Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:52 pm

Trump’s NATO Comments Are Actually Quite Sensible


FEB 13, 2024

All that he wanted to do was make a rhetorical point to whichever leader it was that he spoke to about this sometime in the past and hype up his base ahead of the vote to ensure maximum turnout.

Trump caught a lot of flak from the Mainstream Media and Western officials for his latest comments about NATO. He related at a rally how he told an unnamed NATO leader that “you didn’t pay, you’re delinquent… No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them (Russia) to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay your bills.” Biden, NATO chief Stoltenberg, and others erupted in fury, but what the former president said was actually quite sensible.

NATO countries agree to contribute 2% of their GDP to defense, but most of them still don’t, which results in the US having to bear an ever greater financial and material burden for their security. About that, it was always unrealistic to imagine that Russia would risk World War III by invading NATO due to the US’ nuclear umbrella over it, but many Central & Eastern European (CEE) countries are still paranoid about this. They pay above that threshold, but their Western European counterparts and Canada don’t.

Therein lies the problem since those countries still formally extend credence to their CEE peers’ paranoid fears, yet they don’t want to partially allay them by contributing the previously agreed-upon share of their GDP to defense, thus raising “politically uncomfortable” questions about their commitments. This is unacceptable from Trump’s perspective since those countries have greater GDPs and can therefore contribute more meaningfully to the bloc’s shared goals than the CEE states can.

By refusing to allocate their budget accordingly despite going along with NATO’s anti-Russian narratives and being the ones who’d bear the brunt in any conflict no matter how far-fetched that scenario is, they’re basically manipulating the US into doing more on their behalf. Either they don’t believe that Russia requires these extra resources to be contained, in which case they should just say so but likely won’t due to pressure, or they do believe it but don’t want to pay their fair share for some reason.

Whatever the truth may be, it discredits NATO from the perspective of the US’ hegemonic interests and therefore facilitates efforts by civil society activists and foreign state actors to sow the seeds of division between its members. Preexisting differences have already widened in some ways throughout the course of the Ukrainian Conflict over the past two years, but they can be further exacerbated by the aforementioned players the longer that Western European countries and Canada refuse to pay up.

To be sure, the US’ military budget is larger than all other NATO members’ combined so it wouldn’t make much of a substantive difference even if every one of them contributed 2% of their GDP to defense, but the point is that it’s disrespectful to America to decline doing so upon its repeated requests. The US extends its nuclear umbrella over them for self-interested strategic reasons, but average Americans don’t understand why since it’s rarely articulated and thus assume that it’s for naïve charitable purposes.

Even if they were compellingly told why, many might not agree with the cynical and hegemonic-driven reasons, even less so if they knew that not all NATO countries were paying their fair share that they agreed upon by joining and are therefore leaving the US to pick up the slack via their taxes. This makes the issue a sensitive one in terms of domestic politics and serves as a bridge between it and International Relations during presidential election seasons if candidates choose to bring it up like Trump just did.

He said what he did in order to make a powerful political point that he expected would resonate with his conservative-nationalist base, not to signal to Russia that he’ll stand aside and let it steamroll through NATO. The US has its own reasons to prevent that from happening even if Western Europe and Canada don’t pay up, plus elite members of the country’s military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) could simply defy his orders in that far-fetched scenario to unilaterally try to stop it.

It's therefore unrealistic to imagine that Trump’s possible return to power during this November’s elections might lead to the Russian conquest of Europe with his approval. All that he wanted to do was make a rhetorical point to whichever leader it was that he spoke to about this sometime in the past and hype up his base ahead of the vote to ensure maximum turnout. Trump’s comments were therefore sensible, not insane or irresponsible like they were misportrayed, and will resonate at home and in CEE. ... e-actually

Regardless, Trump's statements are a poison pill to the imperialists, they will not have their project burdened by the foot-dragging blowhard again...


Keep In Mind...

... that Trump's statements about quitting NATO, while creating a horrendous butt-hurt all around globalists stooges such as General (ret.) Clark who, I hope, attends some anger-management courses, are empty. And they shouldn't worry--this is Trump's shtick which he sells to MAGA crowd but which he will never implement due to him, in case of getting once more to the Oval Office, having no tool kit to change anything in the US. But that's what Trump does, being a true master of his word--he gives the word and then easily takes it back. Remember his "drain the swamp" thingy? There you go. The issue is much deeper than one or another political personality, because for the US to survive one needs totally different prescriptions.

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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:12 pm

It’s Reasonable For Putin To Prefer Biden Over Trump


FEB 20, 2024

President Putin prefers Biden over Trump because: 1) Biden has the support of the “deep state’s” ruling liberal-globalists; 2) this faction is expected to remain in power even if Trump wins; and 3) they could carry out more anti-Russian provocations to discredit him in that case just like last time.

Most of the Mainstream Media and Alternative Media Community alike agree that President Putin’s preference for Biden over Trump is a “5D chess master plan” aimed at discrediting the incumbent due to his secret support for the Republican frontrunner. The Russian leader explained that “[Biden] is a more experienced and predictable person, he is a politician of the old sort.” He also defended his counterpart’s cognitive capabilities in a reiteration of the points that he made after their summer 2021 summit.

Even though Biden is formally overseeing NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine, which Trump has railed against since it began and claimed that he’d end right away if he returned to power, President Putin still prefers him to his opponent for several legitimate reasons. For starters, Biden is the figurehead of those powerful members of the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) that really formulate and implement American policy, who support him while opposing Trump.

The ruling liberal-globalist faction’s decision to prioritize containing Russia over China obviously works against Moscow’s interests, unlike their conservative-nationalist rivals’ plans to prioritize China’s containment over Russia, but it’s precisely because of their power that they’re predictable. President Putin cautioned Russian strategic forecasters against indulging in wishful thinking in summer 2022, after which he admitted being naïve about the West a few months back in December.

These observations lead to the second point about how the Kremlin has likely concluded that the ruling liberal-globalist faction that’s responsible for NATO’s proxy war on Russia through Ukraine will remain in power for the foreseeable future even if Trump returns. The former president proved himself unable to purge the “deep state” of those subversive forces that sabotaged his envisaged rapprochement with Russia, which was supposed to facilitate China’s containment, so precedent suggests that he’ll fail again.

As the saying goes, “better the devil that you know than the devil that you don’t”, and the Russian leadership is apparently taking this adage to heart when it comes to the US. President Putin was already fooled so many times by the West that he’s extremely sensitive about letting himself get duped once more, hence why he’d prefer to assume that nothing will improve than to get his hopes up for nothing. It would also be very irresponsible to formulate policy based on wishful thinking expectations too.

The final point about why the Russian leader supports his American counterpart’s re-election is because there might be less risk of unexpected provocations than if Trump returned to power. To explain, the only reason why the kooky Russiagate conspiracy theory was cooked up by the ruling liberal-globalist faction’s Democrat proxies and their British allies was because the former president posed a threat to their agenda. They therefore sought to discredit him by concocting the claim that he’s a Russian puppet.

