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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 03, 2024 3:42 pm

Military coup in South Korea
December 3, 17:51


Martial law declared in South Korea

Against the backdrop of the threat of impeachment of the President of South Korea, he decided to hide behind the "North Korean threat" and declared martial law in the country. Although, of course, President Yun Seok-yol is threatened first and foremost by his own people and the opposition, who are pushing for impeachment proceedings for various offenses and mistakes. Including the failure of foreign policy in relations with Japan and the DPRK.
More than 800,000 signatures have already been collected for the resignation of the President.

The DPRK, of course, is not going to attack anyone first and it poses a threat only to those who want to change the political regime there by invasion or a coup d'etat.

In fact, a military coup is taking place in South Korea.
The work of parliament has been suspended, rallies and meetings have been banned, and the activities of political parties have been suspended. Power is actually concentrated in the hands of the President (who is threatened with impeachment) and the military.
Medical personnel have been ordered to report to work within 48 hours. Violators can be arrested without a warrant.
Thus, everything is moving towards the fact that "democratic" South Korea will be ruled by a military junta.

The President of Korea declared that the threat comes from North Korean communist forces and the anti-state parliament, which threaten to undermine the liberal order in the country.
And that is why a military coup is happening.

It seems that the reason for such a hasty military coup is that the parliament was preparing to initiate an impeachment case against the president, which would most likely end with the removal of the president from office, followed by a trial and imprisonment (this happens in South Korea).

Therefore, acting preemptively, the president went ahead to seize power and establish a military dictatorship under the chatter about the threat to North Korea and the communists. This also often happens in South Korea.

Let me remind you that domestic liberals very often like/liked to set up South Korea as an example of exemplary democracy.


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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Wed Dec 04, 2024 2:50 pm

K-pop revolution
December 4, 11:07


1. The President of South Korea starts a military coup because of the "threat of communism".
2. The coup fails, martial law is revoked, the military cannot block the parliament, the parliament lifts martial law. The military disperses.
3. The communist threat has won! Tomorrow everyone will study the works of Kim Il Sung.

It has been a long time since we have seen a more ridiculous attempt at a military coup.
They even outdid the Bolivian fascists.

P.S. Please note that there are no military coups in North Korea. The rule of law and people's democracy prevail there. And not all this...


A country with rich democratic traditions
December 4, 17:14


A country with rich democratic traditions

For a better understanding of the realities of South Korea.

1. Syngman Rhee (1948-1960) - overthrown
2. Yun Bo-sun (1960-1962) - overthrown
3. Park Chung-hee (1962-1979) - assassinated
4. Choi Kyu-ha (1979 - 1980) - ousted by a military coup
5. Chun Doo-hwan (1981-1988) - sentenced to death after completing his presidential term.
6. Roh Tae-woo (1988-1993) - sentenced to 22 years in prison after completing his presidential term.
7. Kim Yong-sam (1993-1998) - served in prison until his presidential term. As president, he achieved the conviction of his two predecessors.
8. Kim Dae-jung (1998-2003) – Was imprisoned and sentenced to death before becoming president (later pardoned). Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
9. Roh Moo-hyun (2003-2008) – Impeached (overturned by the Constitutional Court). Was under investigation for corruption after his presidential term ended. Committed suicide
10. Lee Myung-bak (2008-2013) – Arrested after his presidential term ended and is under arrest for corruption.
11. Park Geun-hye (2013 -2016) – Impeached. Arrested for corruption. 24 years in prison.


It is immediately obvious that this is an exemplary democratic state with rich traditions.
This president will also be jailed sooner or later. For 20 years.
Maybe something can be fixed at the conservatory?


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South Korea - Majority Wins As President's Putsch Fails

The attempted coup by the president of South Korea against the majority in the National Assembly has failed.

The quick reaction of the leadership of the Democratic Party, which holds the majority, has saved the day.

There was a struggle over the budget which the president's minority government had lost.

In a furious reaction President Yoon Suk Yeol and his defense minister and school buddy Kim Yong-hyun decided to declare martial law. Remarkably the prime minister of the president's government was not informed about the step:

Prime Minister Han Duck-soo was completely unaware of President Yoon Suk Yeol's martial law declaration. This was because Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, a former upperclassman of President Yoon in high school, bypassed the prime minister and communicated directly with the president.
Additionally, elite military units, specifically the 1st Airborne Special Forces Brigade, were deployed to the National Assembly, signaling an aggressive move to suppress political opposition.

A source said, "This martial law action appears orchestrated by the 'Chungam faction,' with (Defense) Minister Kim directly coordinating with President Yoon." The "Chungam faction" refers to those who graduated from Chungam High School in Seoul.

