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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:15 pm

Venezuela’s Parliament: Europe’s Alleged Investment in Latin America Should be Viewed With Caution
JULY 26, 2023

Opening session of the EU–CELAC summit. Photo: European Union.

Following the European Union’s announcement that it had approved an alleged investment of €45 billion in Latin America and the Caribbean, members of Venezuela’s National Assembly (AN) expressed their reservations as to the real objective pursued by the European bloc since, among other hypotheses, it was suggested that this would lead to the indebtedness of Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) countries with fewer resources and “tie them up” in the classic style of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Another theory suggests that the investment will increase the degree of economic influence in the region and, in turn, curb the influence of nations such as Russia, China, and Turkey, traditionally not aligned with the interests of the United States and its Western satellites.

In this context, the deputy of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Roy Daza, who is a member of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Parliament, stated that the alliance with the European Union is unreliable, since the EU has traditionally been subordinated to the interests of the United States. “The best proof of this is [the EU] having supported the criminal sanctions applied not only to Venezuela, but also to countries of the region such as Cuba and Nicaragua,” noted Daza.

However, after the role played by Venezuela in the recently concluded third CELAC–EU summit, held in Brussels, Daza pointed out the need to reach agreements “in order to solve the problem of inflation and the problem of the breakdown of the international financial system,” a key element for the economic development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

He added that the war agenda that radical right-wing sectors tried to impose in Brussels failed and, therefore, from now on, conditions can be created to reach agreements between the two alliances.

EU means interference
For her part, the Patria Para Todos deputy Ilenia Medina, who is also a member of Venezuela’s Parliament, stated that this announced investment contribution must be viewed with caution and, in this context, she said that “the EU has a long history of interference and colonization policies.”

Medina was categorical in expressing that “Venezuela does not need their financing; what Venezuela needs is for them to return our money, which is illegally frozen, some of it in the form of gold sequestered in the United Kingdom” (in the Bank of England).

The parliamentarian stated that Europe “has never believed in North–South dialogue, Europe has never fulfilled its commitments.”

She added that European history “is the history of constant aggression and constant war among them, but that, after a time, they united to attack the countries of the South together.”

She pointed, as an example, the role of NATO, which has been an element used by the United States to use Europe as one of its tools to defend US interests at the military level and “to consolidate its status as ‘policemen of the world’ and also to develop weapons of mass destruction. We have all seen what is happening in Ukraine, where they have not the slightest interest in achieving peace.”

Finally, she said that at least the investment announcement “opens the floodgates and creates expectations.”

€45 million
The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced on Monday that the continental coalition will invest €45 billion in Latin America and the Caribbean.

“We are not only interested in investing in the extraction of raw materials,” said Von der Leyen. The EU also wants to partner with nations in Latin America and the Caribbean. The comments were made at the opening of a round table with political and business leaders before the start of the CELAC–EU summit. She highlighted the potential of Latin America and the Caribbean in the growing wind and solar clean energy sector and proposed that “the natural next step is to transform that clean energy into clean hydrogen.” She added that Europe “aspires to be the partner of choice for Latin America and the Caribbean.”

Many in Latin America an the Caribbean are reluctant to believe in promises coming from Europe, as the EU has demonstrated a long history of empty promises and a lack of real commitment in supporting the true development of the Latin American and Caribbean region. ... h-caution/

Venezuela: Citizens March in Support of Chavismo
JULY 24, 2023

Chavista supporters rally in the Venezuelan city of Guatire in Miranda state. Photo: Twitter/@HectoRodriguez.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has highlighted the mobilizations of the Venezuelan people as they took to the streets this past Saturday in support of the social, political, and economic initiatives of the government.

“Impressive are the mobilizations that we have seen in the communities of the country; why such passion and joy? Simple, the people are aware that peace, stability, and the right to the future of the children and the youth must be defended,” wrote Maduro on Twitter.

The president also posted a series of photographs of the marches located throughout different parts of the country as a gesture of gratitude.

During the event organized by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), strong condemnation was voiced against the sanctions imposed on the country, which has faced severe Western embargoes.Despite these challenges, Venezuela has remarkably bolstered its economy in recent years and thwarted the efforts of adversaries seeking to sow discontent among the population.

Chavismo prepares for 2024 presidential elections
The people “are warming up their engines to carry on their shoulders the national renaissance,” the president also said, then adding: “Let’s continue together on the path of dignity, social equality, and happiness… Let no one stop the joy and the patriotic passion that has flowed throughout the country!”

As Venezuela gears up for the 2024 presidential election, the Parliament has taken the initiative to establish a committee responsible for the selection of candidates aspiring to join the new National Electoral Council. The Council’s pivotal role will be to organize and oversee the forthcoming elections.

Venezuela’s presidential primary elections are scheduled for October 22.

Thirteen contenders are vying for the coalition candidacy to challenge Chavismo this October in the upcoming 2024 presidential elections. ... -chavismo/

Venezuela’s Dissident Communist Leader: ‘PCV’s Óscar Figuera Moved to the Right’
JULY 25, 2023

Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) dissident marching at a recent PSUV demonstration in support of Chavismo. Photo: Cristian Hernandez/Cronica Uno.

Henry Parra explained that the current secretary of the PCV is holding the party hostage.

The Communist Party of Venezuela’s (PCV) former leader and the current leader of dissident communist groups, Henry Parra, said that National Secretary of the PCV Óscar Figuera “went over to the side” of the right wing after breaking ties with the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP), whose parties support the Bolivarian Revolution.

“Óscar Figuera has already gone to the other side. I have seen how he has led the PCV in the last years, I have been dissatisfied, and he knows that this is so,” said Parra when interviewed in the television show A Pulso, broadcasted by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV).

The PCV dissident from Táchira state denounced that far-right opposition figures in Venezuela, such as Dinorah Figuera, María Corina Machado and Henrique Capriles, have expressed their solidarity with Óscar Figuera and the PCV board. In Parra’s opinion, this suggests that something is happening internally in that party.

“At this moment, there is only one Communist Party of Venezuela, and we want it to continue being only one. What happens is that there are two ways of thinking about what should be the policy of the PCV,” Parra stated.

Cerco a partidos 🇻🇪

Este martes #11Jul conversamos con Oscar Figuera (@OscarFigueraPCV), Secretario General del Partido Comunista @PCV_Venezuela.

Sobre la persecución a dirigentes políticos y líderes sindicales en Venezuela.

🎙️ Nuevo #SonDerechos
🕗 8PM

— PROVEA (@_Provea) July 11, 2023

Parra added that the intervention or illegalization of the Communist Party of Venezuela is not on the table. He recalled that on July 10, PCV dissidents went to the Supreme Court of Justice to request the designation of a new board to lead the communist party. This happened after the PCV broke with Maduro’s government, calling him a neoliberal politician.

The PCV has become close to right-wing political organizations and imperialists in recent years. In 2021, it held meetings with the European Union electoral observation delegation, and recently, PCV’s Óscar Figuera met with the USAID-funded anti-Chavista NGO PROVEA. ... the-right/


Jul 25, 2023 , 11:48 a.m.

In the opinion of María Corina Machado, it does not matter that crimes can be committed in Venezuela by the blue helmets, if this guarantees that power in the country returns to the hands of the elites (Photo: Reuters )

Over the years, the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping missions have accumulated many cases of irregular situations that negatively affected the countries in which they carry out their operations. Therefore, before taking them as a reliable tool to resolve a conflict, a critical eye should be placed on the results and consequences that result from their intervention.

María Corina Machado does not agree with that, which is not surprising, since it takes us to other chapters of her political life in which she has advocated for foreign military intervention in Venezuela through mechanisms such as the responsibility to protect (R2P) . and the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) .

In June 2020, the opposition leader called for a Peace and Stabilization Operation (OPE) in Venezuela as a way of supporting the Guaidó cycle, instead of seeking an electoral solution, which she now claims to support. According to Machado, this operation should be made up of different allies with a willingness and regional legitimacy within the framework of the TIAR and different inter-American mechanisms, making a specific call for "support from the West."

A UN operation should be multilateral and have international consensus to respect national sovereignty. The exclusive call to certain foreign powers to intervene in Venezuela already demonstrates that the objective of María Corina Machado is not to help resolve the crisis peacefully, although just knowing that it is her is enough to question that the request is for the good of the Venezuelan population.

Despite the fact that political dialogue, elections and the lifting of sanctions are the current issues on the Venezuelan agenda at the impulse of the government of President Nicolás Maduro , María Corina always looks for an opportunity to show distrust in the mechanisms and interlocutors of the negotiations and in the Venezuelan electoral institutions.

It is important to remember what the pre-candidate for the presidency asked three years ago to understand her wishes for the future of the country.

Cases of rape and sexual abuse of minors, the spread of deadly diseases and a failure to prevent the killing of civilians are part of an incomplete list of accusations leveled against UN peacekeepers each year.

According to the website of the multilateral organization, since 1988, 57 peacekeeping operations have been carried out in countries in conflict. About his activities, review:

"Today, peacekeepers perform a wide variety of complex tasks, from helping to establish sustainable governance institutions to monitoring the human rights situation, assisting in security sector reform or assisting in the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants".

A Brazilian MINUTAH soldier carries a child in the Haitian capital, 2007 (Photo: UN)

The peacekeeping forces are protected by the United Nations Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of 1946, according to which all the employees of the organization, including the blue helmets, are protected from any persecution and are subject only to the authorities of the State of which they are citizens. This created a legal vacuum that allowed impunity for those who committed sexual crimes.

Scandals such as that of 2007-2008 , where members of the Sri Lankan peacekeeping battalion sexually exploited children and adolescents, and the case of Canada , where police officers were accused of committing sexual crimes while they were part of the peace mission, but they were not tried in their country, they are just some examples. A 2017 study revealed that 2,000 women and girls were forced to have sex with peacekeepers, often receiving a few dollars or food in exchange.

In 2010, a cholera epidemic struck Haiti, killing nearly 10,000 people and sickening more than 800,000. In December 2016, the UN Secretary-General admitted the agency's responsibility for the spread of the disease, as a Nepali peacekeeping battalion arrived in the country just before the outbreak broke out.

Doctors from the UN mission did not take preventive measures with the arrival of the Nepalese battalion, and waste from the military base, including feces and urine, was dumped into wells near the Artibonite River, which is used by more than a million and means of Haitians to drink and cook.

Had María Corina Machado achieved her goal of bringing peacekeeping forces to Venezuela, the country would have faced a series of dire situations.

Based on the criminal history examined, the presence of peacekeeping forces in Venezuela could have generated scenarios of murder, rape and sexual abuse of women and minors, the spread of deadly diseases and corruption problems.

It is possible that María Corina Machado is interested in certain countries and forces intervening in Venezuela through these missions, since this could open up the possibility of exercising repression and control to impose what she has not been able to achieve through political and electoral means.

Considering this background, this also morally disqualifies María Corina Machado from presenting herself as a presidential option. By backing a measure that has proven to have serious negative consequences elsewhere, Machado loses credibility, as her proposals put Venezuela's security and stability at risk. ... na-machado

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"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Aug 04, 2023 2:42 pm


The CayapoImage

3 Aug 2023 , 9:23 am .

(Photo: El Cayapo)

" The slave who is not capable of assuming his revolt deserves his torment."

Ibrahim Traoré, Interim President of Burkina Faso

"Each plant that we sow/ It must not only be food/ But also a simple root/ From the idea in which we germinate/ The idea that will guide us/ Without pettiness or arrogance/ So fear and ignorance/ They will have to go to other directions / Well, they are not useful for a farm / Where hunger does not ajipata ".

Ignacio Tapia. La Cumaca, July 2023

In summary of the previous article: the pitiyankis, vendepatria, sepoys, or well-to-do thugs, known by the name of the opposition, have no plans. Their only option is capitalism in any of its forms, therefore they are at the service of the plans of the owners of capitalism already explained by their own spokesmen: overthrow the government, military intervention, start a civil war, maintain chaos and appropriate resources in the territory. For this they will permanently seek invasions, guarimbas, sabotage of services, the economy, "sanctions", blockades, political and diplomatic pressure through their international organizations, such as TIAR, the criminal blue helmets of the UN, the OAS, ICC , Doctors Without Borders, Reporters Without Borders: highly known agenda.

In the current conspiracy, they seek not to have a single candidate, but rather to convince or wash their face at the international level so that the whole world lends itself to invading us or accepting the overthrow of the government by force and "until the end." The real truth is that, and this strategy will last a long time. Until they achieve their objectives, they will maintain the fiction of the immigration crisis, human rights, the humanitarian crisis, using the elections, in this case the primaries, to generate a legend of the false democracy of the dictatorship, of the persecution of the candidates from the opposition, lack of dialogue; all this in order to maintain the conditions of chaos and violence with which they envision the defeat of Venezuela.

This is so clear that three bills against Venezuela have already been introduced in the United States Congress: the Law of Prohibition of Operations and Leases with the Illegitimate Authoritarian Regime of Venezuela, the Law "AFFECT" of Human Rights in Venezuela and the Law of Venezuelan Democracy, all of them within the framework of the application of "all forms of struggle "and "all options on the table" to overthrow the government in Venezuela, but they will also use all the propaganda means at their disposal, they will keep the catajarria of longliners and mercenary charlatans of the word active, to promote the novel that the government must be destroyed. They will continue to steal as much as possible, seek to not return stolen money, gold, and businesses, and push to destroy the government's economic and social efforts.

We also point out that the peoples have shown that empires can be defeated militarily and that it is not possible to win the war against capitalism with their own cultural productive weapons, because in the long term they will recover the loot, since they control the productive forces on the planet. and we are nothing more than territories-mines and miners who ideologically perceive reality through the lenses of the interests of foreign owners.

We also said that progress had already reached where it was going, that capitalism was only rearranging itself and that there was no way within that rearrangement for us to stop being a country-mine; because if we were not before, today much less.

For reasons of power, the owners cannot afford to lose a territory and its control, especially when it comes to losing wealth in terms of people, resources and land; The owners control the entire planet and all their power will be put at the service of their intentions, we are talking about international political-diplomatic institutions, as well as the governments of countries related to that concept of governing the planet. Every law, every means of disinformation, every army, will be permanently at the service of power against the insurgents, the blockades will intensify, the "sanctions", the disguised and physical invasions will remain like midges: they will always be annoying to the point of annoyance , until exhaustion, until we run away.

The question is: can we beat the midges of capitalism or not? The answer is emphatically yes, as long as they are not fought with the same methods and weapons that capitalism is used to using, because in the end exhaustion would defeat us. The midge is defeated by pushing it away or moving away from it, but since the peoples have nowhere to go but to stay in our own territory, it is up to us to drive them away.

Driving them away does not mean scaring them away, telling them to go away, chasing them, putting smoke on them, using repellent, covering ourselves from head to toe. That in politics is called reform. But driving them away means creating another environment where their reproduction is not possible: this embodies the creation of another mode of production where the extraction of surplus value is not possible, which is what makes midge-capitalism alive.

This raises the people who live in this territory to prepare for a long struggle, especially to change the way of living and conceive another way of existing. Thinking about the possibility of working without owners involves overcoming the force of habit, traditions, folklorism, pamphlets, copies, imitations, beliefs, and obsession with what is foreign. Not working with the same machines, concepts and tools of capitalism. It is imposed on us as unavoidable to design another school, another university, study centers, research centers, laboratories, and above all, another scientist, intellectual, artist is needed.

Another architecture, another way of viewing, how to abandon the course that has been imposed on us. We need to become what we have come to call "the collective intellectual."

To think with a collective brain is to apply the principles of Simón Narciso Rodríguez, which imply understanding, collectively internalizing, the profound idea of ​​WE INVENT OR WE ERR that we inherited 200 years ago as an invaluable jewel. Miranda and Bolívar tried to turn their ideas into reality, but the mantuanaje obscured by the desire to be foreign could not perceive the magnificent proposal of their children, and ended up betraying them.

Added to this, the absence of people with knowledge of existence and interest for themselves did not allow their conjugation so that the construction of a continent with independence and political decision about its future could occur, which until now has condemned us to continue being the mines. that capitalism needs to keep separate, but in the guise of a country.

For 200 years Bernardo O'Higgins, José San Martín, Simón Bolívar, Francisco de Miranda, thinkers and fighters from this continent joined the bourgeois revolution that was taking place in Europe, and they realized that in order to navigate the waters of capitalism we should be independent of Europe. These descendants of the administrators of the mines that belonged to Spain since then proposed independence, because it was the first base to build in order to be what Simón Rodríguez was proposing.

And for this the main task was to cut the umbilical cord that screwed us to Europe and they did it, but the elite of the time was not clear about what was happening to them at that moment. The only thing these accommodating people wanted was to continue smuggling with whoever bought their pod at a higher price, with Englishmen, Dutchmen, Germans, and thus not pay taxes to the Crown. It was a bunch of slave-owning landowners who even today continue to behave as if they were European invaders in these lands. They and their followers continue to be a tragedy for the continent, to the point that María Corina's ancestors tried to sell Guyana to the English.


The independence they dreamed of was that the Crown would not charge them taxes, they were not against Europe, they did not see Europe as their enemy, as their invader, as their slaver. They loved and love the stupid expression "the motherland" that gave birth to so many thugs and perverts who attack their own land. They understood themselves as a European cultural extension in these lands of mosquitoes, Indians and blacks, although they all descended from mosquitoes, Indians and blacks. To understand the behavior of these satraps is to understand their culturally European psyche.

They did not want to change the way of life and permanently sabotaged everything that Miranda, Bolívar and the other fighters understood as the fundamental political task to be carried out on this continent: the need for unification to be able to face together the desires of nascent capitalism.

Today we see the misery of the political elites who have handed over the resources of the territories where they were born and for which they collect perks by being placed in higher positions in the UN, the OAS, the IMF, the IDB, the WB, and other institutions in where they continue to serve their masters like no one. These representatives of States and governments: the Boric, the Petro, the López Obrador, the Fernández, the Macri, the Lula, whatever his name is, it does not matter the year or name of the characters remove-and-pon, any name of those politicians plays the role of the butler who negotiates on behalf of their owners, because they do not speak for a country, a continent or their peoples: they speak for the smugglers that they have been all their lives, attached umbilically to the large transnationals, which govern this continent from outside As Ibrahim Traoré puts it,

"We, the African heads of states, must stop behaving like puppets who are always in danger following the strings of the imperialists."

Simón Rodríguez says that we have to invent, think, create, experiment, build to become permanent, constant roots. In the philosophy of Simón Rodríguez, the phrase WE INVENT OR WE ERRO is precise. It is extremely faithful, absolutely exact. We cannot do anything more, and in fact it is so fair that we have been making mistakes for 200 years because there is not the daring, the audacity of invention in the intellectual sectors, and not that a car, a boat, a truck, a plane, a pants, a fashion, a song, no, because that already exists. It's not an object, that's not what you told us about. It's implied, obviously. But he spoke to us was about architecture in the territory. He told us about inventing it, designing it, creating it, experimenting with it, building it.

To imagine people with ways, uses and customs radically different from the current ones. To conceive a health system, art, entertainment, to devise -in short- a mode of production. He proposes us to be creative, to engineer this continent as a concept, as a political decision, as an economic possibility, as a historical memory to which we can permanently resort without reference to other peoples and their cultures, so that we can decide our lives.

