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Re: Russia today

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:31 pm
by blindpig
Russia's Ruling Party Loses a Third of Moscow Election Races After Protests
By Reuters
14 hours ago

Andrei Nikerichev / Moskva news Agency
Russia's ruling United Russia party, which backs President Vladimir Putin, has lost one-third of its seats in the Moscow parliament, near-complete data cited by Russian news agencies showed on Monday, in an awkward setback for the Kremlin.

However, the party still retained its majority in the Moscow assembly following Sunday's nationwide local elections, and its candidates for regional governor appeared to have won in St Petersburg and in 15 other parts of the vast country.

The outcome of the local elections was closely watched in Moscow after the exclusion of many opposition candidates triggered the biggest protests there in nearly a decade.

Public anger over more than five years of falling incomes and an unpopular hike in the pension age also helped fuel the Moscow protests, with the Communist Party benefiting most in Sunday's polls from the discontent.

Putin's spokesman told reporters the Kremlin thought United Russia had done well despite the setback in Moscow.

"The party showed its political leadership," said the spokesman, Dmitry Peskov.

Prominent opposition politician Alexei Navalny and his allies saw the Moscow poll as an opportunity to make inroads against United Russia ahead of a national parliamentary election in 2021.

Navalny's close allies were among those excluded from the Moscow vote and he had advised supporters to vote tactically for the candidates with the best chance of defeating United Russia.

He saw the results as vindicating his strategy, though other activists were unhappy that he had asked people to hold their noses and vote for parties that cooperate with the Kremlin.

Declining popularity
United Russia won 25 of the Moscow assembly's 45 seats, final data showed.

In the last Moscow election in 2014, United Russia performed better, winning 28 seats in its own name and a further 10 through independent candidates whom it had backed.

This time round, all of its Moscow candidates rebranded as independents in an apparent effort to distance themselves from their party, whose popularity is at a more than decade-long low.

United Russia was on track to control 26 of the Moscow's parliament's 45 seats, data showed, meaning it will not have to rely on the Communists, who in any case have often voted with the ruling party on major national issues to get things done.

In the last Moscow election in 2014, United Russia performed better, winning 28 seats in its own name and a further 10 through independent candidates whom it had backed.

This time round, all of its Moscow candidates rebranded as independents in an apparent effort to distance themselves from their party, whose popularity is at a more than decade-long low.

The Communist Party won 13 seats on Sunday, up from five, at the expense of United Russia, the data showed. The opposition Yabloko Party won four seats, and the Fair Russia Party three.

Several videos circulating on social media showed some voters openly stuffing ballot boxes with multiple voting slips.

At least six Russian soldiers in Moscow told Reuters they had been coerced into voting and told to provide photographic evidence that they had cast their ballot to their superiors.

Press-ganging soldiers into voting is a tactic used to boost low turnout in Moscow and is also meant to skew results in favor of pro-Kremlin candidates, critics say. Turnout in Moscow on Sunday was just under 22%, data showed.

"We are being forced to vote and we have to report to the bosses," said one soldier wearing civilian clothes who declined to be named. "We are not told who to vote for but we are told to fulfill our civic duty."

The Defense Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.

Sunday's local and regional elections took place across all of Russia's 11 time zones. United Russia also suffered a setback in an election for the Khabarovsk region's local parliament in the Far East, winning just two seats.

But the main focus was on Moscow, where the Central Election Commission refused in July to register a large number of opposition candidates, saying they had failed to collect enough signatures from genuine backers.

That decision triggered the biggest sustained protest movement in Russia since 2011-2013.

Putin's own popularity rating, at more than 60%, is much higher than most Western leaders, though lower than it has been previously. The former KGB officer won a landslide election victory last year that will keep him in office until 2024. ... sts-a67192

I think it's going to take more than elections to put Russia back on track but it's a good indicator.

Re: Russia today

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:18 pm
by blindpig
Russian Worker
today at 8:47 am
About campaigning

Our comrades wrote an interesting article about where to start and how to start campaigning. Tips are quite simple, but nevertheless necessary. The task of the agitator is to sow ideas among the masses, and not wait for the army of revolutionaries trained and equipped with everything necessary to fall from the sky, waiting only for their commander.
MARXISTIC CIRCLE AS A UNIT OF REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT. Chapter 1 - “Agitation and the Personnel Question”.
We decided to submit this material in parts for a more complete and at the same time simple form of presentation. Russia is now undergoing the formation of a circle movement and for Russian comrades this material will probably not be the same as for Ukrainian Marxists. However, we will touch on the main points on the painful issues of the formation and existence of the circle, taking into account the experience of Russian Marxist associations.

Marxism in Ukraine is with you, and today we are analyzing how best to campaign among the population. Go!

One of the first difficulties in creating a circle in modern Ukrainian conditions is not so much the danger of its creation as the “personnel problem”. Now it’s hard to find truly radical people who are ready to take part in the work of the circle.


I talk quite a lot with my friends and acquaintances on various Marxist topics. I can’t say that these conversations go smoothly, as I can’t say that they pass without a trace.

Discussions are a rewarding experience for any Marxist. In addition to educational goals for the audience with which the Marxist is conducting a dialogue, there are also goals for the agitator himself. That is, he must be able to conduct a conversation and learns to express his thoughts briefly and concisely, so that the message is clear.


In addition, in discussions you can feel the person’s readiness for certain actions. By "certain actions" I mean working in a team. Live conversations are much better than online conversations. For me, at least, they are pleasant from the point of view of argumentation (as a rule, another person here certainly will not leave the answer and will not brazenly change the subject). When you communicate with NoName, neither he nor you see in him a truly living person. A man with his own character and worldview.

There are no identical people, just as there are no identical approaches to them.

Some people with whom I had to communicate did not have, in principle, political views. This is not a hindrance to agitation. Believe me, people do not look so much at the communist’s political views as at his character and behavior.

