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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:15 am

Draft UN Report Calls for Arms Embargo on Israel
March 25, 2024

The U.N. Human Rights Council’s advance, unedited report calls for an immediate arms embargo on Israel and international protection for Palestinians in the occupied territories, among other recommendations.

U.N. Human Rights Council room in Geneva. (U.N/ Photo/Jean Marc Ferré)

By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams

The United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday published a draft report that found “reasonable grounds to believe” that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, a move that came on the same day as the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in the ongoing war.

The advance, unedited version of the report — entitled “Anatomy of a Genocide” — concludes that Israel’s far-right government and military “have intentionally distorted jus in bello principles, subverting their protective functions, in an attempt to legitimize genocidal violence against the Palestinian people.”

“The overwhelming nature and scale of Israel’s assault on Gaza and the destructive conditions of life it has inflicted reveal an intent to physically destroy Palestinians as a group,” the draft report states, enumerating Israeli actions that violate Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:

“Killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to group members; and deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

“Israel has de facto treated an entire protected group and its life-sustaining infrastructure as ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorist-supporting,’ thus transforming everything and everyone into either a target or collateral damage, hence killable or destroyable,” the paper continues.

“In this way, no Palestinian in Gaza is safe by definition. This has had devastating, intentional effects, costing the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians, destroying the fabric of life in Gaza, and causing irreparable harm to its entire population.”



Israel rejected the report as “an obscene inversion of reality.”

According to Palestinian and international humanitarian officials, Israel’s 171-day Gaza onslaught has killed at least 32,333 Palestinians, most of them women and children, while wounding nearly 75,000 others and displacing around 90 percent of Gaza’s 2.3 million people.

Thousands more Palestinians are missing and believed to be dead and buried beneath the rubble of bombed buildings. Disease and deadly starvation caused and exacerbated by Israel’s siege and blockade of Gaza are spreading rapidly.

“Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza is an escalatory stage of a long-standing settler-colonial process of erasure,” the draft report asserts. “For over seven decades this process has suffocated the Palestinian people as a group — demographically, culturally, economically, and politically — seeking to displace it and expropriate and control its land and resources.”

Referring to the flight and ethnic cleansing of more than 750,000 Arabs from Palestine during the foundation of the modern state of Israel in 1948, the paper contends that “the ongoing Nakba must be stopped and remedied once and for all. This is an imperative owed to the victims of this highly preventable tragedy, and to future generations in that land.”

“The ongoing Nakba must be stopped and remedied once and for all.”

The draft report urges U.N. member states to “enforce the prohibition of genocide in accordance with their… obligations” under international law.

An Israeli Merkava Mk IV tank on a street in Gaza, Jan. 4. (Yairfridman2003, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)

In January, the U.N.’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that Israel was “plausibly” perpetrating genocide in Gaza and ordered the country’s government to “take all measures within its power” to prevent genocidal acts. Human rights defenders say Israel has ignored the order.

“Israel and those states that have been complicit in what can be reasonably concluded to constitute genocide must be held accountable and deliver reparations commensurate with the destruction, death, and harm inflicted on the Palestinian people,” the publication argues.

The draft report recommends measures including:

Immediate implementation of an arms embargo on Israel, as it appears to have failed to comply with the binding measures ordered by the ICJ;

Immediate referral of the situation in Palestine to the International Criminal Court in support of its ongoing investigation;

Ensuring that Israel, as well as states who have been complicit in the Gaza genocide, acknowledge the colossal harm done, commit to nonrepetition, with measures for prevention and full reparations, including the full cost of the reconstruction of Gaza;

Deploying an international protective presence to constrain the violence routinely used against Palestinians in the occupied territories; and

Ensuring that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is properly funded to enable it to meet the increased needs of Palestinians in Gaza.

Israel on Monday informed the U.N. that it will no longer allow UNRWA convoys carrying food aid into northern Gaza, even as the Palestinians are starving to death, a move that one humanitarian campaigner called a “death sentence.” ... on-israel/


New York Times Misreports Gaza UNSC Resolution

To no ones surprise the very same New York Times which relied on lying witnesses to falsely claim that Hamas had raped Israeli women is also lying about a ceasefire resolution for Gaza that yesterday passed the United Nations Security Council.

U.N. Security Council Calls for Immediate Cease-Fire in Gaza as U.S. Abstains

The United Nations Security Council on Monday passed a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip during the remaining weeks of Ramadan, breaking a five-month impasse during which the United States vetoed three calls for a halt to the fighting.
The resolution passed with 14 votes in favor and the United States abstaining, which U.S. officials said they did in part because the resolution did not condemn Hamas. In addition to a cease-fire, the resolution also called for the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages” and the lifting of “all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance.”

UNSC resolutions are legally binding documents under international law. They therefore use a very specific language. If the UNSC 'calls upon' someone to do something it is the legal equivalent of asking 'pretty please'. It has no real consequences.

However, UNSC Resolution 2728 which passed yesterday on a 14 to 0 vote with the U.S. abstaining, does not 'call upon' Israel or Hamas to do this or that.

It demands them to do something:

The Security Council, ...
1. Demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire, and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access to address their medical and other humanitarian needs, and further demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law in relation to all persons they detain;
2. Emphasizes the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to and reinforce the protection of civilians in the entire Gaza Strip and reiterates its demand for the lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance at scale, in line with international humanitarian law as well as resolutions 2712 (2023) and 2720 (2023); ...

Soon after the resolution passed the U.S. falsely claimed that it is not legally binding:

Heidi Matthews @Heidi__Matthews - 22:45 UTC · Mar 25, 2024

The U.S. is unilaterally claiming that Security Council resolution 2728 is non-binding and therefore has no impact on its policy or the legality of Israel’s continued war. This is not so obvious… 🧵
How do we figure out the will of the UNSC (the 14 members that voted in favour)? We turn to the principles of treaty interpretation contained in the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. We try to figure out the 'ordinary meaning of the text in light of its object & purpose'.

This could be a looong discussion. But for now, note that para 1 of the resolution uses exhortatory language: "*Demands* an immediate ceasefire". "Demands" looks a lot more like it creates an obligation than, for example, language of "emphasizing", "calling upon", "urging", etc.

Finally, many of the states who spoke at the session today noted their understanding of the resolution as binding. (I'd have to go back to the transcript for a fuller picture, but several so noted). ...

Verfassungsblog - On Matters Constitutional agrees:

In conclusion, the resolution is – despite statements to the contrary – legally binding and creates a legally binding request for an immediate ceasefire during Ramadan and a legally binding request to immediately release all hostages.
The obvious elephant in the room is enforcement: who is to enforce the Security Council resolution in the current situation? It ultimately falls to the parties of the conflict to heed the Security Council’s call, and to the Council itself to enforce its requests. Given the experience of the past months, this is no cause for enthusiasm. Yet, the fact that the Council could agree on the text, after five vetoes on the matter, is, perhaps, a shred of hope.

By using the 'calls for' wording instead of the 'demand' used in the real resolution the New York Times is deceiving its readers about the obligations the resolution created.

The Washington Post is, in comparison, using the correct language:

The latest resolution, demanding an end to fighting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and the release of all hostages, was backed by 14 nations including China and Russia. The United States abstained, allowing it to pass.

While the language is correct even the Washington Post report is still a bit deceiving. The U.S. and Israel have tried to combine the two issues of a ceasefire and of a hostage release into one issues. The ceasefire would depend on the hostage release and vice versa.

But the UNSC resolution has explicitly separated those issues into two different demands and has added the immediate provision of food as another one.

It demand that both sides cease fire. It demands that both sides release hostages. It does not connect the two items.

Posted by b on March 26, 2024 at 14:39 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more


Netanyahu govt on shaky legs over ultra-orthodox draft bill

War minister Yoav Gallant and others have warned that exemptions of the ultra-orthodox from army service will accelerate a severe manpower crisis in the military

News Desk

MAR 25, 2024

(Photo credit: EPA)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned that his government is at risk of collapsing over a bill that would extend the exemption of the ultra-orthodox community from military service, as several members of the coalition are embroiled in a dispute over the matter.

The draft bill is set to be put to the vote in the Israeli cabinet on 26 March.

On 25 March, Hebrew media reported that Netanyahu would “not renege on passing the ultra-Orthodox draft bill and that without the bill, the government would not remain in place.” On Monday, the prime minister raised the age at which ultra-orthodox are exempted from 26 to 35.

Opposition and Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid called on the same day for Benny Gantz, war cabinet member and leader of the National Unity Party, to walk out on the government if the bill is passed.

Gantz said a day earlier, on Sunday, that the bill is a “red line.”

“The people will not be able to put up with it, the Knesset will not be able to vote for it, and my colleagues and I will not be able to be members of the emergency government if such legislation passes the Knesset,” Gantz said.

“I call on the Likud ministers and members of the Knesset – make your voices heard,” he added, saying the legislation represents a “serious failure of values” that threaten to cause deep divisions in Israeli society.

Members of Netanyahu’s party, the Likud, have recently said that the exemptions no longer make sense.

Dispute over the bill has resulted in deep divisions within the Israeli government, with many, including war minister Yoav Gallant, warning that exemption of the ultra-orthodox threatens to accelerate the severe manpower crisis the army is facing.

Gallant has continued to assert that he will not support any legislation unless all members of the government can reach a consensus.

“This coming Tuesday, a proposal for a decision on the recruitment issue will be brought to the government by the prime minister, on his initiative. My position has not changed. I will not be a party to any proposal that isn’t agreed upon by all coalition factions – and under my leadership, the security system will not submit it for legislation,” he said.

“There is still time to come together and form a joint proposal,” he added.

A law authorizing ultra-orthodox exemption from the army expired in June last year. Next week, the temporary regulation that extended it will also expire.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, whose extreme far-right and religious parties have majority government representation, oppose ending ultra-orthodox exemptions.

Netanyahu’s warning over the potential collapse of the government comes as Gallant is set to travel to Washington to discuss war efforts. This will be the first official visit by an Israeli official to the US since Gantz went earlier this month. Netanyahu has yet to receive an invite to Washington. ... draft-bill

Israel tells EU nations that recognizing Palestine ‘reward for terrorism’

Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, and Malta released a joint statement last week announcing that the four nations will recognize Palestinian statehood

News Desk

MAR 25, 2024

(Photo Credit: Reuters)

Israel told four European nations on 25 March that their plan to recognize Palestinian statehood constitutes a “reward for terrorism” that would hinder efforts towards a ceasefire.

“The comments of the Prime Minister of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, about recognizing a Palestinian state, as well as the joint statement by Spain, Malta, Slovenia, and Ireland about their readiness to recognize a Palestinian state, constitute a reward for terrorism,” Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman, Lior Haiat, said via social media.

Haiat added that recognizing a Palestinian state following Operation Al-Aqsa Flood “sends a message to Hamas and the other Palestinian terrorist organizations that murderous terror attacks on Israelis will be reciprocated with political gestures to the Palestinians.”

“Any engagement in the recognition of a Palestinian state only distances reaching a resolution and increases regional instability,” he added.

On Friday, the heads of Spain, Ireland, Slovenia, and Malta released a joint statement announcing that they would take steps towards recognizing a Palestinian state.

The four leaders said in their statement that “the only way to achieve lasting peace and stability in the region is through the implementation of a two-state solution, with Israeli and Palestinian States living side-by-side, in peace and security.”

All four EU nations have been vocal about their support for Palestine.

Spain has repeatedly made moves against the wishes of Tel Aviv, most recently vowing to continue support of the UNRWA

Malta has accepted to offer medical aid to Palestinians like three-year-old Selah Hajras, who was injured in an Israeli airstrike.

Haiat added in his social media post that “the only way to fight Palestinian terrorism is to unequivocally condemn Hamas for the war crimes, crimes against humanity, and sexual crimes that it committed during the 7 October attack and continues to commit and to issue an explicit call for the release of all the hostages.”

Israel continues to push atrocity propaganda around the 7 October military operation, despite the refutation and lack of evidence for such claims, as well as mounting proof that the Israeli army killed its own civilians that day.

Meanwhile, it continues to wage what has come to be recognized as a genocidal war on the people of Gaza.

Most recently, first-person testimonies from witnesses of the crimes committed by the Israeli army during its Al-Shifa Hospital raid have emerged, indicating army personnel “forced 65 families to leave the area around the Al-Shifa Medical Complex whilst burning and killing entire families.”

According to eyewitness Jamila al-Hisi, women who were trapped in the medical complex were subjected to rape, starvation, torture, and extrajudicial execution. ... -terrorism

Hamas is intact, so has Israel lost?
Six months after Al-Aqsa Flood, Israel has made little progress in eradicating Hamas or its capabilities, and its Gaza war only fueled and expanded support for resistance. Tel Aviv has miscalculated badly; you can't fight ideology with guns.

Xavier Villar

MAR 25, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Six months into Israel's blitzkrieg on Gaza, the occupation state's military intelligence has reluctantly acknowledged what many had suspected: achieving a decisive victory over Hamas is an unattainable goal. Despite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's initial rhetoric of total annihilation, the reality on the ground speaks differently.

Tzachi Hanegbi, head of Israel's national security, had previously declared that nothing short of 'total victory' would suffice. Yet, as military Spokesperson Daniel Hagari conceded on 18 March, Hamas continues to persist, regrouping – he alleges – around Al-Shifa hospital in the northern Strip.

As US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan pointed out last week: "Israel cleared Shifa once. Hamas came back into Shifa, which raises questions about how to ensure a sustainable campaign against Hamas so that it cannot regenerate, cannot retake territory."

Mission impossible

From a political standpoint, this suggests that the occupation army can neither eradicate the Palestinian resistance movement nor assert control over the besieged territory.

Reserve General Itzhak Brik, who has previously criticized the "total chaos" among the ranks of Israeli soldiers in Gaza, has long warned that "the complete destruction of Hamas is not feasible, and Benjamin Netanyahu's statements regarding this matter are only intended to deceive others."

Tel Aviv's failure to dismantle Hamas's extensive tunnel network further highlights the inadequacy of its military efforts. Israeli authorities have confirmed that around 80 percent of Hamas' tunnel system remains intact despite months of airstrikes and ground operations.

This network, according to Iranian defense ministry officials speaking on condition of anonymity, is estimated to stretch for between 350 to 450 miles – an astonishing feat, given that Gaza's longest point is 25 miles. Two officials also assessed that there are close to 5,700 separate shafts leading to these tunnels.

Israeli boasts of repeatedly bombing Hamas tunnels ring untrue in light of these discoveries. Even advanced munitions like GBU-28 'deep penetration' bombs have proven to be ineffective against the tunnels' depth and complexity.

The evidence of Israel's inability to break through Hamas defenses continues to mount. In a 12 March speech, Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei revealed that he had received a message from the Palestinian resistance saying that "90 percent of our capabilities are intact."

According to US Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, the Israeli army was at most able to destroy less than a third of the Hamas tunnel network, adding: "The idea that you're going to eliminate every Hamas fighter, I don't think is a realistic goal."

It's abundantly clear that Israel's stated objective of destroying Hamas has not been achieved, nor will it be in the future. Even the Wall Street Journal, in a 29 February article lauding the occupation army's successful strikes on Hamas forces, acknowledged that "Israel is still far from its declared war aim of eliminating Hamas as a significant military and political entity."

Israel's failures can be analyzed from two distinct perspectives. Firstly, Hamas's form of military resistance is asymmetrical, allowing it to inflict damage on a much larger adversary without bearing significant casualties.

Understanding the necessity to safeguard its dual political-military structure, Hamas organizes military operations into independent cells under the authority of the Al-Qassam Brigades.

Secondly, Hamas consists of not only a fighting force but an ideology deeply rooted in the Palestinian struggle for national liberation within the Islamic notion of jihad – or "meritorious effort." The potency of this anti-colonial movement, and particularly its broad, entrenched popularity among the people, renders eradicating it a near-impossible task.

In contrast to the Fatah-led, US–Israeli-backed Palestinian Authority's (PA) acceptance of self-government with numerous constraints – exemplified by the Oslo Accords – Hamas's rejection of such agreements reflects its steadfast opposition to Israel's colonial vision and offers an attractive alternative political stance.

Assessing war as a tool of politics

In short, threats to annihilate Hamas and destroy Gaza are futile. From the rational perspective of the Palestinian resistance group, it is understood that the consequences would be far more severe if they were to submit to Israel's demands.

This same logic of resistance, which is fundamental, is shared by the overwhelming majority of Hamas followers, including secular ones. Furthermore, the logic of anti-colonial resistance is passed down from one generation to the next, and the genocidal dynamics of Zionism only serve to perpetuate this same logic.

The acknowledged failure of Zionism's pursuit of 'total victory' over Hamas must be comprehended from a political perspective. As long as Israel's colonial occupation persists in its objectives of displacement and conquest in Palestine, the ideology of resistance, epitomized by Hamas today, will maintain its dominance among the colonized.

Polls conducted among Palestinians corroborate this analysis. A survey by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in December 2023 indicates growing support for Hamas across all occupied Palestinian territories, alongside stunningly diminished support for the PA.

The data further reveals widespread endorsement of Hamas' actions, including the 7 October resistance operation Al-Aqsa Flood, and a significant demand for the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas, the PA's president.

The statement from the Former Deputy Chairman of the Israeli National Security Council, acknowledging that "there are no military solutions to the conflicts Israel is engaged in, particularly in the southern region," confirms the political blindness of the current Israeli status quo.

Understanding the Axis of Resistance

It is important to note that, at times, it is assumed that an ideology may be subordinate to a set of political interests, which could lead to that ideology modifying its political objectives at some point. However, this is not the case with Hamas, nor is it when analyzing the reasons for Hezbollah and Iran's opposition to Israel.

Neither Hamas nor the rest of the members of the Axis of Resistance can be threatened or bombed into submission, as these autonomous groups have their own political agenda that they consider non-negotiable even in the face of Israel's genocidal campaign. As Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah emphasized repeatedly in a 16 February televised speech:

We are before two choices – resistance or surrender – and the price of surrender … means submission, humiliation, slavery, and disdain for our elders, our children, our honor, and our wealth … The price of surrender in Lebanon meant Israel's political and economic hegemony over our country.

To illustrate, consider Iran's steadfast commitment to Palestine despite the internal risks it poses to Iranian national security in confronting both the US and Israel. Yet, these risks and threats hold no sway over Tehran's regional political strategy, which is rooted firmly in its revolutionary vision.

This marks a fundamental difference with classic western military coalitions created ad hoc by like-minded states to combat a common threat without long-term commitments. The "collapse" of the lackluster US-led coalition aimed at countering Yemen's anti-Israel naval operations in the Red Sea is a case in point.

In contrast, the Axis of Resistance is more than just a coalition of groups; it is anchored by an anti-colonial ideology that shares non-negotiable objectives but allows for different strategies to achieve them.

In other words, all the groups that comprise the Axis of Resistance – whether Sunni, Shia, Arab, non-Arab, secular, or Islamist – are capable of reaching occasional agreements and disagreements using the same language of the anti-colonial Islamic tradition.

As the war on Gaza has raged for half of a year, the unprecedented toll on Palestinian lives and infrastructure has been devastating. Despite some tactical advances by the occupation forces, it's becoming increasingly clear that Israel is headed towards a strategic defeat.

Its failure to achieve its objectives contrasts sharply with the unwavering resolve of the Palestinian resistance, bolstered by a regional alliance united in its uncompromising stance against the occupation state. ... srael-lost

Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa, inflaming Jerusalem tensions

Violent settler incursions into the holy site are one of the main factors that led to the 7 October attack by the Palestinian resistance

News Desk

MAR 25, 2024

(Photo Credit: Anadolu Agency)

Tensions in Jerusalem rose after dozens of violent settlers charged the Al-Aqsa Mosque courtyard on the second day of the Jewish holiday of Purim on 25 March.

The extremist settlers were under the protection of the Israeli police, according to Jerusalem’s Islamic Endowments Department. Settlers started entering the compound in the early hours of Monday from the Mughrabi gate and continued to push into the eastern and northern courtyards.

Israeli police searched those entering the mosque for the Islamic dawn prayer and prevented many worshipers from accessing the holy site.

The Palestinian Authority (PA), as well as several other global organizations, have voiced condemnation over the settlers’ actions at Al-Aqsa Mosque, noting that their behavior could worsen the chances of a prolonged peace deal.

Settler violence against the Palestinians has reached all-time highs under the Benjamin Netanyahu government and has only increased since 7 October.

Over 140 families have been displaced in the West Bank since the beginning of Israel’s hostilities against Gaza, amounting to around a thousand people.

Settlements in the West Bank have also been reinforced with heavy weapons and fortified with defensive measures like bombs and machine guns.

Hamas’ statement on the reasoning behind their operation in October asked what the “world expects the Palestinian people to do in response” to the decades of violence they endured at the hands of the Israelis.

One point laid out in the statement was “the Israeli Judaization plans for the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, its temporal and spatial division attempts, as well as the intensification of the Israeli settlers’ incursions into the holy mosque.”

The violence by the extremist settlers against the Palestinian people and the storming of and plans to demolish Al-Aqsa are some of the factors leading to the Qassam Brigades' decision to launch its Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. ... m-tensions



Things That Have Been Discredited During The Destruction Of Gaza

Israel, the “rules-based international order”, liberals, the label “antisemitism”, the mainstream media, Joe Biden, the “two-state solution” myth, Bernie Sanders, RFK Jr, etc.

Caitlin Johnstone
March 26, 2024

List of things that have been discredited during the destruction of Gaza:

• Israel

• the “rules-based international order”

• liberals

• the label “antisemitism”

• the mainstream media

• Joe Biden

• the “two-state solution” myth

• Bernie Sanders

• Robert F Kennedy Jr

• the label “terrorist”

• the “human shields” lie

• the ADL


• the US war machine

• right wing “free speech” supporters

• the Democratic Party

• the Republican Party

• Zionism

• all western governments

• all of western civilization

• everything westerners believe about their society

The US vetoed multiple UN ceasefire resolutions, then put forward a fake “ceasefire” resolution that didn’t actually demand a ceasefire and accused Russia and China of “sabotaging” peace when they vetoed it, then an actual ceasefire resolution was passed which the US abstained from voting on rather than vetoing in order to save face over its Russia/China moralizing, and then the US declared (100% falsely) that the UN ceasefire resolution which passed is “non-binding”.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to support and defend Biden and just endorsed virulent Israel supporter Hakeem Jeffries for House Speaker, even after accusing Israel of genocide in a House floor speech.

If you say this is a genocide and then you support the people who are backing this genocide, it means either (A) you’re fine with genocide or (B) you only called it a genocide to score progressive political points and don’t actually believe what you said.

Biden supporters keep trying to spin his genocidal actions as some kind of aberration in his otherwise lovely behavior due to highly unusual circumstances, as though he hasn’t been a bloodthirsty warmonger AND an extreme pro-Israel hawk his entire fucking political career.

Don’t babble at me about how bad and wrong it is for Palestinians to use violence unless you can offer me a coherent plan for what they should do instead.

Civil disobedience won’t work because Zionists have no conscience and don’t care about Palestinian death and suffering.

The doors to a two-state solution with a real Palestinian state are slammed shut by Israel’s political landscape and are being further bolted down by continually expanding settlements deliberately designed to prevent such a solution from ever emerging.

A one-state solution where everyone has equal rights and no ethnicity gets preferential treatment is an even more remote pipe dream which not even Israel’s western allies support.

So what can the Palestinians do? It doesn’t look like anyone who opposes armed resistance has any good answers. Really what they want is for Palestinians to just lie down and submit to whatever abuses Israel wants to inflict upon them and just slowly fade into obscurity and become a forgotten people, but they can’t say that aloud without sounding like psychopaths so they just finger-wag at Hamas without ever offering any legitimate solutions.

Palestinians have been forced against their will into an impossibly horrible situation, and they sometimes use violence out of desperation because all the other doors are closed to them. If you want me to “condemn” them for this you can kiss my ass, especially since you can’t even tell me what they should do instead.

The overwhelming majority of westerners spend roughly zero percent of their day thinking about Jews and Judaism, but because Israel stands accused of genocide people are being gaslighted into believing our society is overflowing with a widespread seething hatred of Jewish people.

All popular online posts about Israeli atrocities will have numerous comments underneath claiming that it didn’t happen, or that it was justified, or that it was good actually, or that it should be blamed on Hamas. Every single one, without a single solitary exception. No matter how strong the evidence is. No matter how horrific the atrocity.

This shows you that Israel apologists don’t care about truth or morality, and it shows you that they never have. All throughout Israel’s history they’ve been lying and manipulating the public narrative about what the Israeli state has been doing this entire time. That’s why they push so hard to get people de-platformed and censored and to get TikTok shut down: all they care about is controlling the public narrative, so they want to silence anyone who makes that harder for them. ... n-of-gaza/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 28, 2024 11:37 am

Lawyer behind 'Hamas rape' claims exposed as fraud

Employees of Israeli ministries claim that Cochav Elkayam-Levy has spread fake news and sought to make millions off her false claims about Hamas carrying out mass rapes on 7 October

News Desk

MAR 26, 2024

Cochav Elkayam-Levy (Photo credit: Debbie Hill)

Israeli officials have "dissociated themselves" from a lawyer who has played a vital role in promoting false claims that Hamas carried out systematic rape and sexual abuse on 7 October, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on 24 March.

The Israeli newspaper reported claims by Israeli ministry officials that lawyer Cochav Elkayam-Levy had produced inaccurate research, spread false stories about Hamas atrocities, and sought to collect millions of dollars in donations for a so-called ‘civic commission’ of which she is the only member.

Elkayam-Levy, who is the head of the Deborah Institute and a lecturer in the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University, was among the first to spread false claims that Hamas had carried out systematic rape during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood.

As The Grayzone detailed, Elkayam-Levy presented images of female Kurdish fighters killed in Syria while claiming they were Jewish Israeli women who had been killed and raped by Hamas fighters at the Nova Music Festival on 7 October.

The Grayzone further noted that Elkayam-Levy gained significant public attention in December after being interviewed by CNN's Jake Tapper and meeting with members of the White House National Security Council and Assistant to the President and Director of the Gender Policy Council Jennifer Klein in Washington.

"People disassociated themselves from her because her research is inaccurate," explained an official in one of the government offices speaking with Yedioth Ahronoth. "After all, the whole story is that they [Palestinians] want to accuse us of spreading fake news, and her methodology was neither good nor accurate."

Elkayam-Levy spread the story in the international press "about the pregnant woman who had her stomach cut open – a story that was proven to be untrue," one official complained. "It's no joke. Little by little, professionals began to distance themselves from her because she is unreliable."

She also created a ‘civilian commission’ to investigate alleged Hamas atrocities. While the commission's name suggests it was a government-established body, it consisted only of Elkayam-Levy herself.

She then solicited millions of dollars in donations for the fake commission, claiming a budget of $8 million, including $1.5 million for administrative fees, was needed.

"Rahm Emanuel, the US ambassador to Japan, donated money to her. She took donations from many people and started asking for money for lectures," said the same official in the government office.

The critical report from Yeditoh Ahronoth comes just days after Elkayam-Levy was given the Israel Prize for her efforts to ‘raise awareness’ about alleged Hamas atrocities on 7 October.

The Israeli government has sought to use seemingly neutral third parties, including the volunteer rescue services, ZAKA and United Hatzalah, to spread propaganda regarding the events of 7 October.

These groups have fabricated wild tales of Hamas crimes in an effort to justify Israel's ongoing Genocide in Gaza. ... d-as-fraud

Scoring a self-goal? Lebanon's Christians and the war in Gaza
Wary of Hezbollah's domestic motives in backing Palestine, Lebanon's Christians are hesitant to align with their resistance. But their political apathy may ultimately cost them demographically by advancing Israel's goal to flood regional states with Palestinian refugees.

Bilal Nour Al-Deen

MAR 27, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Ever since 8 October, when Hezbollah rallied militarily to support the Palestinian resistance in Gaza in their war against Israel, Lebanese Christian political leaders have taken a firm stance opposing the entanglement of the Shia powerhouse – or any other Lebanese faction – in the region's myriad conflicts.

Notable figures among these are former President Michel Aoun and Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader Gebran Bassil – both long-term Christian allies of Hezbollah since 2006, who now vocally oppose efforts to unite forces in support of Palestine. Even influential figures like the head of Lebanon's Maronite Church, Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, echo this sentiment.

Samir Geagea, leader of the right-wing, pro-US Lebanese Forces, never one to mince words, accused Hezbollah of seeking to "obtain the presidency and Lebanon's government in return for withdrawing weapons from the border" with Israel. Anyone thinking of a bargain involving the presidency and the border situation, Geagea said, would be "dreaming."

According to Geagea – who served 11 years in prison for the 1994 bombing of a church and the assassination of top Lebanese political officials and their families – Hezbollah "does not want to engage in a war, but only wants to garner internal gains, while Iran wants to garner additional gains at the regional level."

The former warlord stressed that "putting Lebanon in the barrel of the cannon will not benefit the Palestinian cause but will bring us total destruction."

Lebanon's political deadlock

For his part, Samy Gemayel, Head of the Kataeb Party, claims:

Hezbollah deceives both Lebanese and Palestinians when it pretends to open a support front in the Gaza war. However, this front practically has no impact on the situation in Gaza ... Any barter that protects Israel's security at the expense of handing over Beirut to Hezbollah … Anyone who thinks that such a settlement will pass is mistaken, as we will be in the face of any new settlement that threatens our future in Lebanon.

It should be noted that the Kataeb and Lebanese Forces parties (the latter existed initially as the military wing of the former) fired the first bullet in Lebanon's 15-year civil war at Palestinian civilians and are responsible for the notorious Sabra and Shatila refugee camp massacre, in which thousands of Palestinians were gunned down over three days, all while Israeli choppers lit the night skies overhead.

Today, Lebanese political analyst Wael Najm says the country's political parties are in limbo, "awaiting the outcome of the battle in Gaza and the confrontations in southern Lebanon. Thus, the movement in the presidential file has been frozen."

These accusations from Lebanon's Christian leaders come despite Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah stressing that his party would not seek to achieve political gains in Lebanon based on the results of the Gaza war.

As FPM member Rindala Jabbour tells The Cradle:

Hezbollah does not exert its military power in Lebanese internal politics. If it wanted to use its surplus power, it would have done so after the 2006 war, and there have been many opportunities to do so. Hezbollah does not impose its power. Otherwise, there would be many different equations. It would have imposed many things it wanted.

"I don't think we are any longer in the era of political Shiism, Maronism, or even Sunnism. I think we [Lebanon] have passed those stages," she adds.

Maronites for the Moqawama

Highlighting the interconnectedness of regional dynamics, Jabbour says, "There is an awareness that what is happening in Palestine, Syria, and the encirclement countries will inevitably affect Lebanon," and that many Christians will ultimately support the fight against Israeli aggression.

Christians support the resistance because they know it has a fundamental role in protecting Lebanon and has given the country a deterrent force. This group knows that there are consequences and repercussions of the Palestinian war on Lebanon, especially if the Palestinian resistance is defeated and Israel achieves its goals.

Jabbour clarifies her party's position: "By separating the squares, we mean not to put Lebanon in a crisis in which it cannot bear the repercussions. The Free Patriotic Movement is indeed with the separation of squares, but it appreciates the wisdom of the resistance in dealing with the different issues."

There is a point of view that supports the resistance, but it expresses its fear of provoking an Israeli war and giving an excuse for Israel to invade Lebanon. Especially since Lebanon currently can't handle any war.

Jabbour laments the shortcomings of some Christians who distance themselves from the resistance, expressing concerns that their words and actions may inadvertently align with Israel's interests, as was the case with the Phalangists during the Lebanese Civil War.

Writer and researcher Qasem Qassir explains to The Cradle that many critics of Hezbollah's battle on the southern border are so caught up in Lebanon's endless, internal political squabbles that they can't see the forest for the trees:

Hezbollah confirms, through all of its officials, that participation in the war has to do with confronting the Israeli enemy and supporting the Palestinian people and has nothing to do with any internal issue, regardless of the results of the war and its connotations. Hezbollah further confirms that with the implementation of the Taif Agreement and with the internal dialogue on all files, including the presidential file, no amendment will be put forward to the system and that it respects the Lebanese formula.

The Taif Agreement, for those uninitiated in Lebanon's sect-based political system, is the 1989 deal struck between feuding Lebanese warlords to end the country's 1975–1990 Civil War, in which all sides endorsed a plan to divide parliamentary seats equally between Muslims and Christians.

Concerning the negative repercussions that could impact Lebanese Christians in the widening regional war, Qassir believes that "First and foremost, the Israeli danger is a danger to all of Lebanon, not only to Palestine or Gaza, and there is an Israeli objective to displace Palestinians to Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon. Therefore, it is important to support the resistance and face Israel," regardless of one's views on the region's Iran-led Axis of Resistance.

Gaza affects Lebanon

A recent survey conducted by the Jewish People's Policy Institute revealed that 63 percent of Israelis believe that their military should attack Hezbollah with full force at the first available opportunity or after the war in Gaza subsides. These results are consistent with the official Israeli rhetoric calling for the invasion of Lebanon – irrespective of whether a lasting ceasefire is struck with Gaza.

Speaking to The Cradle, Palestinian political analyst Iyad al-Qara laments the shortsightedness of Lebanon's naysayers: "The positions of some Christian parties, unfortunately, were negative, both regarding the resistance operations in southern Lebanon and those they had during the Gaza war. This is surprising."

"If Gaza falls, this could be a prelude to the occupation of Lebanon," he warns. Qara further points out:

The steadfastness of Gaza helps protect Lebanon from Israel's attacks. Therefore, Christians should not look at the current conflict from the perspective of disagreements and wars with some Palestinians, especially since the circumstances are different from before. They must reconsider their position because the victory of Gaza is a victory for both Lebanon and Palestine. Thus, their position should be more positive.

"The Israeli army's attempts to displace people from Gaza will continue, whether optional or mandatory," Qara concludes.

In this context, extremist Israeli activist Daniella Weiss, the "godmother" of the Zionist settler movement, which for the first time in Israel's history has powerful cabinet members representing its interests at every level, recently told CNN: "No Arab, I'm speaking about more than two million Arabs. They will not stay there. We Jews will be in Gaza … 500 families have already signed up to resettle in Gaza."

