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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:18 pm

Condemn U.S. decision on Jerusalem: Statements by Communist and Workers Parties across the world


The recent decision of the U.S. Trump administration to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital city of the state of Israel has sparked outrage across the world. Israeli and Palestinian communist and left parties have denounced Trump's decision, while the Communist Party of Greece stated that the decision "adds fuel to the fire" to "burn" the perspective of a Palestinian state. Below, you can read announcements by various Communist and Workers Parties:

Communist Party of India (Marxist). Image

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the decision of US President Donald Trump, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to shift the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv.
This action goes against the United Nations’ and the international community’s stand that East Jerusalem is an occupied territory by Israel since 1967. An independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital is the internationally accepted position. The United States has taken the formal step of legalizing the illegal occupation of Palestine territories by Israel. No other country in the world has given recognition to Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
The United States is also responsible for scuttling any possible peace negotiations between the Israel and Palestine. This decision by Donald Trump will trigger further tensions and conflicts in the region with global ramifications.
Unlike the worldwide opposition to this move, official spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs has scrupulously refused to criticize the US decision. This shows the extent of servility of the Modi regime to the United States.
The Polit Bureau demands that the Modi government come out strongly disapproving of the US action, as it goes against India’s longstanding commitment to the Palestinian cause.

AKEL (Cyprus). Image

AKEL denounces the unilateral decision by the United States to proceed to the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, which violates the resolutions and decisions of the United Nations on the special international status of the city. The status of Jerusalem is a central issue for a comprehensive solution of the Palestinian issue, and the position of the international community is that East Jerusalem will be the capital of the independent Palestinian state.

This provocative decision constitutes a flagrant violation of the Palestinian people’s national rights and represents support for the Israeli occupation, threatening to undermine the possibility of a two-state solution and to provoke new conflicts both in Jerusalem and in Palestine, and more broadly throughout the region.

We believe that the international community has an obligation to defend its decisions and principles of law, to uphold the right of the Palestinian people to an independent and viable state. This is a critical time during which the UN and the entire international community – together with the EU as well – must demand in practice the immediate termination of the 50-year Israeli occupation, the recognition of the independent Palestinian state – with East Jerusalem as its capital – as a full member of the UN.

We reiterate that the Cypriot government must adopt a position based on principles and stand against this decision otherwise it will be exposed in the eyes of the Arab world, but also the overwhelming majority of the international community.

AKEL reaffirms its full unreserved solidarity with the Palestinian people, which it will intensify in a variety of ways. The Palestinian people, like all the peoples of our region, have the right to freedom and peace.

AKEL has submitted a relevant resolution to the Cyprus Parliament.

Image Portuguese Communist Party (PCP).

The PCP strongly condemns the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel today announced by the US President, a decision that represents explicit US support for Israel's Zionist policy and a frontal aggression on the martyred Palestinian people and provocation of the Arab peoples, with dangerous and unpredictable consequences.

The PCP considers this decision – which is associated with the announced transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem – which is all the more serious when it is taken at a time when plans for a new military escalation in the region are becoming increasingly clear with the danger of an enormous confrontation, with consequences far beyond the Middle East.

The PCP considers that the Portuguese Government should- in respect to the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and the decisions adopted by the Assembly of the Republic concerning the recognition of the right of the Palestinian people to the construction of the State of Palestine, on the pre- 1967 borders and with capital in East Jerusalem – unequivocally condemn the decision now taken by the US administration.

The US Administration's decision – which openly violates International Law and numerous UN Security Council resolutions on the status of Jerusalem, starting with Resolution 478 that explicitly determines the withdrawal of the diplomatic missions from that city, as well as Resolution 2334 of December, 2016, which, condemning the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory, reiterates that the status of Jerusalem can only be settled by way of negotiation – constitutes a new and serious obstacle to the necessary negotiated settlement of the Palestinian question and highlights the hypocritical role of the United States regarding the just resolution of the conflict.

The decision now taken cannot be separated from the US Administration's measures to sabotage the nuclear agreement with Iran; from Israeli military aggressions on Syrian territory; from the announcements of the constitution of a “NATO of the Middle East” aimed at Iran and involving dictatorships of the Gulf; from the conflicts instigated by Saudi Arabia, a historical ally of the USA, against Yemen and other countries of the region; the upsurge of terrorist attacks in countries like Egypt; from the persistent declarations by Israeli leaders threatening direct military conflicts with Iran and Lebanon - a framework of widespread degradation of the situation being fostered by the more adventurous and bellicose sectors of imperialism, faced with an increasingly clear defeat of their plans of destabilization and terrorist chaos in Syria, thanks to the resistance of the Syrian people and the help it has received from other countries and forces, now targeted by these same sectors.

The PCP considers that measures should be taken at UN level to condemn and deter the US administration from a decision that constitutes a provocation and a very serious step in the escalation of tension and conflict in the Middle East.

The PCP reaffirms its long-standing solidarity with the Palestinian people and its legitimate and heroic seven-decade struggle for the right to a sovereign and viable state on the pre-1967 borders and with its capital in East Jerusalem, and respect for the right of return of the Palestinian refugees that Israel's policy of expansion and occupation of Palestine generated.

Considering that solidarity with the Palestinian people is now more than ever necessary, the PCP calls on all peace-loving forces to express their firm opposition, not only against the measures now announced by the US administration, but also regarding the plans and threats of escalation of military aggressions, which have already destroyed several countries in the Middle East and represent a very real and serious threat to peace in the region and in the world.

Communist Party of Turkey (TKP). Image

"Only under Socialism Jerusalem can be the capital of peace".

