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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:59 pm

Communist Party of Turkey: "Turkey is not helpless, the people’s true alternative will be strengthened!"

Source: soL international.

The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has released a comprehensive public declaration on January 15, calling on the working people to get organized within the party in order to strengthen the people’s true alternative amid the political chaos in the country.


Indicating to the current situation of the worldwide imperialist system, the TKP declaration says, "It has been revealed that the world’s super power U.S. President Trump watches T.V., and eats hamburger all the day for fear of being poisoned. What a big dilemma!"

The TKP puts forth that Donald Trump is the most suitable personality to represent today's imperialist world order since the current system is based on inequalities, unfair distribution of income, starvation, poverty, unemployment, intense exploitation, environmental damage, crazy armament, the threat of nuclear war, racism and religious fundamentalism.

The TKP declaration states that although Turkey does not deserve the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government, this party suits to the existing order of the country very well under capitalist conditions.


"It is not surprising," the TKP says, pointing out to the interior minister, who orders the police to "break the drug dealers' legs" in an unlawful attempt, as a member of the AKP government that attacks workers who raise their voices for their trade union rights.

As Turkey's Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) dares to give fatwas saying that "9-year-old children could marry", the TKP emphasizes that all the bourgeois parties have played role in the emergence of such scandals, considering that, apart from the AKP party and its right-hand fascist MHP party, the parliamentary main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) defines secularism as the "freedom of faith and praying" or the pro-Kurdish Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) commemorates Islamic religious figures, eventually undermining the basis of secularism.

Setting forth that there is no other capitalism, market economy or imperialism, the TKP calls on all the people to struggle with the party for the bright future of the country, adding that it is the responsibility of the communist party to warn those who dream about "fleeing from the country under the AKP rule" or "waiting for other forces to save the country".


"Turkey must be saved from the U.S., its military existence and bases, its intelligence organizations, its political impositions, its threats of coups, and from NATO," the TKP says, but emphasizes that without getting rid of the country's capitalist class that cooperates with the U.S., it would be impossible to kick out such imperialist forces from the country.

The TKP vows that it will launch an assertive and widespread campaign along with patriotic people for exiting from NATO and shutting down the entire foreign military bases in Turkey, reminding that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s and his party’s discourse against the U.S. is just fake and demagogic.

"Imperialism is not only composed of the U.S. Imperialism is the name of today's world order, and the powerful actors of the system from the European Union countries to the Russian Federation, from China to Japan are all in a cut-throat competition," the TKP declaration says, adding that this is what leads to regional wars.

"There is no good imperialist," the communist party notes, pointing out the role of Turkey’s capitalist class that drags the country into a bloody game in search for new fields of market and investment in the region.


Reminding that the AKP government is no different than former bourgeois governments in exploiting the workers and eliminating their rights to strike, as one percent of the population, the capitalists, seize most of the country’s richness, the TKP warns the working people to not to generate hope from the intra-bourgeois political tensions.

The TKP emphasizes that the tension between Erdoğan and his predecessor Abdullah Gül, the position of the CHP party or the new 'Good Party' under the lead of ultra-nationalist Meral Akşener would not change the rule of exploitative capitalist class.

"When the working class said in the past, 'We want the power, the workers will rule the country,' the capitalists had to step back. Thus the 8-hour workday, the right to collective bargaining with trade unions and social security system were provided, thus many countries enabled free system of education and health," the TKP statement says, adding that only when the working people get organized and seek power, they can protect their acquired rights.



Referring to the historical progress in Turkey, the TKP states that reactionary forces were defeated in 1908 and 1923 when the obsolete Ottoman Empire collapsed and the modern Republic of Turkey was established.

"Reactionism was supported by imperialists, particularly the U.S. and Germany, in order to put an end to the rise of socialism and the workers' movement in Turkey and the region," the declaration says, adding that the TKP sees the struggle for Enlightenment as part of the struggle against capitalism and imperialism.

The TKP underlines that Turkey will witness three important elections in the near future, however, adding that relying on the elections alone would mean suicide for the people, considering that the elections in Turkey are open to the AKP-government-led manipulations.


"The pro-establishment opposition has also accepted this situation and focused on the presidential election. Everyone is searching for a 'person' who will defeat Erdoğan. This, however, would entrap the Turkish society. Politics based on one single person would completely passivize the people," the TKP remarks, adding that unorganized people always lose as many bourgeois alternatives to Erdoğan’s party are vainly portrayed as a "recipe for emancipation".

Declaring that working people’s emancipation will not come with elections alone, the TKP says that it will create the people’s true alternative during the elections despite the government’s repression and bans.

The TKP will launch a campaign between January 20 and February 20 to organize new party members along with new party buildings across the country. The party calls on the working people to attend the party events that will be held in commemoration of the 15 initial founders and members of the TKP, who were murdered in the year of 1920 during the anti-imperialist war waged in Anatolia.

"Turkey is not helpless, the people’s true alternative will be strengthened," the TKP declaration concludes.


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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:57 pm

Greve hazırız: Thousands of metalworkers in Turkey to participate on a strike on February 2


As soL international reports, metal workers in Turkey have declared that they will not submit to oppression in the hands of capitalist plunderers, as the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey (DİSK) affiliate United Metal Workers’ Union (Birleşik Metal-İŞ) officially announced that they would strike on February 2.

The Head of the United Metal Workers’ Union Adnan Serdaroğlu said that the collective bargaining of the metal workers encompassed 180.000 workers and 180 workplaces affiliated to three trade unions in Turkey.

Stating that Turkey's Metal Industrialists Union (MESS)’s offer is unacceptable, Serdaroğlu announced that metal workers would go on strike on February 2, 2018.

The United Metal Workers’ Union also underlined that a possible ban on the workers’ strike that would be imposed by the Turkish government would not be respected.

The pro-capitalist ‘union’ MESS’s unacceptable offer to the metal workers included a 3-year validity period for the contract and a 6.4% wage increase. This offer was rejected by workers and labour unions on January 12, 2018.

The Turkish Metal Union had previously declared that they will be on strike on February 2.

* * *

Birleşik Metal-İŞ: We don't recognize prohibition of strike and we are going on our struggle.

January 23, 2017.

During group collective bargaining negotiations in GE Grid Solutions, ABB Electricity, Schneider Electricity and Schneider Energy workplace, we couldn’t reach to an agreement. As a result of this, on 20th of January, 2200 Birleşik Metal İş members started our “Metal Strike” with full participation and with great enthusiasm. After we started our strike in the same day, in the mid-day, Government postponed our strike for 60 days.
Metal workers very well know what this strike postponements means. This is not a postponement but it is a prohibition. Since 2002, right to strike of tens of thousands of workers in Glass, Plastics and Mining sectors were taken from them by Government.
Metal workers also experienced Government‘s strike prohibitions themselves many times. In 2015, strike of thousands of metalworkers against MESS (Metal Employers’ Union) were postponed by Government. On 18th of January 2017, Strike in Asil Çelik steel mill was prohibited too.
Right to strike is a basic right which has hsitory of hundreds of years and it is protected by both Constitution and universal rights. By taking right to strike from our hands, it means right to have a free collective bargaining has been taken from our hands too. Right to collective bargaining without strike “doesn’t mean anything”.
Government who turned strike prohibitions into a habit since they took power, is now taking our right to collective bargaining by prohibiting our strike and they simply tell us that “you have to accept whatever employers gives to you”. This means to deem poverty proper for hard working workers.


As metalworkers, we don’t recognize Government’s decision which protects only bosses and employers, which doesn’t take care of workers’ hard work, which takes workers’ right to strike from their hands, which prohibits usage of a Constitutional right.
We are, as Birleşik Metal İş member workers, as we declared before, we don’t submit to Government’s prohibition of strike. We will defend the right to collective bargaining with right to strike which was earned by working class with hard prices in the history and we are turning our workplaces in to the venue of actions.
We don’t take this decision only for workers who are working for workplaces member to the EMIS (Electromechanical Employers’ Union) but we take decision on behalf of all the workers whose right to strike is taken by their hands regularly. Our actions are also warning actions against the Government who uses strike prohibitions as “Sword of Damocles” on workers’ right to collective bargaining , who uses state of emergency as an obstacle to use democratic rights, who brings police and water cannons in front of the workers in every small demand for basic rights.
Metalworkers who wrote history many times in the past with their struggle, will once again go on another struggle with great determination which will change the history again. This struggle is against bosses who doesn’t give our hard work’s right and against strike prohibitions of the Government who considers employer’s demands as an order.
Our struggle will continue until a collective bargaining agreement according to our members’ demands will be signed with EMIS.
We invite all the friends of working class to support this just struggle.

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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:39 pm

Turkey: Erdogan's AKP government bans metalworkers strike as a "threat to the national security"


According to a soL international report, Turkey's AKP government has banned a strike in Turkey’s metal sector, citing national security.

The government decree, signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, considers the metalworkers' mass strike as a "threat to the national security of Turkey".

Metal workers, rejecting Turkey's pro-capitalist Metal Industrialists Union (MESS)’s unacceptable offer that includes a 3-year validity period for its contract and a 6.4% wage increase, have decided to go on strike on February 2, 2018.

The cabinet was given the right to suspend and delay strikes with a law approved in the aftermath of the Sept. 12, 1980, military coup. In 2012, Turkish AKP government adopted a "new" trade union act numbered 6356. But it merely incorporated old provisions and kept to amend strike suspension mechanisms.


The decree was based on Article 63 of Act 6356 which allows the government to suspend any strike for 60 days if it is considered a danger to "national security" and "public health". The decree is followed by a 60-day 'postponement period' for negotiations, where the parties have to agree. In practice, this means that there is no chance to continue the strike after the 60-day period.


