Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 30, 2024 12:14 pm

Turning to fiction
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/30/2024


“It's July and the Russian army is at the gates of kyiv. President Zelensky issues an emergency message to repeat his defiant words, first uttered in February 2022, that he does not need to be removed from Ukraine. No, he needs ammunition to stay and fight the Russians,” writes an article published this week by the British newspaper The Times . “If the West had listened and done more when the brave Ukrainians asked for help, it could have changed the situation. While the allies argued and the United States ended up providing another $60 billion in aid, as spring turned to summer, Putin's troops broke through the lines in the south and east. The retreating Ukrainian forces could only slow the advance. As the Russians approached the capital, a new wave of refugees fled Ukraine in search of safety from the incessant bombings,” the story continues.

This is not an exercise in political fiction, but rather the article is intended to be a wake-up call to the West to avoid collective defeat on the Ukrainian front in time. “This is the nightmare scenario that Western politicians are contemplating right now,” the article laments, adding that “events are forcing military and civilian leaders in London, Washington, Paris and Brussels to map out the catastrophic collapse of Ukrainian forces who are denied the weapons and ammunition they need.”

The coming months are also a concern for The Economist , which these days has published a report that coincides, not only in the diagnosis, but even in its terms. “As spring turns to summer, the fear is that Russia will mount a new major offensive, as it did last year. And Ukraine's ability to contain it this time seems much less certain now than it did then. That is why it urgently needs to mobilize more troops and build more solid defenses on the front line,” writes the outlet, which does not quite describe what it means by the great Russian offensive of 2023. Throughout much of the year, Russia worked to prepare its defense against the imminent Ukrainian counteroffensive, it exercised active defense in the north of Lugansk and only carried out openly offensive activities in two areas: the Artyomovsk area and the surroundings of Donetsk, a background that can hardly be described as a major offensive.

“Contrary to the prevailing view that this is a perpetual “frozen conflict” in which neither side can gain a decisive advantage, the front line is hotly contested and there is a real risk that Ukrainian forces could find themselves forced to retreat,” warns The Times , which warns of the possibility that the next NATO summit “will be consumed by a similar crisis.” «Ukraine is bleeding. Without new US military aid, Ukrainian ground forces may not be able to hold the line against a relentless Russian army,” Foreign Policy insists in yet another of the many doomsday tales that continue to be published even as movement on the front remains slow. and difficult.

The fall of Avdeevka and the air superiority that Russia had been able to use extensively for the first time in many months raised fears of a certain domino effect that would swamp the Donetsk front and push Ukrainian troops back beyond the second line of defense. None of this has happened and the Russian advances - the capture of Orlovka or Berdichi - have occurred consistently, but extremely slowly, so that, in no way, is the configuration of this sector of the front currently in danger, the only one in which The movement is significant. The message from all of these articles is clear, the risk for Ukraine is not not winning the war, but losing it, and the solution is always more US assistance.

“Just a year ago, everything was very different. A Ukrainian spring offensive that would recover territory was then expected. That didn't work,” laments The Times in an exercise in nostalgia for the times gone by when the press and political authorities of Ukraine's allied countries blindfolded themselves with Ukrainian promises. Now, licking the wounds of the defeat that Kiev meant by not being able to break the Zaporozhye front, they insist that Ukraine did not have the necessary weapons for this operation, something that they must also have understood while presenting Western tanks as the last wunderwaffe that would put Russian troops to flight.

Moscow, which had been preparing for months for the ground counteroffensive that kyiv had announced - and made clear in which direction it would take place - had an artillery superiority that Ukraine has not been able to compensate for due to Russian production capacity. To this we must add that the Ukrainian troops were going to lack the air cover required by the type of operation that Zaluzhny and his subordinates, under orders from foreign partners, intended to carry out. The lack of aviation is now the ideal justification for Volodymyr Zelensky, since he exercises moral blackmail that justifies demanding, not only the handful of F-16s that Ukraine will receive from Denmark in a few months, but an entire fleet of Western aircraft. However, both Kiev and its partners, think-tankers and related lobbyists were aware of the shortcomings when they promised impossible successes. For example, Ben Hodges, former commanding general of the United States Army in Europe and a frequent commentator on this war, now in his version of a lobbyist and defender of the need to attack Crimea with everything available, stated in an article published on June 21 of 2023 that “Ukraine could liberate Crimea before the end of summer.” By then, it was already evident that the ground offensive had collided with the Russian minefields and that breaking the Surovikin line was not going to take a few hours as the American command seemed to expect. Hodges, whose overly optimistic stance has gone from the norm to a rare exception, continues to insist on Ukraine's ability to liberate Crimea and even denies the failure of the 2023 counteroffensive, which he calls "multi-domain," not limited to war. land. Although Ukraine has undoubtedly enjoyed much more significant successes in the rear, especially in the Black Sea, than on the front line, none of them have managed to jeopardize Russian control of the peninsula, nor of the land corridor. which links its territory with that of continental Russia through Donbass and the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, which Ukraine aspired to recover.

Exalted optimism has now become an exaggerated concern of those who have proven that underestimating the enemy creates great headlines with promises for the future, but can be counterproductive in the short and medium term. However, with the exception of people who were always in favor of negotiation, such as former Chancellor Schroeder, who has once again insisted on negotiation as the only possible solution, the diplomatic route remains the red line that the West is not willing to cross. Hence, each and every one of the many articles that warn of the imaginary imminent danger of a Ukrainian collapse that prevents Kiev from defending its lines - there are no real signs of Ukrainian collapse or signs of an offensive from Russia or Belarus - reach the same conclusion. : Western involvement must be increased to avoid defeat first and achieve victory later.

“A Russian advance would obviously be disastrous for the Ukrainians. It would also confront the West with all kinds of difficult challenges. Would the Allies send troops to defend kyiv? President Macron has clearly perceived the danger and is trying to guide the West towards a more aggressive approach by raising the possibility of ground troops. Other countries, such as Germany, are strongly opposed. When will the message finally be understood that peace for the European populations can only be guaranteed by force? When will Ukraine fall and Putin begin to threaten the Baltics, Poland, Finland, Sweden or Norway?” asks The Times , going even further in its fictional story. Once the state of war is normalized, the political conflict of continental rupture that is expected to last beyond the battle and a supply of financing, weapons and ammunition that implies cuts and austerity in other social and economic areas, the next step is not to admit that The war will be difficult to win, but will require even greater involvement. Although this requires resorting to fiction in supposedly journalistic articles. ... a-ficcion/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Results of a massive attack on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine
on the night of March 28-29, 2024

As previously reported , today’s massive night attack by the Russian Armed Forces differed significantly from previous ones based on the use of a wide range of weapons. Explosions occurred in many regions of Ukraine. The strikes hit targets in the Dnepropetrovsk , Cherkasy , Kirovograd , Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions.

Dnepropetrovsk region:

In Kamensky (Dneprodzerzhinsk), two power units of the Sredneprovskaya hydroelectric station with a capacity of 300 MW each and the station’s technical equipment were damaged by ballistic and cruise missile attacks. At the moment, the station is not capable of generating energy and operates exclusively for transit.

The damaged hydroelectric units were launched by Ukraine after last year's massive attacks and are capable of delivering more than 300 MW of power to the system at maximum to ensure the reliability of the energy system.

In the Zelenodolsk area , missiles hit the turbine room of the Krivoy Rog Thermal Power Plant. One of the turbines was destroyed and steam pipelines were damaged . A fire broke out on the spot. After the explosions, local residents recorded the sounds of emergency steam release.

After the impacts, a fire broke out on the territory of the Pridneprovskaya Thermal Power Plant ; the exact extent of the damage is unknown, but unlike the Krivoy Rog Thermal Power Plant, steam was discharged as usual. The damage received is likely minor. Also, after the impacts, temporary voltage surges up to 310-320 V were recorded in the area .

In the Cherkasy region, cruise missiles hit an open switchgear at the Kanevskaya hydroelectric power station . There were also several blows to the dam structure.

In the Kirovograd region, Iskander-M OTRK missiles and strategic cruise missiles hit the Kremenchug hydroelectric station . One of the strikes managed to hit the station's turbine room . High-voltage equipment and technical structures were also damaged. There are no detailed information about the extent of the damage.

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region , attacks were repeated on the Burshtynska Thermal Power Plant. One cruise missile hit the turbine hall. Several 330/110 kV autotransformers ignited in the area . Damaged 4station generator. At the moment, the facility is not capable of generating energy and operates in transit mode.

In the Chernivtsi region, two cruise missiles hit the Dniester hydroelectric power station dam . The object did not receive significant damage.

The Dniester hydroelectric power station is the most powerful power plant on the Dniester cascade (702 MW). Along with the Ladyzhenskaya TPP, it is the main source of energy in the southwest of the country.

In addition, a number of substations in various regions of Ukraine were hit by UAV strikes:
- Pavlogradskaya substation 330 kV
- Polyany substation 330 kV
- Kremenchug substation 330 kV
- Mirgorod substation 330 kV
- Yuzhnaya substation 330
kV - Cherkasy substation 330 kV
- Pervomaiskaya substation 330 kV

Damage was received Control equipment , high-voltage equipment ; fires occurred at certain facilities as a result of damage to oil tanks .

Today, the main component of the energy system in Ukraine is made up of three nuclear power plants: Rivne , Yuzhnoukrainsk and Khmelnytsky . These stations continue to provide the country with electricity, but for some reason they are not considered as potential targets for possible attacks. In this context, we are not talking about direct attacks on reactors, but about creating conditions under which these stations will not be able to supply electricity to the energy system.



Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of March 29, 2024) | The main thing:

- Russian air defense destroyed 175 Ukrainian drones in one day, shot down 21 HIMARS and Vampire MLRS shells;

— Units of the Southern Group of the Russian Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed the radar station of the S-300 air defense system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled four attacks by assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kupyansk direction in a day;

— The Russian Armed Forces improved the position along the front line in the Avdeevsky direction, repelled 8 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the enemy lost more than 305 servicemen;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction lost more than 300 military personnel per day;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 90 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces defeated four Ukrainian brigades in the Kherson direction.

In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical position and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as the 102nd and 128th military defense brigades in the areas of the settlements Malinovka, Zaporozhye region, Makarovka and Harvest of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In the area of ​​the village of Priyutnoye, a counterattack by the assault group of the 127th Terrestrial Defense Brigade was repelled .

Enemy losses per day amounted to up to 90 military personnel, two vehicles, as well as the Nota electronic warfare station.

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on formations of the 65th, 118th mechanized brigades, 35th Marine Brigade, as well as the 121st Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Zaporozhye region, Zolotaya Balka and Ivanovka, Kherson region areas.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 70 military personnel, two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles and two pickup trucks.

During the counter-battery fight, the following were hit: the Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount and the D-20 howitzer.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed the radar station of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system, and also hit manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 131 districts. During the day,

air defense systems destroyed 175 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, and also shot down 21 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

▫️ In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,658 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,642 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,256 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,573 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,343 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense

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And machines rose from the ashes of the Avdeevka coking plant...
March 29, 23:26


The other day a small revolution took place.
For the first time, a group attack of ground drones was carried out on enemy positions in Berdychi.
The footage published by the enemy shows 2 vehicles with AGS fighting in Berdychi.

More details from the developer and manufacturer of these drones will be on my channel
I had the opportunity to evaluate these drones even before they became widely known.

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Kuleba’s Trip To Delhi Was A Dud


MAR 30, 2024

He wasted a valuable opportunity to have India leverage its equally excellent relations with Russia and the West to help both sides reach a pragmatic compromise for ending their proxy war in Ukraine before it escalates further.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba visited India last week in the highest-profile trip by one of his country’s officials since the special operation began two years ago. Hopes were high on Kiev’s side that it could convince Delhi to dump Moscow, while some observers hoped that maybe his regime would see the light and request India to mediate a resolution to the NATO-Russian proxy war. Neither ended up happening and the entire trip was a dud as is known from what he told the Financial Times afterwards.

He ridiculously said that the “Soviet legacy” upon which Russian-Indian relations are built is “evaporating” even though they hit record trade of $65 billion last year, driven mostly by Russian energy exports, and are diversifying from their prior military-centricity as explained here. This false claim shows that he’s either still ignorant of these facts or is trying to manipulate perceptions of them, the first if he paid no attention during their meeting and the latter if he was upset with its outcome.

The same goes for what Kuleba said about how “The Chinese-Russian relationship should be of particular attention for India in light of its national security prerogatives.” Indian External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar had just reaffirmed his country’s trust in Russia amidst claims of the latter’s drift towards China only a few days prior. Kuleba was either ignorant of that as well or wanted to manipulate international perceptions of this for the abovementioned reasons.

From the rest of what he told the Financial Times, Kuleba seems to have just discussed restoring bilateral trade to its pre-2022 level and proposed that it could even grow beyond that if Indian companies participate in Ukraine’s reconstruction once the conflict ends. His interview made no mention of when that would happen or how it would realistically be brought about, however, thus suggesting that Kiev won’t compromise on its maximalist demands and therefore didn’t seek Indian mediation with Russia.

His interview with that country’s popular NDTV on the first day of his visit revealed that he instead demanded that India influence Russia into accepting Kiev’s so-called “peace formula”, which its officials have repeatedly said is unrealistic. This means that he wasted a valuable opportunity to have his hosts leverage their equally excellent relations with Russia and the West to help both sides reach a pragmatic compromise for ending their proxy war before it escalates further and risks spiraling out of control.

That’s regrettable because this analysis here from late March explained how President Putin’s talk of a “sanitary/security zone” could lay the basis for negotiations to that end. Kiev-controlled left-bank (eastern) Ukraine could demilitarize as part of an orderly withdrawal across the Dnieper to preempt the destruction that Russia’s reportedly impending spring offensive could wreak across that region. It was suggested in the preceding hyperlinked piece that the Pope and/or India could mediate this outcome.

Kuleba’s trip was planned before the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack, which Russia has accused Ukraine of complicity in plotting. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s ominous words last week that “perhaps there will be no need to recognize anything” after Zelensky’s term expires on 21 May prompted speculation among some that the Kremlin might be planning his assassination as revenge for what just happened. Others, meanwhile, interpreted it as a prediction of forthcoming anti-government unrest.

In any event, Russia will certainly respond in conventional and/or unconventional ways to the evidence tying Ukraine to this terrorist attack, which will likely intensify the conflict. Kuleba could have read the writing on the wall and sought Indian support for preemptively averting that via the proposed means of having it mediate the demilitarization of Kiev-controlled left-bank (eastern) Ukraine. Instead, the regime would rather take its chances, but this might soon be seen as a fatal mistake in hindsight. ... -was-a-dud


NATO’s Proxy War Against Russia Was Always in Essence Terrorism

March 29, 2024

The attempt by the United States and its NATO partners to create a false narrative about the Moscow terror attack only underlines their culpability and the depth of their depravity.

The terror attack in a Moscow suburb last week was indisputably orchestrated and enabled by Western powers. In many ways, there should be no surprise about this because the NATO proxy war against Russia was always essentially “unconventional” – or, more plainly, terroristic.

The timing of the move to deploy more outright acts of terrorism reflects the fact that the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine is facing historic defeat, and hence Russia’s enemies are – by necessity – switching to unconventional terror tactics.

Only a week after the atrocity in which more than 140 people were shot dead by terrorist gunmen in a theater, it has been fairly well assessed who organized the mass murder of Russian citizens.

The trigger men may have been four individuals from Tajikistan but it seems all but certain that the masterminds behind the slaughter were the CIA and other Western intelligence agencies working in collusion with the Kiev NeoNazi regime.

What remains to be determined is how high up in the Biden administration was this nefarious plan authored. Suspicion points to the head of U.S. national security Jake Sullivan and the former State Department official Victoria Nuland. The latter was the point person for covert dirty tricks in Ukraine going back to the Maidan coup in Kiev orchestrated on her watch along with the CIA. Just before Nuland resigned from office last month, she had bragged about “nasty surprises” awaiting Russia.

Russian investigators have established a money trail from the Kiev regime to the killers. It was already known at an earlier stage that the shooters were trying to escape to Ukraine by car across the Russian border. Ukraine’s military intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov is an American asset – as is the whole Kiev regime. He liaises closely with American and British intelligence services. Budanov’s pleasure over the Moscow atrocity implicates not only his involvement in this horrendous crime but also his puppet masters in the CIA and MI6.

Washington and London’s strange insistence that the Kiev regime had nothing to do with the crime and that it was all done solely by Islamist terrorists is laughable but also incriminating. The Western propaganda media instantly took their cue to peddle Washington’s narrative that the terror attack in Moscow was carried out by Islamists supposedly affiliated to some obscure group (ISIS-Khorasan) based in Afghanistan. By concocting this cover story, the West naively assumes that that lets the Kiev regime and its NATO sponsors off the hook. What’s more, the United States and its European allies have mocked Russia for ignoring the superficial identity of the terrorists and allegedly trying to smear the West.

If Western media were not so saturated with disinformation and brainwashing, it would be crystal clear that the United States and its NATO partners have a long and well-documented history of sponsoring so-called Islamist terror groups to do their dirty work of regime change and other illegal operations.

There is absolutely no contradiction in Russia’s analysis that the mass murder in Moscow was orchestrated by Western state sponsors using Islamist hitmen. On the contrary, there is a voluminous connection from the origins of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 1980s, to the deployment of terrorist jihadists in Chechnya to destabilize Russia in the 1990s and early 2000s, to regime change wars in the Middle East over the past decade, best exemplified in Syria.

This week as reported by Vanessa Beeley, there has been an upsurge in terrorist attacks on the Syrian city of Aleppo by jihadists supported by the United States, NATO, and Israel.

The Western states are fully involved with fomenting, weaponizing, and directing multifarious Islamist terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, Islamic State (ISIS), Chechen fighters, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Jabhat al Nusra, ISIS-K, and endless other iterations.

After the defeat of NATO’s regime change covert war in Syria as a result of Russia’s support for the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad, the jihadist terror gangs found a new arena for their murderous employment in the NATO fiefdom of Ukraine. The Banderite junta with its NeoNazi ideology of exterminating Russians found a useful purpose for the CIA and MI6 hired guns. Many of these Western-sponsored jihadists from Syria, Chechyna, and elsewhere have joined NATO’s foreign legions to fight for the Kiev regime against Russia in Ukraine.

This year has seen an uptick in terror attacks into Russian territory from Ukraine, principally in the Belgorod and Bryansk regions. These attacks have involved NeoNazi squads working with Islamists and all armed and directed by the CIA and British.

It is therefore a seamless matter that these U.S. and NATO-backed instruments of terror have also been deployed to carry out the mass shooting in the Crocus City Hall theater on the outskirts of Moscow last week.

The only people finding such an assessment “preposterous” are the Western sponsors and their brainwashing media outlets who are desperate to cover their tracks in an act of heinous terrorism.

Washington’s claims that it alerted the Russians of an impending terror assault back on March 7 deserve a special mention with contempt. That alert was vague and incomplete. It did not convey proper warning, as the New York Times this week admitted. The terror alert was of no practical help to Russia in averting the crime near Moscow on March 22. But what it did achieve was to give the Americans a plausible claim that they tried to issue an alert and it appears to bolster the narrative of Islamist terrorists working separately and alone.

The attempt by the United States and its NATO partners to create a false narrative about the Moscow terror attack only underlines their culpability and the depth of their depravity.

It is appalling too that so little sympathy and basic human compassion has been shown in the West to the Russian people. There is a perverse sense of blaming the victims, in large part fostered by Russophobic politicians and media. One recalls that when terror attacks occurred in other nations, for example in Paris in 2015, the world would light up public buildings in French colors out of solidarity. No such compassion was shown toward Russian victims of terrorism.

The proxy war that the U.S. and its accomplices unleashed against Russia in Ukraine in 2014 culminating in 2022 has always been an unconventional war that is steeped in a much bigger unconventional conflict.

When Nazi Germany was defeated by the Soviet Red Army in 1945, the Western imperialists moved immediately to deploy terrorist alternatives to defeat Russia. The Nazi remnants in Ukraine were redeployed to terrorize Russia in the 1950s and 60s with CIA and MI6 directing the traffic behind enemy lines. The Kiev regime that seized power in 2014 is a continuation of the modus operandi. The Islamist terror network that the Americans and British created has augmented the unconventional tactics, as have economic warfare through sanctions, blowing up undersea gas pipelines, the NATO war games rehearsing nuclear attacks on Russia, and so on.

The proxy war using Ukraine as a battlefield has reached a historic endpoint. The defeat is due to Russia’s formidable armed forces, Moscow’s political defiance, and the tenacity of the Russian people as seen most recently in the overwhelmingly popular re-election of President Vladimir Putin.

The United States and its imperialist minions are in a deep quandary as they are forced to face a historical moment of nemesis. The Western enemies can’t publicly accept defeat – politically it’s going to be hell for these warmongering criminals when Western citizens fully realize the horrific losses and culpability of their so-called elected governments.

Russia’s enemies have thrown everything into the Ukraine proxy war – over $200 billion in weapons and financial support – and they have failed to inflict their much-sought-after ulterior objective of strategically defeating Russia. They are the ones now facing strategic defeat.

Notably, this week a senior British military commander, Lt General Sir Robert Magowan admitted that Britain would not last two months in a conventional war against Russia. The same abject outlook can be said for the armed forces of the United States and other NATO members.

The Western imperialists have exhausted their military arsenals from recklessly supporting the NeoNazi regime in Ukraine on a futile mission to subjugate Russia.

Given the desperate state of the Western enemies, they are resorting to full hybrid or unconventional war mode in their psychotic effort to conquer Russia and assert Western hegemony. That means the kind of terror attacks we saw last week in Moscow and during previous weeks in Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk will likely increase.

At the very least, Moscow needs to now obliterate the NATO front known as the Kiev regime to cut off the terrorist assault. ... terrorism/


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Ukraine SitRep: Syrski's Interview - Mobilizing - De-Energization

General Syrski, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian army has given an interview to a Ukrainian media platform.

His description of the war seems overly optimistic:

The situation at the front is really difficult. However, it cannot be any different at the front. Undoubtedly, every day requires maximum effort from our soldiers and officers. But we not only are on the defensive, but also move forward in different directions every day. Recently, the number of positions we have returned exceeds the number of lost positions. The enemy did not manage to advance significantly in strategic areas, and his territorial gains, if any, are of tactical importance. We are monitoring this situation.

The various people who map the front lines seem to disagree with him.

February 1 2024


March 29 2024


More Syrski:

The experience of the past months and weeks shows that the enemy has significantly increased aircraft activity, using KABs - guided air bombs that destroy our positions. In addition, the enemy resorts to dense artillery and mortar fire. Several days ago, the enemy's advantage in terms of ammunition was about six to one.

However, we learned to fight not by the amount of ammunition, but by the skill of using the weapons that we have. In addition, we make the most of the advantages of unmanned aerial vehicles, although the enemy is trying to catch up with us in this effective weapon.

With an artillery advantage of 6 to 1 it does not really matter how good the gunners are. The side with more shots will evidently win. Ukrainian drone supremacy is likewise a very dubious claim.

These numbers though are even worse:

It is clear that these are statistics, but it is important to know that in February-March of this year alone (as of March 26), the enemy lost more than 570 tanks, about 1,430 armored fighting vehicles, almost 1,680 artillery pieces and 64 air defense systems. At the same time, the Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to keep key heights and defense areas under control. Our goal is to prevent the loss of our territory, exhaust the enemy as much as possible, inflict the greatest losses on him, and form and prepare reserves for offensive operations.

It is also very significant that the enemy's activity in the air was also reduced, of course, thanks to the skills of our air defense units. In just ten days in February, they shot down 13 enemy aircraft, including two strategically important A50 early warning and control aircraft.

Since February 1 2024 the Russian Defense Ministry has claimed the destruction of 202 Ukrainian tanks, 550 Ukrainian armored fighting vehicles and 686 Ukrainian artillery pieces. Syrski claims that the Russian losses are twice to three times that high? I have more than serious doubts that his numbers are right. A commander should not deceive his troops like this.

As for the aircraft only one A-50 has likely come down and two other planes seem to have been confirmed losses. In fact the numbers in February were widely laughed at and the Ukrainian air force has since stopped to issue such claims.

Syrski is asked about the hot potato in current Ukrainian politics:

Q: Earlier reports said that 500,000 more people had to be mobilized to maintain combat capability and ensure the rotation of units and formations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front. How realistic is such a figure now?

A: Following the revision of our internal resources and clarification of the combat composition of the Armed Forces, this figure was significantly reduced. We expect that we will have enough people capable of defending their motherland. I am talking not only about the mobilized, but also about volunteer fighters.

No matter how far the number of needed men will get reduced the chance to persuade enough Ukrainians that their service and lives are needed to save the country are near to zero.

Ivan Katchanovski @I_Katchanovski - 15:43 UTC · Mar 28, 2024

This suggests that over 1,000,000 men in Ukraine are on wanted lists of police for draft dodging even before new drastic mobilization law comes into force: "In the Poltava region, about 30,000 people did not show up at the TCC and SP departments. The TCC appealed to the police with an appeal to deliver these people to the military commissariat." And about 40,000 men are on wanted list for the same in Ivano-Frankivsk Region.

The social contract in Ukraine provides that those in power are allowed to loot as long as they do not bother those below them. That is not a society that allows to draft people for aims which are only supported by a minority of the population. Out of six draft notices send out only one gets responded to. The new conscription law that is slowly creeping through parliament procedures will not be able to change that.

Noticeable is that The Economist is blaming Zelenski for this:

But in Ukraine attempts to raise fresh recruits are still stuck in the coils of the democratic process; more than 1,000 amendments have reportedly been tabled to a bill in Parliament that would give the government more scope to raise the army it needs. Short of cash and fearing unpopularity, President Volodymyr Zelensky has not tried hard enough to get his way.

There were in fact over 6,000 amendments to the bill of which some 4,300 have gone through the committee with more to come. It will still take months until that law is enacted. It is likely to have little effect.

The Ukrainian government had announced that in future the country itself would produce the weapons it needs for the war. The Russian response is a new campaign to de-energize those Ukrainian regions with the most industrial facilities:

Ukraine said on Friday it had imposed emergency blackouts on three regions after Russia fired dozens of missiles and drones at its power stations overnight.
Moscow has stepped up its aerial bombardment of Ukraine in recent weeks, targeting energy infrastructure in response to deadly Ukrainian assaults on Russia's border regions.

National grid operator Ukrenergo said its dispatch centre was "forced to apply emergency blackout schedules in the regions of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kirovograd until the evening".

Restrictions were already in place in the major cities of Kharkiv and Kryvyi Rih following a Russian strike last week.

There are only a few air defense systems left in Ukraine. They are needed to cover the front, to protect energy facilities and political centers. Currently they can not do either. Even if the U.S. would resume its support for Ukraine there would not be enough systems available to keep Ukraine covered.

There are rumors of an upcoming big Russian offensive. I don't buy those yet. There is still enough of the Ukrainian army left to continue the slow grinding process that has already eliminated large parts of it.

Posted by b on March 29, 2024 at 15:38 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

Concerning a Russian offensive, it is the morale of Ukrainian troop which need be taken into account, not just their numbers. The intensive rear line bombardment will have as much effect upon that is that on the front lines.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:25 pm

The recruitment dilemma
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 03/31/2024


“When Russia invaded their country two years ago, young and old Ukrainians thronged recruitment centers to volunteer. Some were frustrated at not being drafted immediately and complained loudly,” recalls Politico , who later laments that “that first burst of patriotic fervor has faded with the war now in its third year, body bags filling up.” , and the men returning home wounded and disfigured.” Two months ago, the media showed its concern about the difficulties that Ukraine was facing in replenishing its ranks. “Bloody and exhausted: Ukraine's effort to mobilize more troops hits obstacles,” he headlined. Since then, the situation has not improved for Zelensky's team, which has fired the commander in chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, largely due to his reluctance to fight to the end battles that even his Western partners consider hardly strategic, the The flow of American funding has not resumed and the loss of Avdeevka has called into question the country's defensive capabilities after offensive shortcomings became clear during the summer counteroffensive. “Pessimism about the future of the conflict is also taking over public opinion, which increasingly doubts that Ukraine will be able to defeat Moscow's forces,” adds Politico , who seems to be surprised by the doses of realism that begin to appear among the Ukrainian population.

“President Volodymyr Zelensky declared last month that 31,000 soldiers had died to date. The real figure is likely to be higher than that, as several US officials have estimated it at more than double that,” writes the Financial Times . In war, casualty data is usually part of the propaganda of each of the parties, who always try to exaggerate other people's losses and hide their own. There is no reliable data on Ukrainian casualties, but there are indications that they are very high. Although the media repeat, without hesitation, the Ukrainian propaganda slogan of much higher Russian casualties, the recent nervousness about the mobilization denotes concern about the state of the troops. It is evident that the months of high-intensity offensive have caused significant losses. The images of the growth of cemeteries is another indication of high losses, as are the numerous articles that refer to the urgent need to expand mobilization and, above all, reduce the recruitment age from the current 27 years to 25 or even 18, thus compromising the demographic future of the country.

“Ukraine needs to recruit many more men for a battlefield that is chewing up corpses,” explains Politico , adding that “the authorities are torn between cajoling or coercing, and fear the political consequences if they choose the latter.” The reality, beyond the clean media discourse, which for months has focused on the enthusiasm, unity and demand of the population to continue the war until final victory, shows that the repressive option has been consolidated as the way in which that Ukraine is trying to meet its recruiting needs. This is attested to by the numerous images that are published daily and that show agents capturing and capturing men at transport stops, gyms or supermarkets.

“Since the Russian invasion two years ago, some 9,000 evasion procedures have been opened, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior, but that is just the surface of evasion of conscription and evasion of registration so as not to be can issue enlistment notices,” admits Politico . Indeed, that figure does not represent the problem that Ukraine currently faces. According to the BBC , around 650,000 men of military age have fled the country in the last two years, mainly through Poland or Slovakia, using false papers that have allowed them to leave Ukraine despite the ban on doing so.

This same week, Ukrainska Pravda mentioned that 30,000 men have not shown up at recruitment offices in the Poltava region and 40,000 are being searched for the same reason in Ivano-Frankovsk, both in the western part of Ukraine, more nationalist and in favor of continuing the war until the conquest of all the territory other areas closer to the front. The situation does not seem to be different in other regions of the country, so a figure of hundreds of thousands of men can be deduced who have avoided conscription, an unmistakable sign of the difficulties that Ukraine is suffering to replenish its battered ranks at a time. in which Russia takes advantage of its superiority to punish some of the best Ukrainian units on the front and attack the rear to force Kiev to divert resources to maintenance or repair of power plants that are currently suffering from missile impacts.

«I am young and I want to live my life and going there without knowing when I will return to my normal life is hard. I have friends who volunteered at the beginning of the war and are still there fighting. So it's like a one-way ticket," says a young man interviewed by Politico . “Two years without rest, without rotation, of course morale is low and it is killing motivation,” says a soldier interviewed by the Financial Times who raises the difficulties, highlighting that indefinite service is the main reason for trying to avoid the recruitment, the consequence of which is less rest for the soldiers at the front, who cannot be relieved. “A new mobilization law – which will be put to a parliamentary vote on March 31 – aims to update the country's legal framework in the face of a probable recruitment wave this year in which up to 500,000 people could enlist. It is estimated that there are currently some 330,000 soldiers deployed on the battlefield,” explains the media, which calls into question Ukraine's ability to mobilize, arm, equip and instruct that number of new soldiers.

The data on leaving the country and rejection of recruitment show the reluctance of a significant part of the military-age population to go to the front. However, even despite the evidence, Ukraine seeks to turn this aspect into a reproach to its partners. It's not that Ukrainian men don't want to fight, it's that they need more support from the West. “There are many people willing to do it, but the demotivating factor is this general context: when Ukrainians stop feeling reliable support from the West,” said Anton Hrushetsky of the Kyiv Institute of Sociology, quoted by the Financial Times . The bias of the surveys carried out during war to justify certain State policies is observed in the data presented and the ability of the press to accept them without the slightest criticism. “Half of the 90% of respondents surveyed by Info Sapiens who said they believed Ukraine could succeed with the support of Western allies now think the West is tired and will pressure Kiev to compromise with Russia, Hrushetsky said,” Hrushetsky said. adds the article. Everything, including the willingness of Ukrainians to die, largely for other people's interests, depends on the United States and its allies sending more weapons. ... utamiento/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (for the period from March 23 to March 30, 2024) The main thing:

- The Russian Armed Forces carried out 57 high-precision strikes on Ukrainian targets in a week, including with Zircon;

- Within a week, the Russian Armed Forces destroyed four Ukrainian MLRS, five radar stations, and three counter-battery stations;

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdiivka direction in a week amounted to over 1,870 military personnel and 13 tanks;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 860 military personnel in the South Donetsk direction in a week;

- During the week, Russian aviation and air defense shot down 11 Storm Shadow missiles and three Neptune missiles;

- Strikes by the Russian Armed Forces hit Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises, decision-making centers, drone production workshops, and arsenals;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 370 military personnel and 5 M777 howitzers in a week in the Kherson direction;

- In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian Armed Forces repelled 11 attacks in a week, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 310 people;

- Russian air defense forces shot down 171 MLRS shells and 1,208 Ukrainian Armed Forces drones in a week;

- Units of the “Center” group of troops continued to advance into the depths of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defense and occupy more advantageous positions.

▫️ In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical position along the front line, and also defeated the formations of seven brigades of the armed forces and the National Guard of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Malinovka, Zaporozhye region, Urozhainoe, Makarovka and Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In addition, five counterattacks by assault groups of the 58th motorized infantry brigade, the 127th, and 128th military defense brigades were repelled in the areas of the settlements of Staromayorskoye, Vodyanoye of the Donetsk People's Republic and Priyutnoye of the Zaporozhye region.

Enemy losses amounted to more than 860 military personnel, 4 armored combat vehicles, 35 vehicles, 7 field artillery guns, including: two Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mounts and two FH-70 howitzers made in Great Britain.

▫️ In the Kherson direction, the coordinated actions of units of the Dnepr group of troops defeated the manpower and equipment of the 128th mountain assault, 28, 65, 118th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the 35th marine brigade and three defensive brigades in the areas of Rabotino settlements , Novoselovka, Nesteryanka, Pyatikhatki of the Zaporozhye region, Ivanovka, Mikhailovka, Gavrilovka and Tyaginka of the Kherson region.

The enemy lost more than 370 military personnel, 2 tanks, 7 armored combat vehicles, 29 automobiles, as well as 13 field artillery pieces, of which five were US-made M777 howitzers .

▫️ Over the course of a week, missile forces, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles of military groups destroyed four combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, including: “MARS II” made in Germany, “Vampire” made in the Czech Republic and “Grad”, five radar stations for detecting and tracking air targets P-18, three counter-battery warfare stations made in the USA: AN/TPQ-36, AN/TPQ-48, AN/TPQ-50, as well as 18 electronic warfare stations: “Nota”, “Enklav-N” and “Bukovel-AD” "

Within a week, 18 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered.

▫️During the week, aviation and air defense systems shot down: 11 Storm Shadow cruise missiles made in Great Britain, three Neptune anti-ship missiles, four ADM-160 MALD aircraft guided missiles made in the USA, two S-200 anti-aircraft missiles converted to hit ground targets, two Hammer aircraft guided bombs made in France, 171 rockets from the HIMARS, Vampire, and Hurricane multiple launch rocket systems, as well as 1,208 unmanned aerial vehicles.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 577 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 17,773 unmanned aerial vehicles, 489 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,644 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,257 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,582 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20381 units of special military vehicles.

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Future of the SMO: Russian Army Think-Tank Breakdown + UGVs Enter the Fray

MAR 30, 2024

This is technically part 3 of the Future of the SMO paid series I’ve been doing, with Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. However, I’m no longer going to number them as they are not a continuation, but rather independent articles on new topics which will operate under the same series name as that will be the designated paid subscriber only series. So if you’re not paid yet, don’t fear jumping in now as the current article is stand-alone and only loosely follows the general series theme of analyzing the SMO from a military-technological standpoint and extrapolating that onto future trends and developments.

This article is about 6700+ words and this time I’ve decided to leave free to the public, the first 2500+ of them, so a full nearly 40% of the article, so as to allow free subscribers to read at least up to the most important ‘bomb shell’ revelation. However, paid subs will see the new report further down of the first ever Russian mobile ground robot platoon taking part in real live hostilities, ushering in a devastating new age of warfare.

In the previous installment, we covered Russian military theorist General Baluyevsky’s think-tank paper Algorithms of Fire and Steel. This time we have another fascinating release from the official Russian military journal of the MOD, called АРМЕЙСКИЙ СБОРНИК, or ‘Army Digest’. It deals with assessing the opening state of the SMO and how it’s changed, with what adaptations the Russian MOD has been making to shore up weaknesses exposed in the course of the conflict.

What’s particularly eye-opening is how forthright it is in dealing with Russia’s limitations, particularly at the start of the SMO, allowing us a better understanding of the current state of things and how the war might evolve going forward.


It’s hosted on the official Russian mil site and apparently blocks Western addresses from accessing it, but you can still do so via VPN.

For the sake of authenticity, it is the March issue #3 of 2024, written by retired Colonel and veteran of military operations Oleg Falichev, and is called:

Exclude the Human Factor
It begins by recounting how Putin recently gave an assessment of the SMO at the end of 2023, and frankly asserted a few key problem areas where the Russian Armed Forces need work; namely: seriously restructure communication systems, increase the satellite ISR grouping, improve the work of air defense, increase the production and supply of high precision projectiles like Krasnopol and many others, etc.

“It is good that, two years later, we have finally begun to speak openly about the problems identified during the special operation. But what exactly did the Supreme Commander have in mind?”

The author first goes on to describe what the U.S. possesses in terms of a unified battlefield network-centric control system, which happens to be at the disposal of Ukraine. I want to paste the whole thing because it’s a very important consolidating primer on the subject, and makes for a sharp contrast with how he describes Russian capability afterwards:

So, over the past 30 years, several automated control systems (ACS) for ground forces combat operations have been created in the United States. All of them are integrated into a single contour, which provides real-time acquisition of processed situation data necessary for combat impact on the enemy by all, including promising, means of destruction.

The US global control system as a whole consists of: an
aviation contour, including unmanned reconnaissance vehicles, reconnaissance aircraft, including combat control and target designation aircraft of the AWACS type;
a space contour, consisting of optoelectronic reconnaissance spacecraft, as well as radar and radio-technical reconnaissance, and missile warning system satellites-secure
global space communications consisting of communication and relay satellites, weather satellites, and other spacecraft.

The US wartime reconnaissance satellite constellation can consist of up to 500 spacecraft, of which up to 200 spacecraft can be located over the territory of Ukraine today. All this group works for the armed forces of Ukraine, transmitting data about our troops. It allows you to get high-resolution video and photo information that is sufficient to determine the number of our aircraft at airfields and the movement of large groups of troops. All the monitored situation is summarized and collected in the NATO Information Processing Center, from where the data is sent to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This includes using the Starlink system, which is used for communication and fire control in the "company (battery) — battalion (division) — regiment"link.

