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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue May 07, 2024 2:05 pm

May 6, 2024 , 10:41 am .

The objective of Operation Gedeón was to assassinate members of the Bolivarian Government, starting with President Nicolás Maduro. (Photo: Archive)

On the morning of May 3, 2020, Venezuela witnessed an invasion attempt carried out by a group of mercenaries trained in Colombia and sponsored by the administration of Donald Trump, whose objective was to enter the territory through the coasts of the Aragua and La Guaira states. Its essential purpose: assassinate members of the Bolivarian Government, starting with President Nicolás Maduro. This meant creating a situation of violence and destabilization in the country that would make foreign occupation viable in the same national space and achieve the definitive seizure of power by Juan Guaidó.

Four years after this mercenary incursion into Venezuela was thwarted, it is necessary to point out two aspects that, in the current context, acquire crucial relevance, beyond the obvious failures in the planning and execution of the operation and the unquestionable responsibilities of sectors of the Venezuelan extremist opposition and some foreign governments in its development.

Firstly, the civil-military-police union that, in just 48 hours, dismantled the incursion and that has become a fundamental piece to guarantee the political stability of the country. Secondly, we highlight Operation Gideon as a plan in which significant political and financial resources were invested, aimed at subverting the Venezuelan constitutional order, and in which international actors, extremist opposition factors and, furthermore, after the new known evidence, a power sector infiltrated in "Chavismo" that participated in the PDVSA-Cripto conspiratorial plot.

4 years ago, Joint Operation Negro Primero, in a civic-military-police union, crushed a group of mercenaries and terrorists who tried to invade Venezuela with the aim of ending my life, but the people did not let them and came out to defend themselves. of the territory in the…

— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) May 3, 2024

Above the resounding military and political failure of Operation Gideon, two serious strategic miscalculations on the part of its perpetrators stand out. Firstly, it was based on a mistaken perception on the part of extremist actors about the willingness of coastal populations to support the mercenary incursion; and secondly, it implied a "jump into the void" by betting on desertion and support from the forces of public order to the insurrectional movement.

Neither of the two scenarios occurred and, to the surprise of the mercenaries, Joint Operation Negro Primero had the participation of the organized community that, together with police and military forces, managed to dismantle the plans involved in Operation Gideon. Without this articulation, the possibilities of success would have been reduced, or at least compromised, since we are talking about areas, especially on the coasts of Aragua, without a significant military presence at the moment.

The outstanding participation of the organized community in an operation of such magnitude not only demonstrates its unwavering commitment to the comprehensive defense of the national territory, but also highlights the fundamental role that popular bodies play in the management of the affairs of State and of government in Venezuela.

Thus, having as a conceptual framework the Bolivarian military doctrine, specifically the necessary co-responsibility between the State and citizens in the comprehensive defense of the nation, the government in the territory has become a neuralgic pillar for the construction of an organic defense system. robust, where the people act as guarantor of the sovereignty and independence of the nation.

Operation Gedeón highlighted the extensive international and national networks woven by the subjects behind the conspiracy against the institutions of the Venezuelan State. This plot, hatched since 2017, materialized in a political-diplomatic boycott orchestrated by the Organization of American States (OAS), followed by the creation of the Lima Group and, finally, supported by the US State Department that protected the self-proclaimed " interim" of Juan Guaidó starting in 2019.

However, it was with the failed coup attempt on April 30, 2019 and the mercenary raid of the aforementioned operation that the military dimension of this conspiracy was revealed in its full magnitude.

With the paramilitary incursion, the governments of Iván Duque of Colombia and Donald Trump of the United States were exposed, since both countries provided financial and logistical means for the development of the plan. Likewise, as subsequent investigations would demonstrate, there was a non-negligible business component in the international operation against Venezuela.

But the most striking thing four years after the failed action are the implications that government sectors, today prosecuted for treason, had in the mercenary incursion. Thus, President Nicolás Maduro commented on his television program that recent investigations into the PDVSA-Cripto plot revealed that former Minister Tareck El Aissami, along with the sector that accompanied him, were aware of the frustrated assassination of August 2018, the attempted coup of April 30, 2019 and Operation Gideon of 2020.

#InVideo Pdte. @NicolasMaduro : "we had the corrupt and the traitors on our side." #ConMaduroMásPueblo

— ConMaduro+ (@ConMaduroMas_) April 30, 2024

In this way, as the president stated , what seemed like investigation hypotheses ended up being confirmed with the various evidence obtained from the PDVSA-Cripto investigation that the Public Ministry has been carrying out: "They were aware of the attack carried out on August 4, 2018 against me. And they were also informed of the coup carried out 5 years ago, known as the green bananas coup, carried out in Altamira on April 30, 2019, coordinated with Leopoldo López and the White House, with John Bolton, James Story and a last name that appears, 'Fouli'" , of whom President Maduro said that "he is the one who ruled and still rules."

The events that took place in those 48 hours in which the mercenary operation was dismantled showed the world the unbreakable will of the Venezuelan people to guarantee peace, sovereignty and democracy in the country. However, the commitment to the destabilizing plans that sectors, supposedly loyal to the institutions of the State, maintained with the factors that have traditionally been conspiring in Venezuela cannot go unnoticed. ... 1715012475

May 4, 2024 , 8:15 am .


Attorney General Tarek William Saab presented other findings on the PDVSA-Cripto plot at a press conference . This time the statements of businessman Samark López were shown in which he explains part of the modus operandi of the network associated with Leopoldo López and Julio Borges as star protagonists.

In the update on the case, the Prosecutor indicated that there were new arrests in this second phase of investigation, bringing a total of 67 detainees. He added that the Public Ministry obtained new revelations through the confessions of those involved.

The testimony of the businessman and also Tareck El Aissami's emissary was shown, who described the corrupt scheme regarding the oil shipment process and the modalities they used to engage in flawed practices on this matter.

In his confession, Samark explained the two modalities applied from 2020 to 2022:

Allocations of oil shipments to different companies in order to distribute high commissions to contractors who have ties to the far-right parties Primero Justicia and Voluntad Popular. Profits ranged from 120 to 140 million dollars, depending on the market.
Contractors were required to, instead of paying only the price of crude oil, also send diluents or oil derivatives so that they obtained double profit, that is, they absorbed the benefits of both the sale of oil and the derivatives determined in that business. . Profits could exceed 2 billion dollars.
In summary, Borges and López benefited from the illegal assignments of shipments of oil and derivatives through two contractors hiding behind Spanish companies , which provided crude oil shipments valued at more than one billion dollars.

In this sense, Samark emphasized that the contractors were long-standing as they continued shady methods inherited from the Rafael Ramírez administration.

Furthermore, it is important to mention that the participation of an actor like Leopoldo López suggests that this scheme still maintains the methods of that historical link related to the diversion of funds from PDVSA to the Primero Justicia Civil Association in 1998 .

Returning to the plot, in principle it is known that the process of assigning vessels in an oil company involves various considerations to ensure the efficient transportation of crude oil. This goes through an administrative control procedure and PDVSA contracting regulations , which is why this corrupt group simulated a bidding process with different contractors, to then decant the new assignments to the predetermined wholesalers of yesteryear, who were embedded in the bowels of PDVSA.

Faced with this, Samark adds that another of the mechanisms used to guarantee the sustainability of this illicit cohabitation was directed at large-value vessels, where service-providing companies or registered suppliers that they classified as "small" were believe that the assignment corresponded to a contract for a price they could pay.

However, the trick was that, when delivering that ship, a price was announced far above what these small suppliers could pay. In this way, Samark and his group outsourced the exchange, offering as a solution that they make payments through traditional and preferential wholesalers that were already linked to the murky network, and whose final beneficiaries were López and Borges.

In this way, small service providers benefited from the contract with a transparent and competitive process, but in the end they were absorbed by two previously determined wholesalers, who operated the business from the shadows, using bribery tactics and diversion of funds. resources to the detriment of the interests of the company and the country.

Finally, the aforementioned emissary from El Aissami narrated that one of those two wholesalers sent letters to the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), in which he requested that they not sanction one of the companies that operated. in PDVSA, and they offered that office that, once there was a change of government, it could increase its operations and production in oil matters.

Future revelations are expected about the PDVSA-Cripto case which, in its second phase of investigation, has shown the insidious tactics of the sector led by Leopoldo López, who has continued to be infiltrated in the oil industry and has broken loyalties and raised the blackmail through threats with the imposition of sanctions or licenses, and those who still maintain their questionable practices for the embezzlement of funds through the oil trade. ... vsa-cripto

May 6, 2024 , 1:00 p.m.

The manipulation of the 2023 primaries by certain groups marginalized large sectors of the opposition spectrum. (Photo: EFE - Miguel Gutiérrez)

Venezuela is approaching its election day for the presidency of the republic on July 28, 2024 in a complex context, but with marked differences from previous processes. The country continues to face illegal international sanctions imposed by the United States, the impact of which has been significant on its economy. However, thanks to the right decisions of the Venezuelan government, the oil industry and the national economy are showing a progressive trend of recovery.

The regional panorama has also changed since the 2018 presidential elections. Venezuela no longer faces a bloc of Latin American governments subordinated to the US strategy, and the level of siege and political pressure is lower.

In this context, different factions of the Venezuelan opposition, following the guidelines of the National Electoral Council (CNE), have presented their nominations and they have been accepted by the competent body. Below, we present a brief profile of each of them:

*Edmundo González Urrutia: Candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), he has academic training in International Relations obtained in the United States. He began his diplomatic career as first secretary of the Venezuelan embassy in that country. Subsequently, he worked in the General Directorate of International Policy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as international liaison of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) between 2013 and 2015. During this last role, González Urrutia was in charge of projecting strategies of ignorance against President Nicolás Maduro internationally. He reflects a strong interest in realigning Venezuela towards the US sphere of influence , leaning towards a position of relationship of tutelage and subordination.

*Antonio Ecarri: He is a dissident Venezuelan lawyer and politician from the ranks of Primero Justicia (PJ) with experience as a councilor in the Chacao municipality. He has expressed differences with the traditional opposition and has been building the image of being an alternative to it. He presents his candidacy as a " center option " to overcome the polarization between Chavismo and the opposition. Founder of the organization Alianza del Lápiz, Ecarri stands out for his sectoral work in the educational area, which has allowed him to position himself in Caracas and Miranda. He has added the support of Fuerza Vecinal, after the resignation of Manuel Rosales from the candidacy.

*Luis Eduardo Martínez: He is the presidential candidate of Democratic Action (AD), a party led by Bernabé Gutiérrez. He represents a new leadership within the traditional Venezuelan organizations grouped in the G4 that changed their political direction because they disagreed with the abstentionist strategy. In an interview, Martínez stated that some radical elements of the opposition are not motivated by national interests, which is why he distances himself from them. He has added support from Copei and the Popular Democratic Right party.

*José Brito: Venezuelan politician who serves as a deputy in the National Assembly, elected in 2020. He stands out for his critical expression towards the majority opposition grouped in the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) and considers that international sanctions are a threat to the economy. from Venezuela. Like Martínez, he is part of the leadership that was formed in the opposition parties abandoned by the abstentionist leaders. In April 2024, the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) appointed Brito as leader of an ad hoc board of directors of PJ , allowing him to present candidates to the CNE.

*Daniel Ceballos: Serves as presidential candidate for the Arepa party. His political career includes his tenure as mayor of San Cristóbal in 2013, interrupted by an arrest warrant from the TSJ for having supported the 2014 guarimbas and calling for violence. Thanks to the dialogue table promoted by the Venezuelan government, he received a pardon and resumed his political path. Ceballos was part of Voluntad Popular during his political rise, but distanced himself from the party due to differences with its violent and radical strategy. He considers that the guarimbas were a mistake that weakened the opposition.

*Javier Bertucci: He is an evangelical pastor, businessman and Venezuelan politician who has run for president twice for the El Cambio party. He is currently a deputy of the National Assembly. Although he identifies himself as an opponent of the government of Nicolás Maduro, his approach is distinguished from that of the traditional opposition by his openness to dialogue. Bertucci managed to obtain 11% of the vote in 2018 , making him one of the few political actors capable of attracting voters beyond the typical division between Chavismo and opposition.

*Benjamín Rausseo: He is running as a candidate outside of traditional political parties, seeking to attract voters disenchanted with polarization and existing party structures. He has spoken out against the international sanctions imposed on Venezuela. The Redes party has withdrawn its support due to ideological differences and the perception that Rausseo is carrying out an "empty" campaign without connection with the people.

*Claudio Fermín: The political career of Claudio Fermín, former mayor of Caracas, is characterized by his experience in public management and his moderate stance within the panorama of the Venezuelan political opposition. He began his public career in Democratic Action, but his dissent from the party line led him to separate from it. He founded the Solutions for Venezuela party, which he currently leads. He has participated in dialogue initiatives with the national government, seeking agreements in favor of the country and rejecting sanctions.

*Enrique Márquez: Former rector of the CNE, he defends that participation in elections is the only legitimate and effective way to achieve political change in Venezuela. He joined the Un Nuevo Tiempo party in 2007, and was expelled in 2018 for supporting Henri Falcón's candidacy in 2018, which contradicted the abstention strategy promoted by the MUD. He believes that international sanctions have failed to weaken the national government; on the contrary, they have harmed the Venezuelan population.+
When analyzing the profiles of this spectrum, the lack of unity and underlying strength between the oppositions can be clearly observed. Although all the candidates are facing the Maduro government, they represent a wide range of political places that seem to be irreconcilable with each other.

This current fragmentation has its roots in a series of strategic errors over the years, such as the excessive influence of María Corina Machado in the problematic 2023 primaries, in which she imposed her candidacy despite being politically disqualified, which marginalized to dissident voices.

Machado's refusal to name a replacement exacerbated the divisions, the result of which was the unilateral imposition of Corina Yoris as a candidate and, finally, the last-minute acceptance of support for Edmundo González, a candidate who at times seemed to be a cover option for María Corina, at other times one that responds to the sectors represented in the PUD, but never a postulate agreed upon by all the opposition factions, much less when there has been an electoral offer full of candidates with their own particular agendas. ... -oposicion

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sat May 25, 2024 1:45 pm

May 23, 2024 , 3:35 pm .

US institutions such as USAID have provided financing to some NGOs in Venezuela without any oversight (Photo: Reuters)

In Venezuela, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have had a leading role in the political-media scene since at least the first decade of the 21st century, although the rise in financing of these institutions began at the end of the previous century as an accompaniment of the neoliberal practices implemented by governments prior to the Bolivarian Revolution.

