Russia today

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 03, 2024 11:13 am



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Russian pollsters have published no nationwide surveys of Russian public responses to the Crocus City Hall attack on March 22 in the immediate aftermath, nor in the days which have followed the capture of the four gunmen and release of evidence of their links to the Ukraine.

A Ukrainian propaganda organisation, directed from the UK and concealing its Kiev location, the names of its staff, and sources of its funds, has rushed out a survey of 652 Russians contacted online. According to the Open Minds Institute, “most Russians believe Kiev was behind [the attack], although given President Vladimir Putin’s crackdown on dissent, it remains difficult to establish how genuine the rise of anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Russia is.” The survey estimated that “more than 50 percent blamed the Ukrainian leadership and only 27 percent pointed to ISIS…another 6 percent blamed the ‘US/UK/the West’… More than 75 percent of respondents considered Putin to be the most reliable or a completely reliable source of information about the attack.”

No date for the Open Minds Institute (OMI) survey is reported, nor its method of question and answer through the internet. No verification has been provided of where the Russians surveyed were living and whether they knew they were answering questions from Kiev.

The date of the OMI operation appears to have been within hours of the attack — before the capture and identification of the attackers and their accomplices.

In fact, the Open Minds Institute (OMI) has not published a survey at all.

According to the OMI website, its last report was published in February: that was an online poll of attitudes towards Alexei Navalny and the cause of his death. The report identified a sample of 1,326 – more than double the number reportedly polled on the Crocus City Hall attack.

Instead of reporting this directly, OMI has provided its findings to the Financial Times, whose reporters in Tbilisi and Berlin copyrighted the data charts and composed their interpretation from sources who are quoted as saying “Russians are good at repeating propaganda narratives in opinion polls” and “it’s a population that is frightened and can’t just sit back and let Grandad Putin sort it out. They sense that kind of heightened terror…” The newspaper is owned by the Nikkei Corporation in Tokyo, and specializes in running anti-Chinese and anti-Russian propaganda.

Denis Volkov, director of the Moscow-based Russian opinion pollster Levada Centre, is reported by the Financial Times as saying: “if the propaganda and the authorities blame Ukraine as the main narrative, people will believe it, because control over the information space is almost absolute.” He also told the newspaper that Russians “usually called for a ‘strong hand’ and tough response to acts of terrorism on this scale, such as Putin’s pledge to ‘flush terrorists down the toilet’ in 1999 as the Kremlin ordered the bombing of Chechnya.”

What Volkov actually said in Russian and meant are different.

The Open Minds Institute (OMI) operates two websites, one of which reveals nothing about its base of operations, members of staff, or source of money. It explains: “due to security reasons we cannot reveal our personal information.”

The site reports its mission statement: “Russia spends at least ~$1B yearly on propaganda, which greatly intensifies the conflict by shaping the perspectives of Russian society and even reaching audiences in other countries. To effectively counter this significant investment, we must deploy innovative counter-influence strategies and the latest technologies that can slow down the war machine. Winning informational warfare matters as much as direct military achievements.” OMI claims its “partners” in its mission include Harvard University, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins, Oxford and Kings College London.


The operational base of the “team” is Kiev, according to a parallel website published in Ukrainian and hinting that the organization also receives funds from commercial and state-owned Ukrainian companies.

In Moscow on March 28, Levada, the national polling company established by the Russian academic sociologist Yury Levada in 2003, was asked if they planned a survey on the Crocus City Hall events, and also if they would provide an off the record summary of what they believe Russians think are the causes of the attack and who is to blame. Director Denis Volkov replied they “aren’t going to make such a poll in the near future.” He refused to comment on what he believes the answers to the proposed questions are.

Hours later, however, Volkov published on the Russian-language version of the Levada website the results of two focus group sessions Levada had conducted “which were held on a completely different topic, but whose participants could not help but speak out about what happened just a few days ago in their city.”


Report on the public opinion towards the Crocus City Hall attack by Denis Volkov (photograph). Source:
After investigations by the Ministry of Justice starting in 2013, Levada was registered as a foreign agent in September 2016. For details, read this.

“According to our respondents,” Volkov reported, “they did not immediately understand the scale of what was happening in Crocus City Hall. The first reaction is ‘most likely, this is another drunken shooting or showdown,’ reports of which have been plentiful lately, so they almost stopped paying attention to it. However, the realization came quite quickly — the news came out one after another, the tragedy unfolded before our eyes literally in real time.”

“As it was in February 2022 at the beginning of the ‘special operation’ or in June 2023 during the rebellion of Yevgeny Prigozhin, people plunged into smartphones, methodically scrolling through news channels and chats. Late on Friday evening, Muscovites, frozen with a phone in their hands, could be seen on the streets of the city; there were probably many people who were engaged in ‘thinkscrolling’ deep into the night. People were talking about the terrorist attack in low voices in public transport; snatches of conversations about the incident could be heard from random passers-by.”

“And this is not surprising. The sheer scale of the tragedy was fascinating, the realization of which occurred as new information became available. It was easy for most Muscovites, and probably Russians in general, to imagine themselves in the place of the victims of the terrorist attack; the degree of identification with the victims was very high; someone loves Russian rock and goes to concerts, someone has been to Crocus City or nearby shops, someone has passed by more than once. Therefore, one of the first reactions to reports of a terrorist attack among a large number of Muscovites should have been the thought of relatives and friends — whether they were among the victims, they were called and corresponded with. As always happens in such cases, women reacted most acutely to events, men are usually less emotional.”

“…the public perception of Friday’s events differs from the understanding of the political assassinations of last year: then famous public figures became targets, and now ordinary citizens. Therefore, the degree of solidarity with the victims of Crocus City Hall is much higher. Hence the increased attention to what is happening, the willingness to donate blood, spontaneous memorials at the scene of the tragedy and in other Russian cities. Making a forecast about the impact of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall on public sentiment is a thankless task, it is simply impossible to take into account all the factors. However, the most general conclusions can be drawn based on the already accumulated sociological data about Russian society. Parallels with similar terrorist attacks of previous years, which are carried out by the respondents themselves, suggest looking at what the polls of those years said about public sentiment.”

“Obviously, such events immediately increase fears of becoming a victim of terrorist attacks and attacks themselves. The last peak of mass anxiety about this occurred in 2017 — immediately after the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, 78% of Russians spoke about the fear of being a victim of terrorists. It was about the same in 2010 after a series of explosions in the Moscow metro. We recorded the maximum values of this [anxiety] indicator in 1999 and 2004 after the bombings of houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk and the hostage-taking at the Beslan school – 86% and 88%, respectively. Overall, the overall level of these fears has been steadily declining since about the mid-2000s. We’ll find out soon enough how high anxiety will rise this time.”

“However, it may be that the existing experience of experiencing similar situations, as well as a series of disturbing events in recent years, could dull public feelings. This is sometimes pointed out by the participants of the focus groups themselves, saying that we have ‘hardened’, ‘grown thick skin’, and are no longer so acutely worried about what is happening. Perhaps this is partly true. Over the past couple of years, participants in group discussions have heard many times that in Russia we live from crisis to crisis, from disaster to disaster. The deepest economic crisis of the late 1990s, the mentioned terrorist attacks, painful reforms and the economic crisis of the late 2000s. In recent years, the pace of successive cataclysms has accelerated even more: the first conflict in Donbass and the first sanctions, the pension reform which rocked the country, the COVID-19 pandemic, the ‘special operation’, total Western sanctions, the military mutiny in the summer of 2023. Our respondents have repeatedly asked themselves: what kind of test awaits us next? According to popular belief, something like this just had to happen, given the general international tension and the ongoing armed conflict. Life in anticipation of a new test, on the one hand, had to teach people to react less sharply to another dramatic event at the moment when it happens — it was expected.”

“In addition, it immediately becomes one with a whole stream of similar twists and turns, to which people have already learned to react. And then it is also quickly replaced by new events and new experiences, the initial shock goes away, attention switches to routine or fresh news…An indirect sign of increased stress is the increased demand in recent years for the services of psychologists, psychological and esoteric literature. Since the pandemic and especially after the start of the Special Operation, our respondents have often talked about how they try to cope with anxiety by eating stress, pouring alcohol on it, and especially by seeking emotional support from family and friends, regularly speaking out and talking out their worries with relatives or with a psychotherapist. Anyway, the increase in alcohol dependence recorded in our country in 2022 for the first time in 10 years suggests that, with all the efforts expended, it is not always possible to cope with worries and fears.”

“In conclusion, we note another aspect of the public attitude towards great tragedies. Despite the fact that some dramatic events are replaced by others and it can be difficult to remember what happened a month ago, tragedies like the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, as a rule, remain in the collective memory for many years…”

Today Volkov was asked to clarify the London newspaper publication of what he reportedly said, and what he did say for Levada in Russian. He has refused to answer.

Levada has been reporting in its surveys that the Russian public’s optimism for the future has never been higher and that public confidence in and support for the Russian military has not been greater since 1945.

As reported last week, Levada, the All-Russian Centre for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), and other pollsters appear to have coordinated their effort to avoid poll disclosures which might exacerbate intercommunal hostility after the evidence had appeared of Tajik participation in the Crocus City Hall killings.

VTsIOM, which was established in 2003 as a state-owned company, acknowledges it conducts a daily telephone-based survey with a 600 sample across the country, and within three days an 1,800 sample survey. The results of VTsIOM polling since the events of March 22 have not been made public.

Instead, on VTsIOM’s website the most recently published survey appeared on March 29 reporting that “the level of patriotism in Russian society is higher than ever.” “Today 94% of our fellow citizens consider themselves patriots, including 62% who are unconditional patriots (+10 percentage points over the past year), this is the absolute maximum for the entire observation period. In general, the trend towards ‘unconditional patriotism’ begins in the fall of 2014, when the share of ‘unconditional’ patriots significantly exceeded the share of ‘rather’ [qualified] patriots for the first time in a long time (48% vs. 36%). One of the obvious explanations for the surge of patriotism in society at that time was the reunification of Crimea with Russia. The beginning of the special military operation in 2022 was also marked by an increase in ‘unconditional’ patriots (+8 percentage points from the previous measurement); up to today (longer than ever), at least half of our fellow citizens consider themselves to be such.”

“Today, the feeling of patriotism is shared approximately equally by men and women (93% and 95%, respectively), young people and representatives of the older generation (87% in the 18-24 age group and 94% among 60+), residents of capitals and villages (94% and 95%, respectively).”

How would you describe yourself — as a patriot of your country or not?
(closed question, one answer, % of all respondents)


The nationwide sample of 1,600 was surveyed by random telephone call. No dates have been given for the polling.

VTsIOM has also reported that in its surveys between March 18 and 24, approval of the presidency and government, and trust in President Vladimir Putin remained high and stable. “The approval rate of the President’s activities from March 18 to 24, 2024, was 78.9% (+0.0 percentage points per week). The levels of positive assessment of the work of the Prime Minister and the Government of Russia over the past week amounted to 54.7% (+0.4 percentage points per week) and 56.6% (-0.6 percentage points per week), respectively. 80.7% of respondents answered positively to a direct question about trust in Vladimir Putin (-0.3 percentage points per week), Mikhail Mishustin — 62.6% (-0.4 percentage points per week).” ... more-89629


Today’s 13 minute interview on WION, Indian television: “Russian FSB says US, UK and Ukraine behind Moscow attack / What’s the truth?”

I am very pleased that WION, India’s premier English language global news broadcaster took the initiative and discussed with me the significance of the statements yesterday to Russian television by FSB boss Alexander Bortnikov.

Bortnikov alleged that the the United States, the United Kingdom and Ukraine were the plotters and planners of the terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert hall in a Moscow suburb. What is the scenario of the crime emerging from the investigation being conducted by Russian intelligence services?


Translation below into German (Andreas Mylaeus)

Das heutige 13-minütige Interview im indischen Fernsehen WION: “Russischer FSB sagt, dass die USA, Großbritannien und die Ukraine hinter dem Angriff auf Moskau stecken / Was ist die Wahrheit?”

Ich freue mich sehr, dass WION, Indiens führender englischsprachiger globaler Nachrichtensender, die Initiative ergriffen und mit mir über die Bedeutung der gestrigen Äußerungen von FSB-Chef Alexander Bortnikow im russischen Fernsehen diskutiert hat.

Bortnikow behauptete, dass die Vereinigten Staaten, das Vereinigte Königreich und die Ukraine die Verschwörer und Planer des Terroranschlags auf die Konzerthalle Krocus-Stadthalle in einem Moskauer Vorort waren. Welches Verbrechensszenario ergibt sich aus den Ermittlungen der russischen Geheimdienste?


Transcript below by a reader

Interviewer: 0:00
The director of Russia’s Federal Security Service, the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, said on Tuesday that the US, UK and Ukraine were behind the Moscow concert hall attack that killed at least 139 people on Friday. Despite repeated claims of responsibility by Islamic State and repeated claims by the West that Islamic State was behind this, this is the claim which comes from the Russian FSB. Now Russian president has also insisted on an alleged Ukrainian involvement here.

No proof has been provided for these claims. Then why is Russia insisting that there was a Western hand behind those attacks? What is the FSB basing its remarks on? To discuss matters further, we are being joined by Dr. Gilbert Doctorow. Always a pleasure speaking with you, sir. He is a political analyst, professional Russia watcher, author and historian joining us from Brussels.

Sir, I want to get to it immediately. An IS affiliate claimed it carried out the attack on Moscow. A US intelligence report said that it had information confirming the group was responsible. French President Emmanuel Macron said France also has intelligence pointing to an IS entity as responsible for the attack. And Ukraine obviously has claimed that it has no involvement in this. Why is Mr. Putin insisting on an alleged Ukrainian involvement? Why is the FSB saying that US, UK and– US Ukraine were involved here as well?

Doctorow: 1:24
First I’d like to explain that Mr. Bortnikov is not a public figure on Russian television. He sits by his desk at the FSB, unlike his counterpart in the international intelligence agency, service of Russia, that is, Mr. Naryushkin, who we see on television quite often. Mr. Bortnikov sits in his office, and for him to have come and taken an interview with a state television journalist, Pavlo Zarubin, was extraordinary.

What he said was still more extraordinary. And it’s amazing that major international media have not picked up on this. I’m very pleased that you have. The fact is that Mr. Bortnikov is a close associate of Mr. Putin. He has been in that position as head of the FSB for 15 years. And it is unthinkable that he would say what he said yesterday without the approval of his boss. Now, what does this mean and why is this remarkable?

Because going back two years to the bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines, which was the most spectacular act of terrorism against civilian global infrastructure in 50 years, the Russians said nothing about. They didn’t point a finger at anyone. There was innuendo the United States was involved, Britain was involved, other countries, but never a direct accusation. What we had yesterday was a direct accusation. At the same time, Mr. Bortnikof explained– he was very, very calm, he had great poise and he chose his words carefully– he said that he is not speaking out of emotion.

He’s speaking on the basis of preliminary findings, and that when all the findings are ready, when he has solid facts, he will present them. But he expects to find those. And this is in connection with something else which has been very little reported in Western media. That is to say, the discovery that two of the assailants went to Istanbul in the last days of February and were there until the 2nd of March. It has also been revealed on Russian television that the objective of this terrorist attack had been for a strike against a major venue, probably the same Crocus, but it’s not relevant, a major venue for 8th of March, International Women’s Day, a day that is sacred in Russian calendar and a day that is one week before the presidential elections. The whole logic of this operation would have been to devastate the proceeding Russian elections on the 15th to 17th of March.

However, the United States intelligence, this according to the Russians, discovered that this was not feasible, that Russian security was very tight for the 8th of March, and the mission would fail. We note that several related facts, Madame Nuland, Victoria Nuland, was fired on the 5th of March. It’s highly interesting that this coincidence. I and others have spoken of her connection with the German generals plotting a strike on the Kerch Bridge using their cruise missiles.

However, it is more likely that she was fired because the mission that she had supervised to attack Russia, a terrorist attack, using Islamic extremists on the 8th of March was no longer operable. We are told the Ukrainians are saying that the– that is, the Russians are saying that the Ukrainians proceeded with a terror attack against the objections of the United States because it had lost its rationale. It was supposed to take place before the elections. Instead the Ukrainians staged it one week after the elections, and there is a point of dispute. But when you say that the Russians are … accusing Ukraine, I think it’s missing the bigger issue: the Russians are accusing the United States, and Great Britain. And that puts us in a situation as critical as we were in the worst days of the Cuban missile crisis.

Interviewer 5:59
Dr. Doctor, I just want to comment here. Now, essentially what you’ve made a lot of major points here. The attack was essentially aimed to kind of throw off the Russian elections, which were scheduled from the 15th to the 17th of March, where President Putin was expected to win, and there was no doubt on that. But this was essentially planned for the 8th of March, Women’s Day, an important day in Russia. And since they were unable to execute it then, Ukraine did not have enough– that’s what you’re claiming– that Ukraine was wanting to go ahead with it still. It did not have the blessing of the U.S. And they continued with it and went ahead with it after the elections.

There are a lot of claims here. As far as Mr. Bortnikov coming out and making these claims, somebody who doesn’t come in the public eye, I understand that aspect. Is there something more substantial to put all of this together, or to use as proof as of now, or just the fact that they were heading into Ukraine– I’m talking about the four gunmen who were detained in Briansk while they were on route to Ukraine– is that the only bit of solid evidence we have at the moment to suggest a Ukrainian involvement?

That’s precisely so, and Mr. Bortnikov was not beating around the bush. He said precisely what you have said. They are working on expanding further the information leads they have now on the connections with ISIS in Istanbul on the timing of the American warning to Russia that a terrorist attack could take place. Let’s remember: that was on the 7th of March. That’s to say two days after Victoria Nuland was fired, and one day before the planned execution of the terrorist attack in Moscow.

So the bits and pieces, the dots, are taking are falling into place. I repeat that Mr. Bortnikov would never dare to say what he said yesterday without the blessing of Mr. Putin. And Mr. Putin has always been a very cautious player.

