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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:50 pm

The Truth Was Almost Killed in Nicaragua
By Jeremy Kuzmarov - March 26, 2024


Survivor of Radio Station Attack By U.S. Backed Criminals During 2018 Coup Attempt Recounts Harrowing Ordeal
Carlos Alfaro León, 46, is a sports journalist who covers baseball and boxing matches for La Nueva Radio Ya, Nicaragua’s top rated radio station.

Carlos Alfaro León [Source: Photo courtesy of Jeremy Kuzmarov]

León has served as a press aide for Nicaragua’s national baseball team, covered the Pan American Games, and followed Román “Chocolatito” González, one of the world’s best boxers.

On May 28, 2018, León was nearly killed when armed right-wing thugs seeking the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government burned down Radio Ya.

León was trapped in the radio station with 22 other station employees, escaping only with the assistance of the police.

Burning of Radio Ya. [Source:]

The arsonists cleared a path to the station by shooting four police officers and attacked the firefighters who tried to prevent the building from burning down.

After driving away from the station in his car, León was followed by men on motorcycles. They let him go only because León got out of his car in a place where there were a lot of people who would protect him.

Afterwards, thugs threatened to harm León’s two young sons.

León recounted his harrowing experience on March 14 during an online meeting hosted by Green Renaissance-Sovereign Rights Movement, a group that seeks to restore integrity to the Green Party.

Gloria Guillo [Source:]

Green Renaissance founder Gloria Guillo has traveled extensively in Nicaragua and covered the 2018 coup attempt for online media.

She said, in introducing León, that the burning of Radio Ya was strategic. The U.S. government needed to shut down independent media so it could control the narrative about Nicaragua and obscure that a violent coup was taking place.

León said the same thing, noting that the criminal gangs that were intent on overthrowing the Nicaraguan government had to shut the media down so they could do whatever they wanted.

Thriving again today, Radio Ya promotes largely left-wing political views, and is supportive of the Sandinista government. It is well known for supplying the local population with social services regardless of their political outlook, helping people whenever it can.


The station was founded in 1990 when the left-wing Sandinistas lost elections to Violeta Chamorro, whose family’s newspaper was funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA offshoot specializing in political subversion and propaganda.

Violeta Chamorro [Source:]

Anastasio Somoza Debayle [Source:]

The Sandinistas first came to power in a 1979 revolution that ousted Anastasio Somoza Debayle, whose family had ruled Nicaragua like a personal fiefdom since the 1930s when it had been empowered by the U.S.

Daniel Ortega was a key leader of the 1979 Sandinista revolution who returned to power in 2007 and won elections in 2011, 2016 and 2021 to extend his presidential term.

Guillo emphasized that Ortega has sustained wide popular support because his government has helped to provide the Nicaraguan people with free health care and education, provided micro-loans to help small businessmen and women, and has given people titles to land.

Daniel Ortega following the triumph of the Sandinista revolution. [Source:]

Guillo said that Nicaragua is an amazing country that North Americans could learn from, particularly in the people rather than corporate-centered approach of its government.

Stephen Sefton [Source:]

Stephen Sefton, a Nicaraguan citizen who coordinates the Tortilla con Sal media collective, followed Guillo and León by providing incisive political context for the 2018 coup attempt.

Sefton said that the coup was orchestrated by the U.S. government.

The U.S. ambassador at the time, Laura Farnsworth Dogu, is now trying to undermine the left-leaning government of Xiamora Castro in Honduras and to destabilize Honduras. [Castro is the wife of José Manuel Zelaya who was overthrown in a 2009 U.S.-backed coup].

Sefton said that the Ortega government built wide support among the Nicaraguan population through a human development plan that benefited just about everyone.

Laura Farnsworth Dogu [Source:]

Xiomara Castro [Source:]

The U.S. gave up on electoral politics and supported destabilization measures backed by right-wing businessmen and the Catholic Church, which had come to be dominated by right-wing bishops after the aging of progressive Bishop Miguel Obando y Bravo.

Miguel Obando y Bravo [Source:]

In the years prior to the coup, the Obama and Trump administrations ramped up funding to opposition NGOs. The NED and State Department applied their mastery in psychological warfare and used social media networks to mobilize students who participated in protests that were triggered by an impasse over social security and pension reforms.

Sefton said that many Nicaraguan youth were taken in by clever psychological techniques and that it took weeks before people realized that everything they were told about the student movement in Nicaragua was a lie.

In hindsight, it is ridiculous to think that right-wing business people—who helped mobilize the student protests—cared about expanding pensions and social security benefits.

The violence of the coup plotters became apparent as they set up barricades, like those set up by right-wing Guarimba dissidents in Venezuela, and fired Molotov cocktails at police and attacked them with machetes. Rapes were committed, people were killed, and millions of dollars’ worth of property was destroyed.

Nicaragua’s version of the Venezuelan Guarimbas. [Source:]


Sefton said that the attack on Radio Ya was precipitated by Miguel Mora, owner of a rival right-wing television station, which Mora falsely claimed was attacked by pro-Sandinista gangs.

Mora was later given a prize by the Committee to Protect Journalists for defending freedom of expression in Nicaragua in an absolute moral outrage.

Verónica Chávez, Miguel Mora, and Lucia Pineda, after Mora and Pineda's release from prison June 11, in Managua, Nicaragua. (CPJ)
Miguel Mora in center. [Source:]
The award embodies the complicity of human rights NGOs in the 2018 coup plot along with mainstream and alternative media outlets like Democracy Now, which deny that a coup even took place and condemn the “dictator” Ortega for perpetrating a violent crackdown on student protesters and remaining in power indefinitely.

The latter is the line of the U.S. State Department and White House, which keeps extending draconian sanctions on Nicaragua under the illusory belief that they can dislodge the Sandinistas from power. ... nicaragua/
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:49 pm

UN Human Rights Council again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on APRIL 4, 2024
Alfred de Zayas and John Perry

2018, armed right-wing thugs seeking the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government burn down Radio Ya.

When the United Nations sets up a “commission of inquiry,” it can result in a powerful analysis of violations of human rights law, such as the one appointed in 2021 to examine Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and its Apartheid practices. But other commissions can become political platforms aimed at demonizing a particular government by crafting narratives that give the semblance of objectivity, while suppressing all evidence that contradicts the prevailing geopolitical consensus. The ultimate aim of such commissions is not to investigate or to provide advice or technical assistance, but to support a campaign of destabilization. They make it plausible to the world at large that the human rights of the population of the targeted country are being grossly violated and that the doctrine of “responsibility to protect” (known as R2P) should be activated. In other words, regime change, even by force, would be preferable to inaction. This vulgar weaponization of human rights is a favorite device in the tool kit of some hegemonial states. It is aided and abetted by non-governmental organizations financed by the hegemons and disseminated by the echo chambers of the mainstream media.

A case in point is the work of the UN’s “group of human rights experts on Nicaragua” (GHREN), appointed to investigate alleged violations in the country in the period since April 2018. The date is chosen because it marked the start of violent protests, which quickly turned into an attempted coup d’état. The violence lasted for three months and left over 250 people dead, including opponents of the government, government officials and sympathizers, and 22 police officers.

The group’s first report, in February of 2024, ran to 300 pages. It appeared to be very detailed: for example, it included a 9-page case study of events in one Nicaraguan city, Masaya, during the period April-July 2018. Yet despite this detail, the GHREN ignored the assignment which had been set for its work, which explicitly required it to investigate “all” relevant events. The report either omitted completely, or mentioned only very briefly, the many extreme acts of violence by those involved in the coup attempt. Instead, it focused only on alleged human rights violations by government officials and, in collecting evidence, the group gave preferential access to a number of NGOs which are highly critical of the Nicaraguan government.

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, a group made up of organizations and individuals in the United States and Canada, Europe and Latin America, including Nicaragua itself, responded in detail to the GHREN’s work. Its letter calling for the report to be withdrawn was signed by prominent human rights experts, 85 different organizations and over 450 individuals. Despite the number of people who were in support, the letter and detailed evidence submitted received no response whatever.

Indeed, the GHREN continued its work, and in February of 2024 published a further report, this time without even passing mention of opposition violence. It made no reference to the Coalition’s submissions: it was as if the criticisms of the first report and the evidence substantiating them never existed.

As one of the human rights experts who was critical of the first report by the GHREN, and as one of the organizers of the Coalition response, we have worked together to produce a second letter, which has been sent to the GHREN and to the President and senior officials of the UN Human Rights Council. This new letter says that the latest report is “methodologically flawed, biased and should never have been published.” It contends that “excluding pertinent information submitted to the study group is a breach of responsible methodology, a violation of the ethos of every judicial or quasi-judicial investigation.” The letter is signed by ten prominent human rights experts and activists, 47 organizations and over 250 individuals in Nicaragua, USA and Europe, many with long experience in Nicaragua. (The Coalition is continuing to collect signatures, which will be sent in follow-up at a later date.)

What is wrong with the GHREN’s latest report? Many examples of bias and omissions can be found within its 19 pages. One is its reference to the amnesty announced by the Nicaraguan government in 2019 for those detained and found guilty of crimes, including even homicide, during the coup attempt. The amnesty was an outcome of negotiations with the Catholic Church and others, aimed at achieving reconciliation in the aftermath of the coup attempt. However, the GHREN portrays the amnesty as benefiting only the state itself, when in fact its main beneficiaries were more than 400 opposition figures, including coup organizers, who had been convicted of violent offences. One of the most prominent beneficiaries, Medardo Mairena, had organized several murderous attacks on police stations: the worst, in the small town of Morrito, led to five deaths and nine police officers being kidnapped and beaten. Despite his crimes, Mairena was portrayed as a victim by the GHREN: he was even one of the opposition figures invited to address the UN Human Rights Council in July of 2023.

A second example is the report’s treatment of migration. Initially, the report claimed that 935,065 people had left Nicaragua, i.e., that one in eight of the population had “fled the country since 2018.” This was the figure that received publicity, even though it was absurdly high. Within a few days the GHREN realized their mistake and revised their report, so that the version currently on the website says instead that 271,740 Nicaraguans have become asylum seekers and 18,545 Nicaraguans are recognized as refugees worldwide (fewer than 1 in 20 of the population). But the report still gives no attention to the evidence that most migration from Nicaragua in the past five years has been economic in motivation, given the effects of US coercive measures on the country, and the economic downturns which resulted from the coup attempt itself and from the subsequent Covid-19 pandemic. It also takes no account of the fact that many migrants return to Nicaragua after periods of working abroad. In other words, even the lower figure likely exaggerates the numbers of Nicaraguans who (in the report’s original words) “fled the country.”

The most egregious bias in the report is its treatment of opposition figures as victims. Yes, it is true that there have been arrests, imprisonments and the expulsion from the country (with US agreement and facilitation) of many of those arrested. But the GHREN’s report assumes that those affected are innocent of any crime and are merely being persecuted as opponents of the government. It feeds the narrative of Washington, its allies and corporate media that what happened in 2018 was peaceful protest, when in practice the violent coup attempt affected millions of Nicaraguans, with lives lost, public buildings destroyed, homes set on fire and scores of government officials and sympathizers kidnapped, tortured, wounded or killed. The GHREN ignored the plentiful, detailed evidence from the Coalition which presented a more accurate narrative of what happened.

It is vital that the UN Human Rights Council pay attention to these criticisms and thoroughly review its dealings with Nicaragua. It is clear that the current expert group has totally failed in its assignment to consider “all” relevant events since April 2018 and is behaving in a completely unprofessional manner. Its work should be stopped, and a genuine attempt should be made to work with the Nicaraguan government based on a proper understanding of the needs of its people and of their experience of the 2018 coup attempt. Above all, it should urge the removal of the unilateral coercive measures (wrongly referred to as “sanctions”, implying that they are legitiamte), which are worsening conditions for Nicaraguans, not improving them.

Coda by Alfred de Zayas

The dysfunctional situation described above is not without precedent. During my six years as Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18), I myself observed manipulations and double standards, and duly informed the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) that in my considered opinion some of my colleague rapporteurs were not rigorously observing their independent status and our code of conduct, particularly Article 6, which requires all rapporteurs to give due weight to all available information and to pro-actively seek explanations from all stakeholders, including the government of the state in questions, respecting the over-arching rule of audiatur et altera pars (“let the other side be heard as well”).

When in the summer of 2017 I sought an invitation to visit Venezuela on official mission, I encountered opposition within OHCHR, which attempted to dissuade me. When I did receive an invitation, thus breaking a 21-year absence of UN rapporteurs from Venezuela, I was surprised to receive letters from three major NGOs who actually asked me not to go, because I was not the “pertinent” rapporteur. Evidently these NGOs and some officials at OHCHR were “concerned” with my independence, as already demonstrated in 12 reports to the General Assembly and Human Rights Council, and feared accordingly, that I would write my own report on Venezuela, which would not necessarily support the ubiquitous US narrative.

It became clear to me that some officials at OHCHR were nervous that I would actually conduct a fair investigation, speak to all stakeholders on the ground and then make my own judgment. Indeed, I read and digested all the relevant reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. When I was on the ground in Venezuela I fact-checked these and other reports, which I found to be seriously deficient. I also consulted the reports of local non-governmental organizations in Venezuela, including those of Fundalatin, Grupo Sures and Red Nacional de Derechos Humanos, and read the economic analysis by the Venezuelan Professor Pasqualina Curcio.

When in November/December 2017 I became the first UN rapporteur to visit Venezuela in 21 years, I was subjected to pre-mission, during-mission, and post-mission mobbing. I endured a barrage of insults and even death threats. Notwithstanding an atmosphere of intimidation, my mission resulted in positive results, including the immediate release of opposition politician Roberto Picon (his wife and son appealed to me, I then submitted the case to the then Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza), the release of 80 other detainees, enhanced cooperation between UN agencies and the government, and new memoranda of understanding. The mission opened the door to the visits of several other rapporteurs including Professors Alena Douhan and Michael Fakhri, as well as by High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet. My report to the Human Rights Council in September 2018 addressed the root causes of problems, formulated proposals for solutions, incorporating the information received from all stakeholders, including the opposition parliamentarians, Chamber of Commerce, the press, diplomatic corps, church leaders, university professors, students and more than 40 NGOs of all colors. The report was criticized by mainstream NGOs in the US and Europe, for whom only those rapporteurs are praiseworthy who engage in “naming and shaming” and promote regime change.

Chapters 2 and 3 of my book The Human Rights Industry document the endemic problems in the functioning of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council that continue to cater to the priorities of the major donors. However, the general perception of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council promoted by the mainstream media gratuitously grants both institutions authority and credibility, without addressing the problems already exposed by a number of rapporteurs, including myself.

This dependence of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council on Washington and Brussels explains some of the abstruse decisions and resolutions adopted by the Council. Part of the problem lies in the ways in which staff members are recruited and in the procedures by which experts, including rapporteurs, independent experts and commission members, are appointed.

For example, it does not advance “geographical representation” simply by hiring someone from Mauritius or Indonesia, if that person has been trained and indoctrinated in US and UK universities. “Geographical diversity” does not necessarily ensure the representation of a spectrum of opinions and approaches to problems. It does not mean much when there are so and so many persons who are ticked off against a particular nationality, e.g. US, French, Russian, Chinese, South African. What is crucial is to ensure that all schools of legal thinking and philosophy, are represented. What is important is that when a candidate from State X is recruited or appointed, that he/she have first and foremost the interests of the United Nations at heart, and that he/she is not a priori committed to support the interests of the US or one of the European powers. I do not challenge the competence or expertise of staff members and rapporteurs – I challenge their ethos and independence — their commitment to the values of the UN Charter and their commitment to impartiality.

There are other obstacles to impartiality. Indeed, some OHCHR staff members are penalized if they do their work properly and do NOT follow the orders coming from above, which are mostly US-Brussels friendly. It is a regrettable reality that the donors weigh heavily in setting the agenda. There is no mechanism to ensure that the code of conduct of rapporteurs is respected, in particular Article 6. The impunity for openly siding with the US and Brussels and ignoring the rest of the world is notorious. In other words, OHCHR and the Human Rights Council have been largely “hijacked” – as indeed the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights have been. This raises the issue that Juvenalis formulated in his sixth Satire (verses 346-7): Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? – “who will guard over the guardians?”

Experience shows that being a solid professional does NOT facilitate getting a promotion. One is likely to be penalized. Abiding by the “unwritten law” of “groupthink” and supporting the Western narratives does contribute to career development. And, alas, most staffers are first and foremost interested in their careers, and not necessarily in promoting human rights. As elsewhere, it is a job.

Some outside observers have understood what game is being played and what the rules are. Reality at OHCHR and the Human Rights Council is closer to Machiavellianism and Orwellianism than to the spirituality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ideals of Eleanor Roosevelt, René Cassin, Charles Malik, P.C. Chang and others. Notwithstanding these problems, we are optimistic that the system can be reformed, and we encourage all non-governmental people of good will and good faith to insist on reforming these institutions so that they serve all of humanity and not only the interests of a handful of powerful states. Among the NGOs that are making concrete proposals for reform are the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities and the Geneva International Peace Research Institute, both in consultative status with the United Nations. ... nicaragua/
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:12 pm

NicaNotes: UN Human Rights Council Again Supports US Regime Change Plans for Nicaragua
April 11, 2024
By Alfred de Zayas and John Perry

[This article has also been published in Counterpunch, Popular Resistance, Dissident Voice, Resumen Latinoamericano, Orinoco Tribune, Black Agenda Report, and Global Research]
Alfred de Zayas is Professor of International Law at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and a former UN Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18). John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the London Review of Books, Covert Action, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting, Counterpunch, The Grayzone and other publications.

Nicaraguans march for peace in the city of León.