It is pointless to look for a strategy on the Palestinian issue behind the US President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The US imperialism has generated a plethora of “projects” from outright occupation to “moderate Islam”, from the so-called “Arab Spring” to the “fight against terror”, which all fizzled out and caused the major imperialist power to lose ground. On top of such unhindered descension, the ongoing fratricide among the dominant powers of the US has added insult to injury. Trump’s Jerusalem initiative is an attempt to kill two birds with one stone, i.e. to allow the US take initiative in the region on the one hand and to provoke the region in order to save his own skin on the other.
This attempt is doomed to failure; it can result in nothing but another fiasco.
Jerusalem has a status specified by international agreements and United Nations documents. The “two-state solution” prescribed for the Palestinian issue identifies East Jerusalem as the capital of an independent state of Palestine.
The United States and Israel have sabotaged all attempts to proceed in this direction for many years. These interceptions meant planting bombs on the road to a solution. Now, these bombs will explode in the hands of those who have planted them.
First of all, declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is not a decision that can gain recognition in the present state of world affairs. It is impossible to assemble a coalition with other imperialist powers, global and regional powers to legitimize such decision.
Secondly, the forces of peace are not as weak as they are supposed to be. Imperialism, which miscalculated the resistance against occupation in the Middle East, the secular and patriotic background of the region in recent years, is engaged in an attempt doomed to failure once again. The people of Palestine will resist. The forces of peace in Israel will resist. Peoples of the region who live in countries which are friendly to Israel and adherents and pawns of the US, will stand by the resistance.
Trump’s fantasy to kill many birds with one stone will certainly backfire; the illegitimate policies of the state of Israel will meet with the reaction and abomination of all humanity.
Communist Party of Turkey strongly condemns the US President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and highlights that this is an utterly provocative attempt. Provocations can be circumvented only through the joint political action of peoples.
Enemies of the people have no place in this fight. The reactionary political powers in the region, firs and foremost the AKP, have no legitimacy whatsoever to take part in it. Tayyip Erdoğan is not embracing the seemingly anti-Israeli demagogy today for the first time. Erdoğan’s defiance is nothing but an empty threat. Just as it was years ago in Davos, during Israel’s blockade of Gaza.
The continuation of military cooperation between Turkey and Israel proved that this old demagogy was nothing but empty words. It became obvious as imperialism unleashed Turkey and Israel against Syria right off the bat. It became obvious as the massacres perpetrated by ISIS, which wreaked havoc on the region, gained the support of these countries. The fact that reactionism employs Islamist bigotry in Turkey and Jewish bigotry in Israel does not make any difference.
The fake reactions of the AKP and similar regimes in the region complement Trump’s sinister attempt. Provocation is welcomed with more provocation, and battle cries rang all around. Reactionism supposes that it can sustain its power by provoking peoples against each other.
In this very day, Communist Party of Turkey feels the necessity to underline the fact that reactionism is neither on the side of the Palestinian people, nor on the side of peace.
It is not impossible to make Jerusalem a center where peoples of diverse cultures, faiths and languages can and do live in peace side by side. Yet, it is time to remind ourselves that this objective can be attained only under socialism. The last assault of imperialism and Zionism shall not be an excuse to put other demands in front of the fight for peace and socialism. On the contrary, the fact that the threat of war could not be staved off so far proves that putting off the fight for socialism is a profound fallacy.
Communist Party of Turkey proclaims that the provocative decision about Jerusalem cannot gain validity in the face of the peoples’ will, and demands this dismal attempt to be revoked at once.
On this occasion, we once again demand to put an end to the occupation, to have an independent and sovereign state of Palestine to be established within 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, to have the Palestinian state accepted as a full member to the United Nations, to have Israeli military stop its invasion on Syrian and Lebanese territories, to have the blockade of Gaza lifted unconditionally and immediately, to have illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian territories abolished at once, to have the Jewish settlers leave Palestine, to have the wall of shame surrounding Palestine torn down, to have Palestinian refugees who have been forced to leave their homes to be able to return their lands, and to have all political prisoners in Israeli prisons to be released.
We repeat our solidarity with the toiling masses of Palestine, the forces of peace in Israel, and all oppressed, patriotic peoples of our region, and we hail the working classes of Israel and Palestine and the revolutionary, communist and peace loving forces of resistance who represent them.

Communist Party of India (CPI). Image

The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the decision of US President Donald Trump, to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to shift the US Embassy there from Tel Aviv.
This action goes against the United Nations' and the international community's stand that East Jerusalem is an occupied territory by Israel since 1967. An independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital is the internationally accepted position. The United States has taken the formal step of legalizing the illegal occupation of Palestine territories by Israel. No other country in the world has given recognition to Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
The United States is also responsible for scuttling any possible peace negotiations between the Israel and Palestine. This decision by Donald Trump will trigger further tensions and conflicts in the region with global ramifications.
Unlike the worldwide opposition to this move, official spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs has scrupulously refused to criticize the US decision. This shows the extent of servility of the Modi regime to the United States.
The Polit Bureau demands that the Modi government come out strongly disapproving of the US action, as it goes against India's longstanding commitment to the Palestinian cause.
Iraqi Communist Party.


(In Arabic)
نستنكر قرار ترامب ونتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني
نفذ الرئيس االمريكي يوم امس في اجراء متهور قرار الكونغرس األمريكي المتخذ سنة 1995 ، والذي
رفض الرؤساء االمريكان السابقون التوقيع عليه.
وجاءت خطوة ترامب باالعتراف بالقدس عاصمة لدولة االحتالل االسرائيلية ونقل سفارة الواليات المتحدة
االمريكية اليها ، حلقة في سلسلة مواقف االدارة االمريكية المعادية لحقوق وتطلعات الشعب الفلسطيني
العادلة ، وضمن نهج عدواني متغطرس لالدارة الحالية.
ان هذه الخطوة تشكل مخالفة صريحة واضحة لكل القرارات الدولية ذات العالقة بالقدس ووضعها النهائي ،
واضفاء شرعية على احتالل اسرائيل لها وعلى خطوتها العدوانية بضم القدس الشرقية التي احتلتها عام
1967 واعتبار القدس عاصمة ابدية موحدة لها.
و يضرب موقف االدارة االمريكية هذا عرض الحائط بكل التحذيرات االقليمية والدولية من االقدام على ذلك
لما يسببه من توتر وعدم استقرار في المنطقة ، وتقويض لحل الدولتين الذي تدعمه قرارات الشرعية الدولية
والمجتمع الدولي.
ان هذا القرار باطل في واقع الحال وغير قانوني ، وهو ال يغير من وضعية القدس كونها مدينة محتلة
يتوجب على المحتلين الرحيل عنها ، وعن كافة االراضي الفلسطينية والعربية التي احتلوها بعد حزيران
1967 ،وايقاف عمليات بناء المستوطنات االسرائيلية.
اننا اذ نستنكر هذا القرار غير المشروع ، ونجدد تضامننا مع الشعب الفلسطيني ودعمنا حقه المشروع في
اقامة دولته الوطنية على ارضه وعاصمتها القدس ، وتنفيذ قرارات الشرعية الدولية ذات العالقة ، ندعو
االمم المتحدة وكافة الدول والقوى المناصرة للعدل والسلم ولحق الشعوب في تقرير مصيرها، وشعوب
البلدان العربية واالسالمية وشعبنا العراقي وكافة االحزاب والقوى الوطنية ، الى التضامن مع الشعب
الفلسطيني والضغط بمختلف االشكال الشرعية والقانونية لحمل االدارة االمريكية على التراجع عن قرارها
العدواني ، واتخاذ اجراءات ملموسة وعملية في هذا الشأن، وان يتوج ذلك باتخاذ قرارات دولية ملزمة
تستجيب الرادة الشعب الفلسطيني وتضمن نيل حقوقه وتصحيح االجحاف التاريخي الذي وقع ضحيته.
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Re: Palestine

Post by solidgold » Sat Dec 09, 2017 3:47 pm

Gaza: Israeli bombing kills two Palestinians, injures ~25. Hamas hasn’t taken responsibility for the air strike that (allegedly) provoked this attack. Wall Street Journal cites unknown jihadist groups as taking credit; otherwise, mainstream media pretty quiet as usual.