Interviewer: 7:44
Mr. Doctorow, I also wanted to get your thoughts on this. Now, Lukashenko from Belarus, he had mentioned that they were trying to escape to Ukraine because Belarus, their border security wasn’t one that they could have been able to infiltrate, and they inevitably chose to go towards Ukraine. There is another interesting aspect here. When you talk about the getaway plan for these gunmen, there are not two nations but three nations which are in immediate vicinity.

There is Belarus which is right in the line of escape, then there is Ukraine where they eventually were trying to head towards because Briansk is, if you look at the map, it is diagonally towards Ukraine. And if they were caught in Briansk, that means their getaway plan was clear to go towards Ukraine. They did not take a detour later on.

There is also Latvia, which also could have been an option for them to get away. And Latvia and Russia, they share a border which is somewhere 180 to 190 kilometers and it is not very well supported, it is not very well built. Half of it, nearly 50 kilometers, doesn’t even have a barricade over there. And over 150 kilometers is yet to be developed properly. Wasn’t that an easier way to get away from– wasn’t that an easier option for them? Given the fact that there is lesser security in the borders since they refused to go towards Belarus. Latvia, of course, being a NATO nation, would have complicated it far beyond belief. But do you think Latvia was an option for the getaway?

Doctorow: 9:14
There are many unanswered questions, one of which, which hardly ever is raised, is what would await these terrorists when they cross the Ukrainian border? It’s assumed they would be treated like heroes. I think it’s more likely they would have been shot dead on the spot, to eliminate all sources of information.

If they went to Latvia, it’s not clear what would happen. They could very well be held in custody. And that’s the last thing that the plotters wanted, that is, the foreign plotters wanted, was for these people to be alive and well and able to talk to the Russians. So there is a drawback here.

But I’d like to call attention to something that’s otherwise not noted in our coverage. That is the nature of the escape plan. It would have been logical, more logical in a way, for these assailants to have disappeared into the Russian Metro. They would be anonymous. They would be very hard to track. But that’s not what happened. Instead, they got into the same white Renault car that brought them from about six kilometers away from where they were lodging to the Crocus venue. They got back in that car. The emphasis in the whole escape was on speed, to do with blinding speed so that the Russians wouldn’t catch up with what was happening until these assailants crossed the frontier into Ukraine.

It is remarkable they were in the same car, because the car had been, obviously had been taken on video recorders, that of security devices that all of these major venues have around them. That was ignored. The assumption was that the Russians would be too slow and too uncoordinated to put all this together in an actionable way. But that was a mistake. They were so coordinated.

Interviewer: 11:03
Dr. Doctorow, of course, the most pertinent question at the moment, among the many other pertinent questions, how do you feel this is going to impact the ongoing war in Ukraine?

Disastrously for Ukraine, and I hope not disastrously for us. The discussions now on the premier Russian talk shows– and I have in mind the Vladimir Solovyov show of last night– have taken a radical turn towards violence. One of the Duma members, a member of a key committee on relations with the former Soviet Union, said last night openly, it’s time to raze Kharkiv to the ground.

We should give– Kharkiv is where the terrorist attacks, the Russians call them terrorist attacks; they are missile and artillery attacks, and also border incursions on the Belgorod frontier region of Russia. They’re coming from Kharkiv. They are intolerable. Dozens of Russian civilians are being killed each week. And that makes very bad news on Russian television. And there are patriots who say,

“Time to finish this. The Ukrainians are no longer our friends. They never again will be our friends. And it’s time to give a notice to Kharkiv that everyone should get in their car, pack their cars and head west, because we’re going to level Kharkiv to the ground.”

That language did not exist until after this terrorist event. There’s also talk yesterday on the Solovyov show,

“It’s time to flatten the presidential palace in Kiev, time to flatten all of the decision-making military and civilian institutions in Kiev.”

That violent language did not take place until now.

Interviewer: 12:47
All right, that was Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, sharing a lot of insights on us. He’s a keen professional Russia watcher, and of course has a lot of insights on things that most media houses are not discussing at the moment. There is a perspective which does not make it to the rest of the world. And that is what we are bringing to you right here on WION World is One. Thank you so much for your time, Doctor.

Thanks for the invitation. ... the-truth/

Update on the Crocus terror attack

Day by day, the Russian security officials are expanding upon their claims that Ukraine financed and directed the terror attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue. Sunday evening’s edition of News of the Week hosted by Dmitry Kiselyov pointed to crypto currency payments and other financial channels which were used by the Ukrainians, as the latest results of interrogations and further arrests have revealed. A substantial success reward is said to have awaited the assailants upon arrival in Kiev.

Meanwhile various Western media outlets including Deutsche Welle tell us the Kremlin has demanded the hand-over of the head of Kiev’s Security Service (SSB), brigadier general Vasyl Malyuk on charges of directing terrorist attacks in Russia. To be sure, Malyuk himself has claimed responsibility for the 2022 bombing of the Kerch (Crimea) bridge. But we may now assume that the Russians have evidence to hold him to account for directing the Crocus City Hall atrocity.

There is speculation in social media that Kiev’s refusal to surrender its terror campaign leaders would allow Russia to declare Ukraine a terrorist state. This would open the possibility for ‘neutralizing’ top Ukrainian officials on justifiable grounds.

However, we need not speculate about what may come next. De facto, Russia’s current offensive against Ukraine has escalated to a new, vastly more threatening level. There are daily punishing aerial bombing and missile attacks on military command centers across Ukraine, on training centers, on concentrations of foreign mercenaries. And then there is a new dimension to the destruction of Ukraine’s electricity network.

In the winter of 2022-2023, all the Western media spoke of Russian attacks on the energy infrastructure, on how Russia was allegedly seeking to impose misery on the Ukrainian civilians by depriving them of heat and light in the midst of freezing cold. But back then the reality was that Russia only struck substations and other distribution points. Such destruction was meant to knock out power for tactical advantage over the Ukrainian armed forces. It was obvious that the substations and other gear could be replaced in a matter of weeks or months. By contrast what is now going on is Russian destruction of power generating stations. Replacing them will be a matter of years, not months.

Very much to the point, the mayor of Kharkiv yesterday remarked to the press that the city’s power supplies have been utterly destroyed. This development corresponds very nicely to the calls that were made on the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov talk show last week for Kharkiv’s inhabitants to be sent packing in their cars headed west ahead of the city being razed to the ground. The intent was to end once and for all the missiles and artillery shells that Kharkiv has been sending daily into the neighboring Belgorod region of Russia to kill civilians in the greatest numbers possible. Kharkiv may not yet be razed, but it certainly is on the way to becoming uninhabitable.

In the face of this massive and undeniable destruction by the Russians both on and off the battlefield, the bravado of Zelensky and his clique is fading. Indeed, the Ukrainian president has finally said publicly that it may be time for peace negotiations.

Let us hope that Russia’s post Crocus viciousness may bring the Ukrainians to their senses and end this awful war.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024 ... or-attack/


Reuters Has Ulterior Motives For Reporting That Iran Tipped Russia Off Before The Crocus Attack


APR 02, 2024

This narrative is being pushed to deflect from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and to discredit the Russian security services.

Reuters cited three unnamed sources to exclusively report on Monday that Iran had allegedly tipped Russia off about a then-impending major terrorist attack after learning about it from ethnic Tajik ISIS-K terrorists who were detained after the group’s early January attack in Kerman. The information lacked specific details, but the outlet editorialized that “It is harder…for Russia to dismiss intelligence from diplomatic ally Iran on the attack” than from the West, the latter of which they claim that it downplayed.

Accordingly, Reuters wrote that this “raised questions over the effectiveness of Russian security services”, thus exposing the ulterior motive behind this report. The West has done all that it can to deflect from Russia’s accusations that Ukraine was tied to this terrorist attack via the evidence that its investigation has uncovered. This includes claiming that the vague warning that the US passed along to Russia was obtained from spying on ISIS-K, not on Kiev like this analysis here compellingly argues.

By including an Iranian dimension into the emerging narrative of early warnings ahead of the Crocus terrorist attack, the West via Reuters wants to further deflect from its own and Ukraine’s involvement in what happened while simultaneously discrediting the Russian security services. This analysis here debunks the false narrative that President Putin downplayed ISIS-K threats in the run-up to the attack, yet the West is doubling down on that claim, largely in response to evidence implicating Kiev.

To be sure, there’s a chance that one or some of those ethnic Tajik ISIS-K terrorists that Iran detained in January might have heard about the group’s plans to attack Russia, but that’s altogether different than them having knowledge of the then-impending Crocus plot. Russia already knows that it’s in that group’s crosshairs after they bombed its embassy in Kabul in September 2022. Without specific information, whether from Iran or anyone else, nothing on the home front would have changed in response to that.

For instance, Russia, the UK, or even a random social media person could vaguely claim that ISIS-K is planning to attack the US, which American officials themselves are already aware of but wouldn’t do anything differently on the home front upon being informed of the latest rumors. Likewise, it’s unrealistic to imagine that Russia would ramp up security at all large gatherings even if Iran told them that a detained ethnic Tajik ISIS-K terrorist might have claimed that the group is planning to attack it.

For what it’s worth, RT quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying that “I do not know anything about this” when asked about Reuters’ report, so objective observers should be skeptical of it. He either wasn’t informed ahead of his media briefing that such vague information was allegedly passed along to Russia by Iran or it simply didn’t happen. It doesn’t matter which of these two is true though since it wouldn’t have made a difference either way for the reasons that were explained.

Promoting this unverified report from anonymous sources quoted by Western media is therefore only being done for the ulterior motives of deflecting from the evidence tying Ukraine to the Crocus terrorist attack and discrediting the Russian security services. Considering the driving force behind this latest report, it can be expected that more such stories might soon follow, and everyone should be equally skeptical of them as well while keeping in mind the narrative goals that they aim to advance. ... otives-for
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 04, 2024 3:16 pm

The US’ Latest Crocus Claim Makes Russia’s Anti-Terror Investigation More Important Than Ever


APR 03, 2024

The second and third order effects of their work could influence America’s deep state and electoral dynamics once their final report is published and inadvertently amplified by the Mainstream Media in a desperate attempt to discredit it.

The Russian Investigative Committee’s probe into Ukrainian and Western involvement in terrorist attacks on their country’s soil is more important than ever after the Washington Post (WaPo) cited unnamed American officials to report that the US informed the FSB in early March that Crocus would be attacked. This claim contradicts what other unnamed American officials told the New York Times (NYT) about how the US withheld specific information about that plot in order to not burn their sources and methods.

Both the NYT and WaPo are regarded as newspapers of record that can be trusted to not make up sources or statements even if the aforesaid ultimately turn out to be factually incorrect. Accordingly, there’s no reason to doubt that both outlets did indeed serve as conduits for unnamed American officials to introduce their respective narratives into the global information ecosystem, though it’s unclear why they contradict each other. The most likely reason is that there are deep internal divisions over this issue.

Each of these two leading outlets reported in mid-November on the letter signed by more than 500 Biden Administration officials across some 40 government agencies expressing principled dissent over American policy towards the latest Israeli-Hamas war. This precedent proves that it’s not a so-called “conspiracy theory” to speculate about deep internal divisions on sensitive issues such as exactly what the US knew ahead of the Crocus attack and how much of that it actually passed along to Russia.

With that in mind, it was arguably the case that the NYT’s sources spilled the beans about the US withholding specific information about this terrorist plot, but then WaPo’s sources carried out reputational damage control after the preceding truth made America look terrible in many people’s eyes. Nevertheless, what the NYT reported has now been “memory-holed” while WaPo’s contradictory claim is fast becoming the official narrative, which contributes to discrediting the Russian security services.

Immediately after the attack, the Mainstream Media (MSM) decontextualized two sentences from President Putin’s meeting with the FSB a few days before the incident in order to dishonestly allege that he downplayed ISIS-K threats in the run-up to what happened, but this analysis here debunks that. Meanwhile, this analysis here cites the MSM’s own reporting over the past year to posit that the US learned about this plot by spying on Kiev, which explains why it’s so obsessed with only blaming ISIS-K.

The insight gleaned from the preceding hyperlinked analyses lends credence to what the NYT’s American sources claimed about the US withholding specific information about the attack, but the evidence and logic contained therein haven’t broken through the “Great Western Firewall” of MSM censorship. Average folks in the West might therefore be inclined to lend false credence to what WaPo’s American sources just claimed, thus manipulating their views about what happened before the Crocus attack.

The most effective way to break through the abovementioned firewall is for the Russian Investigative Committee to complete their ongoing work into Western involvement in terrorist attacks on their country’s soil such as the spree of assassinations, drone strikes, and the several Crimean Bridge attacks. Their final report and associated evidence could then become such a global media sensation that the MSM would be compelled to report on it just like they reported on Russia’s Crocus claims.

This wouldn’t just protect Russia’s integrity amidst the claim from WaPo’s American sources that it inexplicably ignored alleged warnings that Crocus would be targeted but would also give a helping hand to the comparatively more responsible deep state faction represented by the NYT’s American sources. The deep internal divisions over Gaza and now seemingly Crocus as well have the potential to shift the internal policymaking balance between them and also influence voters’ perceptions ahead of November.

If the comparatively more irresponsible deep state faction represented by WaPo’s sources is able to maintain dominance over the official narrative on this issue, then on-the-fence voters in the upcoming neck-and-neck election might think that Russia was the irresponsible one, not the Biden Administration. Those that learn the truth about the Biden Administration’s involvement in terrorist attacks on Russian soil, however, might then vote for third parties or support Trump in order to avert World War III.

The former president accused the incumbent of spiking that worst-case scenario by miscalculation on the same day as WaPo’s report was published, with this concern becoming a hallmark of his campaign, but it’s not reckless fearmongering like critics might claim. The Russian Investigative Committee’s ongoing work will prove how irresponsible the Biden Administration has been in this respect, though it’s premature to speculate on the exact evidence that they might soon unearth.

At the very least, the US’ financing of Ukraine’s military-intelligence agency (GUR) and secret police (SBU) is enough to indirectly implicate it in their crimes since Washington could have cut the purse strings to protest their terrorist attacks long ago if it truly didn’t endorse them. WaPo’s report last fall that cited unnamed American sources to boast about how the CIA rebuilt the GUR from the ground-up from 2014 onwards is even more damning since it strongly suggests that the GUR has been the CIA’s proxy all along.

These facts and more will probably figure into the investigation’s findings, which will predictably be so scandalous that the MSM will feel compelled to report on them after already reporting on the comparatively less scandalous claim of American involvement in the Crocus terrorist attack in particular. Although those outlets’ intent will be to discredit the investigation’s conclusions just like their reporting about the last-mentioned claim was meant to do the same, it’ll still inadvertently amplify this news.

Refusing to talk about it would be self-discrediting and come off as suspicious, hence why the decision was made to challenge Russia’s claim of American and Ukrainian connections to the Crocus attack. Upon reporting on the Russian Investigative Committee’s final report, however, the MSM would unwittingly give a helping hand to the comparatively more responsible deep state faction represented by the NYT’s sources and inform voters of the terrorist activity that the Biden Administration is involved in.

To be clear, Russia has the right to investigate anyone’s involvement in terrorist attacks on its soil and share what it learned with the world, just like any country has. The second and third order effects that are foreseen to unfold after the MSM inadvertently amplifies this in an attempt to discredit it once the final report becomes a global media sensation aren’t planned but are simply predictable. This is a crucial difference since planning to influence deep state and electoral dynamics would amount to meddling.

The MSM’s dilemma is the same as the one that that it faced eight years back after the DNC leaks in that they were compelled to report on them after this news became too big to ignore but doing so ended up influencing deep state and electoral dynamics. Something similar is happening nowadays too, albeit instead of another round of DNC leaks, a comparatively more responsible deep state faction leaked to the NYT that the US withheld specific intelligence that could have prevented the Crocus terrorist attack.

Unlike eight years ago, however, their comparatively more irresponsible rivals have much more power as a result of the Biden Administration’s purge that politically neutralized most deep state forces opposed to their New Cold War against Russia. This dissident faction still exists as evidenced by what they told the NYT, but their rivals are much more powerful as proven by them responding with the latest false narrative pushed by WaPo alleging that the US supposedly did pass along specific information to Russia.

It’s in this larger context that the Russian Investigative Committee is carrying out their ongoing work, whose second and third order effects could influence America’s deep state and electoral dynamics once their final report is published and inadvertently amplified by the MSM in a desperate attempt to discredit it. For these reasons, their findings could have an outsized impact not only on events within the US itself, but also across the world considering how pivotal that country’s role in global affairs still is. ... laim-makes


U.S. Has Claimed Duty To Warn But Did Not Do It

U.S. intelligence sources have, at times, fed bullshit to Seymour Hersh:

DUTY TO WARN Seymour Hersh, Mar 27 2024 (emphasis added)

This American intelligence community passed a warning of a possible attack involving religious extremists from Pakistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan eighteen days in advance of the Moscow concert hall assault that killed at least 137 people and injured more than one hundred. Such a warning invariably comes from intercepts from the National Security Agency and agent reports from the Central Intelligence Agency.
The Americans did their job but the Russian intelligence community, heeding its boss, did not. President Vladimir Putin publicly called the warning “provocative statements” three days before the attack, and the Russian security services ignored it. They bear responsibility, in the view of American intelligence experts, for failing to do what was necessary to protect the concertgoers.

According to the above President Putin of Russia is responsible for ignoring the warning of a terror attack the U.S. gave to Russia.

Similar bullshit was fed to Shane Harris of the Washington Post:

U.S. told Russia that Crocus City Hall was possible target of attack Washington Post, Apr 2 2024

More than two weeks before terrorists staged a bloody attack in the suburbs of Moscow, the U.S. government told Russian officials that Crocus City Hall, a popular concert venue, was a potential target, according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
The Russian leader himself publicly dismissed U.S. warnings just three days before the March 22 attack, calling them “outright blackmail” and attempts to “intimidate and destabilize our society.”

It is again Putin who is to blame.

