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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:28 pm

Fred Goldstein’s analysis of capitalism, imperialism, and China resonates today

April 11, 20

Photo: Liz Green

Fred Goldstein, a prominent Marxist thinker, revolutionary socialist, and author who contributed significantly to the international communist movement, died a year ago on April 11, 2023. His enduring legacy lies in his significant contributions to the international communist movement, notably his unwavering defense of socialist China.

As the Palestinian people in Gaza face the brutality of the U.S.-armed Zionist entity, Palestinian liberation leader Leila Khaled recently emphasized the imperialist forces’ preparations to attack China. “We know that they speak about terrorism, but they are the heroes of terrorism. The imperialist force everywhere in the world, in Iraq, in Syria, in different countries. Now they are preparing to attack China,” Khaled said

In his work “The New Cold War Against China,” Goldstein wrote:

“The conflict between imperialist capitalism, headed by Washington, Wall Street and the Pentagon, and the Chinese socialist economic system, with state-owned industry at its core and planned economic guidance, is becoming much sharper, and imperialism is growing more openly hostile.”

Goldstein’s steadfast belief in the importance of revolutionary Marxism shines through in his document, “Reviving Marx and Lenin.” He argued that understanding the struggle for socialism, including the achievements and challenges faced by the USSR, is crucial for contemporary struggles. This document serves as essential reading for revolutionary socialists, particularly in the United States, given the U.S. role as the primary instigator of war and oppression as the bulwark of world capitalism.

Goldstein authored two influential books, “Low-Wage Capitalism: Colossus with Feet of Clay” (2008) and “Capitalism at a Dead End: Job destruction, overproduction, and crisis in the high-tech era” (2012), which analyzed the impact of technology on the global working class and the restructuring of capitalism in the post-Soviet era.

To explore Goldstein’s extensive work, visit the Marxists Internet Archive. ... tes-today/

China’s unfair ‘overcapacity’

April 11, 2024 Michael Roberts

Assembly line at Chinese all-electric car company Nio.

The recent nonsense issued by U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on China’s ‘overcapacity’ and ‘unfair subsidies’ to its industries is particularly pathetic. As Renaud Bertrand put it: “The so-called threat of China’s ‘industrial overcapacity’ is a buzzword that actually means that China is simply too competitive, and by asking it to address this, what Yellen is truly asking of China is akin to a fellow sprinter asking Usain Bolt to run less fast because he can’t keep up.”

Indeed, let me quote Bertrand’s rebuttal of Yellen’s claims of ‘overcapacity’: “Let’s start with capacity utilization rates. It’s crystal clear they’ve been pretty much constant in China for the past 10 years, standing at roughly 76% right now, which is in the same ballpark as America’s own utilization rates, at about 78%. So, there’s no issue there.”

Bertrand goes on: “Despite the very low prices for its EVs or solar panels, Chinese companies involved still make a profit (industrial profits are rising at double-digit growth), and they DO charge higher prices abroad than at home. The competitiveness of Chinese companies is overwhelming: today, in scores of industries – like solar or EVs – there is simply no way for American or European companies to compete with Chinese ones. This is the real issue: Yellen and Western leaders are afraid that if things keep going, China will simply eat everyone’s lunch.”

China is the only country in the world that produces all categories of goods classified by the World Customs Organization (WCO). This gives it a key advantage when it comes to end prices: when you want to build something in China, you can literally find the entire supply chain for it at home. Bertrand: “China has become an innovation powerhouse. In 2023, it filed roughly as many patents as the rest of the world combined, and it’s now estimated to lead 37 out of the 44 critical technologies for the future. All this, too, has implications when it comes to the final prices of its products.”

Europe’s leaders have been echoing Yellen’s claims. After meeting Xi in Beijing last December, European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen noted the EU’s trade deficit with China had ballooned to €400bn from €40bn 20 years ago, as she highlighted a series of complaints, including China’s industrial ‘overcapacity,’ she said: “European leaders will not be able to tolerate that our industrial base is undermined by unfair competition.”

But let’s get this right: the EU trade deficit with China has risen from $40bn to $400bn in 20 years! Not two years, not five years, not ten years, but throughout this century. First, that makes the rise in the deficit not so large per year, say about $10-15bn, and throughout that period, we heard little complaint from the EU that China was adopting unfair trade practices. Suddenly, after the debacle of rising energy costs after cutting off Russian energy imports and a virtual two-year recession in the major EU countries, von der Leyen now blames China. Indeed, most of the increase in the ‘China deficit’ has come in the post-pandemic period.


As for the U.S., currently, the bilateral trade deficit between the U.S. and China relative to the size of the U.S. economy, is the lowest it’s been since 2002. As Bertrand says, “So it’s an odd time to complain so vociferously about trade imbalance with China since, from America’s standpoint, the trade imbalance is the lowest it’s been in over 20 years.”

Nevertheless, the Keynesian/China experts promote and parrot Yellen’s message. Here is a quote from a Western media source: “Against the backdrop of rising international concern, experts believe the manufacturing strategy will not deliver on Beijing’s growth targets. Exports already account for a fifth of GDP, and China’s share of global manufacturing stands at 31 percent. Absent an explosion of demand, they say it is unlikely the rest of the world could soak up China’s exports without shrinking its own manufacturing.”

Who are these great experts? The usual suspects.

Michael Pettis tells us that if China goes on expanding its manufacturing exports, it will have to be “accommodated by the rest of the world.” And the rest of the world is unlikely to do that. Really? It seems that China has no problem selling its exports to the rest of the world’s consumers and manufacturers, who are eager to buy.

Another expert is Brad Setser. Setser tells us that “China’s domestic EV market was created via industrial policy; it didn’t appear out of thin air. A critical point, and one that is often now forgotten. Same is true of HSR and wind, and China is trying in other sectors as well.” Shock, horror; it was not achieved through market forces but through state-led investment. He goes on, “The reality that many of China’s export success stories now didn’t originate with the magic of the market no doubt complicates global trade, as adjusting to accommodate China’s successes doesn’t “feel” like a true market adjustment.“ In other words, the U.S. and Europe and Japan cannot compete. So what to do? Setser says, “I think the U.S. should make a real effort to offset China’s economic coercion here. It will take a bit of sacrifice but I at least am willing to step up.” So competition is now called ‘coercion,’ and the U.S. must respond with coercion itself, with Setser ready to help Yellen on that.

The rationality of this nonsense is found in the Western mainstream view that China is stuck in an old model of investment-led export manufacturing and needs to ‘rebalance’ towards a consumer-led domestic economy where the private sector has free rein. China’s weak consumer sector is forcing it to try to export manufacturing ‘over capacity’.

But the evidence for this is not there. According to a recent study by Richard Baldwin, he finds that the export-led model did operate up to 2006, but since then, domestic sales have boomed so that the exports to GDP ratio has actually fallen. “Chinese consumption of Chinese manufactured goods has grown faster than Chinese production for almost two decades. Far from being unable to absorb the production, Chinese domestic consumption of made-in-China goods has grown MUCH faster than the output of China’s manufacturing sector.”


Chinese manufacturers remain highly competitive in world markets, despite all the efforts of the West to impose tariffs and other protectionist measures. China is doing particularly well in electric vehicle production, solar energy and other green technologies. But as Baldwin points out, this export success does not mean that China depends on exports for growth. China is growing mainly because of production for the home economy, like the U.S.


But there is a more worrying feature of this ‘overcapacity’ nonsense. It has been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by economists in the Chinese banking sector, who were mainly trained in Western universities. Take the recent speech by the chief economist at the China Bank, Zu Gao. His speech was highly praised by the likes of Pettis and Setser. Xu argued that “the significantly lower consumption-to-GDP ratio in China, compared to the global average, is the fundamental cause of the country’s lackluster domestic demand and economic slowdown.”

Xu explains that “weak domestic demand, compounded by lackluster external demand or export volumes, results in insufficient total demand, thereby stifling economic growth. In that sense, the long-term growth constraints on the Chinese economy lie not in the supply but in demand.” Really? China’s relative growth slowdown in the past decade has been due to the slowing expansion of its labor force with economic growth then depending primarily on raising the productivity of labor. And that depends on investment in productivity-boosting technology, not consumption, which is a deduction from resources for investment. Moreover, which countries have achieved faster growth in the last few years: the consumer-led West or low-consumption China?


Xu follows up his classic crude Keynesian theory by saying that “the objective of economic growth is to fulfill the people’s expectation for a better life, which is primarily manifested through their expectation for enhanced consumption—better quality food, clothing, and leisure activities. When a country’s consumption constitutes a small fraction of its GDP, it indicates a misalignment between the aggregate economic growth (as depicted by GDP) and the lived experiences of its people.”

But this is just not true. A low consumption-to-GDP ratio does not necessarily mean low consumption growth. And China’s consumption growth has been way faster than the consumer-led economies of the West.


Then we get to the real purpose of Xu’s speech: “The extensive presence of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China, whose profits and dividends primarily flow to the state rather than households, diminishes the wealth effect that might otherwise stimulate household consumption.” You see, it’s China’s state-led economy that’s the problem: it is stopping “an efficient market mechanism” from working.

So what to do? “Of course, SOEs in China are technically owned by the people, yet their equity is predominantly held by the state. Consequently, the dividends from SOEs primarily flow to the state rather than the households; the profits retained post-dividend distribution from SOEs are not directly connected to the balance sheets of households, making it difficult to contribute to household wealth. So says Xu, “We need to distribute all SOE stocks to citizens,” i.e., privatise the state-owned companies.

The chief economist of China Bank seems to reckon that the only answer to the perceived ‘lack of demand’ and ‘overcapacity’ in China is to restore the dominance of the ‘efficient market mechanism”. ... rcapacity/

Meh, China's bankers can say this and that but the tail does not wag the dog and the Party rules and is indeed tightening up a bit on the capitalists who put themselves and the market before the people.

Green Berets ‘permanently’ stationed in Taiwan near China’s mainland coast
April 11, 2024 Chris Fry

Green Berets are now permanently stationed on Quemoy, within sight of the Chinese mainland coast.

On May 6, 2016, the New York Times published an obituary for Donald W. Duncan, a former Green Beret master sergeant and later an outspoken critic of the U.S. war against Vietnam. Duncan wrote articles and a memoir and spoke at many anti-war rallies.

The Green Berets, a “special operation” military unit, was first sent into Vietnam in 1957, not long after Ho Chi Minh and the liberation forces drove the French colonial forces out of Indochina. They were tasked with training soldiers for the newly formed U.S.-created “South” Vietnam puppet regime.

Duncan told the radical journal Ramparts about his special forces training, which “…included ‘methods of torture to extract information,’ including ‘the delicate operation of lowering a man’s testicles into a jeweler’s vise.’ He said he later witnessed the use of such techniques in Vietnam.”

Mr. Duncan also testified that year [1967] at an unofficial “war crimes tribunal” organized by the philosopher Bertrand Russell in Denmark, and at a South Carolina court-martial, where he spoke in defense of Capt. Howard R. Levy, a Green Beret who had also turned against the war. Captain Levy was convicted of disobeying orders and attempting to incite disloyalty, and eventually served 26 months in prison.

Duncan’s testimony about the military and the war industry is just as true now as it was then:

I also know that we have allowed the creation of a military monster that will lie to our elected officials, and that both of them will lie to the American people.

After the U.S. was driven out of Vietnam in 1973, the Green Berets were sent by President Ronald Reagan to guide the secret illegal war to support the “Contras” in Nicaragua and their murderous campaign against the Sandinista government. The contras were responsible for killing thousands of civilians, including many members of the clergy.

In 2001, the Green Berets were the first shock troops sent into Afghanistan when the U.S. began its 20-year occupation of that country, and in 2003, they were then sent into Iraq to overturn the government there, resulting in the deaths of more than 300,000 people, mostly civilians.

Biden sends Green Berets to Taiwan to set up ‘live fire’ exercises.

On March 20, Newsweek reported that:

“Taiwan has confirmed there are U.S. troops stationed on its islands in the Taiwan Strait on a permanent basis, including an island just over a mile off China’s southeast coast.

“The [U.S.] National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2023 paved the way for their arrival to conduct training programs for troops on Taiwan’s front line.”

The Green Berets are now permanently stationed on Quemoy, also called Kinmen, within sight of the Chinese mainland coast, as well as Penghu, some 70 miles away.

Of course, “training” is actually down the list of duties for these soldiers. More importantly, they act as a “tripwire” for U.S. imperialism as it attempts to provoke China into open war.

The South China Morning Post reported that Taiwan’s quasi-regime will conduct 20 days of “live fire drills” on Quemoy, which the Pentagon says the Green Berets will participate in:

A military source said various guns and cannons, including M60A3 main battle tanks, 20mm cannons, 120mm mortars, and high-explosive 155mm and 105mm Howitzers, will be used during the exercises that will simulate defending against attacks from the People’s Liberation Army.

On March 7, the Eurasian Times website reported that Taiwan and the U.S. will test the Israeli-made Spyder air defense missile system as it makes its debut during these “fire drills.”

An opinion piece by Alex Lo in the South China Morning Post on March 19 puts this all into perspective:

Now imagine how Washington would react if China had permanently stationed some of its most elite troops a couple of kilometers from Hawaii, Guam or worse, the continental United States. The Pentagon would probably deploy more than a few coastguard vessels as a response.

Taiwan residents are not eager to be Washington’s proxies in war with the PRC.

The Global Affairs website published a March 2022 article about two polls conducted in Taiwan with questions about how willing the residents were to fight off an invasion by mainland China.

The article stated that the results differed sharply depending on who sponsored the poll, whether it was by the ruling pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) or a more non-aligned conductor:

One organization’s [DPP] poll had 62 percent of respondents say yes and 27 percent say no, while the other survey, with a slight difference in its wording asking whether “you or your family” would be willing to fight, found only 40 percent said yes and 51 percent said no.

In January of this year, elections were held in Taiwan. The DPP candidate won the presidency with only 40 percent of the vote, while the combined opposition vote was close to 60 percent. The opposition parties also took control of Taiwan’s “legislature.”

The aptly named Institute for the Study of War, whose board is made up of retired Pentagon generals, former neo-con officials, and Wall Street bankers and hedge fund operators, published a March 22 “China-Taiwan Weekly Update.”

While Washington frequently boasts that Taiwan is “democratic,” this article complains that the DPP war preparations are being hampered by the opposition parties in the legislature:

The Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) are pursuing political reforms that threaten to undermine the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) governance by expanding legislative oversight of the executive branch.

The opposition’s plan to impose checks and balances on the DPP could significantly hamper the government’s ability to pass policy by miring it in defensive actions against accusations of overstepping authority or corruption.

For these well-heeled gentlemen, imperialist war to crush socialist China is far too important to be stopped by the people that would bear the consequences of it, whether in Taiwan, mainland China, or the U.S..

Meanwhile, on April 1, former Taiwan “president” Ma Ying-jeou traveled from Taiwan to mainland China for an 11-day trip. He is expected to meet with PRC President Xi Jinping.

“This is a trip of peace as well as of friendship,” Ma told reporters in brief remarks at the airport in Taiwan before flying to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen in Guangdong province.

Ma added that he hoped to convey a message that Taiwan’s people love peace and hope to avoid war.

As U.S. imperialism faces setback after setback in its proxy wars in Ukraine, in Gaza, and in Yemen, as it faces more and more opposition in the streets here and abroad for its devastating drumbeat for war while fundamental people’s rights are under attack, the anti-war movement must be vigilant and ready to mobilize against this threat to People’s China!

There is one China!

Taiwan belongs to all the Chinese people!

U.S., hands off Taiwan! Remove the Green Berets now! ... and-coast/
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 13, 2024 1:37 pm


What the US really means by overcapacity
In the article below, prominent Marxist economist and International Manifesto Group convenor Radhika Desai responds to the media hype about China’s putative “overcapacity” in renewable energy production – a story that gathered steam during US energy secretary Janet Yellen’s recent visit to China, in which she accused China of “flooding” the world’s energy markets with cheap green energy.

Radhika starts off with the very reasonable point that, given the number of climate records that were broken in 2023, “one might think everyone would welcome China’s plentiful and cheap clean energy equipment”. China’s unparalleled investment in solar and wind energy have resulted in a dramatic fall in the cost of these technologies worldwide, thereby providing a powerful boost to humanity’s efforts to avoid climate catastrophe.

Furthermore, when it comes to “distorting markets” via subsidies, “the US offers billions in industrial subsidies and talks of reviving industrial policy. Moreover, it denies the simple fact that no country has industrialized without protecting itself, and using myriad forms of state direction, including subsidies.” Indeed China’s subsidies are perfectly consistent with WTO rules.

The article notes that declining conditions of the US working class are caused not by Chinese “overcapacity” but by “pro-corporate and pro-financialization neoliberal US policies” which have “deindustrialized the US, stagnated working class wages and, by shifting income and wealth from the ordinary people towards a tiny elite, generated vast inequality”.

Radhika concludes by observing that, as a socialist government committed to the welfare of its people, China “will not roll over and play dead when asked to harm its own economy, its own workers and the possibility of dealing with climate change, all only so that the interests of unproductive inefficient and financialized US corporations may be advanced”.

This article first appeared on CGTN.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was recently in China to talk about its “clean energy overcapacity.” What can that possibly mean? At a time when the world needs more and cheaper clean energy equipment to deal with climate change, isn’t China helping the world by making this equipment more widely available at prices more of the world can afford? Surely, that is just what the world needs in 2024.

After all, 2023 broke so many climate records. It was the warmest year on record. There were record-breaking forest fires and floods. It was the hottest northern hemisphere summer. July 2023 was the hottest month on record. Considering these facts, one might think everyone would welcome China’s plentiful and cheap clean energy equipment.

Evidently, not. The U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen accused China of flooding the world with cheap clean energy exports, distorting global markets and harming workers. What explains this perversity?

The crux of the problem is the U.S.’s stance on climate change. It would be understandable if it supported solutions that were beneficial to it and its people. However, not only does the U.S. seek benefits not for its people but its corporations, it seeks solutions that not only benefit them but also put them in a dominant position.

Yellen kicked off her campaign against Chinese overcapacity at a solar energy plant in Georgia just days before she set foot in Beijing. She alleged that China had previously inflicted overcapacity in steel and aluminium and was now doing this in the clean energy sector, particular in solar panels, lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles. “China’s overcapacity distorts global prices and production patterns and hurts American firms and workers,” she stated.

Capacity can only be excessive in relation to demand. When the problem is labelled overcapacity the ‘solution’ is to cut (other nations’) capacity. One could always see it as a problem of restricted demand, to be solved by expanding it. U.S. elites have long approached the crisis of the 1970s as one of over-capacity and sought to deal with the problem by restricting or even reducing industrial capacity in its rivals. It did this to Japan starting in the 1990s. It is currently doing this to Europe, forcing it to deindustrialize, allegedly in order to fight the hyped-up danger that Russia poses. And now, Yellen has brought this effort to China.

If China’s industrial capacity is deemed excessive, it must be restricted so that, when such equipment becomes scarce, U.S. products of lesser quality and higher cost will find markets. It also amounts to saying that the U.S. absolutely does not wish to increase the rest of the world’s capacity to demand more by increasing development and therefore demand there.

In speaking of China distorting markets, Yellen is saying that China captures markets through subsidies. This is, of course, particularly rich when the U.S. offers billions in industrial subsidies and talks of reviving industrial policy. Moreover, it denies the simple fact that no country has industrialized without protecting itself, and using myriad forms of state direction, including subsidies. This understanding defined the terms on which China entered the World Trade Organization in 2000. The U.S. was willing to grant these terms only because it assumed that China would be no more successful than other developing countries in using such provisions to industrialize and become a technological leader. It was wrong.

Finally, Yellen speaks of China harming U.S. workers. The sad, even macabre, reality is that U.S. workers have been harmed over all these neoliberal decades not by China but by the pro-corporate and pro-financialization neoliberal U.S. policies. They have deindustrialized the U.S., stagnated working class wages and, by shifting income and wealth from the ordinary people towards a tiny elite, generating vast inequality.

Sadly, for Yellen, China is neither Japan nor Europe but a socialist economy whose government is oriented towards advancing egalitarian development for its people. Yellen will find it willing to cooperate for the benefit of people and the planet. But it will not roll over and play dead when asked to harm its own economy, its own workers and the possibility of dealing with climate change, all only so that the interests of unproductive inefficient and financialized U.S. corporations may be advanced. ... rcapacity/


Left-wing political parties from Arab countries thank China for its support of Palestinian national rights
A delegation of left-wing political parties from Arab countries, led by Bassam Zakarneh, a member of the Revolutionary Council of Palestine’s Fatah, recently visited China.

Meeting the delegation on March 28, Li Mingxiang, Vice-Minister of the Communist Party of China’s International Department (IDCPC), said that China will continue to make unremitting efforts to promote a ceasefire in Gaza and achieve lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. The CPC is willing to deepen strategic communication and experience exchanges in state governance and administration with left-wing political parties in Arab countries, help build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era, and jointly advance the cause of human progress.

Zakarneh thanked the Chinese side for its firm support for the Palestinian peoples’ just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights. Left-wing political parties in Arab countries are willing to strengthen exchanges with the CPC and learn from its successful experience in promoting theoretical innovation and Chinese modernisation.

The below article was originally published on the website of the IDCPC.
Beijing, March 26th—Li Mingxiang, Vice-minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, met here today with a delegation of left-wing political parties in Arab countries led by Bassam Zakarneh, Member of Fatah’s Revolutionary Council.

Li spoke positively of relations between China and Arab countries. Combining the spirit of China’s “Two Sessions”, he elaborated on the bright prospect of Chinese modernization in an in-depth manner. Li said that the Chinese side is willing to work with the international community to continue to make unremitting efforts to promote a ceasefire in Gaza and achieve lasting peace and stability in the Middle East. The CPC is willing to deepen strategic communication and experience exchanges in state governance and administration with left-wing political parties in Arab countries, help build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era, and jointly advance the cause of human progress.

Zakarneh said that China-Arab relations in the new era have achieved rapid development on the basis of traditional friendship, injecting confidence and impetus into regional and world peace, stability, development and prosperity, and thanked the Chinese side for its firm support for the Palestinian peoples’ just cause of regaining their legitimate national rights. Left-wing political parties in Arab countries are willing to strengthen exchanges with the CPC and learn from the CPC’s successful experience in promoting theoretical innovation and Chinese modernization. ... al-rights/


Small clique politics draws firm opposition

US-Japan ties should not undermine peace and stability, China says
By JIANG XUEQING in Tokyo and MO JINGXI in Beijing | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-04-12 09:25

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida leaves following a joint press conference with US President Joe Biden, in the Rose Garden at the White House in Washington, DC, US, April 10, 2024. [Photo/Agencies]

The relationship between the United States and Japan should not target any other countries, harm their interests or undermine peace and stability of the region, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said on Thursday, emphasizing China's strong opposition to small-clique politics.

The remarks came after the two allies attacked and smeared China on the Taiwan question, and maritime and other issues during a summit in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, where US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida unveiled plans to strengthen their alliance.

"In disregard of China's severe concerns, the US and Japan grossly interfered in China's internal affairs and seriously violated the basic norms governing international relations," Mao told reporters at a regular news briefing in Beijing.

Mao said China strongly opposes attempts to form small circles motivated by a Cold War mentality, as well as words and deeds that stoke and aggravate conflict and undermine the strategic security and interests of other countries.

The spokeswoman refuted the distortion of truth and facts about China in a joint leaders' statement issued after Biden and Kishida's meeting, saying it is the US and Japan that pose the real threat to regional peace and stability.

Mao said that China's activities in the East and South China Seas are in full compliance with international law and beyond reproach. She added that "China has indisputable sovereignty over islands in the South China Sea and their adjacent waters."

The spokeswoman also said that Biden and Kishida's concerns over China's nuclear policy were nothing but a false narrative that is unfounded and ill-intended.

As China has pledged "no first use" of nuclear weapons and not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear weapon states or nuclear-weapon-free zones, Mao said those who do not use nuclear weapons against China have nothing to worry about.

On the contrary, the international community has every reason to feel seriously concerned about Washington's expanded cooperation with its allies to develop advanced military technologies given that the US "possesses the biggest and most advanced nuclear arsenal in the world", she added.

As the US and Japan announced a significant upgrade of their military alliance, insightful individuals in Japan and China urged Tokyo to reexamine its position on Sino-Japanese relations, correct its mistaken understanding of security, and avoid returning to the path of war.

Huang Xingyuan, China's representative director of the Japan-China Friendship Center, said the US is continuously drawing closer to Japan.

According to Huang, Japan is also actively approaching or even binding itself to the "Indo-Pacific strategy" of the US, or what is referred to as a strategy of containment against China. He believes that this trend is worth being vigilant about.

Risk of tensions

The notable upgrade of the US-Japan alliance has raised apprehensions about escalating tensions in the Asia-Pacific region.

"The upgraded Japan-US alliance is highly targeted. This is based on Japan wrongly positioning China as its challenge and threat. Japan has introduced measures under the guise of security to ensure 'absolute security', which may lead to new instability and new dangers," Huang said.

The doubts of the Japanese authorities about China's development, the positioning of Sino-Japanese relations, and the mistaken understanding of security have led to its current actions, he said.

Japanese citizens held a rally in Tokyo on Tuesday, opposing their government's expansion of military power.

Shunkichi Takayama, a lawyer in Tokyo, said he feels as if an invasive war is approaching, which is something that Japanese citizens absolutely cannot allow.

Reflecting on Japanese history, Takayama said he feels like the country is stepping onto a dangerous path that it must never tread upon.

Cheng Yonghua, former Chinese ambassador to Japan, stressed that the Japan-US security treaty cannot replace the Treaty of Peace and Friendship Between China and Japan.

The Japan-US security treaty is a product of the Cold War, he said, and in the post-Cold War era, the alignment of the two countries against third parties does not conform to the current international order, he added. ... c18d8.html
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:52 pm

Canadian Journalist Arnold August: My Xizang Field Trip Tells a Story Different From the West’s Lies About the Region (Interview)
APRIL 17, 2024

Typical illustration depicting China's Xizang Autonomous Region. Photo: Global Times/Liu Xiangya.

Over the past decades, Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) has experienced a period of unprecedented development. This year marks the 65th anniversary of Serfs’ Emancipation Day, a day to commemorate the emancipation of more than one million serfs in Xizang in 1959. Xizang, once plagued by poverty and backwardness, is now embarking on a new journey of modernization. This huge change astonished Canadian author and journalist Arnold August, who visited Xizang and neighboring Qinghai Province last year. He shared with Global Times reporter Xia Wenxin his experiences during his field trip to this region as well as his thoughts on its development.

Global Times: You visited Xizang and Qinghai in the second half of last year. Can you share with us what you saw in these regions? What aspect of their development impressed you the most?

August: Our visit to a boarding school in Gonghe county in the largely Tibetan-speaking Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province provided us with an eyewitness account to counter the allegations to which you refer. There are so many positive and enlightening features of this school that people in Western countries should know about.

Based on transparent and open-ended questions and answers during the tour of the classrooms (education is free), the dormitories (modern and well-equipped), the sports fields, the cafeteria (great health manual), the state-of-the-art multimedia rooms and classrooms, the exercise facilities for both the teachers and students, and much more, the veil of “mystery” surrounding boarding schools was completely torn apart. I asked our hosts about the dormitories. The very term “boarding school” in North America rightly conjures up images of colonial genocide against indigenous peoples. But the answer was: “Normally, students sleep in the dormitories during the week. It’s convenient for their studies, in terms of time, and if they have any questions, they can just go and ask their teachers. Most students go home for the weekend. However, if they want to stay in school on the weekends, it’s okay – they can stay if they want to.”

In response to the sub-question about why Western forces want to create these lies about boarding schools, in brief, it is to discredit Chinese socialism. People in the West are increasingly looking for an alternative to capitalism. China does not present itself as a model. But China’s earth-shattering modernization and its cultural progress – in the broad sense of a civilized, peaceful, collective society, as opposed to the American individualistic jungle – is increasingly attractive. Hence the inevitable spoiler: “What about the boarding schools in Tibet?” We counter what we call “whataboutism” by turning the tables on the skeptics, by asking “what about” the universally recognized facts of the Canadian and American states’ responsibility in the actual genocide of the first peoples in the boarding schools? And side by side, we present the facts about China, based on firsthand evidence by visitors and analysts.


Global Times: There is a view that Xizang is a microcosm of China’s achievements in construction and development and an all-encompassing window into Chinese modernization. Do you agree with this? How does the development of Xizang reflect the characteristics of Chinese modernization?

August: Yes, this view is supported by our visits to several such sites as examples of Chinese achievements. But let’s focus on one, the National Innovation Base, which is a long bus ride from Lhasa. It was built by the local government in 2017. Its basic purpose is to give post-university young people the opportunity to build their own businesses or, in the words of the hosts there, to build their own dreams. They are provided with free office space for a period of three years. Water, electricity and housing fees are covered by the government. They told us that “the young people just need to bring their computers and start working here. Everyone has access to the site’s online platform to sell their products.”

This center is not only an example of China’s achievements in construction and development and a comprehensive window on Chinese modernization, but it is also an example of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In short, this innovative path seeks to avoid the extremes of full public ownership of the means of production and a planned economy. How does it do this? It does this by redefining the relationship between state ownership and individual effort with the goal, as our hosts told us, of “realizing dreams.” Thus, while all the conditions for individual success are created, the individual is also socialized. It is thus an example of the balance between state and market, a sine qua non for further Chinese modernization.

Global Times: On March 28, 1959, the central government led the people in Xizang to launch democratic reform, abolishing Xizang’s feudal serfdom under a theocracy. After learning about this part of the history, how do you see the life of the Tibetan people after 65 years?

August: As part of the preparation for our field trip, I was able to acquire a documentary on the social and economic reality of Xizang from 1951 to 1959, to which Zhaxi Wangdui, a Tibetan cameraman, contributed significantly. Replete with videos, the documentary tells how the ruling class consisted of three groups of landowners: feudal officials, aristocrats and upper-class lamas. They represented only 5 percent of Xizang’s total population, while serfs made up 95 percent of the population. The ruling 5 percent controlled most of the arable land, pastures, forests, mountains, rivers, wetlands and most of the agricultural tools and livestock. The remaining 95 percent of the population, who were slaves and serfs (they themselves were the property of the serf owners) had neither land nor pasture. They had to work for the serf owners and paid land rent to them.

Everywhere we went [in Xizang], in museums and other venues, we saw footage and photos of Tibetans joyfully burning the legal documents that kept them in serfdom for centuries. As a result, March 28 was declared Serfs’ Emancipation Day. The day was designated to commemorate the historic date in 1959 when one million serfs were freed in Xizang.

Our hosts were proud to tell us that absolute poverty was eliminated by the end of 2019. While this is an amazing achievement in the rest of China, given the harsh social-economic Tibetan conditions, it is nothing short of a miracle.

Many Western media and governments tend to respond to these achievements, such as the elimination of extreme poverty, by saying, “But at what cost?” As usual, they infer from their preconceived notions that this poverty alleviation program was imposed on the people, somehow at the expense of their cultural heritage and language. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, our visits included the Xizang University, the Xizang Museum and a school dedicated to promoting traditional Tibetan culture to youth through music and dance. Moreover, a simple stroll through the streets of Lhasa confirms this. Furthermore, our regular daily interactions with the Tibetan guide, who was with us the entire time from Beijing to Lhasa and back to Beijing, showed his pride in the Tibetan heritage as well as the Chinese government. ... interview/



Lavrov: China and Russia working to establish a fair multipolar world order

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently visited Beijing – a visit that is widely considered preparatory to a state visit by President Putin, which many reports suggest may be slated for May.
Chinese President Xi Jinping met with Lavrov on April 9. The Chinese leader asked Lavrov to convey sincere greetings to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Xi said China and Russia have embarked on a new path of harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation between major countries and neighbours, which has benefited the two countries and their peoples and contributed wisdom and strength to international fairness and justice.

Xi stressed that China supports the Russian people in following a development path that suits their national conditions, and supports Russia in combating terrorism and maintaining social security and stability.

China always attaches great importance to the development of China-Russia relations and stands ready to strengthen bilateral communication with Russia and enhance multilateral strategic coordination in BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

He added that the two countries will show more responsibility, unite countries in the Global South in the spirit of equality, openness, transparency, and inclusiveness, promote the reform of the global governance system, and vigorously lead the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Lavrov conveyed President Putin’s cordial greetings and good wishes to President Xi. He said that under the strong leadership of President Xi, China has made achievements that have attracted global attention and provided important opportunities for other countries to achieve common development, which Russia deeply admires.

He added that Russia is willing to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen bilateral and multilateral coordination, and work with other countries of the Global South to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in order to contribute to creating a more fair and just international order.

Lavrov also held talks with his Chinese counterpart, Foreign Minister Wang Yi the same day, with both sides expressing hope for strengthening practical cooperation in various fields.

They also had in-depth exchanges of view on the Ukraine issue, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and other international and regional issues of common concern.

At a joint press briefing after the talks, Wang said that in order to further consolidate and develop bilateral relations, China and Russia should follow five principles:

The two countries should always follow the strategic guidance of head-of-state diplomacy.
The two countries should always adhere to the principle of no-alliance, no-confrontation and no-targeting at any third party.
The two countries should always stay on the right course on major matters of principle. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major emerging countries, China and Russia actively respond to the common aspirations and legitimate concerns of the people of all countries, advocate a new path of state-to-state relations featuring dialogue and partnership rather than confrontation and alliance, and actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.
The two countries should always pursue win-win results through cooperation. China and Russia will continue to advocate inclusive economic globalisation that benefits all, jointly oppose unilateralism and protectionism, and foster new drivers of global development and progress.
The two countries should always advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world. China and Russia support the central role of the United Nations in the global governance system and will further strengthen international coordination.
In his remarks, Minister Lavrov said: “The issues we are addressing in the economy, trade, investment, and innovative technology are directly related to the effort to establish a fair multipolar world order free from diktat, hegemony, and neo-colonial and colonial practices, which are being used to the utmost extent by the United States and the rest of the collective West that has bowed without question to Washington’s will.

