested does not materialize, including a catastrophic breach of Ukrainian lines in the most bleak contingency and the probability that, in the “best case scenario, massive casualties occur,” The Washington Post wrote last week in one of the many articles that warn of the growing danger of a Ukrainian defeat. Despite the disastrous scenario that is presented, eliminating all possibility of victory and with the specter of defeat present, the solution is always clear and depends on the exceptional country and its ability to respond to the challenge and fulfill its obligations. However, nervousness is growing and it is necessary to show that it is not only about the amounts allocated, but also the speed with which it is achieved. The scenario shown in the two articles from The Washington Post proposes temporary stability after the fall of Avdeevka, with Ukraine in possession of enough weapons and ammunition to slow down Russian advances. However, if US assistance is delayed, the forecast is that “Ukraine will have to cede more territory to Russia.”

Lamenting the loss of interest in Ukraine seen in the United States, the article looks to Europe to complete its concern. “Ukraine's allies in Europe have not shouldered most of the burden as American support has waned. European countries have promised to increase their military spending to protect themselves and others, but that process will take years. Ukraine may not have that much time,” she warns. “This is not going to go well for Ukraine over time without a budget supplement, and could lead to a possible collapse,” another article from the same outlet states, citing a senior US official.

Although it was already a known fact, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denis Shmigal, confirmed on Friday that expenses far exceed Ukraine's income. According to the data provided, in just the first two months of the year, the Ukrainian deficit has increased by 2,816 million euros. Despite the evidence, Shmigal alleges that, over the past two years, Ukraine has “significantly increased its “financial self-sufficiency.” Taking into account the figures for subsidies and credits that the country has obtained during this time, the statement does not absolutely contradict the data. Showing once again kyiv's absolute economic dependence on its foreign partners, the prime minister once again insisted that “a lot of support” from its allies is necessary.

Economic shortcomings directly translate into problems in the military sphere, which accounts for around half of the Ukrainian budget. In this area, American participation is essential for Ukraine. “Describing assessments in the event of a definitive cutoff of US funding for Kiev, American officials stated that Ukraine could find itself in a range of scenarios that would depend, among other variables, on its ability to mobilize new forces, the success of training initiatives Western and the morale of the troops. Since 2022, it has been common to use these three aspects, in addition to Western support, as great advantages for Ukraine.

According to the official discourse, Russia would not be able to mobilize, instruct, equip and arm sufficient troops to maintain the front due to a host of circumstances that included Russian inability, sanctions and the population's rejection of Putin's war . while the unity of the Ukrainian people had created a seemingly inexhaustible force of energy against unprovoked conflict . Faced with Russian shortcomings, generally attributed to the perpetuation of Soviet doctrines and mentalities, modern Ukraine had turned the page and, with the help of Western training, would be able to create an army with which Russia simply could not compete. The third element, the morale of the troops, has perhaps been the most repeated. Without the possibility of really measuring this aspect, the low morale of the Russian troops has become an argument that the press has taken for granted practically since the beginning of the Russian intervention, but especially at times when Russia has found in its worst moments. Although the trend of the war has changed, the tagline of low Russian morale has continued to be part of the official discourse. Now, for the first time, it seems that morale, instruction and the ability to mobilize are called into question.

The answer to all the problems continues to be the increase in financing and the mobilization of the war economy to accelerate the industrial production and delivery of weapons and ammunition, since, despite the fact that even the most sympathetic press to Ukraine begins to introduce other factors, the shortage of material continues to be the cause of the current situation. However, as journalist Mark Ames has written, “regardless of Ukraine's problems with lack of ammunition compared to Russia, Ukraine's biggest problem is one of manpower: the depopulation of military-age men due to the war, emigration and evasion of conscription, and three catastrophic decades of post-Soviet economics and politics.”

Ames was referring to another article published by The Washington Post – which confirms the outlet's tendency to present the current situation in Ukraine as bordering on catastrophe – titled “In this Ukrainian town, there are almost no men left.” “There are few men of fighting age left in this village in southwestern Ukraine, and those who remain fear being drafted at any moment. Their neighbors are already hundreds of kilometers to the east, in trenches on the front. Some have been killed or injured. Several have disappeared. Others from this rural area - about 45 kilometers from the borders with Romania and Moldova - have fled abroad or have found a way to avoid the war, either with legitimate exemptions or by hiding," writes the report about a town far from the front. , one of the many areas in which the military effects of war are not experienced daily or continuously. The casualties, those that the Zelensky Government minimizes to 30,000 in a figure that is not credible even for the most optimistic, the flight of the population abroad or the attempt to avoid conscription complicate Kiev's objective of mobilizing half a million men to relieve the exhausted troops at the front. However, the fact that the authorities have to resort to force is a clear sign of the exhaustion of that workforce that Zelensky and his foreign partners hope to continue exploiting.

Civilians say this means “military recruiters are recruiting everyone they can,” writes The Washington Post . “In the west, the mobilization campaign has sown panic and resentment in small agricultural towns and villages like Makiv, where residents say soldiers working for recruiting offices scour the nearly empty streets in search of men. they remain. These tactics have led some to believe that their men are being targeted disproportionately in comparison to other regions or larger cities like kyiv, where it is easier to hide.” The enthusiasm for war disappeared a long time ago and the difficulties of mobilization can only increase: all the population willing to volunteer to go to the front did so in 2022 and the prospect of high-intensity war in the trenches, fighting against artillery or Russian drones do not seem to encourage civilians not to resist the draft.

With a speech that highlights that the United States and its allies have an army willing to fight Russia so that we do not have to , the logic of proxy war implies that concern for the well-being of foreign troops is secondary. as long as the army is able to continue fighting. Articles like the one published by The Washington Post begin to sow doubt in that direction. However, the general discourse continues to focus on finding a way to cover these Ukrainian shortcomings to avoid having to cross the red line of the negotiation. This seeks to compensate for other types of difficulties with the delivery of weapons. The demand for the delivery of long-range missiles, for example, fulfills that function: destroying Russia in the rear by attacking military bases and logistical points to undermine the Russian war effort. This approach neglects the lessons of the wars that the United States has fought in countries like Afghanistan, where its missiles have failed to win the war. The Ukrainian conflict will be won or lost in the ground war, hence the current nervousness due to the lack of ammunition, which hides the existing concern due to the potentially catastrophic lack of human resources.

However, the war must continue. The West, which has already described the Ukrainian conflict as existential, has invested too much to be discouraged by the destruction of Ukraine or the casualties suffered by a foreign army. As the Atlantic Council reminds us , the risks are excessive. “Continued aid to Ukraine is essential for the United States to maintain its position as an indispensable nation in the world and the many benefits that Americans enjoy as a result. Failure to support Ukraine now could trigger a streak of American defeats that would take decades to overcome.” The priorities are clear. Fortunately for the United States, the Government and the ruling class of Ukraine agree on the analysis of continuing the war to the end for the good of its foreign allies.

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 23, 2024) | The main thing:

- The Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire on the personnel of two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at Rabotin and Tokarevka, the enemy lost up to 40 military personnel;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 350 servicemen in the Avdiivka direction per day;

- Russian air defense destroyed 171 UAVs during the day, shot down 29 missiles from the HIMARS and Vampire systems;

- Over the past 24 hours, the Russian Armed Forces repelled 4 counterattacks by enemy assault groups in the Donetsk direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 200 people and the Grad system;

- The Russian Armed Forces destroyed two S-300 air defense missile launchers and hit a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 16,736 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,576 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,254 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,497 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,101 units of special military vehicles.

Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed two launchers of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, P-18 radar station and illumination and surveillance radar, and also hit: a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries, manpower and equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 149 areas.

During the day, air defense systems destroyed 171 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, and also shot down 29 rockets from the US-made HIMARS and Czech-made Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 16,736 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,576 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,254 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,497 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,101 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Eventful 24 Hours: Moscow Terror Attack Follows Massive UA Grid Strikes

MAR 23, 2024


The more directly salient events occurred last night, when Russia launched one of the larger and more impactful strikes of the war, hitting numerous Ukrainian hydro-electric power plants, including the big one in Dnipro—one of the largest in Europe—Zaporozhye, and a plant in Kharkov, as well as dozens of other military production sites in Kiev and west Ukraine.




Note Shoigu’s statement at the time about the Dnipro dam:


What is my point? That even without the functioning Kakhovka Dam to control Dnieper River water levels, Ukraine still retained an ability to do that with the other dams upriver, like this Dnipro one. That means, we can surmise that Russia’s disabling of the Dnipro dam could potentially have something to do with taking away Kiev’s abilities to mess with the Dnieper River water levels.

Why would Russia want to do that?

Logic would suggest one possibility being that Russia intends to cross the river, and doesn’t want Kiev to have any further abilities to ‘flood them out’ and destroy supply lines.

Recall that the current locus of the conflict revolves around Odessa: there is a race to the city, with NATO now licking its chops to capture it. Macron has even reportedly made a new statement that Ukraine could “collapse very quickly”, which answers one of the questions I posed in the last report about why the sudden urgency:


And Ukrainian Rada Deputy Goncharenko made the most official admission of potential NATO involvement when he posted that, while in Paris, he had meetings specifically about a French military contingent potentially being sent to Ukraine:


He even specified what the purpose of the troops could be, which is exactly what we projected last time:


This was followed by Orban indicating the possibility that France/NATO could send troops in 2-3 months’ time:

Image ... 77181.html

Though I must say the above is somewhat taken out of context and sensationalized, because Orban was merely rhetorically remarking that it “wouldn’t surprise him” if that happened rather than implying some confirmed information. Similarly, anything told to Goncharenko will have been morale-boosting wishful thinking meant to convey ‘European strength’ and ‘solidarity’.

But to get back to the point at hand: Given that there’s even a potential for NATO involvement in the semi-near future, Russia could be poised to attempt an assault toward Odessa via the river, as outlined earlier.

I have vehemently called this impossible before—and I stand by my earlier assessments. The likelihood of a cross-river assault is very low, but I’m merely posing the possibilities for why Russia felt the need to hit the dam. You may say: well, they hit other plants so the strikes were likely aimed at degrading the electric grid. But a wrinkle: Russia hit both the engine room of the DniproHES and the cranes which open and lower the sluice gates. If they wanted to merely knock out its power generation, the turbines would presumably suffice. But why hit the cranes that open the sluice gates to control water levels too? True, they could merely have been ‘thorough’.

But recall: the Soviets did manage to successfully cross the Dnieper in WWII, in 1943’s ‘Battle of Dnieper’.


So it is possible, or was once—but under modern conditions of enemy ISR and long range precision strikes, like those of HIMARs, etc., it’s not likely.


Ukraine’s precision strike systems are being heavily attritioned now, HIMARS have been recently struck multiple times as Russia’s own ISR capabilities are said to be massively ramping up with new satellites, mass use of drones and UMPK glide-bombs, streamlined/optimized kill chains, etc.

I’m not sure what the water level is currently, but if the levels are still low or nonexistent in places due to the Kakhovka dam destruction, then it could make such crossings more plausible.

Historic depletion of Ukraine’s artillery munitions could allow acceptable counterfire levels for such a foray.

Like I said, I still view it as highly unlikely—for now—but it’s a possibility worth enumerating for the sake of discussion. We already know Russian command is adverse to losses and retreated from Kherson-side entirely just owing to the remote possibility of being stranded there with pontoon and logistics lines taken out. However, the fact that NATO’s intentions to take the city have now become crystalized could result in Russian command taking the chance to accelerate Odessa’s capture, rather than waiting for the full surrender of the AFU as I had expected would be the case.

Recall that the French military officials themselves showed a map with French troops guarding the Dnieper specifically, as one of the possibilities for their usage. And Goncharenko confirmed this above, stating the Dnieper is one of the considered placements for French troops. Why would that be?

Further recall Macron’s earlier words: the AFU may face a rapid or sudden ‘collapse’. Maybe Russia is laying the ground for a potential lightning offensive across the Dnieper. This is further supported by the fact that Shoigu just announced the creation of a new Dnepr Flotilla and new Zaporozhye formations: (Video at link.)

RUSSIA TAKES CHARGE OF DNIEPER RIVER (which divides Ukraine into East and West) - Defense Minister Shoigu.

Russian forces have created a Dnieper River Flotilla, an army corps, a motorized rifle division and a brigade of river boats - Shoigu in top vid.

This comes after news a few months ago:

Image ... kh-katerov

So, Russia is creating special river crossing divisions in the marine corps, as well as a new Dnepr Flotilla, all before blowing the largest dam on the river. It could all be merely perfunctory strengthening of forces and a campaign of methodical infrastructure degradation, or the precursor for some kind of planned escalation across the river.

(Much more at link, check it out.) ... ror-attack


France Has Been Warned...

First Petr Tolstoy, now no less than Mr. Nebenzya:

UN, March 22 — RIA Novosti. Paris should keep in mind that Moscow will consider the French military in Ukraine as a priority target, Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, said at a meeting of the Security Council. "Planning to send regular troops (to Ukraine. — Ed. An important thing Paris should remember is that they will be seen as a legitimate and even priority target for our army," he stressed.

It is especially funny (for Russians) when receiving these contradicting messages, first from a collection of petulant children in Paris and then from the Big Boss:

US officials have repeatedly warned Ukrainian military commanders that their attacks on Russian oil infrastructure could trigger global energy price hikes, the Financial Times revealed on Friday. Washington is reportedly worried that this could threaten Joe Biden’s re-election bid. The White House has “grown increasingly frustrated by brazen Ukrainian drone attacks” on Russian refineries, terminals and other oil infrastructure, the British newspaper quoted one of its sources as saying. Washington’s objections come months before a presidential election in the US, where “Biden faces a tough re-election battle this year with petrol prices on the rise, increasing almost 15% this year,” the newspaper noted.

Good Lord! Does Washington establishment know anything beyond elections? Of course, not. They do not have even basic skills in governing, have zero understanding of war, but they sure as hell know how run election campaigns, which is a euphemism to BSing the public into a complete cognitive dissonance and then into stupor, that it loses any resistance to manipulation. And this is not the end of it for the West. A lot of opinions are flying today about Europeans willing to send troops to 404, the main problem which is excluded from the discussion, however, is WHAT troops can, say, France, Poland and Netherlands send to 404? And the issue is not just sending troops there--let's imagine, for the sake of argument, that Paris somehow is able to put together up to 100,000 troops--how are they going to sustain them? Remember Libya? France and UK ran out of precision-guided munitions in three days. And, of course, one needs to feed and replenish ammo stocks for these troops--good luck with that.

Now, for those who are getting over-excited about prospects of a nuclear war once NATO "official" forces get their asses kicked, which is a probability approaching one (100%), the US will not get involved--in fact, the United States desires nothing more than seeing a lovely war in Europe, while staying behind Atlantic "ocean wall". Of course, US troops in Europe will be annihilated if it escalates, but by now it is just the matter of speculation. At this stage I am getting sick and tired of European excuses about "we didn't elect" Macron, Scholtz, Meloni et al. Enough, you did elect them, unlike 2020 elections in the US, Macron's victory over Le Pen was a landslide--you cannot fake such a massive gap in elections. Germans tolerated insidious economic and cultural suicide by Merkel regime, which is also responsible for wrecking much of the European economy, as long as Germany lived relatively well--this time is over. There is always a hell to pay for our sins on a global, as opposed to personal, scale. This revelation:

”Nothing terrifies a sitting American president more than a surge in pump prices during an election year,” former White House energy adviser Bob McNally told the FT.

should tell Europeans, granted they even comprehend ramifications, that: (Video denied)

And don't tell me that I didn't warn you all...

In related news, Victor Orban congratulated Vladimir Putin with reelection and stressed Hungary's desire to increase cooperation with Russia (In Russian). You see how it works between normal people? ... arned.html



An excerpt from Seymour Hersh’s “The Iron-Clad Pinata” published on 3/21/24: ... irect=true

The American official, who is kept abreast of the ongoing talks between leaders of the two armies at war, said that officials of the Biden administration, working with Zelensky, continue to rebuff any chances of significant progress in peace talks. The reality, he said, is “that the lands in dispute”—four oblasts formerly in Ukraine’s control and Crimea—“from north to south and east to west all are Russia’s. So stop talking about it and make a deal.” Right now, “Putin could drive to Lviv”—near the border with Poland in western Ukraine—“but what would he gain in terms of his current dominance? US vacillation and peace at home? He wants Kharkiv, and he will get it when he forces Zalensky to capitulate.

“We were on the verge of a reasonable negotiation several months ago before Putin’s re-election and Zelensky’s military degradation. The US leaders got wind of the possibility and gave Zelensky the ultimatum—‘No negotiations or settlement or we won’t support your government with the $45 billion in non-military funds [that Ukraine is now receiving annually]. Biden has staked his presidency on meeting the Russian threat to NATO and outsmarting the monster, and he will not change course now, under any circumstances, and the end is inevitable. There is no road to victory for Ukraine, and it will end with Putin as an historical icon in Russia, having recovered a national jewel[Kharkiv]from the West.” ... hs-latest/


Analyzing The Kremlin Spokesman’s Unprecedented Description Of The Ukrainian Conflict As A War


MAR 22, 2024

This should be seen as the Kremlin’s clearest signal yet that it’ll respond to the scenario of a conventional Western intervention by striking those opposing forces in line with the international laws governing this form of conflict.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Argumenti I Fakty newspaper that “We are at war. Yes, it began as a special military operation, but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective West became a participant in this on the side of Ukraine, for us it already became a war.” This is unprecedented since national security legislation prohibits the use of the word “war”, which is regarded as a mischaracterization of the way in which Russia is conducting what it refers to as a special operation.

The distinction is important regardless of whatever Western commentators claim since a special operation is a voluntarily limited military action whereas a war is only restricted by the international laws governing it (and only then if they’re abided by or externally enforced). Additionally, fighting what’s legally designated by the state as a war instead of a special operation pressures the authorities to respond accordingly to the West’s participation in this conflict, thus heightening the risk of escalation.