Following the president's emergency briefing and martial law declaration, the military established the Martial Law Command within the Ministry of National Defense compound, appointing Army Chief of Staff Park An-su as the commander.

Diplomatic sources noted that despite the defense minister's recommendation for martial law, no cabinet meeting was convened, leaving the prime minister and his staff uninformed.

Opposition parties suspect that direct communication channels between the military and police were activated during the martial law declaration process.

They believe that the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency was engaged directly, bypassing the National Police Agency, to control access to the National Assembly.

Under martial law the National Assembly was to be suspended. Strikes were declared illegal and the media would come under censorship.

But immediately after the president announced martial law the leader of the Democratic Party in the National Assembly called for a meeting in the parliament.

At the same time the military and police were sent to block any assembly member from entering the National Assembly.

The parliamentarians won the race.

Just 150 minutes after the presidential announcement 191 of the 300 members of the National Assembly voted to immediately end the martial law status. Troops and police entered the parliament but the vote against martial law had already taken place.

Unions announced to go on strike and people came out into the street to protest the president's step. Yoon's senior aids offered to resign en masse. There was no sensible way left for him but to concede:

President Yoon Suk Yeol announced the lifting of emergency martial law early Wednesday, as the National Assembly voted to call for its end with the United States expressing "grave concern" over the hourslong saga.
His Cabinet approved a motion to end martial law enforcement at 4:30 a.m., around six hours after he made the surprise emergency declaration, accusing the nation's opposition of "paralyzing" the government with "anti-state" activities -- a decision that caused concerns across the country and beyond.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said that troops, who were mobilized to execute martial law, have returned to base in a move that restored a sense of normalcy.

The opposition, with holds a majority in the National Assembly, has launched an impeachment procedures against the president. The National Assembly will have three days to vote on it. The Democratic Party will need nine additional votes from the president's People Power Party to gain the necessary two-third majority to pass the impeachment.

Several groups within the People Power Party were already positioned against the president. This makes it likely that the impeachment will pass.

The U.S. received some egg on its face. It seemed ready to side with the putsch and did not issue a word against it.

Laura Rozen @lrozen - 17:59 UTC · Dec 3, 2024
Biden admin Asia hand, Deputy Sec State Kurt Campbell, at event earlier today:

“So we are watching the recent developments in the ROK with grave concern. We’re seeking to engage our ROK counterparts at every level both here and in Seoul. The President, the National Security Advisor, the Secretary of State have all been briefed on developments and are being kept appraised of the situation as it unfolds.

I do want to underscore that our alliance with the ROK is ironclad, and we stand by Korea in their time of uncertainty. I also want to just underscore that we have every hope and expectation that any political disputes will be resolved peacefully and in accordance with the rule of law. We’ll have more to say as the situation develops.”

As the putsch was ongoing the U.S. embassy in South Korea said nothing about the rule of law or democracy.

It is notable that the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea, Philip Goldberg, had previously been kicked out of Bolivia and the Philippines for attempts to overthrow the respective sitting governments. He is supposed to leave South Korea in January.

It is likely that Goldberg, and Washington DC, was informed about Yoon's martial law plans but did not attempt to prevent them.

Posted by b on December 4, 2024 at 9:42 UTC | Permalink

https://www.moonofalabama.org/2024/12/s ... .html#more


South Korea’s Unsuccessful Self-Coup Could Complicate America’s “Pivot (Back) To Asia”

Andrew Korybko
Dec 04, 2024


Yoon is hawkish on North Korea, is considering arming Ukraine against Russia, and went along with the US’ plans to organize a trilateral alliance between them and Japan, but all this might change if he’s replaced by the opposition after early elections, thus complicating the US’ “Pivot (back) to Asia”.

The world is trying to make sense of South Korea’s six-hour -long period of martial law that was imposed on Tuesday night until early Wednesday morning local time. It was the first time that the country experienced such since 1980. President Yoon Suk Yeol claimed that the opposition was conniving to overthrow him as part of an anti-state plot that he connected to North Korea. They control parliament, had tried to impeach him multiple times already, and were obstructing his legislative efforts.

This same opposition then raced to the National Assembly and voted to lift martial law. The military then stopped trying to storm the premises once that motion passed, and Yoon relented after he and his Cabinet complied with their demand. While it was still in effect, some on social media lent credence to his claims of an anti-state plot, while others speculated that the US had something to do with this even though a National Security Council spokesperson told Axios that they didn’t receive any advance notice.

