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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sun May 26, 2024 11:00 am

Israel Carries Out Six Massacres in Gaza in the Last 24 Hours

Column of Smoke product of the Shelling of Israel against Gaza, May 2024 | Photo: EFE

Likewise, medical authorities said that several people are trapped in the rubble, as well as scattered on the roads.

Israeli occupation forces carried out six massacres against families in the Gaza Strip in the past 24 hours, killing 57 civilians and injuring 93.

Likewise, medical authorities said that several people are trapped in the rubble, as well as scattered on the roads.

Rescue services and ambulances, as well as Civil Defence services, cannot access victims of Israel’s bombing.

Since the attacks of the Israeli occupying forces began on 7 October 2023, the number of people has increased to 35,857, and some 80,293 have been injured.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) denounced that "the war in Gaza continues and causes civilian casualties, displacement and destruction of residential buildings and essential civilian infrastructure".

"Military operations, destruction, restrictions of movement and poverty generate fear, uncertainty and anxiety among Palestinian refugee communities," Unrwa said. ... -0020.html


Israeli troops abduct injured civilians from Gaza hospitals: Report
Many reports have now emerged of Israeli forces torturing Palestinians in detention camps in the Negev

News Desk

MAY 24, 2024

Photo: The Guardian

The Israeli army has been abducting injured Palestinian civilians from hospitals in Gaza and transporting them to a detention camp in the Negev, where they are shackled to beds and undergo major surgeries, often without painkillers, the Guardian reported on 24 May.

A whistleblower from the Sde Teiman detention camp told the Guardian some patients had come from hospitals in Gaza after being abducted by Israeli forces. “These were patients who had been captured by the Israeli army while being treated in Gaza hospitals and brought here. They had limbs and infected wounds. They were moaning in pain,” the source said.

The source described how the field hospital in the detention camp consisted of tents, including an emergency room where patients underwent surgery on a stretcher as there was no operating table.

The patients were handcuffed to the beds, made to wear diapers, and blindfolded.

In one case, a detainee’s hand had been amputated “because the wrists had become gangrenous due to handcuffing wounds.”

A second whistleblower who spoke with the Guardian said, “There were about 15 patients in total, they were all handcuffed and blindfolded. They were naked, wearing diapers and were covered by blankets. Most of them appeared to have obvious war injuries; some had undergone amputations, and others underwent major abdominal or chest surgery. They were practically naked except for a diaper.”

The source said he witnessed a patient undergoing painful medical procedures without any painkillers.

In the other section of the camp, the whistleblowers said up to 200 Palestinian detainees from Gaza are being held in cages under severe physical restrictions.

“The prisoners are detained in a sort of cages, all blindfolded and handcuffed,” the source said. “If someone speaks or moves, they are immediately silenced or they are forced to stand with their hands raised above their head and handcuffed for up to one hour.”

“If they are unable to keep their hands raised, the soldiers attach the handcuffs to the bars of the cage. Many of the detainees had infected wounds that were not being properly treated.”

The source claimed the Israeli military had no proof that detainees were members of Hamas. Some inmates repeatedly asked why they were there. According to the whistleblower, most were considered suspects, and some were released. “But they had not been formally charged. It was a kind of filtering camp, a provisional detention,” he said. ... als-report

ICJ orders Israel to halt Rafah assault, allow entry of genocide investigators

The now two-week Israeli offensive has killed hundreds of Palestinians, displaced hundreds of thousands more, and cut off aid from Egypt

News Desk

MAY 24, 2024

(Photo credit: AP Photo/Patrick Post)

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel on 24 May to halt its military offensive in Rafah as part of the ongoing genocide case filed by South Africa earlier this year.

The top UN court said that the current situation entails further risks of “irreparable damage” to the rights of Palestinians in Gaza and that conditions have been met for new emergency measures.


— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) May 24, 2024
“[Israel must] immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” ICJ President Nawaf Salam said.

He also ordered Tel Aviv to “maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” and to “take effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide.”

Moreover, the World Court ordered Israeli officials to “submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order, within one month as from the date of this Order.”

Following the ICJ session, Israeli media reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu will convene an emergency meeting later today, which will include Foreign Minister Israel Katz, war cabinet minister and opposition leader Benny Gantz, and the government’s judicial advisor.

Hamas also commented on the ruling, highlighting that Tel Aviv continues to commit “massacres” across the Gaza Strip and urged the court to issue an order for Israel to stop all its operations in the besieged enclave, not just in Rafah.

“What is happening in Jabalia and other governorates of the Strip is no less criminal and dangerous than what is happening in Rafah,” the Hamas statement reads.

“We call on the international community and the United Nations to pressure the occupation to immediately comply with this decision and to seriously and genuinely proceed in translating all UN resolutions that force the zionist occupation army to stop the genocide it has been committing against our people for more than seven months.”

For its part, South Africa welcomed Friday's ruling and urged UN member states to back it.

“I believe it’s a much stronger, in terms of wording, set of provisional measures, very clear call for a cessation,” Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor told public broadcaster SABC.

The ruling comes as Israel's now two-week bombing and ground offensive in Rafah has killed at least 171 people and displaced around one million Palestinians. Most had already been displaced by Israeli bombing and now face a further lack of shelter, food, water, and medicine.

South Africa made an urgent request in February for the court to consider whether Israel's decision to launch an operation in Rafah “requires that the court uses its power to prevent further imminent breach of the rights of Palestinians in Gaza.”

The country had filed its case at the end of December, declaring that Israel was breaching obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention in its military campaign in Gaza.

On 26 January, the ICJ ordered that Israel take steps to prevent acts of genocide by its military in Gaza and punish incitements to genocide.

The court, however, stopped short of ordering a ceasefire. South Africa had been aiming for an ICJ order of an emergency halt to Israel's military operations in Gaza. Any decision of the sort would need backing from the UN Security Council.

On 16 May, the ICJ held hearings to consider South Africa's request for additional emergency measures to halt Israel's ongoing operation in Rafah, resulting in Friday's ruling.

Israel's war on Gaza has killed over 35,000 Palestinians while razing much of the besieged enclave, including entire neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, farmland, and cemeteries.

Israel politicians and activists have repeatedly publicized their intent to destroy and ethnically cleanse Gaza to make way for future Jewish settlement. ... estigators

Wanted by ICC, Netanyahu set to address US congress

France and Germany have both backed the recent ICC decision, as US officials threaten ‘aggressive’ sanctions against The Hague-based court

News Desk

MAY 24, 2024

(Photo credit: Reuters)
Mike Johnson, Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, said on 23 May that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will soon address a joint meeting of the Congress.

“Tonight, I’m happy to announce ... we will soon be hosting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Capitol for a joint session of Congress,” Johnson said during a speech at an Israeli embassy event.

Johnson said during the speech that Netanyahu’s upcoming address will be “a strong show of support for the Israeli government in their time of greatest need.”

The announcement comes as officials from the administration of US President Joe Biden have made increasingly critical comments on Israel’s ongoing war in Gaza.

Despite Biden’s continued support for the Israeli war effort, Johnson is a critic of his administration’s policy toward Israel. Netanyahu’s speech at Congress is expected to draw the ire of some Democrats who have spoken out about Israel’s conduct in Gaza.

Speaking at the same event, a US Democratic Representative said, “As Americans, we reaffirm our commitment to Israel’s sovereignty.”

Both officials condemned the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan’s decision to seek arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Johnson also said on Thursday that the US “should punish the ICC and put Karim Khan back in his place. If the ICC is allowed to threaten Israel’s leaders, we know that the US will be next. There is a reason we never endorsed the ICC, because it is a direct affront to our own sovereignty.”

The decision – which also includes calls for warrants against Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammad Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh – has created an uproar in Washington, with Republican members of the US House of Representatives working on a sanctions package against the ICC.

“Congress is reviewing our options right now, we have some very aggressive legislation that were going to push as soon as possible, it will include sanctions. If the ICC moves forward with its absurd request, this is going to be a bigger international problem,” Johnson added.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on 21 May that he is willing to help Congress impose sanctions against ICC officials over their request for arrest warrants against the Israeli officials.

EU leaders have taken a more balanced approach towards the ICC decision.

Germany said on Wednesday that if the ICC goes ahead and issues the warrants, it would arrest the Israeli premier if he set foot on German soil.

France said earlier that week that it backs the ICC in the “fight against impunity.” ... s-congress

Rafah crossing remains shut as Gaza food aid rots

SInce 7 May, no aid trucks have entered Gaza via Rafah, but Egypt reached a deal with Israel to allow some UN aid trucks to enter via Kerem Shalom

News Desk

MAY 25, 2024

Humanitarian groups have urged that aid be let in to Gaza immediately (PHoto credit: Getty Images)

Food supplies waiting to enter Gaza from Egypt have begun to rot as the border crossing remains shut to aid deliveries following Israel's assault on Rafah, Reuters reported on 25 May.

Trucks carrying food, medicine, and other supplies are stuck on the road between the Rafah crossing and the Egyptian town of al-Arish, 45 km to the west.

According to a UN document seen by Reuters, more than 2,000 aid trucks were waiting to enter Gaza as of 16 May, 1,574 of which were carrying food supplies.

But it is already too late to save some of the food. One truck driver, Mahmoud Hussein, told Reuters his goods had been loaded on his vehicle for a month and are gradually spoiling in the sun. Some food is being thrown away or sold cheaply to locals.

"Apples, bananas, chicken and cheese, a lot of things have gone rotten, some stuff has been returned and is being sold for a quarter of its price," he said, sheltering under his truck for shade from the hot sun.

"I'm sorry to say that the onions we're carrying will at best be eaten by animals because of the worms in them."

Aid deliveries through Rafah, the main entry point into Gaza, ended after Israel took control of the Rafah crossing as part of its assault on the city beginning three weeks ago. The assault has so far displaced over 800,000 Palestinians already living in tents following their displacement elsewhere in Gaza due to Israeli bombs.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its Rafah offensive amid the ongoing case accusing Israeli officials of carrying out a genocide in Gaza.

Egyptian officials and sources told Reuters that Israeli military activity endangers humanitarian operations and that Israel needs to hand the Rafah crossing back to Palestinians for aid to fully resume.

The US is seeking to place an EU mission in control of the Rafah crossing rather than return it to Palestinian control.

On Friday, Egypt and the US agreed to send aid via Israel's nearby Kerem Shalom crossing until legal arrangements are made to open Rafah from the Palestinian side, but this is not enough to ease the backlog of trucks as Palestinians continue to live in danger of starvation.

Just over 900 truckloads of food and aid have entered Gaza since the start of Israel's Rafah offensive on 7 May, compared to at least 500 trucks daily that the UN says are needed to avert famine.

The amount of aid waiting in Egypt's northern Sinai was now very large, and some had been stuck for more than two months, said Khaled Zayed, head of the Egyptian Red Crescent in the area.

"Some aid packages require a certain temperature ... We coordinate on this with specialists who are highly trained in the storage of food and medical supplies," he said.

"We hope the border will reopen as soon as possible." ... d-aid-rots



Like So Much Else, The Fuss Over ‘International Law’ Is Really About Narrative Control

That’s why you see US and Israeli officials raging and fuming about the actions of the ICJ and the ICC. It’s not because they’re worried those courts will be able to enforce the rulings they make, it’s because it weakens their control of the narrative.

Caitlin Johnstone
May 25, 2024

The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to cease its assault on Rafah, an order which will certainly be disregarded by Israel with the full support of Washington. This comes days after the International Criminal Court announced its intention to seek warrants for the arrest of Israeli officials for war crimes in Gaza, which will also be dismissed by Israel and its hegemonic ally to the west.

The other day ICC prosecutor Karim Khan said that when preparing to apply for the Israeli arrest warrants he was told by “a senior leader” that “This court is built for Africa and for thugs like Putin.” You don’t typically hear empire managers voice this kind of frank view when addressing the public, but it’s not surprising that they hold this view behind the scenes. And in practice it’s not even technically false — a casual glance at the list of prisoners detained at The Hague turns up individuals from small, weak, mostly African countries.

It’s just a cold, hard fact that “international law” is never enforced against powerful nations or their protected allies, because there’d be no way for the international community to enforce those laws upon them without waging a massive world war involving nuclear-armed states. The US notoriously put in place its “Hague Invasion Act” between its invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq to ensure that it can use military force to free any military personnel of the US or its allies (this would include Israel) who wind up detained by the ICC. There is currently no force in the world that would be both willing and able to stop the US war machine from doing such a thing.

A law isn’t really a law if it can’t be enforced. If I kill someone in a modern city, a bunch of law enforcement officials will come and arrest me and I’ll be sent to prison. If I killed someone in the western United States during the nineteenth century, it wouldn’t matter what the laws of the town happen to say if the sheriff and his posse are too afraid of me to bring me to justice. That’s kind of what’s happening on an international level — there’s a big band of lawless thugs who do as they please, because there’s no one else around with enough firepower to enforce any laws on them.

In reality, “international law” is a lie in two significant ways. It’s a lie in the sense that western powers falsely purport to value and uphold it, and it’s a lie in the sense that it has no meaningful existence since it’s only ever enforced on small, weak powers.

The actions of the ICC and ICJ are useful only insofar as they help disabuse people of the delusional belief that western powers care one iota about international law, and in that they make it clear to the whole world that Israel and its powerful western allies are openly violating the rules they pretend to stand by. It’s useful as a counter-narrative against the official imperial narrative about what’s happening, but it’s not useful as a legal construct or means of ending Israeli atrocities in and of itself.

That’s why you see US and Israeli officials raging and fuming about the actions of the ICJ and the ICC. It’s not because they’re worried those courts will be able to enforce the rulings they make, it’s because it weakens their control of the narrative. These rulings are being made in front of the entire world, and they say very bad things about what Israel and its allies have been doing in Gaza.

Israel and its defenders rage and fume about these developments for the same reason they rage and fume about any development that affects their narrative control in any large-scale, mainstream way. They rage and fume at the ICJ and the ICC for the same reason they rage and fume at celebrities who criticize Israel, or at the student protesters at university campuses around the world.

Anything that causes the empire managers to lose their grip on the dominant stories people are telling about what’s happening in the world is a direct threat to imperial power, because it shakes people out of the propaganda-induced stupor which causes them to consent to the imperial status quo. That’s why the US and Israel pour so much effort into controlling the collective narrative in the west; they need people consenting to things which no psychologically healthy person would ever consent to without being manipulated and deceived.

Empire managers work so hard to control the dominant narratives of our civilization because they understand something that ordinary people do not: that real power comes from narrative control.

The only reason our society looks the way it looks and moves in the way that it moves is because of the narratives which we have collectively agreed to treat as true apecies.nd real. It’s the only reason power sits where it sits and operates the way it operates. It’s the only reason money works the way it works. It’s the only reason laws are laws and social etiquette is social etiquette.


Everything about our society is determined by collectively agreed-upon narratives, which means that whoever can control those narratives can control our society. If everyone suddenly developed an acute awareness of the fact that this whole thing’s made up and we can change our collectively agreed-upon narratives whenever we want to, our rulers would no longer be our rulers, and we could create whatever kind of society we wanted to.

So there’s a lot riding on this narrative control thing. It’s actually the very substance from which power is woven. That is what the empire managers are really worried about here, not “international law”.

So while Gaza will not be saved by any actions by international courts, it just might be saved by enough people waking up from the narrative control of our rulers to force real change. If enough people unplug their minds from the matrix of imperial propaganda and manipulation, there’s no limit to what humanity can achieve as a species. ... e-control/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon May 27, 2024 11:39 am

Down with the Zionist Entity; Long Live “the Zionist Entity”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 24, 2024
Steve Salaita


There is no vocabulary that will make Palestinians acceptable in the eyes of our oppressor.

Since the acceleration of the Zionist entity’s genocide, we’ve seen lots of debate about language and terminology. It’s a common kind of debate, usually more annoying than enlightening, especially when it occurs among thought-leaders in the Anglosphere. As Gaza suffers incalculable horror, a parade of sophisticates has decided that it’s of paramount importance for Palestinians to look presentable. Their interventions are the intellectual equivalent of a grandparent insisting that if you die in a car crash it’s important to be wearing clean underwear.

“From the river to the sea,” “the Zionist entity,” and “genocide” have drawn the most heat, the first one particularly. There’s also some grumbling about “intifada” and putting “Israel” in scare quotes, done to suggest that the country is illegitimate.

We tell stories or allude to a deeper politics every time we deploy a term redolent with connotation and every time we select among competing (or complementary) vocabularies. There’s no getting around it. We will always debate word-choice because word-choice represents ideology.

Sometimes, though, the debates are manufactured in bad faith. Take the phrase “from the river to the sea.” It was never controversial among Palestinians. Zionists turned it into a national issue through manipulation and misinterpretation. There is no reason for Palestinians to debate its use, then. It’s part of our vocabulary. Zionists need not like it. In fact, it’s better if they don’t.

The same is true of “the Zionist entity.” It can sound clunky because it is an Arabic term translated into English, but some Anglophone Arabs (myself included) have maintained its usage as a form of rejection. The term is disrespectful in just the right measure and implies that “Israel” is a temporary phenomenon haunted by something older and more lasting. It evokes Palestine even when describing the occupier.

Using “the Zionist entity” won’t liberate Palestine and it has some history of abuse among preening Arab politicians. Still, there’s something to be said for these gestures of refusal. They keep the idea of Palestine alive. The nation cannot come into formal existence if it dies in the imagination.

Liberal Zionists across the professions view this approach as offensive or unproductive, but I’m not interested in unsolicited sermons about effective outreach from a community whose entire brand is to be annoying.

The most important thing to remember is that Zionists create the ambivalence which supposed anti-Zionists then take up as an intellectual exercise. “From the river to the sea” was never considered violent or racist in the Palestine solidarity movement. “The Zionist entity” wasn’t in much use until recently—it has a long history in Arabic—and is still pretty uncommon. It’s had a growth in popularity concurrent to the rejection of accommodationist discourses that once dominated the Anglophone left. As Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims forced their way into those discourses, they drew from linguistic and philosophical traditions that best expressed their viewpoints.

Now this language is being criminalized in the United States and Germany. Politicians in both countries (among others) seek to persecute any expression of anti-Zionism, which is exactly the purpose of all the outrage about “from the river to the sea.” So ask yourself: was it worthwhile to validate the controversy just to play the role of Reasonable Intellectual on the internet?

No matter how you feel about the utility or effectiveness of certain phrasing, it’s critical to remember that when it comes to Palestine, language itself doesn’t create perceptions of incivility; a built-in perception of incivility underlies disgust for the language. All of our speech acts are objectionable if their demand is freedom. Our putative saviors who keep instructing us to be nicer don’t oppose bad optics; they oppose Palestinian liberation.

I don’t want to hear anything about appealing to a neutral audience, either. The “average Joe” or “fence-sitter” or whatever is nothing but a convenient myth. He doesn’t exist. He is a bugaboo invoked as a pretext for dissimulation.

Keep digging and you’ll find that the lectures about appealing to an everyman are fundamentally racist. This mythical creature to whom we must appeal isn’t disembodied. He has a physiology, an identity, a nationality, an economic class. He already has a politics, as well. He is a cipher for the unstated tenets of U.S. exceptionalism that underlie notions of mature and pragmatic communication. This creature must be identified, appeased, gratified, or else we forfeit access to the public sphere. When the creature comes up in conversation, we’re not being invited into dialogue. We’re being told to stand down.

My point isn’t to advise you which vocabulary to use or avoid. Speak as you desire. We all have a unique relationship with language. My point is to caution against pretending that the terrain is neutral. Certain terms and phrases aren’t viewed as crude based on some timeless metric for appropriate locution, but on ideological criteria that are inherently hostile to Palestinians.

We will always be perceived as uncivil because the demand for freedom is disagreeable to power. Conveyance of the demand is incidental. Never think for a single moment that Zionists—and, by extension, the mythical fence-sitters who inevitably default to Zionism—will accept less than our complete disappearance.

Yes, one of our jobs in the Anglosphere is to persuade and we have to acknowledge certain realities about Western attitudes even if we don’t like them. We constantly adjust our diction to accommodate these realities, pretty much every time we open our mouths. It’s incredibly tiresome.

But what about responsibility to our own community, to our sisters and brothers in Palestine, to people around the world who choose not to adapt their language to bourgeois sensibilities? Don’t we owe them the courtesy of accurate representation? Shouldn’t they be our main priority?

Why do they never seem to enter into the calculation?

There it is, right?

Always the same goddamn problem.

And where are the obligations for people in the Anglosphere? Their countries are funding the Zionist genocide. Their countries are treating good people like criminals. Their countries are stealing resources from the Global South. Maybe they can try reflecting on their discomfort. Maybe they can quit being so uptight. Or maybe for once they can shut up and listen.

When somebody lectures Palestinians about our ways of speaking, always ask: who is the audience? The Palestinians or the sophisticates who long ago decided that Palestinians don’t deserve anything of our own, not even a language? ... st-entity/

International Community Must Ensure Israel’s Compliance With All Provisional Measures Orders
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 24, 2024


ICJ Orders Israel to “Immediately Halt its Military Offensive”: International Community Must Ensure Israel’s Compliance With All Provisional Measures Orders

24 May 2024

Al Mezan, Al-Haq, and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) welcome the new provisional measures order issued today by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel). This new order instructs Israel to, inter alia, “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”, and “[m]aintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance”.

On 10 May 2024, South Africa filed an urgent request with the Court for the indication of additional provisional measures and the modification of provisional measures previously prescribed by the Court. The request was made in response to the commencement of the Rafah ground invasion by Israeli forces in the late hours of 6 May 2024, which was followed shortly thereafter by a renewed Israeli assault on northern Gaza, the severity and atrocity of which are reminiscent of that of the worst days of the ongoing genocide.

In this new order, the Court reaffirmed the provisional measures it previously indicated on 26 January and 28 March 2024, emphasizing that they “should be immediately and effectively implemented”. On 26 January 2024, the Court had already determined plausibility of Israel carrying out genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and ordered Israel to take all measures within its power to stop with immediate effect all genocidal acts in Gaza. On 28 March 2024, the Court indicated additional provisional measures, particularly concerning the catastrophic humanitarian conditions in Gaza and the declared famine in the northern governorates. As previously noted by our organizations, nearly three months later, Israel has blatantly ignored the provisional measures orders issued by the ICJ, amid the international community’s failure to ensure compliance.

The Court itself today noted that “the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip which, as stated in its Order of 26 January 2024, was at serious risk of deteriorating, has deteriorated, and has done so even further since the Court adopted its Order of 28 March 2024.” Our organizations once again reaffirm that the Court’s provisional measures orders of 26 January, 28 March, and 24 May 2024 can only be effected by an immediate cessation of hostilities in the entire Gaza Strip.

Al Mezan, Al-Haq, and PCHR remind the international community that the implementation of provisional measures is mandatory under international law, as set forth in Article 41 of the ICJ Statute and established by international legal practice. Accordingly, Third States must take firm and unequivocal action to ensure Israel’s compliance with all three provisional measures orders issued by the Court. It is time to move beyond diplomatic rhetoric and implement concrete measures in line with international law. This includes imposing an immediate arms embargo and sanctions. Israel’s evident, complete disregard for international law and human rights principles cannot go unchecked any longer. For nearly eight months, 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza have endured a genocidal military campaign by Israel that has killed over 35,700 and injured more than 80,000, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. The time for action is long overdue.

Earlier this week, on 20 May 2024, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) filed applications for arrest warrants before Pre-Trial Chamber I in relation to the Situation in Palestine charging Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant for international crimes set forth in the Rome Statute, including the war crime of starvation and the crimes against humanity of extermination and persecution. Upon confirmation by the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I, it is imperative that all States Parties to the Rome Statute promptly fulfill their obligations by executing the arrest warrants. As pointed out by the Prosecutor, the investigation into the Situation in Palestine remains ongoing. Our organizations reiterate our call on the Office of the Prosecutor to vigorously investigate and indict the highest level of the Israeli leadership for the crime of genocide.

Significantly, the ICJ ordered that Israel “[t]ake effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide”. It is imperative that the Human Rights Council take immediate steps to ensure that competent genocide experts and investigators enter the Gaza Strip to investigate the commission of genocide.

In the context of Israel’s persistent violations of Palestinian rights, not only in Gaza, it is past time for accountability and action. The continuous disregard for international law and human rights by Israel demands a resolute response from the international community, who can no longer afford to ignore these violations. Decisive measures are necessary to hold accountable those responsible for these egregious actions and to ensure justice for the countless Palestinian victims affected.


Let’s be clear. As the ICJ orders Israel to stop its offensive in Rafah, Israel intensifies its attacks on it.

The news I am receiving from the people trapped therein are terrifying.

Be sure: Israel will not stop this madness until WE make it stop. Member states must impose #sanctions,, arms embargo and suspend diplo/political relations with Israel till it ceases its assault.

— Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt (@FranceskAlbs) May 24, 2024

Hamas demands pressure on occupation to adhere to ICJ decision: ‘We expect an order to stop genocide’

The Hamas movement called on the international community and the United Nations (UN) on Friday to pressure Israel to immediately comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop its military operations in Rafah and keep the crossing open.

The movement announced in a statement: “We expected the ICJ to issue a decision to stop the aggression and genocide against our people in all of Gaza, not just in Rafah.”

“We welcome the decision of the ICJ that demands the criminal Zionist entity to stop its aggression against the city of Rafah immediately, and demands that it stop all measures that lead to genocide,” it added.

In its statement, the movement also welcomed: “The same decision demanding the entry of aid into all areas of the Gaza Strip, and allowing UN committees to enter to investigate crimes of genocide.”

Hamas also stated: “We expected the ICJ to issue a decision to stop the aggression and genocide against our people across the entire Gaza Strip, and not just in the Rafah Governorate. What is happening in Jabalia (north) and other governorates of the Strip is no less criminal and dangerous than what is happening in Rafah.”

For its part, the Palestinian Authority welcomed the ICJ decision, which represents an international consensus on the demand to stop the war on Gaza.

According to Palestinian news agency, Wafa: “The presidency welcomed the court’s decisions to stop aggression against our people in Rafah, considering it a direct danger to the Palestinian people, allow the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip and open the crossing, calling on the occupying state to implement this UN decision immediately.”

The presidency also called on: “The international community to oblige the occupying state to implement the decisions of the ICJ, and to pressure it to respect and implement the decisions of international resolutions and international law, because the occupying state considers itself a state above international law and cannot be held accountable thanks to America’s blind and biased support of the occupation.”

It also reiterated: “The need to oblige Israel to stop its aggression against our people everywhere, in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem,” noting that the important ICJ decision: “Is added to all previous international resolutions that confirmed that the occupying state is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity against our people, which requires urgent international intervention to stop it immediately.”

Earlier on Friday, ICJ President Nawaf Salam called on Israel to: “Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

This statement was made during a session held by the ICJ to announce its ruling regarding South Africa’s request to issue an order to stop the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

The court’s order is binding to all members of the UN, including Israel, and the UN Security Council is the guarantor of implementing the court’s order.

The president of the court stated that the ruling consists of three points: Israel stopping its military operations in Rafah, maintaining the opening of the Rafah crossing to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip and submitting a report to the court within a month on the steps it will take in this regard.


There has been nothing limited about the suffering that Israel’s military operation in Rafah has caused.

With today’s adoption of Security Council resolution 2730 and the @CIJ_ICJ‘s order, this is a moment of clarity.

Release the hostages. Agree a ceasefire. End this nightmare.

— Martin Griffiths (@UNReliefChief) May 24, 2024


Image ... es-orders/


Jewish Celebration Forces Palestinians To Hide at Home

Preparation for the festivity in the occupied Jerusalem, where thousands of ultra-orthodox Jews are expected to attend. | Photo: X/ @UdsiAsli

Published 25 May 2024

Israeli authorities decided to move an important Jewish holiday to a Palestinian neighborhood in the occupied East-Jerusalem.

The main event of the Jewish holiday of "LAG B'Omer", which starts this Saturday afternoon, will be held this year in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, in occupied East Jerusalem, and not on Mount Meron (in northern Israel), as has traditionally been done, which has forced thousands of Palestinians to lock themselves inside their homes.

The authorities have announced that the change is due to the constant exchange of fire between the Israeli army and the Lebanese Shiite armed resistance group Hezbollah, which intensified after the military escalation of the Israeli army over the war in Gaza on 7 October.

"The decision to hold the main event in the heart of a Palestinian residential neighborhood takes advantage of the situation and drags more populations that are not involved in Palestinian dispossession into the heart of the conflict," said in X the Mistaclim Israeli organization, which struggle against the occupation.

Mistaclim also pointed that due the desition, the neghborhhood will be closed, and the residents will be forced to hide in their houses which would cause the Israeli military to have more "unnecessary work."

"Like the conduct in the rest of country, the intention of is clear - the various sectors of the coalition each in turn promote the interests of their voters while risking the security of the country," said the anti-occupation organization.

The Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem is one of the most important urban centres for the Palestinian population. In recent years, Israeli courts had approved numerous evictions of Arab families in favour of Jewish settlers.

In the rest of the country, the ultra-orthodox Jews commemorate this date by burning hundreds of tons of combustible material in gigantic bonfires that represent the light that supposedly Rabbi Bar Yojái introduced into the world through his teachings collected in the "Book of the Zohar". ... -0003.html


Israel bombs Palestinian families in northern Gaza school
The invading troops have killed dozens of displaced civilians in several massacres across Gaza over the past 24 hours

News Desk

MAY 25, 2024

(Photo Credit: Dawoud Abo Alkas/Anadolu Agency)
Israeli jets bombed the An-Nazla elementary school in northern Gaza near Jabalia camp on 25 May, killing at least 10 Palestinians, among them several women and children.

“The children were playing in the schoolyard, and suddenly we were bombed,” one displaced woman whose daughter was injured in the attack told Al-Jazeera. “We lived something unnatural.”

An-Nazla School has been serving as a shelter for hundreds of refugees. According to eyewitness reports, a group of Palestinians were filling up gallons of water when Israeli jets bombed the school.

Soon after the attack on the school near Jabalia camp, Israeli jets bombed a group of civilians in the Al-Faluja area of northern Gaza, killing several.

Palestinians, including five children, were also killed in Beit Hanoon when Israeli forces raided a house.

On Saturday afternoon, medical sources in Gaza reported to WAFA News Agency that Israeli troops conducted five massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the previous 24 hours, killing at least 46 and injuring 130 others.

Occupation troops are also regularly blocking ambulances and rescue teams from reaching the sites of the massacres.

The spike of Israeli violence in northern Gaza comes one day after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Tel Aviv to immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, where the army has also massacred dozens over the past 24 hours.

More than 900,000 Palestinians have fled Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city, over the past three weeks after Israel violently took control of the city's only border crossing and "expanded" its military offensive.

Israeli troops earlier advanced towards Rafah's Kuwaiti Hospital and struck residential buildings in its vicinity.

In response to the onslaught, the Palestinian resistance has also intensified its operations against the invading army, with Hamas' Qassam Brigades and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad's (PIJ) Quds Brigades announcing several successful strikes on Israeli tanks and squadrons.

As clashes rage across the strip, Israeli media reports say talks in Paris between CIA Director William Burns, Mossad chief David Barnea, and Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani have been “successful” and mediated talks to reach a ceasefire in Gaza will restart “this week.”

At least 35,903 Palestinians have been killed and 80,420 wounded by the Israeli army in Gaza since 7 October, the enclave's Health Ministry reported on Saturday. Famine conditions are also spreading across the enclave, as hundreds of trucks carrying food aid have not been allowed to enter Rafah since the start of the month.