As the Venezuelan State in the 1980s and, above all, 1990s, abandoned its traditional role in certain economic and social sectors, NGOs took their place as operators, becoming arbitrators, interpreters and facilitators between government entities. and the population.

In this way, they began to participate in Venezuelan society by acting as a neoliberal device, in which they took on an increasingly greater role in the absence of the state, and institutionalized popular organizations by emptying their political content and eroding citizen participation, proposing in its place the privatization of public goods and services towards a model of consumerism that brought with it its document of barbarism. The neoliberal regime was implemented in the country.

On a global scale, large NGOs have worked jointly with corporations —under the guise of "social responsibility" and philanthropy—in the areas of politics, economics, social affairs, the environment, among others, which has filled the coffers of those entities and has raised its profile until, for example, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Doctors Without Borders in 1999. From then on, these organizations have enjoyed an "apolitical" aura and have been accepted as a state substitute in societies where neoliberal dogma prevails in matter and spirit.

The Venezuelan case contemplates an additional nuance: the "apolitical" and socially beneficent nature of many NGOs, narratively reinforced by private media and multilateral institutions of the liberal order - such as the UN or the OAS - take a belligerent position in politics and management. partisan, and has become asymmetric resources of the hybrid war against the population and the State.

The United States has expanded its organizational, logistical and financial channels in matters of foreign policy through the USAID and the NED to other societies, leading the baton of countless NGOs. Venezuela is a repository of these schemes with direct and indirect connections to US financing or other politically related entities.

Thus, it is essential to understand that the logistical and financial devices of the NGOs associated with opposition parties and leaders of the Democratic Unitary Platform—and their political partners—are fundamental in a possible post-electoral scenario, after the presidential elections on July 28, where Chaos and violence prevail with destabilizing purposes of national institutions and society as a whole for destituent reasons.

In addition to the political plot that characterizes the Venezuelan present, with the elections, the tours throughout the country of María Corina Machado—herself an NGO activist in her political beginnings—and the preaching of "the transition" well positioned on the spectrum media-digital, the increasing flow of resources to NGOs from the United States and the White House's attempts to disrupt and influence the recovering national economic activity through the issuance - or not - of OFAC licenses - maintaining the regime of illegal sanctions against the republic—are elements that, accumulated and well manipulated, could generate a fabricated event that triggers days characterized by political violence.

In this way, the second discussion in the National Assembly (AN) of the Draft Law on Supervision, Regularization, Performance and Financing of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Related Organizations, has had a singular prominence on the political agenda.

The claims and denunciations of coercion of human rights by the most openly anti-Chavista NGOs and linked to the most belligerent sectors of the opposition as a result of the legislative proposal in favor of transparency and institutional formality are signs that these entities do not They do not intend to account for their financing—much less their objectives—nor to consider a regulated margin of action.

This is a legislative mechanism that many Western countries already have, including the United States and the European Union (EU), where protests have also arisen over the bill under discussion in the chamber. What the Venezuelan State requires is transparency from these non-governmental people, not restricting their activities.

Currently, the AN has approved nine articles while the discussion continues on the rest of the articles.

The future regulation of the activity of NGOs in Venezuela is due both to the experience in recent history, due to the political, corrupt and destabilizing role that many of them have taken, and to the need to generate a favorable oversight framework for them.

Regarding the latter, the first vice president of the Permanent Commission of Internal Policy, deputy Julio García Zerpa (PSUV), one of the promoters of the law, commented that more than 80% of the NGOs "do not even have legal personality, which It is part of what is legislated in this norm, they do not exist before the registry, in this case the Saren, but they receive large amounts of millions of dollars! They are a vest, a cap, a motto, a website and they receive significant amounts. of millions of dollars!"

He also indicated that the Simón Bolívar Foundation of the subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA) in the United States, Citgo Petroleum, created during the government of President Hugo Chávez and which continued to operate with the administration of President Nicolás Maduro until 2019, now stolen by Washington, DC and administered indiscriminately by people affiliated or associated with Voluntad Popular—the López-Guaidó side—has lost its original nature—caring for surgical interventions on child and adolescent patients with serious illnesses—and has dedicated itself to distributing money to a organization called Convite, "which, according to Congressman García Zerpa, receives financing whose funds are illegally managed by these institutions."

Convite Civil Association was created in 2006 and works through various projects in the health sectors - monitoring and information -, youth and community activism and "humanitarian action". Most of its projects date back to 2020, a year after the United States imposed its puppet Juan Guaidó as "interim president" of Venezuela and gave him power at Citgo.

But Convite has another direct connection with American institutions: Luis Francisco Cabezas, its director, is a member of the Ford Foundation , an entity whose activities in Latin America and other parts of the world played an important role in the CIA's Cultural Cold War , a well-connected documented by British researcher Frances Stonor Saunders. American sociologist James Petras also wrote : "The ties between top Ford Foundation officials and the U.S. government are explicit and ongoing. A review of projects recently funded by the Ford Foundation reveals that it has never funded "an important project that contravenes US policy."

For the political and social stability of Venezuela, it is important that the existing connections between the actors that directly affect the Venezuelan scenario are known and recognized, but above all those that are veiled by a cloak of opacity. The bill points to the need for the regulation and supervision of NGOs to comply with the mechanisms so that their activities can be carried out normally throughout the national territory, without partisan or conspiratorial pretensions.

The same purpose has the parliament of Georgia, a Eurasian country whose political and social life is immersed in chaos driven by NATO , which seeks to make the financial and logistical instruments of NGOs transparent. The protests have escalated to the level of a soft coup, following the same hackneyed script, against the implementation of the law "On the Transparency of Foreign Financing."

From American and European bodies, this law harms Georgia's path towards the UN, while local entities and people that receive foreign financing organize to disobey the legislative order and take to the streets in search of a possible scenario of destabilization in favor of change. of regime. Legislators from the Georgian Dream party, the group promoting the law, stated last year that the EU is financing anti-Russian polarization in Georgia and that this bill would solve that problem.

Otherwise, in Venezuela, a scenario of extreme polarization with condiments of violence and social destabilization after the presidential elections in July - "the transition" in operational progress - is a possibility that the NGO partners of the most quarrelsome sectors of the Venezuelan opposition contribute as asymmetric resources while there is no official solution to their regulation and supervision. ... de-las-ong

May 22, 2024 , 4:45 pm .

A law against fascism would allow experiences such as the "arrechera" or the murder of Orlando Figuera to not be repeated (Photo: Archive)

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and deputy to the National Assembly (AN), Diosdado Cabello, asked parliament to carry out an in-depth investigation into the crime committed against Orlando Figuera.

This is a young man who was walking near Altamira Square, Chacao municipality in Miranda state, during the guarimbas of 2017. He was approached by an opposition group, stabbed and burned up to 80% of his body. He was hospitalized from May 20 of that year until he died on June 4.

The then attorney general, Luisa Ortega Díaz, declared that his lynching was not a hate crime, as the government and several human rights organizations have stated until now. Enzo Franchini Oliveros, who appears in various images shown on social networks dressed in a jacket and motorized helmet, setting Figuera on fire, was accused as the alleged material person responsible for the incident.

Franchini was captured in July 2019 by Interpol in Getafe (Spain) for the crimes of "public instigation, qualified intentional homicide and terrorism." In November of that year, the Prosecutor's Office of the Spanish National Court rejected the extradition procedure.

During the ordinary session on Tuesday, May 21, Cabello recalled that at that time the Prosecutor was rebuked and "the lady said that she could not act because those videos were manipulated. What manipulation was there? If that was recorded with the people in the street (...) you can clearly see what she is doing; that speaks of the complicity of that lady with those who ordered the violence in Venezuela and she should also be investigated for omission, for denying justice to a woman mother, Inés, of that young".

Deputy Diosdado Cabello asked parliament to carry out an in-depth investigation into the fascist crime against Orlando Figuera in 2017 (Photo: Infobae)

The deputy warned the opposition that lives in the AN that in these types of events one cannot be passive:

"They have tasted something of the evil of those other sectors of the opposition, of what they are capable of. I am going to tell you something: if they can, they will go for us first and then they will go for you."

The proposed Law against Fascism, Neofascism and Similar Expressions, presented by the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Dr. Delcy Rodríguez Gómez, on April 2, consists of four chapters and 30 articles. That same day it was approved in the first discussion and generated the usual stigmatization by the corporate media.

Its objective is to "establish the means and mechanisms to preserve peaceful coexistence, public tranquility, the democratic exercise of the popular will, the recognition of diversity, tolerance and reciprocal respect against expressions of fascist, neo-fascist or similar nature that may arise in the territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela".

The instrument focuses on the eradication of any type of ideological position or expression of superiority or discrimination, whether racial, ethnic, social or national. In her speech for the presentation of the bill, the Vice President recalled how in the last 25 years extremist sectors carried out acts of violence against the Venezuelan people. He added that "we really know that those who committed these atrocious crimes claimed, claim and are militants of hatred, death, intolerance, racism, discrimination of all kinds. They were very hard times that our country went through."

Its content contemplates various sanctions for those who carry out fascist, neo-fascist or similar acts. These sanctions could be criminal (years in prison), administrative (fines) or involve the dissolution of organizations.

Between the transnational media stigmatization and the purism of academic definitions, the different opinion leaders— NGOs included —overlook the fact that cases like Figuera's and many others reside in Venezuelan historical memory due to their detrimental effects on the exercise of politics. It is clear that, within the framework of several attempts at color revolution, the Venezuelan opposition resorted to the exercise of political violence and generated both deaths and destruction, as well as the imposition of anti-politics as a notion.

In addition to the Figuera case, the post-electoral violence of April 2013 is recorded: in that episode one of the losing candidates, Henrique Capriles, called on his voters to "unload the arrechera", the consequence of which was a wave of political persecution and violence. The balance was eleven murders, two minors among the victims and the attack on public facilities, health centers among them.

Days after the violent wave, it was learned that since October, November and December 2012, the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin) had begun investigations to detect an operation called " Conexión Abril " that sought to generate chaotic situations in the country to attack the governability, with the creation of a violent scenario after the elections that took place after the death of Commander Hugo Chávez, then president.

Expressions of post-electoral violence are part of the expected scenario if the opposition does not achieve its objectives on June 28 (Photo: File)

Precisely, post-electoral violence is one of the scenarios envisioned in the event that the results of the presidential elections on July 28 are adverse to the expectations of the opposition. From that sector they have shown that politics and dialogue are not exactly their forte, in other electoral scenarios they have hesitated to accept the results and their disqualification of the suffrage system is permanent.

The opposition sector that is openly directed from Washington took on the electoral route after Trump was defeated in 2020 and the Democrats were installed in the White House. Although they talk about this route as if they were doing society a favor, the reality is that they opted for it after their "maximum pressure" strategy failed.

A law like the one being discussed in the AN would allow experiences such as those of April 2013 or May 2017 to not be repeated, by establishing exemplary punishments against those who have requested economic sanctions and military intervention against Venezuela, in addition to building a framework of reference related to expressions of fascism, neo-fascism and belligerent ideologies of the extreme right.

On the other hand, the circulation of supposedly condescending messages regarding an eventual government transition after 28J seems to imply hate messages under other codes. The common factor of these speeches is that a " transitional justice " would avoid the persecution of Chavismo, it would be a sophistication of the expressions of hate with which they seek to "soften" the voting base of Chavismo, and also officials, for the alleged handover of power.

These narrative devices show the tension that exists between different opposition actors regarding the intention to dispose of Chavismo's right to exist. Although some spokespersons and opinion leaders try to transfer this tension to Chavismo, phrases like "We are going to win and we are going to get paid!" issued by María Corina Machado are eloquent, they denote that "transitional justice" is, in reality, a path of revenge and fascism. ... -venezuela

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sun May 26, 2024 1:47 pm

Interview with José Pimentel, Venezuelan Peasant Leader and Land Defender
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 25, 2024
William Camacaro

We had the opportunity to meet with an iconic leader of the Venezuelan campesino movement in the city of San Carlos, Cojedes, Venezuela. José Pimentel is a well-known defender of land rights. For this reason Pimentel has been the target of at least three assassination attempts by large landowners.

While there is no consensus on the true number, it said that hundreds of peasants in Venezuela have been assassinated for defending their legally sanctified rights to the land they work. Some estimate that more than 500 peasants have been murdered for their compliance with the land law, while not a single person behind these assassinations is in prison.

One of the lands recovered by the Cojedes farmers under the leadership of Pimentel was a farm called El Charcote, a 12,950 hectare plot that Agroflora, a subsidiary of the Vestey Group, claims to own. The Vestey Group is a multinational corporation (founded by Lord Vestey, the 56th richest person in the UK) that owns 13 farms in Venezuela alone, as well as land across the entirety of South America.

In an article published in the New York Times on January 10, 2005, journalist Juan Forero mentions how productive that farm was long before the farmers took it. What the journalist does not mention is that all the production from that farm went directly to London and that all the products were organic. The “owners” of the farm, seeing that they were going to be expropriated, proceeded to kill its cattle and sell the meat in the UK while destroying the farm’s infrastructure. That same article accuses Venezuelan peasant leader José Pimentel of being an “invader”.

The last attack on Pimentel’s life was in the cafeteria of the National Land Institute (INTI) in the capital of the Cojedes state, San Carlos. In that last attack, he received several bullets in the chest and two shots in the head. His crying daughter told us that he had lost brain mass. After awakening from a months-long coma, Pimentel couldn’t speak or recognize his friends. He could not even sit on his bed. Three years after that terrible attack, I met with Pimentel expecting to see him in a wheelchair and struggling to speak. My surprise was to see a talkative, coherent man who waved his arms vigorously in the air, who drives his car without any type of device, who walks only with a cane and still organizes occupations of vacant land.

Pimentel has always said that the land is for those who work it. He adds that despite everything, “We cannot leave Maduro alone! We must shelter him and protect him! The revolution cannot die.”

José Pimentel is one of many anonymous heroes of the Bolivarian Revolution. His legacy will not be forgotten. ... -defender/

Organizing Ranchers in the Venezuelan Llanos: The Pancha Vásquez Commune
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 25, 2024
Chris Gilbert, Cira Pascual Marquina

Milk production is an important part of the economy at the Pancha Vásquez Commune. (Rome Arrieche)​

This latest installment in the Communal Resistance Series takes us to the Pancha Vásquez commune in Apure State in the Venezuelan plains region [Llanos]. The Venezuelan Llanos are legendary for their rich cultural heritage and spectacular landscapes, but it is also rife with political and social contradictions. These include issues relating to land ownership, Indigenous rights and dispossession, and spillover from neighboring Colombia’s internal conflict.

