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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Fri Sep 11, 2020 1:45 pm

Posted by MLToday | Sep 10, 2020 | Other Featured Posts | 0

Mexico: First the Poor
By Roger Stoll

August 29, 2020


Por el bien de todos, primero los pobres (“For the good of all, first the poor.”)


Mexico is a semi-colony with a population of 129 million. Its political, financial and business elites are bound to the US, which receives 80% of Mexican exports. International corporations feast on Mexico’s cheap labor and resources, from the maquilas in the north, to the central mines and the coffee lands of the south. Walmart is Mexico’s biggest employer.

Mexico’s GDP per capita is nearly one-third that of the US and 20% greater than that of China. (World Bank, 2019.) But while China will eliminate its poverty very soon, in Mexico half the country is poor.

For four decades the brutality and corruption of neoliberalism plundered the Mexican people. Against this rose a popular nation-wide movement, and in 2018, after losing the 2006 and 2012 elections (widely considered stolen with US complicity), the first anti-neoliberal President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”), won a landslide victory.

Considering the political and economic millstones around its neck, the government’s achievements in its first year-and-a-half are striking: substantially raising the minimum wage, from USD $4.39 to $5/day, and to $9/day in the wealthier border region; recovering 100s of millions in back taxes from international mega-corporations including Walmart, Coca-Cola, IBM and more; giving tens of thousands of loans and grants to small farmers; guaranteeing prices for corn, wheat, beans, rice and milk, with the goal of food sovereignty; giving student grants for educational expenses; increasing pensions by 40%; creating a national universal and free health care system; and opening over 100 new hospitals.

AMLO’s government also created a network of 100 new universities, emphasizing the poorer states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Guerrero and Michoacan. Next year a public bank of 2700 branches will serve the poor and rural populations private banks ignore. Gender equity in government has improved (under a 2014 law AMLO promoted while mayor of Mexico City). Re-nationalization of the state oil and electrical companies PEMEX and CFE has begun, and there is no more distribution of private oil contracts (which AMLO called “the politics of pillage”).

The new government keeps good relations with China, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. It harbors progressive politicians exiled by US-authored hard and soft coups (Bolivia, Ecuador). It exited the US-aligned Lima Group (an instrument of regime change in Venezuela). It plans to strengthen the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

Mexico’s COVID-19 response, though attacked in the media, is praised by the World Health Organization (WHO): “Mexico is taking several of the lessons learnt by other countries, like China, and applying measures consistent with WHO recommendations; it was the first to set in place a coronavirus detection program…” With Cuba’s much-appreciated help, Mexico acted early with targeted testing, contact-tracing and limitations on public gatherings. Yet Mexico suffers a high COVID-19 death toll due in part to the country’s long-underfunded healthcare system. At mid-August, Johns Hopkins reports that the country is 13th in COVID-19 deaths per capita, but still behind Belgium, France, UK, Spain and Italy.

The new government has not had time to carry out its plan to defeat the root causes of crime: poverty, unemployment and underdevelopment. Crime continues to increase, though at a slower pace, with over 35,000 murders and 5,000 disappearances in 2019.

Mexican and US elites, including virtually all Mexican media and the traditional parties (PAN, PRI), vehemently oppose the new government. Mexican Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez called AMLO’s government “atheist” and “communist.” FRENA, a rightist alliance with probable US and Wall Street support, is trying to overthrow AMLO in a “color revolution.” With explicit threats to destroy Mexico’s economy, the US forced Mexico to enforce immigration restrictions at both borders. And in a thus far unsuccessful effort to stop AMLO’s renationalizing of Mexico’s energy sector, international finance agencies downgraded Mexico’s state debt and that of PEMEX.

The impoverished indigenous communities of the south of the country have been treated with callous indifference at best and genocidal violence at worst by past governments. The new government plans megaprojects for the region: a “Maya Train” to take tourists to the great archaeological sites of Tabasco, Chiapas, Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo; a million hectares of fruit and other commercial trees; new mining operations.

This national development program seeks to lure foreign capital with public-private partnerships and “special economic zones.” It would bring jobs in agriculture and manufacture for export, and in the tourist industry. The revenue generated would fund social development, poverty would be alleviated and Mexico could honor “the right to stay home” (referring to the migrants of Guatemala and southern Mexico forced to travel north for work). That at least is the plan.

But many indigenous civil organizations have waged protests to resist this plan, and the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG) of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) has sued to stop the projects, charging violations of domestic and international law. They predict with good reason the projects will irrevocably damage the environment and their traditional communities and ways of life.

These civil organizations are allied with the Zapatistas and are explicitly anti-capitalist. Their governing philosophy is horizontalist and autonomous. They uphold anti-capitalist Cuba, but reject progressive reform governments, including Bolivarian Venezuela, Lula-era Brazil, Rafael Correa-era Ecuador, and AMLO and the MORENA party. These civil organizations may not represent all of Mexico’s 25 million indigenous citizens but their significance is great and their political criticisms profound.

Their rejection of progressive governments in Latin America may prove prescient. The US has tormented the people of Venezuela, overthrown Evo Morales of Bolivia, reversed the gains of Correa’s Ecuador, and sanctioned and attempted a violent coup against Nicaragua. Perhaps any government trapped in bourgeois democracy and capitalist globalization, no matter how progressive, cannot achieve lasting social progress.

Roger Stoll is a Latin America/Caribbean solidarity activist with the Task Force on the Americas, a three-decades-old anti-imperialist human rights organization.

Perhaps?! I'd say the writing is on the wall, in blood.
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:01 pm

The repression of October 15, 2012 commemorates the rural normal of Tiripetio
LOURDES PERALES 06.Nov.20 National News - Youth
The Tiripetio normal is the first rural normal in Latin America, in 2022 it will be 100 years old ...

