South America

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:26 pm

Argentina’s Largest Trade Union Announces General Strike Against President’s Neoliberal Policies
JANUARY 1, 2024

A march in the Argentinian city of La Rioja in protest against President Milei's neoliberal reforms. Photo: CTA Autónoma.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), Argentina’s largest labor union, has called for a general strike and a march to the Congress on January 24, 2024 to protest against President Javier Milei’s Decree of Necessity and Urgency and the “Omnibus Bill” that grants absolute powers to the far-right president to govern for two years bypassing the Congress.

On Thursday, December 28, the CGT, which is the common platform for the largest labor unions of Argentina, announced the general strike against Milei’s neoliberal policies which “intend to drown the country in economic and political instability.”

The general strike will take place one day before the date on which the Milei administration intends to have the Congress vote in favor of his neoliberal reform package, which is aimed at deregulating and liberalizing the Argentinian economy and reduce the powers of the Argentinian State. However, parliamentary approval could be only a formality, since Milei’s anti-worker reforms came into force de facto from December 29.

On December 27, Milei also sent to Congress another bill, called the “Omnibus Bill,” to declare “public emergency” until the end of 2025, with provisions to extend it until 2027.

If this bill is approved, the far-right president could govern throughout his four-year term by attributing to himself broad legislative powers in matters related to economy, finance, taxes, social security, defense, goods and services tariffs, energy, and public administration.

The bill also includes electoral regulation reform, changes in the Penal Code to control street protests, sweeping felixibilization of labor laws, the privatization of 41 large state-owned companies, and authorizations to incur more public debt.

“If a president is allowed to assume all public power for a period of two years, which may be extendable for two more years, we will live in a country where the president will have all the power, and the State institutions will not be respected,” CGT Secretary Héctor Daer said, warning that Milei’s intentions are against collective and individual rights.

“The mobilization is a clear fight against the reinstatement of the conservative neoliberal model in its cruelest version,” said Luis D’Elia, the leader of the Federation of Land, Housing, and Habitat (FTV), one of the organizations that blocked roads on the outskirts of Buenos Aires as a protest measure on Thursday, December 28.

Several other labor unions and social movements announced that they will join the January 24 strike.

Eduardo Belliboni, a leader of the labor organization Polo Obrero (PO), announced that “all the leftist organizations will put every effort so that the strike and mobilization on January 24 would be a great success. The Frente de Lucha, the Polo Obrero, and the organizations of the Unidad Piquetera will join with all our strength to the strike and the CGT’s plan of struggle. We are going to mobilize against Milei’s ferocious economic adjustment, we say enough of repression. The DNU and the Omnibus Law, which mean more surrender for the country and hunger for the Argentinian people, must be overthrown.”

The well-known social organization Evita Movement also announced joining the general strike. “The opposition to Milei’s measures will be proportional to their consequences,” Gildo Onorato, a leader of the movement, expressed. “He devaluated [the currency, peso] by 120% in one day, he broke the domestic market, he is destroying small and medium enterprises, he is discouraging production and development, and thousands of jobs are lost throughout the country.”

After assuming the presidency on December 10, Milei launched a “shock therapy” plan to supposedly bring balance the Argentinian economy.

His new policies are also directed against public education and culture. He intends to end obligatory school education, repeal the Book Law, and close the National Fund for the Arts (FNA), the National Theater Institute (INT), the National Music Institute (INAMU), and the National Commission of Popular Libraries (CONABIP). ... -policies/


Javier Milei Is Preparing a Nice Little New Year’s Gift for the World’s Richest Man, Elon Musk
Posted on January 2, 2024 by Nick Corbishley

Musk is “extremely interested” in Argentina’s vast lithium deposits, according to Milei. So too, apparently, is the US Government and many other US companies. Milei will happily oblige.

Argentina’s President Javier Milei has been in power for less than a month but he is already causing quite a stir. The omnibus bill his government has sent to the National Congress will, if passed, have major ramifications for the economy, politics and society. Workers’ rights will be pulverised; up to 41 state-owned companies, including the YPF oil company, will be privatised; the right to protest will be severely curtailed; taxes will increase, especially for the working and middle classes; public salaries, pensions and other benefits will be frozen as official annual inflation reaches 220%; and environmental laws and regulators will be put to the chainsaw.

This is austerity not on steroids but on angel dust. Rather than reverting Argentina’s decades-long economic malaise, it is likely to make it a whole lot worse.

The government says there is no money to maintain public spending while continuing to service the country’s odious debt, which was largely a legacy of the disastrous economic policies of the former Macri government (2015-19), one of whose architects, former JP Morgan Chase banker Luis Caputo, is now Milei’s economy minister. Meanwhile, there is still no mention of replacing the peso with the dollar, presumably because Argentina’s government has no dollars to speak of, or doing away with Argentina’s central bank, which were two of the main planks of Milei’s election campaign.

In total, the government proposes to reform, eliminate or add 664 legal articles. They include a proposal to empower the executive branch to “authorize the entry into the country of troops and equipment of foreign armed forces for the purpose of exercises, training or protocol activities” as well as the deployment of Argentine forces abroad. Until now, such movements have needed the approval of Congress. Just as recently happened in Peru and Ecuador, Argentina could be about to fling its doors open to US and other foreign military forces. Given Milei’s geopolitical affinities, those forces will presumably include NATO’s and Israel’s.

The omnibus bill, bearing the Orwellian title of “Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines,” comes a week after Milei passed the highly controversial Necessity and Urgency Decree, which came into force today (Jan 2, 2024). If the legislators in Congress approve the bill (still a big “IF” given how few MPs Milei’s Freedom Advances party has in the chamber), his government will be able to declare a public emergency in the economic, financial, fiscal, social, pension, security, defence, tariff, energy, health and social domains until at least December 31, 2025. Any declared emergency may be extended for a further two years, essentially covering Milei’s entire mandate.

Opening the Skies for Starlink

One potential beneficiary of the proposed reforms is the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, who has already rubbed shoulders with Milei on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter that Musk owns. Milei was one of the first guests on Tucker Carlson’s new show on X, which captured global attention with over 300 million screenings in 24 hours. Now, Milei wants to forge closer ties with the South African-born billionaire.

Musk’s satellite Internet service provider, Starlink, was the only private business Milei mentioned during his 15-minute speech announcing the reform program. From BA Times:

Among the 30 measures which the head of state announced by national broadcast was the de-regulation of satellite Internet services, in order to “allow for competition of foreign companies, such as Starlink,.”

Starlink is the satellite network run by tycoon Elon Musk, with whom Milei has a good relationship. Dys before the presidential inauguration, Milei acknowledged on social networks that he had had shared a “great conversation” with Musk.

Back then, Milei publicly thanked the businessman for his support on “X” (formerly Twitter, also owned by Musk): “I thanked him for defending the ideas of freedom and for supporting our work, especially taking into account all of which he represents as an icon for freedom worldwide.”

The head of state then dangled the possibility of a visit by Musk in 2024: “We stayed in touch for him to visit Argentina next year and to keep on bonding and working together.”

Argentina is one of surprisingly few countries in Latin America that haven’t signed on to Starlink’s services, the others being Venezuela, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guyana, Suriname Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize and, of course, Cuba. In the map below (courtesy of Wikipedia), the countries in green have approved and activated the company’s services.

Starlink availability by country

The Lithium Trail

The opening of Argentinean space to Starlink is not the only way Musk stands to benefit from Milei’s proposed reforms. In a televised interview last Saturday (Dec 24) Milei was barely able to suppress his excitement that Musk had called him personally. The billionaire had told Milei that he is “extremely interested” in the country’s lithium. So too, apparently, is the United States Government, and many US companies in the United States, but they all need a legal framework that respects property rights.

Lithium is a critical component of the green energy transition plans of advanced economies like China, the US and the EU. Also known as “the new oil,” the metal is used to make the lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles (EVs), smartphones, and wearables, though they could soon face stiff competition from alternatives such as sodium-ion batteries.

As regular readers know, Argentina is one of three South American nations (the others being Bolivia and Chile) whose borders intersect in the vast salt flat basins that have come to be known as “the lithium triangle.” This area not only accounts for roughly two-thirds of the world’s known reserves of lithium; its lithium is also much easier to extract than many other deposits.

The US has not exactly been shy about its interest in the region, not to mention all the other strategic resources Latin America boasts (rare earth minerals, oil and gas, fresh water…). Here’s the General of US Southern Command Laura Richardson speaking at the Atlantic Council almost exactly a year ago about the need for the US government and military to step up their game in the race for resources and influence in the region:

A 2021 report by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) laid out why the US sees Argentina as the most promising of the three Lithium Triangle countries. Here is a machine-translated excerpt about the report from an article in the Argentine newspaper Página 12:

“Argentina has the second largest lithium reserves in the world and is the fourth largest producer of lithium carbonate, behind Australia, Chile and China, and contributed 6 percent to the world supply with 33,000 metric tons in 2021,” says Andrew Sady in his report [for CSIS]. “Of the Latin American countries that have lithium reserves, Argentina’s market is most open to private sector investment… The federal government has not imposed any regulation on foreign investment in the lithium sector and allows the market to dictate the development of the industry.” For this reason, “several projections and experts agree that, within the next decade, [Argentina] is expected to be the country that implements the largest additional production of lithium. Benchmark Mineral Intelligence forecasts an increase of 360% by 2025.”

But there are a number of constraints on foreign mining activity in Argentina. What’s more, the management of rural land use is primarily the domain of provincial governments, not the federal state.

Since 2011, Argentina’s Rural Land Law (No. 26737) has set a limit of 15% on foreign land ownership in specified regions of the country while requiring that “rural land with the same foreign owner must not exceed 1,000 hectares in an arable zone.” The law also imposed a 4.5% limit on the total amount of rural lands that can be owned by foreign individuals or legal entities from the same country (as of July 2013, around 1.13% of the rural lands was owned by American investors).

In 2016, the Macri government loosened these rules to encourage foreign investment. If the Milei government’s omnibus is passed, it will do away with most, if not all, of the restrictions. This will have major implications for local indigenous communities, which are already bearing the brunt of the environmental damage caused by lithium mining, reports Pagina 12:

“When Milei talks about Elon Musk and lithium, we must keep in mind the rights of indigenous peoples and their right to prior, free and informed consultation as well as their right to decide about how their territories are managed… Florencia Gómez, a former director of the National Registry of Rural Lands, recalls that there has been a injunction in the Supreme Court since 2019 brought by “the communities of Salinas Grandes and Laguna de Guayatayoc together with the Environment and Natural Resources Foundation, which have warned about the irreversible damage that lithium and borate mining will cause.”

For mining companies, the opportunities will be rich and plentiful if Milei gets his way. Until recently, many parts of Latin America were witnessing a revival of resource nationalism. In February 2022, we reported that countries in the region were taking greater control of the revenues generated by the minerals and hydrocarbons produced within their borders, in particular when it came to lithium. There were also growing calls from workers, unions and indigenous communities for companies not only to mine but also to process and industrialise the white metal, where most of the real money is made.

Now, the opposite is happening, not just in Argentina but also Peru where the Dina Boluarte government has been quick to privatise the country’s lithium interests following the toppling of the democratically elected President Pedro Castillo just over a year ago. In Argentina, the environmental toll is likely to be brutal as the government takes a chainsaw to regulations on most forms of productive activities in protected ecosystems. From El País:

In environmental matters, the omnibus law – as it was called due to the wide variety of regulations that it repeals, transforms and creates – plans to modify the Glacier Law, passed in 2010, to allow mining activity in periglacial areas; the Native Forest Protection Law of 2007, to authorize deforestation in areas where it is currently prohibited or restricted; and the Environmental Protection Law for the Control of Burning Activities, to grant permits to start fires for productive or real estate purposes, which until now are heavily restricted or prohibited, depending on the area.

Lawyer Enrique Viale, a specialist in environmental law and author of the book The Ecological Collapse Has Already Arrived, warned that the reform is a “direct attack on the core laws of environmental protection,” and considered that it is the “gateway to big business.” “The modification of the Glaciers law is a long-held aspiration of transnational mining companies.”

For the moment, Elon Musk himself is staying shtum on the subject of Argentina’s lithium reserves. Perhaps he has learned a lesson in corporate diplomacy from the blowback he generated with his infamous July 24, 2020 tweet in which he smugly announced that “We will coup whoever we want” — a clear reference to the removal in late 2019 of Bolivia’s democratically elected President Evo Morales by the Bolivian military, at the behest of Bolivia’s far right and the United States government.

At the beginning of last year, General Laura Richardson made it abundantly clear in a speech to the Atlantic Council that the US government and military, and the corporations whose interests they faithfully serve, have their sights set on the strategic resources of South America, including rare earth elements, lithium, gold, oil, natural gas, light sweet crude (huge deposits of which have been found off the coast of Guyana, where the drums of war are growing louder), copper, abundant food crops, and fresh water.

The ultimate goal, she said, is to “box out” China, which dominates the global supply chain for lithium-ion batteries and is now South America’s largest trading partner and the second largest for Latin America as a whole, and Russia from those resources. The election of Milei, who has already withdrawn Argentina’s membership from the BRICS-plus grouping and now seeks to open up Argentina for Western trade, investment and military partnerships, is undoubtedly a step in that direction. Whether it lasts, only time will tell. ... -gift.html
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:30 pm

Argentine Workers to Hold a Day of Struggle on January 15th

Workers hold a protest against layoffs, Buenos Aires, Argentina, January 2, 2024. | Photo: X/ @AbyaYalaBolivia

Published 3 January 2024

Retired public employees also decided to protest against the Milei administration to demand action against all measures affecting them.

On Tuesday, the Association of State Workers (ATE) resolved to call for a "day of struggle and mobilization" on January 15th, following waves of dismissals announced by the administration of President Javier Milei.

"It is the good Argentine men and women who are being left without jobs by the decision of the goverment, which should guarantee social peace. With these layoffs, it is doing nothing in that regard," denounced Rodolfo Aguiar, the ATE secretary.

"The Milei administration's insensitivity is absolute. They are leaving thousands of families on the streets. They are business people who have no idea about the real needs of the people," he said early in the morning to accommodate an urgent session of the union.

The alert was triggered on December 26 when Decree 84/2023 was published in the Official Gazette, announcing the dismissal of "all workers who entered after January 1, 2023," with the exception of those falling under the quota for disability and transgender individuals.

The text reads, "Pot banging now! In front of the Kirchner Cultural Center. Enough of mass layoffs! To Milei and his administration we shout: Never again homeless families! Apparently Milei confused between caste and workers... Who would have thought?"

"We are being governed by businesswomen and businessmen who may not know the rules governing public administration... The Milei administration claims that contracts are not being renewed, but the truth is that these are covert layoffs," Aguiar said.

"Tthese are unjustified dismissals because these are workers performing essential tasks to ensure the functioning of the State," he pointed out, recalling that conservatives seek to discredit public employees in order to implement their policies without social resistance.

