Stalin is trending

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:39 pm

The construction of the Stalin Center began
June 29, 13:40


The construction of the Stalin Center began.

The construction of the museum complex "Stalin Center" began on June 28 on the Bor in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This was reported to Kommersant-Privolzhye by the initiator of the project, the head of the Bor branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, businessman Alexei Zorov.
A special stone will be laid at the construction site, inside of which a message to posterity will be placed. It is planned to open this capsule on May 9, 2045, on the day of the 100th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. As planned by the entrepreneur, part of the future exposition of the Stalin Center will be made up of items from his personal collection.

Earlier, Alexey Zorov estimated the cost of building the Stalin Center at 20 million rubles. It was planned to start work in 2022, but the deadlines were postponed due to a sharp increase in prices for building materials. As Kommersant-Privolzhye wrote, the museum will be built on a land plot owned by an entrepreneur. In the same place, a sculpture of Joseph Stalin was installed several years ago, near which the communists annually hold commemorative events on Victory Day. Now the entrepreneur from Bor is restoring another sculpture of Stalin, which he wants to install in the Mokhovy Gory area. The monument was located there during the Soviet years, but during the Khrushchev thaw it was demolished. - zinc



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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Thu Jul 20, 2023 2:21 pm

Volgograd 10 days a year will be Stalingrad
July 19, 15:40


Volgograd will now be Stalingrad 10 days a year. By the decision of local legislators, on September 3, on the Day of Victory over militaristic Japan, the city will also be temporarily renamed Stalingrad. The number of Stalingrad in the year continues to increase.

Stalingrad Days:

February 2
February 23 February
8 May
June 22 August
September 2 September
November 19
December 9

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Thu Jul 27, 2023 2:41 pm

Another monument to Stalin appeared in Sochi
July 27, 0:07


In the center of Sochi, another bust of Stalin was recently installed , which organically complements the busts of the great Soviet commanders.


Now in Sochi there are already 2 monuments to Stalin.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Sat Aug 05, 2023 3:28 pm

Monument to Stalin unveiled in Velikiye Luki
August 4, 21:32


On August 15, another monument to Stalin will appear in Russia. Installed in Velikiye Luki.
As I have been writing since the noughties, the erection of monuments to Stalin in Russia is historically inevitable.

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Yeah, ain't much to these posts. it's the cumulative effect, you see.
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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Wed Aug 09, 2023 3:00 pm

About the cult of personality
August 8, 23:39


On the topic of such bad taste, 2 classic incorruptibles are usually recalled.

“Somehow Brezhnev came to the doctor with a problem and said:

“Doctor, I have a problem ... I can’t go to the toilet for the most part, help


- Yes, how is it, comrade Brezhnev ?!
- What is it?
- You don’t have a hole ...
- How not ... Here are the bastards, they licked them !!! "

* * *

From a conversation between Stalin and the writer Leon Feuchtwanger about Stalin's personality cult in the USSR.

Feuchtwanger. I've only been here 4-5 weeks. One of the first impressions: some forms of respect and love for you seem to me exaggerated and tasteless. You give the impression of a simple and modest person. Are these forms an unnecessary burden for you?

Stalin. I completely agree with you. It is unpleasant when they exaggerate to hyperbolic dimensions. People go into ecstasy because of trifles. Out of hundreds of greetings, I answer only 1-2, do not allow most of them to be printed, I do not allow to print too enthusiastic greetings at all, as soon as I find out about them. Nine-tenths of these greetings are really complete bad taste. And they make me feel uncomfortable.

I would like not to justify - it is impossible to justify, but to explain in a human way - whence such unbridled, reaching to cloying delight around my person. Apparently, in our country we have succeeded in solving a great problem for which generations of people have struggled for whole centuries - Babouvists, Hebertists, all sorts of sects of French, English, German revolutionaries. Apparently, the solution of this problem (it was cherished by the working and peasant masses): liberation from exploitation causes tremendous delight. People are too glad that they managed to free themselves from exploitation. They literally do not know where to put their joy.

