Blues for Europa

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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 23, 2024 2:19 pm

"Sandu's Step"


Sandu Step

The Presidential elections and the EU referendum that took place in Moldova are a great example of what real unfair elections look like.

Somehow Sandu's team managed to "draw" 40% of the votes and go to the second round of the Presidential elections. I don't even want to think about what will happen there.

But the most blatant "correction" of the results took place during the referendum. Let's analyze it in detail.

So. During any voting, the most important work begins after the polling station has closed. There are certain statistical, time and a number of other patterns in summing up the voting results.

According to the Central Election Commission, there are approximately 3.2 million registered voters in Moldova and abroad.

In order to summarize the voting results, count the votes, fill out the protocol and bring it to the higher commission for registration and counting, approximately 1.5 to 3 hours are needed from the moment the polling station closes. Then - another 40 minutes to compile all the information received and report it to the top.

We see that by 11 p.m. and the processing of 50% of the protocols (i.e. 3 hours after the polling stations closed), the result is over 56% against joining the EU (approximately 302,000 voters), 44% (approximately 237,000 people) voted in favor.

By 2 a.m. and the processing of 93.6% of the protocols (i.e. 2,078 out of 2,219), 52.7% (695,421 voters) voted against, and 47.3% (624,537 voters) voted in favor.

We can see a gradual slowdown in the growth of votes against and an increase in votes for, however, the advantage of votes against increased from 65,000 to approximately 71,000 votes. That is, despite the increase in the percentage for joining the EU, the number of voters who voted against continued to grow slowly.

Then the "Sandu Step" appears.

After processing 98.3% of the protocols (i.e. 2182 out of 2219), the number of voters who voted for sharply increases to 50.03% against 49.97% or 730,832 against 730,088 voters. We see how the dynamics of counting drops to 104 protocols in 7 hours.

Thus, after processing 104 protocols, supporters of European integration gain 106,295 votes against 34,667 votes, leveling out the entire gap.

The dynamics of the number of votes against remains approximately the same, while the dynamics of the number of votes for increases more than 3 times. A clear sign of ballot stuffing.

Voting abroad cannot explain this result, since the dynamics of the number of votes against has not changed.

The fact that such changes appeared only in the morning also suggests that the CEC, probably knowing the real state of affairs, began to frantically "correct" the figures in order to give the foreign curators the result they needed.

This is how the citizens of Moldova were robbed of their real choice. Everything according to the "Western standards" of the USAID curators. zinc

"Democracy is the power of democrats". If you can't win, draw.

P.S. Next week we are expecting Georgia, the most interesting thing will happen after the elections.

Google Translator


"Democracy" in Moldova

Yesterday's election and referendum in Moldova again demonstrate how little respect the official 'West' has for the holy grail called 'democracy'.

Moldova backs joining EU by razor-thin margin as president condemns ‘assault’ on democracy - CNN

Moldovans have voted by the thinnest of margins in favor of joining the European Union, near-complete results showed Monday, as President Maia Sandu condemned an “unprecedented assault” by foreign actors on the country’s democracy.
With more than 99% of votes counted, 50.4% had voted “yes” in the pivotal referendum on whether to enshrine in the country’s constitution a path towards the EU, according to the Central Election Commission.

In 1990 Moldovia had 4.5 million inhabitants. This is down to 2.5. to 3 million today, of which nearly a million are living abroad.

Abroad is also where a real vote on a referendum would be decided. And abroad is where the manipulation of yesterday's vote took place.

These were the result before the votes of those who live abroad were counted in:

Europe Elects @EuropeElects - 5:50 UTC · Oct 21, 2024
Moldova, EU membership referendum:
98.8% counted
The difference is for 744 votes for In favor

Against: 50%
In favor: 50%

Former British ambassador Craig Murray watched the vote:

Craig Murray @CraigMurrayOrg - 14:39 UTC · Oct 21, 2024
Moldova's rigged EU referendum "voted in favour" of joining the EU by 50.4% to 49.6%.

No led until the last minute when 180,000 votes from Moldovans living in the EU were added in at a claimed 90% Yes.

While allegedly only 5% of the 300,000 Moldovans living in Russia voted!

Why didn't more of those Moldovans who are living in Russia go to vote? The Russian Ambassador in Vienna explains:

Mikhail Ulyanov @Amb_Ulyanov - 14:00 UTC · Oct 21, 2024
Moldovan authorities opened only two polling stations in Moscow for 400,000 Moldovan citizens living in Russia (instead of 17 in the past). And someone calls the current Moldovan authorities “democratic”? Gross manipulation of elections and referendum on #EU membership.

No 'Western' media will inform the public about this manipulation which l might well lead to an outcome that the majority of Moldovans oppose.

Posted by b on October 21, 2024 at 15:37 UTC | Permalink ... l#comments


Who is afraid of Trieste?

Lorenzo Maria Pacini

October 21, 2024

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you.

Apparently, the previous article regarding Trieste, its port and the Free Territory, caused quite a stir. So much so that it will be fun to talk about it again.

So it was all true

You know, the straw tail, as we say in Italy, is typical of those who have to hide something. After I revealed the shenanigans that took place in the merry meeting between Freemasonry, the Armed and Law Enforcement Forces, American and Hungarian think tanks, and the Trieste (occupation) government, there was general panic. First, articles and TV programs came out giving prominence to the news, which was treated as a real scandal; then there was the crusade of accusations to try to discredit the author, but without touching the content on the merits, at most touching on it with some funny rhetorical ploy, crying “Russian propaganda” that works a bit like parsley and looks good on everything; after which, when the news was now all too believable and plausible, as well as confirmed by concrete evidence such as NATO military vehicles in transit and some strange movement at the Port, here came the confirmation from those same power groups, news outlets and “reliable sources” who had to confirm the incident, sweetening it with some fairy tale and trying to pass it off as the “lesser evil” anyway not avoidable. The circus of the Italian and American intelligence press had to expend itself briskly. Even in some articles names and surnames of people involved in the events recounted appeared, showing that a few heads were blown off and that they could not continue for long.

There was also a Demonstration on September 15 in opposition to the militarization of Trieste and its international free port, which brought together many groups and acronyms to make the voice of citizens heard to those who reside (illegally) in the palaces of power in Trieste, an event that the Police Headquarters tried to hijack.

So, in the end, it was all true. This was confirmed by the very delinquents of the news that came out. It is true that Trieste is a strategic port within the doctrine of the Trimarium yesterday, Three Seas Initiative; it is true that the Cotton Road passes through Trieste and, as it happens, passes there with a route run by the genocidal state Israel; it is true that Trieste is a Free Territory that is under military occupation by the Italian Republic, in violation of international treaties; it is true that there is collusion between Freemasonry, the state and foreign powers.

Any attempt to deny the evidence of these facts has turned out to be ridiculous.

But since it is not enough to tell about the facts, let us now try to go even further into them.

Understanding Trieste and its port better

Let us start from afar. In 1947 the Treaty of Paris was signed, by which peace was established and divisions of influence between the victorious and defeated countries were assigned. With the 16th resolution, the Free Territory of Trieste (FTT) was established. In 1954 the London Memorandum entrusted the provisional civil administration of Zone A to Italy and Zone B to Yugoslavia. In 1975, however, with the Treaty of Osimo, Italy and Yugoslavia established a border between territories not owned by them, violating the autonomy of the FTT and the Treaty of Paris. With the collapse of Yugoslavia and the subsequent division of the territory into several states, the FTT found itself divided between three countries-Italy, Slovenia and Croatia-which illegally occupied it, violating previous treaties and triggering disputes, political and judicial struggles, scandals and protests that continue to this day.

Let us therefore try to explore among the various sources to put ideas in order.

On the international level, one cannot fail to mention one of the most influential speeches on the FTT, delivered by Lawyer Prof. Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, the first Independent Expert for the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order of the United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights, an activity he held until 2018.

On Sept. 15, 2017, in Geneva, de Zayas delivered a speech whose words have remained etched in the memory of the people of Trieste and UN officials: “Among the Treaties that must be respected is the 1947 Peace Treaty. And it is peculiar how certain treaties are put in the drawer: the drawer is closed, locked, and nobody talks about it anymore. I have raised it and I intend to continue to raise it, because it is an open issue and I think you have the right to discuss it publicly. […] the problem is more complex, because nobody knows anything about your situation! The media more or less systematically ignore the issue of Trieste. […]”.

Also prof. De Zayas again spoke publicly about the FTT, at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva, on the sidelines of the 37th session of the Human Rights Council, reiterating the violation of the Treaties with regard to Trieste, an occasion on which unresolved issues of the goods abandoned by Zone B citizens and their capital still frozen in European banks were discussed, and, moreover, on the problem of the disbursement of U.S. funds for the Free Territory of Trieste that are still being paid into Italian bank accounts and managed by Rome (ERP Plans / Marshall – Agreement on the Use of Counterpart Funds of U.S. Economic Aid to Trieste of February 11, 1955), in violation of the Right to Development of the citizens of Trieste, first and foremost (UN Resolution A/RES/41/128 – December 4, 1986); and again, the continued failure to apply the Citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste to those entitled to it, as proclaimed by the Peace Treaty, a failure that has been notified to the OHCHR Registry Office.

Seems de Zayas’ words continue to be true and Trieste is not to be spoken of.

If we do not trust an experienced official, there is a 2015 UN Security Council letter, dated Oct. 23, a full 32 pages, signed by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, where on page 10 it reminds us that the Free Territory of Trieste is a free zone, established by the United Nations in 1947 (Security Council resolution 16 of 1947; 1947 Peace Treaty with Italy, Arts. 4, 21 and 22, Annexes VI to VIII) and which, the text says, “terminated Italy’s sovereignty over Trieste,” and “the Security Council, however, never fulfilled its responsibilities under the Treaty with respect to the Territory because of its failure to appoint a Governor for the Territory. Instead, under the 1954 Memorandum of Understanding on the Free Territory of Trieste, Italy and Yugoslavia respectively established a civil administration in the two areas of the Territory previously administered by the United Kingdom and the United States on the one hand and by the Yugoslav Army on the other,” reiterating in the next lines the structure of the Permanent Statute of the Free Territory of Trieste, which in Article 9 defines the structure of the Government. In addition, it states that the Security Council has “the ultimate responsibility to ensure the integrity and independence of the Territory by ensuring compliance with the Permanent Statute and the maintenance of public order and security in the Territory.” Curious, isn’t it? So at the United Nations, the Free Territory is not a fantasy.

Let us cite four other significant documents.

The first is an expertise, titled Autonomy and Self-determination, by Prof. Peter Hilpold, where in Chapter 10bis Prof. Thomas D. Grant of the University of Cambridge discusses the Free Territory of Trieste and its free port. In the publication, the author analyzes in detail all the legislation pertaining to the port and its jurisdiction. We point out some interesting excerpts:

“it is difficult to see how the administrative apparatus of the Free Port can be made operational today without radically reconfiguring the administrative scheme-that is, a fully-fledged Free Port apparatus would require the separation of the Free Port from the Free Territory provisions of the Peace Treaty.” p. 28;

“It could also be argued that while the rights and obligations associated with the Free Port have never been abrogated or suspended, the only organs that could have given concrete expression to those rights and obligations do not exist and, their enabling treaty being outdated, cannot be c established.” p. 30;

“ As noted above, the Italian Port Authority seems to understand that Trieste is a port subject to a special legal regime. 68 The recent decisions of the Italian courts have already been mentioned. This practice (administrative and judicial) would seem to indicate Italy’s acceptance of the continued existence of obligations originally derived from the Peace Treaty. Acknowledgment of the existence of an obligation is not equivalent to fulfillment of the same. obligation. The existence of a breach of the Peace Treaty provisions on the port depends on how Italy currently treats the port. depends on how Italy currently treats the port, a fact that activists for self-determination in Trieste have tried to question. How Italy receives complaints about the issue, and indeed about Trieste in general, leads to a final point: the right of the people of Trieste to make their case about the status of Trieste, the territory and its Port.” p. 31

The paper contains a masterful explanation of the anomaly of the FTT situation. I advance the suggestion of a full reading to all candidate delinquents of this paper.

The second document is a letter from the Director of the United Nations Security Council, dated May 20, 1983, protocol PO 201 PI, addressed to Giovanni Marchesich, in which the official stated that the Permanent Representation of Italy and the Permanent Representation of Yugoslavia to the United Nations had requested that the issue of the “Government of the Free Territory of Trieste” be removed from the Security Council agenda. So these politicians had a vested interest in countering the truth of the FTT. What’s more, the letter put in black and white that the issue of the appointment of the Governor (and thus the full creation of the Free Territory of Trieste) would be put back on the Security Council agenda should any UN state request it. A fateful phrase that in times like these, leaves well meaning, few words.

Fortunately, it took Ban Ki-moon a few decades later to clarify that the UN does not have a short memory.

A third interesting text is a paper written by Marina Coloni and Peter Clegg, of the University of West England. It is a paper published in 2022, with peer reviewed carried out of course, in which the affairs of the Free Territory of Trieste are addressed.

Annex VIII states verbatim, “There shall be established in the Free Territory a free port which shall be administered on the basis of the provisions of an international instrument prepared by the Council of Ministers, approved by the Security Council and annexed to this Treaty (Annex VIII). The Government of the Free Territory shall enact all necessary legislation and take all necessary measures to give effect to the provisions of that instrument.” This “authority” is, moreover, also acknowledged on the Port’s official website, where it states that “the primary normative referent of the legal regime of the Free Port of Trieste is Annex VIII to the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.”

The conclusion is rationally motivated: there can be no Free Territory of Trieste without its Free Port and there can be no Free Port without the Free Territory of Trieste. The two were established together and intimately connected, as also recognized, despite repeated violations, by subsequent legislation.

One final document encapsulates more than one would expect. As I learned from a letter received from a source, forwarded by the Area Director of Land and Property of the Municipality of Trieste, with protocol corr. No. 7° 1/8/5-01, dated January 29, 2001, it appears to be signed by Dr. Engineer Paolo Pocecco. Up to here, nothing interesting. Yeah…too bad that Paolo Pocecco was a GLADIO agent in NATO’s Operation Stay Behind in Italy, at the time under the direction of the 7th division of SISMI, the Italian military intelligence services. Pocecco is well known in Trieste, since years ago, as part of a book presentation devoted to the subject of NATO and the Soviet Union, he came out along with former comrade-in-arms Giuseppe Pappalardo, also mentioning the names of Remigio Lampronti and the already well-known Marino Valle. The curiosity, again, is that a former (?) Italian intelligence agent who worked for the Americans in operations aimed at the total subjugation of Italy to the United States of America, ended up as an executive in the city’s public offices. A fluke? Well, there are beginning to be a few too many such coincidences.

The second aspect jumps out at you in the above-mentioned document, but also in the other official documents of the Italian public administration in the land of Trieste.

In Law, particularly from Admiralty Law onward, there is a distinction between the natural person and the legal entity. The natural person for the Italian legal system is an artificial representation of the human being. It is for all intents and purposes a legal artifact, a mask (in Latin, persona means “mask”). From nothing (in lat. ex nihilo) through a legal transaction, the legal subject is created, which is a trust, and which is represented by first and last name, which are written in capitals. With such a legal transaction, institutions clandestinely arrogate to themselves the ownership of the legal subject trust, like any movable property, forming part of a trade.

To give an example, when we obtain the ability to drive, the public administration issues the license in the name of the legal entity (NAME and SURNAME) owned by it. With that document it is not stating that we are able to drive but is entering into a contract with us. Just as he issues it, he can withdraw it, precisely as a function of the fact that the SUBJECT in whose name the document is registered is his. When the document expires, in order to renew it, they subject the holder, that is, the individual in whose name the title is registered, to tests of fitness to drive, and if he passes the tests, the document is renewed, once again, to the legal entity. In reality, the renewal is not a verification of the presence of the conditions of ability, as these are not lost with time, but remain for life (in other countries the document has no expiration date), rather the renewal of a multi-year contract of temporary administration of the legal entity NAME SURNAME, whose responsibility is accepted.

This legal artifice, in technical jargon called deminutio capitis, indicates the loss of one of the legal qualities of the individual. For the ancient Romans, deminutio capitis involved a prioritis status permuratio, that is, a change in the person’s previous status.

This stratagem is most evident in official communications from government institutions. The names of public administrations, for example, are almost always written all in capitals. In the municipality of Trieste, however, no: the writing is entirely in lower case, “comune di trieste.” This indicates, Law in hand, that Trieste is not subject to Italian corporate control. Further confirmation of the illegitimacy of territorial occupation by the Italian Republic. You know…The devil is hidden in the details!

Step by step, the plan proceeds

Because, let’s be honest: in violation of Treaties and agreements, the Italian Republic and its master, aka USA, continue to do what they want in Trieste. The 3SI and the Cotton Road are proceeding expeditiously.

Some recent examples are the mess with Mediterranean Shipping Company and Wartsila. MSC, the world’s first company in seaborne cargo handling, was founded by billionaire shipowner Gianluigi Ponte, married to Zionist billionaire Rafaela Diamant, with CEO their son Diego Aponte since 2014, signed a trade agreement with Finnish multinational Warstila…enforcing Annex VIII of the 1947 Treaty of Paris, so as to enjoy international free port. A nice ploy to pay less and earn more. But how, does the FTT then exist? Or, rather, it exists, but it is enforced only when it suits the international capital, certainly not for the good of the citizens. A few days later, in the local press the fact was justified by saying the agreement was signed under Italian Law 3054/1952 and the other treaties related to the…Free Territory of Trieste! Then again, to satisfy Israel’s business in the Cotton Road, they chose a Zionist-led company so there would be no hindrances. Another coincidence to add to the list.

Curious, too, how the City of Trieste’s spatial planning put an Italian Army Selected Reserve Officer, Major Architect Beatrice Micovilovich, with experience gained in foreign missions in conflict zones. It may be a coincidence, it’s likely, but with the winds of war continually being called by European politicians and the mass media, it really comes across as not very credible.

Now, however, let us return to the topics of the previous article, because in the meantime things are moving forward. An article by Paolo Deganutti published in the Limes Club of Trieste comes to our aid, some interesting excerpts of which we will quote below. We thank Deganutti for the information provided.

Let’s go step by step…

Paolo Messa, founder of the Base per altezza group , which edits the Italian “intelligence” magazine Formiche (which we thank for the publicity through the sympathetic articles that attempted to dismantle the Trieste scandal), which echoes The National Interest and Atlantic Council, has quit the management of his group to become, until December 2023, the executive vice president of Leonardo – the Italian arms firm par excellence – as well as responsible for geo-strategic relations with the US. Now Messa is vice president at the National Italian American Foundation in Washington and serves as a Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Also at Leonardo, the formerly well-known Defense Minister Guido Crosetto worked as an advisor from 2018 to 2021, also working on Orizzonti Sistemi Navali, a joint venture between Leonardo and Fincantieri.

Leonardo is being sold off to the giant BlackRock through the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as we recently illustrated. Into all this comes David Patraeus, former commander of the United States Central Command, with strategic responsibility over the Middle Orinte, who later became the 23rd director of the CIA. Patraeus is on the board of KKR, a large U.S. fund that is in control of the Telecom Italia network and supports SACE, a government-controlled insurance group specializing in business support.

As Deganutti writes, Patreus has been proposed in interlocutory meetings in Trieste and Washinghton as a possible U.S. patron of the ‘operation studied in the U.S. that would like to make the port of Trieste simultaneously the apex of the Cotton Road Mumbay-Dubay-Trieste triangle , signed by Prime Minister Meloni in September 2023 during the G20 in Delhi, and of the Trieste-Gdansk-Constance securitarian triangle (NATO’s Trimarium), illustrated by Kaush Arha, Paolo Messa and other influential authors, including former Monti government Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi di Sant’ Agata, who, another truly inexplicable coincidence, was Ambassador to Israel, the United States and the United Nations. The perfect resume. We are honored to have gotten into his good graces, so much so that we have devoted articles to him in Atlantic Council, The National Interest, Ants and two full pages in Il Piccolo of Trieste.

So, the project of this new iron curtain is proceeding apace, with the whole of Europe being thrown into a hopeless war in which it is the few masters of capital who gain and whole peoples who lose out.

So, the question is, who is afraid of Trieste?

A heartfelt appeal to the still-conscious people of Trieste: it will not be the government in Rome or the government in Brussels that will rescue you. The freedom of Trieste and its Territory is your battle. But know that in the multipolar world that is emerging, there are many supporting you. ... f-trieste/

"Fremasonry"? Really?


EU countries greenlight €35 billion loan for Ukraine using Russia's frozen assets

The deal by member states on the €35 billion loan still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament.

Copyright European Union, 2023.

By Jorge Liboreiro
Published on 09/10/2024 - 18:14 GMT+2•Updated 18:50

Under the G7 plan, the windfall profits earned by Russia's frozen assets will be used to gradually repay a multi-billion loan for Ukraine.

European Union countries have given their green light to an unprecedented plan to issue a €35 billion loan to support Ukraine's war-battered economy using the immobilised assets of Russia's Central Bank as collateral.

The deal is part of a broader initiative by G7 allies to provide €45 billion ($50 billion) to Kyiv as soon as possible. The country is struggling to contain a renewed Russian offensive that has badly damaged its power system and depleted its military stocks.

The €35 billion will be "undesignated" and "untargeted," according to EU officials, meaning the Ukrainian government will have maximum flexibility to spend the assistance. Brussels hopes to start doling out the money early next year.

The agreement, reached on Wednesday evening by ambassadors, comes a day after Hungary confirmed it would block a key change in the EU sanctions regime until after the United States elects its next president on 5 November.

The proposed amendment will see member states renewing the restrictions on the frozen assets, worth about €210 billion across the bloc, every 36 months rather than every six months, as the current practice dictates. (Changing the sanctions law requires unanimity while the loan went through by a qualified majority.)

"We believe that this issue should be decided – the prolongation of the Russian sanctions – after the US elections. That was the Hungarian position," Mihály Varga, Hungary's finance minister, said on Tuesday after a ministerial meeting in Luxembourg.

The longer renewal period is meant to make the ground-breaking project more predictable and reassure the misgivings expressed by G7 allies. The US, in particular, worries that one single EU country could, at any given time, block the renewal of sanctions, unfreeze the assets and throw the entire project into disarray.

The fears mostly relate to Hungary, the most Russian-friendly member state, which has acquired a reputation for blocking sanctions until it secures controversial concessions.

Under the G7 plan, the windfall profits earned by the assets will be leveraged to gradually repay the amount of money that each ally will lend to Ukraine. If these profits are no longer available, the West will have to foot the bill.

Originally, the EU and the US were supposed to contribute to the loan in equal parts with €18 billion ($20 billion) each, but the lack of specifics on Washington's side led Brussels to drastically ramp up its share up to €35 billion.

The bloc's contribution could be reduced if the US, Canada, the UK and Japan end up making bigger pledges. Australia, which is not in the G7, could also chip in.

Wednesday's agreement, which still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament, paves the way for the EU to raise its multi-billion share before the end of the year and begin disbursements in early 2025.

However, Hungary's refusal to amend the sanctions regime could slow down the final decision at the G7 level.

The US is expected to put more cash on the table if the renewal period is extended to 36 months. The proposal already falls short of Washington's ideal goal (an indefinite renewal), so Budapest's hold-up is unlikely to help negotiations.

In reaction to the deal, a diplomat noted that "one piece is still missing." ... nsNltCmp=1


Orban Criticizes EU Pressure and Defends Hungary’s Sovereignty

Prime Minister Viktor Orban, Oct. 23, 2024. X/ @zoltanspox

October 23, 2024 Hour: 9:06 am

He criticized Europe’s role in the ongoing Ukraine conflict and warning of the potential dangers of further escalation.
On Wednesday, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban delivered a defiant speech in Budapest, marking the 68th anniversary of the 1956 revolution by emphasizing Hungary’s determination to defend its national sovereignty against growing pressure from the European Union (EU).

Addressing thousands of supporters, Orban likened the current struggle against EU interference to Hungary’s historic fight for freedom, while also criticizing Europe’s role in the ongoing Ukraine conflict and warning of the potential dangers of further escalation.

“Brussels’s pressure on our country and government grows stronger day by day,” Orban warned, highlighting what he described as increasing efforts by the EU to undermine Hungary’s national government.

Addressing the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine, Orban expressed concern over Europe’s role in a “protracted and costly” conflict. He criticized his political opponents for supporting intervention, portraying their stance as a misguided extension of the struggle for freedom.

Budapest Braces for the Anniversary of the 1956 Revolution – writes @lilirutai in our latest newsletter

— Hungarian Observer (@HunObserver) October 23, 2024

Orban painted a grim picture of the geopolitical landscape, suggesting that Europe has not been this close to a world war in the past 70 years. He criticized European leaders for their handling of the Ukraine conflict, accusing them of dragging the West into a futile and dangerous confrontation.

The Hungarian leader voiced strong opposition to any escalation of the conflict, particularly moves to bring Ukraine into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and expand the frontlines onto Russian soil. Such actions, he warned, could result in foreign troops being stationed in Hungary once again.

Orban concluded by reaffirming Hungary’s commitment to its independence and peaceful existence in the Carpathian Basin. “We do not want to participate in any imperial rivalry, nor do we want to get involved in others’ hostilities,” he said. ... vereignty/


Meloni administration scrambles to save controversial migration deal
After a Rome court ruled that migrants sent to Albania must return to Italy, Giorgia Meloni’s government is struggling to salvage its controversial migration plan

October 22, 2024 by Ana Vračar

Giorgia Meloni with other EU leaders during a meeting on migration. Source: Giorgia Meloni/X
The Meloni government finds itself in a tight spot after a Rome court ruled that 12 migrants, offshored to Albania last week, must be returned to Italy. Attempting to salvage its migration deal with the Balkan country, the government rushed in a decree and altered the list of “safe countries,” hoping this would force magistrates to repatriate more migrants in the future and essentially prevent them from using their right to asylum.

The extreme anti-immigration policy is central to Meloni’s political platform, and her government is ready to spend millions of euros running detention centers in Albania. The initial offshoring of 16 migrants alone cost well over 200,000 euros. However, court decisions like the one from last week could turn the plan into a major flop—something many human rights groups had already predicted.

Of the 16 migrants transferred to Albania, four were immediately returned to Italy: two turned out to be underage, and two fell into the category of “vulnerable population.” This was an early sign that Meloni’s system was not functioning as she had announced, and the court decision has created new problems for the premier. Unsurprisingly, Meloni and other government officials claimed the courts were overly politicized and attempted to undermine their authority.

However, the magistrates in the case were guided by EU legal advice, which questions the legality of Meloni’s offshoring plan and could erode its support among EU leaders, which has been, disturbingly, on the rise. Whether Meloni can push through legal hurdles standing in her way of preventing people from exercising basic human rights remains to be seen, but her efforts to block migrants from entering Italy continue to threaten both their lives and health. ... tion-deal/

Naples protests G7 “lords of war”

Over 2,000 people took to the streets of Naples against soaring military spending in Europe and increased repression of dissent as G7 defense ministers convened for high-level talks

October 21, 2024 by Ana Vračar

Source: Ex OPG occupato - Je so' pazzo/Facebook

Thousands of people took to the streets of Naples on October 19, demonstrating against the G7 military agenda and Italy’s proposed reforms that would limit the freedom to dissent. Protesters, representing a host of organizations including student associations, trade unions, and community centers, rallied against Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government’s policies, demanding a shift in priorities toward social needs instead of military spending. Side by side with the protest in Naples, demonstrations were held in dozens of cities across Italy, as reported by the left political party, Power to the People (Potere al Popolo).

Protesters carrying a banner reading “Cut the weapons, raise the wages!”. Source: Ex OPG occupato – Je so’ pazzo/Facebook
The protest was organized to counter a G7 defense ministers’ meeting that took place in Naples from October 18 to 20, with a focus on global military goals. The meeting was seen by protesters as yet another example of Western countries deepening their involvement in wars, including the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the war in Ukraine, instead of pursuing agendas of social justice and peace. In the lead-up to the meeting, local activists voiced their opposition, stating that “lords of war” were not welcome in their city.

“Never has so much been spent on war, and as a result, war is rampant everywhere,” the associations organizing the march asserted during the preparations. “We refuse to host a meeting in our city that supports the war economy our government has chosen to follow.”

Two central issues dominated the protest in Naples: the West’s support for Israel as it continues to exterminate the people of Gaza and the increasing repression of dissent at home, embodied in Meloni’s proposed security bill. Many protesters pointed out the link between military aggression abroad and domestic policies that seek to criminalize dissent. European countries continue to actively repress solidarity with Palestine and others, like Italy, are doing so while attempting to silence voices against their policies.