On Tuesday, the ATE's National Center of Retirees also met to vote and define a day of protest on January 10th to demand action against all measures affecting their retirement benefits and to reject any attempt to privatize the pension system. ... -0001.html


Argentine courts grant union’s request and suspend Milei’s labor reform

The measures are part of a “decree” announced by the far-right president in December

January 05, 2024 by Brasil de Fato

Labor reform is one of the points of Milei's decree (Photo: Mídia NINJA)

The Argentine judiciary has granted a request from the National Confederation of Labor (CGT), the country’s main trade union center, and suspended the effects of the labor reform provided for in the “decree” launched by the government of ultra-right Javier Milei last December. The court decision published on January 3 is a precautionary one, i.e. it suspends the measure.

The decision was taken by the National Chamber of Labor Appeals, the first instance in the Argentine judiciary for appeals on labor issues. The court argued that there was no proven need or urgency to make the decision without consulting the Argentine Congress, which is responsible for legislation.

The “decretazo” is formally called the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), and is provided for in the Argentine Constitution. However, the executive branch can only issue this type of decree when there are exceptional circumstances and it is not possible to wait for Congress to meet.

Among other measures, the Milei government’s labor reform extends the probationary period for new employees from three to eight months (thus increasing the period in which employers can fire new workers without paying severance pay).

It also authorized the dismissal of workers who take part in picket lines or occupy workplaces during stoppages or strikes, as well as changes to overtime compensation systems.

According to Argentine newspaper La Nación, Wednesday’s court decision came as a surprise to the government. Clarín, another daily in the country, said that the government will appeal to higher courts to overturn the injunction issued by the Labor Appeals Chamber. ... or-reform/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:46 pm

Violence in Ecuador leaves 10 dead and about 70 detained

Ecuadorian authorities reported that during the day they received more than 1,900 telephone calls for help. | Photo: EFE
Published January 10, 2024

The city of Guayaquil, located in the south center of the coastal region, has become the epicenter of heightened violence in the country.

The first day of the internal armed conflict in Ecuador ended this Tuesday with 10 fatalities, three injured, vehicles burned and at least six kidnapped, as well as the arrest of some 70 alleged criminals.

In an emergency meeting convened by the mayor of the city of Guayaquil, Aquiles Álvarez, it was reported that there were eight dead and three injured (two civilians and a police officer).

However, a statement issued later by the Police confirmed the execution of two of its agents.

Local media, for their part, reported on Tuesday night that in a new attack in Guayaquil, several individuals exploded a car in the Isla Trinitaria sector and three people who were inside died.

The city of Guayaquil, located in the central south of the coastal region of Ecuador, has become the epicenter of the heightened violence in the country after the escape from a prison of José Adolfo Macías, alias Fito, leader of the gang of the Choneros.

Ecuadorian authorities reported that during the day they received more than 1,900 telephone calls for help.

The commander of the Guayaquil Police, Colonel José Angulos, when presenting to the media a summary of the violent events, reported that, in addition to the fatalities and the injured, four vehicles were incinerated, there was damage to the infrastructure and 14 were counted. alleged criminals arrested.

In a statement issued in the first minutes of this Wednesday, the National Police of Ecuador reported that the number of alleged criminals arrested rose to 70 and reported the release of three officers who had been kidnapped by violent groups.

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, who on Monday decreed a state of emergency, recognized this Tuesday the existence of an internal armed conflict due to the acts of violence recorded in recent hours.

In a decree signed by the president, who assumed power on November 23, he ordered the armed forces to implement military operations under international humanitarian law, in order to neutralize violent groups.

The text identified more than 20 transnational organized crime groups and classified them as terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors.

The document specified that the operations will be carried out by the national defense authority and their progress must be reported to the Chief Executive. ... -0003.html

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Noboa Declares Internal Armed Conflict in Ecuador

The decree provides for the immediate mobilization and intervention of the Armed Forces and the Police in the national territory. Jan. 9, 2024. | Photo: X/@RembertoUzcate4

Published 9 January 2024 (14 hours 6 minutes ago)

Transnational organized crime groups were identified as "terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors."

President Daniel Noboa decreed this Tuesday the recognition of the presence of an internal armed conflict.

The executive decree reforms the current state of exception recognizing the existence of an internal armed conflict. It is established as an additional cause to the state of exception declared the day before.

It provides for the immediate mobilization and intervention of the Armed Forces and the Police in the national territory.

The decree also orders the Armed Forces "to execute military operations, under international humanitarian law and respecting human rights, to neutralize the groups identified in Article 4 of this Executive Decree."

The tweet eads, "I have signed the executive decree declaring Internal Armed Conflict and identified the following transnational organized crime groups as terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors: Aguilas, AguilasKiller, Ak47, Caballeros Oscuros, ChoneKiller, Choneros, Choneros, Covicheros, Cuartel de las Feas, Cubanos, Fatales, Gánster, Kater Piler, Lagartos, Latin Kings, Lobos, Los p.27, Los Tiburones, Mafia 18, Mafia Trébol, Patrones, R7, Tiguerones. I have ordered the Armed Forces to execute military operations to neutralize these groups."

The transnational organized crime groups were identified as "terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors."

The decree was issued minutes after armed attackers took over TC Television's facilities and broadcast live.

On Monday, January 8, a series of incidents qualified as terrorist acts were recorded, car bombs, fires in gas stations, as well as the taking of prison guides hostage by criminals and the dissemination of messages through different social networks, as reported by teleSUR correspondent Elena Rodríguez. ... -0015.html


Milei charges against the Congress of Argentina for not supporting his law

Javier Milei assures that the DNU is not suitable for those “who are aware of privileges.” | Photo: Radio Miter.
Published January 8, 2024

President Milei commented that there is no room for questions about the DNU that came into force on December 29

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, strongly criticized Congress and the opposition for questioning his Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) and not supporting the “Omnibus Law” that is being studied in Parliament.

In an interview with a local radio station, President Milei commented that there is no room for questions about the DNU that came into force on December 29 and that affected Argentines with lower purchasing power.

In his opinion, the opposition and its leaders “did not have any resistance when they began to reduce freedoms,” said the president, recalling some political movements created during previous administrations.

During his constant criticism, the Argentine president said that "there are useful idiots who focus on the forms, when it is part of the dynamics." He said that the DNU is "a liberation decree" focused on making markets "more competitive."

"It's not pro-business, let's say, it's pro-market," he added. He assured that his DNU will place Argentina in “the first places in the world in 35 or 40 years.”

Although Mile insists that "two-thirds of this improvement will occur in the short term," the population of Argentina reminds him in the streets that the effect it had on the private pockets of the working class had immediate effect.

However, the president insisted that his decree generated resistance because “it eliminates the vices of politics called tongos.” He assures that the DNU or "liberation decree", as Milei likes to call it, is not suitable for those "who are aware of privileges."

"The problem is with those who lose the benefits, who are the ones who have the most access to complain," said Milei, pointing out that those who complain the most are "the prebendary businessmen, the thieving politicians, the journalists who lived off the guideline, the professionals complicit in all this trickery"

"Let's see, politicians have to become aware that, if we don't do what needs to be done, they are going to be plunging society into an enormous crisis and causing truly abysmal pain," said the Argentine president.

Milei pointed out that the delay with the "progress of freedom" in Argentina is the fault of Congress "let it be clear that they are responsible, I did what I had to do (...), we did what we had to do, "Now we wait for the policy response."

Despite the negative comment with Parliament, he said he is convinced that the laws will be progressively approved in Congress.

On the other hand, he pointed out the politicians who oppose him as the influence that does not allow "freedom to advance", however, he assured that from his leadership "we do not negotiate anything, but we do accept suggestions to improve."

Milei said that his administration is the one that received Argentina the worst, speaking about the economy, which is why he assured that his cabinet is "working so that we do not fall into hyperinflation." ... -0009.html

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 20, 2024 3:24 pm

Argentina: Save the Country Today, Tomorrow Will Be Too Late
JANUARY 18, 2024

President of Argentina Javier Milei. Photo: Resumen Latinoamericano/File photo.

By Stella Calloni – Jan 14, 2024

Argentina is going through the most serious and tragic period in its history. In the span of a month following the presidential inauguration, the ultra-right and self-styled libertarian Javier Milei applied a shock of such magnitude that he decided to surrender the country, the Homeland, and the State, and sovereignty of the people who are offered freedom not of life, but of death. This state of affairs cannot be tolerated for even one more day.

It is surprising that some political leaders insist that it is necessary to wait. Wait for what?

Regarding the attempt to change the Constitution by means of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), presented by Milei on December 20, 2023, 10 days after taking office: with a single stroke of the pen, it annuls the rights that protect us, destroys everything achieved in these years of “democratic” recovery, and hands over the sovereignty of the country.

Can we expect to lose everything? Evidently, they showed us, with their shock policy, that the implosion of the country was the first step to be taken.

To this is added the bill sent to Congress to repeal 664 articles of constitutional laws, in a plan put together by the large corporations, with the external interference, that is never disguised, of Israel and the United States.

President Milei wants nothing less than the Congress approve the repeal or modification of a number of laws of the Constitution as well as the approval of the DNU that is rejected by different sectors of society. The justice system opened the Judicial Fair to receive the complaints of the unions General Confederation of Labor (CGT) and the Central of Argentinian Workers (CTA), both raising the unconstitutionality and the rejection of the deregulations in the labor field.

The governor of the Province of La Rioja, Ricardo Quintela, was the first to ask the courts to annul the DNU and declare it unconstitutional.

The same has been done by the governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, who also did not accept the Security Protocol which violates all constitutional norms. By January 10, there were already more than 50 complaints before the courts against the DNU, which Milei wants voted in all its terms in order to repeal and modify more than a thousand laws of the Constitution as a whole.

On the other hand, it seems that who won the second round of the presidential elections of November 2023, which were never reviewed, is Israel by the hand of Javier Milei, as happened in Brazil with the arrival of Jair Bolsonaro, another of the disciples of Messianism-Zionism, besides the false Evangelical Churches, who went to be baptized in the Jordan River, in territory occupied by Israel.

There is a basic question, how did Milei get into politics to become a presidential candidate seemingly from nothing? Economist who worked as a comic actor in television programs, very similar to what happened with Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine after the 2014 coup d’état in that country installing the Nazi hordes, faithful to the Hitlerian past.

Since he was young, Milei’s attitudes were considered strange and he was called “the madman” until unexpectedly two years before the presidential elections of October 2023, preceded by the internal elections of August of that year, he appeared on the scene through a campaign where he was seen disheveled, irreverent, like a rock singer, waving a chainsaw to decapitate what he called the “castes” that were the ruling political parties, promising a total “change,” insulting world leaders including the Pope.

He did not come from nowhere, but showed himself in his essence as an emotionally unbalanced person, proposing as a game to do away with the State.

The campaign was unusual in itself, but behind it there was a detailed study, carried out by the foreign foundations and NGOs that have invaded Argentina, and infiltrated the judicial, electoral, media and political structures of the right wing, about the changes in the Argentinian society.

In this case, disinformation was the “task” of the media, and the deconcientizing entertainments, which were never studied, and which are consumed by viewers throughout the country to transform a good part of the population into zombies. None of our warnings were heeded at the time.

Now we are witnessing what Mexican analyst Alfredo Jalife defines as a “common denominator” that unites Volodymyr Zelensky, of a Ukrainian “micro-minority” and his “great Israel,” responding to external interests to enable the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to occupy its border with Russia to prepare an invasion of Russia, which is an obsession of the US empire; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is carrying out a genocide in the 21st century; and “the unbridled Argentinian President Milei: the three zealots of the Khazarian Kabbalistic sect Jabab Lubavitch/Chabad.”

Milei belongs to this sect, the one that has just been the protagonist of a scandal in New York at the headquarters of the Jewish movement Chabad Lubavitch in Brooklyn when the New York police, after complaints from neighbors, broke into the place where they were trying to cement the entrance to a tunnel they were building, unauthorized, which connected with a nearby building, as reported by The Times of Israel and the Argentinian independent media outlet Data Urgente.

Torah students clashed with the police, some barricaded themselves in the tunnel, and were removed and detained by the police as they had been reported by neighbors of that location for strange noises in 2023.

Chabad Lubavitch is a Jewish organization “that values material issues as a basis for reaching spirituality, always in a balanced way. The leader of this movement, the Lubavitch Rebbe used to hand out one dollar bills to the thousands of people who came to visit him. Those dollars are priceless and are considered to bring good luck to their bearers,” reported Times of Israel. According to agency, President Milei has two one-dollar bills each that were given to him by Argentinian businessmen, who are behind the current government.

Milei at the tomb of the Lubavitch Rebbe
On November 27 last year, on his first trip abroad, the president-elect began the agenda of his short trip to the United States by visiting the tomb of the Lubavitch Rebbe, in a cemetery located in the borough of Queens, New York, to thank the deceased religious leader for his victory in the ballot. Milei went to visit the graves of the Ukrainian-born Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the Rebbe) and his father-in-law and predecessor Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson.

Milei traveled in a private plane, accompanied by his sister and some of those who would be appointed to positions in his government at the end of this tour. Accompanying Milei was Jewish millionaire businessman Gerardo Werthein, who reportedly paid for the private jet in which they traveled.


At the end of the tour, Milei announced that Luis Caputo would be his Minister of Economy. It was precisely the same Caputo who as economy minister of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) contracted the unpayable debt of $54 billion with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), not authorized by Congress, violating the Argentinian Constitution and the rules of the IMF itself.

The IMF wanted to “help” Macri to win the 2019 elections, and they advanced him the sum of $45 billion, which quickly disappeared in an impressive capital flight.

Milei also announced that Gerardo Werthein would be the Argentinian ambassador to the United States, which was very well received by the US ambassador in Buenos Aires, Marc Stanley, who recalled that they had once worked together. “I think it’s a good choice,” Stanley said, according to a report by the Argentinian newspaper Página12 on November 30, 2023.

Who is Gerardo Werthein?
But who is Werthein? He is a businessman and sports leader “with businesses in the media, agriculture, energy, real estate, telecommunications, food industry, and health. His ancestors were Jewish immigrants who would form one of the most important holdings of the country and owners of numerous companies, both in Argentina, as well as in the United Kingdom and the United States,” according to Página12.

The Wertheins and especially Gerardo have been and are owners of media outlets with shares in newspapers such as El Cronista and the Uruguayan El Observador. The Uruguayan multimedia outlet has a radio station in Argentina, directed by Luis Majul, with the participation of Viviana Canosa, Esteban Trebucq, and Yanina Latorre.

Its activity in tele-communications is important. In 2021 the Werthein family business bought Vrio Corp, which owns the telecommunications company DirecTV Argentina, which in turn owns the company Torneos, which manages the sports TV channel TyC Sports. With DirecTV, the family has been preparing since the beginning of this year a project to provide satellite internet in Latin America.

