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Re: Italy

Post by blindpig » Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:18 pm

General strike in Italy

On Friday, December 2, 2022, all grass-roots trade union organizations in Italy declared a general national strike involving all sectors of the labor force. Public and private sectors are involved: from health care to education, from factories to transport.[/b]


General strike in Itaoia on December 2, 2022

The strikers are FOR:

Extending contracts and raising salaries with their automatic indexation to overcome the crisis in the cost of living and cover real inflation;
Establishment of a minimum wage of 12 euros per hour at the legislative level;
Cancellation of the increase in tariffs for utilities and electricity, freezing and control of prices for essential goods and fuel, withdrawal of excess profits from oil, gas and fuel enterprises;
Reducing the length of the working day while maintaining the amount of wages;
Stopping the growth of military spending and sending weapons to Ukraine due to underfunding of education, healthcare, transport, benefits for the unemployed and underemployed;
Relaunching a new structural plan for public housing, which provides for the commissioning of currently unused public property for the benefit of public sectors and workers;
An end to the extermination of workers and the introduction of criminal liability for murder in the workplace;
Termination of counter-reforms in the education system, the abolition of both the mandatory combination of study and work, as well as internships organized by public and private vocational training centers;
Protection of the right to strike, recognition of the rights of all grassroots trade union organizations and their accessibility in the workplace;
Introduction of a new energy policy focused on the use of renewable resources, without resorting to nuclear power and regasification;
Reallocation of resources in favor of self-determination, protection of women's health and combating discrimination, oppression at work, in the family and in society.


Privatization and the contracting/subcontracting system, strengthened by competition law ( il DDL Concorrenza – competition bill adopted on August 27, 2022, which aims to remove barriers to market participation, promote competition, implement the principles of competition law in force in the EU ) , which functions for the benefit of business and speculators, sacrificing common interests;
Differentiated autonomy ( L'Autonomia Differenziata - a decentralization program by transferring greater rights and responsibilities to regions, including the organization of world courts and education systems, environmental protection and cultural heritage ), which destroys the country and increases regional inequality;
Wars and the economy of war are a universal misfortune for all mankind;
The Meloni government's reactionary attack on democratic rights and their observance, the criminalization of migrants, and the further suppression of social and trade union conflicts by criminalizing illegal employment and illegal gatherings.


On December 2, numerous regional and provincial demonstrations will take place throughout the day.[/i]

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Call of the Italian Communist Youth Front for a national mobilization of students to take part in demonstrations against anti-popular policies
Uncategorized (11) 11/21/2022

From the editor. We present to your attention the statement of the communist youth of Italy on national mobilization for the fight against the anti-popular and openly chauvinist cabinet of Meloni. In this difficult time for Italy, more than ever, the nationwide and united struggle of all thinking forces against the growing chauvinistic frenzy, which is increasingly breaking out from the pores of the rotting flesh of world imperialism, is important. The mission of the communists is to lead this struggle of the progressive elements of society.

Call of the Italian Communist Youth Front for a national mobilization of students to take part in demonstrations against the anti-popular policy on November 18

Current events - the imperialist war in Ukraine, the rise in prices, the rise to power of one of the most reactionary leaders in the entire republican history of Italy - cannot leave students aside.

Continuing the policy of previous years, the Meloni government has already confirmed its desire to govern the state in the spirit of Mario Draghi, promoting the same anti-popular political transformations for the sake of tightening capitalist exploitation, restricting workers' rights and deploying the North Atlantic bloc in Italy to support NATO war plans. We cannot succumb to the simple rhetoric of a “fascist” state that is only meant to increase support from the centre-left, as we understand that, in fact, behind the creation of new ministries of food sovereignty is the same economic policy that shifts the weight of the economic crisis on the shoulders of working families. The Meloni government has already shown its intentions in the field of education by updating the name of the responsible ministry: instead of "Ministry of Education" we get "Ministry of Education and Dignity".

In September alone, three students died while doing their industrial practices - Giuliano De Seta , Lorenzo Parelli and Giuseppe Lenochi. All three are young people from low-income families. They have been victims of an education model that is based on business logic, and therefore forces underage students to work for free in conditions where they are squeezed out of their juices for the benefit of "economic recovery" in favor of their bosses. The carnage in the workplace continues and we cannot stand by. For years, students, opposing such a combination of study and work, have been defending the various rights of young people undergoing internships, including the right to trade union associations and fair pay for their work, adherence to the working day schedule, conducting courses on safety and trade union organization.

The increase in military spending and the continued shipment of weapons to Ukraine to implement the aggressive plans of NATO show that it is much more important for the main systemic political parties to spend tens of billions of euros on the war while our schools are falling apart. It must be understood that every centesimo (penny) spent on the imperialist war is a centesimo that was taken away from the schools. We do not want to be drawn into an imperialist war, the consequences of which are only losses and suffering for the working people, including those expressed in a critical increase in the cost of living. In a situation where our families are only seeing an increase in expenses, but not salaries, the new government is asking for some more sacrifices. Under the pretext of saving energy due to lack of gas and difficulties in importing fuel, students are asked to avoid turning on the heating and to endure the cold in the classrooms. Given the rising cost of living, the high cost of teaching materials and transportation, millions of students face an additional economic challenge. Here it is - class school, which makes suburban school students and workers' children go through serious difficulties. Apart from ministries of "dignity", there is no other dignity in this system of "double standards" built on economic inequality. which puts suburban school students and workers' children through severe hardships. Apart from ministries of "dignity", there is no other dignity in this system of "double standards" built on economic inequality. which puts suburban school students and workers' children through severe hardships. Apart from ministries of "dignity", there is no other dignity in this system of "double standards" built on economic inequality.

Starting with our schools, we organize a decisive rebuff to this "master's" policy. We oppose the current government, against the combination of school and work, against the imperialist war, and against the rise in the cost of living. Let's do it together with everyone who faces the same contradictions - let's oppose a rotten system that puts the interests of employers and owners above the interests of the majority of the country's population. Now more than ever, it is important that workers, students and the unemployed come together to fight against future exploitation and despair. We will not allow the Democratic Party (il Partito Democratico) and the centre-left, who until recently worked for the interests of the capitalists and brought the right to power, to be involved in the student movement for their own benefit.

We are calling on schools, student groups and institutions across the country to join student action on November 18th. This day was chosen in anticipation of the general workers' strike and the national demonstration, which will take place on December 2 and 3, so we want to act as a united class front, because only in this way can we repel the attack of the capitalists. In the face of a new stage of struggle and upcoming events, we can no longer remain inactive. ... -politiki/

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Re: Italy

Post by blindpig » Thu Apr 27, 2023 1:58 pm

Italian left marks liberation day from fascism, takes a stand against the policies of Giorgia Meloni government

Communists and other progressive sections celebrated the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Italy from fascism, while highlighting the fascist roots of the current government led by Giorgia Meloni

April 26, 2023 by Peoples Dispatch

March by Partisan Youth in the mountains of Ligonchio in Reggio Emilia. (Photo: via FGC)

On Tuesday, April 25, communist parties and various other anti-fascist youth-student groups and trade unions organized events to mark the Liberation Day in Italy, commemorating the 78th anniversary of the liberation of the country from fascism and the victory of the resistance against Nazi Germany during World War II.