Aid deliveries entering via the US-built pier in central Gaza have also remained minimal, as the $320 million structure continues to pose security and operational risks. ... aza-school

Yemen, Iraqi resistance keep up attacks against Israel as coordination expands

The Yemeni army hit three Israeli-linked ships in three different seas on Friday, hours after the Iraqi resistance announced an attack on the port of Haifa

News Desk

MAY 24, 2024

(Photo credit: Yemen Military Media)

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarallah movement, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, recently held a phone call with the chief of Iraq’s Kataib Hezbollah, Abu Hussein al-Hamidawi, during which the two resistance leaders discussed coordinating efforts to confront Israel, as reported by Al Mayadeen on 24 May.

“Coordination between the forces of the axis of resistance in the region will increase the impact of their operations against the Zionist enemy,” Houthi stressed during the call.

Hamidawi “praised the military operations of the Yemeni forces, which contributed greatly to imposing the ban on Israeli maritime navigation … and stressed the necessity of maintaining readiness and high coordination between the forces of the axis of resistance, especially between Iraq and Yemen, to support the Palestinian people.”

As part of the naval campaign waged by Ansarallah and the armed forces of Yemen’s Sanaa government since the start of the war in Gaza, Yemeni forces have recently expanded their operations against Israeli maritime interests to include the Mediterranean Sea.

The Yemeni army had previously been attacking Israeli-linked ships and ships bound for Israeli ports across the Red Sea, Arab Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean. It also targeted US and British vessels in response to the brutal campaign of airstrikes launched by Washington and London against Yemen in January.

Sanaa announced on Friday afternoon that its forces targeted three Israeli-linked vessels in three different seas.

The spokesman for Yemen’s Armed Forces, Yahya Saree, said on 24 May that the Israeli-linked MSC Alexandria was targeted with ballistic missiles in the Arab Sea. He added that the Yannis ship of the Greek Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Company was hit in missile and drone operation in the Red Sea, while the Israeli-linked Essex ship was targeted with missiles in the Mediterranean Sea.

“The targeting operation came after three ships belonging to the same company arrived at the ports of occupied Palestine on the fourth of May and the fifth of this month,” Saree said in reference to the Yannis ship.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) coalition, of which Kataib Hezbollah is a part, announced that same day that it carried out a drone operation against Israel’s Haifa Port.

“The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted, at dawn today, Friday, May 24, 2024, by drone, the port of Haifa in our occupied territories,” IRI said.

“We will continue to destroy enemy strongholds … to resist the occupation, and to support our people in Gaza, and in response to the Zionist massacres against Palestinian civilians,” it added.

The IRI has continued frequent attacks against sites within Israel since it halted operations against US bases in Iraq and Syria in late January. ... on-expands

Hamas captures new Israeli soldiers in ‘complex' Jabalia ambush

Abu Obeida confirmed that the Qassam Brigades are confronting invading forces across the entirety of the strip

News Desk

MAY 26, 2024

(Photo credit: AA)

The military spokesman for Hamas’ armed wing, the Qassam Brigades’ Abu Obeida, said in a speech on 25 May that the group’s fighters took a number of new soldiers as prisoners in an operation in northern Gaza’s Jabalia that day.

“Despite the genocide war and indiscriminate destruction, our fighters have been and remain vigilant against enemy forces, carrying out dozens of operations against them for more than two weeks in Jabalia, Rafah, Beit Hanoun, and all axes of aggression and incursion,” Abu Obeida said.

“The latest of these operations was a complex operation carried out by our fighters this afternoon, Saturday, in the northern Gaza Strip. Our fighters lured a Zionist force into one of the tunnels in Jabalia camp, trapping them in an ambush inside and at the entrance of the tunnel,” he added.

He added that the Qassam fighters clashed with the force and attacked reinforcements that arrived with explosive devices. They then withdrew from the tunnel and detonated it after killing, wounding, and capturing all of the force’s members and confiscating their equipment.

A video released by the resistance group shows a fighter dragging the body of an Israeli soldier through a tunnel. Photos of seized Israeli military uniforms and weapons are seen in the video.

The Israeli army has denied that any soldiers were taken prisoner. The army “clarified that there is no incident of kidnapping a soldier,” it said in a statement.

Earlier the same day, the Qassam Brigades released a video titled, "Your own army, under orders from Netanyahu, insulted your captives' dignity, alive and dead."

The video shows the corpses of several unidentified Israeli captives, with the accompanying text: "Ask Netanyahu's government about their identities and names." The prisoners were likely killed as a result of Israeli airstrikes.

Dozens of Israeli prisoners remain in Gaza. Last week, Israel approved a renewal of stalled prisoner talks, which have continuously failed due to Israeli reluctance to stop the war, as Hamas’ main terms stipulate.

“We are continuing to confront the aggression in every street, neighborhood, city, and camp in our strip, from Beit Hanoun to Rafah,” affirmed Abu Obeida.

Clashes have been raging across the northern Gaza Strip in the past weeks, particularly in Jabalia. Tel Aviv’s forces have expressed frustration over renewed fighting in Jabalia after having operated there earlier in the war and months after the Israeli army said it had dismantled Hamas’ battalions in the north.

The army has been taking heavy losses in Jabalia and is facing fierce resistance in other areas of the north, including Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahia.

The resistance is also confronting Israeli forces in the southernmost city of Rafah, where Israel launched an operation in early May in defiance of months of international warnings, displacing nearly a Palestinians and indiscriminately bombarding densely populated areas of the city. ... lia-ambush
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue May 28, 2024 11:31 am

Beware Benjamin Netanyahu’s ICC Indictment
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 27, 2024
Kit Klarenberg

ICC prosecutor Karim Khan’s announcement seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant for crimes in Gaza is met with skepticism due to the ICC’s history of biased prosecutions.

Many were understandably exhilarated when on May 20th, International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan issued a statement outlining why he was seeking international arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Security Minister Yoav Gallant, for “crimes against humanity” committed in Gaza since “at least” October 8th 2023.

To anyone who has been spectating the Gaza genocide in the wake of that fateful day, the roll-call of heinous charges leveled at Netanyahu and Gallant will hardly have been surprising. To have the details so forcefully spelled out by an international legal body was nonetheless astonishing. “Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare; willfully causing great suffering; willful killing; murder; intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population; extermination; persecution; inhumane acts.” The list goes on, and on.

Khan charged that these “crimes against humanity” were “committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack against the Palestinian civilian population, pursuant to State policy.” Moreso, these horrors, in the “assessment” of ICC prosecutors, “continue to this day.” The statement went on to note Khan’s office had collected extensive evidence, attesting that the Zionist entity “has intentionally and systematically deprived the civilian population in all parts of Gaza of objects indispensable to human survival.”

For the countless millions around the world who have marched, boycotted, or advocated in support of the Palestinian cause, or who have simply implored their elected representatives to take decisive action to halt the systematic, industrial-scale slaughter of the Palestinian people—while Gaza has been crucified—the ICC announcement surely provided some degree of relief. Yet, it must be remembered that “international justice” is at best a comforting fable, and at worst an outright fraud.

In a televised interview following Netanyahu’s indictment, Khan made a number of startling admissions. He revealed that while the ICC built cases against Israeli officials, he was threatened by numerous Western sources – including “elected leaders” – to back off. One “senior official” openly warned him that the Court was “built for Africans and thugs like Putin,” not the West and its allies. The veteran prosecutor stridently countered that the ICC had universal jurisdiction:

“We don’t view it like that. This Court is the legacy of Nuremberg. This Court should be the triumph of law over power and brute force!”

A cynic might suggest Khan was simply playing for the cameras. Given his professional history, he is uniquely well-placed to know the fundamentally hegemonic and discriminatory nature of “international justice”. Khan cut his teeth in the field during the late 1990s and early 2000s, as a senior legal advisor to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). It was set up to prosecute political and military officials in the region for war crimes and atrocities committed during Yugoslavia’s catastrophic breakup.

In theory, Bosniak, Croat, and Serb figures were all in the ICTY firing line. In practice, Serbs were targeted to a far greater degree and punished considerably more severely, than any other ethnicity in the former Yugoslavia. Some have argued this is reflective of and proportionate to the crimes committed during the brutal wars of the 1990s. Yet, anti-Serb bias – and a need to diminish the crimes of Washington’s Bosniak and Croat proxies – was hardwired into the Tribunal even before its inception.

A February 1993 CIA memo outlining “Yugoslavia policy options” proposed “establishing a war crimes tribunal”, for the express purpose of “publicizing Serbian atrocities.” It markedly warned against “even treatment of Bosniak transgressions,” which could be perceived regionally, and among US allies, as “tilting in Belgrade’s favor.” So it was that the ICTY was created three months later. It then spent the next 24 years convicting Serbs for grave crimes, up to and including genocide. Frequently, they were jailed for extremely lengthy periods amounting to life imprisonment.

Several of these convictions were secured via the highly controversial doctrine of “Joint Criminal Enterprise”, also derisively known as “Just Convict Everyone”. Under JCE’s terms, defendants can be guilty of crimes that they did not personally commit, approve of, or even know about at the time. By contrast, many Bosniak and Croat military and political figures who were indicted were acquitted or received extremely meager sentences, despite overwhelming evidence directly implicating them in the planning and commission of horrendous crimes against humanity.”

For example, consider Naser Oric, a Bosniak military commander. He had a fearsome reputation for taking no prisoners, torturing, mutilating, and murdering civilians and prisoners of war in the most repulsive ways imaginable. Moreover, he made no secret of this, to the extent of proudly showing Western journalists footage of his butchery. In July 1995, a Toronto Star reporter was given exclusive access to “a shocking video version of what might have been called Naser Oric’s Greatest Hits”:

“There were burning houses, dead bodies, severed heads, and people fleeing. Oric grinned throughout the video, admiring his handiwork. ‘We ambushed them,’ he said. The next sequence of dead bodies had been caused by explosives: ‘We launched those guys to the moon,’ he boasted. When footage of a bullet-marked ghost town appeared without any visible bodies, Oric hastened to announce. ‘We killed 114 Serbs there.’ Later there were celebrations, with singers with wobbly voices chanting his praises.”

General Philippe Morillon, who commanded UN peacekeeping forces in Bosnia in 1992/93, testified at the ICTY trial of Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic, that Oric was responsible for “terrible massacres”, and openly “confessed to killing Bosnian Serbs every night.” Morillon had personally seen a mass grave filled with villagers slain by the Bosniak commander and his soldiers. However, the Tribunal only convicted Oric for failing to prevent the inhumane treatment of prisoners. He received a two-year sentence but was released immediately due to time served.

The sense the ICTY deliberately fudged Oric’s trial to insulate him from justice is ineluctable, and this was widely suspected at the time. A leaked 2006 diplomatic cable records how the head of Belgrade’s Tribunal liaison office, “normally a stalwart defender” of the ICTY, privately complained to US officials it was “becoming increasingly obvious” that Tribunal judgments were “politically driven.” Even local liberals who supported the prosecution of their former leaders were disturbed by the “vastly different treatment of Serb and non-Serb indictees.”

To this day, hardline Bosniak nationalists cite Oric’s ICTY exoneration as proof of his innocence, despite his self-avowed bloodlust. In this context, it must be remembered that the ICC is formally a successor to the Tribunal, and all that implies. Were the Court to ultimately acquit Netanyahu and Gallant of war crimes, the ruling would inevitably be cited ever after as a validation and justification of the Gaza genocide. And no doubt embolden and encourage Zionist entity military and political chiefs to – somehow – even greater savagery.

The unrelenting, perverse profusion of photo and video evidence of Israeli Occupation Forces perpetrating a 21st century Holocaust, combined with so many self-incriminating statements of Zionist entity officials, and intense public attention focused on the ICC as a result of South Africa’s pioneering case against ‘Tel Aviv’, no doubt gave the Court little choice to indict Netanyahu and Gallant. The question of whether the pair will ever be in the ICC’s dock, let alone convicted for their monstrous deeds, remains an open one.

Until or unless Netanyahu and Gallant are convicted, we cannot place faith in the Court to ensure justice is done in Gaza. Even if the pair are rendered to the Hague for trial, there is no guarantee the ICC will be allowed to convict either, no matter the evidence against them. This is the bleak reality of an “international justice” system created explicitly and exclusively to prosecute “Africans and thugs like Putin”, not Western imperialist warlords, and their overseas proxies, puppets, and pets. ... ndictment/


$320 Million US Pier Collapses in Gaza, Drifts to Ashdod (Video)
MAY 27, 2024

Soldiers and sailors assemble the floating pier off the shore of Gaza on April 26, 2024. Photo: US Army/AP.

Strong waves have swept away a section of the American floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip, heading towards the shores of Asdod, as per Israeli media.

Part of the American naval pier in Gaza collapsed on Saturday as waves carried it toward Ashdod, according to Israeli media.

In further detail, Israeli Channel 12 reported that strong waves swept away a section of the American floating pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip, heading towards the shores of Ashdod.

The Israeli navy reportedly retrieved and reattached the section, as per the report.

The US floating pier in the Mediterranean Sea has faced significant challenges since its creation on May 15, questioning its efficiency in alleviating the humanitarian crisis in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

It is worth noting that the Pentagon allocated $320 million and deployed 1,000 soldiers and sailors to establish the pier. The mission reportedly involved fourteen ships from the US and other countries. At the same time, the US sent billions of dollars of weapons to “Israel” amid its genocide in Gaza.

In its inaugural week of operations, only 820 tons of aid were transported through the pier, with approximately two-thirds reaching distribution points within Gaza, according to the Pentagon’s statement on Thursday. This falls well short of the initial target of 90 truckloads per day and accounts for just 15% of the estimated minimum daily requirement for a population of over two million people facing famine.

Weather conditions present a significant challenge, with rough seas in the Mediterranean posing a threat to the pier’s integrity and safety. Storms delayed the installation process, and further interruptions are possible. While the summer months are anticipated to be relatively calm, operations may need to cease by September, necessitating the dismantling of the pier.

UN stops all food distribution in Rafah, warns of US pier failure
The UN stopped food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on May 21 due to a lack of supplies and an untenable security situation as a result of the Israeli expansion of a military operation in Rafah.

The UN warned that humanitarian operations all around the territory were near collapse.

In the same context, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on May 20 that delivering aid to Gaza via land routes was irreplaceable in terms of the volume of assistance required by the 2.2 million population in Gaza.

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) urged on May 17 for the opening of additional crossing points into the Gaza Strip, saying they are a lifeline for the Palestinians.

WFP warned that the escalation of IOF activity in Rafah risks stopping humanitarian operations in Gaza.

A top UN official said on May 9 that “Israel’s” blockade of major crossings into Gaza has shut off the main entrance route for supplies, notably gasoline, making humanitarian operations nearly impossible.

Andrea De Domenico, head of the United Nations humanitarian agency (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories expressed that the “main entry point for all humanitarian aid” had been lost. ... dod-video/


Only 200 aid trucks enter Gaza via Kerem Shalom crossing

The aid is a 'drop in the ocean' and may not reach desperate Palestinians as fighting rages amid Israel's ongoing Rafah assault

News Desk

MAY 26, 2024

A truck carrying humanitarian aid arrives for processing at the Kerem Shalom border crossing with Gaza on April 15, 2024. (Photo credit: AFP)
Israel agreed on 26 May to allow around 200 aid trucks into Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing at the southeastern edge of the besieged Palestinian enclave, bypassing the main Rafah crossing.

The main crossing has been blocked for three weeks due to Israel’s ongoing military assault.

Since Israel began its assault on Rafah on 6 May, aid deliveries “have slowed to a trickle,” The Guardian reported, with both crossings effectively blocked by the fighting and as Palestinians face widespread starvation.

Reuters reports that the aid shipments through Kerem Shalom are coming after an agreement was reached between US President Joe Biden and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Friday.

The Egyptian Red Crescent told Reuters 200 aid trucks, including four fuel trucks, were expected to enter on Sunday through the crossing.

Egypt's state-affiliated Al Qahera News TV shared a video on social media platform X, showing what it said were aid trucks as they entered Kerem Shalom.

Deliveries through Kerem Shalom are crucial, as the main crossing in Rafah has been closed since Israel began its assault on the city three weeks ago, creating a backlog in aid deliveries and threatening Palestinians with starvation.

"It's a very small drop in the ocean, but hopefully, it's a start," said Aurelie Godard of Doctors Without Borders in Gaza of Sunday’s deliveries.

However, The Guardian noted further that “with Rafah still closed and fighting raging, it remains unclear whether relief agencies will be able to access or distribute deliveries.”

The UK paper notes as well that aid deliveries from a new highly-touted and US-funded floating pier were halted almost immediately after they began last week.

At the start of the war, Israeli officials vowed to cut off food, water, and electricity to Gaza, causing widespread hunger throughout the strip and full-blown famine in some parts of it.

Since then, Israeli officials have largely dismissed international pressure to allow aid into Gaza or to end military operations that have further threatened Palestinians with starvation.

On Friday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) demanded Israel end the military operation in Rafah as part of the ongoing suit brought by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide.

Israel responded by escalating its bombing of Rafah and massacring several Palestinian families in their homes.

Last week, the International Criminal Court (ICC) applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in part due to their efforts to starve Palestinians in Gaza.

In December, Human Rights Watch issued a report saying Israel is using starvation as a weapon of war. ... m-crossing

Israeli jets open fire on Rafah 'safe zone,' killing dozens

The massacre in the Rafah tent compound was one of several Israeli attacks on displacement centers across Gaza on Sunday

News Desk

MAY 27, 2024

(Photo credit: X)

At least 40 Palestinians were killed on 26 May in Israeli airstrikes on the camps in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah.

The Israeli attack on Sunday evening, which was carried out with over six missiles, left several women and children dead.

“At least 40 were killed and others injured after occupation forces targeted, with at least eight missiles, tents of people sheltering in a displacement camp that was recently established near the UNRWA warehouses northwest of Rafah,” WAFA news agency reported.

According to the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, the people inside the tents – mostly women and children – were burned alive as a result of the attack. The area targeted had been designated as a safe zone by Israel and was sheltering thousands of displaced Palestinians.

It was one of several displacement centers targeted by Israeli forces that day, including in the northern city of Jabalia and Nuseirat in central Gaza, with the attacks resulting in the deaths and injuries of over 190 Palestinians on Sunday, according to Gaza’s Government Media Office.

“The Israeli occupation army bombed more than 10 displacement centers within 24 hours, the last of which was committing a horrific massacre in the UNRWA Barkasat center northwest of the Rafah governorate, which claimed the lives of more than 40 martyrs,” it said.

The media office called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) and all international courts to pursue “the war criminals of the Israeli occupation, the war criminals of the Americans, the German war criminals, and all other war criminals involved [in the killing of Palestinians.]”

Israel claimed it hit a Hamas compound in northwestern Rafah’s Tel al-Sultan area and said the strike was carried out “within international law.” It added that it was probing reports that fires spread and caused injuries inside a displacement camp.

The latest massacre in Rafah came two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to halt its military offensive in Rafah as part of the ongoing genocide case filed by South Africa.

It also comes as the ICC faces the threat of US sanctions for its recent decision to seek arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. ... ing-dozens

Northern Israeli settlement severs ties with Tel Aviv, demands army withdrawal: Report

Under constant fire from Hezbollah, settlers in the north accuse their government of failing to protect them

News Desk

MAY 27, 2024

Smoke rising from an Israeli army position on the Lebanese border following a Hezbollah attack. 20 October, 2023. (Photo credit: Hassan Ammar/AP)

The local authority in Israel’s northern settlement of Margaliot has announced severing communication with the Israeli government and has called on the army to withdraw from the area in protest of Tel Aviv’s inability to protect settlers in the north from Hezbollah.

“The local authority in Margaliot in the Upper Galilee announces the cessation of communication with the Israeli government. The local authority in Margaliot asks the army to withdraw its forces in protest of the government’s neglect of the residents of the north,” Al Jazeera’s correspondent reported on 27 May.

“The Margaliot settlement has decided to sever contact with the Israeli government and withdraw all soldiers from Margaliot. A notification has been sent to the termination officer. Additionally, we are closing the settlement's operations center and gates. No one, including the military, will be allowed to enter or leave the settlement. The emergency squad will find another place to stay,” said Eitan Davidi, Chairman of Margaliot settlement.

“Margaliot does not need protection from Hezbollah but from the Israeli government, which is crushing the settlement with its decisions. Margaliot is directly harmed by the government … decisions, causing more damage than Hezbollah's anti-tank missiles,” he added.

The report comes as Hezbollah continues to target the settlements and military sites in Israel’s north in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance and in response to Israeli bombardment of the south of Lebanon.

Hezbollah attacked on 27 May “a building used by enemy soldiers in the Margaliot colony” and “achieved confirmed injuries,” the resistance group said in a statement on Monday. Hezbollah also announced a guided missile and artillery shell attack on the Malikiya site in the Galilee that day.

Fires had broken out and spread for over an hour near the Malikiya site on Sunday afternoon after an attack launched from Lebanon.

The Lebanese resistance has stepped up its operations in recent days, as tens of thousands of Israeli settlers from the north remain dispersed across hotels and apartments across Israel.

The heads of local councils in the northern settlements have been increasingly frustrated with the army’s inability to push Hezbollah away from the border and deter its attacks – which the group has said it will not stop until the war in Gaza is brought to an end.

Settler communities from the north announced earlier this month a plan to secede from Israel and establish an independent State of Galilee in protest of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lack of urgency in returning them to their homes.

The frustration has been building for several months. Businesses in the north have been shut down, and the Israeli economy has suffered significant losses.

The head of the Mateh Asher settler council in the Galilee, Moshe Davidovitz, said on Sunday after Hamas’ Qassam Brigades fired rockets towards Tel Aviv: “Ten rockets fell in the center of the country, and the media is in an uproar - the country is in turmoil. Every day, dozens of rockets are fired towards the … conflict zone settlements and the Galilee, including anti-tank missiles and suicide drones, and the country remains silent. Once again, it's proof that the north is not being counted.” ... wal-report

(Perhaps you shouldn't be there...)

Israeli, Egyptian troops exchange fire at Rafah crossing

Tension is high between the Egyptian and Israeli militaries amid Israel's assault on Rafah on the Egyptian border

News Desk

MAY 27, 2024

A man sits near the gate to the Rafah border crossing with Egypt in the south of the Gaza Strip on November 3, 2023. (Photo credit: Said Khatib, AFP)
Israeli media reported on 27 May that Israeli forces killed at least one Egyptian soldier in an exchange of fire at the Rafah border crossing in Gaza.

Channel 14 reported that Egyptian security forces “fired on an Israeli truck at the Rafah crossing” and indicated that Israeli army soldiers “responded to this with gunfire.”

Maariv reported one Egyptian soldier was killed in the exchange before contact was made with the Egyptians to cease fire.

Israeli sources told the Hebrew newspaper that what happened “is a violation of the peace agreement with Egypt.”

The two countries signed a peace agreement in 1979 and have coordinated closely to control the Gaza–Egypt border.

Israel’s Channel 7 confirmed that there were no casualties on the part of Israeli forces during the clash.

The i24 News website reported that several other Egyptian soldiers may have been injured.

The Egyptian military spokesman confirmed the death of one Egyptian soldier. The spokesman said: “The Egyptian Armed Forces are conducting an investigation by the competent authorities into the shooting incident in the Rafah border area, which led to the martyrdom of one of the personnel in charge of security.”

Relations between Egypt and Israel have worsened since the start of the war on 7 October. Israeli leaders have expressed their desire to forcibly expel Gaza’s 2.3 million people to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi condemned the plans.

On 6 May, Israeli troops occupied the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, effectively blocking the entry of humanitarian aid as part of the broader Israeli ground campaign in Rafah. The flow of aid to Palestinians in Gaza, who face starvation and famine in addition to Israeli bombardment, has slowed to a trickle as a result.

In February, Egypt deployed 40 tanks to the Gaza border in anticipation of an Israeli assault on Rafah and possible mass displacement of Palestinians from the border city. ... h-crossing

Nearly 9,000 Palestinians detained in West Bank since 7 October

The Israeli army arrested around 20 Palestinian citizens across the occupied West Bank from 25 to 26 May

News Desk

MAY 27, 2024

(Photo Credit: AP)

The Israeli army arrested around 20 Palestinians from 25 to 26 May, bringing the total number of arrests in the occupied West Bank since 7 October to over 8,875.

The Commission for Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Club jointly issued a statement, revealing that the total arrests since 7 October have surpassed 8,875.

According to the Palestinian news agency WAFA, the arrests over the weekend took place across several areas in the West Bank, including Jenin, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, and Jerusalem.

During the arrest campaign, Israeli settlers, accompanied by police, entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem on the morning of 26 May. Local reports also indicate that the arrest raids caused widespread destruction of property.

The reports added that local enforcement was stationed at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque and prevented tens of worshippers from entering.

Additionally, Israeli forces distributed demolition notices on the same day for commercial shops along the road connecting the Jaba and Qalandia military checkpoints, situated north of occupied Jerusalem, and for a bridge linking the towns of Jaba and Al-Ram.

Simultaneously with the conflict in Gaza, Israeli settlers have increased their assaults on Palestinians in the West Bank. The Israeli military has also heightened its operations in the occupied West Bank, leading to 518 deaths, 5,000 injuries, and numerous arrests.

Earlier this month, in a similar incident, the Israeli military detained 25 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, killing six civilians in the process.

According to a local statement, the Israeli forces physically assaulted and mistreated Palestinians, as well as damaging their property.

Detention drives are often marked by increasing incidents of mistreatment, physical assaults, and intimidation directed at the detainees and their families. This encompasses the demolition of residences along with the seizure of vehicles, funds, and valuables like jewelry ... -7-october
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed May 29, 2024 11:19 am

Hell on Earth… and the Time of Monsters: Can a New World be Born?
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 26, 2024

Editorial Comment:

This article echoes sentiments expressed on this website and challenges illusions that a new world can emerge without a complete defeat and overthrow of the current genocidal world order – and that neither multipolarity, nor a new economic order will save humanity if we fail in this. We must evolve in consciousness, decolonize and deconstruct the murderous paradigms.


Nora Hoppe


“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters.”

― Antonio Gramsci

As I write, part of Rafah is being engulfed in an infernal blaze… If Hieronymous Bosch were alive and at work today, how would he portray “Hell” in view of what is happening in Gaza? And if he did, would his painting do justice to this reality?

Rafah was the last remaining area of the Gaza Strip that had not yet been destroyed by the Zionist entity. Many countries appealed to the entity not to attack Rafah – to no avail. Because the entity heeds no one and nothing, respects no one and nothing, and is above everyone and everything. It is a thing unto itself. An aberration.

What began as a proliferating Western colonial outpost by calculation, metastasized into a killing machine… that is now even expediting its own demise (though not fast enough). As Norman Finkelstein put it in this extraordinary interview: “‘Israel’ has now reached a lunatic place where the survival of, not just the regions, but the planet is at stake.”

The big and NAKED question that will go down in the history books (if humanity survives the plans of the Zionist entity) is: Why was the Rest of the World unable to stop the genocide?

One can already exclude the “West” (the Anglophone world and Europe) from this question, as it is and has been the engine of this monstrosity; this settler outpost of theirs epitomises the very essence of the contemporary Western world – its morals, its principles, its goals… It signifies the apex of 500 years of greed, hypocrisy, hubris, exploitation, plundering, racism, colonialism, and genocide.

And the Rest of the World?

The Palestinians themselves have been fighting for their very lives ever since the creation of “the State of Israel”; despite the countless deaths and unspeakable suffering, their spirit continues to endure.

Yemen is now deeply engaged in this battle and sees it as their shared struggle.

The entire Axis of Resistance in West Asia is doing what it can to counter the Zionist crimes. The Iranian retaliation has increased the morale of the Palestinians and of the Axis of Resistance, and changed the paradigm in West Asia.

South Africa has been trying to do what it can with its case at the International Court of Justice and continues to seek additional punitive actions. Colombia has severed ties with “Israel” and Nicaragua has accused Germany of aiding and abetting genocide at the ICJ.

Russia – alongside of its battle against nazism in “the other war” in Ukraine – is spearheading the creation of a multipolar world; and both Russia and China are condemning the genocide, along with many other nations.

143 UN member states out of 193 voted to recognise Palestinian statehood… All over the world university students and other young people have finally begun to protest the genocide…

The Global Majority – 88% of the planet – is in opposition against the minority – the Empire and the vassals in Europe – that is directly and indirectly supporting and even legitimising the genocide.

And yet… the massacres continue.

Certainly one can seek to justify this failure on the part of the Global Majority – 88% of the planet – to end the genocide by saying: “it’s complicated”, “it’s not OUR war; we are dealing with our own conflicts and threats to our nations”, “the Zionists have nuclear weapons and will use them on us when cornered”, “we cannot escalate it to WWIII”, “the people at the top of the world economy are Zionists”, “we don’t have the international legal structures to get directly involved”, “we have to think of the economic consequences”, “the Zionist entity is wearing itself out and doing itself in, we just have to be patient”, “it will take time to create a new and fairer UN”, “we must wait for a ‘new world order’ in order to -…”

And… so… the massacres continue.

At one point in the future – if the planet still exists – either, as the Zionist plan foresees, all or most of the Palestinians will have been massacred and the rest expulsed… OR… the Zionist military and the Zionist society will have worn themselves out through the strategy of attrition employed by the Axis of Resistance and through the spirit of endurance of the Palestinians themselves (which they will have paid for with an incalculably heavy price). In the latter case, this triumph will be theirs – and theirs alone! The “Rest of the World”, myself included, will have to live with a scar on its conscience.

In the meantime …

Now, at every single moment, innocent people are dying atrocious deaths. Sure, for now they are… “just Palestinians”.

Those who do not realise that this is a war against all of us, a War against Humanity, a struggle between ethical responsibility and barbarism… are deluding themselves and are ultimately impeding solutions.

The Genocide in Gaza is only the “tip” of a larger agenda. We must not forget that the Zionist entity is but a colonial outpost – or to put it in a more contemporary formulation: “the aircraft carrier of the Empire in West Asia”. (And, as I wrote in an earlier essay, this colonialist “entity” is now showing itself as a fateful curse for people of the Jewish faith, as well.)

These days there are discussions between Netanyahu and Biden over Rafah being a “red line” – but these are simply theatrics for the façade. Twelve US Republican senators are reported to have threatened members of the International Criminal Court with “severe sanctions” if arrest warrants were issued against the likes of Netanyahu, Gallant, and Israeli occupation forces (IOF) Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi for war crimes – which would be interpreted “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States”. The idea of the Zionist entity commanding the Empire is absurd and, as usual, a deflection from the real powers of the Empire.

We will not be able to proceed with the birth of a New World without coming to grips with this “entire agenda”… and without comprehending all that is involved in the choice between ethical responsibility and barbarism.

So… how can we now speak sincerely of “the Future of Humanity”?

How can we now speak even pragmatically of “a future Multipolar World” – a more equitable world of diverse, free, and sovereign nations… when the single most urgent and essential question regarding our humanity cannot only not be dealt with but cannot even be formulated in an official manner?

As we hopefully pass from a decaying unipolar world and begin to build a new, multipolar world, the question arises as to what place our humanity and empathy will have in this.

Do we have a common purpose?

What are our philosophical and spiritual resources?

What are our highest values and how do we enshrine them in our societies?

And… what is the role of culture today?

When – at a certain point when we have all survived – the Palestinians and the Axis of Resistance will have triumphed in their struggles, it is THEY who will have the most important lessons for the world.

And hopefully, we can all learn from them… not only on how to avoid future genocides and the descent into barbarism but how to focus more on humanity.

De-dollarisation is vital but not enough… de-colonisation is also necessary.

Minds have been colonised all over the world. For a Multipolar World of truly sovereign nations to be born it will have to discard the last vestiges of racism, colonialism, neoliberalism, technophilia, and cultural destruction with which it allowed itself to become infected by the colonisers and infiltrators of the modern West.