The Tiripetio normal is the first rural normal in Latin America, in 2022 it will celebrate 100 years of its foundation. It is built in the old farm of Coapa recognized as national heritage. However, the journey towards its centenary has been bumpy, due to the constant repressions suffered at the hands of the state government, regardless of the color it displays. Only at the beginning of October of this year, 7 normalistas arrested last May during a joint protest with teachers were released.

The attacks on the normal school, the attempts to cut enrollment, the blows to the places for graduates, the harmful modifications to the study plan are constant. And it is just because of the latter that the cruelest of these repressions took place, which turned 8 years old on October 15.

In 2012, as part of the educational reform, the modification to the curriculum of normal students was implemented to include the teaching of ICTs and foreign languages ​​(English), however, this is inapplicable for the communities they attend, and from which they attend. the rural normalistas come from, where there is no internet, electronic devices, in some cases no electricity, and mostly indigenous communities where the population does not speak Spanish as their first language. The normal ones themselves have a shortage of computers and multiple failures in the internet service. These failures that today have made their education enormously difficult in the months of the pandemic make it clear to us that for 2012 the reform proposed to the curriculum was completely unacceptable and for which the students mobilized.

The Organization of Official Normals of the State of Michoacán (ONOEM), which groups together the urban, higher, educators, physical education and higher normals of Arteaga mobilized together with the Rural Normals of Tiripetio and Cherán grouped in the FECSM. That year the student mobilizations began in March, there were marches, information brigades in the communities and the city, but they did not have a favorable response to form negotiation tables with the state government, then headed by Fusto Vallejo Figueroa of the PRI, so September increased the pressure with the hijacking of units.

Slightly more than 50 units were sheltered in the Tiripetio Normal, about 20 in Cherán and another 20 in Arteaga.

On October 15, a chain repression was unleashed by the state government, first the navy attacked the normal Arteaga, where they were taken by surprise and being outnumbered, they handed over the units without confrontation. After the operation moved to the Normal Indigenous of Cherán, where the first violent conflict took place, the students barricaded themselves and the police entered violently arresting 60 young people and beating community members who were there.

Finally, the entire police force began to concentrate around the Normal Vasco de Quiroga de Tiripetio, the center of the resistance where students from all the normals were concentrated. It is estimated that the police operation mobilized 3,000 elements against about 500 students. At dusk helicopters flew over the normal while a unilateral negotiating table held weakly and students prepared to resist.

At 3:00 am the dialogue broke down and the assault began. The main gate resisted with a truck crossed to prevent the entry of state forces. An armored truck hit a side wall of the normal, knocking it down, the police began to enter. The students set fire to a nearby unit, also at the main entrance and in front of a third door where the riot police are concentrated.

With stones, sticks, firecrackers and Molotov cocktails the students resisted until dawn, but with tear gas and rubber bullets the police made their way to the dormitories to hunt down the students.

The students dispersed, some jumped fences and took refuge in the surrounding communities or in the mountains fleeing from the helicopters that were combing the area, others with less luck were beaten and arrested that night, the balance was 176 students transferred to the facilities of the State Police.

The police were in the power of the normal. The central building, about 200 years old, was badly damaged that night, with even an attempt to demolish it in order to eradicate the normal one.

The morning news of that October 15 recounted how more than 90 units kidnapped by normalistas had been rescued by the energetic response of the state that did not yield to "blackmail by rioters."

Just a few hours later, photos and videos of the savage aggression were circulating massively, raising the indignation of teachers, students and parents who quickly mobilized from communities throughout the state and normal communities throughout the country. There was an indefinite strike in the teaching profession, the communities blocked the train tracks and at night the students who had managed to flee found themselves regrouped and strengthened to regain normality in Tiripetio, expelling the armed forces.

In just 48 hours, all the prisoners were released and the other two normal ones recovered. Finally, the dialogue with the government was reopened and the curriculum was respected.

The normal was restored and the student coordination ensures that this narrative is not forgotten, remembering it every year during the rally in front of the government palace that every year commemorates said repression with the joint mobilization of the FECSM and the ONOEM in Morelia. The rally is not only a reminder of the repression but of the willingness to fight of the student base and the communities where they come from, and the strength that is achieved with unity.

All the Rural Normals annually commemorate a repression, and they do so because the attacks on their existence are constant.

La Normal de Tiripetio is close to completing 100 years of training for combative youth and teachers, and the struggle is more than necessary to achieve this centenary.

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Nov 16, 2020 2:53 pm

Repression in Cancun
RICARDO MENDOZA 10.Nov.20 National News - Report
What happened yesterday in Cancun is a sample of how things do not magically change with a change of government and party in power ...

(Photo taken from the Internet)

Yesterday, Monday, November 9, 2020, a demonstration was held to protest the murder of Bianca Alejandrina Lorenzana Alvarado, “Alexis”, a 20-year-old young man, whose lifeless body was located on Sunday night, after his disappearance on November 7. The protest march with around 500 protesters, arrived at the Municipal Palace of Cancun turning violently, in the face of this situation the municipal police with a single command appeared with anti-riot equipment, firing into the air, and throwing tear gas at the protesters, I get several wounded.

Beyond the rumors of arrests, injuries, plots and others, it is convenient to reaffirm certain aspects of the character of the security forces. The police and the army are the repressive arm of the bourgeois state, their role does not change regardless of changes in government or parties. In the most critical social moments, when things get out of official control, the police forces of all levels, or the army - depending on the seriousness of the matter - will act carrying out their main function, repressing.

