South America

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:23 am

24 Oct 2019, 9:38 pm.


The prominence that the Organization of American States (OAS) is taking in the Bolivian conflict does not seem to have any sign of improvisation. The regional institution took for itself the advances of "fraud" by the local opposition and tipped it towards an electoral prerogative impossible to fulfill.

Some countries convened an extraordinary session of the OAS Permanent Council that took place on Wednesday, October 23, in which there were those who defended the claims of "fraud" while others suspected the legitimacy of the complaints about the recent electoral process in the Andean-Amazonian country.

In this extraordinary meeting, the preliminary report of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission was presented by Antonio González, ex-chancellor, in which conclusions derived from opposition complaints about the entire process before the elections and "the lack of trust in the electoral body."

The technical aspects in the delay of the transmission of the preliminary results by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) were the OAS’s anchor to confirm the allegations, which is not enough proof of any fraud. However, the report presents the previous motive as the motive for the increase of "tensions in the street", and not the partisan call of Carlos Mesa and other organizations that have called for destabilization on Bolivian land.

For the Electoral Observation Mission, if the results do not reflect the measurement data it has in hand and the advanced complaints of the Bolivian opposition, it is best to "call a second round":

"The results of an election must be credible and acceptable for the entire population not only for one sector. At the moment, with 96.78% of the rolls recorded, the final calculation makes a difference of 9.48% between the binomials most voted, which would require a second round if that difference is maintained. In the event that, after the calculation is completed, the margin of difference is greater than 10%, it is statistically reasonable to conclude that it will be for a very small percentage. evidenced in this electoral process, it would continue to be a better option to convene a second round."

The OAS brings up this preliminary report before the final results are published, in an attempt to consolidate at the hemispheric level the narrative line that calls into question the electoral victory of Evo Morales prior to any official announcement of the TSE. In this way the political, institutional media influence belt of the United States in the region turns its attention to Bolivia while imposing a type of fabrication.

In Washington, home of the OAS and setting for the extraordinary meeting, there were diverse reactions to the preliminary report.

The US ambassador, Carlos Trujillo, said his government supports the report presented and that it is important to closely monitor the development of the events. He said the alleged suspension of vote counting was because President Morales' party was not winning.
The representative of Nicaragua, Ruth Tapia, flatly said that "it is not the responsibility of the OAS to intervene in internal affairs of sovereign countries." Your country opposes any type of interference.
The Mexican ambassador, Luz Elena Baños, said the report should have waited for the full count of the electoral records, criticized the OAS pronouncement, recalled that this institution represents an impartial body. He warned more caution because this type of calls weakens and fractures the organization.
Gerardo de Icaza, director of the Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation of the OAS, explained at the session that the difference in points between Morales and Mesa, as well as the recent resignation of the vice president of the TSE, "weakens the institutional framework and questions the legitimacy of the elections." For the institution, the percentage difference is "small" although the calculation gives more than 10% difference between both candidates at the end of this note.
In addition, the Permanent Council gave voice to Carlos Mesa through the envoy of Juan Guaidó before the OAS, Gustavo Tarre Briceño, who read a statement from the Bolivian presidential candidate in which he exposes his position before the Bolivian conflict:

"These actions of the TSE are generating a state of convulsion in my country because the citizenry perceives a maneuver of fraud, to avoid the completion of the second round preventing the next president of Bolivia from being elected."

Thus, Tarre Briceño "represented" in the OAS two presidents who do not exist: one self-proclaimed in Venezuela and another in Bolivia that pretends to be with the support of Washington.

In the early hours of this October 24, the final victory of Evo Morales in the first round was officially confirmed, an irreversible trend.
MV English
BREAKING | Evo Morales is officially re-elected president of the Plurinational State of Bolivia


According to valid computed votes, the MAS candidate has already reached the 10% difference necessary to win in the first round. The current trend is irreversible.
This morning the re-elected president gave statements to his followers to celebrate the results, where he again denounced the "internal and external coup d'etat."

The strategy of the Bolivian government at the external level is based on calling in the OAS for its involvement in the final counting of the votes, an audit that the regional institution requires to be "binding."

Although the audit be done and the conclusions are the re-election of Evo Morales, both the local opposition and the OAS build an atmosphere of tension around the demand for a second round announcing a possible deepening of the conflict in Bolivia.

In that sense, Carlos Mesa and 11 opposition politicians created the Defense of Democracy Coordinator as a kind of pressure block before the Bolivian institutions, with the elevation of the "fraud" allegations without evidence but with some mobilization of civilian committees and political parties centered in this body.

The same Coordinator of Defense of Democracy supports its foundation in the preliminary report of the OAS; the “second round” is a “duty” of the TSE, according to the statement.

Mesa said after meeting with the other opponents to form such a platform: "Mr. Morales, in his message to the nation, began by talking about a coup d’etat and clearly pointed to me, in particular, as being responsible. My first response clear and categorical to this incredible accusation, is that if there is someone who has systematically broken and broken the constitutional order of Bolivia, it is Evo Morales."

In this direction, the emergence of the OAS (the "external coup") gave rise to the "internal coup" taking on more muscle and heading towards criminalizing speech about what the Evo Morales government does or does not do. This semantic maneuver transfers the responsibility of any interruption of the constitutional order to the Bolivian government for "not attending to the citizen's will", as the preliminary report cited says.

