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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:06 pm

Survivors of Gaza Aid Convoy Massacre Describe ‘Indiscriminate’ Israeli Fire
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 6, 2024
Mahmoud Mushtaha

Palestinian gather as humanitarian aid arrives on Al-Rashid Street, northern Gaza Strip, February 28, 2024. (Omar El Qattaa)Palestinian gather as humanitarian aid arrives on Al-Rashid Street, northern Gaza Strip, February 28, 2024. (Omar El Qattaa)

Palestinian eyewitnesses say troops shot directly at a starving crowd trying to get flour for their families, killing and wounding many in the mayhem.

In the early hours of Feb. 29, more than 110 Palestinians were killed and several hundred wounded in northern Gaza when a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid reached Gaza City, where a starving crowd had amassed near the coast. Israel immediately denied responsibility for the casualties, releasing edited drone footage purporting to show that its forces “didn’t open fire on those seeking aid” and shot only at “several individuals” who “posed a threat”; instead, Israel accused the Palestinians of “trampling other Gazans to death.” However, testimonies gathered by +972 Magazine from Palestinians who survived what they are calling the “starvation massacre” describe Israeli forces opening fire indiscriminately on the crowd.

On the evening of Feb. 28, tens of thousands of the Palestinians who remain in northern Gaza — who number approximately 300,000 and are beginning to starve to death as a result of Israel’s intensified siege since October 7 and the severe lack of aid reaching the north — started amassing along Al-Rashid Street, west of Gaza City. At around 9 p.m., according to eyewitnesses, Israeli forces conducted a sweep of high-rise blocks still standing in the area. Tanks fired shells at some of the buildings, while soldiers fired their guns into the air to frighten the crowd.

“At that point, my uncle wanted to go home, saying it was too dangerous,” Abdel Jalil Al-Fayoumi, 22, who was waiting on Al-Rashid Street with his uncle Abbas and 15-year-old cousin Moatasem told +972. “But people reassured us that the army conducts these sweeps just to intimidate us, and they won’t directly harm us. There was a sense of hope and even joy that we would get flour to take back to our families.”

The convoy of aid trucks eventually arrived at around 4.45 a.m., before sunrise, and was immediately swarmed by the crowd. “I couldn’t see the truck; I just saw its lights, and people rushing toward it,” Al-Fayoumi continued. “Suddenly, intense gunfire erupted from the Israeli tanks. I got separated from my uncle and cousin. I didn’t know what was happening; I just wanted to survive and escape. Everyone was screaming and fleeing. There were bodies on the ground, and wounded people crying for help.”

Al-Fayoumi looked around desperately until 9 a.m., but couldn’t find Abbas or Moatasem. He returned to where his family was staying to check if the pair had made it back, but they hadn’t. He decided to go to Al-Shifa Hospital with his uncle’s wife, where many of the dead and wounded had been brought by donkey cart. “The hospital was full of dead and injured people, and mothers looking for their missing children,” he recalled.

A Palestinian woman waits for humanitarian aid to arrive on Al-Rashid Street, northern Gaza Strip, February 26, 2024. (Omar El Qattaa)

A Palestinian woman waits for humanitarian aid to arrive on Al-Rashid Street, northern Gaza Strip, February 26, 2024. (Omar El Qattaa)
After hours of searching, they found Abbas standing in front of a body covered with a bloodied white blanket. Moatasem, his son, was lying lifeless with parts of the inside of his head exposed. Abbas explained that when Israeli forces opened fire on the crowd, he and his son had tried to take cover behind debris from previous bombings. Moatasem lifted his head for a second, and was struck by an Israeli bullet.

“My uncle couldn’t stop crying in front of his son’s body, saying, ‘I couldn’t bring you flour, forgive me,’” Al-Fayoumi continued, with tears streaming down his face. “The only reason he went with his son was their dire need to bring home food.”

It was the same scene at hospitals across Gaza City. The director of Kamal Adwan Hospital told the New York Times that they received the bodies of 12 people killed by gunshots and another 100 with bullet wounds. At Al-Awda Hospital, the interim manager Dr. Mohamed Salha told the BBC that they had received 176 wounded people on the morning of Feb. 29, of whom 142 had bullet wounds. A UN official who visited Al-Shifa in the aftermath of the incident described seeing dozens of patients wounded by bullets, and told the BBC that Israeli forces had “shot into the thickest part of the crowd.”

‘The scene was like doomsday’
“The situation was catastrophic,” Said Al-Suwairki, another survivor of the massacre — who, as the eldest sibling, had taken on the responsibility of getting food for his family — told +972. “After hours of waiting, the first aid trucks arrived and everyone rushed toward them. People were scrambling and pushing each other to get a bag of flour. Once people crowded the trucks, the Israeli army vehicles opened heavy gunfire on us. I saw the bullets hitting people directly.

“As soon as I witnessed this, I started leaving,” Al-Suwairki continued. “I wanted to survive. As I was retreating, I stumbled over something. I lit my phone torch so I could see in the darkness, and I discovered a dead body on the ground.

“The scene was like doomsday,” he went on. “No one cared for anyone there. Everyone just wanted to get flour or anything they could from the aid truck. There were dead bodies on the ground and wounded people screaming for help, but no one was paying attention to them. Hunger drove people to extremes, pushing them to death.”

Aid trucks arrive at the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom border crossing, southern Gaza Strip, February 17, 2024. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Salameh Rafiq Obeid, 27, told +972 that he arrived at Al-Rashid Street around midnight, by which time it was already extremely crowded. “Almost every resident in the north came out that night to get flour — women and men alike,” he explained. “No one wanted to go back to their children empty-handed. Everyone advanced toward the trucks; there was no distance between the Israeli tanks and the people.

“When the crowds descended on the aid trucks near the Israeli forces, the army responded by indiscriminately firing at everyone who was there, forcing them back,” Obeid continued. “Seeing this unfold, I desperately searched for my relatives to head back to the school [where Obeid’s family is sheltering]. “The situation was extremely difficult and dangerous.

“We returned to the school, but some of us were missing,” he went on. “My 13-year-old cousin, Nidal, was shot dead while attempting to get a bag of flour from a truck near the Israeli army.”

Chaos and panic
Amid the panic induced by the gunfire, many Palestinians were also killed and wounded as a result of being crushed by the crowds and the aid trucks themselves. Haitham Jarrada, 51, suffered a broken right foot amid the chaos. “I was waiting for aid, just like everyone else,” he told +972. “When the first truck arrived, people rushed in to get flour, and then there was random gunfire from the army. At that moment, I didn’t know what was happening.

“It all unfolded in the blink of an eye,” Jarrada continued. “We were waiting in darkness. Some truck drivers kept moving, fearing harm from the gunfire. I tried to escape, but because of the crowding, people pushed me in front of the truck, and it crushed my leg.”

Mohammed Mushtaha and his brother Raed (this author’s second cousins) were also among the crowds trying to bring back food for their children and elderly parents, waiting since 5 p.m. on Feb. 28. “Since the first ceasefire [in November], we have had no flour — almost 100 days,” Mohammed told +972.

“Before we went to Al-Rashid Street, I told Ra’ed, ‘Let me go alone, and you stay with our mother and your wife and three children,’” Mushtaha recounted. “He refused and said to me, ‘I am a father, I must feed my children. Let’s both go, and each of us will bring back one bag of flour. We don’t know how long this crisis will last.’”

When the gunshots started ringing out and the chaos unfolded, Mushtaha lost sight of his brother, and went to wait for him at a meeting point they had agreed on in advance in case they were separated. For two hours, he waited in fear and anxiety, but his brother never showed up. After the crowds had dispersed, he returned to the coastal road and found his brother’s lifeless body on the ground. Ra’ed, Mushtaha insists, was killed by a tank shell fired into the crowd of people waiting for aid.

Mushtaha now mourns the loss of two of his brothers: Ra’ed was preceded by Ahmed, who was killed in early December when Israel shelled his home in the Shuja’iya neighborhood.

In response to a request for comment on the events described in this article, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office referred us to the army’s previous statements and added that they will publicize a fuller account following the completion of an internal investigation in the coming days. ... aeli-fire/

Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 6, 2024
Ralph Nader


From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, plus the resultant mortalities from blocking or smashing the crucial necessities of life, a more likely estimate, in my appraisal, is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.

Since the Hamas raid penetrated the multi-tiered Israeli border security on October 7, 2023 (an unexplained collapse of Israel’s defensive capabilities), 2.3 million utterly defenseless Palestinians in the tiny crowded Gaza enclave have been on the receiving end of over 65,000 bombs/missiles plus non-stop tank shelling and snipers.

The extreme right-wing Netanyahu regime has enforced its declared siege of, in its genocidal words, “no food, no water, no electricity, no fuel, no medicine.”

The relentless bombing has destroyed apartment buildings, marketplaces, refugee camps, hospitals, clinics, ambulances, bakeries, schools, mosques, churches, roads, electricity networks, critical water mains – just about everything.

The U.S.-equipped Israeli war machine has even uprooted agricultural fields, including thousands of olive trees on one farm, bulldozed many cemeteries and bombed civilians fleeing on Israeli orders, while obstructing the few trucks carrying humanitarian aid from Egypt.

With virtually no healthcare left, no medications, and infectious diseases spreading especially among infants, children, the infirm and the elderly, can anybody believe that the fatalities have just gone over 30,000? With five thousand babies born every month into the rubble, their mothers wounded and without food, healthcare, medicine and clean water for any of their children, severe skepticism about the Hamas Health Ministry’s official count is warranted.

Netanyahu and Hamas, which he helped over the years, have a common interest in lowballing the death/injury toll. But for different reasons. Hamas keeps the figures low to reduce being accused by its own people of not protecting them, and not building shelters. Hamas grossly underestimated the savage war crimes by the vengeful, occupying Israeli military superpower fully and unconditionally backed by the U.S. military superpower.

The Health Ministry is intentionally conservative, citing that its death toll came from reports only of named deceased by hospitals and morgues. But as the weeks turned into months, blasted, disabled hospitals and morgues cannot keep up with the bodies, or cannot count those slain laying on roadsides in allies and beneath building debris. Yet the Health Ministry remains conservative and the “official,” rising civilian fatality and injury count continues to be uncritically reported by both friend and foe of this devastating Israeli state terrorism.

It was especially astonishing to see the most progressive groups and writers routinely use the same Hamas Health Ministry figures as did the governments and outside groups backing the one-sided war on Gaza. All this despite predictions of a human catastrophe in the Gaza Strip almost every day since October 7, 2023, by arms of the United Nations, other besieged international relief agencies on the ground, eyewitness accounts by medical personnel, and many Israeli human rights groups and brave local journalists in that Strip, the geographic size of Philadelphia. (Unguided Western and Israeli reporters and journalists are not allowed to enter Gaza by the Israeli government.) (See the open letter titled, “Stop the Humanitarian Catastrophe” to President Biden on December 13, 2023, by 16 Israeli human rights groups that also appeared as a paid notice in the New York Times.)

Then came the December 29, 2023, opinion piece in The Guardian by the Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh, Devi Sridhar. She predicted half a million deaths in 2024 if conditions continue unabated. (See her piece here: ... s-conflict).

In recent days, the situation has become more dire. In the March 2, 2024, Washington Post, reporter, Ishaan Tharoor writes:

“The bulk of Gaza’s more than 2 million people face the prospect of famine — a state of affairs that constitutes the fastest decline in a population’s nutrition status ever recorded, according to aid workers. Children are starving at the fastest rate the world has ever known. Aid groups have been pointing to Israel restricting the flow of assistance into the territory as a major driver of the crisis. Some prominent Israeli officials openly champion stymying these transfers of aid.”

Tharoor quotes Jan Egeland, chief of the Norwegian Refugee Council:

“We must be clear: civilians in Gaza are falling sick from hunger and thirst because of Israel’s entry restrictions.” “Life-saving supplies are being intentionally blocked, and women and children are paying the price.”

Martin Griffiths, the United Nations lead humanitarian officer, said:

“Life is draining out of Gaza at terrifying speed.”

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, according to the Post, warned of an

“‘unknown number of people’ – believed to be in the tens of thousands – lying under the rubble of buildings brought down by Israeli strikes.”

Volker Turk, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, said

“All people in Gaza are at imminent risk of famine. Almost all are drinking salty and contaminated water. Health care across the territory is barely functioning.”

“Just imagine what this means for the wounded, and people suffering infectious-disease outbreaks. …many are already believed to be starving.” UNICEF, the International Rescue Committee, the Palestinian Red Crescent, and Doctors Without Borders are all relating that the same catastrophic conditions are getting worse fast.

Yet, and get this, in this article, the Post still stuck with the “more than 30,000 people in Gaza have been killed since the ongoing war began.”

Just like the entire mass media, many governments, even the independent media and critics of the war would have us accept that between 98% and 99% of Gaza’s entire population has survived – albeit the sick, injured and more Palestinians about to die. This is lethally improbable!

From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, plus the resultant mortalities from blocking or smashing the crucial necessities of life, a more likely estimate, in my appraisal, is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.

Imagine Americans, if this powerful U.S.-made weaponry was fired on the besieged, homeless, trapped people of Philadelphia, do you think that only 30,000 of that city’s 1.5 million people would have been killed?

Daily circumstantial evidence of the deliberate Israeli targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructures requires more reliable epidemiological estimates of casualties.

It matters greatly whether the aggregate toll so far, and counting, is three, four, five, six times more than the Health Ministry’s undercount. It matters for elevating the urgency for a permanent ceasefire, and direct and massive humanitarian aid by the U.S. and other countries, bypassing the sadistic cruelty against innocent families of the Israeli siege. It matters for the columnists and editorial writers who have been self-censoring themselves, with some, like the Post’s Charles Lane fictionally claiming that Israel’s military doesn’t “intentionally target civilians.” It matters for accountability under international law.

Above all, it lets weak Secretary of State Antony Blinken and duplicitous President Joe Biden be less servile when Netanyahu dismisses the low death toll by taunting them: what about Dresden, Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

As a percentage of the total population being killed, Gaza can expose the Israeli ruling racist extremists to a stronger rebuttal for ending U.S. co-belligerent complicity in this never-to-be-forgotten slaughter of mostly children and women. (The terrifying PTSD on civilians, especially children will continue for years.)

Respecting the more accurate casualty toll of Palestinian children, mothers and fathers presses harder for permanent ceasefires and the process of recovery and reparations for the survivors of their Holocaust. ... s-in-gaza/


Why the State of Israel is a Tool of Western Colonial Domination in the Middle East

Eduardo Vasco

March 6, 2024

Zionism can be considered as fascism adapted to the conditions of the Middle East and the aspirations for domination of Anglo-American imperialism over that region, Eduardo Vasco writes.

The central thesis of this article is that the State of Israel is a pure imperialist invention to facilitate the domination of Western Asia by the great powers, a domination that can only be exercised through fascist methods. We seek to prove this thesis by analyzing the history of the Zionist movement from the end of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th century, using as sources the works of some of the greatest scholars on the subject worldwide, many of them Jews.

The common origins of German Nazism, Italian fascism and Israeli Zionism

The 19th century was the most important in the history of humanity. It was there where the greatest political, economic and social transformations of modernity took place, which opened the way for an unlimited development of human capabilities following the industrial revolution.

It was when the different peoples of the world, particularly those of Europe, which was the center of these transformations, tried for the first time, on an international level, to free themselves from the chains that bound them to backwardness and oppression. Nationalist movements were born in several nations suffocated by colonial empires.

To justify their action, the ideologues of nationalism often resorted to the invention of myths in order to present the purpose of building a nation as a natural historical result of the development of a people’s struggle. The myths had as their fundamental characteristic a religious, racial and territorial basis.

The ideologists of Zionism, that is, of the colonization of Palestine by Jews, taking advantage of the need for protection of Jews after centuries of oppression in Europe, followed the example of the Germans and Italians, for example, who tried to unify their nations and build their own National State propagating the territorial rights of people of the same race and religious creed. In these three cases, their leaders evoked a mythical past, of heroic and superior peoples of whom they were their legitimate descendants and heirs.

Israeli historian Shlomo Sand writes, in his book “The Invention of the Jewish People”, that

In the image of other “patriotic” trends in 19th century Europe, which looked back to a fabulous golden age with the help of which they forged a heroic past for themselves (classical Greece, the Roman Republic, the Teutonic tribes or the Gauls) In order to prove that they had not been born ex nihilo, but had existed for a long time, the first adherents of the idea of a Jewish nation turned to the resplendent light that radiated from the mythological kingdom of David and whose strength was preserved for centuries in the heart of walls of religious faith.

In “Rome and Jerusalem”, from 1862, the socialist intellectual Moses Hess said that “the Jewish race is a pure race that reproduced all its characteristics, despite different climatic influences. The Jewish type has remained the same through the centuries.” And he added: “It is of no use to Jews and Jewish women to deny their origin by getting baptized and mixing with the masses of the Indo-Germanic and Mongol peoples. Jewish types are indelible.”

A racist, reactionary tendency was already noticeable within this movement of Jewish intellectuals. The same trend that generated the fascist far-right phenomena in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century.

The religious basis attracted the most primitive instincts of the community and seemed something a little outdated after the consolidation of Enlightenment ideals and the era of reason and science. Therefore, nationalist ideologues had to adapt religious myths to a pseudoscientific discourse.

Nazi historians, archaeologists and researchers struggled to find evidence of their supposed mythological past. His “science” was nothing more than a revision of history in order to manipulate it for the purposes of the Third Reich. “Science” served the official ideology and its falsification of history.

At around the same time, the Zionists were going down the same path. When archaeological discoveries contradicted religious writings, Zionist researchers preferred to adopt “the ‘truth’ of the theological text over the truth of the archaeological object”, according to Sand.

Ukrainian Ben-Zion Dinur, professor of Jewish History at the University of Jerusalem in the 1930s, is the author of the book “The History of Israel: Israel in its Country”, first published in 1918 and later expanded in 1938. According to Sand’s words, that author decided to “rewrite” the Bible, “adapting it to the ‘scientific’ spirit of his time”.

This does not mean that, at some point, he doubted the historicity of the Holy Scriptures. From the account of the life of Abraham the Hebrew to his return to Zion, he remained faithful to every detail and every event reported.

“The most important contribution of ‘biblical historiography’ to the elaboration of national consciousness certainly consisted in establishing the relationship with the ‘land of Israel’”, Sand states.

The Bible served mainly as an “ethnic” mark that indicated the common origin of women and men whose secular cultural data and components were completely different, but who were detested due to a religious faith to which they practically no longer adhered.

The idea was in gestation that modern Jews were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Israel two thousand years ago, who had been expelled and who should retake that land. They would not accept the statement that all peoples and civilizations once belonged to a certain land and were expelled from there by other peoples, and that they also took lands from other peoples, consequently. Nor does the idea that modern Jews, like the descendants of all peoples who have had extensive contact with others, are heirs of a series of races, are not a pure race, and that they had little in common with the inhabitants of ancient Israel . They preferred to adopt the same racist prejudices as the ideologues of Nazism and fascism, that their race was pure and superior to others.

Zionism, a movement started by the British big bourgeoisie

When Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire, in the mid-19th century, Great Britain – the great colonial and capitalist power of the time – installed its consulate in Jerusalem. In 1840, Lord Palmerston proposed that the Crown found a European Jewish colony in Palestine in order to “preserve the more general interests of the British Empire”, in his own words. Until then, around 500 thousand people inhabited those lands. Two-thirds of these were Muslim Arabs, 60,000 were Christians and only 20,000 were Jews, according to Ilan Pappé (“History of Modern Palestine”).

A few decades later, the British purchased Egypt’s part of the newly built Suez Canal, which guaranteed them the presence of troops there to protect the navigation of their ships and a strategic presence at the gates of Palestine and its growing rival, the Ottoman Empire.

While Great Britain penetrated Palestine, important sectors of the European bourgeoisie organized this colonization movement ideologically and politically. Theodore Herzl, a Jew from a banking family in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, is considered the main founder of Zionism. In 1896, he wrote “The Jewish State”, in which he elaborated the main theses of Zionist colonialism, the fundamental thesis being the need to build a state of its own in Palestine.

In this book, he already indicated that the Zionists were powerful bankers, and exposed their racist views. “Supposing His Majesty the Sultan handed over Palestine to us, we could in return take care of regularizing finances in Turkey. We would form a civilization there in the face of barbarism,” he wrote. On the other hand, he also addressed the European powers, stating that the Jewish State would be, “for Europe, a piece of fortress against Asia”.

The following year, Herzl led the first Zionist Congress, held in Switzerland. Congress gave a huge boost to the movement and set the goal of founding the Jewish State within 50 years. In the words of researcher Marcelo Buzetto,

From then on, Zionists ran around the world to raise financial resources and political support for their proposal. Herzl and his followers will establish contacts with the governments of England, Germany, the Turkish-Ottoman Empire, and Jewish and non-Jewish bankers, industrialists and merchants, aiming to strengthen the idea of the need for a Jewish State. The European Jewish community is divided, and not everyone supports the Zionist idea, but this movement obtains the help of the Jewish bourgeoisie and important sectors of the non-Jewish European bourgeoisie. (“A questão palestina”)

Britain was preparing for imminent war against Germany and its Turkish allies. For this, in addition to commercial gains, it was essential to establish positions in Suez and within Palestine. According to Ralph Schoenman, in “The Hidden History of Zionism”,

For years the British used the Zionist leadership to obtain support from banks and large Jewish capitalists in the United States and Great Britain for their war against the German Empire.

Sérgio Yahni explains the British imperialist project through the Zionists in Palestine:

For Great Britain, Palestine was a base of operations for the Royal Navy and Zionist colonization, with resources it had to finance industrial development, was part of a strategy that guaranteed maritime transport, controlling access to the Suez Canal, and facilitated the transport of Iraqi oil through territories controlled by the British Empire. To achieve these objectives, His Majesty expected military security and social stability in the country through a system of immigration certificates that required a minimum economic capacity on the part of immigrants. Great Britain guaranteed the colonization of sectors of the middle class, thus alleviating class contradictions […] (“A questão palestina”, Prefácio)

With the aim of settling Jewish settlers on land acquired in Palestine, in 1905 the Jewish National Fund began purchasing Arab properties.

European Zionists, noticing the flowering of Arab independence sentiments against Turkish rule in Palestine in the early 20th century, organized to support the Ottoman Empire in repressing the Palestinian independence movement. While they supported the Turkish empire’s repression of the Arabs, they acted against the Turks in favor of the British. Still according to Schoenman, the Zionists began to give full support to the English in the face of the imminent implosion of the Ottoman Empire with the defeat in World War I.

In 1914, the president of the World Zionist Organization, Chain Weizmann, declared:

It is quite acceptable to say that if Palestine falls into the British sphere of influence and Britain encourages Jewish settlement there as a British dependency, in 20 or 30 years we could have a million Jews there, or perhaps more. They would develop the country, restore civilization and form a much more effective guard for the Suez Canal.

The Zionists and British were not the only ones interested in the end of the Ottoman Empire. The Arabs in general, and the Palestinians in particular, organized themselves and actively fought for independence and even received a promise from Great Britain that they would have their own country if they helped defeat the Turks. The British, however, did not fulfill this promise. On the contrary, in the final months of the war they publicly declared their intention to create a Jewish state.

Such was the character of the infamous Balfour Declaration, by the British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour, addressed to the leader of the Zionists in Great Britain, the banker Lionel Walter Rothschild, member of the powerful Rothschild family, published on November 2, 1917. It said:

His Majesty’s Government views favorably the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will do everything in their power to facilitate the attainment of that object.

With the end of the war and the defeat of the Turks, the Ottoman Empire was artificially divided by the victors and Great Britain transformed Palestine into a protectorate, without giving it the promised independence. But it was not yet time to transform it into a State for the Jews, as their presence in the territory was still negligible.

From the turn of the 1920s to the 1930s, the Jewish company, financed by bankers and large Jewish businessmen, began to buy large amounts of land to install Jewish settlers in Palestine. By the early 1930s, twenty thousand Palestinian peasant families had been expelled from their land by European Zionists. In the middle of the decade, the company Africa Israel Investments was founded by important South African (white) investors and businessmen, which began acquiring land in Palestine.

The Mandate government gave Jewish capital a privileged status, granting it 90% of the concessions in Palestine. This allowed the Zionists to gain control of the region’s economic infrastructure (road projects, Dead Sea minerals, electricity, ports, etc.) By 1935, the Zionists controlled 872 of Palestine’s 1,212 industrial companies. (Ralph Schoenman, “The Hidden History of Zionism”).

Blood brothers unite to promote “the greatest tragedy in the history of humanity”

National mythology has always been used by the ruling classes to dominate and manipulate people’s legitimate feelings and needs for independence and freedom against external oppression.

The nascent imperialist bourgeoisie at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century perfectly maneuvered with these feelings among the European peoples in order to suppress the workers’ movement that was gaining strength and represented a growing threat to it dictatorship.

It was from the need to suppress the enormous proletarian movements that took over Europe, and which encouraged the national struggle in colonized nations, as well as to expand their sphere of domination of world markets, that the great bankers and industrialists promoted the birth of Nazi fascism – and its blood brother, Zionism.

The first embryos of the European fascist movement had the collaboration of Zionist leaders. This was the case of the tsarist repression in Russia against the Bolsheviks – who had strong support within the Jewish proletariat, so much so that four of the seven members of the revolutionary leadership of 1917 were Jews –, supported by Herzl and Weizmann.

Simon Petliura was a Ukrainian fascist who personally directed the pogroms that killed 28,000 Jews in 1897 in separate massacres. [Vladimir] Jabotinsky [one of the founders of Zionism] negotiated an alliance with Petliura, proposing a Jewish police force that would accompany Petliura’s forces in the counter-revolutionary struggle against the Red Army and the Bolshevik Revolution – a process that involved the murder of peasants, workers and intellectuals who defended the Revolution. (Schoenman, “The Hidden History of Zionism”)

When the fascist movement had fully developed, the Zionists increased their support for it.

Mussolini formed squads of the Betar Revisionist Zionist youth movement, wearing black shirts in the same manner as his own fascist bands. When Menachem Begin became head of Betar, he preferred to wear the brown shirts of Hitler’s gang, a uniform that Begin and the members of Betar wore in all meetings and concentrations – in which they saluted each other, opening and closing the meetings, with the fascist salute. (Idem)

But the darkest episode in the history of Zionism in the first half of the 20th century was yet to come. Particularly, from the end of the 1920s in Germany: active support for Nazism and even the Holocaust itself.

When the Nazis came to power, Schoenman writes, based on documents from the time, “the Zionist Federation of Germany sent a memorandum of support to the Nazi Party on June 21, 1933,” hailing the “revival of national life” and “principle of race” that guided the new German State. The Congress of the World Zionist Organization confirmed this position in 1933, when it rejected, by 240 votes to 43, “a resolution that called for action against Hitler”. And the main Zionist entity went further: it broke the Jewish boycott of the Nazi regime by signing a commercial agreement between the Anglo-Palestinian Bank of the World Zionist Organization with Germany, becoming “the main distributor of Nazi products throughout the Middle East and northern Europe”.

“The Zionists took Baron Von Mildenstein, from the SS Security Service, to Palestine on a six-month visit in support of Zionism”, which earned Joseph Goebbels much praise for Zionism and even the order to mint it “a medal with the swastika on one side and the Zionist Star of David on the other.”

The researcher points out that, in 1937, when the persecution of Jews by the Hitler regime had already begun, the Haganah (armed Zionist organization) sent an agent to Berlin “to offer espionage to the SS Security Service, in exchange for the release of Jewish fortunes to be used in Zionist colonization.” Zionist agent Feivel Polkes told Adolf Eichmann that “Jewish nationalist circles were greatly delighted by German radical policy, since with it the strength of the Jewish population in Palestine would grow to such an extent that, in the foreseeable future, the Jews would reach have numerical superiority over the Arabs.”

Schoenman defends the thesis that the Jewish-Zionist elite supported Nazism and the Holocaust because the ethnic cleansing of Jews in Europe would naturally lead to emigration to Palestine, the historical objective of the Zionists. According to the author, they organizedly sabotaged the emigration of persecuted Jews in Europe in the 1930s, because they were not heading to Palestine, but to America or other Western European countries. David Ben Gurion, who would later become Israel’s first head of government, said in 1938: “If I had known that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by taking them to Britain and only half of them by transporting for Eretz Israel [Greater Israel], I would opt for the second alternative.”

They just wanted to save the young, healthy Jews, to build Eretz Israel in Palestine. Those considered old and incapable were easily discarded to the death chambers, as occurred from 1944 onwards, when a secret pact signed by the Zionist elite with the Nazis led to the abandonment of 800,000 Jews in Hungary to save 600 “pre-eminent Jews”, according to Schoenman. “If they come to us with two plans – to rescue the masses of Jews from Europe or to rescue the land – I vote, without hesitation, for the rescue of the land”, expressed Yitzhak Gruenbaum, a Zionist leader.

Schoenman reports that, on January 11, 1941, Avraham Stern, another Zionist leader, proposed a pact between the Zionist National Military Organization (NMO) and Germany, which stipulated, for example, that:

There may be common interests between the establishment of a New Order in Europe, according to the German conception, and the authentic national aspirations of the Jewish people, personified by the NMO.
Would cooperation between the new Germany and a renewed nation of the National Hebrew people be possible, and
The establishment of a historic Jewish state, on a national and totalitarian basis, united by an alliance with the German Reich, would be in the interest of a continued and strengthened future position of German power in the Near East.
Stern concluded his document by offering NMO support to Germany in World War II. In Schoenman’s opinion, Zionists would rather see millions of Jews killed by Hitler than allow mass emigration to anywhere other than Palestine.

We all know what the fate of European Jews was at the hands of the Nazis. In the calculations of Raul Hilberg, the “main authority on the Nazi Holocaust” in the words of Norman G. Finkelstein, no less than 5.1 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Many representatives of the international community and the main world institutions call this event “the greatest tragedy in the history of humanity”, as Josep Borrell, the European Union’s high representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, said in 2022.

Perhaps it was because of this active support from the Zionist elite that the Holocaust was forgotten during the first two decades after World War II. In his book “The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering”, Finkelstein raises some hypotheses for the cover-up by the Jewish elite in the US of crimes against Jews. For example, West Germany (where numerous Nazis were incorporated into the new regime) was an ally of the Americans in the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Also, the denunciation of Nazism – and the welcoming of many Nazis by the US and its allies – was an important agenda of the American left, which, following the centuries-old Jewish tradition, had a large Jewish following. And the main Zionist organizations in the US at the time, the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League, collaborated in the witch hunts for communists during McCarthyism. “Remembering the Nazi Holocaust was labeled a communist cause” and, in order not to be confused with the left, the Jewish elite sabotaged any type of anti-Nazi campaign, according to Finkelstein.

In the author’s assessment, it was only after the 1967 war between Israel and the Arab countries that the Holocaust began to be remembered, both by the Jewish elite and by the United States government. And the strong propaganda campaign that we know today was started. He does not take into account the possibility that this was done because the US realized that there would be intense opposition to the establishment of the State of Israel in the Middle East and this could compromise its domination in the region and, thus, began to label any criticism of the Zionism as anti-Semitism and apology for the Holocaust. It is needless to note that this remembrance did not include the Zionist elite’s support for Nazism and the Holocaust itself.

Colonial and racist ideology and practice

Concomitantly with the gradual Jewish colonization of Palestine, driven by European bankers and the British Empire, Zionist leaders developed and expressed their colonial and racist ideology.

In his 1923 book “The Iron Wall”, Jabotinsky argued that there was a “complete impossibility of reaching a voluntary agreement with the Arabs of Palestine to transform Palestine from an Arab country into a country with a Jewish majority”. He recalled that colonization never “happened with the agreement of the native population” and admitted that “the natives fought because any type of colonization, anywhere, at any time, is unacceptable for any native people”.

He fully confessed the colonial character of the Zionist enterprise when comparing it to the arrival of the Spanish in America or the massacre of the American Indians. He said that the Arabs

look at Palestine with the same instinctive love and the same authentic fervor with which any Aztec looked at his Mexico or any Sioux contemplated his prairie (…). Therefore, a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. Any colonization, even the most restricted, must be developed in defiance of the will of the native population.

Jabotinsky ended his argument by recognizing that Zionist colonialism should be supported by the British colonial Mandate:

Through the Balfour Declaration or through the Mandate, external force is indispensable to establish in the country the conditions of domination and defense by which the local population, regardless of their desires, is deprived of the possibility of preventing our colonization, in physicists or administrative terms. Force must play its role, with energy and without indulgence.

Zionists first widely put Jabotinsky’s ideas into practice in the second half of the 1930s. In 1936, the Palestinian people carried out a huge rebellion against the British yoke and imperial forces reacted violently. But they were unable to contain the revolt, which was armed, and resorted to the support of Zionist groups that had already immigrated to Palestine. “Zionist forces were integrated into the British intelligence services and became the police that enforced draconian British rule,” Ralph Schoenman says.

Great Britain armed the Zionists, who had thousands of members within the Haganah and Irgun, and from then on had a number of armed fascist militias to crush the Palestinians, trained by British officer Charles Orde Wingate, according to Schoenman. At the end of the Arab uprising, in 1939, there were more than 14 thousand fascist-Zionist militiamen organized and commanded by British officers.

This suppression of the Palestinian uprising of 1936-1939 was a vital event in the preparation of the Zionist armed forces that would facilitate, through ethnic cleansing, the invasion of 1948, authorized by the United Nations on November 29, 1947. This UN resolution occurred with just one month remaining before the end of the 50-year period stipulated by the Zionists, in 1897, for the creation of the State of Israel. If, at the end of the 19th century, Zionism gave signs that it was an imperialist project of European bankers – particularly the English ones –, in the middle of the 20th century it became clear that, in addition, it had become a project of world imperialism, now led by the US bourgeoisie, the great victor in World War II, along with the Soviet Union.

As the Second World War ended with an agreement to divide the world into different zones of domination by the great powers, the Soviet government agreed with the US and Great Britain that that region of the Middle East would be theirs. Perhaps to get rid of his own Jews, Stalin participated in the creation of the State of Israel as part of the new era of collaboration, not confrontation – so the Stalinist bureaucracy thought – with its Western partners.

The cruel and historic persecution of the Jews in Europe, which resulted in the Holocaust, was the great justification for the imperialist powers to impose the creation of a State for the Jews in Palestine. Even though the Jewish community was not consulted, much less the inhabitants of Palestine, the majority of whom were Arabs. The claim of the World Zionist Organization, a body founded and run by European bankers, was worth more than the opinion of the Jewish and Arab people.

The increasing colonization of Palestine by bourgeois European Zionist Jews during the British Mandate served as an argument to prove that Jews wanted to emigrate to Palestine and were already doing so. In the early 1930s, four thousand Jews arrived in Palestine each year. In the middle of the same decade, this average reached sixty thousand (Marcelo Buzetto, “A questão palestina”). Even so, until 1947 only 6% of the land in Palestine was Jewish-owned, according to Schoenman.

In 1939, there were 445 thousand Jews in a total population of 1.5 million inhabitants, according to Gattaz cited by Buzetto. In the year of the partition of Palestine by the UN, Jews represented one third of the country’s population (630 thousand), while the other two thirds were Arabs (1.3 million). Only 10% of Jews were originally from Palestine, according to Henry Cattan, while the overwhelming majority were European settlers.

Ralph Schoenman states that the fascist-Zionist organizations Irgun and Haganah, even before the creation of Israel, “seized three-quarters of the land and virtually expelled all the inhabitants,” displacing 780,000 Palestinians and massacring thousands of others in identical terrorist actions those carried out by the Nazis in the Soviet Union. David Ben Gurion, Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Shamir, all future Prime Ministers of the State of Israel, played an important role in these massacres.

When the State of Israel was founded, on May 14, 1948, 90% of the land in Palestine had already been stolen by Jewish settlers. “In the territory occupied by Israel after partition, there were around 950,000 Palestinian Arabs. They inhabited around 500 villages and all large cities”, Schoenman points out. “After less than six months, there were only 138 thousand people left”, he adds. “Around 400 towns and cities were razed to the ground in 1948 and 1949. In 1950, they did the same to several others.”

The Nakba (the great “catastrophe”) began for the Palestinians, which continues to this day, seven decades after its beginning. The institution responsible for this genocide, therefore, is the UN itself. The Zionist settlers felt completely at ease, even though they still constituted a minority within Palestine, to terrorize and expel the Arabs en masse from the moment that the United Nations, in an absolutely arbitrary and illegitimate way, granted more than half of the Palestinian territory to them.


Ever since they became aware of the strategic geographic position and enormous natural riches of that region of Western Asia, European empires have coveted it. As has been known for millennia, the best strategy for a colonizer is to divide and rule. This is what European, and later American, imperialism did to the Middle East. First, they divided it, and then they installed their representatives. It would not be possible to govern solely through puppet Arab regimes, as these – as we can clearly see today – are exposed to pressure from their population. It would be necessary to establish a colonial regime. But traditional colonialism was in crisis after the First and Second World Wars.

Therefore, the Zionist project, which had been in the works for half a century, was ideal for dominating that region of the planet, which connects Europe with Asia and Africa, through which the main maritime routes that control world trade and where there is an abundance of such vital resources as gas and oil. Zionism, that is, the doctrine of the creation, maintenance and expansion of the State of Israel, is the great pretext manufactured by the imperialist bourgeoisie to dominate the most important geographic region in the world.

Theodore Herzl already claimed, in 1904, “all of Lebanon and Jordan, two-thirds of Syria, half of Iraq, a strip of Turkey, half of Kuwait, one-third of Saudi Arabia, the Sinai and Egypt, including Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo”, highlights Schoenman.

In 1938, Ben Gurion declared that “the State will be only a stage in the realization of Zionism and its task is to prepare the ground for our expansion.” And he elaborated: “the borders of Zionist aspiration include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, present-day Jordan, the entire West Bank and Sinai.” This meant that the objective of imperialism with Israel was not limited to the creation of a state for the Jews – in fact, this was just idle talk. The objective was to use it as a spearhead in the effort to dominate and subjugate the entire Middle East.

In fact, since the artificial creation of Israel, with increasing support from the united imperial powers, the Zionist entity has come to occupy Sinai in Egypt, southern Lebanon and the West Bank, as well as the Golan Heights in Syria, which are still under Israeli power.

Schoenman describes that, in “Moshe Sharett’s Personal Diary”, former Prime Minister Moshe Sharett (1954-1955) revealed the objectives of the high Zionist political-military leadership: “to dismember the Arab world, defeat the Arab national movement and create puppet regimes under Israeli regional power.” On October 26, 1953, he wrote that “1) The Army considers the current border with Jordan absolutely unacceptable. 2) The Army is planning the war in order to occupy the rest of Eretz Israel.” Sharett also documented meetings that discussed the annexation of Syrian and Lebanese territory and the “green light” given by the CIA to attack Egypt.

This proves that Israel’s conquest of Arab territory was not a war reparation due to the aggression of the Arab nations against the Zionist entity, but rather a planned objective of domination, which is part of an even greater goal that encompasses the entire region.

Schoenman highlights two more documents that point in this direction, both dated 1982. An analysis by Oded Yinon published in the newspaper of the Information Department of the World Zionist Organization highlighted the strategic need to fragment the countries of the Middle East as much as possible through the exploitation of ethnic and religious differences. He proposed extending this plan to North Africa, covering Egypt, Libya and Sudan. In the same year, a senior official from the Israeli Ministry of Defense, Y’ben Poret, declared: “neither today nor in the past is there Zionism, there is neither colonization nor a Jewish state without the removal of all Arabs, without confiscation.”

The military dictatorship with a civil and pseudo-democratic facade that imposed an apartheid situation in Palestine occupied by Israel, in which Arabs are second-class citizens, suffer segregation and discrimination, are arbitrarily arrested, tortured and executed, lack civil and political rights and – as seen by the genocide that began on October 7, 2023 – have their homes bombed, there is no fundamental difference to the former apartheid regime in South Africa or the former Nazi regime in Germany. The State of Israel, however, has an aggravating factor: while Nazism was created by German imperialism and apartheid was created by white South Africans themselves, Israel was created and is maintained to this day by the entire global imperialist system as a whole. This makes his life longer than the lives of the Third Reich or Apartheid.

Despite being an agent agreed and shared by the world’s imperialist powers, there is clearly a predominance of American imperialism over the State of Israel. In practice, it is the 51st state of the United States of America, taking into account all the economic and military investment made by Washington since 1948 and, particularly, since 1967, in Israel. The Zionist entity is absolutely dependent on North American funding and, without it, could easily cease to exist if it were attacked jointly by Arab and Islamic states. The Israeli government itself officially recognizes that it is “a country of immigrants”, with its population having increased almost tenfold since its creation. About three-quarters of Israelis are Jewish, half of them of European, American or Soviet origin. It is absolutely common to see blond white people talking in English on the streets of Tel Aviv, for example. Now, the native population of that region is neither white, nor blonde, nor does it speak English.

Israel is, without a shadow of a doubt, a colonial entity artificially created and governed by imperialism – particularly American – using fascist methods to subjugate the people of that region of the planet. Another proof of this is the total impunity that Israel enjoys in the international political and diplomatic arena, including in the United Nations Security Council (responsible for its creation), being immune to any type of serious sanction even after more than seventy years of evidence which prove numerous human rights violations, such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, political prisons and mass extrajudicial executions. Everything we saw being carried out in Gaza between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024 in an amplified form.

The dream of Western imperialism would be for the entire Middle East to become an Eretz Israel – more or less as the Zionist elite planned – which would thus be completely under its control with the Zionist entity as an intermediary.

Fascism is a natural consequence of the “higher phase of capitalism”, imperialism, as Vladimir Lenin defined it. It is a new political form of imperialist domination, which began to replace parliamentary democracy when it was unable to stabilize the regime and the domination of the bourgeoisie in different countries. It is the subjugation by brute force, and not by liberal-democratic mechanisms, of the workers and people of their own country and abroad, with the imperialist expansion of the country in question. This domination is justified based on national mythology, which produces and reproduces chauvinist and racist feelings. Zionism, in turn, can be considered as fascism adapted to the conditions of the Middle East and the aspirations for domination of Anglo-American imperialism over that region. After all, as seen by the descriptions contained in this article and by the reality of apartheid experienced by the Palestinian people over the last 76 years, the characteristics of Zionism are very similar to those of traditional fascism, adapted to the conditions of the time and geographic location. The State of Israel was manufactured by imperialism and incorporated Zionist mythology into its education system and other forms of reproduction of official ideology, as well as fascist militias into its armed and police forces. Zionism – the State of Israel – is fascist imperialism applied to Palestine. ... ddle-east/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:32 pm

As hunger deaths rise in Gaza, Israel continues to block aid
According to Gaza’s Ministry of Health, 20 people have died due to malnutrition and dehydration in Gaza. Meanwhile, Israeli forces continue to obstruct or block aid that is urgently needed by the people of the besieged territory

March 06, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Palestinians wait for relief in Gaza in February. Photo: Yasser Qudih/Xinhua

On the 152nd day of the Israeli onslaught on Gaza, the territory’s Health Ministry said the death toll from malnutrition and dehydration had risen to 20.