Moreover, the topic of conversation is completely unimportant. Your vis-a-vis is important to you, your ability to dialogue. This may seem a little strange, but for the average citizen, politics, economics and complex tirades about the dictatorship of the proletariat are not at all interesting, but ... they are ready to talk about this with a smart and interesting person. Learning something new is always attractive.

I can’t say that I’m such an academician and I have earned the status of “infallible and holy man” in life. I have my own character and in places it is quite specific to others, but I try to be frank, honest and polite with people. Not to seem like that, but to be. This is perhaps the most important condition for a normal dialogue, and on any topic.


Agitation and propaganda is not something that is beyond human communication. Conduct here the plow separating strip should not be. Talking about politics does not have to be too serious and difficult. This greatly tires the interlocutor. Imagine that you are telling an interesting and exciting story or retelling a scene from a good movie. Yes, it’s difficult, but you don’t need to speak a bird’s language.

The concepts of the rate of profit and the rate of surplus value do not need to be retold verbatim to the average person. Try to describe them with examples from life or wrap them up with an interesting story like: “My father had three sons, bourgeois three workers. And he gave them the bourgeois task - to increase output three times while maintaining the length of the working day ... ”and the like.

The meaning of what has been said does not change, but only the flow of information changes. It's like with a good joke (I never liked jokes, but still). One and the same joke can be told with its different presentation. The meaning and the text will not change, but the effect will be achieved.

Marxism should not become isolated and be something elitist. This mistake haunts many circles and groups of Marxists in social networks. This turns the community into a sect that is afraid to talk with other Marxists and agitate the masses. If the former leads to a split in movement, the latter isolates this group of people from the rest of society in terms of ideas. And then these same subjects complain about the lack of class consciousness among their colleagues, acquaintances, friends, relatives.


This I mean that you should not live the life of an “ideological hermit”, imagining that the rest of nifig do not understand in life and the surrounding reality. Such “hermits” (which are not only among Marxists), I will say from the experience of direct communication, really scare and repel. Indeed, if behind your “Muscovites goats”, nothing reasoned and intelligible is found, then you are nothing more than a dubious and marginal person (in terms of political ideas).

Remember: a Marxist has no wings behind his back and does not wear a crown. A Marxist is, to put it simply, the same ordinary person who read the relevant literature. He is not some superhero out there who alone knows how to save the planet. Everything around him should not fall, he should not pray at him. He has only an idea and he SHOULD convey it to others. This is his task. And one should not think that Marxism can easily be "promoted to the masses." It cannot be said, however, that this is just a titanic work. Do not be afraid to start dialogues on political topics while simultaneously holding a “left agenda” under them.


Much depends on you personally. On the ground, no one will do it for you. No new comrades can be added unless you argue with anyone and try to educate people, not to find approaches to them. Learn from disputes and engage in self-education (preferably not only in terms of Marxism).

And most importantly: be a worthy person.

Thanks for your attention! See you soon! ... izheniya-g

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Despite the translation issue this post is more worthy of attention than 95% of what gets posted on 'Marxist twitter'.

"And most importantly: be a worthy person." Yes, yes & yes!

Re: Russia today

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:37 pm
by blindpig
Russian Worker
13 Sep at 10:22 am
Bourgeois continued to advance to the conquest OUR REVOLUTION

# News

The news that the government is repealing laws "unnecessary" for businesses has already spread across the Internet and beyond. Among the "unnecessary", of course, that for which our ancestors fought long and hard and that could not immediately cancel the counter-revolution. And now the check - the prime minister of the bourgeois government, under the pretext of shortening the working day, cancels the Soviet decree on an 8-hour working day. The news is such that the day will be shortened, it’s understandable, the country is numerically dominated by workers, not bourgeois, so it is necessary to interest the worker. But by abolishing the clear and precise border, the bourgeois government does not establish a new one. There is simply no framework ... What will the bourgeoisie, which is now in power, which controls all industries, will certainly take advantage of its interests.

And, say, the government’s calculations have not yet been justified. The indignation of the working masses forced the bourgeoisie to retreat. Now officials are of a lower rank, they say that the 8-hour working day is fixed by other laws and will not be canceled.

But this is temporary surrender. The attack on workers' rights will be resumed. The capitalists will be inventive in propaganda, and when it does not work, they will act openly - pursuing their policies through government decisions without the approval of the people, like the abolition of pensions to which few will survive.

And here we come to the most important thing: the bourgeoisie has an organization, there is a party that controls the state, there is, therefore, a full set of state institutions, but the main thing is to understand our own interests and desire to fight for them, daily and directedly attacking the working class. Under such conditions, we workers can win only in one case - if we create our own organization and fight for our interests. We need to unite, understand for ourselves and carefully explain to our comrades the interests common to all of us, as well as the need to fight for these interests. Only in this case, all the attempts of the bourgeoisie to take away our rights from us will fail, and the levers that they force us to live today at their direction will cease to act. ..

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We need a Party. Every day I despise the traitors of CPUSA more.

Re: Russia today

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:10 pm
by blindpig
HAMMER pinned post
14 Sep at 8:45 pm
Navalny from the working class,

Mr. Navalny! You want to remove Putin and take his place. You convince us that you are better than Putin. You swear that under your rule the Russian people will feel very good, general prosperity will begin, corruption will be put to an end and democracy will triumph. And so we must lie with our bones to bring you to power.

We, the Russian proletariat, have something to say about this.
We want to ask - what do we get from this? We are tens of millions of proletarians, destitute of the capitalist system. The ruling class of capitalists has turned us into their wage slaves. He grows fat, sucking out all the juices from us: our strength, our health, our life. The bourgeoisie has everything - power, wealth, social status, all joys and pleasures. We have only one thing - hard work for its enrichment. We are the lowest social layer, the most despised and powerless.

And now we ask you, Mr. Navalny, what will your rule give us, the millions of robbed, capital-exploited proletarians?

You are not going to abolish the unjust capitalist order. You are not going to cancel private property.
This means that all the wealth of the country will remain with the bourgeoisie. We proletarians will still be her slaves, and she will continue to be our mistress. We will tear on her - and she will eat fat at our expense and wipe our feet on us.