With these slogans as a framework, the OAS takes the forefront of destabilization in Bolivia, with an agenda that bursts into the electoral scene and places the very bandied about "fraud" as an excuse for the coup d'etat.

Translated by EF. ... in-bolivia
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:49 pm

The Chicago boys in Chile
The dire economic experience of neoliberalism, imported from the American school, has come to our days with a people thrown into the Chilean streets demanding the end of the model that made the rich richer and the poor increasingly poor

Author: Elson Concepción Pérez |

November 1, 2019 00:11:57

From Pinochet until today, Chile under the shadow of the Chicago boys. Photo: Taken from the Internet

With the philosophy that "human nature is the market economy," Chile from the time of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet turned out to be the "desired" laboratory to apply what has been called the model of the Chicago boys.

Implementing a freehand neoliberalism, serving as a support base for the dictatorship to repress those who protested being affected by these measures, has been a constant in the Chilean development model.

Augusto Pinochet left the system so enthroned that today, 46 years after the coup d'etat against Salvador Allende, Chilean society is still governed by the same laws and other rules, as if nothing had happened from there to here.

There are the police to "protect" what the Chicago boys established.

Orlando Letelier, who was ambassador and government minister at the time of Salvador Allende, assassinated in Washington by the Chilean dyna and the US company on September 21, 1976, left written, 25 days before his death, an essay on the economic policy of the Chicago boys and how it was implemented in Chile during the military dictatorship.

It can be read in the essay: “The economic program was implemented by a group of Chilean economists, most of them trained at the University of Chicago by Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger. Deeply involved in the preparation of the coup, the Chicago boys relied on the coup military.

The Special Committee of the US Senate on Intelligence has revealed that the "collaborators of the company" helped plan the economic measures that the Chilean Board implemented immediately after usurping power. To this end, the Chicago boys received funds from the CIA, according to The Wall Street Journal wrote on November 2, 1973.

Mr. Friedman and Professor Harberger, inspirers of the Chicago boys, visited Chile to promote a "shock policy" for the country's economy, considered "the only medicine," according to what the newspaper El Mercurio, in Santiago, published. , March 23, 1975.

The principles of the economic model implemented there contemplate the private sector as the only possible framework for economic development and, therefore, should be the predominant one in the economy.

Similarly, it was conceived that inflation can only be eliminated by reducing state spending and minimizing or abolishing the role of the state in society.

In this sense, "repression for majorities and economic freedom for privileged groups are two sides of the same coin in Chile."

For Brenda Mendoza Baz, of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, “the actions carried out by the Chicago boys through their professional positions (advisors, ministers and university teachers) during the military government of Augusto Pinochet were a determining factor in the implementation of neoliberalism, and the main effects of its application were the concentration of wealth in a minority business group and the deterioration of the living conditions of the poorest population ».

This October, 2019, the people of Chile have not only challenged the police who repress and kill, but also a government that clings to continue that disastrous economic policy implemented with the American recipe of the Chicago boys, based on neoliberal theories and maintained by military force.

Chile has failed for decades. Students, young people and the poorest population cannot continue to endure a reality that requires radical changes, although President Sebastián Piñera thinks otherwise.

In context

Chicago boys (in Spanish: Chicago Boys) is a term that appeared in the 1970s to designate educated liberal economists at the University of Chicago, under the direction of Americans Milton Friedman and Arnold Harberger.
During the Cold War, the University of Chicago awarded a group of 25 Chilean economists, most of them graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and graduated from the University of Chicago during the 1960s, to study under the teachings from Milton Friedman. Twenty years later, in the middle of the dictatorship, they made Chile the bastion of neoliberalism in the world.
The purest laboratories of the Chicago boys have been installed in the military dictatorships of the Latin American South Cone of the 70s of the 20th century.
Sources: Spanish newspaper El País, Regeneration website, Wikipedia ... 9-00-11-57

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 04, 2019 7:49 pm

German Van de Velde 2 days ago 232

We share an article published in the prime media entitled "United States finances coup attack against the government of Evo Morales." Following is the original text:

The escalation of violence that the country is going through in recent days is framed by a coup attack against the Evo Morales government and has several operators within the country, such as Carlos de Mesa and Luis Fernando Camacho; but from outside Bolivia, this movement is funded from the United States.

The objective is none other than to break the transformation process led by an indigenous who has led Bolivia to unprecedented social stability and economic growth, based on a model of redistribution of wealth.

Another objective of the coup attack is to prevent the collapse of the neoliberal governments of the Allied region of the United States, such as Chile and Ecuador, and in which social unrest has overflowed.

This coup movement had its beginnings with the 21F citizen platforms, which promoted destabilizing political actions and found support in the media owned by the oligarchy that wants to return to power, such as Page Seven and Duty, accompanied by dozens of "Analysts," which are nothing other than old neo-liberal politicians.

Likewise, several NGOs, mostly “environmentalists” and with external financing, seek to undermine the Morales government, among them are Ríos de Pie, the Solón Foundation, Jubileo, Milenio, Fundación Tierra and several others that handle similar speeches.

From the US, discredited characters such as fugitive Carlos Sánchez Berzaín and Eva Sara Landau, promote the destabilization of the government, seeking that a neoliberal government in favor of their political interests be established in Bolivia.

Those behind all this are part of a plan to overthrow President Evo Morales through violent and criminal acts, taking advantage of the October 20 elections.


