Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:47 pm

No ‘End of History’ in Ukraine
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 4, 2023
Scott Ritter

Francis Fukuyama in 2016. (Fronteiras do Pensamento, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

“What we are witnessing is not just the end of the Cold War, or a passing of a particular period of postwar history, but the end of history as such: that is, the end point of mankind’s ideological evolution and the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government.”

These words, written by the American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, who in 1989 published “The End of History,” an article that turned the academic world upside down.

“Liberal democracy,” Fukuyama wrote, “replaces the irrational desire to be recognized as greater than others with a rational desire to be recognized as equal.”

“A world made up of liberal democracies, then, should have much less incentive for war, since all nations would reciprocally recognize one another’s legitimacy. And indeed, there is substantial empirical evidence from the past couple of hundred years that liberal democracies do not behave imperialistically toward one another, even if they are perfectly capable of going to war with states that are not democracies and do not share their fundamental values. “

But there was a catch. Fukuyama went on to note that,

“[N]ationalism is currently on the rise in regions like Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union where peoples have long been denied their national identities, and yet within the world’s oldest and most secure nationalities, nationalism is undergoing a process of change. The demand for national recognition in Western Europe has been domesticated and made compatible with universal recognition, much like religion three or four centuries before.”[

Global Model

This growing nationalism was the poison pill to Fukuyama’s thesis regarding the primacy of liberal democracy. The foundational premise of the then-burgeoning neoconservative philosophical construct of a “new American century” was that liberal democracy, as practiced by the United States and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe, would become the model upon which the world would be rebuilt, under American leadership, in the post-Cold War era.

These paragons of the twisted confluence of capitalism and neoliberalism would have done well to reflect on the words of their arch-nemesis, Karl Marx, who famously observed that,

“Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.”

E. Capiro’s 1895 oil painting of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the printing house of their German daily Neue Rheinische Zeitung, published in Cologne at the time of the Revolution of 1848-1849. (Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

History, it seems, can never end, but rather is reincarnated, over and over, from a foundation of history influenced by the actions of the past, infected as they are with the mistakes that are derived from the human condition.

One of the mistakes made by Fukuyama and the proponents of liberal democracy, who embraced his “end of history” ideal in reaching their conclusion, is that the key to historical progression lies not in the future, which has yet to be written, but in the past, which serves as the foundation upon which everything is built.

Historical foundations run deep — deeper than the memories of most academics. There are lessons of the past that reside in the soul of those most impacted by events, both those recorded in writing and those passed down orally from generation to generation.

Academics such as Fukuyama study the present time, drawing conclusions based upon a shallow understanding of the complexities of times past.

According to Fukuyama, history ended with the conclusion of the Cold War, perceived as a decisive victory of the liberal democratic order over its ideological opponent, world communism.

But what if the collapse of the Soviet Union — the event seen by most historians as signaling the end of the Cold War — wasn’t triggered by the manifestation of the victory over communism by liberal democracy, but rather by the weight of history defined by the consequences of prior “end of history” moments? What if the sins of the fathers were transferred to the progeny of previous historical failures?

War & Revived Nationalism

Of the many points of conflict occurring in the world today, one stands out as a manifestation of the ongoing fascination liberal democracy adherents have with the victory over communism, which they thought was won more than three decades ago, namely, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Political scientists in the Fukuyama “end of history” school view this conflict as being derived by the resistance of the remnants of Soviet regional hegemony (i.e., modern-day Russia, led by its president, Vladimir Putin) over the inevitability of liberal democracy taking hold.

But a closer examination of the Russian-Ukraine conflict points to the present conflicts being born of not simply the incomplete divorce of Ukraine from the Soviet/Russian orbit that occurred at the end of the Cold War, but also the detritus from the collapse of previous ruling systems, especially the Tsarist Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk map showing territory lost by Bolshevik Russia in 1918. (Department of History, U.S. Military Academy, Public domain)

Indeed, the current conflict in Ukraine has nothing to do with any modern-day manifestation of the Cold War bipolarity, and everything to do with the resurrection of national identities which existed, however imperfectly, centuries before the Cold War even began.

To understand the roots of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, one needs to study German actions after the 1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the rise and fall of Symon Petliura and the Polish-Soviet War — all of which predated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the dissection of Galicia that took place in 1939 and 1945.

These actions were all triggered by the collapse of Tsarist and Austro-Hungarian power, and then united by violent efforts to allow local realities to shape the final disposition of a region frozen in place by the rise of Soviet power.

The dislocation felt by many Ukrainians today from all things Russian can be traced to the failed attempt at forming a nascent Ukrainian nation in the chaotic aftermath of the First World War and the collapse of both Tsarist Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire – all prior to the consolidation of both Polish and Bolshevik power.

The Brief Rise and Fall of a Ukrainian State, 1918-1921

The Ukrainian People’s Republic, led by the nationalist Symon Petliura, proclaimed its independence from Russia in January 1918. It did so backed the German army, which occupied the Republic after the Central Powers, led by Germany, signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Ukraine in February 1918. (Russia and the Central Powers signed a separate Brest-Litovsk Treaty in March 1918).

The German military occupiers then dissolved the socialist, Ukrainian People’s Republic in April 1918, replacing it with the Ukrainian State, also known as the Second Hetmanate. (The First Hetmanate was a Ukrainian Cossack State that existed in the Zaporizhian region from 1648 until 1764).

But the Ukrainian State survived only until December 1918, when forces loyal to the deposed Ukrainian People’s Republic, led by Petliura, overthrew the Second Hetmanate, and reclaimed control over Ukraine.

During this time the physical dimensions of the Ukrainian People’s Republic was in constant flux. In the short first tenure of the Ukrainian People’s Republic, two territories claimed as Ukrainian — centered round Odessa and Kharkov — declared their independence from the Ukrainian People’s Republic, and instead opted to join Russia [as four regions today have similarly opted to join Russia].

In November 1918 a portion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s Galician territories possessing a Ukrainian majority declared its independence, organized itself as the Western Ukrainian Republic, and in January 1919 merged with the Ukrainian People’s Republic.

But upon its creation, the Western Ukrainian Republic found itself at war with a newly independent Poland and, following the merger between the Western Ukrainian Republic and the Ukrainian People’s Republic, the war morphed into a general conflict between Poland and Ukraine.

One of the major battlegrounds of this conflict was the western Galician territory of Volhynia. It was here that Ukrainian troops undertook the slaughter of thousands of Jews, for which Petliura has been blamed.

End of Ukrainian Republic

The Polish-Ukrainian war ended in December 1919 with the defeat of the Ukrainian People’s Republic. One of the major reasons for this defeat was the rise of Soviet power as the Russian Civil War reached its violent conclusions in the territories abutting the Ukrainian People’s Republic, allowing the victorious Red Army to turn its attention to consolidating Bolshevik authority over the territory of Ukraine.

This led to a peace treaty between the Ukrainian People’s Republic and Poland which saw the territories of the former Western Ukrainian Republic turned over to Poland in exchange for Polish assistance against the Bolsheviks.

The alliance between Poland and the Ukrainian People’s Republic, concluded in April 1919, led to a Polish offensive against the Soviet Union which ended with the capture of Kiev by Polish troops in May 1919. A Soviet counterattack in June took the Red Army to the gates of Warsaw, only to be thrown back in August by Polish forces, which began to advance eastward until the Soviets sued for peace, in October 1920.

While various efforts to end the Polish-Soviet conflict had been brokered on the basis of a delineation of territory known as the Curzon Line, named after the British Lord who first proposed it back in 1919, the final demarcation of the border was negotiated via the Treaty of Riga, signed in March 1921, which formally ended the Polish-Soviet war.

The so-called “Riga Line” had Poland taking control of large amounts of territory well east of the Curzon Line, leading to longstanding resentment by Soviet authorities.

The Treaty of Riga imposed boundaries on a region with no regard to the ethnic composition of the people living there, leading to a mixing of populations that were inherently hostile toward one another.

The end of the Western Ukrainian Republic, in 1919, led to the political leadership of that entity going into diaspora in Europe, where they pressed the governments of Europe to recognize the independent status of the Western Ukrainian nation.

Rise of Bandera

Stepan Bandera torchlight parade in Kiev, Jan. 1, 2020. (A1/Wikimedia Commons)

This diaspora worked closely with disaffected Ukrainian nationalists who found themselves under Polish governance in the aftermath of the Polish-Soviet war. Among these Ukrainian nationalists was Stepan Bandera, an adherent of Symon Petliura (assassinated in exile in Paris in 1926 by Jewish anarchist Sholom Schwartzbard who said he was avenging the deaths of 50,000 Jews. Schwartzbard was acquitted.)

Bandera rose to lead the Ukrainian nationalist movement in the 1930’s, eventually allying himself with Nazi Germany following the 1939 partitioning of Poland between Germany and the Soviet Union, which ran roughly along the Curzon Line demarcation.

Bandera was the driving force behind Ukrainian nationalist forces operating alongside the German occupying forces after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. These forces participated in the massacre of Jews in Lvov and Kiev (Babyn Yar) and the slaughter of Poles in Volhynia in 1943-44.

When the Soviet Union and the western allies defeated Germany, the Curzon Line was used to demarcate the border between Poland and Soviet Ukraine, putting the western Ukrainian territories under Soviet control.

Bandera and hundreds of thousands of western Ukrainian nationalists fled to Germany in 1944, ahead of the advancing Red Army. Bandera continued to maintain contact with tens of thousands of Ukrainian nationalist fighters who remained behind, coordinating their actions as part of a resistance campaign managed by Reinhard Gehlen, a German intelligence officer who ran Foreign Armies East, the German intelligence effort against the Soviet Union.

After the surrender of Nazi Germany, in May 1945, Gehlen and his Foreign Armies East organization was subordinated to U.S. Army intelligence, where it was reorganized into what became the BND, or West German intelligence organization.

The Cold War began in 1947, following the announcement by U.S. President Harry Truman of the so-called Truman Doctrine, which aspired to stop the expansion of Soviet geopolitical expansion.

That same year, the newly created C.I.A. took over management of the Gehlen organization. From 1945 until 1954, the Gehlen organization, at the behest of U.S. and British intelligence, worked with Bandera and his Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to direct the efforts of the Banderist fighters who remained on Soviet territory.

They fought in a conflict that claimed the lives tens of thousands of Soviet Red Army and security personnel, along with hundreds of thousands of OUN and Ukrainian civilians. The C.I.A. continued to fund the OUN in diaspora up until 1990.

Link to Today

In 1991, the first year of Ukraine’s independence, the neo-fascist Social National Party, later Svoboda Party, was formed, tracing its provenance directly to Bandera. It had a street named after Bandera in Liviv, and tried to name the city’s airport after him.

In 2010, pro-Western Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko declared Bandera a Hero of Ukraine, a status reversed by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was later overthrown.

More than 50 monuments, busts and museums commemorating Bandera have been erected in Ukraine, two-thirds of which have been built since 2005, the year the pro-American Yuschenko was elected.

At the time of the 2014 overthrow of the elected Yanukovych, Western corporate media reported on the essential part the descendants of Petliura and Bandera played in the coup.

As The New York Times reported, the neo-Nazi group, Right Sector, had the key role in the violent ouster of Yanukovych. The role of neo-fascist groups in the uprising and its influence on Ukrainian society was well reported by mainstream media outlets at the time.

The BBC, the NYT, the Daily Telegraph and CNN all reported on Right Sector, C14 and other extremists’ role in the overthrow of Yanukovych.

Thus today’s Ukrainian nationalism draws a direct link to the history of extremist nationalists beginning with the post World War I-period.

Where Does History Begin?

Almost every discussion about the historical roots of today’s Russian-Ukrainian conflict begins with the partition of Poland in 1939, and the subsequent demarcation that took place at the end of the Second World War, solidified by the advent of the Cold War.

However, anyone searching for a solution to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that is grounded in post-Cold War policies will run afoul of the realities of history that pre-date the Cold War, and which continue to manifest in the present day by reincarnating still unresolved issues.

They all have a precedent that dates to the tumultuous period between 1918-1921.

The reality is that the collapse of the Tsarist and Austro-Hungarian empires had a far greater influence on the history of modern-day Ukraine than did the collapse of the Soviet Union.

History, it seems, will never end. It is folly to think so, with those embracing such a notion simply prolonging and promoting the nightmares of the past, which will forever haunt those who live in the present. ... n-ukraine/


More on Ukraine’s Desperate Economy
Posted on October 5, 2023 by Yves Smith

Moon of Alabama yesterday described at length Ukraine’s pre-existing demographic bust in men in their late teens through thirties, the result of the catastrophic collapse in living conditions in the 1990s after the USSR broke up. The post described how the war has turned what is left of Ukraine into a demographic disaster, It keys a statement by the former British Minister of Defence, Ben Wallace, that the average age of soldiers at the front line in Ukraine is 40.

We’ll soon explain how this factoid is the tip of the iceberg of disastrous conditions in Ukraine, not just for its military but also for its economy and society. But first, let’s finish the demographic overview. From Moon of Alabama:

Ukraine’s population by age and sex in 2020


The ‘age pyramid’ in Ukraine isn’t a pyramid. In 2020 there was a huge lack of 15 to 20 years old people. They were simply not there. They never existed. The number of newborns around 2000 must have been horribly low….
Bad economic times and low expectations of betterment had influenced the desire of its people to procreate. Two more downturns followed during the global recession around 2008 and due to the 2014 Maidan coup and the civil war following it.

The article adds that Ukraine now is at its lowest birthrate ever and continues:

In 1990 Ukraine had a population of more than 50 million people. Twenty years from now the country will have less than maybe 25 million inhabitants. This even if all refugees return.

As bad as this is, Ukraine is not facing a future internal crisis. It’s in the midst of one right now. War watchers look for the signs of a possible Ukraine military breakdown, but that may well come as a result of an internal collapse, that the effort to keep manning the war produces what amount to breakdowns in critical systems that transmit quickly to the (in)ability to wage war.

A recent article in AlMayadeen, Living conditions in Ukraine are resembling a new slavery, a triumph of Western ‘democracy’ in the 21st century, paints a vivid and disturbing picture of the extreme measures being taken now in Ukraine to keep things functioning. It’s hard to find any information about day-to-day functioning in Ukraine, due among other things the shuttering of all opposition media in Ukraine, and the apparent capture of the members of the press who go there. Most seem to stay in Kiev, which is a sprawling city and whose center and diplo/big money haunts seem to have been spared. A brave few do go to or near the front lines, but that again means they are spared seeing how ordinary people live now.

Similarly, Twitter fare consists of battle-related news, Zelensky and visiting official shots, partying in Kiev (with disapproving comments), and men being impressed into service. So there is a genuine information gap.

Even discounting for the article potentially painting in overly-bright colors, thing are unquestionably bad, and in ways some might not have anticipated, like harsh work requirements. From Almayadeen:

In Western media, the current conflict in Ukraine is often presented as a war between Western-

style ‘freedom and democracy’ and Russian-style ‘authoritarianism and dictatorship’. We are told, furthermore, that such ‘freedom and democracy’ are represented by the governing regime in Kiev.

But this is a regime that has banned all men between the ages of 18 and 60 as well as women in certain professions from leaving the country. There is no free internal movement of citizens. The main exceptions to the prohibition on leaving the country are those unfit for military service, those fathers who have three or more minor children (all below the age of 16), and persons caring for people with disabilities. (The latter exemption only applies if there is no other family member to provide care.)

The article, from August 20, describes a proposed bill from August 8 for using mobilized men on public works if they don’t want to fight. Given that the source article is in Ukrainian, I can’t search to see if it became law. I would appreciate it if any readers with the needed language expertise can find any updates.

Now the article depicts the intent of the law as, erm, responsive to the desires of some conscripts not to fight. Perhaps the idea actually is well intentioned, to increase success in “recruitment” and get more men working productively, instead of hiding in basements.

But it is also possible that work relief could be made even more harsh than a fast death on the front lines. This fictionalized example, extreme by design, does make that point:

In fairness, as the article explains, the government has tried to find resources for hard labor, which is likely the sort of thing the proposed legislation is intended to address:

Ukrainian authorities tried to solve their labor shortage problems by tapping into the large pool of the unemployed. The unemployed who were officially registered were sent into military zones to clear rubble, cut down trees, build shelters, etc. This is hard physical work, often located near the front lines. This initiative was labeled an ‘Army of Reconstruction’, but many people responded by simply stopping to register as unemployed. After all, unemployment benefits have also been cut in Ukraine. Today, the average benefit hovers around the equivalent of US$27 per month. The maximum benefit rate is $180 per month, but this is only good for three months.

Other wage reductions:

There is also already a serious shortage of trained personnel in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of factory workers, skilled tradespeople, railway workers, drivers, and other equipment operators in agricultural industries, and on and on have been conscripted into the army. Many of them have died or been seriously injured in the futile attempts of Ukraine’s leaders and their Western patrons to storm the well fortified defensive lines of the Russian armed forces.

Help wanted notices go begging because the conscription office has first dibs on anyone who turns up.

The article also describes wage cuts in the face of inflation running at an estimated 30% (Statista puts it at 21%). Teacher pay is down 15% to 50%.

Author Dmitri Kovalevich argues that the labor mobilization scheme illustrates that the government is moving towards a system of forced labor to keep Ukraine operating:

Ukraine is gradually introducing a system of slave labor – people must work to meet basic food needs, but they work for steadily shrinking salaries and benefits. Western media is silent about all this but is happy to continue preaching about the ‘Gulag Archipelago’ of the former Soviet Union where millions toiled without receiving wages or financial benefits in return.

The new draft law on the mobilization of workers is intended to “ensure the functioning of the national economy under martial law”, in the words of those drafting the law. It is noteworthy that in early August, Ukraine began to talk about a likely ban against military conscripts leaving the country for three years following an eventual end to military hostilities and martial law…

This idea of prohibiting Ukrainian citizens from leaving the country even after the end of hostilities stems, in part, from the fact that Ukraine is now heavily indebted to Western governments and financial institutions..

Bloomberg News reported on July 24 that Ukraine needs to bring back 2.8 million of its women citizens from abroad in order to have a chance at economic recovery following the end of military hostilities. According to one expert Bloomberg interviewed, if only half of the women return, this would cost Ukraine 10% of its GDP by 2032, on the order of $20 billion per year. Such losses will far outweigh the EU’s proposed four-year aid package to Ukraine in the amount of $14 billion per year.

Ukraine is also considering changes in labor laws to allow for 60 hour work weeks and only one 24 hour period off, with the plan first to be implemented in areas deemed to be critical infrastructure. The article notes that at least one employer has been accused of imposing an even more taxing work schedule, with martial law the justification.

And mind you, this is before getting to what happens when the US and EU cut financial support for the Ukraine government, which is bound to happen given rising voter antipathy for the spending, lack of a prospect of a win or even a clean exit soon, and competing priorities (for the US, China). The article estimates the current workforce at 9.5 million versus a population. The manpower loss plus physical destruction means a big reduction in productive capacity. That in combination with deficit spending as the foreign aid shrinks is a prescription for hyperinflation.

We have been speculating what Russia might do to make sure rump Ukraine is neutralized as a threat. If this article is correct, the baked in economic trajectory will do most of the job. ... onomy.html


Where are Ukrainian UAVs hitting?
October 5, 2023


The conflict in Ukraine truly marked a transition to a new type of warfare, in which drones play a key role. They are used for strikes, reconnaissance, and electronic warfare. We have previously talked about unmanned boats and attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Black Sea waters.

Today we will analyze in detail the problem of UAV raids and answer the following questions:

*How many drones have the Ukrainian Armed Forces already used to attack Russian territories?
*What types of UAVs are used most often?
*Where are they launched from?
*What are the tactics of their use and how to counteract them?
*How many UAVs did the enemy use?

It is quite difficult to calculate the exact number of drones used during the entire special operation due to the lack of clear and transparent statistics from both our side and the other side. And the massive raids raised a wave of paranoia among the population, due to which any similar rustle was mistaken for a UAV.

As of October 1, Ukrainian forces used about 1,300 drones to strike Russian territories. Of these, at least 672 units were shot down by air defense crews, 534 were suppressed by electronic warfare. 54 - one way or another reached the goal (the count included confident arrivals or hits without air defense counteraction) .

The Republic of Crimea and the Belgorod region suffered the largest number of UAV raids —more than 73% of all UAVs occurred in these regions. Also, the Kursk, Bryansk and Moscow regions were hit more often than others. The new territories of Russia mostly suffered from artillery due to their proximity to the front.

What types of UAVs does the enemy use?


The most popular drones for raids among the Ukrainian Armed Forces have become the Chinese Mugin-5 PRO . This “guest”, filled with explosives, was regularly used for attacks in Crimea. Low cost and easy availability made it possible to purchase them en masse on Chinese marketplaces before the ban was imposed by the Chinese authorities.

Also, Ukrainian-made PD-1 and PD-2 UAVs were also widely used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces for attacks on Russian territories . The peak of their activity was noted in the summer and autumn of last year, after which their numbers began to decline either due to problems in production or with the transition to other more effective means.

For attacks on remote Russian regions, such as Moscow, Kaluga, Voronezh, Smolensk, Ukrainian troops actively used the UJ-22 Airborne . Due to their high autonomy and large tank, they are able to cover long distances.

But as practice has shown, their effectiveness turned out to be almost zero. And to replace them, they began to produce drones of the “duck” structure under the code name “Beaver” . The first official confirmation was during a raid on Moscow , and recently they were spotted in Crimea.

But one of the most effective (if we consider the results of arrivals) was and remains the Tu-141 Swift jet drone . They were not used as much as other types of drones, but they were the ones that carried out attacks on airfields in Engels and Diaghilevo . The ability to overcome long distances at low altitude while skirting terrain is a serious problem for air defense units.


Where does it take off from?
To launch drones, the Armed Forces of Ukraine used at least eight main sites, depending on the capabilities of the drones themselves. For example, for attacks across southern Russia, the jump sites are Belgorod-Dnestrovsky , Shkolny , Kherson , Dolgintsevo , Shirokoe .

Improvised points in Krasnoarmeysk and Kharkov were periodically used for raids on the Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region and more distant regions . And the biggest disadvantage in their search is that the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the most part use small-sized UAVs that are unpretentious to the conditions, that is, it can also be a field.

Application tactics
The nature of the use of Ukrainian UAVs changed throughout the special operation with the progress of the conflict and the increase in their production. If at first these were isolated raids, which were a surprise for Russian air defense, then later the attacks became more massive and varied.

The development of the strategy was facilitated by the active support of the West. For example, for attacks on Crimea, NATO intelligence daily transmitted to Ukraine data on the location of air defense systems to create an approximate route to bypass them, which the Ukrainian Armed Forces used.

In most cases, it all came down to daily probing of the defense with the intention of disarming the ammunition of anti-aircraft missile systems and a subsequent massive drone strike to overload the air defense system.

And at first, such tactics could be effective. More expensive anti-aircraft missiles were spent on cheap homemade drones, and with such expenses the situation would have been dire. But subsequently, the Russian Armed Forces also began to use anti-aircraft guns and rifle detachments, which proved their effectiveness in countering raids.

Now the tactics of using UAVs are somewhat different. The calculation is based on combining blows. Drones search and calculate air defense areas, they force them to spend ammunition on themselves, and then there is a targeted missile attack on air defense systems/launchers/ships. This happened several times in Crimea and Sevastopol.

How to counteract them is a completely obvious answer. It is necessary to saturate Russian territories with means of protection that have proven their effectiveness, such as the S300/400 complexes, the Pantsir-S1, Tor air defense systems, and so on.

At the same time, we should not forget about another danger in the form of small-sized copters. The most ordinary Maviks with grenades attached to them can cause serious damage, similar to the tragedy at the airfield in Pskov, when several Il-76 aircraft were hit. Rifle squads, electronic warfare and the most basic security - and there will be fewer such incidents.

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Photo by Nati on
By Vedica Singh, TFI Global, 9/28/23

TFI Global is an Indian media outlet.

Zelensky’s war narrative is at odds with stark data. Recent figures reveal Ukrainian troops surrendering in significant numbers, challenging his counteroffensive claims.

Ukrainian troops surrendering en masse
In recent weeks, a significant number of Ukrainian troops have surrendered to the Russian military, utilizing a dedicated radio frequency established by the Russian armed forces, known as “Volga” with a call sign of 149.200. This frequency was set up during the summer and has been actively used by over 10,000 Ukrainian servicemen who subsequently surrendered to Russian custody. The radio frequency is operational along the entire front line.

The surrender process has gained momentum, especially in the vicinity of Rabotino, a village in the Zaporozhye Region. Rabotino has witnessed intense fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent weeks, remaining a major flashpoint in the conflict.

Despite Ukraine’s highly publicized counteroffensive launched in early June, Rabotino and its surroundings have not yielded significant gains for Ukrainian forces. Reports indicate that Ukrainian troops are suffering substantial casualties and equipment losses.

According to Moscow’s latest assessments, Kiev has incurred over 17,000 military casualties this month alone. Since the commencement of the counteroffensive, Ukraine has witnessed more than 83,000 military personnel fatalities, along with the destruction of over 10,000 pieces of heavy military equipment, as per the Russian military’s data.

The surrendering Ukrainian troops, utilizing the “Volga” frequency, are reportedly well-fed and receive necessary medical care. This significant surrendering of troops via radio communication underscores the complex dynamics and challenges faced by Ukrainian forces in the ongoing conflict with Russian military forces.

Silent Confirmations
During a pivotal moment in Ukraine’s history, President Volodymyr Zelensky’s optimistic statements clash with the grim reality on the ground. Retired Ukrainian Major General Sergey Krivonos also criticized Zelensky’s overly positive reports on the conflict, revealing a significant gap between rhetoric and the harsh conditions faced by Ukrainian forces.

Krivonos’ concerns highlight the disconnect between President Zelensky’s optimistic rhetoric and the harsh reality on the ground in Ukraine. He cautioned against underestimating the Russian Army’s experience and training, emphasizing that the conflict is not a one-sided victory. The revelation of Ukraine’s losses is grim, with approximately half a million troops lost since the start of the Russian military operation. This estimate is based on a combination of intelligence, open data, and various sources. Even a Ukrainian mobile operator, MTS-Ukraine, unintentionally confirmed the devastating death toll, revealing that around 400,000 individuals would never answer their phones again. This data is from just one operator, highlighting the scale of overall losses in the conflict.

Stoltenberg Unveils the toll of Zelensky’s counteroffensive
Even recently, during a European Parliament meeting, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg indirectly confirmed the high casualty count in Ukraine, contributing to the acknowledgment of the grim reality faced by Ukrainian forces. These numbers, which approach 500,000 deaths, don’t even include the numerous injured soldiers, some of whom may never return to active duty, further straining Ukraine’s military capabilities. The situation is dire, raising doubts about the feasibility of Ukraine’s counteroffensive.

Adding to the complexity, Stian Jenssen, Chief of Staff to Jens Stoltenberg, proposed an unconventional solution to the Ukraine conflict. He suggested Ukraine consider surrendering its eastern territories in exchange for NATO membership.

Now as the staggering casualties in Ukraine continue to mount, with an unofficial estimate approaching hundreds of thousands of deaths, the grim reality of the conflict cannot be ignored. ... -revealed/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:04 pm

More ammo
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/07/2023


Ukraine has closed this week in a state of bipolar politics that is trying to dangerously balance everything going according to plan with alarm over imminent danger. Zelensky's entourage moves along these lines in the two aspects that are essential for Ukraine today: the issue of arms supplies and future political perspectives. In both cases, Kiev needs good news with which to maintain a certain verisimilitude in its persistent discourse of Ukrainian unity. . This supposed unity does not include the population of the regions that for years have actively shown their rejection of the 2014 coup d'état and the war in Donbass and have positioned themselves on the Russian side in both the phase of the civil conflict and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The opinion of that population has been declared irrelevant by Kiev politicians and propagandists, something that has spread to Western communication, interested in maintaining the fiction that all of Ukraine supports the path taken by Kiev. Aside from these dissidences that have been known for nine years, it is more important for Ukraine to keep any dissident political arguments at the internal level to a minimum. Hence, it is necessary for the population to always see a light at the end of the tunnel to avoid the generalization of signs of rejection of the current Government, mass desertions or movements of groups of refugees who actively reject the idea of ​​returning to the country once the situation has stabilized. conflict.

The need to show future prospects can be summarized in two aspects: maintaining the hope of victory in the war and ensuring that there is a clear, direct and relatively quick path, at least, to the European Union, if not also to NATO. Without these aspects credibly covered, Ukraine cannot count on indefinitely maintaining the status quo of defending the idea of ​​war until the end as the only possible resolution to the conflict with Russia. Of the two aspects, it is the first that really marks the future prospects of Ukraine, which could hardly present its population with a credible political project without the military success to which it has linked its future.

During his visit to Spain, as in his latest speeches, the Ukrainian president has expressed concern about the situation in the United States, where the consequences of the approaching pre-election season have already begun to be seen. The partisan use of the main issues on the agenda, which is not due to the differences between the parties - much smaller than the apparent polarization - is the reason why a part of the Republican Party has questioned the acceptability of maintaining attendance to Ukraine in the future and has left Biden's request for $24 billion for Kiev's arms fund out of the agreement to avoid the closure of the US government. However, the causes why these movements occur do not change reality:

In one of his media appearances this week, the head of European Union diplomacy, Josep Borrell, agreed with the assessment of the American president by confirming that Europe - that is, the EU countries and the United Kingdom - would not be capable of compensating for the loss of American assistance. Hours earlier, Joe Biden had defined his country as indispensable and has continued to demand unity around the Ukrainian issue and demanding the continuation of military assistance to kyiv. The consequences of the loss of that military assistance from kyiv's second largest financier in absolute terms, only behind the European Union, would be a possibly insurmountable blow for Ukraine. That is the opinion of Vladimir Putin,

His statements have come at a time when the continuation of the current flow of weapons to kyiv has been questioned from different countries and at different levels. Days after former Prime Minister Fico's Smer party won Slovakia's elections after a campaign in which he had stated that Ukraine would not take another bullet, the country's president, Zuzana Caputova, adopted a similar line in Grenada. Although a strong supporter of assistance to Ukraine, Caputova rejected, citing the Agencia EFE, “the sending of more weapons because the winner of Saturday's elections and his potential government partners reject that policy.” Slovakia is a comparatively weak country in economic terms and has already done more for Ukraine than its GDP would have required, so the main cause for concern is not Bratislava's possible refusal to cooperate militarily with Kiev but rather this possible dissidence. Just be the first of others to come.

Surveys in different countries, including the United States, show a decline in the population's support for continuing to supply and finance Ukraine, another added concern for Kiev, which seeks guarantees of continued economic, financial, military and political assistance from its partners to long term to avoid uncertainty that currently cannot be offset by good news from the front. This week, there has been no minimal progress like those that Ukrainian troops had achieved in previous weeks. Still, Ukraine has been able to capitalize on its enormous communication skills to create artificial successes. Again, a raid in Crimea, which had no results, but which Budanov's entourage passed off as a raid that caused dozens of deaths among Russian soldiers,

In this war in which the press has completely renounced explaining the events in their context, the international media has also collaborated, giving Ukraine something resembling a media victory. Another of the most talked about news this week, an exclusive a CNN, has been the delivery to Ukraine of the ammunition seized from Iranian ships that were supposedly heading to Yemen. With big headlines, the press has reported that the United States will deliver more than one million rounds of ammunition. Apparently, the figure of one million rounds could seem like a big stash that would solve Ukraine's ammunition hunger, one of the United States' biggest concerns. According to what the media has published in recent months, in which they have questioned the European capacity to produce the shells required by the current war, Ukraine uses around 7,000-8,000 artillery shells a day. This week's headlines would lead one to think that the ammunition seized from Iran would be enough for a year of war. Hidden from the headlines and without explaining what the use may be in the current conflict, The bodies of the news published this week specify that these million rounds refer to 7.62 mm bullets, something that can hardly be useful for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In reality, these headlines are only further proof of the difficulties that Ukraine's supplier countries are suffering in adapting to the long war that they have achieved with their policy of supporting Kiev in its decision not to accept the possibility of a political negotiation that could lead to a diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

In this context, and with doubts about what the situation of the United States will be as next year's elections approach, the European Union, far from moving towards more moderate positions, has chosen to increase the weight of its assistance to Kiev. Despite possible dissidence and a growing loss of hope that Ukraine will achieve the military objectives set for this year, the only feasible solution for Brussels remains to promote increased production of weapons and ammunition and increase the level of financial assistance. In Granada, Josep Borrell stated that the European Union has on the table an increase of 20,000 million euros for military needs and 50,000 for civil and economic needs. However,

Brussels does not always have nice words for kyiv. This week, Josep Borrell has dampened kyiv's hopes of achieving rapid accession by stating that there are still many reforms to be carried out. Jean Claude Juncker, former president of the European Commission, has been harsher, stating to a German media that “anyone who has had anything to do with Ukraine knows that it is such at all levels of society. Despite his efforts, it is not ready for accession; "It needs massive processes of internal reform." Despite the message of secure accession, the EU continues to make clear that there will be more demands on kyiv, willing to comply with Brussels' terms to finally achieve the political victory it has been pursuing for a decade. There, as in seeing the military option as the only way to resolve the conflict, Ukraine and the European Union share objectives, so the only way out for both is to continue increasing economic dependence on kyiv. There is no alternative in sight to maintaining the flow of economic and financial assistance that, in the future, will become levels of debt that are impossible to assume for a destroyed, deindustrialized, impoverished country with millions of its citizens abroad. However, the current concern is only to guarantee financing, weapons and ammunition, not the sustainability of the current model.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 6, 2023
October 6, 2023

This morning, after artillery preparation, the Russian Armed Forces launched a local counter-offensive in the K Upyansky sector . The fighting resumed in the direction of Sinkovka , with the Russian Aerospace Forces and artillery actively working behind enemy lines.

In turn, the enemy continues to prepare to cross the Dnieper in the Kherson direction . The Ukrainian Armed Forces are transferring fresh forces to this area, and are also actively conducting reconnaissance in the area of ​​the Kinburn Peninsula .

At night, the Russian Armed Forces launched a series of attacks on infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. In particular, kamikaze UAVs "Geran" hit the port infrastructure in Orlovka in the Odessa region . Two arrivals were also reported in Kharkov .


Night strikes by the Russian Armed Forces on infrastructure facilities in Ukraine

The Russian Armed Forces again attacked the Ukrainian port infrastructure on the Danube . At night, kamikaze UAVs "Geran" hit the ferry crossing in Orlovka .

In the footage published by Ukrainian media, buildings and burnt vehicles at the parking lot of the Orlovka - Isakcha Ferry crossing are clearly visible . In addition, there are reports of damage to granaries, but there is no objective control footage yet.

Such strikes reduce the logistics capacity of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and are important in the context of the enemy’s increasing use of unmanned boats. At a minimum, a significant part of the infrastructure for maritime drones is located right on the Danube.

In addition, two arrivals were reported in Kharkov . Local authorities said that Iskanders were used for the attack. Ukrainian Armed Forces speaker Yuriy Ignat justifies the lack of an alarm by saying that the missiles were “flying along a ballistic trajectory.”

Movement of Black Sea Fleet ships to Novorossiysk and Feodosia

There is an active debate in the information space about the movement of Russian ships from Sevastopol to Novorossiysk and Feodosia due to the danger of missile attacks on the fleet. No matter how difficult it is to admit, but now the Black Sea Fleet cannot fully ensure its security. This requires complete control not only over the Black Sea , but also over the airspace. As long as the enemy has access to the sea, and NATO aircraft calmly direct drones and missiles, the danger will continue.

At the moment, the deployment of ships in more distant ports is completely justified. You can also launch Caliber from the Novorossiysk area. However, this does not mean that the security of Crimea will be under threat - no one has removed the tasks from the fleet . Simply replenishment of supplies will take place in the Krasnodar Territory and Feodosia. In this situation, the distance from the contact line in the Kherson region and from Odessa will be 400 and 580 km to Feodosia and Novorossiysk, which exceeds the combat range of the Storm Shadow and SCALP cruise missiles.

About the strike of the Russian Armed Forces on a cafe in the village of Groza

A couple of days ago, Russian troops launched an attack from the Iskander operational-tactical complex on a local cafe in the village of Groza, Kharkov region. The Ukrainian authorities immediately stated that at the time of entering the cafe, a wake was taking place, where only local residents allegedly gathered. This brought the death toll to 52 people.

However, the administration forgot to mention that in the morning the funeral of one of the high-ranking nationalists ( according to some sources, from Aidar ) took place in the village of Groza. And it was not his last brothers-in-arms who came to say goodbye to him. The storm is located not far from Shevchenkovo , where just yesterday another batch of mercenaries arrived to be sent to Kupyansk . The settlement is practically located in the front-line zone, and it is quite logical for members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to live there. Let us just summarize that, as in the case of hospitals where wounded members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being treated, any concentration of the enemy is a legitimate target in conditions of active hostilities.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobelsky direction in the morning, Russian troops, after artillery preparation, launched a counterattack near Kupyansk . Currently, fighters of the Russian Armed Forces are attacking enemy positions in the direction of Sinkovka , while aviation and artillery are striking at rear positions. The Russian Army places special emphasis on the transport interchange to Kupyansk. Several Telegram channels report attacks on the Shevchenkovo - Kupyansk highway .

This step is quite logical from the point of view of the possible replenishment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in Kupyansk. Recently, a formation of foreign mercenaries was transferred to Shevchenkovo ​​from Kharkov to defend the city. Also in the north, near the border with the Belgorod region, the tank battalion of the 3rd brigade (19 T-72 tanks and one BMP-1KSh1) and a self-propelled division (three Akatsiya self-propelled guns) are ready to be sent to Kupyansk.

Nevertheless, the activation of Russian military personnel against the backdrop of simultaneous counterattacks in the Vremyevsky and Svatovsky sectors is a favorable sign, indicating that the command of the Russian Armed Forces does not intend to freeze the front at the current borders.

In the Soledar direction in the Kleshcheevka area , positional clashes continue in the area of ​​the railway. Kamikaze drones are actively used against the enemy entrenched in the trenches. In one of the areas, during such a raid, it was possible to destroy the position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and take several soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces prisoner.

In addition, colleagues from the Southern Front channel published footage of an Iskander missile attack on an improvised training ground of the 77th airmobile brigade of the Ukrainian Air Force in the vicinity of Kuchery Yar in the Soledar direction . The drone filmed a gathering of personnel who, apparently, were undergoing combat coordination before being sent to the front line. In recent months, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been using training bases near the LBS to reduce transfer time.

As colleagues correctly noted, the fact that our drone operated calmly at a depth of 50 km from the contact line indicates the presence of gaps in the air defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this area, which the UAV operators took advantage of. And this may be connected with the transfer of air defense systems to other more important areas from the point of view of the Ukrainian command. After the liberation of Bakhmut, a significant part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces units were sent to the Zaporozhye region , and with them the covering detachments.

The front line in the Yuzhnodonetsk direction remains stable. The sides exchange UAV strikes and artillery fire. After a series of unsuccessful attempts to counterattack in this area, Ukrainian formations shifted their vector of attention to the Kherson direction.

In the Orekhovsky sector of the Zaporozhye direction, positional battles are taking place in the vicinity of Rabotino and Verbovoy . The enemy is regrouping in the rear, reorganizing the forces involved.

Enemy activity in the Kherson direction does not subside. Looking at the movements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, an attempt to strike with the crossing of the Dnieper looks increasingly likely. On the border of the Kherson and Nikolaev regions, brigades of the 30th Marine Corps (35, 36, 37 and 38 infantry infantry regiments) are being prepared to be sent to the front lines . At least two formations should occupy the Kizomys - Kherson - Nikolskoye line in the near future . At the same time, reconnaissance groups of the 35th and 36th brigades are already in positions near the Dnieper, equipping positions and establishing communications. Marine drones are actively operating along the LBS. Frontline fighters are seeing increased use of kamikaze drones.