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:02 pm

Palestinian People’s Party - Communist Party of Israel: Joint Call against Trump's policy on Jerusalem


The Palestinian People’s Party (PPP) and the Communist Party of Israel (CPI) severely condemn US President Donald Trump’s December 6 decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a decision which is both a blatant attack on the rights of the Palestinian people and a significant blow to the requirements for a just peace based on UN resolutions adopted by most countries and the overwhelming majority of peoples worldwide.
The US policy supporting Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian Territories since 1967 can only lead to a resurgence of chaos and instability throughout the region and the world. The newly announced American policy regarding Jerusalem assures that the United States will continue to remain part of the problem, rather than serve as a positive factor in achieving a solution. There is no solution to the conflict other than ending the Israeli occupation and fulfilling the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination by establishing an independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital and resolving the refugee issue in accord with UN General Assembly resolution 194.
Trump’s decision flies in the face of international law, UN Security Council resolutions, and global unanimity about Jerusalem’s being occupied territory. The newly declared policy of the US administration obliges us to mobilize our efforts to isolate, confront and utterly remove it from the agenda of the International community.
The tripartite alliance between US-led imperialism, illegal Zionist settlements and annexation fostered by the Israeli government, and the forces of reactionary Arab regimes is absolutely antithetical to the inalienable national and historical rights of the Palestinian people. The failure of this alliance’s plans in the region until now – in particular in Syria and Yemen – is spurring it on to play the Palestinian card for all its worth and extort the Palestinian leadership into surrendering to what Trump would have us believe is “the deal of the century.”
To confront this cynical alliance we need to both broaden and strengthen international solidarity with the cause of the Palestinian people and intensify pressure on the Israeli government of occupation. The PPP and CPI call upon all Communist and workers’ parties and all progressive and democratic forces around the world to escalate their struggle against the Israeli occupation, to increase their solidarity with and commitment to the Palestinian people and its legitimate rights, and to support a just and comprehensive peace in the region based on the respect of all peoples’ rights to live in freedom and independence.
Source: ... st_15.html
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:17 pm

Ibrahim ‘the half bodied,’ an icon of Gaza skirmishes, loses his other half for Jerusalem
Israel/Palestine Ahmad Kabariti on December 16, 2017 0 Comments

The narrow streets of the 70 acres of Gaza City’s densely crowded Beach refugee camp were never so quiet as today. The poor camp on the western part of the city is famous for starting life too early every day, with the fuss of street vendors, donkey cart drivers and the vegetable market, which is filled with customers by 6:30 am.

All of these faded this morning, one day after Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, 29, was shot dead during skirmishes with the Israeli army east of the city.

In front of his old family home, Abu Thurayeh’s friends began to set up a condolence tent for his relatives and neighbors. His 27-year-old cousin Mahmoud Abu Thurayeh was delivering the chairs shortly before mourners arrived.

"Ibrahim has always been the first to offer help to set up such tents for the martyrs of the camp,” Mahmoud said. “But today it seems he will not, forever”.

Ibrahim had lost his legs in an Israeli attack on Al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza. He was injured in 2008 by an Israeli helicopter that targeted him after he took down an Israeli flag along the border and raised a Palestinian one.

Since that time, he has been active in the clashes– until he was killed with a bullet above his eye fired by an Israeli soldier.

About 150 Palestinians were injured and four were killed near the border fence in Gaza on a day of clashes that erupted also in the West Bank in protest of the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

In a video clip two days before his death, Ibrahim said he had come to participate in the clashes in Nahal Oz (east of Gaza) because he wanted to cross the occupied land on the other side of the barbed wire border even once in his life. But his dream ended with a fatal shot.

“The Israeli army is cowardly and does not appear to fight except behind the concrete cubes,” he added in the video. “We only have small stones that reach only 50 meters, and every day I will come crawling on my hands.”

“I am here to deliver a message to those soldiers: “This is our land and we will not give up. The United States should withdraw its declaration over Jerusalem”.

Losing his legs did not mean he was helpless. Said Sameer Abu Thurayeh, Ibrahim’s brother: “My brother was an icon of confrontations and was always found in the first rows. He lost his feet 10 years ago because he replaced the Israeli flag on the border, and yesterday was killed while a small Palestine flag was in his lap”.

“Ibrahim came here only to express his anger at the Trump’s declaration, so he was the victim of murder,” Sameer, 32, said, adding that the Israeli soldier “was involved in killing a young man without feet crawling on the ground.”

The older bereaved brother, who took part in Ibrahim’s funeral, recalled for Mondoweiss their last conversation during breakfast last Wednesday. Ibrahim saw that the demonstrations were becoming deadly. “Mom, bro… please forgive me for any mistake I have ever did, I have lost my legs for my country and I think that is not enough, I must sacrifice my whole body for the sacrifice of the homeland,” Ibrahim said.

Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh at a demonstration on the Gaza border some weeks ago. Abu Thurayeh was killed Dec. 15, 2017. Photo by Mohammed Asad.

“I did not know a friend or a brother but Ibrahim,” Sameer said. “Israel robbed me of everything. Why they fear a wheelchair bound man?.”

At the morgue doors of Shifa Hospital, a crowd of relatives and associates from the skirmishes gathered to catch a final glimpse of his body. I met Nael Abu al-Reesh, 23, who apparently had not changed his clothes since the clashes erupted a week ago. I could smell the fumes of burning tires, while his sweater was filled with bits of dry grass picked up on the eastern border.

Funeral of Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, killed at a demonstration on Gaza border, December 15, 2017. Photo by Mohammed Asad.

“Once we arrived at the confrontation on Friday afternoon, I was pushing Ibrahim’s wheelchair at his request to the nearest soldiers’ point. He was carrying a slingshot and a small flag,” Nael said.

“Suddenly a soldier raised his thumb.” The soldier’s look said, you are doing a wonderful job guys and I will show you something soon, Nael said. “In a minute we were rained with dozens of gas bombs and everything turned like fog. I felt that I had lost the wheelchair handles and no longer heard the words ‘Push me more forward.’

“After a few seconds, I found Ibrahim’s forehead bleeding heavily, there was a hole above his left eye, and then I realized that his soul had gone forever,” Nael said, standing near an ambulance preparing for his funeral.

“I will go back to Nahal Oz now. I feel there is a duty to do over there,” Nael told Mondoweiss.

While those young men in the West Bank and Gaza confront Israel with stones, Israeli soldiers fire rubber bullets and live ammunition.

Since Trump has turned his back on decades of US and international diplomacy by saying Jerusalem is the Israeli capital, the international community warned of uncontrollable reactions, and Hamas vowed to open “doors of hell” and called for a “new intifada.” Demonstrations have swept the Palestinian territories. Eight Palestinians have died and hundreds have been injured in clashes with the Israeli army, while dozens have been arrested.

All photographs by Mohammed Asad. ... jerusalem/

Other photos which would not copy found at link.
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 19, 2017 4:45 pm

" Israeli soldiers broke into the Tamimi home in village of #NabiSaleh at 4am and took their 16 year old daughter, Ahed. Soldiers confiscated the family’s cameras and laptop. "

Death to Israel. Death to the Zionist pigs.