There are now calls for his resignation and to even charge him with treason. His political career is likely over. Yoon’s wife, Kim Keon-hee, might also go down with him due to her numerous scandals that he refused to investigate. Readers can learn more about them here and here. In hindsight, it compellingly appears as though Yoon wanted to stage a self-coup on predictable national security pretexts connected to North Korea out of desperation to keep himself in power and his wife out of trouble.

The implications of this hypothesis are many but what follows are the most immediate:


1. Even Traditional Allies Aren’t Fully Under America’s Control

It’s understandable why some speculated during the height of this crisis that the US had something to do with it since South Korea is one of the US’ longest allies over which it wields enormous influence, but Yoon’s arguably rogue actions show that even traditional allies aren’t fully under America’s control.

2. The World Is Reminded Of South Korea’s Elite Political Corruption

Few outside the country know that “half of all living former South Korean presidents are now in prison” since South Korea’s international reputation prioritizes its economic strength and cultural appeal, but it’s six-hour-long period of martial law reminded the world of its elite political corruption.

3. The Defense Minister Is Either Equally Corrupt Or Knows Something

It’s now confirmed that Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun personally proposed martial law to his former schoolmate Yoon, so either he’s equally corrupt or perhaps there’s more than meets the eye to Yoon’s accusation of North Korean influence over the opposition, even if that doesn’t justify what he did.

4. The New Cold War Isn’t Really About Democracy vs. Dictatorship

What happened also debunks the false narrative pushed by the US about the New Cold War being about democracy vs. dictatorship since the unsuccessful self-coup in one of America’s traditional allies shows that anti-democratic and pro-dictatorship tendencies are alive and well in the US’ sphere of influence.

5. Yoon’s Fall Might Complicate The US’ “Pivot (Back) To Asia”

Yoon is hawkish on North Korea, is considering arming Ukraine, and went along with the US’ plans to organize a trilateral alliance between them and Japan, but all this might change if he’s impeached and the opposition replaces him after early elections, thus complicating the US’ “Pivot (back) to Asia”.


More clarity will be forthcoming, but for now, it does indeed appear as though Yoon cooked up an unsuccessful self-coup in cahoots with the Defense Minister. The most important consequence of their actions is that the US might now be forced to change aspects of its “Pivot (back) to Asia” if the opposition soon comes to power as expected and reforms South Korea’s foreign policy. This, much more than the ignominy that those two now face at home, might therefore be their longest-lasting legacy.

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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:10 pm

Why North Korea Became Russia's Ally
December 6, 17:36


Why North Korea Became Russia's Ally

If you read the odious Western press, the weak, exhausted, almost defeated Putin was forced to beg Kim Jong-un for ammunition and soldiers.

Borrell, who looked haggard after his trip to Kiev, said in his "demobilization" speech: "Without support from North Korea and Iran, Russia would not have been able to continue waging this war."

Of course, this all somehow resembles Goebbels' propaganda at its end in 1945. The nonsense that is becoming obvious is being seasoned with complete delirium.

On the other hand, you can often see talk of mutually beneficial cooperation: Russia helps North Korea with military technology, expresses support for the regime and allows its army to gain some combat experience, and the DPRK will help in the SVO. It turns out to be something like an exchange, and everyone is happy. A pragmatic approach.

But how is this fundamentally different from Western propaganda, in which circumstances and external pressure have brought our countries closer together?

If pragmatism were at the core of the DPRK's foreign policy, then we would have seen at least a vacillation when external conditions changed. Whereas the DPRK has generally always supported Russia, despite the fact that Russia has not always been well-disposed towards it. Even in our most pro-Western and liberal times, the DPRK has not allowed itself, officially or unofficially, a single critical word about Russia. In addition, the DPRK has officially recognized the validity and legality of Crimea's annexation to the Russian Federation in 2014. The North Korean leaders, towards whom many of our authors have a rather condescending attitude, have developed a strategic view of things. The DPRK is one of the few countries that, on the one hand, has never wavered or had any illusions about the West in general or the United States in particular, and on the other hand, has realized the historical and political inevitability of uniting against the West, including Russia.

Kim Jong-un met with Vladimir Putin for the first time in 2019 and made extremely flattering statements:

“The peoples of our countries have long since cemented their military friendship during the joint struggle in the great anti-Japanese war of the last century, and the valiant soldiers and officers of the Red Army unhesitatingly shed their hot blood in the name of the liberation of Korea. Years and centuries pass, but our people remember and will forever cherish the memory of those noble international feats that the sons and daughters of the Russian people accomplished, giving their priceless lives in the name of the sacred cause of the liberation of Korea... Dear Russian friends! The fraternal Russian people support the energetic leadership, purposeful and firm will of Mr. Putin and, overcoming many internal and external challenges, achieve brilliant successes in building a strong and prosperous Russia. And we are happy to follow these successes, perceiving them as our own.”