When it comes to order and security, it should not be understood as something for all citizens, in a democracy - the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie - the order is that the majority of us continue to produce and work regardless of working conditions, without protesting. Security is that the investments and profits of the bourgeoisie continue intact regardless of the social climate, natural disasters or, as this year has happened, health emergencies.

Order and security, under the bourgeois state does not mean job security, no more assaults on public transport, and no more murders of women. Order and security in the Mexican State means certainty for the continued exploitation of labor and the security that there will be no social unrest that gets out of control.

It can also be seen how when things get out of control, the protocols for police action and human rights that bourgeois democracies presume so much, automatically disappear and become a dead letter. Afterwards, it will be sought -as always- to blame and seek those responsible, while the underlying social problems will continue unresolved.

What happened yesterday in Cancun is a sample of how things do not magically change with a change of government and party in power. In that municipality, Morena repeated the old PRI practices imposing on a popular media figure without any government experience, Mara Lezama, who is currently accused of illicit and inexplicable enrichment, because in just four years she has seen her wealth increase exaggeratedly. In the same way, the repression in Cancun teaches us how changing the name of the repressive forces does not change their nature. While the single command police broke into the demonstration as in the best times of the PRI, the National Guard impassively watched the actions of the state bodies,

For this reason, while the municipal and state governments blame themselves for the violent police action, while the followers of the 4T seek to explain an alleged plot to discredit their government (The Morena party belongs to the municipal president of Benito Juárez, the municipality whose head is in Cancun). It is the obligation of the Communists to remember the nature of the repressive forces and the priorities of the bourgeois state.

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Statement against the repression in Quintana Roo

The Communist Party of Mexico in the Yucatan Peninsula condemns the repression perpetrated by municipal police in Quintana Roo with the protection and support of the National Guard, against the peaceful demonstrations held to demand justice for the murder of the young Bianca Alejandrina Lorenzana Alvarado known as Alexis.

This 20-year-old girl was reported missing on November 7, being found dead, a victim of femicide a day later. Given this fact, on November 9, a legitimate protest was called against the constant acts of violence and the vulnerability in which women live in Quintana Roo. Far from paying attention to these demands, the state's response was a brutal repression in which up to now 5 people with gunshot wounds have been reported, including journalists.

The three levels of government have been quick to disentangle themselves from the facts, denying that they were the ones who gave the order for the repression. However, the municipal police respond to both the mayor and the state governor through the sole command. In other words, they are directly responsible for this repression. In the same way, Andrés Manuel López Obrador condemned these events, trying to put aside the fact that the National Guard was present in this act of violence, which responds directly to his command. The National Guard supported and safeguarded the municipal police, instead of protecting the protesters who were being attacked, it made it clear that it is still the repressive apparatus of the State, which also makes Andres Manuel responsible for this repression.

Given these facts we demand:

1. The immediate resignation of Mara Lezama Espinosa, municipal president of Benito Juárez Quintana Roo, since the troops who shot civilians are directly under his command. In addition, the official when disclaiming responsibility in her social networks tried to equate the marks of the protesters with the attack with firearms against unarmed civilians, in an act of total irresponsibility.

2. The immediate resignation of Pedro Joaquín Delbouis, municipal president of Cozumel, since the municipal police that fired tear gas at families, including minors, are under his direct command.

3. The immediate resignation of Carlos Joaquín Gonzáles, governor of Quintana Roo, since the municipal police are subordinate to him, through the sole command, for which he is also directly responsible.

4. The immediate resignation of Alberto Capella Secretary of Public Security of Quintana Roo, who is directly responsible for the police force and his immediate command. We also demand that Capella be arrested and tried for these events.

5. The immediate demilitarization of Quintana Roo, since neither the army, nor the navy, and much less the National Guard, have served to reduce the violence that exists in the state, on the contrary they have participated in repressive acts.

6. Compensation for the people who were injured in this brutal attack by the repressive forces.

These facts cannot go unpunished. Nor can the three levels of government be allowed to wash their hands so as not to face up to these acts of violence against the unarmed civilian population that was making use of its legitimate right to demonstrate.

In the same way, we express all our solidarity and support for women who demand their right to live without fear, without violence and for justice in the face of femicides, since we consider that these are legitimate, just and necessary demands.

The bourgeois state demands that working women, workers, peasants and all proletarians demonstrate in a "peaceful" manner, but they respond in the most violent ways to stop the advance of any demonstration. We cannot remain silent before the constant one-way violence that the state exercises towards us. We call on the organization to end, once and for all, the origin of this violence: the capitalist state.

Communist Party of Mexico

Regional Committee of the Yucatan Peninsula

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:55 pm

In the Sierra de Zongolica the fight is not only for the most basic rights to live, the fight is for life itself
ERMISENDA GONZÁLEZ A. 09 Dec 20 Interviews
Interview with comrade Ramón Xotlanihua Apale, from the El Mirador community, municipality of Tequila, Veracruz, in the Sierra de Zongolica.


On Sunday, September 27, President López Obrador visited the city of Córdoba, within the two-day tour he was doing through the state of Veracruz. That day the president evaluated the application of the Comprehensive Welfare Programs, here the president affirmed that: " if it were not for these programs we would not be facing the health crisis and the economic crisis, " he was referring to the programs Sembrando Vida, Producción para el Welfare and Credit to the Word.

A few kilometers from there, on a tour of some communities in the Sierra de Zongolica, at the invitation of some fellow indigenous peasants so that we could speak to them about the need to organize to fight for the defense of life, -because there in the mountains, the fight is not only for the most elementary rights to live, the fight is for life itself-, we knew closely the true social impact of these programs that are actually a way of transferring the monopolies of health, education , large amounts of economic resources indirectly.