This is what we, the Russian proletariat, will receive from your rule. And for this, Mr. Navalny, are you calling us to fight? For the sake of this, should we, without sparing our lives, help you come to power?
Do you think we are crazy?

No, Mr. Navalny, it will not work! You are the same enemy for us as Putin, the same puppet of the bourgeoisie. We will not fight to exchange one bourgeois puppet for another. We will fight to eliminate your entire class - the bourgeoisie, and put an end to capitalism. We will throw you off our neck - everyone, no matter how you call yourself, and establish our power, the power of the working people.

We do not need a bourgeois color coup! We need our socialist proletarian revolution. Workers of all countries, unite!


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Re: Russia today

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 11:27 am
by blindpig
Artur preobrazhensky
yesterday at 11:32 am
Sergey Vasyukov
yesterday at 9:03 am
Russia without Soviet power.

Ah, how beautiful Russia would have been without Soviet power, - its opponents told us for many years, - Ah, how wonderful Russia would have been without Bolsheviks ... oh, how fast Russia would have developed if not for the councils ...

Well, there is no Soviet power - So what?
For 26 years there has been no Soviet power, no Bolsheviks.

Even more, because the Soviet power in its Soviet understanding did not yet exist under Gorbachev. But the Bolsheviks were gone even earlier. Neither Brezhnev, and even less so Gorbachev, were no longer Bolsheviks — one was a party bourgeois, and the second a Western-style Social Democrat. But not the point.

The bottom line is that neither the Soviet government nor the Bolsheviks have been around for more than a quarter of a century.

Therefore, a long time ago it was time to discard the particle “would” and not wonder how Russia would have been without the Soviet government and the Bolsheviks, how quickly it would have developed without advice.

Stop guessing, you can just take and look around.
Here it is, Russia without Soviet power - all around.

On television, in speeches by the president, in shops, on the roads, at work, at home - everywhere.

Closed factories, on the site of which either warehouses or shopping centers were built, this is Russia without Soviet power. Hundreds, even thousands of factories were closed, and how many new, modern, equivalent to closed ones were built?

The vast majority of goods, if you do not take into account food products, is import. Where does he come from? It is bought for currency. Where did the currency come from? From the sale of oil and gas. Hence the raw materials economy, hence the dependence on Western "partners", hence the whole policy that balances between the interests of the West and the interests of commodity corporations. This is Russia without Soviet power.

Maybe you think that our president is not like that, and if in his place there is any other, then everything will change?

And where does any other president get the currency so that you can buy abroad all the junk that you see in shops and shopping centers?

Any president from democracy, be it Navalny or Zhirinovsky, Medvedev or Kasyanov, Yavlinsky or Pavlinsky - anyone will be forced to bow to commodity corporations as the main sources of currency and Western partners as the main clients of these same commodity corporations and suppliers of finished products, because without both without balancing on their interests - all shopping centers and shops will quickly become empty - not even in a year, but in a matter of months.

This is Russia without Soviet power - a raw materials appendage of the West, whose leadership is forced to balance between the interests of Western partners and commodity corporations, that is, grovel in front of those and others, trying to do this somehow not too noticeably.

Even with foodstuffs, Russia without Soviet power is barely half provided.

Dairy products are half palm oil. Poultry farms work mainly on imported hatchery eggs. Half the beef is imported. The composition of sausages again raises a lot of questions and doubts.

And bread is baked from low-grade flour, because the highest-quality grain is sent for export - it turns out more profitable, because foreign buyers pay in foreign currency.

Roads that are built at European rates, but require annual repairs, good toll roads and bad secondary roads that have not been repaired since Soviet times - all this is again Russia without Soviet power.

The government, which introduces a transport tax, promising to abolish excise taxes on gasoline, but doesn’t end up canceling anything, only introduces new taxes, then creates the Plato system, then increases excise taxes, and then builds toll roads because it cannot repair free roads due to total theft - This is also Russia without Soviet power.

The crooks and thieves who occupied all key positions at all levels of government - here it is, Russia without the Bolsheviks, without the Soviet regime, without Stalin and his repressions.

Russia, in which they are not shot for embezzlement on an especially large scale, is Russia with crooks and thieves, which are fought by the same crooks and thieves led by the most important crook.

Do you want to see Russia without repression and the Gulag?
Now, you got it, full of crooks and thieves.

Wanted to see Russia without Soviet power?
Look - she is around you!

In utility bills, in paid education, paid medicine, in drug prices ... in the debilitation system called the USE and in the elections without a choice, which the USE system prepares, which teaches you to choose one of the options offered and not to think about the existence of other possibilities - this is there is Russia without Soviet power, Russia without sworn Bolsheviks.

Russia without Soviet power is Donbass, divided in two and living under shelling, in a state of complete uncertainty over the past three years. This is a direct consequence of the liquidation of the Soviet government and building a commodity economy, in which the Kremlin is forced to bow to its Western partners, because without them there will be nothing to pack store shelves, nothing to buy imported goods, nowhere to take currency, no one to sell oil and gas.

Russia without Soviet power is Russia, which is forced to fight and bow to the West, bow and fight, because its own production is destroyed and sold, and what is not sold is mortgaged and credited.

Russia without Soviet power is a country of Papuans who sell their land, buy various trinkets and are terribly proud of it.

Someone said that Russia without Soviet power would develop like Western countries — so show where this development is? What does it consist of?

What is developing in Russia without the Soviet power, except for the raw materials sector? Banks? So even they have recently begun to close, because too many banks are not needed to service the commodity economy.

The construction sector, which at one time more or less developed, has long been stalled. In Moscow, entire microdistricts are not populated and are not connected to communications. The millions of square meters of housing that the government boasts are hardly half populated, most are empty, because the people have no money to buy these apartments.

What is developing in Russia without Soviet power?

