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Post by blindpig » Wed Aug 22, 2018 1:15 pm

Vietnam jails two Vietnamese-Americans for 14 years over bomb attacks

14:04 August 22, 2018
Reuters Agency

An aerial view from a high building is seen in Hanoi, Vietnam
Fotoğraf: KHAM

A Vietnamese court found two Vietnamese-Americans guilty of terrorism on Wednesday and sentenced them to 14 years in prison for masterminding a series of bomb plots earlier this year, a court official told Reuters.

James Nguyen and Angel Phan were convicted, along with 10 accomplices who received short jail terms, after a two day trial. All defendants had been charged with "attempting to overthrow the state".

Phan and Nguyen had been accused of organising at least three attacks, including the attempted bombing of Vietnam's largest international airport in Ho Chi Minh City last April, and the successful bombing of a police station in June this year.

"The remaining 10 defendants in the same trial received prison terms of between five and 11 years," an official at the Ho Chi Minh City People's Court told Reuters by phone.

According to state media, Phan and Nguyen were acting on behalf of the "Provisional Government of Vietnam", a California-based organisation run by Vietnamese-Americans still loyal to the now defunct state of South Vietnam.

The U.S. organisation, which was listed as a "terrorist" group by Hanoi in January this year, dispatched Phan and Nguyen to Vietnam in February 2017 to carry out attacks on Vietnamese national holidays, the Ministry of Public Security said in a statement on its website.

Phan and Nguyen ran a network of underground operatives in Vietnam, some of whom were given titles in a shadow government such as "governor of Saigon", or "commander of national defence guards," the Ministry of Public Security said on Wednesday.

The pair assigned "counter-revolutionary" missions to the group's members in Vietnam, the ministry said, including a plan to broadcast anti-government propaganda from local radio stations, organise protests, and "insult the image" of former president Ho Chi Minh.

Phan and Nguyen will be deported after serving their jail term, Voice of Vietnam radio reported.

In June, a court in Ho Chi Minh City upheld prison sentences against 15 members of the group it said were guilty of planting bombs in the international terminal of Tan Son Nhat airport in April last year.

Last month, police said it had arrested seven people from the group over the bombing of a Ho Chi Minh City police station.

The incident, in which two small explosive devices were detonated, injured three people in what police said was a "terrorist case against the people's government".

A police warehouse, where confiscated vehicles, mostly motorbikes, were stored, was also blown up.

The Provisional Government of Vietnam did not respond to a request for comment made via its website.

The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi was not able to provide immediate comment. ... ks-3439289

The Vietnamese won a great victory but the war will not be entirely over until capitalism is crushed for good. It is my understanding that this is but part of a ongoing investigation which has arrested supposed 'journalists' and NGO fixers.
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:05 pm


Lasting environmental and health impacts of U.S. chemical warfare in Southeast Asia – 50 years on
Originally published: China Environment News (November 11, 2021 ) - Posted Nov 12, 2021

The Vietnam War (1955-1975) is known to the Vietnamese as the “American War,” or the “War Against the Americans to Save the Nation.”

In 1954, countries at the United Nations in Geneva agreed to hold a general election in the former French colony divided by Cold War alliances. Since the communist north Vietnam wanted to unite the country, the United States did not want an election and backed the south in a bid to stop communism from gaining ground in Southeast Asia. A year later, the Vietnam War broke out.

As part of the American War, U.S. military sprayed more than 20 million gallons of herbicide on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia–the campaign destroyed five millions acres of forest (including rubber planations) and untold millions of acres of crops (including rice).

The continuing environmental cost of U.S. chemical warfare
A 2019 article from the University of Illinois and Iowa State University documents the environmental legacy of Agent Orange in Vietnam, including hotspots where dioxin continues to enter the food supply today.

Much of the existing Agent Orange and dioxin research is primarily medical in nature, focusing on the details of human exposure primarily through skin contact and long-term health effects on U.S. soldiers.

However, during the Vietnam War, United States aircraft sprayed more than 20 million gallons of defoliant herbicides, including dioxin-contaminated Agent Orange, on the country’s rain forests, wetlands, and croplands. Agent Orange defoliated the thick jungle vegetation and destroyed a portion of the country’s food crops.

U.S. aircraft spray Agent Orange defoliant over south Vietnam forests during Operation Ranch Hand. /CFP

The 2019 research examined the “short and long-term environmental effects on the Vietnamese natural resource base and how persistence of dioxin continues to affect soils, water, sediment, fish, aquatic species, the food supply, and Vietnamese health.”

Agent Orange was a combination of two herbicides, 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T, neither of which persist longer than a few weeks in the environment when exposed to sunlight. However, during production of Agent Orange, a toxic byproduct formed: dioxin TCDD, the most toxic of the dioxin family of chemicals. The authors point out that “once dioxin TCDD gets into the environment, it can stick around for decades or even centuries. That’s what happened in the Vietnam landscape.”

The researchers examined over a dozen previous research reports on contaminated sites in Vietnam to understand dioxin TCDD’s movement and long-term fate throughout the Vietnam countryside. The article mapped 10 former U.S. airbase sites where dioxin TCDD levels remain at dangerous levels, noting that millions of Vietnamese live in adjacent cities and villages.

The ecology of forests and plantations were devastated by Agent Orange and soils and waterways contaminated with environmentally persistent dioxins.

The pathway into the ecosystem “begins with the U.S. military spraying in the 1960s, absorption by tree and shrub leaves, leaf drop to the soil surface (along with some direct contact of the spray with the soil), then attachment of the dioxin TCDD to soil organic matter and clay particles of the soil.”

From there, dioxin TCDD moved offsite in surface runoff, clinging to sediment particles and settling in wetlands, marshes, rivers, lakes, and ponds. Dioxin TCDD-contaminated sediment was–and still is–ingested by bottom-feeding fish and shrimp, accumulating in fatty tissue of those animals and up the food chain into many of the fish that form the basis of the Vietnamese diet. Even though fishing is now banned from most contaminated sites, bans have been difficult to enforce and, as a result, dioxin TCDD is still entering the human food supply 50 years later.

The U.S. used Agent Orange to defoliate vegetation along river banks, poisoning fish with dioxin.

The authors concluded that high temperature incineration would eliminate dioxin rather than temporarily store it in a landfill, and incineration would not require future maintenance or treatment. This form of incineration is the most expensive technology currently available for destroying persistent organic toxins, and is one of the most commonly used technologies It has been used to treat soils at more than 150 U.S. “superfund” contaminated sites, and is a mature and tested technology,” the authors said.

The continuing human cost

Active involvement of U.S. troops in Vietnam began from 1965 and by 1969, more than 500,000 U.S. military personnel were fighting in the war that had turned into the bloodiest conflict since World War II.

For many in the West, this period evoked an anti-war movement that transformed the social and cultural landscape. But for countries in Asia, including Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, the 20-year war left a lasting legacy of terror and destruction long after the fighting stopped.

As historian Nick Turse documented in his harrowing 2013 book “Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam,” the defining feature that makes memories of this war so difficult for many Americans was the relentless violence against civilians: the massacres of women, children and the elderly, rapes, indiscriminate bombardment, burning down of villages and routinized torture.

One of the most infamous incidents of mass atrocities against civilians by U.S. troops was the My Lai massacre in March 1968, when U.S. troops killed some 500 civilians in a murderous spree the U.S. military would deliberately cover up and spin as a victory over the “Viet Cong”.

A mother and her child after the burning of their village near Saigon during the Vietnam War. /CFP

Matthew Dallek, associate professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management, said the massacre and the cover-up are a particularly dark moment in the history of modern America, which raised big questions about whether the U.S. was capable of defending freedom, democracy and human rights in far-flung places.

“The government’s claim of ‘defending’ Southeast Asia from atheistic communist aggression had become a cruel and paradoxical hoax,” Dallek said.

According to a study by Harvard Medical School and the University of Washington, there were 3.8 million violent war deaths, of which 2 million were civilians.

The cruelty against civilians was more than a collection of isolated incidents, but the official policy. According to former Secretary of State John Kerry, a Vietnam veteran, in his 1971 testimony before the Senate, such atrocities were “crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.”

This unpopular war sparked widespread anti-war protests in the West. A large number of U.S. servicemen returning from Vietnam were left traumatized for life.

But the horrors were far from over when the Americans evacuated Saigon, the former capital of south Vietnam, in 1975. More than 40 years on, the impact of U.S. chemical warfare in Vietnam has been astonishing.

During the war, U.S. forces dumped 50 million liters (13 million gallons) of Agent Orange, an herbicide containing highly toxic dioxins, across Vietnam’s forests and farmlands, exposing an estimated 4 million Vietnamese people to the dangerous chemical.

The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that nearly 1 million people suffered severe health complication and disabilities due to exposure. Hundreds of thousands of children were born with serious birth defects. The environmental destruction is immeasurable and irreversible.

Around 2.8 million U.S. veterans were also exposed, the U.S. Veterans Administration said. While American victims of Agent Orange are eligible for government compensation, along with multi-million-dollar settlements from lawsuits brought against manufacturers of the chemical, no one has been held officially accountable for the suffering of Vietnamese victims.

Two babies with birth defects caused by Agent Orange exposure are abandoned at a temple in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, July 25, 2011. /CFP

Decades after the war, people in Southeast Asia are still getting killed by detonation of live bombs and mines left in the region during war time. In 2018, the New York Times reported that more than 300,000 tonnes of unexploded ordnance (UXO) remain in Vietnam, while Vietnamese media claimed there were 725,000 tonnes of UXO scattered across the country.

It is estimated that more than 20 percent of the land in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam is contaminated by UXO. Extensive areas of the three nations continue to be unavailable for agriculture, industry or habitation, hindering the economic development of the countries.

Laos is thought to be the most heavily bombed country in the world per capita as a result of the Vietnam War. According to the Geneva-based Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor, there have been over 50,000 UXO casualties in Laos since 1964, including over 29,000 deaths. Around 40 percent of victims are children. The problem is so dire in Laos that the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) even made UXO clearance a development goal for the country.

Despite continued efforts by the three countries, the U.S. and the international community, it reportedly could take 100 years or more to clear the countries of UXO.

War legacy issues like Agent Orange contamination and UXO have played an important role in the relations between the U.S. and Vietnam, and also neighboring countries affected by the Vietnam War. Since the 1990s, the U.S. has provided assistance to cleanup efforts and victim relief in Southeast Asia via various channels.

However, the ongoing challenges present a number of issues for the U.S. Congress. For instance, there is the question of whether a similar policy should be applied to U.S. wars in other parts of the world, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences News, February 27, 2019.

See full original article: “Long-term fate of Agent Orange and dioxin TCDD contaminated soils and sediments in Vietnam hotspots,” Open Journal of Soil Science, Sept 2019.

CGTN, 02-Nov-2021. ... -years-on/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:07 pm

CP of Vietnam, Continuing to promote building, revamping of Party and political system to be pure and strong to meet requirements and tasks in new period
6/14/22 3:51 PM

Member of the Party Central Committee,

Deputy Chief of Organization Department of the Party Central Committee

COMMUNIST REVIEW – Building and revamping the Party is the law of existence and development of the Party. In the condition of a power-holding Party, the Party building and revamping must be closely associated with the building of the political system, making the Party and each of the member organization in the political system always comprehensively pure and strong, ensuring the consistent, synchronous, overall and connectingcharacter inorganization and operation; enhancing the resistant capacities, guarding against and eliminating all the dangers of degeneration.

Importance and dialectical relationship between Party building, revamping and building of political system

President Ho Chi Minh has taught: “The Party is not only the representative of the interests of Party members, but also the representative of the interests of the entire working class, the entire nation and mankind” (1). The great victories of the Vietnamese revolution since having had the Party have proved to the important position and role of the Party – it is both the component part of the political system and the special neucleus that leads this system as stipulated in Article 4 of the 2013 Constitution: “The Communist Party of Vietnam - The vanguard of the working class, at the same time the pioneer of the laboring people and the Vietnamese nation, a representative loyal to the interests of the working class, laboring people and of the whole nation, taking Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought as the ideological foundation, the leading force of the State and society” (2). To build the pure and strong Party is the important premises that governs the character, target, task and effectiveness in building the political system; at the same time, the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the agencies and organizations of the political system are the proof to affirm the Party’s leading role in reality, the yard stick of the capacities, prestiges, role and position of the Party in power. The Party’s leading capacities and fighting energy are reflected through the efficiency and effectiveness in management of the State, the quality and effectiveness of operation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the political-social organizations. From this profound awareness, the theme of the 13th Party Congress has developed the constituent “Enhancing the building of the pure and strong Party” of the 12th Party Congress into “Enhancing the building, revamping of the Party and the political system to be pure and strong”.

The Party building and revamping work has a specially important role, is of vital significance for the Party and the regime and the Communist Party of Vietnam has always determined it as the key, constant and continuous task throughout the revolutionary periods. Only in the past 10 years now, the Central Committee has issues a lot of important resolutions and decisions of unified and systematic character and the Party has concentrated to give guidance to implement them in a resolute and effective manner (3). In the Documents of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam, from the theme of the Congress, the experience lessons to the guiding viewpoints and the important tasks, all have laid emphasis on the Party building and revamoing and the political system to be pure and strong, thus creating a perfect whole with a more profound and more comprehensive content.

As far as the theoretical and practical aspects are concerned, building and revamping the Party and the political system to be pure and strong have got the dialectial relationship and mutual interaction; in which, the Party building and revamping are the key point that will create motive force to promote the building of the political system; at the same time building the political system to be pure and strong, to operate effectively and efficiently will create a solid basis to consolidate the Party’s leading role for the political system and the entire society. The building of the Party and the political system to be pure and strong will help tighten the close relationship between the Party and the people, multiply the strength of the entire Party and the great unity block of the entire nation, arouse the potential of creativity, aspiration for development for a powerful Vietnam. And then, it is possible to affirm that enhancing the building and revamping of the Party and the political system to be pure and strong is the top important requirement, the inevitable demand in the process of national renovation and the ever more intensive and extensive international integration with a view to improving the Party’s leading capacities and power-holding capacities, thus contributing to promoting the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the political system, displaying socialist democracy, ensuring the synchrony and the conformity between the economic renovation and the political renovation, taking the country to the rapid and sustainable development.

Realities in building and revamoing Party and political sysem – important landmarks through periods of Vietnamese revolution

Right from 1939, in the Indochinese Democratic Front movement, the Party had started the intensive and extensive “self-criticism” activity in terms of ideology and organization. At that time, General Secretary Nguyen Van Cu wrote a book titled “Self-criticism”, determining the target and motto: “Openness, courage and honesty to unmask our own wrongdoings and find the way to put them right, against the trend of opportunism and compromise, and so doing, it does not weaken the Party, but on the contrary, it makes the Party to be more united and stronger” (4). Right after the 1945 August Revolution, President Ho Chi Minh had given the quick guidance to readjust the shortcomings of cadres and party members, particularly the senior cadres in the still fledgling administration apparatus. In “the letter to the People’s Committees in regions, provinces, districts and villages” on October 17, 1945, He had criticized, warned, admonish a number of cadres occupying certain titles and rights in the administration apparatus at different levels for their shortcomings such as highhandedness, illegality, commitment of adultery, division, arrogance and so on. Especially, in October 1947, in His work titled “Correct Style of work”, for the first time, He used the group of words “Revamping the Party”, defining 12 standards concerning the ideology of a real, revolutionary Party, in which He mentioned: “To have the Party to be solid and ever lasting, these 12 standards must not be forgotten” (5); determining the duties of party members and cadres: “1/ Honour the Party’s interests above all else…. Individuals’ interests must definitely be complied with the Party’s interests. The interests of each part must definitely yield to the long-term interests”(6); it is a must to train the revolutionary moralities - humaneness, righteousness, intellect, bravery and incorruptibility. On criticism and self-criticism, He pointed out: “The purpose of criticism is to help each other correct shortcomings and make progress. Just to correct the style of work to be better. Just to have the internal unity and unification. So, criticize oneself and criticize others must be frank, thorough, honest, without any regards, without any additions or reductions” (7). President Ho Chi Minh pointed to a lot of so-called diseases such as provincialism, parochialism, individualism, coveting of fame and position, detracting from others’ merits and becoming depraved. He affirmed: “Individualism is a kind of very poisonous microbe, because it could breed other dangerous diseases” (8); therefore, He requested that in revamping the Party, we must be resolute to fight the disease of “individualism”. In May 1952, in the first rectification class of the Central Committee, President Ho Chi Minh determined: “The purpose of Party revamping is to improve the ideology and political level of party members and cadres, just to make party members and cadres to follow correctly the viewpoints and standpoints of the proletariat” (9).

In the condition of the socialist construction in the North after 1954 – a revolutionary career without any precedents – He requested that the Party building and revamping to be strong and comprehensive had to be regularly carried out. Before He had gone to the other world, He said repearedly in His sacred Testament that “the first thing first is to revamp the Party” (10). In 1961, theParty launched the Spring rectification campaign (11); its purpose was to educate cadres, party members and laboring people with the spirit of mastery, the spirit of socialist collectiveness, to make themunderstand clearly their tasks in production and saving in the new stage, cricticize individualism, corruption and waste, the bureaucratic commandism, conservatism and diffidence. After that, the Political Bureau continued to give the instruction on the launching of the 1965 Spring rectification campaign with a view to making cadres, party members and laboring youth union members well aware of the situation, tasks and requirements of the revolution so as to improve their revolutionary qualities and morality and criticize the manifestations of individualism.

After the country was reunified, the Communist Oarty of Vietnam has paid special attention to building and revamping the Party, which are expressed in three major contents: 1- To enhance unity and unification within the Party. 2- To promote democracy within the Party, regular and serious criticism and self-criticism. 3- To pay attention to training the revolutionary morality, resolutely sweep away individualism and the negativities and degeneration within the Party. This ideology has been deeply grasped by the Communist Party of Vietnam through its regular and continuous self-rectification of internal affairs, the launch of many intensive and extensive building and revamping classes. In face of the disintegration of the model of socialist realism in the former Soviet Union and the Eastern European copntries, more special attention has been paid to the Party building and revamping. From the 6th Plenum and the 7th Plenum (6th tenure) in 1989, the Communist Party of Vietnam had the advocacies and resolutions to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, the path to advance towards socialism, before the great impact from the crisis of the socialist realism in the world. The 7th Party Congress had approved the Program on national construction in the transitional period to socialism (the Program in 1991). The 3rd Plenum (June 1992) had issued the Resolution “On a number of tasks on renewing and revamping the Party”; in which certain shortcomings had been frankly pointed out to be the danger which could be underestimated; it was “In the Party, a certain part has got reduced fighting will, faded ideology, hesitation, loss of confidence, in which some had the influence of the opportunist, revisionist trend and wanted to take the country onto the other path; even there was someone who had betrayed and surrendered. Not a few cadres and party members had been lured by pragmatist individualism and become degenerated and spoiled” (13).

In early 1999, before the ever higher requirements of the revolutionary cause, there had appeared inside the Party a number of weaknesses, like the degeneration in the political ideology, the state of corruption, bureaucracy and waste from a part of cadres and party members and this state of affairs had developed in an ever more serious way, the 6th Plenum (2nd time), 8th tenure, issued the Resolution No. 10-NQ/TW, on February 2, 1999, “On a number of fundamental and urgent issues in the current Party building work”. Entering the tenure of the 11th Party Congress, the Communist Party of Vietnam had looked frankly at the Party building work that had still had a lot of limitations, weaknesses, even some weaknesses and shortcomkngs had been seen through many tenurres and they had been slowly overcome, thus reducing the people’s confidence in the Party; if they were not corrected, they wold become the great challenge to the Party’s leading role and the existence of the regime. A no small part of cadres and party members, in which there were party members who had occupied the leading and managing positions, including the senior cadres, had been degenerated in the political ideologies, morality and life style with different manifestations in their faded ideology, resulting in their falling into the selfish individualism, opportunism, pragmatism, in their running after fame and wealth, money, envy in position, localism, corruption, waste, haphazardness, unprinciple and so on. In face of this situation, the 4th Plenum of the 11th, 12th and 13th tenures had promulgated the resolutions and conclusions on the Party building and revamping. In which, the 4th Plenum, the 13th tenure, had issued the Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, on October 25, 2021, “On the acceleration of the building and revamping of the Party, the political system; it is determined to stop, oush back and seriously handle those cadres and party members who are degenerated in the political ideology, morality, life style, who have manifested their “self-evolution”, “self-transformation”. These are the very important landmakrs, affirming that the Communist Party of Vietnam is always persistent, resolute, patient and focuses its intellect and energy on the building and revamping of the Party and the political s ystem to be pure and strong.