This child is a warrior and shames us all.
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 19, 2017 7:06 pm

On the Palestinian struggle between the concepts of resistance and terrorism
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360 ° on DECEMBER 17, 2017
Ghazi Sourani

In dealing with the concepts of resistance and terrorism at this stage of the sovereignty, tyranny and savagery of American globalization and its prestige the Zionist state, we must stop in the state of confusion and ambiguity that imposed itself on these two concepts, where we observe how deliberately American political and cultural circles and Western capitalism in general, and "Israel" on the face In particular, to make the resistance of colonized and oppressed peoples terrorism, and the terrorism of the capitalist system and its Zionist ally legitimate action, and therefore this ambiguity or ambiguity is in fact only an attempt to obliterate the objective fact that separates unequivocally between the And the Zionist imperialist terror on the other hand, a methodology linked to the imbalance between the movements of global liberation and poor countries on the one hand and the system of capitalist globalization and its Zionist ally on the other hand.

But this imbalance in the balance of power - now - between North and South or between the countries of the capitalist center and the States Parties in Latin America, Asia and Africa, will not be able to merge or even cross the concepts of resistance and terrorism together, but arbitrarily arbitrary as in the position of the imperialist regime and its ally the Movement Zionism in our country.

Any objective or neutral researcher in dealing with the concepts of resistance and terrorism and their application to the Palestinian situation will inevitably find it necessary to separate the two concepts so that the Israeli barbaric aggressive practices clearly reflect the concept of terrorism that has been practiced against the Palestinian people and uprooted them from their homeland. And the continued denial of a just peace that achieves its national goals of return, self-determination and the state in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, which it struggles to implement using all forms of political and armed struggle that can only be explained by a form of legitimate resistance, The international charters, a resistance based mainly on the will of this people, is incomparably greater than its reliance on combat equipment, which has nothing compared to the huge military machine possessed by the Israeli enemy with the unlimited support of the United States.

The Palestinian is resisting and seeks freedom and emancipation in order to feel reassured and to end forever the character of the victim that I have committed until now because of the rapist and the Zionist murderer who is trying to eliminate all his hopes for freedom and life ... Who is then the terrorist? Who is fighting for his freedom, independence and a safe and dignified life? The Zionist enemy, which raped Palestine on the pretext of the interests of global capitalism without any justification or historical right at all, and continues to devote this rape by refusing to accept the resolutions of international legitimacy, although the victim has been forced to accept those resolutions under the changes and conditions of international and Arab Zionist expansionist Zionism , And led to this deep imbalance in the balance of power in favor of the Israeli enemy, which continued to annex the Palestinian territories and divide them into cantons besieging the Palestinian people from all sides, rejecting General Assembly and Security Council resolutions and the recent decision of the Hague Court on the Wall Aa, in order to achieve its goal of

We understand of course the nature of this stage of the history of international relations, under the dominance of US globalization since the end of the seventh decade of the last century, and the resulting change in policies and a coup in attitudes and concepts, so that the resistance to freedom and justice in all parts of the earth terrorism, While the aggressive Israeli expansion in Palestine and the American control over the capabilities of the peoples of the world is a legitimate act, this stage of monopolization will not last long, if it has not begun today, and in any case we have in history examples that are full of events and lessons. Humanitarian, The historical conflict between empires and states in ancient, modern or contemporary times has been a struggle - and still is - governed by the will of power expressed by the economic interests and expansionist tendencies of this dominant class or class, The Roman Empire was able to expand at the expense of the vulnerable or semi-primitive peoples at the time, under the pretext of its ability to expand and control the destinies of other nations after God gave them that ability, as he said Philosopher of the Roman system "Cicero". This was the stage of the Roman "peace", which was followed by states and empires that were expanded and motivated by interests, and that religion took a visible title or pretext for that expansion, which in any case was linked to the factors and elements of coercive force before it was linked to any religious or political logic. The Ottoman Empire, the British and others. At the end of the First World War we witnessed the demise of the Ottoman Empire and the beginning of the disintegration of the British Empire, whose imperial role ended at the end of the Second World War of 1945, It was incorporated into the capitalist system led by the United States of America since that time. It began to manage the struggle against the socialist system or the Soviet Union, which strengthened the hopes of humankind in general and the oppressed peoples in particular for freedom, social justice and progress. , Which in turn gave birth to the imperial "imperial" role of the United States as a monolithic monolithic hegemony in the name of neo-liberalism or "democracy" or "peace" of the United States, which requires the peoples and nations of the world in general, and poor people in particular, American policy and interests, "and anyone who objects to or harbors hostility to the United States and to its universal peace, the war against those nations becomes a sacred task for the good of humanity and the international community for a" decent "," free "and" democratic "world. The language we listened to whenever America had to go to war.

"The real wars have a beginning and an end, but this anti-terrorism war can not end. This is a first sign that it is not a war, but rather a mandate to expand the use of American force," says American writer and novelist Susan Sonntag. 2].

وإذا عدنا إلى التاريخ مجدداً , فإننا لن نجد في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة إشارة واحدة إلى إيمانها بالسلام, لقد قامت على الاغتصاب والعنف, وهو العامل المشترك مع “إسرائيل” , لقد حصدت واقتلعت الهنود وأرواحهم دون رحمة, وخاضت حرباً أهلية طاحنة, واستعبدت وأذلت السود الأفارقة أو “العبيد”, وحاربت ( من أجل السيطرة) في كوبا والفلبين وهاواي والصين واليابان وكوريا وفيتنام وأوروبا وأميركا اللاتينية (ومؤخراً في أفغانستان العراق) ، واستخدمت كل أنواع أسلحة الدمار, وفي ذلك كله كان الأمريكيون أصحاب رسالة , يقتلون ليحيوا , ويدمرون ليعمرّوا ، لدرجة أن هذا الوله بالعنف ، والتنافس على تطويره ، والمباهاة بممارسته بات من أبرز وجوه الثقافة الشعبية الأمريكية , فمعظم ساحات أمريكا مزينة بتماثيل السفاحين, وورقة العشرين دولار مزينة بصورة الرئيس ” أندرو جاكسون” الذي كان يستعذب مشاهدة سلخ رؤوس الهنود, والصحف اليومية تعج بأخبار الجرائم, ومعظم برامج التلفزيون والسينما تتبارى في تمجيد العنف, وكل حركات السلام في أمريكا متهمة بالخيانة[3].

This spirit, inhabited by violence and terror, is run by many American military and civilian institutions, the most important of which is the Pentagon, which Tristram Coffin describes as "men and women sitting in front of computers screens ready to send death to anywhere in the world. The institution and its military mysticism are a combination of Crusader Christianity and worship of the goddess of victory "Nike Nike" [4].

As for the state of the Israeli enemy in our country, we never find any difference in the essence of the establishment and the emergence of the American state, which is based on violence and terrorism and the rape of the land and the displacement of the population to achieve the same interests, as the "idea of ​​Israel," as presented by the Hebrew classics and painted in the two centuries Two basic tasks that can be achieved only with violence and terrorism [5]:

1. Occupation of the countries of others.

2 - replace the population with strangers, and enslavement of those who disobey them.