Peskov’s rhetorical shift came as France prepares to conventionally intervene in the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine, which German Chancellor Olaf Scholz inadvertently revealed is already an undeclared but limited hot one that’s thus far remained manageable due to each side abiding by unofficial “rules”. By formalizing and then expanding the presence of French troops in the battlespace, however, President Emmanuel Macron risks exacerbating the NATO-Russian security dilemma to uncontrollable proportions.

Peskov’s unprecedented description of the Ukrainian Conflict as a “war” should therefore be seen as the Kremlin’s clearest signal yet that it’ll respond to the scenario of a conventional Western intervention by striking those opposing forces in line with the international laws governing this form of conflict. The reason behind publicly conveying this intent is to prompt France and the other states like the UK, Poland, and the Baltic States that might also be contemplating a conventional intervention to rethink their plans.

Their decisionmakers and societies now know how Russia would respond to this provocation, and that could lead to an uncontrollable cycle of escalations that culminate in World War III by miscalculation. To be clear, Russia would have the legal and moral right to strike those opposing forces that enter the battlespace, so the responsibility for setting this dangerous sequence of events into motion rests entirely on the West’s shoulders.

The only reason why that bloc is considering this is because it fears that the possibly impending Russian breakthrough that the Ukrainian Intelligence Committee recently warned might materialize by this summer could deal them a strategic defeat that discredits their politicians at home and abroad. They hyped the world up to expect Russia’s strategic defeat during last summer’s counteroffensive, but that maneuver totally failed, thus reshaping the conflict’s dynamics by placing Kiev back on the defensive.

Instead of accepting a full strategic defeat, some in the West now want to “escalate to de-escalate” by launching a conventional intervention that would either preempt a Russian breakthrough or immediately respond to it, which could then enable them to influence the endgame. In particular, they want to preserve their envisaged “sphere of influence” in Ukraine via its asymmetrical partition between NATO and Russia, not to mention reduce the size of Moscow’s hoped-for buffer zone in that country.

The Kremlin wants to deter them from doing so, which explains its spokesman’s unprecedented rhetorical shift that came amidst the largest-ever attack against Ukraine’s energy grid, with these intertwined diplomatic-military moves signaling what would happen to NATO troops if they get involved. Maintaining their undeclared but limited hot war is much more manageable than Russia being forced to respond to a conventional NATO intervention that it rightly fears could be the start of a larger invasion.

The international laws governing war would therefore be applied to stop this threat right in its tracks, with the consequence being that the West is pressured to retaliate in at least a tit-for-tat fashion so as not to “lose face” at home and abroad, especially after its uniformed soldiers are killed. Although Russia just carried out its largest-ever attacks against Ukraine’s energy grid, however, it’s still officially fighting a special operation that voluntarily limits its military actions instead of an all-out war according to Peskov.

He clarified shortly after his interview was released that “This is a special operation de jure, but de facto for us it turned into a war after the collective West increasingly increased the level of its involvement in the conflict.” This served to show that Russia is still restraining itself, which is meant to prevent its opponents from commencing a conventional intervention on the false pretext that Russia has supposedly already removed all such restraints after Peskov described the conflict as a “war”.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban expressed shock at how Macron’s rhetoric catalyzed this latest “spiral of war” as he phrased it, which “seemed absurd and unthinkable just two months ago” in his words, but he doesn’t have the influence required to stop it or help them manage this latest escalation. The Pope and/or India are the only players with the ability to mediate between the warring parties to that end due to their neutral reputations and the trust that they enjoy with all sides.

China is also neutral just like those two, but it’s not trusted by the West, whose American leader is already preparing to “Pivot (back) to Asia” for the purpose of containing the People’s Republic after the Ukrainian Conflict inevitably ends. It therefore falls on the Pope and/or India to diplomatically intervene if the warring parties agree, which they appear somewhat receptive to when it comes to the second after Prime Minister Narendra Modi just spoke to Presidents Putin and Zelensky on Thursday.

Furthermore, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba is expected to visit India sometime next week in the first such trip by one of his country’s top officials since the special operation began, and this could help India get the diplomatic ball rolling if the political will exists on Kiev’s side to do so. Peace talks might not resume anytime soon, but Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar could still position himself as a possible mediator between the West/Ukraine and Russia.

He's one of the world’s most experienced diplomats so he’ll certainly be able to handle this task if requested, in which case his involvement could help manage this latest escalation by helping the warring parties get a clearer idea of each side’s red lines and how they’ll react in various scenarios. The importance in doing so is to decrease the risk of World War III by miscalculation in the event that a NATO member or group thereof conventionally intervenes in Ukraine after the warning that Russia conveyed.

Returning to Peskov’s rhetorical shift, the best that it could therefore do is prompt the West to back off from its plans, after which the warring parties could rely on Indian mediation to manage this latest phase of their security dilemma. If the West misinterprets his words as a “bluff” and still goes through with what Macron talked about, especially without India mediating to share each side’s red lines and how they’ll react in various scenarios, then the risk of World War III by miscalculation will be higher than ever. ... spokesmans


Ukraine Weekly Update
22nd March 2024

MAR 22, 2024



Crimea Joined Russia Ten Years Ago

Sevastopol residents attend a concert in honor of Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation on Nakhimov Square. - Sputnik International
Citizens of Sevastopol celebrating the result ten years ago.

On the 18th March, Crimeans celebrated the tenth anniversary of the referendum in which they voted to join the Russian Federation - according to Sputnik.


If you’d like to learn more about the history of Crimea, RT has a shortish article here. ... ow-crimea/
Siege of Leningrad - Germany Asked To Admit Genocide

Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery - St. Petersburg

Russia has demanded that Germany accepts that the siege of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) was an act of genocide. The 80th anniversary of the lifting of the siege was marked in January. It lasted 872 days and killed more than a million people (half of the city’s population). Berlin has admitted to other genocides but not to this one. Hitler made it quite clear that he wished to eliminate the city’s population through starvation just as the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians in Gaza right now. Sad to say that Israel is bearing the marks of its persecutor just as the son bears the ‘marks’ of his abusive father. The abused has become the abuser in this case.

Where Next For Russia?
Now that the elections are out of the way and Putin can be confident of being backed by his people, some are speculating about what Russia will do and where it will go next. Of course, much will depend on what the Ukrainians do and how long their forces will be able to hold their lines - given shortages in men and materiel along with a possible collapse in morale and US financial support.

Even if a Ukrainian military collapse presents itself, it does not follow that the Russians will push against the crumbling edifice because they may not wish to create a panic reaction from Western leaders - which is possible. Just look at Macron. It’s as if Russia is ‘babysitting’ the Western toddler who has got hold of a machine gun while tossing his toys out of the pram. In the case of the Ukrainian ‘toddler’, he may even be storing a dirty bomb or a tactical nuke underneath his blankets, rattles and dummies. It appears that the US has created two Frankenstein monsters in Ukraine and Israel - both countries could break free from the control of their maker and reek havoc in the world. But hey - I’m an optimist so I don’t think this will happen - though it is possible, of course.

It appears, however, given Putin’s stated desire to create a ‘sanitary zone’ to protect Belgorod and Kursk, that the military situation could be about to change. When Putin tells his people that he will be attempting to protect them (i.e. those in the border areas) by creating a ‘buffer zone’ he must come up with the goods (eventually). So, it appears that an operation designed to do this is on the cards but who knows when these cards will be played. Weeb Union provides some analysis and speculation in this video (15 mins). Weeb speculates about a three stage process in which the Russians will initially seek to protect the northern border regions from attack. Weeb also deals with the problem of Odessa and the attacks on Crimea, which will involve an invasion of the former and will be dealt with as part of the ‘third stage’. The Ukrainians know this is coming and are building defences in Odessa. All I can say is that things will change in the near future, but I would be less confident in saying when the change will come. I would imagine that the Russians will have an eye on the US elections and will escalate in a ‘timely manner’ that does not compromise the efficacy of the military operation.


French Troops On Their Way?
French President Emmanuel Macron reviews troops during a Prise d'armes military ceremony in the courtyard of the Hotel National des Invalides in Paris, on February 19, 2024. - Sputnik International, 1920, 19.03.2024
However, an article in Sputnik is reporting that a contingent of 2000 French troops is being prepared for deployment in Ukraine. This could be the thin end of a very long wedge. However, according to this report, the French Ministry of Defence has denied the claim that troops will be sent into Ukraine. So, there could be some Russian trolling going on here designed to put France on the defensive.

I should point out, to those who don’t already know, that Macron’s talk of French involvement and escalation is simply nonsensical huffing and puffing. France does not have the industrial capacity or the money to compete with Russia in terms of basic military production (e.g. shells) nor does it have sufficient numbers of trained manpower. Furthermore, the Ukrainians are already on the canvas and just about to be counted out. Daniel Davis provides a good analytical dose of reality for the French in this shortish video (37 mins). No other European countries have agreed to send troops and neither has the US. Furthermore, Macron has only a 24% approval rating - which will inevitably plummet if he continues to steer this course.

Russian Parliament’s Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy did not mince his words when being interviewed by a French reporter with reference to French troops being sent to Ukraine. He said simply: ‘We will kill all French soldiers who come to Ukrainian soil: all of them’. The rather dense reporter reminded him that France is a nuclear power. ‘Yes’, Tolstoy said, ‘with 200 missiles..We don’t care what Macron says.’ What on earth do the French expect. They are already funding Ukraine to kill Russians and have many ‘mercenaries’ on the ground killing Russians so they should expect Russia to kill Frenchmen.

Russian troops in Paris 1814.

Do you remember March 19th 1814, M. Macron?


Ukrainian Terror Attacks
I should point out that the Belgorod attacks discussed below could have been targeting a nuclear weapons storage facility according to Alexander Mercouris at the beginning of this video. One of Alexander’s sources has suggested that the US Air Force leaked the talk between German generals because they were concerned about what the Ukrainians may do under the direction of Victoria Nuland and that such concerns led to her dismissal. The Ukrainian capture of nuclear weapons is a scary scenario for any sane person in this world - though I find it hard to believe that the Russians would leave them so close to the front. I haven’t seen any confirmation of Alexander’s source’s claim btw.

The terrorist attacks have increased around the election period but the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is turning a blind eye, according to RT, as they’ve been doing for years.

15th/16th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

On the Kursk and Belgorod sections of the State Border, the enemy continues to attempt a breakthrough. It uses rocket artillery, mortars, tanks and other armored vehicles. The enemy is being destroyed on the outskirts of the border. The AFU are carrying out massive strikes from MLRS on various settlements of the Belgorod region, including Belgorod. There are many wounded civilians, and there are dead. The Nazis are deliberately destroying civilian vehicles with drones. In addition, kamikaze aircraft-type UAVs are attacking the Belgorod, Kursk, Tula, and Kaluga regions. Our troops are courageously holding the defence, launching retaliatory and preemptive strikes; Objective control footage testifies to their effectiveness, enemy equipment and manpower are being destroyed. The fighting continues.

Four individuals were injured by shells in Belgorod region on the 15th March along with four cars, a bus and a private household.

On the 16th March, according to the Governor of the Samara region of Azarov:.

This morning there was a UAV attack on the Syzran Oil Refinery and an attempted attack on the Novokuibyshevsky Oil Refinery. As a result, a fire occurred at a petroleum products processing unit on the territory of the Syzran Oil Refinery. According to preliminary data, no victims.

Trans-Siberian Railway - Terrorist Attack Foiled
About Trans-Siberian Route: Interesting Facts about The Longest Railways
According to Tass:

The FSB has detained a Russian citizen…who plotted a terror attack at a railway hub of the Trans-Siberian Railroad in the Sverdlovsk Region on an assignment from the Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s Main Intelligence Department. The Russian national was recruited by Ukrainian intelligence in Lvov, underwent sabotage training and was sent to Russia for committing terror attacks with the use of improvised explosives on railway trains delivering cargo for the special military operation, it specified. The suspect confessed to the wrongdoing and is cooperating with the investigative team.

Polling Station Attacks Kherson

On the 15th March, according to Slavyangrad:

An improvised explosive device was planted in a garbage garbage can in front of a polling station in Skadovsk. In addition, the AFU hit polling stations in Kakhovka and Brilyovka in the Alyoshkin district, and there were casualties.

Putin described these attacks as criminal acts meant to disrupt the voting process. He also referred to failed attempts by 2,500 Ukrainian troops, 35 tanks and 40 AFVs to invade parts of Belgorod and Kursk (see above). The enemy suffered 60% casualties in personnel and 50% losses in equipment, Putin said.

16th/17th March Overnight

Polling stations in Kherson and Zaporizhye were targeted overnight with drones and artillery. Attacks by Ukrainian saboteurs continued and fighting is taking place around Sporadyushino and Kozinka where infantry, tanks and AFVs are being deployed. The Russian guard and defence forces are holding the border ‘like granite’ according to this report. Belgorod was also shelled overnight.

Geromanat gave this report on the morning of the 17th March.

According to the Military Chronicle a total of 45 Ukrainian drones were shot down at night over Russian territory. The Border was not breeched by Ukrainian units who took 60-70% casualties - according to this report.

On the 17th March at least four drones headed for Moscow were destroyed by air defences, according to RT. Overnight, a total of 35 drones attacked Kaluga, Oryol, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kursk and Belgorod. In the latter town, shelling killed a 16 year year old girl and injured her father. Elsewhere, the port city of Berdyansk (Zaporizhye) was shelled and a female election official was killed at a poling station. On the 17th March, the governor of Belgorod reported that one person had been killed by shelling and some 8 others were injured.

17th/18th March Overnight

Tyotkino in Kursk was shelled overnight along with many villages in Belgorod while Ukrainian ground forces are still attempting to break through to Kozinki. 142 shells were lobbed into the DPR injuring two civilians.

18th/19th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

In the Belgorod region, the enemy continues massive shelling. Grayvoronsky and Shebekinsky urban districts, Belgorod, Borisovsky and Krasnoyaruzhsky districts, the city of Belgorod are under attack. Over the past day, civilians, including a child, have been killed again.

Tyotkino in Kursk was shelled again but the Ukrainians have not broken through the border towards the village. Efforts to infiltrate the village of Kozinka in Belgorod with groups of 6-8 men have also failed.

Nearly a whole family was killed in this house in Nikolskoye.
Four people were killed when a shell exploded inside a house at the village of Nikolskoye in Belgorod. A whole family of grandmother, mother, son and step father were killed but a little granddaughter was saved though badly injured. Many villages in Belgorod continue to suffer shelling and civilian casualties.

143 round of ammunition were lobbed into the DPR killing a teenager and wounding two others.

A high rise residential building in Lysychansk was attacked on the 19th March. It looks as if at least one person is buried under the rubble.

19th/20th March Overnight

The Ukrainians continued their attempts to break through to the border village of Kozinka in Belgorod though only a few houses on the outskirts near the forest have been occupied before the Russians demolished them along with their occupants. 9,000 children have been evacuated from the area. The Ukrainians are using RM-70 "Vampire" MLRS and the Tochka-U tactical missile system for strikes. Tyotkino in Kursk is also under attack and in the DPR 6 civilians were injured by shelling.

20th/21st March Overnight

Activity by Ukrainian saboteurs has declined in Belgorod but 2 civilians were killed by MLRS fire in Graivoron while 2 more were wounded. Residential buildings and cars were also damaged. Tyotkino in Kursk was shelled and 60 projectiles lobbed into the DPR injured 6 people. Ten RM-70 MLRS shells were destroyed over Belgorod region at 8 am Moscow time on the 21st March.

21st/22nd March Overnight

Five people were injured by shelling overnight in Belgorod where an ‘aircraft type’ drone was destroyed. Drones were also destroyed over Bryansk and Crimea. 120 projectiles were lobbed into the DPR where explosives dropped from a drone killed a 30 year old woman.

Pro-Russian Saboteurs
On March 17th, pro-Russian saboteurs attacked a warehouse in Usatovo (Odessa) destroying large numbers of drones along with other military equipment/ammunition.


Russian Missile/Drone Attacks
15th/16th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

The RF Armed Forces launched a missile attack on one of the health resorts in Odessa yesterday. At least 550 people from the Interior Ministry ("Lyut" and "Tsunami") were killed, including two Ukrainian generals. SBU operatives were urgently sent to the region to carry out counterintelligence activities.

Slavyangrad reported only 20 dead and 50 injured but many are still under the rubble. The Odessa Mriya guest house was among the buildings hit. It is thought that large numbers of foreign ‘mercenaries’ (mainly French, Poles and Georgians) were staying there along with NATO intelligence people and equipment operators, according to this report. An office for GUR and NATO personnel in Konotop, Sumy region was attacked by missiles on the 16th March. Commander of the “Tsunami” battalion, Alexander Gostishchev (deputy head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Odessa region), was killed in the attack along with Sergei Tetyukhin, former deputy head of Odessa and Dmitry Abramenko, another deputy head of the Main Directorate of the National Police, Odessa region. Some very important people were taken out then.




The Fronts
Luhansk - Kupyansk - Siversk




According to sitreports:

In the Bakhmut Direction, the RF Armed Forces continue their attempts to dislodge the AFU from the western outskirts of Ivanovskoye (Krasnoye), but the Ukrainian troops are in no hurry to surrender the upland. Also, the Russian forces took assault actions in Bogdanovka.



On March 20th, according to the Military Summary Channel the Russians pushed the Ukrainians out of Orlivka. Fighting continued all week in Berdychi and Tonenkoye where the Ukrainians may have to retreat across the river as their colleagues in Orlivka have done. The Ukrainians are fighting fiercely to prevent the Russians from taking Berdychi while the Russians made some progress west of Orlivka. On the 21st March, the Russians liberated Tonenkoye, according to Tass.