The Página12 article adds that it remains to be seen “how this initiative will converge with the intention of the government to promote Elon Musk in Argentina, who has already communicated with Milei from the beginning.”

“Since 2003, the family has ventured into the telecommunications market, owning Telecom, no less. Gerardo held the position of vice-president, until they sold it to Grupo Clarín in 2017,” reported Página12. The family also owns strategic companies, ranging from oil and gas to advanced new technologies. Not only are they billionaires, but they also have the ability to control everything including sports, information, and media.

Milei, as president, proposes to privatize all state enterprises, and to foreignize the land, handing over control of immense resources, reserves, and the seas, rivers and water.

Among Milei’s great protectors is Eduardo Elsztain, a very powerful businessman and international figure of Israeli Zionism, who controls almost the same number of companies in the country as Werthein, including hotels, such as the luxurious Libertador, where the current president stayed from the end of the electoral campaign until the first days of January, where he met with whomever he wanted and played his power games.

Would Milei be Milei without all this foreign power behind him, and the majority control of the press, which armed him and made him famous, and which, as we know, transforms disinformation and lies into a weapon of war?

So much media and judicial terror as it happens in Argentina, can continue to silence us in such a way that except for some analysts and researchers who warn about the obvious Israeli interference in Milei’s private life and close circle, nobody talks about it. It is a complicit silence, which could have serious consequences for this country, while the foreign policy also violates the Constitution and abandons the necessary neutrality, especially in our region.

The country is complicit in everything that is happening, such as colonial wars and the millions of deaths caused by them in the world. Argentina is complicit with the NATO, for example, which already has its military base in the Malvinas archipelago, in the form of a strategic British military base, which controls the highly disputed waters of the South Atlantic. Since a week ago, the government has asked the US war fleet to control fishing in the South Atlantic. Those who investigate and disseminate the documented impact of these interferences in our region are accused of being conspiracy theorists, despite the fact that what is happening is more than evident.

Between the DNU and the package of constitutional laws that Milei wants to repeal by means of decrees, in order to hand over the homeland to foreign interests, an authentic popular protest arose in Argentina on December 20, 2023, in the spontaneous neighborhood cacerolazos whose slogan, which sums it all up, has sounded against the silencing: “the homeland is not for sale.”

In fact, as it can be concluded from a reading of the contents of both the DNU and the so-called “Omnibus Law” sent to Congress for its approval or rejection, they are, as the doctor, analyst and Peronist leader Jorge Rachid says, “actual statutes of colonialism.”

The situation of illegality has reached such a point that the president himself is threatening and extorting parliamentarians, and is ignoring all legality in the functioning of the Congress.

Similarly, the illegal and unconstitutional Security Protocol announced by Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich indicates the hand of the Israeli and US fundamentalists who surround President Milei as well as that of what we call “the eternal empire in shadows,” that is, Great Britain.

We can see these traces especially in the Patagonia whose millions of hectares are occupied by foreigners who want to turn into 21st century colonies our Argentina and Latin America, rich in natural resources, in reserves and in human resources, the latter threatened as never before by those who try to exterminate us to clean the territorial “space.”

For that reason Bullrich has been calling “terrorists” the Mapuche poeple of Patagonia, who are the real owners of those territories, since she was Macri’s minister of Security. The indigenous peoples were and are a natural wall throughout the Argentinian northwest and the coast, resisting the mining companies that want to turn our paradises into deserts. For this reason, ethnic extermination operations have been launched here and in the south of Chile.

Eternally accompanied by rabbis and powerful businesspeople of Zionism, Milei complies to the letter with all the demands of Israel and Washington that have long had their eyes on Argentina.

On January 7, amid a strong crisis, President Milei and his inseparable sister unexpectedly traveled to Antarctica with other companions. Did anyone ask why this “need and urgency” to travel in these critical moments, to our Antarctica, supposedly to install an environmental protection project?

During his presidential campaign, Milei claimed that the environment issue was a creation of communism. In reality the trip was about the beginning of the agreement for the first scientific expedition of the International Atomic Energy Agency, a step that was rushed to give it a governmental legitimacy.

There was also talk of the need for scientific studies on the remains of plastics in the Antarctic area. Since the times of the government of former President Macri, the then Minister of Defense Oscar Aguad commented that the imperial powers could make “scientific” expeditions to Antarctica and assured them that Argentina could install a military logistics base in Tierra del Fuego, to sell everything necessary for the members of these expeditions.

This was for the benefit of foreign powers interested in dominating a large part of Antarctica and its great natural resources such as oil, natural gas, minerals, and others, in addition to the strategic location in the extreme south with access to sea and air routes connecting the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. This would mean the control of our Antarctica by foreign powers.

Argentina is a key country for the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean. All that is in grave danger, if we are stripped of our sovereignty. Does anyone wonder why Milei wants foreign forces to be authorized to enter?

We cannot forget that this government, together with what was the right-wing coalition of Cambiemos, has more power than any of the democratic governments over the last 40 years. It was very difficult for the left to govern without economic, military and political power, the latter facing the opposing coalitions of this century, that were under the protection of the US empire, created, advised and paid for by the empire.

The dependence of our countries was also a key factor. Giving time to these attempts to deliver the country, with our hands and feet tied, will only serve to consolidate the empire’s plan. It has enough money to bend wills.

(Resumen Latinoamericano – English) ... -too-late/


Argentine security forces have executed 32 people

Milei proposes to take a tough line against criminals, so he asks to give officials freedom to act. | Photo: @Puntual24H
Published January 20, 2024 (6 hours 58 minutes ago)

The police violence that is being experienced in Argentina is endorsed by the "libertarian" president, Javier Milei.

Argentina's security forces, under the command of President Javier Milei, have killed 32 people, according to data provided by the Coordinator Against Police and Institutional Repression (CORREPI).

According to this social organization, 12 of the victims died in a “trigger-happy” mode, that is, due to police violence, 16 deaths were recorded in prisons, one “uniform femicide” and three intra-family murders.

“These 32 deaths at the hands of the state apparatus are just the cases that we learned about through the media or through direct consultation, which indicates that when we do the systematic search of the year, many more will turn out,” said lawyer María del Carmen Verdú , representative of CORREPI, in an interview for a local media in Argentina.

He assured that “these shocking numbers already indicate a trend that can only be explained by the decisions and initiatives already undertaken by the government since last December 10.”

He said that legitimizing the easy trigger as a natural policy of intervention of the Security Forces contained in the Omnibus Law guaranteeing their total impunity, to the point that the families of people shot unarmed or from behind will not have the right to judicially demand trial and punishment.

“We cannot allow this repressive policy to advance further. We must confront this attempt to impose a state of exception with the suspension of rights and guarantees with unity, organization and struggle,” Verdú concluded.

This wave of violence sponsored by security agencies arises within the framework of the social unrest that exists in Argentina, where if the Omnibus law is approved, more freedom will be given to those in uniform to execute a suspect regardless of whether he is armed or No.

This happens because the mega-norm project proposes some changes in Article 34 of the Penal Code, which stipulates that “anyone who acts in the performance of his duty or in the legitimate exercise of his right, authority or position will not be punishable; In which case, the proportionality of the means used must always be interpreted in favor of whoever acts in compliance with his duty or in the legitimate exercise of his right, authority or position. ... -0013.html
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Mon Jan 22, 2024 6:21 pm

Argentina’s far-right libertarian president warns in Davos, “the West is in danger”

The Argentine president also said that “socialism is an impoverishing model that failed”, blamed the economic crisis on “radical feminism” and denied climate change.

January 19, 2024 by ARG Medios


On the morning of January 17, Argentine President Javier Milei gave his first speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The far-right libertarian was sworn in on December 10, 2023 and since then has launched all-out attacks on the working class through presidential decrees and omnibus laws, all of which have been vehemently opposed on the streets.

Milei began his speech at Davos by telling those present: “I am here to tell you that the West is in danger. All over the world, leaders who must defend the values of capitalism assume a vision that leads to socialism and poverty. “The main leaders of the world have abandoned freedom for so-called collectivism, which is the cause of the problems.”

The strongest argument of his speech was going to be that capitalism is the only tool to end hunger and poverty in the world, although he added: “the leftist thinking attacks capitalism for being, according to them, unjust. They say it is bad because it is individualistic and they fight for social justice. This concept has become fashionable around the world, but social justice is an unfair, violent idea, because taxes are coercively collected. Nobody pays taxes voluntarily. The State is financed through coercion. If a company generates a good product it will do well, if the State punishes the capitalist for being successful it destroys their incentives, and the cake will be smaller. Collectivism ties the entrepreneur’s hands.”

He also spoke of enemies, who for him are those who use the State as a tool: “everyone. There are no substantive differences. Socialists, conservatives, communists, fascists, Nazis, social democrats, centrists. They are all the same.”

In this same sense, Milei attacked two of the most important agendas at the Davos Forum, gender inequality and climate change: “The first of these new battles was the ridiculous and unnatural fight between men and women. Libertarianism already establishes equality between the sexes. The founding stone of our creed says that all men are created equal, that we all have the same inalienable rights granted by the creator, among which are life, liberty and property,” he maintained.

He went further and said: “the only thing that became of this agenda of radical feminism is greater intervention by the state to hinder the economic process, giving work to bureaucrats who do not contribute anything to society, be it in the format of women’s ministries or international organizations dedicated to promoting this agenda.”

In the same sense, he denied human responsibility for climate change: “another one of the conflicts that socialists raise is that of man against nature. They maintain that human beings damage the planet and that it must be protected at all costs, even going so far as to advocate for population control mechanisms or the bloody agenda of abortion.”

Finally, the only praise in Javier Milei’s speech was for the businessmen, whom he treated as heroes and also told them: “do not let yourself be intimidated by the political caste that wants to remain in power. You are heroes, you are benefactors, let no one tell you that your ambition is immoral, do not give in to the advance of the State, The state is the problem itself, you are the protagonists of history. Long live fucking freedom!

The president returned to Argentina on Wednesday on a commercial flight, after a couple of meetings and a bold speech that was not very widely accepted in Davos. He will face a massive national strike on January 24, called for by all the major trade unions and confederations in Argentina in opposition to his pro-capitalist, pro-businessman policies. ... in-danger/


Milei in Davos: A Contentious Divorce From Reality

Hugo Dionísio

January 22, 2024

Milei forgets the basics: there is no fascist constitution, whether by Franco, Salazar, Mussolini or Pinochet that doesn’t mention freedom, the fundamental structure of the regime.

No wonder Elon Musk likes it and the neo-fascist right is euphoric. After all, Milei has attacked all of his illusory, contradictory and paradoxical enemies. A look on the main search engines is not misleading: the corporate press has rejoiced at the imminent anti-socialism manifesto that Mr. Milei says is coming. A West with increasingly savage capitalism is waiting for socialism tomorrow! It defies all dialectics!

Of course, there’s no point in trying to explain that his speech is ontologically impossible. To accuse the “Davos elites” of pushing the West towards “socialism”… Elites that group together the richest people in the world, with the most accumulated capital… defies all understanding… If any socialism is coming, it must be some kind of “inverted socialism”.

Understanding is a real exercise in sanity. Milei begins by saying that “the West is in danger”. Within Milei’s logic, we’ll never know if he thinks it’s the world that’s going to be left without a “West”, or if it’s his ideal of a “liberal West”, the same one that feeds the vulture funds that destroyed Argentina’s economy, that he’s referring to.

Milei says that “those who are supposed to defend Western values” are co-opted by a worldview that leads to “socialism” and therefore to poverty. It’s not even worth mentioning that “socialism” in China has lifted more than a billion human beings out of misery and poverty, but the fact is that, when we look at policies in the West, we have to ask ourselves: is it privatization on the cheap, dollarization or financialization and the concentration of wealth, in fewer and fewer hands, that we should find the key to the “socialism” Milei is talking about?

According to Milei, the West is still moving towards what he calls “collectivism”. Well, when in the “West”, collectivist parties (communists, socialists…) have fewer and fewer votes, the “collectivist” trade unions, i.e. those that base their action on the dialectical class struggle, work with increasing difficulty; the “collectivist” labor laws are regressing, giving way to precariousness, the destruction of collective bargaining and the deregulation of working hours; the “collective” sports clubs, i.e. associations and recreational clubs, are seeing their main income – soccer – bought up by individual investors; states privatize and bet on Public Private Partnerships, which pay individual entrepreneurs handsomely; teleworking, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, threaten to break up society and drive people apart, individualizing them; mobility, migration, which causes people to become socially uprooted from their community, making us individuals among strangers… After all, dear Milei… Where is all this “collectivism”? There are almost no cooperatives, associations have no power, the state has less and less power and property… So where is collective property?

We are therefore left without knowing which “collectivist experiments” he is referring to. It can’t be identitarian idealism, itself a form of individualism, which seeks difference rather than mutual identification and equality. Nor does it refer to the environmental agenda, insofar as it bets precisely on solutions that are based only and solely on technologies and methodologies that the West has to sell. In other words, the Western green agenda creates new cycles of accumulation rather than destroying existing ones. In the end, just like the digital or energy agenda, it only contributes to more concentration of wealth, in fewer and fewer hands. And none of them are states. The only “collective” form I can find are the big Western capitalist corporations, but those are the ones who support Milei and are in Davos.

But Milei’s speech is tremendously rich. In it we find the alpha and omega of ignorance, imbecility and pamphleteering hypocrisy, masquerading as visionary discourse. Next to Milei, the European fascists of the 1930s and the Latin Americans of the 1970s and 1980s were intellectualized visionaries. What a step backwards!

He says that his fellow Argentinians are the first to witness this paradoxical reality. It’s also paradoxical that everyone is in the street…. against him. Therefore, we also don’t know which Argentinians he is referring to, because if we look at the size and violence of the demonstrations, many of those who voted for him will have already opened their eyes and woken up from the “imaginary anti-socialist” spell.

Milei’s anti-socialism, his anti-collectivism, are so strong, so vehement and absorbing that they affect his sensory function, enclosing him in a kind of schizophrenic bubble, comparable only to that of someone who has been in solitary confinement for too long. He begins to see what doesn’t and can’t exist.

Mr. Milei says that in 1860 “a model of freedom” was adopted and that later, in the 20th century, Argentina embraced the “collectivist” model. Now, according to the 2018 census, 96% of Argentine land was private and not collective, public or social. Only 3% is public. With Milei, that 3% will surely be – or already has been – sold off, at a bargain price, to a few privileged “collectivists”. State-owned companies, around 100 in 2016, accounted for little more than 1% of total employment. Slightly more than “socialist” Germany, less than the also “collectivized” Netherlands, Israel, Greece, New Zealand, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Sweden, France, and Norway, with almost 10% of employment guaranteed by state-owned companies, should be considered, according to Milei’s calculations, an “ultra-collectivist and radical communist” power.

