Why North Korea Became Russia's Ally
December 6, 17:36
Why North Korea Became Russia's Ally
If you read the odious Western press, the weak, exhausted, almost defeated Putin was forced to beg Kim Jong-un for ammunition and soldiers.
Borrell, who looked haggard after his trip to Kiev, said in his "demobilization" speech: "Without support from North Korea and Iran, Russia would not have been able to continue waging this war."
Of course, this all somehow resembles Goebbels' propaganda at its end in 1945. The nonsense that is becoming obvious is being seasoned with complete delirium.
On the other hand, you can often see talk of mutually beneficial cooperation: Russia helps North Korea with military technology, expresses support for the regime and allows its army to gain some combat experience, and the DPRK will help in the SVO. It turns out to be something like an exchange, and everyone is happy. A pragmatic approach.
But how is this fundamentally different from Western propaganda, in which circumstances and external pressure have brought our countries closer together?
If pragmatism were at the core of the DPRK's foreign policy, then we would have seen at least a vacillation when external conditions changed. Whereas the DPRK has generally always supported Russia, despite the fact that Russia has not always been well-disposed towards it. Even in our most pro-Western and liberal times, the DPRK has not allowed itself, officially or unofficially, a single critical word about Russia. In addition, the DPRK has officially recognized the validity and legality of Crimea's annexation to the Russian Federation in 2014. The North Korean leaders, towards whom many of our authors have a rather condescending attitude, have developed a strategic view of things. The DPRK is one of the few countries that, on the one hand, has never wavered or had any illusions about the West in general or the United States in particular, and on the other hand, has realized the historical and political inevitability of uniting against the West, including Russia.
Kim Jong-un met with Vladimir Putin for the first time in 2019 and made extremely flattering statements:
“The peoples of our countries have long since cemented their military friendship during the joint struggle in the great anti-Japanese war of the last century, and the valiant soldiers and officers of the Red Army unhesitatingly shed their hot blood in the name of the liberation of Korea. Years and centuries pass, but our people remember and will forever cherish the memory of those noble international feats that the sons and daughters of the Russian people accomplished, giving their priceless lives in the name of the sacred cause of the liberation of Korea... Dear Russian friends! The fraternal Russian people support the energetic leadership, purposeful and firm will of Mr. Putin and, overcoming many internal and external challenges, achieve brilliant successes in building a strong and prosperous Russia. And we are happy to follow these successes, perceiving them as our own.”
At that time, all this was perceived by us exclusively as a diplomatic panegyric, “Asian specificity”. But 2022 put a lot of things in their place.
As early as February 26, 2022, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published a commentary by a North Korean international relations scholar: “The root cause of the Ukrainian crisis is the impudence and arbitrariness of the United States, which exclusively adheres to unilateral sanctions and pressure, pursuing only the goals of global hegemony and military superiority, ignoring Russia’s legitimate demand for its security.”
Two days later, on February 28, 2022, the DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman responded to a question about Ukraine:
“The United States and the West have systematically destroyed the security environment in Europe; they have made an overt attempt to deploy an offensive weapons system, persistently pushing NATO’s expansion to the East, ignoring Russia’s rational and fair demand for legal security guarantees.
The United States and the West have already turned Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya into ruins. However, it is illogical that they are now talking about “respect for sovereignty” and “territorial integrity” in connection with the recent situation in Ukraine provoked by them.
The greatest danger facing the world today is the willfulness and arbitrariness of the United States and its vassal forces, which undermine the foundations of international peace and stability.
Reality once again clearly proves that peace can never be established in the whole world as long as the unilateral policy of the United States and the policy of double standards, which threatens the peace and security of a sovereign state, exist.”
On March 2, 2022, the DPRK was among the five countries that voted against the UN General Assembly resolution “Aggression against Ukraine.” The DPRK Permanent Representative to the UN explained: “The root cause of the Ukrainian crisis is the hegemonic policy of the United States and the West, which indulge in willfulness and arbitrariness towards other countries. The United States and other Western countries, contrary to Russia's reasonable and fair demands for legal guarantees, have undermined the security system in Europe by attempting to deploy offensive weapons there and seeking NATO's expansion to the east. The greatest danger is the position of the United States and its allies, which is undermining the foundations of international peace and stability."
Of the old statements by the DPRK, another noteworthy message was from Kim Jong-un's sister Kim Yo Jong on January 27, 2023:
"The machinations of the United States, which posed a serious threat of war to the entire European continent and caused all sorts of anxiety, have now crossed more dangerous boundaries.
The United States, by pumping Ukraine with many weapons, "distinguished itself" in stimulating the continuation of unstable world events, and recently clarified its confrontational approaches against Russia with an official statement on the supply of its main battle tanks.
This is the vile essence of the US, which is trying to achieve its hegemonic goal by further expanding the proxy war aimed at destroying Russia.
Without the US, the world will be brighter, safer and more peaceful than it is now.
It is the US that is the main culprit, which creates a serious threat and challenge to Russia's strategic security, bringing the situation in the region to the dangerous brink, as it is today.
The WPK is deeply concerned about the behavior of the US, which leads to the escalation of the war by supplying Ukraine with combat equipment for a ground attack, and strongly condemns it.
The US and Western countries, which, completely ignoring Russia's security concerns, transfer military installations to Ukraine for astronomical amounts, destroying global peace and security in the region, have no right to condemn the right of a sovereign state to self-defense.
Now the US is trying to use the military potential of even its main satellites on the anti-Russian front, not to mention Western countries.