Western Donetsk - Marinka - Vuhledar


Orekhov - Rabotino - Verbove


Fighting continued here all week, especially around Rabotino but there have not been any major changes.

Kherson - Krynki


Fighting continues around Krynki and the Antonovsky bridge where the Ukrainians continue to take heavy losses.

(Much more at link.) ... update-bff
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:59 am

Political rights and electoral participation
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/25/2024


The events of recent days in the Russian Federation, both the elections and the terrorist attack last Friday, which caused the death of more than a hundred people, have highlighted the relationship of the population of Donbass with Moscow. Shows of solidarity with Russia were immediate in Donetsk and Lugansk after the bloody events that occurred on the outskirts of Moscow, something predictable taking into account the links between regions. However, the participation of the Donbass population in the Russian presidential elections has gone unnoticed by the West, an uncomfortable detail for the official Ukrainian narrative.

Kiev and its partners base their just war narrative on the fact that Russia violated, by land, sea and air, the Ukrainian borders with its entry into the war on February 24, 2022. That situation, simplified to the extreme without having Even taking into account that the annexation of Crimea ten years ago took place with the favor of the population, justifies for Ukraine and the Western bloc the need for war until what the advisor to the Office of the President Mikhailo Podoliak calls “final logical”, the complete Russian defeat. This scenario implies the continuation of the battle until the expulsion of Russian troops from the entire territory of Ukraine according to its 1991 borders. Given the improbable nature of this scenario, since Crimea is the main Russian red line in this war, it has been proposed at certain levels in the West the possibility of the recovery of the entire territory with the exception of the Black Sea peninsula. Either scenario would have to occur against the opinion of the population of Donbass, whose voice is irrelevant to Ukraine and the West today, as it has been for the last ten years.

The presidential elections, widely condemned by kyiv and its partners for holding elections in territories internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, have left images that contrast the official discourse, especially in the case of Donbass, which has participated for the first time in some Russian elections. Unlike Crimea, where the population was already able to vote in the territory in previous electoral processes, this was the first time that the population of Donetsk and Lugansk had ballot boxes in which, not only to express their opinion with their vote, but to exercise political rights that Ukraine has denied him for years. It is in this context that we must read the signs of joy that could be seen in the population that went to vote in Donbass and that is the real source of kyiv's concern, more upset by this participation than by the holding of elections.

Faced with these displays of joy, exaltation or even euphoria shown by the population of Donbass in their electoral participation, Ukraine had two options: classify these images as Russian propaganda or simply ignore them. That has been the option chosen by Kiev and its partners to avoid having to justify why people residing in Donetsk or Lugansk, areas punished by the harshest part of the current war and by a decade of state of neither war nor peace , came, with a smile to ratify his support for Vladimir Putin with his vote. The fact that both kyiv and its Western partners acted in the same way indicates a planned strategy in which the Russian elections were simply a political act to be condemned and in which no further explanation was needed.

Reality, always more nuanced than the simplistic analysis of this war, is more complex and breaks with the discourse of unity of the Ukrainian people that has been another of the bases of the official Ukrainian discourse. Even qualifying participation in the elections as an act of propaganda carried out under pressure from dictatorial Russian authorities, the choice to criticize the way in which the elections were held implied a minimum recognition that Ukraine has wanted to avoid. Ignoring the facts thus avoids uncomfortable questions and, above all, incoherent answers. kyiv has thus wanted to condemn the holding of elections, ignore their results and deny all legitimacy of the participation of people who have obtained Russian citizenship in a political process in which they had the right to participate.

The electoral logic of Donbass is directly linked to what happened in the last decade, in which the region went from a series of relatively minor protests to a political rebellion first and then a military rebellion in which the population was forced to take a position with Kiev or against it. The irregular change of Government, the consequences in the form of fear of loss of more territories after the accession of Crimea to Russia and the choice of military means to put an end to a movement that was still fundamentally civil forced the situation and there was no room for neutrality. With the decree to start the anti-terrorist operation , the first euphemism of this war that has destroyed Donbass for a decade, Ukraine renounced the diplomatic channel that could have granted it some credit with a part of the population of Donetsk and Lugansk. This rejection of dialogue with regions that had correctly perceived the danger of the new Government's nationalist agenda, which sought to impose on them a way of understanding the State and the Ukrainian identity with which they did not feel represented, was definitive. This could be seen during the Minsk process, in which kyiv's main concern was precisely that there was not the slightest recognition of a different political reality. This explains the attempt by Ukraine and its European partners to transform the special status that the Minsk agreements provided for Donbass and that had to be incorporated into the Constitution into an administrative decentralization that did not imply political rights. That, and not Russia's territorial ambition, is the main reason for the failure of the peace process that should have put an end to the war of aggression that Ukraine began in April 2014 and never wanted to end. This refusal to give even the slightest voice to the population of Donbass is also the reason why the expressions of joy of the residents who decided last week to exercise the right to vote granted to them by acquiring nationality must be considered legitimate. Russian.

We must also not forget that the steps taken by the Russian Federation in terms of facilitating access to citizenship were taken slowly, progressively and allowing Ukraine to reverse the situation through compliance with the Minsk agreements. The initial measure, which ultimately turned out to be only the first of many that ultimately led to the Russian recognition of the sovereignty of the DPR and the LPR on February 22, 2022, was precisely due to the administrative abandonment of Ukraine. Faced with this situation, Russia began to accept the documents issued by the Popular Republics, a necessary step for those produced later, but which was then considered temporary. This recognition would expire when the situation was normalized through compliance with the Minsk agreements, which would have ended administrative exceptionalism, guaranteed Donbass a series of political rights and returned the territory to Ukrainian control. With its refusal to comply with the signed agreements, Ukraine opened the door for this temporary recognition to become definitive and was only the first of a series of steps that have finally led to the granting of Russian citizenship to the entire population, integrated - with its current borders - in political terms in the Russian Federation. The participation of the population of Donbass in the Russian elections, and especially the joy of the population who wanted to show it by exercising their political rights in favor of the country that has returned to them the voice that was taken from them, is fundamentally due to the Ukrainian actions of the last decade and we must look for its origins, not on February 22, 2022, but in February and April 2014 and in the Minsk process. ... electoral/

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From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 25, 2024) The main thing:

the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 110 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction per day;

The Russian Armed Forces improved the situation along the front line in the Avdeevsky direction, repelled 10 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost up to 120 military personnel;

During the day, Russian air defense destroyed 103 drones, shot down 31 HIMARS, Vampire and Uragan MLRS shells;

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 175 military personnel in the Donetsk direction per day;

The Russian Armed Forces destroyed two electronic warfare stations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction;

Within 24 hours, the Russian Armed Forces defeated three brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson direction;

The Russian Armed Forces hit enemy personnel and equipment in 142 regions;

Russian military personnel repelled an attack by an Ukrainian Armed Forces assault group in the Kupyansk direction, killing up to 20 militants, as well as the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery unit.

▫️In the Kupyansk direction, units of the “Western” group of forces repelled an attack by an assault group of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village of Sinkovka, Kharkov region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 20 military personnel, two vehicles, as well as the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount .

▫️In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of forces, as a result of active operations, occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 3rd Assault , 79th Air Assault , 56th Motorized Infantry , 24th , 28th , 30th 1st mechanized , 46th and 81st airmobile brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Belogorovka, Lugansk People's Republic, Kleshcheevka, Andreevka, Minkovka, Maksimilyanovka and Novomikhailovka, Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 175 military personnel, a tank, two armored fighting vehicles, including a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, and three vehicles.

In addition, during the counter-battery fight, two Polish-made “Krab” self-propelled artillery mounts , a “Rapira” anti-tank gun , as well as two electronic warfare stations: “Nota” and “Enklav-N” were hit .

▫️In the Avdeevsky direction , as a result of successful actions, units of the "Center" group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled 10 counterattacks of assault groups of the 25th Airborne , 59th Motorized Infantry , 53rd , 47th Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of populated areas Novgorodskoye, Umanskoye, Tonenkoye, Semenovka, Pervomaiskoye and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The enemy lost up to 120 military personnel, six tanks, two armored combat vehicles and two cars.

During the counter-battery fight, the following were hit: the Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount , the D-20 howitzer , the Rapier anti-tank gun , as well as the US-made AN/TPQ-48 counter-battery counter-battery radar .

▫️In the South Donetsk direction , units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire on the formations of the 102nd , 121st and 128th defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Malinovka, Zaporozhye region, Staromayorskoe and Makarovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 110 military personnel and three vehicles.

▫️In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 28th , 65th and 118th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Nesteryanka, Zaporozhye region and Tyaginka, Kherson region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 40 military personnel and nine pickup trucks.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles , missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 142 regions.

▫️Air defense systems destroyed 103 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, and also shot down 31 rockets from the HIMARS , Vampire and Hurricane multiple launch rocket systems .

▫️In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,011 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,598 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,521 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 20,192 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense

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Attack on Sevastopol.03/23/2024
March 24, 15:42


Based on yesterday's attack on Sevastopol

There were flights to Rudnev to the old Ukrainian military unit responsible for communications. There were no fatalities.
There were also 2 or 3 hits on ships in the harbor.
According to current information, there were no casualties. Damage is being repaired on ships. I hope they are removable.

Some of the smoke in the harbor yesterday was aerosol smoke.
The level of damage will become clear when the enemy posts satellite photographs (and they will definitely post them - today/tomorrow).

More than 10 Storms were shot down. Air defense worked with increased load.
Also, according to some reports, in the Nikolaev region, 2 Su-24 bombers that launched missiles at Sevastopol were destroyed in retaliatory strikes. Ours, as a rule, try to catch them during such attacks, gradually reducing the number of those remaining.

All Ukrainian Neptunes over the sea were shot down. The real threat comes primarily from Western cruise missiles, which are guided by NATO drones using NATO satellite data.

In general, taking into account the large number of missiles that the enemy had accumulated for the attack, the damage was limited. It could have been a lot worse.

It is also worth noting that all the wounded civilians were from glass fragments. Authorities issue warnings not to go near windows for a reason. Think about it and comply with basic civil defense requirements.
Health to the wounded.

Unfortunately, 1 Sevastopol resident died from a shrapnel. Peace be upon you.

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(That will have to do for now...)
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:32 pm

War and personal promotion
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/26/2024


The stabilization of the war, the chronification of the situation and the existence of another conflict that has taken its leading role have caused Ukraine to lose the centrality of the international political agenda that it maintained for months in the year 2022, both in the previous weeks to the Russian invasion as in the following months. The loss of interest has political, economic and military implications. The refugee population, welcomed with the enthusiasm that is not received by people fleeing other wars or those who had fled this same war before the arrival of Russian troops, now faces proposals for compensation in exchange for returning to Ukraine. The war has lasted longer than expected by all the parties involved, which implies a high bill both in aid to the refugee population and in humanitarian assistance and, above all, those concessions, credits and subsidies that have to support the State and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a task that is hardly sustainable in the long term.

However, at least at the European level, kyiv remains the place where elected or aspiring authorities present themselves to their electorate as brave defenders of European values, freedom and the fight against the Russian enemy. The number of visits to Ukraine may have dropped slightly, in part because it is Zelensky who has traveled in recent months to regain some of the lost media spotlight, but the Western presence in Kiev remains relevant and very high profile. A significant case is that of the United Kingdom, a covert whose importance is overshadowed by the attendance figures of countries like the United States and Germany, but which has been essential for Ukraine in recent years.

London does not have the military capacity of Germany, hence its lower contribution in absolute terms, but it has stood out as one of the voices that has most clung to the military route as the only possible resolution to the war. Unlike the countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom always showed its reluctance to the Minsk agreements and never pretended to see them as a potential form of normalization of the situation in Ukraine. With the Russian invasion, London increased its importance in the country in a sector in which it had been key for eight years: intelligence. As The New York Times recently showed , on February 24, 2014, the new director of the SBU, Valentin Nalivaychenko, made a phone call to the CIA and MI6, which led to a collaboration that continues today with the supply of real-time intelligence, a mission in which both the United States and the United Kingdom have a special presence.

Some of the highest-level visits that kyiv has received in these years of war have also arrived from the United Kingdom. Long before Joe Biden's team coordinated with Russian authorities on the US president's visit to the Ukrainian capital, then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson arrived in the city with a clear message: “we are simply going to fight.” This was stated in 2022 Ukrainska Pravda and has subsequently been confirmed by people who participated in the Istanbul negotiations, including David Arajamia, who led the Ukrainian delegation. Johnson's intervention did not cause the peace agreement to fail in itself, but it was a factor in favor of rejecting the agreement to continue the war. Because Johnson's message implied the most important thing: Ukraine would have the necessary weapons to fight Russia on the front.

With a much lower profile, although also at a time when Ukrainian troops are on the defensive, the latest visit by a senior British official, Defense Minister Grant Shapps, has been reflected in an extensive report by The Times which, as an opinion article, not only exalts the role of the minister, but also highlights to exaggerated levels the epic of the war and the British presence in it. “It is just after 11 in the morning in the center of kyiv and, for a moment, life seems normal,” the outlet writes to open the report. Unlike areas near the front, life has returned to normal in cities like kyiv even despite sporadic missile attacks. “Grant Shapps, the British defense secretary, busily rehearses his latest social media video, walking in the shadow of the 18th-century St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, which was demolished under Stalin but rebuilt by independent Ukraine,” continues The Times to describe a propaganda video with obvious electoral content of an official whose party faces elections in the coming months with a more than uncertain result. Surrounded by equipment destroyed in the war, the minister wanted to give his speech an epic that the situation in the city cannot justify. The tone of the article further exaggerates the non-existent epic of a promotional video in which a Western officer takes advantage of the suffering of others for self-promotion.

Sometimes a visit to kyiv and a propaganda message is not enough. This is the case of Shapps and the report published by The Times , which do not hesitate to take advantage of the recent situation in Odessa to manipulate the facts and exaggerate myths. It is evident that the situation in the Black Sea, with a continued Ukrainian offensive against the Russian fleet, has made Odessa a target for Russian troops. In recent weeks, two separate incidents have caused huge casualties, including a dozen civilians in an apartment building in the city. Continuing with the logic of claiming to have shot down each and every drone launched by Russia except for those moments in which Ukraine can exploit the fatalities caused. On this occasion, Russian drones are responsible for demolishing a building that they do not have the capacity to demolish. It does, however, have one of the anti-aircraft missiles used by kyiv troops. The second episode with heavy casualties occurred last week, with the attack of an Iskander missile on a sanatorium, in which at least twenty people died, innocent civilians according to the Western political apparatus or members of police battalions according to Russian sources and, therefore, For example, former Ukrainian representatives such as Oleksiy Arestovich.

Between these two events, there was also a missile attack against the port of Odessa on a day in which President Volodymyr Zelensky, accompanied by the Greek Prime Minister, had traveled to the city. That is precisely the episode that the British minister preferred to use, who, after his visit to kyiv, had to travel to the city on the Black Sea. The current situation and the growing attacks against Odessa imply an increase in danger, a real reason for the cancellation of Shapps' propaganda visit to the city. However, faced with reality and a more creative narrative, Western advisors tend to choose the latter. “Shapps had been informed that an armored convoy carrying Zelensky and Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Greek Prime Minister, had narrowly avoided a Russian missile attack while visiting the coastal port of Odessa in the south of the country,” states The Times despite even the Ukrainian military authorities admitting that there was no link between the Russian attack on the port and Zelensky's visit.

Neither of the two leaders, who in no way narrowly avoided the attack , were injured. At no time were they in danger, as confirmed by the Ukrainian authorities. But exploiting a false danger is not enough and the British officer wanted to take one more step to create, not only danger, but intentionality. Referring to Vladimir Putin, the minister stated that “the fact that he came dangerously close to assassinating two Western leaders, it does not matter whether it was deliberate or accidental. What the hell is he doing, and why on earth would the West allow him to do that kind of thing?” The attack was not indiscriminate but rather hit an obvious target, so it cannot be said that it was a mistake, a missile intended for Zelensky that hit somewhere else. From an attack hundreds of meters away, in which neither of the two leaders was ever in danger, the British minister practically sees a murder. The story, which sometimes borders on fiction, helps to exaggerate the danger and, above all, to increase tensions. In political terms, it is the use of war for personal promotion. ... -personal/

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VIPS MEMO: The French Road to Nuclear War
March 25, 2024

France could be leading the American people down a path toward a nuclear conflict decidedly not in the interests of the American people – or of humanity itself, VIPS warns President Joe Biden.

U.S. President Joe Biden preparing to disembark Marine One, July 2021. (White House, Adam Schultz)

March 24, 2024


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity

SUBJECT: On the Brink of Nuclear War

Mr. President:

France is reportedly preparing to dispatch a force of some 2,000 troops — roughly a reinforced brigade built around an armored battalion and two mechanized battalions, with supporting logistical, engineering, and artillery troops attached — into Ukraine sometime in the not-so-distant future.

This force is purely symbolic, inasmuch as it would have zero survivability in a modern high-intensity conflict of the scope and scale of what is transpiring in Ukraine today. It would not be deployed directly in a conflict zone, but would serve either as (1) a screening force/tripwire to stop Russia’s advance; or (2) a replacement force deployed to a non-active zone to free up Ukrainian soldiers for combat duty. The French Brigade reportedly will be supplemented by smaller units from the Baltic states.

This would be introducing combat troops of a NATO country into a theater of war, making them “lawful targets” under the Law of War.

Such units would apparently lack a NATO mandate. In Russia’s view, however, this may be a distinction without a difference. France appears to be betting – naively – that its membership in NATO would prevent Russia from attacking French troops. Rather, it is highly likely that Russia would attack any French/Baltic contingent in Ukraine and quickly destroy/degrade its combat viability.