The new security bill seeks to impose severe restrictions on protests, including strikes and environmental activism. Progressive associations argue that this is a blatant attempt to stifle opposition and consolidate power, and some of them saw Saturday’s protest as a test run for the government’s strategy of suppressing future mobilizations. Days before the protest, authorities tried to restrict the march route, forcing organizers to end the demonstration a kilometer away from the G7 meeting site.

Despite these attempts, protesters refused to be stopped. They briefly broke through the set course of the rally, marching in areas originally declared off-limits by the authorities. In response, police deployed tear gas and used other forms of violence against them. Naples’ historic center has systematically been blocked off to popular protests, and things are set to get worse if the new bill is passed, protesters said. Because of that, community groups including Ex OPG – Je so’ pazzo called upon people to continue resisting.

“We believe this repressive project must be stopped, and more importantly, we see it as a reflection of the Meloni government’s fear of what might still be burning beneath the surface of the seeming calm in the country,” they said.

Saturday’s protest marked an important moment of resistance against the shrinking of democratic space in Italy, as well as to the strengthening of the armament agenda in Europe. Demonstrators announced they were ready to continue fighting against the security bill and expressed determination to challenge Meloni’s government over announced cuts to social support.

“Today, this square is sending a loud message: if the government thinks it can ignore social needs, public healthcare, workers’ rights, and housing in favor of pouring billions into military spending, it’s headed in the wrong direction,” said Chiara Capretti from Power to the People. ... ds-of-war/
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 29, 2024 3:22 pm

Why Does the EU Want to Become More Like the US?
Posted on October 28, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

Economist Mario Draghi has held a lot of roles: Goldman Sachs executive, the European Central Bank president, and unelected prime minister of Italy. He’s now continuing his decades-long mission to remake Europe into a neoliberal paradise for the financial class as a sidekick to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

That’s the best way to read his much-anticipated September report titled “EU Competitiveness: Looking Ahead,” which was requested by von der Leyen and coincidentally gave an economist’s stamp of approval to all of Ursula’s goals as commission president. It’s also why the roadmap laid out by Draghi is so important: it reveals much of the policy goals of the EU, which have long been underway and are set to continue. And it’s not pretty.

I wrote about the nonsensical energy policy contained in the report and alluded to Draghi’s ideas on productivity in a recent review of Ursula’s China “de-risking” strategy. Here I want to focus on the central theme contained in the title: competitiveness.

What are Draghi and company talking about when they talk about competitiveness? More local production, better quality of life for citizens, more competition? Of course not. It’s the opposite. And it promotes the doubling down on self-created crises like energy policy and looking to create new ones via a trade war with China. While tariffs on Chinese products aren’t necessarily a bad idea, it’s difficult to argue that the EU is really trying to protect industry for three reasons:

If they were, they would be trying to get Russian gas flowing again. The lack of it has made EU manufacturing uncompetitive.
They cannot simultaneously pursue neoliberal policies like austerity and an industrial policy. They’re certainly doing the former while saying they want to do the latter.
They are escalating a trade war with China while being wholly unprepared as many products they rely on from China like certain drugs, chemicals and materials have no substitutes.

What Ursula, Draghi, and the European financial-political class are after isn’t more competitiveness at all; they’re seeking to complete the makeover of the EU into a neoliberal paradise (or hellhole depending on your viewpoint), which means less democracy, the further destruction of labor, and looking a lot more like — if not outright owned by — the US.



Let’s look at some key points of Draghi’s prescription for more competitiveness.

More Concentration

The EU says it needs a ton of money for investment. Indeed that is what Ursula’s Commission has been calling for, that’s what the big report from Mario Draghi called for, and what hundreds of other similar reports want too, but it does not appear to be forthcoming.

So what they turn to next is a walling off from the East and a wholesale selloff to the US in order to help create the large firms they argue are necessary to build technological supremacy. How is this strategy already playing out?

The EU-US Trade and Technology Council is currently hard at work getting EU regulations in line with American interests. The EU is already dominated by US IT companies that supply software, processors, computers, and cloud technologies and we can expect more of that as Draghi and Ursula call for more mergers and acquisitions and more US private equity and venture capital.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken calls the United States’ allies and partners “force multipliers” and “a unique asset.”

Assets, indeed. As more European companies struggle due to high energy costs and long-stagnant economies driven in large part by the EU’s obsession with austerity, they’re increasingly becoming the focus of merger and acquisition specialists from the US. CDI Global reports the following:

In recent years, a marked increase in cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by US companies in Europe has emerged as a notable trend. This surge in transatlantic investment signifies a strategic shift by American firms, grounded in the USA, aiming to harness the diverse advantages and lucrative opportunities presented by European markets. From established corporate giants seeking expansion to agile start-ups on the lookout for innovative growth pathways, numerous compelling factors drive US businesses to explore European bargain-hunting ventures…

A significant allure for US companies investing in Europe is the potential for acquiring assets at bargain prices. Economic uncertainties, geopolitical fluctuations, and evolving market dynamics have led to decreased valuations of European companies in recent years. This creates a favorable environment for US investors, allowing them to purchase valuable assets at more attractive prices than those typically found in the US market.

In addition to favorable valuations, Europe offers relatively lower costs associated with labor, research and development (R&D), and operational expenses. European countries often provide substantial subsidies, tax incentives, and grants aimed at fostering innovation and business development, reducing the financial burden on US firms.

US private equity giant Clayton Dubilier & Rice destroyed the UK’s fourth largest supermarket chain in a few short years. Warburg Pincus joined a consortium to snatch up T-Mobile Netherlands a couple years ago. US-based Parker Hannifin is taking private the UK aerospace and defence group Meggitt. Gores Guggenheim grabbed Swedish electric carmaker Polestar.

The private equity firm KKR, which includes former CIA director David Petraeus as a partner, took home the fixed-line network of TIM, Italy’s largest telecommunications provider. German energy service provider Techem was just sold off to the US asset manager TPG, and Germany’s awful economy is increasingly making its companies more likely targets for takeovers. The spooky Silicon Valley company Palantir is already making itself at home in the UK National Health Services, and it’s knocking on the door in Italy. Meera Shah, a senior corporate finance manager at Buzzacott and member of the Corporate Finance Faculty’s board, explains:

“Selling assets into the US has always been a fairly chunky part of what we do, but even with that track record, we’ve seen a significant increase in inbound interest from the US. There have been months where up to one third of the businesses we’ve sold have gone to US buyers.”

Guarding against China and Russia while the US strip-mines Europe is apparently a good thing because letting the US take over Europe means a successful “de-risk” from China and Russia.

Well, except for the people who live in the EU.

Take the example of TIM in Italy. As mentioned it already sold off its fixed line network and plans to unload even more assets soon. Telecom is one sector Draghi focuses on, lamenting the lack of concentration. Europeans have too many options, he says, but this idea that the EU needs consolidation (led by US firms as it so happens) in order to be more competitive begs the question: competitive for whom?

Italy has one of the world’s most competitive telecom markets, with monthly subscriptions for full-fiber landline services, which usually include unlimited Internet, priced as low as €20 to €25, about a quarter of what most US consumers pay.

So could a telecom behemoth that has a monopoly in the US and Europe feasibly be more competitive with Chinese companies? Maybe in profits or company value.

Would it help lead to technological supremacy as the other part of the argument goes? There are reasons to doubt that.

The story of TIM is instructive. The company used to employ 120,000 people compared to 40,000 (and dwindling) today and had “a strong innovative capacity” boosted by cutting-edge subsidiaries such as the Torino-based Centro Studi e Laboratori Telecomunicazioni. The company’s downfall began three decades ago when Italy came under EU control and Telecom Italia was privatized. As journalist Marco Palombi writes at Il Fatto Quotidiano (translation):

However, this disaster began thirty years ago when “the mother of all privatizations” was deemed necessary for Italy to respect the parameters of the Maastricht Treaty. There was no industrial plan, just the requirement to raise cash. It is the first of many financial choices that destroyed an industrial giant.

So the EU helped soften the target up before the US swooped it for the kill. It’s a process that continues today, and upcoming austerity in the EU will do so again:


Here I’m going to rattle off some quotes from the Draghi report with limited comment as I think they’re self-explanatory and to keep this post from going too long. One thing to keep in mind when reading Draghi’s wisdom, however, is that automation is considered productivity growth and therefore equals competitiveness.

Less Labor Law for “Innovative” Companies

…the EU should support rapid growth within the European market by giving innovative start-ups the opportunity to adopt a new EU-wide legal statute (the “Innovative European Company”).

This status would provide companies with a single digital identity valid throughout the EU and recognised by all Member States. These companies would have access to harmonised legislation concerning corporate law and insolvency, as well as a few key aspects of labour law and taxation, to be made progressively more ambitious, and they would be entitled to establish subsidiaries across the EU without incorporating separately in each Member State.

Free Rein to AI and Tech Start Ups

Regulatory barriers to scaling up are particularly onerous in the tech sector, especially for young companies [see the chapters on innovation, and digitalisation and advanced technologies]. Regulatory barriers constrain growth in several ways.

First, complex and costly procedures across fragmented national systems discourage inventors from filing Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), hindering young companies from leveraging the Single Market.

Second, the EU’s regulatory stance towards tech companies hampers innovation: the EU now has around 100 tech-focused laws and over 270 regulators active in digital networks across all Member States. Many EU laws take a precautionary approach, dictating specific business practices ex ante to avert potential risks ex post. For example, the AI Act imposes additional regulatory requirements on general purpose AI models that exceed a pre-defined threshold of computational power – a threshold which some state-of-the-art models already exceed.

Third, digital companies are deterred from doing business across the EU via subsidiaries, as they face heterogeneous requirements, a proliferation of regulatory agencies and “gold plating”04 of EU legislation by national authorities.

Fourth, limitations on data storing and processing create high compliance costs and hinder the creation of large, integrated data sets for training AI models. This fragmentation puts EU companies at a disadvantage relative to the US, which relies on the private sector to build vast data sets, and China, which can leverage its central institutions for data aggregation. This problem is compounded by EU competition enforcement possibly inhibiting intra-industry cooperation.

Finally, multiple different national rules in public procurement generate high ongoing costs for cloud providers. The net effect of this burden of regulation is that only larger companies – which are often non-EU based – have the financial capacity and incentive to bear the costs of complying. Young innovative tech companies may choose not to operate in the EU at all.

Less Sovereignty

The lack of a true Single Market also prevents enough companies in the wider economy from reaching sufficient size to accelerate adoption of advanced technologies. There are many barriers that lead to companies in Europe to “stay small” and neglect the opportunities of the Single Market. These include the high cost of adhering to heterogenous national regulations, the high cost of tax compliance, and the high cost of complying with regulations that apply once companies reach a particular size. As a result, the EU has proportionally fewer small and

medium-sized companies than the US and proportionally more micro companies [see Figure 7]. However, there is a close link between the size of companies and technology adoption. Evidence from the US show that adoption rises with firm size for all advanced technologiesxii. Likewise, while in 2023 30% of large businesses in the EU had adopted AI, only 7% of SMEs had done the samexiii. Size enables adoption because larger companies can spread the high fixed costs of AI investment over greater revenues, they can count on more skilled management to make the necessary organisational changes, and they can deploy AI more productively owing to larger data sets. In other words, a fragmented Single Market puts EU companies at a disadvantage in terms of the speed of adoption…

More “Disruption”

A better financing environment for disruptive innovation, start-ups and scale-ups is needed as barriers to growth within the European markets are removed [see the chapters on innovation, and investment]. While high-growth companies can typically obtain finance from international investors, there are good reasons to further develop the financing ecosystem within Europe. Very early-stage innovation would benefit from a deeper pool of angel investors. Ensuring sufficient local capital to fund scale-ups would concentrate the spillovers of innovation within Europe. Increasing the appeal of European stock markets for IPOs would improve funding options for founders, encouraging more start-up activity in the EU. To generate a significant increase in equity and debt funding available to start-ups and scale-up, the report proposes the following measures. First, expanding incentives for business “angels” and seed capital investors. Second, assessing whether further changes to capital requirements under Solvency II are warranted, which establishes capital adequacy rules for insurance companies, and issuing guidelines for EU Pension Plans, with the aim of stimulating institutional investment in innovative companies in selected sub-sectors. Third, increasing the budget of the European Investment Fund (EIF), which is part of the EIB Group and provides finance to SMEs, improving coordination between the EIF and the EIC, and eventually rationalising the VC funding environment in Europe. Finally, enlarging the mandate of the EIB Group to enable co-investment in ventures requiring larger volumes of capital, while also enabling it to take on more risk to help “crowd in” private investors.

Learn from Hyper-globalization which Decimated Labor by Embracing AI which Could Decimate Labor.

The key driver of the rising productivity gap between the EU and the US has been digital technology (“tech”) – and Europe currently looks set to fall further behind. The main reason EU productivity diverged from the US in the mid-1990s was Europe’s failure to capitalise on the first digital revolution led by the internet – both in terms of generating new tech companies and diffusing digital tech into the economy. In fact, if we exclude the tech sector, EU productivity growth over the past twenty years would be broadly at par with the US. Europe is lagging in the breakthrough digital technologies that will drive growth in the future. Around 70% of foundational AI models have been developed in the US since 2017 and just three US “hyperscalers” account for over 65% of the global as well as of the European cloud market. The largest European cloud operator accounts for just 2% of the EU market. Quantum computing is poised to be the next major innovation, but five of the top ten tech companies globally in terms of quantum investment are based in the US and four in China. None are based in the EU.

Overhaul Education “Skills Investment” With a Focus on Training Workers to Become Productive Tools for Capital:

The EU should overhaul its approach to skills, making it more strategic, future-oriented and focused on emerging skill shortages. The report recommends that, first, the EU and Members States enhance their use of skills intelligence by making much more intense use of data to understand and act on existing skills gaps. Second, education and training systems need to become more responsive to the changing skill needs and skill gaps identified by the skills intelligence. Curricula need to be revised accordingly, also involving employers and other stakeholders. Third, to maximise employability, a common system of certification should be introduced to make the skills acquired through training programmes easily understandable by prospective employers throughout the EU. Fourth, the EU programmes dedicated to education and skills should be redesigned, so that the funding allocated can achieve a much greater impact. To improve the efficiency and scalability of skills investments, the disbursement of EU funds should be coupled with stricter accountability and impact evaluation. In parallel, it is proposed to adopt specific interventions to address the most acute skills shortages in technical and STEM skills. A particular focus is needed on adult learning, which will be key to update worker’s skills throughout their lives. Linked to this, vocational training also needs a broad reform across the EU. Specific sectors (strategic value chains) or specific skills (both worker and managerial capabilities) will require complementary targeted interventions. For example, it is proposed to launch a new Tech Skills Acquisition Programme to attract tech talent from outside of EU, adopted EU-wide and co-funded by the Commission and Member States. This programme would combine a new EU-level visa programme for students,graduates and researchers in relevant fields to stimulate inflow, a large number of EU academic scholarships, in particular in STEM subjects, and student internships…

While the Draghi report was almost comical for its refusal to address the reasons behind the EU energy crisis, it was also an incredibly sad read. That’s because it ignores the disadvantages of chasing Draghi and Ursula’s brand of competitiveness and productivity.

The transatlantic crowd doesn’t have to look far for what all these policy prescriptions would mean for Europe: it would become more like the US. And there are plenty of downsides for all the workers who form the backbone of “competitiveness” of such a change.

Draghi actually mentions the healthcare sector as an example of where the US outcompetes the EU. How is that competitiveness measured? By things like productivity and profit. And not, of course, by data like this:


How about wealth inequality?


That graph there is probably as good an explanation as any to answer the question of why the EU elite want to follow the US model. For Ursula, Draghi and capital these are signs of being uncompetitive, and their solutions are coming: lower wages, a more flexible workforce (preferably machine), more private equity, more privatization, more asset-price bubbles, and more over-indebtedness for the bottom 90 percent.

In certain places in the EU, such as Italy, this process has been ongoing for decades dismantling what the communist party and trade unions helped build out of the rubble of WWII.

The good news is that’s typically a long tear down process (although the crises are coming more frequently nowadays). The EU moves methodically through the byzantine layers of bureaucracy and push and pull with national governments dealing with what’s left of the unions. That means there’s time to halt the march of financialization and reverse course. The bad news is it’s like boiling a frog who fails to notice the slow deterioration of quality of life until it’s too late. ... he-us.html

Europe Is Not Prepared for the Looming Lebanese Refugee Crisis
Posted on October 29, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

Conor here: I don’t understand why this is so hard. If Europe doesn’t want or is unprepared for so many refugees, it should stop with the destruction of societies in the vicinity of the “garden” walls. The media always seems to ignore Europe’s role in creating these crises. The way the EU and/or some of its member countries keeps launching or supporting these bloody messes (Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, Lebanon) is enough to make one wonder if it’s actually a conscious policy in order to bring in more exploitable refugee labor. But to believe that, you’d have to believe the current crop of European officials and their benefactors have the ability of such foresight.

Nevertheless, according to Eurostat non-EU citizens make up 5.1 percent of the official workforce total and even higher percentage of “essential workers.” As the following piece notes, “back in 2015 more than a million refugees, most of them Syrian, arrived in Germany, and many of them are now contributing to the country’s workforce. Syrians and their families have also helped boost German domestic consumption, and have bolstered an ageing population, demonstrating how migration can be a positive tool when managed effectively.”

The problem is that an increasing number of European citizens do not believe it is being “managed effectively.” It’s more difficult to make that argument when people’s standards of living are declining and social programs are being cut. The political class has largely done a u-turn from championing the benefits of immigration/diversity to making a show of ending Schengen. But politicians like German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock continue to rock out with Israel:

In #Lebanon, people fear for their loved ones every single day. Here too, Hezbollah terrorists are irresponsibly hiding behind civilians and firing rockets at #Israel every day. Israel must defend itself against these attacks. – @ABaerbock in Beirut 1/4

— GermanForeignOffice (@GermanyDiplo) October 23, 2024

And with leadership like that Europe now has a sinking, deindustrializing economy and more austerity and refugees on the way. Oh, and the fallout from the collapse of Project Ukraine. It could be a long winter.

By Barah Mikaïl, an Associate Professor of International Security at Saint Louis University Madrid Campus and at IE University and director of the Observatory on Contemporary Crises. He is also the founder of Stractegia, a Madrid-based consulting company that provides advice on the Geopolitics of the MENA region and on Spanish politics. Cross posted from The Conversation.

Since it began at the end of September, Israel’s invasion of Lebanon has heaped more misery onto a Middle East already overwhelmed by humanitarian catastrophe. Within Lebanon, as of 23 October 2024, more than 1.2 million people have fled their homes, and tens of thousands are now trying to flee abroad.

From the European Union (EU)‘s point of view, limited legal migration pathways, together with the presence of already increased migratory pressures, may well create a repeat of the 2015 refugee crisis.

As these migration flows expand, Europe needs to balance immediate humanitarian needs with longer-term issues of refugee resettlement and integration. However, the continent’s current political landscape presents very difficult obstacles to making this happen.

Lebanese Refugees Fleeing to Syria

After the Arab Spring reached Syria in 2011, Lebanon became home to around 1.5 million Syrian refugees. Today this movement is reversed, as the Israel-Lebanon conflict is pushing both Syrian refugees and Lebanese residents over the border into Syria.

As of 21 October 2024, an estimated 425,000 people had fled Lebanon, crossing the nearest available border into Syria. Additionally, around 16,700 Lebanese residents have sought refuge in Iraq.

The Israel-Lebanon conflict is still in its early days, and many of these refugees are, for now, going wherever they can. However, they illustrate the volume of forced displacement already underway. In time, many will make their way towards Europe, resulting in greater migratory pressure on the EU, much like the refugee crisis of 2015, when over a million refugees entered Europe mainly – though not exclusively – via Mediterranean routes.

It seems that Europe did not see this coming. Only a few months ago, in May this year, the EU announced a €1 billion aid package for Lebanon in order to confront the migration crisis and tackle it at its root. It is unlikely that this funding will be enough to stabilise the region, or to stem mass migration.

Indeed, Lebanon, already on the verge of political collapse, may soon be unable to coordinate any meaningful migratory controls at all.

In the broader context of an extremely volatile Middle East, this will heap pressure onto Europe. As the region’s instability deepens, European states can expect an additional number of migrants, and their claims for asylum, to reach them via countries like Greece or Italy, both located on the front lines of migration routes.

Could the EU Take in All Middle East Refugees?

In purely material, economic terms, countries such as Germany have shown that it is possible to absorb huge numbers of refugees.

Back in 2015 more than a million refugees, most of them Syrian, arrived in Germany, and many of them are now contributing to the country’s workforce. Syrians and their families have also helped boost German domestic consumption, and have bolstered an ageing population, demonstrating how migration can be a positive tool when managed effectively.

However, today’s political panorama is different. Surging support for anti-immigration parties has created deeper social divisions over refugee acceptance. Public opinion has shifted toward demanding stricter border controls and reducing intake of migrants.

This ongoing trend has only deepened since the 2024 European Parliament elections, when conservative and far-right parties gained considerable political ground.

The EU’s indecisive response to the crisis is reflected in their weak policy efforts, such as a recent pledge to resettle 31,000 refugees in 2024 and 2025. This is a drop in the ocean – over 16 million refugees and displaced people are currently awaiting resettlement in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Whether the EU could take in all refugees from Lebanon and other Middle Eastern conflicts is therefore a complicated question. While on paper it would be economically feasible – and undoubtedly beneficial in the long term – such a move seems politically out of reach. Instead, the EU’s approach to this ongoing crisis will be determined by its unity (or lack thereof) on a common policy.

Future EU Migration Policy

Germany’s Syrian refugee success story highlights the long-term potential for migration to strengthen the EU’s economy. However, political divisions make such policies politically problematic, as illustrated by Germany itself, which has recently reinstated controls on all of its land borders in an effort to tighten migration controls.

The EU’s newly launched Migration and Asylum Pact suggests measures such as relocation, financial or operational support to member states. This approach aims to meet humanitarian demands, but also allows Member States to safeguard their sovereignty and control.

However, it also calls the coherence of the EU’s own values into question. By, in the Council’s own words, “helping with the deployment of reception centres”, the EU can enable the forced and sometimes unlawful sending of migrants to non-EU countries.

Such measures also overlook what migration can offer a continent facing demographic headwinds – migrants can bridge gaps in labour markets, promote a culture of innovation, and provide a younger tax base to support ageing populations.

However, to produce such results the newly appointed Commission will not only have to overcome political opposition, but also make sure that the policies it adopts realistically enable proper integration.

How the EU Can Better Manage Migration

Several key policy measures can help Europe manage the looming migration crisis.

Expanding legal migration pathways – including resettlement programs, humanitarian visas, and flexible work permits for Lebanese nationals – are key to easing migratory pressures. Additionally, improving conditions for refugees by increasing financial and logistical aid to Lebanon and its neighbours may help to slow migratory flows into Europe.

Enhanced coordination between EU states – as difficult as it seems today – also is necessary to efficiently balance border control with respect for humanitarian principles.

Lastly, while integration programs should draw on successful models such as Germany’s experience with Syrian refugees, the EU also needs to address the root causes of instability through diplomacy and development initiatives. Specifically, this means taking a strong diplomatic stance against Israel, and more generally overcoming the EU’s longstanding weakness and indecision when dealing with its neighbours in the MENA region.

To quote one paper from 2010, the EU has long been “a payer not a player”. However, if this changes, the EU could potentially prevent millions of people from becoming refugees in the first place. ... risis.html


Hungary Reaffirms Support for Serbia’s EU Accession

Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok (L) & Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (R), Oct. 28, 2024. Photo: Xinhua

October 29, 2024 Hour: 9:10 am

‘There can be no energy security in Hungary without Serbia, and no energy security in Serbia without Hungary,’ Sulyok said.
On Monday, Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok reaffirmed his country’s strong support for Serbia’s European Union (EU) accession during an official visit to Belgrade. He also emphasized the importance of energy and infrastructure cooperation between the two countries.

“Serbia is not only a strategic partner for us but a true friend. We will do all we can to support Serbia’s path to full EU membership, and we are committed to contributing to this shared goal,” Sulyok said at a joint press conference with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Meanwhile, Sulyok highlighted that it is time to fulfill the two-decade-old promise of EU membership for the Western Balkans. Energy security and infrastructure emerged as key topics, with both leaders underscoring their countries’ strategic alignment.

“There can be no energy security in Hungary without Serbia, and equally, no energy security in Serbia without Hungary. Our energy systems are interconnected,” Sulyok said, stressing the two countries’ mutual dependence on shared energy resources and policies.

For his part, President Vucic praised the extensive cooperation between Serbia and Hungary, emphasizing that their economic, infrastructure, and energy ties are bringing tangible benefits to citizens.

He noted that Hungary is currently Serbia’s fourth-largest trading partner, underscoring the alignment between the two nations in crucial areas.

“Our close connectivity with Hungary — through infrastructure, transport, and energy — has a direct, positive impact on our citizens,” Vucic remarked.

The leaders also discussed ongoing work on the Belgrade-Budapest railway, which aims to enhance regional connectivity and drive economic growth. ... accession/

Norway Allocates $22 Million to Support Colombia’s Fight Against Deforestation

Deforestation in the Chiribiquete park, located in the Colombian Amazon region, 2024. X/ @MJDuzan

October 29, 2024 Hour: 8:56 am

The decision was announced by Climate Minister Tore Sandvik at the COP16 Biodiversity Summit in Cali.
On Monday, Norway confirmed that it has pledged US$20 million to Colombia to bolster its efforts against deforestation.

The decision was announced by Climate and Environment Minister Tore Sandvik at the COP16 Biodiversity Summit in Cali, Colombia. The funding aims to strengthen Colombia’s rainforest conservation and mitigate illegal activities that threaten the region’s biodiversity.

“Colombia’s success in reducing deforestation showcases the effectiveness of targeted measures,” said the Norwegian Climate Minister.

“Last year, deforestation in Colombia hit a 23-year low, and given its vast biodiversity, preserving Colombia’s rainforest has global environmental significance,” he added.

Great to meet President of Colombia @petrogustavo and Vice President @FranciaMarquezM in Cali today for @COP16Colombia. We discussed three new reports from @IIPP_UCL in the context of @COP16Colombia.

1⃣ A Public Value Framework for Directing Public Finance: Insights From the…

— Mariana Mazzucato (@MazzucatoM) October 28, 2024

Since 2015, Norway has partnered with Colombia under a results-based agreement, which has provided vital support for forest conservation and law enforcement. The collaboration has also promoted sustainable development, indigenous rights, and reforestation in vulnerable areas.

The new funding, allocated over three years, will enhance measures to combat large-scale illegal deforestation and environmental crime, as well as support alternative livelihoods for small farmers.

Norway’s aid will also bolster indigenous rights to enable better management of forest lands amid growing pressures from illegal actors. ... restation/
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Wed Oct 30, 2024 3:12 pm

French Chutzpah
October 30, 13:39


French Chutzpah

France is set to challenge China's high brandy duties, calling them "unjustified" and "politically motivated," Reuters reports.
France's Foreign Trade Minister Sophie Prima is set to raise the issue next week during a visit to Shanghai. She will meet with Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, two diplomatic sources told the publication.

The country's anti-dumping measures on brandy imports look like "retaliation" but have no serious basis , one of the diplomats told the publication. The European Commission intends to challenge them at the World Trade Organization.

China is France's second-largest export market after the United States. Last year, 99 percent of brandy entering the Chinese market was French. Reuters analysts previously noted that millions of bottles of French cognac could go unsold amid high duties in the country.

China introduced anti-dumping measures against brandy supplies from the European Union in early October. This happened after the bloc approved duties on Chinese electric cars, the adoption of which was supported by France and Italy . Initially, the European Commission was going to set duties at 45 percent of the cost of the car, but then this figure was reduced to 35 percent. ... na-brendi/ - zinc

Indeed, there was no reason. No connection, they took and introduced it on an equal basis.

- Dad, dad, let's introduce sanctions on Chinese electric cars.
- What if China introduces sanctions on French brandy?
- And for what?
Google Translator



Boots and Boosts: Berlin Bulletin No. 228, November 28, 2024
By Victor Grossman (Posted Oct 29, 2024)

While so many in the world hold their breath for Harris or Trump it would also be wise to keep an eye on Germany. A sharp eye! A look at history books would also be advisable. For between Alps and Baltic, Rhine and Oder, the fearsome rhythm of marching boots is once again growing in volume.

In 1914 they were aimed at the “decadent French” and authoritarian Czarist Russians. In the 1930s it was Soviet Russians, led by “Jewish-Bolsheviks” or, most directly and intensely, the Jews in general and all others viewed as “sub-human”. Their march, really aiming at expansion, power, wealth in the millions, ended twice in immense, horrifying disasters for the whole world.