On Monday and Tuesday, progressive groups marched in various cities to pay tribute to the fallen heroes of the Italian resistance. They also denounced the anti-worker and pro-imperialist policies of the incumbent right-wing government led by Giorgia Meloni.

On Monday evening, working class sections in Turin took out a procession in the city, which was met with force from the police. Anti-fascist sections in Turin protested the police repression. They also countered people trying to march with NATO flags to support Italy’s participation in the war in Ukraine.

The Communist Youth Front (FGC) had organized a three-day ‘March of Partisan Youth’ from April 22-24, which traced the historic routes used by the 145th Garibaldi Brigade during World War II in Ligonchio in Reggio Emilia where they fought the fascists and the Nazis.

April 25 has been chosen as the Liberation Day in Italy as on this date in 1945, the National Liberation Committee officially proclaimed the insurgency against the German puppet state and the fascist collaborators in Northern Italy. In the same radio announcement, they declared the death sentence for all fascist leaders including Benito Mussolini. On April 28, 1945, Mussolini was executed by the Italian partisans.

Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) stated on Tuesday, “The partisans fought for a free country: free from the horrors of dictatorship, free from race theories that justified the extermination of millions of men and women, free from the yoke of world powers that had led to the slaughter of millions of men, and destroyed millions of lives in two world wars, free from exploitation and authoritarianism that raged under the fascist dictatorship. Their work is not simply something to commemorate, but an invitation to fight. Never like today is it necessary to update the values of the Resistance.”

Potere al Popolo also denounced the Meloni government as the most right-wing in Republican history and criticized it for attacking workers and wages, encouraging racism and discrimination against migrants by eliminating special protection, financing ‘Libyan lagers’ [concentration camps], and declaring war on refugees and rescues, pushing forward a cultural and ideological model totally reactionary towards women’s rights and the LGBTQ+ community, continuing to finance the war in Ukraine and increasing military spending in general, and endorsing predatory policies by big companies and multinationals that destroy humanity and the planet.

People across Italy and Europe have been experiencing a crisis brought on by the austerity-ridden, EU-dictated social and economic policies pushed by neo-liberal governments. Right-wing populist groups are also consolidating further by raising concerns about the ‘refugee crisis’.

Italy, battered by decades-long political crisis and the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, saw the election of a right-wing coalition government under Meloni in September 2022, marking the return of the far-right to power. Meloni’s party, the Brothers of Italy (FdI), has its roots in the neo-fascist Italian Social Movement, which champions conservatism, nationalism, and opposition to immigration.

Communist and working class sections in the country continue to resist the anti-worker, anti-refugee, and misogynist policies of the ruling coalition and have been protesting its imperialist actions and ideology. However, communists currently do not have representation in the Italian parliament.

On April 25, prior to the Liberation Day parade in Milan, Maurizio Acerbo from the leadership of the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) and the People’s Union (UP) stated that Meloni and right-wing groups in Italy are the heirs of the traitors who collaborated with Mussolini and Hitler, and they have no right to cherish the liberation of the country that was yielded by the resistance led by Italian partisans. ... overnment/
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Re: Italy

Post by blindpig » Tue May 30, 2023 1:59 pm

Giorgia Meloni government is a regime of private corporations that is normalizing fascism

Maurizio Coppola from Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) talks about his party’s campaign for a 10 Euro minimum wage, the Giorgia Meloni government’s attack on workers, and the attempt to normalize authoritarianism and fascism

May 30, 2023 by Muhammed Shabeer
Interview - Maurizio Coppola

Mobilization during Liberation Day on April 25, 2023. (Photo: via Potere al Popolo)

Peoples Dispatch (PD) speaks to Maurizio Coppola from the Italian leftist political party Potere al Popolo (Power to the People) regarding the policies of the far-right government in Italy led by Giorgia Meloni and the campaigns undertaken by the Italian working class to resist the anti-worker, anti-refugee, and misogynist policies of the ruling coalition .

Peoples Dispatch (PD): Can you tell us about Potere al Popolo’s campaign to ensure a minimum wage of 10 euros (US$ 10.72 USD) per hour in Italy. What has been the government’s response to instituting a minimum wage in the country?

Maurizio Coppola (MC): Italy is one of a few countries in the European Union without a legal minimum wage; 21 out of 27 EU countries have instituted minimum wages. In Italy, minimum wages are only determined in collective labor agreements, but these salaries are often very low — around four to six euros per hour. In addition, Italy is the only country in the continent where since 1990, real wages are not growing — they even diminished by 3% in the last 30 years. Thus, one out of 10 people in Italy are working poor, among the youth, this number increases to one out of six.

Already a year ago, Potere al Popolo started a political campaign seeking the introduction of a legal minimum wage. At the end of May, together with the alliance Unione Popolare, we submitted a legislative proposal to institute a minimum wage of at least 10 euros (US$ 10.72) per hour, which will also be automatically inflation-linked. On June 2, all over Italy, we will start collecting signatures. It is a way to respond to a concrete need of the people whose working and living conditions are under severe attack today, and at the same time, organize them at the workplaces, in the neighborhoods, and in local committees.

Despite the urgency of the demand, the government of Giorgia Meloni continues to say there is no need to regulate wages. Her opposition to a legal minimum wage is in continuity with the neoliberal politics of her predecessor and former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi. Today, the government prefers intervening with some one-time cuts in the labor tax wedge which temporarily brings some crumbs in the wallet of the workers, rather than introducing a systematic redistribution of the produced wealth. This confirms that the Giorgia Meloni government is a regime of private corporations and not of the working class.

PD: What has been the impact of the recent floods in the Emilia Romagna region? How effective is the government’s attempt to provide relief to the flood-affected people?

MC: What we are facing in the Emilia Romagna region today is not simply a natural catastrophe. It is the result of years and years of cementification of the country, misguided urban development, lack of maintenance of the hydrogeological basin of the territory, and the dismantling of public civil protection.

In Italy, the artificial covering of the soil has risen to 7.13% of the whole territory, the EU average is 4.2%. Every second, Italy loses 2 meters square through cementification, that is 19 hectares per day. As the ecological association Legambiente highlights, 16% of the Italian territory—where around 7.5 million people live—is at high hydrogeological risk.

Earthquakes, wildfires, floods: Italy was never ready to respond in a proper way and with a long-term perspective to any of these catastrophes. That’s why we are not talking about natural disasters but about the failure of all the governments over the previous decades — center-left, center-right, and ultra-right-led governments.

Giorgia Meloni has now promised an emergency financial intervention of 2 billion euros (US$ 2.14 billion), which she presented as “the highest emergency intervention in the history of Italy.” But, of course, the problems are deeper: How much money will be invested in the long term to strengthen the maintenance of the whole territory and the public institutions working on that aspect (civil, forest, hydrogeological protection, etc.) and how will the government get this money? Will it implement laws to protect the territory, for example, a radical stop to cementification? It is highly improbable that such steps will be taken.

PD: How do you evaluate the policies of the current government in Italy, especially towards the working class? On the 78th anniversary of the liberation of Italy from fascism, how do you view the fact that right-wing forces are still in mainstream Italian politics?