In that case, French President Macron may calculate that, after Russian attacks on the troops of NATO members – NATO mandate or not – he could invoke Article 5 of the NATO Charter and get the NATO alliance to intervene. Such intervention would likely take the form of aircraft operating from NATO nations – and perhaps include interdiction missions against tactical targets inside Russia.

On Precipice of Nuclear War?

Doctrinally, and by legal right, Russia’s response would be to launch retaliatory strikes also against targets in NATO countries. If NATO then attacks strategic targets inside Russia, at that point Russia’s nuclear doctrine takes over, and NATO decision-making centers would be hit with nuclear weapons.

We do not believe Russia will initiate a nuclear attack against the U.S., but rather would leave it up to the United States to decide if it wants to risk destruction by preparing to launch a nuclear strike on Russia. That said, Russian strategic forces have improved to the point that, in some areas – hypersonic missiles, for example – its capability surpasses that of the U.S. and NATO.

In other words, the Russian temptation to strike first may be a bit stronger than during past crises, and we are somewhat less confident that Russia would want to “go second”. Another disquieting factor is that the Russians are likely to believe that Macron’s folly has the tacit approval of some key U.S. and other Western officials, who seem desperate to find some way to alter the trajectory of the war in Ukraine – the more so, as elections draw near.

What Needs to Be Done

Europe needs to understand that France is leading it down a path of inevitable self-destruction.

The American people need to understand that Europe is leading them to the cusp of nuclear annihilation.

Since Russian leaders may suspect that Macron is working hand in glove with Washington, the U.S. needs to make its position publicly and unambiguously clear.

And if France and the Baltics insist on sending troops into Ukraine, it must also be made clear that such action has no NATO mandate; that Article 5 will not be triggered by any Russian retaliation; and that the U.S. nuclear arsenal, including those nuclear weapons that are part of the NATO deterrent force, will not be employed as a result of any Russian military action against French or Baltic troops.

Void of such clarity, France would be leading the American people down a path toward a nuclear conflict decidedly not in the interests of the American people – or of humanity itself.



William Binney, former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA; co-founder, SIGINT Automation Research Center (ret.)
Richard Black, former Virginia State Senator; Colonel, USA (ret.); Former Chief, Criminal Law Division, Judge Advocate General (associate VIPS)
Marshall Carter-Tripp, Foreign Service Officer (ret) and former Office Director in the State Department Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Bogdan Dzakovic, former Team Leader of Federal Air Marshals and Red Team, FAA Security, (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Graham E. Fuller, Vice-Chair, National Intelligence Council (ret.)
Philip Giraldi, C.I.A., Operations Officer (ret.)
Matthew Hoh, former Capt., USMC, Iraq and Foreign Service Officer, Afghanistan (associate VIPS)
James George Jatras, former U.S. diplomat and former foreign policy adviser to Senate leadership (Associate VIPS)
Larry C. Johnson, former C.I.A. and State Department Counter Terrorism officer
John Kiriakou, former C.I.A. Counterterrorism Officer and former senior investigator, Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Karen Kwiatkowski, former Lt. Col., U.S. Air Force (ret.), at Office of Secretary of Defense watching the manufacture of lies on Iraq, 2001-2003
Douglas Macgregor, Colonel, USA (ret.) (associate VIPS)
Ray McGovern, former U.S. Army infantry/intelligence officer & C.I.A. analyst; C.I.A. Presidential briefer (ret.)
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer for the Near East, National Intelligence Council & C.I.A. political analyst (ret.)
Todd E. Pierce, MAJ, U.S. Army Judge Advocate (ret.)
Pedro Israel Orta, former C.I.A. and Intelligence Community (Inspector General) officer
Scott Ritter, former MAJ, USMC; former U.N. Weapons Inspector, Iraq
Coleen Rowley, FBI Special Agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel (ret.)
Lawrence Wilkerson, Colonel USA, ret.), Distinguished Visiting Professor, College of William and Mary (associate VIPS)
Sarah G. Wilton, CDR, USNR, (ret.); Defense Intelligence Agency (ret.)
Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, SIGINT Automation Research Center, NSA
Robert Wing, former Foreign Service Officer (associate VIPS)
Ann Wright, retired U.S. Army reserve colonel and former U.S. diplomat who resigned in 2003 in opposition to the Iraq War
Background: Earlier VIPS Memos for President Biden on Ukraine

May 1, 2022

FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
SUBJECT: Nuclear Weapons Cannot Be Un-invented, Thus …

“The growing possibility that nuclear weapons might be used, as hostilities in Ukraine continue to escalate, merits your full attention.”


Sept. 5, 2022

SUBJECT: Ukraine Decision Time & Secretary of Defense

“If Austin tells you Kyiv is beating back the Russians, kick the tires”


Jan. 26, 2023

SUBJECT: Leopards to Ukraine: Decisions in an Intelligence Vacuum

“None of the newly promised weaponry will stop Russia from defeating what’s left of the Ukrainian army. If you have been told otherwise, replace your intelligence and military advisers with competent professionals – the sooner the better.”

“There is a large conceptual – and exceptionally dangerous – disconnect. Simply stated, it is not possible to “win the war against Russia” AND avoid WWIII. It is downright scary that Defense Secretary Austin may think it possible. In any case, the Kremlin has to assume he thinks so. It is a very dangerous delusion.”


January 25, 2024



SUBJECT: Throwing Good Money After Bad

“On Jan. 26, 2023, we reminded you that National Intelligence Director Avril Haines had said Russia was using up ammunition extraordinarily quickly and could not indigenously produce what it was expending.”

“On July 13, you said Putin “has already lost the war”. You may have gotten that from C.I.A. Director William Burns who, a week before, wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post saying: “Putin’s war has already been a strategic failure for Russia – its military weaknesses laid bare.” Both statements are incorrect. Nor is the war a “stalemate”, as Jake Sullivan has claimed more recently.” ... clear-war/


The first strike on underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine
March 25, 16:28


The first blow to underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine

The head of Naftogaz of Ukraine announced damage to the company’s facilities in the west of the country.

“The ground infrastructure of one of the underground gas storage facilities of Ukrtransgaz, the operator of gas storage facilities in Ukraine, hit the ground infrastructure. Process equipment was damaged.”

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, based on the results of the missile strikes, stated:

“Tonight, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a group strike with high-precision long-range air-launched weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on electric power facilities, the gas production industry, and places where unmanned boats are assembled and tested.”

That is, the damage to the gas storage equipment was not accidental (falling with debris), but purposeful.

Gas exchange point No. 3 near the settlement of Pyatinchany was attacked by Geran-2 strike UAVs, cruise and hypersonic missiles. ️

A massive fire broke out at the facility, which could not be extinguished. More than 10 fire crews and specialized equipment were involved. Well No. 197 received the most significant damage. At the moment, the gas exchange point is not able to fully function, and restoration work may take considerable time.

The facility is one of the largest and most important gas exchange points not only in the region, but throughout Ukraine. It is located at the crossroads of the main pipelines and ensures the pumping and distribution of gas in various directions. It plays a key role in providing the population and industrial enterprises with gas, and its work is closely related to the energy security of the region.

The Bilche-Volitsko-Uherskoe underground gas storage facility is the 2nd largest in Europe and the largest in Ukraine. Located in the Lviv region at a distance of 20 km from the city of Stryi. The capacity of the underground gas storage facility is 17 billion m3. Modernization in 2018 for storing gas from the EU. In addition, the facility is one of the key links in the gas supply system to enemy military facilities. It supplies liquefied natural gas, which is used to power military bunkers, warehouses, command posts and other facilities. - zinc

After 2024, the need for the Ukrainian gas transportation system will actually begin to approach zero. Just like in gas storage facilities.

Mobilization in Dnepropetrovsk
March 25, 17:47


Mobilization in Dnepropetrovsk.
In order not to detain citizens of free Ukraine, a medical examination is carried out immediately along with the delivery of the summons.

Ukraine is behind the terrorist attack at Crocus
March 26, 13:39


Ukraine is behind the terrorist attack in Crocus (c) Secretary of the Russian Security Council Patrushev

It will not be possible to hide behind ISIS.

Google Translator


The Nuland – Budanov – Tajik – Crocus connection

Pepe Escobar

March 26, 2024

The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes.

Let’s start with the possible chain of events that may have led to the Crocus terror attack. This is as explosive as it gets. Intel sources in Moscow discreetly confirm this is one of the FSB’s prime lines of investigation.

December 4, 2023. Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen Mark Milley, only 3 months after his retirement, tells CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post: “There should be no Russian who goes to sleep without wondering if they’re going to get their throat slit in the middle of the night (…) You gotta get back there and create a campaign behind the lines.”

January 4, 2024: In an interview with ABC News, “spy chief” Kyrylo Budanov lays down the road map: strikes “deeper and deeper” into Russia.

January 31: Victoria Nuland travels to Kiev and meets Budanov. Then, in a dodgy press conference at night in the middle of an empty street, she promises “nasty surprises” to Putin: code for asymmetric war.

February 22: Nuland shows up at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event and doubles down on the “nasty surprises” and asymmetric war. That may be interpreted as the definitive signal for Budanov to start deploying dirty ops.

February 25: The New York Times publishes a story about CIA cells in Ukraine: nothing that Russian intel does not already know.

Then, a lull until March 5 – when crucial shadow play may have been in effect. Privileged scenario: Nuland was a key dirty ops plotter alongside the CIA and the Ukrainian GUR (Budanov). Rival Deep State factions got hold of it and maneuvered to “terminate” her one way or another – because Russian intel would have inevitably connected the dots.

Yet Nuland, in fact, is not “retired” yet; she’s still presented as Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs and showed up recently in Rome for a G7-related meeting, although her new job, in theory, seems to be at Columbia University (a Hillary Clinton maneuver).

Meanwhile, the assets for a major “nasty surprise” are already in place, in the dark, and totally off radar. The op cannot be called off.

March 5: Little Blinken formally announces Nuland’s “retirement”.

March 7: At least one Tajik among the four-member terror commando visits the Crocus venue and has his photo taken.

March 7-8 at night: U.S. and British embassies simultaneously announce a possible terror attack on Moscow, telling their nationals to avoid “concerts” and gatherings within the next two days.

March 9: Massively popular Russian patriotic singer Shaman performs at Crocus. That may have been the carefully chosen occasion targeted for the “nasty surprise” – as it falls only a few days before the presidential elections, from March 15 to 17. But security at Crocus was massive, so the op is postponed.

March 22: The Crocus City Hall terror attack.

ISIS-K: the ultimate can of worms

The Budanov connection is betrayed by the modus operandi – similar to previous Ukraine intel terror attacks against Daria Dugina and Vladimir Tatarsky: close reconnaissance for days, even weeks; the hit; and then a dash for the border.

And that brings us to the Tajik connection.

There seem to be holes aplenty in the narrative concocted by the ragged bunch turned mass killers: following an Islamist preacher on Telegram; offered what was later established as a puny 500 thousand rubles (roughly $4,500) for the four of them to shoot random people in a concert hall; sent half of the funds via Telegram; directed to a weapons cache where they find AK-12s and hand grenades.

The videos show that they used the machine guns like pros; shots were accurate, short bursts or single fire; no panic whatsoever; effective use of hand grenades; fleeing the scene in a flash, just melting away, almost in time to catch the “window” that would take them across the border to Ukraine.

All that takes training. And that also applies to facing nasty counter-interrogation. Still, the FSB seems to have broken them all – quite literally.

A potential handler has surfaced, named Abdullo Buriyev. Turkish intel had earlier identified him as a handler for ISIS-K, or Wilayat Khorasan in Afghanistan. One of the members of the Crocus commando told the FSB their “acquaintance” Abdullo helped them to buy the car for the op.

And that leads us to the massive can of worms to end them all: ISIS-K.

The alleged emir of ISIS-K, since 2020, is an Afghan Tajik, Sanaullah Ghafari. He was not killed in Afghanistan in June 2023, as the Americans were spinning: he may be currently holed up in Balochistan in Pakistan.

Yet the real person of interest here is not Tajik Ghafari but Chechen Abdul Hakim al-Shishani, the former leader of the jihadi outfit Ajnad al-Kavkaz (“Soldiers of the Caucasus”), who was fighting against the government in Damascus in Idlib and then escaped to Ukraine because of a crackdown by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) – in another one of those classic inter-jihadi squabbles.

Shishani was spotted on the border near Belgorod during the recent attack concocted by Ukrainian intel inside Russia. Call it another vector of the “nasty surprises”.

Shishani had been in Ukraine for over two years and has acquired citizenship. He is in fact the sterling connection between the nasty motley crue Idlib gangs in Syria and GUR in Kiev – as his Chechens worked closely with Jabhat al-Nusra, which was virtually indistinguishable from ISIS.

Shishani, fiercely anti-Assad, anti-Putin and anti-Kadyrov, is the classic “moderate rebel” advertised for years as a “freedom fighter” by the CIA and the Pentagon.

Some of the four hapless Tajiks seem to have followed ideological/religious indoctrination on the internet dispensed by Wilayat Khorasan, or ISIS-K, in a chat room called Rahnamo ba Khuroson.

The indoctrination game happened to be supervised by a Tajik, Salmon Khurosoni. He’s the guy who made the first move to recruit the commando. Khurosoni is arguably a messenger between ISIS-K and the CIA.

The problem is the ISIS-K modus operandi for any attack never features a fistful of dollars: the promise is Paradise via martyrdom. Yet in this case it seems it’s Khurosoni himself who has approved the 500 thousand ruble reward.

After handler Buriyev relayed the instructions, the commando sent the bayat – the ISIS pledge of allegiance – to Khurosoni. Ukraine may not have been their final destination. Another foreign intel connection – not identified by FSB sources – would have sent them to Turkey, and then Afghanistan.

That’s exactly where Khurosoni is to be found. Khurosoni may have been the ideological mastermind of Crocus. But, crucially, he’s not the client.

The Ukrainian love affair with terror gangs

Ukrainian intel, SBU and GUR, have been using the “Islamic” terror galaxy as they please since the first Chechnya war in the mid-1990s. Milley and Nuland of course knew it, as there were serious rifts in the past, for instance, between GUR and the CIA.

Following the symbiosis of any Ukrainian government post-1991 with assorted terror/jihadi outfits, Kiev post-Maidan turbo-charged these connections especially with Idlib gangs, as well as north Caucasus outfits, from the Chechen Shishani to ISIS in Syria and then ISIS-K. GUR routinely aims to recruit ISIS and ISIS-K denizens via online chat rooms. Exactly the modus operandi that led to Crocus.

One “Azan” association, founded in 2017 by Anvar Derkach, a member of the Hizb ut-Tahrir, actually facilitates terrorist life in Ukraine, Tatars from Crimea included – from lodging to juridical assistance.

The FSB investigation is establishing a trail: Crocus was planned by pros – and certainly not by a bunch of low-IQ Tajik dregs. Not by ISIS-K, but by GUR. A classic false flag, with the clueless Tajiks under the impression that they were working for ISIS-K.

The FSB investigation is also unveiling the standard modus operandi of online terror, everywhere. A recruiter focuses on a specific profile; adapts himself to the candidate, especially his – low – IQ; provides him with the minimum necessary for a job; then the candidate/executor become disposable.

Everyone in Russia remembers that during the first attack on the Crimea bridge, the driver of the kamikaze truck was blissfully unaware of what he was carrying,

As for ISIS, everyone seriously following West Asia knows that’s a gigantic diversionist scam, complete with the Americans transferring ISIS operatives from the Al-Tanf base to the eastern Euphrates, and then to Afghanistan after the Hegemon’s humiliating “withdrawal”. Project ISIS-K actually started in 2021, after it became pointless to use ISIS goons imported from Syria to block the relentless progress of the Taliban.

Ace Russian war correspondent Marat Khairullin has added another juicy morsel to this funky salad: he convincingly unveils the MI6 angle in the Crocus City Hall terror attack (in English here, in two parts, posted by “S”).

The FSB is right in the middle of the painstaking process of cracking most, if not all ISIS-K-CIA/MI6 connections. Once it’s all established, there will be hell to pay.

But that won’t be the end of the story. Countless terror networks are not controlled by Western intel – although they will work with Western intel via middlemen, usually Salafist “preachers” who deal with Saudi/Gulf intel agencies.

The case of the CIA flying “black” helicopters to extract jihadists from Syria and drop them in Afghanistan is more like an exception – in terms of direct contact – than the norm. So the FSB and the Kremlin will be very careful when it comes to directly accusing the CIA and MI6 of managing these networks.

But even with plausible deniability, the Crocus investigation seems to be leading exactly to where Moscow wants it: uncovering the crucial middleman. And everything seems to be pointing to Budanov and his goons.

Ramzan Kadyrov dropped an extra clue. He said the Crocus “curators” chose on purpose to instrumentalize elements of an ethnic minority – Tajiks – who barely speak Russian to open up new wounds in a multinational nation where dozens of ethnicities live side by side for centuries.

In the end, it didn’t work. The Russian population has handed to the Kremlin total carte blanche to exercise brutal, maximum punishment – whatever and wherever it takes. ... onnection/

As I suspected, Budanov is a dead man walking.


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:10 pm

The Russian SMO (1): Was It an Imperial Intervention?
MARCH 24, 2024

Photo composition showing George Bush Jr. (left) next to a caption that reads "Imperialism," and Russian President Vladimir Putin next to a map of the Dombass regions and a photo of him greeting a woman next to military officers. Photo: Al Mayadeen.

By Tim Anderson – Mar 22, 2024

“Many experts call [the SMO of Feb 24, 2022] a turning point in world history, and some saw it as Russia becoming the military spearhead of the ‘Global South’ in the fight against the fading world order based on the destructive hegemony of the West” (Sadygzade 2024).

A remarkable consequence of the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in South East Ukraine was that, while it initially attracted very little international approval (UN 2022), within quite a short time, most of the world – and virtually all the global south – rallied to Russia and to BRICS, marking the beginnings of a major turnaround in global relations.