Milei points out that it was “collectivism” or “socialism” that took Argentina from being one of the richest countries at the beginning of the 20th century to one of the poorest – which is not even the case – in the 21st century. According to him, everything that exists in any civilized country, such as subsidies for the most needy, pensions from a public social security system, civil servants and public services, and which have existed in the liberal West for almost 100 years, make Argentina a “socialist” country, even though it has a private property structure on a par with the rest. And all this “socialism”, which Milei wants to end, paradoxically coexisted with what he points to as the golden age of his free-enterprise capitalism (between 1950 and 2023) and which he refers to as a success story. Let’s get this straight! And to think that 30 years ago, both Europe and the U.S. had more public ownership and higher quality public services than today.

What hasn’t made any difference to Mr. Milei – perhaps we should ask him where he’s been – are the successive loans his country has taken out from the IMF, the dependence on the dollar and the constant interference of the U.S. in Argentine affairs, the handing over of the country’s reserves to vulture funds… Not a word about all this. The problem isn’t even that Milei doesn’t know the world’s reality… It’s that he doesn’t know his own country.

According to him, free-enterprise capitalism is the only way to guarantee the end of poverty. So why hasn’t it ended poverty in Africa, Asia, India and almost all of Latin America, including Argentina?

All the data Milei points to contradicts his assumption that the Western liberal capitalist model is the solution. Let’s see, he says that under capitalism, world GDP doubled every 23 years. What he doesn’t mention is the contribution of countries like China, the USSR, India, Russia, Iran, Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil to this effort, particularly between 1950 and 2023. All countries of the global south and some socialist. For example, between 1917 and 1991, the USSR’s GDP multiplied 11 times. 11 times in 74 years! Now compare this with Milei’s data!

China, on the other hand, went from a GDP of 150 million dollars in 1978 to a GDP of 8.227 trillion in 2012! Is it worth calculating, Mr. Milei? No, it’s not! Even that of capitalist Russia, which he doesn’t integrate into the West and will consider “socialist” too, between 1999 and 2013, its GDP per capita went from 1.4 thousand dollars, to over 15 thousand in 2013. These countries may have contributed a little something to all this success, no?

And considering that two of them, which are extremely populous and fall within Milei’s enemy camp, have even contributed decisively to the rapid growth of the world’s GDP, specifically in the best period pointed out by Milei… We have to ask: but who did Milei’s math? Some UK tabloid?

Not only does Mr. Milei confuse world growth with the growth of capitalism as a whole, even when the contributions of “socialist” countries (in reality or only in Milei’s imagination) are decisive, but he also confuses capitalism with the West, when, in the world, other capitalist countries, which Milei imagines – perhaps out of ignorance and imbecility – as socialist, have contributed decisively to the figures he so fallaciously presents.

If you do the math like that, one thing is certain. Argentina is going into the deepest hole it can dig. And he says the evidence is indisputable. And this gentleman works at the World Economic Forum.

Of course, we can’t deny the decisive contribution that capitalism has made to raising the material base of humanity. After all, that’s why it developed, why it won and why it replaced the previous mode of production. But what capitalism hasn’t solved is poverty and the fair distribution of wealth. The real eradication of extreme poverty has only happened in socialist countries (de facto), or in capitalist countries that Milei considers “socialist”, because the state owns public property and has an important function in redistributing wealth.

For Milei, the problem is therefore social justice. Social justice that he will confuse with “socialism” and “collectivization”, in a confusion of concepts that denotes the very uneducated and uncultured character of the circles that surround him.

When you know that, for example, in Europe, which he says is disappearing as a model of “Western values”, if the state didn’t make social transfers, poverty would increase from 20 to over 40%, as it did in Argentina with his entry, the question remains: does social justice fight poverty or not, Mr. Milei? Let’s see, we live in Western liberal states, which he says are moving towards “socialism”, but are not there yet; states with freedom of enterprise, almost total domination of property by the private sector, individualism and open capital markets; and, in this almost ideal model, poverty would more than double if the state didn’t practice some – little – social justice. How can we trust Milei?

And it’s at this point in the speech that Milei tells us that he draws his physiocratic inspiration from Hayek and Kirzner, proposing the return of a jungle that we thought was gone. Hayek and Kirzner, themselves the result of a theoretical reaction to the proposals of philosophers like Marx or even Keynes, aimed to build a theory that would justify keeping wealth always in the hands of the richest, saying that the state was the one distorting the economy with its taxes and subsidies for the “lazy” workers.

It is this quasi-medieval thinking that Milei’s proposal represents, precisely when all the countries of the global south ultimately want is to develop and improve their conditions of social justice. Of course, Milei, a radical Westerner, sees the enrichment of the countries of the global south as a danger. Since wealth isn’t infinite – and he knows this – the more the BRICS, for example, get richer, the less the West will pillage. And from there we come to the only thing I agree with Milei on: the Western model is at stake!

Milei says that capitalism is “virtuous” because it “promotes peace”. Well, what will the victims of World Wars I and II, the victims of the colonization of America, the black slaves who were victims of “blanquemento” (whitening) in Argentina, or the opium wars promoted by England say? All this in the period in which Milei places the development of free-enterprise capitalism.

It would be good for Milei to take a tour of the Middle East to see how peaceful the world is today. It would be good for him to spend a vacation in the trenches of the Donbass, to understand how his West plunders, oppresses and maneuvers. Perhaps, if you spent a forced vacation in some Libyan slave market and were thrown on a rubber dinghy across the Atlantic, you would change your mind about the peaceful character of Western imperialist capitalism.

Thinking that he has given the world a lesson in economics, what Milei has given us is a glimpse into her disturbed mind and his pathological inability to perceive reality as something alive and in motion. It would be enough to take away from the West, which he defends so much, all the plundering that it has perpetuated on the rest of the world since the Roman Empire, to perhaps realize that without the plundering, without the conditioning, without the appropriation of what belongs to others, this West could never achieve the wealth figures he talks about.

But the icing on the cake, among the most typical pictures of human dementia, is when, after giving a supposedly “anti-globalist” speech, Milei ends up addressing the globalist businessmen of Davos (there isn’t one who isn’t), telling them that they are heroes!

By ending with a “Viva la Libertad carajo”, Milei forgot the basics: there is no fascist constitution, whether by Franco, Salazar, Mussolini or Pinochet (his real-life hero?) that doesn’t mention freedom, the fundamental structure of the regime. Not one! The problem is, as with Milei, the divorce with reality itself! ... m-reality/


Milei Threatens Argentina’s Public Sector Workers
JANUARY 21, 2024

Argentinians march with a huge banner of the workers' union Workers' Central of Argentina (CTA). File photo.

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, lashed out at Argentina’s public sector workers, threatening to deduct their salary if they join the upcoming national strike that was called by the General Confederation of Workers (CGT) for January 24.

In a statement to the press, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni announced that the government made the decision to deduct the working day from public sector workers who go on strike.

“The salary is a consideration and whoever does not work, it is reasonable that he/she does not get paid,” Adorni said.

He further stated that in his opinion there is no reason for the strike. He even described as “childish” the reasons given by the groups of workers for adopting the measure in protest.

“Here there is no reason for the strike or at least the explanations they have given as to why are almost childish. We are still waiting for the arguments as to the reason for the strike, which are still not clear to us,” Adorni said.

This would not be Milei’s first measure against workers who protest against his policies, since in December 2023 he threatened to deprive social welfare benefits to those who promote, instigate, organize or participate in street protests.

Additionally, he issued a decree at the end of December in which he dismissed about 7,000 public sector workers who had been hired in 2023, under the allegation of reducing the country’s public spending.

Since Javier Milei assumed the presidency of Argentina, there have been multiple demonstrations aganist the policies and laws that he wants to implement in the country, such as the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU), and the Omnibus Law.

The social movements condemn Milei’s adjustments and measures, stating that they are a direct attack on the rights of Argentinians.

As a result of the devaluation and the economic deregulation policies promoted by Milei, the December price index shot up by 25%, a figure not seen in Argentina for about 20 years.

The strike called by the CGT will last 12 hours starting at noon on January 24, which is the day the Omnibus Law will begin debate in Congress.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón ... r-workers/

De facto President of Peru Booed and Attacked by 2 Women in Public Event
JANUARY 22, 2024

Peruvian de-facto President Dina Boluarte seconds before the incident in Chiara, January 20, 2024. Photo: X/@presidenciaperu.

Two women assaulted the de facto president of Peru, Dina Boluarte, during an event in the city of Ayacucho, where at least 10 people died in police repression of demonstrations against her coup government on December 15-16, 2022.

The attack on Boluarte occurred on Saturday, January 20, during the act of laying the first stone of a highway in Chiara district of Ayacucho region.

At the time of the attack, Boluarte was accompanied by the governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Oscorima, and was throwing candies at the people gathered at the event. At that event, a local resident, Ruth Bárcena, along with another woman, broke through Boluarte’s security.

Bárcena blamed Boluarte for the death of her husband, Leonardo Ancco, who was among those killed by police repression on the December 2022 mass protests against the parliamentary coup that ousted elected President Pedro Castillo.

After the attack on the de facto president of Peru, Minister of the Interior Víctor Torres announced that disciplinary measures will be applied against the members in charge of Boluarte’s security. He added that Boluarte’s bodyguards will be fired.

The Minister of Government Alberto Otárola condemned the aggression against Dina Boluarte, without mentioning that the assault consisted of a woman shaking of Boluarte for less than two seconds, and it was mostly a breach of her security ring.

“This unfortunate event endangered the safety of the head of state and this is very serious. With violence, we all lose as a country,” said Otárola on social media, seemingly forgetting the brutal police repression launched directly by Boluarte and her coup security apparatus that killed more than 60 Peruvians in less than 60 days during December 2022-January 2023.

This was the first time that Dina Boluarte returned to Ayacucho region since the demonstrations and the police repression that left at least 10 dead in Ayacucho and more than 60 dead throughout the country.

(RedRadioVE) with Orinoco Tribune content ... lic-event/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Wed Jan 24, 2024 3:09 pm

Not one step back: National general strike in Argentina against Milei’s attacks on workers

Across Argentina millions are participating in a national general strike to protest the Milei government’s widespread attacks on people’s rights

January 24, 2024 by Zoe Alexandra

Mobilization against Milei on December 27, 2023. Photo: CELS

On January 24, across Argentina, millions of workers are participating in a national general strike against the anti-workers laws pushed forward by far-right libertarian president, Javier Milei.

Since he was inaugurated on December 10, 2023, Milei has worked quickly to draft legislation which threatens the hard-fought for rights of the Argentine people.

In response, Argentina’s trade unions, social movements, and human rights organizations have been on the streets to reject these measures, and called for a national general strike for January 24. For the last several weeks, hundreds of trade unions, neighborhood associations, cultural groups, left groups, community kitchens, and social movements have been organizing local and neighborhood assemblies and meetings to mobilize for the strike.

The largest concentration will be in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital, where hundreds of thousands are expected to congregate in the center of the city outside Congress. Mobilizations are also scheduled in dozens of other cities across the country like Córdoba, Rosario, San Miguel de Tucumán, Mendoza, Mar del Plata, Bahía Blanca, and others. While basic essential services will not be disrupted by the strike, the majority of the economy and daily life is set to be paralyzed due to the massive industrial action.

Who is participating?
The January 24 national strike is historic, as it is the first time in recent history that the country’s three major labor confederations are uniting for a joint industrial action. The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the Argentine Workers’ Central Union, and the Argentine Workers’ Central Union (Autonomous) together represent millions of workers and have all called on their affiliated unions to participate in the day of mobilization.

The confederations are made up of dozens of unions representing workers in education, construction, civil service, food processing, healthcare, mining and metalwork, restaurants, commercial transportation (truck drivers, shipping, etc.), public transportation (buses, subway, and provincial trains), state workers, auto industry, textile, real estate, commercial, acting, national companies, the courts, music industry, communications and technology, among others. In other words, nearly the totality of the Argentine working class.

Mobilization against Milei in Córdoba in December 2023. Photo: CTA-A

Other unions such as the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy (UTEP) which represents street vendors, cooperatives, recyclers, agricultural workers, childcare workers, community kitchen workers, and others from the informal sector or “popular economy” have also pledged their participation in the mass mobilization.

Human rights organizations are also heeding the call for mobilizations such as the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, the Center of Legal and Social Studies (CELS), HIJOS (Sons and Daughters for Identity and Justice Against Forgetting and Silence), and others.

Several social and political forces that were part of the Union for the Homeland coalition which was defeated by Javier Milei in the presidential race in November, have also declared they will join the mobilization, such as Frente Patria Grande, La Campora, and Movimiento Evita.

Why are they mobilizing?
The strike has been called to reject Milei’s DNU and Omnibus Law, both pieces of legislation which trade unions say directly attack workers rights, impose brutal economic neoliberal austerity measures, and threaten the national sovereignty of the country. Organizations have called on the judiciary and the legislature to intervene to rule the DNU unconstitutional and revoke it in Congress, and to stop his Omnibus law from being passed. Both pieces of legislation have already met major legal roadblocks and have already undergone modifications from their first versions.

The Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) 70/2023 was announced by Milei on December 20, 2023 (10 days after he took office). DNUs can be used by the executive to circumvent Congress and implement change immediately. Milei’s DNU titled “Bases to Rebuild the Argentine Economy” contains over 350 articles which would affect over 70 pieces of legislation, some completely overturned and others modified.

Milei and his cabinet announcing the DNU.

The DNU calls for the deregulation of major sectors of the Argentine economy such as energy, export, the credit card industry, transportation – including the aeronautic sector, healthcare, communications, tourism, and more. It also opens the door for the privatization of key state companies and the national bank and promotes foreign investment. It also impacts labor rights and rights of trade unions, such as the right to strike, the right to overtime pay, and other hard fought for rights of workers.

Read more: Milei declares war on Argentine working class with presidential decree
The Omnibus Law, officially called the Bases and Starting Points for the Liberty of Argentines, was sent to Congress by Milei on December 27, 2023. The 351-page bill contains more than 664 articles which will be debated in Congress. The Omnibus law attempts to take Milei’s “deregulation” approach a step further and expands it to all major areas of life in Argentina.

It includes a proposed reform to the Penal Code focused on “control of the streets” and calls for increasing sentences against protesters and in some cases eliminating the possibility of bail. It also initially stated that any meeting of three or more people in a public space must have the permission of the Minister of Security – this was later withdrawn.

It calls for the privatization of major state enterprises such as Argentine Airlines, ARSAT – a state telecommunications company, Argentine Trains, Public TV, the Water and Sewage Company (AySA), and the National Bank. Milei also included a list of another several dozen companies that have majority state participation such as Argentina Energy, military factories, the General Port Administration, Corredores Viales or the highway company, Argentine Mail, and Telam, the National News Agency.

