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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:33 pm

SAR Supreme Command: Turkish convoy enters Syrian territory under the guise of Israeli aggression


The High Command of the Army and Armed Forces of the SAR announced that on 02/06/2020 at exactly 2 a.m. at the same time as the Israeli air aggression and under its cover a convoy of Turkish military equipment, including armored vehicles, entered Syrian territory from Turkey.

The statement said that Turkish technology was deployed on the line between the villages of Binnish, Maaret Misrin and Taftanaz, in order to protect terrorists led by Jebhat Al-Nusra and prevent the Syrian army from attacking, as well as to prevent the complete elimination of organized terrorism, which is blocking the civilian population of Idleb province, taking him hostage and using him as a "human shield".

The synchronized efforts of Israel, Turkey and all those who support armed takifirist terrorism will not be able to force the army to abandon their military tasks until the complete liberation of all Syrian land from terrorist groups, the statement said.

* N.S. / M.K.


Military source: To save the lives of the surrounded civilians, it is allowed to regulate the status of all those who lay down their arms

A military source said that militants who block civilians in the city of Serakib and the Tel Tukan area are given a last chance to lay down their arms and settle their status.

A source in a statement to SANA stressed that the Syrian Arab army continues to fulfill its patriotic duty to protect the land and eliminate terrorist groups, which continue to attack the civilian population in the Idleb de-escalation zone, holding them as hostages and human shields in Serakib and Tel -Toucans.

“In an attempt by our armed forces to give the militants a last chance to save the lives of the surrounded civilians, the army units operating in this area are instructed to give those who decide to lay down their arms to settle their status instead of relying on Turkish terrorist support acting under different names, ”the source added.

The High Command of the Army and Armed Forces confirms that the presence of Turkish forces is illegal and constitutes a flagrant hostile act, and that it is ready to immediately respond to any aggression on their part by the Syrian forces operating in the area.

N.K. / M.K.

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Israeli escalation will not be able to save the terrorists defeated in Idleb and in the west of Aleppo


Damascus - SANA


A military source said that today after midnight, air defense systems of the ATS repelled two waves of air aggression. The first wave began at 01:12 and was aimed at a number of military facilities in the vicinity of Damascus. The second wave was carried out at 01:41 against military positions in the vicinity of Daraa, Kuneitra and in the province of Damascus. Israeli military aircraft launched massive strikes from the airspace of southern Lebanon and the occupied Syrian Golan.

A military source noted that the vigilance of air defense fighters contributed to the destruction of a large number of enemy missiles. As a result of the aggression, 8 servicemen were injured and material damage was also caused.

The High Command of the Army and the Armed Forces of the SAR confirmed that this Israeli escalation will not be able to save the terrorist groups that are defeated in Idleb and in the west of Aleppo under the attacks of the Syrian army, the source said.

* N.S. / M.K.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:18 pm

The Syrian Army secures M5 highway and strikes blow to Erdogan
February 12, 2020 Kevork Almasian Syriana TV 0


I’ve been talking about the strategy of the Syrian Army in the last couple of weeks and the intention of the SAA to capture the M5 highway. Now, the motorway that links between Aleppo and Damascus is completely liberated for the first time since 2012.

The M5 highway will need a few months to be in full service again because the SAA must secure at least 10 KM on both sides of the highway and to reconstruct the road after years of vandalism and destruction by the takfiri terrorists. However, this is great news for Syrians, especially for the people of Aleppo who were disconnected from the outside world since 2012 and unable to travel or do business freely.

Now, after liberating Icarda, the Syrian Army is trying to advance from Kafr Halab and Miznaz towards west and north-west, particularly to Ibbin and all the way to Dar Izza. If the SAA succeeds in capturing this area, the entire western periphery of Aleppo will be besieged and fall in a matter of time. That includes, of course, Kafr Hamra, Hreitan and Anadan.