MC: The first eight months of the ultra-right government in Italy were characterized by at least four important aspects. First, the dismantling of social assistance payments for poor people that permitted around one million people to step out of absolute poverty in the last four years. Ironically, Giorgia Meloni used Workers’ Day on May 1 to present the reform which increases the obstacles to accessing public help for the working poor.

Second, the government has been accelerating attacks against migrants and refugees. Of course, the anti-migrant discourses and policies didn’t start with Giorgia Meloni, but we are witnessing an incredible acceleration on a number of different levels. The ultra-right government is limiting, once again, access to political and humanitarian asylum for those coming from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, and Iran. But the anti-migrant policies are also recognizable in the ultra-right family policies: facing falling birth rates and an extremely aging society, the government proposed introducing tax exemptions for families with more than one child. But the migrant population is mostly excluded from this measure, as migrants often earn too little to pay taxes and thus profit from tax exemption.

Third, there is also an acceleration in criminalizing social and political activism. In the aftermath of protest actions by Ultima Generazione—an ecologist movement composed of young people coloring walls of institutional buildings, museums, etc. in order to alert the population that we are headed to human extinction—the government presented a law that increases the punishment for activism to a 60,000 euro fine and the possibility of six years in prison. Of course, the aim of defining these activists as “terrorists” is not simply to punish the ecologist movement, but also and above all to scare off all sorts of social and political dissent.

Fourth, the treatment of memory and history has changed radically with the ultra-right government. Representatives of the Italian government are specifically working to erase anti-fascism from Italian history. Whether it be the significance of April 25 (the liberation day of Italy from Nazi-fascism thanks to the resistance led by partisans), the massacres of fascism, or the nature of the Italian Constitution, there is a conscious attempt to obscure the anti-fascist character of Italy’s past. This has two objectives: first, it’s a way to shift public attention away from the incapacity of the government to respond to the real needs of the working class; second, it’s a way to normalize authoritarianism and fascism in Italy again.

PD: What has been the popular opinion about the Italian government’s support for the war efforts in Ukraine? In what ways does the government collaborate in the escalation of the war and what has been the reaction from the Italian working class?

MC: Since the beginning of the war, Italy supported the militarization of the conflict led by the US and NATO (sending weapons, and logistical support to NATO bases in Italy), the political and economic marginalization through sanctions, and the cultural demonization through Russophobia (exclusion of Russian participants from cultural events, for example). These measures were initiated by Mario Draghi and continued by Giorgia Meloni.

During the past few years, different surveys and polls have confirmed that a majority of Italians are against sending weapons to Ukraine and against war. But, unfortunately, this social majority does not lead to a political majority; on the contrary, today, the entire Italian political-institutional spectrum supports the government’s position (with some exceptions in the government’s coalition parties Lega and Forza Italia). In addition, 15 months of one-sided reporting on the war has led to a change in public opinion: more and more people think that the only way to end the war is the military defeat of Russia.

The Italian government is contributing to the escalation of the war by preventing any peace negotiation efforts. In mid-May for example, when Ukrainian President Zelensky was touring Europe, he first stopped in Italy where he met Pope Francis who insisted on peace negotiations, and Giorgia Meloni who assured him additional military support. Why didn’t she back the peace efforts of the Pope? Because economic and political interests linked to the military-industrial complex and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine still dominate her positions, and not the people’s need for peace.

But there is also another side of Italy: On February 24, 2023, the Genoa dock workers organized a major demonstration against militarism at the port. The Italian peace movement seems to be reviving and is bringing thousands of people to the streets. It is our task now to join these forces in order to build political power and challenge not only the government’s support to the ongoing war in Ukraine but also the entire ultra-right regime of Giorgia Meloni. ... g-fascism/

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Re: Italy

Post by blindpig » Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:35 pm

Notorious “Secret Team” Headed by CIA Agent Theodore Shackley Was Involved in the Kidnapping and Assassination of Italian Premier Aldo Moro, Italian Parliamentary Investigations Show
By Denis Voltaire - October 27, 2023 1

Italian Christian Democracy President Aldo Moro. [Source:]

The Secret Team was a group of CIA agents run by CIA”s “Blond Ghost” Theodore Shackley that was involved in the most scandalous U.S. foreign policy interventions throughout the 1970s and 1980s, including the “October Surprise” and Iran-Contra affair. Now, Shackley’s “secret team” has been found to have had extensive connections to the assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro (1963-68 and 1974-76) by parliamentary commissions of inquiry in Italy and independent investigations.

Moro was long the nemesis of powerful conservative factions of the U.S. establishment, due to his insistence on engaging in direct political cooperation with the Italian Communist Party (PCI).


Secret Team member Edwin P. Wilson and his associate Frank Terpil, both former CIA officers, were running extensive operations in Qaddafi’s Libya, including delivery of weapons and military explosives, political assassinations and training and logistical support to various international terrorist groups, including the Italian Red Brigades, officially responsible for the kidnapping and murder of Moro in 1978.[1]

Frank Terpil [Source:]

For some of these illegal activities, Wilson was indicted and convicted by the federal government in the early 1980s and spent 20 years in prison.

In his trial defense, Wilson always maintained that he had conducted such operations on behalf of his former employer, the CIA.

A fraudulent affidavit signed by a top CIA official persuaded a U.S. jury that the Agency had terminated professional contacts with Wilson as of 1971.

However, subsequent investigations, initiated by Wilson and his attorney, exposed the government fraud, proving that Wilson had continued to operate for the CIA until at least 1982.

The documentation concerning the Secret Team connection to the Moro operation remains classified.

The Groundbreaking Findings of the New Moro Commission
According to the official record, Italian Christian Democracy President Aldo Moro was kidnapped by a radical left terror group, known as the Red Brigades, in Rome, on March 16, 1978.

Moro, escorted by a very tight and professional security detail, was on his way to the Italian Parliament, where the order of the day was the discussion, for the very first time, of the possible participation of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) in a coalition government.

Moro was ultimately assassinated, and his body found in the back of a red Renault in the center of Rome, on May 9, 1978.

Photos of the detained and deceased Aldo Moro. [Source:]

The official account, defended most stubbornly to this day, has always been that the Red Brigades had acted alone, without any significant external, especially governmental, intervention.

This author has reported about the intractable flaws and inconsistencies of the official narrative, and how that led to the establishment of a second parliamentary commission of inquiry into the Moro case, more than 35 years after the fact.

The last Moro Commission operated between 2014 and 2017, uncovering extremely valuable evidence and producing several final reports, the findings of which were largely inconsistent with the mainstream account.

It is now necessary to focus on the most sensitive discoveries of the Commission, particularly its reference to the Secret Team.

The details of Moro’s imprisonment and agony in the spring of 1978 have always been a matter of intense debate.

A particularly and persistently disputed point is the real hideout(s) where Moro was kept immediately after his kidnapping in Via Fani, Rome.

Multiple independent investigations and the last Moro Commission uncovered evidence that housing units in Rome, in Via Massimi 91 and 96, were used as Moro’s prison after the Via Fani operation.