Liberation from exploitation is a very big deal, and the masses are celebrating it in their own way. All this is attributed to me - this, of course, is not true, what can one person do? In me they see a collective concept and build around me a fire of calf delights.

Feuchtwanger. As a person who sympathizes with the USSR, I see and feel that feelings of love and respect for you are completely sincere and elementary. Precisely because you are so loved and respected, can you stop with your word these forms of rapture that confuse some of your friends abroad?

Stalin. I tried several times to do this. But nothing works. You tell them it's not good, it's not good. People think I'm talking out of false modesty.

They wanted to celebrate my 55th birthday. I got through the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks the prohibition of this. Complaints began to come in that I was preventing them from celebrating, expressing their feelings, that it was not about me. Others said that I was breaking. How to prevent these manifestations of rapture? Force cannot be. There is freedom of expression. You can ask in a friendly way.

This is a manifestation of a well-known lack of culture. Over time, this will get boring. It's hard to stop expressing your joy. It is a pity to take strict measures against the workers and peasants.

There are already great victories. Previously, the landowner and capitalist was a demiurge, workers and peasants were not considered people. Now the bondage of the working people has been lifted. Huge win! The landlords and capitalists have been expelled, the workers and peasants are the masters of life. They come to veal delight.

Our people are still lagging behind in terms of general culture, so the expression of delight turns out like this. The law, the prohibition, cannot do anything here. You can get into a funny position. And the fact that some people abroad are upset by this, there's nothing to be done about it. Culture is not immediately achieved. We are doing a lot in this area: for example, in 1935 and 1936 alone we built more than 2,000 new schools in cities. By all means we are trying to raise culture, but the results will be felt in 5-6 years. The cultural upsurge is slow. Enthusiasm grows rapidly and ugly.

Feuchtwanger. I am not talking about the feeling of love and respect on the part of the worker and peasant masses, but about other cases. Your busts exhibited in different places are ugly, poorly made. At the exhibition of the layout of Moscow, where you still think of you first of all, why is there a bad bust? At the Rembrandt exhibition, deployed with great taste, why is there a bad bust?

Stalin. The question is legitimate. I meant the broad masses, not bureaucrats from various institutions. As for the bureaucrats, it cannot be said that they have no taste. They are afraid that if there is no bust of Stalin, then either the newspaper or the boss will scold them, or the visitor will be surprised. This is an area of ​​careerism, a peculiar form of "self-defense" of bureaucrats: in order not to be touched, a bust of Stalin must be put up.

Alien elements, careerists, cling to any party that wins (Here Stalin indirectly quotes Lenin: “We are afraid of the excessive expansion of the party, because careerists and rogues who deserve only to be shot will inevitably strive to cling to the government party” - Lenin V. I. Children's disease of "leftism" in communism // Lenin V. I. Complete collection of works, 5th ed., vol. 41. M., 1970. P. 30). They try to protect themselves on the principle of mimicry - they put up busts, they write slogans that they themselves do not believe in. As for the poor quality of the busts, this is done not only intentionally (I know it happens), but also due to the inability to choose. I saw, for example, in the May Day demonstration, portraits of me and my comrades: they looked like all the devils. People carry them with delight and do not understand that the portraits are not suitable. Can't issue an order to put up good busts - well, to hell with them! There is no time to do such things, we have other things to do and cares, you don’t even look at these busts. ... nosti.html

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Damn, just like MI6 told me....oh, wait.
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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:06 pm

Preparations for Stalin's arrival in Velikiye Luki
August 14, 13:49


Preparations for the opening of a new monument to Stalin in Velikiye Luki. The official grand opening will take place tomorrow.


By the way, the director of the "Kirov Plant" played a significant role in organizing the process of the appearance of the monument to Stalin in Velikiye Luki.

Let's see the opening tomorrow.
In total, 3-4 more new monuments to Stalin may appear in Russia this year. in addition to the new monument in Sochi and the monument in Velikiye Luki. Plus, the construction of the Stalin Center in the Nizhny Novgorod region is already underway.

