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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:50 pm


175 Years of Border Invasions: The Anniversary of the US War on Mexico and the Roots of Northward Migration
April 24, 2021 Editor2 Biden, Border Invasions, Kamala Harris, Latin America, Mexico, Migration, US Imperialism
By David Vine – Apr 22, 2021

Amid renewed fear mongering about an “invasion” at the U.S.-Mexico border, this week’s 175th anniversary of the 1846–1848 war the U.S. government instigated with Mexico is a reminder that throughout U.S. history, invasions have gone almost exclusively from north to south, not vice versa. A near-continuous series of invasions—military, political, and economic—moving from north to south has helped produce the poverty, violence, and insecurity driving people to migrate from south to north. The current humanitarian crisis at the border, with record numbers of unaccompanied minors desperately fleeing violence, insecurity and poverty, reveals the consequences of an interventionist policy that’s even older than the U.S.-Mexico war.

To be honest, interventionist is an all-too-common euphemism for imperialist invasions. The first invasion came in 1806 when U.S. military forces entered Mexican territory (then still controlled by Spain) and established a military base in today’s Colorado. In total, including the 1846–1848 war that resulted in the U.S. government seizing nearly half of Mexico, the U.S. military has invaded Mexico at least ten times.[1] Across Latin America, U.S. forces have invaded southern neighbors more than 70 times, leaving occupying armies for months, years, and in some cases decades.[2]

Today the U.S. State Department acknowledges that U.S. troops instigated the war with Mexico.[3] In early 1846 President James Polk deployed forces into disputed territory along the Rio Grande River. “We have not one particle of right to be here,” U.S. Colonel Ethan Allen Hitchcock wrote from near the river. “It looks as if the government sent a small force on purpose to bring on a war, so as to have a pretext for taking California and as much of this country as it chooses.”[4] After fighting ensued, Polk used what he knew to be false claims that Mexico had “invaded our territory and shed American blood on American soil” to win a Congressional declaration of war.[5]

Once the war started, many U.S. soldiers questioned the invasion of a neighbor posing no threat to the United States. Angry volunteer troops from Virginia, Mississippi, and North Carolina mutinied. Thousands of soldiers deserted. Several hundred Irish-American soldiers switched sides to fight for Catholic Mexico in the San Patricio Battalion. Casualty rates were unusually high for U.S. forces. They were higher still for Mexicans, including civilians subjected to U.S. bombardment and wartime atrocities. Commanding generals inflicted “extravagant violence” against Mexicans, following the pattern of scorched earth-style warfare employed against Native American civilians.[6] “Murder, robbery, & rape on mothers and daughters, in the presence of the tied-up males of the families, have been common all along the Rio Grande,” reported U.S. General Winifred Scott in 1847.[7] A young soldier at the time, future general and president Ulysses Grant said, “I do not think there was ever a more wicked war than that waged by the United States on Mexico.”[8]

When U.S. and Mexican officials signed a treaty to end the war in 1848, the U.S. government took almost half of Mexico’s pre-war territory. This included around 525,000 square miles that today are the U.S. states of Arizona, Utah, Nevada, and California, and parts of New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. President James Polk had wanted even more territory: he had plans to invade the Yucatán Peninsula (and also hoped to buy Cuba from Spain).[9] Some expansionist Democrats in Polk’s party pushed for annexing all of Mexico. They were among a group of southerners who dreamed of expanding the United States’ growing North American empire into the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico based around enslaved labor and new slave-holding territories. Some led “filibustering” campaigns— private military invasions—in the 1850s into Mexico and Central America, although all failed.[10]

From Mexico to Nicaragua to Panama and Beyond
The most infamous of the filibusters was William Walker. Walker led a private army, mostly composed of southerners, in an 1853 invasion of Mexico’s Baja Peninsula. He declared himself president of what he called the Republic of Sonora. After Mexicans forced him to retreat to California, Walker led at least six separate campaigns into Nicaragua between 1855 and 1860. For a brief period, he declared himself president of Nicaragua, earned recognition from U.S. President Franklin Pierce, declared English the national language, legalized slavery, invaded Costa Rica, and announced his intention to take over all of Central America. Twice, the U.S. Navy captured him and returned him to the United States; in 1859, the administration of President James Buchanan ordered him released. Walker soon landed in Honduras during another attempt to take over Nicaragua. This time, Hondurans captured Walker, tried and executed him with a firing squad.[11]

While U.S. government officials generally opposed private invasions like Walker’s, the U.S. military invaded parts of Latin America and the Caribbean throughout the second half of the nineteenth century. U.S. forces invaded Nicaragua in 1853, 1854, 1867, 1894, 1896, 1898, and 1899; Panama in 1856, 1860, 1865, 1873, 1885, and 1895; and Haiti in 1891 (with another invasion threatened in 1888).[12] In 1903, U.S. officials and Navy warships helped Panamanian secessionists declare independence from Colombia to help advance plans to build a canal across the new country. Panama soon became a U.S. “colony in all but name.”[13] The Panama Canal Zone was a U.S. colony, full stop, until its return in 1999. Between 1856 and the 1989 U.S. war in Panama, the U.S. military would invade Panama a total of 24 times.[14] U.S. military bases in the Panama Canal Zone served as launch pads for yet more invasions elsewhere in Latin America.

New U.S. Colonies in Cuba and Puerto Rico
During the U.S. war with Spain of 1898, U.S. troops conquered Cuba and Puerto Rico, as well as the Philippines. U.S. officials turned Puerto Rico into a colony while officially granting Cuba its independence. In practice Cuba became a quasi-colony. To a greater extent than even the Panama Canal Zone, Guantánamo Bay became a U.S. colony, camouflaged by a U.S.-imposed “lease” that has no end date and that can only be terminated with the agreement of both governments. This arrangement amounts to an eviction-proof lease.

In 1901 U.S. officials also inserted an amendment into the new Cuban constitution allowing U.S. troops to invade at will. They soon did. An “Army of Cuban Pacification” occupied the island for almost three years in 1906-1909. U.S. forces occupied the country again in 1912 and for five years in 1917-1922.

Elsewhere in Latin America, the U.S. military occupied the Dominican Republic in 1903-1904 and 1914, and for nine years in 1915-1924. Neighboring Haiti suffered new occupations in 1914 and for nearly 20 years in 1915-1934. In Central America, Honduras experienced eight invasions and occupations in 1903, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1919, 1920, 1924, and 1925. The U.S. military occupied Nicaragua for two years in 1909-1910 and for around three decades in 1912-1933. U.S. troops invaded Guatemala in 1920. Naval vessels threatened the use of force in the waters of Costa Rica and Panama in 1921 and El Salvador in 1932.[15] U.S. warships entered Latin American ports some 6,000 times between the mid-nineteenth century and 1930, in classic “gunboat diplomacy” style—in other words, political-economic bullying through displays of military force.[16]

Covert Invasions
President Franklin Roosevelt’s “Good Neighbor” policy of the 1930s brought a brief pause in the invasions and occupations. After World War II, however, new, increasingly covert U.S. invasions largely replaced the overt wars and occupations. These invasions included CIA-backed coups in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and Chile; weapons, training, and logistics support for right-wing forces in Central America’s horrific civil wars of the 1980s; Plan Colombia-style military deployments amid the “war on drugs”; and a growing number of U.S. military bases in the region. U.S. support for recent coups and coup attempts in Honduras, Bolivia, and Venezuela illustrates the persistence of such strategies.

U.S. military and CIA invasions into Latin America always have been matched by U.S. economic and corporate invasions, as Mexico demonstrates. Following the end of the war that began in April 1846, Mexico became as much of an economic dependency of the United States as it had been to its Spanish colonizer: mines were controlled by U.S. firms; railroads were designed to ship the wealth of the mines from south to north; the oil industry was dominated by Rockefeller, Mellon, and other oil giants; the peso was pegged to the dollar; Mexico was deeply indebted to U.S. banks.[17] While Mexico has more power now relative to its northern neighbor than it did in the early twentieth century, the pattern of northern dominance largely has persisted.

Much of Central America and some other parts of Latin America have remained far more dominated by the United States than Mexico. There’s a reason that Honduras was the model for writer O. Henry when he coined the term “banana republic”: Honduras was under the near-complete control of U.S. banana companies and their political and military muscle, the U.S. government. Perhaps distracted by the clothing brand, many forget the original meaning of the term “banana republic”: a weak, impoverished, marginally independent country facing overwhelming foreign economic and political domination. In other words, a de facto colony—which is what Honduras and some other Latin American countries became in the twentieth century; in some cases they remain so today.

The U.S. government and U.S. corporations are not solely responsible for the violence, poverty, and insecurity that are at the root of today’s migration from Latin America to the United States. Other government and corporate actors within and beyond the region also bear responsibility. They include corrupt national leaders, European governments, and European, Canadian, and Asian corporations that have shaped Latin America through history.

One hundred and seventy five years after a U.S. president instigated a war with Mexico that resulted in the seizure of California and other lands that have been major sources of U.S. wealth, the current U.S. president and others in the United States should acknowledge the disproportionate role that U.S. leaders have played in invading and plundering to the south as well as the role these invasions and plunder have played in spurring mass migration northward.

Beyond recognizing U.S. culpability, President Biden has a historic opportunity to repair some of the damage our country has caused and stop causing more harm. This means abandoning the immoral and largely ineffective strategy of President Trump and his two presidential predecessors to outsource immigration control to the military and police forces of southern neighbors.[18] It means admitting tens of thousands of Latin American asylum seekers per year as a start of paying off a long-owed “imperial debt.”[19] If Biden is serious about addressing the “root causes” of migration, he and Vice President Kamala Harris must go beyond pitifully small increases in humanitarian aid to Central America[20] to end more than 200 years of military, political, and economic invasions that are at the root of those root causes.


[1] “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2020,”

[2] “Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2020,”; The United States of War: A Global History of America’s Endless Conflicts, from Columbus to the Islamic State, ... tes-of-war.

[3] “Milestones: 1830-1860,” ... Annexation.

[4] Fifty Years in Camp and Field: Diary of Major-General Ethan Allen Hitchcock, U.S.A., ... rhoC?hl=en.

[5] A Nation Without Borders: The United States and Its World in an Age of Civil Wars, 1830-1910, ... even-hahn/.

[6] “The Occupation of Mexico: May 1846-July 1848,”

[7] “The April Invasion of Veracruz,” ... acruz.html.

[8] A Wicked War: Polk, Clay, Lincoln, and the 1946 U.S. Invasion of Mexico, ... greenberg/.