The Omnibus law also calls for major reforms of the country’s public education system, notably taking away free higher education for foreigners. It also calls for major modifications of the entrance requirements and huge cuts to the overall budget. The country’s robust culture sector would also see major budget cuts under the law with a call to close historic artistic institutions of the country.

Environmental protections such as the Glacier Law, the Forest Law, and the Environmental Protection Law for the Control of Burning Activities would also undergo massive modifications.

The Omnibus also threatens retirees, emboldens police to use their full force, including gunfire, with little consequences, and transforms the electoral system.

The broad and expansive nature of the Omnibus and its outright attacks on so many sectors of society also helps explain why so many will be mobilizing in the strike.

The Secretary of Gender and Diversity of the Association of State Workers (ATE), Clarisa Gambera said, “This January 24, all of the union centers and social organizations of this country will be on the streets, to stop the ferocious advance of the right. Those who say that particular interests were generated over time, what they call particular interests are the rights that we won with struggle over more than 100 years and we are not willing to lose them. We continue to build unity, debates are taking place at the federal level. Comrades from all over the country participate in multi-sectoral meetings, assemblies, plenary sessions that are different ways to activate and add numbers of comrades on the streets this 24th.”

The CGT wrote in a statement rejecting Milei’s austerity measures and his claim that they only affect the “political caste”, not the people. CGT argues that, “The fiscal and exchange adjustment plan announced by the Government will generate a rapid acceleration of the inflationary process, which will destroy the purchasing power of the salaries of formal and informal workers, workers in the social and solidarity economy, self-employed workers, as well as of retirees and pensioners. This means that the announced adjustment does not adjust to the ‘so-called’ caste as promised in the campaign. Milei’s adjustment, once again, falls on the people.”

Another major point of contention for the Argentine people is the repressive policy imposed by the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich, to dissuade mass participation in the inevitable mass mobilizations against Milei’s economic measures. Following the first protests against Javier Milei’s administration, Bullrich warned that it would use all “deterrent measures” to stop protests and on December 14 announced the “Public Order Protocol”.

Among other things, the protocol authorizes the police and security forces to intervene in response to any attempt to partially or totally block any national roads, transportation, or “free movement.” It has been dubbed the “anti-picket” protocol as it targets the historic picket and roadblock tactic of Argentine movements.


Another government “deterrence measure” is the threat from Bullrich that those who participate in protest actions and road blockades that are recipients of social programs will not receive this support: “he who blocks the street does not get paid,” she declared.

On January 10, 2024, Bullrich made good on her threats and, under the auspices of her protocol, sent letters to the major trade union centers of Argentina, unions, social, political and human rights organizations that had participated in protests on December 20, 22, and 27 of 2023 against Milei’s austerity measures and demanded they pay millions in fines for their participation in the allegedly “illegal activity”.

CELS wrote that in issuing these economic sanctions for participation in protests, the Ministry of National Security is “assuming powers that it does not have” and that it is also “trying to condition future action”. For the human rights research center, “This policy constitutes an infringement of the right to protest and demonstration and an act of state interference against freedom of association.”

International solidarity
The national general strike has gained widespread international support. Trade unions across Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as from Pakistan, Italy, Switzerland, Canada, the Netherlands, South Korea, Spain, and more, have pledged to mobilize on January 24 in solidarity with their Argentine comrades, with many calling for protests in front of their Argentine embassies or consulates.

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which brings together 191 million workers in 163 countries from all continents, released a statement expressing its support for its affiliated organizations in their call for the national general strike against “Milei’s shock therapy”. “Three major union federations, the CGT, the CTA-T, and the CTA-A, have united to stand against the serious threat to fundamental workers’ rights and civil liberties posed by Milei’s move to resurrect out-dated and debunked neo-liberal policies,” reads the statement.

ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle said, “The actions of the Milei government aim to recreate the darkest days of dictatorship, and they require a strong, united response from the global union movement. We stand in full solidarity with the working people of Argentina in their defense of justice and democracy.”

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), which represents 105 million workers in 133 countries, expressed its support for its affiliate unions participation in the January 24 strike to “express their opposition to the measures of the ultra-liberal and neo-fascist government of Javier Milei”. It has called on its affiliates in other countries to mobilize in solidarity with the Argentine workers.

Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA-CSA) joined the other international confederation in standing with the struggle of Argentine workers, and calling on its affiliate organizations to mobilize in solidarity on January 24.

The PIT-CNT of Uruguay, Argentina’s northern neighbor, stated that “it is necessary to join forces and have as a horizon to advance Latin America on the path of struggle and hope towards a more just, free and equal society.” ... n-workers/


General strike begins in Argentina against policies of President Milei

The protesters will gather in Congress Square to demand that legislators reject the DNU and not implement the "Omnibus Law." | Photo: @UnidadN593 (Reference photo)

Published January 24, 2024 (1 hour 5 minutes ago)

The official start of the pressure measure was scheduled for local noon, but in the morning the first pickets of protesters began to form.[]/b]

The main Argentine labor confederations, the CGT, the CTA of the Workers, the CTA Autonomous and the Union of Workers of the Popular Economy confirmed that this Wednesday the general strike against the neoliberal and anti-popular policies of the president of Argentina, Javier Milei, began.

Since last December, the CGT has called for a national strike of 12:00 p.m. between noon this Wednesday and midnight in rejection of the economic and social measures of the Government of Javier Milei, summarized in a decree deregulating the economy and sending it to Congress. of a so-called "Omnibus Law" that replicates and expands it.

The measure is accompanied by different unions and unions such as transportation, banking, health personnel and public administration, so many activities will be delayed or completely interrupted.

Starting at noon and around 3:00 p.m. local time (6:00 p.m. GMT), a mobilization with an event in the center of the city of Buenos Aires with different speakers is planned. The Milei Government, through Patricia Bulrrich, has already announced that it is deploying the “anti-picketing protocol” at access points to the federal capital.

A group of members of the Truckers Union already arrived around 08:00 local time (11:00 GMT) in the vicinity of Avenida de Mayo and Congreso, and began to sing with the classic drums and cymbals, in advance of the events.

The day before, the organizing organizations met in a meeting to "ratify the solidity of the relationship between the union organizations and agreed that this Wednesday's general strike will be a historic chapter for the organized labor movement."

In fifteen capitals of different countries there will be marches in support of the demand of Argentine workers and, in turn, in nearly thirty Argentine embassies around the world the delivery of “a note in repudiation of the omnibus law, to the DNU” will take place. and the protocol” with which it is intended to deter mass concentrations.

In the same direction, the Argentine Justice urged the Ministry of Security to “refrain” from carrying out filming or searches without a court order during the general strike this Wednesday.

“Exhorting the authorities of the Ministry of National Security to refrain from issuing orders to the security forces that involve, on Wednesday, January 24, filming and/or intercepting people on public roads in order to identify them and/or or seize them without a prior court order,” indicated federal judge Ernesto Kreplack in a judicial resolution.

The strike of the CGT and its allies is the first general mobilization since 2019, which has the support of social and political organizations in Argentina and occurs 45 days after the inauguration of Javier Milei, marking a new record. ... -0007.html
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:17 pm

A Silent Continental Coup Carried Out by the U.S. Is Underway

Eduardo Vasco

January 24, 2024

Argentina is the pivot of a new stage in the United States’ continental dominance strategy, following the election of Javier Milei. It aims to establish new control over the Americas in the face of a global scenario of intensifying contradictions and accelerated loss of hegemony by American imperialism, within which a new world war is not ruled out.

Milei’s close ties with the U.S. have been exposed mainly by the Argentine and South American alternative press, in addition to the public demonstrations of the recently inaugurated Argentine leader.

The script was nothing new: a supposed “outsider” with strong appeal on social media who promises to bury the “political caste” in the name of the “freedom” of ordinary citizens. A new political party with a movement look. The banner of the “fight against corruption”. This type of candidacy has become fashionable in recent years and it is precisely the recent history that helps to understand the involvement of North American imperialism in this game.

Nayib Bukele in El Salvador, Daniel Noboa in Ecuador, Vladimir Zelensky in Ukraine and Donald Trump in the U.S. are great exponents of this trend – although the latter, unlike the others, is not unanimous within the apparatus that dominates the U.S. establishment. They all came to power following a script also used by Milei. Jair Bolsonaro is also a famous example of this project.

But while these political figures had as tools only social media, their newly created parties and anti-corruption demagoguery, U.S. involvement was hidden from most observers. However, they then began to receive great attention from the mainstream media, to hold meetings with large businessmen, to receive praise from bankers and foreign actors to, finally, come to power.

In Milei’s case, it is even easier to recognize his relationship with American imperialism. Unlike Bukele and Noboa, and as well as Bolsonaro, Argentina’s new president openly declares his love for the United States.

These statements are revealing and worrying, but more revealing and worrying are the measures that the Buenos Aires leader is applying. This is true neoliberal shock therapy, that is, the policy of putting into practice its government plan in the shortest possible time, the complete and immediate devastation of all the social and economic rights of workers, the vast majority of the population.

Milei was not elected in a free, democratic election. No one can have the illusion that a program just like his can be chosen freely and spontaneously by the majority of voters. He managed to get elected thanks to a complicated and prolonged plot, which began with the abandonment of Cristina Kirchner’s candidacy to favor Peronism’s right-wing allies and ended with the support of Milei from the main bankers’ representatives in Argentina, namely Macrismo.

Kirchner suffered for years (and continues) fierce persecution, similar to that which perpetrated President Lula in Brazil, promoted by the judiciary and the oligopolistic press. It has finally become a consensus among the Latin American left that this “lawfare” is actually a coup on a continental scale, planned in Washington. And there can be no doubt about that. The entire Argentine bourgeoisie, subservient to the U.S., united to defeat Kirchnerism. The only one who could do this was Milei, whose demagoguery and business support won him a mass of voters. The pact with Macri and Patricia Bullrich, a “third way” candidate, sealed the commitment between Milei and American imperialism.

The soft coup of the elections is followed by a more hardline coup to ensure the success of shock therapy. Knowing that his program is rejected by the broad Argentine masses, Milei saw no problem in establishing a proto-dictatorship to curb opposition against his measures. The fines and sanctions against protesters, apart from traditional police repression, are clear dictatorial measures. The season of political persecution against unions, parties and social movements is open, inspired by the last military dictatorship experienced by Argentines – it is not only in words, but mainly in their practice that Milei and his allies express sympathy for the period of Videla and company.

While repressing popular opposition, Milei carries out the first measures of his program, such as cutting social programs, ending subsidies for the poor, privatizing state companies, dismissing thousands of public servants, censorship of the press (of course, not to the monopolies that elected him), the attempt (not yet implemented) to de-dollarize the economy.

Just as Pinochet and Yelstin did, Milei’s repression is accompanied by a strong psychological operation to justify the indefensible. His propaganda blames previous governments, mainly Peronism, for the “ruin” the country was left with. Like Bolsonaro, Milei recovers the ghost of communism and, along the lines of Hitler and Mussolini, exalts a supposed almost mythological and nostalgic past, when Argentina would have been a pure and immaculate country. Furthermore, fear and blackmail, traditional instruments of fascism, are also wielded by Milei, who warns Argentines that a hecatomb will befall the country if his neoliberal reforms are not implemented.

Milei is the leader of the imperialist reaction on the continent

The steps taken by the Argentine government’s foreign policy show that it will not stop at internal devastation. As if the hostilities towards the “communists” Maduro, Ortega and Díaz-Canel, and President Lula himself, were not enough, Milei fulfilled his promise not to join the BRICS. This was the most important sign that the new Argentine government will serve as a proxy for the United States and will act against South American integration and the independence of countries in the region.

And the main target of this plan is Brazil. The PT governments distanced themselves – albeit timidly, but in a way unacceptable to the U.S. – from Washington and moved closer to China. That is, they made Brazil a little more independent from imperialist rule. That’s why Dilma Rousseff was overthrown and Lula was arrested. That’s why the U.S. is trying to frame Lula’s third term, using the control it still exercises over the judiciary, the legislature, the armed forces and political parties to contain the desires of the Brazilian president, a notorious critic of American domination over Brazil and the world.

The U.S. has always considered Brazil to be the most important country in the Southern Hemisphere and Latin America, with the historical potential to lead this entire portion of the planet. Therefore, Brazil is a geopolitical adversary for the United States. Even in the 1990s, at the height of neoliberal hegemony and with the puppet Fernando Henrique in government in Brazil, Henry Kissinger was concerned that the economic integration of South American countries through the creation of Mercosur could “generate a potential conflict between Brazil and U.S. on the future of the Southern Cone”, as he wrote in his book “Does America Need a Foreign Policy?”.

And, in fact, since the PT’s first stint in government, Brazil has reinforced its leadership over other Latin American countries, particularly those in the Southern Cone. Brazil’s strategic partnership with China, its rapprochement with Russia and the fact that it is the only country in the Western Hemisphere to join the BRICS is a danger to American domination. For U.S. imperialist interests, Brazil cannot continue on this path.

Being the second most important nation on the continent and a historical rival of Brazil – particularly during the first 100 years of independent life in Latin America – Argentina should then serve to counterbalance Brazilian influence, in the U.S. view. And that is Milei’s mission. If Lula is the agent of the continent’s progressive and sovereign integration, Milei is now the agent of reactionary pseudo-integration and submissive to the interests of the White House. What the U.S. was unable to do fully with Bolsonaro, it will attempt with Milei.

It is no coincidence that, shortly after Milei took power in Argentina, a crisis exploded in Ecuador, leading the new government of right-wing Daniel Noboa to establish, in practice, a military dictatorship, under the excuse of combating organized crime. And Milei’s government stated it was willing to send Argentine forces to assist in the repression.

Noboa was also elected in a soft electoral coup. It is always necessary to remember that Rafael Correa and his “citizen revolution” were removed from power by the betrayal of Lenín Moreno, guided by the U.S., and forever prevented from returning to power by Ecuadorian justice. This contained the victory potential of his supporters in the two subsequent elections, including the one in 2023. Shortly after taking over the government, Noboa decreed a state of emergency and a curfew. In practice, he handed power to the military to fight “terrorism” in what he called an “internal armed conflict”.

Noboa received full support from parliament, which offered amnesty to military and police officers who commit crimes against human rights during the state of emergency. In fact, repressive forces now have an official license to kill and can invade any home without needing a court warrant.

U.S. agents have probably been operating since the beginning of the crisis in Ecuador, but the official announcement that they will send advisors and experts and Noboa’s acceptance put to rest any doubts about an American connection. Ecuador was already the country that received the most American military support in the region, thanks to the realignment promoted following Moreno’s electoral coup and particularly during the mandate of banker Guillermo Lasso. The agreements allow the Pentagon to send military personnel to combat organized crime at Quito’s request. Ecuador has a strategic position, close to Venezuela and the Caribbean and bathed by the Pacific Ocean – a possible stage for an eventual U.S. war confrontation with China – and the Galápagos Islands could eventually house an American base.