According to the plans of the Ukrainian command, the basis for the strike in the Kherson region will be a strike group under the code name “ Katran ”. It is for them that a bridgehead is being prepared in the island zone of the Dnieper . If we take into account the dry areas of the Dnieper, as well as the increased attention of satellites to the Kinburn Peninsula , we should expect an attack from these directions in the coming weeks. Moreover, pontoon - bridge facilities removed from storage were sent from the Dnepropetrovsk region. And in this case, such attacks are more likely to be distracting in order to fetter the actions of the Russian Armed Forces. If this plan is successful, there will already be an attempt to attack Novaya Kakhovka through Berislav andKozatsky Island .

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
At night, residents of Sevastopol heard the sounds of shooting in the area of ​​the Northern Pier . Two unmanned boats of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to break through to the bay at about 03.00. The rifle squads opened fire on them, after which the BeKs turned around and headed northwest towards Zaozernoye at high speed. A patrol boat and several naval aviation helicopters of the Black Sea Fleet were sent to intercept them .

The Russian border area is relatively quiet today. In the Kursk region, local authorities informed about the work of air defense in the Kursk region . In addition, local residents of the Belgorod region reported shelling of Shebekino . There was no additional information about casualties or damage.

Shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration continues . The western regions of Donetsk and Gorlovka , the village of Golmovsky and Makeevka are under fire . In the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, two civilians and utility workers were injured as a result of an ammunition drop from a UAV. Near Mariupol , a Russian Aerospace Forces plane was shot down, presumably by friendly fire. The pilot ejected and was picked up by a search and rescue team.

Ukrainian formations continue daily shelling of populated areas in the Kherson region along the left bank of the Dnieper. Under fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces , Novaya Kakhovka and Kakhovka , as well as Golaya Pristan , Staraya and Novaya Zburevka , and the village of Obryvka . Private and apartment buildings were damaged; according to preliminary data, there were no casualties. Despite the blows, the region is preparing social facilities for the winter season.

Political events
The biggest diplomatic embarrassment in Canadian history

The recent incident in the Canadian Parliament, for all its absurdity, eloquently demonstrates the work of rewriting history that Western governments have been doing for many years. As a result, the average resident of the Western world begins to seriously believe that fascism was defeated solely by the efforts of the Americans, and does not understand what, in fact, is the problem with honoring the Ukrainian SS soldier.

However, it is interesting to see how this case (albeit not immediately) has already been taken up by the opposition: the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Pierre Poilievre , called the incident “the biggest diplomatic disgrace in the history of Canada.” The next elections in Canada will be held no later than October 2025, and Poilievre is called one of the possible candidates for the post of prime minister, which the current Liberal authorities fear. In addition to the fact that the leader of the Conservatives does not support the social and economic policies of Justin Trudeau, not everyone is confident that he will continue the political line of the current prime minister on the issue of countering Russia.

On the supply of weapons and shells for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

After yesterday’s meeting in Granada , Spain , at the summit of the European Political Society, Zelensky was able to beg several air defense installations from Spain. Local media, citing the government, report that we are talking about six Hawk launchers under the pretext of “protecting civilian objects and the grain corridor from bombing.” In addition, the head of the Spanish government, Pedro Sanchez , promised to transfer equipment for mine clearance, as well as train Ukrainian soldiers to operate the transferred air defense systems.

At the same time, the German company Rheinmetall placed an order for 1.35 billion euros for the production of 155 caliber artillery shells. This is due to the emptying of European warehouses after the transfer of large quantities of shells to Ukrainian troops. The order provides for both replenishment of its own reserves and the transfer of L15 type shells worth several hundred million euros to Ukraine. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Ukraine: Financing The War About Hegemony

First some news bits about Ukraine. We will then come to the real issue the war is fought about.

Headlines Politico:

Ukraine is ‘freaking out’ as McCarthy chaos threatens US aid

In Kyiv, officials are at a loss as to what might happen next. Their staunchest military ally suddenly looks unreliable, despite assurances from President Biden and others the U.S. will remain steadfast until Ukraine’s invaders are defeated.
“We are freaking out. For us it is a disaster,” said Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, a senior Ukrainian MP who chairs the committee on the country’s integration with the European Union.
The Ukrainian government heavily relies on foreign financial and military aid to keep the economy running and expects to receive $42.8 billion from international donors in the coming year. A big chunk of that would come from the United States.
“Unfortunately, some [U.S.] lawmakers found it possible to seek trade offs while further aid to Ukraine is in the air,” Vladyslav Faraponov, head of the board of the Institute of American Studies, told POLITICO. “The key message that Kyiv needs to deliver is that we can win together and do it as soon as possible to save a lot of good men and women.”

So the real problem is that Kiev has no chance to win. See for example The Times which talked with (archived) Ukrainian mortar crews near Robotyne, where the Ukrainian counteroffensive is stuck:

The KAB [glide bombs], as well as mines, underground fortifications and a deluge of suicide drones, have pinned down Ukraine’s assault brigades. It is why last month’s penetration of Russian fortifications failed to lead to a full breakdown in their defences.
All over the Robotyne-Verbove line, Ukrainian forces are bogged down.

The U.S. public is no longer convinced that the gargantuan spending on Joe Biden's private war makes any sense:

The two-day poll, which concluded on Oct. 4, revealed that only 41% of respondents agreed with the statement that Washington "should provide weapons to Ukraine," while 35% disagreed, and the remainder were uncertain.
Support for U.S. weapon shipments is down from May, when a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed 46% of Americans backed sending arms, while 29% were opposed and the rest unsure.
A few more month and a majority will reject any new money or weapon shipment. But don't fear. Congress critters will find ways to dump more money into a hole:

On Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said it would take about “$60 or $70 billion” to get Ukraine through 2024, not the $24 billion.
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), chair of the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, said the package they’re considering would fund the war for 15 months, bringing it into 2025. The package would help the Biden administration’s plans to continue supporting an open-ended conflict.

David Ignatius, the CIA's unofficial spokesperson at the Washington Post, reports of two opinions in Kiev:

The conflict is bleeding the country out. Ukrainians I spoke with during a four-day visit know they can’t keep fighting forever seeking what might be an unachievable victory. But they won’t stop, either.
Oleksiy Goncharenko, an opposition member from embattled Odessa on the Black Sea, presses members of the ruling party of President Volodymyr Zelensky. “I am very concerned,” he says. “Why? Take a look at the front. It doesn’t change. For a year it doesn’t change. But it was paid for by a huge amount of lives. … Ukraine can’t fight ‘as long as it takes.’ That will be a catastrophe.”

For Ukraine it already IS a catastrophe.

But if Ukraine seriously questions whether it can survive a fight that might take many years, then it needs to think about a way to freeze this conflict on its own terms — with a security guarantee from the United States as part of that deal.

The Ukraine can not freeze the conflict on its own terms. The U.S. can not give Ukraine any reasonable security guarantee.

A security guaranteed would leave the U.S. at the grace of lunatics in Kiev. They would be enabled to launch, at any time, a new conflict with Russia. A conflict the U.S., with nuclear weapons, would then be obliged to join. No Senate will ever approve such a treaty.

Ukraine won’t sue for peace. As many people have told me this week, it’s too personal. As a superpower, the United States can try to steer this conflict toward a settlement that protects Ukraine and doesn’t reward Russian aggression. But don’t ask Ukrainians to give up their cause. They won’t do it.

If the U.S. stops financing Ukraine its people will have no choice.

But the war is about more than Ukraine and the U.S. will finance it because its neoconservative leaders believe in its larger cause.

The war in Ukraine is a proxy-act for the U.S. in support of its quest for global hegemony.

For Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world, the war is thus about the elimination of that quest.

As President Putin explained in his recent Valdai speech in Sochi:

The Ukraine crisis is not a territorial conflict, and I want to make that clear. Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land area, and we have no interest in conquering additional territory. We still have much to do to properly develop Siberia, Eastern Siberia, and the Russian Far East. This is not a territorial conflict and not an attempt to establish regional geopolitical balance. The issue is much broader and more fundamental and is about the principles underlying the new international order.

Lasting peace will only be possible when everyone feels safe and secure, understands that their opinions are respected, and that there is a balance in the world where no one can unilaterally force or compel others to live or behave as a hegemon pleases even when it contradicts the sovereignty, genuine interests, traditions, or customs of peoples and countries. In such an arrangement, the very concept of sovereignty is simply denied and, sorry, is thrown in the garbage.

That is why the war is going to be a long one.

Putin though has no doubt who will win:

Russia was, is and will be one of the foundations of this new world system, ready for constructive interaction with everyone who strives for peace and prosperity, but ready for tough opposition against those who profess the principles of dictatorship and violence. We believe that pragmatism and common sense will prevail, and a multipolar world will be established.

Will it? I certainly hope so but there is doubt that it will be during the next five or ten years.

Posted by b on October 6, 2023 at 14:46 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


17 VSU officers surrender
October 6, 15:32


In the Donetsk direction, an entire Ukrainian Armed Forces commander surrendered into captivity. 17 people decided not to be cannon fodder, left their positions and came into captivity on their own.

(Video at link.)

They made the right choice and will live.
Those who want to follow their example, go to frequency 149.200 and call Volga.

(Video at link.)

And here is another fresh prisoner from the NATO 82nd Air Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (this is the one on the Strykers and Challengers).
Called "Volga" and surrendered (Verbovoy-Rabotino area) on October 5. Ours took him out through the front using a drone.

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German Agency Warns of Energy Supply Risks This Winter

Escalator turned off to reduce energy consumption in Germany, 2023. | Photo: X/ @DrEliDavid

Published 6 October 2023

The El Niño phenomenon, which can lead to cooling in Central Europe, is a major influence that is not exactly predictable.

On Thursday, Germany's Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) warned of risks to energy supply posed by a possible cold winter, despite improvements in supply situation.

In order to secure Germany's gas supply during the winter, the 95 percent target for filling the country's gas storage was reached ahead of time in September.

Two weeks ago, BNetzA carried out an emergency exercise by simulating a gas shortage. Although Germany was much better prepared this winter than last year, it was "still too early to sound the all-clear," BNetzA Director Klaus Mueller said after the test.

Weather forecasts indicate that "early winter will be rather warm," a spokesperson for Germany's National Meteorological Service (DWD) said. The latter part of the winter will be colder, the spokesperson added, but "still quite mild."

The El Nino phenomenon, which can lead to cooling in Central Europe and Germany, is a "major influence that is not exactly predictable," the DWD spokesperson said.

On Wednesday, the German government approved a temporary extension of the so-called supply reserve. This allows lignite-fired power plants to return to the electricity market until the end of March 2024.

The supply reserve will be "reactivated to save gas in power generation and thus prevent supply bottlenecks" this winter, the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action said. ... -0004.html


And So It Begins… The Great Unravelling
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 6, 2023
Finian Cunningham

Thousands protest against the delivery of weapons to Ukraine, and in support of peace negotiations, in Berlin, Germany, February, 2023. Photograph: Christian Mang/Reuters

The “Collective West” led by the chief imperialist power, the United States, is careening and buckling, the wayward collapse evident with each passing day.

For what it’s worth, the transatlantic alliance of the U.S. and its European allies – embodied by the NATO military bloc – had a fairly good chronological run. The imperialist clique managed to hold together for nearly eight decades. But now that ship is running aground on the rocks of a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

Signs of collapse and disintegration are coming fast and thick. The military defeat in Ukraine by the NATO powers after a $100 billion investment in weapons is foremost among the casualty list – together with up to 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers.

What a hideous fiasco the NATO-sponsored campaign against Russia has turned out to be. A bloodbath in Europe akin to the worst among history’s many imperialist slaughters. The U.S.-led military alliance of 30 nations has spectacularly forfeited any pretence of being a “security organization”.

The gnashing of teeth has only just begun. The farcical shame over NATO’s retreat two years ago from Afghanistan in August 2021 – after 20 years of failed military occupation – is but a prelude to the horrendous debacle unfolding over Ukraine.

For the first time in the history of the United States republic, that country this week saw its Congressional leader getting the sack. Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House of Representatives – third in line to the presidency – was forced out of his job largely due to political infighting in Washington over the scandalous funding of a proxy war in Ukraine against Russia, all while the U.S. federal government is teetering on bankruptcy shutdown.

Hours before McCarthy was ousted, President Joe Biden made a desperate conference call Tuesday with European leaders to “reassure allies of continued U.S. support for Ukraine.” The phone conference included all the main allies, Britain, Germany, France, and Poland as well as Canada and Japan.

The sole topic was the war in Ukraine and pledges from Biden that the United States would continue its military support for the Kiev regime.

Speaking later about the discussions, Polish President Andrzej Duda, conveying the urgency of Biden’s agenda, was quoted as saying: “Everyone took the floor. The main subject was Ukraine, the situation in Ukraine. President Joe Biden began by telling us about the situation in the U.S. and what is the real political situation around Ukraine. He assured us that there is backing for the continuing support for Ukraine, first of all for the military support. He said that he will get that backing in the Congress.”

The Polish leader added: “Biden called on the participants to continue their support for Ukraine and that everyone assured him that they would.”

The unprecedented ouster of House Speaker McCarthy within hours of Biden’s empty assurance to Western allies “about the political situation in the U.S.” and his promises to stick with Ukraine can only serve to rattle nerves even further.

Obviously, Biden doesn’t even know what is going on in his own country never mind in Ukraine.

The biggest fear among America’s vassals in Europe, Canada, Japan and elsewhere is that Washington will abruptly jettison the failed proxy war in Ukraine. Not out of principle, but rather political expediency, thereby leaving them high and dry.

The United States and the European Union have committed up to $200 billion in military and other economic aid to Ukraine since the conflict with Russia erupted 20 months ago in February 2022. Europe has been impacted much more badly than the U.S. from the loss of Russia’s energy supplies and from the influx of millions of Ukrainian refugees.

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, asserts that Europe will continue to support Ukraine even if the United States were to halt its aid. Borrell is indulging in delusional fantasy.

Already European NATO members are becoming leery and reluctant about the endless financial largesse doled out to prop up the corrupt Kiev regime. Hungary and now Slovakia are vowing to cut off the weapons supply and other funding. Mass protests are occurring in Germany and other EU countries against the NATO-fueled war. European political leaders are increasingly seen as feckless Yes-Men for Washington and betraying their national interests.

Biden and the warmongering U.S. establishment are deeply committed to the proxy war against Russia. The war function is the engine of American capitalism and imperialist ambitions. But if the economy is fundamentally broken – and it surely is with an unsustainable $33 trillion national debt – the reality of bankruptcy and political/public opposition becomes untenable.

Biden’s “assurances” to the NATO vassals are embarrassingly worthless after he was blindsided by the ensuing chaos in his own Congress. The American president is in no position to pledge anything.

The Pentagon and the European militaries are also complaining they don’t have any more weapons to give to Ukraine, their arsenals having been depleted by reckless donations to the squandering, incompetent Kiev regime.

The already nervy Europeans and other NATO partners are no doubt having flashbacks of the treacherous way that Biden and Washington abruptly and unilaterally pulled the plug on Afghanistan. The NATO allies were stunned by that fast move to exit the quagmire. Biden didn’t even give them a heads-up, never mind consulting with them.

For eight decades after the Second World War, NATO and later the European Union were always a handy vehicle for American imperialism. The vassals were held together by the relative strength of the U.S. empire. That empire is now unravelling from endless wars, bankruptcy and endemic corruption in Washington. The last episode of the historic failure is being played out in the fraudulent proxy war in Ukraine – sold to the Western public by the lying mainstream media as yet another “noble cause” to allegedly defend democracy (how absurd!).

The ultimate degeneracy is evident from the “moralizing”, “superior” Western powers being found in bed with a Nazi regime. And along with that degeneracy, financial debts are off the charts and a grievous insult to the onerous democratic needs of the Western public.

When Uncle Sam does a runner, and he will, the game is finally up for him and all his vassals.

The great unravelling of Western imperialist power is underway and is accelerating. ... ravelling/

The Scourge of the Swastika
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 6, 2023
Christopher Black


The open display of adulation for Nazi war criminals in the Canadian House of Commons, in which the SS man sat next to the chief of staff of the Canadian Army and the head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the German ambassador, has shocked everyone. It has shocked because the pretence, the mask of liberalism, of civilised behaviour, of democracy, respect for law and morality, has so openly fallen away, revealing the underlying forces, of brutality, tyranny and contempt for the people which has assumed power in the NATO states.

In 1954, Lord Russell of Liverpool, the Deputy Judge Advocate-General of the British Army of the Rhine, and legal adviser in the Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials wrote his famous book, “The Scourge of the Swastika, A Short History of Nazi War Crimes”. The British government tried to stop its publication, but failed, and it became a bestseller.

It needs to be read again apparently, since we have witnessed some days ago the Canadian parliament, the seat of democracy of a nation that fought against the Nazis in WWII, and which suffered heavy losses doing so, and which was an ally of the Soviet Union, cheering and applauding a Waffen-SS soldier whose unit, committed unspeakable crimes against civilians in the Nazi occupied territories of the Soviet Union, particularly Ukraine, but also in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. They applauded in unison and with enthusiasm.

Lord Russell’s book is not complete for it was written as a summary of the evidence at the Nuremberg trials of 1946, which runs to many volumes. He felt it necessary that the people of the world know what crimes the Nazis committed so that the world would not forget what the Nazis are and what their ideology produces; atrocities not only against peoples in the foreign lands they invaded and destroyed, but also against the German people, first communists, labour leaders, and intellectuals, then Jews and Roma, then anyone who resisted.

The world celebrated when Marshal Zhukov and other commanding officers of the Red Army accepted the unconditional surrender of the Nazi government on the night of May 8/9th in 1945 in Berlin. The scourge of the swastika was ended. Peace had returned. Barbarism had been crushed, civilisation restored. Or so the man and woman in the street were told and thought.

But Nazism, the German variety of fascism, was never completely suppressed since it is the phase that capitalism shifts into when it wants to unburden itself of democracy, the rule of law, in order to impose on the people, the working people the absolute rule of capital to further its interests. Its primary purpose in the 1930s and 40s and after in Germany, Italy, and Spain was to crush the working-class movements of the communists and socialists, therefore Republican Spain, the USSR, to make people work for less, under harsher conditions, to increase profits, to make the dictatorship of capital complete. The fascist ideology requires scapegoats to take the blame for all societal problems caused by the capitalists themselves and for this purpose, it has always been useful in Europe and North America to blame the Jews, or some other group that cannot defend itself, to make people learn to hate and once they hate, to use violence and thus in turn prepare the way for their wars of aggression, massacre and plunder.

Justice John Parker of the US Court of Appeals stated in his review of the book in the American Bar Association Journal of May 1955 that,

“The danger is not from the Germans, but from the totalitarian state which came to flower in the Nazi regime.”


“ It is important that what happened under the Nazi regime be understood throughout the world in order that precautions be taken against it happening again,”

referring to the attempts by the Nazis to exterminate entire peoples and cultures, mass murders carried out on an industrial scale, invasions of nation after nation, their perfection of the police state, their cult of the glorification of death.

It has been known for a long time that Britain, France and elements of the United States supported Hitler’s rise to power in Germany to crush the communists there and the USSR, that Chamberlain and Daladier made a deal with Hitler in 1938-39 that he could attack the USSR with their approval so long as he did not attack them, though Hitler later decided he could not trust them and so decided to knock them out of the war first, then attack the USSR.

It has been known for a long time that the Allied move into Europe was delayed in order to allow the Nazi forces time to destroy the Red Army. When Stalin pushed for their assistance, they staged the Dieppe Raid of 1942 on the coast of France, a raid that the Germans were tipped off about and which they defeated with heavy losses, especially among the Canadians who were used as sacrificial victims, to convince Stalin that the Allies were still too weak to help him. The Allied invasion of France only took place in order to block the Red Army as far east as possible when it became clear it was going to sweep west into Germany and perhaps beyond. Stalin confronted Roosevelt at Yalta with intelligence that the Americans had been negotiating a separate peace with the Nazi government, so both could fight the Soviets.

It has been known that immediately after the Nazi surrender many Nazis were accommodated in the West, and war criminals allowed to escape through Spain, the UK, and other routes, even The Vatican was involved, to South America, Canada, the USA and other countries.

The formation of NATO some months after Churchill delivered his “Iron Curtain” speech in the USA had the same ultimate objective as did Hitler, aggression against the USSR. This objective is still the primary goal of NATO.

The first head of NATO, Lord Ismay, a British General, stated in 1949 that the organization’s goal was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down,” and this is exactly what the Americans have done, as we see with the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage by the US and UK of Germany’s gas supply from Russia, the economic embargo of Russia, the war.

In fact, Churchill proposed launching a nuclear attack on the USSR at the time, but wiser heads prevailed, and other slower strategies were adopted. Time passed, governments and social systems collapsed, new governments formed, but NATO moved east, each step an act of aggression against Russia, each step nearer bringing war closer.

The NATO backed Maidan coup d’état of 2014 in Kiev, which overthrew the elected government and imposed a Nazi infected regime, was a further act of aggression, not a provocation, for it is objective was to prepare Ukraine to be used to launch war against Russia, which commenced with the Nazi regime’s attacks on the Russia citizens of Ukraine living in the Donbass regions. The Nazis became useful once again.

Nazi paramilitary formations were formed in Ukraine, using Nazi icons and symbology. Nazis of WWII, like Bandera, were and are celebrated. The regime has acted as did the Hitler regime, first suppressing the communists, then other political parties favourable to Russia, suspended laws, imposed martial law; corruption has become a way of life, censorship, arrests, beatings, press gangs, murder made routine methods of state control.

The world was shocked by the Nazi crimes of the 30s and 40s. How could civilised people commit such barbarism was the question asked everywhere and was followed by “could it happen here?” Well, now we know it could, it can and it has. The world was shocked as every single member of the Canadian parliament saluted and cheered for the Nazis. President Zelensky was there and joined with them. Are we surprised?

Knowing the history of the West in the 20th century, we should not be. But the open display of adulation for Nazi war criminals in the Canadian House of Commons, in which the SS man sat next to the chief of staff of the Canadian Army and the head of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the German ambassador, has shocked everyone.

It has shocked because the pretence, the mask of liberalism, of civilised behaviour, of democracy, respect for law and morality, has so openly fallen away, revealing the underlying forces, of brutality, tyranny and contempt for the people which has assumed power in the NATO states. Every Canadian Member of Parliament has to bear responsibility for their actions that day. No amount of scapegoating and finger pointing can absolve them of their guilt. For we just witnessed the Scourge of the Swastika accorded a presence and cheered in the Canadian parliament on a day, to adopt Roosevelt’s phrase, that will live in infamy. ... -swastika/
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:12 pm

Enemies of freedom and other people's existence
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/08/2023

Pro-Nazi Germany rally in Berezhan, 1942

Just a few days have passed since the controversial tribute by the Canadian House of Commons to the member of a Ukrainian SS unit, Yaroslav Hunka (Ярослав Гунька), and the subsequent resignation of speaker Anthony Rota. However, the first attempts to recover the lost legitimacy for veteran Ukrainian combatants have already appeared, even those most contaminated by their Nazi past, as is the case of Hunka and all his comrades-in-arms of the 14th Waffen-Grenadier. SS Division, better known as Galizien Division.

The most striking attempt in this direction has been the article by Keir Giles published by Politico . According to the author, the source of mass indignation would arise from Hunka's enlistment " in one of the foreign legions of the Waffen-SS, which fought against the Soviet forces on Germany's eastern front ." For Giles, however, this is a complicated and very nuanced issue “ because fighting the USSR at that time did not necessarily make you a Nazi, simply someone who had an unbearable choice about which of these two terrorist regimes to resist. ”

The main question, however, is not related to the difficult choice of those supposed heroic defenders of the freedom of Ukraine in a context conditioned by the conflict between Nazi Germany, that “civilized Western nation” cradle of the “ mystical Germanic knights ” , according to Hunka, and the hated Soviet Union of Stalin and his “enemies of the people.”

Those, like Gilles, who argue that “fighting against the Soviet Union during World War II does not necessarily mean being a Nazi,” excuse people like Hunka by relying on the Soviet occupation of 1939. Other expertsThey even add the Holodomor argument, despite the fact that the places where Ukrainian fascism allied itself with the German occupation were part of Poland during the years of famine and did not suffer from it. It was there, in the Ukrainian areas that had been part of Poland and not the Soviet Union, where nationalist groups that were inspired by the fascism of interwar Europe became strong and shook hands with Nazi Germany. Hence it can be seen as logical that nationalist militants reacted with joy to the German occupation of 1941 given that Ukrainian nationalism in Polish Galizia was one of the main forces opposed to the Soviet regime.

In the abstract, it can also be assumed that a young man between 16 and 18 years old could feel, personally, that between 1941 and 1943, under that occupation, he would have lived the best years of his life, as Hunka describes them in the text that he dedicates to his generation : In 1941, “I had just turned 16 and the next two years were the happiest of my life. I had no idea that what I experienced in those two years would fill me with love for my hometown in such a way that it would be enough for me for the rest of my life. I didn't know then that dreams about those two years, about the company of charming girls, about cheerful and careless friends, about fragrant evenings in the luxurious castle park and walks around the city would help me overcome the anxious times of the following years . That the memories of the Berezhany Institute in the old town hall, with its teachers and with its increasingly cheerful and noisy students, would sustain my heart and soul in a foreign land for decades to come. ”

But, however harsh the Stalinist administration of 1939-1941 might have been for Polish and Ukrainian nationalists, or for Berezhan's economic elites, including the Jewish one, it is not possible to characterize the Ukrainian military brotherhood of the Waffen SS in the context of the Holocaust as an act of commitment to national freedom against totalitarianism when the meaning of the alliance between the Ukrainian forces of the Galizien Division and Nazism is minimally explored. This alliance sought to make a reality of the model of Ukrainian independence that the OUN and other nationalist forces aspired to in the Ukraine of the 1930s and 1940s, a model in which entire groups of the population were not invited to participate, not only communists and Muscovites. , “ those beasts in human form”, according to Hunka, but the Jewish population in general, not only those located in the sphere of support for Bolshevism.

The liquidation of the Jewish population residing in Berezhan: July 4, 1941 to June 12, 1943

It is precisely the Holocaust that is the factor that must be introduced to understand the events that occurred during the two wonderful years that Hunka speaks of when remembering his idealized town of Berezhan (Berezhany in Ukrainian and Brzezany in Polish). These events have been accurately recounted by some sources, for example in Arne Bewersdorf 's study of Hans-Adolf Asbach, top representative of the Nazi administration in Berezhan; or in Shimon Redlich's book, Together and Apart in Brzezany: Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians, 1919-1945 . Redlich's work constitutes, precisely, the basic reference for the content of part of Volume II of the Encyclopedia of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945in which reference is made to the Holocaust in Berezhan.

According to sources, before the events of the period 1939-1941, Berezhan was a town of around 13,000 inhabitants, with a majority of Polish and Jewish people (42.2% of ethnic Poles, 35.5% Jewish and 22. 3% Ukrainian). About three-quarters of the trade was in the hands of the Jewish community, with the Polish population more clearly associated with the military and administrative world. The rural environment of the small city, on the other hand, was majority Ukrainian, with 60% Ukrainian peasants and 30% Poles.

Following the German occupation of Poland and the annexation of Polish Galizia into the Soviet Union, however, thousands of refugees, primarily Jews, fleeing the Nazi advance settled in Berezhan and became an important part of the local Jewish population. . They were joined by the German population, both from the Reich and Volksdeutsch (ethnic Germans from the area), who were concentrated in the city. Some sources put the population of Berezhan under German occupation at around 20,000 inhabitants.

The first units of the Wehrmacht entered the city on July 4, 1941. While the Ukrainian militants, with their yellow and blue flags with the Trident, celebrated the arrival of the Nazi army in the streets, Jews and Poles locked themselves in their homes. . Although most of those who cheered the Soviets who arrived in Berezhan in 1939 were Jews, and many of them rose to positions of authority between 1939 and 1941, only a small number of members of the Berezhan Jewish community accompanied the Soviet forces during their hasty and disorderly retreat, heavily harassed not only by German troops, but also by their Ukrainian allies.

That same day the 4th, after the arrival of the German army, thousands of Ukrainian militants, mainly from nearby towns, broke into the Berezhan prison, where they allegedly found in the basement the mutilated bodies of nationalists who had been arrested by the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD); Other bodies were floating in the local river. Sources speak of about 150 nationalists hastily murdered, many of them without burial, by the NKVD during the organization of the retreat.

The Jewish population, whom the Ukrainians accused of collaboration with the Soviets, was going to pay the consequences that same day, as recounted in a testimony collected by Redlich: “At one point I saw two Ukrainian police officers, wearing blue and yellow armbands, escorting a little Jew with a broom in his hand into the building. A few minutes later, the Jew, beaten and bleeding, appeared at a second-story window. A Ukrainian next to him shouted: "We just caught a Jew who murdered our brothers." Suddenly, a gunshot was heard in the crowd and the Jew fell out of the window. Loud cries of "Death to the Jews" were heard everywhere. Most of the Jews who died in Berezhan that day were killed with nail-studded broomsticks. Crowds of Ukrainians, dressed in their national costumes, marched through the streets shouting 'Death to Jews, Poles and Communists .'” According to Redlich, furthermore, “Dozens of Jews were forced to dig graves and bury the dead in the Christian cemetery in Brzezany. These Jews were subsequently massacred on the spot by an angry Ukrainian mob. Some were killed with their own shovels .”

On Sunday the 6th, a new mass gathering of Ukrainian nationalists, including armed groups of the OUN, took place in Berezhan. “ Ukrainian community leaders and German army officials in the town set up a festive platform, adorned with German and Ukrainian banners. Father Baczynski delivered a sermon and a telegram was read in which “ the population of Berezhany and the entire region, freed from the Bolshevik horror in the course of the invincible march of the German army, extend their greetings and thanks to the Führer of the powerful German state and to the Supreme Commander of the most glorious army in the world .”

According to Ridlich, that day, as a result of the alleged NKVD murders, the emotions of the Ukrainian act and the permissive attitude of the German military, whose work included promoting violence against the Jewish population, a new pogrom took place throughout the city: “ A Ukrainian crowd moved wildly through the Jewish quarter and spread throughout the city in search of Jews. There were dead and injured people. “Properties were seized and looted.”


The Gymnasium or Institute. Former Polish secondary school and later administrative building of the German district administration in Brzezany. Photo: Schleswig-Holstein State Archive, Department 352.3. No. 17. Arne Bewersdorf

Some Ukrainians, especially members of the local intelligentsia , promised to calm the crowd. But, after that first moment marked by the murders of nationalist prisoners during the hasty Soviet withdrawal of June 1941 and the revenge promoted by the Ukrainians, neither calm nor reason came to Berezhan, but the new Nazi administration, supported by collaborationists local.

The German civil administration, led by Hans-Adolf Asbach, a member of the Nazi party, was formed at the beginning of the autumn of 1941 in the building of the town's former Polish Institute, the Gymnasium, the most emblematic building for all the protagonists. of this story. Asbach had about 20 Germans, both Reichsdeutsche and some Volksdeutsche (local ethnic Germans), and about 30 to 40 Polish and Ukrainian employees in lower-ranking positions.

Among the police units stationed in Berezhan, the largest was the German Special Police, the Sonderdienst, with a group of around 30 men, mostly Volksdeutsche , subordinate to Asbach. The German Gendarmerie was made up of nine men under the command of several officers and was joined by another local section of the Criminal Police (Kripo). In addition to the German units, Asbach had the local Ukrainian Auxiliary Police (Ukrainische Hilfspolizei). It was headed by a Ukrainian officer and consisted of a few dozen men, supervised by the German Gendarmerie. In the military sphere, Berezhan was also home to the Ortskommandantur, the local military command.

In the new Berezhan, Ukrainians found themselves with “ a preferential status… The Local Administration of the city was now headed by a Ukrainian, Volodymyr Pryshliak. A Ukrainian was appointed head of the local court; the regional doctor was also Ukrainian, Dr. Lavrovskii. Most of the main local offices, which had been occupied by Poles in the interwar years, were now occupied by Ukrainians . The mixed and multinational system of universal education that the Soviets had implemented to replace the elitist Polish model, which left a large part of the population unschooled, became an exclusively Ukrainian institution. The local Ukrainian newspaper Berezhanski VistiIt began to be published at the end of July, becoming, according to Ridlich, “ a spokesperson for Nazi propaganda ” and a broadcast of the German administration's announcements. “ Anti-Semitic articles were published there from time to time .”

The process that leads to the Judenrein , to the practically total liquidation of the Jewish community of Berezhan, begins at the beginning of October 1941, the month of the first German Aktion in the city, directed against the local Jewish intelligentsia . “All local Jewish men had to appear in the market square. Around 600 Jews, mostly professionals and merchants, were selected and imprisoned in the Berezhan prison. Asbach promised to help free some of them in exchange for 3 kilos of gold, which he obtained from the Judenrat. Nobody was released. They were loaded onto trucks the next day and driven in the direction of the town of Rai, where they were all murdered by a contingent of men from the Sipo (Sicherheit Polizei, Security Police) from Ternopil. Their bodies were buried in a nearby quarry.”. The Ternopil Sipo was led by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Müller, who relied on his “specialist in Jewish affairs”, Willi Herrmann, head of the Sicherheitdienst, the SS security service, in Ternopil.

The next large-scale action in Berezhan took place shortly after, in mid-December 1941: “ About 1,000 Jews, mainly the elderly, women and children, were surrounded by the Jewish and Ukrainian police and the Asbach Sonderdienst.” “They were taken on foot and in horse-drawn carts in the direction of Podhajce. A Sipo detachment, led by Hermann Müller, was waiting for them in the Litiatyn Forest, halfway between Berezhan and Podhajce. They were all shot on the spot and buried there .”

In parallel, some Berezhan Jews were periodically deported to nearby labor camps. “ Raids for labor camps were usually carried out by Ukrainian and Jewish police. Very few returned .” In Asbach's projects to Germanize Berezhan, hundreds of other Jews were employed who were forced to demolish buildings and prepare open spaces for future constructions, later never carried out . According to Bewersdorf, between 250 and 400 Jews were accommodated for this purpose in a forced labor camp.

In 1942 the foundations of the future Berezhan ghetto began to be laid. On January 15 of that year, an advertisement in the Berezhans'ki Visti warned that: “ Jews who leave the designated neighborhood without permission, as well as those who provide them with shelter, are subject to execution .” The definitive establishment of the ghetto in the center of the city became a reality in the autumn of that year. It not only included the local population but also the Jewish population transferred from surrounding towns. According to Bewersdorf, the ghetto would have been completely closed at the end of 1942.

Prohibition sign in front of the entrances to the Jewish residential area of ​​Berezhan: “Jewish habitation area. “Entry prohibited.” Photo: Schleswig-Holstein State Archive, Department 352.3. No. 17683. Arne Bewersdorf

Different parts of Bewersdorf's study mention that surveillance of the ghetto was carried out by the Jewish security service (attached to the Judenrat) and the Ukrainian police. He insists that the Jewish population housed there had to live in the worst conditions: hunger, illness and death were part of their daily lives. “ Between 150 and 200 people lived crammed into each house. According to the “Katzmann Report”, the conditions in the residential areas of the district were so catastrophic that those involved in the final solution did not dare to enter them .

According to Redlich, the first mass deportation of Berezhan to the Belzec extermination camp took place between September 21 and 22, 1942, again by the Ternopil Sipo, “with the assistance of the local Ukrainian militia . ” “ More than 1,000 Jews were loaded into freight cars at the Berezhan train station .” As the scene was watched by Poles, Ukrainians and Volksdeutsche , “ about 2,000 Jews were loaded into about fifty freight cars at the Berezhan railway station and transported westward .” Only a few managed to return to the city after jumping from the carriages and avoiding the German and Ukrainian escort.

Other deportations of members of the town's Jewish community to Belzec followed: around 1,000 people on October 31, 1942 and another 1,500 on December 4, 1942.

At the end of March and beginning of April 1943, a new Aktion, or raid, was organized against the Jewish population. It lasted three days. Although some of the detainees were deported to nearby labor camps, other people were shot in the old Jewish cemetery on Okopisko Hill, in the direction of the town of Rai. By then, fewer than 2,000 Jews remained in the ghetto.

The final liquidation of the Berezhan ghetto occurred on Saturday, June 12, 1943, led and supervised by SS-Scharführer Willi Herrmann. “ The last Jews of the Berezhan ghetto, including the “W” group of about 300 Jewish men, supposedly needed as workers for the Wehrmacht, were taken to the Okopisko Jewish cemetery. That day, about 1,400 Jews were shot one by one and buried in mass graves .” Redlich points out that the shots were fired by the SIPO, the Ternopil SD and local German police. According to a witness, the Okopisko hill “ was covered with corpses because some of the younger ones, upon realizing what was happening, jumped over the wall and tried to run down the hill. The Germans shot them with machine guns”. Some city streets were also littered with corpses. Only one member of group W managed to escape and survive.

The Ukrainian auxiliary police were present in all the aforementioned actions, also in the final extermination actions. According to the main perpetrator in all these actions, Willi Hermann: “ We traveled by truck to Berezhany and there we met with the Ukrainian militia and the German gendarmerie. Then all the remaining Jews were taken from the ghetto to the cemetery [Okopisko].. They were not allowed to carry any luggage. Everything was already prepared in the cemetery. The graves had been dug by the Baudiensts. They were about two meters deep, four meters wide and three meters long. The Jews had to undress, but some stayed in their underwear. I don't know how the execution was carried out. We left after the raid. The clothes of the dead were collected by the Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle [the office for appropriating Jewish property for distribution among local ethnic Germans].”

The only survivor from Okopisko also claims that his group was taken away by German and Ukrainian police. “ Not far away, behind the armed Germans, small groups of locals, Poles and Ukrainians, gathered, who did not want to miss our “procession . ” Other witnesses also refer to the presence of the Ukrainian police alongside the German police units.

Berezhan was thus officially “cleansed” of a Jewish population that, considering the different groups (refugees from Poland and deportees to the ghetto), had reached close to 10,000 people. The members of the Berezhan community who managed to avoid the raid “ hid with non-Jewish, mainly Polish, families. Some were hidden by mixed Polish-Ukrainian families, and very few - by Ukrainians .” According to Arne Bewersdorf, there were around 70 people from the entire area, and between 30 or 40 of the more than 3,500 Jewish people from Berezhan itself.

After the last raid, according to Redlich, signs were posted at the entrance to the city: " This place is free of Jews [Judenfrei]."

The Galizia Division in Berezhan

Before the last action of extermination of the Jewish population of Berezhan in June, on behalf of the Ukrainian Central Committee on the territory of the General Government, Volodymyr Kubiiovych, who after the war would emigrate to Canada, had already agreed with Otto Wächter on the creation of the Galizia Division. The recruitment process began in May 1943. On the 4th of that month Kubiiovych already addressed the Ukrainian population of Galizia to join the new unit to, together with the Germans, confront the Soviet advance.

The formation of the Galizia Division was enthusiastically supported by local leaders of the Berezhan Ukrainian community. Berezhan Ukrainians celebrated the official announcement of the creation of the Division with a demonstration of support. The city was decorated with German and Ukrainian flags and attendees marched in front of German and Ukrainian officials and officials. Another act of support took place a few weeks later. According to Redlich, the main civil leader, Babiak, and Father Baczynski, head of the local Ukrainian church, “ were very active in the mobilization campaign. Almost 3,000 Ukrainians signed up from the Berezhan region .”

Lev Stetkevych, one of the 30 young people from Berezhan accepted by the Division, points out regarding the acts of support for the Galizien Division that “ the city of Berezhan accompanied its volunteers with music, flowers and kisses from the girls .” Yaroslav Hunka would be another of the young people chosen in the area.

December 1943. After completing training in Munich, a group of soldiers returns to the Galizia Division. Yaroslav Hunka is second from the left.