A number of tasks and solutions to continue to push ahead building and revamping of Party and political system to be p0ure and strong in new period

In the coming time, the country has been standing before a lot of opportunities and advantages, but it also has to face with a lot of intertwined difficulties and challenges. The revolutionary cause of the Party and the Vietnamese people has entered the stage when they are accelerating comprehensively and synchronously the renovation work and are proactive and active in intensive and extensive international integration. Four dangers already pointed out by the Party since the mid-term National representative conference of the 12th National Party Congress are still ever present, even more intense to some extent. In that context, it is necessary to accelerate the building and revamoing of the Partyand the Political system in order to improve the leading capacities and the power-holding capacities and the fighting power of the Party, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the State’s activities; to renew the content and the mode and improve the quality and effectiveness of the operation of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the political-social organizations. To combat resolutely against individualism, to stop, push back and seriously handle those cadres and party members who are decadent in the political ideology, morality, life style, who have the manifestations of “self-evolution”, “self-transformation”; to combine closely and harmoniously between “building” and “against”, in which “building” is a long, strategic, fundamental task, “against” is the regular, urgent and important tasks. To create the new development of the Party in intellect and political abilities; the Party becomes the morality, civilization, ever more closely associated with the people and the people have placed their ever more confidence in the Party; the Party has got enough prestige and leading abilities to implement successfully the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the construction and defence of the Fatherland, in which it concentrates on implementing synchronously some main tasks and solutions as follows:

Firstly, to continue to renew the political and ideological educational work; to focus on building the Party in terms of morality, enhance the responsibility of setting good examples of cadres and party members, especially of the chiefs.

To improve the effectiveness in the ideological work, creating the unity within the Party and consensus in society. To continue to thoroughly grasp and to be fully and deeply aware of the viewpoints and guiding ideas pointed out in the Documents of the 13th Party Congress; the resolutions, instructions, conclusions, stipulations and regulations of the Central Committee on the Party building and on the building of the political system (14). It is necessary to consider this as an intensive and extensive political activity in the entire Party and the whole political system. It not only thoroughly grasps the guiding ideology and the content of the Party’s writings, but also it needs the analysis, comparison, relationship and application suitable to the realities of each agency, organization, mass organization, cadres, party members, youth union members and association members. Attention is to be paid to building the Party in morality, upholding the responsibility to set good examples, have the high sense of consciousness of fostering and training the morality of cadres and party members, particularly the leading and managing cadres and the chiefs at different levels, the higher positions the cadres have occupied, the better examples they have to set.

Secondly, to focus on building the contingent of cadres, particularly those at the strategic level and the chiefs at different levels, combining with renovation, arranging the streamlined organizational apparatus of the political systemfor its efficient and effective operation.

Building the contingent of cadres should stem from the requirements and tasks of the new period; through the practical activities and the revolutionary movement; to place it an overall work of the Party building and revamping; to combine with the renewal of the Party’s leading mode and perfect the streamlined organizational apparatus of the political system for its efficient and effective activities; to combine with the improvement of the people’s intellectual standards, the training pf human resources, particularly the high-quality human resources, to attract and use well the talents. To renew and improve the effectiveness of the planning work, the rotation of cadres and the assessment of cadres. To be proactive to discover the source of leading and managing cadres at different levels, particularly the cadres of strategic level for the 2025-2030 tenure and to prepare for the next tenure, ensuring the inheritance, stability, renovation, development in the direction of impoving quality, ensuring quantity and reasonable structure. The rotation of cadres must be suitable to the planning titles; ensure the balance and harmony between the rotation of cadres and the development of on-the-spot cadre resources; the horizontal and vertical rotation, the rotation of cadres of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the political-social organizations to other areas, and vice versa; supply the cadres with the political abilities, knowledge and capacities to the key areas, to the difficult and complicated areas; remove the state of close-up in the cadre work. To improve the quality of assessing cadres in the direction of real impartiality and objectivism, have the clear criteria and through specific products; to combine the individual judgement with the collective judgement, with the practical results in implementing the tasks of localities, agencies and units. To carry out the timely demotion and resignation and replacethe cadres with limited capacities, poor prestiges and with mistakes without waiting for the end of the tenure or the end of the time-limit for promotion. To carry out well the advocacies of encouraging and protecting the cadres who are dynamic, innovative, dare to think and dare to do, always make efforts to act for the common interests.

Thirdly, to focus on perfecting mechanisms and policies in a synchronous, unified and effective manner.

To concentrate to concretize and institutionalize in time the Party’s advocacies; to review, amend, add and perfect the stipulations and reglations; to perfect the legal system to be the sufficient, synchronous, unified, feasible, stable, open and transparent one. To add and perfect in a more comprehensive way the mechanisms, institutions concerning the building and revamping of the Party and the political system, to combat against corruption and negativity in the spirt of good combination between “building” and “combat”’ between the building of revolutionary morality and combat against individualism; through which it can help cadres and party members enhance their resistance to all temptations and poinsonous “viruses”, not to be degenerated and corrupted in political ideology, moral quality, manners, life styles, thus making a contribution to guarding against and overcoming in a more powerful and resolute manner all the manisfestations of degeneration and negativity; to prevent, combat, guard against and especially remedy all the “diseases” arisen in the conditions of the market economy and international integration; to keep the Party’s strict discipline. To review, amend, add and perfect the function, task, rights, responsibilities, the relationship in work at the Party committees and administrations at all levels, to ensure well the relationship that “the Party leads, the State manages, the people are the masters”; to determine clearly the authorities and responsibilities, to overcome the state of affairs that the Party undertakes things for the State or relaxes its leadership.

Fourthly, to enhance the examination, supervision and discipline of the Party; to resolutely and persistently struggle to prevent corruption and negativity and treat seriously cadres and party member who commit violations.

To create strong changes in the examination, supervision and discipline of the Party, combining the prevention with the strict treatment of those who violate the discipline. To improve and renovate the method, process and skills in carrying out the examination, supervision and discipline of the Party in the closer, more methodical and scientific direction; in which, to focus on the mechanisms, proactive measures, early discovery and prevention from a far of all the shortcomings and violations of the Party organizations and party members.To intentify the examination and supervision of the Party organizations, the chiefs, the key cadres in the areas, locations and positions that are easy for corruption, negativity and have a lot of prolonged claims. To pay attention to self-examination and self-supervision and discover in time from the internal affairs. To enhance the control of assets and income of cadres in accordance to the Party’s stipulations and to the State’s law. To build the contingent of cadres of the agencies in charge of examination, investigation, auditory and law protection so that they will have firm abilities, integrity, honesty, bravery to fight, knowledge, deep skills, firmly grasp the advocacies and lines of the Party, the policies and laws of the State.

Fifthly, to promoe the role and responsibilities of the people-elected agencies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the political-social organizations; to really rely on the people to build and revamp the Party and the political system to be pure and strog.

To improve the quality and effectiveness of the activities of supervision of the National Assembly, the people’s council at different levels; to supervize and organizesocial criticism, contribute opinions to the building of the Party, of the administration of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, of the political and social organizations and of the press. To continue to perfect the mechanism for the people to take part in building and revamping the Party and the political system to be pure and strong. To soon concretize the Party’s stipulations, at the same time to institutionalize and perfect the stipulations in terms of prevention and combat against corruption and negativity and the stipulations in terms of controlling the power in the direction of openness, transparency, clearity so that each cadre, party member and each people can be able to supervize the self-improvement and training of morality and life style of cadres and party members; to take part in the supervision and contribution of opinion to build the Party and the political system to be pure and strong. The heads of the Party committee levels and the authorities at different levels must enhance their assountabilities, implement seriously the stipulations of the Party and the State concerning the reception and the dialogue with the citizens; the reception and give timely guidance to settle the problems and claims from the people, particularly the problems relating to morality and life style of cadres and party members.

Entering the new period, the entire Party, people and army should enhance their unity, pool their efforts and unanimity to take care of the country’s affairs and cultivate the people’s sentiments and confidence, “to maintain our Party in real purity, to deserve being the leader, the really loyal servant of the people” (15), lead the renovation to continue to advance forwards to successfully implement the goals of national development as pointed out by the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress: “To improve the leading capacities, the power-holding capacities and the fighting power of the Party; to build the Party and the political system to be pure and strong comprehensively; to consolidate and strengthen the confidence of the people in the Party, the State and the socialist regime; to arouse the aspirations for developing the prosperous and happy country, to promote the willpower and strength of the great national unity in combination with the epochal strength; to intensify comprehensively and synchronously the renovation, industrialization and modernization; to build and defend solidly the Fatherland, maintain firmly the environment of peace and stability; to strive to the middle of the 21st century, our country will become a socialist-oriented developed country” (16)./.


(1) Ho Chi Minh, Complete works, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, tomb 6, p. 290

(2) The Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2014, p. 9.

(3) On December 31, 2011, the 4th Plenum, 11th tenure, issued the Resolution “A number of urgent issues on the current Party building”. Having carried out the Decision No. 21-KL/TW, on March 25, 2012, ò the 5th Plenum, the 11th tenure, in Feberuary 2013, the Political Bureau decided to set up “The Central Steering Committee in Prevention and combat against corruption” under the Political Bureau headed by the General Secrretary; at the same time it again set up the Department of Home Afairs as the Standing Committee; and recently on September 16, 2021, the Political Bureau decided to add the function and tasks to prevent negativity for the Steering Committee. On October 30, 2016, the Party Central Committee, 12th tenure, issued the Resolution of the 4th Plenum on “Enhancing Party building and revamping, stop and push back the degeneration in the political ideology, morality and life style, the manifestations of “self-evolution”. “self-transformation” in the internal affairs”. On October 25, 2021, the Party Central Committee, 13th tenure, issued the Stipulations No. 37-QĐ/TW to replace the Stipulations No. 47-QĐ/TW, on November 01, 2011, of the Party Central Committee, the 11th tenure, “On the things Party members are not permitted to do”. On May 15, 2016, the Political Bureau, the 12th tenure, issued the Instructions No. 05-CT/TW, “On enhancing study and follow ideology, morality and manners of Hồ Chí Minh”. On May 18, 2021, the Political Bureau, the 13th tenure, gave guidance to review the implementation of Directions No. 05-CT/TW and organized the national conference to present the results and decided to issue the Conclusion No. 01-KL/TW, “On the continuity to implement the Instructions No. 05-CT/TW, on May 15, 2016, of the Political Bureau , “On enhancing study and follow ideology, morality and manners of Hồ Chí Minh”. On October 25, 2021, the 4th Plenum, the 13th tenure, issued the Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW, “On enhancing the building and revamping of the Party and the Political System; determined to stop, push back and strictly treat cadres and party members who are degenerated in the political ideology, morality, life style, with the manifestations of “self-evolution”, “self-transformation”.”

(4) The Documents of the Party, Complete works, the National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2000, tomb 6, p. 624

(5), (6), (7), (8) Ho chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 5, p. 290, 290, 272, 295

(9)Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 7, p. 415

(10) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 15, p. 616

(11) The Resolution No. 12-NQ/TW, on February 25, 1961 of the Political Bureau “On the mobilization of the Spring Rectification”

(12) The Instructions No. 88-CT/TW, on January 2, 1965, of the Political Bureau, “On the mobilization of the Spring Rectification”

(13) The Documents of the Party, Complete works, the National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007, tomb 52, p. 190

(14) Particularly the Conclusion No. 21-KL/TW; the Stipulations No. 08-QĐi/TW, on October 25, 2018, of the Party Central Committee, “On the responsibility to set an example of cadres and party members, first of all, Politburo members, members of the Secretariat and members of Party Centrall Committee; the Stipulations No. 37-QĐ/TW, on October 25, 2021 of the Party Central Committee, “On the things Party members must not be permitted to do”; the Stipu;ations No. 41-QĐ/TW, on November 03, 2021, of the Political Bureau, “On the dismissal and resignation of cadres”; the Conclusion No. 14-KL/TW on September 22, 2021, of the Political Bureau, “On the advocacy to ensourage and protect dynamic, innovative cadres for the common interests”.

(15) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 15, p. 612

(16) The Documents of the 13th Party Congress, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, Hanoi, 2021, tomb I, p. 111-112

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 981 (January 2022) ... able-deve/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:33 pm

CP of Vietnam, Applying Ho Chi Minh thought, implementing Party’s lines and advocacies, National Assembly upholds role and responsibility to care for building culture and Vietnamese people in response to requirements of country’s fast and sustainable development
6/14/22 3:58 PM

Applying Ho Chi Minh thought, implementing Party’s lines and advocacies, National Assembly upholds role and responsibility to care for building culture and Vietnamese people in response to requirements of country’s fast and sustainable development


Politburo member, Chairman of National Assembly of Socialist Republic of VIetnam

COMMUNIST REVIEW - Being the agency that carries out the constitutional and legal rights, makes decisions on the important issues of the country and the supreme supvervision of the activities of the State, the National Assmbly through the periods has always done well the application of Ho Chi Minh thought, the institutionalization and concretization of the Party’s line in the building of culture and the Vietnamese people. Together with it, the organization, the mode, the style and the operation of the National Assembly are always the imbodiment for the political and cultural values of Vietnam, based on the spirit of the rule of law, democracy, unity, humaneness, in service of the Fatherland and of the people.

Starting from the geographical, historical, cultural, political, economic-social elements along the length of the national construction and defence, the Vietnamedse nation has to cope with and overcome a lot of difficulties and challenges caused by natural calamities and enemy destruction. The tradition of patriotism, unity, bravery, prowess, diligence, studiousness, benevolence, humaneness, indulgence; willpower of “nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”has forged the abilities, character, dignity and stature of the nation, crystalized them into the cultural identity of Vietnam. In the Ho Chi Minh epoch – the most glorious epoch in the history of the nation – the culture of Vietnam has promoted ever more strongly the identity, and at the same time received with selection the quintessence of mankind’s culture so as to shape a new culture of Vietnam deeply imbued with the national, democratic, advanced and humane character.

With the intensive and extensive cultural perspective and the sharp political mindset and the abilities, right after having led our people to rise up to overthrow the ruling yoke of colonialism, on September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam). This is the political-legal document bearing the epochal stature and the cultural depth.That is why, right at the first session of the provisionary Governmental Council (September 3, 1945), President Ho Chi Minh defined that one of the central tasks that should be done immediately was to build and enforce the Constitution; to have the Constitution, we had also to have the National Assembly – the supreme organ of State power, the people’s supreme representative agency. Accordingly, “the sooner the better the GENERAL ELECTION with the universal suffrage had to be organized. All the citizens, male and female, from 18 years of age, were entitled to stand for candidates and for election, irrespective of the poor or the rich, religion, races and so on” (1). Also at this important session, of 6 defined urgent tasks of the revolutionary State, 3 tasks belonged to the cultural area: firstly, “to launch an anti-illiteracy campaign”; secondly, “to launch to re-educate the people’s spirit”; thirdly, “to practice the religious freedom and the unity of non-Catholics and Catholics”. On September 8, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh issued the Decree No. 14-SL, the first decree of the General election to vote for the deputies to the National Assembly. Although it was carried out in the condition of “the internal enemies and the external invaders”, in the extremely difficult economic-social context, the General election had happened in the very urgent, serious, democratic way and it was really the festive day of the masses and won the resounding victories and it had gone down into the national history as the radiant landmark of the process of building the democratic and republic system in Vietnam.

The National Assembly and the Governmental compositons led by Presdent Ho Chi Minh with the participation of the notable people and intellectuals, such as Huynh Thuc Khang, Nguyen Van To, Bui Đang Đoan and others. In His writing titled “Talented people and National Construction”, published in Cuu Quoc (National Salvation) paper, on November 14, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: “Construction needs talented people. Even though our country has not got a lot of talented people, if we can be able to select them cleverly, distribute them cleverly, use them cleverly, then there will be a lot more talented people developed”. The superiority of the new regime and the patriotic spirit, talent, intellect, cultural character and abilities of Ho Chi Minh had gathered a lot of great intellectuals in the country such as Hoang Minh Giam, Nguyen Van Huyen, Ta Quang Buu, Nghiem Xuan Yem, Phan Anh, Vu Đinh Tung, Nguy Nhu Kon Tum and so on, attracted a number of intellectuals who had accepted to leave their glittering lives and favourable working conditions in France and came back to the Fatherland to take part in the revolution full of difficulties and hardships, such as Pham Quang Le alia Tran Đai Nghia and Tran Huu Tuoc, making a contribution to creating the endogenous strength for the fledgling revolutionary State to implement the “resistance” and “national construction” tasks.

Although being up to the eyes in preparation for the national resistance war against the French aggressors, under the leadership of President Ho Chi Minh, the first National Cultural Conference was opened on November 24, 1946 in the Hanoi Municipal Theatre – a conference deeply imprinted with the historical and cultural marks. The Conference had received over 200 typical cultural activists. In His opening speech, President Ho Chi Minh affirmed: “Vietnam’s new culture has to take the happiness of the people, of the nation as the base, has to learn the good things from foreign countries’ culture to create Vietnam’s culture in such a way as to make the new culture change corruption, laziness, vanity, luxury, to make everybody have an ideology of autonomy and independence” (2). He affirmed that it needed to “Take culture to shine the path for the nation” (3).

The work of the National Assembly, 1st legislature, was the incarnation for the political culture that upheld democracy, unity, placed the interests of the country-nation above all else; was served as the basis for strengthening and building the Government and other agencies of the State apparatus; implemented successfully the “anti-hunger”, “anti-illiteracy”, “anti-foreign invaders” tasks and built a new culture. Well aware of the role of the Constitution and the law with the construction of democracy, the renovation of culture, in a capacity as the head of the Constitution drafting committee, President Ho Chi Minh was active and urgent in giving guidance to the building and issuance of the Constitution. The first Constitution was approved by the Second Session of the National Assembly, 1st Legislature, on Novermber 9, 1946. The 1946 Constitution was very short, succinct, except the Preamble, 7 chapters, 70 articles, reflecting the inheritance of the ideological values, the fine traditional culture of the nation, received with selection the quintessence of the culture of mankind, particularly the ideologies of organization and operation of the State based on the rule-of-law principle. This spirit had been stressed by President Ho Chi Minh in His speech at the closing meeting of the Second session of the National Assembly, 1stLegislature: “After 14 months of the country’s freedom, the first Constitution has been completed in the country’s history. That Constitution is also the historical trace, and the first Constituion in this Asian region…. That Constitution declared to the world that Vietnam was now an independent country. That Constitution declared to the world that the nation of Vietnam now had all the freedom rights. That Constitution declared to the world: The Vietnamese women have now been on an equal footing with the men so as to be able to enjoy in commonall the freedom rights of the citizens. That Constitution pointed out the spirit of close unity of all the Vietnamese nationalities and the spirit of honest integrity and equality of the classes” (4). The 1946 Constitution contained the values of epochal stature and the cultural depth; reflected the people’s willpower; the sense of responsibility and the clear-sighted decision of the National Assembly.

In the context of the anti-French resistance war, the National Assembly was yet to have the conditions to issue the laws on the national management, and it mainly had to operate by the Decree of the State President, but the spirit of democracy, rule-of-law, unity and humaneness of the 1946 Constitution had aroused and promoted to the highest degree the cultural strength and the Vietnamese people, thus creating the synergy to win victories of the nation when the material and technical strength had been inclining on the part of the enemies.

After 9 years of the anti-French resistance war overbrimmed with sacrifices and hardships, in 1957, President Ho Chi Minh signed and promulgated the laws stipulating the press regimes; on the freedom of meetings and the right to set up associations; the bodily liberty, the inviolability of people’s houses, objects and correspondence. Under His leadership and the leadership of the Labour Party of Vietnam (now the Communist Party of Vietnam), the National Assembly had issued the 1959 Constitution together with the laws stipulating the organization and operation of the State appartus, such as the Law on Election of deputies to the National Assembly, the Law on Organization of the National Assembly, the Law on Organization of the Governmental Council, the Law on Organization of People’s Court, the Law on Organization of People’s Procuracy and so on, creating the important legal basis for the State to organize and operate in accordance with the Constitution and the law. The 1946 Constitution, the 1959 Constitution and the above-said laws had institutionalized the Party’s lines and veiwpoints, reflecting the depth of the ideology of political culture, legal culture of President Ho Chi Minh, particularl;y the spirit of social management by law, upholding the principle of the rule of law, unity, humaneness and promoting the people’s rights to mastery.