Workers affiliated the United Metal Workers’ Union (Birleşik Metal-İŞ) went on a 1-hour token strike in certain factories on January 23. 8000 workers participated in token strikes in 30 factories on January 23.

From its side, the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has responded to the AKP government banning the strike of metal workers commencing on February 2, one week before the start of the strike.

"The country is under threat of the government which has sent its army to the expedition in Syrian lands along with jihadist gangs. The country is under threat due to the American bases which were converted into nuclear arsenals and the membership to the war organisation NATO. The country is under threat due to the profit greed of bosses who can risk everything. Metal workers will see this threat and lay claim to both their right to strike and the homeland," said the TKP in a statement titled "Government of bosses in charge!"

The TKP drew attention to the close relation between the AKP government and the capitalist class, remarking "Thus, the government has fulfilled the instruction of the bosses once again. Now the metal bosses who think that they have eliminated a risk of the strike will continue imposing on workers the wages below the poverty line and flexible working. The government tells the workers whose right to strike has been revoked to 'accept whatever the bosses give.'"

"This is not the first ban. The AKP has announced 13 strike banning decisions since the day it came into power. With these decisions, striking right of 62 thousand workers was seized. 130 thousand more workers have been added to this number with the latest ban," read the TKP statement and continued underlying the use of strike bans as a capitalist oppression: "We know that strike bans are a tool of oppression over workers which the capitalist system can never abandon. Not only the AKP but every boss government that has ruled the country to date didn’t abstain from banning strikes."

The TKP also emphasised the "national security" narrative of the government in strike bans: "And the excuse for strike bans has always been 'national security.' The current government, too, showed the same reason when banning the strike of metal workers. Now the capitalist organisations and company unions whose primary mission is to keep workers under control will join in this choir. They will start a demagogy that 'national security comes first' with one voice."

http://www.idcommunism.com/2018/01/turk ... -bans.html
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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:47 pm

Fascists attacked communist youth during campaign against imperialism and NATO

Fascist mobs attacked Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) members distributing leaflets as part of a campaign against imperialism and the NATO on February 22 in Tekirdağ and Antalya provinces of Turkey

Thursday, 22 February 2018 23:38


The members of TKG were attacked by fascist mobs on February 22 during their campaign against imperialism and the NATO at the university campuses in Tekirdağ and Antalya provinces of Turkey.

In Tekirdağ province, a black car approached TKG members, asking for a leaflet menacingly. As the fascists started gathering in front of TKG members, they threatened the communists to terminate leaflet distribution. They attacked TKG members with fists and iron rods, injuring the head of two.

The students were interrogated by the police before they went to the hospital for medical examination. When the police learned that TKG members will press charges against the fascists, the police investigated for hours to find an element of crime in the leaflets against imperialism and the NATO.

In Antalya province, the fascist mob that attacked TKG members tried to examine the handbags of the communist youth, threatening that they are going to "take them into custody." A brawl occurred between the fascists and the communist youth, causing minor injuries.


TKG released a statement in response to the fascist attacks at the universities, saying that the anti-imperialist campaign of the communist youth throughout the country has irritated the anti-people mob on top of the state. The statement noted that the fascists assume the role of a watchdog of NATO.

"The history of the fascist groups and followers of sharia that attack the youth distributing leaflets saying 'NATO is the greatest terrorist organisation' is also the history of collaborationism and pro-US stance," said the statement.

The statement added that such pseudo-patriots did not even question the NATO bases in Turkey, and yet brutally attacked the true patriots in 1969, stabbing a student and two workers to death. Although some of the fascist figures who took part in this attack that is remembered as the "Bloody Sunday" later said that they were regretful and confessed being "manipulated by the US", it would be useless for them to hide behind pseudo-regretfulness in the future, said the statement.

"In contrast to the communists, they know better to serve for the Yankee rather than the anti-imperialist struggle they announce at the parliament", the statement said, adding that these people are "terrified of the demands of the true anti-imperialists" that the NATO bases should be closed and economic, military and political bonds with should be broken.

The statement noted that the anti-imperialist struggle will be escalated both in Tekirdağ and Antalya provinces where the fascist attacks happened, adding that "the real respondent and enemy of the communist youth is the capitalist class which holds the leash of these mobs."

http://news.sol.org.tr/fascists-attacke ... ato-174182
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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:48 am

Communist Youth of Turkey: NATO is the biggest terrorist organisation
Communist Youth of Turkey protested NATO in a statement released on the establishment anniversary of the organisation

Wednesday, 04 April 2018 23:34


The Communist Youth of Turkey (TKG) protested the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in a statement titled “NATO is the murderer of people”, released on April 4, the 69th anniversary of the establishment of NATO.

Reminding that NATO was established in 1949 against anti-imperialist popular movements under the influence of the Soviet Union, as well as communism, which is the biggest enemy of the capitalist world, the TKG states that, since the day it was established, NATO have exported occupation, terror, and destruction to the non-NATO countries. “As for the allied countries, it attempts to lead the oppression of the working class in these countries through the coups it organised and the counterinsurgency gangs it established.”

“NATO doesn’t fight against terror. This propounded thesis doesn’t reflect the truth but the hypocrisy and cowardice of the capitalists of our country. NATO is the instigator of numerous terror actions organised in the international arena, and, in many instances, the direct operator of these. As it stands, NATO is the biggest and the most powerful terrorist organisation,” the TKG statement reads, noting that terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS, which function to justify the imperialist interventions in the Middle East today and to break the resistance of anti-imperialist revolutionary movements, were either directly founded by the NATO allies or supported and developed.

“NATO is an occupying terrorist organisation. It doesn’t protect our country and people. It is a war threat to our country. It has a finger in the massacres occurring in our country and the region. It uses our country as a nuclear arsenal, and attacks our sovereign rights. It is inimical to the working people and communism,” the TKG remarks, defining throwing the truths in the face of NATO-lovers which don’t hesitate to lie to people as the mission of the true patriots of Turkey.

The TKG calls on the working people and the youth of Turkey to join the fight against NATO imperialism with the following demands: “All U.S. and NATO bases with the borders of our country, notably the İncirlik base, should be closed, and the foreign soldiers and consultants should be deported. Nuclear weapons in the İncirlik base, which pose a great threat to our country and the region should be seized, removed, and destroyed. Turkey should immediately leave the NATO terrorist organisation, and all the Turkish Armed Forces personnel taking part in the NATO operations abroad should be called back.”

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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Wed May 02, 2018 12:24 pm

Kemal Okuyan: Determination of working class to change this social order
Kemal Okuyan, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), noted that celebrating May 1 without a determination to change this social order is hypocrisy, in his speech at May 1 demonstration in İstanbul

Tuesday, 01 May 2018 19:58


Kemal Okuyan, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), gave a speech at May 1 demonstration in İstanbul. Noting that celebrating May 1 without a determination to change this social order is hypocrisy, Okuyan said, "Our path belongs to the march of the working class to political power since the 1850s."

"We are celebrating May 1, and yet what we are celebrating is not a festival but a determination of the working class to change this social order," he underlined.

Stressing that the right to change this social order and lead a revolution is a solemn and distinct right of the working class, Okuyan added: "We can never settle for the less!"


Okuyan continued his speech saying, " Celebrating May 1 without a determination to change this social order, the order of exploitation, is hypocrisy. We are not a hypocritical party. We celebrate May 1, and then advocate the continuation of this system. Is it possible? We celebrate May 1, and then advocate privatisation of education and health services. We celebrate May 1, and then not demand right to housing, labour, food, heating and public transportation. No way!"

"We will celebrate May 1 because this social order will change. The working class said this 150 years ago, and they are saying this now as well. Long live May 1," he said.

Okuyan noted "on May 1, 2018, the ones who say 'down with capitalism, long live socialism" are going to win in Turkey, Cuba, the US, Greece and India."

He also talked about the June 24 elections in his speech, saying that they will cast invalid ballots in presidential elections since "all those candidates are the ones who usurped the right of the working class to change this social order. We will never let them usurp this right." Okuyan called on the people to cast invalid ballots by stamping on all candidates in June 24 presidential elections, and to vote for independent candidates saying "This social order must change" in parliamentary elections.

Okuyan concluded his speech saying "Long live our struggle for the revolution, for socialism. Long live revolution, socialism and the Communist Party of Turkey."

http://news.sol.org.tr/kemal-okuyan-det ... der-174642
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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:18 pm

Communist Party of Turkey: No more fake solutions!
"The notion that Turkey is now finished is ridiculous as much as the fairy tale telling that Turkey would be out of the woods simply by pursuing an unscrupulous alternative that approves all evils of the established order is unfounded. Everybody should know that Turkey will not yield to darkness"

Tuesday, 26 June 2018 00:12


The Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) has released a statement on June 25 after the country held presidential and parliamentary elections.

The full statement is as follows:

On June 24, having been trailed behind a false hope, millions of people in Turkey were left high and dry once again. However, the notion that Turkey is now finished is ridiculous as much as the fairy tale telling that Turkey would be out of the woods simply by pursuing an unscrupulous alternative that approves all evils of the established order is unfounded. Everybody should know that Turkey will not yield to darkness.

1. When the decision to hold the “snap election” was taken, the Communist Party of Turkey issued a warning stating that elections to be held under these conditions would not be legitimate: “With the recent regulations carried into effect, elections in Turkey have become a show that would yield nothing but the result Erdoğan wants,” we wrote. “It is impossible to characterise this travesty as an election and taking part in an election which has long lost its very character as if nothing has changed would imply that being a walker-on in this show is welcome.” Even though our warning resonated with a large section of the population, the opposition of the establishment led by the Republican People’s Party (CHP) managed to absorb millions into an unfounded optimism once again, leading them to a naivete that says, “Don’t worry, they can’t do anything.”