Combining the means of reconnaissance and fire destruction of the enemy into a single system was called the network-centric concept of warfare in the general theory of war. It involves the creation of a single information space for control and fire destruction in the Theater of Operations area.[/i]

A note on that:

Firstly, here’s a recent diagram of total active satellites in space compared to Starlink, which is starting to single-handedly take over all earth’s orbit:


SpaceX Starlink satellites now make up almost 60% of the entire operational space constellation.

At this rate, Starlink will soon become the major dominant force in space.

On top of the above Russian assessment, a recent announcement revealed Elon Musk has signed a secret contract with the U.S. government to basically convert, as one report suggested, around 500 Starlink satellites into military versions with special cryptographic properties:

Image ... tagon.html

Unfortunately for Russia, this puts the U.S. and its allies—like Ukraine—several years, and potentially a decade or two, ahead of Russian capabilities in this area. As Colonel Falichev indicates in the next part, this is one area where Russia has severely lagged since the fall of the Soviet Union, simply ignoring the problem as its ramifications were never quite palpably felt by the aging military upper crust.

They are now rushing out a Starlink analog, but a basic operable fleet won’t be ready until at least 2027-2030. In order to even the odds in the meantime, Russia has reportedly been smuggling in a large amount of bootleg Starlinks, which they claim to use at the front despite Musk’s protests that Starlink service does not operate “over Russia”. Of course, the battlefield contact line is quite a hazy ‘gray zone’ and likely allows Russian forces to get service.

Though as a quick aside, Russia’s communications issues aren’t ever as bad as claimed. Just yesterday a Ukrainian comms expert angrily reported the increasingly widespread use of a new Russian “Wave Network” of radios, which he described as follows:

The Wave Network packet communication solution is based on MESH technology. Within the framework of this technology, each walkie-talkie is not just a walkie-talkie, but also a repeater. That is, all signals scatter to all the nearest neighboring stations and there are no limits to this. This is very useful for the military. For example, when a convoy of equipment stretches for 10 kilometers travels, all radios transmit information along the chain. Or all the soldiers along the front communicate without repeaters.

Not to mention it is AES128 encrypted.

But while Russia scrambles to catch up to U.S. communications capabilities, the U.S. is attempting to leap even further into the future with the announcement of the world’s first ever space-based tactical close “air” support:

Image ... pport-move

The above article summarizes it as follows:

“Larger space capabilities cannot effectively integrate with more expeditionary units, such as SOF (Special Operations Forces),” said Capt. Noah Siegel, Triad Experimentation Team platoon leader, 18th Space Company. “Shrinking our equipment and focusing on mobility allows our Soldiers to provide space support to units of all types at or beyond the tactical edge. For warfighters on the ground, this tactical space support enables the synchronization and convergence of joint and multidomain effects to enhance lethality.”

In short, it’s the ability to have a smaller imprint mobile satellite liaison unit that can give network-centric and signals data to frontline units on the fly without the traditional worries of communication links disruptions due to jamming or distance from unit HQs, or having to setup bulky stationary satellite relays. I.e. space support at the tactical level. It may sound simple, but it’s something that nations without massive satellite infrastructure would struggle to do.

But the above was just a test run with a small unit, and is in no way being rolled out en masse in the U.S. Army any time soon, as the article itself admits.

Getting back, Colonel Falichev asks: What do we have by comparison?

What do we have?

Looking ahead, I will say that we are quite successfully fighting the enemy's intelligence system using various electronic warfare tools. But for a long time we were not able to bring our effective fire control system, as they say, to mind. It is enough to recall the similar Constellation system created since the times of the USSR, which left much to be desired. Only recently have they developed and launched a series of their own automated artillery fire control system, in particular, "Tablet-A" (Planshet-A system). And the special operation in Ukraine has accelerated this process.

JSC "Russian Corporation of Rocket and Space Instrumentation and Information Systems" ("Russian Space Systems") has developed the first domestic analog of the Starlink system. For this purpose, the Sphere communications satellite was launched into orbit. The system is already being tested in the military. Let us explain that JSC Russian Space Systems specializes in the development, manufacture and operation of space information systems, in particular, in the development and targeted use of the global navigation satellite system GLONASS, the space search and rescue system, hydrometeorological and radio engineering support for scientific research in outer space, and remote sensing of the Earth. Today, the development of such technologies in Russia has been given the closest attention, which was required by the experience of conducting free economic education.

In addition, the President of the Russian Federation has considered the Concept of Technological Development of Russia until 2030. Among its sections are promising space systems and services.

The Planshet-A system is one I’ve been reporting on for a long time, which is a battlefield management system Russia has slowly been rolling out since the start of the conflict. One recent example of a new analogous Russian system on the front was just posted this week—though I believe this is a more DIY ad hoc one. You can see the realtime geolocation of ongoing tactical fights, with the information and coordinates able to be transmitted to other relevant units: (Video at link.)

Exclusive . We finally have the latest program for command and control.

Designed for interaction, coordination, control between different departments. An analogue of the Ukrainian "Nettle", its extended version.

I would like to draw your attention: “Nettle” was with the Ukrainian Armed Forces until the age of 2022. That is, they were preparing for a certain type of war, unlike us. They knew that they would attack and they knew with what type of weapons.

From a reliable source.

Incidentally a new video of another such Ukrainian system has also come to light, showing the Ukrainians are arguably still a step ahead in implementation: (Video at link.)

Pay attention to how they can insert tactical symbols onto a map, which gets instantly distributed to all units operating one of these networked tablets.

Falichev goes on to underline what I already prefaced above—why Russia began to lag after the fall of the USSR, including the infamously resented Serdyukov reforms of 2008, of which I also previously wrote a lot on:


Of course, the question arises: why did this happen? After the collapse of the USSR, we paid very little attention to this segment of our defense, as, indeed, to the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole. Recall that in 2010, the Armed Forces underwent major structural changes. Motorized rifle and tank divisions were transformed into brigades. According to Colonel-General, Doctor of Military Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences Vladimir Zaritsky, the army and front-line sets of Rocket troops and artillery were abolished. Thus, we lost about half of the firepower of artillery units and formations, and almost half of the firepower of Ground Forces.

But he says Gerasimov and Shoigu’s arrival has ushered in a restoration of all previously lost power:

But with the arrival of the new leadership of the Ministry of Defense, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov, the restoration of the system that was practically lost, in particular, the divisional structure, and in the Missile Forces and artillery of the Ground Forces — the restoration of combat power.

He states that in particular, special attention was paid to such electronic intelligence systems, which further ushered in the development of new much-needed battlefield recon and counter-battery systems like the ‘Arkus’ and ‘Penicillin.’

But here’s where he makes the biggest bombshell of the report, which is truly a world exclusive in divulging this information for the first time ever:

With the beginning of the SVO, we had only about 10 Zoo-1M complexes in the army. This led to the fact that at first we lost the confrontation in the counter-battery fight. The lack of necessary specialists also affected the situation.

We’ve heard complaints from the front for a long time that Russia needed more counter-battery capability. There were speculations of all kinds as to numbers, but no one knew precise amounts. Here for the first time he reveals that the entire Russian army had a miniscule 10 Zoopark counterbattery units at the start of the SMO.

Granted, in the very beginning, artillery counterfights had not yet gained the type of significance they have now, as the conflict had more a mobile expeditionary-style character than the static classical artillery war we see today. Russia did begin increasing production of everything right away—but it’s still extremely telling how little of the workhorse counterbattery units they had at the onset.

Keep in mind, there are other types of counterbattery—so Zoopark isn’t the sole one relied on. Not only were there the mentioned Penicillins—though potentially even less of those prestige systems—but also things like the Yastreb-AV, Snar-10, and many other smaller portable tactical units like the Aistyonok, Sobolyatnik, and even the Fara-PV. So while the situation wasn’t quite as dire as it sounds, it was far from ideal.

Now, however, things have changed. Just last month Shoigu visited the NPO Splav and NPO Strela enterprises, where he was shown a full production line of the latest Zoopark-1Ms under construction:


One can see the workshop could have as many as a dozen simultaneous systems being built. So while we don’t know the exact production number, here’s what NPO Strela stated:

NPO Strela claims it fully completed its 2023 obligations for delivery of Yastreb-AV, Zoopark-1M (pictured), and Aistyonok counter-batter radar systems and will increase production by 2x in 2024 and 4x in 2025 thanks to new equipment and the transition to a 12-hour-shift, 6-days-per-week schedule.

So, Zooparks have already increased production, but will increase 2x in 2024, and 4x in 2025. Meanwhile, even Oryx’s list only lists 16 total ‘proven’ Zooparks destroyed. That means if Russia is even building 50-100 of them per year—which is possible given the near dozen simultaneously constructed in the workshop—it vastly over-compensates for any losses.

(More behind Paywall.) ... army-think


Ukraine Weekly Update
29th March 2024

MAR 29, 2024


Maria Zakharova was in great form over the weekend when commenting on the West’s reaction to the attacks which quickly ruled out Ukrainian involvement. I almost feel the embarrassment of those she is upbraiding - she is quite clearly the grown up to the Western toddler.

[i[The White House said it sees no indication that Ukraine or Ukrainians were involved in the terrorist attack in Moscow. On what basis do officials in Washington draw any conclusions in the midst of the tragedy about anyone's involvement? If the United States has or had reliable information on this matter, it must be immediately handed over to the Russian side. And if there is no such data, then the White House has no right to issue indulgences to anyone. [Italics original][/i]


Then she pushed the knife in a bit further:

If only they could sort out the assassination of their own President Kennedy so quickly. But no, for more than 60 years they have not been able to find out who killed him.

One of the terrorists detained said that they had agreed to carry out the attacks for half a million rubles and that this was arranged through Telegram. Weapons were provided to them.

Four of the terrorists were caught in Bryansk headed for the the Ukrainian border in a car. Some believe this was part of a ‘get away’ plan so that the terrorists could reach Ukraine and safety. Interrogations make it clear that the assassins were motivated to carry out the attacks by money not by ideology but it is still possible that ISIS and/or the SBU organised it. In Russia, 11 people have been detained altogether. Some were from Tajikistan and some are speculating that they were recruited through the Ukrainian embassy in the country. Later in the week another nine suspects were arrested in Tajikistan, according to Tass.

Maria Zakharova complained to the UN after it released an initial statement in which it said that it was ‘saddened’ by the events. This was then altered to a statement more appropriate to the terror, rather than sadness, that the events had inspired:

[Guterres] condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack at a concert hall outside Moscow. [He extends] deep condolences to the bereaved families and the people and the Government of the Russian Federation.

Seyed Mohammad Marandi, a political analyst and professor at Tehran University, also found it curious that, even when “no real details” about the attack were known, the United States started insisting that Ukraine was not involved. He added:

It is also very strange that the United States was able to give such a detailed travel advisory or warning about a terror attack naming concerts and giving specifics about an attack in Moscow and large gatherings and all that [previous to the attack]. So, they have all these specific details, but they were unable to give anything specific to the Russians. This all makes one think that something is very wrong.

Marandi is referring to US warnings to their citizens that were not, apparently, extended to the Russians. RT suggests that a lack of trust between the US and Russia prevented the former from providing the latter with full disclosure regarding the threat.


Other Ukrainian Terror Attacks
22nd/23rd March Overnight

Belgorod was shelled again overnight killing one person and injuring three. Apartment buildings were attacked causing some damage and injuries.

24th/25th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

The enemy continues to attack the Belgorod region with rocket artillery. Over the past day, seven civilians have been wounded. In the Rostov region, the governor reported that at night a fire occurred at the transformer substation of the Novocherkassk State District Power Plant, which was promptly extinguished by the station workers. There were no casualties. On the peaceful population of the DPR, the enemy fired 42 rounds of ammunition, one civilian was injured in the village of Yelenovka (Yenakievo urban district) as a result of an IED dropped from an AFU drone.

The Russian MoD reported that:

Russian air defense systems destroyed 172 Ukrainian drones, 11 Storm Shadow cruise missiles and three Neptune anti-ship missiles, as well as 22 multiple launch rocket system shells and other targets.

25th/26th March

According to the Two Majors:

Despite the cessation of AFU attempts to break into the Belgorod region, Nazi terrorist attacks on civilians continue. The enemy fires MLRS into the region several times a day. Just yesterday, three were wounded, including from attacks by enemy strike drones. In the Rostov region, air defence units successfully worked on air targets in the sky between Novocherkassk and Bataysk.
According to Sitrep:

Air defence systems intercepted 11 Ukrainian drones over the Rostov region last night [25th March], MoD reported. At about 15:30 Moscow time, 2 Ukrainian S-200 missiles were shot down over the region. In the Belgorod region, the AFU attacked a Gazelle car on the motorway by a kamikaze drone, the driver and passenger were not injured, the governor of the region Gladkov said.

The village of Golovchino in Belgorod was attacked overnight hitting four residential buildings, two cars and wounding three people.

26th/27th March Overnight

18 ‘air targets’ (i.e. MLRS Vampire missiles) were shot down over Belgorod at night. One man was injured by shelling and at least nine residential buildings and some cars were damaged.

27th/28th March Overnight

Air defences managed to shoot down 16 missiles over Belgorod overnight. Some apartment buildings, health care facilities and cars were damaged but there were no casualties. Villages in Kursk region were shelled while Gorlovka in the DPR was attacked killing three and injuring five.

28th/29th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

The AFU continue shelling the Belgorod region from MLRS and with strike drones. One wounded civilian was reported in the Novaya Tavolzhanka in the Shebekinsky urban district. At night, 15 air targets were shot down on approach to Belgorod, the governor of the region reported damage to residential buildings and cars as a result of the attack. In the Kursk region, the AFU fired at Korovyakovka and Tyotkino in the Glushkovsky district. In the DPR, in Donetsk and Staromlinovka (Velikonovoselkovsky district), four civilians were injured, including one teenager. The enemy is firing and dropping ammunition from drones.

The Sea War

23rd/24th March Overnight

Ten Stormshadow type missiles were destroyed over Sevastopol overnight but a few missiles managed to get through and cause damage to residential and office buildings causing casualties. One person died and another four were injured. A later report claimed that 40 missiles and drones attempted to hit targets in central and western Crimea but they caused minimal damage. The Ukrainians appear to have used at least 12 aircraft, according to the Military Chronicle.

The Air War

Vladimir Putin has made it clear that if F-16s are launched from airfields outside of Ukraine these will become legitimate targets under international law. I wonder if NATO would be reckless enough to test Putin’s resolve?

Russian Missile/Drone Attacks
21st/22nd March

Kharkov has been completely de-energised after the attacks which employed at least 18 missiles of the S-300 or Iskander, according to Slavyangrad. In the absence of traffic lights, police are directing traffic at intersections - until some idiot recruiting officer sends them to the front!

The Ukraine Energy Ministry had this to say:

600k people in Kharkov, 150k in Dnipropetrovsk oblast and 2k Khmelnytskyi have no electricity. 230k people in Odessa are subject to "restrictions"

The Dnieper Hydro-electric power station was attacked and damaged some time on the 22nd March and military targets in Kmelnitsky, Kirovograd and Odessa were hit. Kanatovo and Starokonstantinov airfields were also hit. Ternopil region also came under attack along with the sea oil terminal at Yuzhny which was hit by two missiles. Later reports from the Ukrainians suggest that the Dnieper Hydro-electric power station is out of order and that the Ukrainian defence industry will suffer. 20% of Ukrainian generating capacity has been lost and it is not clear how long repairs will take to complete.

22nd/23rd March Overnight

Geraniums attacked Kharkov, Kremenchug and Krivoy Rog overnight.

23rd/24th March Overnight

A brief report by legitimniy claims that 20 missiles attacked the city of Stryi (near Lviv) overnight. Lubricant warehouses, airfields, gas/electric infrastructure and air defences were targeted. Kiev also came under attack overnight. A gas exchange point was attacked with Geraniums near the village of Pyatinchany causing a fire which could not be extinguished. This is preventing gas from being distributed to Industry and the general population throughout Ukraine. It is reported that restoration work will take some considerable time. This is the largest gas storage facility in Ukraine as Dima reports here. Its storage capacity is four times that of the largest gas storage facility in Germany and it provides (did provide) gas to European countries. European gas prices could rise in consequence. Some on Ukrainian Telegram channels are speculating that this was meant to be a warning by the Russians to the Europeans that their gas could be cut off.

Zhitomer, Vinnitsa, Cherkasy, Kirovograd, Odessa, Nikolaev and part of Kherson region all came under attack. It was also reported that 15 TU-95’s were in the air. These planes carry strategic missiles.

According to Sputnik Africa:

The Kharkov Transport Engineering Plant, which produces and repairs tanks, tank engines and infantry fighting vehicles for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as two thermal power plants were hit by a Russian missile attack on Friday morning, the Nikolaev underground resistance movement's coordinator Sergey Lebedev told Sputnik.

24th/25th March Overnight

According to the Two Majors:

The RF Armed Forces, at night, hit targets in the Odessa region with “Geraniums”. Local authorities reported damage to the energy infrastructure; power supply was lost in one part of Odessa.

A power plant in the village of Ladyzhyn was badly damaged by Russian missiles and will probably be out of action for months, according to Geroman. There was a direct hit on the engine room and turbines. On the 25th March, Ukrainian facilities in Kiev were attacked by at least 6 Oniks-M missiles.

The demolished SBU building in Kiev

Among the targets destroyed was the SBU building, according to the Kyiv Post. You can see more images here. According to Slavyangrad, two Patriot defence systems were destroyed at Zhulyany airport in Kiev.

25th/26th March Overnight

The CHPP-5 power plant which provides thermal and electric power to Kharkov was destroyed overnight and will take at least a year to repair, according to Geroman. In Ivano Frankovsk, south of Lviv, a military building was destroyed overnight.

26th/27th March Overnight

On the 26th according to the Russian MoD:

During the day, the Russian Armed Forces carried out a group strike with high-precision long-range sea- and land-based weapons and UAVs on decision-making centers, SBU facilities, military-industrial complex enterprises, as well as locations of Ukrainian national formations and foreign mercenaries. All objects are hit. The objectives of the strike have been achieved.

Overnight, Geraniums were in the air over Kharkov, Poltava, Chernigov and Sumy.

27th/28th March Overnight

Ukrainians channels reported that five Russian Tu22-M3 planes launched their missiles from above the Black Sea. Air alerts were sounded in most regions of Ukraine. Explosions were reported in Odessa and in Kharkov. Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporizhye were also attacked by geraniums.

28th/29th March Overnight

The Two Majors gave this report:

The RF Armed Forces, in the second half of the night, launched missiles from strategic missile carriers Tu-95ms and 3 MiG-31K. Explosions were reported in the early morning in the Odessa region, Stryi in Lvov region, Kremenchuk and Mirgorod in Poltava region, Shepetovka and Khmelnitsky in Khmelnitsky region, Korosten in Zhitomir region, Kanev in Cherkassy region, Dnepropetrovsk and Burshtyn, Ivano-Frankovsk region. The enemy claimed the use of missile weapons from the territory of Crimea and the Geran UAV, which indicates the combined nature of the strikes. Immediately after the explosions, power outages were reported in different regions of Ukraine.

Ukraine Telegram channel legitimniy, had this to say:

Be careful, four/six Tu-95MS are flying again (a salvo of 24/36 Kh-555/101 missiles). They took off from Olenya airbase as usual. They are heading towards the Caspian Sea. Lone kamikaze UAVs are also flying en masse across Ukraine. There are flights to the Dnieper and the region on energy infrastructure. Have the Russians really decided to turn off the switch in Ukraine? If yes, then this is bad news.

According to intelslava:

A series of massive explosions covered the Dnepropetrovsk, Cherkassy, Poltava, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. Explosions also occurred in Odessa, Kharkov, Sumy, Kiev, Krivoy Rog, Khmelnitsky, Ternopil, Volyn, Vinnytsia, Zhytomyr and Zaporozhye regions. The defeat of the Sredneprovskaya hydroelectric power station, the Krivoy Rog thermal power plant, and the Dnieper thermal power plant has been confirmed.

It does look as if the Russians are going after the power grid.


The Fronts
Ukrainian Telegram channels are reporting that Ukrainian troops are not being rotated and that reserves are being pulled in to shore up some sections of the front - and these reserves are declining at an alarming rate in consequence.



In the Yuzhnodonetsk direction, Russian troops continue to assault Novomikhailovka from two directions, systematically striking enemy positions in the village.



Reports on the 23rd March claiming that the Tonenkoye-Orlovka-Semyonovka-Berdychi line had collapsed proved to be premature. By the end of the week, fighting continued in Berdychi and the Russians were attacking Semyonovka from the south, according to the Two Majors

Chasov Yar


On the 24th March, the Russians broke through the Ukrainian defences east of Chasov Yar. The Ukrainians are counter-attacking towards Ivananovskoye (Krasnoye). There are battles at Bogdanovka where the Ukrainians have exhausted all defensive options, and at Kleshcheyevka, according to the Two Majors.

On the 26th, a NATO command centre was destroyed and some high ranking NATO officers killed, including, so it is claimed, Polish Brigadier General Adam Marczak.



After a long period of inactivity, the Russians have made significant advances towards the Razdolovka-Veseloye border while the Ukrainians have retreated towards the Sukhaya Plotva river.

Zaporizhye - Rabotino - Verbovoye


Battles continue in Rabotino and the Ukrainians are preparing a new defence line at Orekhov.

According to sitreports:

On the Donetsk Front, Russian forces continue to hold the initiative. In Novomikhaylovka, the RF Armed Forces were able to recapture a number of positions from the AFU and advance into the town. Fighting continues in Georgiyevka, Pervomayskoye and near Nevelskoye.


On the 23rd March, the Russian liberated Ivanivske and the tactical situation along the front was improved.



The Ukrainians still have a presence in Krynki which they continue to reinforce but it seems that no useful purpose is being served by this. It has always been an ‘offensive’ on the road to nowhere.

(Much more at link.) ... update-256


A Polish general dies deep in Ukraine

Warsaw says soldier died of ‘unexplained natural causes’ while Moscow claims to hit Chasiv Yar command center secretively hosting senior NATO officials

MARCH 29, 2024

Polish Brigadier General Adam Marczak has died in Ukraine. Image: Substack

Before the Ukrainian counteroffensive commenced, the important city of Bakhmut fell to the Russians. I wrote at the time that it seemed the Russians would also aim to take the town of Chasiv Yar but that didn’t happen because the war shifted to the south and the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Meanwhile, a month later, the so-called hero of Bakhmut, Yevgeny Prigozhin and some of his Wagner forces, invaded Russia in what looked like an attempted coup d’etat but also may have been timed to help Ukraine’s large-scale counteroffensive.

Bakhmut’s capture and what happened in the Donbas shifted to the counteroffensive and the internal threat to Moscow. Russian forces did not move toward Chasiv Yar.

Chasiv Yar was extremely important during the battle for Bakhmut. It was the feeder for troops being sent into Bakhmut and for the rotation of soldiers fighting there.

It was the source of supply of ammunition, food and medical support for Ukraine’s army in the city. Chasiv Yar was also the command center not only for the Ukrainians but also for their Western military advisers.

That latter role is what has again become clear in the last week of March, as the Russians successfully bombed a six-story deep command bunker in Chasiv Yar on March 26.

According to the Russians, the bunker was hit by one or more Iskander missiles. The Iskander is a short-range ballistic missile that can operate at hypersonic speed (Mach 5.9). It has different types of warheads including bunker busters that weigh between 1,000 and 1,500 pounds.

Inside that command center were very senior NATO officers, some of whom were killed, according to Russian reports. One of them was Brigadier General Adam Marczak of the Polish army.

His biography states:

In 1994, Brigadier General Adam Marczak graduated from the Land Forces Military Academy in Wroclaw, Poland, and was assigned as Assault Platoon Leader to the 10th Air Assault Battalion, which is part of the 6th Air Assault Brigade based in Cracow.

In the course of the following years up to 2011, he held successive positions in the 6th Air Assault Brigade: Commander of the 2nd Assault Company, Operations Officer in S3 Section, of Section S2 Chief and Chief of Staff and Deputy Battalion Commander of the 16th Airborne Battalion. In 2011, he joined the Polish Special Operations Forces Command based in Cracow as Deputy Chief of the Exercise Division.

He was associated with this military unit until 2017 where he finally held the post of Chief of the Certification and Exercise Division. In 2017, he assumed command of the 25th Air Cavalry Brigade in Tomaszow Mazowiecki. From 2020 to 2021, Brigadier General Adam Marczak served as Chief of the Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Division at the Armed Forces General Command in Warsaw.

Since his appointment and assumption of office in 2021, he holds the position of Deputy Chief of Staff, Support & Enabling Euroscorps. In 2009, he served for six months as Deputy Airborne Battle Group Commander at ISAF in Afghanistan. He returned to Afghanistan for two years (between 2015 and 2017) as NATO Chief of Staff at the NATO Special Operations Component Command (NSOCC-A).

Poland reported his death, which the Polish Army said was due to “unexplained natural causes.” ... n-ukraine/


There were no elections in Ukraine today
March 31, 12:24 p.m


Today there were no presidential elections in Ukraine.
Because during a war, democratic Russia holds elections (even in front-line regions), and Zelensky’s Nazi regime canceled the elections.
In May, even under Ukrainian legislation, Ukraine will remain without legal authority.
The logical ending of the “Orange Revolution” and “Euromaidan”.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:15 pm

Demands and blackmail: the war plan
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/01/2024


“President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a tough message to Congress in an interview Thursday, as Russian missiles pounded southern Ukraine: Give us the weapons to stop Russian attacks, or Ukraine will intensify its counterattacks against airfields, energy facilities and others.” strategic objectives of Russia," writes the opening of the article that David Ignatius has written about the Ukrainian president for The Washington Post . Ignatius, one of the stars of the opinion section of the American media and a firm believer in the Ukrainian discourse, was referring to the interview conducted last week by the Ukrainian president and in which, in a careful scenario of war destruction, Zelensky He insisted on his usual message of demanding more weapons and ammunition from his partners. “If there is no American support, that means we have no air defense, no Patriot missiles, no jammers for electronic warfare, no 155-millimeter artillery rounds,” the Ukrainian leader falsely claimed, conveniently forgetting the increase in military assistance of European countries, especially Germany, to supply Ukraine with artillery ammunition or shells for the Patriot systems. The war president was aware of what his audience was and presenting the United States as the exceptional, unique country, without which Ukraine could not survive, is exactly what a part of the public expects, which also includes the journalist who interviewed him.

“Zelensky, the actor who became wartime president, has thrown himself into this role. He was wearing his usual clothing of a Ukrainian military sweatshirt and combat pants. He seemed less haggard here, in his homeland, than he did a month ago at a security conference in Munich. "He seems to enjoy being the symbol of a nation at war," writes Ignatius, still attached to the image that the media gave of the Ukrainian president in the first months of the Russo-Ukrainian war, but which has been undermined by broken promises, internal struggles and authoritarian tendencies.

Zelensky's speech is simple: in the absence of American assistance, Ukraine will have to retreat. «If you do not take steps forward to prepare another counteroffensive, Russia will take them. That's what we have learned in this war: If you don't do it, Russia will," said the Ukrainian president in the interview with David Ignatius. The intentions of the Ukrainian president have not changed and they involve offensive actions that depend, however, on the generosity of his allies. According to Ignatius, “if the front remains stable, he said, Ukraine can arm and train new brigades in the rear to conduct a new counteroffensive later this year.” The front remains stable only in the area where the Dnieper acts as a natural border and also in Zaporozhie, where Ukraine has not managed to break the Russian front and Russia would face the open field, risking suffering the same problems that the troops suffered. Ukrainians. But possibly that was the sector in which Zelensky would aspire to carry out, again, the same offensive that was unsuccessful in 2023. After all, with Crimea as his main objective, that is the only logical direction in which Ukraine can do the most damage to Russia.

To do this, the Ukrainian president demands ATACM-300, according to Ignatius, not to attack Russian territory, but to attack Crimea, a difference that does not exist for Russia and for the population of the peninsula, integrated into the Russian Federation for a decade, but which It is important for Ukraine's foreign partners, reluctant to use Western weapons against internationally recognized Russian territory. kyiv, which is trying to convince Germany, the most reluctant of the countries fearful of its missiles attacking targets in Russia, to send its Taurus, cannot allow itself to openly announce its intentions to attack military bases in prohibited territory. «When Russia knows that we can destroy those planes, it will not attack from Crimea. It's like with the fleet. We expel them from our territorial waters. "Now we will expel them from Crimean airports," Zelensky said. That is, at least, the hope of Ukraine, which requires even greater quantities of weapons and, apparently, new brigades. The press's carte blanche to the Ukrainian story makes it unnecessary to explain what happened to the brigades created specifically for the failed counteroffensive.

In his interview, Ignatius does not even address the issue of the possibility of a negotiated solution, an aspect that has never interested the United States, comfortable with low-intensity warfare on Russian borders during the Donbass conflict and taking advantage of the current situation. to acquire more political presence in its European backyard and business benefits derived from increased military production. Zelensky has recently referred to the possibility of negotiation in another of the many interviews granted. In what Russia wanted to see as a change and acceptance that Ukraine will not reach the borders of 1991, the Ukrainian president stated that “I am sure that when he [Vladimir Putin] loses what he has occupied since 2022, "He will completely lose the trust of even those countries that still doubt whether they should support Ukraine or not," adding that "he will also lose power within his country. As soon as that happens, he will be prepared for dialogue.” With large doses of magical thinking, Zelensky observes a scenario that absolutely contradicts current reality. It is not Ukraine that is recovering territory lost since 2022 at this time, but rather it is Russia that is slightly increasing the areas under its control. In any case, this negotiation that Zelensky observes at a time of international consensus in favor of Ukraine, even less realistic than the possibility of returning to the borders of 2022, does not represent a change but rather the reaffirmation of a plan in which dialogue with Russia is allowed only to demand capitulation.

“We are looking for a way not to retreat,” Zelensky repeatedly states in his interview with Ignatius in a speech that contrasts with his optimism for the future, which depends, as usual, on the amount of weapons he receives. A demanding proxy with a certain ability to deny the will of his provider, the Ukrainian president uses the loudspeaker of The Washington Post to launch a threat that has gone completely unnoticed. “As Russian drones, missiles and precision bombs pierce Ukrainian defenses to attack energy facilities and other critical infrastructure, Zelensky feels he has no choice but to strike back across the border, hoping to establish a deterrence. An example is the Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian refineries over the past month. "I asked Zelensky if the US authorities had warned against this type of attack on energy facilities inside Russia, as has been rumored in Washington," writes Ignatius, legitimizing the Ukrainian action in Russian territory and conveniently forgetting the constant bombing of civilian areas of the Belgorod region, which continue to leave victims.

“The reaction of the United States to this has not been positive,” responds Zelensky, who promises to continue along the same path. “We have used our drones. “No one can tell us that you can’t,” he reaffirms. In other words, Ukraine will continue bombing Russian refineries against the opinion of the United States as long as Washington does not provide long-range weapons with which to attack Crimea. A curious blackmail that starts from exploiting the American fear of the escalation that would be caused by the proliferation of attacks in Russia. In exchange, Ukraine offers to carry out a campaign against Russia in Crimea whose consequences would be exactly the same.

With his recent media appearances, Zelensky has used the recent fear of a Ukrainian defeat as his main argument to demand from his partners the necessary material and conditions to continue with the same strategy that has brought Ukraine to the point where it is. There is no openness to diplomacy or moderation of objectives, quite the opposite. The Ukrainian president reaffirms his willingness to receive from his allies the necessary material and financing to continue fighting until final victory, a success that not only depends on weapons, but also requires high doses of optimism and little realism. And although this vision is beginning to not be the only one that exists in the Western establishment , the Ukrainian leader continues to have the favor of the mainstream media. This is shown in the final paragraph of Ignatius's article, representative of the complete absence of minimally critical thinking. “Zelensky has been the X factor in this war, mobilizing his country and much of the world to resist Russian aggression. "I wish the members of Congress who resist helping Ukraine could have heard the Ukrainian leader talk about the price Ukraine has paid for its defiance, and the risks that lie ahead for the United States if it does not support its friends," the journalist says. , whose role is confused there with that of the activist, think-tanker or lobbyist. ... de-guerra/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 1, 2024) The main thing:

-In the Kupyansky direction, the enemy lost up to 30 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, four vehicles, as well as a Krab self-propelled artillery unit » Polish production

- In the Donetsk direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 510 military personnel, three tanks, four armored combat vehicles

- In the Avdeevsky direction, the enemy lost up to 295 military personnel, an Abrams tank

- In the South Donetsk direction, enemy losses amounted to more than 120 three military personnel, three tanks, two armored fighting vehicles and two pickup trucks.

— In the Kherson direction, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 50 military personnel, five vehicles, two D-20 howitzers, as well as the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

Air defense systems in the area of ​​the village of Raiskoye, Donetsk People's Republic, shot down a Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force.

During the day, 228 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, four HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and one US-made JDAM guided aerial bomb were intercepted.

▫️In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the 102nd and 108th terrestrial defense brigades in the areas of the settlements of Komsomolskoe, Malinovka, Zaporozhye region and Staromayorskoe, Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to more than 120 military personnel, three tanks, two armored combat vehicles and two pickup trucks.

In addition, the following were hit : a Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery mount , two US-made M777 howitzers , a combat vehicle of the Strela-10 anti-aircraft missile system , as well as an ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

▫️In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of forces inflicted fire on accumulations of manpower and equipment of the 35th Marine Brigade and the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Novotyaginka, Kherson Region, and Dobraya Nadiya, Dnepropetrovsk Region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 50 military personnel, five vehicles, two D-20 howitzers , as well as the Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed : a radar guidance point , a combat control vehicle and two launchers of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system . In addition, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries near the city of Kharkov, as well as manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 138 districts, were hit. Air defense systems in the area of ​​the village of Raiskoye, Donetsk People's Republic, shot down a Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. During the day, 228 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, four HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems and one US-made JDAM guided aerial bomb were intercepted .

▫️In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 581 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,179 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,670 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,261 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,611 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,476 units of special military vehicles.

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Zelensky versus the Sorosite fifth column, part 1

Attack on pro-western business elites. Retribution for critical coverage in pro-western media publications.

MAR 30, 2024
If you like my work and want to access future part 2 of this series, consider becoming a paid subscriber.

Over the past several months, an old front has reopened with renewed ferocity - the struggle between president Zelensky and his inner circle, led by the grey cardinal head of the president’s office Andriy Yermak, and western-funded/oriented journalists, anti-corruption NGOs, and businessmen.

The pro-western forces, which I will henceforth call ‘Sorosites’, in deference to the existing Ukrainian tradition (‘Sorosyata’, or Soros’s piglets), function as the local colonial administration of the US. When, in the past, they grew seriously dissatisfied with a government, it has usually meant its end, whether it be that of Viktor Yanukovych or Petro Poroshenko. The journalists publish thundering investigations into government corruption, the anti-corruption NGOs (now integrated into the state juridical system on all-powerful, extra-constitutional grounds) make formal accusations of financial impropriety, and the Sorosites marshal forces in parliament and on the streets.

When the Sorosites are not listened to, the US embassy puts out a statement urging the Ukrainian government to heed the struggle against corruption and maintain freedom of speech. Over the years, the US embassy has put out countless official statements urging the Ukrainian government to keep their hands off key Sorosites like Shabunin and Sytnyk, who have themselves been implicated in a myriad of corruption scandals. Naturally, such statements are never to be seen when it comes to censorship of other media groups, like what happened in 2021.

Before we get to the current struggle, a bit of background is necessary. When Zelensky was elected in 2020, the Sorosites treated him with disgust. Though many of them were tired with Poroshenko’s own oligarchic ambitions, which often interfered with their ability to influence state decisions, they viewed Zelensky as a populist sponsored by retrograde domestic oligarchs and, possibly, Russia. They also made much of the fact that Zelensky purged his cabinet of ‘young reformers’ in 2020, removing many of the big anti-corruption names so beloved by the US embassy.

While it seems like most of the Ukrainian oligarchy was aligned behind Zelensky due to their fear of Poroshenko’s ever-growing ambitions (an old story in post-soviet Ukraine), Zelensky’s number 1 sponsor was also his employer in the TV world - Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky got on the nerves of the Sorosites and their sponsors so much that he was even sanctioned by the US government in 2021.

Even though Kolomoisky and many of his deputies have been jailed since 2022, pro-Kolomoisky deputy (now behind bars) Alexandr Dubinsky continues his telegram crusade against the Sorosites. Recently, he has been writing forcefully in favor of the theory that the top anti-corruption warriors are FSB-sponsored sleeper agents. While it’s outside the scope of this article, much of the Sorosites ire against the colorful oligarch was due to the fact that by around 2016 Kolomoisky was actively supporting both the Minsk Agreements and Trump against Biden, two hard redlines of Ukraine’s Sorosites.

One of Kolomoisky’s many amusing arguments with top Sorosite Mustafa Naiem (the man who started Euromaidan). The argument, featuring a bunch of imaginative swearing and insults on Kolomoisky’s behalf, turns around a business dispute, insofar as Kolomoisky had sent some of his ‘patriotic’ goons to appropriate a state-owned factory.

In 2021, Zelensky proved he wasn’t going to play the ever-so frightening role of ‘Moscow’s peacemaker’, placing sanctions on pro-peace media publications and political figures through presidential decree. While he also half-heartedly prosecuted Poroshenko, overall the Sorosites were hardly too worried about their new president, at least in comparison to what had come before. They complained about corruption and insufficient attention paid to the anti-corruption organs, but when did they ever not do that.

In early 2022, the Sorosites’ main worry was whether Zelensky would bow to Russian pressure and implement the Minsk agreements, thereby blocking Ukraine’s ability to join NATO and the EU. To their relief, that didn’t happen and instead Russia militarily intervened on February 24. For about a year, conflicts between the Sorosites and Zelensky seemingly evaporated, amidst the overall patriotic jubilation.

By mid-2023, the failed counter-offensive set loose political steam that had long-built up. Sorosites released scandalous investigations into corruption in the ministry of defense, leading to the firing of defense minister Oleksiy Reznikov. While at first there were rumors he would be appointed ambassador to the UK, he lost that honor to the decidedly more reluctant General Zaluzhny, and as of 2024 he has resumed his old job as a lawyer.

Mr and Mrs Reznikov. One of my favorites Reznikov moments was when, asked about how his ministry intended to counteract Russia’s increasing drone superiority, he started rambling about increased production of stylish women’s army uniforms.

Reznikov was a classic figure of Zelensky/Yermak’s entourage - a savvy east-Ukrainian lawyer who made his money by profiting off oligarchic disputes, whose main preoccupation in the ministerial seat was the media and selling eggs for two to three times the market price. Getting rid of him was a sign that the Sorosites were getting ready to go after his bosses.

There were also other moves, such as the May 4 2023 arrest on corruption charges by anti-corruption organs of the mayor of Odessa Trukhanov. Trukhanov was a member of Zelensky’s party whose mafiosi venality was particularly notorious. Nevertheless, he was released after spending one night in prison by paying 13 million hryvnias in bond, and he remains the mayor to this date.