At that time, all this was perceived by us exclusively as a diplomatic panegyric, “Asian specificity”. But 2022 put a lot of things in their place.

As early as February 26, 2022, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published a commentary by a North Korean international relations scholar: “The root cause of the Ukrainian crisis is the impudence and arbitrariness of the United States, which exclusively adheres to unilateral sanctions and pressure, pursuing only the goals of global hegemony and military superiority, ignoring Russia’s legitimate demand for its security.”

Two days later, on February 28, 2022, the DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman responded to a question about Ukraine:

“The United States and the West have systematically destroyed the security environment in Europe; they have made an overt attempt to deploy an offensive weapons system, persistently pushing NATO’s expansion to the East, ignoring Russia’s rational and fair demand for legal security guarantees.

The United States and the West have already turned Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya into ruins. However, it is illogical that they are now talking about “respect for sovereignty” and “territorial integrity” in connection with the recent situation in Ukraine provoked by them.

The greatest danger facing the world today is the willfulness and arbitrariness of the United States and its vassal forces, which undermine the foundations of international peace and stability.

Reality once again clearly proves that peace can never be established in the whole world as long as the unilateral policy of the United States and the policy of double standards, which threatens the peace and security of a sovereign state, exist.”

On March 2, 2022, the DPRK was among the five countries that voted against the UN General Assembly resolution “Aggression against Ukraine.” The DPRK Permanent Representative to the UN explained: “The root cause of the Ukrainian crisis is the hegemonic policy of the United States and the West, which indulge in willfulness and arbitrariness towards other countries. The United States and other Western countries, contrary to Russia's reasonable and fair demands for legal guarantees, have undermined the security system in Europe by attempting to deploy offensive weapons there and seeking NATO's expansion to the east. The greatest danger is the position of the United States and its allies, which is undermining the foundations of international peace and stability."

Of the old statements by the DPRK, another noteworthy message was from Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo Jong on January 27, 2023:

"The machinations of the United States, which posed a serious threat of war to the entire European continent and caused all sorts of anxiety, have now crossed more dangerous boundaries.

The United States, by pumping Ukraine with many weapons, "distinguished itself" in stimulating the continuation of unstable world events, and recently clarified its confrontational approaches against Russia with an official statement on the supply of its main battle tanks.

This is the vile essence of the US, which is trying to achieve its hegemonic goal by further expanding the proxy war aimed at destroying Russia.

Without the US, the world will be brighter, safer and more peaceful than it is now.

It is the US that is the main culprit, which creates a serious threat and challenge to Russia's strategic security, bringing the situation in the region to the dangerous brink, as it is today.

The WPK is deeply concerned about the behavior of the US, which leads to the escalation of the war by supplying Ukraine with combat equipment for a ground attack, and strongly condemns it.

The US and Western countries, which, completely ignoring Russia's security concerns, transfer military installations to Ukraine for astronomical amounts, destroying global peace and security in the region, have no right to condemn the right of a sovereign state to self-defense.

Now the US is trying to use the military potential of even its main satellites on the anti-Russian front, not to mention Western countries.

The battlefield in Ukraine is far from the Middle Eastern desert where American tanks roamed freely 20 years ago.

I have no doubt that any weapons that the US and the West are proud of will be completely destroyed and turned into scrap metal by the unwavering fighting spirit and power of the heroic army and people of Russia.

No matter how much the imperialist coalition forces rage, they will never be able to break the heroic spirit of the army and people of Russia, who possess high patriotism, tenacity and steadfast spiritual strength.

We will always be in the same trench with the army and people of Russia, who have risen to fight to defend the dignity and honor of the state, the sovereignty and security of the country."

Is it possible to imagine that all this anti-Americanism is caused by the desire to "curry favor" with Russia, to achieve allied relations and the like? If we were not talking about North Korea, one could assume so. But in the DPRK, the banner of national pride is raised too high, the infallibility of the leaders is too significant to throw around such words and then, if anything, write it all off as “maneuvers” and “diplomacy.” After all, all these messages are published not only in Russian, but also in Korean, they are broadcast on TV, etc. I would not be surprised if North Korean schoolchildren study the above quotes in class.

So the inspiration and initiative of the country of Juche's support for Russia is dictated rather by the fact that our actual policy is inevitably converging with North Korea's. And the latter is dictated not only by external circumstances, but also by a principled position regarding the essence of the world order.