But by the 1950s the next generation was again blowing bugles and beating drums, directed at the Soviet Russians again–and their forward defense line in the GDR.

After the GDR was swallowed up in 1990 and the Soviets defeated three years later, unbloody victories in these cases, new foes were required. As in both world wars the Serbs were chosen for chastisement, not unbloody, but this time under a transatlantic aegis.

Then came the “terrorist threats to German security” (and trade routes) in the seas off Lebanese and Somali coasts and, now again with boots on the ground, in Hindu Kush mountain passes and arid sub-Sahara savannas. But when these anti-terrorist crusades petered out, very pathetically, a new threat, an evil new Saladin was sought, and a crusader, a new Kaiser Friedrich Barbarossa, to defeat him.

Several candidates vie for this duty and honor, most prominently the hugely popular Boris Pistorius, titled “Minister for Defense,” still labeling himself a Social Democrat, and endowed with the loudest voice in favor of a build-up for war. For him, the foremost task is total support for Zelensky and his Ukrainian government, no matter where that may lead. As always, of course, it is western security which is at stake.

Russia is a threat not only to Georgia and Moldavia, but also in the end for NATO… A collapse of our support would have fatal consequences… The delivery of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, for example, makes important contributions… Every euro counts. A victory for Russia would end up being more expensive than support for Ukraine today…We must provide deterrence to prevent it from coming to an extreme… We must be fit for war by 2029.

“Fit for war”–“kriegstüchtig,” also translatable as “war efficient” or “war competent”–this chilling word, hitherto hardly known, or forgotten, can now claim to be “word of the year.” As Herr Minister expanded: “We must become resilient and capable of growth.” To achieve this he hopes, after thirteen untroubled years, to start up a draft again, if possible for young women as well. “Such a service cannot be free of obligations,” he warned, and “the troops must be provided with the best possible equipment, from battle tanks to mobile field kitchens.” The proposal, at first treated as just a topic for discussion and widely unpopular, was largely rejected. But with the help of the media it was gradually stepped up to become almost a demand, especially[VG1] by Friedrich Merz, head of the Christian Democratic election team, who hopes to win next year’s elections and succeed Olaf Scholz as chancellor, possibly in a revived coalition with Social Democrats led by bellicose Boris Pistorius.

It is not just words or plans for 2029 which echo marching boots of the past; their current rhythm largely resounds from the Ukraine war. The tragedy of death and destruction in that tormented land is somehow twisted into a fancied threat to Germany, justifying huge armament spending, the permanent stationing of a Bundeswehr base in Lithuania and now, in Rostock, once the GDR’s main port and seashore vacation center, a new NATO marine station aimed at surveilling the entrance to the Baltic–1000 miles away from southern Odessa or Sevastopol. With Bundeswehr officers.

Is the Ukraine war solely the crime of a power-hungry sultan in the Kremlin? Millions believe so. But millions in other countries have questions, doubts or search for other explanations, possibly less simple. They ask whether Putin’s invasion, brutal as it has been, was perhaps a reaction to ever tighter attempts to surround–and strangle–his country by the far, far stronger military forces of NATO, or its prime movers in Washington? Their bloody putsch in Kyiv in 2014 put an anti-Russian government in power, thus threatening Russia’s Black Sea as well as its Baltic route to the outside world. When hostile military bases and exercises multiplied, only minutes away from Moscow and St. Petersburg and, despite Russian objections and compromise offers, when plans were announced to bring Ukraine into NATO, thus requiring, even in case of Kyiv provocations, the support of all 32 members, three of them atomic-armed, then the Russian reaction to armed conflict in Donbas may not be pardoned–but should certainly be better understood. Turning to Aesop’s analogy method: Was it like a bear, surrounded by a narrowing circle of snarling dogs–or wolves–and breaking rules by striking out first with a heavy paw?

Comments like that of Foreign Minister Baerbock, that the aim of the Ukraine war must be “to ruin Russia,” strengthened such doubts. And one-sided blame was weakened last year when Zelensky led Canada’s House of Commons in cheering 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka as a heroic defender of Ukrainian freedom although, it was soon revealed, he had volunteered for Hitler’s Galician SS Division to kill off as many Jewish families, Polish partisans and Russian soldiers as possible–and indirectly Canadians. Some cheerers did not know his murderous background, but Zelensky certainly did!

When a Bundestag deputy asked Minister Pistorius about the use of deployed weapons on Russian borders he replied: “Anything that is delivered from Germany and attacks targets in the Russian hinterland can be used” and added that he was in regular contact with his Polish counterpart about the protection of what is called, in all too historically reminiscent vocabulary, the “eastern flank.”

In 1956 Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told a “Life” magazine reporter: “The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art. (…) If you are scared to go to the brink, you are lost.“ Thus the art of “brinkmanship” was born. It now seems to be very much in fashion!

Marching boots, drumbeats and clanking tanks are also in fashion for companies like Rheinmetall, Germany’s biggest weapons maker, which raked in over € 7 billion in 2023, a 12% increase over 2022. It has € 38 billion in its order books if the war continues. Its CEO, Armin Papperger, averaging € 3.5 million in take-home pay, is trying to break into the USA weapons market. Aren’t we all NATO allies?

In that other devastating war, in Gaza, the Palestinian West Bank, now in Lebanon and beyond–equally dangerous for the world but far more tragic for civilians–Germany is also a major actor, perhaps second only to the USA. Its public statements, its media coverage and its material involvement have been no less important, and no less one-sided.

It holds tight to its support for Israel, its ”Staatsräson” or “fundamental basis,” as compensation for the German crime of Holocaust. This doctrine, stressed since West Germany was founded, was its admission card into the western family of nations and was expanded to include total support of Israeli “right to self-defense,” backing every step of settlement expansion and armed attack by leaders like former terrorists Ariel Sharon, Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamin, and by Benjamin Netanyahu. It has become virtually compulsory to publicly “condemn Hamas terrorists” for the bloody events of October 7 while forgetting or minimizing Israel’s long history of repression and terror and what followed: the blasting of one apartment building after another, the almost daily destruction of schools, mosques, universities, the last remaining hospitals, of water, fuel and sewage systems, even roads and sidewalks, the continued degradation or torture of prisoners, young and old, armed or civilian, the targeting of doctors and journalists, of foreign and UN aid helpers, the blocking of food and medical supplies, and the death of at least 40,00 or possibly far more mostly civilian Palestinians, including thousands of children–or their mental and physical maiming and crippling for life. Also ignored: the statements of top Israeli politicians and generals justifying this mass murder because the Gazans, like Palestinians and opposing Arabs of any kind–are sub-human and must be forced to be subservient, to leave their homes, gardens and olive orchards–or to die. Disagreement, criticism or protest are all “anti-Semitism” and the conclusions of majorities in world courts or the UN General Assembly be damned. Washington has its veto–and German government support.

And material weapons. During a Bundestag debate on the anniversary of the October 7 attack, when Opposition leader Friedrich Merz of the Christian Democrats (CDU) accused the governing coalition of blocking export applications from arms companies, including the supply of ammunition and spare parts for tanks, Chancellor Scholz fired back. “The German government has always stressed that there is no arms export ban…We have supplied weapons, and we will supply weapons,” Scholz promised.

When a majority of the UN’s Human Rights Council backed a call “to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, the occupying Power… to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights in April 2024 the German delegation joined the USA in voting against it (plus only Argentina, Bulgaria, Malawi and Paraguay). The reason: It “refrains from mentioning Hamas and denies Israel the exercise of its right to self-defense.” A Palestinian “right to self-defense” is always forgotten.

All attempts to present other views, including the voices of renowned Jewish historians or courageous Israeli “refuseniks,” who choose jail to avoid further killing of Palestinian civilians, or those in joint Jewish-Arab marches and demonstrations are refuted with the increasingly questionable, ever changing story of October 7; what went before or came after is collateral damage.

The three parties in Germany’s government coalition are back at each others’ throats again–about immigration, aid to investing companies, big and small, energy costs, pension age, cuts in hospital support, public debt, public radio, taxation of the wealthy. All three, licking their wounds after their disastrous results in recent East German elections, all hope to climb out of their popularity pit for next year’s national election and then bed up warmly with their traditional Christian adversaries, who were also trampled in two of the three and just squeezed by in the third, Saxony[VG2]. They still lead weakly nationally but will need to find a partner or two next year among today’s foes in order to achieve a majority without the presumed arch-foe, the Alternative for Germany (AfD). All five agree on supporting Bibi, come what may!

What about the other two parties, the LINKE and the breakaway Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, BSW, the “alliance” named after its founder and leader? The BSW is sharply opposed to weapons for any foreign country, now most vigorously against arming either Zelensky’s Ukraine or Bibi’s Israel. Its second-best-known member, eloquent little fighter Sevim Dagdelen, 49, (her parents are Alevite Kurds) started with the obligatory condemnation of the Hamas attack on October 7th but then said “With its arms aid to Israel, the government is aiding and abetting war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon instead of conforming with the majority will of the population in Germany favoring an arms embargo.” Her challenge was sent to a committee and thus buried. Of course.

Far less clear, sadly, was the position of the LINKE, or what is left of it after its split and disastrous results in the European parliament vote (2.7%, while the new BSW got 6.2%) and in the East German states, where it got 12.4% and 12 out of 88 seats in its stronghold Thuringia, less than half its one-time hold. With 4.5% it just barely held onto six seats out of 120 in Saxony. In Brandenburg, where it was once junior partner in the government, its bitter 3.0% meant no seats whatsoever!

Like salt in these wounds, Sahra Wagenknecht’s breakaway party, taking part for the first time, won an amazing third place with 14-15% in all three states, mainly gained from former LINKE voters. This creates surprising new problems. The older parties have been committed to ostracizing the far-right AfD, even when it wins first place (as in Thuringia) or a very close second (in Saxony and Brandenburg). But–oh God!–that would require accepting Sahra Wagenknecht & Co. in an alliance. And Sahra insists that her party will only join coalitions, even on the state level, which reject arms shipments and demand the withdrawal of American middle range offense missiles from Germany, where they are actually illegal–and fatefully dangerous–to all Europeans.

These two demands plus widespread worry, disillusionment or distress may have been key to winning so many votes for the BSW in the eastern states where such feelings–and demands–are most widespread. But they helped the far-right AfD even more, which also demands a cease-fire in Ukraine and withdrawal of U.S. missiles (but wants weapons for Netanyahu, like them hostile to Muslims). Sahra’s BSW and the far-right AfD (both under attack as Putin-lovers) not only have similar stands on opposing those ties with the USA so dear to the hearts of all the older parties, but also on other issues, such as favoring increasingly strict, less welcoming arms to refugees or other immigrants, partly citing genuine problems but also with a strong whiff of nationalism. The resulting success of the AfD, now in second-place nationally, is pushing all other parties to show their toughness toward foreigners–all over Europe, in fact. One of the lone exceptions is the LINKE, whose position–seen as humane by some, as unrealistic by others, may well be one reason for their loss of votes–and seats.

Another issue where Sahra’s BSW and the AfD strangely agree: they both voice doubts about the government treatment of the COVID crisis, with its strict closeting of so many, closing of schools, and semi-compulsory face masks and inoculation. Some condemn these measures as a plot to gain profits and controls. But it was almost certainly their opposition to further fighting in Ukraine, or sending millions worth of weapons there, which made them the only two parties to be truly successful.

This creates a major dilemma for the eastern Social Democrats or Christian Democrats. Will they swallow deeply, forget taboos, slip towards peace positions and invite Sahra’s BSW to join in governing one or the other state? Despite their national leaders? Or will Sahra & Co. compromise on the peace question, or economic issues, and slip backwards with their new voters? This juggling game is still unpredictable, but Brandenburg just adopted a clearly-stated antiwar statement, and the two others are teetering. That could be a strong, welcome retort to those lovers of drums and boots.

And finally, which direction will the LINKE take? Until recently, its stand on armaments and cease-fires in both Ukraine and Gaza could be described as double-talk, with its strongest leaders leaning as far as possible toward a single-minded condemnation of Putin, almost fully ignoring the party’s traditional opposition to NATO expansion and German armaments sales and–on flimsy grounds–even boycotting a large demonstration for peace last year–or those now opposing the killing in Palestine and Lebanon. This rightward direction is what led many to switch to Sahra’s BSW.

But then came a surprise. In the Berlin branch of the LINKE, until now a stronghold of the leaders who supported Israeli bombing of Gaza–and once fumbled their important Berlin Cabinet seats–they suddenly found themselves outvoted in their pro-Netanyahu position and walked huffily out of the meeting. Five of them, till then top local leaders, then quit the LINKE party entirely. There was official regret, but many said “Good riddance!”

This was soon followed by a national party congress in Halle. And, for many surprisingly, while the reformist, conformist side of this eternally divided party still held onto a majority, it was a thin majority, and one which seemed willing to abandon its stubborn (and obviously deadly) swing to the right and reach compromises on issues like Gaza and the USA-NATO drive towards world hegemony. Since its co-chairs did not stand for re-election, it elected new ones, again with the East-West, male-female balance: Jan van Aken, 63, from Hamburg, a biologist and active opponent of ecological damage, and the East German Ines Schwerdtner, 35, a bright new figure, only a year in the party, once editor of the German edition of the magazine “Jacobin.” Both exuding optimism about reviving the party.

Ines Schwerdtner pledged not only to work for peace but to stress issues even closer to people’s hearts: affordable housing despite soaring rents and groceries, no cuts in support for the poor, the children, the pensioners, the jobless–and also the immigrants. The two want to build up door-to-door discussions with the voters, asking their views, especially those in the working or middle class. Could such changes take effect soon enough to prevent disaster in next September’s national election? Could it save the LINKE from oblivion and turn it into a truly leftist party with a definite socialist perspective, possibly even more so than its defected child and new rival, the BSW? In a Germany facing economic stagnation or worse, with its most important company, Volkswagen, just announcing big, troublesome shut-downs–perhaps an omen, with huge, growing menaces of climate disaster and far right advances all over Europe (and the USA?), with international war between atomic-armed powers threatening–the growth of a strong new Left in Germany, once again an aide and encouragement for sister parties in East and West, is more imperative than ever. ... r-28-2024/


Who Would Have Thought.

Germans begin to smell desperation descending over the land of Bismarck and Goethe. Desperate times--desperate measures. It is too late now, but as the wisdom goes--better late than never.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder remains a valued member of the country’s ruling Social Democratic Party (SPD) despite narrowly avoiding expulsion over his refusal to condemn Russian President Vladimir Putin, the SPD’s new general secretary has said. Asked by Germany’s Stern magazine whether there was room for Schroeder in the senior ranks of the SPD, incoming General Secretary Matthias Miersch replied “Yes. Otherwise Gerhard Schroeder would have had to be expelled from the party.” Miersch, who was named as the party’s new leader earlier this month, told Stern on Monday that he can appreciate Schroeder’s “life’s work as a whole… even if I have a fundamentally different view on Putin and the attack on Ukraine.” Miersch listed Schoeder’s refusal to take part in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, his endorsement of same-sex partnerships, and his funding of schools as some of the former chancellor’s crowning achievements. “We never did politics together, but like many others, I was able to build on his work,” Miersch added.

Really? "able to build on his work"--fuck me ten ways over this afternoon. Gerhard Schroeder and Vladimir Putin are very good personal friends, and it was on Schroeder's watch that so much was accomplished in Russian-German relations. SPD and Grune unholy alliance finished Germany off. Now, when the prospects of Germany becoming a third world country begin to look all too real and Russians now burn German Leopards in 404, they recognized that they need energy. Well, it doesn't work like this--Germany has committed a treason of relations and now is Russia's enemy. So, SPD tries to engage with one of a very few honorable men in Germany's otherwise brothel of perverts and fanatics who populate Germany's political "elite". Nope, doesn't work like this. For majority of Russians Germany is the enemy and will remain so for generations. Everything else flows from this. ... ought.html


On the closure of Volkswagen plants and protests in Germany
October 29, 2024

Today, workers from various manufacturing industries in Germany took to the streets to protest, led by Germany's largest trade union, IG Metall. One of the main reasons for this was the intention of Volkswagen AG management to close several plants at once.

The group is forced to look for ways to cut costs due to falling sales and profits, according to works council head Daniela Cavallo. Like other major carmakers, Volkswagen AG is struggling to compete with cheaper Chinese electric cars.

The issue concerns the closure of at least three Volkswagen plants. There are ten of them in total in Germany, meaning that the concern's production volumes could be reduced by a third or more. Cavallo also spoke about "the possible transfer of some departments to other countries," which is a good illustration of the trend toward the withdrawal of high-tech production from Germany.

Currently, the largest German trade union IG Metall is negotiating with the management of the concern, trying to exclude the possibility of a 10% wage cut. However , it is unlikely that serious concessions should be expected from the owners of Volkswagen - it is enough to recall the farmers' protests that broke out all over Europe this year , but did not lead to anything.

The problems of the flagships of German industry are yet another indicator that the "traffic light coalition" is leading Germany down a destructive path. The decline of domestic production and the reduction of jobs against the backdrop of an aging population can already be seen first-hand by the average German. ... -germanii/

On strengthening Danish defence in the Arctic region
October 29, 2024


The Danish Ministry of Defence has announced the modernisation of the base in Oksbål on the North Sea coast , where one of the Danish brigades, numbering 4,000 troops, is stationed.

According to the plan of the Danish Ministry of Defense, the country's military-political leadership intends to deploy a battery of the Skyranger 30 short-range anti-aircraft missile and gun system based on the Piranha IV armored personnel carrier in Oxbål .

These are the same anti-aircraft missile and gun systems that were sent to the territory of the so-called Ukraine to conduct tests in conditions of a full-fledged conflict and which are equipped with 30-mm Oerlikon cannons and Mistral or Skyknight anti-aircraft missiles.

Another plan announced by the Danes is to build a military base in Aalborg to house reconnaissance drones to monitor the North Sea and the coast of Greenland .

Danish officials are currently choosing drones to purchase, and two types of UAVs are currently being considered – the MQ-9B Sea Guardian and the MQ-4C Triton. However, the latter are too expensive, so the Danes are leaning towards the former option.

In addition, according to Danish sources, Danish authorities are negotiating with Greenland about using Greenlandic territory to deploy reconnaissance weapons and equipment to monitor the Arctic region .

It's all still just rumors, but it's worth remembering that in northern Greenland there is the Pittufik Air Base (formerly Thule ), a space center that was used by the US during the Cold War to base nuclear-armed bombers.

As is clearly evident from the example of Denmark, attention to the Arctic is growing every day. This is indicated by the new US strategy, the entry of Scandinavian countries into NATO and the emergence of an air defense unit to control the North Sea and the Baltic.

As well as the purchase of drones with a range of up to 2,000 km, capable of covering the tasks of monitoring the North Sea and the Atlantic , negotiations with Greenland and, of course, increasingly frequent meetings of military representatives of Northern European countries on the issue of militarization of the Arctic, allegedly to counter Russia. ... m-regione/

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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Thu Oct 31, 2024 3:01 pm

To French comrades: ‘We fight together for a communist future!’

The fake left would have us despair at victories that advance the cause of the working class.

Like our own party, the Pole de Renaissance was founded 20 years ago, in conditions that seemed far from propitious for its vital work. Today, both our organisations stand poised for growth, having established firm theoretical foundations by keeping the flame of revolutionary Marxism burning at a time when all but a very few had abandoned it.
Proletarian writers

Tuesday 29 October 2024

The following message was delivered by Daniel O’Brien on behalf of our party at a meeting to celebrate the 20th founding anniversary of the PRCF in France.


Dear comrades, is an honour and a privilege to be invited to speak at your 20th anniversary celebrations on behalf of the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist).

Twenty years ago, the communist and the entire workers’ movement was at a low ebb. It seemed as if revisionism, which had decimated the communist movement worldwide after Khrushchev’s secret speech in 1956, had won. The world has suffered from a long and slow retreat from the vital principles of Marxism-Leninism, which had unleashed the power of workers and peasants to turn backward nations into superpowers, and to defeat fascism and imperialism.

And it was not just revisionism, but other forces of imperialism that corrupted communist parties and trade unions, particularly the imperialist nations. They achieved this through labour aristocrats in the unions and paid Trotskyite organisers in the movement.

Revisionism, opportunism and Trotskyism confused and divided the working class. The destruction of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the disarray of workers in imperialist countries signalled the start of a bacchanalia for imperialism.

To form an anti-revisionist Marxist-Leninist organisation at this time must have seemed like madness. It was the “end of history”, and humanity was condemned to endless war and degradation.

But it was not madness, it was vital. You in the Pôle de renaissance communiste have kept the revolutionary flame alive, for “without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement”.

Lenin has been proven right time and time again during the decades of revisionism and renegacy. Experience has shown that, without a doubt, Marxism-Leninism is the only theory that can ultimately liberate the working class. The workers in Britain and France must come to understand the power they have, and how to use it.

Unfortunately, the bourgeoisie currently knows the strength of the working class better than the workers do themselves. The bourgeois also know how weak they themselves are. We have seen how uncoordinated they are, how they fight amongst themselves, and how the insatiable drive to extract profits stop them from fulfilling any other goals.

They have nothing to offer the world, and they threaten it with total war should they not get their way. They have no new ideas, and struggle futilely against reality.

Imperialism is in crisis. In the imperialist world, the politicians are unable to solve any problem. They can no longer rely on social democracy. They have nothing they can offer to the workers except punishment for speaking up or stepping out of line.

In Britain, the Labour party is now in government, and all illusions about it being the ‘party of workers’ are being swept away. Only the most shameless trade union bureaucrats try to sell the idea that the Labour party is ‘our’ party, as it announces more austerity at home and more war abroad.

In France, the Nouveau Front populaire exposed itself by supporting Emmanuel Macron. Macron in turn (again) exposed the truth of who French democracy is really for by refusing to accept a government of the NFP.

We see as well, the limitations of our trade unions and protests in both countries. Despite massive strikes, millions in the streets and social unrest, imperialism continues to degrade the lives of the workers.

Not to mention both our countries support the fascism and naked genocide in Ukraine and Israel, and posture aggressively against Iran, China and the DPRK. The world is poised on the edge, about to plunge into a global war.

We must grow our ranks, build our organisations, and reach the working masses! Although they do not yet know it, they are desperate for our clear analysis.

It is only with a clear understanding of who their enemies are and what their goals must be that the working class will achieve victory over the barbarians in power. This includes understanding at home that the social democrats are not our friends, and abroad that those who fight against the armies of imperialist governments, or struggle against the economic chains of finance-capital, are our allies, for they are fighting the same enemy that we must recognise here.

The fake left would have us despair at victories that advance the cause of the working class. They would have us believe we can only defend our ever-shrinking share of the imperialist profits. They would convince us that misled workers are all hardened fascists, and that we must vote for the status quo. But like the bourgeoisie, reality is against them, and the tide is turning against them too.

In Europe there is mass popular support for the Palestinian cause, but we must translate this from liberal hand-wringing sentiment into steadfast support for the victory of the resistance. It is in Palestine that all the contradictions of imperialism are most clearly revealed, and we can link this with the resistance against imperialist Nato in Ukraine, as well as the ongoing occupation of the Korean peninsula.

This is the reason our ruling classes seek to criminalise support for the Palestinian resistance, because it has clarified who are the anti-imperialist forces in the world, and who are the anti-human imperialist aggressors.

In Britain, we have seen harassment and oppression of journalists and communists, using the police for political repression. Just this week another journalist, Asa Winstanley, has had his house raided because of his support of Palestine. Eight of our comrades were detained, had their houses raided, and were placed under draconian bail conditions, all for the crime of telling the truth about imperialism. All charges have been dismissed, but the arrests served their purpose for propaganda and intimidation.

The primary task before us is to highlight the links between the forces of anti-imperialist resistance, to demonstrate the real material needs and development of the resistance, economic and military needs, and bring forth an understanding that this struggle is linked inextricably with the struggle of workers in imperialist countries for a better life and freedom from exploitation.

The CPGB-ML salutes the steadfast Pôle de renaissance communiste, your anti-revisionism, your international solidarity, and your opposition to liberalism, fascism and social democracy.

But, you are also not just against things. As communists we have a positive vision for the future of humanity. A future of peace, prosperity, exploration and discovery. We shall fight together for a communist future!

Long live proletarian internationalism!
Long live the axis of resistance!
Long live Pôle de renaissance communiste en France! ... st-future/


Greece Raises WW2 Reparations Issue During German President’s Visit

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou (L) and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (2nd L, Front), Athens, Greece, on Oct. 30, 2024. Photo: Xinhua.

October 31, 2024 Hour: 9:31 am

The issue is of great importance to Greek people, President Sakellaropoulou said.

On Wednesday, Greek political leaders raised the issue of World War II reparations and a forced occupation loan with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier during his three-day visit to Greece.

“For Greece the matter of reparations and especially the forced occupation loan are issues that are still very much alive and we hope that at some point we will resolve them,” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said during their meeting in Athens.

The outstanding issue is of great importance to Greek people, Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou said during separate talks with Steinmeier according to a press release.

For Germany legally the issue has closed, however the country remains committed to its historical responsibility, the German leader responded, according to Greek national news agency AMNA.

Steinmeier started his visit from Thessaloniki port city on Tuesday where together with Sakellaropoulou visited the site of a Holocaust museum under construction and talked to two survivors of Nazi concentration camps. Some 50,000 Greek Jews were loaded onto trains for such camps during WWII from Thessaloniki.

On Thursday Steinmeier was scheduled to visit Kandanos, a village on Crete island that suffered atrocities committed by Nazi forces.

On the agenda of the German leader’s visit were also tours to German companies and a refugee camp near Athens, as the two sides discussed the further strengthening of bilateral cooperation in trade and investments, as well as common challenges, such as irregular migration flows to European countries. ... nts-visit/


A Shitpost Map Of Poland Triggered The OUN Chief Into Warning That “Poles Are Playing With Fire”

Andrew Korybko
Oct 31, 2024


His words are stoking anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Poland and fueling Polonophobia in Ukraine.

Current leader of the “Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” (OUN) Bogdan Chervak, whose predecessors were responsible for the Volhynia Genocide, ominously warned that “Poles are playing with fire” after being triggered by a shitpost map that was shared by an anonymous account. He then nastily added, “And after that they are indignant that Ukraine reluctantly gives permits for the exhumation of Polish graves”, which is a reference to the aforementioned World War II-era crime.

The map that prompted this scandalous reaction from the OUN chief depicted Russia’s Kaliningrad Region as part of today’s Poland as well as the interwar Second Polish Republic’s “Eastern Borderlands” (“Kresy”) that are currently located in parts of Lithuania, Belarus, and Ukraine. It was the inclusion of the last-mentioned country’s territory which triggered Chervak into lashing out against Poles in general and issuing his ominous warning to all of them that then went viral on the Polish segment of X.

That was an overreaction since Poland doesn’t have claims to any of those territories and even the most fringe ultra-nationalist political parties don’t want them back. While it’s true that some patriotic Poles experience “phantom pain” since those lost lands were integral to their civilization-state during the height of its power, the costs of reclaiming them are unacceptable. Nobody wants to wage war against NATO ally Lithuania, nuclear-armed Russia (which protects Belarus), and/or battle-hardened Ukraine.

The anonymous account who shared that shitpost map of Poland didn’t explain what they meant to convey by it but they did react to Chervak’s remark about the Volhynia Genocide that was copied by another popular Ukrainian account. They wrote, “That's just an excuse. They don't give permission because they'd rather worship Nazis”, which aligns with what Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said in early October about that crime.

In his own words, “We only demand from Ukraine what Ukraine allowed the Germans to do to the aggressors: 100,000 Wehrmacht soldiers were exhumed and buried in separate graves on Ukrainian territory. Therefore, we believe that our compatriots, who were not aggressors there, have at least the same rights as Wehrmacht soldiers.” Readers can learn more about why “Ukraine’s Refusal To Exhume & Properly Bury The Volhynia Genocide’s Victims Enrages Poles” from the preceding hyperlinked analysis.

That issue returned to the fore of Polish-Ukrainian relations after former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry “Kuleba Equated Ukraine’s Genocide Of Poles With Poland’s Forcible Resettlement Of Ukrainians” in late August. While doing so, he provocatively described the southeastern areas of the post-war “Polish People’s Republic” from which his co-ethnics were forcibly resettled as “Ukrainian territories”, which prompted a strong rebuke from leaders of the ruling Polish coalition due to the claims that it implied.

It was explained in June why “Poland Fears That Ukraine Might One Day Make Irredentist Claims Against It” so this response was expected considering that Kuleba was Kiev’s top diplomat when he said that. Nevertheless, this is a problem of Poland’s own making after accepting so many Ukrainian refugees from 2022 onward, during which time it was predicable that some OUN supporters would infiltrate the country to set up sleeper cells for carrying out irredentist-driven terrorist attacks at a future date.