After Reznikov was sacked, things seemed to calm down. But then in early December 2023, the Sorosites made another thrust, this time in the media field - an editorial appeared in the premier Sorosite publication, Ukrainian Truth. The article argued that Ukraine’s state-owned media constantly distorted the truth of what was happening on the battlefield, covering up official mistakes and corruption and leading to a decline in public trust of the media and government. They called the results of Zelensky’s media policy ‘friendly fire’, since not only did it reduce public trust in the government, it also created a false sense of security among Ukrainians, who believed that they could lay back and relax as the invincible AFU mopped up the fleeing, incompetent Russian orcs.

The New York Times duly picked up on this story in early January 2024, publishing its own criticism of Zelensky’s media machine. Hardly flattering, especially for a president for whom mediatizing his image is of such paramount importance.

The Sorosites also took aim at Zelensky in a wide range of other fields - they supported Zaluzhny, they criticized his military strategy, they constantly uncovered new forms of military corruption, they released near-weekly exposes of government figures busy on ‘the Monaco Front’ or ‘the Vienna Front’ since 2022.

Vitaly Shabunin’s National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption even accused the docile, loyal Prime Minister Shmyhal of 131 acts of corruption on January 10 2024, threatening him with a fine of up to 302,000 hryvnia unless an investigation reveals his innocence.

Charles Michel of the EU, Reznikov, and Shmyhal on left. Clearly the Sorosites have a complex relationship to this type of Guy.

Towards the end of 2023, the Office of the President set upon its own counter-offensive against the Sorosites. Bankova - the street on which the Office is located - publicized through its much-derided television channels the fact that presidential sanctions had been implemented against companies owned by Tomas Fiala on December 23. Fiala is Soros’ old business partner, a Czech businessman whose company Dragon Capital owns Ukrainian Truth and a range of other media publications and agrobusinesses.

Bankova has been having problems with Fiala for a long time. Back in November 2023, Marianna Bezuglaya, a parliamentarian whose fierce defense of Zelensky seems to know no bounds, accused Fiala of being responsible for the dramatic November 2023 publication in the Economist critical of Zelensky and positive towards Zaluzhny, which seemed to signal a shift in opinion among western elites against Bankova.

Fiala plots his next move

In late 2023, state-owned TV gleefully recounted the details of the case against Fiala, which revolves around Fiala’s supposed continued business activities in Russian-controlled Crimea. In response, the owner of Dragon Capital called tales of his involvement in Crimean business "black PR" in response to his support for freedom of speech and his "call for the changes necessary for faster Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine."

Fiala was not the only pro-western businessman to suffer. On January 18, information appeared that Igor Mazepa, famous investment banker and owned of Concorde Capital, was arrested on the border with Poland. Mazepa was accused of corrupt agrobusiness dealings involving Poroshenko.

If this case against Fiala is successful, it could see Zelensky finally eradicating the last pole of open media criticism against him - the Sorosite media ecosphere. Of course, Poroshenko still has plenty of journalists on his side, but if the west allows Zelensky to get away with liquidating their Sorosites, they would surely allow him to do the same with Poroshenko, who doesn’t enjoy the same perfect relations with the State Department the Sorosites do. ... site-fifth


Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Work Under Fake ‘Russian Partisan’ Flag in Belgorod

Lucas Leiroz

March 31, 2024

Western media lies by accusing alleged “Russian dissidents” of being responsible for the terrorist attacks in Belgorod.


Ukrainian attacks against Russia’s Belgorod region are becoming increasingly serious. Missiles and drones hit civilian targets on the Russian border every day, causing casualties and spreading terror. In Western media, the incursions against Belgorod are commonly linked to alleged “Russian partisan” groups, but insiders in the region seem to disagree with this narrative, pointing to Kiev’s agents and foreign mercenaries as the true perpetrators.

On March 14, I was in Belgorod on an expedition by the BRICS Journalists Association to cover the border attacks. On that occasion, as reported here, I had the opportunity to visit the places affected by the bombings and interview some of the victims. It was also possible to talk to some members of the Belgorod military forces, from whom I obtained very interesting information about those responsible for the terrorist incursions in the region.

The military says that groups of “Russian dissidents”, such as the “RDK” (“Russian Volunteer Corps”) and the “Legion of Freedom”, so praised by the Western media – despite their open ties to neo-Nazism –, in fact are just fake organizations, whose leaders are actually Russian expatriates, but their staff is made up of disguised Ukrainian agents.

Sources claim that the Kiev regime uses the narrative that there are “Russian partisans” fighting on their side to spread the lie that there is “strong opposition to the Putin government,” with Russian citizens willing to go to war to defend Ukraine. For Western media, this narrative is important as it allows public opinion in NATO countries to believe that the Russian government is unpopular, thus legitimizing the anti-Russian agenda that allows weapons to be sent to Ukraine.

More than that, the Belgorod military also believes that claiming responsibility for the attacks by these fake groups guaranteed the Kiev regime and its Western sponsors a certain “immunity” when it comes to terrorism. Attacks against Belgorod are absolutely illegal, as there are no military targets in the region. Kiev bombs residential buildings, common streets and civilian infrastructure in the city, making its acts illegal under international law.

To escape responsibility for their crimes, Ukrainians use these fake organizations as proxies. In practice, “Russian dissidents” – whose combat personnel are anonymous – function as scapegoats, claiming responsibility for attacks against civilians that could create problems for Kiev. In addition to the attacks on Belgorod, these same groups claimed to be behind several individual assassinations and attempted assassinations against Russian public figures, preventing the Kiev regime from being held accountable for the acts.

It is important to remember that Belgorod became a target of Kiev in May 2023, when troops commanded by Kiev invaded the Russian region and killed civilians during hostilities that were called the “Battle of Belgorod” by the media. Russian defense forces quickly neutralized the invaders, but since then attacks against the region have become frequent – even more so on dates relevant to the Russian Federation, such as patriotic and religious holidays, or presidential elections. At the time, “Russian partisans” claimed to be responsible for the incursion, which was immediately covered by all Western media.

In March 2024, the Ukrainian offensive on Belgorod reached its peak, with brutal shelling killing many civilians. The local military says that the so-called “Russian partisans”, who are just anonymous Ukrainian and foreign agents, are working in this operation together with members of the ultranationalist “Kraken” battalion, which is subordinate to Kiev’s military intelligence – commanded by Kirill Budanov.

As well known, Budanov has already admitted being behind the murder of Russian civilians and promised to “continue killing” Russian citizens until the end of the conflict. Budanov ‘s soldiers commonly disguise themselves as members of the RDK to try to deceive Russians and public opinion. They also say that, instead of “Russian expatriates”, the RDK has among its members not only members of Ukrainian intelligence, but also Western mercenaries trained in Poland – which shows the criminals’ deep ties to NATO.

It increasingly appears clear that the Kiev regime is directly responsible for every Russian civilian death in terrorist attacks. And, as we know, the neo-Nazi regime does not act alone, which means that its Western sponsors are co-responsible for these deaths. The Belgorod case is an example of how the enemies of the Russian Federation are trying to disguise their guilt for these crimes. ... -belgorod/


Jacques Baud and the Russian Way of War

APR 01, 2024

I wanted to do a relatively brief post mostly devoted to this extraordinary new talk by Jacques Baud with the Duran folks, Mercouris and Christoforou:

If you haven’t seen this yet, watch at least the first half hour, or a little more, which is the most profoundly meaningful stretch. Incidentally, according to his wiki, today just happens to be Mr. Baud’s birthday as well, so happy birthday to him.

Jacques Baud worked in military intelligence, studying the Soviet way of fighting in the Cold War, and recounts his most poignant observations in the differences between how Russia and the West conduct warfare. The reason I found it particularly enjoyable is because it accords so well with my own theories, particularly in articles like this one:
In The Spirit Of Russian 'Total War'
FEBRUARY 22, 2023


An important distinction has been long overdue in the making, as pertains to a topic of much confusion and misinterpretation to a great many people. There’s an inherent misconception about the conceptual differences between Soviet/Russian military systems (read: weapons) and those of NATO/Western equivalents. Endless debate has been made not only about w…

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And thus feels like a bit of vindication, in that sometimes I’ve felt the lone reed bending in the wind, and it’s often discouraging or at least exhausting to realize that the vast majority of the commentariat simply doesn’t comprehend the clashing philosophies, which inevitably undermines their analyses.

Mr. Baud eloquently corroborates the Russian holistic approach to war, noting that it has not changed much since Soviet times. In his estimations, it is a very methodical and analytical approach, but also one—almost contradictorily—treated and studied as an art form, thus the moniker ‘Operational Art’.

His most paradigm-breaking assessments revolve around how Russia approaches the planning of wars around a strategic and operational framework, whereas the West sort of rudderlessly flounders “in the moment”, and has exhibited little conception of military operations beyond the tactical. Elucidating points include Baud’s explanation of the West’s actions in various African and MidEast theaters as just guys going around shooting guns, with little strategic depth or focus on end goals beyond that.

Of course, he may or may not miss the fact that this is to some extents by design, in the spirit of the famous quips about America’s MidEast wars not being fought to be won, but rather to make money for defense contractors. But whatever the actual originating reason is, it doesn’t dismiss the fact that the West’s strategic and operational sense for the battlefield has likely well atrophied as a result. Whether you’re doing something ‘intentionally’ or not, if you do it long enough, you will degrade your institutional ability to operate otherwise.

The only thing to the contrary I’ll say, in the effort of tempering any wild flights of exaggeration to one extreme or the other, is that things are not as clear cut and uniform as simply: “Russia is the best, West is totally clueless.”

We know there are gradations of each on both sides. There are some Russian generals that make even modern Western generals look like Napoleon, and the war has revealed some incredibly deep corrosion within segments of the Russian Armed Forces. We’ve seen endless blunders and miscalculations from Russian forces at every tier of command, and there are many gaps and blind spots in the Russian approach to war. No one has the one-size-fits-all perfect system—if they did, that country would likely rule the world unchallenged.

But it’s in the cumulative sense of the armed forces as a whole, living, breathing organism, we can say without too much exaggeration that in the current historical frame, Russia appears to much better grasp the most fundamental and important precepts of winning real wars compared to the West. We see this categorically demonstrated, for example, in the Russian vision of warfare consistently winning out and being proven superior over the approach of the West in the SMO.

For instance, the West’s philosophy of concentrating on prestige, precision systems for ‘surgical’ victories has now undoubtedly been trumped by Russia’s revival of the conventional ‘mass production war’.

In the clash of philosophies in armor, Russia’s approach to its tanks has likewise seemingly proven its superiority as Western tanks are now roundly deemed inadequate for modern peer combat. Same goes for many other advanced and expensive weapons systems.

In the clash of organizational philosophies it may be less clear, but the long-celebrated Western approach to NCO-heavy “small unit leadership” has clearly not shown advantage over Russia’s putatively more ‘centralized’ force structure.

Clearest of all, of course, has been the question of strategic and operational approach. I’ve written before how the Western-led Ukrainian forces have not once been able to envelop Russians in a single cauldron. Meanwhile, Russian generals somehow continually manage to entrap the NATO proxy force in cauldrons in virtually every major battle, leading to incalculably disproportionate losses.

So that is all to say that, while the differences aren’t as clear cut as Mr. Baud’s passionate appeal may suggest, it’s safe to say that the general cut of his comparisons is overall quite accurate. And truth be told, it will likely only get more accurate as time progresses. That’s because the Russian forces are learning and only improving their storied knowledge and strategic culture, while in the West the pillars of this knowledge are being torn down on a daily basis, replaced with DEI indoctrination and other distractingly degrading modern contrivances.


And further look at the cast of clowns and freaks that the West continues to appoint to its highest leadership positions. Even in spite of all its weaknesses and intransigent corruptions, there’s no way Russia will have the worst of it when it comes to the West’s precipitous degradation of military culture.

The easily demonstrable veracity of this is being witnessed on a daily basis. Each new day brings some new shocking news: yesterday it was another US Navy vessel catching fire, today it was the 4th Apache chopper crash in just the past 2 months alone; that’s not to even mention the general state of things—Baltimore bridge, anyone?


And so, to cap this little digest, I want to present this exceptional new article making the rounds, which perfectly dovetails with the overarching thrust of Jacques Baud’s thesis:

Image ... -more-war/

The author, David P. Goldman, recounts his attendance last weekend of some kind of Bilderberg-esque meeting on Ukraine—with an indirect reference to Chatham House rules—between various former cabinet members, senior military officials, academics, etc.

The conclave left him unsettled:

I can say that I haven’t been so scared since the fall of 1983, when I was a junior contract researcher doing odd jobs for then Special Assistant to the President Norman A Bailey at the National Security Council. That was the peak of the Cold War and the too-realistic Able Archer 83 exercise nearly set off a nuclear war.

He goes on to relay the blanket of hysterical delusion swaddling the meeting:

“The Russians are taking massive losses of 25,000 to 30,000 a month,” the former official added. “They can’t sustain the will to fight on the battlefield. The Russians are close to a breaking point. Can they sustain their national will? Not if the rigged election [of Vladimir Putin this month] was any indication. Their economy has real vulnerability. We need to redouble sanctions and financial interdiction of supplies getting to Russia. The Russians have a Potemkin portrayal of strength.”

The author refutes the screeching proclamations above:

All the above is demonstrably false and known to be false by the rapporteur in question. The notion that Russia is taking 25,000 to 30,000 casualties a month is ludicrous. Artillery accounts for about 70% of casualties on both sides and by every estimate Russia is firing five or ten times as many shells as Ukraine. Russia has carefully avoided frontal assaults to preserve manpower.

He ends on this final emblematic point—which comes full circle to reinforce Jacques Baud’s entire thesis:

No one disputed the data I presented. And no one believed that Russia is taking 25,000 casualties a month. Facts weren’t the issue: The assembled dignitaries, a representative sampling of the foreign policy establishment’s intellectual and executive leadership, simply couldn’t imagine a world in which America no longer gave the orders.

They are accustomed to running things and they will gamble the world away to keep their position.

In short, there is no Plan B, nor real strategic plan to defeat Russia at all. It’s merely a bricolaged scramble to make sure the West stays in power by any assortment of haphazard, and at times mutually antithetical, means.

Just as Jacques Baud described the extent of the West’s strategic planning in Africa and the MidEast as merely guys aiming and shooting their guns, here too it seems the West has run out of ideas and is desperately trying to fish a victory out of the toilet with a plan designed “by committee”—the only problem is, the committee is comprised of apparatchik headless chickens with no sense of real cohesion or even uniform loyalties; they’re merely united by the vaguely resonant fear of losing their primacy in a world where the rising East increasingly overshadows them. Against a resurgent Russia, united by an existential threat to the homeland, that simply isn’t enough.

(More at link.) ... ussian-way

I have read the book and it is very informative. My only gripe is that it seems to have been a rush job and the editing left something to be desired.
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:48 pm

Negotiation and false peace formulas
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/02/2024


“Scholz assures that Germany and other European countries are studying negotiating peace with Russia,” was the title on Thursday of an article published by Cadena Ser , which included a brief summary of the statements made by Olaf Scholz before the German press. The text is a good example of the number of poorly informed publications, incapable of contextualizing the statements it collects to show the facts in a minimally coherent way. In her opening paragraph, the journalist indicates that Scholz “revealed that the last time he spoke with Putin was in December 2022 and before that, they used to chat more often. A few days before the war, says the chancellor, they spoke in person and exchanged concern about the COVID crisis.” Remaining anecdotal, the article is unable to remember the visit of the German Chancellor to Moscow just a week before the Russian recognition of the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The images on the long white table in the Kremlin, reserved for leaders who preferred not to undergo the coronavirus test carried out by the Russian authorities, were one of the news of that moment in which visits from the United Kingdom, Germany and, above all, , France, were trying to avoid war. Unlike Emmanuel Macron, whose meeting with Vladimir Putin lasted for hours, the meeting with Scholz was so brief and routine that the German chancellor only seems to have made it clear that the Russian president was concerned about the coronavirus.

Currently, positions have changed and it is Macron who defends more belligerent positions that cause concern about the possibility of crossing the threshold of direct participation in, among others, Olaf Scholz. In the interview, the SPD leader again insists on his refusal to send both Taurus missiles and German troops to Ukraine. The chancellor has already made it clear that this is a package: there would be no Taurus missiles without German soldiers participating – on the ground or from a distance – in their operation and use. Scholz insists on his defense of Ukraine and highlights German participation in the common war effort, but emphasizes that his decisions must always be made to avoid any NATO-Russia escalation, a position that until a few months ago seemed not only reasonable, but consensual. , but which is currently beginning to be perceived as moderation.

“Asked about how the war in Ukraine can be ended, Olaf Scholz elaborated by indicating that there have always been mediation initiatives. For example, immediately after the war broke out, Russia and Ukraine negotiated directly with each other. The talks failed at that time because Russia only used them as a pretext to simultaneously move its troops to the east for a major offensive," writes Cadena Ser , summarizing Scholz's words, which later justifies the absence of negotiations as a result of "the massacres." of Bucha and Irpin.” According to the article, which at no time quotes or contextualizes Scholz's words, "it deprived the conversations of any basis." This version is not only false, but can be verified by the statements of Ukrainian delegates at the peace talks.

David Arajamia, who led the Ukrainian delegation, has confirmed that it was Ukraine and not Russia that rejected an agreement that was so favorable to kyiv precisely due to Vladimir Putin's personal interest in reaching an understanding. The Ukrainian deputy also mentioned three factors that caused the Ukrainian decision: the legislative difficulties involved in the measures that had to be taken, the possible social rejection of the compromise and the intervention of Boris Johnson and his “let's fight”, not really an order. , but the announcement that Ukraine would have the weapons to do it. According to the Ukrainian negotiator, negotiations did not really break down until June of that year, months after the Istanbul summit, the Russian withdrawal from kyiv and Bucha's accusations. None of the chronology is a secret and should be perfectly known to commentators on the Ukrainian war, something that is obviously not usually the case. In this way, journalists and analysts are, due to their lack of knowledge, incapable of questioning the statements of political authorities when, like Scholz, they manipulate reality to make it a useful story to justify their actions.

Like the original interview, the article published by Cadena Ser also refers to the possibility of a negotiation between Russia and Ukraine at the current time. “Several countries, including Ukraine, are currently discussing at the level of security advisors what something that could lead to a peace process would look like,” the article writes, adding the usual idea that, in reality, only an order is needed. of the Russian president. “The reality is that peace is possible at any time. Putin only needs to suspend his barbaric campaign and withdraw his troops. For its part, Ukraine has already said that its position has not changed. To negotiate, Russia's troops must withdraw from its territory."

This approach corresponds, as should be evident, to Volodymyr Zelensky's peace plan, a roadmap that begins with Russia's unilateral and unconditional surrender of all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea, and continues with sanctions and payment of reparations. . Without even the slightest concern for the population he would be conquering with the territory, the Ukrainian president does not bother to offer false promises of respect for basic rights to Donbass or Crimea, the two territories that, for ten years have refused to return under kyiv control.

“He is going around the world, asking everyone for money, weapons, attention and something else. This is not in our rules. We are guided by reality. The reality is that Zelensky and all those who run him in Washington, London and Brussels say with one voice that there is no other basis for peace than the Zelensky formula. And Zelensky's formula is completely unrealistic. And everyone knows it,” the leader of Russian diplomacy Sergey Lavrov commented these days. It is not difficult to understand that a formula in which one of the countries at war negotiates only with its allies, without taking into account the other side of the war or those citizens who are voluntarily on the other side of the front in the territories that They intend to free themselves, it is unfeasible. However, Scholz's statement about Zelensky's negotiations with his partners is what is highlighted in the headline, giving an absolutely erroneous image of the intentions of the European countries and, above all, of Kiev, whose objective with the Zelensky formula is not is to seek a negotiated solution, but to use its allies to seek the complete defeat of Russia. The Ukrainian president's plan is not a formula for peace, but a guarantee of continuing the war. Only those who cannot distinguish an act of public relations from the exercise of diplomacy can see in negotiations in this format a change that should be highlighted as news. ... as-de-paz/

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by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

The electric war, which in its first phase commenced in September 2022, has now entered its second and final phase – final, that is, for the Ukraine.

This is strategic; war has never been fought like this in Europe. The US and NATO general staffs and politicians have been taken by complete surprise. “The Ukrainians are building Maginot and Siegfried lines according to the instructions of their foreign advisers,” according to a Moscow analyst, “as if the Russian offensive will be men, artillery and tanks running across the landscape towards Kiev. But they won’t have to. The offensive against Ukrainian electricity cannot be stopped at these lines.”

Without effective defence for its power generating plants, distribution hubs, and grid lines, the Kiev regime’s power is being stopped across the country; the major Novorussian cities in the east – Odessa, Kharkov, Dniepropetrovsk – are being blacked out and their populations forced to evacuate; the warmaking resupplies of the NATO allies are being cut off at borders which are now exposed to reversal of electricity surges threatening the plants and grids of southern Poland, Romania and Moldova. Even European and American money for President Vladimir Zelensky’s regime needs electricity to move.

“The Russian General Staff is thinking electrically,” comments a NATO veteran and expert in applying electrical engineering to war. “The way the strikes are unfolding causes the Ukrainians to perform at lot of switching. Anyone who knows anything about high-voltage switching understands that the more it’s done, the greater the likelihood there is of some kind of fault occurring, including surges or transients, occurring. So, leaving enough power on today so the Ukrainians can throw switches tomorrow may be part of the plan.”

“Even if the French/NATO plan a deployment in the Ukraine, what will they be deploying to?” the military engineer adds. “If the current Russian plan of attack is causing swings of 300+ volts, it’s not even safe to plug in a cell phone. We can safely assume that all manner of appliances and other expensive electrical or electronic equipment has been destroyed in the affected areas. Indeed, even if the power engineers manage to get the power back on, millions of light fixtures, especially the electronic/LED variety, are burned out. Diagnostic equipment (medical and technical), process instruments, programmable logic controllers, power supplies, inverters, frequency drives, bank machines, computerized checkout, refrigeration equipment, are burned up”

“Who knows what’s happening there. It must be chaos, and if it isn’t, it will be soon.”

The Russian General Staff doesn’t telegraph its punches. The daily Ministry of Defense operations briefing – blocked for many US and allied audiences – concentrates on the five combat groups, Western, Southern, Eastern, Centre, and Dniepr; and their operational directions along the Donbass line of contact; at present, they are Kupyansk, Donetsk, Avdeyevka, South Donetsk, and Kherson.

Last Friday, for example, the briefing began almost nonchalantly: “Tonight [March 29], the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a group strike with high-precision long-range air, sea and land-based weapons, including aeroballistic hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, at energy facilities and air defence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The objectives of the strike have been achieved. All objects are affected.”

The next day, March 30, petroleum and fuel oil storages, which have been dispersed to shield them from attack and are necessary to power the emergency generators, were destroyed in the Poltava region. On Sunday, March 31, the targeting of gas storage and gas production around Lvov was also reported by the Defense Ministry in Moscow. “The Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons on the facilities of energy infrastructure and the gas-producing industry of Ukraine. As a result of the strike, the work of the defense industry enterprises for the manufacture and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition was disrupted. All targets of the strike have been achieved. The objects are affected.”

The detailed targeting of the electric war campaign can be found in the Russian military bloggers who compile their reports and maps from a range of Russian and Ukrainian sources, including videoclips from residents in the targeted cities.

The westward extension of the missile and drone targeting has included Khmelnitsky, Rivne and Burshtyn, around the Galician capital of Lvov, in this map and summary from Militarist for March 29.



“Ukraine is moving towards a truly definitive energy crisis”, Militarist reported on March 30. “In the east and west, thermal power plants are being eliminated one by one by completely demolishing the main turbine and generator sections. Dams also began to collapse from south to north. It is expected that all dams and thermal power plants will be put out of operation in the near future. The Ukrainian military industry will be destroyed both by direct attacks and by the energy crisis. The possibility of NATO-supported domestic production and maintenance will also be excluded. Thus, the logistics infrastructure in the rear may not be able to cope with events at the front.”

The Russian ordnance used is overwhelming; this is corroborated by Ukrainian reports. Tactically, drones are launched in swarms, the first wave to identify and activate the air defence missile and artillery systems around the electricity targets; in the second wave drones and missiles strike their targets. According to Ukrainian data, in just two days from March 22 to 24, 208 missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were fired at the country’s energy facilities.



The inadequacy of Ukrainian and NATO means of defence is explained by a Russian source, describing how the long-range, air-launched X-101 missile has been modified. “The warhead has almost doubled and now is not 450 kg, but 800 kg. For this, part of the fuel tank has had to be sacrificed. However, given the size of Ukraine and the range of the X-101, the missile will not lose its effectiveness against energy system targets, like the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station (HPP). Apparently, it was one of the first recipients.”

The tinkering, testing, and launching are a constant Russian process; there is nothing comparable on the US, French, or European side, although weaponizing electricity is not new. The Iraqi military did it against Iran in February 1984 when high-voltage power lines were dropped into Fish Lake, east of Basra, electrocuting Iranian soldiers attempting to cross the lake. The Russians have the capability to use drones to drop wires on overhead lines and allow them to settle on the ground near Ukrainian deployments, lines of fortifications, or the westward routes of retreat.

Also, Russian sources believe a new drone weapon is being designed for triggering reverse surges along the Ukrainian grid lines, completing the knockout of the domestic Ukrainian transmission grid, and surging back into the sources of replacement electricity from Poland, Romania, and Moldova.


Total maximum power source capacity claimed from imports 3,890 kV. Source:


Click on image to enlarge. Key: blue=750kV transmission line; orange=330kV transmission line;red=750kv transmission line. From the south Moldova and Romania are sending power; to cut this off and threaten the cross-border source, the target is the 750kV line (yellow) just west of the Artsyz SS hub which connects northward to the Pivdennoukrainska NPP. The Polish line (in red) is vulnerable to a strike west of Rivne. The lines to and from Hungary and Slovakia can be targeted south of the Zapadnoukrainska SS. The Slovak and Hungarian sources are unlikely to be targeted, the Ukrainian grid distributing their power more likely. The drone for targeting these elements is designed as an explosive inductor, dropped on and connected to the high-tension lines to produce voltage surges and dips, so that when the Ukrainian utility engineers try to rig repairs, close the breakers or switches, the drone-producing surges will blow the circuits up and down the transmission lines.

Boris Rozhin, who publishes the Colonel Cassad military blog, has tabulated the destruction of the generating units east and west of Kiev as of March 30.


“Updated data on the state of thermal power plants in Ukraine. In 2021, Ukraine controlled 13 thermal power plants (formerly GRES) with a total installed capacity of approximately 22.3 GW. During the fighting, 4 thermal power plants with a total installed capacity of approximately 6.7 GW came under the control of the Russian Federation. The damaged Kurakhovskaya TPP in the frontline zone – 1.4 GW - has been completely stopped. A representative of DTEK said that on March 22, 2024, the Burshtyn and Ladyzhinskaya TPPs were completely destroyed – 2.3 and 1.8 GW, respectively, and Centrenergo reported the complete destruction of the Zmievskaya TPP – another 2.2 GW. Thus, Ukraine has lost at least 14.5 GW of the thermal power plants that operated in 2021. At the moment, the extent of damage is unclear to at least two more thermal power plants which have come under attack – Pridneprovskaya and Krivoy Rog. Accordingly, 9 thermal power plants remaining under Ukrainian control, include 4 destroyed, 2 at least damaged, and 3 thermal power plants that are probably unaffected. The total installed capacity of 5 ‘conditionally alive’ is about 7.8 GW, but most likely much less, taking into account strikes at the Pridneprovskaya and Krivoy Rog thermal power plants.”

What is left of Ukraine’s energy system at the moment, and what can survive if the intensity of the Russian campaign is sustained for several more weeks?

According to Rozhin, as of Sunday night, “most of Ukraine depends on four main energy sources: South Ukrainian NPP, Kyiv power plant, Vinnitsa 750 kV and Moldovan transit. The total generation is about 8 GW, but even this does not supply all the need for energy, so now the weather is of great importance for the enemy for the production of alternative energy (solar, wind).”

“The sweetest targets”, reported on March 30, “are the high-voltage substations of 750/330 kV, as well as the border substations through which the energy transfer from the EU goes. First of all, we are talking about the Zapadnoukrainskaya substation in the Lvov region.”

“There are a total of 141 transmission substations in the Ukraine,” the western military engineer source notes. “It’s not at all outside of the Russian capacity to destroy them. Nor is it outside of their capacity to destroy the transmission towers, short-circuit the lines, screw up the synchronization equipment, and so on.”

The Ukrainian media and press releases from the DTEK utility confirm the vulnerability, especially as the country approaches the June-July period of maximum summer power consumption. Rolling blackouts are being imposed, then lifted, then reimposed, according to the announcements to domestic consumers. This means that the utilities and repair engineers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the pace of the attacks.

In Kharkov, for example, the current rolling blackouts of four hours or more mean that food will be spoiling in refrigerators, telephones will be dead, the internet will be down, and services will seize up. Once the liquid fuel stocks dwindle – these are also under parallel attack – the emergency generators will stop running, such food as there is will rot in the grocery stores.

This is a type of siege by electricity. The Kiev regime will be unable to reinforce or resupply the eastern cities, and there will be no Russian ground advance; no Mariupol, Bakhmut or Avdeyevka battles; no electricity until capitulation.

The military sources on whom the milbloggers rely also warn: “Yes, the damage is more than serious,” according to Rozhin, “but you should not accept on faith all the statements of the enemy about the damage received, since it is beneficial for him to overestimate the damage and foster the impression on our side that the work has been done and so we will not finish off those targets which have already received serious damage, but can be restored.”

The electric war is an operation to bypass the cities which the Ukrainians and their US and NATO military staffs believe will soon be targets for direct Russian attack. The lines of fortification look like this:



A western military source believes, like Russian sources, that the Russian General Staff will make no direct city attacks and will leapfrog over or bypass the new fortifications. Where they have been built to the east of Dniepropetrovsk and to the north of Kiev and Chernigov, the source suspects, “the Ukrainians have created a Siegfried Line which the Russians will use against them later. Some of the fortifications face the wrong way, but the dragons’ teeth, wire and ditches will work fine in reverse when the time comes to enforce the DMZ.” For more on how the demilitarized zone will be drawn, read this.

NATO intelligence reports, leaked apparently by the French in support of President Emmanuel Macron’s hints of fresh deployments of French, Polish, and Baltic forces at the new fortified lines, are dismissed by sources in Moscow; they warn that the French, like the Americans in Kiev and Brussels, lack the intelligence to distinguish between force and feint.

Note the French arrows of “possible major Russian offensive in June 2024”. Source: Intelligence Online is published in Paris by a group which claims “we are not culturally partisan, either toward France's interests nor those of the third world.... We are very careful not to have any 'national' positioning’ ”.

A western military observer agrees. “My read is that the General Staff are deploying to tie down NATO and Ukrainian forces west of the Dnieper; assembling a credible force to dissuade any NATO move to threaten Kaliningrad; ensuring Belarussian territory is secure from the kind of raids we’ve seen in the Belgorod region.” They are also signaling what the Americans and French can’t admit in public that NATO forces are so weak in terms of manpower, equipment, ammunition, airpower, and capacity to engage that the Russian and Belarussian forces have the capacity to choose and dominate the field on a full spectrum basis whenever they choose.”

“The strategy”, the western military source again, “is to draw more of the NATO forces into the zones which are rapidly becoming de-electrified where they will soon be cut off from resupply or escape. The loss of electricity in Kharkov is already pitting the Ukrainian and foreign staff bunkers and troops in position against the city’s citizens for access to power, light, everything. It’s becoming an ungovernable situation. That’s the strategy.”

“The unspoken Russian advice is for the French, Poles, etc., to stick to posturing and grandstanding unless they have large reserves of body bags and candles laid up.”

NOTE: The lead image shows a night strike by drones in the Odessa region on March 30-31. According to Rozhin’s report, “the Russian forces attacked energy infrastructure facilities in the Odessa region. Coordinates: 46.6995149, 30.9316853. During the raid, the Ajalyk 330 PS northeast of Odessa was put out of action. After the strike, most of Odessa and nearby settlements were left without electricity. There was a powerful fire on the territory of the facility, which is also confirmed by satellite thermal indicators. The damage inflicted does not allow transferring power to the city from the South Ukrainian NPP in the Nikolaev region. Coordinates: 46.4538478, 30.3870876. Another blow was struck at one of the two autotransformers of the Novoodesskaya 330 kV substation… As a result of the strikes, the situation with Odessa's electricity supply has approached critical: there is no local generation, and power from the South Ukrainian NPP simply does not reach the city.” ... more-89613


Mikhail Bulgakov joins civilisation’s pantheon of the greats

Declan Hayes

April 1, 2024

Zelensky’s Ukrainian Institute of National Memory are disgracing themselves and their French and American backers yet again. This time, they are examining the writings of renowned novelist and playwright Mikhail Bulgakov to see if he was a lackey of Russian imperialism.

As Bulgakov expired in Moscow in 1940, the exercise seems quite pedantic and seems like one that should be written up in some obscure literary journal or other. Such common sense is miles beyond the ken of those who rule Bandera’s cat strangling roost in Kiev where, as it happens, Bulgakov was born in the year of Our Lord, 1891. Although Bulgakov was posthumously honoured with museums in both Kiev and Moscow, it is no exaggeration to say that his was a turbulent life, on a par with that of Talleyrand or Voltaire’s Candide.

A medical doctor by profession, he got caught up with the Whites during the Russian (and Ukrainian) Civil War, spent some time in the Caucasus and ended up being sponsored by none other than Uncle Joe Stalin, who could be the most mercurial, harshest and, indeed, deadliest of literary critics.

Though Uncle Joe quite liked Bulgakov’s The Days of the Turbins, he took a dimmer view of The Master and Margarita (Bulgakov’s masterpiece) and of The White Guard, which the overly-sensitive Stalin thought was a mite too lenient on errant White Army generals.

Stalin is not Bulgakov’s only critic. Zeleneky’s Ukrainian Institute of National Memory regards Bulgakov as an “imperialist” who “despised Ukrainians and their culture, hated the Ukrainian desire for independence, spoke negatively about the formation of the Ukrainian state and its leaders.”

Because of that, these Nazis recently removed a memorial plaque to Bulgakov from Kiev’s Taras Shevchenko National University. They are also busy “decolonising” Kiev street signs and ripping up any statue or monument of Pushkin or Bulgakov they come across. Welcome to Nazi book burning 2.0.

On the positive side, this is good news for any lazy student studying literature in any of Ukraine’s pretend universities, Rail against Tolstoy, Bulgakov and especially Pushkin and the world, or at least that part of it contained within Zelensky’s rump Reich, is your oyster.

Here in Ireland, we are uniquely qualified to comment on such madness. Following independence just over a century ago, there was an attempt to decolonise Dublin’s streets. The effort met with mixed success and was eventually abandoned, meaning that most central Dublin streets are still called after genocidal English generals or the royalty they served. Few give it a second thought.

Although my formal education was entirely through Irish, our English literature classes were saturated with England’s literary greats; noted bigots like Charles Dickens, for whom I have no time, and Alexander Pope were quite rightly treated with the respect their reputations and genius deserved. If memory serves me correctly, even Tennyson’s Charge of the Light Brigade was on the curriculum, an interesting footnote, given my school was fiercely nationalist and anti British, at least where it counted.

Any shenanigans, like that we currently see in Zelensky’s Reich, would have gained precisely zero traction. Those in charge of Irish education were wise enough to see that England, like Mother Russia with regard to Ukraine, had a much wider cultural well to draw from than had Ireland. Sure, Bulgakov was not as perfect a cat strangler as Bandera was but we all cannot excel at cat strangling, unless we want to be minor characters in a Dostoevsky story.

The great Irish poet Paddy Kavanagh covers this Ukrainian terrain in ‘In Memory of Brother Michael’ and Australian literature reeks with their own cultural cringe. Still, in fairness to the Ossies, they are not yet the full blown knuckle dragging Nazis the Russian speaking Zelensky and his equally hypocritical enforcers are.

Although Ukrainian nationalism has always had a very dark undercurrent to it, I refuse to believe they alone are responsible for this gross ignorance to the memory of Bulgakov and literature’s other immortals.

Take the 2024 Paris Olympics as an example and take the ignorant statement of Anne Hidalgo, the Spanish plant who is mayor of Paris. Referring to the 40 Russian athletes who can participate up to a point in the Games, Hidalgo has flat out claimed they are not welcome and they should fuck off back to Moscow. Leaving aside that this is an incitement to violence against those athletes, Hidalgo, as a mayor and as an immigrant, should be much more diplomatic than that. But, as Macron and his “wife” show, if diplomacy were an Olympic game, France would never be on the winners’ podium.

When it comes to culture, folk like Kamila Valieva are the perennial winners and Banderite culture, as represented by losers like Olena Semenyaka, are the perennial losers. And, though I have barely time to re-read Paddy Kavanagh, let alone the Russian greats, let me just say this about them. Like Korbut and Valieva in sport, they have handed on the torch to new generations of Russians, whose art has evolved through the Soviet cinematic era of the Battleship Potemkin and right down to our own day where NATO’s sanctions on behalf of the cat stranglers has led to a resurgence in Russian online streaming services. Add the explosion of Chinese cinema through such blockbusters as Lost in Thailand, think of alliances between Russian, Indian, Iranian and Chinese cinema and the cat stranglers and their French enablers have a mighty problem that great artists from Kavanagh to Brother Michael Bulgakov are probably having a good chuckle about right now.

For the truth of it is that poets like Pushkin and Kavanagh, together with geniuses like Bulgakov, Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Valieva and Dostoevsky capture the human soul’s essence in ways all the sulking cat stranglers of Kiev and environs can never emulate or erase no matter how many Russian icons they desecrate or Russian grandmothers those functionally illiterate savages beat up. ... of-greats/

"deadliest of literary critics.", "overly-sensitive Stalin thought was a mite too lenient on errant White Army generals.", Gimme a break, one can hardy listen to classical radio any more without 'Stalin this and Stalin that', all the while being pummeled with every mediocre Ukrainian artist they can scrounge up.


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Forwarded from
Voenkor Kitten
Military expert Boris Rozhin about the situation in the Avdeevsky direction during the Northern Military District by 21.55 Moscow time on April 1, 2024, especially for the Voenkor Kotenok channel @voenkorKotenok :

The Russian Armed Forces have advanced in the center of the village and are gradually pushing the Ukrainian Armed Forces back to the western part. There is also an advance on the western outskirts of the village. Vodyanoe.
Fighting continues to the northwest and west of the village. Nevelskoye, but significant advance to the western outskirts of the settlement. Pervomayskoe not yet.

After the liberation of the village The thin Russian Armed Forces continue their offensive in the direction of the settlement. Umanskoe.
Despite significant losses in equipment, the Russian Armed Forces were able to advance more than 1 km to the west, approaching Umansky from the southeast. Cleaning up of areas between settlements is underway. Tonenkoe and Orlovka.

The RF Armed Forces continue, relying on n.p. Orlovka, storm the settlement. Semyonovka. Until Semyonovka is taken, one can hardly expect an accentuated movement towards Umansky.
Control over plantings between settlements is being expanded. Orlovka and Berdychi.