Via Massimi 91, Rome. [Source:]

The units in question were owned by the “Institute for the Works of Religion” (IOR), the financial arm of the Vatican, implicated in highly controversial criminal episodes in the 1970-1980 timeline, and run by the even more controversial American archbishop Paul Marcinkus, who had strong ties to the Masonry and the U.S. intelligence establishment.

Paul Marcinkus [Source:]

More disturbingly, the Via Massimi 91 address also turned out to be the fiscal domicile of the U.S.-based Tumpane, identified in these operations as “Tumco” (also referred to as “Tumpco”), an “American company which had provided services to NATO and the U.S. [military] in Turkey.”

The Moro Commission was able to acquire evidence that “Tumco was engaged in intelligence activity to the benefit of a U.S. military intelligence entity based in Via Veneto in Rome, generally known as the ‘The Annexe.’

Taking into account the Italian operations of Tumpane, [Tumco] officially supported the U.S. radar monitoring network supporting NATO, named Troposcatter/NADGE.[2]

The Commission noted that these activities had not been properly disclosed to competent Italian authorities.

These revelations are significant enough. Yet, one cannot fail to add that Via Veneto in Rome is also the street of residence of the U.S. Embassy.

The Commission also found out that the Via Massimi unit had seen the extensive presence of Omar Yahia (1931-2003), a Libyan financier tied to Libyan and U.S. intelligence.

Yahia “collaborated extensively with Italian intelligence services” and “was, most likely, the person who put in touch the source ‘Damiano,’ who provided quality information on the Red Brigades to Italian intelligence.
His operations in Via Massimi 91 confirm the density of intelligence presences in that condo.”[3]

Evidently aware of the extremely sensitive nature of these findings, and already subject to an incredible amount of pressure, the Commission ordered the classification of the entire documentation concerning the intelligence connections in Via Massimi.

Shortly after the Moro Commission terminated its operations, however, one of its ranking representatives, Marco Carra, made more explicit and unsettling comments.

Marco Carra [Source:]

After pointing out the many investigative breakthroughs of the Commission’s work, Carra singled out the Secret Team specifically: “Omar Yehia [was] in touch with the Secret Team, an anti-communist structure set up by U.S. intelligence operatives, both in service and retired, conceived to make up for the CIA constraints resulting from the Watergate scandal reforms. It is worth bearing in mind this name, Secret Team, because it could come back to the forefront of the Moro affair as a very ‘protagonist’ actor.”[4]

This explosive comment by representative Carra, which also clearly proves that the Commission knew more than what it was willing to enter into the public record, was quickly eclipsed.[5]

Journalists and investigators familiar with the case, recently contacted by the author, confirmed that Carra has been extremely reluctant to revisit this episode and has avoided the subject altogether.

Such recent and groundbreaking developments, concerning the U.S. intelligence connection to the Moro affair, acquire even more value (and the ensuing, massive cover-up becomes more understandable), when viewed in the historical context of the U.S. investigation into Edwin Wilson and the Secret Team.

The sensitive information exposed by the last Moro Commission dovetails perfectly with the original investigations by U.S. authorities, which ultimately led to the indictment and conviction of Wilson in the early 1980s.

Extensive illegal operations of the Wilson group, particularly in Qaddafi’s Libya, were then exposed, sometimes leading to stunning connections of the “Secret Team” to international terrorism, including, which matters more to our case, in Italy.

Muammar Qaddafi [Source:]

In June 1981, quoting one such investigation from federal authorities, Seymour Hersh reported for The New York Times that the logistics and training provided by Wilson’s group were exploited in “support of such terrorist groups as the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Red Brigades of Italy, the Red Army of Japan, the Baader-Meinhof gang in Germany and the Irish Republican Army.” [Emphasis added.]

It was by moving from, and expanding on, these initial findings that two Italian investigative journalists, Mimmo Scarano and Maurizio de Luca, in their early work on the case, first advanced the theory that the two “Secret team” agents, Wilson and Terpil, were involved in the Moro affair, which stands largely vindicated today.[6]

The findings of the Moro Commission on Libyan operative Omar Yahia are also supported by the original investigations into this highly controversial figure, who enjoyed extensive connections to, and protection from, U.S. and international diplomacy and intelligence.

High-level insiders in the special forces known as the Green Berets, such as Luke F. Thompson, repeatedly went on record to confirm that they were dispatched to Libya to train terrorists, supervised by Wilson and Terpil, under the understanding that the whole operation had been sanctioned by the CIA.

The mention of the Green Berets in this affair is of great significance.

Kevin P. Mulcahy, a former CIA agent himself and a key whistleblower in the Wilson-Libya connection, referred to an unspecified “Italian involvement” with the Green Berets being trained in Libya.[7]

The possible presence of a Green Beret among the commandos that masterminded the Moro operation in Rome, has emerged repeatedly in Italian investigations.[8]

As has been noted since almost the inception of the inquiry into the Moro case, the Italian terrorist group known as the Red Brigades did not have—not remotely—the military training or operational capacity to execute such a complex action as the kidnapping of a high-profile political leader like Moro, who was escorted by five experienced law enforcement officers who were all killed in the operation.

Aftermath of the Via Fani kidnapping [Source:]

Ballistic experts have claimed consistently that the operational team in Via Fani must have included at least one professional military shooter flanking the official Red Brigades.

Senator Sergio Flamigni, the most prominent researcher of the Moro case in Italy, commented that, as to this unidentified shooter, investigations should focus on “the Libyan airplane heading to Geneva which, in the late afternoon of March 15, 1978 (the day before the Via Fani massacre), landed in [Rome’s] Fiumicino Airport instead, with four people on board, to take off again the following day…That flight is strongly suspected of having carried one or more killers affiliated with a particular structure training and supporting terrorist organizations, established in Tripoli (Libya) by Edwin P. Wilson and Frank Terpil, both former CIA agents.”

Despite the astonishing nature of these developments, a thick layer of stone-cold silence has fallen on the case and the findings of the Moro Commission.

In the U.S., the silence is even more deafening. In the virtually unique case when the results of the last Moro investigation were addressed, U.S. mainstream academia set a new standard of denial, claiming that “the commission thus took a ‘ghost story’ approach to the case, but then found absolutely nothing to bear out any of the conspiracy theories. The parliamentary investigators produced a vast quantity of documents without adding anything of substance to our knowledge about Moro’s tragic end.”[9]

Kissinger’s nightmare: The Italian Communist Party and Moro’s “Historic Compromise”
How did agents of the U.S. establishment end up being connected to one of the most notorious criminal cases of the 20th century, targeting a major political leader of an allied country?

As it happens, the story between Moro and the U.S.-NATO establishment accounted for a long series of reciprocal misunderstandings, distrust and ultimate hostility.

It would be accurate to state that Moro and the U.S. went back a long way.

As a matter of fact, Moro had already ignited intense controversy in the U.S. in the early 1960s, because of his efforts to involve the Italian Socialist Party in a political coalition with the Christian Democracy Party.

Yet, it was certainly Moro’s policy of seeking political involvement of the Italian Communist Party (PCI) in Italy’s government—the so-called “Historic Compromise” in the 1970s, justified, in his view, by the indisputable influence of the party in Italy’s politics and society—which drew the fatal ire of the U.S. (and others).

It is true that the PCI, with its strong ties to Moscow, had always been a source of extreme concern for the U.S., since the end of the Second World War.