Ho Chi Minh thought on culture, the relationship between culture and law had been added, developed and perfected by Him in many years after that. Accordingly, culture and law had the dialectical and organic relations; culture, on the one hand, had a very great influence on law; on the other hand, law created the premises and strong basis to develpp culture and build human beings. Culture was a very important motive force for social development. Law had been built and implemented by the entire people with a view to expressing their willpower and aspirations, ensuring the equality, freedom and humaneness of the whole society. Culture and law are all for human beings, for social development, and all direct to the truth, the goodness and the beauty.

For more than 76 years now, on the foundation of Ho Chi Minh thought, the Party’s viewpoints, lines and advocacies have been institutionalized with great efforts into the State’s policies and laws, through which it is guaranteed that all of the Party’s lines and resolutions have been seriously and effectively implemented on the whole social scope. The State’s policies and laws are the means to help the State manage all aspects of life; the people promote democracy and implement correctly their righs and obligations.

In the process of its revolutionary leadership, the Communist Party of Vietnam has always affirmed, “Studying, learning and creative application of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought are the important and constant tasks of cadres, party members and the entire people. Studying, learning and following of Ho Chi Minh thought, morality and manners are really to implement correctly the spirit that He had taught: Learning for working, for being the human beings, for being cadres; learning to serve the organizations (5), to serve classes and people, to serve the Fatherland and human kind. For studying, learning and application of HoChiMinh thought and the Party’s lines and advocacies on the State and law, first of all, it is necessary tobuild and perfect the socialist rule-of-law State of the people, by the people and for the people. The Party’s documents of the recent tenures have all laid emphasis on the goals and demands of building the socialist rule-of-law State, particularly the Party’s 13th Congress, considering it as the key task in renewing the political system.

In the context that the country is entering the new development period of watershed character with the multifaceted impacts of the market economy, the international integration and the fourth Industrial Revolution, the values of the nation’s traditional culture have inherited and promoted, at the same time, received the quintessence of humankind’s culture, added and developed the new values, like freedom, democracy, modernity and civilization. The fundamenmtal characteristics and qualities of culture and of the Vietnamese people from the tradition to modernity are of very positive significance that needs being aroused and strongly promoted, transformed into the endogenous resource, the spiritual foundation, the “soft strength” of the country so as to turn to the bright future.

Deeply imbued with President Ho Chi Minh’s thought: “To build the new culture of the country, it is necessary to take the happiness of the people, of the nation as the base”, “Culture shines the path for the people”, under the Party’s leadership, the National Assembly as the supreme representative organ of the people, the supreme State power-holding body, representing the people’s willpower and aspirations, always paying attention to institutionalizing the Party’s viewpoints and advocacies, enhancing the supervisory activities, approving the important decisive policies in order to develop culture and the Vietnamese people, meeting the requirements of national sustainable development.

The National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the National Assembly agencies are well aware that culture is the spiritual foundation of the society, the goal and motive force of social and human development; the important endogenous resource of the country, with its spillover being deeply penetrated into the whole society, even into the law area. The basis for culture to deeply penetrate into the areas of cultural life are to build and issue the legal documents which must be implemented in the spirit of maintaining and upholding the fine and sustainable values in the traditional flow of the national culture. Any law must also pay attention to its conformity with the national cultural identity, aiming towards the goal of building, developing the culture and the Vietnamese people. If these values are in shortage, the law not only lacks democracy and humanity, but also is not in conformity with Vietnam’s cultural tradition that has been built and strengthened through thousands of years of history.

The Constitution and the laws have established the most important, most fundamental legal institutions, affirming human rights, the rights to build and enjoy culture of all the citizens of Vietnam; to serve the target of protecting and developing the Vietnamese culture at home and abroad; to ensure that people are on an equal footing in creativity and enjoymemnt of the cultural values, are allowed to express and reflect their individual and legitimate aspirations; all the customs, habits, history or cultural diversity of the community of 54 nationalities of Vietnam are respected and recognized. Since the first Constitution (1946), the core, fundamental contents in culture have all inherited and reflected consistently and thoroughly. Especially, in the 2013 Constitution, the contents on culture were provided comprehensively and abundantly with new points, reflecting the State’s determination in institutionalizing the Party’s Program on building an advanced Vietnamese culture richly imbued with the national identity, comprehensively develpped, unified in diversity, deeply absorbed in the humane, democratic, scientific and progressive spirit.

The viewpoint of “human beings are both the centre, the subject of the strategy of cultural development”, “cultural development for the perfection of human dignity and building of humans for cultural development” has been grasped, guided in reviewing, built, promulgated, amended and added to advance to perfect the law by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, contributing to protecting the Party ‘s ideological foundation, the orientation of the standards on morality, the building of human dignity, good and civilized life style and way of life; the building of human beings with the scientific world outlook in the direction of the truth, the goodness and the beauty; connecting the building and training of morality to the implementation of human rights, the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens.

The National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and the agencies of the National Assembly are deeply aware of the role and the importance of culture, education and science for the development, the existence of the country. The correct policies on education, science-technology will make a contribution to raising the stature, position and potential of the country, to be on a par with the five continents of the world and firmly advance together with the times.The National Assembly has focused on building the mechanisms and policies to orientate and push ahead the cultural, educational, scientific-technological activities; to contantly improve the people’s intellectual and cultural standards, creating the human resources of ever higher quality so as to be able to meet the requirements of the national fast and sustainable development.

A lot of policies and stipulations of the law which have been promulgated, amended and added have institutionalized the task of improving the quality and effectiveness of the cultural activities, thus creating favourable conditions to protect and promote the values of the cultural heritages, especially the cultural heritages and the cultural celebrities honoured by UNESCO, connecting culture to development of tourism, cultural industry, intellectual property, making a contribution to advertising the images of the land and people of Vietnam to the world; to enhance the activities of culture, literature and art, the education of traditions, to build a new human being; raise the roles and responsibilities of the press agencies, publishing houses, information, communications so as to create the motive forces and the new attractiveness in the social spiritual life.

The lines and advocacies of the Party, the policies and laws of the State have created the mechanisms for the viewpoint that economy in culture, culture in economy has become the realities of life. Especially, the system of policies and laws has initially set up the law framework to develop the products market and cultural services and the cultural industries. This is the important part of the national economy, making an important contribution to building and developing an advanced culture of Vietnam richly imbued with the national identity.

A lot of legal documents have institutionalized the contents of culture in politics, step by step making the cultural values deeply penetrate in the lines and advocacies of the Party, the policies and laws of the State, the activities of the political system, and promoted the socialist democracy, thus creating conditions to the people to take an active and effective opart in the country’s political life, in which the activities of the National Assembly, the agencies of the National Assembly and the deputies of the National Assembly are to be renovated in the direction to uphold the political culture to be suitable to the characteristics of the people-elected body designed by President Ho Chi Minh, laying the foundation, particularly the working style and manner of democracy, unity, responsibility, effectiveness based on the principle of the rule of law and in service of the Fatherland and the people.

In the process of international integration, Vietnam has ratified or participated in almost all the international treaties on human rights, in which there are the rights of culture, the cooperative relations with a lot of countries and territories in the cultural field. The National Assembly has always made efforts to carry out the stipulations and international commitments, internalized them into Vietnam’s legal system, enhanced and protected the fundamental human rights, in which there are the cultural rights in conformity with the principles of the UN Charter and the standards in the international treaties to which Vietnam is the member; created favourable conditions to the exchanges, cooperation and popularization of the culture and introduction of the land and people of Vietnam to the world.

The National Assembly has focused on supervising the implementation of policies and laws to ensure human rights and civil rights; on building the culture and people of Vietnam. To organize the interpellation at the National Assembly, at the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the accountability at the agencies of the National Assembly concerning the major, important issues on culture, such as investment in cultural development; to protect and promote the values of the cultural heritages, the effectivenees of the activities in institutionalzing the grass-root culture, the school culture; to socialize the cultural and art areas; the deployment of the policies on social security; the phenomena of degeneration of social morality; the quality and effectiveness of the activities, mechanisms and policies on literature and art; the building of government office culture and government service morality. The National Assembly, the agencies of the National Assembly have carried out a lot of supervisions and surveys to serve the perfection of the law; at the same time, they have requested the Government, ministries, sectors and localities to reorganize and overcome the inadequacies in the process of deploying the implementation to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation of the State apparatus at different levels.

The National Assembly has considered and approved a lof of important resolutions of the country. The resolutions of the National Assembly have always determined that in each policy, attention should be paid to the cultural factor, and the Party’s line and viewpoint of culture should be correctly institutionalized. Much more attention has been paid to investing in culture, meeting the requirements of conservation, to promoting the values of the traditional culture, exploiting the cultural resources to serve the growth and development, to ensuring social security, settling the job affairs and taking care of the people’s ever better material and spiritual life.

The recent activities of the National Assembly have made an important contribution to creating the positive changes, forming the solid legal foundation for the cultural development and the Vietnamese people in the new development stage of the country. However, besides the recorded achievements, there have still been the limitations, shortcomings and even a frank recognition of the difficulties and challenges is needed. Some current stipulations of the law are yet to meet fully the requirements of the realities and the renovation cause. There have still been a lot of problems arisen in the cultural area and there is yet any regulations to adjust them. Some contents of human rights, the fundamental rights and obligations of citizens, particularly of culture, are yet to be institutionalized in a complete and timely manner. Some recently promulgated new law are yet to keep pace with the change of realities. The institutionalization of the cultural policy in the economic development and the economic policy in the cultural development is still slow and not yet to ensure the healthy development of the market of the cultural products and services, to promote the “soft strength” of the country in international integration as well as ensuring the people’s cultural welfare. The building of ecological system for the cultural industry and the enhancement of the cultural industries to develop in combination with the products market and the cultural services have still met with a lot of difficulties and challenges. The mechanism and policy for the artists and writers, for the development of the special sectors of culture, literature and arts to reach their tops are yet to be sufficient to encourage and push ahead the artistic creativity and the discovery and fostering of the talents of literature and arts; it is yet to have any works of high quality that could make great influence and spillover. Investment in cultural development is yet to be desired and it is yet to be aware fully that investment in culture is investment in development. The investment resources for the building of cultural institutionalization are yet to be even, the distance between the cultural enjoyment among the areas and regions is still being bridged slowly.

The 13th Party Congress has mapped out the goals to the year 2030 that Vietnam will be a developed country with modern industry, high average income and to the year 2045, it will become a developed country with high income. The 13th Party Congress’ documents have determined one of the major orientations: To develop a comprehensive man, to build an advanced culture richly imbued with the national identity so that culture can really become the endogenous strength and the motive force for national development and defence of the Fatherland. Arousing the aspirations for developing the prosperous and happy country; promoting the cultural values and the strength of the Vietnamese people in building and protecting the Fatherland, in international integration has become one of the key tasks, the strategic breakthrough in the current stage.

To implement this goal, this very important strategic tasks, the Party and the National Assembly have promulgated the Program of Action with 6 groups of solutions and 107 specific tasks, including a lot of contents of culture. In the coming time, the Party and the National Assembly will focus on leading and guiding the deployment of the followings contents:

Firstly, to continue to advise the building and organization of implementing “the Strategy of building, perfecting the legal system and organizing the enforcement of law to the year 2030, with the orientation to the year 2045, meeting the requirements of building and perfecting thr socialist rule-of-law State of Vietnam”. In which, attention is to be paid to raising the awareness, capacities and the law-making quality of the National Assembly on culture; considering culture the target, the endogenous resource, the breakthrough motive force of the development process.

Secondly, to institutionalize the Party’s viewpoints, thoroughly grasp and deploy the guiding opinions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Culture Congress on November 24, 2021, on building and developing culture and the Vietnamese people, ensuring the synchrony, unification, timeliness, feasibility, stability, openness, transparency, full calculation of the requirements of international integration. To give guidance to the study and participation in building the national value system, the family value system, the value system of the Vietnamese people; to perfect the legal system to protect the Party’s ideological foundation and the national culture, to combat against any degenerations, “self-evolution”, “self-transformation” and maintain the moral standards and life style of the Vietnamese, to promote “the learning society” in combination with using the most competent and most moral people; to develop the educational-training and scientific-technological work to really become the top national policy; to promote the creativity, enhance the cultural and art development; to make planning and good management the press-communications; to exploit the scientific-technological advantages, especially the digital technology, so as to introduce the achievements of the renovation work and the outstanding characterisitics of Vietnamese culture to the world; to receive with selection the quintessence of mankind’s culture, at the same time to stop, limit and minimize all the negative impacts.

Thirdly, to renovate and push ahead the supervision of the National Assembly in implementing the advocacies, policies and laws on culture; in implementing the post-supervision petitions, in combination with the accountability of relevant organizations and individuals, particularly the responsibilities of the chiefs.

Fourthly, to determine the cultural targets t hat need being obtained and to judge fully the cultural impacts before the promulgation of policies and laws, as well as the decision on the country’s important issues.

Fifthly, to promote the role of the parliamentary diplomacy, to constantly expand the cultural cooperation and exchanges. To build mechanisms and poolicies to develop foreign relations in culture, to support the popularization of the national art, to export the cultural products and services and import with selection the cultural products and services in the orocess of intensive and extensive international integration; to to bring into the fullest play the talent and dedication of the Vietnamese intellectuals and artists abroad.

Sixthly, to continue to build and perfect the policies on “cultural development in economic development and economy in cultural development” so that the cultural values can be able to get absorbed and transformed into all the process of movement and development of the socialist-oriented market economy, from production forces to production relationship. To intensify the cultural building in politics, to promote socialist democracy and the strength of the great national unity, in which there are activities of the National Assembly, the agencies of the National Assembly and the deputies to the National Assembly. To increase investment in culture; to focus on developing the cultural products and services market, the cultural industries, to push the creative economic area, to bridge the gap in the people’s enjoyment of culture in the areas and regions.

The Vietnamese culture has been crystalized from the thousand-of-year history of national construction and defence. Culture has created the strength of unity, patriotism, the spirit of self-strengthening, self-reliance, mutual affection, thus glorifying the civilized and heroic nation of Vietnam. The thought of President Ho Chi Minh on “the culture that shines the path for the people” has become the truth, affirming the role of spiritual foundation, the enlightment, the guide of culture for the national development and protection. In recent time, the COVID-19 pandemic has been making multifaceted impacts and great influences on the people’s material and spiritual life. It is in this most difficult time, under the central leadership and guidance of the Party, in response to the appeal of comrade Nguyen Phu Trong together with the participation of the whole political system, the fine traditional values of the nation, like “love thy neighbor as thyself”, “the unbroken leaves cover the tattered leaves”, have been brought into full play, encouraging the entire Party, people and army to pool their efforts and to be of one heart to overcome difficulties and challenges. The facts have proved to the great strength of culture, of the Vietnamese people. With this great strength, Vietnam has placed its complete confidence in the bright future of the nation. All the noble and fine goals charted out by the 13th Party National Congress will definitely be carried out successfully. Vietnam will absolutely be ever more prosperous and happy so as to be on a par with the powers in the five continents as wished by President Ho Chi Minh./.


(1) Ho Chi Minh, Complete works, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, tomb 4, p. 7

(2) Ho Chi Minh – Biographical Chronicle, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2016, tomb 3, p. 321

(3) Ho Chi Minh, Complete works, Ibid, tomb 1, p. XXV

(4) Ho Chi Minh, Complete works, Ibid, tomb 4, p. 491

(5) Due to the fierce opposition of internal enemies, external invaders, from November 11, 1945, the Party had to withdraw into its clandestine activities (to the 2nd Party Congress, February 1951), the Party could operate openly, with its name being the Labour Party of Vietnam, so the concept of “Mass organization” as said above was to mention the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 981 (January 2022) ... able-deve/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:39 pm

CP of Vietnam, Clear-sighted mind – fundamental qualityof communist party in power following Ho Chi Minh thought
7/11/22 4:11 PM


Senior expert, former member of the Central Theoretical Council

COMMUNIST REVIEW –Ho Chi Minh thought about the genuine revolutionary party and about the building of the power-holding communist party is of special importance for the process of the Vietnamese revolution, since the Communist Party of Vietnam came into being and led the revolution. His thought continues to be the lodestar for the current Party building and revamping of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Theory of power-holding communist party in Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and heritage

On the one hand, the creative development in theory on the power-holding party of President Ho Chi Minhfrom the realities of the Vietnamese revolution is the inheritance and faithful and creative application without sectarianism and dogmatism with Marxism; has developed V.I. Lenin’s theory of a new-type party and has made really great contributions to the theory on the power-holding party; has enriched the theoretical treasure and revolutionary method of Marxism-Leninism; on the other hand, His ideology has also made strong impact and great influence on the international communists’ and workers’ movement, on the world’s revolutionary movement, particularly the national liberation movement in the colonial countries, encouraged the oppressed nations to struggle against imperialism and colonialism.

In the theoretical content of Marxism-Leninism, the theory on the party – here the communist party and the communist party in power – has been less mentioned and in fact, it is the area which is yet to have the really profound interpretation, and there are a lot of issues being left open-ended and left without being explained thoroughly yet in theory as well as having not yet the practical summary so as to verify the theory and develop the new theory. This historical limitation is inevitable, because in the times of C. Marx and F. Engles, the revolution of communism remained a trend in movement, the communist party was yet to be mature and it was still in the process of building. At the time he wrote “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” (1848), the party was still in the form of “the Leagues of Communists”, the proletarian revolution was not yet really ripe. The Paris Commune which he had personally witnessed was only “the prelude”, “a test” in the revolutionary action of the proletarian class in one of the advanced capitalist countries in Europe (France), but finally, it was ended in failure. The Commune could be able to hold the power in 72 days. The failure of the Commune had left the valuable lessons to the Communist Party and to the Party’s led revolutionary movement.

Due to the epochal limitations, C. Marx and F. Engels were yet to have enough historical data to discuss on the communist party, particularly on the building of a communist party in power, as well as having no precedents to settle this problem.They only stopped at the general theoretical principles, such as the differentiation of “the program of local character” and “the program of national character” so as to be able to recognize if the party is mature or not? C. Marx and F. Engels only make arguments about the historical inevitability of communism and the communist revolution. That is why, they had stopped only at the prediction, the social hyphothesis about the future society and at how would it be organized and how would the vanguard army of the revolutionary working class, i. e. the communist party, lead the class and society to advance towards communism?

Until V.I. Lenin, even though He had experienced the realities and led successfully the 1917 Great Russian October Revolution, setting up the Soviet Russia and giving birth to realistic socialism, the Communist Party of Russia was in the official position of a party in power (which He called the power assuming party, but the real time V.I. Lenin had assumed the power was very short, only in 7 years (1917-1924). V.I. Lenin passed away when the New Economic Policy (NEP) initiated by Him was just starting, in which there was the “Directive for Party Purging” which was extremely important, but it was yet to be carried out as much as wished. V.I. Lenin’s ideologies of reforming socialism, of building and revamping the Party had not had enough time to have them permeated into realities. He only could be able to imagine a number of issues relating to the theory about the communist party and the communist party in power to build socialism, but there were yet to be sufficient conditions for study and thorough summary.

Realistic socialism in Eastern Europe with the communist parties in power had undergone 7 decades, but during this space of time, it seemed that there was no development of theory about the power-holding communist party in a fundamental way. Almost all the socialist countries (including Vietnam) were under the governing influence of the Soviet model, where there had existed many defects. It was in this situation that the issues that President Ho Chi Minh had a presage, foresee and raised it to be the concept and argument had helped our Party form in a pretty fundmental step the theory and method of building the power-holding communist party. These are His important and outstanding contributions, starting from the book titled “The Revolutionary Path” in 1927, to the book “Correcting style of work” in 1947, to His “Testament” in 1969 and a series of works on revolutionary morality, on the combat against individualism from 1958 to 1969. In which He had pointed out the viewpoint in fighting against individualism as against “internal aggressors” – the most dangerous enemy within each person, each party organization; it could destroy from within and it has placed the party before the danger of success – failure – losses – or existence.