Between Kuleba’s inflammatory words that lent credence to the OUN’s latent claims and its chief Chervak’s ominous warning that “Poles are playing with fire” was British social anthropologist Chris Hann’s commentary on this subject in mid-October. He wrote that “According to the historical ethno-linguistic and religious criteria generally considered central in the formation of peoples, Ukraine might indeed have a stronger claim to sections of the Polish Carpathians than it has to Crimea or Donbas.”

Hann then added that, “Does this help explain why the Polish government upholds the sanctity of Ukraine’s border with Russia? They want Ukraine’s border with their country to be equally sacrosanct.” He’s one of the founding Directors of Germany’s publicly financed Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, which is why what he wrote led to such a firestorm online. Polish analyst Zygfryd Czaban drew attention to that part of his article on X, after which it was picked up by several Polish outlets.

It was within this political context that that anonymous account shared the shitpost map which triggered OUN chief Chervak, thus suggesting that it could have just been a reaction to Kuleba and Hann after those two’s words questioning the legitimacy of Poland’s post-war borders went viral. The intent might therefore have been to remind Ukrainians that non-existent Polish claims to their country would have a more legitimate historical basis than their claims to Poland in order to get them to stop provoking Poles.

Chervak is infamous for bashing Poles and hatemongering against them so it’s no surprise that he purposely overreacted to that shitpost map to ominously warn that they’re “playing with fire”, knowing fully well how this would be perceived by those who remember the OUN’s genocidal past. Without realizing it, however, he also discredited claims that Russia is trying to sow discord in Polish-Ukrainian relations by doing precisely that on his own while representing a vehemently anti-Russian organization.

Nobody could credibly accuse Chervak of being a “Russian propagandist”, which proves that Polonophobia is part and parcel of Ukrainian nationalism, not a Kremlin invention. Wider awareness of this fact will exacerbate anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Poland, which is rapidly growing as proven by the latest survey from a publicly financed research institute that was analyzed here. Therein lies the most important takeaway from this scandal since it’ll further divide Poland and Ukraine at the societal level.

Some Poles had already begun souring on Ukrainian refugees even before this latest scandal while farmers protested the influx of cheap Ukrainian grain into their domestic market throughout 2023 and earlier this year with the support of the majority of their compatriots as proven by reliable polling here. Ukrainians negatively reacted on social media to these developments, which in turn fueled more negative reactions from Poles there too, thus leading to a self-sustaining cycle of mutual hostility.

The latest scandal over territorial claims could bring these simmering tensions to the breaking point. While the ones against Ukraine by Poland are purely the result of a shitpost map by an anonymous account, the ones against Poland by Ukraine are much more official. They were implied by its former Foreign Minister, supported by a German government-financed British social anthropologist, and ominously hinted at by the chief of the same organization that genocided Poles over prior related claims.

“Poland Finally Maxed Out Its Military Support For Ukraine” as admitted by its Defense Minister in late August so there’s nothing left for it to withhold as leverage to resolve the Volhynia Genocide dispute in its favor or get Ukraine to explicitly condemn the abovementioned territorial claims to Poland. It also won’t cut off NATO’s military logistics to Ukraine through its territory as leverage either since it knows that would deal a fatal blow to the West’s proxy war on Russia there and it doesn’t want Moscow to win.

Ukraine is still losing though in spite of Poland’s charitable approach so it’s only a question of how much Russia will win by the time that this conflict finally ends. Foreseeably worsened Polish-Ukrainian relations at the societal and potentially official levels by that time might therefore be opportunistically exploited by Kiev to conveniently pin the blame for its defeat (or at least part of it) on Warsaw and then push these latent territorial demands as compensation for the lands that it lost to Russia.

The explosion of ultra-nationalist sentiment within Ukrainian society since 2022 could easily be redirected away from Russia and against Poland once the conflict ends after the former proved itself too formidable of a foe to defeat while the latter might then appear to be easy pickings. Poland gave its entire stockpile to Ukraine, has been excluded from the conflict’s endgame by the West as explained here after late-October’s Berlin Summit, and naively let countless OUN sleeper cells into the country.

The stage is thus set after the latest scandal over territorial claims for Ukraine to either officially make such demands of Poland upon the end of the NATO-Russian proxy war or at least continue informally putting them forth for self-interested domestic political reasons. Poland would struggle to defend the legitimacy of its post-war borders in the court of Western public opinion should that happen, but a hot war with Ukraine is unlikely, though irredentist-driven terrorist attacks can’t be ruled out in that event. ... -triggered


How the West rigged Moldova’s referendum on the European Union

Raphael Machado

October 30, 2024

Under democratic rules, the Eurocrats and globalists would be soundly defeated at the polls, Raphael Machado writes.

On October 20, a referendum was held on the Moldovan public’s interest in a constitutional reform to enable entry into the European Union. The “yes” vote won with 50.39%, a numerical margin of about 12,000 votes.

This result was well below expectations, considering all the government’s preparation and mobilization in support of the referendum.

Since Maia Sandu came to power, the goal has been to transform Moldova into a platform and tool for provocation and attack against Russia, similar to how Georgia and Ukraine were positioned in the past.

This had already begun even before Sandu’s election in 2020, with the free operation of Western or pro-Western NGOs in the country. According to various studies, there are around 14,000 NGOs registered in Moldova, a ratio of 1:200, with USAID having a strong direct presence in the country and indirect influence (as a funder of other NGOs).

USAID alone has invested more than $500 million in Moldova over the past 10 years. In terms of general funding, the West supports NGO activities in Moldova with $110 million annually. Besides USAID itself, other main NGO funders include the Open Society Foundation, the governments of Germany and the Netherlands, the NED, and Chatham House.

Among these “Moldovan” NGOs are Promo-LEX, IDIS Viitorul, the EEF (East Europe Foundation), WatchDog.MD, and the EBA (European Business Association), among others. All these groups work in areas like “promoting democracy and human rights” and “countering Russian disinformation.”

In recent years, these and many other NGOs have been actively shaping public opinion through social engineering techniques, aiming to “Ukrainize” Moldovans; that is, to turn Moldovans into Russophobic bots and compliant followers of Washington and Brussels.

With Sandu’s victory, Moldova’s automatic alignment with the West began. To achieve this, the nationalist sentiments of the population are naturally utilized, as the population historically identifies with Romania. However, this connection is manipulated not to foster a Romanian ethno-cultural identity but as a vehicle for the Westernization of Moldova.

When Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine began, Sandu seized the moment to formally apply for EU membership, despite Moldova’s constitution mandating geopolitical non-alignment. Shortly thereafter, the government started imposing censorship on the use of the Russian language in the country, as well as restricting Russian media and symbols, and even arrested her political rival, Igor Dodon. Predictably, Sandu quickly began indebting her country with multi-million euro loans from the European Union.

In the Moldovan narrative, Transnistria, a tiny strip of land with a Russian majority, poses a major threat to “Moldovan sovereignty.” Thus, Sandu decided to sacrifice Moldovan sovereignty in order to defend it. It makes no sense, but that’s how the minds of politicians who have been brainwashed by Western influence work.

Meanwhile, NATO stationed nearly 10,000 troops along the Moldovan border (even though foreign troops are prohibited on its territory), and the country faces frequent anti-government protests from citizens worried that the West might try to turn Moldova into another Ukraine.

This brings us to the referendum on constitutional reform aimed at EU integration. The result, although “victorious,” was disappointing, considering all the money spent promoting the EU, the imprisonment of opposition members, media censorship, and social engineering efforts by NGOs. Even this victory was only achieved through fraud. If you look closely at the referendum maps, you get the impression that the “no” vote won over the “yes.” And that’s exactly what happened: only 46% of Moldova’s residents voted for the reform. The majority of the country’s population voted against EU integration. In all of Gagauzia and the northern regions, opposition to the EU was nearly unanimous, and even in the center of the country, a significant portion of the population voted against joining the EU.

That’s when the “expatriate” population came into play—those who don’t live in the country, don’t share its fate, yet feel entitled to decide on its future. Out of 235,000 diaspora votes, 180,000 supported EU membership. The trick was simple: they increased the number of polling stations in Western countries while in Russia, where 500,000 Moldovans live (half the diaspora and one-sixth of all Moldovans worldwide), they reduced polling stations from 17 to 2, with only 10,000 ballots available.

The conclusion, therefore, is that under democratic rules, the Eurocrats and globalists would be soundly defeated at the polls. But since they don’t really care about democracy, they ensured that only the “right people” could vote. ... ean-union/

In Georgia and Moldova, it’s “Οχι” for NATO and the EU

Stephen Karganovic

October 31, 2024

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch.

In Greek, “Oxi” means “no.” October 28 is celebrated in Greece and Cyprus as “Oxi Day.” On that date in 1940 Mussolini’s plenipotentiaries presented an ultimatum to the Greek Government to allow Axis troops to occupy its territory. The Greek Prime Minister at the time, Metaxas, replied to the brazen demand with a single word, “Oxi.” The rest is, as they say, history.

Now it is the people of Georgia and Moldova, in elections and a referendum held last week, who have sent an essentially identical message to the arrogant hegemons of our day. Both Georgia and Moldova were earmarked to serve as sacrificial lambs in the collective West’s relentless war against Russia. For Georgia, a particularly self-destructive role had been envisioned. Its government was expected by the collective West to commit an act of national suicide arguably even more catastrophic than that of Germany and the associated vassal states of the European Union.

Facing an obvious military debacle in Ukraine, Western strategic thinkers came up with the brilliant idea of mending the situation by using Georgia to open a second front against Russia. The Georgian army, which in 2008 was trounced by Russian armed forces when the last attempt was made to use it in a similar hare-brained scheme, was to be thrust into battle once again as cannon fodder for the benefit of foreign interests.

The strategic thinkers had overlooked an important detail that cast a long shadow over the feasibility of their scheme. In 2008 it was their stooge Saakashvili who was running Georgia. Today, the situation is fundamentally different. Whilst their puppet, French-born EU citizen Salome Zourabichvili, is President, Georgia is governed by sovereignist patriots whose litmus test for judging policies is what is best for their country. Such a policy standard, of course, is utterly abhorrent to the globalist mindset.

The elections in Georgia have gone terribly wrong from their point of view. The ruling sovereignist party, Georgia Dream, won with 54% of the vote. The result was duly certified by the electoral commission.

The seriousness with which the current Georgian government views non-interference in its sovereign affairs was demonstrated not long ago. Anticipating last weekend’s elections, Prime Minister Garibashvili proposed, and by a comfortable margin Parliament approved, a law mandating transparency in the financing of foreign sponsored “NGOs,” of which about 20,000 are said to be active in Georgia. Forthwith, the foreign sponsored cabal whose machinations the transparency law was designed to make public lost their nerve. President Zourabichvili, a foreign citizen herself and former French Foreign Ministry functionary whose spoken Georgian is no better than Zelensky’s Ukrainian, is herself a prime candidate for the law’s rigorous application. Foolishly, she gave the game away by refusing to exercise the presidential duty of signing the duly passed foreign agent transparency legislation so that it could go into effect. That unladylike attempt at obstruction, however, came to naught. The law was signed in her stead by the president of the Georgian Parliament.

As expected, the foreign sponsored elements which the transparency law was passed to expose and whose marching orders are to drag Georgia into the EU and ultimately into NATO, are not giving up. They are resorting to a full-scale colour revolution scenario in the hope of overturning their electoral defeat and plunging Georgia into a military confrontation with Russia to relieve the collective West’s crumbling Ukrainian front. On Monday 28 October, adhering minutely to the Gene Sharp playbook, mass protests were scheduled in Tbilisi to contest the electoral outcome.

Reflecting its fury at being defeated in Georgia and determined to go va banque to reverse the unfavourable election result, the collective West recklessly decided to activate its highest ranking asset in Georgia, Salome Zourabichvili herself. The President of Georgia has thus taken charge of the operation to undermine the electoral process in her own country, where technically she is the head of state and chief law enforcement officer. Is more evidence needed for the urgency in Georgia of the recently passed foreign agents legislation? Whilst frankly admitting that “there is no proof” of Russian interference, Zourabichvili (nomen omen, Anglophone readers will be tempted to say) has placed herself and her office at the forefront of civil disorders that might fizzle out, as in Venezuela, or they could destabilise Georgia, installing eventually a client regime prepared to instigate a suicidal war with Russia, which is exactly what these foreign-incited upheavals have been set in motion to accomplish.

In Moldova, a similar sequence of events has unfolded. A week before the Georgia vote, a constitutional referendum was held there to ascertain the position of the citizens on Moldova’s membership in the European Union. The referendum was important to that country’s pro-Western client regime as a stepping stone to eventual NATO membership, which is what generally follows EU accession. Extreme precautions were taken to rig the voting process whilst vociferously claiming, as in Georgia, that it was Russia that was interfering to swerve Moldova from its “European path.” However, as political analyst Marko Gasic has argued, the stereotype charge of Russian interference in Moldova is uncorroborated by a shred of evidence.

Underlining the fundamental dishonesty of the proceedings, Moldovan citizens living in Russia, estimated to number several hundred thousand, were barred from taking part in the referendum whilst those living in the European Union were allowed to do so. All the legerdemain notwithstanding however the result was a political disaster for the referendum’s sponsors. It was a mathematical “victory” of sorts but by virtue of its thinness a moral and political defeat for the pro-EU forces. With all votes counted, the official data recorded 50.46% “Yes” and 49.54% “No” votes. Even impoverished Moldovans are no longer buying into the “European” fable.

It seems that peasants everywhere are waking up. The strategic geniuses are losing their magic touch and once again confirming Andrei Martyanov’s unflattering assessment of their incompetence and diminished brainpower. ... to-and-eu/


On (non)recognition of the results of the Moldovan Euroreferendum
October 30, 2024

Former President of Moldova and head of the Party of Socialists Igor Dodon stated that his political formation does not recognize the results of the constitutional referendum on the European integration of the republic.

According to Dodon, 54% of Moldovans within the country voted against amendments to the Constitution of Moldova on the course towards joining the EU.

However, the ruling PAS party “boasts of 11,000 votes that came from the US and Canada,” thanks to which the referendum “won” by a margin of less than 1%.

Dodon also noted that holding the referendum was initially illegal. All these facts do not provide grounds for amending the Constitution.

We have clearly analyzed the fundamental violations that accompanied the Euro referendum in Moldova in recent publications.

The plebiscite has led Moldova into a political dead end , from which the future president will have to find a way out. After all, the current president Maia Sandu, if re-elected, will clearly not back down from her ideas and, in fact, will go against the majority of the population of Moldova.

At the same time, the candidate from the Party of Socialists, Alexander Stoianoglo, if he wins, will face enormous pressure from the West , where he will be forced to make constitutional amendments.

We see in the example of Georgia how Western partners subtly put pressure on small republics in the event of the adoption or rejection of specific decisions.

No matter how the second round of the presidential elections in Moldova turns out, the republic is already on the brink of an unprecedented split . ... -moldavii/

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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 05, 2024 2:49 pm

Serbia’s Deputy PM: Why the West Has Been Twisting History Since WW2
October 31, 2024

People carry portraits of World War II soldiers during the 'Immortal Regiment' march on May 9, 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia. Photo: Vladimir Zivojinovic /Getty Images

By Aleksandar Vulin – Oct 29, 2024

Since the end of WWII, there’s been a campaign to criminalize the Soviet Union, its descendants and partners.

Historical revisionism began as soon as the Second World War had ended. Both the Serbs and Russians were involved in this process and allowed history to be reinterpreted in front of their eyes. We had once believed that evil wouldn’t repeat itself if we acted like “gentlemen” and graciously turned a blind eye to the actions of our neighbors, compatriots, and allies during WWII. Even today, we often talk about “Nazi Germany.”

But this is not true. There was no “Nazi Germany” – it was simply Germany. You won’t find Wehrmacht stamps with the word “Nazism” written on them; the decisions to execute Serbs, Russians, and Jews weren’t made in the offices of the Nazi Party – they were made by regular German officials; the German state was not called “Nazi Germany” but was referred to according to the Constitution and laws; and Hitler was not a “Nazi dictator” but a legitimately elected representative of the vast majority of the German people.

And so, whenever we talk about “Nazi Germany” or “fascist Italy,” we allow people whose ancestors had committed those atrocities to convince us that the crimes had been committed by someone else. Seven million German soldiers fought on the Eastern Front – and how many of them were members of the Nazi Party? Seven million German citizens consciously, voluntarily, and legally killed Russians, Serbs, Jews, and the Roma, since the ruling ideology of the German state called these individuals ‘subhuman’ and decided that they should be annihilated.

The first Soviet soldiers were killed by Western allies not decades after the war – they died in 1944 near Niš, when the US Air Force strafed a Soviet Army vehicle column. Several years ago, we erected a monument as a reminder of this forgotten tragedy, for which no one ever apologized. Even then, the message was already clear.

Are you aware that this year, Russia will not be able to take part in the main events on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz? Is there a greater insult to common sense, historical truth, and the memory of all those murdered at Auschwitz than the fact that the liberating nation has not been invited to the commemorative event simply because Russia’s policy is currently “unpleasant” to the Polish leadership?

Generations born during WWII and in its aftermath could not be easily convinced to fight against the Soviet Union. For them, the horrors of the war were still too vivid and terrifying, and plunging the world into a new conflict filled with violence and horror was out of the question. The time to prepare for ‘great revenge’ had come only half a century later, when the war generation stepped down from the political and historical stage. The falsification of history started after the reunification of Germany (the country which lost the war) and the breakup of Yugoslavia and the USSR (the country which won the war). The descendants of war criminals felt ashamed not of their ancestors’ crimes, but of losing the war, and thus felt the need to revise history and reshape the world. This is why they want to portray Russians and Serbs as murderers and villains, people incapable of bringing freedom to others since they themselves lack it. And currently, we see a new attempt to settle scores with the Slavs – first of all with the Russians, and then with all the allies of Russia.

Like the Russians, the Serbs naively and, in a historical sense, recklessly, believed that they had liberated someone. That’s not true. In 1944, Belgrade was liberated because its citizens had resisted Nazi occupation for four long years; Zagreb, on the other hand, wasn’t liberated because, from 1941 until the fall of the Ustaše regime, it considered itself free and the people didn’t object to its system of values. Had [Ante] Pavelić [the founder of the Ustaše fascist organization] participated in the 1944 elections, he would have won, since the vast majority of people would’ve voted for him. No one can convince me that the majority of Croats were unaware of the existence of Jasenovac, Jadovno, and other concentration camps or that they didn’t support the horrors taking place there.

No matter how much we’d like to believe it, the Red Army didn’t liberate Vienna – the overwhelming majority of Austrians voted in favor of uniting with Germany. The crimes committed in Serbia weren’t perpetrated by the SS, most of whom had been sent to the Eastern Front, but by the Wehrmacht, which shelled Kraljevo, Kragujevac, and Podrinje.

We naively assumed that we were liberating countries that in reality felt free under German rule. This misunderstanding explains why we feel resentful of their ingratitude, while they insist, “But you are the ones who occupied us; we were free under German rule.” It is also the reason why today we see monuments to Soviet soldiers being taken down – they remind those people of their defeat in WWII. This is why history, and the conclusions drawn from it, are being reinterpreted today, influencing political and other decision-making processes.

If the Russians and Serbs had put an end to their dictatorship and oppression – which gave them a natural sense of superiority – then any evil inflicted on the Russians and Serbs was permissible and, in fact, was seen as one’s civilizational duty. But in order to settle scores with Russia, Serbia, and the Slavs, first these nations had to be dehumanized. They needed to be portrayed as people devoid of human dignity and values and turned into rapists, robbers, and criminals. Against such people, evil and war are justified and even necessary measures. We, the Serbs, know what it feels like to hear lies being told about your people, and what it’s like when someone commits the worst atrocities to justify their own evildoing.

We, the Serbs, know all too well how many lies had been told to justify the bombings of the Republika Srpska and later the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). Today, Russians are witnessing this firsthand, as they find themselves unjustly accused of mass war crimes while their own victims and losses are ignored.

Carl von Clausewitz taught us that war is merely the continuation of politics by other means, but we may add that war is simply the continuation of political narratives, and each war is an extension of the previous one. Today, it is clear that the bombings of Serbia did not end. As long as they want us to recognize Kosovo, the bombing campaign aimed at dismantling Serbia and destroying its territorial integrity is still very much alive. Even now, when we hear calls for Serbs to betray their own interests and impose sanctions against Russia, we see that the bombings of Serbia have not come to an end, because such demands could have been put forward in occupied Serbia in 1944, but not in free Serbia in 2024.

We, the Serbs, know how many lies were needed to justify the immense suffering inflicted upon our people. This is precisely why it was necessary to rewrite history, tear down monuments in honor of the liberators, and present our people as murderers, rapists, and villains. This is why they needed to turn our democratic systems into examples of tyranny, with fraudulent elections and corruption – because a nation devoid of free and fair elections cannot claim to bring freedom to others.

And this is why today, Serbia and Russia must be presented as nations that have no right to make independent decisions. ... since-ww2/


On Sandu's conflict with observation missions in Moldova
November 3, 2024

Today, the second round of presidential elections is taking place in Moldova. More than 1,000 local and about 600 international observers are monitoring them.

However, the day before, the current President Maia Sandu accused the two largest observation missions of “incorrect” observation.

We are talking about the OSCE mission and the Moldovan association Promo-Lex , which noted numerous violations by Sandu’s ruling party , Action and Solidarity (PAS), in organizing the first round of elections and the European referendum .

Sandu vehemently denies accusations of using administrative resources and the largest expenditures on the campaign, advising instead to focus on monitoring the opposition.

At the same time, both organizations are extremely pro-Western: with the OSCE everything is quite obvious, and Promo-Lex is financed by USAID, UKAID, Francophonie and several European governments.

The current deputy chairman of the Central Election Commission of Moldova, Pavel Postica , appointed by Sandu herself, was the program director of Promo-Lex.

There is also no point in talking about the objectivity of these organizations, since they recognized the opening of only two polling stations in Russia as legitimate.

Even if these organizations noted more than a hundred violations on the part of the current government, and Sandu immediately went into open conflict, it is obvious that in reality there were many more falsifications.

Moreover, we examined in detail the mechanisms prepared for falsifications that violate international norms.

If Sandu wins, no one will be allowed to observe the next elections, not just organizations from the Russian Federation and the CIS. ... -moldavii/

About the new training on the territory of Latvia
November 3, 2024


In Latvia, a new NATO exercise, Resolute Warrior , began in November , which is the first of its kind. It will last for two weeks and also involves a multinational NATO brigade in Latvia for the first time.

Let us recall that this is the same brigade that was recently formed to replace the battalion tactical groups that had previously operated in the Baltics . It is still in the formation stage, but is already being called upon to carry out tasks.

In total, about 2.2 thousand military personnel and 250 units of military equipment will be involved, and the entire event will take place at the Adazi training ground – essentially a NATO center in Latvia.

During the exercise, NATO units will practice defensive and offensive actions in conditions where a simulated enemy uses strike UAVs and electronic warfare systems. It goes without saying who the enemy is.

Interestingly, from November 4 to 11, Canada will host the Maple Resolve exercise . This is the first of two exercises to assess the capabilities of deploying Canadian troops to Latvian territory.

The Canadians are among those who will send their troops to reinforce the newly created multinational brigade. The Canadians are currently practicing the movement of forces and equipment from one part of the country to another, and will then conduct the Oak Resolve exercise , which will take place in Latvia.

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On the elections in Moldova
November 4, 21:13


On the elections in Moldova.

1. Stoianoglo confidently won the elections in Moldova, Sandu is again in a noticeable minority inside Moldova.
2. Sandu won the "elections" inside the diaspora, in conditions when there were no problems manipulating the results abroad.
3. Moldovans in the Russian Federation were effectively deprived of the right to choose. If they could vote, Stoianoglo would have won abroad as well.
4. In fact, the results of the elections in Moldova are now determined outside Moldova. The same was true for the "referendum on European integration".
5. The West will support Sandu despite any ballot stuffing, violations and falsifications. In fact, it has already supported her. The recent situation with Georgia clearly showed that "democracy" has long been abandoned.
6. The Socialists did not recognize the results of the elections abroad and declared falsifications. They are planning to challenge the election results in court. Their prospects in this matter are dubious, again taking into account the pressure from the West.
7. In fact, a puppet undemocratic regime has been established in Moldova through threats, pressure and falsifications, representing a clear minority of Moldovans.
8. It can be expected that the opposition in Moldova will continue to be jabbed and broken over the knee. Especially Gagauzia, where 97% of the population voted for Stoianoglo.
9. In the future, we can expect further attempts to draw Moldova into NATO's military infrastructure and a possible reactivation of the war in Transnistria.
10. In general, this story clearly shows that from the point of view of those fighting for "democratic elections", any machinations are possible and desirable if they are for the victory of "democracy".

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Kosovo, a time-bomb to extend the European front

Lorenzo Maria Pacini

November 5, 2024

Self-proclaimed Kosovo, created with the help of the weapons of Albanian terrorists, remains one of the most serious problems in the region.

The Balkans remain the ‘powder keg of Europe’: a region that has been kept unstable for more than a century, where ethnic and political conflicts are continually fuelled, under the careful direction of the Western powers, in order to have a ‘time bomb’ always at the ready, to be detonated at the opportune moment.

Considering Kosovo in the European strategic equation

Self-proclaimed Kosovo, created with the help of the weapons of Albanian terrorists and supported by the US and almost all EU countries (with the exception of a few states), remains one of the most serious problems in the region.

Kosovo and Metohija have become key areas for arms and drug trafficking through the Balkans, affecting the entire European continent. Montenegro, separated at the turn of the century from Serbia, is under constant pressure to accentuate its distancing from its ‘sister’ Serbia. The same happens in Macedonia. The anti-Serbian policy, as is well known, is continually nurtured throughout the Balkans, particularly in the ‘Croatian’ part. NATO’s military presence with the KFOR (Kosovo Force) missions and the US base at Bondsteel, illegally on Serbian territory, defines a permanent hotspot of instability, binding together the other NATO centres scattered throughout the Balkan region.

The United States and the European Union are encouraging Serbia to recognise Kosovo, with sometimes unexpected results. On 4 September 2020, the President of Serbia and the ‘prime minister’ of Kosovo signed and sent to Donald Trump a document entitled Washington Accord in which Kosovo and Serbia committed themselves to a kind of upheaval in international relations, in an exquisitely American-centric key.

On the strategic level, the Agreement first of all envisages the accession to the Mini-Schengen announced in October 2019, desired by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to strengthen regional economic cooperation between the Western Balkan states by implementing the ‘four freedoms’ of the EU, i.e. the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour. One of the biggest risks is the implementation of an application for EU membership, causing a degeneration of diplomatic relations and an escalation of military influence (i.e. occupation) on the part of the US.

On the foreign relations front, the document envisaged the opening of the Merdar border (already anticipated since 2011), a series of facilitations in the recognition of documents, professional and academic qualifications and, very important on a historical-cultural level, a sort of joint commission for the recognition of persons missing since the end of the conflict in 1999 (remember that Kosovo has always accused Serbia of delaying and hindering efforts to identify mass graves in Serbia and relocate the remains of victims).

On the economic level, the American presence plays a favourable role: cooperation is promoted with the American International Development Finance Corporation and the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) to finance bilateral infrastructure projects. A curious proposal that goes hand in hand with the request for the intervention of the US Department of Energy to manage hydroelectric power plant projects on border lakes.

Last but not least, the religious issue, which is very sensitive throughout the region: the document states to promote religious freedom and to fulfil court decisions concerning the Serbian Orthodox Church, with the restoration of unclaimed Jewish property related to the Holocaust, but also a series of guarantees for Serbian Christians living in Kosovo and the restitution of some property forcibly confiscated after the war.

After the Washington Accord, US interference in 2023 delivered another blow: a memorandum of understanding between Washington and Belgrade. Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic promoted the visit of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, calling for a partnership between the two countries and in the region, with increased economic and military engagement. The memorandum itself aims at improving the skills of the Serbs and gaining new knowledge within the State Department. It is known that there has been talk of assigning a liaison officer from the Serbian Foreign Ministry to the US State Department. It is likely that there may be a wider engagement of Serbian diplomats to ‘retrain’ them to think according to the American model, and this means a risk for relations between Russia and Serbia, a real ‘inside job’ planned from a distance.