Since when has the Sembrando Vida program been in this community and what benefits has it brought them?

We started a year ago, which has already started to work. The main benefit is that we no longer go out to work in Córdoba, or anywhere else, here we support ourselves with the resources that come to each beneficiary, with that little money we can support ourselves with a worker who helps us and we take it.

Is the support that comes to you in cash?

Well, if we have received a deposit each month to work, they are what they call wages, because it reaches us, for example, here in El Mirador we are 26 beneficiaries and it reaches 26. Each beneficiary receives $ 4,500 each month.

And what does that solve for you?

Well, right now the income that comes to us is from the corn that is going to be harvested, we already work it. Right now that money is coming to us, I think it is like a support from one, because after all this; For example, the corn that we sow, the harvest will remain, for example, if I buy a bundle of corn a week, I will no longer buy because I will already have my corn to eat.

And that support of $ 4,500 that the program gives them, will they always be giving it?

Yes, the six years that this government takes, that's how we understand it. Well, what they say is that at the end of the six years of the government, we know that it will work, and if another government arrives, it can change things.

So the corn is from Sembrando Vida?

Yes, from sowing life, but we are hardly going to reap that and it is for personal consumption, for one.

What else has he sown?

We have a nursery and there we put some avocado, lemon and late orange seedlings, yes, we hardly sow these months. Right now they gave us some liquids, they tell us that you have to add that, type foliar fertilizer for the plant to develop. Now they have told us that we have to fill the bags with earth, plant the fruit trees and the timber.

And what are they going to do with it later?

Well, with fruit trees, right now we are going to put in the nanche, but I don't know if it can be sold, the truth is that this is the first time that we are doing this, we don't know if we can sell all this .

But are you thinking of selling the plant or selling the fruit?

Sell ​​the fruit. But that is going to take about four or five years, until now we still have no income from this, we are just preparing for it to grow and start producing for a few years from now.

What is interesting to me is what you told me about the needs that you have here, such as transportation for the sick.

Yes, the transfer and that, we do not have it and there has been nothing.

What health facilities do you have here in the community? Let's suppose that you get sick a daughter, a son, a grandson or that you get sick. What are they doing at the moment?

Well, the first thing is to run to the Health Center, from there they tell us if they can help us.

But is there someone there to attend to them?

The doctor who is sometimes there; sometimes it is found, sometimes it is not. There is not always a doctor. There is a doctor from Monday to Friday, but not always, sometimes he leaves and is not there. Because he is not from here, nor does he live here.

And when he comes he stays all week?

Well, right now he just comes to check, he doesn't stay; he arrives at 11 in the morning and at 4 in the afternoon he is leaving.

And there they have drugs, do they give drugs?

Well, some have and others do not. And if you don't have them, we have to buy them ourselves. If the patient is serious, they send us to the hospital, but it is not so easy for them to carry out studies, because they do not treat us well. For example, if we are in need of hospitalization, they tell you that I am not going to send you because there is no room for you, only when they see that one is sicker is when they send us.

From the Health Center here?

The Health Center is not here, it is in the community of El Campanario, a transfer there by taxi costs about $ 500 round trip, it is half an hour one way and another one back. But if one falls ill at night and the doctor is not in the Health Center, it is not convenient for us to go there, we better pull for the town, for Naranjal to another Health Center. But for a surgery we have to go to Córdoba, a delivery is also to Córdoba.

How many homes does this community have?

Eighty homes and about 200 families.

You go to Córdoba because you are looking for the closest thing, but where it is your turn is in the municipal seat, Tequila.

Yes, but that's a long way off. Either crossing the mountains or going by car through Orizaba, which would cost us about $ 600 one way and it is about two hours, crossing the mountains is the same time but in this rainy season then the roads are covered and if the road is covered You can't go through, so to avoid taking risks, it's better to go to Orizaba.

And from the government, does anyone say we are going to solve the health problem?

No, nobody. Here people who get sick see on their own, there is how "God help you", the thing is that one comes out of the disease.

And, for example, pregnant women who have had problems with their pregnancy or delivery?

Well, pregnant women, the doctor sends them to the private hospital to do the studies, the ultrasound that they call, and the woman's family pays all those expenses. In other cases, for example, a niece of mine got sick in the middle of the night and in a truck they took her to Tuxpanguillo to be examined by a doctor, she could no longer bear it, she died on the way.

Is sowing life the only program you have here?

Yes, nothing more.

Health campaigns that have been in the last two years?

Until now I know, no, nothing; The doctors have come, but only to do the Pap smear, at the El Campanario Health Center, but very occasionally. Influenza vaccines if we have been notified.

With this pandemic, in what way has it caused you problems, what delays, what consequences have they had? Have your relatives in the city kept their jobs?

Well, when it became known, some were given vacations but they were not called again, some were called, but they were not working for a few months.

And, deceased or infected here in the community?

Well, not until now, there have been no cases. Here a man died of the heart, but the funeral home that came to leave the body, put it in a bag and sealed it and said that it should no longer be opened because if he had the coronavirus more people could get sick, so they no longer opened it, Well, the people here respected the recommendations and they no longer opened, here people when someone dies they open the box to put some memories on them and in this case they respected, which I consider it good to respect the recommendations to prevent the disease from increasing.

And now, at school, with the children, how are they doing?

Well, here there is no internet signal, but in some houses they have television, they meet there and study on television because the teachers do not come right now, they only come to bring the material every eight days.

Do you think that the organization of the peasants, of the field workers is necessary?

I think yes, among many if they can take us more into account, than one alone, what, they ignore us and well, no, they do not take us into account. Organized so that, perhaps, so if they can take us into account; because it just goes one by one, well, of course not.