The assault on the village continues. Semyonovka. The Russian Armed Forces have gained a foothold in the southern part of the village, but the enemy is still stubbornly resisting and holding positions in the northern and central parts.
At the same time, he is preparing defensive lines to the west of Semyonovka.

Assault operations in the village continue.
The enemy retains control over the northwestern part of the village. Berdychi. The Russian Armed Forces continue to press along the southern outskirts in the direction of the turn to the village. Semyonovka (it has not yet been possible to gain a foothold there) and in the north-eastern part of the village. Berdychi.

There are still no changes on the front line here.
The Russian Armed Forces continue to strike the settlements. Ocheretino.
The enemy, in turn, is actively working in Avdeevka.


Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 2, 2024) | The main thing:

- the Russian Armed Forces improved the tactical situation in the South Donetsk direction within 24 hours, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to more than 140 military personnel;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled one counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the Nikolskoye settlement in the DPR within 24 hours;

— Russian air defense shot down 195 Ukrainian UAVs, as well as 41 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades, including at Chasov Yar;

— Russian troops have improved the position along the front line in the Avdeevsky direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction repulsed 2 attacks in one day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 30 people and 7 pieces of equipment, and a warehouse was destroyed;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 250 military personnel in the Donetsk direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled two counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction.

▫️ In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of forces improved the tactical position and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry and 1st tank brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Urozhainoye and Makarovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In addition, they repelled a counterattack by the assault group of the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the area of ​​the Nikolskoye settlement of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to more than 140 military personnel, two tanks and four vehicles.

Also hit during the counter-battery battle were : a 155 mm US-made M777 howitzer, a Polish-made 155 mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount and a 152 mm D-20 howitzer.

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on the formations of the 141st Infantry and 118th Mechanized Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Novoandreevka and Rabotino, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 40 military personnel, two pickup trucks, as well as a 152 mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed : a warehouse of aviation weapons, a workshop for the production and maintenance of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 152 districts.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 195 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and 41 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

▫️ In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 581 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,374 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,680 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,261 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,629 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,530 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense

Google Translator


Icons with heskogen
April 2, 14:27


In the Pskov region, employees of the Russian FSB, together with customs, blocked a smuggling channel for the delivery of explosives from Ukraine in transit through the countries of the European Union.

(Videos at link.)

During an inspection of a car at a checkpoint in the Pskov region, explosives, including foreign ones, were found in Orthodox icons and church utensils.

The FSB of Russia reports:
“In total, 27 improvised explosive devices camouflaged in icons and ready for use, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosive of high power, 91 electric detonators.

The first map "Voices of Sevastopol"
April 2, 12:00


Sevastopol. March 2014.

PS. The map made on my knee for the first informational video of “Voices of Sevastopol” ideally reflects the reasons for the start of the Northern Military District in 2022.

Google Translator


Ukraine - When Opining War Experts Can't Read Maps

No one expects that western officials are knowledgeable - especially not with regards to facts. But some exceed even the lowest expectations one might have - and no, not to the upside.

Consider this op-ed by Evelyn N. Farkas, published two days ago:

Ukraine is not losing; US assistance must continue - The Hill, Mar 31 2024

The congressional faction that opposes Ukraine assistance shares a common talking point with the Kremlin — that Ukraine is losing the war with Russia anyway. Having just returned from Ukraine, where I met with top Ukrainian officials and participated in a security conference, I have found substantial evidence to the contrary.

All Farkas did was to talk with some Ukraine boosters in Kiev. She has penned down whatever they claimed and now tries to sell that as the real. She thinks she is qualified to do so because she once held a high position in U.S. Defense Department:

Evelyn N. Farkas, Ph.D., is executive director of the McCain Institute and former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Russia, Ukraine, Eurasia.
This however proves that she is extremely miss-informed and totally unqualified to make any judgment:

While the Ukrainians hardly welcome a new Russian offensive in the spring or summer, they believe it is likely. The officials we met with explained that Putin needs to show progress, some kind of victory to justify renewed mobilization and, emboldened now by his fake elections, he is likely to move on the ground and may try once again to open a land corridor to Crimea. But such decisions may plant the seeds of military overreach.
The land corridor between Crimea and the rest of the Russian Federation was established in early March 2022, less than two weeks after the current phase of the war had started.

At that time even the maps by the neo-conned Institute for the Study of War said so:


The maps by the French Ministry of Defense confirmed the connection:


That land corridor has existed since and has never been interrupted. The Ukrainian 'counter attack' last summer was supposed to break through that corridor. It failed. Meanwhile Russia is strengthening the territory and increasing its value by building a new railway (red) along the coast of the Sea of Azov which will significantly shorten the train connection along the corridor.


The Ukrainian military does not like that and will attempt to destroy the new line (edited machine translation):

Ukraine also promises to strike at the railway, which the Russian Federation has been building for more than a year along the Sea of Azov in the occupied territory of Ukraine. It can be a serious problem, says Kirill Budanov, chief of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
"The construction process is almost complete, and this may pose a serious problem for us," Budanov said, making it clear that the Ukrainian military is already preparing to launch strikes on the railway. "We have experience in this, and it is much easier than the issue of the Crimean Bridge," Budanov said.

Budanov's latest operation, last month's incursion into Russia towards Belgograd, was a serious failure. The troops involved had extremely high losses.

The Russian military will expect saboteurs at the new rail line and will know how to handle those. It also has its own railway troops which can repair damages to train lines in a shorter time than it takes to sabotage those.

As for Farkas - one really wonders how such a blunder could pass by her intern who wrote that piece, her own eyes, as well as those of the editors of The Hill who supposedly read through it before it was published.

This says something about the quality of analysis coming out of Washington DC - and no, not to the upside.

h/t Lee Slusher

Posted by b on April 2, 2024 at 9:22 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:18 pm

Distance targets
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/03/2024


“Ukraine brings the war to Russian refineries,” is the title of an article published last week by Foreign Policy , which discusses the situation of the Russian oil industry in the context of sanctions, OPEC+ measures to maintain prices, and increasing attacks. Ukrainians to these infrastructures critical to the economy. Curiously, the article does not mention the ecological consequences of the Ukrainian attacks, something that is often done with Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, with Zelensky alleging ecocide at every opportunity. And like almost all reports that deal with the challenges of the Russian economy, the text contains large doses of hope in difficulties and damage that must be exaggerated to fit into the discourse.

“In recent weeks, Ukraine has found a way to overcome the lack of aid and ammunition shortages by using long-range unmanned aircraft to attack oil industry assets in Russia's rear. The attacks on Russian oil refineries - which so far number at least a dozen, including some very long-range - have damaged Russia's ability to process and refine its huge crude output, dealing a small but significant blow to a sector Russian energy, which until now has weathered the war and Western sanctions with surprising solvency,” states the article, which later specifies a little more the level of that small but significant blow .

“The Ukrainian attacks, which have so far damaged numerous refineries and started several fires, have left between 400,000 and 900,000 barrels per day without refining capacity, according to estimates by energy experts and defense officials. "Russia has an installed refining capacity - not all that it uses - of about 6 million barrels per day," writes Foreign Policy, starting, as usual, from figures provided by Ukraine, known for widely exaggerating its successes to show a more weak possible from Russia. However, the fact that Russia does not use its full potential for refinement shows the limits of Ukrainian action. What's more, the reduction announced by OPEC+ in the production of daily barrels of oil further reduces the damage that Ukraine may have done so far in those refineries, where the damage has not always been significant. Despite following the Ukrainian discourse almost to the letter, even the Foreign Policy article casts doubt on the great damage that Ukraine claims to have caused.

Still, there is always room for hope that the combination of Ukrainian attacks and sanctions will undermine Russia's ability to continue exporting oil, one of the country's main sources of income. Foreign Policy mentions two aspects: the possibility that the attacks force Russia to use anti-aircraft weapons to defend the refineries, thus distancing it from the front, and that sanctions make it more difficult to repair the damage. In the first problem, Russia and Ukraine share the difficulties, which are even more serious for Ukraine given its perpetual complaints of lack of anti-aircraft systems. In the second, sanctions have proven to be a difficulty that can be solved through third countries, although at a higher cost. The reporter, specialized in energy and economic issues, also adds the situation of the invisible fleet of cargo ships with which Russia has continued to trade oil on the world market. Unlike other exports, such as grain, the United States has not sought to expel Russian oil from the market, since the disappearance of one of the main producers would mean an imbalance that would seriously affect other countries. However, the growing media and political emphasis on this Russian fleet may indicate an attempt to stop its navigation. This is requested, for example, by another article published by Foreign Policy , which with little informational desire, carries out an exercise in activism in search of a political and economic objective.

Beyond the damage it is doing to the Russian economy, significant enough to provoke retaliation, the Ukrainian campaign of attacks on refineries has a double consequence. On the one hand, Zelensky has openly admitted that this is an act that will continue as long as the United States does not deliver the war material necessary for Ukraine to focus on other objectives more directly linked to the war, specifically those that Washington hopes it will attack. The Ukrainian president offers these acts as blackmail to his American partners, who have shown their displeasure mainly because of the negative consequences that it could have both in terms of an increase in the price of oil at an electorally delicate moment, but also in the form of Russian retaliation. .

The second consequence, a topic that is barely covered in the Foreign Policy article , is the new danger posed by drones. It is no longer necessary to have long-range missiles to inflict substantial damage on the enemy side, especially in cases of particularly vulnerable targets. Russia has been able to verify this both with the use of maritime drones in the Black Sea, where the fleet is prepared to repel conventional attacks, although not for small drones that are more difficult to detect, and in attacks on oil depots and now refineries. Just yesterday, Ukraine attacked several points in Tatarstan, more than a thousand kilometers from the border. A student residence in which the drone that caused the explosion could be recorded on video and a refinery were hit.

The ease, in this case, is due to the nature of the attacked target, which is easily flammable and whose explosion causes a great media effect even though the damage is not irreparable. The difficulty for Russia comes from the absence of comparable objectives. Ukraine cannot lose ships, since, unlike the Russian Federation, it lost its small fleet years ago. Hence she can easily present every attack on the Black Sea Fleet as a victory to which Moscow has no response. And just as the United States feared - although apparently not Ukraine, always willing to risk the well-being of the population - the campaign of attacks on the oil industry has caused the resumption of Russian attacks on electrical infrastructure in Ukraine. Until now, the inheritance received from the Soviet Union in the form of a vast network of power, hydroelectric, thermal and nuclear plants has protected Ukraine from major blackouts. The reduction in industrial activity and the enormous loss of population has reduced the difficulties, since the country does not need such a high amount of electricity to cover its basic needs. However, compared to the attacks of 2022 and 2023, which affected only the electricity supply and not production, it is this aspect that is currently being attacked. This is the case, for example, of the Dnieper hydroelectric plant, whose repair to achieve full operation will take months, even years.

The danger of drones comes, in part, from the difficulty of using current anti-aircraft systems, prepared for the detection of missiles, but which can be overwhelmed by the use of drones in massive quantities. The use of drones as decoys to overwhelm defenses and then use missiles has been one of the ways in which Russia has guaranteed that fewer numbers are shot down. As can be seen practically every day, drones are also used to attack very small targets, such as tanks, armored vehicles or small accumulations of troops, replacing or complementing artillery. This is, perhaps, the greatest innovation of this war, which is generally accompanied by videos that prove the destruction of enemy equipment or personnel. But the use of drones is not limited to more or less legitimate military objectives at the front or in the rear, they are also a problem for the civilian population in cities like Donetsk, where they are currently replacing artillery as the main weapon. Although the Russian attempt to expel Ukraine from Avdeevka, Marinka and nearby towns is fundamentally due to the attempt to move the front away to protect the most important urban agglomeration in Donbass, the reality is that this increase in distance from the front only relatively affects the possibility of using drones to attack or simply intimidate the resident population, something that may not disappear until the war is over. ... distancia/

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 2, 2024) | The main thing:

- the Russian Armed Forces improved the tactical situation in the South Donetsk direction within 24 hours, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to more than 140 military personnel;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled one counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the Nikolskoye settlement in the DPR within 24 hours;

— Russian air defense shot down 195 Ukrainian UAVs, as well as 41 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction occupied more advantageous positions and inflicted fire damage on the manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces brigades, including at Chasov Yar;

— Russian troops have improved the position along the front line in the Avdeevsky direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction repulsed 2 attacks in one day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 30 people and 7 pieces of equipment, and a warehouse was destroyed;

— The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 250 military personnel in the Donetsk direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces repelled two counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Donetsk direction.

▫️ In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of forces improved the tactical position and inflicted fire damage on the personnel and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry and 1st tank brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of the settlements of Urozhainoye and Makarovka of the Donetsk People's Republic.

In addition, they repelled a counterattack by the assault group of the 128th Terrestrial Defense Brigade in the area of ​​the Nikolskoye settlement of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to more than 140 military personnel, two tanks and four vehicles.

Also hit during the counter-battery battle were : a 155 mm US-made M777 howitzer, a Polish-made 155 mm Krab self-propelled artillery mount and a 152 mm D-20 howitzer.

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on the formations of the 141st Infantry and 118th Mechanized Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Novoandreevka and Rabotino, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 40 military personnel, two pickup trucks, as well as a 152 mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery mount.

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed : a warehouse of aviation weapons, a workshop for the production and maintenance of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as accumulations of manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 152 districts.

▫️During the day, air defense systems shot down 195 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and 41 rockets from the HIMARS and Vampire multiple launch rocket systems.

▫️ In total , since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 581 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,374 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,680 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,261 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,629 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,530 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator



Not sure how I missed this article from December 2022 at Consortium News. It provides a good summation – with links to underlying sources – of the historical and contemporary influence of Nazism/Neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Someone should point Tucker Carlson to this information. I was a bit surprised that he seemed to be completely ignorant of these facts regarding Ukraine as expressed in his interview with Lex Fridman. – Natylie
By Joe Lauria, Consortium News, 12/29/22

The U.S. relationship with Ukrainian fascists began after the Second World War. During the war, units of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) took part in the Holocaust, killing at least 100,000 Jews and Poles. Mykola Lebed, a top aide to Stepan Bandera, the leader of the fascist OUN-B, was recruited by the C.I.A. after the war, according to a 2010 study by the U.S. National Archives.

The government study said, “Bandera’s wing (OUN/B) was a militant fascist organization.” Bandera’s closest deputy, Yaroslav Stetsko, said: ““I…fully appreciate the undeniably harmful and hostile role of the Jews, who are helping Moscow to enslave Ukraine…. I therefore support the destruction of the Jews and the expedience of bringing German methods of exterminating Jewry to Ukraine….”

The study says: “At a July 6, 1941, meeting in Lwów, Bandera loyalists determined that Jews ‘have to be treated harshly…. We must finish them off…. Regarding the Jews, we will adopt any methods that lead to their destruction.’”

Lebed himself proposed to “’cleanse the entire revolutionary territory of the Polish population,’ so that a resurgent Polish state would not claim the region as in 1918.” Lebed was the “foreign minister” of a Banderite government in exile, but he later broke with Bandera for acting as a dictator. The U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps termed Bandera “extremely dangerous” yet said he was “looked upon as the spiritual and national hero of all Ukrainians….”

The C.I.A. was not interested in working with Bandera, pages 81-82 of the report say, but the British MI6 was. “MI6 argued, Bandera’s group was ‘the strongest Ukrainian organization abroad, is deemed competent to train party cadres, [and] build a morally and politically healthy organization….’” An early 1954 MI6 summary noted that, “the operational aspect of this [British] collaboration [with Bandera] was developing satisfactorily. Gradually a more complete control was obtained over infiltration operations … “

C.I.A.’s Allen Dulles asks U.S. Immigration to allow Lebed re-entry to U.S. despite murder conviction. (From Hitler’s Shadow. Click to enlarge.)

Britain ended its collaboration with Bandera in 1954. West German intelligence, under former Nazi intelligence chief Reinhard Gehlen, then worked with Bandera, who was eventually assassinated with cyanide dust by the KGB in Munich in 1959.

Instead of Bandera, the C.I.A. was interested in Lebed, despite his fascist background. They set him up in an office in New York City from which he directed sabotage and propaganda operations on the agency’s behalf inside Ukraine against the Soviet Union. The U.S. government study says:

“CIA operations with these Ukrainians began in 1948 under the cryptonym CARTEL, soon changed to AERODYNAMIC. … Lebed relocated to New York and acquired permanent resident status, then U.S. citizenship. It kept him safe from assassination, allowed him to speak to Ukrainian émigré groups, and permitted him to return to the United States after operational trips to Europe. Once in the United States, Lebed was the CIA’s chief contact for AERODYNAMIC. CIA handlers pointed to his ‘cunning character,’ his ‘relations with the Gestapo and … Gestapo training,’ [and] the fact that he was ‘a very ruthless operator.’”

The C.I.A. worked with Lebed on sabotage and pro-Ukrainian nationalist propaganda operations inside Ukraine until Ukraine’s independence in 1991. “Mykola Lebed’s relationship with the CIA lasted the entire length of the Cold War,” the study says. “While most CIA operations involving wartime perpetrators backfired, Lebed’s operations augmented the fundamental instability of the Soviet Union.”

Bandera Revival

Bandera monument in Lvov. (

The U.S. thus covertly kept Ukrainian fascist ideas alive inside Ukraine until at least Ukrainian independence was achieved. “Mykola Lebed, Bandera’s wartime chief in Ukraine, died in 1998. He is buried in New Jersey, and his papers are located at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University,” the U.S. National Archives study says.

The successor organization to the OUN-B in the United States did not die with him, however. It had been renamed the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), according to IBT.

“By the mid-1980s, the Reagan administration was honeycombed with UCCA members. Reagan personally welcomed [Yaroslav] Stetsko, the Banderist leader who oversaw the massacre of 7,000 Jews in Lviv, in the White House in 1983,” IBT reported. “Following the demise of Yanukovich’s regime, the UCCA helped organise rallies in cities across the US in support of the EuroMaidan protests,” it reported.

That is a direct link between Maidan and WWII-era Ukrainian fascism.

Despite the U.S. favoring the less extreme Lebed over Bandera, the latter has remained the more inspiring figure in Ukraine.

In 1991, the first year of Ukraine’s independence, the neo-fascist Social National Party, later Svoboda Party, was formed, tracing its provenance directly to Bandera. It had a street named after Bandera in Liviv, and tried to name the city’s airport after him. (Svoboda won 10 percent of the Rada’s seats in 2012 before the coup and before McCain and Nuland appeared with its leader the following year.)

In 2010, pro-Western Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko declared Bandera a Hero of Ukraine, a status reversed by Yanukovych, who was overthrown.

More than 50 monuments, busts and museums commemorating Bandera have been erected in Ukraine, two-thirds of which have been built since 2005, the year the pro-American Yuschenko was elected. A Swiss academic study says:

“On January 13, 2011, the L’vivs’ka Oblast’ Council, meeting at an extraordinary session next to the Bandera monument in L’viv, reacted to the abrogation [skasuvannya] of Viktor Yushchenko’s order about naming Stepan Bandera a ‘Hero of Ukraine’ by affirming that ‘for millions of Ukrainians Bandera was and remains a Ukrainian Hero notwithstanding pitiable and worthless decisions of the courts’ and declaring its intention to rename ‘Stepan Bandera Street’ as ‘Hero of Ukraine Stepan Bandera Street.’”

Torchlit parades behind Bandera’s portrait are common in Ukrainian cities, particularly on Jan. 1, his birthday, including this year.

Mainstream on Neo-Nazis

From the start of the 2013-2014 events in Ukraine, Consortium News founder Robert Parry and other writers began providing the evidence NewsGuard says doesn’t exist, reporting extensively on the coup and the influential role of Ukraine’s neo-Nazis. At the time, corporate media also reported on the essential part neo-Nazis played in the coup.

As The New York Times reported, the neo-Nazi group, Right Sector, had the key role in the violent ouster of Yanukovych. The role of neo-fascist groups in the uprising and its influence on Ukrainian society was well reported by mainstream media outlets at the time.

The BBC, the NYT, the Daily Telegraph and CNN all reported on Right Sector, C14 and other extremists’ role in the overthrow of Yanukovych. The BBC ran this report a week after his ouster:

And this one in July 2015:

After the coup a number of ministers in the new government came from neo-fascist parties. NBC News (green check) reported in March 2014: “Svoboda, which means ‘Freedom,’ was given almost a quarter of the Cabinet positions in the interim government formed after the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych in February.”

Svoboda’s leader, Tyahnybok, whom McCain and Nuland stood on stage with, once called for the liberation of Ukraine from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” The International Business Times (green check) reported:

“In 2005 Tyahnybok signed an open letter to then Ukrainain president Viktor Yushchenko urging him to ban all Jewish organisations, including the Anti-Defamation League, which he claimed carried out ‘criminal activities [of] organised Jewry’, ultimately aimed at the genocide of the Ukrainian people.”

Before McCain and Nuland embraced Tyahnybok and his social national party, it was condemned by the European Parliament, which said in 2012:

“[Parliament] recalls that racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views go against the EU’s fundamental values and principles and therefore appeals to pro-democratic parties in the Verkhovna Rada [Ukraine’s legislature] not to associate with, endorse, or form coalitions with this party.”

Such mainstream reports on Banderism have stopped as the neo-fascist role in Ukraine was suppressed in Western media once Putin made “de-nazification” a goal of the invasion.

The Azov Battalion, which arose during the coup, became a significant force in the war against the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass, who resisted the coup. Its commander, Andriy Biletsky, infamously said Ukraine’s mission is to “lead the White Races of the world in a final crusade for their survival … against the Semite-led Untermenschen.”

In 2014 the now Azov Regiment was officially incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard under the control of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is further integrated into the state by working closely with the SBU intelligence service. Azov is the only known neo-fascist component in a nation’s military anywhere in the world.

As part of the Ukraine military, Azov members have still sported yellow arm bands (until this week) with the Wolfsangel once worn by German SS troops in World War II. Including the atrocities it has continued to commit, Azov shows the world that integration into the state has not denazified them. On the contrary, it may have increased its influence on the state.

The U.S. and NATO have also trained and armed Azov since Barack Obama had denied lethal aid to Ukraine. One reason Obama declined sending arms to Ukraine was because he was afraid they may fall into these right-wing extremists’ hands. According to the green-checked New York Times,

“Mr. Obama continues to pose questions indicating his doubts. ‘O.K., what happens if we send in equipment — do we have to send in trainers?’ said one person paraphrasing the discussion on the condition of anonymity. ‘What if it ends up in the hands of thugs? What if Putin escalates?”

NewsGuard’s Objections

Collage of Neo-fascist leader Oleh Tyahnybok. meeting with McCain, Biden and Nuland. (Facebook image by Red, White and You of clip from film Ukraine on Fire)

NewsGuard’s argument against the major influence of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine rests on neo-fascist political parties faring poorly at the polls. This ignores the stark fact that these groups engage instead in extra-parliamentary extremism.

In its charge against Consortium News for publishing “false content” about neo-fascism in Ukraine, NewsGuard’s Zack Fishman wrote:

“There isn’t evidence that Nazism has a substantial influence in Ukraine. Radical far-right groups in Ukraine do represent a ‘threat to the democratic development of Ukraine,’ according to 2018 Freedom House report. But it also stated that far-right extremists have poor political representation in Ukraine and no plausible path to power — for example, in the 2019 parliamentary elections, the far-right nationalist party Svoboda won 2.2 percent of the vote, while the Svoboda candidate, Ruslan Koshulynskyy, won just 1.6 percent of the vote in the presidential election.”

But this argument of focusing on elections results has been dismissed by a number of mainstream sources, not least of which is the Atlantic Council, probably the most anti-Russian think tank in the world. In a 2019 article, a writer for the Atlantic Council said:

“To be clear, far-right parties like Svoboda perform poorly in Ukraine’s polls and elections, and Ukrainians evince no desire to be ruled by them. But this argument is a bit of ‘red herring.’ It’s not extremists’ electoral prospects that should concern Ukraine’s friends, but rather the state’s unwillingness or inability to confront violent groups and end their impunity. Whether this is due to a continuing sense of indebtedness to some of these groups for fighting the Russians or fear they might turn on the state itself, it’s a real problem and we do no service to Ukraine by sweeping it under the rug.” [Emphasis added.]

“Fear that they might turn on the state itself,” acknowledges the powerful leverage these groups have over the government. The Atlantic Council piece then underscores how influential these groups are:

“It sounds like the stuff of Kremlin propaganda, but it’s not. Last week Hromadske Radio revealed that Ukraine’s Ministry of Youth and Sports is funding the neo-Nazi group C14 to promote ‘national patriotic education projects’ in the country. On June 8, the Ministry announced that it will award C14 a little less than $17,000 for a children’s camp. It also awarded funds to Holosiyiv Hideout and Educational Assembly, both of which have links to the far-right. The revelation represents a dangerous example of law enforcement tacitly accepting or even encouraging the increasing lawlessness of far-right groups willing to use violence against those they don’t like.

Since the beginning of 2018, C14 and other far-right groups such as the Azov-affiliated National Militia, Right Sector, Karpatska Sich, and others have attacked Roma groups several times, as well as anti-fascist demonstrations, city council meetings, an event hosted by Amnesty International, art exhibitions, LGBT events, and environmental activists. On March 8, violent groups launched attacks against International Women’s Day marchers in cities across Ukraine. In only a few of these cases did police do anything to prevent the attacks, and in some they even arrested peaceful demonstrators rather than the actual perpetrators.”

The Atlantic Council is not the only anti-Russian outfit that recognizes the dangerous power of the neo-fascist groups in Ukraine. Bellingcat published an alarming 2018 article headlined, “Ukrainian Far-Right Fighters, White Supremacists Trained by Major European Security Firm.”

NATO has also trained the Azov Regiment, directly linking the U.S. with far-right Ukrainian extremists.

The Hill reported in 2017 in an article headlined, “The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda,” that:

“Some Western observers claim that there are no neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine, chalking the assertion up to propaganda from Moscow. Unfortunately, they are sadly mistaken.

There are indeed neo-Nazi formations in Ukraine. This has been overwhelmingly confirmed by nearly every major Western outlet. The fact that analysts are able to dismiss it as propaganda disseminated by Moscow is profoundly disturbing.

Azov’s logo is composed of two emblems — the wolfsangel and the Sonnenrad — identified as neo-Nazi symbols by the Anti-Defamation League. The wolfsangel is used by the U.S. hate group Aryan Nations, while the Sonnenrad was among the neo-Nazi symbols at this summer’s deadly march in Charlottesville.

Azov’s neo-Nazi character has been covered by the New York Times, the Guardian, the BBC, the Telegraph and Reuters, among others. On-the-ground journalists from established Western media outlets have written of witnessing SS runes, swastikas, torchlight marches, and Nazi salutes. They interviewed Azov soldiers who readily acknowledged being neo-Nazis. They filed these reports under unambiguous headlines such as “How many neo-Nazis is the U.S. backing in Ukraine?” and “Volunteer Ukrainian unit includes Nazis.”

How is this Russian propaganda?

The U.N. and Human Rights Watch have accused Azov, as well as other Kiev battalions, of a litany of human rights abuses.”

Neo-facism has infected Ukrainian popular culture as well. A half-dozen neo-Nazi music groups held a concert in 2019 commemorating the day Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

Amnesty International in 2019 warned that “Ukraine is sinking into a chaos of uncontrolled violence posed by radical groups and their total impunity. Practically no one in the country can feel safe under these conditions.”

Zelensky & Neo-Nazis

Zelensky with an Azov member (right) addressing the Greek Parliament in April. (Greek Parliament TV)

One of Ukraine’s most powerful oligarchs from the early 1990s, Ihor Kolomoisky, was an early financial backer of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. According to a 2015 Reuters (green-checked) report:

“Many of these paramilitary groups are accused of abusing the citizens they are charged with protecting. Amnesty International has reported that the Aidar battalion — also partially funded by Kolomoisky — committed war crimes, including illegal abductions, unlawful detention, robbery, extortion and even possible executions.

Other pro-Kiev private battalions have starved civilians as a form of warfare, preventing aid convoys from reaching separatist-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine, according to the Amnesty report.

Some of Ukraine’s private battalions have blackened the country’s international reputation with their extremist views. The Azov battalion, partially funded by Taruta and Kolomoisky, uses the Nazi Wolfsangel symbol as its logo, and many of its members openly espouse neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic views. The battalion members have spoken about ‘bringing the war to Kiev,’ and said that Ukraine needs ‘a strong dictator to come to power who could shed plenty of blood but unite the nation in the process.’”

In April 2019, the F.B.I. began investigating Kolomoisky for alleged financial crimes in connection with his steel holdings in West Virginia and northern Ohio. In August 2020 the U.S. Department of Justice filed civil forfeiture complaints against him and a partner:

“The complaints allege that Ihor Kolomoisky and Gennadiy Boholiubov, who owned PrivatBank, one of the largest banks in Ukraine, embezzled and defrauded the bank of billions of dollars. The two obtained fraudulent loans and lines of credit from approximately 2008 through 2016, when the scheme was uncovered, and the bank was nationalized by the National Bank of Ukraine. The complaints allege that they laundered a portion of the criminal proceeds using an array of shell companies’ bank accounts, primarily at PrivatBank’s Cyprus branch, before they transferred the funds to the United States. As alleged in the complaint, the loans were rarely repaid except with more fraudulently obtained loan proceeds.”

Meanwhile, the Azov backer’s television channel had by this time aired the hit TV show Servant of the People (2015-2019), which catapulted Volodymyr Zelensky to fame and ultimately into the presidency under the new Servant of the People Party. The former actor and comedian’s presidential campaign was bankrolled by Kolomoisky, according to multiple reports, including this one by Radio Free Europe (not rated).

During the presidential campaign, Politico reported:

“Kolomoisky’s media outlet also provides security and logistical backup for the comedian’s campaign, and it has recently emerged that Zelenskiy’s legal counsel, Andrii Bohdan, was the oligarch’s personal lawyer. Investigative journalists have also reported that Zelenskiy traveled 14 times in the past two years to Geneva and Tel Aviv, where Kolomoisky is based in exile.”

Before their run-off election, Petro Poroshenko called Zelensky “Kolomoisky’s puppet.” According to the Pandora Papers, Zelensky stashed funds he received from Kolomoisky off shore.

During the campaign Zelensky was asked about Bandera. He said it was “cool” that many Ukrainians consider Bandera a hero.

Zelensky was elected president on the promise of ending the Donbass war. About seven months into his term he traveled to the front line in Donbass to tell Ukrainian troops, where Azov is well-represented, to lay down their arms. Instead he was sent packing. The Kyiv Post (green check) reported:

“When one veteran, Denys Yantar, said they had no arms and wanted instead to discuss protests against the planned disengagement that had taken place across Ukraine, Zelensky became furious.

‘Listen, Denys, I’m the president of this country. I’m 41 years old. I’m not a loser. I came to you and told you: remove the weapons. Don’t shift the conversation to some protests,’ Zelensky said, videos of the exchange show. As he said this, Zelensky aggressively approached Yantar, who heads the National Corps, a political offshoot of the far-right Azov volunteer battalion, in Mykolaiv city.

‘But we’ve discussed that,’ Yantar said.

‘I wanted to see understanding in your eyes. But, instead, I saw a guy who’s decided that this is some loser standing in front of him,’ Zelensky said.”

It was a demonstration of the power of the military, including the Azov Regiment, over the civilian president.

After the Russian invasion, Zelensky was asked in April by Fox News about Azov, which was later defeated in Mariupol. “They are what they are,” he responded. “They were defending our country.” He then tries to say because they are part of the military they are somehow no longer neo-Nazis, though they still wear Nazi insignia (until Tuesday). (Fox’s YouTube post removed that question from the interview, but it is preserved here:)

Outrages Greek Officials

Also in April, Zelensky infuriated two former Greek prime ministers and other officials by inviting a member of the Azov Regiment to address the Greek Parliament. Alexis Tsipras, a former premier and leader of the main opposition party, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance, blasted the appearance of the Azov fighters before parliament.

“Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is a given. But nazis cannot be allowed to speak in parliament,” Tsipras said on social media. “The speech was a provocation.” He said Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis “bears full responsibility. … He talked about a historic day but it is a historical shame.”


Former Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras called the Azov video being played in parliament a “big mistake.” Former Foreign Affairs Minister Nikos Kotzias said: “The Greek government irresponsibly undermined the struggle of the Ukrainian people, by giving the floor to a Nazi. The responsibilities are heavy. The government should publish a detailed report of preparation and contacts for the event.”

Former Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis’ MeRA25 party said Zelenky’s appearance turned into a “Nazi fiesta.”

Zelensky has also not rebuked his ambassador to Germany, Andrij Melnyk, for visiting Bandera’s grave in Munich, which provoked this reaction from a German MP: “Anyone like Melnik who describes the Nazi collaborator Bandera as ‘our hero’ and makes a pilgrimage to his grave or defends the right-wing Azov Battalion as ‘brave’ is actually still benevolently described as a ‘Nazi sympathizer.’”

Zelensky has closed media outlets and outlawed 11 political parties, including the largest one, Eurosceptic Opposition Platform for Life (OPZZh) and arrested its leader. None of the 11 shut down are far-right parties.

Donald Trump was rightly castigated for remarks he made about white supremacists in Charlottesville. But Zelensky, whose oligarch backer funded Azov, and who brought a neo-Nazi to address a European Parliament, is given a pass by a Democratic administration and the U.S. media though he condones the far worse problem of neo-fascism in Ukraine. ... n-ukraine/


The Geranium plant is under attack: They are attacking further and further. The Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked enterprises on the territory of Tatarstan
Author: Novorosinform Editorial Board


Ukrainian troops using drones attacked targets in Tatarstan, Elabuga and Nizhnekamsk. This is confirmed by the press service of the head of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov. There are people injured.

Civilians injured
A UAV attack on enterprises in Tatarstan occurred on the morning of April 2. The targets of the strikes were the production lines of the Geranium kamikaze drones. A Ukrainian drone in Yelabuga missed a UAV production plant by just two buildings.

There is no serious destruction, the technological process of the enterprises has not been disrupted. In Yelabuga, unfortunately, there are premises damaged as a result of the destruction. They are being provided with all the necessary assistance,” stated the press service of the head of Tatarstan.

All departments are on high alert. The regional authorities urged residents to remain calm and not to panic, because this is exactly what is expected in Kyiv.

Photo: social networks

The Alabuga SEZ noted that two people were injured as a result of the attack on the dormitory.

In turn, the WarGonzo publication reported that seven people were injured during the attack on Yelabuga. There were no casualties in Nizhnekamsk.

The attack on Nizhnekamsk occurred simultaneously with the attack on the Alabuga economic zone.

According to the mayor of Nizhnekamsk Ramil Mullin, the drone tried to attack the refinery, but was suppressed by the electronic warfare system. The Taneko plant came under attack, and the fire that arose was extinguished within half an hour.

The farthest strike of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
The Republic of Tatarstan was attacked for the first time since the beginning of the Northeast Military District. Ukrainian UAVs have never covered such a distance before. The border with Ukraine is about 1300 km. The Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has already taken responsibility for the strike.

“After today’s attack by Ukraine on Yelabuga with the help of the Ukrainian Aeroprakt A-22 aircraft, the sanitary zone that must be established to stop attacks on our territories has grown to 1,200 km,” notes the Divanny General Staff telegram channel.

Photo: Madiyevskyi

The drones that attacked Tatarstan were “definitely” launched from the territory of Ukraine. The head of the State Duma Defense Committee, Andrei Kartapolov, said this in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru. The parliamentarian explained the flight range by saying that the attack could have been carried out by a light aircraft.

“We need to understand what kind of UAV this is, what type, what they are. From the video that can be found on the Internet, it looks even more like a light aircraft. It remains to understand in what version it was used: manned or unmanned. A light-engine aircraft has a number of advantages over a drone. It can fly much lower, almost along the tops of trees, it can go around, pass through forests, and below the tops of trees - for example, along ravines, along hollows. It is very difficult to detect it with traditional air defense systems. And it has the range is higher than that of a conventional small drone,” Kartapolov said.

The deputy noted that final conclusions can be made only after an investigation.

“Now our relevant structures need to figure it out and understand what kind of drone it was, what type. Then it will be possible to develop proposals for counteraction. In any case, we all need to be attentive, our relevant structures, draw conclusions and do our work,” Kartapolov summarized.

The network indicates that, judging by the published footage, the attack was carried out by UJ-22 drones.

Previously, Ukrainian drones had already flown into the Leningrad region. UAVs were also shot down over Moscow and Pskov, and attacks are constantly taking place over Belgorod, Voronezh and Kursk.

On the night of January 21, a large fire broke out in the port of Ust-Luga in the north of the Leningrad region after the arrival of a kamikaze drone. The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov*, took responsibility for this terrorist attack.

The tactics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have changed
The Ukrainian command is beginning to change its tactics of conducting combat operations against Russia. It is obvious that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unable to defeat the Russian army during “counter-attacks” and raids. All their efforts turn to dust and result in huge losses.

Instead, Kyiv decided to act differently. After the defeat at Avdiivka, huge losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the “counter-offensive” and other major successes, Russian troops must go on the offensive this spring and inflict a powerful defeat on the Ukrainian army, which could even lead to the loss of major cities by the Kyiv regime.

In order to avoid such a development of events, the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to strike the rear targets of the Russian army. In particular, fuel depots, oil refineries and field fuel storage facilities are subject to massive strikes by Ukrainian drones.

Previously, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used the tactics of “swarm strikes” only against Crimea, whose air defense they tried to overload before attacks by cruise missiles. Several times drones were used to attack Moscow and targets near our capital.

Unmanned "counterattack"
The first test of the pen was the attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Volgograd, where a large number of drones were suppressed with the help of electronic warfare. The rest were destroyed by air defense forces. However, the enemy constantly analyzes the situation and draws the right conclusions from it, improving further attacks.

Photo: Chubotin

On the night of March 11-12, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a new massive attack, which the Ukrainian media have already dubbed an “unmanned counter-offensive.” The Nizhny Novgorod, Kursk, Oryol, Belgorod, Moscow, Tula, Leningrad, Voronezh and Bryansk regions came under attack from the Russian army.

And already from March 12 to 13, the enemy released a swarm of drones in six directions, three of which were aimed at energy infrastructure facilities.

Shot results
Not only the destruction or weakening of the rear of our troops was the goal of the Ukrainian militants. You need to understand that behind the Ukrainian Armed Forces are Western military experts who study our troops and try to identify their weaknesses.

However, of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Ukrainian Armed Forces may set themselves the goal of disrupting the offensive actions of our troops in the spring. And the destruction of fuel storage facilities will deprive our troops of the opportunity to use powerful tank fists and operate under the cover of armored vehicles.

Also, the goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine may also have a less “military character” - disruption of the sowing campaign in the liberated and border regions of Russia. Our farmers rely on tractors, which are fed from nearby oil plants or fuel storage facilities that are targeted by the enemy.

And military expert Vladislav Shurygin tried to unravel the third plan of the enemy. He believes that the enemy is simply acting within the limits of the resources available to him:

“The point here is to make these strikes as demonstrative as possible. Because the Russian refinery system is huge. And such drones, by default, cannot shut down large production facilities for a long time. They are not capable of paralyzing even not very large-scale enterprises,” he pointed out. Shurygin.

