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Re: Russia today

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 12:44 pm
by blindpig
In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a local branch of the RKRP and ROT FRONT was created
Communists of the RKRP-CPSU and the ROT FRONT took part in a rally dedicated to the 102nd anniversary of the Great October Revolution

On October 29, 2019 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the local branch of the Russian Communist Workers Party (RKRP) and the Russian United Labor Front ”(ROT FRONT) was created.

The ongoing crisis and the degeneration of the regional organization of the Communist Party led to the withdrawal of Communists from this party who disagree with the policies of the Communist Party and who believe that only the RKRP and ROT FRONT are real workers' organizations that are firmly in the position of Marxism. At the general meeting of the local branch, Yuri Vasilievich Zheldak was elected the first secretary. In 1993, he was one of the initiators of the creation of the Communist Party Communist Party organization in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur, for a long time he led the Communist Party city committee, and in 2017 he became a candidate member of the Communist Party Central Committee. In his statement on leaving the Communist Party Yu.V. Zheldak indicated the reasons for leaving the party: "I do not consider it possible to remain in the opportunist and compromising party, whose leadership violates the norms of the Party Charter, the Leninist principles of party ethics and morality, and humiliates the Communists, honored members of the party. I don’t want to be in a party where nepotism and protectionism flourish, where representatives of the bourgeoisie take up leadership positions and the opinions of both ordinary party members and entire party organizations are ignored . ”

On November 7, communists from the recently created local branch of the RKRP and ROT FRONT held their first rally: they took part in a rally of the left-patriotic forces dedicated to the 102nd anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, held on the square named after V.I. Lenin. They laid flowers at the monument to the leader of the world proletariat, the participants of the rally handed out the newspaper Trudovaya Rossiya and leaflets. Yury Zheldak, the first secretary of the party’s local branch, who spoke at the rally, highlighted the catastrophic situation of the city of youth, which flourished under the Soviet regime, the largest industrial center of the Far East, which lost about 90 thousand people during the years of restoration of capitalism and bourgeois “reforms”.

Khabarovsk Regional Committee RKRP-CPSU
Khabarovsk Regional Committee ROT FRONT

Image ... ano-mestn/

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Looks like cops in the background of that photo, a sure sign they're on the right path.

Re: Russia today

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:07 pm
by blindpig
On large-scale plans for decommunization and desovetization of the Ivanovo region
Recently I just wrote about the Ivanovo region due to the fact that its population has become less than a million people due to the ever-accelerating population decline since 1991:


All this is connected with the degradation of economic life immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the transition to capitalism and other "charms" of anti-Soviet rule in the country. People from such a life steadily die out and scatter from such regions.

And what does the Putin regime do under such conditions? He follows the path of Ukraine, i.e. Instead of correcting the situation and establishing an economy, it is actively engaged in the blackening of the Soviet period. This is clearly evidenced by the correspondence of the former head of the Presidential Administration, Alexander Voloshin, and the governor of the Ivanovo region, Stanislav Voskresensky, that got into the network . The document is striking in its cynicism:


I will not spread all the pages - I will show only the main thing. For example, here are measures to discredit Soviet history:

2.Discrediting communist values ​​and ideals, including through the positioning of the Bolsheviks as terrorists.

2.1. initiative to create an anti-communist public organization on the territory of the Ivanovo Region (conditionally: the Anti-Communist Youth Union by analogy with anti-fascist organizations). Moreover, all subsequent actions can be done on behalf of this Union, namely:
2.2. initiating a series of programs, stories and publications in federal and regional mass media about reprisals, arrests and other gloomy pages of the history of the NKVD ;
2.3. initiating the renaming of Ivanov streets (possibly other cities of the region), where the streets are named after terrorists;
2.4. the creation of a new search area (within the framework of existing search units) in relation to the repressed during the years of Soviet power ;
2.5. holding a series of discussion round tables / readings on the theme " The role of the revolution in Russia's lagging behind . "

Each item is like Hitler agitation. The arrogance with which they push it all is striking. And pay attention to the connection with the current agenda:

3. Interception of certain provisions of the “left agenda” (topic).

3.1. Initiation of a discussion about the role and renewal of Russian trade unions and the need to strengthen and renovate the trade union movement, especially in the context of pension reform .
3.2. Initiation of discussion on expanding the list of preferential categories of the population to receive free drug supply .

The logic is extremely simple: let the people curse the past, but just do not pay attention to how they are here and now genocide and deprive of the social gains of the Soviet period. In general, as depicted in this cartoon:


All this once again clearly confirms the thesis that the Russian government is essentially no different from the Ukrainian nationalist government. Vlasovites are brothers in arms with Bandera in the fight against a common enemy - the Soviet past. ... =3userpost

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 12:18 pm
by blindpig
Honored Award of Gennady Zyuganov

We explain in a working way

On November 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Catherine’s Hall of the Kremlin awarded orders to outstanding Russian citizens - artists, athletes, clergy, political and public figures. Among the awarded, the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov, awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, IV degree, stood out with a proud appearance. And on November 22, on the NTV channel at 23:10 in the program “PE. Investigation ”, another film about the presidential candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, director of the State Farm named after Lenin "by Pavel Grudinin. The program was preceded by a loud announcement:All the secrets and enrichment schemes of Pavel Grudinin! Land to the bourgeoisie, money to the offshore: what remains of the peasants? How were Ilyich’s covenants broken and state property expropriated? How did you spread your wife and how much did the director of the country's most famous state farm earn on a strawberry? And why is it profitable to be a communist? As you know, the Communist Party zealously defends its candidate and considers all accusations against Grudinin false, organized by the anti-communist campaign. With a request to comment on this situation, we turned to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the ROT FRONT Viktor Tyulkin.