It can be summarized and generalized the theory about the power-holding communist party of President Ho Chi Minh through the realities of the Communist Party of Vietnam, from its nascency to the time when it held power and the process of renovation, on the following main points:

Firstly, in the process of establishing the Party, according to V.I. Lenin’s theory of a new type party, Nguyen Ai Quoc had planned a transitional form, or established “the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association”. It was the organization of the young revolutionaries He personally educated and trained in accordance with Marxism-Leninism. It was also the predecessor organization of the Communist Party of Vietnam when the situation was yet to be ripe for the establishment of the Party.

Secondly, in Vietnam, the Party’s law of nascency has got both the popularity and the special characteristics. It is the combination between Marxism-Leninism with the workers’ movement (popularity), with the patriotic movement of the Vietnamese people (charafteristics).

Thirdly, from the nature of a revolutionary party, the working class, the vanguard of which is the Communist Party of Vietnam, right from the start, had intimately associated with the nation and the people. The Vietnamese working class which was still in a small number when the Party was born, and was yet to be the direct product of the production of great industry in the country, but there was the support from nation and people, with the traditional strength of patriotism, it had still undertaken completely the mission of the revolutionary leading class.

Fourthly, the Communist Party of Vietnam was set up with the merger of the communist organizations from the three parts of the country (the Communist OParty of Indochina, the An Nam Communist Party and the Indochinese Communist League) with the political program, stratagem and action program being drafted by leader Nguyen Ai Quoc and discussed and approved together with the brief Rule of the Party. Unity, unification in action for the goal of national liberation, class emancipation and social emancipation, implementation of national independence and in an advance to build the communist society, bypassing the capitalist regime is the direct manifestation of the Party’s loyalty to the interests of the Fatherland, the nation and the people.

Fifthly, from the historical realities, the Communist Party of Vietnam (the name of the Party was determined by Nguyen Ai Quoc right from the beginning) is not only the vanguard of the working class, but also the pioneer of the nation, the faithful representative of the interests of the working class and of the nation, of the Vietnamese people. Through the history of revolutionary struggle, as well as the process of renovation, our Party has affirmed clearly its nature and characteristics.

Sixthly, unity of class, unity of nation, unity of the entire people is the strategic ideology, the strategic political line of the Party, that has created the synergy of the revolution in close combination with the international solidarity on the standpoint of the working class. Leader Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh is the soul, the embodiment of ideology, the line of unity and great unity. This is one of the outstanding values of the Party; unity has become the Party’s precious tradition, the crystallization and promotion of the tradition of unity of the nation throughout thousands of years of the national building and defending. Thanks to the firm maintenance of that tradition, in the history of our Party, there has never happened the division in ideology and organization as some of parties in the world had committed. The strength of the Party has always relied on the foundation of the strength of the nation, of the people, the fundamental force of which is the Workers – Peasants, as Nguyen Ai Quoc had affirmed in His work “The Revolutionary Path”: “Workers-Peasants are the masters of revolution” (1).

Seventhly, the Party is not only the pioneer in theory, but also the representative of revolutionary morality, not only persistent in ideology and goals, “firmly maintain –ism”, but also strives and sacrifices to the end for the independent Fatherland, the free nation and the wealthy and happy people. Apart from the interests of the Fatherland and the people, our Party has no other interests. Only by firmly maintaining and training for life the revolutionary morality: Industry, thrift, integrity, righteousness, with “no lust for materials”, by struggling against individualism for life like the fight against “internal aggressors”, only by having the bravery not to take any interest in fame and wealth, by standing outside the fame and wealth could we be able to ensure morality for direction, correct political line, for the clear-sighted mind, unanimous unity and for the strength of organization, of the self-conscious discipline so as to rally the masses and attract the masses to follow the Party, to believe in the Party (2).

One famous argument of President Ho Chi Minh: Our Party is the well-bred child, coming from the working class (workers); the Party is the morality, the civilization (3); therefore, to build the Party, particularly in the condition that the Party is in power, is not only to build the Party strong in the political ideology, organization and cadres, but also to build the Party in morality and culture. The Party has to be really pure and only in that way, the Party can be powerful. With President Ho Chi Minh being the leader who has founded and trained the Party, is the soul of the Party, of the nation, our Party not only has the political program like the declaration being the banner to rally the revolutionary force, but also has the moral philosophy, setting good example of cadres and party members, particularly the chiefs, so that the people believe, support and follow.

Eightly, the Communist Party of Vietnam has taken Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh thought as the ideological foundation of the Party. The Party is loyal to Marxism-Leninism in a creative way, without dogmatism, sectarianism, developes creatively Marxism-Leninism in the realities of the Vietnamese revolution and the world revolution; the Party’s organizational principle is “democratic centralism”, the collective leadership, the individual in charge, upholding criticism and self-cricisim, and this is the law and also the method to develop the Party.

In the principle of criticism and self-criticism, as instructed by President Ho Chi Minh, it is not only the politics, but alspo the morality and more prodound, more subtle, it is the culture (“it is a must to have comradeship and mutual love”, “to have reasonability and sentiment”, “to be strict with ourselves, but generous and tolerant with others”), so as to build the political culture, the moral culture within the Party, particularly when the Party is in power.

Ninethly, one remarkable point in the ideology and theory about the communist party in power of President Ho Chi Minh is to rely on the people to build and revamp the Party. Based on the people’s attitude to recheck the lines, resolutions, advocacies and policies of the Party to see if they are right or wrong, thus making every line and policy of the Party suitable to the wishes of the people, to win the people’s hearts, without doing anything against the people’s opinions, “leading the people but not to follow the tail of the people”. Based on the people to readjust the organization, apparatus, education and training, supervision and inspection of cadres. In His book titled “Correcting Style of Work” (1947), a section deals with 12 things on building a genuine revolutionary party, this is the core contents of Ho Chi Minh thought on building the party in power.

Tenthly, the key to success or failure of the revolutionary movement, of the career is because of cadres, of human beings. The education-training of cadres must be considered as the Party’s root work. It is necessary to give care to the training of cadres for the present and for the future; cadres should have both morality and talent, but morality is the root. To skillfully lead, to skillfully inspect cadres, with the concern and with love, but there has to be the protection of cadres by the regular inspection, control and criticism so that cadres cannot become spoilt, and wecannot lose cadres (the most valuable asset – the human asset).

President Ho Chi Minh requests that it is necessary to pay regular attention to practicing broad democracy within the Party, to doing well the people mobilization, consolidating the unity, consensus, upholding the determination and faith, the spirit in charge of cadres and party members before the Party and the people; to constantly renew ourselves, to revamp on our own for self-development, for ever-lasting progress, without having the state of degeneration and depravement within the Party; taking the satisfaction and trust of the people as the yardstick of the results, leading capacities, the prestige of the Party, the quality and abilities of the contingent of cadres and party members.

He also pointed out that it is necessary to settle thoroughly and harmoniously the relationship between the Party and the people, the State and the people, the Fatherland Front and the organizations and the people, between our Party and the friend parties with the world. It is necessary to have the vision, the clear-cut direction, the correct policy, the timely advocacy, the practical and specific measures; the loyal, devoted and modest cadres and party members who serve the people, learn from the people, help the people to improve and so on. To this end, the fundamental and decisive thing is the quality of the contingent of cadres and party members, particularly the leading persons in the Party’s leading agencies, especially the chiefs.

These are the most fundamental and prominent points in Ho Chi Minh thought about the party in power which remains valuable for ever to the Communist Party of Vietnam, to the Vietnamese revolution. These are the contributions of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the devotion of President Ho Chi Minh to the theory about the party in power, enriching and making it lively the theoretical treasure of Marxism-Leninism from the realities of the Vietnamese revolution. These are also the vivid evidence of the clear-sighted mind of the Party, typical and crystalized in the clear-sighted mind, stratagem and great abilities of President Ho Chi Minh – the leader of the Party, of the nation.

Clear-sighted mind through realities of historical operation of Party and talented leader Ho Chi Minh

The clear-sighted mind of the Party expressed concentratedly in the leading capacities of the collective leading agencies at different levels of the Party, especially at the highest level and in the quality of mind of the leader, of the chief. The clear-sighted mind ensures the correct and timely decision on the basis of precise analysis and assessment of the situation and forces of correlative sides; responds to the requirements posed by realities before the revolutionary movement, before the Party to promote the revolutionary cause to advance; mobilises and unites the forces surrounding the Party so as to carry out the creative activities according to the determined goals.

The clear-sighted mind of the Party, first of all, is to find out the direction, map out exactly the strategic lines and the tasks to be settled in each period, each stage of development of the revolution; besides, it is also the possibility to determine clearly the necessary and sufficient conditions to implement the revolutionary goals and tasks. The clear-sighted mind is related directly to the strategic vision, far-reaching sightedness, led by the theoretical scientific mindset; consciousness and action in accordance with the law, creative application of the objective laws by the highest endeavor of the subjective factor, but without making any involuntary, subjective mistakes; without being governed by the empiricism, going beyond the conventional experience level so as to reach to the theoretical level, to master the pioneer theory; it is the capacity to use of theory as a method so that it is not only possible to apply creatively the theory in realities, but also to be able to summarize the realities with theory, from realities to discover and develop the new theory.

The Communist Party of Vietnam, the tyical concentration of which is in President Ho Chi Minh and His close collaborators in the Political Bureau and in the Party Central Committee, has implemented remarkably the instructions of principle character of the theoretical method of V.I. Lenin: “To unify theory with realities”, consistently followed the viewpoint of realities (the standard of truth) with the viewpoint of development and renovation (the dialectical mindset, moving and opening, not static and closing); “analyze concretely a concrete issue and it is the essence, living soul of Marxism”. Inheriting that spirit, President Ho Chi Minh stressed: “Practice breeds knowledge/Knowledge moves on to theory/Theory leads practice”(5).

The experience of the Vietnamese revolution shows that so long as the Party has got the mindset of independence, autonomy and creativity, the correct line, motto and measures can be made and mapped out, then the revolutionary movements will be promoted and developed satisfactorily; on the contrary, so long as the Party makes mistakes in being dogmatic, banausic, subjective, involuntary, out of touch with realities, in disregarding the objective law, running counter to the law, it will not avoid making mistakes in the lines, advocacies and policies, and in the end of the day, it will take the revolutionary movement to difficulties and will not avoid having failure.

When the renovation work was decided and initiated, at the 6th National Party Congress, December 1986, the Communist Party of Vietnam had laid stress on the great lesson:

- To build the Party on a par with the political task of a power-holding part which lead the people to conduct the socialist revolution.

- To respect and act in accordance with the objective law.

- To get impregnated with the ideology “The people are the roots of the country”, “The country takes the people as the roots”, so that all advocacies, policies, all the things are directed to the people, serve the people’s interests, respond the people’s legitimate aspirations.

The reason to have the renovation line at the 6th Party Congress is because of the fact that the Communist Party of Vietnam has upheld its clear-sighted mind on the basis of generalization and integrattion from the clear-sighted mind of the people, listened to the people’s voice at the grass-roots, understood thoroughly the people’s heart and recognized the “order of life”. It is clear that without the clear-sighted mind, it is impossible to have the renovation ideology, the renovation line, the timely decisive policies on renovation to come into being; it is impossible to give the clear, precise answer to the very important question: “To be or not to be”, “Renovation or die?”.

Thanks to the clear-sighted mind that the Communist Party of Vietnam has recognized and affirmed: Renovation is a golden opportunity for development; it is necessary to seize the right opportunity, without losing the opportunity, at the same time is proactive to overcome challenges, dangers, even though it is severe. Thanks to the clear-sighted mind that the Communist Party of Vietnam has recognized the dialectic of transformation: To come to meet at the right time and take the effective advantage of the opportunity, then it is possible to limit and overcome the challenges; and then the challenges will become the opportunities for the new development. On the contrary, losing opportunities (actually many times, the opportunities only appear once; they come very fast and go away very rapidly and will not reappear), so challenges and dangers will increase, become complicated and fiercer, even they can land a whole movement, a career into failure. The lesson on renovation of Vietnam led by the Communist Party of Vietnam is the logical continuity from the experience of success and failure of our forefathers in history, in face of the trend of renovation of the nation and of the world.

The Communist Party of Vietnam has inherited and promoted the clear-sighted mind filled with sensitiveness, intelligence and stratagem of leader Nguyen Ai Quoc – Ho Chi Minh:

+ “Revolution is to break the old into the new, to break the bad into the good”(6).

+ Revolution, first of all, has the Party, the Party, first of all, has an –ism as the core. The Party without an –ism is likea man without intellect. The most genuine, most revolutionary –ism is Marxism-Leninism. In the Party, everyone must follow that –ism.

+ Revolution is renovation, development, is inheritance, should always settle the relationship between the old and the new like a struggle.

Not everything should be made anew at all. What is old, if it is still right and good, it is advisable to use it; what is old, even if it is right and good, but it causes troubles and inconveniences in application because there are new conditions arising, so it is necessary to repair it. And what is old, but it has become outdated and backward, it must be thrown away…. What is new,if it is really right and good, it is necessary to apply it resolutely (7).

The realities show that there are something very old and really obsolete, but people have got used to it, so it is regarded as normal (it is the psychological resistance force that leads to slackness, conservatism and avoidance of change). There are something new which is progressive and revolutionary, but it is still strange, so men and organizations are not ready psychologically to receive it, and it is till regarded as bad and opposed. Therefore, overcoming an old habit, receiving a new idea, settling the relationship between the old and the new is the complicated and long struggle and it needs determination, the scientific method to settle it(8).

+ Until when the Testament is left to the entire people, the entire Party, President Hồ Chí Minh has pointed out to us His ideology about renovation: “This is a struggle against what is old, damaged, to create the new, fresh things. To win victory in this huge fight, it is necessary to mobilize the entire people, organize and educate the entire people, to rely on the great force of the entire people”(9).

It is clear that the above-mentioned ideologies and viewpoints of President Hồ Chí Minh, from the days of preparing to establish the Party and build the country to the last days and months of His life, His career has been always troubled with the people’s affairs and the country’s affairs, He is worried about the present and has the plan for the future and this is the remarkable symbol for the intellect of Vietnam, for the clear-sighted mind of the Party. He is the outstanding leader of the genuine revolutionary Party, the Party of intellect, the Party of renovation, the Party of development.He is the crystallization for the creative strength of the Party and the nation, the strength to transmit the great inspiration to the entire Party and people to look ahead into the future and the fine prospect so as to build successfully socialism in Vietnam – a highly cultural society. With the ideological and intellectual potential of the nation, the Vietnamese nation will definitely become a scholarly society. The clear-sighted mind is the fundamental quality of the Party in power with its heavy responsibilities to lead successfully that glorious career as aspired by President Ho Chi Minh.

The clear-sighted mind, as considered, is not onlythe mind capacities, but also the base of morality and dignity. With the power-holding communist party, together with the scientific mind, the party should have the revolutionary morality and the solid political abilities so as never to lose its bearings in leadership and power, particularly at the point of time with the watershed challenges. Putting together all these agents, it will make strength and abilities of the Party on the foundation of the nation’s strength in combination with the epochal strength. V.I. Lenin once warned that the greatest danger for the party in power is its out of touch with the masses, its divorce itself from realities; it should always guard against the “disease of communist arrogance” and the vice of administrative bureaucracy as well as the bribery and corruption. These vicious “diseases” can be born if the power-holding communist party has not trained its morality and has not kept the Party’s nature.

And if a leading, power-holding party loses its political bearings, it is synonymous with the suididal act, taking the whole movement and revolutionary career to failure. That the Soviet Communist Party was disintegrated and lost its power-hold role, the socialist regime collapsed after seven decades of its existence (even though there were a lot of glorious exploits) as it had happened three decades ago, is a painful evidence, an epochal tragedy, is of eternal significance of warning, and remains the burning news of the day for our Party and other communist parties. Through it, we have seen all the more clearly the strategic vision, “the oceanic eyesight” of the clear-sighted mind and the noble, pure morality of President Ho Chi Minh – a ideological and organizational genius of the Party and nation of Vietnam.

The clear-sighted mind of President Ho Chi Minh, of the Communist Party of Vietnam, is in the sense that the trend and prospect of history have been recognized, it is believed with the most exactly scientific confidence, it is believed with the most ardently revolutionary confidence, it is the confidence in the strength of the people, of patriotism, the most noble value of the Vietnamese history, of the Vietnamese culture, the creation of truth and morality and moral principle of the nation and of the times so as to affirm that the US imperialists would be definitely defeated, the Vietnamese people would be definitely victorious. It was a certainty (10).This is the message that the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh had transmitted to the nation and to the whole world and mankind. Until when He wrote the Testament, which He called in a humble way a letter, a few words left behind, His ardent confidence has never changed. With a regrettable confidence – great and noble of a great human dignity of the times (11), He regreted that “He could not serve the people longer and more” (12). It is the noble morality of a man who had volunteered to dedicate His whole life to the people, to the country. He said: “I have dedicated my whole life to my nation” (13), it is also the clear-sighted mind of Ho Chi Minh, just like a philosophy of human life: “Those who have morality will receive truth more easily”. With a clear-sighted mind, the leading and power-holding Party will lead and hold power by science, by politics, morality and culture.

Lessons drawn from clear-sighted mind of Party, of leader Ho Chi Minh should continue to be applied and developed now

+The first lesson, the clear-sighted mind of the Party should go to the skilfull combination between the scientific theory and realities happening in the specific historical conditions, to the thinking abilities of independence, autonomy, creativity, without being banausic, dogmatic, rigid, the scientific mind should be closely associated with the revolutionary morality and solid and consistent political abilities before all events and challenges. The clear-sighted mind demands that it is applied right in the clement weather, favourable terrain and concord among people, in which the concord among the people is the root, the most important. It is also the clear-sightedness in consciousness and in treatment of the relations of Time – Position – Force: to take advantage of the time, to create the position and to build and strengthen solidly the force. It is the science and art in the armed struggle, the insurrection to seize the power and maintain firmly the power.

The events in the Party’s history since Uncle Ho returned to the country, more than 80 years ago, such as the 8th Plenum decided to change the strategic direction, placing the task of national liberation on top of all, establishing the Vietnamese Independence League, upholding the spirit of great unity (May 19, 1941), the Instructions to establish the Vietnam Liberation Army Propaganda Team (Decemer 22, 1944), the National Party Congress (August 13-15, 1945), the National Congress in Tân Trào (August 16-17, 1945). The Order of Insurrection nationwide and the letters and appeals on the compatriots of leader Ho Chi Minh, the Declaration of Independence, the settlement of six urgent tasks right after the day to declare the Independence to the reorganization of the Provisional Government and the coalition government, the drafting of the Constitution and the General Election to the National Assembly…. all had become the classic examples of the mind, abilities and stratagem of the Party and of President Ho Chi Minh before the turning points of history.

This important lesson that should be applied and developed in the current time is to continue the renovation and creativity, placing the interests of the country-nation above all else, to arouse and promote the aspirations of Vietnam, the aspirations of Ho Chi Minh; to apply the spirit “to act according to circumstances” before the new opportunities, new challenges with the efforts of new actions; uphold the determination, faith, unanimity of the entire Party and people to carry out the aspiration forthe powerful, prosperous and ever-lasting nation.

+ The second lesson, it is to rely on the people, to promote to the highest level the love of the country and the strength of the great national unity, “bring our own strength to conduct the liberation for ourselves”. The best way of doing things is to use the people’s talent, the people’s strength for the benefits of the people, for the happiness of the people. Deeply imbued with the national consciousness and the people’s character of the national liberation revolution to develop the nation, so the Party had made greatest efforts to liberate the people’s strength, develop the people’s strength, constantly foster the people’s strength, while it should know how to “save the people’s strength” as guided by President Ho Chi Minh. Thanks to the help of the people, the clear-sighted mind of the people that the Party has nurtured and constantly developed its clear-sighted mind. When having held the power, the Party has to be in closer touch with the people, learn from the people, raise questions with the people, promote all the initiatives and creativities of the people, rely on the people to promote all resources, build the contingent of cadres, discover and use well the talents, because human beings are the most precious asset, and virtuous and talented people are within the masses. In the contingent of the Party, the more virtuous and talented people it has, the better; this is the basis and resources, potential to help make the Party have the clear-sigted mind.

This lesson is continuing to be promoted in building and revamping the Party, in practising unity, democracy and in the population mobilization work, in the training and fostering of cadres of the Party; the Party has to be in touch with the people, rely on the force of the people and it is not allowed to separate from the people.