The ministry noted that “the famine is deepening and will claim thousands of lives if the aggression is not halted and humanitarian and medical aid is not immediately brought in.” It also accused Israel of deliberately” starving thousands of people in northern Gaza and urged the international community and the UN to stop the war and avoid a “health catastrophe.”

Calls from the international community to allow more humanitarian aid to reach Gaza continue to grow louder and more urgent. However, Israel has refused to heed these calls. The UN’s World Food Programme said on Wednesday that Israeli forces turned back a 14-truck convoy carrying food aid to northern Gaza. The trucks were blocked after a three-hour wait at the checkpoint.

The WFP added that while the trucks were being rerouted, they were stopped by starving Palestinians who managed to obtain about 200 tonnes of aid, with the WFP forced to distribute the rest of the aid by airdropping it wit the help of the Jordanian air force to around 20,000 people in Northern Gaza. The WFP also said as a result, it has been “largely unsuccessful” in resuming aid deliveries to Northern Gaza. WFP’s deputy director, Carl Skau, in a statement said that “Airdrops are a last resort and will not avert famine. We need entry points to northern Gaza that will allow us to deliver enough food for half a million people in desperate need.” The Palestinian foreign ministry has called on Israel to open all entry points/border crossings for aid to be delivered to Gaza.

Additionally, reports on Wednesday noted that a large shipment of flour from the United States has been stalled for the last 46 days despite the US and Israel agreeing on a new mechanism to deliver aid to Gaza. The aid, which could feed 1.5 million Palestinians for 5 months, has been kept blocked by Israel without any specific reasons, according to a US government official. The aid in question was earlier blocked in the month of February by Israeli far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who opposed it being distributed by UNRWA, labeling them as part of Hamas’ “war machine.” It was later agreed that the aid would be delivered through the World Food Programme but it continues to be blocked. Similarly, Israel has also reportedly blocked a consignment of aid consisting of around 1,400 water filters that was provided by the United Kingdom.

The total death toll in Gaza since the Israeli war began has risen to at least 30,717, with at least 72,156 Palestinians suffering injuries. ... block-aid/

Hezbollah retaliates after fresh Israeli strikes kill three civilians in Lebanon

Close to 300 people have been killed in Lebanon due to Israeli strikes since October 7. The latest round of attacks on Tuesday killed three civilians and were followed by a barrage of missile attacks by Hezbollah

March 06, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

A car destroyed by an Israeli drone in Lebanon. Photo: Ali Hashisho/Xinhua

Lebanon resistance force Hezbollah launched a barrage of missile attacks inside northern Israel in retaliation to fresh Israeli air strikes in Houla in southern Lebanon on Tuesday, March 5 that killed at least three civilians.

Hezbollah claimed it carried out almost a dozen retaliatory attacks throughout the day on various locations inside northern Israel, targeting mostly military installations. It also launched dozens of rockets towards the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona.

Israeli media reported no significant material damage was caused by the Hezbollah attacks despite it being the one of the largest since October 8, a day after the Israeli war in Gaza began and Hezbollah launched attacks in support of the Palestinians.

However, Lebanese Al-Manar reported heavy damages in several Israeli settlements including Avivim where Hezbollah had targeted Israeli tanks with anti-tank missiles.

Israel also launched a second airstrike in southern Lebanon in Taybah late in the evening calling it a response to Hezbollah strikes at Kiryat Shmona. There were no reports of casualties in that attack.

Meanwhile, Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant yet again threatened to carry out an all out war against Lebanon. “Hezbollah’s aggression brings us closer to the decision point regarding our military action in Lebanon,” Gallant was reported as telling Amos Hochstein, the mediator sent by the US to find a political solution between Lebanon and Israel.

Though Gallant told Hochstein on Tuesday that his country is “committed to the political efforts to reach an agreement” with Lebanon, he has openly boasted about the killings of Lebanese people in Israeli air strikes and threatened “Gaza-like” destruction of southern Lebanon in recent weeks.

Gallant has also threatened that even if there is a ceasefire in Gaza, Israel will wage a war in Lebanon with the objective of pushing Hezbollah away from its northern borders.

Despite Gallant’s threats, Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati, who also met Hochstein, reiterated his country’s stance that the only way peace can be achieved in the region is if the world community takes steps to stop Israel’s wars.

“In order for this region to know peace and prosperity, Israeli aggression against southern Lebanon and Gaza must stop and Israel must be compelled to implement international resolutions, especially resolution 1701” Mikati asserted.

The UN Security Council adopted resolution 1701 in 2006 asking for the complete Israeli withdrawal from all Lebanese territories. However, Israel still controls some parts of the Lebanese territory in violation of the resolution.

Mikati also demanded that Israel must withdraw from all the Lebanese territory it has been occupying for decades.

Replying to repeated Israeli threats of war, head of Hezbollah’s parliamentary block Mohammad Raad underlined that in case of any such war, the Zionist entity would be the “biggest and strategic loser.” He claimed that Hezbollah has not used its real potential while retaliating against Israeli aggression in southern Lebanon yet.

Raad claimed that Hezbollah does not seek a war but Israel should know that it is prepared against any such misadventure initiated by Israel which “would have dire consequences.”

Hezbollah has expressed solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza after Israel started bombing the besieged territory on October 7 which has killed close to 31,000 Palestinians so far. It has demanded the end of the war in Gaza and the Israeli occupation of Lebanese territory. Israel has launched hundreds of air strikes and targeted killings inside Lebanon in response, killing close to 300 people, a large part of them civilians. ... n-lebanon/


Palestine Chronicle’s Special Report on the State of Gaza Hospitals
MARCH 6, 2024

Osama Hamdan, the representative of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas in Lebanon. Photo: PressTV.

A senior Hamas official says the Palestinian resistance movement will not surrender to political pressure in ceasefire talks with the Israeli regime, stressing that Tel Aviv and Washington will not be able to compensate for their loss in the ongoing war on the besieged Gaza Strip through trickery and machinations.

Osama Hamdan, the movement’s representative in Lebanon, made the remarks at a ceremony in Beirut on Monday as negotiations are underway in the Egyptian capital of Cairo over a truce agreement seeking to put an end to five months of Israel’s US-backed war on Gaza.

Israel has reportedly imposed “many obstacles” on the path to reaching a truce deal, with the most contentious issue in the talks being the withdrawal of the Israeli forces from Gaza, the return of displaced Palestinians to the northern parts of the territory, and the lifting of the crippling siege on the territory.

Hamdan said the Palestinian resistance is committed to its principles and warned Israel and the United States that Hamas would not yield to their political deception and pressure.

“With the continued steadfastness and resistance in the field, we assure the Zionists and their American partner that what is not done in the field will not be fulfilled by political machinations,” Hamdan said.

“No matter what forms of deception and pressure are employed, the resistance will remain faithful to its sacrifices and adhere to the principles of its people and nation.”

The Hamas official stressed, “Any flexibility shown by the Palestinian resistance in negotiations out of concern for the blood of the Palestinian people and with the aim of putting an end to their great pain and sacrifices will be commensurate with its complete readiness to defend our people.”

Hamdan said the Palestinian resistance succeeded in thwarting the US administration’s plans to “liquidate the Palestinian issue,” adding, “The resistance, through its actions and sacrifices in the battlefield and support in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Iran, has formed a solid structure in confronting the Zionist entity.”

Pointing to Israel’s inhuman siege on Gaza, Hamdan called on the Arab and Islamic nations to take the initiative in breaking what he called the “starvation conspiracy” against the besieged Palestinian territory and its north, in particular.

The Hamas official underlined the need for sustainable support of efforts aimed at ending the suffering of the people of Gaza and urged the Arab and Muslim world to “impose a siege on Israel.”

Hamdan said it is Muslim nations’ duty to side with the Palestinian people and the resistance in their fight against the Israeli occupation.

Media reports announced on Sunday that representatives from the United States and Qatar had arrived in Cairo for mediation in the indirect talks between Hamas and Israel.

The Egyptian media cited an unnamed Hamas official as saying that if the Israeli regime agrees to meet the Palestinian resistance movement’s demands, including the occupying entity’s military withdrawal from Gaza and stepped-up humanitarian aid, the measure will “pave the way for an agreement within the next 24-48 hours.”

Israel launched its genocidal war on Gaza on October 7 after Hamas-led Palestinian resistance groups waged the surprise Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against the occupying entity in response to the its intensified violence against the Palestinians.

Since the start of the offensive, the Tel Aviv regime has killed at least 30,534 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured more than 71,920 others.

The Tel Aviv regime has also imposed a “complete siege” on the territory, cutting off fuel, electricity, food, and water to the more than two million people living there. ... hinations/


Washington quietly flooded Israel with weapons used to ethnically cleanse Gaza

As the White House publicly feigns concern for the mass murder of Palestinian civilians by Israel, for the past five months, the Pentagon has delivered tens of thousands of bombs used to flatten the Gaza Strip

News Desk

MAR 7, 2024

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)
The US government has secretly made over 100 weapons shipments to Israel since 7 October, fueling the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by delivering tens of thousands of precision-guided munitions, small-diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms, and other lethal weapons without notifying Congress.

“The administration has organized more than 100 individual transfers of arms to Israel, but has only officially notified Congress of two shipments made under the major foreign weapons sales process, which are usually submitted to lawmakers for review and then publicly disclosed,” US officials who spoke with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) revealed.

US President Joe Biden bypassed Congress to approve the two publicly disclosed arms transfers by invoking an emergency authority. However, to hide dozens of other transfers, the White House relied on “less public mechanisms,” which include “drawing from US stockpiles, accelerating previously approved deliveries and sending weapons in smaller batches that fall below a dollar threshold that requires the administration to notify Congress.”

“That’s an extraordinary number of sales over a pretty short amount of time, which really strongly suggests that the Israeli campaign would not be sustainable without this level of US support,” Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior White House official and current president of Refugees International, told the Washington Post.

“This stuff is non-transparent by design,” Josh Paul, a State Department official who resigned in October in protest of Washington's blind support for Israel's genocide campaign in Gaza, told the WSJ.

“We sort of retroactively build a foreign military sales case, which may or may not need to be notified to Congress, depending on what they took and what quantities … There’s no review of human rights, there’s no review of regional balance, there’s none of the conventional arms transfer policy reviews that would normally happen […] Essentially, it’s take what you can, and we’ll sort it out later,” Paul told The Guardian earlier this year.

The new revelations pointing to Washington's deep complicity in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians come alongside reports in western media claiming Biden is “considering” taking steps to prevent Israel from using US weapons on a planned offensive in Gaza's southern city of Rafah, where more than one million Palestinians are taking refuge after being violently displaced from their homes.

“If Israel launches an offensive in Rafah without adequately protecting the displaced civilian population, it may precipitate an unprecedented crisis in US-Israel relations, even involving arms supplies,” former US ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk is quoted saying by the Washington Post.

With over 30,000 Palestinians killed since 7 October – more than two-thirds of whom are women and children – Washington has continued to provide military and political assistance for Israel, including blocking multiple resolutions at the UN Security Council for an immediate ceasefire, often citing linguistic concerns.

The US government has also stepped in to defend Israel against genocide accusations at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and was at the forefront of cutting funds to the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in response to an Israeli smear campaign. ... eanse-gaza


Yemen Leader: Attacks in Red Sea Will Stop When Gaza Genocide Stops
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 7, 2024

BreakThrough News

Rania Khalek is joined by Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a senior political official and spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarallah, referred to incorrectly in the West as the “Houthis,” to discuss Yemen’s intervention against Israel’s genocide in Gaza. He explains what it will take to stop their attacks on ships in the Red Sea, and their demands to the international community. ... ide-stops/

Israel Sets 15 March Deadline to Launch a ‘Broad War’ against Lebanon
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 7, 2024
The Cradle


Tel Aviv has threatened to ‘push Hezbollah’ away from the border if diplomatic efforts fail, as the Lebanese resistance has successfully created a military buffer zone extending deep into the northern occupied territories.

Israel has informed its western sponsors of a 15 March deadline to reach “a political settlement with Lebanon,” after which Tel Aviv says it plans to “escalate military operations to a broad war,” according to western diplomats that spoke with Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar.

The report comes after the most recent visit to the region by US special envoy Amos Hochstein, who Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told that Hezbollah’s continued operations are bringing the country closer to a “decision” about expanding its operations inside Lebanon.

“Hochstein has become convinced of the difficulty of stopping the fighting in Lebanon before it stops in Gaza, and he is also convinced that Hezbollah does not want escalation,” Al-Akhbar cites the western diplomats as saying. Furthermore, Lebanon’s Nidaa al-Watan quoted western officials on Thursday as saying that Hochstein “has backed down from the condition of Hezbollah’s withdrawal” from the border region and that “he is no longer mentioning this matter in his meetings” with Lebanese officials.

The diplomats added, “His entire demand has become a ceasefire with guarantees from both parties.” Nevertheless, Nidaa al-Watan’s sources also revealed that Hochstein has “formed a US work group led by US Ambassador Lisa Johnson that will hold meetings at the embassy and devise a political paper for implementing Resolution 1701.”

US intelligence agencies recently determined that Tel Aviv was considering launching a ground operation in southern Lebanon as early as “spring or early summer.”

Washington and Paris have been pushing a de-escalation proposal on Lebanon since early February. The leading demand of the western initiative is a withdrawal of Hezbollah from the border region. However, the proposal does not include any Israeli concessions to Lebanon, such as a withdrawal from areas that have been illegally occupied for decades.

The western deal also includes an ambiguous border demarcation agreement, which Lebanon’s foreign minister recently called a “partial” solution. The Lebanese government has not officially responded to the proposal.

On 4 March, Hochstein said during a visit to Beirut that Washington “is committed to working with the government of Lebanon to end the violence that began on 8 October,” adding that “any truce in Gaza will not necessarily extend automatically to Lebanon.”

Hezbollah has vowed that it will not stop attacking Israeli sites until the war in Gaza is brought to an end.

“The position is clear. As long as the war continues in Gaza, this means that the Lebanon front is affected by it, and when it stops in Gaza, it stops in Lebanon,” Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Naim Qassem told Lebanese news channel LBCI on Tuesday. “When there is a truce in Gaza, we will have a truce … the US envoy Amos Hochstein can say what he wants, and we will say what we want.”

“We are not concerned with the messages that Hochstein sends and any discussions or answers he receives from state officials, and we do not interfere [with his talks with Lebanese officials]. Usually, we exchange messages with the US side. As for what Hochstein said and what he intends, it does not mean anything to us,” Qassem added before stressing that the Lebanese resistance is “90 percent sure that there will not be a large-scale war in Lebanon … the remaining 10 percent is if Israel or the US changes its mind.” ... t-lebanon/

War on Gaza: How Critics are Twisting Frantz Fanon’s Legacy
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 7, 2024
Hamid Dabashi

Frantz Fanon is pictured at a news conference in Tunis in 1959 (Wikimedia Commons)

No amount of verbal gymnastics can escape the simple truth that indigenous resistance is crucial to ending colonial atrocities

It is not every day that you read about Frantz Fanon, the late Afro-Caribbean critical thinker from Martinique, in the pages of the New York Times. When you do, beware.

The “paper of record” appears intent on neutering Fanon to make sure Palestinian national liberation has no claim on one of the most potent revolutionary thinkers of anti-colonialism and decolonisation. Palestinians must be viewed as “human animals”, as one Israeli official put it, or even “inhuman animals”, to quote a former ambassador.

If they resort to any act of violence, it is because they are “terrorists” – not because they have a legitimate reason, rooted in the most compelling revolutionary thoughts of our time, to reclaim their stolen homeland.

In a recent piece in the New York Times, pro-Palestinian social media users are accused of throwing around “Fanon quotes taken out of context”.

The author, of course, assures readers: “The icons who threw off the yoke of colonial oppression – including Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah, India’s Jawaharlal Nehru and Fanon – were my childhood heroes, and they remain my intellectual lodestars. But I sometimes struggle to recognize their spirit and ideas in the way we talk about decolonization today, with its emphasis on determining who is and who is not an Indigenous inhabitant of the lands known as Israel and Palestine.”

But which part of this issue is hard to understand? Palestinians (including Jews, Christians, Muslims and others) are all native to that land. Israel was founded as a European settler colony, like the French in Algeria, Belgians in Congo, British in South Africa, ad nauseam. It’s very simple.

The author appears to suggest that icons of anti-colonial struggle, such as Fanon, are irrelevant to the struggle of Palestinians for their homeland. Why? At issue seems to be Fanon’s position on violence in his iconic text The Wretched of the Earth, where he writes that “violence is a cleansing force. It frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his despair and inaction; it makes him fearless and restores his self-respect”.

Red herring

To support its argument, the Times piece refers to another American source: “The writer Adam Shatz argues in ‘The Rebel’s Clinic,’ his terrific new biography of Fanon, that ‘cleansing’ is a misleading translation: ‘The English translation of ‘la violence désintoxique’ as ‘violence is a cleansing force’ is somewhat misleading, suggesting an almost redemptive elimination of impurities,’ Shatz writes. ‘Fanon’s more clinical word choice indicates the overcoming of a state of drunkenness, the stupor induced by colonial subjugation.’”

So what? This is a red herring, designed to preach nonviolence to Palestinians, a people who are currently the subject of Israeli genocide, perpetrated on them with unrelenting savagery. Is it not obscene to preach nonviolence to the victims of a genocide?

Much concern and pontification remains fixated on the Israelis killed on 7 October but, as the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in late October, on a day Israel killed 700 Palestinians, the violence did not start on that date: “The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Those same commentators express little or no concern for the tens of thousands of Palestinians Israel has mercilessly killed or maimed over the decades, and the millions it has displaced in their own homeland.

Fanon cannot be neutralised. He was a revolutionary thinker, committed to helping liberate colonised peoples from the savagery of colonial domination of the sort we see in full throttle in Gaza today.

He also said in the very same text: “Violence alone, violence committed by the people, violence organized and educated by its leaders, makes it possible for the masses to understand social truths and gives the key to them. Without that struggle, without that knowledge of the practice of action, there’s nothing but a fancy-dress parade and the blare of the trumpets.” Or is that also a mistranslation?

Should Palestinians wait for the results of these scholarly curiosities while Israeli bullets and bombs are raining down on them?

Here is what Shatz says: “It is, of course, true that Fanon advocated armed struggle against colonialism, but he referred to the use of violence by the colonised as ‘disintoxicating’, not ‘cleansing’, a widely circulated mistranslation. His understanding of the more murderous forms of anti-colonial violence was that of a psychiatrist, diagnosing a vengeful pathology formed under colonial oppression, rather than offering a prescription.”

Really? How so? The violence Fanon details is in response to the far more vicious violence of the settler colonists, in very specific terms. As noted in the preface to his book by Jean-Paul Sartre, “violence in the colonies does not only have for its aim the keeping of these enslaved men at arm’s length; it seeks to dehumanize them. Everything will be done to wipe out their traditions, to substitute our language for theirs, and to destroy their culture without giving them ours.”

That is the moral depravity of Israeli genocidal violence on the world stage over the last century, which is at the root of violent resistance – a fact that might have escaped some readers of Fanon.

Fancy footwork

Shatz points to a mistake in the English translation of the original French of Fanon. Who cares? This appears to be a way of playing fancy footwork with Fanon, neutering his revolutionary theorisation of violence in order to deny him to Palestinians.

Fanon is not the source of outbreaks of Palestinian violence against the murderous and systematic violence of the Israeli state. Who cares how Fanon was translated from his original militant French to a pacified English? People around the globe read Fanon’s work in its original French, or else through translations into their own native tongues: Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Spanish, Hindi, etc.

Why should the English translation be privileged, only to neuter Fanon’s bold and brilliant theorisation of violence as a necessary tool of decolonisation? Why are we to doubt the work of very capable translators who first made Fanon available in English? The question of who, and how, and where, and into what languages Fanon was first translated is now a matter of intense scholarly interest. Should Palestinians wait for the results of these scholarly curiosities while Israeli bullets and bombs are raining down on them?

Fanon was not the only theorist of violence. From Che Guevara, to Aime Cesaire, to Karl Marx, to Hannah Arendt and many others, there has been much reflection on the particularities of violence in desperate times. Pacifying Fanon via speculation on a French phrase will not pacify Palestinians in their sustained struggle to liberate their homeland “by any means necessary”. Or was Malcolm X also mistranslated for African Americans? The sheer inanity of the exercise!

For the most part, any violence Palestinians have committed has been a direct response to the prolonged, systematic and unrelenting violence Zionists have doled out to them for more than a century – most recently, the killing of more than 30,000 people, including thousands of children, in Gaza. Instead of sophomoric speculation about Fanon’s theories on violence, analysts need to start from the facts on the ground.

A European settler colony has invaded, colonised and stolen Palestine from its rightful inhabitants. That fact informed Fanon, and it should inform those who care to read him today.

Previous colonial atrocities ended not out of the goodness of the colonisers’ hearts, or because Mahatma Gandhi told them gently to do so. They ended because of native resistance. This is the simple lesson that the Johnny-come-lately readers of Fanon in the US should start learning. ... ns-legacy/

Globetrotting for Genocide: Foreign Fighters From US, France and India are Fighting Israel’s War in Gaza
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 7, 2024
Jessica Buxbaum


Israelis aren’t the only demographic among the IDF’s forces in Gaza. Foreign fighters from as far away as the United States, France, Spain, the Netherlands and even India actively participate in the hostilities. While the exact number of internationals fighting in Gaza isn’t known, what is known is that citizens from numerous countries appear to be at least complicit in what has been called a genocide.

Under Israel’s Law of Return, any individual with at least one Jewish grandparent or spouse can obtain Israeli citizenship. In this regard, many born abroad can serve in Israel’s military while still keeping their birthplace’s nationality. They often emigrate and then serve in the army.

Currently, 45% of the Israeli army’s “lone soldiers,” those who serve but don’t have family in Israel, are new immigrants. The current “lone soldier” program has troops from over 60 countries, with approximately 35% from the U.S. It’s important to note, though, that individuals part of Israel’s “lone soldier” program are not considered mercenaries, who are professionals hired by a country’s government to fight in its war and aren’t citizens of said country.

To widen the recruitment pool, the Israeli military now accepts great-grandchildren of Jews to join. While they aren’t eligible to become Israeli citizens under the Law of Return, they can serve in the Israeli army.

Another route is volunteering in Israel’s Mahal program, which permits Jewish youth from other countries to join the army without becoming citizens. There are currently 500 Mahal volunteers in Israel’s military.

“Most mercenaries fighting for Israel now are welcomed based on their religious affiliations and dual citizenships, making their accountability pretty complex,” Mustafa Fetouri, a Libyan journalist and analyst, told MintPress News. “Many countries whose citizens are fighting for Israel, including the USA, have laws criminalizing such actions, but it is not a straightforward issue when the dual citizenship is factored in.”

Fetouri expanded on this, writing in the Middle East Monitor that “America’s Neutrality Act, dating back to the founding days of the US, mak[es] it illegal for any American citizen to take part in any foreign war, or establish a militia for that purpose.” He noted the legislation, however, hasn’t been reinforced lately “as hundreds of Americans have participated in wars in Ukraine, in Libya in 2011 and, now, in Gaza.”

The Israeli military also openly recruits nationals of other countries. For instance, the Israeli consulate in Toronto has advertised appointments with its military representative for those wishing to join the military.

From November 11-14, the Israeli consulate in Toronto will be recruiting Canadians to serve in Israel’s terrorist military.

It is obscene that @justintrudeau’s government allows this terrorist recruitment to occur on Canadian soil. #Palestine #Israel #terrorism @CanadaFP

— Dimitri Lascaris (@dimitrilascaris) November 3, 2019

The consulate’s website said, “Young people who wish to enlist in the IDF or anyone who has not fulfilled their obligations according to the Israeli Defense Service Law are invited to meet with him.”

Organizations like Nefesh B’Nefesh, which encourages Jewish immigration to Israel from North America, have hosted events on joining the Israeli military. Sar-El (National Project for Volunteers for Israel) recruits Jewish and non-Jewish internationals to assist Israeli military efforts on army bases, such as packaging food and medical supplies.


In November, the Spanish newspaper, El Mundo, revealed that Spanish mercenary Pedro Diaz Flores is now fighting for Israel, having previously fought in Ukraine with the neo-Nazi Azov Brigade.

“So I came for economy, for money. They pay very well, they offer good equipment, and the work is calm. It is 3,900 euros [$4,187] per week, complementary missions aside,” Flores told El Mundo.

While pictured next to a border checkpoint with the Gaza Strip, he told the newspaper he’s working in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, saying, “We only provide security support to arms convoys or the troops of the Israeli armed forces that are in the Gaza Strip, we do not fight Hamas directly, nor are we involved in assault operations.”

“We are in charge of the security of the checkpoints and access control on the borders of Gaza and Jordan. There are many PMCs [private military companies] here, and they share the work. Traditionally, they have guarded border terminals between Eilat and Aqaba,” he added.

He told the newspaper he was recruited by Raven and Global CST. Information on Raven isn’t available online. MintPress News reached out to Global CST to verify Flores’ contract. Global CST said it doesn’t know Flores and that “Global CST holds no security or military activities of any type or form, not in Israel, not in Gaza, and not in any other territory worldwide.”

Global CST told MintPress News it’s a renewable energy company and denied reports it’s providing defense and security services to governments and other organizations. On LinkedIn, Global CST is described as offering “strategic consulting and project integration management.” The website listed on Global-CST’s LinkedIn is currently down. When asked for a website, Global CST directed MintPress to Global Group’s website, which promotes agricultural projects worldwide.

The LinkedIn profile of the firm’s founder, Israel Ziv, a retired Israeli general, details Global CST as an “Israeli-based security consultancy group…which has built a vast and unique track record in various continents around the globe, such as South America, Eastern Europe, and Africa.” Global CST confirmed to MintPress News Ziv is its founder. The company, which also operates under the name Global N.T.M., was established in 2006 and remains active.

In 2018, the U.S. government imposed sanctions on Global CST and Ziv for allegedly supplying weapons to South Sudan. The U.S. Treasury Department said Ziv used an agricultural company “as a cover for the sale of approximately $150 million worth of weapons to the government, including rifles, grenade launchers and shoulder-fired rockets.”

The U.S. also said Ziv “planned to organize attacks by mercenaries on South Sudanese oil fields and infrastructure in an effort to create a problem that only his company and affiliates could solve.” The U.S. lifted its sanctions on Ziv and his company in 2020 without an explanation.

Since El Mundo’s publication, reports have also emerged of other nationalities involved in a more direct capacity with Israel’s assault on Gaza. Footage has surfaced of Israeli soldiers speaking with American accents or with American flag patches on their uniforms.

A soldier with a Southern US accent has reportedly called for Gaza to burn to the ground. In the video, he compares the people of Gaza to rats and tells Israeli soldiers “It’s hunting season”.

US officials said that 6 American citizens serving in Israel have died since October 7

— Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) November 22, 2023

Bisan herself said she saw American troops months back.
There were also reports of mercenaries from the Azov battalion in Gaza

— Najat Abdi (@theafroaussie) March 1, 2024

According to the U.S. State Department, 21 American citizens who were members of the Israeli military have been killed in Gaza since the war began. Canadian media has reported its own nationals are volunteering with the Israeli army and are motivated to serve in Gaza. And British newspaper, The Guardian, reported British nationals have been killed in Gaza while fighting for Israel. Britons are also arriving in droves to volunteer with the military like doctors and university chaplains. Around 100 British citizens are currently part of Israel’s military.

In December, Al Jazeera reported seven Ukrainian mercenaries were reportedly killed near Gaza City while fighting alongside Israeli forces. This news came as images of Israeli soldiers speaking Ukrainian circulated on social media. The Ukrainian government denies its citizens are fighting in Gaza, however.

I believe these guys are dual citizenship holders (Ukrainian and Israeli) and the majority served in the IDF. There were about 800-1000 of them in Ukraine fighting first for Ukraine and after Oct 7 with the call from the IDF, they went back home (which was actually a good excuse…

— Mike Mihajlovic (@MihajlovicMike) December 20, 2023

“We did not send any soldiers to the Gaza Strip or any other region of the world,” Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson told Al Jazeera.

“The footage that shows people speaking Ukrainian in the Gaza Strip may be Israelis of Ukrainian or Slavic origins who have no connection to the state,” the spokesperson added.

According to Australian journalist CJ Werleman, Israeli soldiers of Indian origin are also fighting in Gaza. The Indian Foreign Ministry did not respond to inquiries on whether its citizens are fighting in Gaza.

The involvement of Hindu mercenaries in Gaza’s genocide echoes Israel’s racist policies in Kashmir. The world must stand against this injustice.@BBC @CNN @SkyNews @MSNBC @nyTimes @washingtonpost @latimes @guardian @IntlCrimCourt @CIJ_ICJ @UNHumanRights @hrw

— Abdulrhman A.Fathy | عبدالرحمن أ.فتحي (@Abdulrhman_25J) February 28, 2024

In December, Eekad, an Arabic open-source platform, revealed Forward Observations Group as an American mercenary company fighting alongside Israeli forces in Gaza.

Our inquiry unveiled reports from the Dutch open-source investigative journalism group Bellingcat. These reports categorized the Azov Battalion as Nazi and far-right, accusing it of perpetrating crimes of ethnic genocide in Ukraine.

Additionally, the reports exposed its ties…

— EekadFacts | إيكاد (@EekadFacts) February 1, 2024

Close examination of Forward Observation Group’s Instagram account suggests the group has been cooperating with the Israeli army since October — first stationed around the Gaza border and then located within the enclave by the end of November. The last image on its account from Gaza is dated January 16. Another post dated January 11 depicts camera footage of Israeli soldiers fighting in Gaza. It is captioned, “Helmet cam footage from a LOTAR Special Forces team leader we embedded with shortly after the OCT 7th attack.” A recent Instagram Story from Forward Observations shows a soldier in a hospital bed draped with Forward Observation’s flag. An Israeli flag hangs on the wall next to him.


Fast forward to November 26, 2023, when the FOG account shared yet another image of a fully geared-up fighter accompanied by a caption disclosing that the photo was captured within the confines of the Gaza Strip.

— EekadFacts | إيكاد (@EekadFacts) February 1, 2024

Eekad discovered the company was founded in October 2018, and while billing itself as a military gear shop, it currently only has one item in stock — a first aid bag. Forward Observations was registered as a foreign limited liability company in Nevada on October 15, 2020, and remains active. Derrick Bales, a former U.S. infantry soldier who fought in Afghanistan, founded the company. A Forward Observations’ Instagram post on November 9, 2023, confirmed Bales as the company’s former director and revealed his official Instagram is under the name “Raoul Duke.” In February, Bales responded to Eekad’s investigation with a photo from Gaza on his Instagram account, writing, “@eekadfacts here’s some more pictures for your article.”

(image at link.)

An extensive search through publicly available sources revealed that the company was registered as a foreign limited company in Nevada. The registration, dated October 15, 2020, lists the company under the name “Forward Observations Group, LLC,” bearing the registration number…

— EekadFacts | إيكاد (@EekadFacts) February 1, 2024

According to Foreign Policy, Forward Observations traveled to Ukraine to source medical supplies, gear, and money for Ukrainian soldiers. Bales has been criticized for associating with Vadim Lapaev, a member of the far-right Azov Battalion. He apologized for his connections to Lapaev but said the brigade isn’t as radical as alleged.

Yet Eekad found otherwise. For instance, Eakad’s thorough scrutiny of Lapaev’s social media accounts found photos of Lapaev giving a Nazi salute, holding a sign featuring a swastika, and wearing a necklace with the infamous Nazi symbol as well.

In May 2016, Vadim shared a series of controversial photos: one depicted him performing the Nazi salute, while another showed him holding a sign emblazoned with a swastika, the infamous Nazi emblem. He also posted images of himself wearing a necklace adorned with the same…

— EekadFacts | إيكاد (@EekadFacts) February 1, 2024

Forward Observations did not respond to MintPress’ inquiries to verify if its personnel are indeed in Gaza and what it’s doing there.


Amid the revelations that citizens of other countries may be participating in Israel’s genocide on Gaza, some governments and activists are taking a stand.

In December, South Africa announced it might prosecute or even strip the citizenship of South African nationals who have joined the Israeli army and are fighting in Gaza.

“The South African government is gravely concerned by reports that some South African citizens and permanent residents have joined or are considering joining the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the war in Gaza and the other occupied Palestinian territories,” the state’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation, said.

Also, in December, French parliamentary member Thomas Portes sent a letter to France’s Justice Minister, Eric Dupond-Moretti, requesting he investigate around 4,000 French citizens fighting with Israeli forces on the frontlines in Gaza.

The March 30 Movement, a European pro-Palestine group founded in November, has already filed seven complaints against Dutch Israelis currently serving in the Israeli army in Gaza. They have also filed complaints against Israeli soldiers who traveled to the Netherlands to protest the International Court of Justice proceedings and a French-Israeli soldier, who was also in the Netherlands. While these soldiers don’t have Dutch nationality, they can be investigated because they were on Dutch soil, the March 30 Movement told MintPress News. The group is also submitting a case in Belgium and other cases against French nationals.

“They’ve posted themselves on Instagram or on TikTok, standing on the rubbles of a house in Gaza saying, ‘We want to wipe out Amalek from under the sky, and we will kill them all,’” Dyab Abou Jahjah, president of the March 30 Movement told MintPress News. Amalek refers to Israelites’ rival in the Hebrew bible and was invoked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when calling to attack Gaza.

Abou Jahjah added, “They think they are beyond the reach of justice. Maybe if they are only Israeli, but if they are Belgian, we are going to make sure that we take them to court.” ... r-in-gaza/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:23 pm

AS`AD AbuKHALIL: Hamas’ Official Account
March 7, 2024

Hamas speaks for the frustration and disenchantment by Arabs toward the notion of international justice. Second of two-part article.

Photo from “Our Narrative: Al Aqsa Flood.” (Hamas Media Office)

Read Part One.

By As`ad AbuKhalil
Special to Consortium News

In contrast to Western narratives about the Israeli genocidal war in Gaza, the Hamas official narrative (which was released as a special document in Arabic and English) constructs the context in which the Oct. 7 breakout was conceived and executed.

For Arabs the context begins with the Zionist invasion of Palestine and the British sponsorship of the Zionist project in the holy land. For Western governmental and media accounts, it all started on Oct. 7; all was quiet on the Gaza front prior. Nothing happened before.

In fact, Israeli propaganda spreads images of Gaza before the war in which the strip is presented as a resort island, where beaches and amusement parks fill the landscape.

Facts tell a different story.

Hamas relies on what it calls “documented statistical studies in which it is found that between 2000 and 2023, the Israeli occupation army “killed 11,299 Palestinians and injured 156,768” (the number seems inflated but it does not detract from the fact that Israel has been killing Palestinians regularly and consistently since before Oct. 7, and since before 2005 and since before 2000).

Hamas notes that the U.S. never expressed any sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians and even continued to sponsor Israeli occupation and aggression during years of carnage and massacres against Palestinians.

This note will resonate among Arabs but won’t make a dent in Western conscience because racism has always been a determinant of Western foreign policy toward the region. Arab lives never mattered like Israeli lives.

The Hamas document (English) cites U.N. reports, and even the reports of Human Rights Watch which has a history of insensitivity toward Palestinians and Arabs.

I don’t particularly think it is useful for people under occupation to cite reports of HRW because the organization serves as an arm of Western imperialism. It is HRW that created the false equivalency between the violence of the occupier and the armed struggle of the occupied.

Every report on Israeli aggression and war crimes must be matched with a report about the war crimes by the natives, thereby nullifying the juridical value and moral judgment of Israeli war crimes, no matter how massive and regular.

Hamas even cites Israeli flaunting of its disregard for U.N. reports on Israeli human rights violations.

Failure of International Law & Justice

The Peace Palace, seat of the International Court of Justice, at The Hague, Netherlands. (UN Photo/ICJ/Jeroen Bouman, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Hamas speaks for the frustration and disenchantment of Arabs toward the notion of international justice. The Oct. 7 breakout was a revolt against faith in international law and justice.

The ongoing Israeli war on Gaza has only reinforced the futility of reliance on international organizations and norms. The International Court of Justice report has proven to be utterly ineffectual in the management of the international legal restraints on Israeli genocide.

Hamas was right that the Western coalition has always regarded Israel as a state which is above the law, and that it was permitted (by the Western coalition) to disregard all international treaties and resolutions pertaining to its occupation of Palestine.

The U.S. invaded Iraq in the name of implementation of U.N. Security Council resolutions while the U.S. shields Israel from demands to implement U.N.S.C. resolutions on Palestine.

Hamas indirectly takes a swipe at the two-state myth when it reminds readers that Israel has categorically rejected the creation of a Palestinian state. (Even the ostensible dove, Yitzhak Rabin, never uttered the term “Palestinian state” in his lifetime, and he was supposed to be “the man of peace.”)

Measure of Last Resort

The document makes a quasi-legal case for the measure of last resort undertaken by Hamas on Oct. 7.

It states its reasoning as being predicated on:

1) the abortion of all hopes for return and liberation, after 75 years of “suffering and occupation”, and the “catastrophic results of the peace process path”;

2) the Judaization (of land) plots and the divisions in “place and time” in the Aqsa Mosque and the “increase in the pace of provocative invasions by settlers” in the mosque; the practices of the far-right Zionist coalition in tightening of control over the West bank and finalizing Israeli sovereignty over Jerusalem, as well as the plan to expel Palestinians from the West Bank; the international disregard for the plight of thousands of Palestinians prisoners; the disregard for the “unjust siege” forced on the Gaza strip, which was left to “die a slow death;” the increase in Israeli settlements in the West Bank at the fastest pace and the rise in settlers’ violence and crimes; the inaction regarding the hope of 7 million Palestinians (in the diaspora) to return to their homeland; and the impotence of “the international community” regarding the creation of a Palestinian state.

Hamas put its breakout attack in the context of a “national response” to those practices and the “expression of the initiative of the people” to “defend its rights, land, and holy sites.”

Hamas confidently asserts that its operation was “a necessary step and natural response” to the Israeli plans which aim at “liquidation of the Palestinian problem.”

This Hamas document borrows leftist jargon and political literature of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in the 1970s, showing that the political rhetoric of the movement has become markedly less Islamist and increasingly anti-colonial.

PFLP patrol in Jordan, 1969. (Thomas R. Koeniges – LOOK Magazine, Wikimedia Commons)

It then lists its goals as: ending the siege of Gaza; getting rid of the occupation; restoring national rights; attaining “independence and freedom,” as well as the right of self-determination and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital.

(Here, it is noteworthy that Hamas does not delineate the borders of the would-be state, and whether it encompasses only the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem or more).

Avoiding Civilians

On the execution of the Oct. 7 operation, Hamas explains on page 8 of document that it always avoided targeting civilians. This may not be true because suicide bombings, while not necessarily aimed at civilians, fail to distinguish between civilian and military targets.

Hamas reminded its audience that after the massacre of Hebron (by an Israeli) in 1994, it launched an initiative which called for the avoidance of targeting civilians in war. It said that it repeated the offer while Israel ignored it and continued to kill civilians.

On the night of Oct. 7, Hamas says “there may have been some errors during the implementation of the Aqsa Deluge operation” due to the total and swift collapse of the Israeli military and security order and that some chaos occurred after infiltration through the fence and the security apparatus separating Gaza and the area of operation inside Israel.

The document denies lies and fabrications that are all sourced from the Israeli. It gives examples of exposed lies and cites Mondoweiss. This section shows a major shift in the media and propaganda strategy of the movement.

In addition to the decline of the religious component of the rhetoric, the new Hamas of Yahya Sinwar is more sensitive to world public opinion, especially regarding the harming of civilians.

Sinwar, at left, during police force exercise in Gaza in 2012. (Fars Media Corporation, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY 4.0)

The movement categorically denied stories of rape although Western media failed to carry those denials because they conflict with the Israeli-planted narratives.

Hamas also correctly refers to verified stories to the effect that Israeli gunfire killed many of the Israelis on that night, just as it killed Israelis later during the savage and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.

Hamas and Hizbullah have never in their entire history committed known sexual offenses as their religious-moral code strictly prohibits such deeds. Moreover, the document argues that many Israeli civilians are actually armed settlers or reservists in the occupation army.

Significantly, Hamas declared its willingness to accept an independent and fair investigation and expressed confidence that they will prove their innocence.

In the document, Hamas calls on the U.S., Germany, Canada and the U.K. in particular to allow the International Criminal Court to conduct an investigation of the crimes that were committed. Of course, neither the U.S. nor Israel would allow the ICC to conduct an investigation that would inevitably document crimes by Israel.

In the end, the document salutes “free people from all countries of the world” (without regard to religions, nationalities and orientations). This underlines the new direction of the movement, in the footsteps of Hizbullah, and shows that the movement has incorporated the rhetoric of progressive, leftist and liberation movements.

The document did not get any attention in the Western press because the West treats Israel as truthful and Arabs as liars: old Orientalist cliches. ... account-2/



‘We are the masters of the house’: Israeli channels air snuff videos featuring systematic torture of Palestinians
Originally published: Mondoweiss on March 6, 2024 by Jonathan Ofir (more by Mondoweiss) | (Posted Mar 08, 2024)

Over the past month, mainstream Israeli television channels have aired what can only be described as snuff films. They depict the systematic torture of Palestinians from Gaza in Israeli jails. Such videos have aired on at least three occasions–twice on Channel 14, and once on the public broadcaster, Channel 13. While Channel 14 is considered right-wing, so is about two-thirds of the Israeli public, and the more “mainstream” Channel 13 has shown no qualms about airing similar footage.

The broadcasts follow prison officials into detention centers to document the mistreatment of prisoners, which seems to be something that the officials–and apparently the viewers–find satisfying rather than revolting. The airing of these snuff films is a demonstration of societal sadism.