Any problem that you have had that you have the experience that is not taken into account in this way, on a personal basis?

Well, yes, look, a few days ago I spoke with the president, from there in the municipality, and I told him to support us, a big favor that I ask of him, to support us with an ambulance or a van to transfer a patient, but I He says: “yes, look, but you remember me the day after tomorrow”, after I called him the day he told me and he no longer answered me, the call no longer came in, I don't know if he turned off his cell phone. But he no longer gave me the answer, nothing.

Did you need an ambulance?

Well, yes, we needed an ambulance or something, a van to transfer the patient, but no, the president turned off his cell phone and no longer took us into account.

And did you solve it?

No. It was suspended, we did not go because we did not have money, we did not go, aha, and the truth is not, there like they can let us die and no, they do not take us into account. Yes, I think that they have an obligation to see all of us, because they get involved, but no.

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Tue Dec 29, 2020 4:05 pm

Mexico: Militarization and Death for Indigenous Peoples
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on DECEMBER 24, 2020
Carlos Aznarez

Bury our Dead, Honor our Fallen, and Take Justice into our Own Hands

C.A. In the Southeast of Mexico, all these months have seen an increase in violent acts linked to paramilitarism, but also to the absence of the government in the state of Guerrero. Days ago, two men and women were murdered in the community of Alcozacán, in the municipality of Chilapa de Álvarez. As is often the case, these are conflicts that come from afar because they are areas where paramilitarism is at work and the indigenous communities are defending themselves as best they can. In this case, this community had been in “lock down” because of attacks they suffered and had resurfaced once again to make contact with society, when this lethal attack occurred. To discuss the situation and to try to understand what is happening in Chilapa de Álvarez, we contacted the journalist and social activist Julieta Medrano.

J.M. As you mentioned, paramilitarism is becoming established in this new era of government, a mechanism for counter-insurgency against the people. In the communiqué issued by the indigenous community of Guerrero after the murders of community members, following a lockdown and a recent opening, they point out that “we are facing a new form of government that hands over airports to the military and has them carry out functions of civil responsibility. The analysis is interesting because we are seeing it in different parts, above all in the southeast region, in Guerrero, Chiapas, Oaxaca, where there is a militarization of the country. But not only a militarization with the armed forces and the army in the streets, but also controlling mega-projects. At this moment, López Obrador gave the military the responsibility for the construction of the Mayan train. What is happening in Guerrero and in Chilapa, which is the second most violent municipality in the whole country, is no more than a sign, a drop that is overflowing the glass at a national level. I emphasize, in the area of the Mexican southeast where mega-projects are being carried out, dreams of all the previous presidents and governments, of being able to have a corridor, and to be able to easily make the commercialization of everything that occurs to them from Mexico to the United States.

C.A. However, in Guerrero and Chiapas, there are points of resistance to these policies.

J.M. That’s right, I think it’s important to talk about the origin of this Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero and to frame it within something broader and more general that is the appearance of the CRAC, Regional Coordination of Community Authorities, which are forms that commonly in other parts of Latin America we know as self-defense but they are more than that, they are ancestral popular and community forms of organization that they have always had. They are forms of controlling the territory and of administering security and justice for the people. Something that this country characterized by impunity, paramilitarism and injustice lacks. So I wanted to frame what is happening in the emergence of the CRAC, which is taking place in the heat of various struggles of resistance of indigenous communities. In 1994, we recall the emergence and appearance of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), which focuses fundamentally on respect for the will of the people, the assembly as a basic tool for governing the people, and the administration and promotion of the people. Even, it is institutionally endorsed, it is not only a self-governing form outside the law but it has national and international guarantees. This is appearing again in the communiqués and the needs that the people are crying out for are also being made known: that the State is abandoning them, and if it abandons them, the people will exercise justice on their own. This is not justice by their own hand or other expressions that we know in the southern cone. They are justice for the indigenous communities and peoples of this country.

C.A. Behind these murders there are paramilitary groups called Los Ardillos.

J.M. The Ardillos, like the Rojos and other denominations, are paramilitary groups that have close ties to governors in different parts of the country. The Ardillos have existed for quite some time. The strongest and most resounding acts that took place in this government, during AMLO’s current administration, were the assassination, mutilation, and burning of 10 musicians who belonged to these communities, who were like-minded, even adherents to the National Indigenous Council. What they do basically is guarantee control of the route that goes from the main headwaters of Chilapa to the community of Tula, which are areas of drug production and trafficking to Acapulco and Mexico City, directly to the United States. These Ardillos are paramilitaries with known methods, they have high-caliber weapons, more than two thousand murders are documented, more than 500 disappearances in the last 6 years. This is known, publicized, and the army only enters to look for those who organize to resist, for social leaders, for those of the Indigenous Council, in the best counter-insurgent style. The Ardillos, like the Rojos, are two paramilitary groups competing for control and have their endorsement from the current governor of Guerrero. Also notable is the dispute between the paramilitary groups, opposing the control that the people are having over their territories, in next year’s elections. We will see how the scenario is being set on fire as a function of the general elections at the national level with the renewal of Parliament in 2021. So, what we are seeing is directly that, the dispute and the search for total control of these routes.

C.A. Does the governor of Guerrero answer to López Obrador, or is he from another party?

J.M. The current governor of Guerrero does not exactly answer to anyone. But the governor of Morelos, is part of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, of the PRI, and we can say that he is not among the governors who oppose López Obrador because there is an entire opposing current, especially the PAN, with alliances with the PRI. The truth is that this current governor, although he is neither against nor in favor, the truth is that the army, the national guard, which depends directly on López Obrador, is acting in line with these paramilitary groups. The current governor of Guerrero is related, or is said to be related, more to Los Rojos, other paramilitaries, but in any case they are involved with this congressman. We’ll see what happens next year with the elections and how these paramilitary groups align, or rather, how the governors align their pawns on the ground.