+ The third lesson, the clear-sighted mind ensures that the Party’s leadership will not make any mistakes when it makes a dicision. Thanks to the clear-sighted mind, the Party has avoided being landed in simplicity, subjectivism and involuntarism; it is more cautious but determined without being hesistant before the situations that demand for a more careful deliberation in many aspects. To do so, the Party is to be made to have the potential of ideology, theory, to master theory, “to renew” the intellect and the theoretical method so as not to be landed into rigidity, backwardness, to avoid being fallen into sluggishness, conservativeness, in fear of renovation because we cannot be able to free ourselves from the old experience and habits. Many times, the new situation has appeared in a very strange, very new way, demanding to have a new way of settlement, a new answer very differentfrom the old, very popular criteria. To have breakthroughs, the Party has to have the breakthrough from theory. To have revolution, renovation is need. To have renovation, creativity is needed. To be strong in the faith, to be self-confident, but it is necessary to always verify the confidence in truth from new realities.

This lesson is well undertood by the Party when it has to settle the new requriements, new tasks without having any precedents. Following are the typical examples:

+ Is it possible to bypass the capitalist regime to advance to socialism, particularly with the very low starting point like Vietnam?

+ The country was till devided, the requirements of national liberation was placed on top of all, particularly the revolution in the Southern part of the country. So, was it better to focus on carrying out one strategic task only or two tasks simultaneously: the National liberation revolution in the South and the socialist revolution in the North to support the Southern revolution? The situation was that was it possible to transitionally advance towards socialism in North? When the US aggressors launched its war of destruction against the North, was it possible to continue the socialist construction in the fiercely destructive war or not?

+ The national reunification, taking the South together with the North to transitionally advance towards socialism or leave the South “to have some more times for rehabilitation and stability”, to concentrate on the economic development, then it would transitionally advance towards socialism?

+ Especially, when the world socialist system was disintegrated, the Soviet Union – the world’s revolutionary bulwalk had collapsed in institution, the country was falling into the economic and social crisis, how could it need to be consistent in the line of socialist building?

+ To carry out the renovation with the market economy, accepting the differentiation and competition; co-existence, cooperation and competition together in door-opening, international integration and globalization. Was it possible to develop the market economy while being loyal to the principles of scientific socialism? Was it possible to maintain firmly the socialist ideological system without leaving the difference in ideology to be the barrier to the multilateral cooperation and diversification? The Party has to lead the country and the nation to build socialism with the market economy, with the rule-of-law State, to be proactive in opening the door, integration, in establishing relations with the power-holding capitalist parties, not only with the communist parties?

In face of so many such strange situations, our Party has got the affirmative answer. The correct, clear-sighted and timely decisions of the Party: To persistently follow the ideology, goal of national independence in close combination with socialism. To be persistent and firmly maintain the ideological foundation: Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought and firmly maintain the leading and power-holding role of the Party, without pluralism, multiparty, without “the separation of three powers” in building the rule-of-law State, in building and developing the modern market economy, but it is the socialist-oriented market economy. The achievements of over 35 years of renovation have proved to these clear-sighted decisions of the Party.

Discovering the system of the great relations of the law character of renovation, the formation of new consciousness with the system of viewpoints and principles of socialism of Vietnam and the path to advance towards to socialism in Vietnam, are the achievements of important theory of the clear-sighted mind of our Party, which continue to shine the Vietnamese revolutionary realities nowadays.

Therefore, from this lesson, the Communist Party of Vietnam has paid special attention to the role of theory, the ideological theory of the Party and has made great efforts to enhance the practice of widespread democracy within the Party, served as the motive force to promote the practice of democracy in society, combining the practice of democracy with the promotion of law to ensure the social discipline (14). This relationship is discovered from the mind of the Party at the 13th Party Congress. If the Party wants to nurture the clear-sighted mind, it should strive hard to pay attention to developing and practising democracy both in the Party and in society. That is the social environment and the source of nutrition to develop the clear-sighted mind, is the path to create the loyal personality, firm abilities, to guard against the state of “false personality” alongside “false morality”, “false politics, “false science” and “false revolution”, only because the consciousness is not correct, because there is not a respect and action in accordance with the objective law(15).

+ The fourth lesson, to train for life the revolutiomary morality: industriousness, thrift, integrity and righteousness, disinterestedness and impartiality, no interest in fame and wealth, defeating individualism by the strength of the revolutionary morality following the example of President Ho Chi Minh. This is the vital lesson of the Communist Party in power.The clear-sighted mind should have the pedestal of morality. Degeneration and collapse are due to depravement in morality, which have deformed the nature of the Party and the personality of party members. That is why, training the clear-sighted mind is necessarily not separated from the requirement of training morality. Since 1949 when the senior Party school was established, President Ho Chi Minh had initiated and enlightened every cadre and party member about the learning: “Learning to work, to live to become a man, to become a cadre. Learn to serve the organizations, to serve the class and people, to serve the Fatherland and mankind. To this end, it is necessary to have industriousness, thriftiness, integrity and righteousness, impartiality and disinterestedness” (16). To apply this lesson to the present day, it is necessary to strive to improve the mind, scientific theory in combination with the great efforts in training morality, particularly of the contingent of the leading and managing cadres. Mind must be bright. Morality must be pure. Soul must be sound so as to have Great morality, real morality, Great talent, real talent and bring that real morality, real talent to serve the People, the Country, to fulfill the Party’s mission. The Party is for the People, then the People will consider the Party as their own Party.

+ The fifth lesson, to constantly nurture and develop the clear-sighted mind of the Party in power, the Party must represent the quintessence of the national and epochal mind. Within the Party, a special attention must be paid to nurturing the talents, the quintessences of the Party, not only those in the contingent of strategy-level leading cadres, but the quintessences of the mind of the Party must be found present through the contingent of talented and brilliant experts of the Party. This is the source of energy reserves of spirit, creating the potential of ideology and mind of the Party, breeding and supplying the source of cledar-sighted mind to the Party, just making the Party on a par with the task, really become the mind, conscience and honour of the nation, of the times. Whether being the pioneer in theory, protecting the Party’s ideological foundation or not, the important part lies in the contingent of these experts and quintenssences of the Party. The Party must have the strategy of training talents and this is the highlight in the personnel strategy of the Party. It is necessary to give special care to the contingent of cadres of the future generations so that the Party’s mind and morality will shine for ever in the heart of the nation and will be on a par with the times./.


(1), (2) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2011, tomb 2, p. 288, 280
(3) See: Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 12, p. 400, 403
(4) See: Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 4, p. 289, 290
(5) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 7, p. 120
(6) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 2, p. 284
(7), (8) See: HoChi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 5, p. 112 – 113, 125
(9), (10) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works: Ibid, tomb 15, p. 617, 621
(11) Dr. Josephin Stenson (America) “Ho Chi Minh, A great personality of the time”, International seminar to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh, in Hanoi, on May 19, 1990, Hon Viet magazine, March 2021, p. 4-7
(12) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works: Ibid, tomb 15, p. 623
(13) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works: Ibid, tomb 15, p.674
(14) See: Documents of the 13th Party Congress, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, tomb 1, p. 39
(15) See: Hoang Chi Bao: “Wear the cloak of objectivism in scientific research – A Harm that needs being laid bare and eliminated”, Communist Review, No. 923, August 2019 and No. 924, August 2019
(16) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works: Ibid, tomb 6, p. 208

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 984 (February 2022) ... h-thought/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:00 pm

CP of Vietnam, Viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on political abilities of revolutionary Party – Value of application in building Party in politics at present
8/8/22 2:15 PM

Viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on political abilities of revolutionary Party – Value of application in building Party in politics at present


Former Head of Party History Institute, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics

COMMUNIST REVIEW – The viewpoints of President Ho Chi Minh on the political abilities of the revolutionary Party are of profound significance both in theory and practice for the Party building in politics at present. In the condition of promoting in a synchronous and comprehensive manner the renovation and intensive and extensive international integration, the contingent of cadres and party members of the Party has to be constantly ever more trained and raised with the political abilities, thus contributing to raising the Party’s leading capacities and fighting powers.

Ho Chi Minh abilities – political abilities of genuine revolutionary Party

Right from early 1920s of the 20th century, when disseminating Marxism-Leninism in the workers’ movement and the patriotic movement of Vietnam, in preparation for the conditions to set up the Communist Party, leader Nguyen Ai Quoc - Ho Chi Minh had expressed His political abilities with His own and creative viewpoints. At that time, the Communist International (Comintern) was yet to see fully the role of the colonial revolution and held that the revolution in the colonial countries could only be successful when the proletarian revolution was successful in the capitalist countries (the main countries). In May 1921, Nguyen Ai Quoc held that the revolution in the colonial countries in Asia could be proactive in winning victories and also “could be able to help their brothers in the West in the task of liberating completely” (1). Being an enthusiastic international activist, particularly in the Communist International, Nguyen Ai Quoc had attached great importance to making the best use of the support, solidarity and help of comrades and international friends to the liberation of His nation. But He was clearly conscious that it was necessary to rely on our own strength for self-liberation, “if we want their help, then first of all we have to help ourselves” (2). The willpower of self-reliance of His is very clear and has become the willpower of the entire Party and the entire nation.

In such a backward feudal, colonial country as Vietnam, Nguyen Ai Quoc understood clearly the cruel policy of French colonialism; and from it, He wrote “An Indictment of French colonialist regime”. In a colonial country, the national contradiction was extremely fierce; therefore, the struggle for national liberation had to be placed on top of everything, not the class struggle as in the Western capitalist countries. This was very clear in the viewpoint of Nguyen Ai Quoc. The exploiting classes in Vietnam (landlords, bourgeoisie) were all small, a part of it had a national and patriotic spirit to a certain extent. “The class struggle did not happen like in the Western countries” (3). “If the peasants almost had nothing, the landlords also did not have any big assets; if the peasants lived on the least necessities, then the life of landlords had nothing to be luxurious; if workers did not know how much they were exploited, then their employers did not know at all the instrument for exploitation was the machines; those who had not any trade union organization, the others did not have the trust. Those who had to bear their fates, the others were plunged in their greediness. The conflict in their interests had been reduced. This is undeniable” (4). “Nationalism is the great motive force of the country” (5).

Due to the characteristics and such the national contradictions, class contradictions, when founding the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 1930), in the first Program of the Party, leader Nguyen Ai Quoc pointed out the strategic goal: To make Vietnam completely independent in an advance towards the communist society. The Party advocated to enlist people of all strata and all classes in the society to fulfill the task of national liberation. The viewpoint of Nguyen Ai Quoc had not been correctly understood by the Communist International and by some comrades, even He was also regarded as having the manifestation of nationalism. However, Nguyen Ai Quoc was persistent in keeping His viewpoint in upholding the national struggle and until the 7th Congress of the Communjist International (July 1935), some of the comrades in the Communist International had shared with the viewpoint of Nguyen Ai Quoc when the Communist International advocated that the communist parties should establish the National, democratic Front against the danger of fascism, the danger of a world war. On June 06, 1938, Nguyen Ai Quoc sent a letter to a comrade in the Communist International, pointing out that He had 8 years in “the inactive state”, that was why “I want to make a proposal to you that please don’t let me live in so long a time in the inactive state and it is like living next to, outside the Party” (6).

In 1938, the Communist International agreed to let Nguyen Ai Quoc return to His country to lead the revolutionary movement. It needs being stressed that the revolutionary realities of Vietnam in the 1930s of the 20th century had proved that Nguyen Ai Quoc’s viewpoints were right, creative, without being dogmatic. The Conference of the Party Central Committee (November 1939) chaired by General Secretary Nguyen Van Cu was held in Ba Diem (Hoc Mon, Gia Dinh); it had advocated to place the task of national liberation on top of all. On January 28, 1941, Nguyen Ai Quoc returned to the Fatherland in Ha Quang, Cao Bang. Here, He had convened and chaired the 8th Conference of the Party Central Committee (May 1941). The Party Central Committee had completed the line on national liberation with the goal of winning at all costs the independence, with the spirit of independence above all else, the nation above all else, the Fatherland above all else. The class interests had to obey the national interests: “During this time, the interests of a part, of the class must be put under the life and death, the existence of the country, of the nation. During this time, if the national liberation has not been resolved, if independence and freedom of the entire nation have not been seized, then not only the whole country and nation have to endure the horse and buffalo life, but also the interests of a part, of the class cannot be reclaimed for thousands of years” (7).

This correct advocacy had united all the forces possible and promoted the strength of the entire nation to resolutely “devote our strength to liberate ourselves”, so as to win victory of the 1945 August Revolution. On the height of the consciousness, winning the independence and freedom for the nation, there were the interests of a part and the class in it. Having settled correctly the relationship between the national interests and the class interests had manifested the political abilities and the mind stature of President Ho Chi Minh and the Communist Party of Vietnam. Later, President Ho Chi Minh repeated the viewpoint that we had to always start from the realities of the country, and we had better not “use the slogan of class struggle when we hear other people talk about class struggle, but we have to consider our country’s situation so as to carry it out correctly” (8).

In the 1945-1946 period, the Vietnamese revolution had to fight the enemy inside and outside the country, the situation was “like the Democles’ sword”. President Ho Chi Minh and the Party Central Committee had expressed the abilities and special sensitiveness in politics and were determined to defend the independence and the revolutionary power, firmly maintain he Party’s leadership, at the same time had the clever policy of “acting according the circumstances”. On November 11, 1945, the Party declared to dissolve itself, but actually it had withdrawn into clandestine operation to protect the forces. “The Party has to resort to all means to exist, to operate and to develop, for a more secret and effective leadership and for having more time to consolidate gradually the forces of the people’s administration, consolidate the Unified National Front. At that time, the Party could not hesitate. Hesitation will spoil all, so the Party had to resolve it very rapidly, had to use the methods – even these were the painful methods – to save the situation” (9).

In the leadership of the socialist revolution, President Ho Chi Minh had attached great importance to creative thinking, analyzing the concrete situation of the country, combining with the experience of the countries, without being banausic and dogmatic. In 1956, He was aware that “Socialism is to do how to make the people rich and the country strong” (10). “We cannot be like the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union has the different customs and habits, the different history” (11). “And the bourgeois class in our country had the tendency against imperialism, the patriotic tendency, so if we can convince them cleverly, lead them wisely, they can follow the direction of socialism” (12). In 1957, President Ho Chi Minmh analyzed the conditions of Vietnam when the country had just got out of the feudalist and colonialist yoke, so it was very backward. “In such conditions, what method, what form did we have to use, what speed did we have to follow so as to advance gradually towards socialism? These are the immediate issues placed before our Party now” (13). He pointed out: “We have to improve the nurturing of Marxism-Leninism so as to be able to use the standpoint, viewpoint and method of Marxism-Leninism to sum up the experience of our Party and analyze correctly the characteristics of our country. So doing, we could be able to gradually understand the development law of the revolution of Vietnam, determine the lines and mottos, the concrete steps of the socialist revolution suitable to our country’s situation” (14).

In the process of leading and holding power, the Communist Party of Vietnam had also made certain mistakes and shortcomings, either in the great issues or in the narrow framework or in some party members. They are the “leftist”mistakes in the Instructions on Party purging of the Trung Ky (Central part of the country) Regional Party Committee (1931), but the Party Central Committee had criticized in time the shortcomings of some comrades in the unprincipled collaboration with the Trotskist elements and in the propaganda and mobilization of the masses; the existence of two regional party committees (the Tien Phong and Giai Ohong regional party committees) in Nam Ky (Southern part of the country) before the General Uprising in August 1945. When the Party held power, a number of cadres had committed errors: Illegal action, relying on power, depraved, division, arrogance and President Ho Chi Minh had criticized in time and requested them to correct these mistakes. When there were mistakes in the Land Reform (1956), the Party Central Committee and President Ho Chi Mimh had self-criticized before the entire people and were determined to make amends to these faults. Self-criticism when making mistakes was the demand for a genuine revolutionary party. He pointed out: “A Party hides its shortcomings is a wrong Party. A Party has the gut to recognize its faults, has made clear these faults, pointed out the reason why it has made these faults, considered carefully the situation in which these faults had been made and then tries to find ways to rectify them. So it is a progressive, brave, firm and genuine Party” (15).

President Ho Chi Minh is the founder, leader and trainer of the Communist Party of Vietnam. His ideology has been shining and will shine fore ever the glorious revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation. Ho Chi Minh’s abilities are the political abilities of the genuine revolutionary Party, reflected in the main contents: Firstly, the Party held high the aspiration for independence and freedom of the Fatherland, of the compatriots; placed the interests of the country and the nation above all, at the same time showed its absolute loyalty to the socialist ideology, the communist ideology; in any conditions or circumstances, the Party had not separated from these fundamental goals. Secondly, independence and autonomy, with the spirit always starting from realities of the revolution, of the country so as to apply creatively the scientific and creative theory of Marxism-Leninism, to select the suitable fighting form and method and the effective motto and path of socialist construction. To resolutely fight against revisionism, the “leftist”, the “rightist” opportunities; at the same time to combat against dogmatism, hastiness and voluntarism. Thirdly, to firmly grasp the revolutionary principle, while being flexible and supple in stratagem of “acting according to circumstances”; to be proactive and steadfast to overcome all difficulties and challenges, to be resolute to firmly maintain the independence in the interests of the country and the nation, show no confusion and wavering in the dangerous situation and strongly believe in the victory. Fourthly, to frankly admit the errors and shortcomings with the serious, progress-seeking attitude and with the determination to correct them. All the errors and shortcomings in the leading and power-holding process had been rectified effectively by the Party, and from it, the confidence of the people had been consolidated, the unification and unity in the Party and the consensus in the society had been strengthened.

Training, raising political abilities – important content in building Party to be pure and strong in general and building Party in politics in particular

Training, raising the political abilities has got the close relationship with the content of building the Party in politics and made great influence on even building the Party in ideology, theory, morality, organization and cadres. Raising the political abilities is the requirement set for the Party and also the requirements set for each cadre, party member, particularly the leading and managing cadres at the strategic level.

The Political Report, the Report on the Party building work and the implementation of the Party Rules and the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, all have placed the task of building the Party in politics, ideology, morality, organization and cadres above all else. All these fundamental contents in the Party building have got the close relationship and mutual decision, so as to direct to the political goal being the promotion of comprehensive and synchronous renovation, the successful building of socialism and firm protection of the Fatherland of socialist Vietnam. In the final analysis, the issue of building the Party in politics of such a revolutionary, power-holding party as our Party is of significance that decides the revolutionary nature, the working class nature, the the popular nature of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

The Political Report of the 13th Party Congress stresses that to enhance the Party building in politics with the following fundamental content: “To be persistent and constantly to apply and creatively develop Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought in conformity with the realities of Vietnam in each stage. To be persistent in following the goal of national independence and socialism. To be persistent in taking the renovation line for the goal of the rich people, the powerful, democratic, equal and civilized country. To firmly maintain the Party’s working class nature, to persistently keep the Party’s principles. To raise the abilities, the forecast capacities and the quality of making the lines and politices to be in conformity with the realities of Vietnam and the tendency of the epochal development. To institutionalize, concretize in time, to deploy correctly and effectively the Party’s lines and advocacies, the State’s policies and laws, overcome the weaknesses in leadership, guidance and organization of implementation. To raise the political standpoint and abilities, the level, mind, the fighting character of the party committee levels, party organizations and of each cadre, party member, first of all, of the key leading and managing cadres at different levels and at the strategic level. To practice democracy within the Party in close association with the intensification of the Party’s disciplines and rules” (16).

From the new realities, the Communist Party of Vietnam has withdrawn a lot of experience lessons. In which, the primary lesson is: “The Party building and revamping must be deployed resolutely, comprehensively, synchronously and regularly in politics, ideology, morality, organization and personnel” (17). The first and foremost experience in the Party building work is “to raise the political abilities; to persistently apply and creatively develop Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, strictly implement the Party’s principles; to sum up in time the practical work, to develop theory for innovation, against conservativeness and inertia; to resolutely struggle against all the manifestations of political opportunities” (18).

From the guidances of President Ho Chi Minh, from the experience and lesson of the Party building in the renovation period, the content, direction of building the Party in politics at present, it is necessary to pay attention to the following big issues:

Firstly, on the basis of summing up the realities, developing theory, constantly adding and developing the renovation line, the program on the national construftion on the path to socialism.