The possible escalation of the conflict

As early as November 2021, the political representatives of Kosovo and Albania confirmed their desire to build ‘Greater Albania’, increasing diplomatic tensions. Shortly afterwards, an incident occurred that briefly hinted at an outbreak of a wider conflict, but actually served as a dress rehearsal for possible later attempts. The event saw a shootout at the border with Hungary between illegal migrants, which ended with 600 arrests, many weapons seized and the indictment of the terrorist organisation known as the ‘Kosovo Liberation Army’. The intervention of the EU postponed the coercive measures. In the summer of 2022, there was again evidence of escalation, with various disturbances on the border with Serbia by the Albanian authorities. Again, 2023 began with new localised conflicts of spite and ad hoc created problems, as in the case of banned car number plates, restrictions on goods transport and subsequent protests by Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. It is indicative that in this case, the KFOR accomplices of the occupiers sided with Belgrade, but without an official request from either the government or the mayors of the cities involved.

On 27 February 2023, a meeting took place in Brussels between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the ‘head of government’ of Kosovo Albin Kurti, organised by the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell and the EU’s special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak. In an atmosphere of positivity – in the American sense – the officials discussed an EU-mediated document, initially supported by France and Germany and later by all member states. The drafted document lists 11 points, and states that neither side will resort to violence to resolve the dispute or attempt to prevent the other from joining international bodies.

Belgrade will refrain from recognising Kosovo as an independent state, but pledges to recognise official documents such as passports, diplomas and number plates and not to block Kosovo’s membership in any international organisation, including the EU. A step, this, that represents a victory for Kosovo and a defeat – at least temporary – for Serbia, because without this international opening, Kosovo can achieve nothing.

Bear in mind that Serbia has pushed for the creation of an association of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo to protect the rights of Serbs, but Kosovo Albanians argue that such a body would give Belgrade enormous influence in their country, so much so that the Kosovo High Court ruled in 2015 that the latest association plan violates the Constitution.

The plan also includes a direct reference to the EU enlargement process, stipulating that neither country should hinder the other in its relations with the EU and accession. Now, the EU being a political prosthesis of the US in Europe, it is clear that joining it automatically means excluding oneself from a whole other wide range of international relations (e.g. with Russia).

At the end of 2023, relations between Serbia and Kosovo seemed to have returned to their original tension: Vucic reiterated on several occasions that Serbia’s interests were protected, but remained in an American orbit. Even during 2024, the choices made were at alternating times in favour of EU policies – as when support was provided to Ukraine – and at other times in favour of Russia and the multipolar transition, as in the case of the application for BRICS membership made in the autumn, shortly before the Kazan summit. It is unclear how Serbia will win if it continues to move further and further away from Russia, which provides it with diplomatic, economic, military-technical and political support.

The West’s plan is, therefore, very clear: to place Serbia in a situation of blackmail or, at any rate, with no other choice, manipulating the direction of the government from within through pro-American and suitably corrupt politicians, even pushing the country to cede all the sovereignty and institutional regularisation it wants to Kosovo. In the event of failure, the military tensions kept under control would escalate again – and anyway there is always the option of a coloured revolution.

The pro-Western polarisation of Serbia’s current leadership is a danger not only for the country and the entire region, but also for Europe’s relations with the East, especially Russia. It is through Serbia that Russia can maintain a balancing presence in the Balkans, prevent destabilisation in a military sense, and control access to the eastern regions. The advantage is certainly mutual, because Russia is the only country with a European presence that has real support for Serbia.

This risk of escalation and this political ambiguity will have to be resolved as soon as possible if Serbia wants to join the new multipolar partnerships, which are perhaps the last chance to emancipate itself from Washington’s orbit and restore its territorial integrity. ... ean-front/
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Fri Nov 08, 2024 3:04 pm

U.S. omnipresent in all major EU defense and strategic projects

Hugo Dionísio

November 6, 2024

Von der Leyen not only guarantees the continuation of the risks she feeds with his extremism. She also guarantees that these risks are the ideal pretext for denying the next European generations a future.

And suddenly, the mainstream media seems to have woken up and finally realized that the European Commission, headed by Ursula von der Leyen, when it refers to the European “values”, is actually talking about the values it benevolently attributes to European billionaire families. The Guardian says that its “investigation” has revealed that 17 billionaires, listed by Forbes, are listed as the final beneficiaries of projects worth 3.3 billion euros.

It’s a mystery why it’s taken so long for The Guardian to see a reality that has been repeated uninterruptedly for dozens of years. A reality that is unfolding at the same time as homelessness, the housing, health and education crisis, war and social instability are on the increase. But even more inexplicable is the confinement of this “investigation” to the agricultural sector and projects linked to the Policy for European Agriculture. After all, while it’s bad, given that small farmers are going through an unprecedented crisis, we’re still talking about money to produce food. However, there are far more damaging and obvious cases to which, as we shall see, The Guardian and the mainstream media turn a blind eye.

In fact, the large corporations that own the mainstream media, social networks and financial resources, financing the electoral campaigns that follow one another within the framework of an absolutely fallacious democratic process, of which the upcoming elections in the U.S. are the latest paradigm, not only manage to get governments, which are always domesticated, to lower their taxes, but they also manage to obtain more tax breaks, tax exemptions and access to public funds for investment. A kind of “socialism of the rich”, in which the state socializes the costs and risks and privatizes the profits.

The European Investment Bank, in its latest “Investment Survey 2004”, shows how an important part of this transfer is taking place. Between the 1st quarter of 2020 and the 1st quarter of 2024, corporate investment only grew positively in one quarter (the 3rd quarter of 2023); in all the other quarters, there was only positive growth in the quarters in which investment by the state and households increased. Despite the hundreds of billions of euros that the EU allocates to private company projects, in the 1st quarter of 2024, corporate investment evolved negatively. In other words, the money we “invest” in these privileged beings is not leveraging investment, but rather accumulation.

And if you look at the accumulation side, you’ll find many of the answers, namely the way in which a foreign country sucks up many of the resources we produce. The war in Ukraine plays an absolutely fundamental role here, as a catalyst for the growth of public investment and the transfer of income to large corporations and, through them, to the richest families. That’s why the Western oligarchic elites feel a brutal desperation in the need to maintain the conflict in Ukraine. Even the U.S., as we see, will take their share, even in the case of the investment is supported by the EU.

Take, for example, the European Defense Fund, which is an invaluable source of money for the biggest corporations and multi-billionaires in the West. Take the case of Germany’s RHEINMETALL WAFFE MUNITION GMBH, which grew and grew fat during the Second World War at the expense of the destruction of Europe and the world, and is preparing to do the same again in the 21st century. But this time, it’s sharing the cake with the usual suspects.

RHEINMETALL WAFFE MUNITION GMBH is the coordinator and beneficiary of 6 major “investment” programs in installed military capacity (gunpowder, propellants, 155mm ammunition, camouflage, armored transport, infrastructure protection). In the project to increase production of 155mm cartridges alone, this company is guaranteeing €20,560,755.45). In other words, we Europeans pay for the machines and they get the profits from selling the ammunition. In the end, more Russians and Ukrainians die and we all become poorer and risk third world war.

A simple glance at RHEINMETALL’s capital structure reveals that Blackrock, UBS, Fidelity and Goldman Sachs all eat the cake, guaranteeing the political and financial conditions for leveraging profits and concentrating wealth. The conclusion can only be one: they are everywhere and the whole economy flows like a big siphon into the pockets of a handful of privileged people, for whom we all have to suffer.

Another of the great diners at this huge banquet of EU funds for companies is Germany’s OHB SYSTEM AG, which received €90,000,000.00 to build a missile attack warning system from space. If we can see why the never-confirmed warning was issued that Russia was developing missile systems in space, the truth is that the message was received by the right people and, not long afterwards, Ursula von der Leyen’s European Commission was doing what was expected of it, approving whatever needed to be approved.

One look at the shareholder structure of OHB, a multibillion-dollar aerospace company, and you can see why it’s so easy to hand over your money. For The Guardian, which was so concerned about funding for agriculture, it’s hard to understand how it missed this: 65.4% of OHB belongs to the Fuchs family, one of the richest families in Germany and the world. Once again, like a mafia organization, the usual friends get their share, through a fund based in Luxembourg (Orchid Lux HoldCo S.a. r.l.), but which turns out to be a front for North American interests, but with a contact address in New York.

As for Italy, Von Der Leyen’s commission has funded a project linked to “propulsion systems for the air domain”, awarding €56,202,596.26 to GE AVIO SRL, a private company, known as AVIO AERO, linked to the aerospace sector, but part of the General Electric Company group, in its aerospace division.

Even the mostly state-owned AIRBU.S. DEFENCE AND SPACE SAS is no exception. Another regular recipient of EU funds for war and research, it is developing 134 projects that speak for themselves, funded by billions of euros through EU investment. From research to digital, defense, atomic energy and space, the taxes of European workers are the main feeders of this corporate giant. A look at the EU Funding & Tenders portal is enough to disillusion many of the believers in the capacity for innovation of large Western corporations. Thank goodness it’s public and its profits are less tax than we pay. But, there’s always a “but”.

AIRBU.S., the public part of which is still considerable, nevertheless has private investors such as Vanguard, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, UBS and a variety of trusts owned by American companies and others. In other words, AIRBU.S. remains public, by allowing the oligarchy, especially the U.S. oligarchy, to suck up the profits.

I know that these are investments to be made in the European area, creating jobs and skills for European workers. However, I can’t help but identify a set of standard circumstances that make the whole thing extremely suspicious.

Without doing an exhaustive search, in all the major projects I consulted, I found U.S. capital involved in some way, which begs the question: why do major European public investments always involve U.S. capital in some way, directly or indirectly?

Another question that arises as a result of this is the following: to what extent do the risks identified by the U.S. (the risk of a “Russian invasion”; the risk of an “attack in outer space by Russia”; the risk related to trade relations with the People’s Republic of China) influence: firstly, the creation of public investment needs and the creation of business structures to respond; secondly, the susceptibility of the European Commission to approve these projects.

Finally, if the answer to the presence of U.S. capital throughout the European Union’s defense industry – and strategic industry – is that the market is free and, as such, Wall Street capital has the right to enter the capital structures of European corporations, then, where is the independence and autonomy that Mario Draghi and Ursula von der Leyen advocated for Europe?

We can’t help but think that it will be very difficult for the European Union – and its member states – to achieve such strategic independence and autonomy, with its military-industrial complex and strategic industrial complex so supported or influenced by foreign capital.

What’s more, in a pure “deRisking” logic, so often used as a pretext for decoupling from the Chinese economy, von der Leyen’s EU doesn’t see any risk in the corporate characteristics of the European industrial complex, especially those that have to do with strategic aspects of defense, surveillance and response capacity.

In addition to the mafia-like smell that such influence brings with it, indicating the existence of a logic that points to the development of certain ventures in Europe only because the U.S. eats part of it, or indicating that the political benevolence of European funding is very much linked to this double characteristic, the presence of American capital and projects that respond to risks identified by the White House, this reality also demonstrates the lack of any trace of seriousness in the current power structure in the EU.

So, in the midst of so much risk, does the EU not see any risk for European companies in the use by the U.S. of laws such as the “Trade with the enemy act”, “Chps Act” or “Patriot Act”? Wouldn’t the case of ASML, a manufacturer of EUV and DUV semiconductor printers, which was prevented from selling a large part of its production to China, by order of the U.S., suffice? Therefore, creating serious problems for the Dutch economy? All because they have capital and industrial property relations with ASML, a company that is what it is today, essentially on the back of EU funds?

And that’s how you catch lies and fallacies. So, in this case, is there no longer a risk of dependence and strategic submission to foreign interests? In this case, does Ursula von Der Leyen already think that dependence is okay? Is that so, or is it because the responses that Ursula von Der Leyen is creating in Europe are aimed, not at responding to the needs of the European peoples, but to the needs of the U.S., in a total, dependent, strategic and criminal alignment with the policies of the White House?

Today, von der Leyen not only guarantees the continuation of the risks she feeds with his extremism. She also guarantees that these risks are the ideal pretext for denying the next European generations a future. Why hasn’t the mainstream press seen any of this?

Look at their capital structure, and then we’ll talk. Like any gangster, if you don’t pay well, someone will make you pay badly. Von der Leyen is here to guarantee it. ... -projects/


Moldova’s Pro-Western President Was Predictably Re-Elected Due To The Diaspora

Andrew Korybko
Nov 07, 2024


Moldova’s future is expected to be a very dark one whose trajectory is already set and might be impossible to offset.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu was re-elected on Sunday after winning 55.35% of the vote, though the opposition refused to recognize the results since their candidate Alexandr Stoianoglo reportedly received 51% of the votes cast at home before the diaspora’s piled in around midnight. He only obtained 25.98% of the vote during the first round late last month compared to Sandu’s 42.45%, but other parties’ voters seemingly rallied behind him during the run-off, only to be dealt a defeat by the diaspora.

This outcome was predictable since that electorate’s European members tend to be mostly pro-Western and accordingly had the full support of the state behind them, while their more balanced counterparts in Russia where half a million live only had two polling stations opened with just 10,000 printed ballots. This was the same state of affairs that plagued the first round, which also coincided with a referendum on EU membership that passed by just 12,000 votes or a 0.78% margin as explained here at the time.

Moldova’s consequently deepening socio-political divisions, which now go far beyond its unresolved conflict with the separatist region of Transnistria that hosts approximately 1,500 Russian peacekeepers, could dangerously lead to this country following neighboring Ukraine’s path. What took place during the recent referendum and the second presidential round was a constitutional coup whereby the ruling liberal-globalists defrauded voters in order to falsely legitimize their radical pro-Western policies.

For all intents and purposes, Moldova is already a de facto NATO member whose ties with the bloc might even be formalized through a forthcoming referendum for removing the country’s constitutional neutrality clause, all in the name of “teaching Russia a lesson”. About that, both votes were plagued by unsubstantiated claims of Russian meddling, which led to the West misportraying their outcomes as “victories over Russia” in order to boost morale amidst Russia’s on-the-ground gains in Ukraine.

Considering these ignoble achievements, it therefore wouldn’t be surprising if they replicate their fraud scheme for a third time in order to bring Moldova into NATO, which could be spun as yet another “defeat for Russia” after Finland and Sweden recently formalized their decades-long relationships with the bloc. As with Moldova, they were already de facto members, but officially joining NATO was meant to inflict a psychological and political blow to Russia. The same can be said about Moldova’s motives for joining too.

The risk though is that any such move could provoke the opposition into resorting to “extreme protests” out of desperation to preserve their country’s increasingly nominal independence. Seizing government buildings and carrying out acts of violence can’t be ruled out, but in that scenario, their speculative attempts to orchestrate a “multipolar Maidan” would be framed as “Russian meddling”. A hardcore crackdown could follow, and Romanian troops might be requested to assist if it spirals out of control.

The abovementioned forecast isn’t being shared to demoralize the opposition, but simply to raise awareness of how much the odds are stacked against them. The ruling liberal-globalists have a monopoly on the use of force and enjoy the West’s support. They could therefore use lethal force against riotous demonstrators without any fear of Western condemnation or sanctions. Moldova’s future is thus expected to be a very dark one whose trajectory is already set and might be impossible to offset. ... sident-was

Poland’s Deputy Prime Minister Accused Zelensky Of Wanting To Provoke A Polish-Russian War

Andrew Korybko
Nov 08, 2024


They no longer see each other as allies or even close partners but as fiercely feuding spouses trapped in a marriage of convenience (in this case against Russia) from which neither feels comfortable extricating themselves for now at least.

Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski from the Left (“Lewica”) wing of the ruling coalition went off on Zelensky during an interview with Radio Zet. According to their transcript, he said that “Zelensky wants Poland to shoot missiles over Ukraine, which means he wants Poland to enter the war, which means he wants Poland to be at war with Russia. In these statements, Zelensky wants to drag Poland into the war with Russia. I do not agree to such statements.” This is the result of newly boiling tensions.

Everything was fine in their relations when they clinched a security pact over the summer, but Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz’s admission in late August that Poland had finally maxed out its military support for Ukraine led to a heated argument between Zelensky and Sikorski in mid-September. Kiev didn’t believe that Warsaw had really maxed out but suspected it of withholding more aid as a means of coercing compliance with its renascent demands for resolving the Volhynia Genocide dispute.

Zelensky went public last week with his criticism of Poland for curtailing weapons deliveries in recent months, which Sikorski responded to by proposing a military loan for ordering new equipment that could be paid back sometime after the conflict ends. That top diplomat also reaffirmed his support for intercepting Russian missiles over Ukraine after the Helsinki Commission urged the Biden Administration to approve this, but the preceding hyperlinked analysis argues that he had cynical motives for this.

In brief, he always clarified that Poland won’t do so unilaterally but only with the support of NATO, which hasn’t yet been obtained and might never be due to it greatly risking a hot war with Russia. The latest Polish policies towards Ukraine – reviving its Volhynia Genocide dispute demands and only sending more equipment to Ukraine on credit instead of continuing to give it away for free – harmed their ties so fantasizing about intercepting Russian missiles might just be a cost-free distraction from this reality.

Sikorski might also run as the ruling coalition’s candidate in next year’s presidential election so he’d need to balance between warmongering members of the electorate via such rhetoric while appealing to rising anti-Ukrainian sentiment among society. This self-interested balancing act accounts for these seemingly contradictory policies while also explaining why coalition ally Gawkowski only condemned Zelensky for provoking a Polish-Russian war and not Sikorski even though the latter also flirted with this.

Having clarified the context for those observers who haven’t closely followed Polish-Ukrainian ties in recent months, it’s now time to say a few words about what might come next. Gawkowski is one of only two Deputy Prime Ministers, the other being Kosiniak-Kamysz, so it’s no small matter that he came out so forcefully against Zelensky’s reckless demands. He also condemned his ungratefulness for all the aid that Poland has provided Ukraine and its refugees thus far. Both sets of views reflect public opinion.

While his coalition’s base has some loud warmongers among it, most Poles don’t want to go to war with Russia, and they’re also disgusted with how rude Ukrainian officials have become in recent months. Their growing fatigue with Ukrainian refugees and this proxy war is leading to them having less patience for such antics. They also see through Zelensky’s efforts to provoke a Polish-Russian war and want nothing to do with it. Gawkowski is therefore giving voice to what most of his compatriots feel right now.

Sikorski would do well to drop his prior support for this scenario no matter how politically self-interested and insincere such rhetoric might have hitherto been if he wants to run for president next year. Poles are getting fed up with Ukraine after feeling taken advantage of by their neighbors who they helped and even in some cases literally opened their homes for out of solidarity with them. They’re thus unlikely to support his candidacy if he continues warmongering against Russia no matter what his true motives are.

As for the future of Polish-Ukrainian relations, more political turmoil is expected as Zelensky becomes increasingly desperate for someone to save him as Russia continues its spree of on-the-ground gains. His pleas for help are becoming more menacing after he’s begun to rudely lash out against it for not doing enough for Ukraine. This might very soon transform into him pinning some of the blame for its inevitable defeat on Poland and possibly flirting with the informal revival of territorial claims against it.

Bilateral ties haven’ yet collapsed and both sides might still restrain themselves in order to avert that worst-case scenario, but there’s no longer any doubt that whatever mutual trust they previously had (regardless of however real it ultimately was all along) is gone. They no longer see each other as allies or even close partners but as fiercely feuding spouses trapped in a marriage of convenience (in this case against Russia) from which neither feels comfortable extricating themselves for now at least.

Poland’s exclusion from the Ukrainian endgame when it wasn’t given a seat at the table during last month’s Berlin Summit between the American, British, French, and German leaders hit the country hard. Everything that it gave Ukraine for free thus far, and outgoing President Andrzej Duda from the fractured and very imperfect conservative-nationalist opposition claimed that it amounts to 3.3% of his country’s GDP, was thus all for naught after Warsaw wasn’t even humored with a symbolic role in this process.

The resultant resentment might remain manageable when it comes to the West and Germany in particular exploiting Poland to advance their grand strategic goals, but it’s much less tolerable when it comes to Ukraine, which Poland considers be its junior partner. It’s all the more unacceptable that this same perceived junior partner is now trying to provoke a Polish-Russian war, and Gawkowski’s condemnation of Zelensky for attempting to do so will widely reverberate due to his political role.

It's one thing for a member of the opposition to allege this and another entirely for the ruling coalition’s Deputy Prime Minister to say the same. He therefore can’t be accused of speculative partisan motivations in an attempt to discredit him. Foreign media might downplay or even ignore what he said, but Poles heard him loud and clear, and they now know that some of the ruling authorities are finally listening to them. It’s about time that Sikorski does too and officially drops his support for this scheme. ... er-accused
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 12, 2024 3:11 pm

A Polish Journalist Sensationally Claimed That His Country Initially Wanted Ukraine To Lose

Andrew Korybko
Nov 12, 2024


Poland is in the throes of its own Russiagate scandal, and just like its inspiration across the Atlantic in America, this one is also nothing but a politicized witch hunt.

Polish journalist Grzegorz Rzeczkowski caused a firestorm after sensationally claiming during an interview with publicly financed TVP that his country initially wanted Ukraine to lose to Russia. He was promoting his book “Putin's Spies: How The Kremlin's People Are Taking Over Poland” so it was predictable that he might speculate something of the sort. He’s being hypocritical though since he previously criticized the former conservative-nationalist government for their political Russophobia.

He wasn’t wrong at the time either since former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki boasted in March 2022 that Poland had set the global standard for Russophobia, which preceded him describing the Russian World as a “cancer” two months later that May. Morawiecki also presided over Poland increasing the US’ military presence on its territory, “de-Russifying” the energy sector, and turning Poland into NATO’s top logistics base for arming Ukraine.

In fact, outgoing President Andrzej Duda’s office coincidentally published a detailed report right around the time of Rzeczkowski’s sensational claim proving that Poland expended a whopping 4.91% of its GDP on arming Ukraine and providing for its refugees, the latter of which comprised the bulk of its expenses. Nevertheless, his office’s report also showed that Poland gave Ukraine more heavy weapons than any other country, with 350 of its 800 tanks coming from there.

So proud is Duda of this fact that he made sure to include his famous quote from August 2022 right at the beginning. He said that “At the beginning of the war, when it was really very difficult to get help for Ukraine, when everyone was afraid and reluctant, the Germans gave helmets, we gave tanks.” It’s therefore no exaggeration to say that one of the reasons why Ukraine didn’t give up during the first overwhelming phase of Russia’s special operation is because Poland swiftly intervened to support it.

For that reason, “Poland Was Just As Much To Blame As Britain For Sabotaging Spring 2022’s Peace Talks”, particularly because NATO wouldn’t have been able to continue arming Ukraine if Poland refused to function as its top logistics base for indefinitely perpetuating the conflict like the neocons wanted. Accordingly, Rzeczkowski couldn’t be more wrong in claiming that his country initially wanted Ukraine to lose, but his lie served a hyper-partisan agenda and that’s likely why he spewed it on public television.

To explain, the ruling liberal-globalist coalition revived its predecessor’s “Russian influence commission” earlier this year that it previously criticized when it was out of power, which it did for the same purpose of smearing their opponents. They want their candidate, which will either be Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski or Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski as decided upon by this month’s primary, to replace Duda instead of one of his fellow conservative-nationalists.

Sikorski earlier went as far as justifying this commission on the false pretext that any politician or activist who supports traditional values, is against illegal immigration, and questions any aspect of the Ukrainian Conflict might be operating under the Kremlin’s influence. With this in mind, Rzeczkowski’s lie about the former conservative-nationalist government initially wanting Ukraine to lose was likely meant to fuel this witch hunt, with the ultimate intent being to influence the presidential election.

What’s most ironic about his lie and Sikorski’s ridiculous claim is that it’s the latter’s own liberal-globalist coalition that’s curtailing aid to Ukraine precisely at the moment when it’s most needed in order to prevent a Russian military breakthrough before Trump is reinaugurated and tries freezing the conflict. Just like Rzeczkowski wasn’t wrong when he pointed out the prior government’s political Russophobia, however, neither is the current government wrong in refusing to continue arming Ukraine for free.

Poland received absolutely nothing in exchange at the expense of depleting its entire stockpile, only to then be excluded from the Ukrainian endgame after President Duda wasn’t invited to last month’s Berlin Summit where the future of this conflict was discussed. Moreover, Ukraine insolently refuses to exhume and properly bury the Volhynia Genocide victims’ remains despite doing so for the Wehrmacht long ago, hence why Poland finally decided to finally offer it a loan for more military equipment instead.

Rzeczkowski wouldn’t dare accuse the ruling liberal-globalist coalition of wanting Ukraine to lose nor would Sikorski investigate himself and Prime Minister Donald Tusk, which shows how absurd their associated statements about the former conservative-nationalist government are. The takeaway for casual observers is that Poland is in the throes of its own Russiagate scandal, and just like its inspiration across the Atlantic in America, this one is also nothing but a politicized witch hunt. ... sationally


Audi to lay off thousands of workers as sales plummet
November 9, 23:08


Audi to lay off thousands of workers as sales plummet

The company is taking emergency measures ( ... 024-11-07/ ) to reduce costs. Audi will get rid of 15% of its staff, which is about 4.5 thousand workers.

The decline in profits is to blame: if in the third quarter of last year the company earned 1.2 billion euros, then this year it is only 106 million - a collapse of 91%.

NgP raZVedka ( )

It was previously reported that after the closure of Volkswagen plants, it will not be long before layoffs at Audi.
Also yesterday it was reported about the closure of three Michelin plants for the production of car tires in Europe.

Sanctions are working! To collapse the European industry, which until relatively recently showed itself well, you have to be able to do it. They know how to do it in Washington. Not without the help of their European puppets, of course.

Google Translator


Germany, Trump, and Walking the Trans-Atlantic Plank
Posted on November 10, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

The fallout from Project Ukraine is familiar to the average German. It’s now reaching the country’s political class where the disgraced ruling coalition heads for the exits after wrecking the country with their blind support for “trans-atlanticism” at the expense of most Germans.

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Don’t shed a tear for them as they’ll likely be rewarded handsomely for a job well done.

They got the ball rolling with the energy/economic crisis, which now looks likely to usher in forces seeking to further empower the financial sector in Germany at the expense of the working class.

One Government, Two Economies

The so-called traffic light coalition of the Social Democrats (red), Free Democratic Party (yellow, and the Greens was always an odd grouping.

United by their tickets on the Biden Administration-driven Project Ukraine bus, party pretenses like fiscal conservatism and minimal protections for the working class were tossed out the window on the road to Moscow. But the bus is now in a ditch, the Americans are halfway down the road and the Germans are stuck.

As it became impossible to ignore the folly of the grand plan to use Ukraine to collapse Russia, the coalition began to unravel and fight among themselves after the German constitutional court slapped down an attempt to get around the country’s so-called debt brake in order to throw more money down the Ukraine pit.

The government has been struggling for months to finalize a budget, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz finally threw in the towel when he fired Finance Minister Chrisitan Lindner over his renewed commitment to fiscal prudence after two years of lavishing gifts on Ukraine.

Lindner’s FDP has taken on so much water that it’s currently sits below the five percent threshold to be included in the next Bundestag.

The Greens, which are the most slavishly Atlanticist of the bunch, will likely pay the lowest electoral price. They might not have gotten their hands on all of Russia’s strategic minerals for the clean energy future, but Germany is on its way to becoming an agrarian society that uses less fossil fuels.

Scholz, who has seen his party embarrassed in the recent European elections and a few German state votes, is hoping to hold a no-confidence vote on January 15 and then new elections in March with the hope that he could get a provisional budget through with some popular items that could attract voters back to his party. The outcry from the opposition and wider public over waiting until late Spring 2025 for a new government to be installed is now forcing Scholz to consider moving up his dates.

A final brief obituary note on the worst post-WWII German government: It’s commonly assumed that the country’s vassalage explains its recent ineptness. While there’s certainly some truth to that, Berlin’s decision to go all in on the harebrained resource-grab plan makes a little more sense when looking under the hood.

Germany’s economy had been sputtering for some time. There’s only so long you can rely on wage suppression and low investment. Grabbing Russian (and Ukrainian) resources could have had an immense payoff even if the Americans took the lion’s share, and there are two key points about the risk-reward calculation of the German elite:

First, despite the crisis for the industrial economy of the past few years, the wealthiest Germans, the asset-owning class, is doing quite well. Unsurprisingly wealthier Germans were always the biggest backers of Project Ukraine because they did not face the consequences and this is reflected in the country’s politics and media.

Second, crisis creates opportunity. As Michael Hudson summarized back in 2022:

The economy is to be Thatcherized – all by riding the crest of the American anti-Russian sanctions and claiming that this creates a crisis requiring dismantling of public infrastructure and its privatization and financialization.

He was right, and that trend looks set to accelerate.

The Trump ‘Crisis’

Let’s first step back and take in the wreckage.

I’ve been pounding this drum for a while here at NC, but going hand in hand with war against Russia is a war at home on the German working class.

The German social partnership model — which rests on the lie that the interests of capital and labor can peacefully coexist — is getting the final nail in the coffin after years of feckless leadership whose main goal was putting a happy face on wage and benefit cuts. (This is probably long overdue and possibly one positive outcome of the events of the last few years.)