However the above claims are nonsensical. As Shane Harris writes further down in his piece:

But the information that pointed to an attack on the concert hall also pointed at a potential danger for Americans in Russia. On March 7, the U.S. Embassy publicly announced that it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts,” and advised U.S. citizens “to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.”
The United States shared its information with Russia the day before that public warning, according to people familiar with the matter. Naryshkin said “U.S. intelligence agencies” gave the information to the FSB, Russia’s state security service.

The public warning was given on March 8. It was explicitly time limited:

People have been told to avoid concerts in the next 48 hours amid potential ‘extremist attacks’.
The US Embassy in Moscow urged its citizens against attending large gatherings in the Russian capital.
‘The embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts, and US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours,’ it read.

Britain’s Foreign Office echoed the US alert, sharing it on the Travel Advice page for the country.

The warning said that the danger was during the next 48 hours, not during the days that followed those.

Putin dismissed the warning on March 19, nine days after it had exceeded its time horizon. The attack on the Crocus hall happened on March 22. There had been no new warning issued for that or any other day.

Former CIA agent Larry Johnson, who has personal experience with such warnings, is thus correct when he writes:

During the last 35 years I do not recall a single instance in which the State Department issued a warning like this specifying a specific time period for vigilance. The warning itself implies intelligence that provided a specific timeframe for the attack. So, when the attack does not happen, you need to go back to the analysts and ask, WTF!!! If the analysts had said, “Oh, wait, the Russians boosted security at the Crocus City Hall on 8 March and scared off the attack,” then the next question should have been, “Do you still believe there will be another attempt?” The analysts could have said yes, no or maybe.
So, if you believe the intelligence is credible then it was incumbent on the USG to issue another warning to continue to avoid large gatherings, such as concert halls. The USG did not do that.

Nope. The USG is pushing the line that “We warned the Russians and they did not act.” Sure looks like a psy-op to me designed to paint Putin as a heartless goon who ignored our intelligence.

And that is exactly what it is.

The attack itself was done by hired killers, not by devoted Muslims willing to die for their believe. It is thus hard to swallow the claim that the real Khorosan branch of the Islamic State is responsible for it. That branch by the way has always been known to be a CIA operation.

Arnaud Bertrand @RnaudBertrand - 9:03 UTC · Apr 2, 2024
This is really worth sharing: a top Chinese international relations scholar (Ma Xiaolin, director of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies at Zhejiang International Studies University) shares his view on why ISIS is now targeting geopolitical enemies of the West.

I translated his article in full - original in Chinese here:

From Bertrand's translation:

Before the end of 2017, the Islamic State was essentially defeated as a territorial entity, suffering a fatal blow and being forced to disband and go underground, with its focus shifting from West Asia to Central Asia. The Khorasan branch, active in Afghanistan and Pakistan, became the main force, taking up the banner of terrorism and frequently acting, gradually adjusting its survival rules and strategic direction.
Over the years, there have been signs that the Islamic State's targets for revenge have clearly shifted to Eastern countries, no longer viewing the US and Europe as primary enemies, and completely deviating from its original goals of ending US global dominance and "liberating Palestine".
Despite the US indirectly or directly warning Iran and Russia of Islamic State attacks, suspicions remain.
On November 15, 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense publicly condemned the US military for sheltering retreating Islamic State militants; the Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that US forces in Syria had more than once allowed terrorists to escape. Consequently, Russia became the primary target for Islamic State reprisals and attacks. In December of the same year, the group attacked a supermarket in Saint Petersburg, injuring 18 people.

Russian media revealed that since 2018, the US and other Western allies have repeatedly airlifted Islamic State leaders and key members out of eastern Syria, their whereabouts unknown. In January 2019, the Russian Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs stated that unidentified helicopters were transporting large numbers of Islamic State militants from eastern Syria to the border area between Tajikistan and Russia, preparing to provoke Russia.

Moreover, on September 2, 2022, just before the 22nd anniversary of the "9/11" attacks, ISKP did not commemorate its predecessors' landmark attack on the US homeland; instead, it targeted China for the first time in its publication "The Voice of Khorasan". Three days later, the group launched a suicide attack on the Russian embassy in Afghanistan, killing two Russian diplomats.

Clearly, ISKP has become the core force of the Islamic State, with its stance representing the new core and top-level position of the Islamic State. The struggling Islamic State is openly changing its stance to show goodwill towards the US and Europe and hostility towards China, Russia, and Iran, hoping to benefit from the confrontation between major powers.

The Russian and Chinese suspicion that IS-K has been formed or is used as a tool of U.S. intelligence service is well founded.

Three years ago, based on reports from the Afghan Analyst Network and other sources, I found that IS-K and the CIA had strong relations:

How The CIA Used ISIS-K To Keep Its Afghanistan Business - Moon of Alabama, Aug 29 2021

Over the years several reports by the Afghan Analyst Network (AAN) about the Islamic State in Khorasan Province (ISKP or ISIS-K) show that it had grown out of militant groups from Pakistan. A report from 2016 describes extensively how they were fostered by the Afghan state:
The Afghan state's NDS was a CIA proxy agency. During the mid 1990s the intelligence chief of the Northern Alliance, Amrullah Saleh, had been trained by the CIA in the United States. After the U.S. overthrew the Taliban government Saleh became the head of the NDS. The NDS also had extensive relations with India's secret service.

While the U.S. pretended to fight the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) consistent reports from various sides alleged that core ISIS personnel were extracted by unmarked U.S. helicopters from Iraq and Syria and transferred to Nangarhar where they reinforced the ISKP militants.

Hadi Nasrallah @HadiNasrallah - 1:18 UTC · Aug 28, 2021
In 2017 and 2020, Syria’s SANA reported that that US helicopters transported between 40 and 75 ISIS militants from Hasakah, North Syria to an “unknown area”. The same thing was reported for years in Iraq by the PMU along with reports that US helicopters dropped aid for ISIS.

As Alex Rubinstein summarizes:

The list of governments, former government officials, and organizations in the region that have accused the US of supporting ISIS-K is expansive and includes the Russian government, the Iranian government, Syrian government media, Hezbollah, an Iraqi state-sponsored military outfit and even former Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who called the group a “tool” of the United States ...
Like in Iraq and Syria the CIA's fostering of ultra-militant Islamists led to a backlash as the militants increasingly attacked the Afghan state. The U.S. military finally found it necessary to intervene against them. But the fighting against them on the ground was mostly done by the Taliban who for that purpose received direct support from the U.S. air force.

The concert hall attack in Russia was attributed to IS-K because the IS-affiliated Amaq News Agency had published videos by the murderers who were from Tajikistan. But the fact that someone knew whereto submit such videos does not prove a strong connection between those entities.

It seems IS-K, like certain journalists, is just a tool used by U.S. intelligence services to further their information and terror operations while blaming U.S. 'enemies', here Putin, for the results.

But what is really disturbing is that people fall for it.

Posted by b on April 3, 2024 at 11:49 UTC | Permalink ... .html#more.


"Union for the Protection of Children named after Mannerheim"
April 3, 18:49


"Union for the Protection of Children named after Mannerheim"


Yesterday there was a shooting at the Viertola school in the Finnish city of Vantaa. One child died and two others were seriously injured. The police detained a suspect in the shooting - he turned out to be a 12-year-old teenager. By the way, he won’t be sent to prison, those are the laws.

I read about this tragic episode in Russian-language Finnish sources and see advice: “In the Union for the Protection of Children named after. Mannerheim says that it is important for adults to remain calm and listen to their children.”

“Mannerheim Child Protection Union”... On the one hand, it is still anecdotal to call such a venerable organization after a man who first married a rich Russian bride because of her fortune. (Their honors are like that). And then he left his wife with two young daughters... By the way, according to one version, this happened because of the not entirely traditional orientation of the tsar and then the white general. The topic is not very well known in our country, and in Finland for a long time it was under an unspoken ban:

“For example, a big scandal was caused by the animated film directed by Katariina Lillqvist, The Ural Butterfly, which appeared in 2008.” The fact is that the director focused on those aspects of the bloody marshal’s life that are not usually discussed out loud, namely: his homosexuality and cruelty during the civil war in Finland in 1918.

Although they knew before that the marshal was bisexual and that he had many lovers in different countries, they started talking about it openly only now. Many attribute Mannerheim’s cruelty to his sexual frustration, because in Lutheran Finland of the last century the national hero was forced to carefully hide his sexuality.”

The main thing is different. The Union for the Protection of Children still bears the name of the man under whom Finnish children were shot or imprisoned in concentration camps. For example, in 1918, after the white victory in the Finnish Civil War, 2,216 women were held in the concentration camp at Hennale. These were the wives and children of Finnish Red Guards and women who were in auxiliary positions in the Red Guard. Researcher Marja Liukkonen, who studied the history of women and children in Hennale, says that she was surprised by the results of the study, since this topic had been kept silent for a long time in Finland.

To conduct the research, Liukkonen studied many documents. She read hundreds of memoirs of prisoners of war and camp guards. In addition, she studied 26 thousand cards of those arrested, 11 thousand cards of prisoners of war, letters, evidence in court cases about the commission of a state crime, interrogation records, notes in newspapers and reports from church parishes about those killed and missing in action in the civil war.

Liukkonen's research revealed that among the female prisoners in the Hennali camp there were 289 children under 15 years of age. And the youngest girls raped and shot without trial were 14 years old.

There were even babies in the camp who were there with their mothers. Children also died. The memoirs of those who visited the prisoner of war camp say that children's corpses lay in piles in the corridors and attics of the barracks.

White terror is always like this. At least in Russia, at least in “civilized” Finland, at least in less civilized Chile or Indonesia.

“Mannerheim Union for the Protection of Children”... The most amazing thing is that the Finnish liberal “public” (no different from the same in Russia) has the audacity to give moral lectures about the history of a neighboring state...

(c) A. Stepanov

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:09 pm



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

“The unity of Russia’s multiethnic society,” President Vladimir Putin told the Russian Trade Union Congress on Thursday, “is the main fundamental condition of our success. In this connection, and based on the initial results of the investigation, we have grounds to believe that the main goal of those who masterminded the bloody and heinous terrorist attack in Moscow was to damage our unity.”

Putin is repeating the message – four times in two weeks: earlier on March 23, March 25, and April 2 — because it happens to be true.

What also happens to be true is that during the Yeltsin period, when asked by Moscow university students what I thought of anti-semitism in Russia, I said: Russians are the most primitive white tribe in the world – they are hostile to the other tribes, the Jews, Chechens, Armenians, Chukchi, Uzbeks, Tajiks — each one of them equally. After this sociology was elaborated, invitations to lecture at Moscow universities stopped.

The sociological problem which Russia’s enemies have is that the foreign white tribes, like the Galicians of the Ukraine, the Anglo Saxons, and the Blin-Noodle gang ruling Washington, make the primitive sociological mistake of thinking they can trigger intercommunal warfare inside Russia, to weaken and break it up. The British Secret Service (MI6) made their first abortive attempts at this during the Bolshevik revolution and the civil war following. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and MI6 have been plotting the same thing since 1945, increasing the resources and accelerating their efforts in the Caucasus during the Yeltsin administration of the 1990s.

It is therefore no surprise they have convinced their Ukrainian counterparts to implement the same scheme. On Tuesday of this week, The Times of London headlined this plan “Ukraine Stokes Anti-Immigrant Tensions in Russia”. The newspaper – in the 19th century nicknamed “The Thunderer”, now owned by Rupert Murdoch, nicknamed “The Dirty Digger” — reported an interview with Andrei Kovalenko, head of the Ukraine’s Centre for Countering Disinformation (CCD). By weaponizing local ethnic communities like the Tajiks in Russia, the operational objective, according to Kovalenko, is “to exploit divisions and distrust among the Russian public.”

Kovalenko is conceding the Ukraine strategy behind the Tajik gunmen’s attack on the Crocus City Hall on March 22. But the foreign tribesmen have misread the Russian sociology again. The attack has failed in its war objective.

Follow the story and the evidence of the Crocus City Hall events here.

The theory of interethnic conflict in Russia was last tested in Moscow in January 2022 by the Levada Centre, a pollster registered as a foreign agent in 2016. Levada has been surveying ethnic Russian attitudes towards other ethnic groups since 2011, emphasizing for its own reasons what the Levada staff call anti-Semitism. The polling results over the years show that positive and negative Russian sentiment has been moving on several measures of social distance — acceptance as family members, friends, neighbours, citizens, temporary workers on visa – in different directions for different ethnic groups.

The improvement in the Russian perception of Ukrainians and Jews has been sharply reversed by the Kiev war on the Donbass and then the Israeli war against Gaza. By contrast, the political, economic, and media efforts of the Putin administration to cultivate strategic relations with China, the African states, and the Caucasus, including Chechnya, have accentuated the positive, diminished the negative.


Lev Gudkov, Levada’s chief sociologist (Jewish), reporting on the December 2021 survey, has been reluctant to admit that Soviet ideology and Marxist education significantly reduced Russian xenophobia and racism, and that the impact of the Yeltsin revolution – which Gudkov supported personally – reversed this. “Xenophobic sentiments, weakly expressed at the time of the collapse of the USSR, gradually increased by the end of the 1990s,” Gudkov reported in January 2022. Gudkov has also not acknowledged that since 2013 rising real incomes, employment mobility, and public optimism have acted together to reduce the negative sentiments of the 1990s. “The Crimean euphoria noticeably reduced their level and intensity of expression, channeling latent hostility of this kind and concentrating negativity on the images of the ‘Russophobic West’ and ‘Ukrainians’, ‘Bandera’.”

“The overall intensity of negative attitudes has been decreasing in recent years. This is especially noticeable in relation to ‘Jews’ (an increase in positive attitudes from 2010 to 2021 from 22% to 45%; a decrease in negativity and various kinds of restrictions over the same period from 34% to 22%), ‘Chinese’ (the share of positive or neutral responses increased from 12% to 28%; the share of negative decreased from 62% to 45%), ‘Chechens’ (the share of indicators of tolerant attitudes increased from 9% to 22%, negative decreased from 57% to 41%). The attitude towards Africans retains a predominantly negative and cautious tone (an increase in tolerant opinions from 12% to 22%, negative ones remained almost the same, 58%-60%, during 2010-2020, dropping by December 2021 to 51%). The same can be said about Gypsies (the growth of positive attitudes from 7% to 15%; the volume of negative attitudes ranges from 54% to 63% in August 2020, then decreases to 51%).”

Also, Gudkov’s survey of December 2021 confirmed that in the Russian labour market, the migrant worker problem has been intensifying, although unreported Levada data show that the balance between positive and negative sentiment varied markedly between regions and cities, and between income and age groups; that is to say, there is a correlation by social class.

Left: Lev Gudkov at the state think tank in Washington; right, John Helmer on class in US sociology. Class in the Soviet or Marxist meaning is not measured or reported by Gudkov and the Levada sociologists. They follow the US academic doctrine; they reject that “reality is Marxist”, as Michael Parenti once said. For more on reality in American sociology, read this.


Gudkov: “The most obvious expression of non-reflexive antipathy [sic] and anxiety is the attitude towards migrant workers. It has the character of frank wishes that the authorities limit the flow of migrants, introduce various prohibitive barriers and measures for migrants. Over the past 5 years, the share of those who believe that the government should prevent the flow of migrants has grown from 58 to 68-73%. This is the dominant public opinion.”

In his public assessments of the Crocus City Hall attack, President Putin has been carefully balancing the elements of public support for combating Russia’s foreign enemies and for remedying domestic labour market stress. In parallel, since March 22 there has been a new drive by police and prosecutors to crack down on illegal immigration from Central Asia and on the state official corruption which has encouraged it.

There is no Marxism in the mainstream Moscow media, but there is reality.

Yesterday, Yevgeny Krutikov published this analysis of the Ukrainian plan for the Crocus City Hall attack by Tajik gunmen to incite intercommunal, racial violence in Russia’s cities. The essay appears in the semi-official platform for political and geostrategic analysis, Vzglyad. Omitted from the analysis is whether, if the four gunmen had evaded capture by Russian forces and crossed the Ukrainian border, they would have been of more value in the Ukrainian scheme dead than alive.

The translation into English is verbatim without editing. Captioned illustrations have been added.

April 4, 2024
Ukraine talks about its connection with the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall
By Yevgeny Krutikov

The leadership of the Ukrainian special services openly admits that it “inflames ethnic tensions” in Russia “with the help of information.” In what ways and tools does the Kiev regime sow ethnic strife in our country and how are things really going with interethnic tensions?

Ukrainian agents are conducting a campaign of psychological operations (psyops), which is aimed at destabilizing Russia after the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall by inciting ethnic conflicts. This was told to the British newspaper, The Times, by Andrei Kovalenko, the head of the Centre for Countering Disinformation (CPD) at the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of the Ukraine.


According to Kovalenko, for Ukraine, provoking tension between ethnic groups within Russia is “fertile ground.” Since the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow, Ukrainian agents have become more active in Telegram channels and are trying to incite ethnic strife using the ethnic origin of the terrorists. Among the detainees, the four direct perpetrators are citizens of Tajikistan.

“Of course, it is very beneficial for us to support any national splits there [in Russia] and to warm them up with the help of information…We are using everything we can because we know that by stoking ethnic tensions, we are weakening Russia,” Kovalenko said.

The Times notes that the CPD of Ukraine is trying through Tajik Telegram channels to evoke sympathy for the terrorists, who were roughed up when they were detained by Russian security forces. Thus, Ukrainian agents are provoking Tajik citizens against the Russian law enforcement agencies.

In parallel, there have been other attempts to turn Russians against migrants or provoke conflicts between other ethnic or religious groups. The head of the Centre at the National Security Council also said that Kiev has fueled various rumours to pit Russians and Chechens against each other.

First of all, it is surprising that the heads of the Ukrainian special services — if we consider the Centre for Countering Disinformation (CPD) and the Centre for Information and Psychological Operations (CIPsO) as special services — regularly engage in such self-disclosure sessions. Not so long ago, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Vitaly Malyuk, confessed to organizing terrorist attacks on the territory of Russia, and the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded that Kiev extradite him. Maybe the Ukrainians are simply obliged to publicly report to the Western audience about the work they have done?