When the United Nations sets up a “commission of inquiry,” it can result in a powerful analysis of violations of human rights law, such as the one appointed in 2021 to examine Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and its apartheid practices. But other commissions can become political platforms aimed at demonizing a particular government by crafting narratives that give the semblance of objectivity, while suppressing all evidence that contradicts the prevailing geopolitical consensus. The ultimate aim of such commissions is not to investigate or to provide advice or technical assistance, but to support a campaign of destabilization. They make it plausible to the world at large that the human rights of the population of the targeted country are being grossly violated and that the doctrine of “responsibility to protect” (known as R2P) should be activated. In other words, regime change, even by force, would be preferable to inaction. This vulgar weaponization of human rights is a favorite device in the tool kit of some hegemonial states. It is aided and abetted by non-governmental organizations financed by the hegemons and disseminated by the echo chambers of the mainstream media.

A case in point is the work of the UN’s “group of human rights experts on Nicaragua” (GHREN), appointed to investigate alleged violations in the country in the period since April 2018. The date is chosen because it marked the start of violent protests, which quickly turned into an attempted coup d’état. The violence lasted for three months and left over 250 people dead, including opponents of the government, government officials and sympathizers, and 22 police officers.

The group’s first report, in February of 2023, ran to 300 pages. It appeared to be very detailed: for example, it included a 9-page case study of events in one Nicaraguan city, Masaya, during the period April-July 2018. Yet despite this detail, the GHREN ignored the assignment which had been set for its work, which explicitly required it to investigate “all” relevant events. The report either omitted completely, or mentioned only very briefly, the many extreme acts of violence by those involved in the coup attempt. Instead, it focused only on alleged human rights violations by government officials and, in collecting evidence, the group gave preferential access to a number of NGOs which are highly critical of the Nicaraguan government.

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition, a group made up of organizations and individuals in the United States and Canada, Europe and Latin America, including Nicaragua itself, responded in detail to the GHREN’s work. Its letter calling for the report to be withdrawn was signed by prominent human rights experts, 85 different organizations and over 450 individuals. Despite the number of people who were in support, the letter and detailed evidence submitted received no response whatever.

Indeed, the GHREN continued its work, and in February of 2024 published a further report, this time without even passing mention of opposition violence. It made no reference to the Coalition’s submissions: it was as if the criticisms of the first report and the evidence substantiating them never existed.

As one of the human rights experts who was critical of the first report by the GHREN, and as one of the organizers of the Coalition response, we have worked together to produce a second letter, which has been sent to the GHREN and to the President and senior officials of the UN Human Rights Council. This new letter says that the latest report is “methodologically flawed, biased and should never have been published.” It contends that “excluding pertinent information submitted to the study group is a breach of responsible methodology, a violation of the ethos of every judicial or quasi-judicial investigation.” The letter is signed by ten prominent human rights experts and activists, 47 organizations and over 250 individuals in Nicaragua, USA and Europe, many with long experience in Nicaragua. (The Coalition is continuing to collect signatures, which will be sent in follow-up at a later date.)

What is wrong with the GHREN’s latest report? Many examples of bias and omissions can be found within its 19 pages. One is its reference to the amnesty announced by the Nicaraguan government in 2019 for those detained and found guilty of crimes, including even homicide, during the coup attempt. The amnesty was an outcome of negotiations with the Catholic Church and others, aimed at achieving reconciliation in the aftermath of the coup attempt. However, the GHREN portrays the amnesty as benefiting only the state itself, when in fact its main beneficiaries were more than 400 opposition figures, including coup organizers, who had been convicted of violent offences. One of the most prominent beneficiaries, Medardo Mairena, had organized several murderous attacks on police stations: the worst, in the small town of Morrito, led to five deaths and nine police officers being kidnapped and beaten. Despite his crimes, Mairena was portrayed as a victim by the GHREN: he was even one of the opposition figures invited to address the UN Human Rights Council in July of 2023.

A second example is the report’s treatment of migration. Initially, the report claimed that 935,065 people had left Nicaragua, i.e., that one in eight of the population had “fled the country since 2018.” This was the figure that received publicity, even though it was absurdly high. Within a few days the GHREN realized their mistake and revised their report, so that the version currently on the website says instead that 271,740 Nicaraguans have become asylum seekers and 18,545 Nicaraguans are recognized as refugees worldwide (fewer than 1 in 20 of the population). But the report still gives no attention to the evidence that most migration from Nicaragua in the past five years has been economic in motivation, given the effects of US coercive measures on the country, and the economic downturns which resulted from the coup attempt itself and from the subsequent Covid-19 pandemic. It also takes no account of the fact that many migrants return to Nicaragua after periods of working abroad. In other words, even the lower figure likely exaggerates the numbers of Nicaraguans who (in the report’s original words) “fled the country.”

The most egregious bias in the report is its treatment of opposition figures as victims. Yes, it is true that there have been arrests, imprisonments and the expulsion from the country (with US agreement and facilitation) of many of those arrested. But the GHREN’s report assumes that those affected are innocent of any crime and are merely being persecuted as opponents of the government. It feeds the narrative of Washington, its allies and corporate media that what happened in 2018 was peaceful protest, when in practice the violent coup attempt affected millions of Nicaraguans, with lives lost, public buildings destroyed, homes set on fire and scores of government officials and sympathizers kidnapped, tortured, wounded or killed. The GHREN ignored the plentiful, detailed evidence from the Coalition which presented a more accurate narrative of what happened.

It is vital that the UN Human Rights Council pay attention to these criticisms and thoroughly review its dealings with Nicaragua. It is clear that the current expert group has totally failed in its assignment to consider “all” relevant events since April 2018 and is behaving in a completely unprofessional manner. Its work should be stopped, and a genuine attempt should be made to work with the Nicaraguan government based on a proper understanding of the needs of its people and of their experience of the 2018 coup attempt. Above all, it should urge the removal of the unilateral coercive measures (wrongly referred to as “sanctions”, implying that they are legitimate), which are worsening conditions for Nicaraguans, not improving them.

Coda by Alfred de Zayas

The dysfunctional situation described above is not without precedent. During my six years as Independent Expert on International Order (2012-18), I myself observed manipulations and double standards, and duly informed the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) that in my considered opinion some of my colleague rapporteurs were not rigorously observing their independent status and our code of conduct, particularly Article 6, which requires all rapporteurs to give due weight to all available information and to pro-actively seek explanations from all stakeholders, including the government of the state in questions, respecting the over-arching rule of audiatur et altera pars (“let the other side be heard as well”).

When in the summer of 2017 I sought an invitation to visit Venezuela on official mission, I encountered opposition within OHCHR, which attempted to dissuade me. When I did receive an invitation, thus breaking a 21-year absence of UN rapporteurs from Venezuela, I was surprised to receive letters from three major NGOs who actually asked me not to go, because I was not the “pertinent” rapporteur. Evidently these NGOs and some officials at OHCHR were “concerned” with my independence, as already demonstrated in 12 reports to the General Assembly and Human Rights Council, and feared accordingly, that I would write my own report on Venezuela, which would not necessarily support the ubiquitous US narrative.

It became clear to me that some officials at OHCHR were nervous that I would actually conduct a fair investigation, speak to all stakeholders on the ground and then make my own judgment. Indeed, I read and digested all the relevant reports of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. When I was on the ground in Venezuela I fact-checked these and other reports, which I found to be seriously deficient. I also consulted the reports of local non-governmental organizations in Venezuela, including those of Fundalatin, Grupo Sures and Red Nacional de Derechos Humanos, and read the economic analysis by the Venezuelan Professor Pasqualina Curcio.

When in November/December 2017 I became the first UN rapporteur to visit Venezuela in 21 years, I was subjected to pre-mission, during-mission, and post-mission mobbing. I endured a barrage of insults and even death threats. Notwithstanding an atmosphere of intimidation, my mission resulted in positive results, including the immediate release of opposition politician Roberto Picon (his wife and son appealed to me, and I submitted the case to the then Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza), the release of 80 other detainees, enhanced cooperation between UN agencies and the government, and new memoranda of understanding. The mission opened the door to the visits of several other rapporteurs including Professors Alena Douhan and Michael Fakhri, as well as by High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet. My report to the Human Rights Council in September 2018 addressed the root causes of problems, formulated proposals for solutions, incorporating the information received from all stakeholders, including the opposition parliamentarians, Chamber of Commerce, the press, diplomatic corps, church leaders, university professors, students and more than 40 NGOs of all colors. The report was criticized by mainstream NGOs in the US and Europe, for whom only those rapporteurs are praiseworthy who engage in “naming and shaming” and promote regime change.

Chapters 2 and 3 of my book The Human Rights Industry document the endemic problems in the functioning of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council that continue to cater to the priorities of the major donors. However, the general perception of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council promoted by the mainstream media gratuitously grants both institutions authority and credibility, without addressing the problems already exposed by a number of rapporteurs, including myself.

This dependence of OHCHR and the Human Rights Council on Washington and Brussels explains some of the abstruse decisions and resolutions adopted by the Council. Part of the problem lies in the ways in which staff members are recruited and in the procedures by which experts, including rapporteurs, independent experts and commission members, are appointed.

For example, it does not advance “geographical representation” simply by hiring someone from Mauritius or Indonesia, if that person has been trained and indoctrinated in US and UK universities. “Geographical diversity” does not necessarily ensure the representation of a spectrum of opinions and approaches to problems. It does not mean much when there are so many persons who are ticked off against a particular nationality, e.g. US, French, Russian, Chinese, South African. What is crucial is to ensure that all schools of legal thinking and philosophy, are represented. What is important is that when a candidate from State X is recruited or appointed, that he/she have first and foremost the interests of the United Nations at heart, and that he/she is not a priori committed to support the interests of the US or one of the European powers. I do not challenge the competence or expertise of staff members and rapporteurs – I challenge their ethos and independence — their commitment to the values of the UN Charter and their commitment to impartiality.

There are other obstacles to impartiality. Indeed, some OHCHR staff members are penalized if they do their work properly and do NOT follow the orders coming from above, which are mostly US-Brussels friendly. It is a regrettable reality that the donors weigh heavily in setting the agenda. There is no mechanism to ensure that the code of conduct of rapporteurs is respected, in particular Article 6. The impunity for openly siding with the US and Brussels and ignoring the rest of the world is notorious. In other words, OHCHR and the Human Rights Council have been largely “hijacked” – as indeed the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights have been. This raises the issue that Juvenalis formulated in his sixth Satire (verses 346-7): Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? – “who will guard over the guardians?”

Experience shows that being a solid professional does NOT facilitate getting a promotion. One is likely to be penalized. Abiding by the “unwritten law” of “groupthink” and supporting the Western narratives does contribute to career development. And, alas, most staffers are first and foremost interested in their careers, and not necessarily in promoting human rights. As elsewhere, it is a job.

Some outside observers have understood what game is being played and what the rules are. Reality at OHCHR and the Human Rights Council is closer to Machiavellianism and Orwellianism than to the spirituality of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ideals of Eleanor Roosevelt, René Cassin, Charles Malik, P.C. Chang and others. Notwithstanding these problems, we are optimistic that the system can be reformed, and we encourage all non-governmental people of good will and good faith to insist on reforming these institutions so that they serve all of humanity and not only the interests of a handful of powerful states. Among the NGOs that are making concrete proposals for reform are the International Human Rights Association of American Minorities and the Geneva International Peace Research Institute, both in consultative status with the United Nations.


By Nan McCurdy

World Solidarity Calls for Signatures to Denounce the UNHRC
The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition is calling for signatures on a letter to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), protesting a recent UN report by the misnamed Group of Experts on Human Rights in Nicaragua (GHREN). An earlier letter was sent in 2023 and now, with the support of human rights expert Alfred de Zayas, a former UN Independent Reporter, we have drafted a new response. He and some other leading figures have signed the letter, and we would like to collect as many signatures as possible. You can go to either of these links in English or Spanish to sign. Signature collection continues until April 17 in an effort to show massive resistance to the UN report. It is time for us to denounce falsehoods such as those in the GHREN report.

Thank you for your support of this effort. Below are excerpts from the recent letter:

Excerpts of Letter to the United Nations Human Rights Council:
The report of the “Group of Experts on Human Rights on Nicaragua” (GHREN), released by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on February 28, 2024, is methodologically flawed, biased and should never have been released. This is the second GHREN report. The first, published in March 2023, was denounced in a letter signed by many distinguished human rights experts, by 119 organizations and by 573 individuals. That letter of protest was totally ignored.

The Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition (the Coalition) submitted detailed evidence to GHREN about the errors and omissions in its first report. These submissions received no response; nor are they acknowledged in the new report. It is clear that the GHREN only takes into account evidence provided by opponents of the Nicaraguan government. Thus, the claim of the study group to exercise “independence, impartiality, objectivity, transparency, integrity” is absurd. In this context, former UN Independent Expert on International Order [2012-2018], Alfred de Zayas, commented that “excluding relevant information presented to the study group [GHREN] is a violation of responsible methodology, a violation of the ethics of any judicial or quasi-judicial investigation.”

To read the entire letter and sign please go to: ... w/viewform

World Court Opens Hearings on Genocide Claims Brought by Nicaragua
Preliminary hearings opened on April 8 at the United Nations’ top court in a case that seeks an end to German military and other aid to Israel, based on claims that Berlin is “facilitating” acts of genocide and breaches of international law in the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Israel strongly denies its military campaign amounts to breaches of the Genocide Convention. While the case brought by Nicaragua centers on Germany, it indirectly takes aim at Israel’s military campaign in Gaza that has killed more than 33,000 Palestinians in Gaza. Nicaragua has asked the court to hand down preliminary orders known as provisional measures, including that Germany “immediately suspend its aid to Israel, in particular its military assistance including military equipment in so far as this aid may be used in the violation of the Genocide Convention” and international law. The court will likely take weeks to deliver its preliminary decision. On April 5, the U.N.’s top human rights body called on countries to stop selling or shipping weapons to Israel. The U.S. and Germany opposed the resolution. Hundreds of British jurists, including three retired Supreme Court judges, have called on their government to suspend arms sales to Israel after three U.K. citizens were among seven aid workers from the charity World Central Kitchen killed in Israeli strikes. Israel said the attack on the aid workers was a mistake caused by “misidentification.” (Associated Press, 8 April 2024)

MINSA to Apply Second Dose of HPV Vaccine
In the months of May and June, the second dose of vaccine against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) will be given to girls between 10 and 14 years old. Dr. Martha Reyes explained that a second dose is required to have the immunity level required for the protection against HPV. During the first HPV vaccination campaign 100% of girls between 10 and 14 years of age were vaccinated. “When we talked to the PAHO/WHO (Pan American Health Organization-World Health Organization) immunization advisors, they said that when a vaccine is introduced, usually 80% coverage is achieved. She indicated that the application of this vaccine will greatly reduce the risk of contracting the virus that causes cervical cancer. Finally, the official called on the population to participate in the National Vaccination Days that began on April 2 and ends on April 28, to protect against 18 diseases. (La Primerisima, 4 April 2024)

Mexico and Nicaragua Approve Eight Cooperation Projects
A Nicaraguan delegation participated on April 8 in the eleventh Meeting of the Joint Commission between Mexico and Nicaragua in which eight technical cooperation projects in the agricultural, environmental and risk management sectors were approved. The Ambassador of Mexico in Nicaragua, Guillermo Zamora Villa, conveyed his gratitude to President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo for the expressions of solidarity with Mexico and the breaking of relations with Ecuador, in view of the events that occurred at the Embassy of Mexico in that country. The Executive Director of the Mexican Cooperation Agency, AMEXCID, Gloria Sandoval, highlighted the excellent bilateral relationship between Mexico and Nicaragua and said that the projects to be developed with Mexico are aligned with the National Plan for the Fight against Poverty and for Human Development 2022-2026. (La Primerisima, 8 April 2024)

Government Provides Motors to 80 Fishers in Corn Island
The government delivered 80 outboard motors to artisanal fishers of Corn Island to strengthen their productive capacities after Hurricanes Eta, Iota and Julia. The 60 and 75 horsepower engines were delivered to 17 women and 63 men, as part of the government’s support for Caribbean fishing families. Lawrence Queen said he felt happy and affirmed that it is a blessing from God that these motors have been given to them. Each engine includes fuel tank, hose, an additional propeller, oil for gasoline mixture, grease for the engine and washers. This is part of the effort promoted by the government to strengthen the capacities of fishermen and fisherwomen and thus contribute to guarantee food and nutritional security for Caribbean families. So far this year, 6,686 productive packages have been delivered to 5,662 families involved in artisanal fishing on the Caribbean Coast. See photos: ... rn-island/

(La Primerisima, 6 Abril 2024)

Nicaragua Breaks off Relations with Ecuador and Fully Supports Mexico
On April 5 Ecuadorian police officers, in open violation of international law, stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito and captured Jorge Glas, former vice president of Ecuador during the administration of Rafael Correa (2007-2017). Hours before, Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador had granted political asylum to Glas for being a victim of political persecution in his country. Mexico announced the immediate rupture of diplomatic relations with Ecuador.

The Government of Nicaragua issued a press release on April 6th breaking diplomatic relations with Ecuador. Here are excerpts from that press release:

“The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity of Nicaragua, pronounces itself in absolute rejection and condemnation of the neo-fascist political barbarism of the government of Ecuador. … We condemn this flagrant violation of International Law that we see repeated by corrupt servants to the Empires, who unfortunately occupy institutional positions in that Brother Country…. In view of this unusual and repudiatory action carried out early this morning in Quito … we make our sovereign decision to break off all diplomatic relations with the Ecuadorian Government [and] we ratify … our adherence to international law. On September 1, 2020, we had withdrawn our embassy in Quito and with this pronouncement we formalize the rupture of all diplomatic relations. Our solidarity and accompaniment in any legal action is with the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.” (TN8TV, 6 April 2024; Resumen English, 7 April 2024)
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri Apr 26, 2024 3:57 pm

NicaNotes: Germany Buries the Evidence of Complicity in Genocide; Nicaragua Exposes It
April 25, 2024
By John Perry

(John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR, Covert Action Magazine and others.)

[This article has been published in Anti War, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Resumen Latinoamericano and Tortilla con Sal as well as en español aquí.]