How was this possible when it is precisely the global south which has been the strongest anti-intervention group, opposing breaches of state sovereignty after a long history of Western invasions, coups and other interventions? If the Russian SMO were just another imperial intervention, like the 2003 invasion of Iraq, would this not undermine the promise of any new supposedly counter-hegemonic world order which included Russia?

To address that question we need a background which examines some distinct though inter-related questions: what led to the Russian SMO? was it justified as a measure of self-defence? and, most importantly, was Russia’s SMO an imperial intervention?

After examining those three questions in this article I will return to the turnaround issue, in a second part. This article is structured in these sections:

NATO expansion,
The Kiev coup, Crimea and the Donbass,
The Question of Self-Defence and
An Imperial Intervention, as in Iraq?
1. NATO Expansion
To properly understand the Russian Special Military Operation (SMO) in SE Ukraine we should have regard to NATO expansion, the 2014 coup in Kiev, the subsequent war against the mostly Russian people of the Donbass region, the status of Crimea, attempts to resolve the conflict through the Minsk Peace Treaties, and then the character of the 2022 invasion.

Only the very naïve imagined that this war began in February 2022. Even parts of the pro-NATO media reflected on that group’s responsibility for the conflict. Galen Carpenter (2022) wrote in the British Guardian:

“NATO’s arrogant, tone deaf policy towards Russia had contributed heavily to the Ukraine war … Analysts committed to a US foreign policy of realism and restraint have warned for more than a quarter century that continuing to expand the most powerful military alliance in history toward another major power would not end well” (Galen Carpenter 2022).

Despite Washington’s repeated mantra that Russia’s intervention was an “unprovoked war of aggression” (VOA 2023) even mild-mannered Pope Francis observed, more than once, that NATO had “somehow provoked” Moscow’s intervention (Albanese 2022).

The Ukrainian government in Kiev turned seriously anti-Russian after the US-backed 2014 coup and, after several massacres, there was a serious alienation from Kiev of the Russian speaking people in Crimea and much of south and eastern Ukraine. The formerly autonomous republic of Crimea quickly voted for secession from Ukraine and union with the Russian Federation, while two of the Donbass provinces (Donetsk and Luhansk) declared their own independence. There followed eight years of assaults by Kiev forces on the breakaway peoples of the Donbass.

Washington trained and armed Ukrainian troops for an attempt to reincorporate the alienated Donbass region and perhaps even to retake Crimea. There were talks and agreements for Kiev to properly address the autonomy concerns of the Donbass region. However former German leader Angela Merkel would later admit that these Minsk Accords were merely a ploy to gain time to build up the Ukraine military (Novaya Gazeta Europe 2023), while several in Washington soon announced their broader aim of weakening and eventually dismantling the Russian Federation, affirming Russia’s worst fears.

As the Soviet Union collapsed, over 1989-1991, the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev – looking to dismantle the Warsaw Pact alliance – sought assurances from NATO leaders that the Western bloc would not expand eastwards. The most famous assurance was that of US Secretary of State James Baker: “not one inch eastward”, to Gorbachev on 9 February 1990; but that was “only part of a cascade of similar assurances”, from “Baker, Bush, Genscher, Kohl, Gates, Mitterrand, Thatcher, Hurd, Major and Woerner” (NATOWatch 2018; NSA 2017).

It was all deceit. There have even been denials (including under the guise of ‘fact checking’) that such assurances were ever made (Pifer 2014; McCarthy 2022), or that Russia was even the target of a NATO ‘missile shield’ placement, which was said to be “purely defensive” (Reuters 2007; CNN 2008). A pretence was made there was some threat other than Russia, perhaps Iran (Sankaran 2024), but Russia did not take this seriously.

Faced with a wall of obfuscation, Russia had to assess the threat from NATO by actions, not just words. Yet Moscow was cautious, and continued for many years to speak of cooperation with “our Western partners” (Wheatley 2015), even as BRICS was created and as Russia entered Syria to fight Western-backed terrorist groups (Anderson 2019; Ch 7); yet in Syria, Russia shared the same stated objectives as the USA of ‘fighting terrorism’. In practice the two were engaged in a phony war, with Washington relying mainly on those same terrorists as its proxy militia. However, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the basis for an ideological war was gone.

In the 1990s, while recognising that it could “alienate” Russia, US official Richard Haas summed up the arguments for NATO expansion as to “lock in the dividends of the Cold War’s end and greatly diminish the odds that this region will again become a battlefield … provide a reassuring anchor to these newly independent democracies … [and] help eliminate a potentially destabilizing power vacuum in Europe” (Haas 1997). In practice, NATO expanded from 12 member states in 1948 to 31 by 2022. This was through what is described as an “open door policy”, where European states (in some supposedly liberal manner) could voluntarily “choose” to join the military bloc (NATO 2023).

After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, NATO “invited Czechia, Hungary and Poland to begin accession talks” in 1997. These three became “the first former members of the Warsaw Pact to join NATO in 1999.” (NATO 2023). After that “Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were invited and actually joined NATO in 2004.” Albania and Croatia joined NATO in 2009; Montenegro in June 2017; and the Republic of North Macedonia in March 2020 (NATO 2023).

The problems from Russia’s point of view became more acute when it came to the border countries of Georgia and Ukraine. The last “friendly warning from Russia” that NATO “needed to back off” came in March 2007, when Putin addressed the Munich Security Conference. “NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders”, Putin complained, and that “represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust … against whom is this expansion intended? and what happened to the assurances our Western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact?” (Galen Carpenter 2022). As recently as 2021, Russia demanded that NATO retract its pledge to admit Ukraine and Georgia” (FT 2021). Georgia and Ukraine could provide a border base for nuclear missiles aimed at Russia, something the US itself did not tolerate in 1962 when Soviet nuclear missiles were placed in Cuba to defend the independent island from a second invasion.

Even Robert M. Gates, Secretary of Defence under Bush (the Second) and Obama said relations with Russia had been “mismanaged … US agreements with the Romanian and Bulgarian governments to rotate troops through bases in those countries was a needless provocation … trying to bring Georgia and Ukraine into NATO was truly overreaching … recklessly ignoring what the Russians considered their own vital interests” (Galen Carpenter 2022). One Western observer said “It was entirely predictable that NATO expansion would ultimately lead to a tragic, perhaps violent, breach of relations with Moscow. We are now paying the price for the US foreign policy establishment’s myopia and arrogance” (Galen Carpenter 2022).

After the SMO, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg recognised that President Putin “went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. [yet] He has got the exact opposite” (Stoltenberg 2023). It is very clear then that Russia felt threatened by NATO expansion and acted to avert that threat.

2. The Kiev coup, Crimea and the Donbass
In 2014, Washington backed a bloody coup in the capital. As key Washington official Victoria Nuland said, just months before the coup, “We’ve invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine” (Nuland 2013).

In its customary fashion, Washington denied responsibility for the coup. But the new regime sharply reoriented Ukraine from the East to the West. The Ukrainian state was radically changed after a bloody insurrection in the capital, driving elected President Yanukovych into exile and mobilising neo-Nazi groups which were violently anti-Russian. As the pro-NATO media reported, the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade fighters “are Ukraine’s greatest weapon and may be its greatest threat” (Walker 2014), due to their extremism.

Massacres of left and pro-Russian Ukrainians began, including the infamous and horrific Odessa massacre of May 2014, where dozens of leftists were slaughtered in and around Odessa’s House of Trade Unions (Azərbaycan24 2022), and which Wikipedia (2023) now misleadingly calls “Odessa clashes’. A good overview of this period is provided by the 2016 documentary ‘Ukraine on Fire’ (Lopatonok and Stone 2016). The extreme right factions successfully urged rehabilitation (in street names and statues) of Stepan Bandera, (Portnov 2016), the notorious ultra-nationalist and Nazi collaborator who had helped lead the mass murders of Russian, Polish, Roma and Jewish people in Ukraine, in the 1940s (Glöckner 2021).

In reaction to the coup and the neo-Nazi-led massacres, the Russian speaking peoples of SE Ukraine (the Donbass) began to defend themselves by excluding Kiev regime officials and military from as much of the region as they could. Autonomous administrations were set up which received support from Russia and, after that, Kiev declared war. In November 2014, referring to the siege of the Donbass, former President Poroshenko infamously said:

“We will have jobs – they will not. We will have our pensions – they will not. We will have care for children, for people and retirees – they will not. Our children will go to schools and kindergartens – theirs will hole up in basements … that is exactly how we will win this war” (Slavyangrad 2014).

By late 2014, Kiev regarded itself at war with the self-declared autonomous republics of the Donbass (the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics). There was bombardment of these regions, and defence by the DPR and LPR militia, with some logistical support from Russia.

The UN in Ukraine (OHCHR 2022) estimates that, in this Donbass war (between the 2014 Kiev coup and the Feb 2022 Russian SMO), more than 14,200 were killed and 37-39,000 injured, more than two thirds of those comprising Donbass militia and civilians.

The people of Crimea, who had an autonomous status under Ukraine, similarly could not tolerate the post-coup regime. Popular feeling coincided with Russia’s wish to not lose its main Black Sea port, which it had maintained under an agreement with pre-2014 Kiev. The last thing Russia wanted was to lose Sevastopol, which it had defended from Nazi Germany, and let it fall into the hands of a neo-Nazi linked regime embedded with NATO. As it happened, the population of autonomous Crimea also preferred Russian status.

As Russian Foreign Affairs put it, Crimea was “reunited with the Motherland by popular vote in 2014” (MFA 2022). The 16 March 2014 vote was extremely high for incorporation: “97% of voters in Crimea and 95.6% in the city of Sevastopol voted for the peninsula’s reunification with Russia. The Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol became parts of Russia on March 18, 2014.” (BBC 2014a). Western politicians tried to dismiss the official poll as coerced, but subsequent Western polls reproduced similar figures. A June 2014 Gallup poll “asked Crimeans if the results in the March 16, 2014 referendum to secede from Ukraine reflected the views of the people”. A total of 82.8% said yes. When broken down by ethnicity, 93.6% of Crimean Russians said they believed the vote to secede was legitimate, while 68.4% of Crimean Ukrainians felt so (Rapoza 2015). There is a long and complicated story behind the shuffling of the “autonomous republic” of Crimea between Russia and Ukraine within the Soviet Union (see Lavrenin 2022; Kramer 2014); this included the fight of the Crimean Tartars to return to the land from which they were deported in 1944 (Wydra 2003: 111). For the purpose of this article, it is sufficient to recognise the strong popular support in Crimea for union with Russia.

Relatively early in the Donbass war, peace talks were brokered in Minsk, the Belarus capital. These talks sought to establish a ceasefire between Kiev forces and the self-proclaimed Donbass republics, a prisoner exchange and a military withdrawal, combined with a commitment by the Ukrainian government to restore control over its eastern border and hold local elections in the occupied territories; some sort of autonomous Donbass would then be reintegrated as part of Ukraine (Peacemaker 2015). France and Germany signed onto specific measures to implement this agreement, and the “Minsk 2” agreement was counter signed in February 2015 by representatives from the Russia, Ukraine, the DPR and LPR (Allen 2020).

However, most of this agreement was not implemented, while some NATO linked writers (e.g. Allen 2020) denounced the agreement as a violation of Ukraine sovereignty, even though it had been signed by Ukrainian president Poroshenko. Much later, former German chancellor Angela Merkel acknowledged that, while initiating the NATO membership of Ukraine and Georgia in 2008 was wrong, the Minsk agreements were “an attempt to give Ukraine time to develop” (Novaya Gazeta Europe 2023); an expression which Russia immediately interpreted as giving Ukraine time to build up its military and then seize the Donbass by force (TASS 2023).

Indeed, after 2014, US and NATO officials were busily building up the military capacity of Kiev forces, specifically to fight Russia. John McCain and Lindsey Graham – US senators who had previously helped arm proxy militia to be used against Libya and Syria (Sink 2012) – urged US President Obama to “provide arms to Ukrainian forces, who are trying to ward off a renewed invasion threat by Russian forces” (Wong 2014). By 2016 there was a US-led “Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine [JMTGU] … to help build the training capacity of the Ukrainian land forces” (Tarr 2016). Less than two years later, Graham and McCain visited the frontline in Ukraine, “to pay tribute to the Ukrainian soldiers who are standing up to Russian aggression” and to urge coercive economic measures against Russia (Interpreter 2016).

This JMGTU, led by the US 7th Army Command, set up in 2015, was at first based in Lavoriv, western Ukraine, but later moved to Grafenwoehr, Germany. Its stated roles were to “Mentor and Advise Armed Forces of Ukraine Trainers” and to “Enable Combat Training Center Capability and Capacity” (7ATC 2022).

NATO think tank The Atlantic Council backed heavy weapons sales to Ukraine to modernise its military (Hasik 2014). In 2014, even before the Minsk agreements, NATO members had begun sending weapons to Ukraine, according to Kiev (BBC 2014b). In 2015, when US President Obama was claiming to send only non-lethal aid to Ukraine, even his defence secretary and other military leaders openly supported the idea of arms sales (Herb 2015). By 2017 and 2019, the Trump administration was selling Kiev heavy weapons, including anti-tank missiles (Martinez, Finnegan and McLaughlin 2019). So, well before 2022, the US military was directly training and arming Kiev’s military forces, not only to further the Donbass war but also to fight Russia.

Former UK military adviser Jamie Read, who said he had “fought in this war for more than three years”, spoke of ‘Operation Hammer and Sickle,’ where NATO-backed Ukraine forces aimed to “retake the Donbass” region (Read 2019). From inside the autonomous zone, officials regarded a major attack from Ukraine as a very real threat, adding that they hoped “that the threat of Russian intervention in the event of an attack on Donbass by Ukraine will prevent Kiev from going through with this bloody plan” (Donbass Insider 2020).

3. The question of self defence
As it happened, with large military mobilisations on both sides of the border, Russia launched a pre-emptive strike through its ‘Special Military Operation’ of 24 February 2022. Russian President Putin wrote an open letter to the United Nations (Putin 2022; Schmitt 2022), stressing the threat to Russia from NATO expansion, plus the threat to the Russian people of SE Ukraine, saying that one “cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of millions of people who lived there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help” (Putin 2022). It was an argument for self-defence and humanitarian intervention. Western media characterised the speech as a ‘declaration of war on Ukraine’.

The Russian President saw an ongoing threat. “They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalist and Hitler’s accomplices did during the great patriotic war. They have openly laid claim to several other Russian regions. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today” (Putin 2022).

That brings us to the question of self-defence. Was the SMO, breaching the UN-recognised sovereign borders of Ukraine, carried out in self-defence? To put it another way, if the constant expansion of NATO and the war on Russian people of the Donbass represented a provocation, was there also an imminent threat to Russia from Ukraine?

Article 51 of the UN Charter says nothing “shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defence shall be immediately reported to the Security Council”. This Article was cited by the US-UK, in very different circumstances, for their 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Russia made a claim of anticipatory or pre-emptive self-defence, such as was used by the US and the UK for their invasion of Iraq. The operative phrase used to pre-emptively invade Iraq was that there was an “imminent threat” from weapons of mass destruction (Reynolds 2003; Rendall 2004), including from nuclear weapons.

At the same time as the SMO, Putin recognized the independence of two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine, signing a decree recognizing the self-proclaimed ‘Donetsk People’s Republic’ (DPR) and the ‘Luhansk People’s Republic’ (LPR) as independent, prior to their accession to the Russian Federation (DW 2022). Russian troops were thus sent into the territories for “the function of peacekeeping”.

Of course, US- and NATO-aligned analysts objected. Some had argued that the ‘pre-emptive strike’ doctrine had been thoroughly discredited by the spurious rationales for the 2003 Iraq Invasion (Daalder and Lindsay 2004). Nevertheless, citing Washington’s 2002 ‘National Security Strategy’, British Professor of Public International Law Michael Schmitt (2023) felt “obliged” to take anticipatory self-defence seriously, but claimed such doctrine could not apply to the Russian intervention because (a) there was “no indication that NATO, or even Ukraine, had decided to mount an attack to retake Crimea” or Russia, and did not have “the forces in place to do so effectively”; and (b) the claim for Article 51 was “limited to states” and therefore did not apply to the Donbass region.

The former claim was wrong in fact, and the latter is an artificial distinction; indeed Schmitt recognises that intervention in cases of decolonization (i.e. for peoples and not states) has been legally recognised (Crawford 2007). Schmitt (2023) finally argues that the Russian intervention was also illegal because it does not meet the self-defence criteria of necessity and proportionality (e.g. as there were Russian attacks on Kiev). The question of proportionality is a distinct matter, which should be considered in the actual character of the SMO and its escalation, especially after greater NATO participation in the war.

The eight years of war waged by Kiev against the mostly Russian peoples of the Donbass was seen by Moscow as a real and present danger from a neighbour converted into the agent of an outside power. A key stated aim of the SMO, to defend the Russian people of the Donbass, cannot be lightly dismissed, even while the Russian state itself was said to be under attack from an expansion of NATO and the associated build-up of foreign backed forces near the borders of the Donbas.

Source: ISW 2023

By about April 2022 Russia controlled most of the Donbass region, plus a land bridge to Crimea (ISW 2022). Much of the war after that time – other than Russian attempts to secure remaining parts of western Donetsk, attacks on Ukrainian military centres and arms depots – had settled into a war of positions. By mid-2023, Kiev’s supposed ‘counter-offensive’ was attacking (with little success) a multi-layered defensive line created to protect the peoples of the Donbass.