It is important to note that the Juche ideology in North Korea is considered a universal and general philosophy, a political and revolutionary doctrine, and a further development of communist theory. Thus, from the point of view of Juche, the world has entered an "era of independence" in which the masses are masters of their own destiny. At the same time, imperialism, primarily American, is hindering the development of independence. Moreover, the struggle for independence is international in nature, it is a process of joint struggle of all countries, nations and peoples of the world (usually oppressed and robbed), advocating for independence. Kim Jong Il (the father of the current leader): "The strategy of imperialists trying to destroy our ranks one by one must be countered with a strategy of unity."

Therefore, for North Koreans, everything is simple: those who fight against American, European, Japanese, etc. imperialism are their friends and allies.

In much the same way that America shits on the Russian Federation wherever it can, the DPRK shits on America wherever it can. That is why Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah fighters and everyone, everyone, everyone are running around with North Korean weapons. The DPRK has provided military aid and support to Vietnam, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Libya and many African revolutionary organizations. Naturally, due to its capabilities, which are incomparable with the USA. But the consistency of the DPRK's fight against the USA is beyond doubt.

If the Jucheists were pragmatists, they would behave completely differently in the international arena. They are not pragmatists, but people who are confident in the absolute superiority of an independent path based on their own strength.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the DPRK openly, directly and unconditionally supported the Russian Federation in its confrontation with NATO on the fields of Ukraine.

Strategically, the alliance of the Russian Federation and the DPRK is very unpleasant for the USA. Thus, the US Nuclear Policy Strategy of 2022 noted that by the 2030s the US would find itself in an unenviable position, as for the first time they would have to contain two nuclear powers with sufficient potential to really threaten the very existence of the US.

What would American strategists say if they had to contain three such powers? The DPRK military-industrial complex has already mastered hypersonic technologies in addition to missile and nuclear technologies. And the DPRK military doctrine assumes the use of nuclear weapons in a conventional armed conflict without any additional conditions. Kim Jong-un recently explained this to the UN Secretary General:

"Violation of the balance of strategic forces on the Korean Peninsula means war immediately. That is why our logic of building self-defense capability is absolutely flawless and fair, the essence of which is that it is necessary to master physical force capable of always deterring the enemy and controlling the situation. Our step, aimed at a super-powerful military country, a nuclear power, will accelerate even more. At the moment, when the alliance between the ROK and the US, as they advertise, has completely turned into a nuclear alliance, our state must prepare even more fully for a nuclear confrontation at an unlimited height. By the way, I would like to mention that on October 4 of this year, the representative of the UN Secretary General asked us: "It is desirable to see a decrease in the level of rhetoric." It is unclear whether such a request was conveyed to Seoul, but, taking this opportunity, I would like to emphasize again that if the world listens to my statements, then they must be understood correctly.

Each time, when covering our position on the use of armed forces, I accurately and constantly prefaced with the word "if." It is under the “if” conditions that our constitution gives our army a strict order. If the enemy intends to use armed force against our country, the armed forces of our Republic will not hesitate to use all their offensive capabilities. In this case, the use of nuclear weapons will not be ruled out. In such circumstances, I emphasize again, hoping to stay alive is futile. Neither fortune nor any “divine help” can protect the Republic of Korea. This is not a question of the level of rhetoric, as the UN says, but a clear warning that presupposes practical action.

Before us stands the largest possessor of nuclear weapons on the planet and the most vicious puppets who want to use them together.

Under such circumstances, our views, choice and determination are unchanged. The enemy must not act frivolously. They must deeply remember that if they mistake our warning for a naive bluffing statement, such as they always make, they will pay for it more sadly and cruelly.”

The United States maintains, roughly speaking, an army in South Korea and Japan. Plus a base in Guam. All of this is potentially under attack by the Korean People's Army (of course, taking into account the presence of China). And in connection with the allied cooperation with our country, the North Koreans are increasing their military potential every day.

Therefore, when the Americans say that the DPRK really threatens them, this is partly true. The DPRK really threatens American influence in the region and "bites" American imperialism wherever it reaches.

The Trump administration objectively faces a very difficult task - to destroy the friendly relations between Russia, North Korea, China and Iran. And these countries - to preserve them.

Anatoly Shirokoborodov,

https://alternatio.org/articles/article ... kom-rossii - zinc

Because the American imperialist dogs must suffer.

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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:37 pm

Happy New Year from Kim Jong-un
December 31, 8:57


Esteemed Comrade Kim Jong-un sent a congratulatory letter to the President of the Russian Federation, Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

On December 30, General Secretary of the WPK and Chairman of State Affairs of the DPRK, esteemed Comrade Kim Jong Un, sent a congratulatory letter to Russian President Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on the occasion of the New Year 2025.