Be careful what you wish for

According to UNRWA, there are 1.2 million Palestinians in the Rafah area, south of Gaza, who are currently surviving in catastrophic humanitarian conditions.

A report by Lebanese academic and researcher Abbas Assi, published on the Carnegie Endowment For International Peace website, states, "The Christian community in Lebanon has several concerns about the ongoing war. They fear that if Israel defeats Hamas, it may be tempted to launch a full-scale war on Hezbollah in Lebanon, further impacting the already fragile Lebanese economy."

Moreover, they worry that Israel's success in deporting Palestinians from Gaza could impede the return of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon to their homeland, and their naturalization in Lebanon would become inevitable. As a result, the power of the Christian minority, which is already grappling with a demographic decline, would be further weakened.

Lebanese journalist Ghassan Saoud says the Lebanese Church is now working to mitigate negative fallout by crafting a national document in cooperation with several Christian political parties. Among the paper's goals is “to be frank with others about concerns (among Christians in particular) in a calm, rational, and sober language, far from street hooliganism.”

In the final analysis, the war on Gaza should not be allowed to negatively impact Lebanon's political fabric – especially during a period of insecurity.

Rather than banking on the downfall of Palestinian resistance or envisioning a post-Hezbollah Lebanon, Lebanon's Christian politicos should consider the broader, more immediate ramifications of the growing regional conflict. The loss of Gaza could fundamentally alter their position in West Asia, with the refugee crisis exacerbating their demographic minority status in Lebanon.

This could potentially necessitate amendments to the Taif Agreement to align with Lebanon's evolving demographic and political reality. Consequently, Christian political leaders – particularly those aligned with anti-Hezbollah foreign states – are advised to weigh these issues carefully before lashing out at Lebanon's resistance, the country's only safeguard against Israel. ... ar-in-gaza.
New massacre in south Lebanon after Israel bombs aid center

An Israeli was killed in the Kiryat Shmona settlement after Hezbollah responded with dozens of rockets

News Desk

MAR 27, 2024

Aftermath of the Israeli attack on an aid center in Al-Habbariyah, southern Lebanon. 27 March, 2024. (Photo credit: AFP)

Hezbollah responded to the latest Israeli massacre in the south of Lebanon early on 27 March with dozens of rockets at the Kiryat Shmona settlement and a nearby military site in the occupied Galilee, killing one Israeli.

The rocket attack came hours after an Israeli airstrike on an emergency relief center in the southern village of Al-Habbariyah killed at least seven people early on Wednesday.

“In response to the massacre committed by the Zionist enemy in the town of Al-Habbariyah, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed, at 08:00 AM on Wednesday 03/27/2024, the settlement of Kiryat Shmona and the command of the 769th Brigade in Kiryat Shmona Barracks with dozens of rockets,” Hezbollah said in a statement.

An Israeli was declared dead at the scene after medics pulled his body out of a building hit by one of the dozens of Hezbollah rockets.

Just hours earlier, Israeli warplanes struck the center of the Lebanese Ambulance Association, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Group in Al-Habbariyah. The center was destroyed, with at least seven medics killed and four wounded civilians.

“The raid also damaged nearby homes,” Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) reported.

The attack came hours after Israeli jets struck Baalbek, in Lebanon’s eastern Beqaa Valley, on 26 March for the third time that day.

Hezbollah responded to the first Baalbek attack with dozens of rockets at an Israeli command center in the occupied Golan Heights. The Lebanese resistance group has struck the occupied Golan Heights several times since Israel’s first attack on eastern Lebanon in late February.

The Secretary-General of the Sunni, Muslim Brotherhood-linked Islamic Group, Mohammad Takkoush, told AP on 26 March that his organization has joined the fight against Israel in Lebanon and is coordinating with Hezbollah.

“We decided to join [the battle] as a national, religious and moral duty. We did that to defend our land and villages. We also did so in support of our brothers in Gaza,” Takkoush said.

“Part of (our attacks against Israeli forces) were in coordination with Hamas, which coordinates with Hezbollah,” he added, confirming that direct coordination with Hezbollah “is on the rise and this is being reflected in the field.”

Takkoush added that his group – which was involved in the US-backed insurgency against the Syrian government that began in 2011 – has put its differences with Hezbollah aside in order to confront Israel.

“Our relations with Hezbollah are good and growing and it is being strengthened as we go through war.”

The Islamic Group has carried out several operations against Israel since the war began and has lost several fighters to Israeli attacks. ... aid-center


Achille Mbembe’s Necropolitics Theory Predicted Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 27, 2024

The New Black Nationalist Network
A building in Lebanon destroyed by Israeli strikes. Photo: Al Manar

An Israeli attack on an emergency response center in Lebanon killed seven people. Another set of strikes on Syria killed several soldiers and an Iranian military adviser.

Despite the UN Security Council adopting a resolution on a ceasefire in Gaza, peace remains elusive with Israel’s continued attacks on Palestinians and other countries in the region.

In the past 24 hours, Israeli forces carried out several airstrikes in Lebanon and Syria, killing over a dozen people. Early on Wednesday, March 27, its forces bombed an emergency response center at al-Habbariyeh in southern Lebanon’s Nabatieh region killing at least seven people.

The attack followed another Israeli air strike in northern Lebanon’s Bekaa region where at least four other Lebanese were killed. The strike on Bekaa was the second attack on northern Lebanon since October 8 when Israel began bombing the country

There were 12 people inside the response center at al-Habbariyeh at the time of the attack. All of them were paramedics and volunteers involved in rescue and relief work, Al Jazeera reported.

The response center was run by Lebanese political group and militia Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya. It called the attacks a heinous crime and demanded that the Lebanese state take up the issue and file a suit against Israel for war crimes. Hezbollah also issued a statement condemning the attack. It claimed that the attack will not go unpunished.

Later Hezbollah launched a barrage of rockets targeting an army base and the Kiryat Shmona settlement in northern Israel. According to Israeli media, the Hezbollah attack led to the death of one person with another person injured. The barrage of rockets caused damage inside the mostly deserted Israeli settlement.

Israel has been carrying out attacks inside Lebanon since the beginning of the war in Gaza on October 7 after Hezbollah expressed solidarity with the Palestinians. Close to 300 people including civilians have been killed in the Israeli attacks.

Israel bombs Syria

Israeli armed forces also carried out airstrikes in Syria’s Deir Ezzor province on Tuesday, killing at least seven other people, including an Iranian military advisor to the Bashar al-Assad government. Syria’s official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said that at least seven soldiers were also killed while 19 others were wounded.

Both SANA and Al-Mayadeen said Israel carried out these attacks in collaboration with the US. Al-Mayadeen reported that the two countries carried out 10 attacks targeting both military and civilian infrastructure. Israel claimed the attacks were carried out to prevent alleged armed shipments to Hamas. The US has denied its involvement.

The Syrian government condemned the attacks. It held the US responsible for the act saying that such attacks would keep the region unstable and “explosive.” The statement reiterated the Syrian government’s demand for the withdrawal of US troops from the country calling their presence an occupation. It also alleged that US soldiers provided support to the anti-Assad forces and prolonged the war in the country, Press TV reported.

Israel has repeatedly targeted Syria since the beginning of the war in that country in 2011. Most of these attacks are not acknowledged. Hundreds of Syrians have been killed in these Israeli attacks which are in complete violation of the UN charter and international law.

Israel continues to bomb Gaza and block aid in defiance of UNSC ceasefire resolution
Peoples Dispatch

Air dropped aid parcels falling in Gaza. Photo: WAFA news

Virtually the entire world has welcomed the UNSC ceasefire resolution and has called for its swift implementation

Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza continued unabated for the 172nd day. Hours after the United Nations Security Council finally passed a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire, Israel already began to bomb areas across Gaza.

Previous attempts at the body calling for a ceasefire had been vetoed by the US. On Monday, the US abstained from the vote and the UNSC ceasefire resolution passed unanimously with a 14-0 vote which also called for a massive increase in the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza during the month of Ramadan.

The long-awaited security council resolution was welcomed with widespread relief from the international community, with the security council also breaking into applause in a rare break from usual protocol of no applause or cheers during a security council session.

Hamas welcomed the passing of the resolution, saying that it “affirms readiness to engage in immediate prisoner swaps on both sides.” The Palestinian Foreign Ministry also lauded it, calling it a step in the right direction to stop the Israeli war completely and to ensure the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from Gaza, the entry of more aid into Gaza, as well as for the return of all the internally displaced Palestinians to their own homes and neighborhoods. The foreign ministry also called on the member states of the Security Council to fulfill their legal and historical responsibilities to implement the resolution immediately. Israel expectedly denounced the ceasefire resolution and even canceled Netanyahu’s trip to the US over its abstention. However, meetings between Israeli and US government officials to discuss supply of weapons are proceeding as normal.

Internationally, the United Nations, China, Australia, the European Union, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, among others, released similar statements welcoming the passing of the resolution and calling for its immediate implementation. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that failure to implement the resolution would be “unforgivable.” Philippe Lazzarini the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, also expressed hope that the resolution will be implemented in what remains of the month of Ramadan so that the besieged civilians in Gaza will be able to get some much needed relief and peace. Furthermore, the UN also flatly rejected and refuted claims by the US that the resolution passed yesterday was legally ‘non-binding’, with the spokesperson for the UN secretary-general, Farhan Haq, telling news outlets that, “all the resolutions of the Security Council are international law. So they are as binding as international law is.”

Meanwhile, the indiscriminate and incessant Israeli bombardment showed no signs of stopping in the face of the UNSC resolution, with dozens of airstrikes and ground assaults across Gaza. Reports noted that the Israeli military have struck more than 60 locations, including homes, residential buildings and neighborhoods across Gaza in the continuing bombardment today. Areas in Gaza being targeted include the Al-Shifa hospital and its surroundings in Gaza city, Jabalya, Beit Lahiya, Beit Hanoon, Rafah, among several other locations. At least 18 people have been killed in Rafah, including several children, with at least 30 also killed near the Al-Shifa hospital. The total death toll in Gaza from the Israeli war since October 7 has risen to at least 32,414 Palestinians killed, with at least 74,787 Palestinians injured, according to latest statistics from the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Aside from those killed in the Israeli attacks, reports also noted that at least 18 others Palestinians have been killed as a result of the air drops being carried out by various countries, including the United States, Jordan and others. Several countries have resorted to the risky and dangerous air drops in the face of repeated Israeli restrictions and blockages of aid deliveries through land routes. According to the Palestinian media office in Gaza, at least 12 people are confirmed dead near Gaza’s Northern Coast after drowning in the Mediterranean Sea where they swam to retrieve the aid parcels mistakenly dropped in the sea. Additionally, the media office said that six others have also been killed in “stampedes” that broke out after Palestinians attempted to obtain aid following air drops elsewhere in Northern Gaza, showing the dire and extreme levels of hunger and starvation prevailing in Gaza as a result of the Israeli war and restrictions.

Despite the dire humanitarian situation, Israel continues to block aid deliveries, and yesterday announced that it will not allow any more aid deliveries into Northern Gaza. The UN yesterday also noted that for the last two days, food aid to Northern Gaza has been blocked by the Israeli forces, with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory noting that “as famine edges closer, families are forced into dire choices for survival. The need for safe, unhindered humanitarian support has never been more urgent.”

UNRWA has also called the Israeli decision “outrageous”, adding that “despite the tragedy unfolding under our watch, the Israeli authorities informed the UN that they will no longer approve any UNRWA food convoys to the north. This is outrageous and makes it intentional to obstruct lifesaving assistance during a man made famine.” For the last several weeks, the UN and international aid groups have repeatedly warned of Northern Gaza falling into the grip of a famine, followed by the rest of Gaza, if there wasn’t a massive and uninterrupted increase and supply of humanitarian aid. ... esolution/


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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 29, 2024 11:15 am

Israel threatens full Rafah invasion by May ‘at the latest’: Report

Washington is reportedly 'shaping' Israel's Rafah plans behind closed doors, with no attempt to stop the aggression

News Desk

MAR 27, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP)

Israel has reportedly threatened to enter the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city of Rafah after Eid al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Since the collapse of truce talks on 26 March, Israeli and US messages have been relayed to Egypt and Qatar with a demand to pressure Hamas to agree to the truce and prisoner exchange deal as soon as possible, Egyptian sources told Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar.

The report adds that Israel has confirmed to Egypt that it will not make any ‘new concessions’ to revive truce talks.

Israeli officials “hinted” that they will launch an operation in Rafah "after the Eid al-Fitr holiday, or early next May, at the latest," adding that the army will begin “special operations” in the coming days, which will “pave the way for and facilitate the ground incursion,” in the event that no truce agreement is reached.

According to the information received by Al-Akhbar, Israeli representatives discussed with the Egyptians several scenarios regarding operations in Rafah.

The storming of the city is to “take as long as between four and eight weeks maximum, to achieve the goal of eliminating the Hamas movement and liberating all the hostages.”

The messages relayed to Egyptian and Qatari officials include talk of mass deportations of Palestinians from Rafah towards the heart of Gaza. This would be based on specific routes and times, which will be announced to civilians in Rafah, according to the sources. It will also include air and land “monitoring” to ensure resistance fighters do not move around the prisoners.

The Egyptian sources referred to the Israeli plans as “dangerous” and said they would “lead to further escalation.”

US officials have publicly been warning Israel that an operation in Rafah poses serious concerns and that it would not allow the storming of the city unless there is a plan to ‘safely’ evacuate over 1.2 million Palestinians stranded and besieged in the city.

Israel claims the city is Hamas’ final stronghold.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Wednesday that the US is trying to “shape” Israel’s Rafah operation, and is working to come up with “an alternative to a full-scale and perhaps premature military operation."

Earlier this month, POLITICO reported, citing US officials, that Washington would accept and support more limited “counterterrorism operations,” rather than a full-scale invasion. ... est-report

US takes hands-on approach to mold Israel’s Rafah operation

Tel Aviv has reportedly rescheduled meetings with US officials on talks for how operations in Rafah should commence

News Desk

MAR 28, 2024

(Photo credit: Israeli Government Press Office)

Israel and the US will reschedule a high-level visit aimed at discussing plans for upcoming operations in Gaza's desperately overcrowded, southernmost city of Rafah – which Washington seeks to mold to its liking.

The rescheduling comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled the initial trip in response to the US's failure to veto the latest UN resolution for a ceasefire in the strip.

An Israeli official cited by Reuters on 28 March said a new meeting was being organized and that Netanyahu may send a delegation by next week. The delegation will be led by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, who are both close to the prime minister, according to a person familiar with the matter.

NBC reported a day earlier, citing a US official, that Israel has asked the White House to reschedule the meeting.

"The prime minister's office has agreed to reschedule the meeting dedicated [to Rafah] … So, we're now working with them to set a convenient date," said White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre on 27 March.

According to Hebrew news outlet Channel 13, Washington plans to send US generals to help draw up the plans for Rafah. The generals are expected to arrive in Israel soon, the outlet added, noting that this was what happened when Israel began its ground assault on Gaza in late October.

The White House has been warning that a full-scale invasion of Rafah would isolate Israel further in the international community. Washington is instead pushing for more limited and smaller-scale operations in the city, which State Department spokesman Mathew Miller said on Wednesday would be successful in taking out Hamas commanders.

Israel believes Rafah is Hamas' final stronghold and that operating there is its key to victory in the ongoing war.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported on Wednesday that the US is trying to "shape" Israel's Rafah operation and is working to come up with "an alternative to a full-scale and perhaps premature military operation." Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported that day that Israel is working on a plan to evacuate civilians from Rafah into the heart of Gaza, in line with US demands for ensuring the safety of the city's population.

Yet the UN has recently warned that the people of Rafah have nowhere to go.

Earlier this month, POLITICO reported, citing US officials, that Washington would accept and support more limited "counterterrorism operations" rather than a full-scale invasion.

The US continues to assert, however, that it cannot dictate Israel and can only offer its advice.

The White House has said that a full-scale attack on Rafah would be a "disaster." The humanitarian situation in the city is dire, as over a million displaced Palestinians are stranded and besieged there.

Israel has stepped up airstrikes on the city, and several have been killed over the past 24 hours. ... -operation

Tel Aviv unable to destroy Hamas after US 'turned its back': Report

As intelligence officials admit that the Palestinian resistance is unlikely to be stomped out, members of the country's ruling party are saying Tel Aviv has failed to achieve nearly all its goals in Gaza after six months

News Desk

MAR 28, 2024

(Photo Credit: Israeli army)

Israeli intelligence officials told The Telegraph that the government's stated goal to “eradicate Hamas” in the Gaza Strip has become unachievable after the US “turned its back" on Tel Aviv by abstaining during a UN Security Council (UNSC) vote earlier this week.

“If you’d asked me this a month ago, I would definitely say yes [we can eliminate Hamas] because, at that time, the Americans were backing Israel,” an Israeli intelligence official told the British daily, reportedly suggesting this assessment “had now changed.”

“The US doesn’t support going into Rafah, which they did before, so the cards right now are not good, meaning Israel has to do something dramatic and drastic to change the momentum and climate,” the source added, highlighting that “pressure is mounting on Israel to reach some sort of a deal, which means Hamas could survive. Both Hamas and the Iranians are playing on that.”

According to the official, the belief inside the Israeli security apparatus is that Hamas is “focused on surviving until the summer,” when the US election campaign will go into full gear.

Although The Telegraph's sources assert the US has left Israel to wage this battle alone, new reports on western media show that Washington has instead taken a more hands-on approach to plan the looming operation in Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city where about 1.5 million Palestinians are taking shelter.

As the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza approaches its sixth month, global pressure has been building on Israel and its western sponsors to stop the bloodshed and allow the entry of humanitarian aid to avert famine.

Nevertheless, Israeli officials maintain that a ground invasion of Rafah is imperative to destroy the “last remaining” Hamas battalions. Despite this assertion, heavy battles between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli army have continued to rage daily in northern and central Gaza.

As the realization of this failed campaign dawns on Israeli planners, Amit Halevi, a lawmaker from the ruling Likud party, this week unveiled a “list of strategic achievements” for both Hamas and Israel – scoring them at 10 to one.

According to Halevi, Hamas' achievements include the “military success” of the 7 October Al-Aqsa Flood operation, growing international calls for a Palestinian state, widespread support for Palestinians among western “experts and intellectuals,” “harming the cohesion of Israeli society” as a result of a wave of protests demanding the rescue of captives held in Gaza, the activation of multiple regional fronts against Israel, the mass evacuation of settlers from the north, the political isolation of Israel on the global stage, the “wave of anti-semitism” around the world,” and an “effective” naval blockade of Israeli-linked vessels.

For Israel, Halevi lists only one strategic achievement after six months of genocide: “the commitment, dedication, and spirit of volunteerism of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families.” ... ack-report


At The UN It Is A Rogue U.S. Against The Rest Of The World

Ted Snider asks:

Is America a Rogue Superpower?

“Unipolar” used to mean that the United States was, at least in theory, alone in leading the world. Now “unipolar” means that the United States is alone and isolated in opposition to the world.

Snider refers to the recent UN Security Council resolution 2728 which "demands" a ceasefire in Gaza and "demands" a release of hostages and "demands" the unhindered supply of food and other items to Gaza.

The U.S. has claimed, falsely, that the resolution is not binding.

As Snider writes:

On March 25, the U.S. went one step further and took a step toward becoming a rogue state who has supplanted international law with its rules-based order. International law is grounded in the charter system and the United Nations and is universally applicable. The rules-based order is composed of unwritten laws whose source, consent, and legitimacy are unknown. To the global majority, those unwritten laws have the appearance of being invoked when they benefit the U.S. and its partners and not being invoked when they don’t.

On March 25, the Security Council passed a resolution demanding “an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire.” The resolution was able to pass because the U.S. stood aside and let the other fourteen Security Council members pass it by abstaining instead of vetoing.

But in her explanation of the American abstention after the resolution passed, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield “surprisingly” said that “we fully support some of the critical objectives in this nonbinding resolution.”

Her claim that the Security Council resolution was nonbinding was not an off script, impromptu comment. It is the strategy of a country that enforces, not international law, but the U.S. led rules-based order.

Arnaud Bertrand has added a similar thought:

Since the beginning, it's been obvious that Gaza was in many ways a fight between International Law and the US's "rules-based order".
This whole episode around the UN resolution is a perfect illustration of this. There is no debate amongst international law scholars that resolutions by the UN Security Council that "demand" certain actions are binding (good explanation by a legal scholar here). In fact resolutions by the council ARE international law, article 25 of the UN Charter clearly states: "The Members of the United Nations agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Security Council in accordance with the present Charter."

Yet the US now argues that the "rule" is in fact different: "It's a non-binding resolution, so there's no impact at all on Israel".

Where is this rule written, that somehow when the UNSC "demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan respected by all parties leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire", it's non-binding and "there's no impact at all" on the warring party?

Nowhere, that's the beauty of the rules-based order: the rules are made-up in the moment to fit the interests of the U.S. and its henchmen, depending on the circumstances.

The big issue here is that the whole world, literally, disagrees with the U.S. claims.

Snider again:

All UN Security Council resolutions are legally binding and have the status of international law. That is why UN Secretary General António Guterres said, “This resolution must be implemented. Failure would be unforgivable.” UN deputy spokesperson Farhan Haq explained that, “All the resolutions of the Security Council are international law. They are as binding as international laws.”

Others responded the same way to the U.S. claim. On behalf of the ten elected members of the Security Council who drafted the resolution, Pedro Comissario, Mozambique’s envoy to the United Nations, said, “All United Nations Security Council resolutions are binding and mandatory.” He then added, “It is the hope of the 10 that the resolution adopted today will be implemented in good faith by all parties.”

The United Kingdom also did “not share” the U.S. claim, prompting their envoy to the UN to say, “we expect all Council resolutions to be implemented. This one is not any different. The demands in the resolution are absolutely clear.” China, too, did not share the U.S. evaluation. “China’s U.N. Ambassador Zhang Jun said Security Council resolutions are binding.”

France too rejects the U.S. claim and insists that UNSC Res 2728 is absolutely binding and especially binding for Israel:

"A United Nation Security Council resolution is binding under international law. All concerned parties MUST implement it, especially Israel, to whom it is incumbent to apply this resolution."

Russia has said similar:

Russia's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that UN Security Council Resolution 2728 on Gaza, which calls for an immediate cease-fire and access for humanitarian aid, is binding for all sides, including Israel.
"The Russian side expects that the binding UN Security Council Resolution 2728 will contribute to de-escalating violence in Gaza, including preventing the Israeli operation in Rafah, freeing hostages, (and) increasing humanitarian assistance to civilians in the sector," it said.

Four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - including two major U.S. allies -, all of its non-permanent members and the UN Secretary General have explicitly said that UNSC Res 2728 is binding.

The U.S. (plus maybe a few of its minor proxies) is the only state which publicly disputes that.

Bertrand points out that this will have huge consequences:

There's no overstating how consequential this is for the integrity of international relations. By doing so, the US effectively destroys the world order it largely created after WW2 because it effectively tells everyone that the set of institutions, rules and norms that underpin it are meaningless. We're effectively now in a world system where everyone realizes the police, the government, the basic set of beliefs, have become completely corrupted. This changes everything.
What comes next? I think there's no coming back for the U.S. And I think they know this, maybe unconsciously, otherwise they would at least pretend to act for the better good of all. The fact they don't shows they've effectively abdicated ambitions to restore their hegemony: they're now nakedly in it to milk the system for themselves, universal pretentions have gone.[/i]

This UN Security Council is not the only institution which the U.S. tries to destroys after having largely created it.

In 2019 the World Trade Organization lost its appeal court:

The appellate body of the World Trade Organization (WTO), considered the supreme court for international trade, lost its ability to rule on new dispute cases at midnight Tuesday.
The panel, whose decisions affect billions of dollars in global trade, is supposed to have seven judges. But their ranks have dwindled because the United States — under the past three presidents — has blocked replacements to protest the way the WTO does business.

A minimum of three judges is needed to issue rulings and the terms of two of the last three judges ended at midnight Tuesday.

This will deal a major blow to the global trading system, critics say, arguing that the situation risked creating a system of trade relations based on power rather than binding international rules.[/i]

The U.S. is now using protectionism, subsidies and tariffs, which are clearly illegal under WTO rules it had previously agreed to. But as it has managed, without having any serious argument, to destroy the WTO's court their is no longer a direct way it can get penalized for it.

But trade is only one field of international relations and other WTO members have found ways to solve disputes even without its court.

The stakes are much higher when it comes to matters of peace and of wars waged with the intent of genocide.

Bertrand concludes:

Most countries however don't want to live in an "eat or get eaten"/"might makes right" world, without rules or norms. So in time a new system will arise.

The biggest unknowns being: can it arise without a major global war, who will lead the construction of its foundations and how can it be set up so that this time around it is fair for all and respected by all?

I'll leave it to you to ponder those questions.

Posted by b on March 28, 2024 at 16:43 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more



Imagine If Russia Or China Did The Things Israel Is Doing In Gaza

It’s almost cliché at this point to say “imagine if Russia or China did this”, but such comparisons are important for retaining a sense of perspective on just how evil the western political-media class is being about Gaza right now.

Caitlin Johnstone
March 28, 2024

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China was bombing and starving a walled-in population of two million, half of them children. Seriously, imagine it. Imagine the rage and vitriol. Imagine the nonstop media coverage.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, US media coverage of that war exceeded the media coverage of all US wars in the previous three decades. If Russia were deliberately and systematically exterminating civilians in Ukraine or anywhere else, the western media coverage of those war crimes would be many times more.

It’s almost cliché at this point to say “imagine if Russia or China did this”, but such comparisons are important for retaining a sense of perspective on just how evil the western political-media class is being about Gaza right now. We’re seeing articles come out in the mass media about starvation in Gaza which never once even mention the word “Israel”. Do you think that would be happening if this were being perpetrated by a government which defies the western empire? Of course not.


Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China was deliberately blockading food from an imprisoned population of millions of people.

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China was relentlessly raining military explosives on densely packed urban areas known to be full of children.

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China was deliberately and methodically ethnically cleansing an oppressed population for entirely racist reasons.

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if evidence that Russia or China are committing horrific war crimes was surfacing on a daily basis.

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China were getting caught in lie after lie after lie while carrying out such a mass atrocity.

Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China tried to present them with blatantly fabricated evidence of crimes committed by the targeted population in justification of their atrocities.

We’d be living in a different political and media landscape. If Russia or China was doing what Israel is doing, entire presidential campaigns would have been built around who would oppose it most aggressively. Every sanction and embargo in the book would have been slammed upon the perpetrating government. The western press would be falling all over themselves to expose every atrocity and every lie and blaring those expositions as feature stories on every platform for months, and showering one another with awards for doing so.

Instead we get this. Government officials babbling nonstop about Israel’s “right” to “defend itself” and how this would all be over if Hamas didn’t keep fighting, while showering Israel with weapons to help it continue its atrocities. The mass media churning out a constant deluge of passive-language “Gazans are having trouble finding food for some reason” headlines and continuous reminders that this is all happening because of October 7, while repeating Israeli atrocity propaganda like it’s gospel truth. All viable US presidential candidates vowing their unconditional support for Israel while occasionally impotently finger-wagging at this or that aspect of Israel’s atrocities to avoid looking like complete psychopaths.

That contrast between how the western political-media class is acting toward the Gaza genocide and how we all know they’d be acting if an unaligned government was doing something similar is exactly why the US-centralized empire cannot be permitted to rule our world anymore. It pretends to stand for peace, justice, freedom and democracy, but in reality it just inflicts nonstop death and suffering upon human beings around the world and covers it up with propaganda spin from its servile mainstream press. It purports to uphold the “rules-based international order”, but all that means in practice is that it upholds an international order in which the US empire makes up the rules as it goes along and changes them as it pleases.

Humanity cannot allow itself to be abused and tyrannized by this murderous, hypocritical globe-spanning power structure any longer. A better world is possible, but we’re going to have to find a way to pry the talons of these monsters off the steering wheel first. ... g-in-gaza/

The only effective way to "pry the talons of these monsters off the steering wheel" is to relieve them of the means of production. And you know what that means...
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:32 pm

Palestinians Will Remain on Palestinian Land: The Thirteenth Newsletter (2024)

Jared Kushner joins the chorus calling for Israel to expand its occupation to Gaza's waterfront through forced displacement, but, if history is any judge, Palestinians will remain.
MARCH 28, 2024

Nabil Anani (Palestine), In Pursuit of Utopia #1, 2020.

Dear friends,

Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

On 15 February 2024, Jared Kushner (Donald Trump’s son-in-law and former senior advisor during his presidency) sat down for a long conversation with Professor Tarek Masoud at Harvard University. During this discussion, Kushner talked about ‘Gaza’s waterfront property’, which, he said, could be ‘very valuable’. ‘If I was Israel’, he continued, ‘I would just bulldoze something in the Negev [desert], I would try to move people [from Gaza] in there… [G]oing in and finishing the job would be the right move’.

Kushner’s choice of the Negev, or al-Naqab in Arabic, is interesting. Al-Naqab, located in what is now southern Israel, has long been a place of tension and conflict. In September 2011, the Israeli government passed the Bill on the Arrangement of Bedouin Settlement in the Negev, also known as the Prawer-Begin Plan, which called for the eviction of 70,000 Palestinian Bedouins from their thirty-five ‘unrecognised’ villages. Kushner is now advising Israel to illegally shift even more Palestinians to al-Naqab, many of whom were originally pushed to Gaza from cities in parts of Palestine that are now within Israel. As Kushner might know, both a population transfer to al-Naqab and the seizure of Gaza are illegal according to Article 49 of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Abed Abdi (Palestine), Massacre in Lydda, 1980.

The displacement that faced Palestinian Bedouins in 2011 and that faces Palestinians in Gaza today is reflective of the plight that has been inflicted upon Palestinians since the creation of the Israeli state in 1948. Every year since 1976, Palestinians around the world have commemorated Land Day on 30 March, marking the killing of six Palestinians during a mass action to fight an attempt by the Israeli state to eliminate Palestinians from the Galilee region and carry out Yihud Ha-Galil (the Judaisation of the Galilee). The Israeli regime has tried to annex all of the Galilee and al-Naqab since 1948 but faced fierce resistance from Palestinians, including Palestinian Bedouins. Israel’s violence has failed to intimidate and cleanse the region for the establishment of Greater Israel (Eretz Yisrael Hashlema) from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has not been able to attain its aims. It cannot eliminate either the Palestinians or the Bedouin. Its dream of a pure Zionist state is futile.

Samah Shihadi (Palestine), Mansaf, 2018.

On 9 December 1975, the Palestinian population of Nazareth elected Tawfiq Zayyad of the Communist Party (Rakah) with 67% of the vote. Zayyad (1929–1994), a well-regarded poet, was known as ‘The Trustworthy One’ (Abu el-Amin) for his ceaseless role in forging a united front amongst Galilee Palestinians against the Israeli policy of forced evictions. For these activities, Zayyad was arrested on numerous occasions, but he never wavered. Zayyad joined the Communist Party in 1948, became the head of the Arab Workers’ Trade Union Congress of Nazareth in 1952, led the party in his hometown of Nazareth, won a seat in the Knesset (Israeli parliament) in 1973, and then became the mayor of his city in 1976 as the candidate for the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality. His victory, which surprised the Israeli establishment, was hailed by the Palestinians of Galilee, who had been fighting against the attempts to steal their land and homes since 1948.

In 1975, the Israeli authorities announced that they would expropriate 20,000 dunums (18 million square metres) of Arab land, mostly in central Galilee or ‘Area 9’, which meant the extinction of the villages of Arraba, Deir Hanna, and Sakhnin. These were not new plans. Beginning in 1956, Israel created cities to displace Arab villages around Nazareth such as al-Bi’neh, Deir al-Asad, and Nahef: first, it created Natzeret Illit (known as Nof Hagalil since 2019), and then, in 1964, it created Karmiel.

When I visited Nazareth in 2014, I was taken for a walk around the city’s perimeter to experience how the new Jewish-only settlements were designed to throttle the old Palestinian city. Haneen Zoabi, then a member of the Palestinian party Knesset for Balad, told me about how Nazareth, where she was born, has, like the West Bank, been gradually squeezed by illegal settlements, the apartheid wall, checkpoints, and regular attacks by the Israeli military.

Fatma Shanan (Palestine), Two Girls Holding a Carpet, 2015.

Before the general strike could get going on 30 March 1976, the Israeli regime sent in a full contingent of armed military and police to ruthlessly beat unarmed Palestinians, injuring hundreds and killing six. Tawfiq Zayyad, who led the strike, wrote that it was ‘a turning point in the struggle’, since it ‘caused an earthquake that shook the state from end to end’. The Israeli regime planned to ‘teach the Arabs a lesson’, Zayyad wrote, but that ‘caused a reaction far greater in its effect than the strike itself. This was demonstrated at the funerals of the martyrs who fell in the strike, which were attended by tens of thousands of people’. That day became Land Day, which is now part of the calendar of the struggle for Palestinian national self-determination.

The Israeli regime was undeterred by public outcry. On 7 September 1976, the Hebrew newspaper al-Hamishmar published a memorandum written by Yisrael Koenig, who had administered the North District, including Nazareth. Koenig’s thoroughly racist memorandum called for Palestinian land to be annexed on behalf of fifty-eight new Jewish settlements and for Palestinians to be made to work through the day so that they would have no time to think. Israel’s prime minister at that time, Yitzhak Rabin, did not repudiate the memorandum, which also detailed plans for the Judaisation of the Galilee. The plans never ceased.

In 2005, the Israeli government decided that the deputy prime minister would administer the Galilee and al-Naqab. Shimon Peres, who held that post, said then that ‘[t]he development of the Naqab and the Galilee is the most important Zionist project of the coming years’. The government set aside $450 million to transform these two regions into Jewish majority areas and expel Palestinians, including the Palestinian Bedouin, from them. That remains the plan.

Fatima Abu Roomi (Palestine), Two Donkeys, 2023.

Jared Kushner’s statements are easy to dismiss as a fantasy since they contain a measure of ridiculousness. However, to do so would be misguided: Kushner was the architect of Trump’s Abraham Accords, which led to the normalisation of Israeli relations with Bahrain, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates. He also has a close relationship with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (who used to stay in Kushner’s childhood bedroom in Livingston, New Jersey).