As Yumna Patel has recently reported, several rights groups have sounded the alarm over the widespread and systemic abuse that Palestinian prisoners face at the hands of the Israeli authorities. These groups’ calls have been unintentionally buttressed by Israeli soldiers’ unapologetic videos of themselves torturing or demeaning Palestinian detainees, which they boastfully post on social media. Now, it seems that the phenomenon has expanded to mainstream Israeli television.

The two aforementioned reports on Channel 14 (threads with subtitles can be found here and here) contained footage of actual interrogation sessions during which torture was used. The Channel 13 report did not, but it exposed some of the worst prison conditions to be broadcast to the public. These conditions include forcing prisoners to live in inhumane conditions and subjecting them to torture and harassment. Here’s the 11-minute video with translated subtitles.

‘The feeling is one of pride’
“Here, we see the cells in which the Nukhba terrorists are held,” the narrator says.

The “Nukhba” refers to elite Hamas-led fighters who carried out the October 7 attack. In the cell, viewers notice metal bunkbeds without mattresses, and instead of a toilet, there is just a hole in the floor. The room is almost completely dark throughout the day, and prisoners have their hands and legs chained together.

We hear attack dogs barking constantly as prisoners are made to kneel while bound and blindfolded, their heads touching the floor.

“This is how it should be,” a guard says.

This is how a Nukhba prisoner should be… what happened on October 7 will never return.

In another scene, a guard shouts at prisoners as dogs continue to bark incessantly. “Heads down! Heads on the floor!” he yells.

“There are many prisoners here that I personally saw at the [October 7] events,” a prison official says, taking pride in humiliating them.

The difference is that this time, he is afraid, shaking, with his head on the floor…no Allahu Akbar, nothing. You won’t hear a squeak from him.

“They have no mattresses,” says a warden shift commander. “They have nothing…we control them 100%–their food, their shackling, their sleep…[we] show them we are the masters of the house.” Even without knowing the background to that phrase, to hear him say it is chilling.

“Masters of the house” was the election slogan of Itamar Ben-Gvir, the Jewish Power leader and current Minister of National Security. Ben-Gvir declared war on Palestinian prisoners long before October 7, and this has included shutting down bakeries that supply bread to prisoners–described by Ben-Gvir as an “indulgence”–and drastically limiting prisoners’ water use. So now it’s become much worse.

While one is tempted to believe that all prisoners here are “Nukhba” members, it turns out that many of them aren’t even suspected of that. Rather, they were rounded up in Gaza after October 7, during mass arrests in which hundreds of Gazan men were stripped and paraded in a most sadistic demonstration of power. The mass arrests also included hundreds of women, including pregnant women detained with their babies. Israeli security officials told Haaretz that by their own estimate,

only 10 to 15 percent of the hundreds of the semi-naked and bound Gazan men arrested in the Strip during the recent days are Hamas members or those who identified with the organization.

Back to the Channel 13 coverage, viewers can hear the nonstop blasting of the Zionist anthem, Am Israel Hai (“the people of Israel live”).

“The prison authorities claim that it is meant to boost the morale of the staff,” the narrator declares.

But it is clear that this is another part of the psychological warfare against the prisoners.

Torture, in other words.

It’s hard to imagine the depths to which Israeli society has sunk. The official tells the Channel 13 reporter that “the feeling is one of pride.”

The reason such sadism has become formalized as a matter of policy is because this is what the Israeli public demands. The Israeli Democracy Institute released a survey last week showing that two-thirds of Jewish Israelis oppose “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents at this time,” even if “via international bodies that are not linked to Hamas or to UNRWA.” For right-wing voters, the opposition to aid jumps from 68% to 80%.

This is not Israel’s Abu Ghraib moment, because when Abu Ghraib was revealed, most Americans were revolted. Israeli society, on the other hand, is thirsting for genocide. No wonder they consume such videos as entertainment on mainstream TV. ... the-house/


US Made Some 100 C
overt Arms Deals With ‘Israel’ Since Oct. 7: Report

MARCH 7, 2024

Israeli soldiers from the artillery unit store tank shells in a staging area in the Gaza envelope in southern occupied Palestine. January 1, 2024. Photo: AP.

The Washington Post says the United States approved and made some 100 arms deals under the table with the Israeli occupation since October 7.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that the United States has clandestinely approved and executed more than 100 arms deals and foreign military sales to the Israeli regime since the onset of the war on Gaza in October.

According to the newspaper, this figure encompasses thousands of precision-guided munitions, small-diameter bombs, bunker-busting bombs, small arms, and other lethal supplies, as disclosed by US officials in a recent classified briefing to Congress.

This undisclosed number serves as the latest indicator of Washington’s extensive involvement in the ongoing conflict in Gaza over the past five months, the newspaper notes.

The Post confirms that only two foreign military sales to the Israeli occupation have been publicly disclosed since the conflict began.

The sales in question include tank ammunition valued at $106 million and $147.5 million in components for manufacturing 155mm artillery shells.

These sales have raised concerns for a broader examination, as the Biden administration bypassed Congressional approval for the packages by invoking emergency powers.

The spokesperson for the US State Department announced in late February that the US President issued NSM-20 on February 8. This document represents a new global policy allegedly aimed at strengthening safeguards and accountability for arms transfers, the spokesperson told Al Mayadeen.

The new policy mandates that all partners receiving US-funded arms, under security assistance and cooperation authorities, must provide written assurances. These assurances include a commitment to using the weapons and equipment in compliance with the law of war, as well as facilitating the delivery of US and US-supported humanitarian aid in war zones.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the US National Security Council told Al Mayadeen that the National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability regarding military equipment and services sent to others does not stipulate imposing new measures as far as military aid is concerned. Rather, it merely demands guarantees of compliance with existing controls.

He further claimed that the memorandum includes measures that have been applied to “Israel” for a long time and that it also applies to all the countries that the United States supplies with weapons, pursuant to American law.

Most Americans oppose ‘Israel’ arms shipments
Moreover, aid to “Israel” is being done under the table because the majority of US citizens oppose it.

A recent YouGov poll conducted by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) found that 52% of American citizens agree that the US government should cease weapons shipments to the Israeli occupation entity until it ends its ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The poll reveals a significant partisan divide, with 62% of respondents who voted for President Biden in 2020 supporting the statement, “The US should stop weapons shipments to Israel until Israel discontinues its attacks on the people of Gaza.” Only 14% of Biden voters disagree with the statement, while 24% remain undecided.

On the other hand, only 30% of former President Donald Trump’s voters support suspending US weapons shipments to the Israeli occupation, with a majority (55%) opposing, and 15% expressing uncertainty.

The poll showed that among those who did not vote in the 2020 presidential elections, 60% believe the US should block weapons shipments to “Israel”, while 17% disagree with the statement and 23% are unsure.

The survey also revealed that 52% of respondents favor the cessation of US weapons to the Israeli occupation over a ceasefire in Gaza, while 27% favored a ceasefire, and 21% were uncertain. ... -7-report/


Finding The Right Words On Gaza

Wang Yi, the foreign minister of China, has found the right words to describe the ongoing genocide in Gaza:

Chinese foreign minister calls war in Gaza a 'disgrace for civilisation' - AFP / Le Monde, Mar 3 2023

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday, March 7, called Israel's war in Gaza a "disgrace for civilization" and reiterated Beijing's calls for an "immediate ceasefire."
"It is a tragedy for humankind and a disgrace for civilization that today, in the 21st century, this humanitarian disaster cannot be stopped," Wang told journalists at a press conference.

A disgrace for civilization is also anyone, starting with Joe Biden, who supports the slaughter of the people of Gaza.

Why are ISIS like fanatics like this guy allowed to have any public function or say?

Head of Yeshiva Seder in Jaffa: According to the Halakhic Principle-Kill everyone in Gaza, even babies -, Mar 8 2024 (machine translation)

The head of the Seder yeshiva in Jaffa, whose students serve in the IDF after their studies there, said at a conference of Seder yeshiva held yesterday (Thursday) that according to the halakhic principle, all residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing."
"It's either you – or them," Rabbi Maley added. "No soul shall live on the basis of 'Bring to kill you – bring to kill you'. Not just the 14-year-old, 16–year-old, 20-year-old, 30-year-old man holding up arms - but the future generation as well. And also for those who produce the future generation. Because there really is no difference.

A disgrace for civilization. Indeed.

Posted by b on March 8, 2024 at 15:50 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


Cairo talks collapse as Israel rejects main Hamas demands

Hamas remains insistent on an end to the war, an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, and unimpeded aid access

News Desk

MAR 7, 2024

(Photo credit: EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)
The Hamas delegation visiting Egypt for truce talks departed Cairo on 7 March, with the resistance group saying Israel has been “thwarting” attempts at reaching an agreement.

“The Hamas delegation left Cairo today to consult with the movement’s leadership,” Hamas said in a statement on Thursday, adding that “negotiations and efforts will continue to stop the aggression, return the displaced, and bring relief aid to our Palestinian people.”

A senior Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Reuters that Israel is “thwarting” attempts to reach an agreement by rejecting the group’s main terms: an end to the war, a withdrawal of troops from Gaza, and a guarantee of unimpeded aid access.

Egyptian officials told AP on Thursday that truce talks have reached a stalemate due to Hamas’ demand for an end to the war. They said Hamas has agreed to the main terms of a proposed deal but is demanding guarantees that the efforts will lead to a more permanent ceasefire.

An official source in Egypt told Egyptian media that truce talks will resume next week.

Israel is reportedly “staying away” from Cairo talks due to Hamas’ refusal to provide a list of the names of Israeli prisoners who are still alive, according to Reuters. Hamas has said this would be difficult as the prisoners are scattered across the strip.

“The occupation wants us to release the prisoners without anything in return, and this is impossible. Negotiations are worthless if they do not achieve the demands and interests of our people,” Hamas leader Mahmoud Mardawi told Palestine Today on 7 March.

“The occupation prioritizes its prisoners' issue; meanwhile, it rejects the resistance's conditions. If offers come aligned with our people's interests, we do not close the door on them. If the Israeli position remains as it is, the negotiations will not succeed. The resistance's stance is clear; if our people's interests and demands are met, the occupation's prisoners will be released,” Mardawi added.

Mardawi had said a day earlier, on 6 March, in an interview with Quds News Network (QNN) that Israel had not even demanded a list of prisoner names, accusing it of “spreading lies.”

He added that recent negotiations are not based on the latest talks in Paris, but rather on “new papers.”

“There are five main conditions for any agreement: a ceasefire, withdrawal, the return of the displaced, lifting the siege, relief for citizens, and an honorable exchange deal,” Mardawi added. ... as-demands

Full spectrum warfare: Israel's weaponization of words against Palestine

Although winning the social media information battle since 7 October, Palestinians and their supporters must work to gut the persistent language parameters that Israel has long cultivated to establish itself as victim, terrorized, and righteous.

Ali Choukeir

MAR 7, 2024

Photo Credit: The Cradle

He mobilized the English language and sent it to the field.

So declared British Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax about British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's speech in the House of Commons at the time, after he managed to convince his Conservative Party opposition to enter the war against Hitler.

In a multipolar world where great powers are vying to influence global public opinion, language is paramount. "Words, after all, are the building blocks of our psychology" and shape our perception of good and evil, right and wrong.

The information warfare at play, for decades dominated by the western axis and its vast, global media reach, seeks to shape our opinions of the geopolitical chess board. It is a fight that became visible to all in the battlefields of Syria, then intensified over Ukraine, and is now collapsing over Israel's stunningly brutal military assault on Gaza and its 2.4 million civilians.

Israel has the right to defend itself.

This ubiquitous phrase used by Israel during its 75+ years of oppression and occupation of Palestine often serves as a thinly veiled justification for its indefensible actions. This shield against accountability for human rights abuses has not only been wielded by the Israeli government but has also found resonance among western leaders.

This rhetoric gained renewed traction following the Hamas-led resistance operation, Al-Aqsa Flood, on 7 October 2023. In its immediate aftermath, US President Joe Biden promised to ensure that Israel has "what it needs to defend itself," declaring from his highly visible White House pulpit that he has assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Israel has the right to defend itself and its people, full stop."

Similar sentiments were parroted by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after 7 October, who posted on X that Israel has "an absolute right" to defend itself, followed by a spate of EU leaders clambering to assure "their support for Israel's right to defend itself, in line with humanitarian and international law."

During his visit to the occupation state in November, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken not only reiterated Washington's support for "Israel's right to self-defense" but went as far as to say, "It is obligated to do so."

The right to commit genocide

This assertion of the "right to defend itself" serves as a key component of the linguistic and conceptual arsenal employed by the US-backed Israeli government within occupied Palestine and the broader West Asian region.

In a world where narratives vie for dominance in shaping public opinion, the significance of terminology cannot be overstated. Israel has adeptly utilized linguistic nuances and strategic ambiguity to advance its narrative on the Palestinian issue, whether through historical revisionism, past conflicts, or contemporary events like the Al-Aqsa Flood.

The Cradle columnist Sharmine Narwani wrote about this in 2012, emphasizing the significance of "public diplomacy" as a crucial tool in geopolitics. "Anything that invokes the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and the myths about historic Jewish rights to the land bequeathed to them by the Almighty" all serve to preserve Israel's right to exist and to defend itself.

However, such narratives obscure the reality of the situation: a powerful occupying force supported by a superpower pitted against an indigenous population without a conventional army to defend them.

A war of words

Gustave Le Bon, the founder of mass psychology, begins in his book The Psychology of the Masses, what he calls "images, words and phrases" as one of the direct factors that contribute to the formation of the opinions of the masses:

The masses fascinate their imagination and are aroused by the intelligent and correct use of appropriate words and phrases, and if we use them artistically and tactfully, then they can possess secret power. It evokes in the soul of many masses the most powerful hurricane, but it also knows how to calm them. Words whose meanings are difficult to determine precisely are the ones that sometimes have the greatest ability to influence and act.

Following the 2008 Israeli offensive on Gaza, Republican pollster and political strategist Dr Frank Luntz authored a study titled "The Israel Project's 2009 Global Language Dictionary," commissioned by a group called The Israel Project for use by those "who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel."

In the second chapter, titled "Glossary of Words That Work," Luntz presents "For the first time in our communication effort … an A–Z glossary of specific words, phrases, and concepts that should form the core of any pro-Israeli communication effort." The following are just a few examples from his glossary of terms:

Humanize Rockets: Paint a vivid picture of what life is like in Israeli communities that are vulnerable to attack. Yes, cite the number of rocket attacks that have occurred. But immediately follow that up with what it is like to make the nightly trek to the bomb shelter.

'Peace before political boundaries': This is the best phrase for talking about why a two-state solution isn't realistic right now. First the rockets and the war need to stop. Then both peoples can talk about political boundaries.

'The RIGHT to': This is a stronger phrase than 'deserves.' Use the phrase frequently, including: the rights that both Israelis and Arabs enjoy in Israel, the right to peace that Israelis and Palestinians are entitled to, and Israel's right to defend its civilians against rocket attacks.

Narrative manipulation and linguistic tactics

Understanding the historical efforts to control the narrative surrounding the 'Arab–Israeli conflict' begins with the absence of a clear definition or identification of its parties. This ambiguity allows for manipulation and flexibility in defining the issue. Consequently, a selection of vocabulary and terms has been identified that shapes the discourse surrounding the Palestinian cause.

Major international media outlets and political leaders have progressively framed the resistance against the occupation from its historical portrayal as an Arab–Israeli conflict to a Palestinian–Israeli one, then further narrowing it to a confrontation between Hamas/Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Israel. The western press and major media outlets also favor the usage of terms like "clash" rather than "Israeli aggression" and seek to frame the murder of Palestinians as people who "died" rather than "killed" by Israel.

This reductionist approach diminishes the complexity of the conflict and emphasizes Israel's role while minimizing the opposing side's agency. Additionally, overused terminology such as "conflict" replaces more nuanced terms, further simplifying the narrative.

In line with Israel's perpetual portrayal of itself as a victim, it garners sympathy by weaponizing the Holocaust and gains support globally by positioning itself as such and asserting its "legitimate right to self-defense."

Israel and the US have also conflated anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, equating criticism of its policies with bigotry against Jews. This conflation has led to accusations of anti-Semitism against individuals who critique Israel, such as university presidents, perpetuating a narrative that stifles intellectual dissent.

Israeli media employs "harrowing" terms like "neutralization" to describe the killing of resistance fighters in Gaza and the West Bank, employing language that minimizes the emotional impact on Palestinians and presents a sanitized version of events while also dehumanizing them.

Writing and fighting back

It is crucial to recognize that the lexicon surrounding the Palestinian issue and the wider resistance in the West Asian region against Israel plays a significant role in shaping narratives and collective consciousness. This linguistic battleground, often overlooked, is integral to understanding the current war's dynamics and the framing of events.

For instance, in the aftermath of Al-Aqsa Flood, Israel strategically utilized its Hasbara apparatus to propagate a specific narrative. This narrative included the assertion of Israel's "right of self-defense," which framed Israel as a victim justifying its actions.

Additionally, Israel referred to individuals held by Hamas as "hostages" rather than "detainees" or "prisoners," implying their potential use as human shields and justifying lethal responses. The forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza was labeled as "repositioning" or "transfer," a euphemism aimed at downplaying the severity of the situation.

While Israel initially referred to its military actions as "ground maneuvers" to mitigate media and legal ramifications, it later framed its indiscriminate aggression as a "war on terror" to garner international support. This framing aimed to portray Hamas as a terrorist entity akin to ISIS, appealing to western sentiments and seeking to eliminate the notion that there were innocents in Gaza.

As the Axis of Resistance has often repeated, this war is being fought on multiple fronts – not just in the physical realm but prominently in the online realm of propaganda. Redressing the imbalance of power in the information war, however, is no easy task. The battle of words and ideas is an essential one for Palestinian resistance movements and pro-Palestine voices to fight. The opportunity to completely flip the narrative – now that Israel has revealed Zionism's ugliest face in Gaza – has fully arrived, and the myth of Israeli victimhood must be put to rest forever. ... -palestine

Mass Israeli police presence in Jerusalem ahead of 'challenging' Ramadan

There has been heightened fear in Israel ahead of the holy month due to restrictions on Palestinian worshippers and general tensions relating to the Gaza war

News Desk

MAR 8, 2024

(Photo credit: Ahmad Gharabli /AFP/Getty Images)

Thousands of Israeli police officers have been deployed across occupied Jerusalem ahead of the holy month of Ramadan, which starts on 11 March.

Israeli police have completed preparations for the start of Ramadan, Hebrew media reported on 8 March, referring to it as “the most tense and challenging” that Israel has ever anticipated.

“There is a full deployment of visible intelligence forces, in conjunction with the Shin Bet, to prevent disturbances and loss of control,” Ynet reported, adding that Tel Aviv is preparing for hundreds of thousands of Muslims to gather around the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Ynet also reported that Israeli police are getting ready “for a scenario in which Jews will try to incite the area.”

There are “thousands of police officers in the [city] and hundreds of cameras that will provide a real-time picture of the situation,” it added.

Tensions have been brewing ahead of the holy month, as Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has been pushing the government to impose harsh restrictions on Israeli Arabs wishing to worship at the Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan.

Ben Gvir also sought to expand the restrictions on Palestinian residents of the occupied West Bank – who already face restricted access to the holy site based on age and the number of people entering.

The office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on 5 March that a “similar number” of Palestinian worshippers as in previous years would be allowed into Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem during the first week of Ramadan.

The move angered Ben Gvir, who said lax restrictions could present an “image of victory” to Hamas.

Israel’s security establishment had been divided over the matter, with some in favor of increased restrictions and others wary of it. Among those who believed it was a bad idea is the Shin Bet security agency.

Israel is known to step up brutal measures and restrictions against Palestinians in and around Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan, particularly in years when the holy month coincides with Jewish holidays.

This year, Israeli fears over a flare-up are greater given the ongoing war in Gaza and regional tensions, which have seen other fronts from Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq open against Israel.

In April 2023, rockets struck Israel from Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon within days after Israeli police raided and brutally beat worshippers at Al-Aqsa Mosque during Ramadan. ... ng-ramadan


Biden offers 'temporary port' for Gaza as he doubles down on support for Israel

Unwilling to pressure Israel into opening Gaza's land crossings for the delivery of humanitarian aid, the US president's stopgap measure has been described as 'theater' and 'propaganda'

News Desk

MAR 8, 2024

(Photo Credit: AP Photo/Luis M. Alvarez)

US President Joe Biden announced during the annual State of the Union address on 7 March plans for the construction of a “temporary port” on Gaza's Mediterranean coast for the delivery of humanitarian aid by sea, as Israel continues to hinder land deliveries.

“Tonight, I’m directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine, and temporary shelters,” Biden said during his address at the US Capitol.

“No US boots will be on the ground,” the US president added, providing no further details about who will be tasked with building and operating the port or how long construction is expected to take.

Biden also told Israeli leaders that “humanitarian assistance cannot be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip” and that “protecting and saving innocent lives has to be a priority.” These comments came just hours after it was revealed that his government secretly made over 100 weapon shipments to Israel since 7 October.

Speaking to Al-Jazeera, the Director of External Relations and Communications for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) stressed that existing land crossings into Gaza are “faster, safer and more economical” than a maritime route or airdropping attempts.

“Why should we reinvent the wheel? Let us use what exists and what has worked before,” Alrifai said, adding that there are “constant requests for a ceasefire that would allow an influx of humanitarian assistance.” However, Washington has repeatedly blocked these measures, unmoved by the growing threat of famine.

“It seems to be just another effort to divert attention from the real issue here, which is that 700,000 people are starving in north Gaza now, and Israel is not allowing humanitarian aid to them or the rest of the Gaza Strip,” Mustafa Barghouti, the secretary general of the Palestinian National Initiative, told the Qatari news outlet.

“When we talk about the sea route, it’s going to take weeks to set up, and we are talking about a population that is starving now. We have already seen children dying of hunger … People say this is a complex situation, but it’s very simple: Israel is not allowing aid to get to the Gaza Strip," said Ziad Issa, the head of humanitarian policy at the ActionAid charity, in comments to The Guardian.

“You need drivers that don’t exist, trucks that don’t exist feeding into a distribution system that doesn’t exist,” said Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior White House official and current president of the Refugees International aid advocacy group.

On 7 March, Refugees International issued a scathing report that highlights Tel Aviv has “consistently and groundlessly impeded aid operations within Gaza, blocked legitimate relief operations, and resisted implementing measures that would genuinely enhance the flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza.”

During his address, Biden also doubled down on his support for Israel's “right to go after Hamas,” claiming that “the only real solution” to the US-sponsored ethnic cleansing of Gaza “is a two-state solution.” ... for-israel
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:52 pm

Israel’s blocking of aid to Gaza is a weapon in its brutal war against Palestinians

Israel has defied ICJ’s interim verdict as well as a UN Security Council resolution calling for increased access to aid. It has instead deliberately blocking aid, causing a massive humanitarian crisis in Gaza

March 08, 2024 by Abdul Rahman, Ana Vračar

Photo: UNRWA

Israel’s deliberate blocking of humanitarian aid to Gaza has emerged as key weapon against the people of the territory. More than 20 Palestinians have reportedly been killed due to starvation in the last few weeks and numbers are expected to explode in the coming days.

Though Israel denies it has any such policy, almost all UN agencies working to provide aid on the ground in Gaza, as well as several other groups, have termed the deliberate blocking of aid as the most important reason for an imminent famine in the besieged Palestinian territory.

Research conducted by organizations such as Refugees International show that, “Israeli conduct has consistently impeded aid operations within Gaza, blocked legitimate relief operations, and resisted implementing measures that would genuinely enhance the flow of humanitarian aid in Gaza.”

By denying adequate aid to Gaza, Israel has been in violation of the interim order passed by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on January 26 while hearing the genocide petition filed by South Africa. The ICJ had asked Israel to facilitate “urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life.”

In its submission to the court in February, Israel claimed it had complied with the ruling. However, UN data shows that the actual number of trucks with aid reaching Gaza decreased by half in February in comparison to the previous month. International organizations still describe experiences where the Israeli Occupying Forces (IOF) block their entry into Gaza, especially North Gaza, after being made to wait for hours on end.

According to Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner General of UNRWA, in February, on an average just 98 trucks entered Gaza in comparison to around 200 trucks a day in January. Before October 7, Israel used to allow around 500 trucks a day to the besieged territory for a population of over 2.3 million.

Israel’s denial of adequate aid to Gaza also violates the UN Security Council resolution adopted in December which talks about greater access to humanitarian aid to Palestinians in Gaza.

The US, which was the primary mover of the UN security council resolution, recently airdropped aid to Gaza. While delivering his State of the Union address on March 7, President Joe Biden also talked about opening a temporary port in Gaza to deliver faster aid. Both the moves confirm the claims that there is not enough aid reaching Gaza at the moment, despite Israeli claims.

However, the US act is widely seen as a face-saving exercise given the Biden administration’s reluctance to press Israel for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and its supply of arms and ammunition which is used by Israel to bomb Palestinians.

The Biden administration has failed to make Israel comply with its own National Security Memorandum (NSM 20) as well. It requires that countries seeking security aid from the US make arrangements for adequate humanitarian assistance.

Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK highlighted on her page on X that Biden says “Israel must allow more aid into Gaza and protect civilians. But it doesn’t. And Biden keeps sending them more weapons.”

Meanwhile “after five months of war, Palestinians are struggling to find adequate food, water, shelter and basic medicine. Famine level hunger is already widespread and worsening” in Gaza, Refugees International’s report says. The lack of adequate food has significant health implications for children in Gaza who have been the primary victims of Israel’s war since October 7.

Israel weaponized starvation against Palestinians
Israel has killed over ten thousand children in its bombings and ground offensives in Gaza since October 7. In addition to that, the health effects of Israel’s blockade on aid delivery are worsening by the day.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in 6 children under 2 years of age in Gaza are acutely malnourished. The combination of food shortages, lack of clean water, and inadequate healthcare provision is having devastating effects, particularly on young children and mothers.

Many women are facing extreme difficulties in initiating and continuing breastfeeding due to their own nutritional status and stress. “People are hungry, exhausted, and traumatized,” said Adele Khodr, Regional Director of UNICEF’s Middle East and North Africa office.

The food shortage in the north is so severe that health workers report 95% of female patients are suffering from anemia. “There have been many operations performed, such as cesarean sections, to remove fetuses, [which] died of malnutrition among women,” Mohammed Salha, director of Al-Awda Hospital, told ActionAid.

Pediatricians at Kamal Adwan Hospital have reported not having the resources to treat more than half the children admitted to the hospital for malnutrition, as there is no food or medical supplement the staff can give them. “The most we can do for them is give them a saline solution or sugar solution,” physician Imad Dardonah told UN teams visiting the institution.

Israeli obstacles to aid delivery also mean that there is not enough infant formula or diapers. On the rare occasions when these essential supplies are found, their cost puts them out of reach for most of the population in Gaza.

A box of diapers in northern Gaza now costs around ILS 200 (USD 55), while monthly income before October 7, 2023, was reported around ILS 1,200 (USD 343)— not even enough to cover a newborn’s monthly supply during her first month of life, let alone food on top of that.

Restrictions are also being applied to the number of international medical teams allowed into Gaza and to field hospitals, which would allow for a partial expansion of much-needed health service capacities.

The siege is causing a devastating paradox: at the same time, there are too few health workers to respond to the needs of the population and those who have been working in Gaza’s healthcare system since October; and there are too many health workers in comparison to the operational surgery capacities—the only remaining functional operation rooms are located at the European Hospital in southern Gaza, according to surgeon Ghassan Abu Sittah.

Some countries have attempted to circumvent Israel’s aid blockade by airdropping supplies, but the amounts reaching the population in Gaza this way are nowhere near sufficient. To adequately stock hospitals and health centers, several international agencies have warned, it is paramount to ensure unimpeded passage for truck convoys carrying a wide range of supplies, not just a specific type of food or sanitary bandages.

When it comes to aid delivery, the UN humanitarian coordinator for the occupied Palestinian territories, James McGoldrick, said, “There is no alternative to food trucks, to road transports.” ... estinians/


US proxies fear 'Afghanistan-style' withdrawal from Syria

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fear their US patrons will abandon them in favor of closer relations with Turkiye

News Desk

MAR 8, 2024

(Photo credit: Getty images)

The US military's Kurdish proxies occupying northeast Syria fear an "Afghanistan-like pullout" of US forces that would leave them at the mercy of their long-time enemy Turkiye, Middle East Eye (MEE) reported on 8 March.

Turkiye has escalated its airstrikes on areas in northeast Syria occupied by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in recent months; at the same time, Washington is in talks with the Iraqi government to potentially withdraw forces from Iraq.

The 900 US soldiers occupying northeast Syria with the SDF receive logistical support from US forces in Iraq. Any US withdrawal from Iraq may necessitate US withdrawal from Syria as well.

"The whole region is on fire and nobody will respond to Turkey's aggression against us when everyone is busy with Gaza. We have asked the US to rein in Turkey, but they have brushed us off," said Mahmoud Meslat, co-chair of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the political wing of the SDF.

In recent months, Turkiye has bombed power stations, the region's electric grid, medical facilities, and oil fields, leaving millions without electricity or access to clean drinking water.

Kurdish fears of being abandoned by the US remain despite a visit last week to northeast Syria by US General Erik Kurilla.

US–Turkiye relations have improved in recent months. Ankara approved Sweden's entry into NATO, while Washington approved the sale of F-16 fighter jets to Turkiye after numerous delays.

"The Americans told us Turkey would not use the jets against their allies [the SDF]," Meslat told MEE. "But we think Turkey will do what it wants."

Another senior SDC official claimed a US withdrawal would have "chaotic results" for the region.

However, Fabrice Balanche, a Syria specialist at the University of Lyon II, said the SDF would simply have to cut a deal with Damascus if the US pulls out, returning northeast Syria and its oil and wheat resources to Syrian government control.

"There is a sense of 'when, not if, the US leaves.' I don't see how the SDF can survive another year, maybe two," Balanche said.

"Northeast Syria is collateral damage of Gaza. I wouldn't have too much hope about its future."

The SDF began partnering with US forces in 2015 to conquer areas of Syria, then occupied by ISIS. US planners wished to keep these areas out of Syrian government control as part of their effort to keep the country divided and without the resources needed to rebuild the country after the war.

The war began in 2011 as US planners provided weapons and funding to extremist groups with ties to Al-Qaeda in an effort to topple the Syrian government. ... from-syria

Fools, how many times has the US left the Kurds in the lurch? Their best and only hope is to make nice with the Syrian government.

UN labels Israeli settlement growth in Palestinian territories 'war crime'

Israel plans to construct an additional 3,500 housing units in three locations across the occupied West Bank

News Desk

MAR 8, 2024

(Photo Credit: Abbas Momani/AFP via Getty Images)

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNCHR) Volker Turk issued a warning on 8 March, indicating that the unprecedented expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is jeopardizing the feasibility of a two-state solution, in addition to being a “war crime.”

According to a report published by the UNCHR, approximately 24,300 constructions within West Bank settlements progressed between 1 November 2022 and 31 October 2023, marking the highest annual increase since records started in 2017.

The UN official further reiterated recent reports that Israel intends to construct almost 3,500 housing units for settlers in three locations across the occupied West Bank, in direct violation of international law.

Turk concluded that Tel Aviv's strategies seem to be closely aligned with the objectives of the Israeli settler movement. These objectives aim for the unparalleled expansion of long-term dominion over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. This approach will gradually incorporate most of the West Bank into Israel's territory.

Last month, the US government branded Israel's newer settlements in the occupied West Bank as illegal. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called recent remarks made by extremist Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich – calling for the construction of an additional 3,300 new Israeli housing units in the West Bank – “disappointing” and “inconsistent” with international law.

Hebrew media portrays the construction proposal as a reaction to a fatal shooting incident near Jerusalem on 23 February. According to the plan, 2,350 of the new housing units are designated for the Maale Adumim settlement, situated close to the site of the shooting; an additional 300 units are planned for the Keidar settlement, and 694 units for the Efrat settlement.

Since Netanyahu’s extremist coalition took power, illegal expansion of West Bank settlements has accelerated. Israeli army and settler violence has surged to all-time highs since the current government took power and even more so after 7 October.

As a result, resistance operations in the occupied West Bank are on the rise. ... -war-crime

Western soldiers and spies flip off Lebanon's sovereignty

The recent detention of Dutch special forces in a southern Beirut suburb has thrown a spotlight on the unchecked foreign espionage and military activities afoot in Lebanon. But when Lebanese officials stick their heads in the sand, it demolishes the state's sovereignty.

Radwan Mortada

MAR 7, 2024

Photo Credit: The Cradle

Among West Asian countries, few face the brunt of foreign intelligence meddling as Lebanon does. Its sovereignty is routinely disregarded by intelligence services from abroad, who operate within its borders with brazen impunity. In some cases, foreign militaries have even sought unrestricted access to the country.

These clandestine activities not only violate Lebanese law but also undermine its national security. The recent incursion of Dutch special forces into Beirut's southern suburb, a stronghold of Hezbollah, is the latest such incident.

Under the guise of evacuating Dutch nationals, these foreign militants were armed with military-grade weapons, ammunition, and equipment without coordination with Lebanese authorities, demonstrating a level of freedom not permitted even in their own country.

Spying for Israel

Last week, the Beirut Military Court convicted Russian national Yuri Rinatovich Chaykin of espionage, sentencing him to eight years behind bars for spying on behalf of Israel. Chaykin's expertise in lock picking led him to make an attempted breach into a secret facility belonging to Hezbollah, only to be thwarted by surveillance cameras.

His arrest at Beirut Airport while trying to leave the country unveiled a web of espionage activities, including the collection of sensitive intelligence and reconnaissance missions conducted on behalf of Israel.

During his interrogation, Chaykin admitted that he worked for Israeli intelligence and that he repeatedly visited Lebanon with his wife and child, whom he used as a cover for his activities. He also admitted to collecting information and data in the southern suburbs and south Lebanon at the request of his Israeli handlers, who provided him with maps of Hezbollah facilities and asked him to photograph them.

Chaykin's conviction marks a notable precedent, as Lebanon has long been considered a playground for foreign intelligence services seeking to gather crucial information about Hezbollah. Often entering the country as tourists, journalists, or diplomats, these operatives typically enjoy diplomatic immunity and are shielded from accountability by their respective governments, evading significant consequences for their actions.

'Tourists' and diplomats as tools

Among these is an Italian 'tourist' recruited by Israeli intelligence. His first task was to photograph an obituary paper hanging on the wall of a church in the predominantly Christian Jounieh area, east of Beirut.

At first glance, this may seem like a trivial mission, but his Israeli operators were likely seeking to ensure that their agent was actually in Lebanon. His second assignment was to monitor a warehouse on the airport road in the southern suburb near a football field belonging to the Al-Ahed Sports Club affiliated with Hezbollah. It was the same site Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu falsely claimed at the UN General Assembly in September 2018 that Hezbollah had established a factory for manufacturing precision missiles.

The Italian 'tourist' surveilled the location by taxi and was able to photograph it using a miniature camera attached to a fishing rod so as not to arouse the driver's suspicions when he stuck it out of the car window. He asked the driver to pass by the site several times so that he could take as many pictures as possible from different directions.

The Italian operative's next mission was to make contact with an arms dealer in the town of Brital, situated in the Bekaa region of eastern Lebanon, to procure a grenade launcher. This mission included orchestrating a plan to bomb the warehouse before hastily fleeing to Beirut airport for departure.

But the 'tourist's' inquiries about his arms dealer contact aroused suspicions in the taxi driver, who decided to alert Hezbollah-affiliated security personnel. The Italian spy was swiftly apprehended, but the Lebanese military judiciary, under pressure from the Italian embassy, handed a lenient sentence to the spy.

In a separate incident last month, Hezbollah's security service intercepted a Spanish diplomat in the Al-Kafaat area of the southern Beirut suburbs, who was caught photographing a street on his mobile phone.

Upon being transferred to the Lebanese General Security Service, the Spaniard claimed he was lost and had been trying to send the pictures to his embassy colleagues to arrange a pickup. Despite possessing a diplomatic passport, he refused to grant investigators access to his phone. The embassy's intervention secured his release from Lebanese authorities without scrutiny of the phone's contents.

'Evacuation plans'

Last week, the Lebanese "Al-Mahatta" YouTube channel revealed that Hezbollah security forces arrested six armed Dutchmen in the Bir al-Abd area of Beirut's southern suburb. It was discovered that the Dutchmen were special forces and were allegedly in the midst of a security operation simulating the evacuation of Dutch citizens and diplomats – in a Hezbollah-controlled area.

Hezbollah interrogated the six foreign militants for 24 hours before transferring custody the next day to Lebanese Army Intelligence officers. During their questioning, the men admitted to being Dutch 'soldiers' operating under orders from their Ministry of Foreign Affairs and were training to evacuate two employees of the Dutch embassy who lived in the southern suburb.

Despite receiving this information about unlawful activities conducted on Lebanese territory by armed foreigners, a Lebanese military judge released the Dutchmen that same day. Had it not been for the insistence of Army Intelligence officers on obtaining their statements, the militants likely would have spent a mere ten hours under interrogation.

Notably, the Dutch embassy in Beirut and its foreign ministry did not issue a formal apology, and Lebanese authorities did not release any official statement denouncing the violation. Such complacency only serves to embolden illegal foreign military missions that flout Lebanese law – and sovereignty – with impunity.

Evacuation planning has been a concern for foreign embassies in Lebanon since the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on 7 October set off widespread military confrontations within West Asia, with a notable escalation along Lebanon's border with Israel, where hundreds have been killed in heavy clashes.

Foreign embassies have mobilized equipment, weapons, and special forces ostensibly to facilitate the evacuation of their nationals and diplomats in the event of escalated conflict. This was purportedly the case with the Dutch soldiers, as noted by the Dutch daily De Telegraaf.

The US, British, Dutch, and Canadian embassies, among others, have been at the forefront of these special forces arrangements, but doubts persist about the actual objectives of their military missions, particularly given the unwavering support of these nations to Israel's expanding war against Lebanon and its ethnic cleansing of Gaza.

Moreover, as in past evacuations – and as these very same embassies frequently notify their citizens in Lebanon – nationals are expected to make their own way to exit ports and airports in the event of an evacuation.

Vulnerabilities in Lebanon's security apparatus

On 5 January, Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar cited Lebanese military sources saying that British intelligence services are using dozens of watchtowers on the Lebanese–Syrian border – which the UK helped establish during the Syrian war – to collect information about cross-border weapons transfers to the Lebanese resistance.

The sources said the British were providing Lebanese soldiers in the watchtowers with photographs of Syrian, Iranian, and Russian weapons suspected of being transported into Lebanon so that they could identify and seize them.

Earlier this year, Al-Akhbar also reported that Lebanese Army Intelligence refused to grant a former British officer, now part of a CNN team, an entry permit to southern Lebanon on suspicion of collecting information about the military activities of Hezbollah and the Hamas movement.

The newspaper alleges that Officer "Wayne G" had previously been part of the British military team charged with training the four land border regiments of the Lebanese Army before moving to Ukraine as part of a CNN-affiliated unit where he worked closely alongside Ukrainian forces.

After the events of 7 October, "Wayne G" joined the CNN team in Beirut. Al Akhbar further noted that the former British officer had also tried to obtain a permit to enter southern Lebanon through the BBC team in Beirut.

The absence of robust, official Lebanese measures and judicial rulings that would significantly deter espionage and military activity of individuals recruited by Israel, whether local or foreign, except in rare instances, leaves Lebanon vulnerable to multi-source intelligence breaches targeting the nation's resistance.

These ramifications extend beyond Hezbollah: British and other foreign intelligence agencies have spent years infiltrating Lebanon's various intelligence, security, and telecommunications apparatus, posing a threat to the country's national security and endangering the lives of its citizens. ... overeignty



Israel Accused Of Torturing UN Workers To Obtain False Testimony About UNRWA

A recently released UNRWA document says its staff report having been tortured while detained by Israeli forces, who pressed them to provide false statements about ties between the agency and Hamas.

Caitlin Johnstone
March 10, 2024

A recent UNRWA document says its staff report having been tortured while detained by Israeli forces, who pressed them to provide false statements about ties between the agency and Hamas.

“The document said several UNRWA Palestinian staffers had been detained by the Israeli army, and added that the ill-treatment and abuse they said they had experienced included severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members,” Reuters reports, saying UNRWA workers “reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks.”

This is another one of those stories about Israeli offenses that are so stunning that at first you can mistakenly believe you must not be reading it correctly — especially since the western political-media class haven’t been treating it like the jarring news that it is. If we had anything remotely like an objective news media in the western world, reports that Israel tortured United Nations staff to get them to make false statements against a UN aid agency would be the top story everywhere for days.

Many, including myself, speculated that torture was involved in obtaining the Israeli “intelligence” behind initial claims of UNRWA staff involvement in the October 7 attack when this narrative first surfaced back in January. A senior Israeli official told Axios at the time that Israeli intelligence agencies came upon the information about the UNRWA staffers largely through “interrogations of militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.” Israel has an extensive history of using torture in its interrogations, and there’s no reason to believe such methods haven’t been used on captured Hamas fighters in recent months — but reports that it was actual UN staff being tortured are something new.

We may be certain that if it was Hamas being accused of torturing workers for international aid agencies in order to extract false confessions, we’d never hear the end of it. To this day unsubstantiated rumors of mass systemic sexual violence on October 7 continue to dominate the headlines resulting in scandalous instances of journalistic malpractice, despite the Israeli spinmeisters behind those reports having a much worse track record than UNRWA in the truth-telling department and UNRWA standing much less to gain than Israel by lying.

But that’s what the information ecosystem looks like in the shadow of the empire. The flimsiest allegations against enemies of the US-centralized power alliance are spun as gospel truth and kept in the headlines for months, while even the most damning evidence against the empire never gets anything better than a cursory nod from the mass media and is then promptly memory-holed as the daily news churn moves on. ... out-unrwa/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Sun Mar 10, 2024 12:43 pm

West Bank: New Surge of Terrorist-Settler Outposts Drive Palestinians Off Their Land
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 8, 2024
​Imad Abu Hawash

Israeli settlers drive a tractor in the outpost of Ramat Migron, occupied West Bank, September 8, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)Israeli settlers drive a tractor in the outpost of Ramat Migron, occupied West Bank, September 8, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Palestinians across the West Bank describe how Israeli settlers, with military backing, are intensifying their takeover of land for illegal construction.

Since late December, Palestinians living in the village of Battir, west of Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank, have been cut off from significant portions of their land. A group of Israeli settlers simply arrived in the area one day — which UNESCO has designated as a world heritage site — and set up a new outpost, with a few small shacks for living in and for keeping their livestock.