Comrade Kim Jong Un, warmly congratulating Putin, his closest friend and comrade, on the New Year, on his own behalf, on behalf of the Korean people and all soldiers and officers of the armed forces of the Republic, sent warm congratulations to the fraternal Russian people and all servicemen of the brave Russian army.

Comrade Kim Jong Un, recalling the important path of 2024, on which the traditional Korean-Russian friendly relations were developed as relations of strategic cooperation, comradely relations of a new level, expressed readiness to design and vigorously advance new work to accomplish the cause of state building of both countries, for the peace and prosperity of the peoples of the two countries, in order to further strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership between the DPRK and the Russian Federation.

Comrade Kim Jong-un wished that the New Year 2025 would become the year of victory in the war in the 21st century, when the army and people of Russia would defeat the neo-Nazis and achieve a great victory, and also wished comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin even greater success in the responsible and difficult work of leading the state, and the Russian people - prosperity, well-being and happiness.

(c) KCNA

Comrade Kim Jong-un and our North Korean brothers in arms also Happy New Year.
I will simply note that Russia's closest military ally is the communist DPRK.

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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:40 pm

On the events in Korea

As public anger against the comprador ruling elite rises, the USA is standing on very shaky ground in its east Asian colony.
Harpal Brar

Thursday 9 January 2025

It is becoming increasingly difficult for south Korean politicians to maintain that they are presiding over a sovereign democracy while their own armed forces are under the command of a general from the US armed forces.

Yoon Suk Yeol’s declaration of martial law on 3 December 2024 was destined to come into conflict with the opposition Democratic party, which secured control of the 300-seat south Korean legislature in the election that took place last April. Since then, the Democratic party has blocked legislation and held up the national budget.

Government-affiliated agencies have embarked on a witch-hunt against the opposition, levelling charges of corruption; and anti-government elements have charged the president’s wife over questionable gifts of designer handbags.

In 2016, President Park Geun-hye was impeached after massive demonstrations by business professionals, families, workers and students at weekends. She was subsequently tried and sent to prison for several years on charges of bribery and influence peddling. Though Yoon has promised not to, he may declare a second emergency, which would have dire consequences. The army would come under severe public pressure to disobey its commander-in-chief, leading to a stock market crash and plummeting business confidence.

Yoon was elected in 2022 by the narrowest of margins. Parliament overruled Yoon’s martial law decree, following which, within hours, Yoon withdrew it and returned the troops to their barracks. On 8 December he was impeached.

More than 70 percent of the public want Yoon to be removed, and the crisis has precipitated massive protests in central Seoul which are threatening to become a torrent across the whole of south Korea.

The USA has maintained silence, though it is unbelievable that, with its 28,000 troop presence and vast network of intelligence infrastructure in the centre of Seoul, it did not have advance warning of Yoon’s provocative martial law declaration.

South Korea has always been a puppet of imperialism. It sent several thousand soldiers to Vietnam to help the US predatory war against the Vietnamese people. Yoon for his part has performed his role as a US poodle, supporting US foreign policy everywhere, from the Indo-Pacific to Ukraine.

In fact, it is as certain as it can be at the present time that Yoon declared martial law in consultation with the USA, which is concerned that a new south Korean presidential election is only too likely to be won by a candidate from the opposition Democratic party who, in turn, could ask the USA to hand over its control of the south Korean army to a south Korean commander. It is becoming increasingly difficult for south Korean politicians to maintain that they are presiding over a sovereign democracy while their own armed forces are under the command of a general from the US armed forces.

Such a demand would be one step nearer to south Korea demanding that the USA remove its troop presence entirely.

Such is anti-US sentiment, amounting to hatred of the presence of its troops, that public pressure could force the government to take such a step. That is the nightmare of the USA, for it could destroy its military strategy in that part of the world, spreading from Russia to China.

The US strategy is risky and fraught with danger, for if the USA refused to comply with such a demand (a very likely scenario), this would in all likelihood lead to a revolutionary uprising in south Korea that would sweep away the US troop presence, as well as the south Korean ruling comprador class. There would follow, after a while, the reunification of Korea under completely different conditions than those envisaged by US imperialism.

At last, the Korean people, forcibly separated by US armed might for 76 years, will be able to exercise their rights as a truly sovereign, independent people and take their place in the comity of nations.

Hasten the day. We wish the Korean people success.

Long live independent and sovereign Korea!
Death to imperialism!

https://thecommunists.org/2025/01/09/ne ... yoon-coup/
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Re: Korea

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:20 pm

North Korea Has Survived 75 Years of Barbaric Imperial Attack Under the Stewardship of the Much Maligned Kim Dynasty
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - January 15, 2025 3

[Source: flickr.com]

Development of nuclear weapons has enabled North Korea to avoid the fate of Libya, Syria and Iraq

Over the last 75 years, North Korea has been invaded and bombed back to the stone age by the United States, subjected to unprecedented economic warfare, vilified in the international media and had its population targeted in a massive psychological warfare campaign.