Al-Naqab is a hot desert, a place that remains sparsely populated even after the expulsion of many of the Palestinian Bedouin. But Gaza has possibilities as a seaside resort and as a base for Israel’s exploitation of natural gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. This accounts for the sustained attention it has received within the Zionist agenda, represented in Kushner’s blunt statement. But, if history is any judge, it is unlikely that the Palestinians will move from Gaza to al-Naqab or even the Sinai desert. They will fight. They will remain.

Tawfiq Zayyad in Jaffa in 1974, photographer unknown (courtesy of The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive).

In September 1965, after he returned to Palestine from Moscow, Tawfiq Zayyad wrote the poem ‘Here We Will Remain’. It was published the next year in Haifa by al-Ittihad Press alongside his classic ‘I Shake Your Hand’, which was put to music by the Egyptian singer Sheikh Imam and memorised by Palestinian children across the world (‘my hand was bleeding, and yet I did not give up’). The events of 1976 strengthened Zayyad’s popularity in Nazareth, where he remained the mayor till his death in 1994. Tragically, he was killed in a car crash as he returned from the West Bank, where he had gone to welcome Yasser Arafat to Palestine after the Oslo Accords. Thinking of Land Day, and thinking of Gaza, here is Comrade Zayyad’s ‘Here We Will Remain’:

In Lidda, in Ramla, in the Galilee,
We shall remain,
Like a wall upon your chest,
And in your throat
Like a shard of glass,
A cactus thorn,
And in your eyes
A sandstorm.

We shall remain,
A wall upon your chest,
Clean dishes in your restaurants,
Serve drinks in your bars,
Sweep the floors of your kitchens
To snatch a bite for our children
From your blue fangs.

Here we shall remain,
Sing our songs.
Take to the angry streets,
Fill prisons with dignity.

In Lidda, in Ramla, in the Galilee,
We shall remain,
Guard the shade of the fig
And olive trees,
Ferment rebellion in our children
As yeast in the dough.




Zhang Jun: The US resolution on Gaza dodges the most essential issue – a ceasefire
A resolution presented by the United States to the UN Security Council, which failed to clearly mandate a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict – while disingenuously and dishonestly claiming the contrary – was vetoed by China and Russia on March 22. Algeria also voted against and Guyana abstained.

The Financial Times reported: “Moscow’s and Beijing’s decision to veto the resolution on Friday exposed how the US’s diplomatic travails extend to the UN, where it traditionally uses its Security Council veto rights to protect Israel…The US language contrasted with calls by countries such as Russia and China for an immediate ceasefire.”

US Ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who has vetoed three resolutions calling for an immediate ceasefire, most recently on February 20, pathetically claimed that China and Russia were “being petty” and “simply did not want to vote for a resolution that was penned by the United States, because it (sic) would rather see us fail than to see this Council succeed.”

Following the vote, China’s UN Ambassador Zhang Jun presented an explanation, stating:

“More than 160 days have passed since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict. In the face of a human tragedy in which more than 32,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives and millions are suffering from famine, the most urgent action to be taken by the Council is to promote an immediate, unconditional, and sustained ceasefire.”


“The United States has always evaded and dodged the most essential issue, that is, a ceasefire. The final text remains ambiguous and does not call for an immediate ceasefire. Nor does it even provide an answer to the question of realising a ceasefire in the short term. This is a clear deviation from the consensus of the Council members and falls far short of the expectations of the international community. An immediate ceasefire is a fundamental prerequisite for saving lives, expanding humanitarian access, and preventing greater conflicts. The US draft, on the contrary, sets up preconditions for a ceasefire, which is no different from giving a green light to continued killings, and thus unacceptable. 

“The draft is also very unbalanced in many other aspects, in particular, with regard to Israel’s recent and repeated declarations of plans for a military offensive on Rafah. The draft does not clearly and unequivocally state its opposition, which would send an utterly wrong signal and lead to severe consequences. 

“Any action taken by the Security Council should stand the test of history and the scrutiny of morality and conscience. With a view to safeguarding fairness and justice, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the dignity of the Council, and also based on the concerns and strong opposition from the Arab states regarding this draft resolution, China together with Algeria and Russia have voted against the draft resolution…

“China rejects the accusations by the US and the UK against China’s voting position. Those are groundless accusations. If the US was serious about a ceasefire, it wouldn’t have vetoed time and again multiple Council resolutions and wouldn’t have taken such a detour and played a game of words while being ambiguous and evasive on critical issues. If the US is serious about a ceasefire, then please vote in favour of the other draft resolution clearly calling for a ceasefire, so that a ceasefire can be finally and immediately achieved, the Palestinians’ sufferings ended, and hostages released at an early date. For the US at the current stage, what is most important is not words, but actions.”

A circular email from Britain’s Stop the War Coalition in the immediate aftermath of the vote highlighted the positions of China and Russia and continued:

“The resolution merely ‘urged’ against the invasion of Rafah, and the document set preconditions for a ceasefire which, according to its detractors, would lead to the ‘destruction, devastation or expulsion’ of Palestinians in Gaza.

“The US resolution was clearly a calculated political move from Joe Biden in view of November’s presidential election. The lives of Palestinians mean nothing to him or those in charge of western governments. If they did, this call for a ceasefire would have happened in October.

“It is sickening that as the UN debates, Israel continues its genocide unabated and a human-made famine takes hold of Gaza. We must continue to demand a comprehensive, immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to all arms sales to Israel.”

The following is the full text of the statement by Ambassador Zhang Jun. It was originally published on the website of China’s mission to the United Nations.
Mr. President, 

China voted against the draft resolution that has just been put to the vote. And I would like to explain China’s voting position and relevant considerations as follows.

More than 160 days have passed since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict. In the face of a human tragedy in which more than 32,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives and millions are suffering from famine, the most urgent action to be taken by the Council is to promote an immediate, unconditional, and sustained ceasefire. This is the universal call of the international community, the decision taken by the emergency special session of the General Assembly a few months ago, and the solemn appeal by the Secretary-General of the UN to the Council while invoking Article 99 of the Charter. The Council has dragged its feet and wasted too much time in this regard. 

We all recall that the US introduced its own draft resolution after vetoing on February 20 the overwhelming consensus among Council members on an immediate ceasefire. Over the past month, the draft has undergone several iterations and contains elements that respond to the concerns of the international community. But it has always evaded and dodged the most essential issue, that is, a ceasefire. The final text remains ambiguous and does not call for an immediate ceasefire. Nor does it even provide an answer to the question of realizing a ceasefire in the short term. This is a clear deviation from the consensus of the Council members and falls far short of the expectations of the international community. An immediate ceasefire is a fundamental prerequisite for saving lives, expanding humanitarian access, and preventing greater conflicts. The US draft, on the contrary, sets up preconditions for a ceasefire, which is no different from giving a green light to continued killings, and thus unacceptable. 

The draft is also very unbalanced in many other aspects, in particular, with regard to Israel’s recent and repeated declarations of plan for a military offensive on Rafah, the draft does not clearly and unequivocally state its opposition, which would send an utterly wrong signal and lead to severe consequences. 

Any action taken by the Security Council should stand the test of history and the scrutiny of morality and conscience. With a view to safeguarding fairness and justice, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and the dignity of the Council, and also based on the concerns and strong opposition from the Arab states regarding this draft resolution, China together with Algeria and Russia have voted against the draft resolution. 

Mr. President, 

Members of the Council have now before them another draft resolution that was the result of collective consultations among elected members of the Council. This draft is clear on the issue of a ceasefire, in line with the correct direction of the Council’s action, and of great relevance. China supports this draft. We hope that the members of the Council will reach agreement on this basis as soon as possible and send a clear signal calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the fighting. 

Like other members, China has from the outset called for the immediate release of all hostages, a repeated demand in Security Council Resolutions 2712 and 2720. We welcome the mediation efforts by Egypt, Qatar, and others to this end. And we hope that all detainees will be released at an early date. 

China rejects the accusations by the US and the UK against China’s voting position. Those are groundless accusations. If the US was serious about a ceasefire, it wouldn’t have vetoed time and again multiple Council resolutions, and wouldn’t have taken such a detour and played a game of words while being ambiguous and evasive on critical issues. If the US is serious about a ceasefire, then please vote in favor of the other draft resolution clearly calling for a ceasefire, so that a ceasefire can be finally and immediately achieved, the Palestinians’ sufferings ended, and hostages released at an early date. For the US at the current stage, what is most important is not words, but actions. 

China will continue to work with Council members and the international community to play a responsible and constructive role in order to achieve a ceasefire and put an end to the fighting, alleviate the suffering, implement the two-State solution, and promote a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the question of Palestine. 

Thank you, Mr. President. ... ceasefire/


Weapons and Resources for the Palestinians and Their Allies
MARCH 28, 2024


By Daniel Lobato – Mar 26, 2024

It is impossible to hear any request for material, military and economic aid for the Palestinian armed resistance, or for its regional allies, from the global left.

The issue here is not a gratuitous apology for war, nor a disregard for Palestinian lives driven by feverish warmongering. It is not a fetishization of resistance or of spilled blood. Nor is the key point that, since the Palestinians cannot defeat “Israel” militarily, then it is exclusively about demanding a cease-fire. That is not the point. The Vietnamese did not defeat the US militarily and the US massacre was demanded to end, but as long as the aggression continued, there was an ethical and political obligation to support the Vietnamese liberation forces. The same case was applicable to the resistance of Algeria, Angola, or Kenya against their colonial oppressors.

It is therefore our duty to demand an end to genocide, systemic oppression, ethnic cleansing, and the Israeli colonial regime itself, but as long as this does not happen, it is also our obligation to demand material and economic support for the Palestinian resistance forces and their allies.

Omission of aid to the Palestinian resistance
Today, at most, the right of the Palestinian people to resist by all means, including armed resistance, is expressed in a more or less stammering manner.

This is not very transgressive or extremist, since it is in fact something recognized by international legality itself (UN Resolution 3070 and other provisions). It is sad that it seems very audacious to wield an outright UN statement, but in any case the audacity stops there and other more important things are omitted. What is forgotten is what it says in the following paragraph in which it urges the peoples of the world to give material and all kinds of support to the Palestinian resistance forces to help them in their inalienable right to national liberation.

What almost all Eurocentric leftists supported with Ukraine, sending military aid, is what they should be doing with the Palestinians and their regional allies, but it does not seem to cross their minds to do so.

In an act of the Spanish left a Palestinian woman defends the right to Palestinian armed resistance and the leaders of the Podemos party show hesitation in applauding, perhaps they are afraid to hear it. In other expressions of the left what we find is a passive, opportunistic, cloying or hypocritical radicalism. The parties of the Spanish government are installed there. They combine shouting “Free Palestine!” with supporting the colonial doctrine of the “two States”. They combine full relations and arms trade with “Israel”, with validating only Palestinian voices exclusively asking for human rights, notably, those who represent the Vichy Regime, called the Palestinian Authority.

In general, the Western Left has silenced the current political subjects of the resistance. Why was the blockade on Gaza breached on October 7? Because “they are terrorists”, even the European communist parties have explained this to us. Only a few pro-Palestinian groups have made it possible for the protagonists to express themselves.

Fifty and sixty years ago, the big European trade unions and left-wing parties were running fund-raising campaigns for the Sandinista and Vietnamese guerrillas. Going further back in time, during the years of resistance in Spain against the aggression of fascism and Nazism, Palestine sent fighters to defend the Spanish Republic against Franco’s troops. Today, on the contrary, during the aggression of Israeli fascism against Palestine, the Spanish government, which claims to be the heir of the Spanish Republic, sends arms and maintains all kinds of support to “Israel”.

The more it silences its material support to the Palestinian Resistance, the more the left facilitates and reinforces the criminalization by Western institutions against this natural right of the Palestinians.

In the face of international legality and its call to support the Resistance, we find EU directives contrary to that legality, criminalizing and persecuting those who materially support Palestinian resistance. Of course, in the US it is even worse.

The global South also reproduces a colonial discourse
The serious problem is that this omission of aid does not only come from the Western left.

On March 3 in Havana, a day of solidarity with Palestine and against genocide was celebrated with great attendance, with Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel and a large political representation. A precise and vibrant description of the genocide was made from the rostrum, but finally the demand was “cease fire, withdrawal of Israel from the illegally occupied territories, and access for humanitarian aid”.

The first and third demands were strictly humanitarian in scope, and the second demand expressed Cuba’s subordination to the recognition of the Israeli State and the fraud of the “two States”. No decolonizing approach of the entire Palestinian territory, no questioning of the existence of the Israeli artifact and no proclamation to the world inviting it to send military or economic aid to the Palestinian Resistance.

It is incomprehensible that the President of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, said at the Arab League summit in Algiers in 2022, “We want a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders”. Algeria, which was on the verge of being split by France into two states as it neared the end of its colonization, one French and the other for the native Algerians, today with Palestine advocates the same. Although Algeria is at great risk of destructive Western interference, it seems an excess for its president to defend so explicitly a colonial discourse.

That is why it is not understandable that countries with very little to lose, some surviving under countless US sanctions, such as Cuba, South Africa, Venezuela, etc., continue to replicate the colonial discourse of the “two States” and remain silent on the demand for aid to the Palestinian forces and regional allies. It is not a question of countries of the global South in their complicated economic situations leading this sending of resources or weapons, as in the era of Cuban internationalism in the last century. It is at least a matter of changing the colonial narrative imposed by the West and “Israel”. It is about changing the discursive paradigm of the countries expected to do so. It is about expressly supporting and carrying out the necessary actions to materialize this support for Palestinian and regional Resistance.

On the contrary, what we hear from many countries under siege is a replica of the discourse of many Eurocentric parties, and even an echo of the discourse of genocide-fueled Western leaders such as Pedro Sanchez, Josep Borrell, or Emmanuel Macron, who desperately insist on “two states”.

What is the meaning of the ‘two States’?
The colonialist thesis of the “two States”, officially established in 1947, is an illegitimate discourse, since the inhabitants were not consulted and is all but dead considering the past 60 years of Israeli colonial expansion. It is inconceivable that the leftists of the world continue to repeat like automatons this foundational basis of colonialism in Palestine, even in the midst of genocide.

The partitioning of a territory in two has always been an attempt to secure the colonizer at least a piece of what he conquered when he sensed that he could lose everything.

That was the origin of the partition studies in the 30s and 40s when the British had a date for withdrawal from Palestine, seeing their colony would fail, so we must understand its imposition in the Oslo Accords to crush an Intifada that destabilized the status quo, much alike the incessant Western noise today in view of their Israeli colony in intensive care.

The colonists never stop voluntarily in their invasive processes, nor do they give up unless forced to do so. That is why in the USA, Canada or Australia, they did not propose “two states” to the natives. On the contrary, they have done so as a last resort in the face of a horizon of defeat in their colonizations of Ireland, Palestine or South Africa, and that is why De Gaulle meditated it for Algeria, along with the forced displacement of the Algerians. It is nothing new, this dead scheme of the “two States” has only had the meaning of entrenching the existence of a colonized piece in Palestine against all the conditions of possibility. It remains to be seen whether the natives would have the right to survive under a Vichy Regime, Bantustans, Indian reservations, or a gigantic Guantanamo as is being built today in Gaza.

There is only one geopolitical entity between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea that has been ruling the lives of all inhabitants for decades, and that is the Israeli colonial entity. Its whitewashing by the West fails to hide the fact that it is a colonial entity, created in crime, plunder and ethnic cleansing of the natives, and yet it is hard to hear from the Global South a plea for its disappearance and its replacement by a different political entity for the whole territory. And of course, what is by no means heard is the plea to send military and other support to the Resistance of the natives and their allied neighbors.

“Israel” must feel very calm in the face of this confluence of the discourse of the planetary lefts that is basically an appeasement. No one is demanding support for the legitimate response to Israeli violence. Very few are demanding the overthrow of the colonial entity.

The world must remember that the Palestinian people have the right to armed struggle, and that their struggle is not terrorism. This is what China’s representative at the ICJ, Ma Xinmin, said in his turn to speak during the sessions in the proceedings against “Israel”. It is an interesting step, and it remains to be seen whether China will adopt the mandate to support the Palestinian forces and their allies militarily and economically as it did in the past, and stop supporting the partition of Palestine, especially since China does not tolerate such a thing with Taiwan.

The Western left does not like the resistance forces
For the time being, material support for the Palestinian Resistance is provided by an alliance heterogeneous in its ideologies and capabilities from Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon or Syria. It is curious how this alliance resembles the one proposed a hundred years ago by Lenin in his Congress of the Peoples of the East. This meeting was attended by tribal leaders, religious sheikhs, intellectuals and revolutionaries from Turkey and Western Asia, because the Soviet leader understood that the heterogeneous anti-colonial struggle was the Achilles Heel of imperialism, and no revolution could be expected within the European colonizing metropolis.

That is where we remain: the centrality of the conflict remains between impoverished peoples across the planet and the oppressors who plunder their resources and lands. And that is where the Western left remains: it oozes a mixture of Zionist heritage and prejudices about native national liberation movements that do not fit into Eurocentric ideological corsets. Add in Arabophobia and Islamophobia and you have the explanation why these heterogeneous alliances with the Palestinian Resistance are not worthy of selective Western solidarity. Along with this, the deep imbrication of the left in the structures of the colonizing powers means that perhaps it only continues as an expectation to manage, in a progressive way, the profits provided to the West by having in Palestine a colony and some Arab minion regimes.

We are all repulsed by armed conflicts, but even more so by the oppressed peoples who are forced to engage in them and resist, precisely in order to live in dignity and peace. And the representation of these peoples is in those who resist, who must be given a voice, and not in those who submit.

If the European left is not capable of overthrowing colonialism, they should at least be bold enough to defend international legality and send arms and resources to the Palestinian Resistance and its allies.

(Al Mayadeen – English) ... ir-allies/

Scared to death of being accused of supporting 'terrorism' when in fact supporting the Palestinian armed resistance is actully supporting counter-terrorism. It is the Zionists who have inflicted terror on Palestinians even before 1948.


Hiding the 'ratio': Israel conceals 200+ troop deaths on Lebanon front

Having established a 1:1 kill ratio in the past six months of border clashes, Hezbollah has now set its sights on high-value Israeli targets to counter Tel Aviv's strikes into Lebanon's geographic depth.

Khalil Nasrallah

MAR 28, 2024

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Since 8 October, more than 230 Israeli soldiers have been killed by Hezbollah fighters in cross-border operations against the occupation state, according to field data obtained by The Cradle.

This suggests that the Lebanese resistance has achieved parity in the number of forces killed by both sides during the past six months of military clashes.

This feat is as significant as it is impressive, given that "relatively poorly armed and usually outnumbered popular resistance forces never achieve a 1:1 ratio against high-tech, heavily weaponized colonialist and neo-colonialist forces," as noted by one analyst in the aftermath of Israel's 2006 war on Lebanon.

Hezbollah's new 'targets ratio'

While Hezbollah honors the martyrdoms of its fallen fighters by disclosing both name and number, the Israeli military tightly controls its casualty information flow, masking the true extent of its losses and downplaying the significance of crucial Israeli installations struck by Hezbollah drones and missiles in the country's northern front.

Recent reports suggest 258 Hezbollah fighters have been killed since 8 October, while Israel has claimed only 10 fatalities among its forces - a highly improbable figure given Hezbollah's extensive dissemination of war footage showing its Israeli troop targeting operations.

In comparison, during Israel's 2006 war on Lebanon, which lasted only 34 days, Hezbollah's losses are estimated to be around 250 dead fighters versus Israel's declared 121 troops deaths, although that number is believed to be significantly higher. Ten Israeli deaths on the Lebanese border after six months of ferocious clashes makes little sense in this context.

Arab 'cannon fodder' and foreign mercenaries

Tel Aviv adds to this “fog of war” by employing Bedouin and Druze troops on its frontlines to make concealing army deaths easier.

For instance, Israel provides a "material allowance" to the families of soldiers from the Bedouin "Qasasi al-Athar" unit, which is deployed to a number of Israel's borders - Lebanon, Gaza, Egypt - with a focus on preventing cross-border infiltrations, particularly during times of conflict.

Field estimates indicate that the largest number of Israeli deaths occurred in the ranks of this unit.

In recent years, Israel has launched a series of military propaganda campaigns to showcase the diversity in its ranks. Deputy Army Spokesman "Captain Ayla," an Arab Jew, organized a 2020 tour at the Lebanese–Palestinian border with a Qasasi al-Athar unit officer named Ali Falah, who works within the Northern Brigade, to highlight the perilous nature of their work at point zero.

It seems that the Israeli military employs the same strategies – paying off the families of dead Bedouin troops – with soldiers from the Arab Druze community, who are part of individual formations and battalions or so-called 'local defense' in villages near the Lebanese border.

For instance, 70 percent of the 299th Battalion, which is stationed in the Hurfaish area – four kilometers from the Lebanese border – are members of the Druze community. The battalion has incurred casualties on the deadly front, but Israel has only reported one loss to date.

As with many armies facing decline, mercenaries have become a fixture within the ranks of the Israeli armed forces and are active in the combat units of the Israeli army. Many of these enlisted during the Gaza aggression and have been subsequently deployed to the border with Lebanon.

Despite the active involvement of mercenaries, their deaths often go unacknowledged, and their bodies are quietly repatriated without official recognition as fallen soldiers. Evidence suggests that a significant number of them have perished on the border frontlines.

Declining morale: why Israel hides its death toll

The unprecedented events of the Palestinian resistance's Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October have cast an ominous shadow over the entire Israel project, sending shockwaves through every facet of society.

With Tel Aviv's declaration of total war on Gaza and the sudden eruption of conflict on a second front in southern Lebanon, anxiety reached a fever pitch.

The Israeli military understood that waging a full-scale war on two fronts, particularly against Lebanon, where Hezbollah has raised an army of 100,000 and possesses vastly more sophisticated weaponry and training than the resistance in Palestine, posed insurmountable challenges.

In addition, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government faces unprecedented pressures from multiple domestic fronts: Israeli prisoners held by the resistance factions, the need to achieve stated war objectives in the Gaza Strip, 'displacement' of hundreds of thousands of Israeli settlers in the north, mutiny within his war cabinet, and the catastrophic economic damage resulting from the war.

Consequently, Israel's security establishment, with the support of the War Council, has pursued a series of policies to address the emerging reality on the northern border, primarily relying on US efforts and diplomatic interventions to return the settlers and free its prisoners – without resorting to military actions that are unlikely to guarantee ideal results.

The pressure from displaced northern settlers, coupled with the growing realization that Hezbollah has imposed a physical, geographic security buffer inside Israel, has heavily influenced the army's decision to conceal its staggering military losses, both human and material. Tel Aviv does not disclose this data to the public to avoid challenges that may lead to the expansion and uncontrollable escalation of the conflict.

Ratio: quality over depth

In exchange for obscuring its losses, the occupation army seeks to project an image of strength by launching air force raids deep inside Lebanon. These are intended to deter Hezbollah, along with threats by top Israeli officials, such as Chief of Staff and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, who proclaimed in November: “What we're doing in Gaza, we can also do in Beirut.”

Having already established a 'kill ratio' in this war, it is suggested that Hezbollah may be aiming to establish a new 'qualitative ratio' in its fight with Israel. This involves Hezbollah carefully selecting qualitative targets such as Israeli barracks and command centers – rather than merely matching Israel's 'depth strikes' in Lebanon – to deter the enemy and achieve its objectives.

To counter Israel's depth approach, Hezbollah has reframed the equation: it has prioritized 'qualitative Israeli targets' over mere geographical distance. This strategic shift was noted in the aftermath of Israel's attack on the southern suburb of Beirut to assassinate Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy head of Hamas' political bureau.

In response, the Lebanese resistance targeted a significant and sensitive site near the border – the Meron multi-mission air surveillance base – dealing a substantial blow to its functionality.

Hezbollah's strategic maneuvers have placed Tel Aviv in a difficult predicament. The resistance's evolving tactics disrupt the occupation army's operations, causing confusion and threatening to escalate strikes on quality targets in the event that the war expands.

Strikes targeting specific installations – such as the volley of over 100 rockets against strategic sites in the Golan Heights in return for an Israeli attack on Baalbeck earlier this month – carry profound security implications for Israel.

Hezbollah's deliberate and rapid retaliation underscores its readiness to confront any incursions into sensitive territories, rewrite the rules of engagement at will, and maintain the delicate balance of power along the border.

Why Hezbollah opened Lebanon's southern front

When Hezbollah opened a Lebanese front on 8 October last year, its strategic objectives were twofold: to bolster the resistance in Gaza and to sow confusion within the Israeli military on the northern front. This required significant troop movements, the deployment of air defense systems, and heightened air force readiness, as Israel anticipated potential escalation, especially in the initial stages of the conflict.

In addition to this primary objective, Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah highlighted another critical point: Israel's behavior within Lebanon. There was a concern that Tel Aviv might initiate or manipulate the front to align with its own objectives, possibly with a 'deterrent' intent.

The overarching objectives of Hezbollah's strategy included supporting the resistance in Palestine, synchronizing operations with the dynamics of the conflict there, enhancing deterrence against Israeli aggression, and preventing wide-scale attacks. Additionally, Hezbollah aimed to send clear messages through battlefield actions, showcasing the resistance's intelligence capabilities and versatility in targeting.

The strategy aims to restrain the conflict from expanding to serve Israel's strategic interests, all while inflicting constant attrition on the enemy forces stationed in the north.

Ultimately, Hezbollah's approach has resulted in significant losses and costs for the enemy, albeit less than what would be incurred in a full-blown confrontation. Consequently, the Israeli army finds itself ensnared in a front adeptly managed by Hezbollah, where calculations are based on actual losses rather than publicized figures or internal propaganda.

Its remarkable ‘kill ratio’ aside, Hezbollah has raised the stakes for Tel Aviv, which now has to calculate its losses every time it strikes deeper into Lebanese lands. Israel's misguided depth strategy has now created a Hezbollah 'quality ratio.' ... anon-front

Israel razes swathes of Gaza to cement 'long-term presence'

The creation of a buffer zone will see Israel confiscate 16 percent of Gaza

News Desk

MAR 29, 2024

Israeli soldiers overlook the Gaza Strip from a tank, as seen from southern Israel, January 19, 2024. (Photo credit: AP/Maya Alleruzzo)

Israel's continued construction of a buffer zone and control corridor in Gaza together imply that the Israeli army is preparing for "a long-term presence" in the strip, Haaretz reported on 29 March.

The one-kilometer-wide buffer zone will see Israel confiscate 16 percent of Gazan territory, while the control corridor will cut the strip in two, allowing Israel to control Palestinian movement at critical road junctions and between the north and south.

When the Israeli newspaper requested additional information about the project, the Israeli army spokesperson used "vague terminology," saying only that Israeli forces are busy "arranging the obstacle area as part of the implementation of a defense strategy, and in accordance with government instruction."

Haaretz obtained high-resolution satellite images detailing the extent of the destruction caused by the buffer zone's creation.

The images showed several epicenters of destruction, including structures razed to the ground, whether through deliberate demolition or airstrikes launched as part of Israel's war on Gaza since 7 October. The images also showed Palestinian homes destroyed beyond the one-kilometer distance from the Israeli border to prevent access to the buffer zone.

According to an Israeli army source speaking with Haaretz, the control corridor, known as Netzarim, is intended to cut the Gaza Strip in two, allowing the military to access various areas within Gaza quickly. The corridor will also allow Israel to monitor and control the movement of Palestinians between the northern and southern sectors.

The satellite images indicate that the corridor is being constructed near two strategic roads connecting the north and south: the Salah al-Din Road in the center of Gaza and the road along the Mediterranean coast.

Early in the war, the Israeli army demanded that Palestinians move to the south of Gaza along the Salah al-Din Road. Israel declared the road would be safe for Palestinians to flee through, but as hundreds of thousands heeded the demand, Israeli forces bombed the road.

The control corridor will allow Israel to prevent these displaced Palestinians from returning to their homes in the north, a key demand of Hamas in the negotiations to reach a ceasefire.

On the border of Gaza and Egypt, Israel's construction of the buffer zone involves the destruction of agricultural fields, greenhouses, solar panels, and many residential structures. According to Haaretz, the Israeli army is now systematically demolishing these structures.

According to the informed source speaking with Haaretz, Israel will construct earth-dykes in the buffer zone that Israeli troops will go in and out of. However, there are currently no plans to set up any permanent military posts within it. Instead, Israel will maintain control of the buffer zone through the use of fire and monitoring from within Israel. The army will allow no one to come close to the buffer zone and will shoot anyone crossing into it.

Israel's construction of the buffer zone and confiscation of 16 percent of Gaza violates international law and the Geneva Conventions.

Last month, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, said that "Israel has not provided clear reasons for such extensive destruction of civilian infrastructure. I remind the authorities that forcible transfer of civilians may constitute a war crime."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said little about Israel's long-term plans for Gaza. However, members of the political parties in his coalition government have made clear they intend to forcibly expel Gaza's 2.3 Palestinian inhabitants to other countries, annex the strip, and build Jewish settlements on the ruins of Palestinian cities. ... m-presence



Israel Lies About Being A Victim So That It Can Victimize

They lied about decapitated babies so that they could kill babies. They lied about rape so that they could rape. They lied about Hamas using civilians as human shields so that they could use civilians as human targets. They lie about being victims so that they can victimize.

Caitlin Johnstone
March 30, 2024

The Washington Post reports that in recent days the Biden administration has quietly signed off on sending Israel billions of dollars worth of fighter jets and the 2,000-pound bombs that have been causing so much death and destruction in Gaza, even as Israel prepares to launch a bloody assault on the strip’s densely-populated southernmost point.

Literally just completely ignore every single thing US officials say about the need to protect civilians and how Biden’s feelings are privately “frustrated” with Netanyahu. Just ignore their entire narrative about what their goals are in Gaza. Their actions make it clear.

Protesters from Palestine Action have forced Israel-based arms dealer Elbit Systems to permanently close one of its factories in the UK as demonstrators have made it too difficult for the factory to operate. We’ll never vote the empire away, but we might someday be able to direct action it away.

Video footage has surfaced of IDF troops murdering two unarmed Palestinians in cold blood and then burying their bodies with bulldozers to conceal their crime. This is surely not anywhere close to the first time such a thing has happened in Gaza, and is yet another sign that the death toll from this onslaught is probably a massive undercount.

Israel’s assault on Gaza features heavy earth-moving equipment more extensively than any other military operation anyone’s ever seen. One reason is because it’s a great way to destroy Palestinian homes. Another reason is because it’s a great way to hide dead Palestinian bodies.

An IDF commander has told Israeli media that on October 7 he made the decision to fire on vehicles he knew could have Israelis in them because “it’s better to stop the abduction and that they not be taken,” adding more weight to the mountain of evidence that Israeli troops fired on Israelis on October 7 to prevent them from being taken hostage. Israeli bombs and blockades have been picking off the remaining hostages ever since, with Israel now estimating that only 60 to 70 of the 134 hostages are still alive.

Whenever you run into an Israel apologist who is defending against criticisms of Israel’s actions in Gaza by saying “Hamas just needs to release the hostages and this all ends,” maybe go ahead and remind them of this.


ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt just went on MSNBC’s Morning Joe and compared wearing a Palestinian keffiyeh to wearing a Nazi armband. The mass media keep having this lunatic on as an expert analyst and he keeps saying the most bat shit insane things imaginable. Any screaming schizophrenic off the street would be just as qualified as Greenblatt.

A former ranking IDF officer has told Haaretz that Israel is conducting “a war of cruel rich people” which is causing many times more destruction than necessary to accomplish its stated objectives against Hamas.

“In principle, it would be possible to arrive at similar achievements with 10 percent of the destruction we have caused,” the unnamed source told Haaretz.

Ten percent. Israel is causing ten times more damage than it needs to to achieve its stated objectives because its stated objectives are false — Israel’s real goal is not to defeat Hamas, it’s to grab a bunch of land from a Palestinian territory.

Of all the pants-on-head idiotic things Israel and its apologists ask us to believe, “The UN just hates Israel for no good reason so all its claims should be dismissed” is definitely among the dumbest.

Israel apologists constantly claiming the UN is antisemitic and treats Israel unfairly remind you of a boy who never does any homework and keeps saying his bad grades are because his teacher hates him. The UN talks about Israel a lot because Israel is a murderous criminal regime.

If you still have any doubt that we live in a profoundly sick dystopia as deranged as anything that’s ever been imagined in fiction, take note of the fact that the most powerful empire in history is currently trying to propagandize you into thinking an obvious genocide is fine.

They lied about decapitated babies so that they could kill babies.

They lied about rape so that they could rape.

They lied about Hamas using civilians as human shields so that they could use civilians as human targets.

They lie about being victims so that they can victimize. ... victimize/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 31, 2024 12:10 pm

Gaza War: Deceptions, Distortions, Misperceptions. What are the Relevant Actual Facts?
By Charles Pierce - March 29, 2024 0


Responses to the current violence in, and from, Gaza vary as follows:

Israeli leaders, much of the Israeli public, and Zionists in the West, thirsting for vengeance, call for genocidal mass murder and/or wholesale ethnic-cleansing operations against the people of Gaza.
Israel and its Western imperial allies (U.S., et al.) evade the actual causes (Palestinian grievances for which peaceful appeals for redress invariably go unanswered); and they condemn all resorts to violent resistance by the long-persecuted Palestinians.
Many liberal leftists, evidently obsessive to distance themselves from all U.S.-designated “terrorists” and other alleged enemies of “democracy,” always preface any condemnation of Israeli crimes against the Palestinians with an absolute condemnation of the October 7 attack against Israel by resistance forces in Gaza. Thusly, they purvey a false moral equivalence between the violence of the oppressed and that of their oppressor.
A few partisans of the Palestinian cause have asserted that all Israeli suffering from the October 7 attack by Gaza resistance fighters was deserved, thereby exhibiting a lack of recognition and empathy for the innocent victims thereof. In fact, innocent victims are generally inevitable in war, even in just and necessary wars, but nevertheless deserving of sympathetic recognition.
Consistent activists for social justice: condemn the Zionist persecution of the Palestinian people; acknowledge the right of the oppressed to resist, including by violent means when left with no viable alternative; acknowledge obvious faults and mistakes in the resistance forces; and sympathize with all innocent victims, whether deliberately targeted or unavoidably caught in the crossfire.