Carlos Argüello, Nicaragua’s Ambassador to the Netherlands and Advisor to Nicaragua’s Foreign Ministry on International Law, explains that the object of Nicaragua’s suit against Germany is to create a precedent with wider application – that countries must take responsibility for the consequences of their arms sales. (Photo: Changing Times)

On April 11, Dr Ghassan Abu-Sittah, the British-Palestinian war surgeon, gave his first address as the newly-appointed rector of Glasgow University, chosen in recognition of his work at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. The following day he flew to Berlin, where he had been invited to address a major conference on Palestine. On arrival he was taken away by police, interrogated for several hours and eventually told he had to leave Germany and wouldn’t be allowed to return until at least the end of April. Any attempt to speak to the conference via Zoom could result in a fine or even a year’s prison sentence. By the time he was released he couldn’t have taken part in the conference anyway, since it had been invaded by at least 900 police and closed down. Berlin’s mayor said that it was ‘intolerable’ that the conference was taking place at all.

Speaking about his experience afterwards, Dr Abu-Sittah referred to the fact that Germany had – also last week – been defending itself at the International Court of Justice against charges by Nicaragua that it is an accomplice to genocidal war. ‘This is exactly what accomplices to a crime do,’ he said. ‘They bury the evidence and they silence or harass or intimidate the witnesses.’

Watching the live feed of Germany’s lawyers at the Hague a few days earlier had been an odd experience. They gave the impression of feeling affronted that Germany had been accused of such crimes, especially by a small country which, they argued, had no stake in the case. Also, Israel could not yet be said to be committing genocide, because the ICJ has not yet determined the case brought against it by South Africa, which Germany had supported Israel in contesting. Because Israel was not party to the new case, it should simply be thrown out.

Some research might have given them a better appreciation of Nicaragua’s credentials to bring the case. Its mutual solidarity with Palestine goes back a long way. It also has more experience at the Hague than Germany, including its pioneer action against the US in 1984, when it won the case and an order for compensation later calculated to amount to £17 billion (that was never paid) for the damage done to Nicaragua by the US-funded Contra war and the mining of its ports. Carlos Argüello, who led the case last week and many of its previous cases (including the case in the 1980s), said that Nicaragua offered its expertise to Palestine and it had already joined in with South Africa’s action. It had decided to target Germany, the second biggest supplier of arms to Israel, because the US, the biggest supplier, is outside the court’s jurisdiction on this issue.

Argüello explains that the object is to create a precedent with wider application – that countries must take responsibility for the consequences of their arms sales to avoid them being used in breach of international law. Germany’s argument that legal action cannot proceed before South Africa’s earlier case is resolved is nonsense, since countries have an obligation to prevent genocide, not merely wait until it is proven to be happening. In any case, Germany must have been aware of the numerous warnings from senior UN officials of the imminence of genocide in Gaza, which began as early as October 9th.

Germany claimed that it has a “robust legal framework” in place to ensure its arms exports are not misused, and that sales to Israel are now restricted to non-lethal equipment. But any supplies being sent to a genocidal army are helping to sustain its criminal actions, Nicaragua replied.

Much was made of Germany’s historic obligations due to its Nazi history, but Argüello argues that these should relate to the Jewish people, not the Israeli state. He adds that Germany’s past might also oblige it to help prevent genocide wherever it might occur. Its government spokesman on the South Africa case had claimed that Germany is ‘particularly committed to the Genocide Convention’.

The economist Yanis Varoufakis was also banned from speaking in Berlin. He planned to conclude his speech by telling German politicians that ‘they have covered themselves in shame’ through their unflinching support for Israel’s atrocities. Carlos Argüello echoes this point when asked whether a decision by the ICJ can actually be enforced: We have to mobilize shame, he says, ‘…that’s the hope with this. Perhaps it’s being too idealistic, but it’s the only weapon we have’.

* * * * *

NicaNotes Briefs
By Nan McCurdy

Vaccination Campaign Goals Exceeded!
The brigades of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) and the Community Health Network have already administered more than two million vaccines and have surpassed the goal set for the National Vaccination Campaign. The weekend of April 20 and 21 the Ministry carried out the Campaign in all the municipalities of the country. The vaccination days were accompanied by parades, walks, floats, dances, piñatas and music. According to official MINSA figures, the goal was surpassed: a 100.6% compliance, applying 2,468,586 doses of vaccines. They also delivered 1,994,582 doses of anti-parasite medicine, and 632,498 doses of Vitamin A. The campaign continues this week until closing on Sunday, April 28. See photos: ... -prevista/ (La Primerisima, 22 April 2024)

Russia and Nicaragua Join Forces Against Imperialist Sanctions
On April 22, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Presidential Advisor and Special Representative of the President for Russian Affairs Laureano Ortega signed a declaration on ways to counteract, mitigate and compensate for the negative consequences of unilateral coercive measures, often called sanctions. The declaration stipulates that the use by any state of unilateral coercive measures is unlawful, contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and international law. States are strongly urged to refrain from adopting, promulgating and applying UCMs that impede the full achievement of economic and social development, particularly in developing countries.

The declaration insists that any foreign judgments imposing unilateral coercive measures on other States shall not be recognized or enforced by national courts. State and private property and assets, including bank accounts, bonds, real estate, as well as consular and diplomatic premises and facilities, shall be immune and shall not be subject to freezing, seizure or any other form of confiscation or restraint arising from the implementation of unilateral coercive measures by any authority.

The declaration further says that states should develop a road map to reduce the dependence of international trade on national currencies that tend to be used for unilateral coercive measures or to sustain the monetary hegemony of a particular state over the world economy See a fuller summary of the declaration in Spanish: ... erialista/ (La Primerisima, 22 April 2024)

Assemblies of God: Full Freedom of Worship in Nicaragua
The Evangelical Pentecostal Conference of the Assemblies of God of Nicaragua expressed publicly on April 16 that in Nicaragua there is full freedom of worship and every citizen is free in the exercise of their faith, without discrimination. Through a communiqué signed by its general secretary, Rev. Roberto Rojas, the Assemblies of God pointed out that their worship celebrations, the preaching of the Gospel and activities of a religious nature are carried out without restrictions. The Assemblies of God praises the climate of respect and tolerance that prevails in Nicaraguan society, allowing each individual to profess his or her faith according to his or her personal beliefs and convictions. The Assemblies of God communiqué recognizes the commitment of the Nicaraguan government to guarantee religious freedom and respect for the diversity of faiths present in Nicaragua. Likewise, the communiqué urges the entire population to continue promoting peaceful coexistence and mutual respect among all religious communities, fostering unity in diversity and cultivating fraternity among brothers and sisters of different faiths. (La Primerisima, 16 April 2024)

Exemplary Investment by Nicaragua in Potable Water
In many countries around the world, access to potable water is limited or even non-existent. However, in Nicaragua the supply of drinking water is a fundamental right that is assured to the population on a daily basis. Supplying water requires significant investments in electricity for pumping the water, for the construction of modern storage tanks, as well as for the installation and maintenance of pipelines. It is estimated that for every 1,000 liters of water, Nicaraguans pay the equivalent of US$0.27 – low because of government subsidies on drinking water rates – one of the cheapest in Latin America. The year 2024 marks an important milestone with the completion of 26 drinking water projects to improve service to homes, especially those located in the ‘Dry Corridor’ to guarantee a good water supply to more than 790,000 families. This year, 600 kilometers of pipelines are expected to be built, so more families will have access to water. (La Primerisima, 20 April 2024)

Neurosurgery Mega-fair Kicks off in Somoto
Hundreds of people arrived at the Juan Antonio Brenes Palacios Departmental Hospital in Somoto, Madriz, very early in the morning on April 20 to participate in the mega neurosurgery fair. The purpose of the event was to provide attention to people with brain problems, malformations in arteries and veins, spinal hernias, chronic pain, and neuralgia, among others. A team of 50 specialists in brain diseases and damage saw more than 600 patients from 69 neighborhoods and 380 communities of the nine municipalities of the department of Madriz. In addition, attention in natural medicine and complementary therapies was available. See photos: ... to-madriz/ (La Primerisima, 20 April 2024)

Nearly 82% of Nicaraguans Approve of Ortega’s Administration
A total of 81.7% of the population approves of President Daniel Ortega’s administration, according to the latest survey released April 17 by the firm M & R Consultores. In the same poll, 91.1% consider that the government of Daniel Ortega generates hope. 80.2% of Nicaraguans believe that the Sandinista government is leading the country in the right direction. Likewise, 80.7% of those interviewed agreed that President Ortega is a democratic ruler who abides by the laws of the country. Also, 80.5% of the citizens consulted said that Ortega seeks unity and reconciliation among Nicaraguans. The survey indicates that 81.7% of the citizens surveyed consider that the Sandinista government takes into account the interests of the general population. In addition, 94.0% of those polled said that there is peace in Nicaragua and only 6.0% believe the opposite. 89.7% of Nicaraguans believe that there is freedom for people to think, say or do what they consider, within the framework of respect. See full report: ... de-daniel/ (La Primerisima, 17 April 2024)

President Ortega In Venezuela for ALBA Meeting
At midnight on April 23, President Daniel Ortega arrived in Caracas to participate in the summit of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA). Most of the ALBA Heads of State are expected to participate in this ALBA summit. On April 23 the Prime Ministers of Antigua, Barbuda, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Gaston Browne and Ralph Gonsalves, arrived for the meeting. Venezuelan Executive Secretary Jorge Arreaza delivered an inaugural speech entitled “The principle of unity as a transforming element” and stated that ALBA’s objective is to achieve self-determination, that “We should be free and happy with our needs satisfied.” He said that the ALBA strategy includes new projects to strengthen economic, health, education and environmental protection plans. ALBA is also establishing a network for the protection of human and social rights, and creating the ALBA Parliamentary Network and the ALBA-Youth space. The two-day meeting has attendance by 300 delegates from 60 countries and also by organizations and social movements, political parties, and others from the member states of the bloc and guests from Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America. (Radio La Primerisima, 24 April 2024)

More than 137,000 Homes Built for Families since 2007
In 17 years, the Sandinista Government has built 137,385 houses, announced INVUR (Institute of Housing) director Gabriela Palacios. The conditions and facilities for the housing sector have become more dynamic, which translates into more employment, economic stability and less poverty. She said that the year 2023 closed with the building of 7,952 houses. In the first quarter of 2024 INVUR has built 1,513 houses; the goal for 2024 is 7,674 houses. (La Primerisima, 22 April 2024)

Chinese Company to Build Solar Plant in Ciudad Darío
President Daniel Ortega authorized the Ministry of Energy and Mines to sign a contract with a Chinese company to design, supply and build a solar photovoltaic power generation plant with a capacity of 67.35 megawatts in Ciudad Dario, according to a decree published on Tuesday in the official government publication La Gaceta. Through the decree, President Ortega authorized the Director General of Electricity and Renewable Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Santiago Hernán Bermúdez Tapia, to sign a contract with the company “China Communications Construction Company Limited.” (La Primerisima, 23 April 2024)

Online Magazine Praises Nicaragua as Travel Destination
The online magazine Marie Claire highly recommends Nicaragua, headlining: “For an Adrenalin-Packed Vacation with Views, Visit Nicaragua’s Emerald Coast. Skip the Costa Rica Crowds in favor of this coastal hotspot.” It goes on to say: “Known for its exceptional surfing, the Emerald Coast of Nicaragua is a hidden gem along the Pacific coastline. Though still rugged, the area is quickly becoming a hotspot thanks to the resorts and charming restaurants popping up along the coast, bringing with them thoughtful architecture that pops against the landscape. If your favorite vacations lean adventurous, the Emerald Coast deserves a spot on your bucket list. From sandboarding and surfing to volcanic climbs and hikes through the unspoiled wilderness, the Emerald Coast offers once-in-a-lifetime views and experiences.” To read more: ... ald-coast/ (Marie Claire, April 2024) ... 988c15e8c4
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Wed May 15, 2024 2:05 pm

UN ‘investigates’ Nicaragua: human rights or capitalist wrongs?

Another example of a supposedly ‘international’ organisation doing the propaganda work of US imperialism.


Workers everywhere are waking up to the hypocrisy of western leaders. The audacity of accusing Nicaragua of committing ‘crimes against humanity’ while the USA and allied western governments are giving every possible support to genocide in Palestine is obscene.
Proletarian writers

Monday 13 May 2024

Many of us today are questioning whose interests our government serves. Perhaps we have always assumed, to one degree or another, that they looked after all our interests – but we’re no longer sure that’s the case.

We might be asking why our infrastructure is crumbling, why utilities, including water, are no longer affordable or safe. Or whether greed might be the cause of the cost of living crisis. What of the future for our children? Does Israel have a moral and legal right to defend itself, as our leaders and the media constantly assert? We may be questioning if the very institutions that we once unwaveringly trusted aren’t in fact corrupt.

The mounting consensus is that there is something desperately wrong with our society and with our world – and there is.

The global capitalist system, with the hegemonic United States at its helm and the rest of the G7 in its wake (Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Germany) are the source of the rot. The very institutions that pretend to uphold ‘democracy’, ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’ are as corrupt as the imperialist system they serve.

The United Nations (UN) and its agencies, all the west’s cornucopia of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are all institutions created and manipulated by western geopolitical interests in order to perpetuate the unjust distribution of global wealth. Far from ‘protecting human rights’, the institutions are all about the preservation of imperialist power. Politicians and media, meanwhile, present them in such a way as to manipulate opinion, your opinion, to maintain support for the imperial machinations of the global financiers whom they serve.

That is why we must question the motivations of ‘international institutions’ that infringe the rights of nations that are resisting the might of western imperialism: countries such as Venezuela, Syria, Haiti, Niger, Burkina Faso, Russia, China, the DPRK, Palestine and Nicaragua, to name a few.

Nicaragua under attack
Nicaragua is once again under attack by the imperialist camp, which is employing a variety of techniques to demonise and destroy the country’s democratically elected government merely because it has had the audacity to demand independence, sovereignty and the right to manage its affairs in accordance with the will of its people. Socialist Cuba and socialist-leaning Venezuela face ongoing and severe sanctions for the same reason, and all three are deemed unforgiveable for attempting to take a socialist path (and setting a socialist example) in the ‘backyard’ of the USA.

By crafting narratives that give a semblance of ‘objectivity’, all the while suppressing evidence that contradicts its self-serving storylines, the USA has used the UN to launch a campaign of destabilisation in Nicaragua, thereby hoping to convince the wider world that the human rights of the Nicaraguan people are being grossly violated.

Under US direction, a group of human rights ‘experts’ on Nicaragua (GHREN) was appointed to investigate alleged violations in the country in the period since April 2018. That date was chosen because it marked the start of violent protests, which quickly developed into an attempted coup d’etat. These events were undoubtedly masterminded by the CIA – one of the many destabilisation techniques for use against non-compliant countries in the imperialist toolkit.

The violence lasted for three months and left over 250 people dead, including both opponents and supporters of the government, government officials and 22 police officers.

Using a supposedly ‘independent’ and globally respected institution such as the UN to set up a ‘commission of inquiry’, legal minions under US coercion made a string of accusations concerning the alleged ‘human rights violations’ of the Sandinista government.

With these false accusations widely disseminated by western media, western populations are whipped up, coerced and brainwashed into believing that ‘something should be done’. Then when the USA and its vassals ‘do something’, we are led to believe they are acting for the benefit of the poor Nicaraguan people. In truth, the real aim of all this activity is regime change – the destruction of the country’s chosen government and its replacement by one that will be amenable to western looting and domination.

Remember Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Ukraine. This well-trodden strategy is wearing thin. People everywhere are recognising the tactics for what they are; fraudulent and corrupt methods of coercion and control by a US empire whose hypocritical, tyrannical ‘rules-based order’ is losing traction and support.

United Nations and hegemonic machinations
The GHREN has produced two reports, the first of which contained a plethora of detail regarding the allegations of human rights infringements by the government, but which failed to investigate all the cited events.

The report either omitted completely or mentioned only briefly the many extreme acts of violence by those involved in the US-backed coup attempt, which included senior members of the Catholic Church. Instead, it focused only on alleged human rights violations by government officials and, in collecting evidence, it gave preferential access to several NGOs highly critical of the Nicaraguan government.

Alfred de Zayas, the UN’s first independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, has commented that the GHREN was set up for the purpose of “naming and shaming” the Nicaraguan government, not for carrying out an objective investigation. He is not alone. (UN human rights council again supports US regime change plans for Nicaragua by Alfred de Zayas and John Perry, Nicanotes, 11 April 2024)

A human rights expert who was critical of the first report by the GHREN has worked with the US-based Nicaraguan Solidarity Coalition to respond to a second GHREN report. A letter criticising GHREN’s approach and conclusions was sent to the GHREN and to the president and senior officials of the UN human rights council.

The letter cited the flawed methodology and bias of the report, and contended that important information had been excluded, demonstrating clear violations of the principles of judicial or quasi-judicial investigation. The letter was signed by ten prominent human rights experts and activists, 47 organisations and over 250 individuals in Nicaragua, the USA and Europe, many with long experience of working in and engaging with Nicaragua.

A duplicitous rules-based order
The duplicity of the USA claiming to want to support ‘Nicaragua’s journey back to being a productive democracy’ when for decades it has been actively trying to undermine Nicaraguan democracy through regime-change tactics is scandalous. The USA directly financed and helped plan the violent coup attempt of 2018 that it now says should be investigated. It also tried to undermine Nicaragua’s democratic elections in 2021, and has been imposing ever more illegal economic coercive measures (sanctions) on Nicaragua since the return to power of the Sandinista government.

Sanctions are a much-loved tactic of US imperialism where it wants to bring about regime change. The objective is to coerce a population (through economic hardships ranging from shortages of luxuries to full-on starvation) to rise up and overthrow its government. In the case of Nicaragua, the USA desperately wants the overthrow of Daniel Ortega, the socialist leader who received over 75 percent of the votes when he was elected for the fourth time in 2021.

What is particularly obscene about the US pursuing its enemies under the excuse of ‘human rights’ is that sanctions are one of the worst offenders in this regard. They are an illegal form of collective punishment imposed on the Nicaraguan people because the US ruling class does not approve of the leader they elected.