All the events related to the liquidation of the Jewish population of Berezhan took place before or in parallel with Yaroslav Hunka's own incorporation as a volunteer into the Galizia Division in 1943. However, these are events completely absent from Hunka's memoirs. . In them Hunka shows himself as a man of faith with enough moral strength to speak of the spiritual decadence of the “Soviet” person he encountered upon returning to post-independence Ukraine, manifested in his complete indifference: “This indifference It was observed in every moment of life. The man had become indifferent to his surroundings, to the needs and sorrows of his neighbor, to those of his own neighbor.«. An accusation that contrasts terribly with his silence about the events that occurred in Berezhan during the two years that he presents as the happiest of his life. As a Polish witness pointed out when describing the last act, in 1943, of the extermination of the Jewish population of Berezhan or refugees in that town, Hunka cannot claim ignorance to justify his own indifference: “all this [the Jewish march towards its end last] was terribly shocking, especially in such a small town, where almost everyone knew each other .”

In reality, everything indicates that what happened must have served Hunka to “rationalize” and consciously position himself in the face of the fact that a few years before had intrigued him: why did those thirty-two “Jewish children of Germany” flee from a Western nation as civilized as Germany ? refugees from Poland ” who were the majority in the sixth grade class that the Soviet administration had opened? And with his decision, Hunka placed himself, unequivocally, on a very specific side of the so-called “civilization”, that of the Judenrein, that of those who had liquidated, or were about to do so, practically the entire Jewish population of Berezhan and its surroundings.

The alliance between Ukrainian nationalism that opted for the Galizia Division and Nazi Germany did not focus only on the fight against the Bolshevik enemy and those who were considered its allies on the Eastern Front, fundamentally the Jewish population. Quickly, the Galizien Division fulfilled other very different purposes in support of Nazi Germany. On the one hand, the Ukrainian Waffen SS played an important role in suppressing the anti-Nazi insurgency or resistance (both Polish and Soviet), first in the area of ​​the Polish-Russian border around Brody and Zamosc, and then in the center of Europe, both in Slovakia and on the northern border of Slovenia. On the other hand, when everything was already lost for Hitler's Germany, before surrendering near Spittal to the British troops,

Subsequently, in their anti-communist and anti-Russian political militancy (anti-Muscovite, those interested would say today), the discharged soldiers who had collaborated with Nazi Germany would continue, in many cases, to participate in supporting undemocratic regimes. That was the case, in particular, of those Ukrainians from Halychyna who collaborated in Spain with a Franco regime that welcomed them through the sector most committed to the church of Rome. Among them was Galizien Division Colonel Teodor Barabash, one of Hunka's references in the British Rimini camp where the British concentrated the Ukrainian remains of the Nazi army.

In one of the documents published on his blog, Hunka mentions Barabash. As described, forty members of the Galizien Division, converted into the ghostly Ukrainian National Army, had the opportunity to work in the British transit camp in Rimini, “Gotting Grill”, in charge of organizing the repatriation of British troops from the North of Africa and southern Italy towards England. The camp included six barracks for those tasked with serving the British. It was up to Hunka to help in the selection of these service units within the Barabash artillery regiment, then assistant to the commander of the Rimini Ukrainian prisoner camp and one of the main commanders of that regiment.

Hunka says that, in August 1946, a small group of divisionists, with civil documents issued by the Vatican, left Rimini. They were part of a small group of “students” for whom Bishop Iván Buchko had obtained places at universities in Spain and France. Barabash would be part of the group of 18 people that arrived in Barcelona on December 31, 1946, heading towards Madrid. Hunka, for his part, would not leave Rimini until mid-May 1947 heading to England through Venice and Gibraltar.

Always placed in a position of enemies of the freedom of others, whether during the Second World War against those persecuted by Hitler, during the Franco regime or after the 2014 coup, the ideological trajectory of national-fascism associated with the OUN, the UPA, the Galizia Division, etc. has been fully consistent. Under the principle of Slava Ukraina , a version of the Deutschland Über Alles of German National Socialism, which places any other political value on a secondary level, this coherence is also in terms of acceptance of any alliance that allows the achievement of the final objective: the independence and sovereignty of a Ukraine without external or internal enemies.

The essential question raised by the Yaroslav Hunka case and that of all those who have shared with him the experience of the Galizia Division has little to do with the complexities of a life in the midst of conflict against forces capable of crushing a small oppressed nation. The disgrace that will always accompany them has not so much to do with the specific commitment to enlistment with the Waffen SS as with the ultimate coherence of this act with a historical trajectory in which the main sign of continuity has been the will to crush, also in modern Ukraine, of the freedom and even the existence of all those whom they considered and consider enemies.

Redlich's book includes testimony about the Berezhan ghetto from a member of the Galizia Division, Dmytro Bartkiw, who lived and studied nearby. When asked if he observed what was happening in him, he responded: “ To tell the truth, I wasn't interested. So what if there were Jews in the ghetto? But it became interesting when the ghetto was being liquidated and the Jews were taken to be shot in Okopisko .”

Those who applauded Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian House of Commons cannot claim in their defense ignorance of all these circumstances, circumstances that it was their obligation to know. With his applause, they will be forever linked to the history of the SS Galizien Division and the tragic fate of the Jewish community of Berezhan. ... more-28311

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Leaked Documents Reveal Ukraine’s Zelensky Tried to Hire Terrorists in Iraq
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 7, 2023
Steven Sahiounie


Details of the recent Ukrainian-Iraqi talks have appeared in the Middle Eastern media. According to, on September 27, a YouTube video appeared, which claims that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy has been trying to recruit certain Iraqi prisoners into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the video, the prisoners in question are convicted terrorists and ISIS fighters. The author of the video is Hassan Fadel, who introduced himself as a former employee of the Foreign Ministry of Iraq, working there as a secretary from 2019 to 2023 before leaving the country.

“My name is Hassan Fadel and I am a former employee of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq. I worked as a secretary there from 2019 to 2023. I discovered this note in April of this year when Ukrainian diplomats gave it to my colleagues. I am deeply outraged by the contents of this note and would like to make it public, because “the fighters experienced in fighting Russians” mentioned in it are former ISIS fighters detained in prison facilities around Iraq. I resigned from the Ministry and left Iraq with my family, so I don’t know what our response was. Still, I don’t want to see these people free, especially armed. ISIS are murderers and terrorists, and they should stay imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Many countries support Ukraine right now and allow it to break international laws. Still, aiding terrorists is too much and shouldn’t be allowed. I am also appalled by the American involvement in this. General McFarlane mentioned in the note is the commander of American Joint Task Force in Iraq. It is simply shocking how easily the issues of the movement of Iraqi prisoners, especially terrorists, can be resolved without the participation of representatives of our country.”

In mid-April 2023, a meeting was held in Baghdad between representatives of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry headed by Fuad Hussein and a Ukrainian delegation headed by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. After the meeting, the politicians spoke to the press, making a number of statements about the development of cooperation between the countries and the desire to end the Russian-Ukrainian war.

The picture of the letter as shown in the video

Another meeting was held in May of 2023 in Saudi Arabia during the Summit on the Settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict, organized by Ukraine. President Zelenskyy personally communicated there with the Prime Minister of Iraq Al Sudani.

It is unknown how many ISIS fighters are still detained. In the last five years, many of them were executed or died of natural causes. According to the circumstantial evidence and the research data, their number can be assumed to be a few thousands. In March of this year, American general Michael Kurilla, who visited prisons housing the detained terrorists, stated, that between those detained in Syria and Iraq it is a veritable ‘ISIS army in detention.’ If freed, this group would pose a great threat regionally and beyond.”

General McFarlane, mentioned in the Hassan Fadil’s video, is the US Army major general, who was heading Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve from September 2022 to August 2023. CJTF-OIR is an international military coalition tasked with fighting ISIS and led by the United States.

Photo: Major General Matthew McFarlane

No official declarations regarding such operation were made by either Ukraine or Iraq. On September 25th, British newspaper The Sun posted a video showing one of the AFU fighters wearing ISIS patches.

Daniil ‘Mujahid’ Lyashuk volunteered to fight for Ukraine. He adhered to far-right ideology, and converted to Islam, while also embracing ISIS ideology.

He joined Ukraine’s Tornado battalion that attacked the civilians of Donbas, where he was known as cruel, and tortured the residents, including rape. He boasted on his Telegram account that he was trained by the SAS of the British military.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are a US-sponsored Kurdish separatist militia in northeastern Syria. They are bolstered by several thousand US troops at Al Tanf base in Syria, which is illegally occupied by the US military.

The SDF have numerous prison camps full of thousands of ISIS terrorists. Occasionally, some of the terrorists have escaped, and on other occasions the US military have taken them away to Iraq.

It has been reported, that some of the ISIS terrorists were transferred to Ukraine to fight Russia in exchange for their freedom. The prison caps run by the SDF have been visited often by western journalists who describe them as horrible and unlivable.

Current media reports that Ukraine is desperate for weapons, ammunition and fighters. The US is in political turmoil and is divided about sending weapons and cash in huge amounts to Ukraine, while the American taxpayers are suffering inflation and facing a national debt in the trillions and tired of foreign wars that seem never-ending.

Recently, the US sent confiscated Iran weapons to Ukraine, and there is a real possibility that foreign terrorists, skilled in battle zones, may be utilized in Ukraine, by releasing them from Iraqi prisons, and Syrian prisons under the control of the US. ... s-in-iraq/

Beyond the Neocon Debacle in Ukraine
OCTOBER 6, 2023

French soldiers observe a live-fire NATO multinational battlegroup exercise in Cincu, Romania, April 27, 2022. Photo: NATO, Flickr.

By Jeffrey D. Sachs – Oct, 4, 2023

Four Events Have Shattered NATO’s Drive For Enlargement Eastward.

Now, decisions by the U.S. and Russia will matter enormously for the entire world’s peace, security and wellbeing.

We are entering the end stage of the 30-year U.S. neoconservative debacle in Ukraine. The neocon plan to surround Russia in the Black Sea region by NATO has failed. Decisions now by the U.S. and Russia will matter enormously for peace, security, and wellbeing for the entire world.

Four events have shattered the neocon hopes for NATO enlargement eastward, to Ukraine, Georgia, and onward.

The first is straightforward. Ukraine has been devastated on the battlefield, with tragic and appalling losses. Russia is winning the war of attrition, an outcome that was predictable from the start but which the neocons and mainstream media continue to deny.

The second is the collapsing support in Europe for the U.S. neocon strategy. Poland no longer speaks with Ukraine. Hungary has long opposed the neocons. Slovakia has elected an anti-neocon government. E.U. leaders — including French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Spain’s Acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and others — have disapproval ratings far higher than approvals.

The third is the cut in U.S. financial support for Ukraine. The grassroots of the Republican Party, several GOP presidential candidates and a growing number of Republican members of Congress oppose more spending on Ukraine. In the stop-gap bill to keep the government running, Republicans stripped away new financial support for Ukraine. The White House has called for new aid legislation, but this will be an uphill fight.

The fourth, and most urgent from Ukraine’s point of view, is the likelihood of a Russian offensive. Ukraine’s casualties are in the hundreds of thousands, and Ukraine has burned through its artillery, air defenses, tanks and other heavy weapons. Russia is likely to follow with a massive offensive.

The neocons have created utter disasters in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and now Ukraine. The U.S. political system has not yet held the neocons to account, since foreign policy is carried out with little public or congressional scrutiny to date. Mainstream media have sided with the slogans of the neocons.

Ukraine is at risk of economic, demographic and military collapse. What should the U.S. government do to face this potential disaster?

Urgently, it should change course. Britain advises the U.S. to escalate, as Britain is stuck with 19th-century imperial reveries. U.S. neocons are stuck with imperial bravado. Cooler heads urgently need to prevail.

President Joe Biden should immediately inform President Vladimir Putin that the U.S. will end NATO enlargement eastward if the U.S. and Russia reach a new agreement on security arrangements. By ending NATO expansion, the U.S. can still save Ukraine from the policy debacles of the past 30 years.

Biden should agree to negotiate a security arrangement of the kind, though not precise details, of Putin’s proposals of Dec. 17, 2021. Biden foolishly refused to negotiate with Putin in December 2021. It’s time to negotiate now.

There are four keys to an agreement. First, as part of an overall deal, Biden should agree that NATO will not enlarge eastward, but not reverse the past NATO enlargement. NATO would of course not tolerate Russian encroachments in existing NATO states. Both Russia and the U.S. would pledge to avoid provocations near Russia’s borders, including provocative missile placement, military exercises and the like.

Second, the new U.S.-Russia security agreement should cover nuclear weapons. The U.S. unilateral withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002, followed by the placement of Aegis missiles in Poland and Romania, gravely inflamed tensions, which were further exacerbated by the U.S. withdrawal from the Intermediate Nuclear Force Agreement in 2019 and Russia’s suspension of the New Start Treaty in 2023.

Russian leaders have repeatedly pointed to U.S. missiles near Russia, unconstrained by the abandoned ABM Treaty, as a dire threat to Russia’s national security.

Third, Russia and Ukraine would agree on new borders, in which the overwhelmingly ethnic Russian Crimea and heavily ethnic Russian districts of eastern Ukraine would remain part of Russia. The border changes would be accompanied by security guarantees for Ukraine backed unanimously by the U.N. Security Council and other states such as Germany, Turkey and India.

Fourth, as part of a settlement, the U.S., Russia, and the E.U. would re-establish trade, finance, cultural exchange and tourist relations. It’s certainly time once again to hear Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky in U.S. and European concert halls.

Border changes are a last resort and should be made under the auspices of the U.N. Security Council. They must never be an invitation to further territorial demands, such as by Russia regarding ethnic Russians in other countries. Yet borders change, and the U.S. has recently backed two border changes.

NATO bombed Serbia for 47 days until it relinquished the Albanian-majority region of Kosovo. In 2008, the U.S. recognized Kosovo as a sovereign nation. The U.S. government similarly backed South Sudan’s insurgency to break away from Sudan.

If Russia, Ukraine, or the U.S. subsequently violated the new agreement, they would be challenging the rest of the world. As President John F. Kennedy once observed, “even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.”

The U.S. neocons carry much blame for undermining Ukraine’s 1991 borders. Russia did not claim Crimea until after the U.S.-backed overthrow of Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. Nor did Russia annex the Donbass after 2014, instead calling on Ukraine to honor the U.N.-backed Minsk II agreement, based on autonomy for the Donbass. The neocons preferred to arm Ukraine to retake the Donbass by force rather than grant the Donbass autonomy.

The long-term key to peace in Europe is collective security as called for by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

According to OSCE agreements, OSCE member states “will not strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States.”

Neocon unilateralism undermined Europe’s collective security by pushing NATO enlargement without regard to third parties, notably Russia. Europe — including the E.U., Russia and Ukraine — needs more OSCE and less neocon unilateralism as key to lasting peace in Europe. ... n-ukraine/

Biden ain't no 'neocon', he's a liberal centrist. These labels don't mean shit, regardless of appellation they're all capitalist tools.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:05 pm

Is the West losing interest in Ukraine?
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/09/2023


Several factors that are currently coming together could lead one to think that interest in Ukraine in Western countries is waning and that a change in strategy is being prepared that, in practice, will mean reducing assistance to the country in anticipation of a commitment to Russia. It is evident that the level of enthusiasm and solidarity towards Ukraine (towards the right Ukrainians, since there has never been the slightest solidarity towards the population of Donbass, theoretically also Ukrainian) has declined and the signs of rejection of the use of billions of dollars in military assistance in an apparently indefinite manner are beginning to grow. It is also true that the unanimity with which the mechanisms of military and economic assistance to Ukraine were launched in 2022 has disappeared, especially in the United States, although it remains firm in the high institutions of the European Union, which does not allow dissidence, and in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada, where partisan differences do not affect the issue of war.

The situation is especially complicated from the moment in which the part of the Republican Party, the Trumpist wing, seeks to use all the arguments, including a fallacious use of the effect of assistance to Ukraine - it is even said that this expense prevents meeting the needs of national social programs, when those same deputies and senators are opposed to them - to advance their interests, especially in terms of future primary elections. This internal blockade has already prevented the agreement to avoid the closure of the US Government from temporarily leaving out the new financing that Joe Biden was seeking for Ukraine, something that has caused great concern in Volodymyr Zelensky, aware that his army would not be able to continue fighting for long time to lose assistance from Washington.

“Four months after the start of the Ukrainian spring counteroffensive , and despite huge casualties on both sides, the front lines remain basically static. “There are currently questions about how a long and costly conflict with Russia would be bearable,” Sky News wrote this week., leaving the door open to a future compromise that, in any case, leaves it in the hands of Zelensky. The increase in the media presence of this type of arguments even in the British press, generally even more pro-Ukrainian than the American one, does not imply a call for negotiation nor can it be considered proof of the West's loss of interest in the Ukrainian issue. However, the fact that they show a loss of confidence in Ukrainian capabilities has to worry Kiev, as it may become the first step towards more realistic positions.

In the face of this danger, Ukraine and its defenders have launched an offensive to achieve two objectives: more funding and a media campaign that makes unacceptable any resolution to the war that does not involve complete victory for Ukraine. “Ukrainians are deeply committed to repelling invaders, a sentiment I heard clearly and repeatedly during my trip to Kiev,” wrote former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul, a leading proponent of the war strategy until the end, to deny any possibility of a negotiated solution or of admitting the possibility that the war will not have a conclusive outcome. “They have lost too many loved ones to capitulate to Putin now. They will not stop fighting even if we stop military assistance. “Our withdrawal of military assistance will not stop the war but prolong it, leading to more Ukrainian deaths.” McFaul uses here the main points of the Ukrainian discourse: the lying idea of ​​unity, the popular desire for war until the end and, above all, the mantra that everything that is not a massive and continuous delivery of enormous quantities of weapons means prolonging war as well as those that depend directly on budget availability.

The financing difficulties of the United States, which could increase as the elections approach, have led the rest of Zelensky's allies, and the Ukrainian president himself, to look for a way to compensate for these possible losses. The European Union plans to increase its military and economic assistance by 70 billion euros, although as the moment approaches when expansive economic policies give way to cutbacks, these figures will begin to be more questioned. In any case, Josep Borrell has already stated that Brussels is aware of not being able to compensate for the possible loss of American assistance for kyiv's common proxy.

The disappointment of the lack of territorial advances on the front in the spring-summer offensive, which Ukraine intends to extend into the fall and even winter, has forced Western countries to recalibrate their expectations and, above all, to plan future military operations on a large scale. Despite the Russian desire to see in every Western difficulty the will to abandon Ukraine to its fate, the movements currently taking place show that the will to continue using the country as a tool to wear down Russia has not been diminished. Joe Biden suffered a major setback when he was forced to accept a funding deal from his administration that explicitly left out funding for Ukraine. During the following days, The circles close to the US president dedicated part of their efforts to demanding this financing and alarming the political class about the consequences it could entail. However, in the last few hours, several media outlets have published the specific actions that Joe Biden is taking to prevent a situation like the current one from happening again.

According to The Telegraph , the US president is seeking to approve a large and unique package according to the “one and done” approach .. Instead of asking Congress for the $24 billion it currently demands, funds that have been left out of the temporary agreement that prevented the shutdown of the US government, Joe Biden would seek to approve the largest military assistance package to Ukraine so far. , 100 billion dollars, a figure much higher than the Russian military budget this year. These movements have both domestic and international objectives. The approval of this measure would mean the availability of financing for Ukraine throughout the entire electoral process. In this way, Kiev would have the means with which to continue its current offensive, maintain salaries and prepare future military operations with which to try to achieve the objectives it planned to achieve in the current one. Besides,

The difficulties in achieving 24 billion indicate that the negotiation of an amount four times larger will be notable. However, the idea itself already shows something relevant: far from losing interest in the Ukrainian project, and despite the American reproaches that the lack of territorial advances has meant for Ukraine, the United States is looking for ways to maintain, at least until the seizure of the new president - whoever it may be - in 2025, military assistance to Ukraine. As any analyst can verify, the front line has changed only minimally, with both sides attacking in certain areas, but with great difficulties in advancing. Ukraine continues to try to break through the Zaporozhie front, while Russia also fails to make definitive progress on the Kupyansk front. However, We must not lose sight of the rear, where Ukraine is achieving some results. kyiv has already proven capable of attacking the center of Sevastopol and continues to try to use naval drones to attack key infrastructure for Russia.

The lack of success in the attempt to destroy the Kerch bridge cannot ignore the notable increase in danger for the Black Sea Fleet. With armies better prepared to repel missile attacks, more recently developed weapons, although less destructive, pose a different danger. Much of the Ukrainian attacks in Crimea, such as Budanov's special forces landing to show a Ukrainian flag and flee, are purely propaganda. However, the use of drones and the potential for increased Ukrainian destructive capabilities in Crimea have caused significant concern for Russia, which appears to have withdrawn much of its fleet to safer ports on the Russian mainland. We must not forget that the Black Sea is considered a strategic position not only for Russia, but also for some of Ukraine's allies, especially the United Kingdom, a traditional naval power. Wearing down Russia and disputing control of it even on its shores is not only kyiv's objective. In that sense, Ukraine continues to be very useful to its allies and suppliers. Hence, although social interest and the will to continue financing the Ukrainian Armed Forces may decline, this flow will continue as long as the strategic objectives of Washington, London and Brussels consider their Ukrainian proxy useful. Wearing down Russia and contesting its control even on its shores is not only kyiv's objective. In that sense, Ukraine continues to be of great use to its allies and suppliers. Hence, although social interest and the will to continue financing the Ukrainian Armed Forces may decline, this flow will continue as long as the strategic objectives of Washington, London and Brussels consider their Ukrainian proxy useful. ... r-ucrania/

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 7-8, 2023
October 8, 2023

On Saturday night, Russian troops launched a series of missile attacks on enemy targets on Ukrainian territory: a military airfield near Mirgorod , an ammunition depot northeast of Nikolaev and a deployment point for Ukrainian troops on the territory of the Chaika sanatorium in Chernomorsk were hit .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces again fired at border settlements in the Belgorod region , including using Tochka-U missiles: residential buildings were damaged, one person was killed. In addition, the enemy tried to attack the railway station in Dzhankoy in northern Crimea: one missile was intercepted by air defense systems, the other fell nearby without causing any damage.

Fierce fighting continues on the fronts along the entire line of contact. South of Maryinka, Russian Armed Forces went on the offensive in the direction of Novomikhailovka : assault troops attacked enemy strongholds south of the village and occupied heights 167 and 168.

In the Orekhovsky sector, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to advance towards Kopanei and Novopokrovka , but Russian troops quickly discovered the enemy’s advance and covered it with artillery fire. And in the Kherson direction, Ukrainian formations continue to prepare for a possible attack and carry out rotation in the island zone.


On the activation of the Russian army in some sectors of the front

The Revenge of Goodwill team , speaking about the activation of the Russian Armed Forces in several sectors of the front, noted an important feature. Since Monday, our troops have managed to confidently recapture 6.2 km² of territory with local attacks without the deployment of large means. And the enemy, having thousands of reserves and supplies of Western equipment, has occupied only 260 km² since May, according to LostArmour . Indeed, individual units of the Russian Armed Forces launched a counterattack. This is not a full-scale offensive, but a movement with the aim of occupying more advantageous positions. Thus, the front began to move near Kupyansk , Makeevka , Bakhmut , in the Donetsk direction , at Marinka , in the Vremevsky sector, and even on Pologovsky .

It’s too early to talk about results. But this tactic seems justified. The Russian Armed Forces deliver stinging blows, looking for the least protected area and stretching the enemy’s defenses. This is despite the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have fewer and fewer resources (they still exist, but the potential decreases each time). Particular attention should be paid to a certain stupor in the Ukrainian media environment. Immediately after the start of events in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict zone, Ukraine seemed to fall into prostration due to a lack of understanding of what needed to be done. Zelensky’s lackluster statements are proof of this.

The situation on the front line and combat operations
On Saturday night, Russian troops again launched missile attacks on enemy targets in Ukraine. In the Poltava region, the Russian Armed Forces launched Iskander-K cruise missiles at the territory of a military airfield near Mirgorod . Previously, the facility came under fire on Wednesday. According to some reports, this time the parking areas of Su-27 fighters were hit on the airfield. In addition, Russian troops continued to attack the Odessa region . In Chernomorsk, hits occurred at the point of deployment of Ukrainian formations on the territory of the Chaika sanitary and health complex. And in the Nikolaev region, an ammunition depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the village of Zaychevskoe was hiteast of Nikolaev : after the arrivals, a large fire broke out on the territory of the facility, which continued throughout almost the entire day.

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops continue to fight fiercely along the entire line of contact. The Ukrainian command is transferring additional forces to the front line, fearing a possible breakthrough of the defense.

In the Soledar direction, the main clashes still take place on the southern flank of the Bakhmut defense . Ukrainian formations carry out regular attacks on the positions of Russian troops and try to break through to the railway line near Andreevka and Kleshcheevka with the help of assault groups . In turn, military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces repel all attacks, scattering enemy units with concentrated artillery fire.

In the Yuzhnodonetsk direction , Russian troops launched a counterattack with limited tactical targets in several sectors of the front. One of the areas where the Russian Armed Forces became more active was Novomikhailovka, south of Marinka . There, military personnel of the 39th brigade, together with Storm Z assault units, attacked enemy strongholds south of the village. As a result of a successful and coordinated offensive, heights 167 and 168 were occupied. Ukrainian formations are trying to fight back, holding an important fortified area at the fork in the road to Sladkoye . The position is located on commanding heights, and it is for this position that battles have been going on for many months. If the RF Armed Forces force the Ukrainian Armed Forces out of there, then the liberation of Novomikhailovka will become a matter of time.

In the Ugledarsky sector, Ukrainian formations attempted an attack north of Nikolskoye . Russian troops launched preemptive artillery strikes, after which the enemy retreated to their original positions with losses. In addition to this, Russian air crews continue to strike enemy targets and concentrations, including in Novomikhailovka and on the territory of the South Donbass mine.

In the Vremyevsky sector, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces continue to hold the defense to the west of Staromayorsky : the Ukrainian Armed Forces again tried to gain a foothold with small groups without the support of armored vehicles in the forest belt, but were unsuccessful. A similar situation persists northwest of Priyutnoye . In addition, fierce battles continue for the forest belts west of Novodonetsk : at the moment, neither side has been able to advance there.

In the Orekhovsky sector , after abandoning a large-scale assault on Russian borders due to huge losses, the Ukrainian Armed Forces concentrated on the tactics of pinning strikes along the front. For the first time in a long time, enemy units attacked positions in the Kopanei direction . However, Russian artillerymen intensively worked on the strong point and thwarted the attack. Similarly, units of the 82nd airborne brigade and the 65th mechanized brigade tried to break through to Novoprokopovka under the cover of armored vehicles of the 12th tank battalion, but the movement was stopped by massive artillery fire.

Over the past 24 hours, artillery battalions of the 82nd Airborne Brigade, 117th, 118th Infantry Brigade and 148th Regiment Brigade, as well as tanks of the 12th Brigade, fired indiscriminately at the forward lines of the Russian Army. But here, too, things are not going smoothly for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In artillery crews, where AS-90 self-propelled howitzers are in service, more and more problems arise in the operation of the guns due to frequent failures in the fire control system after 20-30 shots. Because of this, the enemy's fire capabilities are limited by resource wear. But units of the 23rd mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred to Malaya Tokmachka , which, since the end of July, had been re-equipped after the battles in the Vremevsky sector . So there is fresh strength to continue the campaign.

In the Kherson direction, on the night of October 8, the forward detachments of the tactical group “Omaha” were rotated on Kozatsky Island . From Nikolaevka , along with supplies and ammunition, the DRG arrived in the northern part of Kozatsky by boat. The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out similar actions on the islands of Aleshkinsky and Melkiy, not far from the railway bridge and Cossack Camps. Two fast boats carried ammunition and construction materials. At the Antonovsky Bridge, sabotage groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine both held positions under the crossing and continue to hold them. From time to time, the DRGs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces carry out forays to Aleshki , using the bridge as cover.

At the moment, looking at the actions of the enemy, a certain change can be traced in the conduct of the battle along the Dnieper, namely, preparation for an attack is visible. The main efforts in the island zone are concentrated on strengthening already occupied positions without attempting to move inland. The number of artillery and FPV drone strikes on forward areas has increased sharply. There are many times more counter-battery weapons along the line of contact. Calculations from the Cobra radar alone haunt the RF Armed Forces in the Golopristansky area . Another sign of impending intensification in Kherson is the intensity of shelling of rear areas with cluster shells and missiles from aircraft. As a rule, such intensification in the rear is part of fire training, the purpose of which is to disrupt the communications and supply system of the group at the forefront.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

The Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to hit the railway station in Dzhankoy in northern Crimea. It was not possible to shoot down the shell, but there was no damage to the infrastructure due to an enemy miss. An unidentified target fell into the ground 50 meters from the railway line. According to data from the field, the HIMARS MLRS could have been used for the attack (judging by the size of the crater, this is possible, but the Russian Ministry of Defense is talking about the S-200). However, an attack by one shell or missile in itself is alarming. This is more like testing the defenses on the peninsula before a more powerful attack. Moreover, something similar happened yesterday, when Mugin-5 was shot down over the Sevastopol Bay. In addition, later Ukrainian formations again attacked the railway station in Dzhankoy. The crew of the S-400 air defense system of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense Division shot down a converted S-200 missile. No damage to infrastructure was recorded.

In the morning, the Ukrainian Armed Forces again attacked the Belgorod region : Russian anti-aircraft gunners intercepted three Tochka-U missiles over the Yakovlevsk and Novooskol urban districts . In addition, Ukrainian formations fired at the village of Urazovo from the Grad MLRS : one person was killed, houses and civilian infrastructure were damaged. Vyazovoe , Sereda and Leninsky also came under fire : there were no casualties or damage.

Ukrainian formations continued to launch indiscriminate attacks on populated areas of the Donetsk People's Republic. Despite the general decrease in the intensity of shelling in the region in recent days, in Donetsk and Gorlovka there was damage to residential buildings and civilian infrastructure. However, for the first time in a long time, there were no casualties or injuries in the region for two days.

In the Kherson region, the enemy continued to strike on the left bank of the Dnieper, including using cluster munitions. In just the last two days, more than a hundred shells have been fired. The Cossack Camps , Krynki , Kardashinka , Dnepryany , Novaya Kakhovka , Radensk , Sagi , Peschanovka , Korsunka and Staraya Zburevka were under enemy fire . In Aleshki, one civilian received moderately severe shrapnel wounds.

Political events
On Slovakia’s decision to stop further military support for Ukraine

Politico, citing a statement by a representative of the Slovak government , confirmed information about the country's termination of military support to Ukraine :
“ The outgoing government of Slovakia will no longer send military equipment to Ukraine .”
Let us recall that last week the topic of supplies of Slovak weapons for the needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was quite controversial. This situation occurred after the victory of Robert Fico ’s party in the elections , which is strongly opposed to assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Despite the fact that the President of Slovakia Zuzana Caputovaproposed to suspend military supplies, citing the election results, but the next day the president changed her mind. Presidential uncertainty is not the only challenge Fico's party will face. The key task for him is to form a coalition majority in parliament.
However, one should not place high hopes on a new potential partner at the very center of the EU and NATO. Such statements by Fico are nothing more than populism. We wrote earlier that since the beginning of the Northern Military District, Slovakia has already transferred most of its weapons to Ukraine, and for nothing.

About the record American aid package for Ukraine

According to the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, US President Joe Bidenintends to request from Congress the largest package of military and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine in the amount of up to $100 billion. The message says that this amount should be enough until 2025. Despite the difficulties that the American Congress encountered in passing the previous aid package for Ukraine, such a step is quite possible. On the one hand, such a case can be viewed as a kind of compromise between the pro-Ukrainian lobby and the main opponents of further support for Ukraine, since over the course of a whole year the Ukrainian issue will be removed from the American agenda. But, perhaps, the main reason for this decision is the upcoming US presidential elections in 2024. There are no guarantees that a pro-Ukrainian candidate will win the elections in 2024. Besides, ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Canadian MP Admits NATO is Using Ukraine to Fight Russia
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 6, 2023
Aidan Jonah

Conservative MP Tom Kmiec let the rabbit out of the hat when speaking to the Toronto Star, openly admitting that NATO is using Ukraine in a proxy war against Russia.

Kmiec, a member the Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association, said that in trying to justify financial and military support given to Ukraine by Canada, he tries to “make the case that”:

“They’re [Ukraine] basically fighting it [‘a battle the West has been preparing for since the Cold War’] on our behalf.”… “And they’re not asking us to send troops”.


Kmiec also acknowledges that this is a battle the West has been “preparing for since the Cold War”, first with the USSR and then with Russia. The admissions were prompted by Conservative MPs hearing from constituents who oppose further aid to Ukraine.

Ivan Katchanovski, a Political Science professor at the University of Ottawa, said “Such statements by a growing number of Western politicians represent an admission that the Ukraine war is a proxy war between the West and Russia”. Katchanovski says he sees Russia as having “illegally invaded Ukraine in 2022”.

Kmiec’s moment of truth comes amidst growing concerns of Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and his Liberals about signs of a breakdown in the cross-partisan Canadian consensus for support to Ukraine.

Glenn Michalchuk, President of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians, isn’t surprised by MP Kmiec’s remarks. Michalchuk said:

“Before the war broke out in February 2022, the Canadian Parliament was stumping for war with Russia. Parliament was motivated by Cold War animosities and ideology. In this it was fueled by the ideology of a section of the Ukrainian diaspora that longed for war with Russia.

All of this led Canada to take the path of escalation in that critical period when diplomacy could have averted war and saved Ukraine.”

A small number of Canadians have consistently argued that this is a NATO proxy war, while also opposing the waste of taxpayer dollars. The Canadian government seeks to refute this by claiming “Russian disinformation” campaigns surrounding criticism of the proxy war. It’s doubtful that they can “Russian disinformation” their way out of Kmiec’s admissions, if these become known by more Canadians.

Kmiec’s office did not respond to The Canada Files’ request for comment.

NATO politicians admit Ukraine is fighting on the West’s behalf

The loss of life in Ukraine, over the process of Russia’s SMO, has been horrific. Nearly 500 000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead, millions of civilians have had to flee their homes, and Ukraine has seen a 300 000 person increase in Ukrainians with disabilities. The deaths inflicted on the people of the Donbass by the Ukrainian army from 2014 to 2022, after declaring themselves independent states, should be acknowledged as well.

The Press Office of Russia’s embassy in Canada says “Canada’s current cabinet, as part of the collective West, at the U.S. behest, is waging a hybrid proxy war against Russia – at the expense of Ukrainian citizens,” with the objective “to inflict on Russia a geostrategic defeat and to take on the rest of the world to ensure the preservation of an American-centered order.”

The utilization of Ukraine as a NATO proxy against Russia, as evidenced by the stats, have been utterly devastating for the Ukrainian people. The Ukrainian people have been led to the slaughterhouse.

Katchanovski said “The Western governments use Ukraine as a proxy to weaken and contain Russia. Since chances of Ukraine defeating Russia are close to zero, Ukrainians are paying very high price in terms of lives, devastation, and their future.”

Yet, Canadian MP Kmiec’s admission of NATO’s proxy war using Ukraine, is far from the first by a Western lawmaker.

This year, US Senator Lindsey Graham said “The Russians are dying”, and slightly later, that Ukraine aid was the best money ever spent by the US. US Senator Mitt Romney said that the spend of “less five per cent of the military budget” while “we’re [the USA] losing no lives in Ukraine”, praising the US’ ramping up to Ukraine post-SMO’s beginning. Romney was clearly focused on tackling the long-term ‘China threat’ by ‘defeating’ Russia.

Former US Vice President Mike Pence said the importance of the US military support to Ukraine, was in seeking to avoid a US war with Russia. Why a Russian military victory would make the US go to war wasn’t explained. But Pence very clearly explained the US government doctrine for a proxy war, saying:

“he was a supporter of Ronald Reagan’s doctrine that “if you’re willing to fight the enemies of the United States on your soil, we’ll give you the means to fight them there so our men and women in uniform don’t have to fight them.”

Michalchuk said:

“As President of the AUUC I have repeatedly condemned the actions of the Canadian government in its support for NATOs war against Russia using Ukraine and its people as the battleground. MP Tom Kmiec’s remarks are not surprising and reflect the general attitude in the House of Commons and across party lines.”

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian counteroffensive has completely failed, and they are being pushed back slowly but surely.

Ukraine is led to the slaughter in an attempt to ‘send a message’ to China and weaken Russia, so fanatical US politicians don’t feel the need to launch a war on Russia, should it defeat Ukraine.

The Russian embassy in Canada’s press office says that “The complete demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine is the only way to stop this conflict. The regime in Kiev must surrender and let the peoples of Ukraine decide their fate.”

“After the war broke out, Canada eschewed the need for descalation, ceasefire and negotiations and poured weapons and money into the war. It has done so to this day resulting in the destruction of Ukraine,” said Michalchuk.

The Ukrainian people are suffering deeply, while members of their government and military apparatus pocket part of Western aid, while Zelensky and his entourage personally have stolen more than $400 million alone. The US/NATO doesn’t care about this, as long as they can use Ukraine as a proxy against Russia.

To see the Ukrainian people’s true enemy, don’t look northward, look to the West.

Full comments of those quoted

“Such statements by a growing number of Western politicians represent an admission that the Ukraine war is a proxy war between the West and Russia, in addition to an interstate war between Russia, which illegally invaded Ukraine in 2022, and Ukraine and continuation of the civil war with pro-Russian separatists in Donbas. The Western governments use Ukraine as a proxy to weaken and contain Russia. Since chances of Ukraine defeating Russia are close to zero, Ukrainians are paying very high price in terms of lives, devastation, and their future.”

Ivan Katchanovski, Political Science professor at the University of Ottawa

“Such statements by Canadian MPs are not new to Russia or the rest of the world. Canada’s current cabinet, as part of the collective West, at the U.S. behest, is waging a hybrid proxy war against Russia – at the expense of Ukrainian citizens. The objective is to inflict on Russia a geostrategic defeat and to take on the rest of the world to ensure the preservation of an American-centered order. The U.S. and its allies’ neo-colonial ambitions have resulted in the deaths of the hundreds of thousands. The complete demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine is the only way to stop this conflict. The regime in Kiev must surrender and let the peoples of Ukraine decide their fate.”

Press Office of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Canada

“As President of the AUUC I have repeatedly condemned the actions of the Canadian government in its support for NATOs war against Russia using Ukraine and its people as the battleground. MP Tom Kmiec’s remarks are not surprising and reflect the general attitude in the House of Commons and across party lines.

Before the war broke out in February 2022, the Canadian Parliament was stumping for war with Russia. Parliament was motivated by Cold War animosities and ideology. In this it was fueled by the ideology of a section of the Ukrainian diaspora that longed for war with Russia.

All of this led Canada to take the path of escalation in that critical period when diplomacy could have averted war and saved Ukraine.

After the war broke out, Canada eschewed the need for descalation, ceasefire and negotiations and poured weapons and money into the war. It has done so to this day resulting in the destruction of Ukraine.

The NDP and Green Party leaders have failed to be the voice of reason and sanity, and have bought fully into the war narrative engineered by Zelensky, the U.S. and NATO.

No doubt there are MPs of good conscience on all sides of the House but until now they have been silenced by the McCarthyite atmosphere that prevails around this war ie) “if you call for peace you are a tool of Russia”.

The debacle of Parliament’s honouring a Nazi shows how MPs have been turned into automatons by this new Cold War McCarthyism – they simply had to hear that he fought against Russia and that was good enough for them.

Now is the time for all people of good conscience to speak the truth and end this war. Whether any MP has the courage to do so remains to be seen.” ... ht-russia/


The Polish Security Services Warned About Post-Election Unrest Driven By Claims Of Fraud

OCT 9, 2023


Any such development would arguably be a German-led Color Revolution against Poland’s imperfectly conservative-nationalist rulers as punishment for their defiance of the Western elites’ liberal-globalist policy demands.

Polish special services spokesman Stanislaw Zaryn published two detailed threads on Twitter in recent days warning about post-election unrest driven by claims of fraud. The first one here details how “Civic Platform” (PO) opposition leader Donald Tusk is preconditioning Poles and the international community not to accept the elections’ results. Meanwhile, the second one here lambasts Anne Applebaum for laundering this narrative in her latest article for The Atlantic, which is read by Western policymakers.