Yet, the ruling party has reinforced its ability to manipulate the election which it mastered in former elections, especially in the last referendum, by fresh new regulations that have been enacted rapidly within this year and created a freakish electoral system which precludes imposing checks altogether. Despite this obvious fact, soon after the decision to hold “snap elections” was taken, the sections of the society that are opposed to the ruling party in Turkey have been convinced that “elections will be won in all probability”.

On the evening of June 24, millions of people thought that elections were rigged, but no one could either prove that or do anything about it. For, as we have always emphasised, disorganised people, chasing after myths created around certain figures is nothing but people left helpless. These elections proved once again that elections could be won only before, but not on the election day. It is impossible to keep track of elections with these voter registration mechanisms and the electoral system.

2. However, the most important truth revealed by June 24 elections is that simply electoral efforts would never provide a way out. Right after the Gezi Resistance, they have gone to great lengths to keep millions of people who rose against the AKP away from political organisation processes, which were, in fact, essential to have this massive popular movement endure. Elections, which have been presented as “the most critical point” at every turn, created successive frustrations, and “anti-Erdoğan” sentiments have become rather nondescript within the internal balances of the established order. One should know that getting organised is necessary even to achieve a minor improvement in Turkey. Unfortunately, a large part of the Turkish society took a fancy to the idea that “emancipation” might be possible without putting up a struggle; hence, they tagged along after their hero or heroes that they believe they have finally found. Another section of the society, on the other hand, have long submitted themselves to Erdoğan without questioning even their own existence and future. Such an antagonism would never give way to “emancipation”, but to the contrary, it would perish the society.

3. Even though the presidential system was rejected by more than half of the voters in the referendum held in 2017, adopting the idea that the very same system would open the gates of emancipation only after a single year passed have accelerated this degeneration. The idea to defeat a person who is believed to represent injustices and tyranny by another person who is believed to represent justice and freedom implied the denial of the very fact that the only antidote to injustice and tyranny is the organised struggle of the people. Yet, the main reason why “one-man rule” has been adopted so easily is that analyse especially the capitalists of Turkey support this system.

4. Before June 24 elections, international monopolies have provided significant support to a grand coalition which included the CHP, İyi (Good) Party, Felicity Party, as well as the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), even though the latter did not formally take part in the Millet (the Nation) Alliance. The primary reason why Erdoğan could manage to beat this force is that the capitalist class does not wish to renounce any of the advantages it gained under his rule. Those who created Erdoğan have naturally acted upon their interests and fears while preparing his alternative. In this sense, all risks disappeared for the capitalists as they have safeguarded a political structure that would implement their own program with or without Erdoğan. Although we are passing through a period when the internal contradictions at international level as well as among the Turkish capitalist class have been intensified, these contradictions by no means imply that the ruling class lacks common interests.

5. It was international monopolies which asked to eliminate almost all differences between the AKP and the opposition of the establishment on essential issues during the electoral process. The right-wing opposition alliance with Akşener and Karamollaoğlu, which adopted all basic characteristics designed by the AKP government in the last 16 years, which came to terms with practices that have brought secularism down, which had no problems with NATO or the European Union at all, has persuaded Turkish society to an AKP regime without Erdoğan. They have gone so far in this respect that Muharrem Ince, the presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance, proclaimed that he might even appoint ministers from the AKP in his cabinet! Hence, the assault launched on progressive values for years on the common pretext claiming that “Turkey is a conservative country”, deceived and led the sections of the society who have been looking for a way out astray.

6. It would be ridiculous to analyze the June 24 elections in Turkey in view of the establishment parties. None of these parties received “real” votes. Millions of people in Turkey did not make a choice; they did not choose what they support. Instead, they supported those whom they believe are capable of solving the equation with multiple variables presented to them. The only reality about June 24 elections is that the so-called options within the established order are completely exhausted for millions of outraged and malcontent people in Turkey. The flagship of the official opposition, the CHP, is buried under the historic wreckage it imposed upon the Turkish society.

7. Anti-Erdoğan sentiments, which have been a driving force for a long time and pushed the limits of the established order as they reached a peak during Gezi Resistance, do not have any value on their own anymore. Quite the contrary, anti-Erdoğan sentiments have pursued the role of Erdoğan’s twin in rendering this society helpless. What is fundamental is to take a solid stance against the established order, to put up a fight against exploitation, imperialism and reactionism. Similarly, Turkish politics must be immediately relieved from the dichotomy between the so-called urban and modern CHP supporters and conservative AKP supporters. After 16 years, urban and modern opponents of the AKP have been articulated to conservativism by the CHP and the HDP. The enlightened and patriotic inheritance of Turkey would rise up again only with a brand-new identity, with a pro-labour character, in worker’s overalls.

8. The Communist Party of Turkey assumed the responsibility to be the voice of the toiling masses and the quest to change the established order in June 24 elections. The word of the TKP, which had to run with independent candidates as it was not allowed to take part in the elections unfairly, made an indelible impression on large sections of the society. We were aware that this would not be translated into votes in the wild and woolly atmosphere of these elections, that independent candidates, who struggled with grave difficulties from the propaganda opportunities to the ballot itself, would not be able to overcome this grand illusion which involved millions of people. However, the TKP did not allow the electoral period to be devoid of the voice of socialism; the party came into contact with many workers and issued its warnings about June 24 and the post-election period, which have been verified in a short span of time.

The Communist Party of Turkey is carrying on its efforts to get organised, to struggle, with great zeal. In the forthcoming days, the authorised committees of the party will determine a comprehensive roadmap to save those who stand with the left and the toiling masses of Turkey from despair and helplessness. Our party is the only of hope of those who say, “you are right, but let this election pass first”, and it will act upon this sense of responsibility.

9. An election can neither bring emancipation, nor be an end or bring absolute darkness on its own. Yes, millions of people have been left high and dry in Turkey on June 24, but the notion that Turkey is now finished is ridiculous as much as the fairy tale telling that Turkey would be out of the woods simply by pursuing an unscrupulous alternative that approves all evils of the established order is unfounded. Everybody should know that Turkey will not yield to darkness.

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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Sat Aug 11, 2018 11:16 am

How Turkey's Currency Crisis Came To Pass
Updated below

President Erdogan of Turkey often asserts that 'foreign powers' (meaning the U.S.) want to bring him down. He says that the 'interest lobby' (meaning (Jewish) bankers), wants to damage Turkey. He is somewhat right on both points.

Since last week the Turkish lira is on an extended down-slide. Today alone it lost nearly 20% of its value. It will likely take the Turkish economy with it and Erdogan need someone to blame for it.

But while foreign powers and banks surely use the crisis for their own aims, it its Erdogan's economic policy that is foremost to blame. The long boom he created with borrowed foreign money is finally turning into a bust.

Here is a recap of how it came to this.

The larger political picture:

During the U.S. induced 'Arab Spring' U.S. President Obama joined with Qatar and Turkey in an attempt to install Muslim Brotherhood governments throughout the Middle East. When Hillary Clinton left the position of Secretary of State and John Kerry took over, the Obama administration changed its position. It endorsed the coup against the elected Egyptian President Morsi and it refrained from actively using the U.S. military to bring the Syrian government down.

Especially with regards to Syria Turkey was left holding the bag. Erdogan had bet on the U.S. plan to overthrow the Syrian government. His invitation of Syrian refugees and support of radical Islamists fighting in Syria had cost a significant amount of money and brought a lot of trouble with it. The Turkish trade route through Syria to the Gulf countries was closed. Economic relations with Iran suffered. Erdogan needed to get something out of it.

But U.S. policies had turned against him. The Gezi protests in 2013 had all the signs of a U.S. color revolution attempt. They failed. In 2014 the Obama administration began to support the Kurdish PKK/YPG forces in Kobane, east Syria. The PKK is a terrorist organization which tries to create its own country in the eastern part of Turkey, north Syria and north Iraq. The U.S. alliance with and arming of the Kurds created a PKK/YPG dagger pointed at Turkey's underbelly.

In response to a Turkish led attack on Latakia and Idleb in mid 2015 Russia deployed its forces to Syria. In hindsight it was the point where Erdogan's game in Syria was over. The U.S. would not launch a war against the nuclear armed Russia. Syria would not fall. But Erdogan played on.

In November 2015 the Turkish air defense ambushed and shot down a Russian jet. Russia responded with a total stop of all economic exchanges with Turkey. These were not the needle prick sanctions the U.S. often uses, but a total abrupt end of all trade relations including millions of Russian tourist visits in Turkey. The economic damage for Turkey was huge. Erdogan had to submit to Russia. Putin was gracious and allowed Erdogan to save his face. The Russian government offered a lucrative pipeline deal and other sweeteners. In mid 2016 the CIA arranged for a hard coup against Erdogan but Russian intelligence warned Erdogan and the coup failed. Turkey is asking the U.S. to hand over Fethullah Gulen which it accuses of instigating the coup. Gulen is a Turkish preacher with a large following and a long time CIA asset who resides in Pennsylvania.

Flipping Turkey from the "western" to the "eastern" camp can be seen as part of Russia's Black Sea strategy. It is repeat of a mid 19th-century plan executed under Tzar Nicholas I. The current plan is so far successful. But it collides with the U.S. plans to revive NATO for another lucrative Cold War. Thus the current U.S. plan is to use Turkey's economy problems to finally bring Erdogan down.

The larger economic picture:

Outside of his country Erdogan is much disliked. His arrogance and autocratic style do not leave a good impression. But within Turkey he had a very successful career and continues to be supported by a majority of his people. The reason behind this is the long economic boom he created.