For a start… can such noble organisations as BRICS+ open up a new category for its next summits? Alongside – or perhaps even before – all the current important topics of equitable trade, economic cooperation, improved logistics, joint security, beneficial technological developments etc., there are indispensable philosophical, ethical, and civilisational issues that need to be addressed. Cultural, social, and spiritual topics should not be left on the “back burner”… as these form the foundation of a just society.

In view of the state of our world today, the safeguarding of humanity should be paramount.

“The metaphor for Palestine is stronger than the Palestine of reality.”

– Mahmoud Darwish

Featured Image: Painting by Hieronymus Bosch, An Angel Leading a Soul into Hell. ... d-be-born/


Gaza Strip: Israel Accused of Destroying Health System

Gaza Population amid smoke and ruble | Photo: EFE

Published 27 May 2024 (16 hours 49 minutes ago)

According to official data, the health sector in Gaza has collapsed, and what is left of it is treating, at most, only 15 per cent of the wounded.

On Monday, the Palestinian News and Information Agency (Wafa) denounced that the health system in the Gaza Strip is one of the main targets of the Israeli offensive as part of its doctrine of destruction.

The US military did not limit its war against the sector to direct attacks, but also threatened, besieged and forced the evacuation of hospitals, the source said.

It also prevented these facilities from obtaining basic supplies such as medicines, fuel and water, the source said.

The news outlet recalled that since the beginning of the aggression on Gaza on 7 October 2023, there have been constant warnings from humanitarian organizations and international institutions about the danger of a collapse of the territory's health system.

Rafah tonight.

— TIMES OF GAZA (@Timesofgaza) May 27, 2024
“Israeli forces systematically create excuses for their war against hospitals and medical centers, as well as their personnel and rescue teams,” it said.

As an example, it cited Israel's "fabrication of lies and attempts to attribute bombings and destruction to Palestinian factions, as happened after the attack on Al-Ahli Al-Arabi hospital" on 17 October last year.

At other times, the IDF has claimed that sieges of medical complexes, such as Al-Shifa, were the result of their use by Palestinian movements for military purposes or because of the presence of tunnels underneath them, he said.

'We don't know where to go.’

The Salman family survived Israel's latest attack on a 'safe zone' in Rafah but are now forcibly displaced for the 8th time since the war on Gaza began.

— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) May 27, 2024

The IDF "failed to convince world public opinion, even some Western media, which usually adopt the Israeli narrative", he said.

Wafa also accused the military of killing patients, medical personnel and displaced persons who took refuge inside these facilities.

According to official data, the health sector in Gaza has collapsed, and what is left of it is treating, at most, only 15 per cent of the wounded.

It cannot treat those suffering from chronic diseases, nor can it treat those affected by epidemics, which have led to overcrowding in shelters and the destruction of the sewage system, he warned.

"The vast majority of these patients cannot receive their basic medicines and necessary care, which has worsened their state of health," he said. ... -0019.html


Are European Politicians Beginning to Worry About Their Own Possible Complicity in Israel’s War Crimes?
Posted on May 28, 2024 by Nick Corbishley

“If you are encouraging a party to undertake a war crime you become complicit in that crime itself.”

Unlike the United States and Israel, most Western European countries — including Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain — are signatories to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, or ICC. As such, while lawmakers in Israel and the US can talk about ignoring or sanctioning* the ICC over its chief prosecutor’s decision to apply for arrest warrants for Israel’s PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, many governments in Europe are torn between their blind loyalty to Israel and their responsibilities as States Members of the ICC.

An interesting case in point is Berlin, which is until now one of the ICC’s biggest financial donors. But the German government is also a fervent supporter of Israel, which it calls its “reason of state” — a lingering legacy of the systematic murder of millions of Jews under the Nazi regime. As Deutsche Welle reported a few days ago, while the Biden administration can ridicule The Hague’s request as “outrageous”, Germany’s position is more complex. The Scholz government must choose between supporting The Hague or Netanyahu — that is, between obeying international rules or standing by a close ally:

At the regular government press conference on Wednesday, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s spokesperson, Steffen Hebestreit, made it clear just how difficult it is for the German government to take a clear position in this case. Visibly tense, Hebestreit initially had to counter rumors on Wednesday that Scholz was “shocked” by the chief prosecutor’s announcement.

Hebestreit said: “I cannot report any shock or anger. We have made it very clear that we take a very critical view of the equation [of Netanyahu with Hamas]. And we pointed out differences in terms of how the state of Israel, its independent judiciary, is constituted…”

Another problem for Berlin is that Netanyahu’s government is increasingly isolated on the world stage and even within Israel itself, as an editorial in the FT acknowledges:

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt its assault on the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Ireland, Norway and Spain committed, meanwhile, to recognise Palestinian statehood — a symbolic blow against an Israeli leader who rails against any talk of a two-state solution. This should be a wake-up call, a moment for moderate Israelis to realise that, despite worldwide sympathy over Hamas’s horrific October 7 assault, their far-right government’s actions are driving the country into greater isolation.

Some EU governments, including France, Belgium and Slovenia, have publicly expressed support for the ICC Prosecutor’s application for arrest warrants against leaders from Israel and Hamas for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Belgium’s deputy prime minister has even called for the imposition of EU sanctions on Israeli imports. Others have slammed the ICC chief prosecutor’s decision. They include Hungary’s Foreign Minister Gergely Gulyas who said that Netanyahu can rest assured he would not be arrested or extradited if he entered Hungarian territory.

War Crimes Complicity

If granted, the ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan’s application for arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant and three Hamas leaders could have implications far beyond Israel and Palestine. If the ICC ends up ruling that the actions of Netanyahu’s government and the IDF in Gaza do indeed constitute war crimes and/or crimes against humanity, it opens up the possibility of Western leaders and ministers being prosecuted on charges of complicity in those crimes.

For the moment, it is only a possibility, and probably a slim one at that. Much will depend on whether the ICC’s judges actually issue the arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant. The US government is mobilising its reserves of soft and hard power, including the threat of sanctioning the UCC, to try to ensure that does not happen.

If we’re being honest, such an outcome was barely imaginable until recently. Since its inception in 2002 the ICC has only ever conducted trials against African governments while sparing Western leaders from criticism. This has prompted accusations that the court is being used as “a tool of Western neo-colonial politics,” notes Alfred de Zayas, an expert in international law and former Special Rapporteur to the the UN Human Rights Council:

This is evidenced by its failure to indict Western political and military leaders, notwithstanding well-documented legal briefs submitted to three Prosecutors, particularly concerning war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan and Iraq, including torture in Abu Ghraib, Mosul, and Guantanamo.

De Zayas warns that if the ICC judges fail to indict Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and his Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, as recommended by Prosecutor Khan, “it risks a massive departure of members of the Statute of Rome,” especially those from Africa, and could even be the “final nail in the ICC’s coffin.” If they succeed, what we might see instead is the departure of a number of Western countries from the ICC.

In the UK, for example, the likely future prime minister, Keir Starmer, a former human rights lawyer no less, has refused to say whether or not he would enforce the ICC arrest warrants. At the same time, he insists that he respects the independence of the ICC’s prosecutors and judges and supports international law. Yet in the early days of the Israeli offensive in Gaza, Starmer told LBC that “Israel does have the right” to cut off food and water to Gaza.

He was not the only one. For weeks and months after the October 7 massacre, many European leaders and politicians reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself even as the IDF dropped tens of thousands of tonnes of explosives on Gaza, one of the planet’s most densely-populated areas, while at the same time opposing calls for a meaningful ceasefire. Von der Leyen, for example, did not begin endorsing the idea of a ceasefire until March, more than five months into the conflict.

As the civilian death count in Gaza soared, with children accounting for a disproportionate share of the deaths, the same seven words kept pouring out of many Western government mouthpieces: “Israel has the right to defend itself.” But while all states have a right to defend themselves under the UN Charter, that does not give them the right to wage war on an occupied territory.

“Israel cannot claim the right of self-defence against a threat that emanates from the territory it occupies, from a territory that is kept under belligerent occupation,” said Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories. “And not only does this exist in the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice in general; it’s also been said in the case of the occupied Palestinian territory.”

Many Western countries have continued to sell weapons to Israel and withhold funds from UNRWA, the main United Nations agency working in Gaza, even as the bombs began dropping on Rafah and the threat of famine looms over Gaza’s roughly two million trapped inhabitants. And that is why some of Israel’s Western allies now face the possibility, however slim, of being charged for complicity in war crimes.

“A failure by states such as Germany, the UK and the US to reassess how they are providing support to Israel provides grounds to question whether those states are violating the obligation to prevent genocide or could even at some point be considered complicit in acts of genocide or other violations of international law,” Michael Becker, a professor of international human rights law at Trinity College in Dublin who has previously worked at the ICJ, told Al Jazeera in April.

Calls for ICC Investigation into Von der Leyen

One obvious suspect for complicity in Israel’s war crimes is Ursula von der Leyen, who in the early days of Israel’s Gaza offensive breached her mandate as EU Commission president by lending full EU approval to the offensive despite the fact she has no authority in foreign affairs matters. VdL has already faced a barrage of criticism within EU institutions, including by the Commission’s chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, as well as in some European capitals, for her early unqualified support for Israel.

Following her visit to Israel in October, she was accused in a letter signed by 842 EU staffers of turning a blind eye to Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. The letter accused VdL of giving “a free hand to the acceleration and the legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip”. It also warned that the EU is “losing all credibility” as well as its status “as a fair, equitable and humanist broker,” while ripping into VdL’s “patent” double standards over what is currently unfolding in Palestine and events in Ukraine.

In early May, Borrell laid into his boss for ignoring a request lodged three months earlier by the governments of Spain and Ireland to conduct a thorough review of the EU’s trade agreement with Israel due to human rights violations in the Gaza Strip. Spanish President Pedro Sánchez and the-then Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar, sent a letter to the EU Commission president in February proposing a reconsideration of the association agreement, which includes among its clauses the possibility of suspending the agreement’s terms if international law is breached. But instead of suspending the agreement, VdL promoted closer EU-Israel cooperation.

It is not just her EU colleagues or underlings accusing VdL of complicity in war crimes. On May 22, two European human rights organisations — the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI) and the Paris-based Collectif de Juristes pour le Respect des engagements internationaux de la France (CJRF) — and a group of “international concerned citizens”, submitted a legal brief to the ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan requesting the opening of an investigation into the EU Commission president for her complicity in Israel’s war crimes against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including the Gaza Strip.

According to the accompanying press release sets out, Von der Leyen is complicit in violations of Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute by her “positive actions” (providing military, political and diplomatic support to Israel) as well as in her failure to take timely action on behalf of the Commission to help prevent genocide as required by the 1948 Genocide Convention. It also notes that VdL cannot argue that she was unaware of Israel’s violations of international humanitarian law, “especially following the International Court of Justice’s provisional measures order of 26 January 2024 in the pending ICJ case South Africa v. Israel.”

The document also states that Von der Leyen “enjoys no functional immunity before the International Criminal Court by virtue of Article 27 of the Rome Statute.” From the final section of the press release:

[Von der Leyen] should have taken every possible action at her disposal to prevent the continued commission of such crimes, and at the very least not to facilitate in any manner the commission of these crimes, as she unfortunately did. The obligation to prevent the commission of genocide is paramount in the Genocide Convention and the ICC Statute…

Should President von der Leyen have acted pursuant to her legal duty to act, rather than sought to “ensure freedom of action for Israel in the continuation of the campaign”, the crimes would have been substantially less likely to occur, or at the very least to be perpetrated over such a long period of time, and on such a scale and magnitude.

Even if this brief is ultimately rejected by the ICC, the looming risk of prosecution in the future, combined with the ongoing criminal investigation into the Commission’s procurement of vaccines from Pfizer BioNTech, may be enough to put paid to VdL’s reelection hopes.

Criminal Complaints in UK

In the UK, a new criminal complaint has been submitted to the Metropolitan Police accusing 22 people, including five unnamed government ministers, of aiding and abetting Israel’s intentional starvation of Palestinians. It comes on the heels of a prior complaint issued in January by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), arguing that UK politicians are criminally liable for their involvement in alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Of course, the chances of the UK’s legal establishment investigating and, if necessary, prosecuting senior British government officials for alleged war crimes are as good as zero. Tony Blair is living, grinning testimony to that fact. This is why it must fall to the ICC to investigate Netanyahu’s accomplices in the UK government, argues Declassified UK:

With the ICC’s chief prosecutor issuing an application for an arrest warrant against Israel’s prime minister for “war crimes and crimes against humanity”, attention must turn to those who have aided Israel.

British ministers have for months been materially assisting Israel during its onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza. This support is being provided in three main ways.

First, the UK is providing arms to Israel. Recently filed court documents reveal that, as of January this year, the UK government had 28 extant and 28 pending “high-risk” licences with Israel marked as “most likely to be used by the IDF in offensive operations in Gaza”…

Second, the UK military is training Israeli armed forces personnel in Britain during the genocide… Third, the UK military is conducting spy flights over Gaza in support of Israel. Declassified has found that over 200 surveillance missions over Gaza have been undertaken by the Royal Air Force, which is likely to have gathered around 1,000 hours of surveillance footage.

The UK government seems to be perfectly aware of the legal risks it faces by continuing to furnish Israel with military weapons, train its officers and provide it with aerial intelligence even after the International Court of Justice ruled in late January that it is “plausible” that Israel has committed acts that violate the Genocide Convention. As the DCUK article notes, “British ministers are refusing to provide detailed information about these three areas of activity to parliament, likely to avoid prosecution for complicity in war crimes.”

Did you know that last month the British government imposed a blackout on all information about Israeli military planes landing in the UK?

It's not been reported in a single UK paper.

Britain is materially complicit in genocide. And the cover-up has been going on for 7 months.

— Matt Kennard (@kennardmatt) May 27, 2024

Western leaders and politicians were served fair warning of the risks of aiding and abetting Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. In fact, even in the early days of Israel’s Gaza offensive, many were sounding the alarm. They included Crispin Blunt, a British MP and former squadron commander in the armed forces, who told the BBC:

“If you are encouraging a party to undertake a war crime you become complicit in that crime itself. And it’s absolutely clear now that what is happening in Gaza does amount to a war crime”.

In late January, the ICJ issued its warning of a “plausible” risk that Israel was committing a genocide. The court also required Israel to provide aid and services, stop dehumanising Palestinians, and quit destroying infrastructure, which the Netanyahu government has studiously ignored while intensifying its offensive in Gaza. Late last week, it was instructed by the ICJ to halt its offensive on Rafa. Israel’s response was to rain down bombs on tents sheltering hundreds of displaced Palestinians in the city, setting the make-shift camp on fire.

In late March, Francesca Albanese issued a report stating there were clear indications that Israel was violating the UN Genocide Convention, and reminding other governments that complicity in genocide was also “expressly prohibited, giving rise to obligations for third states”.

In that same month, a group of Australian lawyers referred Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his government to the ICC for investigation on charges of complicity in the Gaza genocide. As WSWS reported at the time, the lawyers “outlined [in a meticulous brief] Labor’s repeated legitimisation of Israeli war crimes, as well as Australia’s assistance, political, diplomatic and material. Albanese could not refute that brief, instead vaguely dismissing it as ‘disinformation’.”

* This is by no means the only pressure the governments of Israel and the US appear to be applying to try to dissuade the ICC from going after Netanyahu and his ministers. A few weeks ago, 14 US Republican senators sent a letter to ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan, threatening him against issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu. “Target Israel and we will target you,” they wrote.

Earlier this week, The Guardian reported that Netanyahu had (allegedly) sent the former head of Mossad Yossi Cohen to have a quiet, threatening word or two in the ear of Fatou Bensouda, a former chief prosecutor at the ICC, to pressure her into abandoning an investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in occupied Palestinian territories. That was apparently back in 2021. As the article notes, “the [current] chief prosecutor’s decision to apply to the ICC’s pre-trial chamber for arrest warrants for Netanyahu and his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, alongside three Hamas leaders, is an outcome Israel’s military and political establishment has long feared." ... rimes.html


US state, local governments bankroll Israeli genocide in Gaza

Israel relies on foreign bond sales to finance its growing budget deficit resulting from war spending

News Desk

MAY 27, 2024

The destroyed annex of the St. Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church, the oldest church still in use in Gaza, hit by an Israeli strike on Oct. 20. (Photo credit: Dawood Nemer / AFP via Getty Images)

State and local governments in the US are investing large amounts in Israel bonds, effectively helping to fund Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

The Financial Times (FT) reports that Israel Bonds, the official underwriter for the debt, has sold more than $3 billion of bonds since the war began on 7 October, three times the previous annual average.

Local governments in the US, including Florida, Indiana, and Ohio, have been significant buyers.

FT reports that Florida’s Palm Beach County holds $700 million of its $4.6 billion overall portfolio in Israel bonds.

“I’m ecstatic that we have these bonds in our portfolio,” Joseph Abruzzo, the overseer of the county’s investments, told FT. He cited “the great returns, the safety, and the benefit to the taxpayers of Palm Beach County” of debt that is crucial in financing a long-term war on Gaza that is nearing its ninth month and has killed over 14,000 children.

Money raised through the bonds has helped Israel finance the military spending that has caused its budget deficit to reach 7 percent of GDP.

Amid the horrific images being broadcast of the Israeli bombing of Gaza, Abruzzo told the FT he has received, “without exaggeration, full-room applauses and standing ovations” at community meetings for buying the bonds.

A country board-imposed cap on his investments was also recently lifted, allowing him to hold 15 percent of the portfolio in Israel bonds. In May, the state treasurer of Ohio added $30 million to their holding of more than $260 million of the Israeli debt.

Caps on a single investment are designed to limit the risk to the overall portfolio in case the bond issuer cannot make interest payments or return the investor’s funds at maturity for unforeseen reasons.

Because Israel bonds are difficult to sell and designed to be held to maturity, questions arise about whether they are appropriate investments for state and local governments investing taxpayer funds.

However, in recent years, special laws have been passed to allow local and state governments to add Israel bonds to their portfolios alongside US treasuries and other US government-issued debt. These US-issued bonds are viewed as safer and easier to sell if needed. No bonds from other foreign countries are allowed.

Pro-Palestine activists, including from Jewish Voice for Peace, have launched street protests against Israel bonds, saying they help fund genocide in Gaza.

“The reality is that it’s horrifying that our states, our counties, our other community institutions are investing directly with no restrictions and no conditions to ensure human rights are upheld,” said Dani Noble, a campaign organizer at Jewish Voice for Peace. “Israel bonds directly provide unrestricted and unaccountable financial support,” she added.

Activists in Palm Beach announced they would bring a lawsuit over the county’s Israel bond holdings.

“I think we are going to see much more intense pressure on divestment,” Marlowe said. “I have gotten a lot more questions in recent weeks about how local government investment pools work, because there are a lot of people who are preparing pressure campaigns. I fully expect that there is going to be litigation over this.”

Universities whose endowments invest in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and companies that provide weapons to the Israeli army have also become targets of activist divestment campaigns. ... de-in-gaza

Israeli tanks reach central Rafah as massacres spark global outrage

People in several countries have taken to the streets to condemn Israel’s massacre of displaced civilians on Sunday

News Desk

MAY 28, 2024

(Photo credit: Mostafa Alkharouf/AA)

Israel pressed ahead with its operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah on 28 May, despite widespread international condemnation over its killing of dozens of Palestinians in a strike on a tent camp in the besieged city.

Israeli tanks pushed forward towards Rafah’s western neighborhoods overnight on Monday. Reuters cited residents as saying on Tuesday that tanks have now reached central Rafah.

Warplanes continued heavily bombarding the city on 28 May, as Israeli artillery and tank fire targeted tents in the Tal al-Sultan area in northwestern Rafah – where the massacre took place on Sunday evening.

“Seven people were killed, and others were injured, as a result of artillery shelling that targeted tent camps for displaced people … in Tal al-Sultan area, northwest of the city of Rafah,” WAFA news agency reported on Tuesday.

Israeli bombardment also continued across Gaza, including in the north and center of the strip.

At least 40 Palestinians were killed on 26 May in Israeli airstrikes on a tent camp in northwestern Rafah.

The Israeli attack on Sunday evening, which was carried out with over six missiles, left several women and children dead. The area targeted had been designated as a safe zone by Israel and was sheltering thousands of displaced Palestinians.

The massacre came two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to halt its military offensive in Rafah as part of the ongoing genocide case filed by South Africa.

The brutal killings sparked outrage worldwide, with Arab and international governments condemning Israel’s strike on the densely populated displacement center.

“These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians,” said French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday, adding that he was “outraged” by the attack.

Italy expressed “despair” over the killing of dozens in Rafah. “There is an increasingly difficult situation, in which the Palestinian people are being squeezed without regard for the rights of innocent men, women and children who have nothing to do with Hamas and this can no longer be justified,” Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto told Sky TV 24.

People in the US, France, Turkiye, and elsewhere took to the streets on 27 May in protest against Israel’s massacre in Rafah.
#Turkey: Yesterday, Turkish protesters set fire to the building housing the #Israeli consulate in #Istanbul, in protest of the "#Rafah massacre".
It can be assumed that there are no Israelis there.
Hundreds of New Yorkers are rallying now in Zuccotti Park in the pouring rain for an emergency protest for Rafah following the horrific massacre committed by Israel last night.
Something historic is happening in Paris.

It is now past midnight, and the pro-Palestine protests are continuing in the French capital, slamming Israel’s massacres of refugees in Rafah.

France’s citizens have had enough of Israel’s depravity. ... al-outrage


U.S. Officials Can’t Say the Word “Genocide,” But ICC is Pursuing Charges of Genocide Committed by Israel
By David Starr - May 27, 2024 3


In a promising move, International Criminal Court Prosecutor Karim Khan decided to file for an application to serve arrest warrants to Israeli and Hamas leaders. As published in Al Jazeera, Khan was quoted as saying that there are “reasonable grounds” to serve warrants to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for committing “war crimes and crimes against humanity.” But, three Hamas leaders were also singled out, Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri for the same charges.

In a typical response, Netanyahu said, “I reject with disgust the comparison of the prosecutor in the Hague between democratic Israel and the mass murderers of Hamas.” Netanyahu’s hypocrisy is so evident, with Israel bombing and shooting anything and anyone in sight.


Israeli President Isaac Herzog said that “any attempt to draw parallels between the atrocious terrorists is outrageous and cannot be accepted by anyone.” Despite Herzog’s flight from reality, it has been accepted, where Israel is looked at as a rogue nation worldwide.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich had the nerve to say that the ICC’s seeking the arrest of Israeli leaders is comparable to Nazi propaganda. But Smotrich, a fascist, has it backwards where Israel, with its mass murder of over 35,000 Palestinians, about half being children, looks Nazi-like.

Hamas itself was outraged by the ICC’s accusations, where there’s an attempt to “equate the victim with the executioner.” While Israel frantically claims to be defending itself, it has gone way beyond that. Given the Palestinians being oppressed over 70 years, there is also the right for Palestinians to defend themselves.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Joe Biden called the warrants against Israel’s leaders “outrageous,” adding, “Whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence –none–between Israel and Hamas.” Biden is thus siding with war criminals, although Hamas is not totally innocent.

What about the accusations of genocide committed by Israel? That has been ignored by pro-Israel/Zionists supporters.

In January 2024, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a news briefing, “Those are allegations that should not be made lightly…we are not seeing acts that constitute genocide. That is a determination by the State Department.”

To claim something like this has made the U.S. complicit in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians. On the Katie Halper Show, U.S. President Joe Biden was taken to task for denying there has been a genocide. The nickname for Biden—“Genocide Joe”—has stuck and has been used regularly by critics and protesters of Israel’s actions.

Biden has been “warning” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to target civilians, but Netanyahu, truly a fascist, has done it anyway.


Recently, however, an agreement was made between Biden and Netanyahu to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza. Biden, previously giving a slap on the wrist to Netanyahu, appeared to have made a threat to take action if Israel continues blocking aid. It remains to be seen if Biden would follow through with the threat if Netanyahu reneges on the agreement. This has happened before, with Biden making several gestures to Netanyahu to bring in aid and not target civilians. But that has not worked. The fascists in the Israeli government appear to be hell-bent on continuing their mass murder, based on racism and myths of religious supremacy.

Biden administration officials have not even pushed for a permanent cease-fire. The United States under his leadershipu has vetoed resolutions in meetings of the UN Security Council; standing alone in doing that. However, it abstained from the last proposed resolution. And Israel may not honor that resolution.

Biden’s refusal to push for a cease-fire is inexcusable. His administration gives the impression that the U.S. cannot prevent Israel from stopping its barbarity. Biden has only made suggestions to Netanyahu to tone down the military assault, while continuing to supply Israel with more weapons which, in turn, are used to kill Palestinians.

Biden actually has the power to stop the war, according to Stephen Zunes writing in Truthout: “Though Congress authorizes military aid, the president has the authority under the Arms Export Control Act to withhold (or threaten to withhold) U.S. military aid when the recipient nation violates U.S. or international law.”

And Israel has been committing violations regularly. Zunes provides what laws Israel has broken: “Israel is currently violating the Fourth Geneva Convention regarding treatment of civilians in war time, among a number of other statutes, and it is violating UN Security Council Resolution 2728, which demands an immediate temporary cease-fire. Israel is also in violation of Section 502B of the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act, which prohibits aid to countries that prevent access to humanitarian relief supplies; the 1999 Leahy Amendment, which prohibits funding foreign security forces engaged in the commission of gross violations of human rights; and Biden’s own Security Memorandum 20, which requires U.S. security partners to provide written assurances that they will use U.S. military assistance in accordance with international law and facilitate humanitarian aid.”

Biden is defying the will of U.S. citizens, a majority of whom think Israel should not receive military aid. This is probably because Republicans, especially, would consider him abandoning Israel. But Biden has those numerous laws that can justify taking action. Plus, he should not have any choice since it is the law. Still, the Biden administration denies Israel is committing any violations like genocide.

That can be seen in another briefing, when State Department spokesperson Miller claimed on March 25, “We have not found [Israel] to be in violation of international humanitarian law, either when it comes to the conduct of war or when it comes to the provision of humanitarian assistance.” Blatantly Orwellian.

Regarding the approved resolution where the United States abstained, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby made the ridiculous claim that the resolution is “non-binding.” Kirby added that Israel can still go after Hamas. The UN Security Council obviously makes resolutions that are binding. Again, blatantly Orwellian.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller. [Source:]
John Kirby [Source:]

However, to make a resolution binding, it has to be enacted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. But the U.S. has not allowed this to happen.

The U.S. Congress has the power to constrain Biden but no action has been taken, probably because most of Congress fully supports Israel. There is an ideological commitment which most will not challenge.

There is also the goal of eliminating Hamas, which has in the process caused the “elimination” of many Palestinians. Biden wants a new Middle East without the existence of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. But Biden is in no position to justify his vision of this new Middle East, given how one-sided he has been in supporting Israel. Plus, the U.S. has to break the habit of deciding what is “good” for other nations. And with the genocide going on, and with the U.S. supporting Israel, a group like Hamas will likely get many recruits.

What about Palestinians attaining sovereignty with a newly formed nation? Ideally, this should be the case. But, writing an opinion piece in the Middle East Monitor, Tamer Ajrami sees Palestinians having limited sovereignty over part of the Palestinian territories. This is part of a scenario written by Ajrami about potential negotiations between Israel and Palestine. Ajrami has Israel recognizing a Palestinian state but, to reiterate, with limited sovereignty.

The thing is that Netanyahu and Israel’s fascist government will not recognize a Palestinian state. They have made that clear. Even if Netanyahu loses an election, the right wing will still be there and will try to impose its supremacist agenda; this means that Palestinians will still be treated badly.

Historically, Israel-Palestine negotiations have basically been one-sided, with Israel’s ally, the United States, playing the role of mediator. Palestinians have been accused of rejecting negotiations, but that is because it has meant Israel would not only keep the land it has already stolen, but would possibly continue to steal more land. After all, Israelis would continue to think that all the land in that area belongs to Israel, based on religious myths.

Biden ignores this scenario, being a self-proclaimed Zionist himself. And he has to deal with the Zionist lobby, which has had too much influence over U.S. politics. So Biden will probably continue to appease the lobby.

Biden wants to remake the Middle East and, Ajrami writes, this is another reason why he does not push for a cease-fire, and why the United States vetoed resolutions in the UN Security Council to implement one. Even the U.S. abstaining from the most recent attempt at implementing a cease-fire has not shown progress. Biden’s attitude reflects the same old U.S. imperialism in deciding for others what they should do in their affairs.

Biden’s goal—bending to Israel’s wishes to destroy Hamas—is not realistic. Israel has blamed Hamas for all the carnage resulting from the war. But this excuse can only go so far. Hamas did not kill more than 33,000 people, as Israel has done. Israel’s excuses are all the more absurd when it has gone well beyond self-defense. It is likely that Hamas will still be around—despite Israel’s determination to eliminate it—no matter how many Palestinians die in the process. And, thus, it is obvious that Israel is guilty of genocide.

Old friends: Biden and Netanyahu in Tel Aviv in December 2023. [Source:]

In The Peace Advocate, published by MassPeaceAction, Kathleen Malley-Morrison had this to say about Biden: “The complicity of the U.S. military-industrial complex in the massacre of Palestinians is bringing, rightfully, considerable grief to the presidential campaign of the all-too-complicit Netanyahu ally Joe Biden.” Malley-Morrison goes on to criticize the “time-worn rationale that [Biden] is ‘the lesser of two evils.”’ She points out the outrage of many U.S. citizens, and many other people, writing, “Horror at President Biden’s refusal to call for a permanent ceasefire reverberates around the world.”

Malley-Morrison quoted the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, saying that “through its ongoing unconditional military, diplomatic, and political support to Israel, the United States is not only failing to prevent genocide, but is complicit.” She writes that protesters of “We the People” have made their messages loud and clear to Biden. “The messages abound: ‘Genocide Joe has got to go!’ ‘No ceasefire/no vote!’ ‘A ban on genocide Joe!’” But Malley-Morrison also points out that “Donald Trump is also an evil choice who won’t necessarily be on the Presidential ballot in November.” She seems to have some confidence that Trump will be in prison before November comes. Perhaps.

Kathleen Malley-Morrison [Source:]

But U.S. voters are probably stuck with a Biden-Trump rematch, which is a disgrace. Both are obviously not real alternatives. If Biden would only step out of the presidential race, there would be a chance for an alternative to run. But in all probability, Biden will stick to his guns and may put the Democrats at a disadvantage if Trump, a fascist and criminal, gets into power again…as a tyrant.

It goes without saying that the death toll in Gaza has been horrific. In the World Socialist Web Site, Andre Damon writes that, “Over the course of just six months, 5.45 percent of Gaza’s population has been killed, wounded or is missing. A comparable percentage of the American population would be more than 18 million people.

“Most shocking of all is the fact that two-thirds of those killed are women and children. Israel has deliberately targeted medical workers, humanitarian workers, journalists and artists.

“In the past six months, every element of the U.S.-Israeli justification for bombing, invading and blockading Gaza has been exposed as a lie.”

Hard-line Israeli supporters have hysterically (and falsely) accused Hamas of committing many rights violations, which include rape, murder, killing babies by decapitating them or putting them in ovens, cutting open pregnant women’s stomachs, and other false accusations. While there may have been incidents of rights violations by Hamas, hard-line supporters have blown this all out of proportion.

The Biden administration’s denial of genocide by Israel has been grossly contradicted by the words of Israeli officials.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant asserted: “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly. I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel.”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog asserted: “It’s an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved…we will fight until we break their backbone.”

Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter asserted: “We’re rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” which means “catastrophe.” It originally was coined by Palestinians when Zionists imposed ethnic cleansing and drove native Palestinians off the land.

Yoav Gallant [Source:]

Isaac Herzog [Source:]

Avi Dichter [Source:]

Damon writes that those declarations by Israeli officials showed “genocidal intent, that Netanyahu systematically targeted all aspects of social, economic and cultural life in Gaza, working to level every hospital, school and home, and kill as many men, women and children as possible.”

Making an important point, Damon writes, “The genocide has undeniably shown that the perspective of Zionism is bankrupt and reactionary. Israel will be forever marked by its association with mass murder.”

Damon expands on his statement, writing, “Beyond Israel, the genocide stands as a condemnation of the entire imperialist order. The capitalist powers in the U.S./NATO axis have supported, armed, funded and politically justified one of the greatest crimes of the modern era.”

Damon writes that the Biden administration has repeatedly declared that there will be no cease-fire, with Biden even saying there is “no possibility” of it. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has continued to give Israel military aid. In the six months of the genocide, more than 100 separate arms transfers have been implemented by Biden. [NOTE: Should you put in the $26.4 billion that the House just passed, that the Senate will pass and that Biden will sign and provide?] At the same time, Biden has continued to be politically spineless in his “tough” negotiations with Netanyahu.

In conclusion, Damon writes that, “Most of all, the Gaza genocide is a crime of capitalism.”

Will the Biden administration continue to deny Israel’s genocide of Gaza? So far, it doesn’t look good. But it cannot be doubted that history will judge Biden and Netanyahu harshly. ... by-israel/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu May 30, 2024 11:33 am

Surveillance and Interference: Israel’s Covert War on the ICC Exposed
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 28, 2024
Yuval Abraham and Meron Rapoport

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seen with Yossi Cohen, then-head of the national security council, at a press conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, October 15, 2015. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, seen with Yossi Cohen, then-head of the national security council, at a press conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, October 15, 2015. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

Top Israeli government and security officials have overseen a nine-year surveillance operation targeting the ICC and Palestinian rights groups to try to thwart a war crimes probe, a joint investigation reveals.

For nearly a decade, Israel has been surveilling senior International Criminal Court officials and Palestinian human rights workers as part of a secret operation to thwart the ICC’s probe into alleged war crimes, a joint investigation by +972 Magazine, Local Call, and the Guardian can reveal.

The multi-agency operation, which dates back to 2015, has seen Israel’s intelligence community routinely surveil the court’s current chief prosecutor Karim Khan, his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, and dozens of other ICC and UN officials. Israeli intelligence also monitored materials that the Palestinian Authority submitted to the prosecutor’s office, and surveilled employees at four Palestinian human rights organizations whose submissions are central to the probe.

According to sources, the covert operation mobilized the highest branches of Israel’s government, the intelligence community, and both the civilian and military legal systems in order to derail the probe.

The intelligence information obtained via surveillance was passed on to a secret team of top Israeli government lawyers and diplomats, who traveled to The Hague for confidential meetings with ICC officials in an attempt to “feed [the chief prosecutor] information that would make her doubt the basis of her right to be dealing with this question.” The intelligence was also used by the Israeli military to retroactively open investigations into incidents that were of interest to the ICC, to try to prove that Israel’s legal system is capable of holding its own to account.

Additionally, as the Guardian reported earlier today, the Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, ran its own parallel operation which sought out compromising information on Bensouda and her close family members in an apparent attempt to sabotage the ICC’s investigation. The agency’s former head, Yossi Cohen, personally attempted to “enlist” Bensouda and manipulate her into complying with Israel’s wishes, according to sources familiar with his activities, causing the then-prosecutor to fear for her personal safety.

Our investigation draws on interviews with more than two dozen current and former Israeli intelligence officers and government officials, ex-ICC officials, diplomats, and lawyers familiar with the ICC case and Israel’s efforts to undermine it. According to these sources, initially, the Israeli operation attempted to prevent the court from opening a full criminal investigation; after a full probe was set in motion in 2021, Israel sought to ensure that it would come to nothing.

Moreover, according to several sources, Israel’s underhanded efforts to interfere with the investigation — which could amount to offenses against the administration of justice, punishable by a prison sentence — have been managed from the very top. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is said to have taken a keen interest in the operation, even sending intelligence teams “instructions” and “areas of interest” regarding their monitoring of ICC officials. One source stressed that Netanyahu was “obsessed, obsessed, obsessed” with finding out what materials the ICC was receiving.

The prime minister had good reason to be concerned: last week, Khan announced that his office is seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three leaders in Hamas’ political and military wings, in relation to alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on or since October 7. The announcement made clear that additional warrants — which expose prosecuted individuals to arrest should they visit any of the ICC’s 124 member states — may yet be pursued.

For Israel’s top brass, Khan’s announcement was no surprise. In recent months, the surveillance campaign targeting the chief prosecutor “climbed to the top of the agenda,” according to one source, thus giving the government advance knowledge of his intentions.

Tellingly, Khan issued a cryptic warning in his remarks: “I insist that all attempts to impede, intimidate, or improperly influence the officials of this court must cease immediately.” Now, we can reveal details of part of what he was warning against: Israel’s nine-year “war” on the ICC.

‘The generals had a big personal interest in the operation’

Unlike the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which deals with the legality of states’ actions — and which last week issued a ruling seen as calling on Israel to halt its offensive in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, in the context of South Africa’s petition accusing Israel of committing genocide in the Strip — the ICC deals with specific individuals suspected of having committed war crimes.

Israel has long held that the ICC has no jurisdiction to prosecute Israeli leaders because, like the United States, Russia, and China, Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute which established the court, and Palestine is not a full UN member state. But Palestine was nevertheless recognized as an ICC member upon signing the convention in 2015, having been admitted to the UN General Assembly as a non-member observer state three years prior.

Palestinians gather to watch the speech by President Mahmoud Abbas in the bid for Palestine’s “non-member observer state” status at the United Nations, projected on the Israeli separation wall in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, November 29, 2012. (Ryan Rodrick Beiler/Activestills)

Palestine’s entry into the ICC was condemned by Israeli leaders as a form of “diplomatic terrorism.” “It was perceived as the crossing of a red line, and perhaps the most aggressive thing the Palestinian Authority has ever done to Israel in the international arena,” an Israeli official explained. “To be recognized as a state in the UN is nice, but the ICC is a mechanism with teeth.”

Immediately after becoming a member of the court, the PA asked the prosecutor’s office to investigate crimes committed in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, starting from the date on which the State of Palestine accepted the court’s jurisdiction: July 13, 2014. Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor at the time, opened a preliminary examination to determine whether the criteria for a full investigation could be met.

Fearing the legal and political consequences of potential prosecutions, Israel raced to prepare intelligence teams in the army, the Shin Bet (domestic intelligence), and the Mossad (foreign intelligence), alongside a covert team of military and civilian lawyers, to lead the effort to forestall a full ICC investigation. All this was coordinated under Israel’s National Security Council (NSC), whose authority is derived from the Prime Minister’s Office.

“Everyone, the entire military and political establishment, was looking for ways to damage the PA’s case,” said one intelligence source. “Everyone pitched in: the Justice Ministry, the Military International Law Department [part of the Military Advocate General’s Office], the Shin Bet, the NSC. [Everyone] saw the ICC as something very important, as a war that had to be waged, and one that Israel had to be defended against. It was described in military terms.”

The military was not an obvious candidate for joining the Shin Bet’s intelligence-gathering efforts, but it had a strong motivation: preventing its commanders from being forced to stand trial. “The ones who really wanted to [join the effort] were the IDF generals themselves — they had a very big personal interest,” one source explained. “We were told that senior officers are afraid to accept positions in the West Bank because they are afraid of being prosecuted in The Hague,” another recalled.

According to numerous sources, Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, whose stated goal at the time was to fight against the “delegitimization” of Israel, was involved in the surveilling of Palestinian human rights organizations that were submitting reports to the ICC. Gilad Erdan, head of the ministry at the time and now Israel’s representative to the UN, recently described the ICC’s pursuit of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders as “a witch-hunt driven by pure Jew-hatred.”

A ceremony for incoming Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi at HaKirya base in Tel Aviv, January 16, 2023. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)
‘The army dealt with things that were completely non-military’

Israel’s covert war on the ICC has relied centrally on surveillance, and the chief prosecutors have been prime targets.

Four sources confirmed Bensouda’s private exchanges with Palestinian officials about the PA’s case in The Hague were routinely monitored and shared widely within Israel’s intelligence community. “The conversations were usually about the progress of the prosecution: submitting documents, testimonies, or talking about an event that happened — ‘Did you see how Israel massacred Palestinians at the last demonstration?’ — things like that,” one source explained.

The former prosecutor was far from the only target. Dozens of other international officials related to the probe were similarly surveilled. One of the sources said there was a large whiteboard with the names of around 60 people who were under surveillance — half of them Palestinians and half from other countries, including UN officials and ICC personnel in The Hague.

Another source recalled surveillance on the person who wrote the ICC’s report on Israel’s 2014 Gaza war. A third source said Israeli intelligence monitored a UN Human Rights Council commission of inquiry into the occupied territories, in order to identify what materials it was receiving from the Palestinians, “because the findings of commissions of inquiry of this kind are usually used by the ICC.”

In The Hague, Bensouda and her senior staff were alerted by security advisers and via diplomatic channels that Israel was monitoring their work. Care was taken not to discuss certain matters in the vicinity of phones. “We were made aware they were trying to get information on where we were with the preliminary examination,” a former senior ICC official said.

According to sources, some in the Israeli army found it controversial that military intelligence was dealing with matters that were political and not directly related to security threats. “IDF resources were used to surveil Fatou Bensouda — this isn’t something legitimate to do as military intelligence,” one source stated. “This task [was] really unusual in the sense that it was inside the army, but dealt with things that were completely non-military,” said another source.

But others had fewer hesitations. “Bensouda was very, very one-sided,” one source who surveilled the former prosecutor claimed. “She was really a personal friend of the Palestinians. Public prosecutors don’t usually behave that way. They stay very distant.”

Official Opening of the Permanent Premises of the International Criminal Court, April 19, 2016. (UN Photo/Rick Bajornas)
‘If you don’t want me to use the law, what do you want me to use?’

Because Palestinian human rights groups were frequently providing the prosecutor’s office with materials about Israel’s attacks on Palestinians, detailing incidents they wanted the prosecutor to consider as part of the probe, these organizations themselves became key targets of Israel’s surveillance operation. Here, the Shin Bet took the lead.

In addition to monitoring materials that the PA submitted to the ICC, Israeli intelligence also monitored appeals and reports from the human rights groups that included testimonies of Palestinians who had suffered attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers; Israel then surveilled these testifiers, too.

“One of the [priorities] was to see who [in the human rights groups] is involved in collecting testimonies, and who were the specific people — the Palestinian victims — being convinced to give testimony to the ICC,” one intelligence source explained.

According to the sources, the primary surveillance targets were four Palestinian human rights organizations: Al-Haq, Addameer, Al Mezan, and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR). Addameer sent appeals to to the ICC about torture practices against prisoners and detainees, while the other three groups sent multiple appeals over the years regarding Israel’s settlement enterprise in the West Bank, punitive house demolitions, bombing campaigns in Gaza, and specific senior Israeli political and military leaders.

One intelligence source said the motive for surveilling the organizations was stated openly: they harm Israel’s standing in the international arena. “We were told that these are organizations that operate in the international arena, participate in BDS, and want to harm Israel legally, so they’re being monitored too,” the source said. “That’s why we’re engaging with this. Because it can hurt people in Israel — officers, politicians.”

Another goal of surveilling the Palestinian groups was to try to delegitimize them, and, by extension, the entire ICC investigation.

In October 2021, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz — who himself was named in several of the appeals that Palestinian organizations sent to the ICC, due to his role as chief of staff during the 2014 Gaza war and defense minister during the May 2021 war — declared Al-Haq, Addameer, and four other Palestinian human rights groups to be “terrorist organizations.”

Benny Gantz, war cabinet minister and head of the National Unity Party, holds a press conference in Ramat Gan, May 18, 2024. (Miriam Alster/Flash90)

A +972 and Local Call investigation, released a few weeks later, found that Gantz’s order was issued without any serious evidence to back up its allegations; a Shin Bet dossier claiming to provide proof of its charges, and another follow-up dossier a few months later, left even Israel’s staunchest allies unconvinced. At the time, it was widely speculated — including by the organizations themselves — that these groups were targeted at least in part because of their activities relating to the ICC probe.

According to an intelligence source, the Shin Bet — which gave the initial recommendation to outlaw the six groups — surveilled the organizations’ employees, and the information gathered was used by Gantz when he declared them terrorist organizations. An investigation by Citizen Lab at the time identified Pegasus spyware, produced by the Israeli firm NSO Group, on the phones of several Palestinians working in those NGOs. (The Shin Bet did not respond to our request for comment.)

Omar Awadallah and Ammar Hijazi, who are in charge of the ICC case within the PA’s Justice Ministry, also discovered that Pegasus had been installed on their phones. According to intelligence sources, the two were simultaneously targets of different Israeli intelligence organizations, which created “confusion.” “They’re both super impressive PhDs who deal with this subject all day, from morning to night — that’s why there was intelligence to be gained [from tracking them],” said one source.

Hijazi isn’t surprised that he was surveilled. “We don’t care if Israel sees the evidence we submitted to the court,” he said. “I invite them: Come, open your eyes, see what we presented.”

Shawan Jabarin, the director general of Al-Haq, was also surveilled by Israeli intelligence. He said there had been indications that the organization’s internal systems had been hacked, and that Gantz’s declaration came just days before Al-Haq planned to reveal that it had discovered Pegasus spyware on the phones of its employees. “They say I’m using the law as a weapon of war,” Jabarin said. “If you don’t want me to use the law, what do you want me to use, bombs?”

However, the human rights groups expressed deep concern for the privacy of the Palestinians who submitted testimonies to the court. One of the groups, for example, included only the initials of the testifiers in its submissions to the ICC, out of fear that Israel might identify them.

“People are afraid to file a complaint [to the ICC], or to mention their real names, because they fear being persecuted by the military, of losing their entry permits,” Hamdi Shakura, a lawyer at PCHR, explained. “A man in Gaza who has a relative sick with cancer is scared the army will take his entry permit and prevent his treatment — this sort of thing happens.”

Heads of Palestinian NGOs speak to the media outside of Al-Haq’s offices after the Israeli army raided their offices, Ramallah, West Bank, August 18, 2022. (Oren Ziv)

‘The lawyers had a big thirst for intelligence’

According to intelligence sources, a further use of the intelligence obtained via surveillance was to help lawyers involved in secret back-channel conversations with representatives of the prosecutor’s office in The Hague.

Soon after Bensouda announced that her office was opening a preliminary examination, Netanyahu ordered the formation of a covert team of lawyers from the Justice Ministry, Foreign Ministry, and Military Advocate General’s Office (the Israeli army’s highest legal authority), which regularly traveled to The Hague for secret meetings with ICC officials between 2017 and 2019. (Israel’s Justice Ministry did not respond to requests for comment.)

Although the team was comprised of individuals who were not part of Israel’s intelligence community — it was led by Tal Becker, legal adviser to the Foreign Ministry — the Justice Ministry was nonetheless privy to the intelligence obtained via surveillance, and had access to reports from the PA and Palestinian NGOs detailing specific cases of settler and military violence.

“The lawyers who dealt with the issue at the Justice Ministry had a big thirst for intelligence,” one intelligence source stated. “They got it from both military intelligence and the Shin Bet. They were building the case for the Israeli messengers who secretly went and communicated with the ICC.”

In their private meetings with ICC officials, which were confirmed by six sources familiar with the meetings, the lawyers set out to prove that Israel had robust and effective procedures for holding soldiers to account, despite the Israeli military’s dire record of investigating alleged wrongdoing within its ranks. The lawyers also sought to make the case that the ICC has no jurisdiction to investigate Israel’s actions, since Israel is not a member state of the court and Palestine is not a fully-fledged member of the UN.

According to a former ICC official familiar with the contents of the meetings, ICC personnel presented the Israeli lawyers with details of incidents in which Palestinians were attacked or killed, and the lawyers would respond with their own information. “In the beginning it was tense,” recalled the official.

At this stage, Bensouda was still engaged in a preliminary examination prior to the decision to open a formal investigation. An intelligence source said that the purpose of the information obtained through surveillance was “to make Bensouda feel that her legal data is unreliable.”

ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda meets with Palestine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Riyad al-Maliki on the margins of the 18th session of the ASP, December 2, 2019. (ICC-CPI)

According to the source, the goal was to “feed [Bensouda] information that would make her doubt the basis of her right to be dealing with this question. When Al-Haq collects information on how many Palestinians have been killed in the occupied territories in the past year and passes it on to Bensouda, it’s in Israel’s interest and policy to pass her counterintel, and to try to undermine this information.”

Given that Israel refuses to recognize the court’s authority and legitimacy, however, it was crucial for the delegation that these meetings be kept secret. A source familiar with the meetings said the Israeli officials repeatedly stressed to the ICC that “we can never make it public that we’re communicating with you.”

Israel’s backchannel meetings with the ICC ended in December 2019, when Bensouda’s five-year preliminary examination concluded that there was a reasonable basis to believe that both Israel and Hamas had committed war crimes. Rather than immediately launching a full investigation, however, the prosecutor asked the court’s judges to rule on whether it had jurisdiction to hear the allegations due to “unique and highly contested legal and factual issues” — which some viewed as a direct outcome of Israel’s activity.

“I wouldn’t say that the legal argument had no effect,” Roy Schondorf, a member of the Israeli delegation as the head of a Justice Ministry department responsible for handling international legal proceedings against Israel, said at an event at the Institute for National Security Studies in July 2022. “There are also people there who can be persuaded, and I think that to a considerable extent, the State of Israel managed to convince at least the previous prosecutor [Bensouda], that there would be enough doubt about the question of jurisdiction for her to turn to the judges of the court.”

‘The claim of complementarity was very, very significant’

In 2021, the court’s judges ruled that the ICC does have jurisdiction over all war crimes committed by Israelis and Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories, as well as crimes committed by Palestinians on Israeli territory. Despite six years of Israeli efforts to forestall it, Bensouda announced the opening of a formal criminal investigation.

But it was far from a foregone conclusion. A few months earlier, the prosecutor had decided to abandon an examination into British war crimes in Iraq because she was convinced that Britain had taken “genuine” action to investigate them. According to senior Israeli jurists, Israel clung to this precedent, and initiated a close collaboration between the intelligence-gathering operation and the military justice system.

According to the sources, a central goal of Israel’s surveillance operation was to enable the military to “open investigations retroactively” into cases of violence against Palestinians that reach the prosecutor’s office in The Hague. In doing so, Israel aimed to exploit the “principle of complementarity,” which asserts that a case is inadmissible before the ICC if it is already being thoroughly investigated by a state with jurisdiction over it.

Palestinians return to inspect their homes in Khan Younis after the Israeli army withdrew from the area, southern Gaza Strip, April 8, 2024. (Atia Mohammed/Flash90)

“If materials were transferred to the ICC, it had to be understood exactly what they were, to ensure that the IDF investigated them independently and sufficiently so that they could claim complementarity,” one of the sources explained. “The claim of complementarity was very, very significant.”

Legal experts within the Joint Chief of Staff’s Fact-Finding Assessment Mechanism (FFAM) — the military body that investigates alleged war crimes by Israeli soldiers — were also privy to intelligence information, sources said.

Among the dozens of incidents currently under investigation by the FFAM are the bombings that killed dozens of Palestinians in the Jabaliya refugee camp last October; the “flour massacre” in which more than 110 Palestinians were killed in northern Gaza upon the arrival of an aid convoy in March; the drone strikes that killed seven World Central Kitchen employees in April; and an airstrike in a tent encampment in Rafah that ignited a fire and killed dozens last week.

For the Palestinian NGOs filing reports with the ICC, however, Israel’s internal military accountability mechanisms are a farce. Echoed by Israeli and international experts and human rights groups, Palestinians have long argued that these systems — from police and army investigators to the Supreme Court — routinely serve as a “fig leaf” for the Israeli state and its security apparatus, helping to “whitewash” crimes while effectively granting soldiers and commanders a license to continue criminal acts with impunity.

Issam Younis, who was a target of Israeli surveillance because of his role as director of Al Mezan, spent much of his career in Gaza, in the organization’s now partially bombed offices, collecting and filing “hundreds” of complaints from Palestinians to the Israeli Military Advocate General’s Office. The vast majority of these complaints were closed with no indictments, convincing him that “victims cannot pursue justice through that system.”

This is what led his organization to engage with the ICC. “In this war, the nature and scope of crimes committed are unprecedented,” said Younis, who escaped Gaza with his family in December, and is today a refugee in Cairo. “And it’s simply because accountability was not there.”

‘October 7 changed that reality’

In June 2021, Khan replaced Bensouda as chief prosecutor, and many in the Israeli judicial system hoped this would turn over a new leaf. Khan was perceived as more cautious than his predecessor, and there was speculation that he would choose not to prioritize the explosive investigation he inherited from Bensouda.

In an interview in September 2022, in which he also revealed some details about Israel’s “informal dialogue” with the ICC, Schondorf of Israel’s Justice Ministry praised Khan for having “shifted the trajectory of the ship,” adding that it seemed like the prosecutor would focus on more “mainstream issues” because the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict became a less pressing issue for the international community.”

Meanwhile, Khan’s personal judgment became the main research target of Israel’s surveillance operation: the goal was to “understand what Khan was thinking,” as one intelligence source put it. And while initially the prosecutor’s team does not appear to have shown much enthusiasm for the Palestine case, according to a senior Israeli official, “October 7 changed that reality.”

ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan visiting kibbutzim in Israel that were among the sites of the October 7 attack, December 2023. (ICC-CPI)

By the end of the third week of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, which followed the Hamas-led assault on southern Israel, Khan was already on the ground at the Rafah Crossing. He subsequently made visits to both the West Bank and southern Israel in December, where he met with Palestinian officials as well as Israeli survivors of the October 7 attack and the relatives of people who had been killed.

Israeli intelligence closely followed Khan’s visit to try “to understand what materials the Palestinians were giving him,” as one Israeli source said. “Khan is the most boring man to gather intelligence about in the world, because he’s as straight as a ruler,” the source added.

In February, Khan issued a strongly-worded statement on X effectively urging Israel not to launch an assault on Rafah, where more than 1 million Palestinians were already seeking refuge. He also warned: “Those who do not comply with the law should not complain later when my office takes action.”

Just as with his predecessor, Israeli intelligence also surveilled Khan’s activities with Palestinians and other officials in his office. Surveillance of two Palestinians familiar with Khan’s intentions tipped off Israeli leaders to the fact that the prosecutor was considering an imminent request for arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, but was “under tremendous pressure from the United States” not to do so.

Eventually, on May 20, Khan followed through on his threat. He announced that he was seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, after finding that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the two leaders bear responsibility for crimes including extermination, starvation, and deliberate attacks on civilians.

For the Palestinian human rights groups that Israel surveilled, Netanyahu and Gallant are just the tip of the iceberg. Three days before Khan’s announcement, the heads of Al-Haq, Al Mezan, and PCHR sent Khan a joint letter calling explicitly for arrest warrants against all members of Israel’s war cabinet, which includes Benny Gantz, as well as commanders and soldiers from the units currently involved in the Rafah offensive.

Khan now must also assess whether any Israelis behind operations aimed at undermining the ICC have committed offenses against the administration of justice. He warned in his May 20 announcement that his office “will not hesitate to act” against ongoing threats against the court and its investigation. Such offenses, for which Israeli leaders can be prosecuted regardless of the fact that Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, could potentially carry a prison sentence.

An ICC spokesperson told the Guardian that it was aware of “proactive intelligence-gathering activities being undertaken by a number of national agencies hostile towards the court,” but stressed that “none of the recent attacks against it by national intelligence agencies” had penetrated the court’s core evidence holdings, which had remained secure. The spokesperson added that Khan’s office has been subjected to “several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influence its activities.”

In response to a request for comment, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office stated only that our report is “replete with many false and unfounded allegations meant to hurt the State of Israel.” The Israeli army also responded in brief: “Intelligence bodies in the IDF perform surveillance and other intelligence operations only against hostile elements and contrary to what is claimed, not against the ICC in The Hague or other international elements.”

Harry Davies and Bethan McKernan of the Guardian contributed to this report.

Yuval Abraham is a journalist and filmmaker based in Jerusalem.

Meron Rapoport is an editor at Local Call. ... c-exposed/

Yemen: A Summer of Fury
MAY 28, 2024
Mawadda Iskandar


Aden faces a severe electricity crisis due to political instability, corruption, and deliberate sabotage by the Saudi–Emirati coalition, causing power outages, extreme heat, and public unrest. But the rival Sanaa government may hold the key to resolving this urgent Yemeni crisis.

Though cast as the interim capital of the “internationally-recognized,” Saudi–Emirati-propped Yemeni government, Aden is grappling with escalating economic instability, rising inflation, violent clashes, abductions, and targeted killings.

These challenges, compounded by the ongoing struggle for legitimacy, add to the annual woes of the electricity crisis in the southern governorate, particularly during the scorching summer months.

With power outages lasting up to 22 consecutive hours and temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius, Aden has been plunged into complete darkness, sparking widespread public unrest. The unbearable heat now has the city teetering on the edge, highlighting the failure of its invaders to resolve a basic service issue worsened by their ongoing war’s impact on regular Yemenis.

The protests have spread to the provinces of Hadhramaut, Lahij, and Abyan despite attempts by the UAE-backed South Transitional Council (STC) to suppress the crowds through force and gunfire.

The protesters, who have blocked several roads and set tires on fire, blame the foreign coalition forces for this “collective punishment.” Public outrage over the performance of the pro-coalition government reached the Maashiq Palace, besieged by protesters demanding that the building’s water and electricity be cut off in solidarity with the suffering of the “southerners.”

Reasons for the crisis

The electricity crisis in Aden stems from several factors, primarily corruption, poor management, and lack of maintenance in a deteriorating sector. Today, the demand for electricity far exceeds the generation capacity of its power plants.

That demand in Aden has reached 700 megawatts annually, while the current plants can only produce up to 500 megawatts. Most of its power facilities still operate on extortionately expensive diesel fuel, which consumes 60 percent of the government’s financial subsidies.

The management of electrical projects is flawed, and the maintenance of the crumbling sector has been neglected for years. Corruption is rampant in this sector, making it a profitable commodity for influential figures, generating millions of dollars annually.

Additionally, investment and development projects in the sector, such as the construction of power plants using modern technology, are being obstructed.

Speaking to The Cradle, Yemeni journalist Mohammed al-Qaadi emphasizes that mismanagement, corruption, lack of maintenance of power plants and transmission lines, and the misappropriation of petroleum derivatives allocated for power generation are the main reasons for the crisis.

However, he says the core of the crisis lies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE’s mutual desire to keep this service issue unresolved for political investment purposes. Qaadi believes that the crisis has become a bargaining chip between the two countries, represented by their proxies in Aden.

The STC tries to portray the Saudi-appointed government as failing to provide services in Aden, while the latter points the finger at the STC for obstructing its efforts.

Despite its oil wealth, Yemen needlessly suffers from an electricity crisis, particularly in its southern regions, which are abundant with oil and natural resources. Ironically, this crisis is far more pronounced in those southern provinces under the control of the Saudi–Emirati coalition than in the northern ones governed by the Ansarallah-backed Sanaa government. It begs the question, how can oil-rich regions controlled by two of the wealthiest countries in West Asia be engulfed in flames of heat without basic electricity services?

A manufactured crisis

In brief, this is a “manufactured crisis” orchestrated by a Saudi–Emirati political decision aimed at sabotaging services in the provinces under their control to hinder the possibility of progress in these areas.

Counterintuitively, this deliberate decision seeks to maintain their political dominance and safeguard their interests in the country’s south. Yemeni journalist Ahmed al-Hasni explains to The Cradle that Aden’s electricity issue has transitioned from being a service matter to a political tool wielded by the coalition to coerce and subjugate the population.

The electricity crisis is just one component of a larger constellation of issues, including security instability, currency devaluation, salary disruptions – among others – that have galvanized the Yemeni populace to rise against the coalition.

The crises are intertwined: the currency collapse and the Central Bank crisis have deprived Yemen of the funds needed for diesel fuel to run power plants, which require a substantial budget of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Consequently, the electricity crisis transcends a mere decline in generation capacity and is linked to fuel shortages and financial constraints, transforming the electricity dossier into a sinkhole consuming major fiscal resources.

Further evidence of the obstruction includes false promises to turn Aden into a second Dubai through the marketing of imaginary projects. Hasni presents evidence indicating that the electricity reform is a red line.

This includes the STC accusation against Saudi Arabia years ago for allegedly halting electricity generators bound for Aden at Jeddah port. Incredibly, the Saudi Reconstruction Program for Yemen seized the generators it had allocated to rehabilitate Aden International Airport under the pretext that they were incompatible with the airport’s electricity system.

Similarly, the Emiratis brought in dysfunctional, dilapidated, outdated generators to service the sector. Moreover, when Abu Dhabi promised a solar power station with a capacity of 120 megawatts, it failed to deliver on its commitment.

Deliberate destruction

The electricity crisis in Aden is characterized by dual challenges: the deliberate destruction of the sector since the onset of the war on Yemen in March 2015, and the systematic plundering of the country’s oil resources by the Saudi–Emirati coalition.

Since 2015, over 13 power stations across Aden, Lahij, Shabwa, and Abyan in southern Yemen have been damaged. The deliberate targeting of oil refineries has worsened the crisis, necessitating contracts with private companies (aligned with the STC) for electricity generation. This has led to a reliance on private electricity generation, further straining the already fragile infrastructure.

On the other hand, the Saudi-Emirati coalition’s systematic plundering of oil resources in the south has compelled the government to import fuel to operate power stations, which has collided with financial constraints. According to estimates by Sanaa authorities, losses in the oil and mineral sector during six years of aggression have surpassed $45 billion.

Furthermore, the coalition has obstructed the flow of fuel and oil derivatives, leading to a severe shortage in energy supplies and a surge in fuel and electricity prices, and has plundered Yemen’s oil through organized smuggling operations, looting over $9 billion since the war began.

After seizing control of oil fields in southern and eastern Yemeni provinces, Riyadh took several steps to loot Yemen’s oil: The Saudis acquired agreements for the Black Triangle sectors in Marib, Shabwa, and Al-Jawf, halted exploration operations in Hodeidah and Al-Jawf, and restricted oil and gas exports to minimal quantities to secure remnants for their mercenaries.

Plundering Yemen’s resources

In numbers: 120,000 barrels of oil are looted daily, equivalent to 12,500,000 barrels annually. Revenues from just two days of oil production could cover the salaries of state employees for an entire month, yet these funds are diverted to the Saudi National Bank.

The coalition controls the oil and gas ports, preventing the Presidential Leadership Council government from exporting resources and benefiting from their revenues. Tribal groups and armed militias funded by the STC hold fuel supply trucks destined for power stations in Aden in the provinces of Shabwa and Marib.

Consequently, the southern regions are deprived of extracting crude oil from fields in Marib, Hadramout, and Shabwa and refining it in Aden and Safir in Marib. This would produce the necessary diesel and fuel oil for power stations, avoiding the need to import at inflated costs and inferior quality.

As political analyst Talib al-Hasni describes the situation to The Cradle:

The main reason for the electricity crisis is an American–Gulf decision, specifically Saudi, since the 1990s, to prevent the discovery of more oil wells in Yemen. Yemen exports around 400,000 barrels daily despite its capacity to produce two million barrels daily. This ban, in collusion with the previous regime, led to the deterioration of infrastructure and the service system in Yemen. The second reason is linked to the Emirati–Saudi power struggle. The South Transitional Council, under Abu Dhabi’s directives, works to keep Aden without services to shift responsibility to the Saudi-backed government.