Sanctions caused Nicaragua to lose over $1.4bn in funding from the World Bank, International Development Bank and the IMF in the three years from 2018-21. In a small country, the resulting budget deficit impacts everything from infrastructure projects to child nutrition and the provision of safe drinking water to rural areas.

It might have once been assumed that responsible institutions such as the G7 purports to be would protect the human rights of ordinary people, no matter where they happened to live. Under the present monopoly capitalist – ie, imperialist – economic order, however, all these institutions have only one real priority: the continuing ability to extract maximum profits from every corner of the globe and every of area of economic activity.

This is why workers everywhere are increasingly waking up to the hypocrisy of western leaders. The audacity of accusing Nicaragua of committing crimes against humanity while the USA and allied western governments are giving every possible support to genocide in Palestine is obscene.

We are witnessing in real time on our social media feeds the evidence of the horrific crimes being committed in Gaza, and our human rights-loving politicians and media are not merely silent, they actively cheer it on. Where is the so-called ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P) that Tony Blair and Bill Clinton infamously declared in 1999 as they prepared to launch their barbarous regime-change war against Yugoslavia – a war they (falsely) claimed was necessary to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian population?

Actions and context
We must question why Nicaragua is bring targeted, and why now? Once we understand the motive, we can make sense of the methods being used and understand to what extent its outcomes are legitimate.

Nicaragua is a small, developing and revolutionary country on the doorstep of the USA. Its government practices a people-centred approach to human rights. It was one of the first to call out the genocide underway in Gaza, one of the first national governments to express support for the South African application to the International Court of Justice under the genocide convention, and it is currently taking Germany to the ICJ for providing huge political, financial and military support to Israel whilst being fully aware that the military equipment supplied will be used in the commission of crimes against humanity.

The decisions and actions of Nicaragua’s government, whether in the field of healthcare, education, economic development or climate change, are underpinned by socialist, people-first principles. It provides universal and free healthcare throughout the country, universal and free education from preschool through trade school, university and professional school. Nicaragua is a pioneer in defending the rights of the indigenous and Afro-descendent peoples of the Americas, who have communal title to a third of Nicaragua’s national territory. And it is a global leader in gender equality, ranking first in the world for women in parliament, women’s educational achievement and women in cabinet positions.

Imagine all of this in the backyard of the United States, whose model of ‘freedom and democracy’ has led to half a million homeless on its own streets, debts of $59,000 for students undertaking a four-year bachelor’s degree, and a healthcare system that ranks 69th in the world, just above that of Nicaragua despite the problems caused there by sanctions. So whose human rights are being violated by their own government?

Capitalism is the reason for the endless wars, for genocides, for ever-deeper poverty, for the terrible injustices resulting from capitalist-engendered inequality and insecurity. It is likewise responsible for environmental problems and all the major ills facing society, both in the west and around the world. The economic crisis of global capitalism – imperialism – is the root cause of the perceptible deterioration of our lives and the reckless despoliation of our planet. Those who head this system are intrinsically and systemically corrupt, and the institutions they have created to present a facade of fairness and justice are just as rotten.

It is time we stopped swallowing the whitewashing PR narratives of those who sell their souls to the monopolists and instead ask ourselves: who is benefiting from the present state of affairs?

Solidarity to the government and people of Nicaragua! ... st-wrongs/


NicaNotes: The World Court’s Decision Means All Nations Must Respect International Law
May 9, 2024
Interview of Dr. Carlos Argüello by journalist Juan Cortez of Multinoticias, Channel 4, Managua, on April 30, 2024; translated by Tortilla con Sal.

Juan Cortez: Now, we have the opportunity to talk with Dr. Carlos Argüello, who is Nicaragua’s Representative at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Greetings Dr. Carlos Argüello.

Dr. Carlos Argüello: A very good morning. Greetings.
Dr. Carlos Argüello: “The Court reminded us again of the obligation that Germany has, like all countries that have been helping Israel, to respect the Genocide Convention and the Geneva Conventions on Humanitarian Law.”
Juan Cortez: Doctor, Nicaragua filed an important lawsuit over violation of the Genocide Convention for Germany’s open political, financial and military support for Israel, against Palestine. Can you explain to us, what the Court ruled today?

Dr. Carlos Argüello: Well, today’s was a preliminary ruling. That is, right now what we had requested is a kind of preventive embargo. We filed the lawsuit and at the same time asked for a kind of preventive measure…. And what we have asked right now is that, while the lawsuit is being processed, Germany stop sending weapons to Israel, and that it continue financing the refugee organization, the UNRWA as it is called, which Germany had stopped since January.

So, the court now decided that Germany had basically already complied with that, because it had already resumed financing [of UNRWA], and it demonstrated that it was no longer sending armaments to Israel. So, the Court said that as long as that didn’t change, it wasn’t necessary to give an order banning something that wasn’t happening anymore.

Now, what does that mean? The trial is actually just starting, so right now what we are going to is the part where the evidence is going to be presented and we will get to the bottom of the case.

It is very clear that what the Court was saying or what it has ruled now, they simply were not (…) in violation at this time. But Germany had said that, indeed, in October it had been funding Israel, but that now it had decreased and the funding had practically ceased.

So what the Court’s Order says is that if circumstances change, that is, if Germany starts financing again, then we simply resort to the Court again. This at the same time that the trial is continuing, these are incidental moves within the trial. So, it is not the main trial, the main trial is taking its course right now.

The important thing in this case is that the Court emphasized that it did not give the order right now to desist [in sending arms], because it had already ceased, but it reminded us again of the obligation that Germany has, like all countries that have been helping Israel, to respect the Genocide Convention and the Geneva Conventions on Humanitarian Law.

Because the position is not only that Israel is violating the Genocide Convention, which it is obviously doing. But it is violating all the Laws of War, because to be dropping one-ton bombs on the population is nothing more than a violation of the Laws of War that have existed for centuries; it is not even a matter of recent times.

The Court recalled all this and reminded [Germany] again of the obligation they have to respect. So, in conclusion, the trial is continuing, as the Court itself reaffirmed, because Germany, to cap it all, had asked the Court to say that it should not continue the trial. Obviously, the Court said that the trial is continuing, since the trial is just starting.

So, that’s pretty much the situation right now. For us it is satisfactory, because first, the Court said that we are right to say that Germany, like all countries that are helping Israel, have the obligation to cease doing so and to respect the Conventions that order the cessation of aid to a Country that is committing genocide and violating the Laws of War. So, at that point is where we are more or less so far.

Juan Cortez: As we talk, Doctor Arguello, the genocide against Palestine is continuing. Do you consider that these efforts like Nicaragua’s, with the lawsuit against Germany, are important, to stop, to influence in some way against this barbarism that is being committed against the Palestinian People

Dr. Carlos Argüello: That is actually what we think. The Nicaraguan Presidency had ordered that we use all means by which we could contribute to seek to put an end to this genocide and this massacre being carried out against the Palestinian People.

We consider that what happened just now is a warning not only for Germany because the Court did it in a generalized way; that is, reminding everyone of the obligation they have to respect these laws. So, it is a wake-up call and it is a bid to say “watch out” what they are doing, to all countries, not only to Germany.

Germany is the second largest contributor to Israel, after the United States. [Dr. Argüello explained in other interviews that the suit did not target the US because the US does not recognize the jurisdiction of the Court.] But there are also others, such as the United Kingdom, such as Canada, all these countries have to be clear about what the Court said right now and of what it is reminding us.

Of course, Nicaragua’s intention is to try to stop this collaboration, because if it did not exist, things would probably have been worked out by now and the situation would be completely different.

As we have said on other occasions and has been pointed out in other Forums, what happened in South Africa when Apartheid was in place was that, while all countries continued to collaborate with the racist regime, the racist regime continued to prevail. When the decision was taken and collaboration ceased internationally, the racist regime fell and disappeared. So, we consider that once the support for Israel stops, that may well happen.

Juan Cortez: Doctor, thank you, and do you have any closing comments.

Dr. Carlos Argüello: No. Rather, thank you for your attention. Here we are in the struggle, contributing in whatever way we can to our Palestinian brothers and sisters, who have been such a long-suffering people, that, frankly, need every support from all of us and everything we can do. Thank you very much, and a greeting to everyone.

Juan Cortez: Thank you very much, Dr. Carlos Argüello, and we will be watching the development of this lawsuit by Nicaragua against Germany.

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NicaNotes Briefs
By Nan McCurdy

Great Financial Investment in Solar Energy
As Nicaragua has worked to change its energy matrix, it has made important investments of almost US$5 billion since 2006 which have been recognized at the Central American level. Head of the Ministry of Energy and Mines Salvador Mansell discussed the development of the energy sector in recent years and future projects to be executed. In 2007, Nicaragua’s renewable energy was only 25% of total energy produced, and now the minimum is 70%, although it has on occasion reached 88% [depending on the wind and sun]. Mansell said that, in October, the El Barro project in the Department of Estelí, which is for wind energy, would begin. He also noted, “We have a 15-year projection of projects that we are going to study, that are going to begin; we will be above 200 solar megawatts next year. At this moment, the installed capacity is almost 1,900 solar megawatts.” This system is also connected to the Central American regional system. Mansell said that, in Ometepe, the Dos Volcanes solar plant is being finished, generating 1.5 megawatts, and the airport will be equipped with a small solar plant of 1 megawatt. (La Primerisima, 2 May 2024)

Nicaragua Reiterates Strong Solidarity with Palestine
The Government of Nicaragua reiterated its firm solidarity with the State of Palestine and said that it should be recognized as a full member of the United Nations, to make way for the only just and lasting two-state solution. This is the consensus of more than two thirds of the membership of the United Nations that officially recognizes the State of Palestine. The UN General Assembly met on May 1 to discuss the negative vote of the United States in the Security Council on April 18 to the request of Palestine to become a full member of that body. The Nicaraguan representative, Jaime Hermida, accused the United States of continuing to apply its policy of exceptionalism and obstruction in the Security Council, allowing the genocide and crimes of Israel in the occupied Palestinian and Arab territories. He stated that it is time for the US and European countries to listen to the voices of all humanity crying out for peace, justice and freedom, and to put an end to the unjustifiable policies of denial and exclusion of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. (La Primerisima, 2 May 2024)

Elected Authorities in the North Caribbean Take Office
Within the framework of the Autonomy Regime, 45 regional councilpersons and their respective alternates were sworn in and began their terms in Nicaragua’s North Caribbean Coast. This was in a solemn act presided over by the authorities of the Supreme Electoral Council (CSE) with the presence of special guests from the entire region made up of delegates of the Presidency, Indigenous Territorial Governments (GTIs), mayors, military authorities, delegates of the Ministries of Citizen Power and members of the National Students Union (UNEN).

Magistrate Brenda Rocha, President of the Supreme Electoral Council, said that this was the last activity on the calendar of the Caribbean 2024 elections held on March 3rd. She added that it reflected the active participation of the multiethnic coastal people in an atmosphere of joy and tranquility in which gender equity was guaranteed. The magistrates presided over the swearing in and delivery of credentials to each of the regional councilpersons. Following this was the election and swearing in of the new board of the Regional Autonomous Council of the North Caribbean Coast (CRACCN) composed of seven members, with Emilce Vanegas Wade as President. Council members also unanimously elected Carlos José Alemán Cunningham, as Coordinator 2024 – 2029 of the Autonomous Regional Government. The coastal people thus had the privilege of establishing their own government for the effective exercise of the historical rights of the multi-ethnic people. (La Primerisima, 4 May 2024)

Modern Hospital Inaugurated in Wiwilí, Jinotega
On May 4 the Ministry of Health (MINSA) inaugurated the Jorge Navarro Primary Hospital in the municipality of Wiwilí, Department of Jinotega. The Sandinista government invested US$7.62 million in the construction and equipping of this modern health care center, which has five buildings where outpatient and diagnostic services, hospitalization, emergency, administration and general services will be provided. The health personnel will provide care to more than 90,000 people living in Wiwili and the Indigenous territory of Alto Wangky. To celebrate the inauguration of the center, the authorities organized a mega health fair where 23,393 health care services were provided to pregnant women, people with brain, eye and ear disorders, malformations in arteries and veins, spinal hernias, chronic pain, neuralgia, hand, hip and knee problems, among others. During the first hours of operation of the Jorge Navarro Hospital, 11 babies were born. (La Primerisima, 4 May 2024)

Special Plan Monitors Nutritional Status of more than 50,000 Children
The Ministry of Health and Community Network brigades carry out special actions to guarantee improvement in the nutritional status of more than 50,000 children. As part of the National Plan for “Monitoring the Nutritional Status of Children from zero to six years of age,” this year the brigades have provided 749,368 services, including:

-50,639 attentions to children to monitor and improve their nutritional status.
-16,730 visits by the Community Network, as part of the program to monitor and promote growth and development.
– 483,419 house-to-house and school visits to children under six years of age, who were dewormed and received vitamin A, zinc, and micronutrients.
– 7,933 care visits to premature infants.
– 4,946 consults for pregnant women who are being followed up due to low weight gain in their babies.
– 87,471 counseling talks on the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age and continued breastfeeding up to two years of age.
– 58,720 members of the Community Network trained and certified to identify children with nutrition problems and promote healthy lifestyles.
– 39,510 campaigns, nutritional health fairs, and talks held in the communities with parents, teachers, students, pregnant women and community leaders, to exchange experiences about the benefits of breastfeeding, healthy eating and physical activity for growth. (La Primerisima, 6 May 2024)

New Santa Rosa del Peñón Bridge will Strengthen Economic Activity
The Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MTI) has completed the 60-meter-long Santa Rosa del Peñón bridge, benefiting 18,700 people. Uncertainties, insecurities and anxiety in the rainy season will be left behind; this bridge will guarantee that families will have all-weather connectivity with the rest of the country. The bridge will improve the connection between the municipality of Santa Rosa del Peñón and the rest of the Department of León, and will strengthen the growth of the local economy. It will also improve access for agricultural production to national and export markets, boost mining production and promote the social development of the sub-region. See photos: ... economica/ (La Primerisima, 7 May 2024)

National Day of Dignity Commemorated at Nicaraguan Embassy in Washington
The Nicaraguan Embassy in Washington, DC, commemorated Nicaragua’s National Day of Dignity with the participation of solidarity activists who heard from Nicaragua’s representative before the International Court of Justice, Dr. Carlos Argüello. Chargé d’ Affaires Lautaro Sandino conveyed the greetings of President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo to the large audience, highlighting the example of Nicaragua in taking concrete actions in support of the Palestinian cause. Dr. Argüello spoke about Nicaragua’s motivations in suing Germany before the World Court, explaining at length Nicaragua’s efforts to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people. He emphasized that Nicaragua and its top leadership are contributing in this way to the defense of peace and international law, thus continuing the legacy of General Augusto C. Sandino of national dignity in the face of the maneuvers of U.S. imperialism and its acolytes in the rest of the world. [Editor’s note: The reason why May 4th is called the “Day of Dignity” in Nicaragua is because on this day in 1927, Augusto Sandino, breaking with his former ally Moncada, refused to sign the Espino Negro pact with US emissary Henry Stimson. Later that month Sandino wrote to Moncada, “I am at my post and waiting for you…. I will not sell out nor will I surrender.” And further, “Our enemies from this day forward will not be the forces of the tyrant Diaz [supported by the US occupiers], but rather the Marines of the most powerful empire in history. It is against them that we are going to fight….”] (La Primerisima, 4 May 2024)

Inmates Begin Courses in Agribusiness
On May 2 a new group of prisoners of the national penitentiary system started a degree course in agribusiness. Rene Vargas Artola, director of national penal education, said that it is part of the opportunity that the penitentiary system provides to the inmates, to prepare themselves in university careers. (El 19 Digital, 3 May 2024)

Nicaraguan Youth Express Their Solidarity with Palestine
In Nicaragua, young people joined protests in support of Palestine, marching in Managua and gathering in stadiums. They also expressed their solidarity with U.S. students in the face of more than 2,000 arrests at universities across the U.S. In Costa Rica, young people set up an encampment demanding that the country’s public universities break off relations with Israel. See Photos and video: ... palestina/ (RT en Español, 5 May, 2024)

Photo Gallery: Beautiful Stadiums, Courts and Sports Centers
In recent years, Nicaragua has built numerous state-of-the art sports facilities. Here are photographs of some of them in Managua, Estelí, Wiwilí, Masaya, and Tipitapa showing athletes and ordinary citizens enjoying different popular sports: ... nicaragua/ (Nicaragua Sandino, 2 May 2024)

Join the NicaNet Google Group
The NicaNet Google Group consists of activists who support the sovereignty of Nicaragua and the revolutionary government of Nicaragua. Membership is free, and open to all who believe in the Sandinista revolution and the Sandinista government. The Google Group is supported by the Nicaragua Network of the Alliance for Global Justice. The Google Group is moderated by Dr. Arnie Matlin, Convener of the Rochester Committee on Latin America. Members are welcome to post to the group. The topic must be totally (or at least primarily) about Nicaragua. The only other restrictions are that we discourage more than one post in a day, except under emergency situations. We encourage people to submit their own postings, but people can send in posts from other people, if it’s obvious that the piece was meant for public viewing. Finally, all entries must be in the form of civil discourse. Ad hominem or ad feminam postings will be rejected. Thank you! ... tional-law
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Mon May 20, 2024 2:10 pm

NicaNotes: “There’s no climate justice without social & economic justice”
May 16, 2024

By the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign (NSC) of the United Kingdom

Nicaraguan Fairtrade coffee farmer, Flor Montenegro, has been in Bristol, England, from 29 April – 12 May, visiting schools, colleges and businesses talking about life in the highlands of Nicaragua, the impact of the climate crisis, and the benefits of Fairtrade to her family, community and cooperative.

Organic Fairtrade coffee grown by Flor Montenegro and the other women members of SOPPEXCCA is sold in the US by Peet’s coffee chain under a brand name ‘Las Hermanas’ (The Sisters). Here we see Flor with her nursery of little coffee plants.