U.S. leaders have predicted its imminent demise many times, believing that the country is run by a depraved family dynasty that keeps its population in slavery.

Against insatiable odds, North Korea, however, has survived, with U.S. leaders getting it wrong.

The Kim dynasty isn’t reviled by its own people but genuinely respected by many of them because it has helped them to weather savage attacks by a brutal foreign empire over generations.

A key to the Kim’s survival has been the development of a nuclear weapons arsenal that has spared North Korea the fate of Libya, Iraq and Syria.

Another key is North Korea’s close relationship with China and now Russia, and the Kim family’s adherence to the Juche philosophy, which promotes self-reliance and support for industrial development.

Portrait of Kim Dynasty [Source: nationalgeographic.com]

Surviving the Unipolar Era
A.B. Abrams is the pen name of a former U.S. intelligence analyst who worked in North Korea and who has published important recent books on atrocity fabrication, the Syrian conflict, North Korea, and on U.S. imperialism in Southeast Asia.

[Source: barnesandnoble.com].
Abrams’ latest book, Surviving the Unipolar Era: North Korea’s 35 Year Standoff with the United States (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2024) tells the remarkable story of North Korea’s survival in the midst of a barbaric 75-year regime change operation by the United States.

The three-quarter-century-long regime change operation commenced at the end of World War II when Kim Il Sung consolidated power in North Korea and adopted a socialist model of governance.

Kim had wide popular backing as a nationalist hero who had fought the Japanese in Manchuria. Japan had colonized Korea beginning in 1905 as part of an attempt to forge a pacific empire to counter Western imperialism.

In an attempt to prevent Korea’s reunification under a socialist leader after World War II, the Truman administration artificially divided the country[1] and financed the military and police apparatus of Syngman Rhee, a conservative nationalist who massacred over 100,000 dissidents prior to the official outbreak of the Korean War in 1950.

Kim Il-Sung giving a speech in 1945. [Source: rfa.org]

Abrams discusses the horrific atrocities committed by the U.S. invading forces during the Korea War, which have been characterized as genocide by leading members of the South Korean government’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The atrocities included a massive bombing campaign and massacres that were erroneously blamed on the North Koreans. U.S. troops carried out mass rape, with some military commanders organizing patrols in villages for the sole purpose of raping Korean women.[2]

According to Abrams, a notable indicator of how the Korean War was fought was that the war crimes committed by U.S. and allied forces were used by the defense of Nazi German war criminals to argue, on the basis that their atrocities were no worse than those committed more recently by the U.S. in Korea, that they should have their sentences commuted.[3]

Photo from exhibit at Museum of American War Crimes in Pyongyang in which an American soldiers is shown torturing a North Korean captive. Torture was indeed routinely carried out by U.S. troops in the Korean War, foreshadowing the Vietnam War. [Source: chron.com]

In the decades that followed the Korean War armistice, Abrams details the expansion of a vast comfort women system for Am
erican military personnel in Korea, fueled by trafficking and rapes on a massive scale including of minors, and a prevailing debt slavery system, which provided further fuel for the North Korean leadership’s drive to keep their population outside Western control.[4]

The Kim family cemented its legitimacy in the postwar era by overseeing the remarkable reconstruction of North Korean cities and furthering North Korea’s industrialization.

Foreign observers noted the high levels of technical education among the North Korean workforce even in rural areas, with domestic industrial works such as hydroelectric dams considered to be nothing less than “engineering masterpieces.”[5]

The North Korean economy was far advanced of the South’s through the 1960s, until the Vietnam War resulted in an artificial boom there. The North Korean economy furthermore suffered tremendously from the collapse of the Soviet Union, whose terrible consequence was exacerbated by flooding and other natural disasters in the 1990s.

The Clinton administration sought to take advantage of the situation by denying relief aid while expanding extremely harsh economic sanctions through the UN Security Council, whose intent was to block all shipping into and out of the country and cut off all oil supplies.[6]

The Clinton administration planned for aerial strikes targeting the Yongbyon facility where North Korea was then developing nuclear weapons as a deterrent.[7]

Bill Clinton at the DMZ. [Source: history.com]

To prevent renewed outbreak of war that would entail staggering losses, the Clinton administration agreed to a framework by which the U.S. would move towards normalization of political and economic relations and make arrangements for the provision of a light water reactor project and oil deliveries to assist North Korea’s energy needs.