Russia hadn’t properly assessed the US’ “deep state” dynamics to understand what was happening, why, and how unlikely it was that Trump would emerge victorious in this power struggle like they hoped, which explains why it remained committed to the Minsk Accords that nobody else was respecting. President Putin and his team learned their lessons about naivety and wishful thinking the hard way, however, and won’t be fooled again into thinking that anything will change exactly as he told Tucker.

To sum it up, President Putin prefers Biden over Trump because: 1) Biden has the support of the “deep state’s” ruling liberal-globalists; 2) this faction is expected to remain in power even if Trump wins; and 3) they could carry out more anti-Russian provocations to discredit him in that case just like last time. It’s much better for Russia to play it safe and formulate policy with the assumption that ties with the US might get worse than to once again naively indulge in wishful thinking fantasies that they might improve. ... -to-prefer



Trump's deference to Putin is even more striking now


The refusal of pro-Donald Trump Republicans in Congress to extend a military lifeline for Ukraine, and the former president’s return to attacking NATO allies in ways that align with Putin’s goals, show that Trump is already reshaping geopolitical realities months before his possible White House return.


Trump’s bizarre deference to Putin is not new – his genuflecting was a frequent theme of his presidency. But it is even more striking now, given the Russian leader’s status as an accused war criminal who launched an unprovoked invasion of a democratic neighbor. After propping up Ukraine for two years with billions of dollars in aid and ammunition, a US decision to walk away and leave it to Putin would represent a stunning change of course.

Aside from the mysterious hold that Putin appears to exert over Trump, the ex-president’s hostility towards Ukraine is easily explainable. Zelensky after all refused his entreaties to launch a criminal investigation against Biden before the 2020 election. The coercion campaign was at the heart of Trump’s first impeachment.

(more...) ... index.html

"5-D chess", like saying that another head of state is mad, insane, deranged, whatever, is a cheap method of explaining any actions of that state in a framing consistent with the propaganda goals of the speaking party. And Americans, encompassed in propaganda like a fish in water, fall for it every time.
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:56 pm

Trump co-opts Navalny’s legacy as a smokescreen for his own legal morass
Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

(CNN) — Alexey Navalny died a political martyr after returning home to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutal rule. But that’s not stopping Donald Trump from coopting his heroic legacy to suggest false equivalence with his own legal troubles.

The ex-president has been criticized by opponents for days over his refusal to condemn Putin after Navalny, a Russian opposition figure, died in a Russian penal colony in circumstances that have still not been properly explained.

Given the chance to do so in a Fox News town hall on Tuesday, Trump again showed his habitual refusal to criticize a Russian leader who has crushed democracy and has a long record of persecuting political opponents. He offered a tempered tribute to Navalny, before returning to his own false claims of political persecution.

He said the Russian dissident, whose body still has not been returned to his family, was “a very brave guy” but that he probably should not have returned to Russia ahead of his imprisonment. Then, Trump returned to his obsession with his own treatment in his own country that unlike Russia offers constitutional guarantees of the right to a fair trial, political freedoms and is a place where voters get to choose their president.

“It’s happening in our country too. We are turning into a Communist country in many ways. And if you look at it, I’m the leading candidate, I got indicted. … I got indicted four times. I have eight or nine trials … all because of the facts that I’m in politics,” Trump, the front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination, said in the Fox News event. Later, when referring to a $355 million civil fraud judgment against him last week, he added that “it is a form of Navalny, it is a form of communism or fascism.”

(more...) ... index.html

Main thing Trump had in common with Navalny is that they are both phony baloney. And the racism...Only thing Trump knows about communism is that it's radioactive for rich people like himself, and that's all he needs to know. Meanwhile the liberal imperialists get a twofer associating Trump with Russia once again.

And Donald, the reason that 'they' are out to get you(and they are), is that you're incompetent, overtly divisive, inconstant, unpredictable(in a bad way)and cannot 'follow the script' . And that last nails the coffin shut(literally?).


Trump 2.0 Set To Gut Biden’s Energy and Climate Policies
Posted on February 21, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. One of the big characteristics of the first Trump Administration was ineptitude and flailing around. For instance, the tax reform plan that Steven Mnuchin presented was a napkin doodle, when tax is a complex area and a decent level of specificity is needed. However, tax reform was a pet Republican issue, and the business lobby had not just various schemes, but fully worked up legislative language that they gave to Team Trump and the Administration took it up.

2024 is shaping up very differently. Many experts have pointed out that Trump is running a highly professional election campaign, which is a dramatic contrast to his 2016 bid. Similarly, the press is starting to report that a lot of interests, particularly business, say they could live with Trump if he wins. So Trump may also have less difficulty getting competent people to join his Administration. Competent = higher odds of success in implementing initiatives.

And we can see also that, again in contrast with 2016, Trump’s operatives and allies are already working through details of what they’d like to get done.

The lack of alarm about weak climate initiatives getting weaker is consistent with green transition advocates failing to adequately convey the urgency of the problem. This is not just due to the fossil fuel industry engaging in agnotology, but also the weird self-censorship of progressives regarding “negativity” and being willing to discuss hardship and difficult choices. It is also due to overselling the idea that piecemeal “feel good” changes in consumer buying habits would be remotely adequate to the scale of the problem. This is consistent with investors like JP Morgan abandoning climate change priorities and former enthusiast BlackRock weakening its commitment.

By Tsvetana Paraskova, a writer for with over a decade of experience writing for news outlets such as iNVEZZ and SeeNews. Originally published at OilPrice

Former officials in the Trump Administration and Republican policy consultants are already drafting blueprints of energy and climate policies for a second Trump term in office.

All indications are that if Trump wins, he will make yet another U-turn in America’s energy and environmental policies.
The oil industry as a whole is looking at a second Trump term much more favorably than it does at the current Biden Administration.
Donald Trump, the most likely Republican presidential nominee, is set to overturn or at least try to dismantle many of President Joe Biden’s energy and climate policies if the former president wins the November election.

The Biden Administration’s methane rules, LNG export pause, EV mandates, federal oil and gas leasing, and even the Inflation Reduction Act will be all on the chopping block in a second Trump term in office.

Trump would look to boost oil, natural gas, and coal development in the United States and, once again, withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Agreement, Republican policy advisers tell Reuters.

As the Biden Administration is racing to finish environmental rules so that they cannot be unwound by either a Republican Congress or the White House, Trump’s campaign and advisers are preparing to dismantle many of the energy and climate policies in the first days of a second Trump presidency.

Federal Agencies Race to Finish Biden Rules

Federal agencies are expediting unfinished rules on environmental protection to make sure they can’t be gutted early next year via the Congressional Review Act, or CRA, an oversight tool Congress may use to overturn final rules issued by federal agencies, Politico reports.

The first Trump Administration used that act to gut several Obama-era federal agency rules. CRA allows Congress to overturn agency rules within 60 congressional session days of when a regulation is finalized and sent to the Capitol. This means that the deadline for finalizing the Biden Administration rules to keep them out of CRA reach could be as soon as May or June.

“It’s pedal to the metal time,” James Goodwin, a senior policy analyst at the liberal-leaning Center for Progressive Reform, told Politico.

Advisers Line Up Trump Energy Agenda

Former officials in the Trump Administration and Republican policy consultants are already drafting blueprints of energy and climate policies for a second Trump term in office. All indications are that if Trump wins, he will make yet another U-turn in America’s energy and environmental policies.