Maybe science? No, not noticeable. Skolkovo and Rusnano - this is not science, but zilch, expensive fraud and budget cuts, theft and sabotage, for which the Soviet authorities relied on the execution.

Maybe sport is developing? Which one then? The Olympics for 50 billion dollars, which has become 5 times more expensive than the summer (!) In Rio and 10 times more expensive than the previous winter, is not a development of sports, but again expensive fraud, only on a sports basis. And again, theft, for which, under the Soviet regime, execution was again relied upon. Ahead we have another similar fraud called the World Cup in which our team will not even leave the group, judging by its current level. And for this, Russia pays $ 30 billion to see how the team painfully and unsuccessfully tries to leave the group on its own lawn.

After the Soviet regime, they didn’t play better either football or hockey. And they didn’t study better. And they didn’t do science better. And they didn’t do anything else better. Only worse.

Maybe they learned how to make cars?

No, they did not learn. On the contrary forgot how. Under the Soviet regime, the Victory car was created - a very good car for its time. Moskvich for his time was also not bad. VAZ 2101 was an improved version of the Fiat - an improved one! What about today? Lada Xray based on Renault Sandero? A car that even has an import name and which cannot be manufactured without imported components?

Maybe the planes learned to do?

No, again, I forgot how. Neither the Superjet nor the MS-21 are completely Russian. And they can hardly be compared with the IL-86 in flight performance and reliability.

So where is it, the development of Russia without Soviet power?

Without Soviet power in Russia, only garages of customs officers, cello of court musicians and other fur stores are developed. And participants in the Forbes rating are also developing. Everything else is only degrading.

Russia without Soviet power is the remnants of Soviet cosmonautics, Soviet helicopter engineering, Soviet rocket science, the Soviet defense industry, the Soviet infrastructure, as well as the Soviet oil and gas complex, due to the operation of which everything is bought with what the warehouses and shopping centers built on the site of the demolished factories are filled.

Russia without the Bolsheviks is a Western-style democracy, balancing between the interests of Western partners and commodity corporations, creeping and bowing, which will not be different with either Navalny, Oval, Yavlinsky, Medinsky, Zhirinovsky or Postnikov - with none of the democrats, because a commodity economy will always generate a commodity policy, and it is impossible to build a different economy if you deny the Soviet experience in Russia.

Russia without the Gulag is a country of crooks and thieves, because it is impossible to stop total theft by persuasion and three-month terms. Yes, and four-year-olds in general, too. Because stealing ten million and serving four years for them is much easier than earning the same ten million by honest work.

20 million beggars living on less than 9,000 rubles a month and another 50 million poor living near this level - that’s what Russia is without Soviet power.

An innovative economy in words and a commodity in fact, reserves in American bonds, $ 500 billion of corporate debt, dependence on imports across the entire range of non-food products and in half the assortment of food products - this is what Russia is without Soviet power.

Donbass, Transnistria, Crimea, Abkhazia, Ossetia, Chechnya, millions of Russians who ended up abroad, reduction of Russian speakers by 50 million people in a quarter of a century - this is what Russia is without Soviet power.

Drug addiction, depopulation, migrants, the outflow of capital, the outflow of brains, the debilitation of the population, prostitution, ghost towns and dead villages - this is also Russia without Soviet power.

Turn on the TV, look - most of the repertoire consists of obscenity, all channels broadcast advertising built on the propaganda of vices - greed, greed, vanity, envy, deception, ambition, selfishness, selfishness, lust - here it is, Russia, which got rid of the godless Soviet power - did it return to Christianity? No, she just wore crosses, but she became even more immoral than ever. Under Soviet rule, there have never been so many vices and indecency in Russia, so much baseness and vulgarity, so much immorality as there are now.

Under Soviet rule, they never stole so much, so brazenly, so cynically, so inspirationally as they do now. Under Soviet rule, theft was not the norm, the rule of conduct in government and business, the need for success and high social status.

Here it is, Orthodox Russia without Soviet power — it is baptized with one hand, and it steals with the other, is baptized and stolen, is baptized and lies, is baptized and promotes violence, money-grubbing, vulgarity, lust — all existing vices, in all available forms.

Russia without Soviet power has turned into a country that is interested in money and once again money, money and junk, by any means, by any means - hence the unbridled theft, hence the betrayal, meanness, lies, hence everything else.

Hence the commodity economy as a way to maximize profits at minimal cost, quickly and stably.

And do not think that Putin will be replaced by someone else, Navalny or Yavlinsky, Mironov or Zyuganov, Rogozin or Baragozin - and he will change everything. Will not change!

The problem is not in one person - the problem is in the system!

The problem is in the bourgeois-democratic, capitalist system, in which money is above all, in which enrichment is unlimited, in which everything is privatized, and privatized is freely sold and money is freely withdrawn abroad.

The problem is systemic in nature and cannot be solved by replacing one person, even at the highest post.
Therefore, under capitalism, Russia will never be different.

Under capitalism, Russia will not be better than it is now, because in the interests of capital there will always be the sale of oil and gas, timber and coal, land and water — all that Russia is rich in. It is always in the interests of capital to fool the population, debilitate, replace Russian migrants, replace the Russian language with foreign ones, keep reserves in American bonds, import finished products, build shopping centers instead of factories and advertisements built on the most base feelings, indulging all known human vices in very different forms.

Wanted to see Russia without Soviet power?

Well, look!
Look and know that if the Soviet regime hadn’t appeared a hundred years ago, Russia would have become such even earlier.

All that you see today in Russia - it was not Putin or Yeltsin who came up with it - it is ordinary capitalism in a country rich in useful resources and fools. And only the Soviet government knew how to use both for the benefit of the people. Sometimes it was cruel, but with crooks and fools it is impossible in a different way.

Didn’t like the Soviet regime, right?

Well here's a Russian Soviet power without ...


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Re: Russia today

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:58 pm
by blindpig
News from the militia of New Russia
24 Sep at 9:45 pm
09/24/19. Note from Alexander Sitnikov.