Corr .: Viktor Arkadevich, what do you think of the current situation? Did Gennady Zyuganov receive the order? Are Pavel Grudinin's Accusations of Fraud Fair? Are these events related?

V.T .:So before giving assessments and comments, it is necessary, as Lenin taught, to find out whose class interests are expressed here, and then to figure out who defends what and what from the class point of view. I have repeatedly noted that the question of whether Pavel Grudinin was fraudulent or not was conducting business in accordance with the laws in force in bourgeois society, is a secondary one. Moreover, it is not our business to understand his relations with wives and lovers. The main thing is different. The Communist Party in all seriousness nominated capitalist Grudinin as a candidate from a party with a communist name for president. That is the salt! Zyuganov and his comrades inspire people with illusions that a good capitalist can restore order in the country and organize life justly. Those. good capitalism is possible. The party does not organize the struggle of the working people themselves,or stupidity, or rascal . " This is the main sin of the Communist Party before the people, and this is the main help to the regime. If you want, a bourgeois state called Putin and Zyuganov’s homeland. For this, the order can be given. By the way, Natalya Solzhenitsina, a widow and associate of the spiritual leader of modern anti-Sovietism, stood in the same row of awards in the Catherine Hall.

Putin rewards Zyuganov
Corr .: But after all, Grudinin is really nightmare and beaten upright. They really take property and sincerely hate it. After all, the Communist Party is rightly outraged by perpetrated injustice? Is this really a focused, well-thought-out, massive, well-organized anti-communist campaign?

VT: Yes, of course. But it did not begin when Grudinin became a dangerous competitor, but when the Communist Party paid attention to him as a possible candidate. Personally, I think this redcapitalist Zyuganov simply slipped. Observing the Communist Party, in 2011 we made the final conclusion that the Communist Party is not independent in its personnel decisions. This is when they refused to include the worker proposed by the RKRP in their central list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma, but entered Viktor Cherkesov, Putin's personal friend, FSB general. This is not even a businessman from whom the organization can receive money for existence. This can not be explained by anything other than the complete submission of power. Therefore, I think that the Communist Party Congress, putting forward Grudinin, was on the myth of the state farm named after Lenin's harvested trap. Yes, I myself heard how on the sidelines of the international meeting of the communist parties in Athens in 2018, representatives of foreign parties ardently asked the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on how it happened, that they put forward a candidate with such surprises? What the representative of the Communist Party tiredly dismissed: "Well, we did not know! "Probably did not know. But they should be aware that any capitalism is a robbery of workers through exploitation - the appropriation of another's labor. And to seek out compromising evidence and to disclose each other's unseemly deeds is the tried and tested weapon of the clans of the bourgeoisie competing among themselves. In this, Navalny became proficient. The regime also beats its opponents with this weapon. In this case, Grudinin, the Communist Party and the Communist idea itself. Therefore, we agree that there is a planned anti-communist campaign, but the comrades from the Communist Party, especially the leadership, are not so much victims as participants and assistants. They reduced all the demands of the rallies on November 7 to the defense of the good capitalist Grudinin, and not to calls for struggle. For this it is possible and the Order of Merit to the Fatherland»Issue. This situation, by the way, is useful for young Communists to make out at a political training when studying the “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, which explicitly states that the proletariat does not have a fatherland . Zyuganov has — bourgeois — the same as Putin and Grudinin. He agrees with that. We are not.

Corr .: Thank you for the conversation.

The conversation was conducted by Dmitry Volgin. Leningrad. November 23, ... a-zyugano/

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:09 pm
by blindpig
FSIN employees launched a campaign "Homeless Regiment" demanding to provide them with housing. Petersburg can join
Pensioners and employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service recorded a video message on Poklonnaya Hill in the capital, giving rise to an all-Russian protest against the eviction of employees from departmental housing without providing another.

Photo: frame from video / Union of employees of the FSIN /

“We demand from the leadership of the country the fulfillment of our obligations to provide us with housing. Employees and retirees are currently denied this right. This right belongs only to the generals, ”says the video published on December 6 in the group of the Union of employees of the FSIN“ VKontakte ”.

Photo: frame from video / Union of employees of the FSIN /

The participants insisted that over the years of service, some of them deserved only "the status of Russia's homeless." Moreover, in their opinion, the leadership does not believe that this problem exists.

“But you know, generals, the headquarters, there will be no happiness and prosperity where your people suffer,” says one of the participants in the Homeless Regiment rally.

The video also shows the image of the former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Reimer, who in June 2017 was found guilty of embezzlement of almost 3 billion rubles and sentenced to 8 years in prison. This year they refused to release him on parole.

“This is the first Moscow video that passes the baton to St. Petersburg; the video will be released in the group on December 8, 2019. Peter passes the baton to Russia, the video will be released in the group on December 11, 2019, ”the FSIN Employees Union reported.

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:33 am
by blindpig
Zhirinovsky accused Yeltsin of "the main crime in the history of Russia"
02:20 12/08/2019
Vladimir Zhirinovsky
© RIA News / Ilya Pitalev


MOSCOW, Dec 8 - RIA News. LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky praised the signing of the Bialowieza Agreement, calling this event "the worst crime in Russian history."
According to the politician, the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - Boris Yeltsin , Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislav Shushkevich - did not have the authority to declare the liquidation of the USSR .
“There was no reason for this: neither moral nor economic. Indeed, in the history of mankind, although there have been many military and state coups, no one has ever dissolved the country,” Zhirinovsky wrote on Telegram .
He considers the events of December 1991 "seizure of power", which "led to violence, a huge number of victims and destruction."
Ex-USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev at the presentation of his book I remain an optimist at the Moscow Book House

In fact, the Soviet Union ceased to exist on December 25, 1991, when President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, in an appeal to the Soviet people, announced the cessation of his activities as president.
This was preceded by an agreement signed on December 8 by the leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, which announced the termination of the existence of the USSR and proclaimed the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). This act went down in history as the Bialowieza Agreement.