[9] What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815-1848, ... =en&gbpv=0.

[10] E.g., Building the Continental Empire: American Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War, ... -Civil-War; “From Old Empire to New,”

[11] William Walker’s Wars: How One Man’s Private American Army Tried to Conquer Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras, ... 737293.php; Empire in Retreat: The Past, Present, and Future of the United States, ... re-retreat; “William Walker: King of the 19th Century Filibusters,” ... usters.htm.

[12] Building the Continental Empire: American Expansion from the Revolution to the Civil War, ... -Civil-War; Historical Atlas of Central America, ... al-america.

[13] America’s Overseas Garrisons: The Leasehold Empire, https://oxford.universitypressscholarsh ... 0198296874.

[14] Historical Atlas of Central America, ... al-america; Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the U.S. in Panama,

[15] Emperors in the Jungle: The Hidden History of the U.S. in Panama,; Historical Atlas of Central America, ... al-america; The Martinez Era: Salvadoran-American Relations, 1931-1944, ... eses/3002/.

[16] Empire’s Workshop: Latin America, the United States, and the Rise of the New Imperialism,

[17] “From Old Empire to New,”

[18] “Biden’s Plan for Central America Is a Smokescreen,” ... migration/.

[19] “Migrations as Reparations,”

[20] “The Biden Plan to Build Security and Prosperity in Partnership with the People of Central America,”

David Vine is Professor of political anthropology at American University in Washington, DC. This article is adapted from Professor Vine’s new book The United States of War: A Global History of America’s Endless Conflicts, from Columbus to the Islamic State (University of California Press). David Vine is also the author of Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (Princeton University Press, 2009) and Base Nation: How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World (Metropolitan/Henry Holt, 2015).

Featured image: [Credit Main Photo: Flickr, common license, ... otostream/]

(Council on Hemispheric Affairs) ... migration/
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 30, 2021 1:01 pm

CP of Mexico, Greeting of the PCM to the working class for May 1

4/30/21 9:04 AM


I greet the Working Class of Mexico

Let's fight for Socialism
To the working class
To the working woman, to the working youth,
To migrant workers, to the unemployed,

Proletarian comrades:

Receive the greetings of the Communist Party of Mexico on the occasion of May Day, International Workers' Day, in which we pay tribute to all the proletarian martyrs: those of Chicago, Cananea, Río Blanco, who with their struggle, their freedom or their lives They have contributed to the organization and combativeness of the workers, to win rights and improvements, but above all to open the way to emancipation, to a society without exploited or exploiters.

One year after the outbreak of the COVID-19 health crisis, we witness how the interests of capitalism are incompatible with those of us workers. All over the world there were subsidies to monopolies, state measures to guarantee the profits and interests of the bourgeoisies, while the proletariat was forced to keep afloat the "essential services", that is, the entire capitalist economy. That is why most of the infections and deaths are among us.

Neither the logic of exploitation was confined, on the contrary, to extract more profits from our workforce they have resorted to new modalities, such as the home office, flexible hours, and now a part of our salary is destined to pay a part of the productive and labor process: electrical energy, internet services, work center, and sometimes even the necessary tools for our work, such as computers or telephones. Although they try to cover it with the cloak of “opportunity to be with the family”, in reality it is an aggressive devaluation of our workforce: our salary is worth less, the working day increases, and state resources are destined to subsidize the monopolies , to prevent them from suffering losses, to ensure that their profits increase. Our lives mattered little, Well, there was not a single measure to guarantee a “healthy distance”: every day we had to choose between avoiding contagion and starving, or keeping our job and salary and the great possibility of being infected. How many working brothers did not die in the maquilas in Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, or in the automotive industry in Bajío, since the bosses said that their factories were essential, despite not being so, with the permissiveness of the Federal Government? How many times in our country have health workers had to take to the streets who, while occupying the front row of humanity's fight against the pandemic, simultaneously fight against the indolence and irresponsibility of a regime that has not treated them guaranteed even basic protection? There were hundreds of thousands of cases of workers dismissed by the employers, dismissed under the pretext of the pandemic, and in addition to violating their conquered rights, salary cuts, hours outside the agreed upon and multiple violations of Collective Labor Agreements have also been imposed. Among the most attacked workers are health workers, those in shops, and also those in education. The suffering of migrant workers detained and confined in the fired under the pretext of the pandemic, and in addition to violating their conquered rights, salary cuts, hours outside the agreed upon, and multiple violations of Collective Labor Contracts have also been imposed. Among the most attacked workers are health workers, those in shops, and also those in education. The suffering of migrant workers detained and confined in the fired under the pretext of the pandemic, and in addition to violating their conquered rights, salary cuts, hours outside the agreed upon, and multiple violations of Collective Labor Contracts have also been imposed. Among the most attacked workers are health workers, those in shops, and also those in education. The suffering of migrant workers detained and confined in theconcentration camps of the National Institute of Migration in the Southeast and North, true centers of contagion. And proletarian comrades, it is important among us to become aware that among our ranks the most affected are working women, and that it is essential for the workers' movement in Mexico and the world to wield the flag for the emancipation of women with greater determination. Without the unity of the working class, this is the unity of the women and men of the working class, the capitalists will continue to do their thing against us. In contrast to the fortunes, the profits of the plutocrats, of the handful of mega-millionaires who own the monopolies - friends and protégés of the Obrador government - like Slim, and Salinas Pliego, increased.

The numbers of infections and deaths are chilling, even the official ones that many scientists say are made up. But something more serious against the international proletariat has been walking simultaneously with the health crisis, although its causes are other: the capitalist economic crisis. We are still suffering the aftermath of the 2008 crisis, when capital, in order not to have losses, decided to carry the costs on our backs and then in all countries, from France to Mexico, from Italy to Brazil, labor reforms were carried out everywhere. attack the rights to collective bargaining, to working hours, won by the proletariat in their struggle and thus impose flexibility and outsourcing. The first effect of the crisis is in sight, the high cost of living and the impoverishment of the living conditions of workers and their families. The cost of the basic food basket is increasing, generally of food, of gas. But we must be on guard because new aggressions from capital to the workers are coming.


It is capitalism, the prevailing mode of production, that is largely responsible for the suffering and anguish of the proletariat. But capitalism is personifying itself from time to time in individuals. Today the general representative of capitalist exploitation in Mexico is López Obrador.

We must not fool ourselves about the different facades presented by the bourgeoisie: neoliberalism, social democracy, "fourth transformation", they are only efforts of capitalism, one aspect or another can be modified, but its essence is the same, the appropriation of the wealth produced socially by work of the working class, appropriation in some hands, in our days by monopolies. For this reason, before with the PRI and for the PAN, and now with MORENA, the situation for the workers is the same, to work to live badly, to obtain with the salary just what is necessary for the day to day. With Obrador there is also charrismo, corporate methods, the lack of union democracy, the “unions at the service of the bosses”, with the CATEM and other pro-government and pro-government “union” organizations.

They promise to end corruption, but exploitation is untouchable for this government. A capitalism without corruption, it must be said, is exactly the same for us, exploitation, hunger and misery. And it must also be said, despite all the efforts to whitewash it, a capitalism without corruption is impossible, as shown by the untouchable prerogative of the employers on the reporting of payroll before the IMSS, always less, to pay the minimum in liquidations and layoffs.


It is imperative to change the world, it is life or death that we overthrow capitalism and bury it. Marx and Engels rightly wrote that the working class is the gravedigger of capitalism. And now there is no other way, or we will continue to bury our own.

Socialism-communism is the power of the workers, it is the society where the exploitation of man by man ends, where all resources are made available for human needs, their development and satisfaction, where health, education, culture, recreation cease to be privileges of a few to become an inalienable right of all, and where work ceases to be a heavy burden to become the creative force, which shapes the world for the joy and happiness of the today exploited and oppressed.


We propose the urgent and the necessary. But it will not arrive alone. We have to organize ourselves for it. The workers, the proletarians, the proletarians, have their Party, the Communist Party. Migrant workers, indigenous peoples, young workers and the unemployed have their Party, the Communist Party. Fighting will bring sacrifices, it is important to say that it will not be easy, but only in this way can we put an end to this injustice, unhappiness, uncertainty, misery, and the root of all that is capitalist exploitation. Join the ranks of the Communist Party of Mexico.

Long live the working class of Mexico and the World!

Long live May Day!

Long live socialism-communism!

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico ... 1-de-Mayo/
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Wed May 05, 2021 12:56 pm

Zapatistas Sail To Spain On 500 Anniversary of Cortes' Conquest

The Rebels of the Zapatista Movement will be sending a Delegation to Spain in August to Commemorate the 500th Anniversary of the Conquest, to state that they were never conquered and are still in a state of rebellion, fighting for their indigenous rights in Mexico. | Photo: Twitter/@3rd_Generation_

Published 4 May 2021

Five hundred years after Hernán Cortés and his men conquered Mexico, a small boatload of indigenous Zapatistas now make a return journey across the Atlantic to “invade” Spain in a symbolic protest against capitalist oppression and colonization.

Two men and five women set out on Sunday evening from Isla Mujeres, Mexico’s most eastern point, and although Subcomandante Galeano – formerly known as Subcomandante Marcos – said they were traveling with the message that “the invasion has started,” their mission is more so one of solidarity and rebellion.

Subcomandante Moisés, another Zapatista leader, told Mexican media at the departure ceremony: “We’re following the route that they came from 500 years ago. In this case, we’re following the route to sow life, not like 500 years ago. It’s completely the opposite.”

The group said that their vessel named La Montaña would take them to Europe on “an odyssey that has everything to do with defiance and nothing to do with a rebuke."

The delegations hope to arrive in the north-western Spanish coastal city of Vigo before 13 August, the 500th anniversary of the Spanish sacking of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, now Mexico City. This year Mexico is also celebrating the 200th anniversary of its independence from Spain.

According to the Zapatistas, if denied entry into the country, they plan to unfurl a banner reading “Wake up!” according to the Zapatistas. “But if we are able to disembark and embrace with words those who fight, resist and rebel there,” the statement said, “then there will be parties, dancing, songs, and cumbias … shaking the floors and distant skies.”

The Zapatistas then plan to carry out a tour across Europe, meeting with NGOs and other groups to share thoughts on how best to tackle “the inequality that comes from the capitalist socio-economic system."

The Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) became famous as representatives of the anti-globalization movement after briefly leading an uprising in the southern Chiapas state on New Year’s Day 1994, coinciding with the enactment of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Mexico’s president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has similarly promoted 2021 as a year of remembrance. On Monday, he traveled to the Maya community of Tihosuco to ask forgiveness for the 18th-century war of the castes during which the Maya people of the Yucatán peninsula rose up against the slave-like conditions they worked under harvesting henequin, used to make rope.

“We offer the most sincere apologies to the Maya people for the terrible abuses committed by private individuals and Mexican and foreign authorities during the three centuries of colonial dominion and two centuries of independent Mexico,” said López Obrador.

While the Mexican president has previously asked the Spanish crown and the Vatican to apologize for the conquest, the Spanish king dismissed the request, saying it “profoundly regretted” the publication of a letter from the Mexican president to King Felipe.

“The arrival of the Spanish on Mexican soil 500 years ago cannot be judged in the light of contemporary considerations,” it said in a statement at the time. “Our closely related peoples have always known how to view our shared history without anger and from a shared perspective, as free peoples with a common heritage and an extraordinary future.” The Vatican stated it had already addressed the issue.

The Zapatistas, on the other hand, have a different message. “We are going to tell the people of Spain two simple things,” they said. “One, they did not conquer us; we are still here resisting, in rebellion. Second, they do not have to ask that we forgive them for anything.” ... -0016.html
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon May 24, 2021 1:40 pm


The United States Should Stop Interfering in Mexico
May 22, 2021

On Tuesday, May 19, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, decried that the US government “is already taking too long” to respond to the diplomatic note sent to the US Embassy in Mexico, last May 6. The aforementioned note, sent by the government of Mexico, sought explanation regarding the financing of the NGO Mexicans against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI), as well as funding of other political groups disguised as civil associations. President López Obrador emphasized that the financing of local political organizations by a foreign government is “a clear example of foreign interventionism in matters that should only concern the Mexican people,” due to which he urged Washington to immediately suspend the funds funneled to these groups through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

MCCI, because of its economic power and strong political ties of its members, has become the most emblematic among the interest groups that resort to the “non-governmental organization” or “civil association” nomenclature to engage in covert politics. Such groups have not hesitated in bypassing local laws and the national sovereignty of Mexico to push for agendas favoring their private enrichment, usually acquired at the expense of public revenue.

Faced with the defeat of the neoliberal regime in 2018 and the total discredit of its representatives, such NGOs have supplanted many functions once enacted by the opposition parties, and have even become part of the actual opposition as the current electoral campaign is proceeding. In doing so, such organizations have perverted and destroyed the nature of democracy, since this removes political discourse away from the spaces provided by law, which should be the political parties, and transfers it to bodies that fall outside the scrutiny of electoral authorities. Such a scenario is already serious in itself, but it takes on an even more alarming dimension due to the blatant omission of duty by the National Electoral Institute (INE) and the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) that are not exercising their tasks of supervision and regulation over such entities which are clearly participating in the political process despite it being unconstitutional.

Moreover, Washington’s reluctance to stop illegal funding of such covert Mexican political organizations could be the first significant disagreement in a relationship that, contrary to what many had predicted would be filled with bilateral clashes, has so far been able to recur to the usual channels of institutional mutual understanding. Until now, reality has refuted the claims made by many commentators and intellectuals linked to the opposition, who have shown a determination to portend that López Obrador’s government is doomed to clash with Joe Biden’s, but such an augured disagreement could materialize if the current US Democrat administration continues its financing of political bodies disguised as civil society organizations.

To avoid such a clash, the White House should review, at least as far as Mexico is concerned, its traditional interventionist policy and support for opposition groups disguised as other things. Putting an end to such a conduct would be an elementary measure of respect towards Mexican law, sovereignty and its right to self-determination. It would be particularly deplorable if the US administration chooses to continue with its interventionist policies in the context of a bilateral relationship in which, thus far, agreements and cooperation have prevailed.

Featured Image: USAID, a CIA cutout well-known for funding NGOs engaged in subverting administrations in countries trying to follow a sovereign path, is funding political groups disguised as NGOs in Mexico. File photo.

(La Jornada)

Translation: Orinoco Tribune ... in-mexico/

The world would be a better, safer place if every US embassy was burned to the ground, buboes of a malignant cancer.
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 05, 2021 12:04 pm


4 Jun 2021 , 11:47 am .

As has already been said on many occasions, it is enough for a country to show autonomy or not fully bend to the designs of the United States for it to swell the list of enemies and its defects begin to emerge, and once it is under the spotlight imperialism uses all available resources to attack this new objective.

Such is the case of Mexico and its president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), who in the context of mega-elections that will take place next Sunday, June 6, has become the target of the powerful propaganda apparatus of the empire and other organizations. that are used as Trojan horses.

That is why it is not by chance that AMLO recently occupies a prominent place on the cover of the May 29-June 4 edition of the British weekly The Economist , who calls on Mexicans to vote for anyone except the political sector of the current president.

On the other hand, the usual American method of financing the opposition through organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Trojan horses that we mentioned earlier, returns. But let's address these two fronts separately.

Anyone wondering what a historic and prestigious media outlet in England has to do with a domestic process in Mexico because of the way The Economist "cares" about its democracy. However, an article by Nick Corbishley entitled "The Empire Strikes Back Mexican President AMLO" refers that it is not only a British newspaper, but that it has a wide reach worldwide due to the more than one million subscribers between North America and Gran Britain and several hundred thousand in the rest of the world.

"Its readers have always been the crème de la crème of the financial and business elite. A decade after its founding, in 1843, Karl Marx described it as the organ of 'the aristocracy of finance.' Not much has changed since then. As the New Yorker wrote in 2019, since the early 1990s The Economist has served, along with the Financial Times, as 'the softly British-accented voice of globalization.'

The sudden interest in democracy in Mexico is undoubtedly marked by the interests of that global financial elite that seeks to replace pieces of the geopolitical chessboard with more manageable ones.

Cover of 'The Economist' dedicated to AMLO (Photo: The Economist)

The indication of "false messiah of Mexico" and "authoritarian populism", but "with nuances", also associated with other presidents, tries to tarnish their image, adhering that "they intend to advise Mexicans on how to vote in the elections of the next Sunday "by López Obrador. The attitude of the Mexican president can hardly be compared with that of Jair Bolsonaro, another of those who are described as authoritarian populists.

And despite the fact that The Economist says in favor of AMLO that he does not attack homosexuals, supports other just causes and raises his voice in favor of the dispossessed of his country, in addition to not being "personally corrupt", he points out that he is a "Danger to Mexican democracy" and adopts an obviously interfering stance when he urges that "the voters of each locality should support the opposition party that is best placed to win."

"These foreign magazines and newspapers were dedicated to applauding the neoliberal policies [of past governments]; they are in favor of privatizations, and they always kept silent in the face of the corruption that reigned [in Mexico] ... United and asked the English to vote for my friend [Jeremy] Corbyn, from the Labor Party. I cannot do it because that is a decision of the English. So why don't they respect us? " AMLO reflected on this .

It has become an inexorable law that the presence of US agencies in any country is proportional to the degree of intervention they want to apply. It is enough to know how this form of unarmed intervention operates to understand its logic.

The dynamic is more or less the following: an autonomous government of imperial influence is installed and the altruism of organizations such as USAID, the NED, among others, is immediately awakened, which begin to "worry" about the human rights and democracy of said country; NGOs proliferate and the flow of resources to the opposition begins to "strengthen democratic institutions."

This form of interventionism is already becoming evident against López Obrador. The journalist Nick Corbishley collects from the investigative magazine Contralínea that the United States government is financing political opposition groups in Mexico.

According to this publication, both USAID and NED have been financing the organization "Mexicanos contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad" (MCCI). Founded by Claudio X. González Jr., son of the former president of the Kimberley Clark Mexico branch, the MCCI investigates political corruption. But the Mexican government alleges that it is also a political actor, since it is not only dedicated to the investigative field.

"González Jr. has publicly led the charge against MORENA in this year's elections, organizing the coalition of parties that oppose him and financing the candidates. He has also played a prominent role in efforts to block key pieces of the agenda. legislative AMLO in the courts ", details Corbishley.

This interference was described by President AMLO as an act of interventionism that violates the sovereignty of his country and sent a diplomatic note to the United States to clarify the matter, while reiterating that the Constitution of Mexico prohibits such activities. "You cannot receive money from another country for political purposes," he said.

The concern is not illogical if one takes into account the role that US agencies have played in organizing coups throughout Latin America. The most recent cases of financing the opposition, NGOs and schemes that end in a coup to rearrange the board in favor are those of Nicaragua , Venezuela and Brazil , but in reality the history is longer and covers the hemisphere.

Considering these sides of the same coin, it is worth saying that the narrative and media construction from the outside, on the one hand, and the interventionist arm of the US agencies from the inside, on the other, constitute an imperial maneuver in the face of next Sunday's elections that AMLO must face.

Although Mexico does not have a radical position like Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua (according to imperial logic, to be radical is to stand up to interventionism and not be submissive), that its president is trying to direct a more independent course for his country in the field. economic policy, as well as foreign policy, already represents a threat to the economic and geopolitical interests of its neighbor the United States, also its largest trading partner and which buys around 80% of its exports.

Commercial relations between these two northern giants continue, but the fact that AMLO makes his own decisions makes his neighbor uncomfortable, especially if he is not the usual complacent ally who automatically raises his hand in the face of any imperial decision that harms another country in the region. region.

That the United States wants to influence the Mexican elections is a way of rescuing a natural ally. But it is also a way to prevent an autonomous state from continuing to consolidate, with another logic, as we remember that López Obrador is a kind of outsider who bursts onto the scene due to the wear and tear of the PRI-PAN bipartisanship and the impossibility of massive fraud as in other opportunities.

Assuming the figure of the outsider , since AMLO came to government he has tried to disrupt the deep structure of the Mexican State. Therefore, the elections on June 6 represent the continuity of that pulse between what has not been installed and what does not finish leaving power.

According to the latest polls, MORENA, the movement led by López Obrador, is likely to win Congress and the Senate by a comfortable margin. But it is unlikely that he will get an absolute majority, so he will continue to depend on other parties (which have also allied against him) to pass new laws. This result, without a doubt, favors the financial and business elite outside and inside Mexico, the same that is behind the operations of the US offices and the propagandism of The Economist , which seeks to prevent AMLO from further strengthening its control of political power in Mexico.

"If MORENA won an absolute majority in both legislative chambers, AMLO could sign almost any bill. Opposition parties are exceptionally weak at the moment, largely because they have done a poor job of government in the past." says Corbishley.