“China and Russia will continue to defend the need to rectify this situation in international economic relations and to be committed to democratising these relations and returning to the principles that were proclaimed a while ago and consist in the requirement to respect the market processes, fair competition, inviolability of property, presumption of innocence, and much more, which the West is flouting in the grossest of manners by its practical steps expressed in imposing illegal sanctions on a number of states, including Russia. But they are beginning to use the same policy with regard to the People’s Republic of China, including in a bid to restrict its economic and technological development capabilities, or, speaking plainly, to get rid of a rival.”

Noting the significance of the 75th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, he continued:

“Minister Wang Yi mentioned that we discussed the forthcoming 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries. As a reminder, the Soviet Union was the first to recognise the People’s Republic of China the very next day it was established and helped it rebuild the nation. We agreed to prepare a series of commemorative events to mark this anniversary. We also explored potential initiatives for marking the upcoming 80th anniversary of victory over German Nazism and Japanese militarism next year. It’s important to recognise the pivotal role played by the peoples of the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China in defeating Germany and militaristic Japan.”

Regarding the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Lavrov said that: “In June, the People’s Republic of China will replace Kazakhstan as the SCO chair. There are promising opportunities to align the SCO agendas for advancing this vast Eurasian region with the BRICS programmes, which advocate similar ideals and principles on a global scale. This alignment serves to advance the interests of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, especially amid the declining Western globalisation model which has lost almost all of its credibility.

The Russian Foreign Minister also addressed the conflict in Ukraine: “We are grateful to our Chinese friends for their unbiased, balanced position and their readiness to play a positive role in the political and diplomatic settlement. The well-known ‘12 points’ that China put forward in 2023 clearly articulate the need, first, to take into account the root causes of this conflict, and second, in efforts to resolve it, to seek to eliminate these causes, first and foremost, in the context of ensuring equal and indivisible security, including in Europe and in the entire world. Chinese friends make it clear that it is necessary to take into account the legitimate concerns of all parties involved, first and foremost their security. In this context, my Chinese colleagues and I have confirmed the conclusion about the futility of any international efforts that do not take into account Russia’s position but completely ignore it and promote an absolutely empty, ultimatum-like ‘Zelensky’s peace formula,’ and are therefore completely detached from reality.

“With regard to the situation around Taiwan, which is an integral part of China, we are unanimous with Beijing in rejecting any interference from outside, as it is an internal affair of the People’s Republic of China. We talked about the situation on the Korean peninsula. We are interested in peace and stability in this region, just like our Chinese friends.”

In response to a question regarding the specific economic problems created by the unlawful policy of unilateral sanctions, Lavrov noted:

“We will address them within the framework of BRICS and the SCO. At a time when the United States and its satellites are capable of disrupting steady financing, logistics, transport and investment chains at any moment, it is time to think about how these issues, such as transition to national currencies, creating alternative payment platforms, including the decisions in this regard adopted within BRICS, and the activities of regional organisations such as the above-mentioned SCO and CELAC (the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States), can be considered and addressed by different entities.”

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Xi meets Russian foreign minister
BEIJING, April 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing.

Xi asked Lavrov to convey sincere greetings to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries, Xi said China and Russia have embarked on a new path of harmonious coexistence and win-win cooperation between major countries and neighbors, which has benefited the two countries and their peoples and contributed wisdom and strength to international fairness and justice.

“President Putin and I have agreed to continue to maintain close exchanges to ensure the smooth and steady development of China-Russia relations. The two sides should take the opportunity of celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties and the China-Russia Years of Culture to fully implement the important consensus reached by President Putin and me,” he said.

Xi stressed that China supports the Russian people in following a development path that suits their national conditions, and supports Russia in combating terrorism and maintaining social security and stability.

China always attaches great importance to the development of China-Russia relations, and stands ready to strengthen bilateral communication with Russia and enhance multilateral strategic coordination in BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Xi said.

He added that the two countries will show more responsibility, unite countries in the Global South in the spirit of equality, openness, transparency and inclusiveness, promote the reform of the global governance system, and vigorously lead the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

Lavrov conveyed President Putin’s cordial greetings and good wishes to President Xi. Lavrov said that under the strong leadership of President Xi, China has made achievements that have attracted global attention and provided important opportunities for other countries to achieve common development, which Russia deeply admires.

Lavrov said the priority of Russia’s foreign policy is to comprehensively consolidate and upgrade relations with China, and the smooth reelection of President Putin guarantees the continuity of Russia-China relations.

He added that Russia is willing to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, strengthen bilateral and multilateral coordination, and work with other countries of the Global South to strengthen solidarity and cooperation in order to contribute to creating a more fair and just international order.

Chinese, Russian FMs hold talks
BEIJING, April 9 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov in Beijing Tuesday, and both sides expressed hope for strengthening practical cooperation in various fields.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, extended congratulations to President Putin on his reelection. Wang said that China will continue to support Russia’s development and revitalization under the leadership of President Putin and support the Russian people’s independent choice of development path.

Wang said that the China-Russia relations have been of irreplaceable value to maintaining global strategic stability. Maintaining and developing sound China-Russia relations is the natural choice of the two major, neighboring countries and serves the fundamental interests of the two peoples.

Wang said China is willing to work with Russia, in accordance with the consensus reached by the two heads of state, to strengthen the synergy of the two countries’ development plans and promote practical cooperation in various fields.

Lavrov noted that Russia-China relations are based on mutual respect, equal cooperation and trustworthy dialogue. Russia abides by the one-China principle and is willing to work with China to maintain close high-level exchanges, and deepen practical cooperation in economy, trade and other fields.

Russia supports the Global Security Initiative, and is willing to deepen cooperation with China on multilateral platforms to promote the establishment of a more just and democratic international order, Lavrov added.

The two sides also had in-depth exchanges of view on the Ukraine issue, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the situation in the Asia-Pacific region and other international and regional issues of common concern.

At a joint press briefing after the talks, Wang said that in order to further consolidate and develop bilateral relations, China and Russia should follow five principles:

The two countries should always follow the strategic guidance of head-of-state diplomacy.

The two countries should always adhere to the principle of no-alliance, no-confrontation and no-targeting at any third party.

The two countries should always stay on the right course on major matters of principle. As permanent members of the UN Security Council and major emerging countries, China and Russia actively respond to the common aspirations and legitimate concerns of the people of all countries, advocate a new path of state-to-state relations featuring dialogue and partnership rather than confrontation and alliance, and actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.

The two countries should always pursue win-win results through cooperation. China and Russia will continue to advocate inclusive economic globalization that benefits all, jointly oppose unilateralism and protectionism, and foster new drivers of global development and progress.

The two countries should always advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world. China and Russia support the central role of the United Nations in the global governance system, and will further strengthen international coordination.

During the press briefing, Wang elaborated on China’s stance and proposition on resolving current international and regional hotspot issues.

According to him, principles to which China adheres for resolving hotspot issues are:

— upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, international law and basic norms governing international relations;

— actively promoting parties concerned to resolve conflicts through dialogue and consultation;

— properly accommodating the legitimate concerns of all parties and seeking sustainable solutions;

— and upholding genuine multilateralism and opposing camp confrontation, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.

Wang said that on the issue of Ukraine, China calls for ceasefire as soon as possible, and supports the timely convening of an international conference recognized by Russia and Ukraine, with equal participation of all parties and fair discussion of all peace plans.

On the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Chine believes that the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council are binding and should be effectively implemented to achieve an immediate, unconditional and lasting ceasefire, he added.

Wang also said that greater attention should be given to solving other global and regional hotspot issues, including the continued fight against terrorism.

The international community should firmly support the efforts of all parties to safeguard national security and stability and strengthen international counter-terrorism cooperation, he said.

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions during a joint news conference with PRC Foreign Minister Wang Yi following talks, Beijing, April 9, 2024
(Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) — Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to express one more time my gratitude to my colleague and friend, PRC Foreign Minister Wang Yi, for his invitation and the hospitable reception given to our delegation.

Yesterday and today, we held detailed and specific talks on a broad range of issues of interest to both sides. As Minister Wang Yi has just noted, we focused on the schedule of top-level contacts, because the leaders’ diplomacy is, without any exaggeration, the central element of the Russian-Chinese comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction. It is thanks to the leaders’ diplomacy in the first place that our bilateral relations have reached an unprecedentedly high level and continue to develop dynamically amid a very challenging situation in the world.

As I said, the focus was on the schedule of top-level contacts and the upcoming meetings between our leaders on the sidelines of various international events, including the BRICS Summit in Kazan in October, and the SCO Summit in Astana in June. There will certainly be other opportunities for maintaining our regular political dialogue.

We also discussed foreign ministry contacts. We have just signed in your presence yet another plan of consultations between our foreign ministries for 2024. We have touched upon briefly certain issues of intergovernmental cooperation in practical areas. This set of tasks will be considered in more detail later this year during the upcoming meetings of five intergovernmental commissions led by deputy prime ministers to be held as part of preparations for the regular prime ministerial meeting.

The issues we are addressing in the economy, trade, investment, and innovative technology are directly related to the effort to establish a fair multipolar world order free from diktat, hegemony, and neo-colonial and colonial practices, which are being used to the utmost extent by the United States and the rest of the collective West that has bowed without question to Washington’s will.

China and Russia will continue to defend the need to rectify this situation in international economic relations and to be committed to democratising these relations and returning to the principles that were proclaimed a while ago and consist in the requirement to respect the market processes, fair competition, inviolability of property, presumption of innocence, and much more, which the West is flouting in the grossest of manners by its practical steps expressed in imposing illegal sanctions on a number of states, including Russia. But they are beginning to use the same policy with regard to the People’s Republic of China, including in a bid to restrict its economic and technological development capabilities, or, speaking plainly, to get rid of a rival.

We discussed the Russia-China cross-cultural years which will start soon. Additionally, we explored various other areas of cultural cooperation, including the planning of new projects such as the Intervision international song contest, the Open Eurasian Film Award, and several sporting events. Building upon the events held in Kazan in February-March, such as the Games of the Future, in which Chinese athletes took part, forthcoming events include the BRICS Games, the Children of Asia International Sports Games, and the World Friendship Games. Unlike certain other events, numerous upcoming sporting events will rely on the foundational ideals of Olympism that are enshrined in the Olympic Charter. It is regrettable that the current leadership of the International Olympic Committee disregards these principles in favour of appeasing certain hegemonic powers that strive to preserve their hegemony at all costs.

Minister Wang Yi mentioned that we discussed the forthcoming 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our countries. As a reminder, the Soviet Union was the first to recognise the People’s Republic of China the very next day it was established and helped it rebuild the nation. We agreed to prepare a series of commemorative events to mark this anniversary. We also explored potential initiatives for marking the upcoming 80th anniversary of Victory over German Nazism and Japanese militarism next year. It’s important to recognise the pivotal role played by the peoples of the Soviet Union and the People’s Republic of China in defeating Germany and militaristic Japan.

For obvious reasons, we focused on aligning our strategies on the global stage. This coordination relies on largely overlapping interests and approaches to key international challenges. Given Russia’s current BRICS chairmanship, much attention was paid to the future of the alliance with more members to join it, the establishment of a new category of partner nations, and the general agenda of the upcoming summit in Kazan scheduled for October. The Council of Foreign Ministers will meet in Nizhny Novgorod in June. Mr Wang Yi confirmed his participation in it. At this meeting, we will review pivotal issues to be considered by our respective leaders.

We discussed cooperation within the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. In June, the People’s Republic of China will replace Kazakhstan as the SCO chair. There are promising opportunities to align the SCO agendas for advancing this vast Eurasian region with the BRICS programmes, which advocate similar ideals and principles on a global scale. This alignment serves to advance the interests of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, especially amid the declining Western globalisation model which lost almost all of its credibility.

Of course, we also addressed bilateral cooperation across other platforms, such as the UN, the G20, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). We have close, mutually beneficial, and productive ties in each of the above organisations.

We spoke about the current state of affairs regarding the Ukrainian crisis. We are grateful to our Chinese friends for their unbiased, balanced position and their readiness to play a positive role in the political and diplomatic settlement. The well-known “12 points” that China put forward in 2023 clearly articulate the need, first, to take into account the root causes of this conflict, and second, in efforts to resolve it, to seek to eliminate these causes, first and foremost, in the context of ensuring equal and indivisible security, including in Europe and in the entire world. Chinese friends make it clear that it is necessary to take into account the legitimate concerns of all parties involved, first and foremost their security. In this context, my Chinese colleagues and I have confirmed the conclusion about the futility of any international efforts that do not take into account Russia’s position but completely ignore it and promote an absolutely empty, ultimatum-like “Zelensky’s peace formula,” and are therefore completely detached from reality.

We spoke at length about the tasks of ensuring security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region against the background of the US policy of creating closed military-political alliances with a limited set of members. They have a blatant anti-Chinese and anti-Russian bias and, among other things, are aimed at breaking the security architecture that has been developed for many decades around ASEAN according to the very formats that this Association has offered to its partners, which are based on inclusiveness, consensus, mutual respect and rejection of unilateral actions. All this does not suit the United States and its allies. They, as I said, are promoting bloc approaches here and declaring the need to introduce the North Atlantic Alliance into the region.

With regard to the situation around Taiwan, which is an integral part of China, we are unanimous with Beijing in rejecting any interference from outside, as it is an internal affair of the People’s Republic of China. We talked about the situation on the Korean peninsula. We are interested in peace and stability in this region, just like our Chinese friends.

We discussed in detail the Middle East settlement and what is happening around the Gaza Strip. We also have common positions here, which we defend at the UN Security Council.

In a broader context, we exchanged views on the prospect of forming a new security structure in Eurasia against the background of the complete stagnation and self-destruction of Euro-Atlantic mechanisms.

The talks took place in an atmosphere of friendship, traditional for Russian-Chinese relations, and once again demonstrated the commonality of our countries’ views on major global developments and our desire to strengthen bilateral ties in the interest of peace and stability in the region and on the entire planet. We will continue our dialogue on the basis of the plans we have just endorsed in your presence. I once again express my gratitude to our Chinese friends.

Question: The collective West is using aggressive dual deterrence methods against Russia and China to prevent their progress and to hinder the implementation of the sovereign policies. Are you and your Chinese partners considering dual deterrence response measures? What could they be?

Sergey Lavrov: I won’t give away a secret if I say that Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi came up with the formula of “double counteraction to double deterrence” yesterday. Our respective leaders, President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping, have repeatedly underscored Russia and China’s resolve to counter the attempts to slow down the formation of a multipolar world and the long overdue processes of democratisation and justice that are knocking at the door of the modern world order. The United States and its allies are trying to stop them in an effort to perpetuate their unjust position within the international system. We remember how our leaders formulated the task of standing back to back and shoulder to shoulder against the attempts to slow down the objective course of history.

My colleague covered in detail the specific economic problems created by the unlawful policy of unilateral sanctions. We will address them within the framework of BRICS and the SCO. At a time when the United States and its satellites are capable of disrupting steady financing, logistics, transport and investment chains at any moment, it is time to think about how these issues, such as transition to national currencies, creating alternative payment platforms, including the decisions in this regard adopted within BRICS, and the activities of regional organisations such as the above-mentioned SCO and CELAC, can be considered and addressed by different entities.

The West has proved that the system of the international financial and economic ties that it created and offered to the rest of the world is unreliable, because the West can at any moment punish anyone who disagrees with its neocolonial policy.

These processes are underway in almost all spheres of public life, including the economy and security. We share our focus on strengthening security in Eurasia. For a long time now, there has been a Euro-Atlantic security entity in the form of NATO and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. They have crossed themselves out from the list of relevant organisations that can be used to conduct meaningful talks and to agree on things based on a balance of interests.

Considering this, forming Eurasian security is an issue that needs to be addressed. President Vladimir Putin mentioned this in his address to the Federal Assembly. We have agreed with our Chinese friends to begin a dialogue on this matter and involve other like-minded countries.

Question: I would like to talk about the drone strikes by Ukraine against the Zaporozhye NPP. The situation clearly calls for decisive action. What may the response be like?

Sergey Lavrov: With regard to another terrorist strike by the Ukrainian regime, this time on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, the Foreign Ministry, our representative to the IAEA, and our representative to the UN Security Council have made statements. We will bring this issue to special meetings of the IAEA Board of Governors and the UN Security Council. We will insist on obtaining direct, without any prevarication, assessments of the Ukrainian regime’s actions.

When we agreed to have the IAEA experts to be the permanently present at the ZNPP, we were guided, among other things, by the need to provide an objective assessment of what is happening there, how the plant is managed, and how nuclear and physical safety is ensured. We assumed that such attacks against Europe’s largest nuclear power plant would be documented. So far, the provocations by the Ukrainian regime have, to our deep regret, caused only “regret” and “concern” in the statements by IAEA Director General Rafaelo Grossi and his staff. They failed to state the obvious which is from where and by whom the terrorist attacks were plotted and carried out. I believe this time they will not get away with it.

We are interested in cooperating with the IAEA and the UN Secretariat, but we will push for them to provide an honest recognition of what is happening not only around ZNPP, but around Ukraine in general as well.

So far, the assessments provided by international officials of all aspects of the developments unfolding around this country and within the special military operation in response to the hybrid war unleashed against us by the West with the hands of the Ukrainians have been, to put it mildly, one-sided. This state of affairs should be redressed. Unfortunately, it reflects the situation where the secretariats of numerous intergovernmental and interstate organisations become subordinate to the West and overstaffed with employees from the Western countries to the detriment of fair geographical representation of the Global Majority countries. We raised this issue last year. We will do our best to push forward the reform of this system. ... rld-order/


Angolan President: We know what colonisation is and the Chinese are not colonising Africa but cooperating with us
Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço paid a state visit to China from March 14-17 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.

Whilst in China he gave an exclusive interview to He Yanke for the CGTN series Leaders Talk.

He Yanke noted that Lourenço has visited China on numerous occasions since 2000, including as the Secretary General of the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), as the Special Envoy of his predecessor, and this is his third visit as head of state.

Summing up his impressions from all these visits, Lourenço remarked that what impressed him most was that China was continually making progress and bringing surprises to the world.

Noting that last year saw the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Angola, he described the relationship as exemplary. During very difficult times for his country, for example the period of post-war reconstruction, China had lent a helping hand. And the same was true, not only for his country but for the world, when humanity was suddenly faced with the Covid pandemic.

Asked for his views on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), he recalled that China has provided Angola with strong financial support for infrastructure construction, including for roads, ports, airports, and hydropower plants, all of which are necessary for development. In his last few days in China, he had talked with 24 major companies, who had shown willingness to take risks and invest in his country.

Noting that China was building what will be Africa’s largest hydropower plant in Angola, and also training local personnel for the project, that will not only meet his country’s needs but also produce surplus electricity to be supplied to neighbouring southern African countries, Lourenço was asked, given that Chinese companies are providing tens of thousands of jobs in Angola, how he would respond to the accusations levelled against China’s role in Africa from some quarters.

His answer was emphatic. Not just the Portuguese colonialists, he said, but the Europeans in general, including the British and French, had been in Africa for centuries. They had never engaged in the kind of infrastructure construction that we are seeing now. They are not just critics but slanderers acting out of malice. The facts are clear: China has not invaded any African country. The Chinese in Africa are not there for colonisation. We know what colonisation is and the Chinese are not colonising Africa but cooperating with us. China did not come to us fully armed but with funds and technology and a willingness to work with us.

The results are plain to see. In 2002 (when Angola’s long-running civil war finally ended), our country was in ruins. Thanks to the help from China, we now have land-based infrastructure connecting provinces and cities which didn’t exist before.

The construction of roads, bridges, ports and railways was all done with the help of China. If these critics want to be part of the process, then they must act and do better than China. But we don’t believe they can.

Asked about President Xi Jinping’s three global initiatives, on development, security and civilisation, President Lourenço described the Chinese leader as a visionary and insightful statesman. Without peace and security, there can be no development – this is true both from the Angolan experience and also on a world scale.

The full interview with President Lourenço is embedded below. ... g-with-us/
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:12 pm


Developing Whole-Process People’s Democracy and ensuring the people run the country
The following article, which we reprint from the English language July/August 2023 edition of Qiushi, the theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China (CPC), outlines how, since the CPC’s 18th National Congress in 2012, President Xi Jinping has put forward a key concept of whole-process people’s democracy. This concept has further enriched Marxist democratic theory and represents a historic achievement and landmark in the development of democracy in China in the new era.

This, the article states, has not only advanced China’s socialist democracy, but also offered Chinese insights and solutions for other countries as they explore and develop paths of democracy suited to their own conditions.

The article notes that: “President Xi has also creatively put forward a framework for judging whether a country is democratic or not: ‘The key factor in deciding whether a country is democratic or not is whether the people truly run the country. We must evaluate whether the people have the right to vote, and more importantly, the right to participate; what promises they are given during elections, and more importantly, how many of these promises are delivered after elections; what kind of political procedures and rules are set through state systems and laws, and more importantly, whether these systems and laws are truly enforced; and whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are democratic, and more importantly, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject to public oversight and checks.’”

It further explains that:

President Xi has summarised the CPC’s adherence to and development of people’s democracy in five basic points.

First, people’s democracy is the life of socialism; without democracy, there would be no socialism, socialist modernisation, or national rejuvenation.

Second, the running of the country by the people is the essence and heart of socialist democracy. The very purpose of developing socialist democracy is to give full expression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, spark their creativity, and provide a system of institutions to ensure that it is they who run the country.

Third, the Chinese socialist path of political advancement is the right path, as it conforms to China’s national conditions and guarantees the position of the people as the masters of the country. It is the logical outcome of history, theory, and practice based on the endeavours of the Chinese people in modern times. It is a requisite for maintaining the nature of the Party and fulfilling its fundamental purpose.

Fourth, China’s socialist democracy takes two important forms: one in which the people exercise their rights by means of elections and voting, and another in which people from all walks of life are consulted extensively in order to reach the widest possible consensus on matters of common concern before major decisions are made. Together these make up the institutional features and strengths of China’s socialist democracy.

Fifth, the key to developing China’s socialist democracy is to fully leverage its features and strengths. As we continue to advance socialist democracy with well-defined institutions, standards, and procedures, we can provide better institutional safeguards for our Party and country’s prosperity and long-term stability.

These five basic points systematically encapsulate the essence of socialist democracy. They enrich and expand the political, theoretical, and practical significance of socialist democracy and set the goals, direction, and approach for developing whole-process people’s democracy.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) held in 2012, President Xi Jinping has comprehensively reviewed achievements and experiences in building China’s socialist democracy, deepened understanding of the laws governing the development of democracy, and put forward a key concept of whole-process people’s democracy. This concept has further enriched Marxist democratic theory and represents a historic achievement and landmark in the development of democracy in China in the new era.
I. President Xi Jinping’s original theoretical achievement in the area of socialist democracy

Whole-process people’s democracy is a new form of political advancement developed by the people under the leadership of the Party. Its essence is the principle of the people running the country. In November 2019, during his visit to Hongqiao Subdistrict in Shanghai, President Xi first proposed that “people’s democracy is whole-process democracy.” In July 2021, at the ceremony marking the CPC’s centenary, he declared that the Party would “practice a people-centered philosophy of development and promote whole-process people’s democracy.” In October 2021, at a central conference on work related to people’s congresses, President Xi provided a comprehensive and systematic elucidation of whole-process people’s democracy. In November 2021, the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee adopted the third resolution concerning the Party’s history, which listed “developing whole-process people’s democracy” as an important element of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. At its 20th National Congress in October 2022, the Party set forth overarching plans for “developing whole-process people’s democracy and ensuring the people run the country.”

The efforts to propose, implement, and develop whole-process people’s democracy have clearly illustrated the CPC’s firm commitment to the position of people’s democracy and the principle of the people running the country and provided sound guidance for promoting socialist political advancement in the new era. Furthermore, they have offered Chinese insights and solutions for other countries as they explore and develop paths of democracy suited to their own conditions.

President Xi has repeatedly emphasized that there are eight criteria to evaluate whether a country’s political system is democratic and effective, specifically, “We must observe whether the succession of its leaders is orderly and law-based, whether the people can participate in the management of state, social, economic, and cultural affairs in accordance with the law, whether the public can express their needs through open channels, whether all sectors of society can effectively participate in the country’s political affairs, whether the country’s decision-making can be conducted in a rational and democratic manner, whether people of all fields can join state leadership and administrative systems by way of fair competition, whether the governing party can lead state affairs in accordance with the Constitution and the law, and whether the exercise of power is subject to effective checks and oversight.”

President Xi has also creatively put forward a framework for judging whether a country is democratic or not: “The key factor in deciding whether a country is democratic or not is whether the people truly run the country. We must evaluate whether the people have the right to vote, and more importantly, the right to participate; what promises they are given during elections, and more importantly, how many of these promises are delivered after elections; what kind of political procedures and rules are set through state systems and laws, and more importantly, whether these systems and laws are truly enforced; and whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are democratic, and more importantly, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject to public oversight and checks.”

The president has also stressed that “Whether a country is democratic or not should be determined by its own people, and not a handful of outsiders.”

These important conclusions have provided well-founded answers to questions concerning democracy, debunked some of the myths about democracy, and demonstrated firm confidence in our path and system. They have effectively countered attacks and distortions directed toward China’s socialist democracy by certain Western countries. They have also bolstered the Chinese people’s confidence and resolve in upholding and developing whole-process people’s democracy and reinforced their commitment and determination to follow the Chinese socialist path of political advancement.

President Xi has summarized the CPC’s adherence to and development of people’s democracy in five basic points.

First, people’s democracy is the life of socialism; without democracy, there would be no socialism, socialist modernization, or national rejuvenation. Second, the running of the country by the people is the essence and heart of socialist democracy. The very purpose of developing socialist democracy is to give full expression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, spark their creativity, and provide a system of institutions to ensure that it is they who run the country. Third, the Chinese socialist path of political advancement is the right path, as it conforms to China’s national conditions and guarantees the position of the people as the masters of the country. It is the logical outcome of history, theory, and practice based on the endeavors of the Chinese people in modern times. It is a requisite for maintaining the nature of the Party and fulfilling its fundamental purpose. Fourth, China’s socialist democracy takes two important forms: one in which the people exercise their rights by means of elections and voting, and another in which people from all walks of life are consulted extensively in order to reach the widest possible consensus on matters of common concern before major decisions are made. Together these make up the institutional features and strengths of China’s socialist democracy. Fifth, the key to developing China’s socialist democracy is to fully leverage its features and strengths. As we continue to advance socialist democracy with well-defined institutions, standards, and procedures, we can provide better institutional safeguards for our Party and country’s prosperity and long-term stability.

These five basic points systematically encapsulate the essence of socialist democracy. They enrich and expand the political, theoretical, and practical significance of socialist democracy and set the goals, direction, and approach for developing whole-process people’s democracy.

II. An embodiment of the rich essence, characteristics, strengths, and practical requirements of socialist democracy

Whole-process people’s democracy is deeply rooted in Chinese society and well-suited to China’s national conditions and realities. It has garnered unanimous support from the Chinese people. It was the people who decided that China should develop whole-process people’s democracy and improve the institutions and systems by which the people run the country. This was an inevitable choice given China’s national conditions and realities and the result of long-term development, gradual improvement, and internally driven evolution based on China’s history, cultural traditions, and economic and social development. The reason why whole-process people’s democracy truly works is that it has grown out of the soil of Chinese society. To continue thriving in the future, it must remain deeply rooted in this soil.

The main actors in whole-process people’s democracy are the people, and the ultimate goal is to ensure that the people run the country. The development of whole-process people’s democracy embodies the Party’s ideals, convictions, fundamental stand, and founding mission. It embodies the CPC’s fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people and the constitutional principle that all power in China belongs to the people. The CPC leads the people in developing whole-process people’s democracy in order to provide support and guarantees for the people running the country. It ensures that our more than 1.4 billion people can exercise state power through democratic systems and channels at all levels and in all fields to realize their aspirations for a better life.

China’s various systems are designed and built around the principle of the people running the country, with the entire national governance system revolving around this tenet. In terms of institutional procedures, the principle of the people running the country is reflected in China’s form of state, form of government, and the series of basic political systems it has instituted. As a result, a comprehensive and well-integrated system for ensuring the people run the country has taken shape, and diverse, smooth, and orderly democratic channels have been established. The basic elements of these institutional procedures are enshrined in both the CPC’s Constitution and the state Constitution and laws, thus providing a robust institutional guarantee for the development of whole-process people’s democracy. To ensure complete participation in practice, this principle is applied in all areas and at every stage of the democratic process, including elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and supervision, all of which are conducted in strict accordance with the law. In accordance with legal provisions, the people also manage state, economic, cultural, and social affairs through various means and forms, thus the principle of the people running the country is realized in an extensive and multilayered manner.

Whole-process people’s democracy functions extraordinarily well and offers notable advantages. In China, people not only enjoy the right to vote but also the right to extensive participation. They not only express their will but also see it effectively fulfilled. They not only promote national development but also share in its gains.

Whole-process people’s democracy spans all links in the democratic chain from elections and consultation to decision-making, management, and supervision. It permeates all spheres of political and social life and encompasses all initiatives and efforts toward economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement. China, the world’s largest developing country, covering a territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, with more than 1.4 billion people comprising 56 ethnic groups, has created an extensive, authentic, and effective democratic system. This has facilitated broad and sustained participation from the vast majority of people and helped develop a vibrant, stable, and united political atmosphere.

It is important to define the objectives, trajectory, and key tasks for the development of whole-process people’s democracy. On the new journey before us, we must unswervingly follow the Chinese socialist path of political advancement and maintain the unity of Party leadership, the people running the country, and law-based governance. We must firmly grasp the values, concepts, principles, institutional procedures, tasks, and requirements of whole-process people’s democracy, continue to boost public participation in political affairs, enrich democratic forms and broaden democratic channels to develop a more extensive, complete, and robust people’s democracy. In doing so, we will form a mighty force for inspiring our people to strive in unity.

III. An important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people’s democracy

President Xi Jinping has pointed out, “The system of people’s congresses is an important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people’s democracy in China.” This statement encapsulates the theoretical and practical development of this system over the past 60-plus years and augments both the contemporary significance and practical requirements of this system.

The system of people’s congresses is not merely an important means but also the highest form through which the Chinese people run their own country

All power in China belongs to the people. The organs through which the people exercise state power are people’s congresses at all levels, which are formed through democratic elections and are accountable to the people and under their oversight. State administrative, supervisory, judicial, and procuratorial bodies are formed by, accountable to, and under the oversight of people’s congresses. All state bodies and their employees must rely on public support, maintain close contact with the people, listen to their opinions and suggestions, accept public oversight, and work hard in the people’s interests. Deputies to people’s congresses at all levels faithfully represent the interests and will of the people in exercising state power.

These are the important elements of the system of people’s congresses. They provide reliable institutional guarantees for developing whole-process people’s democracy and ensuring the people run the country.

The system of people’s congresses vigorously promotes the development of whole-process people’s democracy

Democratic principles are upheld throughout the system of people’s congresses, from elections and consultations to decision-making, management, and supervision, thus ensuring the people can exercise their democratic rights according to law.

The electoral system for people’s congresses operates on the principles of universal suffrage, equal rights, multiple candidates, direct and indirect elections, and secret ballot. These principles constitute the foundation of the system of people’s congresses. Newly elected deputies across the five levels of people’s congresses total more than 2.77 million, achieving a high degree of representativeness. Of these, about 2.62 million are deputies to county and township congresses. They were elected by more than 1 billion voters nationwide, based on one vote per person. This is an exemplification of China’s whole-process people’s democracy.

When deliberating and formulating laws and regulations, reviewing and approving plans and budgets, deciding on major issues concerning economic and social development and issues regarding the vital interests of the people, and making resolutions and decisions, people’s congresses adhere to the principle of democratic centralism. They extensively solicit opinions and conduct thorough discussions and consultations to pool wisdom and build consensus. Collective decisions are made according to the opinions of the majority to ensure sound and democratic decision-making. In accordance with the law, they also conduct oversight of state bodies and their employees, respond to public concerns, and safeguard people’s rights and interests, while consciously accepting public oversight.

The system of people’s congresses has provided robust legal guarantees for developing whole-process people’s democracy

People’s congresses and their standing committees have advanced whole-process people’s democracy and ensured that the people run the country on the basis of complete law-based governance by formulating and refining laws and regulations. The National People’s Congress (NPC) and its Standing Committee, through the exercise of state legislative power, have formulated and revised China’s Constitution to define citizens’ basic rights and obligations and stipulate that the state shall respect and protect human rights. They have formulated and amended laws and regulations to guarantee people’s political rights and regulate the methods and procedures through which people exercise their democratic rights. They have formulated and amended laws in the civil, criminal, administrative, economic, cultural, social, ecological, and environmental spheres to safeguard people’s interests, enhance their wellbeing, and ensure social fairness and justice. When formulating or amending laws and regulations such as the Legislation Law, the NPC Organic Law, and the NPC Rules of Procedure, they have adhered to the requirements of whole-process people’s democracy. Moreover, through law enforcement inspections, work report hearings, and other means, they have promoted comprehensive and effective enforcement of the Constitution and laws to ensure that people’s democratic rights and other lawful rights and interests are guaranteed. ... e-country/


China’s modernisation of a huge population: an unprecedented challenge
In the following article, an abridged version of which was published in Chinese in People’s Daily on 31 March 2024, Carlos Martinez addresses the unprecedented scale of China’s modernisation process.

Other countries have achieved modernisation, but never on the scale of China. Furthermore, the process of modernisation in North America, Western Europe and Japan was built to a significant degree on colonialism, imperialism and the oppression of the nations of the Global South.

The article asks: How can we explain China’s successes? Answering that, “above all, they are a function of China’s political system, its revolutionary history, and the leadership of the CPC” – or as Xi Jinping has put it: “Our greatest strength lies in our socialist system, which enables us to pool resources in a major mission. This is the key to our success.”