Shale tycoon Harold Hamm, Trump’s former National Economic Council Director, Larry Kudlow, former Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, former Energy Secretary Rick Perry, and former senior adviser Kevin Hassett are some of the people with whom Trump is directly discussing energy policy issues, according to Reuters’ sources.

The oil industry as a whole is looking at a second Trump term much more favorably than it does at the current Biden Administration, which, U.S. oil and gas associations say, has waged war on America’s oil and gas sector and risks to undermine national security.

The American Petroleum Institute (API) and other organizations have heavily criticized the Biden Administration for reducing oil and gas lease sales on federal lands to a historical low, new methane rules, and the freeze on permitting new U.S. LNG export facilities.

Although U.S. oil and gas production has been setting records under Biden, the industry acknowledges it is doing that despite – not thanks to – the current Administration.

The sector associations have frequently criticized Biden’s energy policies as “hostile” to the oil and gas industry and undermining the American economy and jobs.

In the latest Dallas Fed Energy Survey, an executive at an E&P firm said: “The administration’s continued war on the petroleum industry has an effect for sure, but we’re seeing that the real world needs our industry, and the public is trumping the downward pressure the administration is trying to maintain.”

What Will Trump Change?

If Trump wins the presidential election, he is sure to support the oil and gas industry by introducing more lease sales – after all, “drill, baby, drill” is a frequent campaign talking point, as is Biden’s EV mandate.

“On day one, I will end Crooked Joe Biden’s insane electric vehicle mandate,” Trump said at a rally last month.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is also under scrutiny for possible scrapping of tax breaks if Trump wins in November. However, this would first need a Republican-controlled Congress with both House and Senate. And even then, it could be difficult to scale back or scrap the incentives, as they mostly benefit projects and jobs in Republican states, analysts say.

The current pause on new permits for LNG export plants could also be undone by a Trump administration.

“A Trump administration could be expected to be more supportive of developers, allowing more export projects and ultimately boosting international sales of US gas,” Ed Crooks, Vice-Chair, Americas, at Wood Mackenzie, wrote in an analysis last month.

“A more active leasing programme could potentially boost production, but only in the longer term. It would be unrealistic to expect a change of administration to make a large and rapid difference to the supply side for US oil and gas,” Crooks noted.

Trump could actually influence U.S. fossil fuel demand more than supply, according to WoodMac.

A combination of scrapping the EV mandate and supporting domestic demand for fuels and natural gas “could make a material difference to US demand for oil and gas over time,” WoodMac Crooks says. ... icies.html

Well, that's 'Oil Price' for ya...But how much difference would The Revenge Of Trump' make? Perhaps a little over the short term but not much over the middle. Because ya know that Biden has increased production and you can bet that the moratorium on new LGN facilities is an election year ploy. With every seemingly positive environmental announcement there are caveats and fine print which can and likely will gut the said goals. That's how Biden works. Electric cars are an inadequate to false solution, a refusal to challenge our suicidal status quo of automobile/suburban 'culture', a refusal to adopt a serious mass transit solution because it's less profitable.

The Dem's slow death solution and the Republican's quick death solutions are equally catastrophic, the choice between being the boiling frog or fried frog legs. Gotta get off this merry-go-round from hell, even if that means allowing for some short term regression. It's long past time to part ways with both of the capitalist parties and time is running out.
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Sun Feb 25, 2024 6:47 pm

Trump Wants NATO To Be The Same Racket That It Has Always Been

There is this weird claim in librul media that Donald Trump, should he be reelected as president, would shun NATO.

Fears of a NATO Withdrawal Rise as Trump Seeks a Return to Power - NY Times, Dec 9 2023

I have found no evidence that would justify the headline. In fact the authors remark:

Yet as he runs to regain the White House, Mr. Trump has said precious little about his intentions. His campaign website contains a single cryptic sentence: “We have to finish the process we began under my administration of fundamentally re-evaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission.” He and his team refuse to elaborate.
Trump’s incendiary NATO remarks send very real shudders through Europe - CNN, Feb 12 2024

What causes the actual 'shudders' is that Trump attempts to use NATO to blackmail member countries into buying more U.S. produced weapons:

[W]hen the former president suggested on Saturday that he would let Russia do “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member that doesn’t meet spending guidelines, the impact was acute.

He recalled what he said was a conversation with a “large” NATO ally – it was unclear who he was referring to or when the conversation took place – which, according to his telling, had declined to spend the 2% recommended equivalent of their GDP on defense, but nevertheless wanted assurances from the US that they would be protected if Russia attacked. Trump said he would not give such an assurance, as the ally was “delinquent,” and Russian President Vladimir Putin should feel free to have his way.

Trump’s NATO Threat Reflects a Wider Shift on America’s Place in the World - NY Times, Feb 15 2024

This 'threat' was again purely about blackmailing other countries to spend more money on defense:

When former President Donald J. Trump told a campaign rally in South Carolina last weekend that he would encourage Russia to attack NATO allies who “didn’t pay,” there were gasps of shock in Washington, London, Paris, Tokyo and elsewhere around the world.

No one was shocked by that. The U.S., and Trump, have played that game since NATO existed.

Trump didn’t quit NATO, but a potential second term alarms allies - Washington Post, Feb 19 2024

Trump’s provocation, delivered brashly to a cheering crowd of thousands in Conway, S.C., was largely consistent with the position he’s voiced on NATO since at least the 1980s. He followed up with several social media posts demanding that allies should “PAY UP” and suggesting that he is dangling U.S. withdrawal to pressure them to boost their own military spending.

The article fails to quote even one of the U.S. allies which are allegedly 'alarmed' over the 'thread'.

Trump is not against NATO. He simply wants to use it to get more money for the U.S. of A. Michael Tracey reminds us that Trump, during his first presidency, has never ever acted against NATO:

The idea that Trump will undermine NATO conflicts with everything Trump actually did while he was in office - Michael Tracy, Feb 22 2024

Unfortunately, the media’s professional Trump alarmists simply cannot countenance a reality-based version of Trump, so instead they must eternally cling to their fictionalized, Putin-colluding version. They might not even know, for instance, that Trump presided over two rounds of NATO expansion — Montenegro in 2017 and North Macedonia in 2020. While perhaps not the most formidable powers in the NATO military alliance, their seamless absorption was made possible by Trump’s fulsome support for enlarging the bloc — notwithstanding any vague NATO-skeptical rhetoric he might have inchoately dabbled in.
Proceeding with these rounds of NATO expansion required Trump to take presidential action on multiple occasions, including personally signing the final ‘instrument of accession’ formalizing the countries as NATO member-states. Philip Reeker, a State Department official testifying on behalf of the Trump Administration in support of expanding NATO, said in 2019: “Let me begin by reaffirming the role of NATO. As President Trump has said, the alliance has been the bulwark of international peace and security for 70 years.”

Given the wildly disproportionate attention paid to Trump rhetoric over Trump policy, few of the current media alarmists are likely even aware that Trump expanded NATO twice. Nor could they come up with a convincing explanation for how this fits with their hallucinogenic nightmare of Trump surrendering NATO to Putin.