But it is not proposed to an individual, to an elite, it is formulated to a species that inhabits this part of the continent. Because it is not possible to do it individually, in an elitist way, there has to be a conviction in the vast majority that this is something that must be done. So, the task of every thinker, of every politician, of every intellectual in this era is to try to create that concept, to envision the continent as a possibility of inhabiting it, but inhabiting it conceptually, that is, inhabiting it knowingly, having the meaning of how to live life. He told us about it.

Everything is contained in that sublime phrase WE INVENT OR WE MIST, Mr. Simón Narciso Rodríguez did not even leave to tie a rooster. That is why Bolívar's phrase "Everything is yet to be done" and the great enthusiasm of Commander Chávez, who devoted himself entirely to convincing us with his example that it was possible to found this continent with the Rodriguian philosophical guide. Let's not continue using that living phrase as the pamphlet, the wild card of bureaucrats, founders of universities, study centers, schools with the name of Simón Rodríguez, but with the curriculum and slave method of liberalism. They are empty shells of that content and full life that the named person proposed.

Being clear that the continent does not belong to us as up to now it has been sold to us with capitalism, but that we belong to the continent, to the territory, therefore, conceptually changes the vision we have of it, because this implies that we have to protect it, take care of it That it cannot be a stage design to fool drug addicts, it has to be to dream people of the future. Because existence is not that of the individual, it is that of the species as a way of life.

Almost 200 years later, a political-military movement, led by Commander Hugo Chávez, shakes the elite and the people and brings us back to solving the same unknown, the same dilemma: we must decide between inventing or making mistakes, because until now we have only made mistakes in name of foreign imitation. The only way that this continent can exist as an entity for itself, and of course each one of the territories that make it up, is by inventing, designing, creating, thinking, experimenting, and building itself: not doing so keeps us like a parrot without a tail, wandering permanently.

We are required as collective people to design everything we do, not to imitate, even if we have to rehearse many times and start over, it doesn't matter. Nobody waits for us outside to be in a hurry. To conceive the upbringing of children, food, art, house, to put down roots. It cannot be that we waste sweat in foreign territories to obtain the same tragedy, a spasm, an immediate, a spectacle advertised with dazzling marquees, but when the lights go out we are the usual scrawny, sucked in by capitalism.

A common destiny that we must enthusiastically assume is to create the conditions that forever eliminate hunger, fear and ignorance, basic defects that make this species permanently ill and drugged, obeying the designs of the elites that have always lived supported by war, absolutely wrong way to solve the problems mentioned above. For the elites, war is a perfect benefit, but not for the majority. You have to overcome that condition and create another circumstance of existence.

Unfortunately, today's intellectuals are very concerned about holding their plates of food and having their poetic miseries, their humanist pamphlets read and applauded. They and their egos believe they are adorable gods selling themselves to the highest bidder, and for that reason they don't give a damn about this continent and the people for dreaming.

Now, let's start by thinking about the first thing. According to what we are saying, a country cannot be founded if it does not first invest in solving the problem of food, and food means footwear, clothing, housing, entertainment, art, reproduction of the species, acquisition, transmission and production of knowledge, in conditions of stability that allow continuity of existence. And the former is resolved with many organized people and conditions created to generate this thought, and it doesn't matter if they are carpenters, peasants, blacksmiths, fishermen, academics, scientists, street sweepers, men, women, children, or the elderly. It takes people with a brain and everyone has it, some trained to imitate and others in a package, because we have never had the conditions to use it.


There is no one who hesitates to use capitalism to produce these conditions, but reality tells us that it does not correct the problem, because otherwise it would have already been solved, but the fantasy created of the overproduction of capitalism makes us believe in this ideological falsehood. . What is purely real is that it is not true, because to maintain the owners and their armies of all kinds in abundance, let's assume a total of a billion people, 7 billion are required who will never be remedied for any problem such as not be the already determined death, and yet, capitalism uses that death to rob the bereaved.

The objective of capitalism is not to produce to solve problems but to generate profits for an elite that controls the world.

We need to think of another mode of production, not so that it solves the problems created by capitalism, but rather so that it solves the needs of the future. This mode of production must be controlled by the people, who must be aware of its existence and how to overcome the defects of hunger, fear and ignorance.

In these 23 years of process we have tried to put into practice what Chávez taught us with such enthusiasm with all his actions. But we discovered that it is not easy to overcome ignorance, fear and hunger: they always want to return us to the past, to custom, to tradition, to what has already been done. The thing about "don't start inventing bullshit" is a brake that you have to get out of control to be able to do what needs to be done. But, despite everything, we have learned that it is possible collectively to try something different.

We have studied the idea of ​​the conuco, although it confronts the academy, folklore, subsistence, hunger as an association, and citizen denigration. The person most subjected to shame in this country is the conuquero: in every radio and television program, on the networks, in literature, the peasant has always been denigrated, even when in the fictional kitsch they try to sell him candid, but Despite all of this, the conuco, despite the cornering that capitalism has led it to, persists stubbornly on the rocks, in the wetlands, on the hills, in the gorges, on the banks of highways and highways, as if telling us "I am the solution no matter what." Today we are convinced that the conuco is truly the closest solution we have to solve the problems.

But we cannot see the conuco as a factory that you set up and it starts to produce, no. The conuco is a concept, another way of approaching life, where we radically remove one thing from a territory and install another, which is the only way to solve a problem in a healthy way. We have to install another architecture, another method of acquiring knowledge, another healing procedure, another experience of being art, of living, of raising, another radically different profile of being alive, and that requires an agreement from the people who initially start that process. Let's not see the conuco through the eyes of the ideology that sells it to us as a product of misery, the tin shack and wormy children: let's conceive it as a different method of organizing ourselves to live collectively.

We have to invent it. If we say that this can produce 280 million tons of food a year, the only thing left is yes or no! Whether we check it or not, a person cannot question it without argument. There are two ways to question it: in defense of the interests of agribusiness as a method or by ideological prejudices formed in academies or circles of customs that think, due to ignorance and prejudice, that everything that comes from the poor is useless and pitiful. .

We have applied the agribusiness method for about 60 years and the result has been that the problem of hunger in this country has not been resolved. A method where it is said that 7 million hectares produce 60 million tons of food a year, distributed equally among the 32 million of us, we would have approximately two tons. We question it because it leaves us misery, disease, ruins the land and the people, but also 80% of the investment made by the government in agribusiness goes abroad as profit, leaving the already described results in the country. We can produce 280 million with the conuco method in the same 7 million hectares that, distributed, would touch approximately eight tons.

Anyone is alarmed and could say that this cannot be, but the point is that we have verified it. We are not saying that "it could be", that is proven. Even in round numbers downwards, in a small space of 500 square meters, where we have consistently carried out the experiment for nine years, we are talking about 2,000 kilos of food per year.

Now the problem is that we are viewing it in terms of numbers, statistics, but not in terms of life. 80% of the investment in the framework of agribusiness in Venezuela goes outside the country. There are guys who earn surplus value almost before investing, that is, they sell us tractors, poisons, fertilizers, irrigation systems, machinery, inputs, trucks, they practically earn a lot before the investment, that is, 80% of the investment from the government in Venezuela goes abroad as profit.

What would happen to the conuco? That 80% would stay here, simple as that. But, in addition, it remains for us not as money stored in a bank, it would remain for us as life in people, because to do that we need a minimum of six people working per hectare to obtain a good level of performance. But we can also change the materials for architecture, and we can radically depopulate all the neighborhoods and all those people can dignify themselves by enthusiastically inventing a country, reducing investment in illness, construction, educational and health infrastructure, sports and entertainment. The reduction in energy expenditure that is wasted today would result in a full life in the understanding that we are energetic beings and that the more energy we spend, the less life we ​​will be.

The advantages of this approach are all, there is not one that is not an advantage. Now, what is the great wall to tear down? The enormous force of habit, and that is a hindrance that can keep this territory in ruin for centuries and centuries, because from the worker to the professional, for reasons of their own plate of food, they will not want to part with everything that exists and it works for him. His car, his house, his cell phone, all of this does not come from a conuco, and he is going to ask about all of this, because with those comforts there is no way to have them in a conuco as individuals.

It is a radical change, a different paradigm, because we are not going to buy the house, we are not going to have it built, we are not going to build it in the misery of the neighborhood, it will not be a gift from the government or from any NGO, we will not have to Mortgage it, because in the conuco we will learn to build a house to live in and not just to shelter and protect ourselves. In the conuco we will learn to study from reality and not from ideology.

Why can't we talk massively about this? Why not experience it? Why not invest in producing this knowledge if what we know condemns us to perpetual slavery? What great terror prevents us from living fully out of slavery? How is it that in a country of 91 million hectares on dry land, without counting the others that Chávez rescued us from the sea, of which 27 million are records for agriculture in optimal conditions, we are not collectively talking about how to live comfortably in them? and, on the contrary, the majority of us live poorly stowed away in 2.5 million hectares? We are convinced that the proposal is a diamond in the rough, that much remains to be thought and experimented with.

The table to think is served, the rest is simple ignorance or bastard interests of old and new elites who refuse to want this territory and continue longing for the foreign as the only condition of life. ... los-duenos

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:05 pm

Despite Adversities, Majority of Venezuelans Support Chavismo
AUGUST 15, 2023

Chavista demonstration packing Avenida Bolívar in Caracas on Wednesday, April 19, 2017. Photo: Cristian Hernández/EFE/File photo.

Caracas (—Venezuelan polling firm Hinterlaces published a video about its most recent poll on Venezuela’s social and political reality. Oscar Schémel, Hinterlaces’ president, stated that more Venezuelans are currently supporting Chavismo than the opposition.

“Even with the serious economic hardships that affect the quality of life of Venezuelans, today there are more people supporting Chavismo than the opposition. It is not true that Chavismo is defeated or exhausted,” said Schémel in a TikTok video posted on Wednesday, August 2.

According to Hinterlaces, 33% of Venezuelans define themselves as Chavistas and 13% declare themselves as opposition supporters. The United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) has nearly triple the number of sympathizers than all opposition parties combined. Meanwhile, 70% do not trust that an opposition government can solve the country’s economic problems.

Economic crises inevitably bring with them hegemonic crises. However, in the case of Venezuela, there have been no irremediable ruptures concerning the Bolivarian model of emancipation and social inclusion.

Schémel added that although 53% of citizens declare themselves politically independent and are moving to the political center, apart from the polarization, this group is culturally and politically Chavista.

Hinterlaces’ president shared the following facts found in their polling work:

• 62% of Venezuelans are inclined to make the socialist model more efficient and productive, while only 29% prefer a capitalist model.
• The majority of citizens believe that the State should drive the economy.
• 61% disapprove of the privatization of PDVSA.
• 83% reject unilateral coercive measures, also known as sanctions, against Venezuela.
• Today, Venezuelan society is more nationalistic. It condemns violence and wants equality, respect, justice, and shared welfare.

Schémel continued his analysis, stating that “the majority of Venezuelans do not want a change of model.” Adding that what Venezuelans want is for the model to work, without mentioning that they also want internal and external forces to stop hindering the model’s performance. “In summary, the correlation of social, political and cultural forces continue to strongly favor Chavismo,” he said.

Hinterlaces is a polling firm with a connection to Chavismo. Despite this affiliation, Chavistas and anti-Chavistas consider it one of the best sources for polling studies due to the reliability of its results and the technical quality of its statistical work. ... -chavismo/


16 Aug 2023 , 1:16 pm .

(Photo: El Cayapo)

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein

According to the cultural officiality of the humanist regime and its production apparatus, capitalism, politics is substantially the science and art of governing, since very remote times.

Thus decorated, the word seems not to hurt anyone, it even sounds pretty and justifies its existence. But swearing at its entrails and enduring its stench, we will know that politics has always and is currently exercised by elites, owners of the modes of production, who in their becoming powerful have used deceit, drugs, robbery, murder, etc. extortion, blackmail, massacre, torture, terrorism, kidnapping, blockade, sanctions, assassination, exploitation, deforestation, contamination, invasion, uprooting, forced labor camps, prisons , mental hospitals, and on a smaller scale, but no less terrifying, schools, preschools, high schools, universities, churches and other centers for the training and discipline of slaves so that they work in the capitalist production apparatus, accepting that it is good to be submitted. These means are applied separately or in combination, but always apply.

The elites are convinced that there is no other way to do things, and since the appearance of humanism as a culture they have decided that this is how one should live, that we all must accept it, fundamentally slaves. That the chances of history brought us here and that from now on there is nothing more to do than adapt to the circumstances. Some of us were born to be slaves and others to hammer ourselves.

The policy that power has exercised up to now is based on two fundamental pillars that are "the end justifies the means" and "divide and conquer", that is, based on obtaining the loot, the only goal of the powerful, all means are justified and for this we must divide the enemy and defeat him. In other words, morally and ethically, beyond their moral gibberish, these classes are not ashamed, nor do they feel remorse for stealing, killing and all the other crimes they commit, because ultimately what is important is the loot that rejoices and washes away the blame; all the sorrows consumed by the poor.

We are told and stressed that this art and science are neutral, but the reality is that the politics practiced by the powerful classes is not neutral at all. All of its policies expressed in the organization and administration of corporations that control the State, which in turn defends its affairs and interests, also exist in its repressive nature in the face of the possibility that those subjected, organized in unions or parties, could attempt against the regime. Nowhere in the design of these policies are slaves considered as people, even though they swear to us by their mother and god.

Since the beginning of history, power has been exercised as a means to solve the problem of hunger, fear and ignorance, but until now we know that it has only been remedied by the elites, because in the great majority the exercise of politics, even if it says otherwise on paper, has always been prohibited. The way for slaves to exercise this right is paved with millenary massacres, which incidentally serve the elites as exemplary punishments to justify their dominance, and that we slaves have never considered destroying the material conditions of existence of the elites.

A small example of the exercise of politics. Let's see how capitalism took hold, a system that scares us today. The owners of the Church, in what is now called Europe, decided that the best way to solve hunger, pestilence, and misery was to get loot by invading other lands, since wars, famines, pestilences, and epidemics had them ruined, and This is how the blessed Crusades began in approximately 1090, and after 200 years of invasions, massacres, murders, looting, robberies, the first accumulation of capital took place that gave rise to humanism, because although the Church was the one who initiated this policy, the the benefit was obtained by gentlemen who, after the looting, discovered that their thinking was clumsy and very rudimentary,

This brought as a consequence a war in Europe between the new vision product of the looted knowledge of these cultures and the ideological poultices that the Church had imposed on the Europeans since the decline of the Roman Empire, resulting in the decline of the Church, its power in Europe and the appearance of a new culture: humanism.

Culture that is born from, not just from the random result of the evolution of the species in endless wars that only served to obtain and immediately enjoy loot, but from the complexity of the concept, of abstraction, which exceeds ideology. It is for the first time in the history of the species when the elites agree to name and name themselves, as creators of worlds, substitutes for gods, bringing ideology to reality through the concept, where the man-individual replaces the god. -individual-almighty. And henceforth, a single history, a single art, a single architecture, a single policy, a single mode of production and a single thought govern the planet, while everything else is barbaric, savage, villainous, unworthy, irrational, bestial, black, indian, woman, needy, foreigner, immigrant,

From now on it no longer matters under which mantle of the State the owners are governed, be it monarchy or democracy or both together, the important thing is that everyone share the same mode of production, which in the end will result in the same culture for all, regardless of their private voyages. But the most important thing as a supreme achievement is to have convinced the slaves that this is how one should live, that from now on there will be no more history, that the happiness of the individual is enough and more than enough for all of us to be happy.

With these premises in their pockets and a feverish brain, the European elites launched into the invasion of the round world. They violated both the American and African continents and with this the second largest accumulation of capital was produced, generating an immense development of the capitalist mode of production worldwide. From Africa they brought some 10 million people who were subjected to slavery and used to process resources of all kinds and generate raw materials that were later transferred to Europe for processing, to later be returned as merchandise to these same continents, selling them at prices of speculation, which brought as a consequence permanent misery in these continents and wealth in Europe.


After there, the industrial revolution that began the invasion of Asia on a large scale: India, China, Western Asia and all the surrounding territories, from where they transferred millions of Asian slaves who ended up promoting the great industrial revolution that was going on. literally full throttle in Europe and the United States. The lid of the bottle is from the French Revolution, which definitively legalizes this looting and crime that began with the first crusades.

From now on, a new vision accompanies the policy of the Western elites in the world. The State will become the pay-peo, there will no longer be a dead king, a king in place: now the interests of the owners will be protected by the State, while they will govern from the shadows. "Capitalism" and "the entrepreneur" will always be spoken of in a figurative sense, in mythological terms, which according to the interests will become bad or good depending on the need to expose them individually and not as a system is necessary. Although Mr. Carlos Marx has exposed them with all his sores.

The following events called crises by their intellectuals are nothing more than the rearrangement that from time to time generates the gluttony of the system, resulting in the so-called world wars and the entire list of invasions and submissions that the system generates by consuming resources to produce wealth. all over the planet. That would be enough to explain all the misery in the rest of the globe, but your propaganda and education apparatus does a very good job of hiding.

Now, did these events happen by miracle, by whim, by chance, by the enlightenment of a few, or was it a thoughtful, elaborated decision? Wasn't it a policy? Yes, the decision to get rid of religious nonsense and its rudimentary representations was a conscious decision by an elite that decided to live at its own will. But not only that, but also arranged that the others would live under his rule forever and ever, including the Church and all its variants throughout the earthly sphere.

We make this explanation to understand that trying to get rid of capitalism or replace it with another mode of production is a political decision, which goes beyond natural needs or those imposed by the exacerbation of advertising. It is a decision that has nothing to do with what exists, as long as their enjoyment or torment is not the intention, because if we fight for a house, car, food, study, decent work for all slaves, then that policy is destined to fail because Capitalism does not produce to solve problems, but to obtain profit.

When in Venezuela the warlords or caudillos that existed in these territories sold leather, cocoa, coffee, cattle, gold, or whatever it was that they did as an economic activity to obtain booty and maintain those armies, they had not the slightest idea of that the gringos, English, Dutch or whoever it was had been investigating the possibility of oil in Venezuela since the 1850s. In the books it appears that at that time oil was called "Jordanian oil", and since then, until April 12, 1875, when La Petrolia was founded in the state of Táchira and kerosene began to be made on a very small scale. . The transnational oil elites had already decided to take over this territory, and in fact they are invading this country silently, not like they invaded Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, the Dominican Republic or Nicaragua:

This is what we call the silent invasion of the oil corporations in Venezuela. Everything that derives from this political decision is what we study as history: the consequence and not the cause, pure anecdotes that hide the true interest generated by the results. We never get a design or plan from any politician, businessman, academic, intellectual, professional, artist, or political faction to put into practice to build this territory as a country, even though all their ambitions are shown in the name of the country. With their exceptions, there were always the transnationals or foreign powers pulling the strings behind those who appeared to be controllers of power. This is how Castro, Gómez, López Contreras, Medina Angarita, Gallegos, Chalbaud, Pérez Jiménez, Betancourt, Leoni, Caldera, Carlos Andrés, Lusinchi,

The Venezuelan elites, vulgar smugglers who had nothing to do with this territory, are the descendants of the looters, criminals, thieves, swindlers, gamblers, fortune hunters who came in the Colony and who stayed because they could not go to Europe with money. and those of today are their great-great-grandchildren and new rich satisfied with the crumbs that the transnationals water from time to time. An elite that only cares about the business in this territory, without the courage to prevent the oil transnationals from entering like a river in conuco. In fact, the wars or montoneras at that time occurred because the policy of eliminating the caudillos who had been giving blows since the war of independence and the remnants that remained with Zamora had already been put into practice. but it is not that they were fighting to prevent the transnationals from stealing the oil and polluting the waters and the land, no. It was not that these caudillos had a political plan to found a country or to control the resources that the country had. Everybody lived on the edge of the bush and eat it bug, day to day. All, in one way or another, managed by foreign interests in these lands.