In 2002, when Erdogan became prime minister, Turkey was recovering from a recession. Erdogan's predecessor Kemal Derviş had implemented some significant reforms. Erdogan took credit for the results. He additionally discarded a number of cumbersome regulations and cleaned up the bureaucracy. He invited foreign investment. The program worked well. The economy grew at a fast pace and many Turks were pulled from poverty. A few became rich. The early years of economic success under his rule are remembered well. Inflation was steady at a relatively low rate even while money was freely available and the economy grew. But Erdogan's expansive economic program also made Turkey more vulnerable.

Turkey has a chronic current account deficit. It imports more goods and services than it exports and has to borrow foreign money to pay for the difference. In the early Erdogan years a lot of money flowed into Turkey. But it was invested in unproductive matters. New housing expanded a booming Istanbul. New splendid bridges and airports, lots of shopping malls and more than 10,000 new mosques were build as well as a 1,000 room palace for Erdogan to use. His cronies in the building industry got very rich.

But productive industries that create products to export to other markets are harder to build than mosques. Erdogan never made them a priority. Thus Turkey's current account deficits grew from 1% of its GDP to about 6% of GDP. This was clearly unsustainable.

During the boom the Turkish central bank interests rates came down from earlier heights but were still kept higher than elsewhere. The industries and banks borrowed in euros or dollars which carried less interests but this also meant that they took on a high currency risk. If the Turkish lira was to fall the loans would have to be paid back in hard currencies from revenue made in a diminishing lira.

Under normal circumstances Turkey's central bank would have engineered one or more mild recession during the 16 year long boom. Some of the accumulated waste and bad loans would have been discarded. Consumption of foreign goods and the current account deficit would have come down. But Erdogan has a curious understanding of economic theory. He believes that high interest rates cause inflation.

Every time the Turkish central bank increased its interest rate to keep inflation in check and to stop the lira from falling Erdogan found harsh words against it and threatened its independence. The relatively cheap money kept flowing, the Erdogan boom kept going, but the structural problems became worse.

Since early 2017 inflation in Turkey picked up. It since increased from 8% to now 15%. The currency went down. The value of 1 lira fell from US $0.30 in 2016 to US $0.20 a week ago. During the last few days it crashed another 25% to US $0.15. It now takes more than 2,000 lira to pay back the principal of a 1,000 lira loan taken out in U.S. dollars in 2016. The Turkish industries and banks have borrowed some $150 billion in foreign currencies. Only those who export most of their products in hard currencies will be able to pay back their loans. The others are practically bankrupt.

The bill for the long boom is coming through. The Turkish lira is crashing. No foreigners want to loan Turkey more money. For taking such a high risk they demand extremely hight interest. Turkey will soon be unable to pay for its imports, especially for the hydrocarbon energy it needs. Unfriendly relations with the United States will make it difficult to ask the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an emergency loan. It would come with very harsh conditions such as demands to 'reform', i.e. end, the benefits Erdogan has channeled to his followers.

The current escalation:

The escalation of the currency crisis during the last week coincided with the escalation of a minor conflict with the United States.

After the 2016 coup attempt Turkey imprisoned U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson, who had long worked in the country, and charged him with terrorism. Last week a deal was arranged to exchange Brunson for a Turkish person held in Israel on terrorism charges. Turkey had expected more from the deal. It wants to free Mehmet Hakan Atilla, a Turkish banker, who the U.S. imprisoned for having breached U.S. sanctions on Iran. (He indeed did so by arranging a gold for oil trade with Iran. A trade from which Turkey, and especially Erdogan's immediate family, profited.)

Last week the U.S. side says that Erdogan went back on the exchange deal:

The deal was a carom shot, personally sealed by Trump, to trade a Turkish citizen imprisoned on terrorism charges in Israel for Brunson’s release. But it apparently fell apart on Wednesday, when a Turkish court, rather than sending the pastor home, ordered that he be transferred to house arrest while his trial continues.
Trump and the evangelical vice president Pence went berserk:

Thursday morning, after a rancorous phone call with Erdogan, Trump struck back. The United States “will impose large sanctions” on Turkey, he tweeted. “This innocent man of faith should be released immediately.”
Vice President Pence chimed in, saying in a speech at a religious conference that Turkey must free Brunson now “or be prepared to face the consequences.” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called his counterpart in Ankara.

The U.S. went on to sanction two cabinet ministers of its long time NATO ally. But Erdogan would not give in. The markets reacted to the public sanctions and counter-sanctions threats. The lira began to crash from 4.80 lira per dollar to 5.20 per dollar. On Wednesday a Turkish delegation traveled to Washington to further negotiate the issue but the talks failed. The lira went to 5.50 per dollar. The financial markets became alarmed. The fall out of the spat threatens to impact European banks.

This morning Erdogan held a speech in which he dismissed fears of a lira crash:

“There are various campaigns being carried out. Don’t heed them,” Erdogan said.
“Don’t forget, if they have their dollars, we have our people, our God. We are working hard. Look at what we were 16 years ago and look at us now,” he said.

Erdogan said he would not "surrender to economic hitmen". The banks which have loaned a lot of money to Turkey might understand that as a threat to default on Turkey's debt.

At noon the lira was falling minute by minute at a 20% per day rate. Erdogan's son in law Berat Albayrak, who was recently made finance minister, held a planned speech on the economy. He was expected to give some numbers on the deficits and to name some concrete measures the government would take to end the lira problem. But he refrained from doing so. He tried to calm the markets by claiming that the Turkish central bank is independent and would act as necessary. No one believes that the central bank in Turkey can act without Erdogan's approval. Erdogan is a self-declared enemy of high interests and the central bank did not intervene today when it was urgently needed.

In the mid of Albayrack's speech Donald Trump personally intervened via Twitter:

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump - 12:47 utc - 10 Aug 2018
I have just authorized a doubling of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum with respect to Turkey as their currency, the Turkish Lira, slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar! Aluminum will now be 20% and Steel 50%. Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!
Steel is one of Turkey's biggest export products. The U.S. imports $1+ billion worth of Turkish steel per year. The White House later said the these tariffs are tied to security, not to trade.

Meanwhile Erdogan held a phone call with the Russia's President Putin to "discuss the economic ties". He may have asked for an emergency loan.

Meanwhile the lira dropped to 6.80 for a dollar.

Erdogan then gave another speech in which he lambasted the U.S. pressure without naming Trump or mentioning his tweet.

At the end of the day the lira stood at 6.50 to the dollar after 5.50 yesterday. Turkish stocks were down some 2%. Stocks of some Turkish banks and steel producers fell 15%. Spanish, Italian and French banks, which lent tens of billion Euros to Turkish banks, also lost. Bloomberg documented today's tic-toc in a live blog.

Where from here:

Erdogan now has the weekend to discuss the issue with his advisors. If no measures are taken by Monday morning, today's crash will gain pace. The lira will fall further. The central bank will have to raise interest raise to 30+% to stop the slide and to attract urgently needed foreign money. The Turkish economy will go into a deep recessions. A number of its banks and companies will go bankrupt. Unemployment will rise.

Erdogan will blame the U.S. and the "interest rate lobby" for the downfall. His followers will believe him. Any hope that Erdogan will go over this is in vain.

But Turkey's problems are structural. The burst of its bubble was long expected. Its foreign account deficit is simply unsustainable. It will have to cut back on imports and boost its exports. It will need large emergency loans.

Yes, the U.S. is using the issue to put pressure on Turkey. But the U.S. is not the root cause of the problem. It only exposes it.

The U.S. pressure is not about Turkey's economy and not even about pastor Brunson. The pressure is, and has been since 2013, to bring Erdogan in line with the U.S. agenda. He will have to stop his good relations with Russia. He will have to stop his purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system. He may be ordered to stop the Russian pipeline. He must follow the U.S. lead on Syria. As long as he does not do so the U.S. will try everything to bring him down.

The only chance Turkey has to escape from U.S. demands is to further ally with Russia. Putin knows that Erdogan needs him. He will play for time to increase the pressure and then make his own demands. Erdogan will have to give up completely on his plans for Syria. All Syrian land Turkey or its proxies hold must be put back under Syrian government control. Only then will the Turkey's trade route to the Gulf states reopen. Only then will Russia (and Iran) help Turkey though its crises.

On Monday Russia's foreign minister Lavrov will visit Turkey.

Will Erdogan accept the Russian demands or will he flip back to the U.S. side and surrender to Trump and the IMF? Or will he find a different way to escape from this calamity?

Update (Aug 11, 8:45 utc):

Erdogan has an op-ed in today's New York Times. He reminds of the decades of good relations, lists his charges against recent U.S. action and blames it for the deteriorating relations. It culminates in this:

At a time when evil continues to lurk around the world, unilateral actions against Turkey by the United States, our ally of decades, will only serve to undermine American interests and security. Before it is too late, Washington must give up the misguided notion that our relationship can be asymmetrical and come to terms with the fact that Turkey has alternatives. Failure to reverse this trend of unilateralism and disrespect will require us to start looking for new friends and allies.
Posted by b on August 10, 2018 at 04:20 PM | Permalink

http://www.moonofalabama.org/2018/08/ho ... -pass.html

As always with 'b' it is wise to separate the information from the analysis, which has problems.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Wed Nov 28, 2018 2:43 pm

Crisis and Revolution


From this101 years ago, on November 7, 1917, workers and poor peasants in Russia destroyed the exploitation of bosses. This historical event, which took place as the October Revolution in history, is of great importance for two reasons. The fact that the working people act with the will to change the existing order by rising up against inequalities is the first issue to be addressed. The right to escape from an unjust, exploitative social system, namely the right to revolution, was first used so extensively by the October Revolution. The revolution removed the old order and paved the way for the establishment of a classless, non-exploitative order. Over time, the name of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and spread to a wide geography emerged like this country. This is the second reason that the October Revolution has a unique place in human history.