Most European countries would do well without NATO. There are currently no large unfinished conflicts in Europe that are threatening to escalate into wars. The Baltic states may fear some Russian intervention. Without NATO cover they would have to tone down their loud anti-Russian voices and would have to accommodate the parts of their population that are of Russian heritage. I would be fine with that.

Without NATO the west European countries would likely agree to some common defense treaty but keep their defense spending and military forces down to levels that allow for growing them if necessary but below the numbers need for an actual war. East European countries would probably spend more to defense and keep larger forces if only to appease those parts of their population which still have an irrational fear of Russia.

A defense spending range based of GDP, as the U.S. has tried to press NATO countries into, is irrational. The actual GDP of a country is not related to the individual threat level it has to live with (compare Luxemburg, Switzerland and North Korea).

Why then should the defense spending be align with GDP? The one reason a European country might want to stick to NATO is that it would otherwise have to fear a U.S. intervention. But given that the U.S. has, since the 1990s lost much of its military capabilities, and lost all campaigns that it had waged during my life time, I think that such a risk is much lower than many people perceive.

Posted by b on February 24, 2024 at 16:09 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 28, 2024 3:24 pm

Feb 27, 2024 , 5:30 pm .

Javier Milei at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) (Photo: AFP)

The 2024 American Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), held in Maryland over the weekend, was marked by the omnipresence of former President Donald Trump. His supporters dominated the interventions at the event, consolidating his position as the main candidate for the Republican Party nomination for the November presidential elections.

The former president's belligerent tone and divisive rhetoric were at the center of his speech , promising that his re-election would be a day of liberation for his followers and a "day of reckoning" for his political opponents, assuring that Americans are "living in hell right now (...) [and] Joe Biden is truly a threat to democracy."

"Today I stand before you not only as your past and, I hope, future president, but also as a proud political dissident. I am a dissident," he said to applause from the crowd.

Describing his border plans, he said that once elected he would carry out the "largest deportation" in American history because the United States "has no other option."

"They come from Asia, they come from the Middle East, they come from all over the world, they come from Africa, and we are not going to tolerate that... They are destroying our country."

Not surprisingly, the conference was headlined by Trump, who with this fourteenth appearance broke the record held by former President Ronald Reagan. What was unusual (but not surprising either) was the presence of Latin American presidents Nayib Bukele and Javier Milei, among a group of Spanish-speaking guests that also included the president of the Spanish VOX party, Santiago Abascal.

CPAC president Matt Schlapp explained that the invitation to Milei arose after hearing him at a similar event in Mexico in November 2022, highlighting his proposal to cut state subsidies. Schlapp praised the Argentine's vision with one of his controversial metaphors: "We love the idea of ​​having a chainsaw to represent that it is going to eliminate expenses."

As for Bukele, Schlapp highlighted his focus on combating crime in El Salvador, noting that his repressive policies coincide with the US conservative agenda. In Schlapp's words, "what Bukele has done in El Salvador is attack crime and criminals. And there are many people who live in our largest cities [in the US] who would like to see safer streets."

The participation of the Salvadoran president, who boasts of not being positioned in conventional ideological spectrums, has been classified among commentators as his “political baptism.”

“He now chose a side; the right had already chosen him as an idol,” says Giancarlo Summa , a researcher at the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences in Paris and co-founder of the Mudral project (Multilateralism and Radical Right in Latin America).

With the Argentine head of state there were no doubts regarding his affinity to the ideas of the right-wing convention and in his speech he made it clear by portraying the same thing he said at the Davos Forum about the "danger [of the West] due to the advance of socialism and statism".

Their idolatry and subordination to Trump were also confirmed. In a brief encounter with the former US president, Milei shouted "President!" and Trump told him in English, "Let's make Argentina great again."

The presence of these Latin American officials at this emblematic event of American conservatism has a first reading that points to a campaign to attract the vote of the Latin American community in the United States.

Through identification with positions similar to those of Trump and the demonstration of illusory examples of solutions to the deep-rooted problems in their countries, these presidents are used to improve electoral support that allows the Republican candidate to return to political power.

The reduction of violence in El Salvador and the radical economic measures in Argentina (which had their first setback due to hazing by the Argentine government ) are presented as examples of supposedly effective leadership and commitment to popular demands.

Beyond this, a broader and worrying panorama emerges. The political and leadership vacuum in Latin America has led to the emergence of controversial and contradictory figures who have managed to capture the attention of a population disenchanted with traditional leaderships. Milei's defense of the free market, in contrast to Trump's protectionist nationalism, is an example that the ideological paradoxes that characterize these political figures and their movements do not constitute an obstacle to their strategic alliances.

In fact, the anticipation of a possible return of Trump to the US presidency has led these Latin American presidents to forge these early alliances. If a second term is achieved, this subordination of political pawns in the Latin American region would surely result in an increase in harassment of the governments considered to be the "axis of evil" (Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela) by the ultra-right.

These governments, among them Venezuela standing out for the intensity of the attacks against them, are the only ones in the region that, in a previous scenario, with Trump in the White House, resisted the onslaught of the interventionist and warmongering policies of that administration, Not so the rest of the region.

Examples such as El Salvador and Argentina are indicative of what could happen in other countries in the hemisphere that, in the midst of the leadership vacuum, align themselves with this ideological platform. This scenario would affect the entire Latin American and Caribbean region, deepening the fragmentation and weakening just at a time of definitions that require the consolidation of alliances to assume joint positions in the new multipolar political order that is being configured. ... -cpac-2024

Google Translator

On the surface it is true that Trump's political existence is due to the duopoly not presenting alternatives which might inspire the populace. However, the reason for that is that the powers that be only require figureheads to do their bidding and they consider the consent of the masses hardly a consideration, something they might manipulate at will. Of course Trump is no real alternative either, rather a ruling class minority insurgency which to some degree pits the nationalists against the internationalists, both of which spit on the working class and survival.
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:53 pm

Trump wins the primaries
March 6, 11:24


Trump successfully wins the Republican primary and makes a Trump-Biden election virtually inevitable unless Trump is assassinated and Biden retires for medical reasons. Hayley predictably unhooks. In the coming months, the intensity of the domestic political struggle in the United States will steadily increase until November, which will one way or another complicate many actions of the Biden administration.

As I have written more than once, we have no friends there. The main benefit of what is happening is the increased influence of the split within the American establishment on the foreign policy of the weakening hegemon. Therefore, the more intense this conflict goes, the more significant influence US domestic policy will have on the development of foreign policy decisions, which also affected the supply of weapons to Ukraine (although this does not mean that at some point the parties are in the interests of war against Russia they will not find grounds for compromise)

According to social polls, in the inertial scenario of the election campaign, Trump will defeat Biden by a significant margin. But the elections are still many months away, so the real fight is still ahead.

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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 08, 2024 4:02 pm

Trump and Biden: which liar will you vote for?

March 8, 2024
Over the past several months, the public and media have directed a lot of attention to the advanced age of the two leading candidates for the U.S. presidency this November. In the case of Trump, he has only an abstraction, the calendar, working against him. Otherwise, looking at him, listening to him, he seems to be in fighting trim. Of course, his well-tailored suits do help.