It is also significant that Ukraine openly approves of the very idea of the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall. “The main goal of terrorists and their customers is to sow discord and panic, strife and hatred in our country, to split Russia from within,” Russian President Vladimir Putin has said after the event. The fact that the leadership of the Ukrainian special services confirms this goal, in fact, proves once again the connection of the Kiev regime with the organizers and perpetrators of this crime.

But the main thing is that Kovalenko is “selling” the West a myth, to put it mildly. There is no “national split after the terrorist attack” in Russia, although the enemy is making significant efforts to incite discord. There is no “wave of xenophobia” either.

Ukrainians and Russian liberal exiles broadcast to Western politicians, experts, and the media a distorted view of Russia and its internal processes. It’s wishful thinking.

In particular, as recently as a few months ago, the head of the [Russian] Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs, Igor Barinov, said that since the beginning of the Special Operation in Russia, not a single significant conflict on ethnic and interreligious grounds has been recorded. “Our opponents in the West have chosen interreligious relations as a target, they believe that this is a weak point of our country, and through this they are trying to upset the internal political situation, weaken public support for the Special Military Operation. And despite this, we see that the state national policy has withstood the challenge,” Barinov said.

The terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall is undoubtedly a monstrous event, but in terms of the magnitude of what is happening, it is smaller in scale than the Ukrainian special operation which has been going on for more than two years. This means that its impact on Russian society will be less.

In this sense, the statements of the Ukrainian special services play into Russia’s hands. The incorrect information that the West receives from the Kiev regime leads to incorrect assessments and to the development of wrong decisions based on them. It is enough to watch some debates about Russia at the well-known British analytical centre Chatham House with the involvement of local academic experts, to see how far from reality their idea of life in Russia and the sentiments of Russian citizens is. Let them keep making mistakes.

Russia is unique not only for its ethnic diversity, but also for the very form of coexistence of different peoples and religious groups. In Russia, during its entire historical path, there was almost no forced assimilation of small peoples. Moreover, minority cultures, languages, and identities were maintained at the state level, especially during the Soviet period.

On the one hand, this was a condition for interethnic peace in a large and diverse country. But on the other hand, it was among minorities, who retained their ethnic identity thanks to Moscow’s policy, that the external forces were looking for the most radical “fighters against Russian imperialism.”

Russia’s internal diversity has always been perceived by external players as our weakness, a condition of the “non-monolith”. This gave rise to the idea of Russia’s opponents to split our country primarily on a national basis. Two hundred years ago, the British and Turks rocked the Caucasus, the French provoked the Poles, and in Soviet times, the Americans nurtured dissidents and their movements from the national republics of the USSR.

The caption of this undated Soviet poster says: "Long live the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - great socialist Fatherland, the indestructible multinational community of fraternal peoples is the living embodiment of the principles of proletarian internationalism."

The Soviet Union (historical Russia) collapsed, among other things, because of the “atomic bomb” laid by Lenin, the status of the republics of the USSR. Nevertheless, the rapid growth of nationalism in the late 1980s was the result of the ideological collapse of the Soviet regime and the sharp weakening of the system of state power, and not the root cause of this weakening.

In the Soviet Baltic States, for example, the extreme nationalist forces were not active until a certain point – until they realized that Moscow would not – was not capable or intending – to punish outright separatism. And this is despite the fact that the CIA had been pumping agents and money into the Baltic States for decades, including active engagement in psychological operations.

From 1949 to 1955 the British MI6 Operation Jungle attempted to land agents in Poland and the Baltic states by fast boats like these.

Now the Kiev regime and its special services are publicly boasting about operations of this kind against Russia — and a British newspaper is relishing these details.

From the point of view of Russian legislation, we are faced with subversive, anti-state activities which can be characterized as terrorism, incitement to overthrow state power, and incitement to ethnic hatred. Consequently, the relevant Ukrainian structures should also be characterized by us as terrorists and their leaders as leaders of terrorist organizations. Also, the newspapers which give them a platform are like propagandists of terror." ... more-89670
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:31 pm

Medvedev accused France of involvement in the Crocus terrorist attack
April 6, 16:19


Medvedev accused France of involvement in the terrorist attack at Crocus

About the accomplices of the terrorist attack committed on March 22 at Crocus City Hall

As is known, in criminal law it is customary to distinguish complicity in the commission of a crime when several persons deliberately participate in it. Let's figure out who became an accomplice in this heinous criminal act.
1. Performers. Everything is clear with them: these underdeveloped bastards have been caught, investigative actions are being carried out with them. Moreover, it is obvious that, despite multiple references to their affiliation with IS/ISIS/Vilayat Khorasan* (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), these scum are by no means religious fanatics who are ready to die for their faith. They showed neither external nor internal paraphernalia. They are primitive assassins, hired for relatively little money and trained to shoot. Just animals, human trash.

2. Organizers. With them it is somewhat more complicated, which is why the legend about the responsibility of the Islamic State was developed, which the extremists happily confirmed. But they always do this, just to increase their capital. Well, no one canceled the money, they probably got theirs. But the true organizers are still hiding in the shadow of the Islamic State. That's the idea. But already the first information published from the phones of hired geeks clearly indicates the nationality of the organizers. Like many other things - open (destination) and still closed. These are officials of Nazi “Ukraine”. It was in their ugly brain that the idea was born to compensate for failures at the front with terrorist attacks, which, however, is not surprising. They will have to answer either legally or otherwise. The same way they deal with terrorists all over the world. No statute of limitations.

3. Accomplices. A lot of them. Their circle is expanding and includes those who gave property, money, organized the movement, taught to shoot, etc. Everything is clear with them, too, and they will answer. Much more interesting are other accomplices, or international sponsors of terrorists. And here, alas, the situation is this: these include senior officials of NATO countries. They are different. Yes, at least the same Macron. His rhetoric, his actions, and most importantly, his sanctions for secret operations with the Bandera regime may well be qualified as complicity in the terrorist attack of March 22. That is why the lover of oysters and champagne shit himself so much that he was forced to publicly deny France’s involvement in the terrorist attack himself and through his subordinates. It is obvious that Macron and a number of other Western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack. There is no forgiveness for this. There is no hiding behind immunities here. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia.

(c) Medvedev

Google Translator


Daily Mail doxes young people on their return from Russian festival

Why did Russia’s hosting of an international youth festival provoke such a hysterical reaction from British media?

President Vladimir Putin addressed assembled delegates in Sochi during the closing ceremony of the festival. He was one of many Russian leaders who spoke to the young audiences who had gathered from around the world.

Proletarian writers

Thursday 4 April 2024

Nato’s power, the USA’s hegemony and what remains of the British empire are all in irreversible decline. A new world is coming into being and there is no room for imperialists in it. This is the context in which the World Youth Festival 2024 took place in Sochi – and why it provoked such a hysterical response from Guy Adams of the fascist-loving Daily Mail.

Origins of the World Youth Festival
The festival was originally named the World Festival of Youth and Students. The WFYS was founded in 1947, just after the second world war, at a time when it was becoming clear to many progressive people that the imperialists were taking over from Nazi Germany and continuing to wage a covert war against the USSR.

Many declassified documents have since proved this irrevocably, with notable examples being Britain’s ‘Operation Unthinkable’ and the US’s ‘Operation Cartel’, later renamed ‘Project Aerodynamic’.

That the desires of the imperialists manifested themselves in a so-called ‘cold war’ (characterised by low intensity operations and subterfuge) rather than an all-out open confrontation was a testament to the power of the Soviet Union – that it could win a war against Nazi Germany and most of Europe and still be strong enough to keep the Anglo-American imperialists at bay.

It was also a testament to the Soviet Union’s aversion to war. Indeed, according to its last leader Michael Gorbachev, the USSR was such a peace loving nation that it dissolved itself and handed itself over to the imperialists on a silver platter in order to avoid ever having to go to war again.

With the power of hindsight it is clear that the hot war could not be avoided by surrendering the Soviet Union. In fact, it was precisely the power of the Soviet Union that had prevented another hot war from engulfing Soviet territory. This correct understanding of imperialism had always been promoted by the Soviet Communist party under the leadership of VI Lenin and Josef Stalin, but was buried by the revisionists when Nikita Khrushchev came to power.

Indeed, Khrushchev was so sure there was a way to ‘get along with’ the west that he tried to join Nato in 1954 – the same year he transferred Crimea from the Russian to the Ukrainian SSR.

The legacy of the revisionist Soviet leaders who followed Stalin, from Khrushchev to Gorbachev, was the weakness of a crippled post-Soviet Russia, the massive economic devastation of the 1990s, which has been called an “economic genocide”, the stoking of fascistic and terroristic nationalisms surrounding and directed at Russia, the Nato expansion to encircle Russia … and, of course, the current war in Ukraine.

It is no wonder that the pundits of the ‘collective west’ like to compare President Vladimir Putin with Josef Stalin now that Russia has finally stood up to imperialism.

The aim of the WFYS was to bring together young adults from all over the world to promote solidarity and democracy and to oppose war and imperialism. Popular mottos from across the years included “For peace and friendship – Against the aggressive imperialist pacts”, “For peace and friendship and peaceful coexistence” and “For anti-imperialist solidarity, peace and friendship”.

The festival was held every few years and hosted by the following countries: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Romania, Poland, the USSR, Austria and Finland. From 1962 to 1968, the festival was postponed owing to political turmoil in the designated host countries – ie, because Algeria and Ghana had to fight the French and the British respectively for their independence. After 1968, the previously biennial event was held roughly every five years, hosted by Bulgaria, East Germany, Cuba, the USSR and the DPRK.

The dissolution of the USSR at the hands of Gorbachev led to a longer break than usual, until the mantle was taken up by Cuba in 1997. Since then, the festival has been held in Algeria, Venezuela, South Africa, Ecuador and Russia. The largest iteration of the event in its history was the 2017 festival in Sochi, in which 30,000 participants from 185 countries took part.

The most recent festival of March 2024, again hosted in Sochi, happened for the first time under a new name – the World Youth Festival. The organisation and funding for the event were handled by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs – Rosmolodezh – as well as by the federal territory of Sirius. It had the backing of numerous giant state enterprises such as Rosatom, Roscosmos, Rostelcom, Rosneft, Gazprom and Sberbank.

According to official sources, the event hosted 20,000 participants from 190 countries. Including all the local participants, volunteers and workers behind the scenes, it was temporary home to some 90,000 people.

World Youth Festival 2024 and its ideological significance
In the current climate, the imperialists are trying to rewrite history in order to hide their role in creating Nazi Germany, to hide the indispensable help their corporations gave to the Nazi Reich, and to hide the great sacrifice and glorious victories of the Soviet people who defeated them.

The current climate of anti-Russian hysteria, when even Russian tennis players have their flags replaced by white rectangles at international events, Russian athletes, musicians, dancers and others are banned from participating in global events, Russian culture is being banned, statues of Russians are being torn down, streets named after Russians are being renamed – and in Ukraine even Russian books are being burned … has all been nurtured and promoted by imperialist politicians, media and secret services.

The global russophobic campaign being conducted by the imperialists is reminiscent of Nazi Germany, and western corporate media are fully complicit in promoting and prettifying it.

It was in this climate that Russia opened its arms to the world – including to citizens of the imperialist heartlands – and showed them its generous hospitality. In doing so, it provided an example to the world of standing by its values and applying them in practice.

The imperialists like to pretend to hold such ‘universal’ and ‘humanitarian’ values, but in practice they have utter contempt for the masses of humanity. This is just one of the reasons why Russia is gaining so many fans in the west, where growing numbers of people are seeing through the lies of the mainstream media.

Evidence of this could even be found in the comments section under a recent Daily Mail article by Guy Adams, under the snappy heading: ‘Putin’s British useful idiots: This week an adoring crowd of over 20,000 hand-picked young delegates hailed the Russian despot at Nuremberg-style rally. Shockingly, several came from the UK. What are they thinking – and what poison might they spread?’

Interestingly, the most popular comments underneath this hit-piece included the following:

It would be naive not to think of there being some UK citizens supporting Putin. – Hugofirst of Bournemouth, UK (46 likes, 3 dislikes).
The vast majority of the world’s nations and populations are NOT against or boycotting Russia. – Luigi Peach from Brooklyn, UK (204 likes, 67 dislikes).
Disinformation – the sinister new term for information which deviates from the line our rulers want us to believe. – Petrovicz from Manchester, UK (97 likes, 11 dislikes).
I’m more concerned about our politicians and billionaires conspiring at Davos. – Bootie bear from Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (122 likes, 20 dislikes).
What kind of poison will they spread? Probably the antidote to the poison you spread. Why are people not allowed to have a different point of view without being ridiculed and insulted? – monimadness from No Limits City, South Korea (187 likes, 51 dislikes).
Because British society has been irreparably broken. Young people will look to stable cultures elsewhere where you can have an intelligent conversation without falling foul of wokery! – TheSport from Mayfield, UK (86 likes, 10 dislikes).
This gulf between what Guy Adams writes and what his readers think is revealing. When one of the delegates asked Adams about this he responded by branding his dissenting readers “anonymous trolls”.

The plain truth is that, despite the concerted efforts of ‘journalists’ like Adams, and despite the vast resources at the disposal of the mainstream media corporations, all of which aim to keep workers’ minds safely trammeled by bourgeois newspeak, many Britons are beginning to wake up to the fact that they are being lied to.

Ironically (given zionism’s track record as the ideological inheritor of nazism), the Times of Israel has chronicled how the Daily Mail and other mainstream media in Britain supported the growth of fascism in Europe in the years leading up to WW2. That being so, one might suppose that if Russia were holding Nuremberg-style rallies, the Daily Mail would be all in favour …

The neo-Nazi regime in Kiev, over which the Daily Mail waxes lyrical, has declared WW2 genocide perpetrators and Nazi collaborators like Stepan Bandera to be national heroes and is bringing up its children to revere them as such.

It takes a very special kind of ‘useful idiot’ to praise the Kiev regime as a democracy while condemning Russia as fascist – and to do so in the pages of the Daily Mail of all places. We can only assume Mr Adams is as unaware of this irony as he is of European history generally.

We note in this context that the imperialist countries do everything possible to prevent their citizens from accessing Russian media and culture. RT and Sputnik news have both been banned across the European Union, Great Britain and North America. Russian sources don’t appear in internet search results in the west, even if the information or event one is interested in took place in or involves Russia.

For this reason, it is very difficult for western workers to access the truth about the war in Ukraine, or to get any reliable information on any aspect of Russian contemporary or historical life. By contrast, Russia has imposed no such censorship: Russian citizens have free access to both local and western sources.

Economic significance
The economic warfare between the imperialist camp and Russia was initiated by the west back in 2014 – a punitive response to the decision by Crimea’s people to return to Russia rather than remain subject to the puppet fascist proxy regime in Kiev after the Maidan coup. The EU ban on imports of Russian iron and steel is one of several measures that dates back to that time.

The World Youth Festival took place at a time when Russia and the western powers had been embroiled in open warfare in Ukraine for two years. By this time the imperialists had done everything they could to sanction, sabotage and economically isolate Russia.

They blew up the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, they nationalised Russian state enterprise subsidiaries in Europe, they threatened third countries to try to stop them doing business with Russia, they tried to impose an international price cap on oil to reduce Russia’s revenues, they banned Russia from using the Swift banking system, and they froze $300bn worth of Russian state assets abroad.

But even after they had exhausted all the economic tools at their disposal in the hope of bringing the Russian economy to its knees, the successful hosting of 2024’s World Youth Festival merely showcased their failure.

The festival showed the world that Russia has the money and resources to host such an event. None of the participants had to pay for accommodation or food during their stay, meaning that there was no need for them to spend any money in Russia. Furthermore, thousands of participants even had their flights paid for from all parts of the world.

The food was delicious, the catering was superb, the rooms were spacious and comfortable, and the city was clean and beautiful. The huge cost of this festival shows on one hand how much Russia values the event and its noble aims, but on the other hand it shows how well the Russian economy is doing despite the imperialists’ crazed onslaught.

Diplomatic significance
Another objective of the imperialists was to diplomatically isolate Russia. The USA’s agents have long been pressuring the representatives of other countries to vote against Russia at the United Nations and to condemn ‘Russian aggression’. Nato countries have used all media dominance to create a synchronised echo chamber, drilling their Goebbelsian lies into every worker’s head, and injecting a default russophobia into every sphere of political, economic and social life.

So many enterprises and institutions linked to western monopoly capital have gone out of their way to condemn Russia since 2022, to silence any voice that questions the imperialist narrative, to plaster Ukrainian flags all over their marketing and products, to raise money for Ukraine through public collections, and to help create a general atmosphere of fear in which there has been no room for individuals to support Russia or even to put forward any view short of the extremist pro-Ukrainian fanaticism demanded by the lords of finance capital.

But the festival proved that Russia is not isolated despite the relentless information war being waged by the west. It showed that, on the contrary, the world is full of friends of Russia. A competitive selection process chose 20,000 people from 190 countries (that’s 190 delegations with an average size of 105 people) but the number of applicants – ie, young people who wanted to visit Russia – was vastly greater.

To give an idea of the scale, out of 160 British applicants only ten were chosen. The majority of countries, representing the vast majority of the global population, were happy to have their delegations attending the festival, and in many cases encouraged young leaders to attend.

Military significance
The hosting of the festival on the shores of the Black Sea while the war in Ukraine was ongoing demonstrated both that Russia is confident in its intelligence and defence capabilities and that the participants were confident in Russia. To boost this confidence even further, high officials such as President Vladimir Putin, former president Dmitry Medvedev, foreign minister Sergey Lavrov, foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, and Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov were all present at the festival.

The Ukrainian army released a video directly threatening all foreign participants in the festival, which ended with the words: “After Russia we will come for each of you.” During the last two years of war several incursions have taken place into Russian territory and several terrorist attacks have been carried out by Ukraine on Russian territory such as the Crimean Bridge attack and the assassinations of Daria Dugina and Vladlen Tatarsky. Despite this, the festival took place with no sign of tension or fear.