Located on the outskirts of Elorza, in the southwest of the state, Pancha Vásquez is a huge commune in terms of territory. The commune comprises fourteen communal councils, three of which focus on agriculture, while eleven are dedicated to cattle rearing. The lands in this vast territory are mostly in the hands of small to mid-sized producers who take pride not only in their equestrian traditions and folklore but also in the special role that Elorza played in Hugo Chávez’s biography. That is because, as a young officer, Chávez was stationed in Elorza from 1985 to 1987 and sharpened his political vision there.

In this three-part series, we will explore the history and productive activities of the Pancha Vásquez Commune as well as the way it has addressed problems induced by the US blockade.

Gerardo Ramírez is a cattle rancher and spokesperson for the Pancha Vásquez Commune | Hugo Calzadilla is the local historian and a member of the Pancha Vásquez Commune | José Araque is a communal parliamentarian at Pancha Vásquez Commune, and is a meat, milk, and cheese producer | José Calzadilla is a beekeeper in the Pancha Vásquez Commune | Juan Fernández is a communal parliamentarian for Pancha Vásquez Commune and one of its founders | Petra Cedeño is a cattle rancher and parliamentarian at Pancha Vásquez Commune | Rigoberto Contreras is the coordinator of a Milk Collection Center inside the Pancha Vásquez Commune | Róger Rodríguez is a cattle rancher in the Pancha Vásquez Commune (Rome Arrieche)
The Commune’s Long Historical Roots

Successful communes in Venezuela usually emerge out of a long history of struggles. Here the communards in the Pancha Vásquez territory tell us about the region’s legacy of resistance and rebellion.


Hugo Calzadilla: Before the colonization, the Indigenous peoples living here were the Cuiba and the Pumé. Most of them were violently displaced towards the Capanaparo River [to the South of Elorza] by Spanish settler colonialists.

Many of our stories and myths and some of our traditions can be traced back to the Pumé and Cuiba peoples. Even the commune, the idea of living collectively, is linked to their cosmovision.

However, mainstream culture lives with its back turned to our Indigenous heritage and is blind to the history of outright violence against the Indigenous peoples who inhabited this land. As recently as 1966 there was a massacre of Indigenous people in Apure state, in Hato La Rubiera.

These stories had an impact on Chávez when he was stationed here. He learned about the massacre and about persistent violence against Indigenous peoples from a revolutionary priest called Gonzalo de Jesús. Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution fought for justice, but reparations for the Indigenous peoples of the Llanos are still a pending task. A revolution is never finished.

Hugo Calzadilla: Going back to the so-called “beginning,” these lands were first colonized by Justo de Granada, who founded a town called San José de Arichuna in 1774, which later became known as Elorza.

The colonization went hand in hand with Christianization of the Indigenous peoples. In fact, what we now know as the “Fiestas de Elorza” [local festivities held yearly on March 19] can be traced back to the days when the Indigenous peoples would be forcefully baptized and made to honor Saint Joseph. Everything has its dark side and its bright side: the Fiestas de Elorza are a rich expression of our culture, but we can trace their origin back to settler colonialism.

Until 1866, the Colombia-Venezuela frontier followed the Arauca River. What we now know as Elorza – this town on the south side of the river and celebrated worldwide for its music – was a border settlement for much of its history. The Colombo-Venezuelan border was redrawn some 160 years ago: Apure expanded southward into what was formerly Colombia, and in exchange, Colombia received the Guajira Peninsula.

One last historical snippet: Elorza takes its name from José Andrés Elorza, one of the leaders of the “Bravos de Apure” [Apure Braves]. The “Bravos” were the horsemen who ran Spanish general Pablo Morillo and his troops out of these lands. Their protracted struggle against the colonizers was crucial to our country’s independence.


Hugo Calzadilla: Born Francisca Vásquez [1878-1931], “Pancha” was a local landowner, a woman who held her own in a patriarchal world. This historical figure, always surrounded by tales and myths, inspired Rómulo Gallegos’ 1929 novel Doña Bárbara, which is considered the greatest Venezuelan novel of the 20th century.

Pancha married Pedro Emilio Carrillo and had a son also known as Pedro Emilio. Widowed at an early age, she took control of the large cattle ranch she inherited. Pancha “ruled” [mandaba] with an iron fist and became hugely successful. We are still learning about the vast number of estates she owned. However, it’s known that she died with at least 50,000 hectares to her name and was said to own piles of gold.

Pancha Vásquez’s life is a story of success, tragedy, and misogyny.

Let me tell you one of the tragedies-become-legend that defined her life. Pancha’s only son was killed by a bizarre animal that she always kept by her side. Legend has it that the animal was half-bull and half-horse and a proxy of the devil!

My uncle witnessed the death of young Pedro Emilio, and informed Pancha of his death. When she heard the news, all she said was: I told him that he should not touch that bull! She didn’t shed a tear.

Perhaps Pancha Vásquez was a ruthless person, but she worked hand in hand with the cattle hands and forged her own path in a patriarchal world. We named the commune after her because of her strength and independence.

The Pancha Vásquez Commune covers some 84 thousand hectares. That land is distributed among 1200 families, most of them small to mid-sized producers. (Rome Arrieche)
The Commune and Its History

The Pancha Vásquez Commune is one of the most consolidated communal initiatives in Venezuela’s plains region. Here we explore the commune’s origins and its forms of self-government.

Petra Cedeño: This commune is composed of 14 communal councils. Its main activity is cattle rearing, mostly dual-purpose for both meat and dairy production. However, three of those 14 communal councils, the ones on the banks of the Arauca River, focus on agriculture. They produce corn, yuca, and plantain.

Additionally, fishing is also a part of our communal economy. As you can see, ours is a diversified and very productive commune.

Juan Fernández: We began organizing back in 2006 when the communal councils were being developed. These democratic grassroots spaces were the foci of revolutionary activity. Four years later, in 2010, when Chávez began to talk about the commune, five communal councils founded what we now know as the Pancha Vásquez Commune. Eventually, nine more communal councils joined.

In 2014, we finally were able to register the commune. The process wasn’t easy: when you build a project that challenges constituted power, you encounter many roadblocks. Chávez, however, had already predicted that this would happen, so we knew that we had to be persistent.

The commune took the name of Pancha Vásquez by majority vote. The argument was that she had been an energetic and combative woman. Because she was a big landowner and not a woman of the pueblo, I was not too keen on the proposal… but that’s how democracy works!

Petra Cedeño: This is mostly a commune based on cattle-raising. Because of the large and open terrain we inhabit, all of us are very far apart from each other. That’s why, when Chávez began to talk about the commune as a space for bringing people closer together, we seized the idea.

Building a commune isn’t easy, but ours has become the key organizational force in the territory. Pancha Vásquez has brought us closer together: now we recognize and appreciate each other, understand what we have in common, and organize ourselves to address common problems.


Juan Fernández: The land is privately owned at Pancha Vásquez, which limits our capacity to act as a commune. We now have the Collection and Distribution Center, a social property enterprise, but Chávez emphasized that non-private communal production is key to transforming society. Developing it is perhaps our most important pending task.

Just beyond the commune’s perimeter, but within the commune’s “punto y círculo” [Chávez’s conceptualization of a strategic area of influence], there is a great deal of underused state-owned land. We have requested that the INTI land institute transfer some land to the commune, but it hasn’t happened yet. Inside the state apparatus, some factions support the commune, while others favor “strategic alliances” with the private sector.

There’s another ranch inside the commune’s perimeter that is ripe for appropriation for the commune. A few years ago, an irregular armed group had a tract of land there. Fortunately, the National Antidrug Office [ONA] took action against them. Since then we have requested that the land be ceded to the commune, but we are still waiting for a decision on the matter. It would be fitting that it become communal land.

For us, the commune represents the future. The commune is not just a part of the project of building a better and more just Venezuela; it’s the beating heart of that project. That’s why the struggle to put some of the land in our commune under social property, and to obtain the resources to build communal enterprises is so important. Communal hegemony is crucial, but it won’t happen with ideas alone.

We live in a world where capitalism organizes everything – in contrast to the commune, which is Chávez’s legacy and our collective strategy. Even in the most difficult times, the commune has been a lifeline. We should never forget that!


Juan Fernández: Self-government is about people solving their day-to-day problems together. At Pancha Vásquez, we don’t want to be dependent on state institutions. At times we cooperate with them, and other times we demand their support. We believe that a significant portion of Venezuela’s oil rent should go to the communes, because communes represent the only way out of the capitalist trap.

In this commune, we aspire to build a relationship of cooperation with the government in which no one dominates. However, inside our territory, the commune is in charge.

What drives our efforts? The people, the communards, and the commune’s spokespeople who work tirelessly without any personal gain.

Of course, a commune isn’t a paradise. At Pancha Vásquez, we work hard, organize, and support each other, but problems do arise. Recently, we acquired a “Super-Duty” truck through an agreement with the Ministry of Communes. Some people wanted to use the truck for personal benefit.

The assembly – the highest authority in the commune – wasn’t about to let that happen, but solving the problem took months. The process was painful, but it also proved that the commune can address issues: we had to recall three spokespeople whose role was auditing and two others from the communal bank. It wasn’t easy but we were able to solve the problem collectively.

Now the truck is in the commune’s hands and it’s one of our main collective assets.

Petra Cedeño: A commune is a space where people discuss their problems, reflect on solutions, and organize a roadmap to achieve collective goals. It’s the community governing itself, as Chávez said!

The main problem we have as producers is getting our production to market and making sure that we don’t sell at a loss. These lands are vast and the roads are often in poor condition, making transportation a real problem. This is all compounded by the fuel shortages that the US blockade generates.

Once we identified that transportation was a key problem, it became clear that the commune needed a collection and distribution center to shorten distances.

We will discuss the Pancha Vásquez Collection and Distribution Center more fully later on, but I want to mention that we’ve been able to carry out that project with very limited funding from the Ministry of Communes, on the one hand, and a lot of work and sacrifice from Juan Fernández and other communards, on the other.

In its two refrigeration rooms, local producers can store meat or cheese until the sale is concluded. Why is that important? That way the producers are no longer forced to sell to intermediaries immediately at the prices they impose. Instead, a producer can wait a few days (or months, in the case of cheese) until market conditions are optimal.

A communal assembly at the Pancha Vásquez Commune. (Rome Arrieche)

Two Communal Leaders: Juan Fernández and Petra Cedeño

Despite being assembly-based spaces, functioning communes generally depend on a vanguard organizational group and specific cadres who fulfill leadership roles. Here, we tell the stories of two key figures in the Pancha Vásquez Commune.

Juan Fernández: My commitment to this land and the people who care for it can be traced back to my father, Ramón Rafael Fernández. He was a cattle herder, a hardworking man with integrity, who was deeply cherished by the community. He was always solidarious.

He raised his children to be hardworking and honest. My father didn’t go to school, but he worked hard and made sacrifices so that we could receive a good education. He first sent me to study in Biruaca [in Apure state], then Mérida. Finally, I went to college in Barinas. As a student, I became interested in politics, read Communist Party documents, and learned about the Chinese communes.

While my father didn’t identify as a leftist, he truly loved humanity and was very solidarious with everyone in the community. He used to say that people getting together to solve problems is the only solution.

My father died in 2008. Remembering him still brings tears to my eyes.

My father trained and educated me, but I was also shaped up by Comandante Chávez. Chávez emphasized the principle of solidarity and urged us to prioritize collective needs over individual ones. If my father was (and is) my moral guide, Chávez was my political mentor.

Now, as I dedicate my life to building the commune, I can say that I have had two fathers. I deeply mourn their loss, but in my own way, I continue on the path they laid out.

Petra Cedeño: This is a man’s world. There are very few women ranchers here and in the commune, I’m one of only two female parliamentarians.

I learned the trade from my father, who is a rancher in Biruaca.

On our ranch, we have around 250 dual-purpose cows, along with pigs, chickens, guinea fowl, and turkeys. Cheese is our primary product. In the summer, we produce about 18 kilos of cheese daily, but that goes up to 30 kilos during the rainy season.

Tending to a ranch is not for the faint of heart, but I enjoy the work. I enjoy working with people and making things work. That is what drew me to the commune. We live and work in a vast plain. Many of our ranches are far from each other; we have no phone coverage and many people don’t have electricity, so we learn about the world through the radio. But that is not enough! For me, the commune is about bringing us together, listening to each other, and solving very real problems.

That’s why my home has become a sort of communal headquarters. When people need a letter of endorsement from the communal council or from the commune, they come to my place and we figure it out.

First and foremost, I’m a problem solver. I enjoy working with and for the community. I want to see our commune prosper and our production grow. I dream of the day when everyone who is not yet committed to the commune will join it!

Cattle herding is in the epicenter of the Pancha Vásquez Commune. (Rome Arrieche)


Apure’s vast plains are ideal for rearing livestock. When you look at the landscape, the flatlands are punctuated by large samán trees and herds of both cows and water buffalo.


Juan Fernández: The economic basis of the commune is dual-purpose cattle [for milk and meat], although there are three communal councils on the margins of the Arauca River dedicated to agriculture. They produce corn, yuca, plantain, and topocho [a small plantain].

We estimate that there are about 60,000 heads of cattle in the commune, although we don’t have a livestock census. Most of our producers are small to mid-sized ones, but there are four “hatos” [large cattle ranches], each with 10,000 heads of cattle or more.

Chávez often talked about the importance of communal property and collective production for building a new socialist model. Our commune has no communal land, so we are working with that goal in mind. I’m sure we will succeed because we are really stubborn.

We do have, however, the recently built Pancha Vásquez Collection and Distribution Center, which is a social property enterprise. The Distribution Center just opened its doors [March 2024], but it will be very important for the commune.


Gerardo Ramírez: Our family-run production unit focuses on raising cattle – both buffalo and cows – for milk and cheese production. I used to grow corn, rice, and watermelon, but not anymore. Purchasing agricultural inputs became very difficult.

We currently have 80 heads between cows and buffalo. This is a low number for us: not too long ago 137 heads were stolen. Irregular armed groups are penetrating the Colombo-Venezuelan frontier and rustling cattle. In the past five years, our production has fallen by about 50%. First, sanctions made access to the inputs for raising livestock very difficult; then came the fuel shortages. You get the picture: the situation isn’t easy.