Meanwhile, the energy outlook remains dire.


The industrial economy is dying.


A mixture of public housing being sold off to investors, less building, millions of immigrants, and rent freeze loopholes has the country in a severe housing crisis.

Real wages are well below what they were in 2020 despite ticking upwards recently.

German companies are increasingly outsourcing industrial production as a fix to Berlin’s self-imposed decline in competitiveness

Subservience to the US has been cemented in Berlin, as well as Brussels.

Germany and the EU are supposedly facing a myriad of crises. A closer look reveals them all to be self-inflicted or imaginary, however. Ukraine/Russia, economic/competitiveness (which is aided by austerity), and now comes Trump, which I fail to see as anything new for Berlin. Here was the German leadership class a few weeks ago throwing a party for Biden despite his role in bringing the country to its knees:

US President Joe Biden has been awarded Germany's highest honor, the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit at a ceremony in Berlin, on his farewell trip to Europe.

And they’re now up in arms about Trump potentially shoving the knife in a little deeper?

Aside from upstarts like the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party on the right and the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) on the left, these “crises” do not lead to a call to rethink policy towards Russia or China, with which the EU is pursuing a trade war while being wholly unprepared as many products they rely on from China like certain drugs, chemicals and materials have no substitutes.

Nor do they bring questioning of the sanctity of the transatlantic relationship despite the “de-risking” strategy with China and Russia making Europe more reliant on Washington:


In other words Germany has effectively boxed itself in so that must be prepared to do whatever it takes to avoid those tariffs Trump is proposing on German exports. How about all the endless talk about Europe (primarily Germany) shouldering more of the heavy load of the “rules-based international order”?

Lo and behold, we have the plutocrat-funded think tanks ready with a solution to this crisis of Trump:

Henning Hoff [from the German Council on Foreign Relations] believes that it is now important for the German government to “make up for its failures.” “A much stronger signal is needed to show that the Europeans, especially the Germans, are truly prepared to shoulder a greater burden of their defense. If we continue to fumble along and argue — we have the dedicated funds (for the Bundeswehr), so the defense budget need only increase minimally — then we won’t be able to impress anyone in Washington, not now and certainly not under Trump.”

What does that mean in practice? Unfortunately for Germany and the EU, that will almost certainly include pressure from the US to prop up whatever is left of Ukraine and probably making sure its bondholders are made whole.

While all the reports coming out about Trump’s plans should be taken with a grain of salt due to those wily neocons and their allies in the media potentially trying to box him in, the Wall Street Journal recently reported that Trump’s plan to “freeze” the war includes European and British troops enforcing a buffer zone between the two sides.

“We are not sending American men and women to uphold peace in Ukraine. And we are not paying for it. Get the Poles, Germans, British and French to do it,” one Trump staffer reportedly said.

Either way, the EU is also to continue to serve as a waiting house for NATO so it must find spare change to bring Armenia, Moldova, Georgia, and who knows, Kazakhstan(?) on board as well. How to pay for all the color revolution efforts, bribes, military hardware, state aid, and everything else required by the EU’s now-openly subservient role to US imperial ambitions? The think tanks and hacks like French President Emmanuel Macron, European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, and economist for hire and sometimes unelected prime minister Mario Draghi say it’s common EU debt. (In theory, there could be benefits to common debt, especially for countries like Italy which face higher borrowing costs, but going down that road to pay for the US empire ain’t it.)

Berlin has long been opposed, but now here comes the big bad orange man saying what many of the European elite have been saying — yet failing to act on. Europe must get serious about defense or at least pony up to keep the Americans on board.

Who’s riding in to save the day for Germany? None other than [checks notes] former BlackRock board member Friedrich Merz.

That’s the same BlackRock all tied up into Project Ukraine. It took $17 billion in losses on Russia exposure after the war began and has been at Zelensky’s side ever since.

Step on up Herr Merz!

Merz is the odds-on favorite to lead the country as his increasingly rightwing Christian Democratic Union has a comfortable lead in the polls.


Aside from being a diehard neoliberal, Merz is also a trusted Atlanticist.

Merz tries to appear tougher on Russia than the Scholz coalition. He’s now talking up how he will give Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

That appears increasingly unlikely and wouldn’t make a difference anyways aside from potentially bringing Germany into the line of fire. It does signal he has no intention to pursue a thaw in the New Cold War or autonomy from the US, however.

Merz is a supporter of the planned stationing of US medium range missiles in Germany, which will provide another impediment to repairing ties with Russia.

Here’s Merz is in a conversation at Atlantic-Brucke, which succinctly sums up how a Merz government would value the transatlantic relationship and deal with Trump’s likely demands:

We are in the midst of a cultural fight about the future of our liberal order. He concludes that it is really uncertain whether we will win. But there is something that makes me optimistic: when I travel to the United States, my experience is that in these complicated times, more Americans than ever before are willing to defend what we achieved over the last seven decades. Let’s preserve our freedom and our liberty…

When Jean-Claude Juncker travelled to Washington, D.C. in July of 2018 and had a debate with President Trump in the Oval Office, he gave a very clear statement about trade. He could only convince the President not to implement more tariffs on European goods because he had a letter signed by 28 European heads of state backing his point. Europe has to be clearer and we have to be united. That brings me to another point: The Germans have to take on more leadership within the European Union.

What could that look like for Germans?

Merz wants to cut social spending, yet reform the debt brake to allow for more spending at the same time. That should tell us all we need to know.

As for common EU debt, Merz has been very careful with his words. In September, Draghi unveiled his much-discussed report calling for massive amounts of spending in order for things like AI investment, other “disruptive” tech, and of course, to paper over the bloc’s ongoing energy crisis. Here was Merz on that report:

“I want to say this very clearly, now and in the future, I will do everything I can to prevent this European Union from spiraling into debt.”

Maybe I’m parsing his words too carefully, but it’d be easy to make the argument, as Draghi does, that the investments would help pay for themselves. And as the German economy continues to tank, it could be easier to argue that a Draghi-style plan is the answer.

While Merz and the CDU look like the safe bet to lead the next German government, the biggest question is who will be their coalition partner(s). If the transatlantic asset-owning class faces any potential hurdles, it’s to be found in the AfD and BSW, but will Merz be able to keep them out of any coalition?

As of now, polling indicates there would be only five parties in the Bundestag, and the CDU would be forced to side with its fellow Atlanticists, the SPD and the hated Greens, or forget the firewall against the AfD.

The least likely is that Sahra Wagenknecht’s party would be included in any coalition due to her party’s opposition to the ongoing economic war against Russia and strong focus on working class issues.

While the AfD and CDU increasingly see eye to eye on the issues like immigration that get the former labeled the second coming of the Nazis by media in and out of Germany, the problem is that the AfD is opposed to Atlanticism. It should be noted however that the AfD firewall in the European Parliament recently broke down. Here’s Politico:

The latest example of the EPP’s flirtation with the far right, according to my colleagues Gregorio Sorgi and Max Griera, came at a vote on the EU’s 2025 budget Wednesday. The EPP, including Weber himself, tore up a deal it had made with its traditional centrist allies and backed extreme-right amendments, proposed by the Alternative for Germany (AfD), calling for EU money to be spent on border infrastructure and so-called return hubs for deporting migrants. The AfD celebrated “demolishing” Parliament’s anti-far-right firewall.


At first glance Biden’s visit to Germany a few weeks ago to be bestowed with honors seemed to be another in a long line of gleeful celebrations of failure from our rules-based order.

Take another glance and one can come to a different conclusion. Despite the economic wreckage across Germany and a body count in the millions across Ukraine and Middle East, these leaders from the Western ancien regime were truly there to toast their successes.

All the blueprints provided by the plutocrat-funded think tanks on both sides of the Atlantic are coming to pass. A more financialized Germany will shoulder a heavier load of the empire. Short term thinking? Sure, but for now the country is successfully walled off from the East and prepped to be set upon by the vultures in the West. ... plank.html

Another Central Bank in Europe Warns Citizens to Have Cash “Under the Mattress” Amid Rising Payments System Fragility
Posted on November 12, 2024 by Nick Corbishley

“You have to take into account that you may not be able to pay by debit card for a longer period of time,” notes the Dutch National Bank. “Then you have to have cash under the mattress, or be able to pay with QR codes.”

In October, 2022, Päivi Heikkinen, the Head of the Payment Systems Department and Chief Cashier at the Bank of Finland, warned that Finland’s payments system could go down for weeks, and urged households to keep enough cash to last them for up to 72 hours in case of payment system disruptions. The irony, as we pointed out at the time, is that Finland, like its Scandinavian peers, is among the world’s most cashless economies, and its central bank, like its counterparts in Norway and Sweden, played more than a bit-part role in making that possible:

According to the Bank of Finland, [Finland] is on track to become completely cashless by 2030. A survey conducted last year by the central bank found that only 7% of people use cash when making purchases. Ninety percent of the survey’s respondents said they pay for their groceries with a card or mobile payment app.

However, Heikkinen says that now is not a good time to give up cash completely, given the rising risk of attacks against Finnish infrastructure, including its payments system:

“More payment methods bring resilience. If a single payment method sometimes does not work, then we have other payment methods at our disposal. Cash still plays a very important role here.”

It seems that more and more central banks in Europe are rediscovering one of the beauties of cash: its resilience. It won’t fail in a power cut or seize up during a cyber attack (although, of course, ATMs might). As Brett Scott, author of Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto and the War for our Wallets, notes , any society that runs purely on digital platforms operated by large financial institutions “is going to have major resiliency problems.”

Role of Ukraine Conflict

To reinforce Finland’s payments system, the Bank of Finland has recommended that the use of cash payments be guaranteed by law. In March 2022, the bank initiated a proposal for legislation to ensure a minimal level of cash-paid services.

But it’s not only the central bank that appears to be re-evaluating its approach toward cash: so, too, is the general public, with 95% of citizens considering it crucial for cash to continue serving as a valid payment method alongside digital alternatives, according to a 2023 survey by IRO Research for Nosto ATMs. The war in Ukraine and Finland’s recent membership of NATO appear to have played a role in this shift. According to the survey, the conflict in Ukraine and concerns about supply security have affected the attitude of nearly one-third (28%) of Finns towards cash.

“Cash usage, especially in the context of supply security, is fundamentally tied to social responsibility,” said Risto Lepo, Country Manager of Nosto ATMs. “Not every Finn has access to bank cards or digital services. Historically, societal upheavals often lead to an increased reliance on cash. The conflict in Ukraine underscored the importance of supply security, prompting Finns to consider multiple payment methods as a prudent approach.”

A similar phenomenon has occurred in Sweden and Norway. As we reported in mid-October, the government and central bank of Norway, one of Europe’s most cashless economies, are now seeking to slow or even reverse the mass abandonment of cash. Only 3% of Norwegians used cash in their latest purchase in a physical shop, according to a recent central bank survey. In a bid to change that, a new amendment to Norway’s Financial Contracts Act came into force on October 1 that bolsters citizens’ rights to pay with cash in retail settings.

Earlier this year, the world’s oldest bank, Sweden’s Riksbank, cautioned about the unintended consequences of rapidly driving cash out of the economy. In its 2024 payments report, it warned of “serious fraud problems that could undermine trust in the payment system.” Digitalisation, it said, also makes payments “more vulnerable to cyber attacks and disruptions to the power grid and data communication,” adding that these developments suggest “we should concentrate more than before on the challenges of digitalization.”*

Since then, The Daily Telegraph has reported that criminals in Sweden are “having a field day” after the country’s mass abandonment of cash. Around the same time, Fortune magazine ran an article titled “Going Cashless Has Turned Sweden from One of the Safest Countries into a High-Crime Nation.”

The country’s central bank now wants to reverse course, and has called on the government to adopt urgent measures to strengthen cash’s role as a means of payment. Late last year, the central bank echoed a point we have been making for a number of years: “it is not enough to simply take measures to strengthen the availability of cash through withdrawal requirements and new depots, it must also be usable.”

“Cash Under the Mattress”

The latest European central bank to sound the alarm is the Dutch National Bank (DNB), which in late October highlighted the rising threat posed to the financial system by artificial intelligence, surging cybercrime and system outages. Cyberattacks against the financial sector account for roughly one-quarter of all attacks and can, in extreme cases, “make financial services temporarily unavailable” across the country’s entire financial system, the central bank wrote in its financial stability report.

In the Netherlands, like everywhere in Europe and most parts of the world, cash use has fallen sharply over the past decade.* Between 2019 and 2022, it was the second country in the Euro Zone where access to cash worsened the most. From Cash Essentials:

Per the European Central Bank’s (ECB) 2022 SPACE study, the Netherlands is the penultimate euro-area country by volume of cash payments after Finland. Cash has the lowest share of person-to-person payments in the euro area. Dutch consumers had the lowest cash holdings, with €46.

Cash services and infrastructure have shrunk, particularly after the three major banks (ABN AMRO, ING, and Rabobank) merged their ATMs into the Geldmaat joint venture in 2019. ATMs for withdrawing cash declined 29.1%, from 7,226 in 2018 to 5,122 in 2023; recirculating ATMs combining withdrawal and deposit functions shrank 34.2%, from 2,960 in 2018 to 1,948 in 2023 (CPA Memorandum 2024:

While Dutch cash use has declined in the aggregate, 1.3-1.5 million Dutch people depend on cash in their daily transactions, according to a rough 2020 estimate by McKinsey (CPA Policy Compass 2024: 1c). In 2022, 13% of Dutch consumers reported cash was their preferred payment instrument; a plurality (46%) consider having the option to pay with cash very or fairly important.

The Netherlands has already suffered two large payment outages in the past 15 months, not to mention the fallout from the global Crowdstrike meltdown. In August 2023, a nationwide outage made it prevented stores from being able to process many debit card payments. Problems with ATMs were also reported. Then, on May 16 and 18 of this year, another outage struck retail payment systems, with more than a third of PIN-based payments affected. This time, ATMs were unaffected, providing a vital lifeline for citizens and businesses.

However, DNB’s monetary affairs chief Olaf Sleijpen recently told the Dutch financial newspaper Financieele Dagblad that people should not assume that payments system will always work:

This could happen, for example, if the services of a number of large financial institutions were to go down at the same time, if several banks were to suffer financial damage at the same time or if customers were to lose confidence in the sector due to an incident.

A bank’s services can be out of service for a longer period of time and customers need to be prepared for this, says DNB director Olaf Sleijpen. “Large online attacks simply happen more often. Just look at the hack at the National Police (in which contact details of almost all police employees were stolen at the end of September, ed.) You have to take into account that you may not be able to pay by debit card for a longer period of time. Then you have to have cash under the mattress, or be able to pay with QR codes.”…

The biggest danger of bank hacks is that if one bank is hit, consumers lose confidence in the entire system, says Sleijpen. “This could lead to a run, which may lead to DNB having to block financial transactions. Then people can no longer access their money. You don’t want that.”

Third-Party Risks

The report also notes that the financial sector is increasingly vulnerable to incidents affecting third parties, as recently demonstrated by the Cloudstrike outage that caused millions of Microsoft systems around the world to crash, bringing the operating systems of banks, payment card firms, airlines, hospitals, NHS clinics, retailers and hospitality businesses to a standstill. Affected businesses were faced with a stark choice: go cash-only, or close operations until the systems came back online.

The scale of the resulting disruption was so great that it even prompted some of the UK’s largest newspapers, which had heretofore played a key supporting role in the War on Cash, to warn about the inherent fragility risks of a cashless society. In the wake of the outage, New Zealand’s central bank, like an increasing number of central banks in Europe, recommended that citizens have some cash on hand in the case of future incidents.

Since the Cloudstrike meltdown, outages have continued to plague banks, both large and small, around the world. On Sunday, the UK lender Natwest’s banking app went down, leaving thousands of customers “unable to access money” for hours, reports The Mirror. In the US, two of the largest lenders, JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America, have suffered significant outages in the past month. In the case of Bank of America, many of its customers complained that their account balances were not visible on the app while others reported seeing a balance of $0.

It is a similar story down under. Two of Australia’s “Big Four” lenders, Westpac and Commonwealth Bank, have both suffered extensive problems with their online and mobile banking systems over the past month. In the case of Westpac, its banking services repeatedly became unavailable over a four-day period, leaving customers unable to transfer funds or payments. Days later, a systems error at Commonwealth Bank brought its banking app down. Some customers complained of having duplicate transactions taken out of their bank accounts – with many reportedly going overdrawn as a result.

Australia has been so plagued with bank outages that the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) began requiring banks to publish consistent figures on how reliable their services had been across areas such as branches, ATMs, websites, apps and card payments. The Optus meltdown last year resulted in the CEO’s resignation, a parliamentary inquiry, and significant brand damage. The banks claim to be spending more on cybersecurity, yet while the number of outages has gone down the actual number of hours lost to outages remains unchanged.

Bank outages are on the rise as a result of the complexity of ever more flexible and immediate banking services, the RBA recently conceded, noting that “online banking and fast payments services are most likely to be affected from outages.” Yet these are the exact same services and platforms the banking industry, including the RBA itself, has spent the past decade or so encouraging (to put it mildly) people to do all their banking with, while removing traditional options such as old-school branches and ATMs.

Yet even as the outages persist, the RBA and Australian government appear to be doing precious little to help support public access to and use of cash. Meanwhile, in Europe the central banks of both Sweden and Norway have the unenviable task of trying to slow or even reverse the mass abandonment of cash they themselves helped set in motion. They will have their work cut out given that so much of the countries’ cash infrastructure — in particular private banks’ branch networks, ATMs and the distribution services offered by cash handling companies — has been allowed to wither over recent years.

* There can be no doubt that we are living in a less cash world, with digital wallets now leading point-of-sale payments at 30% of transaction value, with credit cards second at 27%, debit cards third at 23% and cash fourth at 16%, according to the latest Global Payments Report by Worldpay.

But it’s far from a uniform picture. While countries like Sweden claim to have reached the outer limits of what is possible in their transition to becoming cashless societies, cash is still being used by billions of people worldwide. It is the leading payment method in twelve of the 40 markets examined by Worldpay: Argentina, Colombia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, Peru, Poland, Spain, Thailand and Vietnam. In Germany, cash is narrowly pipped at the post by debit cards, at 36 and 38% of payment value respectively.

As the pressure group Cash Matters notes, in the current landscape, the strengths of cash continue to shine: “being an ‘always on’ payment unaffected by network outages, supporting people with managing tight budgets, and providing privacy and competition as a not-for-profit payment method in a field of profit-making options.” ... ility.html
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 13, 2024 4:40 pm

Scandinavians, the World’s Happiest People, Love Killing for the USA
By Ron Ridenour - November 11, 2024 3

The once peaceful Danish people have adapted to being a warring country for Big Daddy. Even soldier-fathers’ children participate in war exercises. [Source:]

[This article is part of a six-part series providing an overview of the world’s happiest people living in five Scandinavian countries’ love affair with US-ARMEs wars (United States of America Racist Military Empire). I focus on the current proxy war in Ukraine with their aim of “taking out” Russia. U.S./NATO’s war is an existential threat to, first, Russia, and beyond to China and the Global South. The hope is to undermine the growing BRICS economic advances through cooperation. This is real competition for sharing the world’s wealth more equitably—a death threat to Western “pure” capitalist “market” economic domination. I concentrate on Denmark since I have lived there for 35 years.]

The Russians are Coming
On a rare, warm summer day without rain and roaring wind, my love (Jette) and I took a walk over a green field alongside a promontory of Køge Bay in southeast Denmark. Another nature lover came by as we heard a lark signaling high above its nest.

“Our larks are protecting us from the Russians,” the middle-aged woman giggled.

I had hoped this leisurely walk would spare me reminders of the wars being waged by greedy-sick-profiteering-narcissistic Western societies. Not to be. I couldn’t stop myself from shouting how many hundreds of wars and thousands of military “interventions” for “democracy” the Yankees have engaged in during its two-and-a-half centuries.

She scurried away as I roared on about happy Danes enthusiastically supporting the U.S.-NATO proxy war against Russia.

Denmark’s major media proudly announced the same day that its country—alongside with its American mentor—is the first to send machinery/technology to “democratic” Ukraine so they can make their own weapons to kill Russians. The Social Democrat Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen, has yet another measurement for being one of the world’s greatest per-capita donors to the neo-fascist Ukrainian war.

Danish Prime Minister with U.S. puppet and war criminal Volodymyr Zelensky. [Source:]

I had been procrastinating for months since I last wrote about this war, as it approaches world war. At the same time Israeli Zionists are committing genocide against the Palestinian people, which is leading to another major war in the Middle East.

I felt, as I tell anyone who does not want to listen, that, if we don’t do something to oppose these wars-for-profit-and-domination, then we are guilty too. All I can do at this stage with waning health, and living where no one visibly supports Russia’s sovereignty, is to write for publication. So, I decided that I must offer my mental health to put something on paper.

Today (September 7), I was to start writing after breakfast. As I washed dishes my head swirled with the lead. Pictures of war headlines stacked in a row on my long writing desk appeared: The government announced increased militarization; The Americans intake Arhus Harbor: at dawn they rolled out with military vehicles; Danes must take care of themselves for three days in crises [related to if the Russians invade]; Europe can achieve peace if we realize that war never goes away.

Dizzy, I fell. Vomit rose to my throat. Jette helped me to the toilet. “You can’t endure this world.”

Happiest People in the World

Finland took top honors for the tenth year straight. Its 2024 overall score is 7.741, followed in order by Denmark (7.583), Iceland (7.525), Sweden (7.344), Israel (7.341), Netherlands (7.319), Norway (7.302).

The World Population Review (WPR) has been conducting this survey measuring human happiness since 2002. Denmark sometimes has been number one and all five Scandinavian countries consistently make the top ten. The world’s greatest warring countries at this moment: Israel=5; UK=20; U.S.=23; Russia=72; Ukraine=105.

It doesn’t bother Israelis’ happiness as they murder Palestinians. Of the 143 countries surveyed Afghanistan hits bottom after 20 years of invasion-occupation by the Yankees. WPR measures happiness using six criteria: GDP per capita/standards of living, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity and corruption.

When former independent politician Bernie Sanders ran for the presidency on the Democratic Party ticket, he proudly adopted the nomenclature “democratic socialist,” and he pointed to Denmark as a model for his vision of an ideal American future.

“I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway,” Sanders said in 2016, “and learn what they have accomplished for their working people.”

So Why Are Danes So Eager for War?
My fifth article will focus on Scandinavia’s gigantic funding of the war in multi-billions of cash and weaponry. Here is a taste. One encounters myriad figures when searching for costs and war weaponry sent to Ukraine; nevertheless, Denmark, Norway and Sweden always figure in the top ten. Denmark’s population of 5.93 million and Norway’s 5.57 million contribute without any visible protest either the most per capita or within the top three countries among the U.S.’s new “coalition of the willing.” Finland comes in between 10 and 15 out of 42 countries tallied.


Here are the ten biggest providers of military aid to Ukraine, with the Scandinavian countries in bold, as of April 2024.

U.S. $46.6 billion
Germany $19.5 billion
UK $10.0 billion
Denmark $9.4 billion
EU $6.2 billion
Netherlands $4.9 billion
Norway $4.2 billion
Poland $3.3 billion
Canada $2.3 billion
Sweden $2.2 billion

How can it be explained that, in the current European war, happy Scandinavians are among the most hawkish? Unfortunately, the WPR survey does not ask that pertinent question. I offer suggestions about Denmark from some influencers and from my experience.

“I would like to make one thing clear,” Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen—leader of the “Liberal” Party—said in response to Sanders in a speech at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government: “Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.”

Løkke Rasmussen is now the Moderate Party leader, and current foreign minister in the three-party cabinet led by Social Democrat Mette Frederiksen.

Vibeke Schou Tjalve, Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, told the liberal daily Politiken why Denmark sent four F-16 war jets and 300 mercenary troops to the Baltic States and Poland as back-up to the U.S.’s invasion-occupation of Iraq, in 2014.

Schou Tjalve stated: “We [Danes] perceive it as natural that once again we are on the way to war, part of our every day. People believe that if the U.S. says it is wise, so it is wise for us to be with them—we have broken our hymen….Denmark is at war to please America.”

This is what Danes have told me about their complacent complicity over the decades:

We had to do what the U.S. wanted of us so we could come in out of the cold, and get Marshall Plan benefits after World War II. The Danish Social Democrat government passively accepted Nazi Germany’s five-year occupation. Only because there was an underground militant resistance, led by communists, did the U.S. consider Denmark worthy enough.
Danes profited from colonialism/slavery. Much of Denmark’s wealth has come from being oppressors. Danes don’t want to confront that past, clearly seen on many monuments/statues/street names. Greenland is still a colony.
Danes see themselves as just a “little land” needing “security” from a big land.
Danish culture is passive, authoritarian faithful, conflict-averse and indifferent.
Profiteering from the weapons industry and wars is always one answer, usually the main one. Nevertheless, with the exception of a handful of capitalists (A.P. Moeller Maersk, Terma), income from weapons and war had been negligible in Denmark. Before the U.S.-assisted sabotage actions in New York and elsewhere on September 11, 2001, Denmark had only a handful of such firms. Now there are around 500. Terma even supplies materials for the F-35A, of which Denmark bought 27 for $2.4 billion in 2016. At that time, 53% of Danes polled were opposed to the purchase while 31% supported it. That mood is now totally reversed.


Christian Daily wrote a thorough review of Rasmus Mariager’s relevant book: The Soul Battle That Made Us Americans. The Danish historian shows how Danes adapted to all things American during the Cold War, from music, sports, language, and tourist traveling to rearmament against the Soviet Union.

Modern-day Russia was the big bad bear even before this war. Nineteen thousand new buildings related to NATO and its many wars were built before 1991, including underground tunnels for political and economic leaders.

What most people in the world don’t know about Denmark is that it has been serving U.S. invasionary wars for more than three decades. Denmark, along with its former colony Iceland, and Norway, were among the first dozen countries to start NATO, in 1949.

Finland had been neutral since World War II but joined in April 2023 to fight Russians through the proxy war in Ukraine. Sweden dropped its neutrality since 1812, and was accepted in March 2024, after initial objections from Turkey and Hungary.

Denmark’s earliest involvement was to send a war ship to support the U.S.’s invasion in Iraq in 1991. The world’s largest shipping owner, AP Moeller Maersk, then sent dozens of his ships to transport half-a-million U.S. troops and armaments gratis. This subsequently brought him huge profits. One of his shipping lines has 56 ships based in Virginia (2021). Twenty-two of them are used directly by the U.S. for military operations. He also ships weapons to Israel and Ukraine.

First of 27 F-35s arrived in Denmark in September 2023. Denmark bought them in 2016 for $90 million each., or a total of $2.4 billion. Six will remain in the U.S. to train Danish pilots. They replace 44 F-16s that Denmark bought in the 1970s and 1980s. [Source:]

Denmark continued its war alliance by sending troops, war jets, and other weaponry to break Yugoslavia into five countries. Some would obediently join NATO. Denmark followed up in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, even to some countries in Africa where civil wars occur, because the U.S. and Europe control or seek to control their natural resources.

Denmark sided with U.S-ARME against the UN, France and Germany and invaded Iraq in 2003. It provides war materials, pilots and troops from time to time during the U.S.’s permanent occupation.

Thirty thousand troops and volunteer mercenaries were sent many times to war between 1990 and 2017 (and running) as an aggressor in half-a-dozen countries, either as part of NATO or part of the “coalition of the willing.”

Danish troops join the criminal U.S. invasion of Iraq. [Source:]

Danes killed: 64; 300 wounded; 47 suicides in 300 attempts between 1992 and 2013 (and running). No figures are available as to how many human beings Denmark has murdered!

1. Balkans=33,691 Danes invaders; 12 Danes killed; 35 wounded (1992-today).
2. Afghanistan=20,000 Danes; 43 killed; 214 wounded (2002-today).
3. Iraq=9,605 troops; 8 killed; 19 wounded (2003-2007).
4. Libya=629 pilots+, none killed or wounded (2011).
5. Lebanon=1,551; one killed; none wounded.
6. Gulf of Aden=3,149 sailors/military; none killed or wounded.
7. Syria=738 air force and special forces; none killed or wounded.

During Mette Frederiksen’s first one-party Social Democrat government (June 2019-December 2022), President Donald Trump had scheduled a trip, but when Frederiksen rejected his ridiculous offer to buy Greenland, he declined the invitation. She met him in London during a NATO meeting, December 2019. She told the media: “I have a good and positive impression of the president…We can count on one another and we can trust one another.” “We swing well together.”