In Biden’s case, his stumbling on staircases, his disorientation coming to and leaving the dais at public functions and his overall mental frailty lead many, including registered Democrats, to ask if it is wise for him to stand for re-election. Wouldn’t it be better if he showed the wisdom of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall who explained his resignation from the court in June 1991 very simply and honestly: “I’m getting old and falling apart.” Marshall’s infirmities were physical, not mental and in his farewell press conference he was sharp as a tack. In answer to a reporter’s question how he felt, Marshall shot back “With my hands…”

In yesterday’s delivery of the State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress, Biden demonstrated that he still has some fire left in him, so we may give him a pass for now. What was striking was not how he spoke but what he said: he reminded us all that we have an outrageous liar as president whose appeal is pitched to the intellectually and morally lazy among the electorate and who, through his prevarication, is taking us all to the brink of a devastating world war.

I direct attention to what he said at the start and finish of his address about the two foreign policy issues of the day: Israel’s continuing acts of genocide in Gaza and the Russia-Ukraine war.

Biden argues that he and his administration are doing their utmost to achieve a cease-fire in Gaza. That is a bare-faced lie. A solution to the crisis is readily available: for the United States to stop supplying arms to the Israeli army. De facto, the atrocities would wind down and stop; de facto the Israeli army would begin its withdrawal. Biden and Co. are the enablers of this genocide and to speak of their role in peace talks in Cairo or elsewhere is a distraction and a falsehood.

The situation is no better with respect to Biden’s remark that we must support Kiev for the purpose of stopping Putin’s armies in their tracks, since victory in Ukraine will be followed by a Russian advance into NATO countries and an all-out war. This Big Lie has no substance behind it whatsoever and is merely an aggravated continuation of the Russia-bashing that the Democratic Party has used as a substitute for foreign policy since 2014. The mendacious story of evil Putin was given wings in the 2016 presidential campaign when Hilary Clinton launched the Russia-gate allegations.

Turning to the Republican candidate-to-be, Donald Trump, he was dogged during his entire presidency by daily tallies in mainstream U.S. newspapers of how much misinformation and outright lies he had said publicly the day before. I draw attention to the point that he has been repeating lately and surely will be using up to election day: namely that there would never have been a Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022 if he had been president, because Vladimir Putin respected him, Trump, whereas he was contemptuous of Biden. Of course, this campaign message ignores the fact that a Trump administration would have been no better prepared to deal with Russia’s demands in December 2021 for redesigning the European security architecture than was Biden’s.

I do not think there are many state leaders anywhere, including among the vassal countries that count as American allies, who respected the United States and its president over the past twenty-five years, except perhaps during the first term of Barack Obama, who was deemed, mistakenly, to be the man of peace. In this regard, the Russians align with most other countries. The relationship to the USA is not one of respect but of fear.

We hear this fear expressed by hosts and panelists on the Russian talk shows, which stand for the chattering classes. Russians accept without question that America is a mighty military force, economic force, political force in the world. What they fear is the irrationality they see in American elites, their loss of pragmatism and the crowning of ideology as the guiding forces in Washington’s Deep State.


After these negative observations about the likely candidates on the ballot for U.S. president in November, some may think I have a dim view of American democracy, but they would be deeply mistaken. Like in the Wendy’s hamburger advertisements, in the USA you will have a choice on election day. The country is split in sentiment between Democrats and Republicans roughly 50:50 and it is this division that gives us all freedom of speech today, not a scrap of paper called the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Putting aside domestic policy issues, the two candidates for the presidency are promoting two very different revisionist views of America’s place in the world. I say revisionist because the Democrats’ concept of their country as global hegemon dates back only to 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving the United States as sole superpower. Before that the United States claimed to lead the Free World, not the whole world. Meanwhile, the Trump Republicans are keen to implement a different revisionist scenario in which the country is freed from its parasitic ‘allies’ and can arm itself to the teeth with new strategic weapons systems.

Like so many others who voted for Trump in 2016, I was deeply disappointed by his inability to turn around the ship of U.S. foreign policy in all the different domains he had led us to expect, beginning with restoring normal relations with Russia. His personnel choices in foreign affairs were awful, starting with his first Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and ending with Mike Pompeo. In between there were John Bolton as National Security Advisor and Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations. Terrible people, all of them, who worked against the policies that Trump declared upon taking office.

Why would a new Trump presidency be any better in foreign relations? The single and decisive reason that I adduce is that Trump has taken aim at NATO and for him to achieve his unstated but clear goal of dismantling NATO all that he has to do is nothing, that is to say not provide support, which is far easier to do than something.

Allowing NATO to sink into oblivion by itself would be the greatest contribution to world peace that one can imagine. It would take all the wind out of the sails of our hyper-aggressive heads of the European Commission, European Council and European Parliament.

But what about China, you may ask. Wouldn’t Trump lead us into a war in the Pacific?

The defense cooperation between Russia, Iran, North Korea and China, growing by the day thanks to the intensifying intervention of the USA in the territorial disputes in Southeast Asia would present a brick wall against which even the hottest heads in Washington will not go when the moment of truth arrives. Right now I see just glowing embers of a potential conflagration there, whereas the European battlefields are fully aflame in Ukraine.

For all of the above reasons, come election day, I will hold my nose and vote for Trump.


If, despite all of its flaws in personalities at the top and in procedures, meaning ‘the swamp’ in the District of Columbia, the United States has the semblance of a representative democracy, the same cannot be said about Europe, both at the EU level institutions here in Brussels and at the national levels. At the Union level and at the national level in much of the Continent we have rule by coalition which amounts to institutionalized corruption. We, the people, are an irrelevancy when a coalition of parties deals out the ministerial portfolios as favors, without relation to policy or to individual competence.

In the first week of June, here in Europe we have parliamentary elections which are a cause for despair, not celebration. By law, Belgians are required to vote or face fines and so I also will trudge to my voting booth in one or another nearby school and cast a ballot. But for whom? As I learned in the last elections, on the one issue that really interests me, foreign policy, all but one of the parties here are spouting the same undying support for Kiev and hatred for Russia. And that one party singing arias from another opera is the Communists.

Cast a blank ballot, you say. But here in Belgium blank ballots have till now been deprived of their sting. The given vote is systematically divided up proportionally among the official parties in accordance with their overall tallies. To be sure, this year there is a movement called ‘Blanco’ which hopes to overturn that tradition and require blank votes to be counted as ‘against all of the above.’ We will see how far that initiative goes.

And so, notwithstanding my pro-business, culturally traditionalist turn of mind, very likely I will be casting a vote for the Belgian Communists this June.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024

I didn't realize Doctorow was a US citizen, he lives in Brussels and seems very Euro-centric. If 'foreign affairs' were the only issue I might agree with him that Trump was and is probably less damaging to the world and more damaging to US imperialism if only by disinterest, ineptitude and ignorance. Well, Gilbert doesn't live here and I do. While most anti-Trumpers are largely motivated by the desire not to have that ignorant pompous pig on their TV every night I don't watch TV at all so that's not an issue. His environmental stance is awful, but he says outright what Biden and the Dems do by stealth almost as awfully. Trump's enabling of every prejudice out there, kicking junkyard dogs, is unconsciousable. That he probably believes all of that is commensurate with his ignorance, I don't care what he thinks, Joe might think much the same, but what he says, which continues to divide the working class to our immense detriment. I will vote for a socialist if any make it on the SC ballot or I will not vote for prez.