Carlos continues:

The overall trajectory of China’s economy and the top-level allocation of resources is determined by the government – led by the CPC – rather than being in the hands of a small group of people who own and deploy capital. The interests of the people always come first. This is the ‘secret ingredient’ that allows China to blaze a trail towards modernisation in a country with a huge population.

China’s successful modernisation will double the proportion of the global population living in high-income countries and will, in the words of President Xi Jinping, “completely change the international landscape and have a far-reaching impact on humanity.”
In his speech of February 2023 entitled Chinese modernisation is a sure path to building a great country and rejuvenating the nation, Comrade Xi Jinping observed that “Chinese modernisation is unprecedented in human history in terms of both scale and difficulty.”

Other countries have achieved modernisation, but never on the scale of China. Furthermore, the process of modernisation in North America, Western Europe and Japan was built to a significant degree on colonialism, imperialism and the oppression of the nations of the Global South.

The most important precursors of the West’s modernisation are colonialism, slavery and genocide: the conquest of the Americas, the settlement of Australia, the transatlantic slave trade, the colonisation of India, the rape of Africa, the Opium Wars, the theft of Hong Kong, and more. Meanwhile, Japan’s rapid rise was facilitated first by its brutal expansionist project in East Asia, and then through its adaptation to and integration with the US-led imperialist system in the post-World War 2 era.

Such a path to modernisation is not available to China, and anyway the Chinese people would never walk down that path. China’s commitment to peaceful development is well established, and is enshrined in the country’s constitution. As Foreign Minister Wang Yi has stated firmly: “On how to accomplish this modernisation of the largest scale in human history, China has given an unequivocal and steadfast answer: to unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development.”

Thus there are no precedents for the task that China has set itself. By 2035, China aims to reach a per-capita GDP on a par with that of the mid-level developed countries such as Spain or the Czech Republic; to join the ranks of the world’s most innovative countries in the realm of science and technology; to become a global leader in education, public health, culture and sport; to guarantee equitable access to basic public services; and to ensuring modern standards of living in rural areas. Furthermore, all this should be achieved whilst steadily lowering greenhouse gas emissions and protecting biodiversity, so as to restore a healthy balance between humans and the natural environment.

To achieve modernisation in a country with such an enormous country will be an incredible achievement, particularly since one of the requirements of China’s modernisation is that it should feature common prosperity; it is the modernisation of the Chinese people as a whole, not only the wealthier sections of society.

Even in a small country such as Singapore, with its population of 5.5 million, solving the problems of employment, healthcare, education, housing, childcare and elderly care is complex and difficult. China’s population is 250 times larger, and the level of complexity and difficulty is almost infinitely greater.

Impressive progress
China is still a developing country and there remains a long road to travel before the journey of modernisation can be considered complete. Nonetheless China has already made historic progress in that direction.

Life expectancy has more than doubled since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and indeed has now surpassed that of the United States. China has achieved near-universal literacy. Everybody has access to education and healthcare. The social and economic position of women has improved beyond recognition. In purchasing power parity (PPP) terms, China is the world’s largest economy.

In late 2020, the Chinese government announced that its goal of eliminating extreme poverty by 2021 (the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China) had been met. To eradicate extreme poverty in a developing country of 1.4 billion people – which at the time of the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 was one of the poorest countries in the world, characterised by widespread malnutrition, illiteracy, foreign domination and technological backwardness – is without doubt “the greatest anti-poverty achievement in history”, in the words of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

As a result of the extraordinary efforts of the Chinese government and people, the long-held dream of eliminating extreme poverty has been achieved. In addition to having a guaranteed income level, every single person enjoys sufficient access to food, clothing, housing, clean water, modern energy, education and healthcare. No other developing country, and no other enormous country, has achieved this feat.

With the extensive infrastructure construction programs of the last two decades, China’s development has become more balanced. In the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping introduced a policy of “letting some people and some regions get rich first, in order to drive and help the backward regions.” The Eastern and Southern regions, benefitting from their coastal location, ports and access to investment, did indeed “get rich first”. But Deng also specified that “it is an obligation for the advanced regions to help the backward regions”, and recent years have witnessed the massive expansion of modern infrastructure to the Western and Central regions, following the example and benefitting from the experience of the advanced regions.

With absolute poverty eliminated, China is taking important steps towards reducing inequality and tackling relative poverty, improving per capita GDP, revitalising rural areas, and reducing inequality between regions and groups. It is time for “making the cake bigger and better and sharing it fairly”, as Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin has said.

This progress stands in stark contrast to the advanced capitalist countries, where neoliberal economic theory has dominated for the last four decades, and where people are experiencing an alarming rise in poverty and inequality. Rather than pursuing common prosperity, the US and its allies are drifting towards mass destitution.

China is transitioning away from high-speed growth to high-quality development based on innovation. Already China has become a global leader in telecommunications, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and more. And in spite of the US’s attempts to suppress its development, China is on the cusp of being a major power in semiconductor technology.

Education is another important component of modernisation, and China has made significant strides forward in this area. Every single child receives nine years of compulsory, free education. The high school (15-18) enrolment rate now exceeds 90 percent, and the higher education enrolment rate stands at 60 percent (in Britain it is 35 percent).

The secret ingredient: socialism
How can we explain China’s successes? Above all, they are a function of China’s political system, its revolutionary history, and the leadership of the CPC.

At a meeting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2016, Xi Jinping made this point very succinctly: “Our greatest strength lies in our socialist system, which enables us to pool resources in a major mission. This is the key to our success.”

Or as Deng Xiaoping famously commented in 1984: “the superiority of the socialist system is demonstrated, in the final analysis, by faster and greater development of the productive forces than under the capitalist system.”

It’s instructive to look at the example of India – the only other country with a population size similar to that of China. There are some important historical similarities between the two. India won its independence in 1947, and China won its liberation in 1949. At that time, both countries were in a parlous state, their populations enduring pervasive poverty and backwardness, ground down by centuries of feudal oppression and colonial occupation and interference.

India has made commendable progress, and yet its record of development falls way behind China’s. Its life expectancy is several years below the global average, whereas China’s is several years above the global average. Millions of children in India still don’t go to school, and its adult literacy rate is 76 percent. Hundreds of millions don’t have access to clean water or electricity. Tens of millions live in slums.

Not having had a revolution, political power in India continues to be monopolised by landlords and big capitalists. China’s political system, in which power is exercised by and on behalf of the masses, allows enormous resources to be consolidated for projects that serve the interests of the people. As such, China is able to effectively solve the problems that face all countries, particularly developing countries.

The overall trajectory of China’s economy and the top-level allocation of resources is determined by the government – led by the CPC – rather than being in the hands of a small group of people who own and deploy capital. The interests of the people always come first. This is the ‘secret ingredient’ that allows China to blaze a trail towards modernisation in a country with a huge population.

A major contribution to the world
Chinese economist Justin Yifu Lin has pointed out that, with China’s successful modernisation, “the global population of high-income nations will double, rising from 15.8 percent to 33.8 percent.” Modernisation has thus far been dominated by a small group of imperialist countries, with a combined population of 1.2 billion. China’s successful modernisation, in the words of President Xi Jinping, “will completely change the international landscape and have a far-reaching impact on humanity.”

China’s development will set an example for other countries of the Global South, and will finally put an end to the myth that there’s an equals sign between modernisation and westernisation. China will continue to share the fruits of its modernisation, via mechanisms such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative, and as such it will provide development impetus for the whole world. China’s modernisation will be a major, historic contribution to global development. ... challenge/


China Anti-Espionage Laws Threaten Pharma Supply Chains and Multinational Manufacture in China
Posted on April 22, 2024 by Yves Smith

As the US has been seeking to check China in the chip and related tech arena by restricting restricting exports of our purportedly security/defense related products, the Chinese have not been idle. The Western press has not reported much on a series of Chinese new restrictions, under the umbrella of anti-espionage laws.

Needless to say, espionage is a show-stopper as far as threats go, as the treatment of Julian Assange, Gonzalo Lira, and detailed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich illustrate. No one with an operating brain cell wants to fall into the hall of mirrors of its notions of abuses and due process.

Yet despite the severity of potential punishments, and the worry among the many affected parties, there has been perilous little reporting. Reader Dr. Kevin sent a couple of links but a search on Twitter came up empty. This is particularly surprising, as we’ll discuss soon, due to the existing and soon to get worse situation for drug exports, where the US is heavily dependent on China. We long though this was a prime leverage point for China against the US, and it looks like China is staring to make use of it.

It is not clear whether the near silence by non-Chinese media on this topic is due to press reluctance to report on what sure looks like retaliation, and pretty bloody-minded at that, and potentially also some self-censorship among affected companies. Remember that during Brexit, businesses were stunningly silent about the many negative consequences of Brexit, particularly the super-hard version the Tories increasingly favored.

The limited recognition of these new Chinese policies, which have the potential to limit trade, not just various forms of regulatory and contractual compliance, is striking given that the US is continuing to escalate against China. As reported yesterday:

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will head to Beijing this week, with a warning for China to curb its technical support for Russia’s military — or else…

“We’re prepared to take steps when we believe necessary against firms that … severely undermine security in both Ukraine and Europe,” a State Department official told reporters ahead of Blinken’s trip. “We’ve demonstrated our willingness to do so regarding firms from a number of countries, not just China.”

An account below reports that China is expected to further tighten its anti-espionage laws this week. That may be a coincidence of timing, but it could be a warning to the US about what might happen were the US to try to deliver on Anthony Blinken’s threat mongering. But the Anglosphere media has barely registered that this is happening. Is the State Department so clueless as to be missing a potentially pretty serious message?

Due to the spotty English-language reporting, yours truly is very much in blind man and the elephant mode. So any reader corrections and fillings-in of gaps are very much welcome.

Par for the course, one of the best short-form versions of what is happening came in the comments section of one of these new stories, Pharma groups warn of supply crunch over China spying law in the Financial Times:

Martin Berg

The new data protection laws in China effectively declare company data to be of national interest, if not national property. By doing so, it has effectively taken a further step in weaponising the economy, and turning economic competition into a battle between states, rather than private enterprises.

This might answer the question that many of you likely had: what could outsourced drug manufacture have that would even rise to the level of being protectable intellectual property, let alone a state secret? As we will see soon, these compounds are either patented (nearly always in the US or EU) or off patent. Perhaps the Chinese companies have developed some better mousetraps in the form of better or faster manufacturing processes. But again, abuses in that arena would seem to fall in the realm of intellectual property theft, and not a threat to the Chinese state.

Wellie, as we are now seeing, it can be if the government takes an expansive view of what state interest amounts to.

A story today in Nikkei warns that China is tightening its espionage laws. Key sections:

China is preparing to restrict transfers of any information related to national security under an updated counterespionage law, raising fears of a stepped-up crackdown on foreign individuals and companies here.

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress began deliberating the changes Monday. The legislation, which will broaden the definition of espionage, is expected to pass Wednesday.

This will mark the first time since 2014 that the law has been amended.

The measure will expand the scope of the law — now limited to state secrets — to cover all documents, data, materials or items related to national security and interests. It does not provide further details on what constitutes national security and interests.

A greater focus will also be put on cybersecurity. Discussions of a system’s vulnerabilities to cyberattacks could run afoul of the new rules.

Security authorities will be granted more power, including in inspecting baggage and electronic devices of those suspected of espionage.

Notice that this plan sounds much less than what pink paper reader Martin Berg reported. Perhaps practice is already more aggressive than current law? It would seem so. Nikkei says later:

In March, a Japanese employee of drugmaker Astellas Pharma was detained for allegedly violating the existing counterespionage law. The man is believed to have had interactions with Chinese government and industry officials as part of his job.

Relevant authorities have solid evidence that the man engaged in espionage and will handle the matter in accordance with Chinese law, said Wu Jianghao, the Chinese ambassador to Japan, on April 7…

Foreign workers in China are on edge, given ambiguities about what would be considered illegal under the updated law. Activities that are part of regular business operations are seen potentially becoming an issue, and some Japanese companies have warned expatriate workers in China to be especially cautious when entering into new business deals in the technology sector, which Beijing considers a national security priority….

The proposed changes are seen giving Chinese authorities justification to monitor foreign companies involved in artificial intelligence, semiconductors and other key fields in the name of national security. This could extend to their communications with their headquarters back home.

The Nikkei story does not give a clear idea of when and how the the crackdown began, although it does say that President Xi increased his “focus” on security in recent months.

In fact, the pink paper pointed out last July that China was putting informational screws on foreign companies operating there:

Global companies are accelerating their push to decouple China data in response to the country’s increasingly stringent data and anti-espionage laws, as relations between Washington and Beijing deteriorate.

The drive for full localisation of data in China and separation of information technology systems from the rest of the world has accelerated over recent months as Beijing strengthens its control and regulation of data….

On July 1, Beijing put into effect an expanded anti-espionage law to strengthen national security. A series of raids and sanctions on US consultancies such as Bain & Company and Mintz Group, along with semiconductor giant Micron Technology, have put more pressure on companies operating in China.

Roberts said the wording in the updated anti-espionage law unveiled in April introduced the possibility of criminal sanctions and being policed by the country’s state security agency for sharing information deemed sensitive.

The revised law and the raids “have businesses scrambling to understand their current compliance footing”, he said.

In the past, western companies were concerned about taking electronic devices into the country over fears that China could access their data. Now they are equally concerned about sensitive data leaving China for fear of violating Beijing’s rules.

Now let us circle back to the new account at the Financial Times, Pharma groups warn of supply crunch over China spying law:

Western pharmaceutical groups are warning of worsening disruption to supply chains because of problems certifying manufacturing sites in China, with some factory inspectors refusing to visit the country over fears of arrest for spying and others denied entry to facilities.

China is one of the world’s largest makers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and antibiotics and a major supplier of drugs to the EU and US. However, a tightening of anti-espionage laws by Beijing has led to concerns that foreign citizens gathering data on Chinese sites could be deemed spies.

Let’s pause here. “One of the world’s largest makers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and antibiotics and a major supplier of drugs to the EU and US” understates the stranglehold China has as a meds supplier to the US. Even though the particular percentages may have shifted in the intervening years, the general picture from these archival pieces remains the same: the US is massively dependent on China for finished drugs and pharma components. The first, a 2018 post, also shows China has long been playing hide and seek with the FDA:

A recent book, China RX: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh, appears not to have gotten the attention it warrants…

The big message of Gibon’s and Singh’s book is that the US relies on China for the production of active ingredients in drugs and in many cases, of the medications themselves, to the degree that we would have a public health crisis if supplies were interrupted. As Gibson said on C-SPAN:

Many people that we spoke to, both former government officials and some in industry said that if China shut the door on exports, within months, pharmacy shelves in the United States to be empty, and hospitals would cease to function.

And don’t assume generics king India would step into the breach. India gets many of the active ingredients for its pharmaceuticals from China. Gibson forecasts that China will overtake India in generics manufacture within a decade.

As Gibson explains, the US no longer makes its own penicillin, in part because China dumped penicillin in 2004, driving the last US plant out of business.

The medications where the US relies on China include heparin, a blood thinner that among other things is used for IV drips. No heparin, no IV treatments. Due to the difficulty in tracing the source of drug company ingredients, the authors could make only case by case investigations, but they China production to be critical for treatments for Alzheimer’s HIV, depression, schizophrenia, cancer, epilepsy, and high blood pressure.

Dependency is not the only risk. US drug companies shifted production to China not just to save cost but to escape regulation. The FDA has only limited access to Chinese factories, with the Chinese having well over 700, yet the FDA able to inspect only 15 a year on average. As Gibson said on C-SPAN:

The FDA is trying to get inspection on site in China. The Chinese have severely restricted the number of inspections that they will allow and the whole program has become completely ineffective.

And the Chinese are often less than cooperative. Gibson describes even then how the agency has been directed to a Potemkin facility, as in the goods were made somewhere else…and the FDA was not able to figure out where. Similarly, reports presented by the health authorities to the FDA is understood to be as reliable as Chinese economic data….Gibson again:

In 2015, the FDA inspected a plant in China. It did that because it was getting a lot of customer complaints, presumably industry complaints, about the active ingredients that they were getting from this plant. There was bacterial contamination, some of the products. They did not have full therapeutic value. If that’s an antibiotic or chemotherapy, that could be devastating.

So the FDA went in and they found what they called systemic data manipulation. This is a plant that had passed muster by the FDA, the Chinese FDA and other inspections over many years. So the FDA banned 29 different products from coming into the United States. But because the United States is so dependent, the FDA had to exempt 14 of those products from its own ban. Some of those included antibiotics or ingredients for antibiotics and ingredients for chemotherapies, because the FDA was concerned about drug shortages in the United States. That is how dependent we are as a country.

And from a 2019 post from SafeHaven that we republished:

Just like the rare earths dilemma, the U.S. healthcare industry is finding itself in a Catch 22 situation since it cannot easily cut off all drug supplies from China.

The Trade Agreements Act of 1979 requires the Defense Health Agency and other federal agencies to only use pre-approved drugs that are made in the U.S. or from a compliant country.

As you might imagine, China is not on the approved list; however, the agency has waivers for nearly 150 drugs from the country because it would not be able to procure them from anywhere else. Moreover, the TAA only covers finished products and not their components–though that’s more of a legislative issue that can probably be fixed.

Yet, quality is just one of the concerns here. China can potentially cut off actual drug supplies to the U.S. thus crippling the industry.

The article concluded by saying it would take a long time to solve this problem, as in reshore.

Now back to the Financial Times report:

…official data seen by the Financial Times shows some US Food and Drug Administration inspectors have been refused entry to Chinese production sites since the pandemic.

This has led to western pharmaceutical regulators struggling to enforce oversight of Chinese manufacturers. Drugs made in third countries and imported into the EU or US require certification by government inspectors and audits of production sites…

During the pandemic, some audits of Chinese sites were carried out online or certification was prolonged without inspection — meaning there is a large inspection backlog with many certifications due “to expire by the end of this year”, according to Fatima Bicane, manager of pharmaceutical technology at BAH.

Disruption to inspections increases the risk of Chinese production sites losing their certification for western markets, exacerbating an already strained supply chain for generic pharmaceuticals…

“Adrian van den Hoven, director-general of Medicines for Europe, an industry body representing European pharmaceutical companies, said that ambiguity around the new anti-espionage law had led to concerns that “an inspector . . . in China could be accused of espionage”….

“When you talk about antibiotics, the Chinese are in a very critical position as most of the starting materials for antibiotics are made in China,” said Jim Miller, an industry consultant who advises on pharma manufacturing in the US. “The world is very dependent on China for antibiotic ingredients and active ingredients.”

Now admittedly, the number of FDA inspections in China was more than two times higher in 2023 than 2022. But the new espionage crackdown and the detention and espionage accusation against the Japanese drug company employee has had a chilling effect on the willingness of drug industry foreign inspectors and business partners to visit China. And it’s easy to see if the final law is vague that it will allow Chinese officials to greatly toughen enforcement at any time. And that could translated into a crippling reduction of essential medicine supplies.

But the US lets its multinationals sell out our own interests and did nothing to stop them. So if worst case scenarios come to pass, we have no one but ourselves to blame. ... china.html
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:35 pm

Are You Ready to Dive Deep into China’s Intellectual Odyssey?
Posted on April 26, 2024 by Yves Smith

Yves here. Given how the Western officials and the press make a fetish of overt and coded China bashing and baiting, a counterpoint seemed in order. The Institute for New Economic Thinking interviewed one of China’s best-known intellectuals, Wang Hui, the author of The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought. I suspect some readers know Wang Hui and his work and can comment on how good INET’s Cliff Notes version is, and perhaps also discuss whether Wang Hui is seen as authoritative in China, and whether there are other respected intellectuals who differ with his interpretations.

By Lynn Parramore, Senior Research Analyst at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. Originally published at the Institute for New Economic Thinking website

The need to understand China is obvious, but how to go about it? The lack of Chinese philosophy education in the U.S. presents a serious challenge, compounded by daunting barriers of language, stark cultural contrasts, and disparities in worldview. Concepts may not align neatly with Western philosophical frameworks, requiring a subtle understanding to grasp fully or even perceive the differences.

Anyone who sets out to comprehend China’s complexity confronts an intricate tapestry woven with threads of continuity, bursts of disruption, and variegated patterns. China’s history is filled with paradoxes, merging timeless traditions with the dynamism of transformation. From ancient cultural legacies to the ebb and flow of centralized governance over two millennia, China embodies a profound reverence for its heritage. Yet invasions, dynastic shifts, and revolutions have continually reshaped China’s socio-political and intellectual landscape, showcasing its adaptability. This invites exploration of the interplay between tradition and innovation, enriching our understanding of Western and Chinese thought.

If you’re ready to set forth, the contributions of Wang Hui, one of China’s most prominent intellectuals, are indispensable. After twenty years, English speakers can finally access his magisterial The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought, which provides a comprehensive exploration of China’s intellectual traditions, emphasizing their diversity and interconnectedness. Avoiding teleological narratives, he traces developments in Chinese thinking from antiquity to the present, highlighting key philosophical movements and their impact on Chinese society and governance. Wang argues for a contextual understanding of Chinese thought, viewing it as a dynamic dialogue between tradition and innovation, shaping China’s cultural identity and its interactions with the world.

In exploring China’s intellectual development, it’s essential to pause and delve deeply into the Song Dynasty (960 to 1279 C.E.), a transformative period that continues to shape modern ideology and governance. Wang illustrates how this era witnessed the shift from barter to a currency-based economy, the consolidation of centralized state power, the decline of the aristocracy, and the rise of the gentry-bureaucratic class. Additionally, it saw the emergence of egalitarianism, urbanization, and a Renaissance-like dissemination of knowledge, alongside a philosophical shift towards Neo-Confucianism from Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. This significant social and economic development profoundly influenced China’s intellectual and political landscape, extending its impact well into the twentieth century.

Neo-Confucian scholars of this period saw public service as paramount, drawing inspiration from China’s revered Sage Kings, who provided guiding principles for conduct, governance, and social harmony, the foundation of what is known as the “rites and music” tradition. This tradition, extending beyond rituals, encompassed broader social and political dimensions. Wang explains how the School of Principle, a dominant Neo-Confucian movement in the Song Dynasty, influenced governance, education, and social beliefs. Emphasizing moral cultivation and self-reflection, this school advocated for a “Heavenly Principle” worldview, aligning morality and governance with universal harmony. Wang emphasizes the role of Song Confucians in shaping the domain of intellectual discourse, advocating for a return to tradition while simultaneously critiquing contemporary practices.

In the following conversation, Wang unpacks why he emphasizes specific conceptual frameworks in his historical analyses. He argues that Chinese concepts like principle (li), things (wu), and the propensity of times (shi) are vital for understanding the development of Chinese thought. Wang explores how these concepts reveal a tension between established theoretical paradigms and the complex nature of historical phenomena. He illustrates how Song Confucianism’s focus on concepts like li signifies a critical engagement with contemporary social, political, and moral systems, rather than a blind adherence to tradition. This critical perspective allows for a reevaluation of historical narratives and the development of alternative frameworks for understanding Chinese intellectual history.

Wang’s approach challenges contemporary and historical interpretations and promotes a more nuanced understanding of historical change.

Lynn Parramore: Your book traces the development of three concepts: “principle” (li), “things” (wu), and the “propensity of the times” (shi). What makes these crucial to understanding the progress of Chinese thought?

Wang Hui: Why these very specific concepts? I employed these concepts as clues to describe historical change, rather than employing social history, cultural history, economic history, or military history. I wanted to use these concepts to link different things together. Basically, I think that in all of Chinese studies — and not only Chinese studies, but historical studies, generally, especially in non-Western cultures — two prevalent misgivings have often left scholars feeling frustrated.

First, they struggle with whether or not they can effectively use existing theoretical categories or social scientific paradigms to describe and interpret historical phenomena. For example, if we talk about the traditional Chinese wellfield system [an agrarian plot division for equitable land distribution], people will often describe it as an economic system. But the wellfield system is not only an economic system, but also a social, political, and military system, and, after all, a racial system. So in that sense, once you reduce that phenomenon into the category of the economy, you’ve lost a lot of things. That’s one issue.

The second, of course, is that we are all studying Western social science — it’s a universal phenomenon – so the concepts and paradigms we deploy usually come from studies of Western history. Can they be usefully applied to non-Western historical phenomena? I have found that you always need to construct a dialogue between the different concepts.

In my book, I discuss principle (li), things (wu), and the propensity of times (shi) as philosophical ideas. These are three key categories, but at the same time, I use another set of three antithetical concepts in the more historical analysis. The first is the ancient rites and music culture and institutions. The second concerns political systems, enfeoffment [the feudal land grant system], and centralized administration. The last one was more of a response to what contemporary Western scholars are working on, and also something we’re working on in Chinese studies: the empire and the nation-state. I question these binaries and their application to Chinese studies.

LP: In Song Confucianism, “li” is seen as vital for both social harmony and moral growth, encompassing both adherence to traditional norms governing behavior as well as broader philosophical and ethical principles. Why did scholars prioritize this concept?

WH: Li was a very early, very traditional idea, and it was only in the Song dynasty, especially the Southern Song and afterward, that it occupied the highest position in Neo-Confucian thought. Some describe Song Confucianism as an archaism, a nostalgia for tradition, because before the Song dynasty, there was a Buddhist dominance, and the Neo-Confucians drew inspiration from a time before that shift.

Various early Confucians viewed rites and music and the [current] institutions as overlapping – seeing little difference between them. For them, the rites and music system, the family system, the wellfield system, and the political system are all the same, together forming the fundamental framework of behavior and encompassing moral doctrine. However, Song Confucians actually sharply divided these systems from each other. They thought that when you talk about rites and music, you’ve lost the essence. We can imagine something similar when people talk about democracy. Democracy is a framework, but a lot of people will criticize that idea and say, no, it’s not democracy — it’s lost its spirit or essence. So though the framework was still there, the Song Confucians’ division between rites and music and institutions actually came from a critical stance. It’s a paradigm shift. This is the first point.

Secondly, Song Confucians strove to reincorporate substantive elements from the time of the early Sage Kings, the Three Dynasties, back into daily life. They talk about the patriarchal clan system, which was part of the rites and music system. They tried to argue that we needed to return to the early Sage Kings’ time in considering the education system, the wellfield system (later described as an economic system), and the system of enfeoffment. However, this perspective can’t be viewed as mere archaism. It can only be comprehended in light of the Song scholars’ critical understanding of the current system, the civil service examination system, which was very different from the traditional education system. They also criticized the centralized bureaucracy in contrast to enfeoffment (the feudal system). The Song Confucians were also very critical of commercialization and social mobility because, in the rites and music culture, morality was based on a certain kind of community. They’re talking about returning to the early days, but they’re also actually trying to have a critical stance on the contemporary world.

Why do they put li at the top of the whole system? Why were they so dedicated to developing a category of li, the Heavenly Principle, and to talking about the Way of Heaven and so on? Confucius himself never paid so much attention to the abstract idea of li— what he talked about is everyday ritual practice. When the Song Confucians talk about li, they are talking about something like immanence. You still have the rites and music — the performance, the ceremony, and so on and so forth — but you can’t take these things for granted as representing the essence of the rites and the music. Now the rites and music exist in a way as the immanence. The Song Confucians went back to the rites and music, but not simply to reconstruct the rites and music. They are developing the idea of li.

LP: How does this fit into the overarching narrative of Chinese intellectual history?

WH: Is this an ontological or epistemological breakthrough? Traditional philosophers, those in the early days in America like Feng Youlan, who wrote a very famous textbook [in English], The History of Chinese Philosophy, treated this Song idea as a philosophical breakthrough. China finally had philosophy!

But really, the idea of philosophy only emerged in China in the early 20th century. The first translation of Youlan’s book was in the 1870s, mainly in Minju, Japan. They translated the Western ideas into Chinese characters. They translated the term zhexue [the study of wisdom] as philosophy. Later, overseas students who studied here had to reconsider Chinese thought. They had to use the frameworks and categories of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, realism, and so on, as well as the social sciences categories, to describe Chinese intellectual history. We need to think about this kind of relationship.

The fact that Song Confucians prioritized relatively abstract philosophical and ethical categories indicates the political thinking embedded in Neo-Confucianism because they are very critical of the current political, economic, educational, and even moral systems. They thought these systems were lost.

They are critical on the one hand, but they also recognize historical transformation. We can imagine a contemporary like John Rawls, who talked about justice, but obviously thought that the reality was unjust, and a lot of problems emerged from that. He tried to construct an abstract system to talk about the problems of redistribution and justice while still recognizing the legitimacy of democracy as a basic framework. In that sense, the Song Confucians, too, recognized historical change. They took the form of archaism, but they recognized the inevitability of historical change. We cannot simply go back to earlier years. We need to study phenomena to grasp the essence – that’s the li. The li can help us to imagine our ideas, systems, and behavior.

The inherent historical dynamics for the establishment and the deployment of the Heavenly Principle worldview were clearly set forth in the exploration of the differentiation of [ancient] rites and music culture from [current] institutions. Basically, Song Confucians saw that while moral values are not immanent in systems, they could find moral values by studying the systems. They set forth to explore the differentiation of the rites and music culture, which was the system of the Sage King, from the institutions, or current systems. They found that even the current systems exist on behalf of or within the Sage Kings’ rites and music culture.

I’ll just give an example. If you have a critical mindset, and you hear people defend the current system as a democracy, then the critical mindset will say, no, this is not a democracy. But to criticize in this way also legitimizes the value of democracy. The mindset of critical thinking that came from the Song Confucians was sort of conservative but actually very critical. They argue for this differentiation and also the comparison among the Three Dynasties (the Sage Kings’ time), and the eras that followed. The Sage Kings’ time became the ideal used to criticize contemporary reality. It’s similar to how people resort to Plato, Aristotle, the 18th-century Enlightenment, and so on to criticize current practices and reality. So you have a discussion of the dialectic binaries of centralized administration and enfeoffment; the wellfield system and the equal field system [a system to distribute land fairly among households based on their needs]; and the schooling system and the civil service examination system. In the Song Dynasty, these systems were attached to the centralized administration system and more like a proto-nation-state than what the Kyoto School [a Japanese philosophical movement blending Western and Eastern thought] argued for.

Using ideas or propositions like principle (li) to investigate things and extend knowledge was popular among Song Confucians and later Confucianism. If we simply deploy categories like li for economic, social, political, or historical narratives, we will not only reduce these complex conceptual problems to the components of these later narratives, but once we have encapsulated them as such, we will also have neglected their significance in the intellectual world of antiquity. Therefore, we need to examine these concepts within the framework of the particular worldview of that period, and then explain the phenomena that modern scholars have categorized as economic, political, military, or social in the context of their relationships with Confucian categories such as li (Heavenly Principle), and so on. We can then provide an internal perspective through this narration.

LP: How might an understanding of li aid us today?

WH: This internal perspective is a way to observe our own system. For example, when we talk about human rights, the classical idea of rights is not only a legal concept. It means doing things that are just. But this meaning was lost in modern times because you can weaponize or abuse the idea of human rights. Some people were trying to understand the classical idea of human rights, how to define them, and enrich the category of human rights. In that sense, the classical idea is not simply observing objects, but having an internal perspective for self-reflection. Historical study works in this way: we master observation, but also we are objects for reflection.

That reflection needs certain kinds of categories that construct the internal perspective to understand us. If we think about current crises, political crises, a lot of this links together. We need some perspective to understand it. We can’t understand it if we are simply stuck within it. If we are stuck within a perspective, we may find a solution that is actually the origin of the current crisis. It often happens like that. That’s why the idea of li becomes so important.

When we talk about the concept of things (wu), traditionally in Confucius’ time, wu was part of the rites and music culture. It overlaps. When you think about anything, it’s always within the system of rites and music. In that sense, wualways contains moral implications. It comprises the dynamic structure of our behavior. But if you live in a society that, from a Confucian perspective, is already in differentiation, then rites and music, even the form, have lost their substance. So wu becomes the object. You still do the rites, the ritual practice, but that ritual practice only concerns things or objects, not real moral implications. That’s why traditionally speaking, morality existed in people doing things. That’s the ritual order. But the Song Confucians emphasize that you need to start investigating things to achieve knowledge. Li is invisible within things (wu), so you need to investigate things. The idea of things themselves, when we talk about objectivity or the object, actually came out of what was not only a scientific discovery but also a historical transformation, the result of that differentiation from that perspective.

LP: And what about the propensity of times, this concept of the prevailing trends associated with a particular era, and that shapes its norms and behavior? What makes it important to Chinese thought?

WH: The concept of the propensity of times was also a very traditional idea. Mencius once asked, why is Confucius a sage? The answer: Because he knows the propensity of times. This concept is very different from the idea or the concept of time in the modern world — the linear, teleological, homogeneous, and empty concept of time. This is our time.

The propensity of the times is something else, and I try to use it as the conceptualization of history in Neo-Confucianism. I can understand why the Neo-Confucians re-employed this term to describe history. They said that there was a time before the Sage Kings’ time, the early Three Dynasties, and after. This is a periodization [a division of history into distinct periods based on significant events, developments, etc]. This is not based on the linear, teleological time. It’s based on their understanding of the propensity of times. The propensity of times in Song Confucianism became an inner matter or matter of interiority. So the li is linked together in the interior.

In that sense, the propensity of times is closely linked to what they talk about in terms of the differentiation of rites and music from institutions — in terms of historical changes. The most important thing is that when we talk about time, we actually construct the objective framework. But the propensity of times means that we are all within that propensity. We are the forces that change the propensity of times, and we are the products of the propensity of times, but we are also the active players that force the change of the propensity of times. So it’s a very dynamic term and helps to get rid of an overly teleological narrative of history. That’s why I try to compare this very specific concept of time with the modern concept of time — basically to get rid of the so-called teleological narration of history.