SocialThe demolition of the Soviet Union in 1991 for internal and external reasons, which sets out to establish a system in which the classes have completely disappeared and where people will live in a free, brotherly and prosperous way on an egalitarian basis, shows the impossibility of communism, nor the supremacy of capitalism. On the contrary, in spite of Nazi barbarism, which caused the death of more than 25 million citizens in World War II, the Soviet Union not only destroyed the hunger, poverty, unemployment and injustice, but the country turned into a superpower through industrialization based on central planning, and achieved great success in the scientific field. created an environment for creative productivity in the field of culture and arts. Tens of millions of people in the former Soviet republics of the Russian Federation, unemployment, poverty, after the Soviet Union disintegrated

Today , with a few exceptions, capitalism prevails all over the world. Imperialism continues to use any means of military, political and economic means to eliminate the exceptions. Cuba has not abandoned its socialism preference for many years. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is forced to live with the threat of military intervention in the United States. The idea of ​​intolerance to these two countries is an attempt to eradicate the notion that there is an alternative to the exploitation order at the source.

It is possible and necessary to overcome capitalism . The elimination of this order, which is based on social inequalities, condemns billions of people to hunger and poverty, which cannot give anything other than crisis and wars to mankind. Communism is the only way to overcome capitalism. The aspiration of a classless, exploitative society will begin when the sovereignty of a parasitic class, which is enriched by others, is terminated.


1917The October Revolution was the herald of a revolutionary wave that encompassed the whole world. In all capitalist countries, especially in Europe, the wider public segments rebelled against war, hunger and injustice, power overthrowing, and the flag of equality and freedom rising everywhere. The National Liberation Struggle which started in 1919 in the Anatolian region of the Ottoman Empire which was shared by the victorious imperialist states with the end of the First World War was also the product of this wave. Although not a working class character, this struggle, which was under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal, became an important element of the revolution front thanks to the imperialist occupation and its determination towards the obsessed Ottoman institutions. The young Soviet State quickly established relations with the struggle in Anatolia, and provided him with arms and money, internationally defended his rights. The national power in Ankara respected the interests of the Soviet Union and became friendly with it.

AnatoliaAfter the resistance movement became a power project embodied in the proclamation of the Republic on 29 October 1923, it entered a fast capitalization process in accordance with the class character of its leadership. both economically and politically with relative independent character after a period of the Republic of Turkey shared the fate of all the bourgeois revolution and the reactionary character of the capitalist class in the early stages of the process quickly began to make itself felt. As the bourgeoisie strengthened, pressures against the weak working class of the organization increased, the economic and political relations with the imperialist system developed, and the hostile attitude towards the Soviet Union was entered. Independence, secularism, statism, populism, such as the glorification of the values ​​of the establishment of the Republic of this or that politician, not the preference of the class came to the agenda. At one point, the current order had to throw away the Republican values, which were abused by Americanist, reactionary and popular enemy policies. The imperialist countries and Turkey boss class gave this tender for the AKP. The result is obvious. The Republic of Turkey was founded with the revolution, the counter-revolution has been defeated.

The Republic was liquidated. This liquidation can be explained not only by the complete elimination of the principles and achievements referred to by it and devalued over time, but by the absence of any in-place actor to fight back even a small portion of those principles and achievements. In this sense, the ending of the AKP government within the current system will not mean a return to the spirit of 1923. In other words, neither the economic nor the political capital of the AKP's Turkey in terms of layout alternatives it is currently available.

AKP to establish a replacement of the Republic sapped domestic exist for preventing layout dynamics are not internal balances or the layout of politics, the AKP's "new Turkey" liquidated close to the design and in the medium term is social resistance that seems unlikely. The AKP not transform into social authority gained hegemony in the political plane, so the AKP, Turkey has won the residency. However, it will evaporate after helping an order domestic operations will solve the tension between the long-term if converted into energy or to be damped or AKP, Turkey has to ensure that legitimized with little makeup and the capitalist class in terms of political space and social space for said resistance laborers and revolutionary character of an uprising.

The AKP it establishes the functioning of its state. This operation, which is simplified by some and is underlined as ”palace erek, has a” modern küç character that is not out of date with its in finish ay structure which corresponds to the current needs of capital. The cases such as incompetence, ignorance and lack of hardware, which are justified by the AKP, often lead to wrong results. Turkey, which is not in the mind of the bourgeoisie, but the AKP government, depth or after a point is meaningless to talk about quality. The team lost a lot of time in the AKP, which sought to meet losses from other sources in the hands of capital from the bourgeoisie, by the accumulation of this aspect of the AKP in Turkey has decreased in terms of accumulation increase instantaneously. In this regard the AKP Turkey exaggerating fabricated Excludes capital capitalism are flatterers and Trump May, Macro, They cannot understand the reasons for decay in the developed capitalist countries represented by Merkel. The period when the bourgeoisie added something to humanity is long gone. The capital class cannot fulfill its destructive mission with an es advanced gibi staff, nor can it develop its own advanced. Today, those who were surprised pespayelig to its source in Turkey, in the final analysis should be aware that the system of exploitation.

Capitalism can not be cured anywhere, and no country dominated by market rules cannot escape poverty, unemployment and inequality. Crises and wars are the reality of capitalism. Capitalism without wars and wars is not possible. Turkey has taken a similar gripper Capitalism in years. In society, such as secularism, independence and sovereignty, which are the product of a revolutionary transformation in the 1920s, are not sensitive to this system. On the anniversary of the October Revolution, the path of secularism, independence, sovereignty, and those who want a system that does not exploit human beings, coexists. Turkey is seeking the path of revolution, freedom and equality.


AKPTurkey's economy radically changing the direction of the thesis that opened to plunder the country should be approached with caution. The AKP, which was a government with the elections in November 2002, continued its economic policies implemented by the previous governments in line with the requirements of the capital class. The difference arises from the fact that the AKP has additional opportunities to overcome the political, legal and social barriers in the implementation of these policies. This is the main reason for the domestic and foreign support that is already stacked behind the AKP as a newly formed party. How the fascist coup of September 12 had a major role to play in overcoming the difficulties of the 24 January decisions that came into force on 24 January 1980,

TurkeyIn terms of its capitalism, the main feature of the period, which was opened with the Customs Union agreement of 1995, which became clear with the IMF program called ıyla Derviş Program kazanan which was implemented after the 2001 crisis, is deepening the integration into international capital. In the broadest sense, the privatization of the economic policies of the mentioned period (both public sales and public control areas to the private sector), foreign trade encouragement arrangements and deepening of the external dependency of the economy through the increase of external borrowing, the restructuring of the durable consumer goods oriented industrial production in line with the international division of labor , expanding the reserve labor army by making use of the massive internal migration wave that emerged as a result of the collapse of agriculture in line with the demands of the food monopolies,

The most important result of this period in which the marketization as a whole has gained speed and complementary policies have been applied to it has been the increase of labor and impoverishment. Beyond the decline in the average real wage, despite the low inflation rate and relatively low interest rates, all prices excluding labor power increased in real terms. The fact that the external financing has increased and the private sector has shifted from the public to the private sector, especially the international capital and financial monopolies.

All develop additional mechanisms and some applications during this period and the AKP government has taken the initiative to solve some problems accumulated. When the AKP's revised 16-year rule of capitalism independent of the orientation of Turkey, the AKP's choice of the decisive achieve an economic policy that can not be mentioned in terms of layout, such as the presence of an alternative set of policies is obvious. AKP's rhetoric not only in the history of capitalism in practice most market-oriented Turkey, the most capital-friendly, the presence of a very strong capital collaborative agreement with regard to economic policy in the most political power is the most important factor.

It is far from reflecting the fact that the AKP has implemented different economic policies in different periods and that the political power has changed its route after strengthening its hand. The period 2002-2007 has been the brightest section of the period since both the use of the 2001 crisis as a leverage and the international conditions, in particular the üzere abundance of capital hem are appropriate. However, it is evident that different economic policies have not been implemented in a long period which can be extended from the 1995-96 up to the last crisis which became evident in May 2018. Although there is a need for additional practices and regulations in order to adapt to certain periods, especially the 2008 crisis, there is no fundamental change.

EuropeanUnion / Germany clear guidance of the imperialist centers, mainly, the AKP government has taken a series of steps by Turkey to intervene directly in the structure of the economy under capitalism irreversible. Turkey sectoral diversification in terms of capitalism, quantitative increase in capacity, despite some claims were dropped completely from the dazzling growth in production and consumption figures. Imports of imports have been preferred in technology and capital intensive sectors, and the country has been turned into Europe's open market in many basic sectors, from iron and steel to chemistry. Today, the category of olmak intermediate goods elenen, which has the biggest weight in import dependency, is the main products, especially heavy industrial products such as iron and steel and chemistry. Turkey can not produce stainless steel, imported and sliced. The same applies to the paper until it reaches the shoes, which can be produced much easier and Turkey in the past is almost one hundred percent applies to sectors that make domestic production. Tüpraş, Petkim, Erdemir, Seydişehir Aluminum and SEKA have been transformed into the industrial production import dependency axis as a result of the privatization of public enterprises in the basic sectors and the investment choices made with the guidance of international capital. This transformation is the source of the current crisis table. As a result of the privatization of public enterprises in the basic sectors, particularly the SEKA, and the investment preferences made with the guidance of international capital, industrial production has been transformed into the import dependency axis. This transformation is the source of the current crisis table. As a result of the privatization of public enterprises in the basic sectors, particularly the SEKA, and the investment preferences made with the guidance of international capital, industrial production has been transformed into the import dependency axis. This transformation is the source of the current crisis table.