C.A. It is regrettable that the López Obrador government that generated so much excitement in Latin American progressivism continues to act in the same way as the previous ones with respect to indigenous peoples.

J.M. If it is regrettable and no one really imagined that voting for López Obrador would mean militarizing the country and allowing violence to get out of control the way it is currently happening.


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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Fri Jan 29, 2021 1:54 pm

An Announced Repression

In addition to this, the Federal Government and Fonatur have made public the consideration that the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) and the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) are an important factor that puts the construction and development of the Mayan train at risk, requesting with this a series of protocols for the prevention and mitigation of -subversive- incidents. (…)


There is no doubt that for the Federal Government, any opinion other than the official one will be considered as treason to the " homeland ", likewise any attempt at organization and legitimate defense of autonomy that comes from the indigenous peoples and communities, they will be taken as subversive actions.

Since the Social Democracy -by the hand of the worker- came to the presidency, the necessary instances were developed to ensure the fulfillment of certain points of the capitalist agenda -which for years had been sought-, a series of reforms and policies gave the birth of a new repressive body at the service of the presidency with the sole purpose of preserving and ensuring the realization of capitalist projects in the country and thereby ensuring the profits of the monopolies -national and international-.

At the beginning of the current administration, there were dubious disappearances and murders of defenders of nature and communities against comprehensive projects, as is the case of Samir Flores, assassinated for his staunch opposition to the thermoelectric plant in Morelos, and repressions by the Military apparatus such as in Chihuahua where the National Guard repressed peasants and residents who opposed the extraction of water from the “la boquilla” dam that had caused extreme drought. Whether in the north, center or south of the country, the construction of these megaprojects and the defense of capitalist interests have been launched and defended with the repressive boot of the State, demonstrating once again the class character of the government of the 4T,

It is in the same way that it is intended to carry out the construction of the Mayan train. Seeking to prevent any type of altercation that threatens the work, it is that certain sections - where there is greater resistance of the communities to dispossession - were destined so that SEDENA was in charge of its construction, under the false promise that being the The army who holds the right of way of these sections will guarantee that the train belongs to the " people”, Thereby hiding the military repression against any attempt by the opposition. In addition to this, the Federal Government and Fonatur have made public the consideration that the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) and the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) are an important factor that puts the construction and development of the Mayan train at risk, requesting With this, a series of protocols for the prevention and mitigation of -subversive- incidents in the construction of the work, ensuring that agencies such as the National Guard, the MARINA, the SEDENA, and the state and municipal police elements can coordinate and participate jointly before any attempt of opposition.

It is not news that for the Government - regardless of which party is in turn - any attempt at autonomy and organization that puts the interests of the ruling class at risk will be seen as a subversive and even terrorist movement, let us remember that the EZLN repeatedly He has expressed his rejection of the mega-project of the train, assuring that they will defend the lands with their lives. And that is how it is intended to give the security forces a free pass to take repressive measures against any organization, community, or person that violates the interests of the monopolies, thereby ensuring that the Mayan train project is developed even with the shedding of blood, with terror and military imposition.

Source: ... na-030121/ , note from the Heraldo de México.

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That the National Indigenous Congress is considered 'treasonous' to the 'homeland' seems the choicest of hypocrisy until one understands that the homeland of the ruling class is it's palaces, bank vaults, it's dominance of the means of production...Viva EZLN!
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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:55 pm

12 police officers arrested for massacre of 19 people in Tamaulipas, Mexico

The policemen were arrested for their alleged participation in the events of January 23. | Photo: EFE

Published February 3, 2021 (7 hours 2 minutes ago)

The Tamaulipas Prosecutor's Office maintains that the police officers could be tried for qualified homicide, abuse of authority and other crimes.

At least 12 police officers from the Mexican state of Tamaulipas were captured for allegedly participating in the massacre of 19 people who were burned in a border area with the United States.

On January 23, the Tamaulipas prosecutor's office, bordering Texas, reported that inside a burned vehicle the burned remains of 19 people were found on a local road in the municipality of Camargo, most of whom are presumed migrants from Guatemala who they were looking to reach the United States.

The Tamaulipas State Prosecutor's Office indicated on Tuesday that the investigations carried out so far show that "at least 12 elements of the state police could participate, for which reason an arrest warrant has already been obtained by a state control judge in his against".

The Tamaulipas prosecutor, Irving Barrios mentioned that the police officers have already been arrested and will be charged for their "probable participation in the crimes of qualified homicide, abuse of authority, performance of administrative functions and falsehood in reports given to an authority," the prosecutor explained. .

Barrios highlighted that among the lines of investigation that the Prosecutor's Office maintains is the dispute between organized crime for control of the region and for migrant smuggling.

The state of Tamaulipas, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, is the shortest route to the US from the south, but it is dangerous due to the presence of gangs that kidnap, extort and murder migrants.

Mexico is going through a wave of violence linked to organized crime, especially drug cartels that dispute the routes to the United States. ... -0003.html

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:52 pm

Women workers: those most affected by the pandemic
FERNANDA LARRAINZAR 13.Feb.21 Opinion - Union Worker

In Mexico, both working men and working women have been affected by the social democratic management of the pandemic and the evident class character behind it. The management of the pandemic has been criminal, which has been achieved by minimizing its severity, minimizing the importance of the use of face masks and an unfeasible vaccination plan, it is that at this stage of the pandemic 1000 people are dying a day from the covid -19. (…)


The situation of oppression, inequality and exploitation of working women in Mexico and the world has been aggravated as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, however, it is important to point out that the culprit is capitalism, whose logic is the exploitation of the workforce and not the health and lives of workers. In addition, it is necessary to state very promptly that the current economic crisis was already developing before the pandemic struck, which only came to catalyze what would come with or without a pandemic.