Unfortunately, after decades of racist distortions by Zionists and supportive imperial Western states, and given hard-to-avoid reliance upon a dominant and biased Western mainstream media, even consistent supporters of the Palestinian cause sometimes take, as fact, notions which have become generally accepted as “true” (unaware that critical investigation may disprove it). Consequently, mistakes can occur when there is rush to judgment and publication without questioning and scrutinizing so as to ascertain what are the relevant actual facts.

ROOTS OF THE CONFLICT. The current Gaza War can be fully and accurately understood only when placed in the context of Jewish and Palestinian history.

Defining Palestine. Prior to the 16th century BCE, the territory on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean was populated by small Canaanite city-states. In the 10th and 9th centuries BCE, three small kingdoms (Israel, Judah, and Philistia) occupied the territory south of the Lebanon. From the Assyrian conquest (8th century BCE) until 1917, the territory was nearly always under the rule of a succession of tributary empires, the Ottoman being the last. Throughout those centuries, various episodes of oppression and revolt, as well as opportunities in other places, resulted in a large Judean/Jewish diaspora. After the Roman Empire made trinitarian Christianity the established religion (4th century CE), the population in Palestine began increasingly to convert (from Judaism, Samaritanism, paganism, other forms of Christianity, etc.) to the established faith. Similarly, following conquest by the first Islamic empire, the population gradually began converting to Islam, until it was more than 80% Muslim by the mid-19th century. Imperial Britain, which conquered the area in 1917, was given a League of Nations Mandate over Palestine, specifically defined as the territory between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Since then, the term “Palestine,” despite Zionist objections (that a larger expanse of land is rightfully theirs or alternatively that there is no such country as Palestine and no such people as “Palestinians”), has generally meant the Mandate territory “from the river to the sea.”

Christian procession in Bethlehem c. 1920. [Source:]

“Jewish problem”? European Jews had experienced centuries of persecution (segregation into ghettos, abusive impositions, and pogroms) under medieval Christian European autocracies. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Jewish activists responded to the most recent pogroms and other persecutions in two opposing ways: Whereas anti-racist secularists (liberal democrats and socialists) strove, along with like-minded gentiles, for equal rights for Jews in their home countries, Zionists, defining Jewish presence in gentile countries as a “Jewish problem,”[1] embraced a racial conception of Jews and refused to do so.[2] They sought instead to remove Europe’s Jews to colonial settlements in Palestine where they intended to eventually displace the indigenous population in order to establish a “Jewish state.”[3]

Resistance to Judeophobia? Until World War II (1939-45), Zionist organizations routinely colluded with Judeophobe governments (including Nazi Germany) in facilitating Jewish removal (with preference for emigration to Palestine).[4] Moreover, in the face of extreme persecution in Nazi Germany (1933-39), the Zionist Organization (formed in 1897) discouraged efforts, as at the Évian Conference (1938), to obtain refuges for persecuted European Jews in countries (United States, Canada, Australia, Latin America, etc.) other than Palestine.

Jewish-Arab conflict. Unlike in much of Europe, Palestinian Jews (about 4% of the population in 1880) lived amicably with their Muslim and Christian neighbors until the in-migration of European Zionist colonizers in the early 20th century. Zionist settlement was sponsored by some European and American Jewish capitalists who provided money for land acquisitions (generally from absentee landlords who owned most of the arable land). The Zionists then evicted the indigenous Arab tenant farmers, thereby violating the traditional rights of the latter. Moreover, the Zionist sponsoring organization (Jewish Agency) and its landholding body (Jewish National Fund) required that Jewish employers hire only Jews and prohibited the sale of any Jewish-owned land to Arabs. Such racial discrimination was standard practice within the Zionist settlements, and it quite predictably provoked Palestinian Arab resentment against the Zionist settlers. [See UNISPAL: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1947 (Part I) ~ §§ V and VI]

Zionist settlers in Israel during the era of the Ottoman Empire. [Source:]

Imperialism. After other colonialist powers had turned down Zionist applications, imperial Britain decided, with its Balfour Declaration (in 1917), to sponsor the Zionist project of establishing a European Jewish colonial settler state in Palestine.[5] Britain visualized said state as developing into a useful protectorate [UNISPAL: The Origins … (Part I) ~ § II] through which to project British imperial and commercial power over a part of the world in which British capital and empire were already heavily invested (notably in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company [now BP Inc.], Shell Oil, and the Suez Canal).

Democratic governance denied. Throughout its (1917-48) rule over Palestine, Britain deferred to the Zionists by refusing to meet its obligations (pursuant to Article 22 of the League of Nations Covenant), which required the Mandatory power to respect the wishes of the country’s population and to prepare said country for independence by establishing a democratically elected representative governing body [UNISPAL: The Origins … (Part I) ~ §§ IV-IX]. Why? Because such body would undoubtedly have opposed continued moves to transform Palestine into a Zionist nation-state and would have demanded an end to unconstrained Zionist immigration, Zionist land acquisitions, evictions of Arab tenant farmers, and racially discriminatory employment practices.

Revolt. Throughout the first nearly two decades of colonial rule, Britain refused any consideration of mostly peaceful appeals and protests for redress of Palestinian grievances. When Palestinians finally lost patience and revolted (1936-39); Britain armed, trained and used Zionist militias to help put down said revolt with massively murderous violent repression, killing thousands of Palestinian Arabs. Those militias would, in 1948, be constituted as the Israeli army.

Partition [UNISPAL: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem: 1917-1947 (Part II) ~ §§ I-IV]. The then 57-member United Nations (UN), dominated mostly by European and American states ruled by white and/or Eurocentric* elites, proposed (in 1947) a partition of Palestine (by then with a population 32% Jewish and 68% Arab) such that a “Jewish state” would have 55% of the territory, a Palestinian Arab state would have 42%, and 3% around Jerusalem would be under UN administration. Moreover, the “Jewish state” was to rule over a huge Arab minority (more than 40% of Palestinian Arabs), while the “Arab state” would have almost no Jews. Representative democracy was evidently deemed unacceptable where Arabs were the majority, but acceptable where Jews (mostly recent immigrant colonists from Europe) were the majority. [* Note: Although most Latin American countries’ populations were majority non-white (Indigenous, mestizo, etc.), in most of those, the ruling elites belonged to racial groups (white and/or mestizo) which identified with their European ethnic heritage.]

Nakba [UNISPAL: The Origins … (Part II) ~ § V]. The Zionist militias waged a terrorist war of conquest through which they: massacred peaceful Palestinian villagers; seized and annexed (1947-49) half of the territory allocated by the UN for the Palestinian Arab state; and forcibly expelled more than 80% of the Palestinians (directly and/or through terrorist threat) from territory which came under Israeli control. Four Arab states intervened militarily, by using mostly ill-trained and poorly equipped military forces in ineffectual defense of the Palestinians. The Zionist state confiscated all of the properties of the expelled Palestinians (whom it barred from returning) and nearly 40% of the landholdings of the Palestinians who remained in its territory. It also subjected the latter to repressive military rule for the next 18 years.[6]

Later conquests. Israel launched surprise wars of conquest (1956 and 1967). U.S. pressure forced it to give up its 1956 conquests (Gaza and Sinai) and to abort its planned seizure of the West Bank and parts of Syria and Lebanon. U.S. acquiescence, in 1967, allowed Israel to seize much the same territories which it had wanted to annex in 1956. Subsequent Israeli rule (over Gaza, East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Syria’s Golan, and Lebanon’s Sheba’a Farms) since 1967 has subjected their Arab populations to persistent violations of human rights, continuing to the present day.


Subsequent aggressions. Murderous Israeli aggressions against its neighbors (especially Syria and Lebanon) persist until the present day. In addition to repeated violations of territory, said aggressions include multiple large-scale military invasions of Lebanon. These included using a false allegation, of PLO involvement in an assassination attempt on an Israeli ambassador, as pretext for invasion and occupation (1982) of 40% of Lebanon in an ultimately unsuccessful attempt to impose a subservient client regime. Death toll: Arabs (Lebanese, Palestinians, and Syrians) 14,000 to 19,000 (mostly civilians); Israelis fewer than 400 (mostly soldiers). Israel made partial withdrawals until 1985, but (despite most Palestinian resistance forces having been removed in 1982), it occupied a swath of southern Lebanon until persistent armed Lebanese resistance (by Hezbollah, Amal, and units of the Lebanese Army) induced its withdrawal (in 2000).

Israeli troops in Lebanon, 1982. [Source:]

Holocaust weaponized. Ever since the Axis War (1939-45), Zionists and their supporters have manipulated popular sympathy for the Jewish victims of the European holocaust in order to obtain support for Zionism. They speak as though Jews were the only victims of the deliberate Nazi mass murder (systematic mass killing plus intentional starvation programs in occupied territory and POW camps). In fact, the actual death toll was more than 17 million (at least 11 million Slavs, some 5.9 million Jews, and probably more than 250,000 Romani). Zionists and supporters insist that the world must atone for the genocide of the six million Jews by granting them Palestine for a “Jewish state,” but they ignore the fact that justice would require any such compensation to be borne by Christian Europe, which perpetrated and/or permitted the genocide, not by the Palestinian Arabs, who had no part in it.

Anti-Semitism? Zionists and their supporters routinely attempt to silence opponents of Zionism and critics of Israeli crimes against humanity by smearing critics as purveyors of “anti-Semitism,” the word which Zionists and their allies use exclusively to mean Judeophobia (hatred of Jews), even though the Arab victims of Zionism are also Semitic in language and ancestral origin. When their critics are Jewish, as many are, Zionists routinely disparage and dismiss them as “self-hating Jews.” As Zionists obsessively smear their anti-racist critics, they generally give much less attention to actual Judeophobes. With growing popular opposition to Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, states abetting those crimes have increasingly enacted laws criminalizing free-speech activities in support of Palestinians. Those enactments include prohibitions against boycott and divestment (BDS) participation and laws defining opposition to Zionism as “anti-Semitism,” using the Zionist IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) definition which includes, as “anti-Semitism,” opposition to the existence of Israel as a Jewish supremacist state.

HAMAS. Israel, its Western allies, and their mainstream media portray Hamas as a “genocidal” “terrorist” organization. Relevant facts, listed below, mostly go unreported, distorted, or falsified.

Origin. Hamas originated (1987) in Palestine as a transformation of Mujama al-Islamiya, which had been formed (1973) as a Palestinian affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas, unlike the Brotherhood, embraced a Palestinian national liberationist political orientation.

Governance doctrine. Like the Brotherhood, Mujama al-Islamiya adhered to a Salafist (patriarchal and theocratic) approach to governance; whereas a majority of Palestinians preferred the progressive secularism of the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO]. However, Western alliance and Israeli motivations for condemning Hamas have nothing to do with its Salafist leanings; they are solely on account of its militant resistance to Zionist oppression of the Palestinians. In fact, Western supporters of Israel make no complaints where autocratic Arab states (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar), allied to the West, impose patriarchal and theocratic policies similar to those embraced in Brotherhood doctrine. It must be noted that Hamas’s doctrine and actual practice (since obtaining governing power) have been inconsistent. For example, in Gaza, a local faction (along with some rival Islamist groups), has periodically attempted to impose the Brotherhood interpretation of sharia law (including hijab) through religious coercions and persecutions, in defiance of the contrary policy prescribed by Hamas’s more permissive leadership. In fact, said leadership (though still embracing widely held patriarchal views on the role of women) has not decreed any such imposition.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad [PIJ]. Most commentators make no effort to recognize the differences between PIJ and Hamas. PIJ (founded 1981) is, unlike Hamas, a purely anti-colonial and anti-imperialist Palestinian national liberation organization. Whereas Hamas is a multifaceted (political, religious and social-welfare) movement; PIJ is strictly an organization of revolutionary activists. PIJ, in contradistinction to the theocratic faction in Hamas, has no interest in Islamist religious impositions; it is “Islamist” only in that it embraces the Islamic principle of struggle (jihad) against injustice. As national liberation organizations, Hamas and PIJ, though their doctrinal and strategic visions diverge, largely cooperate in the common struggle against Israeli oppression.

Muslim Brotherhood versus PLO. Gaza (along with the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Syria’s Golan, and Lebanon’s Sheba’a Farms) had been, and remain, under repressive Israeli occupation since Israel’s 1967 war of conquest. From its founding, Mujama al-Islamiya (as a Salafi Islamist organization) competed with the secular PLO for support among Palestinians, and their competition sometimes erupted into violent clashes. Israel exploited that antagonism by enabling the activities of the Islamist organization as an alternative to the far-more-popular PLO which then represented the militant Palestinian resistance to Israeli occupation and persecution.

Intifada (Arabic for “uprising”). Ongoing Israeli repression (land seizures for illegal settlements, arbitrary detentions, torture of detainees, days-long curfews, indiscriminate killings, deportations, home demolitions, etc.) provoked a spontaneous mass resistance, the First Intifada (1987-93), which included strikes, boycotts, mass protests, road-blocks, use of stone-throwing and petrol bombs against Israeli police using violence to suppress protests, and other acts of civil disobedience.

Israeli government ministers responded with calls for wholesale expulsion of the Palestinian population (a policy too extreme to be condoned by Israel’s Western allies in need of credibility with Arab states). Israel’s indiscriminate intensified repression affected all Palestinians, Islamists and PLO sympathizers alike. Some leaders of Mujama al-Islamiya, concerned that inaction would render it irrelevant, decided to join that militant resistance; and they then created “Hamas” (Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement”).

For the first year of the Intifada, there was a near-totally-adhered-to policy (prescribed by a soon-established PLO-influenced local leadership) of refraining from lethal attacks against Israelis. Nevertheless, Israel responded to the Intifada with its “iron fist” policy including lethal force, ultimately killing 1,087 Palestinians including 240 children.

Israeli soldiers and protesters in Gaza during the First Intifada in 1987. [Source:]

Oslo peace process (1991-93). When the Fatah-dominated PLO agreed, in the Oslo negotiations, to recognize the “Jewish state” on 78% of Palestine in return for duplicitous promises of negotiations toward the establishment of a Palestinian state in the 22% of Palestine then classified as Israeli-occupied territories, it effectively abandoned the demand for the human rights of all Palestinians throughout Palestine and in the diaspora. In fact, no Israeli government has ever been willing to accept a genuinely independent and sovereign Palestinian state in any part of Palestine, or to grant equal rights to Palestinian Arabs in any part of the territory, or to permit the return of Palestinian refugees.

The Oslo agreements produced the Fatah-dominated Palestinian National Authority (PNA). a quasi-government for the West Bank and Gaza, which has devolved into a corrupted client regime with no effective capacity to prevent Israeli land grabs (which every Israeli government has actively encouraged since the 1967 conquest), and the many other persecutions of the Palestinians whom it purports to serve. The Palestinian response to Oslo was divided with Hamas and allies (including PIJ), along with some factions of the PLO, refusing to concede legitimacy to the Zionist state. Whether we like it or not, Hamas soon thereafter became the leading organized force of the Palestinian resistance (which is why it won all-Palestine legislative elections in 2006).

Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Shimon Peres signing the Oslo Accords with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Chairman Yasser Arafat standing behind him on his right. Bill Clinton is behind him and Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is to Clinton’s left. [Source:]

Judeophobia? The U.S. and its principal allies join Israel in branding Hamas as a Jew-hating “genocidal,” “terrorist” organization. It is true that Hamas’s first Charter (1988), advocating armed struggle to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation, embraced some discredited Judeophobe tropes (Articles 7, 22, 28, 32). However, pursuant to said Charter, Hamas “strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine [so that] followers of all religions can coexist in security and safety where their lives, possessions and rights are concerned” (Article 6); and “is guided by Islamic tolerance when dealing with the followers of other religions [which would include Christianity and Judaism]” (Article 31). Assertions, that Hamas wanted to kill all Jews or kill them because they were Jews, rest upon out-of-context interpretations of references to ancient Islamic quotations pertaining to specific Jewish communities which were then at war with the Muslim community. Moreover, its revised Charter (2017) drops the aforementioned Judeophobic tropes and clearly states (Article 16) that its fight is against Zionist oppressors and not against Jews in general. While Hamas believes that all of Palestine ought to be governed by an officially Islamic state, it embraces the Qur’anic obligation (sura 2:62) to respect the rights of peaceful non-Muslims (including resident Jews) to live and prosper in the land as long as they are not oppressing others.

“Terrorism.” Until Israeli forces killed more than 20 unarmed Palestinians protesting the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre of 29 Muslim worshipers (1994) by an Arab-hating Israeli extremist, Hamas policy was to avoid targeting Israeli civilians. Since then, Hamas, like Israel, has permitted its forces to attack any enemy target, civilian or military, whereas the Zionist state, throughout its existence, has routinely engaged in such indiscriminate killings of Palestinians. Moreover, Hamas has repeatedly offered to end violent attacks upon Israelis conditional upon Israeli reciprocation which has never been forthcoming for very long. In Israel and its Western enablers, Hamas attacks are always branded as “terrorism,” while far more massive Israeli violence against Palestinians (including unarmed civilians of both sexes and all ages) never is.

Hamas rally in front of replica of rocket used to attack Israel. [Source:]

Equating to the Islamic State (IS) or al-Qaeda (AQ). In 2008, a small group of AQ sympathizers organized in Gaza as Jund Ansar Allah (JAA). They denounced Hamas: for being “too lenient” by not enforcing Sharia law, and for being “no different than a secular nationalist state.” JAA also executed violent attacks (including bombings) against those Gazans whom they deemed to be in violation of Islamist morality, and they declared an “Islamic Emirate” in Gaza. Hamas then took forceful action to suppress the JAA. Hamas has likewise opposed other Salafi-jihadist Gazan groups which embrace AQ or IS. Whereas AQ and IS oppose democratic elections and pragmatic political compromises, Hamas embraces them. Whereas the former make war on alleged apostates and infidels and condemn Hamas for its tolerance, Hamas, in accordance with the Qur’an, embraces (though some local supporters have sometimes acted otherwise) an acceptance of respectful religious diversity. Despite the actual facts, Israel and its apologists persist in propagating lies to equate Hamas with al-Qaeda et al.

Democracy. Hamas surprised Israel and the U.S. by fairly winning Palestinian legislative elections (January 2006) and thereby obtaining the right to lead the PNA. Obstruction by Israel and the West has prevented any subsequent Palestinian election. Israel and its Western allies responded to the 2006 election outcome by demanding that Hamas abandon its commitment to fundamental Palestinian human rights by legitimizing Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

That demand was designed to produce a Hamas refusal, so that such refusal could then be used as a pretext for acts designed to cripple Hamas efforts to govern. The U.S. then pressured PNA President Abbas (of Fatah) to dismiss the fairly elected Hamas administration in defiance of the will of the Palestinian electorate. The Hamas Prime Minister (Ismail Haniyeh) attempted to overcome the hostility by asking Fatah to participate in a unity government (which Fatah refused), and by inducing Hamas ministers to formally resign their memberships in Hamas, all to no avail. Moreover, Abbas, under U.S. pressure, provoked a power struggle (in Gaza) over control of security services in a move to undermine and marginalize the Hamas administration. The resulting violent conflict ended with Hamas firmly in control in Gaza, and with Fatah in partial control in the West Bank, most of which was and continues to be under Israeli military rule.

Peace proposals. Hamas has repeatedly (since 2006) proposed peace through hudna (Islamic decade-long renewable truce resolving issues upon which current agreement can be obtained while negotiating upon remaining issues in an effort to reach a final peace agreement). Hamas’s proposed truce terms would include provisional acceptance by Hamas of Israel as an existential current reality, in return for a Palestinian state in the Occupied Territories with East Jerusalem as its capital (same as PLO except that Hamas would not concede legitimacy to the ethnic cleansings of 1948 and 1967 nor to the racial supremacist and apartheid character of the Zionist state). Hamas would continue to seek eventual acceptance by Israel of all Palestinian civil and human rights (the effect of which would be to end its apartheid, its ethnic cleansing, its other persecutions, and its continuation as a “Jewish state”). Israel, making Hamas’s refusal to give de jure recognition of the racist apartheid “Jewish state” as its pretext, has consistently refused to negotiate toward any peace agreement.


GAZA. Since the end of the Second Intifada (2005), Hamas has repeatedly sought and, when possible, entered cease-fire agreements with Israel. In fact, since seeking a role in government, Hamas evidently took seriously its obligation to serve the people of Palestine. Other resistance groups, often in defiance of Hamas, have sometimes committed small-scale violations of cease-fires, generally in response to Israeli violence. Whereas Hamas has striven to preserve cease-fires, Israel has repeatedly perpetrated major violations, thereby provoking resumption of violent conflict.

Israeli response to 2006 election outcome. Israel and all significant Palestinian resistance factions (including Hamas) agreed (February and March 2005) to a cease-fire under which the resistance would cease violent attacks upon Israelis on condition that Israel cease military operations against the resistance organizations. Despite Hamas having respected that cease-fire agreement, Israel responded to Hamas’s electoral victory (January 2006) by imposing, upon Gaza, a suffocating economic blockade (an act of war as well as an act of collective punishment which is illegal under international law). That blockade ultimately included denial of access to one-third of Gaza’s already limited arable land and 85% of its fishing areas. Moreover, Israel blatantly violated the cease-fire by assassinating (June 2006) the Hamas-appointed security chief (Jamal Abu Samhadana). Hamas responded by resuming attacks against Israel, which then commenced its “Operation Summer Rains” bombing of Gaza. Death toll: 416 (mostly non-combatant) Gaza Palestinians and 11 Israelis.

Hamas supporters at politically rally before 2006 elections which Hamas won. [Source:]

“Cast Lead.” A mediated six-month cease-fire ended (November 4, 2008) with an Israeli raid which killed several Palestinians in Gaza. Resistance organizations responded with rocket fire into Israel. Israel then commenced “Operation Cast Lead,” bombing Gaza in December and invading in January. Israeli war crimes included using Palestinian children as human shields and use of white phosphorus weapons with indifference to its horrific injuries to civilians (both being war crimes under international law). Amnesty International and other independent investigators found no substantiation for Israeli allegations that Hamas made a practice of using civilians as human shields, or used health-care facilities as bases for military operations. Death toll: 1,400 Palestinians (85% non-combatants), 13 Israelis.

Destroyed building in Rafah, January 12, 2009. [Source:]

Zuhair al-Qaisi [Source:]

“Returning Echo.” Israel not only refused to lift its suffocating economic siege of Gaza, it assassinated (March 9, 2012, by air strike) the secretary-general (Zuhair al-Qaisi) of the Popular Resistance Committees (then the third-largest armed resistance group in Gaza), thereby provoking retaliatory rocket attacks by resistance groups in Gaza. Israel then commenced its “Operation Returning Echo” (consisting of additional murderous air strikes). Death toll: 28 Palestinians, no Israelis.

“Pillar of defense.” Repeated Israeli attacks (from July 2012) upon Palestinian fishermen, farmers and other civilians provoked some additional clashes. Hamas and PIJ proposed (Nov 12) discussions to establish a cease-fire. Two days later, Israel assassinated Hamas’s military chief (Ahmed Jabari) in Gaza, thereby provoking an escalation of attacks from both sides. Israeli forces followed with “Operation Pillar of Defense,” a massive bombardment striking some 1,500 sites in Gaza (including residential apartment buildings). Death toll: 174 Palestinians (60% non-combatants) and six Israelis.

Ahmed Jabari [Source:]

“Protective Edge.” Hamas and Israel agreed to a mediated cease-fire (November 21, 2012). Israel violated that cease-fire the very next day, killing a Palestinian farmer and wounding 19 other Gazans. A week later Israeli forces opened fire on a peaceful Palestinian fishing boat. On November 30, Israeli soldiers killed another man in Gaza. On December 1, Palestinian Islamic Jihad warned that it would respond militarily to any further Israeli violations. In the first three months of the cease-fire, Israeli firing into Gaza killed four and wounded another 91; and there were 13 armed Israeli incursions into Gaza and some 30 attacks on Gazan fishermen.

These attacks provoked rocket attacks from Gaza by PIJ and other resistance groups, attacks which Israel then used as a pretext for further attacks and intensification of the blockade. Despite all of that, Hamas complied with the cease-fire agreement and acted, with some success, to minimize attacks by other resistance groups. After PNA President Abbas agreed to include Hamas in a unity government (formed June 2, 2014), Israel—opposed to any unified Palestinian leadership—acted to destroy it. Specifically, Israel stepped up its attacks upon Palestinians, thereby provoking more rocket launches from Gaza. Ultimately, Hamas, unable to persuade armed resistance forces to desist from retaliatory rocket attacks against Israel, abandoned (in early July) the already-ineffective cease-fire. Israel then responded (July 8, 2014) with its (“Operation Protective Edge”) ground invasion and bombing of Gaza. Death toll: 2,300 Gazans (65% civilian) and 73 Israelis (all but five being soldiers).

“Guardian of the Walls.” Multiple Israeli provocations (April and May 2021) in Jerusalem [including ethnic-cleansing confiscations of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem (in violation of international law), unimpeded settler violence, police harassment of Palestinian residents, and police invasions and denials of Muslim access at the Al Aqsa Mosque] provoked Hamas and PIJ rocket fire into Israel. Israel responded (May 16-21, 2021) with a bombardment of Gaza (“Operation Guardian of the Walls”). Death toll: 256 Palestinians and 13 Israelis. 72,000 Gazans were displaced by the Israeli bombing.

Scene following Israeli air strike in Operation Protective Edge. [Source:]

“Al-Aqsa Flood.” Hamas and PIJ had demonstrated a willingness to establish and maintain truces (long-term and short-term) with the Zionist state. Israel, however, evidently expected, despite cease-fires in effect, to have impunity as it perpetrated attacks, including assassinations, upon Palestinian resistance organizations. When resistance organizations responded with counter-attacks; Israel subjected Gaza to grossly disproportionate violence. Moreover, the current extreme racist Israeli government increased its persecutions and violations of Palestinian human rights: impunity for settler attacks upon West Bank Palestinians; stepped up grabs of land and water rights; dispossessions and expulsions; arbitrary detentions; increased killings of unarmed Palestinians; blocking of Muslim access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque; continued assassinations of resistance leaders; etc. Finally, Hamas responded with its “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” (October 7, 2023) against Israeli forces in areas around Gaza.

ATROCITIES? The nature of warfare is such that it would be unrealistic to presume that none of the October 7 Gaza fighters (some of whom were not affiliated with either Hamas or PIJ) committed excesses in violation of Hamas’s rules of engagement or in the heat of the moment. That said, lurid sensationalized allegations of mass atrocities by those Gaza fighters are fundamentally false (refuted below and in the noted sources).

Numbers and identities. “1,400” “innocent” Israelis murdered (October 7) by Hamas? In fact, around 200 of the dead were apparently Gazan resistance fighters, and the actual number of Israeli dead as acknowledged by Israel has been revised down to “around 1,200.” Moreover, of the 1,133 actually identified and listed by Israel, 369 (32%) were soldiers, police and other armed security personnel (most of whom were enforcing the Gaza blockade and/or had offensive or supportive roles in Israeli attacks upon Palestinians in Gaza). Further, at least 421 (another 37%) of the 764 listed as “civilians” were of the age (20 to 40) at which most Israelis are obligated to be military reservists, and some of those were killed (often while resisting capture) at kibbutz[es] (which are constituted as militarized settlements).


Killed by whom? A great many of the Israeli civilian dead were killed in crossfire, others (including many of the dead at the music festival) by indiscriminate Israeli air attacks failing to distinguish Israelis from Gazan resistance fighters, and some deliberately by Israeli forces to prevent their becoming captives in Gaza.

Decapitated babies? Israeli babies and toddlers decapitated by Hamas fighters? Absolutely false allegation, subsequently retracted.

Rape? We are asked to believe that Hamas and PIJ fighters, in difficult combat against Israeli armed forces, diverted their attention in order to amuse themselves by raping and murdering Israeli women, despite the fact that their essential objective was to bring as many captives as possible back to Gaza, and that such conduct would violate the Qur’an[’s] rules mandating humane treatment of captives. Israel refuses to provide real evidence or to permit any independent investigation of this allegation. Moreover, accusers misuse photos and videos of scantily dressed female captives as “evidence,” despite that some (including many participants at the music festival) were undoubtedly thusly clothed when captured. Israel evidently is using such allegations of mass sexual abuse as a defamatory racist portrayal of Palestinians so as to excuse the very real, massive atrocities currently being perpetrated by Israel against the people of Gaza. Meanwhile, captives released by Hamas generally report having been treated humanely.

Dehumanization and genocidal intent! In their propaganda war, Israel and its Western allies evade the injustices perpetrated by the Zionist state and falsely portray Palestinian resistance fighters as genocidal Jew-hating extremists. In actual fact, it is Israeli leaders and their Western apologists who routinely dehumanize and express genocidal intentions (including for ethnic cleansing and mass murder), not only against those who fight, but against an entire victimized population. Some examples:

Soon-to-be-appointed Israeli Justice Minister, Ayelet Shaked, endorsed (summer 2015) an Israeli writer’s statement asserting that Israel is in a war, “not against terror,” but “a war between two peoples,” the “enemy” being “the entire Palestinian people”; that Palestinian children are “snakes”; and that “the mothers” also should die to prevent their raising more “little snakes.”

Ayelet Shaked [Source:]

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in his guidance for Israeli action in the current outbreak of violence, twice referenced (October 28 and November 3) a biblical passage (about the Israelite war against the people of Amalek) which states “Spare no one, but kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings.”
Israeli President Isaac Herzog asserted (October 12) “It’s an entire nation…that is responsible [for October 7].”
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant stated (October 9) that Israel was “imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel.…We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

Yoav Gallant, center, with IDF troops. [Source:]

Minister of Heritage Amichai Eliyahu posted (November 1) “The north of the Gaza Strip, more beautiful than ever. Everything is blown up and flattened, simply a pleasure for the eyes.”
Deputy Speaker of the Knesset Nissim Vaturi “tweeted” (October 7) “we all have one common goal—erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.”
Minister of Agriculture Avi Dichter stated (November 11) “[w]e are now actually rolling out the Gaza Nakba.”

Avi Dichter [Source:]

Former Head of the Israeli National Security Council Major General Giora Eiland said (October 7) “The people should be told that they have two choices; to stay and to starve, or to leave. If Egypt and other countries prefer that these people will perish in Gaza, this is their choice.” He later asserted (November 6) that there should be no distinction between Hamas combatants and Palestinian civilians, saying: “‘They’ are not only Hamas fighters with weapons, but also all the ‘civilian’ officials, including hospital administrators and school administrators, and also the entire Gaza population.”

One former Knesset member called for all Palestinians in Gaza to be killed, saying: “I tell you, in Gaza without exception, they are all terrorists, sons of dogs. They must be exterminated, all of them killed.”

South Africa’s indictment lists several additional such comments by Israeli leaders.
When a group of Israeli soldiers and settlers assaulted three Palestinians in the West Bank (October 12), the three were beaten, stripped naked, bound, tortured, and urinated upon. Such abuse was nothing new. During the First Intifada (1987-93), this kind of humiliation by Israeli forces was routine. Men would be threatened with the rape of their wives or sisters; women would be threatened with sexual violence.
In response to Al-Aqsa Flood, multiple U.S. political leaders have urged genocide against Gaza: U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) urged (October 10 on Fox News) “level the place”; U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote on social media (October 9) “Israel must respond disproportionately”; and then-U.S. Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley (October 7 or 8 on Fox News) urged Israel to “finish them,” meaning the Palestinians. Although U.S. President Biden and his aides have not made such extreme public statements, his actual policy has been to abet those genocidal actions.

Lindsey Graham [Source:]

Marco Rubio [Source:]

Nikki Haley [Source:]

Israel’s “Arab problem.” Despite Netanyahu’s denial, Israel’s policy vis-à-vis Palestinians (whether in Israel, the West Bank, or Gaza) is to make their conditions as oppressive as possible (within the limits to which its Western allies will acquiesce) so that Palestinians will migrate to other countries. That is in accordance with Zionist prescriptions, from the time of Herzl (1890s),[7] to solve the “Arab problem” through “population transfer” (that is, ethnic cleansing).

Media bias. In the first days after October 7, the Western mainstream media focused almost exclusively upon grieving Israelis. It was only after the killings, destruction and extreme suffering in Gaza became so unavoidably blatant and massive that it began reporting on that. The racist anti-Palestinian bias of the Western mainstream media is exemplified by its response to reports of the three Hamas-captured Israeli men (shirtless, hands raised, holding a white flag of truce, and speaking Hebrew) nevertheless killed (December 15) by trigger-happy Israeli soldiers. That was treated as a horrific tragedy, but there was no thought to question, with Israeli soldiers acting that way toward captured Israelis, how do they act toward unarmed Palestinians.

Biden’s humanitarian concerns. U.S. President Biden (along with most congressional Democrats) expresses lip-service concern regarding Israel’s mass murder of tens of thousands of Gaza Palestinians (no more than 3% of whom could be armed resistance fighters). Biden could force a stop to it by supporting deployment of neutral UN peace-keepers into appropriate locations in Gaza, with U.S. guarantees of their safety, to protect hospitals, schools, desalination plants, sewage treatment facilities, humanitarian aid shipments, food and water dispensers, and UNRWA relief operations. It is highly likely that Hamas, et al., would welcome the introduction of such humanitarian intervenors as long as they are truly neutral. Meanwhile, for Israel to attack them would put it in armed conflict with the U.S. (and its allies) upon which it is extremely dependent. Instead of intervening in any real way to save lives in Gaza, Biden shows his true colors by sending munitions to Israel, by demanding billions of dollars for more no-strings military aid to the Zionist state, and by vetoing near-unanimous UN demands for a cease-fire.

Missiles headed to Israel. [Source:]

The conflict. The Zionists (seeking to build and expand their racist colonial settler state) and their imperial Western allies (serving the selfish interests of their war industries and other profit-producing commercial entities with interests in the region) have subjected the Palestinian Arabs to a century of systematic subjugation and persecution. The Zionists’ ultimate applicable objective is to eliminate the threat to Zionist Jewish supremacy by removing most of the indigenous Palestinian population through expulsion and mass murder whenever they can find pretexts acceptable to Western allies, and by making life so difficult for Palestinians that they will choose to migrate.