Productionand there is a close link between import dependency and external borrowing. Behind the ”concrete policy, of the AKP, which is easy and at the same time a false description of its political implications, international capital, especially energy, finance and technology monopolies, is located. The airport, shopping center, city hospitals, double road construction, construction, energy equipment, medical equipment, air conditioning systems and, most importantly, construction materials (iron and steel, cement) over the construction of the AKP, besides the AK contractors, have also been transferred to international capital. energy sector in Turkey "roadmap" of the World Bank has drawn. The public-private cooperation model, which boasted the most practice in the world, is also the invention and imposition of international financial monopolies.

In Turkey, one of the important channels to be dependent on imports and exports of production. Automotive, Turkey's exports in sectors such as having an important share in white goods, import content is high. With the current production structure, there is no possibility of reducing imports and increasing exports and production.

International capital of Turkey as well as benefit more from the opportunities offered as both a market, especially in this period has managed to increase its exploitation qualified emekgüc "construction-led growth", "domestic demand-led growth", "export-led growth" can hardly be tried to be described in a single model out as naming . The steps such as the liquidation of public assets and the reduction of the state's weight in the economy, as well as rapid integration into international capital have enabled the opening of different sections of the capital at the same time, and the aforementioned ağır agreement f has therefore been created very easily. Orientations until the level of development of capitalism in Turkey and areas where international capital made it possible to turn a combination of processes carried out in conjunction with each other.

The easing of household borrowing, the support of borrowing with other mechanisms to consumer loans, policies and developments that support rapid urbanization, the transfer of labor, health and education to the private sector with the exception of the sale of public enterprises and assets increased the value transferred from labor to capital by the acceleration of marketization. The extinction of country resources and the destruction of nature cannot be considered independent of the increased external dependence and the destruction of the productive forces, including the labor force. The winner of a series of practices attempted to narrow down to AKP power and pro-capital by the opposition of the order has been the whole of the class of capital, especially the large capital groups.

the capital When the expansion is examined, it is seen that the, co-capital kesintisiz or büyük rent capital z, which is fulminated by AKP policies, increases rapidly and uninterruptedly, rather than a picture where ”traditional capital sermaye or da productive capital“ is declining, and a process that opens up to new ones is taking place. Sağlam Industrial capital sağlam, the most prominent example of the automotive sector, has greatly benefited from the increase in import dependency, financialization, transportation and urbanization policies. The inaccessible increase in the geographical concentration of capital as a result of the policies of transportation and urbanization has been the result of the easy choice of international capital, especially of industrial capital, of keeping labor labor costs low, access to market, and distribution channels. Not only is the transfer of the accumulated values ​​of the working people, but it is also important to determine that there has been a period of enormous productivity growth with the lowest possible investment, and it is important to understand the attack on labor with all its dimensions. Turkey capitalism in the economic structure and the changes in the sectoral distribution of aid capture additional expansion opportunities.

Key in the industry, the privatization of public enterprises operating in strategic areas, investment choices and decisions of the fully private sector, leaving the market, the state's pro-capitalist policies, the introduction into the practitioners' efforts to attack, developments such as the import of the borrowing of the place of public debt and finance capital extension of the current blockage as a whole Turkey belongs to capitalism. Today, on behalf of the state capital in Turkey can not be managed well, the inevitable result of capitalism's laws of motion is not functioning in the wrong interventions made by the political power of capital results are experienced.

Turkey relative terms of both capitalism without a crisis period where both quantitatively expanding capital while there has switched from a section of monopolization increased. It is clear that such a period will generate new financial resources, additional instruments for any capital power, and new capitalists close to the power. Of course, the AKP has created its own capitalists, making use of opportunities that cannot be underestimated. However, movement of the facilities concerned, neither Turkey nor for any country where capitalism is similar to the situation observed express or implied "distorted capitalism" or "anomaly" made detection is not possible.

TurkeyThe traditional capital groups, which have undergone indisputable clashes with capitalism from time to time with political power, have grown much more than the capitalists that emerged under the AKP government or sprinkled with political favoritism. With Koç Group, Tüpraş, Sabancı Group's energy privatization, or the encouragement of housing, automobile and white goods to generate heavy profits, or to create large profits for traditional capital, or to be one of Şişecam's biggest growing capital groups is the S normal ş state of capitalism, the 3rd airport. The bridge does not represent the ”abnormal ları state of the capitalism acquired by the road contractors. Capitalism is a system of exploitation, Turkey capitalist exploitation of the possibilities of taking advantage of the disorganization of the working class in particular was a time of major transition robbery enormously expanded. The internal connections of the robbery mechanism are stronger than those intended to be shown. The surplus value of the working class increased with different mechanisms, while the public assets representing the accumulated values ​​were drawn to the capital with a great audacity.

CapitalismThe crises produced by ir by its nature ın are the bottlenecks in capital accumulation processes, the total result of what the capitalists do with more profit ambition produces the crises. In its simplest form, the fundamental contradiction between the private ownership of the means of production and the social character of the productive forces constitutes an obstacle to the uninterrupted expansion of capital under capitalism. It is theoretically possible to take steps to accelerate crises or to take measures against crises, but there is no crisis-free capitalism. Crises, the inevitable consequence of the system, are not produced by individual capitalists; it cannot be prevented by those who manage the order, including bosses. However, the first reflex of the bosses in the crisis, the consequences of the crisis to the working class and laborers will be invoiced. Together with the crisis, they try to prevent the reduction in profit rates, the depreciation of capital, the reduction of wages, the dismantling of workers' rights, the reduction of public expenditures, the increase of indirect taxes, and the reduction of total income of workers. The crisis tries to present its price as a ”natural catastrophe lar or a handful of unaccounted for by the” whole society em. The biggest advantage that the order could have in the periods of crisis, where the organized attack of the capital class and its representatives was most intense, is that the working class is unorganized. they try to prevent the gaining of their workers' rights, the reduction of public expenditures, the increase of indirect taxes, and the reduction of the total income of laborers. The crisis tries to present its price as a ”natural catastrophe lar or a handful of unaccounted for by the” whole society em. The biggest advantage that the order could have in the periods of crisis, where the organized attack of the capital class and its representatives was most intense, is that the working class is unorganized. they try to prevent the gaining of their workers' rights, the reduction of public expenditures, the increase of indirect taxes, and the reduction of the total income of laborers. The crisis tries to present its price as a ”natural catastrophe lar or a handful of unaccounted for by the” whole society em. The biggest advantage that the order could have in the periods of crisis, where the organized attack of the capital class and its representatives was most intense, is that the working class is unorganized. The crisis tries to present its price as a ”natural catastrophe lar or a handful of unaccounted for by the” whole society em. The biggest advantage that the order could have in the periods of crisis, where the organized attack of the capital class and its representatives was most intense, is that the working class is unorganized. The crisis tries to present its price as a ”natural catastrophe lar or a handful of unaccounted for by the” whole society em. The biggest advantage that the order could have in the periods of crisis, where the organized attack of the capital class and its representatives was most intense, is that the working class is unorganized.

In Turkeyall parts of the capital and the AKP government are acting together. With the confidence that the working class is unorganized, efforts are made to minimize the damage that capital can take during any crisis. One dimension of this effort is that the capital has a more integrated structure than the past. It is feared that uncontrolled submerged effects will have much greater effects than can be predicted. One of the important factors that make the crisis var manageable “is the presence of international actors, who will be directly or indirectly affected by American investment funds, European banks, and bankruptcies. But undoubtedly, more importantly, it is the disorganization of the working class. The capital structure has alan crisis engineering ve and the movement area to develop and implement fine rescue plans.

TurkeyThe basic characteristics of the crisis facing capitalism today are not only in terms of translating external debt stock, but also the difficulty of external financing, which is indispensable for the basic functioning of the economy, being on the verge of a debt crisis that may have chained results, especially a part of banks and large capital groups. import dependency and inadequacy of export-oriented production capacity. All segments of the capital, mostly large capital groups, have been unable to pay their debts, especially in foreign currency denominated borrowings. The difficulty in translating the debt burden due to the effects of international developments has triggered the increase in the exchange rate and with the increase in the exchange rate, it has become more difficult for the shareholders to pay the debts of some TL. Without any sharp decline in foreign demand or domestic demand, the rise in interest rates in order to prevent the exchange rate increase and foreign exchange outflow caused the inflation rate to rise too rapidly. Due to the rapid increase in the costs of capitalists, the decrease in production before the decline in demand was also influential in the increase in production costs and hence in prices. The rise in the exchange rate, interest and inflation trio led to a decline in the incomes of the laborers in real terms, a decrease in the purchasing power and thus a slowdown in domestic demand. The burden of the crisis was put on the back of the laboring masses rather than the measures that could be considered düş in order devam, such as the bosses paying their debts, paying their debts by paying their debts, decreasing their profit rates and suspending external debt payments.

Capital class to give up its investments in international capital in Turkey, especially in Europe can not afford to trust. Bunda relatively because even though it legitimate to have a multi-dimensional crisis of the imperialist system will allow to overcome the economic crisis Considering the dynamics in Turkey does not have a strong international models. The use of public facilities in order to maintain the current structure of capitalism Turkey needs to continue to open up new profitable fields of international capital. However, a new sector in Turkey, which presents new market opportunities, in the same band since 2012 to create a splash in the international capital released from export orientation does not appear on the horizon.