The NATO states supporting Kiev did not want a settlement if that might be to Moscow’s advantage, so they sabotaged the peace talks. In 2023, Russian President Putin revealed that both sides had signed a document in Istanbul in which Ukraine would agree to place “permanent neutrality” in its Constitution, plus provisions limiting the size of Ukraine’s standing army during peacetime. Yet, as Ukrainian media Ukrayinska Pravda reported, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson used a visit to Kiev to pressure Ukraine President Zelensky to cut off peace talks with Russia, even after the two sides appeared to have come to some agreement to end the war (Johnson 2022). It is clear that Johnson was acting on behalf of Washington, which has consistently maintained that Ukraine should fight to the end, or, as some have put it, “to the last Ukrainian” (Bandow 2022). This was seen as ideal by many in Washington, having a subordinate fight their wars for them; as senior Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said, “I like the structural path we are on, as long as we help Ukraine with the weapons they need and the economic support, they will fight to the last person” (Graham 2022).

President Zelensky later maintained that “negotiations can commence only after Moscow surrenders Crimea”, which voted to join Russia in 2014. He also dropped any idea of possible neutrality, and has formally applied to join NATO (Intel-drop 2023). NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg said Ukraine should join NATO but only after the war (Ward and Bayer 2023). Given what Stoltenberg has said about the imperative of defeating Russia (Telesur 2022), that means after a supposed defeat of Russia.

Russia saw the war from NATO, via Ukraine, as an “existential threat,” which might even force Russian resort to nuclear weapons (Stoner 2022). Indeed, there have been many US and NATO arguments on the wish to not just “defeat” Russia but to “dismantle” it as a nation (Butler 2022). Evidence confirming those Russian fears kept emerging during the SMO. Discussions on the NATO side, assuming a necessary military victory against Russia, also argued the desirability of breaking up the Russian Federation (Tetrais 2023; Motyl 2023). This validated the Russian sense of deep threat and lent further weight to its claims of acting in self-defence.

That this self-defence was not widely recognised was probably due to several factors: deep adherence to the principle of inviolable UN-recognised sovereign borders, especially after the many US invasions; cynicism about big power claims of self-defence (and pre-emptive self-defence) after the fraudulent claims behind the US-UK invasion of Iraq; a very powerful propaganda campaign by the Anglo-Americans, asserting repeatedly that the invasion was “unprovoked”; and a reluctance to unnecessarily contradict the US-led bloc, for fear of retribution. Given the current domination of international agencies by the Anglo-Americans, it seems unlikely that any genuinely independent tribunal will ever be constituted to assess Russia’s self-defence claim. It will remain a historical consideration.

4. An imperial intervention, as in Iraq?
A related but distinct and wider question is, was the SMO an imperial intervention? Imperial invasions typically involve attempts to (1) impose foreign rule on an independent people, (2) appropriate resources without the consent of the indigenous or intervened population, and (3) deny the indigenous or intervened people a full say in their own governance.

All three criteria were met in the US-led 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq. While many Iraqi people did not like President Saddam Hussein, they also did not invite the brutal ‘shock and awe’ bombing, indiscriminate slaughter and occupation regime. For fourteen months after the invasion, Iraq was subject to direct foreign governance through a Washington-appointed Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), and then to a heavily compromised political process created by that same CPA (Dobbins et al 2009; Bremer 2023). The CPA disbanded the Iraqi army and banned the Baath Party (pan-Arab and socialist, but also the country’s main unified nationalist party) and its leading members, while emphasising constitutional division of the nation along sectarian lines, including through a federal system (Taras 2006; Dobbins et al 2009; Jawad 2013). Under these compromised structures US energy, construction, finance and military interests were embedded in the Iraqi system (Juhasz 2013; Mousa 2023; Beelman et al 2012).

Those compromises weakened the nation so much that the new state was almost destroyed by a second wave of ISIS warfare (Anderson 2019: Chapter 13). That terrorism was only really destroyed in Iraq by the nation’s own Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), with assistance from Iran’s Commander Soleimani (Chaudhury 2020; Younes 2020).

The US occupation falsely claimed credit for fighting ISIS. Despite its professed aims, the US military occupation (invited back into the country in 2014 by a weakened and US-dependent Iraqi administration) actually hindered the fight against ISIS (Cradle 2023). After all, as US Vice-President Joe Biden and then head of the US Army General Martin Dempsey admitted in 2014, Washington’s close allies armed and financed ISIS, and other terror groups, with the common aim of overthrowing the Syrian Government (CCHS 2021).

In Iraq the destabilisation was to prevent the re-emergence of a strong, independent state with close relations to Iran (Hersh 2007; Anderson 2019: 296-305). These US admissions stopped short of admitting direct US involvement with ISIS. Yet the January 2020 murder of Soleimani and PMF commander Abu Mahdi al Muhandis by the US military was called “divine intervention” by ISIS (Bowen 2020).

The Russian SMO in SE Ukraine had quite different features. It was said to be aimed at dismantling the Kiev-backed ultra-nationalist (Banderist and neo-Nazi) domination of the Russian speaking people of that region, and to avert a direct threat to Russia. Protection had been requested for some time by the self-proclaimed republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

After the SMO, the Russian people of the Donbass region were not subject to foreign rule, but were rather invited to join the Russian federation as full citizens. The 2014 vote for Crimea to join Russia had been overwhelming and convincing; and that vote was soon confirmed by Western polls (BBC 2014a). The 2023 votes in the Donbass provinces were held in poor, war-torn conditions, but nevertheless reflected an indicative wish of many for Russian protection.

Groups in the Donbass had asked to join Russia as early as May 2014 (Walker and Grytsenko 2014). This “annexation”, as the Western powers called it, was in any case not a matter of imposing foreign rule, but rather the incorporation of Russian speaking people into a broader Russian body politic, where they would have full citizenship rights. Indeed, most of the older generations had lived under a Russian Centred Soviet system; most had also voted in 1991 against the dissolution of the Soviet Union, though they were persuaded later that same year to vote for an independent Ukraine, on the basis that it would be joined as an equal partner with its Russian neighbour and that the new Ukraine would open “wide opportunities for the development of languages and cultures of all nations” (Lavrenin 2022). The Kiev regime that emerged after the 2014 coup negated that multicultural promise.

Much was made, initially, about the distinction between an invasion and a Special Military Operation, but such terms do not define matters. Can there be non-imperial invasions? Yes indeed. The best recent examples have been the Tanzanian invasion of Uganda and the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia (Chanda 2018), both in 1979. The Khmer Rouge-ruled Cambodian state was not only massacring Cambodian people, but also targeting and killing many ethnic Vietnamese (IRIN 2015). In short, Cambodia had become a failed state in the sense of one whose violence spilled across the borders, posing a serious threat to its neighbours. The Tanzanian invasion of Uganda followed Ugandan incursions and aggression against Tanzania (Avirgan and Honey 1982). In the cases of Vietnam, Tanzania and Russia, the invading party, a neighbour, was motivated by both direct aggression and the threat of cross border violence in such a way that put the neighbour and linked ethnic populations at serious risk.

The Anglo-American aims in Iraq were very different to those of the Russian SMO. Both claimed to act in the name of local people, but only the former imposed foreign rule. The ‘Shock and Awe’ approach in Iraq, and the devastation of the cities of Baghdad and Fallujah, were acts aimed at achieving “rapid dominance” through “massive and therefore indiscriminate bombing” (Ullman and Wade 1996). Both invasions breached UN-recognised sovereign boundaries, but the Russian claim of self-defence had substance, while that of the Anglo-Americans in Iraq did not.

Further, the culturally Russian residents of neighbouring SE Ukraine had called for intervention, and were very rapidly offered full citizenship. No such process existed in Iraq, where hatred of the foreign intervention and occupation grew over time. At the time of writing this article (early 2024), the US occupation of Iraq is still maintained against the very clearly expressed will of the Iraqi people and their institutions (Mitchell 2024).


It is unlikely that the Russian SMO in Ukraine will ever be judged by an independent tribunal, for reasons of power politics. That will remain a matter for historians. However the charge that the Russian intervention was an imperial operation fails because: (1) it did not aim to impose foreign rule, being rather a pre-emptive response to NATO expansion, plus a response to calls for protection from the mostly Russian people of SE Ukraine, suffering siege and aggression from the Kiev regime; (2) while there are significant natural resources in the Donbass region, it is plain that seizure of resources was not the key motivation of Russia, a country with massive natural resources; and (3) far from denying the intervened peoples a full say in their own governance, the Russian Federation moved to make them full citizens. There might be criticism of the mode and tactics of this SMO, but its rationale was quite clear. In any event, Russia clearly decided to redraw the post-USSR 1991 boundaries, and no one was able to stop her. The SMO was in many respects resolution of a war against Russia begun by the US through the 2014 Kiev coup.

In a second article, I will turn to the global impact question: how did the Russian SMO in Ukraine catalyse a turnaround in global alignments?


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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:59 am

Democracy, security and foreign interests
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/27/2024


Security and democracy are usually interspersed as the most important argument with which, according to Western and Ukrainian officials and lobbyists, it is necessary to continue supporting Kiev to achieve a military victory that defeats Russia on the battle front. The discourse requires different approaches at each time and place, but both ideas are used to defend the continuation of the status quo . This last week, several representative examples of the meaning of these concepts have been given. In moments of uncertainty, it is necessary to appeal to all the adjectives, exaggerations or free interpretations of those ideas that the society from which a sacrifice is demanded considers positive and a sign of its identity.

“President Zelensky is showing his true democratic leadership,” Admiral Rob Bauer, chairman of the NATO Military Committee, wrote on social media with images of their meeting. The military man, who highlighted “the courage” of the Ukrainian president, insisted that “among the darkness of war, Ukraine is a spotlight that shows the world what it means to fight for something you believe in.” Without leaving any clichés in the way, the soldier began his message referring to the “756th day of what was going to be a three-day war.” In just a few lines, Bauer exploits three great ideas of this war: the Russian failure, the light of democracy in Ukraine and the value of its struggle. This narrative requires blind science accepting the idea of ​​the fall of Kiev in 72 hours , which British intelligence has managed to establish as the Russian objective, something totally out of reality if understood in context: even the relatively simple 2008 war against The weak Georgian army, in which the capital was not captured, lasted for more days. To accept the speech, it is also necessary to forget the cancellation of the elections until the war ends, which reduces Ukrainian democracy to the mandate that its president received five years ago thanks to a program of moderation of nationalism and the commitment to Russia to end the war, which at that time was limited only to Donbass.

Bauer has been one of the guest stars at the sixteenth edition of the Kyiv Security Forum, an initiative created by former Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk to "defend Ukraine's national interests in the world", "form and expand the circle of international partners" Ukraine and “contribute to the creation of a just world based on civilized principles and rules.” Reality is something that can be intentionally manipulated and is adaptable as long as it fits the story. "This war is being fought because President Putin fears something much more powerful than any physical weapon on earth, democracy...", stated the admiral in a speech shared by Anton Geraschenko, former advisor to Arsen Avakov in the Ministry of the Interior and currently dedicated fundamentally to the work of propaganda and media intoxication.

Geraschenko's democracy involves working in a ministry appointed by the Government following an irregular change of Government, incorporating as a police battalion a group of people from the most radical margins of the nationalist extreme right to help the official authorities repress the anti-government protests that had broken out in places like Kharkov and subsequently trying to crush the military rebellion in Donbass by military means. The leader of those groups was then - and continues to be now - Andriy Biletsky, who from his men in black created the Azov battalion, later a regiment and which now has a brigade in the National Guard, another commanded by himself in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and presence in the special forces of the military intelligence troops of Kirilo Budanov. Biletsky, who in 2014 obtained a deputy seat in the Rada thanks to the efforts of Yatseniuk's party, which withdrew its candidate to guarantee the victory of the white leader , was also one of the participants in the forum. Ukraine cannot live on democracy alone and Biletsky, who in the past has repeatedly despised the parliamentary system and democracy itself, focused his speech on the need to receive weapons from his partners. War is currently the reason for the State's existence and that is the center of the political agenda, full of words about democracy and continental security.

In Bauer's intervention reproduced by Geraschenko, the admiral insisted that “no propaganda can hide the truth that [Russia] has not achieved any of its strategic objectives. And how would you achieve them? Russian troops have no idea why they are fighting. And you know it. They are fighting for civilization itself... So it would be a terrible historical mistake to let them win. "It would be dangerous for all of us, because the outcome of this war will affect the fate of the entire world." Democracy and security come together in his narrative to arrive at a simple solution to both concerns: more funds, weapons and ammunition. This is what democracy and civilization require. To them we must add, of course, the interests of others.

“We cannot allow Russia to win the war, otherwise American and European interests would be damaged,” Josep Borrell stated these days in an appearance on Christiane Amanpour's program. “It is not just a question of generosity; It is not a question of supporting Ukraine because we love the Ukrainian people. It is in our own interest and also in that of the United States as a global actor, which has to be perceived as a reliable partner and security provider for allies. That is why we ask the United States to open and approve the supplementary budget,” added the head of diplomacy of the European Union.

Within the usual cynicism of those who see the well-being of the country's population as secondary, Borrell's version is more honest than other speeches that are produced these days. Hours before his visit to India, where Ukraine seeks to distance the most populous country on the planet from its neutral stance towards the war, the head of Ukrainian diplomacy wanted to link his country's struggle with that of the most important symbol of the subcontinent. “When Ukraine faced the Russian invasion two years ago, very few people believed we would survive, but we persisted and we will manage to defend our freedom and independence.” According to Gandhi, the future depends on what we do in the present. Hence, supporting Ukraine today means supporting freedom and independence. Support the legacy of the great Mahatma,” Kuleba said. The country that has been demanding weapons from its allies for ten years, that began an anti-terrorist operation against its own population and that for years refused to comply with the only existing peace agreement wants to be on par with those who defended non-violent tactics and argued that the eye for eye will leave us all blind. Reality manipulated to make it fit into the discourse of war. ... es-ajenos/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

📝 Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 26, 2024)

- During the day, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range sea- and land-based weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on decision-making centers and facilities SBU, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as places of deployment of Ukrainian national formations and foreign mercenaries. All objects are hit. The objectives of the strike have been achieved.

— In the Kupyansk direction, the active actions of units of the “Western” group of forces inflicted fire damage on enemy units and improved the situation along the front line. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 20 military personnel and two vehicles.

— In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the formations of the 54th, 93rd mechanized and 81st airmobile brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka, Lugansk People’s Republic, Kleshcheevka and Verkhnekamenskoye, Donetsk People’s Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 425 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles and seven vehicles.

In addition, four electronic warfare stations, a US-made AN/TPQ-36 counter-battery radar , and a US-made M777 howitzer were destroyed . — In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the “Center” group of troops defeated enemy units and improved the situation along the front line. Four counterattacks of assault groups of the 24th, 47th, 59th mechanized, 25th airborne brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Novgorodskoye, Vodyanoye, Pervomaiskoye, Tonenkoye and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic. The enemy lost up to 280 troops, two tanks, two armored combat vehicles and six vehicles. During the counter-battery fight , two M777 howitzers made in the USA, an AS-90 self-propelled artillery mount made in the UK, a D-20 howitzer , and a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount were hit. — In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops inflicted fire damage and repelled two counterattacks of assault groups 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village of Staromayorskoye, Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 105 military personnel, five vehicles, two FH-70 howitzers made in Great Britain, as well as a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

— In the Kherson direction, as a result of coordinated actions of units of the Dnepr group of troops, the situation along the front line was improved , and also fire damage was caused to accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 108th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino and Novoselovka, Zaporozhye areas.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 50 military personnel, three vehicles, as well as a US-made M777 howitzer .

— Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 114 regions. — Air defense systems destroyed 131 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles

within 24 hours , as well as shot down two S-200 anti-aircraft guided missiles converted to hit ground targets and 15 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,142 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,604 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,531 field artillery and mortar guns, as well as 20215 units of special military vehicles.

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The Russian Armed Forces killed a Polish general
March 26, 11:30 p.m


In the Chasov Yar area, the Russian Armed Forces killed Polish Brigadier General Adam Marczak. The bunker with the general was visited by an Iskander OTRK missile.
The Poles confirm Marczak's sudden death, but say that the general "died of natural causes."
Marczak once commanded the Polish occupation contingent in Afghanistan, as well as in Bosnia. He was also involved in NATO command structures.
This is the highest-ranking NATO military personnel killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the war.


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MARCH 26, 2024

Oliver Boyd-Barrett is a critical scholar of media and communication, propaganda, and international news media and film. Subscribe to his Substack, Empire, Communication and NATO Wars, here.

By Oliver Boyd-Barrett, Substack, 3/26/24


The French in Ukraine
Macron has put 2,000 troops on notice for relocation, and would like to send another 18,000. They are being sent to Romania as non-combatants, and will bring the current French force in Romania up from 700 to 2,000+, presumably in readiness for intervention in the event of Russian action in Odessa. Scott Ritter today comments that they will make no difference in the battlefield context of over 1,000 Ukrainian casualties a day. The real goal, in the words of a Polish politician, is to expand NATO’s presence in Ukraine to 60,000 taking in troops from Poland and the Baltic states.

The practicality of all this is extremely dubious: will these forces, assuming they would ever reach 60,000, have sufficient food, training and weapons? Would they be capable of meaningful, coordinated action? And why is 60,000 a magic number? The Ukrainians have fielded many hundreds of thousands of troops and is still losing the war.

So it seems unlikely that the Macron initiative will add up to more than a hill of beans. Russia will take whatever measures that it must in order to destroy these forces, should they attack Russia and, in particular, should they attempt anything that diminishes the usefulness of Russian nuclear deterrence, in which case we may talking nuclear war. Many people think Russia is bluffing; Ritter asserts that the Russians do not bluff.

Could Macron’s initiative have been taken without the consent of other Western leaders? Yes. Macron feels abandoned by the USA, which has now backed off from the provision of further arms to Ukraine (while House Republicans continue to insist on more action on the southern border before they will consent to voting on a new arms package). On the other hand, the USA has not instructed the Europeans to stand down. Perhaps it is content to see Europe slide further into the economic abyss, no longer a remotely competitive player against the USA.