An example is the inquiry into Chinese modernity. The Japanese Kyoto School (1920s to 1940s) argued for the importance of Song Confucianism. One of the leading figures in the Kyoto School raised the issue of the transition from the Song Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, and later, another figure, Miyazaki Ichisada (and some others), argued that the Song Dynasty already had a certain kind of capitalism. To define the early modern in Chinese history, they used a standard narration, such as the decline of the aristocracy leading to the maturity of a central administration that was labeled as a proto-nation-state, and the growth of long-distance trade, which means a more sophisticated division of labor. And the productivity, urbanization, and the standardization of the civil service examination system, which meant that, because of the collapse of the aristocratic system, now everybody could pass the examination system to be employed.

And that was true — before the Song dynasty, all the high-ranking officials came from the aristocratic system. However, after the Song dynasty, all the prime ministers came from the national service examination system rather than an aristocratic background. A kind of civilian society emerged from then on. So for the Kyoto School, Song Confucianism is a kind of ideology of nationalism, a proof of nationalism. They would argue for these as the starting point of the early modern era.

However, at that time and later, some Marxists argued that the later Ming Dynasty was the starting point of Chinese modernity. They raised the question, what is modern? And also, what is China? The Song, Ming, the Yuan Dynasty, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty were very different in terms of territory and ethnic composition. The systems were very different. So how to define China? And of course, how to define Chinese thought or philosophy? And then how to define the rise of Chinese thought? My book is about the rise of modern Chinese thought – and you can actually question each term itself.

If you talk about the rise in the teleological way, then when was the rise? Was it in the Song or Ming dynasty? Or was it the modern 1911 revolution? Or, like Francis Fukuyama said, did the early modern political system, and its structure, really start 2000 years ago in China in the Qin dynasty? He said that the Qin dynasty was almost like a proto-nation state. Whether or not it can be defined as early modern, that’s very strange to some extent if you really think about it in a teleological way.

So, my question: does the concept of li (Heavenly Principle) embody an antagonism, a tension between its ideas and the Song transition? First of all, I disagree with the Kyoto School when they say that Song Confucianism is proto-nationalist, expressing the ideology of nationalism. Rather, they took the form of archaism, but you cannot reduce it to an ideology. You can only legitimize the transition. They recognize it, they criticize it. There’s a contradictory or paradoxical decision there.

So why did the Kyoto School say that the Song dynasty, or even more, Song Confucianism, was nationalistic? Because they thought the Song dynasty, compared to the early dynasties, was an even more Chinese China. Confucianism was thought of as China, whereas Buddhism was a foreign idea that came from India. How, then, can we represent the Song transition from a Confucian perspective? And how should one portray the social structure in the Mongolian Yuan dynasty after the Song? Or even more to the point, the social system of the Qin dynasty, the last dynasty, the Manchu dynasty? If you argue that the Song dynasty is the more Chinese China, how to define the Mongolian China or the Manchu China?

If you start from the teleological or linear way of thinking about the modern, does that go back to ancient times or something else? It’s contradictory, because if you do that, then you’ve lost the whole narrative thread. That’s why I think that the idea of the propensity of times gives us another way of imagining history, another way to think about these kinds of things. In that sense, we can also rethink contemporary China, and go beyond the binary of empire and nation.

For example, we can talk about modern China, the Republic of China after the 1911 Revolution, as emerging based on the last dynasty, the Qing dynasty. It overlaps with the territory, the populations, and a lot of the systems. Then we need to ask the question, how did Confucianism, as well as other sources, legitimize the Qing as a Chinese dynasty though it was very different from the Ming dynasty? It had the Manchu as the ruling class, but it’s still broadly recognized as a Chinese dynasty. How is that legitimized?

Understanding historical change is very important for Confucianism as a political philosophy. It’s not only the history of ideas. It’s full of the political dynamics within the ideas. People say, well, now we are modern. Then why are you talking about Plato, Aristotle, all the ancient ideas? Because you are still trying to retrieve those ideas for the contemporary world. ... yssey.html


China to host 'Palestinian unity talks' between Hamas, Fatah

A senior official from Hamas says the group is willing to join a unified government for Gaza and the West Bank with Fatah on the condition of a 'fully sovereign Palestinian state'

News Desk

APR 27, 2024

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Delegations from Palestinian resistance faction Hamas and the West Bank-ruling Fatah have traveled to China for “unity talks” hosted by Beijing as the country looks to expand its newfound role as a mediator in West Asia.

According to a Fatah official who spoke with Reuters, the delegation from the party that controls the Palestinian Authority (PA) is led by Azzam al-Ahmad, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council. For its part, the Hamas delegation is reportedly led by senior official Moussa Abu Marzook.

“We support strengthening the authority of the Palestinian National Authority and support all Palestinian factions in achieving reconciliation and increasing solidarity through dialogue and consultation,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a press briefing on 26 April.

The visit will mark the first time Hamas officials have visited China since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on 7 October and the start of the Israeli genocide in Gaza.

A Chinese diplomat, Wang Kejian, met Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar last month, according to the Chinese foreign ministry. Beijing says the talks sought to open a pathway to reconcile the two Palestinian parties.

Last year, China brokered a historic rapprochement deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, ending years of hostility. Beijing's diplomatic success also opened the door for talks to end the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

The highly unpopular Fatah has been the de facto ruler of the occupied West Bank since 2006, when Hamas won the last legislative elections to be held in Palestine.

Hamas' victory at the polls was not welcomed by then-US President George Bush, who put in motion a covert initiative to ignite a Palestinian civil war and prevent Hamas from taking power. The meddling from Washington, Israel, and allied Arab states led to a Fatah-Hamas war in 2007 that saw the two parties split control of the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip, respectively.

In 2016, a leaked audio revealed that, 10 years earlier, Hillary Clinton suggested the Palestinian elections be rigged, calling them “a big mistake.”

"I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win," Clinton said.

China's diplomatic efforts come on the heels of a statement by senior Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya, who earlier this week suggested that the armed wing of Hamas could be folded into a “Palestinian national army” if Palestinian statehood is achieved.

He also said that Hamas would be willing to join the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and form a unified government for Gaza and the West Bank with Fatah on the condition of a “fully sovereign Palestinian state” on pre-1967 borders and “the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with the international resolutions.”

In January, Russia hosted a round of “unity talks” between several Palestinian factions, including Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Fatah, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), PFLP General Command, and the Al-Saiqa organization. ... amas-fatah
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat May 04, 2024 2:18 pm


Xi Jinping extends May Day greetings to China’s working people
As China celebrated the May Day holiday, marking International Workers’ Day, Chinese leader Xi Jinping extended his greetings and best wishes to the country’s working people.

In his message, Xi called on working people to actively participate in advancing Chinese modernisation with high-quality development and work tirelessly to promote the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts. He also asked party committees and government bodies at all levels to earnestly realise, safeguard and develop the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Also, in a significant development, President Xi replied to a letter from Serbian workers at the HBIS Smederevo Steel Plant. Xi said that during his previous state visit to Serbia in 2016, he met with the workers there face-to-face and deeply felt their support for the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Serbia, and their high expectations for a bright future of the steel plant.

He continued:

“It is a great pleasure to learn that the steel plant has turned losses into gains quickly after the investment of a Chinese-funded enterprise, with the jobs of more than 5,000 employees guaranteed and thousands of families enjoying a peaceful and happy life.

“The development of the plant cannot be achieved without the dedication and hard work of the workers, who have been working diligently for the quick growth of the steel plant and have written a new chapter for the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia. I give you ‘the thumbs up.’”

Thirty representatives of the HBIS Smederevo Steel Plant workers wrote a letter to Xi, expounding on the latest development of the plant and its important contribution to improving local people’s wellbeing. They also thanked him for showing care for and facilitating the project. In a recent interview with the CGTN Leaders Talk series, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić also recalled Xi’s 2016 visit to the steel plant and his care for the project.

Xi’s reply was dated April 29 but released on May Day. The Chinese President is scheduled to make another state visit to Serbia next week, as the second leg of a European visit that will also take him to France and Hungary. His visit to Serbia will coincide with the 25th anniversary of US-led NATO’s bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, which claimed the lives of three Chinese citizens and wounded others.

Also on May 1st, an article by Xi Jinping on mobilising China’s hundreds of millions of workers to vigorously take part in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation was published in this year’s ninth issue of Qiushi, the main theoretical journal of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

According to the article, since the 18th CPC National Congress, the working class has been playing a backbone role in the development of the cause of the Party and the country under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee. The Chinese workers’ movement has made historic achievements, and the work of trade unions has made comprehensive progress.

The article says Chinese workers have taken on significant challenges and shouldered responsibilities in such major work as economic development, scientific and technological innovation, poverty alleviation, rural revitalisation, epidemic prevention and control, and disaster relief.

Trade unions should earnestly safeguard the rights of workers and strive to solve practical problems concerning their vital interests, in particular for workers in new forms of employment.

Besides, Party committees at all levels should strengthen leadership over trade unions and their work, and government bodies at all levels should help trade unions solve workers’ difficulties and problems.

The following articles were originally published by the Xinhua News Agency and on the website. The latter, which is the full text of the Qiushi article, comprising the main part of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on October 23, 2023, when he spoke with the members of the new leadership team of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU), was published in Chinese and has been machine translated.
Xi extends greetings to working people nationwide ahead of Int’l Workers’ Day

BEIJING, April 30 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday extended festive greetings and best wishes to the country’s working people ahead of International Workers’ Day, which falls on May 1.

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent the greetings on behalf of the CPC Central Committee.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and a crucial year to fulfill the goals and tasks set in the 14th Five-Year Plan, Xi said, praising the important contributions made by the working people to the cause of the Party and the country.

Xi called on working people to actively participate in advancing Chinese modernization with high-quality development, and work tirelessly to promote the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts.

Xi asked Party committees and governments at all levels to earnestly realize, safeguard and develop the legitimate rights and interests of workers, and encourage working people to realize dreams through their work.

Xi replies to letter from Serbian steelworkers
BEIJING, May 1 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping has replied to a letter from Serbian workers in HBIS Smederevo Steel Plant.

In a letter dated Monday, Xi encouraged them to make new contributions to the China-Serbia friendship.

Xi said that during his state visit to Serbia in 2016, he met with the workers face-to-face at the Smederevo Steel Plant and deeply felt their support for the mutually beneficial cooperation between China and Serbia, and their high expectations for a bright future of the steel plant.

From their letter, Xi said he learned that with the joint efforts of the management teams of both sides and the workers themselves, the steel plant has taken on a new look, providing strong support for the development of Smederevo City.

It is a great pleasure to learn that the steel plant has turned losses into gains quickly after the investment of a Chinese-funded enterprise, with the jobs of more than 5,000 employees guaranteed, and thousands of families enjoying a peaceful and happy life, said the Chinese president.

The development of the plant, he said, cannot be achieved without the dedication and hard work of the workers, who have been working diligently for the quick growth of the steel plant and have written a new chapter for the iron-clad friendship between China and Serbia.

I give you “the thumbs up,” Xi said.

The sound development of the plant is a striking epitome of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and Serbia as well as a paradigm of their mutually beneficial cooperation, he said, adding that the steelworkers are participants, witnesses, contributors to and beneficiaries of China-Serbia friendly cooperation.

“I hope you will continue to do your own jobs wholeheartedly and dedicate yourself enthusiastically to the operation and development of the plant, so as to make new and greater contributions to the socio-economic development of Serbia and the consolidation of the China-Serbia friendship,” Xi said.

Thirty representatives of Serbian workers in HBIS Smederevo Steel Plant wrote a letter to Xi, expounding on the latest development of the plant and its important contribution to improving local people’s wellbeing. They also thanked Xi for showing care for and facilitating the project.

Xi’s article on mobilizing workers to participate in building a strong country, national rejuvenation to be published
BEIJING, April 30 (Xinhua) — An article by Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on mobilizing the country’s hundreds of millions of workers to vigorously take part in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation will be published on Wednesday.

The article by Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, will be published in this year’s ninth issue of the Qiushi Journal, a flagship magazine of the CPC Central Committee.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the working class has been playing a backbone role in the development of the cause of the Party and the country under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee. The Chinese workers’ movement has made historic achievements, and the work of trade unions has made comprehensive progress, according to the article.

The article says Chinese workers have taken on significant challenges and shouldered responsibilities in major work such as economic development, scientific and technological innovation, poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, and disaster relief.

On the work of trade unions, the article stresses the importance of adhering to the overall leadership of the Party over trade unions, and not wavering or deviating from it at any time or under any circumstances.

Efforts must be made to encourage workers to actively take part in the great cause of building China into a strong country and national rejuvenation on all fronts, the article says, noting that it is necessary to promote the spirit of model workers, the working spirit and craftsmanship.

Trade unions should earnestly safeguard the rights of workers and strive to solve practical problems concerning their vital interests, in particular for workers in new forms of employment, according to the article.

Besides, Party committees at all levels should strengthen leadership over trade unions and their work, and governments at all levels should help trade unions solve workers’ difficulties and problems, the article says.

Organize and mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to actively participate in the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation
Xi Jinping

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee, China’s working class has played a major role in the development of the cause of the Party and the country. In the past five years, the broad masses of workers have worked with the party and struggled with the party, and have shown the style of the times in major work such as economic construction, scientific and technological innovation, poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, epidemic prevention and control, emergency rescue and disaster relief.

The All-China Federation of Trade Unions and trade unions at all levels have strengthened the ideological and political guidance of employees, promoted the construction and reform of the ranks of industrial workers, protected the rights and interests of workers, maintained political security in the labor field, deepened the reform of the trade union system, and continuously enhanced the political, advanced and mass nature. The CPC Central Committee has fully affirmed the major contributions made by the working class and the new achievements made in the work of the trade unions.

With regard to the work of trade unions in the coming period, the congress made arrangements. Here, I would like to emphasize a few more points.

First, uphold the party’s overall leadership over trade unions. China’s labor movement has developed under the leadership of the party, and trade unions are mass organizations of the working class under the leadership of the party. We must uphold the party’s overall leadership over trade unions, and we must not waver or deviate from them at any time and under any circumstances. Upholding the party’s leadership is not abstract and vague, and cannot be reduced to a mere formality, but must be comprehensively and effectively implemented in the entire process and in all aspects of trade union work. In particular, in establishing trade unions in new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups, it is necessary to take a clear-cut stand and uphold the party’s leadership from the very beginning. It is necessary to resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership, always maintain a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee in ideology, politics, and action, and ensure the correct direction of trade union work. It is necessary to unremittingly use the ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to forge the soul, continue to promote the theoretical arming to go deeper and more practical, and constantly enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of learning and practicing the party’s innovative theories. It is necessary to keep in mind the “great power of the country”, find out the combination point, entry point and focus point of the trade union work and the central task of the party, promote the implementation of the decisions and arrangements of the party Central Committee in the trade union system, and better play the role of trade unions. It is necessary to strengthen ideological and political guidance, do a good job in the ideological and political work of the workers, educate and guide the broad masses of workers to unswervingly listen to the party and follow the party, and ensure that the working class is always the most solid and reliable class foundation of our party.

Second, organize and mobilize hundreds of millions of workers to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions to a new era. There are thousands of points in the work of trade unions, and the most fundamental one is to unite the broad masses of workers and workers closely around the party and unite and struggle for the realization of the party’s central tasks. It is necessary to adhere to the fundamental principle of wholeheartedly relying on the working class, fully mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of the broad masses of workers and workers, and actively plunge into the great cause of comprehensively promoting the building of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation. It is necessary to focus on implementing the new development concept, building a new development pattern, and promoting high-quality development, carry out various forms of labor and skill competitions extensively and in-depth, stimulate the labor enthusiasm and creative potential of the majority of employees, and give full play to the role of the main force in all walks of life and fields. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor and the spirit of craftsmen, give full play to the exemplary and leading role of model workers and craftsmen, and encourage the majority of employees to achieve their dreams in hard work, honest work and creative labor. It is necessary to focus on the in-depth implementation of the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and the strategy of innovation-driven development, deepen the reform of the construction of the contingent of industrial workers, accelerate the construction of an army of knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative industrial workers, and train and bring up more craftsmen and high-skilled personnel of major countries.

Third, do a good job of rights protection services with heart and affection. Chinese modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. The working class and the broad masses of laborers are the main creators of social wealth, and the more obvious and substantive progress in promoting the common prosperity of all the people should first be embodied in the hundreds of millions of laborers. As representatives and defenders of the interests of workers, trade unions should conscientiously perform their basic duties of rights protection services, strive to solve practical problems related to the vital interests of the masses of workers, and pay special attention to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers in new forms of employment. It is necessary to strengthen the democratic management of enterprises and institutions, smooth the channels for the expression of employees’ demands, guide employees to express their interests in a rational and orderly manner in accordance with the law, protect their own rights and interests, and promote the construction of harmonious labor relations.

Trade unions are the homes of workers, and trade union cadres are the “mother’s family” of workers. It is necessary to continue to deepen the reform and construction of trade unions, firmly establish a clear orientation of grasping the grassroots in a big way, consolidate the foundation of the grassroots level, stimulate the vitality of the grassroots level, and continuously enhance the leadership, organization, and service capacity of the grassroots trade unions. It is necessary to improve the existing organizational foundation, continue to promote the establishment and membership of new economic organizations, new social organizations, and new employment groups, and expand the coverage of trade union organizations. It is necessary to innovate the way of working and strive to provide accurate and intimate services for the masses of workers. Trade union cadres should practice the party’s mass line, conduct in-depth investigation and research, keep abreast of what employees are thinking, thinking and expecting, constantly enhance their ability to serve employees, and sincerely speak and do things for employees. As the leading organ of trade unions at all levels, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions should take the lead in strengthening self-building, be a benchmark and set an example, and become a model political organ that reassures the party and satisfies the people.

Party committees (leading party groups) at all levels should strengthen their leadership over trade unions and trade union work, properly select and strengthen trade union leadership groups, show warm concern for and set strict demands on trade union cadres, and attach importance to the training and use of trade union cadres. It is necessary to pay attention to giving play to the role of trade union organizations, promptly study the important problems encountered by the masses of workers and trade unions, and support trade unions in carrying out their work in a creative manner. Governments at all levels should give full play to the role of the joint conference between the government and the trade unions, and actively help the trade unions resolve the practical difficulties and problems of the masses of workers.

This is the main part of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on October 23, 2023, when he spoke with the members of the new leadership team of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions. ... ng-people/


The latest danger from China: too much clean energy?
This brief article by Friends of Socialist China advisory group member Stefania Fusero, originally published in Italian in Futura Società, brings some much-needed clarity to the question of US allegations concerning China’s “over-capacity”, particularly in green technologies such as renewable energy, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries.

Stefania rightly points out that, by demanding that China curtail its production of materials that are essential for a global green transition, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen “implicitly admits that the priority for the US government is not to join in the global fight against climate breakdown, but instead to sustain the profits of US corporations and financial elites.” This in turn serves to reiterate that “Western governments serve the interests of small oligarchic minorities, not the masses of their populations.”

Stefania notes that the diverging priorities of China and the US are amply evidenced by the fact that, while China directs enormous resources towards development, infrastructure, sustainable energy, and the fight against poverty, the US devotes enormous resources to war, domination, hegemonism, and the pursuit of a ‘rules-based international order’ where the rules are written in Washington and serve the exclusive interests of the US ruling class.

The article concludes by predicting failure for the US’s tactic, citing Radhika Desai’s recent article in CGTN: China “will not roll over and play dead when asked to harm its own economy, its own workers and the possibility of dealing with climate change, all only so that the interests of unproductive inefficient and financialised US corporations may be advanced.”

The article was translated into English by the author.
Giuseppe Masala gave an exhaustive explanation in l’Antidiplomatico of the real reasons which brought US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen back to China.

Among other things, after quoting from a statement by Yellen – ”we now see the development of excess capacity in ‘new’ industries such as solar panels, lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles” – Masala rightly states that, translated into simple language, Yellen is saying that the US productive system cannot cope with Chinese competition.

Simplicius the Thinker gets to the same conclusion in his post Yellen Dispatched to Beg China for Face-Saving Slowdown: “The fact of the matter is, China is simply leaping ahead of the decrepit, deteriorating U.S. by every measure and the panicked elites have sent Yellen to beg China to ‘slow down’ and not embarrass them on the world stage.”

There’s more to it, though. When Yellen denounces and laments China’s “overcapacity of clean energy” – specifically mentioning solar panels, electric vehicles and lithium-ion batteries – she gets straight to the issue of the global climate breakdown.

In this context, contrary to incessant Western smearing campaigns, China has acted consistently with the commitment to defend the environment Xi Jinping announced in 2014, and has translated it into a climate strategy the extent of which has never been seen before, as acknowledged by the president of the Environmental Defense Fund: “the world has never before seen a climate program on this scale.”

In solar energy alone, the International Energy Agency noted that China’s PV-focused industrial policies have contributed to more than 80 percent cost reductions, helping the sector become the most cost-effective electricity generation technology in many parts of the world – an important contribution to global decarbonisation.

Complaining about what she calls “clean energy overcapacity”, Yellen implicitly admits that the priority for the US government is not to join in the global fight against climate breakdown, but instead to sustain the profits of US corporations and financial elites. She lays bare the fact that Western governments serve the interests of small oligarchic minorities, not the masses of their populations.

Just take a simple look at the composition of the US public debt, which has reached the stratospheric figure of $34 trillion, of which 14 trillion has gone to military spending since the start of the war in Afghanistan. While the US has been throwing money into the bottomless pit of its endless wars ‘on terror’, China has been investing in the development of its economy, its infrastructure, as well as the fight against poverty, demonstrating that the priority of the PRC is development, whereas the priority of the US is war.

It is thus unsurprising that the foreign policies of the two countries are poles apart, both in the guiding principles and the parlance set out in their respective official documents, and in the posture adopted towards other countries.

China uses the language of diplomacy, rejects the logic of opposing blocs, is not part to any military alliances, and engages with partners for its various international projects, the Belt and Road Initiative first and foremost, in ways which are beneficial both to itself and to them. The US, on the other hand, does not want partners, but vassals from whom it demands exclusive allegiance to the point of agreeing to sacrifice their own interests, and does not hesitate to use the weapons of military and economic threat, in line with a purported ‘international rules based order’, which the US bends to its own will and convenience.

Will China bow to the requests and more-or-less veiled threats coming from the USA and its satellites?

As Radhika Desai writes in a recent article: “Sadly, for Yellen, China is neither Japan nor Europe but a socialist economy whose government is oriented towards advancing egalitarian development for its people. Yellen will find it willing to cooperate for the benefit of people and the planet. But it will not roll over and play dead when asked to harm its own economy, its own workers and the possibility of dealing with climate change, all only so that the interests of unproductive inefficient and financialized US corporations may be advanced."

Image ... an-energy/


Smearing The 'Enemy' - A Typical U.S. Info-Ops

Here is an example of a fairly typical U.S. information operation - this one against China.

On April 20 the New York Times, in collaboration with some German media, came up with this sensational headline:

Top Chinese Swimmers Tested Positive for Banned Drug, Then Won Olympic Gold - New York Times

China's own doping agency had detected tiny amounts of a banned drugs in some athletes of its swimming team. It informed, as it should do, the World Anti Doping Agency WADA and started to investigate the case:

China acknowledged the positive tests in a report by its antidoping regulator, saying that the swimmers had ingested the banned substance unwittingly and in tiny amounts, and that no action against them was warranted.
But an examination by The New York Times found that the previously unreported episode sharply divided the antidoping world, where China’s record has long been a flashpoint. American officials and other experts said the swimmers should have been suspended or publicly identified pending further investigation, and they suggested that the failure to do so rested with Chinese sports officials; swimming’s international governing body, World Aquatics; and the World Anti-Doping Agency, the global authority that oversees national drug-testing programs.
Even after other national and international antidoping officials repeatedly provided the global regulator, known as WADA, with intelligence suggesting a cover-up and doping by Chinese swimmers, the agency chose not to try to hold the athletes accountable, asserting “a lack of any credible evidence” to challenge China’s version of events. WADA defended its decision not to take action, calling the criticism unsubstantiated.

The Chinese anti-doping agency as well as WADA handled the case by the book. There was a plausible explanation of a food contamination with tiny amounts of the drug during a swimming event in China. No other test before and after that event had been positive. The amount of drugs involved was too tiny to make a difference. WADA did not put out a public notice about the incident as no further action was required. No athletes were publicly named and shamed as none had been proven to be guilty.

But that did not fit the U.S. messaging agenda that was designed to defame China. Thus other headlines in the usual western propaganda media were following up:

US anti-doping agency attacks Wada’s ‘half-truths’ over Chinese swimmers - Guardian
Adam Peaty slams cover-up of 'systemic' doping by Chinese swimmers - Daily Mail
Lawyer for banned Aussie swimmer Shayna Jack outraged by Chinese Olympic drug scandal - Mail Online
China to send 13 swimmers under doping cloud to Paris Olympics - The Times

In a long press conference (video) WADA went public to defend itself. It had done all what it was supposed to do in that case.

WADA says it astonished by 'completely false, defamatory' remarks by USADA chief in case of Chinese swimmers - Global Times

A fairly neutral report on the issue came out in support of WADA:

Chinese swimming scandal: a strong defence by world anti-doping body, but narrative of ‘cover-up’ remains - The Conservation

Transparency is key to any organisation’s reputation. It is never a good look when a body like WADA is forced to respond to a story exposed by the media, in this case a German documentary and a New York Times report.
WADA has surely suffered reputational damage by not being open about the case when it unfolded three years ago. But it maintains it couldn’t have handled the situation differently because of the complexity of the global anti-doping framework between WADA and national anti-doping agencies.

It wasn’t up to WADA to make the details of the failed tests public – this responsibility rested with the China Anti-Doping Agency (CHINADA) because it had carried out the tests and investigated the positive results. To protect innocent athletes if no violation is found, no public announcement is required.

Given an investigation by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security found traces of the banned substance trimetazidine (TMZ) in a kitchen at the swimmers’ hotel, CHINADA ruled the positive tests were the result of accidental contamination. The Chinese swimmers were cleared without any public announcement.
Far from accepting CHINADA’s findings on the face of it, WADA requested the entire case file so it could conduct its own scientific and legal investigations – including speaking with the drug manufacturer to get the latest unpublished science on TMZ, and comparing the Chinese positive tests with TMZ cases in other countries, including the US. WADA ultimately determined there was no concrete evidence to “disprove” the possibility of environmental contamination.

The damage though, due to the sensational U.S. information operation, has been done:

So, has WADA succeeded in changing the narrative? Probably not.
Why? Because putting the words “China” and “doping” together is a lightning rod in the current political climate given the intense rivalry between China and the US.

Currently there are 23 people serving anti-doping suspensions in Australia. Do we feel personal or national shame for their wrongdoing?

Every time the US team marches into an Olympic Games, or steps up onto a World Championships medal podium, do we point at them while recalling memories of the US Postal Service cycling team and the banned-for-life cyclist Lance Armstrong?

But when it comes to China, many observers are quick to name and shame athletes, viewing every news story as some kind of proof the country must have a systemic, state-sanctioned doping program.

And that dear friends was the sole purpose of this nonsense.

As the next summer Olympics will soon begin we can expect to see more of such stuff.

Posted by b on May 4, 2024 at 13:07 UTC | ... l#comments


Is Xi Jinping the Reincarnation of a Triumphant Symmachus?
MAY 3, 2024

Ecological smokescreen, Oil on Canvas, Jean-Pierre Civade, 2023.

By ChinaBwall – May 2, 2024

Paradoxically, the differences seem to widen with each successive meeting between Chinese representatives and their US counterparts. The most recent meeting in China between the US Secretary of State and several senior Chinese leaders, including President Xi Jinping, once again confirms this divergence of views between the two great powers.

In view of the US declarations that preceded and followed these meetings, Washington persists in arrogating to itself the role of a hegemonic power, whose status authorizes it to issue directives to the whole world, including the great Eurasian and global power that China has become. In other words, Washington persists in denying Beijing’s position on the new global geopolitical chessboard.

In short, to appease Washington:

– China should let Russia and Iran, its strategic partners, wither away
– China should let Taiwan become a US military base
– China should place Pyongyang under US yoke
– China should accept being surrounded by US military bases
– China should fully liberalize its market
– China should give up its scientific and technological development.

These are, in essence, the demands formulated by the United States with regard to Beijing. This contemporary geopolitical confrontation between the Western bloc led by the US and the Global South led by China recalls, in reverse, that pivotal moment when the Roman Empire was torn between defending its ancient beliefs, marked by pagan traditions, and the increasingly vigorous affirmation of Christian monotheism. As we know, “ancient” Rome had to give way to what was to become the Christian Roman Empire, but not without a final battle.

This struggle was epitomized by the traditionalist Symmachus, whose philosophical arrows strove to resist the extinction of a world he cherished, but was unaware was already dead.

“We gaze upon the same stars, the sky is common to us all, the same world envelops us. What difference does it make by what judgement a person searches out the truth? So great a mystery cannot be arrived at by one path.” (Symmachus, Rel. 3,10)

Despite its inspired beauty, this final battle, marked by tolerance, will change nothing.

If we were to transpose this historical past into the global geopolitical context of our times – leaving aside religious considerations – the roles would be reversed. Paganism would correspond to the multipolarity claimed by the Global South, which is on the verge of imposing itself, while Christian monotheism would correspond to the unilateralism of the US hegemon, which is on the verge of extinction.

US unilateralism is inevitably based on a universalist conception of the world, in other words, on a hegemonic mode of governance that reached its apogee in the wake of the collapse of the USSR. The US system of domination is based on neo-liberal capitalism modeled on the colonial system, and is built on perpetually changing “values” and “rules,” dictated to the rest of the world according to the interests of the hegemon, and to the detriment of the best interests of other peoples.

On the contrary, China calls for the emergence of a multipolar world and an international order based on the principles of the UN Charter. It thus demonstrates its attachment to the diversity of peoples, civilizations and cultures, as well as the variety of political and economic systems. This principle of civilizational plurality is in a way the nervous system of the Chinese principle of peaceful coexistence. Xi Jinping’s words to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken are a reminder of this:

“The world is big enough to accommodate the simultaneous development and prosperity of China and the United States.”

For some time now, China has been taming the United States with extreme caution, to avoid arousing the resentment of a prince who was once a king. Perhaps this explains why, despite the outrageous genocide suffered by the Palestinians before the world’s incredulous eyes, China has remained mired in a diplomatic semi-mutism towards Washington, the sponsor of Israeli war crimes.

Sensing the dangerousness of the wounded beast, Beijing is striving to appease Washington’s ire in this delicate phase of global transition, which is taking the form of the agony of the US Empire. The United States continues to lose, in battle after battle, the hegemonic properties that had ensured its undivided reign over the world since the Second World War. As an allegory of a Symmachus destined to win the round, Xi Jinping and his partners in the Global South are learning to navigate troubled waters. ... symmachus/



China’s ‘12345’ government service hotline – serving the people
The first exclusive Friends of Socialist China delegation took place from 14 to 24 April 2024. The delegation’s first site visit was to the was to the Beijing headquarters of the ‘12345’ government service hotline, where 1,500 employees – mostly CPC members – work in shifts over 24 hours to provide a single point of access for any and all problems and queries – for example, rubbish being left on the street, heating not working, older people not receiving food deliveries. In the article below, Morning Star international editor Roger McKenzie – one of the delegates – notes that some people even called the hotline “because they were concerned about the unequal distribution of bamboo shoots to the world-famous pandas at the zoo.”

Roger writes: “All calls are answered within 15 seconds and a guarantee is given that your concern, question or complaint, will be addressed within seven days. Calls are passed on to local authorities as appropriate to deal with the issue. Anyone who calls will get a call back to tell them what has been done and be given the opportunity to confirm whether the issues have been resolved to their satisfaction.”

The 12345 service, which has been rolled out across China, is tremendously popular with its users. Its efficiency connecting problems to solutions is aided by extensive use of artificial intelligence.

The article compares the 12345 hotline with the near-impossibility of contacting public services in Britain. “Sometimes we just need a bit of advice but get the runaround and passed to people whose main job appears to be not to add unnecessarily to their already hefty workload. A workload increasing by the year as they do the job that used to be done by two or three others before the cutbacks.”

The 12345 hotline is a great example of the Chinese government’s commitment to serving the people and demonstrates the practical application of the CPC’s founding ethos in a modern setting.

This article was first published in the Morning Star on 23 April 2024.
Public service cuts are sweeping across Britain. Essential services are being cut to the bone and, in many areas, have disappeared altogether.

A number of councils, including the largest, Birmingham, have even had to declare bankruptcy.

In Britain, if there is no budget to meet the people’s needs then the services have to go.

Meanwhile, in China, responding to the needs of the people rather than the needs of the budget is the priority.

Some people will read what I have just said and shout: “That it’s just Chinese propaganda!” Not so. Unlike many of those quick to disparage “socialism with Chinese characteristics” as some kind of sloganising nonsense, I have bothered to go and see it for myself.

As many of you will know, I worked for many years in the leadership of the country’s largest public services union. Even though I left the organisation, I am still interested in how public services are delivered, and make a point on any working visit to investigate this for myself.

One thing that I have always been interested in is how public service organisations respond to requests or complaints about their services.

Many of us have been hanging on the telephone for a public service either waiting for someone to answer or left in that hell-hole of canned, plastic, easy-listening music otherwise known as “the queue.” We are often left frustrated and wondering whether to complain about the service or lack thereof.

Sometimes we just need a bit of advice but get the runaround and passed to people whose main job appears to be not to add unnecessarily to their already hefty workload. A workload increasing by the year as they do the job that used to be done by two or three others before the cutbacks.

The Chinese dealt with all of these problems by setting up the 12345 helpline in 1987. The helpline is a phone and online system that anyone in China, including visitors, can use to ask questions or make complaints.

Businesses can also use the helpline to get advice on things such as relocation, name changes, etc. In fact it seems to me you can use the hotline to ask about pretty much anything.

At the 12345 centre, one of our Friends of Socialist China delegation was asked to call the number and ask a question.

Francisco Dominguez said he was at our hotel and needed to get a taxi to take him into central Beijing.

The operator patiently advised him what to do. The call was logged and went into a system that would follow any trends.