The disastrous handling of the pandemic at first, shyness in the face of some privatizations, inactivity regarding indigenous rights, insensitivity to protests around the plague of femicides, excessive cuts in some, continuity of violence despite the creation of the National Guard, among others, are some things that the AMLO government has done wrong, according to Kurt Hackbath, the journalist reports.

However, these details are not enough to overshadow López Obrador's unprecedented management. Among them are:

.Raise pensions and subsidize learning for young people.
.It has kept spending and debt under control.
.It has contributed to improving the lives of the millions of poor in the countryside and the city.
.It has lobbied global corporations to finally pay off their decades-long tax debts to the Mexican state, which translates into millions of dollars in resources that avoid raising taxes on the middle class.
.It has passed one of the strictest food labeling laws on the planet, in a desperate attempt to curb the obesity epidemic in Mexico.
.The minimum wage, which for decades had been one of the lowest in Latin America, has risen considerably.
.It has lowered the retirement age to access pensions.
.It has increased public contributions and reduced commissions and has reformed housing aid to help debtors and stop evictions.
.It has also passed a bill to restrict the outsourcing of personnel to third-party companies, which had allowed corporations to circumvent health and safety regulations and avoid paying taxes and social security.
.He has reversed some of the broad energy reforms promoted by Enrique Peña Nieto.
.It has strengthened the energy independence of Mexico.
.It has also approved a presidential decree that eliminates the use of the herbicide glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-up, and prohibits the cultivation and importation of corn.

As for its international policy, it has remained respectful and has not intervened in other matters, which represents a brake on imperial interests; An obvious case is not recognizing Juan Guaidó, as well as having called Evo Morales' departure a coup and rescuing him on a plane are a challenge to the servile Organization of American States (OAS).

What is described throughout this note serves to outline the reasons why the electoral event of next Sunday, June 6, enters the imperial agenda. That is why The Economist not only calls to vote for the opposition, it also called on the US government to "pay attention" to what is happening in Mexico.

If the United States were interested in corruption in Mexico, it would have started with the governments that preceded AMLO, historically recognized for the unscrupulous management of the Mexican state. According to the American manual, an ideal government is one that is useful to its interests. For this reason AMLO enters the radar of enemy governments. ... ataca-amlo

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Funny, the Communist Party of Mexico would say about the same of ALMO, though for much different reason. This is a bit of a gloss and does not take into account his many actions friendly to corporate interests. The people of Chiapas certainly aren't happy with him, the 'development' scheme he is implementing is entirely benefiting the big money and leaving the locals in the dust. ALMO is another 'lesser evil', but apparently that ain't good enough for the USA, which demands total depravity from it's punks and suckfish, like Columbia.
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 15, 2021 1:51 pm

We choose to fight ...

Do not support your exploiters, take sides with the Communist Party!


Despite the strong effects of Covid-19, both in infections and deaths, the electoral process of June 6 continues its course, thus confirming the ruling class that is not interested in the life and health of the population, but in ensuring the functioning of the economy and the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, misnamed democracy.

The electoral process began with the call by the National Electoral Institute to register new parties in 2019. The Communist Party of Mexico (PCM) decided to enter the call in order to use the electoral campaign to widely disseminate our political program, the program of struggle for the Socialist Revolution. However, we immediately faced inadmissible criteria to obtain registration. The first and most important obstacle is the demand to hand over to the State the names and addresses of our militancy; a situation to which we oppose considering the espionage, militarization, human rights violations and political persecution that prevail in our country. Only this electoral principle demonstrates antidemocracy. The second unacceptable restriction is the demand to break all ties with any other Communist Party and renounce the principle of proletarian internationalism. There are also other unacceptable restrictions, such as the INE's interference in the internal life of a Party, which would allow it to make decisions or reject decisions made by its members and its governing bodies. In addition to these undemocratic restrictions, the electoral system in Mexico requires the holding of affiliations and assemblies with a bureaucratic format that does not represent the natural form of organization of the working class and popular sectors. In this way, only political groups with large financial resources are those that manage to obtain registration, through hauling, corporatism and political patronage; namely, only monopolies or organized crime are in a position to register their parties. An example of this is that the new registered “parties” are Progressive Social Networks, Fuerza por México and the evangelical Social Encounter Party, which function as simple franchises and appendices of the Obrador government.

As its own actions have shown, the INE (and before the IFE) functions as a shock group of the ruling class in defense of its interests, using the law at its discretion. This situation stems from the jurisprudence and electoral legislation drawn up in the 90s by the ill-fated president Carlos Salinas de Gortari, in accordance with NAFTA, which aimed to ensure that registered parties were functional to the system, that is, parties order, and de facto exclude the party of the working class, the revolutionary party. Despite the cackling of a democratic change in Mexico since the last elections, and the apparent struggle between the INE and the federal government, no bourgeois party has any intention of carrying out a political reform that dismantles these anti-democratic measures.

This means that the range of electoral options present in the June 6 elections absolutely expresses the interests of the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, and that the differences that may exist are only expressions of the inter-bourgeois dispute, in which the workers do not count. , and the electorate would configure a passive mass called strictly for the legalization of the power of the monopolies.

Before 2018 it was speculated that there were alternatives to capitalist shock policies, that another path could be taken. The PCM warned that these were illusions, that with the arrival to the Presidency of López Obrador nothing in essence would change, even if a cosmetic operation were to take place. These years have shown that we were not wrong in the analysis, nothing has changed !:

The militarization of the country continued, legalizing the participation of the Armed Forces in public security and giving it economic sectors such as the construction and administration of part of the Mayan Train and the new Airport, or the control of Ports and Customs. This process of militarization has had the approval of all the bourgeois parties: MORENA, PRI, PAN and PRD. The National Guard deepened the counterinsurgency doctrine according to which the main objective of the Armed Forces is to combat the "internal enemy", which is evident when the budgets are directed to anti-riot equipment. In addition, the Army and Navy in National Guard clothing are the executors of the anti-immigrant policy agreed between the governments of the United States and Mexico by Pompeo and Ebrad,
The new ruling party, MORENA de López Obrador, decided to continue the nefarious NAFTA, now renamed TMEC, in alliance with Trump. This is an agreement that is harmful to workers' rights, which exclusively benefits the North American monopolies. The payment of the foreign debt, the commitments with the World Bank, with the International Monetary Fund continued as is. No real change.
The rhetoric of ending neoliberalism is undoubtedly a dead letter. Not a single one of the 1,100 privatized state-owned companies went public again, and several of the monopoly groups that benefited from the privatizations of neoliberalism, such as those headed by Ricardo Salinas Pliego and Carlos Slim, continue to enjoy a privileged relationship with the President, in addition to actively collaborate with their bishops in the six-year cabinet, as in the case of Esteban Moctezuma.
The power of the monopolies is intact. In the course of the current capitalist crisis, the government measures adopted have the sole objective of safeguarding the profits of the exploiters and continuing to bear the costs on the backs of the workers and their families. The 2008 labor reform remained intact with the new government, which also deepened outsourcing by legalizing it, and carried out a series of direct attacks on the rights and conquests of the working class. For example, the disappearance of the subsidy for the care of the children of the workers in day-care centers or infantile instances; cuts and layoffs in the public sector, and the omission of actions against the violation of labor laws by the capitalists; and in general the so-called republican austerity policy can be pointed out.
With the support of the Presidency of the Republic, a variant of the trade union charrismo phenomenon is promoted, that is, a strap of the bourgeois State, to tie up and control the working class, transferring the model of the AFL-CIO (USA) that in The name of “freedom of association” goes against united, autonomous and class unions.
The purchasing power of workers has been persistently hit with the increase in fuels, gas, water, electricity, the basic food basket and a whole series of services that the working class consumes, in general with an increase in prices without control some in food and with a real depreciation of wages.
Without exception, the bourgeois parties have despised the situation of health and education. During the pandemic, 5 million children and young people have had to leave the educational system, whose management was placed in the hands of the television monopolies. 94% of the 225,000 deaths from Covid-19 are from the working class, workers and manual workers, operatives, retirees and pensioners. But the private health sector remained intact, apart from the weak public health infrastructure, and benefited by the current government by transferring millions of pesos to it in the middle of the pandemic. Neither the Government and its parties, nor the opposition parties, took any measure to guarantee a healthy distance and, above all, the home security. Each worker had to choose between dying of hunger or of disease,
Neither the Government, nor its MORENA Party or its allies, PT, PVEM, PES, nor the so-called opposition, PAN, PRI, MC, PRD, have legislated or decided on any measure in the face of growing poverty. Before Obrador, poverty was 41.6% of the population, and three years into his government it is 50.6%. Although the mouth is filled with its government programs, they only lead to the transfer of public resources to private hands as well as the continuation of clientelism and the purchase of consciousness, without changing anything at the root.
In general, there are no significant differences between all the parties that today dispute the parliament and various governorships and municipalities. All represent the interests of the bourgeoisie, and none are interested in the life of the working class , the poor peasants, migrants, native peoples, youth and students, women, the unemployed. Electoral campaigns are a dunghill where they dispute who throws the most insults from one side to another, who nominated the most corrupt or crime representatives. Not even the multiple murders of candidates stop the electoral contest, for the rest of the competitors for public office one less candidate is beneficial.

The bourgeois parties try to build an image of normality that does not exist. In a criminal way, the entire bourgeoisie and its parties adhere to the script that we are overcoming the health crisis of COVID-19, as if Mexico were on the fringes of the third wave. For this reason, in an irresponsible and accelerated way, they seek to return to classes one day after the elections and have allowed unbridled electoral proselytizing, when the vast majority of parents and children have not yet been vaccinated. They do not care about the life, the pain or the sufferings of the Mexican proletariat.

The government aggression against public education continues, there is the case of the Rural Normals and the blows to the FECSM; at the same time that more measures are announced against the rights of workers and a greater racist harshness against migrants. The social democratic government of López Obrador, like the progressive administrations of other countries, is an agent of demobilization, and perhaps in what can be distinguished one from others is that the current government of AMLO seems to carry out this task with greater success. Therefore, today it is more necessary than ever to organize and fight against the blows inflicted on the working class and the popular sectors, against the measures that will take place after the electoral period ends.