“We need international cooperation. I am happy to accept U.S. cooperation. We need equipment, weapons, information, and I think this is a global problem”, Noboa declared. And he concluded, stating that terrorism and drug trafficking are not just a problem in his country, but that it “transcends national borders”. With reason, some analysts are already considering that this is an opportunity for the U.S. to execute an “Ecuador Plan”, reviving Plan Colombia, which was a military intervention on Ecuador’s neighbor throughout the first decade of the 21st century. In fact, this plan could perfectly extend across the entire continent, since organized crime is a social problem in practically all Latin American countries and the U.S. considers that this affects its national security. The excuse for intervention already exists, they just need to “convince” countries to accept it.

The crisis in Ecuador also served as a pretext for Peru to mobilize its repressive forces, raising the possibility that Ecuadorian criminals could cross the border and destabilize the country. Peru is another South American country where a dictatorship has been in force since the coup against Pedro Castillo. The election of Milei in Argentina and the militarization in Ecuador drive the resurgence of the Peruvian regime, which has been occurring on a regular basis. The prosecutor’s office asked for 34 years in prison for Castillo, at the same time that former dictator Alberto Fujimori was released from prison. And Dina Boluarte’s government is not the most reactionary that Peruvians could face: Fujimori’s release indicates a possible U.S. option for Fujimorism (whose strength has grown again, both among the middle class and the bourgeoisie, and within the state apparatus and the armed forces).

Far-right forces have been reorganizing in recent years on the continent, with greater or lesser support – but always support – from the United States, depending on the political situation in each country. José Antonio Kast almost won the last elections in Chile, Camacho was one of the leaders of the 2019 coup and destabilization in Bolivia and Uribismo is still strong in Colombia. This year there will be elections in Uruguay – governed by the traditional right with support from the extreme right, whose military members of the Cabildo Abierto have put their boots on the ground in politics after almost 40 years. Also in El Salvador – where Bukele organized the executive, legislative and judiciary, which overrode the law to allow his candidacy for re-election, and controls the press with an iron fist. Bukele is also responsible for making El Salvador a police state and a model for Noboa to follow, as well as a reactionary counterpoint to the influence of Sandinista Nicaragua and Obrador’s Mexico in Central America. Mexico itself will also have elections and AMLO will no longer govern the country, which will return to a government more aligned with the USA, even if Morena, Obrador’s party, wins.

Brazil’s role

The imperialist reaction will seek, as one of its immediate objectives, the defeat of Nicolás Maduro and Chavismo in the Venezuelan elections scheduled for this year. As always, failing to win at the polls, the U.S. will fuel an opposition coup, first with widespread defamation in the Venezuelan and international media, to pave the way for a destabilization similar to the guarimbas of 2013-2019.

This will depend on the strength that the U.S. will have to meddle in Venezuelan affairs. At this moment, it seems impossible for the opposition to achieve anything due to its fragility and division after the successive coup defeats. At the same time, China and Russia are strategic allies of Caracas and see Maduro’s victory as fundamental to maintaining their increasingly influential positions in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as countering U.S. policy.

The greatest danger of the advance of the pro-imperialist extreme right from Argentina, however, is in encouraging the extreme right within Brazil itself. The 2022 defeat to Lula was important, but not decisive. Bolsonarism remains strong and the contradictions it has with the traditional wing of the Brazilian right – the most subservient to the U.S. – do not mean that it has ruled out new support for it to remove Lula and the PT from the government. Anyone who is deceived by the institutions’ alleged fight against Bolsonarism should compare the anti-Bolsonarist campaign of the judiciary and the press with the campaign that these same agents carried out against the PT between 2012 and 2018.

The Bolsonaro family is an ally and friend of Milei, as well as Donald Trump. He could also return to government in this year’s elections in the United States, and if that happens the pressure against Lula and in favor of Bolsonarism will be very violent. Bolsonaro and Milei are also the great political strongholds of Zionism in Brazil and Argentina and have good relations with the Mossad, which, like the CIA, is an important factor of destabilization that should be absolutely rejected by any ruler who wants to complete his mandate.

Brazil has traditionally had as its main strategy, at least since the 20th century, the alliance with Argentina in South America. That is why Lula was so insistent that the BRICS integrate Argentina, as well as visiting Buenos Aires first after being sworn in 2023 and therefore demonstrates pragmatism in relations with Milei, publicly wishing to maintain traditional and good relations with the neighboring country.

Contrary to what some naive people think, there is no Brazilian hegemony in South America. The hegemony is American, despite being in crisis. On the other hand, Brazil is, as Kissinger admitted, the U.S.’s greatest potential rival in the region. Logically, this does not mean that Brazil has imperialist intentions, as to do so it would be necessary to have a fully advanced capitalist economy, something that Brazil never had precisely due to the oppression of American imperialism. For Brazil to fulfill its role as a substitute for the U.S. as a great power in South America, it is essential that the U.S. is no longer able to exercise its hegemony and this is happening little by little due to the crisis of the capitalist system.

However, Brazil’s struggle, which is an anti-imperialist struggle by nature, cannot be victorious with a policy of conciliation with American imperialism, nor without an alliance with neighboring countries. Therefore, Argentina itself is Brazil’s main point of support against the U.S. And Brazil also needs allies outside the region who have the same strategic visions, such as China and Russia. Lula knows this perfectly and that is why he prefers rapprochement with Beijing and Moscow, as well as with the European Union, while relatively putting aside relations with the USA.

Lula and the PT enjoy an advantage that most of the Latin American left does not have. They receive great support from the Brazilian working class, and their close relationship with the unions and the landless movement has protected them from the siren song of identitarianism and American-funded NGOs – although it has co-opted the middle classes within the PT and the government. The artificial character and/or commitment to a supposedly progressive imperialist wing (grouped in the U.S. Democratic Party) makes governments such as those of AMLO, Luis Arce, Gustavo Petro, Gabriel Boric and the recently installed Bernardo Arévalo extremely vulnerable to coups and destabilizations.

Lula is the main target of the imperialist coup and, therefore, it is imperative to remove the bad influences from the government (which actually consist of a fifth column at the service of the coup). At the same time, he should strengthen ties with the layer that protects him internally (the unions and popular movements) and with strategic allies in the fight for independence in the face of imperialist harassment (the BRICS).

Just as happened before its entry into the Second World War, the United States once again needs to guarantee the cohesion of the Americas (a region that has always been its natural zone of influence) around its policy, in the face of a scenario of international instability, increased tensions with its Russian, Chinese and Iranian rivals and the increasing possibility of a Third World War. It is for this reason that the U.S. is reordering continental policy, to replace sovereign governments with submissive ones, working above all to prevent Russia, China and Iran from aligning themselves – countries that are leading the process of expelling the U.S. from Western Asia and other regions of the globe.

In this situation, the Brazilian government needs to work in the opposite direction and prevent and reverse the trend of coups in Latin America, setting an example for the continental left, supporting truly anti-imperialist movements and resuming commercial and infrastructure partnerships that were suspended due to the dismantling of Brazilian companies with the imperialist coup in 2016. Because the main target of these coups is Brazil. ... -underway/


US Military Projection in Latin America and the Caribbean Intensifies
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JANUARY 24, 2024
Roger D. Harris


Upon assuming the US presidency, Joe Biden asserted in his first major foreign policy address, “America is back!” For Latin America and the Caribbean, this has meant an “aggressive expansion” of the US military in the region.

In just the last year, US Marines and special forces landed in Peru in May 2023, brought in by the unelected rightwing government to address internal unrest. In October, the US got the UN Security Council to approve the military occupation of Haiti using proxy troops from Kenya. Also in October, the rightwing government of Ecuador resorted to deploying US troops to deal with their domestic insecurities. This month, Mexico and Peru joined the annual US naval exercises in mock war against China. And that just scratches the surface of US military engagement in the region.

Militarizing diplomacy

The Pentagon, along with the National Security Council and even the CIA, have taken on an increasingly pronounced role in diplomatic relations formerly the purview of the State Department. Former CIA agent and current US ambassador to Peru Lisa Kenna, for instance, was implicated in the overthrow of the elected leftist president there a year ago.

This drift in diplomatic function to the military became more pronounced with the appointment of Laura Richardson as head of the US Southern Command in October 2021. When asked about her interest in the region, she unapologetically admitted that the US seeks hegemony over the region and possession of its rich resources.

In January 2022, General Richardson signed a bilateral agreement with Honduras. She met with Brazilian and Colombian military brass last May. Previously, she had visited Argentina, Chile, Guyana, and Surinam. From August to September 2022, US and Colombian militaries conducted joint NATO exercises, while Richardson made a five-day visit to meet with the newly elected Colombian president. This week, she is meeting with the president of Ecuador, who declared his country is under a state of “internal armed conflict.”

Status of US military forces in the region

Washington is by far the largest source of military aid, supplies, and training in the region. The US has twelve military bases each in Panama and Puerto Rico, nine in Colombia, eight in Peru, three in Honduras, and two in Paraguay, along with military installations in Aruba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Cuba (Guantanamo), and Peru.

In total, the US has 76 bases in the region as of 2018, plus numerous “unconfirmed operational bases.” All function as military centers as well as cyberwarfare posts. Among the problems associated with these bases are displacement of resources that otherwise would be used for social programs. These installations are notorious for their lack of transparency and accountability. In addition, they cause ecological damage with little or no provisions for environmental cleanup.

The US also has, in addition to bases, major military operations in Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, Guatemala, Bolivia, and Mexico. Colombia is a “global NATO partner” and Brazil is an “extra-NATO preferential ally.” The State Partnership Program of the US National Guard joins eighteen states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia in active partnerships with militaries in 24 regional countries.

Evolving US military mission

The post World War II mission of the US military has evolved: first, the fight against communism ending around 1991; then the “drug wars” continuing to the present; followed by the “war on terror” and combatting transnational criminal networks of the early 2000s; and now great power competition.

Thus, US regional military strategy has pivoted from fighting communism, terrorism, and drugs to containing China and, to a lesser extent, Russia and even Iran. China is now the leading trading partner with South America and the second largest with the region as a whole, after the US. Some 21 or 31 regional countries have joined China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The Southern Command’s budget, which had declined in the 2010s, is now ballooning as the US gears up to confront China.

The Latin American “theater” is pitched by the Southern Command as a “nearby test bed” and “prime location for experimenting with and testing new technologies” to be used particularly against China. General Richardson warns that China is “a communist country that’s spreading its tentacles across the globe so far away from its homeland.”

The Southern Command has especially targeted Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua because of their friendly relations with China and Russia. Key to the command’s strategy is disrupting regional unity in the Americas.

Development of US military tactics

In the bad old days of 1898-1934, Washington simply and nakedly sent its troops to take over the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. In the post-World War II years, the US still overthrew governments not to its liking the old fashioned way in Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989. But for the most part, the US has developed more sophisticated means of asserting its control.

Proxy armies using mercenaries were deployed against Cuba in 1961 in the Bay of Pigs invasion and in Nicaragua in the 1981-1990 contra war– both unsuccessful.

Increasingly in the last 75 years or so, covert operations have been employed. The CIA was created in 1947. By 1954, the agency helped engineer the overthrow of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz in what has become known as the first of many CIA coups in the Americas.

From 1975 to 1980, the US-coordinated Operation Condor installed military dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. In the 1980s and early 1990s, the US sponsored “dirty wars” in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. Then in 1991 and again in 2004, Washington backed coups in Haiti, followed by coups in Honduras in 2009 and Boliva in 2019.

The US also fomented numerous unsuccessful coup attempts against Venezuela, most notably in 2002, but continuing to the present. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro revealed that four assassination plots were made against him and other high-ranking officials in 2023; the CIA and the DEA were accused. The US has posted a $15M bounty on Maduro’s head. Nicaragua, too, has been targeted, including a major coup attempt in 2018. Cuba, as well, has noted a recent uptick of US terror attacks.

Expanding scope of military missions

Combatting forest fires and other climate-driven disasters have recently been incorporated into the expanding US military scope. The militarists are not so much concerned about the environment as they are about perturbances that can upset the existing political order.

In October 2022, Colombia invited US and NATO military forces into the Amazon on the pretext that they could be repurposed to protect the environment. These new ecological tasks are best understood not as non-military functions but as the militarization of environmentalism. These environmentally “woke” missions operate under such cover as the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program and even the UN Environmental Program, which cooperates with NATO.

So-called “humanitarian missions” have also been incorporated into the expanding military scope. Former head of the Southern Command, Admiral Craig S. Faller, described such missions as an important component in strengthening military ties with “partners” in the region. He boasted of 25 countries participating in the US military’s regional “warfighting-focused exercises” in 2021. By the next year, his successor General Richardson referenced 28 regional “like-minded democracies.”

Perhaps the prime non-traditional mission for the US military in the region is “counter-narcotics.” A US military Security Force Assistance Brigade was sent to Panama and Colombia last May to curb drug smuggling as well as migration. The US troops work with other US agencies already in the region, including the Drug Enforcement Administration and Homeland Security.

Hybrid warfare

In addition to the explicitly military exercises, described above, the US has increasingly employed “hybrid warfare” to try to maintain its dominance in an emerging multipolar geopolitical context. Unilateral coercive economic measures are now imposed on over a quarter of humanity. Also known as sanctions, these tactics can be just as deadly as bombs.

Sanctions on Venezuela – started by Obama, intensified by Trump, and seamlessly continued by Biden – have taken their toll: over 100,00 deaths, 22% of children under five stunted, and over 300,000 chronic disease patients without access to treatment. Despite the UN nearly unanimously condemning the US blockade of Cuba for its devastating effects on civilians and as a violation of the UN Charter, ever-tightening economic warfare has left the island in crisis. Washington is also escalating the hybrid war against Nicaragua.

Return to gunboat diplomacy

With the new year and with Washington’s blessings, a British warship cruised into waters contested between Venezuela and Britain’s former colony, Guyana. The disputed Essequibo territory between Venezuela and Guyana became an international flashpoint in December.

The US Southern Command announced joint air operations with Guyana. US boots are already reportedly on the ground in Guyana. What is in essence an oil company landgrab by ExxonMobil is disrupting regional unity and is a Trojan horse for US military interference.

Waters at the southern end of the continent are also troubled with US-NATO nuclear submarine exercises around the Malvinas and the Southern Ocean. The US Army is working on the Master Plan for the Navigability of the Paraguay River.

With the new presidency of devotedly pro-Yankee Javier Milei in Argentina a month ago, the US is again pushing to install new military bases in the strategic triple border region of Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. The Wall Street Journal reports: “Milei has maintained strong support since taking office…as Argentines so far embrace austerity measures.” [emphasis added] The WSJ is referring to the financially secure elites who are not among the 40% below the poverty line in Argentina. The trade unions mounted a general strike on January 24.