Tusk used to serve as the Polish Prime Minister and then President of the European Council afterwards, while Applebaum is married to former Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, who’s nowadays a member of the European Parliament and still a key figure in PO. Taken together, their arguably coordinated information warfare narrative alleges that the ruling “Law & Justice” (PiS) party plans to defraud the vote in order to keep PO out of power, the claim of which can be exploited to incite post-election unrest.

It's no small matter that an official as important as Zaryn has taken to publicly calling both of those two out since it shows that Poland’s special services are seriously concerned about the preceding scenario. Tusk has proven himself capable of organizing large-scale rallies so it can’t be discounted that he and his speculative German patrons might seek to provoke a Color Revolution if PO doesn’t outperform PiS next weekend.

Politico’s regularly updated poll indicates that the gap between the two has recently narrowed but PiS still commands an approximately 6% lead. Unless something unforeseen happens in the next week, then PiS is expected to win re-election and be tasked with forming the next government, which would almost certainly have to be a coalition comprised of minor parties like the anti-establishment Confederation one. The point is that Politico’s latest polling data challenges PO’s electoral fraud narrative.

If that doesn’t change, then their claims will be undercut, but that still might not stop them from commencing a Color Revolution aimed at overthrowing Poland’s imperfectly conservative-nationalist ruling party. The reason for this prediction is that the opposition are hardcore liberal-globalists hellbent on reversing even the piecemeal progress that the incumbents made in that aforesaid political direction. PO is also rabidly upset about the Polish-Ukrainian dispute that exploded last month too.

The purpose behind weaponizing protests against the ruling party would be to pressure them into a combination of power-sharing agreements and various policy concessions that would altogether result in reversing the elections’ results whether de facto or de jure. Tusk’s self-interested narrative implying that his party would only lose the elections due to fraud and Applebaum’s subsequent laundering of this claim to the Western audience strongly suggest that PO is prepared to go ahead with this scenario.

It's premature to predict the way in which events might then unfold since there are too many unknown variables involved, but it’s nevertheless important for observers to be aware of these designs in advance so that they aren’t duped into falling for the opposition’s spin. Any post-election unrest driven by claims of fraud would arguably be a German-led Color Revolution against Poland’s imperfectly conservative-nationalist rulers as punishment for their defiance of the Western elites’ liberal-globalist policy demands. ... ces-warned

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:52 pm

From kyiv to Tel Aviv
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/10/2023


The surprise that Hamas' offensive operation brought to Israel last weekend has extended to Tel Aviv's allies, who actively showed their support throughout the weekend. Despite having presented its fight against Russia as a war of national liberation and decolonization, Ukraine did not show its support for the occupied people but for the occupier who has been massacring and imprisoning them for decades. “We in Ukraine feel something special about what has happened,” Zelensky wrote in one of the two messages he dedicated to Israel. “Thousands of rockets in the Israeli sky…people killed in the streets. Civilian vehicles shot at. Detainees being humiliated. Our position is clear: anyone who causes terror and death anywhere on the planet must be held accountable for their actions,” added the Ukrainian president to describe the Palestinian operation against the occupying power as terrorism, which surprised a part of the Arab world, which could clearly see the hypocrisy of those who appeal to their right to fight with all means against Russia, but deny other peoples the right to self-determination. And like other advisors such as Mijailo Podolyak, the Ukrainian president sought, although without saying it openly, the hand that pulls the strings in the shadows. “Today's terrorist attack against Israel was well planned and everyone knows which sponsors of terrorism may have supported and enabled its organization.”

Despite the apparent surprise that Kiev's explicit support for Tel Aviv has come to those who had legitimately believed Ukraine's anti-colonial rhetoric, the Ukrainian government's position is perfectly consistent with its views and actions in previous years. Ukraine could not see itself reflected in the Palestinian struggle because Israel is one of the mirrors in which it looks. Zelensky makes this clear by showing his support and offering his help to the Netanyahu government now, and he has done so in the past. However, Ukraine's relationship with the Middle East is not limited to Israel and the Ukrainian president has tried, without great success, to also attract Arab countries into his orbit.

“We will never submit to foreigners or colonizers. That is why we fight,” Volodymyr Zelensky stated in his speech to the Arab League on May 19. Accompanied by Mustafa Djemilev, one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatars, who not only left the peninsula in 2014 but participated in the nationalist attempt to cut off the electricity supply to the population, causing a blackout that lasted several days, the Ukrainian president tried to exploit Russian repression of the Muslim minority seeking support from Arab countries. Many of them have stayed out of the war and have even acted as mediators at important moments. This is the case of the United Arab Emirates, which participated in the negotiation that led to the handover of Azov's top commanders to Turkey and the release of foreign mercenaries captured in the Donetsk People's Republic.

With neutrality as an enemy and the need to force all countries on the planet to express their support for Ukraine and their rejection of Russia or a diplomatic resolution to the war, Zelensky has sought to intervene in every international forum and every national parliament to insert an unoriginal speech, but adapted to each circumstance. In the case of the Arab countries, Zelensky exploited the supposed repression of the Muslim population of Crimea, more imaginary than real, and tried to give an anti-imperialist touch that fell on deaf ears before an audience reluctant to receive the reproaches of someone who had reached the point. summit on a French Government plane.

In his speech, Zelensky stated that “Ukrainians have never chosen war. Our troops did not go to other lands,” a curious statement considering that Ukrainian troops participated, for example, in the American occupation of Iraq. But if Zelensky's long-term memory failed, so did his most recent memory. It was Ukraine that, at a time when dialogue was needed, chose to solve a political problem - the rejection of part of the population to an irregular change of Government - by military means. That was, despite Ukrainian revisionism, which defined it as an anti-terrorist operation , the trigger for the war.

Before the representatives of peoples who have experienced colonialism and occupation - some, like Syria, part of whose territory is illegally occupied by the United States, are currently suffering from it - the Ukrainian president stated that "anyone who defends his homeland from the invaders and anyone who defends their nation's children from slavery, each of those warriors is a path to justice." Zelensky, who was “proud to represent those warriors and all the Ukrainian people,” deliberately forgot those Ukrainians who since 2014 have defended their land and their children from the attacks of the Ukrainian Government. Ukraine chose war instead of following the path of the signed agreements, which only required Ukraine to guarantee Donbass linguistic rights,

Despite the Ukrainian president's opportunistic words to the Arab League about the right of peoples to resist colonialism, aggression and occupation, Ukraine has made it clear over the years that only some peoples really have permission to do so. . The statements of the Ukrainian president in recent hours show that this right does not extend to the Palestinian people. The same revisionism with which he has managed to deny the existence of an internal conflict in Ukraine and that has simplified the meaning of the war until it becomes a parody of the fight between good and evil is also applied abroad to support the right of their allies to colonize and occupy foreign peoples.

Possibly, the main reason why Zelensky's speech before the Arab League did not obtain a great response is because the main of these international references is precisely the State of Israel, something that did not start with Zelensky - so it cannot be attributed to religious issues - but has accompanied Ukraine in the years in which the people of Donbass have played a role for Ukraine comparable to that of the Palestinian population for Israel.

In the last nine years, the relationship between Ukraine and Israel has advanced between the contradictions of defending a similar model - nationalism and exaltation of figures considered heroic by the regime and demonization and marginalization of the other - but clashed on the issue that for Tel Aviv is inalienable: the condemnation of the Holocaust. In 2015, Ukraine passed legislation condemning communism and Nazism, equating, as the Wiesenthal Foundation denounced in an article published in the Jerusalem Times , “the most genocidal regime in history with the one that liberated Auschwitz.” That legislation officially turned Ukraine's freedom fighters into heroes to be praised., also to those who did it at the hands of the Third Reich and through the ethnic cleansing of the Jewish, Polish or Roma population. Only Israel - always limiting its criticism to the issue of Holocaust collaborators - has consistently and harshly criticized the glorification of figures such as Stepan Bandera, Roman Shyjevich or groups such as OUN and UPA. These criticisms have caused the anger of the Ukrainian authorities and the nationalist sectors at specific moments, especially when the Israeli president harshly criticized from the Rada's rostrum the institutionalization of the glorification of these groups.

However, the ideological clashes derived from the historical revisionism initiated by successive post-Maidan governments have not prevented the relationship between the two countries from considering Israel as a model to follow. The example is logical and has always started from a geopolitical vision of the moment: Ukraine, like Israel, aspired long before the Russian invasion to become a militarized base serving the interests of its common ally, the United States, against its enemies. . Ukraine aspired to be the Israel of Eastern Europe, a Western bastion on ground facing an opponent. It has never been a secret that this approach, whether or not it included entry into NATO, could imply the creation of military bases, but, above all, It implied the militarization of Ukraine and continued military assistance independent of the economic, political and geopolitical situation. Kiev's drive to become a military colony to which the United States would send its weapons and where it could test material precedes the Russian invasion of 2022, although it has increased markedly since then. Now, Ukraine can not only present itself as a Western bastion in a hostile territory, but also provide a laboratory in which to use Western weapons against Russian weapons in a situation of high-intensity conventional war, something that not even Israel can offer.

But in addition to the military, economic and political issue, when it comes to Israel there has always been a social issue. In his speech before the Arab League, Zelensky highlighted the fight against occupation, an idea that, in his ideology, does not seem contradictory to having as its main mirror a State whose reason for being is the occupation of other people's lands and the subjugation of the population of those territories. “Israel is fighting,” Volodymyr Zelensky stated in a recent interview, referring to a battle that can only be against the Palestinian population. “We are prepared to fight for a long time while minimizing the number of casualties. Like Israel, for example. We can live like this,” alleged the Ukrainian president. Israel, which fights as an occupier to perpetuate its position of superiority,

Ukraine does not have the economic superiority with which Israel is capable of crushing Palestinian opposition to the occupation by force, nor does it have the military imbalance in which Hamas rockets confront the almighty - although the reality of the last few hours contradicts that speech- Iron Dome. The example of fighting the demonized enemy in the long term does not hold up if analyzed minimally, but there are two points in which Ukraine and Israel can argue similarities. The first aspect is the practically unconditional support of the United States, willing to maintain military assistance in any circumstance and despite any abuse. The second similarity, much more important in the last decade, refers to the treatment that Ukraine aspires to give to the population of Donbass and Crimea in the event of recovering the territory. Kiev, which considered the cultural and political concessions that Minsk provided for Donbass to return to Ukraine as excessive, has not hidden that it foresees cultural and political repression for the population of the territories that aligned with Russia once the population it considers undesirable has been expelled. Preparing the ground, officials such as Oleksiy Danilov or Mikhailo Podolyak have already repeated on numerous occasions that there is no “internal conflict in Ukraine”, “there are no people's republics”, “there is no bombed town of Donbass” and, above all, “there is no Russian-speaking population in Ukraine. The subtext of these messages does not differ too much from the mantra of the former Israeli minister Golda Meier, coincidentally born in kyiv, who claimed that “there is no such thing as the Palestinian people.” This is where Ukraine most identifies with the Israeli model and its right to act as he pleases.

Ukraine's strong support for Israel cannot be surprising, nor can its attempt to take advantage of circumstances for its own benefit. The attempt to obtain more weapons to fight Russia is explicit. Without any subtlety, both Zelensky and Podolyak have been presenting the situation in Palestine as part of a global conflict for three days now. “A global terrorist alliance has already been formed in the world,” wrote yesterday the advisor to the President's Office, who insisted on this idea to present this global conflict as a planet orbiting around a specific country. “This war has many invisible fronts, but the global one is in Ukraine today,” he wrote, demanding “more decisions and more concrete actions,” said Zelensky's media advisor.

Yesterday Israel announced the cutoff of water, electricity and food supplies to Gaza. Ukraine also has experience in this area: Ukrainian nationalists failed in their attempt to cut off electricity to Crimea, although the Government did block the water supply for years. In Donbass, Ukraine implemented an economic and cargo blockade that Zelensky always refused to lift. At this time kyiv condemned every shipment of humanitarian aid from Russia. Donbass and Crimea had a lifeline that the besieged Gaza enclave currently lacks.

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It’s Misleading To Claim That Russia Benefits From The Latest Israeli-Hamas War

OCT 10, 2023


The West’s zero-sum dilemma over whether to prioritize military aid to Israel or Ukraine is due to its own irresponsible policies while the media’s focus on the most recent conflict is its editors’ voluntary choice. Russia has nothing to do with either and its regional interests are threatened if the war expands into Syria.

Polish President Duda claimed over the weekend that the latest Israeli-Hamas war “benefits Russia” because “It distracts the world’s attention” from Ukraine, but this is misleading for several reasons. First, it extends false credence to those conspiracy theories speculating that Moscow played a role in these attacks, which don’t stand up to scrutiny since it’s unimaginable that Israel wouldn’t have called it out. These lies are being peddled by those who fear that the West will prioritize aid to Israel over Ukraine.

The preceding expectation segues into the second critique of Duda’s claim since there’s arguably a more urgent need for the West to support its decades-long traditional Israeli ally over its newfound non-traditional Ukrainian partner nowadays. Kiev’s counteroffensive failed to significantly shift the Line of Contact (LOC) that’s largely remained the same for nearly a year already while Tel Aviv’s has just begun. It therefore makes sense for the West to send finite military aid to Israel instead of Ukraine right now.

The third point to make is that this zero-sum choice is the direct result of Western countries irresponsibly emptying their stockpiles over the past nearly 20 months arming Ukraine at the expense of keeping supplies in reserve for contingency scenarios like the one that just emerged with Israel. It could have therefore been entirely avoided had the West moderated its arms shipments to Ukraine and encouraged their proxy to re-enter into peace talks with Russia after having sabotaged this process in spring 2022.

Fourth, there’s no objectively existing dilemma over which conflict the media should pay more attention to since this is the voluntary choice of the West’s leading outlets. In their competition with one another for ratings, they rightly predicted that they’d lose readers/viewers if they gave equal coverage to both conflicts or continued favoring the Ukrainian one. Duda should therefore focus his anger on those companies instead of Russia since the latter has nothing to do with their editorial decisions.

And finally, the Polish President assumes that Russian interests aren’t adversely affected by instability in West Asia, though this isn’t true since the Kremlin fears that the latest Israeli-Hamas war might expand throughout the region. In the event that it spreads to Syria, Russia’s anti-terrorist successes over the past eight years risk being reversed if Israel initiates a large-scale bombing campaign against the IRGC and Hezbollah, which could create space for ISIS’ and other terrorist groups’ revival.

Altogether, while it’s easy to see why some think that the latest Israeli-Hamas war benefits Russia, this assessment is misleading since it’s purely based on specious talking points. The West’s zero-sum dilemma over whether to prioritize military aid to Israel or Ukraine is due to its own irresponsible policies while the media’s focus on the most recent conflict is its editors’ voluntary choice. Russia has nothing to do with either and its regional interests are threatened if the war expands into Syria. ... hat-russia


I can't find a Ukraine sit-rep for love nor money except this from Russia's MOD. Take with a grain of salt:

Summary of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on the progress of the special military operation (as of October 9, 2023) The main thing:

The Center group of troops repelled two attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Krasnoliman direction;

—The Russian Armed Forces repelled three attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donetsk direction, enemy losses amounted to up to 140 military personnel;

—The Russian Armed Forces hit the personnel and equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Kleshcheevka and Andreevka in the DPR;

—The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction amounted to up to 170 military personnel;

—Russian air defense intercepted a HIMARS projectile within 24 hours and destroyed 14 Ukrainian drones;

—The Armed Forces of Ukraine lost up to 200 military personnel in a day in the South Donetsk direction;

—The Russian Armed Forces in the South Donetsk direction repelled an attack by a territorial defense brigade in the Priyutnoye area in the Zaporozhye region;

—The Russian Armed Forces in the Kupyansk direction repelled five attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 487 aircraft, 250 helicopters, 7,649 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 anti-aircraft missile systems, 12,425 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,161 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 6,692 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 13949 units of special military vehicles.

▫️Operational-tactical and army aviation , unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hit enemy personnel and military equipment in 105 regions. In addition, in the area of ​​the settlement of Priluki, Chernihiv region, a missile and artillery weapons depot of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was hit.

▫️Air defense systems intercepted a HIMARS multiple launch rocket system . In addition, fourteen unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of Kremenets, Kurdyumovka of the Donetsk People's Republic, Proletarka, Cossack Camps, Genichesk of the Kherson region, Tokmak of the Zaporozhye region, Olshana, Berestovye of the Kharkov region.

📊In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 487 aircraft, 250 helicopters, 7,649 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 anti-aircraft missile systems, 12,425 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 1,161 combat vehicles of multiple launch rocket systems, 6,692 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 13949 units of special military vehicles.

🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense


Germany Could Become Kiev’s Main Strategic Partner as Ukrainian-Polish “Honey-Moon” Ends
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 9, 2023
Uriel Araujo


With Poland-Ukrainian relations deteriorating, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is speculating whether Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is seeking a close alliance with Polish rival Germany, accusing him of being ungrateful to Poland. During a political rally, Morawiecki said: “I understand that it seems to [Zelensky] now that he will have a close alliance with Germany. Let me warn you, Germany will always want to cooperate with the Russians over the heads of Central European countries. It was Poland that welcomed a few million Ukrainians under our roofs, it was the Poles who welcomed the Ukrainians, it was we who helped the most at the time when the Germans wanted to send 5,000 helmets to besieged Kiev. It is worthwhile for you not to forget this, President Zelensky.” This is yet another development of the growing German-Polish rivalry.

In September 2021, I wrote on how Polish authorities in Warsaw had been antagonizing Berlin with nasty WWII rhetoric and judicial campaigns, while trying to project Poland’s influence within the European bloc through a number of ways. In short, Poland made Ukraine a top priority in foreign policy (to the point of taking steps towards a Polish-Ukrainian confederacy), as the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict served Poland’s ambitions quite well: by 2020, during the “Defender Europe 2020” military drills, it had already become clear that Warsaw sought to become the main stronghold of the American growing military presence in Eastern Europe.

Such Polish plans in turn suit Washington’s ones quite well too: since at least 2020, the US had been campaigning heavily against the (now gone) Nord Stream 2 Russian-German pipeline project – which in fact could have avoided the European energy crisis back then – and both Warsaw and Kiev echoed such a campaign. Moreover, in recent years, while relatively isolated within European, Poland kept paying court to the US-led West, encouraging Washington to back the Three Seas Initiative (3SI), for instance, as a Western “counterweight” to Chinese investments in “critical infrastructure” – as Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau wrote in a June 2021 article which appeared in Francis Fukuyama’s “American Purpose”. Washington appears to have been keen to promote Poland’s aspirations towards regional hegemony as a means to counter Germany – the US having grown “fed up” with Berlin for a number of reasons, ranging from German “stubborn” insistence on advancing energy cooperation with Moscow to its more recent flirtation with the notion of “strategic autonomy”.

In fact, the aforementioned energy issue plus US President Joe Biden’s subsidy war against Europe might have been a kind of “wake up call” to many European leaders, thus having contributed to reboost talks about “strategic autonomy” more recently. Poland seemed to see things quite differently, however, as it counted on Washington for its ambitious plans to become an European gas hub.

While Warsaw, which historically is no stranger to Great Power machinations, has been pursuing regional hegemony and has largely become once again an important political actor in Europe, the fact still remains that, to a large degree, it is in fact being “played” by the American foreign policy goals as a proxy. Polish projects regarding Ukrainian-Polish confederacy, for one thing, have always been bound to face great challenges with regards to Ukraine’s own anti-Polish far-right nationalists and the complicated Ukrainian-Polish history itself, as I wrote before. Polish-Ukrainian “honeymoon” always contained within itself the potential to bring to light once again Polish-Ukrainian tensions amid a migration crisis and the European economic predicaments.

In any case, the decline of Polish-Ukraine relations and the escalation of tensions between the two partners marks an interesting chapter in the saga of Polish-German competition.

While Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki announced, on September 20, that his country is no longer sending arms to Kiev (amid grain row), German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on October 5, that Germany is to supply additional Patriot air defense missiles to Ukraine. Berlin has also ordered hundreds of thousands of artillery shells to replenish Ukrainian stocks. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in turn met with Biden in Washington D.C. on October 6, urging the US to continue supporting Ukraine, after the American Congress passed a stopgap funding bill that did not include Ukraine aid. Moreover, Berlin is currently leading the European condemnation of Poland, Slovakia and Hungary’s curb on Ukrainian grain imports, which lies at the center of today’s Polish-Ukrainian crisis.

Morawiecki’s concerns actually make some sense: Germany could in fact end up replacing Poland as Ukraine’s main strategic partner in Europe. In doing so, Berlin would again be playing the role of a thorn in the US side, considering Washington’s bet on Warsaw. In other words, “countering” German’s hegemony within Europe is not a simple task, at least for now – even though there are signs Germany could be on its way to becoming once again the “sick man of Europe”. For Germany itself, however, enhancing bilateral ties with Ukraine to such a degree, would not be simple either.

In June, “traces of subsea explosives were found” in a yacht hired by a Ukrainian-owned company and the Washington Post reported that US President Joe Biden “knew of the Ukrainian plan to attack Nord Stream” three months before the pipeline sabotage. Far from being mere “conspiracy theory” speculations, the pressing issue of who in fact blew up Nord Stream pipelines is not just a police matter, but rather a hot political problem, with geoeconomic and geopolitical implications. It remains to be seen how German “strategic autonomy” will play out as Berlin keeps aiding the American proxy attrition war in Ukraine, while German authorities and opposition leaders demand that the Nord Stream criminal explosion be investigated – the US and Ukraine itself being the main suspects. ... moon-ends/

No escaping history and only fools deny it.

Slim pickins again....Some rumor of serious Russian offensive action but there's some distraction...
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 11, 2023 11:56 am

In the direction of Avdeevka
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/11/2023


The Ukrainian counteroffensive, which since the announcement of its preparation has taken up a large part of the military agenda of the Ukrainian war, has in recent months eclipsed any other aspect related to the front. Hence, much of the information published by the media has focused on what is the main point of this great Ukrainian ground operation, which has disappointed both the media and those who have financed it. Much to kyiv's chagrin, the situation in Rabotino remains the same and its capture by Ukraine several weeks ago has not resulted in any notable progress. Russia has also failed to advance significantly in the areas where during this time it has put the most pressure on the Ukrainian troops: the Kupyansk front in the Kharkov region and the area around Kremennaya,

The fact that Ukraine spent four months mentioning exactly the same locations in its war reports not only shows the stubborn stability of the front, but also the difficulties the parties are having adapting to a new form of warfare. Ukrainian triumphalism at the time when the upcoming arrival of Western tanks was announced, which was to represent a turning point in the battle, has not finally translated into the start of the battle for Melitopol or the coast of the Sea of ​​​​Ukraine. Azov. This has been the case due to a series of circumstances among which, without a doubt, the preparation of the Russian defense line stands out, but also the way in which the weight of drones has been increased, both in surveillance and reconnaissance work and in the attack. Those open eyes in the air have eliminated any possibility of surprise that Ukraine aspired to with the start of the operation. This is how the first week of the offensive could be seen.

Drones have also been one of the tools most used by both sides to show their progress and, above all, the misfortunes of others. Images of destroyed tanks and armored vehicles have thus become one of the most important elements of military propaganda and, although decontextualized, they help to observe both the intensity of the battle and the high level of losses. This aspect, like personnel casualties, is relevant, since there has been a change in the way in which the media presents Russian casualties.

After months in which it has alleged that Russia would be forced to carry out a new mobilization, British intelligence stated yesterday that a new wave is not expected until after the elections. The same source - one of the bases of Ukrainian propaganda - stated several weeks ago that Russia has a strategic reserve that it has not yet used. Russia has demonstrated that it has the weapons and personnel necessary to maintain, with limited losses of territory, the front created after the defeat of Kharkiv and the withdrawal from Kherson.

In these four months, Russia has shown a solvent defense capacity on the front line, although that has not eliminated Ukraine's destructive potential in the rear. The danger existing in Crimea due to the use of British Storm Shadow missiles is the most obvious example. But apart from the doubts that images such as those of the smoke rising over the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet may create, the main one refers to the Russian offensive potential. So far, Russia's mission has been limited to containing the front and inflicting maximum damage on Ukrainian troops.

The situation of stability was partially broken yesterday, when Russian troops began what appears to be the strongest push yet towards the town of Avdeevka. The movements occur after several days of increased Russian offensive activity especially in this sector, southern Donetsk, one of the most important for the Russian Federation. The lack of clear progress and the attention that the situation in Gaza is requiring these days has meant that these preliminary steps to the attack, which began last weekend, have gone unnoticed in media terms.

Located a few kilometers from Yasinovataya, a town severely affected by the war since 2014 as it is on the front line, Avdeevka has been one of the flashpoints of the conflict since its beginning. The fighting between both localities, especially in the industrial zone of Avdeevka, has continued even during the years when Donbass completely disappeared from the media. This sector of the front was always one of the areas in which the Minsk ceasefire was never stable and the risk of escalation - generally caused by the political needs to put pressure on Donbass and Russia - was permanent.


The importance of these positions for Ukraine is difficult to overestimate. Like Marinka, Avdeevka became one of the main Ukrainian strongholds. Fortified for eight years in which the trenches were always active, both towns have proven to be some of the biggest obstacles to the Russian and Republican advance in Donbass. Since last December, Russia had intensified its presence in Marinka, west of Donetsk. The fighting continues there no longer for control of the city, where the destruction is similar to the images of Gaza that have been seen in recent hours, but for the military positions. Marinka, like Avdeevka, is a privileged place to maintain the harassment of Donetsk, the most important city of Donbass, whose residential neighborhoods continue to be bombed indiscriminately daily from those locations. In this context of increasing danger for the civilian population, the lack of a final assault to capture Marinka and Avdeevka, which would mean significantly distancing the Ukrainian troops from the capital of the DPR, shows the difficulty of advancing on fortified positions.

Throughout yesterday, Russian sources announced what appears to be the most powerful push that has occurred so far to advance on Avdeevka. Until now, the tactic had been limited to small and scarce advances on the flanks of the city to try to cut off the supply route and lay siege to the town. Yesterday, both the media and the population of Donetsk were referring to the intensive use of aviation and a level of heavy weapons fire that had not been experienced around the city in a long time. This is still the first phase of a battle that can be tough. Marinka's precedent indicates that Ukraine will cling to these positions, which allow it to show the population of Donetsk and the cities of its urban agglomeration its ability to attack any point in the area. For now, The main news is not the progress in the attempt to besiege the city - for now scarce - but the apparently definitive activation of this key sector of the front. The way in which Russia chooses to advance on the city, especially if there is a frontal assault as occurred in Artyomovsk and the speed with which some type of development occurs - be it an assault or a new pause to return to the status quo - It will also show the Russian capacity for adaptation, not only in defense situations, but especially in attack. ... more-28336

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 9-10, 2023
October 11, 2023

In the Donetsk direction, after a massive missile and artillery preparation, the Russian army went on the offensive in the area of ​​the Avdeevsky fortified area : control over a section of the E50 highway was taken from the south, they managed to break through to Berdychi from the north , and fighting is ongoing. Units of the Russian Armed Forces occupied the territory of the waste heap southwest of Krasnogorovka , which will significantly facilitate the taking of Avdeevka under control.

In the Starobelsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the direction of Makeyevka and Nevsky , expanding the zone of control near Novovodyanoy and Ploshchanka . In the Soledar direction, heavy positional battles continue in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka .

In the Vremevsky sector, the front line did not undergo significant changes. In the Orekhovsky direction, after the weather conditions deteriorated, there are sluggish battles. Taking advantage of the moment, the Russian Armed Forces were able to penetrate the enemy’s defenses in the Zherebyanok area and expand the zone of control.

In the Kherson direction , the enemy concentrated his main efforts on striking the front-line cities on the left bank of the Dnieper . At the same time, the intensity of fighting in the island zone decreased.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Black Sea direction, the Russian Aerospace Forces launched kamikaze drone strikes on the infrastructure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Odessa region . Local residents reported attacks on the village of Dachnoye in the north of Odessa and the seaport area in Vilkovo . Local authorities confirmed the effectiveness of the hit, stating that it hit “logistics infrastructure,” but there is no evidence of objective control.

In the Starobelsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Makeevka . Russian troops launched a counterattack not only in the Orekhovsky and Donetsk directions : for several days now there has been an assault on enemy strongholds in the Makeevka direction. As a result of fierce fighting, Russian units managed to advance on a broad front from Novovodyany and Ploshchanka , almost reaching the eastern outskirts of Makeyevka.

Also, fighters of the Russian Army approached Nevsky , where reinforcements of the 88th battalion of the 106th Terrestrial Defense Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were transferred to strengthen the defense. The attack is difficult due to the large number of minefields at the Makeevka - Nevskoye line . In addition, the Ukrainian command continues to transfer reserves for defense in the area.

The day before, 200 people from the 44th mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces arrived in Peski - Radkovskie . They were trained and coordinated in Nizhyn . Also, formations of the 44th mechanized brigade were also noted in Borovaya , so the enemy still has reserves.

Positional clashes continue in the Soledar direction . The Russian army is striking at the rear positions of Ukrainian formations and artillery bases of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, trying to deprive the enemy of fire support in this area. The intensity of the fighting decreased after the losses suffered by the Ukrainian formations. The Ukrainian Armed Forces conduct sporadic shelling of Bakhmut and its outskirts, but do not take active actions. The artillery of the Russian Armed Forces, with the support of UAV operators, strikes Ukrainian ammunition depots on the front edge of the front line, depriving the enemy of the opportunity to attack.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue the operation to storm the Avdeevsky fortified area . Fighting is still going on near the outskirts of the village of Berdychi . Soldiers of the Russian Army have gained a foothold and are awaiting a counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. One of the assault groups managed to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at a waste heap located southwest of Krasnogorovka . This is a commanding height from where Russian troops will be able to control the approaches to the Avdeevka fortified area from the north and west, facilitating the encirclement of Avdeevka.

In the southern sector, the Russian Armed Forces continue the assault in the Northern and Tonenkoy directions . It has not yet been possible to reach the outskirts of populated areas, but several enemy strongholds have come under the control of Russian fighters. Fierce fighting is taking place in the southeast of the Avdeevsky fortified area. Due to dense mining and serious resistance from Ukrainian formations, it is not yet possible to reach the outskirts of the settlement.

In general, the task of blocking by fire and encircling the Avdeevsky fortified area is being achieved . In less than 24 hours, Russian troops managed to make a significant breakthrough, which, against the backdrop of advances in previous months, looks very surprising and indicative . At this stage, it is difficult to make any forecasts, but if everything continues at the same pace, we can probably witness a full-fledged operation to take the Avdeevsky fortified area under the control of Russian troops. This, in turn, will reduce the intensity of shelling of cities in the Donetsk agglomeration by Ukrainian forces.

In the Vremevsky sector in the Priyutnoye area , the Armed Forces of Ukraine reduced their activity, carried out two attacks in small infantry groups, and were scattered by the artillery of the Russian Armed Forces to their original positions. To the west of Novodonetsk, Ukrainian formations attacked the positions of the Russian Armed Forces, which they had previously lost and were thrown back to their original positions. In the area of ​​Novomayorsky, the enemy attempted a landing at night in a forest belt north-west of the settlement. The attack was repelled by marines of the 40th Guards Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces.

In the Orekhovsky sector, due to the lack of success near Orekhov and the onset of the autumn thaw, the Ukrainian command concentrated on expanding the wedge zone between Rabotino and Verbov . To strengthen the group, units of the 127th Terrestrial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were transferred from the Sumy region . Previously, TRO personnel will replenish the regular brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Also, after a little preparation at the Novodanilovka - Malaya Tokmachka line , the armored group of the 46th armored brigade, consisting of a reconnaissance platoon, two infantry fighting vehicles and one tank, tried to strike Novoprokopovka. But one infantry fighting vehicle was hit by artillery fire, and the other was unable to drive through the mud, causing the attack to stall.

But today the main attention is focused on the Kamensky sector , where Russian troops, simultaneously with the activation of the Russian Armed Forces near Avdeevka , launched an attack from Zherebyanki . Russian army soldiers managed to occupy important landings to the north. The offensive continues. Such activity of the Russian Armed Forces in several sectors of the front is important for achieving success. Simultaneous strikes constrain the enemy's capabilities, depriving him of the ability to maneuver.

In the Kherson direction , due to worsening weather conditions, enemy activity in the island zone of the Dnieper decreased. The Ukrainian Armed Forces switched to more active fire on the left bank, while continuing to transfer units to the contact line. Yesterday evening, in the northern part of Kozatsky Island, Russian artillerymen hit an observation post. The wounded members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces requested evacuation, but the boat moored to the island was sunk by a precise strike.

In response, Ukrainian formations increased the intensity of strikes with both cannon and rocket artillery. The level of use of FPV drones along the Novaya Kakhovka - Bolshaya Lepetikha line has also increased . The activity of enemy sabotage groups in the Golopristansky sector resumed again . On the night of October 10, the DRG of the 123rd TRO brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces headed to Belogrudy Island from Yantarny . Their movement to the island indicates that it is at least in the gray zone.

At the same time, as part of counter-battery warfare, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are actively using the Cobra radar. Strikes against rear areas in the Kherson region are aimed at reducing the fire potential of Russian troops in the direction. In addition, in the vicinity of Belozerka , the use of the Ground Observer-12 air target detection radar was noted for the first time , probably transferred as part of a military aid package by the German government.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

Ukrainian formations continued to strike populated areas in the Belgorod region . Demidovka , Novaya Tavolzhanka , Novopetrovka and Popovka were under enemy fire . In the village of Popovka, Krasnoyaruzhsky district, two civilians were killed as a result of shelling . In addition, the village of Dubino was attacked by a Ukrainian UAV: ​​several houses were damaged, but there were no casualties. An aircraft-type UAV was shot down by an air defense system in the area of ​​the village of Olkhovka .

Once again, populated areas of the Donetsk People's Republic were under attack from Ukrainian forces, including using cluster munitions. In Donetsk, the Kievsky , Kirovsky , Kuibyshevsky and Petrovsky districts were under fire throughout the day : several residential buildings were damaged, and one woman was injured in the Kirovsky district. In the Kirovsky district of Makeyevka , the enemy fired several missiles from the HIMARS MLRS, one woman was injured, four houses and several schools were damaged. In Gorlovka , one was wounded as a result of a UAV attackman. In addition, the enemy launched attacks on Golmovsky and Yasinovataya during the day .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to attack the rear cities of the Zaporozhye region . Yesterday the enemy attacked Tokmak , there were explosions, there was no information about casualties or damage. Today, the Ukrainian Armed Forces used two drones on Energodar , attacking the Vodozabor substation near the nuclear power plant. Due to damage to the transformer, the city was left without water supply, and emergency restoration work is underway. In the city of Molochansk , Tokmak region, air defense crews shot down an enemy target; according to preliminary data, there were no consequences on the ground.

Amid preparations for the upcoming offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not stop intensively shelling the left bank of the Kherson region . The enemy attacked almost two dozen settlements, including: Bolshaya Lepetikha , Holaya Pristan , Cossack Camps , Kakhovka , Knyaze-Grigorovka , Dnepryany , Krynki , Malaya Kardashinka , Obryvka , Peschanivka and Topolevka . According to local authorities, in the village. Alyoshka killed two people. Local sources also claim threewounded. In addition, Russian air defense systems covered the skies over the cities of Genichesk , Proletarka and Korsunka . Novaya Kakhovka was attacked several times , including using UAVs.

Political events
On the problems of financing Ukraine from the EU

The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, said on the social network X that due to problems with financing the US budget , certain difficulties are arising with Ukraine . According to him, Europe will not be able to fully compensate for the money that the American Congress allocated to the Ukrainian government. However, the politician hopes that “the allies will quickly find ways to break the deadlock.” In fact, we see nothing more than a simple game for the public: its Western partners always have money to continue hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, however, against the backdrop of growing anti-Ukrainian sentiment in the EU and the USA, it is obvious that some politicians have decided to earn political points for themselves , declaring uncertainty regarding the future of Ukrainian forces.

NBC insider reports that the White House and Congress are discussing combining military aid to Israel and Ukraine . The coordinator for strategic communications at the White House National Security Council, John Kirby, argues that the United States is able to pay for both.

On the law on the liquidation of religious organizations

Despite the fact that in the latest report of the UN emissary for human rights in Ukraine, the terrorist actions of the Ukrainian authorities against the canonical UOC are included in the list of violations of the rights of citizens, a law was introduced in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine that would allow the liquidation through the courts of religious organizations whose representatives committed crimes against “Fundamentals of Ukraine’s National Security”.

This includes such articles of the criminal code as “mercenarism”, “terrorism”, “war propaganda”, “inciting inter-religious hatred” and many others. It is obvious that in this way the Ukrainian authorities want to finally root the religious split in society by banning the canonical UOC, which is “unwanted” by the regime, with which it has been fighting for more than six months, including involving SBU officers involved in the search and arrest of “enemy collaborators.” Then residents will have no choice but to go to the parishes of the schismatic OCU, taking into account possible criminal sentences. Despite this, there is still no consensus in the Ukrainian Parliament on the ban on the UOC and this law in particular.

About corruption and Ukrainian weapons in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict zone

Vladimir Zelensky appointed Deputy Minister of Economy Igor Fomenko as the new head of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Policy of Military-Technical Cooperation and Export Control and instructed him to update the composition of the department within two weeks. The news was received with joy: especially in the Russian segment of Telegram, because the decree on the appointment took place against the background of the discovery of numerous facts of the transfer of weapons and ammunition supplied by the West to Ukraine, in the zone of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moreover, from the Palestinian groups.

And the relationship seems obvious. But the current head of the interdepartmental commission (who is also the deputy of the new Minister of Defense Rustam Umerov) was appointed to the position on October 5. And this is part of the natural reshuffle after the change in the leadership of the defense department.

It would be naive to believe that the leadership of Ukraine, which deals in corruption schemes on a regional scale, will be seriously concerned about the next fact of the appearance of supplied weapons in conflict zones. Nobody is going to stop corruption in Ukraine, and the fact of a change in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is an extremely convenient fact for the public, which always allows you to raise your hands up and say, “It’s not us, but Reznikov’s team.”

Leipzig - Berlin - (presumably) Ukraine

Subscribers from Germany shared with us footage of the movement of two trawls with two Leopard 2 tanks on board. Trucks move along the Autobahn No. 9 Leipzig - Berlin in a northerly direction.

Swedish versions of the Leopards are transported on trawls - Stridsvagn 122 (Strv.122) . They are distinguished by a 120-mm L44 smoothbore gun, a French GALAX smoke grenade launch system and a characteristic Swedish camouflage. In September, the first footage appeared ( of two Strv.122B tanks being destroyed by “Lancets” in the Svatovsky sector . In total, the Swedes promised to transfer ten units of this type to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, so it is likely that these “Leopards” are going to Ukraine.
About Zelensky’s trip to Romania
President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky visited Romania for the first time since the start of the special operation. At a meeting with his colleague Klaus Iohannis, the Ukrainian president agreed to expand security cooperation, as well as to train future F-16 pilots in Romania . In addition, Zelensky announced the imminent opening of a new “ grain corridor ” through Moldova and Romania. It is worth understanding that against the backdrop of deteriorating relations between Ukraine and a number of Eastern European countries, Romania is the only stable corridor connecting Ukraine with the rest of Europe. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Posted by MLToday | Oct 9, 2023 | Other Featured Posts | 0


October 5, 2023

President Biden said Wednesday (10/5/23) that he was worried about the prospect of Congress authorizing more Ukraine aid after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was removed as speaker of the House.

“It does worry me,” Biden said. “But I know there are a majority of members of the House and Senate, in both parties, who have said that they support funding Ukraine.”

While Biden is correct that the majority of Congress still supports the proxy war, House Republicans who oppose arming Ukraine do have significant power, as demonstrated by the ouster of McCarthy. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) launched the effort over allegations that a secret deal was cut with Democrats to bring new Ukraine aid to the floor for a vote after it was stripped from a stopgap funding bill.