Flor lives with her three generational family in northern Nicaragua where she grows organic Fairtrade coffee for export and fruit and vegetables for family consumption and to sell locally. She also keeps bees (mostly for the pollination of the coffee flowers) and chickens and part of her land is forested.

Flor has multiple roles as a family member, as a farmer and entrepreneur, as a member of a co-operative, and a community activist. Flor and her husband, who has his own piece of land, are members of a 30 person strong co-operative called Isabelia half of whom are women. Along with an Executive Committee the co-operative has commissions responsible for education/training, credit, and gender.

How has Flor’s life changed over the course of her life time?

The area where Flor and her family live in the hills of northern Nicaragua was on the front line of the 1980s contra war. This decade-long US attempt to violently overthrow the democratically elected Sandinista government resulted in the deaths of 20,000 people.

The illegal war intensified in the second half of the 1980s despite an International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling that the US cease all such interference in Nicaragua’s internal affairs.

For Flor this meant spending her teenage years ‘fleeing from one place to another, often going hungry, and in constant fear of being killed by marauding gangs of contra.’ Her father was often away fighting with the Sandinista militia. Her mother was severely injured in a contra attack, injuries that affected the rest of her life; other members of her family disappeared presumed killed by the contra.

The 2018 attempted coup re-ignited these fears and trauma through the violence of the opposition road blocks, destruction of government buildings and threats from armed gangs roaming the countryside threatening farmers in the area where Flor lives.

Flor’s life and that of her family has dramatically changed through social progress as a result of Sandinista government programmes and the work of the co-operative SOPPEXCCA. Hope is always present but fears and anxiety remain through being a small-scale farmer on the front line of the climate crisis.

What being a member of SOPPEXCCA has meant to Flor–

The co-operative Isabelia in one of 16 co-operative that make up the Union of Co-operatives SOPPEXCCA. When Flor got married, her husband was a member of SOPPEXCCA: he owned some land and was the breadwinner; Flor did not even have any money of her own. However, this gradually changed when Flor too became involved with SOPPEXCCA, an organisation renowned for its commitment to gender equality.

Flor began by attending SOPPEXCCA gender trainings and little by little acquired one field and then built up to her current 14 hectares. Of particular note was the year that she won the SOPPEXCCA tasa de excelencia, (cup of excellence) award that brought recognition of her work, and motivated her to become more involved, to increase her commitment to her co-operative. She attributes all of this to the leadership of Fatima Ismael, the founder and general manager of SOPPEXCCA.

Why Fairtrade matters, moving from subsistence to sustainability–

Organic Fairtrade coffee grown by women members of SOPPEXCCA is sold in the US by Peet’s coffee chain under a brand name ‘Las Hermanas’ (The Sisters). Under this trading arrangement the women receive three premiums: one because the coffee is organic, the second because they are registered under the Fairtrade mark, and the third because the coffee grown by women. Flor explained that ‘without Fairtrade and organic premiums it would be impossible to cover production costs.’

How Flor invests these premiums–

The priorities for Flor are to use the funds to more effectively to combat climate related disease, invest in her own plant nursery so she is able to replace non-productive bushes thereby improving the quality of the coffee, and ensure that the labourers she contracts to work to maintain the coffee bushes and pick the coffee are fairly paid.

How the climate crisis has impacted Flor and other SOPPEXCCA producers–

Flor explained that main problem over the past two years has been lack of rain. This means that coffee flowers wither and fall off, coffee cherries don’t mature properly, and there is a greater prevalence of difficult to control diseases not seen in the area before. Yields have dropped significantly which in turn impacts income. All these factors also have a psychological impact in terms of extra work and levels of uncertainty and anxiety.

Measures that Flor and other SOPPEXCCA producers take to combat the impact of climate crisis and to increase biodiversity–

Diversification of crops: In addition to organic coffee Flor and her family grow a wide variety of fruits and vegetables such as maize, dried and green beans, beetroot, squash, cabbages, and oranges. They grow these crops for their own consumption and to sell locally and in Managua. All these crops are organic and contribute to biodiversity.

Using composted fertilisers supplied by SOPPEXCCA: As far as possible everything is circular based on principle of returning to the earth what you take from it.

Planting native trees between rows of coffee: This conserves moisture in the soil during dry periods and prevents run off in heavy rains. Flor also has 1 ½ hectares of native hardwood forest.

Other challenges that producers face–

An additional challenge, also highlighted by UK farmers, is rising costs of production. This includes the cost of all inputs, labour costs, transport, biosecurity measures, as well as all the extra measures related to mitigating and adapting to the climate crisis and improving biodiversity.

Exhaustion was another challenge that Flor mentioned: working long hours, 9am – 9pm on most days and even most of Sundays when there are still animals that have to be fed and other tasks that can’t wait.

Flor has multiple roles as a family member, as a farmer and entrepreneur, as a member of a co-operative, and as a community activist supporting brigadistas

from the local health clinic on health surveys and vaccination days.

Flor’s hopes and plans for the future–

As with UK farmers, Flor and other SOPPEXCCA members are constantly looking into ways of diversifying to overcome dependence on a particular crop or other sources of income. SOPPEXCCA has an ecotourism programme enabling visitors to stay in homes of SOPPEXCCA members. Flor would like to convert a room in the family’s house to create a space so that her famiily could be part of this programme.

Encouraging the involvement of the next generation is important and is a key SOPPEXCCA objective. Flor very optimistic about her eight-year-old granddaughter who is interested in everything related to the farm and constantly follows Flor around.

According to Fatima Ismael, general manager SOPPEXCCA, ‘Fairtrade is both the bridge and the vehicle that helps to transform the wellbeing of the families of small-scale producers. There cannot be climate justice without justice in the market for our products.’

* * *

Please join us for this important webinar May 19. Register:


* * *

by Nan McCurdy

44,000 Young People to Participate in INNOVATEC 2024
The National Technological Institute launched its sixth National Day of Innovation and Technologies INNOVATEC 2024, with the slogan “Boosting the talent and creativity of youth.” Forty-four thousand students from the different technical programs are expected to participate. During these events, held since 2019, more than 2,000 ideas and 450 project prototypes have been presented. “There are cases of students who became entrepreneurs,” said Alexander Serrano, head of Innovatec at INATEC. The objective is to promote the culture of entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation in youth through the development of projects that respond to the real needs of the country. Serrano said that among the themes and categories are food and beverages, electricity, agricultural inputs, industrial innovation, agro-processing, food agro-industry, web and mobile applications, textiles and clothing. (La Primerisima, 9 May 2024)

170 Nurses Trained in Perinatal Specialties in Nicaragua
The first 170 nurses from Central America are being trained with a perinatal specialty this year in Nicaragua, which represents a significant advance for this specialty in the Ministry of Health. The National Director of Nursing, Janeth Vega, emphasized that this is the first specialty with advanced practices and will culminate next year. “The nurses are being trained to provide better care to mothers and babies in hospitals nationwide,” she said. Among the advances is the certification and training in empirical memories, improvements in working conditions in each hospital, and collective bargaining agreements, among others. See photos: ... perinatal/ (La Primerisima, 8 May 2024)

Strengthening Neonatology Areas in Public Hospitals
With an investment of US$63,000 the Ministry of Health acquired 90 thermal cribs and 45 incubators to be used in the neonatal wards of hospitals nationwide. Dr. Oscar Vásquez, Director of Health Services of MINSA, explained that the equipment is of great importance for the care of newborns with complications, and are tools for the containment of neonatal mortality. “We are improving the conditions and this is part of the government’s Medical Equipment Strengthening Plan. We consider that it will improve the care of newborns,” said the physician. The cribs and incubators will be sent to departmental and referral hospitals for maternal and child care. See photos: ... -publicos/
(La Primerisima, 14 May 2024)

The Interoceanic Canal: Still an Opportunity for International Trade
The Nicaraguan government has announced that the constant evolution of Nicaragua and its positioning in the international scenario have made it a necessity to update the legal framework of the mega project for the Grand Interoceanic Canal. On May 8 the National Assembly approved reforms to the Law of the Legal Regime of the Grand Interoceanic Canal and the Creation of the Authority of the Grand Interoceanic Canal. National Assembly Deputies agreed that this measure reaffirms the country’s sovereign right to build an interoceanic canal which has long been an aspiration of Nicaragua. Authorities added that it is under the government of President Daniel Ortega that it will become a reality. Assembly Deputy and political analyst Adolfo Pastrán said, “By reforming or annulling the [old] concession for the construction of an interoceanic canal what we are doing is reaffirming our political will to build this canal. Later on, the Nicaraguan government may approve another concession since there is much interest in world trade.” He added that Panama has problems currently with drought and has spent a year facing problems and this could represent a great opportunity for Nicaragua to build a deep draft canal. “The Interoceanic Canal will provide an international service; it will serve for the transit of ships from any part of the world without any discrimination. Undoubtedly, this will impact and boost trade in Latin America, the Caribbean and the entire world. We are developing [the proposal] with the help of the People’s Republic of China, a series of projects that will give even greater impetus to the economy. We are in a great moment of development thanks to the peace we enjoy.” concluded Pastrán. (TN8TV, 8 May 2024)

Charging Stations for Electric Cars
The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) and Enatrel celebrated the start of work on an Airport Substation Charging Post. With this gathering, Nicaragua marked the beginning of the creation of a national charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. Workshop representatives were present and explained that they are training personnel to be able to meet the demand for electric vehicle repairs. Charging stations are already available at various points around the country. (La Primerisima, 9 May 2024)

New Solar Power Plant to Be Added to the Grid
The Jaguar Solar Power Plant came into operation in March with a capacity of 16 megawatts and a modern structure in the municipality of Malpaisillo, Department of León. The government invested US$15.7 million in the project to optimize the advance in the technologies of solar panels. According to Mansel, executive president of ENATREL the plant is composed of 29,232 bifacial solar panels to make the best use of solar radiation, installed in an area of 96 acres. It covers 70% of the demand of the population of Malpaisillo and the surplus is distributed to industry on the road to San Isidro, in the Department of Matagalpa. Mansell recalled that for the change of the energy matrix, which began in 2007, the first step was to study the natural resources, the capacity of water, wind, thermal, solar, and others. “That made us identify several sites where there is a good solar radiation. Here near Malpaisillo there is a great capacity for solar radiation in the area of Dario towards Terrabona, San Isidro-Sébaco, Nagarote and Puerto Sandino.” Mansell said that there are four more projects to be developed in 2024-2025 that will generate approximately 67 megawatts. The solar complexes will be built in San Isidro, Nagarote, Darío and Puerto Sandino. See Photos: ... gia-solar/ (La Primerisima, 13 May 2024)

Join the NicaNet Google Group
The NicaNet Google Group consists of activists who support the sovereignty of Nicaragua and the revolutionary government of Nicaragua. Membership is free, and open to all who believe in the Sandinista revolution and the Sandinista government. The Google Group is supported by the Nicaragua Network of the Alliance for Global Justice. The Google Group is moderated by Dr. Arnie Matlin, Convener of the Rochester Committee on Latin America. Members are welcome to post to the group. The topic must be totally (or at least primarily) about Nicaragua. The only other restrictions are that we discourage more than one post in a day, except under emergency situations. We encourage people to submit their own postings, but people can send in posts from other people, if it’s obvious that the piece was meant for public viewing. Finally, all entries must be in the form of civil discourse. Ad hominem or ad feminam postings will be rejected. Thank you!

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Nicaragua: The Good Shepherd
By Becca Renk - May 16, 2024 0

[Source: Photo courtesy of Becca Renk]
Yesterday I attended mass. Instead of a priest, the mass was celebrated by Nicaraguan children—10 fourth- and fifth-grade students.

The kids led the congregation in prayers, passing of the peace, read the gospel and shared a homily. They invited congregants to share reflections on the reading—the Good Shepherd—and they blessed wine and soda crackers and served communion.

As I watched, I thought, “This is the way it should always be, we should be following the children, not the other way around.” Why listen to old white men who stand behind so many pulpits the world over when the children can teach us so much more?

These kids have already learned all of life’s important lessons. They already love each other, they already recognize the divine in each other, they already respect each other. These kids won’t preach hate or war. In their homily, they tell us that their good shepherds are their parents and teachers; but I believe our good shepherds are these children.

[Source: Photo courtesy of Becca Renk]

I am struck by the hope that this model of the children leading the congregation is a reflection of a larger global shift. Worldwide, we have begun to see countries from the Global South preaching from the pulpit, so to speak: South Africa taking Israel to the World Court for the genocide of the Palestinian people. Nicaragua taking Germany to the International Court of Justice for aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. Namibia arguing before the ICJ that, because it has suffered occupation and colonialism, Namibia “considers it a moral duty and sacred responsibility to appear before this court on the question of the indefensible occupation of Palestine by Israel.”

Just as these children shepherded us in a mass that was every bit as dignified as any mass ever said by a priest, so is Nicaragua shepherding the world. Nicaragua is a small country from the Global South that is modeling consistency and dignity—and choosing peace every step of the way. Just in recent days, Nicaragua has:

Broken diplomatic ties with Ecuador following its flagrant violation of international law and diplomatic norms when police raided the Mexican Embassy in Quito and forcibly removed former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been granted political asylum by Mexico. In its statement, Nicaragua expressed “forceful, emphatic and irrevocable repulsion, in light of which we take our Sovereign Decision to break all diplomatic relations with the Ecuadoran Government, at the same time we express, once again, our warm and consistent consideration to the beloved Ecuadoran people, who are living through times of inconceivable brutality, and we ratify, once again, our adherence to International Law and the Conventions that govern civilized relations between the States and Governments of the World.”
Reminded the UN that the U.S. still owes Nicaragua reparations and requested that these now be paid. In 1986, Nicaragua won a case against the United States wherein the International Court of Justice ruled that the U.S. repeatedly violated international law by training, arming, equipping, financing and supplying the Contra paramilitaries in Nicaragua; attacking Nicaraguan infrastructure; putting mines in Nicaragua’s ports; imposing an embargo on Nicaragua; and encouraging the Contras to commit atrocities that violate international humanitarian law. In 1988, the ICJ ordered the U.S. to pay $12 billion in reparations, which would be at least $31 billion today.
Brought Germany to the ICJ for aiding and abetting Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people. Given its experience in the court successfully arguing the above case against the U.S. as well as many other cases in the intervening years, Nicaragua wanted to use its experience at the ICJ to benefit of the Palestinian people in an attempt to stop the genocide being perpetrated against them.
Summed up its consistent and dignified approach in its message at the Economic and Social Council Forum on monitoring financing for development at the UN: “We reaffirm Nicaragua’s commitment…to reducing poverty and inequality; to multilateralism, international law, and the assertion, exercise and defense of our sovereignty; and to the relationships of equality based on friendship, mutual respect, cooperation and solidarity.”
With Nicaragua leading and the Global South now lending its voice, it seems clear that the world will pivot on Palestine. While the U.S. and Europe continue to facilitate genocide by arming Israel, the Global South calls for a cease-fire and stands in solidarity with Palestine. As the children conclude mass with hugs and high fives all around, it seems especially fitting to me that the trajectory of the world be determined by our response to the genocide in Palestine. After all, Jesus was a Palestinian living under occupation, and he taught us that, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." ... -shepherd/


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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri May 24, 2024 2:23 pm

NicaNotes: South-South Solidarity: Nicaragua mobilizes international law to support Palestine
May 22, 2024
By Becca Renk

Originally from Idaho, Becca Renk has lived in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, for more than 20 years, working in sustainable community development with the Jubilee House Community and its project, the Center for Development in Central America. Becca coordinates the Casa Benjamin Linder solidarity project in Managua.]

“We see youth in North America rising up in protest, the condemnation of the genocide that is being committed against the Palestinian people,” Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega said in a speech in Managua on April 30, 2024. “The protests are multiplying not only in North America, but in every country of our planet. The rulers…are unmasking themselves.”

Palestine Park in Managua. Nicaragua has been in the forefront of Global South solidarity with Palestine. Photo by Becca Renk

For the countries of the global south, colonialism is not a faded history, but a present and continued threat to their sovereignty and self-determination. It’s no wonder that much of the Global South identifies with the Palestinian people and has mobilized to stop the genocide in Gaza.

Nicaragua has been at the forefront of this mobilization: reaffirming solidarity with Palestine on October 7, 2023; sending its Foreign Minister to Ramallah to meet with Palestinian authorities in December; being the first country to sign on to South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice; and on March 1, 2024 bringing Germany to the ICJ for aiding and abetting genocide.

Why Nicaragua?

“When we were faced with the situation in Palestine, we couldn’t simply tolerate it without doing something,” explains Ambassador Carlos Argüello, Nicaraguan’s Agent to the International Court of Justice. “Obviously, we don’t have great possibilities of sending them food, which they need. One of the few things we could help with was with our experience in the International Court of Justice.”

Nicaragua, a country the size of New York state with a population of just under seven million people, is one of the countries in the world with the most experience in the ICJ. In fact, in 1986 the Court ruled in Nicaragua’s favor in a landmark case against the United States over the Contra War.

Immediately following the ousting of U.S.-backed dictator Anastasio Somoza by young Sandinista revolutionaries in 1979, the U.S. created, financed and directed a “counterrevolutionary” force known as the contras. While the Nicaraguan Sandinista Revolution taught its illiterate population to read and write and made health care and education free, it was simultaneously fighting U.S.-armed contra guerillas. For eight years, the contras attacked civilian targets that represented the gains of the Revolution – health care workers, teachers, schools and farming cooperatives – killing more than 30,000 in country of just three million people at the time.

Nicaragua vs. the United States

“The situation progressed so much that in 1983 there was an attack in our main port of Corinto and over 1.6 million gallons of gas exploded,” remembers Argüello during a video conference from the Netherlands on May 4, 2024. “This act was carried out by the CIA under the direction of the U.S.” A few months later, the U.S. placed underwater explosive devices in Nicaraguan ports without notifying other nations; a UK national was killed.