Dominguez said: “The response was very quick although they were surprised by the request.

“They spoke in English which was helpful. Within seconds they got back with a number and an alternative to call.”

He added: “It was a very efficient service.”

It was clear that most calls were about far more serious things than the need for a taxi.

Calls covered issues ranging from rubbish collection, getting a lift fitted or repaired and enquiries about official papers.

Some people did call in because they were concerned about the unequal distribution of bamboo shoots to the world-famous pandas at the zoo.

All calls are answered within 15 seconds and a guarantee is given that your concern, question or complaint, will be addressed within seven days. Calls are passed on to local authorities as appropriate to deal with the issue.

Anyone who calls will get a call back to tell them what has been done and be given the opportunity to confirm whether the issues have been resolved to their satisfaction.

Around 1,500 staff work in shifts over 24 hours. The numbers on duty can be varied to take into account predicted hotspots such as major sporting events.

All members of staff are part of the nearly 100 million members of the Communist Party of China — putting the party at the service of the people in a very practical way. Each call is recorded and keywords are used to help identify trends which are fed through to national and local authorities to address.

Delegation member Russel Harland is a public service worker in Surrey. He said: “When I saw the hotline in action I was overwhelmed because I’ve worked in a similar job for a number of years to give advice on social care among other issues but also as someone who has worked for the Alzheimer’s society as a dementia adviser.

“We saw something in action which was about resolving issues by getting to the crux of the problems that people were having.

“The intention was to solve these issues rather than avoid them but also to carry out an evaluation so the issues don’t happen again.”

Harland said public service workers in Britain were overwhelmed by endless budget cuts and said he couldn’t help thinking as a public servant, “How can we get our politicians and planners to start looking more closely at schemes like this?”

Rashida Islam, a delegation member from Halifax, said: “I was particularly struck by 12345’s dedication to serving people and was also very interested by how this platform is used to shape some of the nation’s policies.”

Co-founder of the Black Liberation Alliance Fiona Sim said: “I was really impressed with how the people are being connected with the government and the Communist Party.

“I just had to think about all the elderly people, disabled people people who are vulnerable and might not have been able to reach out for help or reach out for support in any other ways.

“So I feel the 12345 hotline really provides a crucial lifeline to the world not just for material needs but also for emotional and psychological wellbeing.”

There is little doubt that this nationwide service available to the 1.4 billion population and anyone who visits is about being people-centred rather than budget-centred.

It is also about making sure that the CPC does not lose sight of its mission to put itself at the service of the people.

This fits entirely with the view of Chinese revolutionary Qu Qubai who said in 1927 that the theory of revolution can never be divorced from the practice of revolution and that the “work of applying Marxism to China’s national conditions cannot be delayed for a day.”

Applied today this must mean making sure that the people have the best possible services in place to enable them to get by every day. The 12345 hotline is an important and very popular part of building the Chinese revolution. ... he-people/


Taiwan: An Anti-Imperialist Resource
Qiao Collective, a diaspora Chinese media collective challenging US aggression against China, published in February of this year an “Anti-Imperialist Resource” on the topic of China’s Taiwan province, the island’s history and its place in contemporary and 20th-century geopolitics. The resource contains a useful introduction, which is reprinted below, alongside a detailed timeline, and links to contemporary “left pro-unification” articles, summaries of economic issues, statistical analysis of public opinion, and other resources to aid understanding. This resource is the latest in a series of reading lists on topics related to contemporary China, and particularly ‘hot button’ issues frequently weaponised against China in Western media. The full list can be accessed here.

Below, Friends of Socialist China reprints the resource’s introduction, and encourages readers to explore and utilise the extensive collection of materials to gain a full understanding of the complexities of cross-straits relations, and the winding road of China’s path of reunification, which is an essential element of its projects of national rejuvenation and overcoming the legacy of colonialist and imperialist interference.

The historical context provided here is particularly useful while the current administration of Taiwan province is engaging in various forms of historical obscurantism: whitewashing the crimes of the period of Japanese occupation, while at the same time hiding the reality of the period of the Nationalist KMT’s “white terror” and military dictatorship, with martial law lasting until 1987. The introduction notes that “proponents of Taiwan independence rely on an overlapping revisionist toolkit that elides the historical context of unresolved civil war.” The full resources also importantly highlight that pro-reunification voices and organisations continue to exist on Taiwan province (despite concerted violent suppression campaigns), and that when the population are surveyed, ‘independence’ is not the preferred option for the majority.

The introduction stresses that a proper understanding of historical context, and awareness of arguments of contemporary pro-reunification activists, can help readers unpick the frequent use of “left” language, such as that of ‘settler-colonialism’, employed by liberal advocates of independence to obscure the reality of Taiwan’s position in the intrigues of imperialism. As the CPC has asserted on many occasions, reunification will be a benefit to Chinese on both sides of the straits, stating in a recent white paper on the topic: “The future of Taiwan lies in China’s reunification, and the wellbeing of the people in Taiwan hinges on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, an endeavor that bears on the future and destiny of the people on both sides.”

The collection of materials “serves as a starting point for understanding China’s aspirations for national reunification and Taiwan’s overdetermined status as an ‘unsinkable aircraft carrier’ for Western ideological, economic, and military power in Asia and the Pacific.”
In the Western imagination, Taiwan exists as little more than a staging ground for ideological war with the People’s Republic of China—a crossroads of democracy versus authoritarianism, Western values versus Chinese backwardness, and free market capitalism versus closed-door communism. Yet for centuries, the island of Taiwan has played a rich and pivotal role in broader Chinese history. Located just one hundred miles from the mainland’s southeastern coast, Taiwan was linked to the mainland through migration, trade, language and culture long before European and Japanese colonizers seized on its strategic location as a launchpad for economic and military forays against China at large. Today, this history continues as U.S. imperialism positions Taiwan as an ideological and military base for its new Cold War against China.

Taiwan’s separation from the Chinese mainland began in 1895, when the Qing government was forced to cede Taiwan to Japan after its defeat in the First Sino-Japanese War. While Japan’s surrender at the end of World War II legally restored Chinese sovereignty over Taiwan, the Chinese civil war and the global Cold War once again rendered Taiwan an instrument for imperial ambitions against China. For the ascendant postwar United States, the 1949 establishment of the PRC under the Communist Party of China marked the “loss of China”—a blow that was partially recouped by propping up the fleeing Chiang Kai-shek government in Taiwan as “Free China.” In 1950, as the U.S. waged war to prevent the socialist unification of Korea, President Harry Truman dispatched the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet to the Taiwan Strait to similarly foreclose the possibility of a unified socialist China. The legacy of that militarized division remains today, as the U.S. enforces the separation of Taiwan from the PRC through multibillion-dollar arms sales, menacing war games, and a concerted propaganda drive which together undermine the possibility of peaceful reunification. This bipartisan campaign of hybrid warfare has intensified over the last fifteen years, following China’s rise as a major power, the corresponding U.S. Pivot to Asia, and the era of “decoupling” pursued by both the Trump and Biden administrations. As the U.S. military declares the Pacific its primary theater of war, successive U.S. administrations have marshaled enormous economic, military, and ideological resources to build up Taiwan as a focal point for this new Cold War. This program violates the letter of the one-China principle and the spirit of the United States’ own “one-China policy,” which together have formed the basis for bilateral relations since 1979. Furthermore, they neglect the centuries-long shared history of Taiwan and its people with their neighbors across the strait.

Just as Western colonialism was once justified as a “civilizing mission,” U.S. imperial designs on Taiwan and China at large march under the banner of promoting “democracy” and defending the international “rules-based order.” The U.S. claim to be acting in defense of Taiwan’s “vibrant democracy” from Chinese authoritarianism is particularly ahistorical, given that the United States is responsible for propping up the Kuomintang (KMT) military dictatorship under Chiang and his successors for almost forty years. Meanwhile, despite grandiose language about U.S. global leadership, the reality is that the majority of the world understands cross-strait relations to be an internal matter for China. Only eleven UN member states maintain formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan (as the Republic of China), and no country recognizes Taiwan as an independent nation. This fact is unsurprising; UN recognition of the PRC as the legitimate representative of China came on the wings of overwhelming support from the Third World. Having experienced the genocidal violence and economic exploitation inherent to the Western imperial system, the Global South, like China itself, adheres to the tenets of sovereignty and non-interference.

Though ideologically diverse, proponents of Taiwan independence rely on an overlapping revisionist toolkit that elides the historical context of unresolved civil war shaping the cross-strait relationship. Instead, China’s aspirations for national unity are cast in terms of imperialism and expansionism. The era of KMT martial law is counterfactually invoked as precedent for authoritarian Chinese encroachment, obscuring the historical KMT-CPC rivalry and the role of the U.S. in supporting the military dictatorship. Meanwhile, the history of Japanese colonialism has been systematically revised to present a relatively “benign” rule that forms the bedrock for a non-Chinese local identity. Claims that Taiwan’s democracy has “voted out” reunification as a political pathway omit the crucial context that the island’s most vocal left-wing supporters of unification were systematically purged, jailed, and murdered under Japanese colonialism and KMT rule. Efforts to co-opt Taiwan’s yuánzhùmín, or indigenous peoples, into the project of Taiwan independence rely on a similar level of obfuscation; despite the separatist camp’s appropriation of decolonial rhetoric, yuánzhùmín have historically been apathetic towards the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). And in spite of attempts to stake Taiwan separatism to a schema of ethnic difference, official demographics list 95% of Taiwan’s population as being Han Chinese, the majority ethnic group of the Chinese mainland.

While those on the left may be (rightfully) skeptical of elite rhetoric of freedom and democracy, this rhetoric of Chinese imperialism, settler colonialism, and ethnic chauvinism may be harder to parse for those unfamiliar with Taiwan’s history. Yet, whether it is couched in the moralizing language of classic Cold Warriors or self-styled leftists, Taiwan independence ultimately serves the material interests of Western imperialism. Like the European and Japanese imperialists that colonized Taiwan for access to Chinese trade from the 17th through the 20th century, the United States transparently envisions the island as an outpost for efforts to contain China militarily and decouple from it economically. More than 70 years since U.S. military leader Douglas MacArthur described Taiwan as an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” in the nation’s Cold War against China, Taiwan remains a crude asset for U.S. military realpolitik. It is the linchpin of the so-called first island chain that links the 400 U.S. military bases spread across Asia and the Pacific and, crucially, home to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world’s largest advanced semiconductor chip manufacturer. Lofty narratives of Taiwan independence thus ultimately fuel consent for militarization, intervention, and war while marginalizing anti-imperialist voices for diplomacy and peace. They also disguise the true intent of retaining Taiwan as a neocolonial outpost of Western empire to undermine China’s sovereign economic development. There is no “independence” in becoming a U.S. client regime entrapped in a capitalist world order. It would set a precedent for any country, large or small, that challenges U.S. hegemony to be balkanized with impunity. For the left to support such an outcome would be self-sabotage on an epic scale, regardless of the titanic politico-economic shifts on both sides of the strait since the Chinese Revolution of 1949.

The modern-day context around cross-strait relations is complex and evolving, and the lives of Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan strait have been negatively affected by centuries of imperialism. We recognize that there is no perfect, clear-cut path to development after colonization and civil war, but insist on China’s right to defend its sovereign project of socialist construction. Cross-strait relations should be debated and resolved on Chinese terms and in Chinese dialogues only. They should not be used as crude ammunition in the U.S.-led geopolitical assault on China.

This syllabus includes a condensed timeline of Taiwan’s history to provide historical context to contemporary discussions about China, as well as a list of resources that highlight key aspects of cross-strait relations and history. It is not intended to be comprehensive in scope, for Taiwan’s place in Chinese history extends far beyond the recent centuries of Western and Japanese imperialism in Asia. Nor is it intended to offer simple answers to questions about mainland China and Taiwan. It aims only to be a starting point for critical inquiry, and we urge readers to seek a diversity of sources and form their own opinions. A more detailed understanding requires further study into Taiwan’s history, cross-strait relations, Chinese politics, and ongoing geopolitical developments.

The full resource can be accessed here. ... -resource/
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat May 11, 2024 2:04 pm

Why China Has Little Reason To Trust the U.S.
By Paul Atwood - May 8, 2024 0


In the last decade xenophobic tropes intended to stoke fear and loathing of Chinese have accelerated ominously in the American mainstream media as many public officials of both parties label China as our “adversary” or even our “enemy.”

This last formulation is deep cause for growing alarm, especially because many decisions have been made to agitate Beijing and its unambiguous position on the “red line” over the issue of Taiwan. One American general asserts that war between the two nations will begin in 2025.[1] The Pentagon’s official budget approaches one trillion dollars and research is under way to “modernize” the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary “xenophobia” is defined simply as “fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners.” When reports circulated that the Covid virus emerged from a laboratory in Wuhan, China ( a cooperative effort between Beijing and the U.S.), anti-Chinese/Asian violence itself became epidemic overnight. Ever-increasing bulletins about the menace of “communist” China and its threat to the American economy have proliferated. The messages of mainstream media are controlled by policy makers in and outside the American government who abrogate the hypocritically vaunted principle of press freedom and thereby “manufacture” the consent of the public.

In 2021 the U.S. Department of State unequivocally stated that:

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses the central threat of our times, undermining the stability of the world to serve its own hegemonic ambitions. Despite efforts to defend its malign actions, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under the control of the CCP is not a model world citizen.”[2]

The State Department then goes on to cite China’s “predatory economic practices, military aggression, disregard for human rights, [and] environmental abuses,” as if the U.S. is not seen by many nations across the world as the worst offender on these matters.

It is true that Beijing has increased its nuclear warheads, launched another ultra-modern aircraft carrier armed with hypersonic missiles, and is steadily modernizing its military overall.

But the obvious response to this is that, certainly since the Korean War when General Douglas MacArthur openly advised using atomic weapons to create a “radioactive belt” across China and President Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower then publicly threatened their use, China has every reason to fear and mistrust the U.S. A decade later the Chinese acquired their own nuclear weapons.

General Douglas MacArthur [Source:]

Exactly how does the PRC threaten the U.S., much less the world? Are Chinese naval and air bases parked off American shores as the U.S. has established only miles off China’s coast? Are thousands of Chinese troops stationed in nearby countries only miles from U.S. borders? Have Chinese forces invaded, much less totally desolated, other nations thousands of miles distant, as assuredly the U.S. has done since it rose to the top of the international dog-fight for control of the world in 1945?


Emphasis on the term “communist” to describe China today is a clear ploy to resurrect the “specter of evil” propaganda that suffused the American post-World War II geo-political atmosphere, thereby enabling the U.S. itself to conduct utterly malign wars in Korea and Vietnam and more.

The designation of communism long ago ceased relevance. The reality is that China practices its own form of capitalism that deeply competes with American aims and will not submit to the fantasy of a “rules-based international order” imagined and enforced from Washington in which China plays the role of junior partner, or “model citizen.” That is the crux of the problem. The issue of how to make a world profitable for American commercial and financial interests, and to contain or crush any serious competition, is and has always been the sine qua non of U.S. foreign policy, with deep roots extending back to the nascent country’s earliest relations with China.

Since the establishment of the republic, American elites have often and successfully unleashed floods of xenophobic propaganda against those whom they wish the public to abominate, beginning with native peoples, then Africans and even white Irish. Then came the immigrant Chinese: first, when they were recruited as peon labor during the Gold Rush, then when thousands of laborers were critical to build half the Transcontinental Railway.

Thence, Chinese lived in segregated ghettos chiefly on the West Coast and were soon vilified as gangsters, opium dealers and prostitutes. Unhappy that Chinese born in the U.S. received constitutionally guaranteed citizenship, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 to limit their further rise in population. By the late 19th century, the phrase “yellow peril” became commonplace when referring to Chinese and any Asians.

Late 19th century yellow peril cartoon. [Source:]

The roots of Chinese distrust of the U.S. and the West date back longer than most Americans realize. Western exploitation and attempted colonization of Chinese territory extends back more than two centuries. Racist anti-Chinese attitudes were much in evidence in the “China Trade” during the early years of American independence, when merchant vessels undertook long voyages to Guangzhou, the port they labeled “Can Ton.” Canton, a town in Massachusetts near Boston, is thought to have been named because many China Trade merchants settled there.

Few of them regarded China’s 5,000-year-old civilization as worthy of note, seeing it as backward and primitive compared to their own self-importance. In turn Chinese traders saw Westerners as “barbarians” with little to offer them. They would happily sell spices and porcelain desired by American elites but found little of interest to purchase from Westerners.

Matters changed radically in the early 1820s. The British East India Company had learned that production of opium in its Indian colonies was highly profitable when sold throughout Asia. Having seized its first Chinese colony of Hong Kong the Brits saw a vast market for the substance in China and elsewhere. Traffic in opium soon also opened possibilities for American merchant enrichment, and in Massachusetts especially. The Chinese rulers soon realized how destructive opium addiction was to their society and how rapidly it was spreading.

The Qing dynasty’s attempt to limit the opium traffic was met with violence, initiating two major wars in the mid-19th century, after which Britain imposed harsh terms on the declining imperial system and began a series of encroachments on Chinese territory and independence. The weakness of the Qing emperor was duly noted by many Western nations, including the United States.

Depiction of Commissioner Lin Zexu presiding over ceremony dumping British-trafficked opium at sea. [Source:]

Though Boston merchants came to control only ten percent of the opium trade in China, they were vastly enriched and some of the profits financed the early industrial revolution in America, as well as the physical development of Boston itself and institutions like Harvard University. Many aristocratic figures known as “Boston Brahmins” owed their fortunes to opium, among them the grandfather of President Franklin Roosevelt, Warren Delano.

Warren Delano [Source:]

Opium merchants were well aware of the addictive qualities of the substance, that drove the demand, and their desire for ever-increasing profits overrode any concern. Before long opium addiction also began to spread in the U.S. itself, evolving then to morphine addiction among Civil War veterans, and on to the heroin plague of the 20th century. Today, trade in addictive drugs accounts for an enormous slice of legal and illegal global “trade.”

As immigration from Europe in the 19th century swelled the U.S. population exponentially, American annexation of other people’s land also escalated. The religious doctrine of “Manifest Destiny” claiming that “Divine Providence” intended the U.S. to civilize the New World was in full flower.

After deliberately and dishonestly provoking war with Mexico and taking another quarter of today’s territory by force, the United States had reached the end of continental expansion and its Pacific boundary. The rapidly intensifying industrial revolution that took root at the end of the Civil War created a “crisis of overproduction” leading to mass unemployment and domestic labor strife.

Two major depressions occurred back-to-back, leading most financial, political and military elites to conclude that overproduction compelled a quest for “ultimate supremacy” in the world markets.[5] With the four-centuries-old Qing dynasty in clear decline, the “Great China Market” became the object of international contention. Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and others began to carve out separate colonies along coastal China for their individual economic benefit.

In 1904, Judge, a weekly satirical magazine, ran this cartoon titled “The New Square-Deal Deck,” with Theodore Roosevelt saying, “Come, now, gentlemen; it is time to throw aside that worn-out deck and try one which will give both of you a square deal.” The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was repeatedly extended, sparking anger from the Chinese government and overseas Chinese. In the picture, a Chinese and Uncle Sam take turns to play their political cards, neither side willing to give in. [Source:]

The U.S. insisted, however, on the “Open Door” to all of China’s resources, including cheap labor, by all contestants in unbridled competition, also introducing the phrase “laissez-faire” to claim that all would have equal access in a “free market.” In reality, Europeans knew that America’s economy was rising rapidly and would soon outstrip and outcompete their own. We rarely hear of the “Open Door Policy” today, yet it remains the bedrock doctrine of American economic, political and military strategy planet-wide, or what has become termed the “rules-based international order”—the rules to be established and enforced by Washington.


There was domestic resistance to the Western, and Japanese, overrun of coastal China and annexations of territories. The ever-weakening Qing dynasty allowed foreign powers to occupy and administer Chinese areas to their own advantage, much to the grievance of the Chinese population.

In 1900 a people’s uprising against this foreign exploitation erupted, known as the Boxer Rebellion, deriving its name from a secret martial arts society. Thousands of young Chinese attacked the outposts of foreign occupiers and demanded their expulsion from all Chinese territory.

The U.S., European powers and Japan all committed troops against the rebellion and shortly crushed it, setting in motion critical events throughout the 20th century that advanced the evolution of modern China. We can be sure that the Chinese people have not forgotten this history. Most Americans are clueless.

U.S. troops in China during the Boxer Rebellion. [Source:]

The escalating rivalry of Europeans in Europe itself led to all-out war in 1914 and this induced all powers except Japan to withdraw from China. The U.S. financed the Allies and avoided entry into World War I until the last year when it became clear that the debts owed by Britain, France and Russia would never be paid unless American military forces tipped the balance on the battlefield.

At the same time Washington understood that it had become the dominant economic power on Earth. President Wilson attempted to foster an international League of Nations that would be financially indebted to the U.S. but Britain held on to its shrinking power and began to stir the next round of war. The so-called “Peace of Versailles,” by which Germany was held entirely to blame for the war and forced to accept military occupation and pay enormous reparations to the Allies, all but ensured the rise of the Nazis.

In China the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion by foreigners set in motion the collapse of the Qing dynasty that was overthrown by a combination of Nationalists, known as the Kuomintang, who sought to form a Western-style republic, and early socialists influenced by European ideas and the revolution in Russia. Initially, the two movements attempted co-operation but soon split violently. Chiang Kai-shek had become leader and virtual dictator of the Kuomintang and, in 1927, conducted mass executions of communists leading immediately, and for more than 20 years, to bloody civil war. At roughly the same time Japan invaded Manchuria and began its takeover of China and southeast Asia.

Chiang Kai-shek [Source:]

The attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor was not the “cause” of war between Tokyo and Washington. Japan had burst upon the international scene as a result of conflict with the U.S. in the 1850s when American naval forces had “opened” Japan with the threat of force to American and Western commerce.

Until that time Japan was a deeply insular civilization, but its leaders looked around Asia and saw that “the West” was subordinating and colonizing many peoples. Japan deduced that it could soon be next so, virtually overnight, it modernized entirely and began to do what the Europeans and Americans had been doing.

First, Japan waged war against China and occupied a large province, moving from there to the conquest and occupation of Korea and then, during World War I, seized Germany’s Pacific island colonies. In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria in northern China and, by the end of the decade, occupied much of French Indo-China and the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia today).

Japan was closing the Open Door.

At the same time Nazi Germany was closing much of Eastern Europe and the Soviets had already closed out most American commerce in their vast area. As the Great Depression deepened, the U.S. was shut out of markets. Tokyo was able to attack the U.S fleet in the mid-Pacific because Washington had deliberately left it vulnerable, knowing that the attack would inflame public opinion that previously had been adamantly against entering the war.

By no means did Tokyo have the military potency to invade the U.S. and force it to Japan’s will, nor did it have the remotest desire to do so. Japan’s strategy was to knock out any American capacity to jeopardize Japan’s imperial desire to dominate Eastern Asia and have time to build itself a powerful empire in opposition to the Americans, British, French and Dutch. As for Germany, the Third Reich proved unable to cross the English Channel. How could it cross the Atlantic to attack the U.S.?

Neither Germany nor Japan wanted war with the U.S. The Roosevelt administration entered World War II deliberately, not because it was threatened militarily but because it knew it had the industrial capacity to produce a war machine more than capable of victory, and saw opportunity finally to open China on terms long desired by key American economic, political and military elites.

During the 1930s, in the lead-up to war, the U.S. State Department, and elements of the soon-to-be Central Intelligence Agency, crafted a secret alliance with the Kuomintang. At least a year before Pearl Harbor, American pilots were released from duty in the U.S. Army Air Force, in clear violation of Congress’s Neutrality Laws, and were soon flying Kuomintang aircraft provided by the U.S. against Japanese troops in China.[6] That was only one major provocation leading Tokyo to prepare for war with the United States. (See Jeremy Kuzmarov, “Eighty Years of Lies,” CovertAction Magazine, December 7, 2023).

Flying Tigers during World War II. [Source:]

In the month before Japan’s fiery atomic collapse Soviet entry had quickly overrun China and Korea and virtually guaranteed the ascendancy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the escape of the Kuomintang to the island of Taiwan in 1949. Washington immediately condemned the communist government as illicit, recognizing instead Chiang Kai-shek’s regime on the island, the Republic of China (ROC), as the only valid government of China.

Dwight Eisenhower rides in a motorcade with Chiang Kai-Shek in Taiwan in the early 1950s. [Source:]
The United States had lost China to the Chinese—the wrong Chinese. The U.S. then threatened the use of nuclear weapons against China.

It is important to note that the Soviet Union could probably have guaranteed the entire takeover of Korea by communists. However, contradicting the standard portrait of communists. the USSR made a deal with Washington. American troops had played no role on the ground in Asia.

After crushing Japanese resistance Stalin essentially invited American forces into southern Korea, temporarily dividing it until such time that the nation could hold elections. American strategists, seeking a foothold on the ground in Asia, consented to the deal but knew that such an election would be won by the “commies” who had earned much popular support.

Just as Chinese communists had won loyalty from masses of peasants because of their opposition to Japanese and Kuomintang corruption, so had the Korean communists in their military campaigns against the hated Japanese occupiers. Therefore, the U.S. allowed rigged elections only in the south.

In 1949-1950 numerous cross-border military incidents on both sides raised tensions. When the northern communists suddenly “invaded” their own country, the Korean War broke out. President Truman ordered hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, calling it a “peace action” under authority of the Security Council of the United Nations. Truman claimed in October 1952 that “we are fighting in Korea so we won’t have to fight in Wichita, or in Chicago, or in New Orleans, or on San Francisco Bay.”[7]

Early in the war the commander of American forces, General Douglas MacArthur, pushed north, driving communist forces back. Realizing that American troops would soon be on their borders, the Chinese Army crossed into Korea and drove “allied” forces back into the south with heavy losses, creating a real possibility of a devastating American rout. Secretary of State Dean Acheson frankly stated that “the defeat of U.S. forces in Korea in December (1950) was an incalculable defeat to U.S. foreign policy.”

U.S. forces in North Korea during the Korean War. [Source:]

At that moment MacArthur issued his open threat to use atomic weapons to create a “radioactive belt” along China’s southern border. He was forced to resign his command. Yet, shortly thereafter, President Truman stated publicly that the use of atomic weapons was under “active consideration.”

As the war ground on to stalemate, the failure of negotiations in 1953 led recently elected President Dwight Eisenhower also to threaten use of nukes, which resulted in the current Armistice, a cease-fire, not a peace treaty. Today Korea is still divided and technically in a state of war. The U.S still has approximately 30,000 troops stationed on North Korea’s borders, close to China and Russia, and nuclear weapons aboard the American submarine fleet.

In the decade following the Korean War, China achieved its own nuclear force. According to the Pentagon Beijing has 500 nuclear weapons. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists states that at least 100 of these are capable of reaching American cities.

In 1972 the Nixon administration and the PRC issued the joint “Shanghai Communique” in which Washington “acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China,” adding that the U.S. “does not challenge that position” and affirmed the “ultimate objective of the withdrawal of U.S. forces and military installations from Taiwan.”

Nixon at a banquet in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, in February 1972, Shanghai Communist Party leader Zhang Chunqiao is to his left and Premier Chou En-Lai is to his right. [Source:]

On January 1, 1979, President Jimmy Carter, following Nixon’s “opening” to China, issued another communique stating that the United States would henceforth diplomatically recognize the communist People’s Republic of China (PRC) and renounce recognition of the “Republic of China” (ROC), the Kuomintang regime that had ruled Taiwan as a U.S. client for 30 years.

Carter’s televised communique stated that “The government of the United States of America acknowledges the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China.” In a separate statement Carter announced that his administration would terminate the U.S.-ROC defense treaty and withdraw military personnel from Taiwan within four months.

Jimmy Carter and Deng Xiaoping at a press conference on January 31, 1979, in Washington, D.C. [Source:]

Carter’s position was immediately attacked by opponents of the measure in Congress, arguing that the statement did not unambiguously stipulate that the U.S. agrees that “Taiwan is part of China,” only that it recognized that China believed so. Whether this was a deliberate loophole, or a flaw in diplomatic language, the result was that Congress soon passed the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act that all but negated Carter’s stated desires.

The TRA clearly enables the U.S. to continue the supply of weapons and “defensive service” (i.e., American military advisers) to enable the island sufficient self-defense capability and to resist “any coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system” of Taiwan. In 1982 President Ronald Reagan authorized officials to convey to the PRC that the U.S. did not agree to a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan. Those sales continue.[8]

Thus, the current environment between the two superpowers is designated as “strategic ambiguity” that, according to the RAND Corporation, is designed “to keep all parties guessing” and foster “dual deterrence” i.e., Taiwan won’t initiate war by declaring independence while China is restrained by the possibility of American defense of Taiwan if it does. More than a few strategists in both parties think that the U.S. should provide Taiwan with a NATO-style security guarantee. That anyone in a position to influence American policy thinks this way is a measure of how fundamentally irrational and uncoupled from reality Washington is becoming. The threat of NATO on Russia’s borders has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, and led Russia to promise nuclear retaliation should the U.S./NATO directly intervene.

The PRC’s military analysts have noted that Beijing will be ready to launch a full-scale invasion of its own territory in a few years.


Consider the following imaginary scenario: The United States is rapidly coming apart ideologically. Some states like Texas are in open defiance of Washington on the crisis at the Mexican border. From 1836 to 1845 Texas was an independent “nation” before being annexed by the U.S.

In June 2022, the Texas Republican Convention adopted a platform urging the legislature to put a referendum before the people of Texas in November 2023 “to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation.” Does anyone believe that the U.S. government would allow such an eventuality? Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia asserted that the Civil War solved the constitutional issue of secession once and for all. Any attempt by Texas actually to secede would be sanguinary indeed since that state has more armed citizens than any other.

The imperial Qing dynasty occupied Taiwan in 1683 and China has claimed it for four centuries. Any attempt by Taiwan to “secede” from China will be far worse than bloody.

It is absolutely clear that the twin threats of extinction by human-caused climate change or nuclear war are truly the existential Catch-22s facing the human species. Can we finally learn that the identically insane international competition operational today that engendered both world wars in all probability is leading to the third and final one? What the world needs now is serious and committed international cooperation with an honest commitment to global disarmament… or else! Can geo-political intelligence on the part of masses of people overtake the psychopathy into which the human species is descending?

1.Air Force General Mike Minihan, “My gut tells me we will fight in 2025,” Reuters, January 28, 2023. ↑

2.U.S. Department of State, “Chinese Communist Party: Threatening Global Peace and Security,” January 2021. ↑

3.Associated Press, 2023. ↑

4.The Guardian, July 28, 2022. ↑

5.Thomas J. McCormick, China Market: America’s Quest for Informal Empire, 1893-1901 (Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1967). ↑

6.James Doubek, “The Flying Tigers: How a group of Americans ended up fighting for China in WWII,” National Public Radio, December 19, 2021.

7.Paul L. Atwood, War and Empire: The American Way of Life (London: Pluto Press, 2010). ↑

8.Congressional Research Service, “Taiwan: The Origins of the U.S. One-China Policy,” September 27, 2023. ↑ ... t-the-u-s/


Cooperatives in China: current status and prospects for significant growth
The following article by Ali Al-Assam explores the issue of cooperatives in China, drawing on insights from the recent Friends of Socialist China delegation.

Ali – who is Managing Director of the NewsSocial Cooperative, as well as being a lifelong activist in the communist, anti-imperialist and progressive movements in both Britain and Iraq – describes the delegates’ visit to the Lu Wei Agricultural Machinery Farmers’ Professional Cooperative in Jilin, “a voluntary collective that now oversees 667 hectares, commanding 90 percent of the village’s farmable area.” Ali observes that the cooperative has allowed for greater mechanisation of agriculture, and has led to a 20 percent increase in income for participating families. The cooperative runs in a highly democratic manner, with profit-sharing decided collectively and major decisions made at general meetings. Ali observes that the cooperative “embodies a microcosm of efficiency, offering end-to-end services from ploughing to grain processing.”

The Chinese government is encouraging such cooperatives by providing subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. The number of agricultural cooperatives is on the rise in China, and “the Chinese leadership has made exceptional efforts to nurture these cooperatives, advocating for the adoption of cutting-edge technology and sustainable farming practices… President Xi Jinping has underscored the significance of steering small-scale farmers towards modern agriculture to safeguard food security, a move he deems foundational for the nation’s modern socialist aspirations.”

This article was first published in English on NewsSocial and in Arabic on Mushtarek.
During my recent visit to China from April 14th to 24th, 2024, I had the opportunity to engage with seasoned members of the cooperative movement, among whom were British nationals who live in China. A highlight of my trip was spending a substantial part of a day, together with colleagues from ‘Friends of Socialist China’, exploring an agricultural cooperative in the north-eastern Jilin province.

The law on Specialised Farmer Cooperatives was passed by the National People’s Congress, coming into effect on July 1 2007. As stated by Tim Zachernuk In his excellent study of cooperatives in China: “The law acknowledges international cooperative experience as codified in the cooperative principles formulated by the International Cooperative Alliance. The law states that cooperatives are independent and autonomous organisations, should be democratically managed, and that their primary aim is to serve the interests of their members. There are no contradictions between the ICA principles and the Chinese law. A cooperative adhering to ICA principles would be perfectly legitimate under the cooperative law.” Tim Zachernuk pointed to some difficulties in applying the law which seems to have been resolved to some degree since 2015.

The Chinese government, particularly since 2020, has increasingly championed the cooperative model as an engine for employment enhancement, income growth for workers, and the stabilisation of rural and urban economies. These initiatives often dovetail with broader reforms aimed at reforming both privately owned and state-owned enterprises and bolstering employee ownership and governance participation.

China’s cooperative landscape is experiencing robust growth and enjoying strong government support. This growth is not only vast but also offers a multitude of learning and partnership opportunities. A notable advancement likely to further solidify democratic practices within cooperatives is the enactment of the Revised Company Law, set to take effect on July 1, 2024. This law is pioneering at the national level in that it establishes the employee representative assembly as the fundamental mechanism of corporate governance. For an in-depth understanding, refer to Dr. Guank Li’s comprehensive analysis of the law.