One of the Republicans who announced he’s running for speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), has said he’s opposed to additional funding for Ukraine. Jordan has voted against aid for Ukraine going back to the $40 billion package in May 2022, the only stand-alone Ukraine aid bill.

Because of his position, Jordan has earned a grade of “F” from Republicans for Ukraine, a neoconservative project that was launched to rally GOP support for the proxy war. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) has also announced his intention to run for speaker. Scalise has supported arming Ukraine, earning himself a grade of “B” from Republicans for Ukraine.

Republicans are planning to hold a speaker election on October 11. According to Bloomberg, all legislative action is likely to halt until then, meaning President Biden won’t get the additional $24 billion he is seeking to spend on the war in the meantime.

The president said that he will soon deliver another speech on why the US should continue to fuel the war. “I’m going to make the argument that it’s overwhelmingly in the interests of the United States of America that Ukraine succeed,” Biden said. “I don’t think we should let gamesmanship get in the way of blocking it.”

Biden also hinted that he may have another way to get the money. “There is another means by which we may be able to find funding, but I’m not going to get into that right now,” he said. ... hy-ouster/


Russians pound Avdeevka with heavy bombs. Can the awaited Russian offensive be approaching?
October 10, 2023

Today’s online issue of Russia’s most important daily newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta carries an article from the Telegram Channel of the portal Russkaya vesna that is very important for anyone who wants to see why the application of1.5 ton reengineered, guided bombs to the war theater suggests the start of a new stage of the war that, for once, the Russians, not the Americans, are initiating.

The headline reads “RF Army has delivered a blow of previously unseen might against the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)”. What they are describing is an aerial bombing of Avdeevka, the heavily fortified Ukrainian town 14 kilometers away from Donetsk city, which is an urban center of more than a million inhabitants and capital of the Donbas oblast (region) of the same name. Donetsk city has been struck by missiles and artillery shells launched from Avdeevka on a daily basis from the time before the Special Military Operation, and with ever greater intensity during the SMO. Video images of destroyed homes and apartment buildings have appeared on Russian evening news together casualty figures and the testimony of victims.

The attack on Avdeevka came early in the morning when the Ukrainians were attempting to carry out a rotation of their troops. Eyewitnesses said that “the earth shook” in the whole area as a result of the bombing.

The question many Russians have had was why no action was taken previously to destroy Avdeevka and end the bloodshed on Russian controlled land. There was the hypothesis that taking Avdeevka by storm would have been as costly in the lives of Russian soldiers as Bakhmut or Mariupol. The Ukrainians have been using the partly destroyed coking coal and chemicals factory there as a fortress.

There was the hypothesis that the daily images of Ukrainian inflicted death and misery in Donetsk city was useful to consolidate Russian public opinion for continuation of the war. And now there is the hypothesis that the heavy bombs now being deployed to eradicate Ukrainian positions in Avdeevka were not yet available in the numbers needed to do the job there and elsewhere behind Ukrainian lines.

It is also possible that the Russians were holding back, prolonging the war of attrition to achieve one of their primary goals of the SMO, namely to “demilitarize” Ukraine by allowing Kiev to destroy its army reserves in the so-called spring-summer counter-offensive by throwing men and equipment against the inpenetrable Surovikin lines of defense in the southeast before moving on to a new phase in the war leading to Ukrainian capitulation. The bombing of Avdeevka today, like the reported destruction of a major Ukrainian command post by 1.5 ton bombs a couple of days ago, would suggest the “softening up” phase before a major ground offensive.

In any case, with or without a ground offensive, the Russians’ move to aerial bombing with 1.5 ton and possibly soon with 5 ton guided bombs signifies a change which Kiev, London and Washington seem not to have anticipated. It is a campaign that can easily be continued during the rainy season and roadless conditions of late autumn in Ukraine which Western commentators had assumed would force the sides to slow the war effort, giving Washington the opportunity to restock Ukraine with weapons, advisers and so on in preparation of renewed military activity in the spring. The West can now put paid to that scenario, it would seem.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023 ... proaching/


Russian MoD Continues Analysis of the Military-Biological Activities of the United States in Ukraine and Other Countries
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 10, 2023

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation continues to analyze the military-biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine and other countries, said the head of the RCB protection troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov.

Below are the briefing materials of Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, on the analysis of documents related to military biological activities of the United States, as presented by the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

“We have already noted that under the guise of providing assistance in the development of national health systems, countering threats of bioterrorism and the proliferation of biological weapons, many states in various regions of the world have fallen into the sphere of US military interests. At the same time, the US State Department takes an active part in bio-programs on the territory of foreign countries.

Documents confirming the direct participation of the State Department in the so-called “Biosafety Enhancement Program” initiated by former US President Obama were presented. The countries of the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa, as well as Ukraine, have been identified as priority areas for the implementation of the program.

Washington uses third-party performers to conceal customers and the goals of the research. These are contracting and intermediary organizations (Metabiota, C-H-Tu-EM-Hill, Eco-Health Alliance, more than 20 companies in total).

Non-profit and non-governmental organizations are actively used to “cover up” the actions of the State Department. According to the documents received, only within one year the sums allowing to ensure the participation of at least 80 contractors were spent on their financing.

The materials published by the Russian Ministry of Defense have been widely disseminated in foreign mass media.

A number of publications drew attention to the key role assigned to Ukraine in the Pentagon’s military biological program. Thus, in the publication of the Greek edition of Banking News, it is noted that “…Ukraine occupies a central position and represents a territory of special geographical interest in the bio-program of the US Department of State…”.

The Romanian information resource “Flax-24” announced Barack Obama’s involvement in the promotion of American military biological programs abroad. The publication noted that “… the President of the United States provided assistance to the military biology program at the stage of connecting the State Department to this activity …”.

A number of media outlets in the Middle East region (Lebanon, Yemen, Syria) have published materials about the unjustified expansion of the network of American biological laboratories abroad. At the same time, the Lebanese publication An-Nahar noted that the geographical priorities of the United States in the Middle East are Iraq, Yemen and Jordan, drawing attention to the secretive nature of the military-biological activities of the United States.

Chinese experts, commenting on the briefing materials on the discovery of an underground biolab in Ridley (California), noted that “…The United States lacks proper control over the results of its dual-use research and development…”.

I would like to note that after the publication by the Russian Federation of data on illegal biological experiments in a California laboratory, the American administration initiated an investigation procedure. Three congressional committees at once began studying the activities of the Prestige Biotech company, which rented premises where research prohibited by federal law was conducted.

The local administration tried to assign responsibility for organizing the activities of the biolab to China, but no convincing evidence of this was presented.

According to our information, Prestige Biotech is registered in the state of Nevada, and by “accidental” coincidence, the biological laboratory that became the subject of the investigation is located in close proximity to the base of the US Navy in Kings County.

Earlier, we presented a scheme for organizing military biological activities in the United States, in which the Navy plays the role of one of the main customers and coordinators of research.

According to the available documents, Prestige Biotech acquired more than 20 names of pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory equipment and animals for undeclared purposes. This is confirmed by the materials of an independent investigation conducted by the American human rights organization “Judicial Watch”.

The documents obtained by this NGO prove the presence of dangerous biomaterials at the facility and their improper storage, as well as gross violation of sanitary standards when handling laboratory animals.

The fact that the FBI and the US Department of Health refused to provide the information they had about the activities of the laboratory indicates the closed nature of the work, and representatives of these agencies were summoned to the US Congress to provide confidential information.

We have repeatedly stressed the involvement of US law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI and the CIA, in dual-use research, as well as Washington’s desire to conceal the results of these works.

Pay attention to the document on the creation of a library of closed publications on chemical and biological protection, prepared by Morgan Minyard, an employee of the Office of Threat Reduction of the US Department of Defense (DITRA).

The Pentagon representative proposes to create an editorial committee that will “clean up” scientific works of interest to the American intelligence community for publication, as well as classify “dual-use” works that “… can cause irreparable damage to national security …” and accumulate them in a separate repository with limited access.

As examples of studies that will be entered into the database, experiments to increase the lethality of the mouse smallpox virus and the determination of the genetic sequence encoding a new type of botulism toxin are given.

It is noted that the use of a library with closed information will allow the United States government “… to study the results of chemical and biological research in as much detail as possible, as well as to interact with certain performers and partners …”.

Such censorship of publications indicates Washington’s desire to avoid public disclosure of results that run counter to US international obligations in the field of chemical and biological weapons.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has information about the creation of a secret Strategy in the United States to counter weapons of mass destruction.

The open (unclassified) part of the document was published on September 27, 2023. It specifies the provisions of the National Defense Strategy in the field of responding to threats to national security associated with the use of WMD.

According to the Pentagon, the Russian Federation, China, Iran and the DPRK consider weapons of mass destruction as a means of limiting the ability of the United States to achieve strategic goals during wars and military conflicts.

In accordance with the Strategy, Russia is described as a source of “acute threat” to American security in the medium and long term.

The People’s Republic of China is defined as a “growing challenge”. It is emphasized that Beijing has recently made significant progress in the modernization of strategic nuclear forces. The DPRK and Iran are identified as permanent threats.

According to the developers, the priority areas of activity of the US Department of Defense are:

– ensuring the protection of the national territory from external aggression with the use of WMD;

– unconditional deterrence of potential opponents from using it against the United States and its allies;

– creation of consolidated units capable of effectively conducting combat operations and winning in conditions of HCB infection.

At the same time, the Strategy sets the task of coordinating and increasing efforts to create means of protection against new chemical and biological threats.

Thus, by refusing to work on the verification protocol within the framework of the BTWC, the United States is creating administrative and technical structures that can be involved in dual-use research, including for offensive purposes.

I would like to note that Russian efforts to publicize illegal military biological activities of the United States and the deterioration of the epidemic situation in the locations of biological objects in the European region forced the American administration to withdraw dual-use research to African countries.

The documents at our disposal confirm the activities of key Pentagon contractors on the African continent – in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda and South Africa. The customers from the American government are DITRA, the National Security Agency and the US State Department.

Earlier, we talked about unauthorized sampling by employees of Metabiota, a key Pentagon contractor, during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. The company’s opaque working methods immediately raised questions from the World Health Organization. As a result of the illegal export of samples, live samples of the Ebola virus ended up in the Research Institute of Infectious Diseases of the US Army.

The natural deterioration of the morbidity situation in the areas where American biological facilities are located forces the governments of many African states to take a different look at the need and expediency of cooperation with the United States. So, in 2022, Metabiota’s activities in Africa were discontinued, as the illegal methods of the company’s work began to raise too many questions at the level of national governments.

The activity of the United States to establish global biological control is accompanied by the substitution of the provisions of the BTWC and other norms of international law with its own rules, which are developed in the American interests, supported by the collective West and imposed on third countries for implementation.

This can be traced in the work on specialized international platforms, when Western delegations pushed through decision-making only on the issues of interest to them, regardless of the priorities of other states. At the same time, attention is deliberately shifted to the consideration of secondary issues not directly related to the problems of non-proliferation of biological weapons, for example, such as the creation of various databases, ensuring gender equality, participation in BTWC events of youth organizations, etc.

Let me remind you that the Russian Federation has proposed a number of practical initiatives to strengthen the biological weapons non-proliferation regime and improve confidence-building measures under the Convention.

First of all, it is the resumption of negotiations on the development of a legally binding protocol to the BTWC with an effective verification mechanism that would include lists of pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, specialized equipment, and would be comprehensive.

The second is to expand the format of confidence–building measures by providing information on research and development in the field of biological protection carried out outside the national territory.

The third is the creation of a Scientific Advisory Committee to evaluate achievements in the fields of science and technology, which would have a wide geographical representation and equal rights of participants.

The fourth is the use of mobile biomedical detachments within the framework of the BTWC.

The practical implementation of our proposals will contribute to increasing the transparency of national biological programs and compliance with the requirements of the Convention by all participating States, including the United States, without exception.

The Russian Defense Ministry has already cited the names of participants in American military biological programs. Among them are officials of the Ministry of Defense, biotech corporations and Pentagon contractors.

Today we would like to add to this list representatives of government agencies and private companies of the USA and Ukraine involved in the implementation of dual-use research.

Thomas Wohl, Vice President and official representative of Black & Veatch in Ukraine, oversaw the implementation of the PAX electronic system for the management and control of biological agents and materials.

Kevin Olival, Vice President for Research at the Eco–Health Alliance contracting organization, was directly involved in the implementation of projects of the US Department of Defense to study zoonotic diseases transmitted by bats.

Mikhail Usatyi – Deputy Head of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since 2018, supervised the organization of work within the framework of DITRA projects in Ukraine.

Tatiana Kiryazova is the Executive Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Public Health Policy. Supervised joint pathogen research with the United States on the basis of the Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Institute. Mechnikov in Odessa.

The information provided about the organizers and participants of military biological activities will be transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Thus, questions about the military-biological activities of the United States and Ukraine still remain, and there are more of them. Since the Russian side convened a consultative meeting on Article 5 of the BTWC, no answers have been received to them that could resolve the situation.

We will continue to analyze the incoming documents and will inform you.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Thu Oct 12, 2023 12:08 pm

Preparing for winter
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/12/2023


Volodymyr Zelensky visited yesterday for the first time since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war the headquarters of the organization to which the establishment The country's politician has aspired to NATO since 2014. Zelensky's appearance and the speech with which he defended Ukraine's position are a good thermometer to observe the current state of the war and, above all, the intentions and forecasts of Kiev and its allies with respect to the coming months. All kinds of Ukrainian representatives, starting with Kirilo Budanov, head of military intelligence, have already stated that, unlike a year ago, this time Ukraine's offensive operations will not stop because of winter. This was also repeated yesterday by the head of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff, Charles Brown. However, as could already be seen in 2022, weather conditions are a factor that significantly determines the way in which the war can develop. Hence General Winter was one of the relevant topics at the summit of the “Ramstein group”, the group of fifty countries that support Ukraine militarily, economically and financially in the common war against Russia.

Both in his appearance at NATO headquarters yesterday and in his media presence in recent days, Zelensky has highlighted two aspects that will possibly become the basis of the Ukrainian discourse for the coming weeks: the attempt to link the situation in Ukraine with that of the Middle East and the arrival of winter. In both cases, Ukraine simply seeks what it has always sought: to maintain the unconditional support of its partners and the continuous supply of weapons, ammunition and financing. Since last Saturday, first with some subtlety and later explicitly, Ukraine has tried to take advantage of the war in Gaza both to gain more support from its partners and to try to prevent the attention that the situation in the Middle East currently requires from leading to a loss of prominence and media presence for Ukraine. Hence the interest shown yesterday by Zelensky in traveling to Israel to "show his support." It is not only the vanity of those who hope to remain eternally in the front page headlines, but also the nervousness caused in Kiev by the emergence of a conflict that could relegate Ukraine to secondary positions on the international political agenda, especially the American one. where Israel will always be more important than a post-Soviet country for which less than two years ago there was little media interest.

Ukraine's strategy to remain in the media conversation is not currently about generating successes on the front, where Kiev's troops continue without achieving any minimally relevant success, but rather about creating a discourse in which its country is central despite the events that are occurring in Gaza or perhaps even because of them. The Ukrainian authorities have presented a discourse that lacks any coherence, but that is perfectly acceptable to their partners and the Western press, willing to close their eyes to the flagrant contradictions of the narrative. Miajilo Podolyak presented the idea of ​​global war against democracy and the established values ​​that Zelensky has also introduced as the basis of his current speech. Yesterday, the Ukrainian president insisted on linking Hamas to Vladimir Putin, although the Ukrainian president did not provide any data to support his accusation. Ukraine has not yet presented the data that it claims to have and that “clearly prove that Russia is interested in inciting a war in the Middle East.” This is what the Ukrainian president stated this Monday, adding that the objective is "to create a new source of pain and suffering that erodes global unity and exacerbates fractures and controversies, helping Russia to destroy freedom in Europe."

For Ukrainian propaganda, it is irrelevant that Vladimir Putin's intervention is not necessary for a conflict to exist in the Middle East or to break the non-existent global unity. There is also no need to explain the incoherence between anti-colonial and anti-occupant rhetoric, the basis of the narrative with which Ukraine demands unconditional support from its partners until it manages to recover its 1991 borders, with its strong identification with Israel, the occupying power, and with the demonization of the Palestinian struggle against occupation. In this sense, kyiv's position is consistent with its actions in the past. Israel has always been a reference for Ukraine both in its relationship with the United States - Israel is one of the countries most militarily subsidized by Washington - and in its treatment of unwanted minorities . Kiev and Tel Aviv agree in wanting control of certain territories - in the case of Ukraine against the opinion of the population but technically within their recognized borders - in which they encourage the population to leave. In the last few hours, Israel has called on the population of Gaza to leave for Egypt through the Rafah post, which it subsequently bombed. In a similar way but in a much less dramatic context, even before Russian troops entered the war, the Ukrainian president had already suggested to those in Ukraine who felt like Russians instead of Ukrainians, that they move to Russia. In the last year and a half, threats to the population of Crimea and suggestions to self-deport across the Kerch bridge have been periodic and have come from senior officials of the Ukrainian Government.

With little coherence in the discourse, but effectively, since it coincides with the Western narrative, Ukraine seeks to present itself as the example of what to do that can serve Israel, which in reality has decades of experience and does not need support or assistance. from Kiev. Although they are aware that the war in its current format - without becoming an open war in regional terms - is not going to jeopardize US military assistance, the Ukrainian authorities continue to need the media attention that has until now guaranteed that the political demands of Kiev are considered a priority. Without that media attention, it would be much more difficult for Ukraine to push its allies beyond what they are willing to offer. Media intervention was key, for example, when it came to pressuring Germany to increase its military assistance to include Leopard tanks. If Ukraine aspires to achieve the shipment of ATACMS or Taurus missiles and to receive the expected F16 as soon as possible, it needs the pressure capacity that media prominence gives it.

The question of Israel and the global war against the rules-based international order was one of the most repeated arguments by Ukraine yesterday, although not the only one. The second part of Zelensky's reasoning returned to his usual line of demanding weapons. “We have to defend ourselves every day and defend ourselves,” Zelensky said. “This is not just about the counteroffensive. The counteroffensive is in one direction, but you also have to defend yourself because Russia is facing you, a large army of these terrorists,” he added, synthesizing the two ideas.

Ukraine's partners responded to Ukrainian concerns by reminding Ukraine that it is a priority and announcing new weapons packages. These announcements did not contain either the ATACMS or Taurus missiles that kyiv demands, although they did contain the other big request: more ammunition for air defense systems. The insistence on long-range missiles and defenses against Russian missiles indicate Ukraine's goals in the coming months. There is not and has not been in recent months on the list of priorities material for the ground offensive or equipment to try to force the Dnieper, which indicates that Kiev is aware of the difficulties it will have to continue the offensive in the winter period.

These demands, together with Stoltenberg's words about the need to continue arms deliveries, especially for anti-aircraft defenses, indicate that Ukraine expects a winter similar to that of a year ago. "There is no evidence that Putin has ceased his ambitions in the country, Russia has increased attacks on critical infrastructure and is preparing again to use winter as a weapon of war." In reality, although Russian activity has increased, it has been limited to military objectives and there have so far been no attacks on power plants as occurred a year ago. Still, the argument remains valid for Stoltenberg. “So we must continue to increase and sustain the constant flow of weapons and ammunition to Ukraine. The stronger Ukraine is on the battlefield,

However, without great results of territorial advances in the counteroffensive, that Western argument of ensuring that Ukraine ended the year in a position of strength to force Moscow to accept Kiev's diktat seems to be receding. The nervousness caused in the Ukrainian Government by the recent changes - Joe Biden's difficulties in obtaining more financing for Ukraine according to the planned deadlines and the new war in the Eastern Mediterranean - show that, despite the discourse of unity and of victory, reality rules and Ukraine is aware of its situation and its needs. Politically, at this moment these needs involve maintaining media attention, continuing to present itself as an irreplaceable partner in a global war .against terrorism and authoritarianism. Militarily, the objective seems to be to prepare for what is anticipated as a missile war during the winter months.

Google Translator


Chronicle of a special military operation for October 11, 2023
October 12, 2023

In the Donetsk direction, the assault on the Avdeevsky fortified area continued . On the northern flank of the Russian Armed Forces, they are rapidly developing success: the waste heap is occupied, and battles were taking place near Berdychi and Petrovsky . There is also progress in the south - in the area of ​​​​the Tsarskaya Okhota fortified area . There is a possibility of a counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In the Kupyansky sector, Russian troops stormed the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the Sinkovka - Ivanovka - Kislovka line . At the same time, enemy attempts to break through in the area of ​​the Torsky salient and Serebryansky forestry were stopped .

During the day, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled populated areas of the Bryansk region . The village of Suzemka suffered the most : four people were injured, administrative buildings and residential buildings were damaged. In addition, several enemy UAVs were shot down in the skies over Bryansk and the Surazhsky region .


Possible actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the southern theater of military operations

Over the past month, a characteristic change in the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces can be noted: on most of the front, Ukrainian formations went on the defensive due to large losses in manpower and equipment, as well as the start of counterattacks by the Russian Armed Forces. However, this does not mean that the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have the strength for one more attempt. Against the backdrop of the world community's attention being diverted to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the decline in interest in Ukraine, attention needs to be attracted by hook or by crook. And now the only option for this is the south. The new 30th Marine Corps was transferred to the Kherson direction . Where exactly most of the units of the four brigades are located is unknown. But reconnaissance groups are already occupying lines along the Dnieper .

In addition to the 30th Corps, territorial defense units are involved in the direction, trying to create a bridgehead on the left bank. The group numbers up to 12 thousand people, excluding MTR units. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are considering six directions for attack by several assault groups. The main blow will be delivered at the line Krynki - Novaya Kakhovka and the Iron Port . The rest are needed to distract attention and pin down the RF Armed Forces (including the Zaporozhye sector of the front ). They can cross the river near Bolshaya Lepetikha (the 70th pontoon regiment is already stationed in that direction) and Energodar . The basis of the strike groups are units of the 37th Infantry Brigade and the Special Operations Command "West".

The enemy’s plans are transparent and understandable, but even despite this, preparations are in full swing. For the third time now, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been carrying out massive strikes on the rear areas of the Kherson region using all possible means, from cassettes to aviation. The number of strikes in some sectors of the front increased five to six times. The ultimate goal of the mad dash in the south is to gain a foothold in any of the areas, create a bridgehead, gain a foothold and wait for reinforcements to arrive. And only then develop an attack on Crimea .

Attacks on Ukrainian aviation at Dolgintsevo airfield
Last night, footage appeared of the defeat of a Ukrainian Su-25 attack aircraft in the parking lot of the Dolgintsevo airfield near Krivoy Rog . The Lancet loitering ammunition flew over it : a fire broke out, after which the plane completely burned out. This is the third reliably known case of an aircraft being damaged at this facility: on September 19 , a video was published of a Lancet hitting a MiG-29 fighter of the Ukrainian Air Force, and on September 25 , another MiG-29 was hit by an X-35 tactical missile. All targets were disabled.

It is possible that all three episodes could have occurred around the same time, somewhere in mid-September. But what is especially important is that Dolgintsevo is located 70 km from the front line. The destruction of relatively scarce aircraft for the Ukrainian Armed Forces at such a distance, apparently, indicates the increased capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces to hit targets and a certain increase in the technical characteristics of Russian strike weapons.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Kupyansky sector, units of the 6th Army and 1st Tank Army of the “West” group of the Russian Armed Forces also went on the offensive against the positions of Ukrainian formations on the Sinkovka - Ivanovka - Kislovka line .

At Sinkovka, Russian troops, attacking along the railway from the Liman 1st side , occupied three strongholds in heavy fighting on the outskirts of the village. The Russian Armed Forces penetrated 1 km deep. Similarly, military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are conducting an active assault on the landings in which the enemy has taken refuge in the direction of Ivanovka and Kislovka . The advance was about 1.5 km .

The assault on Ukrainian positions is very difficult due to the dense mining of the area, as well as the conveyor belt sending of “cannon fodder” to the front lines. The basis of the defense is the 14th mechanized brigade, reinforced by TRO. Due to significant losses, reinforcements continue to be transferred to Kupyansk . Recently, the dispatch of two battalions of an unidentified formation began from Zhitomir .

In the Kremensky sector, fighting continues in the Torsky salient area . The enemy from the 63rd infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted an infantry attack with the support of several tanks. Having met resistance from tankers, as well as artillery and mortars, it retreated with losses, one enemy tank was damaged. In Serebryansky forestry, the front line has not changed.

In the Soledar direction, battles continue for control over the section of the railway in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka . Units of the RF Armed Forces inflict constant fire on the artillery and ammunition depots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, preventing the accumulation of a strike force. Due to the fact that in the last week alone about a dozen forward ammunition supply points on the approaches to Bakhmut were destroyed, the enemy sharply reduced the intensity of shelling.

Our colleagues from Archangel Spetsnaz report that the enemy is forced to operate primarily at night in small infantry groups in order to avoid mortar fire, trying to gain a foothold in new positions before the main forces arrive. During the day, kamikaze drones actively operate on them. In the area of ​​the Berkhov Reservoir, the forward positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were destroyed, and the enemy suffered significant losses. Also, according to some reports, the Russian army carried out a number of local counterattacks in the Kurdyumovka area , improving its tactical position.

In the Donetsk direction, near the Avdeevsky fortified area, Russian units continue to storm strongholds. After the initial success of the Russian Armed Forces, the enemy regrouped and is now trying to contain the offensive. On the northern flank, fighters of the 11th Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces, as a result of fierce battles, were able to completely occupy the most important stronghold (the so-called “ heap ”) at a commanding height. Its release will make it possible to control the approaches to the northern outskirts of Avdeevka .

There are also battles taking place near the northeastern outskirts of Berdychi . Russian motorized rifle units are trying to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy transferred anti-tank reserves to this area to strengthen the position. At the same time, to the east, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces managed to enter the village of Petrovskoye ( Stepovoe ). According to preliminary data, fighting is taking place in the populated area itself, and there is no control over it yet.

Aviation and artillery are active all day. The Avdeevka coke plant has been burning since the morning, filling the entire sky with acrid smoke all the way to Donetsk . The railway line near the plant was hit and fuel tanks were burning. Fighting continues in the Vodyanoye and Severny areas. The enemy, in turn, tried to attack in the Ozeryanovka area , however, having met resistance, he was forced to retreat.

Now the Ukrainian command is trying to stabilize the front. Reinforcements from the 31st mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been deployed to the vicinity of Ocheretino , Novokalinovo and Berdychi . The cannonade does not subside, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are firing at the front line with all guns. Russian troops are also attacking the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the southern outskirts of Avdeevka. As a result of the assault from the Donetsk ring road, the Russian Armed Forces were able to occupy a section of the railway south of the Tsarskaya Okhota restaurant , which was turned into a stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The attack of the Russian Army near Avdeevka continues.The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is transferring reserves to carry out a counterattack, so now Russian fighters should prepare for this by consolidating themselves on occupied lines. This will save the lives of personnel while aviation and artillery destroy the fortified area in Avdievka, facilitating its cordon.

The Vremyevsky site remains relatively calm. Recently, the enemy has suffered significant losses in personnel and equipment and is busy regrouping troops. The Russian Armed Forces continue to carry out regular artillery, aviation and UAV strikes against enemy positions.

In the Orekhovsky sector, the enemy became more active at the Rabotino - Kopani line . Since the morning, Ukrainian formations have made several attempts to break through the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces, using infantry and armored vehicles in the attack. In addition, several attacks by Ukrainian Armed Forces assault groups in the Verbovoy area were repulsed . There were also clashes near Novopokrovka . The Russian Armed Forces, with the support of artillery and aviation, continue to hold occupied lines.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are conducting massive shelling of the border area of ​​the Bryansk region . The village of Suzemka has been continuously bombarded by the Ukrainian Armed Forces since the morning; several residential buildings are on fire, the village is without power, and no information has been received on casualties. The regional governor announced the downing of an aircraft-type drone over Bryansk and two more in the sky over the Surazh region , there were no injuries or damage.

Local residents also reported that another UAV was shot down over the Fokinsky district of the regional capital; there were no casualties. In addition, shelling of the Pogarsky and Starodubsky districts , as well as the village of Belaya Berezka , was reported, but no official information has yet been received.

Later, Suzemka was shelled several more times. Four civilians were wounded by shrapnel and received medical assistance. Shell fragments damaged an administrative building, a residential building and a car, damage assessment continues, and emergency services are on the scene. According to local residents, a local electric train carriage was also damaged, but by luck there was no one in it at that time.

Local residents reported shelling of the village of Tetkino , Glushkovsky district, Kursk region . No official information has been received.

In addition to shelling the Bryansk region , the enemy is striking at the border of the Belgorod region . In the village of Grafovka , Krasnoyaruzhsky district, power lines are damaged, nearby settlements and the village itself are temporarily without power, restoration work is underway.

In the sky above Novopetrovka , Valuysk urban district, a Ukrainian aircraft-type drone was shot down; it exploded during the fall, damaging one residential building, but no one was injured. In the village of Dronovka , Grayvoronsky urban district, a non-residential building and a gas pipe were damaged, emergency services are working on the spot. Local residents reported shelling of the village of Prilesye , no one was injured.

Against the backdrop of intensified fighting near Avdiivka, the enemy reduced the intensity of shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration . Zaitsevo , Yasinovataya , as well as the Kiev and Kuibyshev districts of Donetsk were under attack from the Ukrainian Armed Forces throughout the day ; in the latter, one residential building was damaged, but there were no casualties. In the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka, after yesterday's shelling with cluster munitions, the ammunition detonated and one civilian was injured.

Ukrainian formations continue artillery terror of the civilian population on the left bank of the Dnieper, Kherson region. Throughout the night, Nova Kakhovka , Gornostaevka , Bolshaya Lepetikha , Kakhovka and Golaya Pristan were under attack .

Political events
On the results of the Ramstein-16 meeting in Brussels

President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky today arrived on an unofficial visit to Brussels , where the next meeting of NATO members was held to allocate a package of military assistance for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Western countries this time decided to send an impressive amount of military equipment to Ukraine.

The United States is providing $200 million and will provide AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, HIMARS ammunition, 155mm and 105mm howitzer shells, and TOW anti-tank missiles.

The UK announced the transfer of the latest 30-mm MSI-DS Terrahawk Paladin anti-aircraft guns for the “protection of critical infrastructure” and mine clearance equipment for a total of $122 million.

Denmark has promised to deliver the first F-16 aircraft in the first quarter of 2024. Finland transferred military equipment worth 95 million euros , details of the delivery were not disclosed. The Canadian government is allocating $25 million for winter clothing and training for Ukrainian soldiers.

Belgium will begin training Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 aircraft, as well as assistance in maintenance and training of technical personnel. She promised to deliver the first aircraft in 2025, but the final delivery dates will depend on the arrival of new F-35 fighters in the country.

Norway is providing $18.5 million for mine clearance. Spain will provide unnamed air defense systems, warm clothing, generators and another 1.5 million euros for mine clearance.

A Memorandum of Intent was signed with Bulgaria between the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the Bulgarian department. It involves closer cooperation in the field of defense and the provision of logistical assistance.

Lithuania will donate two NASAMS air defense systems , 155 mm artillery shells, as well as winter clothing and generators.

The German side will transfer another Iris-T complex , 10 Leopard 1A5 tanks, 3 Gepard self-propelled guns, several dozen medical trucks and 15 armored fighting vehicles, type not specified.

In addition, Zelensky was promised to cancel the action plan for granting NATO membership, assuring that Ukraine would definitely join the North Atlantic Alliance (but they tactfully kept silent about when). ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)


Ukraine SitRep: Storming Andivka - Ukrainian Losses

The Russian military has launched small attacks along the whole frontline. A major effort is made near Andivka which yesterday was bombed to smithereens:

The headline reads “RF Army has delivered a blow of previously unseen might against the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU)”. What they are describing is an aerial bombing of Avdeevka, the heavily fortified Ukrainian town 14 kilometers away from Donetsk city, which is an urban center of more than a million inhabitants and capital of the Donbas oblast (region) of the same name. Donetsk city has been struck by missiles and artillery shells launched from Avdeevka on a daily basis from the time before the Special Military Operation, and with ever greater intensity during the SMO. Video images of destroyed homes and apartment buildings have appeared on Russian evening news together casualty figures and the testimony of victims.
The attack on Avdeevka came early in the morning when the Ukrainians were attempting to carry out a rotation of their troops. Eyewitnesses said that “the earth shook” in the whole area as a result of the bombing.
The bombing of Avdeevka today, like the reported destruction of a major Ukrainian command post by 1.5 ton bombs a couple of days ago, would suggest the “softening up” phase before a major ground offensive.


Since 2014 the Ukrainian military had made Andivka into a fortress. It requires big bombs to break its bunkers.


That something important was coming up could be seen it the recent Daily Reports by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The ones put out on the 8th, 9th and 10th of October showed relatively few Ukrainian casualties (655, 630, 580) and a reduced counter artillery campaign with only 6, 7 and 8 Ukrainian guns hit on those days. It was a sign that something was coming up.

Today's report, which includes the numbers from yesterday's campaign against Andivka and other places show high Ukrainian casualty numbers (895) and hits on some 24 Ukrainian artillery systems.

The Ukrainians seem to fight almost exclusively on foot. Losses of armored fighting vehicles have become rare. Today's report reports hits on only 7 armored combat systems (including tanks) but also hits on 35 transport vehicles, i.e trucks and pick-ups.

Yesterday's evening summary by described the bad state most of Ukraine's brigades are in (machine translation):

Reports of the beginning of massive attacks by the Russian army coincided with the appearance of an increasing amount of information about significant problems with the offensive potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
As we have already written, ex-adviser to the President's Office Alexey Arestovich called on the Ukrainian command to go on the defensive and abandon the offensive, which, in his opinion, is hopeless with the current balance of forces.

Also in social networks, a video from a Ukrainian military man was distributed, who talks about problems in the "Guards Offensive" brigades due to heavy losses and poor organization.

"I communicate with different military personnel from different branches of the armed forces and, in principle, I understand that cp@ka is everywhere. But I did not expect that in the rampant "Offensive Guard" we will meet with those mistakes that even the most meaty brigades no longer make," says a National Guard soldier in Tiktok.

Then he describes various problems in specific teams. Let's list the main ones:

Platoon commanders in critical areas, including on the Zaporozhye front, are appointed junior lieutenants without military experience and knowledge.
Many fighters have not received sufficient training;
Coordination at the company and battalion level is almost nonexistent. Maximum-squads and platoons;
Huge losses - "three companies enter, only a few go back";
"One village took an infantry company in a short period of time. 120 plus or minus people," says the military man.

The Russian Federation has many times more forces and resources - "no matter how strong you are, you will be stupidly beaten by the crowd";
In some cases, the assault fighters go on foot - 7 km in equipment for 35 kg.

Other reports have confirmed that the Ukrainian military has long lost its middle officer and NCO corps. Smart kids fresh from senior high school are leading platoons of men mostly in 30s or 40s and 50s. Brigade commanders give direct orders down to platoons because the staff of battalions and companies in between is no longer there.

The Ukraine lacks artillery. The Russian counter battery fire has become more and more intense.

The advantage the HIMARS systems with their 70 kilometer reach had given Ukraine is also gone. The U.S. delivered HIMARS systems, which previously had been positioned safely out of reach of Russian counter-battery fire, are now easy to reach targets.

Russia's new versions of the Lancet kamikaze drone have destroyed Ukrainian fighter planes on the ground some 90 kilometer behind the frontline.

Smaller Russian First Person View (FPV) suicide drones now come with thermal night vision.

The new Tornado-S Multi Launch Rocket System (MLRS) provides a reach of 120 kilometer with GPS guided missiles.

It is pretty much over for the Ukrainian military. The only sensible action it can now take is to shorten the frontline and to retreat behind some natural defense barrier like the Dnieper river.

However, Zelensky still talks of victory and is unlikely to order such a move.

Posted by b on October 11, 2023 at 15:00 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more

Ukraine vs Israel: Can the West Arm Both?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 11, 2023
William Van Wagenen


Israel will need US support to survive a fight with the Palestinian resistance and its battle-tested regional allies. But it will compete directly with US ally Ukraine for ever-dwindling western weapons and funds.

Just three days after the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance launched an unprecedented military offensive against Israeli military posts and settlements by land, sea, and air, Israeli officials began begging their US sponsors for additional weapons.

Politico reported on 10 October that according to a senior Pentagon official, “The Biden administration is surging weapons to Israel, rapidly sending air defenses and munitions in response to Israeli officials’ urgent requests for aid.”

“Planes have already taken off,” the senior official told reporters.

Amidst this escalating crisis for the occupation state, it’s worth pondering a crucial question: Can the US sustain a commitment to two significant existential conflicts involving vital allies in separate geographies simultaneously?

The answer is likely no. Washington has already devoted over $100 billion in military aid to Ukraine to fight Russia, while facing a national debt spiraling out of control and spiking inflation.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The Ukraine war was meant to be easier; the isolation and economic unraveling of its Russian adversary, was a cinch. Instead, 18 months on, the US is struggling to support Ukraine in a bloody war of attrition. Worse yet, Kiev’s well-publicized spring offensive that was meant to flip those odds has come to naught in the face of Russia’s overwhelming advantage in artillery and advanced missiles.

Little territory has changed hands since Russian forces withdrew from Kharkiv and Kherson in late 2022, but the Ukrainian army has since been decimated by Russian artillery in theatres such as Bakhmut.

“We think that Ukrainians have lost somewhere between 300 to 350 thousand dead, maybe more, hundreds of thousands of wounded,” retired US Colonel Douglas Macgregor bluntly stated in August. “These attacks have utterly bled Ukraine white.”

This grim reality has given rise to what the BBC has described as “Ukraine’s army of amputees.” In the first half of this year alone, some 15,000 soldiers joined their ranks, surpassing the total amputees the UK produced over six years during World War II.

While Ukraine faces a severe manpower shortage, western powers find themselves faced with a dearth of available weaponry to send to Kiev. Admiral Rob Bauer, NATO’s highest-ranking military official, candidly admitted on 3 October, “The bottom of the barrel is now visible” concerning the west’s ammunition stockpile.

In a sign of the mounting strain, the US began transferring to Ukraine 300,000 155-millimeter shells it had stored in Israel as part of the War Reserves Stock Allies-Israel (WRSAI) program.

According to one Israeli officer, “Officially, all of this equipment belongs to the US military …. If, however, there is a conflict, the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] can ask for permission to use some of the equipment.”

Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder claimed the US would replenish these stocks of artillery shells stored in Israel. But the US does not have the ability to do so, as Ukraine has been using between 3,000 and 6,000 rounds per day, a quarter of what Russia has used on the battlefield.

CNN reported at the time that “The strain on weapons stockpiles – and the ability of the US industrial base to keep up with demand – is one of the key challenges facing the Biden administration.”

Israel’s plea for US weapons

The US military-industrial complex is heavily geared to produce high-cost weapons systems and hardware, like the $412 billion F-35 warplane. While these programs undoubtedly benefit weapons manufacturers like Lockheed Martin, they fall short in delivering the essential artillery required in vast quantities for a war of attrition against a formidable military.

Now that war has broken out between Israel and the Palestinian resistance, Kiev faces a competitor not only in Moscow, but in Tel Aviv.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on 9 October expressed the fear that US and European support would shift away from Ukraine and toward Israel, and claimed on the social media platform X:

“We have data very clearly proving that Russia is interested in inciting war in the Middle East so that a new source of pain and suffering would erode global unity and exacerbate cleavages and controversies, helping Russia in destroying freedom in Europe.”

While the Ukraine lobby enjoys clout in Washington, the Israel lobby reigns supreme. It is unlikely the former will be able to override the efforts of the latter to redirect what few US weapons remain available away from the defense of the Jewish state.