“Settler shepherds took control of the area and started grazing their flocks on villagers’ lands, preventing Palestinians from reaching their pastures,” Ghassan Alyan, a resident of the village, told +972 Magazine. “They even flew drones into our flocks to disperse them and threatened to shoot them.”

As a result, the farmers and shepherds of Battir have completely lost access to land that used to be the source of their livelihood. “This area became forbidden for Palestinians to reach — settlers may shoot any Palestinian who is found there. The settlers wear army uniforms and move under the army’s protection,” Allyan continued, noting a trend by which the enlistment of settlers into the army’s reserves amid Israel’s war on Gaza has made it harder to distinguish between settlers and soldiers.

“People from the village used to go for hikes in this area, but now, no one can go out and enjoy nature,” Alyan added. “The settlers drive around in their cars, using new dirt roads that they opened after establishing the outpost. The residents of Battir are terrified. No one goes near this area.”

Over the last five months, large swathes of Palestinian-owned land in the West Bank have been effectively annexed by Israeli settlers. In some areas, like Battir, settlers have established completely new outposts — nine of them, according to a report by Peace Now.

Settler construction work is seen near the village of Qaryut, occupied West Bank, January 2024. (Bashar al-Qaryuti)Settler construction work is seen near the village of Qaryut, occupied West Bank, January 2024. (Bashar al-Qaryuti)

While all Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal under international law, the construction of unauthorized outposts is technically illegal even under Israeli law. Nonetheless, the Israeli army invariably protects the settlers, and the state generally allows them to be hooked up to the electricity and water grid — unlike the Palestinian communities on whose lands they are built.

And under Israel’s current far-right government, the distinction has been blurred even further: in December, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich allocated NIS 75 million (around $21 million) of state funds to outposts across the West Bank.

Meanwhile, settlers have also paved or advanced at least 18 new roads without prior government authorization since October 7, according to the Peace Now report, enabling the expansion of settlements and outposts while simultaneously cutting Palestinians off from their land. And in several cases, under the cover of war and with the army’s active or tacit collaboration, settlers have simply taken over land by force, threat, or military decree.

‘By the time the war ends, settlers will have spread dramatically’

As darkness fell in the village of Ar-Rihiya, just south of Hebron, on Nov. 26, the sound of excavators filled the air. “The settlers [from the nearby settlement of Beit Hagai] had begun carving a dirt road that extended across hundreds of dunams,” Ahmad al-Tubasi, a resident of Ar-Rihiya, told +972. “We called the Israeli police multiple times, and when they finally arrived, the excavator operators had vanished. The police acted like they didn’t know what had happened.”

A few weeks later, the settlers returned. Odeh al-Tubasi, a farmer who plows the land of many residents of the village, recounted what happened: “I was cultivating winter crops when, about 250 meters away, a military vehicle appeared, followed by another white vehicle from which four settlers emerged. I was gripped by fear as they approached. I quickly drove my tractor away, all the while hearing settlers shout in Hebrew, ‘Don’t come back here, it is forbidden for you to enter and work. This is our land!’”

Israeli soldiers are seen behind Palestinians farmers between the settlement of Ariel and the town of Salfit in the northern West Bank, February 3, 2022. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

The sequence of events often follows this pattern: first, settlers erect mobile homes on Palestinian land; then they take over or build key infrastructure such as roads, usually without permits; and finally, through sustained attacks and harassment without army or police intervention, they expel Palestinians from the land. Since the Hamas-led October 7 attacks on southern Israel, more than 1,000 Palestinians have been forcibly displaced in this way from villages in Area C of the West Bank — the roughly 60 percent of the territory under full Israeli control, where all the settlements and outposts are located.

The residents of Beit Awwa, west of Hebron, have found themselves in the midst of this process since last year, with the construction of a new outpost on the village’s lands. Last summer, Israeli settlers from the Havat Negohot outpost, with the army’s backing, began leveling several dunams of land and erecting temporary structures approximately 50 meters from the village’s Palestinian homes. The settlers blocked the only road that provided access to six Palestinian homes as well as agricultural land, forcing the residents of those homes to take distant and unpaved roads and carry food and water on their backs or on donkeys.

After October 7, the settlers carved out a new road and erected five more tin shacks, further expanding the outpost. The Beit Awwa Municipality, in collaboration with residents, submitted an urgent petition to the Israeli Supreme Court requesting the reopening of the roads. A hearing took place on Jan. 29, but no decision has yet been reached.

According to Peace Now, the settlers have continued working on the road while the legal proceedings are underway, in an attempt to connect the new outpost to the settlement of Negohot, which itself was also built on lands belonging to Beit Awwa. The new road was unlawfully paved without a proper planning or building permit, while the road that served Palestinian residents remains closed.

“The establishment of the new outpost will exacerbate our suffering,” Beit Awwa’s mayor, Yousef al-Swaiti, told +972. “By the time the war ends, the settlers will have spread dramatically in the vicinity of the village. No one will be able to get there. Armed settlers might shoot any resident of the village who simply tries to approach the confiscated land.”

Excavators break ground during construction in a new outpost in the Binyamin area, occupied West Bank, June 22, 2023. (Flash90)

Attacks on the village’s residents are already becoming commonplace, by settlers and soldiers alike. On Nov. 15, Nouh Kharub was attacked by soldiers while sitting on the ground with his family in front of their house in Khallet a-Taha, on the eastern outskirts of Beit Awwa.

“One of them hit me several times with a rifle,” he recounted. “Both the soldiers and the settler who accompanied them shouted at us: ‘It is forbidden to return here,’ and, ‘We will shoot you.’ We found ourselves trapped in the house, with no way for anyone to reach our home, while the settlers erected a new outpost about 100 meters away.”

A similar fate befell Mohammad Aqtil: the establishment of the outpost has prevented him and his family from accessing their land in Khallet a-Taha. “My children and I have been restricted from moving outside the house,” Aqtil explained. “We are not allowed to do anything on the land.

“The soldiers always tell me, ‘This is a military zone, this house is not yours, these are state lands.’ Meanwhile, settlers set up an outpost with buildings and tents, encircling them with barbed wire, and connecting it to a paved road leading to Negohot. The construction progressed rapidly after the declaration of war.”

‘It was like they were seeking revenge’

Sometimes, no new construction is required to kick Palestinians off their land. On Jan. 2, 48-year-old Yousef Makhamra from the village of Khirbet al-Tha’la, in a part of the southern West Bank known as Masafer Yatta, went out to plow his land with other Palestinian farmers. Due to a sharp rise in attacks by Israeli settlers and soldiers on Palestinians working their land in this area in recent years, they were accompanied by left-wing Israeli activists as a form of “protective presence,” in the hope of deterring, or at least documenting, such incidents. That day, it was to no avail.

“We began working on the land, sowing seeds, when a white army vehicle arrived,” Makhamra told +972. Out of the van emerged several Israeli soldiers and three settlers dressed in army trousers — one of whom, Bezalel Dalia, Makhamra knew to be from the outpost of Nof Nesher.

Israeli soldiers stand with settlers as Palestinians plant trees between the settlement of Ariel and the town of Salfit in the northern occupied West Bank, February 3, 2022. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)Israeli soldiers stand with settlers as Palestinians plant trees between the settlement of Ariel and the town of Salfit in the northern occupied West Bank, February 3, 2022. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

“They rushed toward us and cuffed my hands behind my back, doing the same to Jamil [another farmer],” he continued. “Some of the settlers prevented the Israeli activists from filming, while Dalia kicked me. “I told him, ‘Stay away from me, I’m sick,’ but he continued to kick me.

“I felt intense fear because the settlers were with soldiers,” Makhamra went on. “It was like they were seeking revenge [for October 7]. One of them said, ‘This land is for the settlers.’”

After a few minutes, more Israeli activists arrived, and the soldiers promptly untied the handcuffs on Makhamra and Jamil. One of the activists presented the soldiers with a court decision affirming the right of the Palestinian farmers to cultivate the land. The officer insisted, however, that they cease working until someone from the Civil Administration — the arm of the military responsible for administering the occupation — could confirm that the farmers did indeed have this right.

The farmers waited several hours before a representative from the Civil Administration arrived and authorized them to continue working. But an hour later, another settler, Issachar Mann from the outpost of Havat Maon, arrived with soldiers who again demanded that the Palestinian farmers stop working until the Civil Administration could weigh in — despite a representative having just come and permitted the work.

This time, no one else came, and after four more hours the soldiers issued the farmers with a military order to leave the area. Ever since, the Palestinian farmers of Khirbet al-Tha’la who, like Makhamra, work on lands close to settlements and outposts have been unable to reach them.

On March 1, the commander of the Israeli army’s West Bank division issued a further military order declaring the lands of Khirbet al-Tha’la near the settlements and outposts as a closed military area. The army refused to confirm to +972 whether the order remains in force.

Israeli settlers look out from the outpost of Ramat Migron, occupied West Bank, September 8, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)Israeli settlers look out from the outpost of Ramat Migron, occupied West Bank, September 8, 2023. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

‘What if my children had been home?’

Raed Yassin and his family live on the outskirts of the village of Burqa, northwest of Nablus. Their home is located just 50 meters from an outpost that has become a symbol of settler power in recent years: Homesh.

First established as a government-authorized settlement in the late 1970s on lands belonging to residents of Burqa, it was one of four settlements in the northern West Bank that Israel evacuated in conjunction with the 2005 “disengagement” from Gaza. But settlers soon began returning to the dismantled settlement illegally, re-establishing the yeshiva (religious school) every time the authorities demolished it.

Their persistence bore fruit with the inauguration of Israel’s far-right government at the end of 2022, which, as one of its first orders of business, repealed the Disengagement Law — thus enabling settlers to lawfully enter the territories that were evacuated. Last May, settlers began construction work to expand the yeshiva, still in violation of the law but with the backing of the Defense Ministry. Since October 7, that construction, along with settler attacks on the Palestinians of Burqa, have spiked.

The most recent attack occurred on Jan. 9. “I was in my field, and my wife and children had left the house to visit relatives,” Yassin recounted. “Midway through the day, I received a call from one of the residents in the area about settlers attacking our house. I hurried back, but when I arrived, the settlers had already withdrawn.

A view of the outpost of Homesh, occupied West Bank, May 29, 2023. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)A view of the outpost of Homesh, occupied West Bank, May 29, 2023. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

“In footage from our home surveillance cameras, I saw 15 masked settlers cut down the fence around the house, damage its surroundings, break the sewage pipes, uproot trees, and try to remove the window and door protections,” he continued. “It was terrifying — what if my children had been at home?”

Since the beginning of the war, Yassin and his family have been forced to spend multiple nights sleeping at the house of relatives who live deeper inside the village, further away from Homesh. “On the nights we spend at home, I stay awake all night,” he said. “Settlers might come and set the house on fire.”

“What is happening now in Qaryut is a new stage of displacement,” al-Qaryuti continued. “More than 200 villagers are planning to leave Palestine — they all got visas to European countries; they want to leave.

“The neighborhood of Surra [inside the village] is under complete siege by settlers,” he went on. “The roads are closed, residents’ exit and entry needs coordination, the settlers broke all the surveillance cameras installed on the houses in the vicinity of the village, and we fear there may be a plan to commit a crime like what happened in the village of Duma in 2015 [when settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing three people including an 18-month-old baby].”

‘Settlers wearing army uniforms control everything’

“What is happening now in Qaryut is a new stage of displacement,” al-Qaryuti continued. “More than 200 villagers are planning to leave Palestine — they all got visas to European countries; they want to leave.

“The neighborhood of Surra [inside the village] is under complete siege by settlers,” he went on. “The roads are closed, residents’ exit and entry needs coordination, the settlers broke all the surveillance cameras installed on the houses in the vicinity of the village, and we fear there may be a plan to commit a crime like what happened in the village of Duma in 2015 [when settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing three people including an 18-month-old baby].”

“What is happening now in Qaryut is a new stage of displacement,” al-Qaryuti continued. “More than 200 villagers are planning to leave Palestine — they all got visas to European countries; they want to leave.

“The neighborhood of Surra [inside the village] is under complete siege by settlers,” he went on. “The roads are closed, residents’ exit and entry needs coordination, the settlers broke all the surveillance cameras installed on the houses in the vicinity of the village, and we fear there may be a plan to commit a crime like what happened in the village of Duma in 2015 [when settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing three people including an 18-month-old baby].”

Palestinians in the village of Qaryut, located between Nablus and Ramallah, have also been deprived of access to ever more of their land as a consequence of settler violence.

Qaryut sits on an area stretching approximately 20,000 dunams (around 5,000 acres), the majority of which is classified as Area C and planted with olive trees. Over the last 50 years, however, the village has gradually become encircled by Israeli settlements: Eli, built in 1984; Shvut Rachel, built in 1995; and Shilo, built in 1979. Collectively, these settlements, as well as several more recently constructed outposts, have confiscated more than 14,000 dunams of the village’s land.

Since October 7, the situation has deteriorated further. “Most of the village’s population, which exceeds 3,000 people, has been prevented from harvesting olives this season,” Ghassan al-Saher, a resident of the village, lamented. “Both settlers and the army have prohibited access to the land by blocking the road with dirt. Settlers took over fields and cut down numerous trees.”

Settlers are seen in a spring in the Palestinian village of Qaryut, occupied West Bank, August 2023. (Bashar al-Qaryuti)Settlers are seen in a spring in the Palestinian village of Qaryut, occupied West Bank, August 2023. (Bashar al-Qaryuti)

According to al-Saher, the settlers deliberately destroyed Palestinian infrastructure in the village. They attacked an agricultural project built with the support of the International Red Cross that had benefited 10 Palestinian families, damaging greenhouses and water tanks and cutting water pipes. They also took over Qaryut’s spring, a vital water source for the village. “They turned it into a park for themselves,” al-Saher said. “Anyone who approaches the spring risks being shot.”

Another resident, Bashar al-Qaryuti, added: “When the war started, we lost all the lands of the village classified as Area C. Life in the village has been paralyzed; we cannot reach our lands in the vicinity of the village. They storm the village and open fire. Many young people in the village do not sleep at night, fearing a settler attack.

“What is happening now in Qaryut is a new stage of displacement,” al-Qaryuti continued. “More than 200 villagers are planning to leave Palestine — they all got visas to European countries; they want to leave.

“The neighborhood of Surra [inside the village] is under complete siege by settlers,” he went on. “The roads are closed, residents’ exit and entry needs coordination, the settlers broke all the surveillance cameras installed on the houses in the vicinity of the village, and we fear there may be a plan to commit a crime like what happened in the village of Duma in 2015 [when settlers firebombed a Palestinian home, killing three people including an 18-month-old baby].” ... heir-land/

Naledi Pandor: “Powerful Armies of the World Must Accompany Aid Trucks into Gaza”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 8, 2024

The African National Congress in South Africa holds dialogue on South Africa’s solidarity with Palestine, the ICJ case and the way forward.

South Africa’s Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor called on allies of Israel to send their troops to escort aid trucks into Gaza and ensure the safe passage of humanitarian aid to the Palestinian in the besieged strip. Pandor’s statements came in a press conference with Danish Foreign Minister Lars Rasmussen in Pretoria. ‘Those powerful armed forces of the world should be instructed by their presidents or prime ministers that they will go to the Rafah border and their soldiers will escort all those trucks into Gaza and the West Bank,’ she said. ‘And since these are very close friends of Israel, surely they will be allowed safe passage. I can’t imagine them being fired upon by the Israeli forces.’ More than 576,000 people in Gaza, a quarter of the population, are on the brink of famine, according to the UN. Israel has been accused of targeting aid deliveries in recent days, killing hundreds of desperate Palestinians. ... into-gaza/


Al-Quds Brigades Confront Israeli Occupation Forces in Tulkarm and Nour Shams Camp
14 hours ago March 9, 2024

IOF West BankIsraeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank (April 2023).

Al-Quds Brigades – Tulkarm Brigade made headlines today as they boldly confronted the Israeli occupation forces with bullets and explosive devices in Tulkarm and Nour Shams camp. The resistance fighters stood their ground amidst the storming of the city by the Israeli army, showing their unwavering determination to defend their land.

كتائب شهداء الأقصى – طولكرم:

“بعون الله وقوته مقاتلونا تمكنوا من تفجير جرافة عسكرية صهيونية بعبوة شديدة الانفجار خلال اقتحامها لمخيم نور شمس”.

— وكالة شهاب للأنباء (@ShehabAgency) March 9, 2024

The confrontation began at dawn when the Israeli occupation forces, accompanied by bulldozers, descended upon the city from the western axis. Al-Saraya reported that their fihghters successfully blew up a bulldozer with a high-explosive device in Nour Shams camp, sending a strong message to the Israeli occupation army.

As the Israeli occupation forces bulldozed through the streets, destroying public properties and closing off roads, the resistance fighters engaged in fierce confrontations in the neighborhoods of Al-Damj, Al-Manshiyya, and Al-Maslakh. The sound of explosions echoed through the camp, signifying the determination of the Palestinian fighters to defend their territory.

Despite the indiscriminate firing of bullets by the occupation forces, no injuries were reported among the citizens. However, an ambulance belonging to the Palestinian Red Crescent was targeted with bullets, highlighting the risks faced by those providing medical aid in conflict zones.

In addition to the raids and arrests, the Israeli occupation forces continue their aggression against the Gaza Strip, sparking concern among Palestinians as the month of Ramadan approaches. The Palestinian factions have called for unity and action under the slogan of “the flood of Ramadan,”.

تغطية صحفية: “مشاهد من سحب الجرافة التي أعطبت بعد استهدافها بعبوة ناسفة خلال الاشتـ،،ـباكات مع المسلحين في مخيم نور شمس”

— القسطل الإخباري (@AlQastalps) March 9, 2024

Palestinian resistance in Tulkarm and Nour Shams camp serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle faced by Palestinians in the face of occupation and aggression. Al-Quds Brigades have once again shown their resilience in the fight for freedom and justice.


Israel 'Coerces' UN Workers - By Outright Torturing Them

Every time one thinks that the depravity of Zionist fanatics has finally reached a limit they will proudly present even worse behavior.

UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links - Reuters, Mar 9 2024

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks.

Coerced, pressured, ... Maybe they had a harsh talk?

No. They outright tortured, Abu Graibh like, these UN workers. Some of them to their death:

The document said several UNRWA Palestinian staffers had been detained by the Israeli army, and added that the ill-treatment and abuse they said they had experienced included severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members.
In addition to the alleged abuse endured by UNRWA staff members, Palestinian detainees more broadly described allegations of abuse, including beatings, humiliation, threats, dog attacks, sexual violence, and deaths of detainees denied medical treatment, the UNRWA report said.
Reuters could not independently confirm the accounts of coercion of UNRWA staff and mistreatment of detainees, although the allegations of ill-treatment accord with descriptions by Palestinians freed from detention in December, February and March reported by Reuters and other news media.
Remi Brulin @RBrulin - 0:44 UTC · Mar 9, 2024
“We tortured some folks” is pretty bad

“We tortured some folk so we could destroy a huge relief organization that’s indispensable in dealing with a huge humanitarian crisis that we created in the first place” is…. something else

What are civilized people supposed to do with these miscreants?

Posted by b on March 9, 2024 at 11:13 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments.


Statement of the Military Spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades: What to Expect During Ramadan
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 8, 2024
Palestine Chronicle Staff
This was arguably the longest speech by Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, since the start of the war.

This time around, Abu Obeida did not count the number of Israeli tanks that have been destroyed or the soldiers killed. Daily videos released by the Palestinian Resistance are enough to attest to the nature of the battles on the ground.

The emphasis, however, was largely on the holy month of Ramadan, more specifically, what the Gaza Resistance expects from their brethren in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem during this month.

Particularly interesting are the pressing subjects that Abu Obeida did not speak about or merely dedicated a few passing sentences: One, the Gaza pier that the United States wants to build for the supposed facilitation of aid, and two, the truce negotiations in Egypt.

Regarding the first topic, Abu Obeida said nothing, and regarding the second, he merely restated the Resistance conditions that no truce is possible without a permanent ceasefire.

Below are excerpts from Abu Obeida’s speech, as always unedited and presented in their original form as conveyed by the Resistance News Network through their Telegram channel.”

🚨🟢 Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman, Abu Obeida, delivers a speech today, March 8th 2024, marking six months on the 154th day of Al-Aqsa Flood.

— The Resistance (@TopGResistance) March 8, 2024

‘Zionist Rampage’

“The battle of the Al-Aqsa Flood enters today, and this savage war on our people its sixth month, and still the criminal enemy practices against our people a real Nazi holocaust of killing, starving, tightening, and destruction and despises all the laws of the world (..)

“Our people stand in the face of an unprecedented American Zionist aggression in history, so that this battle, God willing, will establish a new phase not only on the level of Gaza and Palestine but on the level of the world, a phase whose title is that rights can only be taken by force and weapon and that every rights seeker should not wait for a mirage from international powers that have practiced oppressing peoples and enslaving nations.

“The international community and its outdated laws are designed to protect injustice, oppression, and aggression with the might of the tyrant force, at the forefront of which is the American administration. Our people and our resistance understood this equation early on, hence the resistance of our people and its renewed revolution, and therefore the epic of October 7th came as a response to decades-long continuous aggression, which culminated in an attempt to Judaize, defeat, and provoke the feelings of all Muslims.

“The Zionist rampage escalated with the arrival of the most extreme and Nazi government to power in the entity, planning before October 7th what it is doing today in Gaza, the West Bank, and Al-Quds, based on an alleged Torah heritage that openly calls for the burning, killing, and destruction of other nations, empowered by gangs of Zionist usurpers who have long since started their detestable religious war against our Al-Aqsa, our people, our sanctities, and our land. (..)

“In the face of this reality and aggression, we in Al-Qassam Brigades and the Palestinian resistance have carried our souls on our hands and still do, realizing that the enemy, who understands only the language of force, will not be subdued by statements, conferences, condemnations, or even international resolutions.

“By the strength and help of God, we still have more as long as the aggression continues on our land unabated, there will be no calm, and he will not succeed in bringing security neither to his public nor to his terrified, confused army before he gives our people their right and ends his occupation of our land and our sanctities.”

Month of Victory

“O our people, our nation, and the free people of the world, we, in the Martyr Izz El-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, at the dawn of the sixth month of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle and on the threshold of the blessed month of Ramadan, extend our blessings to our great people, to our Islamic nation, for the approaching holy month of Ramadan, a month of obedience, jihad, and victories.

“While Muslims around the world are preparing to welcome Ramadan, we have offered as a sacrifice to Allah a cascade of pure blood and pure souls, greeting it with the pinnacle of Islam’s pride: jihad, steadfastness, and fighting in a time when (true) men are rare… O you who worship in the two Holy Mosques, if you saw us, you would know that you play at worship. While one may stain his cheeks with tears, our necks are stained with our blood.

“In the face of a two-billion-strong nation, there is an enemy who does not care for the sanctity of their Al-Aqsa Mosque, which they plan to, despite their claims otherwise, restrict its people, expel them, and impose restrictions on worship therein as a continuation of the declared religious war. They do not respect the sanctity of innocent blood, which is more sacred to God than the sanctity of the blessed Kaaba.

“We call on all our people in the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied 1948 lands to mobilize and march towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque, to stand firm in it, and not to allow the occupation to impose realities on the ground.

“Al-Aqsa is ours, part of our creed, and for its sake, the Al-Aqsa Flood was launched. For its sake, our people have given everything they own. God has chosen to honor every home in Gaza with this great honor, so there is no home without a martyr, a wounded, or a prisoner for the sake of Al-Aqsa.”

In Honor of Gaza

“Congratulations to Gaza and its people on this honor. It is the duty of every free person to join in the sacrifices of Gaza and its resistance and to give everything precious for the sake of the first Qibla to thwart the enemy’s plan to divide it temporally and spatially, leading to its demolition and the establishment of the alleged temple.

“We call on the masses of our nation everywhere to declare a general mobilization to confront the arrogance of the occupation in every field of battle and confrontation, and in every arena for protest and demonstration (..)

“Our fighters, in all their positions and commitments, continue, with the help of Allah, the battle to confront the aggression at all points and axes of confrontation wherever the enemy’s army and its aggressive forces are located on the land of our (Gaza) Strip. Our fighters possess high morale and a fighting spirit unparalleled, demonstrating great heroism, and they are ready for more infliction upon the enemy with the support and presence of Allah.

“By the grace of Allah Almighty, in the last three weeks, the fighters have been able to carry out a large number of qualitative operations through selected units from Al-Qassam Brigades, which have caught the enemy in tight ambushes in combat zones, exploding enemy vehicles, executing sniping operations of officers and soldiers, blowing up and targeting buildings where enemy soldiers are fortified, and bombarding gatherings [of soldiers] with shells.

“The operations were concentrated in the infiltration areas in the south and north of the Gaza Strip, which we announce from time to time and broadcast some of the documented scenes by the grace of Allah Almighty and His support.”

Negotiations or Deception?

“Amid the occasional news of progress, breakthrough, or setback in the ceasefire negotiations file, it has become clear that the criminal enemy government uses deception and evasion, characterized by confusion and disarray.

“While we have engaged positively and continue to do so with the mediators, our utmost and foremost priority for accomplishing a prisoner exchange is the commitment to completely stop the aggression against our people, which entails the enemy’s withdrawal, in addition to our people’s enhancement and the return of its displaced and reconstruction.

“These fundamental and humanitarian issues are non-negotiable, and our people and resistance do not benefit from or care about any proposals that do not include these humanitarian axioms. Nothing is prioritized over healing the wounds of our people, who are facing genocide due to their adherence to their rights and defense of their land and sanctities.

“The American administration’s lament over a limited number of the enemy’s prisoners, in the face of its ignoring the massacres and genocide and the holocaust that our people are subjected to, in addition to ignoring thousands of prisoners from our people, confirms the double standards of this administration and those in its orbit, and their disregard for neither human rights nor so-called international law.

“The sick mentality of Zionist terrorism, starvation, displacement, killing, destruction, terrorizing, burning libraries, destroying historical artifacts, infrastructure, and civil institutions, is fully implemented by the enemy’s army, committing horrific crimes that rival what is known as the Nazi holocaust.

“Indeed, the horror has surpassed the Nazis to a new level with a deliberate starvation war where the world witnesses fathers killed while seeking sustenance for their children, children being starved and killed by hunger and disease in an unprecedented war crime. Some countries complicit with the enemy are now in a difficult position, unable to find a way to justify this holocaust and incapable of aligning with this level of decadence.

We confirm that this famine has cast its shadow over all components of our people in Gaza, including the enemy’s prisoners who live the same level of hunger and deprivation that our people endure. They suffer from a lack of food and medicine, and a number of the enemy’s prisoners are suffering from malnutrition, dehydration, and emaciation. Disease now threatens the lives of some of them in the absence of adequate medicine and food, in addition to being subjected to bombing and killing in many incidents that we have repeatedly announced.

“If the families of these prisoners are concerned about their lives, let them know that their government and their war council are playing with the lives of their children and insist on receiving them in coffins. The ball is in their court to save those who can be saved from them.”

‘Our Heroic People’

“O our people, our great nation, our capital, and the crown of our heads, greetings to you from your sons on the front lines and in the battle sites, whom you have sent for Allah and in the cause of Allah. They fought for the honor of this land with their blood and jihad.

Greetings to the souls of our righteous, pure martyrs who wash away the disgrace of a helpless nation with their blood, and greetings to our heroic wounded who bear pain and injuries that testify to the heroism of a generous great nation, and to our free prisoners languishing in the dens of lions, offering the flower of their youth for Allah and the homeland. Greetings to every family and household displaced from their homes under the brute force of aggression. Verily, the patient will be rewarded without account, and victory is but patience for an hour.

“Greetings to our sacred capital, to our captive Al-Aqsa, to the fighters from our nation’s heroes in all battlefields, and greetings to the souls of their martyrs on the path to Al-Quds and their heroics in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and every front fighting with us.” ... g-ramadan/



This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal
US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza.

Caitlin Johnstone
March 10, 2024

US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza. That simple line has been reverberating throughout our collective consciousness ever since.

It seems like every day now we’re learning some horrible new fact about the US-centralized power alliance and the empire managers who carry out its malignant will for our world, because that’s just what our rulers have decided will be the norm for our species going forward.

Reports that Israel tortured UN workers to extract false testimony against Gaza’s primary humanitarian aid agency.

Images surfacing of airstrikes on Gaza occurring at the same time and location as airdrops of aid.

Gazan children beginning to drop dead from hunger in a deliberately-engineered famine that is causing sweeping starvation at breakneck speed.

The IDF kettling the population of Gaza further and further south with a horrifically destructive onslaught and then setting up an attack on the enclave’s densely-packed southernmost point.

Israeli “demonstrators” bringing cotton candy machines and bouncy castles to create a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for their blockades to stop aid trucks from getting into Gaza.

The US president waxing poetically about how “heartbreaking” all the death and destruction in Gaza is when he himself is directly responsible for that death and destruction.

People in the world’s most powerful nation being told they have to choose between two candidates who both support this genocide.

A journalist locked away in a maximum-security prison for factual reporting on the same empire which claims to support free speech and a free press.

The biosphere we depend on for survival being fed into a soulless profit-generating death machine because everything on our planet has been turned into a commodity.

The leaders of nuclear-armed states brandishing armageddon weapons at each other because a few manipulators in Washington DC and Virginia have decided that the US must maintain global hegemony at all cost.

A mind-controlled dystopia in which ordinary people are propagandized into accepting all this as perfectly fine.

This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.

This madness will continue until we come together and resolutely decide the opposite. ... be-normal/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:04 pm

‘Israel’ Has Killed Over 9,000 Women in Gaza Strip Since October 7
MARCH 9, 2024

Palestinian women react after their home was hit by an Israeli airstrike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, February 8, 2024. Photo: AP.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics revealed in a report on the situation of Palestinian women that at least 9,000 women have been killed in the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023.

The report, published on March 7, the even of International Women’s Day, detailed that of the 72,156 wounded, 75% are women.

In addition, women and children represent 70% of the missing people, out of a total of 7,000.

The report added that approximately two million people, half of them women, have been forced to leave their homes in the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, in the West Bank region, four women were martyred in the Israeli regime’s aggression since October 7.

In 2023, 300 women were arrested in the West Bank, including 200 since the beginning of the Israeli aggression in Gaza. In the city of Jerusalem, 165 women were arrested in 2023, of whom 84 were arrested after October 7.

The report also criticized the lack of accurate data on enforced disappearances of women prisoners.

It also highlighted that women and girls are being marginalized in crisis situations, and they suffer from malnutrition and are more prone to disease.


The report noted that in Gaza there are currently about 60,000 pregnant women and about 180 women give birth per day, and most of them face difficult obstetric complications.

Since the beginning of the aggression, there has been a 300% increase in miscarriages due to stress and trauma, as well as an increase in premature births.

Many of the children who are born are underweight and face health problems, and mothers are unable to breastfeed in proper quantities due to lack of food.

Women who used to take birth control pills now have no access to their medicine, while many others are suffering from gynecological infections due to lack of medicinal services and lack of hygiene products.

This has had a negative impact on women’s physical and mental health, the report highlighted.

Regarding detention of women, the Prisoners’ Affairs Authority said that “Israel” is holding 56 women prisoners in its prisons. Among them, there are five convicted, 40 are detained without sentences, and 11 are in administrative detention. There are also two women detainees who are minors.

(Al Mayadeen) ... october-7/

Just like the "Old West"......

US Soldier Reveals Why Aaron Bushnell Self-Immolated, With Mike Prysner
MARCH 9, 2024

Compilation image with Mnar Adley (Left) and Mike Prysner (Left) over a backdrop showing Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation. Photo: MintPress News.

By Mnar Adley – Mar 8, 2024

One week after Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire in an extreme act of Protest for Palestine – the world has been awe-struck by his galvanizing act of courage, with his last words being Free Palestine. Across the world, including in Yemen and Gaza, Bushnell is being memorialized as a martyr for Palestine as Israel continues its genocide in Gaza that has left over 30,000 people dead.

His protest was not only moving but stood in stark contrast to the empty rhetoric given by so-called liberal politicians who’ve done very little to stop Israel from continuing its war on civilians. Bushnell was horrified not only by Israel’s actions but also by his own air force. It was recently revealed that Bushnell had classified information about the U.S. Air Force aiding Israel in bombing Gaza.

Yet media searches of Bushnell’s name produce headlines and articles framing his protest as a mental health issue, inferring that he may have been suicidal. YouTube even includes “suicide hotline” messages under videos discussing Bushnell.

(Podcast at link.)

So, who was Aaron Bushnell, and how was his extreme act of protest actually in line with a long history of active military servicemembers who had a conscious awakening during their service, including in the Vietnam War era? To talk more about this, we are joined by Mike Prysner, a former Iraq war veteran turned antiwar activist and organizer. Prysner is also a producer and journalist with the Empire Files. He openly calls on military members to refuse to serve in the U.S. military and draws attention to the global class war.

Don’t miss this episode of the MintCast, and remember to subscribe on whichever platform you view us on. ... e-prysner/


Mar 8, 2024 , 5:30 pm .

Palestinians search for survivors after an Israeli airstrike against buildings (Photo: AFP)

Since Israel launched the offensive against the Gaza Strip in response to Operation Al-Aqsa Deluge on October 7, the United States has secretly made more than 100 foreign military sales to Israel, equivalent to thousands of munitions. guided weapons, small diameter bombs, bunker busters, small arms and other lethal aid, officials told members of Congress in a recent classified briefing.

According to what was reported by the Washington Post , this confirms the participation of the United States in the war that has been going on for five months and has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians. And this transfer of military resources occurs even amid strong criticism from senior American officials and lawmakers against the obvious genocide.

After the outbreak of the conflict, two publicly approved foreign military sales were made to Israel. One was for $106 million in tank ammunition and the other was for $147.5 million in components needed to make 155 mm projectiles. These sales caused controversy because, invoking emergency authority, Biden bypassed Congress to approve the packages.

If in the midst of the genocide the two sales of military resources to the criminal country were frowned upon, now that it has been revealed that another 100 transactions were made without any public debate and without declaring each amount to Congress, as appropriate, American complicity becomes more scandalous. Israeli in the ethnic cleansing that is being perpetrated against the Palestinian people of Gaza.

"This is an extraordinary amount of sales over the course of a fairly short period, which strongly suggests that the Israeli campaign would not be sustainable without this level of US support," said Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior Biden administration official and current president. of Refugees International.

US officials have consistently said that the Biden administration must pressure Israel to limit massacres, especially the one being planned in Rafah, where there were already more than a million Palestinian refugees who fled the criminal bombings of Gaza. “These people have already fled from the north to the south and now they are all crammed into a small piece of Gaza and they are going to continue bombing them?” said Democrat Joaquín Castro, a member of the Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees of the House of Representatives. In an interview.

In recent days, the United States has launched humanitarian aid in Gaza by air. The measure began to be applied after more than a hundred Palestinians were killed when they approached a convoy with food. He also announced that he will build a temporary port in Gaza to bring humanitarian aid.

It is ironic, if not hypocritical, that the United States, on the one hand, sells weapons to Israel with which it commits genocide and, on the other, provides humanitarian aid to the more than two million Palestinians who suffer the consequences of the military operation. Israeli. ... el-no-para ... el-no-para

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Women in Gaza remain among the most impacted by war

Women and girls in the Gaza Strip are facing a disproportionate effect of Israeli attacks amid lack of sanitary materials, food, and women’s health services

March 09, 2024 by Peoples Health Dispatch


As the world celebrated International Working Women’s Day on March 8, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) reported that Israel had killed at least 9,000 women in Gaza since the beginning of its brutal war on October 7. That equals 63 women killed each day, of whom 37 were mothers. Thousands more have been injured: the PCBS reported that 75% of the wounded in Gaza since October 7 were women.

In addition to the horrendous death toll and injuries, women and girls are the ones shouldering the bulk of the burden of Israeli attacks. In the aftermath of destruction of water and sanitation infrastructure all over Gaza, overcrowding in camps in the southern part of the region has pushed women into living conditions last seen a century ago, Islamic Relief said in a statement published ahead of March 8.

Many women and girls are only able to wash once every 10-14 days, given the number of people in camps and number of showers available. Essential sanitary supplies, including menstrual pads, are either nowhere to be found or extremely expensive. This is causing women to use alternative materials, including tent scraps, or wear the same pads for a prolonged period of time, increasing risks of infections.

Pregnant women and mothers of newborns face particular dangers. Over 50,000 women are pregnant in Gaza, with approximately 180 births taking place every day. But the health facilities to facilitate births and provide postnatal care to women have been razed to the ground. Only a handful of hospitals are still able to provide at least partial maternity services, but even those, like the Al-Awda Hospital in northern Gaza, are exposed to risks of bombardments and shelling.

“I was in labor, and all I could hear was the warplanes roaring overhead, the shelling. There was fear everywhere,” a woman in Gaza told Oxfam.

Israeli targeting of hospitals and health centers has pushed women to give birth in tents or return to overcrowded tents shortly after giving birth – often also after delivering by C-section – again increasing risks of infections and complications. Pregnant women in Gaza are currently under so much stress that there has been an increase in premature births and a 300% surge in miscarriages.

Read more | Israel’s blocking of aid to Gaza is a weapon in its brutal war against Palestinians
Those whose children survive delivery then have to deal with the acute shortage of food. Famine will certainly devastate Gaza in case enough aid is not let in, and the effects of malnutrition are already widespread among the people in Gaza. Hunger has reduced new mothers’ ability to initiate breastfeeding. Women who succeed to breastfeed have low milk production, as physician Hossam Abu Safiya told ActionAid. “This is related to the mother’s nutrition. Most of the children’s sizes and weights are small,” he said.

There is no way of supplementing breast milk with formula, as prices of baby formula have followed the same trends as those of sanitary products and became prohibitively expensive. The combination of being unable to breastfeed or provide formula for babies is driving mothers to “resort to insufficient or even unsafe alternatives to breastfeeding their children,” the PCBS concluded.

Adults in families often forgo eating themselves as they attempt to secure meals for children. The practice is present among both women and men, but in 95% of the cases, it is women skipping meals to feed children. According to the United Nations, mothers “are the ones who eat last, less, and the least.” ... ed-by-war/


UN Human Rights Chief Decries ‘War Crime’ of Rapidly Expanding Israeli Settlements
Posted on March 9, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. Due in large measure to lack of power and Israel barring unfriendly journalist access to Gaza (including by systematically murdering them), the reporting on conditions in that enclave has died down a bit (sick pun not intended). The coverage of abuses in the West Bank has been in the shadow, even with the dimmed-down attention to Gaza. The UN warning, and this related post, attempts to rectify that.

By Brett Wilkins. Originally published at Common Dreams

“The West Bank is already in crisis. Yet, settler violence and settlement-related violations have reached shocking new levels, and risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian state.”

The United Nations human rights chief on Friday condemned the record expansion of illegal Israeli apartheid settlements in the occupied West Bank including East Jerusalem and the “dramatic increase” in violence against Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces and settlers, developments that are occurring while the world’s attention is focused on the Gaza genocide.

“Reports this week that Israel plans to build a further 3,476 settler homes in Maale Adumim, Efrat, and Kedar fly in the face of international law,” U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said in a statement responding to the far-right Israeli government’s latest settlement expansion scheme.

Türk submitted a report to the U.N. Human Rights Council affirming that Israel is violating the Fourth Geneva Convention by “effectively transferring the civilian population of Israel to the occupied territory while displacing the Palestinian population from their land.”

“Such transfers amount to a war crime that may engage the individual criminal responsibility of those involved,” the report states.

Both the occupation and settlements are illegal under international law. Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights in Syria in 1967 and has occupied the territories ever since. Although Israeli troops withdrew from Gaza and dismantled Jewish settlements there in 2005, Israel maintains a crippling physical and economic stranglehold that has become a total siege since October 7, when the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a genocidal war in response to Hamas-led attacks.

The U.N. report notes that approximately 24,300 new homes in existing Israeli settlements in the West Bank were advanced between November 2022 to the end of October 2023, “the highest on record since monitoring began in 2017.”

According to the publication:

The policies of the current government of Israel appear aligned, to an unprecedented extent, with the goals of the Israeli settler movement to expand long-term control over the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and to steadily integrate this occupied territory into the state of Israel…

During the reporting period, there was a dramatic increase in the intensity, severity, and regularity of Israeli settler violence against Palestinians, which is accelerating the displacement of Palestinians from their land, in circumstances that may amount to forcible transfer. This violence further spiked following the attacks on October 7, 2023.

“The West Bank is already in crisis. Yet, settler violence and settlement-related violations have reached shocking new levels, and risk eliminating any practical possibility of establishing a viable Palestinian state,” said Türk.

According to the report, Israeli occupation forces and settlers have killed at least 413 Palestinians—including 107 children—while wounding more than 4,600 others in the West Bank since October 7. Palestinians killed 15 Israelis including four soldiers in the occupied territories during the same period.

In one of the most recent incidents, Israeli troops fatally shot 10-year-old Amr Mohammad Ghaleb Najar in the head while he sat in the front seat of his father’s car with his younger brother as they drove through the village of Burin on Monday. Soldiers then opened fire on Palestinians trying to rescue the child, wounding two other people.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also heads the Civil Administration—the governing body in the occupied territories—said this week that 18,515 new housing units have been approved in the settlements over the past year.

“The enemies try to harm and weaken us, but we will continue to build and be built up in this land,” the far-right minister said on social media.

The administration of U.S. President Joe Biden, which has sanctioned a handful of extremist settlers, last month reversed a Trump-era policy shift under which the United States no longer officially viewed Israeli settlements as illegal. The U.S. State Department first declared the settlements unlawful in 1978.

“Our administration maintains a firm opposition to settlement expansion,” U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken saidlast month. “And in our judgment, this only weakens—it doesn’t strengthen—Israel’s security.” ... ments.html

Israel: Quietly Fraying?
Posted on March 8, 2024 by Yves Smith

Many commentators on the war in Gaza have described, often with some dismay, of the unanimity of the Israeli public behind pursuing the conflict vigorously, along with the openly expressed belief that Palestinians are subhman and deserving of brutality and death. And if anything, opinion is becoming more hard line. The right wing just did well in local elections. I am also told that an MIT researcher developing ideas for how to resolve the conflict has found the the young in Israel are more conservative than older cohorts.

This lack of concern about treating life with respect by a nominally civilized people is disturbing, given that in many advanced countries, laws against animal abuse would protect Palestinians better than Muslim states and the UN have.