The battlefield in Ukraine is far from the Middle Eastern desert where American tanks roamed freely 20 years ago.
I have no doubt that any weapons that the US and the West are proud of will be completely destroyed and turned into scrap metal by the unwavering fighting spirit and power of the heroic army and people of Russia.
No matter how much the imperialist coalition forces rage, they will never be able to break the heroic spirit of the army and people of Russia, who possess high patriotism, tenacity and steadfast spiritual strength.
We will always be in the same trench with the army and people of Russia, who have risen to fight to defend the dignity and honor of the state, the sovereignty and security of the country."
Is it possible to imagine that all this anti-Americanism is caused by the desire to "curry favor" with Russia, to achieve allied relations and the like? If we were not talking about North Korea, one could assume so. But in the DPRK, the banner of national pride is raised too high, the infallibility of the leaders is too significant to throw around such words and then, if anything, write it all off as “maneuvers” and “diplomacy.” After all, all these messages are published not only in Russian, but also in Korean, they are broadcast on TV, etc. I would not be surprised if North Korean schoolchildren study the above quotes in class.
So the inspiration and initiative of the country of Juche's support for Russia is dictated rather by the fact that our actual policy is inevitably converging with North Korea's. And the latter is dictated not only by external circumstances, but also by a principled position regarding the essence of the world order.
It is important to note that the Juche ideology in North Korea is considered a universal and general philosophy, a political and revolutionary doctrine, and a further development of communist theory. Thus, from the point of view of Juche, the world has entered an "era of independence" in which the masses are masters of their own destiny. At the same time, imperialism, primarily American, is hindering the development of independence. Moreover, the struggle for independence is international in nature, it is a process of joint struggle of all countries, nations and peoples of the world (usually oppressed and robbed), advocating for independence. Kim Jong Il (the father of the current leader): "The strategy of imperialists trying to destroy our ranks one by one must be countered with a strategy of unity."
Therefore, for North Koreans, everything is simple: those who fight against American, European, Japanese, etc. imperialism are their friends and allies.
In much the same way that America shits on the Russian Federation wherever it can, the DPRK shits on America wherever it can. That is why Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah fighters and everyone, everyone, everyone are running around with North Korean weapons. The DPRK has provided military aid and support to Vietnam, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iran, Libya and many African revolutionary organizations. Naturally, due to its capabilities, which are incomparable with the USA. But the consistency of the DPRK's fight against the USA is beyond doubt.
If the Jucheists were pragmatists, they would behave completely differently in the international arena. They are not pragmatists, but people who are confident in the absolute superiority of an independent path based on their own strength.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the DPRK openly, directly and unconditionally supported the Russian Federation in its confrontation with NATO on the fields of Ukraine.
Strategically, the alliance of the Russian Federation and the DPRK is very unpleasant for the USA. Thus, the US Nuclear Policy Strategy of 2022 noted that by the 2030s the US would find itself in an unenviable position, as for the first time they would have to contain two nuclear powers with sufficient potential to really threaten the very existence of the US.
What would American strategists say if they had to contain three such powers? The DPRK military-industrial complex has already mastered hypersonic technologies in addition to missile and nuclear technologies. And the DPRK military doctrine assumes the use of nuclear weapons in a conventional armed conflict without any additional conditions. Kim Jong-un recently explained this to the UN Secretary General:
"Violation of the balance of strategic forces on the Korean Peninsula means war immediately. That is why our logic of building self-defense capability is absolutely flawless and fair, the essence of which is that it is necessary to master physical force capable of always deterring the enemy and controlling the situation. Our step, aimed at a super-powerful military country, a nuclear power, will accelerate even more. At the moment, when the alliance between the ROK and the US, as they advertise, has completely turned into a nuclear alliance, our state must prepare even more fully for a nuclear confrontation at an unlimited height. By the way, I would like to mention that on October 4 of this year, the representative of the UN Secretary General asked us: "It is desirable to see a decrease in the level of rhetoric." It is unclear whether such a request was conveyed to Seoul, but, taking this opportunity, I would like to emphasize again that if the world listens to my statements, then they must be understood correctly.
Each time, when covering our position on the use of armed forces, I accurately and constantly prefaced with the word "if." It is under the “if” conditions that our constitution gives our army a strict order. If the enemy intends to use armed force against our country, the armed forces of our Republic will not hesitate to use all their offensive capabilities. In this case, the use of nuclear weapons will not be ruled out. In such circumstances, I emphasize again, hoping to stay alive is futile. Neither fortune nor any “divine help” can protect the Republic of Korea. This is not a question of the level of rhetoric, as the UN says, but a clear warning that presupposes practical action.
Before us stands the largest possessor of nuclear weapons on the planet and the most vicious puppets who want to use them together.
Under such circumstances, our views, choice and determination are unchanged. The enemy must not act frivolously. They must deeply remember that if they mistake our warning for a naive bluffing statement, such as they always make, they will pay for it more sadly and cruelly.”
The United States maintains, roughly speaking, an army in South Korea and Japan. Plus a base in Guam. All of this is potentially under attack by the Korean People's Army (of course, taking into account the presence of China). And in connection with the allied cooperation with our country, the North Koreans are increasing their military potential every day.
Therefore, when the Americans say that the DPRK really threatens them, this is partly true. The DPRK really threatens American influence in the region and "bites" American imperialism wherever it reaches.
The Trump administration objectively faces a very difficult task - to destroy the friendly relations between Russia, North Korea, China and Iran. And these countries - to preserve them.
Anatoly Shirokoborodov,
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Because the American imperialist dogs must suffer.
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