The honest and pragmatic final sentence took me by surprise. See, he is more European than Amerikan.
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:18 pm

Will Trump Election Bring Back Isolationism and Threaten NATO?
Posted on March 12, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. An attempt to look beyond Trump’s and his opponents’ rhetoric by focusing on his past actions.

By Uriel Araujo, researcher with a focus on international and ethnic conflicts. Originally published at InfoBRICS

Indian academic Pratap Bhanu Mehta, a former president of the Centre for Policy Research, writes that a Trump election would be a threat for democracy in the US. Other experts have argued Trump could endanger NATO and bring back American isolationism. Things might not be quite so simple, though.

As I wrote recently, besides the much talked about issue of NATO’s enlargement, one should also consider the expansion of the US infamous Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): according to a recent New York Time’s exposé, in the past decade the Agency has backed a “network of spy bases” in Ukraine, including “12 secret locations along the Russian border” and a “secret intelligence partnership” has transformed the country into “one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin.” Commenting on that, Mark Episkopos, a Eurasia Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, highlights the fact that such a CIA-Ukraine partnership actually “deepened under the Trump administration, yet again putting the lie to the baseless idea that former President Trump was somehow amenable to Russia’s interests while in office.”

Moreover, in December 2017 then US President Donald Trump sold Kyiv “defensive” weapons, which, according to University of Chicago political science professor John Mearsheimer, “certainly looked offensive to Moscow and its allies in the Donbas region.” Of course, Ukrainian-American ties grew under US incumbent president Joe Biden, with 2021 Operation Sea Breeze’ provocations the U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership the same year, and much more, all the way to today’ crisis. The point however is that albeit arguably less blatantly hostile to Moscow (in some areas), it would be inaccurate to describe the previous Trump presidency as anything remotely similar to a “pro-Russian” administration.

It is true that last month, speaking at a rally, Trump said he once told an unnamed NATO ally that he would not, as the president, defend allies who fail to meet the Alliance’s defense spending duties. According to himself, he said: “You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent? No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You gotta pay. You gotta pay your bills.” This kind of rhetoric, though, typical as it is of the former president style, should rather be interpreted as pre-election rhetoric to inflame his base – plus as a valid criticism, from an American perspective, of the fact that most NATO countries do fail to meet the agreed expenses’ goal of using at least 2 percent of their GDP in military spending.

This of course overburdens Washington – at the expense of its taxpayers.Trump’s (rhetorical) point has been denounced by many as a serious threat of letting Russia “conquer” much of Europe. In the real world, though, Moscow has no goal of conquering Ukraine (as any serious expert will tell you – its mains concerns being about NATO enlargement), much less any interest in invading NATO countries in Western Europe and thus bringing about Third World War – and, even if that were the case, the United States, with or without Trump, would of course have its own strategic reasons to oppose such hypothetical scenario by coming to the defense of its European allies, be they delinquent or not.

In the make-believe world of pro-Biden propagandists, Trump is a kind of “Russian agent” hell-bent on destroying American hegemony globally and thus letting “evil” prevail. The fantasies of some of the more naïve analysts of an “anti-imperialist” persuasion are quite similar, the only difference being that they perceive that to be a good thing and imagine the Republican favorite as a champion of multipolarity, world peace, and even of the Global South, if you will (Venezuelans might differ). None of that should be taken seriously, but, unfortunately, in the age of propaganda and of information warfare, it often does.

Rhetorics aside, far from being a marginal stance, the notion that military victory in Ukraine is unattainable is slowly gaining ground amid the American Establishment. Trump could arguably be a little more quick to let it go, but that is all. James Stavridis, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, writing for Bloomberg in November 2023, for instance, argued that Washington should learn from “the lessons of South Korea” and negotiate a “land for peace” deal to end combat in Ukraine. This scenario would involve a kind of strategic retreat, from a Western perspective, to then invest in Western Ukraine, so to speak, so as to nurture it as a kind of Eastern European South Korea (with a persistent CIA presence, one could expect).

It is not always over even when it is “over”: such a scenario would clearly not do much for regional stability or peace in the long run. As I’ve written on more than one occasion, even after peace is achieved, as long as the Russian minority remains marginalized in Ukraine and as long as NATO enlargement continues, there will still be plenty of room for tension and conflict.

There is yet another issue: with the escalation of conflict in Palestine, the center of gravity for global tensions has changed. Israel’s ongoing military campaign in Gaza and the West Bank, plus its operation in Syria and Lebanon, are also part of the Jewish state’s “non-official war” against Iran, with global consequences. The current crisis in the Red Sea, involving the Houthis is largely a collateral effect of the US-backed disastrous Israeli campaign in the Levant. Well, it turns out Trump is, by all indication, more of an unconditional supporter of Israel than Biden is – no matter how many red lines are crossed by the Jewish state in the Middle East. One may recall that it was then president Trump who assassinated Iranian general Soleimani, for instance. Recently, Trump has famously stated that Tel Aviv must “finish the problem.”

When interviewed for a Boston Globe’s story titled “Vote all you want. The secret government won’t change”, in 2014, Michael J. Glennon, professor of international law at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University (and author of “National Security and Double Government”), explained that much of the US foreign policy “programs” are, as John Kerry once famously said, “on autopilot”, and that “policy after policy after policy all continue virtually the same way that they were in the George W. Bush administration.” This situation is explained by this analyst with the concept of a “double government”, which is how he describes an almost self-governing defense and national security apparatus that operates in the United States without much accountability. Glennon’s aforementioned book was praised by former members of the State Department, Defense Department, CIA, and the White House. There is no reason to assume its conclusions are less true today.

To sum it up, there are limits on how much change a US president, on its own, can bring about to the superpower’s system of “double government” in terms of defense and foreign policy. The center of gravity of global tensions is changing, and Ukraine is no longer that important, to put it bluntly. Finally, Trump’s record as a former president in no way allows for a description of his administration either as “isolationist” or as “pro-Russian”. ... -nato.html
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 22, 2024 2:04 pm

The Russiagate Hoax Illustrates National Security Police State Power: How the CIA, DNI, FBI, and NSA Interfered in a Presidential Election and How Progressives Bought the Lie
MARCH 21, 2024

Illustration showing Russian President Vladimir Putin and former US President Donald Trump in a background of red and yellow strips with stars and the hammer & sickle. Photo: Politico/Getty and iStock.

By Stansfield Smith – Mar 18, 2024

The US rulers and their national security state foisted two major campaigns of lies on us to win our support for their planned wars. The first that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. This bogus story was rejected by the progressive and anti-war movements. The second that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the 2016 election; this, progressives fell for. It remains a shocking example of manipulation of supposedly well-educated progressive people – many of whom do not hesitate to ridicule MAGA people for their bigotry and ignorance

Russiagate, packaged as a tale of Putin and Trump collusion, was a plot against the government elected by the people. Russiagate, first leaked to the media in mid-2016 by CIA Director Brennan, sought to sabotage a presidential campaign and then delegitimize the Trump presidency. It was an essential tool for legitimizing the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, costing hundreds of billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives.

