Coup d’etat II Case in Bolivia
February 16, 2022
By Romina Guadalupe González Ramos – Feb 15, 2022
The object of this article is to provide real and reliable information regarding the so-called Coup d’etat II case in Bolivia.
“Coup d’etat II” refers to the trial that is being carried out against former senator Jeanine Áñez, who declared herself the president of Bolivia, on November 12, 2019, without meeting all the necessary institutional requirements to do so, and who is currently been accused of a breach of duties and resolutions contrary to the Constitution, when she assumed the Bolivian presidency via a coup d’état. Añez is on trial together with her former Chief of the Armed Forces Flavio Gustavo Arce and former commanders Pastor Mendieta (of the army), Gonzalo Terceros (of the air force) and Palmiro Jarjury (of the armed forces). There are also two fugitives who have not been brought to justice so far: former Police Commander Yuri Calderón and former Commander of the Armed Forces Williams Kaliman.
The legal proceedings against Áñez and the other defendants have been carried out under the principle of independence of the branches of the government, and falls on the judicial authorities of Bolivia. The accused have been offered all the judicial guarantees offered by both the Bolivian Constitution and the international human rights mechanisms. So far, the trial has been carried out respecting the rules of fair trial, with the presumption of innocence and with due process.
Áñez has been accused of committing criminal offenses of non-compliance with her duties and for executive resolutions contrary to the Constitution and the laws typified in articles 153 and 154 of the penal code of Bolivia.
The trial is based on a document of indictment, in which it is stated that former senator Jeanine Áñez declared herself, firstly, president of the Senate, and then president of Bolivia, without respecting the rules and procedures for succession of mandate according to the Constitution.
The accusation states that Áñez executed an order contrary to the regulations of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (ALP), violating the Constitution and the Senate regulations in the following circumstances:
The necessary and sufficient quorum did not exist in the ALP when Áñez proclaimed herself President. Nor was a session called to debate or approve the resignations, made verbally, of the President of the Senate, Adriana Salvatierra, and the Senate Vice President, Rubén Medinacelli.
Áñez colluded with both the Armed Forces and the Police to surround the ALP building so that the assembly members of the Movement for Socialism (MAS), which had two-thirds of the seats in the ALP, could not enter the chamber.
The election of a majority representative could not have been carried out in the ALP at that time, since ex-Senator Áñez belonged to a minority force in the legislative.
The plaintiffs in the trial are the current President of the Senate, Andrónico Rodríguez; the lawyers of the Ministry of Government, Daniela Zabala, Belen Luna and Julissa Duran; and lawyers from the Attorney’s Office, Juan Clemor, Javier Zabalaga and Miguel Angel Chumacero.
The veracity of the facts in the Coup d’état II case makes it clear that in Bolivia there is no political persecution as Mrs. Áñez would have us believe through a deliberate disinformation media campaign carried out by her and her relatives, together with other agents and supporters who were part of the disastrous November 2019 coup.
Featured image: Former de facto president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, is now under trial for her role in the 2019 coup. Photo: HispanTV
Translation: Orinoco Tribune

Bolivia’s Government Returns Fleet of Venezuelan Automobiles Stolen by Guaidó´s Minions
January 18, 2022
According to the Minister of the Presidency, Carlos Eduardo del Castillo, authorities from the Plurinational State of Bolivia delivered a fleet of vehicles to Venezuela which had been stolen by representatives of Juan Guaidó during “diplomatic meetings” which took place under the dictatorship of Jeanine Añez.
The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, explained that Guaidó’s web of lies, concocted to overthrow the government of Venezuela, was supported by the regime which briefly took power in Bolivia after the coup d’état against Evo Morales.
“We delivered the keys to Venezuelan diplomatic personnel,” wrote Minister Castillo on social media. “The recovered vehicles which were stolen by Juan Guaidó’s lackeys from the embassy of Venezuela in Bolivia during their 2019-2022 meetings with the Añez regime.”
More than 34 vehicles were stolen by the personnel placed by Guaidó in La Paz, during the time that they worked with the dictator Jeanine Añez. However, of those 34 vehicles, only 15 of them have been recovered so far.
Other stolen goods
Minister Castillo also noted that a powerful antenna belonging to a Venezuelan communications company was also stolen, together with a firearm and ammunition. These items were recovered. In addition, they have found more communications and broadcasting equipment stolen from the Venezuelan embassy in Bolivia.
“On different occasions, through several raids, we have been able to recover some of the 34 vehicles which were stolen and then sold by those foreign actors who illegally entered in our country,” explained the government official.
He added that an individual identified as Cesar Hernández, a former employee at the embassy, was responsible for the illegal acquisition of four of the vehicles which were then sold using false documents, and that other individuals were complicit in the crime.
Similarly, Castillo explained that the authorities are still carrying out the investigation in order to find the safe houses where the rest of the cars, property of the Venezuelan government, are hidden. “In the name of the government and people of Bolivia, we deeply lament the damage inflicted on our peoples by Añez and Guaidó,” he declared.
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Colombian Mercenaries Involved in Attempted Assassination of Luis Arce after 2020 Elections in Bolivia
October 20, 2021
Añez regime’s top officials and foreign mercenaries plotted to assassinate Luis Arce before he could assume charge as the President of Bolivia.
On Monday, October 18, the Bolivian Minister for the Interior, Eduardo del Castillo informed that Colombian mercenaries were involved in an assassination attempt against Luis Arce in 2020.
Del Castillo presented audiotapes, emails, and documents showing that former Defense Minister Fernando López of the coup regime led by Jeanine Áñez had contact with illegal groups that were planning a new coup d’état in Bolivia.
Minister del Castillo named Germán Alejandro Rivera García, a Colombian citizen who entered Bolivia on October 16, 2020, and was part of the plot. Rivera is currently under arrest for the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.
Contacts between the Bolivian far-right and foreign mercenaries were facilitated by Colombian Arcángel Pretel Ortiz, who organized a “business trip” to Bolivia before the end of the 2020 presidential elections, in which Luis Arce was the candidate for Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party. He was accompanied by Venezuelan Antonio “Tony” Intriago, owner of Miami-based CTU Security that hired the Colombian mercenaries who killed Moïse. Currently, both Pretel and Intriago are accused of being the intellectual authors of the assassination of Jovenel Moïse.
The then Commander of the Armed Forces, General Sergio Orellana was also involved with the plan. The plotters, headed by López who is currently hiding in Brazil, were prepared to hire 300 people for the assassination plan against Luis Arce and expected foreign intervention in their support, as leaked audios published by The Intercept revealed earlier in the year.
Disagreements between the ministers and divisions inside the Bolivian Armed Forces seem to have thwarted the plan. Arce’s popularity after the elections also appears to have influenced the decision to abandon the plan.
“We know what you have done, and we know what you are doing,” Minister del Castillo said, referring to the coup-mongering opposition, as he presented the evidence at a press conference on Monday. “We ask all of you to stop and respect the rules of democracy and this country’s institutions. We will not allow you to murder and steal the people’s democracy once more.”
President Luis Arce commented on the revelations during his participation at a summit of social movements in La Paz on Monday. “They wanted to make an attempt on my life,” stated President Arce. “To those right-wing murderers, we are going to respond with a phrase from [historic Bolivian socialist leader] Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz: We know that sooner or later they will make us pay for what we are doing; we are willing to pay that price, we are always willing.”
Featured image: Eduardo del Castillo, Bolivian minister for the Interior, presents evidence of assassination plot on Luis Arce before he could become the president of Bolivia. Photo: Twitter / @AymaraRadio
(Telesur English) with Orinoco Tribune content
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