"The old people will die out and everyone will forget about Stalin" (c) any liberal from the 90s ... Wow-ha.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:37 pm

Busts and monuments to Stalin in Russia
October 9, 11:35


As I wrote back in the mid-2000s, the restoration of monuments to Stalin in Russia is a historical inevitability.
Today we see how this inevitability has arrived.
It is also called the “wind of history.”

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:38 pm

The number of monuments to Stalin is growing
October 20, 22:06


They say that as if there is something bad in it.
I would also complain that the Stalin Center is being built in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
The dogs bark, the Stalinist caravan moves on. I’ll upset the CIA trash heap, but the number of monuments to Stalin in Russia will continue to grow, and the vast majority of them are erected thanks to a popular impulse from below, since our government has a rather cool attitude towards Stalin, although after the start of the Northern Military District it was forced to somewhat tone down the degree of anti-Stalinism, yes and many anti-Stalinists today have either been convicted of espionage or pedophilia, or fled the country as foreign agents. It is also noteworthy that among those who in previous years spoke out in defense of Stalin, there were no modern enemies of the people and traitors, but among the anti-Stalinists, there were plenty of them. Coincidence? Don't think.
That is why monuments will appear. Not because Stalin will rise from the grave and return. They appear as symbols of his rehabilitation in the public consciousness and recognition of his historical services to Russia. And after the SVO, also as symbols of the true sovereignty of our country.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:36 pm

A bust of Stalin was installed in Orlov
October 25, 6:54


In the city of Orlov, Kirov region, another bust of Stalin was erected.

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Re: Stalin is trending

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:37 pm

Posted by Roger Keeran and Joseph Jamison | Oct 30, 2023 | Featured Stories | 1

October 27, 2023


Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend by Domenico Losurdo, translated and with a foreword by Henry Hakamaki and Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro. United States and United Kingdom: Iskra Books, 2023. 369 Pp. $15.34.

In December 1953, Ernesto Che Guevara, a 25-year-old recent graduate of medical school was traveling through Latin America. In Costa Rica he wrote to his aunt: “In El Paso, I had the opportunity to pass through the realms of United Fruit [Company], which once again convinced me of how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I swore before a picture of the old and lately lamented companero, Stalin, not to rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated.” This incident reminds us that for revolutionaries at this time, Stalin represented the leader of the first socialist state, a hero and an inspiration.

The reigning image of Stalin today is far removed from that of Guevara’s hero. Rather it the image of a paranoid, power-hungry, ignorant, ruthless and bloodthirsty tyrant. In Stalin: History and Critique of a Black Legend, Domenico Losurdo examines the major writings on Stalin to explain the development of this legend and to argue the legend rests on unsubstantiated allegations, a neglect of well-established facts and testimony, the willful omission of historical context, and the reliance on preposterous analogies, such as the equation of Stalin and Hitler. Losurdo’s discourse evokes awe and outrage at the spectacle of the clever and brazen ways that western intellectuals have crafted a false image of Stalin while wallowing in their own self-righteousness and in the adulation of the powers that be.

Losurdo was a Marxist professor of philosophy and history at the University of Urbino and author of over 50 books, only several of which are available in English. He died of brain cancer in 2018 at the age of 76.

Losurdo shows that the creation of the black legend began with Leon Trotsky and his followers in the 1930s, and was furthered by such Cold War ideologues as the philosopher Hanna Arendt and the historian Robert Conquest. The real turning point in the creation and spread of the black legend was the so-called secret speech by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev to the XXth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party in 1956. This speech crystalized many of the elements of the black legend: that Stalin had created a cult of personality, that Lenin had warned the party against Stalin, that Stalin practiced mass repression, that he executed his rivals, that he may have been responsible for the murder of Leningrad Party leader Sergei Kirov, that he weakened the army by executing military commanders, that he was depressed and passive at the onset of the German invasion, and that he was a poor military commander.