Coup Network funded by the United States Government

“There are only two kinds of Bolivians: those with the dictatorship and those with democracy and here we are what we are with democracy. To defeat the dictatorship, we need real unity, ”Sánchez Berzaín said a few days ago, also from the United States, surrounded by posters that said“ justice for Bolivia ”.

The words of the former minister of Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada and one of the main syndicates for the “October Massacre” of 2003, fell badly even in the mobilized sectors themselves, however, it marks the same line of seeking the resignation of Morales and not A democratic exit.

And although they did not mention it directly, both Carlos de Mesa and Luis Fernando Camacho followed Sánchez Berzaín's request to the letter. The first to accept and then reject the audit of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the second to reject an intermediate room and directly request the resignation of Morales.

“Since Sunday, at the Cabinet meeting, it was agreed that all the most trusted secretaries of the dictator Evo Morales, García Linera and ministers begin to falsify ballots for the audit that Linera himself asks the OAS (...). Mesa must stop asking for a second round and join the town to ask Evo Morales to leave immediately, ”Landau said from the United States a few hours before the first deaths in Montero are registered and without presenting a single proof of their claims.

Previously, Landau was the link for some Bolivian parliamentarians to request, through a letter, the intervention of the United States in Bolivia; but after having failed, he sends the guidelines that the protests in Bolivia should follow.

A day after the statements of Landau in his comfortable apartment in Washington, the president of the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, replies the same words from the capital of Santa Cruz.

Landau defines himself as "exiled in the USA, capitalist, Jewish, pro-life and anti-communist." Also, with her husband they have the consultant "Darkhorse Political", which worked alongside Donald Trump.

This supposed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) gained more visibility by taking advantage of the fires in the Chiquitanía, disguising themselves as environmentalists and directed by Jhanisse Vaca Daza.

But in the last weeks, before and after the elections they changed their "environmental struggle" for a "fight for democracy", which translates into a series of coup actions that seek to destabilize the state.

For example, in recent days they began "peaceful" protests with "symbolic shots" of state institutions such as Bolivia TV or the Union Bank, which does nothing but prepare the ground to give rise to violent actions.

Vaca Daza attended Kent State University in Ohio, where her thesis focused on Authoritarian Regimes in South America. He also studied at the Harvard Kennedy School, participating in his program "Leading Nonviolent Movements for Social Progress." Now she "leads" a network of Western organizations that trained and advised the leaders of the Regime Change operations from Venezuela to Eastern Europe. The information was revealed by the journalist Wyatt Reed on The Grayzone site, where he said Vaca Daza is a US agent in Bolivia.

Also arriving from the United States, where he is a professor of Political Science at the University of Miami, Hummel actively participated in the demonstrations against Dilma Rousseff in Sao Paulo, organizing cacerolazos and investigating how clash groups lay down legitimate governments. Now he is in Bolivia organizing movements like the "cacerolazo".

On his Facebook, Hummel celebrates being able to organize the first cacerolazo. He writes in English the following: “My first cacerolazo! This is the end of Sopocachi. It happened for about 45 minutes (this is going through my street, far from the main protests, there are several hundred people in the other direction and more in other parts of the neighborhood). ”

In this way, this American “activist” intends to organize this type of protests that have a certain echo in the uninformed middle class and that has assumed the cacerolazo as a measure of struggle against the government chosen by 47% of Bolivians.

Source: ... o-morales/

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 05, 2019 2:00 pm

Bolivian right-wing activates ‘electoral fraud’ contingency plan against Morales

President Evo Morales emerged victorious in the first round of presidential elections in Bolivia held on October 20 but the opposition is set on rejecting the results

November 02, 2019 by Zoe PC

Evo Morales and Alvaro García Linera in a mobilization on October 28 in La Paz. Photo: Evo Morales twitter
Tensions have been rising in Bolivia following the general elections conducted on October 20. The right-wing opposition has refused to recognize the results which saw president Evo Morales of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) win 47.07% of the votes cast to clinch a first-round victory over Carlos Mesa of the Citizen Community alliance who won 36.52%. Opposition sectors have claimed that as initial results indicated that a run-off election would be necessary, electoral fraud was committed in order to give Morales the 10-point margin he needed to win in the first round.

However, since then, the already divided opposition has been fumbling to arrive at a united position and demands with regards to the elections. Their lack of coherency has illustrated that the true intentions of the opposition are not to defend Bolivian democracy and democratic institutions, but to push for regime change and engender chaos.

For example, in response to growing tensions with regard to the results, the Bolivian government invited the Organization of American States (OAS) to carry out an audit of the electoral process in order to verify the validity and legitimacy of the results. This audit began on October 31. Though the OAS had spoken out the day after the elections on October 21 and called for a second round of polls, showing a clear bias against Morales, several sectors of the opposition declared that they reject this audit.

Initially, presidential candidate Carlos Mesa accepted the OAS audit as his position has consistently been to insist on holding run-off elections. However, after meeting with Fernando Camacho, the leader of the opposition in Santa Cruz, which is the stronghold of anti-Morales forces, Mesa announced that he rejected the audit by the OAS. If they really believed that fraud was committed, why would they reject the audit, especially when the auditor is anything but pro-Morales?

In the meantime, opposition sectors across the country have been escalating pressure on the streets to support their demands for the annulment of the results. Juan Ramón Quintana, the minister of the presidency in Bolivia, told Marco Teruggi at Sputnik News that “What we are seeing is a path to a coup that is being unveiled in an intense way and at different speeds in all of the national territory.”