Although the takfiri terrorists launched a big offensive on Nayrab under the fire cover of the Turkish occupation army, the SAA has not only repelled the attack but also trying to advance towards Qaminas, Najjarah and Sarmin. This advance is crucial for any future operation to recapture the city of Idlib.

Obviously, the Turkish side is unhappy for losing its proxy terrorist army in Syria. Therefore, Erdogan has sent hundreds of armoured vehicles, soldiers and ammunition to support Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists. However, the Syrian Army backed by the Russian forces didn’t hesitate to bomb a few Turkish posts and at least 14 soldiers were killed and 41 wounded. The targeted posts included Taftanaz airbase, which is a training camp for Uzbek and Uyghur terrorists. The airport is not part of the Sochi agreement. So, what do Turkish occupation soldiers do with internationally designated terrorists?

The escalation followed by marathonian negotiations between Moscow and Ankara, but they weren’t fruitful. So, Erdogan made some bold statements today saying that:

Turkey is determined to push the Syrian forces behind Turkish observation posts in Idlib by the end of February. To this end, Turkey will take all necessary steps, including the use of land and air means and will strike the Syrian army, even in areas not covered by the Sochi Agreement, if it attacks Turkish forces. Erdogan added that no one will be safe in a place where the Turkish soldiers’ blood has been wasted and the aircrafts bombing civilians in Idlib will not be able to fly as freely as before.

On the other hand, an official source at the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Syria categorically rejects any Turkish presence on the Syrian territories that constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and a blatant attack on Syrian sovereignty and contradicts the Astana and Sochi understandings regarding the de-escalation zone in Idlib, which confirms Erdogan’s regime’s insistence on disrespecting any pledges and continue acting outside the law.

The source added that the attacks of the Turkish regime will not succeed in reviving the terrorist organizations, and the Syrian Army will continue to hunt the remnants of these organizations until they are completely eliminated and to regain control of all Syrian lands.

Now, in your opinion, do you think Erdogan will launch a massive attack on the Syrian Army in Idlib? And if Erdogan was bloodthirsty enough to do so, what would be the reaction of the Russian army that is accompanying the Syrian army in Idlib? ... naAnalysis
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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:42 pm

Fallouh: Syria fights terrorism on its land until liberating every span of it


19 February، 2020

New York, SANA-Acting Charge de ’Affairs of Syria’s permanent mission to the UN, Louay Fallouh, said on Wednesday that some states at UN Security council exploit it to market for baseless allegations and hinder the Syrian state’s measures in protecting its citizens from practices of terrorists.

Fallouh added in a speech at a UN Security council session on the situation in Syria that a number of western states have escalated their hostile procedures against Syria to prolong the span of the crisis in the country and obstruct the state’s efforts to combat terrorism.

He added that Erdogan’s outlaw regime, supported by western states, continues its aggression on Syrian territories in a bid to rescue its tools of terrorist groups.

The Syrian diplomat stressed that Syria fights terrorism on its land, and it will continue to do so until liberating every span of it.

Fallouh went on to say that Astana and Sochi agreements won’t allow terrorists to make Idleb and its surroundings as a stronghold for them or continue their method to take civilians as human shields.

“The Turkish regime continues supporting the terrorist organizations in Idleb, and it has lately entered a big quantity of arms and munitions to the area and targeted residential areas and military points,” Fallouh said.

He added that the UN has to hold terrorist groups responsible for the destruction and suffering of citizens in Idleb and many other areas.

Fallouh affirmed that the Syrian state is committed to the safety of its citizens and “We are astonished that some UNSC member states ignore the crimes of terrorists and defend them.”

He added that having a success in reaching a solution to the crisis in Syria requires eliminating terrorism and putting an end to the practices of states that support it, stopping their intervention in the country and aggression on Syria.

Fallouh clarified that thousands of Syrians began returning to their residential places in the liberated areas of Aleppo, Idleb and Hama, calling on all displaced Syrians, who were forced to leave their villages because of terrorism, to return home.