Is the Ukraine war becoming a direct NATO-Russian war? The Russian army is preparing a flotilla that will patrol the Dnieper river from the summer. Ritter speculates that Russia is anticipating the collapse of the Ukrainian army and the taking of Kharkiv and Odessa. Ritter is finishing a book to be titled Ukraine and the End of NATO, and the end of NATO, he says, is the inevitable outcome of a Russian victory in Ukraine.

Dima reports today that Zelenskiy has fired his Secretary of the National Security Council, Danilov, perhaps indicating a struggle for power within Kiev and an intensification of Ukrainian nervousness as the likelihood increases of a fairly imminent Russian offensive to take a major center of population such as Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipro, or Zapporizhzhia.

Kharkiv is today completely without electricity, presumably as a result of recent Russian strikes on two power plants serving the city. In nearby Volchansk fire hydrants are not working as a result of power blackouts. Ukraine, says Dima, would prefer Russia to strike at Kharkiv (rather than other possible targets) and it is not impossible that Ukraine is exaggerating the energy crisis there, making it look worse than it in fact is. Such tactics have been used in the past to distract Russia from re-attacking certain areas. Perhaps Ukraine’s attitude is based on the fact that Russia considers Kharkiv to be a particularly pro-Russian city, that therefore Russia would pull its punches in trying to take it. Dima speculates that one route such a Russian offensive might take in the north east would run from the mainland down through Chuhuiv to Donets.

The Ukrainian mobilization bill is proceeding, with an age of conscription being established as 18.

(more...) ... palestine/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 28, 2024 12:36 pm

The DPR front
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/28/2024


The capture of Avdeevka and the subsequent advance towards the Orlovka Berdichi axis, after which Ukrainian troops prepare their defense line and are ready to fight to prevent further Russian advances, has opened the door for the focus of the battle for Donbass to shift. move to other equally important areas to the area near Donetsk. The fight for the region is complex and combines the Russian need to continue attacking with the difficulties of doing so. After all, despite the surprise caused in certain Western media by the rudimentary nature of the trenches that Ukraine has in certain areas of the front, Donbass is the most fortified part of the Ukrainian front. This is where kyiv's troops had grown strong and battle-hardened over the previous eight years and where their main fortifications were located.

The Russian success at Avdeevka has come after long months of fighting and more than a year of costly attempts to advance on Marinka, a suburb west of Donetsk from which Ukraine withdrew at the end of 2023 with the battle already lost and no ruins left. After two years, Russian troops have managed to move the front slightly away from the city of Donetsk, thus hampering Kiev's chances of attacking the city and its rear with its simpler - and more affordable - artillery, but the slowness, the destruction that has involved and the losses it has entailed indicate that no further progress will be easy. The imbalance of forces and the use of aviation have led the battle for Avdeevka to a Russian victory, which has involved months of intensive use of material and human resources.

With fighting noticeably slowing in the west and northwest of Donetsk, where Russian attempts to advance on the second Ukrainian defense line continue at a pace similar to that of the approach to Avdeevka, Russian military experts are looking to other areas of the Donbass front to determine subsequent objectives. On February 22, 2022, two days before entering the war, the Russian Federation recognized the independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Despite the ambiguity that remained for a few hours as to whether the recognition referred to the de facto borders or those of the regions in Ukraine, the immediate Russian attempt to advance from the territory under the control of the People's Republics on the Ukrainian front line and His rearguard in Lugansk made it clear that anything that did not include going as far as capturing the integrity of the two Ukrainian oblasts could be considered a failure. Since then, although with the complications derived from high urbanization, strong Ukrainian defenses and the difficulties in actively using aviation, Russia has not stopped trying to get closer, little by little, to that objective, which has also suffered setbacks. The clearest ones have occurred in Izium, technically in the Kharkiv region, but essential for a possible advance on Slavyansk, and Krasny Liman, both in September 2022. At that time, it was not only the possibility of advancing on one of the cities where the Donbass rebellion began in 2014, Slavyansk, which was in danger, but so was the defense of the northern Lugansk front.

That winter, mainly based on the use of Wagner's infantry and at the cost of enormous effort and very high casualties, Russia held the front and managed to advance on Soledar and Artyomovsk, captured in May 2023. Despite the fact that the city had lost The strategic importance that it once had as a communications hub, its position in the center of the Donbass front made the town essential for any Russian aspiration for victory in the battle for the region.

The current situation, with the Lugansk front under control and some signs of the beginning of offensive actions towards Krasny Liman or Seversk, is conducive to the reactivation of the Artyomovsk front, secondary since it became clear that the Ukrainian troops were not going to be able to recover the city, but also given the Russian difficulties in expelling the Ukrainian Armed Forces from the positions taken during the counteroffensive. “Russian troops have been able to make significant progress in the Artyomovsk area,” Vzglyad writes these days , quoting Russian military expert Mikhail Onufrienko, who adds that “it has been officially confirmed that the town of Krasnoe has been liberated. This opens the door, not so much to an attack on Chasov Yar, but to the Klescheevka area, where a strong battle has been going on since August.” Together with Rabotino on the Zaporozhie front, Klescheevka was the great success of the spring-summer counteroffensive. However, as on the central front, Ukrainian troops failed to capitalize on this advance to compromise the situation of Russian troops in Artyomovsk. Even so, what was lost in the summer has been difficult for Russia to recover, which has undermined the attempt to progress towards Chasov Yar and beyond, always with the long-term objective of achieving urban accumulation that includes Slavyansk and Kramatorsk, the main area still under Ukrainian control.

“Assaulting populated areas is a complicated task that involves heavy casualties and destruction,” says Onufrienko, who sees the advances towards Klescheevka as a representative sample of Russian tactics in Donbass at the moment. “If you look at a map, you can easily see that one city flows fluidly into the next and between them there are several villages. "We are referring, among others, to Chasov Yar, Konstantinovka, Slavyansk," he insisted to explain that Russia is not seeking, for the moment, a large-scale offensive that threatens Ukraine's position in the north of Donetsk, but rather an intermediate step: forcing Kiev troops west of the Seversky-Donets Canal.

Less ambitious than a plan to reach Slavyansk and Kramatorsk in the medium term, more difficult without having positions like Izium, from which to attack the city also from the north, reaching the canal would mark the beginning of an important change. The piped water supply of much of the region, including the Donetsk region and its adjacent cities, depends on this canal. The progressive expulsion of Ukrainian troops from these areas of the region would not only reduce the risk of bombing of the civilian population in places like Gorlovka, but would also be a step to recover critical infrastructure for the well-being of the residents of the most populated Donbass, deprived for months of something as basic as drinking water. And although the works carried out by the Russian Federation to transport water from the Don River have managed to improve the situation, any progress in the Seversky-Donets brings Moscow closer to achieving a more definitive situation for a problem that has been dragging on for almost two years.

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

⚡️ Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 27, 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to conduct a special military operation.

- In the Kupyansk direction, units of the “Western” group of forces inflicted fire on the personnel of the 32nd and 60th motorized infantry brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Sinkovka, Kharkov region and Terny, Donetsk People’s Republic. The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 20 military personnel and three vehicles.

In addition, two US-made M777 and M198 howitzers, two D-20 guns, a Giatsint-S self-propelled gun, a US-made AN/TPQ-50 counter-battery counter-battery radar station and two Enklav-N electronic warfare stations were hit.

- In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of forces, as a result of active actions, occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 3rd assault, 56th motorized infantry, 28th, 30th mechanized, 46th and 81st th airmobile brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Zaliznyanskoe, Bogdanovka, Chasov Yar, Kleshcheevka and Andreevka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 220 military personnel, two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and three vehicles.

During the counter-battery fight during the day, the following were hit: self-propelled artillery mount M109 "Paladin" made in the USA, howitzer M198 made in the USA, self-propelled artillery mount "PzH 2000" made in Germany, self-propelled gun "Gvozdika", howitzer D-30, two electronic warfare stations: "Nota" " and "Enklav-N", as well as a warehouse of artillery ammunition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

- In the Avdeevsky direction, as a result of successful actions, units of the “Center” group of troops improved the situation along the front line, inflicted fire defeat on enemy formations and repelled nine counterattacks by assault groups of the 24th, 47th, 53rd mechanized, 25th airborne, 59th motorized infantry brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Shumy, Leninskoye, Tonenkoye, Vodyanoye, Pervomaiskoye and Berdychi of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The enemy lost up to 255 troops, two infantry fighting vehicles and six vehicles.

Also hit during the counter-battery fight were the US-made M109 Paladin self-propelled artillery mount, the US-made M777 howitzer, and the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

- In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical position and repelled three counterattacks of the assault groups of the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the area of ​​the village of Staromayorskoye, Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 60 military personnel, two armored personnel carriers, three pickup trucks, a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mount, and a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

- In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 121st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region, and Osokorovka, Kherson region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 40 military personnel and two armored combat vehicles.

- Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation damaged the assembly and storage sites of unmanned aerial vehicles, manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 136 regions.

- Air defense systems destroyed 210 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles during the day, and also shot down 21 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,352 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,614 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,546 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,260 units of special military vehicles.

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The Main Question, However, Is...

... why would Russia be interested in fighting the UK?

UK military ‘couldn’t fight Russia for longer than two months’ Failure to secure more funding for Armed Forces puts us at a disadvantage, warns Deputy Chief of Defence Staf.

One has to give Margo Simonyan credit where the credit is due. As much as I criticize RT, she nailed it when she told a lowlife from BBC that: "we don't even like you." In case of serious war the only capable whole armored brigade of British ground forces will be destroyed in a matter of a week or two and that will be it. Will UK escalate to a nuclear threshold--I really doubt it, the United States wants to live too and is de facto in charge of UK's nuclear deterrent.
Germany, whose economy is way larger than that of UK also faces brutal realities of real economy and real war.

The German federal government’s plans to upgrade its ailing military are yet to be realized. Germany has struggled to reach the 2 percent of GDP defense budget set by NATO as a minimum, while plans to spend €100 billion on force development, which Chancellor Scholz announced shortly after the war in Ukraine broke out, have stalled. Much of the €100 billion is being spent by the government to buy weapons, most of which will take years to arrive, while reports year after year tell of the continuing deterioration of the working conditions of the German army, shortages of equipment, and an ever-increasing lack of personnel amid failed recruitment drives. The biggest problem with German force development is that most of it is not funded from the budget. The Scholz cabinet is trying to solve the 2 percent defense expansion in NATO through financing, which could be deemed unconstitutional.

As I am on record (yet again)--procurement is not some mindless accounting: $2 billion here, $5 billion there. This is not how it works, especially when neither Germany nor UK have any real money and the whole premise of their wet dreams about fighting Russians is built around BS of Russia attacking those two EU losers. It is all about defrauding taxpayers for the sake of feeble militaries and their narrowing industrial base in both countries. Real procurement, however starts with serious threat assessment and solid development of technological requirements for a force--combined West ain't got any.

This European kindergarten is becoming absolutely preposterous:

Macron Wants to Run Europe’s Foreign Policy. Not Everyone Agrees

Nobody cares in Moscow, especially when listening to BS about "building wartime economy" by people whose only skills in life are those of BSing, reelecting themselves and never working a serious job in their lives. Well, they also do proverbial 360 degrees on most issues. Why Moscow matters? Well, because in the XXI century real economic development is identical to energy and EU ain't got shit. Make your own conclusions what will be the ultimate outcome. ... er-is.html
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 29, 2024 12:06 pm

"What will the history of this new conflict between democracies and authoritarianisms write?"
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/29/2024


Andriy Ermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, is arguably the most powerful man in Ukraine politically. Zelensky's right-hand man since his time before the presidency, he has managed to create a presidential administration that gained presence in the years of peace - that is, of war only in Donbass - of the legislature and has become even stronger since the Russian invasion February 2022. At that time, especially amid the chaos that reigned in Kiev during the first weeks, in which there was even a shootout between military and civil intelligence in which one of the Ukrainian negotiators died, the structure Ukraine's policy changed completely to impose a mode of war that continues to this day. In this political reconfiguration of institutions and forms of government, Ermak has managed to gain levels of power that have surprised even the generally docile Ukrainian press. Already in 2022, Ukrainska Pravda described Ermak as the man who accumulated much of the political power in the country, equating his position to that of a vice president, a figure that does not exist in Ukraine.

Since then, the concentration of political power has been even greater, especially given the increasing difficulties that the Zelensky faction is currently experiencing in obtaining enough votes to pass its legislative measures in Parliament. Ermak and Zelensky's solution to the parliamentary challenge has not been the political route and negotiation in search of allies, but the much more authoritarian route of marginalizing the legislative power. In war, the ability of Zelensky and his shrinking circle of friends to run the country's institutions as they wish depends solely on maintaining the favor of their most valued constituencies, their foreign partners. For more than a year, the President's Office has managed Parliament by withdrawing by decree the deputy records obtained through elections. In doing so, Ukraine expelled one faction of the opposition, while using that threat to coerce another to vote the correct way. Now, as the end of Zelensky's democratic mandate approaches dangerously, coinciding with a moment of some internal rebellion among the groups that make up Servant of the People, Parliament is basically closed. The Office of the President has not only de facto replaced the Government, but also aspires to control and manipulate the legislative branch. All of this imploring democracy and Western values ​​and demanding from their foreign suppliers weapons, financing and help to defeat Russia in the name of the fight against authoritarianism and totalitarianism.

Zelensky's advance guard in his visits and negotiations, Ermak is now working in two directions: guaranteeing for Ukraine more international protection in the form of maintaining the continuous flow of assistance that makes it possible to prolong the war until final victory (regardless of the realism of that objective) and condition the situation so that the democratic vacuum that will occur when the presidential term expires does not affect Kiev's democratic credentials. Democracy and security are mixed in Ermak's speech to create a narrative that lacks coherence and that bases his arguments on a rewriting of recent history. In his recent article published by The Hill , the head of the Office of the President wanted to use all possible topics to attract the attention of the American public and its political authorities. This is where Ukraine knows its future is at stake. The European Union has proven not to be capable of supplying the equipment and ammunition required for a high-intensity conventional land war between two large armies, which has revealed European subordination in security, industrial and political matters. Hence, kyiv sees its fate directly linked to the development of political events in the United States in the coming months. Having defeated Joe Biden's initiatives to approve new funds to continue the war, Ukraine is awaiting the publication, possibly next week, of the Republican proposal, which may not meet Kiev's expectations in terms of its number and Perhaps it is proposed, at least in part, in the form of credits and not a non-refundable fund.

In a position of weakness and absolute dependence, Ukraine cannot afford to lose the favor of its main supplier, the United States, which enjoys its leading role in terms of industrial production, resource mobilization capacity and which has the political power of which The second main supplier of this war, Germany, is missing. While Berlin listens to warnings and reproaches, Washington receives praise from the Ukrainian authorities as an indispensable and exceptional country that expects to hear from its partners, allies and proxies. “Eighty years after the United States and Allied armies liberated Nazi-occupied Europe in World War II, history once again challenges freedom-loving nations,” writes Andriy Ermak in an article in which he conveniently forgets the role of the Soviet Union, and with it also the part that corresponds to Ukraine, in the victory in the Second World War, the defeat of fascism and the configuration of the post-war world that it exalts and tries to turn into an argument to support more and with faster to the current Government in kyiv. “What will the history of this new conflict between democracies and authoritarianisms write?” asks Ermak, de facto vice president of a country that has put an end to the non-nationalist opposition and has effectively closed Parliament. “Will history be as kind this time to the Allies, whose World War II victory over the Nazis ushered in the greatest period of peace and progress Europe has ever seen and unbridled prosperity for the United States?” to begin focusing his speech on the United States' moral obligation to defeat Russia. To do this, Ermak does not hesitate to use the most tendentious language of Cold War soldiers. After all, it is the hawkish wing of the Republicans that he is trying to convince that supporting Ukraine is beneficial to their geopolitical interests.

“The pages of the history of the 21st century are written in Ukraine,” says Ermak, openly exaggerating Ukraine's role in world politics, later appealing to the “leaders of the free world to guarantee freedom, peace and prosperity.” He does so from the country that chose not to comply with the only peace agreement due to the political rights it implied for the population and that preferred to maintain the state of war in an absolutely artificial way in order to continue demanding support from its partners against its enemy. The rewriting of history is not limited to World War II and the Cold War, but extends to the present and concepts are intermingled to achieve the most exalted discourse possible. “For the past 80 years, the United States and its allies and partners have honored the sacrifice of their brave dead by keeping the bright light of democracy burning. Today, people from all over the world look to the United States as the bearer of the beacon of democracy,” says Ermak of the country that has supported the most coups d'état in these decades.

“As we enter the third year of Russia's unprovoked war against Ukraine, dark forces are once again challenging the freedoms of those living in democratic societies. Although the battles that take place far from American shores may seem to many to be a huge threat, just look at history," he adds to describe the Russian threat as worse than the one that Hitler's Germany posed to Europe after the Munich Pact. of 1938. The invention of history, the exaggeration beyond all limits and the attempt to affirm, without any subtlety, that the containment policy is counterproductive, which is why it is necessary to bet on war, are evident in the story.

“The parallels with the Second World War are many,” adds Ermak, who tries to provide one. “Just as the Nazis united dictatorships, the current Russian Federation has made common cause with Iran and North Korea, which provide it with drones and missiles.” The statement, which lacks the slightest seriousness, seeks to equate the axis formed by Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy and imperial Japan with the current Russian Federation, Iran and the People's Republic of Korea. “As in the late 1930s, what happens in Ukraine will not be limited to Europe, but will have lasting effects for the United States and its allies and partners around the world,” he writes, deliberately forgetting that his country officially praises to groups and people who actively fought against the allies of the United States and who despises those who did so on the Soviet side.