But despite the apparent consensus on Palestine extermination, there are also growing stresses, particularly economic. Israel is a small open economy, with trade accounting for nearly 32% of GDP. Some sectors are vulnerable to the effects of war. For instance, tourism, using broader measures, contributes 5% to 6% of GDP.

There are signs that Israel is taking more damage below the water line than Anglosphere media reports reveal. The 20% rate of decline for fourth quarter GDP was a shock. And there is not likely to be a big bounceback. Even if the conflict were to end soon, Israel will be faced by hostile and far more economically and militarily powerful neighbors.

Forgive me for being overly reliant on former British diplomat Alastair Crooke for key points of our analysis, but he brings up critical issues that I have not seen stated in other English language reports.

Crooke, who follows the Hebrew press, has repeatedly pointed out that October 7 shattered the sense of security in Israel and that that is fundamentally important. He contends that the premise that Jews would be free from danger anywhere in Israel is deeply internalized. I recall after 9/11 (recall that I was in New York City) that how unhinged individuals were depended on how much “towers falling down” porn they watched and/or whether they had believed the world was safe.

Crooke has also argued that the sense of violation is so severe that the public needs Israel to restore the perception that it has a potent, formidable military by achieving a visible victory. That has not happened in Gaza. Israelis know that the war is not going all that well in Gaza. Crooke says Israelis believe the military death count is much higher than the IDF reports, particularly since news stories along those lines are quickly yanked by the censors. Hence (as we’ll discuss more below) the pressure to take on Lebanon.

A final observation by Crooke: Iran, Hezbollah, and other members of the Resistance have studied how the US and Israel wage war and planned in light of that. Both countries rely on airpower-dominated, intended to be overwhelming campaigns. Their Middle Eastern opponents have also observed that neither country has planned to sustain a long war. That is confirmed by Mark Sleboda, who in a recent show on Syriana Analysis with Andrei Martyanov, who said Western military academies do not even study wars of attrition (at 13:50). They consider them to be too primitive.1

Unfortunately, in the same way that the reports on the Israeli economy didn’t give much hint of the magnitude of the damage shown in the final quarter GDP decline, so to continuing signs of economic and social pressures are likely to be underplayed or simply not covered by the media. So please pipe up with further sightings and anecdata in comments.

The media has covered the weak public support for Netanyahu, the protests over the failure to secure a hostage release, and the spectacle of the US openly meddling in Israeli politics by trying to play kingmaker via inviting a mere minister, Benny Gantz to Washington.2 So we will skip over the backdrop of the top level jousting in Israel intensifying. Pundits generally express the view that whether and when Netanyahu goes is not going to make a difference in policy; if anything, his successors are very likely to be more right wing, which also means more bloody-minded.

One festering issue is the status of the settlers displaced from the Lebanon border. Wikipedia estimates the total at 96,000. To give a sense of the significance, that level, a bit over 1%, scaled up to the US population, would be over 3.5 million. The Israeli government is providing housing for them (not clear if for all or only those directed to evacuate).

Aside from the cost of this social support (which some contend is not sustainable long-term), there is also the loss of income and jobs from businesses operating in those border towns. If they continued to be depopulated for too long, it will be impossible to revive them. Customer and employees will have moved on.

The border town residents have been agitating to return to their homes, and have demanded that Israel push “Hezbollah” back to the Litani River in Lebanon so as to provide them with a buffer zone. This demand is tantamount to implementing a de-militarized zone in Lebanon at the expense of very long-standing Lebanese residents there, or alternatively, Israeli occupation. The government has promised to these settlers that it will clear the threat at the border. Yet many military experts (Scott Ritter, who has a great deal of personal experience with the IDF, had been the most vocal and detailed, but others come to the same conclusion) say if Israel were to attempt to invade Lebanon, the likely result would not be just a defeat but also Hezbollah occupying Israel up to Galilee.

A morale-sapper is that it is hard to hide that the Gaza campaign has not resulted in a win, which also does not bode well for taking action against the much more powerful Hezbollah. From Middle East Monitor on March 6:

The continuation of the Israeli war on the besieged Gaza Strip deepens Tel Aviv’s losses at the political and military levels, Israeli newspaper, Maariv, said in a report on Tuesday…

The paper said the Israeli army drags its feet in slow motion along the Gaza Strip and rarely launches new operations, except when it tries to comb some of the small areas it left behind…adding that the political leadership is also dragging its feet, waiting for external intervention and trying to reach a prisoner exchange agreement.

According to the paper, that is why the political leadership does not issue many statements, does not order the army to occupy the camps in central Gaza or the rural areas surrounding Rafah and does not attempt to evacuate the refugees in Rafah.

It claimed that taking such steps would put pressure on Hamas and improve the terms of the exchange agreement, while preparing the ground for occupying Rafah.

However, according to the report, Hamas’s chief in Gaza, Sinwar, has succeeded in besieging Israel within the place he wanted it, that is, under international pressure due to the refugee issue and the shortage of food and water in the Gaza Strip, which has made it reluctant to reach an agreement….

“It is clear that the military wing of Hamas does not want to conclude an agreement, in the first place, which means the refugees will not return, the army will not withdraw from the cities and the Gaza Strip will not be allowed to be reconstructed,” it said.

This delay allows Hamas to drag Israel out until after the month of Ramadan, which will extend the war for at least two additional months, while the Israeli army could have ended its military operation and occupied central Gaza and the Rafah camps a month ago, if the political leadership allowed it, the paper added in its report.

Notice the implicit impatience to end the war. It is not clear if this is the result of financial costs and possible further military losses, or political stresses due to continuing uncertainty.

The protracted war is producing manpower stains. From the Cradle on March 4, Israel’s manpower crisis worsens as wave of resignations hits army:

The Israeli Army Spokesperson’s Unit, led by Lt Col Daniel Hagari, has witnessed a large wave of resignations.

Among those who resigned are Hagari’s second in command, Colonel Butbol, as well Colonel Moran Katz and the army’s International Spokesman Lieutenant Richard Hecht.

“A large number of officers recently announced their retirement from the unit responsible for the military’s information system,” Hebrew news outlet Channel 14 reported on 3 March.

This does not seem all that significant in and of itself, but the piece later focuses on an issue we’ve mentioned in Links, that Israel is moving to recruit Haredim, the ultra-devout who have been exempted from military service:

The resignations come as significant tension has overtaken Israel’s military establishment.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has been calling for an end to draft exemptions for Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community, citing a severe manpower crisis in the army…

“The army is in need of manpower now. It’s not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of mathematics,” the defense minister said on Sunday….

Israel is taking severe losses from its genocidal war in Gaza and its attempt to eradicate the Palestinian resistance.

We’ve pointed to the fact that the draft legislation to draft the Haredim, who are normally exempt from military service,3 has generated protests, including blocking a major road for eight hours. Even the New York Times has seen fit to recognize the schism. From an article early this week:

Unlike most Israelis, for whom military service is mandatory, Haredim are exempt from conscription to focus on religious study. They also receive substantial state subsidies to maintain an independent education system that eschews math and science for the study of Scripture.

As the number of ultra-Orthodox Jews has exploded — to more than one million people today, roughly 13 percent of Israel’s population, from about 40,000 in 1948 — those privileges and exemptions have led to resentment from secular Israelis. Many Israelis feel that their own military service and taxes provide both physical protection and financial reward to an underemployed community that gives little in return. Secular efforts to draw the ultra-Orthodox into the army and the work force have angered many Haredim, who see army service as a threat to their lives of religious devotion….

Polling shows that the Israeli mainstream is keener than ever to force Haredim to enlist, particularly with a growing number of soldiers returning from battle in Gaza and questioning the absence of ultra-Orthodox on the front lines.

The article tries to put a positive spin saying that now nearly 30% of Haredi poll as saying they are on board with conscription. That’s still a minority. What happens when drafted Haredi refuse orders and are put in military jails? I can see this being a pretty common outcome.

Another source of stress is ongoing economic damage is emigration in the wake of October 7. Many English language outlets in Muslim world, such as Anadolu Agency and Middle East Monitor, reported that
Israel’s Zman magazine had stated, based on an analysis of official data, that about 470,000 Israelis had emigrated, and that immigration had fallen by 70% in November. Naked Capitalism reader were unable to confirm the information; perhaps it was scrubbed by official censors? A couple of days after that flurry of stories, Jordan News put the total at 370,000 through the end of November, but argued it could be higher:

Since October 7, data from the Population and Immigration Authority reveals that Israelis that approximately 370,000 Israelis have left the country with the latest update spanning to the end of November. According to the statistics, Israelis are increasingly seeking refuge abroad, particularly in Europe, with a growing interest in purchasing real estate across several European countries.

Israeli economic newspaper, “The Marker” highlighted that Isreali families have been showing keen interest in buying real estate and homes abroad since October 7. By the end of October, about 230,309 Israelis immigrated, while an additional 139,839 left during November, according to the data and in tandem with Israel’s Ministry of Interior, Jo24 reported.

Meanwhile, estimates from the website “Zaman Yisrael” suggest that this number could be higher, with reports indicating that over 500,000 Israelis have left the country, surpassing the number of returnees and new immigrants. The website anticipates a potential increase in departures, particularly among Israelis who were already residing abroad or traveling during the Jewish holidays in September.

The economic impact of these departures is likely to be disproportionate to their numbers. People who can relocate on short notice, which means having or being able to rent housing abroad, are likely to be on average affluent. You can impose on relatives and friends only for so long.

On March 6, Middle East Monitor provided an update on economic damage. I am not clear on the nature of these compensation claims, since it is inconceivable that 700,000 soldiers were killed or injured. Readers?

From the text of the story:

The Israeli damages recorded during the war on the besieged Gaza Strip is six times greater than the damages recorded during the 2006 Lebanon War, the Director of the Israeli Tax Authority, Shai Aharonovitz, revealed on Tuesday, local media reported.

The Israeli Walla website said Aharonovitz has revealed disturbing data regarding the extent of the Israeli damages due to the Gaza war and the recorded compensation claims.

Speaking at an event, he said, “The war has posed a very complex challenge to dealing with direct damages, which we have never seen before.”

“The damage is now six times greater than the Second Lebanon War (2006), and about half a million [compensation] claims have been filed, so far.”

The Israeli official estimated that requests for compensation for indirect damages would exceed 700,000, and urged army recruits to file them, adding: “We have never been in a situation like this before.”

For his part, Ilan Pelto, CEO of the Federation of Public Enterprises, has criticised expanding the military budget during war time, saying, “If we get into a state of hysteria and give in to pressure from the army and the budgetary framework is breached beyond what is needed once, it will have serious consequences, both in taxation and in the field of welfare.”

None of these trajectories are good, nor do they look likely to reverse any time soon. And critically, Israel has never been tested like this. Unlike Russia, it does not have a history of extreme suffering and sacrifice in war, and myth-making around the severity of the pain and the eventual victory. Are too many Israelis unwilling to give what it takes for their nation?


.1 That fits tidily with the official position that Russians are cavemen with nukes. But I am reminded of the great Muhammed Ali-George Forman fight. If you watched the documentary, When We Were Kings, Ali’s team was despondent right before Ali went into the ring. They were worried that the younger and extremely powerful Forman would not just beat Ali, but land such a hard punch that it would kill him.

Ali started by using a risky, amateur punch, the right-hand lead. But even with Foreman seeming not having trained for it and initially taking some blows, he started responding successfully. Ali then employed his famed and novel rope-a-dope, tiring Foreman out so much that Ali finished him off in the 8th round.

2 The media in Israel widely depicted the White House as having invited Gantz (see here and here). It is hard to think Gantz would be cheeky enough to seek unsolicited high level meetings. Spokescritter John Kirby nevertheless depicted Gantz as having solicited the meetings.

3 Oddly this is via legislation, and the last bill exempting Haredim expired at the end of June 2023. The Israel government has repeatedly made excuses to the High Court about not drafting Haredim and tried prettying that up via temporary regulations. It has conceded that if a military draft bill is not passed by April 1, the government will have to conscript yeshiva students. ... aying.html


‘Out of Touch With Reality’ – White House Fails to Navigate the Israeli Re-calibration

Alastair Crooke

March 11, 2024

The inattention to reality is not an electorally ‘incidental’ and irksome issue that needs better PR management by the campaign team.

Alon Pinkas, a former senior Israeli diplomat, well-plugged into Washington, tells us that a frustrated White House finally has “had enough”. The rupture with Netanyahu is complete: The Prime Minister does not comport himself as ‘an U.S. ally’ should; he severely criticises Biden’s Middle East policies, and now the United States has come to understand this fact.

Biden cannot afford any further Israel-affects to jeopardise his electoral campaign, and so – as his State of the Union Speech makes clear – he will double-down on misconstrued policy frameworks for both Israel and Ukraine.

So what does Biden intend to do about Netanyahu’s act of defiance against the ‘holy grail’ of U.S. policy recommendations? Well, he invited Benny Gantz, a member of Israel’s War Cabinet to Washington, and wrapped him around an agenda “reserved for a prime minister, or someone they think will, or should be, premier”. Officials apparently thought that by initiating a visit outside of usual diplomatic protocols, they may “have unleashed a dynamic that could lead to an election in Israel”, Pinkas notes, resulting in a leadership more amenable to U.S. ideas.

It was clearly intended as a first step to ‘soft power’ régime change.

And the prime reason for the declaration of war on Netanyahu? Gaza. Biden apparently didn’t appreciate the snub received in the Michigan primary when the Gaza protest vote surpassed 100,000 ‘uncommitted votes’. Polls – especially amongst the young – are flashing red warning signals for November (in no small part because of Gaza). Democratic national leaders are beginning to worry.

Leading Israeli commentator, Nahum Barnea, warns that Israel is “loosing America”:

“We are accustomed to thinking of America in familial terms … We receive weapons and international backing and the Jews give their votes in the key states and money to the campaigns. This time, the situation is different … Since the votes in [presidential] elections are counted regionally, only a few states … actually decide … Like Florida, [a] key state, where the votes of the Jews can decide who will move into the White House, so too can the votes of the Muslims in Michigan decide … [Activists] called on the primary voters to vote “uncommitted” to protest Biden’s support for Israel … Their campaign succeeded beyond expectations: 130,000 Democratic voters supported it. The slap in the face to Biden reverberated across the entire length and breadth of the political establishment. It not only attested to the rise of a new, efficient and toxic political lobby, [but] also to the revulsion that many Americans feel when they see the pictures from Gaza”.

“Biden loves Israel and is truly afraid for it”, concludes Barnea “but he has no intention of losing the elections because of it. That is an existential threat”.

The problem however, is the converse: It is that U.S. policy is deeply flawed, and wholly incongruent with majority public sentiment in Israel. Many Israelis feel they are fighting an existential struggle, and must not become ‘just fodder’ (as they see it) to a U.S. Democratic electoral strategy.

The reality is that Israel is rupturing with Team Biden – not the converse.

Biden’s key plan which rests on a revitalised Palestinian security apparatus is described – even in the Washington Post – as ‘improbable’. The U.S. tried a PA security ‘revitalising’ initiative under U.S. General Zinni in 2002 and Dayton in 2010. It did not work – and for good reason: Palestinian Authority security forces are simply viewed by most Palestinians as the hated stooges enforcing continued Israeli occupation. They work to Israeli security interests, not Palestinian security interests.

The other main components to U.S. policy is an even more improbable ‘de-radicalised’ and anaemic ‘two-state solution’, buried within a regional concert of conservative Arab States acting as its security overseer. This policy approach reflects a White House out of kilter with today’s more eschatological Israel, and one failing to move on from perspectives and policies hailing from decades past which, even then, were failures.

The White House therefore has resorted to an old trick: To project all of its own policy failings onto a foreign leader for not making the ‘unworkable’ work, and to try to replace that leader with someone more compliant. Pinkas writes:

“Once the United States became convinced that Netanyahu was not being cooperative, not being a considerate ally, behaving like a crude ingrate … focused only on his political survival after the October 7 debacle, the time was ripe to try a new political course”.

However, Netanyahu’s policy – for better or worse – reflects what a majority of Israelis think. Netanyahu has his well-known personality defects and is seriously unpopular in Israel, yet that does not mean that a plurality disagrees with his, and his government’s programme.

So “enter Gantz”, unleashed by Team Biden as prospective PM-in-waiting into the Washington and London diplomatic pool.

Except that the ploy didn’t work as expected. As Ariel Kahana writes (in Hebrew, in Israel Hayom on 6 March):

“Gantz met with all of the top administration officials with the exception of President Biden, and presented positions that are identical to the positions that Netanyahu has presented in his talks with them over the past number of weeks”.

“Not destroying Hamas in Rafah means sending a fire truck to put out 80% of the fire”, Gantz told Sullivan. Harris and other officials retorted that it would be impossible to evacuate 1.2 million Gazans from the Rafah area—an evacuation that they view as an essential precondition for any military operation in that southern Gaza Strip city”. “Gantz flatly disagreed”.

“Even larger gaps came to the fore in discussions about humanitarian aid. Whereas many Israelis are livid about the decision to allow the delivery of supplies to the enemy — [which they view as] an act that has helped Hamas, has prolonged the war and has delayed a hostage deal—the Americans believe that Israel isn’t doing enough. Biden’s aides have even accused Israeli officials of lying about the quantity of aid that has been delivered and the pace of its delivery.

Aid of course, has become (rightly) the neuralgic issue pressing on the Democratic Party’s electoral prospects, but Gantz was not having it. As Kahana notes:

“Regrettably, the most senior American officials are also out of touch with reality when it comes to other aspects of the war as well. They still believe that the Palestinian Authority should govern Gaza, that peace can be achieved in the future by means of the “two-state solution,” and that a normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia is within reach. Gantz was forced to address that flawed reading of the situation”.

So, U.S. administration officials heard from Gantz the very same policy agenda that Netanyahu has repeated to them in recent months: Gantz also warned that trying to ‘play him off’ against Netanyahu was pointless: He might very much wish to replace Netanyahu as prime minister at some point, but his policies wouldn’t be substantively different from those of the present government, he explained.

Now that the visit is over and now that Gantz has said what he said, the White House is coming to terms with a new experience: The limitations to U.S. power and to automatic compliance by other states – even the closest of allies.

The U.S. can neither force its will on Israel, nor compel an ‘Arab Contact Group’ to come into being, nor compel a putative Arab Contact Group to support and fund Biden’s “fantastical” Gaza ‘solutions’. It is a salutary moment for U.S. power.

Netanyahu is an experienced ‘old Washington hand’. He prides himself on his ability to read U.S. politics well. No doubt he calculates that whilst Biden can raise the rhetoric a pitch or two, the latter is on a tight leash in respect to how much of a gap he can open between him and the Jewish mega-donors in an election year.

Netanyahu, on the other hand, seemingly has concluded that he can safely ignore Washington – at least for the next ten months.

Biden is desperate for a ceasefire; but even here – on the hostage issue, on which the U.S. policy array stands or falls – the U.S. has a ‘tin ear’. A last minute demand is made to Hamas to say which of the original hostages are alive.

The request may seem reasonable to outsiders, yet the U.S. must know that neither Hizbullah, nor Hamas, give hostage ‘proof of life’ for free: there is a cost in terms of the exchange ratio for dead bodies and for live hostages. (There is a long history of Israeli failed ‘proof of life’ demands).

Reports indicate that Israel is refusing to agree on withdrawal from Gaza; it is refusing to allow Palestinians from northern Gaza to return to their homes, and it is refusing to agree to a comprehensive ceasefire.

All these are original Hamas demands – they are not new. Why should it surprise or offend Biden when they are repeated again. It is not an escalation of demands by Sinwar (as the western and Israeli media allege). It reflects rather, an unrealistic negotiating strategy embraced by Washington.

According to Al-Quds newspaper, Hamas has presented in Cairo “a final document that is not subject to negotiation”. This includes, inter alia, a demand to halt the fighting in Gaza for a full week before executing a hostage-release deal, and a clear Israeli statement about full withdrawal from the Strip – complete with international guarantees.

Hamas is also demanding that all Gazans have the unconditional right to return to their homes, as well as to the entry of supplies to the entire Gaza Strip without security division, beginning on the first day of the deal. According to the Hamas document, the release of hostages would begin a week after the ceasefire begins. Hamas rejects Israel’s demand that any of its members or leaders be exiled and sent abroad. (This occurred in the release of hostages from the Church of Nativity siege, where a number of Palestinians were exiled to EU states – an act that was heavily criticised at the time.)

In a separate clause, Hamas has said that neither it, nor any other Palestinian groups, would provide a list of hostages until 48 hours before implementing the deal. The list of prisoners Hamas is demanding to be released is long, and includes the release of 57 people who were released as part of the 2011 Gilad Shalit deal and subsequently re-arrested; all female and minor security prisoners; all sick security prisoners and everyone over the age of 60. According to the report, only after the first stage is completed will negotiations on the next stage of a deal begin.

These demands should not surprise anyone. It is all too common that people with little experience believe that hostage deals can be reached relatively easily and quickly, by means of rhetoric, media and diplomatic pressure. The history is different. The average time to agree a hostage release is more than a year.

Team Biden urgently needs to reassess its approach, starting from the understanding that it is Israel that is rupturing from the stale, ill-judged U.S. consensus. Most Israelis agree with Netanyahu, who said again yesterday that “the war is existential and must be won”.

How is it that Israel can contemplate severing from the U.S.? Possibly because Netanyahu understands that the ‘power structure’ in the U.S. – as in Europe – that controls much, if not most of the money shaping U.S. politics, and particularly the stance of Congress, is heavily dependent on the Israeli ‘cause’ existing, and continuing to exist, and it is not therefore the case that Israel is wholly dependent on the U.S. power structures and its ‘good will’ (as Biden pre-supposes).

The ‘cause of Israel’ both gives domestic U.S. structures their political meaning, their agenda and their legitimacy. A ‘No Israel’ outcome would pull the carpet from under them, and would leave U.S. Jews experiencing existential insecurity. Netanyahu knows this – and also appreciates that the existence of Israel, per se, offers Tel Aviv a certain degree of control over U.S. politics.

To judge from yesterday’s State of the Union Address, the U.S. Administration is incapable of navigating the present impasse with Israel, and is instead doubling down rather on its time-worn and platitudinous notions. Using the State of Union Address as a bully-pulpit for old thinking is no strategy. Building a jetty in Gaza has a history, too. It solves nothing – except further consolidating Israeli control over Gaza’s borders and any possible prospects for post-occupation Gaza – Cyprus in place of Rafah for Israeli security checks. (Gaza once had both a harbour and an international airport – all long reduced to rubble, of course, by previous rounds of Israeli bombing).

The inattention to reality is not an electorally ‘incidental’ and irksome issue that needs better PR management by the campaign team:

Israeli and U.S. officials have been warning for some time of a possible spike in tension to coincide with the start of Ramadan on 10 March. Israel’s Channel 12 (in Hebrew) reports that the head of the Military Intelligence Division, ‘Aman’, has warned the Israeli government in a confidential document of the possibility of a religious war breaking out during the month of Ramadan, starting with an escalation in the Palestinian territories; extending to several fronts, and then turning into a regional war.

This warning – Channel 12 claims – was the main reason behind Netanyahu’s decision not to impose harsher than usual restrictions on Palestinians entering Al-Aqsa for Ramadan prayers.

Yes, things might get worse, much worse, for Israel. ... libration/


Israeli police restrict Palestinian worshippers as Ramadan kicks off

Israel has deployed thousands of border police, special forces, and troops across the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem

News Desk

MAR 11, 2024

(Photo credit: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP via Getty Images)

Israeli police are on high alert across Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank as Ramadan enters its first day on 11 March.

The number of Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank is twice the number of troops in all of the Gaza Strip, Hebrew media reported.

Israel deployed 23 battalions throughout the occupied West Bank as Ramadan began. Border police and special forces were also deployed.

Several Palestinians were detained on Monday at the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Hundreds of young men were prevented from worshipping at the holy site.

“The occupation forces detained citizens at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque and impeded their access to it,” eyewitnesses told Palestinian news agency WAFA.

On Sunday evening, the eve of Ramadan, Israeli forces deployed heavily around Al-Aqsa Mosque. Many were violently prevented from performing evening prayers inside the compound due to Israeli restrictions on entry.

Hebrew media also warned that day that Tel Aviv was concerned over attacks being carried out inside Israel. The Shin Bet arrested several people in northern Israel on Sunday, with the army radio reporting they were in contact with Hamas and had plans to carry out resistance operations across Israel.

Tensions have been high in the lead-up to the holy month. As the war rages on in Gaza, Israeli repression in the West Bank and Jerusalem has surged.

While the plans of Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir to expand restrictions on Palestinians entering Al-Aqsa Mosque failed, Tel Aviv will maintain its standard level of restrictions and repression, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on 5 March.

The spokesman for Hamas’ military wing, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades’ Abu Obeida, called in a speech on 8 March for the Palestinian people to mobilize during the Muslim holy month in defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Abu Obeida called on "all our people in the West Bank, Al-Quds (Jerusalem), and the occupied 1948 lands to mobilize and march towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque, stand firm there, and not allow the occupation to impose its [policies in the holy site]." ... -kicks-off

Israel's ultra-orthodox threaten to 'go abroad' if drafted

The army says it needs additional manpower to prosecute the genocide in Gaza and drafting religious students is necessary

News Desk

MAR 10, 2024

Israel's Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef speaks during a ceremony in Jerusalem on September 22, 2022. (Photo credit: Olivier Fitoussi/ Flash90)

Speaking on 9 March, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef declared that Haredi (ultra-orthodox) religious students must not be drafted “under any circumstances, no matter what” and that if they are forcibly enlisted, the Haredim would “go abroad.”

“Without the Torah, without the kollels, without the yeshivas, the army will have no success,” he declared.

Service in the Israeli army is mandatory for young Israeli men and women, with certain exceptions, including for those studying the Torah in religious schools known as Yeshivas.

Men from Israel’s Haredi community can avoid being drafted by renewing the year-long exemption until they pass the age of mandatory military service. Many men remain registered as Yeshiva students long past the time of their studies to continue to receive the exemption.

Hundreds of Haredi men blocked a major north-south highway on 3 March to protest growing calls for an end to blanket draft exemptions.

Some held signs reading, “We tell the High Court – we’ll go to jail over the army” and “We will die and not enlist.”

Since the beginning of the war on Gaza on 7 October, anger has grown among segments of Israeli society who accuse the Haredim of not doing their part to support the war effort, calling them “parasites.” The Haredim refuse to fight and die for the state while at the same time receiving state subsidies to fund their studies.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi have both recently stated that the military needs additional manpower to continue the war in Gaza and in the north against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Gallant stated, “We need manpower now—it’s math, not politics.”

While killing tens of thousands of Palestinians and pulverizing Gaza, the Israeli military has also suffered painful losses at the hands of the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance in Gaza. It has mobilized almost 300,000 reservists and extended the length of service for existing soldiers.

Last week, members of the Knesset voted 61-36 to reject a universal military conscription bill proposed by Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman. The legislation would have required all 18-year-olds to enlist in the army, perform national service, or face legal sanctions.

On the day of the vote, Deputy Knesset Speaker Moshe Roth, a member of the Haredi United Torah Judaism (UTJ) party, threatened if even “one real yeshiva student has to close his Talmud, there is no government.”

The UTJ is part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition.

“There is a surplus of manpower. The only difference before October 7 and after October 7 was the percentage of how many soldiers were in combat,” Roth claimed.

“If you see that the army is bringing in people from Army Radio or education programs or from the army bands, that would be an indication that there is more need for manpower on the front or in combat units. But that’s not the case,” Roth added.

On Saturday, the army announced the death of an officer killed during fighting in the southern Gaza Strip, bringing the official number of soldiers killed in the ground offensive to 248. The number is believed to be much higher, however, as Israel has been known to refuse to publish the names of killed soldiers.

The officer killed is Maj. (res.) Amishar Ben David, 43, from the West Bank settlement of Eli and a cousin of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. ... if-drafted
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:06 pm



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Last week it happened that God and the United States Treasury managed to underwrite a record issue of Israel Government bonds to continue the war against the Arabs in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq – and Iran if necessary.

The war financing comprised $2 billion of five-year bonds, and $3 billion each of 10 and 30-year bonds.

The US Treasury guarantees bond holders that if Israel defaults on repayment of its obligations, the US will pay instead. Notwithstanding this, the Israelis were obliged to offer an extra 1.35%, 1.45%, and 1.75% more in interest over the going rate for US Treasury bonds for the same length of term.

The Reuters news agency headline on March 6 celebrated “Israel sells record $8 billion in bonds despite Oct 7 attacks, downgrade”. The propaganda agency based in New York quoted Israel’s Accountant-General as claiming the bond placement “results showed an “unprecedented expression of confidence in Israel’s economy by the world’s largest international investors”.*

In fact, according to well-informed bond trade sources in Europe, with the higher interest rates the market has just demanded from the Israelis, the spread between the Israel bonds and US Treasuries has never been wider, and the worse this spread will become for Israel. This is a vote of no-confidence from the market which the Israelis, the Americans, and their media are trying to keep secret.

The longer the war is protracted, the more obvious the costs of Israel Defence Forces’ (IDF) failure will become – and the deeper the negative bond sentiment will grow. By converting secrecy into money, the market is signalling that it has begun to turn against Israel – and profit at Israel’s expense.

Also unprecedented is the secrecy in which the “expression of confidence” has been managed by the US, French, and German banks acting as managers of the Israeli bond issue; and of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which has had regulatory oversight of the process. The debt financing has been reported as a “private placement”; this has removed the requirement that the Israelis produce a public prospectus explaining how they think their war – plausibly genocide, according to the International Court of Justice in its ruling of January 26, 2024 – is going, and how long the IDF claim it will last.

This does not remove the legal requirement on the two US banks engaged in marketing the bonds to US investors, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs, to submit a formal application for SEC approval of what is called a letter of consent. However, asked to confirm the contents of the letter of consent application for the sale of the Israeli bonds, and its official approval, the SEC has refused to give any answer.

Goldman Sachs was asked the same questions. The bank also refuses to say.

Last October the chief executive of Goldman Sachs, David Solomon,* issued a personal letter to the bank’s employees claiming the Hamas operation was a “violation of fundamental human values”: Solomon then proposed a $2 million gift of bank funds “to organizations providing critical support and humanitarian relief in Israel”; plus additional bank money, three bank dollars for every one contributed by bank staff making donations under $25, and one for one if the staff contribution was over $25. Asked how much money has been raised for Solomon’s gift to the Israelis, the bank is refusing to reply.

In other words, Israel’s public genocide is a private secret among Americans who are paying for it, and among US government officials responsible for regulating the scheme according to US law.

According to well-informed bond traders, this deal-making is worth in fees to the dealmakers, led by Goldman Sachs, about $100 million.

For the strategy of protracted economic war against Israel, start on October 27 last. For the sequel, and a preview of international bond market calculations on the war on February 6, click to read.


Russian strategy and tactics have been a wrestle between the Kremlin, the General Staff, and the Foreign Ministry; a multiple-line approach by the military; the convergence of ideologies between national liberation and terrorism; and the countdown to the presidential election on March 16-17. Read the last essay from January 25.

The following week, the downgrade by the Moody’s rating agency confirmed the inflection in market sentiment against Israel, with worse to come.

A month ago, Bloomberg’s Israeli reporter Galit Altstein was assigned the job of printing all the material he could find promoting the sale of the bonds. The headline of his report implied that Israel would be able to finance its war despite the Moody’s downgrade and the longer-term risks in the small print of the Moody’s report.

Source: -- February 11, 2024.

According to Bloomberg, about $58 billion in new debt would be issued this year, up by a third from the prewar year. About 80% of that total is usually raised in the domestic Israeli market; but if Israeli investors lack the funds or are fleeing to safe havens for their money, a much larger percentage of the issue will have to be raised from international investors, most of them in the US. This, conceded Bloomberg’s Israeli informants, would require “private placements, which are typically bought by a few investors at most. Those have been arranged by banks such as Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank.”

“Domestic issuance in the first two months of this year,” Altstein reported for Bloomberg, “is projected to total the equivalent of more than $9 billion, a 350 percent rise from the same period last year…The cost of insuring against an Israeli default — as measured by credit default swaps — is now higher than that for lower-rated sovereigns such as Mexico and Indonesia, indicating some investors are nervous.”

Israeli financial media reporting indicates that the $8 billion in bond sales completed this month were entirely placed outside Israel.

In the money markets, nervousness fetches a rising price; in the case of Israel’s genocide bonds the only way to keep that price rise secret is through private placements. They are operations run by banks like Goldman Sachs which avoid the requirements of issuing a prospectus; obtaining a credit rating from a ratings agency which evaluates the prospectus claims; and making a market with semi-public meetings with investors and answering their questions. What Goldman Sachs does instead, according to those familiar with the bank’s operations, is to “dump the issue in state or institutional pension funds which can be counted on to hold the issue until maturity, and ask no questions.”

But even passive pension fund managers have their fiduciary limits: Israel’s war began to trigger withdrawals from both Israeli state and corporate bonds by Norwegian pension funds last November; by Danish pension funds after the genocide ruling by the ICJ in January.

An index tracking ten Israeli corporate bonds for the banking, telecommunication, pharmaceutical, and real estate sectors, shows market demand for Israeli debt issues fell in the first month of the war, but then began recovering above the pre-war levels.



By opting for private placement, the Israelis, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America agreed to avoid having to issue prospectus claims about the war against the Arabs which, if truthful, might reveal how false Israeli government claims about the war have been so far; and if false, would create a legal liability for the Israelis and the banks to being charged with a Section 17(a) fraud.

In the US Securities Act, which the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) enforces, Section 17(a) “makes it unlawful to ‘employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud’, ‘obtain money or property’ by using material misstatements or omissions, or to ‘engage in any transaction, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon the purchaser.’ This provision is closely tracked by Section 10b of the Securities Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5, which is used more widely by investors suing for fraud.”

The ICJ ruling against Israel in January has not stopped or even paused the IDF operations in Gaza, the West Bank, or on the northern front with Lebanon. However, the court has established a benchmark for “material misstatements and omissions” in what the Israel bond marketeers can say without running into Section 17(a) fraud litigation. This makes Israel’s war financing riskier and a bond prospectus impossible; it also makes the interest rate cost to the Israelis more expensive. For Goldman Sachs and the other banks engaged, that has meant more profit with higher fees.

Asked what the market was thinking about the private placement of the Israeli paper, a veteran European trader refused to reply. Other traders in Switzerland answered in generalities until Israel’s bonds were mentioned; then there was stonewalling. “It’s certain there’s an omerta,” a trade source commented. “The Israeli finance ministry has claimed the bond offer drew 400 investors from 36 countries making bids totalling $38 billion. But there is no mention of how the bonds were actually allocated. I suspect there were many token offers and only a few selected buyers got most of the issues.”

The Israeli financial source Globes claims “demand for the issue was led by first-rate strategic investors such as pension funds, insurance companies, hedge funds, and institutions that have been holding Israeli securities for many years.”


According to this report, Israel’s economy contracted an annual 19.4% in the fourth quarter from the prior three months, which was double the rate of GDP loss which had been the consensus of economists Reuters had been polling.

A bond trade source at an international institution points out that “when issuing a bond, the lead manager charges a fee. The net proceeds are going to be obviously less. The question is how much is Goldman Sachs charging in fees? This is usually stated in a prospectus but we don’t have that in the Israeli case. If the issue is difficult to place, the lead manager will contract with other banks to share the burden. They will then use a portion of the fees to make a market for the issued instruments and stabilize the pricing. Again this should be disclosed.”

In the results given by Israeli officials to Reuters on March 6, it was reported that Israel sold $2 billion of five-year bonds, and $3 billion each of 10 and 30-year bonds. “This is unusual,” the trade source comments. “If you need to restructure your economy you would expect most of the costs will be upfront, with payback from the higher efficiencies or higher profits reimbursing the borrowed funds later. This should not take ten or thirty years, so another calculation is in play.”

He believes the Israel government’s calculation is that the war on the military front is going to get worse, and the economic war for longer than can be acknowledged publicly. “So they are trying to lock in as much money for the long term as they can now, leaving less to pay back in the short term. They say they are aiming to raise $58 billion over this year, but we are already three months in — they have $50 billion still to go. At this rate of timing and at this pricing, they won’t make it.”

“As for the fees charged by a lead manager for an $8 billion debt issue, these can vary depending on several factors including the complexity of the issuance, prevailing market conditions, and negotiation between the government and the lead manager. Typically, lead managers charge a percentage fee based on the size of the offering, often from 0.5% to 2% of the total amount raised. Therefore, for an $8 billion issue, lead manager fees could range from $40 million to $160 million. However, these figures are indicative and could vary based on the specific terms of the deal.”

“I speculate that the fees will be around $100 million. The princes at Goldman Sachs are being rewarded handsomely. We will have to wait and see if they will regret it. The buyers should also be asking the fee question. If there is no answer, then these Israel bonds are not being bought or placed based on financial reasoning. It’s political, ideological, religious.”*

The SEC last published an Israel bond prospectus in June 2018. The amount of the placement is not recorded.

The US Government was identified as the guarantor of the debt paper. “The amount of guarantees that may be issued to Israel under the loan guarantee program may be reduced by an amount equal to the amount extended or estimated to have been extended by Israel for activities that the President of the United States determines are inconsistent with the objectives and understandings reached between the United States and Israel regarding the implementation of the loan guarantee program. Under the program, the United States issues guarantees with respect to all payments of principal and interest on certain bonds issued by Israel. The proceeds of the guaranteed loans may be used to refinance existing debt. Under the $9 billion loan guarantee program, between September 2003 and November 2004 Israel issued guaranteed notes totaling $4.1 billion face value. Israel has not issued any notes under the loan guarantee program since November 2004, and up to $3.8 billion of U.S. loan guarantees (subject to the reductions described above) remains available.”

There has never been a determination by the President that the guarantees should be suspended because of “activities…inconsistent with the objectives and understandings reached between the United States and Israel”. For the Biden Administration, genocide is not an “inconsistent activity”.

The map accompanying the 2018 prospectus shows the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights as subject “to agreements between the State of Israel (the “State” or “Israel”) and the Palestinian Liberation Organization”. The Golan Heights are legally Syrian territory, and there is no agreement. Gaza is marked separately without explanation – and without an agreement with the Hamas administration of Gaza. According to the document, before the date of the prospectus, Israeli military operations against Hamas in Gaza “did not materially affect the Israeli economy.” To claim this now is not only propaganda, it would be a material misstatement — in SEC terminology, a Section 17(a) fraud.

Click to enlarge view on source: -- page D-1.

During the marketing of the $8 billion in bonds, there were highly confidential briefings for selected investors. According to Globes, “prior to the offering, Israel’s Accountant General Yali Rothenberg and his team led rounds of extensive meetings in Europe and the US.”

US bond trading sources believe it likely that Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, the two US banks identified as placing the bonds in the US market, sought to protect themselves from what Rothenberg and his Israeli officials said at these meetings, and from later reaction by bond buyers if the war goes longer and much worse for Israel than they were led to believe. A letter of consent seeking approval from the SEC is protective cover from Section 17(a) fraud liability in the absence of SEC review and approval of a prospectus.

Scott Schneider is head of public affairs and press spokesman at the SEC. He speaks for Gary Gensler, chairman of the SEC since 2021.* The SEC was asked by email whether “the widely publicized Israeli government bonds to be issued this year on a private placement basis are subject to SEC supervision to the extent of requiring a formal application for consent to the issues.” He was also asked to say what letters of consent have been approved by the SEC in relation to earlier Israeli issues.

Left to right, Yali Rothenburg, Israel’s Accountant General; Gary Gensler, SEC Chairman; Scott Schneider, SEC press spokesman.

There was no reply to the email, and no reply when the questions were repeated by telephone to the SEC press office in Washington.

When clarification of the letter of consent issue was then requested from Goldman Sachs, the press spokesman in New York, Jen Blackhall, promised a response, but none there came. The stonewalling by Goldman Sachs has also extended to the patsy question asked – how much in charity funds have been donated to Israel on CEO Solomon’s request to his staff last October.

Bond traders in London, Europe, and the US consulted for this story believe that the most reliable indicator that the money markets have begun to turn against Israel can be found in the spread between the interest rates (or yield-to-maturity**) of Israel’s bond issues compared with US Treasuries. For more details, click to read.



The positive-negative spread between Israel’s 10-year government bond yield and the United States’ 10-year Treasury yield indicates when Israel’s yield is lower or higher than that of the US Treasury at that particular point in time.

The source,, explains: “In the case of government bonds, the yield spread also means credit spread. These countries usually differ regarding credit quality. A positive spread means that the percentage yearly return of one bond over another is higher. For example, if one bond is yielding 5% and another is yielding 3%, the spread is 2%, or 200 basis points (bp).”

What remains unclear is whether the private-placement Israel bonds are included in the charting; if they are excluded, this is an attempt to keep the political and military meaning of the spread from becoming obvious outside the bond market.

The international bond trade source explains: “Until the war, Israel was able to finance itself at a lower cost than the US government, if you look at the 10-year bond spread in basis points [percentage points] between them. Then at the start of the war the situation reverses itself. Israeli bonds lose their advantage. The Israeli government is now having to pay a premium in interest rate over US Treasuries in order to secure buyers. Last week’s reports show that Israel is committing to pay 135 basis points over comparable 5-year US Treasuries, 145 basis points over 10-year Treasuries and 175 basis points over US 30-year bonds. For comparison, US 5-year bonds currently yield 4.15%, 10-year Treasuries are at 4.16%, and 30-year notes yield 4.30%.”

“Note that the chart is lagging behind the new $8 billion placement, and has not yet registered the widening of the spread against Israel. This is because the chart is based on all bonds which have a residual maturity of ten years, so it is showing an average. This average indicated that Israel’s 10- year residual maturity bonds were trading at a positive spread of 4.9 basis points (100 basis points = one percent) to the US equivalents. does not provide a listing of the issues included in its calculations, but future charting can be expected to reveal the latest private placements will accelerate the widening of the spread. With $50 billion more in private placements still to go, the cost to the Israelis will become higher than ever before – and the spread will be pushed wider. That is if the private placements are included in the charting.”

“The outcome of the latest Israel government bond issue is nothing for them to cheer about. The previously favourable spread compared to their US Government guarantor has evaporated and now reversed itself. The same goes for the loss of money market confidence in Israel.”