There is no possibility that the discourse of adır increasing the technology content of production katma, “technological transformation”, “high value-added production m, which is expressed by the political power as an alternative, and transformed into a new economic model under the conditions of capitalism and an alternative economic policy. Turkey's dependence on international capital level makes it impossible to take the necessary steps to change such an axis. Moreover, international balances and relations with European capital do not permit a transformation in production to meet its own domestic demand and create new markets.

the CrisisAlthough the two important results will spread over time, a capital reorganization and public debt will increase. The change of the capital of the first will be the result of the increase of monopolization as well as the closure of some enterprises and the liquidation of some activities. Temporary expropriations are possible in some sectors such as finance sector, energy sector and import dependency. This process will have more severe consequences than the 2001 crisis. The fact that the foreign dependency of the economy has reached a level that cannot be compared with the past leads to impoverishment beyond the calculated effects of inflation or exchange rate increase. It is seen that the erosion in real wages will be in the range of 10-15%, even when only inflation is taken into consideration. It is clear that the real exchange rate increase and the decline in inflation are not sufficient for the capital class, and that the wreckage needs more to collapse on the laborers. In addition to layoffs, pruning of rights other than bare wages, prolonging working times, increasing informality, public resources are more mobilized for capital.

In the basic documents of political power, the growth rate of 2.3 per cent for 2019 indicates a contraction. As a matter of fact, other estimates, especially the expectations for an increase in the unemployment rate, confirm this. Although it is tried to avoid mass layoffs at one time, it is likely that there will be an increase in the 30-40 age range, which should be taken into consideration in the educated laborer unemployment. One of the most effective methods to reduce real wages in crisis conditions is to reduce seniority. The capital will aim to fill the laborers who have 10-15 years of work experience with inexperienced workers.

The New Economy Program, 2019 budget and some other arrangements point out that the external debt of the public sector will increase, and that the Treasury, state banks and public institutions will borrow more in order for the capital to be converted. It is also announced that the share of public revenues transferred to capital will increase. Further plundering of the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the continuation of the imposition of the Private Pension System are planned to introduce further public resources and public revenues to the use of capital.

Crisisall measures taken on the grounds of direct or indirect resources to the public aims to transfer. The thesis that the crisis is caused by wrong or incompetent economic policies of the AKP government, on the other hand, is used to hide this fact. Today, apart from the Communist Party of Turkey no power as a whole, the AKP's economic policies before the crisis or the crisis, are saying that carry an indispensable element for the boss, the AKP against the capitalist class or for mobilization of international forces lobbying by those conducting the caravan itself who left also is included. The winners of this table are the bosses and the AKP government. The bosses can play the victim of economic policies they eat for 16 years. The TKP will never allow laborers to be made of the capitalist countries from the capitalist countries, will display the patronage fraud of the bosses, and insist that the AKP's policies are not due to incompetence, but to the fear of satisfying the greed of capital. This is the meaning of the BOSSES.


TodayThe most prominent feature of the AKP's foreign policy is the lack of a strategy. It would not be correct to say that the lack of a prominent strategy has spread to the whole of the 16-year AKP government; this has especially occurred in the last few years. Bunda Turkey also has a significant share of the deepening crisis of capitalism multidimensional until the age of imperialism has entered into with the AKP's transformation features. However, it should not be concluded from this point that the AKP is dragged on the foreign policy in the determinants of external factors. The AKP, which realizes that the international system will not be able to stabilize in the near future, and that the problem of hegemony within the imperialist system cannot be solved in the short term, would prefer a playful foreign policy practice, tools and objectives to a defined strategy.

Justiceand Development Party, the ruling in the first year of Turkey's foreign policy orientation to fight capitalism rather than those with traditional orientations may represent his best propaganda is leaning. The steps taken in a number of important topics such as the Kurdish issue and the Cyprus problem have been linked to this claim of the AKP. Capital has blended the traditional orientation of Turkey ruling Islamist ideology of capitalism with one hand, it moves in the foreign policy community with the other hand while inputs for conversion in this direction has tried to support this transformation. This process is a strategic direction of capitalism in Turkey,

Turkey capitalism, imperialism, this way the support and guidance and enter the AKP hand, also made it mandatory to increase their allegations in Turkey's imperialist system. Political Islam has become a foreign policy instrument out of this strategy based on the consolidation of Turkey's place within the NATO alliance, the AKP's Turkey has push it to take more initiative in the international arena. In this context, the AKP government has intensified its initiatives towards the Middle East since 2009, and especially the mass actions that started in the Arab region in 2011 saw the intellectual origins as an opportunity for the realization of yoğun new Ottomanism 2011, which was based on the beginning of the 1990s.

New Ottomanism is not compatible with the historical and social dynamics in Turkey and the Middle East at that time was said. However, it cannot be denied that New Ottomanism provides a strategic direction to the AKP government. Adding an alliance with the internationally influential actors of political Islam such as the Muslim Brotherhood along with the steps taken through the integration of the Gulen community with the state is a realistic, though not realistic, attempt to establish a political and ideological hegemony in the region. In the first few years of the imperialist intervention coded under the name üştür Arab Spring doğr, the political interests and quests of imperialism once again overlapped.

thus2000s AKP Turkey is entering the second decade of EU membership of Turkey capitalism, next to the orientations encoded with titles such as NATO commitment "new Ottomanism" was attach. Later in the Arab region, especially in Syria, as well as the developments in Turkey have disrupted the AKP's accounts as well as imperialism. The AKP government lost its strategic direction due to the fact that the new Ottomanism was on the wall both inside and outside. The loss of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia, the drift of Libya into chaos, the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood power in Egypt with a popular support, and the failure of the Islamic militants in Syria are among the sources of this collapse in the region.

For a while, the AKP government had to accept that the effort to carry this strategy after it had skewed over the new Ottoman strategy had become very costly for itself. It is not that the Islamist government withdrew all claims and returned to the strategy in the early 2000s; anyway this is not possible. The AKP government, the Muslim Brotherhood, the jihadist mercenaries in Syria, etc. He did not end his support, but he had to accept that a hegemonic strategy leaning on them would no longer be able to get results. In other words, the new Ottoman strategy collapsed due to internal and external factors.

Roughly as of 2015-2016, the AKP government has no clear strategy in foreign policy. This has been replaced by tactical steps to exploit the gaps that emerge from competition between the imperialist powers. These steps are determined by temporary positions based on periodic needs and opportunities, rather than holistic. So today the Turkish foreign policy in stratejisizlig the main sources of AKP's foreign policy strategy as the collapse of fictionalized the policies of imperialism hegemony crisis created by the gaps and yönsüzlük and Turkey capitalism into the economic and the transformation process irreversible the kurtulmaksız their political weakness counted.

Tooththe lack of a strategic direction in policy has a number of important results. One of them is karş hyperactive ”foreign policy. In the period when the new Ottomanist strategy prevailed, it can be said that Turkish foreign policy gives an active image in a wider geography than it is today. However, these steps were revealed in the later period when they were largely subcontracted by the Gülen Community and did not reach a depth beyond the Community's organization. Today's "hyperactive" if the image of the character is different: Turkey seeks to assume a role in the struggle between imperialist blocks past few years, its foreign policy is shaping up games out on this slippery surface. In this respect, hyperactive foreign policy, It takes the form of increasing the number of non-permanent multilateral or bilateral relations and their substitution. In addition, eler acute crises ile often emerge and they can be acted with a series of foot games, trying to avoid them, and from time to time with very extensive moves, as in the case of Kaşıkçı.

Therefore, the whole of the foreign policy pursued by the AKP reflects a tightness; lacks a direction. The AKP government has a say in many issues, especially in the geography we live in, but the result is difficulties in developing buyer initiatives. The initiative requires a strategy to develop. Due to the daily developments, it is not possible for a political power that has to make constant distance between the Chinese-Russian axis and the Western axis to develop a strong initiative.

BeyondOn the other hand, we should not exaggerate the damage caused by the ”acute crises“ that we often come across in recent times. It is important to keep in mind that the current balances have lost their validity in the past. Factors such as the arrival of Bashar al-Assad in Syria or Erdogan's argument that the Palestinian problem is the key to developing the initiative in the Middle East has lost its validity. When here turns out, the confinement of the AKP's foreign policy, though had gained a certain continuity, any international balances of the dominant imperialist power can not be changed on a permanent basis a table in this situation so can afford to have political power in Turkey does not bring with it being confronted with major damage. And when the crisis of hegemony of imperialism is inverted, the whole of the country such as Turkey is to create an objectivity that compresses the international arena. It is seen that a number of countries such as Hungary, Poland, Pakistan, Malaysia, Brazil faced difficulties due to changes in the tension of competition between imperialist powers. Turkey is not the only example in this regard, but the competitiveness of the imperialist powers is one of the countries trying to instrumentalize the most tumultuous and opportunistic manner in its foreign policy.

The AKPThe question of whether or not the ruling power can continue without any strategy in foreign policy in the coming years cannot be answered independently of the question of where the crisis of imperialism will evolve. As to where the crisis will evolve, there is a limit to what can be said today. However, some trends have become apparent. One of these is the search for the restoration of the Transatlantic alliance. Although it is true that Donald Trump's input for US-based imperialist hegemony has opened the gap between the two main elements of this alliance, NATO should not be expected to collapse in the short term. If the US hegemony has been restored, it is likely that an alliance with the European wing will be more effective. From this point, It is noteworthy that the recent military, commercial and political rapprochement between the non-US elements of the alliance in question has gained considerable momentum. In fact, this process aims to reduce the friction between Europe and the United States since the George W. Bush administration and to create a new balance. The US leadership role does not have a fundamental objection, but the political change in the dominant imperialist country is expected.

The search for the restoration of the NATO alliance is unlikely to result in a total ineffective, even controlled, control of the forces of forces such as China and Russia. If the Western alliance was consolidated, it would be clear that the crisis of imperialism made it more difficult for China and Russia to go beyond certain boundaries, even if it would be clear that it would develop a strategy for superiority in any competition from China and Russia. On the other hand, there is a limit to the answers that China and Russia could give to the new situation that would arise if the Western alliance managed to consolidate. These borders are the main reasons why both countries are currently focusing on preventing the alliance recovery.