"Who would dare to explain to Putin that with his pension reform he will chop the branch on which he holds power? The government will leave 500,000 Russians without pensions next year, and a million in 2021. On September 19, the cabinet of ministers of Dmitry Medvedev divided the government money for next year. At the meeting, among other issues, officials approved the bill “On the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2020 and for the planning period 2021 and 2022.” By the way, the press service of the Ministry of Labor, which, in fact, prepared the document (project ID 04/13 / 09−19 / 00094491) at its office Hoc website mentioned it in passing, as if it was about something tertiary.

But the ministers talked a lot about the "unprecedented" growth from January 1 of the minimum wage by 7.5% to 12,130 rubles a month, as well as about the new budget of the country, supposedly oriented to the "real economy". It seems that the ministers were meditating with the words "everything will be very good with us."

“Of course, it’s great that they raised the“ minimum ”, but only with these“ twelve thousand ”you can stretch your legs, - writes Face @ 1999. - But my boss has already promised to transfer the staff to part-time. From which “fig leaves” will he pay us money if consumer demand falls below the plinth? ”

In budget organizations, employees also started “graters” - they are looking for candidates for dismissal. It is no secret that in state-owned institutions and organizations, any redistribution of money within the framework of the wage fund, as a rule, ends with “optimization”. Apparently, the desire “to be kind at someone else’s expense” became a bad habit among senior officials.

In these conditions, God forbid that salaries not fall, so an increase in the minimum wage will not have any effect, including for new contributions to the FIU, which are counted on in the government. Meanwhile, officials at the Maxim Topilin department forecast the total budget revenues of the Pension Fund of Russia in the amount of over 9 trillion. in 2020. Compared to 8.612 trillion. this year, growth should reach 0.38 trillion rubles. At the same time, the transfer from the federal budget will not change and will remain at the level of 3.3 trillion. rubles.

There is no doubt where the Ministry of Labor calculated this figure. They believe that part of the money should be transferred by hundreds of thousands of retirees who will work, and not “get high” on retirement, as it would be a year ago. More funds will come from an increase in the minimum wage. And of course, from the rise in salaries in the real sector of the economy in the implementation of national projects.

However, if now, due to an increase in the retirement age, a decrease in older workers is observed and trampling is fixed on the spot of national GDP (+ 0.7%), why would the situation on the labor market and in production improve in a few months? Apparently, the paper was written solely in order to justify the pension reform.

On the other hand, the draft PFR budget submitted by the government is capable of telling a lot, in any case, determining how many elderly Russians will be deprived of their pensions next year and two years later. And in general, was it worth the “city fence” with this pension reform?

So, PFR revenues in 2020, we repeat, should increase by 388 billion rubles, and expenses - by 249 billion rubles, mainly “to increase the pension for the promised thousand.” Thus, raising the retirement age by 6 months in 2020 for women born in 1964 (2nd half) and men born in 1959 (2nd half), the government plans to save 139 billion rubles.

Doubtful savings appeared. In reality, this is about “pennies” on a national scale, and even then, if the “huge plans” for national projects come true. If the officials succeed strictly in accordance with the “Chernomyrdin” formula - “they wanted the best, but it turned out as always”, a huge loss is created. Then the government will index pensions through emissions, that is, by turning on the printing press, after which inflation will eat up income.

A simple calculation also shows that in 2020 the government will leave without pension (plus or minus) 500 000 Russians. Twice as many angry elderly Russians will be in 2021 and 2022. And the year 2023 can be safely called the "year of the cannibal", as old-age pensions will not be awarded at all. Consequently, the new FIU budget shows that the government has moved on to the practical implementation of pension reform.

In a word, in 2021 - when the elections to the State Duma will take place - at least about one and a half million elderly Russians will constitute the most “toxic” and irreconcilable electorate for the United Russia party, which will also “infect” their sharply negative attitude to their authorities relatives, friends and acquaintances. There is no doubt that the company will be made up of other millions of retirees, convinced of the flagrant social injustice. In fact, the government betrayed its many voters, who until recently were its faithful support.

Someone sees in pension reform an infringement of personal economic rights, someone considers the decision to be fundamentally unfair, someone is offended by how rude they treated them, but almost all the citizens of our country 55+ firmly decided that the Medvedev government must leave.

“I don’t go to local elections. But, when they elect the State Duma and the president - I’ll definitely go, - Andrei Igorevich D., pre-pensioner born in 1960, a resident of Taganrog, shares his thoughts. - Of course, I really want to disperse the local "fraternity", but it's like shooting in the foot. Then from the area do not wait for subsidies, but sticks to the wheels. They will do everything to show how bad without United Russia. First, the State Duma needs to be changed, and then the governors and mayors.

Personally, I won’t go to the barricades. My son works in the police - does he have to do with it? In short, I’ll wait for the real elections and with great pleasure I will vote against everyone who is related to the government, even if Putin’s candidate is three times a genius. I am sure that in the 21st year, none of the EP will become a deputy. "

“We talked between the women and came to a common opinion, what kind of place at the top they thought when we carried out the reform,” Lidia Petrovna from Shakhty (Rostov Region) is indignant. - I think there are few who would be opposed if the authorities acted honestly. Those who have already left at 55 (we are talking about women), why add a thousand? According to the old rules, they issued a pension. And we would be told that we will add 2 thousand per year of additional work, then it would be clear. There is something to suffer! And one wants to cry from resentment. I’ll retire five years later, and at this time aunts from our house who are not much older than me will be fattening at my expense. Where's the justice? I will never vote for United Russia.

“I think that the Medvedev government has signed a death sentence for itself, figuratively speaking,” said Yury N. Borisovich, a resident of Rostov-on-Don. - What they did, we, on the Don, say "took on the bull." You shouldn’t do this to people. The people see everything, the people know everything, the people can take offense. So, once a ride with the "self-nominated", the second time - will not work. This word has already become a curse word. They will vote even against good managers - in spite of the system. As she is to us, so are we to her. ""

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:07 am
by blindpig
Russian Worker
yesterday at 8:09 pm

# News

Do you, comrades, believe that our capitalist government, which not so long ago actually deprived workers of pensions, has now thought better of it, "nationally oriented," and backtracked in patriotic frenzy? Or, perhaps, we fought so unitedly and adamantly for our rights that they were frightened and stepped back from their original plans?