It is a matter of record that the first major operation of the CIA was indeed aimed at preventing an electoral victory of the PCI in the crucial Italian elections of 1948.

“Vote, or they will be your master,” poster concerning Italy’s 1948 elections. [Source:]
From the U.S. standpoint, Italy, since 1949 a crucial NATO ally in Southern Europe, hosting a large number of U.S. bases, simply could not be allowed to “go communist.”

Very few representatives in the U.S. political and diplomatic establishment epitomized the hostility toward Moro’s policies more than Henry Kissinger.

Powerful mastermind Henry Kissinger. [Source:]

The obsession of Kissinger with the Italian PCI actually verged on the pathological.

So extreme was the sensitivity of Kissinger to this issue that he constantly referred to Italy, almost reflexively, any time the possibility of a “communist,” if not just “socialist,” takeover would materialize anywhere in the world, regardless of how grounded in fact such concerns were.

The National Security Archive of George Washington University, which conducted prodigious research unveiling the U.S.’s extensive subversive activities in South America, and Kissinger’s role in them, documented quite an enlightening episode.

The recently declassified record shows that plans to remove Salvador Allende from power in Chile were actually devised early on, shortly after Allende’s historic electoral victory in 1970.

Central to the hostility against the Chilean leader was the fear that his case could be replicated elsewhere in the world, including Western Europe.

Salvador Allende [Source:]

In a briefing memo addressed to President Nixon, in preparation for the crucial NSC meeting which took place on November 6, 1970, Kissinger struck a very ominous note, anticipating the darker course of actions ahead: “The election of Allende as President of Chile poses for us one of the most serious challenges ever faced in this hemisphere…Your decision as to what to do about it may be the most historic and difficult foreign affairs decision you will have to make this year…for what happens in Chile over the next six to twelve months will have ramifications that will go far beyond just U.S.-Chilean relations.”

Elaborating on the ramifications of an accepted “Marxist” government such as Allende’s, Kissinger warned that Allende’s “model effect can be insidious”:

“The example of a successful elected Marxist government in Chile would surely have an impact on—and even precedent value for—other parts of the world, especially in Italy; the imitative spread of similar phenomena elsewhere would in turn significantly affect the world balance and our own position in it.” [Emphasis added.]

A quote oscillating between creative ways to endorse democratic processes and quite evocative “domino theory” interpretations applied elsewhere in the world, particularly in Southeast Asia, with not exactly enthusiastic outcomes.

In fact, Kissinger almost overwhelmed the historical record with his anti-PCI outbursts.

The volumes of the Foreign Relations of the United States published in the past decade, concerning the Ford administration’s policy on Western Europe and NATO, exhaustively illustrate Kissinger’s obsession with the Italian case.

President Ford [Source:]

A September 1975 meeting between Kissinger and European senior officials, gathered in New York to discuss Europe’s “Southern flank,” and the possible participation of “socialist” parties in the region governments, is a case in point.

The discussion was overwhelmingly dominated by the obsessive fear that any “opening to the left” in Southern Europe, regardless of how moderate, could represent a dangerous precedent for Italy and benefit the Italian Communist Party politically.

The connection to Italy of any détente policy with European socialist parties returns endlessly in the meeting, and the verbatim quote of not creating “a precedent for Italy” is repeated three times, with Kissinger stating it twice in the span of a few paragraphs.

The centenarian statesman was not shy in expressing his radical hostility to the possible opening to the PCI directly to Aldo Moro, irrespective of the actual intentions of Moro and of any moderation process the PCI was engaged in at the time, which would accept Italy’s membership in NATO.

Shortly before the New York Summit, on August 1, 1975, Ford, Kissinger, Moro and then Italian Foreign Minister Mariano Rumor met on the occasion of the famous Helsinki security accords, in Finland and the discussion centered again on European security.

Moro and Soviet Premier Brezhnev in Helsinki. [Source:]

The theoretical possibility of the PCI joining the Italian government was again on the table, and the conversation escalated rapidly.

Regardless of the political merit of each side’s case, the incredibly tense exchange and the harshness and tone used by Kissinger toward Moro (on that occasion acting as Italy’s Prime Minister!), certainly not usual between representatives of two allies, especially in an official meeting, is still striking almost half a century later.

After Moro attempted to represent the difficult balancing act of the PCI with respect to NATO and its particular influence in Italian politics, Kissinger went off:

“Secretary [Kissinger]: If I may speak more bluntly than the President, we don’t care if they [the PCI] sign onto NATO in blood. Having the communists in the Government of Italy would be completely incompatible with continued membership in the Alliance. There is a difference between an election tactic and reality. There is no way that we can be persuaded to be in an Alliance with governments including communists which is supposed to be against communism, no matter what you say.

President [Ford]: Henry is a very subtle diplomat.

Secretary [Kissinger]: If the President wants me to, I can say these things in undiplomatic language.”[10]

The exchange may be regarded as being eloquent enough.

Suspicious minds may infer that, if U.S. officials were not afraid of sending such stern warnings in official meetings, they could be even more transparent off the record.

In fact, what the official government record does not, and cannot, reflect is the way more sinister machinations were taking place behind the scenes, in order to force Moro to abort his policy of opening to the Communist Party.

Moro told his closest associates, and his wife Eleonora, that senior American officials had explicitly threatened the gravest consequences, in case he did not relent in his “Historic Compromise” strategy toward the PCI.

The most serious episode had occurred in September 1974, in connection with several high-level meetings that an Italian government delegation, including Moro, then foreign minister, and Italian President Giovanni Leone, held with U.S. officials, notably President Ford and Henry Kissinger.

German Chancellor Willy Brandt had reportedly warned Moro of “a worrying coalescence of hostile forces” against his politics, connected to “strong U.S. interest groups.”

Willy Brandt [Source:]

Moro was advised to accept a confidential meeting with a U.S. intelligence official to discuss his policies opening to the left.

The meeting would take place in the residence of the unidentified officer, located in the hinterlands of New York.

While the Italian delegation was engaged in a social event, Moro went, escorted only by a trusted member of its security detail, Marshal Oreste Leonardi.

During the sinister meeting, Moro was told—in unequivocal terms—that the U.S. establishment opposed his policies and that there existed “firm resolution, within U.S. intelligence as well, to disrupt his policies.”

U.S. opposition was not confined to “his progressive opening to the PCI,” but extended to Moro’s détente policies with the Arab world.

The Christian Democracy leader was also alerted to the fact that, to that effect, “groups operating on the side of intelligence services, strictly speaking, could be deployed to exert direct pressure,” hence suggesting possibly more dangerous consequences, given the plausible deniability associated with such groups.

The U.S. official, while showing “an understanding for the arguments of Moro overall,” also encouraged Moro “to take a detached look at a reality, which could result in situations as unpleasant as unthinkable at the time.”[11]

Several close associates of Moro reported that, shortly after that meeting, Moro cancelled all his pending engagements and fell ill.

These hyper-confidential, sensitive disclosures were corroborated, in their substance, by top insiders’ depositions.

Moro’s widow, testifying to the first Italian Parliamentary Commission investigating the case, confirmed that her husband had received explicit threats: “It was one of the very few times my husband quoted precisely what they had told him, without citing the name of the person in question.”