Like Biden, Ermak also tries to link the war in Ukraine with that of Israel against the Palestinian population. Once again, the head of the President's Office appeals to an enemy designated by the United States. In this new cold war in which he hopes the Iron Curtain will be placed on Ukraine's eastern border, Ermak writes that “we have already witnessed Iran's horrific attacks against Israel through its proxy, Hamas. Although some want to separate the two attacks because they occur in different military theaters, they are attacks by a common enemy directed against the national interests of the United States.” The solution, as always, is clear, and it involves financing more war. “If the United States blinks in Ukraine, our common enemies will not hesitate to test the determination of democracy even more,” he adds, trying to equate two conflicts with very different causes, but in which Washington is indispensable as a financier and supplier of weapons. and ammunition.

“A Russian occupation of Ukraine permitted by the United States and the West would make the world less safe for Israel, the Baltic countries, and American forces abroad,” he says without presenting any argument to justify it beyond the imaginary Moscow-Tehran axis. Pinonyang. However, in the childish worldview of the head of the President's Office, everything has a solution. Curiously, it not only involves the rapid and massive shipment of financing, weapons and ammunition, but also a Marshall Plan that is even less realistic than the possibility of a complete victory against Russia.

“The prosperity and goodwill created through the Marshall Plan is a blueprint for Ukraine's future that will create opportunities for American businesses. “This includes the US defense sector, which is already benefiting from US spending on military assets deployed in Ukraine, and will create a Ukrainian military prepared to deter enemies of the West from further attacks,” he alleges. Ukraine intends to maintain war financing and favorable treatment of Western countries beyond the war. To do this, it needs a new cold war in which to present itself as the outer frontier of the free world against the external enemy. ... itarismos/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten
Military expert Boris Rozhin about the situation in the Donetsk (Avdeevsky) direction during the Northern Military District by 21.41 Moscow time on March 28, 2024, especially for the Voenkor Kotenok channel @voenkorKotenok :

Fighting continues in the center of the village.
The pace of progress is low. From the village side Nevelskoye is still making serious progress towards the southern outskirts of the settlement. Pervomayskoe no.
But from the north, our troops are gradually advancing to the west of the village. Thin, which will allow in the foreseeable future to increase pressure on the northwestern part of Pervomaisky.

The Russian Armed Forces continue to expand the zone of control in the area of ​​the settlement. Thin. In addition to moving west, the territory between the settlements is gradually cleared. Tonenkoe and Orlovka. The village itself is still heavily exposed to enemy artillery and drones.

The Russian Armed Forces are developing an offensive against the settlement. Semyonovka, and also clear the area between the village. Orlovka and Berdychi. After the liberation of Semenovka, it will be possible to advance from Orlovka further west in the direction of Umansky.

After conducting reconnaissance in force, the Russian Armed Forces began to storm the settlement. Semyonovka.
Fighting is already taking place in the village. The enemy is stubborn, not wanting to lose important lines that are holding back the advance of the Russian Armed Forces further to the west, taking advantage of the fact that Semyonovka is partially covered from the front by reservoirs.

The Russian Armed Forces continue active assault operations in the north of the village and in the direction of the exit from the village. Berdychi in the village Semyonovka.
The enemy is putting up fierce resistance and continues to waste NATO equipment, which he previously saved as his last trump card.
A large number of drones are used here on both sides.

The RF Armed Forces continue to process the area of ​​the settlement. Ocheretino, through which the enemy is transferring reinforcements to the village. Berdychi.
There is also an intensification of work on the construction of field fortifications in the area of ​​the settlement. Ocheretino.
The enemy is hastily preparing a new line of defense, which will become relevant after the loss of the settlement. Berdychi.

In general, the Russian Armed Forces maintain full initiative in this direction, gradually breaking into the enemy’s defenses.
The enemy recognizes the difficult situation in this sector and is preparing to transfer a number of more brigades in order to reinforce the sagging front. FABs still play an important role in pushing through enemy defenses.


The Embassy of Kazakhstan recommended that citizens of Kazakhstan quickly leave the territory of the Odessa and Kharkov regions.
Something is expected.


📝 Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 28, 2024)

- In the Kupyansk direction, active actions of units of the “Western” group of forces inflicted fire damage on units of the 32nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 117th military defense brigade in areas of the settlements Sinkovka and Stroevka, Kharkov region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 30 military personnel, a tank, three infantry fighting vehicles, four cars, as well as a self-propelled artillery unit “Gvozdika”.

— In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the formations of the 24th, 53rd mechanized, 5th assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 4th brigade of the National Guard in the areas of the settlements of Krasnogorovka, Chasov Yar, Kleshcheevka and Disputed Donetsk People's Republic.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost over 370 military personnel, a tank, two armored combat vehicles and 19 vehicles. In addition, during the counter-battery battle, a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mount, two D-30 howitzers and two US-made M119 guns were hit.

— In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the “Center” group of troops improved the situation along the front line and repelled seven counterattacks by assault groups of the 47th, 53rd and 59th mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Tonenkoye, Berdychi and Pervomaiskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

The enemy lost up to 95 military personnel, three tanks, including one US-made Abrams, two infantry fighting vehicles, nine cars, as well as two US-made M777 howitzers and two D-30 guns.

— In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of forces improved the situation along the front line and inflicted fire on units of the 58th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the 128th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Urozhaynoye and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 145 military personnel and seven vehicles.

— In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 121st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region, and Mikhailovka, Kherson region.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces' losses amounted to up to 40 military personnel, three armored combat vehicles, including a US-made M113 armored personnel carrier, four vehicles, a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, and two D-30 howitzers.

— Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit the personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 107 regions.

— During the past 24 hours, air defense systems destroyed 131 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, and also shot down 26 rockets from the US-made HIMARS and Czech-made Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,483 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,629 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,559 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,303 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Ukrainian ‘Caliphate’: What the West Ignores When Blaming ISIS for the Moscow Terrorist Attack
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 27, 2024
Directorate 4 Team

Kiev’s connections with terrorist groups and Islamists are recognized even in the West.

On March 22, Russia suffered one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent history, in the course of which 137 people were killed and 182 others were injured. The four terrorists who carried out the attack chose one of the largest exhibition and concert venues in the country, Crocus City Hall, in the city of Krasnogorsk on the outskirts of Moscow, which hosts large events every day.

Even though the investigation is still ongoing, the West has already claimed that the Islamic State (IS) is responsible for the tragedy. This was first reported by some media outlets, including Reuters and CNN, and was later picked up by Western officials. For example, on Monday, this was stated by White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

However, when we compare this terrorist attack with other IS attacks, we notice more differences than similarities.

How IS kills

On that fateful Friday night, a concert by Picnic, a St. Petersburg rock band, was supposed to take place in Crocus City Hall. This fact gave rise to comparisons with the horrible terrorist attack in France in November 2015. Back then, terrorists broke into the Bataclan Theater in Paris, where a concert of the US band Eagles of Death Metal was taking place. IS claimed responsibility for the crime, which left 89 people dead.

In those years, IS became increasingly active throughout the world – but this was actually a sign of its decline. In its heyday, IS didn’t urge its supporters to carry out terrorist attacks, but instead called on them to “fulfill the hijrah” – i.e., move to the territories controlled by the organization. Over ten years ago, this was quite easy to do, since part of the Syrian border with Turkey was controlled by the jihadists, which allowed people to freely cross it and join their ranks.

However, as the terrorists lost many of their territories, their rhetoric changed. Through its information resources, IS urged its followers to commit terrorist acts in places where they lived. This caused an upsurge in violence in Europe: a wave of terror swept through France, Belgium, Germany, the UK, and other countries. In Russia, the North Caucasus became a point of tension.

The strategy was simple – anyone who supported the jihadists, wherever they lived, could record a video with an oath of allegiance to the “caliph,” send it via an automated feedback bot, and then commit a terrorist act. Often it was only the perpetrator who died, but for IS, this didn’t matter – it only cared about being mentioned in connection with the terrorist activity, which is why the organization occasionally took responsibility for crimes that it had nothing to do with.

The terrorist attack in Krasnogorsk, however, doesn’t match this straightforward strategy usually adopted by IS. In fact, the choice of a rock concert as the site of the terrorist attack is almost the only common feature between this attack and other acts of terror it has committed.

What preceded the events at Crocus City Hall

Four people who had not previously known each other were recruited to carry out the terrorist attack. One of them, Shamsidin Fariduni, was in Türkiye in February, and from there he flew to Russia on March 4. He spent at least ten days in Türkiye and investigators are currently determining who he communicated with while there.

According to unofficial information, he met with a certain “Islamic preacher” in Istanbul. However, it is also known that the terrorists corresponded with the “preacher’s assistant.” According to Fariduni, this anonymous person sponsored and organized the terrorist attack.

After arriving in Russia, Fariduni visited Crocus City Hall on March 7 in order to see the site where the crime was to be committed. From this, we may conclude that the attack was to take place soon after his arrival from Türkiye. On the same day, the US embassy in Russia warned its citizens to avoid large gatherings “over the next 48 hours” due to possible attacks by extremists.

The next concert at Crocus City Hall was given by the singer Shaman, who is known for his patriotism. However, his concert on Saturday, March 9 passed without incident. In the following days, there were other performances at the venue, but apparently the terrorists were forced to adjust their plans.

As a result, they chose the concert by the band Picnic, scheduled for March 22. Although this band is not as popular as Shaman, it is also known for its patriotic stance and for donating funds for the needs of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine.

What happened afterwards

None of the terrorists planned to “join the Houris in paradise,” as is usual for IS followers. After shooting people in Crocus City Hall and setting the building on fire, they did not attack the special forces which arrived at the scene and instead got in a car and fled from Moscow. Neither did they wear “suicide belts” – a characteristic detail of IS followers who are ready to die after committing their crime.

Another detail which is uncharacteristic for IS is the monetary reward promised to the terrorists. The payment was supposed to be made in two installments – before and after the attack. The terrorists had already received the first payment, amounting to 250,000 rubles ($2,700).

The most important detail is the location where the terrorists were detained. Traffic cameras allowed intelligence services to monitor where they were headed. They were eventually detained on the federal highway M-3 Ukraine – a route which used to connect Russia and Ukraine but lost much of its international importance after the deterioration of relations between the two countries in 2014, and particularly after the start of Russia’s military operation in 2022.

The terrorists were detained after passing the turn to route A240, which leads to Belarus. At that moment, it became obvious that there was only one place where they could be headed: Ukraine.

Despite the fact that the terrorists were armed, only one of them, Mukhammadsobir Fayzov, put up resistance. All of the terrorists were detained alive, which was most likely an order given to the security forces involved in the operation. However, as we mentioned above, the terrorists themselves did not want to die.

Moreover, they knew where to go to save their lives: to the Ukrainian border. Later, in his address to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that a “window” for passage had been opened for them on the Ukrainian side.

This, too, is uncharacteristic for IS, since someone who carries out a terrorist act, especially an outsider, is always considered “disposable.” Even if he makes it out alive, no one will help him. Moreover, in earlier years, IS usually didn’t take responsibility for an attack if the perpetrator remained alive, as this could harm him during the investigation. However, later the organization no longer cared about this due to the deplorable state in which it found itself.

All this comes down to the fact that compared to other attacks carried out by IS in the past few years, this one is strikingly different when it comes to the level of preparation, detailed planning, and financial compensation.

What does Ukraine have to do with it?

Having already mentioned Ukraine several times, we must note its links with terrorists.

Since 2015, it has been known that the Security Service of Ukraine tried to recruit radical Islamists with the goal of carrying out sabotage and terrorist attacks, etc. on Russian territory. Ukraine’s intelligence services were also active among the terrorists in Syria. This cooperation was marked in particular by the arrival in Ukraine of Chechen terrorist Rustam Azhiev, who served in the International Legion controlled by the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry.

Azhiev participated in the second Chechen campaign against the Russian Armed Forces and eventually fled to Türkiye. In 2011, he moved to Syria, where he headed the terrorist group Ajnad Al-Kavkaz. Under his command, the militants participated in hostilities against the Syrian Armed Forces and were noted for terrorist attacks directed against civilians. Azhiev operated side-by-side with groups that are recognized as terrorist organizations not only in the United States, but throughout the world. The main ally of Ajnad Al-Kavkaz was Jabhat Al-Nusra in Syria.

Over time, the Russian Armed Forces and Syrian Armed Forces liberated territories from terrorists and significantly reduced their supply base. As a result, Azhiev and his associates became involved in contract killings, extortion, torture, and racketeering. In 2019, Azhiev even had to publicly apologize for the actions of his associates, who kidnapped the wrong person.

The terrorists had been “unemployed” for several years when in 2022, Azhiev and his associates were approached by Ukrainian intelligence services through an intermediary – field commander Akhmed Zakayev. Azhiev and his associates took part in combat operations against the Russian Armed Forces and as a reward, Azhiev was given a Ukrainian passport.

In 2024, led by Azhiev, the terrorists participated in an attack on border settlements in Belgorod Region. In a video, Azhiev publicly admitted that the purpose of the operation was to destabilize the situation in Russia before and during the presidential elections. This was confirmed by the fact that the attacks stopped right after the elections.

After the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, the Austrian newspaper Heute discovered another link between Ukraine and radical Islamists. According to the publication, which cites information from intelligence services, many suspected terrorists had entered the EU from Ukraine. For example, in December 2023, a Tajik citizen and his wife, along with an accomplice, were detained in Vienna. They were preparing an attack on St. Stephen’s Cathedral. The couple had come to the EU from Ukraine in February 2022.


Ukraine is the place of residence not only for many terrorists, but also IS administrators and those who sympathize with the terrorists. Some of these people are actively involved in raising funds for imprisoned IS fighters in Syria and Iraq. Some of this money goes to purchasing food and medicines. But quite often, it is spent on buying weapons to carry out attacks inside prisons, and for bribing guards. Since some of the terrorists are officially “employed” in Ukraine’s Defense Ministry and others work for the Security Service of Ukraine, they can both push their employers to organize a terrorist attack or do so on their own, without formally consulting the authorities. Currently, one of the versions is that an employee of the Ukrainian intelligence services could’ve been hiding under the guise of the “preacher’s assistant.”

Moreover, Kiev has prior experience in carrying out terrorist acts on Russian territory – both directly, as in the case of Daria Dugina, and through intermediaries, as in the case of Vladlen Tatarsky. Therefore, using radical Islamists, such as IS followers, to carry out terrorist attacks fully corresponds to Ukraine’s strategy, which comes down to inflicting maximum damage on Russia and its residents.

The Directorate 4 team, an analytical and monitoring center researching Islamic radicalism and fundamentalism ... st-attack/


Washington turns to Turkiye to fulfill Ukraine's artillery demands

As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan prepares to visit the US capital in May, the country is stepping in to boost the production of NATO-standard 155mm caliber ammo

News Desk

MAR 28, 2024

(Photo Credit: CNN)

The US government is looking to boost purchases of military-grade explosives from Turkiye to ramp up production of artillery shells as Washington's stockpile is nearing depletion after two years of fueling the war in Ukraine.

Bloomberg cited officials in the know as saying that “Turkish supplies of trinitrotoluene, known as TNT, and nitroguanidine, which is used as a propellant, would be crucial in the production of NATO-standard 155mm caliber ammunition – potentially tripling production."

Turkish defense firm Repkon is reportedly expected to produce about 30 percent of all US-made 155mm artillery shells by 2025. Furthermore, the Pentagon has purchased “116,000 rounds of battle-ready ammunition from [Turkiye's] Arca Defense for delivery this year, with further purchases expected soon for delivery next year.”

In late February, the Pentagon announced it had contracted General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems to build three 155mm projectile metal parts lines in Texas, with Turkish subcontractors participating.

Washington's strategy contrasts starkly with that of the EU, as Bloomberg highlights, as Brussels has “held back from using funds for purchases from Turkiye because of resistance from France, Greece, and Cyprus.”

Turkiye witnessed a thaw in its relations with the US after Ankara cleared Sweden's bid to join NATO. In exchange for this, in January, Washington authorized Turkiye's long-awaited purchase of F-16 fighter jets and upgrade kits.

Tensions spiked between Ankara and Washington in 2017 when the West Asian country chose Russian military hardware over the US-made equivalent by purchasing Russia’s S-400 missile system.

Turkiye accepted the first of four missile batteries in July 2019. A week later, the United States dropped its NATO ally from the F-35 fighter program and threatened to impose sanctions on specific Turkish individuals.

Victoria Nuland, the former US official who held the Ukraine portfolio at the State Department, told CNN Turk in January that Washington would be “delighted to welcome Turkiye back into the F-35 family,” provided the issue of Russian weapon systems is “resolved.”

As Ankara moves to indirectly boost Ukraine's ammo supplies in the war against Russia, the country has also proven to be an essential ally for Israel in its genocide in Gaza by continuing to export large quantities of steel and cement as well as precious metals, chemicals, insecticides, nuclear reactor parts, gunpowder, explosives, aircraft parts, and weapons and ammunition. ... ry-demands

(Good old 'Friend Erdogan'...One day he will run out of cards to play.)


Payment of reparations to Ukraine. 03/29/2024
March 29, 10:25


At night and in the morning there was again a “payment of reparations.”
The blow fell mainly on the energy sector. The enemy admits serious damage to a number of facilities - Krivoy Rog Thermal Power Plant, Burshtyn Thermal Power Plant, Srednedneprovskaya Hydroelectric Power Station, etc.
Arrivals were also observed in the area of ​​underground gas storage facilities in western Ukraine.
Taking into account the fact that this is not the first blow to the energy sector since the second half of March, we can say that the Russian Aerospace Forces have resumed the campaign suspended in 2023, and it is also aimed at generating capabilities, which was clearly demonstrated by attacks on thermal power plants -5 in Kharkov and the turbine rooms of DneproGES.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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