Mazen Eyon


Ambassador Ala: Syria is most committed to protect its citizens


19 February، 2020

Geneva, SANA-Syria’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Hossam al-Din Ala, reaffirmed on Wednesday that the Syrian State is the most side that is committed to protect its citizens on all Syrian territories.

“The Process of liberating the Syrian lands from terrorism in Idleb and Aleppo agree with its international obligations in combating terrorism and its national duties in protecting its citizens and preserving territorial integrity in the face of terrorism and occupation,” Ala added in a message sent to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, in response to a statement on the Situation in Syria.

He affirmed that what has come in the statement and the comments of Bachelet spokesman regarding the alleged deliberate targeting of civilians and infrastructure were untrue and rejected and misleading statements which distort the reality and present incorrect image about it.

“It is surprising that the statement of the High Commissioner didn’t mention the terrorist organizations and their crimes, and he describes them, instead, as armed groups… and what is more surprising is that the statement ignores the Turkish illegitimate military presence on Syrian territories in violation of the international law and UN convention,” Ala said.

He added that thousands of Syrians began returning to their residential places in the liberated areas of Aleppo, Idleb and Hama.

“While the Syrian government renews its commitments in responding to the humanitarian needs of its citizens on all Syrian territories, it would like to remind the UN of the humanitarian suffering from the economic terrorism of the unilateral coercive measures imposed by the US and the EU on the Syrian people,” Ala added.

Mazen Eyon


Army units strike terrorist positions in Aleppo, Idleb countryside


19 February، 2020

Aleppo/Idleb, SANA-The Syrian Arab Army units continued on Wednesday their operations against positions, supply routes and axis of terrorist groups’ movements in Aleppo western and Idleb southern countryside.

SANA reporter said that the Syrian Arab Army units launched concentrated strikes on dens of the terrorist groups in the surroundings of al-Atareb, kafer-Nouran , Da’arat Ezza ,Balleh and al-Sahara towns in Aleppo western countryside , inflecting heavy losses upon the terrorists in personnel and equipment.

Meanwhile, the reporter added that the Army units also destroyed with artillery and rocket shells the terrorists ’vehicles and equipment in Deir- Sounbol and outskirts of Ma’arat al-Na’asan and al-Rakyia in Idleb southern countryside.

MH Ibrahim /Mazen


US occupation enters a convoy loaded with logistic equipment to Hasaka


19 February، 2020

Hasaka, SANA- US occupation forces on Wednesday entered a new convoy loaded with logistic equipment and armored vehicles to its illegitimate base in Kharab al-Geir region in Hasaka coming from northern Iraq.

Local sources said that 11 trucks loaded with logistic equipment and armored vehicles entered the US illegitimate base in Kharab al-Geir in al-Malikiyah area in the far northeast side of Hasaka city coming from north of Iraq via al-Walid illegitimate crossing.

In the same context, Turkish occupation forces evacuated some points in the occupied villages from heavy weapons.

A source told SANA reporter that the Turkish occupation transported weapons and heavy equipment, including cannons and tanks from al-Manajir and al-Shibliyah villages in Tal Tamer northern countryside towards Ras al-Ayn city.

A convoy of 13 trucks carrying tanks and armored vehicles for Turkish occupation got out Kaziet Abu Adnan point west of Ras al-Ayn towards al-Mashrafah village south of Ras al-Ayn.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:07 pm

Army units confront a large attack launched by terrorists on Saraqeb, inflict heavy losses on them

27 February، 2020

Idleb, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units have engaged in fierce clashes with “Jabhat al-Nusra” terrorists and the terrorist groups which are backed by the Turkish regime in the western direction of Saraqeb in Idleb southeastern countryside.

SANA reporter said that terrorist groups launched an attack with tens of suicide bombers and bomb cars in the western direction of Saraqeb with an intensive fire cover by the forces of the Turkish regime as army units targeted them with intensive strikes, killing scores of them and injuring others, in addition to destroying a number of their armored vehicles.