Insights into China’s Cooperative Landscape

The latest data offers a snapshot of the scope and impact of cooperatives across China:

Agricultural Cooperatives: Recent figures indicate that China has over 2 million agricultural cooperatives, engaging nearly 100 million households. These entities are key to the agricultural sector, delivering services that elevate productivity and expand market access. The Chinese leadership has made exceptional efforts to nurture these cooperatives, advocating for the adoption of cutting-edge technology and sustainable farming practices. It is essential to note that China sustains almost a fifth of the global population on a mere 9% of the world’s arable land. Therefore, enhancing farmer incomes and technological integration through agricultural cooperatives is key to meeting these demands. President Xi Jinping has underscored the significance of steering small-scale farmers towards modern agriculture to safeguard food security, a move he deems foundational for the nation’s modern socialist aspirations.
Consumer Cooperatives: While precise data on consumer cooperatives is elusive, their presence is significant in both urban and rural settings, impacting local economies by leveraging collective buying power to lower prices.
Credit Cooperatives: There are approximately 1,900 rural credit cooperatives that serve tens of millions of rural inhabitants and businesses, filling a critical gap in financial services for communities underserved by conventional banks.
Service Cooperatives: A broad category that spans healthcare, education, and transportation, service cooperatives play an essential role in enhancing access to vital services, especially in underdeveloped regions.
Industrial Cooperatives: Though not as numerous as their agricultural counterparts, industrial cooperatives are gaining traction, particularly within the SME sector. These cooperatives facilitate scaling and cost reduction through collaborative efforts. A notable mention is Huawei, a tech colossus that aligns closely with cooperative principles, setting a remarkable precedent in the industry.
The Story of the Lu Wei Agricultural Machinery Farmers’ Professional Cooperative
During my journey through Jilin province, I had the privilege of visiting the Lu Wei Agricultural Machinery Farmers’ Professional Cooperative, together with colleagues from the ‘Friends of Socialist China’. Established in 2011 by Liu Wei and five other members, the cooperative directly confronts the challenges posed by agricultural mechanisation and the inefficiency of small, fragmented land holdings.

From Humble Beginnings to Agricultural Force

Lu Wei’s cooperative began with a clear vision: to unite fragmented farmlands and introduce modern machinery to amplify productivity and income. The result: A voluntary collective that now oversees 667 hectares, commanding 90% of the village’s farmable area. This consolidation has not only streamlined agricultural processes but has also proven to be economically transformative, members report a 20% income increase compared to non-member farmers.

A Model of Modernization and Efficiency

The cooperative doesn’t just farm farmland; it embodies a microcosm of efficiency, offering end-to-end services from ploughing to grain processing. This approach has swelled its ranks to 180 members and extended its services to an additional 600 households. When government subsidies for agricultural machinery became available, Lu Wei, himself a member of the Communist party, seized the opportunity, integrating 30 machines into their operations and garnering 1.5 million yuan in subsidies—catapulting the cooperative into a new echelon of agrarian modernity.

Governance in a Cooperative Framework
My discussions with the cooperative’s members, albeit brief, were useful. Major decisions are democratically made at general meetings, reflecting the members’ voices in the cooperative’s direction and operations. Echoing the broader economic governance in China, the Communist Party also plays a significant role in shaping the general trajectory of the cooperative. Profit-sharing is decided collectively: bonuses are distributed based on each farmer’s land contributions and their labour throughout the year, ensuring fairness and motivating hard work.

The cooperative’s wall display spelled out these principles in some detail, see below the original display and their translation.



Translation of the rules Lu Wei’s Rules and Regulations
Board of Directors Responsibilities

1. Organise and convene the members (representatives) conference and implement the resolutions of the members (representatives) conference.

2. Formulate the company’s development plan, annual production and operation plan, internal management rules and regulations, etc., submit them to the members (representatives) meeting for approval, and organise the implementation of the company’s various work tasks.

3. Formulate annual financial budget and final accounts, surplus distribution and loss recovery plans, and submit them to the members (representatives) conference for review.

4. Organise and carry out member training and various collaborative activities.

5. Manage the company’s finances and property and ensure the safety of the company’s property.

6. Receive, respond to, and handle inquiries and suggestions raised by executive supervisors or the board of directors.

7. Hire or dismiss the company’s managers, financial accountants and other staff.

8. Determine the capital contribution standards of members, review and approve the annual business report submitted by the Society’s Board of Directors and Supervisory Board.

9. Perform other duties assigned by the members (representatives) conference.

Responsibilities of the Chairman

1. Preside over members (representatives) meetings, convene and preside over board meetings.

2. Sign the capital contribution certificate of the members of the society.

3. Sign the appointment or dismissal of the company’s operation and management person in charge, financial accountant and other personnel.

4. Organise and implement the resolutions of the members (representatives) conference and the board of directors, and inspect the implementation of the resolutions.

5. Sign contracts, etc. on behalf of the company.

Responsibilities of the Supervisory Board

1. Supervise the implementation of the resolutions of the members (representatives) conference and this charter by the Board of Directors.

2. Supervise and inspect the company’s production and business operations, and be responsible for the company’s financial audit and supervision work.

3. Supervise the performance of the board of directors or board members and managers.

4. Make an annual monitoring report to the members (representatives) conference.

5. Make inquiries and suggestions for improvement of work to the chairman or the board of directors.

6. Propose to convene an extraordinary members (representatives) meeting.

7. Responsible for recording the workload or transaction volume (amount) between the directors and the company on behalf of the company.

8. Perform other duties assigned by the members (representatives) conference.

Safety production system

1. Seriously abide by the operating procedures of agricultural machinery, memorize operation matters, and obey leadership instructions.

2. Insist on following the vehicle to ensure your own safety, and do not leave your post without permission.

3. When working, you must wear three tight overalls and work with the vehicle.

4. It is strictly prohibited to drive a motor vehicle while sick or drunk.

5. No one is allowed to sit (stand) while hanging or lifting agricultural tools. After it is raised, it is not allowed to remove soil, weeds, etc., or perform maintenance, adjustment or troubleshooting below it.

6. No driving is allowed without the approval of the supervisor.

7. Carry out daily maintenance of the locomotive to keep it clean and in good condition.

8. Fill out the work acceptance form carefully and submit it to the accounting office for safekeeping in a timely manner.

Translated Introduction to the Coop

Today’s company is located in Balimiao Village, Kangping Street, Gongli County, and was established in November 2011. After 9 years due to the reform and development, the membership has grown from 6 households at the beginning of its establishment to 176 households now, and has influenced 600 households. The cooperative now owns 54 sets of large-scale agricultural machinery. It is a new agricultural business entity integrating agricultural social services, large-scale operations and the promotion and application of new technologies. In 2015, it was rated as one of the top ten demonstration cooperatives in Jilin Province, and in 2016, it was rated as a national farmer demonstration cooperative. In 2017, the chairman of the cooperative, Lu Wel, was named a national agricultural system model worker, and in 2019, he was named a special labour model in Jilin Province.

Since its establishment, the cooperative has adhered to the principle of win-win cooperation, given full play to its leading role, vigorously promoted the “four modernizations” management, and strived to improve the comprehensive benefits of agricultural production.

Achieve large-scale land management.

Adopting three models of “bringing land into the cooperative, land leasing and land trust”, the cooperative’s operating area has reached 690 hectares, accounting for 86% of the village’s cultivated land area. Among them, the area of “bringing land into the community” is 210 hectares, accounting for 30.4%; the area of “land leasing” is 108 hectares, accounting for 15.6%; the area of “land trust” reaches 372 hectares, accounting for 54%. Driven by the organisation of cooperatives, Balimiao Village has basically realised large-scale land management, and has better solved the problem of “who will farm the land and how?” At the same time, the rural labour force is liberated, and farmers participating in cooperative operations can go out and concentrate on exporting labour services, and the annual per capita labour income can reach more than 20,000 yuan.

Realise the mechanisation of production operations.

Concentrated and contiguous land made agricultural mechanisation a reality. The cooperative makes full use of the national agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy to comprehensively improve the level of agricultural machinery and equipment.

Current cooperative

The total number of agricultural machinery equipment has grown from 1 set at the beginning of its establishment to 54 sets, covering all aspects of agricultural production, such as tillage, planting, management and harvesting, and realising full mechanisation of operations. Not only improves production efficiency, but also reduces production costs. The cost can be saved by 1,000 yuan per hectare

Realise the technologicalisation of production methods.

The cooperative conscientiously implements the strategy of “hiding food in the ground and hiding food in technology, insists an relying on science and technology for yields and benefits, and promotes the application of a series of advanced and major methods such as soil testing and formulated fertilisation, deep soll preparation, protective farming, and green prevention and control. The technology to increase grain production and income hall effectively improved the level of scientific farming. The average yield of com per hectare reaches more than 20,000 kilograms, which is 2,000 yuan more than conventional planting methods, and the income per hectare is increased by nearly 2.000 yuan

Achieve intensification of production and operations.

The cooperative innovates the way of agricultural cooperation and adopts the “five unifications” service model of unified supply of agricultural materials, unified planting management, unified plant protection services, unified agricultural machinery operations, and unified drying, collection and storage, which mobilises the enthusiasm of small farmers to participate in cooperative operations and effectively increases the number of farmers. farmers’ income. The net income of farmers who join the cooperative can reach more than 10.000 yuan per hectare of land, which is 20% higher than that of farmers who do not join the cooperative. In the future, the cooperative will adhere to the purpose of serving farmers, continue to innovate cooperation mechanisms, set an example and be a pioneer in promoting large-scale rural land management, accelerating the realisation of agricultural modernization, and leading farmers to increase their income and become rich, give full play to their demonstration and leading role, and contribute to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and contribute to the implementation of the rural revitalisation strategy. ... nt-growth/
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat May 18, 2024 2:33 pm


China continues to strengthen its relations with socialist Cuba in practical ways
On April 8, Radio Havana reported that: “The advance of a rice donation and the completion, with Chinese help, of the deepest oil well ever drilled in Cuba, illustrated in recent weeks the scope and relevance of cooperation between the two countries.”

The Cuban oil industry, it added, had reported the completion of the 8,477-meter well with the assistance of the Chinese company Gran Muralla.

The Chinese donation of rice, to help alleviate current food shortages on the island, was complemented by steps to increase cooperation in the fields of agri-food, biotechnology, transportation, and communications industries.

Meanwhile, Air China is to resume direct flights to Cuba from May 17. The flights were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following Air China’s move, on May 4, the Cuban government announced that Chinese citizens would no longer require a visa to visit Cuba. The Chinese travel platform Ctrip reported that online searches for travel to Cuba surged by 40 percent within half an hour of the announcement.

It has also been announced that China will be the guest country of honour at the 2025 Cuban Tourism Festival.

Song Wei, a professor with the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times that the resumption of direct flights will facilitate stronger connections between Cuba and the rest of the world, enhance its trade relations, and contribute to consolidating its development basis. It also helps mitigate the impact of the decades-long US embargo and enhances Cuba’s external economic ties in opposition to hegemony and unilateral sanctions.

She added that how to free themselves from the economic hegemony of the US and to seek more development partnerships are particularly important questions for Latin American countries, which is also the reason why Latin America attaches great importance to developing relations with China.

The following articles were first published by Radio Havana and Global Times.
China’s helping hand
The advance of a rice donation and the completion, with Chinese help, of the deepest oil well ever drilled in Cuba, illustrated in recent weeks the scope and relevance of cooperation between the two countries.

The Cuban oil industry reported with satisfaction the completion of the 8,477-meter well with the assistance of the Chinese company Gran Muralla.

More recent was the visit to Havana of Luo Zhaohui, president of China’s International Cooperation Agency for Development, when a donation of rice was made and memorandums of understanding were signed in the agri-food, biotechnology, transportation and communications industries.

The stay of the illustrious visitor was described by the host government as significant and a reflection of the consensus reached by the presidents of both countries, Xi Jinping and Miguel Díaz-Canel, who have met several times.

The most recent agreements and other previous ones are part of the course of relations that stand out for their special nuance.

China understands and cooperates with Cuba in pressing circumstances for the latter, due to the tightening of the U.S. blockade and the inclusion of the Caribbean country in a list that Washington unilaterally points out as sponsors of terrorism.

Now, if Beijing’s gestures and actions towards Havana are relevant and comprehensive, so are the prospects for exchanges.

The Chinese President spoke of a community with a shared future and in view of that aspiration, the steps taken in that direction come to mind.

China has established itself as the second largest trading partner of the land of José Martí, the second nation of origin of imports and the main destination of Cuban exports of goods.

The Caribbean state, where the Air China airline is due to fly to in May, joined the Silk Road and Belt Initiative and shares with the Asian giant part of its advances in science.

As Cuba has stressed, the world power does not impose political requirements for the granting of credits or financial facilities, contrary to what has been speculated in part of the hegemonic press and the so-called independent press, financed from abroad.

The two parties have been quick in their ties and expectations are high, as in tourism, and Cubans are consistent with the commitments they have made.

Cuba’s visa-free policy for Chinese nationals leads to rocketing tourism searches
As a result of the Cuban government’s Saturday announcement of a visa-free policy starting this month for Chinese citizens holding ordinary passports, searches for related tourism products on Chinese travel platforms surged 40 percent, and direct flights between China and Cuba are set to resume soon.

The announcement was made by Cuban Tourism Minister Juan Carlos Garcia during the 42nd Cuban International Tourism Fair (FITCuba 2024), which was held at the seaside resort of Cayo Coco in Cuba’s province of Ciego de Avila.

Garcia also said that China will be the guest of honor of the Cuban Tourism Festival 2025 and that direct flights between China and Cuba will resume on May 17.

Half an hour after the visa-free policy was announced, searches for keywords such as Cuban hotels and flights increased by more than 40 percent on travel platform Ctrip compared with the previous day, the leading domestic online travel agency told the Global Times on Sunday. Residents from Beijing, Shanghai, and provinces including Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian showed a very high level of enthusiasm regarding information about Cuba, according to Ctrip.

Currently, there are no direct flights between China and Cuba, but Air China has scheduled to resume the Beijing-Havana direct flight, the only direct route between China and Cuba, on May 17.

According to data from Chinese travel platform Qunar, the current price for a one-way Beijing-Havana ticket is around 8,200 yuan ($1,132), with two flights per week, while the return trip costs about 5,700 yuan.

At a business forum held in Beijing in November 2023, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz called to establish direct flights between Beijing and Havana as soon as possible to facilitate trade and business. He said that both sides had agreed to push forward bilateral cooperation deals in a comprehensive way.

The resumption of the flight between China and Cuba is of great significance in promoting South-South cooperation and advancing cooperation between China and Cuba, Song Wei, a professor with the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, told the Global Times on Sunday. She noted that since Cuba is facing greater fragility due to its size and its status as a developing island country, enhancing connectivity and strengthening its integration into global value chains are particularly crucial for its development.

The resumption of the flight route will facilitate stronger connections between Cuba and the outside world, enhance its trade relations, and contribute to consolidating its development basis, Song said. It also helps mitigate the impact of the decades-long US embargo and enhances its economic ties with the rest of the world as an opposition against hegemony and unilateral sanctions.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the decades-long US embargo, geopolitical uncertainties and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, Cuba’s situation is complex, and it has been facing many difficulties. Marrero said during his visit to China in November that the primary task for the Cuban government is to set economic and development goals, and the tourism sector will be a major source of growth. Marrero expressed his anticipation for the resumption of direct flights in 2024. He also said he hoped to see a record-breaking number of Chinese tourists visiting Cuba after the resuming flights.

As of April 26, Cuba has received more than 1 million international tourists in 2024, according to data from the Cuban Ministry of Tourism. The Cuban government expects to receive 3.5 million international tourists by the end of the year.

Due to factors such as distance and cost, Cuba is not a traditionally popular outbound destination for Chinese tourists. However, Cuba, as well as countries like Mexico and Brazil in Latin America, boasts unique cultural and natural landscapes, which are highly attractive to Chinese tourists, Qin Jing, general manager of Public Affairs at Ctrip Group, told the Global Times on Sunday.

According to Song, for countries like Cuba, which are developing small island countries in the Caribbean, the tourism industry is a crucial economic pillar. Strengthening flight connections between China and Cuba can allow Chinese consumers to reach Cuba more conveniently, thereby greatly promoting its economic development.

The visa-free policy for China starting in May can better assist Chinese travelers in expanding consumption in Cuba, thus boosting the Cuban economy, Pan Deng, director of the Latin American and Caribbean Region Law Center of the China University of Political Science and Law, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Pan said that China aims to help Cuba in the services industry and trading activities through civilian initiatives, and the positive impact of visa-free entry lies in facilitating easier economic and trade cooperation in the tourism and services industries with Cuba.

Moreover, the upcoming flight from China to Cuba is truly visa-free, as a transit visa is not required on this route, Pan said.

Apart from the Beijing-Madrid-Havana route, Air China also resumed its Beijing-Madrid-Sao Paulo route on April 28. This route, known as the longest in the world, covers approximately 17,500 kilometers in total, with a total travel time of 23 hours and 20 minutes including the stopover. Meanwhile, China Southern Airlines recently launched a new route from Shenzhen direct to Mexico City. Covering a total length of 14,147 kilometers and with a flight time of approximately 16 hours, it is one of the longest routes in the world.

According to Song, the resumption and launch of air routes between China, Cuba, and other Latin American countries also reflect the strengthening of ties between China and Latin America.

Traditionally, Latin America has always been considered the “backyard” of the US, which sees the region as being within its own sphere of influence, leading to economic difficulties in the development of Latin American economies, Song said.

How to free themselves from the economic hegemony of the US and seek more development partnerships for their own economic development, and thereby solidifying their independent political and economic development, are particularly important for Latin America countries, which is also the reason why Latin America attaches great importance to developing relations with China, Song remarked.

Since the beginning of 2024, several countries have implemented visa-free entry policies for Chinese travelers, which have significantly boosted outbound tourists from China. During this year’s May Day holidays, the numbers of flight bookings to visa-free destinations exceeded those in 2019.

According to Qin, with this visa exemption policy and the immediate opening and resumption of direct flights from China to destinations in Latin America such as Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba, the time and cost for Chinese tourists to travel to these destinations are expected to be significantly reduced. It is anticipated that more Chinese tourists will embark on trips to Latin America. ... ical-ways/


Arnold August: slanders about Tibet/Xizang are designed to discredit Chinese socialism
The following interview with Montreal-based author, journalist and lecturer Arnold August describes Arnold’s 2023 visit to Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region (Tibet) and Qinghai.

Arnold discusses his visit to a boarding school in the Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai, where he toured the school, met with teachers and pupils, and asked a wide range of questions. Referencing the assorted lurid claims about how China is using boarding schools in order to “sinicise” Tibet, Arnold notes that the reality is quite different; indeed major efforts are made to preserve and promote Tibetan culture and language.

But why would Western forces want to spread slanders about boarding schools?

In brief, it is to discredit Chinese socialism. People in the West are increasingly looking for an alternative to capitalism. China does not present itself as a model. But China’s earth-shattering modernization and its cultural progress – in the broad sense of a civilized, peaceful, collective society, as opposed to the American individualistic jungle – is increasingly attractive. Hence the inevitable spoiler: “What about the boarding schools in Tibet?”

Arnold further notes that absolute poverty was eliminated in Xizang in 2019, observing: “While this is an amazing achievement in the rest of China, given the harsh social-economic Tibetan conditions, it is nothing short of a miracle.” He describes the situation prevailing before the emancipation of serfs in Tibet in 1959, when 95 percent of the population were slaves and serfs, had no land of their own and were considered the property of the serf owners.

The interview was first published in Global Times.
Over the past decades, Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region has experienced a period of unprecedented development. This year marks the 65th anniversary of Serfs’ Emancipation Day, a day to commemorate the emancipation of more than one million serfs in Xizang in 1959. Xizang, once plagued by poverty and backwardness, is now embarking on a new journey of modernization. This huge change astonished Canadian author and journalist Arnold August (August), who visited Xizang and neighboring Qinghai Province last year.

He shared with Global Times (GT) reporter Xia Wenxin his experiences during his field trip to this region as well as his thoughts on its development.

GT: You visited Xizang and Qinghai in the second half of last year. Can you share with us what you saw in these regions? What aspect of their development impressed you the most?

August: Our visit to a boarding school in Gonghe county in the largely Tibetan-speaking Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province

provided us with an eyewitness account to counter the allegations to which you refer. There are so many positive and enlightening features of this school that people in Western countries should know about.

Based on transparent and open-ended questions and answers during the tour of the classrooms (education is free), the dormitories (modern and well-equipped), the sports fields, the cafeteria (great health manual), the state-of-the-art multimedia rooms and classrooms, the exercise facilities for both the teachers and students, and much more, the veil of “mystery” surrounding boarding schools was completely torn apart.

I asked our hosts about the dormitories. The very term “boarding school” in North America rightly conjures up images of colonial genocide against indigenous peoples. But the answer was: “Normally, students sleep in the dormitories during the week. It’s convenient for their studies, in terms of time, and if they have any questions, they can just go and ask their teachers. Most students go home for the weekend. However, if they want to stay in school on the weekends, it’s okay – they can stay if they want to.”In response to the sub-question about why Western forces want to create these lies about boarding schools, in brief, it is to discredit Chinese socialism. People in the West are increasingly looking for an alternative to capitalism. China does not present itself as a model. But China’s earth-shattering modernization and its cultural progress – in the broad sense of a civilized, peaceful, collective society, as opposed to the American individualistic jungle – is increasingly attractive. Hence the inevitable spoiler: “What about the boarding schools in Tibet?”

We counter what we call “whataboutism” by turning the tables on the skeptics, by asking “what about” the universally recognized facts of the Canadian and American states’ responsibility in the actual genocide of the first peoples in the boarding schools? And side by side, we present the facts about China, based on firsthand evidence by visitors and analysts.

GT: There is a view that Xizang is a microcosm of China’s achievements in construction and development and an all-encompassing window into Chinese modernization. Do you agree with this? How does the development of Xizang reflect the characteristics of Chinese modernization?

August: Yes, this view is supported by our visits to several such sites as examples of Chinese achievements. But let’s focus on one, the National Innovation Base, which is a long bus ride from Lhasa. It was built by the local government in 2017. Its basic purpose is to give post-university young people the opportunity to build their own businesses or, in the words of the hosts there, to build their own dreams. They are provided with free office space for a period of three years. Water, electricity and housing fees are covered by the government. They told us that “the young people just need to bring their computers and start working here. Everyone has access to the site’s online platform to sell their products.”

This center is not only an example of China’s achievements in construction and development and a comprehensive window on Chinese modernization, but it is also an example of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In short, this innovative path seeks to avoid the extremes of full public ownership of the means of production and a planned economy. How does it do this? It does this by redefining the relationship between state ownership and individual effort with the goal, as our hosts told us, of “realizing dreams.” Thus, while all the conditions for individual success are created, the individual is also socialized. It is thus an example of the balance between state and market, a sine qua non for further Chinese modernization.

GT: On March 28, 1959, the central government led the people in Xizang to launch democratic reform, abolishing Xizang’s feudal serfdom under a theocracy. After learning about this part of the history, how do you see the life of the Tibetan people after 65 years?

August: As part of the preparation for our field trip, I was able to acquire a documentary on the social and economic reality of Xizang from 1951 to 1959, to which Zhaxi Wangdui, a Tibetan cameraman, contributed significantly. Replete with videos, the documentary tells how the ruling class consisted of three groups of landowners: feudal officials, aristocrats and upper-class lamas. They represented only 5 percent of Xizang’s total population, while serfs made up 95 percent of the population. The ruling 5 percent controlled most of the arable land, pastures, forests, mountains, rivers, wetlands and most of the agricultural tools and livestock. The remaining 95 percent of the population, who were slaves and serfs (they themselves were the property of the serf owners) had neither land nor pasture. They had to work for the serf owners and paid land rent to them.

Everywhere we went [in Xizang], in museums and other venues, we saw footage and photos of Tibetans joyfully burning the legal documents that kept them in serfdom for centuries. As a result, March 28 was declared Serfs’ Emancipation Day. The day was designated to commemorate the historic date in 1959 when one million serfs were freed in Xizang.Our hosts were proud to tell us that absolute poverty was eliminated by the end of 2019. While this is an amazing achievement in the rest of China, given the harsh social-economic Tibetan conditions, it is nothing short of a miracle.

Many Western media and governments tend to respond to these achievements, such as the elimination of extreme poverty, by saying, “But at what cost?” As usual, they infer from their preconceived notions that this poverty alleviation program was imposed on the people, somehow at the expense of their cultural heritage and language. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example, our visits included the Xizang University, the Xizang Museum and a school dedicated to promoting traditional Tibetan culture to youth through music and dance.

Moreover, a simple stroll through the streets of Lhasa confirms this. Furthermore, our regular daily interactions with the Tibetan guide, who was with us the entire time from Beijing to Lhasa and back to Beijing, showed his pride in the Tibetan heritage as well as the Chinese government. ... socialism/


China and the struggle for peace: a dialogue between Andrew Murray and Ken Hammond
Date Thursday 30 May
Time 6pm Britain / 1pm US Eastern / 10am US Pacific
Venue Zoom, YouTube and Facebook
Organisers Friends of Socialist China
Morning Star

There is an escalating paranoia in the West about China’s rise: China is accused of stealing Western technology; spying on British parliamentarians; sending surveillance balloons to the US; preparing for war over Taiwan; undermining Western sanctions against Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Iran and Syria; and generally subverting the “rules-based international order”. Politicians and media pundits are calling for a tougher stance on China, accusing it of manufacturing overcapacity, debt trap diplomacy and human rights abuses. In response to these purported violations, the G7 countries have imposed sanctions and heavy tariffs on Chinese products, including solar energy materials and electric vehicles.

China meanwhile has not been at war in over four decades, maintains a constitutional commitment to peaceful development, and claims to be “building a global community of shared future, with the goal of creating an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity”.

This dialogue between Ken Hammond and Andrew Murray – following on from their November 2022 dialogue on the evolving significance of the Chinese Revolution – will explore the history and contemporary reality of China’s foreign policy, the “China threat”, multipolarity, the New Cold War, nuclear weapons, the principles of peaceful coexistence, and more.
Andrew Murray is vice-president and founding chair of Stop the War Coalition, a longstanding trade unionist, peace campaigner, and one of the leading thinkers of the British left. He has written a number of books, including most recently ‘Is Socialism Possible in Britain?’, reflecting on his time serving as a political advisor to Jeremy Corbyn. Andrew has maintained an active interest in China for several decades, and has been vocal in his opposition to the New Cold War.

Ken Hammond is a professor of East Asian and Global History at New Mexico State University. He was a student organiser at Kent State University at the time of the shocking incident of 4 May 1970, when the Ohio Army National Guard shot and killed four students peacefully protesting the invasion of Cambodia when Nixon escalated the Vietnam War, and was indicted as one of the ‘Kent 25’. Ken lived and worked in Beijing between 1982 and 1987 managing activities for American educational delegations.

Ken earned his PhD in History and East Asian Languages from Harvard University in 1994, and has worked in support of friendly US-China relations for many decades. He is a founder of the US-based movement Pivot to Peace, set up in 2020 in response to the escalating anti-China rhetoric emanating from US politicians and media. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Chinese History, published by Cambridge University Press, and the author of several books, including From Yao to Mao: 5,000 Years of Chinese History. Over the years he has taught at universities in Beijing, Shanghai and Shijiazhuang.
Please register and spread the word! ... n-hammond/


RAY McGOVERN: Russia & China — Two Against One
May 17, 2024

Xi Jinping’s reception of Putin yesterday in Beijing sealed the increasingly formidable strategic relationship, fundamentally misunderstood in Washington.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping and their teams meeting in Beijing on Thursday. (Konstantin Zavrazhin, Kremlin)

By Ray McGovern
Special to Consortium News

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s extremely warm reception of President Vladimir Putin yesterday in Beijing sealed the increasingly formidable Russia-China strategic relationship. It amounts to a tectonic shift in the world balance of power.

The Russia-China entente also sounds the death knell for attempts by U.S. foreign policy neophytes to drive a wedge between the two countries. The triangular relationship has become two-against-one, with serious implications, particularly for the war in Ukraine. If U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign policy geniuses remain in denial, escalation is almost certain.

In a pre-visit interview with Xinhua, Putin noted the “unprecedented level of strategic partnership between our countries.” He and Xi have met more than 40 times in person or virtually. In June 2018, Xi described Putin as “an old friend of the Chinese people” and, personally, his “best friend.”

For his part, Putin noted Thursday that he and Xi are “in constant contact to keep personal control over all pressing issues on the Russian-Chinese and international agenda.” Putin brought along Defense Minister Andrey Belousov as well as veterans like Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and key business leaders.

Joint Statements Matter

Putin and Xi in Beijing on Feb. 4, 2022. (, CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

Xi and Putin signed a strong joint statement Thursday, similar to the extraordinary one the two issued on Feb. 4, 2022, in Beijing. It portrayed their relationship as “superior to political and military alliances of the Cold War era. Friendship between the two States has no limits, there are no ‘forbidden’ areas of cooperation …”

The full import of that statement did not hit home until Putin launched the Special Military Operation into the Donbass three weeks later. China’s muted reaction shocked most analysts, who had dismissed the possibility that Xi would give “best friend” Putin, in effect, a waiver on China’s bedrock policy of non-interference abroad.

In the following weeks, official Chinese statements made clear that the principles of Westphalia had taken a back seat to “the need for every country to defend its core interests” and to judge each situation “on its own merits.”

Nuclear War

Thursday’s statement expressed concern over “increased strategic risks between nuclear powers” — referring to continued escalation of the war between NATO-supported Ukraine and Russia. It condemns “the expansion of military alliances and creation of military bridgeheads close to the borders of other nuclear powers, particularly with the advanced deployment of nuclear weapons and their means of delivery, as well as other items.”

Putin has undoubtedly briefed Xi on the U.S. missile sites already in Romania and Poland that can launch what Russians call “offensive strike missiles” with flight time to Moscow of less than 10 minutes. Putin surely has told Xi about the inconsistencies in U.S. statements regarding intermediate-range nuclear missiles.

For example, Xi is aware — just as surely as consumers of Western media are unaware — that during a Dec. 30, 2021, telephone conversation, Biden assured Putin that “Washington had no intention of deploying offensive strike weapons in Ukraine.”

There was rejoicing in the Kremlin that New Years’ Eve, since Biden’s assurance was the first sign that Washington might acknowledge Russia’s security concerns. Indeed, Biden addressed a key issue in at least five of the eight articles of the Russian draft treaty given to the U.S. on Dec. 17, 2021. Russian rejoicing, however, was short-lived.

Foreign Minister Lavrov revealed last month that when he met Antony Blinken in Geneva in January 2022, the U.S. secretary of state pretended he’d not heard of Biden’s undertaking to Putin on Dec. 30, 2021. Rather, Blinken insisted that U.S. medium-range missiles could be deployed in Ukraine, and only that the U.S. might be willing to limit their number, Lavrov said.

The Mother of All Miscalculations

Biden and Putin meeting at the at the Villa La Grange in Geneva, June 16, 2021, flanked by Blinken on left, Lavrov on right. (White House/ Adam Schultz)

When Biden took office in 2021, his advisers assured him that he could play on Russia’s fear (sic) of China and drive a wedge between them. This became embarrassingly clear when Biden indicated what he had told Putin during their Geneva summit on June 16, 2021.

That meeting gave Putin confirmation that Biden and his advisers were stuck in a woefully outdated appraisal of Russia-China relations.

Here is the bizarre way Biden described his approach to Putin on China:

“Without quoting him [Putin] — which I don’t think is appropriate — let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with China. China is seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world.”

The ‘Squeeze’

Putin in video conference with Xi on Dec. 15, 2021. (Kremlin)

At the airport after the summit, Biden’s aides did their best to whisk him onto the plane, but failed to stop him from sharing more wisdom on China:

“Russia is in a very, very difficult spot right now. They are being squeezed by China.”

After these remarks Putin and Xi spent the rest of 2021 trying to disabuse Biden of the “China squeeze” on Russia: it was not a squeeze, but a fraternal embrace. This mutual effort culminated in a Xi-Putin virtual summit on Dec. 15 of that year.

The video of the first minute of their conversation was picked up by The New York Times, as well as others. Still, most commentators seemed to miss its significance:


“Dear friend, dear President Xi Jinping.

Next February I expect we can finally meet in person in Beijing as we agreed. We will hold talks and then participate in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games. I am grateful for your invitation to attend this landmark event.”


“Dear President Putin, my old friend. It’s my pleasure to meet you at the end of this year by video, the second time this year, our 37th meeting since 2013. You have hailed … China-Russia relations as a model in international collaboration in the 21st Century, strongly supporting China’s position on safeguarding its core interests, and firmly opposed to attempts to drive a wedge between our two countries. I highly appreciate it.”

Is Biden still unaware of this? Have his advisers told him that Russia and China have never been closer, with what amounts to a virtual military alliance?

The Election

Putin has said he is aware that Washington’s policy toward Russia “is primarily impacted by domestic political processes.” Russia and China certainly assess that Biden’s policy on Ukraine will be influenced by the political imperative to be seen as facing Russia down.

If NATO country hotheads send “trainers” to Ukraine, the prospect of a military dust-up is ever present. What Biden needs to know is that, if it comes to open hostilities between Russia and the West, he is likely to face more than just saber rattling in the South China Sea — and the specter of a two-front war.

The Chinese know they are next in line for the ministrations of NATO/East. Indeed, it is no secret that the Pentagon sees China as enemy No. 1. According to the DOD’s National Defense Strategy, “defense priorities are first, defending the homeland, paced to the growing multi-domain threat posed by the People’s Republic of China.”