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:07 pm
by blindpig
“Beautiful numbers, the sad essence”: to educate not people, but consumers

Interview with a school teacher about industry issues

From the 90s to the present, the quality of education continues to deteriorate. This happens not only in connection with the restoration of the capitalist system in our country, the entry into force of all kinds of educational "reforms" aimed at destroying Soviet education standards, but also due to a drop in the standard of living of education workers (teachers, teachers, teachers).


Market relations affected the salary, free time and the amount of teacher’s work not in the best way. The general bureaucratization of schools is also affecting - more and more often teachers, in addition to educational functions, also perform purely administrative (for example, filling out journals, keeping records).

Many specialists lost their jobs in the “saints” of the 90s, the majority still find it difficult to find work in their specialty, and politicians, instead of solving the problems of education, offer teachers to “go into business”.

Correspondents of ROT FRONT talked with a worker in the field of education to look at the problems of this area from the inside.

- Why did you become a teacher? After all, those in power directly tell your colleagues: “If you want to earn money, go to business.” Or did the choice of profession come from the humanistic desire to teach the younger generation?

- I went to teachers 20 years ago, when everything was still a little different. We learned from the remnants of the Soviet system. We were lucky to learn from teachers of Soviet hardening and Soviet wonderful textbooks. We were lucky, we got an extensive practice. And the phrase "want to make money - go to business" has not yet existed. Although, of course, the goals and values ​​of young people were no longer Soviet, the benefits of the profession and the desire to get comfortable in life for many were fundamental in determining the path of life. But not for everyone and not for me. I belonged to the category of youth formed by the Soviet system, goals and values ​​were different than getting a lot of money. The prestige of the profession did not interest me.

But I did not go to teachers because of some lofty goals and ideals. At the age of 17, there was still no certainty with the profession, I just did not want to take physics and mathematics when I entered, I wanted to study in my city. Mom advised me to go to teacher training college (in the past, teacher training school, teacher training school), and I went there. What I do not regret at all: there was a wonderful teaching and student team, an atmosphere of indifference and collectivism nurtured a love of work, hard work and responsibility. And there was a good, largely Soviet still, school. A lot of practice - starting with the first year of study, one week in our week was devoted to practice in primary and secondary schools. From the first year we conducted classes every week, classroom hours, lessons, watched and analyzed the lessons of experienced teachers and our classmates. They read and studied Makarenko. Very fond of studying; Institute, which was very easy to enter after a technical school, graduated with honors. Probably, all this later sent to pedagogy.

So there weren’t any initial callings or a call from the heart, but the spirit brought up and formed by the college to educate and educate the younger generation appeared as a result of studying in it.


- How does the salary of a teacher differ in the capital and regions? How many bets do you need to work to survive?

- Honestly, I did not compare. There are no examples of metropolitan areas to compare. After all, numbers on the Internet are far from always real data - beautiful numbers, a sad point. Rumor has it that salaries in Moscow are much higher. My salary is about 18-20 thousand rubles. This is pretty good for our city and region when working on one bet. I work at stake, I have enough for a living. But in fact, I carry out the work that several specialists must do. So, at my stake, as a narrow specialist working with difficult children, I am supposed to work with 12 students. I have 65 of them. This is an individual diagnosis of each, a mountain of documents, again, for each, work with notebooks of each student.

There must be 12, there is 65 ... Is this a bet? This is a huge overload and chronic work at night. And specifically, I have lessons on the bet. How is that? It’s just that children are united in groups not only for 3-5 people, as it should ideally be, but for 6, and 8, and even 10-11! Of course, the effectiveness of such work is noticeably lower. But, it would seem, what to complain about? After all, there are no more than 20 lessons. However, everything is not so simple: after all, each of 65 needs to be examined twice a year individually (if with 12 children, this is 24 hours of work at the beginning and at the end of the year, not including paper , then from the 65th - this is 130 hours of work at the beginning and from the end of the school year), write, count, fill out a whole mountain of papers for each of them. At 12 to write or at 65? There is a difference, isn't it?

And besides these guys during the school year we have to work with others. The leadership of our school understands this, so the salary is slightly higher than it could be, due to incentive and some other allowances. The director says bluntly: "4 specialists of each profile should work for us, but I managed to knock one out with difficulty and blood . "

I know that in some schools they get 12 thousand per bet. Many teachers are forced to live and work for one and a half. Moreover, often one and a half bets are loaded as two, or even two and a half, while the salary when working for one and a half bets is no longer one and a half times, but only 3 thousand rubles. But often all teachers work for one and a half (in fact, often for two) rates even not because they want to earn more, but simply they are not offered other options.

The teacher shortage is catastrophic. However, the policy is such that it is not necessary to take “extra” teachers, it is necessary to “load” the existing ones. So it turns out that one teacher does not conduct 20 lessons per week, as expected, but all 30, or even 40. But when he checks the notebooks, prepares for lessons, writes mountains of papers? Indeed, all this requires more time than the actual conduct of the lessons. In the evenings and nights. When does he deal with classroom issues? Add this time to hours of lessons.

The load is inconceivable, in fact. And such a load is far from always obtained because of the desire to earn more and is not always voluntary. A few examples. Some time ago I worked in a kindergarten. The nanny who worked in my group had a higher pedagogical education, according to which she could work as a music director. But she was not hired for this position, because she was not ready to work at once on two bets, only one. And such an employee is not needed now. We need someone who will plow two in fact, one and a half - according to the documents. How it is paid, I spoke above. At the same time, there was no music worker in the garden. Who performed its functions? And already overworked, working in two shifts, educators.