The reporter added that army units are conducting missile strikes in the areas and farms where terrorist groups spread west of the city, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The reporter indicated that the terrorist attacks which are backed by the Turkish regime comes in an attempt to compensate for the huge losses inflicted on terrorist organizations in the southern direction of Idleb where the army units have liberated tens of the strategic villages and towns.

The reporter indicated that according to field information, small groups of terrorists infiltrated into the surroundings of Saraqeb International Highway, and the army units are targeting them.

On Wednesday, Army units liberated Kafr Ouaid strategic town, and 15 new villages and towns west and southwest of Ma’aret al-Nu’aman city after inflicting heavy losses on terrorists in the personnel and equipment.

Ruaa al-Jazaeri


Weapons, ammunition and drugs left by terrorists found in southern region (photos)


27 February، 2020

Damascus Countryside, SANA- The competent authorities on Thursday found weapons and ammunition, some of which are made in Turkey, in addition to an amount of drugs left by terrorists in the southern region.

SANA reporter said that the seized weapons included amounts of Turkish-made guns, 14,5mm and 23mm machineguns, PKC machineguns, automatic rifles, a drone, tank shells, 100mm artillery and Fozlika shells, 120mm, 80mm and 60mm mortar shells and more than 180,000 bullets, 12,7mm and 14,5mm ammunition, anti-armor rockets and cars.

The reporter added that an amount of drugs estimated at hundreds of Kgs of Hashish was also found.

The army units, in cooperation with the competent authorities continue combing operations of the villages and towns in all areas which have been liberated by the Syrian Arab Army from terrorism.




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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Fri Feb 28, 2020 2:15 pm

Turkish regime admits killing of 33 of its soldiers, injury of 32 others in Idleb

28 February، 2020

Ankara, SANA- Authorities of the Turkish regime admitted on Friday that the death toll of Turkish soldiers has increased to 33 soldiers due to Syrian Arab Army’s operations against terrorist organizations in Idleb, while the number of the injured reached 32.

Anatolia News Agency quoted Turkish regime’s officials as saying that 33 military personnel were killed in the air strikes in Idleb, and 32 others injured.

Earlier, the Turkish regime admitted the killing of 29 of its soldiers and the injury of 36 others in Idleb.

A military source stressed last night that the Turkish regime provides artillery and shoulder-fired missiles support to terrorists in the battles being carried out on the direction of Saraqeb.

Hala Zain


Turkish troops who came under fire in Idleb were among terrorists, Russian Defense Ministry says

28 February، 2020

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry stressed that Turkish troops who came under fire in Idleb province were among “terrorists”.

In a statement the Russian Defense Ministry said that the Turkish side had not informed Hmeimim-based Russian Reconciliation Center in advance about the presence of Turkish forces in the surroundings of Baihoun town in Idleb, “where they should not have been.”

The statement noted that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and other affiliated terrorist organizations spread in the area as they attempted by the 27th of the current month to launch a wide-scale aggression against the posts of the Syrian Arab army.

It said that Representatives of the Russian Reconciliation Center asked over the last night the Turkish side to communicate the presence of its troops in the area of the fighting operations against the terrorists.

The Russian Defense Ministry stressed, in a statement, on Thursday that the Turkish regime continues breaching Sochi accord on Idleb through providing support to terrorists who have been attacking the Syrian Arab army forces.

Hala Zain


Tal Tamer power station out of service due to Turkish aggression

28 February، 2020

Hasaka, SANA- Tal Tamer power transmission station western countryside of Hasaka went out of service due to Turkish aggression on 66kv high-voltage power line that feeds the station at Um al-Keif town.

Director of Hasaka Electricity Company Anwar al-Ekla told SANA reporter in a statement that Turkish regime has targeted the 66kv high-voltage power line feeding Tal Tamer power station, for the third time, causing electricity blackout in Tal Tamer and the residential neighborhoods.

He pointed out to difficulty of repairing the outage , especially the area which was targeted is adjacent to Turkish occupation forces’ positions and its mercenary terrorists.