The only moment in which we hear about building, doing, searching, thinking, speaking, experiencing a country since Bolívar or Miranda, we got it with Chávez. Prior to that, no fucking elite had a plan other than handing over the territory to the corporations, or giving continuity to the looting elites that were there and are today furious and hateful anti-government hordes, who shamelessly call for military invasions, sanctions and blockades against the country. These people disguised as cloaks, cologne water, and talc are like seven skins: they slobber through the interstices of this territory without rhyme or reason, now selling themselves as the last drop of water in the desert.


Academics have not invented an academic policy to found the country because it is enough for them to copy, since they were educated in that flying saucer from outside that they call the educational apparatus, with its colonialist schools and universities, disciplinarians and transmitters of recycled and ideologized knowledge, which they only serve to train believing slaves, that how masters live is how they should live, and that slaves should not think under penalty of being left out of the system like leprosy patients. Professionals have not designed a professional policy to invent people, because they only take their title and copy manuals and procedures from other places. Entrepreneurs will never invent a business policy because it is enough for them to steal the State's money and receive the crumbs from the transnationals of which they are subsidiaries. The only thing we workers, peasants, fishermen do is work so that energy becomes money in the hands of businessmen.

And we have not been able to design a policy for this territory because we are part of the physical reality that is born from a concept that was already thought and thought of us. By the way, thinking from the perspective of imitation. There are people who get upset because we say it, but this reality is reality, there is no other, unless the ideologized brain wants to transfer it to physical or natural reality, but in that case we are talking about madness and it is true that we are there. fucked up

Designing an authentic policy, radically different from that foreign one that has existed until now, involves understanding that inventing is not imitating the making of an engine, because that already existed. Okay, it's plausible wit. But if we put this ingenuity in Venezuelans into practice as part of a policy to invent a country in this territory, we would possibly build a concept of country, of territory, of life, because objectively we have the capacity as a people to invent, to design.

Making a different policy even involves naming and naming oneself, making a decision outside of the action and reaction generated by the policies issued by the system or mode of production in the world. It is as Mr. Simón Narciso Rodríguez said: to be ORIGINAL among THE ORIGINALS . We cannot continue being or speaking of left and right, anarchists, communists, nationalists, democrats, social democrats, social Christians, democratic center, center right, republicans, center left, ultra right, ultra left, progressive, light, conservatives, liberals, half a chicken, and disguise ourselves with their labels. To show a button: Mr. Figuera walks in arms and amapuches with Mrs. María Machado, and surely the red rooster has already changed it for a vulture. That man doesn't give a damn about the Communist Party and much less about the country: he only cares about his very individual interests, and if the lady guarantees them, that's how it will be done. Let's look at the defectors, each one more Chavista than Chávez, but all are with the enemy.

To build another reality we must break down the current one, but once and for all let us get rid of that milestone that we will be like Europe or the United States, because it is impossible to achieve that development, for the simple reason that we cannot invade anyone because we do not produce weapons on the required scale. Or is it that someone in their right mind thinks that these countries developed because they lasted a thousand years concentrated in their territories planting, studying, doing sports, praying, inventing everything, and when they were ready they called the attention of the world and told them: " working like this, is how you progress"?

Some asshole believes that, well: from the first crusade until today, 933 years of deceit, drugs, robbery, murder, extortion, blackmail, massacre, torture, terrorism, kidnapping, blockade, sanctions, assassinations, exploitation, deforestation, contamination have elapsed. , invasion, uprooting, forced labor camps, prisons, mental hospitals, schools, preschools, high schools, universities, churches and other centers for the training and discipline of slaves, applied in Europe and the other continents to produce that beauty that we call humanism. In each year of application, these means have become more sophisticated. They thought from a looting that began in 1090 in other towns, they processed it and turned it into a system of thought, and that system of thought turned it into a production apparatus, modus vivendiof some elites.

Is the task of being others easy? It definitely isn't, but it has to be done. Let's ask in the street: How many are willing to think, to build a country? Most will remain up in the air. Now let's ask: How many of us want and deserve to have a car, a house, a good hospital, a good shopping center, air conditioning or a large telephone and internet with 10,000 megabytes? Ninety-nine percent will say "Me!", from the most die-hard communist to the fiercest ultra-liberal.

This is the great reality, and before it the only option is to separate from capitalism, stop imitating, stop believing. Questions should guide us, because we cannot sow for the sake of sowing. Here we plant by imitation, we have hospitals by imitation, cars by imitation, art by imitation, music by imitation, but not because we have sat down to think of ourselves as a country.

If we thought like us, we would realize that Europe, Japan, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, South Korea, the models of growth, civilization, development, progress have turned to shit, and if they were reconstructed they would repeat the same thing, because madness It is -as Einstein said- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

This whole process is supposed to solve the problems of hunger, fear and ignorance that makes us slaves; So let's start thinking politically from the us, which is where we have all the advantages. Let's start designing policies to sow ourselves. The option is to be us, without the ties that we have had up to now. Let us not be afraid of the authentic word that is to be born from us. Let's eat with pleasure what we sow, cook, dress according to the climate and geography; let us be whole beings without fear, showing ourselves in its splendor, with all its colors, aromas and flavors.

If we stick to the initial definition of politics, we conclude that it has only served to benefit the powerful throughout history, and that it is exercised by decision and will, that carrying it out requires a plan, a strategy, a tactic and a reality where to put it into practice.

Are we slaves willing to think about another policy? Because the current one uses us for the benefit of others, and going around organizing riots and begging for rights to end up massacred, imprisoned or crazy has only given more benefits to the lords. Only if we design politics, we can stop being slaves. ... a-politica

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Empty Rallies Discredit María Corina Machado’s Inflated Polls
AUGUST 16, 2023

María Corina Machado supporters after a failed street rally in Petare, Miranda state, disrupted by Chavista activists. July 15, 2023. Photo: Cronica Uno.

With only two months until Venezuela’s far-right opposition primary elections, candidate María Corina Machado appears to have a sure victory according to all polls. However, this “massive support” reflected in the polls is not seen in her political rallies.

Since the announcement of the primary elections, various polls have positioned Machado as the possible winner of the internal opposition elections with a wide margin from the second candidate.

Recently, the firm Meganálisis indicated that Machado has a voting intention of 32.88%. Meanwhile, Henrique Capriles had 4.41% and Delsa Solórzano had 4.34%.

A similar result was found in a Delphospoll conducted in July, showing Machado as the winner with 51.9% and Capriles with 15.5%.

Polls have been a controversial issue in this opposition electoral race. After July, candidate Delsa Solórzano stated that some pre-candidates pay for these polls. However, she did not specify who.

The polls were not accurately reflected this weekend in Zulia state, where Machado, the founder of Vente Venezuela, held a political rally that did not have the expected attendance.

María Corina Machado organized a political rally in Santa Lucía, Maracaibo, Zulia state. The rally did not generate participation from the people of the community, as she had to transfer people from other places in the city of Maracaibo.

For this mobilization, they used 36 buses and only managed to fill slightly more than a block. They called on the people to join at 4:00 p.m., and at 4:30 p.m., the area was still empty.

Zulia state is vital in Venezuelan elections since it has the largest electoral roll. No other region in the country has so many voters.

For a candidate to win the primaries, it is necessary to have a significant mobilization of people, not just to stand out in the polls.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón, with Orinoco Tribune content ... ted-polls/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:48 pm


ImageThe Cayapo

30 Aug 2023 , 1:25 pm .

Why so much disgust at a different idea? (Photo: El Cayapo)

Five hundred years after the establishment of the capitalist dictatorship in these lands, Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías taught us that we do not need the powerful voice that has been imposed on us, that we can begin the adventure of creating the other word and begin to name ourselves, with our ways, uses and customs, with our technology, centers of production, experimentation, accumulation and transmission of thought and knowledge, to share with the peoples of the world without seeking the approval of the powerful.

Since February 4, 1992, the forces that seek to replace the material conditions of existence in this territory-mine have been confronted by the great power of capitalism, which needs Venezuela to be destroyed in a great civil war. Weathering the storm in the midst of these vicissitudes, both Commander Chávez and President Maduro have tried and put into practice all kinds of productive proposals that experts and scholars have formulated to overcome the problems of hunger, lack of clothing, footwear, housing, study, generated by capitalism. However, up to now what we are doing is repeating the same formulas with variants that the capitalist mode of production has generated up to now, without being able to solve the problems.

But in the midst of the war of sanctions, blockades, assassinations, small and large-scale invasion attempts, we note that at different times, both Chávez and Maduro have enunciated the idea of ​​the conuco as a productive concept, but from the highest elite even the middle-class dog has spoken out against it with a furious hatred, with contempt, with infinite disgust. But we poor people also doubt and laugh at the proposals because the wise men convince us of their wisdom and we do not realize that those wise men and their knowledge have always been against us.

Let's look at this confrontation on July 28, 2002, Chávez says: "The conuco has been a source of production and food since the time of the indigenous people, before Columbus arrived here. The conuqueros, they laughed at us when we talked about the conucos".

Ah, Chávez is crazy! Look, that is a sign of backwardness, this globalized world today does not accept farms!

And giving continuity to the idea, on March 2, 2003 he stressed: "We are obliged to invent our own solutions, formulas, paths, the first generating factor is ourselves, we have to get the best of ourselves and put it at the service of others." others, at the service of the collective, at the service of everyone's dream, at the service of the country, because we are hundreds of thousands of men and women who are committed above all efforts to build a country, and we cannot fail in that effort. It is forbidden to fail, whatever the difficulties, the failures, the mistakes that we have to overcome, we cannot fail. And we are not going to fail!"

And then he reaffirms: "Within a strategic vision, Venezuela has to be an agricultural country in the future. We cannot continue importing beans, sugar, meat, milk. No! We have to produce all of this here in these nine hundred and sixteen thousand fifty square kilometers of sacred territory of the Fatherland".

In all that time, the Zamora estates, the soirees, the nudes and other experiments that languish today were carried out, but not only that. Everyone knows of the large investments in agriculture that the Commander made from the government, of the delivery of land, of credits, of houses, of sheds built, but we also know how the so-called rural producers, parasites since the Fourth, who, sheltered behind the policies of agricultural production, appropriated enormous resources, giving the usual results: a lot of profit for them, little food for the population.

Thirteen years later, President Maduro in his government resumed the idea in October 2016, on October 13, 2018, on June 13, 2019, on August 5, 2020, and finally on August 23, 2023, he expressed the need to resume the idea conuco. But as if the idea of ​​the conuco were a very high-risk pandemic coronavirus, at once the sarcasm, mockery, and laughter of the experts resounded throughout the network, as they had previously lashed out at Chávez :

"The conuco is prohibited worldwide because it deteriorates the soil and brings with it ruin and poverty." "How much development there is in that brain, how easily these innovative and brilliant ideas come." "What genius: conucos". "It is that I imagine it, the Bolivarian revolution saving the world, Russia, China, India, Brazil and Africa, come to invest in their XXI century farm." "Please, not only recover the conuco, we must also insist on vertical chicken coops, on city agriculture and on raising fish in vases, well tanks and water jugs." "With these concepts the food of the Venezuelan is guaranteed. Let's export, then." "Back to the time of Gómez, that is, 100 years behind." "Until when so much improvisation,

And we ask ourselves, how many of these people who condemn and strongly oppose the idea of ​​putting the conuco method into practice as a mode of production are owners of banks, factories, tractors, planters, harvesters, threshers, pulpers, irrigation systems , of fertilizers or industrial fertilizers, of chemical, biological, bacteriological poisons?

How many are manufacturers or sellers of books, manuals and other literature dedicated to the subject of industrial agriculture, how many are owners of universities or technological institutes dedicated to the subject, how many are manufacturers of trailers, trucks, boats, motorcycles, and other systems? transport companies specialized in the agribusiness, how many own the transgenic manufacturing of seeds or processed seeds for the agribusiness, how many own the laboratories that they monopolize, vaccines, fungi, production systems and pest control for the agroindustry, how many own High communication technologies at the service of the agro-industry that produces fodder and drugs?

But even worse, how many know about the huge number of poisoned or children born with congenital deformities as a result of the poisons produced by agribusiness throughout the world? How many care about water pollution, the destruction of forests, wetlands, mountains for the profits of agribusiness?

We already know that the answer will be wise and arrogant: "What do you want, that we stay with the guayucos, or is it that you don't know, ignorant Chavistas, that growth, progress, development, civilization, have their price? your car, telephone and the comfort of the yacht and the private jet do not cost?

We could justify these people by accusing them of being scrawny and apparently resolving the problem of conscience for peace of mind. But, how many are the ministers, deputy ministers and civil servants in general who have followed or executed the idea in these twenty years? How many stay up late to see those orders of the President fulfilled, both yesterday with Commander Chávez and today with President Maduro?

We are convinced, like the presidents, that our only honorable way out if we want to be a country and stop being a mine is by applying the conuco method, not only in agriculture and breeding, but in education, instruction, architecture, sport, industry, laboratories, thinking brain tanks, art, sport, pharmacy, health.

"IDEAS!…IDEAS!, before LETTERS… / Fear makes the Government tyrannical / Hate makes the people cruel… / There is no freedom where there are masters… / Knowledge is public property… / America must not 'imitate' slavishly / but be original... / COLONIZE the country with... / ITS OWN INHABITANTS...".

"The wisdom of Europe / and the prosperity of the United States / are two enemies of the freedom of thought…in America…".

This is how Simón Rodríguez cried and wrote, and even today we refuse to understand the efforts of Miranda, Bolívar, Chávez, and those that President Maduro is making today, to see the work of the collective effort embodied in the territory, converted into a country where we can all live as people who belong to each other.

Conceiving the conuco as the true option will sow us in the territory, will give a virtuous reason for existence to the youth that today is drugged by the exacerbated consumption of everything that capitalism sells. There is no better incentive for youth than creating a world, giving it a name and naming itself. Because in the invention is the sense of being as a motivation for existence, beyond preserving itself as life.

A town without roots is like a tree, it dries up. Just like the tree, you have to take care of it and you have to water it, and you have to fertilize it, so that it is and grows strong, with strong roots, with a strong stem. That is the country that we have to build so that it gives us fruit and shelter. For that we have to design deep policies that take root in the heart of the people that we are. But these policies must be directed by strong, clear ideas that have the collective conversation as their source, that emanate from the work of invention and the errors in the experiment. Nothing can be worse than what exists for us as a people who have been slaves for five hundred years. Let the miserable be satisfied in their misery, but let us rise above the tragedy those willing to another possibility.

We must ask ourselves what interests beyond the stupid ignorance of the coward are opposed to the idea of ​​the conuco, what common sense is opposed to the investigation, to the experiment of what has not happened or not seen. Why so much trembling at the mere glimpse of the idea of ​​the conuco method, why scrawny and Chavistas oppose such a happy idea, what is the fear, why not try it. We have been producing for 23 years with the agro-industry method and the results are the same as what happened in the Fourth Republic, and that nobody comes to say is that the government does not help, it does not give credit, it does not give land, it does not give machinery, because lies blatantly.

The evidence of failure to feed the majority of the agro-industrial method is more than undeniable, and we are not only talking about Venezuela, it is all over the planet, and it is so as long as it only serves to obtain profits. On the other hand, the conuco in subsistence conditions allows the production of food in abundance. Why not experience it organized? Without waiting for a magical act that if I give a certain portion of land to a person, to a family, to a commune, to a communal council, with their credit and their seed, and so on, it will revert to us in a conuco with results excellent for the simple fact that the President said so, and because the officials distributed the resources in the event that they were willing to carry out the task.

Because the truth be told: the conuco, from the peasant to the academic intellectual, going through professionals, artists and politicians, is considered in very bad taste. No one in his current trial would like to be a conuquero, unless the President announces that each one will come equipped with a triton, a state-of-the-art 5G phone for each family member, electronic weeders, an air-conditioned tractor, and a large bank account. If so, welcome, we will all dress up as conuqueros and the line will be so big that even Joe Biden will come for his Bolivarian conuco.

Will this painful truth prevent us from carrying forward the idea of ​​the conuco as a method of production, as a generator of culture?

No, and thirty-two million times no, because if we accept it, defeat will be painted on the front of this territory forever and the dedication of efforts of those who preceded us in this idea will not be honored because our cowardice decided not to overcome force of habit, because we prefer not to think, not invent, not devise and settle for the illusory comfort of the slave and submit to the freedom of capitalism and who gives a damn about "Flying through the next ages, my imagination runs fixed in the future centuries, and observing from there, with admiration and astonishment, the prosperity, the splendor, the life that this vast region has received...".

One of the great mistakes, whether with complicity, interest or ignorance that the world's governments have repeatedly committed in food production, is to believe in the agro-industrial method of capitalism without studying its origin, behavior, results, dynamics and intentions. . The agro-industry is not an innocent child that comes to the villages to get them out of hunger and the delay in the planting methodology, no. The agribusiness are entrepreneurs with the purpose of obtaining higher profits for their low investments. Agro-industry is a method with which the territories where it settles are squeezed, leaving sterile, polluted, and poisoned land, as well as the waters and the people.

We cannot see the conuco as a producer of surplus value but as a generator of collective life; the term conuco cannot be used to disguise the harvest of the agro-industry without condemning the fakers. The conuco is a method to found a country.

Above all adversity, we must show that we are Chavistas, Rodriguistas, Bolivarians, Mirandinos. We understand that we must be extreme radicals in thought and bold in action, but let us not give up on the purpose of the conuco as a guide to build ourselves as a country. There is no other way out. ... -el-conuco

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Venezuelan Opposition Tensions Mount, Parties Vie for Control of Primary Elections
AUGUST 31, 2023

Justice First party leader Henrique Capriles attending a party event, sharing a document identifying himself as his party's candidate for the opposition primaries. Photo: Ariana Cubillos/Associated Press/File photo.

Tensions between the Venezuelan opposition parties have increased after the Unitary Platform recently approved the proposal of the Justice First (PJ) party candidate for the opposition primaries, Henrique Capriles, to discuss the substitution of disqualified candidates.

According to anti-Chavista journalist Vladimir Villegas, the Unitary Platform approved a request by Capriles to hold a discussion on the rule of substitution of candidates, in view of the political disqualification of three of the candidates to the opposition primaries.

According to several polls, the candidates that hold greater voting intentions among the public for the opposition primaries are María Corina Machado, Henrique Capriles, and Freddy Superlano. All of them are disqualified from holding public office by decisions taken by the Comptroller General’s Office a number of years ago.

In view of this, Capriles proposes that if a disqualified candidate is elected in the primaries, the opposition should elect a substitute to be the candidate in the 2024 presidential elections.

However, the substitution of candidates is an issue that has generated tensions among opposition actors, polarizing the divide between those who support this mechanism, and others who are against the imposition of handpicked candidates.

Following the announcement of Capriles’ proposal, the first party to reject the measure was La Causa R party. The candidate to the primaries for La Causa R, Andrés Velásquez, confirmed his rejection of this request, stating that the elections are not “a pact of elites.”