The second example is today's. At school (as in all schools) there are fewer teachers than necessary. Suddenly, the subject teacher of one of the main subjects fell seriously ill. A meeting of primary school teachers is being convened, and the school’s administration is tearfully asking teachers to take the lead in the 6th grade! In the 6th! Primary school teachers! And there’s nobody else to ship. No one agrees. People talk about overload and that they do not know enough about the subject. The head teachers, whose situation is also hopeless, in general, say a brilliant thing: "No one will leave this room until there are those who will conduct the subject in 6 classes."

The main subject, many hours. As a result, three teachers are forced. One of them immediately writes a letter of resignation. The rest will plow. Another example is a kindergarten colleague recently told. The working week began to make 53 hours. This is only work with children! Nobody takes into account nightly paper work. And her state of health does not allow her. She stated this to the management, to which she received an answer that such employees are not needed. I myself was in a similar situation when I wanted to go on a bet, but I was told that they did not need such teachers. You can argue, you can sue, but if there is no support from the masses, then you are powerless in this struggle.

And people agree because there is something to eat and something to feed the children.

So work at two bets is not so often a voluntary choice because of the desire to earn more.


- What bureaucratic obstacles does a modern teacher meet in his everyday work?

- There are a lot of papers. Every year more and more unnecessary reports become. In addition, there are paper and electronic magazines. Teachers are required to participate in the work of various Internet platforms, in useless contests. It is reporting and other documentation that more and more comes first, to the detriment of working with children. It is this work that is checked by different checking structures, clinging to each comma. And more and more reports are coming down, all new and new scribble.

- Since we are talking about papers. Do education workers often have to purchase consumables at their own expense? Print reporting and methodological documentation? Is this a rule, or rather an exception?

- This rule is. We print out all the documentation at our own expense. The second option is at the expense of the parents, when they bring paper for the printer, buy ink or ink cartridges for the printer in the classroom. I am a specialist, therefore I have neither my class, nor a printer, except for a home one. Accordingly, I buy all the paper and all cartridges myself, at my own expense. The amount of papers is huge now. So, in September, it takes me about two or three packs of paper and a couple of cartridges for a laser printer. My colleague, who does not have a printer at home, has to constantly look for where to print, often this is the expensive printing parlor.

Primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers have to print a lot. These are various documentation and handouts. When I had to work in these positions, I did everything with my money. Taking money from parents is an extremely unpleasant task for any teacher, it’s easier to pay out of pocket. And all the benefits that my colleagues and I use are acquired by us independently. You can not do this. But how then do you do your job? For me personally, this is impossible. I had to work in several educational institutions, such a situation was everywhere. I must say that schools and kindergartens do not allocate money for this. After all, institutions are autonomous, which means they must provide for themselves. School money is sorely lacking even for textbooks, what can we say about the reporting and methodological documentation of teachers.

With textbooks, in general, everything is interesting. Once every few years, the ministry announces that the textbooks on which the schools have just worked are now declared unfit, and it is necessary to acquire others (of course, strictly defined and strictly defined publishing houses). And the schools are spinning as best they can - they are looking around the city and on the Internet, suddenly someone resells something from their hands; they hand over waste paper to use the proceeds to buy textbooks (this is enough for a very small amount); looking for sponsors; and "bow to the feet of the parents." The situation is absurd and catastrophic.

- By the way, how can you currently characterize the attitude of parents to teachers and to the education system as a whole? How are consumer “notes” heard?

- Yes, the attitude of parents is mainly consumer. A different attitude is, rather, an exception to the rule. Well, what is the attitude of the parents, this is the case with children. The same attitude of parents and students to the teacher and to study is one of the significant reasons for teachers to leave education.

- As in other significant areas, youth plays an important role in education. What is the level of knowledge of young specialists who have just graduated from institutes? What is their attitude to the profession, are they very disappointed with the current education system in the country?

- I would not give a low assessment of the level of their education. Although I do not know how competent I am in this. There are very good young teachers. But now it’s much harder for young people, it’s more difficult for them to start than earlier than in Soviet times.

Then they taught specific work technologies, provided the pedagogical process with the necessary textbooks, manuals, manuals. There was a respectful attitude of parents and children. And there were no such overloads that did not leave time for the beginning teacher to learn how to work efficiently. A lot of useless paperwork, no less useless participation in competitions, the need for pseudo-educational, and sometimes anti-educational activities, ugly programs and textbooks, and most importantly - consumer, extremely disrespectful attitude of parents, and after them children, all of which pushes young people out of school .

- We started a conversation about the fact that you studied the profession from teachers of the Soviet school, according to Soviet textbooks. Why do you think the Russian state is destroying the Soviet education system, although even Western countries recognized it as the best in the world?

- Because capitalism. In the West, education is not so good. There is a rigid division of schools and other educational institutions depending on the material well-being of the student’s family: whoever has the money learns; whoever does not have one does not study.

- Did the education system degrade with the introduction of the exam? This exam is also part of Western standards of study.

- It’s hard for me to judge this, since I have never worked with this. Of course, you have to spend part of the training time on dragging children for the exam. Moreover, the core tasks of the exam go beyond the school curriculum, which is fundamentally wrong. How can I check the level of knowledge for a high school course by issuing assignments from a university program? Absurd. I had to take the OGE in the 9th grade. This is an abnormal stressful situation for students and educators.

My opinion is this: the USE is not a cause, but an element of the degradation of education, one of the ways to destroy education, along with specialized training, optimization, the dominance of papers, the creation of a certain attitude towards education and school in society.