“It was astounding,” remembers Argüello. “Publicly in Congress they were discussing how much money to give the contras, and there was no question of international law…So that is why we went to the World Court, because it wasn’t simply a matter of the most powerful nation doing whatever it wants, [we needed] to remind the world that international law exists.”

In 1986 the ICJ handed down its verdict in the case of Nicaragua vs. the United States, ruling in favor of Nicaragua. The Court ordered reparations to be paid with the amount to be determined in future proceedings. Nicaragua presented its demands in 1988, but the US refused to take part in the discussions. The estimated value of the damages was $12 billion in 1988 which would be at least $31 billion today.

For Nicaragua, bringing the situation in Gaza into the arena of international law was an obvious route.

Nicaragua vs. Germany

“I should emphasize that we couldn’t [bring suit against] the US … because the U.S. doesn’t accept the jurisdiction of the court,” explains Argüello. “So that is why we focused on the number two country sending weapons to Israel, and that was Germany.”

On March 1, 2024, Nicaragua brought an Application against Germany before the ICJ for alleged violations of the Genocide Convention and international humanitarian law, claiming that by “providing political, financial and military support to Israel and by defunding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Germany was facilitating the commission of genocide by Israel and violating its obligation to ensure respect for international humanitarian law,” writes Professor of International Law Stefan Talmon.

Preventing Arms Exports to Israel

In its case against Germany, Nicaragua requested provisional measures: demanding that Germany suspend exports of military equipment to Israel; ensure military items already delivered are not used to commit genocide or violate international law; and resume its support of UNRWA.

On April 30, 2024 the ICJ declined to indicate any provisional measures. “The Court’s Order was widely interpreted as a victory for Germany,” writes Talmon. “In particular, it was said that Germany could continue to deliver arms to Israel. A closer examination of the Order, however, points to the opposite.”

On the issue of humanitarian funding, Germany had announced that it would resume direct funding of UNRWA’s Gaza operations. On the export of weapons, the Court ruled that there was no need for an order to stop because Germany had stated that it currently did not export war weapons to Israel. The Court, however, did warn Germany that it has an obligation ensure German arms aren’t being used to carry out genocide.

“The Court took the opportunity to remind Germany and all other nations…that they are on notice. That if they continue supplying weapons, we will go to court with evidence and say, ‘Germany is violating this again,’” says Argüello. “That is where we are now, and hopefully the result of this is that we can finally stop the countries of the world from aiding and abetting Israel, we will hopefully have the same result that South Africa had when other countries stopped supporting apartheid.”

Mobilization of Shame

After Nicaragua’s experience taking the US to the ICJ, Argüello, recognizes that a Court ruling in Nicaragua’s favor will not on its own be enough hold Germany accountable for its contributions to genocide. “What happens if a superpower doesn’t obey international law?” asks Argüello. The only option open, he argues, is the mobilization of shame. “That is precisely what is happening around the world at this moment. The students in universities are mobilizing shame,” he says. “Frankly, I will say that what we are doing in the Court is a support to these students. The change has to come from within the U.S., and I am very hopeful that things are moving in that direction.”

Consequences for Nicaragua

Nicaragua’s actions in support of Palestine have not been without consequences for the small country. Two days after the ICJ announced it would be ruling on the provisional measures, the U.S. Senate announced an imminent vote on a new sanctions package against Nicaragua. These are not the first sanctions applied against the country. During the 1980s the Reagan administration maintained a total economic blockade against Nicaragua. More recently, following an unsuccessful U.S.-led coup attempt in Nicaragua in 2018, new illegal unilateral coercive measures have been passed on two occasions.

“The U.S. is one of countries that have most dictated sanctions, Nicaragua has been blessed for many years, on many occasions, with these sanctions,” Argüello says.

South-South Solidarity

For the Global South, Palestine has become a symbol of all peoples who are fighting to break free from colonialism. Nicaragua is clear that South-South solidarity with Palestine is essential as it becomes increasingly clear that the world’s fate is tied up in Palestine’s fate.

“Now it is no longer a question of one country against another, but all of humanity is exposed to crimes such as those now being committed against the Palestinian people,” Nicaragua’s President Ortega declared in his speech. “Now the struggle is again being fought in the United States and it is being fought in Europe. Why? Because the people are more powerful than the owners of the atomic bombs, and it is the people who will continue to overcome. It will mean peace for a new sun to shine, where men and women from all over the planet will come together as brothers and sisters.”

* * *

By Nan McCurdy

More Unilateral Coercive Measures on Nicaragua
Just one week [April 8 and 9] after Nicaragua argued at the International Court of Justice to defend the Palestinian people from genocide in Gaza, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved a bill to impose more sanctions. [Sign on to stop the sanctions here ... _nicaragua and send a letter to your Senators about the sanctions here ... index.html.]

Matagalpa Inaugurates the Williamsport Little League National Championship
On May 15 in the city of Matagalpa, the Williamsport National Little League Championship was inaugurated, part of the process that will determine who will represent Nicaragua in the Latin American playoffs and possibly the Little League World Series in Virginia. [Nicaragua went to the Little League World Series in 2022.] The Matagalpa games were scheduled for May 16 to 19, with the participation of more than 240 children and coaching staff from 12 teams representing Matagalpa, Estelí, Chinandega, León, Boaco, Granada, Nandaime, Rivas, Managua, Teustepe and Nindirí. The championship games will be held on the baseball diamonds of Primero de Mayo Sur Field, Juan Rodríguez Albuquerque Children’s Stadium, Chale Solís Stadium, and the Comandante Carlos Fonseca Amador Sports Complex, all of which were reconditioned by the Matagalpa Mayor’s Office. The awards ceremony will be held on May 19, with trophies being awarded to the champion, runner-up, third place and the winners of the different leadership categories. See photos: ... liamsport/ (Nicaragua Sandino, 16 May 2024)

Municipality of Estelí Has 100 Percent Electrical Coverage
Families living in the 87 communities of the municipality of Estelí all now have electricity. “We have been able to solve the needs of the population,” said Melania Peralta, deputy mayor of the municipality of Estelí. Floricelda Moreno was enthusiastic, saying, “Since they installed the poles and then the power lines, we were very happy. In my house we have a television and a refrigerator, and we started a little store.” “Thank God, everything has worked out very well for us. My children will no longer have to do their homework at night with a kerosine lamp; that’s in the past,” she said. The rural area of Estelí is a place where the economy and employment opportunities have increased. These are people who live in a dignified manner and are a clear example for other countries, since they enjoy the restoration of their rights. (La Primerisima, 16 May 2024)

Chinese Vehicle Company Begins Operations in Nicaragua
GAC Motor, a company that produces high quality Chinese vehicles in a range of models that are characterized by their design and the level of their technology, opened for business in Nicaragua last week. “The novelty of this brand is multiple, we can talk about technology, design, a superior warranty. These cars have a five-year warranty. They open and close when the driver approaches the vehicle,” explained Eugenio Morice, commercial director of El Chele-Samsa Automotriz group. The brand promises to revolutionize the automotive market in the country. (Informe Pastran, 16 May 2024)

Nicaraguan Government Sends Condolences to Iran
Following a helicopter crash on May 19 that killed the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, and eight other officials, President Daniel Ortega and Vice-President Rosario Murillo send a condolence message to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iranian officials, family members of the deceased, and the Iranian people. The message said in part, “We accompany, from the heart, your pain in these tragic circumstances that have resulted in the physical departure of President Ebrahim Raisi, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, East Azerbaijan Governor Malik Rahmati, and the entire committee that accompanied this First Level Delegation that visited the Qiz-Qalas Dam. As always, with all our affection, prayers and solidarity, we are present in our sadness in fraternal union [with you], and sure that God Our Lord will alleviate this affliction. The spiritual strength of the Iranian authorities and brothers will enable them to move forward and continue to fight the necessary battles for justice and peace.” (La Primerisima, 20 May,2024)

250 New Buses for Managua
250 Yutong buses of Chinese manufacture are in Managua and will be incorporated to the city’s urban transportation system, thus modernizing this service for the users. Already in Managua are 750 of the 2,500 buses that will be provided by the People’s Republic of China. The objective is to renew the entire fleet of buses. Danilo Sánchez, president of the Regional Union of Urban Transportation Cooperatives (URECOOTRACO), said that little by little the service in the capital of Nicaragua is being modernized. “Next month 250 more units are coming. The bus units are of the year 2025 and very modern. There are more than 800,000 users of transportation in Managua that benefit from the subsidized price of 2.5 Córdobas (US7¢). (TN8TV, 20 May 2024)

Influenza Vaccination Day Launched
On May 20 the National Influenza Vaccination Day was launched. The objective of the campaign is to vaccinate children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with chronic diseases against influenza. The goal is to apply 851,120 doses nationwide from this May 20 to June 2. The vaccines will be available at medical posts and centers throughout the country free of charge. In addition, MINSA brigades will go from house to house to carry out the application of the vaccine. (La Primerisima, 20 May 2024) ... -palestine
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri May 31, 2024 2:08 pm

NicaNotes: “If the US Invades Central America, We Pledge to Resist:” 2024 Marks the 40th Anniversary of the Pledge of Resistance
May 30, 2024
By Katherine Hoyt

(Katherine Hoyt lived in Nicaragua for 16 years. She is a retired Co-Coordinator of the Nicaragua Network/Alliance for Global Justice and a current board member. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and is the author of The Many Faces of Sandinista Democracy among other publications.)

[This article is taken from Thirty Years of Memories: Dictatorship, Revolution, and Nicaragua Solidarity by Katherine Hoyt, published by the Nicaragua Network in 1996.]

As many as 80,000 people all over the US signed the Pledge of Resistance. Here, Kathy Hoyt speaks to a crowd of protestors in Detroit.

In 1984 I started work as Coordinator of the Michigan Interfaith Committee on Central American Human Rights (MICAH) in Detroit. MICAH was doing excellent education and lobbying work on Central America issues, was an active participant in the Sanctuary Movement, and the group had just taken on the job of coordinating the brand-new Pledge of Resistance for the state of Michigan. The Sanctuary Movement was a network of places of worship which gave refuge to those fleeing repression in El Salvador and Guatemala. My co-worker Sara Murray was in charge of the Sanctuary work and I did “the Pledge.”

As many as 80,000 people all over the country signed the Pledge of Resistance in which they promised to take civil disobedience action or support civil disobedience action if the U. S. invaded Central America. As an illustration of our opposition to U.S. – funded bombing in EI Salvador and numerous votes in the U.S. Congress approving aid to the Nicaraguan contras, we often had as many as 2,000 people arrested in different parts of the United States within a period of a few days.

Naturally, the Reagan Administration was not pleased and took to harassing us. ABC’s Peter Jennings later called it “intrusive surveillance.” Our office phone was tapped and they did not care if we knew it. Both Sara and I were followed by men in suits who wanted us to know that they were there. It was later revealed that the FBI had taken more photographs in Detroit than in any other city to get pictures of trade unionists and religious people involved in protest demonstrations. But, most frightening of all were the death threats received by Sara as a result of her Sanctuary work. They scared her but did not stop her from her Sanctuary organizing!

Local paid activists work all day for their organization and then spend the evenings in meetings with members who have “regular” day jobs as accountants, teachers or businesspeople and thus can only meet in the evenings. Many of the people involved in Central America solidarity at that time were single as well, which meant that their obligations at home were not great. I was working fifty or more hours a week and not spending as much time with my children as I would have liked. I dragged them to newsletter mailings on weekends but some evenings, with one meeting at 5:00 and another at 7:00, I did not get home for dinner at all. One evening I came home for a minute to pick something up and found my twins sitting on the floor in front of the television eating macaroni and cheese with their fingers. After that, I became more assertive about saying that I could not make it to 5:00 o’clock meetings! Most evenings, I rushed home at 6:00 and whipped something together very fast (thank God for instant mashed potatoes!) and we all sat down to dinner before I rushed out again to a 7:00 or 7:30 meeting. A couple of years later, some of those young single people started getting married and having babies. When I would see them at gatherings, of which they attended fewer now, they would say to me, “Kathy, we didn’t understand; it’s a whole different world with a child!” I refrained from reminding them that I had three.

The children had by this time learned a great deal about life in the United States, having lived in both the small town of Enumclaw, Washington, and the big rust-belt city of Detroit. Before the children came to the United States to live, the U.S. had been a wonderful place where their much-loved grandparents lived and where they came every few years for Christmas and snow. They found it hard to believe that what the Sandinistas said about Ronald Reagan and the U.S. establishment could be true. However, as a student at Holy Redeemer High School in Detroit, my older daughter wrote this poem entitled “Democracia”:


Allá las casas son de cartón
y aquí son de ladrillo
allá las casas no tienen techo
y aquí no tienen calefacción.

Cuando llueve allá
el piso de tierra se vuelve lodo
y el niño se muere de diarrea.
Cuando nieva aquí
y hace frio
se muere congelado
un pobre anciano.

Es universal. . .
solo que aquí
le llaman Democracia.

Here I have translated it into English:

There, the houses are of cardboard
Here they are made of brick
There, the houses have no roofs
Here they have no heat.

When it rains there
The dirt floor turns to mud
And the child dies of diarrhea.
When it snows here
And gets cold
A poor old man
Dies frozen to death.

It is universal
Except that here
they call it democracy.

One of my most vivid memories of the children in Detroit is of the day in 1985 when the Detroit Pledge of Resistance closed down Michigan Avenue for 45 minutes during the rush hour to protest the approval by Congress of $27 million for “humanitarian aid” to the contras. My daughter stood on the sidewalk holding her sign which said “Reagan’s foreign policy: Hire the poor to kill the poor.”

The Detroit Pledge was divided into what were called “Day Groups” based on the day each group would do civil disobedience and support civil disobedience following any US invasion of a Central American country. Day Zero was composed of those who would do civil disobedience on the day of the invasion. There were only twelve on the Day Zero list, including three nuns and four ministers and priests. Several of them had frozen small containers of their own blood which they would pour out to symbolize the innocent blood shed as a result of United States policy. Almost every issue of the MICAH newsletter, “Voice of the Voiceless” included a coupon which people could use to sign up for the “Pledge.” As the numbers of people expanded beyond the day groups, several local organizations such as the Central America Solidarity Committee (CASC) and Witness for Peace formed affinity groups. The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) was involved as was the Fellowship of Reconciliation.

Nationally, the Pledge was mobilized by a committee [including the Nicaragua Network] from the founding organizations in Washington, DC. That committee then notified the Mid-West coordinator, who notified us state coordinators. My job was then to call my contacts In Lansing, Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo, Flint (that was Michael Moore, later of “Roger and Me” fame), and 14 other Michigan cities including far-away Sault-Sainte-Marie on the Upper Peninsula, to alert them to what was happening so they could plan their actions in accordance with others around the nation. In Detroit, the local groups met to organize our events in the city.

I helped plan many protests that included civil disobedience and took the non-violent training several times. I never did civil disobedience, however, because the children were frightened by the idea and it seemed one more strain on them and one that was unnecessary. I told people who did civil disobedience, like our MICAH Steering Committee members Sister Kit Concannon and Rev. Bill Kellermann, that they were doing it for me, too.

Fifty people in the Detroit area, including Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, fasted for 48 hours in July of 1985 in union with the fast “for peace, in defense of life and against terrorism” of Nicaraguan Foreign Minister Father Miguel D’Escoto. Father Miguel had announced on July 7 that he was asking for a leave of absence in order to begin an open-ended fast for peace. He said that all other means to stop the U.S.-financed war against his people were already being used to their fullest and that now it was necessary to use “means of struggle which emanate from the gospel.”

Our fast began at a service at St. Rita’s Catholic Church in honor of a National Sanctuary Caravan of Salvadoran and Guatemalan refugees which passed through Detroit on July 16. A prayer service was held for the fasters at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah in the middle of the fast and many then broke their fast at the July 19th dinner and program celebrating the sixth anniversary of the Nicaraguan revolution. I, however, had broken my fast after only one day when I couldn’t stand and walk in the morning. And I had been drinking several types of liquids! My only justification for not being able to measure up to the many famous Nicaraguan hunger-fasters was that I was trying to work whereas they always suspended work when they began their fasts. I was one of the principal speakers at that CASC dinner celebrating the anniversary of the revolution. It was in that talk that I first described my experiences during the final offensive of 1979. People responded very positively; they had not had the opportunity before to hear about the final offensive from a North American who had lived through it.

Continuing to struggle for justice requires keeping your perspective. In June of 1986 we were walking up and down with our signs in front of the old Federal Building in Detroit waiting for the release of twelve of our members who had been arrested protesting the approval by Congress of $100 million for the contras. That vote was so shocking that the Day Zero activists had decided that they should carry out the protest they had planned for a U.S. invasion. Several of them poured their blood on the contact paper crosses with names of contra victims that they had stuck to the walls of the Federal Building. They were immediately arrested. I’ll always remember what Rudy Simons, one of our most active MICAH board members, said as he watched the Federal employees stare at us as they came out of the Federal Building. “Kathy,” he said, “We’re not the crazies, they are!” Father Tom Lumkin, one of those arrested, stated “I do this to show that our government bears deep responsibility for their deaths,” referring to the names written on the crosses. “I have marked the Federal building in real blood, appealing to all to recognize the real spilled innocent blood behind the government’s sanitized rhetoric.”

People were arrested all over the United States, including some at the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, DC. Rev. Jesse Jackson visited the protesters at the Capitol, and before leaving told them that he had to make a trip to Detroit but wanted to continue to express his outrage at the approval of the $100 million by Congress. He was told to call MICAH in Detroit. The Rainbow Coalition office called us and we set up a press conference for Rev. Jackson to speak. I introduced him and he made a strong statement against aid to the contras whom he tied in with drug trafficking:

“This week the U.S. Congress joined President Reagan in declaring war in Central America. We have hired the Contras as our surrogates: we are using the Contras as mercenaries. …We should use this $100 million to attack the drug flow into our country at the point of supply…. Contra aid has been approved in contempt of American public opinion, which has repeatedly expressed opposition to Reagan’s efforts to overthrow the Sandinistas. … The Contras are being funded regardless of their continuous record of systematic human rights violations and criminal activities…. The Report of the General Accounting Office as to the Contra’s misuse and embezzlement of U.S. taxpayers’ monies has also been ignored, as have been the serious allegations of Contra involvement with drug trafficking inside the United States.” More revelations came out later about the serious nature of Contra drug involvement carried out with a wink from the CIA.