Lavrov: Syria has every right to eliminate terrorism from its territories

28 February، 2020

Moscow, SANA- Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that Syria has every right to eliminate terrorism from its territories.

Lavrov remarks’ came during a press conference with his Luxembourg ‘s counterpart Jean Asselborn on Friday in Moscow.

Lavrov said that terrorists which are positioned in Idleb province continue targeting civilians, Syrian Arab Army’s posts , and Hmeimim Airbase in Lattakia, affirming that the Syrian Arab Army has every right to eliminate terrorists in Idleb and anywhere else on the Syrian territory.

Lavrov indicated that the Turkish side has not committed to its obligations under Sochi Agreements on Idleb and it has to implement them, noting that a telephone conversation has been held today between the Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of Turkish Regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan, at the request of the Turkish side, during which they have touched upon this topic.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:22 pm

Foreign Ministry: Supporting terrorism has become a constant strategy of Turkish regime and West policies

29 February، 2020

Damascus, SANA- Syria affirmed that misleading campaigns carried out by Turkish regime and West countries against it over the past few days, have shown the extent of the great support which these countries have been and still are providing to armed terrorist groups, as well as the great investment they wagered on to achieve their hostile schemes to Syrian people’s aspirations.

A source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry told SANA in a statement on Friday that exaggeration by Turkish and West media outlets regarding losses inflicted upon the Syrian Arab Army in the battles taking place on direction of Saraqeb city and their boasting about them constitute an attempt to raise the collapsing morale of terrorists, and represent an official acknowledgement the involvement by Erdogan’s forces in the fight alongside the terrorist groups, as well as Turkey’s lack of commitment to its obligations under Sochi agreement.

The source went on saying that the victories achieved by the Syrian Arab Army over terrorism with the allies’ support, re-opening the Aleppo-Damascus international highway, and regaining control over 130 villages in Idleb, Aleppo, and Hama provinces elicited hysterics by Turkey and the West, which proves that supporting terrorism has become a constant strategy of the policies of the Turkish regime and Western countries in order to reach their despicable and morally objectionable goals, which contradict the provisions of international laws.

The source affirmed that the Syrian Army that managed to save millions of citizens from the threat of terrorism during the past weeks, and it will carry out its duties in eliminating terrorism in all Syrian territory.

English Bulletin


Erdogan uses misleading and lying policy, claims destruction of chemical weapons facilities in Syria


29 February، 2020

Aleppo-Idleb, SANA- President of Turkish regime Recep Tayyip Erdogan continued to use misleading and lying policy to justify his act of aggression on the Syrian territories and support to his mercenaries of terrorist organizations in Syria.

SANA reporter said Saturday that the President of the Turkish regime practices misleading and lying policy and claims the destruction of chemical weapons’ facilities in Syria, indicating that everyone knows that the Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has affirmed in its reports that Syria doesn’t possess any chemical facility.

In the same context, the reporter added that the exaggerations of the Turkish regime related to inflicting losses upon the Syrian Arab army aim at covering the large defeats inflected upon it, its terrorist tools and its criminal schemes against the Syrian people.

Syrian army units engaged in fierce clashes with Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and the terrorist groups backed by the Turkish regime on direction of Saraqeb in Idleb southeastern countryside in parallel with carrying out rocket strikes targeting the areas and farms, west of Saraqeb city, where the terrorist groups are spreading, inflicting heavy losses upon terrorists in personnel and equipment.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:49 pm

Army downs 3 drones for Turkish regime over Idleb, targets terrorists in the province

1 March، 2020


Idleb, SANA – Syrian Arab Army units shot down 3 drones for the Turkish regime on Sunday as part of their operations against terrorists in Idleb countryside and targeted with conentrated strikes the movements of terrorists in the province.

SANA’s reporter said that an army unit has managed to shoot down 3 Turkish drones over Idleb, and that anti-air defenses opened fire on several hostile drones above Hama city.

Earlier in the day, the reporter said that army units downed a drone for the Turkish regime over Saraqeb in Idleb southeastern countryside.