The night after the elections, violent opposition “shock” groups burned the offices of the electoral authority in Potosi, Sucre and Tarija. In the city of Santa Cruz, the office of the electoral authority office was burned down on October 22 and since then, the city has seen consistent violent mobilizations, other actions of sabotage, and a national strike.

Small-scale protests have also been held in other cities, and recently, the capital, La Paz, has become the epicenter of the opposition protests.

However, it is not just the right-wing that has been mobilizing. Several massive mobilizations have been carried out in support of Evo Morales and his victory in the latest elections, and to denounce the ongoing coup effort. On October 28, thousands of people from peasant movements, youth movements, miners’ unions, and Indigenous movements took to the streets in El Alto, a largely Indigenous, working-class city neighboring La Paz and a historic base of MAS, to defend their votes and the results.

For the past several days, thousands have been on the streets mobilizing in support of Evo Morales. Photo: Evo Morales twitter

Thousands of miners mobilized in La Paz on October 29 and one of the central chants – “Mesa, thief, we won’t forget October” – refers to the massacre which occurred in El Alto on October 11, 2003 during the “gas war,” while Mesa was vice-president, and more than 80 people were killed and hundreds injured.

On October 30, an even larger mobilization was carried out and thousands of miners, Indigenous people, neighborhood organizations, youth activists and citizens marched from El Alto down to La Paz in support of Evo Morales. The chant “Evo you are not alone dammit!” was the central cry of the people.

Bolivian miners have mobilized en masse in support of President Evo Morales. Photo: Marco Teruggi / Sputnik News
The following day, on October 31, thousands arrived at La Paz from different parts of the country to join mobilizations in support of Evo Morales. In light of the growing attacks from the opposition, participants of the mobilization decided to stay overnight in a vigil at Plaza Murillo which is the center of political life in the capital and where the presidential palace and the National Congress of Bolivia are located.

Later in the day, sectors of the opposition in La Paz gathered to hold a ‘cabildo’ or an open meeting where several resolutions regarding their position and demands were approved. Marco Teruggi reported that these include the demand that the elections be annulled, the resignation of Evo Morales, the rejection of the audit of the OAS, a call for new elections, the creation of a new Supreme Electoral Tribunal, and to “radicalize the pressure mechanisms.”

Following the cabildo, opposition protesters decided to march towards Plaza Murillo and attempted to violently break through the line of police protecting the MAS supporters and miners who had camped there overnight. The violent clashes involving explosions of dynamite and fireworks set off by opposition protesters lasted until midnight.

Government authorities and people’s movements in Bolivia have denounced that tensions are escalating every day and it is nearing a coup-like scenario. Both Evo Morales and vice-president Álvaro García Linera have denounced the intentions of the right-wing opposition to engender chaos and destabilize the country with violent protests and strikes.

Juan Ramón Quintan told Teruggi that “There is no doubt that it is a coup financed by the United States, they have learned to move their pieces well, especially to sustain a narrative against the government.” He added that “Bolivia will convert into a great battlefield, a modern Vietnam because here the social organizations have found a horizon to reaffirm their autonomy, sovereignty, identity.”

Internationally, people’s movements and political leaders have also rallied behind Evo Morales and in defense of Bolivian democracy. Yesterday, a Twitter storm was held with the trending hashtag #EvoPresidenteLegítimo (Evo Legitimate President) and people from across the world joined to lend their support to Morales and the process of change in the country and to reject the ongoing coup attempts. ... t-morales/
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:13 pm

81% of Ecuadorians disapprove of President Moreno's management, according to Opinion Profiles
11/05/2019 Veronica Galarza HIGHLIGHTS , NATIONAL

Views: 4,644
The company Opinion Profiles conducted surveys in Quito and Guayaquil for the President and the main authorities

News Point.- The company Opinion Profiles published its monthly report on the qualification granted by respondents to the management of President Lenín Moreno; Vice President Otto Sonnenholzner; of the National Assembly; and from the mayors of Quito and Guayaquil.

Thus, between October 16 and 20, a study was carried out in Quito and Guayaquil, in which 620 people were interviewed (Ecuadorian men and women over 18 years of age). Of this sample, 45.93% described the president's management as bad; while 20.99% said it was good.

In the case of the vice president, 45.84% rated his management as bad and 27.44% as good. The rest of the answers were distributed among very good, very bad, do not know and do not respond.

In relation to the National Assembly, 56.81% said that the management of this agency is bad; while only 13.63% is good.

Likewise, the mayors of Quito and Guayaquil were analyzed. Of 315 respondents in Quito, 47.11% said that the management of Mayor Jorge Yunda is good; while 32.45% said it is bad.

Of 305 respondents in Guayaquil, 44.63% rated the management of Mayor Cynthia Viteri as good; while 30.64% said it is bad. ... e-opinion/

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 06, 2019 3:24 pm

Bolivia: Leaked Audios Confirm Involvement of Opposition Leaders, Ex-Military and US in Coup Plans
Opposition politicians held talks with U.S. senators to destabilize Bolivia and organize a general strike after Evo Morales' victory.
By Telesur

Global Research, November 06, 2019
teleSUR 5 November 2019

The Radio Education Network of Bolivia (Erbol) leaked 16 audios involving opposition leaders who are calling for a coup d’etat against the government of President Evo Morales, a political action which would have been coordinated from the U.S. embassy in the Andean country.