In conclusion, the enduring extra-territorial protection of Yankee military power has always been for the purpose of controlling its southern neighbors, but has become more sophisticated and pervasive. In this two-hundred-first year of the Monroe Doctrine, Simón Bolívar’s words are ever more prescient: “The United States appears to be destined by providence to plague America with misery, in the name of freedom.” ... tensifies/


Argentina: Milei’s Blitzkrieg and the Unconstitutional Plan
JANUARY 24, 2024

Compilation image with Javier Milei over a backdrop of the Pentagon. Photo: Resumen Latinoamericano – English.

By Maria Fernanda de la Quintana – Jan 23, 2024

The rush to violate the Argentine Constitution and constitutional guarantees is part of a deliberately executed plan to carry out the biggest plundering of resources transfer while implementing a model of famine.

Article 29 clearly states; “The Congress may not grant the national Executive, nor the provincial Legislatures to the provincial governors, extraordinary powers, nor the sum of public power, nor grant them submissions or supremacy by which the life, honor or fortunes of the Argentine people are at the mercy of any government or person. Acts of this nature carry with them an irrevocable nullity, and will subject those who formulate, consent or sign them, to the responsibility and penalty of the infamous traitors to the homeland.”

Milei’s plan and his fascination for the Yankee capitalism model, resembles the one implemented by Martínez de Hoz when he was minister of the economy during the dictatorship.

The purpose of auctioning off the social programs and annihilating social justice, provokes a mobilization at all levels. Wherever an offensive originates, a conflict is born, and the resistance generated by hunger, disrupts the totally unfounded idea of national subjugation.

The functionality of the State was deployed in Argentina with the “Welfare State” during Peronism, when progress was made in the socialization of medicine (Carrillo Plan). There were improvements in the care of the most vulnerable sectors, in areas such as education and housing, responsibility and commitment to the dispossessed was the main objective of a present state.

The Revolución Libertadora and subsequent governments forged a path to tear apart and put an end to it.

To say that the origin of the decadence and social conflicts is due to the state interventionism carried out from the 1930s onwards is part of the discourse of the last dictatorship in our country.

In their anti-state epic, what they seek is to dismantle the state, devalue it and turn it into an instrument of the market that functions as a guarantor of the dominant order.

In view of the whole world, in Davos the current president gave an anachronistic speech, where he harangued wildly that “the world is going through its best moment…” a world where millions are discarded due to economic precariousness, climate threat, and territorial exclusion.

Unless the schemes based on the brutal exploitation and transfer of resources are changed, poverty and inequality will increase. The proposed economic measures respond to capitalist maxims, greater social inequality, concentration of wealth in small groups, surrender of natural resources and control of territory through security forces.

The urgent aspirations of liberalization, predict a high level of conflict where the country is evolving rapidly towards the abandonment of legality to become a de facto government with a constitutional mask.

The dissolution of historically conquered rights, responds to a plan based on the global strategy of “preventive war,” which builds or empowers enemies, whose offensive will be the justification of the necessary transformations in the legal and political sphere to have the country under control.

Milei’s blitzkrieg tries to impose its purposes based on the shock doctrine, provoking an artificial hyperinflation and generalized unemployment, terror among the beneficiaries of plans with respect to losing them, and among those who protest against the threatening repression, harming hundreds of sectors, public employees, doctors, pharmacists, architects, small businesses, etc.

The prognosis regarding the possibilities of his policies prevailing is not good, first of all because of the long tradition of resistance of the Argentine people.

The tactic of the most needy, faced with the threat of seeing their meager incomes liquefied, will be to remain mobilized to force the libertarians to stop the onslaught. This will rapidly converge into a resistance movement, initially economic and defensive.

Milei’s is a plan to apply to a defeated people and the resistance movement is intact, this is just beginning.

In March, it will become political against the decretazo and the omnibus law, in defense of wages, employment and the constitution.

This model is not viable due to its own contradictions and internal limitations. The stabilization plan they are executing is more recession with inflation, it is the ultra-right economic model. The economic fall that comes in a long spiral, seems to have no ceiling, except the one emanating from the popular brake.

These measures, typical of dictatorial regimes, such as the Omnibus Law, which requires extraordinary delegations for the entire government, directly attack the people because of their unconstitutional, recessive and regressive character.

The unions have already confirmed a strike and mobilization for tomorrow.

The limit will be set by the people, it will be our capacity of resistance in the streets, who will stop the adjustment. ... onal-plan/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:49 pm

Argentina: More than a million and a half people hit the streets against Milei’s ‘adjustment’
January 27, 2024 Resumen Latinoamericano


The general strike against the austerity measures and the Omnibus Law was strongly felt throughout the country yesterday. Although the mobilization had its epicenter in the Capital, in the main cities of the interior, there were massive protests as well. According to Tiempo Argentino, over a million and a half people filled the streets of the country.

There were unprecedented demonstrations, for example, in Mar del Plata and Bariloche, and large mobilizations throughout every province against the austerity measures.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) announced that more than one and a half million people had mobilized throughout Argentina to protest against the decree and the Omnibus Law.


The images that circulated in the networks showed large gatherings in almost all the capitals of Argentina. In the City of Buenos Aires, getting to Congress was an almost impossible task.

In Córdoba, a district very favorable to Milei, the march ended in Patio Olmos, and traffic was cut off for several blocks around. As the CGT is divided in La Docta, there was also another congregation in Plaza España.

In La Rioja, the march was also massive, as well as in Mar del Plata, where it is estimated that there were 40 thousand people. The protest ended at the monument to San Martín.

In Jujuy, the demonstration converged at the government house, while in Salta, they congregated at Plaza 9 de Julio.


In Bariloche, in an unprecedented protest, thousands of people arrived at the Civic Center to express their rejection to Javier Milei’s measures. On the coast, there were images of demonstrators applauding from the beach.

Plaza Independencia, in San Miguel, was the scene of the main protest in Tucumán. In the city of Santa Fe, there was a demonstration of state employees in front of the Ministry of Education of the province, where they claimed 191 dismissals of workers, and then they went to the Legislature, where the central labor unions were carrying out their central act in the district.

In Santa Cruz, the measure of force was supported by the construction (Uocra), mining and oil, gas, and state unions, which in the afternoon will concentrate in a march to be held in Río Gallegos.


In Neuquén, more than fifty social, union, and student organizations, tenants and cultural associations, cooperatives, and other organizations participated in a massive mobilization against DNU 70/2023 and the “Ley Bases.”

Milei had threatened repercussions from those who protested, but the sheer massive numbers put the balance of forces firmly on the side of those in the streets who opposed his Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) and his austere Omnibus Law. The massive display of opposition comes just 45 days since Milei became president and is just the first round of struggle against his Bolsanaro like model of neoliberalism.

Source: Resumen Latinoamricano – Buenos Aires with contribution from Tiempo Argentino ... djustment/


“There are Two Strategic Battles Being Fought, and the U.S. is Involved in Both”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JANUARY 28, 2024
Geraldina Colotti

Carlos Aznarez, photo: Bill Hackwell

Interview with Carlos Aznárez, director of Resumen Latinoamericano and long-time Argentine activist on the recent events in the South American country and the genocide against the Palestinian people.

After the large mobilization on January 24 against the government of Javier Milei in Argentina and also in many other countries, which responded to the call of trade union organizations and social movements, we spoke with Carlos Aznárez, director of Resumen Latinoamericano and long-time activist, about the recent events in the South American country and the genocide against the Palestinian people.

What is your analysis of the situation two months after the arrival of Javier Milei to the presidency?

– Less than two months after taking office, Javier Milei and his “chainsaw” plans have begun to generate serious difficulties in the economic situation of the population. In fact, his decision to move forward with mega-devaluations has caused a further deepening of poverty, affecting the sectors that were already being punished by the inflationary plans of the previous government, and adding almost massively to the middle class.

The implementation of the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU), carried out in the first hours of his government, has had a strong destructive impact on all sectors of society, from the workers, the tenants (the specific law was repealed), the unemployed linked to the popular economy, the students, scientists, the world of culture. All of them were attacked by some of the tentacles of the aforementioned DNU.

This escalation, which many analysts described as “criminal” due to the harmful effects it generates with total impunity, was answered in several ways, on the one hand with appeals for legal protection by each affected sector, among them the most notorious are the trade union centers, on the other hand, the fight is taking place in the parliamentary sphere, to which the Government not only sent the DNU (which is already being applied over the future resolution of the Congress) but also a so-called “Omnibus Law”, which comprises a package of 300 laws, one worse than the other for a large part of the population.

And of course, the other great reaction faced by Milei and his gang of henchmen, is the popular reaction, the great demonstrations of repudiation, the “cacerolazos”, the marches. All this in defiance of the “anti-protest” protocols implemented as a provocative maneuver by the disastrous Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

The street has already spoken out three times, with what forces and programs?

– That’s right, an important part of the people has already taken to the streets with great force. The first one took place only ten days after Milei took office. It was on December 20 when the left broke the fire, marching to the Plaza de Mayo, defying a campaign of intimidation and dozens of police controls that harassed the crowd along the entire route of the mobilization. This small victory, of getting away with a whole operation to sow panic among those who came out to demonstrate, had its immediate effect that same night, when the pots and pans rang out all over the country, reproducing the slogan “Milei Out”.

Days later, the first united march took place, with the participation of the CGT and the other two workers’ unions, plus the social movements. And the third one was this past January 24, where the CGT declared an active strike and a series of impressive demonstrations took place all over the country in repudiation of the DNU and the “Omnibus Law”. It is estimated that a million and a half Argentine men and women came out to demonstrate their anger at the aggressive policies of the pro-Yankee and pro-Israeli president, friend of the corporations and ideologue of a renewed version of fascism.

It should be pointed out that in a short time, very different forces of sectors that for years did not even see eye to eye in the streets were able to unite, but this time it is a question of confronting a class enemy and a compulsive colonization plan that seeks to destroy social organizations and crush popular demands. The program to achieve this unity in action has three or four minimum points, such as: defend sovereignty, repudiate the economic measures, advocate respect for human rights, and have the streets, the squares, the social centers and even the neighborhood councils as a trench for the battle that is already taking place.

What is the strength of popular organization?

– All the strength that can be developed as we go along. Each sector that mobilizes represents hundreds, thousands and even tens of thousands, but we must also recognize shortcomings such as the lack of experience in confrontation, lack of political training and being living daily on the brink of starvation or being very punished by the lack of work, misery or police repression.

Milei promised repression and unconstitutional laws to support violence. How are these promises materializing?

– Milei is a specialist in walking on illegality and not respecting constitutional laws. He acts by means of impulse blows and many times he hits a wall, but he does not give in and doubles the bet by threatening those who want to assert their rights.

To repress and generate ultra-right microclimates against those who rebel, there is the Minister of Security, a personality with very authoritarian traits and who intends to massively frighten the population. What is clear is that both the protocol issued by Patricia Bullrich and Milei’s threats, which often sound like nonsense, give the green light for the police forces to feel more empowered, and go out to “hunt” militants who stick posters or paint the protest on the walls. If Bullrich moves from provocation to action, it is very likely that the aggrieved people will grow up and confront those who want to terrorize them.

What can Milei do at the international level?

– Milei at the international level has allies in the extreme right, in US white fundamentalism, in the space represented by Trump and in the hardest Zionism (that of the Jewish Lubabitch sect). With his neoliberal ultra-right policies others like him, or like the former president of Brazil, Bolsonaro, can coincide. Also the international ultra led by the Spanish Vox, and little else.

In reality, he is a lapdog of the Yankee corporations, of the IMF, the World Bank, etc. Now, all these organizations are the ones that at the first threat of not complying with the agreement, take him off the board. For now, he has the luxury of rejecting Argentina’s entry to the Brics, or of treating the Davos dinosaurs as “neo-Marxists”, or of not putting chips in Mercosur or standing next to “Israel”, endorsing the genocide in Gaza and the rest of occupied Palestine.

The current year will be the scene of worldwide elections. How do you see the geopolitical situation in the face of the developing conflicts?

– The election in the United States, where the warmongering Biden may be defeated by Trump, could provoke a shuffle and give again in international politics. Trump, as it is known, in his first term tried to take more care of the internal courtyard, the difficulties experienced by large sectors of the population, and not to intervene in several wars. Biden, on the contrary, has stuck his nose in Latin America through permanent missions of the Southern Command (Mrs. Richardson walks around our countries as if it were the living room of her house) and also in the rest of the continents. However, he agrees with Trump in the idea of annihilating the Palestinian people, and of course it has been a key factor to use NATO to first create hostility and then make war on Russia, with the excuse of defending Ukraine.

As I said before, a Trump victory could favor Milei and others like him. He would also continue the aggressive policy against Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, but the truth is that these countries have not fared well under Biden either.

Today, there are two strategic battles being fought, and the U.S. is involved in both. The first is around the Russian idea of denazifying Ukraine, the second is being fought on Palestinian land occupied by the Zionists. But this heroic battle of the Resistance has been adding other countries, all of them in struggle against the criminal Israeli arrogance: Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Iran, together with all the Palestinian factions, are the vanguard of the world anti-imperialist revolution.

To be attentive to what derives from there is fundamental, the same as the advances of the agreements that arose in the heat of the war in Ukraine, with the great powers such as China, Russia, Iran, India and others, advancing in de-dollarizing economic agreements. Over there, links continue to be built to stop the aggression of the North against the South.

The International Court of Justice has just ruled on South Africa’s lawsuit against “Israel” for “acts of genocide in Gaza”, and ordered the Zionist regime to take “all measures within its power” to prevent “possible acts of genocide” against the Palestinians, and to allow the entry of humanitarian aid. However, he did not order a cease-fire, which was one of the African country’s main requests. What is your assessment of this preventive measure?

– I think it is extremely important that thanks to the efforts of South Africa and other countries sensitive to what is happening in Palestine, where “Israel” is practicing a real Holocaust against the people of Gaza and the occupied West Bank, it has been possible to put the Zionist entity in the dock. However, after reading the court’s decisions, I can only be skeptical. Asking “Israel” to, among other things, “take measures to prevent all acts stipulated in the Genocide Convention” and to “ensure that the army does not commit any of the crimes under the Convention” sounds like a symbolic admonition, but with little real effect.

“Israel” has never accepted UN recommendations, resolutions and impositions, much less when everyone knows that a genocide of gigantic proportions is already being committed against the civilian population. On the other hand, although the judges’ position of recognizing that “Israel” is harassing the Palestinian people was overwhelming, there was no immediate cease-fire decision, which is one of the fundamental aspects in this case. Moreover, there is talk of freeing “the Hamas hostages” but not a word is said about the thousands of hostages held in the Zionist entity’s tomb like prisons.

Finally, giving the occupier a month’s deadline to inform whether he complies with the “recommendations” is simply giving him 30 more days of green light for the genocide to continue, for

the Israeli drones and airplanes to continue massacring those who are defenseless in front of their murderers.