3. Replace culture and history with the culture and history of foreign occupiers.

If the Israeli usurper, who established his country on the pretext of power and terrorism, has reached a deadlock today, which has left only the path of war and confrontation with our people and our nation, America, in contrast, as the British writer John Lucare is diagnosed, entered today, But this is the worst phase, worse than the McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of Pigs and the Vietnam War. Baghdad, however, was not a clear threat to its neighbors and posed no threat to the United States or Britain. As for weapons of mass destruction, A joke compared to the arsenal that can "Israel" and America that And therefore, what is at stake is not a terrorist or military threat, but the requirements of US economic growth. [6]

We conclude from the foregoing that, in general, European and American capitalism, especially since its earliest origins, has been linked with the message of the invasion based on violence and terrorism, and the very existence of the enemy State of Israel in the application of this capitalist message despite all the biblical or religious pretexts that have no legal basis The power of the Israeli presence at this stage of the conflict is only one manifestation of imperialist power and expansion that has, and continues to be, the principle of inequality and inequality, in addition to the invasion, violence and oppression of the people, through the exercise of all forms of terrorism against the Poor Playful parties in countries in general and in the countries of the Arab world in particular, but the dominance of the United States and its control unilateralism on this planet, at this stage, helped to impose its vision, which says that anyone who is against American policy is considered a terrorist or a supporter of terrorism.

In any case, the measure of the ruling on resistance in terms of legitimacy or non-reliance depends on the objective of the resistance and its motives. It is logical that the ruling on the so-called political terrorism is linked to the purpose of its practice and in general, we must take into account, or the compulsive necessities of the current system of globalization , There are two positions of "international terrorism":

The first is the position that rejects terrorism regardless of motives:

Supporters of this trend support the position of the United States, Israel, and the Western capitalist system in general, which opposes the right of peoples to resist in order to achieve their legitimate and just goals. This resistance is called political or religious terrorism. The mainstream of all its media, military and economic means to combat this phenomenon and condemn those who stand behind it without looking into the objectives and motives behind the practice of this political violence.

Second: the trend that calls for the search for motives before the conviction (legitimacy of the purpose of the means):

One of the advocates of this position is a group of third world countries, including the Arab states, whose position is that the treatment of international terrorism is not just a conviction or a criminalization of the perpetrators, because this constitutes only half of the issue and will not solve the problem. The roots of the phenomenon, its motives, and the objectives of those who carry it, the end may justify the means sometimes.

If we go back a little, we will note the position of the United Nations on this issue during the Cold War and then the variables that governed its position during the period of American globalization. In 1973, the United Nations General Assembly took the view of the second movement in defining its position on "international terrorism" "Despite the need to combat international terrorism and other forms of violence that threaten the lives of innocent people or deprive individuals of their fundamental freedoms, it is necessary to examine the reasons behind the practice of terrorism, which are rooted in a sense of despair, frustration and injustice Which pushes some people to sacrifice human lives, including their lives themselves in order to bring about radical changes in the features of this bleak picture. "

The General Assembly gave the peoples the right to resort to all forms of struggle, including the armed struggle for their independence, as was evident in the Program of the Assembly of 12 October 1970 entitled "Program of Action for the Full Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples" Where the program considered that colonialism in any way is a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and all international covenants.

However, the General Assembly's resolution of 1977 was of particular importance on the subject. It was adopted by an overwhelming majority of votes, and it took an important step by linking directly the right to self-determination and the legitimacy of resorting to armed struggle. It also condemned countries that deny peoples the right to struggle For independence.

As for the position of the struggle of the Palestinian people and their resistance against the Israeli occupier, the UN General Assembly passed its historic resolution in November 1974, which affirmed the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people, in which the General Assembly expressed its concern for the lack of a solution to the Palestinian cause The resolution also states that the General Assembly:

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine;

2. Also reaffirms the inalienable right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and property.

3. Further recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to restore their rights by all means in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Thus, the United Nations gave the people of Palestine the right to use all means, including the armed struggle, to realize their legitimate rights.

The so-called peace series coincided with the transformation of the international system, casting its shadow on and questioning the approach of the armed struggle. It played the dynamic of political détente in the Middle East, which coincided with the so-called peace process initiated by the Madrid Conference. And "Israel" in 1994, the great impact in reviving efforts to the so-called fight against the phenomenon of terrorism.

The General Assembly of the United Nations, at its forty-ninth session in 1994, adopted a resolution under which a series of measures aimed at the elimination of international terrorism would be adopted. This resolution was distinguished from its previous resolutions by the General Assembly that it approached the American and Western position, Or the search for its motives. Thus, the resolution condemned all acts and practices of terrorism wherever and wherever they were. Then the peak of interest in terrorism became the concern of all the countries of the world without exception following the bombings of New York and Washington on 11 September 2001 and the following day The Security Council met to discuss the issue, and with the unanimous support of all GCC states and the support of almost all the countries of the world, the Council adopted two stark resolutions condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and called upon all countries of the world to ally themselves with the United States to combat terrorism. On the 28th of the same month A new Security Council resolution was passed

In this context, it is necessary to clarify things that are indispensable to clarify, as peace has not yet been achieved - the Zionist entity continues to occupy all of Palestine and the Golan Heights, and the Palestinians do not exercise sovereignty, even for one inch of the land of Palestine - and as long as that is the case, And this right can not fall - whether granted or without international legitimacy - until independence is achieved by the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

In any case, it is necessary to distinguish between the reality of the occupation and the discourse of peace. The reality is the Israeli occupation, which spreads death and destruction daily in our country. Peace is, for the moment, a speech that seeks for itself a reality that adapts to its statements. Was the spokesman of the Zionist enemy, how do we talk about the reality of peace and the Israeli army besieging our people and isolates our cities and villages and assassinates our fighters.

What is needed now is a Palestinian and Arab strategy to formulate a clear and firm strategy for the Palestinian issue, which defines the Palestinian and Arab position, which is based on the fact that the conflict is primarily a Zionist Arab conflict and the transfer of this position to the world, accompanied by an information campaign that shows that the Arab commitment to a just peace does not negate the legitimacy of the struggle Palestinian conflict against Israel, as long as it insists on its refusal to withdraw completely from the occupied Palestinian territories.

Therefore, the escalation of the conflict and the continuation of the resistance in all its forms against the Zionist enemy is the main course of our Palestinian people in its struggle to extract its freedom and expel the occupying occupier from our country, which is not strange or emergency on the one hand and can not be described as a form of terrorism except by the American Zionist enemy Who at this stage was able to falsify the facts of history in connection with the pressures of the capitalist interests and its brute force. The course of the Palestinian struggle and resistance carries many historical and legal motives:

First, the agreements that are not based on national rights, directly and clearly, do not last long, but they become, long or short, a grain of war between the parties, as long as they are based on coercion and the will of power without regard to historical or legitimate rights. These conditions are the talk of the prospects for a just and balanced peace, a talk of illusions without results or usefulness, revealed and blocked by the facts of reality and the history associated with our land, our people, our cause and our past, present and future.