We later learned from retired United States Army officers that the U.S. military would have played a much greater direct role In Central America if it had not been for fear of “all those nuns sitting in at Congressional offices.” It was the Pledge of Resistance that organized all those nuns, priests, ministers, students, housewives, businesspeople, teachers, trade unionists, health workers, etc., etc. and prevented a U.S. invasion of Nicaragua or El Salvador. Eventually, release of Federal documents will shed much-needed light on this troubled period in American foreign policy.

(Do you have memories from the Central America peace movement of the 1980s? Write an article for NicaNotes! Let’s compile those memories before we all die out! Write to

* * * * *
By Nan McCurdy
Marking the Start of the Final Offensive against Somoza 45 Years Ago
On May 28, in a ceremony marking the 45th anniversary of the beginning of the final offensive against the Somoza dictatorship, President Daniel Ortega awarded the Order of Augusto C. Sandino in its highest expression to the “Sandino Cubs” who on October 5, 1986, shot down a C-123K tactical transport plane. [Those honored were Fernando Canales, a member of the Patriotic Military Service, now a doctor; Byron Montiel, Patriotic Military Service, now an agricultural engineer; Raúl Acevedo, Patriotic Military Service, today a lawyer and mayor of the Municipality of El Cuá, Jinotega; Lieutenant Efraín Miranda, Member of the Army, chief of the first company of the Gaspar García Laviana Light Hunter Battalion, today a farmer in the area of El Castillo, Río San Juan; First lieutenant Pablo Betancourt, a founder of the Army, chief of the first company of the Gaspar García Laviana Light Hunter Battalion, today a farmer in the area of Las Azucenas.] The plane was flown by the mercenary Eugene Hansenfus, and was going to supply the counterrevolutionaries with weapons in a camp in Honduras. During his speech, President Ortega recounted how the young fighters were able to down the Hasenfus plane. Hasenfus had been a member of the U.S. Army and later became a mercenary. “Three died in the plane, and one, who parachuted, survived—Hasenfus, the gringo CIA agent, who had been part of the US Army. He was the only one who was saved because he parachuted,” Ortega recalled. The Presidential Decree was read by Vice President Rosario Murillo during the ceremony to remember the beginning of the final offensive against Somoza. (La Primerisima, 28 May 2024)

Adelante Program Has Loaned $US6.57 million
The Adelante fair credit program has loaned $US6.57 million to date in 2024, benefiting more than 4,600 families, said the program’s Executive Secretary Gustavo Zapata. This year, the program expects to loan a total of US$17.8 million, which represents 20% more than last year and would reach more than 12,000 families with loans of between US$270 and US$10,000. Zapata said that currently the fair credit program works in135 municipalities with loan amounts that impact agricultural production, processing and marketing. “We are expanding as we grow, and that allows the recovery to date of US$8.1 million, almost 30% of the total portfolio placed. Zapata said that, “The beneficiaries have commented that by making the payment in a timely manner, they are contributing to more Nicaraguan families accessing this funding; timely payment allows them to produce more, and allows us to reinvest and achieve that important sustainability for development in the countryside. (La Primerisima, 21 May 2024)

Exports Exceed US$1.5 Billion
In the first four months of 2024, exports reached US$1.5 billion, with an estimated 99 different products shipped, according to the director for foreign trade, Alexander Estrada. Estrada explained that this means an inter-annual growth compared to the same period last year of 3.1%, or US$46 million in the first four months of 2024. Of the main export products, the following stand out: gold, beef, coffee, cane sugar, and peanuts, which account for 72.21% of the exported value. Estrada pointed out that in volume there has been a slight decrease, however. In the first four months of 2024, around 771 million kilograms were exported. The three products with the highest growth are bananas, lobster and tobacco. Among the products with the greatest dynamism are gold with an increase of 29.1%, beef 20.8%, peanuts 13.9%, semi-soft cheese 18.3%, tobacco 41.2%, lobster 19.5%, sunflower oil 9.6% and bananas 9.1%. The main destinations are the United States, Canada and Mexico, which account for between 50% and 52% of exports, then El Salvador, Costa Rica and Guatemala, and to a lesser extent Peru, Colombia and Ecuador. Last year total exports closed at around US$7.5 billion and in 2024 are expected to reach around US$8 billion, with a growth of between 6 and 10%. (La Primerisima, 23 May 2024)

Ariel “Panal” Delgado Highlights Amenities of New Stadium in León
One of the best hitters Nicaragua has ever had and now vice-mayor of the municipality of León, Ariel Delgado, praised the amenities that the Rigoberto López Pérez Stadium will have, and said that the construction has made great progress. The construction is progressing for a capacity of 7,000 people with the placement of seats and of grass in the playing area. There will be parking for more than 600 vehicles. “A monumental stadium with all the standards of Major League Baseball. This will enhance our sport, our city, which has won many championships, such as the Germán Pomares championship, as well as the professional league,” he emphasized. See photos: ... o-en-leon/ (La Primerisima, 25 May 2024)

Health Fair in La Cruz de Río Grande a Resounding Success
During the “My Hospital in My Community” health fair held in the municipality of La Cruz de Río Grande, in the South Caribbean Autonomous Region, doctors provided 6,977 medical attentions to 4,943 people from the communities of that locality. The care provided was in the specialties of internal medicine, ear-nose-and-throat, orthopedics, dentistry and natural medicine. The services provided were obstetric ultrasounds, Doppler exams, pap smears, laboratory studies, and electrocardiograms; pre-malignant lesions in the cervix were also treated. See photos: ... io-grande/ (La Primerisima, 26 May 2024)

Mexico joins South Africa and Nicaragua in World Court Lawsuit against Israel
The Mexican government has submitted a formal request to participate in the proceedings related to the case against Israel initiated last year by South Africa before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of genocide against the people of Palestine. Mexico, Nicaragua [Nicaragua was the first country to ask to join the case], Colombia and Libya have all applied to become parties to the suit. On January 26, as part of South Africa’s request for provisional measures, the ICJ ordered Israel to “take all feasible measures” to prevent acts related to genocide during its military actions against Hamas in Gaza. South Africa’s initiative, filed in January, accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where the conflict has claimed the lives of more than 35,000 people, mostly women and children, according to Palestinian authorities. (La Primerisima, 28 May 2024)

National Delegation Will Be at Funeral Honors in Iran
Vice President Rosario Murillo reported that Minister Mohamed Lashtar, who is President Daniel Ortega’s advisor for Africa, Middle East and Arab countries, has left for Tehran as the official representative of the people and government of Nicaragua and there he joins Foreign Minister Denis Moncada Colindres as part of the national delegation. “We emphasize that comrade Mohamed was with us in the two official visits we made to Tehran and then also represented us in various forums and events that took place in that brotherly country,” she said. (Informe Pastran, 21 May 2024)

Nicaragua Re-elected to World Animal Health Council
Nicaragua was re-elected with 117 votes as a member of the Council of the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) during the 91st Annual General Session being held in Paris from May 26 to 30. Wilmer Juárez, Director of Animal Health at Nicaragua’s Institute for Agricultural Protection and Health, together with Dr. Hugo Idoyaga Benítez, delegate of Paraguay, will represent the Americas as members of the Council of the WOAH for a period of three years. The Council, composed of seven other delegates from all regions, meets at least twice a year to discuss with the Director General sanitary and administrative guidelines and the organization’s program of activities. The national delegation formed by Ricardo Somarriba, Executive Director of IPSA and Wilmer Juarez, Director of Animal Health, on behalf of the Nicaragua, is participating in the OMSA General Session of Delegates. The government states it is committed to continue working to maintain the international sanitary status it has achieved. (La Primerisima, 28 May 2024) ... 5998b67587
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:48 pm

"The Freedom Fighter's Guide"
June 13, 16:05[/img]


The Freedom Fighter's Manual (1983)

A propaganda pamphlet that was produced by the US Central Intelligence Agency and airdropped over Nicaragua in 1983 to provide "A Practical Guide to Liberating Nicaragua from Oppression and Poverty by Paralyzing the Military-Industrial Complex of a Traitorous Marxist State." The guide explains several methods by which an ordinary citizen can cause civil unrest.

Image ... obodu-1983 - zinc

As you might guess, similar methods, adjusted for the modern technological level, are used by enemy intelligence services to conduct subversive activities on Russian territory.

Google Translator


NicaNotes: We are all Nicaragua: The Sexual Diversity Community
June 12, 2024
By Becca Renk

(Becca Renk has lived in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, for more than 20 years, working in sustainable community development with the Jubilee House Community and its project, the Center for Development in Central America. Becca coordinates the Casa Benjamin Linder solidarity project in Managua.)

In 2008, following the Sandinista party’s return to power, a law was passed overturning the penalization of homosexuality and making it illegal to discriminate against someone based on sexual orientation. (Photo: El 19 Digital)

The Story of Julia Chinamo

“I realized when I was nine years old that I liked boys,” Julio Sanchez tells me. Julio is also known by the nickname “Julia Chinamo” and socially as “Nahomy Campbell.”

“My father was a military man, a macho man. My aunt told him, ‘Look at Julito, he’s queer.’ I didn’t like boys’ things: no marbles, no tops, no cars for me. I loved dolls, I loved fixing their hair, I loved to wear my grandmother’s heels, my grandmother’s apron. I loved all the women’s stuff, that was my thing,” Julio laughs out loud.

In his early thirties, Julio has a dazzling smile. Founder of the Nicaraguan Association of Diverse Communities (ANCD), Julio visits ANCD’s 3,000 members spread around the country and he often talks about his own life. But as he continues telling me his story, Julio’s mile-a-minute talking slows.

“When I was 12, my math teacher found a note where I had written love poems to another boy.” Julio’s brown eyes fill with pain as he recounts how proud he was that his father got a day pass to go to the school to pick up his report card. When the teacher asked to speak to his father alone, young Julio was sent away to the snack bar for a treat of soda and quesillo. “I was happy because I didn’t fail a single class. I was a very dedicated student.”

When they got home, his father took Julio into his room. “He said, ‘Look, I need to talk to you about something.’ I said, ‘What is it, Dad?’ ‘Listen to me you son of a big so-and-so’ – he called me a terrible word – he said, ‘’Are you a man or are you a pussy?’ Boom. I was like, ‘Dad, no, I’m a man, I like women,’” Julio pauses.

“I viscerally remember that moment in my life because it was so, so painful for me,” he shakes his head. “My dad then hit me, not with a belt, but he hit me with a hose and when the hose split open on my back, he hit me with the electrical cord from the iron…I received so many blows that my right eye swelled shut and my lip was split open and then my dad threw me out into the street with all my clothes. For me, it felt like that day was the last day of my life.”

Neoliberal Nicaragua: “There was no dignity”

Even two decades later, when Julio talks about what happened after he was kicked out of his house, he unconsciously slips into the third person, as if needing to distance himself from that time.

“After his dad threw Julio out on the street,” he says, “Julio took drugs, and did many things; he was a sex worker on the street. He would sleep on the streets and in the parks because he didn’t belong anywhere.”

Julio’s story is a common one worldwide for members of the LGBTQ+ community – when adolescents wind up homeless, they often turn to sex work to survive and to drugs and alcohol to cope. Most are unable to finish high school. Unfortunately for Julio, he was kicked out of his home in the 1990s, under neoliberal rule in Nicaragua. During the earlier Popular Sandinista Revolution in the 1980s, neither homosexuality nor sex work had been illegal. But after Violeta Chamorro came into power in 1990, her neoliberal government passed a 1992 law that criminalized homosexuality.

“We couldn’t hold hands as men because we would go to jail,” remembers Julio. “We couldn’t kiss each other on the cheek because that was ‘promoting homosexuality,’ and they would throw you in jail. Before 2007, our diverse community wasn’t allowed to exist in society. We were clandestine, we had no freedoms or human rights. There was no dignity.”

Sandinista return to power, restoration of rights

In 2008, following the Sandinista party’s return to power, a law was passed overturning the penalization of homosexuality and making it illegal to discriminate against someone based on sexual orientation. Since then, the Sandinista government has also passed laws specifically guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, public institutions have administrative regulations in place to ensure that no one faces discrimination for their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Julio Sanchez: “I feel secure because there is a legal framework in Nicaragua that protects people; you feel safe when you can walk through the streets and you won’t be discriminated against because of your sexual orientation.”

“If I compare Nicaragua with other countries in the world,” explains Julio, “we have regulations, public policy, legal framework, and laws that support us. Here you cannot violate the rights of a trans woman because she is a trans woman – you cannot deprive her of her life, her freedom. I consider that Nicaragua is an example for the whole Central American region and for all of Latin America.”

Julio explains that in his experience, the LGBTQ community – in Nicaragua called the sexual diversity community – has a network of support and a clear path for recourse through the police and the national special ombudsman for sexual diversity, a part of the attorney general’s office.

“If I feel safe, I feel that this security will transcend to…be able to support the new generations. This government has vindicated the rights of sexual diversity; it is a government that has been advancing hand in hand and including our diversity in all governmental plans.”

Focus on family support

In 2023, the Nicaraguan government released a primer on sexual diversity called “Diversity with Dignity: The Right to Choose and the Duty to Respect.” The primer is written for families and its aim is to decrease discrimination within families.

The primer was initially presented around the country in community meetings with a special focus to include church leadership. Since then, it has been used to start conversations during routine home visits by the special ombudsman’s office, police, and other government entities such as the Ministry of the Family, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Women. “[The primer] establishes that diversity in sexual or gender identity is not a disease,” explained Minister of the Family Johana Flores at the presentation of the primer in Granada last year. “That is why we have to respect the partner, the companion, the whole diverse community.”

For Julio, the primer represents explicit support of the sexually diverse community by the Nicaraguan government, and has provided an opportunity to start conversations and improve communication within families. “The primer has been accepted by of thousands and thousands of parents of Nicaraguan families throughout the national territory,” explains Julio. “I think it is very important to call the parents to tolerance, reflection, to family unity; to encourage them to have an active communication with their children…To grow up with the family is beautiful.”

Supporting education

For many in the sexual diversity community, education is key to building a different future for themselves. Julio credits a former teacher with helping him succeed. “In my last year of high school, I had a teacher whom I will never forget, Marta Martinez. I did sex work on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays; and on Sundays I went to a high school for non-traditional students. I would show up at dawn on Sunday and fall asleep at the teacher’s desk,” Julio remembers. “She knew what my life was like, she understood me, she supported me a lot and I managed to pass the grade.”

Julio went on to university and graduated with a degree in communication, and after four years decided to go back to school. “I’m now studying law at the best university in the country, UNAN Managua,” he says proudly.

Julio has been integrally involved in organizing the Nicaraguan Ministry of Education’s Community High School Diploma Program for Sexual Diversity. This is a free accelerated Saturday school program by and for the sexually diverse community – all students and teachers are from the LGBTQ+ community. Students receive a high school diploma in two years by attending school on Saturdays.

Julio explains: “We saw the great need because trans, lesbian and gay community members had not finished their studies due to discrimination. We met with the Minister of Education to work on the proposal and we opened the community high school…. But we also saw the need for our teachers to be from our community: the English teacher is gay, the math teacher is a lesbian, the literature teacher is gay, the physics and chemistry teacher is a trans woman.”

Through this program, the Ministry of Education has to date graduated three classes, with 110 members of the sexual diversity community receiving high school diplomas.

Growing together as families

“It wasn’t until I was 25 years old that my father asked for my forgiveness,” Julio says. “I was a college student on a scholarship and he said, ‘Forgive me for everything I did, for all the psychological, physical, mental damage.’ And I forgave him.” Julio has a younger brother on his father’s side who is gay and a trans sibling on his mother’s side. He’s proud of the fact that his struggles have paved the way for his siblings’ acceptance by the family. “Because of me, my dad accepted my brother and loves and respects him and his partner very much,” Julio shares. “I forgave him because in the end he is my father and I believe that parents want what’s best for you, but I also believe that we have the right to choose our paths and they have the duty to respect us.”

Julio is an activist, and his personal struggles and triumphs are intrinsically linked with those of his larger community and his country. He explains: “Today I have become an openly gay man, defender of the rights of the LGBTQ+ community that has marked the history of this country and I am determined to continue supporting, accompanying and leading my sexual diversity community in Nicaragua. I feel very sure of who I am, of who I want to be. But I also feel secure because there is a legal framework in Nicaragua that protects people; you feel safe when you can walk through the streets and you won’t be discriminated against because of your sexual orientation. We are all Nicaragua.”