“The primary is for the people to choose their candidate with their vote, not Maduro by means of an interposed group,” said the opposition politician, in reference to Capriles and his recently announced alliance with Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) party leader, Manuel Rosales.

For Velásquez, Capriles and Rosales are simply proxy agents of the government of Nicolás Maduro. Velásquez also stated that the opposition must read the results and abide by them, because the “G4 [the most extreme and largest wing of the opposition] is over.”

Tensions also intensified after the announcement of this alliance between the UNT and PJ parties; a fact that would allow the UNT votes to go to Henrique Capriles, should his proposal be put into place.

The combination of the proposal by Capriles and the recent party alliance would appear to confirm rumors that in case he wins the primaries, the representative for the presidential elections would in fact be Manuel Rosales.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón with Orinoco Tribune content ... elections/

Venezuelan Expats in Miami Endorse María Corina Machado’s Violent Agenda
AUGUST 30, 2023

Venezuelan right-wing violent protestors posing after burning a police motorcycle during the 2019 guarimbas in east Caracas: Photo: RIA Novosti/File photo.

In recent days, more and more allies of opposition politician María Corina Machado are showing clearly what her motto “until the end” means. This time, the revelation came from Miami, where far-right expat Orlando Urdaneta confirmed that to achieve “something,” they must push for a violent agenda.

In an interview, Urdaneta said that “in the end” means the marches, the guarimbas [violent protests], and the blocked streets. In his opinion, this is the only way “we are going to achieve something.”

“We will not be alone. It is more than clear that there are conversations in motion with military officials that, at the right moment, will be on our side,” stated the far-right personality, famous for being directly involved in the 2002 coup against President Hugo Chávez.

Urdaneta joined the recent statements made by fugitive Antonio Ledezma, who said that Machado’s campaign command is in talks with members of the military and that a civic-military rebellion will make her the opposition candidate for the 2024 presidential election.

Urdaneta stated, “But how do we do it? Well, we are not going to be alone. It is very clear if people understood Antonio Ledezma correctly. It is very clear that there are advanced conversations with members of the military.”

Weeks ago, Antonio Ledezma confessed that María Corina Machado’s team was in talks with the military for a rebellion. However, upon seeing the impact of his statements, which led the Attorney General’s Office to take legal action, he backpedaled on his statements.

At that time, Ledezma confessed that they were in talks with the military for a possible “uprising” to fight for Machado’s registration in the CNE.

He said that, with her motto “until the end,” Machado means that she will not allow herself to be subjected to the rules imposed by the Venezuelan government. Given this, he confirmed that a rebellion would be necessary.

The Venezuelan opposition has been notorious for generating violent actions when an electoral event is approaching. With the upcoming 2024 presidential elections, the opposition sector is revealing new plans against the country.

Recently, President Nicolás Maduro warned about a campaign to sow fascism in the country through lies, hatred, and violence.

With only two months until the opposition primary elections, more and more threats of violent scenarios are emerging from the opposition. It remains to be seen how these elections will develop and what measures will be taken by the opposition towards the 2024 presidential race in case the elections do not go as they hope.

(RedRadioVE) by Ana Perdigón, with Orinoco Tribune content ... nt-agenda/

PSUV Vice President Warns About Opposition Laundering Money Through Primaries

PSUV first vice president, Diosdado Cabello, during episode 444 of his show Con el Mazo Dando, on Wednesday, August 30, 2023. Photo: Con el Mazo Dando.

The first vice-president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello, made a statement that the Venezuelan right-wing opposition may be preparing to launder money using the upcoming opposition primaries as a cover.

During episode 444 of his television program Con el Mazo Dando, broadcasted this Wednesday, August 30, Cabello said that on the eve of the 2024 presidential elections, some sectors of the opposition want to take advantage of the political situation to legitimize and funnel illegal capital to themselves during the far-right primaries elections scheduled for October 20.

“Money could be laundered in the primaries,” he stated,” so we are obliged to investigate the origin and destination of the money received by the opponents to verify that this event is not used to introduce illegitimate capital into the country.”

Cabello recommended that the presidential pre-candidates should have their accounts up to date and transparent when submitting information on their financing, and not to be surprised by those who seek to take advantage of this event to legitimize capital of dubious origin.

It should be noted that in Venezuela, it is illegal for political parties to receive foreign financing, much less if it is intended to promote political campaigns.

In view of the upcoming electoral process, the Venezuelan state has the obligation to trace the origin of all banking transfers registered by organizations with political purposes.

This is the second statement from the Chavista leader on the issue of the financing of the opposition sectors amid the opposition primaries. In episode 443 of his show, Cabello warned that if the National Commission for Primaries (CNP) is receiving money from the US regime-change mechanism USAID to organize the primaries, they would be involved in a major issue.

Cabello further noted that if you are the CNP’s financial manager, or a manager within the CNP in different states in Venezuelan territory, and you have received money from the USAID, NED, or another NGOs obsessed with ousting President Nicolás Maduro, “you will be involved in a big problem.” ... primaries/
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:47 pm

‘Clear As The Full Moon’: The Revolution Will Not Be Defeated
With presidential elections on the horizon, VA writer Andreína Chávez looks at the recent history and challenges facing the Bolivarian Process.

Revolutionary leader Hugo Chávez alongside President Nicolás Maduro on December 8, 2012. (Archive)

"This Revolution does not depend on one man. This Revolution belongs to the people and no one can stop it." Hugo Chávez

Recently, I went to a bar in a popular neighborhood of western Caracas that has a long history of revolutionary struggle against neoliberalism and fascism. The place it’s so old that it resembles a museum, with walls packed from floor to ceiling with curious items, including electoral cards from 1958, when Venezuela’s democratic period began, and newspapers from 2002 announcing the coup against Hugo Chávez.

I was surprised to see a picture of Chávez accompanied by his two daughters while on his hospital bed in Cuba. It was published in February 2013. I remember that back then that photo gave us hope that the president would be okay, but then he passed away just weeks later.

Above Chávez was another photo: President Nicolás Maduro inside the same bar we were, shaking hands with another man, perhaps the owner. The contrast between the two pictures sparked a conversation about the future of the Bolivarian Process, whether Maduro wins or loses the 2024 presidential vote. This is something that I’ve realized has the whole world worried. I suppose that is because the Bolivarian Process represents a beacon of hope for the future.

“I wish Maduro would come out and say, ‘Listen, I know I’m not Chávez,” one person told me. He meant it as some sort of apology from Maduro, for not being able to perfectly fill Chávez’s giant shoes. I understand where this feeling comes from too.

Chávez, of course, was in another realm when it came to politics. An exceptional leader who spearheaded an entire revolution. An inspiration for revolutionaries worldwide as the architect of twenty-first-century socialism and Global South liberation. Frankly, no Latin American leader from the 1990s holds a candle against him. He is a hard, if not impossible, act to follow.

Oftentimes, I’ve wondered how Maduro came to be the “chosen one.” He started as a trade union leader when he was a bus driver and supported Chávez from day one, later becoming his foreign minister and vice president. A friend once told me that Maduro struck her as the least controversial figure in the revolution, more humble than most, and even a good negotiator. Maybe that’s why he ended up in our electoral card in 2013.

Maduro’s victory and subsequent reelection in 2018 were votes of confidence given by the people who wanted to see the revolution triumph and understood the dangers of the hardline opposition reaching power. Will the vote of confidence repeat in 2024? If not, what happens with the revolution? In order to understand our upcoming elections, we need to evaluate the harsh circumstances the country has been forced to endure and people’s perceptions of the government’s actions and inactions.

The Full Moon
Who doesn’t remember when Chávez announced on national television that Maduro should be the candidate to succeed him in case he died? It was December 8, 2012, and this was the first time he talked about dying, at least in public, and the first time we wondered if our revolutionary process could really continue without him. Chávez words were pure poetry:

“My firm opinion, as clear as the full Moon – irrevocable, absolute, total – is that you elect Nicolás Maduro as president. I ask this of you from my heart. He is one of the young leaders with the greatest ability to continue if I cannot.”

Then Chávez died on March 5, 2013, and his words were haunting. Six months prior he had won the presidential election by an 11-point margin leaving opposition candidate Henrique Capriles in the dust—an incredible feat after 14 years of government. But Maduro didn’t have the same luck because he didn’t inspire the same trust. In April, while we were still mourning, Maduro won the election, but by less than a 2 percent difference.

The revolution would continue, but barely. This was for two reasons. On one side, the opposition launched coup attempts, an economic war and US imperialism intensified. On the other side, the government failed to respond with a revolutionary, radical, popular power alternative, opting instead for unsuccessfully negotiating with the aggressors and searching for a middle ground in both political discourse and economic policies.

The (Anti)Venezuelan opposition
After losing the election to Maduro, Capriles exhorted supporters to “unload their fury” in the streets, which was followed by the 2014 regime change plot called “The Exit,” crafted by far-right criminal Leopoldo López. At the time, I was working at a small leftist radio station that was almost set on fire with us inside before we were rescued. Others didn’t have the same luck. Forty-three people were killed, mostly civilians and security officers.

In 2014, we were also hit by low oil prices, igniting an economic crisis. In 2016, food scarcity worsened and prices were raised daily to the point you couldn’t buy a kilo of meat or a kilo of anything. To our outrage, images of hoarded, expired food circulated on national television. Long queues were our daily bread. This was just another regime-change strategy.

In 2017, we saw another fascist revolt kill over 100 people, including a young dark-skinned man who was burned alive for “looking Chavista.” That same year, US sanctions rained down on us like artillery, as a result of incessant lobbying by the far-right opposition. Our house was on fire and then they threw gasoline at us. Premeditated murder they call it in courtrooms. Thousands migrated, tearing apart the country’s social fabric.

When it was time for elections in May 2018, Maduro was reelected. I gladly voted for him. Even now, after writing all this, my blood boils with just the thought of the anti-Venezuelan, pro-imperialist and racist opposition reaching power.

However, his victory was the result of a few factors: the mainstream opposition called for a boycott so turnout was much lower than in previous elections, especially in wealthy areas. Maduro’s main competitor, opposition politician Henry Falcón, was not well-known and failed to mobilize voters.

Similarly, traditional Chavista areas didn’t vote massively either and this had all to do with a loss of confidence in the government. On one side, the government managed to defeat the fascist uprisings, which the general population, Chavista or not, never supported. But the backers of such violence, the same people who requested US sanctions and foreign military intervention, seemed to evade any punishment.

Leopoldo López was imprisoned but later escaped, as well as others. Henrique Capriles and far-right psychopath María Corina Machado only got a slap on the wrist: they were barred from holding public office. To this day, Machado is still calling for fascist revolts and interventions, while promoting US sanctions as necessary tools to continue killing people so she can reach power by force. She wants to “win and collect.”

Both Capriles and Machado, although still banned, are running for the opposition primaries in October and they are touring the country, telling people how they are going to fix all their problems, those they helped create in the first place. So when government officials warn of the danger these fascists represent if they ever reach power, people can only wonder why have they enjoyed so much impunity over the years.

The absence of justice is also perceived in the treatment of the business class. The economic war this sector imposed on us has never been overcome, it simply morphed from food hoarding and price hikes to squeezing profits out of workers. Peace is not achieved merely by not having street violence and long queues, real peace means preserving the rights hard-won during years of revolution.

Nonetheless, people gave Maduro and his government another vote of confidence under the promise of economic prosperity. Furthermore, nobody wanted imperialism and its puppets to win and turn us into a colony, especially after trying to kill us in every way imaginable and calling it “fighting for democracy.”

Timely warnings
Now we are on the eve of another presidential election and the scenario has not changed much in terms of confidence in the government. In 2019, the US blockade intensified and an “interim presidency” brought more destabilization. Jailing Juan Guaidó would have turned him into a martyr and could have provoked a murderous reaction from imperialist forces, but letting him go has made the government seem incapable of bringing those who have harmed us the most to justice.

When it comes to the perception of the economy, this has improved. There is a good effort for diversification as well as opportunities to make a living through entrepreneurship. Still, without dignified public sector wages, most people are forced to scramble to have several incomes, thus either not caring much about politics or flirting with other political alternatives. That’s how fascists make sudden inroads, like Milei in Argentina.

Venezuelan revolutionary and former guerrilla fighter, Julio Escalona, who recently passed away, explained this very well in a speech on national television in December 2018:

"This confidence that the Venezuelan people have [in the government] has moved them to vote, in spite of all the difficulties, and that is a great faith. Do you know what comes after the loss of faith? Fascism [...] the people who voted for Bolsonaro are not machista or sexist or anything like that, but they became anti PT (Workers' Party) and that is why they voted for Bolsonaro. I think we should look at that example and take it very seriously."

In recent years, Escalona gave critical advice that was ignored time and again: He exhorted the government to accompany the people in their daily struggles and get rid of privileges, to purge the Socialist Party from internal actors that operate for the right-wing and confront the class interests conflict within the government (the so-called “revolutionary bourgeoisie”), to open debates in the streets and also listen to the anti-Chavista people, who might not care about the revolution but have suffered under the imperialist siege and want a good life.

More importantly, Escalona warned about minding the way officials talk when they tell people they will lose their rights, such as free healthcare or education, if they vote for the opposition, when those rights have deteriorated today. “The [US-backed] right wing, in its process of chaotization, has destroyed many things but we have not known how to rebuild them.”

A New Moon
Venezuelan journalist Clodovaldo Hernández has expertly explained that despite some Chavista people losing faith, the government still has a hardcore base and a well-oiled organizational structure to mobilize voters, whereas the opposition will most likely reach the 2024 election with several candidates and completely disunited. A radical fraction might boycott again.

Chances are we’ll see a repeat of the 2018 phenomenon. In such a case, I believe the Bolivarian Process will face the unique challenge of trying to unify again, which can only happen if the government accepts there’s a sector not happy with the liberal turn of the Bolivarian project. This includes leftist militants but also regular Chavista people.

For the record, the critical left also has some reckoning to do. Fighting for the revolution is not going to right-wing outlets and NGOs to call the government “neoliberal,” it is about accompanying workers in their organized struggle. Same thing with leftist talking heads, who these days are more worried about draining their anger than providing real criticism that gives clarity and mobilizes people to fight for rectifications instead of giving up.

Ideally, I would prefer if the left launched its own primaries and let the people decide on a candidate to represent the revolution in the 2024 election. I actually don’t mind Maduro, but perhaps people need a fresh start and a sense of control. We can’t forever draw inspiration from Chávez’s full Moon. Some might feel it’s time for a new Moon.

The other scenario is that a right-wing candidate wins. Or even a figure that does not represent the political establishment of either the traditional left or the right. Washington would get involved quickly to ensure that anything related to Chavismo is annihilated in return for sanctions relief. Sanctions won’t magically disappear until imperialism is happy. While this scenario is plausible, so far there’s no such outsider candidate in sight.

In any of such future worlds, there is only one thing that I’m confident about, the only “clear full Moon” I still see: The Revolution will not be defeated. It might take some internal fighting, a critical look in the mirror, and innumerable obstacles. It might even get interrupted for a few years. But it will only return much stronger just like Chávez turned into millions after he left us and bequeathed this tremendous struggle.


Communist Party of Venezuela Decries ‘Usurpation’ by Supreme Court

The PCV has claimed that the judicial ruling is part of a scheme orchestrated by the leadership of the PSUV to take over the party’s credentials.

PCV Secretary General Oscar Figuera (center) shares the statement issued by the V Plenum of the Central Committee of the party in a video message. (Youtube)

Mexico City, Mexico, August 15, 2023 ( – The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) firmly rejected a recent ruling by the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) that appointed a new ad-hoc board to lead the party.

In a video message posted Monday, PCV Secretary General Oscar Figuera shared the declaration issued by the V Plenum of the Central Committee of the party in light of the court’s decision, arguing that it constitutes an “illegal” intervention in the internal affairs of the organization.

“This sentence by the Constitutional Chamber is an illegal and incorrect sentence,” said Figuera.

In its statement, the Central Committee maintains that the seven people appointed to the board of directors are not PCV members and therefore cannot occupy leadership posts in the party, making their appointment by the court an “usurpation” of the collective’s credentials.

The TSJ responded favorably to a complaint by a self-styled “movement” that calls itself “Patriotic PCV” and claims its goal is to “rescue” the organization. The newly appointed ad hoc board will be led by Táchira politician Henry Parra.

This movement held what the PCV deemed a “fake congress” in May, where a new leadership was elected. This was viewed as the first step in a broader plan to demand possession of the PCV’s legal and electoral credentials.

The PCV has claimed that the scheme is being orchestrated by the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), pointing the finger in particular at ranking Chavista figure Diosdado Cabello, who has frequently criticized the PCV and its recent political stances.

The court ruling comes as the PSUV prepares for the constitutionally mandated 2024 presidential elections. The Venezuelan Communist Party participated for many years in the PSUV-led Great Patriotic Pole that submitted unified lists in electoral contests, having supported Nicolás Maduro in both of his presidential victories.

However, the party eventually broke with the ruling socialists over policy differences and fielded independent candidates under the so-called Popular Revolutionary Alternative in the 2020 and 2021 electoral contests. However, its results were underwhelming.

With the Maduro government adopting liberal policies in an attempt to kickstart the economy while under heavy US sanctions, the Venezuelan communists have grown increasingly critical, deeming the measures as “anti-worker” and favoring capital.

In contrast, the Venezuelan communists have been criticized for appearances in right-wing, foreign-funded media and accused of building common ground with the country’s traditional opposition.

In its Monday declaration, the PCV reiterated its criticisms of the PSUV and its leadership, condemning the “neoliberal policies” of the Maduro government while simultaneously criticizing the country’s right-wing opposition.

Venezuelan human right organization Surgentes, which has accompanied the Bolivarian process from a working-class perspective, issued its own statement criticizing the court’s ruling, alleging that it constituted a violation of the political rights of party members and the Venezuelan population as a whole.

“Since 2021 there has been evidence of a state-driven libel operation against the PCV, which passed off people from outside the party as grassroots militants who question the leadership,” read the statement from Surgentes.

High-profile Chavista commentator Luigino Bracci likewise criticized the latest developments, calling the TSJ decision “a distraction” and “absurd.”

For his part, Figuera said that the party would continue to pursue its legal options inside Venezuela as well as international actions.

“We are preparing new actions in the legal field but also promoting national and international solidarity,” said Figuera.

Numerous communist parties and other left organizations from throughout the world have already expressed their solidarity with the Communist Party of Venezuela.

The court’s ruling coincided with an event organized by the PCV to commemorate the 86th anniversary of the first national conference of the Communist Party of Venezuela and 100 years since the birth of notable party leader Alberto Lovera. A number of renowned figures from the Venezuelan left attended the event to express solidarity.

At the event, Figuera reminded attendees of the sharp differences the PCV had with former President Hugo Chávez in 2007 after the party refused to dissolve itself and join the PSUV but nonetheless maintained a comradely relationship.
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:41 pm


ImageThe Cayapo

Sep 14, 2023 , 9:57 am .

In statistics, all drugs compete, whether illegal or legal, to see which causes the most damage (Photo: El Cayapo)

War has always been a warehouse where the poor pay with our lives.

What does the eyelashes have to do with the drain, what does María Corina revolt, a factory of whatever, the delirious clown Milei, the European imitators and worshipers, the gum chewers of the north, the priests, the shows, the police, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, sheriffs, armies, oil producers, weapons producers, agribusiness, artists, professionals, academics, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, textile companies, research centers from any area, be it physics, mathematics, biology, bacteriological, philosophical, political, sociological, with the great fentanyl, the new nuclear calf that will drag behind it the great impoverished majorities left behind by the capitalist dictatorship,even his delirious detractors who scream wildly that the nuclear calf, mother of all sins, die?