However, we won’t give up! I wasn’t born yesterday. I’m not from here but from Táchira, though I’m staying here for good. This land is beautiful and productive. Moreover, our commune offers a space to solve our problems. However, we really need the local and regional governments to address some of the problems that we have.

On our end, we’re working to boost production. Chávez once told us that buffalo would become the “black gold” of the Venezuelan Llanos. He was right: buffalo are far more resilient and productive. While there may be less demand for the meat right now, it’s actually very good, and buffalo milk is far richer in fat. As we speak, we are growing our buffalo herd. Many other ranchers are doing the same.


José Salomón Calzadilla: I learned about beekeeping from Father Gonzalo de Jesús about 25 years ago. Father Gonzalo was the same man who became Chávez’s spiritual mentor when he was posted in Elorza.

Beekeeping is a fascinating blend of science and nature, with each hive being an intricate and efficient world. These lands are good for honey production, but climate change is affecting our output. We used to produce about 500 kilos of honey every month during the dry season, but now it’s down to 400 kilos due to climate change.

We work with African bees. I bought the nucleus colony in Acarigua [Portuguesa state] many years ago. Now I have reached a point where I don’t need to purchase any inputs. If one is patient and learns the trade, the bees will do the rest!

In addition to beekeeping, I maintain a conuco [subsistence plot] where I grow corn, yuca, and beans, mostly for family consumption. Most producers in the commune do the same thing.


José Araque: My main production is chimó [chewing tobacco], although my family also has 70 heads of cattle.

Growing and processing tobacco is a meticulous process that combines agricultural skill with careful curing. First, the tobacco leaves are hand-harvested and sun-dried. Then, after finely chopping the tobacco leaves and mixing them with ashes, the product is cooked and reduced to develop rich flavors and the right texture. The whole process can take several weeks.

Diversifying production is important. Chimó-making was nearly a lost trade here, but it’s a viable, if labor-intensive, alternative. Producing a good batch is satisfying, and there is a market for it!

Cheese-making (Rome Arrieche)


Róger Rodríguez: “La Pradera,” my family farm, spans 175 hectares. Here, that is considered a small to mid-sized ranch. Due to the blockade, the past few years have been very difficult, so we have seen our herd significantly reduced.

This is why I’m working to diversify our production. I don’t want to be a monoproducer: if I’m growing animals to sell cheese or meat, I should be able to ensure the whole supply chain, from breeding the animals to making the feed. If I can produce the food for my herd in La Pradera, I’ll be less dependent on the market, creating a “virtuous circle,” which is one of my goals at the moment.

I now have a small herd of sheep and goats. They are robust animals. They can endure droughts, and we can surely feed them out of our farm. Our goal is to build up the herd and focus on artisanal cheese-making.

To further diversify, I also have pigs. I have been shifting away from conventional feed to producing my own feed for them. During the mango season, I throw mangos and corn cobs into a metal drum and let them ferment for about three months. Mango trees are very productive. The output is a product that is almost as efficient as commercial feed.

Finally, when it comes to diversification, the conuco is also key. This is not a new practice: our grandparents passed it on to our parents, who in turn passed it on to us. In itself the conuco is the most diversified agricultural form that I know of, and it kept us alive during the worst of the blockade. In our conuco, we grow everything from corn to plantains.


Juan Fernández: The Pancha Vásquez Commune includes three riverside communal councils. The members of those communal councils mostly engage in agriculture, and they launched a project called the Communal Market.

The Communal Market was born under the aegis of a powerful slogan: A day without intermediaries! Every Saturday, the campesinos gather to sell their produce directly to the folks from the José Andrés Elorza Commune [an urban commune in Elorza]. In so doing, they are breaking free of the yoke of the intermediaries, who exploit both the producer and the consumer.

However, the market has been dwindling due to fuel shortages, making it hard for campesinos to bring their produce to the market… And so, intermediaries are reemerging in our local economy.

We have learned some lessons from this situation: we all know that the intermediary, the so-called middleman, is not an ally of the producer. We took an important step toward freeing ourselves from the intermediaries’ exploitative practices by creating the Pancha Vásquez Collection and Distribution Center.


Rigoberto Contreras: The “El Reencuentro” Milk Collection Center, in the heart of the Pancha Vásquez Commune, opened its doors in 2012. In our municipality, milk production is key, so ensuring that our producers have an accessible place to deliver their dairy production is super important.

We have a 3000-liter cooling tank, with daily intake ranging from 900 liters in the dry season to 2600 liters during the rainy season. You could say that the Milk Collection Center is now a space run by and for “free and associated producers.”

It works like this: producers are paid 47 cents per liter for cow milk and 64 cents for buffalo milk if they deliver to the center. They get slightly less when we ourselves have to fetch the milk from the farms.

Overall there is a general shift away from cows to buffalo because buffalos are more robust. During the past year or so we have seen a general upward trend in milk production due to this shift.

We have had ups and downs in the production and collection of milk since the blockade began. On the one hand, when it was very hard to get fuel, getting the milk to the collection center was difficult. On the other hand, many herds dwindled.

Finally, we faced another problem up until 2021. Until then, we paid milk producers in bolívares, but rampant hyperinflation made it hard for them. Now the payment is regular and in dollars, which is an incentive for producers to bring their milk here.

Juan Fernández: From a legal standpoint, the Milk Collection Center is a private enterprise, but it is run as a network of freely associated producers. Our goal is to convert it into a Social Property Enterprise [EPS] linked to the commune.

We want it to become an EPS for three reasons. First, we are committed to communal property. Second, because the Milk Collection Center is technically a private enterprise, state institutions are not inclined to support it. Third, Agroflora, the enterprise that purchases the milk, sets the rules without consulting us. By contrast, communal administration would give us more leverage to negotiate rates and request state funding.

In short, we are always pushing in the direction of the commune, which is the space that opens a window to the new world.

Joropo dance (Rome Arrieche) ... z-commune/


May 22, 2024 , 1:45 pm .

Two months before the presidential elections are held, the opposition's discourse is one of absolute confidence that they will win the elections (Photo: File)

We recently warned that a sector of the opposition was trying to install the idea that a political transition was approaching in Venezuela, assuming as a fact the electoral defeat of President Nicolás Maduro, after the elections on July 28, thereby They would be generating great expectations in their voters that could lead to scenarios of political violence, as has already been experienced in previous days.

To expand on what has already been stated, we propose to systematize and detail the elements that are laying the groundwork for realizing said plan.

With two months to go before the presidential elections, the opposition's discourse is one of absolute confidence that they will win the elections. There is not even talk about what the campaign will be like to achieve the greatest number of votes, but rather about the "controlled" way in which they will receive power from a "resigned" government.

For this reason, we say that we are trying to establish the idea that, after 28J, there can be no other scenario other than the beginning of a post-Chavist era, the drawing of a postcard without political conflicts, in harmony, with social freedoms, with a thriving economy without sanctions, in which Chavismo is seen as a bad dream or an overcome trauma.

However, to even begin to reach that point, the most important requirement must first be met: winning the presidential elections and for the candidate who claims to embody the figure of "the transition" to prevail because that is what the disqualified person "decided" to do. María Corina Machado. Let us remember that, since the primaries of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) were held in October 2023, it has been said that "the transition" has already " begun ", even though a minimal portion of the electoral roll has participated.

There has also been an attempt to project that Machado, holder of the witness of "victory", can transfer her power to others. She previously did it with Corina Yoris and, now, it is the turn of the PUD candidate, Edmundo González Urrutia.

The triumphalism of that sector is inexplicable if we take into account that there is a deep division and several anti-Chavista candidates participate, dividing the opposition vote.

With these enormous expectations, there is no doubt that a scenario of political violence justified by that sector of drained frustrations is being created once what was promised so much is not fulfilled. Similar scenarios have already been experienced in the past. It happened with the mobilizations "to Miraflores" in 2002, in 2013 when Henrique Capriles Radonski irresponsibly called to "unload the arrechera", and also the promise to go "to the end" after the 2023 primaries.

Currently there is no talk of taking care of the vote but of "the transition", and everything indicates that the PUD organization and other internal political partners are aimed at protecting that victory that is practically "assured."

The speech "until the end" becomes a declaration of war when the disabled woman repeats ad nauseam that "this is the moment" and "there is no turning back" and "we must go out and defend what belongs to us", all accompanied by of an epic fight between good and evil.

"And the visits they have been making, especially factors related to Vente Venezuela, would be aimed at organizing post-electoral violence, as President Nicolás Maduro and the leadership of the Bolivarian Revolution have denounced," we warned in the last installment.

For this purpose, the "comanditos" are being organized , led by María Corina Machado's party, with a view to achieving "change in Venezuela." They are made up of a minimum of 10 people and overlap under the image of the popular when they claim to be made up of housewives, athletes, condominiums, motorcycle taxi drivers, university promotions, among others.

The PSUV has on multiple occasions denounced Vente Venezuela for paying motorists to generate violence and thus cover up the failure of its failed candidacy. Likewise, President Maduro has exposed the destabilizing plans of the Vente Venezuela party.

We have already said that the upcoming elections on July 28 will be one of the most monitored events in the world given that, previously, the government and the opposition had established dialogue guidelines to search for a way out of the crisis.

In that sense, a special coverage was made - as a psychological operation - assuming that the figure of María Corina Machado represents an unprecedented political phenomenon that attracts the attention of experts, only comparable to the emergence of Commander Hugo Chávez in 1998, so " the eyes of the world watch in amazement" in this new "epic of national liberation.

The support of sectors of the traditional Ibero-American right grouped in IDEA, which have a certain influence in regional media, together with the sponsorship that American congressmen have given to the figure and "leadership" of the aforementioned, configure a scenario conducive to the amplification of allegations of electoral fraud. These actions could lead to a new attempt to revive the Lima Group—with another façade suited to the times—as was warned in a previous note .

Furthermore, without having participated in the process, the disqualified person has assumed herself as an integral part of the Barbados Accords, with which they have tried to condition the July elections under the threat that if the opposition's forecast is not met, new measures will be applied. rounds of US sanctions against the country. It was already seen at the end of January, when the Supreme Court of Justice ratified her disqualification, and immediately the United States government revoked the OFAC license regarding Venezuelan gold.

The conjugation of these elements described constitutes the complete board of the possible scenario that would seek to chaoticize the country after the 28J elections, where the conditioning is present, the ignorance of the Venezuelan institutions, as well as the international political and media front on the part of said sector. ... o-post-28j

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Venezuela Records 7% Economic Growth in First Quarter of 2024
MAY 25, 2024

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro speaks at an official event in Corporación Venezolana de Guayana Cabelum, Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar state, May 24, 2024. Photo: Correo del Orinoco.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro reported that the Venezuelan economy grew by 7% in the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. Moreover, the country has experienced 11 quarters of continuous economic growth.

During an official event held at the headquarters of the state-owned aluminium company, Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) Cabelum in Ciudad Bolívar, Bolívar state, on Friday, May 24, President Maduro stated that in the first four months of 2024, Venezuela registered the lowest inflation in the last 12 years, “and we are going to improve, to absolutely control the inflationary issue with economic growth and exchange rate stability.”

He added that the economic growth forecast for 2024 is higher, so “I believe that this year, we are going to break a record of economic growth with more than 8%, as well as a growth of the gross domestic product.”

President Maduro also condemned the illegal unilateral coercive measures imposed by the United States and applauded by the oligarchy, which cost the Venezuelan GDP $642 billion from 2015 to 2021.

“With those resources, how many houses could we have built in addition to the ones we have already built?” President Maduro asked. “How many schools, high schools, how many universities? Despite that economic damage, we have recovered this country with good policies, good practices, and with a lot of economic strategy that has resulted in recovery, improvement, and continuous growth.”

He also announced that tax collection increased by 78% during the first four months of 2024, compared to the same period of 2023.

“We are on the right track,” he said. “The tax that is collected is invested in the 1×10 Good Government program, in the Great Mission Venezuela Woman, the Great Mission Venezuela Youth, the Great Hugo Chávez Equality Mission, the Great Mission Grandfathers and Grandmothers of the Homeland, in repairing schools and high schools, and investing in the economy.”

Similarly, in the banking system, credit has grown 81% between April 2023 and April 2024, while deposits—measured in their equivalent in USD—rose by 58% during the same period.

Regarding the exchange system, President Maduro stated that “in the last seven months, the price of the dollar has been the most stable since 2012.”

The president also reported that from April 2023 to April 2024, non-traditional exports have experienced a continuous growth of 11%.

He also stated that CVG Cabelum has signed various agreements aimed at increasing production, which will allow it to reach 90% of its capacity from the current 55%.

Moreover, Venezuela is currently recording the highest supply indexes of the last 30 years, with quality products made in Venezuela.

Regarding the Local Supply and Production Committees (CLAP), President Maduro stated that they now supply 100% nationally manufactured products to 7.2 million families every month.

The Agricultural Stock Exchange, which started operating in 2022, currently has $281 million “moving through its system and being converted into productive investment.”

President Maduro emphasized that Venezuela is moving towards a new diversified economic model “with 18 engines of the economy that are growing harmoniously and satisfying the needs of the people, generating the necessary wealth to invest in the recovery of social rights through the Great Missions of the new generation.”

“Amid the criminal blockade, we are growing in a miraculous way with diversification of production,” he stated.

He also highlighted the need to build “a new model of efficient management by workers’ socialism.” In this regard, he stressed the leading role of the Workers’ Productive Councils in promoting the nation’s economic development.

“We have to consolidate the path of recovery and economic growth,” he said. ... r-of-2024/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri May 31, 2024 2:16 pm


Image The Cayapo

May 30, 2024 , 11:30 am .

(Photo: El Cayapo)

Death is just the lightning in which being and nothingness embrace each other joyfully, so that life continues to be different.

The heading of this writing is a phrase originally attributed to Erasmus; in Latin: aquila non capit muscas , it is used disparagingly to refer to a minor opponent, unworthy of attention. The eagle, an allegory of height in different cultures of the world, is an animal of large size, strength and supreme intelligence, vigorous; It is a being that is constituted without dependence, it does not belong to or obey anyone's orders, it and its flight do not involve ties, it is the living image of independence moving in space; hence the accurate appreciation that his gaze is not fixed on vermin or vermin that mean nothing to his glorious existence.

12 years ago, on January 14, 2012, Commander Chávez told Mrs. María Corina Machado "an eagle does not catch a fly" after she offended the majesty of the Presidency of the Republic in the person of the President.