The reporter said the Turkish regime is relying mainly on advanced drones to support terrorists with cover fire and recon.

Army units targeted terrorists with concentrated rocket strikes in the directions of Saraqeb in Idleb’s southeastern countryside and Dadikh, while other units targeted terrorists’ movements and supply lines with artillery and rockets in the direction of Kansafra in the southern countryside of the province.

The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces announced on Sunday the the closing of the airspace above the northwestern part of Syria, particularly over Idleb province, affirming that any aircrafts that violates the airspace will be considered a hostile target and will be shot down.


Army units enter Saraqeb City after fierce clashes with Turkish regime-backed terrorists

2 March، 2020

Idleb, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units on Monday entered Saraqeb City in Idleb southeastern countryside after fierce clashes with Turkish-regime backed terrorist organizations.

SANA reporter said that army units entered Saraqeb City after fierce clashes with terrorist organizations which are backed by the Turkish regime, and they are working on combing the city of what have been left behind by terrorists.

Syrian Arab Army units shot down 3 drones for the Turkish regime on Sunday as part of their operations against terrorists in Idleb countryside and targeted with concentrated strikes the movements of terrorists in the province.

More to follow…



Russian Defense Ministry: Safety of Turkish planes can’t be guaranteed over Syria

2 March، 2020

Moscow, SANA- Russian Defense Ministry announced that Russia can’t guarantee the security of the Turkish planes over Syria after closing the air space over Idleb.

Head Russian Coordination Center in Syria which is affiliated to the Russian Defense Ministry Counter Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev said in a statement to journalists “In these conditions, the Russian military leadership could not guarantee the safety of Turkish planes flying in Syria.”

Earlier on Sunday, the Army and Armed Forces General Command announced that the air space over the northwestern region in Syria was closed, particularly over Idleb and that any plane violates the air space will be dealt with as a hostile target that must be downed and prevented from achieving its goals.

Syrian Arab Army units shot down 3 drones for the Turkish regime on Sunday as part of their operations against terrorists in Idleb countryside and targeted with concentrated strikes the movements of terrorists in the province.

On Sunday evening, the anti-air defenses opened fire on several hostile drones above Hama city.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Sat Mar 28, 2020 1:42 pm

Syrian, Russian committees: Washington transports equipment to terrorists under pretext of humanitarian aid

28 March، 2020


Damascus, SANA-Syrian and Russian coordination committees on the Return of Syrian Refugees affirmed that the US exploits humanitarian situation in al-Rukban Camp and transports equipment to terrorists under the pretext of medical and humanitarian aid to the besieged people in the camp.

“The US side seeks to make use of coronavirus spread and tries to exert pressure on the UN to pass shipments and equipment to the terrorists under the pretext of medical and humanitarian aid to the besieged persons in the camp,” the two committees said in a joint statement.

The statement added that the humanitarian situation in the camp is an outcome of the illegal occupation of this part of Syria by the US.

“Russia and Syria have taken all needed procedures to evacuate the besieged people in the camp,” the statement stressed.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:36 pm

Health Ministry: Second death case of coronavirus registered in Syria


30 March، 2020

Damascus, SANA-Health Ministry announced on Monday that a second person detected with coronavirus in Syria has died.

“A second death case of the coronavirus was registered today, it is one of the 10 cases detected in Syria,” the Ministry said in a statement.

Health Ministry announced on Sunday that a woman who had contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19) died after being hospitalized, marking the first death caused by the virus.

Mazen Eyon


Curfew among provinces comes into effect as of today


31 March، 2020

Damascus, SANA-The curfew among provinces, which was approved by the cabinet last Sunday, came into effect as of today and lasts until April 16th,2020.

The step comes in the framework of the measures taken to confront coronavirus spread in the world.

The Decision to prevent movement of citizens between centers of cities and countryside came into effect on Sunday.