Eleonora Moro [Source:]

The unnamed official made unsubtle comments to Moro, to the effect that “he must stop pursuing his political plan to get all the political forces in his country to work together. So, either he’d stop doing so or he would pay dearly for it. It was up to him how to interpret that.”

Corrado Guerzoni, a long-time associate and close friend of Moro revealed equally disturbing details.[12]

Corrado Guerzoni [Source:]

Returning from that traumatizing encounter in the U.S., in September 1974, Moro told Guerzoni that he intended to withdraw from politics altogether.

Moro directly “blamed the American pressures for his [expected] withdrawal from politics” and added that he was also threatened by the following: “If you go on like that, your country will be economically strangled.”[13]

Moro was indeed increasingly isolated after that eventful meeting.

A change in the political scene provided for a temporary respite, and Moro did not follow through on his contemplated decision to quit Italian politics.

Yet, the Italian political landscape remained extremely unstable, and the persistent influence of the PCI continued to dominate and poison U.S.-Italy relations.

The Steve Pieczenik mystery
It might be objected, in principle, that the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro took place in the spring of 1978, hence during the Carter, not Ford, presidency, when the Republicans and Kissinger were no longer in control.

President Carter [Source:]

The political changes, real or assumed, in Carter’s foreign policy, compared to his predecessors, cannot be discussed herein, but they do not really bear, in a substantial manner, on the question of U.S. policy toward the PCI.

Even the official record shows conclusively that, while articulated in a more diplomatic fashion, Carter’s U.S. foreign policy toward “euro-communism” did not significantly diverge from the previous administrations.[14]

In a manner, that was almost inevitable, as the PCI, in the national election of 1976, while not obtaining the hoped-for result (or even the electoral victory, as feared paranoically in U.S. circles), still received a record 34.4% of votes, making the case for the “Historic Compromise” with Christian Democracy, in Moro’s and other politicians’ eyes, even more compelling.

PCI leader Enrico Berlinguer, left, and Aldo Moro. [Source:]

Furthermore, staunchly conservative and anti-communist forces were adequately represented in the Carter administration as well, most significantly in the person of National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who exerted considerable leverage on the foreign policy making concerning Italy.

Zbigniew Brzezinski [Source:].

It is also inaccurate to contend that Kissinger was out of the picture, simply because he no longer occupied government positions.

It is well known that the now 100-year-old statesman continued to hold significant sway in the U.S. foreign policy establishment, which carries on even today.

In any event, the Carter administration ultimately announced publicly its hostility to the presence of communists in any Italian government.

In January 1978, just two months before the Moro kidnapping, the State Department issued an official communiqué, summarizing the position of the White House.[15]

Carter, essentially, issued a warning to French and Italian democratic leaders against inviting the Communists to join their governments.

According to the president, it was precisely when democracy was up against difficult challenges that its leaders had to show “firmness in resisting the temptation of finding solutions in nondemocratic forces.”

“Administration leaders have repeatedly expressed our views on the issue of Communist participation in West European governments. Our position is clear: we do not favor such participation and would like to see Communist influence in any Western European country reduced….The United States and Italy share profound democratic values and interests, and we do not believe that the Communists share these values and interests.”

Whatever the ultimate chain of command was in the Moro operation, which cannot be ascertained, the long hand of U.S. intelligence assets was ubiquitous in it.

Keep in mind that the Italian Government Crisis Committee, established by Interior Minister Francesco Cossiga to manage the Moro kidnapping crisis, was extensively infiltrated by the notorious Masonic Lodge P2, headed by U.S. asset Licio Gelli, including the heads of Italian military and civil intelligence at the time.

Ubiquitous puppeteer Licio Gelli. [Source:]

Bear in mind also the neo-fascist orientation of the U.S.-backed P2 Lodge: One is hard-pressed to find in history a comparable case, where the fox is tasked with watching the hen house.

It was not until the first decade of the 21st century, however, that the role of another, extremely ambiguous U.S. emissary became known.

Cuban-born with Polish heritage, a brilliant background at Cornell, Harvard and MIT behind him, Steve Pieczenik was a psychiatrist by training and an expert in terrorist and hostage crisis management at the State Department.

Steve Pieczenik [Source:]

It was in that capacity that Pieczenik was dispatched to Italy in 1978, in order to provide expert advice to the Moro crisis management committee.

It turned out, however, that his role was much more complicated, and darker.

In a 2006 book confession by French journalist Emmanuel Amara, significantly titled “We killed Aldo Moro” (in the original French) and subsequent revelations, Pieczenik admitted that his mission was ultimately oriented “to sacrifice Moro in order to preserve Italy’s political stability.”[16]

Pieczenik’s “confession book.” [Source:]

Pieczenik was actually very close to Henry Kissinger, and recalled himself in the book that it was “Kissinger and Lawrence Eagleburger who first recruited” him “to create the first crisis and antiterrorism cell in international history.”

Among other disclosures, Pieczenik also admitted that he went so far as to mastermind the infamous “Duchess Lake” communiqué issued during Moro’s imprisonment and attributed to the Red Brigades, which disseminated the false information that Moro was lying dead at the bottom of a lake near Rome.

It was, in the words of Pieczenik, a “psychological operation,” aimed at “preparing the Italian and European public to the possible death of Moro,” which ultimately occurred on May 9, 1978, but also misled investigators away from the real whereabouts of Moro.[17]

In a 2013 interview with the respected Italian journalist Giovanni Minoli, Pieczenik was even more blunt:

“[SP:] At that time, we were shutting down all the channels through which Moro could have been released.”


“[GM:] So, basically, since day one you thought and said to Cossiga: Moro must die.”

“[SP:] As far as I am concerned, the thing was obvious. Cossiga realized that only in the last weeks. Aldo Moro was the fulcrum to sacrifice, around which revolved the salvation of Italy.”

Giovanni Minoli discussing the interview with Pieczenik. [Source:]

The public disclosures of Pieczenik were so unsettling that they not only ignited a significant political firestorm, but also caused Italian prosecutors to open a criminal investigation against the U.S. crisis expert for possible complicity in murder.

According to Rome’s general prosecutor Luigi Ciampoli, “serious evidence suggests the American worked behind the scenes to make sure that Moro’s murder was the only ‘necessary and inescapable’ option left available to his abductors.”

At some point the diplomatic issue became serious enough that, in 2014, the Obama administration compelled Pieczenik to cooperate with the Italian authorities.

In furtherance of a mutual assistance request with U.S. counterparts, investigative magistrate Luca Palamara was able to interrogate Pieczenik.

Quite incongruously, however, Pieczenik was not heard as an accused, but as a fact witness in the murder case.[18]

Magistrate Luca Palamara [Source:]

On July 29, 2015 Palamara was also heard on this highly sensitive matter by the Moro Commission.

The outcome, at this point, is almost predictable. Both the interrogatory of Pieczenik, except for a few excerpts published by the Italian press, and the deposition of Palamara to the Moro Commission, were classified.

The whole matter was almost literally buried and the lead of Pieczenik could not be pursued any further.