Systematic oppression always provokes resistance by the oppressed (including violent resistance when peaceful appeals prove futile), and the responses by Palestinians are no exception. The Zionist state has always responded to that resistance (even peaceful protests) with repressive violence, attempting to bludgeon the Palestinians into passive acceptance of their Zionist-intended fate. That fate? To be treated as subhuman, to be massacred, to be permanently expelled from their homeland, to be robbed of their property, to be denied their right to equal civil rights and democratic self-government, and (for those allowed at least temporarily to remain in Palestine) to be exploited as cheap labor to perform work which Israelis choose to avoid.

End. This conflict and the inevitable resulting violence will not end until Israel has eliminated nearly the entire remaining Palestinian population; or its Western abettors have been compelled (by organized popular pressure) to cease enabling it by funding and arming the Zionist state, preventing Israel from being held accountable for its crimes, and refusing to intervene in support of the victimized Palestinian population.

Howard M. Sachar, A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979). ↑

Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators (New York: Lawrence Hill Books, 1993). ↑

Benny Morris, 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008). ↑

Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, ch. 5, 6, 7, 12. ↑

Sachar, A History of Israel, 96-109. ↑

Sachar, A History of Israel, 386-89. ↑

Morris, 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. ↑ ... ual-facts/


Not a Single Palestinian Is Free
March 29, 2024

Manal A. Jamal on the complex system of laws, policies and regulations that Israel has put in place to curtail rights and freedoms.

National march for the Palestinian people in London, Oct. 14, 2023. (Steve Eason, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

By Manal A. Jamal
Common Dreams

The slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free,” has become one of the most controversial protest chants of the day.

Numerous students, activists, and political figures, including Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, have been penalized and/or censured for merely uttering the slogan.

And yet, university leaderships and America’s political establishment have yet to seriously engage the policies that have made this slogan a rallying call for a new protest generation.

Meanwhile, in January, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s announcement that Israel would retain full security control over the entire area west of Jordan did not as much illicit a single response from America’s political establishment.

Ultimately, no matter how we parse the protest slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free,” or which interpretation we choose, one reality remains: Between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea, not a single Palestinian is free.

From Israel, to the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), to the Gaza Strip, Israel has put in place a complex system of laws, policies, and regulations that fundamentally curtail the rights and freedoms of nearly every Palestinian and Arab (approximately 7.4 million people) in this territory.

Even among its own citizens, Israel has established different tiers of citizenship, only according full citizenship to its Jewish population.

Discriminatory Laws

Currently, 67 laws discriminate against the Palestinian and Arab citizens of Israel (Adalah), including laws that authorize Jewish-only screening committees to select land and home purchase applicants based on their “social suitability,” effectively denying applicants on the basis of race, religion or ethnicity.

In 2018, the Israeli Knesset passed the Jewish-Nation State Law which reserves the right of national self-determination to its Jewish citizens only, and advocates for the development of Jewish settlement as a national value.

Effectively, the law denies the collective rights of 2.1 million Palestinian and Arab Israelis — 21 percent of its population. The underfunding of Palestinian towns in Israel and employment discrimination against Palestinians and Arabs is commonplace.

Of the 46 Bedouin villages in Israel, home to a population of 200,000 to 250,000 (some of which identify as Bedouin and not necessarily Palestinian), only 11 are legally recognized by the state.

“Unrecognized” villages are not included in state planning or government maps, receive almost no state services such as water, sewage electricity, or health and educational services, and cannot obtain building permits to accommodate natural population growth, and are under constant threat of state demolition orders.

These communities are regularly at risk of being forcibly removed from their ancestral homes.

June 2024 will mark the 57-year anniversary of Israel’s military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and each year since 1967 has more or less marked a retrenchment of rights for Palestinians living under Israel’s military rule.

Collective punishment measures, such as arbitrary and administrative detention (arrest without charge or trial), criminalization of peaceful protest and freedom of expression, curfews, use of tear gas, house demolitions, deportations, and routine disproportionate use of force are everyday features of Israel’s military occupation.

Palestinian Youth Accord for Prisoners rally in Gaza support of Palestinian administrative detainees on a mass hunger strike, May 12, 2014. (Joe Catron, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Although in the post-1993 Oslo era, the Palestinian Authority attained limited self-rule in the oPt, Israel has remained in control of airspace, borders, security, movement of people and goods, and registry of the population (source: Human Rights Watch).

Moreover, the legalization of nationalist symbols, such as the Palestinian flag and its colors, and more open political affiliation with the PLO was accompanied by a new crippling system of movement restrictions throughout the territory.

In 1993, Israel put in place the first permanent military checkpoint separating Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank and imposed a general closure with checkpoints over the Gaza Strip.

As of early 2023, there were approximately 645 such movement obstacles in the West Bank, which included 77 full-time staffed checkpoints, 139 occasionally staffed checkpoints, 304 roadblocks, and 73 earth walls (source: UNOCHA).

These movement restrictions severely prevent or restrict access to services, main roads, urban centers, and agricultural areas, and have in short devastated the Palestinian economy.

More than 750,000 Jewish Israeli settlers now live in the West Bank. These settlement zones constitute approximately 40 percent of the territory to which Palestinians have no or minimal access (source: B’Tselem).

Israeli Jewish settlers have preferential treatment in every aspect of life from access to natural resources, economic privileges, freedom of movement, to guaranteed military protection and although the settlers are subject to Israel’s civil laws, Palestinians are subject to Israel’s military laws.

Kalandia checkpoint from West Bank into Jerusalem. (Joe Lauria)

After Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem in 1980, approximately 372,000 Jerusalem Palestinians became non-citizen permanent residents of Israel. Along with permanent residency status, Israel granted them access to state health insurance and state services, and the right to vote in municipal elections, and unlike Palestinians in the rest of the oPt, they can travel freely throughout the territory.

As Israel’s non-citizen permanent residents, however, the Palestinians of Jerusalem are not allowed to vote in national Israeli elections (and more recently Israel decided that they cannot vote in Palestinian national elections as well).

The municipality routinely under serves the Palestinian areas of East Jerusalem, resulting in insufficient educational facilities and services and subpar infrastructure, and denies building permits to these communities. The movement restrictions have cut off East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank, severing critical organic economic ties, again devastating the economy of Arab East Jerusalem.

Jerusalem Palestinians are required to regularly prove that their “center of life,” or primary residency, is in Jerusalem. Failure to confirm continuous residency leads to the revocation of residency status. Since 1967, Israel has revoked the residency and forcibly displaced more than 14,000 Jerusalem Palestinians (source: B’Tselem).

Palestinians in the ruins of Aklouk Tower destroyed in Israeli airstrikes in Gaza City on Oct. 8, 2023. (Palestinian News & Information Agency for APAimages, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Israel closed off the tiny enclave that is the Gaza Strip and placed it under complete siege beginning in 2007. Since then, Israel has severely restricted the movement of goods and prevents Gaza’s residents from traveling to the West Bank or through Israel, denying most of the population critical medical treatment, and educational and professional opportunities that could only be obtained outside of the Strip.

The closure policy suffocated Gaza’s economy, leading to unemployment rates of approximately 46 percent in 2023, one of the highest in the world, and making 80 percent of the population reliant on humanitarian assistance. The 141-squared-mile enclave is best described as an open-air prison, and as I pen this article, Gaza’s captive population is being subjected to Israel’s genocidal war.

Regardless of how we choose to interpret the slogan, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will be Free,” this is the reality on the ground in terms of freedom for Palestinians, and this article does not even address the daily violence to which Palestinians are subjected.

Ultimately if there is any hope for a just resolution to this conflict, two questions will need to be addressed by the the political establishment in the United States: Can Israel’s allies continue denying basic human rights to Palestinians — rights that should be inherent to all human beings? And should Israel remain above international law and the laws of nations that underpin a rules-based order? ... n-is-free/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:01 pm

Israel kills over 400 during Al-Shifa Hospital siege

Israeli troops have detained hundreds, destroyed or burned over a thousand homes, and killed children execution-style by opening fire with live bullets

News Desk

MAR 31, 2024

Palestinians flee bombardment in Gaza City, where intense battles rage more than five months into the Israel-Hamas war (Photo credit/AFP)

Israeli forces have killed more than 400 people, including patients, the displaced, and medical workers during their 13-day siege of Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza's government media office reported on 31 March.

The ministry added that during the siege on Gaza's largest medical facility, where thousands of patients and displaced people are sheltering, Israeli troops have detained and tortured hundreds while destroying and or setting fire to 1,050 nearby houses.

On 27 March, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reported that Israeli forces had killed 13 children between the ages of 4 and 16 during operations in and around Al-Shifa in the previous week.

"Some of the fatal shootings occurred during an Israeli army siege while the victims' families were inside their homes; others occurred when the victims attempted to escape via routes that the Israeli army had designated as 'safe' after forcibly evacuating them from their homes and places of residence," the report stated.

Islam Ali Salouha, who lives close to Al-Shifa, told Euro-Med that Israeli forces killed his sons Ali, nine, and Saeed Muhammad Sheikha, six, while the family fled the area after being expelled from their home. Israeli forces specifically targeted the children with live bullets, he said.

Euro-Med reports that according to Salouha, on the afternoon of Sunday, 24 March, the Israeli army ordered everyone in the vicinity, through loudspeakers, to leave their homes or their homes would be bombed. He and his family fled on a corpse-strewn road that the Israeli army had designated for travel.

After walking only 10s of meters, Israeli forces opened fire on the family, killing the two children.

Salouha said that as they attempted to pull his two children off the ground, Israeli forces opened fire on them again, forcing them to leave Ali and Saeed on the ground and flee.

Safa Hassouna, a Palestinian woman living near Al-Shifa, told The National how she was forced to leave her home near the hospital when Israeli forces "broke in and forced them to leave."

When Israeli forces began launching repeated raids on Al Shifa almost two weeks ago, Ms. Hassouna had decided to remain in her home to avoid shelling. However, Israeli forces later raided her home.

"They bombed the door and forced us out," she said.

Hassouna said Israeli forces abducted her husband and two sons and told her to flee south with her daughter.

"They forced my husband and my sons to take off their clothes. They took them, and me and my daughter left," she said.

Hassouna said her husband and one son have been released, but the fate of her other son is unknown. As he was escorted away, Israeli troops used him as a human shield for their tank.

"I don't know anything about him, and I am worried," she told The National from southern Gaza, where she is now staying.

"We are experiencing all the sorrow and sadness. Enough is enough." ... ital-siege

Israel presents plan to shutter UNRWA in defiance of ICJ order

The proposal comes as the ICJ has ordered Israel to ensure sufficient aid delivery across Gaza in direct cooperation with the UN

News Desk

APR 1, 2024

(Photo credit: Reuters)

Israel has put forth a proposal to the UN for the dismantlement of its relief agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, in exchange for permitting more humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.

The idea was presented by Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi to UN officials in Israel last week.

According to UN sources who spoke with The Guardian on 31 March, the plan calls for the transfer of UNRWA employees to “a replacement agency to make large-scale food deliveries into Gaza.” The sources added that the proposal was relayed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

The proposal calls for the transfer of 300–400 UNRWA employees to another organization, either the UN World Food Program (WFP) or a newly created organization designed specifically for aid distribution in Gaza.

The Israeli plan also requests that even more employees and UNRWA assets later be transferred.

The proposal comes as Israel has been calling for the dissolution of the UN agency over unfounded accusations that some of its members took part in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October.

As a result, Israel has said it will refuse to coordinate with UNRWA – which has been sidelined from discussions on the matter.

“UNRWA has not been systematically privy to conversations related to coordinating humanitarian aid in Gaza,” said Tamara al-Rifai, director of the agency’s external relations. She added that the small size of the proposed entity Israel aims to establish to replace the organization would hinder aid distribution across Gaza – given the amount of UNRWA human resources and infrastructure that would be needed.

On Thursday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to take all measures to ensure aid distribution in Gaza in full coordination with the UN.

“If we allow this, it is the slippery slope to us being completely managed directly by the Israelis, and the UN directly being complicit in undermining UNRWA, which is not only the biggest aid provider but also the biggest bastion of anti-extremism in Gaza. We would be playing into so many political agendas if we allowed this to happen,” a UN official told The Guardian.

As a result of Israel’s allegations against UNRWA, Washington has cut its funding of the organization. To date, Israel has not provided evidence of its claims of UNRWA involvement in the 7 October events.

Earlier this month, an unpublished UNRWA report revealed that the Israeli army tortured some of its employees into making false confessions.

UNRWA has been operating in support of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced Palestinians since 1950. The organization provides education, health care, and other services. The majority of its employees in Gaza are Palestinian.

In recent years, it has suffered a severe lack of funding for its global operations. ... -icj-order

A potential UAE-Hezbollah thaw?

The surprise visit by a senior Hezbollah official to the UAE is a significant diplomatic development, carrying far-reaching geopolitical implications that could mend broken ties, step up regional deal-making, and sink US-Israeli normalization plans.

Radwan Mortada

MAR 31, 2024

Photo Credit: The Cradle

The veiled details behind the recent visit of Wafiq Safa, head of Hezbollah's Liaison and Coordination Unit, to the UAE remain undisclosed. Rumors propagated by Saudi media have tried to insinuate that the Lebanese resistance party aims to placate its stance towards Israel, possibly even contemplating concessions.

This narrative seeks to undermine or distort any real achievements gained during the rare trip. Despite all the conjecture, one development is undeniable: there has been a nascent shift in thawing the longstanding hostilities between Hezbollah and the UAE — a prominent Arab ally of both the US and Israel.

Strained relations

The sudden revelation of Safa's visit to the Persian Gulf state on 19 March was indeed astonishing — a first by a senior Hezbollah official in many years — particularly given Abu Dhabi’s active role in clamping down on even pro-Hezbollah sentiments within the UAE.

The UAE's track record includes arbitrary arrests and expulsions of Lebanese nationals under all sorts of dubious charges, often subjecting them to inhumane treatment, exemplified tragically in the case of Lebanese businessman Ghazi Ezzeldin, who was tortured to death while in Emirati custody last year.

News reports suggest that seven Lebanese citizens — four serving life sentences; two others facing 15 years in prison — remain incarcerated in the Emirates under charges of laundering funds for Hezbollah and Iran, and for the spurious claim of having made contact with Hezbollah. All of the detainees deny these charges.

In short, UAE authorities need little justification to accuse Lebanese individuals of ties to Hezbollah, which is designated a terrorist entity in the Emirates.

The UAE, it should be noted, is Tel Aviv's closest Arab ally in West Asia, marked by Abu Dhabi's decision in 2020 to normalize relations with the occupation state — with Bahrain, the first Arab state in the Persian Gulf to do so. Despite Israel's genocidal war against Gaza, economic ties between the UAE and Israel continue to flourish, further entrenching their alliance against common adversaries.

Against this backdrop, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad emerges as an unexpected mediator, leveraging his amicable relations with the UAE leadership, united in their opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Behind the scenes, the UAE has been quietly leveraging its international clout to lift US Caesar Act sanctions on Syria, with an eye on participating in the war-torn country's reconstruction efforts. As the first Arab state to break Assad's diplomatic isolation, the UAE has now seized the opportunity to engage with Hezbollah via its renewed Damascus channel.

Preliminary discussions, facilitated by Syrian General Intelligence Director Major General Hossam Louka, bridged the gap between the two parties. These exchanges, held on Syrian soil, involved representatives from both Hezbollah and UAE officials.

Louka also visited Lebanon and the UAE to meet with Emirati officials and the leadership of Hezbollah and convey a detailed message to Assad.

Contrary to the many sensationalized reports in regional media, informed sources tell The Cradle that Safa encountered no explicit demands from UAE officials during his visit. Instead, discussions centered on two pivotal objectives: first, securing the release of Lebanese detainees unjustly incarcerated in the UAE under charges of affiliation with Hezbollah, and second, improving the precarious conditions Lebanese expatriates face in the UAE, where their presence is securitized by the state.

The sources affirm the constructive nature of the meetings and indicate there may be imminent releases of the Lebanese detainees before the end of the holy month of Ramadan.

What do both parties want?

But the timing of Safa's visit, as Israel escalates airstrikes on Lebanon, Syria, and Gaza, raises speculation about the implications of this renewed relationship. Safa himself is on a US sanctions list, while Hezbollah retains its designation as a terrorist organization by both Washington and the Persian Gulf states.

The UAE, having previously subjected Lebanese nationals to unjust treatment, now initiates efforts to mend ties with Hezbollah. Conversely, Hezbollah, having waged a war to free prisoners from Israeli detention, displays a willingness to engage in dialogue, even if the optics of its representative shaking hands with UAE officials may not be well-received back home.

Following the visit, Hezbollah issued a very brief statement:

"The head of the Liaison and Coordination Unit, Hajj Wafiq Safa, visited the United Arab Emirates as part of the ongoing follow-up to address the case of a number of Lebanese detainees there, where he met with a number of officials concerned with this case, and [a solution to this issue will be reached hopefully]."

Nevertheless, the underlying question remains: What does the UAE seek to achieve? Did it initiate this thaw in relations merely to reopen its embassy in Lebanon after years of closure and diplomatic strife? Does the UAE have hidden intentions concealing these superficial objectives — and what role could Hezbollah play in this equation?

Outreach to Iran via its allies

Early this year, as the regional war expanded, CIA Director William Burns wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine: “The key to Israel's — and the region's — security is dealing with Iran.”

Abu Dhabi too, knows that the relationship with Tehran is pivotal to resolving crises in the region. Hence, the UAE has taken a significant stride towards Hezbollah, recognizing its critical regional role. While this unusual meeting could have taken place in Damascus, in secret, the UAE opted instead for a public airing and even arranged for Safa's transportation via plane to the Emirates.

Moreover, Abu Dhabi's interest in improving relations with Hezbollah and its leadership could have direct security benefits. The Lebanese party has influence with Yemen's Ansarallah resistance movement, whose naval operations in the Red Sea and other waterways are impacting international navigation and, thus, Emirati interests from the Persian Gulf to the Horn of Africa.

While a Syrian source tells The Cradle that the meeting yielded positive outcomes and is likely to be followed by further engagements, the visit carries implications that extend well beyond the immediate parties involved.

Beyond improving Hezbollah-UAE or Iran-UAE understandings, it will be essential to monitor the subsequent actions of Saudi Arabia's leadership after this event.

In essence, these developments could lead to improved future relations between Hezbollah and Arab states of the Persian Gulf, in turn reversing Washington and Tel Aviv's strategic target of clinching further normalization deals for Israel in West Asia. ... ollah-thaw

Iraqi resistance strikes key Israeli port city

The drone hit a military base just meters away from Israel’s renowned Saar-6 warship

News Desk

APR 1, 2024

A damaged section of a building targeted by the Iraqi resistance in a military base in Eilat. (Photo credit: X)

A drone launched by the Iraqi resistance struck the Israeli city of Eilat in southern Israel on the morning of 1 April, causing damage to a building.

“In support of our people in Gaza, and in response to the massacres committed by the usurping entity against Palestinian civilians, including children, women, and the elderly, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted this morning, Monday 4/1/2024, a vital target in our occupied territories with appropriate weapons,” the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) coalition announced early on Monday.

The Israeli army said that a “suspicious aerial target” entered the airspace “from the east” and struck a building “in the Eilat Bay area.” It added that there were no injuries, but that a building was damaged from the impact. Unconfirmed reports by Hebrew media say ambulances arrived at the scene.

Hebrew media reported that the drone made its way from Iraq, through Jordan, and into the southern city. According to Israel Hayom, the explosion reportedly took place meters away from an Israeli warship, Saar 6. The target of the attack was said to be a military base.

This is not the first drone attack targeting Eilat. Since October, the Yemeni Armed Forces have announced numerous drone and missile attacks on the city, known in Arabic as Umm al-Rashrash.

Eilat is the site of one of Israel’s strategic ports, the Eilat Port, which has suffered significant revenue losses since the start of the war due to Yemen’s Red Sea operations against Israeli shipping.

In late October, a drone struck a school in the city. Israel targeted what it said was the group responsible for the attack in an air strike on Syria in November.

Following the start of the war in Gaza, several Iraqi resistance factions banded together to form the IRI and began striking US bases in Iraq and Syria. The IRI suspended attacks on US bases following the killing of three US soldiers in a drone attack on the Jordanian–Syrian border.

However, it has since continued to announce attacks on Israeli targets. ... -port-city


From London 200.000 Protesters Demand a Ceasefire in Gaza

This is the eleventh protest in London claiming a ceasefire in Gaza. | Photo: @Hope10x1

Published 30 March 2024

At the end of the demonstration, which was attended by people of all ages and families, speeches were made by former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and British-Egyptian actor Khalid Abdalla.

More than 200,000 people, according to the organization that organized the march, participated this Saturday in a demonstration in the United Kingdom demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This is the eleventh such protest in the British capital since the beginning of the current conflict last October.

'Jews against genocide', 'Stop arming Israel' or 'Cease Fire Now' were some of the slogans used during the protest, jointly organized by the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Stop the War and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Jeremy Corbyn, former leader of the British Labour Party, delivered a speech in which he criticized the governments of the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries for continuing the "appalling arms trade with Israel" and said what is being seen in real time on global television is "the senseless destruction of life in Gaza."

On the other hand the British-Egyptian actor Khalid Abdalla, who played Dodi Al Fayed in the Netflix show 'The Crown', explained that he was attending the protest with his children and said that he dreams of a world where we no longer have to ask for an end to the occupation in Palestine. "We cannot allow this to continue for another generation," he said.

While the march in Russell and Trafalgar squares in downtown London passed peacefully, police arrested a man for soliciting support for a banned organization in this country, authorities said. Although no details were given, it could be Hamas, whose armed wing has been banned in British territory since 2001.

The protest was held on Palestinian Land Day, a significant date for the Arabs of Israel and the Palestinians, which, according to the organizers, commemorates the events of March 30, 1976, when six Palestinians were killed by the State of Israel in protest against the encroachment of its territory.

According to data from the Gaza health authorities, the total number of dead in the Gaza Strip had reached 32,490 and the number of wounded 74,889, after almost six months of Zionist offensive in that area, which began on 7 October. ... -0005.html



Israel’s Savage Destruction Of Gaza’s Healthcare System Is Exactly What It Looks Like

Israel has ended its assault on the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, because there is nothing left to assault.

Caitlin Johnstone
April 1, 2024

Israel has ended its assault on the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, because there is nothing left to assault. The facility — the largest medical complex in Gaza where hundreds of civilians had been sheltering — is now an empty, unusable, burnt-out husk. Witnesses report hundreds of corpses in and around the complex, with video footage showing human body parts protruding from the earth and bodies with zip ties on their wrists.

Israel is currently doing its usual song and dance where it claims the hospital was a Hamas headquarters and everyone it killed there was a “terrorist”, but at this point the only people buying that schtick are the ones who desperately need to. This was a massacre of profound savagery. It’s as plain as day to anyone who isn’t deeply invested in pretending otherwise.

Israel, which at the beginning of the Gaza onslaught had adamantly denied that it would ever attack a hospital, has since launched hundreds of documented attacks on Gaza’s healthcare services and has destroyed most of its healthcare system. Just today the director-general of the World Health Organization announced that an Israeli airstrike on Gaza’s al-Aqsa Hospital compound killed four people and injured seventeen.

Oxford University professor Nick Maynard, who spent time working at al-Aqsa Hospital earlier this year, recently accused the IDF of “systematically targeting healthcare facilities, healthcare personnel and really dismantling the whole healthcare system” in Gaza.

“It’s not just about targeting the buildings, it’s about systematically destroying the infrastructure of the hospitals,” says Maynard. “Destroying the oxygen tanks at the al-Shifa hospital, deliberately destroying the CT scanners and making it much more difficult to rebuild that infrastructure. If it was just targeting Hamas militants, why are they deliberately destroying the infrastructure of these institutions?”

Why indeed? If the objective is to target Hamas, why trash the hospital’s medical equipment? If the objective is to target Hamas, why destroy the whole complex and make it unusable as a healthcare facility?

Logically we can only conclude that it isn’t about targeting Hamas at all. It’s about destroying Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure.

Why would Israel want to destroy Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure? The answer to that question has been clear for months: to make the land uninhabitable for the Palestinians. The same reason they’re deliberately starving Gazans, destroying their homes, continually moving them from place to place and bombing every “safe zone” they create.

This is naturally giving rise to a situation in which the inhabitants of Gaza will either die or flee to some other country — which just so happens to be exactly what Israel wants them to do.

It’s so obvious what’s happening here. Painfully obvious. Poke-you-in-the-eyeballs obvious. But we’re still subjected to a western political-media class who keeps forcefully telling us that this blatant ethnic cleansing campaign is not what it looks like. Telling us that all this starvation and destruction and elimination of healthcare services and the way it directly places pressure on the Palestinians to leave their homeland is just a series of coincidences arising from Israel’s “war” of “defense”. That only by pure happenstance does it look exactly the same as the advancement of an agenda that Israelis have sought to advance for generations.

Well I personally am through with having my intelligence insulted, and I hope you are too. The sky is blue, a spade’s a spade, the emperor has no clothes, and Israel is conducting a very obvious ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza. ... ooks-like/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue Apr 02, 2024 2:18 pm

Israeli troops kill anyone entering 'extermination area' in Gaza

Haaretz says Israeli forces are killing civilians simply for unknowingly entering the combat zone and counting them as dead Hamas fighters

News Desk

APR 1, 2024

(Photo credit: Mahmoud Essa/AP)

Israeli officers, soldiers, and members of the security establishment say those they kill in Gaza are often civilians who pose no threat and do nothing but enter the combat zones, or “extermination areas,” established by Israeli combat units, Haaretz reported on 31 March.

Haaretz noted one incident in which the army spokesman announced the alleged killing of a fighter from Hamas' armed wing, the Qassam Brigades. After a rocket was fired from the Gaza Strip towards Ashkelon, the spokesman claimed, "The terrorist who launched it was identified, and an Air Force aircraft attacked and eliminated him."

However, about a week and a half ago, Al-Jazeera broadcast a video taken by an Israeli drone of the killing. The footage showed not one, but four people walking together in civilian clothing on a wide dirt path in the Khan Yunis area.

There was no one around them, only the remains of destroyed homes. An Israeli drone suddenly dropped a bomb on the young men. The explosion killed two of them on the spot. The two others were injured and tried to continue walking. Within seconds, a bomb was dropped on one of them. The other fell to his knees. Israeli forces dropped another bomb, killing him as well.

"A terrorist, basically," says a reserve officer who served in the Gaza Strip, "is anyone the IDF [Israeli army] has killed within the force's combat space."

"This is a very bad incident," a senior officer told Haaretz, "They were not armed; they did not endanger the troops where they went."

According to an intelligence officer, they were simply the closest to the site where the Hamas rocket was launched. "Maybe they were terrorists, maybe just civilians begging for food."

The incident is just one example of how the Israeli army operates in Gaza and tallies the alleged number of Hamas fighters it kills.

The Gaza Health Ministry reports that Israel has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, since the start of the war.

The army claims 9,000 of them were Hamas fighters. However, several permanent and reserve commanders who spoke to Haaretz dispute these numbers.

Who counts as a "terrorist" is subject to "a lot of interpretation," they explained, meaning that some civilians who have never held a weapon are being counted as Hamas fighters.

The alleged figure of 9,000 dead Hamas fighters has become a source of pride for the army and an indication that a victory against Hamas is being achieved. This provides more incentive to count dead civilians as fighters.

A senior officer in the army's Southern Command stated, "It's amazing to hear the reports after each activity about how many terrorists the forces have killed," he says, adding that "After six months of fighting, you don't need to be a great genius to realize that today there are not hundreds or dozens of armed men running around the neighborhood in Khan Yunis or Jabaliya, with weapons in hands, and fighting the IDF."

Instead, Palestinians are killed because they unknowingly enter the ‘combat space’ of an Israeli army unit operating somewhere in Gaza.

"In every combat space, the commanders define extermination areas," explains the reserve officer. "[N]o one – who is not part of the IDF forces – is allowed to enter, in order not to allow damage to the forces on the spot."

The borders of those extermination areas are not determined in advance but by each commander according to the area's conditions, the distance from the building where the forces are staying, and its height. "As soon as people, mainly adult men, enter the extermination area," says the reserve officer, "the order is to shoot, even to kill, even if that suspect is not armed."

A senior security source claimed to Haaretz that at the beginning of the war, Army Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi gave instructions not to simply kill anyone in the combat zone.

However, commanders on the ground are instructing their soldiers differently.

"From the point of view of the commanders, if we spotted someone in the area we were operating in and he was not one of our forces, it was just shooting to kill," says a soldier in one of the reserve brigades.

"We were specifically told that even in the case where the suspect flees into a building, and there are people in it – then we should open fire to kill the terrorist, even at the cost that the other people may be hurt," he said. ... ea-in-gaza

Washington’s post-war Gaza plans advance as PA hails new govt

The government’s formation came a day after an alleged joint Israeli–PA incursion into Gaza, which the resistance said it managed to thwart

News Desk

APR 1, 2024

(Photo credit: WAFA news agency)
A new Palestinian government was sworn in on 31 March in the presence of Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority (PA).

At its head is the newly appointed Prime Minister, Mohammad Mustafa.

In a speech after the swearing-in ceremony, Abbas said the new government's tasks include responsibility over “the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip,” adding that it has “full authority to carry out its duties in line with the law,” according to WAFA news agency.

“The government's tasks include the implementation of far-reaching institutional reforms to enhance performance and provide better services to the Palestinian people everywhere, unification of governmental institutions, maximization of humanitarian relief efforts in the Gaza Strip, reconstruction of Gaza and the West Bank and revitalization of the Palestinian economy,” he added.

“Our political goal is to achieve freedom, independence and liberation from the occupation, and we are working with concerned Arab and international parties to obtain full membership in the United Nations,” Abbas said, affirming that work will focus on “unifying our land and people and achieving national reconciliation” in line with the programs of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

The formation of the new government comes more than one month after the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh and after Mustafa was initially named as Prime Minister earlier in March. At the time, Hamas said in a statement that the naming of Mustafa and the plans for the formation of a new government were steps “devoid of substance” that were done by “national consensus.”

The shake-up is in line with US-sponsored efforts to reform the PA, to have it assume administration over a post-war Gaza – where Israel has vowed to dismantle the political leadership of the Hamas resistance movement.

The plan includes demilitarizing Gaza, forming a local governing authority, and bringing about a broader normalization pact with Arab states, including Saudi Arabia. As part of this reform plan, Washington and Ramallah have reportedly agreed to abolish the PA Martyr’s Fund – regular stipends from the Palestinian government to the families of resistance fighters killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.

Israel has long accused the PA of “encouraging terrorism” over these funds, despite Ramallah’s deep security coordination with the Israeli army and security services.

The swearing-in of the new government came one day after an alleged incursion into the Gaza Strip, carried out by PA forces at the orders of its intelligence chief, Majid Faraj. The PA has denied the incursion.

The Gaza Home Front said in a statement that the incursion, carried out with help from Israel’s Shin Bet, aimed to “create confusion and chaos” in the strip. It added that the incursion followed an agreement between PA intelligence and the Shin Bet in an unnamed Arab capital last week.

“The security services in Gaza dealt with these elements, and 10 of them were arrested, and the plan for which they came was thwarted. Anyone who dares play in a field that only serves the occupation will be struck with an iron fist,” the Home Front said.

Hamas and the resistance in Gaza have vowed to confront all plans for US and Israeli-approved post-war plans in the strip. ... s-new-govt

Israel airstrike 'flattens' Iranian consulate in Damascus

The strike killed at least seven Iranian diplomats in what amounts to a major escalation of the war against iran and the Axis of Resistance

News Desk

APR 1, 2024

Smoke rises after a strike, which Iranian media and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) have attributed to Israel, on a building close to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Syria, April 1, 2024. (Photo credit: Firas Makdesi / Reuters)

Israeli airstrikes destroyed the Iranian consulate in Damascus on 1 April, killing and injuring several Iranian diplomats in what is viewed as a significant escalation of the regional war between Israel and the Axis of Resistance.

"Around 17:00 this afternoon, the 'Israeli' enemy launched an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting the Iranian consulate building in Damascus. Our air defenses confronted the enemy's missiles, downing some of them," the Syrian Ministry of Defense announced Monday.

The ministry added that "The aggression resulted in the complete destruction of the building and the martyrdom and injury of everyone inside. Efforts are underway to recover the bodies of the martyrs, provide aid to the wounded, and remove the debris."

Iran's Ambassador to Damascus, Hossein Akbari, confirmed the Israeli attack targeted the consular section of the embassy building, which lies on sovereign Iranian territory, with six missiles.

Akbari said seven people were killed in the strike, but the names and the exact number of dead have yet to be specified.

He promised a “harsh response," explaining that, "This regime has no respect for international laws," he added. "We will support the resistant nation [of Palestine] and have no fear of the criminality of this regime."

Reuters claimed that according to a Lebanese security source, one of the dead was Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).

Reuters reported that the consulate, located in the Mezzeh district of the Syrian capital, had been "flattened." Emergency vehicles were parked outside, and the Syrian and Iranian foreign ministers were spotted at the scene.

An Israeli military spokesperson refused to comment.

Israel is facing a war on multiple fronts against Axis of Resistance members from Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Iran.

Political analyst Amal Saad observed that “Israel's killing of a very senior IRGC commander in Syria, along with others inside the Iranian Consulate, appears less about employing the ‘Madman Theory’ to intimidate and deter its adversaries, and more about deliberately embracing a strategy of chaotic warfare to escalate and expand the scope of the conflict so that the US will be forced to directly enter the war." ... n-damascus


Zionist Entity Assassinates Iranian General In Syria

Today, at 17:00 local time, Israel bombed the Iranian embassy area in Damascus, Syria. It hit a building next to the embassy which is used for consular services as well as for accommodations for embassy staff.

The target of the attack was General Mohammad Reza Zahedi (Abou Mahdi Zahedi) of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp. He as well as other IRGC personnel were killed.

Zahedi was stationed in Damascus on invitation of the Syrian government. His responsibilities included the IRGC relations with friendly forces in Lebanon as well as Syria.

The attack can be seen as another attempt by the Israeli government to incite a war with Hizbullah on its northern border. The idea behind such a war is to escalate far enough to draw U.S. forces into the fight (and to leave it to them to clean up the mess).

I doubt that the IRGC or its allies will fall for this. Zahedi will be replaced and the resistance against Israel will continue as planned.

Israeli officials in embassies around the world will now be forced to limit their movements in the general public as they are the most likely targets of revenge strikes.