The expert states that UAVs have received enormous development in their flight range characteristics. But they turned out to be loaded with an extremely small amount of explosives. This makes them rather unsuitable targets for hitting large industrial facilities. In this regard, domestic “Geraniums” and “Lancets” show much greater efficiency. But to organize a fire at oil depots, the explosive power of the Ukrainian Armed Forces UAV is quite enough.

Therefore, Kyiv does not act as it wants, but as it can.

Photo: Chan

And of course, with massive drone raids, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are trying to exert a psychological impact on our fellow citizens. The illusion of an all-out attack by swarms of drones on several regions at once is a technique that was originally used by Russia.

“Our speculators and the “fifth column” can take advantage of this, which can begin to accelerate prices,” Shurygin points out.

* Kirill Budanov is included in the list of extremists and terrorists in Russia. ... 25767.html

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Album of main samples of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
April 3, 13:42


Album of main samples of military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine




Image - zinc

(More images at link.)

Brazier level 80
April 3, 12:00


Level 80 grill from Buryat tankers.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:55 am

«The future in which our children will live»
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/04/2024


In France on the way to Brussels for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the creation of NATO on April 4, 1949, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken insisted yesterday that Ukraine's future lies in the military bloc. Although even Jens Stoltenberg has admitted that the possible expansion of the Alliance towards the east and the possible incorporation of Ukraine was one of the causes of the war, the Alliance not only has not lost momentum in its interest in the country, but He uses it as a provocation to highlight his willingness to assist Kiev as long as it is necessary . Together with the French Foreign Minister, who gave way to the US diplomat's comment, Blinken insisted that “as the Allies stated in Vilnius, Ukraine will be a member of NATO. For us, the issue is having a good, clear roadmap to get to this destination. And I think the 75th anniversary NATO summit will be very focused, and quite concretely, on how we can establish this roadmap. Or, to use another image, the bridge, the bridge necessary for Ukraine to become a member of NATO.”

Although it does not participate directly, the Alliance is present in the war not only in political terms, but also in military terms. The member countries are the main suppliers of the Ukrainian war effort individually and now they want to be the same as a bloc. Given Joe Biden's difficulties in achieving approval of the $60 billion with which he hoped to finance the Ukrainian Armed Forces at least until the November elections, NATO is now preparing a package of $100 billion for the next five years, star proposal of the meeting being held today. The objective, according to sources at the Financial Times , which published the news, is to “protect the mechanism against the winds of political change.” The risk that an electoral change will mean a change in the country's position is lower in Europe, where the major parties aspiring to government generally share support for Ukraine, but it is worrying in the case of a possible victory for Donald Trump, who has made the refusal to finance kyiv's troops eternally one of his campaign slogans. Although this apparently radical stance favorable to negotiation contrasts with his policy towards the country during his presidency, which did not vary excessively from that of Obama-Biden, nervousness about the risk of a Republican return to the White House is one of the great concerns of NATO, Washington and Brussels.

The allies are looking for a way to maintain a minimum common financing, to which the individual contributions of the different countries would be added, to guarantee that Ukraine can continue, at least, maintaining its defense. The amounts involved would probably not allow kyiv to plan a broad offensive, especially against the most fortified and important parts of the territory under Russian control, but possibly to prevent a Russian victory in the war. Achieving that minimum seems to be the objective of Stoltenberg's proposal, which faces serious logistical and political difficulties to move forward. “It is dangerous to make promises that we cannot keep,” said Hadja Lahbib, Belgian Foreign Minister, for example. As has happened in the past, the intentions to reaffirm with actions, not just with gestures, the will to support Ukraine until final victory by showing the unity of the bloc face the reality of different interests and points of view on what do.

However, even despite the controversies that have occurred in recent weeks as a result of the hardening of the stance of Emmanuel Macron, who has become the leader of the hardest wing against Russia, the differences in terms of military tactics completely disappear in what regarding political issues. This was made clear yesterday with the joint article published in Politico by three leaders of European diplomacy: the German Annalena Baerbock, the Frenchman Stéphane Séjourné and the Polish Radosław Sikorski. There is no trace in it of the obvious differences that have been perceived between France and Germany since Olaf Scholz was firmly and decidedly opposed, not only to the possibility of sending European or NATO troops to Ukraine but also to the supply of missiles, the delivery of which would mean, as the German Chancellor is aware, a dangerous escalation of the conflict between Russia and Western countries.

“75 years ago, the founding treaty of NATO was signed in Washington to guarantee the security of our territory, the security of our people and the preservation of our common values: individual freedom, human rights, democracy and the rule of law. ", they state in their opening, forgetting, of course, the consequences that NATO's individual freedom has had on countries that have found themselves on the opposite side of the missiles of their member countries. Calling the bloc the “most successful defensive alliance in history,” the three diplomatic leaders fundamentally focus on the obligations of member countries in the current moment in which “these values ​​are being tested like never before.” Already focusing on Ukraine and “Putin’s invasion,” Baerbock, Séjourné and Sikorski refer to the obligation to “live up to the fact that this moment can define the future in which our children will live.” As Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk already did, who described the current moment as “pre-war,” the article insists on Vladimir Putin's “imperial ambitions” and the danger it poses to other European countries. In the simplistic vision of the world in which NATO is simply a defensive alliance , it means nothing that Russia began, a few days after its military intervention, peace negotiations in which the Russian president was, as confirmed by members of the Ukrainian delegation, ready to abandon everything captured except for Crimea and Donbass, the two territories that ten years ago rejected the irregular change of Government in Kiev. Putin's territorial ambitions and imperialism were limited to a peninsula that had been part of Russia for eight years and an area openly rejected by Ukraine, which chose to initiate an anti-terrorist operation instead of seeking a political accommodation for it.

Those who have forgotten that they presided over a meeting between the Yanukovych Government and the opposition that only the then president was willing to meet and subsequently supported Ukraine in its war against Donbass and flagrant non-compliance with the Minsk agreements now accuse Putin of, “during years”, having “spread lies and false narratives to justify their war. One of them is that NATO represents a threat to Russia. But the opposite is true: today, some nations rejoin NATO because they feel threatened by Russia. “Finland and Sweden have long maintained a proud tradition of neutrality,” they insist, adding that “following Putin's invasion of a peaceful neighbor, they exercised their sovereign right to freely choose alliances and have now fortified our ranks.” The country that for seven years openly refused to comply with the commitments made by signing an agreement negotiated by Chancellor Merkel and President Hollande and that artificially kept the war active in Donbass is now a peaceful neighbor .

The complexities of the Ukrainian conflict are uncomfortable and the danger of Russian expansionism is more convenient now that it is necessary to justify militaristic measures that would have been impossible a few years ago. Baerbock, Séjourné and Sikorski thus propose a commitment to invest at least 2% of the GDP of the Alliance countries in defense, “to use the full industrial potential of our continent to update our military capabilities, increase production and create economies of scale.” ” by growing national industries based on long-term contracts and investing in “future technologies to maintain our technological advantage and close the skills gap.” Investment, production and development because “on NATO's 75th anniversary, we are convinced: the freedom and security of the coming years demand a modern and strong transatlantic alliance.” Although diplomats claim to defend that European countries must “show their willingness to assume more responsibility for European defense,” everything revolves around NATO, that is, the United States.

The security of the continent, based on sustaining the current war and preparing for the next one, depends on militarization. “As Europeans,” they say, “we are prepared to do our part.” It is implicit in this that the United States must also do the same, where appropriate, continue supporting the Ukrainian war effort as its first supplier. The future in which our children will live apparently depends on that . ... ros-hijos/

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From Cassad's Telegram account:

⚡️ Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 3, 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to conduct a special military operation.

- In the Kupyansk direction, units of the “Western” group of forces defeated enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlement of Stroevka, Kharkov region, and repelled three attacks by assault groups of the 60th mechanized and 95th airborne assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the settlement of Terny, Donetsk People’s Republic Republic.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces per day amounted to up to 30 military personnel, three vehicles, a 155-mm M777 howitzer made in the USA and two 152-mm D-20 guns.

- In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of forces occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 24th, 28th, 53rd mechanized, 5th assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 241st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Chasov Yar, Kurdyumovka and Krasnogorovka DPR.

Also reflected were 10 counterattacks by formations of the 81st airmobile, 10th mountain assault, 67th, 72nd mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 4th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Belogorovka of the Lugansk People's Republic, Berestovoe, Krasnoe, Bogdanovka and Konstantinovka Donetsk People's Republic.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 390 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles: “Kozak” and “MaxPro”, as well as 19 vehicles.

During the counter-battery fight, a US-made 105-mm M119 gun, a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, a 122-mm D-30 howitzer and a 100-mm MT-12 Rapier anti-tank gun were hit.

- In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the "Center" group of troops through active actions improved the situation along the front line, defeated enemy formations and repelled nine counterattacks by assault groups of the 25th Airborne, 24th, 47th, 59th Mechanized Brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Pervomaiskoye settlements , Kirovo, Vodyanoye, Berdychi and Thin DPR.

The enemy lost up to 305 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, three cars, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, a 152-mm D-20 gun, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers and a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount.

- In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the 72nd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village of Vodyanoye DPR.

In addition, in the area of ​​the village of Urozhaynoye, Donetsk People's Republic, a counterattack by the assault group of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was repelled.

Enemy losses amounted to up to 155 military personnel, three vehicles, as well as a 122-mm multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle BM-21 Grad.

- In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on the formations of the 65th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 121st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Novodanilovka, Nesteryanka of the Zaporozhye region and Republican of the Kherson region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 35 military personnel, four vehicles, a 155-mm AS-90 “Braveheart” self-propelled artillery mount made in Great Britain, a 152-mm D-20 gun and a 122-mm D-30 howitzer.

- Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groups of troops of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed a hangar for the production and storage of unmanned aerial vehicles, a weapons depot, and also damaged manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 131 districts.

- Air defense systems shot down 164 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and two US-made JDAM guided aerial bombs.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 581 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,538 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,684 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,262 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,644 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,576 units of special military vehicles.

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CIA Front Companies Play Crucial Role in Arms Pipeline to Ukraine and Profit From the Human Misery it Generates
By CIAgate - April 1, 2024 2


[CIAGate is a new website set up on substack that draws on information from an anonymous CIA whistleblower to publicize and expose criminal conduct being carried out by the CIA. Its mission statement reads: “We the people. We oppose all wars and military conflicts. Our purpose is to abolish the CIA and military-industrial deep state. We stand firmly on our principles.” Below is a series that CIAGate published on the CIA’s involvement in the arms pipeline to Ukraine through a shadowy CIA company that supplies drones to Kyiv—Editors]

Noetic Continental Inc. Foists Military Equipment Through Private War Companies
Analyzing the CIA’s records, we’ve noticed that there were many references to the Noetic international Inc., a company with questionable origin and activity.

According to its website, the enterprise specializes in “delivering products and services including assessments, operations and finance to clients in the energy, telecom, space, cybersecurity and intelligence sectors.“

In a previous article on substack we wrote that the CEO of the Noetic International Inc. was Johnna May Holeman, a former U.S. artillery soldier and CIA operative, who took part in the supply of 155mm white phosphorus rounds to Ukraine through a tea-trade company in Bulgaria.

John Atlas Irvin [Source:]

Now we can say that there was another CIA officer behind the creation of the Noetic International Inc. Ladies and gentlemen, please meet John Alan Irvin–the godfather of clandestine operations.

So, it was John’s idea to establish a company that would carry out the CIA’s clandestine activities without attracting much attention. However, being a top-tier spy John himself does not really conceal his affiliation with the Agency. According to his track record, John is a specialist in the field of analyzing the activities of covert secret agents. He also has decades of experience conducting clandestine operations.

John’s affiliation with CIA and DoD [Source:]

John’s portfolio [Source:]

Through his extensive ties, resources and expertise, John Irvin has developed a vast network of contacts, informants and partners to achieve a comprehensive range of goals in accordance with the CIA’s design. Given John’s age, today the bulk of the work is now done by Johnna Holeman. The Noetic International Inc. has offices in Illinois, California, Germany, England and Austria.

The Noetic “specialists” address complex problems in wide range of domains including air- and sea-based drones, renewable energy, cybersecurity and cryptocurrency, technology and robotics, as well as strategic influence campaigns and analysis and decision making.

The Noetic International website. [Source:]

The network includes hundreds of influencers connected by both personal acquaintance and virtual meetings. The Noetic operatives help local and foreign authorities to achieve goals in order to enlist the support afterwards.

According to our source, the Noetic International Inc. has a shell company in Puerto Rico, that under the guise of cannabis dispensary addresses essential tasks on behalf of the CIA, such as supply of various kinds of unmanned aerial and maritime drones to foreign countries, including Ukraine, reshore of semiconductor production to the U.S., as well as the supply of small-module nuclear reactors.

Initially, we doubted the veracity of the source’s information. Yet, as it was with the investigation surrounding Chanda Creasy, a yoga coach and a head of the CIA division responsible for arms transfers to militants in Africa and Middle East, painstaking analysis and careful sieving of information made it possible to determine that it was the Anyon Minds LLC.

CIA’s “Up in Smoke” Special Operations Group
Established in 2021, the Anyon Minds LLC sees itself as the “preferred supplier of reliable, high-quality cannabis products in Puerto Rico.” The company is incorporated at 407 Calle del Parque San Juan, PR 00906.

The Anyon Minds data [Source:]

While visiting company’s website, we were unable to find any proposed product, its price or any other intelligible information. Complicated phrases that would most likely confuse an average cannabis-buyer—the only thing the website was filled with. It seems like this outlet is not a trading platform, but a certain communication hub for a dedicated circle of persons.

Extremely clear Anyon Minds Strategic Synergies. [Source:]

Our informant was able to obtain a document about the employees and management of the Anyon Minds LLC. It turned out that almost every single employee, including management, had no relevant experience or education. Moreover, these cannabis cultivators had close ties with the DOD (including the DIA), as well as PaxSafe and Pax Mondial LLC private military companies. Manuel Enrique Benitez-Marquez is a co-founder and, apparently, key individual in the Anyon Minds LLC.

Manuel has no social media profiles (at least under his own name), and there is almost no information about him in open sources, that is unusual for an ordinary person. In addition, according to the received document, he has no any experience in hemp cultivation, but a very rich experience in some another area…

Mr. Benitez is a graduate of the Criminal Justice Services Department of the Executive Protection Institute bodyguard school in New York. He is a licensed personal protection specialist. Manuel has certificates of successful completion of courses at the Academi PMC (former Black Water), including: tactical handgun, carbine operator and evasive driving. He also worked at the Pax Mondial LLC and the Pax Safe PMCs.

Benitez’ portfolio [Source:]

We assume that Mr. Benitez has always dreamed of growing cannabis and staying low (or maybe high?), and his hand-to-hand combat as well as shooting skills probably will need him in case of fighting competitors and possible problems with the police.

Jokes aside. We know Manuel is a professional mercenary with a vast experience in conducting special operations.

If this information is not enough for you to make sure that the Anyon Minds is not just a cannabis shop, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the dossier of another founder of the company, Guy Dennis Irvin.

Guy Dennis Irvin [Source:]

Guy Dennis Irvin is a U.S. Special Forces veteran with decades of experience in security operations in the Middle East, South and Central America, and the Pacific Region. Mr.Irvin’s portfolio indicates that he also negotiated large deals worth millions of dollars.

According to Guy’s LinkedIn page, from 2003 to 2015, he held various senior positions in companies such as DynCorp International (McLean, VA) and GRAAL Group LLC (Columbus, GA), as well as Parsons Corporation (Centerville, VA).

From 2015 to the present, Guy Irvin skillfully combines his “high” duty with the position of managing director at Pax Mondial PMC.

Guy Irvin’s portfolio [Source:]

We are also extremely curious what kind of advice the cannabis company could receive from a former Chief of Staff of the 82nd Airborne division, Jouni Keravuori, who also worked at the SAS Institute, General Dynamics and the same Pax Mondial and Pax Safe. Perhaps his daughter-in-law and, concurrently, Brigadier General Rose Lopez Keravuori, helps him with this. Since 2023, she has been serving as the Director of intelligence (J2) of the U.S. Command in Africa.

The Anyone Minds adviser Jouni Keravuori [Source:]

There’s only one big question–how in this world having so many professionals at service, the Anyon Minds hasn’t even started the business?

The fact is that we managed to find a project for the construction of a hemp cultivation complex, dated to the end of 2022. However, according to the Google Maps, the construction process on the coordinates (18.03068, -67.08988) at the time of publication hasn’t even begun, and the AgReliant Genetics, a seed research and production company, still owns the land.

Hemp complex construction project [Source:]

We’ve got a feeling that the CIA, represented by the Anyon Minds, had fallen back into old habits and is not engaged in the cultivation, but the legalization of cannabis products through established supply channels from cartels in Latin America. That’s why the Anyon Minds was registered in Puerto Rico.

After all, it is likely that in distant future the cannabusiness would be one of the sources of income, after Manuel and his team decide to retire. After all, let’s figure out what these amigos exactly do.

(Much more at link.) ... generates/




by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Go West, young man – that American slogan of the mid-19th century is not an idea the Ukrainian men of Odessa, Kharkov, Dniepropetrovsk, Poltava and Sumy can contemplate today as long as the danger of press ganging into the army in Kiev and Lvov is a higher risk to their lives than staying put in the eastern cities as they collapse.

They must calculate that they are better off trying to do without electricity in the east, and wait for the Kremlin to suspend the campaign – as it did during 2023 – or for the Russian General Staff to pressure the Novorussian cities to surrender to Russian control, when the Ukrainian men will be filtered but keep their lives.

The women and children, however, are evacuating from Sumy and Kharkov.* The displacement of these easterners to the west, from Kiev to Lvov, is not yet being reported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) which publishes its Ukrainian population movement data in the third week of each month.

At the end of December, the total number of internal refugees or internally displaced persons (IDP) in the bureaucratic records, was 3.7 million. This number is increasing sharply now, but the UNCHR reports are lagging by four weeks, and there are no reliable real-time figures available.

The Polish Border Guard, however, is reporting every two days the movement of Ukrainians into Poland and their reverse movement from Poland into the Ukraine. A surge out of the Ukraine, like that of the first months of the Special Military Operation in 2022, is not yet visible in the Polish data.

In the Border Guard twitter reports for the month of March, there were big surges on March 1-3, March 8-10, March 18-19, March 22-24, and March 29-April 1. The timing reflects the weekends, and the flows out of the Ukraine into Poland were equally balanced by the numbers returning. That is, until March 22-24 when the electric war began in earnest, and 82,000 Ukrainians crossed into Poland, while only 72,900 returned. Over the Catholic Easter weekend of March 29-April 1, 108,000 moved into Poland; only 82,100 came back.

The difference of 26,000 were not Easter pilgrims or holidaymakers. This the largest recorded at the Polish-Ukrainian border since 2022 – it is the beginning of a new Ukrainian surge out of the country into Europe.

Sources in Warsaw say there is “attention fatigue” towards the refugees on the part of the Poles. “There is nothing new in the local media on the flows of Ukrainians. No longer topic of interest. The new Polish government plans allegedly to tighten financial rules for Ukrainian refugees in order to cut welfare costs and combat “the pathologies that currently exist.”

The Polish press reported late last week that “the most important change concerns the financing of refugees’ stay. The government intends to abolish the system that currently subsidizes the stay of refugees from Ukraine (PLN 40 [$10] per day per person) in small guesthouses where up to ten people live. Revolutionary changes for newcomers from Ukraine, especially those who benefit from free food and accommodation, are to be included in the draft amendment to the special act, which came into force two years ago.”

Moscow sources believe the operational plan of the General Staff, agreed by the Kremlin since last month’s election, is to depopulate Kharkov and the surrounding region north to Sumy, and press equally hard in the centre (Dniepropetrovsk) and the south (Odessa). For maps of the campaign so far, click.

According to a Moscow source, debate over operational priorities in the political and military strategy is muted. “This time round,” the source believes, “the General Staff aims not to suspend the attacks, not to relieve the pace, so that the Ukrainian utilities cannot repair or restore power supplies — no repeat of the first phase of the electric war which stopped at the end of 2022.”

For the first phase of the electric war in 2022, read this.

A western military source thinks the impact in the west, especially in the western region of Galicia around Lvov which is the historic centre of Ukrainian fascism, will be chaotic and violent between the established, well-off westerners and the incoming poorer easterners. “Another mass in-migration to Kiev and west won’t go over well when rent extortion meets fuel shortages high power tariffs, fuel shortages, outrageous grocery prices, then even wilder power tariffs in the midst of outages. This is when ‘the master race’ will forget all their ‘European civilization’ slogans, and start killing each other over a litre of gasoline. Is Russian intelligence factoring this into their strategy? Sure.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCR) publishes regular data updates on the movement of Ukrainians within the country, moving westward from the line of contact, and the exodus of Ukrainians across the Polish, Slovakian, Moldovan, and Romanian borders.


As of last month, the Ukrainian refugee flows over the borders look like this, with Russia topping the list of destination countries, followed by Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Moldova.


According to data published by EUROSTAT, between January and December 2023, over 1,032,000 Ukrainians were granted Temporary Protection (TP) in the European Union area. While this number was lower than in 2022, decisions granting temporary protection were l averaging more than 87,000 per month in the European states through the end of 2023, although on a decreasing trend.

The shift of Russian operational priorities and tactics on the five main directions along the line of contact (Kupyansk, Donetsk, Avdeyevka, South Donetsk, and Kherson), the Battle of Bakhmut, and the clearing of the four new Donbass regions (Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhye), relieved the pressure on the electricity-generating plants and the power grid during 2023. This in turn cut the internal and cross-border population flows.

In real time the best indicator of Ukrainian population movements is the daily Twitter stream of the Polish Border Guard (Straż Graniczna, SG). Here is the tabulation of SG reports for the month of March. The surge over the Easter weekend reveals the largest “gap” between outgoing and incoming movements since the first phase of the electric war in October 2022.



An unofficial Moscow source comments: “For the time being, the campaign is likely to leave enough lights on in Lvov to lure the displaced easterners there, and generate all sorts of communal friction. The westward process will repeat itself until Lvov and other border areas are huge refugee camps facing a bunch of nervous Poles, Romanians, Moldovans, etc. We’ll see what happens to Euro solidarity then.”

[*] In a videoclip Boris Rozhin republished yesterday morning (April 2), evacuating residents of Kharkov can be seen stalled in a traffic jam on three lanes while some drivers are so desperate to escape they are driving on the reverse-direction side of the highway.

Image ... n-galicia/


Change in Ukrainian peace demands shows neo-Nazi regime is desperate

Lucas Leiroz

April 3, 2024

Zelensky fears the imminent defeat and its possible consequences.

Recently, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky commented to journalists about the possibility of Kiev renouncing its demand for the “1991 borders” during peace negotiations with the Russian Federation. Until then, any negotiation that did not consider the 1991 borders was absolutely banned by the Ukrainian government, but, due to this sudden “change”, Kiev is being now described by the Western media as having “diplomatic goodwill”.

Russian-Ukrainian peace talks have been interrupted since the reintegration of the four new regions of the Russian Federation. Induced by its Western sponsors, the Zelensky government has endorsed a stance of rejecting any conversation that would establish a territorial reconfiguration of Ukraine. Kiev demands not only the four new regions, but also Crimea, which has not been part of Ukraine since 2014.

In a recent CBS interview, however, Zelensky told journalists that the retaking of the territories will not necessarily need to be achieved by military means. He now believes it is possible to engage in peace talks without demanding Russian withdrawal from the New Regions as a prerequisite. Zelensky still hopes to “recover” such areas, but believes it will be possible to do so in the long term through diplomacy — or with the Russians voluntarily retreating from such areas after being “pressured” internationally.

It is curious that Zelensky changes his position on peace negotiations precisely now, when the conflict appears to be entering a new phase. The Russians are clearly increasing the intensity of their attacks, retargeting infrastructure targets and even hitting Ukrainian command and intelligence centers. Some experts believe that there will soon be a formal change in the status of the operation, from being a simple “special military operation” to becoming a “counter-terrorist operation” — with Moscow taking all necessary measures to neutralize Ukraine’s combat capabilities.

The recent Ukrainian terrorist attacks on Belgorod and Kursk, in addition to Kiev’s possible involvement in the Crocus City Hall massacre, are motivating Moscow to review the nature of the operation. In fact, it will be necessary to take measures that end the enemy’s combat capacity as quickly as possible, considering that Kiev is using all its war apparatus to kill innocent civilians, instead of fighting a symmetrical war.

It must be remembered that recently Russian forces attacked Ukrainian intelligence headquarters in Kiev. The operation appeared to be direct retaliation for the massacre in Krasnogorsk, although no official commented on the matter. All this data makes it clear that Moscow’s patience with Kiev is running out, with the neo-Nazi regime’s officials being increasingly pressured to stop their criminal practices against Russians.

In this scenario, the regime leader seems to be in an uncomfortable position. He cannot surrender, as his Western sponsors do not allow it, but he also does not have the ability to continue fighting in the long term. The solution then is to continue receiving weapons from the West to at least keep Ukrainian soldiers on the battlefield, even if there is no expectation of victory.

However, with his international image weakened, Zelensky is increasingly less popular to justify Western countries’ support for the neo-Nazi regime. Furthermore, the Ukrainian president is constantly seen as bellicose and aggressive “beggar” due to his refusal to participate in peace negotiations and his insistence on asking for weapons. Certainly, the West is trying to rehabilitate Zelensky, making him appear as a diplomatically willing leader open to dialogue. The objective is simple: propose unrealistic and absurd peace plans, so that Moscow refuses to sign an agreement and Kiev has then an excuse to ask for more weapons.

Obviously, Russia will not accept any peace agreement that does not include the formation of its new oblasts. Popular referendums showed the will of the local people to be part of the Russian Federation — and Moscow fulfilled this request. Russians cannot simply “abandon” their own people, which is why agreements that exclude the new regions will be ignored.

In practice, faced with imminent defeat and the possible loss of even more territories, the neo-Nazi regime is scared, trying to reduce the damage. Instead of doing the right thing, negotiating on Russian terms and accepting losses on the battlefield, Kiev prefers to simply pretend that it is seeking peace. ... desperate/


Avdeevka. April 2024
April 3, 22:11


Avdeevka. Beginning of April 2024.
The city will gradually begin to be put in order as the front moves to the west (which we are now seeing west of Avdeevka).
There are already work plans, there is money to restore basic urban infrastructure systems.
Right now it is dangerous to do this - the enemy is still shelling the city + the threat of drones flying in from Ocheretino and Berdychi has not been eliminated.
The city now has just over 1,000 residents.


Google Translator


The Ukrainian Army Is No Longer Mechanized

This is a rather sad tale:

Address by the President of the Russian Federation -, Feb 24 2022

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.
Official introduction of 153rd Mechanized Brigade - Military Land, Dec 27 2023

Another brigade from the 150s batch makes an official appearance.

On October 17, 2023, we reported about the creation of five new Ukrainian mechanized brigades for the possible counter-offensive in 2024. The 151st Mechanized Brigade was officially revealed on October 30 while 154th Mechanized Brigade on November 1.

Today, the 153rd Mechanized Brigade was publicly announced. The unit received its insignia and motto – the power of unconquered.

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu held a conference call with the leadership of the Armed Forces (machine translation) - Ministry of Defense, Apr 2 2024

Since January, the armed forces of Ukraine have lost more than 80 thousand servicemen, 14 thousand units of various weapons, including more than one thousand two hundred tanks and other armored combat vehicles.
153rd Mechanized Brigade is no longer mechanized - Military Land, Apr 3 2024

The lack of vehicles forced Ukrainian command to back down from the original plans.
The leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reorganized the 153rd Mechanized Brigade into an infantry brigade. This change was announced through the official social media channels of the brigade.

While the official reason behind the change remains undisclosed, it is presumably linked to the shortage of infantry fighting vehicles.
The reorganization of the 153rd Brigade may not be an isolated occurrence. According to our sources, the 152nd Mechanized Brigade is also slated for transformation into an infantry brigade in the near future.

Each day the Russian Ministry of Defense reports the observed losses of the Ukrainian army. While the reported numbers are unlikely to be exact the reports are considered to be reliable and do tell a story.
In the first year of the war the Ukrainian army often lost more armored vehicles per day than general vehicles, i.e. trucks. By mid 2023 the numbers of armored vehicle and trucks destroyed per day, as reported by the MoD, were about equal. By the end of 2023 that ratio was on average two trucks per one armored vehicle. It has since increased further. Yesterday's report claimed 32 destroyed Ukrainian trucks but only 4 destroyed armored vehicles.

The numbers provide that the armed forces of Ukraine, as well as its allies, have run out of armored vehicles of all kinds.

A mechanized brigade is supposed to have some 100 armored (i.e. 'mechanized') vehicles of various kind plus some 30 tanks. An infantry brigade has, if its lucky, some unarmored trucks or buses.

An infantry brigade can only fight on foot. It has to dig in, by hand, to survive without armor protection. To do this in an environment where the enemy has a near perfect view of the battlefield, a reported artillery supremacy of 7 to 1 plus the ability to drop hundreds of precision guided bombs deep behind the frontline is not survivable.

A 2024 counter offensive by the armed forces of Ukraine was and is a pipe dream. The five new brigades will be destroyed as soon as they come near to the frontline.

Ukraine has been demilitarized. It is high time to acknowledge that.

To give up now is the only way for Ukraine to survive.

Posted by b on April 4, 2024 at 7:57 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:56 am

Crimea and the importance of the Black Sea beyond the war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/05/2024


Partly exaggerated as a pressure tool for more foreign military assistance, especially from the United States, the current nervousness about the possibility of a Russian victory in Ukraine and the development of recent months on the ground show the failure of the ground counteroffensive with which Kiev's allies hoped to break the Zaporozhie front and advance towards the Crimea. However, the stability of the central front in the face of Russian advances in the Donetsk area should not hide the successes that Ukraine has achieved, fundamentally in the rear, where it has managed to carry out quantitatively and qualitatively more important actions than in previous years. Among them are drone attacks against Russian refineries, which in recent weeks have amounted to at least a dozen, and especially everything related to the battle for the Black Sea. This is where kyiv has obtained the most notable results.

The insistence on fighting in the Black Sea is tactically and strategically logical from the Ukrainian point of view. In its attempt to return to the internationally recognized borders of 1991, the Crimean peninsula takes on a special place. The Crimea issue is one of the reasons why Ukraine always refused to follow the path of the Minsk agreements and recover the territory of Donbass in exchange for certain political, economic and social rights that kyiv also did not want to grant. As it is now admitted that, since February 22, 2022, it no longer matters, Ukraine never had the intention of complying with the signed agreements, not only because the granting of a special status for Donbass broke with the nationalist centralism that the regime born Maidan always wanted to impose, but also because it was considered a way to legitimize a status quo that implied Russian control of Crimea, the most precious of the territories lost since 2014.

This impetus to recover the peninsula made it inevitable that the multimillion-dollar counteroffensive of 2023 would take place in the direction of Crimea, with the attempt to advance on Melitopol, considered the key to access, and cut off the land corridor that links the territory with continental Russia. Coupled with the attempt to destroy the Kerch bridge, it is easy to see in the plan the desire to make the region an island isolated from the Russian Federation. It was equally foreseeable that the Black Sea was going to become one of the main focuses of attacks in the rear. It was not only about weakening the Russian position in Crimea in terms of troop supply and the ability to attack Ukraine from the airfields located there, but also about regaining navigation control to resume maritime exports.

Much more spectacular in media terms for being a continuous battle with advances and setbacks and use of all types of weapons, the land battle has been the one that has gained the most prominence in the last year. However, equally important has been the fight for the Black Sea, which pits a State with a significant naval presence, Russia, against one that lost a large part of its fleet and dropped the industry that in times past would have allowed it to recover it. . Aware of this and that, despite the help of Turkey, which is rumored to be building several ships for Ukraine, it will not be able to build a minimum fleet in the medium and even long-term future, the Ukrainian authorities have opted for an asymmetric war tactic in which they have sought to undermine the Russian fleet's ability to control the Black Sea.

In this quest to damage Russian naval assets, Kirilo Budanov's GUR has gained special importance, whose practically guerrilla warfare actions have complemented the missile attacks on the Russian rear, especially important in the Crimean peninsula. This is where Ukraine aspires to undermine Russian capabilities in the Black Sea, an ambitious aspiration taking into account the starting situation two years ago. At that time, Ukraine sank its only frigate to prevent it from falling into Russian hands and avoid losing it in the same way it lost its other naval assets in 2014, when much of its fleet present in Crimea, including its admiral, Sergei Eliseev, defected. to Russia.

Russian difficulties in the Black Sea are not new and cannot be attributed solely to the development of maritime drones or their supply by Western allies, but rather began from the moment when Russia apparently had complete control of the zone. The sinking of the Moscva on April 13, 2022 was a wake-up call to a fleet that had always been overconfident in its position of superiority and its ability to, for example, maintain a naval blockade of Odessa, Ukraine's main port, without risking suffering the consequences. Even so, throughout that year, the Russian potential continued to cause nervousness in kyiv about a possible amphibious landing in Odessa, thus cutting off the country's main access to the sea, one of the bases of its economic viability as a State.

Overconfidence in its own capabilities and lack of understanding of Ukrainian plans has caused a series of naval disasters for Russia in both political and military terms. The first was the decision to abandon the grain export agreement. Moscow then claimed that compliance was limited to Ukrainian conditions, while Russia had not gotten what it had been promised. The certainty that Ukraine would not be able to resume shipping under war conditions and with the sea corridor mined was likely an important part of the decision-making. With its withdrawal from the agreement, the Russian Federation lost the capacity to control maritime traffic implied by the registrations carried out in Turkey. Russia thus condemned itself to having to carry out a naval blockade of Ukraine if it aspired to maintain control of navigation in the Black Sea.

The year in which the agreement was maintained, which in practice eliminated the area from the theater of war operations, gave Ukraine time to prepare its strategy, improve its systems and obtain missiles with sufficient range to attack Russian infrastructure. as drones with which to threaten every ship in the Russian fleet. Since then, through missile attacks on auxiliary infrastructure and fleet buildings in Crimea and the use of aerial and maritime drones against ships, the role of Russian naval assets has been reduced to practically nothing, thus eliminating the imbalance of power with which Russia joined the war. The fleet, which has suffered hits that have caused serious damage or even sinking in Berdyansk, Sevastopol, Feodosia, the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov and even in the vicinity of Novorossisk, yesterday saw its third admiral since the war began. With the help of its partners, Ukraine has managed to develop a tactic to which Russia has not yet found an effective response. There is no sector in which the maxim that armies prepare for the last war is more clearly fulfilled than in naval battle. Prepared to detect missile launches or the presence of other ships, the Russian authorities have failed to create a defense system to defeat the asymmetric attacks that they are periodically suffering and that have seriously undermined Russian naval power.

In recent months, Russia has been forced to withdraw part of the fleet from its main base in Sevastopol, due to the strategic importance of Crimea, to the generally safer Novorossisk. But even there, in continental Russia, protecting ships is becoming another concern. In recent days, British intelligence has stated that four barges with which Moscow is trying to create a first line of defense have appeared at the entrance to the port. London has also alleged serious damage to three Russian ships in Sevastopol, although the images accompanying the leak show only minimal damage. Everything indicates that the United Kingdom is once again exaggerating Ukrainian capabilities to benefit its ally. The British position cannot be surprising since the traditional naval power, which sees the Black Sea as a strategic area, is possibly the country most interested in weakening Russian naval power as much as possible.

In this sense, Russian difficulties in maintaining control of an important part of the Black Sea and operating with a minimum of normality in the vicinity of its borders have implications that go beyond the current war. “In the past six months, Ukrainian forces, despite lacking a real navy, have managed to turn the tide,” The Times recently wrote , adding that “where Russia once maintained supremacy over the Black Sea, today the waters of Ukraine are open. The Ministry of Defense in London believes that this is the first time since the Crimean War that Russia has not been able to operate there. “Today, two years after the start of this war […] [naval] access to the Black Sea has been denied” to Russia, stated the British Defense Minister during his recent visit to kyiv, in which he highlighted the role of Storm Shadow missiles in deep strikes in the Black Sea and Crimea. “For 200 years, the Black Sea Fleet has been able to exercise in the Black Sea. At the moment, there is not a single ship operating in the Black Sea. “That gives us an idea of ​​the level of Ukrainian success in Crimea,” Shapps added. Ukraine has not managed to get closer to Crimea and with its attacks against the fleet, one of the economic bases of the peninsula, it further alienates the local population, something that can hardly be described as a success. The same can be said of the aspiration to destroy the Kerch bridge, an intention that the GUR has recently expressed to the British newspaper The Guardian . “It is inevitable,” said a Ukrainian military intelligence source, announcing future attacks against an infrastructure whose importance has been reduced by the availability of the land corridor between continental Russia and the peninsula.

Ukraine has the material with which to inflict serious damage to the infrastructure, but not the equipment with which to land in Crimea, so the defense of the peninsula would, in any case, be air and land. The success mentioned by the British minister does not refer to Crimea, but to control of the Black Sea, an aspect more important for the United Kingdom than for the survival of Ukraine in this war. ... la-guerra/

Google Translator


From Cassad's telegram account:

📝Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 4, 2024)

- In the Kupyansky direction, units of the “Western” group of forces improved the situation along the front line and defeated enemy manpower and equipment in the areas of the settlements of Rozovka, Raigorodka, Zhovtnevoe of the Lugansk People's Republic and Terny of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 125 military personnel and four vehicles.

— In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of troops occupied more advantageous positions and defeated the manpower and equipment of the 28th mechanized, 92nd assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 241st terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Kleshcheevka, Kurdyumovka and Krasnogorovka of the Donetsk People’s Republic .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 340 military personnel, a tank and eight vehicles.

In addition, during the counter-battery fight, the following were hit : two 152-mm Msta-B howitzers , a 152-mm D-20 howitzer , two 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mounts , three 122-mm D-30 howitzers , as well as three ammunition depots of the Ukrainian Armed Forces . — In the Avdeevsky direction, units of the “Center” group of troops through active actions improved the situation along the front line and defeated enemy formations of the 24th, 47th mechanized, 3rd assault and 25th airborne brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Orlovka settlements, Berdychi and Tonenkoye of the Donetsk People's Republic. Also, in the area of ​​the village of Pervomaiskoye, Donetsk People's Republic, a counterattack by the assault group of the 25th Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was repelled. The enemy lost up to 305 military personnel, two armored combat vehicles, two cars, as well as a 155-mm Paladin self-propelled artillery mount made in the United States. — In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire damage on the manpower and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry, 72nd mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the 128th technical defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Vodyanoye, Storozhevoye and Ugledar of the Donetsk People's Republic. Enemy losses per day amounted to up to 105 military personnel, three vehicles, and a 155-mm M777 howitzer produced in the USA, as well as a 122-mm combat vehicle of the BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system .

— In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on the formations of the 28th mechanized and 128th mountain assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Mirnoye and Pyatikhatki, Zaporozhye region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to up to 35 military personnel, three vehicles, as well as a Grad multiple launch rocket system .

— Operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit : an ammunition depot , a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries in the area of ​​​​the village of Merefa, Kharkov region, manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 135 districts. Air defense systems near the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk People's Republic, shot down a Su-27 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force, as well as destroyed 196 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and intercepted eighteen HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems . — In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 582 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 18,734 unmanned aerial vehicles, 495 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,687 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,264 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,654 field artillery guns and mortars, and also 20,596 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


SITREP 4/3/24: Zelensky Steps Closer to Mobilization Plunge Amid Dire Warnings

APR 04, 2024

Things continue to feel like a calm before the approaching storm. There is not too much overt activity in the battle space, but various rumblings of a large looming escalation continue to trickle through the grape vine.

In a recent article I had mentioned how the Western press and elite commentariat for the first time began using the taboo ‘C’ word, i.e. “Collapse”, for Ukraine. Now this has opened up the floodgates, causing more and more worried publications to begin turning off their previous holding-the-line narrative filter and actually start describing the Ukrainian situation with truthful urgency.


Image ... ar-russia/

With grating teeth, the article opens by admitting that Musk may be onto something when he recently said that Ukraine would eventually lose everything east of the Dnieper River and even Odessa too, if it continued to fight.

But here’s one of the key points of the article to enlarge on:

Obviously, Zelensky’s warnings are part of a broad diplomatic effort to free up the military aid his forces so desperately need and have been short of for months — everything from 155-millimeter artillery shells to Patriot air-defense systems and drones. But the sad truth is that even if the package is approved by the U.S. Congress, a massive resupply may not be enough to prevent a major battlefield upset.

This is a central issue that the pro-UA pundits deliberately paper over. They keen and rage about the off-and-on funding attempts, mesmerically focusing on the big $60B number as if to throw us off any inconvenient questions. But what, exactly, is that $60B supposed to buy for Ukraine?

The U.S. has already emptied almost its entire store of usable surplus mainline weaponry for Ukraine, i.e. tanks, artillery, light armor—not counting things like ammo. As proof, even Ukraine’s most ardent American supporters have admitted this in the past few days:




What he’s saying is that, even if the $60B were to pass, U.S. has little of actual value to send to Ukraine beyond small arms munitions and things of that nature. There are no more surplus Bradleys left, and none can be built as the factory closed down decades ago.

Yet Ukraine hinges their entire future on this mythologized support as if it’s some kind of instant videogame-like upgrade, a “power-up” that will immediately re-energize and supercharge the AFU—this is simply not the case.

It appears, instead, that Zelensky merely wants this aid package as a morale boost to continue buying more time for himself and his army, staving off collapse. The aid would obviously signal U.S. support being back on the table, rather than totally sloughing off as has been the case, optically.

The Politico piece goes on:

And according to high-ranking Ukrainian military officers who served under General Valery Zaluzhny — the commander-in-chief of Ukraine’s armed forces until he was replaced in February — the military picture is grim.

The officers said there’s a great risk of the front lines collapsing wherever Russian generals decide to focus their offensive.
Moreover, thanks to a much greater weight in numbers and the guided aerial bombs that have been smashing Ukrainian positions for weeks now, Russia will likely be able to “penetrate the front line and to crash it in some parts,” they said.

They spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak freely.

“There’s nothing that can help Ukraine now because there are no serious technologies able to compensate Ukraine for the large mass of troops Russia is likely to hurl at us. We don’t have those technologies, and the West doesn’t have them as well in sufficient numbers,” one of the top-ranking military sources told POLITICO.

Read the highlighted parts very carefully, particularly the last paragraph. High-ranking military officers secretly told Politico under anonymity that: “There’s nothing that can help Ukraine…the West doesn’t have the technologies in sufficient numbers.”

This comes back precisely to my point above about the big glamorized $60B “salvation” fund.

Read my lips, it’s quite simple: Ukraine has literally no chance whatsoever to do anything militarily in this war anymore. Ukraine and Zelensky’s only shot at survival is to push Russia into a confrontation with NATO. They are desperately attempting to do this each day by launching mass terror attacks all over Russia.

The latest occurred yesterday on Yelabuga, where Ukraine literally crashed a giant Cessna-like plane into a dormitory full of students that they claimed was a drone factory:


The problem is, not only is it obvious from the videos and photos that this is a dormitory:


But it was in fact a dormitory for exchange students, one of which can even be seen speaking out on the incident here: (Video at link.)

Does this look like a drone factory?

While Russia is crushing the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ combat potential on the actual battlefield, desperate Zelensky is hiring “ISIS” to massacre Russian civilians, attacking Belgorod highrises with drones and artillery, and is literally loading up Cessnas with bombs and flying them into buildings with African exchange students—that’s the stage his putrid terrorist regime is now at. (Video at link.)

Here’s a recent overt and clearly deliberate hit on a Belgorod apartment complex: (Video at link.)

As I said before, he knows he can’t even put a dent in Russia’s military so he has to go “all in” on hybrid terror warfare in order to cause Russia to lose its footing, over-react in some uncharacteristic way that can draw NATO into the conflict. This is why it’s best for Russia to continue ignoring these attacks while methodically prosecuting the battlefield operation. And by the way, in his new address, Shoigu stated that since the Crocus Mall massacre, 16,000 new Russian recruits signed up the very next day to enlist in the army. That’s on top of the normal 30k now enlisting monthly, making a total of over 100k so far for 2024.

As a side note, remember when that 30k monthly figure was widely sneered at and jeered by the West? Now they openly admit it, as per usual:



Russian MOD even released a video showing the recruits lining up in offices across the country. In fact, an American was amongst them: (Video at link.)

"We must support Russia": an American signed a military service contract at the Patriot Center in Khanty-Mansiysk.

The man with call sign “Will” served in the US Armed Forces, but, having realized what was really going on in Ukraine, he came to the special military operation as a volunteer several months ago. Together with Russian guys, shoulder to shoulder, he participated in the liberation of Avdeevka.

Will's comrades - military personnel from Pyt-Yakh (Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region) and a volunteer from Serbia, who also went to the special military operation through Yugra - convinced the man that it was better to sign a contract for service in the RF Armed Forces in Khanty-Mansiysk by their own personal examples.

Their logic was as follows: a payment of 745k rubles on the spot and of 150k rubles bimonthly, full equipment provided on the spot, and a supply of everything necessary while in service.

In this video, Will the American signs a contract at the Center of Russian Patriots in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region.

Ukraine is doing everything in its power to destabilize Russia by stirring discontent within it—even Western rags now admit to the recent rash of ethnic tension being provoked by Ukrainian services:


But back to the Politico article, it has one last meaningful observation:

“Zaluzhny used to call it ‘the War of One Chance,’” one of the officers said. “By that, he meant weapons systems become redundant very quickly because they’re quickly countered by the Russians. For example, we used Storm Shadow and SCALP cruise missiles [supplied by Britain and France] successfully — but just for a short time. The Russians are always studying. They don’t give us a second chance. And they’re successful in this.”

“Don’t believe the hype about them just throwing troops into the meat grinder to be slaughtered,” he added. “They do that too, of course — maximizing even more the impact of their superior numbers — but they also learn and refine.”

How’s that for a hell of an admission?

(Much more at link.) ... eps-closer


April 2, 2024


Despite Western media reports over recent months and weeks regarding supposed secret talks between Westerners and Russians to settle or at least stop the NATO-Russia Ukrainian War, there are no such talks ongoing. But this does not mean that they cannot emerge.

First we heard of supposedly secret talks between Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff Chief Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhniy and Russian General Staff Chief Gen. Valerii Gerasimov. Then there were Russian President Vladimir Putin’s alleged ‘signals’ indicating that he seeks negotiations. In reality, there are no peace talks underway between Russia, on the one hand, and the West and/or Ukraine, on the other hand. There are no signals that Putin is seeking negotiations. Although he is willing to hold talks, he expects that any negotiations be requested first by the West and/or Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskiy. The New York Times piece about ‘Putin’s signals’ published just before Christmas was nothing more than another attempt to portray Russia and Putin as ‘losing the war’ and desperate for an exit ramp, and it was nothing less than a contribution in support of US President Joseph Biden’s desperate re-election prospects as the American presidential campaign is about to kickoff.

Nothing could be further from the truth than the tale of Russian desperation told since the war began. This is most evident now for anyone following the recent course of events on the front; a front that is collapsing on the Ukrainian side. In Zelenskiy’s eternal PR mode, the Ukrainian front’s collapse will be framed as an orderly retreat to new defense lines and part of a new defensive strategy replacing the offensive one that so ignominiously failed with this summer’s predictably disastrous counteroffensive. Nevertheless, the hard, cold realities of the summer campaign’s defeat following the fall of the strategic hub of Bakhmut (Artyomevsk) and preceding the fall of the heavily fortified town of Avdiivka (Avdeevka) are trumping Zelenskiy’s simulated reality productions both in the West and Ukraine ever so gradually.

As Russian forces slowly but but surely advance westward across the entire front ranging from Zaporozhe (and perhaps soon Kherson) to Kharkov — an advance that is likely to accelerate in spring and summer, the Kremlin has no burning need to negotiate. To be sure, Moscow would prefer ending the war, but on its own terms. The longer Washington, Brussels, and Kiev refuse negotiations, the more fluid the situation becomes and the less likely Moscow will be easy to negotiate with before its forces reach the Dnieper River. Some Russian officials are trumpeting a hard line. For example, a month ago Russian ambassador to the UN Dmitri Polyanskiy said that Kiev’s chance for talks had passed and now only capitulation talks are possible ( and

(More at link) ... not-to-be/


Zelensky versus the Sorosites, part II

Zelensky sends goons to the apartment of anti-corruption journalists. "They plan to liquidate us physically in the trenches".

APR 03, 2024

The first instalment of this series covered Zelensky’s actions against pro-western businessmen in late 2023 and early 2024. As we will see today, this was only the beginning of the President’s Office counter-offensive against Soros’ little piglets.

On January 14, Bankova (the Office) sent goons to the apartment of Yury Nikolov, the journalist from ‘Nashi Groshi’ (‘Our Money’). Nikolov was the journalist who broke the news about Reznikov’s golden eggs back in 2023, leading to his ignominious sacking from the post of defense minister.

While Nikolov wasn’t at home, his elderly mother was treated to a bunch of screaming at her door by ‘patriotic young men’ who angrily demanded her son to make himself available for mobilization to the front. In the published videos, the ‘unknown patriots’ yell "Kremlin whore, open up, we're going to talk now, since you're so good at talking in videos!" They eventually resorted to plastering Nikolov's door with papers filled with insults calling him a traitor and calls to join the army.

While Zelensky and the government immediately declared that an investigation would be underway as to the identity of the ‘unknown attackers’, the Sorosite under attack and his comrades placed great importance on the fact that the video was first gleefully shared by telegrams known to be controlled by the Office. These telegrams had written the following:

(Paywall) ... sites-part


Russian Spies Infiltrated Ukraine’s Energy Sector While The SBU Was Worried About Protests


APR 05, 2024

Regardless of however one judges their motives, they aren’t doing this for financial gain since they could have sought such long ago, but because they’re fatigued with the conflict and want it to end soon.

Zelensky has been fearmongering about Russian-backed protests since mid-November in a desperate attempt to preemptively discredit genuinely grassroots demonstrations ahead of his plans to cling to power after his term expires on 21 May. He accordingly tasked the SBU with snuffing out growing dissent caused by his latest conscription drive and other unpopular policies, yet they were so preoccupied with thwarting this scenario that they didn’t realize that Russian spies infiltrated Ukraine’s energy sector.

The Associated Press included the following tidbit in their article about Russia’s latest energy grid strikes:

“’They did a huge intelligence job,’ (director of the Kiev-based Energy Industry Research Center Alexander) Kharchenko said, pointing to the precise nature of the attacks and the damage done. The Russian military seemed to ‘know everything about the current status of many energy infrastructure objects,’ including their defenses.”

The compromised technicians do specialized work that can’t be easily replaced in a possible purge.

It’s unclear why these employees suddenly decided to collaborate with Russia, but it might possibly be that they hope that optimizing the efficacy of its energy grid strikes can hasten an end to their country’s conflict by pressuring Zelensky to resume peace talks. After all, they had plenty of opportunities to either reach out to Russian intelligence on their own or respond to its agents’ presumable outreaches any time over the past two years, but they only sought to do so now two years into the conflict.

Ukrainians are understandably fatigued and frustrated with how long everything has drawn out for, not to mention how impossible it’s become for their side to claw back some of the territory that they lost since the special operation began after the counteroffensive’s spectacular failure last summer. Many of them also know someone who was maimed or killed in one of the meat grinders that Zelensky set up along the Line of Contact and naturally don’t want anyone else to suffer because of his delusions.

The question is no longer whether Ukraine will lose, but how much territory and people it’ll lose once everything finally ends on what are increasingly becoming Russia’s terms with each passing day that the conflict continues. Zelensky can either sue for peace to preempt what the Ukrainian Intelligence Committee expects to be a Russian military breakthrough by sometime later this year or cling to false hopes of victory on Kiev’s terms at the expense of more land and lives in order to delay the inevitable.

In the minds of those energy sector employees that are collaborating with Russia, it’s much less costly to help Russia inflict more damage against the national grid with a view towards pressuring Zelensky into resuming peace talks than to keep the meat grinders running and risk a military breakthrough. Regardless of however one judges their motives, they aren’t doing this for financial gain since they could have sought such long ago, but because they’re fatigued with the conflict and want it to end soon. ... d-ukraines


by Ian Proud,, 4/2/24

Ian Proud is a former British diplomat and was the Economic Counsellor at the British Embassy in Moscow from July 2014 to 2019. While in Russia, Ian advised UK Ministers on Russia’s political economy, and that of neighbouring former Soviet states, including Ukraine. He recently published his memoir, a Misfit in Moscow: how British diplomacy in Russia failed, 2014-2019.

In his recent article on attritional warfare, Alex Vershinin at the Royal United Services Institute remarked that ‘war is won by economies, not armies’. Put another way, the country that can outspend its rival in military endeavour will ultimately prevail. [ ... ar-ukraine]

To defeat Russia, Ukraine would need economic resources that it does not have and will not be able to obtain.

It isn’t just that Ukraine’s economy is now more than ten times smaller than Russia’s. The problem runs much deeper. Since the Ukraine crisis started in 2014, Ukraine has ducked opportunities to enact the structural reforms it needs to tackle deep-seated corruption and diversify/strengthen its economy.

Ukraine needed either to set a course towards an economic model that exports and has spare capital to invest, including overseas, or towards an economic model that is comfortable to import and can attract foreign investment to offset the difference. At the moment, Ukraine is neither and it can’t make the cardinal shift while war is raging. Real economic reform in Ukraine has therefore sat in the pending tray for a decade.

Data from the National Bank of Ukraine shows that the country consistently imports more than it exports. Not since 2022. Since 2006, the year after the Orange revolution. While on average, Ukraine’s yearly trading shortfall was $11bn in the ten years before war broke out, that figure almost tripled to $31.6bn in 2022 and 2023. Yes, exports of goods have fallen since war broke out, by 17% and 30% in 2022 and 2023 respectively compared to the average. But, critically, imports of services have also doubled since 2021. Ukraine’s trading surplus in services amounted to $3bn p.a. between 2012 and 2021; since 2022 it has slumped to a deficit of $9.8bn.

Service imports have in large part been driven by the large scale relocation of Ukrainians to other countries. Ukrainian people spending Ukrainian money in other countries counts as an import, just as spending by foreign tourists in London counts as a service export for Britain. For Ukraine, that imbalance won’t be resolved until war ends and its citizens return en masse.

Why does this matter? When a country imports more than it exports, it burns up supplies of foreign currency. If it runs out of foreign currency, then it can’t pay for imports and external debt. Just look at what happened in Sri Lanka in 2022, which ran out of reserves and defaulted for the first time in its history. Functional economies avoid this trap by attracting foreign investment, look at the US and the UK for example, which consistently run deficits but maintain healthy foreign exchange reserves.

Ukraine, however, isn’t a functional economy. Few foreign companies are making productive investments in Ukraine, and this challenge dates back to 2014, and the onset of the Ukraine crisis. Foreign investment into Ukraine’s private sector since then has averaged a paltry $2.2bn p.a. compared to $15.6bn p.a. from 2010 to 2013. That’s mostly because investors generally avoid zones of conflict and war. But it is also partly driven by the power vertical in Ukraine in which a handful of Oligarchs maintain an iron grip on business interests across the country.

The war hasn’t changed and won’t change that fundamentally negative economic picture. Ukraine can’t attract significant foreign capital while at war. And efforts to boost its exports have run into headwinds, particularly in Europe, with EU farmers rebelling against the flood of cheap imports from Ukraine.

So Ukraine needs to depend on a friendly lender of last resort. In the Soviet Union, that would have been Russia. Today, it is western donor nations. Look at Ukraine’s balance of payments and you’d see that it received on average $5bn p.a. in secondary income between 2010 and 2021; largely hand-outs from other governments. In 2022 and 2023 respectively it received massive inflows of $28bn and $24bn, to help stabilise its current account and prevent a collapse in foreign exchange reserves.

More concerning, with Kyiv now spending an astonishing half of its ballooning budget on defence it has been forced to go to the lenders as well, borrowing a staggering $40bn in the two years since 2022, or almost one quarter of its current GDP. That’s a 2000% increase in central government borrowing compared to the average in the ten years prior to war. After much huffing and puffing, Victor Orban reluctantly agreed the EU’s most recent programme of support to Ukraine, amounting to 50bn Euro which runs to 2027. But 33bn Euro of this is loans, equating to another 19.9% of Ukraine’s current GDP.

Today, Ukraine’s gross external debt is already around 90% of GDP. In a downside scenario, the EU has predicted that Ukrainian debt could hit 140% of GDP as early as 2026. If that doesn’t worry you, it should. With war widening Ukraine’s current account deficit, western nations will need to provide ever greater amounts of macro-financial assistance just to prop up the country’s reserves. Because if Ukraine ran out of reserves and had to devalue the Hryvnia, then it would simply not be able to service its debt and would go into economic meltdown, requiring even greater western assistance.

Across the line of contact, much boiler plate analysis is churned out daily about Russia’s putative economic woes, but what does the data from Russia’s Central Bank tell us? Despite the structural challenges it faces, and notwithstanding the legally questionable freezing of $300bn (or around half) of its foreign exchange reserves, Russia is anything but short of liquidity.

With western journalists blowing a collective raspberry at the rouble’s collapse after war broke out, Russia nevertheless brought in a staggeringly large current account surplus of £238bn in 2022. That’s more than Ukraine’s pre-war yearly economic output, and over two times the value of western financial and military assistance to Ukraine in 2022. It is almost four times larger than Russia’s average current account surplus in the ten preceding years. Russia’s current account surplus stabilised to $50bn in 2023, which is consistent with the long-term trend, and from the first two months of data, may come in slightly higher in 2024.

The Russian economy is trimmed to export and reinvest earnings. The country hasn’t run a yearly current account deficit since 1998, the year it defaulted. Largely because of this, Russia has very low external debt, at less than 20% of GDP. Russia’s military spending could rise to 10% of GDP this year, with defence spending comfortably outstripping Ukraine’s by three times. It doesn’t need to borrow significantly and has enough liquidity left in the tank to fund huge social programmes, which mean consumer spending in the economy remains strong.

Russia’s current economic model brings downside risks in terms of the country’s inability to diversify into new, more value-adding sectors of industry. These risks have been acknowledged by Putin but are too long-term to affect decision making on Ukraine. For now, Russia holds a significantly better economic hand in prosecuting an attritional war.

No credible western military analyst now predicts a complete victory by Ukraine in this war that would push Russia back to its pre-war (let alone pre-2014) lines. But, in any case, it is clear that victory hinges on the balance sheet, more than on the battlefield. Ukraine will never have the economic resources it needs to out gun Russia. So, setting aside issues of weapons’ supplies to Ukraine and, indeed, who will pay the reconstruction bill when war ends, how long are western powers prepared to keep plying Ukraine with more debt as it prosecutes an unwinnable war?

The economic policy no-mans-land that Ukraine has chosen to occupy didn’t start in 2022, but rather in 2014, when the Ukraine crisis began. We were told that Ukraine wanted to make a ‘European choice’ and cast off the rusted-over shackles of Soviet era mismanagement. It is therefore an irony that western assistance has not prompted a genuine and meaningful effort at reform in Ukraine that would speed the process towards eventual EU membership. Rather, it has created and will continue to solidify a state of truculent dependence which weakens Ukraine economically and leaves it as ungrateful for western support as it was for Russian.

Ukraine could still make its European choice. But first that would require painful political choices. A choice to end the war through negotiations and a choice, for the first time, to face down vested interests and undertake meaningful reform in Ukraine. It’s far from clear to me that Zelensky has the power to make either choice. For now, and to paraphrase from the movie Top Gun, I fear Zelensky’s ego is writing cheques his country can’t cash. ... t-the-war/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 06, 2024 12:13 pm

A one chance war
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/06/2024


Politico , an American media close to the Democratic positions of the Biden administration, has published two uncharacteristic articles this week due to their content, precisely because they are uncomfortable for Ukraine. The first of them, titled "Ukraine embraces the Russian far-right bad boy to take the battle to Putin", is dedicated to Denis Nikitin and the ideological content of groups such as the RDK, the Russian partisans affiliated with the Ministry of Defense and acting both in Russia and Ukraine under the orders of and armed by the GUR, Kirilo Budanov's military intelligence. With the obligatory mention of the extreme right's support for the Russian war effort and downplaying the fact that well-known Russian and Belarusian neo-Nazis have taken refuge in Ukraine for years, the article focuses on Kapustin, a well-known figure of the European extreme right who Until now, he had not hidden his neo-Nazi status.

The article mentions his links with neo-Nazi groups and his past as a hooligan and takes his ideology for granted, although he currently rejects the term. “Kapustin is bothered by being called a neo-Nazi, although he doesn't really know what it is. He likes to argue with Western journalists, seeing how uncomfortable many of them feel interviewing him, torn between disapproval of his far-right ideology and hooligan history and their sympathy for Ukraine, who do not want to leave the country in a bad light. country before the Western liberal public,” he says in an excessively banal tone. Kapustin leads a group whose exploits include indiscriminate attacks on border villages in which the only objectives are to intimidate the population, create instability in Russia and give bad publicity to the Government. To do this, they have the weapons delivered by Ukraine and the orders and coordination of Ukrainian military intelligence.

Politico allows Kapustin to expand and defend both his political positions and his position in the war. “It is a very funny position for you and your colleagues, because you have all worked for years to expose us. Neo-Nazis, racists, white supremacists, terrible guys, blah, blah, blah. And then comes the darkest hour in Ukraine's modern history. And suddenly the eternal bad guys turn out to be brave, courageous, determined, stubborn and heroes. And they say to themselves: 'damn, how am I going to write about them?', he says, highlighting the hypocrisy that he perceives in the media. In reality, the role of the media in the current conflict, as this article also shows, is much more legitimizing than the non-existent harassment that Nikitin seems to appreciate . Since 2014, always denying the neo-Nazi or fascist nature of the groups or people, the Ukrainian and Western press as a whole has justified the incorporation of all types of clearly fascist groups into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard. The way in which the defenders of Azovstal and, by extension, all of Azov, have been turned into heroes, and the existence of two brigades made up of soldiers linked to Andriy Biletsky, one of them commanded by the founder of the movement, has been normalized, is a good example of this.

The war justifies everything, both arming and equipping these groups and giving them a media focus to show their positions, which in the case of Kapustin, possibly to the right of Biletsky, involves, for example, the defense of South African Apartheid as best option than the current Government, an impression that Nikitin obtained from conversations with the local population, evidently white. Because, despite Politico 's attempt to minimize, for example, the racism of the article's protagonist, the reality soon comes to light. “One of his colleagues tried to corner me recently and asked me if we would accept a black person, or a homosexual or transsexual who wanted to join the force. And I told him: No, because he would not feel comfortable with us and we would not feel comfortable with him,” he says, showing that part of his ideology that Ukraine tries to deny exists, but that increasingly has a more visible presence. . And although kyiv tries to present every image and every word that shows this reality as Russian propaganda, the mere fact that it is mentioned by the Western press, especially one so related, is worrying for Ukraine.

The second of the articles published by Politico is even more worrying for Ukraine, since it refers to purely military aspects. The media is based on statements by Elon Musk, a billionaire always willing to express his opinion on issues in which he lacks the necessary information, in which he stated that Russia will be able to reach the Dnieper and, if the war continues as long as enough, “Odessa could fall.” To reach the conclusion that the owner of Twitter could be right, Jamie Dettner, director of the opinion section of Politico Europe, resorts to the catastrophic predictions of Zelensky, who has linked the fate of Ukraine to the receipt of new funds. of the United States, but also to the words of a Ukrainian officer. In what can be described as Zaluzhny's revenge, several of his subordinates provide a series of truly uncomfortable facts for Ukraine that manage to convince the journalist.

The story of the officers, who, as is usual, remain anonymous in order to speak freely, breaks with the stereotype of Russian troops incapable of learning from their mistakes, but also with that of miracle weapons . The Russian tactic is not “just” sending “large numbers of soldiers” to die, as Ukraine claims, but has used the time of war to counter Ukrainian strongholds. “Officers said there is a great risk that the front lines will collapse wherever the Russian generals decide to focus their offensive. Furthermore, thanks to a much greater numerical weight and the guided aerial bombs that have been destroying Ukrainian positions for weeks, it is likely that Russia could "penetrate the front line and collapse it in some parts," writes Politico, presenting a situation in which It is Russia that has the complete initiative on the front, something that Ukraine has repeatedly tried to deny by claiming the better preparation of its troops.

For Zelensky, who has recently begun to exploit the weakness of Ukraine's defensive position, everything has an easy solution: receive the required weapons and financing from his partners. Some of the most worrying statements for the Ukrainian leadership are directed at this argument. “There is nothing that can help Ukraine now because there are no serious technologies capable of compensating Ukraine for the large mass of troops that Russia is likely to throw at us. We do not have these technologies, and the West does not have them in sufficient numbers either,” warns a “high-ranking Ukrainian soldier,” who assumes that a Russian offensive will take place in the coming months. “Zaluzhny used to call it the war of a single chance ,” adds another of the soldiers close to the former commander, who explains that “weapon systems quickly become redundant because the Russians quickly counteract them. For example, we used Storm Shadow cruise missiles successfully, but for a very short time.” In this war there is no wunderwaffe , because “the Russians are always studying. They don't give us a second chance. And they are successful at it.”

The learning curve is an important aspect of warfare that sometimes occurs even before the arrival of miracle weapons . That seems, at least judging by the opinions of Zaluzhny's subordinates, to be the case of the F-16s, which will arrive in Ukraine in the coming months. They will do it, according to Politico 's interlocutors , too late. “Every weapon has its opportune moment. The F-16s were necessary in 2023, they will not be necessary in 2024,” adds the military man. It is possible that the reason is that Russia is already training to counter them. “In recent months, we began to notice that the Russians were firing missiles from Dzhankoy, in northern Crimea, but without explosive warheads. We didn't understand what they did, but we discovered it: it's telemetry," explains the same soldier.

“The official explained that Russia has been calculating where to best deploy its S-400 missile and radar systems in order to maximize the area they can cover to target the F-16s, keeping them away from the front lines and centers. logistics from Russia,” insists Politico . The fact that Russian troops are already preparing the arrival of the F-16s indicates the potential escalation they may entail, but also the will to counter them. In the short or medium term, Ukraine's attempts to send groups led by neo-Nazis to liberate Russia and the use of Western missiles to destroy targets such as the Kerch bridge will be joined by Western aviation flights, Zelensky's great hope in 2023. and for which Moscow seems to already be preparing. ... ortunidad/

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Death to all Nazis, the shame of our species.


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 6, 2024) | The main thing:

- The Russian Armed Forces carried out a group strike at night on Ukrainian military-industrial complex enterprises, military airfields and mercenary deployment points. The objectives of the strike by the Russian Armed Forces were achieved, the designated targets were hit;

- Units of the RF Armed Forces occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction;

- In the Donetsk direction, two attacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces assault groups were repelled;

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 470 military personnel in the Donetsk direction per day;

- The Russian Armed Forces defeated the manpower and equipment of two brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the defense at Sinkovka and Berestovoy;

- The Russian Armed Forces repelled 12 counterattacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdeevka direction and improved the tactical situation;

- The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Avdiivka direction exceeded 280 people over the past 24 hours;

- The Russian Armed Forces have improved the position along the front line in the South Donetsk direction;

- Russian air defense shot down 205 Ukrainian Armed Forces drones, a Hammer bomb, and 6 MLRS shells in one day;

- Units of the Dnepr group defeated the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Rabotin and Ivanovka.

Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the area of ​​​​the city of Kharkov destroyed two launchers of the French-Italian SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile system, and also the defeat of manpower and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 133 areas.

Air defense systems shot down 205 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, a Hammer guided bomb made in France, as well as six HIMARS and Hurricane missiles.

📊 In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 583 aircraft , 270 helicopters, 19,097 unmanned aerial vehicles, 497 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,699 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,264 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,692 field artillery guns and mortars , as well as 20,676 units of special military vehicles.

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By Moss Robeson, Website, 3/6/24

Introduction: The ‘Bandera Lobbyists’

This year’s “US-Ukraine Security Dialogue” took place at an event space located one block from the White House. The annual conference is organized by the Center for US-Ukrainian Relations (CUSUR), an OUN-B front group established in 2000. According to the program, the executive coordinator of the event was Christine Balko. She is probably still the director of the “Organizations of the Ukrainian Statehood Front” in the United States.

The “Front” is a coalition of OUN-B “facade structures,” some of which include Balko in the leadership. For example, Christine Balko is the treasurer of the Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (ODFFU) and the secretary of the Ukrainian American Freedom Foundation, which according to contemporary OUN-B documents is the financial arm of the Banderite “Land Leadership of America.”

The administrative coordinator of the event was Mykola Hryckowian, who is the Washington bureau chief of CUSUR and the president of ODFFU. He attained the presidency in a pyrrhic coup d’etat in 2019. The technical coordinator was Andrij Dobriansky, one of the leaders of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which the “Front” has dominated since another damaging coup in 1980. The program coordinator was Walter Zaryckyj, the executive director of CUSUR and the president of the Ukrainian American Freedom Foundation, who has allegedly been replaced as the chairman of the OUN-B’s “Land Leadership of America.”

As always, the neoconservative American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) was the main sponsor of the “security dialogue.” The steering committee for this year’s event consisted of three AFPC leaders, at least four OUN-B members, and three Banderite proxies from the corrupt Ukrainian Congress Committee. The small list of patrons included two additions featured in the latest post of the “Bandera Lobby Blog” — the Vovk Foundation and Civil Military Innovation Institute, based in Morgantown, West Virginia. The Banderite brothers behind this new support for CUSUR have also tried to reactivate the ODFFU in nearby Pittsburgh, and one of them (a subscriber of this newsletter) said that I should be hearing from their attorney.

The illegitimate ODFFU president, Hryckowian from eastern Pennsylvania, accompanied an AFPC delegation that traveled to Ukraine in late January. Ostap Kryvdyk, a friend of the “Bandera Lobby” in Kyiv, arranged their itinerary, which included meetings with the leadership of the ministry of defense (on the eve of Zelensky firing Zaluzhny), the deputy chair of Ukrainian parliament Olena Kondratiuk, deputy minister of foreign affairs Iryna Borovets, deputy prime minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration Olha Stefanishyna, and other officials.

AFPC’s president Herman Pirchner and director of external relations Annie Swingen joined the trip to Ukraine and the steering committee of this CUSUR event, which concluded with a reception at the AFPC headquarters in Washington. The front room has a framed picture of the think tank’s leadership with far-right Ukrainian politician Andriy Parubiy, who led a neo-Nazi paramilitary organization in the 1990s. When Parubiy played the role of statesman in Ukraine (2014-19), his foreign policy advisor, Ostap Kryvdyk, organized his trips to DC with the Banderite “Statehood Front.”

February 29, 2024: ‘US-Ukraine Security Dialogue’

The livestream started a little late, after Walter Zaryckyj delivered his opening remarks, in which he typically marvels at hosting an event with such distinguished speakers. (He privately boasts of his powerful contacts, for example, “fucking generals.”) In this case, the first speaker, Kyle Parker of the Helsinki Commission that advises Congress, was recently tarnished by a report in the New York Times: “A senior Capitol Hill staff member who is a longtime voice on Russia policy is under congressional investigation over his frequent trips to Ukraine’s war zones and providing what he said was $30,000 in sniper gear to its military.” He spoke at a CUSUR conference in 2022, and served on the steering committee of five of these events by 2005 (usually with Steve Bandera, the Canadian grandson of the infamous OUN-B leader). The livestream started just in time to hear Parker channel the Banderite spirit world: “Helping Ukraine defeat a neo-Stalinist Russia should be seen as unfinished business from the Second World War.”

The first panel discussion was moderated by retired diplomat William B. Taylor, a vice president of the Orwellian-named U.S. Institute of Peace, which is supposedly “an American federal institution tasked with promoting conflict resolution and prevention worldwide.” It was three years ago, shortly after Joe Biden took office, that Taylor and his colleagues from the influential Atlantic Council addressed CUSUR’s “security dialogue” on the eve of publishing a militarist policy paper, Biden and Ukraine: A strategy for the new administration. Taylor reported that they already met with “members of the Biden administration team that’s focused on Ukraine,” and asked the White House to sharply increase military aid for Kyiv to half a billion dollars per year.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the United States has committed tens of billions of dollars in “security assistance,” the vast majority of which is going to the U.S. arms industry that bankrolls think tanks like the Atlantic Council and the Center for European Policy Analysis. The latter employed retired U.S. general Ben Hodges, who commanded the army in Europe from 2014-18. His commentary about World War II — “it was actually millions of Ukrainians, not millions of Russians, that died” — was a highlight of the 2021 “security dialogue.” This year during the first panel discussion, Hodges downplayed the significance of Ukraine losing Avdiivka, but acknowledged his reputation as a “cheerleader.” After the session ended, he returned to his front row seat adjacent to OUN-B member Christine Balko.

Luke Coffey oversaw foreign policy at the far-right Heritage Foundation from 2015 until 2022, when he made the move to the neoconservative Hudson Institute. During the first panel discussion, he said that the U.S. needs to prepare for a long war in Ukraine. “I hear this all the time in Washington about ‘forever wars’ and ‘endless wars,’ I absolutely hate this. I hate these terms,” Coffey said. “Americans are not tired of forever wars. I think this has been a made up, inside the Beltway argument.”

Almost three hours later, Kurt Volker insisted that “we need to have our own people embedded in Ukrainian fighting forces.” Formerly the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine (2017-19), a vocal opponent of the Minsk peace process, and lobbyist for Raytheon, which produces Javelin missiles, Volker turned his head toward his fellow panelist, a Banderite defense contractor, and lamented “the fact that we prohibit uniformed personnel from being present in Ukraine alongside the Ukrainians means that we are not learning, and getting real time feedback, and knowing what we actually ought to be doing.”

During the next Q&A period, Col. Vince Mucker, sitting behind Ben Hodges and Christine Balko, introduced himself as the next U.S. military attaché in Kyiv. Philip Breedlove, the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO in Europe, stressed to Mucker that “a big part of solving the conundrum … is completely about policy, when we get a policy that allows us to shoot the archer [in Russia] … we can put dumb 2000 pound GPS bombs on these sites.”

Volker, the moderator of this panel, chimed in, “I would add to that [analogy], not only shoot the archer, but shoot the arrow factory.” With Breedlove nodding along, Volker chuckled and continued, “or maybe you don’t have to shoot it, maybe you can go right up to it and blow it up, with a little help from some friends in the Middle East.” He laughed again but got serious. “So I think that’s something, frankly, we should be talking with Israel about.”

A few minutes later, Volker said to Mucker in the audience, “as you take up your new duties, I hope you’re able to make a persuasive case about how some active duty [U.S.] personnel embedded in Ukrainian forces as observers—not participants, but observers—would actually help us give much better advice and much better equipment.” After the lunch break, the deputy chief of mission at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington predicted that “American soldiers will have to be engaged, sooner or later.”

The second half of the all-day event inadvertently dedicated about thirty minutes to the scenario that Ukraine collapses, and the West is faced with the question of supporting a nationalist insurgency. The main speaker, Paul Goble, is the Jamestown Foundation’s “specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia.” His apocalyptic obsession with breaking up Russia rivals any Banderite. According to Jamestown, “he served in various capacities in the U.S. State Department, the Central Intelligence Agency and the International Broadcasting Bureau as well as at the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.”

Goble absurdly claimed that “even Stalin couldn’t defeat the UPA,” referring to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the extremist paramilitary wing of OUN-B that butchered Poles and Jews under Nazi occupation before resisting Soviet control of western Ukraine with death squad brutality. Goble argued that “talking about these things is terribly important,” to let Moscow know that Russia cannot occupy Ukraine. Almost ten minutes later, he said, “I think the most important thing we can do is to encourage the Ukrainians to recover their own tradition” (of Banderite insurgency)…. ... t-excerpt/


Modern internationalist warriors
April 5, 17:05


Modern internationalist warriors.
A Serb, a Nigerian and a Syrian are fighting Ukrainian Nazism together with our military.

Monument to Prigozhin and Utkin in Goryachy Klyuch
April 5, 14:01


Monument to Prigozhin and Utkin in Goryachy Klyuch at the memorial cemetery of fighters of the Wagner PMC.


(A suitable location, and more than the traitor deserves.)

Tank electronic warfare turret
April 5, 18:31


Homemade electronic warfare on the turret of our tank.
The enemy reports that despite the fact that he eventually managed to disable the tank, this “turret” of the homemade electronic warfare system caused big problems, destroying a large number of FPVs.


The lack of effective standard solutions gives rise to such bizarre experiments.
Uralvagonzavod reported today that standard serial electronic warfare systems are now installed on new tanks. Now there is nowhere without tactical electronic warfare.

10 years ago Bolotov took off his mask
April 6, 14:23


Yesterday marked 10 years since Valery Bolotov took off his mask and called for the occupation of administrative buildings in Lugansk.
Today marks the 10th anniversary of the occupation of the Lugansk SBU, which marked the beginning of the formation of the Lugansk People's Republic.

(Video at link.)

In Kharkov, 2 MLRS that fired at Belgorod were destroyed
April 6, 12:52


In Kharkov, during night strikes, 2 MLRS that were firing at Belgorod were caught and destroyed. One of them is the MLRS "Bureviy" - "Hurricane" on the chassis of the Czech Tatra + 1 "Vampire",



"Normandie-Niemen" is back in service
April 5, 20:36


French volunteers of the Northern Military District revived the Normandy-Niemen unit

A volunteer formation of French anti-fascists appeared in the ranks of the Russian Army fighting the Nazis. In memory of the heroic French squadron (which later became a fighter regiment), which fought as part of the Red Army against the Nazis, the unit chose the name “Normandie-Niemen”.

By the way, the day when the French volunteer detachment announced its existence to the world was not chosen by chance - 81 years ago, on April 5, 1943, French pilots began their combat journey on Russian soil.