Among those mentioned in the audios are the U.S. senators Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez and Ted Cruz, who have would maintained contact with the Bolivian opposition in order to achieve a possible regime change in the South American country.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

The audios also reveal participation in the political conspiracy of the former prefect of Cochabamba, Manfred Reyes Villa, who was accused of corruption in 2009 and fled Bolivia to seek asylum in the U.S., where he is currently living.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

In their conspiracy talks, Bolivian politicians also mention​​​​​​​ a former Bolivian president whose name is not explicitly mentioned, former New Republican Force lawmaker Mauricio Muñoz and former Army officers Oscar Pacello, Remberto Siles, Julio Maldonado and Teobaldo Cardozo.​​​​​​​

“We must all be alert against the coup in Bolivia. Possible sabotage of the helicopter which transported our beloved Evo. It is not the first time that progressive presidents die in “accidents.” Protection for Evo. Let’s take care of Evo.”

The Erbol leaked information audios also mention calls from opposition leaders to burn government party structures and to put together a general strike across the country.

All these ​​​​​​​actions, which were expected to be advertised as based on social unrest​​​​​​​, would be part of the response to the triumph of Evo Morales in the last presidential elections​​​​​​​.

The opposition plans would also include an eventual attack against the Cuban Embassy, very similar to what happened in the coup against Venezuela’s late president Hugo Chavez in 2002.

So far, none of the opposition leaders in Bolivia has said anything about the leaked audios.​​​​​​​ ... ns/5694142
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Thu Nov 07, 2019 2:00 pm


Bruno Sgarzini

24 Oct 2019 , 9:30 am .

13 million Chileans are under curfew imposed by the Piñera government (Photo: Migrate Photo)

"A shock program of drastic reduction of public spending would eliminate inflation in months and lay the groundwork for a free market economy in Chile," Milton Friedman wrote in a letter sent to Augusto Pinochet after a brief 45-minute encounter with the dictator. From the beginning, Friedman understood that Pinochet knew little about economics, and "taking advantage" of it sent him the aforementioned letter. He did it as the leader of the current market supportive thinking, founded at the Economic School of the University of Chicago.

The acceptance of Friedman's plan was immediate by Pinochet and originated the "Chilean liberal revolution," which later inspired the presidencies of Margaret Tatcher in Britain and Ronald Reagan in the United States in their deregulation and privatization plans. Behind the economic program of Pinochet, however, was the United States, which financed its preparation with funds from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sent to the disciples of the Chicago School indoctrinated in Chile.

The creators of the famous "brick", the 300-page book that served as the basis for the Pinochet program, were formed by the Chicago School at the Catholic University of Chile, under the tutelage of a financing program of the State Agency United for International Development (USAID). The trident of the United States, the Catholic Church and neoliberalism broke into Latin America for the first time to impose a free market ideology across the continent.

José Piñera, brother of the current president and disciple of Milton Friedman, was a member of Pinochet's cabinet and one of the promoters of the Chilean constitution. (Photo: GGN)

Once the reforms of the liberation and privatization of public companies were completed, José Piñera, brother of the current president and another disciple of Friedman, promoted a Constitution where the right of the private over the public was institutionalized to the limit of abandoning education, health and even water to market wishes. This institutional package, marinated with a system of hard right and moderate right parties, is what is presented as the best management model of a free market economy in the region and the world.

According to Orlando Letelier, killed by the Condor Plan in the United States, the catechism of this ideology is that "the only possible framework for economic development is one within which the private sector can operate freely; that private enterprise is the most efficient way of economic organization and that, therefore, the private sector should be the predominant factor in the economy.Prices should fluctuate freely according to competition laws.Inflation, the worst enemy of economic progress, is the direct result of monetary expansion and can only be eliminated by drastically reducing government spending. "

José Piñera promoted the Chilean Constitution by listening to the words of his mentor Milton Friedman about the neoliberal experiment, which would become unfeasible if it was not institutionalized in a "democratic regime."

Piñera's brother, in addition, was the one who designed the privatization of Social Security in Chile, taken as a reference by the neoliberals of the world to allow banks, and financial funds, to bet on pension money in the global market.

Precisely, the three reforms in dance throughout Latin America to revive the economic growth of the region, estimated for this year at 0.2%, are based on labor, pension and tax reforms similar to those taken by Chile. The catechism cited by Letelier is the same: reduce public spending and liberalize private controls to attract capital.

"The sad irony of protests like those of Chile in the region is that they make it difficult to improve the situation through economic reforms," said Brian Winter of the Council of the Americas, founded by David Rockefeller. According to this logic, Brazil would leave only a seven-point drop in its GDP if its Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, trained in the Chilean neoliberal experiment, could reform Social Security and privatize Petrobras, after having liberalized working conditions.

If one observes regionally the tendency of Mexico to Argentina, the mandate of the banks to continue financing the public debts of the nation-states is based on a combo of clear austericide measures. If states like Argentina cannot pass these reforms, as happened to Mauricio Macri with the labor reform, the IMF immediately appears to finance a shock plan that releases controls to the private sector and drastically reduces public spending by force.