In Mexico, both working men and working women have been affected by the social democratic management of the pandemic and the evident class character behind it. The management of the pandemic has been criminal, which has been achieved by minimizing its severity, minimizing the importance of the use of face masks and an unfeasible vaccination plan, is that at this stage of the pandemic 1000 people are dying a day from the covid -19.

Added to this, Morena, at the head of the bourgeois state, took advantage of the initial period of confinement to approve anti-worker and anti-popular measures, not allowing the cessation of production in all its branches, favoring the advance of the T-MEC, militarization, anti-immigrant policy and big projects like the Mayan Train.

For their part, working women have been affected by the economic and health crisis in a very particular way. Due to the closure of schools, nurseries, nurseries and nursing homes, it is women who have had to take care of the elderly, the sick and take care of the education of their children. In addition to fulfilling household tasks such as cleaning and feeding, as well as the usual work day, inside or outside the home, risking contagion in the transfer to the workplace, using crowded public transport, being forced to leaving their children alone at home, or staying at home with the so-called teleworking and enduring the lengthening of the working day without extra payment, assuming the internet service from their own bag and the purchase of a device with connection to said service.

The figures help us to illustrate the situation faced by working women in Mexico today; more than 53% of economically active women belong to the service sector and informal employment, which have been the hardest hit by the current economic crisis; 64% of women who work by outsourcing are from the health sector, and secondly from the education sector.

In the health sector, women represent almost 70% of the workforce, who work as nurses, midwives, social workers, housekeepers, laundresses and cooks. The reality is that health workers have paid a very high cost for the pandemic, in September of last year Mexico became the country with the most health personnel killed by covid-19, with 42% of infections in nursing and 31% in technical services, assistants and cleaning and maintenance personnel, that is, mostly women.

Even if we remember the blow against working women that meant the elimination of childcare programs, we can affirm that it was a true attack by the current management of social democracy. A situation that has a serious impact on the current context, and that is that more than 50% of women who have lost their jobs during the pandemic, have stopped looking for another job because they must first solve the care of their children and accompany them in their education with the so-called “learn at home” program.

In this context the class struggle has not stopped, on the contrary it has become more acute, on the one hand we see the bourgeoisie and its administrators defend their profits, cutting benefits, laying off en masse, not paying utilities or bonuses, not giving health protection material to save money and other injustices against workers, firing those who dare to speak out, who dare to call the organization among their colleagues.

But on the other hand, we see workers resisting, taking to the streets to defend their rights and make themselves heard. And it is that the social democratic government could, if that were its interest, lessen the burden that today weighs on the shoulders of millions of working women, giving solutions to the issues of care and education of children, for example.

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:41 pm

CP of Mexico, About "communist unity"

3/17/21 9:05 AM
Mexico, Communist Party of Mexico In Is North America Communist and workers' parties
To the Communist and Workers' Parties


Several sister parties have approached us to consult us about the positions circulated by the "Popular Socialist Party of Mexico" and the possibility of the formation in Mexico, in the following days, of a federation of "parties", called "Unidad Comunista ”.

In relation to this information, first of all, point out that the Communist Party of Mexico has nothing to do with it.

In the document of the "Popular Socialist Party of Mexico", which explains the constitution of this federation, statements and statements are postulated with which we do not agree, we have even repeatedly fought

The facts prove that the process called "Fourth Transformation" has absolutely nothing to do with the anti-imperialist struggle. It is enough to state two matters. The first is the ratification by the López Obrador government of the T-MEC (USMCA) on July 1 of last year in conjunction with the Trump administration, and ratified in the recent bilateral conversation, with the new US President, Biden. The T-MEC is the continuation, with more aggressive clauses, of NAFTA (NAFTA) that was in force since 1994. The T-MEC is an interstate agreement of an imperialist nature beneficial to the North American monopolies and harmful to the interests of the working class of Canada, Mexico and the United States. The second is the anti-immigrant policy of the López Obrador government, the most harmful in recent years for workers from Central America and the Caribbean who move through the territory of Mexico in search of work in the United States. The repressive Mexican forces have turned into a barrier to contain immigration, and it is not an exaggeration that it is an extension of theUS Border Patrol .

It is suggested in the document of the Popular Socialist Party of Mexico that Obrador's is a popular government, however the nature of its policies and results of these two years define it as an anti-worker and anti-popular government:

-With the delivery of perks to the monopolies, the protection of their profits, and the transfer of public resources in their favor. For example, the creation of an employment program that provides the workforce of three million young people, whose salaries are paid with state resources, as free labor for the large monopolies that operate in Mexico.

-With an adjustment policy, called "austerity", which has meant the dismissal of thousands of public sector workers, and which is now directed against education workers.

-With a policy of cutting labor rights, for example cutting subsidies that led to the closure of nurseries affecting hundreds of thousands of children, but especially the working class and particularly working women.

-With a policy of militarization of the country, with an open role for the Mexican Army in public and economic life, to which control of ports and airports was also handed over. The Mexican Army, the executioner of the Mexican people, responsible for several crimes of the State, and which Obrador now legitimizes, and presents as guarantors of stability and progress.

-With the creation of the National Guard, a repressive force, based on the Army, with clearly approved protocols against worker and popular mobilization.