Posted by b on April 1, 2024 at 16:03 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


PFLP: America’s Continued Supply of Internationally Banned Weapons Proves it is a Partner in Genocide[/img]
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 30, 2024


Popular Front: America’s supply of new weapons to the occupation confirms that it is an operational partner in the war of annihilation

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) affirmed that the US President and war criminal Biden’s administration’s permission to supply the Zionist entity with billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets, including 1800 MK840 bombs, confirms once again that America is an operational partner in the genocidal war being waged against our people in the Gaza Strip.

The Front added that the US administration’s provision of the Zionist entity with the most powerful internationally banned weapons exposes the myth of American pressure on the Zionist entity, or the existence of differences with the war criminal Netanyahu over the nature of the battle, and confirms its hypocrisy and lies regarding the protection of civilians who are killed around the clock with these American-made weapons.

The Front pointed out that the US administration continues to give the Zionist entity more privileges and incentives to continue the systematic killing, destruction and starvation against our people, and to legitimize its operations on the ground, including joint consultation on a plan to invade the city of Rafah, where the US administration explicitly spoke that it does not oppose the invasion of Rafah, but differs in the plan and mechanisms for carrying out this operation, and that it is ready to participate with the occupation army in preparing an appropriate plan for this that ensures “destroying the resistance brigades in the city”, according to its claims and wishes.

The Front concluded its statement by calling on free people and friends of the Palestinian people, solidarity committees, Arab and Islamic communities, black and indigenous movements in the United States to continue to pressure this administration to curb its support for the Zionist entity and stop the aggression against Gaza, stressing that Biden must be tried in the International Criminal Court as a war criminal like the Zionist leaders, for his direct involvement in heinous crimes against our Palestinian people, and for providing the Zionist entity with internationally banned lethal weapons.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Central Media Department

30-3-2024 ... -genocide/


How CIA and MI6 Created ISIS
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 30, 2024
Kit Klarenberg

Islamic State militants parade in Tel Abyad, near Syria’s border with Turkey. Yaser Al-Khodor/Reuters

Within just 24 hours of the horrific mass shooting in Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on March 22nd, which left at least 137 innocent people dead and 60 more critically wounded, US officials blamed the slaughter on ISIS-K, Daesh’s South-Central Asian branch. For many, the attribution’s celerity raised suspicions Washington was seeking to decisively shift Western public and Russian government focus away from the actual culprits – be that Ukraine, and/or Britain, Kiev’s foremost proxy sponsor.

Full details of how the four shooters were recruited, directed, armed, and financed, and who by, are yet to emerge. The savage interrogation methods to which they have been, and no doubt continue to be subjected are concerned with prising this and other vital information from them. The killers may end up making false confessions as a result. In any event, they themselves likely have no clue who or what truly sponsored their monstrous actions.

Contrary to their mainstream portrayal, as inspired purely by religious fundamentalism, Daesh are primarily guns for hire. At any given time, they act at the behest of an array of international donors, bound by common interests. Funding, weapons, and orders reach its fighters circuitously, and opaquely. There is almost invariably layer upon layer of cutouts between the perpetrators of an attack claimed by the group, and its ultimate orchestrators and financiers.

Given ISIS-K is currently arrayed against China, Iran, and Russia – in other words, the US Empire’s primary adversaries – it is incumbent to revisit Daesh’s origins. Emerging seemingly out of nowhere just over a decade ago, before dominating mainstream media headlines and Western public consciousness for several years before vanishing, at one stage the group occupied vast swaths of Iraqi and Syrian territory, declaring an “Islamic State”, which issued its own currency, passports, and vehicle registration plates.

Devastating military interventions independently launched by the US and Russia wiped out that demonic construct in 2017. The CIA and MI6 were no doubt immensely relieved. After all, extremely awkward questions about how Daesh were comprehensively extinguished. As we shall see, the terror group and its caliphate did not emerge in the manner of lightning on a dark night, but due to dedicated, determined policy hatched in London and Washington, implemented by their spying agencies.

‘Continuingly Hostile’

RAND is a highly influential, Washington DC-headquartered “think tank”. Bankrolled to the tune of almost $100 million annually by the Pentagon and other US government entities, it regularly disseminates recommendations on national security, foreign affairs, military strategy, and covert and overt actions overseas. These pronouncements are more often than not subsequently adopted as policy.

For example, a July 2016 RAND paper on the prospect of “war with China” forecast a need to fill Eastern Europe with US soldiers in advance of a “hot” conflict with Beijing, as Russia would undoubtedly side with its neighbour and ally in such a dispute. It was therefore necessary to tie down Moscow’s forces at its borders. Six months later, scores of NATO troops duly arrived in the region, ostensibly to counter “Russian aggression”.

Similarly, in April 2019 RAND published Extending Russia. It set out “a range of possible means” to “bait Russia into overextending itself,” so as to “undermine the regime’s stability.” These methods included; providing lethal aid to Ukraine; increasing US support for the Syrian rebels; promoting “regime change in Belarus”; exploiting “tensions” in the Caucasus; neutralising “Russian influence in Central Asia” and Moldova. Most of that came to pass thereafter.

In this context, RAND’s November 2008 Unfolding The Long War makes for disquieting reading. It explored ways the US Global War on Terror could be prosecuted once coalition forces formally left Iraq, under the terms of a withdrawal agreement inked by Baghdad and Washington that same month. This development by definition threatened Anglo dominion over Persian Gulf oil and gas resources, which would remain “a strategic priority” when the occupation was officially over.

“This priority will interact strongly with that of prosecuting the long war,” RAND declared. The think tank went on to propose a “divide and rule” strategy to maintain US hegemony in Iraq, despite the power vacuum created by withdrawal. Under its auspices, Washington would exploit “fault lines between [Iraq’s] various Salafi-jihadist groups to turn them against each other and dissipate their energy on internal conflicts”, while “supporting authoritative Sunni governments against a continuingly hostile Iran”:

“This strategy relies heavily on covert action, information operations, unconventional warfare, and support to indigenous security forces…The US and its local allies could use nationalist jihadists to launch proxy campaigns to discredit transnational jihadists in the eyes of the local populace…This would be an inexpensive way of buying time…until the US can return its full attention to the [region]. US leaders could also choose to capitalize on the sustained Shia-Sunni Conflict…by taking the side of conservative Sunni regimes against Shiite empowerment movements in the Muslim world.”

‘Great Danger’

So it was that the CIA and MI6 began supporting “nationalist jihadists” throughout West Asia. The next year, Bashar Assad rejected a Qatari proposal to route Doha’s vast gas reserves directly to Europe, via a $10 billion, 1,500 kilometre-long pipeline spanning Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey. As extensively documented by WikiLeaks-released diplomatic cables, US, Israeli and Saudi intelligence immediately decided to overthrow Assad by fomenting a local rebellion, and started financing opposition groups for the purpose.

This effort became turbocharged in October 2011, with MI6 redirecting weapons and extremist fighters from Libya to Syria, in the wake of Muammar Gaddafi’s televised murder. The CIA oversaw that operation, using the British as an arm’s length cutout to avoid notifying Congress of its machinations. Only in June 2013, with then-President Barack Obama’s official authorisation, did the Agency’s cloak-and-dagger connivances in Damascus become formalised – and later admitted – under the title “Timber Sycamore”.

At this time, Western officials universally referred to their Syrian proxies as “moderate rebels”. Yet, Washington was well-aware its surrogates were dangerous extremists, seeking to carve a fundamentalist caliphate out of the territory they occupied. An August 2012 US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report released under Freedom of Information laws observes that events in Baghdad were “taking a clear sectarian direction,” with radical Salafist groups “the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”

These factions included Al Qaeda’s Iraqi wing (AQI), and its umbrella offshoot, Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). The pair went on to form Daesh, a prospect the DIA report not only predicted, but seemingly endorsed:

“If the situation unravels, there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria…This is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want in order to isolate the Syrian regime…ISI could also declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria, which will create great danger.”

Despite such grave concerns, the CIA inexorably dispatched unaccountably vast shipments of weapons and money to Syria’s “moderate rebels”, well-knowing this “aid” would almost inevitably end up in Daesh’s hands. Moreover, Britain concurrently ran secret programs costing millions to train opposition paramilitaries in the art of killing, while providing medical assistance to wounded jihadists. London also donated multiple ambulances, purchased from Qatar, to armed groups in the country.

Leaked documents indicate the risk of equipment and trained personnel from these efforts being lost to Al-Nusra, Daesh, and other extremist groups in West Asia was judged unavoidably “high” by British intelligence. Yet, there was no concomitant strategy for countering this hazard at all, and the illicit programs continued apace. Almost as if training and arming Daesh was precisely the desired outcome. ... ated-isis/

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 03, 2024 2:57 pm

Israel’s Bombing Of The Iranian Consulate In Damascus Was A Strategic Mistake


APR 02, 2024

Israel no longer controls the escalation ladder since its audacious attack pressures Iran to at least symmetrically respond with its own attack against an Israeli consulate somewhere. Depending on whether this happens and how severe of an attack it is, Israel might then feel pressured to escalate in response, thus catalyzing an uncontrollable cycle that could spiral into the worst-case scenario.

Israel bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus on Monday in an audacious attack that killed several high-profile IRGC targets. Iran vowed to avenge their deaths at a time and place of its choosing, which it’s pressured to do in some way or another after this flagrant violation of international law. Foreign diplomatic facilities are protected under the Vienna Convention, and Israel knows this very well after prior Iranian-linked attacks against its own such facilities, yet it still carried out this attack anyhow.

That was arguably a strategic mistake and perhaps one of the highest order since Israel is militarily defeating Hamas in Gaza, though at the expense of the civilian population there, which has been collectively punished through ethnic cleansing, famine, and genocide. These humanitarian and reputational costs were deemed worth it by Bibi for the sake of security, yet now he might have actually worsened his country’s security precisely at the time when he’s on the verge of declaring victory in Gaza.

The Houthis’ opening of a second front was insufficient for stopping Israel’s campaign while Hezbollah has thus far remained reluctant to open up a third one that would risk “mutually assured destruction”. Neighboring Jordan has recently experienced an upsurge of Hamas-inspired and Muslim Brotherhood-driven unrest, but it’ll likely remain manageable due to the security forces’ years of Western training, thus meaning that another front probably won’t open up on its own in that kingdom either.

Without Hezbollah waging total war against Israel and/or Jordan slipping into a Libyan-like conflict that spills over into the West Bank, Israel will complete its destruction of Hamas in Gaza. Such was the state of affairs up until Monday’s audacious attack, however, because now Iran feels pressured to escalate in ways that could risk opening up another front. This could happen for example if it requests Hezbollah to respond in a way that inadvertently prompts an Israeli overreaction which then leads to all-out war.

Another possibility is that the IRGC, Hezbollah, and/or allied Iraqi militants set their Hybrid War sights on Jordan with a view of triggering its collapse in order to provoke an immediate national security crisis on Israel’s eastern borders that could draw the bulk of its forces away from Gaza in an instant. Regardless of what many Alt-Media commentators have claimed over the past six months, Israel doesn’t want to risk “mutually assured destruction” by waging war against Hezbollah and/or Iran.

If there was any appetite for doing so, then it could have launched overwhelming first strikes against them to decapitate their leadership and destroy as many of their offensive weapons as possible before bracing for the retaliation that would follow. The time for doing so has long passed though since the most opportune moment would have been right after Hamas’ sneak attack on 7 October, not half a year later when its opponents have now prepared for that possibility even more than they already were.

Israel no longer controls the escalation ladder, however, since its audacious attack pressures Iran to at least symmetrically respond with its own attack against an Israeli consulate somewhere. Depending on whether this happens and how severe of an attack it is, Israel might then feel pressured to escalate in response, thus catalyzing an uncontrollable cycle that could spiral into the worst-case scenario. In that event, an overwhelming first strike by either side becomes much more likely than before.

This comes at the worst possible time for Israel as it’s wrapping up its campaign against Hamas and preparing for Gaza’s post-conflict future that Axios reported might involve a multinational Arab military force taking responsibility for law enforcement and humanitarian activities. That would be unlikely to occur amidst a major escalation between Israel and its Resistance Axis foes, which could lead to its aforesaid campaign dragging on even longer with growing physical, financial, and reputational costs.

Had Israel not bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus, then it wouldn’t have to worry about anything coming up to offset its impending military victory, which to remind the reader entailed enormous humanitarian and other costs that Bibi deemed worth it in the name of security. Its plans are now much more uncertain than ever since nobody knows if, when, or how Iran might respond to this audacious attack, but should retribution come sooner than later, then it could truly be a game-changer. ... f-ukraine/


AS’AD AbuKHALIL: The Revenge to Come
April 1, 2024

Thousands of Palestinians — and other Arabs — will be planning violent acts of revenge over Gaza. How far will Arab governments go in shielding U.S. and Israeli interests from their angry populations?

Gazans outside Indonesian Hospital in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, on October 9, 2023, following Israeli airstrikes. (Palestinian News & Information Agency. or Wafa, in contract with APAimages, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)

By As’ad AbuKhalil
Special to Consortium News

The scenes of Gaza’s genocide will shape generations to come, and Joe Biden has ensured that current and future generations will blame the U.S. for this war as much as they will blame Israel. The U.S. government openly admits helping the Israeli government in executing its genocidal war.

The U.S. will continue in its unconditional support for Israeli genocide, and the Biden administration has been a full partner while frequently feigning concern for the “humanitarian situation” in Gaza, as if Palestinians are dying from a devastating plague.

Arab political anger is building up, and the scenes of the destruction of Gaza will spawn new militant organizations and political parties. Cries for revenge are heard in all Arab demonstrations, and someone will seize the moment and likely express rage at U.S. interests.

State Department officials are sharing those concerns in internal memos, but Biden and Blinken are focused on the need to resume Saudi-Israeli normalization talks. Gaza will certainly remain in Western news long after this war of genocide is ended.

It is too early to predict the exact consequences and the repercussions of American support for what is being called the second Nakbah. What Arabs are watching on their TV screens is quite different from the little that is filtered through U.S. TV news and the mainstream media.

Biden Persists Despite No Popular Support

Evidently Americans have seen enough, however. A new Gallup poll reveals that a majority of Americans disapprove of the Israeli war in Gaza, even though Gallup’s phrasing of the question characterized genocide as a mere “Israeli military action,” bestowing a moral legitimacy on one of the worst war crimes in decades.

The poll also shows that the majority of Democrats and Independents are turning against Israel in the conflict in the Middle East; only staunch Republican support for Israel (often presented in biblical, millenarian terms) saves Israel from total collapse in U.S. public standing.

Yet, Biden and the Democratic Party leadership continue to offer full support for Israel regardless of deceptive leaks (about Biden-Netanyahu rifts) that are intended to assuage Arab and Muslim public opinion in the U.S. and in the Middle East.

Unlike the Past

Damaged tank during 1956 Suez war. (United States Army Heritage and Education Center/Wikimedia Commons)

The U.S. has suffered through various crises in its relationship with the Arab and Muslim worlds over the decades. America has been at war (with much of the developing world) since the end of WWII and has often deployed troops, changed governments, toppled elected leaders, imposed despots, and incited disturbances and seditions in various parts of the region.

The Nakbah did not immediately affect U.S. standing in the region because the U.S. was not perceived to be the major player in a region historically dominated and colonized by European powers. But rising anger against the British role in the creation of Israel had severe consequences, and by 1956 (with the tripartite invasion of Egypt on behalf of French-British economic interests and Israeli political aims), Britain was unceremoniously expelled from the Middle East.

Antipathy against Britain was so prevalent that British correspondents had to distance themselves from the policies of their government before they could enter into conversation with people on the street. The U.S. took over the region officially after Suez in 1956. The U.S. proved to be a qualified successor to racist European colonizers.

Washington became quite adamant that it would not pay a price for its wars and policies in the region, however. The rising role of the AIPAC (and its research arm the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) was predicated on the assumption that no matter how closely the U.S. aligns itself with Israeli occupation and aggression, it would never lose economic and political power in the region.

The U.S. enjoys several strategic advantages there: the Libyan and Iraqi states and societies were largely decimated by U.S. wars and military intervention, while Syria was destroyed and fragmented thanks to U.S. and Gulf intervention.
But the Arab League since at least 2003, has come under the direct control of U.S. State Department officials. A U.S. official now dutifully attends sessions of the Arab League. Qatar, and then Saudi Arabia, alternated in controlling the Arab League agenda on behalf of the U.S. government.

Yet today’s developments in the region (with the war in Gaza and Lebanon) can’t be compared to the past.

This calamity is destined to shape generations, and it is certain that thousands of Palestinians — and other Arabs — will be planning violent acts of revenge.

To be sure, the region is dominated by governments that are friendly to the U.S. but even they are having difficulty controlling their angry populations. How far will Arab governments go in shielding U.S. and Israeli interests from their angry people?

Regional Protests

President Joe Biden and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz bump fists at Al-Salam Palace in Jeddah, on July 15. (Saudi Press Agency, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

Even the friendliest Arab regimes to the U.S. have had to react by suspending the Abraham Accords. In the Trump and Biden administrations, the lynchpin (or the only element) of U.S. policy toward the Arab-Israeli conflict has been the encouragement and promotion of normalization between pro-U.S. depots and Israel.

Putting it on hold, at least for a time, the Saudi regime has contradicted U.S. accounts of its intentions toward normalization, perhaps being aware of Saudi public opposition to a relationship with Israel.

The U.S. will continue to push, but the price of Saudi acceptance will be higher (in terms of security arrangements, import of advanced U.S. arms and military technology and even a nuclear reactor inside the kingdom). The Saudi regime will also extract bigger concessions from Israel; previously, the Saudi de-facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, spoke only of “easing the life of Palestinians”.

Containing the Rage

Arab public anger will likely not be reflected uniformly across the region. Public dissatisfaction with the Egyptian ruler over economic hardships has increased due to his regime’s cooperation with Israel in the siege and strangulation of Gaza.

In Jordan, the government was forced to take a tougher public stance against the Israeli war to absorb public outrage over Gaza (two thirds of the population of Jordan are originally Palestinian refugees). The protests outside the Israeli embassy in Amman have been getting fiercer in recent days.

Even Morocco, which the U.S. and Israel have treated as a loyal client of Mossad, witnessed many demonstrations geared toward rejection of normalization. In Tunisia and other countries rulers must reiterate their opposition to normalization despite Gulf (UAE-Saudi) promotion of the theme in their media.

It took several years of planning after the Nakbah, for the first signs of repercussions to be registered. George Habash and his comrades at the American University of Beirut began plotting revenge soon after their expulsion from their homeland. The Movement of Arab Nationalists which Habash founded in the early 1950s, adopted “revenge” as one of it's mottos. ... e-to-come/


Israel vows to 'act anywhere' following Syria, Lebanon strikes

Israel has escalated its attacks against IRGC and Hezbollah commanders in Lebanon and Syria in recent weeks

News Desk

APR 2, 2024

The Iranian consulate in Damascus, after strikes that were attributed to Israeli aircraft, April 1, 2024. (Photo credit: LOUAI BESHARA / AFP)
Israel's goal is to "act everywhere, every day to prevent the force build-up of our enemies," Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on 2 April, in an apparent reference to the bombing of the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, the day before.

As is customary, Israel did not take credit for the bombing, which killed Iranian diplomats and a top commander in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Mohammad Reza Zahedi, and his deputy.

"We are in a multi-front war, in the offense and defense. We see evidence of this every day, including in recent days," he said at a meeting of the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

Gallant says Israel is also working "to make it clear to everyone who acts against us, all over the Middle East, that the price for acting against Israel will be a heavy price."

Gallant made similar comments on Friday following Israeli strikes on Aleppo and southern Lebanon, further affirming his intention to escalate the war against Hezbollah both on the Lebanese border and elsewhere.

Speaking at the army's Northern Command in Safed, Gallant claimed, "Israel is transitioning from defense to pursuit of Hezbollah; we will reach wherever the organization operates, in Beirut, Damascus, and beyond," he said. "Wherever we need to act, we will act."

More than 44 people, including 36 Syrian soldiers and seven Hezbollah members, were killed in the Israeli airstrikes in Aleppo on Friday, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

In Lebanon, an Israeli drone strike hit a car near the southern port city of Tyre, killing a Hezbollah member, Ali Naim.

Israel claimed Naim was the deputy head of Hezbollah's rocket and missile program.

The killing came after Hezbollah fired a barrage of Katyusha and Burkan rockets toward the Israeli settlements of Goren and Shlomi.

Lebanon's Al-Manar TV said the group had not previously fired Burkan rockets, which weigh up to 500 kg, only at military bases and not settlements, but was now responding to Israeli airstrikes days before that killed 13 Lebanese civilians, including nine paramedics.

The Israeli settlements along the Lebanon border were evacuated by Israeli authorities after the start of the war on 8 October. ... on-strikes

Biden continues weapons bonzana for Israel with F-15 sale

A US diplomat said the 'barn doors' are open for Israel to request US weapons for its ongoing war on Gaza

News Desk

APR 2, 2024

Israeli and American F-15 and F-16 fighter jets fly alongside one another over southern Israel in May 2017. (Photo credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The White House is near to approving the sale of 50 US-made F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion, CNN reported on 2 March.

Three people familiar with the matter provided CNN with details of the deal, which would be the largest US military sale to Israel since the start of its war on Gaza on 7 October.

The sources said the White House is also expected to soon notify Congress of a sizeable new sale of precision-guided munitions kits, known as JDAMS, to Israel.

While the jets must be built from scratch and are scheduled to take five years to deliver, the new weapons deals suggest US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken will continue to provide weapons for Israel’s war on Gaza and Lebanon moving forward.

Since the beginning of the war, the US has made more than 100 foreign military sales to Israel.

US lawmakers from the Democratic party have criticized Biden and Blinken for their insistence on sending weapons to Israel as it continues to bomb and starve Gaza’s besieged population of over 2 million.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also vowed to launch a ground invasion of Rafah on the Gaza–Egypt border, where 1.3 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering.

Israel’s war on Gaza has already killed more than 32,000 Palestinians since October, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health, as well as hundreds in Lebanon, including civilians and Hezbollah fighters.

The sources noted that the sale is not urgent, given that Israel will not receive the jets for several years.

Josh Paul, who worked in the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs before resigning in October, said that “there is a sense on Israel’s side that right now the doors are wide open for anything they want, so this is the time to ask for it ... Who knows how long the barn doors will be open?” ... -f-15-sale


The Extinction of Christianity
The Christians who support Apartheid

APR 01, 2024
With a history stretching back to the first century, a mere 800–1,000 Christians are left in Palestine. The broader region of historic Palestine serves as the birthplace of Christianity, with many events in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible occurring here. The term "Palestine" originates from "Philistia," a name assigned by Greek writers to the land of the Philistines, who occupied the region's southern coast in the 12th century BCE.

The number of Christians in Gaza has dwindled from approximately 3,000 registered individuals in 2007 to just 1,000 today. The plight of Orthodox Christians in Palestine has become increasingly dire, marked by threats, violence, and fears of extinction.

As we observe the unfolding genocide, we are acutely reminded of Jesus of Nazareth, a Palestinian who epitomized resistance against imperial forces. Born into a landscape dominated by Roman occupation, Jesus challenged systemic oppression and exploitation through teachings centered on compassion, justice, and liberation for the marginalized. Fearlessly confronting entrenched power structures, he championed the cause of the marginalized, condemning unjust governance systems.

Despite multiple requests, including an open letter sent to Western church leaders and theologians, leaders of the Palestinian Christian community have faced silence.

An Open Letter from Palestinian Christians to Western Church Leaders and Theologians

Orthodox Christians in Israel and Palestine have faced a barrage of threats and harassment from various sources, including settlers, Christian clergy, and pilgrims. Acts of vandalism and even physical assaults, such as spitting, harassment, and detainment. The Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church in Jerusalem, Theophilos III, recently drew attention to the perilous situation confronting the Christian community. He cited numerous incidents of hate crimes, the desecration of churches, and the intimidation of clergy.

Among the egregious examples he highlighted was the attack on the Greek Orthodox Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza City by the Israeli army on October 20, 2023. The attack resulted in a significant number of casualties, and witnesses reported damage to the church and an adjacent building, causing injuries and fatalities. The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem strongly condemned the attack, stating that targeting churches and shelters for innocent civilians constitutes a war crime.

The creation of Israel resulted from British colonial policies. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 marked the onset of apartheid, as British colonialism favoured Zionist interests over the rights and aspirations of the Indigenous Palestinian population, disrupting the peace between religious and ethnic groups that had existed for thousands of years.

Zionism, fundamentally a political and ideological movement, it is distinct from Judaism, a religious faith. Distinguishing between the religious and cultural aspects of Judaism and the political ambitions of Zionism is crucial.

Christian Zionism is a political movement that aligns with the belief that the establishment and support of the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a necessary step for the Second Coming of Christ. This ideology, prevalent primarily among certain evangelical and fundamentalist Christian groups, interprets scripture through a lens of literalism, emphasizing passages from the Old Testament that reference Israel's restoration and is used to justify Western Imperialism. Christian Zionists advocate for policies that promote Israel's security and expansion, viewing it as a biblical mandate.

After securing British government support for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, Zionist forces declared the establishment of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. Zionist military forces expelled over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands, capturing 78 percent of historic Palestine. The remaining 22 percent was divided into what are now the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.

The occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip by Israel since the 1947 war has created a volatile environment marked by violence and insecurity. With only a few thousand Orthodox Christians remaining in Gaza and increasing violence in the West Bank, there are fears that the historic Christian community may face extinction. Theophilos III and other religious leaders have sounded the alarm, calling for urgent action to protect the rights and safety of Orthodox Christians in the region.

Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem describe life under Israeli occupation
International law explicitly prohibits annexation and territorial conquest. Israel engages in actions prohibited by the UN Apartheid Convention, and a Commission of Inquiry is collecting evidence of war crimes committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. According to a March 2013 report by the United Nations Children's Fund ("UNICEF"), Israel has arrested approximately 7,000 Palestinian children. Children constitute about half of Gaza's 2.3 million population. Israel systematically prosecutes children in military courts, exclusively targeting Palestinian children. The targeting of children is intentional. Ethnic cleansing involves a deliberate and coordinated effort to displace, subjugate, or eliminate an ethnic or racial group from a particular territory.

Despite this, Western and European leaders have supported Israel, reflecting a historical pattern of Western Christian support for Israel. The quiet motive behind Canada and the United States' support for Israel's actions in Gaza is tied to the construction of the Ben Gurion Canal. This proposed canal, serving as an alternative to Egypt's Suez Canal, holds significant economic and geopolitical implications. Israel functions as a military base for Western powers, particularly the United States. They point to the significant military aid and strategic cooperation between Israel and the U.S., allowing the U.S. to maintain a strong presence in the Middle East. ... ristianity


Israel and the U.S. are Gangster States
Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist 03 Apr 2024

A view of the damaged vehicle carrying World Central Kitchen workers in Deir al-Balah, Gaza on April 2. Photo: Ali Jadallah/Anadolu via Getty Images

Any sign of even tiny opposition is enough to send Israel into a frenzy of bloodletting. Hospital attacks, murders of aid workers, violations of the sovereignty of embassies, are all par for the Zionist course. Friends in Washington talk out of both sides of their mouths with condemnation but always end on the side of their partner in crime.

Every war crime committed by the state of Israel, no matter how horrific, is logical if one considers a few basic facts. First, one of Israel’s goals is to ethnically cleanse Gaza. They have to kill thousands of people in increasingly brutal ways, terrorize the survivors, and turn hospitals and universities and mosques and churches into military targets. The end game is to force the population out of Gaza and make it safe for Israeli settlers, gas exploration, and the construction of a canal to replace the Suez. Even the building of a pier to bring in humanitarian aid is a trojan horse meant to send Gaza’s population far away and expand the settler colony’s territory.

Because its idea of success is anathema to most of humanity, Israel is always fearful that the degree of fealty shown by the United States, its chief protector and partner in crime, may waiver. It doesn’t matter how many candidates for office grovel before the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), it doesn’t matter that Joe Biden circumvents congress to give them weapons or insists on aiding and abetting them, or that he joins in telling lies about beheaded babies or other tales of atrocity propaganda. It doesn’t matter that the state colludes with corporate media to defend Israel and marginalizes anyone who doesn’t go along with the scheme. Nor are they relieved when deep pocketed billionaires have university presidents axed from their positions as heads are symbolically stuck on pikes as a warning to anyone who might stray from official narratives. Israel will always be worried, because it is only the United States protection racket that allows it to exist in its current form.

So what to do when the United States merely abstains from a United Nations vote requiring an all too brief two-week ceasefire? Israel then accelerates its criminality. Israel laid siege to the Al-Shifa hospital and killed doctors, nurses and patients. Some 300 dead bodies were discovered there, some of them bound, dumped, or crushed by Israeli tanks. As forces withdrew from the hospital, Israeli Defense Force missiles struck the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria and killed seven people, two of them generals in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The Vienna Convention is supposed to protect embassies and consulates but why should Israel or its benefactor the U.S. follow international law when they so often violate it with impunity? These acts weren’t sufficient for the Zionist entity. It needed another symbol, another high profile killing to guarantee that its putative sponsor still knows who is in charge.

Spanish-born chef José Andrés' charity, World Central Kitchen , drew the short end of this stick in this phase of the Israeli crime spree. Seven aid workers traveling in a three vehicle convoy in Gaza were killed in drone strikes. One vehicle was hit, the second was hit after attempting to rescue passengers in the first car, and the third was hit after trying to rescue those in the second vehicle. To their credit, Palestinians believe in showing those who have been killed, and the bodies were displayed for all the world to see, lest Israel be able to minimize the carnage.

José Andrés was an interesting choice as a target. He had vehemently and publicly defended Israel, and condemned a minister of the Spanish government who pointed out that Israel was committing war crimes. “You do not represent me or Spain. She does not deserve to be a minister….President @sanchezcastejon should remove her from her position…”

Andrés received a $100 million gift from Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, is a friend of Barack and Michelle Obama, and joined Doug Emhoff , Kamala Harris’ husband, in announcing a new food program in the U.S. Perhaps this official imprimatur made his organization an easy target. How better to prove one’s status as the worst thug in the neighborhood than to show that no one is safe. Andrés is now a critic and demands that Israel stop the “indiscriminate killing.” Of course the killings of his staff were targeted with great precision. There was nothing indiscriminate about the assassinations.

The Biden administration, the lead gangster, is still committed to sending weapons to Israel. Biden called Andrés to offer condolences but the State Department insists that Israel has not committed any war crimes. The winks and the nudges continue, as the client state shows that it is on an equal footing with its benefactor and should not be considered an underling of any sort.

Two months ago the International Court of Justice called South Africa’s charge of genocide against Israel “plausible” and ordered that country to stop killing Palestinians. It has done nothing of the sort and makes clear that it will invade the city of Rafah, the last place of refuge, and the U.S. makes clear that it has given the green light to this plan for the ultimate atrocity.

The ruling class are split and Joe Biden’s re-election prospects are in jeopardy but the commitment to the Zionist entity continues. The people must remain committed to fighting back in any way possible. Every action is important from protest demonstrations to defeating Biden to heckling the war criminals when they dare to appear in public. It is also important to call a criminal a criminal and to declare that the U.S. is a rogue state and that Israel, its chief client, is as well. They cannot hide it. People like José Andrés believed their connections made them safe. He discovered that was not true. No one is safe from the imperialists. It is best to proceed with courage and to name and shame the criminals. There is no other option. ... ter-states

STATEMENT: UN Palestine Commission – Partition recommendation – Statement from the Arab Higher Committee, 6 February 1948
Editors, The Black Agenda Review 03 Apr 2024


The statement on the UN Partition of Palestine by the Arab Higher Committee is a reminder of the sordid history of the U.S. in the expropriation of land and the attempted ethnic cleansing of the people of Palestine.

Ceasefires of unceasing fire. Resolutions without resolve. Not for the first time, the US actions in the United Nations (UN) have exposed the wretched ineffectiveness of that international entity when it comes to defending the lives and rights of the Palestinian people. Just over a week ago, the United States refused to support the UN Security Council’s (UNSC) otherwise-unanimous vote for a temporary halt to the genocide in Gaza. For the first time, the US abstained from the ceasefire vote, instead of vetoing it outright, but quickly called the UN’s resolution “non-binding” – and, effectively, pointless. The blood-soaked palm of Linda Thomas Greenfield, again, signified the imperial and impetuous American abstention; the US greenlighting of a new $2.5bn weapons package to the zionist entity in the days after the UNSC vote cynically demonstrated that their real commitment is to genocide.

For Palestine, this is nothing new. The US has repeatedly refused to use the UN stage to censure the actions of the zionist entity against Palestine. And in fact, almost since the formation of the UN in 1945, the organization has repeatedly betrayed the Palestinian people as the US has either bought or bullied UN member states into supporting the zionists. Indeed, the 1948 UN vote that endorsed the partition of Palestine was less an exercise in international democracy than a performance of corruption, coercion, and intimidation by the US superpower over smaller, weaker states.

This history of bullying and brow-beating is described in detail in a February, 6, 1948 statement sent by Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee, to the UN Palestine Commission following the vote in favor of partition. In the statement, Nakhleh asserts that “The Arab Higher Committee maintains that the partition recommendation does not represent the sentiments of the United Nations.” He accuses the US of strong-arming other UN members into voting for partition, writing, “The pressure put by the United States Delegation and Government on certain nations, whether at Lake Success [in Long Island, site of the original UN headquarters] or in these nations’ capitals, is nothing short of political blackmail.”

Of the examples of this political blackmail that Nakleh documents, two are particularly painful for us: that of Liberia, and that of Haiti. Both countries followed the US lead when it came to voting for partition, making both countries complicit in the inevitable decades of slaughter emboldened and enabled by the UN decision. Naklheh asserts that Liberia was going to vote against partition. However, the Liberian delegate, Ellen Scarborough, changed her vote after she was threatened with physical violence, prompting her to ask for police protection.

As for Haiti, it is worth reading Nakhleh’s comments in full:

The delegate of Haiti on Wednesday made a very strong speech against partition, on instructions from his Government. On Saturday he circulated a note to Delegations explaining that he is voting for partition in accordance with fresh instructions from his Government. The Haitian Delegate did not find words to describe his shame and he was seen in tears in the lobby and Delegates’ lounge. Being a sincere and noble man, he could not hide the fact that his Government surrendered to pressure and was forced into changing its instructions to him.