Today, shamefully the specter of what was previously called the "left" closes ranks with this government and its shock measures in favor of the monopolists. In 1994 many opposed NAFTA, but today they are submissive to a more damaging treaty: the TMEC; Lacayunaly they accept militarization, they remain silent in the face of serious repressions, the dispossession of megaprojects, the murder of social fighters. Not only have they sacrificed their principles, but they are a shock group that considers revolutionary criticism of the government as if it were from the right, when in reality it is the right that governs. Little remains of the social and political movement existing before 2018. Demobilization reigns; And it is not because of the pandemic, it is because that "left" was co-opted to collaborate with the State by the social democratic management of AMLO.

The bourgeoisie, starting from its parties (call it MORENA, PRI-PAN, or any of its satellites) seek to lead the workers to a dead end, to choose between bad capitalism and worse capitalism. His speech is reduced to pointing out the miseries of the previous governments, or the obviously disastrous situation of the current government. The offer does not go beyond a pantry or a social program in exchange for keeping this system of exploitation intact. Neither party discusses the great national problems or alternative solutions.

In conclusion, none of the parties that will be on the ballot this June 6 express the interests of the working class or the popular sectors; As we have warned since 2018, whatever the result, they will continue to govern and legislate anti-popular measures for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. Therefore, the Communist Party of Mexico calls at this specific moment for electoral abstention, not to support and legitimize our exploiters, but to build organization among the exploited and oppressed, to hasten the pace for true and radical changes that modify this oppressive reality . The Communist Party calls you to unite and take sides as a class, in a necessary and urgent direction: the Workers' Power, the socialization of the economy and the centralized planning of social production and the economy, the control of workers in all areas of society, to completely democratize society with the leading role of the workers through their State, in a word, to build socialism-communism in our country.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico ... de-junio-2

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Aug 23, 2021 11:56 am


Beyond consultation, the enemies of the people must be expropriated

Regarding the so-called "popular consultation to prosecute political actors of the past" we point out the following.

In the first place, we uphold the thesis that every high-ranking leader of the Mexican State is guilty . They have fulfilled and continue to fulfill the role of defenders of exploitation, they are the lieutenants of the capitalists in the class struggle, they have acted and continue to act as enemies of the people in that role. It is this function and the economic base of imperialism that naturally encourages the use of methods according to such; disappearances, massacres, assassinations, state terrorism, collusion with organized crime, dispossession, influence peddling, theft, bribery, corruption, etc.

If one agrees with the scientific criterion that it is the class interest that they defend that serves to have an objective point of view; and after starting from that generality, adapting the degree of participation of the individual, and not that of the criterion of the phantasmagoric moral of his personal characteristics, then we can notice the first contradiction of said approach. The consultation to prosecute some is simultaneously the consultation to protect the impunity of others.It is a farce that Salinas de Gortari is prosecuted for the 1988 fraud without prosecuting its operator; and current head of CFE, Manuel Bartlett. It is a farce that Enrique Peña Nieto is prosecuted for crimes against Humanity in Ayotzinapa without prosecuting even more direct and today untouchable operators such as General Cienfuegos, Omar García Harfuch, and the magnified Mexican Army, etc. It is a farce that Ernesto Zedillo is prosecuted by FOBAPROA, which terribly indebted the entire Mexican people for the strict benefit of the bankers and that the benefited bankers are not prosecuted; Furthermore, they are rewarded by placing Banorte's counselor in the Ministry of the Interior. And so ad nauseamwe could continue. None of the crimes against the people was inflicted individually and their very execution presupposes an organized force, which must be subdued and dismantled.

Second, and derived from the first, we hold the thesis that no trial is serious without prosecuting the beneficiary of the crime against the people and without restoring the damage.. If only the Presidents existed as an external force and superimposed on society; As presented in the thesis of those personally responsible, the general struggle of "the whole of society" against said individuals and their relatives would be easy and simple to resolve. The reality is, however, different, the reality is that there is no "whole society" as such, nor are the rulers external to it, there are classes in conflict and it is the class that dominates economically the one that sets up its state apparatus, and these individuals are the ones who They head their boards of administrators, succeeding each other as the struggle requires more or less bloodthirsty, more or less demagogic methods, as the cycle of capital is expanding or in crisis. The beneficiaries of the policies of the 3 decades that are pilloried with the so-called Consultation are hidden, and this is the most serious and central. It would not serve to privatize if there were not as a precondition a private person who receives the public good as new accumulated capital. The proposition that there are those who sell as merchandise their will expressed as votes of the legislative power, judgments of the judiciary, orders of the executive power, etc., is not feasible, without simultaneously existing buyers of said merchandise. The public official enriched during the 3 or 6 years of his mandate is guilty, the capitalists benefited by 30 or 60 years of accumulation from said act are even more guilty as intellectual authors and main beneficiaries. It would not serve to privatize if there were not as a precondition a private person who receives the public good as new accumulated capital. The proposition that there are those who sell as merchandise their will expressed as votes of the legislative power, judgments of the judiciary, orders of the executive power, etc., is not feasible, without simultaneously existing buyers of said merchandise. The public official enriched during the 3 or 6 years of his mandate is guilty, the capitalists benefited by 30 or 60 years of accumulation from said act are even more guilty as intellectual authors and main beneficiaries. It would not serve to privatize if there were not as a precondition a private person who receives the public good as new accumulated capital. The proposition that there are those who sell as merchandise their will expressed as votes of the legislative power, judgments of the judiciary, orders of the executive power, etc., is not feasible, without simultaneously existing buyers of said merchandise. The public official enriched during the 3 or 6 years of his mandate is guilty, the capitalists benefited by 30 or 60 years of accumulation from said act are even more guilty as intellectual authors and main beneficiaries. The proposition that there are those who sell as merchandise their will expressed as votes of the legislative power, judgments of the judiciary, orders of the executive power, etc., is not feasible, without simultaneously existing buyers of said merchandise. The public official enriched during the 3 or 6 years of his mandate is guilty, the capitalists benefited by 30 or 60 years of accumulation from said act are even more guilty as intellectual authors and main beneficiaries. The proposition that there are those who sell as merchandise their will expressed as votes of the legislative power, judgments of the judiciary, orders of the executive power, etc., is not feasible, without simultaneously existing buyers of said merchandise. The public official enriched during the 3 or 6 years of his mandate is guilty, the capitalists benefited by 30 or 60 years of accumulation from said act are even more guilty as intellectual authors and main beneficiaries.

The consultation to prosecute the political actors is the consultation to hide the economic beneficiaries . They are still there with new operators, namely the current rulers. Carlos Slim, Emilio Azcárraga, Salinas Pliego, etc., the capitalists are the maximum beneficiaries of all these criminal efforts and the current criminal management. The 72,000 disappeared and 350,000 murdered under Calderón, Peña Nieto and Obrador are the corollary of capitalist accumulation where the bourgeoisie in suits and the goat horn are financially and politically intertwined with their current rulers. No justice could even remotely claim to be such by pointing out only one or two of the material perpetrators without pointing out the intellectual perpetrators, without restoring the damage.The restitution of the damage; and in this we are going to insist is the expropriation of the beneficiaries of the crimes against the people . To date, none of the more than 1,100 privatized companies has been expropriated, nationalized, nationalized, socialized; what was taken from popular sovereignty has not been nor is it proposed to return. Neither Telmex, nor Altos Hornos, nor the mining companies, nor the privatized banks, etc. On the contrary; Based on this thesis, we can also point out the criminal nature of the current management that put capitalists 'profits before workers' lives in managing the pandemic at the cost of a quarter of a million dead at the time, the vast majority workers.

Third, we uphold the thesis that the people have already issued a ruling in this area.It is a recognized truth that the meaning of the 2018 vote was in favor of the punishment of such enemies of the people of the past, an act that neither initiated nor concluded the fight against them. Already the ruling of the people is fundamentally given, years of street struggles, uprisings, massive clashes, express this sense. We understand that righteous anger that motivates not a few proletarians to participate. We understand it because those enemies of the people who have pending accounts in general, also have pending accounts with the communists of this country to whom they owe us the blood of our dead and disappeared in Guerrero and Tamaulipas. But it is not just about sympathy, but about recognizing what is not recognized in the consultation. That anger is the natural result of everything that the administrators of the bourgeoisie carry out to support the accumulation of our bosses, that in Mexico the system oozes mud and blood in barbaric amounts every day and the objective of the consultation is not to end with what originates the anger of the working class, but to confuse it, appease it, obfuscate it, and keep it from finding a satisfactory solution. Hence, instead of the power supposedly constituted with such votes complying with the meaning of the mandate for which it was given an absolute majority at all levels of government by its popular supporters; as it was one of their campaign flags, a query is delivered in obscure, equivocal terms, etc. that in Mexico the system oozes mud and blood in barbaric amounts every day and the objective of the consultation is not to end what causes the anger of the working class, but to confuse it, appease it, obfuscate it, and keep it from finding a satisfactory solution . Hence, instead of the power supposedly constituted with such votes complying with the meaning of the mandate for which it was given an absolute majority at all levels of government by its popular supporters; as it was one of their campaign flags, a query is delivered in obscure, equivocal terms, etc. that in Mexico the system oozes mud and blood in barbaric amounts every day and the objective of the consultation is not to end what causes the anger of the working class, but to confuse it, appease it, obfuscate it, and keep it from finding a satisfactory solution . Hence, instead of the power supposedly constituted with such votes complying with the meaning of the mandate for which it was given an absolute majority at all levels of government by its popular supporters; as it was one of their campaign flags, a query is delivered in obscure, equivocal terms, etc. Hence, instead of the power supposedly constituted with such votes complying with the meaning of the mandate for which it was given an absolute majority at all levels of government by its popular supporters; as it was one of their campaign flags, a query is delivered in obscure, equivocal terms, etc. Hence, instead of the power supposedly constituted with such votes complying with the meaning of the mandate for which it was given an absolute majority at all levels of government by its popular supporters; as it was one of their campaign flags, a query is delivered in obscure, equivocal terms, etc.

The consultation does not go according to the popular verdict, it puts a serious obstacle.Basically, it is requested that Morena be ratified with a vote similar and extended to that of 2018 in exchange for initiating "investigations" and "procedures" against some of the officials of the past; saving other civil and military officials, and above all ignoring the beneficiaries of said enemies of the people. Unlike the electoral campaigns where; Even in a marginal way, there could be the possibility of presenting a platform in the mere interest of confronting the bourgeois political forces with it, in this exercise a false dilemma is presented, a real cage to trap our political position. Or with officials who are enemies of the people who are still in the same parties of origin or with officials who are enemies of the people who joined the new Party managing exploitation.