-With a policy to lead to the extinction of trade union and peasant organizations, by ignoring their representativeness and spaces, imposing the relationship between the State and individuals, rejecting any form of independent social expression.

-By continuing with the commitments with the World Bank, IMF, payment of the foreign debt.

-By developing a management in the disastrous Covid-19 pandemic, turning its back on workers and popular sectors.

These examples are enough to say that any attempt to wash the face of a government like López Obrador's, which is a faithful manager of the interests of the ruling class, is out of the question.

We do not leave out of the analysis the strategy error that means dividing the fight against capitalism with the so-called “anti-neoliberal alliance”, which leads precisely to disguise other efforts of capitalism, which is responsible for the exploitation, injustice and unhappiness of the proletariat and the popular sectors. But as if that were not enough, and there are all the elements to affirm it, that even in relation to the neoliberal management of capitalism it has not taken a single step backwards, since no privatization was reversed, nor were the reforms harmful to the agrarian distribution and the State-Church separation, despite the fact that MORENA, Obrador's party has a parliamentary majority in both chambers of the current legislature.

Now, without entering into questioning the real existence of the announced components of the "Communist Unit", what they confirm is the balance made by the IV Congress of the Communist Party of Mexico in 2010-2011 about the total bankruptcy of what it considers itself "left" in Mexico, when navigating the course of the class struggle as a hindrance to inter-bourgeois disputes, without a compass or a course, clothed only with a hollow phraseology of good intentions for the future. The liquidation of the first Mexican Communist Party in 1981, precisely by one of the groups that convened, caused a diaspora, accentuated with the crisis of the counterrevolution in the USSR and other countries that were building socialism, which led to the flourishing of different groups that were giving up any revolutionary features, for what they consider natural to legitimize the class dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, as they now intend to create a "united" organization functional to the current capitalist project of the government in turn. On the other hand, we do not disdain the fact that from the government, former former communists today as high government officials, seek the creation of a "communist" group that serves to awaken illusions about the Obrador government, and that, therefore, acts as puppet of social democracy.

This dying specter of the "left", where the opportunist Eurocommunist current and the opportunist current of Lombardism form ranks, is totally alien to the interest and class option of the Mexican proletariat that today as never requires its autonomous Marxist-Leninist party and that practice class independence, that is, it requires the Communist Party of Mexico, which is oriented programmatically in the task of the Socialist Revolution, fighting for the overthrow of capitalism, whatever the government management that is made of it.

The "Communist Unity" will be but one more reissue of opportunism, which will be confronted by the Communist Party.

Proletarians of all countries, unite!

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Re: Mexico

Post by blindpig » Mon Apr 19, 2021 1:54 pm

Press release: On the resurgence of the newspaper El Machete
EDITORIAL 18.Apr.21 National News


"The Machete is used to cut the cane, to open the paths in the shady forests, to behead snakes, to cut down all the weeds and to humiliate the arrogance of the impious rich."

Communiqué: On the resurgence of the newspaper El Machete , organ of the CC of the PCM

"The Machete is used to cut the cane, to open the paths in the shady forests, to behead snakes, to cut down all the weeds and to humiliate the arrogance of the impious rich."

Dear readers of El Comunista newspaper and El Machete Magazine,

At the beginning of March, the VII Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico was held, this adopted the conclusions of the National Press and Communications Conference aimed at improving the role of the newspaper as the Central Organ of the Party, which implies, among other measures, that El Comunista , will recover from May 1, 2021 the name of El Machete , the important newspaper founded by David Alfaro Siqueiros, and which was the central organ of the Mexican section of the Communist International; in turn, the magazine El Machete will be renamed El Comunista .

This decision responds to the current situation in which the PCM finds itself, which has achieved political and organic development to insert itself into the mass movement, a task for which the name of El Machete is more appropriate and allows, due to its tradition in Mexican politics, to make El Machete a newspaper that is the voice of the working class and its most advanced part, the communists.

Therefore, the denomination The Communist , with which it was sought to affirm in the Central Organ the communist identity and tradition in the face of the onslaught derived from the liquidation of the PCM in 1981 and the triumph of the counterrevolution in the USSR in 1991, has fulfilled its mission. . Therefore El Comunista , now as a magazine of theory and politics of the PCM, will fulfill the task of continuing and expanding the ideological struggle; which the party undertook under the title of El Macheteas of 2012, at the request of the resolutions of the IV Congress of the party, and until this year and with two unpublished numbers, 17 and 18. The first of these numbers focuses on the exacerbation of inter-imperialist rivalries and the changes that have occurred in the international correlation of forces, and it is already in circulation. Number 18, the prelude to the transition that we are dealing with here, will be dedicated to important current circumstances seen in relation to the materialist dialectical method and to the contributions that Federico Engels made in this regard in countless scientific fields, as well as to a set of interventions against the contemporary opportunism.

The pages of the now newspaper El Machete and the next magazine El Comunista will always be open to express the voice of the working class, the denunciation against the exploiters and the route for the emancipation of the exploitation of man by man. We thank the readers who have followed the publications of our newspaper and our magazine, and we invite them to continue being part of both projects as readers and collaborators.

As of April 18, the email and the website become the means of contact for the newspaper El Machete . The new means of contact for El Comunista , in its stage as the theoretical body of the PCM, is the email:

This May 1st, El Machete , the workers and peasants newspaper, returns to the streets .


Ángel Chávez, Director of the newspaper El Machete

Julio Cota, Director of The Communist Magazine

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Good move. Newspapers, broadsheets, all manner of print should be part of our arsenal. Never forget, the bastards own the internet and you can see the censorship is already here and is fixing to get serious for 'reasons of public safety'. Get those mimeographs out of the closet and whiff the ammonia, gonna need it.
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