- One of the pillars on which the Western education system stands is specialization. A situation where parents, together with students, and sometimes from the first grade, choose subjects that they think will be most useful, for example, for entering a university. There is a division of disciplines into “necessary” and “unnecessary”. In this regard, I would like to know how often situations happen when students do not pay due attention to subjects that, in their opinion, are not required for subsequent admission to universities?

- Situations are different. There are guys who are serious and interested in studying. Most are configured differently. The attitude is consumer and, at the same time, not serious. There is no serious attitude even to those items that must be taken. Many do not do homework, do not do tasks in the classroom. It seems that they expect that the teacher will do everything for them, this is his responsibility, and the student’s efforts are not required. There are cases when children choose an object for passing at random, completely unprepared and poorly knowing even the elementary. There are times when students threaten teachers: “If I do not pass the exam, we will complain about you” or “If I do not pass the exam, I will commit suicide”. I have witnessed such situations. Partly, the attitude of children towards learning can be understood - indeed, because they will continue to study and go where they need to, the one whose parents arrange it and provide it. A place in the sun depends more on the financial investments of the parents than on the efforts of the child. And the guys see one goal - to get comfortable and richer in life, they don’t know other goals.

From the editors.
Many activists and socio-political figures consider the problem of degradation of education in isolation from the existing economic system, they say that specific political figures are to blame, but you just need to carry out the necessary reform - to abolish the exam or even return the Soviet education system, as the problem will be solved by itself. At the same time, they forget that the state of education is a reflection of the state of industry. The Russian Federation "honorably" takes the place allocated to it by the countries of the First World on the periphery of the capitalist system. The remnants of the factories built by Soviet citizens continue to ruin the "effective owners." And the country of peripheral capitalism cannot afford industry. The sale of our resources with you is the source of enrichment for large domestic capitalists.

“The drawback of the Soviet education system was an attempt to create a Human Creator, and now our task is to grow a qualified consumer,” as former education minister Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko stated . ... sut-vospi/

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Re: Russia today

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:07 pm
by blindpig
“Beautiful numbers, the sad essence”: to educate not people, but consumers

Interview with a school teacher about industry issues

From the 90s to the present, the quality of education continues to deteriorate. This happens not only in connection with the restoration of the capitalist system in our country, the entry into force of all kinds of educational "reforms" aimed at destroying Soviet education standards, but also due to a drop in the standard of living of education workers (teachers, teachers, teachers).


Market relations affected the salary, free time and the amount of teacher’s work not in the best way. The general bureaucratization of schools is also affecting - more and more often teachers, in addition to educational functions, also perform purely administrative (for example, filling out journals, keeping records).

Many specialists lost their jobs in the “saints” of the 90s, the majority still find it difficult to find work in their specialty, and politicians, instead of solving the problems of education, offer teachers to “go into business”.

Correspondents of ROT FRONT talked with a worker in the field of education to look at the problems of this area from the inside.

- Why did you become a teacher? After all, those in power directly tell your colleagues: “If you want to earn money, go to business.” Or did the choice of profession come from the humanistic desire to teach the younger generation?

- I went to teachers 20 years ago, when everything was still a little different. We learned from the remnants of the Soviet system. We were lucky to learn from teachers of Soviet hardening and Soviet wonderful textbooks. We were lucky, we got an extensive practice. And the phrase "want to make money - go to business" has not yet existed. Although, of course, the goals and values ​​of young people were no longer Soviet, the benefits of the profession and the desire to get comfortable in life for many were fundamental in determining the path of life. But not for everyone and not for me. I belonged to the category of youth formed by the Soviet system, goals and values ​​were different than getting a lot of money. The prestige of the profession did not interest me.

But I did not go to teachers because of some lofty goals and ideals. At the age of 17, there was still no certainty with the profession, I just did not want to take physics and mathematics when I entered, I wanted to study in my city. Mom advised me to go to teacher training college (in the past, teacher training school, teacher training school), and I went there. What I do not regret at all: there was a wonderful teaching and student team, an atmosphere of indifference and collectivism nurtured a love of work, hard work and responsibility. And there was a good, largely Soviet still, school. A lot of practice - starting with the first year of study, one week in our week was devoted to practice in primary and secondary schools. From the first year we conducted classes every week, classroom hours, lessons, watched and analyzed the lessons of experienced teachers and our classmates. They read and studied Makarenko. Very fond of studying; Institute, which was very easy to enter after a technical school, graduated with honors. Probably, all this later sent to pedagogy.

So there weren’t any initial callings or a call from the heart, but the spirit brought up and formed by the college to educate and educate the younger generation appeared as a result of studying in it.


- How does the salary of a teacher differ in the capital and regions? How many bets do you need to work to survive?

- Honestly, I did not compare. There are no examples of metropolitan areas to compare. After all, numbers on the Internet are far from always real data - beautiful numbers, a sad point. Rumor has it that salaries in Moscow are much higher. My salary is about 18-20 thousand rubles. This is pretty good for our city and region when working on one bet. I work at stake, I have enough for a living. But in fact, I carry out the work that several specialists must do. So, at my stake, as a narrow specialist working with difficult children, I am supposed to work with 12 students. I have 65 of them. This is an individual diagnosis of each, a mountain of documents, again, for each, work with notebooks of each student.

There must be 12, there is 65 ... Is this a bet? This is a huge overload and chronic work at night. And specifically, I have lessons on the bet. How is that? It’s just that children are united in groups not only for 3-5 people, as it should ideally be, but for 6, and 8, and even 10-11! Of course, the effectiveness of such work is noticeably lower. But, it would seem, what to complain about? After all, there are no more than 20 lessons. However, everything is not so simple: after all, each of 65 needs to be examined twice a year individually (if with 12 children, this is 24 hours of work at the beginning and at the end of the year, not including paper , then from the 65th - this is 130 hours of work at the beginning and from the end of the school year), write, count, fill out a whole mountain of papers for each of them. At 12 to write or at 65? There is a difference, isn't it?