Secondly, it has become clear that under the present system of globalization and with the direct support of American imperialism, the Zionist enemy seeks to obtain the legitimacy of the status quo or the legitimacy of the usurper occupier as an alternative to any legitimacy, whether based on historical or legitimate rights And its decisions.

Thirdly, the continuation of the intifada, which began on 28 September 2000, and the continuation of this steadfastness and the continued struggle of our people do not negate the fact that this deep and renewed organic connection among our people - and spontaneously - is about the slogan of the unity of the land, the people and the cause. Strength and cohesion - the credibility of the forces and factions avant-garde for national and democratic liberation, and its clear position, and the firm rejection of the Declaration of Principles in Oslo and the subsequent agreements in Taba, Sharm el-Sheikh and Wye Plantation and Tint's understandings to the map of chaos and loss to the so-called "Sharon Plan" More Expansion and settlement in the West Bank, and diminishing the project of the independent state within the framework of the Gaza Strip and part of the northern West Bank in preparation for the cancellation of all resolutions of international legitimacy and impose and deepen the data of defeat and its new class symbols not only in Palestine but throughout the Arab world.

All the above, the commitment of the Palestinian national forces to communicate in the resistance against the Zionist enemy embodies a fundamental and parallel principle with the internal democratic struggle, based on the fact that the liberation struggle in all its political and armed forms is a necessary and legitimate means for a people struggling to recover their rightful homeland. The Zionist presence in our country embodies the capitalist Zionist terror and its tools in our entire Arab homeland. There is no people in ancient or contemporary history who has agreed to choose his surrender document in the name of "peace" or "co-existence" with an enemy.Colonial colonization, rape and hegemony over a country may bring the usurper or occupier a form of political sovereignty over that country, but it can not have legal sovereignty because of its lack of historical rights, which are the only condition of legal sovereignty that can not be achieved or gained through occupation or Colonialism and settlement by the means of force and coercion on the one hand, which rights can not be eliminated or the statute of limitations no matter how long the life of the occupier or usurper on the other hand.

We are aware that anyone who seeks to distinguish between resistance and terrorism in the framework of the Arab-Zionist conflict will not make much effort to discover the parameters of the conflict in terms of the reality of the Palestinian motives in the resistance, in comparison to the Zionist motives in the rape of the land so that terrorism becomes a title and a main tool for those motives Without any legal, legal or historical justification, in return for the Palestinian resistance, in addition to its historical rights to full sovereignty over the land of Palestine, legitimate rights in the struggle to achieve its objectives, which were affirmed by the international conventions:

1. International law and international declarations of human rights: These charters are based on "the basis of the right to human stability in the context of his or her life and right to remain in his country and to leave and return to it. The right to return to the homeland is a natural right of origin and freedom that can not be overridden, suspended, violated or denied. , Even in emergencies and occupation. "

For our people, he sees - and objectively - that these violations constitute a strong justification for his resistance, as well as the main justification for the resistance, which is based on the fact that the Israeli presence is essentially a form of rape, colonialism and oppression.

2. The refusal of the Zionist enemy to implement Resolution 194 is a form of terrorism, which makes the resistance of our people a right and a duty. Resolution 194 of 11/12/1949 is one of the most important decisions on the right of return for Palestinian refugees. It is the cornerstone of Palestinian rights The United Nations has affirmed that refugees who wish to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be allowed to return as soon as possible and that compensation should be paid for the property of those who decide not to return to their homes.

3. General Assembly Resolution 2787 of 6 December 1971, which affirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for self-determination and freedom from colonialism, domination and foreign enslavement, including the people of Palestine.

4. The historic United Nations Resolution No. 3236 of 22 November 1974, which affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including:

(A) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(B) The right of the Palestinian people to independence and national sovereignty;

(C) The right of the Palestinians to return to their homes and calls upon the General Assembly to return them.

The General Assembly recognizes that the Palestinian people are essential to achieving a just and lasting peace in the Middle East.

(E) Recognizes the right of the Palestinian people to restore their rights by all means in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations;

F. Call on all countries in the world to increase their assistance to the Palestinian people in their struggle to recover their legitimate rights.

The General Assembly of the United Nations decided to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization and to include representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) as an observer member. The General Assembly also recognizes the right of the PLO to participate in all United Nations organizations and international conferences. (90) against (17) and with 19 abstentions.

5. Resolution No. 3376 of 10 November 1975 of the United Nations General Assembly establishing the International Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People.

In light of all the above, and in the face of the state of Arab and international decline, we call for working to activate the role of PLO institutions, legislative and executive, through serious democratic participation of all factions and national and Islamic forces, so that the organization restore its national role as a symbol and identity of our people Including our people in the diaspora, on the basis that the PLO remains the national authority and the only legitimate representative of our people, expressing its national issues and achieving its goals of return and the right of self-determination and independent state through struggle and resistance in all their political and military forms, The Philistine Resistance Linnaean is possible, linked to many factors, local, Arab and international variables:

First, the depth of the Arab consciousness in general and the Palestinian in particular, in our historical and historical rights in Palestine is the root of the contradiction with the Zionist enemy, which is the basic rule in the management of the conflict and the main source of the resistance spirit in all its forms against this unprecedented aggressive attack by the Zionist enemy Palestinian conflict but actually threatens the Palestinian existence itself (the people and the land together).

This close connection between the historical and the forbidden right is the objective framework in the conflict with the Zionist enemy and the system of capitalist globalization as a whole, and not as Huntington points out - that the conflict between the West and the East is inevitable. To the religious dimension or religious culture, as this position is a justification for the domination of us and justification for the displacement of the East, and the Arab nation, especially for any role or influence.

The tragic end of the Cold War era, the collapse of the socialist system, the rise of the system of capitalist globalization, the divisions, tensions and widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the retreat of the concepts of justice and legitimate and legitimate rights of the peoples of the Third World in general, Arab peoples and our Palestinian people in particular, Which in turn generates reactions to resistance in all its forms.

Thirdly: The extent of the suffering and sacrifices in the poor popular circles (the vast majority of our people) in parallel to the prolongation of the defeat and its extension through the occupation in time and space, despite the Oslo Accords and its aftermath, reaching the "road map", "Sharon's plan" and the evacuation of Gaza without leaving the enemy. In the political, security and legal sense, where the situation in the Gaza Strip remained the same as it was prior to the evacuation, these agreements changed only the criteria of the occupation while the essence of the occupation remained as it was on the ground.

The political impasse reached by the Palestinian national cause and its effect on the aspirations and hopes of our people is a dilemma that can not be isolated from the internal predicament of the Palestinian society which has accumulated rapidly due to the uniqueness of the tools of corruption and imbalance in relations and values ​​within the context of an abnormal social movement through privileges and In this context, Hamas' victory in the elections held on January 25, 2006 was in line with the aspirations and hopes of our people for the salvation of symbols of political, economic and social corruption on the one hand, Stress resistance, freedom and independence from the second hand program, without the religious factor motivation to win it.