Although the recreated Normandy-Niemen detachment is a ground formation, it includes a group of FPV drone operators who are already defeating the Nazis and keeping their combat tally of destroyed enemy equipment and militants.

The backbone of the unit was French volunteers fighting as part of the Russian Armed Forces. Some of them entered the fight against fascism back in 2014 in the militia, after the start of the Kyiv regime’s aggression against the LDPR.

This was exactly the combat path of the unit’s fighter Sergei Munier, a French citizen and former soldier of the French Armed Forces, who came to Donbass in 2014 to defend the people’s republics and the choice of their inhabitants.

Munier was one of the initiators of bringing all French (foreign) volunteers into one unit, which became the Normandy-Niemen detachment. For French patriots, who are all the fighters of the detachment, this is important, because their personal war against fascism saves the honor of the French people, who now no one can accuse of indifference.


In addition, “Normandie-Niemen” becomes a moral beacon for those Europeans and Americans who are ready to fight for the liberation of their countries from global Nazi tyranny.

Sergei Munier, who voiced the appeal of the Normandy-Niemen fighters, directly indicated that they took up arms not only to protect the Russian population of Donbass and Novorossiya, but also to liberate France and Europe in order to protect their traditional values ​​and great past.

Here we can remember that the French, as part of the Russian army, fought for the freedom of their homeland not only during the Great Patriotic War. After, as a result of the rebellion of the atheists of the late 18th century (“the Great French Revolution,” as official historiography calls it), the legitimate government was overthrown in France and persecution of royalists and Christians began, many Frenchmen emigrated to Russia, which was already considered a stronghold Christianity, tradition, law and justice. These refugees in 1812 stood up to defend the country that sheltered them, and then in 1814, as part of the Russian army, they took part in the liberation of Europe and their homeland.

History has preserved the names of French heroes - Russian generals Langeron, Lambert, Saint-Prix, Bellegarde, de Damas, Delagarde, Dolon and Roth. Now you can’t say how many Frenchmen the Russian officers and soldiers dressed in uniforms for the liberation of their homeland from usurpers and atheists. But there were a lot of them.

Sergei Munier touched upon the plans of the French puppet Macron to send French military personnel to Ukraine to support the Nazi regime. He recalled that this had already happened in history, when the French, deceived by Hitler’s vassal Pétain, died for Hitler, and their names were cursed and forgotten in their liberated homeland, unlike the heroes of the Resistance, the Free French and the Normandie-Niemen regiment.

Russia, having challenged the global dictatorship of the atheists, Nazis and perverts, is once again becoming the hope of all humanity, the point of crystallization of all the healthy forces of the planet.

There is no doubt that the example of the French will be picked up by volunteers of other nationalities, and in the ranks of the Russian army, other volunteer units will appear, fighting not only for the sovereignty and security of Russia, but also for the freedom and dignity of their countries. - zinc - video with an appeal from French volunteers

(So what's your problem with 'atheists', asshole?)

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Ukraine’s Drone Strikes Against Russian Oil Refineries Complicate Biden’s Re-Election Bid


APR 06, 2024

Zelensky’s decision to hold Biden’s re-election bid hostage by threatening to unleash a massive economic crisis as revenge for the Congressional deadlock on Ukraine aid might be his downfall. He’s not only biting the hand that feeds his regime on the taxpayers’ dime but also threatening the US’ objective national interests.

CNN published a detailed piece on Tuesday about how “Ukraine’s AI-enabled drones are trying to disrupt Russia’s energy industry. So far, it’s working”. Although an unnamed source close to the program told them that “The flights are determined in advance with our allies, and the aircraft follow the flight plan to enable us to strike targets with meters of precision”, there are reasons to believe that the US is against these sorts of attacks. Not least among them is what CNN itself reported in that same piece.

According to them, “Ukrainian strikes on refineries have caused global oil prices to rise, with Brent crude up nearly 13% this year, leaving politicians in the United States worried about their potential economic impact in an important election year.” They also cited an expert who claimed, “That was the deal with Ukraine: We will give you money, we will give you weapons, but stay away from the export facility, stay away from Russian energy, because we don’t want a massive energy crisis.”

That individual added in reference to the Congressional deadlock on Ukraine aid that “If they’re not getting the weapons and money that they were promised, what is their incentive to abide by that deal with Washington?” This aligns with what Zelensky himself hinted in an interview with the Washington Post late last month when he revealed that “The reaction of the US was not positive on [us attacking Russian oil refineries]…(but) We used our drones. Nobody can say to us you can’t.”

Secretary of State Blinken echoed that sentiment in a joint press conference with his French counterpart on Tuesday when he said in response to a question about these oil refinery strikes that “we have neither supported nor enabled strikes by Ukraine outside of its territory.” He was asked about this after a Ukrainian drone strike targeted Russia’s third-largest refinery in the Republic of Tatarstan, which is located in the country’s heartland a full 800 miles away from the front lines.

When reflecting on Blinken’s statement, CNN’s report, and Zelensky’s earlier words, it certainly appears to be the case that the US doesn’t want Ukraine striking Russian oil refineries out of fear that the massive energy crisis that this could catalyze would capsize Biden’s re-election bid. If that’s indeed its position, then it raises the question of which allies are determining the flight paths of these drones and why Zelensky would risk Trump returning to power when he’s much less pro-Ukrainian than Biden is.

It might very well be the case that there are divisions emerging within NATO over these strikes exactly as RT editorialized when drawing attention to how Blinken’s French counterpart seemed to support the latest attacks in his response to the question that they were asked during Tuesday’s press conference. France might therefore be providing this sort of assistance, which could also be complemented by the UK’s and other countries’ complementary contributions, whether on their own or as part of a joint effort.

As for why Zelensky would want to rankle Biden and risk Trump’s return, he might have a “god complex” after being promoted so heavily as a Churchillian leader over the past two years, which could have become part of his identity despite the media souring on him since last summer. In his mind, Biden will do his bidding in somehow getting the Republicans to approve more Ukraine aid under pain of him unleashing a massive energy crisis by taking out more of Russia’s refining and export capabilities.

Biden would have already gotten the Republicans to do this if he was able to so it’s delusional for Zelensky to imagine that holding his re-election bid hostage will make a positive difference. If anything, wider awareness his thuggish tactics among the Republicans could further solidify their resistance to approving more Ukraine aid since Zelensky isn’t just holding Biden’s re-election bid hostage, but the entire American economy as well and therefore also threatening the US’ objective national interests.

Should he authorize a series of strikes that catalyzes the massive energy crisis that the Biden Administration fears, then the most hawkish anti-Russian deep state faction that’s responsible for artificially perpetuating this conflict might lose the influence that it exerts over policymakers. Their comparatively less hawkish rivals could replace their dominant role in that scenario and possibly convince the Biden Administration to finally agree to a pragmatic compromise for ending the conflict.

Zelensky’s decision to hold Biden’s re-election bid hostage by threatening to unleash a massive economic crisis as revenge for the Congressional deadlock on Ukraine aid might be his downfall. He’s not only biting the hand that feeds his regime on the taxpayers’ dime but also threatening the US’ objective national interests. The desperation that his forces feel on the battlefield is driving him to “go rogue”, but his patrons might soon tire of this and decide to replace him after his term expires on 21 May. ... st-russian
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:40 pm

The inheritance of Serhii Filimonov
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/07/2024


In two articles, presents the phases of access to political-military power, through the political-civil heritage of the Azov movement in kyiv and Da Vinci's The Wolves, by Serhii Filimonov. Lieutenant in the Ukrainian armed forces, he is one of the emerging figures among the new Ukrainian nationalism.

Part 1: The Azov Inheritance
Filimonov, Azov and the Gonor civil group

Serhii Filimonov, Filya , was born on September 20, 1994 into a family with Russian ethnolinguistic roots. In an interview with he spoke about these roots and in particular about his father: “ My father is from Russia. And he was a well-convinced Muscovite, a katsap ,” he pointed out before mentioning his will to rebel against his paternal theses.

Like many other young Ukrainian nationalists, his arrival in politics occurred through sports. In addition to his love for wrestling, from 2010 Filya became an active member of the Kiev Dynamo ultras and one of the leaders of one of its branches, Родичі , an aspect that contributes to his direct participation in the Maidan actions.

According to statements to , Filimonov participated in the events of December 1, 2013 in which a group of extremists, including ultras from Dnipro and Dynamo Kiev, tried to storm the presidential headquarters in Bankova. He was also part of the group that, after clashes with the police, tried - then unsuccessfully - to destroy the monument to Lenin on the central Taras Shevchenko Boulevard in kyiv.

Filya would have more success on December 8, the afternoon on which they managed to tear down the statue of the communist leader. Filimonov had been part of the group that, hours before, captured the House of Trade Unions on Maidan Square. The militants settled there and turned the union headquarters into their makeshift headquarters before attacking the Lenin monument. Filimonov, however, did not directly participate in the most serious events, those of February 18 to 22, around the Canadian embassy. But, together with his friend Igor Malyar, he did directly contribute to the repression of the Anti-Maidan actions. Asked by the journalist if they did what they knew, beating people, Filya answers: “ Yes, we did not let the titushki [pejorative term for Ukrainian militants considered pro-Russian ] reach the Antimaidan. We beat the titushki. Much and often ”.

One of Filimonov's main motivations in these events was to prevent the approval of a series of laws against the ultras of football teams, including access to stadiums with identification, although his radical-nationalist creed was already established. Filya mentions to , for example, one of the slogans of the Dinamo ultras in Maidan: “ Thank you to the people of Donbass for the subnormal president .” According to the future political-military leader, they soon believed they understood that either Maidan triumphed or they would end up in prison or “ in a worse situation .”

After his participation in the events of Maidan, he joined the volunteer movement that the new State of Ukraine promotes to apply its counterinsurgency policy in the east. As of May 20, 2014, he participates in Ukrainian police and military actions in the Donbass, joining the Azov Battalion. According to sources, during the half-year relationship with Azov, he participated in the capture of Mariupol and Marinka, as well as in the battles near Granitnoe and in Ilovaisk where he was wounded. The neo-Nazi Totenkopf tattooed on his right leg might suggest some identification with the aesthetics of the original Borodach Division of the Azov.

However, Filimonov leaves the Azov battalion before the offensive to take Shirokino: “ I respect all those who stayed to fight, but the constant truces and retreats from the front are not my story. “I am satisfied with defending a territory, liberating a city or killing an enemy, but I do not enjoy the service itself ,” he told

So, at the beginning of 2015, Filya and his people abandon military affairs to switch to “ civil action .” In his interview with he points out that “ Other volunteers and I came up with the idea of ​​creating an organization that would reintegrate veterans into a peaceful life. And I began to deal with the creation of the Azov Civil Corps, a public organization based on the Azov regiment . In 2015, one of his first actions would consist of promoting Ukrainian public action to impose the Crimean Blockade.

In parallel, supported by his friend Nazar Kravchenko, one of the main promoters of the political organization, Filimonov also joined the National Corpus of Azov. Filya comes to assume the leadership of Andriy Biletsky's political movement in the Kiev region. It is within this framework that Filimonov's militant movement: Gonor (Honor) is consolidated in the kyiv region.

Over time, Gonor's action progressively became independent of the National Corpus until reaching the final break with Biletsky's group between the last months of 2018 and the first of 2019. The reasons must be sought in the conflicts of power and of interests within the National Corpus, in particular in the fight with Sergei Korotkikh ( Botsman ), a neo-Nazi of Russian origin then linked to the Azov movement, for control of the group's civil actions, particularly in the framework of the conflict over the reservation native of Protasiv Yar.


Although it is not only an internal personal conflict, but also a political rebellion against the already old leaders of the Ukrainian nationalist volunteer movement, in particular against Biletsky. In search of new leadership, Filimonov turns his sights to the new Ukrainian nationalist hero of Odessa, the former Praviy Sektor militant, Serhiy Sternenko, of whom Gonor will become a kind of praetorian guard. To a large extent, in the political dimension, Filya 's group is emerging at this time as a support group for Sternenko.

These positions accentuate the group's confrontation with the Ukrainian establishment , in particular with Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko and Anton Avakov, Minister of the Interior and support of all post-2014 volunteer punitive battalions, including Azov. The demand for Avakov's resignation, taking advantage of any useful pretext, becomes one of Gonor's main battlehorses.

The break with Biletsky's group would reach its highest levels starting in 2020, with episodes of great violence. A first act is the one that takes place in the meeting on May 7 of that year in which Biletsky summons his former comrades Nazar Kravchenko, Serhiy Filimonov and Igor Malyar to address the conflict, a meeting to which the two parties come armed. . According to Filimonov's version, they suffer all kinds of threats and blows from around thirty followers of Biletsky whom he " respected until then as a commander and considered my friend ." In his statements to Radio Svoboda , Filimonov said he left the meeting “ not as a victim, but disappointed .”

Regarding the reason for the conflict, the ultimate cause of the incident lies, according to Filya, in Biletsky's desire to " monopolize the nationalist movement " and to control the entire environment of the former Azov participants, preventing the consolidation of political alternatives to Corpus Christi. National. According to Filimonov, “ Biletsky dreams of becoming the father of the nation and does not need competitors. He has a weak point: he reads absolutely all the comments on social networks, counts all the likes. There are few views and likes on his pages. And here is a certain Sternenko, to whom everyone refers, to whom everyone watches, to whom everyone loves. Of course, this is a very painful story for him, I think he is on IVs because of it .” Within that "everyone" was not included, for example, the population of Odessa, where he was never particularly appreciated, as can be seen in the scant follow-up of his actions in the city when he was, in theory, the main nationalist leader in the city. zone.

According to Biletsky, however, the conversation did not focus on politics, but on values ​​related to military honor and that of veterans , with criticism of the unequal treatment of nationalists persecuted by the police or judicially that characterized Sternenko's followers.

After the violent incident, on May 18, the conflict is accentuated with the publication by of compromising information in which, in fact, Nazar Kravchenko accuses his former colleagues of the National Corpus, among them Biletsky and Botsman, of practices of embezzlement and illegal financing, practices in which Kravchenko himself claims to have participated.

The conflict represents a serious crisis in the Azov movement in kyiv, with attacks by Gonor on the central core of power of the National Corpus: the leader Biletsky, the financier Botsman and the final political weight, the Minister of the Interior Arsen Avakov. An example of these attacks is the call of ultranationalist forces on June 5, 2020 to ask for Avakov's resignation, in which Filimonov indirectly accuses the absent parties, thanking the participating organizations: “Thank you «Svoboda» , Praviy Sektor and veterans of the war in the east, because today we were all together! ”.

In the “ideological” dimension, the distancing culminates with the complaint against Gonor by one of the top ideologues of the National Corpus, Mikola Kravchenko, published on January 8, 2022 on . In it, Kravchenko implicitly accuses Filimonov's group of being “ far-right apostates ” and of “selling” their “street power” image to foreign far-left foundations for their own purposes. According to Kravchenko: “ Gonor is perhaps the most vivid example of this left path of former rightists. The management scholarships of Soros institutions, commissioned articles in the media, constant statements to the police and an Afghan lawyer for some reason do not cancel the "street" image of this office in the media. However, today only foreign subsidy funds believe in this "street smarts." Contact with structures of this type has long been unacceptable for any right-winger .”


That same day, using a photo of Avakov and Biletsky, Filimonov reiterated that the abandonment of the Azov movement was linked to Botsman's interference in their civil actions, in particular regarding the protection of the Protasiv Yar park, and that their conflict with Biletsky it was due to “ that he could not bear our support for Sternenko .” As a novelty, he denounced a series of personal attacks, typical of terrorist or gangster actions, by a member of the Azov movement, probably Botsman. “ We know how to fight the bandits, but let them not call themselves “politicians” and “nationalists ,” Filimonov declared at the time.

Filimonov also challenged Biletsky to have a “ man's conversation ” and was willing to organize both the ring and the notice to journalists interested in the event. The physical and material attacks against members of Gonor, which had continued since mid-2021, would continue at least until January 25, 2022.

A few months after the start of the full-scale war with Russia, Filimonov emerges politically victorious from the conflict. Biletsky's political movement appears weakened, unlike Gonor; Botsman is left out of the National Corpus and Azov (the war begins in 2022 trying to consolidate his own military battalion that will end up subordinated to the intelligence services), and Avakov is finally dismissed in July 2021 from his position as Minister of the Interior of Ukraine.


Confident of his new strength, on January 21, 2022, Filimonov allows himself to write in reference to the National Corpus: “ Let us imagine the level of decline of the organization in seven years: from the most promising nationalist movement to the hordes of promoters of park areas in Kiev; from the ambitious goal of uniting all nationalists to the insidious pursuit of former comrades for money. There is probably no other person in the country, except Biletsky, who would have spent all the credit of trust given to him by the Ukrainians on the exploits of others so ineptly and quickly .

In any case, from his time in Azov, in addition to the men of Gonor, Filimonov will retain both the type of neo-pagan practice and aesthetics. In his interview with he points out for example: “ Whoever is interested knows that “Gonor” is from pagans. And many of the symbols that may scare people actually have something to do with our religion .”

Gonor's action and Filimonov's ideology

In their confrontation with the nationalist old guard embodied by the Azov movement, Filimonov and his group contribute some new elements to the Ukrainian radical and ultranationalist space. And it is precisely in his ability to ensure final control of the most radical militancy linked to the Azov street action, that embodied by Gonor, in which Filimonov ends up triumphing in the period prior to the war with Russia.

Since the middle of the last decade, Filya has become one of the most developed examples of the new style of Ukrainian ultranationalist militant, permanently involved in conflicts, related to the defense of his political causes, but also to the prevention of urban destruction. (illegal constructions, “ecological” actions in defense of natural spaces deserving of special protection, preservation of historical buildings, etc.), complaints of institutional or social abuses or activism in favor of animal rights. Gonor develops a populist action that tries to combine his nationalism with a complementary action typical of a civil society defense group against oligarchs and local clans.

This civil action, which some will improperly point out as leftist, is complemented by the traditional actions of the Ukrainian extreme right against all opposition to the ideas and values ​​of the new nationalist regime. Anti-Russian action will continue to be Gonor's essential feature. Filimonov founded Gonor precisely with the intention of fighting, in his own words in June 2019, “ against the demonstrations of separatism in Kiev and other cities. Now we all see a situation in which the so-called “bata”, declared supporters of the “Russian world”, open separatists and collaborators, are trying to raise their heads in the hope of revenge . Included in this separatism is any position that, without necessarily being pro-Russian, is not openly contrary to Russia.

It is a reference to figures in Ukrainian politics prior to February 2022, such as Portnov (who represented the widow of the man who died at the hands of Sternenko in the middle of the street in Odessa), Novinski, Vilkul or Medvedchuk, whom Filimonov did not see as citizens of Ukraine but as his enemies and against whom he demanded decisive actions from the Ukrainian authorities: “ For my part, I have always done and will do everything possible to make it impossible for these people to be in our Ukraine, ” he then maintained before concluding: “ I hope the government will now prove that it is Ukrainian .” “Ukrainian”, in Filimonov's definition, and increasingly in the official state definition, must be understood as “anti-Russian”.


The nationalist and deeply authoritarian action against this presence of the “ friends ” of the Russian world, against what is called their “revenge”, linked according to Filimonov with the treatment given to the Russian language or with “ the growing increase in tolerance towards enemies of Ukraine, towards the attempts of the “Russian world” to raise its head ”, seemed to him the main political illness of Ukraine even though it was non-existent. Post-Maidan Ukraine, in part allowing and encouraging the actions of groups such as Azov, Gonor or Praviy Sektor, has ensured that that part of Ukrainian society that was not anti-Russian could not form a political option with the possibility of participating in a minimally normal in national or even regional politics.

The accusation that a large part of the Ukrainian television space belonged to pro-Russian oligarchs constitutes sufficient reason for harsh actions against these media, including demonstrations calling for the revocation of licenses, but also direct action measures. Among these pro-Russian oligarchs was, for example, Rinat Akhmetov, who positioned himself in favor of Ukraine since the spring of 2014.

In addition to attacks on media outlets considered pro-Russian , Filimonov and his group engage in more ideological actions such as the demolition of former Soviet movements, such as the October 2021 Poltava attack, as well as the repression of political opposition. An example is the action on February 24, 2021 against the group of Anatoly Sharii, another media figure who, due to his opposition to the extreme right and nationalism, has been falsely defined as pro-Russian. That day, a group of Gonor breaks into the meeting room of Kramatorsk City Hall and gets into a fight with representatives of Sharii's group. In a more general dimension, Gonor would also stand out in this period for his intention to prevent the registration of pro-Russian candidates for the Ukrainian Rada.

The will to combat “ the pro-Russian scum ” and to place the Russian language out of the public space (“ My position is one country, one language! ” Filya pointed out in April 2019) is, therefore, the reason for be the last of the fight of Gonor and its leader.

In short, Filimonov, as he points out in his interview with, is nothing more than another Ukrainian nationalist of those who dominate modern Ukraine, one of those who do not need to innovate ideologically and for whom it is enough to follow the main references of nationalism. Ukrainian youth, the OUN and the UPA. It is a form of fully normalized authoritarian nationalism, typical of those who believe they have “ absolutely non-radical opinions ”, as for example regarding the LGBTI issue: “ They call us leftists because we are friends of Sternenko and because we do not oppose gay parades …I don't see any problem with the existence of LGBT people or their actions. They are part of civil society, they have the right to protest, they have the right to raise issues that are important to them .” “ “You are for LGTB” or “you are against LGTB” is politics, people are fighting among themselves, they are dividing on something. I'm not interested in this. This issue is divisive and harms the country in its current situation .”

Filimonov, in short, does not deceive and assumes what he considers fundamental: “ I am a Ukrainian nationalist” , which basically implies the duty and the right to oppose everything Russian, including that part of Ukraine that is not fanatically nationalist. “ For me, the most important thing in the people is the question of defining Ukraine-Russia .” “ I can't imagine now that he would hit a person for other points of view. If this is not the fundamental story of Ukraine-Russia. And if they attack me for being a nationalist, then this is nothing more than cotton [Russians who are legitimate to attack].” “ Attacking people because they are of another nationality is nonsense. Although if he is a Russian… A Russian is a story, but if he is a cotton farmer, then you can already argue here .” It is the same logic with which Ukraine has been attacking and insulting the population of Donbass for ten years.


Regarding the methods of struggle, in his statements to at the end of 2019, Filimonov points out that he does not believe in violent protest as the most effective, pointing out non-violent protest as the most successful. But he believes in the right to use violence in certain exceptional cases: “ against the Russians, “cotton” [Russian] propaganda, separatism, etc. ” or, more briefly, “ the terrorists .” Remembering, in 2020, the events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa, the leader of Gonor gives free rein to his deep feelings and says: “ Happy holidays to all Ukrainians! It is a shame that such a shashlik was not prepared in Donetsk .”

In this way, predisposed to take justice into their own hands, always open to provocation, and convinced of their right to use - if they consider it necessary - coercion and street violence to achieve their objectives, Gonor finds itself permanently submerged from 2015, even in nationalist Ukraine, in conflicts with law enforcement, local entities they dislike, and political leadership, including that of the pre-2022 Zelensky. It is a type of militant action that turns group members into visitors regulars on the benches of Ukrainian justice.

But as is often the case with those who have sufficient support, it is a form of political intervention that never entails major problems, either due to the convenient lack of appearance of witnesses, due to the pressure of mobilization before the courts or due to effective action. of lawyers from competent entities and with relevant links to nationalist institutions, in the style of Nasi Nayyem: at most some provisional house arrest. As in the Sternenko case, the security of having sufficient means of protection largely explains the success of Filimonov's line of professional agitator before the events of 2022.

This collusion with sectors of power is also what supports the most ambitious (and perhaps also most grotesque) part of Gonor's claims, particularly in its attempt to create, in November 2019, the Street Protest Academy. An Academy whose function would be to transfer the skills acquired in the organization of street actions and make “ the power of democracy ” a reality in the streets in the face of State repression, although more clearly as an internal recruitment mechanism and, as I would say more naively Igor Malyar, as a way to consolidate ourselves as “ specialists in this business ” of street protest. The precedents of the use of the extreme right against opposition populations both in Odessa, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donbass, in this case through heavily armed volunteer battalions, is an indication of the intentions and methods of this type of initiative.


In this phase of Gonor's history, we observe, precisely, an extension of the group's "tourist" trips, with the participation of Filimonov and part of his group, in particular Igor Malyar, in the anti-Chinese revolts in Hong Kong or in the conflict with the yellow vests in France.

The final phase of the conflict with Biletsky and the Russian invasion of Ukraine close Gonor's intention to deepen their vocation as direct action professionals. But the war opens another much more effective framework, that of access to weapons and a part of the control of military power. For Filomonov, Gonor will constitute the necessary power base when the war in Ukraine is relaunched in 2022. ... filimonov/

Google Translator


From Cassad's Telegram account:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of April 7, 2024) The main thing:

the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 370 military personnel and a tank in the Donetsk direction in one day;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction repelled 2 counterattacks during the day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 30 people;

— The Russian Armed Forces in the Kherson direction within 24 hours hit the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Rabotin, Mirny in Zaporozhye, near Novotyaginka and Ivanovka in the Kherson region;

— The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 135 military personnel and a tank in one day in the South Donetsk direction;

— The Russian Armed Forces destroyed 2 launchers of the S-300 air defense system and the P-18 air target detection and tracking radar;

— In the Donetsk direction, units of the “Southern” group of forces defeated the formations of the 93rd mechanized, 17th tank brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as well as the 5th brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Krasnoe, Kleshcheevka, Andreevka of the Donetsk People’s Republic and occupied more advantageous positions . The Ukrainian Armed Forces lost up to 370 military personnel, a tank and 13 vehicles.

— In the Avdeevsky direction , units of the “Center” group of troops defeated the enemy and improved the situation along the front line.
The enemy lost up to 375 military personnel, two infantry fighting vehicles, three armored combat vehicles, 11 vehicles, a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer and a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount . During the day,

▫️In the South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok group of troops through active actions improved the tactical situation and defeated the formations of the 31st Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine and the 128th Terrorist Defense Brigade in the areas of the settlements of Nikolskoye and Staromayorskoye of the Donetsk People's Republic. A counterattack by the assault group of the 58th motorized infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area of ​​the village of Urozhaynoye, Donetsk People's Republic, was

also repelled. Enemy losses amounted to up to 135 military personnel, a tank , six vehicles and a US-made 155-mm M777 howitzer . In addition, the Ukrainian Armed Forces ' ammunition depot was destroyed .

▫️ In the Kherson direction, units of the Dnepr group of troops inflicted fire on concentrations of manpower of the 28th, 65th mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 126th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of Rabotino, Mirnoye, Zaporozhye region, Novotyaginka and Ivanovka, Kherson region.

The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to over 25 military personnel and three vehicles.

During the counter-battery fight , two 155-mm M777 howitzers made in the USA, a 122-mm Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount , and two 122-mm D-30 howitzers were hit .

▫️Operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation destroyed a warehouse with unmanned boats transferred to Ukraine by NATO countries , two launchers of the S-300 anti-aircraft missile system , a radar station for detecting and tracking air targets P-18, and also caused a defeat manpower and military equipment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 107 districts. During the day,

air defense systems shot down 293 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles and four rockets from the HIMARS and Uragan multiple launch rocket systems .

▫️ In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed : 583 aircraft, 270 helicopters, 19,390 unmanned aerial vehicles, 499 anti-aircraft missile systems, 15,709 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,266 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 8,715 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 20,740 units of special military vehicles.

Google Translator


Ukraine Weekly Update
5th April 2024

APR 06, 2024

Leave it go FFS - it’s not our fault its put on weight!


You Did It! Russia Accuses Ukraine for Crocus
At the end of the memorial liturgy, the archbishop laid a wreath of white flowers depicting an eight-pointed cross on behalf of the Russian Patriarch. - Sputnik International

At the end of the memorial liturgy, the archbishop laid a wreath of white flowers depicting an eight-pointed cross on behalf of the Russian Patriarch.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has officially accused Ukrainian officials of being involved in the Crocus terror attacks claiming that its investigations

revealed connections to Ukraine (wish they could have said more). The Foreign Ministry statement announced: “Russia has sent a demand to the Ukrainian authorities for the arrest and extradition of all those involved’’. A demand for the arrest of SBU head Malyuk was also made and Russia insisted that Ukraine desist from any involvement in terrorist activities and compensate the victims arising from this involvement.

This response from the Russians is worthy of reflection and analysis - and I am sure that many of the ‘experts’ will fulfil any desire out there for a detailed examination. But forgive me for nibbling at it a little. Who is this response aimed at, I wonder? And what is it saying to Russia’s opponents in this drama? Could it be directed at the realists among the Ukrainian ruling elite, perhaps? Is Putin saying: ‘we will hold you to account when we take over - so get rid of them’ (i.e. the Nazis). Is Putin attempting to take advantage of the obvious divisions within the Ukrainian administration? Probably. But how his statement appeals to the Ukrainian people is less clear - though most of the Ukrainian people will not have heard it. Putin could be telling the West that it will be held accountable for involvement in terrorist activities by an emerging Multi-Polar World Order in which it has to settle for being just one among equals. It seems that the world could be headed in that direction.

With regard to the Russian accusations, someone on Ukrainian channel legitimniy said:

This is a bad sign, which clearly shows how Russia is step by step trying to discredit Kyiv in the international arena. The second option is to create a reason for a future declaration of war or increase the stakes in the Ukrainian crisis.

Russian Offensive? (Ukrainian Sources)


Some Ukrainian sources (e.g. legitimniy) are suggesting that the Russians could launch an offensive at any time but this would risk generating support for the $61 billions Sleepy Joe wishes to donate. They suspect that perhaps the Russians will continue to move slowly forward on the fronts while gradually dismantling the energy infrastructure and forcing people to leave the country before they launch a blitzkrieg in the winter - following the US elections.

These Ukrainians are aware that the link between the Crocus terrorists and Ukrainian nationalists could prompt the Russians to increase the tempo. They are not convinced by Commander Syrsky’s claim that the Russians, while outnumbering the Ukrainians by a factor of 6-1 in manpower and artillery, are still suffering horrendous casualties at the hands of their opponents - according to legitimniy.

The once great Z himself has said that without Western aid the armed forces will be obliged to retreat slowly, ‘step by step’ due to missile shortages.

According to Pravda, the Ukrainians are busy building defences in Kharkov in anticipation of an attack and there is evidence of civilians fleeing the city - including this footage.

De-Energisation - A Winning Strategy?

The increased intensity of the Russian air war during the past week or so has concentrated on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure - especially the electric grid and gas transmission/distribution. Many have wondered why they have not done so before now - but I’m not going to speculate about that. However, Russian Journalist Yury Podolyaca believes that the Russians have decided to eliminate their opponent by destroying its energy infrastructure - without which, it can’t fight a war. This would be a humane way to end a war if only it were possible.

He also argues that the Ukrainian authorities, very much aware of this, could manipulate the concept of ‘victory’ through propaganda so that it will be perceived by the people to mean ‘sovereignty’. For Ukrainians threatened with Russian occupation this could be appealing, even if Ukraine is reduced somewhat in size as part of the deal. But the Ukrainian people will also be persuaded that the country is committed in the long term to reclaiming the lost territories, according to Podolyak. It’s all mythology of course but Ukraine is now in survival mode even if most Ukrainians are blissfully unaware - so any regime that wishes to be part of some sort of future for what’s left of the country will need mythology. Given the ‘showbizz’ background of many in the regime, I’m sure they will revel in this endeavour. (See report of Russian Missile/Drone attacks 31st March below).


150,000 Russians to be Conscripted
President Putin has announced that 150,000 Russians (aged between 18 and 30) will be conscripted from April 1st until July 16th while many of those who have completed their conscription period will be dismissed.

Odessa Is Russian
When interviewed by Ukrainian TV, this brave, elderly lady risked imprisonment for saying that Odessa is a Russian City, that she admires Putin and believes Ukraine should be united with Belarus and Russia. Wow!

Z No Longer Insisting On 1991 Boundaries
Zelensky changes stance on talks with Russia
I wrote this story for my last Update but could not find confirmation of the source article featured in Pravda. However, RT is now running with it so here we go. The once great Z has announced that Ukraine will not insist on a return to the 1991 borders as a precondition for negotiations. The bad news is that he still insists that the four oblasts (i.e. Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhye) that have voted to join the Russian Federation must be returned. But of course this will never happen because a considerable majority of the populations in each will not stand for it and would feel betrayed if this ever happened. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Perskov reminded Z that: ‘‘the geopolitical reality has changed dramatically since the beginning of the special military operation. The borders of both Ukraine and the Russian Federation have changed.” It is obvious that Z is not catching up with reality quickly enough: he’s a step behind again.

Zelenzky has sacked a number of long standing advisors including his close aide, Sergey Shefir - according to RT.

Ukraine Conscription Age Reduced
Zelensky has reduced the conscription age from 27 to 25, which will provide around 340,000 males eligible to be conscripted (figures vary). Leaked documents from a French Defence source claims that Ukraine needs 35,000 extra men per month but it uncertain whether Ukraine’s mobilization can achieve this.

Public Donations Down 75%
Donations to the military from the public in Ukraine are down 75% according to this Ukrainian channel. By the end of the year, these Ukrainians believe, there could be a massive shortage of money for the army.

Ukrainians Still Attacking ZNPP
Zaporozhye nuclear power plant - Sputnik International, 1920, 05.04.2024
It appears that the mad Ukrainians are still attacking the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, hitting the cargo area on this occasion. There was very little damage and a spokesman said that the attacks were unacceptable. I think he could have chosen a stronger term.


Russian Missile/Drone Attacks
Energy Crisis Ukraine


Russian attacks since March 22nd have focused on the Ukrainian electricity grid, power generation and gas storage/transmission. Towards this end, the Burshtynska and Ladyzhynska TPPs were badly damaged and cannot be restored. These were the largest power plants in Ukraine. It seems that the accuracy of Russian missile attacks has increased considerably since these plants were last attacked about a year ago.


According to Slavyangrad::

Ukraine is heading towards a truly definitive energy crisis. In both the eastern and western regions, thermal power plants are being systematically dismantled, with the main turbine and generator sections completely demolished. Furthermore, dams are starting to collapse from south to north. It is anticipated that all dams and thermal power plants will be decommissioned in the near future. This energy crisis will not only devastate the Ukrainian military industry through direct attacks but also exacerbate the situation due to the lack of energy. The possibility of NATO-supported in-house production and maintenance will also be eliminated as a consequence. As a result, the logistics infrastructure in the rear may struggle to keep up with events at the front lines.

Ukraine energy spokesman, Oleksiy Kucherenko noted that the Russians are also targeting the largest gas storage facilities which could cause the gas supply system to become ‘unbalanced and unable to operate in a stable mode’. The Mayor of Kharkov, Igor Terekhov, has stated that all critical energy infrastructure in Kharkov has been destroyed and 150,000 people are homeless. He added the following:

Russia destroyed all transformer substations and damaged thermal power plants. There was a blackout in Kharkov. It is impossible to quickly restore this capacity. They work, but are not fully restored. We had to end the heating season early to save money. The introduced blackout schedules are hourly.

29th/30th March Overnight

Overnight, electricity was turned off in the Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Poltava, Sumy and Kharkov regions, as well as in the parts of Zaporozhye and the DPR occupied by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Oil and gas concentrate storage facilities were destroyed by Geraniums in Poltava district and there were repeated strikes on energy facilities in Odessa and Dnepropetrovsk, according to Slavyangrad.

30th/31st March Overnight

The following Two Majors’ report lends support to the de-energisation strategy discussed above:

Last night, the RFAF launched another group attack on the enemy's power generation facilities. Explosions sounded in the Odessa region, after which there were power outages. Since March 22, 2024, several series of strikes have been carried out on power plants in Ukraine, the consequences of which the enemy now assesses as catastrophic. the restoration is comparable to new construction. Replacing transformers is not enough. The de-electrification of Ukraine is taking place throughout the territory of the former USSR, including the western regions. In addition to undermining the moral and psychological state of the population, the strikes are aimed at reducing the industrial production of the enemy, shackling its repair and restoration capabilities and minimising the operation of railway electric locomotives. In a number of regions, diesel locomotives are already being fixed where previously trains were powered by electricity.

31st March/1st April Overnight

According to Rybar:

Last night, Russian troops carried out further attacks on energy complex facilities in nine regions of Ukraine. A series of hits targeted the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Ternopil regions, leading to emergency shutdowns announced by Ukrenergo in the Odessa region.

1st/2nd April Overnight

According to The Two Majors:

At night, Geran UAVs hit enemy targets in KrivoyRog, Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye. FABs with UMPC once again hit targets in Kharkov and the Kharkov region.

3rd/4th April Overnight

Yesterday evening the Russians launched a massive attack on Kharkov with Geraniums. Lazovsky district to the south was also attacked. The targets included energy infrastructure, military-defense complex along with enemy forces and equipment.

Between March 31st and April 5th, the Russians carried out 39 missile strikes on Ukraine’s oil, gas and energy (electric) facilities - according to Sputnik.

Ukrainian Missile/Drone Attacks
1st/2nd April Overnight

According to World Pravda:

This morning Ukrainian drones attacked the city of Yelabuga and its surroundings in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Reports indicate that the Yelaz Oil Refinery and the territory of the special economic zone "Alabuga" outside the city, where "Shaheds" are allegedly being produced, were attacked.

There was no serious damage and only two people were injured.

4th/5th April Overnight


Ukraine launched a large drone attack on Russian airfields overnight. Morozovsk air field in Rostov was attacked with 44 drones which were all shot down causing minimal damage from debris. The airfield at Yeisk (near the Sea of Azov) was attacked with ten drones causing minimal damage and one drone failed to cause damage at Engels airfield. ... update-7c0

(Much more at link.)


On the role of foreigners in the attack on the Belgorod region
April 6, 18:24


On the role of foreigners in the attack on the Belgorod region

Specialists continue to inspect destroyed enemy units at positions near the state border in the Belgorod region. And of course, the found fragments of equipment, personal belongings, documents, weapons allow us to answer many questions.

Who is our enemy? Why was it necessary to start SVO? Who should we protect our children from?


The photo shows a liquidated militant of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry. Presumably this is one of the American mercenaries who participated in an attempt to break through the Russian state border near the village of Kozinka. But the VIDEO (you need to watch to the end) from the helmet-mounted cameras of the army of child killers and cowards is very eloquent. Our homes are being attacked by Russophobic scum from all over the world. The enemy tried to present his operation as attacks that were organized by the Vyrs, but in fact the neo-Vlasovites participated in the attacks as a screen, and the detachments were formed from GUR soldiers and professional mercenaries: Americans, Romanians, French. Now their bodies are being eaten by stray dogs.



(c) Poddubny

Watch the video from the camera taken from the corpse here

10 years ago the DPR was proclaimed
April 7, 12:30


10 years ago, on April 7, 2014, the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed in Donetsk.
A month later, this decision will be confirmed in a referendum. In 8 years, the DPR will become part of Russia.

(Videos at link.)

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Pepe Escobar

Apr 5, 2024 , 3:35 pm .