The World Youth Festival 2024 was a clear demonstration of the fact that the imperialists have failed in their ideological, economic, diplomatic and military objectives. There are telling signs that Russia is returning to a foreign policy more akin to that of the Stalin era than of the post-Stalin era. Russia has reassured the world that it can play a leading role in the struggle against imperialism – a historical mission bestowed upon the Russian people that deserves the support of the workers of the world.

Impotent imperialists seek reprisals against those who tell the truth
On 15 February 2024, the American delegation to the festival held a press conference at the United Nations building in New York, which was sponsored by the Russian mission to the UN. The panel of speakers included Caleb Maupin of the Centre for Political Innovation, Chris Helali of the Party of Communists USA, and Elizabeth Pekin of the American Student Union.

The speakers made a strong case in support of Russia’s just war in Ukraine, explaining why they felt it was important to attend the festival and why there should be no reprisals against any young American for attending. This was particularly important in light of the prosecution already being pursued against members of the Uhuru movement in the USA for the ‘crime’ of having visited Russia and spoken in its defence.

Attacks against free speech, dissenting opinion and independent journalism that isn’t in line with the official narrative are now commonplace in the west. The case of Julian Assange is well known, but there are hundreds if not thousands of lesser known examples.

The Spanish journalist Pablo Gonzalez who was detained without trial in Poland for the ‘crime’ of reporting form the ground in Donbass, British journalist Graham Philips who has been sanctioned for the same ‘crime’, and the US commentator Gonzalo Lira who died in Ukrainian custody after being detained for speaking out against the Kiev regime are just a few of many examples.

The intertwining of the bourgeois state and the corporate media makes it difficult to tell western journalists from spies. A recent case in Britain is that of Paul Mason, who embarked on a holy crusade with British ‘intelligence’ against anti-imperialist independent media the Grayzone. This type of collusion goes back a long time. The name George Orwell is well known, but few people know that he was a British intelligence asset working for Britain’s anti-communist ‘Information Research Department’.

Meanwhile, notwithstanding the Daily Mail’s boundless hatred of everything that stands in the way of Anglo-American imperialism, hatchet-man Guy Adams was unable to find anything substantive to report against Russia, the festival or its participants.

In his frustration and impotence, he dedicated two-thirds of his article simply to doxing the members of the British delegation one by one, exposing as much personal information about them as he could, with the goal of causing them as many problems as possible in their personal and professional lives.

At time of writing, one member of the British delegation has lost their job as a result of Adams’ article. This is an example of how repression operates via the corporate media, which have the power to ruin people’s lives not as a result of their quest to get at the truth, but because of their monopoly over the official narrative and the pressure they bring to bear over employers and institutions as a result.

And yet despite all this ceaseless propaganda, the comments under Adams’ article demonstrate that many readers sympathise with the delegates. There is a growing consensus that the delegates should have been free to attend the festival without being smeared and doxed by the press on their return.

Letter to the world from a British delegate
One British delegate eloquently summed up their thoughts about the Mail’s hatchet piece in an open letter:

Dear people of the world and dear Britons

A certain tabloid news outlet has decided to menacingly dox every member of the British delegation to the World Youth Festival 2024 in Russia.

First of all, I would like to apologise to my fellow British friends, whose reputations have been unfairly damaged. Some of us have already experienced problems with work and study. So much for freedom of movement and speech, which were supposedly a core value of our country (as we can see – no longer).

The World Youth Festival was by far the greatest event for young people in the world. I know no other country capable of unifying such different cultures, races and traditions into one big and friendly multicultural family. The amount of handshakes with people from different countries of the world, the sheer emotions these few days brought me – are priceless.

But perhaps the most important point of the festival would be that it was absolutely non-political. We got together, nothing was forced upon us, no politicians forced their agenda on us, we were absolutely free to roam or go where we wanted to and enjoy our time in one of the safest, nicest places in Russia (and, I dare say, the world).

The aforementioned article described the festival as a ‘Nazi-like parade in the style of Hitler’s Nuremberg rally’ but kindly omits the fact that their own news outlet was proudly supportive of Hitler in the 1930s, as was the British royal family.

Comparing the Russian people and the festival to Nazis is not only a sign of total stupidity and ignorance, it also shows the shallow, disrespectful and primitively aggressive level that the official British narrative has fallen to.

I feel ashamed of my country and its way of dealing with its own young people, who dared to challenge the official narrative.

I pray that in Britain there are many people who will not trust this slimy evil propaganda reporting and I feel that it is important for them to know the truth: the British mainstream media lies to you and paints us in the worst possible colours. Their agenda is to pose Russia as our enemy: the Russian people – wild and uncivilised; the Britons coming to Russia – useful idiots.

This is complete calumny: we stand against this agenda and will do everything in our power to ensure that the British people will know the truth and will not be fed this pile of lies daily.

You do not deserve to be lied to. ... -festival/


Alleged Chinese Military & Intelligence Aid To Russia Isn’t What Bloomberg Makes It Out To Be


APR 07, 2024

The Mainstream Media and Alt-Media Communities have long suspected that something of the sort was going on behind the scenes, albeit each for their own ideological reasons, but the reality is altogether different than both media camps popularly present it as being.

Bloomberg cited unnamed “people familiar with the matter” to report on Saturday that “China Providing Geospatial Intelligence to Russia, US Warns”. The storyline weaved into their piece is that the People’s Republic isn’t as neutral towards the NATO-Russian proxy war in Ukraine as its diplomats claim, thus discrediting their efforts to position their country as a mediator. Satellite imagery for military purposes, microelectronics, machine tools for tanks, optics, and missile propellants constitute the alleged aid.

The Mainstream Media (MSM) and Alt-Media Communities (AMC) have long suspected that something of the sort was going on behind the scenes, albeit each for their own ideological reasons. The first wants everyone to believe that China is dishonest and represents a threat to the West while the second wants them to think that it’s secretly Russia’s military ally and that Beijing is indirectly containing NATO. The reality is altogether different than both media camps popularly present it as being.

To begin with, the services that some Chinese companies allegedly provide to Russia in the identified spheres are carried out by companies on their own prerogative at the risk of suffering the secondary sanctions that the US threatened to impose against all those who violate its primary ones. A few entities have previously been sanctioned on this pretext, and Bloomberg also reported that Treasury Secretary Yellen warned her Chinese counterpart about this last week while in Beijing.

She threatened “significant consequences” against those companies that are found to have been materially supporting Russia in ways that could ultimately end up having military uses against Ukraine. The tiny number of companies that have thus far been sanctioned on these grounds suggests that this actually isn’t occurring anywhere near the scale that Bloomberg’s headline implied. The issue therefore isn’t systemic as part of Chinese strategy, but opportunistic as part of companies’ race for more profits.

Their article also doesn’t mention what the Insider reported in late January about how “Taiwan has become the Russian arms industry’s main source for high precision machine tools”, which the Washington Post followed up on shortly after by providing their own additional details into this subject. It’s absurd to speculate that Taiwan, whose self-proclaimed US-backed government isn’t recognized by Russia, is allegedly selling these highly important wares to Russia as part of a larger strategy.

Rather, these “politically incorrect” allegations reinforce the point that whatever trade is occurring between relevant companies across the world and Russia is part of the former’s race for more profits, not part of a strategy on behalf of the governments that they pay taxes to. Furthermore, Bloomberg also didn’t inform readers about what Reuters exclusively reported two days prior also citing unnamed “people familiar with the matter” about banking bottlenecks between Russia and China.

They’re apparently as long as half a year and are directly connected to fears of secondary sanctions being imposed on those Chinese financial institutions at the US’ prerogative if the latter decides to do so on the pretexts that it previously threatened. The same goes for what RT reported in late December citing the reputable Russian business daily Kommersant about how Chinese companies are supposedly complying with the US’ new sanctions against a Russian LNG project.

Although officially unconfirmed, there are reasons to believe that both reports do indeed have some basis in fact, which in turn adds credence to the argument that companies are operating independently of their governments. After all, China doesn’t recognize the legitimacy of American sanctions against Russia, let alone secondary ones against those who are accused of violating the primary sanctions. It’s unimaginable that the CPC would ask companies and banks to comply with its rival’s unilateral measures.

As for those that voluntarily decide to do so in defense of their economic interests in order to avoid being cut off from those lucrative American markets from which they’ve profited, the CPC simply respects their independent choice and doesn’t pressure them to reconsider. This reality contradicts the narratives pushed by the MSM and the AMC, which regularly claim that China is secretly supporting Russia’s special operation as a matter of state policy, though they differ in terms of how they judge this.

If there was any truth whatsoever to this theory, then the Insider – which was recognized by Russia as a foreign agent in July 2022 and consequently banned – would have presumably claimed in late January that China was “the Russian arms industry’s main source for high precision machine tools”, not Taiwan. That outlet has no logical reason to implicate a US-backed de facto separatist government at the center of America’s impending “Pivot (back) to Asia” for bolstering Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine.

The opposite is true: the Insider has every reason to implicate China in this alleged activity in order to further discredit its diplomats’ efforts to position their country as a mediator and serve as the pretext for imposing more sanctions against competitive Chinese companies in order to give the West’s an edge. To be clear, this rare act of arguable journalistic integrity doesn’t mean that everything else that they produced is accurate or that Russia should unban it, but simply that this particular report is likely true.

Reflecting on this insight, as well as the facts that Bloomberg only cited unnamed “people familiar with the matter” while Yellen repeated her sanctions threat without backing it up precisely because the US presumably isn’t aware of any other sanctions violators, Bloomberg’s piece is exposed as propaganda. It serves to lend false credence to the MSM and AMC’s suspicions but is discredited by the arguments and details in this analysis. Anyone who launders these claims is thus doing a disservice to Russia and China. ... telligence
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 08, 2024 2:45 pm



by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with

Ice cream is ancient enough to have been demanded by at least three well-known emperors – Alexander the Great of Greece, Nero of Rome, and Charles I of England, all of them ill-fated.

Ice cream, as we know it, doesn’t become easy to eat until it ceased to be plutocratic. Refrigeration technology, not political revolution, did the trick.

The industry of cows is a fillip, too. This is why New Zealand, world largest exporter of dairy products, is also the world’s leading consumer of ice cream. At 28.4 litres per person per annum, New Zealanders far outstrip Americans at 20.8 litres, and Australians at 18 litres. Sub-zero winter countries like Finland, Sweden, and Canada lag further behind. In Europe’s hottest summer weather, Portugal is far ahead of Spain, France, and Italy in the volume of ice cream sold but that’s because foreign tourists buy it, not the locals.

So when Soyuzmoloko, the Russian Union of Milk Producers, announced last week that in 2023 the volume of ice cream produced in Russia had jumped by 13%, and per capita consumption of dairy products had recovered to the Soviet level, the news is significant. It means that Russians eating more ice cream is a measure of confidence in the present value of their spending power, the future security of their savings, and victory in the present war.

When the American poet Wallace Stevens wrote his poem “The Emperor of Ice-Cream” in 1922, he was holidaying in Cuba. Observing the funeral of a poor woman whose corpse was in another room, the guests were eating ice cream. The poet’s pessimistic conclusion was “Let be be finale of seem/The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream”. Stevens was implying that ice cream is more permanent in life than life itself – at least among poor Cubans.

When Winston Churchill was in Moscow to meet Joseph Stalin on a sub-zero day in the autumn of 1944, he asked an aide what Russians he could see were eating as they stood in the city street. When told they were eating ice cream, Churchill reportedly said: “The people who eat ice cream in such cold weather are invincible.”

None of Churchill’s successors in Europe or the US has got this message yet.

According to Soyuzmoloko, domestic production of ice cream in 2023 increased by 13% over the year before to reach 524,000 tonnes. This represents a per capita consumption level of 3.6 litres, a jump of 16% over the level at the end of 2021. While the Russians are trailing well behind the new NATO enemies, the Finns (14.2 litres per person) and Swedes (12.0 litres), the Russian rate of growth is fast and positive – and much faster than the average global growth rate projected over the next five years at 4% annually. By contrast, the Finnish and Swedish consumption rates have been falling sharply over the past decade.

Ice cream-eating doesn’t correlate with military capabilities, but a rising consumption rate predicts winning wars; a falling rate, losing them.

The Russian ice cream makers are also steadily boosting their export volumes, while imports from the US and the European Union are plummeting. Compared to last year, Soyuzmoloko says Russia’s base milk output will grow by about 4% this year, while exports of ice cream will jump by up to 18%, if sanctions curbs on transport and payment can be neutralized.

Sanctions war is proving to be the icing on Russia’s ice cream cake. “The global market potential is absolutely fantastic,” Artem Belov, the head of Soyuzmoloko, said in January. “First of all, we are talking about countries friendly to Russia, primarily the markets of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, which open up enormous opportunities for Russia to increase exports.”

President Vladimir Putin markets Russian ice cream in cone to Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and in a birthday cake for China’s President Xi Jinping.

The war is also striking at ice cream capitalism, reversing the foreign takeovers which former President Dmitry Medvedev encouraged fifteen years ago for PepsiCo of the US and Danone of France. Read the archive starting in 2009.

Click to read:

Mouthpiece for import domination of the Russian ice cream and dairy products industry, Ben Aris of BNE Intellinews in Berlin has claimed: “Since the fall of the Soviet Union ice cream consumption has risen as a plethora of fancy imported ice creams arrived on the market. It is telling that amongst the very first foreign investors into the newly independent Russia was Baskin Robbins, the world's largest chain of ice cream speciality shops.”

Russian industry publications and the Streda Consulting Group of Moscow report the production dynamics of the national and regional ice cream manufacturers. In the current report of the 2023 results, for the second year in a row, Iceberry Group holds first place in the Top-20 table with output of 71,400 tonnes; this marks 36% growth over the year before, 2022. Renna Group of Companies came in second place with a volume of 55,000 tonnes (22% growth) pushing out Unilever with the Russian corporate identity of Inmarko, which took the third place at 41,000 tonnes (15%); fourth came Froneri, owned by the British R&R Icecream and Nestle of Switzerland, at 30,000 tonnes (11% growth); Slavitsa, fifth at 29,50 tonnes (13%); sixth, Russian Cold Group at 26,000 tonnes (5%); and seventh, Chistaya Liniya with 18,000 tonnes (decline of 18%).

“The ice cream industry continues to be one of the most dynamically developing segments in the dairy industry,” Soyuzmoloko has summed up last month.

Iceberry Group has been one of the three largest ice cream producers in Russia for many years. The company operates three factories in Vologda, Penza, and Yaroslavl regions with a combined capacity of more than 100,000 tonnes per year of ice cream, as well as the largest network of specialized kiosks and vending machines for the sale of ice cream and drinks. In 2020, the company merged production and logistics functions with the regional producer, Petroholod of St. Petersburg, which then left its plant site in the city to be fought over for redevelopment.

The next year Iceberry opened a new factory in Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, with initial capacity of 43,000 tonnes per annum. This year its capacity will be doubled, making Iceberry the largest ice cream enterprise in Russia.

Iceberry’s most popular ice cream brands: source:

Russians who know ice cream, and those who remember the Soviet varieties, say there is still a distinctive flavour in Russian ice cream, especially among the regional ice cream makers who have not yet been taken over by national groups like Iceberry. The flavour, they claim, has so far escaped the process of ice cream capitalism known as homogenization and the replacement by industrial chemicals of high milk fat, eggs, and authentic flavour ingredients which together are known in Russia as plombir. For the foundation statute establishing the standards for the full range of Russian dairy products, read this. Even Russia’s British enemies have conceded the superiority of Russian ice cream compared to “the sweetened gunk sold in the West”.

Iceberry is banking on export markets to take this new output. The company is actively developing its ice cream trade outside the former Soviet states and currently leads in opening the China market, as well as in Nigeria and other west African markets.


For the five years 2022 to 2026, Iceberry has announced a five-year production and sales plan in Nigeria under the Kinglace brand name. In the photograph of the opening of a new Nigerian asset, on left, Boris Zhukov is the son of Alexander Zhukov, the controlling shareholder of Iceberry. Source:

In second place on the ice cream producers table is the Renna Group, one of the largest dairy companies in Russia. The company operates the former Korenovsky Ice Cream Factory in Krasnodar Krai, which has been expanding its capacity since 2019. Its output includes more than 50 types of ice creams in various forms and flavours.

Renna’s most popular ice cream brands. Source:

Once number-one but now in third place in the producers table, Unilever’s Russian entity Inmarko, was bought from its Russian owners and integrated into Unilever’s multinational group from 2008; until 2021 it had been the undisputed leader in the ice cream market in Russia for more than a decade.

In Russia, Unilever manages two factories in Omsk and Tula with a total capacity of more than 100,000 tonnes of products per year. At the time of its launch in 2011, the Tula factory was Unilever’s largest ice cream production site in Eastern Europe. In 2013, Unilever opened a centre for research into Russian frozen food tastes and composition as part of the Tula complex. It has also been producing for the US Mars company non-ice cream products under the Snickers and Mars brands, while importing other Mars brands, such as Bounty and Twix. Following the start of the Special Military Operation, Mars announced it would “scale back our business and will refocus our efforts in Russia on our essential role in feeding the Russian people and pets. Any profits from our Russian business will be used for humanitarian causes. We have suspended new investments in Russia and will not import or export our products in or out of Russia. Our social media and advertising activity in Russia and Belarus will remain suspended.”

Until the war Unilever was the largest exporter of ice cream from Russia, which provided more than 15% of its sales revenue. In 2020 a quarter of the Tula plant production went to the US, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, and Denmark. The Omsk factory supplied exports to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan. With a large Russian emigré and tourist population, the US has been taking the largest volume of exported Russian ice cream – in 2021 shipments to the US jumped almost threefold on the year earlier to 10,600 tonnes in volume, $29 million in value. That figure represented a third of all Russian ice cream sales abroad. Kazakhstan and Mongolia followed with $ 23 million and $5.7 million, respectively.