For all of the above, we will not participate in said consultation. The sense of our propaganda and agitation in the following days will be in the sense that it is necessary to expropriate in order to prosecute the enemies of the people and punish everyone who participated and participates as their state operator. To achieve that justice that goes beyond imprisoning presidents, and far beyond pretending that it is done, a new state is required, a workers' state. That we are in favor of the ill-gotten goods that the bourgeoisie seized under the cloak of such officials be taken from them in turn to make them available to the needs of the working class and the people.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico ... ta-popular

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Sep 27, 2021 2:04 pm

Mexico Marks Seven Years of Ayotzinapa Students’ Dissapereance

Rural teachers students demand justice for Ayotzinapa case, Mexico, Sep. 23, 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @VIM_Media

Published 26 September 2021 (16 hours 0 minutes ago)

"For us, it is outrageous to see the parents who suffer day after day to know where their children are if they are well if they are alive," activists said.

Students from rural teacher colleges and relatives demanded justice for the 43 Ayotzinapa young students on the seventh anniversary of their disappearance in Iguala in the Mexican State of Guerrero.

"As long as they do not hand over our comrades safe and sound, we will not be silent, and we will continue to be here in a state of struggle supporting the parents who have not given up," activists said.

The investigation of the Iguala Special Prosecutor's Office has made no progress in accrediting the participation of members of the Federal Police and the Guerrero Ministerial Police.

There are 30 new arrest warrants to be executed against those allegedly involved in the events; however, over 50 accused people during the ex-President Enrique Peña Nieto's administration (2012-2018) have been released by Court decision.

Among those released are 24 local police officers from different municipalities of Guerrero, including 13 police officers from Iguala.

"For us, it is outrageous to see the parents who suffer day after day to know where their children are if they are well if they are alive," the Aguascalientes rural teacher delegation said.

According to the official version, corrupt police officers from Iguala detained Ayotzinapa's students on the night of Sept. 26, 2014, when they took buses to go to a march on Oct. 2 in the capital.

The agents handed the students over to the "Guerreros Unidos" cartel, which murdered and incinerated them in a garbage dump in the Cocula municipality after an attack that left six dead in addition to the 43 missing students. ... -0003.html



On López Obrador's proposals at CELAC

"We have denounced the Alliance for Progress as a vehicle destined to sterilize the example of the Cuban Revolution and later to domesticate the peoples in accordance with the indications of imperialism."

Commander Ernesto Guevara

In recent days, in a sensationalist way, the media have highlighted López Obrador's position against the blockade of Cuba. Among the reactionary and anti-communist forces - tiny but scandalous - the fuss rises that this is a "socialist" government, and in a sector of supporters of social democracy and progressivism, especially those who in the past fought for socialism at the same time. who today have resigned to give their uncritical support to the capitalist government of Obrador, illusions of an anti-imperialist turn are trumpeted. Both approaches are wrong: Neither obrador has to do with socialism or communism, nor is there an anti-imperialist turn.

The question of Cuba has been in the last sixty years, a point that has allowed the Mexican bourgeoisie a masquerade of "progressivism" and "independence" while a policy of shock against the working class and the poor peasants, while those who fought for popular interests were repressed and murdered, while policies of concentration and centralization of capital were being developed at full speed.

It has been recalled that the Mexican government was the only one that did not break relations with Cuba when the US pressures against the governments of Latin America to isolate Cuba and expel it from the OAS. What government was that? That of Adolfo López Mateos of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) in 1958-1964. Not only did he not break relations with Cuba, but at the UN he played a prominent role in denouncing the US military aggression against Cuba in Playa Girón. But at the same time they repressed the Mexican peasantry, the railroad workers, the education workers, and they also assassinated Rubén Jaramillo, Epifania Zuñiga (pregnant) and their three children, members of the Communist Party. In addition, unlike Obrador, López Mateos carried out a policy of nationalizations, such as that of the electricity industry. But his gestures in favor of the sovereignty of Cuba were not interpreted then by the communists and revolutionaries as an element to which the class struggle had to be subordinated, it did not cease and was accentuated. Thus, the subsequent governments of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz, Luis Echeverría, José López Portillo, Miguel de la Madrid, unalterably maintained those gestures with the Cuban Revolution, while in Mexico massacres were carried out in Guerrero, Chihuahua, on October 2, 1968 in Tlatelolco or June 10, 1971. Even during the Government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, where capitalist management based on the nationalized economy, this is Keynesianism, called in Mexico "stabilizing development" was replaced by privatizations, deregulations and backsliding to social rights, this is neoliberal management,

We can say that except in the PAN administration of Vicente Fox (2000-2006) and Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) characterized by meanness and servility, the foreign policy of the Mexican bourgeoisie always had as its seal those gestures against US interference with the sovereignty of Cuba, explainable because it is a strong favorable letter in the bilateral relationship with the United States. Also the governments emanating from the PRI, depending on the interests, opened the door, to a certain extent, to the insurgencies of Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, while still responding to their own relations of interdependence with the United States. a strong boost to the Non-Aligned Movement. This did not make any of the aforementioned governments, nor that of Obrador, an anti-imperialist government.Dirty War , electoral fraud was committed, democratic rights were restricted. Those are the facts of the story.

Let's see now, behind that facade, what is there in foreign policy that characterizes and determines López Obrador as President of Mexico:

-The Pompeo-Ebrard agreements, ratified by Biden-Harris's management of turning all of Mexico into an anti-immigrant wall, with the use of the National Guard and the National Migration Institute, a policy harshly applied against migrant workers from Central America and Haiti, which meant an increase in arrests and deportations by up to 204% compared to previous governments. In addition to the fierce face of the anti-immigrant policy, Obrador also seeks to whitewash this policy by promoting and being a spokesperson for US programs to contain migration in El Salvador, Guatemala and all of Central America.

-The participation in the negotiation and joint Trump-Obrador ratification of a new version of NAFTA initiated in 1994, now renamed the Mexico-US-Canada Treaty (TMEC or USMCA), which is an inter-imperialist economic and commercial agreement, beneficial to the monopolies and the bourgeoisies of the three North American countries, and which has as a new characteristic a series of restrictions to points where China's industry and commerce filtered, this is the TMEC not only ratified its imperialist character, but also it aligned it in the economic and commercial dispute between the US and China. Another characteristic of the T-MEC is the way to make the labor movement in Mexico an extension of the labor movement of the AFL-CIO, ideologically in the logic of class collaboration, and subordinate to the bosses.

-Like any government that administers the interests of the monopolies, Obrador's gives full guarantees to the Mexican plutocracy, to the monopolies to obtain superprofits and export capital, in Central and South America, making them leaders in various branches of the economy. imperialist international, such as mobile telephony, mining, the construction industry, food, and finance capital.

-It is therefore an anti-worker and anti-popular government, where despite this demagoguery and "anti-imperialist" rhetoric, in reality there is a correspondence between its internal and foreign policy, as shown by the essence of its position before CELAC, which then we expose.

Obrador sought throughout his political career to refrain from pronouncing on international affairs, guided by pragmatism. During the 2018 electoral campaign, he outlined his foreign policy by becoming the promoter of a reissue of the Alliance for Progress of the Kennedy Administration, which aimed to isolate and defeat the Cuban Revolution. At first Obrador limited it to Canada, the United States, Mexico and Central America, however now he proposes it extended to all of America in similarity with the Bush Jr. project, the FTAA, which was shipwrecked by the popular resistance of the peoples, and by three political factors that were part of that resistance: the Cuban Revolution, the armed insurgency of the FARC-EP in Colombia, and the Venezuelan political process.

It is a demagogic act without even wanting to present itself as an “anti-imperialist” and smuggling champion to place as a project that of the imperialist integration of the Continent, mixing it with the model of the European Union, which is a union against the peoples and the working class.

The imperialist integration of Latin America and the Caribbean is a bet led by the United States and Mexico in order to sacrifice all the peoples of the continent for the benefit of their larger monopolies, as well as a pact that implies greater developments and profit quotas for the bourgeoisies of the participating countries. This is how the presence, the penetration of capital, by China is also faced. For all this, a tenacious engineering work is carried out that tries to smooth out the inter-bourgeois struggles at the same time that it seeks to ensnare the peoples to their own detriment and impose a renewed cycle of capitalist accumulation.

That is the essence of the question, and the rest are worthless words.

Therefore, we communists will develop more vigorously solidarity with the Cuban Revolution, among the workers, not only against the blockade but also in defense of the socialist conquests. That we will strengthen our activity to organize and fight in solidarity with migrants. And we will oppose any continental integration project that has an inter-imperialist character, a sum of capitalist states, an equation that can only result in more exploitation for the workers and hunger and misery for the peoples.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico

Google Translator

A very good party over all, like the KKE, but unable to discern the relationship of the CCP with Chinese capital. To be sure, Chinese capital operating outside of China is not subject to the scrutiny it receives in the home country and there may be perhaps a little willful neglect in this regard. The priority of strengthening China for the struggle against imperialism and the fact that China cannot so rigorously control these capitalists outside of their border at least partially account for this.

Be that as it may, the recent so-called 'crackdown' on Chinese capital domestically may well be extended into Chinese capital operating overseas. Then perhaps these good communists can be relieved of this infantile obsession.
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:05 pm


New Evidence in Ayotzinapa Disappearance Case Contradicts Official Version
October 2, 2021
By Tanya Wadhwa – Sep 24, 2021

Almost seven years after the forced disappearance of 43 students of the Rural Teachers’ College in the town of Ayotzinapa, Mexico, the struggle for truth and justice continues as the investigation proceeds slowly

On September 21, five days before the seventh anniversary of the forced disappearance of 43 students of the Rural Teachers’ College in the town of Ayotzinapa, Mexico, the federal authorities revealed new evidence in the case, which contradicted the official version of the truth presented by the previous government.

At a press conference, the special prosecutor for the case, Omar Gómez Trejo, and the Undersecretary for Human Rights, Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, reported that the search for evidence in the La Carnicería ravine located in Cocula town, in the state of Guerrero, had concluded. They reported that in the past two years of investigation in the ravine, located 800 meters from the Cocula garbage dump, around 200 human skeletal remains were discovered in an area of 8,000 square meters. They reported that the DNA samples from skeletons, whose results were recently known, matched Jhosivani Guerrero de la Cruz and Christian Alfonso Rodríguez Telumbre, two of the 43 students who disappeared on the night of September 26, 2014.