While the Pieczenik affair is relatively well-known in Italy, the groundbreaking revelations of the U.S. envoy have been almost entirely suppressed and are unknown in the United States.[19]

United States of America v. Edwin Paul Wilson—the significance of the case for the Moro affair and beyond
Based on the currently available information, it is now possible to connect the dots and draw some troubling conclusions on the CIA-Wilson connection to the Moro affair, and beyond.

First, it is important to note that the criminal activities of Wilson’s group, hence including the support to the Italian Red Brigades, are not in question, nor were they ever.

It was U.S. federal prosecutors themselves, while in the highly selective manner which concealed the CIA connection, that exposed and indicted Wilson’s controversial enterprises.

What was in question, until one of Wilson’s convictions was thrown out, was that he was carrying out such activities while he was still cooperating with the CIA, which the Agency falsely denied, regardless of the official role or connection he may have had with the Agency at the time.

The evidence exposed during the criminal investigation that ultimately led to Wilson’s original conviction to be vacated, in 2003, largely eliminated any doubt on this point.

This final corroboration—on top of the existing, overwhelming evidence—certainly makes a compelling case for U.S. agencies’ accountability in the Moro case.

Yet, it also opens the classical Pandora’s box as to CIA complicity in the myriad other controversial activities in which Wilson and the Secret Team were involved.

It is then quite useful to review the major facts leading to Wilson’s final exoneration, because they reveal how deeply Wilson was actually involved with the Agency and to what extent the CIA and the U.S. government were willing to go, breaking the law repeatedly, to remove themselves from Wilson, clear evidence of the extreme sensitivity of Wilson’s activities.[20]

Furthermore, while the mainstream press was forced to briefly cover the 2003 judgment vacating the conviction of Wilson, it overwhelmingly underreported, downplayed or ignored the judicial case’s highly sensitive information regarding Wilson’s CIA connections, and their cover-up by the U.S. government.[21]

After a 1982 conviction (and a sentence of ten years in prison) in Virginia for smuggling weapons to the Libyans, Wilson was tried again in 1983, in Texas, on charges of shipping 42,000 pounds of C-4 plastic explosive to Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 1977, and then hiring U.S. experts—former U.S. Army Green Berets—to teach Libyans how to make bombs.

Wilson’s defense all along was that he had acted, at least implicitly, under the direction and authority of the CIA.

Wilson presented testimony to the effect that his ties to the Agency were ongoing, and the case outcome was uncertain.

Charles A. Briggs [Source:]

To refute Wilson’s claims, the government introduced an affidavit from Charles A. Briggs, then Executive Director of the CIA, the third-highest ranking official in the Agency.

Briggs stated, under penalty of perjury, that Wilson’s official employment with the CIA had ended in 1971, and that, “according to Central Intelligence Agency records, with one exception while he was employed by Naval Intelligence in 1972, Mr. Edwin P. Wilson was not asked or requested, directly or indirectly, to perform or provide any service, directly or indirectly, for [the] CIA.”[22]

Judge Hughes [Source:]

Briggs’s sworn statement turned out to be absolutely false, but it turned the case in favor of the prosecution. In February 1983, Wilson was convicted and sentenced to 17 years in prison.

In 1997, through FOIA requests, Wilson obtained documents contradicting Briggs’s affidavit and sent them to U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes. For Wilson’s defense, Judge Hughes appointed attorney David Adler, interestingly enough a former CIA agent himself.

A successful and still-practicing attorney in Texas, Adler was able to review classified CIA and government information for the defense, thus becoming the crucial figure in the reversal of the case against Wilson and, indirectly, in the advancement of the historical truth.[23]

Defense attorney David Adler. [Source:]

The evidence collected and submitted by Adler exposed a consistent pattern of government misconduct and cover-up, aimed at wiping out Wilson’s connection to the CIA.

First, as Judge Hughes’s Opinion notes, even before the sentencing of Wilson, “the Government admitted internally that [Briggs’s] affidavit was false.”

A CIA investigator had drafted a memorandum for the Inspector General documenting several cases where Wilson had worked for the Agency after 1971.

“The employee who drafted the memorandum had conducted most of the pre-trial investigations on Wilson’s post-employment contacts with the CIA; he knew the Briggs affidavit was false.”[24] [Emphasis added.]

Even more importantly, the new evidence, duly detailed in Judge Hughes’s Opinion, showed extensive and far-reaching cooperation between Wilson and the CIA, well beyond the stated “limit year” of 1971.

Two instances deserve special attention:

When the CIA Inspector General investigated the case, “the magnitude of Wilson’s involvement with the CIA became stark: the CIA found eighty non-social contacts between Wilson and CIA employees, including almost forty times where Wilson furnished services to the CIA between 1972 and 1978.”[25] [Emphasis added.]

It was also revealed that, among the documents that the Justice Department had not turned over to Wilson’s lawyers in the original case, there were lengthy handwritten notes, taken by the prosecutors during a meeting with CIA officials held on July 13, 1982.

The Hughes Opinion notes that, “equally troubling, the notes are derived from documents that were not disclosed to Wilson’s trial or appellate lawyers.…

Several pages of the prosecutor’s notes mirror a detailed chronological summary of the CIA’s use of Wilson and his businesses since 1971. That summary, and four others dating from 1973 through 1982, were circulated within the CIA on October 1, 1982; none was produced.”[26]

It is then conclusively documented that the CIA kept relying, extensively, on Wilson’s services until as late as 1982—and was keeping careful record of it.[27]

The Agency’s own internal investigation had made that clear since the beginning, yet nothing was done to share such crucial information with Wilson’s defense.

In criticizing the government’s misconduct in the case, transparently steered by the imperative need to conceal the U.S. government ties to such an inconvenient and controversial asset as Wilson, Judge Hughes did not mince words:

“Honesty comes hard to the government.…

In the course of American justice, one would have to work hard to conceive of a more fundamentally unfair process with a consequentially unreliable result than the fabrication of false data by the government, under oath by a government official, presented knowingly by the prosecutor in the courtroom with the express approval of his superiors in Washington.”[28]

The implications of this case for CIA responsibility, and complicity in Wilson’s extensive criminal activities, are evident, and supersede the Aldo Moro case.

As to the latter, several conclusions are certainly inescapable now.

It is undeniable that Wilson’s group was indeed still “providing services” to the CIA in the spring of 1978, during the facts of the Moro case.

Also, the Agency was evidently aware, as cited in The New York Times article and other sources, that, through Wilson’s “services,” military training and other aid was provided to several terrorist groups operating in Europe, including the Red Brigades, supposedly implicated in the Moro kidnapping and assassination.

As research into the Secret Team grows and shows how ubiquitous its criminal activities were, so does the need for full government disclosure.


1.For an authoritative review of the Secret Team and Wilson’s controversial activities, and his close, entrenched, ties to top CIA officers like Shackley and Thomas Clines, see the always-relevant biography of Theodore Shackley by David Corn, Blond Ghost (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994; see also Joseph J. Trento, Prelude to Terror: Edwin P. Wilson and the Legacy of America’s Private Intelligence Network (New York: Basic Books, 2006). ↑

2.Final Report of the Parliamentary Commission investigating the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, December 6, 2017, 268-69. ↑

3.Idem. ↑

4.Ansa, Moro: Carra, Gallinari in via Massimi e spunta il “Secret Team”, December 13, 2017.