In the Party building in politics, the primary issue is to build, perfect and ensure the correctness of the program, the line, strategy and stratagem of the Party. This is also the fundamental condition for the successful leadership and power-holding of the Communist Party. The program and line are always the combination between the theoretical principle, the objective law and the historical characteristics and situation of the country, of the revolution in each period and they have always originated from the realities so as to apply and develop theory in a creative way. Thanks to the correct and creative application of the theoretical principle of Marxism-Leninism on the revolutionary war that the Party had mapped out the suitable liberation revolutionary line and the resistance war line to take the cause of the national liberation to complete victory. In the line of the socialist revolution before the renovation, sometimes we were yet to be correctly aware of the law, thus falling into hastiness, subjectiveness and voluntarism, resulting in committing the errors and shortcomings. The renovation line of the 6th Party Congress (December 1986) had both corrected the shortcomings and renewed the theoretical mindset so as to be aware more clearly of socialism and the transititonal period to advance towards socialism in Vietnam. The Party’s renovation line has been constantly added and developed. The Program on national construction in the transitional period to socialism (1991), added and developed in 2011, are really the continuity of that mindset. The 13th Party Congress continued to develop the theory, sum up the realities so as to make clear a lot of new issues due to the movement and development of the country and of the time.

The 13th Party Congress has also stressed the relationship between the loyalty to the theories of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought and the constant development of the theory and renovation of consciousness. Loyaltry without being able to develop will fall into dogmatism, conservativeness, inertia; development without loyalty will possibly commit revisionism, opportunism and deviation. The relationship between the consistency in principle and innovation must be always put to the Party, to each cadre and party member, particularly the leading and managing cadres at the strategic level – the contingent with the role of the line planning.

Many issues on the Party building in politics have been posed to the big lines and advocacies, the Party’s strategic decisions must have the solution to timely treatment, in close association with the perfection of policies and laws of the State. The 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam stresses the relationship between the laws of the market and the socialist orientation, between the State and the market and society. In the condition that the Party is in power and the building of the socialist rule-of-law State of the people, for the people and by the people, then the policy and law of the State are the institutionalization of the Party’s line and therefore, it has the close relationship with the Party building in politics. The more perfect and effective are the policies and laws, the more effective the realization of the Party’s lines and Program is. The 13th Party Congress has added a very important great relationship, it is the relationship between the practice of democracy, enhancement of legal system and ensurance of social discipline. This is the big social and political problem of the power-holding Communist Party. The motto of “The people know, the people discuss, the people do, the people inspect, the people supervise and the people enjoy the benefits” also belongs to the category of the Party leade politics, builds the politics for the people and so it is the requirement of the Party building in politics.

Secondly, to firmly maintain the working class nature, raise the political abilities and level and mind of the Party of of each cadre and party member, particularly the leading and managing cadres at the strategic level.

The Party’s working class nature is the sacrifice and striving for the national independence and freedom, for socialism, for the thorough liberation of nation, class, society and human beings; is the revolutionary vanguard in the liberation struggle and aspirations for construction and development of the powerful, prosperous and happy country; is the noble political quality, the sacrifice, the consciousness of organization and discipline, the serious style of work, the close collective spirit with the industrial style. In the scientific-technological revolutionary time, the knowledge-based economy, artificial intelligence have been developing vigorously, then the working class nature is also the intellect level, the modern education. The Party and each cadre and party member, particularly the leading and managing cadres, must be really the symbols of intellect.

The Party’s political abilities must be deeply perceived as the condition to ensure for the Party to complete the mission of a genuine revolutionary party that leads the country and society. The 13th Party Congress stresses that in the condition that the world has seen a lot of unpredictable changes, it is necessary to raise “the forecast capacities”, analyze and judge correctly the realities of the country and the “trend of the epochal development”. This has demanded the Party and the contingent of cadres and party members to always raise the spirit of independence, autonomy, creativity and special sensitiveness in politics. The political decisions of the Party must ensure the correctness and preciseness, without being landed in passivity and surprise in all fields. The Party’s political abilities have required that all the party organizations, the party committee levels, each cadre and party member must, “first of all, the key leading and managing cadre and the strategy-level cadre”, raise high their fighting characteristics. To resolutely criticize and eliminate the wrongdoings and shortcomings, to protect the right things, to protect those cadres who dare to speak, dare to do and dare to bear responsibilities for the common interests; who dare to carry out renovation, innovation, dare to overcome and with enough abilities and capacities, to overcome difficulties and challenges to fulfill the tasks.

Building the Party in politics has always directed towards the possibility of realizing the best and most effectively the Party’s programs and lines, or it means implementing the political goals of the Party, of the class and the nation. After having the correct line, then the entire problem lies in the capacities of implementing the lines, the practical action.

Thirdly, the Party building in politics is to practice the broad democracy within the Party, uphold the Party’s responsibilities before the country and the people.

In the renovation work, the Party is consistent in leading the construction and development of the country on the socialist path. The renovation realities have shown ever more clearly the awareness of socialism in Vietnam with 8 characteristics already determined in the Program (added and developed in 2011). One of these characteristics is to build a society “of the people being the masters”; that is why, it is necessary to build and constantly perfect the socialist democracy. Practising the socialist democracy in society is a very important basis and also an objective requirement to promote and practice the broad democracy within the Party. The 13th Party Congress stresses the content “To practise democracy in the Party is closely associated with the enhancement of discipline and rules in the Party”. It is the content that needs being well aware of and being persistently implemented. When starting the renovation work, the Party stressed the need for renovation of working style, overcoming the state of bureaucracy and separation from the realities, from the people; leading by the democratic method on the basis of promoting democracy.

It is necessary to be well aware that the content of the Party building in politics stressed at the 13th Party Congress is to affirm the goal of national independence and socialism. To be persistent in the renovation line for the rich people, the powerful, democratic, equal and civilized country. This persistency reflects the high responsibility of the Party for the country and for the people on the development path, at the same time also the responsibilities before the history, before the path already taken by the Party, Uncle Hồ and the Vietnamese people – the resolute selection since 1930 when the Communist Party of Vietnam came into being. The political goal of the Party, of the nation and that development path is the sole correct path and there will not be any other paths.

The Party’s political responsibility for the national development, in the interests of the country - the nation and peace in the people’s life is very important. It is not only the mission, the principle, but also the conscience and honour of the Party. Article 4 of the 2013 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam prescribes: “The Communist Party of Vietnam is intimately associated with the People, serves the People, under the supervision of the People and is held responsible before the people for its decisions”. The responsibilities of the party committee levels, party organizations and administration, particularly the responsibilities of the heads have all been mentioned in many resolutions of the Party on the Party building and the 13th Party Congress continues to affirm it. The fact shows that in any sector, any area, any locality or any unit where responsibilities have been upheld and strictly carried out, it is where a lot of fruits have been obtained in the development, the people’s confidence have been consolidated, the leading and power-holding capacities and the fighting powers of the Party have been lifted. All the manifestations of indifference, impassiveness and lack of responsibilities have brought about the negative consequences for the revolutionary cause of the nation; that is why, all the party organizations and the contingent of cadres and party members of the political system must be strict and proactive to prevent and push them back, making a contribution to building the Party to be pure and strong to be worthy of the trust and effection of the people./.


(1) Ho Chi Mimnh: Complete works, the Truth National Political Publshing House, Hanoi, 2011, tomb 1, p. 48

(2) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 2, p. 320

(3), (4), (5) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 1, p. 508, 509, 511

(6) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 3, p. 117

(7) Complete Party documents, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2000, tomb 7, p. 113

(8) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 5, p. 312

(9) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 7, p. 27

(10), (11), (12) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 10, p. 390, 391, 391

(13), (14) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 11, p. 92

(15) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 5, p. 301

(16), (17) The documents of the 13th Party Congress, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, tomb I, p. 180-181, 95

(18) The documents of the 13th Party Congress, Ibid, tomb II, p. 225-226

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 988 (April 2022) ... t-present/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:53 pm

CP of Vietnam, Lifting defence foreign relations level, meeting requirements of construction and defence of Fatherland in new situation
8/10/22 2:55 PM

Lifting defence foreign relations level, meeting requirements of construction and defence of Fatherland in new situation


General, Member of Party Central Committee, member of Military Commission

Defence Deputy Minister

COMMUNIST REVIEW – Being a part in the State’s foreign relations activities, under the Party’s leadership, directly under the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee, the Defence Ministry, in recent time, the defence foreign relations have recorded the important achievements, contributing to defending independence, sovereignty and interests of the country-the nation; firmly maintained the environment of peace and stability to build, raise the prestige and position of the country and the Vietnam People’s Army in international arena.

Achievements of defence foreign relations in the struggle for national liberation and in building and defending the Fatherland

In the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the US imperialists, having grasped and implemented the Party’s advocacies and polices on foreign relations: “The Vietnamese revolution is a part of the world revolution”, “to help friend is to help ourselves”, defence foreign relations played a specially important role in the fighting alliance with two friendly countries of Laos and Cambodia to fight against the common enemy on the Indochinese Peninsula, contributing to consolidating the strength of militant solidarity between our Army and the People’s Armies of Laos and Cambodia.

Together with it, the defence foreign relations had also become an important channel to receive the support and help of the Soviet Union, China and a number of friendly and fraternal countries in the world, from equipment, weapons, ammunition, logistics, army medicine to sending our cadres to these contries to learn fighting experience, improve the level of military political theory and fighting method, makng an important contribution to building and developing the Vietnam People’s Army, meeting in time the urgent requirements of the resistance war. During this time, the Vietnam People’s Army organized the introductionto the armies of many countries in the world of the experience in building the forces, the experience in the political struggle, in the armed struggle and the arts of undertaking the people’s war and through it, we had expanded the military and defence relations and further enhanced the prestige and position of the Vietnam People’s Army with the international friends.

Through the defence foreign relations, Vietnam had not only enlisted and promoted the effectiveness of the strength of the international solidarity, but also made an active contribution to consolidating and enhancing the solidarity within the system of socialist countries, contributing to performing successfully the advocacy of international solidarity, combining the national strength with the epochal strength, creating the synergy to win over the aggressive troops, completing the liberation of the South of Vietnam and the national reunification.

During the construction and defence of the Fatherland, particularly after 1986, in the light of the renovation of the 6th Party Congress, with the “wide open” foreign relations line, Vietnam had expanded its defence foreign relations and cooperation with many countries. The defence foreign relations at this time continued to be an important diplomatic channel with a lot of renovations, contributing together with the State diplomacy to breaking the the siege and embargo, promoting the process of normalizing the relations with China and the US, making a contribution to maintaining firmly the environment of peace and stability for national construction and enhancement of defence potential.

In the international integration period, grasping and deploying the foreign relations line of the Party through the Party Congresses, implementing the Resolution of the 8th Plenum, the 11th tenure, on October 25, 2013, “On the Strategy of protecting the Fatherland in the new situation”; the Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW, on April 10, 2013 of the Political Bureau, “On international integration” and the Resolution No. 806-NQ/QUTW, on December 31, 2013, of the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee, “On international integration and defence foreign relations to the year 2020 and the years after that”, the defence foreign relations continued to deploy “in an active, proactive, firm, flexible and effective manner”, obtaining a lot of important achievements. International cooperation and defence foreign relations continued to expand and develop both intensively and extensively, becoming an important content in the party’s foreign relations, the State diplomacy and the people-to-people foreign relations; to build the all-people defence with the aim of promoting the national strength in combination with the epochal strength, creating the synergy – a solid groundwork to carry out the scheme of protecting the Fatherland soon and from a far.

The important results and successes of the defence foreign relations have make the practical contributions to the firm protection of independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity of the Fatherland; raised the prestige and position of the country in general and of the Vietnam People’s Army in particular in the international arena; made a contribution to settling the border, territorial issues, building the border line of peace and friendship; combining flexibly between cooperation and struggle, treating well the defence relationship with the countries inside and outside the region, especially the big powers, creating the intermingled position of interests, maintaining firmly the environment of peace, stability, preventing the danger of conflict and war, serving the construction and development of the country; making a contribution to consolidating and promoting the defence potential, building the regular, elite and modern army; raising the effectiveness of combining the political, military and diplomatic struggle in the task of protecting the Fatherland.

To implement the Party’s viewpoint “of combining the national strength with the epochal strength, to be proactive and active in intensive and extensive international integration”, the defence foreign relations are proactive to expand the bilateral relations with the countries in the world. Up to now, Vietnam has got the defence relations with over 100 counrries, including 5 permanent member countries of the UN Security Council and the big powers in the world. The defence cooperation between Vietnam and countries has been going into the depth with the contents and areas of practical cooperation, conforming to the conditions, requirements and interests of our country and the partner countries, focusing on such areas as the exchange of delegations, the consulting mechanisms, dialogues, training, cooperation of the military arms and services, defence industry, military medicine, salvage and rescue, the joint patrol of land and sea borders, the border defence friendly exchanges; to be proactive in taking part in and organizing to play host of the international military games, such as the Army Games, the ASEAN military games; having obtained the high effectiveness in cooperation of overcoming the war aftermath; treating the pollution of bombs, mines and agent orange toxic chemincal/dioxin, contributing to the economic and social development in many key areas countrywide.

On the multilateral defence foreign relations, Vietnam has taken an active part with responsibility and step by step been proactive in contributing to policy building and making, proposed a lot of initiatives of value at the cooperation mechanism on defence and security in the region and the world such as the ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM), the expanded ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting (ADMM+), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the Shangri-La, the Moscow International Security Conference, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum, the Seoul Defence Dialogue and so on.

Especially, the success of the 2020 ASEAN Chair on the defence channel was the milestone of the defence foreign relations. With the greatest efforts, the flexible, creative measures to have overcome the difficulties and impediments because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam has fulfilled successfully all the defence and military contents and activities, ensured effectively and essentially the content, the royal, considerate treatment and reception, absolutely safe in terms of security, healthcare and cyber security. The fine results of the military and defence conferences during the years Vietnam took on the role of the ASEAN Chair, prominent was the ADMM-14, the 7th ADMM+ and the 10th ceremony of the founding anniversary of ADMM+, and it once agains affirms the role, position and prestige of Vietnam in general, of the Vietnam’s People’s Army in particular in the region and in the international arena.

In the UN framework, since 2014, Vietnam has sent over 250 turns of cadres and staffmen with three waves of field hospitals to the UN Peace keeping mission in South Sudan, the Cenral African Republic and the UN headquarters; is completing the preparation to deploy the army engineering team to UNISFA mission in Sudan. Through this, it can affirm Vietnam’s responsibilities in performing the obligations of the UN member country, making an active contribution to the world peace.

The achievements of the defence foreign relations in recent time has originated from the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Party, the unified management and operation of the State, directly here is the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee and the Defence Ministry; the close, effective coordination among the ministries, departments, sectors, localities, the foreign relations channels and the determined willpower, greatest efforts of the contingent of cadres and staffmen to implement the tasks of defence foreign relations with the spirit of “any task can be completed, any difficulties can be overcome”. These achievements continue to affirm and deepen further the lesson of raising high the spirit of independence, autonomy, always place the interests of the country-the nation above all else; to apply creatively, flexibly and effectively the viewpoint of international solidarity of Maxism-Leninism and the Party’s military and defence line, the Ho Chi Minh ideology and diplomatic style and the diplomatic tradition of Vietnam to the new conditions of the country.

A number of tasks, solutions to lift defence foreign relations level, meeting the requirements of construction and defence of the Fatherland in the new situation

In the coming time, the political environment and security in the world and region will continue to see the complicated developments, hidden with a lot of risks and instabilities; the construction and defence of the socialist Fatherland are standing before many new opportunities, but also meeting with a lot of difficulties and challenges, and many new and ever higher requirements are being set for the defence foreign relations. The strategic competition and the gathering of force by the big powers are happening very fiercely. In the region and the world there have appeared the very violent contradictions, competitions and confrontations, even there are conflicts and war between nations, between the newly gathered forces. Apart from that, the struggle to protect sovereignty and territorial integrity is still in difficulties and challenges; the hostile forces have not abandoned their plot of “peace evolution” to sabotage the Vietnamese revolution; the non-traditional issues such as natural disasters, environmental security, water source security, cyber security, transnational crimes, terrorism have been making ever deeper impacts on our country in all fields, including the national defence, therefore, it demands to have more international cooperation to solve the problems.

The above situation has made direct impacts on the military and defence tasks, on the building of the Army and the defence of the Fatherland, demanding that the defence foreign relations should continue to apply and promote the recorded achievements; at the same time, to raise the thinking and action level, to renew both the content and form, continue to promote the vanguard role of the foreign relations in setting up and firmly maintaining the environment of peace and stability, mobilize the outside resources to develop the country, raise the position and prestige of the country, making a contribution to implementing successfully the task of building the revolutionary, regular, elite and step-by-step modernized people’s Army, and some military arms, services and forces will advance straight to modernity. By 2025, fundamentally, the Army will be built into the streamlined, strong army, creating firm premises so as to strive to 2030, to build “the revolutionary , regular, elite and modern people’s Army” (1), making an active contribution to the construction and defence of the Fatherland in the new situation. To complete the above-said targets, the defence foreign relations should focus on implementing synchronously some tasks and solutions as follows:

Firstly, to enhance the absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the unified management of the State and the Government’s operation, directly are the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee and the Defence Ministry, regarding the defence foreiogn relations in the new situation. To deploy effectively the foreign relations line as is determined in the Documents of the 13th Party Congress; the Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the 11th tenure, on October 25, 2013, “On the Strategy of defending the Fatherland in the new situation”; the Resolution No. 22-NQ/TW on April 10, 2013 of the Political Bureau, 11th tenure, “On international integration”; the Resolution of the 11th Congress of the Army Party Committee and the Resolution No. 806-NQ/QUTW, on December 31, 2013 of the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee, “On international integration and defence foreign relations to the year 2020 and the following years”. To implement consistently the foreign relations line of independence, autonomy, to promote to the maximumthe internal strength and take advantage of external strength; to be persistent in the policy of multilateralization and diversification of the relationsin accordance with the motto of “having more friends and less enemies”; to combine closely the foreign relations with national defence and security; to combine the defence foreign relations with the overall strategy of the Party’s foreign relations, the State’s diplomacy and the people-to-people; between the diplomatic struggle and the field struggle of the forces to foil all the plots and tricks of violating sovereignty, the right to sovereignty, the jurisdiction and the national interests of Vietnam; to enhance the consolidation of the battle array of Vietnam’s national defence in the strategy of defending the Fatherland.

Secondly, to continue to renew the mindset, raise the consciousness of theentire Party, people and army concerningthe position, role and task of defence foreign relations in the overall foreign relations of the Party, the State’s diplomacy and the people’s foreign relations, to serve the task of building and defending the Fatherland in the new situation.It is determined that defence foreign relations is one of the pillars to promote the political relations, to build the confidence with the countries, at the same time it is the direct forum to cooperate and struggle to firmly maintain the environment of peace and stability, making an important contribution to the firm protection of independence, sovereignty, unification and territorial integrity of the Fatherland, to protect the Party, the State, the people and the socialist regime; to raise the prestige and position of the country and the army in the region and in the international arena, making an active contribution to peace, national independence, democracy and social progress in the region and in the whole world; to take advantage of the external resources to enhance the defence potential, to serve effectively the task of building the step-by-step, modern, regular, elite and revolutionary army.

Thirdly, to improve the quality of the study of forecast and strategic advise in terms of defence foreign relations. To enhance the grasp, study, situation forecast and strategic advise, particularly the trends and new move in the region and the world, the strategic competition, the force gathering, the meddling of the big powers, the East Sea situation; the territorial border; to pay attention to assessing and analyzing the advantages and difficulties, the direct impact on security – national defence of the country and the task of defence foreign relations, served as the base to give advisory ideas to help the Party, the State, the Military Commission of the Party Central Committee and the Defence Ministry build and plan the strategies, the policies on the defence foreign relations and the measures to treat in time and correctly the relations with the countries, the international organizations, in conformity with the international and regional context and with the process of international integration of our country, meeting the requirements and tasks of defending the Fatherland in the new situation. To constantly coordinate closely and effectively with the relevant ministries, departments, sectors, localities and forces in studying the forecast and the strategic staff on defence foreign relations, with a view to promoting the synergy in analyzing and judging the situation, thus taking this work into the depth and effectiveness.