Hasni notes that the opposition Sanaa government overcame the crisis by strengthening the coastal Hodeidah power station. Despite the difference in size and population density between the two cities, Sanaa solved the electricity problem for more than 80 percent of Yemen’s population.

Establishing deterrence

In October 2022, Yemen’s Ansarallah-allied armed forces imposed a new deterrence equation to halt the plundering of the country’s wealth. They threatened to target oil tankers approaching ports under the control of the coalition and its allied factions, warning foreign oil and shipping companies of the dangers of continuing to loot oil, which used to fund 80 percent of Yemen’s public resources before the war.

Furthermore, the Sanaa government has taken steps to alleviate the crisis, allowing power stations in the rival city of Aden to be supplied with fuel from the oil sectors in the provinces of Shabwa and Marib. It has also provided Aden with dozens of imported petroleum gas tanks, expressing its readiness to supply its opponents in the south with fuel.

Hasni suggests that Sanaa could help repair and rehabilitate Aden’s power station and provide it with petroleum products, similar to what was done with the Hodeidah power station. There is also pressure on Marib to provide diesel fuel and activate the private sector to regulate electricity bills.

Efforts to mitigate Yemen’s electricity crisis involve a combination of deterrence, fuel supply initiatives, and infrastructural rehabilitation. The de-facto government in Sanaa’s proactive measures and strategic deterrence are crucial to addressing the crisis and restoring stability in the affected regions. However, resolving this issue will require sustained political will and coordinated actions to ensure long-term solutions for Yemen’s energy sector. ... ity-crisis

Around one million evacuate Rafah in three weeks: UNRWA

The southernmost city was a refuge to more than 1.5 million displaced Palestinians fleeing Israeli bombardment

News Desk

MAY 28, 2024

(Photo Credit: Reuters)
In the last three weeks, approximately one million individuals have evacuated Rafah, a city in Gaza, as reported by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) on 28 May.

Rafah, a small city located on the southern border of Gaza, had provided refuge to over a million Palestinians escaping Israeli attacks across the enclave.

On the evening of 26 May, the Israeli army bombed makeshift tents at UNRWA warehouses in Rafah, which had been designated as a safe zone.

As reported by the Government Media Office, the Israeli occupation forces targeted a center established for displaced individuals within UNRWA premises in the northwest of Rafah. The center sustained multiple strikes from over seven missiles and large bombs, each weighing more than 900 kilograms.

The city was a refuge to over 1.5 million displaced Palestinians who had fled their neighborhoods throughout the Gaza Strip following the onset of the Israeli assault on 7 October.

In early May, the Israeli military initiated what it claims to be a limited operation to destroy Hamas' final battalion in Rafah. Civilians had been instructed to relocate to an “expanded humanitarian zone” approximately 20 kilometers from the area of military activity.

Thousands of Palestinians have pleaded that they are prone to being attacked by Israeli strikes regardless of their location in Gaza.

Earlier this month, the head chief of UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, rejected Israeli claims about “safe zones” in Gaza, adding that these claims were “false and misleading.”

Lazzarini further emphasized that there is no safe place in Gaza. He also noted that the evacuation instructions issued by the Israeli military to Palestinians in Rafah often lack specific destinations and fail to provide viable alternatives.

Israel has killed over 176 UNRWA staff members since the start of its bombing campaign in Gaza. The UN agency has previously said that Israeli bombings have also impacted 130 of its facilities, including schools, across the strip. Over 36,000 civilians have been killed by Israeli bombing, the majority of whom were women and children. ... eeks-unrwa


The USA bears joint responsibility for the zionists’ Rafah holocaust

Those who arm and support the zionazis are as culpable as the occupation goons themselves for the heinous crimes being committed in Gaza.

True to its word, and in blatant defiance of the order issued by the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah immediately, the zionist entity is now bombarding the tent city that surrounds Rafah, home to one and half million refugees who have been forced out of their homes elsewhere in Gaza. Graphic and horrific images are circulating on social media of mutilated children, who had been sheltering in tents next to an Unrwa centre in an officially-designated ‘safe zone’. This has been entirely enabled by the west’s unqualified support for the genocidaires.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

This statement is reproduced from Resistance News Network, with thanks.


This crime is a message to every individual in this world about their personal responsibility in facing an unprecedented escalation of brutality, criminality and terrorism that threatens every meaning of human values and unleashes complete dominance of savagery over this world.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated that the occupation army committed one of the most atrocious massacres in human history by bombing tents crowded with displaced people in Rafah, who had set up their tents beside one of the Unrwa centres, trying to shelter from the ongoing war of genocide.

The Front confirmed that this crime comes as a result of the American cover, which war criminal and genocide architect Joseph Biden ensured to provide to the occupation army and its government, and his continuous support for the extermination of our people and his full partnership in all war crimes.

The Popular Front called on everyone who is deluded by the possibility of the occupation listening to international appeals and condemnations to abandon these illusions and lies, which our people pay for with their blood that is shed every hour. All these decisions are meaningless unless war criminals from the zionist entity are punished and direct measures are taken to besiege the occupation and support our people in their confrontation.

The Front clarified in its statement:

The occupation crime expresses its decision to deliberately breach all laws and treaties and directly challenge the decisions of the International Court of Justice issued on 24 May 2024, as the occupation’s planes bombed the area with American bombs, which the occupier classified and announced as a safe zone in the northwest of Rafah city, forcing the displaced to move and crowd there. This area is packed with hundreds of thousands of displaced people who tried to save themselves and their children from the massacres committed by the occupation in all areas of the Strip and took refuge in this area, which is currently home to dozens of international institutions.
The crime represents a clear insistence on committing a war crime and an announced genocide crime. The occupation ensured that all legal specifications of war crimes and genocide apply to it, which invalidates its lies, deception, and the lies of its allies and everyone who seeks to cover up its war crimes.
The American administration, which provided this occupier with its bombs and planes used in committing this massacre and others, is a main partner and accused party that must be tried for all the war crimes and genocides committed by the occupation, especially Joseph Biden and the members of his administration. The responsibility for implementing the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court falls on every state in this world. Every individual in our world also bears a personal responsibility to work to stop the genocidal crimes.
What was issued by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court is no longer sufficient at all. We call on the concerned parties and friendly countries to file clear and direct complaints against the United States government and its president as partners in the war crimes against our people.
The Palestinian resistance, in the face of this brutal insistence on exterminating our people, is obliged to continue and escalate its defence of the existence of the Palestinian people, with all means and forms of struggle against the genocidal criminals.
The occupation army’s choice to bomb gatherings of displaced people and their tents with tons of incendiary bombs – if this does not shake the entire world and drive every person to the streets in protest, anger and intifada against the zionist entity, then this can only signify a resounding collapse of humanity as a whole.

We call on the Arab nation in the name of the pure, spilled blood of the innocent, the burned bodies of its children, and their suffering souls in steadfast Gaza, to rise and stop idling. There is no meaning to Arabism if it is not in the unity of concern and destiny, and the rejection and explosion of anger in the face of these crimes and their perpetrators and supporters.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
26 May 2024 ... holocaust/


Battle for Rafah: IDF advance in the western part of the city
May 28, 2024


In Rafah, Israeli troops are developing offensive operations, having managed to advance along the border of Egypt and the southern part of the Gaza Strip , occupying sparsely populated areas with poorly developed infrastructure in the west of the city.

Footage has been published on the Internet in which several units of armored vehicles of the Israel Defense Forces were seen in the Tell Zaarb area near the archaeological park of the same name - M113 Zelda armored personnel carriers with embedded remote control. The Palestinian side confirmed the accuracy of the publications.

Coordinates : 31.2980935, 34.2378838

Subsequently, video recordings appeared in which the presence of Israeli troops was recorded already in the city itself: on the asphalt there were traces of tracked vehicles that drove along Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Street . It is adjacent to the Tell al-Sultan area, which was recently hit intensively by aircraft.

Coordinates : 31.3038124, 34.2382482

Such a rapid advance and consolidation in the western part of Rafah is due to the fact that IDF units simply bypassed dense urban areas, avoiding clashes with militants - there is no point in Palestinian formations setting up ambushes practically in a wasteland.

By advancing in this way, the Israelis create a picture of a kind of “blitzkrieg” in the eyes of the public. Combined with the bombing, this contributes to an even greater exodus of civilians, who are already fleeing in the thousands towards Khan Yunis . After preparing the necessary ground, the IDF will begin its offensive towards Khirbet al-Adass , effectively taking all of Rafah into a semi-encirclement.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Israel Defense Forces reported that the sixth unit involved in Rafah , the 828th Bislamah Infantry Brigade, was sent to the operation area. Earlier, the 12th Negev Infantry Brigade arrived in Israeli-controlled territory.

Despite the demonstrative dissatisfaction of the international community with the operation in Rafah , the ruling cabinet of Benjamin Netanyahu continues to conduct military operations in the south of the Palestinian enclave, which often does not occur without civilian casualties.

The ultra-Orthodox government is not stopped by regular protests by its own population, and the reasons for this are still the same - for the ruling cabinet, the continuation of the war and the final resolution of the issue with the Gaza Strip are a necessity to retain power. ... ti-goroda/

Google Translator


My name is Khan. I’m from the ICC and you’re under arrest

Martin Jay

May 29, 2024

Karim Khan is the man who could shatter in one blow the credibility of these institutions and put America even farther behind in its declining power, struggling to adapt to the multipolar world.

There’s been nothing like it before. The arrest warrants for both Hamas leaders and Benjamin Netanyahu by the ICC create a new precedent for the so-called rules-based order of the West and its elites. With now countries like Norway, Ireland and Spain already declaring that Palestine could be recognised as a state, with at least 100 Global South countries ready to back such a bold move, the pressure on U.S. President Joe Biden is mounting, as he manages to back himself and his administration into a corner with America increasingly isolated now on the world stage.

What happens when the Global South wakes up and realises that these international courts in the Hague are merely tools for any U.S. administration to arrest and detain any leaders around the world who they can’t assassinate or replace easily and that the ‘rules-based order’ is just an excuse for the U.S. and UK to break their own rules around the world when it suits them to support U.S. hegemony?

Karim Khan is the man who could shatter in one blow the credibility of these institutions and put America even farther behind in its declining power, struggling to adapt to the multipolar world. Khan is the chief ICC prosecutor who issues the warrants which are subject to approval by the ICC’s judges. If they are issued, they would immediately become a much more significant potential constraint on Israel’s leadership than a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in a case brought by South Africa, which ordered Israel to suspend its military campaign in Rafah.

If granted, it could be a game changer which could set the entire Gaza war and its endeavour to have its own state on a new path, crushing once and for all any hegemony the U.S. thinks it still wields in the Middle East.

Khan’s announcement accused Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, and his defence minister Yoav Gallant, along with three Hamas leaders, of crimes against humanity. It was the first time that a sitting western-backed leader had been targeted by the court and it prompted international outrage.

It’s important to note that the ICC is not a court linked to the UN but formed by a treaty signed in Rome in 2002 and was largely backed by poor countries whose regimes were afraid of being victims of coup d’états from neighbouring countries. Broadly speaking, the difference between the ICC and the ICJ is that the former issues arrest warrants for dictators with pressure on the member states themselves to enact them. Neither Israel nor the U.S. are members.

Khan recently gave an exclusive interview to the London Times where he revealed how much he is hated by western leaders, in particular from his own country, like Rishi Sunak, who called the decision “deeply unhelpful”, and President Biden, who called it “outrageous”.

“Our job is not to make friends,” he says. “It’s to do our job whether we are applauded or condemned. We have to underline the equal worth of every child, every woman, every civilian in a world that is increasingly polarised and if we don’t do that, what’s the point of us?”

The two main points which come from the interview are his belief in an international rules-based system which is not dominated by the U.S. and how collective punishment in war is entirely unacceptable.

He is critical of Israel and its mass murders in Gaza and Rafah, saying that Israel should learn the lessons of the UK’s struggle in Northern Ireland where the British army was reluctant to indiscriminately bomb huge areas where it was known IRA terrorists were living.

“There were attempts to kill Margaret Thatcher, Airey Neave was blown up, Lord Mountbatten was blown up, there was the Enniskillen attack, we had kneecappings … But the British didn’t decide to say, ‘Well, on the Falls Road [the heart of Catholic Belfast] there undoubtedly may be some IRA members and Republican sympathisers, so therefore let’s drop a 2,000lb bomb on the Falls Road.’ You can’t do that.

“Law must have some purpose, that’s what separates states that respect the law from criminal groups and terrorists. And that’s all I have been trying to do, apply law based on facts, and that’s what we must do whatever condemnation we get.”

The simple reality of the arrest warrants though is that they are largely symbolic although they serve to isolate the U.S. even more, lending themselves to give more gravitas to the Palestinian state. Probably Netanyahu will not travel to any of the 124 member countries of the ICC which puts further pressure on him to battle his corruption charges at home, unless of course he decides at a certain point to flee Israel for a safe haven – which would probably be a Middle Eastern country, Morocco or the U.S. (the latter depending on who is in the Oval office). ... er-arrest/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri May 31, 2024 11:26 am

Israel attacks Syrian territory
May 30, 2024


A few days after the bombing of the city of Homs, the Israelis again attacked Syrian territory: airstrikes were carried out from the airspace over Lebanon against targets in two populated areas at once. There were no casualties among the civilian population.

First, the town of Al-Fruklus , east of Homs, was bombed . And although the Syrian air defense managed to intercept some of the missiles, the rest were able to hit parked trucks at the checkpoint of the same name. Opposition resources claim that it was a convoy of pro-Iranian groups.

In addition, footage of the shooting down of an unidentified target nearby in the same part of the province appeared on the Internet. Government media proudly suggested that the intercepted object was an Israeli Hermes 450, but this information will most likely turn out to be false: this drone simply has no business being there.

Another air raid was carried out on the city of Baniyas , located in the province of Tartus . However, the details of this attack are contradictory. This is due to the fact that a rocket, either Israeli or Syrian, fell on a residential building, as a result of which 13 people were injured and a minor girl died.

Be that as it may, many monitoring resources reported the likelihood of another attack on Syria. Earlier, the activity of electronic reconnaissance and air surveillance aircraft from the 122nd squadron of the Israel Defense Forces Air Force was recorded over the northern part of the West Bank and the Mediterranean Sea .

Google Translator


May 30, 7:31 p.m


An American sea pier off the coast of the Gaza Strip, which with fanfare crumbled into fragments.
Nevertheless, the money was spent on it. 320 million dollars are now floating off the coast of the Gaza Strip and Israel.

Google Translator


Israel seizes entirety of Gaza–Egypt border

The Philadelphi corridor, a lifeline to both the resistance and the people of Gaza, is now under Israeli control

News Desk

MAY 30, 2024

(Photo credit: Getty Images)

The Israeli army said on 29 May that its forces took control of the Philadelphi corridor on the Gaza Strip’s southern border with Egypt.

The corridor runs along the southern edge of Rafah and includes the city’s border crossing with Egypt, which Israeli forces seized on 7 May, launching an ongoing operation.

Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Wednesday that troops took “operational” control over the corridor that “served as an oxygen line for Hamas, which it regularly used to smuggle weapons into the area of the Gaza Strip.”

The army also claimed it found dozens of rocket launchers and at least 20 cross-border smuggling tunnels.

Troops are now stationed along most of the Philadelphi corridor, except for an area where no ground forces are present but the army said it is controlling through surveillance and bombardment.

Tel Aviv has been updating Egypt on the developments, according to Israeli media.

According to the Israeli army, Hamas placed rocket launchers along the Philadelphi corridor to prevent Israel from bombing them. The army said Hamas perceived that Israel would fear accidentally shooting into Egypt.

Three days ago, an Egyptian soldier was killed by Israeli fire at the Rafah crossing. Tension has been building, as Cairo has expressed great concern over Israel’s current operation in Rafah. The Egyptian government has yet to comment on the seizing of the corridor, something it has previously warned against.

The Philadelphi corridor, also known as the Salah al-Din Axis, and the tunnels in its vicinity are used by the Palestinian resistance to bring weapons into Gaza, while Palestinians use them to bring items for everyday needs. The corridor runs along the entirety of the southern border with Egypt.

Tel Aviv has long been calling for its forces to seize control of the corridor. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported in January that Israel was planning an operation to seize control of Philadelphi.

During a press conference on 30 December last year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the “Philadelphi Corridor – or, to put it more correctly, the southern stoppage point – must be in our hands. It must be shut.”

Israel took over the Rafah border crossing on 7 May and has since been pushing troops into the city under violent bombardment, defying repeated international warnings and displacing around one million Palestinians. Several Israeli attacks on tents near Rafah, and where Palestinians fled from Rafah, have resulted in dozens of civilian deaths.

This week, Israeli forces pushed deeper into Rafah, with residents reporting that the army’s tanks had reached the center of the city on Monday.

The Palestinian resistance, including Hamas’ armed wing and other groups, has been fiercely confronting invading troops in Rafah, as well as in the north of the Gaza Strip, where heavy clashes are still ongoing. ... ypt-border

Blitz of Rafah sees no end as Israel targets first responders

At least 12 civilians were killed by Israeli bombing on Rafah on Thursday alone

News Desk

MAY 30, 2024

(Photo Credit: Hatem Khaled/Reuters)

Israel continued to indiscriminately bombard Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah on 30 May, killing at least a dozen civilians.

“At least 12 civilians … were killed as a result of the ongoing Israeli onslaught against the city of Rafah” on Thursday, according to WAFA news agency.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) announced on Thursday that two of its members were killed in an Israeli airstrike on one of its ambulances in Rafah’s Tal al-Sultan area the night before.

Haitham al-Hams, Deputy Director of Emergency Services in Rafah, said on 30 May that rescue teams are facing immense difficulty in reaching casualties in the city due to continuous deliberate attacks by Israeli forces against medical personnel and ambulance workers.

Since Israeli forces pushed deeper into Rafah on Monday, reaching the city center under heavy bombardment, at least 37 Palestinians have been killed, according to rescue workers and hospital officials cited by AP.

Fierce clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian resistance are raging across the city’s streets.

Hamas’ Qassam Brigades announced several operations against Israeli troops in Rafah on Thursday, including the detonation of an explosive device targeting five Israeli infantry soldiers.

The Qassam Brigades also released footage of its fighters firing at Israeli helicopters with a portable surface-to-air missile launcher.

Other groups are involved in the fighting, including the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement’s Quds Brigades.

“With a barrage of heavy-caliber mortar shells, our fighters targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers and vehicles penetrating the vicinity of Tal Zu'rob, west of the city of Rafah,” the Quds Brigades said on Thursday afternoon.

Israel took over the Rafah border crossing on 7 May and has since been pushing troops into the city under violent bombardment, defying repeated international warnings and displacing around one million Palestinians.

The Israeli army said on 29 May that its forces took control of the Philadelphi corridor on the Gaza Strip’s southern border with Egypt, which runs along the southern edge of Rafah.

Since Sunday, several Israeli attacks on tents where Palestinians had fled for safety from Rafah have resulted in dozens of civilian deaths.

WAFA news agency said on Thursday that the several massacres committed against the displaced in southern Gaza since last weekend left 72 dead. ... responders

'Haunted by failure': Israel sees marked decline in soldiers' willingness to serve

A new survey published by Ynet shows army officers are facing exhaustion from the war, which has failed to achieve its goals

News Desk

MAY 31, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP via Getty Images)

A survey conducted by the Israeli army’s Manpower Directorate and published by Ynet on 31 May shows a “worrying” decline in the willingness of officers to remain enlisted in Israel’s military.

According to the survey, only 42 percent responded positively when asked if they wished to continue serving in the Israeli army, compared to 49 percent in August of last year.

The decline, which comes after almost eight months of a war in Gaza which has failed to achieve its goals, “stunned” senior officials in the army, Ynet said.

“The decline in motivation is supported by another factor noted by the Manpower Directorate: the increase in the number of officers contacting the IDF retirement department during the war,” the Hebrew outlet added.

In the same survey, officers were asked if they were satisfied with their salaries. Only 30 percent responded positively, as opposed to the 60 percent of the private sector who responded positively to the same question – signifying “anger and frustration among the service members.”

The survey confirms that officers are exhausted from the war and frustrated with its effects on their family lives. Both men and women in the army complain that they do not see their families often and that compensation is inadequate, considering the long hours and the stress they face.

It also notes that the overarching factor that contributes to their lack of willingness to continue serving is the “sense of failure” they feel.

“The sense of failure haunts the officers, and they don’t want to serve in a failed organization,” Ynet wrote.

The survey comes the same month that Haaretz reported increased suicidal tendencies among the army’s rank. It said that ten Israeli soldiers have committed suicide since 7 October.

Numerous officials have expressed devastation over the failure to prevent Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. Last month, the head of Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate, Aharon Haliva, resigned from his position as a result of this failure.

Frustration has continued to build since then, as nearly eight months have passed since the start of the war and the Israeli military is no closer to achieving its stated goals of eradicating Hamas and retrieving its prisoners who are being held by the resistance in the Gaza Strip. ... s-to-serve

Dozens of casualties in Yemen following intense US, UK air raids

Washington and London launched an illegal war on Yemen in January in a failed bid to protect Israeli trade interests

News Desk

MAY 31, 2024

FILE (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

At least 16 people were killed and 30 injured on 30 May following intense air raids by US and UK warplanes across several Yemeni provinces that destroyed civilian infrastructure.

According to the Yemeni Health Ministry, the death toll is expected to rise as many of those injured remain in critical condition.

Local media reports say the western jets conducted 13 air raids in total, with six of those hitting the capital, Sanaa, including near the country's main airport and several residential neighborhoods.

The attacks also hit telecommunication infrastructure in Hodeidah and Taiz provinces and the Port of Saif.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) released a statement early on Friday saying its forces “alongside UK Armed Forces conducted strikes against 13 Houthi targets” in areas controlled by the Ansarallah resistance group, which is where most Yemenis live.

The British Defense Ministry said that its forces “participated in a joint operation with US forces against Houthi military facilities to degrade their ability to persist with their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.”

“As ever, the utmost care was taken in planning the strikes to minimize any risk to civilians or non-military infrastructure,” London claims in its statement.

Health officials in Sanaa condemned the airstrikes, saying in a statement that “the deliberate and unlawful killings carried out by the American–British–Israeli [alliance] against civilians constitute war crimes [and] a grave violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.”

Officials in Sanaa also stressed that the western aggression “confirms the great impact of the heroic operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces against American, British, and Israeli targets” in the Red Sea and beyond.

US and UK jets launched an illegal war on Yemen in January in a failed attempt to deter the country's military operations in support of Palestine.

The latest round of attacks came after the Yemeni armed forces announced they downed a sixth US MQ-9 Reaper drone worth $30 million since November. It also follows near-daily attacks on Israeli-linked vessels and western warships in nearby sea routes.

Officials in Sanaa have repeatedly stated that they will not stop their attacks until there is a ceasefire in Gaza and a lifting of the Israeli siege.

“Our operations at sea are consistent with what is demanded by most countries in the world, who are demanding an end to the aggression and the lifting of the siege on Gaza, while the Americans and the British stand in the shameful position that is contrary to what the world is calling for, and therefore they have no right to talk about the law at all,” Nasr al-Din Amer, the deputy head of Ansarallah’s media authority, told Mondoweiss earlier this week.

Two western naval missions – the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian and the EU Operation Aspides – have failed to stop the Yemeni operations, as officials said Sanaa has shown “uninhibited violence that was quite surprising and very significant.”

“We favor a diplomatic solution; we know that there is no military solution,” US Special Envoy for Yemen Timothy Lenderking said in April, candidly acknowledging the failure of what US military commanders called Washington's largest naval battle since WWII.

Yemen, the Arab world's poorest nation, has been the target of a nine-year war led by Saudi Arabia with the full support of NATO, which killed nearly 400,000 people and displaced millions. A ceasefire has held relatively well since April 2022, but new US sanctions are now blocking the implementation of a lasting peace deal. ... -air-raids
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 01, 2024 11:24 am

Kangaroo ICC orders the arrest of Israeli leaders: so what?

What does it signify that a toothless puppet body of the west has felt the need to indict zionist officials?

Facts on the ground being created by the forces of resistance are pushing western politicians and institutions to modify their ‘unreserved support’ for Israel. In Gaza, in northern Palestine, in the Golan heights and elsewhere, the Axis of Resistance is decisively beating the Israeli war machine, despite all the military and material backing it receives every day from the USA, Britain and Germany. In the process, the zionists’ crimes and true intentions are being exposed as never before.

Proletarian writers

Friday 31 May 2024

The international criminal court (ICC), notorious as a kangaroo court that has so far only convicted leaders who have offended the imperialists in Africa and eastern Europe, has announced its intention of seeking arrest warrants for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defence minister Yoav Gallant on charges of war crimes.

It is the spirited resistance of the Palestinian people that has brought this to pass. Their steadfast struggle has forced the world to pay attention as the facade of ‘Israeli democracy’ crumbles to dust, revealing the genocidal truth beneath.

ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan accused the pair of crimes that include the “starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”, “wilful killing” and “intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population”. (Michael Gove condemns call for Binyamin Netanyahu’s arrest by Gabrielle Weiniger and Hugh Tomlison, The Times, 21 May 2024)

Taken together with the stir South Africa has been making at the International Court of Justice (insisting that what the zionists are doing in Gaza is indeed genocide), these judgements are as welcome to Israel as sunshine is to a vampire. Whilst it remains to be seen whether any of these judicial moves translate into concrete action, the double impact of Israel losing the war against the resistance and at the same time watching in parallel its very public and visible moral collapse cannot but shake Israel to its foundations and accelerate its ultimate demise.

Outrage in the imperialist camp
British housing minister Michael Gove reacted to the ruling like a scalded cat, screeching: “Hamas is a terrorist organisation bent on slaughter. Israel is a state, and like all states an imperfect one, but trying to defend its people. Equating the two is just nonsensical.”

The reality, of course, is that: (a) Hamas is one thread of the Palestinian people’s legitimate armed resistance against national oppression and occupation; and that (b) Israel’s illegitimate ‘state’ was imposed on Palestine at the point of a gun in 1948 and has no historical ‘right to exist’. The one part that Gove got right is that equating Hamas and Israel is indeed ‘nonsensical’, although we would choose a less polite expression.

There can be no equivalency drawn between the just resistance of the oppressed and the unjust and genocidal violence of the oppressor.

Predictably, prosecutor Khan (a very British barrister) sought to mollify Israel and its imperialist backers by adding ‘balance’ to the mix, salting his prosecution dossier with some highly coloured allegations against Hamas (all of which appear to be based in the totally discredited lies made by Israel in the aftermath of its military defeat on 7 October, which are repeated by the ICC as if they were known facts).

For all his ‘even-handed’ pains, however, Khan found himself branded as an antisemite who Gove said was “creating a twisted and false moral equivalence between the leaders of Israel and the henchmen of Hamas”. This was so self-evidently a case of projection – of miraculously finding all one’s own faults writ large on the brow of one’s enemy – as to invite only ridicule and contempt.

‘Recognising’ the Palestinian state in theory; disrupting peace negotiations in practice
Neither Israel nor the USA are signed up to the ICC, but Palestine is, which is why the court has jurisdiction in this case. In a further sign of Israel’s growing isolation in the world, Norway, Spain and Ireland have all announced their recognition of Palestinian statehood this week.

Critics of the move from the anti-imperialist camp have suggested that the whole performance serves the west more than it does the Palestinian cause. Since Netanyahu and Gallant will continue to have US and British protection, any warrant for their arrest will remain unenforced, impacting these two criminals only on a low level in relation to certain travel plans.

Doha-based Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, on the other hand, who is currently responsible for shuttling backwards and forwards to Cairo to take part in ceasefire talks being mediated by Egypt (the previous negotiator Saleh al-Arouri was assassinated by Israel in January), certainly would be impeded by a warrant, perhaps being forced to drop out of negotiations altogether and go into hiding.

The other two Hamas figures named on the ICC’s indictment (Yahya Sinwar and Mohammad Deif) are living in the resistance tunnels deep beneath Gaza, and neither the Israelis nor the USA have been able to locate them, never mind extract them from the strip.

From court cases filed with toothless judicial bodies to statehood ‘recognition’ for a people whose land is under complete occupation and whose people are being wiped out in the full glare of global publicity, none of these performative measures amounts to really ending military or economic support for and cooperation with the zionist entity. Quite the contrary. Despite all this international opprobrium, Israel continues to commit its heinous crimes unabated, even as a fresh injunction has been issued by the United Nations court (the ICJ) that Israel should immediately put an end to its invasion of Rafah.

But while all these ‘procedures’, ‘edicts’ and ‘actions’ are unable to stop a single bomb from falling on the defenceless civilians of Gaza (the supply of which could be stemmed within minutes by a phone call from Joe Biden’s criminal White House regime), they are evidence of the growing pressure that governments in the west are coming under from their outraged populations. As this pressure grows, we can expect more such steps to be taken.

Indeed, the more that workers show a willingness to take the law into their own hands and use their collective power (as students and dockworkers around the world are already doing) to sever the flow of weapons and supplies to Israel, and to force the rupture of all cooperative links, we will see governments being pushed into taking measures that have a real and not merely a symbolic impact on the zionist war effort and economy.

Recognition of Palestine’s right to exist ‘as a state’ and the endless repetition of the stillborn ‘two-state solution’ mantra (a compromise that was proven to be unworkable not by any declaration of Hamas but by the actions of the Israeli state and its ultra-racist fanatical settler foot soldiers) is really aimed at promoting the traitorous collaborator Mahmoud Abbas as a ‘partner for dialogue’ and justifying the continued refusal of the imperialists to recognise the chosen leadership of the Palestinian people.

Israel’s classic mafioso response
Rage at losing its international respectability is clearly having an effect on the Israeli body politic, even if the threatened warrants can’t actually be executed. Back in April, when rumours of a possible prosecution against Israel first began to circulate, 12 zionist-sponsored Republican senators in the USA signed a letter that could have come straight from the pen of Don Corleone. It ended on this threatening note:

“The United States will not tolerate politicised attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned.” (24 April 2024, our emphasis)

It now transpires that threats against the ICC from the zionist camp are nothing new. An investigation published this week in the Guardian has revealed a nine-year “secret war” waged by Israel against the court, describing how “the country deployed its intelligence agencies to surveil, hack, pressure, smear and allegedly threaten senior ICC staff in an effort to derail the court’s inquiries.

“Israeli intelligence captured the communications of numerous ICC officials, including Khan and his predecessor as prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, intercepting phone calls, messages, emails and documents …

“For Fatou Bensouda, a respected Gambian lawyer who was elected the ICC’s chief prosecutor in 2012, the accession of Palestine to the court brought with it a momentous decision. Under the Rome statute, the treaty that established the court, the ICC can exercise its jurisdiction only over crimes within member states or by nationals of those states.

“Israel, like the USA, Russia and China, is not a member. After Palestine’s acceptance as an ICC member, any alleged war crimes – committed by those of any nationality – in occupied Palestinian territories now fell under Bensouda’s jurisdiction.

“On 16 January 2015, within weeks of Palestine joining, Bensouda opened a preliminary examination into what in the legalese of the court was called ‘the situation in Palestine’. The following month, two men who had managed to obtain the prosecutor’s private address turned up at her home in The Hague.”