We think nothing, but a lot.

When we synthesize that apparent rice with mango, we see that we are all involved in the production, storage, financing, distribution, transportation and consumption of the drug. It is a private company that affects us all, but only a small elite wins. Everything has to do with everything, synthesizing into a fentanyl that makes us all high. The largest transnational companies in transportation, commerce, finance, fuel, agribusiness, information, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, arms companies, textiles, footwear, clothing, construction, art, education, entertainment, and the unimaginable, are involved in the drug business.

Millennia ago war became the duty of the powerful elites, odes were sung to it and tournaments and tributes were held, and its generals were exalted as the greatest heroes, to the point that when children with some deficiency were born They were murdered by law, unable to serve the purposes of the warlords, and always, in the name of some hallucination, people were devastated and dragged by war.

Since then the war has been sustained by drugs of all kinds, from religious hallucinogens that moved large contingents of people in the name of God or the Virgin to the murder, robbery and looting of other people who did not believe in the power of the hallucinogen, which This time it would save us forever from all evils and pains, until its newest presentation, the synthesized opium, the magnificent, the adorable, the remover of all pains, the great fentanyl.

But the very certain truth is that, throughout history, this species has been accumulating more and more pain in the name of the hallucinations that the warlords have imposed on us, and therefore every day more and more evasion is required to prevent the madness from overflowing and ending up destroying everything.

This ordinary culture that has invaded the world with its ordinariness has paid with drugs for the refined pleasures copied from Asian cultures, for example, the enjoyment of tea, silk and porcelain were paid to the Chinese by the British with opium balls that in turn they stole in India, Afghanistan, Türkiye.

These elites have a very long history of crimes. In another article we said how through the Crusades they accumulated a large portion of capital in every sense. With religious opium they led thousands and thousands of starving Europeans into a 200-year war that in turn allowed them to finance new invasions of other continents (Africa, America), which in turn facilitated a greater accumulation of capital with which were able to finance the so-called industrial revolution, with which they discovered physical opium in the invasions to the east (India, Türkiye, Afghanistan). The great opioid business or the second great drug war had begun.

During the 19th century, Britain took over the opium business at gunpoint; He uses large quantities of opium from India to invade China, which at the time was ruled by the decadent Qing dynasty. England invaded China with opium through the port of Canton, and the first consequence was the opium wars between Great Britain and China (first war 1839-1842) and the Treaty of Nanjing, where England imposed free trade mainly in opium to China through five ports (the most important of them: Canton), as well as the transfer of Hong Kong Island for 150 years. Because England was in deficit in its trade balance by not having anything that China could buy from it.

Second war 1856-1860 and the Treaty of Peking, where China is forced to give up 11 ports to the free traffic of European products, especially opium. In the end they took over vast Chinese territories, almost all European countries participated in this cayapa, mainly England and France. The Chinese impossibility of preserving its independence from the imperialist powers was emphasized when it lost the war with Japan (1894-1895), which cost it significant territorial losses. With the abdication of the last emperor of the Qing dynasty, China began in 1912 the recovery of its sovereignty, which it would conquer under the leadership of the Communist Party and the guidance of Mao Tse-Tung.

One hundred years later, opium has been synthesized by the same gang of satraps that has always devastated the world in the name of individual indulgence in pleasures and overcoming hunger, fear and ignorance, particularly of these plundering elites who live of other people's work. Today China is once again confronted by the same ordinary mob that desperately seeks to plunder it, with the difference that China is no longer in decline but flourishing, maintaining the advantage that its trade is due to its own production and does not require anything from the West, but also with the advantage of being allied with the governments of Russia, Iran and North Korea.


Fentanyl is a laboratory product. Since the sixties, a Belgian doctor Paul Janssen has managed to synthesize several chemical elements and its fundamental base is opium, derived from the poppy. It is a synthetic opioid 50 times more powerful than heroin and 100 times more powerful than morphine, which was formerly used to relieve pain in the body due to operations, or diseases such as cancer that generate very intense pain. The medical reason for producing fentanyl is its alleviating power, because fentanyl does not cure, it does; relieves circumstantially, for a very short time.

The fentanyl business does not have its origin in some bosses who discovered how the idea is intended to be sold: it is a pharmaceutical business, legal, with its patents up to date and its tax payments so that its owners are recognized as honest and honest people. without blemishes. This product is sold to the entire world, it is in all operating rooms in the world with its doses that cannot exceed 2 milligrams because it would kill people. So far, the beauty and justification of fentanyl, but…

Since pharmaceutical companies are not charitable foundations but factories, companies, industries, transnationals, corporations, which by their very essence are obliged to produce infinitely and forced to sell incomparably because they cannot stop production, and that is why the great advertising campaign to combat pain without consequences with OxyContin, but it turns out that fentanyl creates a very violent addiction.

The real mafia plan is the legal pharmaceutical companies, because they sold the idea that fentanyl was a drug that quickly resolved all types of pain to the body and mind, as a consequence excessive consumption generates addicts and increases demand and the drug in the required doses and quantities, and that throws into the streets an epidemic of addicts that the legal industry has produced with its patents, its permits and its tax payments, its well-dressed and perfumed gentlemen, who live in its pleasant and They enjoy while 200 thousand people between the ages of 18 and 45 die every year as a result of their product.

Of course they take that underground and the movie of the bosses, gangsters, murderers, criminals appears; Pablos Escobar Gaviria, Chapo Guzmán, the lady of the mafia, and all the films we know about this tragedy produced by capitalism are repeated, but what all of this is really masking is the expansion of the business at macro levels. So "it is already entering Venezuela, Chile, Peru, which has already reached Africa," and desperate addicts continue behind that propaganda, trying to alleviate the pain that capitalism generates.


Why are we criminals, idiots, stupid, crooked, sick, influenced by the devil? Why doesn't God love us, why are we corrupt beings, why did we have an unprotected childhood, hyperkinetic, lazy, shy, lacking a wife or husband? Any excuse will justify the legend of drug addiction and keep the factory alive. Why do we alienate ourselves? Why do we go crazy under capitalism? What leads us to drugs? What drives us to seek pain relief?

That's where we get the ranchera: "When I came into the world I was born crying/ that they serve me a drink and many more/ that they serve me duck once a year/ that I'm seriously thinking about getting drunk"; in the sauce: "Yes, I'm a drunk, but I get the money I drink from my sweat"; or the bolero: "My heart hurts, I don't feel my soul"; in vallenato: "The wound that I always carry in my soul does not heal"; the passage: "Sadness never passes in a man's heart"; that emphasize in a musical monotone the pain that capitalism produces. That's why record labels promote and reproduce like sausages all types of songs associated with pain-killing drugs. Right now there is nothing that sounds that doesn't say that you take a pill, that you give yourself a pass, that you smoke some pod; All of that is associated in one way or another.

Let us not look for the reasons for these pains, which people seek to alleviate with drugs, not in the people themselves but in the dictatorship of capitalism. Let's not separate drugs from a stocking factory, from a fan, from a telephone, from a car, from a machine gun, from a package of spaghetti, from networks, from factories of every type of product, no matter how insignificant it may seem; fundamentally it moves capital that is reproduced as profit; This business generates high levels of surplus value that they can legalize and illegalize whenever they want, as in the case of the United States, England or Europe, where liquor was prohibited during the Great Depression, a prohibited drug that killed people. just like fentanyl, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, morphine, coffee, cigarettes, cocoa, sugar,

"Buy the selfish one, unique to you only, the Ferrari guarantees it."

In statistics, all drugs compete, whether illegal or legal, to see which one causes more damage, higher levels of mortality to the suffering users, to the hopeful addicts that this time it will solve my problem.


Capitalism is a transnational fentanyl, a synthesis of wars that summarizes centuries of slavery, domination, subjugation, today taken to levels of excellence in the massive control of the people. The drug business has a high level of profit, which generates surplus value and maintains social control, but why do people massively search for drugs, cigarettes, coffee, salt, sugar, liquor, beer, wine, fentanyl, opioids, barbiturates, religions, entertainment, sports? You have to see the true cause so as not to get lost analyzing consequences.

The factory subjugates the majority of the population for eight continuous hours a day throughout the world, and that is an absolute dictatorship because we do not have the freedom to go look for another job, wherever we go they will tell us the same thing; It is a dictatorship, we cannot even democratically elect the slaver who alienates us: the slaver is the slaver, the name or the product does not matter, that slaver can produce sugar or fentanyl, machine guns, oil, panties or lollipops, that does not matter; To the slave owner, whether he is called the boss, businessman, boss, we must serve eight hours no matter who he is or what he produces, because we are not slaves of that owner: we are slaves of capitalism.

That immense pain, that anxiety between lack and submission that we do not know where it comes from, is because we cannot respond to the owner. That guy can curse us, mistreat us through the foreman, the manager, the supervisor, the machine, the office, and we cannot respond because we have children to support, a plate of food to put in our mouths, but also an illusion that They are the honeys of capitalism that advertising offers us: "You can have the great car, the hottest woman, or the most repainted guy there is, you can travel to wonderful and paradisiacal islands, if you have a conversation you can go to the moon with "Elon Musk."

All of this is offered by capitalism, whether you are an urban sanitation worker or a NASA worker, whether you are in PDVSA or in China, it is the same, nothing changes. Therein lies the true reason that justifies the existence of drugs as a business, whatever it may be.

The anti-drug fighters benefit, as do the producers, the administrators, the bankers, of course, each one at their own level. For example, textile industries are beneficiaries of drugs because they produce the uniforms of police officers, armies, the uniforms of judges, lawyers, sheriffs, secretaries, jailers, prisoners; the footwear industry produces boots. , the footwear of the military, of the police, and everything is a chain that is interconnected to the same system, it is a synthetic, it is an absolute fentanyl. That is the reason for the massive drug addiction of people.

The anti-drugs with their actions hide the owners of the business, because they are not owners of the pharmaceutical transnationals, of the 220 thousand hectares of coca in Colombia, of the marijuana fields in Morocco, of the processing and production of opium in Afghanistan, nor owners of the transgenic production of marijuana that businessmen in the United States control, because big banks, oil sellers, arms manufacturers and sellers, pharmaceutical companies, information, soft drinks, shows, those who maintain a school system are involved in this business. that prepares people to be slaves.

But the consumer should not justify his inability to think because he also has a brain, and is obliged to think; If not, let the quagmire swallow him up. We have no right to demand that they save us. We have a brain: let's put it to work, no "poor things, look at how the zombies are walking on the streets of the United States", and now the business with zombie protection foundations.

The only way to break this permanent cycle of dominance is to think, there is no other way, because if we look for the reason for the pain we will find it there, not in the woman who abandoned us, in the husband who left us, in the boyfriend or girlfriend that we never had, not in the candy that we dropped one day or the lentil dish that was turned over and they told us there was no more. The pain does not come from there, it comes from capitalism, which is what generates it, and what sells us the pill, because it is not that it gives it away: it sells us the illusion of relief and it does not even give us relief, because when we leave the temples, medicine cabinets, shopping centers, after having smoked marijuana, after having taken the pills, after having consumed fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, after having gotten drunk, the fool, the mouse, the monkey comes and goes sideways,

If we do not think of alternatives to capitalism, we will apply the old formula of opium we are and they will turn us into fentanyl. ... onvertiran

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Venezuelan Armed Forces will continue combating illegal mining

By law, in the Cerro Yapacana National Park, Amazonas state, mining activities are expressly prohibited. | Photo: Screenshot
Published September 15, 2023

The FANB assured that it will continue to exercise sovereignty through dismantling, eviction and destruction of illegal mining camps.

The Minister of Defense of Venezuela, Vladimir Padrino López, assured this Thursday that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) will continue to combat illegal mining in the nation's natural spaces.

“The FANB will continue to exercise sovereignty through the dismantling, eviction and destruction of illegal mining camps, throughout the national territory, in accordance with the laws and respecting Human Rights; We will preserve the environment and the heritage of Venezuela. “Go ahead!” wrote the minister on his official account on the social network X (formerly Twitter).

Padrino López, likewise, issued an official statement this Thursday explaining the events that occurred in the Cerro Yapacana National Park, in the state of Amazonas, located in the south of the country.

He indicated that, within the framework of Operation Autana 2023, the FANB reported that on Wednesday “400 military personnel proceeded to evict, dismantle and destroy more than 500 clandestine structures used for illegal mining, in the Cacique sector, Atabapo municipality” Amazon state.

“At the time of the boarding, when all the people present were ordered to peacefully leave the sector; “A group of miners unexpectedly and premeditatedly attacked the officials with knives and firearms,” the statement said.

He added that “this irresponsible action caused 02 people to die and 03 to be injured, as well as 03 military personnel also to be injured. "All the injured are being provided with proper medical attention in the military and public health network."

The press release specified that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro requested the action of the Public Ministry, in order to deepen the corresponding investigations.

The minister recalled that in the Cerro Yapacana National Park, where mining activities are expressly prohibited by law, “more than 12 thousand people have been evicted in an impeccable action, strictly framed in the legal system and, above all, with profound Respect for human rights". ... -0001.html
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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:59 pm


ImageThe Cayapo

Sep 26, 2023 , 1:00 pm .


To the poet and rap singer Fernando Kiko Mendoza, brother for life always. For whom poetry and singing did not become merchandise or a profession of vanity, but rather embraces the country to be built.

(audio at link)
El Cayapo · 02 Without titles or guilds

Since the end of the so-called Second World War, Western capitalist elites, in accordance with their interests, have been advocating a world with new rules. Total control, the globalization of power over all life. In imposing these rules, they have designed plans to destroy the old structures of the nation-states born in the Treaty of Westphalia and physically collapsed in the second war of capitalist imperialism.

It is important to be clear that capitalist liberals have never respected the nation-state, because they absolutely seek freedom, therefore, despite creating a State with new formulas at their service, this continues to be an obstacle to their future plans to produce infinitely without anyone stopping them or telling them how things should be, much less regulating them because if not then freedom would have no meaning.

Capitalism has never had nor will it assume compliance with any particular nation, because humans are citizens of the free world and understand that the entire universe belongs to them, and beyond the reach of powerful probes or telescopes.

These doctrines and plans manifesting in Davos, the G7 and other organizations or brain tanks face a reality where nation-states are based on three fundamental principles: territory with borders, people and army. These sectors, also called globalized, have designed a plan known as controlled chaos that consists of disrupting nation-states, maintaining low-intensity civil wars or their variables, creating an endless number of small fiefdoms controlled by warlords, according to the resources, raw materials and merchandise they contain, and control them directly from corporations of all types; eliminate national armies and privatize them according to needs, create prison ghettos, like El Salvador,

The ideological-philosophical support for this disorder of unhealthy superiority comes to Western elites from the myth of replacing God as an all-powerful being ruling the universe, no longer with religion, but with science, armies, information, technology and control of production. They are definitely convinced of being gods, therefore, everyone must pay homage to them.

Now, carrying out these plans necessarily confronts them with elites formed from ancient times in another cultural model, which generally last between 500 and a thousand years or more, as in the Chinese case, which has barely 100 years of emerging from its cocoon. That is to say, its decline is very far away on the horizon and in time. Today these cultures are nestled, planted in their territories and their new doctrines as flourishing cultures, while the proponents of controlled chaos are in the process of decline. China is a culture that has been maintained through dynasties that are founded, flourish, bear fruit and go into decline, like Persians and Russians, which are sustained by attachment to territory, which do not have the principle of creating colonies,

This does not say that war and looting are beautiful because these cultures carry them out. No invasion or conquest is plausible, no matter who the elite is that carries it out. Except that the West is faced with another way of waging war, because they are no longer facing helpless people but rather facing true war machines, which are even their inventors.

Another example: both Chinese, Russians and Persians understand each other as cultural survival; They say: we exist, we are Russians, Chinese, Persians; They name themselves and have the ability to name, but they also have a large army, they have an important scientific movement, they have an important technological movement, they have well-established cultural data as a people, and that will allow them to win the war. In fact, the narcified and globalized West like a plague has definitely lost it; Whatever the NATOists do, they will not be able to breach the Russian defenses, no matter how much time passes, even if they destroy Ukraine in the final defeat that is their own.

The military confrontation between these two models is inevitable but the war will be won by the cultures settled in the territories, without a doubt, because armies, unless they are invaders, cannot be wandering, they need a territory that justifies them just like the peoples and nations, and this is clear to the Chinese, Russians and Iranians. The only way for the globalized to win the war is to create a global army, but NATO is an imitation or pretension of this army made up of North Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Australians, New Zealanders and other sepoys; It is ossified and losing to Russia in the Ukrainian lands.

Since the foreign oil companies imposed their oil State in Venezuela with the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez, from then on the governments took turns with their ups and downs without the oil companies being forced to impose their designs by force. But as soon as the government of Hugo Chávez Frías arrived, the large transnational corporations of the world have been cruel against us, applying all the war softening manuals to wring our necks, not a day has passed without the owners taking action on our against, both internally and externally, and with each passing day the war intensifies, because according to them these lands with people and resources belong to them.

But this is nothing new. Recently they did it with Libya, Iraq, Syria. First, a global advertising campaign to justify the invasion: that they are failed states, monstrous dictators, they do not practice democracy, a failed economy, in chaos, on the verge of default, that they do not respect international law ; They divide and fanaticize the internal elites, strengthen opposition parties, finance and arm them by creating color revolutions, springs or guarimbas, as the case may be; where they can use drug trafficking and crime will; Likewise, they use NGOs, international political organizations such as the OAS, the UN; They also use neighboring governments, regional organizations where countries targeted by the invasion are grouped.

For example, the African Union served to pressure and screw Gaddafi's Libyan government, also the Arab League to subdue Hussein in Iraq, as well as Syria, which they also invaded with the consent of the Arab League and in all cases they used the means of information as artillery to soften brains that, with shots of lies and half-truths, end up alienating millions of beings so that they believe that their actions are of good will, all of this protected by the fiction of freedom, equality, progress, fraternity, democracy.

As in other invaded countries, the globalized Westerners managed to get a sector of the Ukrainian elite to play their game and from there they tried to invade Russia, only Moscow did not wait for the invasion within its borders but instead opened up, waiting for them outside. of its borders, managing to frustrate the evil intentions of globalized capital, which, using NATO as an instrument, invades all of Eastern Europe, enclosing the Russian borders to Ukraine, where they overthrew the government in Kiev in 2014, because they had already prepared the conditions beforehand to generate a fascist elite led by a minister, and thereby justify the invasion of Russia. But the Russians went ahead, because such a large country cannot allow military bases from such hostile countries in Europe and North America, and thus they avoid the invasion,

But they also applied the same recipe to the Russians: financing opposition parties, attempted color revolutions, use of feminist, LGTBI and other unions to create anxiety and divisions on the internal front. They put money into all of these organizations to try to create an internal division in Russia, what happened is that the Russians discovered their intentions and decided to intervene outside their borders.


Exactly the same thing is happening in Venezuela, they are even spreading the word that we are invaders because they have been firm in telling the truth that ExxonMobil is using the Guyana government to steal our oil and territory.