Protests like Chile's are being replicated throughout the continent while imposing the same neoliberal recipes (Photo: CNN)

These measures based on the "debt" trap, according to economist David Harvey, what they generate is that, through the IMF triad, Treasury Department and Wall Street, countries rationalize their debt by generating a greater, but better structured, in base to transfer your assets abroad (read the United States and Europe).

Since 2008, with the financial crash , this process, which Harvey calls "accumulation by dispossession", has accelerated throughout Latin America leading to the current state of affairs, where most states are in the process of major reforms to return to growth of their macroeconomies, at the expense of their own populations impoverished by these measures.

In Chile it was precisely where this global process of accumulation by dispossession began, given that the economic plan designed by the Chicago Boys was the one that gave rise to the Washington Consensus, imposed in most of Latin America after hyperinflation scenarios and large debts in the 80. Experience that was replicated in Africa and Asia in the same way and in the same way, as explained in the working document In the ruins of the present of the Tricontinental.

Privatization and drastic reduction of public spending was the war cry of the neo-liberals when they designed the Chilean institutional system to stratify a class society, dominated by a consumption of goods and services based on massive indebtedness.

The balance is otherwise eloquent: one in three Chileans over 18 have no resources to pay their debts. Which were contracted to buy in large stores, personal or family education, health expenses and purchases of the day, according to a report from the newspaper Concepcion .

In that sense, the Counter titled a note "With the noose around the neck; the accumulated indebtedness that detonated the October revolt", where he interviewed Lorena Pérez, researcher of the Millennium Core Authority and Asymmetries of Power. Perez said that most Chileans spend 27% of their salaries on paying debts that represent a "kind of salary extension", which is constantly refinanced for consumption purposes, or simply to reach the end of the month.

An even greater additive to this explosive situation is that the privatization of pension funds, carried out by Piñera's brother, has resulted in active workers taking over the economic costs of their parents now that they withdraw from the pension system.

"This generation has to financially bear their own debts and the costs of their parents' unworthy pensions," Pérez said of a Chile where the richest beneficiaries of this privatization are the biggest tax evaders.

Precisely, an expert in evading taxes is the current president Piñera, who specialized in buying broken companies, considered "zombies" to, through them, write down their profits in their losses in order to pay less taxes. This is why researcher Martín Rivas described Piñera as "zombie king".

"Piñera has correctly understood the need to make Chile more attractive to foreign investors and to boost economic growth ... If you want to preserve the hard-earned stability of your country, you should now show a similar sensitivity towards less fortunate Chileans. ", the Financial Times wrote in an editorial after the Chilean president faced protests against the increase of the Metro mainly, among other reforms.

The service is estimated to have increased 20 times since 2017, and if a Chilean travels twice a day, the ticket price absorbs 16% of his salary. A clear example of how neoliberalism works in Chile.

The Financial Times , which mistakenly considers the Chilean revolt as one of "middle classes", between the lines that criticizes Piñera's decision to establish a curfew and state of exception in the streets, without taking charge of the consequences of the policies he proclaims in his pages.

129 complaints of torture and cruel treatment by the Chilean military are registered (Photo: Profile)

Under a classic strategy to criminalize the protest, the Chilean government, along with the media, remixed the classic combo of groups of infiltrators with acts of violence to typify the demonstrations as a threat to the country's stability. With the same objective of demobilizing the protest, the military and police were responsible for using methods to terrorize the population in order to leave the streets.

Hours and hours of video were filmed with episodes of violence by security forces, as if a movie by Quentin Tarantino was filmed. The globalized citizen could see firsthand how the Chilean military shot young people in the back, beat children and women, and patrolled protesters, among many other episodes of the Chilean horror show .

The balance is 19 dead, more than 200 injured, almost 3,000 detainees and 129 reports of torture and cruel treatment collected by the National Institute of Human Rights (NHRI). A flashback in the entire line towards the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, but with touch screens.

David Harvey rightly asserts in his thesis on the accumulation by dispossession that the control of discontent, the product of neoliberal policies, is generally in the hands of the "state apparatus of the debtor country, backed by the military assistance of imperial powers.

Chile, for instance, has armed forces formed by the School of the Americas under national security doctrines that consider anyone who is a risk to the stability of the country as "internal enemy." What we see on social networks is nothing more than a practical example of everything the Mapuche security forces do throughout the year, every year.

Piñera, on the other hand, astonished by the virulence of the protests, rehearses concessions such as freezing Metro and electricity rates, and raising the minimum wage, applying the neoliberal political theory of the Rational Election on which the Chilean political system is based.

This theory assumes that the individual, or agent, tends to maximize their profit-benefit and reduce costs or risks in their decisions. "Individuals prefer more than good and less than what causes them bad," says the Economipedia portal. According to Piñera, then, the way to attract the demands of Chileans towards institutionality is to contain them with palliative measures and a dialogue table.

However, Piñera's inability to appease the protest, by force or persecution, demonstrates a clear collapse of a political system and an institutional design that ten years ago blocks the Constitution from being modified to contemplate social rights, common in the region , such as education and health, just to name two of them.

An example of how to understand this is found in David Easton's Theory of Systems , which neoliberals also like, who states that political systems feed back among society's demands, processed by the system's articulators (call them politicians) , and the responses to these demands, which in turn generate other reactions of society that restart the cycle.

From this point of view, the Chilean political system has long, and a long time ago, that does not link any of the points listed above for the arguments already mentioned.