In exchange, North Korea agreed to freeze work at Yongbyon and allow for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections.[8]

Yongbyon nuclear complex. [Source: newsweek.com]

Abrams suggests that the Clinton administration signed the agreed framework only because it felt that North Korea was on the verge of collapse and had no intention of abiding by it. The light water project never got off the ground and oil deliveries were never made.[9]

Pushing North Korea Past the Point of No Return
The failure of U.S. economic warfare to facilitate regime collapse led to more aggressive approaches in the Bush and Obama eras, which pushed North Korea past the point of no return in its resolve to develop nuclear weapons.

Pulling out of Clinton’s agreed framework, a year into office on January 29, 2002, President Bush in his state-of-the union address labeled North Korea as a member of the Axis of Evil alongside Iran and Iraq.[10]

[Source: youtube.com]

Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton reportedly handed Bush a copy of the book The End of North Korea by Nicholas Eberstadt and said “that’s our policy.”[11]

[Source: goodreads.com]
An intelligence official who had attended White House meetings recalled that “Bush and Cheney want [Kim Jong-Il’s] head on a platter—they have a plan and they are going to get this guy after Iraq.”[12]

Iraq, of course, turned into a quagmire but Bush and Cheney also underestimated the Korean People’s Army (KPA’s) conventional military capabilities and breadth of North Korea’s underground munitions factories that made the country impossible to conquer.

Ashton Carter, who served as Defense Secretary during Obama’s second term, called North Korea, a “tough nut to crack,” stating that “North Koreans believe in socialism. But they believe even more in being proud Koreans…children in North Korea have several hours of political education a day. Their parents did and their grandparents did.”[13]

Ashton Carter [Source: abcnews.go.com]

The Obama administration intensified Bush’s regime change efforts through a) an escalation of economic warfare and cyber warfare attacks, b) expansion of subversive radio broadcasts into North Korea, c) expanded military exercises with South Korea that were designed to send a threatening message, and e) a large-scale media vilification campaign that included promotion of fabricated stories by defectors and sponsorship of a Hollywood film about a plot to assassinate North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-Un.[14]

Obama had his sights on North Korea. [Source: rferl.org]

Western journalists assisted in the vilification campaign by spreading outlandish stories that defied credibility. Kim Jong-Un was falsely accused, for example, of feeding his uncle to dogs.[15]

Fake news has abounded when it comes to North Korea. [Source: youtube.com]

Despite the harsh sanctions, Kim Jong-Un oversaw a rejuvenation of North Korea’s economy with a new emphasis on high tech industries along with investment in innovative projects for agriculture such as fish farming and floating rice fields.[16]

Abrams emphasizes that the Obama administration’s predictions of North Korean collapse was based on a prejudicial view of North Korea far removed from reality.

The fantasy of regime change was rooted in a colonial mentality that presupposed the U.S. capability of leading a supposedly backward Asian nation into enlightenment by importing U.S. style democracy.

Absent among those who embraced this vision was any consideration of the political-economic interests underlying U.S. intervention in Southeast Asia going back to the 19th century.

Nor any understanding that North Korea had been targeted for regime change precisely because its government had forged an independent industrialized economy and refused to allow for U.S. military bases on its territory that could provide a launching pad for attack on communist China.

Game Over
North Korea bolstered its defensive capabilities in the 2010s by testing ballistic missiles on an unprecedented scale and advancing its nuclear weapon program at Yongbyon.[17] As a sign of its military strength, it has become emboldened to revive the Cold War practice of sending troops to support countries fighting against U.S. imperialism, like Syria and allegedly Russia.[18]

In 2018, Foreign Policy published an article titled “The Game is Over and North Korea Has Won.” It observed: “North Korea has a large stockpile of compact nuclear weapons that can arm the country’s missiles, including its new intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States. That’s another way of saying game over.”[19]

North Korea is even stronger today, having unveiled even more advanced ICBM missiles such as the Hwasong-17 and 18, a tactical nuclear warhead, Hwasai-31, and developed effective air defense and satellite surveillance capability.[20]

North Korea’s defense sector has further demonstrated major advances in the production of modern conventional equipment, including cruise missiles and underwater drones.[21]

Hwasong-18 being paraded in Pyongyang. [Source: globalsecurity.org]

Hwasai-31. [Source: en.topwar.ru]

North Korea’s economy has meanwhile benefitted significantly from expanded trade with China and Russia, which has enabled it to increasingly offset the effects of U.S. sanctions.[22]

Abrams’ book ultimately makes clear that David (North Korea) has defeated Goliath (the USA)—after withstanding biblical scale devastation.

Whereas the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years before entering their promised land, North Koreans had to endure 75 years of pure hell, though have also come out stronger on the other end.

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