The JHC-CDCA is collaborating with Nicaragua’s sexual diversity community on an entrepreneurship project with students in the diploma program. If you are interested in supporting the project, please contact

* * * * *

By Nan McCurdy
Increased Production Expected to Cover Domestic Consumption and Exports
According to a study released June 5 by the Production, Consumption and Commerce System (SPCC), farmers will increase their production of basic grains for the 2023-2024 productive cycle. It is expected that farmers will plant 123,148 manzanas [one manzana equals about 1.7 acres] of beans, 3.5% more than the area planted during the first part of the previous cycle. With these conditions, a production of 1.6 million quintals [hundred weights] of beans is expected, enough to meet domestic consumption and exports. The study states that producers’ planting intentions for corn are 294,155 manzanas, 5.1% higher than the area planted in 2022-2023. The report predicts a harvest of 5.9 million quintals of corn, enough to supply domestic consumption. The report adds that there are also good prospects for rice planting, registering 46,000 manzanas, 11% higher than the same period last year. See photos: ... s-basicos/ (La Primerisima, 5 June 2024)

In Five Months, 5.5 Million Avocados Produced
A study carried out by the Production, Consumption and Commerce System (SPCC) on avocado cultivation, indicates that between January and May of this year, 5.371 million units of the Benick, Simpson, Hass, and Choquette varieties, among others, have been produced. The report states that during 2023, exports of 5,553 tons of avocado were registered, with a value of US$1.8 million. The main destination countries were Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Honduras. This crop has been growing steadily, becoming an export item that generates income for producer families. The increased production is the result of the technical support and training provided by the institutions of the SPCC. (La Primerisima, 6 June 2024)

El Rosario Now Has Two Women’s Police Stations
The new women’s police station recently opened in the community of El Rosario is the 326th to be opened nationwide. It is the second Women’s and Children’s Police Station in the municipality of El Rosario, department of Carazo, and bears the name of “Coralia de Jesús Rivas Aguirre,” an outstanding Sandinista militant. Now more than 3,000 women will be able to receive attention if they are the subject of violence. Commissioner General Jesenia Loaisiga, co-head of the Women’s Police Stations at the national level, pointed out that the Women’s Police Stations are a gateway to justice for women victims of violence. They also provide protection, help, and guidance to women, children and adolescents. (La Primerisima, 6 June 2024)

20,000 Study Art at the Houses of Culture and Creativity
At the 195 Houses of Culture and Creativity all around the country, some 20,000 people, including children, young people and adults, are studying art. The Houses offer courses in wicker and banana leaf fiber handicrafts, mosaics, ceramics, theater, painting, drawing, murals, marimba, flute, percussion, guitar, piano, dance, choir, ballet and more. A total of 380 courses are offered in the 195 schools. See photos: ... eatividad/ (La Primerisima, 7 June 2024)

Nicaragua Applies for BRICS+ Membership
Nicaragua has expressed its goal of becoming a partner country of the BRICS Plus alliance and is negotiating with member countries of the organization, Laureano Ortega Murillo, special envoy of President Daniel Ortega, told RT. [BRICS Plus is an alliance including originally Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, plus the more recently added countries of Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.] Ortega said on June 7 that Nicaragua has “applied to the Russian Federation who holds the ‘pro tempore’ presidency of the BRICS so that Nicaragua can be a partner country of this great bloc that is working for a fairer world.” He added, “We are making arrangements with the BRICS member countries to have this opportunity which for us is strategic because it is the block that is working for the conformation of the new world order, for a fairer world, where we can work on trade, investments, exchange, cooperation with a vision of a shared world, a vision where we all have the right to develop under our own conditions and develop a fairer trade that gives us all the capacity to prosper, to develop, that is a win-win cooperation among all the countries of the world.” (RT en Español, La Primerisima, 7 June 2024)

Nicaragua among the Countries that most Promote Blood Donation
On June 10 Vice President Rosario Murillo reported that Nicaragua is recognized as one of the countries in the region that most promotes voluntary blood donation. The leader highlighted this recognition when referring to the activities that will take place this week, in the framework of the World Blood Donor Day. “Nicaragua is recognized as one of the most outstanding countries in the region for achieving all-voluntary blood donations. We will be carrying out various activities to celebrate and promote this voluntary blood donation system that saves lives,” she said. She reported that in honor of World Blood Donor Day, which is commemorated every June 14, the Ministry of Health will carry out a series of activities all over the county this week. See photos: ... oluntaria/ (La Primerisima, 10 June 2024)

Employment in Free Trade Zone Companies on the Rise
The free trade zone sector has generated more than 4,500 new jobs in the first quarter of the year, stated the general secretary of the Sandinista Workers Central (CST), Pedro Ortega. Ortega said that, if the trend of exports and the demand for brands continue, this year 8,000 new jobs would be generated in the sector. Ortega said that as of this second quarter two Korean companies will start operations in Sébaco, Jinotepe, Matagalpa and Carazo. The trade unionist stated that a company of Chinese capital will also be operating in Nicaragua, currently in the construction of two plants, one for the manufacture of fabric and the other for the production of yarn. He indicated that this company will invest US$40 million in the country. (La Primerisima, 11 June 2024) ... e8f3590786
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Re: Nicaragua

Post by blindpig » Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:31 pm

Nicaragua’s Laureano Ortega: “We See With Great Optimism the Strengthening of This New Multilateral World Order”
Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360° on JUNE 21, 2024
Semyon Sederrov

Interview with Comrade Laureano Ortega Murillo, Special Representative of the President of Nicaragua for Affairs with Russia with journalist Semyon Sederrov

S.S. Today we have the opportunity to talk with the Special Envoy of the Nicaraguan President, Laureano Ortega Murillo, thank you very much for finding time for us. First of all, to ask you about this visit to Russia, what are the objectives you are pursuing, the goals?

L.O. Bueno, thank you Semión for this interview in this important medium. We are here, first of all, as a delegation of the People and Government of Nicaragua, with a great sense of admiration and gratitude to the government and people of the Russian Federation.

Admiration, for all that you have achieved, for the progress of this important Forum, which brings together so many delegations from all over the world to advance in economic and commercial cooperation, and, grateful that Russia, in addition to carrying out this battle against fascism, this global movement for the formation of the new world order, at the same time continues to develop cooperation programs and projects with the countries of the world, and especially with Nicaragua, and that is something that we are deeply grateful for.

S.S. You mentioned the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, if I may ask you, what meetings have you had, what meetings have been useful, perhaps?

L.O. Bueno, we have held a working meeting with Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, Co-President of our Nicaragua-Russia Joint Commission; we have participated in some Panels, the Panel of the Russia-Latin America Session; a Panel on Culture as an engine of the Economy.

It is very pleasant for us to share with our Russian Brothers the progress in the Cooperation Programs, to give continuity to the Projects and Programs, and to reaffirm our unconditional support and solidarity, at all times.

S.S. You mentioned Dr. Veronika Skvortsova, and I would like to ask about cooperation between Russia and Nicaragua in the field of medicine, in the field of vaccines. How is this today?

L.O. We are at a very high level. This has been the sector of our Cooperation where we have focused our efforts in recent years, with extraordinary results for Nicaragua, which have greatly benefited our population, which have allowed the use of Russian technologies in Nicaragua and from Nicaragua to Central and Latin America.

So, there we have concentrated our efforts on the development of the Latin American Institute of Biotechnology Mechnikov Plant, on giving continuity to the production of vaccines against influenza, the new vaccines that are working against the human papillomavirus that we are also already implementing in our country and technology transfers are being carried out for their production in Managua; other vaccines, such as the Dengue vaccine, which is also being worked on; products such as Insulina.

And then, the other major project that we are developing in the health sector is a Nuclear Medicine Center with ROSATOM, with the support of Dr. Skvortsova, from the Federal Medical Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, and that will allow us to have a hospital for the treatment of cancer in our country. These are extraordinary results for Nicaragua, and we thank the Russian Federation for this support.

S.S. But I understand that this Cooperation is not only for Nicaragua, but also crosses borders and will also help the Region.

L.O. Exactly. All the Projects that we have been developing with Russia have a regional character, with Nicaragua as a platform for the Central American Region, Nicaragua as the partner and strategic ally that offers this space so that Russia, its companies, its institutions, can develop broadly, and see beyond what may be the attempts to stop us through the so-called sanctions that are illegal aggressions. and we continue to promote cooperation with Russia by overcoming these obstacles.

S.S. Speaking of the sanctions, Russia and Nicaragua recently signed a Joint Declaration against these measures by the United States and the European Union. At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum we have noticed that, apparently, the sanctions are failing, right? I would like to ask, what measures are Russia and Nicaragua implementing?

L.O. Well, we repudiate, we condemn, those actions that are illegal, those so-called sanctions, of the United States and its European allies that follow them as lackeys, and with the Russian Federation we share that challenge, and in many ways we even consider them medals, because every time they sanction us we see that we are doing something right. Otherwise, they would not do it.

There we have established programs that allow us to overcome the obstacles posed by these sanctions, through the strengthening of financial cooperation. We are working to be able to establish the MIR System [Russian credit card payment system] in Nicaragua, and in this way be able to strengthen the economic link with Russia, without having to use the traditional systems of hegemonism dominated by the United States.

And we have seen in recent weeks the sanctions that were imposed against the Center of the Ministry of Interior of Russia in our country, which is a center that works for the security of the Central American Region, a center against drug trafficking, which has provided training to our brothers and sisters in Central America, the Caribbean, Latin America, not only in Nicaragua. We condemn that action, and we have told our brothers in the Russian Federation that our response to this sanction is to strengthen and expand cooperation in that Center.

S.S. Why do you think that, despite the failure of sanctions, Western countries, they are still betting on this policy?

L.O. I think it is a desperate measure, since what in Latin American countries we call “drowning moves” of a system that is already failed, so that there is no other way out than these actions of unbridled destabilization, which do not have the desired effect. Because what has happened, then, is that the birth of the new world order has awakened with greater force, the strengthening of the new blocs, such as the BRICS, such as the Eurasian Economic Union, which have been strengthening; the Strategic Alliance between Russia and China, with Iran also there strengthening its capacities, and the Latin American countries that play a fundamental role in the development of the new work model.

And we see with great optimism the strengthening of this new world order, we have even already applied, before the Russian Federation as Pro Tempore Presidency of the BRICS, so that Nicaragua can be a partner country of this great bloc, and we are sure that we are going to achieve it and that we are going to be able to be part of that great family that is working for a more just world, a better world.

S.S. A fairer world, a better, multipolar world… What are the obstacles to getting there, now, both globally and specifically in Latin America?

L.O. The main obstacle we face is the selfishness, the hunger for domination by U.S. imperialism, which remains there as the very spirit of its system, which has dominated the Latin American countries and continues with its attempts to dominate the entire world. But we are facing it, Nicaragua, as an example of dignity, of courage. We are now about to celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the People’s Revolution on July 19, and we are firmer and stronger than ever, resisting the continuous onslaughts and aggressions of the United States and its European allies.

We are sure that we are already close to having a new reality in the world, economies are already transforming, the United States is no longer the first economy in the world, and that allows us to establish new links, new ways of working.

We have signed a Free Trade Agreement with China, we are strengthening the trade link with Russia, so there is a way to diversify markets, to establish new links, and also to further develop cultural cooperation, sports, cooperation in all fields, which allows us to be more united, stronger, to face that adversary that sees us as a threat because we do not share that ideology of selfishness.

And I am sure that, with the Grace of God, with the wisdom of our leaders, of our President Commander Daniel Ortega, our Vice President Comrade Rosario Murillo, strategically allied with President Putin here in Russia, with President Xi in China, we are going to achieve that great objective of achieving prosperity for all, in a mutually beneficial approach to all.

S.S. So, are new centers being created for this multipolar world?

L.O. Exactly. New pillars for development are being created, new exchange centers; one of the star projects in the world at present is China’s Great Belt and Road project, which shares development with all countries in the world.

We are making large investments in infrastructure in our country with the sister People’s Republic of China, and we are sure, and we are seeing it, that Russia’s industries and technologies have an important role to play there as well.

We are also developing it with our brothers in Belarus, from where we will be importing construction and other types of machinery, which will play an important role in the development of Nicaragua.

And Nicaragua is always open to trade and cooperation with all the countries of the world, because we understand that the peoples are one thing and the governments are another, and we keep open and constant investments from the United States, from Mexico, from Europe, and promoting new markets, such as Russia, like China, which we are sure in a short time will take the first places in our countries.

S.S. And in that future we are talking about, in your opinion, what place awaits the US dollar?

L.O. Well, we believe that the dominance of the dollar empire is going to end, it is a trend that is even natural, in a certain way, when we see the development and progress of the new emerging economies, and we are promoting, in that sense, credits, financing with Russia, with China, in yuan, in rubles, so that these currencies can be strengthened worldwide, and that we do not depend only on one currency, on a system that has sadly been used for blackmail and economic terrorism by the United States and its European allies.

Russia lives it daily, Nicaragua lives it daily, Venezuela, Cuba, our Sister Countries in Latin America, that suffer these onslaughts of the illegality of the United States, and we are convinced that the hegemony of the dollar will come to an end, soon.

S.S. You also mentioned the BRICS bloc, this year Russia presides over the bloc, and the Summit will be in October, in Kazan; There are numerous events that are scheduled throughout this year, I would like to ask if Nicaragua will participate in these events. What plans do you have for the BRICS Summit, and what objectives do you pursue?

L.O. We, as a primary objective at this time, is to be a partner country, and for this purpose we have already submitted our disposition, our request to the Russian Federation as Presidency Pro Tempore. We hope that this can be fulfilled, in the short or medium term, complying with all the procedures. And, all these meetings that are taking place, including some panels and sessions within the same Forum where we are currently here in St. Petersburg, are of vital importance because they give us a clear vision of where this bloc is going, to give our contributions from where we are responsible, with our economies, with our regions, and in this way to create this community that will benefit us all, to face what will then be the birth of a New Development Model.

S.S. But this New Development Model is still, in my opinion, affected by conflicts in the world, for example. In fact Nicaragua supported the proposal of China and Brazil for peace in Ukraine. In your opinion, what obstacles exist now?

L.O. Well, we are first of all with Russia in this great battle that they are waging against fascism in Ukraine; we have supported that Joint Declaration of China and Brazil, as a viable measure to contribute to a peaceful, political solution to this situation that is regrettable due to the number of deaths it causes.

But we see as the main obstacle the United States and its European allies, who are financing, fomenting, and promoting hatred there in Ukraine, financing, fomenting and promoting death, and financing, encouraging and promoting the military industry, which is the big business they have.

So long as they do not give up on that objective of ending Russia, and then they go after China, and then all the countries that have a different Ideology, their own model, we have to be firm, firm with Russia, because we know that the victory of Russia is certain. It is the victory of the world.

S.S. In your opinion, how does this conflict and other conflicts that exist now, affect the economic relationships?

L.O. It has an impact, for example, on wheat, on logistics chains, on prices in the global economy, and it has an impact because some countries are also taking extreme measures, such as those we saw in recent years, which were taken against Russia. And it has meant new challenges and obstacles for us in terms of logistics, shipping, forms of payment, which we have been able to overcome, thanks to the great strength we have in our relationship as a brotherhood.

But, without a doubt, it has an impact on the whole world, but in my view, in our view, the greatest result we are seeing is, finally, a certainty that we are moving forward with a new model, a new system that was, and is, more necessary than ever.

The objectives were clearly stated of who is fighting against our peoples, our countries, our peace, our independence, our sovereignty, including among us Russia, China, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, and all the countries that have our own development model; and the enemy are there in that bloc with the United States, with Europe, promoting hatred, violence, destruction, and who are for a better world, a more just world.

S.S. Many of the countries, especially in Europe, that support this US policy against Russia, are losing economically. Still, they continue to support the United States. In your opinion, why do they continue to do so?

L.O. Bueno, because historically there is already a sense of submission, a sense of being dependent also on the economic interests of the elites of these countries, who take advantage of these situations. Because we have been able to observe that, in many of these situations, large companies end up making more money from the rest of humanity, taking advantage of wars, the military industry, and situations of emergency. And then they tell you very clearly: Objectives set. At the end of the situation, at the end of the conflict, we are going to rebuild, they say, with our own companies, this is good for our economies. That is the point of sale that they propose to their populations.

In other words, these are macabre and perverse conceptions, and that allows support these policies, because in addition, let’s remember that the United States comes from Europe, the United States are the European immigrants, who had and have had that slave vision in the history of humanity, who have had that vision of domination, of empire, and that remains alive.

The peoples are waking up, we see these protests in the United States in support of the Palestinian cause as well, against the genocide that is being carried out in Palestine, which we have also widely repudiated, we always support the Palestinian cause. And this awakening of the peoples, we are sure, will mean that we will arrive, sooner rather than later, at that confirmation of a new world order.

S.S. Returning to the Latin American Region, I would like to ask, what are, in your opinion, the main challenges facing Latin America in general?

L.O. Bueno, we have to work for union. Because we all have a common objective of the development of our peoples, of our countries, breaking the chains of Empire, of the domination of the United States, of dependence on a market, when we have strategic partners who are sharing with us technologies, trade, cooperation, academic training, sports culture, and there we have to expand our vision.

All Latin American countries are more united than ever in multilateral forums such as CELAC; strengthen our mechanisms within ALBA, the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas, and from Central America as well, within the Central American System of Economic Integration, and all the mechanisms that allow us to be united, to share experiences, but to be very clear that we must work for the development of our peoples, under our own conditions, without external impositions.

S.S. You said that we have to work for the Union of Latin America, is there anything that prevents it?

L.O. I believe that each country has its right to develop under its own conditions, perhaps there is nothing that prevents it, but there is always the element of interference from the United States, which works to create disunity among our peoples to keep us divided.

And there are policies of destabilization in our countries, especially where we have progressive governments, governments of the left, there are always attempts at color revolutions. That is a work that we have also been strengthening with the Russian Federation, with the Russian Security Council, to strengthen the capacities to confront these attempts at Color Revolutions.

So that incidence of the foreign policy of the United States on our peoples, on our governments, is always a factor that is there, and that we must be alert and clear that we deserve dignity. The Independence of our peoples is something that we have to defend.

S.S. What benefit could those who seek to destabilize the situation in Latin America derive from this situation?

L.O. Bueno, economic benefits of course, Latin America has so many natural resources; geostrategic benefits, for example Nicaragua has a privileged geostrategic point in the center of the continent, the ability to build an interoceanic canal in Nicaragua, it is a unique country in that sense, it has all the physical conditions to be able to build a canal that is even larger than the Panama Canal, and that will be useful for the future. and we are working on the development of that.

But that has even been one of the points of obsession of the United States with our country, since the arrival of the first European conquerors and then the passage of the numerous invasions of the United States in our country, that has been a point always in force, the possibility of building the country for Nicaragua. And we defend our law, our ability to develop it under our own conditions.

S.S. Well, I hope all the goals are met. Laureano, thank you very much for this interview.

L.O. Thank you, Compañero.

Translation by Chicago ALBA Solidarity ... rld-order/
"There is great chaos under heaven; the situation is excellent."

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