This new revelation refuted the “historic truth” of the case narrated by the then-government of far-right president Enrique Peña Nieto. Nieto’s administration claimed that some corrupt policemen attacked and arrested the students in Iguala city, Guerrero, for local interests, they then handed the students over to a group of drug-trafficking assassins, the Guerreros Unidos Cartel, who then supposedly killed them, incinerated their bodies in a landfill in the mountains and disposed of theirs remains in the nearby San Juan River.

Prosecutor Gómez and Undersecretary Encinas told the media that the authorities were able to get to the place and begin the search with the help and collaboration of different witnesses, and the confession of one of the participants of the crime. They informed that during the investigation, they found that there were several controlled fire points in the area where cremation was carried out. They reported that in the coming days, the investigation would expand to other municipalities and all the facilities where controlled cremations could have been carried out would be inspected. They also said that the Attorney General’s Office would open an investigation against the experts who previously investigated the case and manipulated the evidence.

The officials pointed out that the area in which they had worked since November 2019 is not the same that was reported as being investigated during the administrations of former attorney generals Jesús Murillo Karam and Arely Gómez González. This was confirmed by the members of the Commission for Truth and Access to Justice for the Ayotzinapa case, the Special Unit for Investigation and Litigation and the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI), who joined Gómez and Encinas on a tour of the La Carnicería ravine on Tuesday, A member of the GIEI, Ángela Buitrago, recalled that the report they received during the previous investigation does not coincide with the place where the remains of the students were found.

The special prosecutor emphasized that these findings open a new line of investigation. “The place where we are is vindicating a lie that was told at the time. We have been investigating for two years, and the fact of finding a different place for something that had supposedly been done in Cocula landfill and in the San Juan River opens up a completely different great line of investigation,” said the prosecutor.

Gómez added that due to the irregularities committed in the investigation in 2014, one of the main lines of investigation that remains open is that the first evidence, the bag that supposedly contained the remains of the students, found in the San Juan River could have been planted by the officials of the previous authorities.

Meanwhile, the undersecretary stressed that “it is not conclusive information in any way, it is a part of the investigation that is being developed and the searches will continue.”

The parents and family members of the victims and human rights organizations, who never believed the narrative of Nieto’s government and alleged that the federal government and the security forces were directly involved in disappearing the students, held a peaceful march in Chilpancingo city on Tuesday, demanding truth behind the cover-up and justice for their loved ones. On Wednesday, they demonstrated in front of the Attorney General’s Office, demanding the arrest of government officials and police officers allegedly involved in the massacre. They announced that they would continue to mobilize in different cities until September 26 and end their protest actions with a massive march in the capital Mexico City.

Seven years have passed since the mass disappearance of the students from the Rural Teachers’ College, three years have passed since the establishment of the truth commission by the ruling government of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but little progress has been made towards the road to justice due to the tampering of evidence and manipulation of truth by former authorities.

Students and human rights organizations, who alleged that the students from Rural Teachers’ College, known for its left-wing activism, were selectively targeted for opposing a neoliberal education bill proposed by Nieto’s government in 2013, have also called on the government to expedite the investigations.

Featured image: Parents and family members of the 43 disappeared students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers’ School held a peaceful march in Chilpancingo city on September 21. Photo: Sergio Ocampo/La Jornada

(Peoples Dispatch) ... l-version/



Regarding the anti-communist agreement between VOX and the PAN

The Parliamentary Group of the National Action Party in the Senate - the ruling party in Mexico during the period 2000-2012 - officially invited a delegation from VOX, a political party in Spain, to sign the so-called Madrid Charter at the Congress of the Union. , a document of an anti-communist nature and promoter of reactionary and conservative ideas.

Although the document reflects many confusions and Manichean interpretations of anti-communism, and is the result of lies and the perversion of history, it does express the class instinct of the bourgeoisie in recognizing communism as its antagonist.

Anti-communism is a manifestation of the ruling classes that react to the progress of history, to the development of the class struggle in the historical epoch in which we live: that of the transition from capitalism to socialism. We already know that anti-communism is not limited to propaganda and the misrepresentation of facts, but that it accompanies this with attacks on the working class and its rights. The result of the anti-communist campaigns has been the persecution not only of communists, but also of democrats and revolutionaries; the imprisonment and murder of thousands of women and men of art, culture, science, as well as militants of union, peasant and student struggles. In the last three decades, anti-communism has been on the rise based on the reactionary theses of the equality of communism and fascism, of "totalitarianisms"; Positions that elevated to political ideology have allowed the European Union to criminalize communist parties and seek to outlaw them.

Under such positions, the governments of Presidents Fox and Calderón promoted, in alliance with the then President of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe, legal and political persecution against cadres of the Communist Party of Mexico; and through anti-communist instruments such as paramilitarism, three PCM cadres were assassinated in the state of Guerrero, as well as another cadre of the party in the state of Tamaulipas was kidnapped and disappeared.

We are aware of the meaning of anti-communism. So are we of fascism, the counterrevolutionary policy of the bourgeoisie in periods of crisis and instability of capitalism and the rise of the class struggle. It was the Communist International that contributed the most to characterize it accurately, to confront and defeat it on the political and military terrain; symbolized by the red hammer and sickle flag waving in the Reichstag in Berlin, which was backed by a tough struggle on the part of the Soviet Union, the country of socialism, and all the communist parties in the world. Thus the Communist Party of Mexico - Section of the Communist International - also gave its contribution to this cause, first by confronting reactionary governments and social fascism, then facing the illegality and the circumstances of hundreds of political prisoners; also facing fascist gangs, such as that ofLos Dorados , which was dismantled, as well as reactionary and pro-fascist groups such as the one headed by Governor Saturnino Cedillo in San Luis Potosí; finally, expressing its militant solidarity with the Spanish Republic, participating in its political and military defense and being an essential factor in welcoming the republican exile in Mexico. We bear in mind the terrible costs of fascism for the workers of the world, and first of all for the Soviet Union with 27 million dead.

The National Action Party emerged precisely in those years –1939– and is the heir of a reactionary policy that did not hide its sympathies for fascism and clericalism, which promoted the white guards to oppose the distribution of land and the dislocation of teachers Communists who were literate in the peasant areas. Although over the years he tried to whitewash his image to present himself as a Christian Democratic option, he cannot deny or hide his origins. The same as the VOX Party, anti-immigrant, anti-worker, nationalist and reactionary. Although some PAN leaders have dissociated themselves from such a document, including some of the signatories, this is not due to a “democratic” vocation but to simple electoral calculations.

The Communist Party of Mexico condemns and will confront these anti-communist demonstrations, bearing in mind the development of the reactionary forces.

Now on the matter another question.

The anti-communist declaration of the Madrid Charter considers the Social Democrats to be communists: the Obrador government, the Sao Paulo Forum and the Puebla Group. Thus it is also said that progressive governments they are communists or they build socialism; Against which, as PCM, we affirm that this is not the case, that it constitutes a falsehood. In the same way, he considers the current government of Spain "communist"; something ridiculous given its anti-working class and anti-popular nature. The social democracy manages capitalism, ensures the class domination of the bourgeoisie, guarantees private ownership of the means of production and the exploitation of wage labor. Social democratic or neoliberal governments, such as those with the participation of reactionary pro-fascist forces, in essence guarantee capitalism and the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Let's stop at the case of Mexico, where the right-wing opposition insists that the López Obrador government is communist; something totally false,

This is how the anti-communist front FRENAA was formed to oppose the Obrador government and with this they have presented a false dilemma, since Obrador is not a communist but a loyal administrator for the power of the monopolies. How, for example, could xenophobic and racist forces be distinguished from the cruel anti-immigrant hunt carried out by López Obrador's National Guard?

At the end of the day, what it is about is an inter-bourgeois dispute, of different visions of administering the system and of avoiding socio-political instabilities.

The Communist Party of Mexico has been receiving pressure to close its eyes to the anti-worker and anti-popular character of López Obrador, to close ranks with him against more reactionary forces. We think that both ends of this false dispute represent the interests of capital, that they are responsible for the exploitation of the working class and causing hunger and misery of the people. And now with this anti-communist document from VOX and the PAN, these pressures against the communists are revived in the name of "antifascism."

It is necessary to make some first considerations: fascism has as its source of origin the capitalist system, and as long as it is not overthrown, it will be latent. The anti-fascist fronts lead to inter-class alliances with bourgeois parties, among them the Social Democrats, and which have not had the purpose of overthrowing capitalism - an urgent and urgent task of the working class - but only to restore bourgeois "democracy". For the communists, the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism is an imperative, therefore our fight against the possibility of more reactionary options of capitalism is inseparable from the fight against social democracy and today from the fight against the social democratic government of López Obrador.

Therefore, without being pressured or impressed, the Communist Party of Mexico works for the unity of the working class, popular sectors, working women, migrants, native peoples, youth who study, work or are unemployed, in a anticapitalist and antitrust movement that fights for the Socialist Revolution and the arrival of the working class to power.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The VIII Plenary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico ... -pan-y-vox
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:17 pm

Sergio Rodriguez Gelfenstein

5 Nov 2021 , 12:19 pm .

Expanding the social base of support for the Fourth Transformation led by President López Obrador will be key to giving continuity and solidity to the process (Photo: Archive)

The second stop on my recent international trip was Mexico. There I arrived as a researcher at the Samuel Robinson Institute for Original Thought, invited to participate in the International Seminar "The parties and a new society" organized by the Labor Party in its twenty-fifth edition. In this event I presented the presentation "The global strategic conflict of the XXI century and its effects in Latin America and the Caribbean".

This meeting brings together a large number of democratic, progressive and leftist parties (130 on this occasion) from almost all of Latin America and other regions of the planet in order to exchange experiences to combat imperialism, colonialism and neoliberalism and coordinate efforts in the struggle for the construction of a new society.

Unlike the first editions made during the last years of the last century when most of the participants were opposition organizations, many of which had come out of hard years of secrecy marked by repression, torture and death, today, They overlap the practices of parties in power with those that fight great battles throughout the continental geography in order to prevent the oligarchies from continuing to use governments to plunder natural and human resources as well as repress workers and peoples in favor of to keep making profits for petty private interests.

The stay in Mexico and the possibility of measuring the political temperature in situ allows to resolve with greater precision, situations and trends that otherwise can only be perceived through third parties or through the mediation of communication companies and social networks, which, is seen , in many cases they construct lies and fallacies with total impudence. In times of fake news and fantasies built and believed by the particular interests of powerful and oppressors, nothing better than feeling reality from discernment and direct contact without mediators who make and shape information based on pre-conceived objectives and ideas.