Mette Frederiksen and Donald Trump at the 2019 NATO summit in London. [Source:]

To prove how well she swings with her big partner, Frederiksen increased Denmark’s military support over what she had offered just two months before. This support included:

More military focus and money in Greenland’s Arctic area for “national security.”
Double Denmark’s aircraft for NATO from four to eight in honor of its 70th birthday.
Key features of Denmark’s military might for its six million inhabitants include:

$3 billion military budget, a 20% increase in military spending over a six-year period.
More mercenaries in Afghanistan (160) plus Danish police instructors; $50 million for Afghanistan’s openly corrupt police corps; aircraft and war vehicles come and go.
More troops in Iraq (150) to lead the remaining NATO countries’ 500 “advisers.” This is Denmark’s third mission in Iraq. Its first delegation (2003-2007) aimed at crushing Saddam Hussein’s government and resistance forces. Denmark also has 14 operators at a United Arab Emirates airbase as part of its Iraq mission.
Mercenaries in the Baltic (200-300). The Danes are there officially to keep “Putin’s troops away.” The three Baltic countries are in NATO and the EU and, thus, it is ludicrous to believe the Russians would invade.
Mercenaries in Bosnia (400) and Kosovo (three dozen).

Danish troops in Afghanistan. [Source:]

War Consequences Pre-Nord Stream Sabotage
Self-imposed sanctions against Russia are so extensive that the “chickens are coming home to roost.” Gas, oil and electricity rates soared by the hour—between two and eleven times normal the first year. City governments reduced heat in schools, and turned off street lamps at night to be able to stop using Russia’s cheap natural gas. Darkened neighborhood streets encourage thieves and rapists.

More dirty coal is being dug in Germany and England. Germany and Sweden are reopening nuclear energy power plants. One of the most polluting of all fossil fuels, fracking shale rock, is big business in the U.S., which is now transporting the liquid gas to Germany and elsewhere in Europe, and England has lifted its ban to do the same.

As fossil fuel and electricity rates increase dramatically, so do food prices. Inflation skyrockets. Major capitalists scoop up record profits, surpassing previous records, yet the government won’t tax them more. My heating bill increased 50% overnight.

Health workers tell us that anxiety and stress—uncertainty for our future—is the major health problem. A recent study shows that half of teenage girls don’t like themselves. Waiting lists for psychological help is one to two years. Welfare programs have been reduced. The health system is faltering for lack of funds.

My family doctor ordered an x-ray of my hands. They are falling asleep, pricking and tickling. The x-ray indicated I should have a further investigation that could lead to a minor operation. She ordered such. Six months passed until I was offered a further investigation in two years.

Too few and overworked nurses and doctors are exhausted—all because Western governments think it best to support the U.S.-ARME in its fanaticism to be the world’s policeman. Denmark has allowed Danish mercenaries to enter Ukraine through Poland and fight Russians. Besides what war materials and money Denmark sends to Ukraine, it has doubled funds for its own military budget, and will allocate $7 billion to rebuild its war fleet into, as it says, “a superpower naval force.”

Danish activists Lars Grenaa and Rune Eltard-Sørensen splashed ecologic red paint over PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller. The activists were given 70 days in jail and forced to pay $25,000 in fines. [Source:]

To make up for uncontrollable free market price hikes, the government made a $12 billion bank loan guarantee for energy corporations. This, when their profits have never been so great.

At the cost of much more money, the government sent two F-16 jets, massive weaponry including tanks, and 1,000 troops to “defend the Baltic States and Poland against a Russian invasion.” It doesn’t occur to politicians and MSM that if Russians were so dumb as to invade a NATO country, then 31 others would retaliate. One country alone would be thoroughly crushed.

Some Danish analysts consider that the Social Democrats are outdoing the more traditionally warring “liberal” (Venstre) bourgeois party. A former prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, was promoted to head NATO after he actually declared war against Iraq—the only country to do so—based upon the lie that it had weapons of mass destruction. (And, in any case, why should that be a reason to make war, given that scores of countries have such weapons?) Following his two terms as prime minister, Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg was promoted to the post where he has the distinction of having rejected every Russian proposal to find a peaceful solution. ... r-the-usa/


Methodological debates about war
November 12, 23:01


Methodological debates about war

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz accused the dismissed head of the country's Ministry of Finance Christian Lindner of wanting to finance Ukraine at the expense of German pensioners. He said this on the air of the ARD TV channel.

The Chancellor recalled that there are not many countries in the world that can give "more than 12 billion euros to support another country that is at war."

"But now we have reached the point where, according to the plans of the former Finance Minister [Lindner], we are talking about financing by cutting pensions, by taking money from local communities, by using funds that are not enough to modernize our country. Among the proposals was to slightly change the pension calculation formula, which ultimately always means cutting pensions," Scholz said.

According to him, German citizens, pensioners, men and women, should not finance Ukraine at their own expense.

On November 3, Scholz held emergency consultations with the co-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Lars Klingbeil in connection with disagreements in the ruling Traffic Light coalition, which includes the SPD, the Greens and the Free Democratic Party (FDP). The topic of discussion was the conflicting plans to bring the German economy out of the crisis.

On November 6, Scholz dismissed Lindner, who leads the FDP. The next day it became known that all members of the government from this party would leave the government. At the same time, Habeck announced the collapse of the Traffic Light coalition. - zinc

The funniest thing is that their dispute is purely methodological.
Lindner proposed to finance the war at the expense of German ordinary people, from whom he wants to take money.
And Scholz proposed to take out loans for 15 billion dollars in order to finance the war with them. But the ones who would end up paying off the loans would be the same German citizens that Scholz is supposedly trying to protect.

Those who replace Scholz next year will be no better. They will also be looking for ways to squeeze money out of Germany for the war in Ukraine. That is the price of lack of subjectivity. ... relations/


Trump Adds to List of Fake EU Crises
Posted on November 13, 2024 by Conor Gallagher

For the EU, fake crises like the Russia threat and Trump abandoning NATO mean more giveaways to (mostly US) weapons companies. They mean more neoliberalism through more social spending cuts and privatizations due to lack of funds and more war on the working class.

Any threat posed by Trump (and the Biden administration or whoever comes after Trump) is the result of the very real crises of Europe’s overdependence on the US and energy prices hurting industry, but those are deemed necessary to deal with the fake crises.

Has the reemergence of the bad orange man caused any rethink about the EU strategy to “de-risk” from Russia and China and put itself at the mercy of Washington? Or are Europeans falling over themselves with pledges to increase defense spending? It’s the latter.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, as usual, takes the cake. She managed to come up with a plan that would shoot the EU in both feet with her idea to buy even more gas from the US. This would increase dependence on the US while simultaneously doing even more to wreck the economies of EU states. Here’s Politico with the details:

Stressing that the EU still buys significant amounts of energy from Russia, von der Leyen asked: “Why not replace it by American LNG, which is cheaper for us and brings down our energy prices? It’s something where we can get into a discussion, also [where] our trade deficit is concerned.”

During the first Trump term, Juncker avoided more tariffs by assuring the U.S. president that Europe would facilitate more imports of liquefied natural gas (and more American soybeans.) In fact, the European Commission has no real power in determining European companies’ purchases of LNG and soybeans, but Trump was happy to accept the political theater of parading data that European purchases were going up.

There is no evidence that American LNG is cheaper, as von der Leyen is quoted as saying. It’s actually a lot more expensive than the pipeline Russian gas Europe used to get. And the European Commission does have some power in determining European companies’ purchases of LNG through its sanction powers. And the Commission doesn’t have the power to dictate purchases yet. Due to recent crises, EU member states added new instruments to Ursula’s toolbox during her first five-year term, such as the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, International Procurement Instrument, an Anti-Coercion Instrument, the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, and the EU Critical Raw Materials Act. Maybe the latest Trump crisis will add another tool to her toolbox.

One gets the feeling that Ursula is intentionally trying to do economic damage to bloc nations in order to increase the odds she gets her coveted eurobonds. If there’s another crisis — or series of crises — she might get the chance. Countries having to throw more money at the energy crisis and shrinking GDPs could struggle to pay more for defense, which would lead to more calls for joint borrowing. Some background on the idea from Euractiv:

This miracle happened during the eurozone crisis when the EU created a legal instrument, the European Financial Stability Facility, able to issue bonds and with a lending capacity of €440 billion. And with the COVID pandemic, the miracle was repeated as the EU adopted a recovery fund with a firepower of €750 billion, financed through common debt issuance.

The same line of thinking has inspired politicians to imagine defence bonds – to finance a major boost of the EU’s defence capabilities, after years of neglect when it was assumed that war was a thing of the past or that Uncle Sam would always come to the EU’s defence…

Speaking at the European Defence Agency annual conference on 30 November, [European Council President Charles] Michel said EU member states should pool what could amount to €600 billion in defence investment over the next 10 years…

A couple of weeks later, French President Emmanuel Macron returned to the topic, telling investors at the World Economic Forum in Davos that Europe should resort to joint debt to finance its priorities, including defence.

In the ensuing months the argument for joint debt has come to include remedies for other EU problems. European heads of state met in Budapest last week with a focus on competitiveness. That’s the buzzword these days. Europe isn’t competitive enough. Mario Draghi was there pushing his sham solutions from the standard neoliberal playbook. Just consider the following. If you are worried about competitiveness do you:

Cut off cheap and reliable energy, the lack of which makes your industry uncompetitive.
Pursue neoliberal policies like austerity and financialization that makes your industry uncompetitive.
Escalate a trade war with one your largest export destinations in China while being wholly unprepared for the fallout as many products the EU relies on from China like certain drugs, chemicals and materials currently have no substitutes.

Of course none of this was discussed in Budapest. National leaders instead opted for minor measures and slogans like “ensuring industrial renewal and decarbonization,” “increasing preparedness and defence capabilities,” and “putting Europe at the forefront of global research and innovation.” They’re all empty phrases without the money and some semblance of a strategy to back them up.

The EU is, however, planning to redirect billions to defense from its social cohesion funds. How much remains to be seen, and there are tradeoffs.

That money used to be earmarked to reduce economic disparities and promote development. EU capitals will now have more “flexibility” to spend the funds to support their defense industries and military projects. According to the FT, only about five percent of the 392 billion euros allocated for 2021-2027 has been spent to date.

While Ursula and company didn’t get common EU debt yet, the crises are only picking up steam. And it should be noted that redirected social cohesion funds is considered one of the final emergency steps before turning to the joint EU debt. Ursula is unlikely to let it go as it’s the top goal of her second term.

It was only in March of this year that the idea of joint borrowing for defense was considered “radical.” Now surrounded by fake crises and self-inflicted real ones, the idea is gaining trans-Atlantic traction.

Let’s not forget that international finance is a big fan of the joint debt for defense plan. Since member states are running into budgetary constraints, investors are using the fiscal rules imposed by Brussels to push for an EU-wide bond program that would bring them big-time profits while allowing the bloc to ramp up military spending without individual nations incurring more debt. Much of Europe supports joint borrowing because in theory, there could be benefits to common debt, especially for countries like Italy which face higher borrowing costs, but going down that road to pay for the US empire ain’t it.

The two staunchest opponents to joint debt are Germany and the Netherlands. Are they prepared to withstand the pressure from financial powers, the Trump administration, and much of Europe? The signs aren’t encouraging.

The Dutch are currently killing Europe’s most valuable tech firm at the behest of the Americans for some pyrrhic and temporary victory against China.

Germany might soon be led by a former board member of BlackRock, Friedrich Merz, which will be a nebulous plus, according to Politico:

Scholz’s woes may have a silver lining for some: In Budapest, some diplomats suggested that the collapse of Germany’s ruling coalition and Merz becoming chancellor might not be a bad thing. Merz “is a former MEP so more engaged on European affairs,” said one EU diplomat who was granted anonymity to speak freely. “He’s also from the EPP, so the same family as the dominant force in [the European] Parliament, also the same family as von der Leyen, which can help at a time like this.

The Logic Behind More Defense Spending

As the FT notes, and all the media stories do the same, ‘Trump warned Nato allies earlier this year that as president he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” if alliance members failed to meet their defence spending target.’

Yet even if Moscow wanted to invade Europe (there’s no sign it does nor any reason it would want to) what are all these extra billions going to do that all the billions and all the West’s military hardware in Ukraine couldn’t do?

So the EU argument is as follows: Trump says we must spend more, there’s nothing we can do because orange man bad and we need the US because we cut ourselves off from Russia and China.

Meanwhile real economies are imploding, and more forced austerity coming — although there has been talk about a carve out in the spending limits for defense spending.

It was always going to end this way due to a political class that sees themselves as faithful servants to the US empire and transnational capital and have nothing but scorn for the local peasants.

They’re all groveling now before Trump. It’s easy to see why:

Two percent of GDP on defense spending isn’t enough, says German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

The thing is Europe has been spending more. In many ways Europe’s bureaucracy has already changed in small but fundamental ways in order to redirect money towards the military-industrial complex. From Equal Times:

“In 2023, there was a very significant increase in military spending worldwide, but especially in Europe. In Spain, for example, it grew by 24 per cent and in Finland by 36 per cent. If we compare it with 2013, the European countries in Nato are spending 30 per cent more,” says Pere Ortega, a researcher at the Barcelona-based Centre Delàs for Peace Studies, which is critical of measures adopted by the European Commission to promote military spending, such as the VAT exemption for the purchase of armaments or the change in the regulations of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to allow it to finance industrial projects in the military sphere.

And according to the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), the number of countries meeting the two percent target has risen from 3 to 23 since 2014:


IN Germany, much has been made about the government’s scaling back of support for Ukraine, and how the cabinet’s approved military budget only increased by 1.25 billion euros to 53.25 billion this year but as WSWS points out:

…the government is actually spending far more on armaments and war. A government overview of the budget states that “taking into account the relevant shares of other individual plans,” the NATO target of military spending of at least 2 percent of gross domestic product will be achieved. With a GDP of €4.122 trillion, this means at least €82.4 billion in military spending.

The sum is probably even higher, as Scholz has already boasted of defence spending of €90 billion to NATO. In addition to the central defence budget, the government has already announced “defence-related expenditure” of €14 billion from other budget areas in the current year. Further projects totalling €20 billion will be paid from the Bundeswehr “special fund,” which totals €150 billion…In 2028, when it is expected the Bundeswehr special fund will be exhausted, the defence budget is set to rise by a huge increase of almost €30 billion to around €80 billion.

Where has it gotten them? In the case of Germany, not much, at least according to a September report from the Kiel Institute:

… the build-up of German capacities is progressing slowly. We document Germany’s military procurement in a new Kiel Military Procurement Tracker and find that Germany did not meaningfully increase procurement in the one and a half years after February 2022, and only accelerated it in late 2023.

Given Germany’s massive disarmament in the last decades and the current procurement speed, we find that for some key weapon systems, Germany will not attain 2004 levels of armament for about 100 years. When taking into account arms commitments to Ukraine, some German capacities are even falling.

The Plan All Along?

The funny thing about all the gnashing of teeth over Trump and the danger he poses to NATO, is Europe shouldering more of the American empire’s load in the Russian periphery has long been the stated goal.

If we look at what neocons, the real movers and shakers in the plutocrats and their think tanks on both sides of the Atlantic, and European politicians say, this was the plan.

Here’s a September report from the Munich Security Conference, commonly referred to as “Davos with guns”:

Russia’s aggressive revisionism has underscored NATO’s primacy in European defense. However, the real possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House means that Europeans may soon have to seize a much larger share of the burden, both in supporting Ukraine and deterring Russia. A strong European Defence Union, based on the EU’s regulatory powers, ability to pool resources, and large single market, can become an important enabler of a more robust European pillar within NATO.

Here is a team from the influential Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) writing earlier this year in Foreign Affairs about how Europe must lead in the fight against Russia so the US can focus on China:

That complicated reality requires U.S. allies, especially in Europe, to take on a larger share of directing the containment of Russia. Europe has shown its political and economic resilience in the face of Russian aggression. Yet militarily, the continent remains dependent on the United States. This dynamic must change, in part because the United States must commit more of its resources to Asia. The growth of European defense spending since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine is an encouraging step. In 2023, 11 NATO members hit their spending target, allocating at least two percent of GDP to national defense, up from just seven members in 2022. The rest need to follow suit.

Europe must also resolve the problem of coordination. Right now, the United States coordinates more than 25 militaries in Europe. While it must continue to do this in the short term, it must push individual European countries and the European Union to take over this role and to create a stronger European pillar in NATO.

The Centre for European Policy Studies with more:

Against this backdrop, the EU’s true ‘Hamiltonian moment’ in defence would be a decision to issue joint debt to properly fund the ambitions set out in its Defence Industrial Strategy.

Based on Art. 122 TFEU and implemented in accordance with Articles 173-174 TFEU, such bonds—possible under the EU’s Financial Regulation—could provide the backbone for grants to Member States to bolster the Union’s defence production capacity if paired with existing incentives for joint capabilities research, development, production, and procurement. This would avoid the two-speed logic and weaker conditionalities surrounding proposals to use the European Stability Mechanism (excluding key countries such as Poland, Sweden and Denmark) to issue loans to EU Member States for defence spending.

Like how the Covid-induced Recovery and Resilience Facility stabilised European markets and sustained demand during and after the pandemic, Euro-defence bonds are a potential game-changer for the EU’s defence ambitions due to the potential speed and scale of resource mobilisation, and the potential impact on market de-fragmentation. And, fortunately, the German Constitutional Court should have nothing to object to this time around.

And you can read the same in Scholz’s Zeitenwende, and in the speeches by Baerbock that Germany will lead the fight in Europe for the “rules-based order” while the US focuses on China.

So what’s the problem with Trump telling them to get a move on?

That they actually need to do it now rather than just talk? That Trump is more crass where someone like Biden would extol the trans-Atlantic alliance while shoving the knife in?

Whatever Trump’s motivations, the faction of ascendant neocons who favor an American exit from Ukraine while making the Europeans spend more so that Washington can focus more on Iran and China are following a path long laid out.

This is part and parcel of the neocon plan to use European vassals in an effort to preserve and expand the US empire. And the European political class is so far more than happy to go along. They don’t have much of a choice anymore:


How much longer will the bloc’s citizens cooperate? To say Europe is in free fall would be an insult to gravity. And yet despite the endless stream of awful economic news, the political class’s complete detachment from reality, the embarrassing servility to the US, there isn’t yet a major threat to Europe’s willful vassalage. Germany’s upcoming election will be interesting to see how the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) perform. The two parties come at it from different angles, but both oppose bending the knee to Washington. They are currently polling at around a combined 24.5 percent, and barring an improvement, are likely to remain out of any ruling coalition.

Until someone like the AfD or BSW can take charge, all the “crises” will continue working to the advantage of the few. Over the turbulent past few years in which real wages plummeted and deindustrialization took hold, the wealthiest added to their fortune and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen amassed more power that she uses for interests of the Western plutocrats centered in the US.

With this being what the EU leaders of the “center” want and with the big bad orange man insisting upon more, they seem to compliment each other quite nicely. ... rises.html
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 18, 2024 3:26 pm

Everyone Missed The Most Important Part Of The First Putin-Scholz Call In Two Years

Andrew Korybko
Nov 17, 2024


Putin made a pass at Schulz by suggesting that the last undamaged part of the Nord Stream pipelines could be swiftly put back to use if Germany helps Russia in Ukraine by rejecting Trump’s reported plans to “escalate to de-escalate”.

The first Putin-Scholz call in two years diplomatically “opened Pandora’s Box” according to Zelensky and “broke ice with the West” in the New York Times’ (NYT) words, both of which are accurate assessments, but they and almost everyone else missed the most important part. Putin told Scholz that “Russia had always honoured its commitments under various treaties and contracts in the energy sector and was still willing to promote mutually beneficial cooperation, if the German side showed interest in it.”

This follows the Russian leader saying during a news conference after last month’s BRICS Summit that “there is still a functional pipeline in the Baltic Sea – it is part of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. All the German authorities have to do is just press a button to resume supplies. But they are not doing this for political reasons.” By telling Scholz what he did, Putin is very strongly implying that this last undamaged part of that energy megaproject could swiftly be put back to use if Germany helps Russia in Ukraine.

Euronews reported in early October that “Germany's economic woes are continuing, with the country now facing the spectre of closing 2024 in recession”, which all objective observers know is the direct result of Germany abandoning its decades-long policy of importing cheap energy from Russia. It now purchases much more expensive LNG from the US, which in turn raises costs across the board, thus hamstringing its economic competitiveness that was responsible for prior eras of growth.

Germany is also Ukraine’s second-largest aid donor behind the US, though Poland gave more heavy arms than they did according to a recent report on its presidency’s official website, and it’s expected to play a pivotal role in Ukraine’s reconstruction given that it’s the EU’s largest economy. Moreover, these three analyses here, here, and here argue that Germany now has more influence over Ukraine than Poland and anyone else but the US and possibly also the UK, hence its importance to Russia in this context.

Seeing as how Trump is expected to “escalate to de-escalate” in order to end the proxy war on better terms for the US, which was explained here while the obstacles thereof were listed here, Putin must convince Scholz to impede these plans and propose reviving spring 2022’s draft treaty instead. To that end, he made a pass at him during their latest call by strongly implying that the last undamaged part of the Nord Stream pipelines could help Germany avert its impending recession if he agrees to these terms.

The US would lose part of the lucrative LNG market that it poached from Russia after September 2022’s terrorist attack against that energy megaproject, but Germany could still go behind its back since “All the German authorities have to do is just press a button to resume supplies” like Putin said. If Germany unilaterally scaled back its promised military and financial aid for Ukraine as the quid pro quo, other European countries would likely follow, thus leading to a chain reaction of strategic consequences.

Trump would be much less likely to “escalate to de-escalate”, and the chances of him successfully doing so would plummet if Western Europe followed Germany’s lead and signaled before mid-January that they wouldn’t be on board with this, which could lead to ending the conflict on better terms for Russia. As a consolation to the US, they might still go through with the “military Schengen” plan for facilitating the movement of troops and equipment eastward, but that’s an trade-off that Russia could accept.

“The Clock Is Ticking For Russia To Achieve Its Maximum Goals In The Ukrainian Conflict” before Trump might “escalate to de-escalate”, hence the urgency with which Putin made his pass at Scholz, which could either delay Trump’s plans till Russia achieves more of its goals or outright derail his plans in toto. Zelensky and the NYT were right in respectively assessing that their call diplomatically “opens Pandora’s Box” and “breaks ice with the West”, but even they underestimated just how pivotal it might possibly be.

To be sure, Scholz might ultimately reject Putin’s pass, whether because he’s too afraid to go behind the US’ back or because Trump threatens him in ways that force him to reconsider this scenario. Nevertheless, the very fact that the first Putin-Scholz call in two years happened and the Russian leader pitched his implied quid pro quo are extremely important since they show that he’s actively employing creative diplomacy with top Western leaders, which was unthinkable prior to Trump’s electoral victory. ... -important

That's a tasty bone to throw to the swine hund ( yeah, Germans don't really say that...) and Trump, in the pocket of the extractive magnates, will cry foul. But concrete measures beat the hell out of the worthless paper which the West has offered time and again.



Nursery rhymes and politics: Berlin Bulletin No. 229, November 16, 2024
By Victor Grossman (Posted Nov 17, 2024)

Do people still recite nursery rhymes? If so, they might switch from shock at a not so good “little Jack Horner” in Washington, pulling a bitter “Christmas plum” from a pie to another Mother Goose standard, fit for Berlin: “Rub-a-dub-dub, Three men in a tub…They all put out to sea.” The German tub proved leaky and sank after Christian Lindner, head of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and a top member of the government trio, finally succeeded in forcing Olaf Scholz, head Social Democrat (SPD) and chancellor, to dump him and his party, leaving only the Greens as partner.

Why on earth did Lindner—a proud man of perfect posture, finely-tailored suits and a changing but always finely sculpted three-day beard—choose what seems like pure self-sacrifice, collapsing a government in which his little party, though its weakest member, held four nice cabinet seats with him in a powerful position as finance minister?

In truth, in all the trio’s three years of government, Lindner had never plied the tub’s oars properly. Or help bail it out. Now he watched the polls giving his FDP only 4% or occasionally, just barely, the 5% needed for further existence in a new Bundestag. Seeing little hope in the shaky trio tub he had himself been so purposefully upsetting, he called a special meeting of business leaders which overlapped, indeed cold-shouldered a regular meeting called by Scholz, who could no longer overlook this ugly gauntlet and dismissed the elegant but errant provocateur with his fellow ministers (except for one man who quit the FDP so he could hold onto his nice warm cabinet seat with all its perks.)

The Greens remained but, without the FDP, Scholz no longer has a majority in the Bundestag. So the die was cast, the Rubicon crossed, the “traffic light government” with its red-green-yellow party colors was doomed to sink. Scholz must now call for a vote of confidence which, after some haggling about the date, will take place on December 16th. This will inevitably be lost, thus providing a tasty Christmas plum for the opposition Christians (CDU-CSU), for President Steinmeier must then call for a national election. By agreement it will be on February 23rd, far earlier than the regular planned date next September.

The political parties will thus have to electioneer in the face of winter storms, and in that short time many of Germany’s small or tiny parties will be unable to collect the necessary signatures to get on the ballot. But by springtime a new ruling trio— or a duo—must be formed. Fears for the future are appropriate, but not tears for the past—not if we take a look at where that tub was swimming.

While the German economy was climbing out of the rough COVID crisis the Ukraine war blew up. Germany took another hard blow right to the solar plexus with its own ban on inexpensive oil and gas from Russia, a ban demanded for years by imperious American ambassadors. Now it was achieved by that not really so mysterious pipeline explosion in the Baltic, which Biden had so amazingly predicted. And also by trade sanctions which seem to have hurt the Russian economy less than that of Germany.

Of course, the accompanying arms buildup by the biggest military might in Europe (and proud of it) was welcomed with open arms (and bank accounts) by men like Armin Papperger , CEO of Rheinmetall, the producer of items like Panther tanks, whose order books have now hit the ten-digit level and whose personal pay check adds up to a comfortable € 2-3 million every year.

Thus, billions were spent both on aid to the Zelensky government and on the giant domestic armament program sold to the public as an urgent defense necessity to counter “the Russian threat.” This threat has appeared and reappeared in Germany in 1914, the 1930s, after 1945 and now again, louder than ever, with similar barked Prussian commands: “Achtung! Die Russen kommen!” as dangerously false as ever, and often followed by eastward expansion, invasion and, far too often, catastrophe, with atomic annihilation an added danger this time around.

Somehow this spending didn’t help all too many people. Liquefied gas from America was expensive. So were the required new port facilities. Valuable trade with Russia dwindled towards null, Chinese trade, even more important, suffered increasingly (also from Chinese advances with electric cars), and Trump tariffs cast more shadows ahead. The German economy was losing its former glamor, as symbolized by the slump in its showcase company, Volkswagen, now facing sharp cuts or even shutdowns of important units. Forecasts of minimal growth in trade and industry sectors, even minus predictions, were dangerous enough in today’s cold world, while grocery prices stayed high and heating and rent costs bit deeper. Working class folk, also at middle-class levels, were disturbed and worried, as shown sharply in recent state elections in East Germany, with the three traffic-light government parties suffering most. How did they react, with elections now moved up to February?

Lindner and his FDP had made few pretenses, but openly and blatantly rejected any tax increases on the super-wealthy who, he claims, would use the rescued money to improve the economy. That’s quite true—in terms of yachts, jets, high-rise penthouses and Cayman Island postal accounts. What about the “third of a nation” hit by poverty, fear of eviction notices or even a car breakdown? Oh, they would also be benefitted by “trickle-down” from prosperous industries untroubled by “too many bureaucratic regulations” such as requiring workers’ benefits and decent wages in the home country and limits on murderous exploitation of tea, coffee or fruit picker families, unprotected miners, and endangered seamstresses in poorer countries .

The Social Democrats, down to third place with 15% and facing a desperate necessity to win back former working-class voters, called again for improvements on issues like minimum wages, pension age, benefits for children and aid for the jobless. But their Defense Minister Pistorius, energetic and surprisingly more popular than his party, wants ever more for the heightening confrontation with Russia (and China) and an increased readiness for war. Scholz, while supporting every renewed billion spent on weapons, is at least a degree or two cooler on confrontation and still rejects giving the giant Taurus missiles to Kyiv. But he still gets—and deserves—much of the blame for the worsening economy. Nor were remaining working-class ties improved when he replaced Lindner as Finance Minister with Jörg Kukies, whose experience, after studies at the Sorbonne, Harvard’s Kennedy School and U. of Chicago, had been seventeen years with Goldman Sachs. Need one say more?