Mazen Eyon


Water supply to Hasaka city restored


31 March، 2020

Hasaka, SANA – The General Establishment of Drinking Water in Hasaka resumed supplying drinking water to Hasaka city after it had been cut off for several days by the Turkish occupation forces and its mercenaries by preventing workers from entering Alouk water station.

Head of the Establishment Mohammad al-Ukla told SANA’s reporter that Alouk water station was activated on Monday evening, filling the reservoirs in Tal Tamr area, and after that the water was supplied to Hasaka city center on Tuesday morning, and the neighborhoods outside the city center will begin receiving water soon.

The Turkish occupation forces and their terrorist mercenaries repeatedly prevented the operation of Alouk water station, depriving the people of Hasaka and its western countryside from their main source of water.

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Re: Syria

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:39 pm

US occupation brings in 35 vehicles loaded with military equipment to Shaddadi in Hasaka countryside


11 April، 2020

Hasaka, SANA-US occupation forces continued their violations of international laws, bringing in tens of vehicles loaded with military equipment and logistic substances to their illegitimate bases in Hasaka countryside.

Civil sources reported that a convoy of US occupation forces headed from Hasaka for the southern region along a road connecting Hasaka and Deir Ezzor provinces.

The sources added that the convoy includes 35 vehicles loaded with military equipment and logistic materials heading for the south, mostly to al-Shaddadi city to boost their existence there.

Mazen Eyon

Turkish occupation establishes new military posts in Hasaka, transfers amounts of stolen wheat to Tal Abyad, Raqqa countryside

8 April، 2020

Hasaka, Raqqa, SANA- Turkish occupation forces continued their violations of the international law and their aggression on the Syrian territories through establishing more new military posts and enhancing their positions which they have occupied in Hasaka countryside in parallel with looting large amounts of wheat that have been stored in Raqqa northern countryside.

Civil sources said that the Turkish occupation forces have equipped a large military post to the south of the occupied Ras al-Ayn city in Hasaka northern countryside and supplied it with military vehicles, as well as they have fortified, in cooperation with their mercenaries of terrorist organizations, the positions which they have occupied in the villages locating between Tal Tamer and Abu Rasin towns.

The sources pointed out that the Turkish occupation forces seized and equipped a land with an area of 15 donums to the east of the entrance of the occupied city of Ras al-Ayn.

In a relevant context, the civil sources indicated that the Turkish occupation forces transfered the remnants of the stolen wheat stored in al-Safah silos into Tal Abyad city in Raqqa northern countryside.
Hala Zain


Syria, Russia: U.S. hampers health care for displaced in al-Rukban, al-Hol camps

10 April، 2020

Moscow, SANA_ Syria and Russia affirmed that the illegal presence of the US occupation forces in the Syrian territories is the main obstacle which hamper guaranteeing the health safety of the displaced people in al-Rukban and al-Houl camps.

The Syrian and Russian Coordinating Bodies on the Return of Syrian Refugees, in a joint statement released Friday, warned of the danger of the novel Coronavirus(Covid-19) outbreak in these two camps.

The region occupied by the US forces in Syria, according to the two bodies, does not witness any control measures on the epidemiological situation at all as al-Rukban and al-Hol camps lack the medicines and qualified doctors and the health care centers do not operate there.

The two bodies renewed their call for the rapid evacuation of all those wishing to leave al-Rukban camp to their liberated areas where all conditions have been created to receive them, and steps are being taken to confront the spread of the pandemic.

“Despite the anti-Coronavirus measures taken by the Syrian state, which the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international health organizations have recognized as effective, the United States rudely continues to use the pandemic crisis to defame Syria and leads a media campaign to raise suspicion concerning its ability to effectively confront the pandemic spread in the country and hold it responsible for the worsening of the epidemiological situation in al-Rukban and al-Houl camps”. The two bodies concluded.

The US occupation forces are holding thousands of civilians in al-Tanf area near the Syrian-Jordanian border; thousands also reside in al-Hol camp in Hasaka, which is controlled by the US-backed “SDF” groups and suffer from a major shortage of life’s necessities.

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