I repeat, the sensation of this type of declarations has a bittersweet effect: good because it allows to show “Israel” more internationally besieged for the crimes it commits daily, and bad because it does not put in all letters that it is a terrorist entity that has already murdered 26 thousand Palestinians. There is not enough courage in these judges to put it clearly in black and white.

Source: Resumen Latinoamericano – Buenos Aires ... d-in-both/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Sun Feb 04, 2024 6:31 pm

Argentina’s Congress Approves Milei’s Omnibus Law Amid Police Repression
FEBRUARY 3, 2024

Argentinian police clash with protesters outside the Congress while lawmakers debate the Omnibus bill. Photo: Juan Mabromata/AFP.

The Congress of Argentina approved in general the draft of the Omnibus Law issued by far-right President Javier Milei amid an environment of fear as police forces kept the Congress building surrounded, while citizens, social movements, artists, media, and trade union members demonstrated in front of the building in condemnation of the law.

On Friday, February 2, with 144 votes in favor and 113 against, the bill entitled Bases and Principles for the Freedom of Argentinians, better known as the Omnibus Law, which aims at the privatization of several public companies, was approved by the lower house of the Argentinian parliament. Congress will now discuss specific sections and norms of the bill.

Due to the ongoing mobilization of Argentinian people and the pressure of some Congresspersons who rejected sections of the bill as part of the negotiation, the government of President Milei removed sections on pensions and retirement, defense, health, and social issues. This means that the government would not be able to issue laws by decree in those areas, although it could issue laws on economic, financial, security, tariff, energy, and administrative matters.

Police repression delayed parliamentary discussion on the bill
Police repressions against demonstrators in front of the Congress building delayed the discussions of the Omnibus Law bill, as opposition legislators left the building in protest on Thursday, February 1.

The Milei government activated a security operation that is expected to last throughout the duration of the Congressional discussion on the Omnibus Law.

During the second Congressional debate on the bill, the security forces surrounding the building attacked the demonstrators who were protesting against the law with tear gas and rubber bullets. Several people, including journalists, were injured, while an unspecified number of demonstrators were detained.

Amid the confrontations, opposition deputies withdrew from the debate and took to the streets to ask the security forces to stop the repression.

“This is unnecessary… We don’t want any police personnel or demonstrators to be hurt,” said Congressman Máximo Kirchner of Union for the Homeland coalition.

According to Argentinian press, the current situation in Argentina is very similar to that of 2001, when the then President Fernando de la Rúa had to resign amid widespread protests against his neoliberal and privatization policies.

Debate resumes on Friday after adjournment amid police violence
Following the police repression on Thursday, the Congress approved adjourning the debate, for the fourth time. Discussions resumed on Friday.

The lack of consensus prevented a vote on the draft law, and the ruling party even presented a new draft incorporating changes in the chapter on privatizations.

The fiscal policy chapter was eliminated; the articles that modified the financing of the Native Forest and Glaciers laws were removed; the penalties for protest organizers were reduced; and the controversial definition of a meeting or demonstration as “the intentional and temporary congregation of thirty or more persons in a public space” was eliminated.

After the modified bill was approved by Congress, the government thanked the deputies, stating that “history will remember with honor all those who understood the historical context” and “decided to end the privileges of the caste and corporate republic in favor of the people” who “have been impoverished and starved for years by the political class.” However, this statement was made in a context where the government itself has been criticized because, in less than two months, President Milei’s policies have pushed at least 50% of families onto food assistance, while 70% of the public sector workers have fallen into poverty.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón, with Orinoco Tribune content ... epression/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:00 pm

Feb 5, 2024 , 3:04 pm .

Between tensions, negotiations and intrigues, the Milei administration begins to founder while reality catches up with it (Photo: Archive)

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, faces reality after his electoral offers begin to demonstrate more propaganda than real weight. A little less than two months after his government was installed, the economic drift of the southern country continues: on January 30, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimated that, in 2023, GDP fell 1.1%. This year the contraction will accelerate to a 2.8% decline (in the previous report the estimate was for growth, also 2.8%) due to the devaluation, fiscal adjustment and price liberalization measures.

Since his ally, former president Mauricio Macri (2015-2019), put the country into debt, economic measures depend on the IMF. Milei's economic team has already reached a new technical agreement to reactivate the program agreed during the presidency of Alberto Fernández (2019-2023), to unlock funds and support the economic plan of the Buenos Aires economist.

The alignment of his management with the United States is not new news, so much so that the Argentine chief of staff, Nicolás Posse, made a strategic visit to Washington. This occurred before a crucial meeting of the IMF executive board to facilitate the approval of the aforementioned agreement in which it would decide on the release of approximately 4.7 billion dollars for Argentina. In addition, the USS George Washington is expected to arrive on the Argentine coast next May, it is the sixth Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Not 20 days passed when Milei issued 366 measures through the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) 70/23 for immediate implementation without Congress being able to discuss its content. Then, in 351 pages and 664 articles, he proposed the so-called Omnibus bill with crucial changes in matters that the Constitution prevents him from legislating by decree. This project must be approved by both chambers of Congress to take effect.

In the midst of cacerolazos and mobilizations of social organizations and unionism, in addition to legal demands, Milei has moved forward with the DNU issued to "begin the process of economic deregulation that Argentina needs so much to be able to begin to grow," as he said.

DNUs are issued in cases of emergency and urgency, limited areas, temporary validity and judicial control. The one issued by Milei on December 21 repeals laws such as Rentals , Gondolas, Buy National, Supply and eliminates a considerable amount of labor rights .

The opposition, led by Peronism, seeks the votes necessary to reject them. In this context, Unión por la Patria (UxP) has a block of 33 senators and the quorum is 37. Therefore, 4 are missing to be able to discuss it in the Senate.

For its part, the "Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines" (Omnibus) grants a greater concentration of power to Milei by declaring an economic emergency until 2027. It contemplates the privatization of public companies, creates a money laundering ( tax relief for the rich) and proposes drastic modifications to the electoral system, such as the election of national deputies by single district and the elimination of Open, Simultaneous and Mandatory Primary elections (PASO).

Regarding the companies, it has been learned that they are being insured by the BlackRock consortium, a financial asset manager that manages "passive" investments in the Wall Street market, and exercises profound power in the US economy.

From the Argentine Legislative and Judicial powers there have been reactions based on proposals for debate and demands by opposition parties and labor unions.

The popularity of the sworn-in leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), who defeated the rival candidate with 55.65% of the votes, has dropped. A statistical study by the consulting firm Zuban-Córdoba revealed that 52.8% of the Argentines consulted disapprove of his management. Its policies of economic deregulation and privatization have resulted in 55.2% of those consulted having a negative image and 54.4% believing that Argentina is going in the wrong direction. 57.1% of the people consulted evaluate that the Argentine economy will be bad or just as bad within a year.

The policies of economic deregulation and privatization have increased the negative image of the newly elected ultraliberal president in Argentina (Photo: El País Argentina)

Criticism of his privatization offensive is growing, even though, amid tense negotiations, he has decided not to do so with several companies, including the state oil company YPF, because it will allow him access to the dollars it produces . The spike in electricity rates and food prices has created an atmosphere of discontent that has resulted in more protests, but also in a general strike on January 24.

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), which is the main union in the country, led the call together with the Central Workers of Argentina (CTA). Several unions joined, from construction workers and truck drivers to educators and health workers.

In the session convened on Wednesday the 31st, the Omnibus law was discussed , but not the same one that was sent to Congress, since it was amputated. In addition to eliminating the entire fiscal chapter in agreement with the opposition allied to LLA, chapters referring to fishing, internal taxes were withdrawn, the one on cold areas was modified and also the one that repealed the existence of the Sustainability Guarantee Fund. A measure was also withdrawn in the Security chapter: the one that identified meetings of 30 people as a potential "demonstration."

Finally, on Friday, February 2, with 144 votes in favor and 109 against, 382 of the 664 articles sent were approved , almost half. Of the 11 powers delegated to the President, six were approved: economic, financial, security (it could also be eliminated from the project), tariffs, energy and administrative.

The two-day event included protests and police repression around Congress, the police attack was led by the former presidential candidate and current Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich. She defended the operation that left more than twenty journalists injured, saying that "the objective has been completely achieved."

Milei insists that he will fulfill his electoral promise even with the setback or maneuver he executes. Meanwhile, his supporters maintain a back-and-forth of negotiations in Congress that, through protests and repression, do not achieve their objective .

The deployment of maneuvers and attempts since before the session on Wednesday, January 27, the president of the UxP bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, Germán Martínez, declared :

"Here there is a parliamentary defeat of the ruling party, but also a trap because the heart of the law has not changed and has to do with the delegation of extraordinary powers to the President. It is something unprecedented since the return of democracy. Furthermore, everything who supposedly resigns (the president), can do so later with those same delegated powers".

Everything indicates that Milei, with Macri on his side, would try to lose time while gaining ground.

The ultraliberal president has also received setbacks from the Judiciary. The labor reform attached to the DNU was rejected since the judges found that none of the admitted exceptions are presented to raise the possibility that his government claims the ability to legislate. The argument states that Congress is functioning "and the Executive Branch itself incorporated the issue of ratification of the DNU into the discussion of the extraordinary sessions."

In this way, a court of second instance granted the amparo action presented by the CGT, considering that the Executive Branch was not empowered to legislate on labor regulations through a DNU. Other setbacks:

The previous week a judge had admitted an action for protection by the CGT and declared the invalidity of articles 73 (withholding of union dues); 79 (collective bargaining); 86 (obligation clauses); 87, 88 and 97 (essential services and protest modality).

On Wednesday, January 31, while the Omnibus law was being discussed in Congress, a federal judge from the province of Buenos Aires suspended the increases in the fees of prepaid medicine companies authorized by the DNU, following a claim by an affiliate.

A day before, the Federal Court of Mercedes (Province of Buenos Aires) granted a request from the Salto Football League, an entity affiliated with the Argentine Football Association (AFA), and issued a precautionary measure on the articles of the DNU referring to the entry of Sports Joint Stock Companies in Argentine soccer.

On January 29, a federal judge in La Plata issued a precautionary measure that suspends the article that repealed the rule that restricts the sale of fields to foreigners, known as the Land Law . Request made by the Center of Former Combatants Islas Malvinas La Plata (CECIM), through its president Rodolfo Carrizo.

On January 12, a civil and commercial judge from Misiones took a precautionary measure presented by yerbatera associations, temporarily suspending the chapter of the DNU that affects yerbatera associations so that "the structure, functions and powers of the National Institute of "Yerba Mate".

A court rejected the modifications introduced to the National Yerba Mate Institute by DNU 70/2023, which left the organization without the management of resources and prevented it from setting prices (Photo: Nexofin)

The so-called "decree" or "megadecree" has feet of clay in legal terms: it has failed to demonstrate true reasons of necessity and urgency. Furthermore, the opposition argues that the National Constitution establishes that regulations of this type "must be immediately sent to Congress to be ratified."

It has been considered an attack against Argentine sovereignty, its rights and culture. Because the period for its discussion in the Bicameral Commission had expired, it would focus on the Senate, which is chaired by Vice President Victoria Villarruel. Milei's former electoral formula has been postponing the call and the UxP bloc, which has requested that a session be called in the Senate, does not have the votes to repeal it.

Other senators have considered letting the Supreme Court deal with the issue, given that it requires the rejection of both chambers and the LLA's negotiations with what Milei himself called "the caste" remain alive.

Milei's environment is another front that threatens the stability of his government. As is known, her government has been formed by political actors linked to Macri and former candidate Patricia Bullrich, who heads the Ministry of National Security. She has also had to negotiate with a sector of the opposition that the press calls "dialogueists."

However, since before the swearing-in, her own vice president, Victoria Villarruel, has distanced herself from the president in a chess game in which Macri and Bullrich, members of "the caste", move their pieces as they please... or unwillingly .

The internal hostility, prior to the formation of the presidential cabinet, led to the entry of Bullrich into the government and the displacement of Villarruel from public security, his topic of interest. In the rearrangement of positions there is talk of rapprochements between Macri and Villarruel versus Bullrich and Milei.

At the beginning of last January, the union leader and president of the Frente Patria Grande, Juan Grabois, denounced that Villarruel and Macri "are preparing a coup" against Milei. The former presidential candidate also stressed that this is a para-institutional coup because "Villarruel belongs to the military family." The lawyer is known for her denialist agenda and defender of the genocides that caused some 30,000 disappearances and deaths during the last military dictatorship in Argentina.

In this sense, Milei's appointments on Intelligence and Defense issues are mediated both by the tensions between Macri and Bulrich and by the link with extermination operators implemented within the framework of Plan Cóndor. They were designated retired soldiers to the detriment of active ones, Macri style. This brings back memories of when reports of illegal espionage abounded .

The ruler's relationship with the military sector is breaking down at the rate of cutback measures such as the elimination of the salary hierarchy that they had managed to agree with Fernández. His privatization offensive has also created unrest in the sector that he feverishly defended through Villarruel.

Milei already experienced a setback amid the discontent generated in the Army by the availability of 22 generals to appoint Carlos Alberto Presti, son of a genocidaire from the last civil-military dictatorship, as head of that force. The Brigadier General is the son of the genocidal Roque Carlos Alberto Presti, who died without a sentence in 1993, who between October 1975 and October 1977 was in charge of a detention center, kidnappings, disappearances and torture of 44 victims.

At the beginning of January, Milei appointed military personnel linked to the United States and the United Kingdom (and the Macri administration) to head the Armed Forces. Namely:

Brigadier General Xavier Julián Isaac, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was Aeronautical Attaché to the Argentine Embassy in Washington.

Rear Admiral Carlos María Allievi, head of the Navy, who was Naval Attaché and Alternate Defense Attaché to the Argentine Embassy in Washington.

Brigadier Major Fernando Luis Mengo, head of the Air Force, was Defense, Military, Naval and Aeronautical Attaché to the Argentine Embassy in London.

The military believes they have been caught in the crossfire of tension between Milei and Villarruel, who was displaced from their control by Bullrich (Photo: La Política Online)

The tension between Villarruel and Milei around these appointments remains high, as high as the one generated by an alleged meeting that, behind their backs, the one with Macri would have held. Some analyzes suggest that the former president's plan consists of taking back the PRO , a party that he founded but shares with Bullrich, and after the government crash , proposing to Milei a rescue of his management. This would include the dissolution of the Together for Change coalition to create a new label, merging it with La Libertad Avanza, to achieve a greater political base in Congress and positions of its trusted people in key ministries.

Everything proclaimed by Milei in his campaign is being dissolved, or is being refined, by reality. His hyperneoliberal drift is immersed in data and dynamics that go beyond his fundamentalist postulates based on economic technicalities, class interests and political ambitions.

The suspicion remains in the air that it is a house of cards that will collapse due to geopolitical mistakes such as the exclusion of Argentina from the BRICS+ group, also due to angry measures that seem to work against its permanence in the due government. to the social pressure they generate. ... n-el-poder

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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