In parallel with our political predicament and our internal Palestinian situation, the factors of the existential predicament of the enemy state also emerged, but this dilemma left only the path of military confrontation after the transformation of Israeli society into the Israeli right-wing program. This was expressed by sociologist Baruch Kimmerling, What we were afraid of today has become a fact that Jews and Palestinians have dressed up in complex tribalism, and war is unavoidably an unavoidable fate. "He described the war as" an evil colonial war. "

In this climate, accompanied by the expansion of the aggression and the clarity of its objectives in striking and uprooting the title of the national resistance from its roots through the liquidation, assassination and arrest of its symbols, in parallel with the settlement and expansion and annexation of the Palestinian territories and trying to create a spirit of despair and frustration among our people.

In this climate, the conflict with this enemy is transformed into an existential conflict, despite the realization that the essence of this conflict - at this stage - is that the struggle of the vast majority of our people is based on the goal of establishing a full Palestinian state on the occupied territories. In return for the insistence of the Zionist enemy, with unlimited American support, to deprive our people of this goal, and here again we become impossible to combine resistance and terrorism or between victim and rapist.

Therefore, it was not surprising that the bloody conflict with the enemy was connected to the crisis in the internal situation in all its political, economic, social and political dimensions, or to the state of dependence and subordination and official Arab submission to the conditions of American globalization on the one hand and its stigmatization on the barbarity of the Zionist enemy and its daily aggression against our people and its capabilities on the one hand a second.

In any event, the continuation of this Israeli arrogance will strengthen the spirit of resistance that will continue in response to all the killings, liquidation, humiliation, land confiscation and expansion practiced by the Israeli enemy, in an ugly and ugly manner that has never been seen in contemporary history. What happened in Jenin, Tulkarm, Bethlehem, Nablus, Gaza, Rafah and Beit Hanoun and all our villages and camps from the deliberate killing of civilians and thousands of martyrs and wounded in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, give and justify and push towards the practice of reaction at its highest through the resistance, which was able to acquire a large area of ​​support among the masses of poor people, My return, self-determination and the establishment of independent state, as a condition for the desired peace in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, that is the goal of the Palestinian resistance seeks in its struggle against the Israeli enemy, which refuses to recognize those decisions do not shy from describing Palestinian resistance as "terrorism",

It seems that the Israeli "society" fears peace more than it fears war, and believes that confrontation is the best alternative under the US position supporting "Israel", a position that manages the crisis without looking for a real solution to it despite the miserable ideas presented by President Bush The "viable state" without any commitment to the resolutions of international legitimacy and the international conference as a required exit at this stage to crystallize a just solution for the Palestinian people and the establishment of an independent state on all its occupied land with Jerusalem as its capital. Until this goal is achieved, the Palestinian and Arab resistance will continue against the Zionist aggression Wiki on our country, not for the freedom of our people and the establishment of our independent state, but also for the continuation of the struggle against US imperialism and the Zionist ally by all means in order to promote Arab unity under a unified Arab socialist society.

[1] Sobhi Al Hadidi - Current America: Power Madness Recession vacuum - Carmel - No. 76/77 - Summer 2003 - Ramallah - Palestine.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Mounir al-Aksh - From America and Violence - Carmel - previous source.

[4] Munir al-Aksh - a source mentioned above - p "38".

[5] Ibid., P. 40.

[6] The United States lost its senses - John Lucaria - translated Sobhi Hadidi - Carmel - former source - p. 11 ". ... %82%D8%A7/

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu Dec 21, 2017 9:24 pm

So, despite the threats and brow-beating the UN hands Nikkki her ass:



brightened my day
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:18 pm

Israel using ‘strange gases’ against protesters in Gaza

April 9, 2018 at 9:26 am | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

A drone photo shows smoke rising as Palestinian protestors burn tyres during confrontations with Israeli forces during a demonstration, organised within the "Great March of Return" despite Israel's threats, with tear gas near the Gaza/Israel border in Khan Yunis, Gaza on April 06, 2018 [Stringer / Anadolu Agency]

April 9, 2018 at 9:26 am
Israeli occupation forces used “strange” and “unknown” gases against unarmed, peaceful protesters in Gaza, Quds Press reported the central commission for documentation and pursuit of Israeli war criminals –Tawtheeq saying.

Head of the commission Imad Al-Baz told Quds Press that Israel used strange gases against the protesters for the first time last Friday as Palestinians continued their peaceful activities as part of the Great March of Return.

The gases caused protesters’ bodies to convulse and tremble, he explained. Many lost consciousness as a result for several hours, he added.

“We do not know the kind of gases which were used for the first time,” he said, “but we took cultures from the blood and urine of those affected and we expect the results will be shocking.”

Israeli occupation forces used unmanned drones to drop the gas on the demonstrators, Al-Baz said.

Protesters were being targeted in their lower body, Al-Baz said, with 55 shot with live ammunition in their genitals, likely in an effort to cause infertility.

Some 32 Palestinians have been killed since 30 March when the Right of Return March was launch. A further 2,850 were injured. ... s-in-gaza/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:44 pm

Snipers ordered to shoot children, Israeli general confirms
Ali Abunimah Rights and Accountability 22 April 2018

Israeli Brigadier-General (Reserve) Zvika Fogel (Wikipedia)

An Israeli general has confirmed that when snipers stationed along Israel’s boundary with Gaza shoot at children, they are doing so deliberately, under clear and specific orders.

In a radio interview, Brigadier-General (Reserve) Zvika Fogel describes how a sniper identifies the “small body” of a child and is given authorization to shoot.

Fogel’s statements could be used as evidence of intent if Israeli leaders are ever tried for war crimes at the International Criminal Court.

On Friday, an Israeli sniper shot dead 14-year-old Muhammad Ibrahim Ayyoub.

The boy, shot in the head east of Jabaliya, was the fourth child among the more than 30 Palestinians killed during the Great March of Return rallies that began in Gaza on 30 March.

More than 1,600 other Palestinians have been shot with live ammunition that has caused what doctors are calling “horrific injuries” likely to leave many of them with permanent disabilities.

As eyewitnesses and video confirmed, the child Muhammad Ayyoub posed no conceivable danger to heavily armed Israeli occupation forces stationed dozens of meters away behind fences and earthen fortifications on the other side of the Gaza boundary when he was killed.

Even the usually timid United Nations peace process envoy Nickolay Mladenov publicly declared that the slaying was “outrageous.”

Targeting children
On Saturday, Brigadier-General Fogel was interviewed by Ron Nesiel on the Israeli public radio network Kan.

Fogel is the former chief of staff of the Israeli army’s “southern command,” which includes the occupied Gaza Strip.

Ahmad Tibi, a Palestinian lawmaker in Israel’s parliament, drew attention to the interview in a tweet.