For anyone, this insult uttered by Mrs. María was one more that was pronounced in the heat of the parliamentary debate, but it is not true, this insolence was propaganda, like all the epithets that have been uttered against us Venezuelans who decided to try another possibility. to live outside of capitalist slavery. It is part of a larger plan, outlined and financed by the need of the owners of financial-speculative capital, who understand that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a very powerful blocking stone that must be destroyed at any cost, and to This is why leaders are war targets.

In these 25 years of Chavista government, the corporations have tested all the propaganda, psychological, political and war methods that their brain tanks have been able to imagine and carry out through their spokespersons and operators, we are talking about the internal lackeys who sell the country, such as of the presidents without criteria who also sell out their countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the intelligence agencies of the United States, England, European countries, and the Israeli Zionist enclave, all of them at the service of the large corporations that exercise power in the world, whose techniques of torture, murder, blackmail, applied against the people of the world are the custom of these primed murderers.

In their criminal rampage, they have not only murdered Chavista leaders and stolen the Republic's assets abroad, but they have also designed plans to destroy the laws and Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. All this in order to disrupt the State, seeking to make the government violate the law and in this way justify the plans that the global scoundrel and its internal puppets carry out in Venezuelan territory.

In politics, no one makes a stitch without a thimble, much less the financial-speculative capitalist empire that directs the orchestra and its box of puppets in the mine, complete with ventriloquist. Any person with half a brain knows that everything that María Corina does, like what was done by the previous actors imitating politicians, even if her actions seem crazy, crazy, nonsense, a brain disorder, a behavioral disorder, everything fits into the script of "we must overthrow the Chavista government, eliminate the State and generate great chaos that allows us to take over the existing resources in that territory with everything and people."

Since their first appearances in the political arena, they have always been seen as stupid, they have been constant in lying, fraud, false posturing, overacting theater. It seems that Lupita Ferrer and Franklin Virgüez have trained them, in their mediocre school performances. What they are authentic in and what is common to all is in hatred, contempt, racism, theft, crime, excessive ambition and detachment from the territory and the people who inhabit it.

When Chávez won the elections in 1998, the foreign owners of the mine unleashed all their forces that they use for subjugation, and since then they have not stopped. The traditional elites, both national and foreign, always supported by theft and crime, have not stopped rehearsing and attempting by all means to overthrow the Chavista government. 25 years of hard battles have passed and the government remains unwavering in its intention to build us as a country and definitively abandon the condition of a mine in which big capital has prostrated us.

They have practiced physically and in propaganda all the methods that had once served them to overthrow governments in the world, but in the Venezuelan case without favorable results. They are not facing a simple government with a romantic idea of ​​salvation, but rather a political-military leadership with the deep conviction that it is not by rehabilitating capitalism that we will be able to change the material conditions of existence, which for more than 500 years has subjected us. , which understands that the owners of the puppets are the large corporations that today strive to chaoticize the world and establish the great dictatorship of the market, subjecting us to their capricious rule that will change according to the coming and going of corporate interests.

Our government understands that there is and is developing a fierce war at a global level for the control of markets and resources for production between two capitalist blocks, that on one side are the creators of Western capitalism, who seek and try to chaotic the entire planet. to remain in power, eliminating nation-states and imposing, as we already said, the law of the market that they control; and on the other side, the resurgence of cultures that refuse this imposition. It is a clash of powers that will substantially affect the existence relations of the species on the planet. It also understands that without the strength of the State, independence of criteria, own plans and control of the territory, we will not be able to establish the alliances that make us live with dignity with decorum, as beings who belong to each other and have their own voice and action for whom we will be respected as people. worthy in the concert of nations.

Capitalism and its new dominant imperial phase in the world manifests its traditional chaos, where the arrival is always financial-speculative capital. In all previous times it had managed to overcome the crisis through war and adapted to the new times, only in this case, after the second war promoted by corporations directly, the trances are frequently very close and each crisis happens one or more local wars, which half manage to calm the situation, but at this moment they need a war of greater proportions that allows them to sustain profit rates and increase them at a global level, and for this the best situation is controlled chaos by financial-speculative power.

Until now, the captains of capitalist corporations from the powerful West had become accustomed to the fact that they resolved their crises by reaching an agreement, to the point of regulating wars, politics, diplomacy and their organization in the world, that is, they could murder, loot, steal and impose themselves in the world without having a wife, boy or dog to bark at them. But after the second war planned and carried out by themselves, not only a little dog but also a pack emerged, and also armed with their own technology, science, factories, food and educated people in immense territories full of resources, and also with the willingness to be together to prevent the West from stealing from them. We are talking about China, Iran, Russia and some Arab countries.

But before continuing it is good to know a little about this history. Who are they, where do these guys that humanism fears so much come from? The Persians, Chinese, Slavs and Arabs.

When in the West there were just men in caves trying to create language, the existence of complex cultures such as the Persian, the Arab and the Chinese had already gone through different processes of splendor and decline. All of these cultures, about which we know very little, act dynastically, and each dynasty has a plan in which they flourish, remain and die as such, giving way to tragedies and the emergence of new ideas and the flowering of new dynasties.

For example, the Chinese began their new flourishing in 1911, which coincides with the disappearance of the Qing dynasty: its deterioration had allowed European plunderers to take islands and ports in China since 1835 and subject them to leonine treaties through the drug addiction of the courts, and it was only more than a century later when the new idea emerged from the hand of young Chinese, among them Dr. Sun Yat Sen and the great leader Mao Tse Tung, who gave way to the flourishing of this new Chinese dynasty that combines the ancient arts of maintaining power and the new capitalist productive technologies from the West.

More or less this is what is happening in the Arab, Persian and Slavic cultures, with the awareness that the West hates them and wants to steal their territories and resources, and worse still, exterminate them because of the deep fear they have of them, and this makes the Chinese, Arabs, Slavs and Persians join forces to defend themselves against this common enemy.

The State, in these last territories, are not a product of the normal development of capitalism, but of the historical event where communist and religious ideas were imposed on the control of the State and from there capitalism has developed, unlike Europe and the United States. United, where absolutism gave way in immense contradictions to the bourgeois State, which immediately adapted to the needs of capital even though it represents brakes for liberals, who understand that absolute freedom is not possible as long as the State exists in any of its forms. forms, since it prevents the further development of capitalism.

The corporations based in the United States, England and Europe, accompanied by Japan, Australia and New Zealand as a bloc, defending global speculative-financial capitalism, are in a very ruinous situation. Although it is true that they still control a significant percentage of world trade and have control of finances, a part of the manufacturing of weapons, entertainment and information, it is no less true that their productive infrastructures are in a clear process of deterioration in the military, industrial, artistic and scientific field. Its highways, train or railway systems, ports, land terminals, railway stations, airports, ships, airplanes, and land transportation in general, show clear deterioration. There are many cities in these countries where ruin is evident, but the most painful thing is its young people between the ages of eight and 50 plunged into hopelessness, seeking refuge in all types of drugs, from religious drugs to fentanyl and its derivatives. more powerful every day, which kills and deteriorates them as labor.

It is no longer true that the working class of these territories, previously known as the working aristocracy of the world, is the best in terms of energy and knowledge, being forced, with the few productive means in these countries, to have to resort to migrants from all over the world. continents to be able to make profits and stay afloat in the fierce competition presented by the BRICS. The other problem that this bloc faces is that, in the territories where they are located, non-renewable resources are already exhausted or about to be exhausted, while in the BRICS bloc the resources are still abundant.

However, under the premise of a world with rules, these corporations try to subject the entire planet to their designs by imposing a dictatorship with the proposal of controlled chaos, where the only ones who govern are them. Financial-speculative capital based on the strange idea of ​​the end of history.

On the other hand are the People's Republic of China, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, which with a thriving industry, a state-of-the-art military capacity, a trained population, large territories, enormous energy resources and supported by strong States , have come together in the Belt and Road proposals, plus the BRICS, to carry out the policy of multipolarity, which empowers them, turning them into a beacon towards which the world population can look in the face of the fierce onslaught of capital. financier-speculator.

As we already said, our government is aware of this mess. In the elections called for July 28, 2024, we are all going to vote to maintain the government and its policies, but it is public and notorious that Europe, the United States and their lackey mine countries are preparing their plans to claim fraud, and that can be seen in their statements, whether by the Secretary of State of the United States, the person in charge of the Southern Command, the European Parliament, the English, the Latin American and Caribbean rulers incapable of valuing themselves, together with the local vendettas. From now on, without a vote having been cast, they declare that they will not accept fraud, that they will not recognize the elections in Venezuela. Once again, the machinery of imperial capitalism is set in motion to attack us and deny us existence without protection. They fear us, they fear courage, the ability to react against the whip.

At the end of the end, the eagle does not hunt the fly because its strength, intelligence and vigor constitute it without belonging or obedience to external forces, because its flight does not involve ties, it is the living image of independence moving in space. While the vendettas are simple lackeys, who for more than 500 years have only sold themselves to the highest foreign bidder regardless of where they came from, they have been bought for a simple plate of poorly chosen lentils, or the same dirty and stained mirror to Let them embellish their infinite aspirations, believing that one day they will be masters.

Let the flies continue diving in their dunghill, because next July 28, whatever they do, whatever they say, we, like the eagles, will fight the glorious and life-giving battle by all voting for Maduro, so that the different can rejoice without the existence of flies in memory.

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:10 pm

From “Plan Condor” to “Plan Parrot”: The Right Has its Candidate to Challenge Nicolas Maduro
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on MAY 31, 2024
Lorenzo Santiago

Photo: Far-right María Corina raises the arm of the unknown Edmundo González Urrutia (center), whose mission is to defeat Maduro in the hearts of the population.

Edmundo González Urrutia took part in the first campaign event in an attempt to popularize his name for the elections

Edmundo González Urrutia speaks very little, for a candidate in the middle of an election campaign. He’s not used to being in the spotlight, but in the space of a fortnight he’s become the right-wing candidate in the Venezuelan electoral race. His answers are short and, so far, he hasn’t made many proposals. Except one: “rapprochement” with the United States.

Urrutia has no political career. He worked for the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs long before Hugo Chávez was elected, and was ambassador to Algeria and Argentina. His candidacy is backed by the right-wing and far-right “Plataforma Unitaria” coalition, as a forceps solution to the conflict between former far-right deputy María Corina Machado and the right-wing governor of Zulia state, Manuel Rosales.

With just over two months to go before the elections scheduled for July 28, Edmundo Urrutia – who lives in Miami – returned to Venezuela for a while to take part in his first campaign event, on May 18. The chosen venue was La Victoria, a symbolic city since he was born there.

But the Unity Platform candidate’s campaign is struggling to get off the ground. Urrutia refuses to take part in rallies, and the person responsible for popularizing Edmundo’s name is his far-right mentor, María Corina Machado, who, in the absence of “her” candidate, holds up a photo of him at marches organized in right-wing strongholds.

The Chavists call him a “poster-candidate”, and so far Edmundo doesn’t seem to want to shed this condition. At the event in La Victoria, as ultra-liberal ex-deputy María Corina delivered her speech, he stood at the back of the stage, behind the members of the “Unitary Platform”. The ultra-liberal had to pull him by the arm so that the audience could see him.

María Corina had initially tried to position herself as the main right-wing candidate. Declared ineligible by the courts for corruption and her constant participation in right-wing violence and coups d’état since 2002, she refused to register her NGO party on the electoral register (1). Not without victimizing herself in front of the world’s cameras (“the dictatorship prevents me from being a candidate!”). Before being rreplaced in extremis by an 80-year-old university professor, Corina Yoris, a political unknown who received no support from other opposition groups. The governor of Zulia and candidate for Un Nuevo Tiempo, Manuel Rosales, had criticized this authoritarian choice, made by Machado without consulting the other parties in the coalition, and launched an arm wrestling with the’oligarch. After two weeks of negotiations, Machado succeeded in obtaining Rosales’s withdrawal. The two signed a hard-fought agreement to launch a candidate unknown to the general public, Edmundo Urrutia. But for María Corina the big challenge now is… to make him known.

A parrot on the balcony

Not content with being an unknown, Edmundo remained absent from social media for a long time.

Before the “candidate” was registered in March, his last post on his X account was in January 2017.Twice he had to issue a statement explaining that it was indeed his original profile because, according to him, “someone took the liberty of opening an unauthorized account”.The far right’s initial strategy is to boost its presence on platforms, using bots, as with Milei, Trump or Bolsonaro.As a result, more and more publications, photos and texts describing the candidate have begun to appear.In one of them, Edmundo appears to be feeding parrots on the balcony of his apartment, a common hobby in the solitary apartments of Caracas’ eastern bourgeoisie.

For Fernando Medina, professor of political economy at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, this way of publicizing Edmundo is not very effective.“Nobody knows Edmundo, and it’s ridiculous to publicize him via parrots, or the way María Corina promotes this candidate. In the places where she gives speeches, she carries a photo of him saying ‘this is the candidate’. But Edmundo is not present in the streets, he doesn’t organize debates and he doesn’t speak to the heart of the voters, the majority of the Venezuelan people”.

The second step was to build an image opposite to that of María Corina Machado.

For lawyer and political economy expert Juan Carlos Valdez, former far-right deputy Machado and current candidate Urrutia are obeying a well-known role-playing game: “the good cop and the bad cop”. “Edmundo must embody the antithesis of María Corina Machado in the media.The latter’s “Milei-like” extremism generates the fear that Chavism will grow stronger for fear of her seizing power. His role is therefore to soften María Corina’s image.But she remains important to him because she attracts the vote of the hard right.In short, it’s up to him to be the good cop, to be measured, to speak simply, not to be too expressive in interviews”.

According to Valdez, another important tool used by the campaign of the ex-diplomat of the pre-Chávez regimes is the appeal to experts and political analysts to “reinforce” Edmundo’s qualities.“ His team now relies on other players. There are several well-known political analysts in Venezuela who speak very highly of Edmundo Gonzalez, praising his image and even his intellectual qualities, which you can’t measure in interviews because he doesn’t say much.”

Photo: Edmundo Urrutia declared that he felt “not physically strong enough” to campaign in the streets, leaving this task to María Corina Machado…

An empty project… and the spectre of “Plan Condor

So far, Edmundo Gonzalez has presented few concrete proposals. But this is not the candidate’s responsibility alone.Interviews with the Venezuelan media (mostly opposition) and the foreign press (also opposed to the left-wing government), focus on the confrontation with chavismo and the possibility of a return to “capitalist efficiency”. But usually, when asked questions, Urrutia answers briefly or changes the subject. The online opposition newspaper TalCual published a nearly 30-minute interview with the former ambassador. Asked about the first steps he would take as head of government, Edmundo remains vague: “The first thing I would do? The reconstruction of the country, the reinstitutionalization of Venezuelan democracy”.