And besides these guys during the school year we have to work with others. The leadership of our school understands this, so the salary is slightly higher than it could be, due to incentive and some other allowances. The director says bluntly: "4 specialists of each profile should work for us, but I managed to knock one out with difficulty and blood . "

I know that in some schools they get 12 thousand per bet. Many teachers are forced to live and work for one and a half. Moreover, often one and a half bets are loaded as two, or even two and a half, while the salary when working for one and a half bets is no longer one and a half times, but only 3 thousand rubles. But often all teachers work for one and a half (in fact, often for two) rates even not because they want to earn more, but simply they are not offered other options.

The teacher shortage is catastrophic. However, the policy is such that it is not necessary to take “extra” teachers, it is necessary to “load” the existing ones. So it turns out that one teacher does not conduct 20 lessons per week, as expected, but all 30, or even 40. But when he checks the notebooks, prepares for lessons, writes mountains of papers? Indeed, all this requires more time than the actual conduct of the lessons. In the evenings and nights. When does he deal with classroom issues? Add this time to hours of lessons.

The load is inconceivable, in fact. And such a load is far from always obtained because of the desire to earn more and is not always voluntary. A few examples. Some time ago I worked in a kindergarten. The nanny who worked in my group had a higher pedagogical education, according to which she could work as a music director. But she was not hired for this position, because she was not ready to work at once on two bets, only one. And such an employee is not needed now. We need someone who will plow two in fact, one and a half - according to the documents. How it is paid, I spoke above. At the same time, there was no music worker in the garden. Who performed its functions? And already overworked, working in two shifts, educators.

The second example is today's. At school (as in all schools) there are fewer teachers than necessary. Suddenly, the subject teacher of one of the main subjects fell seriously ill. A meeting of primary school teachers is being convened, and the school’s administration is tearfully asking teachers to take the lead in the 6th grade! In the 6th! Primary school teachers! And there’s nobody else to ship. No one agrees. People talk about overload and that they do not know enough about the subject. The head teachers, whose situation is also hopeless, in general, say a brilliant thing: "No one will leave this room until there are those who will conduct the subject in 6 classes."

The main subject, many hours. As a result, three teachers are forced. One of them immediately writes a letter of resignation. The rest will plow. Another example is a kindergarten colleague recently told. The working week began to make 53 hours. This is only work with children! Nobody takes into account nightly paper work. And her state of health does not allow her. She stated this to the management, to which she received an answer that such employees are not needed. I myself was in a similar situation when I wanted to go on a bet, but I was told that they did not need such teachers. You can argue, you can sue, but if there is no support from the masses, then you are powerless in this struggle.

And people agree because there is something to eat and something to feed the children.

So work at two bets is not so often a voluntary choice because of the desire to earn more.


- What bureaucratic obstacles does a modern teacher meet in his everyday work?

- There are a lot of papers. Every year more and more unnecessary reports become. In addition, there are paper and electronic magazines. Teachers are required to participate in the work of various Internet platforms, in useless contests. It is reporting and other documentation that more and more comes first, to the detriment of working with children. It is this work that is checked by different checking structures, clinging to each comma. And more and more reports are coming down, all new and new scribble.

- Since we are talking about papers. Do education workers often have to purchase consumables at their own expense? Print reporting and methodological documentation? Is this a rule, or rather an exception?

- This rule is. We print out all the documentation at our own expense. The second option is at the expense of the parents, when they bring paper for the printer, buy ink or ink cartridges for the printer in the classroom. I am a specialist, therefore I have neither my class, nor a printer, except for a home one. Accordingly, I buy all the paper and all cartridges myself, at my own expense. The amount of papers is huge now. So, in September, it takes me about two or three packs of paper and a couple of cartridges for a laser printer. My colleague, who does not have a printer at home, has to constantly look for where to print, often this is the expensive printing parlor.

Primary school teachers and kindergarten teachers have to print a lot. These are various documentation and handouts. When I had to work in these positions, I did everything with my money. Taking money from parents is an extremely unpleasant task for any teacher, it’s easier to pay out of pocket. And all the benefits that my colleagues and I use are acquired by us independently. You can not do this. But how then do you do your job? For me personally, this is impossible. I had to work in several educational institutions, such a situation was everywhere. I must say that schools and kindergartens do not allocate money for this. After all, institutions are autonomous, which means they must provide for themselves. School money is sorely lacking even for textbooks, what can we say about the reporting and methodological documentation of teachers.

With textbooks, in general, everything is interesting. Once every few years, the ministry announces that the textbooks on which the schools have just worked are now declared unfit, and it is necessary to acquire others (of course, strictly defined and strictly defined publishing houses). And the schools are spinning as best they can - they are looking around the city and on the Internet, suddenly someone resells something from their hands; they hand over waste paper to use the proceeds to buy textbooks (this is enough for a very small amount); looking for sponsors; and "bow to the feet of the parents." The situation is absurd and catastrophic.

- By the way, how can you currently characterize the attitude of parents to teachers and to the education system as a whole? How are consumer “notes” heard?

- Yes, the attitude of parents is mainly consumer. A different attitude is, rather, an exception to the rule. Well, what is the attitude of the parents, this is the case with children. The same attitude of parents and students to the teacher and to study is one of the significant reasons for teachers to leave education.

- As in other significant areas, youth plays an important role in education. What is the level of knowledge of young specialists who have just graduated from institutes? What is their attitude to the profession, are they very disappointed with the current education system in the country?