In a classic ‘we know where you live’ move, the unidentified men handed over an envelope containing hundreds of dollars in cash and a note with an Israeli phone number. The ICC’s offices, Palestinian contacts and investigation team members were monitored, their phones tapped and their meetings recorded. As the investigation proceeded, the director of Mossad himself began “ambushing” Prosecutor Bensouda in person to try to dissuade her from continuing with the case – at first in a friendly manner and then becoming increasingly threatening and hostile.

“Three sources briefed on Yossi Cohen’s activities said they understood the spy chief had tried to recruit Bensouda into complying with Israel’s demands during the period in which she was waiting for a ruling from the pre-trial chamber.

“They said he became more threatening after he began to realise the prosecutor would not be persuaded to abandon the investigation. At one stage, Cohen is said to have made comments about Bensouda’s security and thinly veiled threats about the consequences for her career if she proceeded.”

Mossad even tried to smear Ms Bensouda’s reputation by launching a sting operation against her husband and circulating allegations of his supposed wrongdoing amongst western diplomats. (Spying, hacking and intimidation: Israel’s nine-year ‘war’ on the ICC exposed by Harry Davies, Bethan McKernan and Yuval Abraham, 28 May 2024)

All of which is to say that the fear of losing the public relations war is nothing new for the zionists and their imperialist backers. What is new is the level of awareness that is growing amongst the masses worldwide and the correlating pressure that is building up for something to be done that will actually stop the genocidaires for good.

Fear grows at the prospect of being held to account
Meanwhile, back in the US congress, panic is setting in as the realisation dawns that if Israeli leaders might one day be put in the dock for war crimes, who knows that the same fate might not also befall the leaders of the USA, whose complicity and ultimate responsibility for those crimes is clearly evidenced and known throughout the world?

As a worried Republican House speaker Mike Johnson put it: “International bureaucrats cannot be allowed to use lawfare to usurp the authority of democratic nations that maintain the rule of law … If the ICC is allowed to threaten Israeli leaders, ours could be next.”

The same might be said about Rishi Sunak, Michael Gove, David Cameron, Boris Johnson and all the other imperialist leaders and apologists, arms dealers and bankers who are busily cheering on and profiting from the genocide whilst pushing for laws to criminalise the resulting dissent at home.

The time is coming when they will all be held to account – if not in bourgeois courts, then by whatever means present themselves. ... ar-crimes/


IDF operation in Jabaliya: withdrawal of most IDF forces
May 30, 2024


In the north of the Gaza Strip , the operation of Israeli troops in Jabaliya , which lasted just under three weeks, has effectively ended. The IDF command began withdrawing its forces yesterday evening, but this afternoon footage appeared confirming the absence of Israelis in most of the village.

Although the videos and photos available on the Internet are not enough to establish the exact configuration of the front, Israeli units have clearly left the area of ​​Al-Quds Street , the residential sector southeast of the Hamdan cemetery and the vicinity of the Kamal Adwan hospital .

The situation in the Al-Auda hospital area is still shrouded in the fog of war, but amid reports of Hamas attacks on IDF positions nearby, a limited Israeli presence in the area is likely to remain.

After the withdrawal of Israeli units, crowds of refugees began to return to the dilapidated areas and began to actively film the consequences of the IDF operation in Jabaliya. They also captured one of the IDF attacks on abandoned areas, as a result of which several people were injured.

At the same time, air and artillery strikes continue both on other satellite cities and on the capital of the Palestinian enclave itself. Arabic-language media reported in their usual manner about the deaths and injuries of civilians, as well as damage to civilian infrastructure.

There is no need to talk about the undoubted success of the IDF operation in Jabaliya - yes, the Israelis occupied a fairly large territory in the southeast of the camp, but this is only a third of the entire populated area.

And although the Israeli command will soon report on the completion of all assigned tasks, statements about regular attacks by Hamas and periodic missile launches against Israeli border settlements indicate the opposite.

Google Translator


Beyond the Legacy of Sadatism
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 30, 2024
Matteo Gladio


It has long been a strategy of the Western political and intellectual apparatus to reduce the entire political history of countries of the global South to the whims and desires of a single man.

It would normally be advisable to argue that deriving a political analysis from the individual personalities of political leaders can be a distractive tool, a strategy often adopted to avoid discussing the structural conditions that define the material and ideological conditions of a country. For instance, it has long been a strategy of the Western political and intellectual apparatus to reduce the entire political history of countries of the global South to the whims and desires of a single man. For more than forty years, if we were to take the case of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Western media did everything they could do to pin all the political contradictions of the country into the figure of Mu’ammar Qaddafi. Calling him out as “a cancer or the mad dog of the Middle East,” was a rhetorical strategy aiming to present Libya as ruled by an authoritarian and power-hungry leader brutally repressing his people. By turning politics into a treatise about human Arab monsters, the objective of the strategy was to avoid discussing the progressive policies adopted by Libya since its 1969 al-Fateh revolution or to ignore the decades-long imperialist assault on the country via international sanctions, funding of opposition groups, and direct bombings. One could say that the strategy was so effective that, when 2011 came, NATO had its ground paved already to carpet bomb Libya under the pretext of “democracy”. Qaddafi is just one example in a long list of NATO-led bombings, including Syria, Yugoslavia, Iraq, and so on.

However, when a closer look at the nature of political leaders is accompanied by a structural and historical reading tracing their emergence, it can also become a useful tool to diagnose the political vitality of a country and its society. It is my contention that a juxtaposed reading of the nature of current political leaders in Western society vis-à-vis those leading the current fight against the Zionist entity reveals a political and cultural resurgence of the Arab and Muslim world; one that has, in fact, set the Palestinian homeland toward its path of liberation thanks to strategic vision of these unique leaders. There is no doubt that the legacy of Sadatism, which is the legacy of surrender, capitulation, and treason that Arab rulers pursued since Camp David, is being questioned.

Clowns and puppets in the West

In 2024, the United States will be approaching its presidential elections, and it is quite staggering to note the poor qualities of the two main political leaders offered to the American people at the ballot box. On the one hand, there is the current US President, Joe Biden, an adult male who appears to have serious difficulties remaining focused during press conferences, and he is often seen blabbering or confused in front of the cameras. In February 2024, former US counsel, Robert Hur, produced a report of 388 pages assessing Biden as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” The number of videos circulating across social media often showing Joe Biden wandering around are too many. Yet, as much as one risks being imprisoned in the West by stating that “Israel” is committing genocide in Gaza, the American courts refuse to believe that Biden is anything but senile.

On the other hand, we can find what American liberals consider as the incarnation of evil; that is, Donald Trump. However, if Trump were to incarnate something, it would be precisely American “values”. He managed to enrich himself through various illegal activities for many years and then became a celebrity-like figure thanks to a TV series called “The Apprentice”; in other words, a good communicator with the practical abilities and ethical values required to trick society for personal gains. If Western masses were lucid enough to question the limits of capitalism, they would refer to him as a trickster or a clown, at best. Yet, here we are talking about the presidential candidate for the Republican Party.

These are not inherent American characteristics. We only need to look no further than one of the most contentious areas of the world, Ukraine, to realize the depravity of Western political classes and their so-called strategists. Once a comedian, touring around to entertain people with jokes, he has now been turned into the “absolute freedom-fighter”, Volodomyr Zelensky. How is it possible that a man who spent the most formative years of his life learning how to communicate jokes to public audiences is now leading a country into a war against Russia? Similarly, how come Western civilization, and especially the US, has only been able to produce such political figures in the last decade? How can a society that claims to uphold the values of democracy and freedom so highly offer its people the choice between a “senile person” and a “clownish thug”? The answer lies in the cultural and political decline of the West.

Symptoms of decline

When asked why he had embraced Marxism, Ernesto Che Guevara replied that it had not been a personal choice. He had only embraced the spirit of History. For the Cuban revolutionaries, the fight against Yankee imperialism required them to embrace Marxist ideology and praxis. Similarly, we should not wonder how and why the Western political arena is dominated by dubious figures and unethical politicians and leaders who eagerly support the genocide of Palestinians, showering the Zionists with all kinds of weapons and ammunition. These men incarnate the spirit of History and, in particular, they are symptomatic of this impetuous tide of fascism in which Western society is drowning. One of the most striking features of this tide has been the complete rehabilitation of Nazism in Ukraine as a form of popular resistance against “dictatorial” Russia. As a result, the European ruling classes, from Giorgia Meloni in Italy to Emmanuel Macron in France, compete to show who is the most benevolent slave and vassal for the mighty US, ready to sacrifice their people and countries at all costs.

At the political and electoral level, there is hardly any progressive party left in the West, which is why the student protests struggle to turn into concrete political demands. The spectrum of political forces sits along the center-right (liberals), right, and far-right. The Left in Europe has been so infiltrated materially by the ideological weight of the US through actual military operations, i.e. Operation Gladio, to such an extent that the European ruling classes have become completely subordinate to the American project.

At the intellectual level, one needs to look no further than the response given by the majority of so-called progressive intellectuals of the West (Naomi Klein, Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek) to the military operation of the Palestinian Resistance. They all rushed to condemn violence or directly support the colonizers’ right to “defend itself”, meaning: genocide. They came out discussing what should be the right amount or kind of violence, somehow feeling entitled to teach the Palestinian Resistance how to organize a movement of national liberation.

Once again, these are humans incarnating their historical time, they are functionaries of American imperialism whose career was made on the plight of the masses of the Global South. They enjoy their imperialist privileges while theorizing what progressive forces in the South of the world should do or not. They constantly call for some abstract forms of ‘internationalism from below,’ distancing themselves from any actually-existing political project that has emerged to rise from the yoke of imperialist war, i.e. the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People’s Republic of China, Cuba, and so on. They have become faithful administrators of the American project. After all, they benefit from them. Yet, since 2006, the Arab and Muslim world has risen, the Zionist entity has been compromised and, in this process, real leaders have shown us the way.

Resurgence of Arab revolutionary leaders

When Al-Aqsa Flood was unleashed on the Zionist usurpers, the revolutionary masses of the world, especially Arab and Muslim ones, were forced to reckon with the nature of these leaders guiding the struggle. All attentive observers, in fact, realized the symbolic significance of the date chosen to unleash this operation, October 7. On October 6, 1981, the Egyptian masses rose and assassinated Anwar Sadat, a man who incarnated the capitulation and surrender of the Arab regimes to the whims of the imperialists and their Zionist proxies. October 7 fractures this legacy, becoming a moment of resurgence of Arab and Muslim political leadership. It is a blow to the legacy of Sadatism and treason that for too long has been showered on the masses of the region. Among the masterminds of this epic operation, in Gaza, we find the humans and leaders who incarnate the true revolutionary spirit of history.

The Che Guevaras of our time are Abu Obeida, Yahya al-Sinwar, and Mohammed Deif. Al-Sinwar is a man who is constantly framed as the incarnation of evil in the Western press, yet he spent almost two decades in Zionist prisons, learning how to speak the language of the enemy while understanding perfectly the latter’s arrogant and superior mentality. He knew that the Zionists looked at Palestinians as “stupid animals”, he understood how keen the Arab regimes were to sell Palestine to the Zionists, and he gave utmost respect to the martyrs and heroes of Gaza. On this basis, he acted. Under his leadership, an army was built in Gaza, treason stopped being an acceptable political option, and a carefully crafted operation was launched that compromised “Israel”, just as Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had done in 2006. Al-Sinwar, like Deif, Abu Obeida, and many others, is not a superhero, the latter are only the products of American cultural industry, Hollywood.

These are the leaders of our time, those who understood the decline of the West, and patiently and fearlessly dedicated their lives to the struggle against the Zionist usurpers. They assessed that the most favorable circumstances appeared, and they decided to strike a blow to the imperialist proxy. These are humans who are paving the necessary conditions for the revolutionary masses of the world, especially the Arab and Muslim ones, to regain control of their History. It does not matter what the Arabs of America tell us, whether armed resistance is to be supported or not, the revolution has already found its leaders, it is only time for us to support them. ... -sadatism/


Congress Trains Academia to Deny Genocide
May 31, 2024

“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?” Corinna Barnard reacts to congressional lawmakers raising this question with university leaders last week.

Rep. Bob Good questioning Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway on May 23. (C-Span still)

By Corinna Barnard
Special to Consortium News

“Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”

That’s the question that Rep. Bob Good, a Republican of Virginia, fired at Jonathan Holloway, president of Rutgers, the state university of New Jersey, last week in a U.S. House committee hearing.

Holloway, a scholar of African American history who has been steadily climbing the ladder of administrative positions at top-tier schools, looked stunned.

“Um sir, I don’t … have an opinion on Israel’s um …in terms of that phrase.”

Good: “You do not have an opinion as to whether Israel’s government is genocidal?”

Holloway: “Uh, no sir, I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself.”

Good: “Do you think Israel’s government is genocidal?”

Holloway: “I think Israel has a right to exist and protect itself, sir.”

Good: “But you will not say Israel’s government is not genocidal. You can’t say that?”

Holloway stuck to his script: “Sir I believe in the government’s right…”

Good, cut him off: “You can’t be that surprised by the topic of the discussion today and you can’t say that Israel’s government is not genocidal. That’s interesting.”

Good has a point.

It is hard to believe that Holloway, or anyone following world events in the slightest for that matter, would not have formed an opinion on whether the Israeli government is committing a genocide.

While Good was trying to wring a “no” out of Holloway, the correct answer for a university president, as a representative of the domain of knowledge, would undoubtedly have been “yes.”

Holloway, center, with U.S. Rep Tom Kean Jr. of New Jersey in February 2022. (Office of Congressman Tom Kean, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

The 1948 definition of genocide in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide includes:

“Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

It would be hard for anyone to deny that this definition has been met.

The evidence has been steadily accumulating in the media; via press reports and images and clips on social media showing Palestinians suffering an array of atrocities. As people scroll through them, they intimately witness a detailed hellscape of human suffering.

These horrifyingly graphic accounts may not be sufficient proof for international legal jurists operating under extreme geopolitical pressures. The court will seek additional evidence. But lay people in the court of public opinion should have no doubt about Israel’s alarming violations of every human right possible.

On top of the media evidence, there is also a trail of expert opinion. As early as Oct. 16, 2023, Israeli historian and genocide scholar Raz Segal, termed what Israel was doing in Gaza “textbook case of genocide.”

In January, South Africa sought an order from the International Court of Justice for a “provisional measure” ordering Israel to immediately end its military operation, on the basis of mounting evidence of genocide.

On. Jan. 26, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found “plausible” evidence of Israel committing genocide against Palestinians.

In March, Francesca Albanese, the U.N. special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, published “Anatomy of a Genocide,” a report in which she found “reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating Israel’s commission of genocide is met.”

On May 20, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said he was seeking an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as leaders of Hamas, on suspicion of committing crimes against humanity.

None of this seems to concern the AIPAC-friendly team running the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce. It continues in its zealous work of cracking down on campus demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza in the name of “stopping antisemitic college chaos,” as it partially labeled the full committee hearing on May 23.

In the aftermath of the ICC prosecutor’s move, the hearing also became a time for marshaling Zionist loyalty oaths out of witnesses as well.

The committee published the following recap of its roughly three-hour session, which it headlined the “Rutgers, UCLA, and Northwestern Edition”:

“For the third time this Congress, the Committee held a hearing with university presidents to fight back against pervasive antisemitism on college campuses. Witnesses testifying included Mr. Michael Schill, President of Northwestern University; Dr. Jonathan Holloway, President of Rutgers University; and Dr. Gene Block, Chancellor of UCLA.”

Each of these university leaders was summoned for failing, in one way or another, to adequately punish, patrol and repress student encampments in solidarity with Gaza.

Holloway had gone so far as to reach a deal with the encampment at Rutgers, in what he defended as a move to “maintain a safe and controlled environment.” The students had 10 demands. Holloway refused these top two:

No. 1 — for the school to divest from Israel and reinvest resources into Newark and the local community and;

No. 2 — For Rutgers to end its relationship with Tel Aviv University.

But the agreement Holloway struck did make eight concessions, including the establishment of an Arab cultural center at Rutgers and “hiring administrators and faculty with cultural competency and knowledge of Palestinian communities.”

For this offense Holloway was summoned to Congress to face the wrath of Rep. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina, chair of the House Education and the Workforce Committee.

“Dr. Holloway, you accepted eight of 10 encampment demands, including an egregious amnesty deal to Rutgers students and faculty involved in the encampment,” Foxx chastised him at the opening of the hearing. “I would like to know what sort of message you think that sends to your Jewish students.”

Holloway, by the way, and the other witnesses were not legally compelled to attend these hearings, but lawyers are reportedly recommending university leaders to show up rather than risk a possible subpoena to appear. Such a possibility comes with chilling reminders from 1947, when film industry people were subpoenaed by the House Committee on Un-American Activities at the height of the Red Scare and wound up being sentenced to prison and then black-listed. Then the question was “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party of the United States?” Today it’s the one Good was asking Holloway.

Under a steady torrent of hostility during the proceedings, Holloway apparently decided at some point it was better to switch than fight.

“Do you believe that Israel is a genocidal state?

This time, near the three-hour mark, the question came from Missouri Republican, Rep. Eric Burlison. He posed the question — like a lice check — to all three of the university leaders lined up like ducks at the table before him. (“Because that is the propaganda,” Burlison added, to make his position on the matter perfectly clear.)

One by one, first Northwestern’s Schill, then Rutgers’ Holloway and then UCLA’s Block, all answered “no.”

Holloway, whose answer came in a very low voice, has proven his ability to move with the shifting winds, as he showed in a 2017 retrospective about why he had resisted efforts by students at Yale to rename a residential complex named for John C. Calhoun, a staunch white supremacist of the pre-Civil War era. After the university decided to rename the college, he went along, writing:

“After so many years of taking the increasingly uncomfortable position that the name of the college should not be changed, I am certain that the Corporation made the right decision. Moreover, I applaud President Salovey for revisiting last April’s decision with thoughtfulness and patience.”

Defining Genocide

Still from a U.N. film strip on the 1948 Genocide Convention, circa 1949. (U.N. Photo)

Under the current version of the Geneva Convention, the term genocide, more fully,

“means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”
Bear in mind that the convention does not say that all five of these acts must be met. It says “any” of them committed “with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

For the purposes of people who are just thinking this over and making up their minds — such as university presidents, not international legal jurists — the evidence of all these conditions should be abundant.

As a model for what can be said for each one, consider No. 1 —“killing members of the group … with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.”

Israel has largely blocked foreign journalists from covering its assault on Gaza. More than 100 Palestinian journalists have been killed since the assault began on Oct. 7, 2023, according to Reporters Without Borders, which has just filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court “over alleged war crimes committed by the Israeli army against at least nine Palestinian reporters since Dec. 15.”

The shortage of reporters to help assess civilian casualties has contributed to a chronic, ghoulish skirmish around the civilian death toll.

The latest round came in early May after the U.N. made a downward revision of the proportion of women and children in the civilian death toll — to 57 percent from 69 percent.

“One could be forgiven for wondering whether the UN had raised about 6,700 Gazan children and 4,500 Gazan women from the dead,” Graeme Wood, staff writer for The Atlantic, complained about the revision in his piece, “The UN’s Gaza Statistics Make No Sense.” He continued:

“OCHA has provided a running body count since the beginning of the Gaza war, and it currently stands at 34,844. This figure was generated by Hamas and is apparently accepted, give or take a few thousand, by Israelis.”

The U.N.’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHR, has explained the revision as the result of its switch to using the health ministry’s data — because it has more identification documentation — than that of the Government Media Office, its previous source.

Both the health ministry and the media office are run by Hamas, which has administered the occupied territory since June 2007.

Writers such as Wood are careful to point out Hamas’ connection to the Gaza casualty figures, presumably as a skewing risk. But if Hamas has an interest in steering the numbers it’s not clear in which way.

Ralph Nader, for one, thinks that Hamas would be more likely to want to low-ball the civilian death toll, rather than the other way around. “Hamas keeps the figures low to reduce being accused by its own people of not protecting them, and not building shelters,” he wrote in early March, adding:

“From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, plus the resultant mortalities from blocking or smashing the crucial necessities of life, a more likely estimate, in my appraisal, is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.”

Even under current tabulating constraints, the figure that Woods cites, almost 35,000, is horrendous. And so is the 16,000 figure mooted in a recent podcast by Netanyahu — whose arrest warrant is being sought by the ICC’s chief prosecutor.

With all this killing there is also ample evidence — for the purposes of establishing genocide — of an “intent to destroy … the group … in whole or in part.”

This intent has been proclaimed brazenly by numerous Israeli leaders — from the prime minister, the president, culture minister, multiple military commanders, the agriculture minister, finance minister, and many others; down to a “video of soldiers chanting that there are ‘no uninvolved citizens’ in Gaza and that they will ‘wipe off the seed of Amalek.'” All of this is summarized in South Africa’s application to the World Court, beginning on page 60.

The Committee Rules

Nonetheless, the House Education and the Workforce Committee just extracted three “no” responses from reigning members of the U.S. academic elite.

They follow the lead of the U.S. commander in chief.

On May 20, the White House issued a curt statement calling the International Criminal Court’s application for an arrest warrant against Israeli leaders “outrageous.”

Later that day, at an event celebrating Jewish heritage, U.S. President Joe Biden expanded on his defense of Israel.

“But let me be clear. Contrary to allegations against Israel made by the International Court of Justice, what’s happening is not genocide. We reject that. (Applause.) And we’ll always stand with Israel and it’s — in the threats against its security.”

Such statements can only further harden the casing of political favor that Washington has welded around Israel’s commission of rampant war crimes.

The day after the hearings, on May 24, the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to stop its assault against Rafah “immediately” to prevent genocide from being committed.

But the assault continues, along with growing condemnations and protests of Israel and more accounts of human agonies.

For now, the committee is pleased with itself. “Three hearings and seven college presidents later,” it crowed on Twitter/X, “@EdWorkforceCmte‘s antisemitism investigation will not stop until there is accountability.”

But with mounting evidence to prove that Israeli is committing genocide, the tactic of demanding denials from university leaders is dangerous for all involved, given the degree of complicity it represents.

Holloway, during the incident at Yale about renaming of Calhoun College, has shown his ability as a weathervane. But the direction of the winds outside that insular congressional chamber were impossible to detect. In January, the Center for Constitutional Rights warned that the Biden administration was “rendering itself complicit in possible genocide against Palestinians in the occupied territory.”

The same warning could be extended to the team running these hearings and the witnesses who appear before it, putting themselves on the record. ... -genocide/


Dozens of casualties in Yemen following intense US, UK air raids

Washington and London launched an illegal war on Yemen in January in a failed bid to protect Israeli trade interests

News Desk

MAY 31, 2024

FILE (Photo Credit: Getty Images)

At least 16 people were killed and 30 injured on 30 May following intense air raids by US and UK warplanes across several Yemeni provinces that destroyed civilian infrastructure.

According to the Yemeni Health Ministry, the death toll is expected to rise as many of those injured remain in critical condition.

Local media reports say the western jets conducted 13 air raids in total, with six of those hitting the capital, Sanaa, including near the country's main airport and several residential neighborhoods.

The attacks also hit telecommunication infrastructure in Hodeidah and Taiz provinces and the Port of Saif.

US Central Command (CENTCOM) released a statement early on Friday saying its forces “alongside UK Armed Forces conducted strikes against 13 Houthi targets” in areas controlled by the Ansarallah resistance group, which is where most Yemenis live.

The British Defense Ministry said that its forces “participated in a joint operation with US forces against Houthi military facilities to degrade their ability to persist with their attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.”

“As ever, the utmost care was taken in planning the strikes to minimize any risk to civilians or non-military infrastructure,” London claims in its statement.

Health officials in Sanaa condemned the airstrikes, saying in a statement that “the deliberate and unlawful killings carried out by the American–British–Israeli [alliance] against civilians constitute war crimes [and] a grave violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.”

Officials in Sanaa also stressed that the western aggression “confirms the great impact of the heroic operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces against American, British, and Israeli targets” in the Red Sea and beyond.

US and UK jets launched an illegal war on Yemen in January in a failed attempt to deter the country's military operations in support of Palestine.

The latest round of attacks came after the Yemeni armed forces announced they downed a sixth US MQ-9 Reaper drone worth $30 million since November. It also follows near-daily attacks on Israeli-linked vessels and western warships in nearby sea routes.

Officials in Sanaa have repeatedly stated that they will not stop their attacks until there is a ceasefire in Gaza and a lifting of the Israeli siege.

“Our operations at sea are consistent with what is demanded by most countries in the world, who are demanding an end to the aggression and the lifting of the siege on Gaza, while the Americans and the British stand in the shameful position that is contrary to what the world is calling for, and therefore they have no right to talk about the law at all,” Nasr al-Din Amer, the deputy head of Ansarallah’s media authority, told Mondoweiss earlier this week.

Two western naval missions – the US-led Operation Prosperity Guardian and the EU Operation Aspides – have failed to stop the Yemeni operations, as officials said Sanaa has shown “uninhibited violence that was quite surprising and very significant.”

“We favor a diplomatic solution; we know that there is no military solution,” US Special Envoy for Yemen Timothy Lenderking said in April, candidly acknowledging the failure of what US military commanders called Washington's largest naval battle since WWII.

Yemen, the Arab world's poorest nation, has been the target of a nine-year war led by Saudi Arabia with the full support of NATO, which killed nearly 400,000 people and displaced millions. A ceasefire has held relatively well since April 2022, but new US sanctions are now blocking the implementation of a lasting peace deal. ... -air-raids

Yemeni missiles strike USS Eisenhower in response to US–UK blitz

US and British warplanes killed 16 Yemenis and injured dozens more in their attack on the country's capital and other provinces on 30 May

News Desk

MAY 31, 2024

(Photo credit: X)

Yemen’s Armed Forces announced in a statement on 31 May that it targeted Washington’s USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the Red Sea in response to the US–UK airstrikes on the country that left dozens of casualties the previous day.

“In response to these crimes … the missile force and the naval force of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a joint military operation targeting the American aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea. The operation was carried out with a number of winged and ballistic missiles, and the hit was accurate and direct,” army spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree said.

“The Yemeni armed forces will not hesitate to respond directly and immediately to every new aggression on Yemeni territory,” Saree added.

The USS Eisenhower was initially deployed to the region on 13 October, just days after Hamas’ Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

The aircraft carrier briefly withdrew from the Red Sea in April before returning earlier this month. It has been deeply involved in efforts to intercept Yemen’s continuous pro-Palestine operations targeting Israeli-linked vessels and ships heading to Israeli ports.

US and UK warplanes carried out intense airstrikes targeting several Yemeni provinces on 30 May, destroying civilian infrastructure and killing dozens. The strikes killed 16 people and injured 41 more.

According to Saree’s statement, the total number of civilians and military personnel killed and wounded since the start of the US-led campaign against Yemen now stands at 58.

The airstrikes came two days after the Yemeni armed forces announced they downed a US MQ-9 Reaper drone worth $30 million, marking the sixth of its kind since November.

Washington and London have, since January, been waging a brutal campaign of airstrikes against Yemen in response to the pro-Palestine naval operations that the Ansarallah movement and Yemeni army began in November last year.

The start of the US-led war against Yemen prompted Yemeni forces to begin targeting US and British vessels alongside those linked to or bound for Israel.

The western campaign has done nothing to deter the Yemenis. US and EU maritime task forces have failed to progress in preventing attacks on ships in the Red Sea, Arab Sea, Indian Ocean, and elsewhere, which have resulted in a strain on both the Israeli economy and international shipping as a whole.

Officials in Sanaa have repeatedly stated that they will not stop their attacks until there is a ceasefire in Gaza and a lifting of the Israeli siege. ... s-uk-blitz
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sun Jun 02, 2024 12:05 pm

Instead of Recognising ‘Palestine’, Countries Should Withdraw Recognition of Israel
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 31, 2024
Joseph Massad

A Palestinian flag, left, alongside EU and Ukrainian flags outside Leinster House in Dublin to mark Ireland’s recognition of a Palestinian state, 28 May 2024 (Peter Murphy/AFP)

When UN member states recognise a phantasmic Palestinian state, all they are doing is bolstering Israel’s illegality as an institutionally racist state.

On Tuesday, three additional European states officially recognised a non-existent Palestinian state. Ireland, Spain, and Norway are the latest to join more than 140 other United Nations members in recognising this phantom entity.

The Palestinian Authority, which was set up in 1993 to aid Israel in suppressing Palestinian resistance to Israeli colonisation and occupation, welcomed the expansion of this improbable club.

Other European states like Belgium, Malta, and Slovenia also threatened to follow suit.

The Israelis, who have denied Palestinians the right to a state since 1948, reacted angrily to this largely symbolic move.

However, as I will show, international recognition of a phantom Palestinian state has been one of the main ways that UN members insist, in violation of UN regulations, on recognising Israel’s right to remain a Jewish supremacist racist state.

Denying Palestinian independence

Soon after the British occupied Palestine in late 1917, the Palestinians demanded – and were denied – their independence. But it was not until 1937 that a proposal explicitly denying the Palestinians their own state was advanced.

The British Peel Commission recommended the partition of Palestine between the Jewish colonists and the then-young state of Transjordan.

Headed by Lord Robert Peel, the commission further recommended the expulsion of a quarter of a million Palestinians from the area designated as the Jewish settler-colonial state and the outright confiscation of their property. The remainder of Palestine and the Palestinians would be annexed to Transjordan.

The Peel Report was shelved due to outrage among the Palestinians and Arab countries.

The Peel Commission recommended the expulsion of a quarter million Palestinians and the outright confiscation of their property

Next, it was the turn of the UN in 1947 to deny the Palestinians independence in all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The international body rejected the minority report of its UN Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP). It passed a partition resolution to divide the country between the Jewish colonists and the indigenous Palestinians.

In 1946, the population of Palestine was just under two million people, at 1,972,000. Palestinians comprised nearly 70 percent at 1,364,000, while 608,000 Jewish colonists made up the rest.

The UN Resolution 181, known as the Partition Plan, proposed two states, each of which would have upheld an indigenous Palestinian majority, as would Jerusalem, which was supposed to fall under UN jurisdiction.

According to the plan, the population of the Palestinian state would consist of 818,000 Palestinian Arabs and less than 10,000 Jewish colonists, one percent of the entire population. The proposed Jewish state would consist of 499,000 Jewish colonists and 509,000 Palestinians, whereby the Palestinians would make up 54 percent of the population.

These figures led the UN to redraw the map and remove the populous city of Jaffa with its 71,000 Palestinians from the proposed Jewish settler-colonial state and include it as an enclave in the Palestinian state.

This remapping reduced the number of Palestinians in the Jewish settler-colony to 438,000 or 46.7 percent of the population. The UN corpus separatum of Jerusalem, which lay outside the two states, included 105,000 Palestinians and 100,000 Jews.

An illegal act

The Partition Plan clearly stated that in either state “no discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants on the ground of race, religion, language or sex” and that “no expropriation of land owned by an Arab in the Jewish State (by a Jew in the Arab State)…shall be allowed except for public purposes. In all cases of expropriation, full compensation as fixed by the Supreme Court shall be paid previous to dispossession”.

By the time the Israeli “Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel” was issued on 14 May 1948, the Zionist forces had already expelled about 400,000 Palestinians from their lands, and they would expel another 360,000 in the following months.

The Zionists realised that the best way to ensure Jewish supremacy in their state was not only to expel the Palestinians and confiscate their property, but also to conquer the land of the projected Palestinian state and Jerusalem, expel their population, and confiscate their lands.

That this was an outright violation of the Partition Plan was recognised by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) when Israel applied to become a member in 1949.

The UNGA insisted that to approve Israel’s application, Israel would have to abide by its resolutions, including the Partition Plan and the December 1948 UNGA Resolution 194, which demanded that Israel allow the return of the Palestinians it expelled and return their property, withdraw from internationalised West Jerusalem, and declare borders for its new state.