A recording of the interview is online (it begins at 6:52). The interview was translated for The Electronic Intifada by Dena Shunra and a full transcript follows this article.

The host Ron Nesiel asks Fogel if the Israeli army should “rethink its use of snipers,” and suggests that someone giving orders “lowered the bar for using live fire.”

Fogel adamantly defends the policy, stating: “At the tactical level, any person who gets close to the fence, anyone who could be a future threat to the border of the State of Israel and its residents, should bear a price for that violation.”

He adds: “If this child or anyone else gets close to the fence in order to hide an explosive device or check if there are any dead zones there or to cut the fence so someone could infiltrate the territory of the State of Israel to kill us …”

“Then his punishment is death?” Nesiel interjects.

“His punishment is death,” the general responds. “As far as I’m concerned then yes, if you can only shoot him to stop him, in the leg or arm – great. But if it’s more than that then, yes, you want to check with me whose blood is thicker, ours or theirs.”

Fogel then describes the careful process by which targets – including children – are identified and shot:

“I know how these orders are given. I know how a sniper does the shooting. I know how many authorizations he needs before he receives an authorization to open fire. It is not the whim of one or the other sniper who identifies the small body of a child now and decides he’ll shoot. Someone marks the target for him very well and tells him exactly why one has to shoot and what the threat is from that individual. And to my great sorrow, sometimes when you shoot at a small body and you intended to hit his arm or shoulder, it goes even higher.”

For “it goes even higher,” Fogel uses a Hebrew idiom also meaning “it costs even more.”

In this chilling statement, in which a general talks about snipers targeting the “small body of a child,” Fogel makes crystal clear that this policy is premeditated and deliberate.

While presenting unarmed Palestinian children as dangerous terrorists worthy of death, Fogel describes the snipers killing them in cold blood as the innocent, vulnerable parties who deserve protection.

“We have soldiers there, our children, who were sent out and receive very accurate instructions about whom to shoot to protect us. Let’s back them up,” he says.

Lethal policy
Fogel’s statements are no aberration but represent Israeli policy.

“Israeli officials made it clear that the open-fire regulations would permit lethal fire at anyone attempting to damage the fence, and even at any person coming within 300 meters of it,” the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem stated in a recent analysis of Israel’s illegal targeting of unarmed civilians who pose no threat.

“Nevertheless, all state and military officials have steadfastly refused to cancel the unlawful orders and continue to issue – and justify – them,” B’Tselem added.

B’Tselem has called on individual soldiers to defy such illegal orders.

Following its investigation of the “calculated” killings of unarmed demonstrators on 30 March, the first day of the Great March of Return rallies in Gaza, Human Rights Watch concluded that the lethal crackdown was “planned at [the] highest levels of the Israeli government.”

Two weeks ago, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court issued an unprecedented warning that Israeli leaders may face trial for the killings of unarmed Palestinian protesters in the Gaza Strip.

Potential defendants would be giving any prosecutor a gift with such open admissions that killing unarmed people in an occupied territory who pose no objective threat is their policy and intent.

The question remains whether anything will finally pierce the shield of impunity that Israel has enjoyed for 70 years.

Full Transcript
Brigadier-General (Res.) Zvika Fogel interviewed on the Yoman Hashevua program of Israel’s Kan radio, 21 April 2018.

Ron Nesiel: Greetings Brigadier General (Res.) Zvika Fogel. Should the IDF [Israeli army] rethink its use of snipers? There’s the impression that maybe someone lowered the bar for using live fire, and this may be the result?

Zvika Fogel: Ron, let’s maybe look at this matter on three levels. At the tactical level that we all love dealing with, the local one, also at the level of values, and with your permission, we will also rise up to the strategic level. At the tactical level, any person who gets close to the fence, anyone who could be a future threat to the border of the State of Israel and its residents, should bear a price for that violation. If this child or anyone else gets close to the fence in order to hide an explosive device or check if there are any dead zones there or to cut the fence so someone could infiltrate the territory of the State of Israel to kill us …

Nesiel: Then, then his punishment is death?

Fogel: His punishment is death. As far as I’m concerned then yes, if you can only shoot him to stop him, in the leg or arm – great. But if it’s more than that then, yes, you want to check with me whose blood is thicker, ours or theirs. It is clear to you that if one such person will manage to cross the fence or hide an explosive device there …

Nesiel: But we were taught that live fire is only used when the soldiers face immediate danger.

Fogel: Come, let’s move over to the level of values. Assuming that we understood the tactical level, as we cannot tolerate a crossing of our border or a violation of our border, let’s proceed to the level of values. I am not Ahmad Tibi, I am Zvika Fogel. I know how these orders are given. I know how a sniper does the shooting. I know how many authorizations he needs before he receives an authorization to open fire. It is not the whim of one or the other sniper who identifies the small body of a child now and decides he’ll shoot. Someone marks the target for him very well and tells him exactly why one has to shoot and what the threat is from that individual. And to my great sorrow, sometimes when you shoot at a small body and you intended to hit his arm or shoulder it goes even higher. The picture is not a pretty picture. But if that’s the price that we have to pay to preserve the safety and quality of life of the residents of the State of Israel, then that’s the price. But now, with your permission, let us go up one level and look at the overview. It is clear to you that Hamas is fighting for consciousness at the moment. It is clear to you and to me …

Nesiel: Is it hard for them to do? Aren’t we providing them with sufficient ammunition in this battle?

Fogel: We’re providing them but …

Nesiel: Because it does not do all that well for us, those pictures that are distributed around the world.

Fogel: Look, Ron, we’re even terrible at it. There’s nothing to be done, David always looks better against Goliath. And in this case, we are the Goliath. Not the David. That is entirely clear to me. But let’s look at it at the strategic level: you and I and a large part of the listeners are clear that this will not end up in demonstrations. It is clear to us that Hamas can’t continue to tolerate the fact that its rockets are not managing to hurt us, its tunnels are eroding …

Nesiel: Yes.

Fogel: And it doesn’t have too many suicide bombers who continue to believe the fairytale about the virgins waiting up there. It will drag us into a war. I do not want to be on the side that gets dragged. I want to be on the side that initiates things. I do not want to wait for the moment where it finds a weak spot and attacks me there. If tomorrow morning it gets into a military base or a kibbutz and kills people there and takes prisoners of war or hostages, call it as you like, we’re in a whole new script. I want the leaders of Hamas to wake up tomorrow morning and for the last time in their life see the smiling faces of the IDF. That’s what I want to have happen. But we are dragged along. So we’re putting snipers up because we want to preserve the values we were educated by. We can’t always take a single picture and put it before the whole world. We have soldiers there, our children, who were sent out and receive very accurate instructions about whom to shoot to protect us. Let’s back them up.

Nesiel: Brigadier-General (Res.) Zvika Fogel, formerly Head of the Southern Command Staff, thank you for your words.

Fogel: May you only hear good news. Thank you. ... l-confirms

The MSM which ignores this information is as bad as these Nazis.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by kidoftheblackhole » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:28 am

Can't get more crystal clear than this.

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