TransatlanticThe restoration of the alliance cannot solve the fundamental problems of imperialism and cannot ignore the dynamics that are shaped in the crisis. Even if the transatlantic alliance succeeds in consolidating, there will be a olm problem bile of China and Russia; the displacement of millions of people condemned to poverty will be carried out by the countries that are falling apart and dragged into chaos; religious, racist, nationalist policies, ideologies and organizations will continue to be at the center of the order. On the other hand, the threat of war, which gained momentum in this process, will continue to increase by taking different forms. In addition to the wars given by conventional weapons today, the possibility of the eruption of nuclear wars is much greater than in the 20th century.


Turkey's16 years of being ruled by the same political party, in this sense can be said for the political stability of a political order, does not mean that Turkey achieved a balance of capitalism. All during this time within the system tensions always existed in Turkey, these tensions from time to time have evolved up to the coup, even in 2013, the most comprehensive public movement witnessed in the Republic of Turkey to bear the revolutionary character has changed all the settings of Turkey. AKP government in alliance policy, the AKP alone in volatility observed over time, not in ideological rhetoric with political pragmatism, should also be explained by the fact that the ground beneath the slick capitalism with a vengeance Turkey. When the structure of the region is taken into consideration, Want to remove ideology-cultural area ahead of the evaluations are done, it will be seen that Turkey's imperial system doomed to be one of the weakest link. This is true at the center of the TKP's strategic accounts.

Turkey's being one of the weakest link in the imperialist chain is a phenomenon beyond the actuality of socialism detection. Socialism is a contemporary option for the whole of the imperialist system. In addition, once again, it is clear that we are going through a period where the fragility of imperialism in the relatively strong centers of ours has increased. While it is true that this vulnerability triggers regional and wider wars, it should be kept in mind that the powerful imperialist countries bring about a reduction in their ability to intervene, thus leading to the accumulation of more revolutionary energy in the weak linkages of the chain.
For example, the problems that cannot be solved in the NATO alliance do not eliminate the threat of the alliance to the working people, but it makes it difficult for him to get results from the interventions. In this context, the release in the vacuum created by the tensions within the imperialist system of Turkish foreign policy, even though Turkey is creating additional possibilities in terms of capitalism, but also increased the risks and terms of the system of making more playful with her under the ground.

SocialismWhile a high degree of difficulty in terms of the revolutionary struggle together, offering great opportunities for the communist movement in Turkey this opportunity to parallel social / have not reached a number of sources of political power there are objective and subjective reasons. Communist Party of Turkey, congresses and conferences are invested in this cause on the table, reviewing operations and in the light of the assessment made in the organizational structure and go over the shortcomings and weaknesses associated with it. The limited influence of the communist movement so far is not a product of strategic gaps, as it does not stem from the principles and the program that the TKP will protect and protect. On the contrary, the evaluation of the revolutionary possibilities in the coming period will be possible by insisting on the political and ideological directions so far. In this sense, TKP,

Unity,It kept on the agenda of the working class movement in Turkey and is one of the concepts that have the greatest service to the capitalist order. A revolutionary strategy requires the alliance of those who will contribute to the strategy from different points of view, as well as the unity of permanent elements of that strategy. In addition, for shorter-range targets, associations in different planes are possible if the target and the tools are shared. However, the revolutionary movement of Turkey as a result of the weakness of the communist movement, or a special "unity not to be" is a demonstration of the trap literally. Often complained of ir shopmaking kazandır, a whether it be small ın or not, the drug of the disease is not actually creating artificial units that give legitimacy to this disease. Already in the past, such troops did not give any other result than to split into smaller pieces.

UnityThe main danger posed by fetishism is the use of the communist movement as a tool in the attempt to draw under the umbrella of social democracy. broad social sectors with social democracy under the influence of the Communists, to be honest and revolutionary elements in relation to policy-makers under the umbrella of social democracy is inevitable and conditions in Turkey and is also a requirement. However, it is essential to try to undermine the influence of social democracy on the masses of the working people in an open-hearted fashion without entering into small accounts. This has nothing to do with weakening the resistance to the current political power. On the contrary, an element that adds power and continuity to the current political power is the opposition of the order. TKP does not have any reservations about valuing every honest position and struggle in the interests of the working people.

Turkey path of the revolution, the revolution of the positioning class rises to crystallize, with the creation of the infrastructure of the alliance will be opened today. Based on the narrowing of the social base of the Communist movement, the unique result of stretching the class outlook and position in current politics is to integrate. The socialization of a political formation, the dynamics of growth, always give it its own color. Numerous in revolutionary um subjects, who have ceased to be themselves for the sake of empowerment, constitute a tragicomic mass of pollution within a history of pride.

In Turkey, a revolutionary strategy, the only revolutionary transformation of this land has ever lived reality and can not win by taking refuge in the process of bourgeois revolution crowned the 1923 establishment. 1920 tracks that can not be removed and discarded revolutionary breakthrough occurred in Turkey during another, he set the strategic direction of the revolutionary transformation of a new breakthrough it is another thing. In this sense, secularism and patriotism cannot even have the energy to defend themselves because they have a status quo character as long as they remain outside the revolutionary strategy of the working class and oriented towards socialism. In fact, the main reason why the secular and independence sensitivity cannot give the necessary response in the face of the AKP's interventions is that they act with reflex protection.

Turkeythe communist movement, on the basis of the unity of the working people, must continue to defend the common class interests and objectives against the division of the working class on ethnic, religious, cultural or sectoral foundations. This approach for years of discrimination, the imperialist accounts within the system and the balance of reciprocal nationalism trapped between Turkey and Kurdish laborers working-class movement as the task of organizing an indispensable element makes it especially important. This task cannot be fulfilled in the shadow of the Kurdish national movement, which includes both liberal and social democratic, nationalist and religious tendencies at the same time. Turkey communist movement to injustice, discrimination, racism, the struggle against militarism and imperialist bourgeoisie has the ability to experiment and completely severed from context. In this sense, the leftists in Turkey does not have a provision of this or that historical debt against alleged Kurdish political formation. The responsibility of the communist movement and only working people opposed Turkey.

TurkeyThe revolution will develop by combating the teeth with the imperialist bloc, which is embodied in the NATO alliance today, in terms of both the necessities of its historical roots and the tasks that the period it will rise in. This struggle will be based on the organization of the working people and will continue from politics to the ideological-cultural area. Again, even if this struggle will be opposed to imperialism as a whole, it will have a dominant anti-US character in all its stages. historical destruction caused by US imperialism in this region of Turkey does not trivialize the communist movement in general discourse. In addition, to avoid separating the struggle against imperialism and its leading elements from the class context, preferring one of the imperialist countries or blocks to another, moreover, it is an absolute necessity to be alert to the tendencies of our country's ruling class to launder both domestic and foreign policy practices. Turkey ignoring its effort to move up in the hierarchy of the bourgeoisie in the imperialist system can not execute the struggle against imperialism.

CAPin terms of workers and laborers to direct social liberation, organizations and claim to lead them is the product of the absolute confidence that the working class of Turkey have the resources and power to fulfill this historic responsibility. Today's priority is to make the working class visible in the political sphere with a revolutionary perspective, but also to turn the working people out of their defensive position and become an initiative-maker. major organizational transformation which launched in 2018 and followed by concrete steps together with Communist Party of Turkey taken by increasing the resistance of the working class in the process of the present crisis, establishing a link between the resistance and the socialist revolution target, with the goal of fighting the layout changes with the AKP government, our country against the nightmare he lived today in the conditions of capitalism egalitarian, fair, free, independent,

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Re: Turkey

Post by blindpig » Thu Jan 10, 2019 2:39 pm

Turkey Threatens to Launch Syria Offensive If US Delays Pullout
3 hours ago January 10, 2019
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu
Live News - Middle East - News - Top - Turkey


Turkey will launch an offensive against Syrian Kurdish forces if the United States delays the withdrawal of its troops from the war-torn country, the foreign minister said Thursday.

“If the (pullout) is put off with ridiculous excuses like Turks are massacring Kurds, which do not reflect the reality, we will implement this decision,” Mevlut Cavusoglu told NTV television.

Turkey and the United States are at loggerheads over the future of Syrian Kurdish forces after US President Donald Trump made a surprise announcement last month to pull out 2,000 troops from Syria.

Ahead of Trump’s move, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to launch another operation in Syria targeting the US-backed Syrian Kurdish militia, which Turkey regards as a terrorist group.

Turkish officials had a tense meeting this week with Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton in Ankara aimed at coordinating the pullout process.

Erdogan — who has welcomed the pullout plan — accused Bolton of a “grave mistake” by demanding that Ankara provide assurances on the safety of the Kurdish fighters before Washington withdraws its troops.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is on a regional tour, also said Wednesday that Turkey had committed to protecting Washington’s Kurdish allies fighting the ISIL terror group in Syria.

American forces have worked closely with the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militia, seen by Ankara as a “terrorist offshoot” of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has waged an insurgency against the Turkish state since 1984.

Cavusoglu said Turkey would go ahead with its incursion plan.

“We are determined on the field and at the table… We will decide on its timing and we will not receive permission from anyone.”

He also said some officials in the US administration had sought to deter Trump from the pullout plan and create “excuses” like Turkey is massacring Kurds, in reference to Pompeo’s comments.

Cavusoglu said Ankara would fight the YPG whether or not the US withdraws from Syria.

He also said he was planning to have a phone call with Pompeo on Thursday.

"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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