Yet, no evidence was ever presented that Trump colluded with Putin. No evidence was presented that the Russians hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) computers. No evidence was presented that any votes in 2016 were switched.

Origin of the anti-Russian campaign and the Russiagate story
In 2014 Washington instigated an anti-Russian coup in Ukraine. Then when Russia aided Syria in the US-provoked “civil war,” Russia bashing intensified. As General Wesley Clark revealed, the US had targeted Syria for overthrow at least since 2001 and was in a favorable position to accomplish this goal until Moscow began significant military aid to Damascus in 2015.

CIA’s Brennan aimed to manipulate the public to prepare for a showdown with Russia. Mike Whitney wrote, “After Putin blocked Brennan’s operations in both Ukraine and Syria, Brennan had every reason to retaliate and to use the tools at his disposal to demonize Putin and try to isolate Russia.” Meanwhile, Trump was gaining ground in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries when he called for US troops to get out of Syria and the Middle East and said the “deep state” lied to us about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Whitney adds, “It provided him [Brennan] the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, to deliver a withering blow to Putin and Trump at the very same time.”

In Whose Bright Idea Was RussiaGate, Paul Craig Roberts elaborated:

“Russiagate was created by CIA director John Brennan. The CIA started what is called Russiagate in order to prevent Trump from being able to normalize relations with Russia. The CIA and the military/security complex need an enemy in order to justify their huge budgets and unaccountable power. Russia has been assigned that role. The Democrats joined in as a way of attacking Trump. They hoped to have him tarnished as cooperating with Russia to steal the presidential election from Hillary and to have him impeached.”

Russian expert Stephen Cohen concurred, reporting that Brennan was collecting material for the collusion story in late 2015 or early 2016 and instigated the FBI investigation into the Trump-Putin hoax. “Brennan played a central role in promoting the Russiagate narrative thereafter.” Cohen, in “Russiagate’s ‘Core Narrative’ Has Always Lacked Actual Evidence,” said the story was based on two documents: an “Intelligence Community Assessment” and the Steele dossier, compiled by a retired UK intelligence officer. The core narrative of both claimed Putin intervened in the 2016 presidential campaign to damage Hillary Clinton’s candidacy to help Trump. Journalist Aaron Mate further detailed CIA Director Brennan’s role as “a prime mover of Russiagate.”

Steele Dossier
“The Dossier” asserted Trump colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton, claiming that Russia hacked the DNC computer servers. Mike Whitney and others point out the Steele Dossier was paid for by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. While the Dossier is now discredited, the FBI’s investigation into Trump’s connections to Russia was launched based on “information” gathered from this paid-for report. Steele “was a former M16 agent who was paid $160,000 for composing the dubious set of reports that make up the dossier. We don’t even know if Steele’s alleged contacts or intermediaries in Russia actually exist or not.”

The “Intelligence Community Assessment” (ICA)
CIA boss Brennan, along with the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Clapper, finally released the ICA report in January 2017, which concluded that Putin “ordered” a campaign aimed at influencing the election. The Assessment claimed:

“Russian efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential election represent the most recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the US-led liberal democratic order… We assess with high confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election, the consistent goals of which were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency…We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump…Russian intelligence obtained and maintained access to elements of multiple US state or local electoral boards…. We have high confidence in these judgments.”

The Assessment contained no evidence of Russia’s role but asserted Russia’s actions included hacking into the email accounts of the DNC along with intermediaries such as WikiLeaks to release the hacked information.

Stephen Cohen adds, “Clapper subsequently admitted he had personally selected the ICA analysts from the three agencies, but we still do not know who. No doubt these were analysts who would conform to the ‘core narrative’ of Kremlin-Trump collusion…. the ICA provided almost no facts for its ‘assessment.’”

National security state directors perpetuate their Trump-Putin collusion hoax
CIA’s Brennan deceived Congress and the public by claiming sufficient evidence existed to investigate Trump’s campaign. The BBC 2017 article Ex-CIA chief Brennan says Trump-Russia inquiry ‘well-founded’ stated Brennan “told the House Intelligence Committee he was aware of intelligence showing contact between Russian officials and ‘US persons involved in the Trump campaign’.” Brennan said the Russians ‘brazenly interfered’ in the 2016 US elections and were ‘very aggressive.’”

21st Century Wire reported that Clapper, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), had “leaked information on the ‘Trump dossier’ to CNN’s Jake Tapper, lied about it to Congress, and then was hired by CNN just a few months later.” Clapper later asserted that Putin “knows how to handle an asset and that’s what he’s doing with the President”.

The third national security state boss, FBI Director Comey, proclaimed in Congressional hearings that Putin:

“hated Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was that he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much. They engaged in a multifaceted campaign to undermine our democracy. They were unusually loud in their intervention. It’s almost as if they didn’t care that we knew, that they wanted us to see what they were doing. Their number one mission is to undermine the credibility of our entire democracy enterprise of this nation. They’ll be back. They’ll be back, in 2020. They may be back in 2018.”

Mike Whitney remarked, “So among his other talents, Comey also knows how to read minds. He knows that Putin hates Hillary and favors Trump. He knows the Russians ‘engaged in a multifaceted campaign to undermine our democracy’, even though he hasn’t produced a lick of proof to verify his claims.”

Whitney adds later, “The FBI made a “concerted effort to conceal information from the court” in order to get a warrant to spy on a member of a rival political campaign. The FBI failed to mention that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign and the DNC.”

The fourth national police state boss, NSA Director Michael Rogers, when asked on November 15, 2016, about the WikiLeaks release of DNC emails during the 2016 presidential campaign, declared, “This was a conscious effort by a nation-state [Russia] to attempt to achieve a specific effect.” He added, “This was not something that was done casually. This was not something that was done by chance.”

Thus, the Trump-Putin collusion and Russia hacking story was propagated by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and DNI, the backbone of the national security police state.

The story that Russia “hacked” DNC-Hillary Clinton computers
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity pointed out that the “NSA is able to identify both the sender and recipient when hacking is involved…The bottom line is that the NSA would know where and how any “hacked” emails from the DNC, HRClinton or any other servers were routed through the network.” Given that this hacking was allegedly by a foreign power, which the US considered an enemy, it would make sense to conclude the NSA knew Russia did not do it, but stayed mum.

Instead of asking the NSA or FBI, the DNC hired CrowdStrike to investigate the “hacking” of their computers, despite the claimed significant US national security threat that a foreign power hacked presidential campaign computers to alter the election.

CrowdStrike became the only actual source for “information” on the Russian hacking of DNC computers and Russia’s providing the scoop to WikiLeaks. FBI Director Comey never insisted on access to the DNC computers, nor was the FBI given an unredacted report. The only evidence of a hack comes from this company paid by the DNC.

CrowdStrike’s chief technical officer was Dmitri Alperovich, a senior fellow with the Saudi and Rockefeller Foundation-funded think tank, the neocon Atlantic Council. It has several former CIA directors on its board and is considered to be NATO’s “think tank.”