The Pentagon will be the last to sing a requiem for the dearly departed unipolar world. May sanity prevail. ... bal-peace/
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat May 25, 2024 2:13 pm

CIA’s Hong Kong Agitators Now Living It Up on Mainland
By Kit Klarenberg - May 21, 2024 0


Numerous Hong Kong residents who participated in violent protests against Chinese Communist Party rule just a few years ago are now living and working in China, according to a recent article by Bloomberg.

Among the “record number of [Hong Kong] residents” who are “flocking to Shenzhen for cheap food and a good time” are former anti-China activists who joined Western-sponsored activist groups in bloody protests “opposing President Xi Jinping’s encroachment of the former British colony,” Bloomberg News reported, adding that the trend toward relocation by Hong Kongers is “accelerating an integration once rejected by the city’s freedom-loving youth.”

A cited survey of Hong Kong residents under 40 years of age indicates 66% are now open to working and living “across the border,” a percentage which has tripled from just 22% in 2020. Other once-committed anti-Communist activists, including one who previously boycotted Chinese-owned restaurants in Hong Kong, “have set aside their ideals” and now “regularly go out of their way to the neighboring mainland city of Shenzhen,” the outlet explained.

After a short trip via Chinese-built high-speed rail, which has slashed commute times in half, Hong Kongers on the mainland enjoy “massive modern malls, bustling night markets and hip cultural parks preserved from old factory buildings… a booming array of entertainment choices and low prices further driven down by China’s longest deflation streak since the Asian financial crisis.” Meanwhile, the former head of Morgan Stanley Asia is quoted as saying “Hong Kong is over,” and “at risk of getting marginalized” as the mainland develops and grows.

In a tantalizing closer, Bloomberg ran a short interview with a 25-year-old Hong Kong native, and ex-activist. “Lured by cheaper prices in Shenzhen,” he moved across the border “into a bigger apartment,” commuting to work daily. While he “laments the shrinking space for speech in his former home,” he “doesn’t believe politics should get in the way of a good life.”

After all, “people may oppose the central government or have concerns about political freedom, but how does [sic] these concerns affect your everyday life? The truth is that it doesn’t.”

It is certainly believable that a higher standard and lower cost of living, cheaper housing and consumer goods, and raucous nightlife have prompted activists to jettison their professed commitment to democracy. Yet, as we shall see, the Hong Kong “pro-democracy” movement was always a U.S.-sponsored astroturf effort, financed and directed by the CIA and its “overt operations” cutout, the National Endowment for Democracy.


Now Washington’s ability to foment anti-Communist sentiment in China has been drastically curtailed, due to the CPC’s explicit efforts to crack down on shady NGOs and civil society organizations which could be used to foment “color revolutions” within its borders. It is thus no surprise protesters have moved on to new things.

BBC blows open “Davos for Dissidents”

In November 2014, BBC Newsnight visited a meeting of the Oslo Freedom Foundation (OFF). Host Laura Kuenssberg wandered through a Norwegian hotel, where political campaigners from all over the world were gathered for a series of briefings and workshops on overthrowing their respective governments. Kuenssberg referred to the assembled as “the aristocracy of activists,” meeting to “share ideas and learn about agitating for positive change over champagne and canapés”:

“In the basement of this four-star hotel, human-rights activists come to what feels a bit like a school for revolution…This workshop? How to make sure your message—whether in Egypt, Ukraine, Hong Kong or North Korea—catches on. This may not evoke the spirit of the barricades, but the teaching here is that, to be successful, to topple a government for good, you have to be organized, and plan meticulously.”

Kuenssberg went on to note that attendees in that particular class were involved “in organizing the current protests in Hong Kong,” then-ongoing under the auspices of the “Umbrella Movement.” Unrest was sparked on the island by proposals to grant universal suffrage in elections for the city’s leader, but only allow voters to select from a list of candidates vetted by Beijing. For 79 days students occupied streets around government buildings and office skyscrapers in the city’s financial district.

Scene from 2019 Hong Kong protests. [Source:]

Kuenssberg boasted, “their plan to put thousands on the streets of the territory was, in fact, hatched nearly two years ago.” Newsnight then cut to an interview with Yang Jianli who, in his mid-20s was involved in the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, and subsequently fled to the U.S. Upon returning to China in April 2002, he was jailed for four years, then another year after refusing to leave the country once released.

On a table adjacent to Yang was a laptop, through which he was chatting to none other than Joshua Wong, the Umbrella Movement’s young face, catapulted to international stardom in 2019 for his very public opposition to Beijing’s attempts to revise its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, which resulted in the National Security Act a year later.

Testifying to Congress in favor of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, which compels Washington to sanction Chinese officials purportedly responsible for human rights abuses on the island, he also led unauthorized protests in June that year, for which he was subsequently jailed. In the Newsnight clip, Kuenssberg notes Yang had been talking to student activists in Hong Kong “on a daily, almost hourly basis.”

She repeated that activists involved in the 2014 unrest were “trained, long before taking to the streets, to use non-violent action as a weapon of mass destruction.” This segued into a brief talking head insert with Jamila Raqib, Executive Director of the Albert Einstein Institution, which “advances freedom with non-violent action,” and has received funding from NED, among others.

“Protesters were taught how to behave in a protest, how to keep ranks, how to speak to police, how to manage their movements, how to behave when arrested,” she revealed.

Jamila Raqib - Oslo Freedom Forum

Jamila Raqib [Source:]

The Newsnight excerpt concludes with clips of a boozy after-party at the hotel. As members of Russia’s Pussy Riot take selfies with other attendees, Kuenssberg observes, “like at any good conference, the evenings see deals done over drinks.” She adds that, while viewers would likely “never know” most of those in attendance at the OFF summit, “the next revolutionary, who will change their country, could just be in this room”:

“Schmoozing for democracy! To say this is a strange event hardly begins to cover it…There’s something deeply incongruous about North Korean defectors, Ukrainian freedom fighters, even hackers, trading information over glasses of champagne. They call it ‘Davos for Dissidents’ for a very good reason.”

Member of Pussy Riot urinating on a photo of Vladimir Putin at a show in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in April 2023. Pussy Riot members are heroes of the regime-change crowd. [Source: Photo courtesy of Jeremy Kuzmarov]

Color revolutions no more?

Suspiciously, days after broadcast, the British state broadcaster issued a rare clarification, stating that, while the Newsnight episode “may have given the impression that the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests were planned by foreign activists[,]…references to the demonstrations were intended to mean the planning was carried out in Hong Kong, with support from abroad.”

Kuenssberg clearly said too much, for her reference to the Umbrella Movement being “hatched” two years prior to the Newsnight report’s broadcast comports precisely with when NED funding for “pro-democracy” projects in Hong Kong began flowing. In 2012, US$460,000 was invested “to foster awareness regarding political institutions and constitutional reform…develop the capacity of citizens—particularly university students—to more effectively participate in public debate…[and allow] students and citizens to explore possible reforms leading to universal suffrage.”

Fast forward to September 2016, and NED published a report on the progress of its Hong Kong “democratization” efforts, which made repeated references to Joshua Wong, a movement he founded known as Scholarism, and a political party he led called Demosisto. Meanwhile, NED grants grew significantly in size, into the millions. In lockstep, political unrest and protest on the island also intensified.

Joshua Wong, the face of the umbrella movement. [Source:]

In 1991, senior NED official Allen Weinstein acknowledged that “a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” Among the cloak-and-dagger work previously conducted by the Agency was the creation of the Albert Einstein Institution, as featured in Newsnight’s investigation. Its founder Gene Sharp, who died in 2018, joined Harvard’s Center for International Affairs in 1965, also known as “the CIA at Harvard.”

Gene Sharp [Source:]

The Center’s leaders and employees were prominent Cold Warriors heavily tied to the U.S. national security state. For example, its first co-directors were Henry Kissinger and Robert Bowie, future CIA deputy chief.

Sharp perfected many methods of non-violent resistance and regime change, which have influenced protest movements and “revolutions” on every continent. Yugoslavia’s OTPOR!, an NED-created youth protest group that brought down Slobodan Milosevic in 2000, was heavily informed by his writings.

OTPOR! went on to spread its model, and Sharp’s methods, globally, creating the Center for Applied NonViolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS) for the purpose. Groups it created were at the forefront of color revolutions across the former Soviet sphere in the early to mid-2000s, and Arab Spring activists were also taught in “bringing down a dictator,” as a fawning contemporary “documentary” on Milosevic’s overthrow, narrated by Martin Sheen, was titled.

As an activist within Pora, a CANVAS-created youth protest movement in Ukraine central to the NED-orchestrated 2004 “orange revolution” revealed at the time: “The bible of Pora has been the book of Gene Sharp,…From Dictatorship to Democracy. Pora activists have translated it by themselves. We [wrote] to Sharp and the Albert Einstein Institute [sic] in the United States, and he became very sympathetic towards our initiative, and the Institution provided funding to print over 12,000 copies of this book for free.”



As The Grayzone reported, in October 2023 CANVAS became embroiled in controversy after Georgian authorities accused its local chapter of plotting a Maidan 2.0, in conjunction with ethnic Georgians working for the Ukrainian government tied to jailed former President Mikheil Saakashvili, including Mamuka Mamulashvili, commander of the notorious Georgian Legion. The effort would have sprung Saakashvili from jail, while installing a government more willing to open a second front against Russia.

Mikheil Saakashvili [Source:]

Saakashvili was installed by the NED-financed “rose revolution” in 2003, with much Western fanfare. Even State Department house journal Foreign Policy has admitted the results were “terribly disappointing,” as major change “never really materialized” and “elite corruption still continued apace.” The former president was imprisoned in 2021 for, among other crimes, ordering violent attacks on political rivals, and personally helping one of his ministers cover up a hideous murder they personally directed. Current Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili has made clear she will “never” pardon him.

Georgia’s Rose Revolution [Source:]

Tbilisi is now pursuing a foreign agents law which would compel NGOs and other organizations to disclose their overseas funding. The legislation is intended to prevent another color revolution erupting in Georgia.

Meanwhile, like Saakashvili, Joshua Wong languishes in prison, potentially facing a life sentence for conspiracy to commit subversion. It has been reported that, before his arrest in June 2020, he sought refuge in Washington’s Hong Kong consulate, but the State Department refused him entry.

“It would have made the U.S.-China relationship even more contentious,” a source in the know explained. Evidently, being a U.S. puppet is not as politically and financially profitable as it once was. It almost certainly never will be again. ... -mainland/



China proves that not only is a new world possible but it has already arrived
In this article for the Morning Star, Roger McKenzie draws on his experiences on the recent Friends of Socialist China delegation, which combined visits to historical sites with discussions on contemporary Chinese politics, as well as providing an opportunity to witness the Chinese modernisation process in action.

Roger notes “the lengths the Chinese were taking to celebrate their revolutionary history at the same time as looking for ways to be at the cutting edge of modernisation”. This highlights the Chinese communists’ insistence on remaining true to the original aspiration and founding mission. After all, the founders of the CPC “had a dream of a better and fairer society based on Marxist principles” – a dream that still guides the Party today.

The article concludes that those of us in the West can learn a great deal – and take inspiration – from the Chinese example.

“China proves to me that not only is a new world possible but it has already arrived — if we choose to look and if we dare to win.”
It’s really hard to imagine China as a weak and poor country. But it has been both. The weakness of the country which allowed the defeated Germans to hand over Chinese territory after World War I to the Japanese led almost directly to the formation of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

The CPC was formed in July 1921 on a red boat in Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province. It was the start of a century-plus journey from widespread poverty and political weakness to China becoming, according to many experts, the largest economy in the world.

China is a country high on ambition. The sort of ambition that would not have been possible without the bravery to set up the CPC under threat of imprisonment or death.

After many visits to China, my comrade and friend Keith Bennett, a co-founder of Friends of Socialist China (FSC), was visiting the Red Boat for the first time.

Bennett said: “I think what’s very impressive is how the history of the founding of the CPC is remembered and respected and it’s been passed onto the younger generations. We’ve been here today and we’ve seen lots of middle school students and younger school students all taking a great interest in it.”

Another comrade and co-founder of FSC, Carlos Martinez, agreed with Bennett’s analysis adding that he was impressed by the “inspiration that Chinese communists took from the Russian October Revolution and obviously from Marx and Engels.”

He added: “So when they talk about being true to their foundations, their roots and founding mission this includes the whole legacy of our global movement.”

I couldn’t help but notice the pride that people of all ages were taking in the history of the founding of the CPC. I witnessed the lengths the Chinese were taking to celebrate their revolutionary history at the same time as looking for ways to be at the cutting edge of modernisation.

The CPC seemed to have no difficulty in combining seemingly contradictory positions, whether it’s combining the old with the new or the market with socialism. For China, the key priority seems to be making sure that the people are put first.

In my view, one of the keys of Marxism is not to reduce it to an immovable dogma. For me — and I do not doubt that someone will see fit to correct me — it is a scientific tool that can be used to analyse the material circumstances confronting us and to use it to develop policies that put people rather than profits first.

The fact that the CPC has its hands on the levers of the market and is able to divert resources where they are most needed rather than into the pockets of greedy capitalists, makes all the difference.

Housing is often seen as one of the measures of how well an economy is serving its people. As I write this from Jiaxing I have yet to see a single homeless person on the street.

What I have seen is a diversity of housing provisions including a high-tech development called the Luli Future Community where quality housing, with fitness and children’s facilities, are available at a good price.

Some of the cost is subsidised by the central government — particularly for young people and public service workers such as doctors.

The brand new Party-Masses Service Centre in Jiaxing, which opened in 2021, is a hub for training, exhibitions, NGOs and the provision of mental health services.

Martinez said: “FSC Delegates to China were amazed to learn that you can register for counselling and get an appointment booked for the next day — free of charge.”

On one wall in the centre I saw “Only with peace of mind can the people and the country be safe,” which seemed a good summary of the work being carried out.

Whatever I say here “haters are always gonna hate.” I’m also not arrogant enough to believe that anything I say makes the slightest bit of difference.

But I can only say what I see and what I am seeing is a country brimming with confidence and full of ambition.

I’m also seeing a nation that refuses to be diverted from its upward course after generations of poverty and humiliation.

The Chinese seem prepared to think big and to continue to confound the racist stereotypes of China as a backward nation.

Any person with the slightest knowledge of history will know just how totally wrong that is.

China is thinking hard about what the future can look like and not waiting for it to shape them but, instead, taking steps to lead the way.

I visited the Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Centre where they have gathered some of the finest thinkers in architecture, health, industry and communications, to name but a few, to carry out research and to advise the government.

China is thinking big but not just for itself. It is prepared to share its knowledge with other countries in a spirit of win-win and mutual respect.

The incredibly popular but much-maligned Belt and Road Initiative is a prime example of this. The BRI is based on greater policy co-ordination with partners, connecting facilities, trade, financial integration and, importantly, building people-to-people bonds.

Far removed from the zero game US model of you’re either with us or against us. The US model is yesterday’s news. The global South, where most people on the planet live, has had enough and has already moved on.

Despite the goading and the sanctions led by the US, China is refusing to play a game that nobody wins. Instead, it is creating a new game with its global South partners.

Shifting the focus away from the old colonial powers to the people — billions of people. Along the way it won’t be perfect — tell me what is?

But we have to break with the idea that the old colonial rulers can sit at their table, divide up the world and tell everyone else what to do. Those days are gone forever. The US and its posse just need to understand this.

The only questions that really matter are how will the old world respond? Will they do what they know best and resort to violence and financial sanctions? This seems to be their response so far.

Alternatively, for those of us interested in building a new world, what might it look like? What more do we need to do to breathe life into that newborn?

What I have seen so far in China convinces me that socialism works. Those pioneers on the Red Boat had a dream of a better and fairer society based on Marxist principles.

I am not advocating copying China but we can apply the scientific methods of Marxism-Leninism to our own circumstances in the same way that the CPC has with its socialism with Chinese characteristics for the new era.

Some onlookers say China has abandoned Marxism. I don’t agree for the reasons I’ve already stated. Many have never been there but profess to know better than the people of China.

Clearly not everyone in the country of 1.4 billion people agrees entirely with the road being travelled.

I’m told there is a healthy debate within the nearly 100 million members of the CPC but it is clear to me that President Xi Jinping is providing clear direction and outstanding leadership.

Building a revolution against the stream is hard graft but it continues apace in China.

China is still red and will continue to attract partners interested in a different way, which may or may not be socialism. China proves to me that not only is a new world possible but it has already arrived — if we choose to look and if we dare to win. ... y-arrived/


Joint Statement between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation

Following talks between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Beijing on May 16, the first day of the Russian President’s state visit to China, the two countries adopted and signed a joint statement.

Divided into ten sections and running to nearly 8,500 words, the statement reflects the high degree of synergy between the two major developing countries and comprehensively deals with the full spectrum of bilateral relations, foreign policy issues and key questions facing humanity.

It begins by noting that, in 2024, China and Russia solemnly celebrate the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Over the past 75 years, China-Russia relations have gone through an extraordinary course of development. The Soviet Union was the first country in the world to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China recognized the Russian Federation as the legal successor of the Soviet Union and reiterated its willingness to develop China-Russia relations on the basis of equality, mutual respect and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Under the unremitting efforts of both sides, China-Russia relations follow the national interests of the two countries, uphold the spirit of good-neighbourliness and friendship forever, and maintain healthy and stable development.

They pointed out that the current China-Russia relations transcend the military and political alliance model of the Cold War era and are characterized by non-alignment, non-confrontation and not targeting third parties.

And they stressed that the development of the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era is in line with the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples, and is not a matter of expediency, nor is it affected by a single incident, and has strong endogenous power and independent value.

Russia reaffirmed its adherence to the one-China principle, recognized that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People’s Republic of China, opposed any form of “Taiwan independence”, and firmly supported China’s measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification. China supports Russia’s efforts to maintain its own security and stability, development and prosperity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity, and opposes external forces’ interference in Russia’s internal affairs.

The two sides pointed out that the world’s major changes are accelerating, and the status and strength of emerging powers in the “Global South” are constantly increasing and the acceleration of world multipolarisation is becoming more and more obvious. Countries that adhere to hegemonism and power politics go against this trend and attempt to replace and subvert the universally recognized international order based on international law with a “rules-based order”.

The two sides believe that all countries have the right to independently choose their development model and political, economic, and social systems according to their own national conditions and the will of the people and oppose interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, oppose unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction” without a basis in international law or authorization by the UN Security Council, and oppose drawing lines based on ideology. They point out that neo-colonialism and hegemonism completely run counter to the current trend of the times, and call for equal dialogue, the development of partnerships, and the promotion of exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations.

China and Russia will continue to firmly defend the results of the victory of the Second World War and the post-war world order enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and oppose the negation, distortion, and falsification of the history of World War II. They plan to solemnly celebrate the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the Soviet Union’s Patriotic War in 2025 and jointly promote a correct view of the history of World War II.

The two sides will further deepen military mutual trust and cooperation, expand the scale of joint exercises and training activities, regularly organize joint maritime and air patrols, strengthen coordination and cooperation under bilateral and multilateral frameworks, and continuously improve the ability and level of the two sides to jointly respond to risks and challenges.

They believe that, in accordance with the basic principle of sovereign equality of states in international law, international obligations regarding the immunity of states and their property (including sovereign reserves) must be strictly observed. The two sides condemn attempts to confiscate foreign assets and property, and stress that the victim state has the right to take countermeasures in accordance with international law.

This refers particularly to the multiple measures taken, and under consideration, by the imperialist powers against Russia. However, they are also threatened against China and have been deployed against a range of other countries, including Afghanistan, Venezuela, Iran, the DPRK and Equatorial Guinea, among others.

Having surveyed bilateral economic relations in detail, the statement also refers to some of their international ramifications.

The two countries will establish a China-Russia Arctic Channel Cooperation Subcommittee under the framework of the mechanism of regular meetings between Chinese and Russian prime ministers, carry out mutually beneficial cooperation in the development and utilization of the Arctic, protect the ecosystem of the Arctic region, promote the Arctic Channel as an important international transportation corridor, and encourage enterprises of the two countries to strengthen cooperation in increasing the cargo volume of the Arctic Channel and building the logistics infrastructure of the Arctic Channel

They will engage in constructive dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on the issue of navigation of Chinese ships to the sea via the lower reaches of the Tumen River.

They will also continue to work closely to implement the “Agreement on Economic and Trade Cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and the Eurasian Economic Union” signed on May 17, 2018, and promote the docking and cooperation between the joint construction of the Belt and Road and the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union and deepen all-round cooperation and connectivity in the Eurasian region.

In accordance with the “Medium-term Roadmap for the Development of Trilateral Cooperation among China, Russia and Mongolia” and the “Planning Outline for the Construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor”, they will continue to carry out trilateral cooperation among the three countries.

Turning to international organizations, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to building a more just and stable multipolar international pattern and are willing to deepen bilateral cooperation within the framework of the United Nations, including the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council, and strengthen coordination when discussing important international issues in various United Nations agencies.

They condemn unilateral actions that circumvent the UN Security Council, violate international law, such as the UN Charter, and obliterate justice and conscience, as well as unilateral measures that violate World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

The two sides believe that cooperation within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an important direction for strengthening the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries. They will continue to work together to build the SCO into an authoritative and influential multilateral organization, so that it can play a greater role in building a new, just and stable multipolar international pattern.

The two sides are willing to work with other BRICS members to implement the consensus of previous BRICS leaders’ meetings, promote the integration of new members into the existing BRICS cooperation mechanism, and explore the BRICS partnership cooperation model. They will continue to uphold the BRICS spirit, enhance the voice of the BRICS mechanism in international affairs and international agenda setting, and actively carry out “BRICS+” cooperation and BRICS outreach dialogue.

Both sides reaffirm their adherence to the “Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races” issued on January 3, 2022, especially the idea that a nuclear war cannot be won and must not be fought, and once again call on all participating countries of the joint statement to earnestly abide by the statement.

China and Russia support the success of the review process of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, and at the same time oppose attempts to use the treaty and its review process for political purposes unrelated to its content.

The two sides once again express serious concern about the US attempts to undermine strategic stability in order to maintain its absolute military superiority, mainly including the US building a global missile defence system and deploying missile defence systems around the world and in space, strengthening the ability of high-precision non-nuclear weapons to deprive the other side of the ability to organize military operations and the ability to launch “decapitation” strikes, strengthening the “nuclear sharing” arrangement of NATO in Europe and providing “extended deterrence” to individual allies, building infrastructure in Australia, a signatory to the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty, that could be used to ensure the implementation of US and British nuclear forces, carrying out US-UK-Australia nuclear submarine cooperation, and implementing plans to deploy and provide land-based medium- and short-range missiles to allies in the Asia-Pacific and Europe.

They express serious concern that the US, under the pretext of conducting joint exercises with its allies that are clearly aimed at China and Russia, is taking actions to deploy land-based intermediate-range missile systems in the Asia-Pacific region. The US side also claims that it will continue to advance the above-mentioned practices, with the ultimate intention of normalizing the deployment of missiles around the world. The two sides express the strongest condemnation of the above-mentioned measures that seriously undermine regional stability and pose a direct security threat to China and Russia and will strengthen coordination and cooperation to respond to the US so-called “dual containment” policy towards China and Russia, which is unconstructive and hostile.

Both countries are committed to the goal of a world free of chemical weapons and express deep concern about the politicization of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). They point out that the Chemical Weapons Convention, as an important mechanism in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation, should be fully complied with and urge Japan to fully, completely and accurately implement the “Plan for the Destruction of Chemical Weapons Abandoned by Japan in China after 2022” and destroy the chemical weapons abandoned in China [following Japan’s defeat in World War II] as soon as possible.

Regarding Ukraine, the Russian side positively evaluates China’s objective and impartial position on the issue and agrees with the view that the crisis must be resolved on the basis of full and complete compliance with the UN Charter. It welcomes China’s willingness to play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine crisis through political and diplomatic means.

The two sides pointed out that all actions that prolong the war and escalate the conflict must be stopped and called for avoiding the crisis from getting out of control. They stressed that dialogue is a good way to resolve the Ukraine crisis.

China and Russia believe that in order to steadily resolve the Ukraine crisis, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the crisis, abide by the principle of indivisible security, and take into account the legitimate security interests and concerns of all countries.

In the Asia Pacific region, the two sides oppose the piecing together of closed and exclusive group structures, especially military alliances targeting any third party. They point out that the US “Indo-Pacific Strategy” and the destructive actions that NATO intends to take in the region have a negative impact on its peace and stability.

The two sides express serious concern about the consequences of the US-UK-Australia trilateral security partnership (AUKUS) for strategic stability in the Asia-Pacific region in various fields.

The Russian side supports China and ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations] countries to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The two sides oppose the hegemonic actions of the United States to change the balance of power in Northeast Asia by expanding military forces and piecing together military groups. The United States adheres to the Cold War mentality and camp confrontation model, puts the security of “small groups” above regional security and stability, and harms the security of all countries in the region. The United States should stop such actions.

Specifically regarding the Korean peninsula, the two sides oppose the deterrence actions of the United States and its allies in the military field, the instigation of confrontation with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the possible escalation of tensions on the peninsula that may lead to armed conflicts. They urge the United States to take effective measures to ease military tensions and create favourable conditions, abandon intimidation, sanctions and suppression means, and promote the resumption of the negotiation process between the DPRK and other relevant countries on the principle of mutual respect and accommodating each other’s security concerns. They reiterate that political and diplomatic means are the only way out to resolve all issues on the peninsula and call on the international community to support the constructive joint initiatives of China and Russia.

The two sides are willing to strengthen coordination on Afghan affairs at the bilateral level and under multilateral mechanisms, and promote Afghanistan to become an independent, neutral, unified, and peaceful country, free from the harm of terrorism and drugs, and living in harmony with all its neighbours. They attach great importance to and support the positive and constructive role played by regional platforms such as the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of Afghanistan’s Neighbouring Countries, the “Moscow Format” Consultations on Afghanistan, the China-Russia-Pakistan-Iran Quadrilateral Mechanism, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the political settlement of the Afghan issue.

They stress that the United States and NATO, as the responsible parties for invading and occupying Afghanistan for 20 years, should not attempt to deploy military facilities in Afghanistan and its surrounding areas again, but should bear the main responsibility for the current economic and livelihood plight of Afghanistan, undertake the main expenditure for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, and take all necessary measures to lift the freeze on Afghan national assets.

In order to develop friendly, stable and prosperous relations with neighbouring countries, the two sides will continue to carry out mutually beneficial cooperation with Central Asian countries and strengthen coordination within international organizations and multilateral mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia and the United Nations.

And they will continue to strengthen strategic coordination on Latin American and Caribbean affairs. The two sides hope to strengthen cooperation in various fields with relevant countries and mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean, including but not limited to the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR), the Pacific Alliance (AP), the Andean Community (CAN), the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), the Central American Integration System (SICA), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and other regional organizations, as well as international organizations such as the United Nations, the G-20 and BRICS.

The significance of this joint statement goes far beyond the scope of bilateral relations. As a veritable ‘multipolarity manifesto’, it needs to be read and studied closely and constitutes one of the most important documents in contemporary international relations.

We reprint below the full text of the joint statement. It was machine translated by the Inside China blog and has been lightly sub-edited by us. The Chinese language original may be read here. ... dium=email ... ederation/

(Complete text at link.)
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Re: China

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 01, 2024 1:26 pm


People, not profit, are at the centre of decision-making in China
We are pleased to republish below three short articles connected with the April 2024 Friends of Socialist China delegation to China, two written by Margaret Kimberley for Black Agenda Report, and one by Graham Harrington for Socialist Voice.

Margaret’s articles – written from China – contrast a confident, forward-looking socialist China with a decadent neoliberal United States. She writes: “The maturity and intelligence of the Chinese state are obvious to anyone who is a serious observer. The recklessness and amateurish nature of the US is also clear to anyone who pays attention.” Domestically, “China feeds its large population, launches satellites, expands a network of high-speed rail, and positions itself as a world leader while the US only knows how to obstruct and steal.” In terms of foreign policy, Margaret compares the US’s reckless devotion to the military-industrial complex with China’s commitment to peace and development. For example, while the US has just committed a further 61 billion dollars to its ill-fated proxy war in Ukraine, “China has offered its services in an effort to end the bloodshed ever since the proxy war began but it has been rebuffed at every turn.”

Margaret encourages people to reject the relentless lies and propaganda about China and instead to see it with their own eyes. “The same system which tries to convince its people that they have no alternative, that there exists nothing else in the world for them to contemplate, vilifies China and any nation which dares to be a good example.”

Graham Harrington’s article, meanwhile, focuses on the delegation’s field trips, including to the Beijing HQ of the 12345 hotline, the Zhejiang Red Boat, the Jiaxing Party-Masses Service Centre and the Siping Battle Memorial Hall. Countering the Western narrative of China as an environmental bad actor, Graham writes: “In all areas, especially Beijing, one could seen the fruits of what the CPC calls ‘Beautiful China’ in the green trees which are almost on every street. Far from the myth of a polluting superpower, China is leading the way in renewable energy. In Jilin province, delegates were told how the province had just developed a hydrogen-powered train, the very first in the world.”

Graham also describes the role of Marxism in Chinese society: “China, the CPC and Chinese people, take Marxism seriously, in the education system, in the state, as well as in public life. People are at the centre of decision-making, not profit. China puts the ‘social’ into socialism with its collective nature, encouraged at all levels.”

We will be hosting a report-back webinar for the delegation on Sunday 16 June. More information will be available soon.
Lessons from China
April 17 (Black Agenda Report) — Socialist China is a powerful economic and diplomatic rival to the United States. Its success must be studied so that liberation may be possible and to prevent the declining U.S. from doing even more damage to humanity.

On a daily basis the corporate media, members of Congress, and courtier pundits who refuse to do a basic internet search, make reference to the non-existent Chinese Communist Party and to a non-existent abbreviation, CCP. There has been a Communist Party of China (CPC) for more than 100 years. The repetition of easily provable misinformation is just one indication of the degree of manufactured hostility towards the People’s Republic of China and of the extraordinarily high levels of ignorance manufactured by the state in the U.S.

This columnist is currently participating in a delegation organized by Friends of Socialist China at the invitation of the China NGO Network of International Exchanges (CNIE) . In the short time that the delegation has been in Beijing, the maturity and intelligence of the Chinese state are obvious to anyone who is a serious observer. The recklessness and amateurish nature of the U.S. is also clear to anyone who pays attention.

While Congress joins with greedy corporate interests to steal TikTok under the false claim that the platform is under the control of the mythical CCP, Joe Biden calls President Xi Jinping to tell him not to work with Russia, its ally, and sends Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to request that China end its economic success with complaints about “over capacity” while the misnomer CCP is in regular use.

The Friends of Socialist China delegation has thus far met with CNIE officers, and visited the Red Building at Beijing University which showcases the history of that institution’s role in the development of the CPC, while also engaging with a publishing house seeking international works for its catalog. The most serious subject for discussion is socialism, its history in China, and the means to develop it around the world.

It is both eye-opening and sobering to leave the United States and visit nations in which socialists have attained state power. Especially in this moment, as a presidential election approaches, we are once again reminded that the U.S. political system will permit no requests for change. The most minimal proposals are rejected outright, while the people’s money is used to continue the failed Ukraine project and to support Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign in Gaza. The precarity experienced by millions of people is explained away as a figment of their collective imagination or the result of their own stupidity.

Socialism is a necessity as the U.S. faces crises of its own making. Ocean temperatures rise because of continued capitalist fossil fuel production, wages stagnate, and the cost of food and housing continue to rise as corporations price gouge the public. Imperialism continues endangering the world as the U.S. has created a region-wide catastrophe in the Middle East.

As members of Congress outdo one another with calls for attacks on Iran in the wake of its justified response to Israel’s attack on its Syrian consulate, and corporate media regurgitate decades-old vilification of Iran, the Chinese media urge caution. “… all parties involved must exercise restraint and seek diplomatic solutions to prevent further escalation. The crisis highlights the complex dynamics of regional politics and the delicate balance of power in the Middle East. It serves as a reminder of the importance of dialogue, cooperation and conflict resolution to ensure peace and stability in the region.”

The same country that openly calls for bloodshed also engages in unending rhetorical attacks on China. Even proposals to end funding for the Ukraine project are not peace-making efforts. They are a tactic meant to target China instead, and not to bring peace to a country destroyed by U.S. fantasies of weakening Russia.

Claims of a democratic system are just denial of reality, a sad display of wishful thinking. There is no reforming the U.S. which is under the control of a predatory oligarchic class. Of course, the same system which tries to convince its people that they have no alternative, that there exists nothing else in the world for them to contemplate, vilifies China and any nation which dares to be a good example.

The same media that speaks of a CCP shuts out the world from its readers and listeners, lest they conclude they should fight for something else. They don’t want to discuss that housing and education and health care should be considered human rights, and not rewards to be dished out to an ever-shrinking number of fortunate people.

Of course, the historical paths of two different countries cannot be compared and that is why first-hand experiences and study are so important. How can a fundamentally racist, settler colonial superpower become socialist? It must, or it will literally be the death of its own people and of the whole world.

People in the United States are told to minimize their thinking about possibilities instead of broadening them. The result is despair, cynicism, and/or obedience to a failed state. If one has opportunities to travel, those countries demonized by the U.S. should be on the itinerary. Regardless of how well-informed one claims to be, it is life-changing to see people living with care for their human rights and to realize that those rights are consciously diminished and denied by the “democratic” U.S.

No system is without its problems and those must be debated and discussed with honesty and good intentions and not clownish characterizations from people who know better but choose to go along with a dangerous charade. There is no choice but to say clearly that capitalism and imperialism must end. What better way to do that than in a country that has fought against the capitalist and imperialist monster and emerged as a powerful rival? If it hadn’t done so well there would be no made up political party or demands for self-defeat. China has many lessons to teach.

Watching US Fascism in Action from China
April 24 (Black Agenda Report) — The contradictions and embarrassing antics of the fascist war-mongering United States appear with stark clarity when viewed from an outside perspective. Especially from within China, where peace is international policy.

In recent days the United States has once again shown itself to be a rogue state and a fake democracy which is firmly under the control of its oligarchic class. Elected representatives are their tools and the people are indoctrinated into thinking that the duopoly partners in crime are actually different from one another, even as they work in concert.