Fourthly, to raise the effectiveness of the bilateral defence foreign relations, to take the cooperative relations with the countries into the depth and essence. To promote the bilateral defence cooperative relations, consolidate the political trust with the neighbouring countries, with the strategic partners, the comprehensive partners, with the ASEAN countries and the traditional friendly countries, in the principle of ensuring the national interests, equality and mutual benefits and abiding by the international law. In the process of deployment, it is necessary to be persistent in the issues of principle character, but clever, flexible and supple in behaviour, carrying out “Acting accordance with circumstances”; determine clearly the “partners”, the “objects” for both cooperation and struggle, increase cooperation, avoid conflict and confrontation, avoid being isolated, dependent or being fallen in the position of having to “choose the sides”. To enhance the measures to build the strategic confidence and mutual understanding, “to have more friends and less enemies”, consistent in settling the differences and conflicts by peaceful means, in the spirit of abiding by the international law, the UN Charter. To diversify the forms and contents of the defence foreign relations; to deploy effectively the contents of the signed cooperation, to focus on promoting the consulting mechanisms, dialogues, cooperation of the arms and services, training, defence industries, military medicine, salvage and rescue, friendly exchanges of border defence, overcome the war aftermath and maintain peace of the UN…., in conformity with the strong position of each partner and requirements of Vietnam.

Fifthly, to implement actively and effectively the Instructions No. 25-CT/TW of the Secretariat “On enhancing and raising the multilateral foreign relations level in the new situation”. To be active and proactive in contributing to building and making the policies, to proposing the initiatives and participating with responsibilities and effectiveness in the mechanisms and the regional and international security forums, particularly the defence cooperation mechanism within the ASEAN framework , with the ASEAN playing the key role, contributing to building the ASEAN Poliitical-Security Community, making an active contribution to maintaining peace, stability and development in the region and the world. To continue to promote the participation in the UN peace-keeping activities according to the Resolution No. 130/2020/QH14, on November 13, 2020 of the National Assembly, “On the participation in the UN peace-keeping force” in the direction of expanding the areas, fields and size.

Sixthly, to be active and proactive to improve the quality and effectiveness of foreign relaions information and propaganda. To combine synchronously the armed forces, measures so as to give timely information to cadres, soldiers, people, compariots of Vietnam overseas and the international community to understand clearly the advocacies and lines on foreign relations, the policies on national defence of peace and self-defence of the Party and the State, the development achievements of the country and of the Vietnam People’s Army; making the world know Vietnam not only as a peace-loving and vigorously developing country, but also the country which has been participating with responsibility in settling the international and regional problems, for peace, development and properity of the world people. And through this, to make a contribution to improving the effectiveness of the defence foreign relations; creating the consensus and support to the construction and defence of the Fatherland of the Party, the State and the Army in the new situation, against all the distorting allegations of the hostile forces which have taken advantage of the issue of international integration and defence foreign relations to divide the Party, the Army with our people.

Seventhly, to continue to perfect the system of legal documents relating to defence foreign relations, ensuring that they are conforming to the international law and practices and they are synchronous and unified with the legal documents of the national foreign relations, conforming to the characteristics of the activities of the defence foreign relations, thus meeting the immediate and long-term requirements. In the immediate, to build the Strategy of international integration and defence foreign relations to the year 2030 and the following years and submit it to the Government for promulgation, so as to be served as the basis to deploy the defence foreign relations tasks, thus meeting the requirements of building and defending the Fatherland in the new situation. To enhance the coordination among the agencies and units that have involved in the defence foreign relations in the entire army, at the same time to accelerate the coordination with the relevant ministires, departments, sectors and localities in deploying the effective implementation of the tasks of defence foreign relations.

Eighthly, to perfect the organization, improve the quality of the contingent of cadres who do the work of international integration and defence foreign relations. To continue to perfect the organization of the apparatus in the foreign relations agencies in the efficient, effective and streamlined direction; to take synchronously many measures of building the contingent of cadres who do the defence foreign relations work with the firm political abilities, the strict awareness of organization and discipline, the healthy and pure qualities, morality and lifestyle, with the all-round knowledge, proficiency in profession and speciality, foreign languages, meeting the requirements of expanding and lifting the defence foreign relations level in the new situation./.


(1) See: The Documents of the 13th National Party Congress, the Truth National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2021, tomb I, p. 157 - 158

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 987 (April 2022) ... situation/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 24, 2022 1:59 pm

P of Vietnam, Applying method of V.I. Lenin in struggle to protect ideological foundation of Party in Vietnam
10/19/22 3:00 PM
Vietnam, Communist Party of Vietnam En Asia Communist and workers' parties
Applying method of V.I. Lenin in struggle to protect ideological foundation of Party in Vietnam


Political Academy – Defence Ministry

COMMUNIST REVIEW - In the process of revolutionary activities, V.I. Lenin was always resolute to struggle against the non-Marxist ideological trends to sabotage the revolutionary movement. This is an issue of vital significance for the communist and workers’ movement, making a contribution to protecting and developing Marxism, protecting the revolutionary movement and having left the lessons of profound theoretical and practical value on the method of struggling to protect the Party’s ideological foundation for the present time.

A brief of method of V.I. Lenin in struggle to protect Party’s ideological foundation

V.I. Lenin pointed out that the workers’ movement needs a leading revolutionary party; this must be a new-type party which is really capable of building the correct political program to lead the revolution. V.I. Lenin stressed that the new-type party was the party that took Marxism –the scientific socialist theory – as the ideological foundation, the lodestar for its action. Because “If there is not the revolutionary theory, it is impossible to have the revolutionary movement” (1) and “only such a party which has the vanguard theory for guidance then there is a possibility to fulfill the role of the vanguard fighter” (2).

The process of formation and development of Marxism shows that Marxism was not right at the beginning to have affirmed its position, but this process had always been closely associated with the intransigent struggle against the opposing ideological trends having been penetrated simultaneously into the international communist and workers’ movement. This is the law character in arising, forming, developing and perfecting of any revolutionary doctrines.

As Lenin viewed it, struggling to protect the Party’s ideological foundation was the struggle to protect Marxism, to foil all the wrong, reactionary and anti-scientific ideological trends, to affirm the revolutionary and scientific nature of Marxism within the Party, in the international communist and workers’ movement. “If there is no all-sided determined and severe struggle against these parties – or these groups, these factions, then all the same – it is impossible to talk about the struggle against imperialism, about Marxism, about the socialist workers’ movement” (3). The revolutionary realities have shown that from 1840 to the second half of the 70s of the 19thcentury, K. Marx and F. Engles had to fight uncompromisingly against the opposing, reactionary and anti-scientific ideological trends. From the radical young Hegel faction – the faction that disseminated the viewpoints of philosophycal idealism, to Proudhon’s economic theory that opposed the petty-bourgeois utopian socialism. From the anarchist viewpoints of the Bakunin faction and this faction was eliminated fromthe First International, to the Muynberger ideology belonging to the Lasan economist faction in Germany… From then on Marxism had been victorious over all the opposing ideologies and occupied the unequalled position in the international workers’ movement.

Following the career of K. Marx and F. Engles, in the process of leading the revolution, V.I. Lenin had always fought against the non-Marxist ideology and the opportunist elements reflected in a lot of different forms in order to protect the ideological and theoretical foundation of the revolutionary movement in general, of the Russian Communist Party in particular. This is an indispensable part in the process of developing the international communist and workers’ movement. V.I. Lenin’s struggle to protect and develop Marxism had not only defeated directly all the opposing and hostile ideological trends against Marxism in order to make Marxism develop and perfect constantly, becoming the ideological banner of the working class and the labouring people in the whole world for socialism and communism, but also had left behind the lessons of great value on the method of fighting to protect the ideological foundation of the Party to the international communist and workers’ parties in the world. From the realities of V.I. Lenin’s struggle to protect the Party’s ideological foundation, it is possible to generalize the method of V.I. Lenin in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party in a number of the main features as follows:

Firstly, to propagate and educate the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism, making Marxism develop constantly. This is the fundamental method of V.I. Lenin used in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party with a view to making the labour masses, the international communist and workers’ movement deeply aware of the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism, served as the basis to make it “immune” to any subtle and wicked plots and tricks of sabotaging by the reactionary and hostile forces. V.I. Lenin held: “The task of the democratic-social party is really in the fact that it is necessary to use the method of organizing workers, propagating and encouraging them to turn their spontaneous struggle against oppression into a struggle of the entire class, into the struggle of the definite political party so as to reach the definite socialist and political ideologies” (4). “Only when each separate worker is aware that he is the member of the whole working class, only when this worker recognizes that the daily struggle for the small demands against the separate owner and the separate mandarins, it is the struggle against the entire bourgeoisie and the whole government, then his struggle can become the class struggle.” (5).

According to V.I. Lenin, to develop Marxism, it is necessary to understand correctly, deeply and comprehensively Marxism. Especially, studying and getting deep insight of the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism is also the basis for the working class and the labouring people to realize clearly he reactionary nature, plots and tricks of imperialism and the hostile and reactionary forces. V.I. Lenin explained that the sense of consciousness of socialism did not arise from the spontaneous movement of workers, but it was the revolutionary Marxist Party that had put it in the workers’ movement. At the same time, a primaryimportant task of the proletarian party was to struggle to protect the purity of the socialist ideological system, against the bourgeois influence inside the working class, against the opportunists and revisionists – the propagators and the representatives of the bourgeois ideological system in the workers’ movement.

Together with His getting deep insight of Marxism, V.I. Lenin was also active in developing and actualizing Marxism, considering it the best measure to struggle to protect Maxism. According to V. I. Lenin, this demands not only courage, the exceptional efforts, the revolutionary zeal, but also the real revolutionary action of the labouring masses in the socialist building. Because the vitality of Marxism, the capability of protection and development of Marxism is not only in the strength and the abilities in itself, but it is more important that it lies within the activities of millions and millions of the masses, cadres and communist party members when they are aware of and believe deeply in the correctness of the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism. This has created the vehement vitality of Marxism served as the basis to win over all the opposing ideologies appeared both inside and outside the workers’ movement.

Secondly, to inspect, discover in time, remove the oppotunists within the Party, build a new-type, pure and strong political party of the working class. This is the main, primary method taken by V.I. Lenin when struggling to protect the Party’s ideological foundation. This ideology of His had been manifested in various classical works and in many writings guiding the revolutionarymovement of the working class in the world in general and in Russia in particular.According to V.I. Lenin, the opportunists had often wormed their way into ranks of the communists to conduct sabotages against the party organization from inside out; the sabotageous actions of these elements were very dangerous, threatening directly the purity and strength of the party organization. He pointed out: “Our State apparatus, to some very great extent, is still the leftover of the old age and had been very rarely modified in a more or less considerable manner. This apparatus has only been adorned plainly outside; on the other hand, it has remained really typical of our old State apparatus” (6). “In our country, there are still many worst elements of the bourgeois intellectuals who “have wormed their way” in the Soviet administration: do drive them away”(7).

When the Communist Party had taken charge of the country, V.I. Lenin pointed out and warned about the diseases which had been the existing danger, threatening the existence of the new regime and had left the enemy to take advantage to wipe out all the fruits of the revolution. It is the disease of communit arrogance, bureaucracy, corruption, bribery, luxury and wastefulness. He pointed out: “The communist arrogance means a person in the communist party who is yet to be expelled from the party thinks that by using the communist legal orders, it is possible to setle all of his tasks” (7) and “if there is a phenomenon like bribery, if it is still possible to bribe, it is also impossible to talk about politics. In this case, even it is impossible to talk about doing politics, because all the measures will be poised in mid air and will not bring about any results” (9).

V.I. Lenin had put forth the definite viewpoint concerning the process of purging the State apparatus: “All the common standards in terms of quantity of the staff of the agencies of that Ministry must be eliminated immediately.Cadres of the workers-peasants Inspection Ministry must be especially carefully selected, by basing on the strictest examination, not otherwise” (10). That means that it is necessary to select the really outstanding persons in the social regime to be used in the State apparatus, particularly the members of the Central Inspection Committee. These persons must be used in the right job with careful deliberation, considering the establishment of the workers-peasants Inspection Ministry the necessity. Therefore, V.I. Lenin affirmed that the Party had to be resolute in the uncompromising struggle to make a clean sweep of the degenerated elements in its organization in order to purify the Party. He also pointed out that it was necessary to select the revolutionary cadres with the revolutionary quality and good knowledge to serve the revolution.

Thirdly, to criticize and struggle with zero-tolerance, face to face and directly, against the sabotageous viewpoints, ideologies, plots and tricks of imperialism and the reactionary and hostile forces to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, of the revolutionary movement. This is the fundamental, important and regular method used by V.I. Lenin in the struggle to protect the Party’s ideological foundation. V.I. Lenin is the leader of the international communist and workers’ movement, the pioneer in the struggle to foil all the wicked attacks of the reactionary and hostile forces on the theoretical and ideological front. However, in each period, their sabotageous contents, forms, forces, facilities and tricks against Marxism were not similar to each other. That is why, to struggle to protect effectively Marxism, V.I. Lenin had drawn attention that first of all, it was necessary to full aware of the objectives, plots, tricks, forces and facilities used by the reactionary, anti-scientific and hostile forces to sabotage Marxism.

With His sharp polemic mindset, V.I. Lenin had a face-to-face, direct struggle against each sabotageous viewpoint and ideology against Marxism. He requested that the real communists had to show their definite attitude without the least vagueness, compromise and their determination to struggle face-to-face and directly against the reactionary viewpoints and ideologies of the hostile forces. For instance, in the struggle against opportunism, by denouncing the opportunist elements, V.I. Lenin had the direct polemics, exposing their reactionary nature and plots. He affirmed: “It is this time, leader of the Second International Karl Kautsky had published a book on the proletarian dictatorship, an ignoble, hateful and berayed book, beyond compare with the famous book titled ‘The premises of socialism’ by Bextin” (11) and “Kautsky had become a complete traitor, a servant of the boursgeoisie” (12). In the struggle against Krixepski, Martinov and their accomplices who had stimulated trade unionism, V.I. Lenin had struggle face to face with the thế opportunist elements: “ I have no doubt at all about the purity ò your intention; I đi say that people can become the demagogues because ò their political innocence. But I did point out that you have fallen into demagogic place. I have ceaselessly repeated that the demagogues are the most perverse enemies of the working class” (13).

Fourthly, to resolutely overcome the wrong manifestations in consciousness; to apply and develop Marxism. The cognitive activities, the application of Marxism of each communist have reflected both the results of propaganda and education and manifested the vitality of Marxism in realities. The wrong consciousness, the incorrect application in realities can make great impacts on the prestige and vitality of Marxism as well as the capability of the struggle to protect the Party’s ideological foundation. This negative influence gets ever bigger if the range of that wrong consciousness and application is on the large scale and lasts for a long time, particularly in regards to the party members who hold the important role and position in the international communist and workers’ movement. V.I. Lenin vehemently condemned the comprehension of Marxism in a dogmatic and banausic way, in an impulsive act and an empirical mindset. They had simplified Marxism in a number of principles, laws and categories, so they had violated the the objective principle. The result of this state of affairs would also reduce seriously the prestige and vitality of Marxism, even it had directly created the opportunist elements to sabotage the revolution.

In the 1895-1898 stage, the “economic” faction that comprised the opportunist, compromising elements, the first in the rank of the Marxist organizations in Russia. V.I. Lenin considered the allegations of propaganda of the “economic” faction was in opposition to Marxism, their denial of the necessity to set up an independent political party of the working class; their scheme to turn the working class into a politically dependent things of the bourgeoisie. V.I. Lenin held that the “economic” faction was the centre of the compromising and opportunist policy; in the workers’ movement, if the “economic” faction won, it meant that the revolutionary movement would be disintegrated and Marxism failed. That was why, if a political party of the proletarian class was to be set up, the “economic” faction” had to be defeated.

Orientating application of method of V.I. Lenin in struggle to protect ideological foundation of Communist Party of Vietnam at present

Firstly, to improve awareness of the entire Party, people, of each cadre and party member about the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought. This is the fundamental orientation in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Because, if the contingent of cadres, party members and masses are not consistent, lack awareness or if any, awareness is not correct in terms of the revolutionary and scientific nature of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, it will the opportunity for the increase of the bourgeois ideological system in the Party and the society. As for this issue, V.I. Lenin once stressed: “the problem here is that: the bourgeois ideological system or the socialist ideological system. There is no neutral ideological system. Therefore, whenever the socialist ideological system is to be made light of or to be separated, it means that the bourgeois ideological system is to be promoted” (14). The fall of the socialist model in the former Soviet Union and the Eastern European countries is the lesson proving to the lack of consistency in Marxism-Leninism; the communist parties in Easern European countries and the Soviet Union had been landed in deep crisis in ideology abd organization and geared to the direction of the democratic and social parties.

Moreover, this is also the issue of principle in building the Party. The Communist Party of Vietnam has taken Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought as the ideological foundation, the lodestar for all of its activities. The documents of the 12th Party Congress affirm: “Persistent in Marxism-Leninism is the first and foremost issue of principle of our Party” (15). Only by doing so that the Party can be unified and united politically, ideologically and organizationally, and it can be able to play well its role to lead the revolution to the final victory. Because, the political nature of a party is always dependent on the character and content of the ideological and theoretical system on which that party relies as its ideological foundation and the lodestar for its activities. Without the ideological and theoretical system, the political party is only the accidental, disconnected, disunified and less strong assembly. President Ho Chi Minh pointed out: “If the Party wants to be strong and solid, it must have the key –ism, in the party, all have to understand, have to do in accordance with that –ism. The Party without –ism is like man without wisdom, the ship without a compass” (16). If the Party is not consistent in Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, it is really the change in the Party’s political and class nature; the party no longer keeps its communist character, is no longer the vanguard of the working class.

To ensure that consistency, it requires the synchronous implementation of a lot of suitable, scientific contents and measures, in which it concentrates on the principal contents and measures: To improve the quality of study and education of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought in the entire Party, people and army; making Marxism-Leninsm, Ho Chi Minh thought maintain their leading role in politics and ideology within the Party and the entire society. Persistent in the fundamental principles, the basic views of Marcism-Leninism. This is the especially important measure, helping the Party always keep its political nature without any wavering in whatever conditions and circumstances, particularly before the distorting and sabotaging allegations of the opportunist elements and the reactionary and hostile forces.

Secondly, to struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, all these issues of principle character must be observed: To maintain firmly the Party nature in the ideological and theoretical struggle; to apply skillfully the principle of unification between theory and practice; the political and scientific character in the ideological and theoretical struggle; persistent in following Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought; to be proactive, creative, regular, continuous, consistent, resolute, to fight uncompromisingly in the ideological and theoretical struggle. To implement this orientation will ensure the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, of all organizations and the forces will always maintain their political orientation, turning to complete the objectives of the struggle, making the quality and effectiveness of this struggle constantly be improved. At the same time, to overcome the casual, unprincipled, less convincing, less effective ideas and actions; not to praise, distribute the wrong, hostile viewpoints on the mass media in an unintentional or deliberate manner.

To grasp thoroughly and implement seriously this requirement in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party, all organizations and forces are demanded to be placed under the close leadership of the Party committee levels; to be absolutely loyal and firmly grasp the lines, viewpoints and advocacies of the Party, firmly maintain the nature of the working class, without having any vagueness about the nature of the working class of our Party. Together with this, when taking part in the struggle against the wrong, hostile viewpoints and ideologies, in whatever forms and methods, it demands that it is to be proactive in following closely the practical situation and the theoretical study must start from realities. When waging the struggle, it is not to separate from the political objectives and principles, to be firm in the political abilities, at the same time to increase the scientific content in each form and method of the struggle. Consistent in the theoretical principles and the scientific methods of Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought and the scientific and revolutionary nature of these doctrines and ideologies must be affirmed; at the same time, it is necessary to lay bare the anti-scientific, reactionary character of the wrong viewpoints and ideologies which have been appearing ever a lot more on the current mass media.

All organizations and forces taking part in the struggle must always grasp constantly the revolutionary ideology, be proactive to attack, at the same time must always be creative and flexible in method, resolutely win victories and have zero-tolerance and compromise with the wrong, hostile viewpoints and ideologies; must heighten the forecast, the plan and proactiveness in organizing the forces to struggle; must struggle contantly, continuously, persistently, increase the scope, the depth, the height; constantly heighten the vigilance so as to foil all schemes and tricks of the hostile forces, to protect firmly the ideological foundation of the Party.