The inhabitants of this territory are fighting great battles to abandon the old power structures that have kept us tied to the cart of capitalism as its slaves. Chávez left us a guide, he bought us a future with the proposal of a Constitution in which we agreed and approved. From now on, the country-mine is a great pot in which we fit squalids, Chavistas, thieves, murderers, all the unions of whatever sign they are, all the professions, the academies, children, men and women in their various ages, frustrations and pleasures, each one defending their interest created by consumer capitalism, but Chávez did not propose this Constitution to us to defend and perpetuate the mine that the capitalist plan for the world turned this territory into,

Is there any part of the Constitution that tells us anything other than building this country? Does it tell us that we all have the right to steal, to loot, to destroy, to murder? We understand that not, but to give an example: Rafael Ramírez was put in the oil operations so that he could steal, the prosecutor Luisa Ortega Díaz was put so that she could steal and incriminate someone with his power? We know not. They were imposed there to help the proper functioning, but they dedicated themselves to creating difficulties and taking advantage of the benefits generated by the position and position of leadership.

In equal measure we get Lorenzo Mendoza, Juan Guaidó and his henchmen Julio Borges, Leopoldo López, María Corina Machado, Antonio Ledezma and a long list of small lieutenants who still cannot quench their thirst for power and revenge. One more than the other compete to see who, with their destructive actions, best serves the powerful foreigner who has always plundered us, so that it does not matter how the inhabitants of the mine declare themselves, whether they are Chavistas or squalid capitalists, each one with Their selfish actions conspire to prevent the possibility of establishing ourselves as an independent country, because in the end what defines us are the facts and not the statements.

The globalized Westerners are trying to use their hands to justify their invasion, because the intention is to invade us. The opposition, with the financing and advice of the globalized Westerners, has tried in a thousand ways but no longer has the strength to overthrow the government. It is not true that the opposition has intentions of democratic alternation or of organizing a party to carry out elections formally accepted by the Constitution; Their intention is to rebuild the power apparatus that they controlled as stewards of capital, because they, with or without the State, can work for their foreign masters, be they oil workers, miners, or gold workers.

But it turns out that Westerners no longer care about the existence of the nation-state, because the intention of that sector is to advocate the world according to its rules, unipolarity, the absolute hegemony of the predestined in North America, England, Europe. What they really need is to make these mine-countries where we live and produce surplus value absolutely chaotic without resorting to blockades and sanctions. Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil have had their entire economy destroyed absolutely, because the same political and business elites of these countries agreed to make that happen, because these imperial sepoys have always been incapable of creating a serious policy. , a consistent policy that tries to change the structures, create another way of living in these countries.

On the part of the so-called leftist, change or progressive politicians, their lack of ideas embodied in the territory, their lack of long-term plans to take power and from there undertake the great task of becoming non-mine countries, It has diminished the recklessness and audacity to develop serious, continuous and consistent policies that make another option possible. This timidity has contributed to maintaining this type of aggressive policies by speculative financial capital in these territories.


The massive propaganda campaign against the Venezuelan government, condemning it because it is supposedly responsible for the failed state, because it does not solve the problems economically, because of crime, because it is not democratic, because Maduro is a dictator, about Times Square and migration; that if the Aragua Train invaded Europe and took over Africa, that María Corina is not allowed to participate in the elections, that poor Venezuelan exiles from Miami or Spain, that they are not allowed to speak; But we all know, even if we pretend to be lomoebaba, that this is a total smoke since there is no more crime, no suicide, no economy, no destroyed structures, no political trap in the parties of the world like the one the United States has in all its parties, in all their movements, with all their lobbies, their commissions. However, They accuse all other countries of not complying with freedom, with democracy. If something is dictatorial, it is the government and the economy in the United States, in Europe, in England. That is supremely proven, only the elites exist as rulers and as decision-makers of any type of policy that is implemented, whether business or sports.

The advertising campaign against Venezuela in the world is too strong and evident, but the Venezuelan government has made a titanic effort to burst that war diplomacy that has until now sustained speculative financial capital against the country, because without a doubt the objective of the elite is destroy Venezuela as a nation-state, lead us to a permanent civil war that allows them to enjoy the resources without having to pay taxes or royalties. They are doing this in Libya, Syria, Iraq, no one should be fooled, do not believe that the guys are really defending democracy and freedoms, nor is it true that Maduro is an undemocratic dictator, that the CNE is rigged: all that is propaganda and advertising to hide true intentions.

In that sense, everyone has to be clear about what is happening, no one can be caught off base, we have to be vigilant about the situation in which we are living.

The difference between us and the approach of globalized liberals and their internal pieces like María Corina, who advocate controlled chaos with the elimination of the nation-state, is that the goal for them is to eliminate us, turn us to pieces, destroy us, because the enemy concept It is their duty and that is how they understand it. They do not see us slaves as a traditional enemy, as an elite, whom they confront for the loot, but rather they fear that when the slaves disappear they will stop being what they are: elite owners. With the slave they do not respect any rules, the slave should only be annihilated for his daring.

That means "until the end", because they understand that they are taking away their freedom, their democracy, their progress, their civilization, their mode of production and therefore their culture, their ways, uses and customs. Because "until the end" is until the death, the disappearance, the physical liquidation of the daring slave, to serve as a lesson.

It is not our place to speak "until the end." Because? Because we are the life, the essence, the substance of the existence of this being that we are as a species. We cannot propose "the end", we are obliged to sustain the perennial, and the perennial is what changes. The perennial is what the other is, being in itself what it is, and that is what we are obliged to defend and fight, to think, experiment and build.

María Corina, Rafael Ramírez and all the others who conspire against the possibility of being an independent country with its own policies in all areas are nothing more than rusty screws, scrap metal from the mine, which are being left out of the scaffolding for the construction of the country. They are used by big foreign capital as rust to rot the possibility of the different. ... lo-perenne

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:10 pm


Image The Cayapo

12 Oct 2023 , 12:23 pm .

What technique does politics need to make the country independent and build? (Photo: El Cayapo)

Since the name Venezuela, or "little Venice" was imposed on us - as some children of the "mother country" proudly prefer to be called from Miami -, we have not raised our heads, we do not believe in ourselves as a political and cultural possibility, but rather we seem be condemned forever to be permanently imitating what another thinks, says and does.

Venezuela is a territory that has an extension of 1,200,000 km 2 including the Essequibo and not counting the maritime areas, but it is interesting to discover that those who name, hit first. From the very moment in which the invaders compared us in handicap, with a city called Venice of 18,301 km 2 surrounded by canals stinking of excrement and condemning the imposing salt water lake named by the ancient inhabitants as Coquivacoa to be a smaller sewer than the Italian city, they already had us on the ground; The most impressive thing is that the state of Zulia, where the great Lake Coquivacoa is located, measures 63,100 km 2 , more than three times the area of ​​Venice.

It is here when we understand with pain of territory that the invaders imposed their politics and culture on us to the point that some call a territory that is on the other side of the ocean "motherland", as if mothers gave birth by mail.

Since then we have been designed as a mine for which policies are planned by the large companies that direct the economic dynamics in the world. Through education and instruction centers called schools, high schools, universities, political operators have been prepared, known as technocrats or technobureaucrats, who from the corporations in which they work pontificate about anything and become priests of knowledge, with the right to condemn even politics, except those of their business masters.

Technocrats have no country, they are the most complete elaboration of capitalist education, they are people without territorial roots, they are all more or less prepared to work in transnational companies in the world, regardless of the location, their loyalty is to the company, the manuals and procedures, never for the country where they were born, unless circumstantially that represents personal interests; but at the slightest hint of problems, they quickly place themselves at the service of their owners or trainers.

Each university established in the mine-countries, no matter if they are called socialist, Bolivarian or humanist, all without exception work to maintain the capitalist model. With the knowledge, training, instruction and discipline they transmit, they shape the minds of those who study in them. Competition, privilege, the screen, selfishness, individuality and exacerbated love for everything foreign are distinctive signs of the professionals, academics and technocrats who swarm the world transmitting human-capitalist values.

Currently they are the most classified destroyers of the nation-state, to the point that today they sell themselves as political saviors of nations as long as saving a nation means destroying it and handing over the resources to their owners or instructors to whom they are loyal until death. For example, the Milei, the Boric, the López Obrador, the Macri, the Fernández, the Temer, the Moreno, the Boluarte, the María Corina, Leopoldo López, Rafael Ramírez, Luisa Ortega Díaz: all without distinction of ideological position at the service of the transnationals they serve not only with their profession, but also with their demagoguery. This work is carried out from the rancid conservative right to the most extreme ultra-left, which includes unions, NGOs, progressive movements and saviors from a pin to the universe. Everyone can easily put on center-right or center-left clothing and move from one ideological side to another as it suits them.

All these technocratic elites at the service of big capital work for their transnational companies in each territory where they were born or position themselves as experts, technicians, academics or professionals. Their great task is to create better conditions of exploitation for corporations until they squeeze the territories. None of these beings have any pain about their territory, country or community, they care nothing about the damage they cause to the nations where they come from because their true achievement is to end up living close to any center of power and repeating like a dog until death. anonymous "wooooo!, guaooo!, guaooo!" before every stupidity they see, taste, hear and feel. With their work they ruin countries, destroy governments, weaken cultures, disorganize economies and the entire state framework with the sole purpose of providing the corporations for which they work or intend to work, conditions of better plundering of resources and the population than in those territories. they inhabit or exist.

These beings, like bedbugs, historically cling to the interlinings of the State to suck and destroy the independence policies that may be developing in any country. All of them are sold like the last boronite of cheese, like those without me there can be no universe, with an arrogance of gods in flying saucers who look at and treat politicians, and in general the entire population of a country, with commiseration. These technocrats in their conceit are unaware that technology, its creation and use is the result of a political decision, therefore politics cannot be directed by technology, nor politicians by technicians, unless the politician's ignorance does not allow him to do so. understand the facts.

That modern technological elite, as the ultimate product of capitalism, works without question for the corporations that they admire and classify as "my" company. They have no questions, they do not bother, although they can work for the government, yes, always complaining because they see themselves surpassed by politicians who did not study like him. And, the government they work for, they try to force him to buy machines, systems, products, merchandise from the company where he worked and quietly continues to be an agent of the company, to which they never stop being loyal. His greatest aspiration is to work for a transnational company: that is what success consists of, and it does not matter if he is sent to the most distant areas where the corporation has its interests, or to direct crimes like those that occurred in Venezuela from 2002 to today. For them, that is successful.

His greatest feat is knowing how to read and apply manuals with discipline and comply to the letter with the corporation's mandates. If they create something it is according to the necessity and policy of capitalism. That's why you see Beatriz García, Rafael Gallegos, Eugenio Montoro, Gilberto Morillo, Julio César Arreaza, Nelson Hernández, Horacio Medina, Eddie Ramírez, Juan Fernández, Mireya Ripanti, Edgar Paredes, Horacio Medina, Lino Carrillo, Juan Santana, Gonzalo Feijoo , Edgar Quijano, Quirós Corradi, Humberto Calderón Berti and a long string of technocrats, who after looting the country's resources for the oil corporations, ended up working again for "their" transnationals Chevron, Repsol, ExxonMobil... and throwing stones at the government chavista. On July 3, 2002, the supposed 23 experts of the Venezuelan oil industry were fired, and with the story of the politicization and destruction of the Venezuelan economy, these bandits led us to a coup and oil strike directed by the politics of the oil transnationals.

After the end of the second imperial capitalist war, in all fields of activity, large transnational corporations have been preparing the conditions to definitively leave nation-states as a mechanism of political governance, therefore they have been applying political decisions on how to replace managers with companies disguised as politicians to the real politicians who no longer require them as associates but as stewards. Since then, advertising campaigns have been developed against politicians and politics, as if companies were not run by business politicians who apply their dictatorial policies with garrison-like severity in times of lost wars.

Throughout the world, politics is accused of corruption and its executors are accused of being corrupt. There is no evil that is not the fault of politicians. If you don't think, it's the politicians' fault; if you get sick, if you don't have a house, car, wife or husband, if your salary is low, the railway, the Metro, the hospitals, the schools, the universities, the petrochemical industry, PDVSA, the reggaeton, and even the keto game is the fault of the politicians, but nowhere in the analysis does the business system appear as causing problems, unless it is a politician involved in business.

It is definitely not true that technicians because they are technicians and have great experience do or will do it better, because it is only an area of ​​work and politics, on the contrary, directs a country, because neither technique nor science organizes countries. , but the policies, whether business, or the politicians who conceive and architect countries. Today, in the midst of the war imposed by transnational corporations on the country, we are trying to impose technical-political managers to govern in the name of private companies doing it wonderfully, without understanding that it is precisely the owners of private companies who seek to destroy us. with their policies of invasions, assassinations, blockades. As the spearhead they use the technicians, who, impregnated with the effluvia of the business mantle, claim the political right to design and direct the country.

But the reality is that their mediocrity is great, since they were not capable of directing control of a company like PDVSA. When they faced the independence policies led by Chávez and his team, we already know what happened: they turned an eight and suffered a great defeat. Now they are trying again, the technicians are back on their own terms, with their cheap business politicians: the Capriles, López, Borges, María Corina, who once again influenced and pushed by the transnationals set out in search of a new defeat, because a technocrat does not design country or community policies. We should all know that his goal is not to fix the country but to destroy it to benefit his foreign masters.

The problem is that, as the great enslaved majorities, we overcome the same old advice: "Socialism does nothing good, communism is useless, it ruins, it destroys", and the same applies to any State: "The State does not do nothing good because politicians are useless, politicians are not good, politicians destroy, politicians are corrupt, they steal and therefore the administration of the State should be in the hands of the technicians who work in the private company, which is a paragon of virtues. , without bureaucracy, efficient, zero theft", it is like a vicious circle but it is not; This propaganda that has been carried out since the 1970s in Venezuela is with the intention of the corporations to appropriate the resources of the State at low prices, and in the particular case of Venezuela, it is a State within a mine that has a lot power, controls the resource and above all, after Chávez, who ends up actually nationalizing the oil and controlling other minerals, metals and other resources.

But they sell us the idea that technology can direct politics and that the technocrat can lead a country, without understanding that it would be a disaster just as has happened where the technobureaucrats have imposed themselves in the State. The most pathetic cases are Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and the others that have not been able to get out of the disasters in which they have been put by managers disguised as politicians, whose only objective is to do the dirty work for the masters by creating chaos and lack of control where they pass.

The technician does not understand that the technique obeys the needs of politics, that there is no technique that tells politics what to do. A general never decides the war even if he can direct it on the battlefields; That is decided by politics, that is not decided by a general. The policy of a company is not decided by a technician, a businessman does not leave his company in the hands of the technicians: they would bankrupt it in a second, because they would act based on what they know, what they learned, because they are a scheme, a grid. , and that is why technobureaucracy has never functioned as a whole but as a particle, as a screw and nut of a great political scaffolding that is the transnational corporations that take over the world.

To remove a politician, another policy is needed to replace the previous one and that generally requires large movements and negotiations, but for a technocrat it is enough that the owner no longer needs him in his productive policy for him to be dismissed and replaced by another manual manager. This is how politics works, whatever it is; That is why they remove the directors of anything, company managers, generals all their lives, and when transnational companies appoint generals to direct States it is because they can no longer control anything and they go to direct and crude dictatorship; When they finish their dirty work they immediately take them out because the guys end up making a mess, unless the general throws away the gun and takes over politics, and at that point it becomes dangerous for his owners.

For example, a technocrat works with a car and the manual says that it uses tires of that brand, but that company left Venezuela because it is part of the blockade and sanctions and there are the Chinese, Russians, Iranians, Indians or Colombians bringing tires. What does techno do? He leaves the car sitting rotting at the factory because the manual says: "Only use original brand rubber." He cannot figure out what is better at the current moment, what is more important: What the manual says or solving the need to put the car into operation, which we need? But in its logic there are only two ideas running through my head: the manual cannot be violated and on the other hand I must be loyal to the transnational company with which I do business and collect commissions for selling the products of "my company" to the State. He does not share the idea that tires are tires and even if they last more or less, they will temporarily solve the problem, while another car is built or the necessary rubber is manufactured in the country. If that is what is required, or we simply abandon the car and the tires and invent another means of transportation.

Since there is no political leadership that is above the techno's decision, that has the ability to say: "I agree with you, you are absolutely right, that is what the manual establishes, but it is not what we need in this moment".

Siemens contributed to damaging the entire Venezuelan electrical system in some way, not for technical reasons but for political reasons, because they share the blockade and sanctions against Venezuela. It is very difficult to get out of the trap when we are and think with the logic of the miner. The Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians or anyone else can tell us that they build it with the same Siemens sheath, but our bureaucratic technicians will object because their manual says Siemens, and so the same thing is happening, with everything built by capitalism and that it is difficult for us to put into operation due to lack of creativity and political decision of the technocrats.

What happened to the oil case in Venezuela? The technicians said that this couldn't be done without them. The best demonstration that it is a lie that things cannot be done without them was in the oil strike, when there was a political decision that Chávez made and said: "We have to get those people out of there because they are going to destroy this country, it is going to destroy us." lead to a civil war, these guys obey their bosses, those who work for the transnational oil industry. They were managers here from Llanoven, from Lagoven. The Quiroz Corradi and their brothers were agents of the big oil companies, paid by the big transnational oil companies. There is no way that these guys can solve the problem of a country, and it requires brave and bold political decisions that understand and love a country, that love a country, that decide for a country and that cannot allow themselves to be governed. by the technicians.

It is a crime that is committed against a country: electricity, water, oil, petrochemicals, all agriculture is in the hands of technobureaucrats who obey the salaries of transnationals, and if they do not obey the salaries of transnationals, they obey a manual that is in their brain - a grid - that does not allow them to think because they were castrated in the universities, because they also studied in these universities that are already castrated from the beginning. That is the fundamental problem that must be addressed, that must be understood.

In the past, technicians did not direct PDVSA either. It was directed by the owners of the large transnational corporations who designed the policy, and then the politicians in the government were subordinated to those political designs and got paid by doing what the transnational corporations imposed. The technicians were only the pick-and-rolls of the large transnationals. It was so governed from the outside that neither PDVSA nor Pequiven nor the CVG were accountable for budgets to the Republic; Those were budgets that were decided and executed from outside, and the Nation was given what was agreed to be given to the politicians, but nothing. That's how it always was, until Chávez appeared.

El Cayapo: "No one knew Chávez in the public circles, he was not a politician, he was not a soldier of 'prestige' among the hunters of positions and money, and that disrupts the plans of the transnationals."

— MV (@Mision_Verdad) May 31, 2023

Currently, two great ideas are fighting within the capitalist empire to prevail in the world. On one side are speculative financial capitals that use the elimination of nation-states as a method to impose themselves and create great privately controlled chaos under the supposed new market rules that, of course, they would impose. On the other, the capitalists supported in the production of goods and services supported by the scaffolding of the nation-state and the rules that these entail, respecting the agreements and partnerships between small and large; To do this, they advocate the belt and road system where everyone is interconnected through the production and trade of the product.

Since we cannot openly talk about Huawei or Apple as an example of confrontation between capitalist transnationals, but rather about countries where these companies are based, then we talk about Chinese, Iranians, Russians, Europeans, gringos, which is what most of us recognize. Faced with this confrontation, we as mine-countries do not have any decision that makes it possible for this not to be the confrontation; With what we are, we only have to place ourselves in the angle of the ring that best suits us and, according to our history, continuing to be second to those we know is not our best option, even if they say that the Chinese are going to eat us just like the gringos.