For Fernando Medina, the lack of projects and proposals shows that there is a hidden agenda because it is unpopular. “What is the proposal for education? What’s the proposal for health?What’s the proposal for the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean?What is the proposal for social rights?Edmundo and María Corina focus more on confrontation and radicalization than on debate between programs”.

The only area Edmundo is clearer about is precisely the one in which he has made his career.In foreign affairs, he promises to move closer to the United States and abandon relations with the countries Venezuela has drawn closer to in recent years. Russia and Iran are just some of the countries Edmundo intends to abandon relations with if he becomes president, an imperial re-satellation similar to that of Milei in Argentina, to counter the influence of the BRICS that so worries Washington. “In recent years, we have established alliances with countries that are foreign to our tradition as a peaceful and democratic country, with Iran, Russia, Belarus… These are not traditional allies of the foreign policy that Venezuela has pursued in recent years, totally foreign to the behavior of democratic Venezuela,” he explains to right-wing journalist Luis Olavarrieta.

Edmundo’s relationship with the United States has been criticized by the Vice-President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV, the main Chavist party), Diosdado Cabello. In his weekly program “Con el Mazo Dado”, he revealed that the former ambassador had maintained links with the US Intelligence Agency while he was a Venezuelan diplomatic official in Washington in 1976. Urrutia is also said to have collaborated with death squads that operated in El Salvador in the 1980s. The current candidate was an advisor to the Christian Democrat Venezuelan ambassador to El Salvador, Leopoldo Castillo, and is said to have acted as an intermediary in the CIA’s relations with the country’s far-right paramilitary groups.

Photo: Urrutia at the time of El Salvador’s “Plan Condor”, in the 1980s.

For Professor Medina, the “candidate’s” desire for closer ties with the United States expresses his trajectory, his worldview, the ideology of María Corina Machado and of the far right as a whole. “Edmundo has always been closely linked to State Department policy.Edmundo’s main idea, when he says he wants to get closer to the United States, is the same as that of Maria Corina.They represent the putschist opposition.Not the democratic right that sits in the National Assembly.

Defeating Maduro would make it possible to apply the “Milei shock” to Venezuela: privatize and bring the economy back into U.S. orbit. For Machado, the aim is to make Venezuela “a country of owners and entrepreneurs” by privatizing everything that can be privatized – such as the state-owned oil company or the five million housing units that the “regime” has built free of charge for the working classes.

On May 16, the Venezuela News website revealed evidence that María Corina Machado had received a $3.2 million bribe from an American lobby to sell the state-owned oil company (PDVSA) to Chevron if her protégé won the presidential election.

All this would quickly lead to repression, given the social discontent generated by the loss of public resources, the privatization of public services, the abolition of social programs and the explosion of poverty, as is the case in Argentina today. Both Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Urrutia embody the counter-insurgency school of the United States. The former has signed a “strategic cooperation agreement” with Israel’s Likud party, including “geopolitics and security” (photo below). On May 28, opposition newspaper El Universal revealed that Marica Corina Machado wrote to Netanyahu back in 2018, imploring him to help her “change the regime”, including through military intervention.(2).


Maria Corina Machado has been involved in all the coups d’état and street violence against Venezuela’s left-wing government (rebranded by the media as “people’s revolt-against-Maduro”), and is the daughter of Venezuelan steel magnate Henrique Machado Zuloaga, head of one of Venezuela’s largest steel companies. The company was nationalized in 2008 by President Chávez when he began his policy of redistribution in favor of the poorest. Machado has retained a thirst for revenge and is the perfect embodiment of Venezuela’s racist oligarchy, eager to erase the Bolivarian revolution and its inclusion of the “non-white” majority.


(1) Read “Twelve points on the presidential elections in Venezuela” by T. Deronne

(2) ... -venezuela

This article was originally published on Brasil de Fato.

Translation by Internationalist 360° ... as-maduro/


May 29, 2024 , 5:25 pm .

The Caracas Chronicles interview confirms the ideological and programmatic void of Edmundo González, subjected to the designs of María Corina Machado (Photo: EFE)

In a recent interview conducted by Caracas Chronicles, the presidential candidate of the Unitary Platform, Edmundo González, gives us new indications of his character protected under María Corina Machado and the mirage of the "transition."

At the beginning of the article there is a dangerous commitment to the narrative of triumphalism, which seeks to cement the scenario of "democratic transition", already discussed previously in this forum, which fuels expectations that could lead to violence.

González presents himself as the savior of the "reconstruction" of the country, and ensures the electoral victory of the Unitary Platform as a fait accompli. This certainty, detached from reality, reveals a strategy of anticipating defeat with which he intends to legitimize a possible violent panorama under the excuse of alleged electoral fraud.

"We are of the idea that on July 28 a new political space opens in Venezuela, and one has already opened in which the Unitary Platform will be the winner of this electoral process and will begin the path towards reconstruction."

Their responses focus on the "after" of the victory, and thus outline a path towards "reinstitutionalization" without addressing the deep internal divisions of the opposition, nor the real possibility of a scenario of defeat.

In an attempt to mitigate the image of a fractured group, González clings to the artificial unity of the opposition, and reduces complex reality to an "understanding" around a non-existent government program. False unity becomes a weapon to present a united front, with which he avoids facing the deep fracture that divides them, not only in the parties that do not support his candidacy but also in the Unitary Platform itself.

"The Venezuelan democratic opposition agreed with all the forces that make up the Unitary Platform in the election of a unitary candidate. If we did it at that time, if we all manage to understand each other with a single candidacy, we will have a single government program, we will have a single vision of the country we want".

González attempts to mitigate concerns about the opposition's control of state institutions by presenting a speech of "reunion and pacification," but his words resonate as an echo of the violent actions of extremist sectors of the opposition, with emphasis in María Corina Machado, who have called for foreign invasion, violence against institutions and hate crimes against Chavismo.

The interview also reveals the ideological and programmatic void that hides behind the façade of "democratic unity" that González Urrutia proclaims. His statements reveal an absolute dependence on María Corina Machado and an economic program that seeks to hand over Venezuela to foreign interests, particularly the United States.

"The vision that the democratic unity has is reflected in the government program presented by María Corina Machado, Tierra de Gracia, and is also in a document that the democratic unity developed on the basis of a common minimum program. There you can find the broad lines of what will be the economic action of the new government".

González, by admitting that his government will follow Machado's "Land of Grace" program in economic matters, confirms that his candidacy is nothing more than a vehicle to implement a neoliberal agenda that would leave the country exposed to a deep dependence on international organizations. A flashback of the traumatic situation that Venezuela already experienced in the 90s.

But what does the “Tierra de Gracia” plan contemplate in economic matters; Without intending to go into depth, we mention three of the most outstanding features of the opposition proposal: 1) "The size of the State will be optimized, to minimize the fiscal deficit and avoid inflationary pressures", that is, elimination of subsidies and social programs; 2) "international financing with the International Monetary Fund, multilateral development banks and bilateral agencies", which would mortgage the country's financial policy; and 3) perhaps the most striking, a "broad program of privatization of companies and public assets" focused on the oil and gas industry, amputating the State of its main source of income. A kind of "Creole" version of the chainsaw plan developed by the libertarian Javier Milei in Argentina.

The promise to carry out this government plan is a clear indication that it does not respond to national interests but, on the contrary, poses the mortgage of national sovereignty by returning us to the condition of neocolony and perpetuating dependence and the looting of Venezuela's strategic resources.

His description of Machado as a "fundamental leader" who "could have held this presidential candidacy if the government's maneuvers had not prevented it" is an indirect way of admitting, once again, his own status as a delegate candidate.

In this way, Edmundo González confirms that the "electoral route" is simply a ruse to show the world that the opposition apparently follows the constitutional guidelines to define the political destiny of the nation. However, in reality its strategic program is to create the conditions with a view to achieving regime change by force and making the country available to foreign interests. ... ria-corina

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:59 pm

The Pancha Vásquez Commune, in the Rómulo Gallegos municipality, covers some 84 thousand hectares. That land is distributed among 1200 families, most of them small to mid-sized ranchers. (Photo: Rome Arrieche)

Llaneros resist the blockade: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part II)
By Chris Gilbert, Cira Pascual Marquina (Posted Jun 06, 2024)

Originally published: on May 31, 2024 (more by |

The latest installment in the Communal Resistance Series takes us to the Pancha Vásquez commune in Apure State in the Venezuelan plains region [Llanos]. The Venezuelan Llanos are legendary for their rich cultural heritage and spectacular landscapes, but they are also rife with political and social contradictions. These include issues relating to land ownership, Indigenous rights and dispossession, and spillover from neighboring Colombia’s internal conflict.

Located on the outskirts of Elorza, in the southwest of the state, Pancha Vásquez is a huge commune in terms of territory. The commune comprises fourteen communal councils, three of which focus on agriculture, while eleven are dedicated to cattle rearing. The lands in this vast territory are mostly in the hands of small to mid-sized producers who take pride not only in their equestrian traditions and folklore but also in the special role that Elorza played in Hugo Chávez’s biography. That is because, as a young officer, Chávez was stationed in Elorza from 1985 to 1987 and sharpened his political vision there.

Part I of this three-part series dealt with the history and productive activities of the Pancha Vásquez Commune. Here in Part II we look at how the communards have resisted the devastating effects of the U.S. blockade. In the next delivery, we will learn about the years that a young army officer named Hugo Chávez spent in Elorza, the closest urban center to the Pancha Vásquez Commune.

Carmelo Ramón Barrios is a Pancha Vásquez parliamentarian and small-scale rancher | Gerardo Ramírez spokesperson for the Pancha Vásquez Commune and cattle rancher | Glenda Aguilera is part of the Pancha Vásquez Commune and a producer of artisanal foods | Ismael Dun is a Pancha Vásquez parliamentarian and small-scale rancher | Juan Fernández is a communal parliamentarian and one of the founders of Pancha Vásquez Commune| Petra Cedeño is a parliamentarian at Pancha Vásquez Commune and cattle rancher | Róger Rodríguez is a cattle rancher in the Pancha Vásquez Commune | Sergio Calzadilla is a Pancha Vásquez parliamentarian and works at El Reencuentro Milk Collection Center (Photo: Rome Arrieche)

A Collection and Distribution Center
The Pancha Vazquez commune has recently inaugurated a Collection and Distribution Center as part of the government’s Communal Circuits initiative. The center consists of a 440 m² single-story building equipped with walk-in refrigerators. The project was funded by the government and built with volunteer labor.

Juan Fernández: In 2018, our commune began to directly exchange goods, via barter, with other communes, particularly with El Maizal. That was when the economic war against the Venezuelan people was at its peak.

Exchanging goods with El Maizal was a truly enriching experience: it brought the two communes closer and helped meet the community’s needs. Chávez emphasized that communes should build real ties with each other—ties outside the capitalist market.

We created a store called “Abasto Comunal Pancha Vásquez-El Maizal,” where people from both communes could purchase our respective goods at much lower prices. The inspiration came from Chávez’s ideas but also the situation we were going through.

At that time getting cornmeal was practically impossible here, but we obtained it from El Maizal. On the other hand meat was a luxury that few could afford in Simón Planas township [El Maizal], but we made the meat from Pancha Vazquez commune available to everyone.

Our storefront in Elorza remained open through 2020. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic hit us hard. The pandemic, combined with fuel shortages, brought down the barter project. However, we learned many valuable lessons from the initiative

More recently, about two years ago, the Communal Economic Circuits were created by the Ministry of Communes. The Circuits are an initiative to promote communal production and distribution, so we proposed that Pancha Vásquez be incorporated as a meat and cheese producer. The Ministry eventually accepted our proposal.

Yet meat and cheese distribution requires refrigeration. That’s where the Pancha Vásquez Collection and Distribution Center comes in. On our commune’s ninth anniversary in 2023, we applied for funding for a collection and distribution center from the Ministry of Communes.

Petra Cedeño: We received USD $69,000 from SAFONAPP [an institution linked to the Ministry of Communes]. One year later, on our commune’s tenth anniversary, we were able to open the Center’s doors. It’s been a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but we are really happy!

The Center has two walk-in refrigerators that are already working. We can store 3,000 kilos of cheese and 8,000 kilos of meat there. This is crucial for the producers in our commune. In this hot climate, cheese and meat can turn bad very quickly.

Additionally, we are now building a store called “Communal Abasto” that is located in the Collection and Distribution Center. Local producers will be able to purchase agricultural inputs and other basic goods at lower prices in the store. There will also be an office, a meeting room, and accommodation for visitors.

There is no doubt that the institutional funding for this project was critical. However, the project was actually realized because some communards were completely committed to making it possible.

To build this large facility, we had to be very careful with every penny and seek solidarity from our fellow communards. For instance, many of the construction materials were sold to us at cost, and the plot of land where the Center was built was given over to us by Carmen Alguilar, Juan Fernández’s mom.

Building a commune always comes with some sacrifices… but also rewards!

Róger Rodríguez: The U.S. blockade and economic war against our people have done real damage to our production. One major bottleneck is getting our products to market, because fuel is so scarce. Moreover, everyone knows that intermediaries are the bane of the people who work the land. They are the scrooges of today.

Now, with the Collection and Distribution Center in our commune, we can plan better and reduce our dependence on intermediaries. There is another issue that the Collection and Distribution Center will help to solve: during the rainy season, our cheese production goes up, but the price that intermediaries will pay per kilo drops dramatically. Sometimes the price goes so low that we struggle to make ends meet.

One of the benefits of the new center is that we can store cheese during the rainy season and wait for prices to rise during the dry season before selling it.

Finally, another benefit of the Collection and Distribution Center is that it will soon include an “Abasto Comunal” store where we will be able to purchase agricultural inputs at lower prices and, in some cases, exchange cheese or meat to get the inputs we need.

Juan Fernández: The key objective of the Collection and Distribution Center is to reduce our dependence on intermediaries. They come to our ranches and offer really low prices for our production, especially when fuel is scarce. Many of us are under enormous economic pressure, so we are forced to sell in unfavorable conditions.

This is not unique to our commune or even to our country; campesinos all around the world face similar exploitation from capitalists. However, in the context of a brutal blockade, small producers become even more vulnerable. That is why the new center is so important for our commune.

The storage facility will also help us build stronger links with other communes. During the rainy season, the price of cheese can drop below one dollar per kilo here, while it can rise up to four, five, or even six dollars in Caracas.