Do not believe - and rightly so! Despite the sugary news headlines of the media about "mitigating" the country's pension robbery, there is no "mitigation" there, since there is no reason for such a turn in capital policy. Everything goes as it should, the Russian parliament reduces the retirement age for clients of private pension funds. Thus, with an economic broom, we are simply driven to bankers. The state pension system, one of the most important achievements of the October workers' revolution, continues to be destroyed further.

What does this mean for us, for workers? This means, first of all, that the workers themselves must now provide for their old age, and through private banks. We all heard about frauds with pension savings from the state, but the minimum pension was guaranteed. The policy of transferring pensions to the private sector is not only an additional levy that we will now pay (so far voluntarily, in the form of only communication, the opportunity to survive until retirement), but also the risk of being left without anything, since private pension funds will disappear with the workers' money as well as the banks disappear.

Therefore, there is no reason for joy, but there is a need to fight! Only strengthening workers' solidarity, determination to stand up for themselves all together, and understanding their own class interests, as well as the interests of their enemy, is the most reliable guarantee of a happy tomorrow for workers and all working citizens.

# Pensionnayareforma # Robbery # Bourgeois # Policy # Society # Pensions # Russian # Media # Fighting

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 11:09 am
by blindpig
The Union of Red Groups and all faithful to the USSR!
today at 5:00 am

The Red Line TV channel (controlled by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) made a film with the loud title “Conquerors themselves.” From the name it is not difficult to guess that the speech in this film will be about the defeat of the Soviet Union in the struggle against the bourgeois West. However, this confrontation was wrongly perceived in the context of modern competition between bourgeois governments, the confrontation between the USSR and the bourgeois West was fundamentally different, class, in nature: the Soviet government was an impregnable fortress for the bourgeoisie until it expressed the interests of the world proletariat. From the moment the revolution began and in the days most dangerous for it of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, the advanced workers of all countries felt that Soviet policy was being pursued in their interests.

This is today, when the USSR was defeated, bourgeois politicians (including Russian ones) are trying to level communism and fascism, but in the 30s and 40s the workers of all countries knew and understood the class difference between them. And that is precisely why the leading powers of capitalism found themselves in an anti-fascist bloc, since the politicians at the helm knew very well that the support of the fascists would turn into an uprising for them. And the ideology of fascism itself, like any bourgeois ideology, was hostile not only to Soviet, but to all workers in general. The main blow of the Nazis against the USSR is a blow to the front line of the world proletariat, which, of course, was the most dangerous for the bourgeoisie. But do not think that the Nazis limited themselves to the defeat of the world's first workers' state, no, the fate allotted to the citizens of the USSR,

Therefore, the topic of counter-revolution in the USSR cannot be driven into the framework of only the interstate confrontation between the Soviet state and the bourgeois West. The bourgeoisie of the most developed capitalist countries dreamed of strangling October as early as 1917, but as history shows, this task was too tough for her. Only a definite link between the internal counter-revolutionary elements and the bourgeoisie of the West accomplished this task. Moreover, even the unconscious internal counter-revolutionary elements were of interest precisely the destruction of the USSR.

Years passed. In today's Russia, the bourgeoisie has long and successfully ruled, but the memory of the bitterness of defeat is alive in the minds of the Russian proletariat. And the current Russian bourgeoisie is thinking how to cash in on this memory, having imperialist ambitions and the desire for a capitalist monopoly on a planetary scale.

And so the "experts of Marxism" begin their sermon. Among the speakers: Spitsyn, Semin, Yulin, Nikiforov, Baghdasaryan - all of them, with different voices, carry one single thought in red thread: “Russia, Russians, Slavs are an implacable enemy of Western civilization. The West has been dreaming of destroying Russia throughout the twentieth century. ” The rest is already particular, in order to surrender the Marxist form to the video - it even sometimes mentions classes and bourgeois democracy.

But so what? They talked about classes before Marx, during his lifetime, and they also talk after his death. The bourgeoisie does not deny the classes (although, I must say, strives for this) and even their struggle, the danger to the bourgeoisie is not definitions — it is the active desire of the workers to destroy the bourgeois state and establish their socialist workers' republic, where there will be no private ownership of the means of production and the bourgeoisie itself as a social class in the production process. This and only this is the death of the bourgeoisie!

But just this is not in the film. Semin and companies will never justify themselves and not get rid of workers by the fact that they flaunted the camera with Marxist terminology. You can chat as much as you like and about anything, but until this chatter has become the category of expressing the class will of the workers and contributing to the conscious unity of the working class for the sake of fulfilling this will - Marxism will not have a single drop of words.

It is not in the film, but there is a constant aggressive incitement to the national-patriotic feelings of Russian workers. Speaking about successes in the economy and culture of the USSR, such authoritative "experts" again did not say anything about the reasons for these successes, for which it was the Soviet workers who loved their Fatherland and from whom it was actually free (from the power of capital over the working class).

And the bourgeois West is not a hotbed of global evil - every bourgeoisie is the world evil, and the Western feature is only in that at the moment its most influential clans are concentrated there. However, it was in the West that scientific communism was discovered and the first thorough assault on capital (the Paris Commune) took place in history. The theoretical legacy of Marx and Engels, together with the practical experience of the Commune, paved the way for the Great October Revolution and the country of the Soviets. Therefore, to present the history of relations between Russia and the West as a confrontation between hostile cultures is not just wrong, but criminal. Can we forget the foundation that gave life to the Soviet Union, which the "experts" allegedly regret? Wasn’t there a military contribution of foreign workers to our revolution,

And all these bourgeois experts, many of whom are tied to institutes and have academic degrees, are well aware of this. But their goal is different, brilliantly revealed at the end of the film: “Russia has its own chess” the authors of the film say. This means that the workers were specially brainwashed, calling for nostalgia and insults, inciting hatred for the world around us and relying on authoritative "opinions (in the promotion of" authority "of which the Russian capitalists have been investing a lot for more than a year - providing sites at their disposal, renting such films, etc.), in the end to dictate the will of capital to imperial expansion in the world arena.