The Interior Minister of Piñera, in charge of the repression in Chile, is Andrés Chadwick who was part of the Pinochet cabinet. (Photo: Chilean Presidential Press)

That is why in the streets of Santiago they shout "let them all go" against a political class, that from Piñera to Michelle Bachelet has been involved in corruption, and a business elite that takes 65% of the wealth produced by the Chileans without even paying taxes. In this context, Cecilia Moret, first lady of Chile, told a friend that they were going to have to "decrease their privileges" after telling her that the Chilean government was being overwhelmed by a "kind of foreign, alien invasion."

The same horror of the plebs in the street that runs the politicians and businessmen of the global South and North, afflicted by the implosion of a political system that no longer matches the needs of society with corporate voracity.

This April 23, that perception was reflected in a note from the Financial Times entitled "Why executives are worried about capitalism," where one of the corporate CEOs consulted, Ray Dalio of the Bridgewater fund, simply said the obvious: "The capitalism can be reformed as a whole, or in conflict. "

That is why the house of Chilean mirrors, where each of the regional crises are observed bouncing to infinity, shows an overly crude trajectory of the world in which we live.

Since the first neoliberal essay, with no apparent reinvention capacity, returns to the same military cabbage it left in 1975, after a brief 45-minute meeting between Augusto Pinochet and Milton Friedman, as if in his DNA the only language that could be spoken It was that of a corporate dictatorship. ... neoliberal

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 11, 2019 2:09 pm

"It's a coup right now in Bolivia!"

Member of the national leadership of the Revolutionary Workers' League (LOR-CI) of Bolivia, Javo Ferreira returns for "" on the extremely rapid evolution that the country knows since Sunday.

Javo Ferreira

Monday, November 11


In France, most media present the events of Sunday in Bolivia as the simple "resignation of Evo Morales".

I'll stop you right away. What happened on Sunday in Bolivia is a coup d 'état in due form. Sunday morning, after the publication by the Organization of American States (OAS) of a report giving reason to the opposition and according to which the elections of October 20 last were not won, in the first round, by Evo Morales , the latter decided to partially retreat on its initial position and announced the organization of a new election and the renewal of the Supreme Electoral Court, accused of complicity with the government and bias. But the army, which remained so far back, came out of the wood, demanding that Morales resign.

Who is behind the current movement, which began on October 20?

The movement is controlled from the beginning by the hard right, whose strongholds are in the east of the country, in the region of Santa Cruz, but which has relays in several cities of the country, including Potosí. This hard line, called in Bolivia the "civic movement", is supported by the opposition to Morales, very strong among the middle classes and within, of course, the bourgeoisie, but it knew how to weave links, also, with certain sectors of the social movement, explaining not only the importance of the demonstrations that have taken place in a number of cities over the last twenty days, but also the roadblocks put in place by the opposition to put pressure .

In recent days, the situation has changed with several police units that have mutinied against the government and the Ministry of the Interior. The decision of the OAS has finally tipped the military into the camp of the putschists. In this situation, then, one hour after the press conference organized by the staff, Morales did indeed "resign", followed by his vice-president and the presidents of the two chambers as well as several governors and mayors of the Movement Socialism (MAS).

The right-wing leader of the right, Luis Fernando Camacho , kept his promise: he burst onto the government building on Sunday, waving a Bolivian flag and his Bible. Lawyer and business leader, very connected to the business and agro-industrial circles of the East of the country, it is a convinced evangelist who avails to have the support of the United States. As soon as the OAS report was released, Donald Trump Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the United States supported the option of holding new elections, which is tantamount to a blank check. to the putschists.

What is the situation from an institutional point of view and how to explain such an outcome, for now?

Camacho today calls for the establishment of a "transitional government" composed of members of the civic and military committees, that is, in effect, the establishment of a government led by the Armed Forces, with the approval of the United States. But if the conservative-liberal bloc, composed of the tandem Camacho-Carlos Mesa, the unfortunate candidate of the opposition in the October 20 elections, has the upper hand today, it is also because of the conciliation policy put in place. by the successive governments of the MAS which, at least since 2008, have not stopped looking for allies on the right. The other element to highlight to explain also why this opposition bloc has found allies within the lower classes, is the management of the state, in recent years, characterized by a high degree of authoritarianism and personalism around the figure of Morales. What Morales fears above all is the independent action of the masses. That is why the rallies of support to the government that have been organized, in recent days, with the Bolivian Workers' Confederation (COB), the emblematic Bolivian trade union, in La Paz or with the peasant organizations, like The FNMCBBS, in Cochabamba, the second largest city in the country, was only intended to pressure the right. And it did not work. The decision of the OAS, in which Morales put his hopes, was the coup de grace. He therefore took a step aside and continues, with former members of his government, to call for dialogue with the putschists and the cessation of hostilities,

What is happening on the side of popular organizations?

The Bolivian Workers' Confederation, long one of the main supporters of Evo Morales alongside the peasant movement and indigenous movements said Sunday that " if to prevent the country does not fall into civil war, it is necessary that the president resigns, and although he resigns . It was a very hard blow for MAS. Some sectors of the extreme left, like the Revolutionary Workers Party (POR-Masas), participate in the civico-putschist movement, making themselves the water carriers of the agro-industrial right.