One of our plans to address this problem is to establish inter-communal exchanges with communes such as El Maizal, El Sur Existe, and El Panal. We would sell our cheese there at more affordable prices, while they could provide their own goods to our commune.

Building tangible links between communes is crucial. We participate in the Communard Union which is an extraordinary iniative bringing together some 30 communes. I think that the Union is one of places where Chávez’s legacy is most alive. Even so, if we cannot build links among the communes outside of the capitalist market, the Union won’t live up to its goals.

The most important thing about Pancha Vasquez’s new Collection and Distribution Center is that it is the commune’s first social property enterprise. The commune’s parliament, which includes spokespeople from all 14 communal councils, meets every two weeks to oversee its operation.

It is also important that the Center is becoming a meeting point for the communards here.

An assembly at the Collection and Distribution Center (Photo: Pancha Vásquez Commune)

The Impact of the U.S. Blockade
The impact of the sanctions has been particularly hard in this region bordering Colombia. Here, communards from the Pancha Vásquez reflect on the impact of the unilateral coercive measures.

Juan Fernández: Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and the interests that they represent imposed a blockade on our country because they wanted to punish Venezuela for attempting to build a new socialist model. They wanted to make an example of us.

However, the blockade has also happened because there is a band of traitors here in Venezuela who have no love for their country and are willing to sacrifice the Venezuelan pueblo. Fortunately, they have not succeeded, but the damage has been enormous.

This doesn’t mean that we do everything well here. Sometimes it feels like the blockade has also generated an internal blockade: some political actors here are not committed to the revolution. Addressing these issues remains a pending task.

Sergio Calzadilla: The blockade has had many interrelated effects. In terms of production, we face two main problems: fuel and inputs. My best estimate is that production dropped by about half in our commune. However, that didn’t happen in this municipality alone.

I’m an agronomist by training, and I have been researching cattle production in our state. Some years ago, there were 1,865,000 cattle heads in Apure. Today there are about 800,000 heads. Poor feed quality, limited access to supplements, and loss of qualified labor due to migration have caused the herds to decline. Also, maintaining the genetic profile of the animals requires careful rearing, which is difficult under current conditions.

Another factor is that water pumps are essential for watering our herds during the dry season. The blackouts, fuel shortages, and high maintenance costs have rendered many pumps inoperative.

When we look at agricultural production in our municipality, my estimate is that it went down by about 90%. Recently, agricultural output has been picking up slowly, but we are very far from our capacity.

The primary reason for this dramatic drop is the cost of inputs. Inputs are so expensive that most campesinos cannot afford them. Additionally, global warming is also affecting production. Rising temperatures and protracted dry seasons have had tangible effects.

Juan Fernández: Most producers will tell you that access to fuel is our main problem. We began experiencing fuel shortages around 2017. The problem was exacerbated by local mafias who hoarded and then sold gasoline at two to three dollars per liter, while the official “international” (i.e. non-subsidized) price is 50 cents.

Gasoline distribution is more stable now, with supply rationed at 40 liters twice per week at the official international price. However, getting diesel fuel is still a major issue. PDVSA distributes diesel using a rationing system based on license plate numbers, but only larger producers have the permits [permiso de mina]. The subsidized price of diesel is 18 cents per liter, which means $36 for a 200 liter drum.

However, there are black market dealers who sell diesel at $1 per liter. Ranchers need significant amounts of diesel because the distances are long here. We can’t store milk, cheese, or meat at the ranch due to the lack of cooling systems, so we take our production either to the Collection Center or the market.

We also have to get supplies to the farms on a regular basis and maintain the fields with heavy machinery. All that takes diesel fuel. Finally, we often rely on generators for electricity and pumping water… which, once again, requires diesel.

Many city folk are unaware that agricultural production is so heavily fuel-dependent, especially in Apure, where the drive from a ranch to town can take up to two hours. Without fuel, food production collapses.

Fortunately, since President Maduro’s visit to Apure in early 2024, they’ve implemented a contingency plan. The president learned that many producers here had no access to diesel fuel and it was affecting production, so he set in motion the “Fuel Saturation Plan” [Plan Saturación de Combustible].

There’s been a small hike in production since then, so we celebrate the initiative. It’s not perfect, however, since fuel transportation is done by private companies, which puts the price at 30 cents per liter and not the established 18 cents.

The last time I bought diesel at the official price was in November 2023, paying $36 for a 200 liter drum. Now, it’s $60 for the same amount. This is tough on small to mid-sized producers, but the overall situation has improved.

The plan has the communal government distributing diesel. Since we took charge the distribution, we have been scaling up our radius of action. Right now we are reaching more than 50% of the producers in the territory. That’s a great success!

Petra Cedeño: The impact of the blockade is multifaceted. Agricultural production has been most directly affected, dropping an estimated 90% due to the unavailability of diesel fuel. All this is compounded by the high prices of agricultural inputs.

As a cattle rancher, diesel shortages affect my production, but we also face other problems. We produce cheese on our farm, but there was a time when rennet was really hard to get, so our production went down.

Finally, there is the social dimension of the blockade. Because of the poverty and problems of services such as electricity, many people migrated. The phenomenon began in 2017. Most people are going to nearby Colombia, but over the past few months, a growing number are trying to make their way to the U.S. via the Darién. In the Rómulo Gallegos Municipality, at least 30 people leave monthly, sometimes up to 100.

This breaks my heart. I love this land, its culture, and its traditions, and it’s very sad to see so many people leaving… but the truth is that things aren’t easy, particularly for the youth.

This situation makes me resentful toward the U.S. Why are they so committed to hurting the working people of Venezuela? They say they want to promote “regime change,” but shouldn’t that be our decision?

Carmelo Ramón Barrios: Every last person has been affected by the crisis. Before the blockade, I used to produce 80 to 100 liters of milk daily. Now my production is down to 40 liters.

The blockade has also brought other problems. In Caracas you use the bolívar and the U.S. dollar. Here the main currency is the Colombian peso. We are just two hours away from the border, so when hyperinflation began to affect the bolivar, every store, every provider of agricultural inputs, and every fuel reseller began to sell in Colombian pesos.

Initially, this was very difficult for small producers. Now we’ve adapted to this “new normal,” but it’s not ideal. Venezuela should have its own robust and reliable currency!

Gerardo Ramírez: Overall, I would say that the blockade has set us back some 50 years. Is that an exaggeration? No! We went back to using donkeys because fuel is hard to get; we have two to four-hour blackouts every day; and our farm equipment is out of order, because we can’t afford to maintain it.

I used to have three working tractors and now I only have one. And I am one of the lucky ones! Many producers have given up on maintaining their farm equipment because it’s simply too expensive to do so.

In addition to raising cattle and farming, communards also fish in the Elorza River. (Photo: Juan Fernández)

Creative Solutions
Pancha Vásquez communards have found innovative ways to survive and produce under the blockade.

Ismael Dun: The commune has been the key to our survival. I’ll give you three examples. First, before the pandemic, the exchange between El Maizal and Pancha Vásquez communes ensured our access to cornmeal and other basic goods, while we in turn provided meat and cheese to our brothers and sisters in Lara state [referring to El Maizal communards]. The exchange was a self-run initiative that solved a real problem, while helping build stronger ties between the communes.

Additionally, since early 2024, the Pancha Vásquez Commune has been a hub for diesel distribution. Finally, as we look into the future, our new Collection and Distribution Center is sure to become an asset for local producers: it will generate better conditions for the sale of our cheese and meat, and we will soon be able to purchase agricultural inputs at lower prices there. We will be greatly relieved when we are able to bypass the commercial agro-input retailers.

I think the commune is the solution to our problems. Comandante Chávez died saying “Commune or nothing!” He was right.

Roger Rodríguez: I am at a loss for words to describe the impact of the blockade. In my family farm, we dropped from 350 heads of cattle to 40. However, we fought back. We are now making our own animal feed, and we are breeding goats and sheep instead of cattle.

In all this, the commune has been of great help. If we run out of gas, gasoline, or diesel, there’s always a helping hand. I am a Christian: I value collaboration and solidarity… and that’s what the commune promotes!

Sergio Calzadilla: In Apure in general, but specifically in the Pancha Vasquez Commune, we are experiencing two important shifts in terms of production. First, agriculture is being displaced, mostly because of the high costs of inputs. It used to be that many ranchers would grow corn and other crops as supplementary food for the cattle. Not anymore.

Second, many ranchers are shifting from cows to buffalo. Buffalos are more robust and their milk is richer: you need 7 liters of cow milk per kilo of cheese, but just 4.5 liters of buffalo milk per kilo, because it has more fat and is richer in lactose.

Glenda Aguilera: About two years ago I began to make artisanal products such as jams, milk cream, milk candy [dulce de leche], hot sauces, and so on, to sell in the communal market. This has become an important way to supplement our household income in these times of crisis.

I also keep a medicinal herb garden and I make coconut oil and noni tincture. Noni cures many maladies, from bunions to certain cancers. When it’s hard to get medicines, these alternatives are all the more important.

Sergio Calzadilla: The blockade teaches us that we have to overcome import dependency. That’s why I’m promoting a transition away from conventional agricultural inputs in the commune. Also, I am giving workshops on how to make organic fertilizer. I’m happy to say that some campesinos here are implementing these practices in their conucos [subsistence plots], but we have to go beyond that. The transition must be as ideological as it is technical.

One of my objectives is to promote the construction of a plant to transform manure into organic fertilizer on a large scale. All animal feces can be turned into bio-gas and into solid or liquid organic fertilizers.

I know that an initiative like this one would work: it would be economically viable and help overcome dependence on imported inputs.

Petra Cedeño: The Pancha Vásquez Commune has been a lifeline in the hardest times. It was the commune that guaranteed our access to cornmeal. It’s been the space where we meet to solve our problems. And it is now the place that ensures a fair distribution of diesel fuel, which is critical for production.

Milking cows in the early morning (Photo: Pancha Vásquez commune) ... -blockade/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:17 pm

PSUV: Opposition Has Received Foreign Funds Since Bolviarian Revolution Began
JUNE 11, 2024

PSUV supporters march in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo: Correo del Orinoco.

Since Hugo Chávez was elected in 1998, Venezuela’s political opposition has received foreign financing to promote destabilization in the country and attack the revolutionary government, said the vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello.

This Sunday, June 9, during his participation in the discussion “Forms of Organization of the Bolivarian Revolution,” Cabello said that Venezuela currently enjoys full independence, which is why it makes decisions freely in accordance with the mandates of the people.

The sectors of the extreme right, which today are calling for elections, are the same ones that in the past have asked imperialism to invade and blockade Venezuela.

“It seems strange, but in Venezuela, promoted by the right, they burned human beings alive, and the excuse given was that they looked like Chavistas—humble and hard-working people,” added Cabello. “These neo-fascist groups had a violent plan and murdered people. They hung ropes and wires on the roads so that people would die by slitting their throats [when driving through on motorcycles or scooters]. We have had to fight against that violence, and today it is the same people who want to go to elections in sheep’s clothing.”

Cabello highlighted how, confronted with these attacks, Venezuela has been able to defeat the violent opposition thanks to its civil–military–police union. The revolutionary leader said that Venezuela will not allow any country in the world to try to intervene, in a neocolonial fashion, and oversee the upcoming presidential elections on July 28.

“We flatly refuse that any country or group of countries come to supervise the elections in Venezuela,” said Cabello. “That is a matter for Venezuelans. Any person or group is welcome to witness the Venezuelan electoral process, added Cabello, as long as they respect the rules established by the National Electoral Council (CNE). Cabello made the statement in reference to the CNE’s revocation of the invitation to the European Union after the EU attempted to influence the CNE executive board with the threat of illegal coercive economic measures—euphemistically known as “sanctions." ... ion-began/

Venezuela’s Electoral Power Ratifies Revocation of EU Observation Invitation (+EU Rebukes)
MAY 30, 2024

Venezuela's National Electoral Council president, Elvis Amoroso, announcing the decision to the press to revoke the invitation to the European Union of participation as electoral observers in the upcoming July 28 presidential elections. Photo: Federico Parra/AFP.

Caracas (—The Venezuelan National Electoral Council (CNE) has agreed to ratify the call for over 200 electoral and human rights organizations and personalities to participate as observers in the upcoming presidential elections. The CNE’s president, Elvis Amosoro, also announced the revocation of the invitation it made to the European Union (EU), as a result of its ongoing colonial behavior following their continued ratification of coercive, unilateral sanctions against the Venezuelan people.

Amosoro made the announcement this Tuesday, May 28, in a joint press conference accompanied by the CNE board of directors from its headquarters in Caracas. He read a statement explaining that the decision was taken in response to the mid-May EU decision to renew illegal sanctions against 50 Venezuelan officials, and their performative temporary lifting of personal sanctions on Amoroso and three former CNE officials.

The CNE ratified the broad call for international observation for the upcoming presidential elections, emphasizing that this is in place “under the conditions that those who participate comply with Venezuelan legislation regulating these matters.”

The invited organizations include: the Carter Center, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the Inter-American Union of Electoral Organizations, a UN panel of experts, the African Union, the Council of Electoral Experts of Latin America, and the Observatory of Strategic Thinking for Regional Integration (Opeir), among others.

Amoroso strongly rejected the mid-May EU announcement, labeling it as neo-colonial policy and a blackmail mechanism to interfere in the upcoming Venezuelan presidential elections. “It would be unworthy and disloyal to accept this ‘gift’ from the European Union just for me,” the CNE president said, referring to the EU’s performative temporary lifting of personal sanctions on him and other CNE officials, “while leaving 30 million Venezuelans affected by the sanctions and blockades imposed by the European Union and other small groups of enemy countries, when the right thing to do is lift all the sanctions imposed on the Venezuelan people.”

“It is public knowledge that on May 13 of this year, the European Union, in its historical colonial position, ratified the coercive and unilateral sanctions imposed on the sovereign people of Venezuela, a situation that threatens the inhabitants, sovereignty, independence of our mation,” reads the CNE statement. “As a consequence of this, the Electoral Power of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela revokes and nullifies the invitation it extended to the European Union to participate, through an Electoral Oversight Mission, in the election of the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, a decision adopted in the exercise of our sovereignty and the interests of the people.”

The Venezuelan National Assembly passed a resolution on May 14 asking the CNE to revoke the invitation to the European Union in response to its actions connected with illegal sanctions.