Yes, that is the dynamic of capitalism in all countries, but for the moment we need to get rid of the enemy that we have been bothering us for a long time and wants to continue doing so because it is primed.

The current world politics is decided outside of our control, without realizing it today we all work for Westinghouse, General Electric, Ford Motors, Siemens, the large oil, pharmaceutical, laboratories, weapons, transnational corporations. agroindustry and petrochemicals, macro and nanotechnology, all absolutely controlled by foreigners.

Unlike years ago, whether centuries or decades, we have favorable political situations that our ancestors did not have, and one of them is that we have a government that, whatever they say, is not intended to screw us, to keep us subjugated. , nor sell ourselves abroad. In these 23 years he has demonstrated ad nauseam that no law seeks to harm us or increase our slavery. On the other hand, the situation of capitalism is disastrous since its war allows us to perceive other life options.

Our political duty is to concentrate on the possibility of building a country, and in that framework there is a principle of war which is: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Therefore, the Chinese, the Iranians and the Russians, and all those who throw stones at plundering and speculative capitalism, are our friends.

The country does not come out of the war because it does not decide, because it is imposed on us. Proposing to get out of the war to be able to understand what we have to do independently is a great option. We cannot continue building based on a technology that will always dominate us. We must think about how to abandon capitalism in the midst of systemic war, because stupidity is waiting for the Chinese to become enemies to look for friendly Martians to screw them over. We have to take advantage of the circumstance to gain time, strengthen ourselves, organize ourselves, plant ourselves, build ourselves, generate the true collective architect to design the country, so that they talk and respect us as an ally, capable of negotiating face to face with other countries.

Technology is a political measure. For example, the chip war between Huawei and the West, which decided to sanction it, resulted in Huawei deciding to be Huawei, and they created their own chip, adapted to their needs and got rid of dependency. That is making politics in line with the decision of a country. This provision was assumed by the owners of Huawei and not by the Huawei technicians who bought the chips and made Huawei dependent on American chips. In 2019, Huawei's owners decided to make their own chip. Engineers and technicians said it would take about three years. The political decision was and will last as long as it has to last, but when we have it we will start. Yes, it lasted three years and they broke it: the chip war was definitively won by Huawei against the West.

This is also how the Russians have acted to become a world reference: when a people decides to stand up, there is no power that can prevent it. In the Iranian case, the guys bought the machines from the Italians, the French, the English, the gringos and built their own machines; This is what we call reengineering or reverse engineering.

Ultimately, the problem is not that there are bad politicians or magnificent technicians and managers. Rather, it lies in what technique the policy needs to make the country independent and build. Technicians definitely never do politics, unless they are politicians and have a technique as a profession. For example: Nicolás Maduro, Metro driver. ... -del-metro

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Tue Oct 24, 2023 2:12 pm

How the U.S. Drove Venezuelans North
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 23, 2023
Lilian Jiménez

A man bottle-feeds an infant among strollers and sleeping bags.A migrant father from Venezuela feeds his 15-month-old son in the lobby of a police station where their family has been staying since their arrival to Chicago on May 9, 2023. PHOTO BY SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES

This is part one of a two-part interview.

In the last week of August 2022, as head of the Illinois Welcoming Centers and State Refugee Coordinator, I went to meet a bus of migrants that had been sent to Chicago from Texas. They arrived with no familial connections and nowhere to go. They would be the first of thousands.

The federal government decided to stay on the sidelines, so the community and aid organizations that have long served the Latine community and displaced refugees and asylum seekers met the moment. Partnering with the city and state, those groups provided food, hotel rooms, shelter, case management, legal services, housing and rental assistance.

The buses slowed that winter, and at the end of 2022, the state shifted to focus on resettlement and the city stepped up. But when Title 42 was lifted this May, the buses started coming faster again. Two-thirds of the more than 340 buses have arrived since May 12. In total, the city estimates that Chicago has seen almost 20,000 new arrivals since August 2022. Most are from Central and South America, and many are from Venezuela or have some connection to Venezuela.

Right now more than 3,000 are sleeping on the floors of police stations; others are at overflowing shelters. Their presence has provoked both an outpouring of mutual aid and also an outcry over the use of city resources in a city that has long shortchanged poor and Black and Latine communities. The city’s plans to shelter the migrants in winter have been controversial and remain up in the air.

On a sidewalk in front of a brick wall, a woman pulls a suitcase and a man carries a toddler on his shoulders.

A migrant family from Venezuela arrives with their belongings at a police station in Chicago on May 9. PHOTO BY SCOTT OLSON/GETTY IMAGES

To understand more about the roots of the crisis and what can be done, I spoke with two people who are experts on both Venezuela and Chicago, Jesus Rodriguez Espinoza and Matt Ginsberg-Jaeckle.

Rodriguez Espinoza served as Consul General of Venezuela in Chicago from 2008 to 2017. He then returned to Venezuela and founded OrinocoTri​bune​.com, a socialist, anti-imperialist website that covers Venezuelan, Latin American and world issues in English from a Chavista perspective.

Ginsberg-Jaeckle is a longtime Chicago organizer who cofounded Southside Together Organizing for Power and led a multi-year fight against the closure of Chicago mental health clinics. Currently he organizes with United Working Families. As a Spanish-English interpreter and translator, he has also long supported language justice work for movement groups in Chicago and Latin America. He lived in Honduras for a number of years and was close with the indigenous environmental activist Berta Cáceres, who was assassinated in 2016.

We spoke about how the migrant crisis in Chicago springs from decades of U.S. neoliberalism both municipally and globally.

Lilian: For many in Chicago, four or five months ago was when we first heard about the increase in migrants coming over the border. Not the typical migrants that we see in Chicago, who tend to be from Mexico and Central America, but an increase of migrants traveling dangerous terrains on foot, coming from South America and particularly Venezuela. And those migrants really came into focus for a lot of people when Republican governors began bussing them to Washington, D.C., and New York, and then later to Chicago.

When we talk about the reason people leave their country of origin, many times it can be political, economic or a combination. For whatever they have lost the ability to live the kind of life they had once lived. And what we’re hearing is that many of these migrants are motivated to leave a really dire situation in Venezuela. What I really want to understand from you is where this story begins. How far back do we need to go in U.S. history, in Venezuelan history, in South American history to understand this moment?

Matt: You know, I am a longtime Chicago organizer and also had a foot in the world of Latin American solidarity, and always worked to bring those two worlds together. And now they’ve come together — maybe not the way we expected — and it’s in our face.

From the beginning, from Hugo Chávez’s election in 1998, you started to see U.S. attempts to destabilize the Chavista project. A U.S.-involved coup attempt in 2002 was reversed by a popular uprising. When that didn’t work, a lot of our tax dollars started going to opposition groups like Súmate that were trying to destabilize the Chávez government, including during periods of particularly violent protest, when people were sometimes burned in the streets for being Black and therefore assumed to be government supporters.

And it still wasn’t working. And so when Chávez died of cancer in 2013, the U.S. said, ​“Now is our moment,” and started to ramp up targeted sanctions to support the opposition.

And yet those were still not working. And then Trump comes in and says essentially, ​“Obama, you’re a weak imperialist. Let me show you how Imperialism is done.” He turns those targeted sanctions into sweeping sanctions in an attempt to completely suffocate the Venezuelan economy.

And he also provides diplomatic cover for a member of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, to proclaim himself president, although he was unelected and unrecognized by the elected government of Venezuela.

Protesters walk through the streets of New York with signs saying "No U.S. empire No blood for oil" and depicting the United States as an octopus strangling Venezuela.

Protesters march down Wall Street in New York City to oppose U.S. intervention in Venezuela on February 23, 2019, as the U.S.-backed, self-declared president Juan Guaidó tried to seize power from Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro. PHOTO BY KENA BETANCUR/VIEWPRESS

Guaidó then uses the pretext of the U.S. recognizing him in order to seize control of Venezuela’s biggest foreign asset, Citgo Petroleum Corporation. Many of us have filled our cars at Citgos in Chicago and other places in the U.S. and don’t realize that’s Venezuelan oil. Citgo was a generator of about $2 billion in annual revenue for social programs and for the Venezuelan government. That seizure also helped suffocate the Venezuelan economy.

And actually, right now, as we speak, U.S. oil companies Chevron and ConocoPhillips, claiming they were harmed when Venezuela reclaimed its natural resources for its own people, are now standing in the corporate welfare line while a court in Delaware gets ready to seize Citgo’s assets and pay them billions of dollars.

So that’s a broad sweeping picture.

Jesus: A good one, by the way! Another way that the U.S. was involved in destabilizing the governments of Chávez and Maduro was through a massive exodus of Venezuelans to other parts of South America starting five or six years ago. The Lima Group, a coalition of mostly right-wing governments in the region, was playing the tune Washington asked them to play: that Venezuelans were escaping a communist dictatorship, and that this was a humanitarian crisis. Presidents of those governments — mainly Chile, Brazil, Peru and Ecuador — for several years openly invited Venezuelans to migrate. They even accepted Venezuelans without documents, without passports or with expired IDs.

If you live in Venezuela, you notice immediately how the migration of professionals and working people has affected the quality in services, the quality in education, the quality in everything. We lost people that knew how to build things, how to fix things, how to educate, how to cure. That lack affects the economy terribly. It is catastrophic, if you ask me.

All these U.S. and European attacks against Venezuela, all the sanctions, have been a failed attempt to get rid of Chavismo — by getting rid of Chávez at the time, or Maduro right now. And they haven’t been able to achieve that because Chavismo is something very solid. It’s not just a party or a person, it’s a movement. It’s something very rooted in Venezuelan — I don’t know the word in English—idiosincrasia.

Matt: For readers who might not be as familiar with some of the history, it’s important to point out that the reason that Venezuela became Public Enemy No. 1 for successive administrations, from Bush through Obama, through Trump, and now into Biden, has to do with it breaking a longstanding pattern of what’s called the Monroe Doctrine. This is the assumption that Latin American governments are primarily subservient to U.S. pressures and U.S. corporate interests in the region. Other than Cuba, Venezuela was really the first to openly break from that doctrine. And not just break it, but to foment a process in the region of beginning to seek independence from U.S. dictates.

Remember that this was after the 2008 financial meltdown of the United States. In the aftermath, we saw all kinds of uprisings around the globe where the previously assumed consensus around neoliberal economics was beginning to fade away. There was Occupy Wall Street on our streets here, and in Latin America, first Venezuela and eventually Bolivia with Evo Morales, Brazil with Lula and Ecuador with Rafael Correa were saying, ​“We also reject neoliberalism. We also think that this has been an imposition that’s not about serving people’s interests, but about serving corporate interests.” And so in the face of these domestic and foreign pressures, the U.S. ramped up an effort to do what it’s done in Latin America for years, which is to try to destabilize the governments that aren’t in favor of its interests. Principle amongst those is Venezuela, because in addition to its political posture it has those oil resources and that economic power to help make independence possible for other countries in the region.

Lilian: I have to ask — when I talk to people and I tell them some of these broad strokes, people say, ​“Well, why are migrants coming here right now at this time from Venezuela? Isn’t Maduro a dictator, doesn’t he oppress his own people? Aren’t people leaving because of that?” So I have to pose the question. What do you say to that?

Jesus: I believe that that’s mostly U.S. propaganda, repeated ad nauseam by mainstream media. I mean, Venezuela is not perfect, but no country is perfect. I actually believe that human rights and civil rights in Venezuela are better respected than in the majority of Latin American countries. When you dig deep, you usually don’t find anything solid to support that we do not have free and fair elections in Venezuela.

I actually believe that what happened in the U.S. with Trump (I’m not a fan, by the way) is way more regretful than the issue that Washington is raising about the disqualification of opposition politicians in Venezuela. Disqualifications are legal procedures that happen in many countries. In the case of far-right candidates like [María Corina] Machado or [Henrique] Capriles, those disqualifications are pretty old, and no one can allege they were issued in a rush before the 2024 presidential race. [Editor’s note: Capriles’ disqualification dates back to 2017; Machado received a 12-month disqualification in 2015 and a 15-year ban this June.] In Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina and many other countries, disqualification has been the rule against socialist and progressive candidates with very real chances of winning elections, but mainstream media say nothing because they are not candidates blessed by the United States.

I usually laugh when Washington talks about ​“free and fair” elections in Venezuela, because immediately what comes to mind is that they (the U.S.) just want an election where Chavismo decides not to participate and lets the opposition win. They basically want us to commit political suicide and not try to be in power like any political movement aspires to. That’s my opinion, but of course, I’m biased.

Matt: Like Jesus said, I don’t think anybody would say that there’s been no mistakes made. As with any attempt to take the machinations of government and these complex structures that were set up primarily to serve corporate greed, and to try to turn them in a different direction to serve people’s interests, that is a process replete with contradictions. But as far as the narrative [about Maduro being a dictator], that’s completely determined based on U.S. foreign interests.

We were not just defending and providing diplomatic cover for the dictator of Honduras—we were also funding him. And so that’s where you see this double standard.

An interesting contrast is to look at the last time we saw major waves of migrants at the border. Many of the famous children in cages in 2018, etc., were Hondurans, right? And up until 2021, the president of Honduras was the inheritor of a coup-installed dictatorship who was plundering the public health system and using a military police force (one funded by the U.S.) to shoot down and kill protesters in the street. He is now actually in jail because he has been discovered to be a drug trafficker whose brother was literally stamping his initials on packets of cocaine headed to the United States. And yet, this was one of the top U.S. allies in the region during the exact same time that we were demonizing every single thing taking place in Venezuela. We were not just defending and providing diplomatic cover for the dictator of Honduras — we were also funding him. And so that’s where you see this double standard.

Lilian: There have been some recent developments in diplomacy between the U.S. and Venezuela, as well as a Washington Post report that the U.S. is weighing lifting some oil sanctions in exchange for electoral reforms. Can you talk about those, Jesus?

Jesus: President Maduro actually rejected the WaPo report. Venezuela does not need electoral reforms, despite U.S. propaganda.

On Tuesday, two agreements were signed in Barbados between the opposition delegation and the Venezuelan government delegation. In these negotiations Venezuela of course is looking for the lifting of illegal sanctions, and many things can happen.

The more relevant development is that earlier this month the Venezuelan and U.S. governments announced an agreement to repatriate Venezuelan migrants. This is interesting because it plays in the direction of the U.S. finally recognizing Maduro’s government. And it might represent (I hope) a small shift of the U.S. policy toward Venezuelan migrants. Currently that policy is very, very similar to the wet feet, dry feet policy that was applied for Cubans for many decades.

And Lilian, here I want to go back to something you said about refugees. Because that’s an important distinction. International organizations allied with the U.S. talk about Venezuelan refugees. The narrative of refugees plays in favor of a U.S. political agenda that tries to portray them as people escaping a communist dictatorship.

If you go deep into the cases of many of those migrants, they are not political refugees, they are just economic migrants.

The Venezuelan economy, at least for the last two years, has been growing a little bit, recovering from years of U.S. aggression. But prior to that, millions of emigrants had already moved to the south of South America: to Colombia, to Ecuador, to Bolivia, to Chile, to Peru, to escape the economic conditions that we were facing in Venezuela. And after several years there, they began to experience xenophobia, labor exploitation, mistreatment, all the bleak stuff that migrants face. Many have decided to come back to Venezuela when they saw that the economic situation was improving a little bit, but I believe that an important part of them have decided to move north because they have some certainty that they will receive asylum in the U.S.

When they request asylum in the United States, migrants have to say something against their government. But everyone in the Venezuelan community knows that it’s a lie. Venezuelan comedians in Florida, like George Harris, joke about the Venezuelans lying to the migration people just in order to receive asylum.

Lilian: People ask me all the time, because of my background as an immigration lawyer and former Illinois State Refugee Coordinator, what the difference is between refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, and I honestly have to tell them it really depends on U.S. foreign policy.

Most migrants are not granted asylum protection, which leads to legal residency and citizenship. U.S. foreign policy, federal immigration policy and ultimately immigration courts determine who is entitled to refugee and asylum protection based on what the U.S. deems is political persecution. And that is colored by what type of relationship the U.S. has with the ruling party in the country migrants are coming from. And migrants who cannot show concrete evidence that they suffered persecution may eventually fall into the ​“undocumented” category like so many Mexicans and Central Americans, including many of my family members that have lived in the U.S. for decades.

The truth is that we don’t always know the individual reasons why a person is migrating. There can be one reason or multiple reasons. I think it’s important to give everybody an opportunity to plead their case and to explain what their background and their history is, especially if it is related to something as important as legal status and one’s ability to work and survive in this country.

Jesus: Part of the complexity of the issue is that Venezuela has historically been a migrant recipient country, similar in scale to the U.S. Between 1970 and 2010 we received millions of Colombians, Peruvians and Ecuadorians. Many of the Venezuelan migrants who are now in Colombia are descendants of Colombians that arrived in Venezuela in the ​’70s or the ​’80s or ​’90s. It’s important to analyze this because many of those migrants have dual citizenship, Colombian and Venezuelan. And they know that if they cross the U.S. border with the Venezuelan passport, they will have more chances to be granted asylum than if they use the Colombian or the Peruvian or the Ecuadorian passport.

Lilian: Yes, that’s another complexity that is not talked about and not discussed. Even when I talked to some of the first few families to arrive in Chicago back in August 2022, as head of the Illinois Welcoming Centers, I was interested to hear that while many were Venezuelan nationals, at times there would be three, four or five different nationalities represented in any given family. People said, ​“Well, you know, I’m Colombian, he’s Venezuelan, but actually our child was born in Ecuador.”

And now, we have the current decision of the Biden administration to issue Temporary Protected Status only for foreign nationals from Venezuela, leaving out migrants from many other countries that have arrived in Chicago in the last few months, including large numbers from Ecuador, Colombia, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Honduras, Angola and Mauritania.

Jesus: To add to all that we’ve discussed so far, the actions of the governors of Florida and Texas are the last link in a bigger chain, but I believe that it’s important to highlight them. The waves of Venezuelan migrants in New York or in Chicago is the direct result of a Republican policy to try to disrupt the traditional flow of migrants. I don’t believe that those Venezuelans that you find in the streets of Chicago or New York decided by themselves to go there. But the internal U.S. political dynamics are putting them there and making them more vulnerable to anything.

Lilian: The legal term that we’ve heard before is trafficking.

Jesus: Right, exactly. Human trafficking. I believe that’s what those governors in Florida and Texas are doing; at least that’s my impression.

The interview has been edited for length and clarity. Part two will be released later this month.

Illinois State Rep. LILIAN JIMÉNEZ (D-4th) is an attorney who has focused her work on labor and immigration policy and advocacy. She is a former Chief of Staff for Jesús Chuy Garcia at the Cook County Board of Commissioners and previously served as the Director of the Fair Labors Standards Division of the Illinois Department of Labor. Most recently Jiménez served as the administrator for the Office of Welcoming Centers for Refugee and Immigrant Services at the Illinois Department of Human Services. ... ans-north/

The Continuous Political and Military Threats Against Fair Multipolarity: A View From Venezuela
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on OCTOBER 23, 2023
Carlos Ron


As our world progresses into a new world order described by some as “fair multipolarity”, we must acknowledge that such a transformation will not be met without resistance by the forces wishing to maintain a unipolar world order that is no longer sustainable. It is through decisive and concerted action by the countries most affected by unilateralism that we can advance towards the global equilibrium that the world requires, writes Carlos Ron, Venezuela’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for North America and President of the Simon Bolivar Institute for Peace and Solidarity Among Peoples.