[*] When an international court of law determines that a religious organization like the state of Israel is plausibly genocidal, it is relevant to note the religious affiliations of organizations which may be assisting in the genocide with money or propaganda. For example, the Reuters executive responsible for ethics and standards is Alix Freedman, who is Jewish. The SEC Chairman since 2021 is Gary Gensler, who is Jewish. The Goldman Sachs chief executive David Solomon is Jewish.
[**] The yield to maturity (YTM) of a government bond is a measure indicating the total return investors can expect to receive if they hold the bond until it matures, taking into account its current market price, the coupon payments, and the time remaining until maturity. For more details, click to read. ... 20maturity ... more-89534


China: The Palestinian People’s Use of Force to Resist Foreign Oppression is an Inalienable Right
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 11, 2024


We previously reported on the important statement made by Ma Xinmin, Legal Adviser to the Chinese Foreign Ministry, to the public sitting of the International Court of Justice at The Hague, Holland, on the Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, on February 22, 2024.

‘Disgrace to Civilisation’ – China reiterates call for immediate ceasefire in Gaza
We now reprint the verbatim record of Ma’s statement, which deals with a number of key aspects of this question, strictly within the parameters of international law and in a comprehensive and forensic manner.

Ma begins by stating that:

“Dealing with the question of Palestine serves as a litmus test for the collective conscience of humanity, the wisdom of the United Nations and the authority of international law. The question of Palestine has persisted for over half a century, inflicting sufferings across generations. Countless Palestinians have been waiting in vain their entire lives, yet there remains no glimmer of hope in their efforts to restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

“China has consistently supported the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate rights. Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed on multiple occasions that China calls for a comprehensive ceasefire and an early solution to the question of Palestine on the basis of the two-State solution through negotiation.”

Ma then proceeds to address the question as to whether the court, which was asked to give an advisory opinion by the United Nations General Assembly, has the relevant jurisdiction. He states: “The question of Palestine, with its origin in the mandate system under the League of Nations, goes beyond the scope of bilateral affairs between Palestine and Israel. It directly relates to the responsibility of the United Nations on international peace and security. The United Nations has a ‘permanent responsibility’ toward the question of Palestine.”

He then goes into detail regarding how Israel has been violating the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination:

“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict stems from Israel’s prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory and Israel’s long-standing oppression of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people’s fight against Israeli oppression and their struggle for completing the establishment of an independent State on the occupied territories are, essentially, just actions for restoring their legitimate rights. The right to self-determination serves as the precise legal foundation for their struggle.

“Self-determination of peoples is a fundamental principle of modern international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter and a collective human right under customary international law. In 1955, during the Bandung Conference, the Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister, Zhou Enlai, solemnly declared ‘full support of the principle of self-determination of peoples and nations as set forth in the [UN] Charter’ and ‘took note of the [UN] resolutions on the rights of peoples and nations to self-determination, which is a prerequisite of the full enjoyment of all fundamental Human Rights’ This declaration was fully incorporated into the Final Communiqué of the Bandung Conference.”

On this basis:

“The Palestinian people enjoy the right to self-determination, which includes five main aspects: first, the right to preserve territorial integrity; second, the right to maintain national unity, that is, the Palestinian people, in its group identity, collectively enjoys and exercises the right to self-determination; third, the right to freely determine their political status; fourth, the right to freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development; fifth, the right to permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources.

“Every State is obliged to promote the realisation of the right to self-determination and to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples of that right. In their pursuit of the right to self-determination, these peoples have the right to engage in struggles, seek and receive support. On the basis of that right, the Palestinian people declared the establishment of the State of Palestine in 1988, which has been recognised by over 130 countries.

“In pursuit of the right to self-determination, the Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and to complete the establishment of an independent State is an inalienable right well founded in international law. Various peoples freed themselves from colonial rule and foreign oppression to realise independent statehood after World War II. Their practices serve as convincing evidence for this right. Numerous UNGA [United Nations General Assembly] resolutions recognise the legitimacy of struggling by all available means, including armed struggle, by peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation to realise the right to self-determination. For instance, the UNGA resolution 3070 of 1973 ‘reaffirms the legitimacy of the people’s struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle’.”

This, Ma insists, should not be confused with terrorism: “Armed struggle in this context is distinguished from acts of terrorism. It is grounded in international law. This distinction is acknowledged by several international conventions. For example, Article 3 of the Organisation of African Unity Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism of 1999 provides that ‘the struggle waged by peoples in accordance with the principles of international law for their liberation or self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression and domination by foreign forces shall not be considered as terrorist acts’.”

He then moves on to issues of international law relating to the occupation:

“In China’s view, the question of the Occupied Palestinian Territory involves both the legality of the occupation per se and the legality of Israel’s acts during the occupation. These two aspects are governed by distinct legal frameworks…

“The principle of non-use of force is at the core of jus ad bellum [the conditions under which States may resort to war or to the use of armed force in general]. As a corollary of this principle, the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force is firmly established in customary international law. Using force to occupy and maintain such occupation for the purposes of territorial acquisition or annexing an occupied territory by force in whole or in part, is each illegal…

“Israel’s occupation has been explicitly recognised as unlawful by several United Nations resolutions…

“China is of the view that the temporary and non-sovereign nature of belligerent occupation means that an occupying Power cannot acquire sovereignty over the territory during the belligerency. Belligerent occupation, under any circumstances, does not have the effect of lawful annexation…

“Fifty-seven years have passed since Israel began its occupation of the Palestinian territory. Regardless of the duration of the occupation, the unlawful nature of the occupation and the sovereignty over the occupied territories remain unchanged.”

These points have particular bearing on the question of East Jerusalem (as well as of Syria’s Golan Heights) as well as the illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Concluding, Ma stated that “justice has been long delayed, but it must not be denied.”

China’s position was welcomed by the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas. According to the Jerusalem Post, its politburo member in charge of international relations Osama Hamdan said in a statement:

“We also appreciate the position expressed by the People’s Republic of China, and its emphasis on the legality of the occupied peoples’ pursuit of self-determination, by various means, including armed resistance, and the necessity not to confuse terrorism with the armed struggle practiced by the Palestinian people against the Zionist occupation.”

The below text was originally published by the International Court of Justice. Ma Xinmin’s statement can also be viewed on UN Web TV.

– Friends of Socialist China


Mr President, distinguished Members of the Court, it is a great honour and a privilege to appear before you on behalf of China. China is committed to promoting the rule of law in international relations and stands in firm support of the Court in preserving and safeguarding international peace and security, international order, fairness and justice.

Dealing with the question of Palestine serves as a litmus test for the collective conscience of humanity, the wisdom of the United Nations and the authority of international law. The question of Palestine has persisted for over half a century, inflicting sufferings across generations. Countless Palestinians have been waiting in vain their entire lives, yet there remains no glimmer of hope in their efforts to restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. Fundamentally, the foundation of the “two-State solution” has been continually eroding; the relevant United Nations resolutions have not been effectively implemented.

China has consistently supported the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate rights. Chinese President Xi Jinping has stressed on multiple occasions that China calls for a comprehensive ceasefire and an early solution to the question of Palestine on the basis of the two-State solution through negotiation.

China submitted its Written Statement to the Court last July. Today, I would like to further elaborate on China’s views. My statement will be three parts, dealing with, respectively, the advisory – 11 – jurisdiction of the Court, self- determination of peoples, as well as jus ad bellum and international humanitarian law.


Mr President, I will now turn to address the matter of jurisdiction. In this regard, China submits that the Court has jurisdiction over this case and there is no compelling reason for the Court to decline to exercise its jurisdiction.

China observes that some written statements submitted last July claim that there are compelling reasons for the Court to decline to render an advisory opinion. Their main concerns are: first, an advisory opinion would circumvent the principle of consent; second, the advisory opinion would undermine the established legal framework for resolving the question of Palestine or adversely impact the negotiation process.

China is of the view that these two arguments are not tenable. First, the subject of the present request falls within the competence of the General Assembly and has always been on its agenda. Therefore, the Court, by rendering an advisory opinion in this case, would not circumvent the principle of consent in the settlement of bilateral disputes. The question of Palestine, with its origin in the mandate system under the League of Nations, goes beyond the scope of bilateral affairs between Palestine and Israel. It directly relates to the responsibility of the United Nations on international peace and security. The United Nations has a “permanent responsibility” toward the question of Palestine.

Second, the issuance of an advisory opinion by the Court would not contradict the established legal framework or disrupt negotiations to settle the question of Palestine in accordance with international law. The Court’s advisory opinion will not set up new legal frameworks or rules. Rather, it will find its basis in the established legal framework, including relevant Security Council resolutions and the Oslo Accords, and present an interpretation of relevant legal questions. Furthermore, the advisory opinion will offer clearer legal guidance on the legal issues involved in the negotiations, thus facilitating the relaunching of the negotiation process.

China supports the Court in discharging its jurisdiction in accordance with the law, with a focus on identifying, interpreting and applying existing rules, upholding the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, providing legal guidance to the UN in dealing with the question of Palestine, and fostering a proper settlement through peace talks.


Mr President, now I will turn to the Palestinian people’s right to self- determination.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict stems from Israel’s prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory and Israel’s long-standing oppression of the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people fight against Israeli oppression and their struggle for completing the establishment of an independent State on the occupied territories are, essentially, just actions for restoring their legitimate rights. The right to self-determination serves as the precise legal foundation for their struggle.

Self-determination of peoples is a fundamental principle of modern international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter and a collective human right under customary international law. In 1955, during the Bandung Conference, the Chinese Premier and Foreign Minister, Zhou Enlai, solemnly declared “full support of the principle of self-determination of peoples and nations as set forth in the [UN] Charter” and “took note of the [UN] resolutions on the rights of peoples and nations to self-determination, which is a pre- requisite of the full enjoyment of all fundamental Human Rights”. This declaration was fully incorporated into the Final Communiqué of the Bandung Conference.

Let me clarify that self-determination only applies to two scenarios, namely peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation. Under no circumstances does the right to self-determination afford any basis for any part or group within a sovereign State to claim a so-called “right to secession”. International law does not recognize the existence of a right to so-called “remedial secession” or “remedial self-determination”.

The Palestinian people, being a group residing in territory under foreign domination, is a sui generis international legal person as a whole. The right to self-determination of the Palestinian people has been consistently reaffirmed in multiple United Nations resolutions4 and the Wall Advisory Opinion. This is also widely recognized by most States and international organizations.

The Palestinian people enjoy the right to self-determination, which includes five main aspects: first, the right to preserve territorial integrity; second, the right to maintain national unity, that is, the Palestinian people, in its group identity, collectively enjoys and exercises the right to selfdetermination; third, the right to freely determine their political status; fourth, the right to freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development; fifth, the right to permanent sovereignty over natural wealth and resources.

Every State is obliged to promote the realization of the right to self- determination and to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples of that right. In their pursuit of the right to self-determination, these peoples have the right to engage in struggles, seek and receive support. On the basis of that right, the Palestinian people declared the establishment of the State of Palestine in 1988, which has been recognized by over 130 countries.

In pursuit of the right to self-determination, the Palestinian people’s use of force to resist foreign oppression and to complete the establishment of an independent State is an inalienable right well founded in international law. Various peoples freed themselves from colonial rule and foreign oppression to realize independent statehood after World War II. Their practices serve as convincing evidence for this right. Numerous UNGA resolutions recognize the legitimacy of struggling by all available means, including armed struggle, by peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation to realize the right to self-determination. For instance, the UNGA resolution 3070 of 1973 “reaffirms the legitimacy of the people’s struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle”. This recognition is also reflected in international conventions. For example, the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism of 1998 affirms “the right of peoples to combat foreign occupation and aggression by whatever means, including armed struggle, in order to liberate their territories and secure their right to self-determination, and independence”.

Armed struggle in this context is distinguished from acts of terrorism. It is grounded in international law. This distinction is acknowledged by several international conventions. For example14, Article 3 of the Organisation of African Unity Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism of 1999 provides that “the struggle waged by peoples in accordance with the principles of international law for their liberation or self-determination, including armed struggle against colonialism, occupation, aggression and domination by foreign forces shall not be considered as terrorist acts”. It should be emphasized that, the use of force by any entity or individual in the name of exercising the right to self-determination outside the context of colonial domination or foreign occupation is not legitimate. Meanwhile, during legitimate armed struggle by peoples, all parties are obliged to comply with international humanitarian law and, in particular, to refrain from committing acts of terrorism in violation of international humanitarian law.

Against the backdrop of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, well- documented and widely recognized facts indicate that Israel’s oppressing policies and practices, throughout its prolonged occupation of Palestinian territory, have severely undermined and impeded the exercise and full realization of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.


Mr President, now I will move on to the issues of international law relating to the occupation.

In China’s view, the question of the Occupied Palestinian Territory involves both the legality of the occupation per se and the legality of Israel’s acts during the occupation. These two aspects are governed by distinct legal frameworks. The former falls under jus ad bellum, while the latter is mainly regulated by international humanitarian law.

Within the framework of jus ad bellum, the principle and exceptions are established by the United Nations Charter and customary international law.

The principle of non-use of force is at the core of jus ad bellum. As a corollary of this principle, the prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force is firmly established in customary international law. Using force to occupy and maintain such occupation for the purposes of territorial acquisition or annexing an occupied territory by force in whole or in part, is each illegal. These are confirmed by the Friendly Relations Declaration of 1970, the “Definition of Aggression” of 1974 and the Wall Advisory Opinion.

Israel’s occupation has been explicitly recognized as unlawful by several United Nations resolutions. Following Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories in 1967, the Security Council adopted resolution 242 that “[e]mphasiz[es] the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war”. Similarly, multiple General Assembly resolutions affirmed the illegality of Israel’s occupation.

In addition to the use of force by peoples under colonial domination or foreign occupation in the exercise of their right to self-determination, the United Nations Charter provides for two exceptions to the principle of non-use of force, namely, the use of force authorized by the Security Council under Chapter 7, and the right of self-defence under Article 51.

The exercise of the right to self-defence, as an “inherent right” of States, is contingent upon the occurrence of an armed attack against the territorial sovereignty of a State. When can an occupying Power invoke the right of self- defence? It hinges on whether the armed attack occurs in the occupied territory or within its own territory.

In the occupied territory, the right of the occupying Power to self-defence depends on the legitimacy of the occupation per se. If the occupation is unlawful, the occupying Power can neither acquire territorial sovereignty nor resort to self-defence against an armed attack that occurred in the occupied territory. This is rooted in the legal maxim, “no one can take advantage of his own wrong”.

However, this does not rule out the possibility for the occupying Power, based on temporary administration, as a last resort, to take necessary forcible law enforcement measures against individuals or entities in the occupied territory. Nor does it preclude the use of force by the occupying Power against the combatants and military targets in accordance with jus in bello. These acts must stay within the limits set by international law.

Within its own territory, an occupying Power is entitled to self-defence against an armed attack. However, the exercise of this right is subject to various principles, including necessity and proportionality, as reflected in customary international law.

Under the framework of international humanitarian law, the legality or not of the occupation per se will not affect the application of international humanitarian law in the occupied territory. The armed conflict in which oppressed peoples struggle against colonial domination or foreign occupation, in the exercise of their right to self-determination, is considered as an international armed conflict. Consequently, international humanitarian law, including the rules of belligerent occupation, is applicable to all parties involved in such conflicts.

It is noted that belligerent occupation is a special régime involving the temporary administration of occupied territories by the occupying Power and it is governed by two principles.

First, the principle of temporary administration, that is, the occupying Power can exercise provisional jurisdiction over the occupied territory, including limited but not necessarily legislative judicial and law enforcement power, with the obligation to maintain law and order and public life in good faith.

Meanwhile, the occupying Power is obliged to respect and protect civilians and property in the occupied territory under international humanitarian law and international human rights law. It should serve the best interests of the people of the occupied territories, and refrain from plundering resources and property, forcibly transferring or deporting inhabitants, practicing apartheid, adopting discriminatory legislation and other related violations.

Second, the principle of non-alteration of the territorial sovereignty of the occupied territory. This is a corollary of the principle of prohibition on the acquisition of territory by force. It underscores the non-sovereign nature of belligerent occupation. The occupying Power is obliged to preserve the status quo ante of the occupied territory and refrain from altering the sovereignty over the occupied territory.

Obviously, the rules of belligerent occupation are applicable to the Occupied Palestinian Territory and should be followed by both parties to the conflict. Facts indicate that relevant Israeli policies and practices have violated international humanitarian law and international human rights law.

China is of the view that the temporary and non-sovereign nature of belligerent occupation means that an occupying Power cannot acquire sovereignty over the territory during the belligerency. Belligerent occupation, under any circumstances, does not have the effect of lawful annexation. The rules of acquisitive prescription in international law does not apply to belligerent occupation. Fifty-seven years have passed since Israel began its occupation of the Palestinian territory. Regardless of the duration of the occupation, the unlawful nature of the occupation and the sovereignty over the occupied territories remain unchanged.


Mr President, justice has been long delayed, but it must not be denied. The settlement of the question of Palestine requires mutual efforts from Palestine and Israel, along with the joint efforts of the international community. China encourages both parties to accommodate each other’s legitimate concerns, embrace the vision of common, comprehensive, co-operative and sustainable security, continue negotiating for a peaceful settlement and work toward two States coexisting in peace, and two peoples living side by side in harmony.

Mr President, distinguished Members of the Court, that concludes China’s statement. I would like to thank you for your patient attention. I also wish to thank the Registry and all the staff for your kind support. I thank you all. ... ble-right/


Egypt, Not The Islamic World As A Whole, Failed To Stop Israel’s Killing Of The Palestinians


MAR 11, 2024

The fact of the matter is that Egypt’s position towards this conflict was pivotal in determining its dynamics and the arguably genocidal consequences in the present. Its leadership’s hatred of Hamas is entirely responsible for why this country didn’t play a greater role in trying to alleviate the Palestinians’ suffering.

Turkish President Erdogan blamed the Islamic World as a whole for failing to stop Israel’s killing of the Palestinians in a speech that he gave on Saturday. According to him, “Unfortunately, the Islamic world, with its population of nearly 2 billion people, has failed to properly fulfill its brotherly duty to the Palestinians…[The war] has shown us that the Islamic world still has very significant shortcomings, especially in terms of acting in unity” for pressuring Israel to stop its killings.

In reality, there’s very little that most majority-Muslim states could have done, with the notable exception being Israel’s Egyptian neighbor. Cairo keeps its border closed to fleeing refugees to this day on national security pretexts in violation of international law, which it justifies on claims of not wanting to facilitate Israel’s ethnic cleansing. The consequence, however, is that Egypt tacitly allows Israel to genocide the Palestinians instead. Here are three background briefings:

* 12 October: “Egypt’s Dilemma: Facilitate Ethnic Cleansing Or Allow Possible Genocide”

* 2 November: “Egypt Is Playing An Extremely High-Stakes Game In Gaza That Could End In Genocide”

* 22 January: “Egypt Is Saber-Rattling Against Ethiopia To Distract From Its Betrayal Of The Palestinians”

To be sure, Egypt is in a very difficult position due to its diplomatic relations with Israel and the nuclear asymmetry between them, so it was always unlikely that it would conventionally intervene in the Palestinians’ support. Furthermore, Cairo detests the Muslim Brotherhood from which Hamas emerged, so it never planned to send troops to Gaza who’d then protect this group or be targeted by it. What it could have done, however, is assist others’ efforts in this respect if any of them had the political will.

The early stages of the latest Israeli-Hamas war were difficult for the IDF so a “coalition of the willing” from Muslim countries could have taken advantage of that to assemble in Egypt ahead of launching a humanitarian intervention in at least the southern part of Gaza where Israel pushed the Palestinians. Those Muslim-majority countries like Jordan, Turkiye, and the UAE might have participated in this mission, but none showed any interest, nor did Egypt ever signal that it would allow them to anyhow.

If at least one side had done so, however, then they could have pressured the other or at least then discredited them in the world’s eyes as punishment for not complying with their request. Egypt deserves much more blame than anyone else though since it’s the only access point to Gaza outside of Israeli control. Even though no large-scale intervention would have been likely due to Isarel’s predictable nuclear saber-rattling, it could have at least changed the dynamics of this conflict.

The US might have at least superficially tempered its support of Israel a lot earlier than it’s recently begun to do for domestic electoral considerations, and it also can’t be taken for granted that Israel would have really resorted to nuclear weapons if faced with the scenario of an intervention in Southern Gaza. In fact, if properly conducted, it could have complemented Israel’s anti-Hamas aims if the coalition successfully disarmed those fighters who fled south under the cover of being refugees.

Of course, they’d have done so at risk to their own troops, and potential participants like Turkiye couldn’t be relied upon to carry out this particular task due to its leadership’s ideological alignment with Hamas’ Muslim Brotherhood patrons, but it might have still saved thousands of lives if carried out early on. Alas, one can only speculate about this scenario’s successes, but the point is that it was never even considered due to Egypt’s hatred of Hamas.

If President Sisi won’t even open the border for fleeing women and children, some of whom literally traveled 25 miles from the north by foot in the hopes of saving themselves from Israel’s collective punishment, then there was never any chance that he’d authorize sending anyone’s troops into Gaza. Egypt couldn’t prevent this war nor stop Israel’s targeting of civilians, but it could have helped alleviate the latter’s suffering, though it never did anything other than let just a trickle of aid through to this day.

Blaming the Islamic World as a whole like President Erdogan did is therefore unfair since the dynamics of this conflict could have been different had Egypt signaled any interest in hosting a multinational majority-Muslim “coalition of the willing” for launching a humanitarian intervention in Southern Gaza. This doesn’t mean that anything tangible would have automatically come out of such efforts, but they could have served to shift Israel and just as importantly the US’ positions in a comparatively positive way.

For instance, Israel announced in early November that it had divided Gaza in half by then, thus proving that the focus of its initial thrust into that enclave was to establish control over the north. CNN also reported last week that Isarel is building a road to physically entrench this division, which suggests that Tel Aviv might not have been against a friendly Muslim coalition “demilitarizing” the south in principle. Nobody will ever know for sure though since Egypt was against anything of the sort from the get-go.

Whichever way one looks at it, the fact of the matter is that Egypt’s position towards this conflict was pivotal in determining its dynamics and the arguably genocidal consequences in the present. Its leadership’s hatred of Hamas is entirely responsible for why this country didn’t play a greater role in trying to alleviate the Palestinians’ suffering. In a sense, it can therefore be said that Egypt is also collectively punishing the Palestinians, albeit indirectly unlike the direct way in which Israel is doing this. ... world-as-a

A bit over-done but Egypt's responsbility grows every day.
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:24 am

PFLP Warns Against the American Plan to Establish a Seaport on the Coast of Gaza
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 8, 2024


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) warned against the American move to establish a temporary Seaport on the coast of Gaza to transfer aid to the Strip, stressing that it is a suspicious step that exceeds the goal of relief for our people and opens the way to the implementation of other malicious goals such as displacement schemes under humanitarian names.

The front considered that the issuance of instructions by the war criminal Biden in order to establish a temporary port on the coast of Gaza to transfer aid to the Strip an attempt to cool American public opinion and as electoral propaganda at a time when he did not exert real pressure to force the occupation to stop the war of starvation or its crimes against the Palestinian people or facilitate the entry of convoys to the Strip. It will be treated with caution and suspicion, especially since we find in the behavior and positions of the American administration only steps that are hostile to our people and biased to the Zionist entity, and that attempts to portray this step as marking differences between the American administration and the Zionist entity are not accurate.

[i[There is a joint Zionist – American objective of this aggression, a full partnership in the war of Extermination and the policy of starvation.[/i[

The front asked about the American step to establish this seaport at a time when it can impose the introduction of aid to the occupation by other more effective means and force the opening of crossings, especially since there is a capacity to provide aid via the land route through international institutions, especially UNRWA.

The front considered that the occupation’s approval of the establishment of the American naval pier in light of its refusal to permit the entry of aid through official crossings and land routes confirms the existence of malicious goals behind this pier.

The front stressed that the alternative to these suspicious plans is to press for the cessation of aggression and the complete withdrawal of the occupation from the strip, the return of all displaced persons to their areas and homes from which they were displaced, and the opening of all crossings for the entry of aid unconditionally, distributed to all areas, including the North and Gaza, and any steps beyond that are futile, suspicious and hostile to our people.

The front concluded its statement stressing that the Resistance will keep its eyes vigilant, and will counter suspicious American moves and any other moves that push our people to emigrate, liquidate the Palestinian cause or blockade and starve our people, and the American presence will be legitimate targets of the resistance.

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Information Department
8-3-2024 ... t-of-gaza/


On Israel and rape

Tel Aviv’s dubious rape allegations against Hamas conceal Israel's own shocking domestic sexual violence crisis, in which 260 Israeli women and minors are raped each day.

Robert Inlakesh

MAR 12, 2024

(Photo Credit: The Cradle)

While Israel's unsubstantiated claims of rape on 7 October have dominated western media headlines, credible documented cases of rape against Palestinians and Israeli-on-Israeli sexual assault have received far less attention.

Israel's scourge of sexual violence and rape incidents did not originate five months ago – its roots go deeper and farther back than that, and there is a crucial context essential for understanding the country's domestic environment of abuse.

Israel's massive sexual violence problem

On 8 February, Haaretz brought to light a harrowing revelation: 116 separate files detailing instances of sexual assault and domestic violence against women and minors among Israelis 'displaced' from their illegal settlements due to the ongoing military conflicts with Gaza and Lebanon.

The cases surfaced during a special Knesset committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, where "committee chair MK Pnina Tamano-Shata [National Unity Party] chastised police representatives for failing to collect accurate data from each hotel regarding violence and sexual attacks."

Although there were disputes over a lack of complete data, disturbing incidents were highlighted, including a case of pedophilia involving a 23-year-old establishing a "relationship with a 13-year-old girl, both living in the same hotel" and a rape committed after a man followed a woman to her room. It also noted that elevators were places of particular vulnerability for sexual assault and violence.

Cases of sexual assault were not confined to the approximately 200,000 'displaced' settlers. There have also been credible claims by a female soldier that she was raped by a fellow serviceman during the ongoing brutal military assault on Gaza.

Sexual harassment and violence are nothing new among Israel's armed forces. According to a Haaretz report, "a third of female conscripts in the military had suffered sexual harassment at least once in the previous year [2022]."

Haaretz noted that most victims avoid reporting what happened to them and that "70 percent of those young women who did report what happened to them stated that their report was not handled at all, or not handled sufficiently."

In 2020, the Israeli army's sexual violence crisis was recognized after only 31 indictments were filed out of 1,542 sexual assault complaints registered within the military establishment.

That's a stunning indictment of the 'world's most moral army.' And it isn't just Israel's war establishment afflicted with the rape bug.

Rape, normalized in Israel

In addition to being a regional hub for human trafficking and a haven for pedophiles, Israel consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of rape and sexual assaults.

In 2020, protests erupted across Israel after 30 men gang-raped an intoxicated 16-year-old girl, which prompted Ilana Weizman, of the Israeli women's rights group HaStickeriot, to disclose that a shocking one in five Israeli women was raped during her lifetime, with 260 cases reported every day.

In March 2021, a series of gang rapes against minors, with the youngest victim being just 10-years-old, sparked widespread concern in Israel over the prevalence of sexual assault. APCCI said that the rate of violent sexual offenses in Israel was 10 percent higher than the average for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, labeling it as an "epidemic." A Knesset report from the same year revealed that nearly half of the sexual abuse cases between 2019 and 2020 involved underage girls.

Back in 2016, activists from Jewish Community Watch warned that Israel was becoming a "safe haven for pedophiles," noting that sexual offenders were using the Israeli Law of Return, which allows any Jew to claim citizenship and live in occupied Palestine. Years later, in 2020, CBS News released a report entitled 'How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel,' which demonstrated how wanted individuals were walking free in Israel, leaving behind a spate of unresolved criminal cases.

To add insult to injury, Hebrew media reported that 92 percent of civil rape investigations were closed without charges in Israel.

According to the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI), despite the country's 'good laws' on sexual assault, inadequate enforcement of these laws means that people use "legal tricks" to avoid retribution for assaults, with many assailants avoiding prosecution. In short, "people are not afraid to hurt. There is no fear or retribution."

Occasionally, in high-profile cases of rape and sexual assault, the Israeli judicial system has been known to act, as evidenced by the conviction of former Israeli president Moshe Katsav in 2010 for raping an aide and sexually harassing two other women.

However, Katsav's release after serving just five years of a seven-year sentence ignited a debate on the early release of sex offenders. In 2022, APCCI reported that 75 percent of sexual offenders in Israel are released before completing their full sentence.

Israel, weaponizing rape against Palestinians

From the time of Israel's founding, rape has been extensively documented in its use as a weapon of war against Palestinians. In a 2022 documentary named after the Israeli massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura, horrific admissions of rape committed by the Alexandroni Brigade were acknowledged for the first time on camera.

There are also various other reported cases of rape from that period: at least three rapes, one committed against a 14-year-old Palestinian girl, that occurred during the Safsaf massacre in October of 1948.

Because rape and other forms of sexual violence are often difficult to prove conclusively, it is essential to note that early Zionists also weaponized the threat of sexual violence, especially surrounding the massacre of Deir Yassin in 1948.

As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," stories of explicit gendered atrocities were deliberately spread to encourage residents of other villages to flee. In a recent series of interviews conducted with two Nakba survivors, both revealed that they fled their villages specifically due to the rape atrocities in the village of Deir Yassin.

Today, that same attitude of sexualizing vulnerable Palestinians is apparent in the countless snuff films published widely on social media with the approval of the Israeli military, featuring male Israeli soldiers going through the underwear drawers of Palestinian women and even mockingly wearing their lingerie.

This, coupled with what a UN panel of experts recently said were "credible allegations" of sexual assault against Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers operating in Gaza, indicate a clear pattern of gendered violence taking place in the war.

At least two cases of rape, along with numerous cases of sexual humiliation and threats of rape, have also been recorded. Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, has noted that "We might not know for a long time what the actual number of victims are."

Systematic sexual humiliation

In 2002, during the Second Intifada, Israeli occupation soldiers took control of Palestinian TV networks in the West Bank city of Ramallah to broadcast pornography on several channels. Knowing that Palestinian society is a socially conservative one, it is clear that this was done with the intent of humiliation.

A prominent case of recent sexual humiliation in the West Bank occurred just last year near the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and was investigated in a joint Haaretz-B'Tselem report. On 10 July, between 25–30 Israeli soldiers burst into the Ajluni family's home, forcing five Palestinian women to strip naked at gunpoint and threatening to unleash army attack dogs on them.

One woman named Amal was taken into a private room with her children and forced to take off her clothes. The report states: "the children also had to witness their mother being ordered to turn around while naked as she sobbed over the humiliation. About 10 minutes later she and the children were taken out of the room pale and trembling."

While it is not possible to note every single case of sexual violence perpetrated against Palestinian women by Israeli forces, it is well documented that female prisoners have been subjected to some of the worst forms of it.

During the Second Intifada, there were countless allegations of sexual violence against women and girls in Israeli military detention, a trend which Israeli human rights group B'Tselem reports is again on the rise. The rights group said that the Palestinian female detainees recently released in the Hamas–Israel prisoner exchange were subjected to "threats of rape" and "were humiliatingly strip-searched several times" after their violent arrests.

The following is part of 47-year-old Lama al-Fakhouri's testimony, recorded by B'Tselem after her release from detention:

An interrogator came in and asked me in English what I thought about what Hamas did. He swore at me and called me a 'whore.' He said there were 20 soldiers in the room and that they would rape me like Hamas–ISIS raped Jewish women in southern Israel. He kept swearing at me and threatening me and my family. Then, a female soldier came and took me to another room with more female soldiers, who told me: 'Welcome to hell.' They sat me in a chair and started laughing at me and calling me 'whore’ again and again.

Speaking to the media following her release from Israeli detention late last year, Baraah Abo Ramouz said the following about the "devastating" conditions faced by female Palestinian prisoners:

They are being constantly beaten. They're being sexually assaulted. They are being raped. I'm not exaggerating. The prisoners are being raped.

In 2022, the Shin Bet dropped a case of sexual assault against a Palestinian woman detained in 2015 over "lack of evidence." This is despite the fact that a doctor and female soldiers had admitted to inappropriately touching the woman's private parts, while the company commander in control admitted to giving the order. The victim's filed appeal states:

In a situation in which there is no dispute that acts that constitute rape and sodomy were committed, [in which] there is sufficient evidence, and when no one is punished, it's outrageous and unbearable.

According to former US State Department official Josh Paul, after he and his colleagues received credible evidence that Israeli forces had raped a 14-year-old Palestinian boy in Al-Moskibiyya detention center, Israel raided the offices of the human rights group that passed the information on to the State Department, later declaring it a terrorist organization.

False narratives fueling war crimes

While the Israeli government pushes the story that Hamas implemented a pre-planned systematic rape campaign on 7 October, for which there has been no independent investigation or evidence produced, documented cases of sexual violence are undermined and ignored.

The mere fact that Israel's notorious ZAKA rescue service relied upon heavily for testimonies of rape on 7 October, was founded by serial rapist Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, nicknamed the 'Haredi Jeffrey Epstein,' is telling.

The wholly unsubstantiated rape claims of the Israeli government – widely amplified and parroted by western media – are impossible to take seriously when a known propaganda outfit like ZAKA is the source.

The UN Office of the Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict recently released a report after its Special Representative Pramila Patten completed an eight-day trip requested by the Israeli government.

The report on sexual violence allegations was produced by a team of nine UN experts and had no investigative mandate. Yet statements from it made headlines in western media, suggesting that the UN had confirmed Israel's narrative, although the report in no way substantiated it.

In the case of sexual violence allegations made about Kibbutz Be'eri, from where the majority of the allegations emerged, there was no evidence found. Two cases were debunked by the UN team as having been "unfounded."

In one, widely cited as proof of rape, a woman was found separated from her family with her underwear pulled down. The UN team said that the "crime scene had been altered by a bomb squad, and the bodies moved."

The UN report also noted that the interrogations of alleged participants in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood by Israeli intelligence agencies were not considered as evidence, another major blow to Israel's body of claims.

In Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where the report concluded "the recurring pattern of female victims found undressed, 18 bound, and shot – indicates that sexual violence, including potential sexualized torture, or cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, may have occurred," it also notes that "verification of sexual violence against these victims was not possible at this point."

Given that the UN team found that Israelis had altered other crime scenes, an independent investigation would be needed to confirm that the crime scenes weren't equally compromised.

The human cost of Israel's lies

It should also be noted that the recent New York Times scandal – where its investigation into sexual violence on 7 October was directly discredited by the family members of a woman they tried to claim was raped – dealt a massive blow to the credibility of Israel's narrative.

During Primila Patten's press conference, in which she addressed the findings of her UN mission, she admitted that they had not interviewed any victims and did not find a systematic campaign of sexual violence, nor was the team able to attribute sexual violence to any specific Palestinian resistance group.

To make matters worse, a thread on X showed that the head of the Israeli National Center of Forensic Evidence, Chen Kugel, was responsible for sharing debunked atrocity propaganda himself, such as the beheaded babies lie.

Amidst the recurrent circulation of unverified claims lacking independent investigation, these graphic and unsubstantiated allegations fuel widespread sexual violence against vulnerable Palestinians.

Israel, grappling with its own internal sexual assault issues, has a troubling history of utilizing gender-based violence within its military jurisdiction. The disproportionate lack of attention towards the ongoing atrocities perpetrated by the occupation state illustrates a clear double standard perpetuated by western mainstream media.

Israel turns back aid truck over medical scissors

'Dual use' items Israel refuses to allow into Gaza include anesthetics, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and water filtration systems

News Desk

MAR 12, 2024

Trucks of Egyptian Red Crecent carrying humanitarian aid for the Gaza Strip cross the Rafah border gate, in Rafah, Egypt, October 21, 2023. (Photo credit: Mohammed Asad/AP)

Israel turned back a truck loaded with humanitarian aid for Gaza because it contained scissors used in children's medical kits, UNRWA commissioner-general Philippe Lazzarini reported on the social media site X on 11 March.

He stated further that medical scissors have now been added to a long list of banned items the Israeli Authorities classify as “for dual use” – both military and civilian.

The banned list includes several essential and lifesaving items, from anesthetics, solar lights, oxygen cylinders, and ventilators to water-cleaning tablets, cancer medicines, and maternity kits.

Earlier this month, CNN reported that the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), the Israeli agency that controls humanitarian aid access to Gaza, has imposed arbitrary and contradictory criteria when determining whether to let aid in. The findings were based on interviews with more than two dozen humanitarian and government officials.

CNN reported further that the items most frequently rejected by the Israelis include anesthetics and anesthesia machines, oxygen cylinders, ventilators, and water filtration systems.

Other items for which COGAT has prevented delivery to Gaza include dates, sleeping bags, medicines to treat cancer, water purification tablets, and maternity kits.

"It is perfectly engineered chaos," said one CNN source, adding that over 15,000 tons of their relief supplies await Israeli approval to enter Gaza.

"It's deliberately opaque, deliberately ambiguous," said another senior humanitarian official. "You can receive clearance from COGAT and arrive to find police or finance and customs officials who will send the truck back."

At least 17 Palestinian children have starved to death in Gaza amid the Israeli military's siege and bombing of Gaza, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Among the dead is Yazan Kafarneh, a 10-year-old Palestinian boy with cerebral palsy, who died on March 4 of malnutrition and lack of healthcare, The New York Times (NYT) reported.

NYT added that according to a doctor at Al-Awda maternity hospital in northern Gaza, malnourished mothers have been giving birth to stillborn children.

Last month, the BBC reported that "due to the lack of anesthesia, doctors across Gaza have described operating on patients without anaesthetic, turning people with chronic conditions away, and treating rotting wounds with limited medical supplies."

"Because of the shortage of painkillers, we leave patients to scream for hours and hours," one told the BBC.

At the beginning of the war on Gaza, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant ordered a complete siege on Gaza. "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed," Gallant said.

"We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly," he claimed.

http://thecradle-main.oss-eu-central-1. ... 2c055.webp

Netanyahu considers promotion for general who executed mass Hannibal Directive

Barack Hiram ordered tanks to open fire on Israeli civilians and Hamas fighters barricaded together in a home in kibbutz Be'eri on 7 October

News Desk

MAR 11, 2024

Commander of the 99th Division, Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram in southern Israel on October 11, 2023. (Photo credit: Israel Defense Forces)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently interviewed Brig Gen Barak Hiram to potentially become his military secretary, Channel 12 news reported on 11 March.

Sources close to Netanyahu confirmed that the interview occurred recently but said Hiram is unlikely to be appointed to the position.

The military secretary acts as the prime minister’s senior army adviser on national security matters.

Controversy surrounded Hiram after it was confirmed he ordered a tank to fire on a home in Be'eri, a settlement (kibbutz) near the Gaza border, killing 13 Israeli civilians and 40 Hamas fighters on 7 October. Twelve-year-old twins Liel and Yanai Hetzroni were among those killed by the tank strike.

Hamas fighters had taken the Israelis captive and gathered them in a home in the settlement. Hiram ordered a tank to fire at the house to end the stand-off, knowing the Israeli civilians were inside.

The Israeli military issued the Hannibal Directive during the Hamas attack on 7 October, authorizing its forces to kill Israelis to prevent them from being taken captive to Gaza. Israel used attack helicopters, tanks, and armed drones to open fire on Israeli settlements, the Gaza border, and the Nova music festival. As a result, Israeli forces buried Israelis in their homes and burned others alive on the border and at the festival.

After 7 October, Hiram gave an interview to Channel 12, expressing his view that occupying Gaza constituted religious redemption. He said that, from his perspective, it's not about the army "but something way beyond that, the Jewish people."

The report of Hiram's interview with Netanyahu emerged on Monday, the same day the brigadier general was censured for demolishing a university in Gaza earlier this year without prior approval.

Hiram, the commander of the 99th Brigade, ordered a strike on Israa University in the vicinity of Gaza City two months ago, allegedly due to intelligence reports claiming Hamas had built tunnel entrances in the university premises. ... -directive


Gaza Strip: Israel Destroyed 90 Percent of Poultry Farms

Poultry farm destroyed by an Israeli warplane during the aggression against Gaza, Palestine. Mar. 11, 2024. | Photo: X/@prettylupins

Published 11 March 2024

According to Palestinian and UN sources, the Israeli attacks almost completely destroyed economic facilities in the territory, as well as much of the housing.

On Monday, official sources stated that the Israeli army destroyed 90 percent of the poultry farms in the Gaza Strip after 157 days of war campaign in the territory.

The head of the Poultry Breeders and Animal Production Syndicate in Gaza, Marwan Al-Helou, revealed that before the war there were 6,500 poultry farms in the coastal enclave.

The facilities supplied some three million chickens every month, Al-Helou said.

But, after the aggression, the refrigerated chicken currently entering through Egypt is not enough to meet even the needs of 10 percent of the Gazan population, he stressed.

According to Palestinian and UN sources, the Israeli attacks almost completely destroyed economic facilities in the territory, as well as much of the housing.

The Gazan government press office put the damage and direct losses caused by the conflict, which began on October 7, at some 30 billion dollars.

Several UN agencies and international NGOs have warned in recent weeks of the danger of widespread famine in the enclave due to the war and the Israeli blockade. ... -0014.html


A Gaza Sea Port Theater

The stupid idea of building an 'emergency' sea port in Gaza gets sold as being somewhat in defiance of Israel's genocidal blockade of Gaza:

The details for the pier and causeway plan, President Biden’s latest idea to get around Israel’s blocking of aid deliveries via all but two land crossings, were outlined by the Pentagon press secretary, Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, in a news conference on Friday.
Aid organizations have welcomed the plan, which was announced on Thursday, days after the U.S. military began airdropping supplies into Gaza.

The whole idea of the port is in fact an Israeli one:

The plan for a maritime route to Gaza via Cyprus to provide humanitarian assistance for Palestinians was initiated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in collaboration with US President Joe Biden, a senior diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday night.
"Netanyahu took the initiative to establish maritime humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip, in collaboration with the Biden administration,” the source stated.

According to the source, on October 22, two weeks following the war's outbreak, Netanyahu discussed with President Biden the concept of "delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza via the sea, contingent on an Israeli inspection in Cyprus."
Years before the Gaza war, Israel Katz, now the Foreign Minister, had drawn up plans for a maritime route via Cyprus involving a floating island.

The project was never executed. But he revived it after the war began on October 7.

Biden is again following Netanyahoo's plans.

The route through Cyprus will allow for a more stringent Israeli control and easier shutoff of all supplies for Gaza. It will allow Israel to shut off all land routes into Gaza while burdening others with the consequences and costs of doing so.