However, in 2022, Unilever announced suspension of both import and export of products from Russia, as well as spending on advertising and new projects in Russia. At the same time, the company said it would maintain its supply of food products to the domestic Russian market. In fact, last year output grew by 15%.

Fear of being driven out of the Russian market is acknowledged by Unilever executives: “it is clear that were we to abandon our business and brands in the country, they would be appropriated – and then operated – by the Russian state. In addition, we do not think it is right to abandon our people in Russia. The second option would be to sell the business, but to date we have not been able to find a solution which avoids the Russian state potentially gaining further benefit, and which safeguards our people.”


“Since March 2022, we have ceased all imports and exports of our products into and out of Russia, and we have stopped all media and advertising spend. We have also ceased all capital flows into and out of the country. We continue to supply our everyday food and hygiene products made in Russia to people in the country. We understand why there are calls for Unilever to leave Russia. We also want to be clear that we are not trying to protect or manage our business in Russia. However, for companies like Unilever, which have a significant physical presence in the country, exiting is not straightforward.” Source: There is constant media pressure and political lobbying by Ukrainian organizations to compel Unilever to close down in Russia entirely. See the BBC report of last July:

Unilever, which is headquartered in London and owned in the US, has the largest share of the global ice cream market (17%), but it is now losing its Russian market share. Last year, the Unilever chief executive admitted, was “a disappointing year for ice cream.” His financial report for 2023 did not disclose revenue and profit figures for Russia, but acknowledged the “risk that the operations in Russia are unable to continue, leading to a loss of turnover, profit and a write-down of assets.” The report estimates its ice cream production assets in the country to be worth €600 million. The company announced last month that it is trying to sell out sell out of ice cream altogether.

At the same time as Unilever struggles to preserve its Russian assets and revenues in order to hold up the selling price of its global ice cream business, Danone and PepsiCo are facing even more substantial losses, as their Russian businesses are under pressure to sell at a 50% discount to Russian competitors and combinations of Russians with friendly-country investors.

Until 2022, the growth of the leading domestic ice cream producers was achieved by individual plant expansions; and by mergers and acquisitions as smaller regional ice cream makers have been persuaded to sell out. Since then the war is driving the internationals into the hands of the domestic producers. With Putin’s support, a Russian ice cream oligarchy is beginning to replace the multinationals whose takeover had been agreed with Medvedev.

Left to right: Alexander Zhukov, owner of Iceberry; Andrei Labut, owner of Renna; Artem Belov, Director-General of Soyuzmoloko.

The Streda report confirms that “the consolidation of the ice cream market has grown by 10% over the past five years — from 35% to 45%. By the end of 2023, five manufacturers occupied more than 43% of the market and provided 60% of the increase in production volumes of the industry as a whole.” The report adds that the market concentration for the top-10 producers is more than 60%.

Streda chief executive, Alexei Gruzdev, has expressed confidence that the Russian ice cream makers can continue to sustain their growth rate if they reorient but they must reorient the direction of their exports from North America and Europe to Asia and Africa. Asked if he anticipates the concentration trend to continue as Iceberry, Renna, and the other leaders take over the smaller regional companies or each other, he declined to answer.


On the 89th observation deck of the Federation Tower in Moscow, Chistaya Liniya (“Clean Line”) has created a mini ice cream factory and an ice cream museum. Chistaya Liniya is currently ranked 7th in the top-20 of Russian ice cream producers. ... more-89691


Kyrgyzstan’s Decision To Stop Accepting Russia’s Mir Bank Card Is Unfortunate But Understandable

Over 4,000 local residents have been evacuated, and at least another 3,500 houses have been affected due the floodings. | Photo: @tass_agency//МЧС России

Published 7 April 2024 (19 hours 27 minutes ago)

Orenburg Mayor Sergey Salmin has warned that flood waters are continuing to rise in Orenburg.

In the province of Orenburg in the southern Urals, the Russian authorities declared a "federal emergency state" due to flooding by Ural River floods which caused the collapse of several dam dams in the region.

The head of Russia’s Emergencies Ministry, Aleksandr Kurenkov, arrived in the disaster area. He said the emergency in the region has been assigned high-priority federal status.

Orenburg Mayor Sergey Salmin has warned that flood waters are continuing to rise in the region. The city of Orsk in the region, which borders Kazakhstan, has been the site of a major disaster over the past few days.

Mayor Salmin said on Sunday that the “flooding situation remains critical.” “The water is rising, and in the coming days its level will keep rising,” he added that there would be further power outages in affected areas and urging people to evacuate immediately.

Over 4,000 local residents have been evacuated, and at least another 3,500 houses elsewhere in Orenburg Region have been affected due the floodings.

Local authorities declared a state of emergency across the region on Friday when the first embankment gave way as the Ural River rose to dangerous levels. Another ruptured the following day in the vicinity of Orsk, with more than 2,500 houses flooded.

Press media Interfax quoted the Orenburg governor’s press office as reporting that since the start of the disaster, four people have been found dead in their homes, altough none of them drowned, and “their deaths have nothing to do with the flooding,” authorities stressed.

The Investigative Committee’s office in Orenburg Region believes that at least one of the incidents was due to negligent maintenance of the infrastructure. On Saturday, the entity launched a criminal probe into a suspected breach of safety regulations during construction, as well as criminal negligence. ... -0003.html

Ural River Flood Affects Orenburg Region in Russia

Russian authorities inspect flood-affected areas, April 7, 2024. | Photo: X/ @WHLT22

Published 8 April 2024 (2 hours 36 minutes ago)

The rise of the river caused the rupture of a containment dam and the water flooded dowtown Orsk.

On Sunday, Denis Pasler, the governor of the Orenburg region, reported that 10,168 homes are flooded due to the rise of the Ural River.

The evacuees from the flood zone, caused by warm weather and massive thawing, amount to 6,127 people, including 1,478 minors.

In Orsk, a city of nearly 200,000 inhabitants, where authorities described the situation yesterday as "critical," more than 6,500 homes were flooded.

Authorities warn that the peak of the flooding has not yet been surpassed and the normalization of the water level in the Ural River is expected only by the end of the month.

According to preliminary estimates, the damages caused by the floods may amount to US$230 million dollars.

The rise of the Ural River caused the rupture of a containment dam and the water flooded the old part of the city, so authorities declared a regional state of emergency on April 4, which was elevated to federal level yesterday.

Orsk is the second city in the Orenburg region, bordering Kazakhstan, a country where floods were described this Saturday as the worst natural disaster in the last 80 years by Kazakh President Kasim-Yomart Tokayev. ... -0002.html


By Tony Kevin, Facebook, 3/31/24

Key talking points:

• The West tries hard to convince everyone that ISIS is behind [the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack] & there is apparently no point in suspecting anyone else, above all… Ukraine. They mention that country directly & regularly to the point of becoming obsessive.

• We will wait for the investigation to complete before drawing final conclusions. The West is suspiciously assertive as it tries to convince us, not only publicly but also in their contacts with our diplomatic missions, that we should not suspect Ukraine, without explaining why.

• The US sent us these signals [regarding talks on strategic stability]. We explained that it was impossible to talk about strategic stability in a situation when we were declared a strategic enemy that needed to be “strategically defeated.”

• The irreparable confidence of the US in its own righteousness, omnipotence and impunity has led to the fact that the US foreign policy is now led by people who do not know how to do diplomacy.

• You know that European ambassadors have refused to attend a meeting with me. We have notified them that, from now on, we will consider every request for meetings with Russian authorities at all levels, on a case-by-case basis to decide if we want to hold such meetings or not.

• Globalisation, which the Americans forced on everyone based on their own terms, has shown that nobody can set it hopes or rely on the US. It can weaponize the dollar, terminate contracts regardless of the presumption of innocence and the inviolability of property.

• If [the West] comes to its senses & sees that it is no longer possible to act as the neo-colonial power, & that there are new centres of power it must respect, it will be able to join these processes [of regionalisation of global development and revival of the global process] on the basis of equality, respect for each other and a balance of interests. ... h-28-2024/

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Tue Apr 09, 2024 5:13 pm

Russia will overtake Japan in terms of GDP in 2024
April 9, 11:09


According to statistics and forecasts of the World Bank, Russia not only occupies a confident 5th place in the world in terms of GDP, but already in 2024 it will overtake Japan and reach 4th place in the world, albeit with a meager, but gap from Japan. Not long ago we had talk that Russia would be able to overtake Japan in GDP in 2025, but if you believe the World Bank, this will happen already in 2024. We’ll check at the beginning of 2025. And most likely, Russia’s position in this ranking will be threatened not by Japan, but by the rapidly soaring economy of Indonesia, which is catching up with Russia and Japan.

When there were no sanctions, for some reason it was not possible to bypass Japan and Germany.

Nazi literature found in Cossack museum
April 8, 23:30


Finally, they started to write about the kizyak glorifying the Cossack collaborators who served Hitler.

Searches took place in the Cossack Museum in the Rostov region, portraits of Nazi collaborators and literature dedicated to Ataman Krasnov were confiscated, (c) RIA Novosti

It is worth noting that the monument to the traitor Krasnov, erected long ago on private territory in the village of Elanskaya, still not demolished, has not yet been demolished Rostov region. The monument obviously serves the purpose of glorifying the Nazi and collaborator Krasnov. This issue has been raised publicly more than once and there is hope that, due to the changed realities after the start of the SVO, they will finally get to this abomination.

Burisma is involved in organizing terrorist attacks in Russia
April 9, 17:36


The Investigative Committee of Russia reported that the well-known company Burisma, through which the Biden family's corruption money was laundered, was involved in organizing and financing terrorist attacks on Russian territory.
(Video at link, Russian)

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No news is good news…

For those who wonder why I have not posted any commentary for nearly a week, I have a straightforward explanation. This silence has had nothing to do with the Easter holidays, which have sent many folks on vacation and disrupted work schedules in many European countries. No, it has to do with global news, or the relative absence of it. The war in Gaza grinds on. The war in Ukraine grinds on. But there has been no dramatic turn of events in these conflicts or elsewhere in the world to grab the headlines of our media and require comment from talking heads.

On the other hand, when there is breaking news, I do not hesitate to issue more than one commentary article on a given day.

In recent days, international news in the West has been dominated by the Gaza conflict. We have heard how Biden came close to condemning Israeli atrocities and failed military operations in Gaza. We have heard about the Israeli withdrawal from Southern Gaza, which is interpreted either as a concession to the ‘or else’ threats coming out of Washington or as a prelude to the long announced attack on Rafah, depending on whom you want to believe.

However, in Russia the international and domestic news remains focused on the Ukraine conflict. Day after day, Russian state television provides not only statistics on destroyed Ukrainian planes, tanks, Himars and other rocket artillery units as well as headcounts of the killed and maimed enemy forces, but also relevant video coverage of these successes.

For the layman, it is difficult to see the results of these successes on maps of the line of contact between the opposing sides. The Russian officials are knowingly playing down their daily advance westward, calling it just positional improvements. They do not want to telegraph their punches or to give Western media cause for alarm before they spring the several traps for Ukraine’s army that will come when they break through the Ukrainian defense lines later this spring and summer.

And in parallel with the destruction on the line of contact, the Russians are actively waging what the Moscow-based journalist John Helmer has rightly called an ‘electricity war’ on Ukraine, utterly demolishing an increasing number of power generating plants across the country.

Even the pro-Ukrainian Financial Times two days ago finally published an article describing the attacks on power infrastructure as having taken a new and very dangerous turn for the viability of Ukraine.

Moreover, here and there Western media are reporting on another powerful escalation in the Russian prosecution of the war: the wide and growing use of repurposed Soviet vintage ‘dumb bombs’ that are now maneuverable ‘glide bombs’ carrying between 500 kg and 3 tons of explosives. These cheap weapons have a range of 60 to 90 km and land within 10 meters of target. They are unstoppable and achieve many times the devastation of artillery shells. Indeed they are fully capable of clearing paths through any of the defense lines that the Ukrainians are now constructing posthaste in anticipation of a Russian offensive.

I stress that these various significant developments in the war appear as separate news items in Western media, but without anyone linking the dots. When you do that, it becomes obvious that all the brave talk about the Ukrainians being propped up and reinforced for the sake of a counter-offensive in 2025, all of the brave talk about a 5-year military assistance package for Ukraine amount to empty blather. If the war continues on its present trajectory, there soon enough will not be a Ukraine to prop up.


Day after day on Russian state television, we also hear about the latest progress of the FSB and other law enforcement agencies in uncovering the financial channels and equipment supply channels linking Ukraine to the terror attack on the Crocus City Hall entertainment complex.

These same news reports also take the lines of responsibility all the way to the USA and the UK. The role of the USA in assisting and promoting the formation of the Islamic State terror groups from the time of the Obama administration is fleshed out. There is no backtracking from the first remarks made by FSB director Bortnikov on the subject of who stood behind the Crocus City attack.

The one non-Ukraine and non-Israeli big news item of last week both in the West and in Russia was the celebration in Brussels of the 75th anniversary of the signing of the agreements that created NATO. Coverage was not particularly exuberant in Western Europe because the NATO countries were unable to reach unanimous accord on the way forward with respect to Ukraine in their discussions just ahead of the cake cutting ceremony.

In Russia, no detail of the NATO celebration was too insignificant to be overlooked. We heard and saw how the caterers of the NATO event failed to provide forks, so that the high and mighty ate their piece of cake with their fingers.

Of considerably greater importance, we saw on last Sunday’s News of the Week program hosted by Dmitry Kiselyov an extensive account of the ‘pre-history’ of the NATO treaty, with a fair dose of conspiracy theories set out that bring to the door of Harry Truman and Winston Churchill responsibility for the start of the Cold War.

Kiselyov emphasized Franklin Roosevelt’s neutral and objective appreciation of the Soviet contribution to the war effort, which ran counter to the views of the anti-Russian Churchill and his newfound fellow thinker U.S. Vice President Truman. Roosevelt’s sudden death from a stroke just days before the Victory in Europe is said to have been possibly a case of poisoning, which Truman and his followers in the Oval Office up to and including John F. Kennedy refused to investigate by barring any exhumation of the body for tests. Moreover, Roosevelt’s quick burial hints at a cover-up, we are told

The net result of FDR’s death was unholy plotting of Truman as his successor, with Churchill’s blessing, to remove the USSR as a Great Power by dropping nuclear bombs on its 20 largest cities. This scheme was not implemented, per Kiselyov, only because the U.S. lacked the bombs and while it worked to manufacture them the Soviet Union developed and tested its own A-bomb, putting an end to America’s nuclear monopoly and restoring a semblance of deterrence.

There is nothing new in what Kiselyov presented, but it is important that he laid out the story now because it is preparing the Russian people for all eventualities in the evolution of the Ukraine war into a Russia-NATO war.

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024 ... good-news/


Western “Security Guarantees” For Armenia Would Be A Recipe For Regional Disaster


APR 09, 2024

Unlike Ukraine which is currently in a hot conflict with Russia, Armenia is currently at peace with all of its neighbors, thus raising questions about why it and NATO are already preparing for another war when no formal pretext exists since nobody has any claims to anyone else.

Several NATO members have already agreed to provide so-called “security guarantees” to Ukraine whereby they promised to extend arms, intelligence, logistics, and other forms of support to it in the event that another conflict breaks out with Russia. These pacts essentially formalized their existing support to Ukraine and aren’t anything new even though Kiev has spun them as supposedly being game-changing military-strategic breakthroughs.

The situation with Armenia is very different than Ukraine, however, since it’s not involved in an active conflict with any of its neighbors. Moreover, the country is still formally part of the Russian-led CSTO despite unofficially suspending its participation in this bloc, though Moscow has reaffirmed that it still has mutual defense obligations to Yerevan if its existence is ever threatened. Armenia’s landlocked geography also impedes NATO’s ability to extend Ukrainian-like support even in that worst-case scenario.

Furthermore, Armenia regards NATO member Turkiye as a possible threat to its existence, and it’s unrealistic that the bloc’s second-largest military would allow fellow members to use its territory for shipping arms to Armenia for use against its own troops in those two ever go to war. The only realistic avenue is for them to supply Armenia via the Black Sea and Georgia, which could occur in peacetime and be complemented by building up stockpiles in those two countries ahead of time.

The only reason why Armenia wants “security guarantees” of this sort from NATO is because it doesn’t expect Russia to protect it in the event of an existential conflict. This wayward CSTO member is probably also plotting to withdraw from that bloc and apply to join NATO despite official denials. Nothing else cogently accounts for why Armenia is preparing for another war right now after losing the latest one to Azerbaijan and not having any formal territorial claims to its neighbors (nor do they have any to it).

That being the case, these “security guarantees” would likely be intended to smooth Armenia’s transition from the CSTO to NATO, the latter of which it might only join de facto along the lines of Ukraine’s current status. Even so, unlike Ukraine which is currently in a hot conflict with Russia, Armenia is currently at peace with all of its neighbors, thus raising questions about why it and NATO are already preparing for another war when no formal pretext exists since nobody has any claims to anyone else.

This move is therefore very suspicious since it suggests that Armenia and NATO might have plans for waging war against Azerbaijan that could be initiated by a sneak attack aimed at reconquering Karabakh. A “self-defense” pretext could be artificially manufactured via future Armenian provocations that prompt an Azeri response in legitimate self-defense, but which is spun by NATO as an alleged “act of unprovoked aggression in violation of international law” to falsely justify preplanned Armenian aggression.

Azerbaijan is aware of this scenario and that’s why it wants to delineate the border with Armenia as soon as possible in order to resolve all potential territorial disputes before its neighbor is emboldened by NATO “security guarantees” to provoke a false pretext for waging another war. Nevertheless, NATO might push Armenia to act before it’s ready if it feels that the window of opportunity is rapidly closing, but that would risk national suicide and a revolt from real Armenian patriots who want to save their country. ... or-armenia
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:28 pm

Russia launches criminal probe into US, NATO officials for 'financing terrorism'

The accusations involve the use of funds from Burisma, a Ukrainian company linked to US President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter

News Desk

APR 10, 2024

A Russian law enforcement officer walks near the burning Crocus City Hall concert venue on the outskirts of Moscow (Photo Credit: AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

The Russian Investigative Committee announced on 10 April it had opened a criminal case against high-ranking officials from the US and other NATO countries for financing terrorism following the attack at a concert hall in Moscow that killed 143 people last month.