On our side, we, as was discussed during the Labor, Peasant, Student and Popular Meeting held on Saturday in La Paz, we call to vigorously oppose this offensive of the right. To do this, more than ever, we need self-organization within the labor movement, peasant, indigenous, student and women, to be able to face independently this new advance of the most reactionary right. who wants to finish with our conquests and our achievements.

Interviewed by Jean Baptiste Thomas ... en-Bolivie

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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:34 pm

The coup in Bolivia: Five lessons
THE Bolivian tragedy eloquently offers us lessons that our peoples and popular social and political forces must learn and record in our consciousness forever.

Author: Atilio Borón |

november 11, 2019 12:11:32

THE Bolivian tragedy eloquently offers us lessons that our peoples and popular social and political forces must learn and record in our consciousness forever.

Here is a brief list, as events develop, a prelude to a more detailed analysis in the future.

First: No matter how well the economy is managed in an exemplary fashion, as the Evo government did - with growth, redistribution, investment all assured, and all macro and microeconomic indicators improved - the right wing and imperialism will never accept a government that does not serve their interests.

Second: Manuals published by various agencies in the United States, and their spokespeople disguised as academics or journalists, must be studied, so we recognize signs of an offensive in time.

These writings invariably highlight the need to destroy the reputation of popular leaders, with accusations of misappropriation, corruption, dictatorial behavior, and ignorance, which in the specialized jargon is known as character assassination.

This task is entrusted to social communicators, self-proclaimed “independent journalists,” who given their quasi-monopoly control of the media drill such defamations into the brains of the population, accompanied, as seen in this case, by hateful comments directed toward native peoples and the poor in general.

Third: Once the aforementioned has begun, next come right wing political leaders and economic elites demanding "a change," an end to Evo's "dictatorship," who, as the unpresentable Vargas Llosa wrote a few days ago, is a "demagogue who wants to eternalize his term in power.”

I suppose he is toasting with champagne in Madrid, watching coverage of the fascist hordes looting, burning, chaining journalists to posts, cutting a female mayor’s hair and covering her with red paint, destroying result reports from the last election, fulfilling the mandates of Don Mario, freeing Bolivia from an evil demagogue.

I mention this case because Vargas has been, and is, the immoral standard bearer of this vile attack, a horrendous crime that has crucified a popular leadership, destroyed democracy, and established a reign of terror run by hired gangs, to punish a worthy people who have the audacity to seek freedom.

Fourth: "Security forces" now enter the scene. In this case we are talking about institutions controlled by numerous military and civilian agencies of the United States government.

These professionals train the local forces, arm them, conduct joint exercises and educate them politically. I had the opportunity to verify this when, on Evo’s invitation, I presented a course on anti-imperialism for high ranking officers in the nation’s three armed forces.

On this occasion, I was horrified by the degree of penetration, among these individuals, of the most reactionary U.S. slogans, inherited from the Cold War era, and by the open irritation they felt given the fact that the country had an indigenous President.

What these "security forces" did was to withdraw from the scene and leave the field open for the uncontrolled action of fascist hordes - like those in Ukraine, in Libya, in Iraq, in Syria - to overthrow leaders who annoyed the empire - or attempt to do so, in the last case - and thus intimidate the population, activists, and government figures themselves.

In other words, a new socio-political phenomenon: a military coup “by default,” letting reactionary gangs, recruited and financed by the right, impose their rule. Once terror reigns, and the government is defenseless, the outcome is inevitable.

Fifth: Bolivia’s security and public order should never have been entrusted to institutions such as the police and the Army, colonized by imperialism and its lackeys in the national right wing.

When the offensive against Evo was launched, a policy of appeasement and not responding to the provocations of fascists was chosen.

This served to embolden the right wingers and increase their confidence. First, they demanded a recount; then, cried fraud and called for new elections; finally insisting on elections without Evo - as in Brazil, without Lula.

At last, Evo's resignation. Given his refusal to accept the blackmail, terror was sowed with the complicity of police and the military, forcing Evo to resign. By the book, straight from the book. Will we learn these lessons? (From the author's blog) ... ve-lessons
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Re: South America

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 12, 2019 1:51 pm

Police acknowledge that it has been exceeded and asks for FFAA intervention
He sent a letter to the commander of the Armed Forces, Williams Kaliman, to intervene after several attacks on police units, especially in El Alto, La Paz and Cochabamba

11/11/2019 19:08 | Sucre / DIGITAL SOUTH MAIL

The police who released the letter addressed to Kaliman. SCREENSHOT
The Bolivian Police formally requested Commander Williams Kaliman to intervene in the Armed Forces because “it has been exceeded,” as announced by the departmental commander of La Paz, Colonel José Antonio Barrenechea Zambrana, a few moments ago.

"We have been carrying out the corresponding analysis, it is unsustainable, these people unfortunately already have other intentions ... they are using firearms, with the intention of killing," said a police colonel asking for the intervention of the military to stop the onslaught of mobs of people in different departments of the country, mainly in El Alto, La Paz and Cochabamba.

"Misunderstandings ... will try to enter all units, a fact that has already been done," he said. "We will not allow a single death on the side of the Bolivian Police," he added, indicating that "we are only using chemical agents, gases, gentlemen. That is totally disproportionate. ”

He asked to "watch over the life and staff of these units."

Finally, he clarified that "we made the decision to ask for the support of the Armed Forces and we are not going to admit that only one police officer falls." ... -ffaa.html

Bunch of fucking snowflakes creating the pretense for mass reaction with deadly force.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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