That Israel is begging for US weapons just days into a conflict with Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is alarming for the occupation state’s supporters, considering that none of the remaining Axis of Resistance members, including Hezbollah, Syria, Ansarallah, Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and Iran, have yet formally entered the conflict.

Should Hezbollah fully join the fight, Israeli planners expect the Lebanese resistance movement to fire 4,000 missiles a day from northern Lebanon and send thousands of elite troops into Israel to take over towns or military bases.

Lessons from the 2006 war with Hezbollah

Israel and Hezbollah fought a major battle in 2006, which forced the Israeli military to wage war against a more “conventional” military opponent, in contrast to the Palestinians it confronts daily in the West Bank and Gaza.

According to Matt Mathews of the US Army’s Combat Studies Institute, Israel was woefully unprepared to fight a “real war” in that conflict.

He notes that as a result, Mossad Chief Meir Degan and the head of Shin Bet, Yuval Diskin, pointedly told then-Prime Minister Ehud Olmert “the war was a national catastrophe and Israel suffered a critical blow.”

The 2006 war also exposed Israel’s reliance on US weapons, which nevertheless proved insufficient to defeat Hezbollah.

During the war, Israel requested to access the WRSAI stockpile and that the US expedite the delivery of precision-guided munitions to Israel. Within just 10 days of fighting, Israel used most of its ammunition stock.

Years later, in July 2014, during Israeli military operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israel was again forced to rely on the WRSAI stockpile to replenish 120-mm tank rounds and 40-mm illumination rounds fired from grenade launchers.

The problems Israel faced in 2006 and 2014 will be compounded if the Axis of Resistance now takes the step of initiating its “unification of the fronts” campaign.

David Wurmer, Middle East adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney, told the Wall Street Journal on 10 October that “The nightmare scenario for the Israelis is that they go a week or two shooting down 6,000 to 10,000 Hamas missiles, and then they have nothing left to stop the Hezbollah missiles.”

The silent threat of Iran’s missiles

The situation for Israel becomes even more challenging if Iran joins the conflict, as the Islamic Republic possesses substantial stocks of short-range and medium-range missiles capable of reaching both Israel and US bases in the region.

The US and Israel often warn of the alleged threat posed by Iran’s nuclear program, despite its civilian orientation, but seldom mention the threat posed by Iran’s burgeoning conventional missile program.

Israel’s actions express its worries more clearly than its words: in February of this year, Israel launched a drone attack against an Iranian military facility in Isfahan.

According to Danny Yatom, a former head of the Mossad, the attack targeted a facility developing hypersonic missiles, which the New York Times described as “long-range munitions capable of traveling up to 15 times the speed of sound with terrifying accuracy.”

A very different Palestinian resistance

In 1993, when Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Accords on the White House lawn with President Bill Clinton and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the Soviet Union had recently collapsed, while Iran was recovering from a bloody war with US-backed Iraq that killed one million people on both sides.

When Arafat signed the accords, accepting US and Israeli promises that they would pave the way for a future Palestinian state, the Palestinians had few allies they could rely on and were blindsided by Tel Aviv’s actual intentions to fragment and destroy the Palestinian nation.

Through Oslo, the US and Israel created the “shared fiction,” to use New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman’s words, that a Palestinian state would be established at some future date. According to Friedman, this allowed Israel to continue to confiscate land to build Jewish settlements, while the US could keep “peace hopes there just barely alive,” as cover.

But now, more than 40 years later, the Palestinians are not alone. They are part of a region-wide Resistance Axis that has defeated US and Israeli agendas in a number of West Asian states, gaining invaluable fighting, organizational, and planning experience alongside reliable allies.

Meanwhile, the pile of recent US-side failures keeps mounting: Russia’s global clout spiked during the US proxy war in Ukraine; US adversaries China and Russia forged a multipolar world when Washington came at them; economic sanctions designed to cripple Russia and Iran only strengthened both states and sparked military collaborations.

Crucially, Russia and Iran today possess the industrial capabilities to produce the military firepower the US and NATO cannot provide to allies in either Tel Aviv or Kiev.

Israel has already started the fight it may not be able to finish by declaring total war on Gaza’s civilian population, killing over 1,000, including hundreds of women and children, and flattening large swathes of the Gaza Strip in airstrikes.

For Tel Aviv, Gaza has always been low-hanging fruit – the punching bag it seeks when it needs to look tough. But today, one misstep, one badly aimed missile, or one step too far, and Israel will face a regional war it cannot withstand for any significant period of time. ... -arm-both/

Sustained Peace With Russia? Is It Possible?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 11, 2023
Alastair Crooke

Reinhard Gehlen, from Nazi criminal to “honorable” collaborator with the United States and NATO

This Ukrainian identitarian ‘play’ has a crucial part in the story of why sustained peace with Russia is foreclosed.

Few people even know the name ‘Gehlen’, yet Reinhart Gehlen and his SS men not only shaped politically the newborn OSS and CIA, but also, to a significant extent, determined post-war American attitudes toward Russia. A zeitgeist that has remained largely intact to this day, Gehlen – ‘man of light and dark’; both Führer loyalist and traitor – long before Hitler finally fired him. Sometimes it is necessary to look into deep history to identify the roots of contemporary issues.

Gehlen was adept in persuading Hitler how weak were the opposing Russian forces: When General Paulus’s Sixth Army was surrounded by Russian armies which methodically crushed everything inside the cauldron, Gulen reassured that “the enemy troop concentrations remained much too weak for far-reaching operations”. And whilst the Sixth Army of 300,000 German soldiers was being crushed, and Paulus’s last Panzer tanks had been lost, Gehlen sent Hitler old intelligence showing no indication at all of Soviet troop movements. Finally, just as Stalingrad was falling, and Paulus about to surrender, Gulen admitted to Hitler that “the situation of Stalingrad might very well be serious”.

It seems that underestimating Russia has a storied history …


Yet, in an astonishing chameleon-like transformation, as the Third Reich crumbled, Reinhart Gehlen – the head of Nazi intelligence for the Eastern Front – grabbed his trove of intelligence files on the Soviets and surrendered to Counter Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army.

He brokered a deal by which he and a select group of his men would establish a secret intelligence service for the Allied Occupation. For the avoidance of confusion, in a 2001 CIA affidavit, the latter stated that “General Gehlen himself is not considered an alleged Nazi war criminal”.

Returning to West Germany and with his Gehlen Organisation under the aegis of the CIA, and ‘bankrolled with millions of dollars’, Gehlen according to the Institute for Policy Studies enlisted thousands of Gestapo, Wehrmacht and SS veterans. By the early fifties, the Gehlen Organisation was said to employ some four thousand intelligence specialists in Germany and a like number of undercover agents throughout Eastern Europe.

Amongst these ‘assets’, which Gehlen brought with him to the American ‘table’, unsurprisingly were the Ukrainians of the 14thSS Waffen Division – later regrouped as the Ukrainian National Army. What characterised the UNA, numbering some 200,000 men, was their strong antipathy to the Soviet Union, and ‘the Russians’.

It was in the Wehrmacht period that a distinct Ukrainian ‘identity’ was fashioned by the Bandera-faction – one which stated that ‘real’ Ukrainians were the supposed descendants of Vikings, who set up Kievan Rus. There is no real historical or genetic basis for this designation, but it provided for a convenient confluence with Nazi ideology, with whom they were allied.

This simulacra identity continues today: Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, has stated: “I’m fine with Asians, but Russians are Asians. They have a completely different culture, vision. Our key difference from them is humanity”. Ukrainians are humans, while Russians, because they are Asians, are not. Or that is to say, ‘Europe ends at Ukraine’.

This imagined Banderite identity as ‘superior, Germanic-Ukrainian’ has been evoked many times during the post-Maidan fighting. The Law of the Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine states that only Germanic Ukrainians, Tatars and Karaites have “the right to fully enjoy all human rights and all fundamental freedoms”. It was signed into law by President Zelensky on 21 July 2021.

This Ukrainian identitarian ‘play’ has a crucial part in this story – of why sustained peace with Russia is foreclosed.

In 1945, U.S. intelligence on Russia was virtually non-existent. When the U.S. wartime OSS was reborn in 1947 as the CIA, the Gehlen Organisation was one of its cornerstones. Gehlen – the man who knew how to ‘stroke’ his superiors’ feathers over Russian weakness – brought his expert knowledge (and prejudices) to bear on U.S. thinking – the Washington Post reported that Gehlen “and the thousands whom he employed in his counterespionage organization provided the CIA and the Pentagon with 70% of its intelligence on the USSR and Eastern Europe”.

But just as Gehlen made ‘his’ metamorphosis from enemy to ally, America was being urged-on by Winston Churchill, also summersaulting from seeing the Soviet Union as ally to existential enemy. Churchill wanted to push-on. Recall that this ran against the grain of traditional U.S. policy (such as that of Pat Buchanan) that was highly sceptical of foreign entanglements and European wars.

WW2 had ended without any formal treaty, but rather with a cancerous dispute about the future of Germany, fuelled by gathering Cold War. On the one hand, the Soviet Union had lost more than 20 million people in the war and did not want to see Germany remilitarised. The U.S., on the other hand, decided that the three occupied sectors from the western side would form a single entity – and that those western sectors would become the bulwark of a new military alliance – NATO.

As Jeffrey Sachs relates, the Soviets said ‘no’: ‘We just lost 20 million – and now within a few years you’re remilitarising’. No one in the West was listening, and in spite of earlier assurances of ‘NATO not advancing an inch beyond the Germany borders’, NATO adopted the position (during the Clinton era) that the advance of NATO to circumscribe Russia was ‘none of Moscow’s business’.

It is into this sensitive and quintessential lacuna – (‘it was none of Russia’s business’) – that Ukraine has ‘stuck a wrench’ with its bogus identitarian claim that ‘Europe ends at Ukraine, and beyond it lie ‘the Slavs’’.

In its desire to support Kiev, the EU quietly has been sliding towards this Ukrainian strategic revisionism: ‘Ukraine’ is crafted as ‘European values’ defending themselves versus ‘Russia’ (Asian) values. (Both peoples, in fact, are Slav). The door to joining NATO was opened in 2008, despite the U.S. Ambassador warning only a year earlier that NATO membership would lead to war.

By the time President JF Kennedy had come into office, the situation vis á vis Russia was completely fraught: Militarisation of NATO; the U2 crisis; the Bay of Pigs débacle and the Cuban missile crisis. The CIA clearly was cornering the President, cutting off the exits, and matters were getting out of hand. Kennedy was beside himself with anger at how the CIA had led the U.S. (and Kennedy personally) into this mess. He took on the establishment, firing CIA Director Dulles and Richard Bissell, who had handled the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Kennedy had stumbled badly in the first two years of his Presidency, but by the third year, was ready to make that famous speech saying that peace was possible – even with the Soviet Union: ‘They are human beings like us’. “I speak of peace as the necessary rational end of rational men”. And, Amazingly Khruschchev was listening. An agreement followed in weeks, and the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved it.

“Well … then they killed him”, said Jeffrey Sachs in a recent discussion on JFK’s final political campaign – his quest to establish a secure and lasting peace with the Soviet Union.

There are, however, a couple more twists to this tale of unending, and escalating culture-identity war versus Russia.

One twist came during the Carter Presidency, when his National Security Adviser, Zbig Brzezinski persuaded the President to insert a radicalised, jihadist culture into Afghanistan to attrite the secular socialist culture of Kabul, which Moscow was supporting.

In the event, politics in Moscow determined the outcome: the Soviet Union self-imploded. Fukuyama’s End of History and the Last Man meme exploded across the globe, and the Afghan war was crafted as a huge success (which it wasn’t). Yet nonetheless, the claim underpinned the notion of Islamic insurgents being the ideal solvents for regime change projects. It became the pilot for the Arab Spring.

Those early moderate jihadi leaders in Afghanistan? They killed them, and replaced them with ever more violent men – who ultimately would become the fodder on which 9/11 expediently would feed, and expand into global war.

But Brzezinski had yet more advice to give President Carter. In his 1997 Grand Chessboard, Brzezinski argued that the Ukraine– by virtue of its divided cultural identities, entwined in old complexities – should be seen as the hinge around which heartland power revolved: ‘Absent Ukraine, Russia would never become the heartland power; but with Ukraine, Russia can and would’,he insisted. After Afghanistan, Russia needed to be enmeshed in a Ukrainian cultural-identity quagmire, Brzezinski was suggesting.

The Gehlen-Banderite thread of western Ukraine being linguistically and racially different (Germanic) from ‘ethnic Russians’ swirls up persistently, again and again. Ukrainian (correctly known as Ruthenian) is not a Germanic language. It is best understood as a dialect of Russian, and therefore firmly and only Slavic. Nor is there any Viking (Germanic) DNA to be found among modern-day western Ukrainians.

The last twist to the culture-identitarian saga is centred on Europe, and how the European Left with NATOs Balkan war (which the Left enthusiastically endorsed) dramatically ‘switched shirts’.

The old NATO, which Leftists once had hated as a reactionary carbuncle, the Left had now come to see as having new evangelical meaning; no longer reactionary, but now revolutionary. Its new ‘revolutionary’ objective being to hasten the advent of a social revolution whose cultural sub-strata is the promulgation of the Woke tenets: Diversity, Pride, Trans rights, and the redress of historic discrimination and wrongs.

The new NATO, inclusive and politically correct, is seen by European Leftists as the tool by which to sweep aside obstacles to the EU agenda, as well. These ‘switched shirts’ hold that the struggle for this ‘Cultural Order’ is incessant, totalising, and all-encompassing.

In this context, it is not difficult to see how a woke Ukraine, imagined as marking ‘the physical extent’ of Europeanism, can have morphed into an icon for this total cultural-identity war on Russia – a distension beyond even that which Gehlen could have dreamt.

So, is ‘sustainable peace’ with Russia closed out? Were it to be attempted in terms of seeking to sustain western Ukraine as an isthmus of Europe and its values extending into the regressive Slav sphere, then peace is not possible – for it would be wholly fake. Furthermore, it would be damaging to Europe, for it would legitimise what was but an ancient, convenient congruency of identity with Nazi ideology that has acquired a toe-hold amongst the Ruling Strata of Europe.

The only viable way forward would be to return to the original Gordian Knot, and to untie it: i.e. to untie the knot of there being no post-WW2 written treaty delimiting NATO’s ever-forward movement, and by so doing, ending the pretence that NATO’s displacement to wheresoever it choses is no one’s business but its own. Negotiations, in the final instance, are about interests, and the nous to solve the riddle of two parties perceiving how the other perceives itself being perceived. ... -possible/



But getting back to Ukraine, Russia has immediately taken advantage of developments by swinging into action with a major offensive on Avdeevka. In fact, Ukrainians claim it’s an offensive across every frontline, including that of Kupyansk.

⚡️⚡️⚡️The Krasnolimansky Front thunders. I don't remember anything like this here from the whole year that I worked here closely, writes war correspondent Igor Zhdanov.

The daily consumption of bullets on just one gun is about a hundred. On mortars there is literally an order of magnitude more. Extrapolating across the entire line of contact, that's hundreds of artillery gun volleys and thousands of mines fired. Per day.

Just north of Kremennaya, infantry wedged themselves 600 m into the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on a site 1 km along the front.[/b]

But today’s most notable advances have been made in Avdeevka sector. Unfortunately many sources were premature in announcing big victories like the capture of Berdychi, which turned out not to be true. That typically happens when an advance scout team briefly approaches a settlement, which is subsequently listed as “captured” even though that scout team quickly retreats back.

In reality, the advance was only a few hundred meters, as per Ukrainian sources—200-500m depending on the place, since there were advances both from the southern pincer and the northern one.


(Videos at link.)

However the losses are being greatly exaggerated as well, with Ukraine now claiming “an entire brigade was wiped out” with “125 tanks destroyed.” In actuality there seems to have been a couple damaged BMPs and tanks thus far. Ukrainian commanders say it’s the most powerful offensive in that direction since the start of the SMO:


Ukrainian troops were seen abandoning positions and running for their lives: (Video at link.)

And even Russian aviation was very active in the form of Mi-28s firing guided missiles, which some believed to be the new TV-guided Iz. 305E LMURs:

But it’s still too early to say how successful it will be, only that we can see it’s very difficult to advance for either side as the drone and ATGM fire-control and oversight is just too powerful for modern maneuver warfare.

Columns have to move slowly because of the mass amounts of mines, and yet they become sitting ducks to ATGMs hiding in forest clearings or patches of woodland, etc.

That being said, I believe this is mostly the DPR forces advancing here as this area is controlled by 1st Army Corps which are DPR units, with the DPR 114th Motorized being the ones who took the waste heap. The southern flank of the pincer has Sparta and Somali battalions, amongst other famed DPR units, as well as DPR’s Kalmius artillery brigade, which can be seen here working on Avdeevka with their 2S7M Malkas.

The most significant capture was said to be the big ‘waste heap’ just south of Krasnogorovka:


This is a big deal as it represents the dominant height of the area allowing Russian forces to put the outlying territory under fire control, which may precipitate into further large gains soon.

Here’s one writeup that explains why Avdeevka is so impregnable.


It remains to be seen how seriously planned of an offensive this is. If it’s truly the beginning of a full-scale, all fall-winter push then it would be a major deal to liberate Avdeevka as that entire area represents one of the chief regions from which Ukraine shells northern and central Donetsk. However, some Ukrainian sources believe it’s merely meant to draw reinforcements away from the Zaporozhye region to give Russian forces there breathing room. That’s doubtful, of course, but we’ll have to wait and see.

(more...) ... -cold-feet
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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:48 am

At the end of the rope
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/13/2023


Despite the announcement by Zelensky's entourage during the Ukrainian president's visit to Washington, the United States has not yet taken the step of promising Ukraine the delivery of the cruise missiles that it has been demanding for months and with which it seeks to undermine Russian military capabilities by attacking military bases and infrastructure in the rear, especially those in Crimea. However, yesterday Ukrainska Pravdahe echoed with hope the words of John Kirby, who confirmed that the decision to deliver American ATACAMS has not been ruled out. The statements of the strategic communications coordinator of the United States Security Council contrast with those of Jake Sullivan, who, as the article recalls, had stated that both President Biden and the Pentagon have long refused these deliveries. The argument mentioned by Sullivan, which is not reported in the Ukrainian media, is based on the danger of escalation, perhaps even nuclear, that could entail providing Ukraine with weapons with which to attack Crimea just as Kiev wishes to do.

In his press conference, Kirby referred to the adaptation that war entails, which in each phase requires different weapons. That is precisely the argument that Ukraine uses to demand long-range missiles. In its failed attempt to advance from Zaporozhie towards Melitopol, kyiv requires weapons to prevent Russia from continuing to fight. It is now that it needs these missiles to compensate for its difficulties at the front in the form of destruction of the rear. Aside from excessive optimism about the effect that Western missiles would have on Crimea, it is notable that the tactical objectives of the United States and Ukraine clearly differ. This explains why the delivery of this weaponry has been delayed for so many months and why Kirby has to deny that the deliveries have been ruled out.

Like other Ukrainian media, Ukrainska PravdaHe has been left with the message of hope that the possibility of receiving one of the weapons for which he has been begging for a year means for Ukraine. However, he ignores the second idea raised by Kirby in the same press conference and which is much more uncertain for kyiv. “You can't start planning long-term support if you're at the end of your rope. And as far as the financing of Ukraine is concerned, we are reaching the end of the rope," said Kirby in a message that has been picked up with hope by a part of the Russian media and also by those who defend prolonging the war based on further flow of weaponry can only lead to more destruction and more death with no possibility of a military victory for Kiev. “Today we announced $200 million and we will continue to help Ukraine to the extent we can,

The message from Kirby, whose position and experience in delivering official messages indicate that there is no doubt that this is the position of the Biden administration, not a personal opinion, seems clear: the idea that Ukraine will be a priority for the United States indefinitely is wrong and Washington will not always be able to supply Kiev with what it demands. This is the subtext that those who are in favor of the commitment to conclude the war and also those who anticipate, either out of fear or hope, that Ukraine will be abandoned by the United States, have wanted to see. Like the point of view of the Ukrainian pro-government media, which has remained only with the message that they may have considered optimistic,

The situation in the Middle East, the need that the United States seems to have to show its support for Israel by supplying it with weapons - it does not need them considering that it is not facing an army but a militia whose territory is, furthermore, completely under siege. - and tensions in other parts of the world have meant that Ukraine is no longer the only geopolitically priority scenario for Washington. This week, the United States has mobilized, as a show of military force, two aircraft carriers: one of them to the eastern Mediterranean to show its support for Israel and another to the Korean peninsula as a threat to Kim Jong Un and his approach to Russia. . The United States does not seek to reduce tensions, but rather to become even more involved in different international conflicts, active or latent.

The idea is also applicable to Ukraine, where as numerous think-tankers , analysts, politicians and journalists have already repeated, the United States is achieving its objectives without the need to involve its armed forces and simply in its role as supplier. However, that is where the problems arise. The intensity of the war in Ukraine, much higher than all those fought by NATO countries in recent decades, not only implies compromising the reserves of Western armies and the need to increase military production, but also an economic effort that does not It will always be profitable, especially if there are no tangible results.

However, neither Kirby's comments nor the obvious competition for Ukraine from Israel's war in Gaza imply any real change in the US position, but rather reflect the reality in which the Biden administration currently finds itself. The United States does not claim that its ability to offer assistance is running out, or even its patience with its proxy in Kiev, but rather that it is urgently seeking to add more funding for the funds, whose allocation is in danger of running out.

“The sooner there is a president of Congress, obviously, the more comfortable we will be in terms of our abilities to support Israel and Ukraine right now,” Kirby said in the part of the speech that has not been highlighted as much in the media. Like the Republican Party, which is politically using its ability to use the blockade of military assistance to Ukraine as a tool against the Government, the Biden administration is taking advantage of the circumstance to show that the status quoin danger and thus put pressure on the non-Trumpist wing of the opposition to achieve its objectives. “Due to the existing appropriations and authorizations, it has turned out well. But that won't last forever. I think that, in the short term, right now, we can continue support, with the appropriations and authorizations that we have, for Israel and Ukraine. But, you know, we are really running out of runway,” he warned, making the message even clearer. The Biden administration does not seek to limit assistance to Ukraine but rather to wage a fight in which to present the Republican Party as the only obstacle to continuing supplies to two allies that need the support of the indispensable nation .

More important than words, the actions also show the political use of the threat of not having the necessary funds to provide assistance to the allies. In the last few hours, several media outlets have published the United States' intention to link the appropriation funds sought by the Biden administration for Ukraine to those for Israel, a package that the Republicans could never block. Ukraine has been the top geopolitical and military priority for the United States over the past year, but Israel remains more important to the bipartisan consensus in Washington. Trying to link military assistance to both countries indicates that, despite the current difficulties, the Biden administration's intention is to obtain the necessary funds to finance Ukraine at least until the end of the current legislature. That would give Ukraine a full year to show its partners - and perhaps a hypothetical incoming Republican administration - its usefulness against Russia. Change can only occur in the long term, and it will be Ukraine's ability to achieve military objectives that will determine how long the flow of military assistance continues. ... la-cuerda/

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 12, 2023
October 12, 2023

In the Donetsk direction, fierce fighting has continued for several days in the area of ​​Petrovsky and Berdychi , as well as on the southern outskirts of Avdeevka . The Russian Aerospace Forces carry out constant missile and bomb attacks on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The enemy responds with counterattacks, trying to seize the initiative.

Russian kamikaze drones attacked the port infrastructure of Izmail , the territory of the seaport, grain elevators and a ship repair plant were damaged. A missile strike hit a parking lot of Ukrainian boats in Solonchaki , Mykolaiv region . In Uman, Cherkasy region, an airfield was hit.

There have been no significant changes in the remaining sectors of the front; positional clashes are ongoing, the enemy is pulling up reserves to the front line after suffering losses and is rotating battered units.

However, it was not without tragedy. In Belgorod, three people died as a result of falling fragments of a Ukrainian UAV, two are in intensive care. Two more people were killed and two were wounded as a result of massive shelling of the Kirovsky and Petrovsky districts of Donetsk - the enemy is again increasing the intensity of attacks.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

Russian troops operated kamikaze drones at night on the port infrastructure of the Odessa region . According to some reports, in Izmail , a loading terminal and the territory of a cannery, used by the enemy for military purposes, came under fire. In addition, granaries on the shore were hit. In addition, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported the destruction of a hangar with landing boats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​​​the village of Solonchaki , Nikolaev region , where the strikes occurred this afternoon. The department also reported on attacks on the Uman airfield in the Cherkasy region and the Mirgorod airfield in the Poltava region, the scale of destruction is still unknown.

In the Starobel direction, fierce battles and artillery duels continue along the entire line of contact. Russian troops are developing an offensive in the areas of Sinkovka , Kislovka , Ivanovka and Makeevka . The Ukrainian command is transferring additional forces near Kupyansk and to the Svatovsky area , trying to hold back the onslaught of military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, in the Kremensky sector , the enemy made several attempts to attack Russian positions in the Serebryansky forestry area - each of them was quickly opened and stopped by concentrated artillery fire.

In the Soledar direction , Ukrainian formations continue to try to advance on the southern flank of the Bakhmut defense in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka . For every attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian troops respond with a counterattack and massive artillery fire. However, at the moment, neither side has managed to visibly change the situation on this section of the front.

In the Donetsk direction, the Russian Aerospace Forces have been working on the enemy in the area of ​​the Avdeevka Coke and Chemical Plant for the third day using army aviation and helicopters. According to unconfirmed reports, the Ukrainian command is pulling reserves from other directions to Avdiivka for the purpose of a counterattack. Tank crews of the RF Armed Forces from the 114th brigade are working on the northern flank; intense fighting continues in the area of ​​Berdychi and Petrovsky ( Stepovoy ).

There is relative calm at the Vremevsky site . Ukrainian formations are launching massive attacks on the positions of the Russian Armed Forces near Urozhainy , trying to force them to leave their occupied lines. Russian troops respond with counter-battery combat and actions to disrupt the enemy’s rotation. At the same time, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is pulling additional forces to the site, preparing for the resumption of hostilities.

On the Orekhovsky sector of the front, offensive activity decreased due to heavy rains. The sides take advantage of the tactical pause to rotate and regroup. At the same time, artillery duels and drone attacks continue along the entire line of contact.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been shelling the border area of ​​the Bryansk region for several days in a row . In the village of Azarovka , Starodub district, an agricultural enterprise was damaged, several animals died from shrapnel. In the village of Demyanki, a residential building was damaged. In addition, local residents reported shelling of the village of Kurkovichi ; there was no information about destruction.

Russian air defense systems shot down a Ukrainian drone on approach to Belgorod : its debris destroyed a private residential building and started a fire. In addition, two more houses and three cars were damaged. Three people died, including a child, two more were injured: the man is in a coma with burns to the respiratory tract, upper and lower extremities, his condition is assessed as extremely serious. His wife is in a stable condition and has already been operated on; her life is not in danger.

The enemy, after a short-term lull, increased the intensity of shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration . In the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, two people died: a nurse tried to drag a man to the hospital, and as a result of repeated shelling she was fatally wounded, and another person was wounded. Later, a Ukrainian AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile was shot down in the same area, with no casualties. One person was wounded in the Petrovsky district . In addition, a residential building in Zaitsevo was damaged , and a school was damaged in the Yasinovatsky district in the village of Krasny Partizan . Early in the morning, Ukrainian formations fired at the bridge connecting Yasinovataya and Gorlovka, as a result of which it is completely destroyed, which will undoubtedly complicate the movement of residents between the two cities.

Throughout the night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces once again fired at civilian infrastructure on the left bank of the Dnieper , firing over 30 shells. Novaya Kakhovka , Krynki , Aleshki and Golaya Pristan were under fire . In the Cossack Camps, a civilian was killed as a result of a mortar shell.

Political events
About the statements of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Kirill Budanov

The head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of Ukraine, Kirill Budanov, in an interview with journalists, said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are not even lagging behind, but are behind the schedule for their counter-offensive. For six months, the media pumped up the Ukrainian public with stories about an imminent breakthrough in the defense of the Russian Armed Forces. But this did not happen, and now officials are already forced to somehow react to the discrepancy between artificially high expectations and objective reality.

The head of the intelligence agency also laments that if the conflict in Israel lasts longer than “several weeks,” then Ukraine may have real problems with the supply of weapons and equipment due to the need for large quantities of ammunition and equipment for the IDF. Additionally, Budanov noted the high level of work of Russian electronic and cyber intelligence services. In addition, in his words, intelligence officers of the Russian Armed Forces conduct quite successful forays in the northern regions of the country, “carrying out ambushes very quickly.”

However, it is worth understanding that such statements are part of the Kyiv regime’s efforts to prepare a new round of mobilization in order to create the necessary internal information background against the backdrop of numerous scandals with military commissars. As we have written more than once, the West does not yet plan to abandon the course of “war to the last Ukrainian.” So we should soon expect a new mass conscription, including for newly formed brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

About the “hard winter” for Ukraine

The head of the Ukrainian energy company DETK, Maxim Timchenko, said that in the event of a new wave of attacks on power supply facilities, the winter period will be even more difficult than the past. He believes that air defense installations are not enough to shoot down “all the missiles.”

In addition, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov , added that Russia has enough weapons to create real problems in the energy sector. Industrial enterprises and military facilities will also be under attack.

In this regard, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko admitted that blackouts in winter are possible, however, in his words, they have done a lot of work to minimize the consequences. ... 2023-goda/

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(other images at link.)


Ukraine: Between War and Peace – Tamara Lorincz in Conversation with Jacques Baud
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 12, 2023

Join a discussion which featured retired Colonel Jacques Baud, Senior Swiss Military Intelligence Officer, former NATO worker in Ukraine and award winning author of “Ukraine Between War and Peace” “Putin: Master of the Game?” and Governing by Fake News among others.

Organized by the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute and the Canada Wide Peace & Justice Network.

Moderated by Tamara Lorincz, Member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and WILPF Canada ... ques-baud/

World League of ‘Bandera Youth’
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 12, 2023
Moss Robeson

2022-2027 World Executive of the Ukrainian Youth Association

OUN Front of the Month: the Ukrainian Youth Association

In November 2022, the Ukrainian Youth Association, also known as “Soom,” (SUM—Spilka ukrayinsʹkoyi molod—or CYM—Спілка української молод) held its 20th World Congress in Hanover Township, New Jersey. Supposedly an “isolationist” attitude dominated: CYM, despite its plummeting membership, “should be for privileged people only.” Refugees need not apply. Don’t bother reaching out to more active groups. “The other organizations should beg CYM for cooperation.”

At the top of the agenda was reaffirming a secretive far-right cult’s control of the international leadership of CYM for the upcoming five years. Functionaries from the OUN-B, or Banderite wing of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, appear to have formed at least half of the 2022-2027 World Executive of CYM. Some of them undoubtedly grew up reading the Banderite CYM magazine, “Vanguard” (Avanhard). The OUN-B, of course, helped to perpetrate the Holocaust in Ukraine.

CYM is what the Banderites call a “facade structure,” a term that appears in the book “OUN Banderivtsi: fragments of activity and struggle” by Sviatoslav Lypovetsky, deputy chairman of the CYM World Executive. The Ukrainian Youth Association is integral to what used to be called the “World Ukrainian Liberation Front.” A decade ago, Andriy Bihun, now the leader of CYM—seen above, standing front and center in the group photo—became the second deputy chairman of this global coordinating body of OUN-B front groups, or fasadni struktury.

Peter Duma, the international communications director of CYM—also pictured above, standing on the left in front of Lypovetsky—is the brother of Jaroslav Duma, the “Land Leader” of OUN-B in Australia and Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Sydney, who has depicted the Ukrainian Youth Association, OUN-B, and its “Conference of Ukrainian Statehood Organizations” (another name for the “World Ukrainian Liberation Front”) as cogs in a Banderite machine.

From 2005 Jaroslav Duma presentation to Ukrainian Australian youth: “CYM in the system of Statehood Organizations….” KUDO, labeled in green, represents the “Conference of Ukrainian Statehood Organizations,” the OUN-B coordinating body formerly known as the “World Ukrainian Liberation Front.”

Just over 50 delegates participated in the World Congress on behalf of CYM branches in Ukraine, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Britain, Australia, Canada, and the United States. After years of singing, “now a SUMivtsya,” (member of CYM) “tomorrow a fighter,” CYM adopted a new slogan for the upcoming year: “now a fighter.” In 2023 the organization vowed to commemorate the 140th birthday of Dmytro Dontsov (1883-1973), a fascist ideologue who translated Mein Kampf.

The proceedings included a minute of silence for CYM members who died since the last World Congress in 2016, which also took place in Hanover Township. This included Omelian Koval (1920-2019), the “long-term Land Leader” of OUN-B in Belgium; Vera Haidamakha (1947-2021), a founding figure of CYM in 1990s Ukraine; and Mykhailo Dimitrov (1983-2018), who died in eastern Ukraine fighting with the extremist Right Sector battalion. Haidamakha was survived by her Belgian-born husband, the first OUN-B leader to come from the Ukrainian diaspora and CYM.

This installment of the Bandera Lobby Blog will take a closer look at the Ukrainian Youth Association in Australia, Canada, Ukraine, and the United States. Although the Canadians are in the spotlight now, it makes sense to start with the Australian Banderites, who are probably the most transparent, because one of their CYM leaders succeeded Mr. Haidamakha as the head of OUN-B from 2009 until a month after the 2022 World Congress.



Longtime readers of the Bandera Lobby Blog may remember that George Borec, a veteran of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the 1940s military wing of OUN-B, got a street in Penrith, Australia named after Stepan Bandera, and financed the construction of a nearby Banderite youth center in a suburb of Sydney. The local branch of CYM has since relocated to a newer building, where visitors are greeted at the front entrance by portraits of far-right OUN leaders (Bandera, Konovalets, Shukhevych, Stetsko) and Symon Petliura, a World War I-era figure whose military forces carried out pogroms against Jews.

After a former president of CYM-Australia died suddenly in 2015, the national executive of CYM announced the creation of the Wasyl Senko Perpetual Education Fund. CYM-Australia held the first Wasyl Senko Leadership and Education Conference on the 75th anniversary of the OUN-B’s declaration of a pro-Nazi government on June 30, 1941 in German-occupied western Ukraine.

CYM-Australia secretary Markian Stefanyshyn, one of the “30 Under 30” highlighted by the Ukrainian World Congress in 2021, made a Powerpoint presentation about the relationship of CYM and OUN-B for the 2019 “leadership and education conference.” One slide from this lecture can be seen above. Another, titled “Purpose of OUN,” explained that today, “the task of the Ukrainian nationalists is to help Ukraine in its development as a mighty state, so that it retains its independence and becomes a nation at the level of the other powerful powers of the world.”

Marko Tkaczuk, the Australian president of CYM, chaired the nominations committee at the 2022 World Congress in New Jersey. His wife Nadia is the chief educator of CYM in Australia, and his brother Stepan is the treasurer. They belong to the “Stepan Bandera branch” of CYM in Geelong, Australia.

Marko Tkaczuk, the Australian president of CYM, wearing a shirt from the neo-Nazi Ukrainian brand, SvaStone, which has a swastika-inspired name and logo.

Marko and Stepan’s father Marian led the “Roman Shukhevych branch” of CYM in Sydney (which is named for an ethnic cleanser and Nazi collaborator) and chaired the youth wing of the Nazi-infested World Anti-Communist League. Valeriy Chobotar, a former leader of an OUN-B paramilitary group in Ukraine more recently affiliated with the Nazi-infested paramilitary of the Right Sector movement, is a close friend of the Tkaczuk family, which is just one of several Banderite clans in Australia.

A month after the World Congress, OUN-B held its 15th Grand Assembly in Kyiv to inaugurate a new Providnyk, or “Leader.” Since 2009, Stefan Romaniw of Melbourne, Australia had worn the crown. He was the Australian president of CYM in 1984-96, married into a huge Banderite family, and delivered the official “words of farewell from Ukrainian youth” at the funeral of OUN-B leader Yaroslav Stetsko in Munich, West Germany—Stetsko, who became “Prime Minister” on June 30, 1941.

The CYM is tied to the Australian League for a Free Ukraine, originally known as the Ukrainian Anti-Bolshevik League, which spearheaded Stetsko’s Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (“the largest and most important umbrella of former Nazi collaborators in the world”) and the “Ukrainian Liberation Front” in Australia. The Australian Banderite “League” used to publish a magazine, “Our Front” (Nash Front). The organization still exists under the leadership of Romaniw’s brother-in-law.

Not long after the WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global health emergency and pandemic, the OUN-B formed a committee in early 2020 to prepare the publication of a collection of writings of Stepan Bandera. The publishing committee included Yuriy Syrotiuk, the deputy chairman of the far-right Svoboda party responsible for political education, and the chief organizer of the annual “Bandera Readings” in Kyiv. Svoboda ideologist Oleksandr Sych, another OUN-B member who has written openly about its use of “facade structures,” authored the preface to the book.

A presentation of the new Bandera book was a highlight of the 2021 “Bandera Readings,” during which the leader of the violent far-right organization “Tradition and Order” spoke after a pre-recorded speech by Australian OUN-B chief Stefan Romaniw. The production of the Bandera book was largely financed by foreign Banderites, such as Tatiana Zachariak, the former chief education officer of CYM-Australia who chairs the Association of Ukrainians in Victoria. The project also received financial support from Toronto, in particular the BCU Foundation and Ucrainica Research Institute—fellow travelers of CYM-Canada in the “World Ukrainian Liberation Front.”


The Canadian president of CYM chaired the presidium of the World Congress, and the elder executive director of CYM-Canada chaired the financial committee.

The Ukrainian Youth Association is a cornerstone of the “Canadian Conference in Support of Ukraine” (CCSU), a politically influential coalition of OUN-B front groups also known as the “Ukrainian Statehood Organizations of Canada.” CYM functions as the youth wing of the League of Ukrainian Canadians, the tip of the spear, with its slogan, “In the Vanguard of Ukrainian Affairs.” Over a decade ago, the Banderite CCSU leaders publicly “demand[ed] that enemy agents of Moscow’s fifth column be deported from Ukraine.”

The largest chapter of CYM-Canada is named after Yuriy Shukhevych, the son of OUN-B military leader Roman Shukhevych who became a famous Soviet political prisoner, and later a far-right politician in Ukraine. The Yuriy Shukheyvch chapter is located in Mississauga, a city neighboring Toronto and the town of Oakville, which has a Ukrainian cemetery with monuments dedicated to the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (commanded by Roman Shukhevych) and the Nazi Waffen-SS Galician Division. Between Mississauga and Toronto is the suburb of Etobicoke, where the Canadian headquarters of OUN-B is located.

The Etobicoke branch of CYM is named after Symon Petliura, the World War I-era Ukrainian leader assassinated by “the Jewish NKVD agent,” or so we are told by the Etobicoke section on the “CYMnet,” the original website of the Ukrainian Youth Association. The homepage of the Etobicoke branch has pictures of young CYM members paying tribute to OUN-B leader Yaroslav Stetsko (1912-86). The Banderite “cultural center” in Etobicoke displays multiple portraits of Bandera, Shukhevych, Stetsko, and other Ukrainian nationalists.

The Yuri Lypa Ukrainian Heritage Academy in Etobicoke is a Saturday school affiliated with CYM that is named for a racist ideologue of the OUN. According to its website, which is currently offline, the school is “one of the constituent organizations of the [OUN-B] Statehood Front.” The principal, Oksana Sokolyk, is the editor of the Canadian OUN-B newspaper Homin Ukrainy, which has been subsidized by the government for more than a decade.

In 2021, the OUN-B in Canada commemorated the 80th anniversary of Stetsko’s “renewal of Ukrainian statehood” on June 30, 1941. Homin Ukrainy published a special issue about this with a statement from the “Ukrainian Statehood Organizations of Canada” on the front page. CYM sponsored a lecture by OUN-B member Mykola Posivnych, the leader in Lviv of a far-right political party (Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists) who chaired the publishing committee behind that year’s book of Bandera writings. A year before, Posivnych republished Stetsko’s book, “June 30, 1941,” with financial support of the same OUN-B front groups in Canada that are dominated by second or third-generation Banderites raised in CYM.