The committee said that some of the funding for terrorist attacks in Russia allegedly came from Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings, which has links to the family of US President Joe Biden.

"It has been established that the funds received through commercial organizations, in particular the Burisma Holdings oil and gas company that is operating in Ukraine, have been used over the past few years to carry out terrorist acts in Russia, as well as abroad, to eliminate prominent political and public figures and cause economic damage," the committee stated.

The committee is investigating the sources and transfer of several million dollars as part of the case.

"The Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Investigative Committee has conducted an inspection after the appeal of a group of lawmakers … and other people about the financing of terrorist activities by top officials of the United States and NATO countries. As a result, a criminal case was opened on the grounds of a crime under part 4 of article 205.1 of the Russian Criminal Code (financing of terrorism)," the committee wrote on its Telegram channel.

The statement comes as Russian investigators say they have discovered support from foreign states for the March terror attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow.

Washington quickly announced that ISIS was responsible for the attack, but Russian officials have pointed the finger at Ukraine and its supporters in Washington.

Burisma, the Ukrainian-based oil company the Russian Investigative Committee mentioned, is well known due to a corruption scandal involving US President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter.

Hunter Biden was given a seat on the company's board for no apparent business reason and received a large salary. At the time, his father, Joe, was US vice president and influenced US policy toward Ukraine.

While Joe Biden denied any involvement in his son receiving a seat on the Burisma board, files recovered from the younger Biden's laptop showed he organized a meeting between his father and a company representative in 2015.

After Ukraine's Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin began investigating corruption involving Burisma, President Biden pressured the Ukrainian government to fire Shokin by threatening to withhold US loan guarantees. ... -terrorism#


7,700 Evacuated in Russia's Orenburg Region Due to Floods

Damage to homes caused by the Ural River flooding, April 9, 2024. | Photo: X/ @oe24at

Published 10 April 2024

Russia and Kazakhstan will intensify cooperation to address floods affecting border regions.

On Wednesday, Denis Pasler, the governor of the Orenburg region, announced that over 7,700 people have been evacuated due to the floods ravaging areas bordering Kazakhstan.

Currently, 1,500 people are in shelters. At least 12,817 residential buildings in 79 cities have been flooded. The most severe situation is observed in the city of Orsk, where the rising Ural River submerged 6,793 homes.

Due to the natural disaster, a total of 38 bridges in the region's road network cannot be used, which was declared in a state of emergency a week ago.

On Tuesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Kazakhstani President Kasim-Yomart Tokayev agreed to intensify bilateral cooperation to address floods affecting border regions.

Putin ordered the creation of a special commission to minimize the aftermath of river floods in the regions of Orenburg, Tyumen, Kurgan, and Chelyabinsk.

Meanwhile, Tokayev described the floods of recent weeks as the worst natural disaster experienced by the Central Asian republic in 80 years.

The emergency was declared in the Orenburg region at the end of last week after a dam on that river broke, leading to the flooding of over 10,000 homes, most of them in Orsk, a city of nearly 200,000 inhabitants.

Local authorities acknowledge that the dam, inaugurated in 2014, was built to withstand water levels of 5.5 meters and not to contain 10 meters as currently recorded.

The Russian Investigative Committee initiated two criminal cases for violation of safety rules and negligence following the disaster that has already affected tens of thousands of Russians in the border regions with Kazakhstan. ... -0003.html


The Proryvist newspaper is eight years old!
No. 4/92.IV.2024

What should the average reader think when he sees that our newspaper has been published for eight years? That we have solid experience, major developments in the field of the theory of Marxism-Leninism and a reliable, stable asset, or that once in eight years the newspaper failed to stand at the head of the communist revolution - is this a lost cause?

Perhaps, such options will come to the minds of most people, and they will have to be chosen according to their mood, theoretical preparation and other subjective aspects.

However, reflecting on this question, I would suggest taking stock of the readers' own participation in the struggle for communism. It should be understood that our newspaper is something like an instrument, a unit of organizational attraction of personnel, because the essence of our work at the present time and based on the current level of development of the communist movement is the training of personnel .

The newspaper is a gathering point for people who embark on the path of courageous and persistent comprehension of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, scientific free-thinking and self-education . This is simply a fact, despite the fact that many of our materials are aimed at the general reader and, as it were, lay out brick by brick the building of the formation of a revolutionary working class from the proletarian masses.

The main thing that the newspaper has demonstrated over its eight years of life is Marxist integrity and commitment to breakthroughism as the updated Marxism of our era . Bolshevism today is following the concept of scientific centralism, working in the wake of the Editorial Board of the Breakthrough magazine .

The newspaper is the fruit of collective efforts. And as a collective organizer, the newspaper, by its example, teaches us perseverance , honesty , conscience and commitment to scientific knowledge.

Dear reader! If you have not yet imbued with the spirit of “The Breakthrough”, do not avidly read article after article, but only take a critical look at us as another left-wing publication, then you should pick up a pencil and test your strength. Take any question that interests you from the field of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, find the relevant material from “The Breakthrough Man” and compare it with the works of the classics, compare our conclusions with reality and practice, think, think and think . Take any of our forecasts and examine them for consistency and accuracy. This is a responsible attitude.

The left movement lacks solidity , thoroughness , seriousness and logic . Reader! Study the heritage of the classics, the history of communism from primary sources, materials from Proryv and our newspaper.

Our newspaper has already overcome childhood growing pains and has emerged as a mature and stable communist publication. The newspaper still has many shortcomings, for example, artisanal execution, low efficiency, and insufficient discipline. But some shortcomings are dictated by objective conditions, others are allowed deliberately, based on the priorities of the distribution of scarce forces and resources.

Other leftists say that the struggle for communism is not moving at an increasing pace for objective reasons. We affirm that the conditions are favorable, the shortcomings of the subjective factor should be overcome.

No one but us will form a party, organize the working (working) class, win the masses and rouse them to fight for communism. Bolshevism today is an even greater asceticism than Bolshevism at the beginning of the 20th century. The enemy has become even stronger and more insidious; world capitalism, unlike the left, has learned and is learning from its own mistakes. And the majority of the left in the world infantilely continue to play Trotskyist tricks, disgracing the red banner of communism.

Our call remains the same:

Readers - write!

Writers - write better, deeper and more often!

And that’s all - distribute our materials, diligently study the theory of Marxism-Leninism from primary sources, support us organizationally and financially!

Happy eighth anniversary of our newspaper, comrades! Hooray!

A. Redin

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:21 pm

Crocus City Hall Terror Attack Evokes Memories of NATO’s Asymmetrical Shadow Wars
APRIL 10, 2024

US occupation forces in al-Tanf Garrison, Syria, November, 2017. Photo: Staff Sgt. Jacob Connor/US Army Photo.

By Ekaterina Blinova – Apr 8, 2024
Controversy surrounding the recent terror attack near Moscow persists, with US media providing contradictory accounts of how ‘Duty to Warn’ signals were sent to Moscow, and Team Biden continuing to deny Ukraine’s possible involvement.
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has busted the Washington Post’s claim that the US intelligence community’s last-minute terrorist warning to Moscow specifically cited the Crocus City Concert Hall as the target.
Citing an American official familiar with the matter, the investigative journalist noted that the target was merely described as a “public gathering” and that WaPo’s report was specifically aimed at presenting the tragedy as President Vladimir Putin’s failure.
The coverage of the terror attack and Team Biden’s approach to it have raised questions from the outset: immediately after the attack, Washington insistently denied any Ukraine connections to the tragedy despite a well-established record linking the Kiev regime with terror attacks in Russian territory.
The US press openly chastised the Kiev regime for unilateral operations “frustrating” the White House, including an attack on the Crimean Bridge and a car bombing that killed Daria Dugina, the daughter of the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin. The New York Times admitted last March that Ukrainians are “not always transparent with their American counterparts” about their sabotage efforts.
“Team Biden and his predecessors since Bush junior, with its fabricated evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, have lost all credibility as they have replaced politics with a delusional game of concocted narratives – straight lies masquerading as plausible truths – to cover up their serial obsession of regime change by destruction of the target country, to the point where, enmeshed in their deceits, they have lost their basic sense of realism, common sense and ethics, thus undermining the international order they falsely claim to underpin. The Biden Team cannot therefore be trusted, even with a barge pole – nor the EU and collective West for the very same reason,” Fabien Chalandon, chevalier of the French Legion d’Honneur, investor, and writer, told Sputnik.

While the US and its allies are jumping to conclusions before the official probe is completed, Chalandon highlighted the importance of investigative activities related to the attack and the need to find the masterminds, financiers and operatives who supported the egregious and odious slaughter.
On April 3, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev highlighted that the Crocus City Hall attack was accompanied by extensive and seemingly pre-orchestrated media coverage in the West.
More Possible Ukraine Connections Emerging
Meanwhile, the Russian Investigative Committee and Federal Security Service’s (FSB) initial probes have indicated a Ukraine link to the attack, including possible funding by Ukrainian operatives as well as a hideout for the terrorists in the Eastern European state.

On April 5, Russian investigators announced the results after studying the suspects’ mobile phones. In addition to the exchange with the “curators” about the attack, photographs of people in camouflage with the Ukrainian flag near destroyed houses were found.
For its part, the Kiev regime does not make it any easier for the Western press to divert suspicions away from Ukraine. The head of Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD), Andriy Kovalenko, told The Times that the center is capitalizing on the Crocus City Hall terror attack by instigating ethnic tensions in Russia.
The CCD has infiltrated Russian social media and Telegram chats posing as Russians or ethnic minorities to express sympathy for the terrorists and pit netizens against police, all the while trying to instill hatred against migrant workers among Russians.
The CCD has about 50 full-time analysts and is subordinated to the National Security and Defense Council, the body supervising Ukraine’s security services. Remarkably, these activities were met with little if any condemnation in the Western media, even though they were directly aimed at abusing human rights.

Who is Really Responsible for Spike in Islamist Terror?
While trying to convince the public that ISIS* is solely responsible for the terror attack, the Western mainstream press remains silent about NATO’s destructive actions in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa over the past decades, which provided fertile ground for the emergence of al-Qaeda*, ISIS and many other radical Islamist groups.

Western corporate media also shies away from questioning the intelligence services’ alliance with the jihadists, leading to their funding, arming and training to enable them to carry out regime change and clandestine sabotage operations against NATO rivals.
A few years ago, French investigative journalist Maxime Chaix published a book called “The Shadow War in Syria” about the CIA’s “Timber Sycamore” operation, describing how American, Gulf State and European intelligence operatives instigated the Syrian civil war by weaponizing Islamists to overthrow the nation’s President Bashar al-Assad.
“Since Afghanistan and al-Qaeda, the US has accustomed the world to the nefarious business of funding Islamic terrorists to further their ill-conceived strategic goals of regime change, including in Russia. In fact, this is the very sick specialty of the neocons, which is hitting back everyone like a boomerang, everywhere in the world,” Chalandon said.
“I would not be a bit surprised to discover that the US has induced some extremist groups into fighting in Ukraine as mercenaries against Russia to overcome the shortage of Ukrainian soldiers, and even introduce plausible denials in some of the black operations which are part of the neocons-induced asymmetrical war. Remember too that there are reports that US arms given to Ukraine have been found in the hands of Hamas [in Palestine]. But so far the dots have not been crossed and some more peeling away is needed to reach the bottom layer of this Russian doll,” the French writer continued.

Nord Stream Sabotage Fuels Distrust Towards Team Biden
On top of this, Team Biden is stained by the Nord Stream sabotage controversy: despite Hersh’s bombshell revelations about the US president and its officials’ direct role in plotting and ordering the attack on the pipelines more than a year ago, the West is yet to present an alternative plausible explanation for what had happened and who was behind it.

The West’s sinister silence and failure to complete its investigation into the sabotage fuel suspicion and distrust. Being incapable of finding the culprits behind the Nord Stream attack, NATO member states somehow managed to determine that Ukraine did not have a hand in the Crocus City Hall attack within hours.
“Would this mean that for a change the Biden Team is finally expressing the truth in the Crocus City Hall terrorist act? It is always difficult to establish if and when a congenital liar is finally not duplicitous… short of using a polygraph. So time is better spent waiting for more details to come out. Russian authorities are currently in the driving seat. It is incumbent to them to expose the facts when this investigation is over, which may take some time to unravel. It is also the duty of the countries forming the Collective West to provide Russia with as much intelligence as they can get, the real acid test of their innocence or complicity,” Chalandon concluded.
In parallel to his investment banking career, Chalandon co-founded and ran a French political think tank, Fondation Concorde, and was awarded the French Legion d’Honneur in 2000 and wrote for leading French newspapers on political issues. His father, Albin Chalandon, served as minister of various governments under President Charles de Gaulle and Georges Pompidou and then minister of justice between 1986 and 1988 in a Jacques Chirac-led government under then President Francois Mitterrand.
*Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and ISIS-K (ISIS-Khorasan/Islamic State – Khorasan Province) are terrorist organizations banned in Russia and many other countries.
(Sputnik) ... adow-wars/


Consequences of flooding in Orenburg
April 10, 15:30


Consequences of flooding in Orenburg.

(Video at link.)

Significant material damage has been caused to the area. The investigation into the cause of the dam failure continues. Local authorities say that the main reason was the water level exceeding the calculated values ​​by 2.5 meters + they cited the fact that rodents allegedly gnawed something in the dam. If the first is really true (this is the largest spill in the Urals in decades), then no factual evidence of this has been provided regarding rodents. Many reasonably put forward versions that violations were committed during the construction of the dam, but this remains to be verified by the investigation (if there really were any, then the perpetrators should sit down).

Actually, what are people waiting for - the water draining, help for all the victims, the suppression of any attempts at looting in flooded areas ala New Orleans (such attempts should be punished as harshly as possible).
For local authorities this is a test of professional aptitude.

In Crimea, during the floods in Kerch and Yalta, the authorities made some mistakes, but they coped with the consequences. Aksenov showed himself well then.
Residents of Orenburg and Orsk can only wish the same.

On issues of recognition of the Taliban
April 10, 19:22


Regarding questions about recognition of the Taliban.

1. The Taliban did not say a single bad word about Russia after February 24, 2022.
2. The Taliban have not committed a single terrorist attack on Russian territory.
3. The Taliban is ready to trade with Russia and does not care about the West in general and sanctions in particular.
4. The Taliban does not supply weapons and ammunition to Ukraine.
5. The Taliban kills ISIS terrorists on their territory and persecutes those who served the pro-American regime.
6. The Taliban have, in practice, seriously reduced the production of heroin and other types of drugs in Afghanistan.
7. The Taliban is ready to be part of economic corridors in the interests of China, Russia and Iran.
8. The Taliban is ready to provide access to the development of its mineral resources (China is already doing so).
9. The Taliban do not demonstrate any intentions to expand into Central Asia.

Among the disadvantages of the Taliban at the moment.

1. Insufficient representation of all key peoples of Afghanistan in the government.
2. The presence of radical groups within the Taliban, including those associated with Western intelligence services and Pakistani intelligence.
3. Too strict a policy towards women - both in matters of their education and in matters of their punishment.
4. Insufficient control over semi-autonomous clans on the borders of Iran and Pakistan.

Overall, the pros already outweigh the cons.

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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:49 pm

More About Angara A5...

In this Day of Cosmonautics.

Sure, it is not April 12, 1961 when Yuri Gagarin trail blazed humanity into space, but Angara A5's success is important nonetheless--Angara A5 is a heavy class rocket which can throw 24.5 tons payloads at LEO (Low Earth Orbit), up to 32 tons with KVTK, and 5.5 tons to a GTO (Geostationary Transfer Orbit). That's a lot but this is just a stepping stone towards super-heavy Yenisei and Don which will be able to deliver 140 tons to LEO. So, do you sense gigantic ramifications of all that? Well, here is example from today:

МОСКВА, 11 апр - РИА Новости. Президент России Владимир Путин поручил кабмину с "Роскосмосом" и "Росатомом" принять решения о выделении с 2024 года средств на проект по развитию космической ядерной энергетики. Средства должны быть выделены в рамках федерального проекта "Развитие космической ядерной энергетики России". Особое внимание следует уделить развитию разработок в сфере космической ядерной энергетики. Доклад необходимо представить до 15 июня, ответственный — премьер-министр Михаил Мишустин.

Translation: MOSCOW, April 11 - RIA Novosti. Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Cabinet of Ministers with Roscosmos and Rosatom to make decisions on allocating funds for a project to develop space nuclear energy starting in 2024. The funds should be allocated within the framework of the federal project “Development of Space Nuclear Energy in Russia.” Particular attention should be paid to the development of developments in the field of space nuclear energy. The report must be submitted by June 15, and the responsible party is Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

You see, Angara A5 is more than just new Russian space station, it is a nuclear powered vehicles such as Zevs (Zeus) which will take humanity to Mars and beyond. Now, that Russia has a heavy vehicle independent from launch-sites in Kazakhstan things will (already) accelerate dramatically. That is why Angara A5's success is so important, to put it mildly--it pushes a whole of Russia's space program into high gear. I hope everybody understand also military applications of all that. Angara is capable to deliver a large number of satellites to orbit in one go. Speaking of which, evidently Russia tested another military vehicle today using mobile intercontinental missile complex from the range at Kapustin Yar (in Russian). Some new iterations of Avangard, I guess. You didn't think that Russia would confine Avangards and their versions to silo-based missiles complexes only, right? ... ra-a5.html
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Re: Russia today

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 14, 2024 2:21 pm

APRIL 13, 2024
by Dmitry Trenin, RT, 3/23/24

By Dmitry Trenin, a research professor at the Higher School of Economics and a lead research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations. He is also a member of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC).

Strategic stability is usually understood as the absence of incentives for a nuclear-armed power to launch a massive first strike. Typically, it’s viewed primarily in military-technical terms. The reasons why an attack may be contemplated are usually not taken into account.