The entire film was dedicated to external enemies and, as it should, called for fighting them in the end, skillfully hiding the truth about the main and most dangerous enemy - the “native” bourgeoisie, which exploits the Russian working class every second and pushes the world to a new world massacre along with with all his western accomplice.

Of course, the “chess pieces” will turn out to be the gullible and “dark” workers, who are going to play the largest national capital, in order to increase their profits and wealth, by suggesting to the workers that the interests of the bourgeois state are also the interests of the workers. As long as capitalists rule Russia, as long as their bourgeois state is preserved and private property dominates, the workers will not have any “game of their own”. Having power over the working class and all means of propaganda, the bourgeoisie will be a deceit, a necessity, and even force coercion, to force the workers to play its game according to its rules. And, it is quite obvious that in such circumstances, workers cannot have a result other than a permanent loss.

Based on the situation, we all clearly see the path to victory - this is exposing the lies of the capitalists and spreading the truth. Therefore, we will continue to analyze all such films and other fruits of the propaganda of the bourgeoisie, because the more workers realize who, how and why they were deceived, the more revolutionary the vanguard of the working class will be every day, the closer will be our new victory!

Re: Russia today

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:16 pm
by blindpig
The Leninsky District Court of Yekaterinburg included Lenin's work on the list of extremist materials
In Yekaterinburg, the Leninsky District Court upheld the lawsuit demanding that a number of works by Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov) be added to the federal register of extremist materials. The first head of the Soviet state was convicted of inciting hatred and hostility towards certain social groups.

The examination was carried out during the consideration of the claim from the organization "Russian Hundred". Experts have found that the writings of Lenin dated 1904, 1912, 1917 and 1918 contain extremist appeals and judgments, as well as signs of justification of terrorism. As a result of the audit, the court decided to add the works indicated by the experts to the Federal List of Extremist Materials.

It was revealed that Lenin (aka gr. Ulyanov) incited hatred for the "so-called class of the bourgeoisie", and also "insulted the feelings of believers, criticizing the structure and structure of the Russian Orthodox Church; neglecting the foundations of the Orthodox religion, "purposefully propagandized the unscientific allocation in society of a non-existent class of the so-called" exploiters ", and called for the electrification of the country.

“In practice, this will mean the removal of such literature, in this case, a number of volumes of the MSS, from libraries and bookstores, as well as a ban on their reproduction, including reprinting and citing, distribution and familiarization with them other than for scientific purposes,” explained in the press service of the court.

The decision comes into force on October 12.

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But it is for scientific purposes!

Ham-handed moves like this always backfire

Re: Russia today

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:11 pm
by blindpig

More than 400 workers in Saratov seek salary for six months
So much for the “social responsibility” of business

A criminal case has been opened in Saratov on the fact of non-payment of wages by workers of the enterprise of Neftemash-Sapkon JSC. The prosecutor's office of the Frunze district of Saratov drew attention to the plant after appeals by workers.

To get yours from the employer, you need to fight!

It is reported that from June to November 2019, 453 employees of the joint-stock company Neftemash-Sapkon did not receive salaries. According to the information of the supervisory authority, in the indicated period the enterprise continued to make profit and was able to pay people their money.

“At the same time, during the indicated period, the enterprise had incomes, the amount of which significantly exceeded the monthly salary payment fund. However, the money was sent by the head of the company for other purposes related to ensuring the organization’s activities, but not paying off wage arrears to employees ”, the supervisory authority said in a statement

The director of the plant has been warned against the violation of labor laws. A criminal case is being investigated on the fact of non-payment of salaries for more than two months. The prosecutor’s office did not specify the amount of the enterprise’s debt to workers.

As we see, the conditions of capitalist production themselves compel the workers to fight for a dignified attitude towards themselves and recognition of their labor rights. For the owners of the means of production, the personnel employed at their enterprises are not living people who have families, but a resource, consumables, the costs of which should be reduced as much as possible. In order to prove the opposite, workers must independently organize themselves in union cells at the enterprise. It is simply impossible to compel a capitalist to fulfill his obligations to his workers. ... lgoda-dob/
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NPF TREKOL LLC: workers do not want to be poisoned
Capitalist saves on people's health

In the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow there is a scientific and production company TREKOL , which is engaged in the production and sale of wheeled all-terrain vehicles. She sells several dozen cars a month . Judging by the vacancies , the organization is not poor. And everything would be fine, but work in the LLC is carried out with gross violations of safety precautions. The entire production cycle is carried out in one workshop. This welding and painting machines. As a result, workers are forced to constantly breathe paint sprayed in the air, as well as glass dust. Respirators or other personal protective equipment are practically not issued. The ventilation is inadequate. There is a threat of “professional” skin and lung diseases.

Picket at NPF "TREKOL"

Workers tried several times to agree with the employer on the allocation of work to different workshops. However, the management of OOO NPF TREKOL behaved strangely. Quite logical suggestions of the workers were ignored, and when they, having lost patience, formed the union unit of the MPRA , repressions began. Union members tried to reduce.

In response, the workers held a series of single pickets and sent letters to the labor inspectorate.

Our correspondent contacted the worker Stanislav Korenyugin , who became one of the founders of the union.

Corr .: Hello, Stanislav. How are events developing now?

S.K .: At the moment we are preparing new pickets to draw attention to the problem.

Corr .: Are your employees registered in accordance with labor laws? Are there any employment contracts on hand?

SK: Yes, they are formalized, salaries are “white”, contracts are on hand.