At the time, Haiti’s president was the progressive Dumarsais Estimé. Haiti’s delegate to the United Nations was Ernest Chauvet, the mulatto editor, as Cedric Dover described him, of Le Nouvelliste, who had been jailed during the US occupation of Haiti for his criticisms of the occupation’s policies and puppet government. Unsurprisingly, Chauvet denied Nakhleh’s accusations , claiming that Haiti’s entire history was one of standing up against the Great Powers while asserting an identification with the plight of the Jewish people.

Yet what Chauvet does not mention is the role of Haiti’s small zionist community in determining Haiti’s decisions over Palestine. The Jerusalem Post recently noted that Charles Shalom Bigio “played a role in Haiti's support for Israeli statehood in the November 1947 vote at the United Nations .”

Bigio (1906 – 1968) arrived in Haiti via Aleppo, Syria, in 1925, joining family members who had already established mercantile operations in the country at the end of the nineteenth century. He was the father of Gilbert Bigio, Haiti’s only billionaire and chairman of the powerful GB Group of companies. Bigio and the GB Group own the port through which it is alleged weapons enter the country and he is currently sanctioned by Canada for his role in fomenting Haiti’s current crisis. Bigio is the honorary consul in Haiti to Israel and, tellingly, Reuven Bigio, son of Gilbert, grandson of Charles, has admitted an allegiance to Israel, not Haiti, even as it is Haiti and the Haitian people that have contributed to the family’s wealth for more than one hundred years. “Israel to us is the motherland . It's the rock. It's how we identify ourselves," Reuven Bigio said.

What role did Charles Bigo play in “Haiti’s support for Israeli statehood?” Was he behind the pressure placed on Ernest Chauvet to vote for partition at the UN? At this point, we do not know the facts. But what Isa Naklheh’s statement offers is a reminder of this sordid history of the western countries – especially the U.S. – and their control of what passes for the “international community” in the expropriation of land and the attempted ethnic cleansing of the people of Palestine. And his statement should remind us of the deep, historical ties connecting Palestine, Haiti, and the other small nations of the world who have been the abused foster-children of the global establishment – and who exist in an international netherworld in which neither rules nor order exists. We reprint Naklheh’s statement on behalf of the Arab Higher Committee below.

United Nations Palestine Commission, Partition recommendation
Statement of 6 February 1948 Communicated to the Secretary-General by Mr. Isa Nakhleh, Representative of the Arab Higher Committee
Your Excellency:

With reference to Your Excellency’s telegram dated the 9th of January [1948] inviting the Arab Higher Committee to appoint a representative “to be available to the Palestine Commission for such authoritative information and other assistance as the commission may require,” and with reference to my telegram dated the 18th of January in which I communicated to Your Excellency the decision of the Arab Higher Committee, I have the honor to submit the following reasons for such decision:

1. The Arab Higher Committee maintains that the partition recommendation does not represent the sentiments of the United Nations. We cannot forget that the resolution of partition in the Ad Hoc Committee secured 25 votes only. When the matter was referred to the General Assembly on the 26th of November, there were 17 nations opposing partition. Had voting taken place on that date the partition proposal would not have obtained the required two-third majority. The Arab Higher Committee cannot forget the maneuvers made by the President of the Assembly and some delegates supporting partition in order to postpone taking votes on that day when they realized that their proposal might be defeated.

2. The pressure put by the United States Delegation and Government on certain nations, whether at Lake Success or in these nations’ capitals, is nothing short of political blackmail. The following represent only a few instances:

(a) The delegate of Siam was accepted in the Ad Hoc Committee as a vice chairman until he showed his intention to vote against partition. Then he was threatened that his credentials would be refused. As a consequence he was forced not to attend.

(b) The delegate of Haiti on Wednesday made a very strong speech against partition, on instructions from his Government. On Saturday he circulated a note to Delegations explaining that he is voting for partition in accordance with fresh instructions from his Government. The Haitian Delegate did not find words to describe his shame and he was seen in tears in the lobby and Delegates’ lounge. Being a sincere and noble man, he could not hide the fact that his Government surrendered to pressure and was forced into changing its instructions to him.

(c) General Carlos P. Romulo, Head of the Philippines delegation, on Wednesday made a very strong and courageous speech denouncing partition declaring: “At the behest of my Government, the Philippine Republic regrets its inability to approve of or participate in a solution of the Palestine problem that would involve the encouragement of political disunion and the enforcement of measures that would amount to the territorial mutilation of the Holy Land.”

But on Saturday and in the absence of General Romulo there were two Philippines Delegates, each claiming different instructions — one to vote against partition as instructed by the head of his delegation, the other supporting partition according to fresh instructions from his Government. It is an established fact that strong pressure was put on the Philippines Government by the United States Government and, according to reliable information, the United States Government threatened the Philippines Government that it will not grant it the loan it is asking for if its delegation fails to support partition. In this way the Arabs lost the Philippines vote.

(d) The Liberian delegate on the Ad Hoc Committee, Mrs. Ellen Scarborough, on the 25th of November abstained from voting although it was known that the Liberian Delegates intended to vote against partition in the Assembly. Thereupon the Jewish Agency and its pressure squads threatened her with actual physical violence which caused her to ask for police protection. On Saturday, the 29th of November, due to heavy pressure on the said Government, the Liberian Delegation voted for partition.

3. This undue pressure was not limited to the aforementioned delegations, but to every other delegation and its Government abroad. The following quotations from speeches of delegates prove this point:

(a) Dr. Ernesto Dihigo of Cuba, in his speech in the Assembly on November 28th said: “Having formed and given our view, we feel that we have to express our view through our vote, in the maintenance of consistency, in spite of pressure which has been brought to bear upon us.”

(b) Dr. Alfredo Lopez, Head of the Colombia Delegation, in his speech in the Assembly on the 28th of November, said: “Partition here may eventually be adopted, but we submit that reluctant votes, recruited with irrelevant eleventh hour appeals, will not improve its position in the opinion of the outside world.”

(c) Sir Zafrullah Khan, Head of the Pakistan Delegation, said: “Those who have no access to what is going on behind the scenes have known enough from the press to have a great fear in their hearts not only on this question — because this is one individual question that has come up — but that the deliberations and decisions of this great body in which the hopes of the world for the future are centered will not on crucial questions be left free. This is a solemn moment, solemn in the history of the world, in the history of this great — let us hope, at least, great — Organization. The United Nations is today on trial. The world is watching and will see how it acquits itself, again, perhaps, not so much from the point of view of whether partition is approved or not approved, but from the point of view whether any room is to be left for the exercise of honest judgment and conscience upon these important questions when they come up for decision.”

Also Mr. Mohammed Ayub of the same Delegation said as follows: “We did succeed in persuading a sufficient number of our fellow representatives to see the right as we saw it… We entertain no sense of grievance against such of our friends and fellow representatives who have been compelled, under heavy pressure, to change sides and to cast their votes in support of a proposal, the justice and fairness of which do not commend themselves to them. Our feeling for them is one of sympathy that they should have been placed in a position of such embarrassment between their judgment and conscience on one side and the pressure to which they and their Governments were being subjected on the other.”

4. Such flagrant interference and pressure were not exercised by the United States Government only, but also by United States Senators. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation saw several telegrams out of many hundreds by United States Senators addressed to Delegates of different nations threatening, persuading and putting improper pressure on these Delegates to sway them in favour of partition.

5. The President of the General Assembly, Mr. Oswaldo Aranha, who being president should have been very impartial, was contrary to the traditions of presidency, influencing the Latin-American countries to vote against the Arabs. A report of a speech by him appeared in the P.M. of New York in its issue of October 9th as follows:

“Oswaldo Aranha of Brazil, President of the General Assembly warned Latin-American Delegates that failure on their part to support the United States-Soviet agreement on partition of Palestine would be a further heavy blow to the weakened United Nations. Aranha stressed the point at a recent Latin-American caucus after several delegates had declared themselves impressed with Arab claims that United Nations lacked authority under the Charter to partition any State.” Without making any comment on these juridical claims, Aranha is reported to have said: “I want to impress upon all of you that they are, at best, merely juridical.”

Mr. Aranha was faced with this report in the press but he made no public denial.

6. It is an elementary rule of law and justice that any decision, agreement or act made or done under pressure, undue influence or duress, is null and void. The aforementioned facts prove how the partition recommendations were extorted from member states of the United Nations. The Arabs therefore consider them null and void and of no legal or moral force.

7. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation maintains that the recommendation of partition is also contrary to the letter and spirit of the United Nations Charter. The Arab Delegations have fully dealt with this point in their addresses in the Ad Hoc Committee and in the Assembly. Their arguments were unanswerable, but power politics ignored all the logic, reason and justice of their arguments and Delegations were being led by undue pressure and influence to make recommendations repugnant to the Charter.

8. The United Nations has no jurisdiction to order or recommend the partition of Palestine. There is nothing in the Charter to warrant such authority, consequently the recommendation of partition is ultra vires and therefore null and void.

9. The Arab Delegations submitted proposals in the Ad Hoc Committee in order to refer the whole legal issue raised for a ruling by the International Court of Justice. The said proposals were never put to vote by the president in the Assembly. The United Nations is an International body entrusted with the task of enforcing peace and justice in international affairs. How would there be any confidence in such a body if it bluntly and unreasonably refuses to refer such a dispute to the International Court of Justice?

10. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to reaffirm here that the Arabs of Palestine cannot recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any situation arising or derived therefrom. They consider that imposing international alien immigrants on their country by force is nothing but an act of aggression and invasion, whether made by Jews themselves, through Great Britain, or by the United Nations. The Arab Higher Committee Delegation therefore expects that the duty of the United Nations is to remove the said aggression and stop that invasion. The creation of any Jewish state in an Arab territory is more than invasion or aggression, it is something with no precedent in history. It is an act of wiping out the existence of an Arab country, violating its integrity, subjecting its land and people to foreign Jewish domination.”

11. In its statement to the Ad Hoc Committee on the 29th of September, our Delegation left no doubt on the Arab reactions: “The Arabs of Palestine are, therefore, solidly determined to oppose, with all the means at their disposal, any scheme that provides for the dissection, segregation or partition of their tiny Country, or that gives to a minority, on the ground of creed, special and preferential rights or status. They will oppose such schemes, with the same zeal and with the same sacrifice that any other people would do under the same circumstances. We are alive to the fact that if they so desire, big powers could crush, by brute force, such opposition. But this realisation will not deter us from drenching the soil of our beloved country with the last drop of our blood in the lawful defense of all and every inch of it.” These solemn words were dismissed by the Zionists and the powers supporting them as idle threats. The events in Palestine since the end of November are only the beginning of this tragedy. Already over 1000 persons have been killed and over 2000 injured.

12. The Zionists and their friends are building a smoke screen of propaganda to convince the world that if the partition plan is not implemented by force the prestige of the United Nations is at stake. Secret maneuvers are being carried out to lead the Security Council to send an international force to Palestine to crush Arab resistance. Our Delegation solemnly declares that it is the unflinching determination of every Arab in Palestine to defend his country against any power or group of powers or any force going to Palestine to partition the country. The Arabs are in duty and honour bound to defend their country to the last man. The presumed mission of an international force which is to be sent to Palestine can only be to wipe out the Arabs, blow up their dwellings and uproot them from their land.

History will then record that the United Nations, which was meant to be an instrument of peace and justice, is being used as an instrument of war and aggression.

13. In conclusion, the Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to stress the following:

(a) The Arabs of Palestine will never recognise the validity of the extorted partition recommendations or the authority of the United Nations to make them.

(b) The Arabs of Palestine consider that any attempt by the Jews or any power group of powers to establish a Jewish state in Arab territory is an act of aggression which will be resisted in self-defense.

(c) It is very unwise and fruitless to ask any commission to proceed to Palestine because not a single Arab will cooperate with the said Commission.

(d) The United Nations or its Commission should not be misled to believe that its efforts in the partition plan will meet with any success. It will be far better for the eclipsed prestige of this organization not to start on this adventure.

(e) The United Nations prestige will be better served by abandoning, not enforcing such an injustice.

(f) The determination of every Arab in Palestine is to oppose in every way the partition of that country.

(g) The Arabs of Palestine made a solemn declaration before the United Nations, before God and history, that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition. The only way to establish partition is first to wipe them out — man, woman and child. ... ommittee-6
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 04, 2024 11:41 am

ICJ Orders Israel to Allow Aid Into Gaza but Fails to Order a Ceasefire
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 3, 2024
Marjorie Cohn


Seven of the 16 judges thought the ICJ should order that Israel immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza.

On March 25, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2728, which “demands” an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. That same day, Francesca Albanese, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, filed a 25-page report in the UN Human Rights Council, titled “Anatomy of a Genocide.” Albanese found “reasonable grounds” to believe that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

Three days later, on March 28, the International Court of Justice (ICJ, or World Court) ordered Israel to ensure the “unhindered provision” of humanitarian aid to enter Gaza, including by opening more land crossings, and to ensure that its military doesn’t commit genocidal acts, including by obstructing urgently needed humanitarian assistance.


Seven of the 16 judges on the ICJ would also have ordered an immediate ceasefire, which South Africa sought in its genocide case against Israel. But the votes fell short of the majority needed to order that provisional measure.

The New Provisional Measures

The ICJ’s order of provisional measures supplements the ones it ordered on January 26, which required Israel to (1) prevent all genocidal acts against Gazans, (2) ensure that its military doesn’t commit genocidal acts, (3) punish incitement of genocide, and (4) immediately enable basic services and humanitarian aid. In its new order, the ICJ quoted South Africa’s rationale for its March 6 request to the court for additional measures, which was prompted by the:

horrific deaths from starvation of Palestinian children, including babies, brought about by Israel’s deliberate acts and omissions . . . including Israel’s concerted attempts since 26 January 2024 to ensure the defunding of [the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA)] and Israel’s attacks on starving Palestinians seeking to access what extremely limited humanitarian assistance Israel permits into Northern Gaza, in particular.

The court also cited the further deterioration of catastrophic living conditions, particularly “the prolonged and widespread deprivation of food and other basic necessities to which the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been subjected.”

In addition, the court noted the March 18 report of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification Global Initiative, which found that since December 2023, “the conditions necessary to prevent Famine have not been met” and “Famine is imminent.” The court also quoted the March 15 report of the United Nations Children’s Fund that found 31 percent of children under 2 years old in the Northern Gaza Strip were suffering from “acute malnutrition,” which was “a staggering escalation from 15.6 percent in January.”

Food production and agriculture have been decimated by military operations and extensive restrictions on entry and delivery of essential goods, the court noted, quoting a February 27 briefing to the Security Council.

There is no substitute for land routes and entry points from Israel to Gaza for effective delivery of food, water, humanitarian and medical assistance, the court concluded after citing statements by UN representatives. And UN representatives and various organizations have declared that the “catastrophic humanitarian situation” can only be addressed if military operations in Gaza are suspended.

The court noted the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2728, which says, “Palestinians in Gaza are enduring horrifying levels of hunger and suffering. This is the highest number of people facing catastrophic hunger ever recorded by the Integrated Food Security Classification system anywhere, anytime. This is an entirely man-made disaster and the report makes clear that it can be halted.”

The ICJ concluded there is a further urgent risk of real, imminent and irreparable prejudice that will occur before the court renders its final decision on the merits of the case. Thus, the court ordered these two provisional measures on March 28:

Israel shall “[t]ake all necessary and effective measures to ensure, without delay, in full co-operation with the United Nations, the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, electricity, fuel, shelter, clothing, hygiene and sanitation requirements, as well as medical supplies and medical care to Palestinians throughout Gaza, including by increasing the capacity and number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary.” [This order was unanimous].
Israel shall “[e]nsure with immediate effect that its military does not commit acts which constitute a violation of any of the rights of the Palestinians in Gaza as a protected group under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including by preventing, through any action, the delivery of urgently needed humanitarian assistance.” [The Israeli judge dissented from this order].
The court refused to order three additional provisional measures that South Africa requested on March 6. They would have required that Israel (1) immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza, (2) lift its blockade of Gaza and (3) rescind all other measures that obstruct the access of Gazans to humanitarian aid and basic services.

These proposed measures, the ICJ wrote, would have “no binding force except between the parties,” that is, Israel and South Africa. Since Hamas and the states parties to the Genocide Convention are not parties in the case of South Africa v. Israel, they could not be bound by an order of the court, according to the ICJ’s ruling.

Seven ICJ Judges Would Have Ordered an Immediate Ceasefire

Seven of the judges on the ICJ, however, wrote or signed on to concurring opinions, saying that the court should have ordered an immediate cessation of military operations. They did not appear constrained by the majority’s rationale for refusing to order a ceasefire.

Judge Nawaf Salam from Lebanon noted that “Gaza has become a death zone.” He said that the new ICJ orders “can only take full effect if the ‘immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan’ demanded by the Security Council in its resolution 2728 (2024) . . . is duly and fully respected by all parties ‘and leads to a lasting sustainable ceasefire.’”

Judge Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf from Somalia wrote that the situation in Gaza “has grown much more gruesome.” He declared that “It is indeed the very right of existence of the Palestinian population of Gaza that is currently at risk of irreparable prejudice. Nothing less.” Judge Yusuf characterized the ICJ’s January 26 orders as “tantamount . . . to an injunction to bring to an end any military operations which may contribute to the commission of [genocidal] acts.” The atrocities can be ended, he added, only “through the suspension, with immediate effect, of Israeli military operations.”

Judges Xue Hanqin of China, Leonardo Nemer Caldeira Brant of Brazil, Juan Manuel Gomez Robledo of Mexico and Dire Tladi of South Africa signed a Joint Declaration stating that “we deeply regret that this measure does not directly and explicitly order Israel to suspend its military operations for the purpose of addressing the current catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza.” They added that “the present scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the overwhelming consensus that, without the suspension of military operations, this catastrophe will even worsen, constitute circumstances that require the Court to explicitly order a suspension of military operations.”

Judge Hilary Charlesworth from Australia wrote that the court should have explicitly ordered Israel “to suspend its military operations in the Gaza Strip,” which “is the only way to ensure that basic services and humanitarian assistance reach the Palestinian population.”

“The impact of the International Court of Justice’s order is significant,” the Republic of South Africa said in a statement. “The changing circumstances in Gaza warrant the implementation of new strategies.” But, it noted, “As a number of Judges pointed out, these responsibilities [to prevent genocide] can only be fulfilled by halting military operations in Gaza and adhering to the court’s directives. If there is non-compliance, the global community must ensure adherence when it comes to the sanctity of humanity.”

Ireland, Belgium, Nicaragua and France, as well as the State of Palestine, have indicated that they intend to intervene in South Africa’s case against Israel.

“Anatomy of a Genocide”

In her 25-page advance unedited report, “Anatomy of a Genocide,” Special Rapporteur Albanese found, “The total siege and near-constant carpet-bombing, along with draconian evacuation orders and ever-shifting ‘safe zones’, have created an unparalleled humanitarian catastrophe.”

Albanese recommended that UN member states: “Immediately implement an arms embargo on Israel, as it appears to have failed to comply with the binding measures ordered by the ICJ on 26 January 2024, as well as other economic and political measures necessary to ensure an immediate and lasting ceasefire and to restore respect for international law, including sanctions.”

Israel stated in a press release that it “utterly rejects” Albanese’s report and called it “an obscene inversion of reality.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has quietly authorized the delivery of billions of dollars’ worth of fighter jets and bombs to Israel. After vetoing three prior resolutions demanding a ceasefire, the U.S. abstained from resolution 2728, allowing it to pass.

Joe Biden is walking a fine line between fealty to Israel and political pressure from U.S. voters who oppose his complicity in Israel’s genocide. ... ceasefire/

PFLP: Destruction of UNRWA Advances the Extermination Agenda, Demolishes the Right of Return
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 3, 2024


PFLP Department of Refugee Affairs and Right of Return: The occupation’s plans to dismantle UNRWA have reached an advanced level

The Department of Refugee Affairs and the Right of Return of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) warned that the occupation’s plans to dismantle UNRWA In light of the concentrated and systematic Zionist campaign to demonize UNRWA, incite against its work and employees, and try to marginalize it, the PFLP Department of Refugee Affairs and the Right of Return warned that the occupation’s plans to dismantle UNRWA are in full swing.

The Department pointed out that the reports received that the Zionist entity submitted a proposal to dismantle UNRWA in exchange for the delivery of aid on a large scale in Gaza, confirms the existence of a premeditated Zionist intention to find an alternative to UNRWA and use the starvation of the Palestinian people as a pressure card leading to the marginalization and then dismantling of UNRWA as a witness to the plight and grievance of our people, on the road to canceling the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their homes from which they were displaced by the position of UN Resolution 194.

The department stressed that the US administration’s identification with the lies and campaigns of the occupation against UNRWA, which it reinforced by stopping the funding of the international institution until 2025, gives the occupation a green light to continue its plans to dismantle UNRWA despite the exposure of Zionist lies, and a number of countries have restored its funding after cutting it.

The Department explained that the United Nations institutions are dealing with great disregard for this dangerous Zionist scheme, and there are no serious moves other than verbal statements within the United Nations institutions or in other international forums to address the systematic Zionist campaign against UNRWA, despite its ability to refute the lies of the occupation and attempts to demonize it and systematic incitement against it, and as the only body capable of managing the relief operation in Gaza due to its enormous human and logistical expertise and capabilities.

The department emphasized that our Palestinian people and their national and societal forces will strongly oppose this suspicious plan, and will fail any attempts to find an alternative to UNRWA, or attempts to blackmail the Palestinian people with aid, as our people’s issue is political and not humanitarian, and this requires the continuation of UNRWA’s work in serving and providing relief to the refugees until they all return to their lands from which they were displaced, and as a fixed right that our people and refugees will defend with all the strength they have, especially since the occupation’s success in the plan to dismantle UNRWA in Gaza means implementing this plan in the West Bank, Jerusalem and camps of refugees abroad.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Department of Refugee Affairs and the Right of Return
2-4-2024 ... of-return/


Gaza officials say 14,500 children killed by Israel in nearly 3,000 massacres

In less than six months, the Israeli army has killed more children inside Gaza than in any conflict around the world from 2019 to 2022

News Desk

APR 3, 2024

(Photo Credit: Mohammed Salem/Reuters)

As Israel approaches the six-month mark in its genocidal war against Gaza, figures released by the enclave's Government Media Office on 3 April show that the Israeli army has so far committed 2,922 massacres that killed 14,500 children and 9,560 women.

The official death toll stands at 32,975 as of Wednesday. However, this only accounts for Palestinians whose bodies arrived at hospitals, while around 7,000 remain missing.

Among the deaths are 30 children who perished as a result of Israeli-imposed famine in the strip.
Further, 484 medical workers and 140 journalists are reported as casualties, while Gaza officials also say the invading army has arrested another 310 medical staff and 12 journalists.

For the past several weeks, Israeli officials have claimed that 13,000 ‘terrorists’ were killed by the Israeli army in Gaza, implying that every adult male killed in Gaza is a 'terrorist.'

"In practice, a terrorist is anyone the [Israeli Army] has killed in the areas in which its forces operate," a reserve officer told Israel news outlet Haaretz earlier this week, in a report that highlights the establishment of “extermination areas” across Gaza.

As for the destruction of infrastructure, Tel Aviv has completely razed 100 schools and universities, 229 mosques, and 70,000 homes. At least 32 hospitals have been taken out of commission, including Al-Shifa Hospital, which was destroyed after a two-week raid that killed at least 400 Palestinians.

The staggering figures come as global outrage swells against Israel for its complete disregard for civilian lives, including foreign aid workers, and as more nations are choosing to join in the genocide case against Tel Aviv at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Last week, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese issued a report titled “Anatomy of a Genocide,” concluding there are “reasonable grounds to believe” that the threshold of the crime of genocide has been met inside Gaza.

“A core feature of Israel’s conduct since 7 October has been the intensification of its de-civilianization of Palestinians, a protected group under the [Genocide] Convention. Israel has used [International Humanitarian Law] terminology to justify its systematic use of lethal violence against Palestinian civilians as a group and the extensive destruction of life-sustaining infrastructures," Albanese details.

“Gaza’s civilian population and infrastructure are presented as obstructions positioned amongst, in front of, and above targets … Israel has characterized the whole territory as a military objective … Israel considers any object that has allegedly been or might be used militarily as a legitimate target so that entire neighborhoods can be razed or demolished under fictions of legality,” the UN official adds.

Nevertheless, the US government has continued to fuel Israel's genocidal war by delivering over 100 arms shipments since 7 October and green-lighting new weapons deals for their close ally, despite allegations of ‘discontent’ behind the scenes. ... -massacres

US, Israel divided over ‘unrealistic’ Rafah plans[/b]

Tel Aviv has rejected Washington's assertion that an evacuation of Rafah could take several months

News Desk

APR 3, 2024

(Photo credit: Jacquelyn Martin/AP)

Significant differences emerged between Washington and Tel Aviv during a recent virtual meeting on Israel’s planned attack on Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, according to US and Israeli officials.

US representatives, led by National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, expressed concerns over “unrealistic” Israeli plans to evacuate over one million besieged Palestinians in the city, three sources with knowledge of the meeting told Axios on 3 April, adding that “deep divides” were evident.

The virtual meeting was held on Monday, 1 April.

Israeli officials in the meeting presented “general ideas” for evacuating Rafah’s stranded population, with the US saying “it is an unrealistic estimate and told the Israelis they are underestimating the difficulty of the task,” the sources told Axios.

Washington’s representatives told Israeli officials that the humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded in Gaza has negatively affected confidence in Israel’s ability to properly evacuate Rafah. Two of the sources said the US believes an evacuation could take up to four months, something that was rejected by Israel during the meeting.

Israeli officials reportedly disagreed that Gaza is facing severe famine, responding to Washington’s warnings on the unmatched food security crisis in the strip – a result of Tel Aviv’s continued blocking of sufficient amounts of aid from entering the enclave.

"It is clear to everybody that we will have to find a middle ground here," one source said.

Regarding military operations, Washington stressed an alternative approach to a full-scale invasion of the city, according to the sources. The alternative includes “isolating Rafah from the rest of the Gaza Strip, securing the Egypt–Gaza border, focusing on targeting senior Hamas commanders in the city and conducting intelligence-based raids.”

The sources added that the US side emphasized the need for slower, lower-intensity operations in Rafah – as opposed to the massive-scale offensives on Gaza City in the north and Khan Yunis in the south, which have resulted in unprecedented destruction, displacement, and death.

In a joint statement following the meeting, the two sides agreed unequivocally on the need for Hamas’ defeat in Gaza. Israel claims Rafah is Hamas’ final stronghold and the key to its victory in the war – despite the continued activity of the resistance group’s military wing and other factions across Gaza.

Washington has been continuously calling for limited ‘counter-terrorism’ operations in Rafah. It has publicly opposed Israeli plans for a full assault.

Late last month, Hebrew media reported that US generals would make their way to Israel to help draw up plans for attacking Rafah.

As reports of disagreement between Israel and the US continue to emerge, Washington has not stopped fueling the Israeli war effort with its uninterrupted flow of military aid and funds.

The virtual meeting on Rafah came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu canceled an initial meeting in response to a US abstention on the UN Security Council’s 25 March resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. ... afah-plans

Israeli army in frenzy over fears of Iranian response

Israel said it is bolstering air defenses due to fears of Iranian missile strikes on its territory

News Desk

APR 4, 2024

(Photo credit: AFP)

The Israeli army canceled leave for all combat troops on 4 April in anticipation of an Iranian response to the brutal strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus days earlier.

“In accordance with the assessment of the situation … it was decided to temporarily delay the leave of the fighting units,” the Israeli army said in a statement on Thursday.

“The IDF is at war and the issue of the deployment of forces is constantly reviewed as needed,” it added.

The army said a day earlier that it was boosting its air defenses and had called up reservist troops to confront a potential Iranian response to Israel’s destruction of Iran’s consulate in Syria and its killing of several officials.

Hebrew-language outlet Channel 12 speculated on Wednesday that Tehran could respond to the consulate attack by launching missiles from its territory – as opposed to using its ‘proxies’ in Lebanon, Iraq, or Yemen, referring to Hezbollah, the Iraqi resistance, and Yemen’s Ansarallah.

“I won’t be surprised if Iran fires directly at Israel,” former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin told Channel 12.

Several Iranian officials, including President Ebrahim Raisi and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, have vowed a response to Israel.

The airstrike completely leveled the Iranian consulate in Syria's capital, Damascus, killing several, including a senior officer in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

IRGC officer Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Hajj Rahimi was also killed in the attack, alongside five other advisors and officials.

Israel “will be slapped” for the Damascus airstrike, Khamenei said on 3 April.

Iran “has exercised considerable restraint [in the past], but it is imperative to acknowledge there are limits to such forbearance,” Tehran’s ambassador to the UN, Zahra Ershadi, said at the Security Council on 2 April.

She added, “This crime bluntly breaches the fundamental principle of diplomatic and consular immunity and flagrantly violated the 1961 Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, and the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons, including Diplomatic Agents of 1973.” ... n-response



Six Months Of Hell On Earth

Half a year of insulting our intelligence. Half a year of insulting our humanity. Half a year of unfathomable suffering. Half a year of irreparable trauma.

Caitlin Johnstone
April 3, 2024

Six months of this now. Half a year.

Half a year of genocide apologia.

Half a year of the most outrageous lies you can possibly imagine.

Half a year of seeing children’s bodies ripped to pieces and starved to skeletons on our social media feeds.

Half a year of atrocities justified by something that happened way back in October, and didn’t even happen the way the news media tell us it happened.

Half a year of western government officials pretending obvious evidence of war crimes is just some ineffable mystery that we’ll hopefully have answers to someday.

Half a year of Israeli officials openly stating their genocidal intentions in Hebrew for their Israeli audience and paying lip service to human rights and compassion in English for their western liberal audience.

Half a year of seeing reports that the IDF did something unbelievably evil, thinking “That can’t be right, let me check it out,” and then going “Oh, nope, it’s actually even more evil than I thought.”

Half a year of the western political-media class trying to frame the direct sponsorship of an active genocide as something other than what it is.

Half a year of passive-language “Palestinian child walks into bullet” headlines from the mainstream press.

Half a year of insulting our intelligence.

Half a year of insulting our humanity.

Half a year of unfathomable suffering.

Half a year of irreparable trauma.

Half a year of irreplaceable loss.

This fucking sucks, man. It sucks so bad. I’ve always enjoyed doing commentary on the crimes of the empire, but these last six months have been truly harrowing. It’s awful having to stare directly at hell on earth from day to day with compassion in your heart. The only thing keeping this project going is the fact that it needs to be done, and the knowledge that my own suffering isn’t the faintest shadow of what the Palestinians are going through right now.

This needs to end. It needs to end with desperate urgency. But we’re seeing no signs that it’s about to.

I don’t have anything wise or insightful to add to any of this right now. Some days all you can do is point to the nightmare and call it what it is, and we can all just be real about reality and feel our feelings about that.

I guess all I can really say is that at least we’re not alone in seeing what we’re seeing. The whole world is watching Israel commit a horrifying mass atrocity backed by the full might of the empire, and more and more eyes are opening to the reality of what this means for their society and everything they’ve been told to believe about it.

Every positive change in human behavior is always preceded by an expansion of consciousness, and Gaza is expanding western consciousness like nothing ever before.

So at least there’s that. At least there’s the possibility that something good might one day grow out of this steaming pile of shit.

And that’s all I’ve got for you. That’s the best I can do right now. ... -on-earth/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:03 am

Palestinian Authority Forces Covertly Entered Gaza to ‘Sow Chaos’ in Coordination with Israeli Spy Agency Shin Bet: Report
APRIL 4, 2024

Palestinian Authority security forces deployed in Jenin, West Bank, to crack down on the Palestinian resistance. Photo: Mohammed Ballas/Associated Press.

Gaza security officials have accused the West Bank-ruling Palestinian Authority (PA) of deploying covert operatives to the besieged enclave with the goal of “sowing chaos” within the Resistance in a scheme coordinated with Israel’s internal spy agency, the Shin Bet.

According to a senior official who spoke with Arabic media, the covert mission took place on the night of March 30 and saw several PA forces sneak into Gaza via the Rafah border crossing with Egypt by escorting trucks carrying humanitarian aid from the Egyptian Red Crescent.

“The suspicious security force that entered yesterday with Egyptian Crescent trucks coordinated its operations entirely with the occupation forces,” an official from the Gaza interior ministry told Al-Aqsa TV on March 31.

The plan reportedly called to “create a state of confusion and chaos among the ranks of the [Gaza] home front” in an arrangement reached between Tel Aviv and Ramallah “in their meeting in one of the Arab capitals last week.”

Gaza security forces managed to detain 10 of the operatives and are on the hunt for an unknown number of others who evaded capture. Officials also say Cairo informed the border crossing authority that it was “unaware” of the covert force.

The PA forces are reportedly affiliated with the General Intelligence Service in Ramallah and were deployed on an “official mission under direct orders” from the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, Major General Majid Faraj.

Faraj’s name made headlines last month when Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant put his name forward as a possible candidate to “temporarily manage” the Gaza Strip after the genocide of Palestinians comes to an end.

“The 61-year-old Faraj is a close associate of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas and has close working ties with Israel’s defense establishment… He is responsible for coordinating between Israel’s Shin Bet security agency, American CIA, and other international intelligence organizations,” a report by Israel’s i24NEWS details.

For its part, the PA denied all accusations to Palestinian news agency WAFA, calling them “baseless.” “We will continue to provide everything necessary to provide relief to our people, and we will not be drawn into frenzied media campaigns that cover up the suffering of our people in the Gaza Strip and the killing, displacement, and starvation they are subjected to,” an unnamed PA official told WAFA.

The March 30 operation came just hours before a new PA government was officially sworn into office as part of a US-drafted plan that calls for a “reformed PA” to control the occupied Palestinian territories.

Popular acceptance for the PA reached rock bottom long before the events of October 7 and the ensuing genocidal war in Gaza, as Palestinians increasingly expressed discontent over the group’s long history of corruption scandals, brutal repression of critics, and deep security coordination with Israel. ... et-report/

The Israeli Agricultural Industry: A Strategic Weakness
APRIL 3, 2024

Kibbutz fields near Nahal Oz on the Israeli border with Gaza. Photo: Amir Tayeboun.