A New Washington Consensus

In April of this year, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan delivered a speech at the Brookings Institution which was quite revealing and could lead us to understand the current geopolitical moment and the implications it will have on a new arrangement and its key resource markets, such as oil. Sullivan laid out the idea that neoliberal globalisation as it had been laid out under the Washington Consensus, was no longer viable, and that a “new Washington Consensus” was needed for the US and the world to face today’s current challenges effectively.

The challenge for the US, according to Sullivan, was to overcome the effect of neoliberal globalisation on the US economy: a significant deindustrialisation across the country that makes the US more dependent on foreign economies, such as China. Sullivan concluded, therefore, that a new consensus is needed to jump start the economy and give prosperity back to the middle and working classes. In truth, what this shift in policy indicates is that unilateral coercive measures – better known as illegal sanctions – are to be used together with supply-side government subsidies with the intent of promoting economic growth based on a military-industrial policy while placing limits on competitors.

Sullivan recognised signs of the decline of US economic leadership: growing inequality, economic stagnation, and the fact that US is losing supremacy in key technological sectors. The US must also confront the reality that both Russia and China are rapidly progressing in military and technological development, that strategic natural resources may no longer be readily available for US interests, and that important international players have engaged in cooperation – such as the BRICS+ countries – and are posing the possibilities of building a new financial architecture and discussing de-dollarisation. The US has begun responding by using all its tools to disrupt these processes and has engaged in promoting tensions, a Cold War mentality that would help it advance its interests.

Sullivan’s “new Washington Consensus” calls for domestic investment in the military industry, which is extremely dependent on oil production, as the US defends itself from what it calls the “China shock.” US public investment, therefore, is already being channelled towards the areas identified as those where the US might soon lose its hegemony: AI, quantum computing, biotechnology, semiconductors, and critical resources. Coupled with a robust sanctions policy aimed at denying access to key technologies and critical resources, this strategy seeks to strengthen US growth and undermine its competitors.

Creating Tensions around Oil

The fact that the US also claims to promote an energy transition does not alter its need to control oil markets. Oil continues to be a relevant resource for any military-industry development, but also for development in general. That is why the US is interested in shaping the energy market and does so through its illegal sanctions policy towards countries such as Venezuela, Iran and Russia. The ongoing special military operation in Ukraine has further distorted access to energy sources; to implement the new US strategy, alternatives are needed and constructed.

Back in 2015, ExxonMobil discovered important oil reserves in a region in South America that for over one hundred years was once subject to a territorial controversy between Venezuela and the United Kingdom, which was later inherited by independent Guyana. Ever since Guyana became an independent nation, this controversy has been dealt with peacefully, through a series of diplomatic channels and processes. However, ExxonMobil, with the support of the US Departments of State and Defense, began pressing to obtain maritime concessions that Guyana cannot legally grant, as the border has not been settled in a mutually-agreed process, as both countries previously agreed under the Geneva Agreement of 1966.

This US-supported push by ExxonMobil is creating political and military tensions for Venezuela and the region. Venezuela, under the administrations of both President Hugo Chavez and President Nicolas Maduro has reasserted control over its resources and conducted a production policy independent of US interests. Building tensions along the Venezuelan border is meant to not only tap into new resources, but to destabilise and threaten Venezuela as well. ExxonMobil lost its concessions in Venezuela in 2007 and is currently financing Guyana’s case against Venezuela at the ICJ.

In January of this year, the US engaged in police training in Guyana, the Southern Command visited the country in July, and joint military exercises took place in September. On September 15, Sullivan met with Guyanese President Irfaan Ali and discussed the “migration and security crisis” in Venezuela. Unprecedented Guyanese rhetoric and defiance in granting concessions was noticeable during the week of the United Nations General Assembly debates, as was the State Department’s support for Guyana’s actions.

Along with many other interventionist actions against Venezuela over the last 24 years that include illegal sanctions on the oil industry, US national and corporate interests have stepped up border tensions as part of its efforts at controlling Venezuela’s resources. Venezuela holds the world’s largest proven reserves and has been a key energy player in the region. Its energy policy towards its Caribbean neighbours has been key in promoting development and in decreasing dependence on the US Venezuela is also a founding member of OPEC, a strategic partner to Russia and China, and an aspiring member of BRICS+. It is no surprise that under the guidelines of the new Washington Consensus, political and military tensions and actions are used to prevent access to Venezuela’s resources by US competitors.

Current oil prices are at their highest level this year, with an increase of 10% only in the month of September. Together with rising housing prices in the US, they can be expected to drive up inflation at a moment when OPEC+ countries (which sanctioned Venezuela and Iran and BRICS+ members Russia, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) have agreed to reduce production through 2024.

This will undoubtedly be a source of concern as the US prepares next year for a decisive presidential election.

Creating a Zone free of UCMs

The recent geopolitical shifts, especially the impact of the South African BRICS Summit in August, but also the emergence of an important group of countries denouncing US unilateralism and seeking to return to adherence to the principles of the UN Charter, which questions the call for a new “rules-based” order led by the US, allows for new opportunities.

The Group of Friends of the UN Charter has discussed the establishment of a Zone that is Free of Unilateral Coercive Measures: a space for engagement between countries illegally sanctioned by the US, including countries threatened with secondary sanctions, where they can freely pursue regular trade and investment transactions, through an alternative system. Such as space would seek to combat the extraterritorial implementation of the illegal sanctions and explore joint economic, commercial, legal, political, and diplomatic actions to guarantee commerce, financial exchanges, safe logistics and any other steps to mitigate the impact of these measures. It could also set the stage for concerted multilateral responses to this flagrant violation of international law that the US uses as part of its foreign policy. Together with initiatives like those discussed in the BRICS summit aimed at establishing independent financial tools, a UCM-Free Zone can allow for the consolidation of an energy market space free of US controls.

Possibilities for the Future

In the likely scenario of a repeated confrontation between candidates Trump and Biden, it seems the objectives of Sullivan’s new consensus would apply regardless of the outcome. Coming from the National Security Agency rather than a more political institution, this policy seems to reflect a shared hostility toward China and other US competitors, as well as a need to secure energy and other key resources to maintain US economic and technological supremacy.

Therefore, we can come to three important conclusions at this conjuncture:

First, as long as the US uses unilateral coercive measures as a foreign policy tool, it will continue to employ them in attempts to control the energy market and to prevent competitors from having access to resources that could help them surpass US development in key areas.

Second, there is a “new Washington consensus” promoted by US national security strategists directed at building back US technological leadership through public investment used to finance a military-industrial policy where access to oil is key. For this purpose, political and military pressures will be employed along with the sanctions toolkit.

And finally, in light of this new policy, countries must build geopolitical alternatives that diminish US influence on energy markets and financial transactions. Multilateralism and true cooperation are resources for combatting illegal unilateralism and guaranteeing that the multipolarity of our time can develop under a fair basis. The current conjuncture presents the opportunity so that new independent financial tools are created and for building an independent and international law-abiding UCM-Free Zone that does not give in to US pressures, where countries can safely carry out the transactions needed to sustain their development. ... venezuela/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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Re: Venezuela

Post by blindpig » Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:02 pm


Oct 26, 2023 , 12:04 pm .

ImageThe Cayapo Image
Now, on what basis, on what idea do we base ourselves so that this other collective teacher is generated? (Photo: El Cayapo)

In ancient warrior cultures, masters were domestic slaves who were used for their knowledge to train or teach the children of their owners in the various arts and philosophies, in ethics and morals, and even for war.

According to the mythological story of the existence of Western culture, it tells us that at different times some of those slaves that the bourgeoisie rescued stood out to strengthen their myth of a wise and thinking culture and not the butcher and barley machinery of stealing and murder that really is.

Since then they have given us as teachers Aristotle, Socrates, Epicurus, and another long list of classical slaves in the different branches of powerful knowledge, who justified as natural the existence of slavery and the preeminence of the owners as a superior class by on top of the slaves, including themselves.

Later, with the imposition of the Christian religion and the feudal world with its monarchy and warlords, religious teachers appeared, who with the knowledge accumulated from the war subtly applied it in the formation of the new bourgeois order that would appear centuries later. . From there emerged the Machiavelli, the Da Vinci, the Raphael, the Spinoza, the Hegel, the Luther, the Thomas More, the Copernicus and a long list of wise men, all slaves of the crowns who, when they no longer served them, simply murdered them. Many rebelled and joined the new orders that the emerging class was beginning to impose, that is, the bourgeoisie with its new concept of humanity.

With the imposition of the bourgeoisie in power, scientific, literary, artistic, musical, political, pedagogical, and warrior teachers emerged, who were not only masters in their crafts, but who dedicated themselves to transmitting their knowledge paid for by the new bourgeois regime, that as an urgency to the new mode of production, the slaves needed to acquire other knowledge in accordance with the new production apparatus.

To the extent that the new establishment is consolidated, it becomes necessary to massify teaching and industrialists or businessmen go to the church, who had accumulated immense knowledge to discipline and enforce obedience through the torture methods that they had sophisticated and had converted them into. in some true masters in this thing that the letter enters with blood.

With these methods they not only subjugated the poor of Europe but spread throughout the world, and thus millions of people throughout the planet were tortured, whose bodies and brains were ultimately twisted forever in the name of man. upright and of good conduct. Since then there has been no child who likes school, paraphrasing the poet Carlos Angulo: "The craters of the ocean are filled with the tears of children on their way to school."

Since then, education, whatever name is given to it, is nothing more than a method of torture that seeks to humiliate the slave by domesticating him in each mode of production, which is perfected over time and the advances of these modes of production. production, with the aim of keeping profits and power in the hands of the owners and their needs.

There is an abysmal difference between the method of training slaves, whether they are managers or sweepers, and those used to train substitute owners in the exercise of dominance so that they can exercise free will. Neither the training centers nor the conditions in which they train are the same, since the knowledge taught on both sides is radically different. In the case of the owner it is to command and predominate in power; The owners are educated to be owners, so that they understand that the gift of command is natural and belongs to them, and that all the others are either the competition or are the slaves whom they can choose and buy, so that they can exercise and develop your free will according to your needs for gain.

While slaves are trained as aspirants: it is an education based on blind obedience and military discipline, in competition with other slaves to develop servitude capacities that allow them higher salaries, but fundamentally we are taught that the system It is immutable, that it should not be changed, that without it existence is impossible. And, in the case of the slave, it is so that he accepts his submission and believes it natural. Nowadays, when we talk about slaves, we are not referring to ragged gentlemen, loaded with whips and scars, but rather we are talking about professionals, artists, academics, carpenters, blacksmiths, bricklayers, managers, athletes, misses, ministers of all kinds, professionals media, in short, of all those who receive a salary, whatever the amount.

Now, we inhabit this territory in the middle of the twenty-first century, the conditions of slavery have only changed in form, because we continue to be slaves from generation to generation, from mode of production to mode of production, from slaveholder to landowner, from landowner to capitalist-humanist, and the teachers remain the same, whether they are called religious, pedagogues, professors, professors, graduates, doctors, Rodrigians, Lancastrians, libertarians or Freireans.


The only difference is that in ancient times they lived in the masters' house and taught the gentlemen, today they must pay to train to be teachers (although the States facilitate some conditions), house, clothing, books, notebooks, pencils, transportation, food and other basic needs. After graduating they begin to earn slave wages, but in the frustrated belief that they are more important than other slaves. Of course, what was in the brain was to study medicine, law, engineering; A doctor is very respected, he lives in hidden neighborhoods, the image of the doctor in the peasants is the guy who lives in a tremendous house, the son of a wealthy family or a poor enlightened man who managed to get out of the bottom, neat, well dressed, speaking slowly, well educated, that white coat generated a lot of power; On the other hand, the teacher lives in any working-class neighborhood, he does not impose any power beyond that generated by subjecting forty children in the class, his only control, his dictatorship, is in that classroom full of future slaves.

In the universities, a filter was generated, because not as many doctors were required as teachers, and the vast majority aspired to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, but when a place was requested for these so-called prestigious careers, the university painted a big picture without being Picasso; but the consolation prize remained, education. Then the frustrated people crowded into the education classrooms, those who could not be engineers, doctors, accountants, administrators, industrial relations specialists, ended up in education in frustration.

Unintentionally, those who instruct and educate aspired to prestige, praise, social position, recognition, status, and what we obtained were educators, doctors, engineers, accountants, administrators, architects, poets, artists for a mine, according to the needs of foreign capital. , settled with its immense cigarettes sucking this territory.

That teacher was taught formulas and to repeat words and numbers that meant nothing to him or the student, such as the famous pluperfect and the brain teasers. If the school is military, Christian or liberating, in the end the teachers are permanent repetition, building slaves for capitalism for the vast majority, without knowing it, believing the old story of "to the teacher with love", but they spend their lives protesting in protest, from strike to strike, demanding that they be paid in accordance with their status as teachers, professors, graduates, pedagogues, doctors without being able to understand that salaries are directly proportional to the amount of surplus value that the worker produces, and the teacher who is hired by millions on the planet is no less a slave than a carpenter, a bricklayer, a blacksmith, even one of these trades can report greater profits if the worker specializes, that is, through learning he becomes a doctor in carpentry or blacksmithing or masonry, ends up earning above the average salaries of teachers in their different ranks.

And, even worse, private education companies pay lower salaries to teachers, who do not enjoy the prerogatives of the teacher paid by the State, to whom the owners imposed the role of senior teacher, responsible for education, teaching State, and the leaders of the State become magicians trying to solve an insoluble dilemma. Since formal education was institutionalized in the hands of the State, it has always carried an unpayable debt with teachers, and as it is a fairly large burden, all governments are forced to the exercise of offering without fulfilling. By the way, the only time that the education sector has been paid an unpayable debt was with the government of Comandante Chávez and oil over 100. The reality is that that school, and we are talking not only about its prison form but also about its content, such and as it is, it is not useful to build the child-country that we need. The government can pay the 10 thousand dollars a month, it can paint it, it can give uniforms, food to all the students, to the teachers, increase the salary of the janitors, the directors and it will not work, except for what it is intended for: to form slaves. In all mine-countries, the master will never overcome his condition as a slave, unless he exercises politics and uses it to steal, but he will always be at the service of the one who allowed him to steal. Anyway, agapito! The master will only be a slave-training slave.

We reconsider: the teacher can get out of his condition as a slave through politics, because although he can dedicate himself to theft, he can also become a contradictory slave, that is, he can begin to question his work, his ethics, his morals and discover that none of them belong to him, and that it is only a need for the owners to keep him a slave, and from there he can open unknown doors and windows from which to look at the reality from which he has been alienated and understand the need to build a country without the conditions -mine into which this territory Venezuela has been converted for five hundred years, and then begin to separate from capitalism from the mental level and begin to produce together with others the idea that will lead us collectively to found ourselves, to sow ourselves as a people and country with strong root.

Because this contradictory teacher is necessary, we need him to politically instruct children, so that they are no longer substitutes for their parents in the capitalist productive process and thus do not reproduce slavery.

Now, on what basis, on what idea do we base ourselves so that another teacher is generated, who with enthusiasm and knowledge, of the importance of his work, dedicates himself, dedicates himself to building the necessary child-country, so that we can all live? for all?


What does it mean to educate this son-country? Does it symbolize that the teacher must belong to the son-country, but in its contradiction, he must know that he generates him, but that he also learns with him to be a teacher, because he has to learn what a child is, his psychology, how he works, cultivate Patience, the teaching method to design? Not only that they cultivate it in the profession, but they must cultivate it in the construction of the child, in the education of the child, in the instruction of the child-country, which at the same time is their own instruction, because in that political act the child He will be an adult, just like the teacher will be; It is a political act to educate, to instruct a child, because the child is going to live in a community and will owe himself to that community, not as it is stupidly said that the child owes himself to himself, no. The child owes himself to a community because he does not eat alone, he does not dress alone, he does not wear shoes alone and everything is a political act, and the child and the contradictory teacher must know where it originates from, how it originates and through what it is originates that political act.

Nowadays it is also a political act, except that this act is taxed on the profits of the owners and reinforces the slavery of the oppressed. The contradictory teacher will be left alone and will need the company of that child-country, which will also be alone in that long process of establishing itself, of becoming an ownerless territory. The child-country and the contradictory must decide whether to demand themselves beyond what their bodies fervently deliver.

The architecture of houses, tools, work instruments, manners, use of language, words, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, art, history, geography, politics and philosophy, that must be taught by the collective teacher of the future, because ultimately training must be communal and that is what the title of teacher must mean, a community in which one must trust blindly, but not only in his profession, in his conduct, in his behavior, in his ethics, in his morals: he must be a reference for the culture. Therefore, every day this community-child-country must strive to do well the things it does; That in essence is what a teacher is for a country-child.

He teaches the existence of a country, of a territory and he loves the work he does, he loves it, he appreciates it, he sees great importance in it. Without that, he knows that a country cannot exist without trained, educated, prepared, and educated people. That teacher is not teaching forms, which he also teaches, but he fundamentally teaches content; What it contains, what substance is the territory, the people and the work, what does it mean to work on reality, what does it mean to make architecture of a territory and the people in the territory, what does it mean to create tools, what does it mean to create machinery, what does it mean to plant , which means fishing, which means carrying out a process of building a territory to eliminate the mine and be a country: a teacher must teach about these things; We need original curricula to build an original country-child and we need original teachers, it does not matter that they do not know how to read or write, but that they are original in their profession, in their conduct, in their ethics, and in reading and writing on those maps that they trace us as a country.

It's not that we have to bring teachers from Europe or the United States, here we have to solve the problem, because we are creating rubbish. Every day children are worse and worse and worse and worse in their instructional field, in their educational field, in their ethical-moral field, in their concepts of art, in their concepts of poetry, in their concepts of music, in absolutely everything. . The child is already vallenato, he is reggaeton, he is raspaculo, any bullshit, but he does not have a construction and an ethical-moral constitution, he is an imitator, a massive imitator of superheroes, a compulsive consumer not only of imaginaries but of objects.

So, the questions are: Which country do we want and how do we want it? The current mine or the possible child-country? Which teacher does that country need then? Will we discuss it or not? Should we sweep the problem under the rug? Because even if we pay 10 million dollars to each teacher, the same disciplined and obedient illiterate child that we have had since the 1960s in this country will repeat. Professors who teach at universities with the famous three pages of a thesis and for twenty-five years they never studied again, and now with artificial intelligence it is true that what was given as an educational lie is over.

The contradiction to be resolved at the time when the country is being considered as a piece of independence, of sovereignty, is that it does not require us as imitators, applauders, supporters, consumers. It requires us as creators, inventors, designers, architects, engineers, teachers, collective doctors, because we keep repeating the same doctor in the white coat who dominates and has power in the office, in the operating room, but that medicine that is required collective effort to cure a territory transmuted into a mine by capitalist ambition for five hundred years is of no use to us slaves.

That is why we need to heal to be a country; teachers, professors, doctors, engineers, lawyers, technicians, poets, musicians, painters, carpenters, farmers, blacksmiths, bricklayers, fishermen, mechanics: we absolutely all need to heal ourselves, to replace the condition of imitators with the condition of creators, a vital condition to be able to exist as a country, as people, in a territory to which they belong and therefore independent of any power or power outside the territory. ... ma-esclavo

Google Translator

Incorrect to include Epicurus in that list as he equally taught slaves, women, other commoners.

There is nothing new here but the form of expression is useful to those uncomfortable with Marx's expression, which is condensed here.
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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