- I would not give a low assessment of the level of their education. Although I do not know how competent I am in this. There are very good young teachers. But now it’s much harder for young people, it’s more difficult for them to start than earlier than in Soviet times.

Then they taught specific work technologies, provided the pedagogical process with the necessary textbooks, manuals, manuals. There was a respectful attitude of parents and children. And there were no such overloads that did not leave time for the beginning teacher to learn how to work efficiently. A lot of useless paperwork, no less useless participation in competitions, the need for pseudo-educational, and sometimes anti-educational activities, ugly programs and textbooks, and most importantly - consumer, extremely disrespectful attitude of parents, and after them children, all of which pushes young people out of school .

- We started a conversation about the fact that you studied the profession from teachers of the Soviet school, according to Soviet textbooks. Why do you think the Russian state is destroying the Soviet education system, although even Western countries recognized it as the best in the world?

- Because capitalism. In the West, education is not so good. There is a rigid division of schools and other educational institutions depending on the material well-being of the student’s family: whoever has the money learns; whoever does not have one does not study.

- Did the education system degrade with the introduction of the exam? This exam is also part of Western standards of study.

- It’s hard for me to judge this, since I have never worked with this. Of course, you have to spend part of the training time on dragging children for the exam. Moreover, the core tasks of the exam go beyond the school curriculum, which is fundamentally wrong. How can I check the level of knowledge for a high school course by issuing assignments from a university program? Absurd. I had to take the OGE in the 9th grade. This is an abnormal stressful situation for students and educators.

My opinion is this: the USE is not a cause, but an element of the degradation of education, one of the ways to destroy education, along with specialized training, optimization, the dominance of papers, the creation of a certain attitude towards education and school in society.

- One of the pillars on which the Western education system stands is specialization. A situation where parents, together with students, and sometimes from the first grade, choose subjects that they think will be most useful, for example, for entering a university. There is a division of disciplines into “necessary” and “unnecessary”. In this regard, I would like to know how often situations happen when students do not pay due attention to subjects that, in their opinion, are not required for subsequent admission to universities?

- Situations are different. There are guys who are serious and interested in studying. Most are configured differently. The attitude is consumer and, at the same time, not serious. There is no serious attitude even to those items that must be taken. Many do not do homework, do not do tasks in the classroom. It seems that they expect that the teacher will do everything for them, this is his responsibility, and the student’s efforts are not required. There are cases when children choose an object for passing at random, completely unprepared and poorly knowing even the elementary. There are times when students threaten teachers: “If I do not pass the exam, we will complain about you” or “If I do not pass the exam, I will commit suicide”. I have witnessed such situations. Partly, the attitude of children towards learning can be understood - indeed, because they will continue to study and go where they need to, the one whose parents arrange it and provide it. A place in the sun depends more on the financial investments of the parents than on the efforts of the child. And the guys see one goal - to get comfortable and richer in life, they don’t know other goals.

From the editors.
Many activists and socio-political figures consider the problem of degradation of education in isolation from the existing economic system, they say that specific political figures are to blame, but you just need to carry out the necessary reform - to abolish the exam or even return the Soviet education system, as the problem will be solved by itself. At the same time, they forget that the state of education is a reflection of the state of industry. The Russian Federation "honorably" takes the place allocated to it by the countries of the First World on the periphery of the capitalist system. The remnants of the factories built by Soviet citizens continue to ruin the "effective owners." And the country of peripheral capitalism cannot afford industry. The sale of our resources with you is the source of enrichment for large domestic capitalists.

“The drawback of the Soviet education system was an attempt to create a Human Creator, and now our task is to grow a qualified consumer,” as former education minister Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko stated . ... sut-vospi/

Google Translator

Re: Russia today

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 5:33 pm
by blindpig
Die, capitalism! Permanent lies and exploitation!
December 2

Capitalism is dying. Every day we observe his agony. He writhes in agony, like a villain from a horror movie, stung by a thousand poisonous vipers.


I feel a malevolent triumph when I see individuals who stupidly chatter the memorized remarks: “No, well, other countries live well”, “There were queues in the USSR, counters are empty, but now everything is there, and even with cashback”, “Only foreign investments will save our country. "

I look at them with a mixture of disgust and squeamish pity, as they look at the wretched. And I think: "Guys, you are all dead . You are long in the past. You are doomed to stay on the sidelines of history. The West you are praying for has long rotted, and you will rot with it."

Why do I consider fans of capitalism and liberals to be mentally retarded ? For 2 reasons.

1. Most of them are not businessmen, not oligarchs, but ordinary hired workers. Since in our country 90% of the population are saleswomen, guards and drove, then 90% of these idolaters are saleswomen, security guards and drove. And even if it’s a manager, then the difference? You are a hired slave, and it doesn’t matter if you wipe your pants in the office or sell cigarettes in a stall. You are not the owner of CAPITAL, and our regime is called CAPITALISM, understand? This is NOT YOUR mode, it is NOT FOR YOU. You're nobody, buddy.

2. Capitalism has long suffered a delay in development in a difficult stage. He looks like a baby down who makes slurred sounds, drooling. The same old methods of deceit and exploitation, not a damn thing has changed since the 50s of the last century. This is an argument against the fact that supposedly only capitalism provides progress. All the same old memorized songs.

And you have to be a complete moron in order to believe false and boastful advertising. "Buy all the best for just a million rubles!" No shit there is not the best. And the manufacturers themselves know this. Therefore, be sure to crush: "Hurry to buy! Otherwise you will be late and will be left without our goods!" Oh, scared. God, what kind of freaks? All the time they brazenly beat people in complexes and in a sore spot to get as much dough as possible.