This idea emerged in the middle of the last century, when the USSR had achieved military-strategic parity with the US and the Cold War between them had entered a “mature” phase of limited confrontation and some predictability. The solution to the problem of strategic stability was then seen in the constant maintenance of contacts between the political leadership of the two superpowers. Which led to arms control and transparency in arranging their respective arsenals.

However, the first quarter of the 21st century is ending in conditions very different from the relative international political stability of the 1970s. The US-centric world order established after the end of the Cold War is being seriously challenged and its foundations are visibly shaken. The global hegemony of Washington and the position of the collective West as a whole is weakening, while the economic, military, scientific and technological might and political importance of non-Western countries –first and foremost China, but also India– are growing. This is leading to a deterioration in relations between the US and other power centers.

The two largest nuclear powers, Russia and the US, are in a state of semi-direct armed conflict. This confrontation is officially regarded in Russia as an existential threat. This situation has become possible as a result of the failure of strategic deterrence (in its geopolitical dimension) in an area where Russia’s vital interests are present. It should be noted that the main cause of the conflict is Washington’s conscious disregard –for three decades now– of Moscow’s clearly and explicitly expressed security interests.

Moreover, in the Ukrainian conflict, the US military and political leadership has not only articulated, but has publicly expressed, the mission of using its proxy to inflict a strategic military defeat on Russia, despite its nuclear status.

This is a complex undertaking in which the collective economic, political, military, military-technical, intelligence and informational capacity of the West is integrated with the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces in direct combat against the Russian army. In other words, the US is trying to defeat Russia not only without using nuclear weapons, but even without formally engaging in hostilities.

In this context, the declaration by the five nuclear powers on January 3, 2022, that “nuclear war should not be waged” and that “there can be no winners,” seems like a relic of the past. A proxy war between the nuclear powers is already underway; moreover, in the course of this conflict, more and more restrictions are being removed, both in terms of the weapon systems used and the participation of Western troops, as well as the geographical limits of the theater of war. It is possible to pretend that a certain ‘strategic stability’ is being maintained, but only if, like the US, a player sets the task of inflicting a strategic defeat on the enemy at the hands of its client state and expects that the enemy will not dare to use nuclear weapons.

Thus, the concept of strategic stability in its original form – the creation and maintenance of military-technical conditions to prevent a sudden massive nuclear strike – only partially retains its meaning under current conditions.

Strengthening nuclear deterrence could be the solution to the real problem of restoring strategic stability, which has been seriously disrupted by the ongoing and escalating conflict. To begin with, it is worth rethinking the concept of deterrence and, in the process, changing its name.

For example, instead of a passive, we should talk about an active form. The adversary should not remain in a state of comfort, believing that the war he is waging with the help of another country will not affect him in any way. In other words, it is necessary to put fear back into the minds and hearts of the enemy’s leaders. The beneficial sort of fear, it’s worth stressing.

It must also be recognized that the limits of purely verbal intervention have been exhausted at this stage of the Ukrainian conflict. Channels of communication all the way to the top must remain open around the clock, but the most important messages at this stage must be sent through concrete steps: doctrinal changes; military exercises to test them; underwater and aerial patrols along the coasts of the likely enemy; warnings about preparations for nuclear tests and the tests themselves; the imposition of no-fly zones over part of the Black Sea, and so on. The point of these actions is not only to demonstrate determination and readiness to use available capabilities to protect Russia’s vital interests, but –most importantly– to bring the enemy to a halt and encourage it to engage in serious dialogue.

The escalation ladder does not end here. Military-technical steps can be followed by real acts, warnings of which have already been given: for example, attacks on air bases and supply centers on the territory of NATO countries, and so on. There is no need to go further. We simply need to understand, and help the enemy to understand, that strategic stability in the real, not narrow, technical sense of the word is not compatible with armed conflict between nuclear powers, even if (for the time being) it is being waged indirectly.

It is unlikely that the enemy will accept this state of affairs easily and immediately. At the very least, they will need to realize that this is our position and draw the appropriate conclusions.

It is time for us to start revising the conceptual apparatus we use in matters of security strategy. We talk about international security, strategic stability, deterrence, arms control, nuclear non-proliferation and so on. These concepts emerged in the course of the development of Western – mainly American – political thought and found immediate practical application in US foreign policy. They are based on existing realities but adapted to American foreign policy objectives. We have tried to adapt them to our needs, but with mixed success.

It is time to move on and develop our own concepts that reflect Russia’s position in the world as well as its needs.

This article was first published by Russia in Global Affairs, translated and edited by the RT team:
Переосмысление стратегической стабильности

Стратегическая стабильность обычно понимается как отсутствие стимулов для нанесения какой-либо из сторон первого массированного ядерного удара. Обычно стратегическая стабильность рассматривается главным образом в военно-технической плоскости. Причины для нанесения удара, как правило, находятся вне зоны рассмотрения. Это понятие возникло в условиях, когда СССР достиг военно-стратегического паритета с США, а холодная война между ними вошла в «зрелую» … Читать далееПереосмысление стратегической стабильности

Россия в глобальной политике ... -reminder/

By Henry Hopwood-Phillips, Asia Times, 3/15/24

Henry Hopwood-Phillips is founder of Daotong Strategy (DS), a Singapore-based political consultancy. He has contributed to several magazines including American Affairs, Spectator and The Critic in the past.

“[There is] the possibility of Ukraine splitting in half, a separation which cultural factors would lead one to predict might be more violent than that of Czechoslovakia but far less bloody than that of Yugoslavia.” – Samuel Huntington, “Clash of Civilizations” (1996).

The opening drama of the Ukraine war, involving sweeping drone shots, ant-like convoys and plans so secret that most Russian commanders received orders just 24 hours before the invasion, tended to derail meaningful analysis.

Rather than focus efforts on unpacking Moscow’s motivations and a series of nested conflicts, commentators preferred the more glamorous task of forecasting outcomes and timescales.

In President Vladimir Putin, the West found a scapegoat that united left and right with the latter throwing off the shackles of pacifism and relativism, and the former reveling in the reactionary identity of the opponent. To label Russian security concerns as anything other than sophistry risked being tarred as not only part of a fifth column but a dupe.

In those heady days, there was a tangible catharsis to swerving questions surrounding the casus belli and concentrating on trialing military hardware and tactics. In short, celebrating the destruction – an option not available against less politically acceptable opponents.

Over two years on, less glib narratives might have come to the fore yet Russia’s demonization persists – despite being rooted in precisely the solipsism that channeled fractious interests into a clash of arms in the first place; a conflict that has enabled Moscow to annex four regions, approximately a fifth of Ukraine.

It also leans on several historical accounts that have lost traction with reality. Fantasies include the notion that the Cold War was resolved by Moscow’s total submission rather than a staggered implosion in which only ideologically hostile elements proved capable of disciplining kleptocrats.

And the idea that peace, trade and globalization were the gifts of a liberal cornucopia that would turn viral, an assertion hard to square with the rise of illiberal powers such as China, Russia, Iran and India.

Such complacent narratives also leave the West woefully unprepared for changes in tack from non-liberal leaders. In March 2024, for example, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban revealed presidential candidate Donald Trump’s position on the conflict, saying that “He will not give a penny in the Ukraine-Russia war, which is why the war will end.”

In such an environment it is clear that the West knows what it supports: Ukraine is a free country and Western institutions have a right to amass any countries that wish to subscribe. Few in the West, however, are sure as to what the opposition stands for other than a garden variety of Death Star imperialism.

It is rare, for example, to find many who concern themselves with the fact that neutrality was written into Ukraine’s 1990 declaration of sovereignty and 1996 constitution, both repudiated in Kiev’s 2019 volte-face. A handful care to recall that bloc-based thinking has been foundational to Europe’s collective security for most of its history.

Formalized in the postwar period as the “indivisibility” principle, which advised that the “security of one nation” is considered “inseparable from other countries in its region,” it was enshrined in the Helsinki Final Act, the Paris Charter and innumerable other texts, and lately promoted by China as part of its Global Security Initiative (GSI).

At the heart of the conflict lies an essential fact: Russia was excluded from an expanding political West, which was unwilling to compromise its hegemonic ambitions while remaining vulnerable to the gradual erosion of its appendages. Moscow’s attempts to join the West on its own terms were consistently rebuffed, most notably in 2000–01 when Putin floated the idea of Russia joining NATO.

In brief, Moscow confronts a defense pact it is excluded from, while a framework of collective security which includes it is absent, causing a groundswell of fears rooted in NATO’s 78-day bombing campaign of Serbia in 1999 and its involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. To Putin, this suggests that far from entering a new enlightened age, security orders remain hegemonic.

His forebear, president Yeltsin, had warned in 1994 that NATO enlargement would bring about the prospect of a “Cold Peace” characterized by mistrust and fear. NATO activism in Serbia culminating in the Bucharest Summit (2008) declaration that Georgia and Ukraine would become members indicated that NATO aimed at enveloping Moscow.

If Russia’s Blizhnee Zarubezhe (Near Abroad) were to vanish in a mass of Western satellite states it would not take long for the Kremlin to be drowned by a tide of value shifts discrediting its rule. More concretely, there was also the risk that major assets such as the Sevastopol naval base, home to the Black Sea Fleet, might fall into the hands of US proxies.

Moreover, it is not clear that a broad consensus underpins Kiev’s hostile stance towards Russia. As late as 2014, a strong constituency preferred closer links with Moscow and today the total war has fatigued even its strongest supporters.

Yet Ukrainian elites deepened derussianization, suppressing the Russian language in civic life for example, and encouraged the US and UK to transform the Ukrainian armed forces, causing Putin to complain in 2022 that the country had been converted into a hostile “bridgehead.” The prospect of Ukraine repudiating its non-nuclear status, broached by President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference 2022, represented the final straw.

An unfashionable truth is that small nations on the doormat of hegemons are rarely permitted to challenge the latter’s agendas. There is a reason why the last time Ireland was able to stage large-scale offensives against Britain was the Dark Ages; why Cambodia and Laos are essentially client states; why America was able to detach Texas from Mexico with impunity.

In South America, Washington’s Monroe Doctrine simply made explicit what great powers typically kept implicit, and still Cuba attempted to defy it only to be confronted by the prospect of a nuclear holocaust.

Holding the geopolitical high ground, the West can afford to dismiss older mechanisms such as “spheres of influence” and goals like “balancing powers” as relics, the sort of thinking that harvested only global wars.

Russia, however, sees the abandonment of these concepts as attempts to convert victory into ideological imperialism, an escalation not unlike the Ottoman devshirme in which an enemy was not merely defeated but forced to resemble the former opponent.

The truancy of a framework capable of resolving lower-order logics or ideologies is palpable in such circumstances, not just intellectually – which is ironic given Western academia’s obsession with respecting and understanding the other – but also systematically in the sense that the only truly coercive part of the international apparatus, the UN Security Council, is subject to paralyzing vetoes.

Misrepresentations of Russia might boost short-term poll numbers but they rarely help resolve wars. The most popular accusation of imperialism is hardly an engaging explanatory model for Russian actions.

There is no evidence of plans to invade Moldova, Poland or the Baltic republics. Russia is already the world’s largest country and can barely govern its existing territory – facts compounded by distressing memories of trying to steer an ill-tempered Eastern European bloc.

Far more likely is that Ukraine’s wish to rid itself of neocolonial influence entails systemic “derussianization”, which Moscow finds geopolitically unsettling and emotionally insulting, not least due to Kiev’s formative role in Russian history which, according to Putin, renders it “inalienable.”

Many nations are polycentric with homelands that are not particularly close to contemporary capitals. To empathize, imagine the psychological impact of Wessex being pulled into a foreign power’s orbit, a Frankish homeland around Reims deviating from an alignment with the Paris Basin or Weimar Triangle, or Washington’s response to a UK attempt to ally with Russia. Madrid, in fact, has stopped only short of war to keep Barcelona and its hinterland bound to a union.

In hindsight, the West’s triumphalism unmoored Russia from the pretense of being a Western power – an alignment with roots in Peter the Great’s reign – encouraging it to identify with a resurgent East which rejects bloc politics and insists on the sovereign equality of its members.

The East, in essence, adheres to the sovereign internationalism the UN celebrated immediately after WWII. Its support for this flattened mode of relations is a reaction to an uptick in the West’s political will to enforce universal values – mounting interventions if necessary – under the rubric of human rights.

While these ideals appear palatable in the abstract, the West is often charged with appropriating ideals to pursue broader geopolitical ambitions, generating double standards in partial and selective application.

According to this view, the West has delegitimized – or at least created a hierarchy of – other value systems to such an extent that rising powers may wish to risk war rather than subject themselves to the moral hectoring and condemnation that accompanies a failure to adhere to western scripts, meaning the current system risks escalating rather than impeding global conflict.

Russia’s threat perceptions may have been exaggerated yet what matters in diplomacy is how a protagonist sees the world and not how the West would like them to see it. Key Western players knew that Ukrainian entry into NATO – articulated as a goal in the 2019 constitutional amendment – would be the thickest of red lines for Moscow, a direct challenge to its interests, yet it has remained willing to flex down to the very last Ukrainian.

There is a strong case that democracy is worth defending with arms no matter how flawed its decisions but such arguments from morality fall flat when they risk inducing world wars or nuclear threats. While international norms have undoubtedly been compromised, they have arguably been transgressed no more or less than US decisions to invade Vietnam or Iraq.

In the past, such statements would have been considered anodyne yet today – in the heyday of liberalism’s ideological monopoly – they are flagged as haw-hawism. In hindsight, the Cold War drummed an epistemic humility into the West that has long since evaporated.

Political premises become legal norms, which are eventually treated as natural law, forcing nations that have failed to develop in the same manner to infer their subordinate status.

The result has been not just a monoculture at home and hubris abroad, but also a naivety best encapsulated by the hope that war can be banned, or that the three ancient civilizations of Eurasia – China, Russia and Iran – are bound to vanish in a boundless liberal order. Such is the zealotry that when events deviate from theories the former are denigrated rather than the latter revised.

Behind mawkish ideals lurks the vanity that the globe shares a Western trajectory; that rationality as conceived by Westerners is identically conceived and deployed by others; that it is a unifying principle. Yet rationality underpins several political systems – authoritarian, Communist, hybrid and so on – all of which are capable of exerting or enforcing severely different versions of reality.

The West currently falls between two stools, failing to either commence construction of a world state – with the political compromises such a project would entail – or retire into a parochial liberalism that acknowledges its ideals as historically and geographically contingent.

Instead, it stands in a no-man’s-land in which global institutions, insofar as they exist, disclaim Western hegemony even while utilizing it, making the use of military firepower highly attractive to rising powers who do not have the same soft power resources to exploit.

At the heart of the Ukrainian conflict is a tension over how politics is conceived. The Russians subscribe to an ancient order in which the res publica is born through a people’s readiness to kill or die on its behalf. The act of taking lives or giving them – hence the importance of sacrifice in most early-stage states – identifies a community: the people and its myths are to an extent the chicken and egg of sovereignty.

At root, it openly relies on violence as a coercive tool. The West switched from this order towards a more peaceful one – which depends on far less violent forms of coercion – in the postwar period, eccentrically arguing that conventional conceptions of power were obsolete after devastation in two world wars and being partitioned in the subsequent conflict.

It did so by exchanging the explicit strictures of the Christian faith for its soft patterning in the likes of Kant’s “Weltburgerbund” and Habermas’ call for a cosmopolitan order which established a regime of “global governance without a world government” – switches in register that made Western norms easier to export without inviting charges of imperialism.

Rather than indulge in judgment on which framework is more true or morally laudable, it is worth highlighting that the West loses the moral high ground if it proves more willing to risk nuclear war than establish a framework that acknowledges the validity of concerns that stem from different political systems.

While it remains open to dispute whether the post-Christian cultures of Western democracies are suitable as paradigms for the rest of the world, a realistic picture of conflict resolution must conceive of a diversity of socio-political orders in terms of a meta-ethical or meta-political plurality if resolutions are to be rediscovered at the point of a pen rather than the barrel a gun. ... versalism/

I have so quibbles but nothing contradictory of the main theme of this piece.


Nationalization of the "crab kings"
April 14, 17:07


Nationalization of the "crab kings"

Eight Far Eastern fishing companies and one taxi operator, by decision of the Arbitration Court of the Primorsky Territory, became the property of the Federal Property Management Agency , Interfax reports with reference to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE).
The list of companies includes Priboy-T, Moneron, Sevrybflot, Aquamarine, Rentelit, Kuril Universal Complex, Seamost Vostok, Primorskaya Fishing Company and City Eco Taxi. The total value of assets is RUB 21.8 billion.

On March 21, the Arbitration Court of the Primorsky Territory fully satisfied the claims of the Prosecutor General's Office for the recovery of 358.7 billion rubles. from the fishing industry of the Far East.

Claim from the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia for the recovery of 358.7 billion rubles. the group of defendants was sued on January 25.
Among the defendants in this case is the owner of large fishing enterprises Oleg Kan. Kahn, dubbed the "crab king" by the media, is the creator of several large fishing enterprises. In February 2020, the Khabarovsk Regional Court arrested a businessman in absentia in the case of organizing the murder of businessman Valery Phidenko in 2010. On January 30, 2024, the state prosecution requested 19 years of strict regime for him on charges of organizing a murder for hire (part 3 of article 33, paragraph “h” of part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The businessman is on the international wanted list. Last year, reports of his death appeared, this followed from the register of inheritance cases. Then the defense called the messages a hoax. At the same time, in March of this year, lawyers referred to this register during a meeting.
At a meeting on March 21, the prosecutor's office called the businessman's death staged. The Prosecutor General's Office pointed out the absence of acts of registration of the death of a businessman in the registry offices of the Sakhalin region and St. Petersburg. Kan’s relatives, the representative of the department noted, also did not apply to the registry office. ... osudarstva - zinc

Was it possible?
Has something happened to effective owners?

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'Another one bites the dust'...Putin certainly ain't no communist yet he does work for us. Why? Because those old commies were right all along.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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