Corr .: How then to explain the strange behavior of the employer? After all, if he is trying to reduce you, he will have to, firstly, notify you in two months, secondly, to pay you three salaries each and thirdly, he will inevitably have problems justifying the reduction in the labor inspectorate.

SK: The employer has already notified us about the reduction. Paying the right amount for him is not a problem, there are enough orders. But at the moment he has a different tactic. They are trying to fire us under the article.

Corr .: What do these attempts come to?

SK: For example, an act was drawn up about our absence from the workplace. We went to the locker room 5 minutes before the end of the working day. Or this option, I was in the office, in the next building and tried to hand in my written explanations on the topic of why the vacancies offered to me do not suit me. An act of absenteeism was also drawn up against me. Another 5-10 minutes of absence from the workplace.

Thus, the employer is trying to issue reprimands. And there is still a complaint to us that we allegedly refused to do the work. In fact, I refused to do work dangerous to my health.

Corr .: What is this work?

S.K .: It was necessary to get into the car - and this is more than two meters in height - without any safety equipment. Moreover, this did not take shape.

Corr .: Do you mean an outfit for high-altitude work?

S.K .: Yes. They are not given to us. I requested such an outfit, and in response ... my refusal to complete the work was issued.

But it's not only that. We have piecework wages, and we must carry out all the work on orders. There was no outfit for this work. I also note that the work entrusted is not part of my core business. This came an extra car. And the task was given not by our immediate superior, but by the master. Although the contract clearly states that we must fulfill the commands of the deputy shop manager. And this man is just a master. I don’t know exactly how the production hierarchy works, but I haven’t worked with him before. He just walked over and said that it was necessary to do so-and-so. I invited him to sort through the immediate superior, to which he refused.

Corr .: Let's move on to union affairs. How long has your primary trade union organization been established?

S.K .: The primary trade union organization was formed several weeks ago. We have been thinking about this for a long time, gathered, and talked about creating a union. Since the team is small, only 100 people, apparently, the information has reached the leadership.

Corr .: And they started to cut you?

S.K .: Yes. We joined a union, and then we received a notice of reduction.

Picket at NPF "TREKOL"

Corr .: What do the other workers say about the current situation?

S.K .: The team was divided into two camps. Some say that “you have nothing to do”, nothing will change. Others agree that in such conditions it is impossible to work. Particularly disturbing is the dust in the workshop and the disregard for workers' health.

Corr .: Judging by the publications, the main complaint of the workers consists in the following: the welding, painting and procurement sections are not separated from the main workshop and the workers are forced to breathe in pairs of paint and metal. At the same time, production is considered not harmful. Accordingly, workers do not receive any allowances.

SK: In reality, there is a separate welding workshop in which the frames of the machines and the molar are welded, where they are painted. However, production technology does not allow returning the machine to the welding shop after mounting the body. I will explain that we have individual production and it is always necessary to change something in the design, so welding takes place in the assembly shop, although the management says that welding is not carried out in our workshop.

I also note that the car bodies are made of fiberglass. When fitting the body to the frame, a large amount of harmful glass dust is generated. This dust causes skin irritation and a strong cough. Therefore, of course, this is a very serious complaint. As they say, you can’t buy health ...

Corr .: By the way, what are the customers? All-terrain vehicles are made on an individual order ... So, are these some wealthy gentlemen or large organizations?

SK: Mostly our cars are bought by oil companies. An all-terrain vehicle can pass through a virgin snow, through a swamp. Low pressure tires allow you to drive almost everywhere.

Rosguard ordered our cars. Apparently, they decided to use them at rallies so as not to crush anyone. When moving a person, our car does not cause serious injuries.

All-terrain vehicles are also purchased for hunting in their "personal plots." I will not name the names of these wonderful people, but it’s easy to guess. Often, customers are asked to install a winch in the back to drag the carcass of an animal into the body. It happens that they order the engraving of their surname on the details of the all-terrain vehicle. The price of products from our production site starts from 4.5 million rubles. You must understand that such a machine can afford either a large company or a wealthy person.

Corr .: How are union employees now working?

S.K .: At the moment, all employees in the union are on sick leave. Reprimands stamped by management will make it possible to dismiss all union members in one day.

Corr .: And who are they by profession?

S.K .: By profession, we are locksmiths and electricians. We were engaged in the final stage of production. Connecting electricians, hydraulics and more. The work area is important, requiring high qualifications and creative abilities.

Production NPF "TREKOL"

Corr .: Did you contact the labor inspectorate?

S.K .: Contacted. We sent a registered letter with a complaint, now we are waiting for an answer from them. After it became clear that they were trying to fire us under the article, we sent a registered letter to the management that we were members of the union. By registered mail, because they refuse to accept any documents from us.

Corr .: And what came of this?

SK: The management has ceased to accept registered letters ... I have a stack of postal checks in my hands, I check by tracking numbers. They simply do not pick up these letters. That is, the situation is this: personally, I can not hand over the papers to the management, because they close the office and run away from me, while they immediately draw up an act of my absence from the workplace. Now I’m on sick leave, I also can’t interact with them. And sending by mail does not work, because they do not pick up these letters.

* * *

Later, our correspondent visited shares in support of union members. Workers held a series of single pickets right at the entrance to the territory of their enterprise. The posters in their hands urged the management of the enterprise to begin to pay attention to the problems of production, and also invited other workers to show solidarity with their colleagues.

Workers passing by did not come in contact with reporters. They were afraid to “earn” a delay. But the office worker - an employee in the sales department - willingly shared his attitude. He said that he knew nothing about the problems of the workers, and was very pleased with his current work. The workshop does not go to the workers. What for?..

Director of NPF "TREKOL" does not want to have a dialogue

With a delay of 15 minutes to work, the director appeared. Our interlocutor - Stanislav Korenyugin - tried to hand him a document with a proposal to start a dialogue on a collective agreement. The head did not consider it necessary to even lower the glass of his BMW, limited himself to a dismissive gesture. "Social Partnership" in Russian ... ... otyat-byt/
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