On Tuesday night, the EU, which had not yet confirmed its participation as observer in the first place, released a statement regretting the decision of the Venezuelan electoral branch, adding that the Venezuelan people should be able to choose their president in “credible, transparent, and competitive elections.” Additionally, the EU asked the CNE to reconsider the decision, as, according to the organization, the invitation was part of the Barbados Agreement.

The EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Affairs, Josep Borrell, had said on Monday that he would announce the decision on sending an observation mission for the presidential elections “in due time.”

This Wednesday, May 29, the CNE called for the press conference where Elvis Amoroso read the statement ratifying the decision. “The electoral power of Venezuela repudiates the unusual statement by the European Union in which considerations are issued that are the exclusive responsibility of Venezuelans,” said Amoroso. He referred to the EU as an “aggressive and biased actor,” that he accused of being an “interventionist actor that seeks to interfere in the decisions of the National Electoral Council.”

“The decisions made by the National Electoral Council are made in the exercise of sovereignty, and in the particular case of revoking the invitation to the European Union, it responds to the hostile and disrespectful attitude of this bloc against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,” Amoroso reiterated. The CNE president mentioned that the decision signed by the CNE’s executive board would be sent in writing to the EU so that they understand that they are personae non gratae. ... u-rebukes/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:13 pm


Image The Cayapo

Jun 13, 2024 , 10:04 am .

That we must know who we are, and from the dialectical contradiction of who we are, invent what we should be (Photo: El Cayapo)

On January 20, 1958, three hallucinated Caribbean people, their teeth chattering from the cold, huddled on the throne of the empire. They had been considered for a meeting with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. These dazzled people were: Rómulo Betancourt, top leader of AD; Rafael Caldera de Copei; and Jóbito Villalba from URD. Each one with its previous history. Betancourt's temper of balls had paid off for him, now it was his turn to be a faithful lapdog and he was until his death.

After that meeting, the corporations had insured the Venezuelan mine for life, because the servants had signed a contract to be watchdogs for the interests of the foreign owners, with the provision that from time to time they had to clean it of communists and troublemakers. , not to increase taxes on corporations, to avoid strikes by workers, peasants and students, whatever the cost, and the lackeys said in unison "Yes sir!" On average, over 15 years, they murdered, tortured and disappeared more than 11 thousand young people.

January 23 was the farce that justified the departure of Pérez Jiménez as an agent of the empire and the triumphant entry of the Fourth Republic; They killed two birds with the same stone.

The Cold War was in full swing, corporations needed an example in South America, it was time to burden others with responsibilities. The United States had to sell itself as the champion of freedom and democracy in the world, and propaganda became reality, it functioned as the truth and anti-communist fever, like a plague, took hold of all social fighters for freedom and democracy that were mostly bought by large suitcases of dollars throughout the continent. They unified against the common enemy which was none other than communism. Therefore, nationalists, democrats, Christians and other doctrines converged in the fight against communism and for this a non-soft democratic example was needed, which could confront communism without the need for military dictatorships that already smelled very bad. Of course, when they failed, democracies occasionally needed a Plan Condor. And Betancourt was the great dictator in a democratic guise that the transnationals got to appease communism on this continent with a heavy hand.

It should be noted that Democratic Action (AD) had carried out political work within the people; The slogan "The people's party" was not far from reality, because AD had in each hamlet, in each neighborhood, a base committee that served as a link between the party and the population impoverished by transnational capitalism. But in less than 15 years, as a result of theft and shameless demagoguery, unionists, agrarian, neighborhood, professional and technical leaders, settled in La Guanábana, as the AD-COPEI pact was called, ignored the impoverished population. The party lost all connection with the population and anyone who wanted to join "the people's party" was to fill their pockets, as they said in the streets.

The AD party, like Copei and URD, became a dumping ground for human detritus, fighting to the death for the commissions left by the transnationals and fulfilling to the letter the 1958 pact that its bosses had sealed with the owners of the corporations not to touch the interests of the transnationals and showing off their ordinary poses of the new rich Mayameros in the face of misery, something that we still see today in the opposition to the government.

In a tight balance we can say that, in less than 15 years, AD and the other parties of the Fourth Republic had lost the favors of the people and since then they governed as a dictatorship supported by their machinery and the power of the State, with the support of foreign capitalist corporations.

Starting in 1975, a coven planned by corporations was unleashed that led Venezuela 14 years later to the tragedy of 1989, known worldwide as El Caracazo, planned by those same corporations in complicity with the political, academic, professional, and artistic leaderships that had fattened their coffers and their egos in the dance of plunder that was unleashed in the Fourth Republic.

The first stage of the silent invasion that began in the 1880s had culminated; more than 100 years had already passed since the beginning of the looting of asphalt and oil. Now the plan was to take the entire territory and privatize it absolutely, starting with PDVSA, which with the supposed nationalization of 1975, what Carlos Andrés did was prepare all the conditions so that in 20 years the oil opening would take place, with which the government would hand over It renews our industry to the transnationals. For this, propaganda once again played a predominant role. A campaign was started against the parties, politics, unionism, corruption, and the propaganda media shouted that everything was rotten in Venezuela, that technocracy and the disappearance of the State were needed, and a brutal campaign was unleashed. to say that in Venezuela nothing was useful, that it was better to sell it in pieces or, better yet, in full at once, so that every good Venezuelan would be given our drop of oil to go live happily in Miami and leave this rot of Indians , blacks and stilts to the gringo bastards, to see what the hell they did with her. In this story the well-off were tied regardless of which doctrine they professed their ideological affections.

Meanwhile, they continued to govern with their high percentage of abstention because the population was not interested in politics and much less had any tools or ideas that would motivate them to change their impoverished situation. Everywhere you could see the unemployed, the so-called informal economy, that is, the peddlers, flourishing with the destruction of small and medium-sized industry, supported by the decree with the rank and force of law, better known as 440, or the discussion of a collective contract by branch of industry, issued in the first government of Carlos Andrés, which allowed the importation of whatever junk the United States produced and in Venezuela the "cheap tat give me two" became fashionable and flooded us with scrap and evil taste the reflection of the Mayan middle class.

The homeless, the smellers, abandoned boys and girls who walked aimlessly through the streets of the big cities, the product of 13-year-old girls abandoned to their fate giving birth for a package of Flour Bread or a trip to the beach or simply innocence, spurred by television advertising and flourishing a crime never seen before in Venezuela. We are talking about gangs of children robbing and dying at the hands of the police who used them as traffickers for their misdeeds, and when they were no longer of use they simply murdered them. Faced with all this crime, the elites let the transnationals' plan run: to deteriorate Venezuela and its people and to be able to completely appropriate it and subject it to their designs. With this ingredient the fuel was ready for El Caracazo.

With the arrival of 1989, the poor and middle class population was subjected to terror, the so-called Caracazo finished shaping the tragic picture of Venezuela. The situation was ripe: rulers who apparently did not know what to do, an army stained with murder, a hopeless population accused of being looters, bandits and thieves, politics discredited. From then on, the emergency discourse was imposed and the idea of ​​privatizing everything was established with the advice of technocrats, wise men, graduates in the United States and Europe, experts in marketing, economics and advertising, yes, all of them coming from abroad, they had to take care of the disaster. Yes, Venezuela was already ready for a civil war and great chaos. Venezuela was served on a silver platter to the large corporations and transnationals that did know what had to be done.

After 40 years, AD and the other parties of the Fourth had turned Venezuela into a pigsty at the service of transnational corporations. Venezuela was sinking into the dark and thick waters of discouragement and all the supposed solution formulas led to more of the same, its mediocrity was evident, because its only true way out was to sell Venezuela. Those were the real plans; Even today they are still those of the opposition, his descendants; lead us to absolute chaos in order to collect commission for services provided to the world capitalist empire.

Nothing new was emerging with these elites, an ossified herd eager for consumption. Until the crack opens in 1989, allowing the appearance on stage of an actor that no one expected. The 4F gives birth to the possibility of inventing the new, the different, not in vain the theses on which the actions of these leaders are based are those of Simón Rodríguez, Simón Bolívar, Ezequiel Zamora and Francisco de Miranda.

Chávez, an elemental man, raised in the midst of peasant poverty, affirmed in the philosophy of grandmother Rosa Inés, was inspired by these great leaders of the emancipatory feat to understand their reality and establish his ideas, and with that and his immense will and stubbornness he dedicated himself to working together with his teams to create a country, to get out of the morass of the mine in which the invaders had and have plunged us for more than 500 years.

Of course, changing, creating the other, the unseen, the unthought, is a titanic task, given the enormous force of custom, the traditions of power, the accommodation of the upper and powerful middle classes that do not want to let go - as it is popularly said - the coroto and that they will fight "until the end", until their death as a system, to sustain the power that makes them strong, and on the other hand, the accumulated hunger, ignorance, fear, lodged in the brain of the great majorities, generate an immense obstacle. They are contradictions that the leaders who guide the other possibility must face with great caution.

Everyone wants all the food, the cars, the houses, the money for themselves. Nobody wants to think about where everything comes from, how it is generated, who generates it, who holds it, but each one wants what the rich man has, each one wants to be even richer, and the propaganda of the owners of power hammers home the point. the brain of the poor those maxims: we are free and we have rights, but no one clarifies that to be free and have equal rights we must have a lot of wealth, and that wealth is produced by the poor and appropriated by the rich, that wealth is little and If they distributed it equitably, it would not even be enough to alleviate a little piece of gut of each of the poor that we are, that the opportunity to change is that we can think about how to create a way of producing where no one steals the work of others and everyone We can live accepting that the other exists and that, without him, my existence is impossible.

Today, after 25 years of Chavista government, we have gone through all the aforementioned contradictions, we have faced all the forces, and yet there they are telling us that in the past life was bliss. There they are promising us that they will sell the country, that they will privatize everything, that there will be no solidarity, that each monkey will carry himself, because this is the time in which the monkey does not carry his child, that with the adecos one lives better, that The old known is better than the new to try, than the academy, than the decent, than slow language, than pondering, than wisdom, than decalogues, than the good listener and the good speaker, than Carreño's manual and good table manners, that the cu that the ca that the co… Let everyone who offers us the past as a possibility eat shit, because that's where we come from, that's where Chávez took us from and we don't want to go back , even if we have to go through stormy days and years and centuries to conceive and then build the future. Because the poor, although we don't know it yet, are the horizon.

Until now, everyone has acted crazy but not too little, saying that Simón Narciso Rodríguez was crazy, but no one stops charging for the "we invent or we err", everyone talks about "we invent or we err" to clear their head. mouth with güiski, although no one knows what it means but it sounds good, and he who pronounces it is respected, since he is wise and can collect his allowance.

We can hazard a guess: we understand that the philosopher, upon returning from Europe, was convinced that the plans of the newly minted bourgeoisie in Europe were to appropriate the planet to fulfill their objectives, and therefore the only way for us not to continue being mines was belonging to us, being another concept of life, no longer separated from European colony, but also from the recently launched bourgeoisie that was emerging strongly from the north of the continent. Inventing ourselves as another possibility, or at least inventing ourselves as a power on equal terms that would allow us not to be absorbed by the voracity of emerging capital as a culture in the world. That implied, and still implies today, that if we did not try any of these options we would be forever wrong in any policy we implemented.

More than 200 years after this premonition expressed by the thinker Rodríguez, despite repeating the phrase, writing it in all schools and murals, pronouncing it in meaningful speeches on national holidays, in every public square, the National Assembly, the municipal councils , and an endless number of etc., unfortunately for all of us we continue to err, because to date we are only imitators, followers, copyers, cut and paste, tracers, supporters, affiliates, co-religionists, gregarious, disciples, addicts, proselytes friends, unconditional, admirers, followers, followers, affections, and we do not continue because otherwise we would fill this writing with fans and fanatics, applauders of invention and foreign thought.

The most unfortunate thing is not that we ordinary workers, as a result of our ignorance, do it, but that it is the practical and contentment of politicians, intellectuals, artists, professionals, academics, regardless of their ideological preferences, which are also foreign.

But why? The substance, the essence, of Rodriguiana's philosophy was never discussed, because it simply did not suit the elites, they were fine in every sense. The oligarchic elite settles for the big, juicy crumbs left by global capitalism. The other elites, be they artistic, academic, political, intellectual, professional, or scientific, also settle for their plate of lentils and sanseacapó. When asked about whether we invent or we err, they simply answer solemnly: "We have to Hinvent with a capital letter, because if we don't we make a shoe. Give me another drink there, I don't want to make a shoe, hehehehe."

The philosopher Simón Narciso Rodríguez told us that if we did not invent we would make mistakes. The reality is monumental in its evidence of how the elites or leaders have not invented absolutely anything in 200 years, they have all been wrong and why? Because their interests and ambitions are very poor, their vision of being is to be a stick of something, a parasite attached to the intestines of a powerful person, without any responsibility. That is why they prefer concepts, forms, contents, molds created by others, into which they can fit and, if it does not work out, they can blame any scapegoat and wait for other, better intestines from which they can grow their little pittance of surplus value.

We must find ourselves with a stone in our mouths when we speak poorly of the immense existence in this territory of this great philosopher, thinking father of the original, who told us that we must invent in this territory a new State, a new mode of production, new forms of relationships, a new culture, new knowledge, different concepts, a new way of looking at others and at ourselves, a new way of naming and naming ourselves in this territory, other than the concept and the form. European society of slaves and masters, sorry, of human capital and senior management, as the learned like to call themselves.

That we must know who we are, and from the dialectical contradiction of who we are, invent what we should be, how we should be, how to root ourselves in this geography that we inhabit, and that involves inventing the word that names us from the very naming of the territory. But no, we have preferred to be a vulgar queue, rather than the wonderful adventure of being us, no matter what the cost. This leads us to deduce, as the great philosopher Simón Narciso Rodríguez proposes, that the future does not exist, it has to be invented by the people, preferably collectively and for the collective.

Meanwhile, we must prepare, study reality, locate the true enemy. We have no doubt that Maduro will be reaffirmed by us. We will vote for Maduro to continue talking and building the necessary future, because the future is not expected, it does not arrive, it does not come, it is not anywhere. We make it possible.

We workers must be clear that no custom, no tradition, no past will help us change, because there is not a single example in the past of this species that assures us that, by returning to it, we will solve our problems. We will vote for Maduro because we need peace of mind to think about how to overcome this capitalist culture that harasses us and 25 years are not enough to create something different, we need time, what we have experienced has only shown us that the powerful will not leave without fighting their exacerbated hatred and giving them a new opportunity is to condemn ourselves to perennial tragedy.

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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