According to historian Per Rudling, the “Roman Shukheyvch Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex” affiliated with CYM in Edmonton, Alberta was opened in 1973 with significant funding from the provincial government. In 2020, he explained, “The purpose of the complex, the OUN(b) press declared, was to ‘become a blacksmith’s forge, which will forge hard, unbreakable characters of the Ukrainian youth’ and to ‘raise and harden a new generation of fighters for the liberation of Ukraine…’” Meanwhile, I reported that the federal government awarded the Banderites $279,138 to “repair” the complex in 2015, and CYM-Canada charged to the defense of the Ukrainian Waffen-SS monument in Oakville after it became the subject of an international news story.

They’ve been much more quiet about the recent “Nazigate” scandal…

CYM-Canada published this imagine in 2020 after the Ukrainian Waffen-SS monument in Oakville was vandalized with anti-Nazi graffiti.


The CYM delegation from Ukraine at the 2022 World Congress in New Jersey appears to have been led by Viktor Yahun, a retired Major General and former deputy director of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). He received a special award from CYM, the highest honor for a teacher. A couple months later, Yahun spoke to The Guardian about “the urgent need for a cleanout of the country’s key security service.”

Maj Gen Viktor Yahun, who was deputy head of the SBU until 2015, said there needed to be a thorough cleanout of the service, which he said had long had an overly close relationship with its Russian counterpart, the FSB… As late as 2010, Yahun said the SBU had internally celebrated KGB Day, marking the establishment of the communist-era Russian secret service, and there remained pro-Russian agents through the ranks of the service… While the generation that worked for the Soviet security services had retired, Yahun added, the recruitment practices of the SBU meant that their sons and daughters were now in the agency… Yahun said some SBU agents had been bribed and blackmailed into working for Russia, while others were double agents. “Others just regard themselves as Russian,” he said.

According to his Ukrainian Wikipedia page, Yahun was dismissed from the agency in December 2013 for meeting with the newly formed Right Sector, and subsequently worked in a special department of the “Maidan Self-Defense,” before returning to the SBU under the nationalist leadership of Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, a friend of the founder of Right Sector.

OUN-B leader Stefan Romaniw sent greetings from Australia to the last National Congress of CYM in Ukraine, where it allegedly only has about 300 members. Several dozen have fought in the current war, and some have died, such as Oleh Yurchenko. A day after Yurchenko was killed in Bakhmut, the OUN-B leadership announced that he’d been a member of their Organization since 2010 and joined its national executive in Ukraine. According to this statement, Yurchenko also had “leadership positions” in the SBU since 2014.

This provided some context to the special attention he received. “Another huge loss for the Ukrainian people…” said the (Banderite-led) Ukrainian World Congress, which noted that Yurchenko joined CYM “as a mature adult.” The Ukrainian government’s (Banderite-infiltrated) Institute of National Memory also memorialized Yurchenko, and mentioned that he was a member of OUN-B.

In Ukraine, CYM originated in the nationalist Union of Independent Ukrainian Youth (SNUM, est. 1989), which parted ways with an extremist faction that ultimately co-founded the far-right organization, UNA-UNSO. At the first World Congress of Ukrainian Youth Organizations in 1990, what you might call the “radical democratic-nationalist” leadership of SNUM were introduced to representatives of the OUN-B affiliated Ukrainian Youth Association, including the wife of the aforementioned “elder executive director of CYM-Canada.”

In 1991, SNUM was reformed as the official branch of CYM in Ukraine. From 2005 through 2016, it received over $400,000 in grants from the U.S. State Department via the National Endowment for Democracy. From 2016 until 2019, CYM and another, more radical OUN-B youth group in Ukraine were members of the Reanimation Package of Reforms Coalition, the “largest and most visible reform network” in the country, which has been funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and Global Affairs Canada.

Since 2019, when CYM co-founded the National Ukrainian Youth Association (NUMO), the executive director of this prominent umbrella organization of “patriotic” youth groups in Ukraine has been Olena Podobed-Frankivska, the manager of youth policy for the Reanimation Package of Reforms. She is affiliated with CYM and married the former head of its chapter in Kyiv. Pavlo Podobed, her husband, is a name that keeps coming up in my research.

Podobed, some may recall, is the (former?) official in the state-run Ukrainian Institute of National Memory that coordinated its controversial “virtual necropolis” project, and wrote the “National Pantheon” page on its website. (He has reportedly also “accused Jews of being the main perpetrators of Soviet crimes against Ukrainians in the 1920s and 1930s.”) In 2021, while the new director of the Institute of National Memory denounced a march to commemorate the Waffen-SS Galician Division, Podobed and a friend from CYM on the NUMO board of directors visited Orest Vaskul, a veteran of the Galician Division that led the OUN-B in Ukraine when CYM started to receive grants from the National Endowment for Democracy.

In October 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky decreed Myroslav Simchych, a 99-year-old veteran of the OUN-B’s Ukrainian Insurgent Army, a “Hero of Ukraine.” Led by Roman Shukhevych, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army massacred tens of thousands of Polish civilians in an ethnic cleansing campaign. According to Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee in Kyiv, Simchych was a “mass murder of the Polish population in Western Ukraine.” In 1944, he ordered the destruction of a Polish village called Pysten, and in another village, Troitse, “his unit killed 80 Poles and houses burned.” The following month at the CYM World Congress, shortly before Simchych celebrated his 100th birthday and died, the Banderite veteran was declared an honorary member of the Ukrainian Youth Association. His two sons, after all, are former leaders of CYM in Ukraine.

United States

The CYM camp in Baraboo, Wisconsin has a June 30, 1941 memorial (right) and a copy of the “Heroes’ Monument” in Ellenville, New York—busts of Symon Petliura, OUN founder Yevhen Konovalets, Roman Shukhevych, and Stepan Bandera.

Hanover Township, New Jersey was an interesting choice to host both the 2016 and 2022 World Congress of CYM, which typically rotates to different countries. In that stretch of time, a Banderite feud erupted in the New York metropolitan area, which has devastated their regional summer camp. The flashpoint in 2019 included an anonymous complaint submitted to the New York State Attorney General’s office from an alleged whistleblower in New Jersey. Nevertheless, the OUN-B “Land Leadership of America” has retained control of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (UAYA, or “SUMA”), the US branch of CYM.

Walter Zaryckyj, aka “WAZ,” the current US “Land Leader,” who has accused me of bugging the US headquarters building of OUN-B in Manhattan, did not show up for the event, but he was another recipient of the prestigious CYM award that Maj. Gen. Viktor Yahun traveled from Ukraine to receive. The UAYA president, the daughter of the prior “Land Lander,” opened the 2022 World Congress, and the deputy chair of the presidium was occupied by the president of the Women’s Association for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine (WADFFU) — an OUN-B “facade structure” for Ukrainian American women. Another WADFFU leader joined the World Executive, and her brother became a member of its judicial body.

Many American blockheads in CYM consider Dr. Walter Zaryckyj to be a genius professor. One of his videotaped lectures from 1989 became the basis of my found footage documentary, “WAZ and the Magic Circle.” According to one source, by the end of 1989, two world-views crystallized in the leadership of OUN-B, which apparently mirrored the division in the predecessor of CYM in Ukraine.

Supposedly the first camp, which included the next OUN-B leader, Slava Stetsko, supported “the construction of a national democratic state” and the “evolutionary [nationalist] development” of Ukraine, disavowing armed struggle. Zaryckyj was allegedly an ideologue of the more radical faction, which subscribed to the slogans, “The nation above all!” and “Ukraine for Ukrainians!” They wanted “a strong nationalist state,” and to “achieve the goal at any cost, or lose everything!”

Today’s elder leaders of the OUN-B network in the United States were not just members of CYM growing up, but the more radical TUSM, or Ukrainian Student Association of Mykola Mikhnovsky, the namesake of which coined the ethno-nationalist slogan, “Ukraine for Ukrainians!” Although TUSM no longer exists, the US branch of CYM has continued its annual tradition of ideological winter camps to recruit Ukrainian American youth into OUN-B.

The Ukrainian American Youth Association apparently has a camp named for Stepan Bandera in Fillmore, a town of 600 people in upstate New York.

The UAYA allegedly claims to have 1,500 active members, but the real number is probably closer to 500, which would be abysmal for an organization with almost 20 chapters still on the books. Its festivals in Ellenville, New York used to attract thousands, and now less than a hundred. With such desperate conditions, the OUN-B leadership in Ukraine has directly supported the efforts of a far-right teenager to rejuvenate CYM and the broader Banderite network in Cleveland.

The “Roman Shukhevych branch” of CYM in Manhattan, which has a Saturday school and a bust of Shukhevych, is under the thumb of the OUN-B “Land Leadership of America” which is largely based in the New York area. An hour and a half upstate, the CYM camp in Ellenville, and its “Heroes’ Monument” including oversized busts of Bandera and Shukhevych, were once a point of pilgrimage for OUN-B members around the world. In recent years, the camp became especially run-down. Zaryckyj was recently photographed there with the head of the SUMA Federal Credit Union based in Yonkers, New York, which is affiliated with the “June 30, 1941 branch” of CYM. There used to be a Jewish camp next door in Ellenville, and disparaging the neighbors was common. In the coming weeks and months, I hope to be able to share some of the horror stories I’ve heard about this place.

A couple more places

CYM also has a “Heroes’ Monument” in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“Tarasivka,” the main CYM camp in England, has a memorial which is accompanied by the red-and-black banner of OUN-B ... era-youth/


Bandera for Israel
October 13, 12:53


Bandera in Lviv in the colors of the Israeli flag.
Bandera for Israel.

Satire, dead. Irony, dead. Now cynicism dead too.

Ukrainian football player fled to Russia
October 13, 11:44


It is reported that Shakhtar player (no relation to Donetsk now) Rasputko fled from the club when he arrived for a match in Belgium and contacted the Russian embassy, ​​requesting political asylum. According to some statements, it is already on Russian territory. Rasputko posted on social networks that he does not accept Nazism and Ukrainian nationalism.

We are waiting for official confirmation from the Russian Foreign Ministry. If everyone really writes as they say, this will be a serious media blow for the Ukrainian Nazis.

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sat Oct 14, 2023 12:11 pm

Unwanted pause
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/14/2023
Original Article: Alexey Zotiev


The failed counteroffensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has not been able to change the situation on the fronts and the opposing sides have returned to positional warfare, which under current conditions has turned out to be extremely beneficial for Russia. Without using additional reserves, the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, taking advantage of the initiative of the Ukrainian armed formations, have not only sent thousands of Ukrainian patriots to Bandera , but have destroyed a considerable amount of the equipment sent to the country of the victorious democracy under the loan-lease formula of the European countries, the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is evident that the troops who were sent to test the strength of the Russian defense lines would have caused great problems if they had faced an advancing grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. At the very least, it would have significantly increased losses in both personnel and equipment. In any case, today, in the phase of maximum attrition of the offensive drive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the simple question of what to do ? It is more relevant than ever. On the one hand, it is clear that in the immediate future the necessary conditions will be created for a powerful counterattack by the Russian units, but, on the other, on the eve of the autumn frosts, it would be the most logical thing to maintain the positional war, methodically destroying the Ukrainian units and sending to the scrapyard the equipment that is still in service and that poses a real threat to Russian soldiers.

Under current conditions, it is evident that, in the context of what happened last summer and the first month of autumn, it is Ukraine that needs a pause in hostilities, which would allow it to rotate its units, reinforce the front, prevent a Russian counterattack and deal with the formation of reserves. However, contrary to logic, the Ukrainian national leader, in his speech at the summit of the European Political Community, described the scenario in which Russia could freeze the conflict as the most dangerous for the country. “If Russia is allowed to do so now, then by 2028 the Kremlin will be able to recover the military potential that we have destroyed and Russia will have sufficient capacity to attack the countries that are at the center of Russian expansion. In addition to Ukraine, these are the Baltic countries and those countries where Russian contingents are present. This is clear from our intelligence information,” Zelensky stated to convince his European colleagues that escalating the conflict in Ukraine would be beneficial for the entire civilized community .

The story that Ukraine has stood like an iron shield in the way of Russia, which would try to realize its imperial ambitions at the expense of the territories of neighboring countries, European states, is, by the way, as old as the world and already no one should believe in it. As no one believes anymore in the story that the Kalibr missiles had run out or the destruction of the Russian military potential. If we refer to the real situation, today the Russian military-industrial complex has seriously increased its power, which in the short-term future will make it possible to compensate for the losses suffered due to the results of the first year of the special military operation . . The same cannot be said for Ukraine, which has not only lost what it initially had, but also some of what has come from outside, and has done so in a substantial volume. What is the reason for Zelensky's fears, who, contrary to logic, does not fear an escalation of the conflict, which would imply more human and territorial casualties, but rather a cooling?

The nature of this fear is deep-rooted. First, a decrease in the intensity of hostilities would immediately imply a decrease in the amount of financial assistance coming into the country from abroad. Why do those who barely fight need weapons and ammunition? The West is willing to pay for progressive and endless pressure on Russian borders and territories, but it is not lucrative for them to finance a frozen war. But that is far from the main reason why Zelensky appeals to his allies with a request to prevent the decrease in the intensity of the military conflict.

The tragedy of the situation is that Zelensky foresees that with a maximum reduction in the intensity of hostilities, with their freezing, Kiev will have to solve the problems that have accumulated in the country, but have remained in the shadows against the background of the need for “unity in the face of the aggressor.” We are referring to the economy, social policy and the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure, everything that Zelensky does not even want to talk about at the moment. Any pause, especially a prolonged one, will demonstrate kyiv's failure, forcing the population to interesting but uncomfortable conclusions for Zelensky and his team.

The most important thing is not whether freezing the conflict will allow Russia to recover the military potential supposedly destroyed by Ukraine and by the mistakes that were made in the first months. The important thing is that a pause in hostilities would expose the real problems of Ukraine as a State and would call into question the capabilities of its authorities, people who have caused the country to fall into complete chaos and who are now hiding from the population who, intoxicated with the idea of ​​​​fighting against the aggressor , she has not understood that she has been deceived, robbed, deprived of a future and sent to certain death. ... more-28358

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 13, 2023
October 14, 2023

Today, Ukrainian underwater unmanned drones attacked the patrol ship "Pavel Derzhavin" near Sevastopol Bay . One of them caused minor damage to the steering part, but the ship's crew was able to independently take it to the Novorossiysk area .

In the Donetsk direction , fighting continues in the Avdeevsky fortified area. Russian military personnel had to leave part of the previously occupied waste heap north of Avdeevka . Clashes are also taking place on the outskirts of the villages of Berdychi and Stepovoye , but without significant success - the advance is complicated by the extensive network of Ukrainian Armed Forces fortifications in the area.

In the Orekhovsky sector, Ukrainian formations periodically make attempts to penetrate deeper into the defensive formations of the Russian Armed Forces, but so far without significant success. In the Kherson direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing for active operations on the left bank of the Dnieper , transferring fresh forces.

Attack of underwater drones of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on ships in Sevastopol

Regarding today's incident in Sevastopol Bay , we received many messages in the bot asking us to comment in more detail on the information about the attack by underwater drones on the patrol ship " Pavel Derzhavin ". We would like to make it clear: there was an attempt. One of the drones exploded underwater, causing minor damage to the ship's steering section. After a short inspection, "Derzhavin" continued to move to the Novorossiysk area . However, the tugboat that went to meet him received slightly more damage from the second explosion. Now it is being restored by repair crews. There were no casualties among the crew.

We understand everything perfectly well, but ignoring the problem only moves us away from the correct conclusions and urgent decisions. The fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have underwater drones is a fact. But there are certain difficulties in effectively countering this threat that need to be resolved as soon as possible. Since the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit them now, the number of such attacks will increase in the near future. And the use of drones underwater creates an additional danger, because booms in this case are not entirely effective.

The situation on the front line and combat operations

There were no significant changes in the Starobelsky direction . In the area of ​​Serebryansky forestry , Torsky ledge and Sinkovka , positional battles and artillery duels are taking place, and Russian Aerospace Forces aviation is actively operating.

In the Soledar direction, fierce fighting is taking place in the area of ​​the railway line near Andreevka . The Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to gain a foothold in their positions, but there is no exact information about what is happening. In the Kleshcheevka area , Russian military personnel successfully repelled enemy attacks and were able to regain previously lost positions.

In the Donetsk direction there are active clashes in the Avdeevsky fortified area . Under enemy fire, units of the Russian Armed Forces were forced to abandon part of the waste heap, which is an important strategic height; neither side has confident control. In Berdychi and Stepovoy ( Petrovsky ), the Russian army has not yet succeeded; there are battles on the outskirts of populated areas, and active use of tanks and rare armored vehicles, such as the BTR-90, by Russian soldiers has been noticed.

On the other flank in the area of ​​Opytny , Spartak and Severny there are also no advances yet; the advance is complicated by a developed network of strong points and dense mining of the area. The Ukrainian command is forced to transfer additional reinforcements from other sectors of the front, which, on the one hand, allows them to be destroyed at close approaches by artillery and aviation fire, and on the other hand, exposes the enemy’s defenses in other directions. The enemy tried to counterattack in the area of ​​Ozeryanovka and Kurdyumovka , but was unsuccessful.

In the Orekhovsky area south of Orekhov, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are still trying to expand the zone of penetration into the defensive lines of the Russian Armed Forces. But now the pace of the offensive has slowed down for obvious reasons due to heavy losses. Yesterday, an armored group of the 12th tank battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to attack the positions of the Russian Army in the landings northeast of Novoprokopovka , but to no avail. The village of Rabotino , which the Ukrainian Armed Forces said was captured, is still in the gray zone. Its location is unfavorable for developing an attack, and all approaches are shot from the heights, so there are neither our troops nor the Ukrainian Armed Forces there.

To strengthen the group, a column of the 65th mechanized brigade was deployed from Novodanilovka . At the same time, during the movement, one infantry fighting vehicle of an unknown type was blown up by its own mine. Some ordinariness of the battles on the site should not be misleading. Ukrainian formations are preparing for a new attack. Now their efforts are concentrated on counter-battery warfare. The Arthur, AN/TPQ-36 and -50 radars were pulled to the front line.

And at a short distance from the LBS, nine combined assault detachments with a total number of up to 300 people are formed from the 23rd and 65th infantry brigades, 128th separate brigade, 71st ebr, 82nd airborne brigade and 15th NSU brigade. And activation should be expected at approximately the same time as the Kherson direction , where the Ukrainian Armed Forces are trying to interrupt the logistics support of the front line. And the attack on the Rabotino-Verbovoe line , apparently, should be a distraction.

In the Kherson region the situation remains the same. Ukrainian formations are preparing for active operations on the left bank. The intensity of shelling is not decreasing, but only increasing. And now, for the first time in a long time, artillery units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have begun to hit bridges and crossings, as happened last year during the attack on Kherson. Over the past 24 hours, the bridge to Novaya Kakhovka near the village of Tsukur came under attack, including from HIMARS .

Also, under fire cover, the transfer of sabotage groups to the island zone continues. The enemy's DRGs are setting up positions and trying to expand the zone of control. In two days, Russian fighters destroyed four Ukrainian boats: one near Pereyaslavsky ( Kazatsky ) island, three after leaving Nikolskoye . Another boat went back.

At the same time, in the rear areas, the TRO assault groups and the Marine Corps are coordinating. One of the battalions of the 121st TRO was sent to Republican, which may indicate possible attacks on the left bank in that area. In addition, light motor boats are actively transported from Nikolaev to the vicinity of Kherson . They were tested on reservoirs in the Nikolaev region , and now they are equipped with brigades of Marines.

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas

In the Lugansk People's Republic , the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled Kremennaya , several residential buildings were damaged, one civilian was wounded, he was provided with the necessary medical care.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been attacking the border area of ​​the Bryansk region with drones for several days in a row . On approach to Bryansk , electronic warfare suppressed the operation of an aircraft-type UAV; no one was injured; operational services recovered the wreckage of the drone at the scene of the incident.

In the Kursk region, Ukrainian formations shelled the village of Kozino , Rylsky district, and a school building was damaged. There were no injuries, the power supply in the building was disrupted. In the village of Popovo - Lezhachi , Glushkovsky district, the enemy fired 5 shells, power lines were damaged, no one was injured. In addition, local residents reported shelling of the villages of Guevo and Kozino , but there were no casualties.

Ukrainian formations shelled several settlements in the Belgorod region. The enemy struck several times on the outskirts of the villages of Demidovka and Grafovka in the Krasnoyaruzh region. No one was injured, but due to damage to power lines, both villages and some nearby settlements were without power. Local residents reported shelling of the village of Poroz ; there was no official information.

Ukrainian formations today once again fired at populated areas of the Donetsk agglomeration . In the Petrovsky district of Donetsk , a school came under fire, miraculously there were no casualties, in Kirovsky six houses and power lines were damaged, there are problems with light... Two people were injured in Gorlovka , three houses were damaged, two more Ukrainian Armed Forces were wounded in Vesele , Yasinovatsky district and Stepnoy . Throughout the day, Shirokaya Balka , Makeevka and Zaitsevo also came under fire ; no casualties or damage were reported.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue daily shelling of civilian infrastructure on the left bank of the Dnieper . The enemy fired over 30 shells at Kakhovka , Peschanivka , Saga , Dnepryany and Novaya Kakhovka , no casualties were reported.

Political events
About the “behind schedule” of the Ukrainian counter-offensive

The head of the office of the President of Ukraine, Mikhail Podolyak , said that Western countries are to blame for the fact that Ukraine is “6-9 months behind schedule” due to long months of supply approvals. According to him, after the Kharkov operation they had a shortage of artillery, and at the moment when weapons were needed within a week, they were expected for 3-4 months. This passage looks especially interesting against the backdrop of yesterday’s statement by the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kirill Budanov , that Ukraine “is not behind, but has fallen behind” the “schedule” of the counteroffensive. In fact, this whole thing is nothing more than another attempt to justify the failures of the summer campaign to Western partners.

On new rules for importing Ukrainian grain to Romania

Romania has launched a new procedure for the import of Ukrainian agro-industrial products, announced the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Florin Barbu . Now the import of wheat, corn, sunflower and soybeans will be possible only with the permission of the Ministry of Agriculture and only for those Romanian farmers and processors who prove that they need this grain to replenish stocks. At the same time, the grain or forage itself must meet the quality standards of the National Veterinary Sanitation and Food Safety Administration. It is noteworthy that, according to the minister, this mechanism was approved by both Romanian farmers and the Ukrainian side , it will work until December 31, 2023.

About the meeting of Vladimir Zelensky with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands in Odessa and “air defense systems for rent”

Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte arrived on a working visit to Ukraine in Odessa, where he discussed a new package of military assistance. He promised new Patriot air defense missiles and patrol boats to “monitor the safety of sea lanes.” In addition, questions about training pilots together with Denmark and Romania were discussed . and supplies of F-16 aircraft.

Fun fact: Zelensky, at a briefing after his meeting with Rutte, said that Ukraine had found air defense systems that it would like to take “for the winter . ” According to him, the Ukrainian army does not have enough air defense systems to “protect the energy infrastructure” and the “grain corridor.” The President of Ukraine said that he has a plan, and the task itself is difficult. What will actually come out of such a “request”—time will tell. ... 2023-goda/

Google Translator

(Other images at link.)



As conservatives ramp up opposition to Ukraine war, Dems dodge The Grayzone
Originally published: The Grayzone on September 29, 2023 by Liam Cosgrove (more by The Grayzone) | (Posted Oct 12, 2023)

When the U.S. House of Representatives passed a stopgap funding measure Tuesday evening, the lone Republican no-vote against it was cast by Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

The rules package brought four appropriations bills to the floor, two of which would provide additional funding for the Ukrainian government.

Green and fellow Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz succeeded in convincing House GOP Speaker Kevin McCarthy to separate Ukraine funding from the Department of Defense Appropriations bill. The Ukraine funding bill passed by a healthy majority, with 117 GOP representatives and zero Democrats voting against the bill.

When approached for comment, Greene said her lone vote against Tuesday’s rules package was motivated by her militant opposition to the war, describing herself as pro-peace and concerned about military escalation with the world’s foremost nuclear power.

“I refuse to use my voting card to inch us closer to a potential nuclear conflict,” the congresswoman told The Grayzone after the vote on Tuesday.

While the DC establishment and their war machine donors see no problem in marching us straight into World War Three, I find it unacceptable to vote in favor of anything other than legislation that exacts a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

Earlier in the day, Greene delivered a speech on the Capitol steps, flanked by supporters carrying signs that read, “Peace not war in Ukraine” and “Ukraine is not the 51st State.”

The congresswoman told The Grayzone she would prefer funding be allocated to fix crises within the U.S. and urged her fellow members to vote accordingly.

Instead of funding Ukraine, “I’m asking the House to take care of our own people here at home, who are being systematically victimized by Joe Biden’s border catastrophe,” Greene said.

The people of Lahaina, East Palestine, and our border communities need relief, and it saddens me that I seem to be the only voice trying to offer it to them.

Congress is expected to vote on at least some of the appropriations bills before the potential government shutdown on October 1.

The stopgap measure adopted in the House came on the heels of a controversial standing ovation given to a former Nazi SS officer by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday. After the vote, The Grayzone pressed Democratic members of Congress on whether they found the celebration of the ex-Nazi concerning.

New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman refused to condemn the ceremony, grumbling:

I’m good man. I’m not talking.

When The Grayzone approached Bowman’s fellow New Yorker and “Squad” member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for comment, she appeared to begin a half-hearted condemnation but trailed off incoherently.

“Well, I mean, I think any, any situation like that…” she mumbled when questioned by The Grayzone, before hopping into a car and quickly closing the door.

As the Ukrainian proxy war has dragged on, supposedly anti-war progressives in the House and Senate have so far declined to request an end to the tens of billions of dollars in U.S. weaponry being shipped to Eastern Europe.

In a video published by The Grayzone in June, Bowman admitted that he was unfamiliar with “Crimea” and “the Donbas,” but insisted he still supported sending more U.S. tax dollars to Ukraine. Bowman subsequently informed The Grayzone that his refusal to speak with the outlet was due to the publication of that unedited video.

In October 2022, the Congressional Progressive Caucus released a letter calling on President Biden to pursue the path of diplomacy in an effort to bring an end to hostilities. Less than 24 hours later, the lawmakers retracted the letter after facing the wrath of Democratic Party leadership.

Pro-Trump conservatives oppose U.S. military “advisors” inside Ukraine
So far, the only significant resistance to legislation allocating billions to the Zelensky government has come from right-wing Republicans, who oppose sending cash and weapons to Ukraine on the grounds that such a policy is both needlessly escalatory and financially irresponsible.

Following the insistence by Foreign Affairs magazine that the Biden administration send U.S. military advisors to Ukraine, a number of Republican lawmakers have warned Raytheon-executive-turned-Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that any such deployment would be “one more step towards a dangerous, unnecessary war between the United States and Russia.”

“A military adviser mission to Ukraine would run a significant escalatory risk with Russia,” a Sept. 26 letter by Senator J.D. Vance (R-ID) and Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) cautioned.

“It would mean placing additional “boots on the ground” in the midst of a direct and bloody conflict with Russia,” they added, noting: “Harm to our personnel under such a mission would be a tragedy, and could easily trigger Article IV consultations or even an Article V collective security declaration by our NATO Allies under the Washington Treaty.”

That same day, in a widely-viewed exchange with Noah Rothman, a neoconservative writer at the National Review, Vance blasted the neoconservatives now seeking to antagonize Russia as the “same idiots” who pushed the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

Vance, Roy, and Gaetz have requested that Sec. Austin clarify “whether the U.S. government plans now, or in the future, to deploy an adviser mission to Ukraine, either U.S. direct hire personnel or contractors,” by October 3. ... -grayzone/


Liberal alliances with Nazis produce inevitable blowback
By Yves Engler (Posted Oct 07, 2023)

Originally published: Yves Engler Blog on October 5, 2023 (more by Yves Engler Blog)

NaziGate highlights Canadian ties to far-right Ukrainian nationalism, support for NATO and a long history of conflict with Russia. It should also shine a light on a foreign policy entangled with fascistic groups in many places. But politicians and media, as well as many on the left, have minimized the most salient points of NaziGate.

The Swastika and the Maple Leaf: Fascist Movements in Canada in the Thirties, by Lita-Rose Betcherman.

Jingoist politicians who stood for an individual lauded for killing Russians during the Second World War have (understandably) sought to portray the incident as an “error” by the speaker of Parliament or incompetence by the Liberal party. The media that initially described the standing ovations for former SS Waffen soldier Jaroslav Hunka as a touching moment have largely gone along for the ride. While rejecting the notion it was simply an error, leftists have largely ignored the role of war jingoism in NaziGate. Few have commented on Justin Trudeau apologizing to nearly everyone harmed by the Nazis except the over 10 million Russians killed.

Concurrent with the glaring omission, leftists have made the fascist threat principally about the danger to Canadians. Many have posted about how Canada opened its door to far-right Ukrainians to undermine the once large Ukrainian Canadian left and to break strikes. This is, of course, important history as it highlights Canadian politicians and capitalists’ fascistic tendencies.

But Hunka’s admission to Canada was primarily linked to the west’s bid to weaken the Soviet Union. At the time senior Foreign Affairs staffer Robert Mackay wrote that “Ukrainian nationalism was deserving of support … to break up the Soviet Union into a large number of successor states.” In referring to the establishment of the CBC’s International Service Ukraine’s section in 1952 Mackay wrote that “Canada’s large Ukrainian community would provide good propaganda material.”

The individual “Who Brought Hitler’s Waffen SS to Canada”, Bohdan Panchuk, subsequently headed CBC International Service’s Ukraine section. In the inaugural episode Ukrainian Canadian MP Mike Starr told Soviet citizens in Ukraine not to “lose courage” because “the free world has not forgotten you…. Canadian Ukrainians deplore that you our brother Ukrainians in Ukraine, do not have the right to a full political, national and personal life such as we enjoy in Canada …. The time will come when the spirit of freedom penetrates the Iron Curtain of oppression, the prison of nations crumbles and the regime of terror disintegrates under the blows of victorious forces of freedom and democracy.”

As Canada was bringing in Ukrainian Nazis and beaming nationalist propaganda into Ukraine the CIA was mobilizing far right Ukrainians to carry out acts of sabotage. Mackay linked CBC’s International Service to the CIA-backed dirty war in western Ukraine, writing of the need to “appeal to those Soviet minorities … above all the Ukrainians, who were already conducting underground resistance to Muscovite Russian rule.”

A similar dynamic has been at play in recent years. Since independence Canada has spent heavily supporting anti-Russian forces in Ukraine, including directly bolstering far right groups. During the Maidan protests that toppled elected president Viktor Yanukovich in 2014 the Canadian Embassy was used as a base by the far right C14. Subsequently, the Canadian military was repeatedly caught training the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, which was fighting Russian-aligned forces in the Donbass.

Canadian foreign policy’s alliance with the far right is not unique to Ukraine, as I detailed two years ago in “Ottawa supports fascistic groups”. From Haiti to Venezuela, Hong Kong to Israel, it’s almost a principle of Canadian foreign policy to support fascistic, far right, groups.

During the NATO bombing of Libya in 2011 Canadian airmen joked, reported the Ottawa Citizen, that they were “al-Qaida’s air force”. A year before the fighting, a Canadian intelligence report described eastern Libya as an “epicentre of Islamist extremism” and said “several Islamist insurgent groups” were based in the anti-government stronghold.

A fascism at home versus abroad dynamic is highlighted by Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and her family. Aligned with Nazi/nationalist/anti-socialist forces in Ukraine, Freeland and her mother are liberals/social democrats. As Jeremy Appel noted in a footnote,

Freeland’s mother, Halyna Chomiak, was a respected feminist and social democratic activist who founded the left-wing Common Woman Bookstore in Edmonton, but like Chrystia Freeland and Michael Chomiak [Nazi propagandist grandpa], was a staunch Ukrainian nationalist. Halyna Chomiak helped write the 1991 Ukrainian Constitution, which, in addition to outlining typical liberal democratic rights and protections, calls on the state ‘to preserve the gene pool of the Ukrainian people.’

In Freeland’s domestic policy there’s little to suggest she is a fascist. But the same can’t be said for her international policy.

There’s something about liberal social democrats that allows them to appear to oppose fascism at home but blinds them to the use of fascists abroad to achieve the aims of Canada’s pro-US Empire, corporate foreign policy.

The term “blowback” comes to mind. It’s not a question of if, but when. ... -blowback/

What we been tellin' ya bout them Social democrats?


Our Dirty Little Secret Revealed

I grew up in a small Midwestern town that was part of an industrial oasis located in the midst of corn and soybean fields. The oasis existed because bituminous coal had been discovered under the flat lands well over a hundred years ago.

The mines attracted thousands of workers from Eastern and Southern Europe, including my two grandfathers. The large immigrant working class, in turn, attracted industry as well. General Motors, General Electric, Hyster, and several other corporations soon made a home in this rural area.

At the time of my birth, the mines were exhausted for profitable exploitation (My grandfather had the dubious distinction of being one of the last miners killed). But industry continued on until the deindustrialization that wracked the entire Midwest in the 1990s.

I probably first heard the expression “DP” in the late McCarthy era when family

and friends spoke of some people who were new to the area. My inquiring mind soon learned that these DPs were “displaced people” -- Eastern European refugees from camps in Western Europe relocating to the US through humanitarian agencies. In keeping with the tenor of the time, I was told that they were fleeing Communism.

Since Chicago was the choice of many of the first wave of Lithuanians arriving in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, it was no surprise, then, that many Lithuanian DPs found their way to Chicago, then sometimes merged into the large Lithuanian immigrant community where I lived.

Given the time and the reigning sympathy for the “victims” of Communism, they were unsurprisingly welcome. Their children went to school with me and socialized with my circle of friends.

Later, when in graduate school and taking more than a superficial interest in European history, I had a Paul-on-the-road-to-Damascus moment about the DPs: What-- I asked myself-- were Lithuanians doing in Nazi Germany at the close of World War II?

If they were anti-fascists, surely, they would have remained East. If they were forced laborers or prisoners-of-war, they would have been repatriated. Since the Nazis were not kind to the ordinary untermenschen of the East unless they were sympathizers or collaborators, it would be a reasonable assumption that many, if not most, traveled ahead of the Red Army across Poland and Eastern Germany with the help or acquiescence of the Nazis-- they were collaborators and would have been treated accordingly. Of course, there may have been myriad explanations for some displaced Lithuanians who found their way to these camps, but not thousands.

This squared with my US experience. Unlike the impoverished peasant wave of immigrants who came to the US at the turn of the century, the post-World War II immigrants brought a heavy dose of cultural nationalism and tradition. The first wave had their cultural ties to the old country severed at Ellis Island when our names were butchered by the immigration officers. Assimilation was made easy in the mines, mills, and factories; and cultural identity grew thin.

Where the first wave was shaped by oppressive, exploitative working conditions and welcomed, even led progressive unionism and a solidarity culture, this second wave was decidedly conservative and battled to move many of the existing ethnic organizations away from their secular, progressive direction.

Of course, it was not only Lithuanians, but other Eastern and Central European peoples who were welcomed to the US and Canada because their anti-Communism was unwelcome in the country-of-origin, but welcome here. That ticket was valid for collaborators as well, especially if they had skills useful to the anti-Communist crusade.

Much of this history is rarely spoken. We all know about the Nazi, Werner von Braun, the father of the US missile and space program, but little else besides an occasional death-camp guard who flies too close to the flame and is exposed.

Therefore, the recent Canadian parliament fiasco comes as no surprise to those of us familiar with the embarrassing welcome mat extended to the fascists, ultra-nationalists, and collaborators with Nazism after World War II. Indeed, that collaboration with collaborators evolved into an open door for the exiled reactionaries from every anti-Communist, client regime that the US has sponsored since 1945. From the Cuban gusanos to Venezuelan golpistas, the US government has found a happy haven for the world’s most violent anti-democrats, thereby polluting our own politics.

So, watching the standing ovation for a 98-year-old Ukrainian veteran of the Waffen-SS by every Canadian parliamentarian and most of the Canadian government only underscores the hypocrisy of Western governments that presume to lecture the world on democracy and human rights.

Imagine that people who want and expect to be taken seriously on world affairs wildly applauding a rare surviving participant in history’s greatest mass slaughter. It should be even more embarrassing that a mainstream corporate media had to be reluctantly goaded into indignation over this outrage, a media that wallows in sanctimonious self-righteousness and smugness.

Major media commentators have a short, selective memory.

Upon the July 5, 1986 death of Yaroslav Stetsko, the former Ukrainian Premier during the Nazi occupation of Ukraine, President Ronald Reagan sent condolences to his widow celebrating his “courageous struggle” and closing with “Your cause is our cause. God bless you.” Stetsko had no doubt cherished the pictures taken with Reagan, Bush, and UN ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick.

Stetsko, a notorious anti-Semite, was instrumental in forming the infamous Nachtigall and Roland battalions made up of Ukrainian fascists who worked alongside the Nazis in killing Jews, Communists, prisoners, gypsies, and members of the resistance. In July after the German invasion of the Soviet Union, Stetsko sent a warm, fawning letter to Adolf Hitler expressing gratitude and admiration for the Nazi action and hoping for a victory against the Soviet Union.

He is the ideological father of Svoboda, the ultra-nationalist, anti-Communist, anti-Semitic, racist, Nazi-nostalgic party that, continuing Stetsko’s ideology, exercises far-too-much influence in modern Ukraine’s political life.

Outrages like the Canadian parliamentary fiasco and Reagan’s celebration of the life of a war criminal occur because no one in official circles or the capitalist media expects the public to know about the vast amount of collaboration with Nazism that occurred as the Wehrmacht and the SS marched East in their Lebensraum im Osten campaign. Nor are most people in North America aware that Nazis and their Eastern European collaborators were welcomed to our shores by the thousands.

Also, most people in North America have not learned of the incredible crimes committed against Jews and other ethnic groups, as well as Communists and anti-fascists in the Baltics, Ukraine, and Poland by the ultra-nationalists, fascists, anti-Semites, and anti-Communists of those countries (one mustn’t forget that fascist volunteers from Finland, Romania, Norway, Hungary, and Italy also fought with the Nazis on the Eastern front).

Countless studies, memoirs, and documents exist recounting the role of Eastern European collaborators in ethnic and political murder, though they garner no interest from the pundits, the commentators, and the popularizers. Instead, a book like Alliance for Murder: The Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist Partnership in Genocide, ed. B.F. Sabrin (1991) goes unheralded, unreviewed, and relegated to a few library shelves.

Gruesome first-person accounts and documents portray the terror, cruelty, and murder conducted by the Ukrainian nationalists. Told mainly by surviving Jewish victims, Alliance for Murder focuses on the nationalist murders in the Tarnopol region of Ukraine but shows the systematic collaboration of the Ukrainian nationalists. The book quotes a former Nazi general, Otto Korfes:

[The trenches] were filled with men, women, and children, mostly Jews. Every trench contained some 60-80 persons. We could hear their moans and shrieks as grenades exploded among them. On both sides of the trenches stood some 12 men dressed in civilian clothes. They were hurling grenades down the trenches… Later, officers of the Gestapo told us that those men were Banderists (July 3, 1941) [Banderists were followers of Stefan Bandera, a founder of the OUN nationalist organization].

Another book, Fraud, Famine, and Fascism, by Douglas Tottle (1987), dared to challenge the mythology of a calculated, purposeful famine in the Ukraine organized by the Soviets. The so-called Holodomor has become the standard Western narrative that fuels and justifies Ukrainian hatred and contempt for Communism and Russia-- much like today’s Western angst over the Uyghurs in the Peoples’ Republic of China-- while distracting Westerners from the brutal actions of Ukrainian nationalism from its beginnings until today.