Israel gave assurances that it would adhere to these terms after negotiations with its neighbours, which it claimed could only proceed after it became a UN member. The UNGA finally admitted Israel as a member on 11 May 1949 by a 37-12 vote, adopting UNGA Resolution 273. Despite the resolution stipulating that Israel must abide by Resolutions 181 and 194, it has yet to do so.

At the time, nine countries, including the United Kingdom, abstained.

Soon after the UN recognised Israel, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion unilaterally annexed West Jerusalem on 5 December 1949 and declared that Israel was no longer bound by Resolution 181 as it pertained both to the Palestinian territories it had conquered and the UN control of West Jerusalem.

The UN General Assembly issued Resolution 303 four days later, declaring that Jerusalem would be placed under a permanent international regime. It never was. Israel also began to legislate racist Jewish supremacist laws, starting in July 1950 with its “law of return” that applied to Jews anywhere in the world but not to the Palestinians that Israel expelled. Such laws have multiplied to the tune of more than 65 today.

All of this is to say that the very establishment of Israel remains an illegal act and in violation of the very UN resolutions that proposed its establishment. Yet one of the many prevailing ironies of western mainstream discourse on Israel and the Palestinians is how Israeli and western denial of the Palestinians’ right to their own state is accepted as a legitimate political position while denying Israel’s “right to exist” as a racist Jewish supremacist state is condemned as “genocidal” or “antisemitic“.

In 1988, the PLO implicitly recognised the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish supremacist state when its parliament in exile declared the “independence” of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. And it would do so explicitly when it signed the Oslo Accords five years later.

Since the PLO declaration in 1988, the phantom Palestinian state began to garner recognition from UN members as it did last week.

But that state never materialised, and international consensus has emerged recognising Israel as a racist apartheid state since 1948 – as attested to by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, among others.

Given the ongoing accusations by the pro-Israel camp, the question that arises in the matter of state recognition for Israeli Jews and Palestinians is which position, in fact, upholds racism and which one upholds anti-racism?

Withdrawing recognition

Since 1948, Israel has refused to recognise the right of the Palestinian people to their own state and did everything it could to prevent its establishment.

Indeed, this is a position that Israeli leaders continue to uphold. Benjamin Netanyahu does not tire of repeating his rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian state, and neither does his defence minister, Yoav Gallant, who affirmed that such a state would never be allowed to exist now or under any future Israeli government.

I have yet to see any description by any western official or the western press of such denial of the right of the Palestinian people to exist in their own state as genocidal or racist.

Israel, on the other hand, was established on the lands of the Palestinian people in 1948, whether on the territory it was granted by the General Assembly in the Partition Plan of November 1947 or on half the territory granted to the Palestinian state that it occupied between May and December 1948.

Yet those Palestinians who reject Israel’s “right to exist” as a Jewish supremacist state that rules with a battery of racist laws, and demand that a decolonised democratic state, from the river to the sea, is established in its stead, are immediately accused of being “genocidal” against the Jewish people.

Meanwhile, the only people subjected to genocide in Palestine have been the Palestinians.

In this vein, it is worth noting that the aptly named Gallant was given his first name, “Yoav“, by his Polish colonist parents after the Israeli army’s “Yoav Operation” in southern Palestine, in which his father fought during the 1948 Zionist conquest.

During this operation, the Israelis occupied lands of the projected Palestinian state. They committed the horrific massacre of al-Dawayima in which more than 200 Palestinian civilians, including women and children, were slaughtered.

Gallant’s insistence today on denying the right of the Palestinians to a state is consistent with his support of Israel’s 1948 occupation of their lands during military operations that his own name perpetuates.

The US and its European allies have always insisted that Israel’s right to be a Jewish supremacist state is not subject to any negotiation between the Israelis and the Palestinians, who should only negotiate the possibility of a Palestinian state on some truncated territory.

Therefore, the outright racists are those who recognise Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish supremacist state, as they insist that this illegal state should continue to benefit from its ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people from 1948 onwards and be allowed to maintain its battery of racist laws and institutions.

The anti-racists are, in fact, those who support the dismantlement of Israel’s racist structures and laws and advocate for one decolonised state, from the river to the sea, in which everyone living within it is equal before the law and does not benefit from any racial, ethnic, or religious privileges.

When UN member states recognise a phantasmic Palestinian state, all they are doing is buttressing Israel’s illegality as an institutionally racist state. What they need to do is not recognise a Palestinian state but withdraw their recognition of Israel. Only that will lead to a decolonised anti-racist and democratic outcome. ... of-israel/

Dismantling Zionism
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 31, 2024

Ahmed Alnaouq speaks to Yasmin and Yara, two organisers with Palestinian Youth Movement, about the history of student solidarity with Palestine, the growing student encampment movement and the role of Palestinians in diaspora in dismantling Zionism.

Matt Kennard is an investigative journalist and co-founder of @declassifieduk. He is the author of three books: Irregular Army, The Racket & Silent Coup.

Ahmed Alnaouq is a Palestinian journalist from Gaza and co-founder of @we_are_not_numbers. ... g-zionism/


Hamas 'views positively' lasting ceasefire deal presented by Biden

The resistance group confirmed it has yet to receive the details of the proposal reportedly drafted by Israel and put forward by the US president

News Desk

JUN 1, 2024

(Photo Credit: Chris McGrath/Getty Images)

Palestinian resistance group Hamas said late on 31 May that they “view positively” the contents of a ceasefire proposal presented by US President Joe Biden that could see the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza.

“We consider this American position and the reinforced conviction on the regional and international stage of the necessity to put an end to the war on Gaza to be the result of the legendary steadfastness of our struggling people and their brave resistance,” Hamas said in a statement.

Palestinian officials also confirmed their “readiness to engage positively and constructively with any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to all their homes, and a serious prisoner exchange deal, provided the occupation declares its explicit commitment to this.”

On Saturday morning, Hamas leader Mahmoud Mardawi revealed to Arabic media that the resistance group has yet to receive the details of the Israeli ceasefire proposal presented by Biden.

“We are interested in testing the positivity generated by this new proposal and examining its chances of success,” Mardawi said, adding, "No agreement can be reached before the demand for the withdrawal of the occupation army and a ceasefire is met.”

The Hamas official also stressed that Israeli leaders “must respond positively to the proposal put forward by Biden” and that if the White House “is not ready to pressure Netanyahu's government, the deal will not see the light of day.”

On Friday night, Biden announced that Israel “offered” a permanent ceasefire proposal in three stages.

“This new proposal has three phases: The first phase would last for six weeks. It would include a full and complete ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza, the release of a number of hostages including women, the elderly, the wounded in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners,” Biden detailed.

The terms of the deal largely resemble a lasting ceasefire proposal drafted under the auspices of Qatar, Egypt, and the US that Hamas leaders accepted in early May. This immediately prompted Israel to launch its bloody Rafah campaign and block the entry of humanitarian aid to the strip.

Following Biden's speech, Tel Aviv acknowledged that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office “allowed the negotiation team to present the proposal," and a senior official told reporters that the country knows “what the expectations” of the deal are.

“I have no doubt that the deal will be characterized by Israel and will be characterized by Hamas, but we know what’s in the deal. We know what the expectations are,” the official said. ... d-by-biden

To cover for war crimes, Israel claims it ‘lost control’ over soldiers

Israel’s claim to have lost control over military units in Gaza is an attempt to gain legal cover for its troops’ war crimes, and masks a far deeper issue of systemic impunity inside the occupation army.

Robert Inlakesh

MAY 31, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Several months after media commentators began predicting a “strategic defeat” for Israeli forces in Gaza, Israel’s military high command is claiming it has lost control over various units in their armed forces.

The argument appears to scapegoat occupation soldiers to provide plausible deniability for their superiors and dissociate them from war crimes charges. The vast body of evidence emerging on these alleged ‘rogue Israeli units’ could potentially lead to a damning indictment of Tel Aviv’s military leadership.

Despite the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) recent call on Israel to halt its military operation in Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains resolute in his vow to invade, even while personally facing an International Criminal Court (ICC) arrest warrant. Marred by internal division and pressure to comply with the ICJ order, Tel Aviv finds itself in a precarious position.

‘Rogue units’ in the occupation army

Hebrew-daily Haaretz dropped a narrative bombshell last weekend when it claimed that the Israeli army’s “General Staff lost control over the units, especially reserve units, months ago.” The article attempts to depict a situation in which Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi has just “woken up” to the reality of allegedly rogue elements operating under his watch, with these ‘uncontrolled units’ committing the crimes cited by the ICJ against Israel.

Throughout the war in Gaza, Israeli soldiers have been publishing evidence of themselves committing crimes, showing genocidal intent, and performing perverse acts while operating inside the besieged coastal territory.

These incriminating clips, published primarily on TikTok and Instagram and also within Telegram groups that glorify the killing of Palestinian civilians, have attracted a lot of bad press. It appears that Israel’s leadership is now floating the “few bad apples” strategy to absolve their military high brass of accountability.

It won’t be easy. Some of these social media groups are run by occupation officials. Furthermore, the Israeli military establishment has admitted to running accounts on Telegram that showcase snuff films as part of a psychological warfare operation under the “Operations Directorate’s Influencing Department.”

Which units have gone rogue?

As of now, there is no official list of the units that have allegedly ‘gone rogue.’ Haaretz writer Amos Harel proposes that these troops can simply be identified by those who have posted incriminating videos of themselves.

Consider the case of Yair Ben David, a commander in the 2908th Battalion, cited in the South African ICJ submission for expressing genocidal intent. He boasted about the destruction his forces caused in Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, referencing a biblical story where all male inhabitants were massacred, and stated, “the entire Gaza should resemble Beit Hanoun.”

Despite this statement being made in a video published on social media in December 2023, there has been no action taken by Israel’s military leadership to rein in his unit.

Another Haaretz article published in late January, titled ‘The Israeli Army Must Act Before Some of Its Soldiers Turn Into Lawless Gangs,’ referenced Ben David’s comment and noted that “90 reservist battalion commanders petitioned the IDF chief of staff not to stop in Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank until victory.”

David Bar Kalifa, commander of Division 36, the largest regular division in the Israeli army, was also quoted in the article for his orders of “vengeance” against the Palestinian population. However, Tel Aviv has taken no actions to structurally change or reform the division, which was instead later transitioned to the Lebanese border, despite the head of Israel’s Southern Command, Yaron Finkelman, arguing for them to move to central Gaza.

Aviad Yisraeli, an officer in the 261 Brigade’s 6261st Battalion, openly posted on social media about his intent to “make sure there is no one left” before participating in the invasion of Khan Yunis in December. Yisraeli, who lives in an illegal settler outpost near Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, was not disciplined by his superiors and was recently deployed to Rafah.

On 6 May, when Israeli forces seized the Rafah Crossing, soldiers filmed themselves destroying and desecrating the crossing and posting the footage on social media. These soldiers belonged to the 401st Brigade of the 162nd Division, while the Givati Brigade captured other areas east of Rafah.

The Rafah Crossing seizure was perhaps one of the most sensitive military offensives committed by the Israelis during the entire war because their entrance into what is known as the ‘Philadelphi Corridor’ technically violated the 1979 Camp David agreement with Egypt. The use of the 401st Brigade, known for its subordination, reflects a deeper issue within the Israeli high command.

Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari has been urging soldiers not to film such acts for months, which is a clear indication that the army leadership has long been aware of their actions. No disciplinary actions have been taken to date – the most proactive measure conducted by authorities has been to announce police’ investigations’ into the posting of footage online. And there has been no follow-up on these inquiries into the thousands of videos, photos, and posts from soldiers.

Controlling chaos

If the Israeli leadership has truly lost control of entire units in their military, why would such units be deployed back into action in sensitive areas like the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and along the Lebanese border?

Such reckless decision-making, involving soldiers suspected of not following orders and whose videos are used as evidence of genocidal intent at the ICJ, is a significant indictment of the Israeli high command.

In January, a report by the Hebrew ‘Kan Reshet Bet’ radio stated:

Reservist fighters who were called to training ahead of the establishment of the Hashomer Brigade … have severely criticized the serious gaps in equipment, professionalism, the lack of manpower and especially the fact that in the middle of the training they were informed that they were entering the Gaza Strip without having trained as required.

Such reports are not uncommon in Israeli media and reflect the state of the military leadership’s decision-making. When combined with numerous statements of genocidal intent, as documented by Palestinian rights group Al-Haq, from both military and political leadership, it paints a picture of controlled chaos.

The South African legal team at the ICJ linked Netanyahu’s invocation of the biblical story of Amalek to Israeli soldiers, interpreting this as a call to mass murder Palestinian civilians. Potential war crimes motivated by such rhetoric cannot be isolated to individuals when military leadership decisions allow such behavior.

If the Israeli high command is unaware of radical and uncontrolled elements within their military, how do they explain the formation of the ‘Desert Frontier’ unit, which has integrated extremist settlers from the ‘Hilltop Youth?’ This radical group of settler-vigilantes was previously described by Israeli media as terrorists for attacking Israeli soldiers and Palestinian civilians.

An environment of impunity

This problem of reckless soldier behavior did not begin in 2023; it stems from Israeli troops operating in an environment of complete impunity. During the 2008/9 war in Gaza, the worst punishment doled out to an Israeli soldier committing a crime was for stealing a credit card – not for killing, torturing, beating Palestinians, or razing their homes, businesses, and land.

Or for using Palestinians as human shields – a crime Tel Aviv attributes to Hamas, but one its troops commit daily. According to B’Tselem, two soldiers involved in using a nine-year-old boy as a human shield received a three-month conditional sentence and were demoted from staff sergeant to private two years after the incident. None of their commanding officers were tried.

The two soldiers in question had ordered a nine-year-old boy, at gunpoint, to open a bag they suspected was booby-trapped. Despite the gravity of their conduct - putting a young child at risk – the two were given a three-month conditional sentence and demoted from staff sergeant to private some two years after the incident took place. None of their commanding officers were tried.

Since then, troop behaviors have only worsened. Despite there being so many more documented cases of Israeli soldiers deploying Palestinian civilians – often children – as human shields, this was the last case punished by the Israeli judicial system.

The argument that Israel’s military leadership is only now waking up to the reality of their soldiers’ misconduct serves to create plausible deniability. It is no coincidence that extremist ideologues have been empowered in the Israeli army and that ill-disciplined soldiers, encouraged by their leaders’ genocidal rhetoric, are given carte blanche to commit crimes against Palestinians. ... r-soldiers

Ambulance team hit by Israeli drone in south Lebanon

The Israeli drone strike killed one paramedic and injured another in the southern city of Naqoura

News Desk

MAY 31, 2024

FILE (Photo credit: AFP)

An Israeli drone strike targeted an ambulance crew belonging to Hezbollah’s Islamic Health Authority in southern Lebanon on 31 May.

The Health Authority reported the death of one of its crew members and the injury of another in the Israeli strike on their vehicle in the southern city of Naqoura.

“The Authority celebrates the martyr, paramedic Haider Mahmoud Jahir, born in 1979 and from the town of Naqoura in southern Lebanon, who rose as a martyr on the road to Jerusalem,” it said in a statement.

The deadly drone strike on the ambulance team came after Hezbollah announced a series of attacks against Israeli troops.

“The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a building used by enemy soldiers in the Shomera settlement, Tarbikha village, with the appropriate weapons, hitting them directly,” Hezbollah said in a statement on Friday afternoon, marking its fifth operation of the day.

Earlier, the resistance group announced a drone attack targeting Israeli Iron Dome platforms in Marbad al-Zaoura.

Tel Aviv admitted on Friday that two explosive-laden drones launched from Lebanon struck the occupied Golan Heights. The army said it is investigating why the interception of the drones failed.

Hezbollah has attacked Israeli military sites and settlements on a daily basis since 8 October in solidarity with Gaza and in support of the Palestinian resistance. It has vowed to continue doing so until the war in Gaza is brought to an end.

The resistance group has stepped up its operations recently, increasing its use of drone warfare and sophisticated, intelligence-based operations.

Hezbollah launched the first-ever Lebanese airstrike on an Israeli target on 17 May, using a never-before-seen drone for the operation.

“The resistance surprised you on 8 October [by entering the battle] ... You should expect more surprises,” Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech last week, addressing Israeli leadership.

“Netanyahu is heading for a dead end and is leading the opposing front [Resistance Axis] to a historic and significant victory,” he added. ... th-lebanon


Attack on the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower.
June 1, 9:12


Regarding the controversy surrounding the Houthi strikes on the USS Dwight Eisenhower aircraft carrier.

1. There is an official statement from the Houthis about shelling and hits/hits.
2. There are statements from the United States that nothing landed on the aircraft carrier.
3. There are no photos/videos of the impact or the consequences of the arrival.
4. The footage distributed online has nothing to do with the aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower.
5. The Houthis are of course interested in promoting the topic of this attack, even if there was no arrival.
6. The United States, on the contrary, is interested in hiding the consequences of the arrival, even if it happened.
7. According to the current invoice, the question of whether it arrived or not is rather a question of faith in the statements of the Houthis and the United States.

We are waiting for the invoice.

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:43 am

PFLP Communiqués : Biden is Complicit in Genocide, War Crimes and Cannot be Trusted
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 1, 2024


Our people, with all their forces and components, are united in demanding the cessation of aggression.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine confirmed that our people, with all their forces and components, are united in demanding the cessation of aggression and that no deal or proposal has any value if it assumes the continuation of the genocide war or maneuvers to allow the occupation to continue its crimes. The resistance forces are entrusted with the demands of our people.

The Popular Front emphasized that U.S. President Joe Biden is a main partner in the aggression, genocide war, and war crimes against our people, and cannot be trusted in what he offers. He cannot be considered a mediator as he is a principal party in the war against our people.

The Front stated that the position on any proposal or negotiation path depends on its content regarding a complete cessation of aggression against our people, the withdrawal of the occupation, the lifting of the siege, and reconstruction.

The Front called on all concerned parties, including governments and mediators, to pressure the American administration, and stressed its demand for all forces in solidarity with our people to escalate the struggle and protest against the forces of aggression, primarily the United States of America.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
June 1, 2024

Resistance News Network

Via Struggle La Lucha

Popular Front: The enemy’s massacres and crimes continue to escalate and its targeting of ambulance crews is a declared attempt at extermination

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine emphasized that the occupation’s targeting of ambulance vehicles and crews in the Gaza Strip yesterday, which led to the martyrdom and injury of a number of its members, is part of a comprehensive escalation by the occupation for genocidal war crimes in light of the American support for this escalation.

The Front said that the targeting of hospitals, doctors and ambulance crews by the occupation and its criminal war system since the beginning of the war is a declared policy that is still carried out with American cover and support with the clear aim of deepening the impact of its massacres, siege and genocidal practices.

The Front stressed that the cowardly occupation army, which is unable to confront the resistance and has failed to achieve any of its declared goals in this war, is taking revenge on our people who are steadfast in their land and who overthrew the plans of forced displacement, with this systematic destruction of all health sector facilities and the comprehensive targeting of the members of the medical system.

The Front called on the concerned parties and international and UN institutions to speed up the entry of ambulances, equipment, materials, medical staff and field hospitals into the Gaza Strip, in light of the occupation’s destruction of hospitals and other medical and therapeutic institutions and facilities, and the continuation of its brutal and deadly siege on our people.

The PFLP emphasized that the lies of the US administration about the introduction of aid through the pier or other means are pure lies and part of its cover-up and partnership in the war of annihilation and the siege aimed at killing and starvation.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department
May 30, 2024

Popular Front: The crimes of the US-British aggression against Yemen come in defense of the continuation of the genocidal war against the people of Palestine

The Popular Front emphasized that the US aggression on Hudaydah governorate in brotherly Yemen, which claimed the lives of 16 martyrs and a number of wounded, is a clear expression of the brutality of the US and British enemy in committing the most heinous crimes of bombing cities, destroying facilities and targeting civilians.

The Front expressed its full solidarity with brotherly Yemen, its people and leadership in the face of this aggression, emphasizing the gratitude of the people of Palestine for what the heroes of Yemen, its people and leadership are doing in solidarity with the resistance and the Palestinian people in their just battle against the Zionist war of extermination.

The Front said that the US administration and the entire colonial system is engaged in a desperate defense of the continuation of the war of extermination against the people of Palestine, and its efforts to expand the scope of aggression, killing and destruction against the Arab peoples who are struggling for their rights, freedom and independence of their homelands, while Yemen stood dear, proud and fighting in defense of Palestine and its people, the Arab nation and the peoples of the region, and the values of justice and humanity.

The Front stressed that the United States is leading an aggressive and colonialist alliance against the Arab peoples, imagining that it can impose its hegemony on the region without deterrence, stressing that the resistance forces and their axis stand in the front row in defense of their peoples, their nation and their just causes.

The Front said that condemnation is not enough to comment on the positions of some Arab governments involved in the aggression against Yemen and complicit in the war of annihilation against the people of Palestine, as these regimes have chosen to be in the camp of aggression, war criminals and enemies of humanity, against the Arab nation with all its components.

The Front stressed that the United States is leading an aggressive and colonialist alliance against the Arab peoples, imagining that it can impose its hegemony on the region without deterrence, stressing that the resistance forces and their axis stand in the front row in defense of their peoples, their nation and their just causes.

The Front said that condemnation is not enough to comment on the positions of some Arab governments involved in the aggression against Yemen and complicit in the war of annihilation against the people of Palestine, as these regimes have chosen to be in the camp of aggression, war criminals and enemies of humanity, against the Arab nation with all its components.

The Front emphasized that the unity of the blood flowing in Palestine and Yemen is the truest expression of the unity of the peoples of this nation and the living resistance forces, in the face of all proposals of abandonment and surrender, stressing its confidence that the brotherly Yemeni people have proven by their positions their great readiness to confront the aggressive American arrogance, and adhere to their Arab, moral and humanitarian role in the fateful battle for the fate of the peoples of the region and the Arab nation.

The Front concluded by saying that the blood of the pure martyrs bleeding in Palestine and Yemen, the sacrifices of the heroic resistance fighters, and the steadfastness of the peoples and resistance forces will defeat the Zionist-American colonialist aggression alliance and open the door to a new stage in the history of the region.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
May 31, 2024
Central Media Department ... e-trusted/


Hezbollah keeps up pressure on Israel with massive rocket barrage

The attacks come in response to Israeli strikes that killed four Lebanese, including a medical rescue worker and a woman early Friday

News Desk

JUN 1, 2024

Hezbollah missile fired toward Israel (Photo credit: IRNA)

The Islamic Resistance movement Hezbollah carried out a broad series of attacks on Israeli settlements and military posts on 31 May in response to Israeli attacks in Lebanon earlier in the day that killed four people, including a paramedic and a woman, Al-Mayadeen reported.

In announcing the attacks, Hezbollah reiterated that its operations come in support of the Palestinians resisting Israeli aggression in Gaza and in response to Israel's targeting of villages in southern Lebanon.

The group stated that its fighters struck the Biranit barracks, headquarters of Division 91 of the Israeli army, and the al-Baghdadi site with heavy Burkan rockets.

It later confirmed that its fighters launched an aerial assault using drone strikes targeting Iron Dome launchers in the Al-Zaoura base.

The Islamic Resistance also said it struck a building used by Israeli troops in the Shomera settlement in occupied Lebanon.

In addition, the resistance movement confirmed that its fighters targeted the settlements of Gaton, Ain Yaaqoub, Yehiam, and Ramot Naftali with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

Earlier on Friday, Israeli attacks on south Lebanon killed four people, including a medical worker and a woman.

The operations room of the Hezbollah-affiliated Islamic Health Committee told AFP that "an Israeli drone strike targeted an ambulance … One rescuer was martyred and another wounded" in the southern border town of Naqoura.

The operations room later told AFP that an Israeli strike on the town of Adloun had killed a woman and wounded four other people.

Hezbollah also announced in separate statements that two of its fighters had been killed without specifying the location.

In a speech delivered by video link Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah stated that the resistance movement's battle with Israel that began on 8 October will determine the fate of the region.

"This battle concerns Palestine, but also concerns the future of Lebanon and its water and oil resources," Nasrallah said. "This front is a support front that is part of the battle that will determine the fate of Palestine, Lebanon, and the region strategically."

Nasrallah added that Hezbollah is continuing its operations against Israel, regardless of "narrow political calculations."

Israeli attacks have killed 450 people in Lebanon in more than seven months of cross-border fighting, including more than 80 civilians and ten rescue workers, according to an AFP count.

Israel said Hezbollah attacks have killed 14 Israeli soldiers and 11 civilians on its side of the border. The number killed may be larger as Israel is known to hide its soldiers' deaths and injuries. ... et-barrage

Israeli airstrikes pound Syria’s Aleppo

Local reports say the strikes hit a copper smelting plant in the countryside of northwestern Aleppo province

News Desk

JUN 3, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP)

Several people were killed in Israeli airstrikes on Syria’s northwestern province of Aleppo early on 3 June.

“At approximately 12:20 AM at dawn on Monday, the Israeli enemy launched an aerial attack with missiles from a direction of southeast Aleppo, targeting a number of points in the vicinity of Aleppo city, and the army air defenses intercepted the aggression’s missiles and shot down some of them,” a military source told state media outlet SANA.

“The aggression led to the martyrdom a number of civilians, and some material losses to the property,” the source added.

Among the sites hit by the Israeli strikes was a copper smelting factory near the town of Hayan, according to local reports.

The opposition-linked war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), claimed that 16 “Iranian-backed militiamen” were killed in a strike on a copper smelting plant and weapons warehouse in between Hayan and Al-Tamoura in the Aleppo countryside.

Local reports also said the strikes coincided with an attack by extremist militants on a Syrian army checkpoint west of Aleppo. Damascus regularly accuses extremist armed groups in Syria of coordinating with Israel, who supported the Al-Qaeda-linked Nusra Front during the early years of the Syrian war.

As its genocidal war on Gaza rages on and as it continues to face resistance on several fronts, Israel has persisted with its illegal attacks on Syria.

One child was killed and ten other civilians wounded in an Israeli attack on central Syria and the coastal Syrian city of Baniyas on 29 May. On 2 May, eight Syrian soldiers were injured in an Israeli airstrike near the capital, Damascus.

Israel has been attacking Syria for several years, targeting what it says are Iranian and Hezbollah interests in the country in an attempt to stifle Tehran’s military support for the resistance in Lebanon. This unofficial campaign, which Israel does not publicly acknowledge, has been referred to as ‘the battle between wars.’

However, the strikes have been unable to affect the flow of arms to Hezbollah.

“The ongoing battle between wars has seen the resistance in Lebanon significantly augment its weapons capabilities in terms of quantity, quality, and diversity. This represents a substantial strategic setback for Israel, which has expended vast sums on its strategy in Syria without achieving its objectives,” Khalil Nasrallah, Lebanese journalist and expert on regional affairs, wrote for The Cradle on 2 April. ... ias-aleppo

UNRWA halts services, closes shelters in Rafah as displacement grows

Hundreds of thousands have been displaced again, and the number of children in Gaza who have died of starvation has reached at least 30

News Desk

JUN 2, 2024

A UNRWA-run school, transformed into a refuge for displaced Palestinians, in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, on October 25, 2023. (Photo credit: MAHMUD HAMS / AFP)

UNRWA has closed all its shelters for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, as hundreds of thousands have now fled the ongoing Israeli assault on the southern Gaza border town.

Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner-General of the UN agency responsible for providing aid to Palestinians in Gaza, confirmed that all shelters in Rafah are now empty.

"More than 1 million people - most displaced several times - forced to flee once again, in search of safety that they never find. All of our 36 UNRWA shelters in Rafah are empty now. This is where people seek shelter and should be protected at all times under the UN flag," Lazzarini said in a post on X.

"UNRWA had to stop health and other critical services in Rafah," he added.

"We are now working from Khan Yunis + the middle areas where 1.7 million people are living," the UNRWA Commissioner-General said. "In Khan Yunis, we restarted operations despite damage to all our facilities."

After seven months of war, Israeli forces have systematically moved from north to south, destroying large swathes of cities, refugee camps, and agricultural land in Gaza.

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have now fled multiple times to escape each new stage of the Israeli assault.

On Sunday, Israeli airstrikes targeted the Brazil neighborhood in the southern part of Rafah, injuring several Palestinians and destroying several homes, Al-Mayadeen reported.

Israeli forces heavily shelled the Al-Halal Market area and the Qishta neighborhood in southern Rafah, while a house belonging to the Abu Shaar family was also shelled in Tel al-Sultan in the western part of the city.

Simultaneously, central Rafah was attacked by helicopters, which also launched smoke and sonic grenades targeting its neighborhoods, Al-Mayadeen added.

One week ago, an Israeli strike and resulting fire at the Rafah displacement camp killed 45 people.

The Israeli assault on the city began three weeks ago and has caused the closure of the Rafah border crossing to Egypt, the main entry point for aid and food to Gaza.

On Saturday, The Guardian reported that at least 30 children have died of malnutrition in Gaza, including two in the past week. Almost all died in the north of the strip amid Israeli offensives and blockades that caused a famine.

Israel has begun allowing food to enter via northern crossing points. However, with the continued closure of the Rafah crossing, southern Gaza may also experience famine.

"The ongoing situation in Rafah is a disaster for children," Jonathan Crickx, chief of communication for UNICEF in Palestine, stated.

"If nutrition supplies, especially ready-to-use therapeutic food, used to address malnutrition among children, cannot be distributed, the treatment of more than 3,000 children with acute malnutrition will be interrupted."

The Guardian added that "collapsing access to food and medical care may be a slower-motion tragedy, but one that threatens almost everyone in the south of the enclave now."

It also said that 20 international aid agencies warned last week that "the unpredictable trickle of aid into Gaza has created a mirage of improved access while the humanitarian response is in reality on the verge of collapse."

They now fear "an acceleration in deaths from starvation, disease and denied medical assistance," the groups, including Médecins Sans Frontières, Oxfam, and Sav[/img]e the Children, said in a joint statement.

Crickx stated that "reported deaths of children from malnutrition only show part of the whole toll. There is a reasonable concern that in Gaza too, there are significant numbers of children affected by malnutrition who are not represented in reported figures." ... ment-grows


Thomas Friedman v. Critical Thought on Gaza
June 3, 2024
Lawrence Davidson on The New York Times’ columnist’s failure to acknowledge the imbalance of violence over the entire history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip in December 1987 during the First Intifada. (Efi Sharir / Dan Hadani collection / National Library of Israel / The Pritzker Family National Photography Collection /Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

By Lawrence Davidson

Thomas Friedman is a well known, prize-winning correspondent and editorial writer for The New York Times. His area of interest has long been the Middle East and he has lived in both Lebanon and Israel.

Given the history of American media coverage of this area, led first and foremost by the NYT, that reputation might mean less than you think.

In a May 8 editorial, Friedman said that the campus protests against the Israeli war in Gaza had become “too big to ignore.” In addition, he confessed that he found them “very troubling.”

Why was that? Because he thought that the message and aims of the protesters “reject important truths about how the Gaza War started and what will be required to bring it to a fair and sustainable conclusion.” And, finally he asserted that student protesters ignored the feelings of Palestinians who object to Hamas and its Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Let’s take a look at the positions that Friedman fines troubling:

No. 1 — How the Gaza War Started

According to Friedman,

“they [the protestors] are virtually all about stopping Israel’s shameful behavior in killing so many Palestinian civilians in its pursuit of Hamas fighters, while giving a free pass to Hamas’s shameful breaking of the cease-fire that existed on October 7.”

That helps make the protesters “part of the problem.”

Here Friedman’s understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle is distorted by his (albeit liberal) Zionist predilections. He asserts that Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack “triggered” the ongoing massive Israeli response. This assertion ignores the historical context.