It had already happened to me in Peru and now it was being repeated in Mexico. Before my eyes a growing polarization of society was shown, emanating from the development of two progressive and democratic projects that seek greater social participation and a more equitable distribution of State resources. In this context, speaking of a communist project in Peru and of outdated populist intentions and supposed designs of perpetuation in power by Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico has no place, nor is it in the mind or spirit of either of the two rulers. .

Of course, there are obvious differences between one process and another, the main one is that in Peru the fragility of the Pedro Castillo government is evident given the composition of the forces that support it and the brutal harassment to which the president is subjected by the vice-royal right displaced from power. While in Mexico the leadership of the president is manifest as the axis of a process that, whatever happens, will exceed the time of his tenure as president of the republic.

In this sense, things do not seem easy given the different factions within the Morena party that dispute continuity after the six-year term that ends in 2024. By this I mean that López Obrador's leadership is not hereditary and Morena does not seem to enjoy of the same popularity of his boss. Despite that, in my particular and unscientific street surveys, taxi drivers, taco and newspaper vendors at corner kiosks, waiters at popular restaurants and hotel porters, when consulted, unanimously (note that I am not being bombastic or exaggerated) expressed support and appreciation for the president, as well as concern about what might happen in the future.

On the contrary, some academics, politicians from the traditional left, and professionals who are also highly esteemed, expressed rejection or at least doubts that in Mexico, López Obrador is producing a true transformation. Although it is worth saying that, in many cases they do not have such a perception because they doubt the president and his project, but rather his environment and the true intentions that he may have.

However, at this point it is essential for me to cite a friend, veteran and experienced politician whom I always listen to because of the correctness of his analysis and who today opposes the president who confessed to me that it was "impossible for him to decipher López Obrador" making it clear (at least for me) the inability of a political class rooted in the past that uses anachronistic instruments that do not allow it to reach correct conclusions regarding what is happening in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Mexico in this case), with the particularity that each country has its own characteristics that does not allow generalizations.

From my perspective, one of the most extraordinary contributions that López Obrador is making is holding his daily press conference almost at dawn when sometimes not even the shadows of night have completely disappeared to make way for dawn.

With this, the efficiency of the right-wing written communication media and the morning radio and television newscasts, produced during the night with information from the previous day, are totally obsolete. In Mexico it seems that that song that in one of its parts asks "And why read yesterday's newspaper?" was put into effect, since every day, very early, the president puts on the table a new informative agenda, "stealing" it from the media of the system against which, they only have to react and try to respond, in most cases with babbling and laments that express their inability to continue imposing the course of politics to which they are accustomed, using the power they hold as an instrument of force, blackmail and pressure.

Thus, an increasingly polarized society and a slightly more balanced public information based on the daily personal action of the president, signify the reality of the country for foreign visitors. It remains to be seen how this situation is expressed in electoral terms in the next elections to be held in six states next year and where the opposition (PRI, PAN and PRD) seek a motley alliance that is an expression of their own decomposition as political parties. .

This is more pathetic, if one considers that it is produced based on the increasingly evident assumption of political positions, values ​​and behaviors of the most discredited and fundamentalist right that today leads such a coalition, taking away the nationalist tradition from the Mexican Revolution. that once sustained the PRI, as well as left-wing principles that the PRD held as an alternative to the two-party system in times of the leadership of Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas.

Polarization as a means of doing politics contributes to the construction of a hard core that serves as the basis for making revolutionary transformations, but in systems of representative democracy in which forces are not measured in terms of correlation but only based on the amount emitted. their opinion in elections are insufficient.

Expanding the social base of support for the Fourth Transformation led by President López Obrador will be key to giving continuity and solidity to the process. For this, it is essential to build unitary political and social spaces that increase the qualitative firmness and improve the quantitative dimension that clearly has fulfilled great expectations for an important sector of the population, especially in that deep and excluded Mexico that, as in In Peru, no one consults his opinion or gives him the chance to become the subject of the most important decisions for the present and future of the country. ... sformacion

Google Translator

Well, that was interesting. I have basically considered him just another posturing politician but on occasion he transcends this judgement. I dunno, but here's something completely different.)))




Around the energy reform

With great fuss, the parties and the banks representing bourgeois rivalries present their position on the energy reform as if it were the bearer of "popular interest." On the one hand, it is not difficult to discern in the speeches of the reactionary opposition the specific interest of both some large companies such as CEMEX, Grupo Bimbo, FEMSA, etc., which went from buying energy from CFE to self-sufficiency; or from Iberdrola, Sempra or Pelica, capitals fully dedicated to being private generators. It is a little more complex to discern the general interest of the bourgeoisie that is behind the social democracy and its current reform proposal.

Assuming that there is not a considerable distance between the discourse and the political fact, the social democracy seems to ask the working class to be its companion or ally in the option of managing a return to certain features of state monopoly capitalism; that is to say, that it is aligned under the old banner of the so-called revolutionary nationalism. It is necessary to remember that under the banner of revolutionary nationalism, exploitation was maintained during the 60 years prior to the three decades of neoliberalism, the same tragedy being the one that today pretends to be repeated as a farce.

As has been the custom of this government, in reality there is a gigantic distance between speech and political fact. The reform proposes that the private sector retain 46% of the electricity market, but how much market does this sector currently cover, after the "long neoliberal night"? Well, 45.8%. To satisfy the needs of capitalist development, at the beginning of 1960 the Mexican State expropriated the Mexican Light and Power, the American & Foreign Power Company, among other companies; Today, to financially support the bourgeois state itself, as the guarantor of property, the market and accumulation, big capital is asked "no longer to steal clients from CFE." Neither CEMEX, Ternium, Apasco, Minera Autlán, Kimberly Clark, Mexichem, BASF, Bayer, Bimbo, Telmex, Grupo Azteca, PepsiCo, Walmart, etc. , they will see their generating plants expropriated. Neither private generators will see their 19-year contracts with CFE canceled, nor will their 2 trillion 761 thousand 604 million pesos in estimated earnings be reduced as a result of the market share they cover. CFE will fundamentally hold captive consumers from the popular and working-class sectors, among whom the Mexican flag will be waved for this "achievement," while erasing the memory of the struggle of tens of thousands of users against the CFE abuses. Regarding lithium, the 97 thousand hectares for exploitation that are in the hands of the Canadians Organimax Nutient, Radius Gold, Infinite Lithium, One World Lithium and Zenith Minerals; of the English Alien Metals; of the Mexican Alejo Monsiváis and Litio Mex; of the Spanish Sutti Mining; or the largest lithium deposit in the country, in the hands of the Chinese company Bacanora, as a whole will not have the slightest disturbance. There will not be a kind of lithium PEMEX that transfers the income on that mineral to social projects, but only a commission that will watch over the business of Mexican capital. Lithium in the hands of Mexicans does not mean in the hands of the proletariat, but in the hands of Minera Frisco, Industrias Peñoles and Grupo Industrial Minera México. Wherever there have been mobilizations of the working class in this regard, they have only been to support one section of the bourgeoisie against another; jingoistic dissimulation and exploitative continuity. The Mexican bourgeois state with oil continued to be an instrument of the dictatorship of the capitalists before;

When the social democracy argues that lithium and electricity generation should be in the hands of the State, the fundamental question is in the hands of what social class is said State? And, therefore, what interests does it serve? On the other hand, what does reform promise the proletariat and popular sectors? At the moment there is talk of concentrating under a single contract, and in a single union body, all workers in the energy sector. In other circumstances, and as a by-product of the working class's own struggle, this would be an achievement, a conquest of unity embodied in a single power station; But when the social democratic government speaks of a union, and imposes it from the bourgeois state, it is a particular model of unionism: the most collaborative of all that can exist, as is the one represented by the CATEM. Both the workers' struggle and in particular the repression at the Dos Bocas refinery, which is under construction, are testimony to the fact that the interests of the workers and the interests of the Social Democratic government are on opposite sides. As for the workers and the popular sectors as consumers, in the framework of capitalism and this reform there is no political economy measure that guarantees them cheap electricity; Ultimately, even if it is possible to transfer costs to companies through the mechanism of imposing CFE as the sole supplier of energy, they would transfer such costs to consumers and with this they would hit wages on a large scale. The CFE, without the socialization of the rest of the sectors of the economy,

What do we communists propose? That the expropriation and socialization of the energy sector is tied and, in fact, is inherent to the expropriation and socialization of the rest of the industries that are also in the hands of the capitalists. The development and enhancement of energy capacity, even though it is a "loss" in isolation from the capitalist point of view, is a necessity for socialist accumulation, for the development of the productive forces, for raising the level of energy. life of the population, taking for granted that with its development we also refer to the use of technology that, on a large scale, reduces the harmful effects on the environment. Taken Power and the means of production, We propose that in a natural way, the 6 refineries that today work at 60% of their capacity (1.6-2.0 million barrels per day) could be repowered to protect the interests of private monopolies; which would allow to efficiently achieve the fuel production required in the country, today already in decline after reaching its peak (1.9 million barrels per day), without the need for greater spending, and rather directing social wealth towards the transition to alternatives other than fossil fuels. That is, to develop in a harmonious way, according to the capacities of the different regions of the country, geothermal, wind, tidal, nuclear production, etc. With what organically the production of engines, mass public transport, diverse machinery, components, As well as the same production of professional labor, it would be adapted in a planned way to the production of lithium batteries and the technical model that this allows. Only with political power, and of the means of production, in the hands of the working class, which extracts strategic resources, generates energy, conducts it, transforms it into the products and goods that make up social wealth, can it be fully served. popular interests; and it will be possible to develop the energy sector without the fundamental contradiction that is holding it back today. It transforms it into the products and goods that make up social wealth, it will be able to fully serve popular interests; and it will be possible to develop the energy sector without the fundamental contradiction that is holding it back today. It transforms it into the products and goods that make up social wealth, it will be able to fully serve popular interests; and it will be possible to develop the energy sector without the fundamental contradiction that is holding it back today.

Around this question, the Communist Party will focus its activity on explaining to our class brothers, especially in the sector, the true meaning of this reform. We will not mobilize under the tutelage of the Social Democracy, while the reform fully safeguards bourgeois property over this sector and to what extent it has been delivered. We will seek to subvert the type of unionism that has become a control mechanism to replace it with unionism as a fighting mechanism. At the same time, we will contrast our program of expropriation, nationalization and socialization of strategic, centralized and concentrated industries, against the program of social democracy that does not attack in any way the fundamental problem, and does not do so because it would put the entire system erected under question. on private property.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee ... or-obrador
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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