5.The ANSA article quoting it, at this writing, is no longer available on-line. ↑

6.Mimmo Scarano and Maurizio de Luca, Il mandarino è marcio: terrorismo e cospirazione nel caso Moro, Editori Riuniti, 1985. ↑

7.L’Europeo, November 15, 1982. Mulcahy was ultimately found dead in a Virginia motel cabin in October 1982. The circumstances were highly suspicious and Green Beret Luke Thompson, another crucial insider in the Libyan affair, clearly stated his belief that Mulcahy was murdered to prevent him from testifying in the trial against Edwin Wilson. ↑

8.Mimmo Scarano and Maurizio de Luca, cit., 119-24. ↑

9.Richard Drake, Moro: L’inchiesta senza finale by Fabio Lavagno and Vladimiro Satta (book review), in Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 20, No. 4, Fall 2018, 252-53. ↑

10.In Memorandum of Conversation [originally classified “Secret NODIS”], August 1, 1975, Ford Presidential Library. ↑

11.Mimmo Scarano and Maurizio de Luca, Il mandarino è marcio, cit., pp.25-26, quoting confidential sources, connected to Atlantic services, familiar with the case. In hindsight, while it’s obviously impossible to prove such a connection directly, the possible reference to assets such as the Secret Team as the “groups operating on the side of intelligence services” is blatantly transparent. ↑

12.Eleonora Moro, Testimony to the Parliamentary Commission of Investigation into the Via Fani Massacre, the Kidnapping and Murder of Aldo Moro, August 1, 1980. ↑

13.Corrado Guerzoni, Testimony to the Parliamentary Commission of Investigation into the Via Fani Massacre, the Kidnapping and Murder of Aldo Moro, February 16, 1983. ↑

14.See, in particular, Olav Njølstad, “The Carter Administration and Italy: Keeping the Communists Out of Power Without Interfering,” Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 4, No. 3, Summer 2002, 56-94. ↑

15.Statement Issued by the Department of State, January 12, 1978, American Foreign Policy: BasicDocuments (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1983), 514–15. ↑

16.Emmanuel Amara, Nous avons tué Aldo Moro, Patrick Robin Editions, 2006, 80. ↑

17.Ibid., 140. ↑

18.Magistrate Palamara eventually explained that this choice was intended to prevent Pieczenik from invoking the right not to answer as a defendant Palamara later came to regret his decision. ↑

19.The edition of Amara’s book referred to here is the original French edition. The book has never been translated into English and is largely unavailable in the U.S. market. ↑

20.See especially the Opinion on Conviction issued by Judge Lynn N. Hughes, UNITED STATES of America v. Edwin Paul WILSON, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas – 289 F. Supp. 2d 801 (S.D. Tex. 2003), October 27, 2003, which represents the leading source for this section and the Wilson criminal case. ↑

21.Wilson’s obituary in The New York Times, September 22, 2012, remarkably concise for an incredibly complex story such as Wilson’s, is a case in point. ↑

22.Ibid., 8. ↑

23.The author has been in contact with Attorney Adler, who has provided useful input and corroborating information. ↑

24.Hughes Opinion, cit., p.9, quoting Wilson Motion to Vacate, Ex.85.

25.Ibid., 6, See also Ex. 101 to Wilson Motion to Vacate (an exhibit copy was courteously provided to the author by Attorney Adler).

26.Ibid., 17. Also see Government Appendix, Ex. A (shared with the author by attorney Adler)

27.Adler confirmed this crucial point to the author as the correct interpretation of the CIA records cited by Judge Hughes. ↑

28.Hughes Opinion, cit., 11 and 20. ↑ ... ions-show/
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Re: Italy

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 26, 2024 4:00 pm

On Liberation Day, Italy continues to struggle against revisionism and fascist legacy in government

Thousands gathered across Italy to celebrate Liberation Day, commemorating the efforts of the anti-fascist resistance that helped shape the country’s foundation

April 25, 2024 by Peoples Dispatch

Source: Potere al Popolo - Roma

Dozens of cities and towns across Italy commemorated Liberation Day on April 25, reflecting on the historical struggle against fascism in the region. This anniversary serves not only as a day of a remembrance but also as a call to action against contemporary forms of oppression and revisionism – or at least it should. Amid calls for solidarity and peace issued ahead of the day itself, the demonstrations were held in a context of high-strung tension as the government led by Giorgia Meloni embraced policies perceived by most as a nod to Italy’s darkest times.

Liberation Day not only marks the defeat of Nazi occupation and the disbanding of fascist structures that plagued Italy for two decades, but also honors the contributions made by thousands of resistance members to such liberation. Groups like Potere al Popolo underscored the importance of keeping the memory of the anti-fascist resistance alive and active, urging people to join the demonstrations to oppose all forms of oppression and the erasure of popular struggles from public memory.

Today, there is little doubt that the importance of Liberation Day within contemporary politics is more pronounced than ever. The stance of many of Meloni’s ministers on the day as being “divisive” overlooks its potential for social mobilization for justice, focusing instead on policies that degrade human dignity through low wages, unsafe work conditions, and weakened social services.

In the weeks leading up to Liberation Day, the discourse within government circles stirred uneasiness. Several ministers indirectly challenged the day’s significance, continuing to push for policies that seem to undermine the foundational values of the republic. The National Association of Partisans of Italy (ANPI) has been open in its criticism of this, accusing the government of endangering not only economic but also social rights, betraying a legacy which honored the working class and repudiated war.

Instead of recalling this legacy, the current right-wing government prefers a memory “that has its roots in the 20-year fascist era and its nostalgia,” ANPI wrote.

Another point of contention was the position of the government and some of the more conservative groups involved in preparing for the Liberation Day demonstrations, with regards to the ongoing Israeli war on Gaza. The Meloni government continues to support Israel in its attacks against the people of Palestine, including through the export of arms. Moreover, many organizers of the central event in Milan did not draw a parallel between the resistance movements in World War II Europe and those in the occupied Palestinian territories today.

Yet, the feeling among those in the streets is very different, with a strong presence of pro-Palestine groups in the mobilizations leading up to April 25. Today’s liberation is bound to be both anti-zionist and anti-fascist, many of the groups calling for mobilizations stated – most prominently students’ associations and Potere al Popolo.

Read more: Italian students challenge universities for their complicity in Israel’s crimes
“The Palestinian resistance teaches us that the times of struggle may be long, but transformation is inevitable for those who refuse to accept the barbarity of radical injustice and oppression,” stated Potere al Popolo. This sentiment encapsulates the spirit of April 25 as more than a commemoration—it’s a renewal of commitment to fight against all forms of oppression.

“To be a partisan means to take part. Taking to the streets on April 25 is to fight against war and genocide in Palestine and for the freedom of oppressed peoples everywhere,” the group declared.

With another Liberation Day celebrated, the challenge for Italy remains to engage with lessons of the resistance in the present. As pro-war rhetoric in Europe grows stronger by the day, Liberation Day’s messages of peace and unity are more relevant than ever. They serve as a reminder that the fight against oppression, in any form, is far from over and that the values incorporated in Europe’s resistance movements are as vital today as they were in the late 1940s. ... overnment/
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