Adam Schiff, chair of the House Intelligence Committee, knew from the head of CrowdStrike, Shawn Henry in December 5, 2017, that CrowdStrike had no evidence that the DNC emails were hacked by Russia or anyone else. However, Schiff kept this from the public until May 7, 2020, two and a half years later.

National police state directors admit they made up the Trump-Putin collusion story
After the 2016 election, the DNI, CIA, NSA, and FBI bosses admitted they made up the collusion story and that the Intelligence Community Assessment they released to the public contained no evidence. CIA boss Brennan when asked on May 23, 2017, in a Congressional hearing into Russian collusion declared, “I don’t do evidence…I don’t know whether such collusion existed.”

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted to the House Intelligence Committee on July 17, 2017, “I never saw any direct empirical evidence that the Trump campaign or someone in it was plotting/conspiring with the Russians to meddle with the election.” Clapper also owned up, in July 5, 2017 testimony that “17 intelligence agencies” had confirmed Russian interference in the 2016 election has been false all along.

For his part, FBI Director Comey, in Congressional testimony on March 20, 2017, “stated there is no evidence to support collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia.” In a June 8, 2017 hearing, when asked “Are you confident that no votes cast in the 2016 presidential election were altered?” Comey answered, “I’m confident.”

Brennan, Clapper, and Comey, the three chief national security state bosses behind the Russiagate story admitted they made it up, that no evidence substantiates their hoax on the public.

Too many progressives swallow the CIA invented Trump-Putin collusion story
Thus, we have the heads of the national security state police agencies concocting a story to sway a US presidential election and incite anger at Russia. Progressives recognize the NSA, CIA, and FBI as enemies of human rights and liberties. Most progressives also view Trump as fascist or “neo-fascist.” But here we have the curiosity of the national police state agencies interfering in a US election to stop a “fascist” from being elected. Progressives might reflect on why they have ended up opposing the same candidate the national security state opposes, how they put themselves in the position of voting for the candidates (Hillary and Biden) that the national security state preferred.

We now have evidence to know the US national security state systematically interfered in a presidential election. They made up a story and convinced most of the US public of it. They even surveilled and wire-tapped members of the presidential campaign they opposed. This testifies to the colossal reach of the national security state over us, their ability to make us believe a falsehood is reality. And get away with it unpunished. It attests to their power over US society that no one dared indict them for trying to fix our elections.

That the national police agencies undertook this vast operation against the Republican Party, considered the more reactionary enforcer of the status quo of the two corporate parties, warns us of what they have in store when an actual popular revolt against their status quo arises.

Considerable information has existed for some years that the Russiagate hoax was no more true than Saddam Hussein’s WMDs, which few progressives swallowed. The opposite case here. Progressives drank the anti-Trump “Kool-Aid.” A 2018 Gallup poll showed that 90% of Democratic voters bought the Russia interference story compared to 67% of Republican voters. On whether Russia changed the election outcome, 78% of Democratic voters agreed. without evidence ever presented. Ironically, these voters include those who proclaim, “follow the science” and consider the MAGA crowd as uneducated and prejudiced.

Many progressives had just supported Bernie in 2015-16 only to see Hillary Clinton’s dirty tricks snatch the Democratic nomination from him. Yet they welcomed this Clinton/DNC/national security state propagated hoax – the very people they just repudiated; a testimony of how the ruling class can manage consent.

The police state agencies whipped up such a Russiagate hysteria that if you questioned it in a public forum, you were sure to be attacked as being a Putin stooge, disloyal, a MAGA bigot.

This Putin-Trump collusion hoax and consequent hysteria laid the foundation for the later propaganda campaign to provoke the proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. And we see in the 2018 poll that Democratic voters were more welcoming of aggressive action. Likewise, a poll revealed ten months into the Ukraine war that, “33% of Republicans agreed with that prolonged support, compared to 61% of Democrats and 46% of independents.” Remarkedly, Democratic voters have become more war-friendly.

In addition, Russiagate gave impetus to the campaign of smearing independent, anti-war media as agents of Russian disinformation. Even articles in progressive media such as Counterpunch propagated this nonsense, labeling those who did not support the US attempts to overthrow the Syrian government or defend the Ukrainian coup regime as “Assadists” and “Putinists.” This shows the continuing threat to the anti-war movement, given that US national security police state disinformation operations still hold considerable sway, permitting them to repress and marginalize voices for peace more easily. ... t-the-lie/

Yep, they was out to get him, and they did. The election of 2020 was not 'fixed', it was swayed. The Progressives were not fooled, rather they were led into their comfort zone by the Master Sheepdog.

Now, the election of 2000 was fixed, but that with the agreement of Dem Central on behalf of their Deep Pockets, who were too dim to understand that Gore really was their boy too.
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Re: Donald Trump, Avatar of his Class, Capitalism & the Decline and Fall of Bourgeois Democracy

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:37 pm

The Outgoing Mexican President’s Policy Towards Illegal Immigration & Cartels Is A Gift To Trump


MAR 26, 2024

Many Americans support the former president’s tough stance on these issues.

Outgoing Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who’s popularly known by his initials as AMLO, declared that his country won’t accept any illegal immigrants that Texas might deport in the event that its Senate Bill 4 from last year survives the ongoing appeal process after the Supreme Court’s ruling. He criticized that bill as “contrary to human rights, a completely dehumanized law, anti-Christian, unjust, violating precepts, norms of human coexistence, not only international law, but even violating the Bible.”

AMLO also declared that he won’t fight the drug cartels on the US’ orders despite accusations that they’re responsible for his northern neighbor’s drug crisis. In his words, “We are not going to act as policemen for any foreign government. Mexico First. Our home comes first.” Taken together, his support of illegal immigrants and reluctance to forcefully confront the cartels combine to become a gift for Trump ahead of November’s elections seeing as how many Americans support his tough stance on these issues.

Here are three background briefings to bring unaware readers up to speed on this subject:

* 11 March 2023: “It’s Unlikely That The US & Mexico Will Ever Meaningfully Cooperate Against The Cartels”

* 19 April 2023: “Mexican-US Ties Are Deteriorating Due To Drug Indictments & Leaked Spy Reports”

* 6 January 2024: “Is Biden About To Put 10 Million Hispanics On The Path To American Citizenship?”

They’ll now be summarized in the order that they were shared for the reader’s convenience.

The first concerns the security dilemma that impedes meaningful cooperation against the cartels, while the second touches upon the US’ secret dispatch of agents into Mexico and spying on its armed forces. As for the last one, AMLO’s proposal for Biden to grant visas to the 10 million Hispanics that are illegally inside the US could place them on the path to citizenship if this happens and legal safeguards aren’t put in place. The impression among many voters is that Trump’s tough policies are urgently required.

Biden hasn’t done much to address these problems despite the US Border Patrol chief declaring that the situation constitutes a “national security threat”. He might still implement some superficial policies, but they’d likely be considered “too little, too late” and nothing more than an electioneering spectacle just like his belated Gaza aid policy. It’s also unlikely that AMLO will have a change of heart about these issues before leaving office, with all of this paving the way for Trump’s possible return in November. ... nts-policy

The primary motivator for mass migration is US imperialism. But climate change will catch up pretty soon. To be 'anti-immigrant' is to blame the victim.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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