Israel’s violence against the Palestinians, including its blockade of Gaza, has been a long-term constant — denying the Palestinians a stable society and economy. Indeed, Hamas’ action on Oct. 7 was itself provoked by years of Israeli aggression during which 5,000 Palestinians were killed (as against 170 Israelis).

Friedman in 2015. (Brookings Institution, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

What the Hamas’ action did on Oct. 7 was trigger a significant ratcheting up of otherwise non-stop Israeli aggression. As to the student’s perspective, their emphasis on Gaza means that most don’t see the behavior of Israel and that of Palestinians as anywhere near equal — and neither should Friedman.

I am not exactly sure if Friedman is referring to anything meaningful when he claims that the Palestinians breached a “cease-fire” on Oct. 7. As Atallah Al-Salim pointed out [in Security Context in October]:

“Just three weeks before the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a map of ‘The ‘New Middle East’ during his speech to the U.N.’s General Assembly in New York. The map did not show the West Bank, East Jerusalem or Gaza. This reaffirmed what Palestinians knew, that there was no chance that Netanyahu’s government would proceed with peace talks with Palestinians.”

Hamas noted this behavior even if Friedman appears to have missed it.

Thus, it is sad but true, the Israelis have provoked every rocket launched against them, as well as their losses on Oct. 7. They did so by their unending brutality, the goal of which has always been ethnic cleansing. That being the case, the Oct. 7 Palestinian attack was basically defensive — an act of anti-colonial resistance.

Did it involve violence against Israeli civilians? Yes, it did. Has that violence been exaggerated by Israeli propaganda, swallowed whole by Western media? Yes, it has.

Should we be surprised by resistance violence given Israeli treatment of the Palestinians over the decades? No, we should not.

Friedman’s anger at the protesters for ignoring Israeli victims suggests his own failure to understand the imbalance of violence over the entire history of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

No. 2 — What Will Be Required to End the War?

Netanyahu showing map of “New Middle East” at the U.N. on Sept. 22, 2023. (UN Photo/Cia Pak)

Friedman is put off “when people chant slogans like liberate Palestine and from the river to the sea.” He believes that this sloganeering is calling for the erasure of the state of Israel. They are arguing, he asserts, “that the Jewish people have no right to self-determination or self-defense.”

This is a questionable assumption on his part. Actually, the slogan referencing the land from river to sea was originally an Israeli Likud Party one and, in that case, it certainly was calling for “the erasure” of the national rights of Palestinians.

In the case of the protesters, it is a reported fact that most are calling for a cease fire, university divestment from Israel and the institution of a democratic Israel/Palestine with equal rights for all citizens.

Unfortunately, the non-racist goal of a democratic solution of one Israeli/Palestinian state is unacceptable to Friedman. He insists on a “two state solution” which he is convinced is “the only just and workable solution.” He believes this despite the fact that it is now known to have been made impossible by Israel’s own embedded Zionist ideology. That ideology dictates an exclusively Jewish state from “the river to the sea” — a vision made real by incessant Israeli expansion.

So in what sense is a two-state solution “workable”? One might also question the “justness” of Friedman’s two-state scheme. The way Friedman describes a Palestinian state is, to put it mildly, suicidal.

There are half a million Israeli settlers in Friedman’s would-be Palestinian state. Yet, he would want the Palestinian entity to be “demilitarized.” Considering that it has been the Zionist state and its settlers that have aggressively sought to ethnically cleanse Palestinians for the last seven decades, one would think that the best way to achieve “workability” would be to demilitarize Israel.

No. 3 — ‘Ignoring Gazans Who Detest Hamas’ Autocracy’

The Washington Post, and other major U.S. media outlets which, as far as I know, have never considered the possible popularity of Hamas and the other resistance groups operating in the Gaza Strip, have recently given coverage to about a dozen Palestinians who do not like Hamas.

Though the sample is very small, Friedman tells us that:

“These Palestinians are enraged by precisely what these student demonstrations ignore: Hamas launched this war without permission from the Gazan population and without preparation for Gazans to protect themselves when Hamas knew that a brutal Israeli response would follow.”

There is something a bit screwy about Friedman’s thinking here. How was Hamas, and the other resistance groups, to acquire formal permission from the Gaza population to “launch a war” (when in fact there was already a decades long war going on) without alerting the Israelis?

And, given the lack of effective anti-aircraft weapons, how was Hamas, or anyone else, to protect the population from Israeli/American jet fighters — which had periodically bombed Gaza no matter what the resistance did?

Finally, Israel’s response — which turned the Gaza Strip into a latter-day version of 1945 Dresden — was in fact out of proportion to Israel’s previous appalling violence in Gaza. So how was the Palestinian resistance suppose to know that the Israelis would now be “brutal” to the point of genocide?

The ‘TikTok Generation’


Why I Don’t Condemn Hamas For October 7

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): In 1999, a woman named Cindy Hendy was stabbed in the neck with an ice pick by a woman named Cynthia Vigil inside a trailer home in New Mexico. Vigil then fled the scene to a nearby residence, whose owner promptly called the police. …

Caitlin Johnstone
June 3, 2024

In 1999, a woman named Cindy Hendy was stabbed in the neck with an ice pick by a woman named Cynthia Vigil inside a trailer home in New Mexico. Vigil then fled the scene to a nearby residence, whose owner promptly called the police.

She was never charged with any crime.

The reason Cynthia Vigil was never charged with any crime despite having stabbed Cindy Hendy in the neck with an ice pick was because Hendy was an accomplice of the serial killer David Parker Ray, also known as the Toy Box Killer. Vigil’s escape from the trailer where Ray and Hendy had been imprisoning and torturing her led to the pair’s subsequent arrest. Ray died in prison three years later, the full extent of his murder spree still unknown. Hendy served 19 years and was released in 2019.

Cynthia Vigil was never charged with any crime because anyone could see that violent force was an entirely understandable and legitimate response to having been kidnapped and subjected to horrific treatment. It never at any time occurred to anyone to say that she should have acted differently, and it most certainly never occurred to anyone to make her single act of desperate violence the major story instead of the fact that there was a serial killer who’d been abducting women and torturing them in his murder dungeon.

And, I mean, imagine how absurd it would have been if they’d done that. Imagine if, after the Toy Box Killer story broke, all the major headlines were about a woman stabbing another woman with an ice pick. Imagine if the ice pick stabbing was all the press ever wanted to talk about, for month after month after month, instead of the fact that people had been imprisoned and subjected to savage abuse by a cruel serial murderer.

Imagine how absurd it would’ve been if, any time someone was interviewed about this case in the news, they were asked if they condemned Cynthia Vigil for her brutal, evil, sadistic ice pick stabbing of Cindy Hendy.

Imagine how absurd it would’ve been if the press kept framing the incident as though Hendy was just standing around, innocently minding her own business, and was then victimized by a barbaric and unprovoked attack by Vigil.

Imagine how absurd it would’ve been if everyone kept the story focused on the ice pick stabbing, and any time anyone tried to point out that the stabbing only occurred because Cynthia Vigil was being imprisoned by a deranged serial killer and his female accomplice they were hysterically denounced as Vigil apologists and supporters of neck-stabbing, and told that nothing — absolutely nothing — could ever excuse or justify the violence that Vigil inflicted upon Hendy on that terrible day.

Imagine how absurd it would’ve been if, rather than coming to Vigil’s rescue and arresting those who’d victimized her, the police had returned Vigil to her captors and helped David Parker Ray resume his murderous lifestyle.

Imagine if, while helping David Parker Ray re-establish his status quo lifestyle of kidnapping, torture and murder, arguments were made by law enforcement and the media that Ray’s murder dungeon has a right to exist, and that Ray and his accomplices have a right to defend their home and their way of life.

Imagine if Ray had greatly escalated his murderousness and sadism in full view of the entire world following Cynthia Vigil’s attempted escape, and people defended this by solemnly invoking the horrible, awful day when Vigil launched an unprovoked ice pick attack on Cindy Hendy’s neck.

Imagine if, in order to help justify their support for Ray’s murderous rampage, the police and the media had sown lies and disinformation about what Vigil did during her escape attempt, claiming she sexually assaulted Hendy and beheaded her baby and put its body in an oven.

It’s hard to imagine anything being more ridiculous, is it not? It’s hard to imagine a more obscene reversal of victim and victimizer, and a more absurd response to someone’s desperate efforts to escape from her abusive captors.

It’s about as backwards and insane as anyone could possibly be about anything, and anyone who tried to get you to believe such an absurdity would obviously be a psychologically abusive gaslighter who should never be believed about anything ever again. Clearly they have a demented perspective, every part of which should be rejected in every way possible.

Anyway, yeah. That’s why I’ve never condemned Hamas for October 7. ... october-7/

The Palestinian resistance, since the very beginning, has been counter-terrorism.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 04, 2024 12:19 pm

The War is Lost – But Why is Netanyahu Killing Civilians in Rafah?
JUNE 2, 2024

Palestinians contemplating in astonishment the devastation of Israeli bombing on a camp for internally displaced people in Rafah, Gaza, on May 27. Photo: Eyad Baba/AFP/Getty Images.

By Ramzy Baroud – Jun 1, 2024

Just hours after Israel carried out a gruesome massacre of displaced Palestinians in the Tel Al-Sultan area west of Rafah in the Gaza Strip on 26 May, it carried out yet another massacre in the Al-Mawasi area. The first is now known as the “Tents Massacre”.

It took place shortly after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) finally issued a stern demand that, “Israel must immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in Rafah which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

The killing of 50 Palestinians in their own displacement tents was the answer given by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist government to the ICJ and the rest of the international community. The successive Israeli massacres in Rafah demonstrate the degree of intransigence of Israel’s genocidal regime.

Netanyahu and his Minister of Defence, Yoav Gallant, who could both be on the official “wanted” list of the International Criminal Court (ICC) within weeks, could easily have chosen a different path, even for mere political maneuvering. They could, for example, have delayed their Rafah operation or changed strategies, just to avoid further ICJ rulings on the matter.

Their 2000lb bunker-busting bombs dismembered and beheaded children as they lay beside their mothers in makeshift camps that have no water, no electricity and no food. While the Israeli army offered the world a clearly concocted version of what happened, blaming “militants” and such, Netanyahu’s office described the attack as a mistake.

Both versions, of course, were lies. The Israeli army possesses some of the most advanced surveillance technology in the world, thanks to US generosity and continued support. It could easily have distinguished between a Palestinian Resistance operational area and a refugee camp filled with children and women.

If the attack was indeed a mistake, what explains the other massacres that followed, also in Rafah and in nearby Mawasi, which killed and maimed scores of refugees? And what is the logic behind the killing and wounding of nearly 130,000 Palestinians since the start of the war on 7 October, the majority of whom were women and children?

The Tents Massacre was neither a mistake, nor can it be blamed on imaginary militants operating from inside displaced refugees’ tents. Nevertheless, Netanyahu did have his own logic. For a start, he wanted to send a direct message to let the ICJ know that Israel is not perturbed by its direct order to end the Rafah operation. The intended audience of this message was not necessarily the ICJ judges, but the international community, which remains, despite its solidarity rhetoric, ineffectual in influencing the duration, direction or nature of the Israeli war.

Netanyahu also wanted to score cheap political points against his rivals in his War Cabinet, by presenting himself as the bold Israeli leader who is standing up to the whole world. He has stated over and over again that “[the Jewish people] will stand alone.”

The Israeli leader must also have been informed that more Israeli soldiers had been captured by the Palestinian Resistance. The latter’s statement about this on 25 May was issued just one day before Netanyahu attacked Rafah. From a military point of view, the capturing of more soldiers who were sent to Gaza supposedly to free other Israeli captives should have been a “game over” moment.

The Gaza Resistance hasn’t released any more information since the initial, brief statement by Al-Qassam military spokesman, Abu Obeida. Hamas is known for releasing information to the public when it is strategically most opportune to do so, as was the case in its announcement that it is holding Israeli Colonel Asaf Hamami, who Israel declared to be dead last December.

Netanyahu and his army are trying desperately to pre-empt the angry reaction in Israeli society about the capture of soldiers by keeping the news focused on Rafah.

Moreover, the timing of the massacre was also a message to the US, the mediators (Egypt and Qatar), Hamas and even members of the War Cabinet who are keen on ending the war through a truce agreement. Media reports have spoken about a potential breakthrough in talks, starting in Paris before moving to Doha, which showed some willingness on the part of Israel to link the release of prisoners to a permanent truce.

Such an agreement would be considered a defeat from Netanyahu’s point of view, and would certainly usher in the end of his political career. Hence, he simply lashed out against the refugees of Rafah with the hope of disrupting any potential deal in Doha.

It was for the same reason that his troops opened fire at Egyptian soldiers at the Rafah Crossing, killing one, possibly two, and wounding more. Egypt has been an important mediator in the truce talks. Attacking the mediator is not only humiliating for the Egyptian government, but for the army and Egyptian people as well.

Although Netanyahu has no strategy for the war itself, he has a strategy for prolonging his own political survival. It is predicated on mixing the political cards, ensuring chaos and carrying out constant massacres against civilians, all safe in the knowledge that Washington will always remain on his side no matter what.

The Israeli leader is just buying time, though. Israel’s top generals and military experts and analysts know that the war has been lost and that prolonging it will not, in any way, alter its predictable outcomes. ... -in-rafah/


Yemen strikes back, targeting the USS Eisenhower

The Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Armed Forces has raised the Red Sea stakes by targeting the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower – twice in 24 hours. The bold move demonstrates a strategic project to expose growing US military vulnerability in West Asia.

Khalil Nasrallah

JUN 3, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

On 1 June, the Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Armed Forces displayed remarkable boldness by targeting the US aircraft carrier Eisenhower in the Red Sea twice within 24 hours. This move, in response to joint US–UK strikes on the country, marks a significant escalation in the Yemeni theater within the broader regional conflict centered on Gaza.

Throughout the past period, Sanaa has consistently targeted battleships and destroyers with missiles and drones. Yet the strike on Eisenhower signifies a qualitative leap in the confrontation, regardless of whether the US acknowledges the hit.

Swift response from Sanaa

On Friday, 30 May, hours after Yemeni military spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Saree announced a series of military operations as part of the fourth phase of escalation, Ansarallah downed a $30 million American MQ-9 drone, the sixth during the “Al-Fateh Al-Mubin” operation.

In retaliation, the US launched a series of airstrikes at dawn, targeting civilian facilities in the capital city of Sanaa, as well as the governorates of Hodeidah and Taiz. These strikes, the heaviest since the US–UK attacks began on 12 January of this year, killed 16 Yemenis and injured 41 others, both military and civilian.

The magnitude of the airstrikes and the resulting casualties prompted a swift and hard response from Sanaa. As part of the war’s fourth phase of escalation to support the Palestinian resistance and extend their target bank into the Mediterranean Sea, the Yemenis quickly and unexpectedly targeted the USS Eisenhower, stationed in the northern Red Sea.

The aircraft carrier, which serves as a launchpad for aggressions on Yemen and provides support for Israel’s war on Gaza, was hit again within a space of 24 hours. Additionally, a destroyer was targeted with several missiles and drones, confirming further hits.

Significance of the Eisenhower

Commissioned in 1977, the USS Eisenhower cost around $5.3 billion (adjusted for inflation) to build. It weighs 114,000 tons, measures 332.8 meters in length, and is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

The naval vessel serves as a mobile airbase and a formidable arm of the US Air Force, tasked with carrying out offensive operations in West Asia.

Onboard are approximately 90 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters and five thousand personnel, including pilots and sailors who operate and maintain an integrated hospital. The carrier is accompanied by several ships, including the Philippines Sea guided-missile cruiser and the guided-missile destroyers Graffley and Mason.

The Yemenis have broadened their strategic objectives, targeting a variety of sources of attacks both at sea and on land, not just commercial vessels and warships. This suggests their plan to target aircraft carriers was a deliberate one, with execution depending on the intensity of the aggression against their country.

The striking of the Eisenhower bears significant implications. Sanaa is undeterred by the increasing level of targets it can engage, showcasing a willingness to take bold actions without hesitation. It demonstrates the audacity to strike targets Washington considers red lines, including aircraft carriers and potentially land-based sites and bases in future stages.

The US in denial

Following the Yemeni military’s announcement confirming the targeting of Eisenhower, the US initially downplayed the event, refraining from commenting. However, Saudi outlet Al Arabiya, citing a US defense official, reported that the claims by “the Iranian-backed group” were false.

Nevertheless, the lack of direct, official, sourced US comment, even as a denial, is in itself an indication of the targeting regardless of whether the carrier was damaged or not.

On 1 January, the US opened fire on several boats belonging to the Yemeni navy, resulting in the death of ten sailors. This incident was followed on 12 January by the first wave of raids on Yemen. On that day, the Yemeni Armed Forces vowed to respond, stressing that the aggression “will not go unpunished.”

Sanaa gradually began striking US and British ships in the region, eventually targeting battleships and destroyers according to its capabilities. The responses were not immediate but unfolded in stages, indicating that Yemen’s armed forces were carefully refining their strategy.

In its latest response, shortly after a series of raids on different areas of Yemen and the subsequent loss of lives, the Yemenis retaliated promptly with winged and ballistic missiles targeting the Eisenhower aircraft carrier.

This response was significant in two ways: the magnitude of the target – an aircraft carrier – and the speed and repetition of the response. This suggests that future aggressions may trigger even more surprising retaliations, similar to the swift action taken at dawn on Friday.

Yemeni boldness and US future calculations

Although the daring move by the Yemeni Armed Forces may surprise some, it is worth noting that the boldness demonstrated by Yemen since its decision to support the Palestinian resistance following Israel’s declaration of war on Gaza indicates that nothing can be ruled out by Sanaa’s decision-makers.

Consequently, US calculations must account for this unpredictability in any future hostile steps toward Yemen, whether in the context of Israel’s war on Gaza or the ongoing Saudi–Emirati war on Yemen. The goal remains to restore sovereignty over all Yemeni territory by land and sea.

The targeting of the US aircraft carrier also sends high-level messages about the future of the confrontation, indicating that there are no limits to the scope and intensity of the Yemeni response. Sanaa is establishing itself as a regional player that cannot be ignored, positioning itself among the leading countries and forces of West Asia’s Axis of Resistance.

The most critical aspect of this operation is its impact on US deterrence. The strike undermines the perceived invincibility of US military power, which could affect Washington’s interests, the presence of its forces in the region, and its relations with allies.

The US fully recognizes the erosion of its deterrent power and understands that losing it may have far-reaching consequences. In response, the Americans seek to implement circumvention policies, such as building regional alliances through normalization between Israel and Arab countries and possibly fostering more conflicts.

However, Yemen’s actions over the past year have turned normalization with Tel Aviv into a costly endeavor, as Arab allies in the region are divided on how to approach the situation in Yemen. ... eisenhower

Biden presented 'incomplete' Gaza ceasefire proposal: Netanyahu

US officials are pressing their Israeli counterparts to 'stand behind' the deal allegedly drafted by Tel Aviv, stressing that the pursuit of 'total victory' in Gaza will only increase the country's isolation on the global stage

News Desk

JUN 3, 2024


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on 3 June that a Gaza ceasefire proposal presented by US President Joe Biden last week “is incomplete.”

“The outline that Biden presented is incomplete. The war will be stopped for the purpose of returning hostages, and then we will proceed with a discussion. There are other details that the US president did not present to the public,” Netanyahu told members of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

According to the premier, after 16 days, Israel and Hamas “will enter into negotiations” to discuss continuing the terms of the three-phase deal.

Netanyahu's statements on Monday cast further doubt on the actual terms of the “Israeli proposal” Biden presented to the world last Friday, as Israeli officials have stressed that the proposal does not call for a lasting end to hostilities.

“Israel’s conditions for ending the war have not changed: The destruction of Hamas military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages, and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel,” Netanyahu said on Saturday.

“Israel will continue to insist these conditions are met before a permanent ceasefire is put in place. The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter,” he added.

The Times of Israel reported over the weekend that two ultra-nationalist ministers in Netanyahu's ruling coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, have vowed to bring down the government if any ceasefire deal is signed.

On 31 May, Biden presented the proposal, claiming it had been offered by Israel. Tel Aviv later acknowledged that it allowed the negotiating team to present the plan to mediators.

The three-phase deal includes a permanent ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip. It also, in large part, resembles a lasting ceasefire proposal drafted under the auspices of Doha, Cairo, and Washington that Hamas leaders accepted in early May.

This immediately prompted Israel to launch its bloody campaign on Rafah and block further entry of humanitarian aid to the strip, worsening a humanitarian disaster UN officials have described as “apocolyptic". ... -netanyahu

Blinken urges Israeli officials to stand behind Tel Aviv's ceasefire deal

Israeli leaders do not appear ready to accept the ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal they themselves proposed

News Desk

JUN 3, 2024

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, left, shakes hands with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in Jerusalem, Jan. 31, 2023. (Photo credit: Ronaldo Schemidt/Pool Photo via AP)

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and war cabinet minister Benny Gantz on 2 June to discuss the latest ceasefire and prisoner exchange deal unveiled late last week by US President Joe Biden.

The US State Department said Blinken “commended Israel's readiness to conclude a deal and affirmed that the onus is on Hamas to accept.” Blinken also “reaffirmed the United States ironclad commitment to Israel's security.”

On Friday, President Biden said the deal would “bring all the hostages home, ensure Israel's security, create a better day after in Gaza without Hamas in power, and set the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.”

Though the deal was unveiled by President Biden, it was proposed by Israel.

However, Israeli leaders do not appear ready to accept the deal they themselves proposed and are instead committed to continuing the war.

The Times of Israel reported that “While Israeli officials have confirmed that the offer publicly laid out by Biden on Friday was, in fact, the proposal Jerusalem submitted, Israeli leaders have asserted that the war will continue until Hamas has been destroyed, and large sections of the Israeli government have criticized Biden for failing to provide clarity as to how that would be achieved.”

This forced President Biden to urge Israel to “stand behind” the deal as he laid out its details in his Friday speech.

The Times of Israel reported as well that two ultra-nationalist ministers in Prime Minister Netanyahu's ruling coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich of Religious Zionism and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir of Otzma Yehudit, have vowed to bring down the government if any ceasefire deal is signed.

The two parties won 14 seats when running together in the 2022 elections and are crucial to the governing majority of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's core 64-strong coalition.

On Monday, Netanyahu invited National Security Minister Ben Gvir to a meeting to discuss the deal.

The Israel Hayom daily quoted sources in Netanyahu's office as saying that contrary to Biden's remarks, the draft does not have a clause obligating Israel to end the fighting and Netanyahu plans to show Ben Gvir that it is not an “irresponsible deal,” the source said.

At the same time, Finance Minister Smotrich has held a series of meetings with rabbis associated with his Religious Zionism party to discuss quitting the government, Kipa News reported.

The religious-nationalist news site said Smotrich plans to leave the government before any ceasefire deal is approved.

Leaders of Religious Zionism, Otzma Yehudit, and Netanyahu's Likud party are committed to continuing the war rather than bringing home the Israeli captives held by Hamas. They have stated their goal is to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its 2.3 million inhabitants and annex the strip for future Jewish colonization. ... efire-deal


‘All Eyes on Rafah’: How a Viral Campaign Exposed an Unfolding AI War
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 2, 2024
Khadijah Elshayyal, Shereen Fernandez

An AI-generated image depicting tents arranged to say ‘All Eyes on Rafah’ has been shared 40m times on Instagram (X/Screengrab)

Artificial intelligence is being used to erase Palestinians, whether through weaponry against entire populations or in sanitised images that conceal the horrors inflicted on them.

Over the past eight months, we have borne witness to unspeakable horrors stemming from Israel’s war on Gaza.

After its most recent offensive targeting a tent camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah on 26 May, the world saw a headless baby being held together while bodies turned to ash and fires raged on in the background. Forty-five people were killed that Sunday evening in what was likely a retaliation strike after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to halt military operations in Rafah.

These apocalyptic scenes were a reminder that Palestinians cannot escape bombardment.

The relentless assault since 7 October has amounted to more than 36,000 Palestinians murdered – not counting those trapped under the rubble – tens of thousands injured and almost two million internally displaced as a result of Israel’s strategic and deliberate violence. These scenes have circulated on social media with unprecedented volume in what has been described as “the first live-streamed genocide”.

There is no shortage of content being transmitted from the heart of Gaza as a testament to the terror unfolding in real-time. Indeed, an unsettling, if predictable, feature in this influencer age is how the brave Palestinian voices documenting and transmitting to the globe have become familiar household names to us all.

The sheer volume of raw, horrific footage circulating on social media means that mainstream outlets have long been displaced as a primary source of news in favour of TikTok, Instagram and X.

We follow the feeds of young people on the ground who not only share imagery but also a window into their lives and personal experiences. We share in their fear and their grief, and we worry for their safety if they have not posted that they survived the night.

In the context of all this, we observed with great interest the speed with which the now-ubiquitous “All Eyes on Rafah” Instagram template became viral.

are we ameliorating when posting an AI-generated image instead of a real-life one? What exactly are we protecting?

The image, generated by artificial intelligence (AI), was composed of white tents overlaid on an endless expanse of neatly assembled tents of different shades and overshadowed by snowy white mountains.

The words displayed in bold capitals and the neat image seem incongruous with one another; the reality on the ground in Rafah is entirely different to what is being shared. But perhaps that is what made it so easy to share.

It may have been that the complete sanitisation and deliberate omission of graphic imagery made it an easier “share” for social media users at a time when “influencers” and celebrities have been heavily criticised for their lack of engagement on Palestine.

But if ease or comfort are deciding factors in the content we share, then a fundamental question we must ask ourselves is: what are we ameliorating when posting this image instead of a real-life one? What exactly are we protecting?

Digital activism

[mg] ... k=jh89VlJ-[/img]
Palestinians gather at the site of an Israeli strike on a camp for internally displaced people in Rafah on 27 May 2024 (Eyad Baba/AFP)

With the onset of the war on Gaza came a notable shift in how we engage with technology and the digital space. Threats of doxxing commonly loom over students protesting the atrocities, as do concerns over professional repercussions when employers are tagged in or informed about social media posts.

In a recent case, Faiza Shaheen, a prospective candidate for Britain’s Labour Party, was allegedly dropped for liking tweets supporting Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. Activist intimidation is real, as is its impact, and so the virality of the “Rafah” post, which has surpassed 40 million shares, may come down to the sense that there is safety in numbers.

Many critics of the AI-generated graphic seemed to liken it to other viral gestures deemed shallow and performative, such as the infamous Black profile squares and accompanying #BlackoutTuesday posts, which gained popularity during the 2020 George Floyd protests to show solidarity with Black communities against the violent injustices and exclusions they faced.

Others have suggested that the “Rafah” post is proof of art’s political capabilities and its potential as a form of protest and resistance, given the strategic way in which the lack of “horror” may have also contributed to the image’s massive reach by bypassing any filtering or blocking mechanisms.

But this episode prompts us to consider more deeply the role and impact of AI in online narrative-building and activism. The ease and speed with which AI content can be generated has interchangeably been hailed as a thing of fascination, amusement and even empowerment.

Type in a few keywords, and you can have at your fingertips an image (or text) that may somehow express our thoughts and expose our anxieties and prejudices at the same time.

Just as the digital space has arguably opened up a multitude of possibilities for activism, it also raises questions about the efficacy of viral online trends in achieving objectives.

In this neo-liberal age, what exactly are the full impacts of hashtags and mass “blockouts”?

While they may indeed impact their intended targets, what information about ourselves do we render to social media companies in our engagement with this activism, and are such trends potentially tools to herd, contain or pacify activism?

‘AI genocide’

In response to the popularity of the “Rafah” image, numerous counter-graphics were produced, one of which depicts a Hamas fighter holding a gun and looking down at a baby, with the question “Where were your eyes on October 7?” emblazoned in capital letters.

Whatever our political leanings, it is clear that AI-generated content is emboldening our storytelling and galvanising a content-driven audience. It is simultaneously making it harder to differentiate between what is true and false as bots and fake accounts pushing ideologies are only increasing and will deepen our distrust of technology. Yet what particularly complicates this fact is that we are in a moment when citizen journalism is at its peak.

We are witnessing quite literally the first AI war unfolding in real time, whether through viral AI-generated posts to fuel narratives or the use of AI surveillance and weaponry to inflict the most harm.

opinions differ on whether the sharing of AI-generated content is acceptable, we must urgently address how AI is being used to advance warfare through surveillance and “targeted” killings.

In 2021, Israel boasted about its use of innovative technology during an incursion known as “Operation Guardian of the Walls“, where 261 Palestinians were killed as Gaza became an annual laboratory for AI weaponry.

While opinions differ on the sharing of AI-generated content, we must urgently address how AI is being used to advance warfare

The ongoing reliance by the Israeli military on AI marking and tracking systems such as Lavender, ‘The Gospel’ and ‘Where’s Daddy?’ confers terrifyingly sweeping powers to programmes authorised to kill using ‘dumb bombs’ (or unguided missiles) with minimal human oversight.

The use of drones and sophisticated surveillance programmes to destabilise the lives of Palestinians while preserving the lives of Israeli soldiers by avoiding a ground invasion shows how AI technologies are used to prioritise some lives over others.

In these ways, AI is being used to dehumanise, erase and threaten the lives of Palestinians, whether deliberately through weaponry used on entire populations or perhaps inadvertently through the circulation of sanitised images that conceal the horrors routinely inflicted on Palestinians.

In these urgent times, obscuring the truth through AI will only serve to cloud our vision, a paradox we must remain alert to as the volume of content at our fingertips continues to mushroom unabated. ... ng-ai-war/


Nearly half of Israelis support lasting occupation of Gaza: Poll

Almost two-thirds of Israelis agree that the army’s conduct in Gaza is either ‘appropriate’ or ‘hasn’t gone far enough’

News Desk

JUN 3, 2024

(Photo credit: Israeli army/Handout via Reuters)

Forty percent of Israelis are in favor of their army establishing control over post-war Gaza, according to a new poll published in Hebrew media.

The survey, released on 1 June by Israeli news site I24, was conducted between the end of March and the start of April.

Those forty percent are “advocating for Israel to assume control over Gaza following the ongoing conflict,” according to results obtained from 1,001 Israelis, which also show “broad support for current military actions.”

The poll also reveals that 39 percent of respondents believe that the Israeli army’s conduct in Gaza has been “appropriate.” Another 34 percent believe that the army has “not gone far enough.”

Only 19 percent said Israel’s war on Gaza has been excessive and disproportionate. Moreover, 40 percent said they were certain Israel would achieve its goals in the strip, while 27 percent said they were optimistic.

“The potential for the conflict to escalate to other regions is a concern for 61 percent of those surveyed. In terms of Gaza's governance after the war, only 14 percent of respondents think that the residents of Gaza should decide their future.”

However, it adds that 74 percent of Israeli Arabs believe Israeli conduct in Gaza has been excessive, and only three percent favor Israeli control over Gaza in the future.

Washington has been pushing the idea of a reformed Palestinian Authority (PA) assuming control over post-war Gaza under the supervision of Israel and Arab states, something which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected and which only 12 percent of Israelis support, according to the new poll.

Western diplomats cited by the Times of Israel in December said that Tel Aviv is setting the stage for re-occupying post-war Gaza. “I don’t see a more likely scenario,” the outlet quotes one of the diplomats as saying.

The month before, Netanyahu said Israel would have to establish security control over Gaza for an “indefinite” period once the war is over.

In late October, a Hebrew outlet leaked an intelligence document detailing a plan to re-occupy and ethnically cleanse Gaza. The leaked plan calls for a reestablishment of “Gush Katif," Israel’s name for the Jewish settlement bloc in Gaza that was evacuated in 2005 under the Disengagement Law that saw Israeli troops withdraw from the strip. ... -gaza-poll
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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