Tottle’s book was of special interest because it came after Robert Conquest-- a serial contriver of Communist perfidy-- published his widely influential book on the 1930s famine-- The Harvest of Sorrow. Tottle, a Canadian union activist, former editor of the USW The Challenger, and a movement organizer, rocked the smug, well-connected Conquest’s carefully constructed anti-Soviet tome so effectively that the nationalist Ukrainian diaspora was rattled and motivated to hurriedly convene an “international commission” to determine the “truth” about Ukraine. Organized and hand-picked by the nationalist World Congress of Free Ukrainians, the inquiry set out to place its stamp of approval upon Conquest’s accusations and dismiss Tottle’s rejoinder.

The biographies of former top leaders of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians (later the Ukrainian World Congress) exhibits the political flavor of the organization: Anton Melnyk, member of Stepan Bandera’s fascistic OUN; Mykola Plaviuk, member of the Nazi-collaborationist Ukrainian National Army, 2nd Division; and Peter Savaryn, member of the notorious 14th Waffen-SS volunteer Division “Galicia.” With this illustrious group of former leaders of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, it is not difficult to imagine how objective their inquiry into the so-called Holodomor would be.

The ultimate tribute to the impact of Tottle’s research comes from the arch anti-Soviet pundit, Anne Applebaum, who proclaimed that Tottle-- a mere Canadian leftist with no elite credentials-- could not have written his book without Soviet help.

Citing Reuben Ainsztein, Tottle says: “In the first three months of Nazi occupation of Western Ukraine, 15 per cent of Gallician Jews-- 100,000 people-- were slaughtered by the joint action of the Germans and Ukrainian nationalists.”

He concludes:

…collaboration between the Nazis and Ukrainian Nationalists began long before the war and continued throughout the war, even after the Germans were completely driven out of Ukrainian territory. The Nationalists were firmly locked into the Nazi occupation machine. Their police and punitive units mass-murdered Jews and Ukrainians alike. Vast numbers of Ukrainians were also rounded up, with the help of Ukrainian collaborators for shipment to Germany as slave laborers. Thousands of actions were carried out by Nationalist militias, SB, UPA and Ukrainian police units, often under German supervision. Nationalist-recruited troops served Hitler in Ukraine, Poland, Byelorussia, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Yugoslavia. Ukrainian collaborators assisted in the murder of hundreds of thousands in death camps like Trblinka, Sobibor, Yanowska and Trawniki.

As Max Blumenthal notes, after the war the Canadian government in “Ottawa placed thousands of Ukrainian veterans of Hitler’s army on the fast-track to citizenship” while classifying thousands of Jewish refugees as “enemy aliens.” Undoubtedly, the US government welcomed even a greater number of Nazi collaborators who were “proven” anti-Communists.

If the brief glimpse into the sordid history of Ukrainian (and other Eastern European) collaborators afforded by the Canadian parliamentary fiasco serves any purpose, it is to remind us of the lingering disease of twentieth-century European nationalism and its ugly inhumanity. Those who turn their eyes away from this legacy and its continuing influence over today’s Ukrainian politics will never begin to understand the dynamics of the conflict within that country and with its neighbor. The symbols of Ukrainian nationalism, so readily embraced by Western armchair warriors raging at Putin, are dripping with the blood of Jews, Poles, Russians, Communists, partisans, and anti-fascists who encountered Ukrainian nationalism and its virulent practitioners.

Greg Godels ... ealed.html


‘The lessons of history …’

No matter how carefully our environment is manipulated, in the end, truth will out.
Proletarian writers

Tuesday 10 October 2023

The narratives of our rulers can be accepted only for so long as we refrain from looking at them too closely. As soon as we look for a guiding principle or truth running through them; as soon as we try to find consistency or clarity, they start to fall apart.
(Last period on a Friday afternoon, at a high school somewhere in England, a Year 11 History lesson is coming to an end.)

Teacher: That’s the end of that module on the Nazis and the Holocaust. Any questions?

Liam: Sir, I saw on the internet there are loads of Nazis in Ukraine.

Teacher: Well, we hear stories like that, but it’s not really true.

Tommy: Actually, I saw pictures of them where they all had Nazi badges and signs on their uniforms and loads of them had Nazi tattoos. There’s even a Nazi part of the army – Azov battalion, they’re called.

Molly: I saw something on TikTok about the tattoos – the Russians were getting captured Ukrainians to strip so they could see if they had tattoos and were Nazis.

Tommy: Is that why you were watching it, Molly?

Molly: Shut up, Tommy!

Teacher: Excuse me! Hang on a minute, let’s stop there …

Rab: They’re right, Sir – I’ve seen them too, and they always seem to be doing Nazi salutes.

Lisa: I saw on Instagram a torchlight procession like we saw on that Nazi video you showed us, Sir, and they were making salutes and singing Nazi songs.

Teacher: Can we stop shouting out please? You know very well you can’t believe all you see on the internet and social media. You have to be careful.

Liam: But, Sir, isn’t it true they have statues in the streets over there of Ukrainians who fought with the Nazis during World War 2? There’s one famous one, can’t remember his name though …

Tommy: Bandera! He was the leader. They have statues and streets named after him.

Molly: And stamps!

Teacher: Listen up …

Rab: Sir, did you see where a reporter interviewed a Ukrainian soldier and he had a type of codename, can’t remember the proper word for it, but guess what it was? Adolf! Adolf!!! Can you believe that?

Teacher: Right … quiet! Firstly, believe it or not, Adolf is a name … not a very common one, admittedly, and it’s unfortunate that he uses it and that he was the person they interviewed. But just because we see a few examples of something, we shouldn’t generalise. And even if they do have Nazi insignia and tattoos, they are different to the Nazis in World War 2.

Liam: What was that documentary we watched, Sir, the one on the Nazis. What was it called again?

Teacher: Ah yeah, ‘The Nazis – a warning from history’.

Liam: Right, Sir. A warning from history. Well shouldn’t we be a bit worried about this lot today – isn’t it like the warning?

Teacher: No, it’s totally different. What we are talking about here is a few misguided patriots with, I suppose, what we could describe as … a few ideological quirks.

Molly: But, Sir, what is it you always say when we ask why we are learning about people from hundreds of years ago? You’re always telling us that history often repeats itself and that the more we are aware of things from the past, the less chance we have of making similar mistakes in the future. How is this different?

Teacher: Firstly, while we study history and the past, it doesn’t mean we must apply what we learn to everything going on today.

Molly: But surely …

Tommy: What’s a quirk?

Teacher: Stop, listen up. Can we have a bit of quiet for a minute? Just think back to when we discussed the thirty-year rule. Anyone remember what that is?

Tommy: It’s where the government releases documents from thirty years ago so we can see what they were up to back then.

Teacher: Right, well, yeah … more or less. And just because governments were doing things that we might not have approved of at that time, it doesn’t mean the same thing is happening today. I mean, we now know from sources that the British government supported the likes of Osama bin Laden way back, people who eventually became enemies of ours.

Rab: My old man’s Scottish and he said that al-Qaeda were trained in Glencoe by the SAS because it was similar to the mountains in their own country.

Teacher: Well, not al-Qaeda … they were called the mujahadeen.

Rab: But they were bin Laden’s mob weren’t they, Sir? That’s what my old man said anyway …

Teacher: Yes, they were linked to bin Laden. But getting back to what I was saying. We know that happened back then, but it doesn’t mean that the government is doing stuff like that today.

Tommy: What about Syria, Sir?

Teacher: What about it, Tommy?

Tommy: I saw on the internet how we are supporting al-Qaeda and Isis over there?

Lisa: Isis?!

Teacher: Here we go again, believing everything you see on the internet. I thought you all knew better than that by now!

Lisa: So, we aren’t supporting anyone there then, Sir?

Teacher: Well, we’re providing support to democratic forces who are against the government there … moderate rebels.

Molly: What’s a ‘moderate rebel’, Sir?

Teacher: Well, it’s fairly self-explanatory – they are people rebelling against the government, but they’re not extremists. They’re … moderate.

Rab: Oh thanks sir, that’s cleared it up …

Teacher: Anyway, just think for a minute. Who did the Nazis perpetrate the Holocaust against?

Liam and Rab: The jews

Teacher: That’s right. And what religion is President Zelensky?

Liam: He’s jewish isn’t he, Sir?

Teacher: Precisely. He’s jewish. And not only that, when he ran for the presidency, he did so on a peace platform, calling for peace in eastern Ukraine where the fighting was going on. If the country was riddled with neo-nazis, why would they vote for him to be president?

Rab: But they didn’t, Sir?

Teacher: What? What are you talking about, Rab?

Rab: They didn’t. I saw a programme on him and it said that the west of the Ukraine, where they said most of the Nazis live, voted for his opponent. It was actually the votes from the rest of the country, the Russian parts, that helped him win!

Tommy: That’s mental!

Rab: Straight up. Bloke said it, showed the map and everything!

Teacher: If that’s the case, why did Zelensky go to Poland recently, and commemorate the anniversary of the killing of 70,000 Poles, or maybe even more, by Ukrainian nationalists during World War 2?

Liam: I saw that, Sir. But the same day didn’t he meet all those Azov Nazi prisoners of war who had just been released and gave them a heroes’ welcome?

Rab: No wonder, he’s probably shit scared of them. Sorry, Sir … I mean, he’s very scared of them.

Teacher: Appropriate language please, Rab! Anyway, what were we saying? Oh yeah, that’s different – they were prisoners of war he was welcoming back. And let’s not forget we’re talking about events nearly eighty years ago. German Nazis were unique, a one-off, and you can’t compare today’s Ukrainian nationalists with them.

(Bell rings)

Teacher: Anyway, there’s the bell. As I said, that’s the end of the module. Next week we start a new topic … ‘Imperialism – the good and the bad?’ Enjoy your weekend! ... f-history/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Footnotes from the Ukrainian "Crisis"; New High-Points in Cynicism Part V

Post by blindpig » Sun Oct 15, 2023 12:53 pm

Contradictions: facts and discourse
POSTED BY @NSANZO ⋅ 10/15/2023


Contradictions are an integral part of war, which requires the presentation of a narrative that cannot always be sustained on the realities marked by the situation on the front. This constant affects, although in different ways, all sides in the conflict, needing to balance the ups and downs and negative news of the conflict, with the need to present a vision optimistic enough to avoid the loss of credibility among the population. This war, like all previous ones, continues to be plagued by this type of contradictions inherent to the conflict and that affect both Russia and Ukraine, which in different moments of extreme complications for their troops have used the motto of “everything is going according to plan.” ”.

Yesterday, Western media reported that Russia claimed to have destroyed two Ukrainian drones on the coasts of the Black Sea, to which they added the comment about the contradiction that this attack represented with the statements about the defeat of the Ukrainian counteroffensive. “This news comes after Russia's representative to the United Nations, Vasili Nebenzia, assured this Friday that, after a series of Russian operations on the Ukrainian front in recent days, the much-discussed Ukrainian offensive could be considered “completed.” ”, wrote Europa Press . Aside from the lack of precision in the summary of Nebenzia's intervention, the reality of the war indicates that the contradiction between both news is minimal. More than four months after the start of the counteroffensive that was to change everything, Ukrainian advances are, as even the Western media admit, tremendously limited. It is not necessary to appeal to Russian statements to understand that Ukraine has not achieved any of its objectives and, although the counteroffensive continues and will do so throughout the winter if representatives like Kiril Budanov are to be believed, it is not expected to reach the minimum relevant result would be to besiege Melitopol.

Even so, and despite the speech, Russia is aware that the danger from Ukraine is not limited only to the counteroffensive on the Zaporozhie front. As shown by both the actions and words of the Ukrainian authorities, who have made no secret that they are seeking to acquire cruise missiles to attack Russian infrastructure in the rear, especially in Crimea, ground operations in the central part of the line of contact are just a part of this war. Because faced with the inability, at least so far, to break through the Zaporozhye front, Ukraine has managed to attack the city of Sevastopol, put the Black Sea Fleet in enough danger for it to be withdrawn to ports on the Russian mainland, and, As it demonstrated yesterday, it aspires to attack the Russian coast to its furthest reaches. One of the drones shot down yesterday, for example, was trying to attack around the city of Sochi, practically on the border with Abkhazia. The contradiction between the defeat, at least momentary, of the Ukrainian offensive in Zaporozhie and the danger that Ukraine continues to pose is also manifested in the contrast between the discourse and the work on the ground. Thus, while the Russian authorities seek to reaffirm their position by arguing, based on the reality of the lack of Ukrainian advances, that their defense lines have been maintained and Ukraine has not achieved its objectives, preparations are increasing in the Kherson region against fear of a possible Ukrainian operation to force the Dnieper River.

In war, not only do the sides in conflict fall into contradictions, but so does the press, capable of criticizing or ridiculing Russia for considering the offensive a failure after four months of trying to break the main front, but willing to consider it defeated. the Russian offensive on Avdeevka just two days after the first movements. As the images of the Ukrainian positions assaulted by Russian troops around Avdeevka show, confirming something that was already known, this area of ​​the front has some of the most sophisticated fortifications, the result of eight years of trench warfare. Reinforced walls, surveillance cameras and motion detectors are some of the details that have been seen in the distributed images, one more aspect of a battle that can only be tough and that is still in an initial approach phase. There has been no repelled frontal assault that could be mistaken for a defeat. Avdeevka, from where Ukrainian troops have privileged positions to bomb Donetsk, is too important a location for Ukraine not to fight to the end, so it should not be taken for granted that Russia will be able to capture it in the short term future. . Of course, it should not be terminated prematurely, especially when it is still at its starting point. But the yardstick for measuring successes and failures at the media level is not the same for Russia as for Ukraine.

The fact that Russia has finally chosen to try to besiege Avdeevka, one of the most prepared points for defense, is in itself a relevant fact that shows that the Russian authorities have more confidence in the use of aviation on the front line. and also in its offensive capacity, even if it is only at a local level and not in the form of large operations. Absolute security on the front does not exist and Ukraine is now finding itself in the position of having to defend the most reinforced places for the defense of the entire front line.

However, neither the lack of progress on the main front nor the plight of its troops in Donbass is enough to change the discourse, which continues to fall into its usual contradiction of presenting itself in a position to dictate the terms both in the present and in the future. future. This has been demonstrated again by Dmitro Kuleba with his latest statements. In an interview this week, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine reaffirmed kyiv's refusal to accept any possibility of negotiation until the conditions demanded by Volodymyr Zelensky are met. That is to say, the Ukrainian Government insists on denying any dialogue with Russia as long as Russian troops have not abandoned each and every one of the territories of Ukraine according to its 1991 borders, an hardly realistic position taking into account that military pressure has not achieved, as Kiev's allies hoped, put Russia on the ropes. The contradiction between discourse and reality takes shape in this case in the refusal to negotiate even if those conditions had been met. The Russian withdrawal, Kuleba stated, speaking in the future of the indicative, not even as a conjecture but presenting it as the reality of tomorrow, "will not mean that Ukraine automatically consents to the negotiations." Taking advantage of Western disinterest in the Minsk process, Kuleba added that “Russia has deceived us, the Europeans and the Americans too many times to believe the first word or the first step.” The negotiation precedent in this war points to the Donbass conflict, which kyiv artificially kept active to avoid having to implement the only existing peace agreement and which it never intended to comply with. Throughout the process, Ukrainian governments blamed Moscow, receiving no rebuke from their partners for manipulation and lying.

As then, the basis of Kuleba's speech is the certainty of having the unconditional support of his partners and allies, especially the European Union, to which the minister also appealed. “Europeans understand that this is about them too. It will be the end of the European Union if Ukraine loses,” Kuleba insisted in his statements to Forbes despite the fact that there is no possible rational argument that justifies this speech. Even so, Kuleba feels the confidence that constant statements by representatives of the European Union about the need to support Ukraine “as long as necessary” bring to Ukraine. “This is what the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, and his ministers have expressed,” said Kuleba without stopping to think about the emptiness of that phrase. What's more, according to an analysis by Russia Matters , a website linked to Harvard, only a small proportion of occasions in which Western representatives have used the expression “as long as necessary” have been accompanied by an explanation about the expected result. Mario Draghi used it in terms of recovering the territorial integrity of Ukraine, although he did so at a time when Crimea seemed to be left out of the current war. More clear in her willingness to support Ukraine until the end, the Lithuanian prime minister linked assistance to the defeat of Russia, as Joe Biden has done on several occasions. But even there, the term victory remains undefined, especially considering that a part of the Biden administration believes Ukraine's attempt to recover Crimea, whose control is the true red line for Russia, is unfeasible and even dangerous. More representative are the words of Jens Stoltenberg, who this week linked Ukraine's military strength with his position at the negotiating table.

NATO's “as long as it is necessary”, unlike Ukraine's, is aware that the war will end, sooner or later, in a negotiation. In a conflict in which everything indicates that the outcome is heading towards an inconclusive end, and which will therefore require dialogue, the as long as necessary of some of Ukraine's allies, actively contradicting its Kiev proxy, seems to imply a dialogue with Russia. Furthermore, placing Ukraine in a position of strength, not complete military victory, was the real objective of the current counteroffensive. But the contradiction between the theory and its results is not enough for Ukraine to change its discourse or lower its expectations. kyiv will continue to seek continued support as long as Ukraine deems it necessary.

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Chronicle of a special military operation for October 14, 2023
October 14, 2023

Fierce fighting continues along the entire line of contact. In the Orekhovsky sector, Russian troops attack strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the Rabotino - Verbovoe line . In turn, the enemy was able to advance to the village of Kopani , but after artillery strikes they retreated to the plantings to the north-west.

In the Kherson direction, Ukrainian formations continue to increase their activity along the Dnieper coastline. The command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces concentrated significant forces along the entire length of the river and transported the DRGs on boats for landing in the island zone. At the same time, the number of attacks on positions of the Russian Armed Forces increased.

Meanwhile, in the Donetsk direction , Russian units, with the support of artillery and aviation, continue the operation to cover the Avdeevsky fortified area . According to some reports, all supply routes for the Ukrainian Armed Forces group in Avdeevka came under the fire control of the Russian Armed Forces.

The enemy again tried to attack the Krasnodar region : Russian air defense systems intercepted six Ukrainian drones over the Black Sea near the city of Sochi . Thanks to the professional work of the anti-aircraft gunners, casualties and destruction were avoided.


The situation on the front line and combat operations

In the Starobelsky direction, Russian troops continue to conduct fierce battles in the Kupyansky sector , trying to break through enemy defenses in the areas of Sinkovka , Ivanovka and Kislovka . At the same time, in the Svatovsky sector, units of the Russian Armed Forces are conducting offensives towards Makeyevka : several strong points have come under the control of Russian assault troops. The Ukrainian command deployed additional forces to the site, which was able to somewhat slow down the pace of the Russian Armed Forces' offensive.

Positional battles continue in the Soledar direction in the area of ​​Kleshcheevka and Andreevka . The Russian army destroys enemy personnel with kamikaze drones and hits personnel deployment areas with artillery strikes, preventing the concentration of sufficient equipment and people in the area for a counterattack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukrainian formations, in turn, regroup their forces, operate in small groups, and do virtually no activity during the daytime.

In the Donetsk direction, the operational encirclement of the Avdeevsky fortified area continues . Throughout the day, Russian artillery and aviation attacked the enemy. Among other things, soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces are destroying newly arrived Ukrainian reinforcements transferred from other directions. According to some reports, all roads connecting the Avdeevka group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the main forces have been taken under the fire control of the Russian Armed Forces. At the same time, fighting continues unabated on both the northern and southern flanks of the Avdeevsky sector.

In the Ugledarsky sector, Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft struck with Izdeliye-305 guided missiles in Nomomikhailovka , hitting a communications center and a concentration of manpower of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In general, the enemy did not take active actions in the direction.

In the Vremevsky sector, positional battles continue in the Staromayorsky area ; several enemy attacks to the west of the settlement have been repulsed. There are no frontal changes in the area of ​​Grushevaya and Priyutny gully. An enemy temporary deployment point in Urozhayna was destroyed by a controlled aerial bomb. On the approaches to Novomayorsky, after significant losses, the enemy went on the defensive.

In the Orekhovsky sector, in the last couple of days, Russian troops launched a counterattack on the strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the so-called “Rabotinsky pocket” and west of Verbovoy, with artillery support. In the course of very skillful and coordinated actions, Russian fighters managed to repel several landings, despite the resistance of 82 airborne brigades and the total mining of the area. The assault on the Rabotino - Verbovoye line turned out to be beyond the power of the Ukrainian formations. The number of losses of both equipment and manpower is disproportionate to the successes achieved.

Because of this, the Ukrainian Armed Forces shifted their attention to another area - Kopani . Today, during the day, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an attack on the positions of the Russian Army north-west of Kopani. Due to the slight distraction of the Russian Armed Forces to storm the positions between Rabotino and Verbov, enemy units managed to advance west of Kopani. But after several artillery strikes, the Ukrainian Armed Forces retreated to the plantings to the north-west. Currently the situation is stable. But the movements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Novodanilovka and Novoandreevka do not stop. The forward lines were occupied by the forces of the 65th mechanized brigade, which was armed with 205 UAVs of various types. And, apparently, attempts to break through to Kopany will continue in the near future.

In the Kherson direction along the Dnieper coastline, there is increasing activity of Ukrainian formations. Along the entire length of the river, in the shallow rear on the line Stanislav - Kiselevka - Limantsy , arriving units occupy private houses. On the night of October 14, four boats with personnel from the Poniatovka area attempted to land on the islands of Aleshkinsky and Alekseevsky . Artillery strikes guided by UAVs knocked out two craft, and two more returned to Poniatovka. However, the number of boats and boats in the direction has increased noticeably, despite regular attacks by the Russian Army. Probably, a new party reached the outskirts of Kherson from Nikolaev .

In addition, the number of shelling of Russian borders from the Otradokamenka - Nikolaevka position area in Novaya Kakhovka and further south has increased. In addition to the bridge near Tsukur , another bridge near Chernyanka was damaged . Enemy activity is increasing. Now the main efforts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are focused on creating problems in logistics (attacks on bridges and crossings) at the LBS and simultaneously preparing assault groups. Due to the lack of people and short deadlines, the MTR detachments are supplemented with TRO personnel. The defense unit is assigned the role of reinforcement units, that is, “cannon fodder,” and the main force will be the Katran group of marines.

The increased activity of Ukrainian formations is confirmed by the intensive work of the Topaz satellites in the Kherson region . Over the past three days, 43 photographs have been taken. The Golopristansky site aroused the greatest interest . Settlements in this area were monitored three or four times. And the number of shellings in this area remains at extremely high levels. According to rumors, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are concentrating the DRG just north of the Dnieper. The rear facilities of the Russian Army were also monitored at a distance from the LBS. To the north of Genichesk, settlements were photographed near logistics junctions along the routes to Novaya Kakhovka and Melitopol . Among other things, the space group monitored the situation in the regions of Crimea bordering the Kherson region , namely the vicinity of Krasnoperekopsk , Armyansk and the Chongarsky Bridge .

Shelling of rear areas and residential areas
Ukrainian formations again launched ADM-160 MALD decoys from tactical aircraft. The work of the 31st Air Force and Air Defense divisions in Crimea was not recorded, and the targets that were noted were false. They are equipped with a system for simulating radar signatures, and with their help the enemy tries to confuse the air defense system. At the same time, an American RQ-4B UAV is in the air 90 km from Sevastopol , which monitors the activities of Russian troops.

At the same time, in the morning, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to strike with six drones at Sochi International Airport : Russian air defense systems neutralized all the devices on approach, preventing casualties or damage. With similar raids, Ukrainian formations are trying to force the Russian authorities to close the airport, as was the case with other harbors in southern Russia. This will seriously hit the economy and the aviation sector. If such a decision is made, then the nearby airport in Mineralnye Vody simply will not be able to cope with the load. If the Ukrainians had been given free rein, they would have destroyed air traffic throughout Russia. And closing air harbors, alas, will not solve the problem.

Ukrainian formations carried out attacks on the Glushkovsky district in the Kursk region . As a result of the shelling, the village of Tetkino and the villages of Korovyakovka , Alekseevka and Popovo - Lezhachi were cut off . After the explosion, dry grass caught fire, which was quickly extinguished by the fire crew. Later, Tetkino again came under enemy fire: four residential buildings and a gas pipeline were damaged.

In the neighboring Belgorod region, Russian air defense crews intercepted a Ukrainian aircraft-type drone over the village of Novaya Derevnya . There were no casualties. As a result of falling fragments, the roof was broken and the attic of a private residential building was damaged. In addition, local residents reported shelling of Novaya Tavolzhanka and Repyakhovka , but official authorities did not comment on these incidents.

Against the backdrop of ongoing fighting near Avdiivka , Ukrainian formations have significantly reduced the intensity of shelling of the Donetsk agglomeration . Nevertheless, there is information about casualties: a woman was wounded in the Kievsky district of Donetsk. In addition, the Kuibyshevsky district of Donetsk, as well as Gorlovka , Makeevka , Panteleimonovka and Yasinovataya , were under fire .

The Ukrainian Armed Forces do not stop shelling the left bank of the Kherson region . This time Aleshki , Kakhovka , Novaya Kakhovka , Peschanivka and Podstepnoye were under fire . According to local authorities, as a result of yesterday's Ukrainian attack on the village of Radensk , Aleshkinsky district, one civilian was killed.

Political events
About Ukrainian mobilization

The Ukrainian authorities continue to tighten the country's mobilization policy. The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine plans to abolish deferments for university students who are on academic leave. Now these persons will be subject to conscription for military service during mobilization, unless they have other grounds for granting a deferment. Such decisions clearly contrast with the statements of some Ukrainian speakers who are trying to return Ukrainians who have gone abroad back to the country, as well as limit the rules for leaving the country for young people, arguing that without youth Ukraine has no future.

About the fuel crisis in Ukraine

A fuel crisis is flaring up in Ukraine , the main reason for which is massive customs checks. The fact is that on October 17, changes to the Customs Code of Ukraine come into force, which tighten the requirements for fuel documents. According to the innovations, in order for foreign fuel to be imported into the country, it is required to indicate the country of its origin. Moreover, if during the check the resource receives the status “unknown country”, it will still become prohibited for entry.

However, problems are already being reported with the delivery of fuel from Bulgaria , Poland , Romania and Moldova . At some points, fuel truck drivers spend up to two weeks waiting in line. However, there are no guarantees that they will not eventually be turned back. There is a possibility that the situation will only get worse. The VST network has already increased fuel prices by 6 hryvnia, and other gas stations are likely to join it. It is obvious that neither Ukrainians nor the Ukrainian economy will benefit from such decisions. You can already hear statements about a likely fuel shortage in the country and an impending logistics catastrophe. All these innovations occur in conditions of armed conflict, when Ukraine is completely dependent on foreign supplies.

The problem we can't talk about

Corruption remains one of the main internal political problems of Ukraine. This was also noted by Western sponsors, who stated that further supplies of military aid to Ukraine depended on solving the corruption problem in the country. Recently, the editor-in-chief of the Zerkalo Nedeli newspaper, Yulia Mostovaya , said at the National Media Talk 2023 conference that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky privately called on journalists to refuse to discuss the corruption problem until the end of the Ukrainian conflict. Zelensky's calls came in response to a recent investigation that revealed grossly inflated food prices for the Ukrainian military. At the same time, there were no proposals from the Ukrainian leadership for secret cooperation between law enforcement agencies and journalists to combat corrupt officials. This once again shows how committed the Ukrainian authorities really are to solving the corruption problem. ... 2023-goda/

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(Other images at link.)


Barriers at the entrance to Sevastopol harbor
October 15, 12:54


Satellite photograph of the entrance to Sevastopol harbor.
The photo was taken by satellite on October 13.
Several lines of barriers are visible, covering the harbor from the penetration of naval drones.

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Ukraine Mobilizes Women, Elderly Amid Failed Counteroffensive and a Broken Social System
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 14, 2023
Dmitri Kovalevich


Huge losses during Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive are behind the first attempts to formally mobilize women and the elderly for military service.

The month of October 2023 marks four months since the beginning of a Ukrainian counteroffensive. The counteroffensive was widely publicized in the West at its beginning. U.S. and British generals pinned high hopes on it, stepping up their weapons supply and training of the Ukraine Armed Forces. But after four months, the counteroffensive has yielded no results. Ukrainian forces are stuck before the Russian defense lines with no way to break through.

Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive

At three points of the front line in what was previously southern Ukraine, the Ukrainian military managed to penetrate four to five kilometers into territory controlled by the Russian armed forces, only to find themselves in cauldrons, that is, semi-enclosures where the AFU forces were methodically destroyed by Russian fire raining down from three sides. Such semi-enclosures, like the one formed in August near the village of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye region, are maintained by Ukraine, costing heavy losses. The practice is encouraged by Western governments as part of avoiding a withering of public support in the NATO countries for continued warfare.

The Ukrainian telegram channel Klymenko-Time wrote on its Telegram channel on September 27, “It will be extremely difficult for the Ukrainian army to hold enclosures until the onset of cold weather. Logistically, it’s a complete hellhole there, and it’s also being shelled from all sides by Russian forces. But the military is also dominated by political interests and leaving the district of Rabotino after four months of a bloody meat grinder will be a media disaster.”

Western-supplied military equipment is very expensive and its stocks are limited, so in most cases, it has been held in reserve during the ‘counteroffensive’. Military transport vehicles bring the mobilized Ukrainian soldiers (many of whom are forcibly conscripted) no closer than three to four kilometers to the front line, after which they are prodded into attempts to cross Russian minefields on foot. They have to carry water and food supplies with them as it is unrealistic to store such along the front lines; Western-supplied food and weapons do not last more than a few days there. The news report on this also cites Kirill Budanov, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, acknowledging to the Wall Street Journal, that most offensive action by Ukraine is being carried out by soldiers on foot.

According to surviving Ukrainian soldiers, what the newly arrived at the front can expect are orders to dig a deep hole in a trench as quickly as possible and then sit there for a few days until the arrival of rotating military personnel. Such conditions contributed to a significant increase in the number of Ukrainian soldiers surrendering in September. “The number of Ukrainian units and soldiers that are giving up is increasing daily, most of it happens at the lowest level because these people have had no effective training. They’re not prepared for combat and they are being sent to their deaths,” reports the U.S.-published Military Watch magazine on October 2. It also reports Ukrainian servicemen claiming that casualty rates in some of their units have reached 80-to-90 percent.

The Ukrainian telegram channel First News wrote on October 3: “Losses during the defense of Bakhmut and the summer counteroffensive, which spilled over into a fall offensive, exacerbated the shortage of personnel. For four months, the Ukrainian forces have not achieved any significant victories, occupying only small, destroyed villages and settlements, without liberating any major cities. At the same time, the losses among Ukrainian servicemen during the storming of the positions of the Russians are colossal.”

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says that after four months of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, Russian troops have caused serious damage to the AFU and significantly weakened its combat potential.

According to seasonal weather patterns, October will bring rain, cold weather, and washed-out roads to Ukraine. This means additional reasons why Ukraine’s counteroffensive will fade.

In such a situation, as reported by CNN, there is a sense of impending stalemate even among many Western analysts and officials. Nevertheless, American military analysts with the Institute for the Study of War are manipulating words to try and show that the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian armed forces is not a failure. “Putin may have ordered the Russian military command to hold all Russia’s initial defensive positions to create the illusion that Ukrainian counteroffensives have not achieved any tactical or operational effects despite substantial Western support,” it wrote on Twitter/X on September 24.

In other words, the actual holding of the defensive lines is an “illusion” and an example of the failure of the counteroffensive. Ukraine officials confirm this in their own words.

In the name of maintaining interest and attention in the West for war in Ukraine, the governing regime in Kiev is effectively seeking to extend the conflict to third countries. For example, at the end of September, the British Guardian reported that among the suggestions by Ukraine for action by Ukraine’s western allies are missile strikes on factories in Iran and Syria producing weapons. The strikes can be carried by Ukraine, says Kiev; the West need only provide the military means to conduct the strikes.

Women being mobilized for NATO’s war

Huge losses during Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive are behind the first attempts to formally mobilize women for military service. Of note is that Ukrainian authorities are looking favorably at “Israel’s” experience with female military personnel.

As of October 1, female medical personnel in Ukraine are required to register for military service. Once mobilized, they have the same restrictions as men who are conscripted. One of these restrictions is the highly controversial ban on travel abroad. In Ukraine, all men of military age as well as women mobilized for military service are barred from travel abroad. When a similar law was proposed last year, it was withdrawn following outcries.

Pharmacists as well as women who once received medical or pharmaceutical education but have not worked in their field of training must also register. Under Ukrainian law, women on the military registry may be called up for military service or may be otherwise assigned to military tasks.

Fyodor Venislavsky, President Zelensky’s representative in the Verkhovna Rada (‘Supreme Council’, or legislature) of Ukraine, said one month ago that travel abroad would also be restricted for all women mobilized into military service. One of the reasons cited by Ukrainian authorities for this policy is “the fight against gender discrimination”. In Ukraine, such phrasing usually signifies and results in restrictions on women’s rights.

Without waiting for the restrictions to be introduced, female pharmacists and medics began to leave Ukraine en masse in September, causing a shortage of staff in hospitals and pharmacies. Pharmacists claim that soon there will be no one to work in pharmacies. “Pharmacy owners are panicking, people are writing applications and leaving for Europe before the borders are closed. Who will work is an open question, especially since there is already a serious crisis in the industry,” says Elena Prudnikova, head of the Ukrainian association PharmRada.

The Verkhovna Rada also proposes to raise the age limit for service in the armed forces. It is proposed to increase the age limit of service up to 65 years of age for lower ranks and junior officers, while for senior officers it will be raised to 70 years.

The reach of military conscription widens

In early September, Ukraine’s Defense Ministry also amended rules exempting Ukrainians from military service on health grounds. From now on, people with clinically cured tuberculosis, viral hepatitis under treatment, slowly progressing blood diseases, thyroid gland diseases with minor functional disorders, and those who are HIV-positive but without symptoms are all considered still fit for military service.

In addition, people suffering from mild mental disorders, neurotic disorders, slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system, and others have been added to the list, reports Kyiv Independent.


So altogether, women, the elderly, and people with serious health problems have become the latest targets for serving in a ‘counteroffensive’ designed to please political and military leaders in the United States and Europe.

Foreign domination in the name of ‘fighting corruption’

Meanwhile, the United States is strengthening its economic grip and control over Ukraine, making it virtually a colony under the control of appointees from the U.S. administration. Control is to be exercised under the pretext of fighting corruption. “Biden administration officials are far more worried about corruption in Ukraine than they publicly admit,” the online Politico reports on October 2.

Corruption has always been inherent in Ukrainian governments, but the West does not fight it, it merely acts to bring corrupt Ukrainian officials under its control. At the end of September, Ukrainian politicians and mass media were actively discussing the new requirements of the U.S. administration which were presented to the Kiev regime following Zelensky’s return from his second official visit to the U.S. in September. If Kiev refuses to fulfill the demands for ‘anti-corruption measures’, some U.S. politicians say they may cut military aid. That would bring defeat and the end of the Kiev regime.

The U.S. requirements were contained in a diplomatic letter to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and President Volodymyr Zelensky in September, with copies to all Western ‘donors’ to Ukraine (EU, G7 countries, IMF, World Bank, EIB, EBRD). The essence of all the reforms demanded is that Ukraine should select judges, anti-corruption fighters, and the management of state enterprises on the recommendation of “international experts”. Since 2014, these “experts” have been representatives of the Western business elite.

In addition, Ukraine is being told to “liberalize” gas and electricity tariffs, that is, to raise them, notwithstanding the ‘freeze’ of tariffs that Zelensky promised for the period of martial law. Ukraine MP Maxim Buzhansky from Zelensky’s party believes that Zelensky has no choice in this regard, no matter what he previously promised to Ukrainians. “In short, the situation is as follows. If we accept the new package of reforms from our partners, they will allow us to raise tariffs. And if we fail to accept them, they will force us to raise them,” Buzhansky writes.

Another MP, Oleksandr Dubinsky claims that the fulfillment of all the U.S. requirements will turn the Ukrainian president into a figurehead. Zelensky may merely appear to fulfill the U.S. requirements. Dubinsky writes, “What is interesting is that the fulfillment of all points of the requirements will allow the United States to take full control over the entire financial and economic as well as anti-corruption system of Ukraine. This will literally turn Zelensky into a ceremonial figure, depriving him of his illegal levers of influence on all branches of government. His closest entourage will turn into potential ‘jailers’ for corruption.”

Ukrainian ministers are truly frightened by the prospect of being left without U.S. funding. They have immediately rushed to implement the latest neoliberal reforms demanded by the IMF.

Cuts to the social wage are on the agenda of the Ukraine gov’t

Oksana Zholnovych, Ukraine’s minister of social policy, announced in early October that the government would overhaul its system of social benefits. “If a social benefit payment is there simply for historical reasons, then, obviously, it should be reformatted into something else, into some kind of support that a person will really need and that will be effective. This will be the new social contract,” she said. She warned that recipients of social assistance now have one year to “get back on their feet”. (There is deep irony in these words. Several days ago, Zholnovych warned that there are some three million disabled people in Ukraine today; that number increased by 300,000 during the past year.)

The same Ukrainian minister of social policy says Ukrainians “live in a comfort zone” which needs to be removed. She said, as reported by Interfax Ukraine, that people abuse social assistance and do not want to take responsibility for their lives. “We need to break everything that is social in the country and reformat social policy in the state from scratch,” the minister said, emphasizing that a Ukrainian should not feel like a “teenager” to whom the state owes something.

“We need to break everything that is social today, and simply reformat from scratch a new social contract on social policy in our state. Many citizens are, in a certain sense, teenagers, believing the state owes them care and help but are unwilling to participate in personal development and take responsibility. This is the philosophy that we definitely must break.”

Thousands of Ukrainians have lost limbs and suffered terrible injuries defending the Ukrainian state and its Western masters. According to the minister, nothing “humiliates a citizen more than a small salary paid on time”, which allegedly prevents him or her from self-developing. According to her, crippled veterans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces may only require prosthetic limbs and retraining in order to be “released into the world”.

Ukraine is very unlucky with its officials responsible for social policy. Back in 2017, then-minister of social policy, Andrey Reva claimed that Ukrainians (the poorest country in Europe) eat too much, spending something like 50 percent of their income on food. In contrast, he said, people in Germany spend much less on food even though prices (at the time) were similar. He said Germans only spend 14 percent of their income on food. The minister said nothing of the vast income disparities between Ukraine and Germany.) This example shows how distant from working-class Ukrainians are Ukrainian officials, some of whom are responsible for disbursing U.S. and IMF donations to their government. They are seemingly unaware that in some countries of the world, many people may spend 100% of their income on food.

The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Social Policy, Halyna Tretyakova, has gone the furthest in outlandish claims of social benefits abuse. In 2020, she made statements of a fascist nature saying that children of low-income parents are of “poor quality” Ukraine might follow the example of governments that have sterilized mothers unable to support their children.

She is the author of the anti-union bill 5371, adopted in August 2022, which will make it almost impossible for many Ukrainian workers to organize and fight for their working conditions and wages. Under the new law, people who work for firms with up to 250 employees are no longer protected by the national labor code; they are, instead, now supposed to negotiate individual agreements with their employer. (An earlier effort in 2019 to remove trade union rights, Bill 2681, was dropped following intense international pressure by trade unions and others.)

The IMF, meanwhile, wants a host of measures to improve Ukrainian government revenues, including through raising taxes. The government recently released a draft of Ukraine’s 2024 budget where just under half of all its anticipated funding will come from international donors.

Ukraine’s supporters are deeply concerned that the political infighting in Washington may disrupt the flow of money and arms by the U.S. to Kiev. They are also now deeply concerned that the conflict between the Palestinian people and their occupier “Israel” may also lessen attention and support from the West for its conflict with Russia.

Since the Euromaidan events of late 2013/early 2014, all Ukrainian ministers have consistently pursued anti-social policies in order to gain the trust of the United States. Month after month, they have driven thousands of Ukrainians to death or injury on the front lines of a war against Russia. Now they are talking of denying social assistance even to those who were wounded but survived. ... al-system/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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