What made Khrushchev’s accusations so potent was that they were made not by a renegade from the revolution like Leon Trotsky nor by a bourgeois philosopher like Arendt nor by an ex-British intelligence officer like Conquest, but by a former comrade in arms of Stalin, and the leader of the Soviet Union and the international Communist movement. Khrushchev’s so-called revelations were not only gleefully embraced by the capitalist world they also were accepted, with the notable exception of the Chinese, by most communist parties. In this way, the black legend became the reigning paradigm in the West a historical axiom that foreclosed further examination.

Losurdo’s book is a tour de force whose analysis relies on 346 books including works originally published in Russian, English, German, and French, as well as Italian. Losurdo examines and disputes nearly every aspect of the black legend. A couple of examples of his argument will have to suffice.

In marshalling evidence to counter the dominant anti-Stalin narrative Losurdo’s method relies on the testimony of political figures as well as historians who would have no conceivable motive to present Stalin in a favorable light. Losurdo points out that in the 1930s the exiled Trotsky, leader of the anti-Stalin opposition, was openly calling for overthrow of the Soviet government by force. Losurdo cites Trotskyist author W. S. Rogowin. “With great intellectual honesty and taking advantage of the new, rich documentary material available thanks to the opening of the Russian archives” Rogowin wrote, the ‘Moscow trials were not an unmotivated and cold-blooded crime but Stalin’s reaction in the course of an acute political struggle.’ ” Losurdo shows a “fifth column,” working with outside forces, existed in the Soviet Russia of the 1930s. The Goebbels Diaries disclosed that Hitler’s secret services had three clandestine radio transmitters broadcasting into Russia. Any government would regard these facts as a threat to national security.

Critics of Stalin often cite the sacking and execution of Marshal Tukhachevsky in 1937 as an example of Stalin’s bloodthirsty lust for power. Marshal Tukhachevsky, whom Stalin had made marshal a year before, was indicted, tried, and executed for treason along with other leading members of the Red Army. Losurdo states the affair “must be understood in the context of the civil war within the new ruling group that had emerged from the collapse of the ancien regime.” This context involved of “mutual accusations of treason and collusion and with the imperialist enemy” as well as “the real activity of secret services in recruiting agents and in deception.”

Moreover, the Tukhachevsky affair had another backdrop. Lenin had expressed concern that the revolution faced a “Bonapartist danger,” i.e., a danger of a military takeover and the ousting of the civilian Bolshevik leadership. In 1920 during the brief Polish-Soviet war, the Red Army head, Tukhachevsky validated this worry by defying civilian approval with his desire to push on to Warsaw.

Context is everything. As war drew near circumstances became more ominous. In early 1937 Trotsky’s publications in Europe were calling for imminent army revolt against Soviet leaders. At the same time rumors were circulated in Paris by White army veterans about preparations in Moscow for a military coup. In January 1937 information reached the Czechoslovak president Edward Benes concerning secret “negotiations” between the Third Reich and the anti-Stalin clique in the USSR, involving “Marshal Tukhachevsky, Rykov and others.” Benes passed the report on to the Soviet leader. Hitler himself had observed that Stalin had good reasons to fear assassination by Tukhachevsky’s circle. In his war memoirs Churchill wrote that “Stalin was conscious of personal debt to President Benes.“ The historian Isaac Deutscher, the biographer of Trotsky, wrote that “numerous anti-Stalinist versions [of the Tukhachevsky affair] also claimed that the generals did indeed plan a coup d’état.”

Losurdo concludes that though “doubts remain,” it is “difficult to explain the whole affair with the usual deus ex machina: the dictator thirsty for power and blood and in any case ready to surround himself only with puppets ready for blind and unconditional obedience.” Indeed, Stalin replaced Tukhachevsky with generals who exhibited independent judgment and openly expressed differences with Stalin about some military matters.