Any advertising is designed for a frightened, naive, dependent person. But people have less faith in advertising, corporations are already in a panic, they are losing billions. You won’t take anyone for a show off, nevermind, everyone has already learned through bitter experience.
What is the notorious "Black Friday"? I explain: on the eve of the price of goods are overstated by 40%, and on "Black Friday" they make a 30% discount. Thus, you buy a product with a margin of 10%. Congratulations to you, Ball, you dunce!

Cashback is generally hilarious . Allegedly, the cost of the purchase in certain stores is returned to you. And you will save. And here's a damn thing. Firstly, it is paid out with points; it is far from always possible to transfer them into cash. And not the fact that the store accepts points. Secondly, it can act only on small purchases. The limit is limited! Bought for 100 thousand, and return 100 rubles, no more! Thirdly, for too frequent use of cashback can introduce fines. Fourthly, cashback can, on the contrary, act only on purchases more expensive than 30,000. Spend your grandmothers for God's sake! As a rule, the monthly expenses of cashback users grow by 30-40%. There you have it!

For me, using cashback is like playing in a casino. If someone thinks that good good banks are worried about its benefits ... well, it’s clear what to call such a brow. Pasta on the ears do not interfere? ... 00ae3bdacf

Google Translator has done better.......Not exactly world class analysis but a indication of the working class mood in capitalist Russia.

Re: Russia today

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2019 2:14 pm
by blindpig
In Kostroma, workers at Kostroma Shipyard JSC went on strike due to non-payment of salaries
yesterday at 11:10, views: 1205


In Kostroma, workers at Kostroma Shipyard JSC went on strike due to non-payment of salaries
Workers of Kostroma Shipyard JSC announced that they will begin a strike on December 18. Reason for protest non-payment of wages for October and November. In accordance with the legislation, they notified the management of the enterprise about this in writing. The requirements of workers are published in Kostroma social networks.

Kostroma prosecutor's office on the fact of non-payment of salaries to employees began an audit at the enterprise

As the workers of the shipyard indicate in their request, data on the seizure of property and bank accounts of the enterprise are published on the Internet portal of the tax inspectorate and on the website of the regional administration.

The purchase of metal for the fulfillment of the contract was not ensured, although an advance was received from the customer.

“You leave the workers of the plant without a livelihood, and without prospects for further work of the enterprise.

We ask you before December 17 to give specific answers on urgent issues at the general meeting of the labor collective, ”the workers said in their address to the management.

If the management of the plant does not fulfill the requirements of the workers, then from December 18, they suspend their work.

Kostroma Shipyard JSC produces large-capacity barges with carrying capacities from 1000 to 5000 tons, pusher tugs, oil tankers of mixed river-sea navigation. ... platy.html

Google Translator

Re: Russia today

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 3:20 pm
by blindpig
Psychological warfare
NATO military exercises
News, December 18, 2019 09:19 / Moscow
"Who will go to fight for the oligarchs?" Runet began to boil from the message of the General Staff of the Russian Federation

NATO aggression
Sergey Kaysin © IA Red Spring

Internet users reacted to the message of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on NATO preparations for a large-scale military conflict on December 18 in the comments of the Yandex.News aggregator.

Under the report of a possible military conflict with the North Atlantic Alliance, users of the Internet resource wondered who would go to fight for Russia in the event of NATO aggression in the country. Spelling and punctuation of the authors saved.

So, during the discussion, one of the commentators drew attention to the fact that “only the USSR, uniting the peoples, could defeat the united Europe !!! Learn the history ....... in the war of 1812, there were practically no partisans, but there were sabotage detachments from the professional military, and in the Great Patriotic War (the Great Patriotic War - approx. IA Red Spring) , the partisans went from young to old !! ! I’m not sure that the Russian people will go to protect the oligarchs ... "

Main news
The picture of the world of Vladimir Putin: big press conference of the president
Journalists thoroughly screened before Putin’s big press conference
Another reader of the aggregator, commenting on the news, pointed out that “that NATO will definitely do this, it was necessary to think earlier when they destroyed the USSR, destroyed socialism and Soviet power, trying to become a friendly bourgeois-capitalist country. It’s too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have fallen off . ”

Also during the discussion, Runet users unanimously hold the opinion that the war with NATO, and the conflict with the USA itself, is unprofitable for Russian officials, since “every fifth house, worth more than $ 15 million, in London belongs to the children of Russian officials and oligarchs. What here can be preconditions? ", Stressed Michael M .

Given the current situation of social inequality in Russian society, one of the users suggested "to impose sanctions against our officials who are associated with NATO countries, this is real estate, children studying or living there, etc."

In the comments, there were also supporters of the United States and NATO, who argued that the Americans had always helped Russia and were benefactors, but these users did not gain popular support - they received “dislikes”.

As an American “help,” the user Sergey B. gave an example: “The last help offered is the Domestic Violence Act. straight Batmen ... "

Users of the Yandex.News aggregator did not forget to mention pension reform.

So, Sasha. D , reacting to the report on NATO aggression, he wrote his comment with sarcasm: “They promised not to raise the retirement age and did not raise ... Inflation says no, and it is not. You won’t say that there will be no large-scale war ... We must once again check the supplies of matches, salt, cereals, flour, stew ... for a long time, but at least some hope in peacetime . ”

Recall, on December 17, the General Staff of the Russian Army announced that active exercises in the Baltic countries and Poland, in the waters of the Black and Baltic Seas, testify to the purposeful preparation of NATO for a large-scale military conflict.

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Best I can tell NATO has no real intention of invading Russia at this time and the movement of significant quantities of heavy formations would take a couple month of strenuous logistics so psychological warfare it is. Interesting window tho.