The bigger idea behind this is that Israel will no longer be held responsible for its occupation of Gaza.

Biden could of course easily press Israel to change its behavior and to open all land routes to Gaza. The withholding of all U.S. military and financial support, even for only a week, would do wonders in that regard.

Alas Biden has been a livelong racist and Zionist and is way too old to change his ways.

Posted by b on March 12, 2024 at 14:02 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments

UN system in the dock: international law or rules-based order?

How much longer will the world’s people allow the zionists and their imperialist backers to carry out their horrific crimes with impunity?


The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa) was established in 1949. Since 1950 it has been providing nutritional, health and educational services to the 750,000 Palestinians displaced as a result of ethnic cleansing by the zionist colonisers, those displaced in later waves of war and occupation, and their descendants. Today, owing to a lack of international support, the agency struggles to provide services to over five million Palestinian refugees. Since the Palestinian refugees’ plight is officially recognised as ’temporary’, Unrwa is also supposed to be a temporary organisation, with its mandate reviewed and renewed every three years by the general assembly.
Lalkar writers

Tuesday 12 March 2024

Two days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled in favour of South Africa’s prima facia case of genocide against it, Israel, and its primary sponsor the United States, along with the usual cohort of vassal states including Britain, all withdrew funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (Unrwa), which provides food and aid to Gaza.

The very same people being deprived of food, water, medical supplies and all other life-supporting mechanisms whilst being bombed into oblivion by Israel using US and British weapons, have had what meagre support they had withdrawn.

Whilst the withdrawal of Unrwa funding could be considered a war crime in itself, the action is in flagrant defiance of the ICJ’s ruling, which found the charges of genocide brought by South Africa to be plausible.

The ICJ ordered Israel to abide by six provisional measures to prevent genocide and alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe, one of which was for Israel to secure immediate and effective steps to provide humanitarian assistance and essential services in Gaza. The defunding of Unrwa by the imperialists was a retaliatory message to the ICJ that, by deciding that Israel was non-compliant with the present orders thus warranting further orders, Israel will not recognise the ICJ’s authority.

Israel feels free to ignore ICJ ruling
What does this say about the authority and influence of the highest international court in our world? What does it say about Israel’s acknowledgement of the court’s legitimacy when, following its ruling, the Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds by declaring: “Israel’s commitment to international law is unwavering. Equally unwavering is our sacred commitment to defend our country.”

Mr Netanyahu went on to assert that South Africa’s allegation that Israel was committing genocide was “not only false, it’s outrageous, and decent people everywhere should reject it”.

Well, decent people the world over have made it clear what they think, and they reject Israel and the reject the western support of the zionists’ ongoing genocidal campaign. Whilst many may have no historical knowledge of the region and no understanding of the geopolitical implications or of US imperialist ambitions, they do know the difference between right and wrong.

They know genocide when they see it on their social media feeds, despite western media’s intense campaign of lying propaganda and protestations to the contrary.

Narratives unravelling fast
What we are witnessing is the rapid unravelling of two carefully constructed narratives that have run in parallel since 1945. One is the right of Israel to exist on any basis, and the other is the pretence that we are all governed according to some democratic principles enshrined in international law.

Since 1945, international law has been centred on the United Nations and its charter. One hundred and ninety-three countries have acceded to the UN charter as member states, declaring their wish to be part of the community of nations.

As part of the deal, they are obliged to follow the fundamental principles and provisions that extend from that charter, including its highest court, the ICJ.

Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjöld once stated that the goal of the UN was not to “take mankind to heaven, but to save humanity from hell”. But neither the UN’s courts nor its plethora of resolutions have done much for humanity in Palestine!

Israel and its sponsors, the USA and Britain, flagrantly disregard international law and the demands of millions of pro-Palestinian demonstrators worldwide, and they must be brought to account. It is time to delineate the words and actions of our leaders and to make them accountable for what they do.

Words matter. Words are how we communicate, interpret and understand one another and our world. They are also how we are manipulated into accepting wars and injustices that, if clearly articulated, we would fervently fight.

Remember ‘weapons of mass destruction’? Our leaders and mass media constantly play with words to mould our thinking. Have you noticed how Israelis are ‘killed’ but Palestinians ‘die’?

No limits to US-granted immunity for Israel
A change in phraseology coming out of the USA in recent years quietly replaced ‘international law’ with ‘the rules-based order’. Over time, the ‘rules-based order’ became the dominant phraseology in western media and political discourse, despite not having anything like the same meaning.

The ‘rules-based order’ flaunted by American and British politicians is less about international law and more about international law as interpreted by the United States. It allows the USA to flout the rules that govern other nations, and in particular to justify its exceptionalist approach toward Israel. This was clearly articulated in the joint declaration made during President Joe Biden’s visit to Israel in July 2022.

The statement reaffirmed “the unbreakable bonds between our two countries and the enduring commitment of the United States to Israel’s security”, along with the determination of the two states “to combat all efforts to boycott or delegitimise Israel, to deny its right to self-defence, or to single it out in any forum, including at the United Nations or the International Criminal Court”.

This commitment underpins the consistent refusal of the United States to hold Israel to account for its repeated violations of humanitarian law or to condemn its policy of apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The USA and its allies have always been partial in their application of the moral imperative, particularly when applied to international law. Israel remains the most immune and, regardless of sin, its brutal ethnic cleansing continues to have the full financial and military support of the USA and Britain.

Israel is America’s military base in the middle east. It has ensured US domination of the region and its oil since WW2, and that is why Israel is supported by the USA regardless of its actions or world opinion.

Imperialism v humanity: the struggle of our times
Whilst from the perspective of the western imperialists, such actions are presented as being consistent with their ‘rules-based order’, for the rest of the world they clearly violate the most basic rules of international law – and of humanity itself.

The ICJ ruling in support of South Africa’s submission that Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinian people is a positive step, but if the court has no teeth, and if the genocide continues, what is the point of the court? What, in fact, is the point of the United Nations itself?

And if there is no legal mechanism for stopping what we all see and know is a genocide, and our own governments are complicit, who is going to see that justice is done?

Israel and the UN system are both in the dock. If nothing is done to hold Israel accountable, it will be because the USA has a veto over the only body with any executive power – the UN security council.

The USA has used that position to protect Israel and green light its genocidal and apartheid activities with impunity for 75 years, despite international outrage.

The question is: how much longer will the world’s people allow that situation to continue? ... ional-law/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 13, 2024 5:48 pm

Nazis! The Fraught Politics of a Word and a People Besieged
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 12, 2024
Gary Fields

Israeli soldiers monitoring Palestinians passing through gates at Qalandia. (Photo by author.)

Like many highly-educated individuals in Palestine today, Mohammed Q. cannot find work in his field of computer engineering, despite a master’s degree in computer science from Birzeit University, and as a result, he relies on the tourist industry to earn a living, drawing on his fluent English and knowledge of the fraught politics of the region. In the aftermath of October 7th he was working in Ramallah at the same hotel where, by fate, I found myself as the only guest on a sabbatical that began October 6th. Over coffee, he recounted to me an experience leading a group of German tourists to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. As a West Bank Palestinian, Mohammed would normally be barred from entry to the Israeli capital, but because of his role on this occasion in shepherding a German tour group through the Holy Land, he was able to obtain the mandatory permit from Israeli authorities to enter the Holy City. While at Yad Vashem, the group had a tour from one of the Museum docents who explained in detail the suffering endured by Jews at the hands of the Nazis

As Mohammed recalls the episode, the guide described how the Nazi regime forced Jews to wear a yellow badge as a mark of identification that enabled Nazi authorities not only to stigmatize them, but to monitor and control their movements. Alongside this measure, Nazis eliminated the rights of Jews to German citizenship, insisting that only those with “pure” Aryan blood could be Germans. Bolstered by mobs of fascist-supporting vigilantes, Nazi authorities orchestrated modern-day pogroms against Jews including the ransacking of Jewish businesses and the theft of Jewish property designed to force Jews out of Germany. Those Jews who tried to remain, the guide explained, fell victim to the night raids of the Nazi SS in arresting Jews and sending them to concentration camps. In areas outside Germany under Nazi rule, Nazi policy ghettoized Jews as a prelude to a genocidal campaign of eliminating them as a people, and the guide spoke admiringly of the heroism of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto who resisted these measures. “I did not know about all of this suffering,” Mohammed admitted to me, “and I felt sorry for these Jewish victims of Nazism.” At the same time, he could not help but reflect on the parallels with his own experience as a West Bank Palestinian living under Israeli military rule.

Mohammed thanked the guide and admitted that he had not been fully aware of the suffering of Jews at the hands of the Nazis. He then commented to the docent that many details in his story of the Jews resonated for him as a Palestinian living in the West Bank. After Mohammed made this admission, however, the guide became angry and demanded to know how he was able to come to Jerusalem and gain entry to the Museum. Mohammed explained that he had received the necessary permit from Israeli authorities to chaperone the German tour group at which point the guide became extremely irate and called Museum security. “Security personnel from the Museum came,” he explains, “and took me to the exit of the Museum where they ousted me from the building.” In this way, Yad Vashem evicted a Palestinian from its premises for sympathizing with Nazism’s Jewish victims while explaining how, in his own experience, Israeli rule over Palestinians resembled some of the same practices attributed by the Museum to those used by the Third Reich on European Jews. Replete with irony, Mohammed’s eviction from Yad Vashem, in the context of the forced displacements and carnage unfolding in Gaza, recalls a traceable historical arc.


On December 4, 1948, the New York Times published an open letter penned by a group of Jewish luminaries including Hannah Arendt and Albert Einstein who were protesting a visit to the U.S. by Menachem Begin, founder of the Herut (Freedom) Party of Israel. Herut would later emerge as the foundation of the ultra-nationalist Likud Party of current Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Authors of the letter made note of “Fascist elements in Israel” and objected to Begin’s visit because, according to them, Herut was “a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy, and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.”

In support of its claim, the letter referenced the massacre in the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin committed earlier in 1948 by the paramilitary predecessor to Herut, the Zionist Irgun, labeled even by many Zionists of the time a terrorist militia. The Irgun had come into the village, which had harbored no animus toward its Jewish neighbors, and “killed most of its inhabitants—240 men, women, and children—and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem,” revealing a practice of cruelty toward Palestinians eerily similar to what Nazis did to the Jews. Arendt was already on record as warily critical of exclusionary tendencies in the Zionist project, writing in “Zionism Reconsidered” (1943) how the Zionist movement stood for a kind of ethno-state in which Palestinians would have only “the choice of voluntary emigration or second-class citizenship.” In the end, Arendt, Einstein and co-signers of the 1948 open letter proffered a warning about Herut and its Fascist roots: “from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.”

Apart from the reference to Deir Yassin, the letter did not specify what this kinship might portend but Fascism’s past practices highlight three themes. First, Fascism is a mass movement animated by an extreme nationalist ethos whose adherents share a sense of collective victimhood caused by “outsiders” who are considered to have illegitimate claims of belonging to the nation and who emerge as the cause of collective national suffering. Second, Fascism channels this shared outlook of victimhood into collective hostility toward these outsiders whom Fascists consider as enemies seeking the nation’s demise. Finally, Fascism enlists its backers to support liquidation of these enemies which drives it to untold levels of brutality and toward territorial expansion to ensure the completeness of the liquidation process, while keeping outsiders safely distant from the bounded space of the nation and those who belong to it.

In the case of the Nazis, some of the signature behaviors that emerged from these contours and resonated so profoundly with Mohammed at Yad Vashem included Nazism’s exclusionary citizenship laws; its pogroms against Jewish businesses and property; night raids by the Nazi SS of Jewish homes along with arrests and deportations of Jews to concentration camps; and the ghettoization of Jews and their liquidation in these confined spaces. Although Mohammed recounts these practices as part of his own experience, it has become anathema, and in some places illegal even to raise the question suggested by his story: How could heirs of those claiming to be Nazism’s most hapless victims assume the role of those who brutalized them, or in the words of Edward Said, how did Palestinians become “the victims of the victims”?

It turns out that insight into this vexing puzzle beckons to two contemporaries from the nineteenth century with vastly different political persuasions. In his celebrated work, The Ancien Régime and the Revolution (1856), Alexis de Tocqueville asked how the luminaries of the French Revolution, with their “love of equality and the urge to freedom” ultimately crafted a system of authoritarian rule little different from the absolutism they so passionately set out to overturn. In seeking to explain this paradox, de Tocqueville signaled a beguiling truth about these revolutionaries who he insists, “were men shaped by the old order.” These individuals may have wanted to distance themselves from the ancien regime they so fervently wished to destroy, but years of conditioning under French absolutism had influenced their outlook and behavior. Try as they might, these revolutionaries, “remained essentially the same, and in fact…never changed out of recognition.” Four years before de Tocqueville’s Ancien Regime, Karl Marx famously wrote how human beings make their own history, but they don’t make it as they please. They make it “under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past.” In this way, both de Tocqueville and Marx emphasize how human actors emerge from the circumstances around them, and this history conditions and weighs upon them as they seek to remake the world of the present. What kind of “dead weight” did the Nazi Holocaust cast on Zionism, Jews, and the State of Israel?


Wall and Tower at Qalandia Checkpoint. (Photo by author.)

As early as 1904, Zionists in Palestine associated with the Second Wave of Jewish immigration were already signaling the future character of the State of Israel when they promoted the idea of “Hebrew Land, Hebrew Labor.” Central to this slogan was an effort to build an exclusionary Jewish society by evicting Palestinian tenants from lands they purchased, and preventing Palestinian labor on Jewish-owned land. In this way, early Zionism was seeking to create a landscape of Jewish spaces free of Palestinians. What Zionism ultimately created to fulfill these exclusionary impulses, however, took shape after 1945 in the crucible of the long shadow cast upon world Jewry by the experience of the Holocaust when the State of Israel came into being. Its signature practices with respect to the Palestinians reveal a striking, if unsettling set of parallels with what was done to Jews by the Nazis. Two seminal moments in the evolution of the State of Israel are paramount in marking the development of these exclusionary behaviors.

The initial moment encompasses Israel’s early years, 1947-50 and focuses on three defining practices designed to create Jewish ascendancy on the land and render Palestinians a subjugated people. First, during this period, the “Jewish State”—a moniker that is something of a mischaracterization since that State contains a 20% Palestinian population—evicted 750,000 Palestinians from homes within its boundaries, and in a Cabinet decision of July 1948 declared that it would never allow these evictees to return. Second, was what the Israeli Government did to Bedouins from the Naqab desert who managed to remain in their ancestral homeland following the end of hostilities in 1949. The Israeli military rounded up the 13,000 remaining Bedouin and confined them in a prison-like encampment near Beersheva known as the Siyaj (Enclosure Zone) where they were without basic services, forced to obtain permits to enter and exit the Siyaj, and prevented from building permanent housing for themselves. Finally, in the early 1950s, the Israeli State passed a series of laws on property rights, notably, the Absentee Property Law (1950) that dispossessed refugees of their lands on the grounds that they were “absentees,” no longer living in their domains. This law, however, also confiscated the property of roughly 50% of Palestinians in the new state through a macabre legal designation for Palestinians temporarily displaced from their homes who were classified as “present absentees.” In effect, what the State of Israel did in its infancy in seeking to make the Jewish State free of Palestinians by evicting, dispossessing, and confining them, had an uncomfortable resonance with the aim of the Third Reich in making Germany and the Reich Judenrein, free of Jews.

The second historical moment focuses on the aftermath of the June War in 1967 in which the State of Israel sought to extend its domination over Palestinians into territories conquered in the 1967 campaign by settling those areas with Jewish Israelis – a clear violation of Article 49 of the 1949 Geneva Convention. This practice expanded Jewish presence within the conquered space while shrinking Palestinian presence by confiscating an ever-expanding inventory of Palestinian property for settlement-building and limiting the territorial spaces accessible to Palestinians in the occupied areas. In this way, the Jewish State created a constantly growing Hebrew landscape in the areas under its military control.

Not surprisingly, the State of Israel has taken draconian measures to fortify its project of land confiscation and settlement, and to this end has created a carceral-like regime for control over a population that it perceives as hostile to Jewish supremacy on the land. In pursuit of this aim, the Jewish State has not only intensified a system of actual incarceration in which thousands of Palestinians fill Israeli jails as political detainees. The State of Israel has created a massive prison-like environment on the Palestinian landscape dubbed a “Matrix of Control,” for the subjugation of Palestinians. This “Matrix” consists of an elaborate system of checkpoints, including several large checkpoint terminals, diffused throughout the West Bank to control Palestinian circulation; guard towers situated at major transport junctions to monitor Palestinians and their movements; and a massive Wall built along a 450-kilometer route across the West Bank where Palestinian circulation is pre-empted and the territory partitioned in much the same way that Michel Foucault has described the attributes of modern prisons. These features on the land have imbued the Palestinian landscape with the unenviable moniker of “The Biggest Prison on Earth.” More critically, as Palestinians encounter these elements in queues of regimented bodies under the gaze of armed soldiers, the echoes of Nazi landscapes seem inescapable.

Added to this carceral environment is the effort of the Jewish State to weaken Palestinian presence on the land by destroying one of the primary anchors affixing Palestinians to place, the Palestinian home. At any one moment, a Palestinian home is routinely demolished, usually on the pretext of being built “illegally,” without permission, but the State of Israel also destroys Palestinian homes as retribution against entire families of alleged perpetrators of “terror” against the Jewish State. Complementing this destruction is the longstanding practice of Israeli military “raids” into Palestinian homes, casting a pall of terror over the Palestinian landscape. These raids not only witness the arrests of Palestinians who disappear into Israeli jails as political prisoners, but also the ransacking and vandalism of the Palestinian home. Such destruction of Palestinian homes and property, along with the arrests of Palestinians in these actions find resonance in the way Jews were subjected to raids by the Nazi SS and sent to prison camps while their homes were ransacked and looted in Nazi versions of the pogrom.

In February of last year, the world witnessed a particularly savage outbreak of this kind of violence in the Palestinian town of Huwara perpetrated by settlers from nearby Israeli settlements who set fire to cars, businesses, and homes of Huwara residents and killed one resident by gunfire as Israeli soldiers looked on and even assisted the perpetrators in this mayhem. So depraved was this rampage that the Israeli military commander in the West Bank, Yehuda Fuchs even used the word, “pogrom,” to label this carnage, a word choice by an Israeli official that was especially poignant. The implication was that the Jews who perpetrated this violence possessed the same kind of racist animus as perpetrators of Christian and Nazi pogroms against Jews, and enlisted similar types of brutality against Palestinian civilians. At the time of events in Huwara, however, the uprooting of Palestinian croplands and the destruction of rural homes, livestock pens, and farm equipment by Jewish settlers in an effort to evict and drive out Palestinians had already become commonplace on the Palestinian landscape—with nary a condemnation by Israeli officials, and virtually no effort by Israeli authorities to prevent and punish this criminality. As it turned out, Huwara was but a prelude to the much more sweeping campaign of carnage visited on Palestinians in the aftermath of October of the same year.


In a riveting documentary, 1948: Creation and Catastrophe (2016), members of the Zionist Haganah militia interviewed in the film who were active in the military campaign of the period recounted their encounters with Palestinians during that critical time when the Jewish State came in to being. Hava Kellar, a Haganah veteran, spoke glowingly about her role in the expulsion of Palestinians from Bir-es Saba, seemingly oblivious to the expulsions of Jews during the Shoah. “I came to Beersheva, she recalls, and the commander said to me: ‘tomorrow we are going to throw out the Arabs from Beersheva.’ I said ‘wonderful, of course I’m going to help.’ Next day I got a gun, and we prepared 10-12 buses. We called all the Arabs from Beersheva to come to the buses and I was standing guard to make sure they went into the buses to go to Gaza—and they are still in Gaza today.”

What we are witnessing in Gaza is another instance of, “Once Again,” only this time it is Zionist Jews who are wielding the guns and are the keepers of the camp, while it is Palestinians such as Mohammed who are being locked up, dispossessed, and face death.

Another Haganah veteran, Josef Ben-Eliezer, is even more explicit in admitting to the parallels of what he did as a solider and what he experienced as a boy at the hands of the Nazis. “I saw masses of people going through the checkpoint that we were ordered to oversee,” he says, “and they were searched for valuables. It reminded me of when I was a child. We were doing the same thing that people have done to us as Jews.”

A common belief among defenders of Israel is that Jews, and all things associated with the Jewish people—including the State of Israel—could not possibly do what Josef Ben-Eliezer described as Jews imitating the Nazis. To even imagine such a possibility is to transgress into forbidden terrain. Nazism is invariably associated with humanity’s worst-ever atrocity—the elimination of the Jews as a people—a crime given the name in 1944 of genocide, and codified in the 1948 Genocide Convention. Among the stated goals of Nazism, for which some of its leaders were prosecuted under this law, was the idea of making Germany and the areas it occupied Judenrein, free of Jews. That Jews could be a party to such an idea is for many, completely blasphemous if not worse. Events after October 7, however, reveal this longstanding Zionist conceit to be problematic.

On October 13 of last year, the Israeli Intelligence Ministry, an opaque governmental body that produces policy research for other Israeli Government agencies, authored a document in which it outlined three options for the Jewish State in response to the breach of the barrier confining the Gazan people, and the killing by Hamas and other allied groups of Israeli military personnel, law enforcement officials and roughly 700 civilians. In this document, the Ministry recommends the third option—transfer of the entire Gaza population to the Egyptian Sinai – which document authors point out is “executable,” and will yield “the most positive long-term benefits” for the Jewish State. These authors understood how transfer of the 2.3 million Gazans into the Egyptian Sinai would entail an untold level of brutality against the people of Gaza triggering violations of the laws of war and even more serious charges, and would likely elicit broad global condemnation if not indictments. Nevertheless, the document urges policymakers in Israel to forge ahead with emptying Gaza, despite these challenges, and count on its alliance with the U.S. for backing while waging the necessary public relations campaign of incessantly portraying the Jewish State as victim.

If there was any ambiguity about what this campaign of depopulation would entail, such doubts were put to rest almost from the start of the violence by the Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant. On October 9 at a meeting of Israeli military commanders at the IDF Southern Command in Beersheva, Gallant, acknowledged: “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly.” An even more graphic specter of the motivation to eradicate the bare life of the Gazans came from Israeli Prime Minister, Benyamin Netanyahu himself at the end of October after the Israeli Military had already killed 8000 Gazans and had evicted 1.2 million Gazans from their homes in the North of the Strip and instructed them to move South. Likening the campaign in Gaza to an ancient Biblical struggle by the Jews in the time of the Exodus to eradicate the Amalakites, Netanyahu exhorts his military and the people of Israel to “Remember what Amalek did to you” and he continues: “Our heroic soldiers have one supreme goal: To destroy the murderous enemy.”

Two days after Netanyahu’s Biblical invocation, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, in a calculated performative spectacle, denounced the United Nations for supposedly failing to condemn Hamas and duly pinned a yellow star to his blazer, reenacting the Nazi practice of stigmatizing Jews with this disparaging emblem so that the Nazi regime could more easily monitor them and ordinary Germans could more easily harass them. But Erdan’s bizarre stunt, assuming the role of a Nazi himself in pinning the Yellow Star to his own clothing, had a more sinister propaganda aim. “Don’t forget, we are the victims”—was his unmistakable subtext. Such a message, however, is difficult to reconcile alongside images of some of the world’s most impoverished human beings, with no military, no planes, no navy, no tanks, no anti-aircraft batteries, being bombarded at will by one of the most powerful military forces in the world while trying to escape the carnage raining down on them in overcrowded wooden carts pulled by donkeys, or for those less fortunate simply walking disconsolately on bombed and destroyed roads in lines resembling Palestinian refugees of 1948. Indeed, the disconnect between what Israeli ambassador Erdan wants the world to believe, and what the world can see with its own eyes is starkly Orwellian.

In 1944, a Polish lawyer, Raphäel Lemkin coined the term, genocide to describe the campaign of the Nazis to exterminate the Jews, but he also intended the concept to be applicable to a range of other crimes against humanity committed prior to the Holocaust. Four years later Lemkin’s idea was codified in what is now known as the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Despite the European bias of the Convention, however, with its almost singular point of reference being the experience of the Nazis and European Jewry, and the absence in it of specific kinds of acts such as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), which adjucates the law with respect to countries, has repeatedly emphasized that the Convention embodies general principles. It is for this reason that the State of Israel, arguably born at least in part as reparations for the Nazi Genocide against European Jews, now finds itself on the opposite end not as victim but indeed as perpetrator.

In January of this year, South Africa as a signatory to the Genocide Convention to prevent the commission of this crime, duly filed a complaint with the International Court of Justice charging the State of Israel with genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza. In broad outline, genocide is defined in Article 2 of the Genocide Convention as “acts committed with the intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group” and the Statute goes on to specify five scenarios in which the crime can be identified. Section C of South Africa’s 84-page document describes in detail the various campaigns of the Israel military in Gaza that conform to the definition of destroying in whole or in part Palestinian as a group. Among what is summarized in this section is the forced eviction of close to 2 million of the 2.3 Gazans from their homes; the destruction of 60% of the housing stock in the Gaza Strip; the deliberate and almost complete destruction of the health care sector including most of the hospitals; the destruction of schools and universities; and the targeting of food-producing outlets including farms and bakeries. Part of what has made genocide so difficult to prosecute, especially with respect to sovereign states, is proving intent on the part of alleged state perperators. In its document, the South African legal team has diligently gathered the various statements of the Israeli Defense Minister, Prime Minister, and other high-ranking Israeli Government officials that admit in plain language, to the genocidal intent of the Israeli military campaign. Taken together, the deeds of the Israeli military, and the words of Israeli officials testify to the aim of eliminating the Gazans from Gaza, that is, rendering Gaza free of Palestinians.

For the past 17 years, Israel has imposed a blockade on Gaza, controlling the movement of people and goods that could enter and exit the territory, imbuing the Gaza Strip with the odious label of “the world’s largest open-air prison.” Three years prior to the blockade, however, the State of Israel had sufficiently confined the people of Gaza in a walled and fenced enclosure to the point where former Israeli National Security Council Director, Giora Eiland conceded the territory to be “a huge concentration camp.” The choice of this descriptor by Eiland seems especially appropriate for a population blockaded and unable to circulate beyond the closed confines of the Strip and who are reliant on the whim of Israel for access to virtually all essentials for bare life. International law, however, suggests that a blockade imposed on a territorial space is an act of war. Even former Israeli Foreign Minister, Abba Eban endorsed this view in reference to the June 1967 war. “The blockade is by definition an act of war,” Eban announced at the UN on June 19, 1967 in describing the actions of Egypt that supposedly provoked Israel into its surprise attack. Israel is thus trying to argue to the world that it is defending itself in a war it did not want. In reality, the war did not begin October 7. Israel has been waging war against Gaza with its blockade since 2007—not to mention four major military bombardments since 2006 killing thousands of Gazans—and the Jewish State presents itself as victim when the Gazans have attempted to break the siege and fight back.

In December of last year, author Masha Gessen, in a courageous article for The New Yorker provided a different approach to framing the carceral spectacle in Gaza. For Gessen, the metaphor of the open-air prison was incomplete, if not inaccurate. In the context of the unmitigated carnage being visited upon the Gazans by Israeli military, what the Jewish State is undertaking, Gessen argued, is nothing less than a genocidal effort at “liquidating the ghetto” they have created in Gaza—much like the Nazis liquidating the Ghetto they had created in Warsaw. In this way, Gessen signaled an alternative way of seeing not only the savagery being visited on the 2.3 million Gazans, but also what Gaza had become under the Israeli blockade and bombardment—a ghetto that Israel is trying to eradicate as the Nazis did. How else is it possible to interpret a military campaign demanding Gazans evacuate their homes and move South where they have become more concentrated, and where they are still being incessantly bombed and killed?

At the moment of this writing, the Israeli military has delivered what is perhaps a final ultimatum to the Gazans. Concentrated now in the southernmost enclave in the Gaza Strip, the city of Rafah, where they have been ordered to move after a series of orders that has essentially cleared most of Gaza of its inhabitants since October, the Israeli military has now ordered the Gazans to leave—but there is no place left for them to go. Israel, in effect, appears poised on the precipice of implementing the aim of the Intelligence Ministry Report by forcing the Gazans into Egypt, or alternatively if Egypt continues to deny Israel’s request to let the Gazans into the Sinai, Israel will continue liquidating them. This is indeed an effort on the part of Israel to empty the ghetto!

What the world is witnessing in this effort to liquidate the ghetto of Gaza is shocking in the degree of violence that the State of Israel has unleashed on a defenseless group of people, but at the same time, it is explainable. Although the idea of the Jewish State committing genocide is blasphemy to those who hold that it was born as the supposed antithesis of genocide and the Holocaust, both Alexis de Tocqueville and Edward Said remind us that there is at times a cunning aspect in historical outcomes in which the oppressed somehow take on the attributes of their oppressors. In an interview of 2011, the celebrated physicist and Holocaust survivor, Hajo Meyer made this connection between Zionism and Nazism explicit when he said: “I saw in Auschwitz that if a dominant group wants to dehumanize others, as the Nazis wanted to dehumanize me, these dominant groups must first be dehumanized themselves…They [Zionists] have given up everything which has to do with humanity, for one thing: the state, the blood and the soil – just like the Nazis.” To those who naively proclaim the idea of “Never Again,” sadly what is upon us is that Palestinians have become the Jews, along with all of the other groups from the Namibians to the Rohingya that have suffered genocide. In this sense, what we are witnessing in Gaza is another instance of, “Once Again,” only this time it is Zionist Jews who are wielding the guns and are the keepers of the camp, while it is Palestinians such as Mohammed who are being locked up, dispossessed, and face death.


Rania Khalek was joined by Tarik Cyril Amar, a historian from Germany and associate professor at Koc University in Istanbul, to discuss Israel’s descent into genocidal fascism. Prof. Amar addresses whether it’s useful to make Holocaust and Nazi comparisons and the real reason behind the West’s unshakeable loyalty attitude when it comes to Israel’s barbarism.


Palestinian novelist and activist Susan Abulhawa joins the show after returning from Gaza to describe what she witnessed, in what she says is a “holocaust” that “language is inadequate to describe.”

Abulhawa describes the “daily denigration of human life” unraveling in Gaza that video footage of the war fails to totally capture: the daily indignities Palestinians face waiting all day to use an unsanitary shared bathroom, living in tent dwellings devoid of privacy where sand finds its way into every crevice, families separated and unable to send their children to school. ... -besieged/


British Doctor Trying to Save Lives of Gazan Civilians Severely Injured by Israeli Bombs
By Felix Abt - March 12, 2024 0

[Warning: This interview features graphic images.—Editors]

The Israeli tactic of hiding the ongoing genocide is to suppress the truth in the media. This includes pressuring mainstream media outlets like CNN to filter and/or distort reports to suit Israel’s interests, preventing journalists from reporting from Gaza, or simply killing them—a fate that has befallen dozens of journalists to date, “more than in any other conflict in over 30 years.”

Systematic Censorship
The greatest irony is that CNN, which supports Israeli censorship, is now criticizing the Chinese government for not suppressing the anger of Chinese citizens over the horrors in Gaza, and vilifying the Chinese as “anti-Semitic” for doing so.

A Summary of the Horror
We would like to remind our readers that every inhabitant in Gaza is hungry, that some 50,000 pregnant women receive neither medical care nor adequate nutrition, that infants are dying in droves, and that 100,000 people have died or been injured by military violence in the Gaza ghetto so far —that is one in twenty—and that many of the injured have no access to medical care.

Despite this frightening new high in violence, the majority of Israelis still believe that not enough force is being used, according to a recent poll. Given that “Israel’s use of disproportionate force is a long-established tactic — with a clear aim,” this might not come as a surprise. The indiscriminate killing by Israel does not stop at its own citizens. On October 7, 2023, Israeli attack helicopters and tanks killed numerous citizens in their homes.

After the news in which it was falsely claimed that Hamas had beheaded Israeli babies, this followed: “In a desperate bid for international sympathy, the Israeli government has sought to stir outrage over the killing of a 12-year-old girl during the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on October 7,” according to this report.

Naftali Bennett, the former Israeli Prime Minister, chimed in to proclaim that “Liel Hetzroni of Kibbutz Beeri was murdered in her home by Hamas monsters… We’re fighting the most just war: to ensure this can never happen again.” That was a shameless lie. She was killed when an Israeli tank fired on her house.

Naftali Bennett [Source:]

And an Israeli soldier held hostage in Gaza was killed with poison gas, not by Hamas, but by Israel—a fact that led his mother to allude to the gas chambers in Hitler’s Germany.

Brian Mast (R-Fl) wearing IDF uniform in Congress. [Source:]

We also watch in disbelief as the last vestiges of moral decency are turned upside down: Those of us who oppose genocide are accused of condoning it. Those who commit genocide are exercising their right to self-defense!

In September, before the paramilitary wing of Hamas overran the Israeli border on October 7, 2023 (a sober analysis can be found here), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed a map of the so-called New Middle East at a session of the UN General Assembly. The Gaza Strip, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem had all been incorporated into a Greater Israel. Ironically, he insisted that Israel should extend “from the river to the sea.” Palestine had ceased to exist. Palestinians are forced to choose between death by bombing, disease, exposure, starvation or expulsion from their homeland.

Nazism Is in Full Swing Again
Both prominent Israeli politicians and ordinary Israelis use the terminology of the German Reich to refer to the Palestinians as sub-human animals (and therefore acceptable prey to kill). They are forcing the Palestinians who have survived this far to leave, “benevolently” referring to this as “voluntary emigration from Gaza,” which is supported by 83% of Israelis—a term and tactic of ethnic cleansing also used by Nazi Germany.


Greater Israel’s Model: Greater Germany! [Source: Screenshot of Holocaust Encyclopedia, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum] Israel is doing the same in Gaza with German thoroughness. That is why the International Court of Justice (ICJ) recently ruled that “Gaza has become a place of death and despair” (ICJ Ruling, page 13, point 47).

The Necessary Counter-Statements
We provide a voice to those who witnessed the carnage but are usually left out of your papers and screens. Examples include the Palestinian intellectual who barely escaped with his life after Israeli bombs destroyed his entire neighborhood and the British doctor who worked through the chaos and carnage and agreed to an interview with us.

Masha Gessen, a Jewish relative of Holocaust survivors and a Hannah Arendt prize winner, explains that “the politics of memory in Europe obscures what we see in Israel and Gaza today.” And as your media refuse to report on the unprecedented horror of our time, we have decided to show you graphic pictures of helpless citizens severely injured by Israeli bombs, kindly provided by our interviewee, Dr. Khan. However, we will not show you pictures from another source of dead women and children who have been torn to pieces.

The Most Cruel War Zone in the World
Conducted by Felix Abt, below is an interview with Dr. Suheal A. Khan, Senior Orthopaedic Consultant, Visiting Professor, Director and Founder, Mobile International Surgical Teams (MIST) Foundation.

[Source: Photo courtesy of Felix Abt]

Felix Abt: Dr. Khan, you have just returned from Gaza. It is the second time you have worked there. In 2010, you spent a year in the Gaza Strip as Head of Orthopaedics at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis where you taught and trained the local surgeons in the art of Ilizarov surgery and performed many cases of limb deformity, infection, and mal-unions of fractures. You wrote the book Nowhere to Run: A Surgeon’s Tale from the Gaza Strip about your experiences there. Since then, the situation has changed dramatically, and for the worse, as you discovered during your recent visit. What has become of this hospital and your former colleagues there?

Dr. S.A. Khan: I arrived at European Gaza Hospital [EGH] with the Red Cross [ICRC] team and was very surprised and pleased to see surgeons and nurses I had worked with more than a decade ago! The Head of Department of EGH was one of my Residents over a decade ago! So it was a sort of homecoming with many of the other EGH staff. I also met displaced colleagues from Al Shifa working now at EGH.

The problem was getting to and from work was now getting dangerous…so we started operating theaters at 10:30 a.m. and many of the staff would sleep in theaters till the next shift came in.

Some of my former colleagues were trapped with their families at the Al Muwasi camp…which is a strip of beach in the ‘safe zone.’ Many fear if they now return to Nasser Hospital, the IDF will arrest them as many of the Al Shifa medics are still missing, raising questions.

Felix Abt: Israel forced patients and medical staff to leave hospitals, condemning these patients and the new patients to death. Could at least some of these patients be saved, and if so, how?

Dr. S.A. Khan: Any patient can be saved if there are enough resources and specialists available. Forcibly removing patients from hospitals… am sure that goes against Geneva Conventions… You may want to check?

Felix Abt: As a doctor working in developing countries and conflict zones, you’ve probably seen a lot of terrible things. What went through your mind when you saw missing limbs, deep infected wounds, women’s and children’s intestines spilled on the ground, and other horrific scenes, this time on an unprecedented scale in Gaza?

Dr. S.A. Khan: No words can describe it…the Foundation’s media team did not put up any horrific photos or videos on its Instagram…maybe we should?

Felix Abt: On January 5, the United Nations reported that there have been “600 attacks on health care in Gaza and the West Bank” since the beginning of the war in the Gaza Strip. Dozens of hospitals and other medical facilities have been rendered inoperable since October 7 by apparently direct and systematic attacks on medical personnel and facilities. The disruption of electricity and communication links by Israel was another barbaric act to prevent adequate medical care. In addition, the destruction of infrastructure led to severe hygiene problems due to a lack of water and sanitation facilities. How do you assess the extent of this obviously deliberate vandalism by the occupying forces and what impact will this have on the health and survival of the population?

Dr. S.A. Khan: There are many facets to your question….

Attacks on health care workers…I was just emailed the UN figures for deaths till January 22, 2024, from October 7th:
63 doctors
111 nurses
23 paramedics
29 pharmacists
13 lab staff
337 additional health care workers (orderlies, caregivers, support staff)

Hospitals are supposed to be sanctuaries of healing and safety…This is the first time in 30 years of humanitarian work that I have seen such blatant killing of health care professionals…some with a white flag…others have been kidnapped and we do not know their whereabouts… what about these Israeli Human Shields and POWs who happen to be medics!

Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) and International Rescue Committee (IRC) had sent a team to Nasser Hospital on January 16th…I was in Gaza at EGH from 8th to 24th of January. I know these guys; they are six British citizens who are extremely skilled limb reconstruction surgeons.

Israel attacks six British surgeons in their home with a thousand-pound GPS-guided bomb

On January 18th IDF bombed their residence on the beach! The facts I have just received and on MAP website…the UN did an investigation and the type of explosive used was a 1000-pound GPS-guided lump of metal and destruction…evidence gathered from the fragment analysis…only IDF or UK or USA have that type of bomb. MAP is asking the UK government why they are not doing something to protect their humanitarian workers in Gaza….The IDF have our coordinates! Every time we [ICRC] move, we have to coordinate with the IDF and Hamas.

The health conditions are deteriorating and many people already had upper respiratory tract infections and we, meaning myself and teams from Norway, still have chest problems…The air was sometimes thick with dust…bombs did fall about 500 meters away…I mean big bombs!
In terms of vandalism by IDF: I am attending an international meeting in Amman, Jordan, on February 7th, hosted by the King. “Rebuilding Gaza Healthcare” is the Conference and the MIST Foundation will provide input on orthopaedics and training. You can register for FREE with on line access. The Strip has been stripped…[much] of the infrastructure destroyed, but perhaps a blank canvas to erect beautiful hospitals for the Gazans…That’s what I hope to achieve as one of my aims at the conference.

Another British doctor, Dr. Andy Ferguson, who worked in the European hospital in Gaza over Christmas and New Year, described the situation there as follows: “Complete chaos reigns. There are about 22,000 people currently living in makeshift tents on the ground of the hospital or actually on the floors in hospital corridors themselves. (…) The situation within the emergency department particularly was chaotic. There were hundreds and hundreds of patients in there at any moment. Many of them because the primary healthcare system has broken down, looking for the management of their diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney failure, and cancer, and on top of that you get groups of ten, twenty, thirty, newly injured patients, often with a number of dead bodies arriving within that chaos.” [Source:]

Felix Abt: Some doctors in Gaza explained that they can’t even use a cold compress because of the lack of water, others explained that they clean wounds with vinegar and detergent and operate on people without anesthesia and even without painkillers. Let’s take a concrete example: How do you treat a child whose body is covered in shrapnel—with severely damaged limbs and perhaps dozens of open wounds from “head to toe”—given the extremely limited resources you have at your disposal and the extreme conditions (such as non-sterile areas, no anesthesiologist to assist you, etc.) in which you are working?

Dr. S.A. Khan: The Gazans and humanitarian teams are doing the best they can, but sometimes, and this is what we did, was to make decisions whether we waste resources on hopeless cases? Sometimes, we didn’t have water till 2 p.m. for the sterilizers, so we had to adjust the operation lists… We had run out of internal fixation devices…and the list goes on. The Gazans need the aid to enter so we all can work and help save and salvage limbs; as ortho-plastic surgeons.

Felix Abt: When there is a shortage of almost everything—supplies, staff, hospital beds and facilities—the health workers in Gaza not only have to make inhumane sacrifices, but also have to make serious decisions and practically decide which patient can continue to live and which has to die, “playing God” so to speak. In addition, you can be in constant fear for your life, as you could be hit by an Israeli bomb at any time. In fact, journalists and medical personnel seem to be among the main targets of the Israeli “defense” forces. How do you cope with this incredible psychological strain on top of the extreme working conditions?

Dr. S.A. Khan: The last question is easy…and with humor. The Gazans have a very dry wit and are extremely generous people…That’s probably why I get on with Gazans…I have described them as the ”Pathans [Pashtuns] of the Middle East”….an Afghan tribe!

“Swimming with the fish” as my Norwegian colleague Eric from Norway would say….When you sit, and eat, and you work together and stop for a smoke…you become part of the team but you then direct the team, as there has been no senior doctor for weeks at the hospital.

Felix Abt: On January 5, UNICEF reported that “cases of diarrhea in children are up 50 percent in just one week, with 90 percent of children under two now subject to ‘severe food poverty.’” Now, with thousands of children already dead as a result of the violence, it looks like a tsunami of child deaths is on the horizon. And the trickle of aid [the amount and type of which is controlled by the occupying forces] is not making the situation any better. How do you assess this situation?

Dr. S.A. Khan: I had a WhatsApp message that one of the patients I treated had [contracted] hepatitis A…the living conditions will only get worse from an already bad situation.