This columnist joined a delegation in China and from that distance observed a $91 billion giveaway by members of Congress, including $61 billion to the military-industrial complex for the Ukraine proxy war which has already been lost to Russia. The apartheid state of Israel was also a recipient of $26 billion in largesse, and $8 billion was allocated to antagonize China over Taiwan, an island that the U.S. officially acknowledges as being part of China.

The cynicism of the U.S. political class was on full display, as the same Democratic Party which regularly excoriates Donald Trump and his supporters as fascist insurrectionists, suddenly began working in earnest with the people they usually vilify. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries was effusive in his praise. “Traditional conservatives led by Mike Johnson have risen to the occasion.”

Speaker Mike Johnson had balked at continuing any aid for Ukraine and for a good reason. His members wanted to stop the endless flow of money. But all that changed when the ruling class, the oligarchs, or the one-percent, call them what you will, began to call the shots. Donald Trump threw Johnson a lifeline by publicly showing support and silencing the more restive Republican members. Senator Lindsey Graham said out loud what astute observers had already figured out. “This would not have passed without President Trump. I want to thank the House Speaker [Mike Johnson] and [Minority Leader] Hakeem Jeffries for working together in a bipartisan fashion to give weapons to Ukraine to fight a fight that matters to us.” If democrats and republicans are thanking each other, the people have gotten the shaft. What is the purpose of having different political parties if they work together against the interests of the people they claim to represent?

After the political sausage had been made, the corporate media joined in the scam. Speaker Johnson had been portrayed as a hapless loser but overnight became a hero because he opposed what his caucus and his voters wanted. “By passing Ukraine aid, the accidental speaker became an unlikely Churchill,” according to CNN anyway. Winston Churchill was a vile man, an imperialist who among other things allowed millions of people in India to starve to death, but when his name is mentioned the implication is usually a positive one. The fix was in from the white house to congress to the media. They were all of one accord and the people be damned.

It was a surreal experience watching the Washington clown show from China. Somehow the distance brought all the ugliness into high relief. While members of congress stupidly referred to the right-wing post-Soviet leader Vladimir Putin as a “Communist KGB thug ” and a “murderous, Marxist, dictator ”, China counseled peace. German Chancellor Olof Scholz met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who repeated that peace talks are the only reasonable solution to the Ukraine crisis. China has offered its services in an effort to end the bloodshed ever since the proxy war began but it has been rebuffed at every turn. Nations like Germany are firmly under Washington’s grip and dare not act as the independent nations they claim to be.

While Xi expressed common sense, members of the House of Representatives waved Ukrainian flags and patted themselves on the back for ensuring more Ukrainian deaths, an endless windfall for the warmakers, and a theft of public resources. Not one member of the Democratic Party voted against the Ukraine cash flow. Progressives, the Squad, and every single democrat were on the same page with Donald Trump.

The celebration of foolishness was almost always expressed as a sign of American leadership that the entire world wants. Yet neither China or the other global south nations that make up the majority of the world’s population want what Washington is offering. China’s population of 1.4 billion people comprises 18% of the world’s population , yet is dismissed as an irrelevance. If China is mentioned at all it is referred to as a dictatorship where people are oppressed every minute of the day.

Our delegation witnessed a country that continues to plan and to grow its economy. The constant U.S. war propaganda is proof that China is an economic rival and therefore a diplomatic rival too. China feeds its large population, launches satellites, expands a network of high-speed rail, and positions itself as a world leader while the U.S. only knows how to obstruct and steal.

We are told that China is a dystopian, authoritarian hellscape where the people lack all freedoms that Americans allegedly enjoy. But the congressional grand theft also included provisions to end the presence of the TikTok social media platform in the U.S. and to steal its operations because it is said to be controlled by the Chinese government when everyone knows that assertion is simply untrue. Now TikTok may be silenced because Zionists want to end one source of information that can defy their narratives and possibly put funding to Israel at risk.

Joe Biden also reauthorized the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which allows for warrantless searches of U.S. citizens. Again Mike Johnson changed his own position, opposed his caucus, and did what the deep surveillance state wanted. Apparently China isn’t the only authoritarian state in the world.

We have been told that Trump presents an existential threat and that voting for Biden is of the utmost importance. Yet he agrees with Trump on aid to Ukraine and on the futile effort to end China’s economic prowess. Just like Trump, Biden is proposing increasing tariffs on China’s steel and aluminum, and just like Trump, he will be unable to stop this powerhouse from thriving.

The truth is that fascism is here whether Trump or Biden is in the white house and whether Mike Johnson or Hakeem Jeffries is the House Speaker. Fascism demands acquiescence to corporate interests, to the surveillance state, and to the war makers. All of those interests can be confident of getting what they want. People in the United States can also be confident that getting their needs met will be a rarity. So it is in their “democratic” nation.

For the People – CPI Delegation to China
May 7 (Socialist Voice) — The Communist Party of Ireland (CPI) recently had the opportunity of joining the Friends of Socialist China in a delegation to the People’s Republic of China. The visit took in Beijing as well as several cities in Zhejiang and Jilin provinces. Much of the visit focused on the founding mission of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and how it relates to China’s socialist modernisation in the new era.

The delegation visited the Beijing HQ of the 12345 hotline. The 24-hour service allows people to ring or text in a question, issue or even make a complaint. Calls can vary from being about litter, noise complaints, traffic, amenities, or, as on our visit, complaints about pandas in a zoo not receiving enough bamboo! The focus is on addressing any and all issues that the people face, with a regular collation of the trending issues sent to local officials.

All provinces in China have the service, with a very high satisfaction rating across the board, and services available in several languages. Almost all phone operators, managers and admin staff are members of the Communist Party. It is but one example of how the Party serves the people.

We also had the opportunity to visit the famous “Red Boat” in Jiaxing city in Zhejiang province. This was where 12 people founded the Communist Party of China in 1921 – after their original meeting in Shanghai was disrupted by police. Accompanying the boat itself was the impressive South Lake Revolutionary Memorial Hall which contained exhibits on the CPC’s early years and development from a dozen members to nearly 100 million today.

There was another impressive visit to the Jiaxing Party-Masses Service Centre. It provides meeting spaces for community organisations and allows local people to avail of medical consultations on-site free of charge. The centre facilitates mental health services including counselling – again, free of charge. While still a pilot program, the plan is for other service centres to learn from and emulate the Jiaxing centre.

On several occasions, delegates participated in sessions with Chinese comrades on topics related to China’s modernisation. China met its centennial goal of eliminating absolute poverty in 2021. It has taken important steps to implement Common Prosperity and the reduction of the income gap between rich and poor, including between rich and poor regions. This includes the rolling out of universal health insurance policies such as a new rural co-operative medical system which covers 60-80% of health costs for just 10-20 dollars a year. The remaining costs are covered by insurance provided by state insurance companies.

In all areas, especially Beijing, one could seen the fruits of what the CPC calls “Beautiful China” in the green trees which are almost on every street. Far from the myth of a polluting superpower, China is leading the way in renewable energy. In Jilin province, delegates were told how the province had just developed a hydrogen-powered train, the very first in the world.

Jilin is an industrial heartland of the north-east. Common Prosperity has seen Jilin become revitalised in recent years, with growth in several important areas coming above the national average. Of significance is that the emphasis is on clean energy and eco-friendly industry in that revitalisation.

Delegates got to visit the city of Siping, a major site in the Chinese Civil War. After visiting the local museum, delegates got to admire the local revolutionary monuments in the public square as well as to observe the sight of elderly people enjoying themselves in the public open-air gym. It says a lot when those of us coming from individualist anti-social countries are genuinely astounded at a sight which is normal for all parks and public spaces in China. We also got to visit a co-operative in Jilin province as well as have an interesting exchange with staff and students at the School of Marxism in Jilin University.

This is but a small overview of the delegation’s experience, and does not cover everything. China, the CPC and Chinese people, take Marxism seriously, in the education system, in the state, as well as in public life. People are at the centre of decision-making, not profit. China puts the “social” into socialism with its collective nature, encouraged at all levels.

In China one can see clear evidence of the above in the lack of crime, the absence of homelessness, the absence of addiction in public spaces and the green trees all around. China’s modernisation can be best summed up in a quote by President Xi Jinping:

“Western modernisation was fraught with bloody crimes such as war, slave trade, colonisation and plunder which inflicted untold misery on developing countries. Having suffered from aggression, bullying and humiliation by Western powers, we Chinese are keenly aware of the value of peace and will never follow the beaten path of the West. We should never oppress other nations or loot the wealth and resources of other countries in any form.” ... -in-china/


China’s modernisation is a historic contribution to the global socialist project
What follows is a presentation by Friends of Socialist China co-editor Carlos Martinez for a webinar on China’s modernisation organised by the International Department of the Communist Party USA.

Carlos discusses the meaning and importance of modernisation, going on to describe China’s process of modernising over the course of 75 years and its proposal for “basically realising socialist modernisation by 2035”.

Carlos continues by describing the modernisation process in the advanced capitalist countries – in particular its reliance on colonialism, domination, hegemony, slavery and plunder – and compares that with China’s modernisation trajectory. While China doesn’t have the ‘advantage’ of dominating other countries, it does have the advantage of a socialist system which “enables us to pool resources in a major mission”, as Xi Jinping has put it. China’s modernisation will therefore differ enormously from Western modernisation in that it will not be based on hegemony; it will be a modernisation of common prosperity; and it will be sustainable – the modernisation of harmony between humanity and nature.

The presentation concludes:

China’s modernisation will be a historic contribution to the global socialist project, to the struggle against imperialism, and to humanity’s shared goal of a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.

The other presentations submitted to the webinar (by members of the CPUSA and the Communist Party of Australia) can be found on the CPUSA International Department’s Youtube channel: @idcpusa

Today’s webinar is all about modernisation, which is something that’s talked about a great deal in China today, but which is not a concept that’s discussed very much in the West.

Is it something that’s worth talking about? Is it something that’s worth pursuing?

For China and for other developing countries, what modernisation means is higher living standards for the masses of the people.

Modernised industry, greater productivity, modern communication methods, transport systems, energy systems, healthcare strategies and so on add up to the possibility of providing a healthy, meaningful and dignified life to every human being.

That means every single person having reliable access to nutritious food, to good quality housing, guaranteed education and healthcare, modern energy, clean water, and to a vibrant cultural, social, intellectual and working life. So when we talk about modernisation, we’re essentially talking about attending to people’s basic human rights.

It’s called modernisation because it involves leveraging developments in science and technology; it means adapting to the latest, the most advanced ideas and techniques for meeting humanity’s material and cultural needs.

We can broadly think of it as transitioning from ‘developing country’ status to ‘developed country’ status; from a predominantly rural society to a predominantly urban society; from a technologically backward society to a technologically advanced society.

China’s modernisation plan
The Chinese leadership have been thinking about modernisation for a long time.

There were attempts in the early decades of the twentieth century to develop industry in China, but these were partial and on a small scale. China’s modernisation journey started in earnest in 1949 with the founding of the People’s Republic, which led to the early construction of socialist industry (with significant assistance from the Soviet Union), land reform, the dismantling of feudalism, and the provision of education and healthcare services to the whole population for the first time in China’s history.

In 1963, Premier Zhou Enlai proposed the Four Modernisations – of agriculture, industry, national defence, and science and technology – as a prerequisite for China’s continued development. The implementation of that program was interrupted somewhat by the Cultural Revolution, but Deng Xiaoping made the Four Modernisations a cornerstone of China’s reform and opening up from 1978, which process led to a rapid development of the productive forces and a corresponding improvement in people’s living standards.

More recently, the government has set a goal of “basically realising socialist modernisation by 2035”.

This top-level objective incorporates a number of goals:

Reaching a per-capita GDP on a par with that of the mid-level developed countries such as Spain or the Czech Republic (so approximately double its current level)
Joining the ranks of the world’s most innovative countries in the realm of science and technology
Becoming a global leader in education, public health, culture and sport
Substantially growing the middle-income group as a proportion of the population
Guaranteeing equitable access to basic public services
Ensuring modern standards of living in both urban and rural areas
Ensuring that the people are leading better and happier lives
Steadily lowering greenhouse gas emissions and protecting biodiversity, so as to restore a healthy balance between humans and the natural environment
Reaching these goals over the course of the next 11 years will constitute a world-historic achievement, and will represent a profound improvement in the living standards of the Chinese people. It will be a tremendous victory for socialism and for the developing world.

How did the West modernise?
China of course has developed a reputation for meeting its goals and reaching its targets. It set a hugely ambitious target to eliminate extreme poverty by 2021 – the centenary of the founding of the CPC – and it succeeded. It set a hugely ambitious target to reach peak carbon emissions by 2030, and it’s on track to do so early, very likely this year or next.

But how will it achieve its target of modernisation? Modernisation is notoriously difficult. The number of countries that have shifted from ‘developing country’ to ‘developed country’ status in the post-WW2 era is tiny. It’s essentially South Korea and Singapore – both small countries whose development was actively stimulated by the imperialist powers as part of the Cold War anti-communist project.

Mainstream modernisation theory states that the key components are free market capitalism and parliamentary democracy. And there is no shortage of Global South countries that have attempted to wave that particular magic wand, but none that have actually succeeded in modernising. All too often, these efforts have led to chaos, poverty, and dependency.

Given the failure of mainstream modernisation theory to explain the enduring division of the world into rich and poor, advanced and backward, what people are left with is a largely unspoken but widespread and pernicious racism: an assumption that Europeans and their descendants simply have a natural flair for science, technology and progress.

As Kwame Nkrumah, first prime minister of independent Ghana, commented: “in the era of neocolonialism, underdevelopment is still attributed not to exploitation but to inferiority, and racial undertones remain closely interwoven with the class struggle.”

The unspoken truth is that the principal precursors of Western modernisation are colonialism, slavery and genocide: the conquest of the Americas, the settlement of Australia, the transatlantic slave trade, the colonisation of India, the colonisation of Ireland, the rape of Africa, the Opium Wars, the theft of Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, Japan’s rapid rise was facilitated first by its brutal expansionist project in East Asia, and then through its adaptation to and integration with the US-led imperialist system in the post-World War 2 era.

This is what modernisation theory doesn’t tell us. But it amply explains why modernisation has proven so difficult for the Global South.

Modernisation without imperialism
Of course, China’s modernisation won’t be built on those same foundations of colonialism, slavery and genocide. That path isn’t available to China, and the Chinese people would never walk down that path even if it were.

As President Xi Jinping has pointedly remarked: China will “neither tread the old path of colonisation and plunder, nor the crooked path taken by some countries to seek hegemony once they grow strong.”

China’s development is driven by a socialist dynamic rather than a capitalist dynamic. China’s rise hasn’t been built on the basis of colonialism, of imperialism, of expansionism and the domination of other nations. China’s economic success is built on a framework of socialism, of public ownership.

So what path will China’s modernisation take?

China can’t simply follow the West’s prescriptions, but it does have certain advantages that have helped it and will continue to help it.

The foundations for China’s modernisation were laid down in the early decades of socialist construction. Imperialism was defeated and feudalism was dismantled. Sovereignty was restored, and the Chinese people became the masters of their own destiny. They exercised that power to break out of underdevelopment – to build an industrial infrastructure, to wipe out illiteracy, to spread education and healthcare throughout the country.

These foundations may not sound like much to those of us living in advanced capitalist countries, but in a world where imperialism is still prevalent, there are actually relatively few countries that are truly independent, truly sovereign.

The other advantage China has in pursuing modernisation is its political system: the fact that its development pathway is determined by the government (led by the Communist Party), representing the interests of the working people. In capitalist countries, by definition, the capitalist class is the ruling class. The key decisions determining the fate of the country are taken by that small group of people who own and deploy capital. In China – as in other socialist countries – resources are allocated in accordance with an economic strategy directed towards the present and future wellbeing of people and planet, as opposed to simply maximising short-term profit.

As Xi Jinping puts it: “Our greatest strength lies in our socialist system, which enables us to pool resources in a major mission. This is the key to our success.”

Of course, that’s also what enabled the first three decades of socialist construction, which laid the basis for today’s pursuit of modernisation. That’s a useful reminder that there’s no Great Wall between the different phases of China’s Revolution. Socialist construction, Reform and Opening Up, and the New Era – with its goal of “building a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful” by the middle of this century. These are distinct phases with their own characteristics, but what underpins all of them is the socialist system; is the location of political power in the people.

So China’s modernisation is a socialist modernisation. As such it’s providing crucial evidence that socialism is the best development path. It’s confirming the correctness of Marxism, whilst contributing to the evolution and expansion of Marxism.

And at the same time it’s undermining bourgeois ideology, it’s undermining neoliberal dogma – which is one of the reasons the West is so threatened by China’s rise.

Modernisation of a new type
What China has already achieved is unprecedented, and would be impossible in a capitalist system.

China’s life expectancy has now surpassed that of the US. It has eliminated extreme poverty, such that every single person has guaranteed access to food, shelter, clothing, clean running water, modern energy, healthcare and education. China is already a world leader in renewable energy, nanotechnology, telecommunications, electric vehicles, and in various aspects of computing and artificial intelligence.

No capitalist developing country has achieved this. It’s worthwhile comparing China’s progress with that of India, given that both have a similarly massive population; both won their liberation at around the same time; both were in a similar state of desperate poverty and backwardness at that time.

India has of course made important progress since freeing itself from the iron fist of the British Empire, but this progress pales in comparison to China’s. Its life expectancy is several years below the global average, whereas China’s is several years above the global average. Millions of children in India still don’t go to school, and its adult literacy rate is 76 percent. Hundreds of millions don’t have access to clean water or electricity. Tens of millions live in slums. Sad to say, a similar situation prevails across much of the Global South.

But China’s achievements on some levels outstrip those of the advanced capitalist countries as well. The fruits of modernisation aren’t exactly shared equally in the West. Look at the US, where tens of millions can’t afford healthcare; where hundreds of thousands are homeless; where life expectancy for African-Americans is six years lower than for European-Americans; where a hundred thousand people are dying every year from overdosing on opioids.

So China’s modernisation is different from that of the West. It’s “the modernisation of common prosperity for all.”

What’s more, it’s a green modernisation, “the modernisation of harmony between humanity and nature.” It’s a modernisation that involves China being a global trailblazer in green energy, biodiversity, electric transport, sustainable food production, forestation and pollution reduction.

Capitalist modernisation has had a disastrous impact on the environment. With 4 percent of the global population, the US alone is responsible for 25 percent of historic greenhouse gas emissions. The simple fact is that humanity literally can’t afford for China’s modernisation to follow this pattern.

So not only has China found a path to modernisation that doesn’t rely on domination and hegemony, but it’s developing a better, fairer, greener modernisation.

Blazing a trail
In doing so, it’s setting an example for the whole developing world. Currently, the proportion of people that live in high-income countries is 15.8 percent. Once China crosses that threshold in the coming few years, that proportion will more than double, to 33.8 percent. As such, as Xi Jinping has pointed out, China’s successful modernisation “will completely change the international landscape and have a far-reaching impact on humanity.”

This will comprehensively bury the myth that there’s an equals sign between modernisation and westernisation.

What’s more, China is sharing the fruits of this process, via the Belt and Road Initiative, via the Global Development Initiative, via the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, and more.

We can safely say therefore that China’s modernisation will be a historic contribution to the global socialist project, to the struggle against imperialism, and to humanity’s shared goal of a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future. ... t-project/


Keith Bennett: Understanding Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
The Brighton Morning Star Readers and Supporters organised a meeting on the theme, China and the Struggle for Peace on March 24.

The invited speakers were our co-editors Carlos Martinez and Keith Bennett.

In his presentation, Carlos explained the thinking behind China’s foreign policy, showing how it is based on the principles of peace, development and win-win cooperation, and explained how this approach is rooted in China’s history and ideology, and is consistent with the country’s overall strategic goals.

The text of Carlos’s presentation can be read here.

Following this, Keith presented a broad overview of China’s socialist development, contextualising it in the overall history of the exercise of state power by the working class and its allies and the original road taken by the Chinese communists led by Mao Zedong, which represents a major contribution to the theory and practice of revolution.

He prefaced his contribution by noting that the Morning Star carries the words, “For Peace and Socialism” on its masthead every day, highlighting the fact that the struggles for peace and for socialism are inextricably intertwined.

A lively discussion and Q&A followed the presentations, which was continued informally in one of Brighton’s excellent local pubs.

We reprint below the text of Keith’s remarks.
The Communist Manifesto, the foundational text of scientific socialism, is still considerably short of 200 years old.

The working class and its allies have now held state power, and engaged in a serious project of socialist nation building, somewhere continuously for just under 107 years.

The Chinese working class, together with the peasantry and representatives of all patriotic sections of Chinese society, have held state power for just coming up to 75 years, with some two decades of running revolutionary base areas before that.

Since the October Revolution of 1917, serious attempts, with varying degrees of success, have been made to establish and build socialism in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, South America and Africa.

Therefore, on the one hand we can say that humanity has acquired a certain degree of experience and lessons, both positive and negative, regarding the struggle to establish and build socialism.

But more fundamentally, we can say that, in the long course of human history, socialism remains a very new and fledgling system.

This is not to say that there is nothing to learn and draw from. Xi Jinping’s point that socialism with Chinese characteristics offers a new reference point and option for those countries that wish to rapidly develop their economies while maintaining their independence acquires ever greater validity practically with each passing day.

And communists everywhere still draw on the historical experience of the USSR, its monumental achievements, as well as its mistakes, that contributed to its ultimate demise, as well as the experience of every historical and contemporary attempt to build socialism.

But despite the fact that we do not start from a completely blank page, the most fundamental lesson we can draw so far from the historical and ongoing attempts to build socialism, I would argue, is that there is no ready-made blueprint or master plan, no straight road, and certainly no ‘one size fits all’ formula that can be downloaded and implemented at any time and in any place.

Moreover, for most of their political lives (arguably less so towards the end) Marx and Engels envisaged socialism replacing highly developed and advanced capitalism.

So far, this has not happened anywhere.

One could of course argue, like some ultra leftists and dogmatists, that this somehow invalidates the whole experience of actually existing socialism.

Or one can appreciate that this conditions the context in which countries and peoples move towards socialism, that every country will approach socialism in its own way, and that, not least, the character and duration of the transition period may vary enormously.

What’s highly relevant to those countries in which socialism has actually triumphed, theorised by Lenin as ‘breaking the chain at its weakest link’, is the fact that attempts to build socialism have all occurred in a world that is still largely dominated by capitalism and imperialism.

Moreover, every preceding class that rose to political power did so in the wake of and in the context of their rising economic power. In the case of the proletariat, it is almost the exact opposite.

All this helps explain why Stalin, in his Foundations of Leninism, explains that, even after it has taken power, for a time, the proletariat remains weaker than the bourgeoisie.

This is some of the context in which we must start to look at the trajectory of the Chinese revolution.

Although China has the world’s longest continuous civilisation and was the world’s biggest economy for most of the last two millennia, since the British launched the first Opium War in 1839, the country was reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society. Not for nothing is the ensuing period known by the Chinese as the ‘century of humiliation’, marked by unequal treaties, foreign aggression, most devastatingly that by Japan in the 1930s and 1940s, and by wars of aggression and resistance, civil wars and ultimately a victorious revolution.

Whether when the Communist Party of China was founded in 1921, or the People’s Republic of China was proclaimed in 1949, China was one of the poorest and most wretched societies on earth. Illiteracy was as high as life expectancy was low.

So, how did the Chinese revolution succeed?

Stalin and Trotsky quarreled bitterly over the course of the Chinese revolution (as indeed they quarreled bitterly about many things) but neither of them conceived what was probably Mao Zedong’s single greatest contribution to the application and development of Marxism, namely that in a large, semi-colonial, semi-feudal country, as China was at the time, the revolution could be won, and the path to socialism opened up, with a Marxist-Leninist party representing and embodying working class political leadership, but with the peasantry, in accordance with the country’s demographics, social system and class composition, playing the main role, by basing the revolutionary forces in the countryside, building stable revolutionary base areas, waging a protracted people’s war, surrounding the cities from the countryside and ultimately seizing nationwide political power by armed force.

Literally no other Marxist had thought of this before Mao, and this is the beginning of the Sinification of Marxism and the most fundamental root of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

It is also the model that was basically applied to the revolution in countries as varied as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Cuba, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Eritrea, and Guinea Bissau, among others.

The subsequent political trajectory of the People’s Republic – of course with many sub themes and caveats – essentially divides into two distinct phases.

From its founding in 1949 up to the death of Mao in 1976. Or perhaps to the launch of the policy known as ‘reform and opening up’ from the end of 1978, accompanied by the sidelining of Mao’s preferred successor Hua Guofeng and the rise to preeminence of the veteran communist Deng Xiaoping.

The period from 1949 to 1978 is often described as one of following the Soviet model.

There is some truth to this, just as contemporary China still draws on it to a certain extent, but it is far from the whole story.

Even in its most radical phases, the Chinese revolution never completely rejected a role for the national bourgeoisie.

This in turn meant that rather than a single party system, as in the Soviet Union, China retained, and retains, a multi-party, consultative system, based on acknowledging and upholding the leading role of the communist party.

There was always greater scope for local autonomy in applying and implementing national policies.

And greater possibility for mass participation and initiative.

Certainly, the Soviet Union never experienced anything like the Cultural Revolution, which convulsed China between 1966-76.

Above all, the peasantry (with some deviation during the Great Leap Forward, 1958-62), was not taken as a source of what might be termed ‘socialist primitive accumulation’ to benefit the proletariat in the cities and the promotion of heavy industry. Rather policies were if anything skewed in favour of the countryside, reflecting the fact that the peasantry constituted the majority of the population and even more that they were the bedrock of the revolution and the core of the party’s support.

The achievements of the Mao era should not be underestimated or denigrated. They were among the most stupendous in human history.

Despite the terrible years of 1958-62, and the chaos of the Cultural Revolution, life expectancy in China grew by one year for every year that Mao was in power.

From being practically the poorest country on earth, Mao’s China solved the basic problems of feeding, clothing, housing and educating almost a quarter of the world’s population, provided basic medical care to the whole population, brought literacy to the overwhelming majority of the population, massively improved the social position and role of women, and so on.

Why then was it necessary to make such a radical turn in 1978?

For all this progress, China remained at the time of Mao’s death a very poor country.

Per capita GDP was lower than that of sub-Saharan Africa, although, of course, the ‘social wage’ was considerably higher.

Although the basic necessities of life were more or less guaranteed, most people remained very poor.

Whilst famine had been eliminated, food was strictly rationed, monotonous and food insecurity remained a constant worry. Eggs, let alone meat, were a considerable luxury. Xi Jinping, when recalling his young days working with farmers in an old revolutionary base area, has often said that his dream was that one day the villagers would be able to eat meat and to eat it often. In his time there, they might have tasted meat once or twice a year.

Although disparities and inequalities obviously remained, China under Mao may be considered to have been one of the most equal societies on earth. However, it also remained one of the poorest.

This is what Deng Xiaoping was alluding to when he said that universal poverty is not socialism. Although I think it would be more correct to say that it is not the goal of socialism, he nevertheless had a very important point to make.

Moreover, huge changes were underway, both in the region around China and in the world.

Science and technology were rapidly developing and revolutionising the productive forces.

Countries and regions around China were developing rapidly – albeit inequitably and for specific reasons, including imperialism’s desire to have ‘showcases’ on the borders or vicinity of China, the DPRK and Vietnam and to fend off any further local communist challenges.

Thousands of Chinese were undertaking the perilous swim in the hope of securing a better life in Hong Kong.

However, this capitalist development in East and South-East Asia was skillfully turned into a positive factor by China as its principal source of investment in the first stage of reform and opening up.

The eagerness of investors to enter the Chinese market had a number of causes – from the patriotism, and attachment to ancestral homes, of much of the Chinese bourgeoisie in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and throughout South-East Asia and beyond, to awareness of the size and potential of the Chinese market. From the American defeat in Vietnam and partial retreat from Asia to a cynical desire to perpetuate and exacerbate the Sino-Soviet split.

For China, investment, initially largely from overseas Chinese and soon more generally, was crucial.

It provided what the country desperately needed – a faster pace of industrialisation and employment for those leaving the countryside to begin urban life; guaranteed export markets; skills and technology transfer; capital; technical and vocational training and skills upliftment; and advanced and scientific management, something with which Lenin was much enamored.

None of this would have been possible – at least not on the same scale, to the same extent and at such a rapid pace – without the foundations laid by Mao. Without a basically educated, literate and trained workforce. Without housing and medical care. Without a transportation network and paved roads linking the whole country. And so on.

That is why even today, talk of companies like Apple or Foxconn simply upping sticks from China and relocating en bloc to India, for example, remains largely fanciful.

And it is a major reason why Xi Jinping, right from practically his first remarks when he was elected General Secretary of the party in 2012, has consistently stressed that the two phases of China’s socialist development should not be counterposed to one another, but rather be seen as two parts of a single revolutionary whole, one resting on the foundations laid by the other.

In this, it must be said, he fundamentally differs both from standard bourgeois analyses but also from those who take up different positions on the left to slight and denigrate one or other phase of China’s socialist development.

Deng Xiaoping intuitively grasped that if you could deploy market mechanisms to unleash the enthusiasm and skills of the people, China would rapidly develop and people’s living standards would increase.

Once farmers were given extensive freedom to grow and cultivate what they chose, and to sell their surplus, in just a couple of years, food supply went from rationed and precarious to abundant and diverse.

If growth in the Mao period was, taken as a whole, steady, once reform and opening up got underway, it became turbo charged.

From being a poor country, marginal to the global economy, China has become the world’s second largest economy. The largest according to at least one measurement. China is the world’s biggest manufacturer, largest exporter, and biggest trading partner for the majority of nations. It has rocketed up the value chain, increasingly leading the world in innovation and R&D, with the largest number of new patents and peer reviewed articles in scientific journals. In just a few years, the whole country was covered in a network of high-speed rail. China is leading the world in tackling climate change, from solar panels to electric vehicles. And now Xi Jinping is leading in the development of new, high quality productive forces, essentially conforming to the fifth industrial revolution.

It has to be stressed that, whilst promoting extensive economic liberalisation, Deng Xiaoping was completely resolute in defending what he called the Four Cardinal Principles, namely the dictatorship of the proletariat (generally referred to as the people’s democratic dictatorship in the conditions of China), the socialist road, the leadership of the communist party, and Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.

It is a simple fact that, under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, an attempt at counter revolution in China in 1989 was resolutely crushed whereas in the same year, counter revolution triumphed in almost the whole of eastern Europe, and two years later in the Soviet Union itself.

Of course, no change as rapid and radical, and on so vast a canvas, as the process of reform and opening in China could possibly unfold without, as a secondary aspect, some serious negative features.

Whilst everyone, or very nearly everyone, in the long run, and not discounting some painful periods for many, has become much better off, what was once probably the world’s most equal society has become highly unequal. This has also included regional disparities and between town (where the majority of Chinese people now live) and country, and between migrant workers and others.

Massive damage was done to the environment and ideological and political work weakened.

This in a sense was prefigured by Premier Zhou Enlai, albeit in the customary Chinese form of reviewing history, when, in his report to the 10th Party Congress in August 1973, he observed that in the course of the Chinese revolution, one tendency had always covered another. That is, leftist deviations had occurred in the course of correcting right opportunism and vice versa.

This is essentially what Xi Jinping has been working tirelessly to correct since he assumed the leadership in 2012, inaugurating what the Chinese now call the new era.

Among its key features are:

A merciless and ceaseless campaign against corruption, both the major variety that inflicts damage on the country as a whole and the petty kind that can inflict misery on ordinary people. Or as the Chinese say, targeting both tigers and flies.
A rectification of the party’s ranks, strengthening its ties to the people and decisively returning to the concept of serving the people.
A massive, targeted campaign resulting in the historically unprecedented elimination of extreme poverty, with careful follow-up to ensure that people do not slip back into poverty and that their lives continue to improve.
Tackling pollution, preserving the environment, safeguarding biodiversity, leading the world in renewable energy, building an ecological civilisation at home, and leading the global fight against climate catastrophe.
Rolling out by far the world’s largest program of medical care and insurance, and old age pensions, albeit ones that remain in many respects rudimentary and with great scope for improvement.
Ensuring that all sectors of the economy, including the privately-owned sectors, work in the overall interests of socialism. In the private sector, relevant measures include far greater regulation of the technology sector and now the property and real estate sector; the taking of golden shares, partial ownership, or seats on the board of major private companies by the party and state; the organisation of party committees to exercise a supervisory role in private firms; and unionisation of the workforce.
A reaffirmation of the central and guiding role of Marxism.
Deng Xiaoping’s policy of keeping a low profile and not taking the lead in international affairs has been superseded by a proactive foreign policy, addressing all the key questions of the current world situation, and with the strategic goal of building a community of shared future for humanity.
Increased support for the other socialist countries and a more dynamic engagement with the international communist movement as a whole.
Whilst China remains, in its own words, in the primary stage of socialism, the overall goal is now to build a modern socialist country in all respects by 2049, when the People’s Republic will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

It is worth noting, as Andrew Murray did in the Morning Star, that People’s China has now survived for longer than the Soviet state. Survival in a world still dominated by imperialism has always been, and remains, a real issue for socialist countries. Lenin is said to have danced in the snow when the October Revolution survived for longer than the Paris Commune. Similarly, we should rejoice in the longevity and resilience of the People’s Republic, not least when it marks its 75th anniversary this October 1st.

So, to return in a sense, to my starting point, there is no ready-made formula, special secret, or royal road for building socialism, not in China or in any other country. We are not in solidarity with this or that particular policy at any given time. Time, social practice and the Chinese people will judge them. We are in solidarity with what we support in every country without exception – a better and more dignified life for working people; a cause that finds its highest expression in the socialist countries, the countries where the working class and its allies are organised as the ruling class, and which we must defend through thick and thin, come what may and without reservation, if humanity is to have a future. ... teristics/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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