Thirdly, to bring into full play the strength of organization and forces in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party. The strength of the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party is the synergy of the whole country, the nation, of all classes, all sectors, forces, resources of the country. It is impossible to have any single force that can be able to conduct successfully this struggle without the close coordination with the other forces and resources of the whole political system. To struggle to protect the Party‘s ideological foundation is the extremely difficult, complicated task, that demands the promotion of synergy of organizations and forces of the whole political system. By grasping firmly this requirement, to flexibly and creatively deploy in the realities of the struggle will help create further the new striking force to help organizations and forces struggle in an ever more practical and effective manner.

The facts of the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party in Vietnam show that “A number of the party committee levels are yet to pay real attention and attach imoportance to te ideological work; there are manifestations of right-wing deviation, regards or avoidance towards the wrong viewpoints of principle character” (17). Therefore, to carry out well this orientation, it is necessary to raise the high sense of responsibility, promote the role of the party committee levels in the organization, guide and lead the struggle; the role of the steering boards from the Central level to the localities in giving advice, guidance and in operation; the role of the subjects and the forces of the indirect and direct struggle, particularly the key force like the contingent of theoretical cadres, the research cadres, the scientists, the leading experts, the agencies, the research institutes, the news agency, the press, the radio and relevision stations, the role of the instruments and means, the educational and propaganda institutions and so on. There must be the close coordination and organization among the levels, sectors and the forces in the political system to be able to form the uninterrupted battle-array in the struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party with the high efficiency.

Fourthly, to use diversely the forms and methods of struggle to protect the ideological foundation of the Party. This is the very important orientation, particularly in the context that the struggle on the ideological and theoretical front is under the governance and deep impact from the fourth industrial revolution. Grasping and effectively implementing this orientation will help arouse and promote to the highest degree the possibilities, the strong position and forte of the organizations and forces taking part in this complicated struggle; to directly improve the effectiveness of the struggle, to stop and push back the wrong and hostile viewpoints and ideologies.

At present, the sabotageous activities in the ideological and theoretical fields are extremely diverse, abundant and complicated; they are deployed in an intensive and extensive way with the rapid, unpredictable developments. This is the battle with no gun fire; it strikes straight to the human hearts and minds, so it is very dangerous, complicated, hard to recognize and has become ever more sophisticated and wicked. They have sabotaged in all fields, with all available tricks, contents, forms and methods. If the forces participating in the struggle to protect the Party’s ideological foundation follow only one direction in a stereotypical way, in accordance with the predetermined formula without paying attention to the new issues arisen from realities, without using the diservity of suitable forms and methods of struggle, it will be difficult to have convincing strength, and at the same time it cannot arouse and promote the independence and creativity of the forces participating in the struggle, thus making the struggle more difficult to reach the determined goals.

To implement this orientation, it is required that the organizations and forces particioating in the struggle to protect the Party’s ideological foundation must regularly cultivate and improve the scientific knowledge, the political abilities, the skill of recognition and struggle on the ideological and theoretical fronts; constantly follow closely the realities of the struggle, particularly the sabotageous activities of the hostile forces so as to select the suitable and effective forms and methods of struggle; organize well the preliminary sum-up and review, the experience withdrawal,exchange and impart experience so as to help subjects find out the forms and methods of organizing the more effective struggle./.


(1), (2) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, the National Political Publishing House Sự Thật, Hanoi, 2005, tomb 6, p. 30-32

(3) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 30, p.227

(4), (5) V.I. Lenin: Complee works, Ibid, tomb 4, p. 237

(6) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 45, p. 435

(7) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 37, p. 233

(8), (9) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 44, p. 217, 218

(10) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 45, P. 446

(11), (12) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 37, p.119, 124

(13) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 6, p. 157

(14) V.I. Lenin: Complete works, Ibid, tomb 6, p. 49-50

(15) Complete works of documents of the Party, the National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2006, tomb 51, p. 33

(16) Ho Chi Minh: Complete works, the National Political Publishing House Su That, Hanoi, 2011, tomb 2, p. 289

(17) The documents of the 5th Plenum, the 10th Party tenure, the National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, 2007, p. 38

Source: COMMUNIST REVIEW, No. 992 (June 2022) ... n-Vietnam/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Sat May 04, 2024 2:37 pm


Dien Bien Phu victory through the memory of Chinese Senior Lieutenant General

Vietnam has been staging major commemorations of the 70th anniversary of the country’s victory at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. This epic confrontation, which has been compared to the Battle of Stalingrad, and which raged for more than 50 days, from 13 March-May 7 1954, saw the Vietnamese liberation forces, led by Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap, comprehensively outwit, outmaneuver and finally crushingly defeat the far more powerful forces of French colonialism.

The victory of the Vietnamese revolutionaries destroyed French colonial rule in the three countries then collectively known as Indochina, namely Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, which was then codified in the Geneva Accords of July 21, 1954. And, coming less than a year after the Korean people’s victory in the Fatherland Liberation War, the Vietnamese victory at Dien Bien Phu powerfully inspired oppressed peoples and nations throughout the world in their struggles against colonialism and imperialism. Not least, the Algerian people commenced their war of liberation against French colonial rule less than six months later.

The Vietnamese Communist Party’s newspaper Nhân Dân recently summarised the significance of the Dien Bien Phu victory as follows:

“The Dien Bien Phu Victory became the sound of thunder that shook the world, tearing through the dark clouds of colonialism and imperialism, bringing a great source of encouragement to oppressed peoples to stand up to regain independence. The three words ‘Vietnam’, ‘Ho Chi Minh’, and ‘Dien Bien Phu’ resounded everywhere, becoming the pride and hope for freedom of progressive forces, a symbol of great bravery, and a shining star of the national liberation movement, signalling the collapse of colonialism.

“The Dien Bien Phu Victory is even greater because it is a victory of a fledgling army of a weak nation which defeated a colonialist giant with outnumbering troops and weapons. During the 56 days and nights of the battle, our army eliminated more than 16,000 enemy troops and demolished a group of strongholds regarded by the West as an invincible fortress. It was also the first time in history that a major expeditionary army of a western imperialist country was exterminated in a colonial country.”

Vietnam’s victory was immeasurably aided by the internationalist support and assistance of the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union, particularly the Military Advisory Delegation of China, which was embedded with the Vietnamese command.

It was commanded by Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing (September 2, 1913-June 14, 1989). An outstanding Chinese revolutionary, Wei also served as Vice Chairman of the 4th and 5th National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committees; Vice Chairman of the 4th and 5th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conferences (CPPCC); Alternate Member and Member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC); Member of the 9th Central Committee of the CPC; and member of the 10th, 11th and 12th Political Bureaux of the CPC Central Committee.

Marking the 70th anniversary, Nhân Dân recently interviewed Wei Guoqing’s son, Wei Xiaoyi, and his widow, Xu Qiqian.

Wei Xiaoyi said: “Before leaving for Vietnam, Chairman Mao Zedong met with the delegation’s leaders in Zhongnanhai [the compound where the top Chinese leadership live and work]. He asked the delegation’s members to support the Vietnamese revolution impartially and purely, just like serving the Chinese revolution. My father remembered Chairman Mao Zedong’s notes. After coming to Vietnam, he contributed his opinions to the construction and operations of the Vietnamese army”.

Regarding the significance of the Dien Bien Phu Victory for Vietnam, China and the world, Wei Xiaoyi said that the victory of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign forced the French army to withdraw from Indochina, leading to the success of the cause of national liberation. The growth and maturity of the Vietnamese forces, from a guerrilla army gradually becoming a regular army, created the foundation for the struggle against US imperialists’ invasion and later the national liberation and reunification.

For China, in the 1950s, the maintenance of stability in the situation of Korea bordering north China and Vietnam bordering south China created favourable conditions for the building of socialism. In addition, the Dien Bien Phu Victory also had an impact on the national liberation movement around the world. Vietnam’s struggle to defeat the French colonialists and later, the American imperialists to reunify the country, was a great encouragement for the national liberation movement in the world.

The following article was originally published by Nhân Dân. Additionally, its timeline of the battle can be seen here.[/quote]

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper’s reporters in China interviewed Wei Xiaoyi, a son of Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing, former Head of the Military Advisory Delegation of China during the Dien Bien Phu Campaign.

Wei Xiaoyi and his mother, Xu Qiqian (over 90), were very moved when they recalled their memories of the Chinese Senior Lieutenant General, who was attached to and devoted much love to Vietnam.

Recalling Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing’s account of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, Wei Xiaoyi said following the failures in campaigns, such as the Border Campaign and Upper Laos Campaign, France appointed General Henri Navarre as Commander-in-Chief of the French army in Indochina. Navarre developed a military plan named after himself to turn the tide of the Indochina war, with the assumption that by capturing this land, they would be able to control the entire northwest region of Vietnam and cut off communication between the Vietnamese army and people with Laos and China, while making it difficult for the Vietnamese to supply logistics.

In late 1953, the French army began sending garrisons to Dien Bien Phu, including mercenaries and later paratroopers. Faced with that situation, at Vietnam’s request, China sent a military advisory delegation to help the Vietnamese army. Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing was the Head of the Chinese military advisory delegation to the Dien Bien Phu Campaign.

Wei Xiaoyi said: “Before leaving for Vietnam, President Mao Zedong met with the delegation’s leaders in Zhongnanhai. He asked the delegation’s members to support the Vietnamese revolution impartially and purely, just like serving the Chinese revolution. My father remembered President Mao Zedong’s notes. After coming to Vietnam, he contributed his opinions to the construction and operations of the Vietnamese army”.

On the 60th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, Wei Xiaoyi visited the ancient Dien Bien Phu battlefield. He said he felt all he heard about Dien Bien Phu through the relic sites such as Dien Bien Phu Campaign Headquarters, where General Vo Nguyen Giap and others of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign Command often worked and rested, or the workplace of the Chinese Military Advisory Delegation.

Just like his father, Wei Xiaoyi greatly admired the spirit of heroic fighting and overcoming difficulties and hardships of the Vietnamese army and people, especially the transportation of weapons, ammunition, and food during the Dien Bien Phu Campaign, relied entirely on human strength amid the scarcity and a large difference in force with the enemy.

Regarding the significance of the Dien Bien Phu Victory for Vietnam, China and the world, Wei Xiaoyi said that the victory of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign forced the French army to withdraw from Indochina, leading to the success of the cause of national liberation. The growth and maturity of the Vietnamese, from a guerrilla army gradually becoming a regular army, created the foundation for the struggle against US imperialists’ invasion and later the national liberation and reunification.

For China, in the 1950s, the maintenance of stability in the situation of Korea in North China and Vietnam in South China created favourable conditions for the building of socialism in China. In addition, the Dien Bien Phu Victory also had an impact on the national liberation movement around the world. Vietnam’s struggle to defeat the French colonialists and later, the American imperialists to reunify the country was a great encouragement for the national liberation movement in the world.

Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing (September 2, 1913 – June 14, 1989) was Head of the Chinese Military Advisory Delegation in Vietnam; Vice Chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee for fourth and fifth tenures; Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference for fourth and fifth tenures; Alternate Member and Member of the 8th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC); Member of the 9th Central Committee of the CPC; and member of the 10th, 11th and 12th Politburo of the CPC.

Wei Xiaoyi is the second child of Senior Lieutenant General Wei Guoqing. He joined the army and retired. He is now a researcher on Chinese military and revolutionary history. ... t-general/
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Re: Vietnam

Post by blindpig » Wed May 15, 2024 1:56 pm

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Ðiên Biên Phú at 70
May 15, 2024

How did the Vietnamese prevail at that world-historical moment? The answers shed light on the world we see outside our windows now.

Diorama of Peasants Assisting Struggle at the Dien Bien Phu Victory Museum in Vietnam. (Adam Jones, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0)

By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News

I had the most salutary email the other day, a reviving lift amid these, humanity’s darkest days, surely, in the memory of anyone living. It was from George Burchett, an Australian painter who resides in Hanoi, the city of his birth.

George was born in Hanoi because he is the offspring of Wilfred Burchett, one of the towering greats among 20th century correspondents. Wilfred is celebrated for many things, one of which is his coverage of Vietnam’s anti-imperialist wars, of which there are two, from the North.

And George wanted to remind those who receive his privately distributed newsletter, People’s Information Bureau, that it is time to mark the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Viêt Minh, Ho Chi Minh’s revolutionary movement, over the French at Ðiên Biên Phú, a valley in the remote highlands hard by the Laotian border in northwestern Vietnam.

The battle of Ðiên Biên Phú lasted 55 days, from March 13 to May 7, 1954. Two months after the French were catastrophically defeated they signed the Geneva Accords, wherein they agreed to withdraw all forces not only from Vietnam but also from Cambodia and Laos, France’s other colonial possessions in Indochina.

The Viêt Minh victory at Ðiên Biên Phú makes riveting history all by itself. John Prados, a lately departed friend, wrote my favorite among the many books on the topic. As the French grew desperate, he recounted in The Sky Would Fall (Dial, 1983), the Eisenhower administration made plans to intervene against the Viêt Minh — plans that included America’s second use of atomic bombs.

Eisenhower, the Dulles brothers (John Foster at State, Allen at the C.I.A.), and others never got beyond an extensive but covert operation before the French forces under Christian de Castries went down. But we find in Prados’ book a suggestion of the madness and delusion that started the Second Indochina War and prolonged it for 21 years.

Washington’s policy cliques, not to mention certifiable paranoids such as the Dulles brothers, are incapable of learning anything from anything, so captive are they within our republic’s exceptionalist ideology. The post–Vietnam record of American foreign policy demonstrates this all too amply.

But there are lessons the rest of us can learn from the Vietnamese triumph at Ðiên Biên Phú and its defeat of the Americans in the two decades and a year of war that followed. Let us not miss these for the light they shed on the world we see out our windows and how we should act upon it.

Strategic Genius

Viet Minh troops planting their flag over the captured French headquarters at Dien Bien Phu, May 7, 1954. (Vietnam People’s Army – Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

General Võ Nguyên Giáp proved himself a strategic genius as he led the Viêt Minh forces to victory at Ðiên Biên Phú. He famously surrounded the French from the hills that enclosed de Castries’ garrison and made full use of guerrilla tactics as he deployed heavy artillery, carefully arranged for maximum impact, in an elaborate system of tunnels to evade French bombardments.

As is recounted in the histories, men and women in Ho’s revolutionary movement had to disassemble Giáp’s heavy guns to transport them, on foot and by bicycle, piece by piece, up the mountains surrounding the French, where they were put back together and into service. Giáp destroyed de Castries’ airstrip and, with heavy ground fighting, steadily reduced the French perimeter until the fighting was bloodily close.

The Viêt Minh had defeated and captured 12,000 surviving French troops in less than two months. Giáp had not lost a single piece of artillery. The French were at the table in Geneva on May 8, a day after de Castries surrendered. A month later the French government fell.

Thomas Meaney, in a brief but very good piece in the New Left Review’s Sidecar section, described Ðiên Biên Phú as “the Stalingrad of decolonization.” For historical perspective it does not get much pithier: Ðiên Biên Phú stands high among the non–West’s first decisive triumphs against the aggressions of the imperial powers during what we call “the independence era.”

How did the Vietnamese prevail at that world-historical moment? In this lies one lesson worth learning.

Meaney, a fellow at the Max Planck Society in Göttingen, Germany, points out that Vietnam’s anniversary celebrations of their victory last week included a full-dress reenactment of the battle, wherein the peasants and enlisted soldiers who hauled all that artillery up the mountains were prominently honored. Why? What were the Vietnamese saluting?

As Meaney rightly explains, the supply lines serving General Giáp were possible because Ho had, by 1954, created a shared identity among the Vietnamese, a common recognition and purpose, that made possible a national mobilization against the French. This was Ho’s sine qua non.

Võ Nguyên Giáp and Ho Chi Minh in 1945. (AP Photo, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

“What must we do to realize a Ðiên Biên Phú” Frantz Fanon wondered when he published The Wretched of the Earth seven years later. The answer that should interest those eager to learn from history and experience lies in the peasants and porters. They had a common consciousness, an awareness of who they were, their circumstances, and what they had to do about their circumstances. This enabled them to act.

And that, in turn, is what I mean by a lesson worth learning.

Blanket Indifference to Genocide

When you talk to people day in and day out about the Israeli–U.S. genocide in Gaza, you start to realize that this obscene crisis has pushed in the faces of those who oppose it a very raw reality from which most of us have tended to flinch.

All of the institutions through which citizens of the West are supposed to express their preferences and demands are broken. Among those purporting to lead the Western democracies we find a blanket indifference to those objecting to a genocide they witness daily in real time.

This is our shared circumstance. If we do not live in functioning democracies, as the West’s support of apartheid Israel makes rudely plain, it is only when we cultivate a common consciousness of this reality — no flinching — that people will know what mountains they have to climb and what they must carry with them.

George Burchett, who has dedicated considerable time over some years to archiving his father’s work, sent the most delightful photographs of Wilfred in the People’s Information Bureau mailing that marked the Ðiên Biên Phú anniversary.

There was Wilfred, in sandals and a pith helmet, working on a piece at Ho’s jungle headquarters in Thai Nguyen Province. In a piece published in Vietnam+, a Hanoi website, you see Wilfred talking to Ho over tea at what looks to me — I could be mistaken — the modest house Ho had built behind the grandiose palace where the colonial governor had lived.

The two reporters who interviewed George, Phan Hong Nhung and Pham Thu Huong, noted “the spirit of solidarity, self-reliance, the great leadership” abroad in the Vietnam of 1954. I have to say this landed hard, devoid of all three do most Americans seem today.

But George sent something else in his PIB missive that carries another lesson in it.

It is a digitized copy of a piece Wilfred filed on March 30, 1954, headlined, “A Great Disaster for the French Army.” Wilfred was done with the mainstream press by this time. This was his first file from Vietnam for The Daily Worker, the British daily, and marked, if I have this right, his arrival among independent media.

“The action now taking place at Ðiên Biên Phú is the most tragic failure for French arms in the whole disastrous fiasco of the Navarre Plan to crush the people of Viet Nam,” his lead reads. “To the heavy losses in manpower must be added the destruction of French air power which makes this battle one of the costliest of the whole ‘dirty war’ to the French.”

French troops seeking cover in trenches at Ðiên Biên Phú. (Stanley Karnow: Vietnam: A History, The Viking Press, New York 1983, Wikimedia Commons, Public domain)

You wouldn’t read anything like that in The Times of London or The Daily Express, for which Burchett has previously filed, at the end of March 1954.

The battle of Ðiên Biên Phú had begun just two weeks earlier. Burchett’s reference is to Henri Navarre, a professional soldier who was sent from Paris a year earlier to subdue the Vietnamese liberation movement.

Working From the ‘Other Side’

I see another lesson in Wilfred Burchett’s files from North Vietnam, beginning in 1954 and running all the way to the victory in 1975. It is the honor and worth of working from “the other side,” and the difference this can make in the formation of that motivating, mobilizing awareness I previously mentioned among people otherwise propagandized into acquiescent silence.

Burchett’s reports from the North are precisely a case in point. As anyone who lived through the Vietnam years will know, Wilfred’s work was essential to the coherence and determination of the antiwar movement, especially but not only in the U.S. The lesson here is that independent media — print, webcast, podcast, video, audio, all of it — is similarly essential to an informed understanding of events in our time.

(Disclosure at this point. I was fortunate enough to work with Wilfred in the mid–1970s, taking dictation and editing some of his files as the Vietnam war drew to a close. I detailed this relationship in Journalists and Their Shadows, Clarity Press brought out last autumn.)

Last weekend The Floutist, the Substack newsletter I publish and co-edit, posted a piece called “Report from Donbas,” written by a renowned Swiss journalist named Guy Mettan. It is based on a tour Mettan made last month of the two Donbas republics, Donetsk and Lugansk, which voted in referenda two years ago this September to join the Russian Federation.

Mettan’s report shows us a place and a people we are not supposed to see, just as Burchett began to do 70 years ago this spring. Mettan’s piece, another reportage from “the other side,” opened my astonished eyes very wide even as I edited it. And it is precisely another case in point. ... phu-at-70/
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