By Batoul Suleiman – Mar 26, 2024

Since the beginning of the brutal war waged by the Zionist enemy on Gaza, the agricultural industry in the Zionist entity has witnessed a significant shortage of agricultural labor. The Israeli government issued a decree prohibiting Palestinian workers—some of whom work in the agricultural sector—from entering the Occupied Territories. This was accompanied by the departure of around 8,000 Thai workers from the Occupied Territories at the beginning of the war. This crisis posed a challenge for Zionist farmers, especially in the Gaza Envelope, who suffered from a significant shortage of labor, leading to an inability to harvest crops.

In fact, the agricultural industry in the entity employed about 15,000 Palestinian workers, and today the Israeli government is attempting to replace them with foreign workers from India, Sri Lanka, and Moldova. Hebrew media reports speak of a plan to bring in around 100,000 foreign workers to work in the construction and agricultural industries. Foreign workers have already begun to arrive in the Occupied Territories, but Israeli farmers are struggling because these foreign workers coming from Asia and Europe lack experience, as indicated by numerous reports published in “Israel.”

The agriculture industry in Israel relied heavily on Palestinian workers due to their agricultural skills on one hand, and their proficiency in speaking Hebrew on the other, which enables them to communicate effectively with employers, apart from their relatively low wages. This is not new, but rather the result of a historical trajectory of the transformation of the agricultural industry in “Israel” from a model of family farms to medium and large agricultural corporations. However, while this transformation has been promoted as a success story, the current war reveals other dimensions that may constitute strategic vulnerabilities for “Israel.”

History of labor in the Israeli agricultural industry
The structure of “Israel’s” settlement was initially based on agriculture. Ideologically, agriculture represented a way of life, deeper than just a means of earning income. Economically, agriculture constituted a significant part of the national revenue and exports for many years, and it played a crucial role in ensuring food security for waves of immigrants who came from various parts of the world.

Jewish settlements were built in their early stages on the idea of agricultural settlements. Since the late 19th century, Jews from Europe arrived in Palestine and established agricultural projects, mostly orchards (citrus and grapes), initially relying on Palestinian labor distinguished by its availability and low cost. In the early 20th century, Jewish socialist immigrants attempted to compete with Palestinian labor in agricultural work, but they were not successful[1]. Therefore, these immigrants established their own agricultural settlements. Two types of settlements prevailed: the “kibbutz” and the “moshav.” The “kibbutz” is a community in which each individual produces according to their ability and consumes according to their needs. The “moshav,” on the other hand, is a semi-cooperative village consisting of individual family farms, which engage in activities such as purchasing, marketing, and financing collectively to exploit economies of scale. As a result, farms were planned to rely solely on family labor.

However, after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, there was a reduction in reliance on the principle of self-employment or family work on their own farms, due to the need to increase food production and to provide employment opportunities for new immigrants on the other. This led to an increase in state investments in infrastructure, research, and agricultural training, resulting in a significant increase in agricultural production. By the 1960s, the entity achieved self-sufficiency in fresh agricultural products [2].

After the 1967 war and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestinian workers in the Occupied Territories were forced to work at low wages, gradually replacing some unskilled Israeli workers. Following this, a transformation wave began among agricultural workers in “Israel,” with a large number of Palestinian agricultural workers filling the needs of the Israeli agricultural industry, and with its growth, there was sufficient abundance for export.

The Palestinian labor force in the Israeli agricultural industry continued to expand until the first Palestinian Intifada, where Palestinian workers became a “security burden” for “Israel,” and many of them were unable to go to work regularly due to repeated blockades[3]. Starting in 1993, the Israeli government allowed its farmers to bring in a few foreign workers from Thailand to replace Palestinians, with the number of permits increasing in the following five years, as the security situation deteriorated. Between 1996 and 2000, the number of permits for foreign workers in agriculture reached about 17,000. Since 2002, the number has been around 27,000 [4], and remained so until 2023.

Neoliberal economics transformed agriculture
In the late 1970s, “Israel” experienced a shift towards neoliberalism, aligning with the Western trend towards free market economies and reducing government intervention. This changed the agricultural labor force to include Palestinians and foreigners. This transformation was massive compared to the kibbutz and moshav systems, which no longer played a structural role in the occupation’s agricultural industry.

In 1977, after Menachem Begin became the head of the first right-wing government in the entity’s history, public policy became less favorable to the agricultural industry. Trade controls were lifted, government support for exports and some import taxes were abolished, causing difficulties for the agricultural industry, especially with the inflationary recession that hit the Israeli economy in the 1980s. With the inflation-fighting measures taken in 1985, which involved a significant increase in interest rates, Israeli farmers faced a crisis in repaying their large loans, as most agricultural cooperatives suffered from heavy debts during those years due to cheap and subsidized credit prevailing in the 1970s.

Despite debt restructuring reforms initiated by the Israeli government in subsequent years, many agricultural cooperatives collapsed financially, and the remaining farmers had to adapt to the new situation without the safety net and support system provided by the cooperatives. Perhaps this was the most radical institutional change ever experienced by the Israeli agricultural sector, and it occurred within a very short period, which made it difficult for farmers to adapt to the new reality [5].

This impacted small-scale farmers who gradually exited the market due to increasing financial difficulties they faced. After 1985, the number of farms in “Israel” began to decline, with an average annual decrease rate of 5% in the 1990s. Additionally, the growth rate of value contributed by the agricultural industry to the economy became negative (-0.9%) in the 1990s, after peaking at an annual growth rate of 6.4% in the 1970s. Moreover, farmers’ incomes decreased significantly due to a reduction in the volume of agricultural exports, which accounted for about 13% of total production after 1981, compared to between 32% and 40% before that [6].

These adverse conditions in the agricultural industry forced surviving farmers to invest in industries and markets other than agriculture to increase their profits. This was suitable for large-scale farmers, who possessed large amounts of capital and capabilities that helped them withstand losses and invest in other markets. The exit of small-scale farmers from the market also helped these large-scale farmers expand their farms.

This structural change in the agricultural industry was also a result of the introduction of new technologies into the industry. Technology typically contributes to increasing productivity, thereby giving those who possess it an advantage over their competitors. As large farms are more adaptable and capable of adopting new technologies in the agricultural industry, they had a significant advantage [7].

“Israel” benefited from the introduction of technology into the agricultural industry, and even made efforts to develop it, becoming one of the pioneers in this field worldwide. This was supported by the Israeli government, with the Israel Innovation Authority providing support for research and development in agricultural technology companies, contributing between 20% and 50% of research and development budgets to assist in developing new products and technologies in this field [8]. This made the agricultural technology industry one of the most important industries of “high-tech” or advanced technology in “Israel,” accounting for about 17% of Israeli GDP [9].

Technological innovations in the agricultural industry include computer-controlled drip irrigation, computerized early warning systems for leaks, thermal imaging to detect crop water stress, biological methods of pest control, and new varieties of fruits and vegetables [10]. All these technological solutions have become important sources of Israeli technological service exports. The Israeli agricultural technology industry has positioned itself as a “savior” of agriculture industries worldwide, attempting to export its technologies to countries suffering from food insecurity, especially in Africa.

This technological focus of the Israeli agricultural industry further reinforced the structural transformation in the industry. Ultimately, this structural change removed some small-scale farmers from the market. In contrast, large farms that require hired labor became dominant, opening opportunities for increased Palestinian and later Southeast Asian labor in this industry.

Strategic error
The structural change in the Israeli agricultural industry not only affected the composition of workers in the industry but also had repercussions on food policy in the entity, which became more reliant on importing foodstuffs. This was due to the slowdown of growth of the agricultural industry, which coincided with a significant expansion in the population, compounded by the political desire to lower prices, which opened the door to imports [11].

As mentioned earlier, the slow growth of the industry in the 1980s was the result of inflationary recession factors that affected the Israeli economy during that period, coupled with the neoliberal policies followed by Israeli governments since the late 1970s, which reduced the amount of government support for agriculture. Consequently, population growth, over time, became faster than agricultural production growth. In the 1950s, the annual growth rate of production was about 12.8%, compared to a population growth rate of 4.6%. However, this dynamic shifted in the 1990s, the decade when population growth surpassed agricultural production growth, remaining so until now, with the former reaching 2.8% while the latter reached 2% [12]. This led to dependence on food imports to meet the increasing local demand. The result was that the entity became completely dependent on imports of sugar, vegetable oils, oilseeds, animal feed, and grains [13]. Moreover, domestic production of animal products relies on imports of feed and live animals.

This coincided with the neoliberal transformation in the Israeli economy, where the focus in the 1990s shifted towards high-value industries, especially the technology industry. Even agriculture took a significant share of this industry, with a focus on developing agricultural technology surpassing interest in agricultural production itself. At this stage, Israel chose the neoliberal model based on export orientation. The purpose of this policy was to improve the current account balance—reducing the deficit or increasing the surplus—attracting foreign direct investment, reducing external debt, and building foreign currency reserves by the central bank [14]. In contrast, other industries, including agriculture, saw declining growth rates, and their products lost competitiveness, even in domestic markets, due to the high production costs.

It is not sustainable to be a First World Country—meaning a country with an economy focused on high-value production while abandoning quantitative production, especially concerning basic goods like food—in a hostile region that does not accept you. No matter how significant Western support may be, there are economic rules in the real-world economy that cannot be bypassed or ignored. Consumers need consumer goods, and herein lies the strategic mistake committed by the Israeli entity during the formation stage of its modern economy, specifically after the neoliberal transformation it underwent in the late 1980s. Under export-oriented neoliberalism, the focus shifted to enhancing the economy’s status on the international stage. In this context, “Israel” was able to achieve its goal. However, it simultaneously relinquished a crucial aspect of its security, which is food security.

Amidst the brutal war that “Israel” is waging against the people of Gaza, other fronts have opened up. The attacks carried out by Yemen in the Red Sea imposing a blockade on Israeli ports from the early weeks of the ongoing war have proven that the anti-Israel camp is capable of reducing its ability to import. This poses an even larger problem in the event of a broader regional war. While today only the port of Eilat is affected by the blockade in the Red Sea, the situation could worsen if a war threatens other Israeli ports, especially those located on the Mediterranean Sea. This could trigger a food security crisis in “Israel,” which abandoned a fundamental element of its survival amidst the transition to neoliberalism.

[1] Kimhi, Ayal. “Are Migrant Agricultural Workers Replacing the Local Workforce?” 2015.

[2] Ayal Kimhi and Nitzan Tzur-Ilan. “Structural Changes in Israeli Family Farms: Long-Run Trends in the Farm Size Distribution and the Role of Part-Time Farming.” 2021.

[3] Angrist, Joshua. “Short-Term Demand for Palestinian Labor.” 1996.

[4] See reference 2.

[5] See reference 2.

[6] See reference 2.

[7] See reference 2.

[8] “How Israel Planted the Seeds of Its AgTech Success” Israeli Ministry of Trade website.

[9] “Israel: 2023 Article IV Consultation” International Monetary Fund, 2023.

[10] “The Future of Skills: A Case Study of the Agri-Tech Sector in Israel,” European Union Training Foundation, 2020.

[11] Kimhi, Ayal. “Food Security in Israel: Challenges and Policies” 2024.

[12] See reference 11.

[13] “Israeli Food Supply Chains,” US Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, 2022.

[14] Krampf, Arie. “Israel’s Neoliberal Turn and its National Security Paradigm” 2018. ... -weakness/


Even Without a UN Veto, Gaza Remains Hostage to American Power
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 4, 2024
Samer Badawi

Palestinians at the site of a destroyed home from an Israeli air strike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, March 22, 2024. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)Palestinians at the site of a destroyed home from an Israeli air strike in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, March 22, 2024. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

When the United Nations Security Council passed its long-awaited Gaza “ceasefire” resolution last week, the United States wasted no time shamelessly downplaying the move. If the scale of the slaughter in the besieged enclave — and Americans’ widespread disapproval of it — had shamed Washington into abstaining from, rather than vetoing, the measure, U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield made sure to insist that the resolution was “non-binding.” Despite its baselessness, her remark was surely heard in the war rooms of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Hours after the vote, Palestinians in Gaza reported an uptick in Israeli military attacks, including upon the masses who have sought shelter in the Strip’s southern half.

In Gaza’s southernmost city, Rafah, the White House’s half-hearted admonitions against an Israeli ground invasion had already revealed the cruel insincerity of American diplo-speak. As +972 Magazine’s Ruwaida Kamal Amer and Ibtisam Mahdi have documented, many of Rafah’s 1.4 million people, nearly all of them displaced from Gaza’s north, have been in Israel’s crosshairs for months — long enough for some to risk returning to their destroyed homes. There, they told Amer and Mahdi, they might avoid dying in tents or, if they are lucky, survive long enough to see a ceasefire.

Luck, however, will not halt the killing. In a measure of the international community’s desperation, America’s abstention was enough to prompt some hope that, after months of failed attempts, the UN might finally find a way to restrain Israel. Palestine’s Permanent Observer to the UN, Riyad Mansour, even called the resolution “a turning point.” In reality, though, Israel’s blatant disregard for its demands stripped the text of all meaning, even though — unlike the January 26 “provisional measures” ordered by the International Court of Justice — it explicitly demanded a ceasefire.

But that, too, was hardly groundbreaking. Unlike the resolution’s other demands— releasing all hostages and complying with international law on detainees—the “immediate ceasefire” came with an expiration date; it was to last only through Ramadan, the Muslim holy month that will end in early April. Knowing this, State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller, speaking to reporters on the morning of the UN vote, offered a blunt assessment of the resolution’s prospects. Asked by AP reporter Matt Lee if he expected Israel to cease hostilities, Miller responded: “I do not.”

That, presumably, is why the U.S. saw no need to vote down the resolution. It may also explain why the ICJ did not bother ordering a “ceasefire” in a March 28 addendum, issued three days after the Security Council vote. Although the court lamented “changes in the situation” since its original orders were released, the addendum’s operative clauses made no mention of Israel’s war on a civilian population, the indisputable driver of those changes (which now include widespread starvation).

The UN Security Council, December 18, 2015 (United Nations Photo)

Amid the ongoing spectacle of violence, Miller saw fit to proclaim Israel’s actions in line with international law, a conclusion that presumably relies on the same “because we said so” Israeli claims used to target hospitals, schools, media organizations, and UN facilities. Speaking to reporters a day after UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese said she had “reasonable grounds” to suspect Israel of genocide, Miller countered that his bosses opposed her mandate — as if the U.S.’s objection was reason enough to dismiss the allegation. He then went a step further by accusing Albanese of making antisemitic comments, a deflection that echoed that of Israel’s former ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer, who had told NPR that accusing Israel of blocking food aid was nothing less than a “blood libel.”

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby was equally dismissive of the UN vote. Kirby told reporters that the Security Council resolution, which calls for the “lifting of all barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance,” would have “no impact at all on Israel” and that there is “no change in [US] policy” on Gaza, a stance that directly contradicts the collective will of the international community.

In the end, whether that will is “binding” or not matters less than whether it is enforceable. And tragically, without U.S. backing, it is not. Evidence of that was in ample supply in the week following the resolution’s passage. As the bloody assault on Gaza continued, the Biden administration approved yet another transfer of “bunker-busting” bombs to Israel — all while acknowledging that hunger among Gazans has reached a tipping point. A recent report showed that mass starvation is “imminent” and that Gaza has more people at the highest risk for starvation than Somalia had at the peak of its 1992 famine.

With no indication that Israel will heed the Security Council’s demands or, indeed, that it will implement the ICJ’s provisional measures, holding the state accountable may fall to individual countries with the temerity to challenge Washington’s example. Shortly after the Security Council vote, Colombian President Gustavo Petro said he would cut ties with Israel if it refused to comply with the resolution. His admonition that others follow suit is already gaining traction, and many countries, including the staunchest U.S. allies, are finding other ways to break with the Washington consensus on Israel.

The fault lines may be most visible around the UN Relief and Works Agency, the only organization with the infrastructure to manage aid distribution at the scale Gaza needs. As Congress passed a stopgap funding bill that included a year-long ban on UNRWA payments, France joined Australia, Canada, and Sweden in doing the opposite.

In that schism may lie the larger lesson of Gaza’s sacrifice. If the international community aspires to a rules-based order, it can no longer look to Washington as its arbiter. Neither can the global institutions that, for too long, have been hostage to American power. ... can-power/

Israel’s Killing of Seven Aid Workers in Gaza Was Intentional
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 4, 2024
Abdul Rahman

World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza. Photo: WCK

Israel has killed aid workers and levelied false charges against agencies such as UNRWA, revealing its use of starvation as a weapon.
A day after Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed the killing of seven aid workers in central Gaza was a mistake, an Al-Jazeera investigation establishes that the killing was intentional.

Citing testimonies from the eyewitnesses, data from open source information, and images from the site of the attack, Al-Jazeera’s Sanad Verification Agency makes it clear that Israeli forces launched three different airstrikes targeting three different vehicles at three different locations—which cannot be done by mistake.

Other assessments also establish that there was a considerable gap of more than 30 minutes, and a distance of almost two miles between the three vehicles when attacked. This rules out accidental bombing.

World Central Kitchen (WCK), the agency the slaughtered aid workers killed belonged to, has already stated that the vehicles hit by Israeli air strikes were clearly identifiable with bold markings of WCK on their rooftops, and that their movements were coordinated in advance with the Israeli government.

Except for one Palestinian from Rafah, six other aid workers killed in the Israeli attack belonged to various countries, three from the UK, and one each from Canada, Australia and Poland. The WCK has demanded a fair and independent investigation into the killings, and has called on the countries that the slaughtered aid workers were nationals of, Australia, the UK, the US, Canada and Poland, to join them in demanding an investigation.

The governments in the UK, Canada and Australia have close diplomatic relations with Israel. Most of these governments have been backing the Israeli war in Gaza, labeling acts of genocide as Israel’s “right to self defense.”

Israel has never provided any credible explanations in its previous attacks on aid workers, for example, the slaughter of workers from the International Rescue Committee in March.

Israel paralyzes humanitarian aid work in Gaza

Following the attack, WCK announced that it is suspending operations in Gaza. Several other aid groups have done the same, sensing that carrying out humanitarian aid services will put workers’ lives at risk. The UN has also announced suspension of its aid delivery work during the night for at least next 48 hours on Wednesday.

Stephane Dujarric, the Spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, says that the suspension of aid has a “double impact” on Palestinians seeking aid, as well as a “psychological and chilling effect” on the remaining humanitarian aid workers who “continue to do their utmost to deliver aid to those who need it at great personal risk.”

WCK was aiding the World Health Organization (WHO) in providing food to health workers and patients in different hospitals across Gaza. Health workers themselves are working under uniquely strenuous conditions. Most hospitals in Gaza, such as its largest, Al-Shifa, have been shut down due to repeated attacks by the Israeli forces. The few hospitals still working have little resources and are overcrowded with patients and people taking shelter from Israeli bombings.

The attacks on WCK workers were not rare or exceptional. The Zionist state has repeatedly attacked aid workers, killing over 200 of them since October 7, according to the UN. Israel has deliberately slowed the flow of the aid, forcing some countries to resort to airdropping, which itself has resulted in casualties.

In the last few months, Israeli forces have targeted and killed hundreds of Palestinians waiting for aid delivery. In most of these instances, Israeli forces blamed Palestinians for overcrowding the streets.

Israel has targeted the UNRWA, the largest and most effective aid agency in Gaza responsible for over a million displaced Palestinians in Gaza during the war, by leveling unsubstantiated allegations of collaboration with Hamas. Several countries, including the US and the UK, suspended their funding to the UN agency, citing those allegations.

All this has been happening amidst multiple UN agencies reporting rising starvation among hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, and the growing risk of famine. Israel has gotten away with violating both the International Court of Justice (ICJ) interim order and the UN Security Council resolution on providing greater access to humanitarian aid for Palestinians.

As the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor concluded in a recent report, “The use of starvation as a weapon has been an official political decision from the first day of the war, as declared by the Israeli Minister of Defense, and was implemented in integrated stages, which have included tightening the siege and closing the border crossings; preventing the entry of commercial goods; destroying all components of local production and food sources; increasing the Gaza Strip population’s reliance on humanitarian aid; and turning it into their main source of food.” ... tentional/


Brothers in arms: the renewal of Shia-Sunni resistance against Israel

Jama’a al-Islamiyya’s return to the front lines against Israel may have minimal immediate effects, but carries significant long-term implications for Lebanon’s sectarian dynamics and the divisive goals of western and Gulf-backed Sunni parties.

Bilal Nour Al-Deen

APR 4, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

Recently, Jama’a al-Islamiyya (JI or the ‘Islamic Group’) – a Lebanese party affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood – has made a notable resurgence on the political and military scene. This comeback was marked by the active involvement of its armed wing, the Fajr Forces, established in 1982, in recent confrontations along Lebanon’s southern border with Israel.

The clashes led to the loss of 10 group members, who fell victim to Israeli forces in the southern Lebanese village of Al-Habbariyeh between 10 and 24 March.

The Islamic Group, rooted in Lebanon since 1964, commands significant influence within the Lebanese Sunni community. It boasts a network of supporters that spans various regions, including Beirut, the Bekaa, Sidon, Tripoli, and Al-Arqoub.

Chafik Choucair, a researcher at the Al-Jazeera Center for Studies, argues that the group holds considerable sway in Lebanon, given that “it ranks second after the Future Movement” of Saad Hariri. However, it lacks a proportional parliamentary representation. “In the current parliament, for example, it has only one representative, Imad al-Hout,” he explains.

‘Cooperation with Hezbollah’

The revival of the Islamic Group’s resistance operations has stirred unease among many in the Lebanese Sunni community, particularly those aligned with US-allied Arab states that view the Muslim Brotherhood with skepticism, as well as secular segments of this community.

So when JI’s Secretary-General Sheikh Muhammad Takkoush told AP on 29 March that military cooperation with Hezbollah was vital in the fight against Israel on the southern border, Sunni Lebanon sat up and took notice.

“Part of (the JI’s attacks against Israeli forces) were in coordination with Hamas, which coordinates with Hezbollah,” Takkoush revealed about his groups’ military operations, adding that JI’s direct cooperation with Hezbollah “is on the rise and this is being reflected in the field.”

Hezbollah is designated as a “terrorist organization” in many Persian Gulf Arab states that have long served as Lebanon’s most critical financial patrons, particularly for the country’s Sunni political parties.

As recently as February 2024, Saad Hariri, head of the Future Movement, said, “If I sense that Lebanon’s Sunnis are leaning toward extremism, then I will intervene.” Many, however, understood this to represent a green light from Persian Gulf states for the former prime minister – who withdrew from politics in 2022 – to return to his leading role in Lebanese politics if other Sunni movements, including the Islamic Group, began to gain too much support from the country’s Sunni public.

Sunnis in support of the Resistance

Regionally and internationally, the Islamic Group is considered part of the global organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 in Egypt by Sheikh Hassan al-Banna. Under the mantle of this organization are several parties and movements spread throughout the Islamic world, such as Kuwait, Syria, Sudan, Qatar, Malaysia, and other countries.

Perhaps the most prominent is the Hamas movement, established in 1987 by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in Palestine. Like Hamas, the Brotherhood has close ties with countries such as Turkiye, Qatar, and Iran.

Qasim Kassir, a Lebanese researcher, quoted sources in the Islamic Group, denying any relationship between its organization and the Qatari and Turkish presence in Lebanon. As one source told Kassir:

It is true that the group has positive relations with Qatar, as well as with Turkiye and its party and relief institutions, and that there is an active presence of Muslim Brotherhood leaders in these two countries ... But the group’s political programs in Lebanon have nothing to do with the Qatari and Turkish roles.

According to former Secretary-General of the group, Azzam al-Ayoubi, “Sunni Muslims in Lebanon are looking to any force that can support them for the sake of internal balance, based on their search for a way to restore the lost balance in Lebanon.”

It goes without saying that the stance of key regional players like Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt towards the Islamic Group is intricately tied to their broader negative views of the Muslim Brotherhood, with all three countries characterizing the organization as a terrorist entity.

However, the Islamic Group’s ideology emphasizes unity over sectarian divides, aiming to foster cohesion between Sunni and Shia communities.

This may explain its keenness to build good relations with the Shia community in Lebanon, especially with Hezbollah, and with Iran in the wider region.

In this context, the Iranian cultural advisor in Lebanon, Kamil Baqir, stressed during a visit with Takkoush that Tehran stands with all liberation and resistance movements “to achieve justice and liberate Palestine.” Iran’s Ambassador to Beirut, Mojtaba Amani, has also previously praised the relations between Iran and the group.

Others downplay any substantive ties between JI and the Lebanese resistance. Muhannad al-Haj Ali, a researcher at the Carnegie Center, believes the group is not affiliated with Hezbollah – despite press sources quoting a JI leader saying that the two are in “the same trench on the level of the Palestinian file.”

That connection is slowly becoming indisputable. As JI political official Ali Abu Yassin has stated: “All the forces operating in southern Lebanon are coordinating with each other.”

Stance on Syria

But the relationship between the Islamic Group and Hezbollah is not without its complexities, particularly concerning the decade-long Syrian conflict. This tension stems from the strained ties between Hamas and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad since 2011, which in turn impacted relations between the Islamic Group and Hezbollah.

The 2022 election of Takkoush as Secretary-General of the group, however, marked a period of improved relations despite ongoing challenges in reconciling differences over Syria. He was quoted at the time as saying, “We and Hezbollah are similar to each other.”

Abu Yassin informs The Cradle that burgeoning relations with the region’s Axis of Resistance does not come with any strings:

We have no relationship with any country and are not an arm for anyone. We are an independent Lebanese movement with its own goals, visions, and performance. This fact is not hidden from anyone, and our position on the Syrian crisis has not changed.

Instead, JI’s return to the resistance front is an organic one, in which confronting Israel has become an organizational priority after the occupation state’s brutal military assault on Gaza. It executes this goal “through full coordination with the Hamas movement, supporting all militant forces, and ensuring that the Lebanese arena remains an arena of confrontation against the Israeli occupation.”

This certainly explains JI’s recent involvement in battles in Lebanon’s south. A number of its members (whose total number may be 500, according to some estimates) have participated in border military operations in support of Gaza.

‘An extension of Hamas’

One JI leader has admitted to the Fajr Forces leading “joint operations with Hamas.” As the deputy head of the group’s political bureau, Bassam Hammoud has acknowledged, “We and Hamas are two sides of the same coin in confronting the Zionist enemy.”

Imad al-Hout, the Islamic Group’s sole deputy in Lebanon’s parliament, says the size of the Fajr Forces is set “according to what is necessary for them to respond to the aggression, and they are funded with their own capabilities.” For Hout, “as long as there is aggression, the group will continue to fire missiles at Israel.”

Abu Yassin elaborates on the group’s military wing, calling their recent performance in the field “good, even excellent,” and explains their return to battle thus:

Supporting Gaza is a defense of Lebanon because if the enemy wins over Gaza, and it will not, then the next day, it will be attacking Lebanon. What was required was achieved: exhausting the enemy south and putting pressure on its internal front, and the goal was to stop the enemy stopping its aggression.

An informed source, speaking on condition of anonymity, tells The Cradle that while “the Islamic Group has somewhat advanced military capabilities, it certainly does not reach the level of military technology in the hands of Hezbollah.”

It is clear that the Fajr forces possess Kornet missiles, which are effective in battle, but it is not possible to be certain of the source from which these missiles come, even though Hezbollah possesses large quantities of them.
External pressures and internal discord

A recent report by Lebanon’s Al-Akhbar newspaper illustrates just how worried the US and its Arab state allies are about JI moving to the resistance front line – and how that may enhance Sunni–Shia relations in the country.

Western intelligence services are seeking the assistance of allied Arab agencies that have networks in Lebanon to collect information about the group’s cadres and their leaders who are close to the resistance movement while trying to attract leaders in the Lebanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood organization to incite them to reject any relationship with Hamas or Hezbollah, as they are one of the arms of the Iranian project aimed at controlling the Sunni society.
Commenting on the news report, Abu Yassin argues that his organization “is a fully-fledged institution, and its work an institutional one ... Therefore, the group is very difficult for lurkers, if there are any. No one can influence its decisions.”

But Al-Akhbar revealed in an extraordinary exclusive today that foreign Arab actors are determined to do just that.

The newspaper points to an effort sponsored by the Egyptian and Saudi embassies in Beirut to stem the growth of the Islamic Group with “mobilization.” Both Arab and Western parties active in Lebanon’s Sunni arena – which include Dar al-Fatwa, the remnants of Nasserist movements, anti-Muslim Brotherhood Islamic frameworks, and various associations – to launch a campaign aimed at containing JI’s solidarity with Hamas and working to isolate the Islamic Group as its most prominent ally.

According to the news report, a raft of rumors are starting to make the rounds in Beirut:

About a Hamas-sponsored coup in the Islamic Group’s leadership; about it attracting cadres from the group’s youth to work in its ranks; and about Hamas’ leader abroad, Khaled Meshal, providing large annual funding for the group to enhance its capabilities as a resistance faction. The Egyptians, in particular, blame the group’s Secretary-General Sheikh Muhammad Takkoush and accused him of leading a Hamas-designed maneuver to create a reality in the Sunni arena whose reference would be the Muslim Brotherhood in the region, with the help of Qatar.

Indeed, as one informed source tells The Cradle, there have been clear changes within JI since the election of Sheikh Takkoush as secretary-general:

This rift began as a result of Takkoush adopting a line calling for openness to Hezbollah and thus Iran, especially since the pro-Hamas wing that opposed Hezbollah and Syria was larger within the group before Takkoush’s arrival. Especially that Hamas was financing the group financially due to Lebanon’s economic crisis.

Lebanese journalist Samer Zreik explains the discord, revealing that some members perceive the security leadership within the organization as prioritizing external agendas, namely those of Hamas and Hezbollah, over the group’s own goals.

But as a major Lebanese Sunni party, the Islamic Group’s decision to embrace both Sunni and Shia resistance again is a welcome development in a country with a divided history and an existing sectarian divide. JI's reaching across this divide serves not only the just cause of solidarity with Palestine, but also the national interests of the Lebanese state. ... nst-israel

Gazans in Israeli custody 'routinely' lose limbs due to inhumane conditions: Report

As Israel faces growing isolation over innumerable violations of international law in Gaza, a new report sheds light on the catastrophic conditions of detained Palestinians

News Desk

APR 4, 2024

(Photo Credit: X)

An Israeli doctor working at a field hospital inside a detention center holding hundreds of Gazans says conditions inside are “catastrophic” and put Tel Aviv “at risk of violating the law.”

In a letter addressed to the Israeli defense and health ministers and the attorney general, the unnamed doctor says Palestinian detainees are regularly blindfolded, fed through straws, forced to defecate in diapers, and are shackled by all four limbs 24 hours a day, resulting in severe injuries that often require amputation.

"Just this week, two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event," the Israeli doctor highlights.

“From the first days of the medical facility's operation until today, I have faced serious ethical dilemmas. More than that, I am writing [this letter] to warn you that the facilities' operations do not comply with a single section among those dealing with health in the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law,” the letter says, according to a report by Israeli daily Haaretz.

“This makes all of us – the medical teams and you, those in charge of us in the health and defense ministries, complicit in the violation of Israeli law. And perhaps worse for me as a doctor, in the violation of my basic commitment to patients, wherever they are, as I swore when I graduated 20 years ago.”

The field hospital in question is located inside the Sde Teiman detention center, which was established soon after the start of Israel's campaign of genocide in Gaza. The facilities hold between 600 and 800 Gazans at any given time.

The letter also reveals that the field hospital doesn't receive regular supplies of medical equipment or medicine, while detainees who suffer from chronic medical issues are often not transferred for treatment at the hospital.

“No patient who was referred to a hospital has remained there for more than a few hours. It happens that patients after major operations, such as abdominal surgeries for intestinal resections, are brought back after about an hour of post-op observation during recovery to the Sde Teiman medical facility, which is staffed most of the day by a single doctor, accompanied by a nursing team, some with no more than medic training,” the letter details.

Israeli security forces have abducted scores of Palestinians in Gaza since October, often using advanced facial recognition and AI technology. Besides the thousands of adults and children who have been detained, tortured, and interrogated in makeshift prisons across the strip, many more have gone missing without a trace.

“A teenager who sold cigarettes. A singer on the rise. An engineer at a local bottling plant … are among thousands who have been reported missing in Gaza,” the Washington Post reported in mid-March.

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), over 5,000 are missing in the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) has warned that Israel is committing the "crime of forced disappearance."

Israel has also markedly increased the number of arrests in the occupied West Bank, more than doubling the population in Israeli prisons since October. ... ons-report

White House authorizes fresh shipment of bombs for Israel

Washington has quietly flooded Israel with weapons since October, despite public proclamations of 'discontent' with the ongoing genocide of Palestinians

News Desk

APR 4, 2024

(Photo Credit: Kenny Holston/The New York Times/Redux)

The US government this week authorized a new transfer of over 1,000 500-pound MK82 bombs and 1,000 small-diameter bombs to Israel, according to several sources who spoke with CNN.

The authorization was reportedly issued on 1 April, hours before the Israeli army bombed a humanitarian convoy three consecutive times in the Gaza Strip, killing seven foreign aid workers.

Global outrage followed this attack, which came after more than 190 aid workers in Gaza and the West Bank had already been killed in nearly six months of a genocidal war waged by Tel Aviv. Moreover, 14,500 children and over 9,000 women have been massacred by the Israeli army since October.

Despite constant reports in western media about “frustrations” and “anger” within the White House over the brutality unleashed in Gaza, US President Joe Biden has clearly stated that military assistance for Israel has no red lines.

Last week, the White House gave the green light for the sale of 50 F-15 fighter jets to Israel, in a deal expected to be worth more than $18 billion. While the warplanes are not expected to arrive in Israel until 2029, the deal comes at a time when Tel Aviv has markedly increased its provocations against Iran and is threatening to “expand” the war against Lebanon.

Since 7 October, Washington has quietly made more than 100 foreign military sales to Israel without congressional approval.

The US government has also stepped in to defend Israel against genocide accusations at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and cut funds for one year to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in response to a discredited Israeli smear campaign. ... for-israel
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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