The war in Ukraine and Donbas is one of attrition between powers (Photo: Shutterstock)

Two months in Russia, including two trips to Donbas, allow me to offer a realistic appreciation of the proxy war between NATO and the Slavic country, based on numerous in-depth conversations with important actors, including commanders on the ground.

Russia is depopulating Ukraine of neo and crypto-Nazis of all stripes. That was one of the objectives of the Special Military Operation (OME) from the beginning, along with demilitarization.

The ultimate goal remains: what remains of Ukraine should be neutral, a non-NATO state.

This is NOT about taking control of the territory. Russia already has waaaay more land than it is capable of developing, an issue I discussed in some detail with people from several oblasts—I'm dying to go to Kamchatka, Altai, Buryatia, Yamal...—.

The Kremlin and the Russian Security Council have a clear strategy. Terrorism—against civilians and infrastructure—Will NOT derail them from strategy.

The United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union (Otanistan) and their Ucronazi puppets in kyiv are becoming more and more desperate with each passing second. HIS preferred strategy from now on is terror.

There are possibilities of another attack on the Crimean bridge, this was already stated by Kyrylo Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Not to mention against civilians in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Mr. 87% [President Vladimir Putin] has a popular mandate to do whatever he needs. Depending on the terrorist escalation, the retaliation could be extraordinary and reach infernal levels. Or not.

The British will continue to be obsessed with flooding as many ships as possible in the Black Sea with drones and cruise missiles. Target information comes from US and UK spy planes based in Romania. Russia is not "neutralizing" them... yet.

Drones, missiles and Himars rockets are demolishing refineries inside Russia; decimating the Black Sea fleet; and constantly eliminating combat vehicles. NATO does have a technological advantage over Russia in some important fields, and that is why the proxy war is continually prolonged.

And it will continue to extend. Because Russia still doesn't have everything it takes to wear down the Americans and NATO. The only certainty is that there will be more asymmetric warfare “surprises” in store.

The CIA and MI6 will continue to plot their terrorist architecture through all kinds of proxies , and not only via the Islamic State of Greater Khorasan.

There is no indication that Moscow will retaliate directly. Because this would mean an open and hot war between Russia and NATO.

All of the above explains the current – ​​and declaredly exasperating – Russian strategy. A meat grinder along the front. Minimal Russian casualties. Detailed goals to eliminate virtually all of Ukraine's electrical infrastructure.

Still, demilitarization—no doubt in progress—will eventually have to reach the stage of regime decapitation.

And the corollary will be inevitable: unconditional surrender. There is simply no other possible scenario for Moscow.

At the end of the game, Russia will not ask for "negotiations."

The crux of the matter was laid out in the December 2021 draft on the "indivisibility of security," which Americans barely read and certainly did not understand.

The Bear can wait. It's all there. It will be up to the Hegemon to ultimately decide whether to sit at the table. Before being totally humiliated, sooner or later, with or without terror, on the dark soil of Novorossiya . ... ra-estamos

Google Translator


Ukraine - Faking News Still Does Not Help Winning

I find it amusing how little western media have learned from their own reporting on the war in Ukraine.

Two years ago a mystic 'Ghost of Kiev' was allegedly shooting down Russian aircraft left and right. The ghost turned out to be a fake character. The Ukrainian air force had never had such successes.

Two years on it is still the same story. The Ukrainian government claims something and western media print it as if it had really happened.

When the claim is debunked, often sooner than later, its simply vanishes from the headlines.

Yesterday we had this media wave:

Russian planes ‘destroyed’ in major attack on Morozovsk airfield - Telegraph
Ukraine drones destroy six Russian warplanes in one of its biggest attacks of war - The i
Ukraine claims it destroyed Russian warplanes in one of its biggest drone attacks of the war - AP
Russia-Ukraine war live: 20 members of Russian airfield personnel killed or injured in drone attack, Kyiv says - Guardian
Ukraine war latest: Ukraine strikes airfields in Russia, destroying or damaging 19 warplanes, sources say - Kyiv Independent
OVERNIGHT ONSLAUGHT Ukraine launches massive drone attack destroying six planes & killing 20 Russian troops as ’60 explosions’ rock airbase - The Sun

The Russia side confirmed the attacks but denied any significant damage:

Rybar Force @rybar_force - 9:58 UTC · Apr 5, 2024
During the night, the AFU launched drones into Russian territory.
🔻The primary target was the Morozovsk airfield in the Rostov region, where Ukrainian forces dispatched 44 drones. The exact type remains unknown and will be determined upon analyzing the debris. However, there is a high likelihood that these are the same UAVs that the enemy has been utilizing in recent weeks.

Out of these, 26 drones were intercepted by Pantsir-S1 air defense missile systems, and 18 by rifle squads. Based on the videos circulating online, it is evident that the drones were flying at an extremely low altitude, enhancing the level of stealth.

There was no significant damage to the infrastructure. The debris hit a few buildings. Additionally, the substation suffered damage, resulting in a temporary power outage.
❗️ Thanks to the swift response of the air defense crews, any severe repercussions from the attacks were averted - claims from Ukrainian sources about the alleged destruction of six aircraft are fakes coming from enemy propagandists.

The Russia claim of no significant damage has been confirmed by the anti-Russian Institute for the Study of War:

ISW has yet to find any visual evidence that Ukrainian forces have damaged or destroyed aircraft or infrastructure at any of the four Russian airbases targeted by drones on the night of 4-5 April.

Such news cycles of fake claims of alleged Ukrainian successes are a major reason why some in the western public still believe that the Ukraine can win the war.

That is however not the case. The situation requires a change of attitude:

Instead of a new approach, the old pattern continues: NATO mulls over how to help Ukraine without provoking open war with Russia and fails, in the end, to deliver the kind of decisive assistance needed to turn the course of the war.

Another established pattern is the repetition of moralistic binary language. The West “cannot let Russia win.” The “rules-based order” could unravel. Then there is the new domino theory: if Ukraine falls, Russian hordes will flood further west. The personalization of the conflict onto one evil man, Vladimir Putin, continues with the death of Alexei Navalny. It is a Manichean struggle of good and evil, democracy and authoritarianism, civilization and darkness. There can be “no peace until the tyrant falls.” The Western alliance must not waver in its commitment to Ukraine.
The lack of realism in Western discourse is clear. There is indeed a serious risk that, rather than the West teaching Russia a lesson and putting Putin in his place, the opposite may occur. Is Russia, in fact, educating the West on what it means to use hard power and wage interstate conflict in twenty-first-century conditions? Russia advertises its version of great power sovereignty, in which a united, resilient, and unwavering state can defeat the pooled sovereignty of the EU and NATO.

We have all heard the objection that Putin simply cannot be trusted and that he wants nothing less than the complete elimination of Ukraine as an independent state. Yet, does not the blind continuation of the West’s dysfunctional Plan A also threaten the total physical destruction of Ukraine? It is for this reason that Pope Francis has called on Western leaders not to be “ashamed to negotiate before things get worse.”

A new approach to the war in Ukraine will not emerge from rhetorical and moralistic proclamations. Words alone will not prevent a Russian victory. What is needed is a clear accounting of what can be realistically achieved with the means available, as well as the cost, risks, and benefits of different scenarios. Trying what has failed before and expecting new results is, after all, not a recipe for success.

I see no appetite in any western nation to really intervene in the war and to experience the Russian wrath that any intervention force would be submitted to.

But the current crop of western 'leaders' is too committed to the failed case for Ukraine they now have made for more than two years. For now they are likely to try to just muddle through.

We will have to wait for some 'regime change' for a return to sanity and realism.

Posted by b on April 6, 2024 at 15:18 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 08, 2024 12:15 pm

Da Vinci's legacy
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 04/08/2024


Part 2: The inheritance of Dmytro Kotsyubailo, Da Vinci

Two circumstances will determine Serhii Filimonov's future military role. The first is the consolidation of the Gonor group as an independent unit of Azov and the National Corps.

The second relevant circumstance relates to Filya 's turn towards sectors close, currently or in the past, to the Praviy Sektor. The growing friendly connection with Alina Mijailova , partner of one of the main young commanders of the Ukrainian armed forces, Dmytro Kotsyubailo, leader of the Da Vinci Battalion (Da Vinci's Wolves), is decisive there . In civilian life, this friendship is consolidated with Filimonov's participation in the Ukrainian School of Political Studies, where he would obtain a scholarship in 2021, an educational field in which he will coincide with Mijailova from that year on .

Gonor's initial involvement in the war

At the beginning of 2022, Gonor's street action was still ongoing, with a call against Nash television, owned by the “ Russian agent ” (according to Filimonov) Eugene Murayev. But other winds were already blowing, winds of war.

Gonor's response to the threat of intervention is swift: the call on February 12 for a nationalist resistance demonstration, the so-called Unity March. Organized by Filimonov and Sternenko “ to show the enemy that Ukrainians are ready to defend themselves ,” the two allies urge “ everyone to refrain from the flags of political organizations and parties ” and to parade “ united by the yellow-blue flag .” With less success in participation than in kyiv -Odessa was never a nationalist city-, they replicate the event in Odessa on the 20th.

These demonstrations constitute the latest civil activism initiatives of Filimonov's group. Gonor becomes, after the Russian invasion, a combat unit. On February 22, the leader communicates that his movement is going to war and notes that they have already “ found a unit in which we can be more useful with our combat experience.” In case large-scale hostilities develop, we are expected there on the same day .” They point out that they are “ practically organized, but there are still some things that we must buy on our own. Therefore, if you wish to help the movement, you can do so .”

According to Filimonov, in a message on February 24, “ Putin finally gave up and declared war on us .” “ Everything will be Ukraine ” is the slogan. And he wonders: “ Does everyone understand what to do with the Russian military and collaborators? ”. In that category, Ukrainian nationalism - not just the extreme right - has always included the population of Donbass, to whom it has always promised revenge for their disloyalty to the country that declared an anti-terrorist operation against them . On February 28, he expands the optimistic and mobilizing message and specifies the main objective: “ We want to go to Crimea! ”.

On March 3, Gonor is in the midst of its training phase: “ we are improving our combat skills and preparing to eliminate the Russian invaders from the cities they have temporarily captured ,” says its top leader. Some of his messages also refer to the raising of funds and materials, a decisive aspect for this type of group. In the material dimension, Gonor points out that they have the fundamental help they receive from TM Militarist and Gorgany from the start. He is also supported by the band Kyivmistah.

Around the end of February, a photo of Gonor is published in which Filimonov and Sternenko appear. They say they are waiting for orders. Sources allow us to place the place somewhere on the Zhitomir-kyiv highway, west of the capital. On March 5, a joint photo once again proves Sternenko's presence in Filomonov's unit.

In the western part of kyiv, Gonor is present in the town of Pushcha-Vodytsya. There it would coincide with the Leshi unit, later present in the Irpin area and in the Sumy region. This unit would later be accused of extorting the population in the liberated areas.

In any case, the direction of the march will from then on be towards the east, initially in the direction of Lukashi, still in the kyiv region. From that entity, which would never be completely taken over by the troops of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian forces headed on March 24 towards Rudnytske, a town where Gonor entered - practically without confrontation - together with a Bratstvo unit. , with Serediuk and Zaverukha leading the way, as well as forces from Svoboda, Revansh, and the Georgian Legion. Members of the International Legion of Territorial Defense are also present.

According to Filimonov, interviewed by , his troops would have been the first to enter Rudnytske: “ We were the first to arrive there. Our task was to entrench ourselves in a house not far from the Russians and cover our infantry who assaulted the town. It was necessary to ambush the armored vehicles and, if necessary, attack the enemy from the center of the village .

A few days before, on March 22, the leader of Gonor had pointed out that “ from the first days, we and our friends monitored the work of the artillerymen and a great job was done there. As a result of the bombing of the brigade, many of our friends who needed our help were killed and wounded .” This circumstance could have some connection with the attack on March 18 in which a Russian cruise missile hit the center of Baryshivka, 15 kilometers southwest of Rudnytske. where the Ukrainian volunteer forces were stationed, including those of the Bratstvo Battalion.

After the recovery of the kyiv region, the forces associated with Gonor deepen their advance towards the Kharkov oblast. On April 3, 2022, Filimonov places his unit in the Sumy region together with fighters from the Chechen Sheikh Mansur battalion, a battalion very close since the war against Donbass to the Praviy Sektor and its then leader, Dmytro Yarosh.

According to Filya , the financing of the Serhiy Prytula Foundation, related to Sternenko, guarantees Gonor's activity throughout this period. Prytula is currently one of the rising political figures in Ukraine.

On April 11 he writes: “ Anger and contempt. I want the war to reach Russian territory. "I want Muscovites to sit in the basements ," he says, repeating the wish expressed a decade ago by Petro Poroshenko . “I want to see the tears, remorse and death of the scoundrels who killed the Ukrainians .” There is never any mention of the suffering inflicted by Ukraine and groups like the Praviy Sektor in Donbass during the previous eight years, in which the frontline population was forced to live in basements, always in danger of being attacked by Ukrainian artillery.


At the beginning of May 2022, the leader of Gonor claims to have been carrying out tasks on the front line in eastern Ukraine for more than a week. The axis of the unit's advance is Barvinkove, in the Kharkiv region; Serebryanka in Donetsk; and Lisichansk, in Lugansk. In the indicated direction, they arrive in Slavyansk, in the Donbass, on May 19.

That same month, near Serebryanka, Gonor is part of the forces that, led by the 80th Separate Amphibious Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces and probably with the support of American intelligence, cause heavy casualties to Russian forces trying to breach the river in the Seversky Donets.

According to Filimonov's statements, the Gonor group was then integrated into the SSO, the special forces of the Ukrainian army. Those were moments when the day of victory for Ukraine seemed close.

The incorporation of Dmytro Kotsyubailo into the Battalion

In June 2022, however, an important change occurs in the military history of Gonor, with the integration of the unit into Dmytro Kotsyubailo's Battalion, Da Vinci's Wolves. It is a unit whose origin is found in the formation of volunteer battalions linked to the Praviy Sektor and organized to support the Armed Forces in the war of aggression against Donbass, but which after the Russian invasion is integrated into the regular army Ukrainian as 1st Separate Mechanized Battalion.

On June 7, Filya already appears next to the hero of Ukraine Kotsyubailo. Filimonov assumes the role of commander of the 2nd Company of “Da Vinci's Wolves”, the Battalion within which the new unit will fight from then on.

A more complicated period begins for Gonor. The end of the military route from kyiv ends in Lisichansk and is accompanied by the withdrawal of the city by the Ukrainian army. From there, the unit moved to Soledar and Marinka, with Filimonov suffering a wound on July 5 as a result of a BM-21 Grad shot. He would return to the front after a brief period of recovery.

In August 2022, the death of one of Gonor's members shows the group's presence in the battle for Artyomovsk. However, in September the axis of the action led by Filimonov returned to the Kharkiv region. There, acting as a light assault infantry group, Gonor participates on September 8 in the capture of Balakelya, east of Izium, before the collapse of the Russian defenses. On September 28, they advanced to Kupyansk-Vuzlovoy, in the Kharkiv oblast , east of the Oskol River, right on the border with the Luhansk oblast where the Russian Federation would finally manage to definitively stop the Ukrainian offensive. At the end of October, Gonor's forces were still in Kharkiv Oblast, no longer able to advance on the Russian defenses.

In early 2023, Da Vinci's forces, including Gonor, are fighting somewhere on the Eastern Front. This is probably the area around Artyomovsk where Gonor claims to lose several vehicles in a single day. Casualties of members of the unit are numerous between March and May in the fighting in that area. As of late May 2023, Gonor was still engaged in defensive fighting in the Artyomovsk area, with one last group in the destroyed city, led by Oleksander Yabchanka. By then, Dmytro Kotsyubailo, leader of the Battalion, had fallen on March 7 in the area before the already decisive advance of the Russian troops.

After a rest in the summer, Filimonov rejoins the front in September 2023. From that date his unit participates in the defense of the areas around Artyomovsk, which Sirsky had promised to recover, and Kupiansk against the Russian advance. In autumn 2023 Filya assumes the role of deputy chief of the Da Vinci Battalion as head of intelligence.

Filimonov's access to the command of Da Vinci's Wolves

On February 6, 2024, in agreement with Alina Mijailova , head of the unit's medical service, Serhii Filimonov broadcasts a message of assumption of responsibilities in which he affirms taking command of the Vovka Da Vinci Separate Mechanized Battalion. The terms are as follows: “ Friends! It is with pride and great responsibility that I announce that I have been named commander of the legendary Lobos Da Vinci battalion. It is a great honor for me to head the unit named after my brother, the hero of Ukraine, Dmytro Kotsyubailo. I have been fighting with the Wolves since 2022, where he led the assault company «Honor». We went through fire and water together: Soledar, Bakhmut, Lisichansk… And now our battalion is ready for new achievements! That is why I call on Ukrainians to join our ranks! Together we're invincible! Glory to Ukraine! ”.

This announcement involves the withdrawal of a part of the combatants of the battalion of the 67th Separate Mechanized Brigade linked to the Praviy Sektor (DUK PS) and its transfer to the 59th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade as the 108th separate mechanized battalion «Los Lobos by Da Vinci. Oleksander Yabchanka becomes, in this process, the new company commander "Gonor" in the battalion (2nd company).

This is a maneuver that actually implies a break with the previous military structure. Thus, the new unit is located outside both the DUK Praviy Sektor and the 67th Brigade and the original Kotsyubailo DUK Battalion itself. According to Mikhailova , in practice, “ for certain reasons” that she says she does not want to share “ because they are military issues ,” although they actually seem political, the decision means the departure of the 67th Brigade from the “ volunteer skeleton of the 1st company.” separate assault squad, six separate platoons, two more companies, as well as the complete structure of the medical service .” The new unit, in addition, “takes with it the name “Da Vinci Wolves.” Filimonov's forces also take control of the Lviv recruiting center, which is later completed with the opening of another recruiting center for the new Vovka Da Vinci in kyiv.

Very significantly, Mikhailova states that all this is done “with the help of Valery Fedorovych Zaluzhny. And it was her order to appoint Serhiy Filimonov as battalion commander ." This demonstrates, once again, the extreme closeness of the former commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the most radical and far-right sectors of Ukrainian nationalism.

The remaining battalion in the 67th Brigade, which will continue to be commanded by Yuriy Kapustyak, Kotsyubailo's successor, will simply become the 1st Independent Assault Battalion, possibly with added reference to its founder, Da Vinci.

In this way, Serhii Filimonov, Filya , after bringing together the most active part of the Azov civil militants in Kiev at the end of the last decade, takes over at the beginning of 2024 a fundamental part of the military units of the Battalion created by Dmytro Kotsyubailo, Da Vinci.

By then, however, Filimonov only occasionally appeared the eternal smile that he had shown in the past.

As for Sternenko, after five months without any mention of Filimonov, he limits himself in his Telegram to reproducing, without any comment, the designation of February 6, 2024 that assigned him the command of the new Da Vinci Battalion.

In his 2022 interview with svidomi , the then still leader of Gonor mentioned that Sternenko had been with them “ in the acute phase in Kiev ” and then went on to help different military units from abroad, including Gonor. And the new hero of the Ukrainian nationalist youth undoubtedly has more important tasks to address in the field of politics. ... -da-vinci/

Google Translator


Edward Luttwak: Time to Send NATO Troops

APR 07, 2024

The weekend’s standout story comes by way of Edward Luttwak, one of the so-called ‘premier military theorists’ in the West, openly calling for NATO intervention in Ukraine, lest the West suffer a “catastrophic defeat”:

Image ... o-ukraine/

Luttwak has been an advisor for U.S. presidents and the U.S. military, as well as other world militaries. He’s also served in the IDF, which could explain his brazen machismo and lack of concern for morality or global safety. Many in the ‘beltway’ consider him a sort of modern Clausewitz, though it seems more like he’s just the military version of constitutional law’s Alan Dershowitz—i.e. a mediocrity elevated to god-like status for racial reasons owing to his valence to Zionist supremacy.

But despite what I may think of him, his noteworthy call for NATO troops in Ukraine must be given the tribune of analysis if only for his influence in the very policy centers and control mechanisms in Washington that could make such a move happen. An earlier Spectator piece writes: “When Edward Luttwak speaks, world leaders listen — and now they must consider heeding his advice on Ukraine.” And so we must listen too.

But more notable than the eye-catching quote that’s got everyone talking is Luttwak’s claim that NATO countries are already in the early stages of planning various types of contingents to be sent to Ukraine:

This arithmetic of this is inescapable: Nato countries will soon have to send soldiers to Ukraine, or else accept catastrophic defeat. The British and French, along with the Nordic countries, are already quietly preparing to send troops — both small elite units and logistics and support personnel — who can remain far from the front. The latter could play an essential role by releasing their Ukrainians counterparts for retraining in combat roles. Nato units could also relieve Ukrainians currently tied up in the recovery and repair of damaged equipment, and could take over the technical parts of existing training programmes for new recruits. These Nato soldiers might never see combat — but they don’t have to in order to help Ukraine make the most of its own scarce manpower.

Interestingly, he frames everything around the urgency of an imminent Chinese attack on Taiwan, which further adduces his poor analytical abilities. This snippet from a previous article on Luttwak tells you everything you need to know about him:


Either way, in light of his statements on NATO members preparing contingents for Ukraine, we have the following from Stephen Bryen:

Image ... r-ukraine/

He writes that U.S. and Romanian troops are presently in Moldova for Joint Command Exchange Training and extrapolates that into the theory that Moldova is being prepped as a staging area to potentially take Odessa in the future. This comes after another drone attack on a radar installation in Pridnestrovie yesterday.


Not to mention this rumor:


I had mentioned in the comments the other day that there are rumors Russia is preparing a campaign for this summer of utilizing Su-34s for the first time to launch mass UMPK glide-bomb attacks on the Odessa and Ochakov regions from the Black Sea. It’s an interesting rumor in light of these developments as it brings to question whether it’s Russia upping the ante after latest signals of NATO’s increasing salivation over Odessa—or vice versa, NATO is getting nervous for the very reason that they realize Russia is set to increase the pressure on Odessa.

Two days ago Poland’s foreign minister Sikorski stated that NATO would establish an official “mission” in Ukraine:

Which he claims does not mean they intend to send troops, necessarily, but rather that they can begin to officially coordinate amongst each other as an alliance in helping Ukraine—or so he says.

Just days before the Luttwak piece, Unherd published this other gem:

Image ... n-ukraine/
The article sneakily disguises a call for NATO to assume control of everything West of the Dnieper River by couching it as merely providing air cover. The author thinks NATO should defend all Ukrainian cities west of the Dnieper with actual NATO troops and air defense systems. He argues this isn’t much of a threat to Russia as they would only be shooting down Russian missiles and unmanned systems and not killing Russian pilots, who do not stray beyond the Dnieper.

In many ways, all such recent calls appear to be disguised attempts—in one form or another—of floating the trial balloon of Ukrainian partition. Why are they going about it this way? Because to outright say the word partition would be a devastatingly demoralizing blow to Ukraine, and would be rejected straightaway by Zelensky and co. But to first slip the idea in subtly and diplomatically, they’ve dressed it up as some heroic act of loyalty and allegiance, when in reality you can hear the burbles of talks growing louder recently about the inevitability of partition being the only realistic solution.

Recall I had already reported that once again, a new NATO summit this summer aims to dangle membership in front of Zelensky—just as they did last summer—and this time there’s rumors increasingly heavier ‘hints’ will be imparted about parting out Ukraine in exchange for such promises. We wrote when Macron first floated French deployment that part of the reasoning could be to merely secure the Dnieper to force a Korean style DMZ partition onto a recalcitrant Putin. In some ways it would be a perfect crowning ‘victory’ for NATO, which would allow them to sell it as their having stopped Putin in his tracks without firing a shot.

This common thread plays into what I wrote last time about the rumored ‘October Surprise’, where Ukraine could declare its new borders without Donbass. It seems a lot of movements appear to be heading toward this NATO-backed attempt to strongarm Russia into a DMZ. When would it happen? Precisely when Russian forces begin “breaking through” Ukrainian lines in force, presumably if and when Russia launches the much heavier offensives everyone expects in a few months.

But what’s important to note, is that no one country wants to be left to take the brunt of the Bear’s retaliation alone; nor even two or three of them together. That means such an action would likely only occur if a coalition of scaredy-cats was formed, and the chances of that are not great.

On that note, Luttwak ends his own earlier article with the following watery admission:


So, U.S. could provide a max 40k troops—recall most of the 101st stationed in Romania had already been redeployed to Jordan last year. Luttwak agrees that it would take most of the main NATO stalwarts for this plan to work, and they have already signaled a no-go. All combined, those countries could provide maybe 150-250k troops maximum, and that’s on the optimistic end. Meanwhile, Russia already has an entire fresh 500k man army raised by Shoigu waiting for them, which was created precisely to counter-act the new NATO threats, as I reported long ago. That’s not to mention hundreds of thousands of more reserves troops, including the conscript forces and national guard, that Russia could bring to bear if worse came to worse.


Another point of urgency—recall all the talk about Kharkov heating up. Now even Zelensky’s gray eminence, Yermak, is admitting to the possibility of Russian forces moving on Kharkov soon:


Image ... -targeted/

What’s interesting is that they quickly rolled back the statement with a ‘correction’, claiming that Yermak’s spokesperson said his words were misinterpreted and that he didn’t mean Russia would launch a ground assault on Kharkov, but rather air attacks. However, I’m skeptical because in the original statements Yermak also mentioned a new Russian “mobilization” which would be in line with the ground assault angle. I suspect he may have realized after the fact that his words would create too much ‘panic’, and decided to downgrade them, even though the downgrade doesn’t make sense considering Russia has already been unleashing mass strikes on Kharkov, including cruise missile attacks on its power infrastructure.

This is reinforced by a continued stream of videos out of Kharkov showing citizens fleeing: (Video at link.)

Last few sundry items:

Check the dates on this quite poignant before and after:


Image ... cial-says/

Here’s the video of Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell making the statement that spurred the headline above: (Video at link)

“We have assessed over the course of the last couple of months that Russia has almost completely reconstituted militarily,” said Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell at an event hosted by the Center for a New American Security.

You see, in reality, they just make up whatever assessment fits the current model of narrative or agenda it’s convenient for them to push. When the agenda called for valorizing Ukraine, they called Russia weak and ‘destroyed’. But now that they see the only way to stop Russia is to get a unified Europe involved, they characterize Russia as not only totally ‘rebuilt’, but even—as per the second half of his statement—having “newfound capabilities” which now—surprise, surprise!—happen to pose a threat to Europe too!

More Bradleys and other NATO kit arrive in Moscow—soon Russia may have more Bradleys, Abrams, and Leopards than Ukraine itself: (Video at link.)

Lastly, I’ve written a lot in the past in regard to debunking the common Western misconception that Russia has a ‘Soviet-style top-down centralized’ command system which is caricaturized as worker-bee drone soldiers merely mindlessly following commands from central HQ. I’ve said time and time again how Russia not only has an NCO system, but the soldiers themselves are taught initiative and leadership abilities, just like the West claims to teach their ‘superior’ troops.

Here’s a recent example of this, a Russian soldier named Rodimir Maximov, introduced as a ‘Private’, was just awarded with state honors during an assault in the Novomikhailovka area. His commander was wounded at the very start of the assault, and Maximov immediately took over, issuing commands to the squad with total autonomy. Even more telling was that once he radioed HQ, they basically told him to hold down the fort and gave him leeway to act as he saw fit, even as the enemy launched multiple counter-attacks—there was no ‘Soviet-style’ one way marching orders as the dimwit Western military ‘experts’ would have you believe. The command gave him full autonomy for two full days, according to the story, as they coordinated reinforcements to come relieve the assault group which had taken the AFU fort.


After his interview below, you can see the deputy commander of the group and then footage of Maximov’s heroism during the opening of the assault. During the footage, you can clearly see the mere ‘private’ displaying clear signs of well-schooled leadership abilities, with no signs of any “drone-like” behavior: (Video at link.)

The feat of Private Maximov:

A soldier of the army corps of the Vostok group of forces, private Rodimir Maksimov, destroyed 27 Ukrainian militants during the capture and retention of a Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold in the Novomikhailovka area. Acting as part of an assault unit during the capture of a Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold in the area of the settlement. Novomikhailovka in the Maryinsky direction, private Rodimir Maksimov managed to outflank the enemy and inflict fire damage on him, personally killing three Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen, which allowed the assault group to enter the enemy positions.

Despite the injuries received during the battle, the serviceman continued to perform the combat mission. When the enemy, in an armored vehicle with forces up to the squad, attempted a counterattack on the line occupied by our assault group, he, allowing the enemy to reach the distance of guaranteed fire destruction, destroyed the attacking group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in its entirety with fire from a Kalashnikov machine gun .

Over the course of two days, Rodimir Maksimov, destroying the suitable infantry of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with heavy fire from the PKM thwarted three more attempts by the enemy with superior forces using tanks and armored combat vehicles to recapture the positions held by our assault group and prevented the loss of the defended strong point.

In one of the episodes of the battle, Rodimir, overcoming the pain from his injuries, personally destroyed a group of Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen dismounted from an American-made MaxPro armored personnel carrier with machine gun fire . The Max Pro crew began to maneuver to retreat and fell into the kill zone of our ATGM crew, as a result of which they were destroyed.

Until the arrival of reinforcements and subsequent evacuation, the fighter continued to staunchly defend and hold the occupied stronghold, personally destroying up to 27 enemy troops. For the heroism and courage shown during combat missions, private Rodimir Maksimov was presented by the command with a high state award. ... -send-nato

(Much more at link.)


Meet Centuria, Ukraine’s Western-Trained Neo-Nazi Army
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 7, 2024
Kit Klarenberg


A uniquely Ukrainian strain of Neo-Nazism is spreading throughout Europe, which openly advocates violence against minorities while seeking new recruits. With Kiev’s army collapsing and a narrative of Western betrayal gaining currency, the horror inflicted on residents of Donbas for a decade could very soon be coming to a city near you.

Centuria, an ultra-violent Ukrainian Neo-Nazi faction, has cemented itself in six cities across Germany, and is seeking to expand its local presence. According to Junge Welt, a Berlin-based Marxist daily, the Nazi organization’s growth has been “unhindered by local security services.”

Junge Welt traces Centuria’s origins to an August 2020 Neo-Nazi summit “at the edge of a forest near Kiev.” There, an ultranationalist named Igor “Tcherkas” Mikhailenko demanded the “hundreds of mostly masked vigilante fighters present,” who were members Kiev’s fascistic National Militia, “make sacrifices for the idea of ‘Greater Ukraine.’” As the former head of the Neo-Nazi Patriot of Ukraine’s Kharkiv division, and commander of the state sponsored Azov Battalion from 2014 to 2015, Mikhailenko has professed a desire to “destroy everything anti-Ukrainian.”

Junge Welt reports that since 2017, the National Militia “had been practicing brutal vigilante justice” throughout Ukraine, including “tyrannizing the LGBTQ scene.” Centuria was subsequently blamed for a terrifying November 2021 attack on a gay nightclub in Kiev, in which its operatives assaulted revelers with truncheons and pepper spray.

Now the same Neo-Nazi sect “has an offshoot in Germany,” Junge Welt revealed. On August 24 2023, the 32nd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence, Centuria convened a “nationalist rally” in the central city of Magdeburg, “unmolested by Antifa and critical media reporting.”

Participants proudly posed with the flag of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) founded by World War II-era Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. Centuria boasted at the time on Telegram, “although Ukrainian youth are not in their homeland, they are starting to unite.” Meanwhile, they threatened the “enemies” of their country with “hellish storm,” pledging that “Ukrainian emigrants” would not “forget their national identity for a few hundred euros.”

Junge Welt reports that Centuria “is currently raising funds for its parent organization’s combat unit,” which is commanded by Andriy Biletsky – the Azov Battalion founder who infamously stated in 2014 that the Ukrainian nation’s mission was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade… against Semite-led Untermenschen.” At home, Centuria’s members express similar attitudes towards Muslims, Africans, and gays, whom they refer to, respectively, as the “German Caliphate,” “black rapists,” and “pedophiles.”

Now, the group’s members are working hard to pass their ideological vision down to future racists across the continent. “We are creating a new generation of heroes!” Centuria’s Telegram channel boasts. Accordingly, the neo-Nazi group has been arranging hiking trips to Germany’s Harz mountains with a Ukrainian nationalist scout association called Plast. This outfit opened chapters across the Western world beginning in the 1950s, in response to the Soviet Union’s hounding of fascists and nationalists. Besides receiving ideological indoctrination, Plast’s youthful members may have the opportunity to improve their physical fitness and receive military training. As Centuria ominously declares on Telegram, “free people have weapons.”

Opening ceremonies at the Lithuanian scout camp “Iskra” with Plast scouts, 2022

As Washington gradually backs away from its sponsorship of Ukraine’s war with Russia, it has begun ceding responsibility for the military campaign’s management – and likely failure – to Berlin. If US arms shipments continue to dwindle, Germany will become Kiev’s chief supplier of weapons. And the Germans may find that saying “no” to Ukraine could result in some nasty surprises.

Unlike the US, Germany does not enjoy an ocean-length buffer between itself and the fascistic proxy warriors it sponsors in Ukraine. After Ukraine’s much-hyped counteroffensive finally collapsed in late 2023, its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, grumbled a veiled threat during an interview with the Economist: “There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned.”

While Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them, it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner,” Zelensky remarked to the outlet.

To understand how more radical elements of a spent proxy force could turn their guns on the Western governments that armed them, one need only look at the events of September 11, 2001.

A secret Western-backed Nazi network

While Centuria relies heavily on Ukrainian migrants as recruits, it also benefits from an entrenched structure of elite European support.

In September 2021, George Washington University’s Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) published a detailed and deeply unsettling report which documents how Centuria was nurtured by a “self-described order of ‘European traditionalist’ military officers that has the stated goals of reshaping the country’s military along right-wing ideological lines and defending the ‘cultural and ethnic identity’ of European peoples against ‘Brussels’ politicos and bureaucrats.’”

IERES reported that Centuria’s military wing began training in 2018 in Ukraine’s Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy (NAA), Kiev’s “premier military education institution and a major hub for Western military assistance to the country.”

The paper revealed that “as recently as April 2021, [Centuria] claimed that since its launch, members have participated in joint military exercises with France, the UK, Canada, the US, Germany, and Poland.”

Indeed, many of the neo-Nazi group’s members have drilled at the de facto NATO base in Yavoriv, just a few kilometers east of the Polish border.

Photo posted by the Canadian Armed Forces in Ukraine in 2020 shows the NAA
graduation ceremony at the International Peacekeeping and Security Center in Yavoriv.

What’s more, “the group claims that its members serve as officers in several units of Ukraine’s military. Since at least 2019, Centuria has… [called] on ideologically aligned members of the AFU to seek transfer to specific units where the group’s members serve. To attract new members, the group – via its Telegram channel, which has over 1,200 followers and a dedicated mobilization bot – continues to tout its alleged role in the AFU and access to Western training, military, and exchange programs.”

Every Western government the IERES researchers approached claimed not to tolerate neo-Nazis in their militaries, insisting they “trusted the Ukrainian government to select and identify the right candidates” for their training programs. But Ukraine’s Hetman Petro Sahaidachny National Army Academy (NAA) has explicitly declared it carries out no such screenings, while also denying Centuria operates within its headquarters.

After the report’s author reached out to Centuria and the NAA for comment about the training of neo-Nazis, operatives of the extremist movement began purging their online footprints, and have concealed their real-world activities ever since.

Western media outlets have almost completely ignored the IERES report, save for a single article in the Jerusalem Post. The silence around the issue is all the more unusual given the credentials of its author, a Washington DC-based Ukrainian citizen whose work has been published by US government outlet Voice of America, and the US and UK-government funded “open source” investigative outfit Bellingcat.

Among Western officials, only the Canadian Armed Forces have commented on the report’s meticulously-documented findings, preposterously claiming that photos posted to Facebook by Centuria members had been “doctored” to advance “Russian disinformation.”

Such disingenuity is not surprising given the Canadian military’s well-documented history of providing training to hardened Ukrainian fascists — and its refusal to disavow Ukrainian Nazis.

US and Canadian military officers meet uniformed members of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion during a November 2017 multinational training session in Ukraine.

Photos from a deleted page on Azov’s website:

— Max Blumenthal (@MaxBlumenthal) March 20, 2022

To this day, the leader of the country’s military, Gen. Wayne Eyre, continues to refuse to apologize for giving a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, a WWII Nazi collaborator honored by Canada’s parliament.

According to researchers, Centuria fighters within Ukraine have spent at least the last five years attempting to indoctrinate their high-achieving comrades into Neo-Nazism. The IERES report notes that Centuria “has been able to proselytize Ukraine’s future military elite inside the NAA.”

Portrait of a British-trained Neo-Nazi

Underlining the extent of the neo-Nazi penetration of Western military apparatuses, NAA cadet Kyrylo Dubrovskyi, attended an 11-month Officer Training Course at Britain’s esteemed Sandhurst Royal Military Academy in 2020. Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs celebrated his graduation while the NAA published a 12-minute video profile of the new graduate’s path to military leadership. IERES noted that Dubrovskyi “showed very keen interest in Centuria matters” while attending the Academy.

Our sincere congratulations to the officer-cadet Kyrylo #Dubrovskyi on successful graduation from the Initial Officers Training course at the Royal Academy #Sandhurst @RMASandhurst. Stronger together🇺🇦🤝🇬🇧

— Embassy of Ukraine to the UK (@UkrEmbLondon) December 11, 2020

Dubrovskyi appears to have narrated a Centuria promotional video circulated on Telegram in May 2020, in which the group’s members are shown marching in Lviv, attending an NAA event, and firing their weapons. Dubrovskyi can be heard intoning, “our officers are raising the new army of Ukraine… We are the Centuria. We are everywhere… defend your territories, your traditions till the last drop of blood.”

A month before, Centuria posted an interview with an unnamed “cadet of Her Majesty’s Armed forces,” a description that could only match one individual: Dubrovskyi. He made clear he preferred training in Ukraine, as British training for military officers “put less emphasis on theory.” During this time, “Dubrovskyi enjoyed access to foreign cadets who visited the Academy,” and “on several occasions escorted foreign delegations that visited the Academy,” including cadets from the US Air Force and the French military.

It is unclear how much “theory” Dubrovskyi injected into the daily routines of Western soldiers with whom he crossed paths while at Sandhurst. IERES concluded that “Dubrovskyi and Centuria leveraged his status as a Sandhurst cadet” to promote the group and its ideology. On the “about” section of his personal YouTube channel, Dubrovskyi describes himself as “a cadet of the Royal Academy of Great Britain.” There, he posted multiple videos about his experiences at the academy, and at least one message expressing a desire to join the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment.

On Telegram in December 2020, Centuria made clear that infiltrating the Ukrainian military’s highest echelons was but the first step in a much wider ideological blitzkrieg: “Centuria is shaping a first-of-its-kind military elite whose goal is to attain the highest ranks inside the Armed Forces in order to become an authoritative core able to hold significant influence.” After consolidating its hold on the military, the group plans to penetrate the ranks of “Ukraine’s political elite,” in order to “carry out societal changes.” ... nazi-army/


That's all, folks.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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