The Greens, now at 12%, led by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and Economics Minister Habeck, stick to first place in the “Ruin Russia!” campaign, blood-thirstier than ever, but still trying to hold on to their original image with college-trained, upper middle-class liberal followers, calling for ecology reform to prevent climate warming or laws on marijuana permission and the right to choose any name and gender you wish (or none at all), matters of lesser or no interest for those with tightening budgets. And they continue making one compromise after another to please their business friends, including those across the Atlantic, and to get seats in coalition state governments. As usual when elections approach, these two parties try to sound more socially conscious, but most voters see this as classic examples of talking the talk, not walking the walk.

In the face of widespread dissatisfaction, the opposition Christian CDU has also weakened, but with its associated Bavarian CSU partner, still manages to hold onto much of its traditional rural and small-town base and its first-place at 30-33%. It feels certain about soon regaining the upper hand.

Today’s Christians bear little resemblance to the fairly moderate reign of Angela Merkel. The new chancellor next spring will most likely be Friedrich Merz (properly Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef Merz), a multi-millionaire bank expert who always opposed her. Visually most notable by the stubborn tuft of hair in the middle of his bald head, he lines up politically close to Donald Trump. From 2016 bis 2020 he was Chairman of the German Board of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management company. Need one say more? Like Trump he abhors Communism and all those unpleasant immigrants trying to invade and violate homeland and our (and especially Bavarian) purity—and wants to make Germany great again.

But arithmetic is a stubborn science. Thirty-two percent, even if joined by Lindner’s remaining mercenaries, is not a majority. Merz does not yet dare to break all taboos and embrace the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), now in alarming second place nationally with 19%. Maybe later! (Unless current calls for banning it as “anti-constitutional succeed—a lengthy process.)

So, to form a stable government and despite despising those weak-kneed Greens and Social Democrats, he will most likely have to swallow some emotions and share cabinet seats with one or the other of them as junior partner. Will he—and one of them—risk that slippery bridge? They’ve done it before, not seldom on a state level, swallowing pride and principles.

Merz stated three main principles he would work for as chancellor: a clear commitment, with all his heart, to the USA, untroubled by a Donald Trump presidency. Secondly, an EU capable of acting globally “on an equal footing in the world… with free trade agreements not overloaded in terms of climate and social policy.” And finally, “Germany must fulfill its leadership responsibility in Europe and the world” with “values clearly those of the West… Despite its location in the middle of Europe, it does not have a mediating role between East and West… Realpolitik as the art of the possible…can only be shaped from a position of strength, including military strength.”

Thus, on the basic issue of military build-up, weapons sales and demanding military victory “up to the last Ukrainian”, Merz and his CDU-CSU double party could join with either Green leaders or equally bellicose Social Democrats like Chairman Lars Klingbeil or Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, a possible candidate for chancellor (or vice-chancellor under Merz) to replace the more hesitant Scholz—with Lindner’s FDP hanging on if it is still around.

These traditional post-1945 parties are also in general agreement—to their shame—in their almost unquestioning support for Netanyahu’s Israel and its heartbreaking genocide in Gaza, all of Palestine and Lebanon as well, with no questions about selling weapons for the IDF—despite daily pictures of the total destruction of nearly all housing, schools , mosques, clinics , theaters, of murdered children by the thousand, of tight lids restricting food and medicine for a starving population, of over a hundred journalists searched out and assassinated, of surgeons imprisoned, prisoners tortured and “safety zones” bombed.

In this policy these parties are supported by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), which lives from a hatred for Muslims or Arabs outdone only by the Israeli cabinet. Against immigrants—especially any who believe in Islam—it and the largely obliging media have built up prejudice so strong that it has pushed all but the LINKE in a similar direction. Indeed, as mentioned above, especially the CDU-CSU double team is moving closer and closer to the AfD though their game of footsy must still remain largely concealed under the table, with only a conservative toe or two peeping out here and there, hinting at what may yet come.

But, perhaps surprisingly, the AfD defies the others in calling for negotiations and peace in Ukraine. Several explanations have been offered: It opposes the European Union in general—and therefore its main policy as well . It opposes the USA, wanting Germany to be a junior partner to nobody, with a return to Germany’s one-time world glory and power. It wants votes in elections and has observed that about half the Germans, and a far greater proportion of East Germans yearn for lasting peace. Fourthly, there are whispers that Putin may be supporting what he considers the lesser danger.

This leaves the two leftist parties, the LINKE and the breakaway alliance still named Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW), founded just a year ago but amazingly successful for a beginner. In the European Parliament vote, far outpacing it parent LINKE with its pitiful 2.7 %, it achieved 6.2% and went on to get 12 to 14% in three East German elections. Several reasons were offered for such success. Not unimportant was that “Sahra” is attractive to look at, a wonderful speaker and a great debater, welcome as a viewer attraction in talk shows despite her opinions. Then there was the appeal of the BSW as a genuine protest party, not a part of “the establishment,” which was the fate of the LINKE in Berlin and East German states where it had joined (or in Thuringia led) the governments. A third appeal, sad to say, catered to the growing hostility not only to excess immigration but often to the immigrants themselves. This, it was generally felt, was caused by Sahra Wagenknecht’s hopes to lure voters with anti-immigrant prejudices away from the strong AfD. As it happened, her BSW won very few voters away from the AfD, which came in alarmingly strong, in no small measure because of the immigrant issue, but rather instead from the LINKE.

Most significant, however, even though embarrassingly echoed by the AfD, was the BSW demand for peace negotiations, not weapons, for Ukraine, augmented by the demand to reject American middle-range missiles stationed in Germany, which represented a constant danger of confrontation—with a missile response hitting Germany first and foremost.

BSW success at the polls, mostly from former LINKE voters, surely reflected the disappointment of many old GDR citizens with their former party’s weakness—or worse—regarding both regarding Gaza and also its acquiescence with the mainstream, loading the entire blame for the Ukraine war on the shoulders of their bete noire, Vladimir Putin, almost totally downplaying or ignoring the underlying, provocative role of the USA and its NATO. That leads to a dismissal as secondary an 80-year history of corrupt “color revolutions”, reactionary regime changes or outright bombing and destroying—to wreck any country which is disobedient or bars the path of US billionaires to world domination. Ukraine, Georgia (vainly, it now seems), Moldova are obviously the current steps in an often bloody trail, with thousands, sometimes millions of deaths—in Guatemala, Iran, Haiti, Grenada, Peru, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Chile, Afghanistan and many, many others not always so openly visible. Indeed, the GDR was also a victim. Was the LINKE being punished for disregarding this basic truth of recent world history?

Whatever the reasons, the LINKE lost its leadership role in Thuringia, barely survived in Saxony and failed to get even a single seat in Brandenburg. This loss of support, which might even prove fatal in the special national election in February, has finally forced the LINKE to take a less obviously pro-Bibi stand on Israel and Gaza and to move toward a compromise on NATO and the Ukraine. Does this mark a genuine move away from the “liberal middle” which has almost caused its death? Or is the change too little and too late? Next February may well be a milestone—in either direction.

Sahra’s party also faces major choices. It was successful enough to be needed in forming state coalitions. But her demand that such coalitions take a stand against war and missiles has proved hard to swallow for Saxony’s Christians and Social Democrats, who are now trying to form a minority government, bypassing the AfD but dependent, in every vote or major decision, on sufficient support from the BSW or the small covies of LINKE and Greens.

A compromise seemed possible in Thuringia, with Christians, Social Democrats and BSW heading toward a new trio (with or without the weakened LINKE). But Sahra objected; it was too weak on peace and war, she felt, life-and-death matters even for wooded, inland Thuringia. A quarrel followed—the first in the new party—and exposed other questions; how much is the BSW a one-woman show or how much will the state affiliates have to say, possibly with ideas differing from Sahra (whose media popularity has unsurprisingly been reduced? A party meeting in a few weeks could offer answers.

But there was one interesting success! In Brandenburg, where the Christians have far less to say, the popular SPD minister-president spited (and angered) his national leaders by agreeing with Sahra’s BSW on a draft for joint exploratory talks. It read: “We have agreed (…) to promote a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine conflict and the reduction of the associated tensions within Europe through negotiations with the parties to the conflict and the aim of a ceasefire and lasting peace.”

Such a statement, simple as it is, represents a victory when signed by a state Social Democratic leader. It could be as good an omen as the olive leaf on Noah’s ark. If the BSW sticks to its guns or, better, its peace pipes, and the forces for peace begin to work together again, we can take hope. Perhaps these signs motivated Scholz, in these pre-election weeks, to engage in a long overdue, not quite friendly but evidently not hostile telephone exchange with Putin, the first in two years.

He is already under intense fire for that telephone call, not only from Zelensky! And Brandenburg for the draft preamble compromise. The dangerous fissures run deep, also among leftists. New hopes have been kindled, but unless big changes occur in many capitals and with some leading figures, I fear the analogous Mother Goose line could be, all too tragically, “Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after!” ... -politics/
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Re: Blues for Europa

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 20, 2024 3:38 pm

Volkswagen Workers Willing to Give Up Wages to Avoid Factory Closures

Volkswagen workers in Germany, 2024. X/ @AutoNewsEurope

November 20, 2024 Hour: 10:51 am

Currently, the company is considering shutting down at least three of its ten plants in Germany.

On Tuesday, the IG Metall union and Volkswagen’s Works Council announced a plan to reduce labor costs through wage concessions, aiming to save the company €1.5 billion and prevent factory closures in Germany. The company and unions will meet again tomorrow for the third round of wage negotiations during a turbulent time for Europe’s largest automaker.

This comes after the works council revealed that Volkswagen is considering shutting down at least three of its ten plants in Germany. Against this backdrop, employees have proposed a plan to help Volkswagen save approximately €1.5 billion through changes to personnel costs based on two main measures.

First, they propose that the wage increases agreed upon for the German metal and electrical industry not be paid out but instead be transferred to a solidarity fund. This fund would allow the company to reduce or make work schedules more flexible when necessary without affecting the number of employees.

The industry agreement includes a 5.1 percent wage increase in two phases by 2026. The solidarity fund would also include part of all employees’ bonuses, including those of the management board, during 2025 and 2026.

Germany is dying for Ukraine.

Volkswagen is sacking tens of thousands of workers in Germany, they've never closed a plant in their history.

30% of pants will close, entire departments will be laid off at others, salaries will be reduced by 18%, with social benefits canceled.

— Chay Bowes (@BowesChay) October 28, 2024

As a result, workers’ monthly salaries would remain the same, while the company could ensure the long-term security of all its plants and maintain job prospects. Thorsten Gröger, the IG Metall representative for Lower Saxony, reiterated the threat of strikes, which could begin in December if the company continues with its plant closure plans.

“If the Executive Committee insists on its extreme proposals and plant closures, it will bear responsibility for leading us into a labor conflict in the factories unlike anything seen before in this country,” he said on Wednesday during a press conference.

Volkswagen employs approximately 120,000 workers in Germany and operates 10 plants: Wolfsburg, Emden, Osnabrück, Hanover, Zwickau, Dresden, Kassel, Salzgitter, Braunschweig, and Chemnitz. ... -closures/

European Foreign Affairs Ministers Discuss Ukraine’s Future

Foreign affairs ministers of France, Italy, Poland, and Germany, Nov. 19, 2024. X/ @notesfrompoland

November 20, 2024 Hour: 7:10 am

They propose to guarantee European defence by strengthening the role of NATO.

On Tuesday, foreign affairs ministers of major European countries discussed Ukraine and transatlantic relations in Warsaw, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict entered its 1000th day.

Foreign ministers of Poland, Germany, France and Italy held talks in the Polish capital with the future European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Kaja Kallas. The Spanish and UK foreign ministers joined the discussions online.

After the meeting, the foreign ministers released a joint statement on issues including bolstering European defense and security by reinforcing the role of NATO, increasing defense spending, leveraging EU economic and industrial power, investing in critical military capabilities, and intensifying military, economic, and financial support for Ukraine.

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski highlighted the ministers’ discussion on how to increase aid for Ukraine. “I am glad to see that the biggest EU states are ready to take over the military and financial burden of supporting Ukraine in the context of potentially reduced U.S. involvement,” he said.

Turkish President Erdogan says Turkey does not support US President Biden's decision to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia.

— Globe Eye News (@GlobeEyeNews) November 20, 2024
The ministers agreed that Europe must take more responsibility for its own security, Sikorski underlined. Europe should strengthen its defense potential, he added, along with maintaining U.S. involvement in European security.

Italian FM Antonio Tajani announced that preparations are underway for a joint conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine. Meanwhile, German FM Annalena Baerbock underlined that the focus should be the development of transatlantic relations, rather than the change of president in the United States.

The gathering of foreign ministers came after outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden authorized Ukraine to use U.S.-supplied long-range missiles to strike targets inside Russia. Early on Tuesday morning, Ukraine fired six such missiles at Russia’s Bryansk region. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree approving Russia’s updated nuclear doctrine.

Some European countries voiced caution over Biden’s announcement. Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok warned that it would be “very dangerous” if NATO countries were to be drawn into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. ... es-future/

NATO’s Involvement in Conflict With Russia Would Be Very Dangerous: Slovenia

Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok. X/ @iROZHLAScz

November 20, 2024 Hour: 7:21 am

The potential use of Western long-range missiles to attack Russian territory would provoke a strong reaction.

On Tuesday, Slovak Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok warned that it would be “very dangerous” if NATO countries were to be drawn into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

The potential use of U.S., British and French long-range missiles to attack Russian territory would provoke a strong reaction from Russia, he said.

“If a NATO missile hits a Russian city, harsh retaliation from Russia will automatically follow,” Estok said on social media. Ukraine would be the first to suffer the consequences, Estok underlined.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has spoken recently about the possibility of a diplomatic end to the conflict, but the West responded by allowing the shelling of Russian territory with allied missiles, Estok said, adding this could be an obstacle to peace negotiations.

The interior minister also emphasized that the war in Ukraine has escalated ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as the new U.S. president.

On Sunday, outgoing U.S. President Joe Biden authorized Ukraine to use U.S. long-range missiles to strike targets inside Russia’s territory.

If these weapons were deployed, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Monday, “this would mark a qualitatively new round of tensions and a qualitatively new situation in terms of U.S. involvement in this conflict.” He reiterated that Moscow’s stance on this issue should be clear to everyone. ... -slovenia/


Von der Leyen presents the “dolwar”

Hugo Dionísio

November 20, 2024

At a time when “democracies” advocate war and the end of social programs and “autocracies” seem to prefer peace and development programs, von der Leyen’s and António Costa’s choices represent, above all, the choices for the EU self-destruction.

And out of the darkness came the light! If you didn’t want to see, you could argue that the information circulating was overwhelmingly one-sided and very unclear about the real intentions behind the warmongering maneuvers. With each passing day, more and more elements emerge about the role that the conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation has taken on in the business of arms, intelligence, and security policies in general. As the press release issued by NATO itself in 2003 shows, from 2014 onwards, there has never been a year in which the evolution in national defense budgets has been negative.

From 2021 to 2023, the U.S. almost doubled the contracted value of arms sold to NATO countries), assuming in this report that the countries were “spooked” by Russia’s “large-scale invasion” of Ukraine.

As can be seen from the phantasmagorical visions of North Korean soldiers episode, only “verified” by sources linked to the Kiev regime, a regime that specializes itself in the fabrication of “crypto-events”, used as justification for genuine conflicts, the arms business is now made up of a “turnkey” process, which incorporates: the production of the motive; the rationale for the solution; the delivery of the equipment; and, depending on the price, its use. Therefore, the “dollwar” business is based on even less substantial assumptions than the real good “oil”, which justifies the existence of its “brother”, the “petrodolar”.

The deal reached such a magnitude and raison d’être that, due to the “fear” of an “invasion”, from Russia to all of Europe and its surroundings, Congress, made up of greedy “dollwar” junkies, even ended up revising the legal process for arms sales, and under the “AECA” (Arms Export Control Act). Under Biden’s new regulations, the president’s notification to Congress for arms sales to NATO countries and other vassals, only requires 15 days’ notice, instead of the regularly required 30 days.

None of this is a secret, everything is assumed with all clarity: the arms business is seen as an accelerator of U.S. economic growth, and the Ukrainian conflict is sold as the fuel that powered the vehicle set in motion, i.e. the European arms purchase and manufacturing programs.

To ensure everything runs smoothly and without hindrance, the best “Sales Manager” money can buy, Ursula von der Leyen has been put in charge of the European Commission. Not only does she guarantee the arms deal, but, in fairness, she is also an expert in vaccines, since from Phizer, and LNG, since from Henry Hub. Von der Leyen works like a first-class broker. In one fell swoop, she guarantees the commitment of the entire European Union to the U.S. “national interest”.

There is no argument that she won’t use it, and it could be said that she has no problem using the greatest of tricks to attract buyers to the product of his favorite supplier. As she did most recently in Hungary when she proposed swapping Russian LNG purchases for U.S. LNG because the latter is “cheaper” and “lowers (our) energy bill”. Why buy “LNG” instead of pipeline gas and buy Russian LNG, on the spot, instead of buying through long-term contracts, as before the war, not a word did she provide. As the best European sales broker, von der Leyen is thus already guaranteeing the submission of the entire EU to Trump’s threat on tariffs. She did all this by deciding without consulting anyone, lying, and manipulating without any trace of scruples. Just like in a real liberal “democracy”!

The most serious question that this process raises is that as well as denouncing the transposition of NATO’s role into that of the European Union, this situation demonstrates the usefulness of the Ukrainian conflict and the importance of its continuation, not to satisfy any anxiety about sovereignty, but to produce as many “dollwars” as possible. The kind of dollars that only war can produce.

With the whole circuit in place and their brokers and sales managers well ensconced, von der Leyen and António Costa, surely mission-minded in taking European “dollwar” production even further, have ended up guaranteeing everything and its opposite: 1. They guarantee the final lottery to the U.S. military-industrial complex, by determining that, from now on, funds linked to the EU’s cohesion policy will be used to buy arms (EU changes the rules: Member states will now use European funds to strengthen defense and security – CNN Portugal); 2. They begin the destruction and process of collapsing the European Union because the Cohesion Policy is one of the main nourishments of the “European Dream” that brings together all these pieces we call “EU member states”. In their eagerness to provide “dollwars” to their masters, they both end up as potential EU gravediggers. From now on, we just have to wait. It will happen, we just don’t know when and in what form.

This is, in fact, the epilogue of a story with a predictable end. Historically, representatives of U.S. hegemonic policy have always resented the fact that “defense” budgets in EU countries (“Why Europe’s defense industry can’t keep up” – POLITICO) are too “low” and create a great “dependence” on the U.S. and a great vulnerability relating to… Russia, of course!

The accusations were well-known and were spoken out in the open. To the hawks in the White House, Congress, or Senate, it never made sense EU citizens not to live constantly under the fear of poverty, like a large proportion of Americans (according to Census Bureau data, 58.5% of Americans experience at least one year below the poverty line during their adult lives between the ages of 20 and 75, and 76% experience at least one situation close to poverty, instead of investing in defense.

Concerns about the investment in the social sphere and development meant fewer “dollwars” for Wall Street, which was always seen and sold in Hollywood as a bad European habit, responsible for the lack of “toughness” and “entrepreneurial capacity” of European people. It was unacceptable to take just a few hundred billion euros, out of a budget of more than a trillion euros, for the European Defense Fund, even when this money, at least theoretically, couldn’t be used to buy weapons. Just as it was unacceptable that, except for the U.S., Greece and the UK, all the other member states were well below 2% of GDP in defense investment, as proposed by NATO’s target. That was a lot of “dollwars” escaping the clutches of the U.S. military-industrial complex. Something had to be done and this is where Ukraine came in, from the Orange Revolution onwards.

Thus, and without taking into account the accusations of “old and new” Europe by Bush and company, already at the beginning of the 21st century, in March 2014, the “Nobel” Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama, the U.S. president, expressed concern about the cuts in defense spending in European countries (as a matter of fact, in 2014, investment by NATO countries had fallen), telling NATO members in Brussels that “everyone must contribute” to defending the continent’s borders, sovereignty and territorial integrity (Obama urges NATO to increase defense spending | News | Al Jazeera ). Systematically following the script, in May 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump once again criticized NATO member states, including the EU, for not spending enough on defense and urged them to increase their contributions (Trump scolds NATO allies over defense spending | CNN Politics ).

As you can see, this pressure is common to both factions of the “uniparty” and, from a very early stage, shared by Ursula von der Leyen, a German by birth, a Ukrainian by heart, and a North American by soul. The fact is that the pressure has been brutal over the years (here’s a chronology of U.S. harassment of Ukraine since 1991), Ukraine which, due to its geographical position, has always been one of the cornerstones of the EU’s strategy of accommodation to the needs from Washington and Wall Street.

This push towards militarism, resulting from an anachronistic vertigo that tries to recreate the unrepeatable results achieved by the U.S. in the context of the Second World War, has had the effect (and intention) of leading Europe into an indirect conflict between NATO and the Russian Federation, which has worsened to the point where those who demand peace negotiations, a simple ceasefire or an end to the war are being persecuted. Instead of persecuting those who want war, they are persecuting those who want peace.

To get a clear picture of the significance of this issue for the U.S. arms lobby, Trump’s victory was still warm and Blinken was already boarding a plane to Brussels to ensure that “support for Kiev” was guaranteed until the last day of the Biden presidency ( Blinken in Brussels as Trump win raises alarm over Ukraine – The Frontier Post ). The objective is clear and ensures that this time unlike Biden’s mandate, the European Union becomes “independent” and increases its support for the war. The desired European “independence”, in this case, means that the EU and its member states must prepare themselves to take on the “support for Ukraine” and, above all, the continuity, in quality and quantity, of “dollwars” flow, on their way to Wallstreet.

In a country with 10 million displaced people and so many others emigrating, whose putative president (exempt from “transparent and fair” minutes and elections) is already seeking refuge ( Ground News – U.S. Analyst Claims Zelensky May Seek Refuge in Florida After War ) in Florida, and which has recently begun the process of lowering the age of conscription and mobilization to 18 ( Ground News – Ukraine will lower the conscription age for mobilization to 18 years ), the support promised by the Western “allies” involves subjecting, not only the adult generations, who have either emigrated or died but the younger generations to death. All in the name of keeping the conflict moving at a slow pace, hoping that Russia will fall first. News such as the rise in the interest rate to 19% or by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation can serve as a justification for continuing the enterprise and renewing hopes of success (Russia Hikes Interest Rate to 19% as War Spending Fuels Inflation – The Rio Times).

The truth is that, as expected, information about the growth of European investment in “defense” is multiplying, especially the pressure placed on Germany, as fears of a general economic recession multiply. After all, without Germany, there is no “investment” in the EU, let alone “investment” in defense.

U.S. Think-Thanks are doing their bit in this regard and, after the New Yorker accused Germany of failing to reflect the promise of greater investment in its state budget (Germany Promised to Step Up Militarily. Its Budget Says Differently. – The New York Times), the Atlantic Council warned that “the budget needs to reflect” the commitment made by Sholz, Baerbock and company ( Germany has committed to improving its defense. Its budget needs to reflect this. – Atlantic Council ). But the warning to Germany and the EU didn’t stop there: Stimson Center, through one of its sounding boards, warned that “this time it has to be different” (EU Defense: This Time Might Be Different – Stimson Center).

Germany, a country responsible for two world wars, thus has a new opportunity to wage a third, with the same adversary, Russia, as in the second. With this whole machine at the service of war, it’s no wonder that the Koerber-Stiftung Institute was able to conduct a poll in which 50% of respondents supported Defense Minister Pistorius’ proposal to increase the German defense budget from the current 2% to 3 to 3.5% of GDP ( German poll shows approval for more defense spending as NATO steels itself for Trump 2.0 | Stars and Stripes ). However, even reaching 50%, the truth is that 57% said they don’t want to do it at the expense of investment in social issues.

If, in previous articles, I had already pointed out the gap between Kamala Harris’ banners and the concrete needs of the working class, which makes up the majority, the same is happening in the EU. If with Kamala the big banner was “democracy”, with von der Leyen and the majority of EU governments, overwhelmingly supporters of this enlarged center, in which the neoliberal is “left” and the “neoconservative” is “right”, both united by the umbilical relationship with Washington and by leaving no room for non-dominant ideological currents, are betting on Europe’s famous “values”, which nobody really knows what they are, but who increasingly feel that these enigmatic “values” have set Europe on the path of economic recession, increasing poverty (despite arithmetic and statistical manipulations) and the degradation of democratic participation.

So, for those who invest in weapons, knowing that the people prefer to invest in solving their social problems, it’s no wonder that von der Leyen’s European Commission has determined that cohesion policy funds can now be used to “strengthen defense” ( EU changes the rules: Member states to use European funds to strengthen defense and security – CNN Portugal ). We can say that the strategy initiated by Bush when he spoke of “a new and an old Europe”, has finally borne fruit.

Let’s see, the “ban on using money to buy ammunition and weapons” remains in place, but the money can be used to “increase the capacity to produce ammunition and weapons”. This is how politics works in the West today: at the same time you say no and yes, so that the political caste can do what it likes. The article says “Brussels has decided to modify spending policies to redirect billions of euros from the European budget to defense and security, redirecting cohesion funds.”

The intention is that 1/3 of the respective fund (more than 130 billion euros) will be spent on armaments instead of on cohesion policy, designed to reduce economic inequality between member states. Now, if the promise of the “European dream” meant that countries would give up sovereignty in exchange for receiving support for their development, converging with the richest, what this reversal in the role of the EU’s structural funds means is that, after it, member states will be left without sovereignty or support for development.

This confirmation of a trend, which has already happened with the “socialist” António Costa at the helm of the European Council, comes in the wake of the ghostly sightings of North Korean soldiers in Russia. In absentia of definitive proof, the U.S. and the EU have promised to respond to this assumed and unproven fact.

This is how Western democracy works: narratives are promoted to justify political reversals and, with them, the degeneration and subversion of the very democracy they claim to defend. How can politicians like António Costa, who know how important the Cohesion Funds are for their country, embark on something like this without at least providing unequivocal proof: 1. of the presence of such forces; 2. of the importance of such forces for the Russian war effort; 3. of the importance of the presence of such forces for European security. Have you forgotten about Saddam’s “weapons of mass destruction”? The supposed “massacre” of Bucha?

In a previous article, I exposed the use of the European Defense Fund to finance warmongering projects developed by the largest European corporations. Now look what a delicious cake awaits them. In the same article, I also explained why such a reversal is of such interest to the U.S.: The fact is that there is no European military venture without some direct or indirect involvement of U.S. capital and expertise.

European investment in defense is an endless source of “dollwars” to serve the Federal Reserve and the greedy Wall Street. For every euro invested in weapons by the EU, there is always a premium to pay Wall Street. Without Ukraine, none of this would exist, without the Russian bogeyman, none of this would be justified, without the North Korean ghost, all of this would end in depression. The presence of the North Korean ghost is one more dose of fuel thrown into a fire meant to be burning.

This importance and reversal of EU policies on military funding will have two devastating consequences: 1. Trump, even if he wants to, will hardly be able to end the war, because the U.S. is entitled to a free lunch on this investment; 2. The end of the cohesion policy will bring about the end of the European Union itself. After that, there will be very little to unite Western and Eastern Europe, no matter how much they wave the Russian bogeyman because German money is the glue that binds the two sides together.

The U.S. itself, which today has the European political bodies muzzled as never before, may once again, at the cost of the contradictions it has created, be faced with a Europe that is much more difficult to control. This constant pressure to produce more and more “dollwars”, as I say, will mean the end of the cohesion policy, which had that name for a reason. If, in the Second World War, the lend-lease may well have been one of the building blocks of the “new Europe”, making the U.S. the world’s great creditor (the U.S. made the equivalent of 647 billion dollars from sending supplies to the “allies”) with the exclusive power to “help” Europe. The U.S. has already profited 84.72 billion euros from Ukraine, and it also “eats” a share of European “support”, since its holdings in the European military-industrial complex guarantee it. The Ukrainian War is to the U.S. war party, what the Second World War was to the U.S. war party.

The rearmament of Germany, in addition to the “dollwars” it implies, could also be a preventive obstacle to rapprochement between the Russian Federation and Germany, because a rearmed Germany will tend, to a large extent, to want to appropriate Russian raw materials, not through dialogue, but through force. A militaristic and militarized society, which is where we are heading, will never be a society of peace and dialogue. The ultimate example is the U.S., which uses conflicts to justify investments.

The principle that “if you want peace, prepare for war” is just a justification for escalation. It’s a bit like NATO, which, at the end of the Cold War, either became extinct or found new enemies. After all, organizations exist as long as they are useful and, given NATO’s usefulness in promoting the arms race, we have to feed the monster with conflicts, hot or cold.

At a time when “democracies” advocate war and the end of social programs and “autocracies” seem to prefer peace and development programs, von der Leyen’s and António Costa’s choices represent, above all, the choices for the EU self-destruction.

Which is far from being a drama! This could well be our salvation! ... he-dolwar/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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