Felix Abt: Hamas has been trying for years to persuade Israel to release the countless Palestinians, including children, many of whom have been imprisoned for years without trial. After failing to do so, it tried to take Israelis hostage on October 7 to force the release of the Palestinian prisoners. As a result of the hostage exchange, the returned Palestinians stated that many of them had been horribly mistreated [including torture and rape] in Israeli prisons. Did you or your colleagues have the opportunity to talk to the returnees and possibly have them medically examined?

Dr. S.A. Khan: NO COMMENT. As a humanitarian, I treat all injured irrespective of who they are…but we also do not disclose those we have treated, unless we have permission from the patient.

Felix Abt: Is there anything else readers should know?

Dr. S.A. Khan: Stop attacking hospitals…a BIG FULL STOP…Let the humanitarian agencies do their work.

Felix Abt: Is there anything readers can do, such as donate money to the Mobile International Surgical Teams (MIST)?

Dr. S.A. Khan: [Any] money donated goes to buying kits and consumables….All MIST members are volunteers and do not profit from any of their endeavors. Visit our website to donate:

MIST builds capacity and supports surgical centers in developing countries to become self-sustaining and provide excellent health care to local populations, regardless of the race, religion, or nationality of patients, and without adverse discrimination of any kind.

(Graphic photos of war wounds at link.) ... eli-bombs/
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Re: Palestine

Post by blindpig » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:35 am

Israel’s Disinformation Apparatus: A Key Weapon in its Arsenal
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 12, 2024
Tariq Kenney-Shawa

Disinformation is being produced at industrial scale by official Israeli sources to justify its ongoing genocide in Gaza. Journalists and open-source intelligence analysts have only added fuel to this fire of Palestinian dehumanization by propping up the false news without necessary scrutiny. In his latest policy brief, Tariq Kenney-Shawa delves into Israel’s information warfare tactics, exploring how these efforts have contributed to the decay of truth and how they hamper efforts to organize a global response. He offers recommendations for reporters, analysts, and the wider public to leverage open-source tools to refute dominant Israeli propaganda and disinformation.


During campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing, disinformation is a potent weapon—a tool to dehumanize victims, justify mass violence, and most importantly, sow seeds of doubt designed to muzzle calls for intervention. When information is weaponized, confusion and doubt no longer emerge from the “fog of war” as a symptom, but are purposefully cultivated with the explicit intention of creating it.

At the time of writing, Israeli forces have killed over 30,000 Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank since October 2023. They have targeted hospitals, schools, and civilians fleeing their homes. Israel’s assault is marked not only by the historic scale of violence being inflicted upon Palestinians, but by the unprecedented flood of disinformation being deployed to justify it.

Propaganda and disinformation produced at industrial scale by official Israeli government and military sources are being legitimized and boosted by a wide network of journalists and open-source intelligence (OSINT) analysts, who have discarded all vestiges of objectivity and analytical rigor in their coverage. Instead of bearing witness to Israeli war crimes and questioning the narratives put forth by a regime engaging in genocide, they have become complicit in them. As a result, Israeli information operations are benefiting from a media network acting not as unbiased reporters, but as enablers of Israeli mass atrocities.

This policy brief explores the information warfare tactics Israel has used to influence public perception of its ongoing genocide in Gaza, how these efforts have contributed to the decay of truth, and how they hamper efforts to organize a global response. It also explains how journalists and open-source intelligence analysts have become active enablers of Israeli war crimes by acting as uncritical conduits of Israeli propaganda. Finally, it offers recommendations for reporters, analysts, and the wider public to leverage open-source tools to refute dominant Israeli propaganda and disinformation.

Hasbara: A Long-Running Strategy

Israel has long recognized the information environment as a critical battle front to justify the perpetual oppressive structures of occupation and apartheid. “Hasbara,” which translates to “explaining” in Hebrew, has long embodied this recognition. Rooted in pre-existing concepts of state-sponsored propaganda, agitprop, and information warfare, hasbara aims to shape the very parameters of acceptable discourse. This involves a coordinated effort by both state institutions and NGOs to bolster Israeli domestic unity, secure support of allies, and influence how media, intellectuals, and influencers discuss Israel.

Israel has long recognized the information environment as a critical battle front to justify the perpetual oppressive structures of occupation and apartheid.

For years, Israel’s hasbara efforts were coordinated by government bodies, such as the Ministry of Strategic Affairs. After the ministry’s closure in 2021, the Israeli cabinet approved a NIS 100 million ($30 million) project aimed at adapting Israeli hasbara for an evolving global audience. The initiative, led by then-Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, funneled funds indirectly to foreign entities, ranging from social media influencers to media-watch organizations, that would disseminate pro-Israel propaganda while concealing direct ties to the Israeli government. These concerted efforts seek to establish cognitive filters that validate Israeli interests while discrediting opposing narratives on Israeli settler colonialism and its systemic violence.

In adapting to an information-rich environment, hasbarists do not solely seek to block access to information but rather guide audiences towards selective interpretation. For over 75 years, they have cast Israel as the perpetual victim, despite its military dominance and role as occupier, and are now deploying the same tactics to justify genocide in Gaza. By accusing Hamas of using Palestinians in Gaza as “human shields,” painting Palestinian resistance groups as existential threats akin to the Nazis and ISIS, or smearing victims of Israeli air strikes as “crisis actors,” hasbara aims to justify the unjustifiable.

Sowing Seeds of Doubt

Before the digital age, it was easier for Israel to discredit Palestinian claims by denying them outright. But the advent of the 24/7 news cycle and social media allowed images of Israeli atrocities to traverse the world at the speed of information, forcing Israeli hasbarists to change tactics.

The primary targets of Israeli disinformation are the two constituencies that matter most to Israel’s leaders: the Israeli public and Western audiences.

On September 30, 2000, 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah was shot and killed by Israeli forces during a gun battle between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian security forces. The moment of Muhammad’s death, which was caught on camera, marked the birth of the hasbara term “Pallywood,” a racist smear that accuses Palestinians of acting out fake atrocities to blame on Israelis.

Unable to deny Muhammed’s killing outright, Israeli propagandists resorted to delegitimizing the source altogether. After footage of Muhammad’s death went viral, Israelis insisted that he was a crisis actor and that his death was a hoax. It did not matter that Muhammad’s father buried his son with his own hands, nor did it matter that the murder was caught on video and confirmed by eyewitnesses. What mattered was that all Palestinian claims henceforth would be tainted by doubt, subjected to heightened scrutiny, or written off outright.

During the years that followed, the practice of portraying Palestinian victims of Israeli war crimes as crisis actors evolved from a conspiratorial fringe tactic to an official Israeli government strategy. On October 13, 2023, the official X account of the State of Israel posted a video of a dead Palestinian child, wrapped in a white burial shroud, claiming it was a doll planted by Hamas. Only after the original uploader of the video was tracked down, the child identified, and additional evidence shared, was the libelous post deleted without official explanation or retraction. By then, the fake news had already garnered millions of views and the damage was done. Henceforth, all images of dead Palestinian children would be written off by an audience primed to doubt their authenticity.

The next month, a spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was called out for attempting to pass off footage from a Lebanese film as evidence that Palestinians were faking injuries from Israeli attacks. The post remained up for days, despite an X community note and a BBC debunk. “Pallywood” smears have also been leveled at popular influencers in an attempt to discredit them. For example, viral posts from official Israeli social media accounts claimed that Saleh Aljafarawi, a popular influencer who has been covering Israel’s assault on Gaza, staged fake injuries at a hospital. This was likewise later debunked, as the footage was proven to instead be of Mohammed Zendiq, a young man injured during an Israeli incursion in the West Bank.

Of course, Israeli claims of “Pallywood” propaganda were never designed to withstand even rudimentary fact-checking and scrutiny. But in an age in which over 50% of US adults get their news from social media and an even higher number do not read past headlines, Israeli disinformation can become engrained long before it is debunked. One study found that 86 percent of people do not fact-check news they see on social media. Another study found that the volume of social media posts citing Pallywood “increased steadily in the days after October 7”, and that the term was mentioned over 146,000 times between October 7th and October 27th.

The primary targets of Israeli disinformation are the two constituencies that matter most to Israel’s leaders: the Israeli public and Western audiences. In a battle for sympathy, the truth is rarely a requisite. Sometimes all it takes is a headline that captures attention and confirms preexisting biases.

Justifying War Crimes

With an international audience primed to treat Palestinian claims with skepticism from the outset, Israeli state-sponsored disinformation campaigns have become a critical tool in justifying war crimes. This strategy is centered on convincing foreign governments and the wider public that Palestinian resistance groups use civilians as human shields and civilian infrastructure for military purposes, rendering them legitimate targets. Nowhere has this been more pronounced than in Israel’s systematic assault on Gaza’s hospitals and health infrastructure since October 7th, 2023.

(Israel’s) strategy is centered on convincing foreign governments and the wider public that Palestinian resistance groups use civilians as human shields and civilian infrastructure for military purposes, rendering them legitimate targets.

On October 27th, the Israeli military’s official X account posted a 3D rendition of an elaborate labyrinth of tunnels and bunkers underneath Al-Shifa Hospital, alleging Hamas was using it as a command center. Their claims were specific: Al-Shifa was the “beating heart” of Hamas’s command infrastructure, and several hospital buildings sat directly atop tunnels that could be accessed from hospital wards. Israel provided no evidence to back up their claims, but that did not stop the Biden Administration from unequivocally repeating the Israeli narrative. Speaking to reporters a day before Israeli forces stormed the hospital, John Kirby, a US National Security Council spokesperson, insisted that not only did “Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) members operate a command-and-control node from Al-Shifa,” but that they were using the hospital to “hold hostages” and were “prepared to respond to an Israeli military operation.” Like the Israeli military, Kirby presented no evidence to back up his statement.

On November 15th, Israeli forces stormed Al-Shifa hospital, hours after the Biden Administration had effectively given them the green light. What they found fell far short of their far-reaching claims. While Israeli forces did uncover a tunnel that ran under a corner of the hospital compound, none of the hospital buildings were connected to the tunnel network—which showed no signs of military use—and there was no evidence of access from hospital wards. Hamas fighters never mobilized en masse to defend the facility from within, as US intelligence predicted. There were no signs of hostages and, most importantly, no command center.

While Al-Shifa represents the cornerstone of Israel’s disinformation campaign against Palestinian health infrastructure, it is far from the only target. Israeli forces have carried out over 500 attacks on healthcare workers and infrastructure across Gaza and the West Bank since October 7th, averaging about 7 attacks per day. These numbers include attacks on hospitals and clinics, healthcare personnel, ambulances, patients, and medical aid stations. By planting the idea, regardless of its veracity, that Hamas and other resistance groups might be using hospitals for military purposes, Israel casts a shadow of doubt over whether Gaza’s entire health system enjoys the protections afforded by international humanitarian law. In doing so, Israel transforms the perception of attacks on hospitals from a brazen violation of international law to a norm.

Journalists and OSINT Analysts as Enablers

While the last three months reveal how uniquely callous and crude Israel’s information manipulation tactics are, they are not new. In fact, many of the Israeli talking points we have become so familiar with today are eerily reminiscent of the rhetoric the US employed to justify civilian massacres in Vietnam. But while much of the political establishment in the West has come to widely condemn the indiscriminate bombing campaigns, the use of internationally prohibited munitions, and the collective punishment of civilians by US forces in Vietnam, they now justify Israel’s use of the same tactics in Gaza.

When it comes to public opinion, much of the proclivity to exceptionalize Israeli war crimes is due to the failure of journalists to critically analyze Israeli narratives against the backdrop of Israel’s history of disinformation, even when open-source investigative tools readily contradict their claims. Indeed, Israel’s disinformation tactics would not be as successful as they are without the complicity of journalists and OSINT analysts. Rather than challenging and debunking false claims, many have abandoned objectivity and journalistic rigor and instead act as mouthpieces for the Israeli military.

Journalists today enjoy two key advantages that those covering the Vietnam war did not have: the benefits of hindsight and the verification tools provided by OSINT analysis. Instead of treating Israeli claims with inherent skepticism, seasoned journalists are acquiescing to Israeli censorship and narrative control. In November, CNN’s White House correspondent Jeremy Diamond joined a small number of journalists, including ABC’s Ian Pannell and Fox News’s Trey Yingst, in announcing that they would be covering the “Israel-Hamas war” from inside Gaza—but under serious limitations: “As a condition to enter Gaza under IDF escort, outlets have to submit all materials and footage to the Israeli military for review prior to publication,” said Becky Anderson, who introduced Diamond’s report. While there is nothing new about journalists embedding with armed forces, Israel’s required screening and censorship of reporting stand out when compared to other militaries. Indeed, even the US military did not explicitly mandate that journalists embedded with its forces in Iraq submit all of their reporting for approval prior to publishing, except in select cases involving classified information.

Effective journalism requires constant verification and fact-checking, informed by an instinct for skepticism. By accepting Israel’s uniquely onerous censorship terms in Gaza, journalists are doing more harm than good. The information Israel allows to be published is carefully selected to justify the targeting and killing of Palestinian civilians, and by only reporting the approved narrative of a military currently engaged in genocide, journalists are effectively giving a platform to war crimes justifications. Uncritically regurgitating unverified claims made by a military with a history of information manipulation in the midst of a genocide is not journalism; it is stenography.

Unobjective OSINT Analysts

As traditional journalism fails the tests of objectivity, OSINT once again finds itself in the spotlight. Over recent years, OSINT has emerged as a trusted source of news and objective analysis amid waning confidence in state institutions and traditional media. Much of this is due to the traceable, transparent nature of open-source investigations, which has made OSINT analysts popular sources of news and situational analysis for journalists, lawmakers, and the public alike.

When it comes to public opinion, much of the proclivity to exceptionalize Israeli war crimes is due to the failure of journalists to critically analyze Israeli narratives against the backdrop of Israel’s history of disinformation.

Open-source investigations have been pivotal in countering Israeli state-sponsored disinformation. In one instance, a New York Times investigation refuted Israeli claims that a misfired Palestinian rocket hit Al-Shifa Hospital courtyard on November 10th, revealing that the projectile was, in fact, an Israeli artillery shell. This exposed not only Israeli responsibility for the strike but also their deceptive tactics, which went as far as providing a false mockup of radar data to deceive the media.

While OSINT has once again proven to be an integral tool in war crimes investigations by circumventing Israeli access denial and debunking disinformation, some popular OSINT accounts have discarded their facades of objectivity. While this is indicative of wider trends in the deteriorating information environment on social media, a growing number of popular OSINT accounts are using their far-reaching platforms to peddle Israeli disinformation and even cover up Israeli war crimes.

Perhaps the most obvious example of this is an X account by the name of OSINT Defender. A self-described “Open Source Intelligence Monitor focused on Europe and Conflicts across the World,” OSINT Defender gained prominence covering the war in Ukraine. Recent investigations have revealed OSINT Defender’s identity as Simon Anderson, a member of the US military and resident of the state of Georgia. Since October 7th, the account has developed a reputation for sharing Israeli disinformation, dehumanizing Palestinians, and justifying Israeli war crimes.

OSINT Defender has shared debunked Israeli claims of the alleged Hamas command center under Al-Shifa and described hundreds of Palestinian civilians rounded up and tortured by Israeli forces as “Hamas terrorists.” The Israeli military itself later admitted that those rounded up were indeed civilians, but OSINT Defender never retracted the original posts. He has also fueled racist “Pallywood” tropes and routinely describes peaceful protesters calling for a ceasefire as violent “Hamas supporters.” If that wasn’t enough, Anderson also claimed that the group of journalists killed by an Israeli tank shell in southern Lebanon were filming “current exchanges of fire,” when in reality, no active combat was ongoing at the time they were targeted. In none of these cases has OSINT Defender publicly retracted or corrected the false claims, even when debunked.

While experienced analysts and journalists may be able to identify the disinformation and engagement farming that accounts like OSINT Defender are known for, the same cannot be said for the general public. Their understanding of Israel’s assault on Gaza continues to be shaped by analysts assumed to be objective who, in reality, act as an extended arm of the Israeli propaganda machine. For example, accounts such as Aleph א and Israel Radar provide more technical analysis of developments throughout the region, but never question Israeli military narratives or correct Israeli disinformation, even when it is publicly debunked. They routinely fact check other accounts for sharing disinformation, but give the Israeli military a pass from the same verification process. For example, while pro-Israel accounts were quick to share Israel’s fabricated radar data mockup that claimed misfired Palestinian rockets struck Al-Shifa on November 10th, they were nowhere to be seen when subsequent investigations debunked it.


Israel’s strategy in Gaza is not limited to dehumanizing Palestinians and justifying war crimes under the guise of self-defense. In addition to saturating the information environment with an unprecedented deluge of state-sponsored disinformation, Israel has further isolated Gaza by deliberately targeting and destroying communications infrastructure. The resulting communications blackouts have thrust Gaza further into the dark, making it increasingly difficult for Palestinians to share evidence of Israeli war crimes with the outside world. As a result, efforts to push back against Israeli disinformation are severely hindered and Israeli propaganda can run amok.

Israel’s near-total control of the information environment is further compounded by the global network of journalists and OSINT analysts who, wittingly or unwittingly, act as uncritical conduits for pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian narratives. This phenomenon underscores a dangerous precedent, where the rapid dissemination of information—or disinformation—can shape international perceptions in real time before thorough verification or counter-narratives can take hold.

Moreover, Israel’s information warfare tactics, deeply ingrained in the nation’s military and political ethos, serve as a stark reminder of the power of narrative control in facilitating mass atrocities. The case of Gaza presents a microcosm of a broader, global challenge: how to navigate and counter state-sponsored disinformation in a hyper-connected world.


Civil society and NGOs should collaborate to enhance media literacy and offer training opportunities designed to educate the general public on how to identify disinformation and propaganda. While this applies to all forms of media, training in basic OSINT collection methods would arm audiences with the tools they need to verify information as it comes out in real time. This could include training on conducting reverse image searches, geolocating footage shared online, and cross-checking information across multiple trustworthy sources. They should also advocate for increased funding of independent fact-checking organizations, such as Al-Haq and Forensic Architecture.
Media organizations and journalists should adhere to widely recognized journalistic and editorial standards when it comes to fact-checking and source verification, especially during conflicts characterized by rampant human rights abuses and war crimes. Claims made by militaries or armed groups should be treated with heightened scrutiny. In light of access limitations imposed by Israel, it is imperative for media organizations to prioritize sourcing news content and situational updates from Palestinian sources and hiring Palestinian reporters wherever feasible.
International law is woefully unprepared to address the evolving nature of state-sponsored disinformation in the digital age. In addition to developing wider legal frameworks to address the issue, the UN and other international bodies should establish a task force to monitor and document instances of Israeli state-sponsored disinformation designed to dehumanize Palestinians and justify mass killing. This information can be included as evidence of Israel’s genocidal intent in ongoing and future investigations.
Social media companies must take action to address their role in facilitating the spread of disinformation and propaganda that dehumanize Palestinians and justify war crimes. This includes implementing robust fact-checking mechanisms, enhancing transparency in content moderation efforts, collaborating with independent fact-checkers, strengthening community standards, and amplifying Palestinian voices, rather than censoring them. ... s-arsenal/

Ansar Allah Leader Dr. Hizam Al-Assad on Yemen’s Struggle, Naval Confrontations and Global Alliances
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MARCH 12, 2024
Ahmed Abdulkareem


Since the outbreak of the war on Gaza and subsequent tensions in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, and the Arabian Sea, MintPress News has sought dialogue with the most important decision-makers in Ansar Allah, who are leading the charge in Yemen’s resistance against Israeli interests there in a bid to force Israel to accept a ceasefire and allow aid to enter the besieged Strip.

We aim to ask deep and fundamental questions that are of interest to Western readers and people around the world, particularly in the United States, where the media often fails to provide an alternative, let alone opposing, point of view.

MintPress News not only seeks to convey events from the ground in Yemen, but to break the unilateral narrative that has largely prevailed throughout the world about the explosive events in Bab al-Mandab, arguably the most important international strait and shipping corridor. It is in this context that MintPress News has reopened on-the-ground reporting in Yemen, bringing readers exclusive stories and interviews with prominent officials behind recent events like the sinking of a British cargo ship, American airstrikes on the Yemeni mainland, deadly attacks against commercial and military vessels belonging to the U.S., Britain, and Israel, allegations of sabotage of internet cables in the Red and Arabian Seas, the European military mission “Aspides,” and other thorny issues, including the Iranian agenda in the Red Sea, peace in the war-torn country, and an anticipated invasion of Yemen.

For that, MintPress News correspondent Ahmed Abdulkareem interviewed prominent member of the Ansar Allah movement, Dr. Hizam Al-Assad, who is an active member and plays a role in developments in the Red Sea and supporting the people of Gaza. A video showing Dr. Al-Assad along and his team performing the traditional Yemeni Buraa dance on the deck of the Israeli-linked ship, the Galaxy, after its seizure by Ansar Allah in the Red Sea on November 19, 2023, went viral last fall on Arab news and social media platforms, garnering millions of views. The seizure of the Galaxy was Ansar Allah’s first operation since the onset of Israel’s war on Gaza.

MintPress News: Since October 27, when Israel began the war on Gaza, Ansar Allah announced it would target Israel with missiles and drones and prevent Israeli ships from crossing the Red Sea in addition to targeting U.S. and UK ships. Does Ansar Allah intend to continue this campaign?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: Our attitude on the US-backed Israeli aggression and siege on our people in Gaza is a religious, humanitarian and moral attitude, especially when Zionists went too far in their crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza – genocidal crimes that have been committed against tens of thousands of children, women and civilians in a geographical area that is besieged from all sides.

Because of that, the Yemeni people, represented by their leadership and army, moved to support the oppressed people in Gaza by striking “Israeli” [territory] and targeting ships linked to Israel, or heading to its ports, until the aggression stops and the siege on the people in Gaza is lifted. And because of the American-British aggression against our country, our army had to respond by targeting Washington and London’s ships and military assets in the Red and Arabian Seas.

We confirm that as long as the aggression and siege on our brothers in Gaza continues, ships linked to the Israeli enemy entity will continue to be targeted, as well as targeting Israeli [territory], in addition to continuing to confront and respond to the British-American aggression over our country. Our response is a legitimate right guaranteed by all international and humanitarian systems and laws.

The danger of Washington’s attacks on Yemen’s mainland lies not only in exposing civilians to danger but has the potential to spark retaliatory measures taken by Ansar Allah should pressure from the public and family members of victims continue to mount.

MintPress News: For the third month in a row, the United States and Britain continue to bomb Hodeidah Governorate and other Yemeni governorates, including the capital, Sana’a. Have these strikes undermined Ansar Allah’s capabilities, as is the stated goal of the attacks on Yemen?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: As for the American and British strikes on our country, they are considered an unjustified and blatant attack on the sovereignty of the Republic of Yemen, especially since the operations of our naval forces supporting the people of Gaza do not target international navigation but are limited to preventing or targeting ships linked to the Israeli enemy entity to pressure it to stop its aggression and crimes and to lift the siege on the residents of the Gaza Strip.

However, the American and British strikes on our country did not significantly undermine our army’s military capabilities. Rather, we increased the pace of confrontation and escalation in targeting U.S. and British ships, and we may go beyond that to target U.S. interests in the region, which is a legitimate and guaranteed right.

MintPress News: What is Ansar Allah’s position on potential escalatory steps that Israel may take in Gaza, especially an invasion of Rafah, as well as the potential for an expansion of U.S. and British attacks in the Red Sea or even a U.S.-led ground invasion of Yemen?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: Israel continues to carry out its crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza with direct American support and participation. The body parts and blood of Gaza’s children have become a disgrace to America, especially as it not only continues to provide military support to the Israeli occupation entity in order to kill more women and children but also to use its veto power in the UN Security Council to thwart any draft resolution aimed to stop the war.

Any new Israeli approach to escalation in Rafah may expose more than one million, three hundred thousand people to certain death and will put international and humanitarian organizations and human rights laws to the test, especially since Washington, which always pays lip service to humanity and the protection of rights, is still insisting on continuing to support the Israeli army as it continues committing more crimes against a defenseless people, and American airlifts continues to supply the Israeli army with bombs, missiles, and deadly shells that kill hundreds of children, women, and civilians every day. It also destroys homes, hospitals, places of displacement, and civilian facilities.

All of this makes it necessary for us to continue supporting and escalating military operations. We have, thanks to God, options and major, powerful surprises that will be painful for Israel, America and the British.

We are waging an honorable battle to support the vulnerable and oppressed in the face of satanic and evil forces that spread devastation, destruction and blood. They also bomb, kill and commit genocide against tens of thousands of children, women and civilians in a narrow and besieged geographical area.

Regarding escalation by the United States, our response may be earth-shattering and severe. America’s interests will be harmed, and its soldiers will be killed. Their bodies may not return home because they are aggressors against our country and participating in the killing and siege of our brothers in Gaza.

If the American forces decide to enter into a ground war, this is what our Yemeni people, armed with faith, iron, and fire, aspire to and desire. The Yemeni citizen longs for the day when they can confront the American invaders and occupiers face to face.

As for our naval forces, they contribute to securing international navigation and have never been a source of danger or concern to maritime shipping lines. However, Washington is trying to use these flimsy excuses to justify its attacks to those who still believe it, as it claims that it secures international navigation. In reality, it participates with Israel in the killing and siege against our brothers in the Gaza Strip. They are trying to protect Israeli ships in the Red and Arab Seas and ignoring the interests of taxpayers. They are also carrying out aggression against Yemen.

MintPress News: Over the past few days, the roads closed between areas controlled by the National Salvation Government and those controlled by the Saudi coalition’s allies have been reopened. Can you tell MintPress more about this? What is the state of reconciliation efforts between opposing parties in Yemen?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: The path of Yemeni negotiations with the Saudi-led Coalition, especially Saudi Arabia, is ongoing and continued. There is a roadmap project that may be finalized and signed soon, despite continuing American pressure aimed at disrupting this path because of our positions rejecting the continuation of Israeli-American crimes against the residents of Gaza.

Regarding the reopening of roads in either some military contact areas or in some axes of the fronts, there has been a breakthrough in some areas after the Sanaa government’s [Ansar Allah] initiative to open them with local mediation and guarantees and far from American pressure trying to hinder peace in Yemen.

Ansar Allah has made it clear that they don’t plan on abandoning their support for the Palestinian cause in the face of mounting pressure on Yemen.

MintPress News: Ansar Allah announced the downing of a U.S. warplane and the sinking of a British ship, in addition to the targeting of U.S. and British warships. Do you consider this an escalation by Ansar Allah due to the war on Gaza, or is it related to Washington’s recent decision to classify Ansar Allah as a terrorist group?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: The Yemeni armed forces will continue to target ships linked to Israel until the aggression is stopped and the siege on our people in Gaza is lifted. Regarding the strike on US.. ships and military assets in the Red and Arabian Seas, [we have] an escalatory and strategic plan to target them and cleanse our territorial waters of them as a response to their aggression against Yemen.

Our goal is to bring security and peace to the region. The American forces that traveled a distance of more than ten thousand miles to reach our seas came to militarize the Red Sea and to spread problems, wars and aggression against our country and participate in the killing of Palestinian people.

The American people must know that their forces are not in a defensive position but are in an aggressive position. International navigation in the Red Sea is safe and proceeding normally and naturally. The evidence of this is the continuation of [maritime] traffic to all destinations except those heading to the Israeli enemy entity or the American and British ships, as they are still carrying out aggression against our country.

Regarding the Biden administration’s classification of us as terrorists, it is a political classification whose purpose is to blackmail us into abandoning our support of the Palestinian people in Gaza. We are not concerned about America’s classifications because it is an enemy that has already been defeated and will not hesitate to make accusations against its opponent.

In fact, the United States, given its criminal record, is considered the head of evil, terrorism, and criminality in the whole world, and throughout its bloody history, it is the mother of terrorism and its source. It is the one who practices oppression and terrorism against the peoples of the world under the same titles and justifications.

As for those who support just humanitarian and moral issues and support the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza, they are those who fight terrorism and confront the forces of arrogance and global criminality.

MintPress News: On February 19, a European military mission led by Greece called Aspides was launched. The mission’s stated aim is to use battleships and frigates to protect navigation in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. What is Ansar Allah’s position on Aspides?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: According to European officials who spoke to us, their mission is defensive, to accompany some European ships. It has nothing to do with American and British hostilities and will not represent a threat to the Republic of Yemen.

So far, we are still taking them for their word. If any country sides with the U.S. and Britain in the aggression against Yemen, the fate of its ships, navigational interests, and others will be the same fate that Washington’s and London’s ships are facing right now in the Red and Arabian Seas.

There is no threat posed by Asnar Allah to international navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas. Our naval forces have contributed greatly and for years to securing international navigation, while the imminent danger to the security and safety of international navigation lies in the American-British escalation: the attempt to militarize the Red Sea and the launching of missiles toward Yemen’s territory from the proximity of commercial ships, as well as threatening and forcing major shipping companies not to pass through Bab al-Mandab, and obliging ships sailing across the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea to turn off their identification devices.

All of these evil measures, which I mentioned, are an attempt to create confusion around the security of international navigation and an attempt to portray the operations of our naval forces against Israeli ships as posing a threat to the security of navigation for the purpose of inciting world opinion against us. The Biden administration is deceiving its people who pay taxes as it spends their money to harm them and cause damage to their interests, not to service them or protect their interests, such as the well-being of commercial ships.

Ansar Allah’s second-in-command, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, joins MintPress in an exclusive interview to discuss tensions with the US and Israel as well as the movements’ goals and contingency plans in case conflict in Yemen escalates into an all-out war.

MintPress News: What is your response to claims Ansar Allah threatens international navigation in the Red Sea, that it poses a danger to underwater internet cables and that it exposes the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden to environmental danger by targeting oil tankers such as the recent sinking of the MV Rubymar?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: Regarding the sinking of the British Rubymar, we are committed to our people and our nation, and we will continue to target and sink all American and British ships within the right of response to their aggression against our country. It is the least we can do in the face of the brutality, crime, and arrogance practiced by Washington and London towards our country and our nation. I can confirm to MintPress News that there are major, powerful, and unexpected surprises for our enemy if the attacks against our country continue.

Regarding optical internet lines and cables in the Red and Arabian Seas, over the past month, Washington has sought to sabotage them after raising the issue in the media. This was a preemptive move intended to blame our naval forces.

We affirm our commitment to contribute to protecting and securing international shipping lines and internet cables in the Red and Arabian Seas. Furthermore, we will protect it from the danger posed by the aggressing American and British forces. For us, this is a religious, moral and humanitarian obligation and is consistent with international laws and treaties, as our country is one of the most important riparian countries and has the right to do so. The United States, which came to the region for one goal only, to protect Israel, will not hesitate to harm the interests of the world in favor of Israel.

MintPress News: Ansar Allah is accused of implementing Tehran’s agenda in the Red Sea. First, is the characterization true? Second, what is the relationship between Ansar Allah and Iran?

Dr. Hizam Al-Assad: Our positions and decisions are completely independent. Our relationship with Iran is a brotherly and equal relationship. We agree and meet with Tehran and all the free people of the region and the world on humanitarian stances that support the right of the Palestinian people to live and remain on their land and to defend their threatened existence. ... alliances/


Israel commits new massacre against starving Gazans

The new attack took place on the same street as last month’s infamous ‘Flour Massacre’

News Desk

MAR 12, 2024

(Photo credit: Reuters)

The Israeli army opened fire at dozens of Palestinians lined up for food aid on 12 March, the Gaza Strip’s Government Media office announced.

“The occupation army once again targeted Palestinians waiting for aid to enter at the Kuwait Roundabout this morning, resulting in a number of martyrs and dozens of wounded,” head of the media office Salama Maarouf said on Tuesday.

“This new crime raises the number of martyrs killed by the occupation while waiting for aid at the Kuwait Roundabout and Al-Rashid Street, to more than 400 martyrs, and 1300 wounded, so far,” Salama added.

Israeli troops committed a massacre against starving Palestinians on northern Gaza’s Al-Rashid Street on 29 February. The brutal attack, which killed over a hundred Palestinians, has come to be known as the Flour Massacre.

Israel has deflected blame through an internal army investigation. Israel claims most of the deaths occurred because the Palestinians trampled each other to death trying to get flour sacks from the aid convoy. Tel Aviv also claimed soldiers fired shots at Palestinians who were “endangering troops.”

Yet the testimonies gathered from Palestinians who survived the massacre described Israeli forces as opening fire indiscriminately on the crowd, causing aid seekers to flee and trucks to drive away. Doctors at Gaza hospitals reported that most of the injured had gunshot wounds, suggesting most of the dead were killed by Israeli gunfire.

At the start of this month, the US vetoed a UN Security Council statement condemning the massacre, marking the fifth time Washington has blocked a UNSC statement or ceasefire resolution that would hold Israel accountable for the atrocities it has committed in Gaza.

Israel has continued to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. Despite recent Israeli-approved air drops by the air forces of Jordan and the US – which have been described as insufficient by Gaza’s civil defense – famine has overtaken the strip.

Since last weekend, at least a dozen children have died from severe hunger and thirst in Gaza. ... ing-gazans

Israeli troops launch massive invasion of Jenin

Heavy clashes broke out between the army and the Jenin resistance, lasting for hours

News Desk

MAR 13, 2024

(Photo credit: Reuters)

Israeli troops carried out a large incursion into the occupied West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp on 12 March, killing two Palestinians and injuring several others.

Intense clashes between the Israeli army and the resistance in Jenin took place for hours throughout the city and camp.

Heavy armed clashes between resistance fighters and "Israeli" forces in Jenin

— WAR News 🇵🇸🇱🇧🇮🇷🇾🇪🇮🇶🇸🇾 (@WAR3138) March 12, 2024
Army forces made their way from the Muqabilah opening towards the city of Jenin shortly before midnight, according to a correspondent for the Jenin al-Qassam telegram channel.

“Israeli forces stormed the city and the adjacent refugee camp of Jenin with dozens of military vehicles and bulldozers supported by drones and special undercover units,” Palestinian news agency WAFA reported, citing locals and Palestinian security sources.

Witnesses confirmed that Israeli bulldozers inflicted massive damage on the city’s infrastructure, deliberately destroying roads and sewage lines, as is customary during Israeli raids in Jenin.

Heavy clashes broke out between the army and the resistance, which targeted Israeli forces with numerous explosive devices.

“Our fighters detonated a number of pre-prepared high-explosive devices against occupation vehicles in several areas inside the Jenin camp,” the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade said in a statement early on 13 March, as clashes continued to rage across the camp.

🚨 Resistance fighters detonated a high-powered explosive device on an IOF vehicle during the ongoing massive invasion of #Jenin. The explosion was reportedly heard in the entire governorate.

— Suppressed Voice. (@SuppressedNws) March 12, 2024
The Jenin Brigade of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) movement’s Quds Brigades also said they were “engaging in armed clashes with occupation forces storming Jenin camp, targeting them with bullets and explosive devices.”

Israeli troops ended up withdrawing from the city at around dawn on Wednesday.

The latest raid in Jenin followed a surge of Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank and the holy city of Jerusalem.

A 13-year-old Palestinian boy was shot and killed by Israeli forces in occupied Jerusalem’s Shuafat camp on Tuesday evening. Two others were killed by Israeli forces northwest of Jerusalem overnight.

Tensions have been high in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem since the start of Ramadan due to Israeli restrictions on Palestinian access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. ... n-of-jenin

Israel steps up attacks on eastern Lebanon in marked escalation

Israel has struck eastern Lebanon three times in the last 24 hours

News Desk

MAR 12, 2024

(Photo credit: X)

Israel targeted a number of areas near Baalbek in Lebanon’s eastern Beqaa Valley on 12 March, marking a significant escalation.

Israeli warplanes struck the town of Sarin in the Beqaa, as well as the town of Nabi Sheet.

The Lebanese Civil Defense reported two deaths and at least 10 injuries as a result of the renewed attacks on eastern Lebanon.

“An unexploded missile was found under the main road in the town of Hrajel Al-Kesrawaniya (Mount Lebanon). It is believed that it fell from one of the Israeli planes flying toward the Beqaa Valley to carry out raids. Security forces and a military expert came to the site and are working to dismantle the missile,” Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) reported on Tuesday afternoon.

Hezbollah carried out several attacks on Israeli sites later in the afternoon, including Burkan missile attacks on the Birkat Risha site and the Zarit barracks.

The Israeli attacks in the Beqaa on 12 March came after Israel bombed Baalbek on Monday night. Hezbollah responded on Tuesday morning with over 100 rockets on Israeli sites in the occupied Golan Heights.

Washington has been trying to pressure Lebanon into a de-escalation agreement involving Hezbollah’s withdrawal from the border area. The proposed deal draws no concessions from Israel and has been described as one-sided and impartial by Lebanese officials. The resistance group has rejected the proposal, and Lebanon’s government has not responded to it.

Hezbollah has vowed to continue attacking Israeli sites until the war in Gaza is brought to an end. ... escalation

Hezbollah chief to Israel: 'You have lost the war'

The resistance leader asserted that an operation in Rafah would not bring Israel victory as it claims

News Desk

MAR 14, 2024

(Photo credit: X)

Hezbollah’s Secretary-General, Hassan Nasrallah, said in a speech on 13 March that Israel has lost the war in Gaza, even if it proceeds with plans to launch a deadly assault on the southernmost city of Rafah, which Tel Aviv claims is the key to its victory.

Nasrallah praised the “patience” of the Palestinian people in Gaza, calling it “miraculous.” He also praised the outcome of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and its “strategic achievements.”

“Today, on the sixth month, Netanyahu says, ‘If we do not go to Rafah, we have lost.’ And I say to him, even if you go to Rafah, you have lost this war. After six months of fighting, you have not been able to provide even an image of victory,” the resistance leader said.

He added that despite all the massacres and difficult conditions, the people of Gaza still support the resistance.

“What is the first and biggest goal Israel announced at the start of this war? The defeat of Hamas. Today, we are in the sixth month. Who is it negotiating with? Hamas,” Nasrallah went on to say.

Nasrallah added that Hamas is negotiating “from a position of victory,” praising it for imposing and standing by its terms. He also condemned western “deception” around the ongoing truce efforts, which he said Washington has lied about it by saying that “the ball is in Hamas’ court.”

Recent truce efforts have stalled due to Israel’s refusal of the terms of the Palestinian resistance, which demands an immediate end to the war, a permanent ceasefire, and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip.

Concerning Lebanon, Nasrallah confirmed that the “Lebanese front will remain in a position of support alongside the resistance, the people of Gaza, and the leadership of Hamas, whatever the time.”

Since 8 October, Hezbollah has been launching daily operations against Israeli sites in support of the resistance in Gaza.

Israel has continued to escalate attacks on civilians in southern and eastern Lebanon, prompting Hezbollah to widen its target range.

In response to recent attacks on eastern Lebanon’s Beqaa region and continuous indiscriminate bombardment of the south, Hezbollah has struck several strategic Israeli sites in the occupied Golan Heights and Galilee.

Western-led efforts to de-escalate the southern front have failed, as Hezbollah continues to stand by its position that it will not stop fighting until the war in Gaza is brought to an end. Israel has been threatening to widen the war against Lebanon as a result.

Nasrallah responded to criticism, claiming that the Lebanese resistance’s operations have not helped Gaza or affected Israel.

“100,000 Zionist soldiers are deployed near the Lebanon border to prevent the resistance from invading occupied Palestine,” he said, adding that Israel is suffering heavy losses.

“Israel does not have enough soldiers to wage a war on Lebanon,” he said, repeating the recent comments made by former Israeli prime minister Yair Lapid. Nasrallah also referred to the crisis of ultra-orthodox military service, which is a sign of impending “collapse” for Israel.

“Further patience will lead the Axis of Resistance to achieve a major victory,” he said, highlighting “Zionist military, economic, and political exhaustion.” Around 200,000 Israelis have been forced to flee their settlements in the north of Israel, creating what Hebrew media has referred to as a “buffer zone” imposed by Hezbollah upon the occupied Galilee.

“Whoever wants to evaluate what the resistance is doing on our front must see that the resistance deters the enemy from waging a war on Lebanon.” ... st-the-war

Several killed by Israeli shelling on UNRWA aid facility in Rafah

The attack comes one day after Israeli forces opened fire at Palestinians waiting for food aid in north Gaza

News Desk

MAR 13, 2024

The aftermath of an Israeli attack on an UNRWA facility. 24 January, 2024. (Photo credit: Ramez Habboub/AA/Getty Images)
At least five Palestinians were killed on 13 March by Israeli army shelling on a humanitarian aid distribution center in the Gaza Strip’s southernmost city of Rafah.

“We can confirm that an UNRWA warehouse/distribution center in Rafah has been hit,” UNRWA spokeswoman Juliette Touma said, adding that there are “scores injured.”

The Gaza Strip’s Health Ministry reported that the bombing of a warehouse killed at least five people.

Videos on social media showed what looked like both dead and wounded being carried.

Medical sources in Gaza told Anadolu Agency (AA) that some of those injured are in critical condition.

The Israeli military has not commented on the matter.

At least two other Palestinians were killed as a result of Israeli attacks on Rafah. The southernmost city is desperately overcrowded with over a million Palestinians, many of whom have been displaced from other areas of the strip.

Israel claims the city is Hamas’ final stronghold and is planning a devastating assault there, which the UN and many countries worldwide have said poses the threat of an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

The attack on the UNRWA center comes one day after Israeli forces opened fire at dozens of Palestinians lined up for food aid.

“The occupation army once again targeted Palestinians waiting for aid to enter at the Kuwait Roundabout this morning, resulting in a number of martyrs and dozens of wounded,” head of the media office Salama Maarouf said on Tuesday.

“This new crime raises the number of martyrs killed by the occupation while waiting for aid at the Kuwait Roundabout and Al-Rashid Street to more than 400 martyrs and 1300 wounded so far,” Maarouf added.

Israeli troops committed a massacre against Palestinians seeking aid in northern Gaza’s Al-Rashid Street on 29 February. The brutal attack, which killed over a hundred Palestinians, has come to be known as the Flour Massacre.

Israel has continued to attack starving Palestinians, as well as aid centers and shelters.

Over 400 internally displaced Palestinians have been killed by the bombing of UNRWA shelters. The UN agency has lost more than 160 employees due to Israeli bombardment.

Tel Aviv has announced plans to dismantle UNRWA over unfounded allegations that some of its employees participated in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October. Israel has yet to provide any evidence for its claims.

Israel has continued to prevent the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. Despite recent Israeli-approved air drops by the air forces of Jordan and the US – which have been described as insufficient by Gaza’s civil defense – famine has overtaken the strip. ... y-in-rafah
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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