Another feature of the black legend is that Stalin was an antisemite. Losurdo finds this charge absurd, particularly because Stalin denounced antisemitism “practically throughout his entire evolution.” As early as 1901 at age 22 Stalin’s writings contain denunciations of oppression of “nationalities and religious denominations.” In 1931 in a statement to the American Jewish Telegraph Agency, the Soviet leader branded “racial chauvinism” and antisemitism as a kind of “cannibalism” and a return to the “jungle.” After Hitler came to power Stalin condemned “German
fascism with its pogrom ideology, its antisemitism, its view of higher and lower races.” After the Second World War, at the Nuremberg trials, the Soviet prosecutors alone called special attention to the Nazi genocide of the Jews. In the postwar period, Stalin followed a fundamentally pro-Jewish Palestinian policy.

Losurdo notes this great irony: “The support he [Stalin] gave to the foundation and consolidation of the Jewish state is at the same time the contribution he made to the Nakba, that is to say, the national catastrophe of the Palestinian people who for decades have had to languish in refugee camps…If, for the sake of absurdity, antisemitism were to be attributed to Stalin. it would be anti-Arab antisemitism.”

Stalin’s detractors often adduce the so called “Doctors Plot” as proof of Stalin’s antisemitism. If anything, this episode demonstrates the opposite. Up to the end, Stalin entrusted his health care to many Jewish doctors, and in any case, among the doctors accused of plotting against him, only a few were Jews.

Nor does it make sense to speak of antisemitism as Soviet policy. For example, no army in the world had as many Jews in the upper echelons as the Red Army. Losurdo endorses the view of a historian who observed that in the 20th century “the USSR was the country that saved the largest number of Jews.” Moreover under Stalin, twenty years before the creation of Israel, the Soviets created a homeland for the Jews in Birobidzhan, a Jewish autonomous region in the Soviet far east.

Another crime attributed to Stalin is that he deliberately created a famine in Ukraine in 1932-1933. Robert Conquest, the British intelligence agent turned Cold War historian famously peddled this thesis. Losurdo shows that a mountain of evidence and testimony point to the absurdity of the thesis. The disruption created by forced agricultural collectivization did lead to temporary scarcity and hunger in Ukraine but not deliberate famine. After a 1934 visit, the French Prime Minister denied that there was severe and extensive of hunger in Ukraine. Visiting diplomats from Mussolini’s Italy saw a policy of “valorization of Ukrainian national characteristics.” Soviet power pursued a policy of what we would call affirmative action toward Ukraine and other non-Russian nationalities, that is promoting national leaders, language, and culture. Referring to the Ukrainians as “brothers and comrades,” Stalin declared that “it is obvious that there is a Ukrainian nation and it is the duty of Communists to develop its culture.” These facts fail to fit the image of Stalin as the author of Ukrainian genocide.

Losurdo poses the question: how could such a grotesque and caricatured portrait as the one drawn by Khrushchev rise to the dignity of a historiographical and political dogma? He argues that the French Revolution, the most radical of the great bourgeois democratic revolutions, led to a demonization of Robespierre and the French Jacobins similar to the demonization of Stalin and the Bolsheviks. In July 1794, the Jacobins were overthrown. Thereafter, the Jacobins — in particular the executed Maximilien Robespierre – were pilloried by their victorious opponents as “spreaders of darkness and ignorance” even though the Jacobins had created a compulsory public schooling system in France. Their enemies charged that the Jacobins had guillotined “tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, some even speak of millions.” The Jacobins were said to be “drinkers of human blood,” “cannibal hordes;” they were “these frightful cannibals”, “sultans,” “satyrs,” organizers of “orgies;” they wanted to “weed out the human race.” When placed in the historical context of the reputational damage endured other revolutionaries, the treatment of Stalin becomes somewhat comprehensible.

In his challenge to the black legend, Losurdo does not stand alone. In recent years, a variety of historians have refuted many aspects of legend. These include Grover Furr, Mark Tauger, Wendy Goldman, Geoffrey Roberts, and even the mainstream historian, Stephen Kotkin. Losurdo stands apart by his comprehensive and detailed demolition of the legend.

Over many years, we have read scores of books on Stalin by writers across the political spectrum, and we submit that if one were to read just one book on Stalin, this book by Losurdo should be it. ... o-losurdo/
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